On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:55 am

Scientists Now Know: We're Not from Here! :o
This same sense of shock came as scientists announced that the Sun, the Moon, our planet and its siblings, were not born into the familiar band of stars known as the Milky Way galaxy, but we actually belong to a strange formation with the unfamiliar name of the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy!

Using volumes of data from the Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), a major project to survey the sky in infrared light led by the University of Massachusetts, the astronomers are answering questions that have baffled scientists for decades and proving that our own Milky Way is consuming one of its neighbors in a dramatic display of ongoing galactic cannibalism. The study published in the Astrophysical Journal, is the first to map the full extent of the Sagittarius galaxy and show in visually vivid detail how its debris wraps around and passes through our Milky Way.

Not any more. By using infrared maps, the astronomers filtered away millions of foreground stars to focus on a type of star called an M giant. These large, infrared-bright stars are populous in the Sagittarius galaxy but uncommon in the outer Milky Way.

The 2MASS infrared map of M giant stars analyzed by Majewski and collaborators is the first to give a complete view of the Milky Way galaxy's meal of Sagittarius stars, now wrapping like a spaghetti noodle around the Milky Way.

The fact that the Milky Way is seen in the sky at an angle has always puzzled astronomers. If we originated from the Milky Way, we ought to be oriented to the galaxy's ecliptic, with the planets aligned around our Sun in much the same angle as our Sun aligns with the Milky Way. Instead, as first suggested by researcher Matthew Perkins Erwin, the odd angle suggests that our Sun is influenced by some other system. Together with data from the Two-Micron All Sky Survey we now know what it is. We actually belong to the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy.

The study's map of M giants depicts 2 billion years of Sagittarius stripping by the Milky Way, and suggests that Sagittarius has reached a critical phase in what had been a slow dance of death.

"For only a few percent of its 240 million-year orbit around the Milky Way galaxy does our Solar System pass through the path of Sagittarius debris," Majewski said. "Remarkably, stars from Sagittarius are now raining down onto our present position in the Milky Way. Stars from an alien galaxy are relatively near us. We have to re-think our assumptions about the Milky Way galaxy to account for this contamination."

It has been postulated that this is the real reason for both global warming since higher energy levels of the Milky Way are almost certain to cause our Sun to burn hotter and emit higher energies.

We of the overarching Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy have finally come down next to, and even with the massively powerful spiral armed equatorial plane of the Milky Way Galaxy.

In our movement through space, our Earth has now fully begun to respond to the more powerful galactic energies and electro-gravitational bias of the massive Milky Way. We have reached the higher energy equatorial disc region of the massive spiral arm. We have now been "adopted" by a new system, a stronger and more powerful system, and we can expect changes on almost every level of energy.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Oct 09, 2010 11:29 am

Step right up and cast your vote for the "planet X" and/or the Sun's "dark twin" of your choise. Suspicious candidates mentioned so far are:

Gliese 581

I would like to add Sirius C to the list.

If Sirius C exists, it would be the most “invisible” (illusive) of all. It is curious that the “Nibiru myth” seems to have begun with Sirius C (Anu).

What “sun” would ET choose? ;)

Is The Establishment Preparing to Unveil Aliens? :o
http://www.activistpost.com/2010/09/is- ... ng-of.html
UFOs and extraterrestrials have long been treated as the ultimate conspiracy theory by the establishment. Therefore, the growing chatter of mainstream news stories about UFOs and aliens seems very peculiar. Why the attention all of a sudden? Is the establishment conditioning us for the arrival of extraterrestrials? Could they have an agenda for doing so?

Recent reporting of genuine events such as the multiple UFOs that forced the closing of separate airports in China; stories covering the release of new UFO books written by credible ex-military; UFOs tampering with nuclear devices; the discovery of a "habitable" planet near Earth; a bizarre story about the Pope's astronomer saying he would gladly baptize an alien if asked; and the pending appointment of a U.N. space ambassador are bringing some legitimacy to the conspiracy.
Retired NORAD Officer's New Book Predicts a Tentative Worldwide UFO Display on October 13, 2010
http://news.yahoo.com/s/prweb/20100914/ ... b4491804_1
A newly-published 352-page book by a retired Air Force officer, Stanley A. Fulham, tentatively predicts October 13, 2010 as the date for a massive UFO display over the world’s principal cities. According to the author, the aliens will neither land nor communicate on that date; they are aware from eons of experience with other planets in similar conditions their sudden intervention would cause fear and panic.

