Electro-Magnetic Geomorphology

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Electro-Magnetic Geomorphology

Unread post by GaryN » Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:36 pm


After seeing a few incidences of boulders jammed in crevices leading up out of the Sooke River, and having the multi-layer, disk type pebbles jammed in between the boulder and bedrock, it dawned on me what was happening here. Can anyone else think what might be going on?

The evidence for electro-magnetic forces being responsible much of Earths geomorphology is so obvious, to my mind anyway, that it is time for some serious scientific investigation to be performed. I have been pooh-poohed by both a geologist and petrologist, people who I though of as friends, when suggesting an alternative to the standard methods of the origins of the landforms, rivers and streams and the rocks around here. Not surprising really I suppose, but that just makes me even more determined to show the validity of an EM geomorphology, so, in keeping with my tag line, a new model must be created. One with scientific proof rather than opinion, which is what geology seems to be based on.
There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance.
― Hippocrates

So what science, and relevant experiments, would be required to show that such EM processes are valid? I imagine it would take some quite powerful energetic events to convert the magmatic bedrock to what appear to be deep metamorphic boulders, but maybe a small pebble would be possible? I'll contact some of the industrial companies who deal with high power EMP processes and try to put together an experiment, if it is at all scientifically and financially viable, but I think military surplus equipment might be enough. If the 256 kW magnetron I can get is not enough to use as one component, well, a rethink might be necessary, but that is yet to be determined.

EMP shocking has been suggested for the creation of meteoric materials, and mechanical shocking is being used to create novel materials for assorted scientific projects, but I have seen nothing yet about EMP shocking and rock metamorphosis. Pulsed electric fields for shattering is used, so those guys will surely be worth contacting.

Constraints on Nubular Electromagnetic Pulses

I have put up a few more images on Picassa which I think demonstrate the effects of strong electric/magnetic fields and shock pulsing, any feedback welcome. This project may not get too much attention until our weather sours, still some field work time left yet, but I will at least make some initial enquiries to determine the feasibility of the experiments.
https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/1133 ... 3052293025
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Re: Electro-Magnetic Geomorphology

Unread post by seasmith » Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:05 pm

What's your Picassa link again ?

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Re: Electro-Magnetic Geomorphology

Unread post by GaryN » Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:16 pm

Hi s, the Picassa folder was not shared for some reason, should be OK now!
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Re: Electro-Magnetic Geomorphology

Unread post by GaryN » Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:14 pm

Well that's most annoying. The album is available to view, but the comments I have been making on ALL the albums are not visible it seems unless you have a google account and are signed in. I'll try to see if there is a way around that.

Anyway, the model I'm looking at for the Sooke River and Todd Creek formations is based on them having been created very quickly in highly energetic events that were of an electro-magnetic nature. I am assuming (yes, but the standard model does a lot of that) a pre-existing lumpy land form of the Metchosin Igneous Complex materials. I am assuming this because the fractured an shattered rock observed would have had to be fully crystalised to have shattered the way it has.
The rivers and creeks are the result of a discharge between lower and higher elevations because of a very high vertical electric field gradient, and the discharge has taken the shortest possible route, cutting some deep, steep sided sections where necessary. In the section of Todd creek that I explored, the creek has taken a right angled zig-zag course in a couple of places, with the sideways jog of about 150 ft, not something I'd expect from a glacier. It is also quite noticeable that in places the surface is only skimmed, whereas in others it has cut a v-shaped channel 30 to 40 feet deep where need be in order to take that shortest route.
It also has to be noted that though glaciation is supposed to have carved the creek that there are no signs of glacial scratching or grooving on the rock on either side of the creek, above the level of the creek bed.
Because of the electrical properties of the bedrock, it is most likely that the discharge was 'explosive', through a positive feedback event. As a surface current flow heated the surface and near surface material, the electrical resistance of the rock decreases, so more current flow and more heating. As soon as ionisation occurs, there is basically a short from lowest to highest elevation, and then the real transformative forces come into play.
I remember 25 or so years ago, I scrambled up the tiny creek that runs through my property, as far up as I could manage. It too has chunks of rock and pools and v-shaped sections just as the larger waterways do. Getting close to the peak (about 900 feet), I eventually was climbing a 'chimney', the creek being pretty well vertical. That's not a glacier or water that did that.
The potholes are still the most telling sign of electrical formation I think, but if it can indeed be shown that with the correct values of electric field and pulsation that the igneous rock can become the metamorphic pebbles and boulders, then I'd say that would have to be proof positive of the EM mechanisms. Not that anybody much will believe it, but hey, I'm having fun anyway! :D
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Re: Electro-Magnetic Geomorphology

Unread post by GaryN » Mon Sep 02, 2013 1:18 pm

Prehistoric climate change due to cosmic crash in Canada: Team reveals cause of global climate shift 12,900 years ago
People have written about many impacts in different parts of the world based on the presence of spherules. "It may well have taken multiple concurrent impacts to bring about the extensive environmental changes of the Younger Dryas," says Sharma. "However, to date no impact craters have been found and our research will help track one of them down."
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2013-09-prehistori ... a.html#jCp

Impacts are not the only method of creating spherules though, lightning can do the same, and even metamorphic rather than just ignious materials are associated with high energy electrical discharges.
A quasi-fulgurite formation was created as a result of natural meteorologic and geologic processes coupled with electrical surges from a downed 7000 volt power line. This new structure, formed in a sandy clay topsoil, has characteristics of both metamorphic and igneous rocks.
https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2003CD/final ... _52349.htm

Although I can not rule out that the discharges were not from a swarm of approaching meteors, which would have been turned to dust and fine fragments in such an event, I still prefer a large CME, but whichever, the process is electrical, not physical, IMO.

