Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:31 pm

The Falkland Islands War had more to do with NAZIS [Antarctica] than with Argentina.
The Germans, from their Antarctic Base, began to infiltrate into Argentina, Chile, etc., and bought large tracts of land and swept up corporations. They also invested in corporations in Germany and elsewhere, with plans to make a comeback. They used the German treasury, captured treasure from other nations, and counterfeit American currency printed on real U.S. currency printing plates given to the Russians and captured by the Germans.

It appears as if the German elite had begun to attempt to accomplish via stealth what they failed to do by force in World Wars I and II by infiltrating North and South America and engaging in economic warfare from their extensive underground 'black budget' empire below Antarctica and also South and North America, with the help of their allies in the CIA/NSA.

We are not talking Billions of dollars here, but trillions of dollars which have been siphoned from the U.S. economy via numerous ingenious methods, and used to 'feed' the Bavarian-backed underground network which stretches throughout North America and which are inhabited by European, American and Antarctican National Socialists.

The wealth that has been siphoned from the American economy could otherwise have been used to prime the economy to new heights of prosperity, and that prosperity would have in turn overflowed into the other nations of the world.

Apparently the Nazis realized this, and also realized that the 'Banksters' who had backed them during World War II had the real power.

The 'Nazis' could not have done what they have done without the help of the 'traitors' within. The same could be said for the Greys also not to mention the CIA/Nazi/Grey collaboration itself existent within various underground bases.

"Back in 1954, under the Eisenhower administration, the 'federal' government decided to circumvent the Constitution of the United States and form a treaty with alien entities. It was called the 1954 Greada Treaty (Eisenhower administration -- established contact-landings at Holloman AFB, New Mexico; and Muroc-Edwards AFB, California in 1954.

This was a year after the 'Greys' had established geosynchronous orbits around our planet within two 'planetoids' that had been engineered to serve as operational bases for later abduction, implantation, cattle mutilation, base construction, and infiltration operations which basically made the agreement that the aliens involved could take a few cows and test their implanting techniques on a few human beings, but that they had to give details about the people involved. Slowly, the aliens altered the bargain until they decided they wouldn't abide by it at all.

Back in 1979, this was the reality, and the fire-fight at Dulce occurred quite by accident. I was involved in building an addition to the deep underground military base at Dulce, which is probably the deepest base. My job was to go down the holes and check the rock samples, and recommend the explosive to deal with the particular rock. As I was headed down there, we found ourselves amidst a large cavern that was full of outer-space (or "inner-space") aliens, otherwise known as large Greys. I shot two of them. At that time, there were 30 people down there. About 40 more came down after this started, and all of them got killed. We had surprised a whole underground base of existing aliens. Later, we found out that they had been living in our planet for a long time. This could explain a lot of what is behind the theory of ancient astronauts.

Michael Riconosciuto, a former Wackenhut employee, claims that at Area 51 when one goes past a certain level of security they are either dead or disappear. Riconosciuto's father Marshal Riconosciuto was a Hitler-supporter and a close friend of Fred L. Crisman, who was involved with the Maurey Island Incident, was an agent of Military-Industrial Intelligence, and was in turn a close friend of Clay Shaw who Louisiana District Attorney James Garrison accused of being the CIA-Mafia go-between in the John F. Kennedy assassination. Garrison might have convicted Clay Shaw if not for the fact that Garrison's star witness David Ferry was killed a few days before he was to testify at Clay Shaw's trial.

Anyway, Michael Riconosciuto told reporters that when he worked for Wackenhut at the Nevada Test Site before he was 'framed' on drug charges and put in a Federal Prison, he and several others tried to get damning evidence and documents out of the base on a helicopter, data apparently dealing with unconstitutional biogenetic activities, alien interaction in the underground facilities, etc. This helicopter was shot down before it could leave the base and the five people on board were killed.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:35 am

Inner Earth Cultures ... /mott.html

Approx. how long ago did you first become interested in the Inner Earth? When did you first begin writing on this subject?


My first introduction to the concept was parallel in nature, in the late sixties and early seventies. About the time, when, as a child, I was discovering the "Pellucidar" novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs, I was also seeing ads in various comic books and magazines which were pushing Raymond Bernard's book, "The Hollow Earth."

Evidence seems to indicate that there are two separate mysteries here, however, which are often lumped together; one is the possibility of an inner concavity to the planet (a geode-like configuration), and the other is the strong evidence which indicates the presence of "others," not necessarily human beings, who dwell at various depths beneath the crust of the Earth. These are in fact two very different phenomena, in my opinion.


There is belief by some researchers that in ancient times the earlier Hebrew tribes went into the Northern Polar region, and may reside on the lip of the opening there still today. Would you care to comment on this?


The thing which escapes many "new age" researchers today, and even many traditional researchers who have no preconceived or pet theories to support, is the fact that the Torah and New Testament both contain many allusions and references to a real "underworld," complete with polar openings, or in the form of an alternate cavern realm which consists of many separate regions. The Old Testament makes very distinct mention of all of these realms, in the books of Isaiah, Job, Zechariah, Ezekiel, and many others. Also mentioned at length are cryptid creatures ranging from "dragons" to hairy humanoids, which are translated as "satyrs" in the King James version.

Other mysteries which fascinate the modern researcher, such as lost continents and civilizations, are also mentioned, as is their destruction. Many Biblical references describe an earlier age, and the fate of pre-human civilizations which have vanished from the Earth. Some of these were overthrown by cataclysms which thrust them to the bottom of the ocean, or else were driven or plunged deep beneath the crust of the world. Such places are referred to as a "terror," and came about due to great planetary upheavals. References are made to the prehumans, the "old people" or "people of old time."

I would say that grays, reptilians, UFOnauts of many descriptions, and many cryptids which defy rational explanation such as "El Chupacabra" fit the description of being "a terror," at least according to many who have had encounters with them. I believe that the reference "thou shall be no more" refers to a surface-world, pre-cataclysmic kingdom. There's much additional Biblical information to support this theory, as in the book of Jeremiah. Jeremiah Chapter 5 contains a reference to the pre-human world that existed before the Creation as described in Genesis.

Verse 23 begins with a description of the aftermath of destruction, where Genesis picks up; then the following verses describe a land which existed before, and which had both cities and living creatures (an ecosystem), yet no human or sentient beings ("man"). A "time of darkness," akin to nuclear winter or the similar state which would have followed the dinosaur extinction event is also described. Also mentioned is the fact that this was not "a full end," but life and civilization were destined to someday emerge again.

As for the Hebrews living by a Polar Rim, who knows? The lost tribes vanished, there is no doubt, but some evidence has been found that they wandered across Asia primarily, through Kazakstan and into China, perhaps even further. Maybe they went north from there. The book of Job, with its mention of the polar hole which is complete with oceanic and weather descriptions and arctic ice and snow, makes it clear that the "mystery of the north" was known to them.

As to whether or not any of them migrated in that direction, I don't believe that the evidence is conclusive one way or another. Who is right in terms of postulated inhabitants--the proponents of Aryan supermen, or of lost Hebrew tribes?


Assuming that over a lengthy period of time there have been genetic processes available to those members of the Inner Earth, do you share in the belief that there are genetically engineered beings, those who may be designed with the genetics of several different species? And if so, approx. how many of these 'hybrids' are currently part of the Inner earth population?


We modern humans are on the verge of advanced genetic engineering capabilities ourselves. This happened quite suddenly, due to an exponential explosion in knowledge throughout the 1900s. If prehuman, or even ancient human civilizations exist elsewhere, and they have achieved a comparable level of technological advancement at a point in the distant past, then it would be logical to assume that their knowledge and use of genetic engineering would be far beyond anything that we will achieve for quite some time, as their knowledge-growth would have long ago reached an exponential "critical mass."

We are already creating plants with animal genes, and vice-versa; a chimera like the Chupacabra--an undeniable cave-dweller, according to reports--would seem to support, at least with anecdotal, witness-based evidence, a genetically-engineered origin. It seems that any gene-pool is seen by the cavern-dwellers as fair game.

As for how many "hybrids" there are, who can say? We're having a hard enough time even proving that inner-earth and cavern worlds exist, or that their inhabitants exist, even though the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming. I believe that genetic manipulation and exploitation are evident in both inner-earth and cavern types, but the latter seem to be the more severe in terms of exploiting the surface world.


In your writings on the subject of the Inner Earth, the Reptilian species is often described as the dominant species in the make up of the Inner Earth Kingdoms. Where do you see the King of the World fitting in to this picture?


First of all, I don't necessarily see the situation in this way. It seems that the "serpent races--" an ancient, catch-all term which really just means pre-Adamic or pre-human--consist of many different types, even species, of beings.

Those which are truly "reptilian" seem to have more of an affinity with certain regions within the crust of the Earth, as for example in the case of the Nagas of India, of the Indian Ocean, and the Himalayas. "Rigden-jyepo," as the Tibetans call their subterranean "King of the World," is not seemingly of Reptilian type, but is a human being of one type or another.

Whoever he is, his people seem to be not only distinct from the Reptilian races, but even, by some accounts, are at war with them at times. In 1928, Nicolas Roerich was told by a Tibetan monk that if he went "across the sea" and "far to the north" that he would be able to get a glimpse of the inner world, or Agharta. This places the kingdom of Rigden-jyepo within the inner-earth, as opposed to be being within the caverns deep inside the crust, which tends to be the domain of non-human beings, it seems.

Perhaps this is due to environmental extremes and pressures of deep caverns with which human beings of the "surface type" have difficulties. This doesn't mean that there aren't connections between the two regions, and Hebrew, Norse, Asiatic, and other accounts indicate that there are passageways and tunnels between them, and the surface world.


The Older German Tribes and recently the Nazis, have had a great interest in the Inner Earth and follow a pagan cosmology of the Hollow Earth as the seat or throne of one of their Gods. Do you believe there are Germans from the World War II period, who had a genetic memory of the ancient glory of the Inner Earth, and still seek it out today with the purported encampment near the Mawson Range in the Antarctica wasteland?


In terms of human beings, our "genetic memories" tend to be based on oral and written traditions more than on some sort of encoded instinct, at least memories of this type--or this is what I believe. This is why Hitler-who was fascinated by Tibetan accounts of the inner earth--was so easily manipulated.

He was told what he wanted to hear, apparently. This type of manipulation happens all the time, and it doesn't have to come from some subterranean source! Hitler turned it into something nasty, as he believed that the Aryan race not only came from the inner earth, but was still there, and was vastly superior to even "his Aryans."

But the evidence for an "Aryan" connection is definitely there, going back even to the accounts of the Norse and the locations of the lands of their "gods," as well as the descriptions of the Hyperboreans and of "Ultima Thule." The "Aryan" concept is closely tied in with inner-earth mysteries, and has been throughout the ages.

As to whether or not Nazis fled to Antarctica, accounts exists to support this theory, from the sighting by Argentines of U-Boats in the region at the end of the war, to "Operation High-Jump" and the apparent insistence of Admiral Byrd to turn Antarctica into an "atomic test range--" or so the story goes. But this isn't really "evidence," falling more along the lines of hearsay or folklore. This does not, however, mean that it's not based in some sort of truth.....

In fact, with the entire "hollow earth-UFO-Cryptozoological" range of topics, I believe we are seeing the birth of a new folklore often based in fact and science, for our own time, which draws inspiration and even facts from more ancient traditions. But most legends and folktales, at some level, have their genesis in truth or in half-truth. The trick for all of us will be to sort it all out.


I often wondered how prevalent the Inner Earth has played a part in the cosmic history of the Hindu people. Is there a place addressed in their stories concerning an Inner Earth kingdom?


Since I'm not a Hindu, I tend to view Hindu beliefs and traditions from the point of view of a folklorist and mythologist, as I do most traditions. All speak to us of common mysteries and truths, to varying degrees of accuracy, in my opinion. But from Mohenjo-daro and the ancient Vedic accounts of what sound like nuclear destruction, to many of their other beliefs such as cyclical catastrophism and aerial vehicles (vimana), it seems that, as in the Hebrew traditions, there is much (pre) historical truth buried or even explained in their traditions.

There is a great deal of evidence to support the Hindu knowledge of "other" worlds within our own. There is no doubt that both inner-earth (hollow earth) and cavern-world realities were known to many ancient peoples, including the Hindu peoples.


Though Russia is steeped in Inner Earth tradition and culture, I have not been able to find any information that directly reflects the awareness of the Russian people today of the Inner Earth. I am curious. Do you have any information on the Russian people and the survival of the Inner Earth knowledge?


I know that in the past they had quite a deal of knowledge and many traditions on this topic, but with the oppressive weight of communism crushing them for so long, my guess is that the knowledge has been lost or suppressed. Any topic with religious, spiritual, or mystical overtones or connections more or less met the same fate, during most of the 20th century.

And the knowledge may still be known, but only to those in power. In the West we have seen that these topics are often classified within government agencies, while simultaneously being ridiculed and suppressed among the population in general. Why should other governments behave any differently?

If there ARE other beings within our own planet, who hold no allegiances to any of the governments on the surface, this becomes a national security issue in the eyes of all surface governments, or at least this would logically seem to be the case. But no, I have no specific knowledge about current, popular Russian knowledge on this topic.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:29 am

Nazis and the Hollow Earth ... _earth.htm
Hitler's Nazis were convinced that they were destined to rule the world, and they came to this warped conclusion through the acceptance of many occult beliefs and practices, including astrology, the prophecies of Nostradamus, and the hollow/inverted Earth theory... hohlweltlehre. Because they suspected that our surface is on the interior of a concave Earth, Hitler sent an expedition in April of 1942, including Dr. Heinz Fischer and powerful telescopic cameras, to the Baltic island of Rugen to spy on the British fleet.

When the Nazi exponents of the Hollow Earth hypothesis sent the expedition to the island of Rugen, they had complete confidence in their pseudo-scientific vision. Those nearest the Fuehrer shared his belief that such a coup as discovering the entrance to the Inner
World would convince the Masters who lived there that the Nazis were truly deserving of mixing their blood in the hybridization of a master race.

An important element in the Nazi mythos was the belief that representatives of a powerful, underground secret race emerged from time to time to walk among Homo sapiens. Hitler's frenzied desire to breed a select race of Nordic types was inspired by his obsessive hope that it should be the Germanic peoples who would be chosen above all other humans to interbreed with the subterranean supermen in the mutation of a new race of heroes, demigods, and god men.

Then there's the legend that Hitler and many of his Nazi minions escaped Germany in the closing days of World War II and fled to Antarctica where at the South Pole they had discovered an entrance to the Earth's interior. According to the Hollow Earth Research Society in Ontario, Canada, they are still there. After the war, the organization claims, the Allies discovered that more than 2,000 scientists from Germany and Italy had vanished, along with almost a million people, to the land beyond the South Pole. This story gets more complicated with Nazi-designed UFOs, Nazi collaboration with the people who live in the center of the Earth, and the explanation for "Aryan-looking" UFO pilots.

Is it possible that the list of secret weapons produced by Nazi Germany included flying saucers? Did they actually deploy disc shaped fighters or at least experiment with them?

Some of the earliest stories about German flying saucers date back to an inventor named Victor Schauberger. He believed that machines could be designed better so that they would be "going with the flow of nature" rather than against it.

One of Schauberger's projects was to produce a flying machine, saucer shaped, that used a "liquid vortex propulsion" system. His theory was that "if water or air is rotated into a twisting form of oscillation, known as a 'colloidal,' a build-up of energy results, which, with immense power, can cause levitation."

According to stories Schauberger built several models. There are also reports that, according to letter Victor Schauberger wrote to a friend, a full-sized prototype of one of his designs was constructed using prison labor at the Mauhausen concentration camp. This craft flew on February 19th of 1945 near Prague and obtained an altitude of 45,000 feet in only 3 minutes. The letter goes on to say the prototype was destroyed by the Nazis before it could be captured by the Allies.

After the war Schauberger moved to the United States, where some contend he worked on secret projects for the U.S. government. He died in 1958, apparently claiming his ideas had been stolen.

One should not underestimate occultism's influence on Hitler. His subsequent rejection of Free Masons and esoteric movements, of Theosophy, of Anthrosophy, does not necessarily mean otherwise. Occult circles have long been known as covers for espionage and influence peddling.

Hitler's spy apparatus under Canaris and Heydrich were well aware of these conduits, particularly from the direction of Britain which had within its MI5 intelligence agency a department known as the Occult Bureau. That these potential sources of trouble were purged from Nazi life should not be taken to mean that Hitler and the Nazi secret societies were not influenced by mystical and occult writers such as Madame Blavatsky, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Guido Von List, Lanz Von Liebenfels, Rudolf Steiner, George Gurdjieff, Karl Haushofer and Theodor Fritsch. Although Hitler later denounced and ridiculed many of them, he did dedicate his book Mein Kampf to his teacher Dietrich Eckart.

A frequent visitor to Landsberg Prison where Hitler was writing Mein Kampf with the help of Rudolf Hess was General Karl Haushofer, a university professor and director of the Munich Institute of Geopolitics. Haushofer, Hitler, and Hess had long conversations together. Hess also kept records of these conversations. Hitler's demands for German "Living Space" in the east at the expense of the Slavic nations were based on the geopolitical theories of the learned professor. Haushofer was also inclined toward the esoteric. As military attache in Japan, he had studied Zen-Buddhism. He had also gone through initiations at the hands of Tibetan Lamas. He became Hitler's second "esoteric mentor", replacing Dietrich Eckart.

