
Plasma and electricity in space. Failure of gravity-only cosmology. Exposing the myths of dark matter, dark energy, black holes, neutron stars, and other mathematical constructs. The electric model of stars. Predictions and confirmations of the electric comet.

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Unread post by sjw40364 » Sat Aug 13, 2011 7:39 pm

I am beginning to see where they get there misconceived ideas about field lines not connecting, although if one looks they can tell they would actually curve back to the source if there were more stuff to define them further. But all in all this is a rather neat video. ... re=related ... re=related

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Re: Magnetism

Unread post by seasmith » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:40 am


Good name for a thread. The half-priced bin in the bargain basement of Electricity maybe, but it’s in the right realm.
Non-spooky action at a distance … for a subtitle ?

A recognized ‘force’ manifest from sub-atomic to cosmic scale and seemingly always in conjunction with electric “force” (at this point let’s consider permamagneticity as a special subset to be found further afield).
B, as measured transverse to the direction of electric strain, is universally associated with the concept of spin and vectored as a solenoidal field (from Greek meaning pipe-shaped). In the whole fabric of 3D EM topology, it might be considered the B-weft running through the E-warp; a cross section of which provides a mathematical quantity of EMF energy in units of charge-density, distance and time.
The field of electrodynamics (motors, etc) gets on pretty well the equations that have come to be associated with the Maxwell, Helmholts, etc contingent, but Ampere, Gauss, Weber, et al took the study well beyond the static model of Coulomb
to one of ~relative motions ie: velocities and accelerations. [Here any change of direction to velocities are considered accelerations & with angular momentum, hence motions of‘ ‘spin and helicity’.

These motions, give rise to the important phenomena of induction, or non-spooky AAAD.
Now Catt repudiates Faraday, and that is fine because it is probably just a fluke of fate that Faraday’s name is associated with induction and, it is the effect that is true, not the eponymous “law”.

Some questions now come to mind:
How is the chemo-electric energy of a battery [with the aid of an harmonic wire circuit, or waveguide (Tesla)], induced into the filament of a light bulb ?
Why do two parallel wires “attract or repulse” each other, depending on direction of motion of magnetic flux ?
Can we explain both using the concept of ‘Heaviside Signal’ ?

And finally, what is the origin of this energy that is spatially inducted/conducted, and seen as attracting/repulsing?

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Re: Magnetism

Unread post by seasmith » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:55 pm

It's interesting to consider the part of magnetism in the Characteristic Impedance (a fancy word for resistance) of free space.

Generally accepted as a constant, it is defined by: Z = sq rt of u/e
u - magnetic permeability
e - electric permittivity

which are also both "constants" and both derived from charge and velocity. All a bit circular.

Impedance of an established circuit can also be derived mathematically. This is important because impedance mis-match in a circuit will cause reflections, which cause distortions of signal (or slope of amplitude pulse if mapping in 2D).
Impedance mis-match to a perfect dialectric ie: space, results in almost perfect reflection, and negligible loss of energy because the Oscillation generated by ~Total Reflection from space is naturally harmonic.
The oscillations generated in a closed circuit take some more Time to settle down.

So for a harmonic oscillation, or coherent signal, must both electric and magnetic emission have to match ?

It seems the answer is no, as they are simply complementary phases of a transmitted energy pattern
and each characteristic Zx will (eventualy) generate its own harmonic.
All circuits can then be said to oscillate. DC with the geometry of the circuit and AC with an impressed or 'modulated' frequency dominate.

Image ... _field.htm


Re: Magnetism

Unread post by mjv1121 » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:52 am

Some questions now come to mind:
How is the chemo-electric energy of a battery [with the aid of an harmonic wire circuit, or waveguide (Tesla)], induced into the filament of a light bulb ?

And finally, what is the origin of this energy that is spatially inducted/conducted, and seen as attracting/repulsing?
You are asking the wrong question - energy does not exist it is simply a mathematical abstraction. The only way that anything can happen is by motion - objects in motion have momentum and momentum is transferred by a process referred to as force.
Why do two parallel wires “attract or repulse” each other, depending on direction of motion of magnetic flux ?
Attraction and repulsion have nothing to do with "energy", they must be caused by force - what is it that could possibly be the cause of the force?


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Re: Magnetism

Unread post by seasmith » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:36 am

Why do two parallel wires “attract or repulse” each other, depending on direction of motion of magnetic flux ?

Attraction and repulsion have nothing to do with "energy", they must be caused by force - what is it that could possibly be the cause of the force?

Well this is a thread about Magnetism, right ?

