Recovered: Our Orphaned Solar System

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Recovered: Our Orphaned Solar System

Unread post by bboyer » Tue May 06, 2008 4:40 am

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 12:30 pm
Post subject: Re: bach 2 bass ?

atrcus seemed to be suggesting that there was a connection between this and another system and that the connection suddenly ceased?

and he also said clearly that other beings

(ie alien to SOL [or perhaps alien to SATURNIA] )

intermingled with the local yokels.

And these alien archangels fell into the yokels........or just some of us....around 2700yr bp.

Am i accurate?

In the words of mccauly culkin's character 'i am hungry for more'

Anyone else?

:lol: I said all that? fungus, I think you're mixing up yer crackpots. Other system? Other beings, aliens? 2700 years bp? Ummm, not in my "story." Jeeze, if you're gonna ridicule all I ask is that you 'least get the plotline correct.

Resident Crackpot
The moment of recognizing what cannot be thought is the moment of recognizing who you are. It is a moment of the mind's surrender to silence. -- Gangaji
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Re: Recovered: Our Orphaned Solar System

Unread post by bboyer » Tue May 06, 2008 4:42 am

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:58 pm
Post subject: @ = at at at not a, ok? STRAWMAN SYNDROME ALERT!
OP=''fungus" most humble apoloogies [like apologies but more.......sincere....]

no i was not trying to distort, i would like more detail .......and any scintillae of proof to hand would b xxxtraa nice too.

did the coalition end up in one to one or did all our ancestors get a piece?

alien is latin for other. but u knew that. so the corporeal ones, you did not identify nor nominate THEM, got spiritual monkeys on their backs [or is that left sided brain?]?

please say what you meant to say. in summary?

and i don't notice many supporters for correcting my what respect is the summary wrong?

and i wd like to read more.

and i will help you to look at it more objectively.....with the help of others if they want to weigh in.....i think that straw man syndrome may be approaching.

if too much, that can be easily damaged by rhetorical devices, is posted it can be used against EU, do you agree? your theory may be valid. it wd be fascinating. just xpect lots of brickbats!

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Re: Recovered: Our Orphaned Solar System

Unread post by bboyer » Tue May 06, 2008 4:44 am

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 12:34 am
Post subject: Re: @ = at at at not a, ok? STRAWMAN SYNDROME ALERT!
fungus wrote: most humble apoloogies [like apologies but more.......sincere....]



I'm sure you'll find someone to take up your strawman challenge, pat; shouldn't be too difficult in this cynically-driven, sarcastic day and age.

The moment of recognizing what cannot be thought is the moment of recognizing who you are. It is a moment of the mind's surrender to silence. -- Gangaji
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Re: Recovered: Our Orphaned Solar System

Unread post by bboyer » Tue May 06, 2008 4:45 am

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:16 am
Post subject:

hi again.

not a challenge, except to draw your theory out.

i was concerned that your original piece was of no additional direct relevance to EU, and might be used by skeptics to turn off too many who might be fertile ground for the science in the theory.

i recognize your courage and thought in the thread founding piece. are you leaving it at that?

further apologies....please resume?

you did suggest that the superior beings were trapped by electrical loss?

do you suggest that an orgone box or other device might release such a being? could that happen naturally?

what effect on the pet/inferior?

how would we verify this?

does the combo confer benefits/detriments?
There is something beyond our mind which abides in silence within our mind. It is the supreme mystery beyond thought. Let one's mind and one's subtle body rest upon that and not rest on anything else. [---][/---] Maitri Upanishad

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Re: Recovered: Our Orphaned Solar System

Unread post by bboyer » Tue May 06, 2008 5:00 am

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 6:21 am
Post subject:
fungus wrote: hi again.

not a challenge, except to draw your theory out.

i was concerned that your original piece was of no additional direct relevance to EU, and might be used by skeptics to turn off too many who might be fertile ground for the science in the theory.
Ok, I'll bite. I'm willing to take you at your word here, that there is a genuine interest. In truth, I'm perfectly willing to talk or not talk about it. As I've stated before, makes no difference to me if the entire thread is deleted or remains.

