The Abnormal Stagnation of Physics

Plasma and electricity in space. Failure of gravity-only cosmology. Exposing the myths of dark matter, dark energy, black holes, neutron stars, and other mathematical constructs. The electric model of stars. Predictions and confirmations of the electric comet.

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Re: The Abnormal Stagnation of Physics

Unread post by JHL » Tue Dec 11, 2018 4:35 am

I'd forgotten. We can add to Feynman to Newton and Einstein on the list of those who reject theoreticals:

"If your theory doesn't match the real-world data, your theory is wrong."

Michael Mozina
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Re: The standard model wins again.....

Unread post by Michael Mozina » Tue Dec 11, 2018 11:55 am

JHL wrote:
Michael Mozina wrote:Imagine for a moment if doctors were running around adamantly claiming that evil unseen "dark" energies were the primary "cause" of illness and disease? What if they spent *billions* of dollars looking for these supposed invisible "evil" energies and found nothing? Suppose they also publicly criticized anyone and everyone who even dared to study or discuss viruses and bacteria or DNA as "crackpots"?
Well put. Time was we'd call it a failed magic and run them out of town but today we'd call it malpractice and they'd be gone in a week. Good analogy.
In virtually any other industry, that's exactly what would happen.

At the very least you'd expect astronomers to actually read and understand the empirical alternatives to their beliefs, particularly models which work in the lab, but alas I've yet to meet a single astronomer that even correctly understands Birkeland's work or his solar model. If Tom Bridgman is indicative of the current state of ignorance, his last (2015) blog entry on Birkeland's solar model demonstrates that they're utterly clueless about Birkeland's work.

That's the other thing that strikes me as very sad. There's definitely a willful ignorance factor involved, and they constantly misrepresent his work and his model. They do the same thing to Alfven and to Juergen's as well.

IMO, one of the strongest pieces of evidence to support Birkeland's solar model is the measured composition of cosmic rays. Birkeland predicted that "space" has a net positive charge with respect to the surface of the sun, and indeed something like 90+ percent of the highest energy particles that bombard our solar system are positively charged ions traveling at close to the speed of light, with the remaining 10 percent being a pretty even mixture of electrons and positrons. He was certainly correct that space has a net positive charge. That's just another of his many successful predictions which have been confirmed by satellites in space since the 1960's.
(Incidentally, Michael, I struggle with your use of emphasis. Your excellent material actually reads much better without it. Try it yourself and see...)
Point noted. I'll try to limit my emphasis from now on.

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Re: The standard model wins again.....

Unread post by Michael Mozina » Tue Dec 11, 2018 12:11 pm

Metryq wrote:
Michael Mozina wrote:I'm really curious what astronomers will do with the electric field data they gather over the next few years from the Parker Solar probe
"We knew it all the time."
Perhaps so, but even that would be a welcome change. They'd have to finally come out of the closet with respect to the electric field that drives the whole solar wind process. The kinetic energy of the solar wind process is generated by an *electric* field, not a magnetic field.

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Do they eyen *really* care about science?

Unread post by Michael Mozina » Thu Dec 13, 2018 11:26 am

I've reached the point that I've begun to wonder if astronomers actually give a damn about actual science and real knowledge. They seem quite content to wallow around in ignorance for their entire careers and lifetimes. It doesn't seem like they care about anything other than collecting their next paycheck.

It doesn't take a genius to see just how ridiculous the whole LCDM model is at this point. It has failed every conceivable lab test to date, demonstrating conclusively in billions of dollars worth of "tests" that it has zero predictive usefulness in the lab. There is no actual "knowledge" associated with the LCDM model in the first place since more than 95 percent of it amounts to placeholder terms for human ignorance, and the other five percent is mostly based on pure "pseudoscience' according to the author of MHD theory.