You are asking the wrong question - energy does not exist it is simply a mathematical abstraction. The only way that anything can happen is by motion - objects in motion have momentum and momentum is transferred by a process referred to as force.
is that the answer to this question ?
And finally, what is the origin of this energy that is spatially inducted/conducted, and seen as attracting/repulsing?

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Re: Magnetism

Unread post by seasmith » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:08 pm

It seems the answer is no, as they are simply complementary phases of a transmitted energy pattern
and each characteristic Zx will (eventualy) generate its own harmonic.
Also, this is a well established and one can head over to Charles Proteus Steinmetz and note on page 227 that:
When traveling wave and stationary waves occur simultaneously, very often the traveling wave precedes the stationary wave. The phenomena may start with a traveling wave or impulse, and this, by reflection at the ends of the circuit, and combination of the reflected waves and the main waves, gradually changes to a stationary wave. In this case, the traveling wave has the same frequency as the stationary wave resulting from it. In fig 47 is shown the reproduction of an oscillogram of the formation of a stationary oscillation in a transmission line by the repeated reflection from the ends of the line of a single impulse caused by short circuiting the energized line at the open end. – Lectures on Electrical Engineering, Volume 2 By Charles Proteus Steinmetz
a picture is worth a thousand ...
thanks to Solar ... 532#p60532

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Re: Magnetism

Unread post by seasmith » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:45 am

Why do two parallel wires “attract or repulse” each other, depending on direction of motion of magnetic flux ?
Attraction and repulsion have nothing to do with "energy", they must be caused by force - what is it that could possibly be the cause of the force?



That answer sounded like another question.
For background, let’s take a current description of the dual phenomena recently cited in your “What is Elctricity” thread:

We read in Ivor Catt’s “Electromagnetic Theory” Volume 2 on page 258 a chapter entitled
Force on Conductors Guiding a TEM Wave
“The magnetic field exerts a force into the conductor; that is, a force which tends to drive the wires apart. The electric field exerts a force out of the conductors; that is, a force which tends to pull the two conductors together.
The forces are F1 = iB, F2 = qE.

We conclude that a TEM Wave (which we call a Heaviside signal) glides along between two conductors at the speed of light, there is no force on the conductors guiding the signal.”
[[Except when]] … “when we superpose two TEM waves, something new suddenly appears, a physical force.”
So three forces are assumed: E, B and Something else.

If it is the E and B ‘fields’ that are responsible for the apparent attraction-repulsion, then what is the nature of force(s) in the fields ?
It can’t be the lines, as they are expressly forbidden in the EU.
No electric or magnetic particles have turned up in the fields.
The two ~fields do seem to differ in form [around an ideal charged spherical object],
with the electric as a radial, centropic/centrifigal something,
and the magnetic being toroidal.

A classic case of Form>Function>Form, but my question was and is :
why ? ... by-670.jpg

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Re: Magnetism

Unread post by seasmith » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:02 pm

Permanent Magnets

Apparent attraction/repulsion model
treating space as an ideal gas:

A bit like Kiehn's Topological Torsion

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Re: Magnetism

Unread post by seasmith » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:52 pm


This is Mathis' picture,
with b-photon field instead of gas particles.

Both would be derivative descriptions of events because they already posit particles.

Particles are probably a necessary evil in solar system scale, as an emission must have real radius and 'spin' as a minimum, to inter-act mechanically. However both models above, as well as Catt's TEM wave, need first a tension to align particle motions as "field" ;
or even to coalesce particulate 'matter'.

This is why i normally refer to the Inherent Tensegrity of Space ie: aether.
(When reading Bucky Fuller in the 60's, i had no idea what he was talking about. With an EU perspective however, he makes a whole lot of sense.)

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Re: Magnetism

Unread post by GaryN » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:25 am

This is why i normally refer to the Inherent Tensegrity of Space ie: aether.
(When reading Bucky Fuller in the 60's, i had no idea what he was talking about. With an EU perspective however, he makes a whole lot of sense.)
That is what I am feeling, seasmith. Didn't read Fuller 'till 1990 or so, and EU stuff
only 3 years ago, but I think they fit, especially when it comes down to the finer details.
Was just reading this perhaps pertinent piece.
In Universe as Computation, the lattice background is a dynamic substratum which co-
evolves with the “things” that live therein. Pre-geometry rules framed by R.
Buckminster Fuller’s synergetic geometry considerations provide geometrical
constraints on the events that evolve within the lattice substrate, and constraints on
the substratum itself. Further, in Universe as Computation, the background substratum
grows/expands from witheverywhere [sic] due to a jitterbug action at all locations in
the substratum where physical events occur. The reality flux (required in modern
quantum mechanical theories of the quantum vacuum for all physical events) drives the
lattice substratum jitterbugging growth. The combination of reality flux, the dynamic
substratum, and Negative Universe form a modern aether upon/wherein/wherefrom all
“things” occur and all physical law is/are manifest(ed). ... tation.pdf
Full paper:(pdf)
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller

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Re: Magnetism

Unread post by seasmith » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:01 pm


Fuller's Jitterbug geometry- 4d representation ( 1:50 )

what is the prime Platonic S o L id

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Re: Magnetism

Unread post by seasmith » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:31 pm

Fuller's "jitter" embraced by the the reductionist QD crowd:
Noise is ever-present in electrical signals. Some of it arises simply because atoms have heat—they jostle around, knocking into one another. But even when there is no heat—that is, when temperatures have dropped close to absolute zero—noise remains. That's because of a fundamental tenet of quantum mechanics, which says that space is always filled with fluctuating energy, or quantum jitters.
(see perhaps Tolenio's posts for a 'local' versions of the above)
Reducing noise to this quantum limit is out of the league of most electronic amplifiers.... In practice this is difficult, however, because the pitch or energy of the signal photons varies with time, and so the pump photons won't always match.
12-14-11 ... 25334c6126

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Re: Magnetism

Unread post by Goldminer » Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:30 am

Here is some more for the old brain kitchen:
Information on the Crossfield antenna, a tiny antenna compared to the wave lengths with which it can resonate :
Is This AM Antenna for Real ? :
from the article: wrote:Imagine an AM antenna one–fiftieth of a wavelength long, that needs no radial ground system, occupies a small parcel of land, produces little or no RFI (Radio Frequency Interference), has great bandwidth and performs better than a full–sized vertical radiator.

Does this sound like a fantasy?

Until recently, it would have been.

Now working models of such an antenna exist in the Middle East and at NAB99 (National Association of Broadcasters' 1999 Convention in Las Vegas — TRC — ).

( The "reversed form" (negative solution) of Maxwell's Fourth Equation, states that a magnetic field can be produced without current flowing in a wire. — TRC — )
This might be compatible with Cat/Bishop?

The links listed at the bottom of the article are worth pursuing too.

Some other links: ... 00330.html ... 00313.html

Radar glossary ... izon_radar!downlo ... 9D0969|0|0

I sense a disturbance in the farce.

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Re: Magnetism

Unread post by seasmith » Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:39 pm

Abstract|The present paper is a work on °uorescent tube performing
the function of a monopole plasma antenna. In the construction, the
needed power supply to the °uorescent tube is controlled by an IC
555 timer. In the experiments the supply frequency varies from 25 Hz
to 200 Hz. By using a vector network analyzer it is shown that the
persistence of plasma developed inside the tube persists for longer
duration with increase in supply frequency. It is also found that the
stability of resonant frequency increases with the increase in frequency
of the AC power supply measured up to 200 Hz. Result shows that the
e®ective part of a °uorescent tube functioning as Monopole plasma
antenna is about 60% of the total length of the tube.
4.1. Return Loss Measurement
The persistence of plasma and the antenna behavior of plasma can be
enhanced by increasing the frequency of the applied AC voltage [1]. It
is found that increase in frequency increases the duration of stable
conductivity in the plasma column. This behavior can be studied
with the help of a network analyzer which displays the return loss
characteristics of plasma antenna. The return loss characteristics of the
plasma antenna at varying supply frequencies (from 25 Hz to 200 Hz)
are clearly shown by the Figures 5, 6, and 7. In all these results, the
return losses observed through network analyzer range from 10MHz
to 900 MHz.

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Re: Magnetism

Unread post by seasmith » Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:34 pm

Magnon Drag unveiled
As electrons move past atoms in a solid, their charge distorts the nearby lattice and can create a wave. Reciprocally, a wave in the lattice affects the electrons motion, in analogy to a wave in the sea that pushes a surfer riding it. This interaction results in a thermoelectric effect that was first observed during the 1950´s and has come to be known as phonon-drag, because it can be quantified from the flow of lattice-wave quanta (phonons) that occurs over the temperature gradient.
Soon after the discovery of the phonon drag, an analogous phenomenon was predicted to appear in magnetic materials: the so called magnon drag. In a magnetic material the intrinsic magnetic moment or spin of the electrons arrange in an organized fashion. In ferromagnets, the spins maintain a parallel orientation. If a distortion in the preferred spin orientation occurs, a spin wave is created that could affect electron motion. It is therefore reasonable to expect that the flow of magnons (spin-wave quanta) could also drag the electrons. ... oo%21+Mail


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