Electricity, Magnetism and Monopoles... Oh My!

Plasma and electricity in space. Failure of gravity-only cosmology. Exposing the myths of dark matter, dark energy, black holes, neutron stars, and other mathematical constructs. The electric model of stars. Predictions and confirmations of the electric comet.

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Re: Electricity, Magnetism and Monopoles... Oh My!

Unread post by junglelord » Sat Sep 20, 2008 2:07 pm

A possible reason for the Faraday Paradox. Coherent fields and diamagnetic field inertia and the three atomic units.

The main theory is this quote.

Protons do not resist the motion because they are spinning their mass parallel to disc motion held in place by the magnetic field of the magnet. Centrifugalforce pushes Nucleus outwards within the Electrons bonded structure. Protons magnetic field now off centered creates an Electric stress along the outside of the Electron shells. This creates a gradient of positive charge increasing to the outer ring of the disc where centrifugal force is greatest. This charge gradient pulls electrons outwards. Now as the diamagnetic field comes around, setting relativly stationary and not spinning with the disc, it repells the Electrons outwards because their motion is already outwards so they are generating a magnetic field which is repelled by it. This breaks them free to release the negative charge along the outer ring and the disc has become a generator.

The interaction combines mechanical forces with electromagnetic and diamagnetic forces and shows why spinning the Copper disc in space can have an effect not related to the magnets spin on its polar axis.

We know an Electron flow will be established moving center to outer ring of the Disc from the new alignment of spin of Protons Neutrons and Electrons interacting with motion of the disc. The pattern that the Electrons will take is probably a spiral outwards.

If RPM becomes high enough it is said the unipolar motor can achieve OU. Teslas design cut spiral slots in the disc to increase this effect.

Coherent Fields
Spin coherence in Magnets and Copper
It is not hard to show how atomic forces create coherent fields. We have examples of Proton and Electron fields already but have not really shown the importance of coherence in a magnetic field or what is meant with this term. The following experiment sheds much light on this principle.

Vanja Janežič on the Faraday Puzzle

From the experiments that Vanja did in December of 2002 we can see that the magnetic field of a magnet is a coherent field. That is the blotch wall is found to form at the center of the physical magnet and not at the center of each atom of the magnet. As we break a magnet apart we see the blotch wall move to the center of the new pieces loosing it's coherence and separating into two fields each one now coherent on its own.

If we spin a magnet around its polar axis under a copper disk we do not see a voltage being produced in the copper disc. Yet if we spin the copper disc over the magnet we do see a voltage induced. As well if we glue them together and spin both we still do see a voltage produced in the copper disc. Voltage is produced from spinning the Copper disc inside the coherent magnetic field of the magnet. Since the coherent magnetic field has a near light speed spin velocity the magnets physical spin is not of much effect but only aligns the Protons with respect to external spacial alignment.

Spin in free space:
When we think of spinning a Copper disk out in free space we know that centrifugal forces are created. We do not often think of what it is we are spinning the disc through that would allow this interaction to be possible, generating forces inside the disc that can blow it apart if they become strong enough. Is it the background spin frame of the universe that permeates all space, the Aether? Without this background reference there is no way to tell the disc is in motion.

Now if we glue a magnet to the copper disc and spin both, we create both centrifugal force and electricity. In the case of the electric force created it becomes very apparent that the background medium truly exists. The main mass of the atoms is in the Protons and the Neutrons and so they are effected most by spin of the disc. Since the Protons in the magnet are non magnetic, spinning the magnet will have little interaction between EM and centrifugal forces of spin.

Spinning the Copper disc:
Due to the nature of the field coherence, in the Copper atoms at the nucleus there are separate Proton magnetic fields, each one having its' own blotch wall. There is no coherent magnetic field set up between the Copper nuclei like there is in the magnet.

This instance of Copper motion in a magnetic field is unique because Protons do not have to turn as they move in the field of the magnet and we would not expect a normal generator effect.

As we spin the Copper disk we are turning all the separate Proton magnets around like a merry- go- round and each one must only align to the magnets flux which is curving up and slightly outwards through the copper disc but not changing angles. Proton spin mass aligns with the surface of the disc for the most part.

Neutron spin mass falls into random directions along the disc at 90 degrees to this Proton spin when the disc is stationary. As the disc turns against the background spin of space the Neutrons do not wish to turn with the spin of the disc because they are spinning vertical to motion. Spin in the diamagnetic field of each atom therefore opposes the motion and creates torsion and momentum.