As to relevance, it should be taken as pure speculation, no more than thought-play. As I implied in the 'piece,' it should not be taken seriously. I am very sincere in what I stated there, but I am not serious about it. To me, it's another irrelevance whether or not it is fodder for skeptical ridicule, disdain, or disbelief. I'm not here for agreement. Nor do I have an agenda or mission to propagate any specific theory, not even EU should it develop into just another insular, exclusive dogma touting its own virtues of elitism.

For those who are solely interested in the objective fact-driven science side of EU Theory, I believe that concern will be adequately addressed soon by separating out the applicable EU science forums from the "humanistic" and more "fringe" aspects. In whatever manner the site admins see fit to implement it. That change should be coming soon as I understand it.
fungus wrote: i recognize your courage and thought in the thread founding piece. are you leaving it at that?

further apologies....please resume?
Well, I pretty much said what I had to say. I might add to it from time-to-time, if it doesn't end up deleted, but it isn't like I have some well thought out complete theory. I'm as clueless as the next fellow. As flattering as that may be to ego, courage certainly has nothing to do with it, pat. It's just gab. As amongst a community of like-minded "seekers." I liked what I found here, the spirit of inquiry and the willingness of the people here to think outside the square (as Dave S. points out in his sig). Amidst an atmosphere of courtesy, humor, and respect for others' viewpoints. So I'm just flapping my jaw here. I have nothing to prove, no inside knowledge to impart, certainly no enlightenment to share.
fungus wrote: you did suggest that the superior beings were trapped by electrical loss?
Are you sure that was my suggestion, or possibly what you have read into it? There was no intent to suggest such a relationship, i.e. superior and inferior. Though it might be a commonly shared reaction to a first reading, I don't know. Like a conditioned response or something. For example, I don't feel superior to animals, infants, or children; nor do I perceive their beingness as somehow inferior to my own. And it doesn't swing to absurdity in the other direction either. I don't go around answering to my houseplants or see myself as inferior to my dog or my children. Superior/Inferior are mental concepts of ego status and, as I thought was clear in the posting, would be completely and particularly irrelevant to a pre-ego environment.

Obviously, I don't *know* the full story of how it might have been and how it may well be again some day. I am just as much "under the influence" of a human mind as the next. But my feeling is that the relationship, as I was attempting to describe it, was a symbiotic reciprocity. I revised that portion of the posting to one of parent-and-child, or grandparent-to-grandchildren. But even that would only be the sheerest of approximations.
sym-bi-o-sis (simbe-osis, -bi-) sym-bi-o-ses (-sez). 1. Biology. A close, prolonged association between two or more different organisms of different species that may, but does not necessarily, benefit each member. 2. A relationship of mutual benefit or dependence.[Greek sumbiosis, companionship, from sumbioun, to live together, from sumbios, living together : sun-, syn- + bios, life. See gwei-.]

re-cip-ro-cal (ri-sipr-kl)adj. Abbr. recip. 1. Concerning each of two or more persons or things. 2. Interchanged, given, or owed to each other: reciprocal agreements to abolish customs duties; a reciprocal invitation to lunch. 3. Performed, experienced, or felt by both sides: reciprocal respect. 4. Interchangeable; complementary: reciprocal electric outlets. 5. Grammar. Expressing mutual action or relationship. Used of some verbs and compound pronouns. 6. Mathematics. Of or relating to the reciprocal of a quantity. 7. Physiology. Of or relating to a neuromuscular phenomenon in which the excitation of one group of muscles is accompanied by the inhibition of another. 8. Genetics. Of or designating a pair of crosses in which the male parent in one cross is of the same genotype or phenotype as the female parent in the other cross.n. Abbr. recip. 1. Something that is reciprocal to something else. 2. Mathematics. A number related to another in such a way that when multiplied together their product is 1. For example, the reciprocal of 7 is 1/7; the reciprocal of 2/3 is 3/2.[From Latin reciprocus, alternating. See per1.]