In Berlin, Haushofer had founded the Luminous Lodge or the Vril Society. The lodge's objective was to explore the origins of the Aryan race and to perform exercises in concentration to awaken the forces of "Vril". Haushofer was a student of the Russian magician and metaphysician Gregor Ivanovich Gurdyev (George Gurdjieff).

Both Gurdjeiff and Haushofer maintained that they had contacts with secret Tibetan Lodges that possessed the secret of the "Superman". The lodge included Hitler, Alfred Rosenberg, Himmler, Goring, and Hitler's subsequent personal physician Dr. Morell. It is also known that Aleister Crowley and Gurdjieff sought contact with Hitler.

Hitler's unusual powers of suggestion become more understandable if one keeps in mind that he had access to the "secret" psychological techniques of the esoteric lodges. Haushofer taught him the techniques of Gurdjieff which, in turn, were based on the teachings of the Sufis and the Tibetan Lamas and familiarized him with the Zen teaching of the Japanese Society of the Green Dragon.

Another German designer involved with the Nazi effort during the war was Rudolf Schriever. Schriever, along with some other engineers named Habermohl, Miethe and Bellanzo, apparently came up with several disc-shaped aircraft designs that used more conventional power sources than those Schauberger envisioned. One of Schriever's drawings shows an egg-shaped cockpit surrounded by a rotating fan-like disc that provided the lift. A Mieth drawing depicts a smooth flat saucer with an elongated hump on its back for the cockpit. Both would have been powered by jet engines.

The Schriever machine was said to have been tested in 1945 and to have reached an altitude of 12 kilometers in a little over three minutes. It had a top speed of 2000 kilometers an hour.

There is no real, solid evidence, though, that a test flight ever took place and Schriever himself, who relocated to the United States after the war, indicated that any prototypes of the craft were destroyed, before flying as the Germans abandoned their facilities in the face of advancing Allied troops

Stories also persist that the Germans's also had developed small automatized flying discs. One version was called the Feuerball. Another, capable of vertical takeoff, was referred to as the Kugelblitz. According to stories, these craft were only armed with devices designed to interfere with the electronics of nearby airplanes.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:31 am

Secrets of the Subterranean Cultures
Many readers of the paranormal and the unexplained are familiar with the theory that the Earth is hollow. The idea is based on the ancient legends of many cultures that say there are races of people - entire civilizations - that thrive in subterranean cities. Very often, these dwellers of the world beneath are more technologically advanced than we on the surface. Some even believe that UFOs are not from other planets, but are manufactured by strange beings in the interior of the Earth. Most people believe me to be psychotic, except for my friends deep inside the earth. ;)


One of the most common names used for the society of underground dwellers is Agharta (or Agartha) with its capital city of Shamballa. The source for this information, apparently, is The Smoky God, the "biography" of a Norwegian sailor named Olaf Jansen. According to Agartha - Secrets of the Subterranean Cities, the story, written by Willis Emerson, explains how Jansen's sloop sailed through an entrance to the Earth's interior at the North Pole. For two years he lived with the inhabitants of the Agharta network of colonies who, Emerson writes, were a full 12 feet tall and whose world was lit by a "smoky" central sun. Shamballa the Lesser, one of the colonies, was also the seat of government for the network. "While Shamballa the Lesser is an inner continent, its satellite colonies are smaller enclosed ecosystems located just beneath the Earth' s crust or discreetly within mountains."

The many cataclysms and wars taking place on the surface drove these people underground, according to Secrets: "Consider the lengthy Atlantean-Lemurian war and the power of thermonuclear weaponry that eventually sank and destroyed these two highly advanced civilizations. The Sahara, the Gobi, the Australian Outback and the deserts of the U.S. are but a few examples of the devastation that resulted. The sub-cities were created as refuges for the people and as safe havens for sacred records, teachings and technologies that were cherished by these ancient cultures.

In India there is an ancient belief, still held by some, in a subterranean race of serpent people who dwell in the cities Patala and Bhogavati. According to the legend, they wage war on the kingdom of Agharta. "The Nagas," according to "The Deep Dwellers," "are described as a very advanced race or species, with a highly-developed technology. They also harbor a disdain for human beings, whom they are said to abduct, torture, interbreed with and even to eat."

While the entrance to Bhogavati is somewhere in the Himalayas, believers assert that Patala can be entered through the Well of Sheshna in Benares, India. Says William Michael Mott in "The Deep Dwellers": "According to herpetologist and author Sherman A. Minton, as stated in his book Venomous Reptiles, this entrance is very real, with forty steps which descend into a circular depression, to terminate at a closed stone door which is covered in bas-relief cobras.

In Tibet, there is a major mystical shrine also called 'Patala,' which is said by the people there to sit atop an ancient cavern and tunnel system, which reaches throughout the Asian continent and possibly beyond. The Nagas also have an affinity with water, and the entrances to their underground palaces are often said to be hidden at the bottom of wells, deep lakes and rivers."


In an article entitled "The Hollow Earth: Myth or Reality" for Atlantis Rising, Brad Steiger writes of the legends of "the Old Ones," an ancient race that populated the surface world millions of years ago and then moved underground. "The Old Ones, an immensely intelligent and scientifically advanced race," Steiger writes, "have chosen to structure their own environment under the surface of the planet and manufacture all their necessities. The Old Ones are hominid, extremely long-lived, and pre-date Homo sapiens by more than a million years. The Old Ones generally remain aloof from the surface peoples, but from time to time, they have been known to offer constructive criticism; and it has been said, they often kidnap human children to tutor and rear as their own."

The "Shaver Mystery"

One of the most controversial tales of inner Earth dwellers is the so-called "Shaver Mystery." In 1945, Amazing Stories magazine under the editorship of Ray Palmer ran a story told by Richard Shaver, who claimed he had recently been the guest of what remained of an underground civilization. Although few really believed the story, any many suspect that Shaver may actually have been psychotic, Shaver always averred that his story was true.

He contended that the Elder Race, or Titans, came to this planet from another solar system in our prehistoric past. After a while of living on the surface, they realized our sun was causing them to age prematurely, so they escaped underground, building huge subterranean complexes in which to live. Eventually, they decided to seek a new home on a new planet, evacuating the Earth and leaving behind their underground cities populated by mutated beings: the evil Dero - detrimental robots - and the good Tero - integrated robots. It was these beings that Shaver claimed to have met.

Despite the enormous popularity of the Shaver Mystery in Amazing Stories - Palmer milked it for all it was worth, and then some - the location of the entrance to this underground world was never divulged.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:31 am

Rosewell and the Hollow Earth ... ow%20Earth
Staffers at the White Sands public affairs office know the truth of what happened at Roswell 50 years ago but few people listen. Every year the office receives unsolicited letters from people all over the world. They claim to know such things as where gold is hidden on the missile range, what the aliens are really up to and who is running the government conspiracy of the day.

One such letter arrived in early 1991 from Memphis, Tenn. which blew the lid off the typical UFO theories. The author says that when the earth was formed it ended up being hollow. He says the crust we operate on is only 800 miles thick and the rest of the globe is mostly empty space. Floating in the center of this cavity is a miniature sun. He goes on to explain that the center of the earth is inhabited and is complete with oceans of water and landmasses. At the earth's poles are huge openings into this inner world. He says they are more than 1,000 miles in diameter and there is a constant exchange of air between the outer and inner worlds. He says ordinary people are not aware of these huge openings because they are usually covered with clouds and the governments of the world have conspired to hide the information.

Like most conspiracy theorists, this author says the governments are worried that if people know about this other world everyone will run jabbering into the streets and civilization will crumble. The writer proposes that the northern lights we see are not caused by solar energy interacting with the upper atmosphere but is light escaping from the center of the earth through the polar openings.

Eventually the author gets around to explaining how all this relates to Roswell. He says that when the surface inhabitants starting exploding atomic weapons on July 16, 1945, the inner inhabitants got concerned. With more testing in the years following the end of World War II they grew worried about radioactive fallout suspended in the air which was ventilating the center of the earth. So they started flying through the openings at the poles to investigate what was going on here. This explains the supposed appearance of UFOs following the war. Apparently one of these vehicles crashed near Roswell killing the flight crew and leaving proof that these "molemen" really exist.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:52 am

The Shaver Mystery sounds a lot like the “Aldebaran Mystery” – an Elder Race flees their homeworld due to the “expansion” of their Sun and travels to a new solar system. It sounds very much like what is happening with our Sun today.

The Aldebaran Mystery ... o-secrets/ ... 538#p55024
“The solar system Aldebaran has a sun around which revolve two inhabited planets that form the empire SUMERAN. The population of the Aldebaran system is divided into the master race of “light God people” and several other human races that had developed by negative mutation from the “God people” because of climatic changes upon the planets.

“Around 500 million years ago the “light God people” started to colonize other earth-like planets, after the expansion of the sun Aldebaran and the resulting heat had made the original planets uninhabitable. It is said that in our system they first colonized the planet Mallona (also called Maldek, Marduk or – by the Russians – Phaeton) which existed in the area of today’s asteroid belt, then between Mars and Jupiter. Mars was next. It is assumed that the master race of Sumeran-Aldebaran then also came to Earth for a first visit, witnessed by the petrified impressions of a shoe found to be about 500 million years old, and squashed under the heel a trilobite, a little crayfish that lived then upon Earth and became extinct about 400 million years ago.”
Peter Moon goes on to say, "A half billion years ago, the Aryans (known as the Elohim or Elder Race) began to colonize our solar system as Aldebaran became uninhabitable. Marduk (Maldek), existing in what is today the asteroid belt was the first to be colonized, then Mars. When they came to Earth, these Aryans were known as the Sumerians.

The name, Thule, refers to the capital of the legendary polar country Hyperborea. Also referred to as ‘Ultima Thule’, it was supposedly the gateway to another world. Thule was therefore recognized as a place where humans could, by whatever means, ‘leave the earth’, it also reputedly stood at the portal of the ‘Hollow Earth’.
Just who were “the people of other worlds” that Dr. Oberth spoke of so blithely? And were both of these esteemed German scientists making oblique reference to one of UFOlogy’s most pervasive and tantalizing ‘myths’–the alleged link between the Third Reich of pre-World War II Germany and… extraterrestrials?

According to the legend of the German Vril society, a fateful meeting was held in 1919 at an old hunting lodge near Berchtesgaden, where Maria Orsic presented to a small group assembled from the Thule, Vril and Black Sun Societies, telepathic messages she claimed to have received from an extraterrestrial civilization existing in the distant Aldebaran solar system, sixty-eight light years away, in the Constellation of Taurus.

If indeed, a high-tech civilization actually existed in the Aldebaran star system, what would account for their possible motivation to assist the Vril Group and Germany to develop advanced technologies? Researcher Wendelle Stevens tells us that, rather than a militant gesture of aid to aggressive Nazis, the Aldebarans perceived an economic disparity in Earth cultures that fueled perpetual wars and conflict.

To alleviate this disparity the Aldebarans reasoned that by offering ‘free-energy’ technologies, used to create affordable mass transportation devices, a new innovative generation of industries, promoting prosperity and greater peaceful interaction between nations might result; thus diminishing violent wars. Clearly such a plan resonated with members of both the Thule and Vril Societies and their dream for a utopian New World based on ‘alternative science’.

Suppose the Reich survivors learned from their Aldebaran mentors the secret the ancient Sumerians possessed–that, in a regular 3600 year cycle, the surface of planet Earth is devastated by the passing of a dwarf-star which is companion to our solar system. And that this Dark Star was calculated once again to swing through the inner planets during the early years of the 21st Century. Such a monumental event would grant the “Thousand Year Reich” a meager seventy year or so life span. Thus might the Reich survivors not wisely choose to disappear from the surface world and develop hardened underground ’shelters’ in the remote wastes of Antarctica, patiently preparing to safely ride out the Dark Star’s passing?
Richard Shaver ... ow%20Earth
Richard Shaver

In the March, 1945 issue of Amazing Stories Editor Ray Palmer introduced the Shaver Mystery, a purported "racial memory" of a young welder named Richard Shaver, who first claimed to have remembered a life in the caves, then, later, maintained that he had recently been in the vast underground civilization of cave-dwellers. Life magazine (May 21, 1951) called the Shaver Mystery ". . . the most celebrated rumpus that ever racked the science fiction world." Richard Shaver, however, has never called his accounts anything other than factual reportage.

It is Richard Shaver's contention that in prehistoric times, when our solar system was young, Earth was inhabited by a race of cosmic super-beings who had come here from another solar system. Although the Elder Race were not truly immortals, they had discovered secrets of incredible longevity. This, together with their highly developed scientific technology, caused them to be regarded as gods by the primitive and unsophisticated humans. The Elder Race possessed fantastic mechanical devices, which Shaver calls "mech," capable of projecting three-dimensional images, scanning over great distances, curing diseases, producing food and clothing, and killing and destroying life when necessary.

After a time the Elder Race, the Titans, began to notice that the once beneficent sun now contained detrimental rays which were shortening their life-span by causing premature aging. To escape the harmful rays of the sun, the Elder Race entered deep underground caverns and began carving a fantastic subterranean kingdom, using their ray guns to disintegrate rock. Soon they had constructed powerful machines which could duplicate the health-giving rays of the sun while excluding the detrimental radioactivity.

Homo sapiens continued to evolve in the sun, ignorant of the rays which shortened his life-span, and puzzled by the withdrawal of his gods. However, Shaver tells his readers, the Elder Race was not without its sensualists, and certain of its members, particularly the lesser ones, varied greatly in morality and intelligence.

Perhaps the majority of the Elder Race regarded their lesser evolved human cousins with the superiority and ill-concealed contempt that a pompous research scientist might feel walking amongst stone-age aborigines. Others may have exploited the females of Homo sapiens and may even have set the barbaric tribes against each other for the perverse pleasure of the Elder Race, who may have openly rooted for, and secretly assisted, their favorite tribes and warriors. The more humane among the Elder Race did their best to assist the primitive humans to develop a more functional culture and technology. According to Shaver, the ancient myths and legends are the unsophisticated surface dwellers' version of the myriad activities of the Elder Race.

After a time, the Shaver Mystery has it, the Elder Race became dissatisfied with life on Earth. Spaceships were sent to find another more suitable world where they could live on the surface without fearing negative rays from the sun. When the scouts returned with word of a planet with a beneficial sun, a mass exodus was at once set in motion.

Because of the great distance involved and the limited number of spacecraft large enough to serve as transports, the vast majority of their marvelous machines of super science were sealed in underground caverns. Desperate experimentation with the "mech" brought about certain radiations that destroyed a portion of the brain of many of the underpeople and produced a dangerous form of hereditary insanity.

Vast numbers of the cave people began to degenerate into physically stunned near-idiots, incapable of constructive reasoning. Shaver tells his readers that these are the "dero," detrimental-or degenerate- robots. "Robot" as Shaver used the word does not mean a mechanical representation of man, but is rather a designation for those who are controlled, or obsessed, by degenerative forces.

The deros, due to their hereditary brain damage, are completely devoid of any moral sense or humane instinct. They do harm at every opportunity and they gain immense satisfaction from the sufferings of others. They have mastered the use of certain of the "mech," and they direct negative rays at the surface dwellers whenever possible.
Their greatest delight comes in luring, or kidnapping, humans into the caverns and debasing them in sadistic orgies, which usually result in death or enslavement for the unfortunate captive. According to Shaver, the details of some of these grotesque debaucheries reached the surface world and established the foundations for the accounts of devils, demons, and the underworld hells of religion.

Editor Ray Palmer claimed that the issue of Amazing Stories (March, 1945) that carried the first Shaver fact-fiction piece brought in an unprecedented mail response of 50,000 letters, all of which Palmer said ". . . stated that Shaver spoke the truth, there actually were caves, and dero, and rays, and stim, and contrived train wrecks, and mental control, and thought records, and Titans, and ancient spaceships, and radioactive death raining down on us from the sun."


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Nov 05, 2011 8:20 pm

Is there a correlation between the timing of the cyclical return of Nibiru and the Five Ages of the Sun?

Ningishzidda and Ishkur - The Anunnaki
In his book “General History”, Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas, reports some legends he had been taught by the Nahuatl tribes.

The most important among these tells us that:

“In a very ancient time 4 tall men came by sea… they had long beard, pale skin, and they were extremely tall”.

These men discovered that the land they settled in was inhabited by primitive people, and was a very fertile land rich with lots of gold. The legend also tells us that "These men carried along the secret of time", a reference to the fact that it was they who started to count time in Mesoamerica creating the first Mesoamerican calendar.

The “Codice Vaticano-Latino” (also call Badianus Manuscript or Boturini Codex) gathered this and other stories told to the Spanish after their conquest of the local tribes in their journey from Mexico to Peru.

Particularly amazing is the story of the “Five Ages or Suns”, an Aztec legend that came from a more ancient Mayan one.

The Codice reports that the First Sun ended 13.133 years before the writing of the Codice itself because of a huge flood. According to the tale, humanity was safe because 2 people were saved by a god: Nene and his wife Tata.

The First Sun lasted 4008 years, the Second Sun lasted 4010 years, and the Third Sun lasted 4081 years. The Fourth Sun began, according to the Codice, “5042 years ago” but there were no traces of how long it would last nor when would it end.

The only other information was that the Fifth Sun would finish in 2012 AD.

We have to add the information that the Fifth Sun would end in 2012 A.D., so we have a lap of time dating from 3509 B.C. to 2012 A.D. that covers 2 Suns.