Other areas of science have been improving at an incredible rate during my lifetime, including the computer industry, the internet, self driving cars, cell phones, etc. Astronomy on the other hand hasn't improved one bit in over 60 years. If anything it's gotten far worse during my lifetime with the addition of two new metaphysical constructs, including inflation and dark energy. Those two "new" (during my lifetime) metaphysical claims just add more utter nonsense to an already irrational assumption that no significant amount of redshift is caused by inelastic scattering occurs in spacetime plasma, when we know for a fact that inelastic scattering *must* occur in space, just like it happens in labs on Earth.

The "stagnation" process in terms of astronomy has been going on now for many decades, whereas at least particle physics research has enjoyed some real and measurable successes in recent years, including the discovery of the Higgs Boson and the incredible predictive success of the standard particle physics model.

Astronomy however has been a total fail in the lab and a total fail in terms of actual 'knowledge" or scientific usefulness. The mainstream still can't even simulate a full sphere solar corona in a lab whereas it's been simulated and recreated in labs with electric fields for more than a century at this point.

I used to believe that scientists actually cared about "science", and the progress of science, but that simply does not seem to be the case in the field of astronomy. All astronomers seem to care about is collecting their next paycheck, and publishing another ridiculous paper about more metaphysical mumbo-jumbo.

In order for actual scientific progress to occur to occur in astronomy, astronomers will need to scrap their entire belief system and start over. I just don't see that happening anytime soon. Their professional egos simply prevent that from occurring. I suspect the stagnation process will continue in astronomy until the public just gets fed up with paying for big budget experiments that fail 100 percent of the time, and we start to see real public dissent.

The saddest part of the whole process plays out on astronomy oriented websites in cyberspace. They operate more like a cult than a real science forum. Even the mere mention of EU/PC oriented empirical alternatives to their metaphysics results in an instant ban. That kind of behavior really makes me question whether they even care about actual science and real physics. They seem quite content to simply ignore the incredible success of the standard particle physics model, and they still remain completely ignorant of Birkeland's work. With the exception of a single video that I've found on Youtube, I've yet to see a single astronomer *correctly* explain Birkeland's laboratory experiments.

EU/PC theory has the potential to lead to numerous scientific breakthroughs, not just in terms of "theory", but in terms of real useful products related to propulsion systems and such. It's just sad to watch the stagnation process play itself out in astronomy but it's directly related to the mainstream's willful ignorance, and their inability to publicly admit their mistakes. Instead of admitting their their dark matter "tests" have failed, and their model failed those tests, they claim instead that they "successfully constrained" dark matter yet again. :( Oy Vey.

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Re: Do they eyen *really* care about science?

Unread post by Zyxzevn » Thu Dec 13, 2018 7:00 pm

Michael Mozina wrote:I've reached the point that I've begun to wonder if astronomers actually give a damn about actual science and real knowledge. They seem quite content to wallow around in ignorance for their entire careers and lifetimes. It doesn't seem like they care about anything other than collecting their next paycheck.
It is not pride or ignorance.
It is fear.
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Re: Do they eyen *really* care about science?

Unread post by Michael Mozina » Fri Dec 14, 2018 10:54 am

Zyxzevn wrote:
Michael Mozina wrote:I've reached the point that I've begun to wonder if astronomers actually give a damn about actual science and real knowledge. They seem quite content to wallow around in ignorance for their entire careers and lifetimes. It doesn't seem like they care about anything other than collecting their next paycheck.
It is not pride or ignorance.
It is fear.
For some of them, particularly the most vocal critics of EU/PC theory, I'm sure that fear is a major factor. That's certainly true of the moderators of websites like Cosmoquest. IMO however, folks like Tyson and Krauss are blinded by their own gigantic egos, and they are betrayed by the own ignorance of EU/PC models and theories. Just look at all the misinformation about EU/PC theory that is spewed on mainstream astronomy websites and blogs, and consider the fact that no so called professional ever corrects any of those obvious errors. I don't believe that professional astronomers even take the time to understand any alternatives to their own beliefs. I've seen exactly one Youtube presentation that was done by a professional that even properly explains any EU/PC model or concept, specifically this one:

Nicely done, and highly professional. Kudos to Dr. Gabrielle Provan for taking the time to actually understand Birkeland's solar system model, and for professionally and honestly presenting that model on the internet. That is the one and only honest and accurate presentation that I've ever read or seen on the internet that was done by a professional.

