What is actually happening to the world?

Has science taken a wrong turn? If so, what corrections are needed? Chronicles of scientific misbehavior. The role of heretic-pioneers and forbidden questions in the sciences. Is peer review working? The perverse "consensus of leading scientists." Good public relations versus good science.

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What is actually happening to the world?

Post by GenesisAria » Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:35 pm

It's an ongoing subject here in the controversy between standard physics and EU physics, that the system is constantly outright rejecting the ways that seem the least convoluted, most sensible and above all else, practical. I have a very neutral interest in sciences. I seek the Unified Field without relying on mathematics, and have a desire to make sense of everything.

In the distant past, the resistance to change was due to religious world views disliking revolutionary ideas, at least at first anyways. However throughout the 20th century there's been a lot more weird stuff going on. There are many discoveries and inventions that have been proven to work testably, and even many which gain recognition and acceptance in the mainstream of science. But somewhere along the way, at various times, things get warped and twisted from their original form, and then piles of excuses get tossed around as to why something is nonsense even though it's known to work. Then on top of that, there's loads of funky natural anomalies found, and lots of weird activity. There's all kinds of bizarre aversions and finger pointing, hoaxing, name calling (conspiracy theorist) and so on.

Put simply, the world is a big convoluted mess and objective truths are extremely hard to come by these days with how much background noise, biases, and political/corporate motivations.

What is really going on, and why is there such a fierce and violent opposition to any contrary ideas? Is there a desire for control? Is there a fear of societal collapse? Is there an effort to hold back everything and release it in small pieces for a safe transition to the new science? Are we being threatened by aliens not to develop certain technologies :lol: ? Is it really just all accidental misinterpretation combined with natural obstinance? If there i a good reason for keeping the public biased and/or ignorant, i want to know what the reason is; i need to know. Hell, i'll even respect the reason if it's valid and not some self-centred nonsense. In individual cases you can identify corporate or political interests in particular cases, as well as the dilemma in the sciences of having to appeal to investors with stuff they can agree with. But the issue is so global, and across the spectrum from religious interests to monetary motivation.

I'm frankly sick and tired of the bull, seeing professionals say nonsense with tact, and amateurs say contrary with weird occult tinfoil-hat demeanour... Can anyone find some clues to help shine some light on all of this?

Please no mainstream sheeping, and no cult-ish supposition. I wish to connect with some objective thinkers to make an effort to help pin down this universal issue. Support your conclusions/ideas.
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Re: What is actually happening to the world?

Post by Roshi » Sat Feb 20, 2016 1:53 pm

The school system is the main problem. It rewards repetition of information, and punishes for repeating wrong. I am arguing with people about relativity, and they defend it like they wrote the theory themselves... Even if most are clueless about it, and all they know is: "Yes, I know relativity, E=mc2, Einstein genius!". Also it's possible they saw a documentary on TV with black holes, etc, and they are very informed because of this.

School should be without any tests or grades. Only those schools that end up giving a certificate at the end, needed for a profession (doctor, lawyer), should give tests. Making children to learn information - just so they can repeat it, with the threat of low grades, kills curiosity. Children are naturally curious. Once they escape school, 50% at least - hate reading, and will not read a book ever. They also hate any opinion that challenges the mainstream - this must be because of the trauma of school.

http://www.smithsonianmag.com/ist/?next ... -49859555/
There are no mandated standardized tests in Finland, apart from one exam at the end of students’ senior year in high school. There are no rankings, no comparisons or competition between students, schools or regions.

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Re: What is actually happening to the world?

Post by GenesisAria » Sat Feb 20, 2016 2:27 pm

I forgot to mention education. Education is indeed absolutely atrocious and is damaging our society severely. However, there is some powerful impetus as well. I mean, if someone was told something to be a certain way, and they weren't invested in that specific idea for any particular reason, they wouldn't care that much if it changed. Just move to the new thing, no problem. But there is outright violent reaction to anybody who even suggests that things might be a bit different than thought. You try to approach them with reason, objectivity, and seek to suggest an alternative for discussion, there is extremely emotional and biased response. Even if their biased opinion was 100% correct in every way, that doesn't justify the bias. You let them present their theory, then address it's aspects without ad hominem or confirmation bias, and allow it to strengthen what you know. That's how world view confidence works, if you're confident in your belief, then contrary suggestion will have inadvertently supported the model you agree with. Kinda like electric sun vs nuclear sun: both look would look like the sun, one is not obviously wrong the the casual observer, most of the details that supposedly support one or t'other theory are overlapping. Same evidence, multiple interpretations, multiple conclusions.

