Electrification Of Blood

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Electrification Of Blood

Unread post by junglelord » Sun May 10, 2009 8:11 pm

After enough looking around, I want people to see that the eletrification of blood can cure ALL parasites, virsus, bacteria...that means AIDS, Cancer,

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAXCwFJV ... re=related

He uses 27 - 33 volts ac, 3.92 Hz square wave (bi-phasic) to electrify the blood
We have one we call the Silver Pulser, which is a two-in-one unit. It does the blood cleaning and also makes the colloidal silver. It is a unique device, which runs off a single nine-volt battery but has a special constant voltage output of 27 volts required. It is very lightweight, portable and easy to replace.
and also uses a magnetic pulse generator.
The second step is externally applied magnetic resonance of lymph, spleen, kidney and liver, which helps to neutralize germinating, latent alien invaders and thus blocks reinfection. This quickens disease elimination, restores the immune system and supports detoxification. Detoxification is essential because you are throwing off millions of dead and dying bugs. We also have a unit called the Magnetic Pulse Generator, which has a tremendous magnetic field. We had a fellow stand about 20 feet away with a tri-field meter, and it actually moved the meter at 20 feet, but only when pulsed.
Permanent magnets, no matter how strong, will not nor cannot scavenge pathogens with electromotive force. It is important to be able to deal with rapid detoxification without producing tremendous discomfort. One of the worst things you can go through is detoxification if you are the slightest bit sick. If you go too fast, and don't detoxify, you have done more harm than good. We go by the motto, "First, do no harm." There are ways to prevent this discomfort, and we will get into that in a few minutes.
He makes silver colloid water, Ozonated water to drink as well.
The third step, which we found worked amazingly and synergistically well, was silver colloids. Pennies-per-gallon, self-made perfected colloids greatly assist in eliminating all known pathogens and preventing opportunistic infections. This has been known for a long time.

The fourth step is drinking ozonized water for rapid, safe, totally natural cell oxygenation without free radical damage. I get high from drinking ozonized water every day. It's like drinking a martini and a half.
I would like our readers to know about how you became involved in these technologies, which enhance the immune system and kill every organism that isn't supposed to be there.

Bob Beck: I read an article in Science News that was published March 30, 1991. On page 207, it described the "shocking" treatment proposed for AIDS by Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, which had accidentally discovered a way to cure all AIDS. So I looked into this, and I found that a paper on an AIDS cure had been presented to a Joint Congress on Combination Therapies in Washington, D.C., on March 14, 1991, at the First International Symposium on Combination Therapy.

When I attempted to find a copy of this paper to see what it said, I found that they had all vanished or were cut out of the proceedings. We hired a private investigator who got a personal abstract copy from one of the conference attendees. I also did a computer search and found that the only other mention of this technology was in "Outer Limits" in Longevity Magazine which appeared in the December, 1992, issue. It stated that Steven Kaali, M.D., from Albert Einstein College of Medicine, had found a way of inhibiting AIDS in blood, but that years of testing would be required before the virus-electrocuting device was ready for use. In other words, they discovered it and then tried to cover it up immediately.

But a very funny thing happened. Two years later, a patent popped up. The U.S. Government Patent Office described the entire process. You can obtain Patent #5188738 in which the same Dr. Kaali describes a process, which will attenuate any bacteria or virus (including AIDS/HIV), parasites and all fungi contained in the blood, rendering them ineffective from infecting a normally healthy human cell. This is in a government document! This was in 1990! Why haven't they told the public about it? I decided if there was a sure-fire cure for AIDS, I had to find out about it.

When I looked into Dr. Kaali's work, I decided to go ahead and fund it. We found that it worked all of the time. For two and a half years, we gave full credit for this invention to Dr. Kaali, whose name is on the patent. Then I discovered that there was a long history of this technology. We followed a trail of these patents back 107 years! We found a patent, #4665898, that cured all cancer, dated May 19, 1987. Why has this been suppressed? Why hasn't your doctor told you about an absolutely proven, established cure for cancer? The answer is that doctors get $375,000 per patient for surgery, chemotherapy, x-ray, hospital stays, doctors and anesthesiologists. This is the official statistic from the U.S. Department of Commerce. Unfortunately, the medical patient cured is a customer lost.