Excerpted from American Heritage Talking Dictionary
Copyright © 1997 The Learning Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
As far as trapped? Yes, I think that probably describes the general spiritual atmosphere here for many. A majority, a minority? I wouldn't know. For those who are of a different bent, then of course not. It's purely a matter of perception, attitude, and belief, is it not, whether one is trapped? One person's trap is quite possibly another's security.

The suggestion would be that Earth is an evolutionary ... plane ... in an electrical universe. I'm suggesting that perhaps, like EM energy itself, that all things, organic and inorganic, all strata are likewise within a spectrum of manifestation, of physical appearance in form and function. (refer also to the Cymatics thread) All co-dependent, all reciprocal one to another. That one expression might be on a "higher" wavelength of manifestation relative to others below it does not imply superiority or inferiority of being or function. The absence of the smallest would diminish the entire spectrum of what is. Not what might have been or will be, but what IS. But I don't view it as a static spectrum in terms of the forms that comprise it. More like a hierarchy of dynamic trans-formation (transmutation, if you like, tho' I don't think that is as accurate). The framework of the spectrum may be more or less static, I don't know.

Granting the existence of something that corresponds to what many of us might term a soul - and if you deny the idea, that's fine, and the discussion is over, no hard feelings - but if disbelief is suspended for at least a moment, then what would comprise a soul. I have no idea about that either other than my opinion is that it would likely be some sort of integral vibration. A frequency, in other words, somewhere off the top of the charts of the *known* EM spectrum. And that frequency would be capable of some kind of harmonic movement, crystallizing "downstream" as it were some *where* specific in the entirety of the sea of all extant vibration available as the known universe of materialization.

How does that work? Hell, how should I know? Your guess would be as good as mine. Would souls be susceptible to "trapping." Well, read the Vedas. Read the bible. Read just about any mythology. Would souls have a hand in their own traps? Again, read the Vedas. Check out the bible. Check out just about any mythology. How do electrical circuits work? How does a capacitor retain (trap) its charge? How does a permanent magnet retain (trap) its alignment? How does a concentric solar system maintain (trap) its orbitals? How does a person come to feel inescapably bonded (trapped) or smothered in a relationship, such as in a marriage gone wrong?

If evolution of form and function occurs, how is it timed? Purely by random chance? By mathematically derived equation? By ... intent?

I do suggest a possible link to intention. Not to be mistaken for some fundamentalist notion of an exterior agent's "intelligent design." But something inherent within all manifest life (see other thread mentioned below).

So. In a spectrum of resonant frequencies, I think it's possible - again, positing the existence of a phenomenon that might be termed soul - I think it's possible that such souls, engaged in an evolutionary episode of learning within an environment such as that described by DeGrazia, Thornhill, and others could, indeed, have experienced, could be experiencing, what has become an effective EM trap - perhaps of their (our) own (unintentional) making. But like I said, only to those who perceive it as such. And those would be the ones who - somehow - had some recognition, some intimation along the line, that perhaps not all is as represented, that appearances may not be what they seem. On the order of having a pleasant dream turn into a nightmare and unable to awaken yourself from it. But, collectively, on a worldwide scale, of magnitudes greater.

The "'unwitting' integration of mixed souls" I alluded to ... that, I'm sure, is too outrageous a "leap of faith" and I should probably delete it. I don't think this format is conducive to fleshing that out any further. If I were a *real* writer, I would write a book I guess, but I don't have the organizational skill for that kind of thing. Actually, the whole thing might make a decent SF novella or some such.

But if someone grasped what I was trying to get at in the Cymatics and Electricity of Life threads, put it all together, well they might have tuned in a bit. Doesn't really matter one way or the other, though.

There is precedence, however. Check out myths concerning twins. Then, of course, the Osiris dismemberment, Jewish legends of "shattered light/souls," etc. etc.. Yes, in one sense Osiris represents Saturn or whatever. But, are stars and planets just dead, material objects? To most, probably so. But as I've heard someone else say on occasion, "just because you say it is so, doesn't make it true," or words to that effect. Like the proverbial double-edged sword, cuts both ways.
fungus wrote: do you suggest that an orgone box or other device might release such a being? could that happen naturally?

what effect on the pet/inferior?

how would we verify this?
No. But there is certainly an abundance of methods and agents to gain a temporary "release" and various gradients of emotional and spiritual pleasure ranging from happiness to ecstasy and bliss - or for those on the inverted scale, the ranges of pain and obliteration or oblivion.