I guess the occam's razor conclusion would be that it's exactly what it looks like: accidental misinterpretation combined with natural obstinance, bad education bolstering it, and some corporate interests no wanting to lose money with ideas that will make them obsolete. There's probably some trying to ease in the gradual change as well. As far as EU stuff goes, you see more and more statements from scientific articles nudging and hinting at things of electrical nature. The only issue is how there's a strange unity. The public, governments, and the scientific institutions are perpetually negating their own principles, the ones they claim scientists should have yet they don't practice very well, and they do it with such fervour that there must me some impetus for it all.

Though there are some details you pick up on here and there that really raise eyebrows. Especially in the early 20th century and through the cold war - so many anomalies and so much secrecy. Then there's factors of how many things could have improved our lives, and even the economy so much, but were completely rejected and barred. Not to mention the stuff that governments actually come by and clean up - i've actually witnessed military confiscation of notable material, it makes you wonder what the hell is the point in hiding something so old? What is it they ultimately don't want you to have or know? Not trying to sound conspiracy theorist, but there's so many things that just don't add up with the way our world is now (and that'd be why people come up with so many nonsensical conspiracy ideas, because answers are so hard to find).
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Re: What is actually happening to the world?

Post by Pi sees » Sat Feb 20, 2016 4:22 pm

GenesisAria wrote: What is really going on, and why is there such a fierce and violent opposition to any contrary ideas? Is there a desire for control? Is there a fear of societal collapse? Is there an effort to hold back everything and release it in small pieces for a safe transition to the new science? Are we being threatened by aliens not to develop certain technologies :lol: ? Is it really just all accidental misinterpretation combined with natural obstinance? If there i a good reason for keeping the public biased and/or ignorant, i want to know what the reason is; i need to know. Hell, i'll even respect the reason if it's valid and not some self-centred nonsense. In individual cases you can identify corporate or political interests in particular cases, as well as the dilemma in the sciences of having to appeal to investors with stuff they can agree with. But the issue is so global, and across the spectrum from religious interests to monetary motivation.
I can definitely see where you're coming from here. Imo the above are symptoms of the West's intellectual decadence, which in turn is part of a wider process of cultural decay that the West is now undergoing. Everywhere you look - from the fraudulent circle-jerk that is modern physics to fraudulent circle-jerk that is Modern 'Art', from the decline of public education to the dumbing down of political discourse, from the degeneration of language and popular entertainment to the sham economics of colossal bank bailouts and gratuitous organisational restructures, from the day-by-day evisceration of free speech to the ever-worsening sanctimony and hypocrisy of "political correctness"- it is undeniably apparent that the rot has well and truly set in and is only getting worse.

Such is the cycle of civilization it seems: a people is motivated to strive for greatness by their strong traditional values and their shared determination to improve their situation in the world, only to become dissolute and arrogant and dismissive of those motivating qualities when they do achieve greatness, and subsequently lose all that they have achieved firstly to ruthless traitors within and later to other peoples who have those motivating qualities which they themselves once had. Western society is presently at the beginning of the third stage of this cycle.
I'm frankly sick and tired of the bull, seeing professionals say nonsense with tact, and amateurs say contrary with weird occult tinfoil-hat demeanour... Can anyone find some clues to help shine some light on all of this?
Remember that alot of the 'opposition' to the mainstream propaganda is controlled and/or manufactured, such that people are led by their natural lazy inclination towards binary thinking to conclude that they have to side with the mainstream or else be lumped in with the tin-foil hat brigade. Thus the Establishment whinges about/promotes Von Daniken so that people have no time or cognitive resource left to pay attention to Schwaller de Lubicz, the loudest opposition to the recent LIGO fraud is voiced by Flat-Earthers rather than Electrical Universe advocates, anyone who questions unchecked immigration is automatically "Far Right" or a Neo-Nazi, and anyone who believes that not all crop circles are faked is a credulous fool who thinks that they are created by little green men in flying saucers.