A lot of people say, "Aren't you infringing on others' patents?" In the beginning, I was nervous, but when I found this technology had been discovered and rediscovered for 107 years, I changed my mind. Now I am broadcasting it from the rooftops. Still, it is very touchy. It's rocking the pharmaceutical, surgical and diagnostic industries. But I really feel that I have been called to do this. I have head people come to my door with guns. I have been threatened and chased. But I think God wants this information out. I feel it is my mission to give people back to themselves, to deliver them from these vested interests, these priesthoods that are taking everyone's money. I am not charging a nickel. Russ Torlage has helped me with prototype units. We have given them to people to run clinical tests. That is how I got my results.

LE: Can we talk about the technology?

Bob Beck: Yes. The most important step in taking back your health and your power is through blood electrification. Research from Harvard, MIT and Albert Einstein College of Medicine has shown that microcurrents are known to eliminate all viruses, parasites, fungi, bacteria and pathogens in blood. I can prove that this research was "lost" or suppressed.

The second step is externally applied magnetic resonance of lymph, spleen, kidney and liver, which helps to neutralize germinating, latent alien invaders and thus blocks reinfection. This quickens disease elimination, restores the immune system and supports detoxification. Detoxification is essential because you are throwing off millions of dead and dying bugs. Permanent magnets, no matter how strong, will not nor cannot scavenge pathogens with electromotive force. It is important to be able to deal with rapid detoxification without producing tremendous discomfort. One of the worst things you can go through is detoxification if you are the slightest bit sick. If you go too fast, and don't detoxify, you have done more harm than good. We go by the motto, "First, do no harm." There are ways to prevent this discomfort, and we will get into that in a few minutes.
Compare Cancer Causes: Parasites and/or pollutants (Dr. Hulda Clark) and Cancer Bacteria (breast cancer).

The third step, which we found worked amazingly and synergistically well, was silver colloids. Pennies-per-gallon, self-made perfected colloids greatly assist in eliminating all known pathogens and preventing opportunistic infections. This has been known for a long time.

The fourth step is drinking ozonized water for rapid, safe, totally natural cell oxygenation without free radical damage. I get high from drinking ozonized water every day. It's like drinking a martini and a half.

There is no known cure for herpes, Epstein-Barre or Ebola. If it gets loose here, it will kill thousands. But not if you have colloids and a blood cleaner!

LE: We would now like to ask Russ Torlage to talk about the actual equipment that has been designed so far.

Russ: Okay, and I will tell you how I became involved with this technology. I am from Vancouver, Canada, and my company, Sota Instruments, Inc., is located there. My wife had chronic fatigue syndrome, and we tried everything without success. She had been a comptroller for a multi-million dollar clothing company, and she finally had to quit her job and stay at home, just trying to survive.

I came across Bob at a lecture. I was absolutely intrigued by how much he had to give, not only through his knowledge, but through his kindness. Then I attended one of his lectures in Seattle. I have a nuclear and electronics background, so many of the things Bob mentioned rang a bell. I recognized his information as basic and sound physical data that could be measured. My green lights were going off, and I said, "This man's right on the money here." So I built one of the units.

LE: What is the unit that you are talking about?

Russ: We have one we call the Silver Pulser, which is a two-in-one unit. It does the blood cleaning and also makes the colloidal silver. It is a unique device, which runs off a single nine-volt battery but has a special constant voltage output of 27 volts required. It is very lightweight, portable and easy to replace.

We also have a unit called the Magnetic Pulse Generator, which has a tremendous magnetic field. We had a fellow stand about 20 feet away with a tri-field meter, and it actually moved the meter at 20 feet, but only when pulsed. It did not give out detrimental EMRs. It has one huge output, like a gun, causing the micro-currents to occur deep within body tissue. You need tremendous power to penetrate deep within the body. Our units have measured over eight inches of penetration, so front and back, you are covering 16 inches, which will cover most people. We also sell a simple colloid maker for people who buy the Magnetic Pulse Generator.

