Far Distance Run Around

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Re: Far Distance Run Around

Unread post by mharratsc » Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:41 pm


That's like asking what experiments done in laboratories on Earth have produced accretion disks around black holes... o.O
Mike H.

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Re: Far Distance Run Around

Unread post by Aristarchus » Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:49 pm

Nereid wrote:What experiments, done in labs here on Earth, have produced the 'intrinsic redshifts' that are central to Arp's interpretation?
Underlined emphasis, mine. Again, this is not a scientific thesis or proposition that adequately delineates the positing and premise behind the research. A more scientific and open minded person would phrase it perhaps in the following language:

What laboratory experiments have supplied evidence for intrinsic redshifts that might adhere to some of the observations of Halton Arp as it relates to his premise regarding QSOs and their relation and possible behavior seen in sky views of cluster galaxies?

The answer to that what already supplied by me on this topic in the following:
Aristarchus previous link wrote:Existing laboratory experiments can produce highly collimated jets that become kink unstable at a critical length and, in certain cases, manifest internal shocks, knots, and even disconnection of the jet from the source. Existing experiments can thus be used in the near term to address a set of questions discussed above, including: What collimates the jets? What is the jet stability with sufficiently strong axial currents (magnetic fields)? What mechanisms can suppress the kink instability in jets? How does the jet interact with the ambient medium? Is there intrinsic connection between the physics of radio jets and lobes, and laboratory spheromak and reversed-field pinch experiments?
Whereas, the lab experiments for the consensus science is based upon the following:
If the wavelength of an absorption line in an object's observed spectrum appears at a wavelength that is, say, 1.56 times its 'normal wavelength' (the wavelength at which it is observed in a laboratory experiment here on Earth), then we say this object has a positive redshift of z = 0.56. The 'z value' is simply the observed fractional increase in the wavelength of the spectral lines. The simple interpretation of this is to say that this object must therefore be receding from us at 56% of the speed of light or 0.56 x 300,000 km/sec. Mainstream astrophysicists believe that recessional velocity, v = cz. This object, therefore, must be very far away from Earth.
Now, what is required is to take these two results that appear to contradict each other and place it into the context of what is observed in sky views, especially those observed in galaxy cluster groupings.
An object is cut off from its name, habits, associations. Detached, it becomes only the thing, in and of itself. When this disintegration into pure existence is at last achieved, the object is free to become endlessly anything. ~ Jim Morrison

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Re: Far Distance Run Around

Unread post by Aardwolf » Thu May 05, 2011 10:03 am

Nereid wrote:What experiments, done in labs here on Earth, have produced the 'intrinsic redshifts' that are central to Arp's interpretation?
If the answer is "none" would that be a problem for you?

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Re: Far Distance Run Around

Unread post by Goldminer » Sun May 08, 2011 7:42 pm

Nereid wrote: I have only one question, in this thread.

Here it is (again): What experiments, done in labs here on Earth, have produced the 'intrinsic redshifts' that are central to Arp's interpretation?[/b]

As far as I can tell, no one - including you - has provided an answer to that question (other than that of omission; i.e. silence).
I have only one question, in this thread: What experiments, done in labs here on Earth, have produced Dark Matter/Energy, Inflation, Neutron Molecules, Black Holes, etc, that are central to the Big Bang-Gravity Consensus interpretation? Well, there is still your presentation of an adequate refutation of Pierre-Marie Robitaille.

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Re: Far Distance Run Around

Unread post by Aristarchus » Mon May 09, 2011 7:33 am

Goldminer wrote:I have only one question, in this thread: What experiments, done in labs here on Earth, have produced Dark Matter/Energy, Inflation, Neutron Molecules, Black Holes, etc, that are central to the Big Bang-Gravity Consensus interpretation?

There have been experiments done in the laboratory here on Earth that provide evidence for a non cosmological redshift. Namely: "Existing laboratory experiments can produce highly collimated jets that become kink unstable at a critical length and, in certain cases, manifest internal shocks, knots, and even disconnection of the jet from the source."

The above quote is by no means considered conclusive evidence, but it adheres to what is being observed based off Arp's interpretations of QSOs in relation to cluster galaxies.

http://lempel.pagesperso-orange.fr/les_ ... _03_uk.htm

"The central galaxy (object 119) is a galaxy of Seyfert. Aligned on this one we find two X Ray sources, the Quasar (object 119) and BL lac galaxy (object 268)."

"In the Abell cluster, the main galaxy M 101 is the center of symmetry of several alignments of quasars which have also a remarkable symmetry of redshifts, and most of them obey closely to an empirical numerical relation established for several years by Karlsson."

My previous posts on this topic stand.
An object is cut off from its name, habits, associations. Detached, it becomes only the thing, in and of itself. When this disintegration into pure existence is at last achieved, the object is free to become endlessly anything. ~ Jim Morrison


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