Promises, Promises …

Plasma and electricity in space. Failure of gravity-only cosmology. Exposing the myths of dark matter, dark energy, black holes, neutron stars, and other mathematical constructs. The electric model of stars. Predictions and confirmations of the electric comet.
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Promises, Promises …

Unread post by BeAChooser » Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:33 pm ... -dark.html
Gravitational wave scientists set their sights on dark matter

…. snip …

In a study published today in Nature, a team led by scientists from Cardiff University's Gravity Exploration Institute has taken the first step towards this goal by using the instruments, known as laser interferometers, to look for a new kind of dark matter for the very first time.
Oh boy … a new gnome! I can see the astrophysicists are jumping up and down at the prospect … especially since finding this “new kind” of dark matter is bound to be quite expensive ... and elusive. And here’s what the new gnome is …
A recent theory says that dark matter is actually something called a scalar field, which would behave as invisible waves bouncing around galaxies, including our own Milky Way.
Oooooo ... what better gnome than an *invisible* *field*!

But …
Though the team were unsuccessful in making any sort of detection in this new study,
Oh ... rats!

Still ...
they say they are making important first strides in terms of introducing this technology to dark matter searches and have already made progress in terms of narrowing down certain parameters for future studies.

… snip …

"We have definitively ruled out some theories that say dark matter has certain properties, so future searches now have a better idea of what to look for," said Vermeulen.

"We believe these new techniques have the true potential to discover dark matter at some point in the future."
Sound familiar? It's the same old same old.


... that are bound to keep a generation (at least) of astrophysicists raking in the money hand over fist.

Just saying ...

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Re: Promises, Promises …

Unread post by BeAChooser » Sun Mar 31, 2024 5:21 pm

Promises, promises, promises … NOTHING but promises ... mysteries/
At Colorado State University, a new method to detect and understand one of the universe’s most elusive components—dark matter—has been developed.

… snip …

Their research, detailed in a recent publication in Physics Review Letters, suggests a novel way to identify the interactions of a specific class of particles with atomic nuclei, particularly focusing on the significant energy unleashed when dark matter collides with a proton, causing its destruction.

This pivotal discovery could potentially be observed using the advanced and highly sensitive detectors of DUNE, slated to commence operations in 2028.

… snip …

Berger expresses optimism that DUNE’s detectors will capture evidence of dark matter through the phenomena his theory anticipates.
Of course he does. How else can he justify the funding paying for his nice comfortable existence?

By the way, never mind the cost of actually build DUNE ... as pointed out in the article, “over 1,400 scientists and engineers from more than 200 institutions across 36 countries” have collaborated in it. That’s a lot of $100,000 plus salaries and benefits ... just like his.

Yet has ANYONE told those of us paying for it what dark matter is going to be used for … how it will actually benefit any of us or our children or even their children? NO. The only thing I can imagine them using it for now is a new type of bomb. Just what we need.

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Re: Promises, Promises …

Unread post by Roshi » Sun Mar 31, 2024 9:47 pm

Gravitational waves are told to be ripples in space time:
Einstein demonstrated that gravitational waves result from his general theory of relativity as ripples in spacetime.[5][6]
So, if space-time can have ripples, (without breaking things like objects that exist in space-time, or making those objects time-travel) what else can it do?
Space time is a "medium" and in this medium there are these waves. No medium (water/air/space-time - no waves). Can this medium move, rotate, do other stuff? Because if it can't then it's obvously an universal reference frame, that relativity says it does not exist.

And, how can you have a wave, that moves across the Universe, and exerts a force on all objects, without losing any energy?
Why doesn't someone invent a space time powered engine, instead of pushing things the old fashion way and wasting energy.

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Re: Promises, Promises …

Unread post by crawler » Sun Mar 31, 2024 10:04 pm

Roshi wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2024 9:47 pm Gravitational waves are told to be ripples in space time:
Einstein demonstrated that gravitational waves result from his general theory of relativity as ripples in spacetime.[5][6]
So, if space-time can have ripples, (without breaking things like objects that exist in space-time, or making those objects time-travel) what else can it do?
Space time is a "medium" and in this medium there are these waves. No medium (water/air/space-time - no waves). Can this medium move, rotate, do other stuff? Because if it can't then it's obvously an universal reference frame, that relativity says it does not exist.

And, how can you have a wave, that moves across the Universe, and exerts a force on all objects, without losing any energy?
Why doesn't someone invent a space time powered engine, instead of pushing things the old fashion way and wasting energy.
We all agree that there exists a gravity field. And that a gravity field can vary. And the variance can take a form, a gravity wave, lots of waves, ripples.
But there is no such thing as spacetime. No such thing as the (LIGO) gravitational wave. Which propagates at the speed of light.
Real GWs are Newtonian (not Einsteinian), & propagate at at least 20 billion c.
Anyhow, Newtonian GWs are of no use to us. No need to look for them. They are of no interest, & they are of no help. They karnt support the existence of (the collision of) black holes etc.
STR is krapp -- & GTR is mostly krapp.
The present Einsteinian Dark Age of science will soon end – for the times they are a-changin'.
The aether will return – it never left.

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