The ozone unit is a brand new instrument we designed based on Bob's specifications. It is important that it is battery operated and portable and that the ozone gasses not escape from the unit. Ours has a unique ozone district mechanism that is a charcoal filter. As the ozone unit is actually giving up the gas, it goes back through the charcoal filter and is destroyed. At the same time, as you pour the water through the charcoal, it is purified, removing the organics and chlorine. So now the ozone that is in the water doesn't have to work as hard to get rid of all the foreign stuff in the water. It is very important that if you do have a portable unit that you purchased at the local supply store, only use it outside in the fresh air.

LE: How many glasses of ozonized water a day do you recommend?

Bob Beck: Drinking two or three glasses a day is essential. This provides universal detoxification by oxidation of wastes, and dead and neutralized pathogens. They are all anaerobic. In other words, they can't live in oxygen. Cancer cells can't live in oxygen. Neither can most of the other disease cells known to humankind. The ozonated water puts oxygen into every cell in your body. You can prove that you are oxygenated by using a little spectrometer that attaches to your finger made by Nelcor Company. It tells you on a meter the exact percentage of oxygen in your blood. The hemoglobin of the red blood cells carries oxygen to all of the tissues of the body. You may start at 93% to 95% oxygenation, which is low, and after two and a half to three minutes of drinking this water, you will see 100%. Not only will you feel better, but you will know why, because oxygen is the fruit of life. (If ozone comes in contact with water it forms hydrogen peroxide - W.L.)
Compare Ozone.

LE: Russ, there are probably lots of people who have already bought colloidal makers. How can they determine if the one they have is the right kind?

Russ: Good question. First, the silver wires must be fine silver. Absolutely DO NOT use sterling silver. Nickel is toxic! Do not use it! I cannot stress that enough. The best silver on the market, which is very rare, is called 5/9, or 99.999%. I know of only one manufacturer, and it is a difficult process and extremely expensive. We use 4/9, or 99.99%, because we can't get the 5/9 yet. The next best grade, which is completely fine to use, is the 3/9 or 9.99%. The best place to get it is through the largest silver refinery, Handy and Harmon. If you have questions about it, call them and ask them about fine silver.

Next, the electricity. Bob shows how to use a simple nine-volt battery in his research. Basically, anything that produces a voltage will do the trick. We like to use the 27-volt constant voltage output because it is very constant. The nine-volt battery is the survivalist's way of doing it if you want to have it on your person. If you are buying colloidal silver and it's made electrically, stored in dark amber glass bottles, and you know that it was made using Bob's specifications, then I would say it's a good colloid. But why pay money to someone when you can do it yourself and make an endless number of gallons?

LE: How long can you store this solution?

Russ: About two years if it is stored correctly. It is extremely susceptible to light and must be kept in dark amber bottles. Bob recommends, ideally, that you drink it fresh.

Bob Beck: People ask us if there are side effects from this. Yes, there can be bad side effects, but we do our best to avoid them, and we will address that. One of the side effects, which is universal, is detoxification. When detoxification is occurring, which means that all of the dead organisms in your body are trying to be removed by your liver, you can feel sick, get rashes, skin eruptions, low grade fevers and feelings of depression and anxiety. If you are not alcoholic, don't have cirrhosis of the liver or AIDS, and are not on your deathbed, you can detoxify easier. We try to make this safe for anyone, anywhere. First, do no harm.

The second side effect is electroporation. This is where any medicines, herbs or enzymes that you have ingested can, in some people, become amplified 20 to 30 times. We have stressed over and over not to take any medicines! For example, if you have garlic in your system, a little bit of it is tolerable. But garlic has sulfonhydroxyl in it, which is a deadly poison. Gangsters and soldiers used to rub their bullets with it before they fired, so if you were nicked, it would kill you. Organic gardeners use garlic now that they can't get DDT. It kills everything. Garlic also kills lots of brain cells, which causes desynchronisation of the left and right brain hemispheres. Pilots are not permitted to ingest garlic before their flights because it slows down their reaction times. Do not touch garlic! It is not a health food.

We tell people to eliminate everything that is known to be toxic in large quantities, including certain vitamins, such Vitamin A and niacin, and also garlic.