Protons do not resist the motion because they are spinning their mass parallel to disc motion held in place by the magnetic field of the magnet. Centrifugalforce pushes Nucleus outwards within the Electrons bonded structure. Protons magnetic field now off centered creates an Electric stress along the outside of the Electron shells. This creates a gradient of positive charge increasing to the outer ring of the disc where centrifugal force is greatest. This charge gradient pulls electrons outwards. Now as the diamagnetic field comes around, setting relativly stationary and not spinning with the disc, it repells the Electrons outwards because their motion is already outwards so they are generating a magnetic field which is repelled by it. This breaks them free to release the negative charge along the outer ring and the disc has become a generator.

The interaction combines mechanical forces with electromagnetic and diamagnetic forces and shows why spinning the Copper disc in space can have an effect not related to the magnets spin on its polar axis.

We know an Electron flow will be established moving center to outer ring of the Disc from the new alignment of spin of Protons Neutrons and Electrons interacting with motion of the disc. The pattern that the Electrons will take is probably a spiral outwards.

If RPM becomes high enough it is said the unipolar motor can achieve OU. Teslas design cut spiral slots in the disc to increase this effect.

In the above example a coherent diamagnetic field is not necessary and probably not present. The Neutrons all pushed to 90 degrees of the Proton alignment can all be turned many directions at random. If it were possible to establish a coherent diamagnetic field such that neutrons all spin one time for each revolution of the disc and align parallel to spin, then momentum would be overcome as now all spin planes would become aligned such that none have to move at 90 degrees to their spin motions. This could only happen however if particle spin broke free of orbital tilt, and this would take very strong magnetic fields. This sort of alignment is suggested in the Searl and Hamel devices and high charges would accompany this.

Spinning the Magnet:
As we turn the magnet under the stationary Copper disc we are not shifting the magnets coherent magnetic field, and Protons do not have to realign with it in the static Copper. No voltage is produced. This is because in the magnet there is only one magnetic field. All the atoms have overlapped their fields over 1/2 and become coherent [Wilbert Smith]. Wilbert would have called this sharing over 1/2 their reality. This is a quantum principle of fields, and the strangest realization is that every coherent magnetic field is a quantum unit, as it is only one field. We see in this process the size of the field now jumps to a far greater distance then one single atom could ever reach on its own. It very probably precesses at a microwave frequency as well as one motion.

The strength of a magnetic field is how much it can speed the perception vector, and thus speed the time flow rate. Thus we would expect spinning the magnet fast enough in one direction around its polar axis, may effect the time flow rate slightly and alter the size of the magnetic field as well. This effect would be 1000 times lower then spinning the Nucleus in the AG metals.

This demonstrates that the electricity generated from Copper in motion is a result of the Protons alignment and the diamagnetic fields reflecting back out to the Electron shell to produce an opposite or reflected flow. It also shows the nature of the coherent magnetic field [magnet] interacting with a series of non coherent fields [Copper] in space [the background spin frame] interacting with the diamagnetic field inertially. This is the basic underlying principle of electronics although it has never been viewed in these terms before. The complete view is Electronics and Protonics, interacting off the diamagnetic field [Neutron] and the process of coherent and non coherent magnetic and diamagnetic fields interacting within a coherent spin frame or background ZPE.

Spinning Copper in a Coherent Diamagnetic field:
In the tube device experiment we see large fields becoming coherently aligned to create a very large effect, reaching out 100 feet, much further then the magnetic or diamagnetic fields we observe at the device. We also feel strong chi fields at close distance that seem to be diamagnetic and variable with mind connection. This would beg the question, what happens if we spin copper inside a coherent diamagnetic field as the tube device is creating? Will we begin to see voltages appearing at the electron shell due to these altered chi type fields? Will we see a loss of resistance to physical spin? If we can align the diamagnetic field coherently in a ring can we reduce or eliminate the effects of momentum and inertia? An inertial dampener.

Neutron Spin Coherence
The Neutron is the overlapping of one Electron and one Proton that fall into complete spin coherence, magnetic canceling coherence, and voltage canceling coherence. Both particles are sharing well over 1/2 of all three fields. This creates the strongest spin coherence of all the particles, and thus the Neutron is probably the strongest source of time flow rate and tempic field manipulation on the background spin field [ZPE] and may be generating gravity. This is the most basic of the forces and has a linear distance effect on surrounding matter and space. It is the particle that relates to the diamagnetic field as well as the scalar coils and sinks into the background ZPE or spin field. Only in the AG metals , it appears to have limitless propagation abilities, or at least well beyond my measurement abilities for diamagnetic propagation.