This is a period of time of only 5521 years. Since the other Suns lasted some 4000 years each, this data is very anomalous. It is worth remembering other information: the Long Count calendar starts in 3113 B.C. (or 3114 whether we consider ‘year 0’ or not) and was calculated, according to the legend, since the arrival of Quetzalcoatl (Kukulkan for the Maya).

Now let’s try to make a comparison between the data covered by Zecharia Sitchin and the prehistory of Mesoamerica. Sitchin contends that the Mesoamerican civilization rose because of the settlement of some of the Anunnaki in Mexico and in Peru, moving from Sumer with the aid of some humans recruited in Sumer and in Western Africa (and Egypt).

Sitchin goes on stating that there were two distinct fluxes of deities and people: one originated the myth of Viracocha, the other originated the myth of Quetzalcoatl.

Viracocha was described in legends as a ‘tall man with long beard, pale skin and using a rod that emitted thunders and lightnings’.

Quetzalcoatl was the ‘Feathered serpent’, tall and mastering of the ‘secret of arts and time’.

According to the Toltec and Aztec legends they both came by sea

I think it is due, at this point, to spend some time entering in details about these two deities, who were secondary characters at Sumer, but preeminent deities in Mesoamerica and South America.

The identification of these 2 deities is mostly made by iconography.

In the case of Ningishzidda/Quetzalcoatl we also have mythological common traits, like the attribution to both deities of a central role in the process of creating and instructing humanity. Ningishzidda was a pacific god, depicted with two entwined snakes, and when it was depicted in human form he had 2 horned snakes rising from his shoulders.

He was a cleaver engineer and architect, in fact King Gudea left us a tablet where he tells the story of the dream he had about building the Girsu for Ninurta, in Lagash.

In the dream it was Ningishzidda who told him how to erect the Girsu and how to settle it in accordance with the ‘signs in the sky’. He was called ‘Falcon of the Gods’, a name that bestowed him a reference to birds and flight. In this manner he was adored in Mexico as the ‘Flying and Feathered Serpent’, who educated the men and instructed them on how to write, build, etc.

Ishkur, instead, was a warrant god, depicted as a tall man with a long beard standing on a bull. He had lightnings or a trident of lightnings in one hand, and an axe in the other.

These objects were also attributes of Viracocha, often depicted with lightning bolts in one hand, and an axe or golden rod in the other.

The first king of the Cuzco civilization, called Manco Capac IV, an adorer of Viracocha, is often depicted with the golden axe of Viracocha in his hand.

Capac IV was a descendant of the first Manco Capac who founded Cuzco around 2400 B.C. According to the legend, it was Viracocha who gave Manco Capac I a golden rod/axe telling him to build a center of cult for him in the place where the rod would fall and penetrate the ground.

These two gods settled in Mesoamerica and southern America in two different times and locations, Quetzalcoatl in Mexico, where the feathered serpent is present in many sacred buildings and architectonic motives, (among the most famous places we can recall La Venta, Tollan, Teotihuacan, Xochicalco, Chichen Itzà) Viracocha in Peru where, on the shore reefs, we can still see the ‘Candelabra of the Andes’ (far below image), a gigantic glyph showing a trident that is the precise copy of the one depicted in some clay tablets representing Ishkur.

It is also interesting to notice that the name ISH.KUR was the focus of certain linguistic controversy.

If the word KUR is clearly Sumerian, meaning ‘Mountain’, the root ISH is not Sumerian but Akkadian, deriving from ISHA that meant LORD. Reading ISHKUR as an Akkadian name, thus, defines him as the ‘Lord of the Mountain’, which is an obvious reference to the fact he was in charge on the Zagros region, but also claiming a similarity to the mountain regions of the Andes where the Candelabra still lays, and the myth of Viracocha was born.

The ‘akkadian bound’ between Ishkur and Viracocha also shows out from a comparison of the dates. The cult of Viracocha is thought to be born around 2400/2100 B.C., which, in Mesopotamian lands, was the period of Akkad.

The big problem in accepting the correlation we have shown so far is that people do not accept that Mesoamerican and Mesopotamian civilizations could have met. The establishment tells us that the oldest Mesoamerican civilization dates back to 1400 BC, ignoring that some legends in the Codice and similar documents tell us clearly that various cities like Cuzco and Tlatilco were inhabited about 4000 years before the writing of the Codice.

This would lead to a date of about 2500 BC, a date that the establishment refuses to accept. Many scholars say that the Sumerian culture could never have been in contact with Mesoamericans because by 1400 BC the Sumerian culture had already disappeared, leaving ground to the Assyrian and Babylonian ones, which had a very different cuneiform system.

It’s obviously impossible to establish the exact dates when these two Sumerian gods arrived in Mexico and Peru, but we can try to establish some ‘theoric’ dates putting the dates of the Suns in correlation with some other dates given by Zecharia Sitchin in reference to the passage of Nibiru.

Sitchin, like other scholars, dates the Deluge back to circa 11.000 B.C. with a discordance from the end of the First Sun of about 600 years (which, we remember, ended by a Flood).

Given that Nibiru’s orbit is almost 3600 years long, Sitchin states these dates:

The Deluge - 11000 B.C.
Start of Mesolithic and reign of Osiris - 7400 B.C
Start of Neolithic and rise of Sumer – 3800 B.C
Building of the Pyramids at Giza - circa 10500 B.C
Ra exiled and beginning of the reign of Thot – use of a lunar calendar - 8000 B.C.
Thot dethroned by Ra coming back in Egypt - circa 3450/3200 B.C.
Egypt, under Ra, uses a solar calendar - circa 3150 a.C.

We can, at this point, put all the dates in correlation and notice some things.

Starting from dates chronologically closer to us, we have in the same millennium some important happenings: the rise of the civilization of Sumer (3800 B.C.), the start of the Fourth Sun (3509 B.C.), Thot dethroned and exiled (3200 B.C.), the birth of the Long Count Calendar (3113 B.C.)

This series of dates seems to establish a dependence of the Mesoamerican civilization from the Mesopotamia one (Sumerian and Egyptian particularly). We have to remember that Sitchin identifies Thot as the Sumerian god Ningishzidda, son of Enki and brother of Marduk, this latter adored in Egypt as Ra.

We can now make a list of some relating happenings:

Sumerian civilization flourishes around 3800 B.C.

Settlements of Mesopotamic and Egyptian/Africans people in Mesoamerica occur around 3800 / 3509 B.C.

Dethronement of Ningishzidda/Thot by Marduk/Ra, and exile of Thot and his human followers from Egypt to Mesoamerica – rise of the figure of Quetzalcoatl, around 3200 / 3150 B.C.

Birth of the first Mesoamerican calendar occurs in 3113 B.C.

Fuente Magna is a region near Chua, on the shores of lake Titicaca, circa 80 km from La Paz.

In 1992 an expedition in Chua discovered a bowl, which was unearthed by a local man some 30 years before, all covered with glyphs. The stunning discovery was that the interior of the bowl was covered with what at first sight seemed cuneiform signs. Photos of the interior panel were sent to linguistics around the world, who declared with no doubt that the writing system was Sumerian cuneiform.

Prof. Clyde Winters on the other side offers an even earlier date stating it was ‘proto-saharian’ cuneiform and that some of the cuneiform signs in the bowl were used in the Sahara about 5000 years ago.

The Fuente Magna bowl still remains the most important finding supporting the link between Mesopotamic and Mesoamerican cultures, establishing that Sumerians were able to settle in Bolivia some 5000/4000 years ago.

Between ’80s and ’90s a research project leaded by Bernardo Victor Biados Yacovazzo, chief director of the Institute for studies of pre-colombian language in La Paz, and by E.F. Legner of the University of California, examined dozens of locations in Peru and Bolivia.

The material they gathered shows without any doubt the contact among Elamites, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Sumerians, and Babylonians with the autochthonous tribes of both Peru and Bolivia.

There is also a section about the various stelae discovered in Bolivia that contain logo-syllabic and cuneiform writing, of the same kind of the ones used in Egypt, Elam, and writings that are identified as proto-elamitic and proto-hebrew.

Few books deal with the correlation and the similarities that the Pyramids and other megalithic monuments show with one another. Almost any writer stops after noticing the alignment of a certain building with some constellation, or the heliac rise, the moon etc.

Nobody has mentioned that if we connect the Esagila in Babylon, the Giza complex, and the Teotihuacan complex, we obtain a perfect line where the three points have less than 1 degree of misalignment.

We obtain a perfect line with the same degree if we connect Bad Tibira (an old Sumerian metallurgic site) with Giza and going on to Machu Picchu, the old Tampu Toco (a Mayan metallurgic site in Peru)

Stonehenge I was only made of some 50 holes in the ground forming a circle, called ‘Aubrey holes’, and of seven vertical stones, six of which were forming a circle and the seventh was a little out of the circle, the famous Heelstone.

Well, we find a perfect match of these in Lagash, in the courtyard of the Girsu, the temple of Ninurta: six stones forming a circle and the seventh stone outside the circle.

Lagash is less than 1 degree distant from Babylon, so if we connect Lagash and the Girsu with Giza we obtain a line that points to Teotihuacan.

We then have:

Lagash: the Girsu with 7 stones forming a circle (2100 B.C. circa);
Stonehenge (phase I): 7 stones forming a circle (2900 B.C. circa);
Giza: 3 pyramids, 2 in a line, and 1 a little on the left of the line (10500 B.C. circa according to Sitchin – 2500 B.C. circa according to orthodox Egyptologists) ;
Teotihuacan: 3 buildings, 2 in a line, and 1 a little on the left of the line (3000 B.C. circa)

Why did we have to notice these similarities?

The common trait among these 4 locations comes from the analysis of the importance, in these 4 cultures, of the same recurring figure: the Serpent.

As we have already seen, at Sumer the serpent was a symbol for the enkites, mainly Enki and his son Ningishzidda. What is less documented is the importance of the Serpent among Druids and Celts, which we know by some images depicting the god Cernunnos.

He was, as a matter of fact, depicted with a serpent in his hands, as we can see in the image below.

This is perfectly coherent with the identification given by Sitchin of Thot/Ningishzidda/Quetzalcoatl:

The Egyptian hats would show a serpent in honor of Thot, and the Olmec/Aztec/Mayan ones would show a serpent in honor of Quetzalcoatl, both these deities identified with Ningishzidda.

It has been widely said that the pyramids at Giza show a particular alignment with the Orion Belt, explaining this as the try on behalf of the egyptians to duplicate a stellar structure where they conceived the Duat, the ‘path of Osiris’, according to the principle of ‘As above so below’.

What other scholars do not mention, is that Giza is not the only place where this alignment occurs. We find a perfect match in Teotihuacan, in Mexico.

In both cases we have two buildings in a perfect line (pyramids of Kheop and Kefrem in Giza – pyramid of Quetzalcoatl and of the Moon in Teotihuacan) another building laying slightly on the left of this hypothetical line (pyramid of Menkaure in Giza – pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan)

Teotihuacan is voted to the cult of Quetzalcoatl, and Giza is voted to the cult of Thot, both bounded with the image of the serpent and the bird (a Quetzal in the case of Quetzalcoatl and an Ibis in the case of Thot).

Another very controversial discovery, ignored by most scholar and never noticed by alternative researchers, is the common ‘mistake’ we find in many statues and depictions in Mesoamerica, in Egypt, and in Mesopotamia: people or gods depicted with 2 Left Hands.

One of the best known examples in Babylonian culture is the famous image of Marduk and the Mushushu.

Clyde Winters, whom we have already mentioned, is a linguistic scholar and archeologist specialized in the comparison of dead languages and the customs of different cultures. His studies are worldwide accepted and appreciated, and used in many universities, but completely ignored by the establishment and the big ring of the ‘mainstream science’.

These studies range from the identification of the Olmecs as a mixed population mostly made up of African people, to the finding of the resemblance and derivation of many terms in the Chinese, Mesoamerican, Mesopotamic languages, to the decipherment of the Meroitic and Dravidian languages.

Winters produced a huge series of documents, images, tables, that strongly put in correlation the Sumero-Akkadian and Babylonian civilization with the Hindu, Elamitic, Egyptian, Nauhatl, Mexican, and Phoenician.

This is, according to Winters a precise indication that there was a migration from Mesopotamia to Mesoamerica about 5000/5500 years ago, and the writing system did not undergo the evolution occurred in Mesopotamia where the reading direction changed during time. Thanks to Winters’ documents we also discover that Fuente Magna and Pokotia are not the two only cases witnessing the journey of Sumerians in Mesoamerica.

In “The lost realms”, Zecharia Sitchin reports of some similarities discovered by modern linguists that relate the term ‘Manco’, used to describe the Inca kings, to a similar term used in semitic languages meaning ‘King’. A similar analysis was made around the term ‘Meshica’ which is not Nauhatl but is used in some Mesoamerican celebrations singing, 'Yo Meshica, He Meshica, Va Meshica', and is put in relation with the term Mashi’ach from which ‘Messiah’ would derive.
Planet X Nibiru Projected Orbital Return
The equations that follow are real. The consequences will be real. I've done my very best to keep it simple so anyone can follow along and understand. There are no "doomsday" predictions here, but this event will take place. Knowing this can save the life of you and yours. My personal advice should headlines start creeping around by 2010? By late 2012 = stay away from the coasts.

Utilizing several timeline scales - pick what works for you: - tya = thousand years ago

Age of Taurus = 4500 BC = {4,286 - 2,143 bce} = (4-6 tya)
Age of Gemini = 7500 BC = {6,429 - 4,286 bce} = (6-8 tya)
Age of Leo = 11,500 BC = {10,715 - 8,572 bce} = (10-12 tya)
Age of Virgo = 14,500 BC = {12,858 - 10,715 bce} = (12-15ya and on)

Nibiru - Sumerian Definition 4200 BC'ish
Tzoltze ek' - Mayan Definition 3800 BC'ish
Planet X - Modern Astronomy Science

A large scale hypothetical planet that's part of our solar system with an orbit beyond that of Neptune was first hypothesized in 1841 when astronomers noticed Uranus did not move as predicted in its orbit. Based on these residuals, the search for Planet X began.

The number 2,160 is the twelfth fraction of a precessional cycle that takes 25,920 years.

If we divide 25,776 by twelve we get 2,148 years.

We now conclude that the bi-orbital timeline of P-X is 2,148 years, not 3,600 or 2,160 years.

If we proceed to calculate in periods of 2,148 years starting at 10,983 BC,
then add another degree and a half of 25,776 to that:

{ meaning 107.4 years } thus/and/or
{ A degree and a half of 25,920 is 108 years},

-gulp- we then come up with a result of... 2012 AD! ... Yikes!

So, this is also the end of the Mayan calendar, the end of the month Pisces (2148 years), and the end of the cycle known as the "Platonic Year or Great Year" which we now know lasts 25,776 years.

The last 'Major' passage, which caused noticeable catastrophe, was during the Age of Taurus, 4,286 - 2,143 bce - the two before that would have been in the Ages of Leo (10,500 BC.) and Scorpio (14,500 BC.) - (see chart above for "years ago" timeline ).

The Gnostic authors of the Bible were also aware of these hallmark conjunctions, and wrote them into the New Testament. The four beasts of the Apocalypse, the Lion, Ox, Man and Eagle, correspond to the four zodiac signs Leo, Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio, in which the Grand Cross conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn takes place in 6,444 year intervals.

So my conclusion is that we experience catastrophe approximately every 4200 years (2 x 2,148 = 4200) and 3 times within a precessional time scale of 25,776 years. Mayan Elder, Hunbatz Men, also revealed that the Mayans have known about Tzoltze ek' (Nibiru) for many years. They say "The planet has a period of 6,500 years, not 3,600, and visits us 4 times every 26,000 year precessional cycle" (Platonic Year or Great Year, that ends on 21st December 2012). If we go back 6,444 years (3 x 2,148) from 2012 AD, then it brings us to 4,432 BC, when the Antarctic ice cap formed.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:58 pm

There are many rumors circulating about the “occult” date 11/9 (reverse of 9/11) and what might happen in the heavens and on the Earth.

The Elenin Timeline and the closest approach of 2005 YU55 ... ts-videos/
2011 OCT 28

Alignment Earth, Mercury and Venus together with again a second alignment at the same time between Earth, Sun and Jupiter (alignment until 1-11-11)!

2011 NOV 09

Closest approach of 2005 YU55 (0,0023 AU): This Astroid will pass between Earth and the Moon (Distance Earth-Moon = 0.00257 AU). This Astroid could hit the moon, normally it will pass the moon at (0,00027 AU)! This is a very important time period, the 2005 YU55 comet passes earth at just 2.137.988 miles or 3.427.194 kilometers, but even more important, this comet will “pass” our moon at just 25.098 miles or 40.232 kilometers, thats the distance of just one time around the earth! If ELENIN has a powerful field it could push 2005 YU55 out of its “normal route” and closer to the moon. If the moon is hit by this 400 meter diameter rock, disaster will also hit earth with tidalwaves and more!

2011 NOV 09

Astroid 1036 Ganymed in the Area
Also in the Neighborhoud: 1996 FG3 Astroid

2011 NOV 10

Full Moon!

2011 NOV 11

Perfect Alignment of Elenin, Earth, Mercury and Venus: During this alignment the Earth will also pass the route of Elenin.