LE: Let's say a person who considers him or herself to be healthy desires to use this technology to maintain health and get even healthier. In this situation, how would one use these products?

Bob Beck: First, for several days prior to starting this program, you must avoid ingesting anything containing medicinal herbs, foreign or domestic, or potentially toxic medication, nicotine, alcohol, recreational drugs, laxatives, tonics, garlic and certain potentially toxic vitamins, because blood electrification will cause electroporation, which we have already talked about, and which is lethal. You can read "Electroporation, A General Phenomenon for Manipulating Cells and Tissues," by J.C. Weaver, Journal of Cellular Biology, Book 51, page 426 (1993), Harvard/MIT. Both the magnetic pulser and the blood purifier can cause electroporation.

Second, you have to take time to personally work with the machines. You may take the treatments for three weeks and then stop for a couple of weeks. During that time, use other things like the ozonized water. We mix and match. It is important to keep things in balance. We watch how the body is doing. Remember, this is something that will maintain and enhance your health for the long term. This technology is something you would want to have with you always, especially with the potential of the viruses, which may be coming.

LE: Bob, would you address ozone machines. Lots of people have these.

Bob Beck: There are devices on sale even as we speak that put out toxic amounts of ozone into the air. These devices are lethal. You can drink ozonized water. You can inject ozone into your blood. You can take rectal enemas and get the ozone into your system through your intestines, but you cannot breathe it. If you breathe it, it is toxic! If you can smell the slightest traces of ozone in the air, that means there is more than the .06 parts per million allowed by OSHA. These devices will oxidize your lung tissue, causing hemorrhaging, impairment and swelling. Do not breathe ozone!* And still, the FDA allows these devices to be sold because that helps to give holistic medicine a bad name.
* But compare Healing “terminal” breast cancer twice with ozone & juicing.

Russ makes a wonderful ozone generator. It has a charcoal filter that reabsorbs the ozone as it bubbles through the water so it can't be breathed in. The other ozonizers you see are usually using ultraviolet, which is only 2% effective. When you use cold corona electrical discharge to make ozone, you are not turning the nitrogen in the air into nitrous oxide and nitric acid by-products. In other words, you are not killing yourself.

Rachael Carson, in her book Silent Spring, mentions that a lot of women have so much DDT in their fatty tissue that they are unable to nurse their firstborn children. Their milk will be toxic. Ozone will remove the DDT in two to three days.

LE: So all of these machines are portable, and you can carry them with you if you want to travel?

Bob Beck: Absolutely! You can go anywhere, even into the jungles of Africa where HIV is really a problem.

Russ: We have a number of customers traveling abroad, and they take these units with them. They purify their own water. The particle size of the colloids is important to mention here. It is very important that the size of the colloids be submicron so that they do not get lodged in the skin tissue. What is important here is to make sure you are creating silver ions, which by nature are submicron. Using the electrical process, you are creating silver ions, so particle size is not an issue.

LE: Russ, my wife takes about 20 supplements a day. How will she be able to use the machine?

Russ: Well, it is very interesting. Some of our customers have told us they have read what Bob is saying and have decided to get off all supplements and eat only naturally healthy foods. They have reported that just by doing that alone, they feel wonderful. That was their first revelation. Where they once spent $300 per month on vitamins, they don't have to anymore.

LE: People don't need any kind of vitamins?

Bob Beck: I would suggest that they take good minerals, and your body absolutely needs Vitamin C and some of the B-complex vitamins. It is up to each individual to make that decision responsibly.

People may want to do liver cleanses and flushes first. We have found that people get very good results by doing that. It is a gentle process for the long term. Let your body become acclimated to the great power that these machines can offer, and continue working with them. We get excellent results.

Russ: I want to tell you what happened with my wife's chronic fatigue. Within two months of using Bob's unit, her chronic fatigue was gone! She is now the Co-President of our company, and she is the brains behind everything. She is incredible!