On the one hand there would appear to be a coherent spin field in place along the whole physical fabric, causing light speeds to be constant through the entire 3rd density universe that we observe. We are already setting in a coherent spin field. There would appear to be a slightly different one setting in the Neutrons across space that is creating gravity as it is an altered spin rate [slower]. What we are able to do is alter the background level across an area that shows linear distance drop off in space by manipulating the Proton and Neutron to produce some interesting diamagnetic type fields. Faradays experiment shows us that the Copper spinning in a circle through the background ZPE field is the true source of electric generation, although all three component fields are necessary for electronics to operate the coherent background spin field is totally missed even by Einstein.

The reason that Protons do not become coherent with the Electron magnetic field coherence, is simply that they spin the opposite direction in the same polar alignment. Spin coherence is not possible while magnetic alignment is in attraction. If we flip the Protons field to couple with spin then the magnetic field is opposing. It would seem that Protons are situated such they will never create coherent magnetic fields that reach outside the atom, yet within the atom we see a coherent interaction with over half the field setting too far away from the the next atom to become coherent, yet close enough to generate electricity in the Electron shell.

Diamagnetic Field

While aligning the Protons magnetic field in the AG metals, using external magnets, brings the diamagnetic field into a single coherent spin plane, it does little to effect it. However in the tube device we observe how overlaying two opposite spins does create an effect. Since the repelling poles of the diamagnetic field are in rotation placing two of them such that they move along one another like teeth in a gear may allow tempic field effects to emerge.

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Re: Electricity, Magnetism and Monopoles... Oh My!

Unread post by junglelord » Sun Sep 21, 2008 5:18 am

Lorentz Law is said to explain the Faraday Paradox, according to Wiki
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Re: Electricity, Magnetism and Monopoles... Oh My!

Unread post by robinson » Sun Sep 21, 2008 6:37 am

I've spent many an hour viewing magnetic fields using a monitor (old color TV). You can degauss a screen yourself. Put a large magnet on a power drill, spin it, and move the spinning magnet slowly away from the screen.

The rotating field will degauss the screen. (or you can "wipe" it with a really big magnet)
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Re: Electricity, Magnetism and Monopoles... Oh My!

Unread post by junglelord » Sun Sep 21, 2008 11:03 am

Yes, good advice about degaussing a screen, just make sure the magnet is as powerful as the one you used on the screen. I believe the point that Dave Thompson is making is that a CRT that has a degaussing feature, will display the magentic flux, but when you rotate the magnet on this type of screen the field does not move. I believe there in lies the crux of the matter and difference between the two observations. Correct?
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Re: Electricity, Magnetism and Monopoles... Oh My!

Unread post by robinson » Sun Sep 21, 2008 11:34 am

If the source of a magnetic field rotates, the magnetic field rotates.
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Re: Electricity, Magnetism and Monopoles... Oh My!

Unread post by robinson » Sun Sep 21, 2008 11:38 am


Information on degaussing.

Note that a magnetic field can rotate in various planes.
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Re: Electricity, Magnetism and Monopoles... Oh My!

Unread post by junglelord » Sun Sep 21, 2008 11:42 am

Well I admit to being confused. I see on youtube experiments with magnets and crt screens. The field does move.
I must ask Dave what is my confusion. Maybe I miss understood his information. I will repost it on this page. Also the post I found on Faradays Paradox and the plausible non rotation of the earths magnetic field. I am curious as to the rotation of the earths field and the magnets.

OK I think I got my problem. Dave is saying the magnetic flux does not move. He did not say the magnetic field did not rotate. Thats our terminology error. Magnetic flux density vs magnetic field.
Although not well known, Scalar detectors have been built for picking up magnetic longitudinal waves. David Thomson independently built a scalar detector, which turned out to be similar to the Dea/Faretto detector. Here he discusses some of the technology from the perspective of the Aether Physics Model.

Scalar detectors pick up changes in magnetic flux density. If you have a CRT monitor, a magnet, and a means for degaussing your monitor, you can perform a simple experiment to see what magnetic flux density means. Place a magnet near the monitor and observe the circles (some older monitors show lines due to a different electron gun configuration) caused by the magnetic flux tubes cutting through the plane of the screen (the circles are ovals when the flux tubes cut at an angle). The smaller circles occur nearest the magnet, which indicates the magnetic flux density is higher. The flux tubes diverge as they get further from the magnet, thus as flux expands it decreases the amount of magnetic flux per area.


