Vortex Math

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Re: Vortex Math

Unread post by junglelord » Mon Nov 03, 2008 11:28 am

I got it. I had another EUREKA!
Structure and Function demand a Real Number System!
Real Spin Number Defines the Primary Angle (angular momentum) which are 60 degrees each.
Phase Shift Number Defines the Frequency of that Angle overtime Ratio.

Check this out.

When I was a child I counted with my hands using my fingers and thumbs.

It seemed to me that this was not encouraged and was infact discouraged.

What for?

I know that when I was ten I knew it all.
I could see the universe for its Real Number Value.
I knew there were two charges.
I knew everything I have gotten back.

They take it from you, the genius inside of you.

Listen to what I say very careful and open your minds eye as you use your hands.
The Numbers beyond 9 are NOT REAL.
Thats right, they are only valid when understood for what they are and what they represent.
They are a Spiral Phase Shift beyond 9.

I always thought that the number 15 was a lie, here is why.
It is not 10 + 5 as it appears. Its not a 5.
Its a 4 hiding as 15, it has exposed its spin value and phase relationship
15 is really 5-1, not 10 + 5
Its spin value is 4, its phase shift is 1
So with all double digits, the first number = the Spin PhaseShift Number
Subtracted or Added to the second number = Real Spin Number (the + or - depends on the size of the two numbers)
:D :D :D :D :D :D

Ie 54 = 5 phase shift rotations for spin number 9 (5+4)

Every Number over Nine is not a Real Number, it is a Ratio of its Phase Relationship of its Spin Value.
:D :D :D :D :D

I assign the existance of spin to each Real Number 1-9.
Everything Spins.
If numbers are Real, they MUST Spin.

I then assign a Phase relationship of cycles to that foundation.
Its Phase Shift.
This is determined by Casting Out Nines.
When you Cast Out Nines, the 8 is the last Real Number
9 is the Upper Zero.
Every Number over 9 is in two or more digits.
Its a spin value with phase relationship.
Look at the Number 8.
Look at the Number 9.

8 is the final number, it is infinity.
9 is the second 0, it has a spin, notice its angle vector....it returns to 8.

The Identification of Both Spin Real Number Value and Phase Cycle Relationship will expose the Leverage Principle of 12.

This will create the Vector Equilibrium Matrix of Synergetics by Fuller.

Rodin has hit on something, it is the 2-D representation of this Structure.
(Funny Toto hated me for this)
It is the Universal Vortex Transformer Doubling Circuit.
Now what could be more important to the EU?
Maybe Toto can live without a Transformer, The Universe Cannot.
One therefore needs to be able to EXPLAIN WHY a Transformer Doubles, not just that it does.
It is due to the structure of vortex space.
Structure cannot be Seperated from Function.
Real Number Values Cannot be Seperated from Structure and Function.
This is the 2-D Magic Square of all Real Numbers and Vortex Space Structure.


Its Mirror Opposite as the Universe has two spin directions (miniumum) when in 2-D.

This is the Sign of 3-D and 4-D Spin Enlightenment.

Tesla was right about 3, 6, 9.

Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.

Your Hands are the Structure and Function of all Real Numbers and EM spacetime relationships.


If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord


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