So far, we have treated eight PCR-tested, HIV positive customers. After treatments ranging in length between two weeks and two and a half months, they each went to zero, below detectable levels. We were absolutely astounded to get that type of documentation. These are separate from the AIDS patients Bob has mentioned. We did our own testing. Many doctors, particularly naturopathic doctors, are trying out our technology, and their patients are getting well.

The blood of an AIDS patient is extraordinary to look at under a microscope. What you see will just shock you. There are life forms in their blood that look like octopuses with a hundred arms, and there are things creeping around. Then we look at their blood after a few weeks, and all of these things are disappearing. Their blood returns to the natural, healthy state it was when they were born.

Bob has opened us up to a wonderful way in which each of us can take back our power. We cannot always be under the power of some other authority. That is not a spiritually free state of consciousness.

The timing is perfect for this. I have seen hundreds and thousands of people getting well from so many different illnesses, even ones we didn't think the technology would be able to affect. Here is the key: Once the immune system is boosted, the body heals.

Bob Beck: God designed us that way. Let me summarize by reading a paragraph from my book. "Why haven't doctors revealed this before now? Because it has been in the patent office. It has been in the journals. It has popped up over year to year. A patient cured is a medical customer lost. When actualized, this data could interrupt HMO profits, disrupt medical pharmaceutical cartels, abort all biological schemes, eliminate most drugs, medicines, debilities and early deaths, wipe out hospitals and health care capital investments, minimize insurance mechanizations, dramatically abate sickness and suffering, plus absolutely imperil social security futures with bankruptcies." My book is soon to come out. I have personally taken time to look into this before I put my reputation on it. And now that I believe in it, I am rather evangelical about it.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
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Re: Electrification Of Blood

Unread post by moses » Sun May 10, 2009 11:12 pm

The biofilms that electrification is posited to break-up can be broken up by enzymes :
http://www.nutricology.com/Mar-2009-In- ... sp-92.html
Gutsy stuff having all those bugs breaking out of storage and racing aroung one's body.
Obviously this therapy, and also the electrical therapy if it works, needs to be done
very carefully. Note the heavy metals released at the same time the biofilms are
broken up.

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Re: Electrification Of Blood

Unread post by soundwash » Sun Aug 02, 2009 1:08 pm

Hi, gregO here...just joined the forum

i can attest to the effectiveness of Becks (and Russ's) devices
i ran across Beck's research by accident in 2007. it sent me on
a wonderful 6 month discovery / fact-finding mission.
(which, in my opinion, my recent discovery of EU 7 months ago
backs up at the core level)

after much research, i decided the concept was sound and bought
the Silver Pulser (and later, Beck's Braintuner (the BT-7))

I must say, (in my and my g/f's case) the bacteria die-off
from the electrification will manifest major flu symptoms for
about 2.5 days. extreme fatigue and muscle soreness being the
primary effects. -and this from two healthy adults in their 40's
we did this for a week coupled with 8oz of colloidal silver /day.

we began to feel our 20's again. -completely energized, no more
fatigue (from doing relatively nothing) and my g/f lost about 10
pounds in the process.

after much hesitation, I turned my parents on to the colloidal silver
and they swear by the stuff now. both experience revitalization when
they keep up with the silver..(still skeptics about doing the electrification)

quick notes: we have only been sick twice in about 2yrs,
first time was a cold..we drank some CS and were well within 24hrs.
(we do not keep a constant vigil using this tech so as not to over do it)

the second time was this past january '09, we both got something that
completely floored us. our voices were 2 octaves lower from soreness
and we experienced a fatigue and whole body soreness like never in our
lives. getting out of bed was practically impossible. additionally,
my girl friend developed major congestion in the lungs. (no fever for
either of us though) this went on for a week and a half before we kicked
ourselves and remembered the gizmos. (thats what we call them)

we first made some silver and drank 8oz 3x a day as well as putting some
in a nasal sprayer and using it nasally as well as inhaling 5 to 6 shots from
the inhaler through the mouth every 2 hours to get it into the lungs.

in about 5 hours my g/f's lungs cleared up and in 12 hours the fatigue was
half what it was. about 18 hours later when we woke up, we both felt 100%
better and our throats & voices were almost back to normal.