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Re: What is actually happening to the world?

Post by GenesisAria » Sat Feb 20, 2016 4:47 pm

Then again, some crop circles could be result of electrical weather? I never know what to think about those, because there's so many and some are crazy precise, not to mention massive.There's lots of people out there with quackyor plain sounding ideas that have aspects of their ideas which are yet useful. Like the Primer Fields for example. It's not any kind of major discovery, nor is that guy at all special, but there is some usefulness to expanding onto the already known torus model: basically showing the shape or the dipole and some properties of it. That lead me onto an information trail that eventually got to awkward spiritual save the world corny stuff. Don't get me wrong, i'm spiritual in an objective sense, but yeah. A truly open mind will find useful information everywhere - the trouble is just pinning down which combinations lead to the right questions so you can make sense of it all.

Once you manage to find the right questions, they can answer themselves. That's the beauty of it.
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Re: What is actually happening to the world?

Post by Solar » Sat Feb 20, 2016 6:43 pm

Its nothing unusual really.

As people and societies grow and develop; a series of (hopefully) constructive parameters begin to nurture and establish what becomes a 'sense' of Identity whether Personal or National for example This allows people and institutionalized reasoning to say with confidence "We Know that ...such and such a thing is true." When things occur, even in realms of thought, that nudge that 'sense' of Identity to possible step outside of its comfortable reassuring confines some are amenable, some refuse, some ignore, some are tepid and proceed with caution, some will resist - with zeal.

I've not seen dialogs, or trains of thought, anywhere that have not had a type of psychological 'Cusp': a pointed end or part where two curves meet - aka the razors edge, or being in the midst of the fray. There are lots of 'Cusp' of course. The best one can do is to try and objectively investigate and inquire while all the while seeking to make up their own independent mind until something sufficiently demonstrates otherwise. Its perfectly natural growth.

Hat tip to the Schawller de Lubicz mention there member Pi sees.
"Our laws of force tend to be applied in the Newtonian sense in that for every action there is an equal reaction, and yet, in the real world, where many-body gravitational effects or electrodynamic actions prevail, we do not have every action paired with an equal reaction." — Harold Aspden

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Re: What is actually happening to the world?

Post by Pi sees » Sun Feb 21, 2016 8:35 pm

Solar wrote:Hat tip to the Schawller de Lubicz mention there member Pi sees.

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Re: What is actually happening to the world?

Post by Pi sees » Sun Feb 21, 2016 8:49 pm

GenesisAria wrote:Then again, some crop circles could be result of electrical weather? I never know what to think about those, because there's so many and some are crazy precise, not to mention massive.
Based on what I've read about crop circles, I believe that the genuine ones are caused by descending plasma vortexes endowed with microwave energy and sonic frequencies which cause cymatic imprints on the affected crop plants. Whether or not these acoustically resonating plasma vortexes are created or guided by an intelligence is hard to say. It seems to me that both the mainstream and the tinfoil hat brigade are uncomfortable with the idea that we humans may not be the most intelligent/'important' beings indigenous to this planet.
There's lots of people out there with quackyor plain sounding ideas that have aspects of their ideas which are yet useful. Like the Primer Fields for example. It's not any kind of major discovery, nor is that guy at all special, but there is some usefulness to expanding onto the already known torus model: basically showing the shape or the dipole and some properties of it. That lead me onto an information trail that eventually got to awkward spiritual save the world corny stuff. Don't get me wrong, i'm spiritual in an objective sense, but yeah. A truly open mind will find useful information everywhere - the trouble is just pinning down which combinations lead to the right questions so you can make sense of it all.

Once you manage to find the right questions, they can answer themselves. That's the beauty of it.
That's the trick though. It's not easy to find the right questions and the right information even at the best of times.


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