
Books, journal articles, web pages, and news reports that can help to clarify the history and promise of the Electric Universe hypothesis.
Poppa Tom
Posts: 112
Joined: Thu Mar 07, 2019 10:05 pm


Unread post by Poppa Tom » Tue Apr 06, 2021 5:00 am

Why The Universe is Electric

I often introduce laymen and common people-not scientists- to the EU by explaining why it is. I read a questionnaire somewhere, where they find they have a difficult time explaining just what the EU is. I break it down in this way to my EU uneducated friends....and we're out there.

Number one.- Our hearts beat because of an electric charge that contracts the muscles.
2.- Each time we have a thought an electric charge full of information sparks between two neurons….and we think.
#3.- Our clouds have a positive charge and the ground(Earth) has a negative charge...BANG!!! lightening.
FOUR.-The Earth has a North and a south pole...a magnet. How do we get magnets? Electricity.
%-Plasma. Electrically excited electrons that light up. Our sun is full of plasma, FULL
6….-Light years-long magnetic fields have been discovered-light years long. Inside these fields are nurseries for stars, quasars and galaxies
!@#$%^7- Physics particles are electrons, protons, etc. Most of which are either positive(+) or negative(-) or neutral and described as such. Every atom in your body contains particles that will continue to spin and build structures electrically …..forever.

Simple and effective for we, uncomplicated souls with a hunger for truth. :geek:

I'm positive( :roll: ) there are many many more examples out there but my two neurons have used their spark and I'm tired. Aloha and goodnight

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