Barycenter at Risk
YU-55 asteroid fly by at 201,700 miles from earth is within the earth-moon system and places our earth-moon barycenter (of orbit) at risk. This is the reason that the entrenched elite are taking all of the visible precautions seen these last few weeks. The effects on our barycenter are unpredictable.
Is The Upcoming 11-9-11 FEMA Emergency Broadcast Test Also A Dry Run for Deploying the Internet “Kill Switch?” ... ll-switch/
Apparently the internet rumor mill is in full force as to the purported reasons for the upcoming deployment of a national FEMA emergency broadcast test on 11-9-11. Many believe this is in fact a “dry run” for utilizing the federal government’s new “internet kill switch.”

Earthquakes and the New Madrid Fault Line
The 200th anniversary of the first of the New Madrid 1811-12 series of quakes is only a few weeks away... Dec 14.
National Level Exercise 2011 (NLE 2011)
National Level Exercise 2011 (NLE 2011) is scheduled for May 2011. The purpose of the exercise is to prepare and coordinate a multiple-jurisdictional integrated response to a national catastrophic event.

NLE 2011 will simulate the catastrophic nature of a major earthquake in the central United States region of the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ). The year 2011 is the bicentennial anniversary of the 1811 New Madrid earthquake, for which the NMSZ is named. NLE 2011 will be the first NLE to simulate a natural hazard.
Pentagon Quake Nightmare: Fukushima on the Mississippi
In May, the federal government simulated an earthquake so massive, it killed 100,000 Midwesterners instantly, and forced more than 7 million people out of their homes. At the time, National Level Exercise 11 went largely unnoticed; the scenario seemed too far-fetched — states like Illinois and Missouri are in the middle of a tectonic plate, not at the edge of one. A major quake happens there once every several generations.

But Tuesday’s earthquake along the East Coast is a reminder that disasters can hit where they’re least expected. And if the nightmare scenario comes, government officials worry that state and federal authorities won’t be able to handle the “cascading failures” that follow. The results of May’s disaster exercise won’t be released to the public. But privately, these government officials say they’re glad that this earthquake was just a drill — and not the big one. Especially because there are so many nuclear power plants in the fault zone.
Did the Dimona Dozen murder the Fukushima 50?
Update: 28 sep 2011 What happened to Jim Stone?

The following article about what really happened at Fukushima got me into a LOT of trouble. That can only mean I NAILED IT.
Are Shallow Earthquakes Associated with the New Madrid Fault & BP’s Mega Oil Spill?
http://phoenixrisingfromthegulf.wordpre ... oil-spill/
Is there a common factor between the quake off Fort Morgan on 18 Feb 2010 and the recent swarm of quakes occurring in the vicinity of the New Madrid Fault zone? You are right if the BP Mega Oil spill and the Deepwater Horizon blowout on 20 April 2010 come to mind.
No Nothing is what it seems in the BP's Mega Oil Spill disaster.
Perhaps the lies and cover-ups of the Gulf Oil Spill disaster are bursting at the seams. Like any cancerous terminal illness, it is no longer possible to cover the lesions and symptoms with “cosmetics”. The only escape hatch is to spin and muddle the pool. With sufficient willful ignorance in the world's populace, the perpetrators of the BP's Mega-oil spill disaster could escape scott free just as in Project 911 Disaster. 911 served as the main reason for the War on Terror; triggering the Afghan & Iraqi wars, Homeland Security and Patriot Acts etc which not only affected the US but the whole wide world.

Today after more than 10 years, you cannot air-travel as freely without being groped and probed.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:44 pm

This is a really interesting webbot. Clif is a proponent of Anatoly Formenko’s “new chronology”. He talks about how history really covers only about the last thousand years and how the Church changed the calendar back in the 1500s in order to have it mark a stellar alignment with a particular star in a chamber in the Great Pyramid on 1/1/2000.

Clif is uncertain as to why the date 1/1/2000 is important to the PTB’s.

4/9 (11-2-2011) Webbot Clif High with Suzzane Toro ... re=related
There was a huge effort since the 1500s to get us all thinking about 2012. To engineer it as such so that the calendar they created in the 1500’s had a direct alignment with a star and that particular channel in the Great Pyramid on January 1, 2000.

Anatoly Formenko ... eview.html
Spotlight Reviews of Anatoly Fomenko's "History, Fiction or Science?"
By Timothy Horrigan © 2005-2006

Dr. Fomenko is a Russian mathematician who has branched out into history. He is a founder of the controversial "New Chronology" movement which essentially states that history only goes back till about 1050 AD. From what we now call the 11th through 15th centuries, there was a Eurasian empire (what we now call the "Byzantine empire") which lasted almost 400 years. In the 15th century, the various remnants of the empire developed their own versions of the story, each with their own nation at the center of the story. These stories were eventually recombined into a single narrative which repeats itself cyclically. I am personally a little skeptical, but I am at least convinced that the conventional chronology is basically fictional, being based on written documents which in almost all cases are much newer than the history they record.

"A Pretty Wild Theory", February 22, 2005 (5 Stars)

This book presents a wildly radical restructuring of the timeline of world history. It is written by an outsider to the world of historical scholarship: Fomenko is a non-historian (a renowned mathematician) and a non-Westerner (from Russia.) Fomenko's theory says, basically, that everything we are told about history pre-1600 is BS. Ancient history is, according to Fomenko, based on evidence quote-unquote "discovered" since the 15th century and arranged into a spurious standard timeline in the 18th century. (In some cases, the evidence was discovered much more recently: some Eastern religious texts were only uncovered in the 20th century.) Fomenko collates this evidence to argue that all those ancient chronicles are different versions of events which really happened roughly between 1000 AD and 1400 AD. The key event in Fomenko's timeline is the life of Christ (who was born in 1053 AD rather than 6BC, Fomenko believes.) After a relatively short-lived Eurasian empire disintegrated, each nation made up their own version of the empire's history, and generally each new version of the story was set farther back into the past than the previous one. (The newest version is the Hindu Krishna myth which is set about 10,000 years before the present day.)

This is an appealing theory, since it eliminates the various "dark ages" which blemish the conventional chronology.

On the other hand, this is an appalling theory, since it creates one big dark age extending from the beginning of time till 900 AD or so. The book is translated from the Russian. There is no index, and the bibliography is rather annoyingly arranged in the original Russian alphabetical order (so for example, B's and V's are mixed together.) But the translation is extremely readable, more readable than most historical works originally written in English. This is the first book in a projected 7-volume set.

"A detailed timeline of classical history--- quite different from the conventional one," July 20, 2005 (5 Stars).
This is the second volume in a projected 7-volume series. It's not quite as much fun as the first volume, where Dr. Fomenko outlined his radical historical theories. This is something of an appendix to volume 1, showing how the timelines of the "First" through "Third" Roman empires, ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, and the Bible are all reflections of events which took place in so-called "Medieval" times. The reason pre-1600 history tends to move in cycles of about 350 years (punctuated by Dark Ages) is, we are told, because there only is about 350 years of pre-1600 history in the first place.

Since I went through the Columbia University's "Contemporary Civilization" program as an undergraduate, I was personally amused to see that two Classical Greek writers who were conventionally viewed as being ancient and historically inaccurate (though still great)— i.e., Homer and Herodotus— are viewed here as being relatively recent and accurate (as well as great.)

Fomenko's timeline becomes even more radical in this book: for example, Fomenko now tells us that Jesus probably lived in the 1100s, not the 1000s. And he was Russian.

We have a few volumes left before Fomenko gets around to British and American history.
I wonder if the date 1/1/2000 has something to do with the Masonic calendar which is based on the year 5990 A.L - Anno Lucis or the “Year of the Light" and the return of the “Black Sun” (black dwarf sun). Did the Church have to “resynchronize” its calendar after they decoded the Mayan Tzolkin calendar?

It’s interesting to note that Formenko’s time frame coincides with “history” of the Knights Templar.

So the next part of the puzzle seems to involve the Knights Templar and the secret knowledge they discovered in their excavations under the Herod’s Temple in Jerusalem.

Whatever secret knowledge they discovered also seems to have played a part; it prompted the Church to change its calendar and Dr. John Dee to map out a new longitude in order to provide an accurate solstice marker for a particular stellar alignment relating to Anno Lucis and the year 2000. I believe that Sirius is the particular star involved in the 1/1/2000 alignment.

I wonder if the other great secret had to do with the Templar’s discovery of the true roots of Christianity -- “Mandaean Christianity”. Could this have caused the Church to rewrite history in order to place “orthodox Christianity” within a certain context or time frame? What secret knowledge did the Mandaeans know and what is the origin of their religion?

Two Suns ? ... re=related

VERY Strange Sightings in the Arctic!? ... r_embedded

Nibiru Solar System - May 10, 2011 - Hawaii ? ... re=related

The Year of the Light ... cts75c.htm
The calendar of the Freemasons begins four thousand years prior to the Gregorian, at the time of a reported supernova that they commemorate as Anno Lucis, the Year of Light, and about the same time that a fantastic leap in civilization was accomplished in Sumeria and Egypt.

Noone recalls that Dr. Anthony Hewish, 1974 Nobel Prize winner, while tracking astronomical anomalies in the heavens, "demonstrated that... strange rhythmic pulses were radio emissions from a star that had collapsed or blown itself up in the earth's southern sky some time around 4000 B.C."

The ancient Sumerian cuneiform table Michanowsky was deciphering described a giant star exploding within a triangle formed by the three stars Zeta Puppis, Gamma Velorum, and Lambda Velorum.

Michanowsky continued deciphering the Sumerian star catalogue, containing observations going back for thousands of years. The remarkably accurate star catalogue now stated that the blazing star that had exploded within the triangle would again be seen by man in 6,000 years.

This means, interestingly enough, that the Sumerians set the date for the reappearance of the supernova in about the year 2000 A.D.
1940 Congressional Record - September 2001 Earmarked For a Start-Date
"Actual documents dating from the mid-twentieth century showing that, even as far back as the late 1930s, secret societies had earmarked September 2001 as a start-date for the 'New World Order.' "

It is amazing that this was put into the Congressional Records. Regarding the dates, did anything significant happen on 17 September 1701? Also it appears that September 2001 was the end of the 6000 year period marking the start of the Millenium. Or more like the start of the Tribulation? Although we have gone nearly 9.5 years since...well beyond the 7 biblical years (perhaps more akin to Nostradamus' prediction of a 28 year war {on terror}).
Anno Lucis – Year of Light ... light.html
During my ascension through the ranks of Freemasonry, one of the things that I am researching vigorously is the origins of the Mason Calendar of Light, or "Anno Lucis" timetable.

I came across an interesting book in the Masonic library last month, refuting the claim (often made by non-Masons or uninformed brethren) that the start of the AL dating, 4000 BC, is due to the Bishop Usher calculation of Genesis.

Usher, you might know, counted backwards using the alleged ages of people in the Old Testament, and came up with the year 4004 BC for the date of creation. Just because the Usher date is close to the AL start date- 4004 instead of 4000 - many people just assume (due to Freemasonry's connections to Christianity) that the Masonic calendar is based on Usher.

However this old book, written in the 1700s, instead asserts that the A.L. date is based on a calendar created by an Isis cult from ancient Egypt. In the year 4000 the star Vela went supernova, and for months, if you were located near in the latitudes of Egypt, you would have seen two suns.

The Vela explosion effectively created a "year of Light" by blazing away and preventing any night for most of the year 4000. The Isis priests apparently took this as a sign for a new era being born and started their calendar accordingly."

The Freemasons begin their calendar from A.L., "In the Year of Light," found by adding 4000 to the modern year: Thus 1990 + 4000 = 5990 A.L.

George Michanowsky wrote in The Once and Future Star that;

"The ancient Sumerian cuneiform...described a giant star exploding within a triangle formed by...Zeta Puppis, Gamma Velorum, and Lambda Velorum...located in the southern sky....[An] accurate star catalogue now stated that the blazing star that had exploded within the triangle would again be seen by man in 6000 years."

According to the Freemason's calendar it will occur in the year 2000.
The Aldebaran Mystery ... stery.html
Suppose the Reich survivors learned from their Aldebaran mentors the secret the ancient Sumerians possessed–that, in a regular 3600 year cycle, the surface of planet Earth is devastated by the passing of a dwarf-star which is companion to our solar system. And that this Dark Star was calculated once again to swing through the inner planets during the early years of the 21st Century. Such a monumental event would grant the “Thousand Year Reich” a meager seventy year or so life span. Thus might the Reich survivors not wisely choose to disappear from the surface world and develop hardened underground ’shelters’ in the remote wastes of Antarctica, patiently preparing to safely ride out the Dark Star’s passing?
Shadow Files
The Iraqi Mandaean Conspiracy:

Known to few outside the 'secret society' community, Iraq is in fact the most hotly contested and highly coveted real estate on earth, because it is the site of evidence of the true origin of Christianity and Judaism, and possibly many other religions as well.

In southern Iraq, an orthodox purity cult sect called the Mandaeans live much as they have for the last 2,000 years. They are apparently an offshoot of a group that followed an earlier Christian teaching in the tradition of John the Baptist, or possibly the Essenes - one of many groups of the era that broke away from mainstream religion for various reasons, usually because of a belief that the mainstream religious establishment had 'sold out,' or became too worldly or preoccupied with wealth and power. It has been determined by researchers that the Mandaeans of southern Iraq are in fact the Nasoreans, who were driven from Judah circa 37AD. Along with many other fugitive 'churches,' they fled groups of hired mercenaries intent on suppressing the growing Christianity movement.

Strangely enough, the Mandaeans view Christ as a rebel heretic who betrayed secret Nasorian traditions, but accept John the Baptist as a holy man - they practice washing and bathing rituals similar to modern Christian baptism ceremonies.

There are several compelling connections between the practices of the Mandaeans and the worldwide secret society community, particularly the traditions of Freemasonry, a secret society that traces it's origins to the order of the Knights Templar.

While the Templars were originally commissioned and backed by the Roman Catholic church, they quickly became more influential and powerful than their sponsors. During the inquisitions and investigation that followed the purge of the Templars by Philip IV in 1307, it was revealed that the Templars which were involved in secret religious practices were apparently an offshoot of the esoteric teachings of the 4,000 year old Babylonian Mystery Schools, and that they employed rituals and symbolism that indicated this. Similar symbolism and rituals are also found in modern freemasonry.

The name 'Mandaean' comes from a root meaning 'secret knowledge,' and they employ a ritual grip of hands for a 'deal' or 'righteousness' - a very freemasonic concept.

When the Knights Templar fled the European purge in 1307, a large group fled to Scotland and Robert the Bruce's protection. It is not known, however, what happened to the Templar treasure fleet that slipped away in the night from La Rochelle in Brittany or the treasure and documents from Herod's Temple that were known to be hidden inside the massive twin pillars at the Templar lodge.

Many authors and researchers speculate that they fled to the coast of Central or North America, long before Columbus. The Sinclair family of Scotland claim their ancestors landed in North America in the early 1300s, making it very possible they were involved in an expedition with the Templars, many of which were known to be in Scotland at that time.

Mandaean heritage linking them to the Nasoreans also gives them a connection to the Qumranians, a group that are known to have buried scrolls and documents under the temple of Herod - where the fledgling Templars, only nine members strong, conducted excavations for nine years in the early 1100's. The Templars finally departed abruptly and very quickly became the most powerful political, religious, and financial force in the
civilized world. What did they find that enabled them to wield such power?

The teachings of the Mandaeans describe an idyllic land to the west, found by following a star they called Merica. Could information about the existence of Merica possibly have been among the treasure and secret documents discovered in Jerusalem? Did the Templars travel to Merica, a century later, to avoid capture? It is at least more than coincidental that our land is called America, just like this distant idyllic land to the west known to the Mandaeans.

While it is not known if the Templars ever arrived or established a secret colony in North America, history is full of veiled attempts to find their elusive treasure. Hernando Cortes was overtly after a fabled ancient golden city in North America, and was told by the Aztec leader that white men from the ocean were 'expected' to return for their treasure.

What could be the secret that they have - the Mandaeans and the Templars? Other than treasure, what could be so compelling that Iraq as a society and culture must be slated for
complete destruction

The Secret of Iapetus:

The ancient city of Ur seems strangely out of place and time. Note the use of advanced architecture and building techniques. Were the builders helped by an alien intelligence?

For the Mandaeans, Sumerians, and Eblans of the region, their relationship with a 'god ' seemed to involve their developing a working knowledge of science, math, medicine, agriculture, astronomy, written and oral language, and government/administration. Incredible as it sounds, the ancient religions of the southern Iraq region describe an interaction between the local population and a being from space.

In this planisphere, or map of the heavens, from Nineveh, Iraq, dated 3300 BC, a being called En.LIL is described as visiting and departing our solar system.

This 'religion' and 'worship' seems to have initially been a teacher /student type of relationship.

Babylon, or Babel, is Chaldean for 'Gateway of the Gods.' This is because the Chaldeans taught that Babylon was built over the original location of the 'coming and going' of the gods.

According to ancient records and artifacts, beings visited Earth from a planet called NIBIRU. Their world, the visitors claimed, is dragged along by a smaller brown dwarf star that orbits our sun -- an enormous orbit that takes almost 4,000 years to complete.

These ancient records describe this dwarf star, dragging along its planets, as periodically passing near enough to our solar system for them to send ships to earth, where they would engage in accumulation of gold and other metals through mining operations using bituminous (oil/petroleum based) products as fuel to refine ores. The visitors would send these materials into low earth orbit, eventually returning with them to their ship, which would remain in orbit between Mars and Jupiter.