There is clear, visual evidence proving the existence of the Aether using a magnet and cathode ray tube. The cathode ray tube could be your computer monitor, TV, or oscilloscope screen. Just make sure your cathode ray tube has a degaussing feature before doing this experiment, or you may permanently disfigure your viewing screen.

Place the magnet against the cathode ray tube with the north or south pole facing the screen. You will notice a pattern seemingly caused by the magnetic flux of the magnet as it reorganizes the electron beams. Once the magnet is flush against the screen, twist it back and forth. You will notice the pattern on the screen does not change. Had the magnet been the source of the magnetic flux, the pattern would have changed since the magnetic flux would link to the molecules and atoms of the magnet. However, the magnetic flux arises from the Aether and thus exists relative to the Aether. Twisting the magnet will not affect the magnetic flux of the Aether. This experiment will work regardless of the shape of the magnet.

The same experiment works with ferrofluid. Ferrofluid is a liquid substance that reacts to a magnetic field. Position a magnet below a dish of ferrofluid and twist the magnet back and forth, as in the above experiment. The magnetic flux will not move as observed by the ferrofluid not moving. Once again, the magnetic flux associated with the magnet is coming from the Aether and not from the magnet.

We provided an experiment for proving the existence of the Aether using a permanent magnet and a CRT. Although cathode ray tubes did not exist in the late 1800s, Albert Einstein wrote a paper at the age of 16, which essentially made the same observations about magnetic fields and Aether.

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Re: Electricity, Magnetism and Monopoles... Oh My!

Unread post by MGmirkin » Sun Sep 21, 2008 7:07 pm

robinson wrote:
junglelord wrote:... Rotate a magnet on a computer screen. The field does not rotate. It is therefore a product of the aether, not the magnet.
Nonsense. You would know this if you actually rotate a magnet and watch what happens.
To both Robinson and Junglelord: Remember we live in a 3-spatial dimension reality. We must be careful when we say things like "rotate." Rotate around what axis? X, Y, Z? Is the axis of rotation going through the magnet or is the axis outside the magnet? IE, the changes to the magnetic field "sensed" by the monitor will vary based upon which axis you rotate it around and how the magnet was magnetized. If you "flip" a flat magnet, it may have a different effect than rotating it parallel to the direction of the flat surface of the monitor.

If the magnet (say, a cube) was magnetized with a field that doesn't go at right angles to whatever surface(s) are considered, you'll probably get a significantly different result from the experiment than a magnet magnetized at right angle to a surface. So, one has to be very careful about stating the precise assumptions and geometries involved. Likewise, if one has a magnetic "coin" or puck, one cannot assume that one "face" points in the direction of magnetic "north" and that the other face points in the direction of magnetic "south". What if one "edge" is the magnetic "north" pole and the diametrically opposite "edge" is the magnetic "south" pole? That would create a different set of patterns on the monitor that if opposite "faces" were the poles.

Anyway, not to throw too big a monkey wrench into the works... ;)

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Re: Electricity, Magnetism and Monopoles... Oh My!

Unread post by junglelord » Sun Sep 21, 2008 7:54 pm

Great point to bring out. The "rotation" and to what axis do we apply it to is a point around which we may not be meeting minds. Also saying the magnetic flux does not rotate, is not saying the magnetic field does not rotate, correct?
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Re: Electricity, Magnetism and Monopoles... Oh My!

Unread post by MGmirkin » Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:31 pm

junglelord wrote:Dave is saying the magnetic flux does not move. He did not say the magnetic field did not rotate. Thats our terminology error. Magnetic flux density vs magnetic field.
Magnetic flux density is the number of "magnetic field lines" passing through a given cross-sectional area. It denotes the strength of the magnetic field in that region...

(Magnetic field)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_f ... ield_lines

(Magnetic flux)

Does the "strength" of magnetic field at a given location or the DIRECTION of a magnetic field at the same location determine the "magnet-deforms-screen-image" relationship?

If it is the DIRECTION of the magnetic field (as opposed to the strength), then does "magnetic flux density" have anything to do with it? Or are we talking about the wrong entity? Just wondering.