But I've given my thoughts in full about stuff like this in another thread, here The Electricity of Life - a personal view.

I revised the concept of pet slightly, if you care to revisit the posting. As I've stated in the thread just mentioned, words and concepts are analogous to a map and are not the territory. Unfortunately, these forums are a word-based medium. About 3 steps removed from the reality (such as: reality-->human mind-->mental concepts, language-->spoken concepts, language-->written symbolic concepts, language). Again, superiority/inferiority is irrelevant.

I do have a feeling that this ... stagnancy ... of evolution that we've experienced for the past several millenia will break up and flow once again. But it will be on a much broader scale than any device or method cooked up by the mind of man can provide or imagine. When "it" happens, then I suspect this entire experience of mankind as we know it will be as a fading dream, soon to be forgotten - but not forgetting as in amnesia. Fading in significance as in the receding wake of a ship. But with lessons well learned and retained. Don't ask for particulars because I don't got 'em. Your guess is as good as mine.

Dream-work, as practiced by many indigenous people might hold a clue. Most people, I think, discount their ability to dream, and certainly the significance of the dream itself. I highly doubt many would consider that they learn much from dream experiences; apparently many even think they don't dream at all (seems I remember reading not long ago that it's been proven that all people do, in fact, dream but many have no recall of their dreams upon awakening).

I don't think anyone here, least of all myself, is under the delusion that any of this is verifiable. It is simply a story. His-tory, her-story, my-story. Could be our-story. Some may "resonate" with it, or parts of it, most will consider it bunk. No biggie. Not important. Not serious.

This I believe; everything is proceeding as it should.
fungus wrote: does the combo confer benefits/detriments?
It is what it is. In my own opinion life here is certainly an adventure. A learning experience. Maybe that's the sum total of it.

Provided you are in fact being genuine and not playing juvenile games, perhaps you should consider re-reading the posting. I find little resemblance between the words and concepts you are using and what I was writing about. But I'll take the brickbats for lack of clarity.

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Re: Recovered: Our Orphaned Solar System

Unread post by bboyer » Tue May 06, 2008 5:02 am

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:23 pm
Post subject: Re: BS abounds
Pfhoenix wrote: Another interesting topic would be - assuming that life on Earth did start inside a gas giant, what do you think the effect on societal development would have been on mankind if Earth had stayed there? Look at the diversity of life, the sheer numbers of species, in prehistory, and look at the numbers now. Mass extinctions have happened over relatively very short spans of time. The history of such events can be counted on one hand, and the life that rebounds is *always* less numerous. Perhaps the radiation that leads to evolutionary changes in a species was more prevalent in the past. What would the effects of being in such a space environment (inside a gas giant) have on space travel development? There'd be no moon to go after, after all. What about the development of plasma technology? Would the ambient electrical environment on Earth be so significantly different as to hinder or help the discoveries of electricity and magnetism?
In relation to what you are postulating here I would surmise that the extinctions AND subsequent speciations every 26 million years we're the results of the "Saturnian system" sweeping through the solar system.

I honestly feel that microbes and such will form on every planet with any sort of plasma. The chemicals produced in the solar wind combined with electrical interactions amongst the "goo" of said planet sounds almost perfect for the development of base life.

In fact, there is a strong correlation between Venusian orbits and flu epidemics (Hoyle RIP)

However, without the destructive arcing and other devestating events the chances of creating more than just "microbes and bacteria" would be low.

Obviously, a magnetic field would assist in preventing the life from being fried or the atmosphere burnt off. :cry:
Neil Thompson


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Re: Recovered: Our Orphaned Solar System

Unread post by bboyer » Tue May 06, 2008 5:05 am

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:32 pm
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@rc-us wrote:
redeye wrote: Who are you calling a crackpot! enough.