According to Sumerian records, the Annunaki claimed that as their planet approached our system they would arrive from their world on ships, each containing fifty occupants, materials and supplies. These ships would then enter our solar system, assuming an orbit passing between Jupiter and Mars. They would remain there for several hundred years, as teams sent to Earth gathered gold and other metals from southern Africa and the region between the Tigris/Euphrates Rivers sending them back to the orbiting ship. Others gathered minerals and ores from the asteroid belt. As they completed operations, their ship would leave its orbit and approach Saturn. Using Saturn's enormous gravitational pull to assist their acceleration they would then 'slingshot', returning to their own system which would be completing the nearest part of its 4,000 year orbit and heading back out into deep space.

Saturn's enormous gravitational and electromagnetic fields were regarded with great fear and awe by the Annunaki - they called it TAR.GALLU, or 'the great destroyer'.

Apparently this was because of an incident in their distant past when a ship with fifty occupants was lost on a mission to the inner solar system. Possibly through trajectory or flight path miscalculations, the story describes a craft becoming trapped in a large orbit around Saturn, hopelessly dooming its occupants from any timely rescue. A Sumerian cuneiform text, published in 1912, describes this incredible disaster as an Annunaki named MARDUK rushes to his father, EA, with terrible news.

However, was the fact that a correction in the flight path of the probe had sent it within photographic range of Iapetus, a body that orbits Saturn in a very large and unusually inclined orbit- far wider than any other object circling Saturn. Scientists believe this extremely remote orbiting object was most likely 'trapped' or pulled into orbit instead of originating as part of Saturn's moon and ring system.
Deep within the bowels of Freemasonry, unknown to the vast majority of “Blue Lodge” Free & Accepted Masons (F&AM) is a dual legend of the origin of Freemasonry in remote antiquity.

In one version, the founder of Freemasonry is said to be the Hebrew Patriarch Enoch, who “walked with God” and did not taste of death. Enoch is often associated with the Great Divine Being Metatron, and, in Elizabethan Occultism, the system of Magick and the occult cipher which bears his name.

The legend of Enoch closely parallels the story of the later Hebrew prophet Elijah, who was said to have been taken alive into the Heavens in a Fiery Chariot. He is also associated with the Babylonian astrologer Heabani, also said to have been taken alive into the skies by the god Hea.

This legend is paralleled by another associated with a mysterious being called “Oannes”. The historian Berosus, and later Alexander Polyhistor, described Oannes, or John as a sentient amphibious creature which emerged from the Persian Gulf in ancient Sumer in the daytime to teach the arts and sciences to humanity.

At sunset, he returned to the waters of the Gulf. One may find associations with various versions of the Jonah legend, that of the fish-god Dagon, Sumer appeared ‘out of nowhere’ about 5500 years ago in southern Mesopotamia. No trace of their culture or unique language has been found elsewhere. They disappeared about 4000 years ago, having left a profound impact on Babylonia and other civilizations in economics, the art of writing, mathematics, astronomy, legal practices and architectural forms, as well as religion.

As noted above, one early Masonic history has it that,

“The Masons hold their grand festival on the day of St. John, not knowing that therein they merely signify the fish-god Oannes, the first Hermes, and the first founder of the Mysteries…” At the time the orthodox Grand Lodge was organized in the early eighteenth century, this was associated with St. John the Baptist and celebrated on June 24th.

Later the date was shifted, and, it appears St. John the Baptist was supplanted by St. John the Evangelist, but John the Baptist remains the chief patron saint of Freemasonry. The first three Degrees of Freemasonry, known collectively as “Blue Lodge” Masonry, are also called “Johannite Masonry” - that is, the “Masonry of John”. We find this very revealing.

The legend of the Oannes is discussed in connection with Sumerian and Babylonian Sirius lore in Robert Temple’s The Sirius Mystery, perhaps the only literate ‘ancient astronaut’ book available.

The aquatic “god” Oannes or John seems to be the primal key to the earliest contact between the Ultraterrestrials and human adepts.
THE Vesica Piscis is, at once, a sign of Divinity and a sign of “Amphibiousness”. This suggests an early origin associated with the great Initiator, the Fish God from Sirius, known as John or Oannes.

The term means ‘fish bladder’ and was the Sign held most sacred by the early Christians, and was the basis for much of the Church architecture of the Gothic period.

If we examine the legend of John the Baptist, patron saint of Freemasonry, what do we find? A semi divine teacher, associated with the prophet Elijah (Matthew 11:14, 16:14, 17:12; Mark 6:15, 8:18; Luke 9:19) who ascended alive into heaven in a chariot of fire before many witnesses (2Kings 2:1-14), John stands half immersed in the water, baptizing others into Wisdom by immersing them.

This apparently is an echo of that more remote John, Oannes, the Sumerian-Babylonian half-fish, half man who taught humanity by day, but returned to the waters by night. The only surviving cult of John the Baptist, the Mandeans, live in modern-day Iraq, the former Babylonian and Sumerian Empire.

His legend is often confused with that of Jesus, the dying and rising god first illuminated by John (their followers were in contention with one another for some time after John’s martyrdom).

The Hebrew name for Jesus, Yehesua, is identical to that of the Old Testament wonder-working prophet, known in English as Joshua.

Joshua was the Son of Nun (that is, son of the fish) and this also refers to a crucified sky god who brings knowledge.

In Masonic lore, the “two Johns” of the New Testament get interchanged in the Eighteenth Century. John the Evangelist is substituted for John the Baptist, but the latter is, in magical lore, associated with the Astrological Sign Cancer and late in the month of June, thus revealing, once again, the same origin in Oannes.

These are, of course, the very arts and sciences taught to humanity by the Gods of Sirius (Sothis) in ancient times.

“Consider this mystic star and let its recollection never depart from your mind. It is the emblem of that genius, which elevates us to great things…” The great Masonic authority Albert Pike boasted that “Sirius still glitters in our Lodges as the Blazing Star.”
Did John Dee map out a new longitude to create the proper solstice marker for the return of the Black Sun in 2000?

God’s Longitude
In discussing the decision by the Church to ignore Na'amat Allah's 33-year (with repeating "8-leap-year") cycle, Cassidy and Steele have pointed to the ability of that system alone to determine an exact "true Equinox" longitude on Earth. Clavius' system spread the Equinox out over a 53-hour range, but there was nowhere on Earth that could have a true midnight-to-midnight Equinox. Under Allah's system, the Equinox, while neatly confined to a 24-hour period, would necessarily straddle two consecutive calendar dates. For instance, at Greenwich, England, the Equinox would fall from 5:08 AM on March 21st to 5:08 AM on March the 22nd.

Their theory is quite plausible, as far as it goes. But it ignores the obvious: if the Catholic Church knew the significance of the 77° longitude, they would certainly realize that the English knew it too, once they observed the settlement patterns of the first English expeditions. Why not then just go ahead and implement their better 33-year calendar? And why did the English themselves never implement "the perfect Christian Calendar?" What was to be gained in "Christian" (or, more practically, Protestant) terms of keeping up Gregory's ruse?

So, do we have an alternative explanation ... a compelling reason that the 33-year calendar cycle has continued to be publicly suppressed (and by both sides) for the intervening 400 years?

To understand the motives of both sides, it is educational to examine the key figure in the English decision to seek the holy longitude in the new world, Dr. John Dee.

The relevance to the entire issue of deliberate "calendar manipulation" is best understood when we look at Dee's involvement in the English response to the Gregorian Reform.

In it, Dee called for an 11-day correction, as opposed to the Gregorian 10-day correction for 1582. But a note attached to the work allowed for a 10-day correction in 1583. In a complicated exercise explained by Cassidy, he asserts that Dee was actually trying to implement the 33-year"Anni-Domini" (Allah's) calendar by only seeming to "accept" the Papal Decree. But Dee's 10-day correction would only work if 1584 was declared subsequently not to be a leap year. This, however, was not done, and England stayed on its own calendar until 1752, when they finally acceded to the Gregorian Reform that most of the rest of the world had long been using -- but with an 11-day correction (instead of the "Gregorian" 10). In doing so, they actually set (by their own clock) the date of the Vernal Equinox on March 21st ... but only on "God's Longitude."

Shortly after Dee had returned to England in 1589, a young law student named Johann Bayer (1572-1625) made a contribution to astronomy that almost certainly sprang from this "secret knowledge" that Dee had apparently been spreading "on the Continent." Bayer was a Bavarian "amateur" astronomer, who first named stars by assigning them to constellations and giving them Greek letters (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, etc.), in order of decreasing brightness. His seminal work, the "Uranometria" (published in 1603), not only set this new standard for stellar designation but also created several entirely new constellations ... one of which will ultimately have a major role in unraveling the mystery we have before us.

What Bayer did was to literally "carve out" a new constellation from the stars of Canis Major. Canis Major, of course, contains the key celestial player in the Millennium madness we are documenting -- Sirius. Bayer's new constellation is also located precisely on the meridian with Orion, a relationship which we took to be a "marker" of some kind for future events. He named this new constellation "Columba," apparently after "the dove that is sent out from Noah's Ark to search for dry land after the deluge." What we next needed to do was figure out the history and mythology of this new constellation, and any connection to the New Atlantis Dee and Bacon had been seeking.

According to Allen ("Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning"):

"[Columba] was made up from the southwestern outliers of Canis Major, near to the Ship [Argo] -- Noah's Ark -- and so it was regarded as the attendant Dove."

“Doves" in the Noah story indicate a need to determine exact lat/long ...again, after a major, watery catastrophe...

Robert Temple, author of the aforementioned "Sirius Mystery", has exhaustively explained the deeper connection between the Argo (the Ark) and Sirius ... Most interesting is his discussion of the deep (hidden?) relationship between the true nature of the companion to Sirius, Sirius B -- the amazing white dwarf -- and a little known visible star in the same constellation of Canis Major, called by the Arabs, "Al Wazn" -- "Weight" -- so-called (according to a leading Arabic astronomy expert) because "...the star seems to rise with difficulty from the horizon." The Arabic expert, Ideler, called this "an astonishing star name."

Temple goes on to equate this nomenclature, applied to a visible member of Canis Major, with the ancient, degenerate, "hidden knowledge" regarding the actual existence of Sirius B -- the super-dense (but invisible to the naked eye) white dwarf that orbits in the Sirius system. What Temple did not know (or did not report, because he considered it irrelevant for his discussion) was that when Bayer "stole" some of Canis Major's stars to compose the new constellation, "Columba," in 1603 -- one key star of the new constellation was this same "Al Wazn" ...

"Weight!" The same star that Temple, just under 400 years later, identifies with a "secret," degenerated knowledge of the Sirian system itself ...

So, there is an undeniable connection (through this star) between the "Sirian Complex" of the Dogon myth and mythos of Canis Major ... and the "new" constellation of Columba, "the Dove."

The other strong connection to Temple's Sirius Mythos comes with Columba's association with "Argo" -- the Southern Constellation representing (loosely) "Noah's Ark" -- and its classic use as an escape from a great planetary flood/disaster.

Temple refers to the other variants of this same Hebrew story then circulating in the Middle East, including "The Egyptian story [according to Allen, that] said that it was the ark that bore Isis and Osiris over the Deluge ..." Now -- if you refer to the major MIT science historian, the late Livo Stechini (in a significant appendix to Tompkins:
"Secrets of the Great Pyramid"), you find that Stechini makes an excellent case that the "doves" of the Noah story are actually a classic Egyptian reference to "a standard Egyptian glyph for the stretching of meridians and parallels."
So ... it's clear that the "secret" creation of a visible new constellation called "the Dove" (Columba) in 1603, out of some Canis Major stars, linked with Argo and the entire Sirian Complex, was not accidental. It was, instead, secretly emblematic at that precise time of the transposition of the terrestrial Egyptian "meridians and parallels" into the sky …
There were three stars called Wezen, weight: 1) Delta Canis Major, Wezen, (Sirius); 2)
Lambda Argo Navis (Vela) (Lambda Velorum); and 3) Alpha Centaurus (Rigil Kent) (Centaurus).

However, there were two stars “usurped” from Canis Major (Sirius) when Bayer created the constellation called Columba. The part thus usurped was called Muliphein from al-muhlifein. These two stars are now: alpha and beta Columbae (Phaet and Wazn).

Did the Vela supernova occur in Canis Major (Sirius B) or in Lambda Velorum?


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:53 pm

The Myth of the Aryan Invasion Theory ... itish.html
According to Hindu traditions, Kaliyuga started on the day Shri Krishna breathed his last on this earth. When this happened there was a conjunction of seven planets - Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, sun and moon. It is astronomically estimated that this occurred on Februay 18, 3102 B.C. The Vedas definitely existed much before this period (the Mahabharata period). [3102 + 2012 = 5114] ... 690#p58643
Around 500 million years ago the “light God people” started to colonize other earth-like planets, after the expansion of the sun Aldebaran and the resulting heat had made the original planets uninhabitable. It is said that in our system they first colonized the planet Mallona (also called Maldek, Marduk or – by the Russians – Phaeton) which existed in the area of today’s asteroid belt, then between Mars and Jupiter. Mars was next. It is assumed that the master race of Sumeran-Aldebaran then also came to Earth.
Peter Moon goes on to say, "A half billion years ago, the Aryans (known as the Elohim or Elder Race) began to colonize our solar system as Aldebaran became uninhabitable. Marduk (Maldek), existing in what is today the asteroid belt was the first to be colonized, then Mars. When they came to Earth, these Aryans were known as the Sumerians.

The name, Thule, refers to the capital of the legendary polar country Hyperborea. Also referred to as ‘Ultima Thule’, it was supposedly the gateway to another world. Thule was therefore recognized as a place where humans could, by whatever means, ‘leave the earth’, it also reputedly stood at the portal of the ‘Hollow Earth’. ... 690#p58921
We have to add the information that the Fifth Sun would end in 2012 A.D., so we have a lap of time dating from 3509 B.C. to 2012 A.D. that covers 2 Suns.

This is a period of time of only 5521 years. Since the other Suns lasted some 4000 years each, this data is very anomalous. It is worth remembering other information: the Long Count calendar starts in 3113 B.C. (or 3114 whether we consider ‘year 0’ or not) and was calculated, according to the legend, since the arrival of Quetzalcoatl (Kukulkan for the Maya).
Utilizing several timeline scales - pick what works for you: - tya = thousand years ago

Age of Taurus = 4500 BC = {4,286 - 2,143 bce} = (4-6 tya)
Age of Gemini = 7500 BC = {6,429 - 4,286 bce} = (6-8 tya)
Age of Leo = 11,500 BC = {10,715 - 8,572 bce} = (10-12 tya)
Age of Virgo = 14,500 BC = {12,858 - 10,715 bce} = (12-15ya and on)ry 26,000 year precessional cycle" (Platonic Year or Great Year, that ends on 21st December 2012). If we go back 6,444 years (3 x 2,148) from 2012 AD, then it brings us to 4,432 BC, when the Antarctic ice cap formed.

The Gnostic authors of the Bible were also aware of these hallmark conjunctions, and wrote them into the New Testament. The four beasts of the Apocalypse, the Lion, Ox, Man and Eagle, correspond to the four zodiac signs Leo, Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio, in which the Grand Cross conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn takes place in 6,444 year intervals.

So my conclusion is that we experience catastrophe approximately every 4200 years (2 x 2,148 = 4200) and 3 times within a precessional time scale of 25,776 years. Mayan Elder, Hunbatz Men, also revealed that the Mayans have known about Tzoltze ek' (Nibiru) for many years. They say "The planet has a period of 6,500 years, not 3,600, and visits us 4 times every 26,000 year precessional cycle" (Platonic Year or Great Year, that ends on 21st December 2012). If we go back 6,444 years (3 x 2,148) from 2012 AD, then it brings us to 4,432 BC, when the Antarctic ice cap formed. ... 690#p59335
The Freemasons begin their calendar from A.L., "In the Year of Light," found by adding 4000 to the modern year: Thus 1990 + 4000 = 5990 A.L.

George Michanowsky wrote in The Once and Future Star that,

"The ancient Sumerian cuneiform...described a giant star exploding within a triangle formed by...Zeta Puppis, Gamma Velorum, and Lambda Velorum...located in the southern sky....[An] accurate star catalogue now stated that the blazing star that had exploded within the triangle would again be seen by man in 6000 years."

According to the Freemason's calendar it will occur in the year 2000.
These ancient records describe this dwarf star, dragging along its planets, as periodically passing near enough to our solar system for them to send ships to earth, where they would engage in accumulation of gold and other metals through mining operations using bituminous (oil/petroleum based) products as fuel to refine ores. The visitors would send these materials into low earth orbit, eventually returning with them to their ship, which would remain in orbit between Mars and Jupiter.
Aryans are Martians ... -martians/
As David Icke said Aryans came from Mars after the devastation of their planet. They were white skin Martian race which survived the Ice Age floods after they traveled to Iran, Iraq and parts of turkey.
ET Origins of the Aryans ... ryans.html
Why did the Martians migrate? It is known that Mars was not always arid, and had rivers and seas and all. Recent expeditions to Mars have sent back many pictures of Mars showing Martian artifacts. There are sites dedicated to such a science. Once Mars started losing too much water and atmosphere, caused due to some Martian geological upheaval, Mars was doomed as an inhabitable planet.
Before the aryans arrived, societies would build monuments to harmony such as the pyramids. After the aryans arrived, humans have been kept busy building fortifications around their cities and armaments with which to kill each other.