about day and a half later the symptoms of whatever we had were
about 90% gone. we then did the blood electrification to knock
whatever was left out. ( we did not do it initially because we felt the
die-off would have compromised us too much, given our first experience
with it)

the BE brought us back to full health by 2.5 days with none of the symptoms
from the first time we tried it manifesting..

several months prior to this event, my g/f tested positive twice
on a pap smear for cervical cancer. (she has a history of cervical cancer
and has had tumors frozen off in the past)

it had been almost 15 years since she last had one frozen off.
she did not want to go through it again. i suggested trying the
electrification and silver before making an appointment for
standard medicine.

long story short, she did the blood electrification about 1.5hrs
twice a day, drank about 12oz silver roughly twice a day, and douched
twice a day with colloidal silver.

she did this for a about 4 weeks. she missed a test at 4 weeks
but had one the following week. the pap test came back negative
and much to her doctors surprise, the scaring from prior freezing
was gone. she said her cervix looked "pristine"

needless to say, my experiences with this technology to date have
been far better than i ever expected. I highly recommend it.

also, on my website here: http://cs.soundwash.net/beck/

i have a scanned e-book of Dr. Beck's papers he used to hand out
at his lectures. it amounted to about 47 pages. this e-book
has 72 pages and contains some additional works added in
by the e-book creator (was not me)

you will find various other papers and some mp3's of lectures
beck gave on this technology as well as a lecture on his brainwave
research. an interview with Russ in their too..

this stuff works.
additionally, when i discovered the EU theory, it blew me away. at
my core,i knew it was "right"

-further study in many areas has brought me to the conclusion that almost
EVERYTHING we have been taught is not only "inside out" or perhaps a
mirror image of the truth, but also, everything has been made to be 100x
more complex than what the true reality reveals.

the core of everything is not only electrical in nature, (ie protons and electrons)
but in keeping with the atom, everything also has resonant component as well.
(much to be learned from the russians here..their science has been largely
untouched / uncorrupted by politics) -for instance, back in the 50's.
the russians discovered that they could cause the brain to produce any
neurotransmitter by stimulating it with low voltage micro currents modulated
at different frequencies. (much to the shegrin of big pharma these days,
i'm sure) -Dr. Beck's braintuner (Sota's BT-7) works on a similar principle.
-and quite well.

this almost directly relates to the operations of EU Theory, only on a
micro scale (currents, voltage, resonance etc)

-add to all of that, i have discovered how the spiritual component plays right into all
of this. (i have never been religious and only recently have become spiritually aware.)
as well as how EU almost directly complements a combination of ancient mythos
called Gaia-Sophia.

I'm working on how "everything is connected" -and, recently, i have realized
the utter futility and doomed to failure the current modern science search
of a maths formula for "the theory of everything." is.

for now lets just say all you need to know is how plasma physics, resonance,
electricity, (electro)magnetics [and perhaps, the nature of crystalline structures]
applies to and interacts with *everything* and you could very well understand and
manipulate anything in any way you wish.

alas, i think this is in part, why the religions have led us astray and taught us a
false version of our true history and why the high preists are the keepers of
the "ancient knowledge" and secrets. (and why we now only use 10% of our brain)

Once EU theory is applied, it changes the foundations of almost everything.

-the true mechanisms of Life are so simple that given the current corrupted,
imature, emotional state of Man, if he were to gain this simple knowledge of
the universe, the majority would not have the discipline to keep it without using
it for petty gain and warfare in *very* short order.

-perhaps this is what happened to the Atlantians?

sorry for the rambling, but i felt in necessary.
this is technology no one should be without.



Thank you Wal Thornhill and the entire EU contingent for this enlightenment.
-wow, talk about a mind opener..