The book, Challenges of Change (3rd ed.), reports this event will be the initial interaction in a process leading to mankind’s acceptance of the alien reality and technologies for the removal of poisonous gases from the earth’s atmosphere in 2015, if not sooner.

The author draws upon his military experience with the UFO phenomenon dating back to WW2, and later, with NORAD and his subsequent life-long association with a senior NORAD intelligence officer who provided him a wealth of historical data relating to NORAD’s experience with the UFO/alien reality which has never been revealed to the public. In the military's view, as conveyed to and understood by Fulham, the public is not yet ready to accept an alien reality.
Is this the new Earth? Astronomers discover planet just 20 light years away with similar atmosphere and gravity which has '100% chance of life' - and may contain water
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/ ... -life.html

Diameter - 1.2 to 1.4 times that of the Earth
Mass - 3.1 and 4.3 times that of the Earth
Average surface temperature - between -24F and 10F (-31C and -12C)
Distance from the Earth - 20 light years or 118,000,000,000,000 miles
One of six planets to orbit the star Gliese 581
Length of year - 37 Earth days
Gravity - similar or slightly higher than Earth
Distance from its sun - around six million miles
The planet orbits a red dwarf which is 50 times cooler and a third the size of our Sun
Composition - rocky with liquid water and atmosphere
The planet orbits a small red star called Gliese 581 in the constellation of Libra. The planet, named Gliese 581g, is 118,000,000,000,000 miles away - so far away that light from its start takes 20 years to reach the Earth.

'This planet doesn't have days and nights. Wherever you are on this planet, the sun is in the same position all the time.
Notable Exoplanets
Gliese 581c is one of the most Earth-like planets discovered to date. It is the third of four planets orbiting the red dwarf Gliese 581, 20.5 light years away, completing each orbit in a mere 13 days. Significantly, it is one of the smallest known exoplanets, measuring only 1.5 times the Earth's diameter and only 5 times its mass, and it is almost certainly a rocky world like our own. Even more suggestively it orbits close to the band around its star known as the "habitable zone," the only region where conditions are mild enough that water can exist in liquid form. Move closer to the star and all water will turn to vapor; move further away and water will turn to ice. But near the habitable zone water can remain liquid and life as we know it could potentially exist.

Gliese 581d is the outermost of the four known planets orbiting the red dwarf Gliese 581, 20.5 light years from earth. When first detected in 2007, Gliese was thought to have an orbital period of 82 days, placing it in an orbit just outside its star's "habitable zone" (HZ), where liquid water is stable. But additional observations over the next two years determined that the planet's true period is 67 days, which places it squarely at the heart of the HZ. With a minimum mass 7 times greater than the Earth, Gliese 581d is probably too massive to be a rocky planet like the Earth, and is more likely an icy world similar to Neptune. If this is the case, the planet might be completely covered by a deep ocean, making it the first serious candidate for a "water world."

Gilese 581e, is the lowest mass exoplanet discovered to date. Detected in 2009, it is the innermost of the four planets orbiting the red dwarf Gliese 581. With a minimum mass of only 1.9 "Earths" Gliese 581d is almost certainly a small rocky world like our own. But with an orbital period of just over 3 days, the planet is far too close to its star -- and therefore much too hot -- to sustain liquid water or life as we know it. The planet was discovered through the radial velocity technique, using HARPS spectrograph at the European Southern Observatory's 3.6 telescope at La Silla, Chile. Its discovery suggested that the radial velocity method, responsible for detecting the vast majority of known exoplanets may prove sensitive enough to detect Earth-mass worlds orbiting in their star's habitable zone.
G1.9 Confirmed a Binary Red Dwarf Star
http://www.nowpublic.com/tech-biz/g1-9- ... arf-star-6
The idea of a new planet being discovered in our Solar System is pretty exciting. Even more so because of the many theories about "planet-x" or "Nibiru" being associated with space aliens and the doomsday prophecies of 2012.
The object, G1.9 is currently located in the direction of our Galaxy's center, Sagittarius, which glows bright in this infrared spectrum image. Because of the bright background G1.9 is not visible in normal light wavelengths.
G1.9 - Disinformation on Nibiru
http://poleshift.ning.com/profiles/blog ... -on-nibiru
Strange name for a brown dwarf, but NASA gave this body this name and methinks the 'g' stands for Gilese. However, from this report it seems the Russians are worried about this object and possible asteroid impacts. NASA, of course, is the denier on this issue. It is EXTREMELY difficult to obtain further info on the Web and I'd be grateful to know if anyone else knows more. This is the article:

Russian scientists are reporting today that our Sun’s worst Deep Solar Minimum in 100-years has been broken by a newly discovered comet currently plunging towards its surface that has increased this past months Sunspot Number to 15.7, the highest it has been in Solar Cycle 24 since March, 2008, and has caused a massive eruption of C-Class flares for the past 16 days.