My first contact with an EE who designs high energy discharge pulsed systems was interesting, and he certainly believes metamorphism from EM shocking is possible, but thinks the energies required could be in the mega or even giga joule ranges. Perhaps some resonant effects might reduce the power level considerably, so having experimental equipment that can be configured for a wide range of parameters would be needed. Not that simple, not cheap.
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Re: Electro-Magnetic Geomorphology

Unread post by seasmith » Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:10 pm


Supervolcanic Ash Can Turn To Lava Miles From Eruption, MU Scientists Find

“Viscous heating” ....

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... &start=210

Been idly sifting through the old mental specimen case looking for possible samples, since posting that, and have only come up with:

1) In the Rockies and western Med., i've bumbled through wide swaths of volcanic "tuff", layers of volcanic ash laid down in the past. It's not granite, but it's not 'mudrock' or sunbaked clay either, and often contains glassy inclusions. Wether it has lithified by some chemical processes, subsidence pressure, or some "viscous heating', is unclear to this amatuer.

2) While working thru school in a brass/alumin foundry years back i vaguely recall that the leftover slag heaps (mainly sand from casting molds) from a big pour would if left in a pile for a while, require a jackhammer to bust up again so it could be moved outside.

Not proposing any theories, but one may imagine that when a super volcano blasts a mineral-rich ejecta in to the atmosphere, what was Very Hot in an anaerobic confine is then ignited in the O2 rich atmosphere, and is literally 'burning' as it piles up on the ground.
Perhaps like a sawmill waste pile, if ignited, can burn for years inside; untill something different finally remains ?

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Re: Electro-Magnetic Geomorphology

Unread post by GaryN » Sun Sep 08, 2013 10:52 am

Thanks for those 2 points, s. I'm happy to have comments on this subject, both in favour and against the proposed EM processes, have to have checks and balances. I do find though that the idea of ash still being hot, or regaining a molten state after travelling so far, to be a little far fetched. I wonder if there are any present day examples of this occurring?

I've been looking to collect info and links on the processes I envision of having caused much of the alteration of Earths surface, and so far it seems there is quite a lot on microwave effects on various minerals, such as this pdf:

Microwaves, minerals - Geology Ontario
http://www.geologyontario.mndmf.gov.on. ... MBP014.pdf

I was also wondering about thermal vs electrical ionisation, and found "A Text Book of Heat" by Meghnad Saha. I think he was responsible for the model of the observed colour of stars being due to thermal ionisation, which idea is still the accepted model. Just linking it as a classic work, not expecting you to read it!
http://archive.org/stream/ATextBookOfHe ... 0/mode/1up

Meghnad Saha-A Pioneer in Astrophysics
http://www.vigyanprasar.gov.in/scientis ... ahanew.htm

The metamorphosis by EMP shocking I am not finding much on, other than the references to comets and shocking in a nova event. The creation of igneous and metamorphic rock structures by the lightning and downed power lines though shows that it is possible, but reproducing the exact conditions for the metamorphic process may require much experimentation. And lots of energy to produce a fairly small sample, so trying to imagine the energy required for the production of what appear to be very large scale EM processes, well, either it wasn't EM forces, or our whole understanding of Earths history is totally wrong. I'm definitely favouring the second option.
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Re: Electro-Magnetic Geomorphology

Unread post by GaryN » Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:31 pm

So far in my investigations, it seems there is no reason why an electrical discharge pulse with a fast rise time can not produce shocked rocks and minerals, shocked quartz included. The energy required is high but achievable by ordinary lightning strikes. If we accept MUCH bigger and stronger strikes under catastrophic conditions, then the formation of diamonds is by no means unreasonable, and the Kimberlite pipes themselves by way of heating through ohmic or more likely induction heating is by no means unreasonable. And almost instantly, as opposed to millions of years of heat and pressure at depths of up to 450 kilometres.
A couple of relevant pdf files, more to come, haven't had time to review them yet.
Shock-Metamorphic Effects in Rocks and Minerals
http://www.lpi.usra.edu/publications/bo ... apter4.pdf

I think I'll have to give up on standard model geologists ever coming out to explain to me some of the features I have observed locally, except perhaps one who I am told is quite the conspiracy theorist, which may tempt him to at least show up. He has been looking at some of my images and explanations, though he has not yet contacted me directly. For the most part, the answer is that the rives and creeks, even the 3 feet wide ones cut deep into hard igneous bedrock, MUST be from glaciers, erosion and weathering, as there is no other explanation. Not in their world, no doubt.
As far as machinery to try and reproduce things like pebbles, figuring out the magnetic and electrical conditions to produce them seems not to be so simple, but may be the only way to show an electrical origin, particularly if it was possible to create a pebble with the flower pattern inclusions. Nobody can tell me where I might find an outcrop of bedrock that contains such patterns, and I don't believe such formations will be found. The patterns will only be found in pebbles/cobbles.