I would assume that one measure affects direction of deflection, and the other affects strength of deflection? If so, which is which? I'd assume it would be the direction of the magnetic "field lines" (keeping in mind they're only visualization tools that denote the direction and strength of the field) that determined the direction of deflection, and the strength of the field that determines how strong the deflection is in that direction? However, I could be completely mistaken on that bit, as I've not looked into the magnets vs. CRTs & degaussing issue.

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Re: Electricity, Magnetism and Monopoles... Oh My!

Unread post by MGmirkin » Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:55 pm

junglelord wrote:Great point to bring out. The "rotation" and to what axis do we apply it to is a point around which we may not be meeting minds. Also saying the magnetic flux does not rotate, is not saying the magnetic field does not rotate, correct?
I think we're on the same page now? Wrote about the same thing at about the same time. :)

If, for instance, the north pole points directly perpendicular to the plane of a "coin" or other flat magnet, then it would seem to me that simply rotating the magnet parallel to the plane of the magnet/screen interface might not be expected to change the magnetic topology significantly. IE, if the field is more-or-less homogeneous in shape (especially if it's a flat circular magnet as opposed to a flat square magnet), and we rotate it, then you'll have the same strength and direction of field lines after rotation as you had before rotation... The "magnetic flux" also would not change, since the strength of the magnetic field has not changed, thus the number of "field lines" passing through the surface also would not change.

If the magnetic field was inhomogeneous, or the shape of the magnet was not circular, then rotating the magnet in the plane of the magnet-screen interface might change the shape of whatever pattern is created, since the radius of the magnet is not constant (it's not a circle). So, if you have a rectangular magnet, then pattern will probably reflect that, and it will be reflected in the pattern once the rectangle is rotated. Just some off-the-cuff thoughts. Would want to see actual experiments where such variables were closely controlled to see what aspect affects which effect on screen patterns.

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Re: Electricity, Magnetism and Monopoles... Oh My!

Unread post by scotty » Mon Sep 22, 2008 4:44 am

Hi all.
I spun one ring magnet in front of another ring magnet while they were in attraction, and there was no motion in the stationary ring magnet which was free to rotate.
You need to use a ring or round magnet for testing otherwise you will have lumps in the field.
Now according to my results and if the Earth is the same, we could look down (from space) on the Earth from above the Northern Hemisphere.
Looking down on the Earth we can now put a magnetic viewer between us and the Earth.
In the magnetic viewer we will see the lines from the Earth's field, but we will also see a BRIGHTER SPOT in the viewer where the magnetic pole of the Earth is.
That brighter spot will rotate around in the viewer in a circular path, and it shows the INTENCITY of the field from the Earth's pole.
That brighter spot is stronger than the other lines seen in the viewer.
The field lines themselves are not rotating, but the bright spot (INTENCITY) is.
Now that you have all that in your heads, imagine that the Earth is now invisible, but it's field remains.
You would now see a second bright spot in the viewer which is the Earth's other pole (southern hemisphere), and it would be moving about 120 longitudes behind the Earth's pole (bright spot) in the Northern Hemisphere. :D
If I put a small neo magnet on the face of my spinning ceramic ring magnet, then the stationary magnet would be pulled more to the region of the neo magnet as it rotated with the weaker ceramic magnet...which would cause the stationary ring magnet to PRECESS...or wobble around. ;)

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Re: Electricity, Magnetism and Monopoles... Oh My!

Unread post by robinson » Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:18 am

This is certainly one of those things you can actually try. Just find an old TV that somebody is getting rid of, black and white will work. And do some experiments with magnets, viewing the effect on the screen. (Tune it to static if possible, way cooler than the newer blue screen).

Don't worry about degaussing it. It won't matter.

You will be surprised by what you see. Especially in regards to magnets interacting with each other.
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Re: Electricity, Magnetism and Monopoles... Oh My!

Unread post by Grey Cloud » Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:06 am

robinson wrote:This is certainly one of those things you can actually try. Just find an old TV that somebody is getting rid of, black and white will work. And do some experiments with magnets, viewing the effect on the screen. (Tune it to static if possible, way cooler than the newer blue screen).

Don't worry about degaussing it. It won't matter.

You will be surprised by what you see. Especially in regards to magnets interacting with each other.
Hey congratulations, you appear to have discovered a way of making televisions interesting and educational which is more than the media corporations have done in over half a century. :P
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Re: Electricity, Magnetism and Monopoles... Oh My!