Everything else that I've read or seen on the internet that was done by astronomers who are trying to explain EU/PC theory is either full of intentional misrepresentation or it's a great example of wilful ignorance. They typically don't even actually understand the materials they attempt to criticize. It's usually like watching a three year old try to explain errors in general relativity. Ignorance is not bliss. :(

I've also come the conclusion that most of the vocal EU/PC critics of EU/PC theory on the internet are simply unethical to start with, ignorant as hell, or both (Bridgman/Koberlein/Knop). Whatever their motive is for falsely claiming that EU/PC solar models predict "no neutrinos", or that Birkeland proposed three different solar models, or irrationally claiming that there is no math to support EU/PC theory, it's certainly not professional, or even accurate.

At least Dr. Provan isn't a clueless putz like most astronomers. Even if she doesn't agree with EU/PC theory, at least she doesn't go out of her way to *misrepresent* EU/PC concepts on the internet and she's taken the time to at least understand the core ideas and to present them fairly and honestly. Unfortunately, that's the exception rather than the rule.

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Physics hasn't stagnated, just astronomy.

Unread post by Michael Mozina » Fri Dec 14, 2018 11:36 am

It's worth pointing out that physics as a whole hasn't stagnated. The discovery of the Higgs Boson, along with the incredible predictive success of the standard particle physics model demonstrates conclusively that particle physics research hasn't stagnated, even if it's become a victim of it's own incredible success. The falsification of various *non* standard particle physics models isn't an example of stagnation either, in fact it's a great example of how physics should work.

The physics that makes my cell phone possible is a wonderful example of the fact that physics as a whole is doing just fine.

The only thing that's actually stagnant in the field of physics today is astronomy. Astronomy is currently stuck on a metaphysical merry-go-round without any hope of real scientific progress until they abandon their reliance on metaphysics and dark magic. Once that change occurs however, the sky is literally the limit in physics.

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Re: The Abnormal Stagnation of Physics

Unread post by neilwilkes » Fri Dec 21, 2018 2:11 am

Michael, don't forget to add Brian Cox to the list of monumental egotistical mainstreamers either.
He has a grin on him that reminds me of Tony Blair, and we all kn ow what type of person he turned out to be - never trust ANYBODY who grins like that.
You will never get a man to understand something his salary depends on him not understanding.

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Re: The Abnormal Stagnation of Physics

Unread post by Michael Mozina » Wed Dec 26, 2018 12:08 pm

neilwilkes wrote:Michael, don't forget to add Brian Cox to the list of monumental egotistical mainstreamers either.
He has a grin on him that reminds me of Tony Blair, and we all kn ow what type of person he turned out to be - never trust ANYBODY who grins like that.
Admittedly I have a tough time watching any astronomer spew their dark magic rap on TV and on Youtube, but in terms of pure ego, it's tough to compete with the likes of Krauss, Tyson, Koberlein and Bridgman. Those four are in a class by themselves IMO.

Krauss in particular is an absolute riot when he attempts to hypocritically pick on religion while promoting four metaphysical constructs wrapped into a single cosmology model. He's just utterly absurd, and he's a hypocrite of cosmological proportions. :) Tyson seems to relish being in the public limelight more than most. Koberlein and Bridgman fancy themselves to be the EU/PC "killers" of the internet while demonstrating repeatedly that they have no clue what they're even talking about.

I get the impression that Brian Cox is like most astronomers. He's just repeating the same old metaphysical nonsense that he's been taught without really giving it much thought, and without considering any empirical alternatives. At least he's not out there on the internet spewing pure misinformation about EU models. He doesn't bug me as much as some astronomers, but by becoming the public face of big bang theory, and all the dark magic that comes with it, he's definitely setting himself up for a big public fall.