There is still a pure strain of such "white-skinned" "aryan Earthlings" that have lived separate and have been staying here on Earth because "things have changed" and they can't leave. They have kept themselves very well here on Earth underground during cataclysm/catastrophe and above ground in the "garden" when conditions permitted. Biding their time and passing on the stories of having been "banned" here by the "lord", etc.

The aryans have not been wasting their "time". Periodically they will abduct good "specimen" females from the populations of the world, "breed" them, and "reinsert" their progeny as young adults into elite society where they can become leaders and genius breeding stock. When present civilization arrived in the industrial age, they sent emissaries to crossbreed with the industrial giants, and by infiltrating whatever echelon of production they chose, they insured having their own inventions and "spare parts" produced in secret. By using compartmentalization and a "nation state" like America, that is willing to do their bidding in return for certain industrial processes, biological processes and inventions, the aryans have guaranteed their continued survival under and above ground for eons.

They have cut the "mother's" heart out, mining the ore, cut the "mother's" liver out, sucking out the oil. They waited for the time when "civilization" on Earth would get to the point technologically where they could coerce one of the societies into building interstellar craft in order to get back to where they were banished from and continue the disharmony.
The Banished Aryans
The "Book of Enoch", translated by Richard Laurence in 1821 from scrolls found hidden in caves in Ethiopia in 1773. These scrolls were evidently hidden in the same historical period as the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The Book of Enoch talks of 200 "fallen angels", who "fell to earth" and were then stuck here while they tried to "repair" their conveyance.

Orders from their "leader" were to not fraternise with the "women" of earth. Of course the first thing all these "angels" did was to mate with every Earth woman they could find. Today, after many civilizations and languages, they are called Satan and his minions or Lucifer and his band of angels.
Disclosure: Aryans, Mars and the End of Days
Now, the beginning of the Kali Yuga was right near the beginning of the Mayan calendar, 3114 B.C. And it was the beginning of cities and writing and kingships and slavery and women as chattel and animal husbandry and farming and wars and walled cities and writing and science.

A signal in a very long, long, long calendar - not 6, 000 years, but like 60, 000 years. And it said that the end of this age was going to come to an end, and the prophecy said that the sun would explode into gigantic solar flares, which would fry everything on Earth and cause huge Earth changes here on the planet.

And this group knew all of this, because they had been through it before and they kept accurate records. So they went into action; and they took a lovely planet, filled with tribes of hunter-gatherers, and they transformed it into civilization.

And they transformed it into civilization so that they could get out of here before the coronal-mass ejections hit. And that is what has been going on for over 5, 000, almost 6, 000, years.

And the secret space program and all of these things - flying saucers, and bases on the moon, and the Nazis and Joseph Farrell's great book on the alchemy that the Nazis were doing - this is all part of this group developing the technology for what I call "Project GOOD", which stands for "Get Out Of Dodge". And they're getting' out of Dodge, baby; and they're almost out.

Aryans" is just another word for "Martians", because Aries is Mars. They escape - at the end of the last Kali Yuga - I think, at the end of every Kali Yuga - the same cycle occurs every time; it may even be why there is a Kali Yuga.

They come to Earth after the Earth is healed from the gigantic coronal-mass ejections which occur; and they come back in their ships, and they repopulate the Earth. They may even take genetic strains with them, which is what the genome project is; they may take all the seeds with them, which is what the seed project is.

And they take it there; and they bury themselves under, because Mars is a pretty inhospitable place; and they wait for the Earth to recover. And they came back 60, 000 years ago, and they thought that the Earth had pretty much been wiped out. But a few groups had survived.

So, when the Aryans landed, they kept to themselves. But they did have ships, and they went around; and they had an order that they couldn't have any sex with the remnants that were left behind. They could help them, teach them how to read and write and how to farm and all these other things; but they couldn't have sex with them.

So these are humans, but they went to Mars for a long time; and they lost the pigment in their skin, they lost the color in their hair, their eyes turned blue or green or hazel. They were tremendously big, because of the low gravity on Mars, when they landed here. Very advanced, super advanced - and they've been here for a very, very long time.

And they're leaving. They're going. They're leaving now. There are colonies - I know this sounds completely out of my mind, but I have proof for all this. There's colonies up on Mars; just type in "Hale Crater civilization" on Google, and read Skipper's work - Joseph Skipper's great work on the colony there, up in Hale Crater.

The Aryans think of themselves as the 'People of the Red', or 'the People from the Red Planet'. And, when Bauer changed his name to "Rothschild", which means "red shield", he was really signifying that he was the shield for this thing, this project, which moved into high gear at the beginning of the industrial age.

And everyone's thinking that they're deforesting the planet, raping the mountainsides, enslaving people, doing all this stuff, just because there's something that has gone out of control; but it isn't.

It's all the underpinnings of a huge, secret project to develop, quickly, colonies and ships and moving gigantic amounts of goods and services across the gap between here and Mars.

And that's the truth right there.
The Mars-Earth Wars ... /index.htm
In the year 2003, 44 years have passed by since the assessment of asteroid origin was made by James S. Pickering, a statesman among astronomers. Since then, there have been over 50 lunar missions, over 50 solar missions and some 50 planetary missions to various planets.

Among the planet surfaces photographed were the back side of the Moon, then of Mars, Venus, Mercury and on to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Astonishing physical geography has been discovered on many of the planets and satellites, evidence in many cases of sudden, cataclysmic violence.

Has anything changed concerning theory of asteroid origin in the last 44 years? Opinion still is divided between those who feel the asteroids accreted in space, like condensing dew drops, over 4 billion years, and those who still feel that there might have been a planetary collision somewhere between Jupiter and Mars.
Scars of Mars
Until relatively recently asteroids were merely considered to be the "dregs" of the Solar System, the debris of a former planet, but it has come to be realized that they hold important clues to the origin and evolution of the planetary system as a whole. It is thought that the asteroids were planetesimals just like any others growing elsewhere in the solar nebula.... Before they could form into planets, however, their orbits were perturbed, becoming tilted and elongated. This resulted in fragmentation and disruption rather than coalescence. They are probably still colliding today but less often. Some scientists believe that Jupiter's gravitational forces were responsible for disrupting the asteroids in the first place and preventing their accretion into a planet.

One major concept of this paper is that Mars caused the fragmentation of a former small planet into the current asteroids. It was the gravitational force not of Jupiter (as Moore and Hunt suggest) but rather of Mars which caused Astra to disintegrate into asteroids.
Rush Limbaugh " Mars Aliens Are Real" ;) ... FE_ON_MARS_/


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Nov 19, 2011 9:47 am

The Evolution of a Creationist ... r%2007.htm

How often we read the Bible but don't really think about what it says. As I studied these verses, I realized that I didn't know quite what they were saying. Here is what the Bible says:

"And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

And God called the firmament Heaven." (Gen.1:6-8a)

It says God divided the waters and put some water above the firmament (heaven 1:8a) and left some water under the firmament. What is this firmament? Genesis 1:20 reads:

"And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven."

The expanse or firmament of Genesis 1:7 may be the open heavens of Genesis 1:20 where the birds fly around. Now, there are several views and different interpretations in these Genesis verses, but the one that seems to make the most sense to me is this: God separated the waters that covered the earth in the beginning and left some on earth and put some up above where the birds fly.

If this water was in the form of water vapor, it would have made the heaven and earth system #1 similar to a giant terrarium. There would have been no rain! And what does the Bible say? Genesis 2:6: "But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground." That is the exact effect expected if the earth was surrounded by a water vapor canopy: a morning mist would form. Genesis 2:5b is more specific: "...for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth." No rain, therefore no rainbow! Heaven and earth system #1 was obviously different from our present system, system #2.

The rainbow was the perfect object for God to use as the sign of His covenantal promise of no more global floods. Noah had never seen a rainbow in the clouds before the flood, because it had never rained. After the flood, when the canopy had collapsed during the forty days and nights of rain, Noah was in heaven and earth system #2, and was therefore experiencing our weather: rain and rainbows. He also would experience the difference between pre-flood system #1's heavy atmospheric pressure and system #2's post-flood lighter atmospheric pressure -- the latter causing rapid fermentation of alcohol and quite possibly the reason for Noah's drunkenness.

This pre-flood canopy probably consisted of water vapor. There are other theories, but we must keep in mind that the birds were flying in the expanse under this water, and one must be able to see through the water. The sun, moon and stars were visible to Adam and to Noah, in view of the fact that Genesis 1:14 states that they would serve as signs.

Water vapor is clear, unlike clouds or steam. This may have been the form of the water that God put above the firmament in which the birds flew around.


With a water-vapor canopy, heaven and earth system #1 would be considerably different than our present system (#2). A greenhouse effect would be expected due to the heat generated by the sun-warmed canopy. Is there any evidence that greenhouse warmth once surrounded our globe?

Palm tree fossils have been found in Alaska and broad leaf ferns in the Arctic. How could a palm tree fossil be in Alaska? Some scientists have postulated they travelled there on the tectonic plate (earth crust) movement over millions of years. But these trees are not millions of years old! A creationist would say, "No problem, palm trees grew in Alaska in the tropical world before the Flood." These trees were buried during the Flood of Noah's day resulting in their fossilization.

Scientists have found tropical forests and coal deposits in Antarctica. Ninety-foot plum trees which were quick frozen and over ninety feet in height with green leaves have been found in the New Siberian Islands where, today, only one-inch high willows grow [see Charles Hapgood, The Mystery of the Frozen Mammoths; from Bassett Digby, The Mammoth and Mammoth Hunting Grounds in Northeast Siberia (N.Y.: Appleton, 1926), pp. 150-151].

In these frigid zones many trees, some fossilized and some quick-frozen, have been found with rings, signifying rapid warm temperature growth. The Evolutionist asks, "How did they get here?" The Creationist says, "They grew there before the Flood when the earth was pole to pole greenhouse warm."

The water vapor canopy may have more than doubled atmospheric pressure on earth. In this environment of heavier atmospheric pressure, healing would be more efficient. Many hospitals have pressurized rooms called Hyperbaric Rooms. Into these rooms oxygen is pumped under pressure and healing is miraculously speeded up. Very sick people and the severely burned are treated in this high pressure environment. [1] In the pre-flood, high efficiency atmosphere, reptiles could have grown to immense sizes, giant flying creatures could have flown more easily, and gigantism would have been much more likely. [2]


Evolution has a problem called The Great Dinosaur Mystery. Where did the great dinosaurs come from; how did they grow so big; and, if it is "survival of the fittest", why did these powerful creatures become extinct?

A creationist would answer, "no problem". God created the giant reptiles and may have referred to one or two of them which existed in Job's day (see Job 40:15 - 41:34). Reptiles do not have a built-in growth inhibiting factor like other animals and man. The dinosaurs would have continued growing as long as they lived. The older they got, the bigger they grew. Reptiles function best, as cold-blooded animals, in warm temperature climates. God created large reptiles which kept growing in an efficient high pressure atmosphere with plenty of warmth and unlimited supplies of lush vegetation to eat and nothing to eat them. The Bible says,

"And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat...." (Genesis 1:30)

This indicates that all animals ate plants, not flesh, before the Flood. Plants themselves are a testimony to God's creative genius. They start as a seed and take dirt, water, air and sunshine and are converted into roses, rubber and rhubarb! And these incredible factories not only do not pollute the environment, but they silently clean the air and replenish it with life-supporting oxygen. Oh, the wonders of the God of all creation! It was only after the flood that God gave permission to eat flesh "Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things" (Genesis 9:3).

Nothing ate the dinosaurs before the Flood, and they had bounteous vegetation as food. They, therefore, could grow to great size during a long lifetime of hundreds of years. Even Tyrannosaurus rex ate plants, not other dinosaurs, before the flood. The textbook pictures of this great dinosaur eating another reptile are not based on scientific method and are not supported with factual information. Tyrannosaurus most probably was a vegetarian (at least before the flood of Noah, Genesis 1:29, 30) and used his long sharp teeth to strip leaves from plants. After the flood, these reptiles could never grow so huge. The lighter atmosphere (the weighty canopy came down as rain water at the flood), cooler average temperature and predators would prevent long life and excessive size.

In recent years some evolutionists have postulated that dinosaurs were warm-blooded, not cold-blooded creatures. Warm-blooded dinosaurs have been proposed because scientists are beginning to realize that 300,000 pound cold-blooded creatures do not and could not exist in our environment. There is not enough air pressure to enable their blood to circulate properly. Somehow an important fact has escaped the notice of these evolutionists (or they are "willingly ignorant," II Peter 3:5).

The fact is these huge reptiles would have had no problem thriving in the warm, high pressure atmosphere of system #1. The big ones went into extinction after the Great Flood. It is not politically correct for an evolutionist to believe that the universal Flood of Noah's day actually happened. Belief in the Flood is grounds for dismissal from your job or cancellation of your grants. So the evolutionist is left to speculate regarding "The Great Dinosaur Mystery", whereas the creationist has a valid, scientifically testable position -- the environmental differences between system #1 and system #2.

Evolutionists may have theorized that warm-blooded dinosaurs would solve their dilemma, but recent research indicates that the giant reptiles were cold-blooded as are all reptiles to this day.

The giant flying reptiles such as the pterosaurs (pterodactyls and pteranodons) would be unable to fly in our present atmosphere. They needed a heavier atmosphere to get enough air to lift them with their 40 to 50-foot wingspans. Heaven and earth system #1 would have provided the heavier atmospheric pressure necessary for the flight of these huge creatures. Evolutionists say we don't know how these giant reptiles could have flown in our atmosphere. To a creationist, this is not a problem. Heaven and earth system #1, before the water canopy came down at the flood of Noah's day, would have provided the air density needed for these huge creatures to fly.

Gigantism was common in the heavy pre-flood atmosphere. Fossil dragonflies with a 32-inch wingspan have been discovered and would be a frightful bug to hit your windshield! The hornless rhinoceros grew to about "...seventeen feet high and nearly thirty feet long!" [3] Giant sabre-toothed tigers, mastodons and woolly mammoths roamed the earth side-by-side with the great dinosaurs.

Man lived during the age of the dinosaurs. In cretaceous rock strata of the Paluxy River bottom near Glen Rose, Texas, human and dinosaur footprints have been found crisscrossing each other. Much has been said about these footprints because, if authentic, they prove in solid rock that man and dinosaur lived at the same time. If accepted as genuine, they are a fatal blow in rock to evolution. They are proof that evolution is a false speculation of man! Most textbooks claim that the dinosaurs became extinct about 60 or 70 million years before man stepped onto the scene and into his footprints. Dinosaur and human footprints crisscrossing each other in the same rock strata destroys the evolutionary belief that over a period of millions of years, man evolved from his ancient reptilian ancestors!

Proverbs 14:12 tells us that "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Evolutionists travel to Glen Rose, Texas and examine the human and dinosaur footprints side by side or overlapped with each other in cretaceous rock, and they concoct foolish speculations rather than bow their knees and heads before their Creator who told us all that dinosaurs and humans existed together on the sixth day of the creation week. The Bible teaches that man and dinosaur shared the same earth at the same time (Genesis 1). This presents no difficulty since those giant creatures ate only plants before the Flood! In the early days of His creation, God prevented animals from eating each other or man, since He purposed to fill the earth with His creatures.

Another evidence to support the fact that people and dinosaurs lived at the same time in history is the cave paintings of dinosaurs. How could a "pre-historic" man or woman paint a picture of a dinosaur if he or she had never seen one? The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) circulates an excellent video documenting the cave drawings of dinosaurs.


Another result of the water (vapor?) being above the firmament in which the birds fly would be the shielding effect from cosmic radiation. Scientists have studied how much solar radiation is filtered by water. Their conclusions are reported by Dr. Joseph Dillow in his book, The Waters Above: Earth's Pre-Flood Water Vapor Canopy. In heaven and earth system #1, people could live to be very old. One of the primary aging factors is solar radiation. By filtering out the harmful radiation (as a water canopy would do) humans might be able to live close to l,000 years.

The Bible reports that Adam died at 930 years of age and Methuselah lived almost l,000 years. After the flood, the ages of people dropped off drastically to an average of 70 to 80 years. A lot of people think that you cannot believe the Bible when it says people lived to be 800 or 900 years old -- that it must be a different kind of year or the writer did not know quite what he was talking about. Those old ages are 360-day years just like the Bible says (compare Genesis 7:11 and 8:3,4). [5] You can believe the Bible as it is written. Some present-day researchers who study longevity of life believe that humans could live that long again if we were sheltered from the harmful effects of the sun and the now polluted air.

Solar shielding by the water canopy above the atmosphere where the birds fly would also affect dating techniques. Negligible amounts of carbon 14 would have formed before the flood. [6] That means that carbon 14 dating techniques would be totally worthless after 5,000 years or so.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:38 pm

The Vortex Solar System
The Vortex Solar System proved by Dr. Keshava Bhat. This means the end of the academic, heliocentric "clock work face" orbit theory, invented by the "catholic military priest" Nicolas Copernicus and later cherished by Newton, Brahe, Kepler, Galileo, Einstein, Hawking, Sagan and the rest of their academic ilk

The proof of Dr. Bhat's assertion that the outer planets can be seen throughout the year! The inner ones disappear in the 30 degree cone of illumination of the Sun; they do not pass behind it as claimed by academia. The two to three weeks the outer planets disappear is due to their being within the 30 degree cone of illumination of the Sun from an Earth bound perspective.

Definition of Heliacal Rising - Lit., rising with the Sun; when a planet or a star, after it has been hidden by the Sun's rays, becomes again visible.