Turn off your TV

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Re: Electrification Of Blood

Unread post by Plasmatic » Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:30 pm

EU almost directly complements a combination of ancient mythos
called Gaia-Sophia
You mean that "Gaia-Sophia" are/were referring to the planet Venus right?
"Logic is the art of non-contradictory identification"......" I am therefore Ill think"
Ayn Rand
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Grey Cloud
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Re: Electrification Of Blood

Unread post by Grey Cloud » Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:46 pm

Plasmatic wrote:
EU almost directly complements a combination of ancient mythos
called Gaia-Sophia
You mean that "Gaia-Sophia" are/were referring to the planet Venus right?
So the planet Earth is now the planet Venus too? :shock: And Wisdom is the planet Venus? :o
Is there anything in the Universe that is not the planet Venus? :?
Soundwash said EU not Saturn Theory.
If I have the least bit of knowledge
I will follow the great Way alone
and fear nothing but being sidetracked.
The great Way is simple
but people delight in complexity.
Tao Te Ching, 53.

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Re: Electrification Of Blood

Unread post by mague » Mon Aug 03, 2009 12:10 am

Grey Cloud wrote:
Plasmatic wrote:
EU almost directly complements a combination of ancient mythos
called Gaia-Sophia
You mean that "Gaia-Sophia" are/were referring to the planet Venus right?
So the planet Earth is now the planet Venus too? :shock: And Wisdom is the planet Venus? :o
Is there anything in the Universe that is not the planet Venus? :?
Soundwash said EU not Saturn Theory.

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Location: NYC

Re: Electrification Of Blood

Unread post by soundwash » Sat Aug 08, 2009 7:46 am

Plasmatic wrote:
EU almost directly complements a combination of ancient mythos
called Gaia-Sophia
You mean that "Gaia-Sophia" are/were referring to the planet Venus right?

umm, no. -how did you come to that conclusion?

i was listening to John Lash, i think his name was, on
a radio show (coast to coast AM with george noory)
about a month ago..

he was telling the mythos story of Gaia (mother earth?) and
Sophia (who/what I think who Gaia was before coming the earth.
i think Sophia represents the plasma at the center of the galaxy)
he has combined the two entities into his own Gaia-Sophia mythos.

-anyway, the mythos as he told it, sounded a lot like
how an ancient culture would describe EU theory.
-i mean a lot

- since i had just discovered the google vid of
thunderbolts of the gods maybe a week prior
(after having gone through at least half the content
on holoscience and thunderbolts and doing background
on what i had learned)
-EU was freshly understood in my mind.

needless to say, alarm bells were going off all over
the place in my head in the similarities of the two.
(plasma currents, the paired filaments
it's all there..)

thats all for now.
(sorry, i'm a bit of a scatterbrain (ADD?) and
havent been able to sleep lately (well, since march)
please excuse my lack of linear detail. (i think)

john lash has a site: http://metahistory.org
that expands on this.

this link will take you straight to the gaia-sophia story.

the way he told it was far more revealing in
relation to EU compared to the written story.

nonetheless, having [relatively] just learned of EU and then
hearing him tell of this mythos, was..
whats the word..visceral?

anyway.. i need to rest..
take care,
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Re: Electrification Of Blood

Unread post by junglelord » Sat Aug 08, 2009 12:39 pm

Nice link, I see the Inside/Outside Inversion/Eversion Sphere of TreeIncarnation.
Highlighted in the quote below.
A Figure Like a Smoke-Ring

At the root of time, at the origin of space, an inexhaustible font of white darkness dwells, swells and subsides. Where it swells, a vortex opens and closes upon itself, all in one seamless movement. This is the portal of the Originator, the hollowed-out form that turns into all forms yet remains forever what it is: a figure like a smoke-ring with a plasma ocean at the core and a bounding membrane, a far shore where the ocean subsides, wave upon whispering wave, to ever-deepening stillness. In this vortex arises the exchange of form and emptiness that is Lila, divine play. Lila is rapture that streams through each moment of the Becoming. It is the expression of the absolute, all-sustaining love of the Originator.
I have personally seen this,
http://www.treeincarnation.com/sphere_e ... #insideout
infact, just before I read about it, as the universe does speak to me.
I had been fasting for almost a year, and I saw the Buckminster Fuller Vector Matrix and under that I saw the inside/outside sphere...then I found it on treeincarnation the next day....what a DMT experience that whole year was....