I would think that after all the billions of dollars of failed dark matter tests over the past decade that the mainstream would at least *start* to explore some alternative concepts, but alas they seem intent ignoring the negative outcome of their so called "tests". Brian has a bad case of confirmation bias like most astronomers.

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Re: The Abnormal Stagnation of Physics

Unread post by Maol » Wed Dec 26, 2018 7:43 pm

We all know an ego is a terrible thing to waste. Tyson's probing experiments in asstrophysiology and the black hole have landed him in hot water. ... duct-65162

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Re: The Abnormal Stagnation of Physics

Unread post by Oracle_911 » Sun Dec 30, 2018 9:41 am

Maol wrote:We all know an ego is a terrible thing to waste. Tyson's probing experiments in asstrophysiology and the black hole have landed him in hot water. ... duct-65162
This is a political issue and in this thread we basically discussed politics. 8-)
Standpoint of "scientists": If reality doesn`t match with my theory, than reality has a problem.

Sorry for bad English and aggressive tone, i`m not native speaker.

PS: I`m a chemist.

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Re: The Abnormal Stagnation of Physics

Unread post by antosarai » Mon Dec 31, 2018 12:51 pm

Is it Physics that is stagnated?

Have you noticed on Thunderbolts Project Home page?

An advertisement for the EU2017, and then
"The DATE for our next conference EU2019 is to
be determined in Denver, Colorado. Watch this
space later in 2018 for more details."
Have you read, seen or heard anything from EU this ending year much more than complaints against mainstream sciences?

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Re: The Abnormal Stagnation of Physics

Unread post by nick c » Mon Dec 31, 2018 1:33 pm

Have you read, seen or heard anything from EU this ending year much more than complaints against mainstream sciences?
"Complaints" or criticisms?
Criticisms, I think. Maybe that is because there is so much to criticize!
Here is the 12/31/18 TPOD: ... lar-power/

Of course it is critical of mainstream stellar theory and it also contrasts that to the EU explanation for the same phenomena.
Nothing wrong with that.

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Re: The Abnormal Stagnation of Physics

Unread post by Zyxzevn » Mon Dec 31, 2018 6:02 pm

antosarai wrote:..more than complaints against mainstream sciences?
There is a lot of experimental progress with SAFIRE that completely debunks the mainstream theories.

On ,
you can see that Mainstream astronomy goes wrong with the first star already (the Sun).
That is close to a ZERO prediction rate by the mainstream.

So most "progress" by mainstream astronomy is usually a step towards ignorance.
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Re: The Abnormal Stagnation of Physics

Unread post by Michael Mozina » Mon Dec 31, 2018 7:02 pm

antosarai wrote:Is it Physics that is stagnated?

Have you noticed on Thunderbolts Project Home page?

An advertisement for the EU2017, and then
"The DATE for our next conference EU2019 is to
be determined in Denver, Colorado. Watch this
space later in 2018 for more details."
Have you read, seen or heard anything from EU this ending year much more than complaints against mainstream sciences?
I have no criticisms against mainstream particle physics, mainstream electrical engineering, or mainstream science in general, just the ridiculous cult that passes itself off as "astrology", er "astronomy" today. Sorry I keep confusing the two, but that's because they both have zero useful predictive value in the lab. :)

Astronomy today isn't even a form of actual "science", it's a faith based dogma that is based entirely upon *bad* faith, specifically foolish faith in claims that have failed very single predictive test to date.

Make no mistake about it, the LCDM model isn't "science" to begin with, it's metaphysical mumbo-jumbo on a stick. Another year, and billions more spent at LHC and other mainstream experiments, and not a single advancement in dark energy, or dark matter research. None, zero, zilch. That's been going on now for over a decade. Talk about pure stagnation.

Thunderbolts can be forgiven for not upgrading their website. At least nobody in the EU community spent billions of dollars on a futile search for metaphysical nonsense this year. :)

It's a little hard to criticize EU/PC models while the mainstream continues to remain a century behind Birkeland as it relates to solar physics and they still can't explain a hot, sustained, full sphere solar corona, let alone simulate one in a lab in 2018. Sheesh.


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