Protostar Expostulation

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Protostar Expostulation

Unread post by Goldminer » Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:56 pm

February 27, 2012 by Stephen Smith wrote:The European Space Agency (ESA) launched the Planck telescope platform on May 19, 2009 into an orbit around Lagrange point L2. Planck is designed to analyze the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) with greater precision than its predecessors. Foreground radiation that is said to interfere with precise measurements will be subtracted from the CMBR data, revealing “…its encoded information about what our universe is made of, and the origin of its structure.”

One of the sources of foreground radiation is cold clouds of molecular hydrogen that are thought to be where stars are born. Since hydrogen clouds in deep space are close to absolute zero (-273.15 Celsius), they are not easy to detect. What Planck does is to choose another molecule that radiates with greater intensity: carbon monoxide. Astronomers think that carbon monoxide was mixed in as clouds of hydrogen accumulated through gravitational attraction.
Takes me back to my friend Pierre-Marie Robitaille:

The Planck Mission
Mar 16, 2010 (TPOD)

Pierre-Marie Robitaille wrote:According to papers recently published by Pierre-Marie Robitaille of Ohio State University's Department of Radiology, many oversights and offhanded errors crept in to the data from WMAP. The team did not fully calibrate the FIRAS spectrophotometer before launch, many possible error sources in the calibration protocol were zeroed out, and no account was taken of thermal emissions from Earth's oceans—which turns out to be the likely source of so-called "cosmic" microwave radiation.
Could it be that H molecules are on the outs with the powers that be? Let's switch our attention to CO2 That old Cosmic Microwave Background temperature keeps changing as the need arises. Anything to keep the BB Myth alive!
I sense a disturbance in the farce.


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