Yeah, true enough for me, too, I guess when it comes down to it. I give. :lol:

EDIT: That cracked me up. Thanks, red. Still :lol: :lol:

I'll be a crackpot too. I guess. Someone's label's in regards to me are not exactly something I care about. They are labels, not reality ;)

As the case might be I do agree with this much, you do confuse quanitative questions and emotive answers. But thats the same many people think. I can't exactly ask you to go to school and learn the scientific method. Considering the topics are much beyond the scope of testabilty.

But Phoenix, yeah, dude, let them just be. Try and help with what you can, direct people to more enlightening questions and such. But insulting people by calling them names is far far far from the best course of action. ;)

*NEW* and Improved Crackpot,
Neil Thompson


"We are the universe, trying to understand itself."
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Re: Recovered: Our Orphaned Solar System

Unread post by bboyer » Tue May 06, 2008 5:06 am

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:48 pm
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Krackonis wrote: As the case might be I do agree with this much, you do confuse quanitative questions and emotive answers. But thats the same many people think. I can't exactly ask you to go to school and learn the scientific method. Considering the topics are much beyond the scope of testabilty.
What does "confuse quantitative questions and emotive answers" mean? If I do that, maybe I do it unwittingly and is something I should look at. Given the nature of the subject matter, could be I do it with purpose, but I don't know since I'm not sure what you're driving at.

'Splain yerself, Lucy.

The moment of recognizing what cannot be thought is the moment of recognizing who you are. It is a moment of the mind's surrender to silence. -- Gangaji
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Re: Recovered: Our Orphaned Solar System

Unread post by bboyer » Tue May 06, 2008 5:08 am

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:55 pm
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It means that when asked a qualitative question (e.g. What color is a red apple?), you tend to give emotive responses (e.g. Well, I like the color purple.)

Essentially, it's appealing to emotional responses by those who listen/read you, instead of directly addressing the question itself (and the answer it seeks).
"Wisdom is Knowledge tempered through Experience." - Me
"Abstract math seems to be the lubricant for hammering square pegs into round holes." - Unknown
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Re: Recovered: Our Orphaned Solar System

Unread post by bboyer » Tue May 06, 2008 5:09 am

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:48 pm
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Pfhoenix wrote: It means that when asked a qualitative question (e.g. What color is a red apple?), you tend to give emotive responses (e.g. Well, I like the color purple.)

Essentially, it's appealing to emotional responses by those who listen/read you, instead of directly addressing the question itself (and the answer it seeks).
Well, this is interesting. Ignoring for the moment any significance in altering the question from quantitative to qualitative, I'm curious how my writing is elicitive of emotional response from readers since my intent is just to "talk" - in this thread, particularly, just to engage in idle speculation - to share notions of possibility and provoke like-minded speculation on the subject, not to be engaging in any serious fact-finding mission or debate about the scientific appropriateness of the notions themselves. Really, I'd be interested in feedback from others, too - is the stuff I say appealing to your emotions as opposed to provoking further thought of possibilities about the subject at hand?

And have I truly missed something about answering questions relevant to the topic? I wasn't aware any were being asked, other than Pat's (fungus) recent specific, rather "loaded," queries. There have been emotional statements, or assertions, made - generalized to include anything I'd ever written to any of these forums - and, yes, I can see how my responses to those might have had an emotional edge to them.

Curiouser and curiouser.

The moment of recognizing what cannot be thought is the moment of recognizing who you are. It is a moment of the mind's surrender to silence. -- Gangaji
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Re: Recovered: Our Orphaned Solar System

Unread post by bboyer » Tue May 06, 2008 5:10 am

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 11:12 am
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Hey, Pfheonix. You attribute the quote "Abstract Math seems to be the lubricant for hammering square pegs into round holes" to 'Unknown'.

Let me enlighten you. It was me, Sparks, earlier on on this board! Sleep easy, however, I will not demand a fee.