But to the greatest danger facing our World it is not from the horrific effects a massive Global Cooling event would have upon us, warn Russian scientists, but rather it is from the rising potential of our Earth being struck by, or “electrically interacting” with, a comet emanating from the currently destabilizing Oort Cloud from which these ‘space missiles’ are being increasingly hurled into our Solar System.

One such “electrical interaction” between these Oort Cloud “space missiles” plunging into our inner Solar System towards the Sun is occurring now, and offering further evidence supporting these Russian scientists claims after its discovery this week by Australian amateur astronomer Alan Watson who found this ‘new comet’ while inspecting images obtained by NASA’s STEREO-A's Hemispheric Imager.

Important to note at this point are that Russian scientists stand adamantly opposed to their American counterparts over what constitutes a comet and defines their interactions in space. Where the American scientists state in their theories that comets are ‘dirty snowballs’ whose tails are formed by the ejection of an icy mass, Russian scientists ascribe to the theory of their being made of iron, and other such metals, and whose tails are formed by the electromagnetic interaction between them and the Sun. This is known as the Electric Comet Theory.

The comet currently plunging into the Sun whose arrival was ‘announced’ over a fortnight ago with the breaking of the Deep Solar Minimum and the mass ejection of solar flares supports the Russian scientist’s theories beyond all doubt, a fact, however, which the Americans will not acknowledge as their theories have never been designed for truth, but rather for the social engineering of their public to keep them as unaware as possible to what the future holds for our Earth.

And to what the American scientists fear above all else is their public becoming aware of the giant planetary body named G1.9 that is heading towards us and is now just 60 AU’s [1 AU=the distance from the Sun to Earth] from our Planet and growing in size.

Though not known to the American people about G1.9 is that since its discovery NASA has continued to maintain that it is the remnant of a supernova explosion that occurred about 140 years ago, an explanation deemed “absurd” by Russian scientists who point out, correctly, that for a supernova to have exploded in our own Solar System in the mid 1800’s it would have been not only visible to the entire Earth, it would have been extensively documented too.

Supporting these Russian scientists who state that G1.9 was never a supernova but either a new planet to our Solar System or a brown dwarf sun are their Spanish astrophysicist counterparts whose findings we can read:

“G1.9 was first identified as a "supernova remnant" in 1984 by Dave Green of the University of Cambridge and later studied in greater detail with NRAO's Very Large Array radio telescope in 1985. Because it was unusually small for a supernova it was thought to be young -- less than about 1000 years old.

But in 2007, X-ray observations made with NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory revealed that the object was much larger than the last time it was observed! It had grown in size by 16%.

Spanish astronomers have tracked this object with great interest because they were anticipating its appearance. Gravitational anomalies have been appearing in the Oort Cloud for some time, suggesting the perturbations were caused by a nearby object with considerable mass. The announcement that G1.9 had increased in size was no mystery to them. It is exactly what they would expect as the object moved closer to Earth.”

To the potential catastrophic danger posed to our Earth by G1.9 was evidenced in July, 2009, when the Planet Jupiter was hit by a large comet that entered its planetary zone unexpectedly, despite the efforts of astronomers to track these dangerous objects. Russian and Spanish astronomers contend that the comet that struck Jupiter was perturbed by the trajectory of G1.9, which until now, was not recognized and accounted for.

Though the Americans contend, also, that G1.9 has reached its closest approach to Earth in its orbit, Russian scientists couldn’t disagree more and point to the fact that NASA has so ‘continually failed’ in their explanations for this giant, and growing, “as yet unknown” space object as to have lost all credibility in any discussion of it.

And so alarmed have these Russian scientists become that this past week that Anatoly Perminov, head of Russia’s space agency, told Voice of Russia radio that they were ‘gearing up’ to protect our Earth from these ‘space missiles’, including the Apophis asteroid many believe could strike our Planet in the 2030’s.