Note that if you imagine that the Earth is represented by the 12 green balls surrounding the Sun and project the Sun forward, past your computer screen, onto the tip of a Vortex Cone which centers the helical paths of the planets which follow it, you will see the true dynamic motions of our Solar System.

The Note that Saturn's rings change their angle to our Earth bound observations, which is due to our mutual helical trajectories. If the planets orbited the Sun upon its ecliptic as academic clock work face diagrams claim, then this would not be remotely possible. The academic heliocentric Copernican model of the Solar System is kaput!
Vortex Cone

Solar system new interpretation

Dr Keshava Bhat - Vortex Solar System Model - Helical Trajectory

Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy
1. The same principles apply to all the stars, suns, planets and moons, differing in manifestation on account of size, motion, density and relative place.

2. The earth floateth in the midst of a vortex, the outer extremity of which is somewhat beyond the moon. The vortex is globular, corresponding to the form of the earth, with slight differences, which will be pointed out hereafter. Vortices are not all closed at the ends; some are open at both ends.

3. The vortex turneth the earth on its axis, with its own axial motion. Consequently the outer part of the vortex hath greater velocity than near the earth's surface, which hath an axial motion of one thousand miles an hour.

4. The moon hath a vortex surrounding it also, which hath a rotation axially once a month, but being an open vortex turneth not the moon. All vortices do not lay in contact with the planet, in which case it is called a dead planet. The moon's vortex is ten times the moon's diameter, and the earth's vortex thirty times the earth's diameter, with variations which will be explained hereafter.

SERPENT ... ml#towsang

Earth is not revolving around the Sun! ... re=related

Vortex Basics and Fractals from the Subatomic to the Super Galactic
This is the evidence describing the Vortex nature of our curved and divided, Electric Universe of appearances, from the so-called "sub-atomic" to the super-galactic, as opposed to the four dimensional, curved space and time of Einstein’s imagination. This site details the cause of our Universe of appearances due to the optical nature of gravity controlled light, which pushes and pulls electricity and its resultant magnetism into vortices of expansion or compression, thereby creating all of the various conditions of matter and energy witnessed by mankind through our limited senses and technical instruments.

The history of suppression of knowledge and inventions by the global elite and the mechanisms and machinations by which they operate in plain view, without being noticed by the populous at large, will be thoroughly addressed in the many links found upon this page as well as links to the many recent findings which validate this Cosmology of Light.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:19 pm

Gravity well surrounding the Galactic core
The luminous cosmic ray emitting source at the center of our Galaxy is not a singularity as some astronomers and the unwitting mass media would have you believe. Rather, it is a celestial orb that is about 3.6 million times the mass of our Sun and currently is seen, to radiate about 20 million times as much energy as our Sun. It is known to astronomers as Sagittarius A*, and the cosmology of subquantum kinetics terms it the Galaxy's Mother Star.

Given that it has a mass of 3.6 million solar masses, Sgr A* would have a Schwarzchild radius measuring about 11 million kilometers, or about 15 times the radius of our Sun. Within this radius light rays grazing the surface of the Mother Star would be trapped in a closed orbit. If the Mother Star were to have an average density of one ton per cubic centimeter, similar to the density of a white dwarf star, it would have a diameter about the same as our Sun, placing its surface within the Schwarzchild radius.

Whereas general relativity teaches that light radiated within the Schwarzchild radius would be unable to escape to the outside world, subquantum kinetics does allow light rays to escape provided that they are not traveling parallel to the star's surface. Since most light rays would be traveling either perpendicular or at a steep angle to the surface, according to subquantum kinetics, most should be able to escape.

In subquantum kinetics, there is no warping of space-time; space remains Euclidean. Light bends because gravity causes the velocity of light to decrease. As a result, the star's gravity field creates a light velocity gradient across the photon causing its trajectory to bend (or refract). So, light rays originating from a Mother Star within the star's Schwarzchild radius could escape to the outside, although, near the star's surface they would be traveling at a velocity less than the free space velocity of light measured in the Earth's vicinity. As they proceeded outward and emerged from the Mother Star's gravity well, their velocity would progressively increase toward our local value and this would correspondingly cause the wavelength of the photons to redshift. This is why emission line radiation coming from active galactic cores is seen to be substantially redshifted. This gravity-induced frequency shift effect has been observed near the Earth as an altitude dependent frequency shift effect, and is termed the Mosbauer effect.

Unlike a conventional black hole, a Mother Star does not need to swallow matter in order to generate its enormous energy eflux. Rather, both energy and matter are spontaneously created within its depths seemingly in blatant violation of the First law of Thermodynamics. The ensuing outward flux of radiation prevents the star's mass from unrestrained collapse. So a black hole singularity would not form.

The gravity potential field around this Galactic core decreases inversely with increasing radial distance (Gp ~ 1/r). Stars, gas, and dust orbit this body with velocities as high as 50% of the speed of light, but do not fall toward it. Gas and dust is instead seen to be moving radially outward from this source. After long intervals, the matter/energy generation process within the Sagittarius A* becomes unstable and it explodes with intense luminosity. Such galactic core explosions pose a potential threat to our planet.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 20, 2011 4:18 pm

Is there a Black Sun? Is it the Sun’s binary twin? If so, then most likely it would be a black or brown dwarf star and not a “neutron star” or a “black hole”. But where is it located? Is it located in the region of the galactic core, or it is located in the vicinity of Orion?

The Black Sun Prophecy
When I speak of serpent ropes I take the term form the ancient writings of the Maya and the biblical references to the arrival of a Black Sun. The Black Sun was originally thought to be a reference to an eclipsed sun.

Blavatsky wrote in her book Isis unveiled that the return of the Black Sun or death star would be evident when the 13th house of Mazzaroth is active from the core of Ophiuchus. The 13th house is the Serpent holder and from it will come the Black Sun.

The accepted knowledge within the mainstream narrative is that our Sun travels through only 12 constellations in the Zodiac or Mazzaroth.

However, it is a little known fact that the Sun spends only about nineteen days in this 13th house known as Serpentarius. The Sun, for 19 days of the year, travels through the star constellation ‘Ophiuchus’ before entering Sagittarius from Scorpius. ... 630#p57685

Sgr A* is not a black hole. It is a mother star, a very dense, primordial, energy-and-matter-generating stellar core.
Apokatastasis and repairing the Earth
Black holes are not really holes at all but are rather black planets and like white planets are the end-product of the "death" of a Star. They are believed to exist at the heart of spiral galaxies throughout the Universe to play a critical role in the recycling of matter.
Black Dwarfs ... ack+dwarfs
So, in my quest for Ancient Wisdom I picked up a book the other night called The Lost Star by W. Cruttenden which postulated the possibility that our sun is in a binary orbit with Sirius.

So, as I was looking at his diagram on that orbit (pg 167) I personally concluded that there may be a third star in this system that the other two are orbiting around that holds them on that course and I decided that it may, in fact, be a Black Dwarf.

The Sirius Star System is comprised of three stars; Sirius A, B and C. Sirius A and B orbit around Sirius C which is a black dwarf star. Sirius A and Sirius B orbit around Sirius C, which is their center of gravity.
Well, this, then, set off the bells in a manner of speaking because this would be the only true Star (a Black Hole is not a Star) that would be Invisible.

So, with that information and formative theories, I went looking for anything in the area to the left of Orion which is where, in theory, our orbits meet which should be where this Black Dwarf is and on the Dendarra Zodiac, lodged directly between Sirius (pictured as a Cow sitting down) and Orion is a Glyph of a Bird of Prey perched upon a Fish.

This area just happens also to be the location of the Super Conjunction that occurred in the Constellation of Orion that I have mentioned which all Cultures seem to connect to the Creation Cosmologies in one way or another, but not quite so clearly as the Dogon.

A Stellar Explosion of this magnitude, according to Michanowsky in his book the Once and Future Star, in 1977, was determined by Scholars to be possibly the source for the formation of Solar Systems such as our own thus the star would fulfill the description - in every way - of the Dogon Po Tolo or possibly the third star in their system - I forgot the name. ... 68c#p53817

Sirius is a binary system. Sirius A is the highly visible star, but there is a companion known as Sirius B, first described in modern times by the Dogon tribe of Mali (Africa) and subsequently verified by the observational science of astronomers. The Dogon also described a third celestial body with characteristics of a neutron star (Sirius C?). While a neutron wouldn't be visible in the same manner as Sirius B, the combined gravitational attraction of a neutron star, a white giant star and a white dwarf would certainly provide the gravitational force needed to keep the Sun bound at a distance of 8.6 light years. In fact, the presence of a neutron star is by no means necessary for the gravitational interaction of the Sun with Sirius.
The Black Sun
Our Sun and Solar System are in an 11,500 year elliptical orbit around a dark star, the Black Sun -- the battle between Horus and Seth

The Earth endures a cataclysm every 11,500 years.

The Mayans, Egyptians and Chinese all have a count down calendar that ends in 2012.

The Black Sun is the collapsed core of a star that went supernova.

The Black Sun is either a neutron star [black dwarf] or a so called back hole with an immense gravitation and magnetic field.

The Black Sun is located in the direction of Orion, below the orbital plane of our Solar System.
Sirius the Lost and Missing Star
Champollion (1790 - 1832) unraveled the secrets of Egyptian writing but so far nobody has demystified Egyptian beliefs. Astrophysics is the key. 11,650 year ago, a supernova exploded close to Earth in the direction of Orion's Belt. It became the god Osiris who donated metals and resembled a scarab beetle (expanding nova).

Twenty-eight years later the binary star Sirius B exploded, sending a plasma tongue looking like a fiery dragon or winged serpent speeding towards Earth. The northern hemisphere was devastated; the Ice Age ended abruptly and many animal species became extinct.

Religious monuments commemorate these traumas. The Great Pyramid vectors in the star Sirius and a vanished star in the direction of Orion's Belt. Snake mounds, medicine wheels, Nazca images and Mesoamerican buildings, representing versions of the approaching and rapidly changing plasma configurations, are oriented towards the heliacal rising of Sirius at solstice. ... 690#p59335
The calendar of the Freemasons begins four thousand years prior to the Gregorian, at the time of a reported supernova that they commemorate as Anno Lucis, the Year of Light, and about the same time that a fantastic leap in civilization was accomplished in Sumeria and Egypt.

Noone recalls that Dr. Anthony Hewish, 1974 Nobel Prize winner, while tracking astronomical anomalies in the heavens, "demonstrated that... strange rhythmic pulses were radio emissions from a star that had collapsed or blown itself up in the earth's southern sky some time around 4000 B.C."

The ancient Sumerian cuneiform table Michanowsky was deciphering described a giant star exploding within a triangle formed by the three stars Zeta Puppis, Gamma Velorum, and Lambda Velorum.

Michanowsky continued deciphering the Sumerian star catalogue, containing observations going back for thousands of years. The remarkably accurate star catalogue now stated that the blazing star that had exploded within the triangle would again be seen by man in 6,000 years.

This means, interestingly enough, that the Sumerians set the date for the reappearance of the supernova in about the year 2000 A.D.
One of the things that I am researching is the origins of the Masonic Calendar of Light, or "Anno Lucis" timetable.

I came across an interesting book in the Masonic library last month, refuting the claim (often made by non-Masons or uninformed brethren) that the start of the AL dating, 4000 BC, is due to the Bishop Usher calculation of Genesis.

Usher counted backwards using the alleged ages of people in the Old Testament, and came up with the year 4004 BC for the date of creation. Just because the Usher date is close to the AL start date- 4004 instead of 4000 - many people just assume that the Masonic calendar is based on Usher.

However this old book, written in the 1700s, instead asserts that the A.L. date is based on a calendar created by an Isis cult from ancient Egypt. In the year 4000 the star Vela went supernova, and for months, if you were located near in the latitudes of Egypt, you would have seen two suns.

The Vela explosion effectively created a "year of Light" by blazing away and preventing any night for most of the year 4000. The Isis priests apparently took this as a sign for a new era being born and started their calendar accordingly."

The Freemasons begin their calendar from A.L., "In the Year of Light," found by adding 4000 to the modern year: Thus 1990 + 4000 = 5990 A.L.

George Michanowsky wrote in The Once and Future Star that;

"The ancient Sumerian cuneiform...described a giant star exploding within a triangle formed by...Zeta Puppis, Gamma Velorum, and Lambda Velorum...located in the southern sky....[An] accurate star catalogue now stated that the blazing star that had exploded within the triangle would again be seen by man in 6000 years."

According to the Freemason's calendar it will occur in the year 2000.
Robert Temple, author of the aforementioned "Sirius Mystery", has exhaustively explained the deeper connection between the Argo (the Ark) and Sirius ... Most interesting is his discussion of the deep (hidden?) relationship between the true nature of the companion to Sirius, Sirius B -- the amazing white dwarf -- and a little known visible star in the same constellation of Canis Major, called by the Arabs, "Al Wazn" -- "Weight" -- so-called (according to a leading Arabic astronomy expert) because "...the star seems to rise with difficulty from the horizon." The Arabic expert, Ideler, called this "an astonishing star name."

Temple goes on to equate this nomenclature, applied to a visible member of Canis Major, with the ancient, degenerate, "hidden knowledge" regarding the actual existence of Sirius B -- the super-dense (but invisible to the naked eye) white dwarf that orbits in the Sirius system. What Temple did not know (or did not report, because he considered it irrelevant for his discussion) was that when Bayer "stole" some of Canis Major's stars to compose the new constellation, "Columba," in 1603 -- one key star of the new constellation was this same "Al Wazn" ...

"Weight!" The same star that Temple, just under 400 years later, identifies with a "secret," degenerated knowledge of the Sirian system itself ...

So there is an undeniable connection (through this star) between the "Sirian Complex" of the Dogon myth and mythos of Canis Major ... and the "new" constellation of Columba, "the Dove."
"The ancient Sumerian cuneiform...described a giant star exploding within a triangle formed by...Zeta Puppis, Gamma Velorum, and Lambda Velorum...located in the southern sky....
There were three stars called Wezen, weight: 1) Delta Canis Major, Wezen, (Sirius); 2)
Lambda Argo Navis (Vela) (Lambda Velorum); and 3) Alpha Centaurus (Rigil Kent) (Centaurus).

However, there were two stars “usurped” from Canis Major (Sirius) when Bayer created the constellation called Columba. The part thus usurped was called Muliphein from al-muhlifein. These two stars are now alpha and beta Columbae (Phaet and Wazn).

Did the Vela supernova occur in Canis Major (Sirius B) or in Lambda Velorum?
2012 Galactic Plane Myth
If you are looking towards the Galactic Core on 2012 you are looking the WRONG WAY!

The question few people seem to be asking is:

What could possibly be significant about the Earth, Sun, and Galactic plane alignment on a winter solstice?
Furthermore, why would ancient civilizations find this alignment so significant that they studied the precession of equinox for thousands of years, developed calendars to mark the event and then built giant monuments to warn us of a coming destruction of the Earth?

After all, we pass through this alignment every year and have done so for thousands of years but not on a winter solstice.

There are many making the claim that we are passing through alignment with the dark rift of the galaxy. However if we are in a single star system then there is no relationship between the precession cycle and the alignment of the Sun and galactic plane of the Milky Way. And we pass through essentially the same region of space every year. This year it will be early on December 22nd.

There are others claiming the Solar System is entering a photon belt that will bring a new age of enlightenment, a “Golden Dawn” perhaps. However, it is estimated that the Solar System passes through the galactic plane every 33 million years or so, and that we last passed through it about 3 million years ago. We are therefore not due to for another crossing for another 30 million years.

To complicate matters, it turns out that the rate of precession is not a constant. While it is largely accepted that the rate of precession is approximately 1 degree every 72 years, in 1884, Simon Newcomb, professor of mathematics and astronomy at Johns Hopkins University, with A. M. W. Downing, conceived a plan to calculate a constant that he used to improve the accuracy of the current ephemeris (a table of values that gives the positions of astronomical objects in the sky at a given time or times).

More recently Walter Cruttenden of the Binary Research Institute has demonstrated that the acceleration in rate precession is in fact not a linear but exponential.

Enter the Binary Star Model

If the entire Solar System in an elliptical orbit around another star then as we approach periapsis, this would explain the acceleration in the rate of precession.

This raises the obvious question. If the Solar System is in fact in an elliptical orbit around another star, then where is it?

This star would need to have a massive gravitational field, a massive magnetic field and be relatively close to our Solar System to produce the observed effects. While at the same time remain invisible to optical observation.
There are only two classes of star that fit this description, a neutron star and a so called black hole. When a massive star goes supernova the core may undergo sudden gravitational collapse into a neutron star or black hole.
The Seventh Sign
The Vatican and the Apocalypse

You can’t have one without the other but did they invent the concept or borrow it?

This is not a review of the 1988 film The Seventh Sign staring Demi Moore… a story about the signs of the apocalypse and a Vatican official investigating them. In the film the final judgment is averted by an act of faith that prevents the final sign of the apocalypse from occurring… or did it? The main character dies just before the birth of her child at the moment of the seventh sign. The classic tail of the death and rebirth combined with the story of Horus and Seth and 6 of the 12 signs of the Zodiac!

What is So Important about the Zodiac?

It takes a lifetime just to witness 1 degree of precession. Why would some many ancient civilizations even care about the precession, let alone build giant stone monuments as megalithic calendars. There are 12 signs in the zodiac and it is commonly accepted that it takes 25,765 years to pass through all the signs and complete the full cycle. WRONG!