The pebbles seen by the Curiosity rover are another indicator, IMO, that they are electrical in nature, as probably are the blueberries, but under different conditions. The best images of the Martian pebbles imaged by the Curiosity rover are not very clear, but I believe they show metamorphic characteristics, and Mars should not have them. The fact that they did not stop to do a close study of those pebbles raises my suspicions greatly, but then I'm a conspiracy theorist too, so I'm bound to be suspicious!
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Re: Electro-Magnetic Geomorphology

Unread post by GaryN » Fri Oct 11, 2013 10:13 am

Devils Marbles
The Devils Marbles are made of granite, which surfaces like a little geological island in the desert, surrounded by large amounts of sandstone. The granite was formed millions of years ago as a result of the hardening of magma within the Earth's crust. Thick layers of sandstone on top of it put a lot of pressure on this granite. After the folding of the Earth's crust, which lead to the lifting of the granite and the erosion of the sandstone, the granite came to the surface. The pressure was gone, letting the granite expand; cracks formed, and it fell apart in big, square blocks.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devils_Mar ... on_Reserve
A graphic of the process:
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... _Steps.PNG

I have to say I find this explanation totally beyond belief, but then perhaps an electromagnetic formation model may be too! But these objects are also found in many other parts of the world, including the USA. I believe that these objects are formed by a plasma vortex, stripping the material off the surrounding surface, which is then drawn towards the tip of the vortex, where a spherical plasmoid will be formed and the dust conglomerated. The surface of these objects would seem to show the effects of having been quite hot.
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Re: Electro-Magnetic Geomorphology

Unread post by GaryN » Tue Oct 15, 2013 10:57 am

New evidence on lightning strikes: Mountains a lot less stable than we think
Previously, angular debris was assumed to have been created by changes typical of cold, periglacial environments, such as fracturing due to frost. Water enters cracks in rocks and when it freezes, it expands, causing the rocks to split apart.
Knight and Grab are challenging centuries old assumptions about what causes mountains to change shape. "Many people have considered mountains to be pretty passive agents, just sitting there to be affected by cold climates over these long periods of time.
"This evidence suggests that that is completely wrong. African mountain landscapes sometimes evolve very quickly and very dramatically over short periods of time. These are actually very sensitive environments and we need to know more about them."
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2013-10-evidence-l ... g.html#jCp

Confirmation I'd say that similar shattered outcrops in my own neighbourhood were from lightning, and not freeze-thaw. So how much of the worlds surface rock has been affected by lightning? Rather a lot, most likely.
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Re: Electro-Magnetic Geomorphology

Unread post by Sparky » Tue Oct 15, 2013 12:06 pm

LIGHTING , A plasma discharge! :shock:

Now if we could only get them to look at ancient world history... :? ;)
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Re: Electro-Magnetic Geomorphology

Unread post by GaryN » Wed Oct 16, 2013 10:34 am

Now if we could only get them to look at ancient world history...
And maybe I can get these guys to look at similar rock formations much lower down, like in river/creek beds and banks. I have been unable to find a geologist with any understanding of high energy electrical or plasma processes, but on the other hand, I have not been able to find an electrical engineer versed in high energy electrical science who knows the least thing about geology, so I'll send those guys a couple of my images and see if they concur with my interpretation.
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Re: Electro-Magnetic Geomorphology

Unread post by GaryN » Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:22 pm

Here is the full pdf version of the report on lightning effects on mountain tops. Mr Knight has expressed an interest in seeing some of my images, though I would be surprised if he was willing to go the 'whole hog', and see just about all of the morphology around here as being from various configurations of electrical forces. Especially not the pulsed, microwave frequency ion acoustic waves. ;-)
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Re: Electro-Magnetic Geomorphology

Unread post by GaryN » Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:12 pm

Mr Knight kindly replied to my E-Mails, but offered no explanation or comment on the images I sent him, that show quite clearly, to my mind anyway, the effects of large scale arc discharge damage on rock outcrops. He did make comment on one image, and sent me his paper on foreshore boulder strewn rock platforms in NW Ireleand. Storm wave plucking is the model he uses, but looking at some of the images, I see electricity at work again.

Boulder dynamics on an Atlantic-facing rock coastline, northwest Ireland.(pdf)

https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q= ... 3115,d.aWc
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Re: Electro-Magnetic Geomorphology

Unread post by GaryN » Thu Oct 24, 2013 1:53 pm

I wonder if someone could check that this link to a Flickr photo set works, and that my comments on some of the images show up? I spent a lot of time on a Picassa album, but the comments did not show to the public, and getting any help from Google has proven very frustrating. And maybe try adding a comment to one of the images? Ta.

Ripple Rock
http://www.flickr.com/photos/garyinsook ... 911820296/
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller


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