Unread post by StefanR » Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:17 am

GreyCloud wrote:Hey congratulations

Allow me for a moment to interrupt the CRT-stuff. Just adding some material concerning magnetic fields in various conditions.
Magnetospheric electric fields


The are two main sources of magnetospheric electric fields. The other is the solar wind related, dawn-to-dusk directed ("convection") field, and the other is the co-rotation electric field related to the rotation of the Earth along its spin axis. The electric fields have a strong effect on the drift paths of the magnetospheric plasma. The low energy particles move primarily under the E×B drift, and are less affected by the gradient and curvature drifts which depend only on magnetic field. The energetic particles, following the magnetic drifts more readily, are also affected by the convection field. See also solar wind - magnetosphere - ionosphere coupling.

Convection field

In the open magnetosphere model initially suggested by Dungey (1961), reconnection (or merging) of the interplanetary and geomagnetic field lines partially opens Earth´s magnetic field to the solar wind. For this to happen, the field lines must be oppositely directed: a southward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is thus needed to open Earth's closed dayside magnetic fields. The antisunward magnetospheric convection is produced when the reconnected, open field lines are swept over the polar caps at the solar wind speed. The dawn-to-dusk solar wind electric field E = vsw × Bsw maps along the field lines, and an antisunward E×B drift of plasma is formed also in the polar cap F-region ionosphere. When the northern and southern hemispheric field lines are streched into a magnetic tail by the solar wind, they eventually reconnect with each other deep in the untisunward region. This magnetic geometry has a tension that exerts a force on the plasma. Together with the pressure gradient and the potential difference applied across the magnetosphere by the flowing solar wind, these forces produce motion of the magnetospheric plasma on closed field lines towards the Sun, and an associated dawn- to-dusk magnetospheric electric field in the tail. The mapping of this electric field into the ionosphere produce a dusk-to-dawn electric field and sunward plasma flow in the auroral zone: the familiar two-cell pattern of ionospheric convection is formed. If the southward IMF periods continues for several hours, the magnetosphere reaches a steady-state like configuration called steady magnetospheric convection, SMC.

Note that A = A(Kp), and that it raises fastly from A = 45 V at Kp = 0 to over 800 V at Kp = 6. The model is thus recognizing the fact that the convection electric field increases during magnetically active times.

This equatorial field can be used only with equatorially mirroring particles. For off-equatorial particles, one must always trace the field lines to the equator to get the potential from the above equations in three points so that the vector field can be calculated at the given points (Ondoh and Aikyo, 1986; Cladis and Francis, 1989).