That is based on the false belief that the Earth is some kind of spinning top wobbling in space.

The so called “wobble” is a due to our Solar system’s orbit around a dark star (neutron star). As we orbit this massively dense object, its magnetic field causes our Earth to tilt on its axis.

Our orbit is not a circle but an elongated elliptic like a comet around the Sun.

And just like a comet, much more time is spent away from the Sun than passing close to it. So why does every star sign have equal duration. The six signs pass very slowly while the other six pass very quickly.

If we assume Leo to be the first sign on our Zodiac clock then the sixth sign is Pisces and the seventh sign is Aquarius.

Aquarius being the beginning of the destruction of the old world, the devastation continues through six signs of the Zodiac. However it could also be viewed as the six days of creation of the new world. Not that it takes six days but rather six signs.

Once the age of Leo is reached, this is the “golden dawn” or the “new age” that various esoteric societies refer to. This is the beginning of the “new world”.

The Sphinx and the Age of Leo

While it is possible that the Sphinx was built in the age of Leo, it is unlikely.

According to Albert Slosman’s translations from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the survivors of the last crustal pole shift waited over 5,000 years before moving to Egypt and building the pyramids.

Perhaps while the location for the construction was known for thousands of years, construction could not begin until the climate in Egypt was suitable to support such a massive undertaking and the required civilian infrastructure.
Or perhaps each pole shift leaves the Earth in a slightly different orbit and with a different rate of spin. In which case the number of years from the start of Leo to the end of Gemini would need to be counted before a new count down calendar to the next apocalypse could be created.

So was the Sphinx built in the age of Leo?

Most probably it was not. Rather the age of Leo was (and is always) the new dawn of civilization after each cataclysm.

How long have we really been in the age of Pisces?

Most likely not the 2,200 years or more that is currently claimed by the orthodox science establishment. In fact the Revised Chronology as proposed by independent scholars such as Immanuel Velikovsky or the New Chronology proposed by Anatoly Fomenko start making a lot more sense.

It would be very interesting to obtain some of Albert Slosman’s books which are from his studies of the hieroglyphs from Egyptian temples and monuments. In his book Le Livre de l’au-dela de la Vie, he writes that all knowledge of the Egyptians lies hidden in the Labyrinth including the knowledge to calculate the exact date of the next cataclysm.
Unfortunately Albert Slosman’s books were only published in French and he died in an accident prior to any of his books being published in English.

If I were to hazard a guess at the date, I would suggest we don’t need to dig up the Labyrinth to discover that the Earth changes have begun already.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 20, 2011 7:03 pm

What if the Star Wars Program was not developed to target the Russians but the Nazis. This is Joseph Farrell’s belief. Maybe that’s why Werner von Braun chuckled when he mentioned the “extraterrestrial threat”. He knew that the real threat was the Nazis. ... rom-space/

According to von Braun, space based weapons, later known as the “Star Wars” program, were to be publicly promoted as our space “shield” against the evil Russians. Then they would be promoted as our defense against terrorists from Third World countries (‘rogue’ nations or ‘nations of concern’). Then their necessity would be justified as protection against asteroids and meteors, and the “last card,” the final justification according to von Braun, would be their installation in orbit against an extraterrestrial threat from outer space.
The Nazi International ... many04.htm
I attempted to stress in my most recent book, NAZI INTERNATIONAL, that the postwar Nazis were not merely tiny enclaves of war criminals huddled, panic-stricken, together in tiny enclaves in Latin America and elsewhere.

They were, on the contrary, highly organized, well-funded, had their own intelligence and security apparatus, and most importantly, were conducting and continuing the lines of research they had begun during the war.

The title of this interview, Nazi International, refers to Joseph Farrell's latest book, in which he details - as do Camelot witnesses Jim Marrs and Peter Levenda, and many other researchers (including Jim Keith, who died in unusual circumstances and to whom we pay tribute here) - how the Nazis were experimenting with technology extremely advanced for their time, and how many Nazi scientists, evaluated as being valuable resources for post-war America, were repatriated to the US under Project Paperclip.

We first heard of Joseph Farrell from Richard Hoagland - and soon after from Nick Cook, the author of The Hunt for Zero Point.

Farrell, like Peter Levenda, is essentially an academic: a document researcher who digs deep into historical detail and has become fascinated, as many others have, with the hidden history of the Third Reich.

He has continued Igor Witkowski's and Nick Cook's research into the enigmatic Nazi Bell: an experimental device, classified at the highest level, that seems to have been used to investigate time distortion effects or antigravity - very possibly both - based on the beginnings of theoretical torsion physics that was being developed in the 1920s and 1930s by a number of brilliant European scientists, themselves very much ahead of their time.
Antarctica – a Nazi Base? ... tica24.htm
With the current mysterious happenings in Antarctica concerning Lake Vostok, an old theory is being resurrected - that German Nazis as early as the 1930s may have built a secret base at the South Pole.

While this idea undoubtedly will strike most people as absurd, there is tantalizing evidence to suggest that something along this line might have some truth to it.

Orvis A. Schmidt, the U.S. Treasury Department’s director of Foreign Funds Control, in 1945 offered this description of a Nazi flight-capital program:

The network of trade, industrial, and cartel organizations has been streamlined and intermeshed, not only organizationally but also by what has been officially described as ‘Personnel Union’.

Legal authority to operate this organizational machinery has been vested in the concerns that have majority capacity in the key industries such as those producing iron and steel, coal and basic chemicals. These concerns have been deliberately welded together by exchanges of stock to the point where a handful of men can make policy and other decisions that affect us all.

Could one of those "decisions" have been the creation of a Nazi base connected to the development of UFOs? While this notion may superficially appear to be sheer nonsense, the public record offers compelling - if incomplete - evidence to support this idea.

One theory is that Martin Bormann and other top Nazis escaped to South America and on to a secret base in Antarctica where they built UFOs so sophisticated that their secret Nazi empire has exerted significant control over world events and governments to this day.

Advancing the idea that the Nazis continually shipped men and material to the South Pole throughout the war years, author R. A. Harbinson wrote:

Regarding the possibility of the Germans building self-sufficient underground research factories in the Antarctic, it has only to be pointed out that the underground research centers of Nazi Germany were gigantic feats of construction, containing wind tunnels, machine shops, assembly plants, launching pads, supply dumps and accommodation for all who worked there, including adjoining camps for slaves - and yet very few people knew that they existed.

But, while tales of a secret Nazi base in Antarctica may appear plausible to some, the idea that a warm water location at the South Pole has remained undiscovered and no one has escaped or deserted the place in more than 50 years stretched belief to the breaking point in years past.

But with the new revelations of 60-70 degree temperature water, magnetic anomalies suggesting the possibility of a hidden city or base and the obvious back out taking place concerning current events at the pole, the idea of a secret base is no longer so far fetched.

Rumors began to circulate that whilst Germany had been defeated, a selection of military personnel and scientists had fled the fatherland as allied troops swept across mainland Europe, and had established themselves at a secret base on the Antarctic continent, from where they continued to develop their advanced aircraft technology.

Furthermore, it is interesting to note that at the end of the war, the allies determined that there were 250,000 Germans unaccounted for - even taking into account casualties and deaths.

Could Neu Schwabenland have been a permanently manned German base at that time?

At the end of the war the United States gave anything concerning Ohrdruf a top secret classification for 100 years upwards. The fact that there had been substantial underground workings there, and Ohrdruf was the location of the last Redoubt, was concealed absolutely.

From the Arnstadt documents it is clear that the Charite Anlage unit operated in a three-story underground bunker with floors 70 by 20 meters.

When working, the device emitted some kind of energy field which shut down all electrical equipment and non-diesel engines within a range of about eight miles. For this reason, even though Ohrdruf was crawling with SS, it was never photographed from the air nor bombed. Declassified USAF documents dated early 1945 admit the existence of an unknown energy field over Frankfurt/Main "and other locations" which "fantastic though it may appear" were able to "interfere with our aircraft engines at 30,000 feet."

Scary Secrets of the Third Reich's Base in Antarctica

A remarkable event occurred in 1999, but only specialists paid adequate attention to it. A research expedition discovered a virus in Antarctica; at that, neither people nor animals had immunity to the virus. After all, Antarctica is far away, for this very reason the virus cannot be dangerous for the rest of the planet, especially since the dangerous discovery was deep in the permafrost.

A majority of scientists are inclined to believe that prehistoric forms of life probably survived in the permafrost. But some specialists blame bonzes of the Third Reich for delivery of a secretly developed bacteriological weapon to Antarctica. And this theory arose not in a vacuum. It is known that already in 1938 Nazis suddenly became interested in Antarctica, they organized two expeditions to the area in 1938-1939.

It highly likely means that Nazis were building a secret base in Antarctica within 1938-1943.

Wilhelm Bernhard was commander of one of the submarines, U-530; the submarine left the port of Kiel on April 13, 1945. When it reached the shores of Antarctica, 16 members from the crew built an ice cave and put boxes into the cave; it was allegedly said that the boxes contained relics of the Third Reich, including Hitler's documents and personal stuff. The operation was code named Valkyrie-2.

When the operation was over on July 10, 1945, the submarine U-530 entered the Argentinean port of Mar-del-Plata and surrendered to the authorities. It is also supposed that another submarine from the formation, U-977, under the command of Heinz Schäffer delivered the remains of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun to Neuschwabenland. It followed the route of the U-530 submarine and called at Antarctica. The submarine arrived in Mar-del-Plata on August 17, 1945

Even 40 years after the events, Heinz insisted that Bernhard mustn't say the truth. Is it possible that the submarines delivered something more dangerous to the continent, not Hitler's documents?

Could it be the bacteriological weapon traces of which were discovered in Antarctica as unknown viruses in the permafrost last year?

Himmler's rationale for sending thousands of settlers to Antarctica can only be understood within the context of his mystic beliefs. As a result of his youthful reading of New Age books, his association with the occultist Dr. Friedrich Wichtl, and his membership in the Artamen, Himmler became a believer in the Hindu concept of world-ages or yugas. He believed that the current age, or Kali Yuga, would end in a global cataclysm, thereby giving birth to a new world-age called the Satya Yuga.

By sending a Nazi colony to Antarctica, Himmler was ensuring that a remnant of the "pure Aryan race" would survive the coming cataclysm with its society and culture intact. They would then take possession of Antarctica when the cataclysm melted the south polar ice cap.

According to believers, the Neuschwabenland colony survived not only the end of World War II, but a full on battle with the 3,500 Marines and aircraft of Operation High Jump.

In 2003 Ivanenko wrote:

The total population of Nazis in Antarctica now exceeds two million and that many of them have undergone plastic surgery in order to move about with greater ease through South America and conduct all manner of business transactions.

He called the Antarctic Reich,

"one of the most militarily powerful states in the world because it can destroy the USA several times over with its submarine-based nuclear missiles, remaining itself invulnerable to U.S. nuclear strikes because of the two-mile-thick ice shield."

Further, he claims that the city of Neu Berlin, the colony's capital, sprawls through "narrow sub-glacial tunnels" under an unnamed mountain range, heated by "volcanic vents."

The ufologist also makes the claim that Neu Berlin adjoins,

"the prehistoric ruins of Kadath, which may have been built by settlers from the lost continent of Atlantis well over 100,000 years ago."

Another of the oft made claims about Neuberlin is that the city has an Alien Quarter, where Pleiadians, Zeta Reticulans, Reptoids, Men In Black, Aldebarani and other visitors from the stars dwell. As we have seen, the Nazis were working on some very advanced aircraft, some of which may have been capable of leaving the earth's atmosphere.

Some researchers are convinced that the Nazis did indeed make it to the moon, and even Mars. Could they have made contact with space aliens once they left the earth? Or, could their rockets, foo-fighters and disk aircraft have attracted aliens to visit them?

A claim floats around in modern U.F.O. lore that an extraterrestrial craft with anti-gravity propulsion crashed in the Schwarzwald in the summer 1936, and was recovered by the Nazis who back-engineered it, thus explaining their flying saucer program. This parallels stories of a similarly recovered crashed "saucer" near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, the American back-engineering of which supposedly led to the discovery of the transistor (patented by Bell Laboratories the following year), fiber-optics and other exotic technologies.

In their books, written in the 1970s, Wilhelm Landig and "outcast ufologist" Ernst Zündel claimed that Operation High Jump was literally "the last battle of World War II."

In Secret Nazi Polar Expeditions (1978) and Hitler at the South Pole (1979), Zündel claimed that Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler had founded an SS colony in Antarctica called Neuschwabenland. The base, known as Point 211, eventually became the Antarctic Reich.

The Redemptionists believe that Adolf Hitler escaped from Berlin in April 1945, traveled to southern Argentina in a U-boat, and from there traveled to Neuschwabenland in a Nazi flying saucer. Hitler supposedly lived in Antarctica until 1952, when he reportedly traveled to the moon and met with aliens from space.

These aliens took him to Aldebaran, 68 light-years from Earth. According to the legend, some day Hitler will return with an Aldebarani space armada.

There are lines of magnetic force emanating from the South Magnetic Pole. What is strange about the North and South Poles is the way in which the magnetic lines of force move.

The magnetic lines of force originate from a "hole" just off the coast of Antarctica.

There are Chilean and Peruvian scientists/bases being near or along the route of UFOs emanating from inside the Earth.

Many UFOs fly directly south-north along South America. If one draws a line from South America, through the Antarctic bases of Chile, etc through the South Pole to the South Magnetic pole - then you get a straight line. What's interesting about this potential "UFO route" is that UFOs coming from Inside the Earth would end up flying over the America South Pole base.

Hitler's dream was of a "Thousand-year Reich." Is this a thinly-veiled counterpart to Jesus' Millennial Kingdom? Allied pilots reported seeing "foo fighters" during the latter stages of the World War II. These craft appeared and vanished at incredible speeds and created electrical and magnetic anomalies when close to allied aircraft. These craft are similar to "flying saucers" that were reported initially in 1947.

Nazi leaders were known for their obsession with the occult, including astrology and ancient relics. Remember the Indiana Jones movies that used Nazi quests for the holiest relics of the Judeo Christian faith? These movies are based on the occultic practices of Nazis. One relic they were fascinated with [and may possess] was the "Spear of Destiny" that pierced Christ's side on Golgotha.

The next movie in the Indiana Jones series is tentatively titled "Indiana Jones and the Lost Continent" an allusion to Atlantis - the antediluvian civilization destroyed by God's flood in Genesis Chapter 6 after the daughters of men were taken by the sons of God as their wives [a reference to "fallen angels"?]

Hitler's corpse was never found. Recent reports of "opened KGB files" assert that Hitler's bones were kept and then destroyed by Soviet intelligence. But the current incarnation of Russia is a wolf in sheep's clothing and there is little faith in the KGB [or FSB, its "successor"] veracity. UFO abductee Barney Hill [who in the 1960's was one of the first publicized abductees] claimed under hypnosis that one of his abductors "look[ed] like a German Nazi". Other abductees have claimed seeing Nazi-style decorations or hearing German or German-accented voices as part of their abduction experience.

Under "Operation Paperclip" Nazi scientists and intelligence officers were integrated into the military, NASA, and the intelligence community. Wernher von Braun is the most famous and is remembered for being the genius behind the Saturn rockets. The most infamous was Reinhard Gehlen, a Major General in the Nazi Abwehr or intelligence agency.

Gehlen was sponsored by the Dulles brothers. John Foster Dulles was a founding member of the CFR and served as President Eisenhower’s Secretary of State; Allen was a president of the CFR, and was the Director of Central Intelligence - head of the CIA - when John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

Not only has the CIA been implicated in the assassination of JFK, Allen Dulles was a member of the Warren Commission - the investigative body JFK researchers argue was the government’s official cover-up of the conspiracy. German wealth [much of it looted from nations conquered during World War II] was spirited out of Germany.

Some twelve years later the Australians discovered a 16mm film, a technical report, of the German V-7 research project. The V-7 weapons research project involved circular disk-shaped craft. Now, we knew about programs V-1 through V-4, but we had no previous idea about the V-7 program.

The information in this documentary seemed to indicate that the Germans built their first operational disk sometime in the early 1940's in the first production facility in Prague. Then they proceeded to expand their design, development and research teams until by the time the Germans were being driven back into Germany, they had nine research facilities, all with projects under testing.

They successfully evacuated eight of those facilities out of Germany, along with the scientists and the key people. The ninth facility was blown up

Are we fighting extraterrestrial UFOs?

Report is reaching of a strange behavior by the American and Russian forces in the Earth’s Arctic regions. Completely unannounced, both the super powers are launching thousands of missiles from both land based and aircraft launched these missiles that are being directed out of the earth’s atmosphere into the outer space regions of our planets atmosphere.

From various news services however there is being reported that Russia and the United States are conducting Missile Defense War games. The valid question is why was this separate military exercise not previously announced. Some UFO researchers believe that both the forces are jointly fighting something that they are not saying.

There are also reports that someone is manipulating the earth’s weather systems in a massive scale. Are American and Russians jointly fighting them?

The cosmic bursts hitting the earth are also strange. The Solar flares in recent times have shown extreme abnormal behavior.

The increasing earthquakes, floods, droughts and landslides may have been caused by some artificial agents.

On the surface the American and Russians are saying these missile launches are part of military exercises but why are they unannounced?

What triggered this massive launch of terrestrial missiles in thousands?
Last edited by lizzie on Sun Nov 20, 2011 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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