There is something beyond our mind which abides in silence within our mind. It is the supreme mystery beyond thought. Let one's mind and one's subtle body rest upon that and not rest on anything else. [---][/---] Maitri Upanishad

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Re: Recovered: Our Orphaned Solar System

Unread post by bboyer » Tue May 06, 2008 5:12 am

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 11:16 am
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@rc-us wrote: Again, pure speculation, but could the 2-headed figures somehow relate to "redundant," shared consciousness? Vague, light-body representations? They seem a bit removed from typical petrographic plasma forms, but...?
Julian Jaynes makes this suggestion in his classic, The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. I created a thread about him on this board, under Human stuff I think it was.
There is something beyond our mind which abides in silence within our mind. It is the supreme mystery beyond thought. Let one's mind and one's subtle body rest upon that and not rest on anything else. [---][/---] Maitri Upanishad

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Re: Recovered: Our Orphaned Solar System

Unread post by bboyer » Tue May 06, 2008 5:30 am

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 5:14 pm
Post subject:
@rc-us wrote: The "'unwitting' integration of mixed souls" I alluded to ... that, I'm sure, is too outrageous a "leap of faith" and I should probably delete it. I don't think this format is conducive to fleshing that out any further. If I were a *real* writer, I would write a book I guess, but I don't have the organizational skill for that kind of thing. Actually, the whole thing might make a decent SF novella or some such.

There is precedence, however. Check out myths concerning twins. Then, of course, the Osiris dismemberment, Jewish legends of "shattered light/souls," etc. etc.. Yes, in one sense Osiris represents Saturn or whatever. But, are stars and planets just dead, material objects? To most, probably so. But as I've heard someone else say on occasion, "just because you say it is so, doesn't make it true," or words to that effect. Like the proverbial double-edged sword, cuts both ways.
I am not a Kabbalist, nor do I adhere to or belong to any labeled or organized religion whatsoever. But I ran across this page the other day when I was searching for the Jewish legend of "shattered light" that I had recalled hearing about some years ago and which I mentioned in the earlier posting above. Reading the mythology in more detail, I found the parallels to my own "story" rather interesting. I don't agree with everything in the article by far, particularly any of the religious or moralizing rhetoric, but I was pretty amazed how some of the details of Luria's (1534-1572) Renaissance period concepts aligned with my story, as I've said. Take it for what it's worth. Note: As with most (likely all) biblical names, it is a big mistake to conceive "Adam and Eve" as actual personages, individual extant people. I at least learned enough in my studies to know that most names from antiquity - particularly when they've been "religionized" - are anthropomorphized concepts embodied within the name, and were never intended to stand for a specific living individual(s). More in the nature of titles.

Emphasis in bold added.

Luria’s explanation of creation is among the most intricate in all of Kabbalah. Luria taught his students that Ein Sof created the world in order to understand itself better. Because it was infinite, Ein Sof was also formless and without purpose—it existed as pure energy. Ein Sof therefore resolved to create something with both form and purpose—human beings. Luria theorized that because Ein Sof’s energy had filled up the entire universe previous to the creation of human beings, Ein Sof’s first action had to be tsimtsum, which means “withdrawal.” In order to make room for creation, Ein Sof had to first create a void inside itself, a space in which to make yesh (something) from ayin (nothing).

Ein Sof’s yesh was Adam Kadmon, or “Primordial Adam.” Adam Kadmon served as a mystical template for the human race—he was entirely different from Adam of Adam and Eve. Luria described Adam’s creation as the birth of the sefirot and the letters of the Hebrew alphabet: the lights that flashed from the eyes and mouth of Adam Kadmon were the ten sefirot and the twenty-two holy letters. Though they would become the foundation for all of creation, the sefirot and the holy letters began as simply light and energy....
I've often wondered if there were some connection between the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet and the 23 chromosomes of the modern human being. Is there an "extra" chromosome that has been ... superimposed ... upon the original material creature? Perhaps something to do with the sex (x,y) chromosome? This would be in the context of the progressively consistent "population explosion" compared to the likely very small Golden Age population of, perhaps, only a few thousand. Again, don't take it too seriously, it's purely idle speculation.

I also recall reading somewhere that all the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet can be formed naturally from sound waves (i.e. the cymatic principle - see Cymatics thread) in media such as vibrating sand or powder. I forget where I ran across it but shouldn't be hard to find again on the web. I mention this because of the implications to an EU of vibrations in general and to the specific world (Earth) we find ourselves in specifically.