Note that when the plasma flows toward Earth because of the convection field, a zonal charge separation opposing the field is created as electrons drift dawnward and protons duskward around the Earth. The inner magnetosphere is thus shielded from the magnetospheric electric field, and the electric field due to the rotation of the Earth is dominating. Inside this region, called the plasmasphere, cool dense plasma is flowing in concentric circles around the Earth.
The sketch at the right and the one below illustrate the flow of charged particles in the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere. The interaction of the solar wind with the magnetosphere (through reconnection and viscous processes) results in a bulk flow of plasma down the magnetotail. This flow is referred to as "convection," although this term is really a misnomer because convection is a thermal process and the flow of plasma is not, being governed instead by large-scale electric and magnetic fields. In the plasma sheet, the direction of the convective flow is sunward, perpendicular both to the direction of the Earth's magnetic field (out of the screen) and to the direction (dawn-to-dusk) of the electric field imposed on the magnetosphere by the solar wind interaction. (The motion of the plasma perpendicular to both the electric and magnetic fields is known as "E-cross-B drift.") As coupling between the solar wind and the magnetosphere intensifies, sunward convection increases, and the boundary separating the convective and co-rotational flow regimes (known as the "separatrix") moves inward, freeing some of the plasma previously bound on "closed" Earth-encircling trajectories to follow "open" convective paths toward the dayside magnetopause. Weakening of convection enlarges the region of near-Earth plasma that co-rotates with the Earth and allows the magnetic field lines emptied of plasma during periods of high convection to refill.
http://pluto.space.swri.edu/IMAGE/gloss ... ction.html
Progress in the fields of space physics, astronomy and astrophysics over the last decade, increasingly reveals the significance of magnetic fields in these areas. The electromagnetic interaction is, together with the gravitation, the only long range interaction known and thus capable of creating large scale field structures. These fields are induced by the motion of ionized matter, the plasma, which is present in various forms nearly everywhere in the universe. The properties range from the very hot and dense plasmas of stars to the extremely diluted plasmas of the interstellar medium, which is only partially ionized. On the large astrophysical scales, the plasmas and their magnetic fields are adequately described by a fluid theory called magnetohydrodynamics. In this theory, which is closely related to hydrodynamics, the plasma is a highly conducting fluid, the flow of which can induce magnetic fields which in turn are acting on the fluid flow via Lorentz-forces. This interaction of plasma and magnetic field can create an astonishing variety of structures, which often exhibit linked and knotted forms of magnetic flux. In these complex structures of the fields huge amounts of magnetic energy can be stored. It is, however, a typical property of astrophysical plasmas, that the dynamics of magnetic fields is alternating between an ideal motion, where all forms of knottedness and linkage of the field are conserved (topology conservation), and a kind of disruption of the magnetic structure, the so called magnetic reconnection. In the latter the magnetic structure breaks up and re-connects, a process often accompanied by explosive eruptions where enormous amounts of energy are set free. Such events are frequently observed on the surface of the sun and a wealth of new and impressive observations has been recently made by spacecraft like Yohkoh and SOHO. Processes such as reconnection, however, are also important in the surroundings of the earth. For instance reconnection occurs, at the magnetopause, where the solar wind encounters the magnetic field of the earth, and also in the magnetotail, the wake of the earth's magnetic field in the solar wind. In both cases the electric fields induced by reconnection accelerate particles which in turn produce phenomena such as the northern lights ( Aurora ) in the polar regions and so called geomagnetic storms. The storage and release of magnetic energy in complex field structures is also important for the dynamo theory, which investigates the origin and dynamics of magnetic fields in planets and stars. Furthermore, there is increasing strong evidence that complex magnetic fields play an important role in the dynamics and self-organization of matter in many distant astronomical objects such as pulsars, galaxies, and protogalactic clouds. After a first very dynamic phase in the research and modeling of magnetohydrodynamical plasmas, which was very successful with comparatively simple models, now more complex problems are encountered. Especially, observations show an immense complexity in the structure of magnetic fields, which cannot be described by simple models anymore. There is therefore an urgent need for an systematic framework, which determines the crucial quantities with respect to which a certain situation should be analyzed.

Such a framework could be provided with the help of an interesting analogy between the structure of magnetic fields and the mathematical theory of knots. In this fast growing part of topology, so called invariants are known which describe the linkage or knottedness of isolated lines, and thus represent a measure of complexity. Corresponding measures for (divergence-free) vector fields, or their field lines respectively, would be of greatest interest to characterize the entangled structure of magnetic fields and for instance calculate the energy stored in this configuration. Such a conversion of measures from single lines to vector fields was indeed successful for simple cases, and there are many hints that methods of differential geometry and topology may help for the conversion of higher invariants as well. In a completely new approach this methods could be generalized to the electromagnetic field tensor, i.e. the physically more precise description, which includes the electric field. This is suggested by a certain analogy in the underlying mathematical structure and represents an extraordinary, most interesting and new approach to the understanding of electromagnetic fields. On the other hand it is very important not only to characterize these structures but also to understand their dynamics. Here, magnetic reconnection is in close analogy to splitting of knots, which makes us confident that the global dynamics of magnetic and electromagnetic fields can be characterized with the help of such topological quantities as well.
the magnetic field resulting from a current flowing in:
a straight wire;
a circular coil; and
a solenoid.
http://www.matter.org.uk/Schools/Conten ... efault.htm
Maintaining the closed magnetic-field-line topology of a
field-reversed configuration (FRC)
with the addition of static transverse magnetic fields

The effects on magnetic-field-line structure of adding various static transverse
magnetic fields to a Solov’ev-equilibrium field-reversed configuration is examined. It is
shown that adding fields that are anti-symmetric about the axial mid-plane maintains the
closed field-line structure, while adding fields with planar or helical symmetry opens the
field structure. Anti-symmetric modes also introduce pronounced shear.