In the reporting of these events it is also important to note that the ancient peoples of our Earth spoke many times about a G1.9 type object in our solar system (Marduk, Nibiru, Planet X) and warned that when it approached our inner Solar System chaos and catastrophe always ensued.
Orbital Considerations for Planet X
The hunt for planets outside our solar system (known as 'extra-solar' planets) is providing a growing data base of planetary behaviours that will allow scientists to build new models about how the solar system formed. Few expect the current understanding to last for long. Already, many of the new planets exhibit unexpected behaviour indicating that our own Sun's planetary system need not provide the blue-print for the entire galaxy.

Research conducted by Geoffrey Marcy, et al, has shown that planets circling a star can be locked into resonant orbits. A second planet discovered around the star Gliese 876, a small M-type star 15 light-years from Earth, was found to orbit the star in exactly half the time it took for the previously discovered planet to do so:

"There is a lot of dynamical structure in the distribution of Kuiper belt objects. There are particular values of semimajor axis in the region beyond where there appear to be concentrations or absences of objects. Indeed, these are often associated with what are called mean motion resonances. Here, they are resonances with Neptune. They occur when the orbital period of one body is related to that of another body by a ratio of integers (3:1, 2:1, etc).

"The resonances are important because the repetitive influence of the planet can stabilise or destabilize the orbit of the small body."

The KBO data appears to be consistent with a resonant pattern with Neptune, but it turns out that this generalisation is not universally adhered to. In fact, one object beyond Neptune behaves very oddly indeed.

In 2000 a team from Harvard discovered an object whose bizarre orbit could not be explained by invoking the influence of Neptune. The discovery of the Kuiper Belt Object '2000 CR105' reignited the debate about the presence of a massive body perturbing small celestial bodies beyond Neptune and Pluto. It has an orbital period of 3300 years, not dissimilar to Sitchin's Sar of 3600 years for Nibiru, and is highly eccentric. Its properties are so bizarre that major questions are being asked about the structure and formation of the outer reaches of the solar system.
2000 CR105
http://www.librarising.com/astrology/ta ... cr105.html
"Supercomet" 2000 CR105(148209) is one of the farthest objects in the scattered disk region of our solar system taking approximately 3240 years to orbit the Sun. At its closest it swings inside the Kuiper belt and at its farthest it is midway between Eris and Sedna. The intriguing thing about 2000 CR105 is the length of its orbit which is very close to Sitchin's planet X.
Mankind's Explanation: 12th Planet
Far beyond the solar system’s nine known planets, a body as massive as Mars may once have been part of our planetary system and might still be there.

Known as 2000 CR105, the comet moves about the sun in a much more elongated pathway than originally thought, astronomers now find.
Is There a Large Planet Orbiting Beyond Neptune?
A comet orbiting in the most distant regions of our solar system has an orbit that isn't where astronomers expect it to be - given the gravitational forces that are expected to govern the path of bodies in these regions. Something is apparently causing this comet's orbit to diverge from what would otherwise be predicted.

The comet (2000 CR105) is rather large (over 400 km in diameter) and was discovered in February 2000. Its orbit is highly elliptical. 2000 CR105 is currently 53 AU away from the sun. The comet is one of perhaps 70,000 so-called "Trans Neptunian Objects" (TNOs) thought to be more or less undisturbed since their formation during the early days of the solar system. Interactions with one of the larger planets (probably Neptune) in the outer solar system led to the movement of these objects outward to much more distant orbits. Recent observations show that this comet's orbit is much larger than previously calculated leading astronomers to suspect that another large gravitational influence is affecting the comet's orbit - and influence that may still be exerted to the present day.
The Nemesis Conjecture: Is an Unseen Binary Companion of the Sun Sending Comets Towards Earth?
http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/20 ... earth.html
If our Sun were part of a binary system in which two gravitationally-bound stars orbit a common center of mass, their interaction could disturb the Oort Cloud on a periodic basis, sending comets whizzing towards us. Binary star systems are common in the Milky Way. It is estimated that one-third of the stars in the galaxy are either binary or part of a multiple-star system.