As Ein Sof attempted to fill the vessel it had created with its light, catastrophe struck, and the vessel shattered. Shevirat ha-kelim is the name for the breaking of the vessel. The breaking of the vessel destroyed the ordered universe that Ein Sof had begun to create. Tiny pieces of the vessel, like shards of glass, scattered and brought chaos to the universe. The masculine and feminine aspects of Ein Sof divided. Even Adam Kadmon split into parts.

When the shards of the vessel began to fall, they brought with them sparks of Ein Sof’s light, called netzutzot. Together, the shards and the sparks fell into what would become material reality, or the human world. In place of a harmonious world made from the perfectly balanced ten sefirot, human beings entered a broken world filled with scattered sparks of divine light, which came to be called klippot, meaning “husks.” ....

Many religions describe the creation of the world as an act of God’s love, but Luria viewed it as a sign of God’s self-sacrifice. The Bible’s account of creation makes it sound like a harmonious simple affair: God simply spoke, creating light and life. But Luria describes creation as a disaster, a catastrophic descent into chaos. The world and human beings form not according to God’s perfect plan, but as a result of destruction—the fragments of Adam Kadmon and the ruin of Ein Sof’s perfect plan....

Luria argued that everything changes form constantly as energy cycles across the universe. Energy from the sefirot descends into the human realm, human souls rise up to the realm of the sefirot and back again. Luria believed all human souls are pieces of Adam Kadmon, Ein Sof’s blueprint for humans. He described gilgul as the process of human souls trying to assemble themselves to match and rebuild the form of Adam Kadmon. Restoring Adam Kadmon became a key facet of tikkun, the process of mending Ein Sof’s shattered vessels of energy. As human souls triy to remake themselves in Adam Kadmon’s image, they help to restore wholeness to Ein Sof, bringing the universe back into harmony following the catastrophe of creation....

In Luria’s slightly more complex version of gilgul, every soul has a place in the universe. After the crisis of creation, the order of souls fell into disarray. Souls therefore recycle and migrate in an attempt to restore order, like puzzle pieces trying to fit themselves back together. Luria believed that each person could be composed of fragments of different souls, and that only rarely would new souls enter the universe....

Humpty Dumpty anyone? Perhaps one day, when the local solar field and physical currents (possibly in re-verse) once again return to, regain, "full strength"....

But I don't discount or subtract the will of authentic spirit, nor the methods of holistic, integrative being and what one might come to recognize as sacred voice in the calling forth or evocation of this ... return.

Lurianic Kabbalah ... ion9.rhtml

sci-ence (sins)n. Abbr. sc., sci. 1. The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena. Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena. Such activities applied to an object of inquiry or study. 2. Methodological activity, discipline, or study: I've got packing a suitcase down to a science. 3. An activity that appears to require study and method: the science of purchasing. 4. Knowledge, especially that gained through experience. 5. Science. Christian Science.[Middle English, knowledge, learning, from Old French, from Latin scientia, from sciens, scient-, present participle of scire, to know. See skei-.]


skei-. Important derivatives are: shin(1), science, conscious, nice, shit, schism, rescind, shed(1), sheath, ski, esquire, squire