I. Introduction
Magnetic field lines are closed. Where closure occurs is of importance to many
physical phenomena in solar, planetary, and fusion plasma physics. It is well known that
a magnetic-field geometry may be markedly changed by the application of small
additional magnetic fields. In this article we concentrate on the effects of small, primarily
transverse magnetic fields added to a particular magnetic-field geometry, the fieldreversed
configuration (FRC)
.1 Our interest in this device is based on its relevance to
fusion research. The goal is to find generic properties of transverse fields that do not
significantly change the FRC’s closed field structure.
The FRC is an example of a self-organized plasma wherein a strong internal
toroidal current, in combination with the axial magnetic field from a linear solenoidal
coil, generates a closed poloidal magnetic-field structure inside the solenoid, see Figure
1. We ask whether the FRC’s magnetic-field-line structure must open when a transverse
magnetic field is added. (Transverse means perpendicular to the FRC’s major axis. In the
jargon of magnetic-fusion research, an open field line intersects the external solenoidal
coil or a material structure, such as the vacuum-vessel wall, of the FRC device, or
extends outside the solenoidal coil; a closed field line does not.)
Added transverse fields may be constant or time varying. Time-varying fields are
particularly important for the rotating magnetic field (RMF) current-generation method2
developed in rotamak devices.3 However, the purely geometrical analysis presented here,
the essential first step in examining field closedness, is restricted to temporally constant
magnetic fields. Time variation of the transverse field is only explicitly included when
ascribing field-line identity. Particle and energy confinement, clearly connected to fieldline
closedness, cannot be properly addressed by this analysis. They require a selfconsistent
many-particle treatment, not a purely geometrical one.
In small experiments (such as Ref. 2), the RMF method has been successful in
generating and sustaining plasmas, as well as driving currents and reversing the axial
field. Larger experiments,4 at higher power, are in progress. These may produce higher
temperature plasmas, far more susceptible to particle and energy losses on open field
lines. This possibility strongly motivates the present field-line closure analysis.
The study of field-line closure for FRC-like plasmas with transverse applied fields
has a long history. First in planetary sciences5 and then in fusion research,6,7 it was
appreciated that opening of some field lines resulted from the addition of a uniform
transverse field to FRC-like configurations. A later paper8 on the rotamak showed that the
standard RMF mode caused a shift and tilt of the flux surfaces. Subsequent rigorous
analyses9,10 showed that all field lines actually opened. Even when a very small uniform
transverse field was added, initially closed field lines unwound in spirals, eventually
intersecting the device’s boundaries.
In this paper we show that a particular small-amplitude transverse-field shape
globally preserves the closedness of the field lines. By “globally preserves” we mean that
a well-defined separatrix is maintained and that all field lines interior to the separatrix,
save that through the X points, are closed inside the separatrix. These closednesspreserving
(CP) transverse-field modes appear to be suitable for current drive and for
more speculative applications, such as ion heating11 and FRC stabilization.12 Analyses of
these are in progress.
http://www.osti.gov/bridge/purl.cover.j ... bviewable/
Magnetic fields share many similarities to the electric fields which we have studied in detail, but there are some critical differences which will explore in this laboratory activity. First of all, magnetic fields will be measured in units of tesla (T), where 1 tesla = 1 newton per amp-meter (1 T = 1 N / A·m). In the first portion of today’s lab, we will explore the ways in which magnetic fields can exert a force on moving charges.
For a charge q moving with velocity v in the presence of a magnetic field B
, the force exerted on the charge by the field is given by
BvqF×=. (Eq. 1)
Note the cross product in the above calculation: this implies that the direction of the force on the charged particle will always be perpendicular to both the velocity and the field. We will make frequent use of the right-hand rule to help us determine the direction of this force.
A magnetic field will also exert a force on a current-carrying wire. This should make sense, as an electric current is simply the flow of charge. So, very similarly to Eq. 1, we can write the force exerted by a magnetic field B on a straight wire of length L carrying a current i as
BLiF×=, (Eq. 2)
where the direction of L
is defined to be the direction of the (conventional) current.
In the second portion of today’s lab activity, we will explore how magnetic fields are produced. We will come to find that magnetic fields are produced by moving charges (and hence, also by electric currents.) The magnetic field produced by a current or moving charge can be determined by using two fundamental laws: the Biot-Savart law (which is the magnetic analog of Coulomb’s law for electricity) and Ampère’s law (which is the magnetic analog of Gauss’ law for electricity).
Much as we can break down a complicated charge distribution into infinitesimal pieces of charge, and compute their infinitesimal contribution to the electric field some distance away, we can also break down a complicated current distribution into infinitesimal current elements and compute their infinitesimal contribution to the magnetic field some distance away. The Biot-Savart law does exactly that.
http://class.phys.psu.edu/212Labs/08_Ma ... urrent.pdf
The illusion from which we are seeking to extricate ourselves is not that constituted by the realm of space and time, but that which comes from failing to know that realm from the standpoint of a higher vision. -L.H.


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