Structure and Function cannot be seperated. The physical form of charge is a Sphere. The folding inside-out of the distributed charge is indeed the source of all forms based on its relationship to the RMF quantum spin of the surrounding Aether. The Flower of Life is overlapping Spheres....so it is with the electron cloud. PHI, PI< e rule the day, the night, and all structures.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord

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Re: Electrification Of Blood

Unread post by Plasmatic » Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:22 pm

umm, no. -how did you come to that conclusion?

i was listening to John Lash, i think his name was, on
a radio show (coast to coast AM with george noory)
about a month ago..
Uhm, Lash, whoever he is, is not affiliated with the Thunderbolts project who are the folks who coined the term "Electric Universe". The authors, whom also have written on "gaia and sophia" as represented by the planet Venus. The folks who own this forum.

Thats to Mague and GC as well.

Soundwash check out THE MANY FACES OF VENUS by Ev Cochrane
"Logic is the art of non-contradictory identification"......" I am therefore Ill think"
Ayn Rand
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

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Re: Electrification Of Blood

Unread post by GaryN » Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:45 pm

Hi JL,
Have you read "Omnidirectional Halo" from RBFs "No more Secondhand God"? I can't find the essay online anywhere, but there is an explanation, and links to the relevant passages in Synergetics at:


I sometimes get teary-eyed (from joy, not eyestrain!) reading Bucky. Am I weird??
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller

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Re: Electrification Of Blood

Unread post by mague » Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:10 am

Plasmatic wrote:
umm, no. -how did you come to that conclusion?

i was listening to John Lash, i think his name was, on
a radio show (coast to coast AM with george noory)
about a month ago..
Uhm, Lash, whoever he is, is not affiliated with the Thunderbolts project who are the folks who coined the term "Electric Universe". The authors, whom also have written on "gaia and sophia" as represented by the planet Venus. The folks who own this forum.

Thats to Mague and GC as well.

Soundwash check out THE MANY FACES OF VENUS by Ev Cochrane
Just because we name our daughters Sophia doesnt mean its the word for any female (heavenly) body.
Sopiha is a pure spiritual or philosophical concept. Sophia isnt even a god like Jupiter or Mars. Connecting Venus to Sophia is the same as astrology. It fills my heart with joy to see people connect matter with spirit ;) However, Sophia has nothing directly to do with Venus. Its exceeding my sophia how people are able to come up with such.

Sophia is the hologram you brain creates. Its standing there and tries to hammer some common sense into your mind.

Whats next ? Did Tannhäuser teleport to Venus and then had to ask the pope for absolution because he was a godless spacetraveler ?

If we insist into Gaia-Sophia, then we should express it proper. Then Venus is not Sophia, then Venus probably brought sophia to Gaia.

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Re: Electrification Of Blood

Unread post by mague » Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:45 pm


i stumbled across something this weekend.

Regarding electricity and body it might be a good idea to read about Ozon (O3). ;)

Makes me also wonder why our planet has /had a disinfecting hull/layer ? 8-)

Where the natives right when they said the astronauts should not bring back anything from moon ?
Was that the cause of the breeches in the hull ? :P

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Re: Electrification Of Blood

Unread post by Riposte » Mon Aug 17, 2009 12:29 pm

This sounds promising and I want to try it out. But what's the deal with drinking colloidal silver?

http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q ... f&oq=&aqi=

People seem to be turning blue after taking it, so can that be avoided? Is it inevitable that you will turn blue eventually? Ha!

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Re: Electrification Of Blood

Unread post by StevenJay » Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:43 pm

But what's the deal with drinking colloidal silver? People seem to be turning blue after taking it, so can that be avoided? Is it inevitable that you will turn blue eventually? Ha!
Riposte - Trust me, you've been reading too much silly Big Pharma-generated propaganda! True silver colloids, .0008 microns or less, in a concentration of 7-10 ppm, is an extremely potent immune system enhancer and has absolutely zero negative side effects. My wife and I have been making our own with one of [url2=http://www.thesilveredge.com/howto.shtml]these[/url2] for over four years now, and haven't had so much as a sniffle the whole time. :D

If the world's populace suddenly became aware of the incredible healing properties of CS, Big Pharma would literally collapse over night just from that alone. . . and they bloody-well know it. :o
It's all about perception.


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