. To cut, split. Extension of sek-. 1.a.SHIN(1), from Old English scinu, shin, shinbone (< "piece cut off"); b. CHINE, from Old French eschine, backbone, piece of meat with part of the backbone. Both a and b from Germanic suffixed form *ski-no-. 2. SCIENCE, SCILICET,SCIOLISM; ADSCITITIOUS,CONSCIENCE, CONSCIOUS,NESCIENCE, (NICE), OMNISCIENT, PLEBISCITE,PRESCIENT, from Latin scire, to know (< "to separate one thing from another," "discern.") 3. Suffixed zero-grade form *skiy-ena. SKEAN, from Old Irish scian, knife. 4. Extended root *skeid-. a. (i) SHIT, from Old English *scitan, to defecate; (ii) SKATE(3), from Old Norse skita, to defecate; (iii) SHYSTER, from Old High German skizzan, to defecate. (i), (ii), and (iii) all from Germanic *skitan, to separate, defecate; b. suffixed zero-grade form *sk (h)id-yo-. SCHISM, SCHIST,SCHIZO-, from Greek skhizein, to split; c. nasalized zero-grade form *ski-n-d-. SCISSION; EXSCIND,PRESCIND, RESCIND, from Latin scindere, to split. 5. Extended root *skeit-. a. (i)SHED(1), from Old English sceadan, to separate; (ii) SHEATH, from Old English sceath, sheath(< "split stick"), perhaps from skei-. Both (i) and (ii) from Germanic *skaith-, *skaidan; b. SKI, from Old Norse skidh, log, stick, snowshoe, from Germanic *skidam; c. o-grade form *skoit-. eCU, ESCUDO,ESCUTCHEON, ESQUIRE,SCUDO, SCUTUM, (SQUIRE), from Latin scutum, shield (< "board"). 6. Extended root *skeip-. a. SHEAVE(2), from Middle English sheve, pulley (< "piece of wood with grooves"); b. SKIVE, from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Norse skifa, to slice, split; c. SHIVER(2), from Middle English shivere, scivre, splinter, possibly from a Low German source akin to Middle Low German schever, splinter. a, b, and c all from Germanic *skif-.[Pokorny skei- 919.]

Excerpted from American Heritage Talking Dictionary
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Perhaps there is an authentic holistic knowing that lies completely beyond the constrictive methods and means of modern consciousness and yet is accessible to integrative awareness, even if only on a relatively intuitive level at this time. A knowing based within the discernment of integral wholes and not fractionated parts (splitting, cutting apart, dissecting, analyzing). Where we can come to know the true essence of the mouse and how life "mouses," (mouse, v, to mouse 8-) ) without resorting to the rather deluded, coarse, and barbaric methods of slicing, dicing, and analyzing to see what might make it tick and where its life, its elan vital, might be found. Or in the name of helping to prolong the lives of other, "superior," beings. To know, maturely, that the whole will always be greater than, will always lie beyond, any summation of observed, dissociative parts.

For those who may deplore this writing style as vague and an appeal to emotion, I can only surmise that you find the absence of an "ignore" button in the phpBB software equally appalling. ;) Wink EDIT 1 yr later: But wait! phpBB3 now has the "Friend & Foe" lists where "foe" is basically an "ignore" list! :lol:


The moment of recognizing what cannot be thought is the moment of recognizing who you are. It is a moment of the mind's surrender to silence. -- Gangaji
There is something beyond our mind which abides in silence within our mind. It is the supreme mystery beyond thought. Let one's mind and one's subtle body rest upon that and not rest on anything else. [---][/---] Maitri Upanishad

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Re: Recovered: Our Orphaned Solar System

Unread post by bboyer » Tue May 06, 2008 5:35 am

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:47 am
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See the Cymatics thread pg 5 for a posting on The Memory of Water/The Memory of Molecules dated today, 6-28-07. As it relates to concepts such as collective memory, collective consciousness/unconsciousness, non-verbal communication etc.

The moment of recognizing what cannot be thought is the moment of recognizing who you are. It is a moment of the mind's surrender to silence. -- Gangaji
There is something beyond our mind which abides in silence within our mind. It is the supreme mystery beyond thought. Let one's mind and one's subtle body rest upon that and not rest on anything else. [---][/---] Maitri Upanishad

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Re: Recovered: Our Orphaned Solar System

Unread post by bboyer » Tue May 06, 2008 5:37 am

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:17 pm
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Sparks wrote: Julian Jaynes makes this suggestion in his classic, The Origins of Conciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. I created a thread about him on this board, under Human stuff I think it was.
Yes, I recall. Thank you, Sparkers. :)

The moment of recognizing what cannot be thought is the moment of recognizing who you are. It is a moment of the mind's surrender to silence. -- Gangaji
There is something beyond our mind which abides in silence within our mind. It is the supreme mystery beyond thought. Let one's mind and one's subtle body rest upon that and not rest on anything else. [---][/---] Maitri Upanishad


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