John Matese, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, suspects Nemesis exists because comets in the inner solar system seem to mostly come from the same region of the Oort Cloud leading Matese to conclude that the gravitational influence of a solar companion is disrupting that part of the cloud, scattering comets in its wake. His calculations suggest Nemesis is between 3 to 5 times the mass of Jupiter, rather than the 13 Jupiter masses or greater that some scientists think is a necessary quality of a brown dwarf. Even at this smaller mass, however, many astronomers would still classify it as a low mass star rather than a planet, since the circumstances of birth for stars and planets differ.

Matese estimates Nemesis is 25,000 AU away (or about one-third of a light year). The next-closest known star to the Sun is Proxima Centauri, located 4.2 light years away.

Richard Muller of the University of California Berkeley first suggested the Nemesis theory, believes Nemesis is a red dwarf star 1.5 light years away.

Red dwarfs are also common – in fact, astronomers say they are the most common type of star in the galaxy. Brown dwarfs are also thought to be common, but there are only a few hundred known at this time because they are so difficult to see. Red and brown dwarfs are smaller and cooler than our Sun, and do not shine brightly. Because they are so dim, it is plausible that the Sun could have a secret companion even though we’ve searched the sky for many years with a variety of instruments.

Our solar system is surrounded by a vast collection of icy bodies called the Oort Cloud. If our Sun were part of a binary system in which two gravitationally-bound stars orbit a common center of mass, this interaction could disturb the Oort Cloud on a periodic basis, sending comets whizzing towards us.

The smaller object in these two photos is a brown dwarf that orbits the star Gliese 229. Located in the constellation Lepus and about 19 light years from Earth, the brown dwarf Gliese 229B is about 20 to 50 times the mass of Jupiter.

A recently-discovered dwarf planet, named Sedna, has an extra-long and usual elliptical orbit around the Sun. Sedna is one of the most distant objects yet observed, with an orbit ranging between 76 and 975 AU (where 1 AU is the distance between the Earth and the Sun). Sedna’s orbit is estimated to last between 10.5 to 12 thousand years. Sedna’s discoverer, Mike Brown of Caltech, noted in a Discover magazine article that Sedna’s location doesn’t make sense.

"Sedna shouldn't be there,” said Brown. “There's no way to put Sedna where it is. It never comes close enough to be affected by the Sun, but it never goes far enough away from the Sun to be affected by other stars.”
Nibiru, Planet X and 2012
Researcher, Cristian Negureanu, sent this explanation for the interest in Planet X or Nibiru.

The real cause of climate changes, volcanoes activity, intensification of the seismic activity etc., is the planet Eris’s getting closer to our solar system, intermediary named 2003 – UB – 313, and known in Antiquity under various names as: Nibiru, Marduk, Nemesis, Hercolubus, the Gods Planet, the Planet of the Empire, the Planet of the Cross or the Red Planet. Below is a short record of the first (recent) contacts with Eris:

Further observations published in October 2005 have shown a satellite named Dysnomia (Gabriel).

The planet Eris/ Nibiru periodically getting closer to Earth once in 3,600 years generates numerous climate changes, one being the global warming with its natural consequence – the melting of the glaciers. The effect of glaciers melting, because of their sweet water, will be the ending of the thermo – saline natural system, the “ engine “ that allows the Gulfstream circulation to the North and the freezing of spread areas in the North – West of Europe and North – East U.S.A. Briefly, here is the process that took place during the last two periods in which the Gods planet has passed between Mars and Jupiter, the nearest point to Earth.
2003 – UB – 313 - Eris
Eris, the largest dwarf planet known, was discovered in an ongoing survey at Palomar Observatory's Samuel Oschin telescope by astronomers Mike Brown (Caltech), Chad Trujillo (Gemini Observatory), and David Rabinowitz (Yale University). We officially suggested the name on 6 September 2006, and it was accepted and announced on 13 September 2006. In Greek mythology, Eris is the goddess of warfare and strife. She stirs up jealousy and envy to cause fighting and anger among men. At the end of the conference, IAU members voted to demote Pluto and Eris to dwarf-planet status, leaving the solar system with only eight planets.

The satellite of Eris has received the offical name Dysnomia, who in Greek mythology is Eris' daughter and the demon spirit of lawlessness. As Dysnomia is a bit of a mouthful, we tend to simply call the satellite Dy, for short.

As promised for the past year, the name Xena (and satellite Gabrielle) were simply placeholders while awaiting the IAU's decision on how an official name was to be proposed.
NASA admits to our Sun having a binary companion. A red dwarf/dark star... Wormwood/Nibiru/Nemesis
http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum ... 011321/pg1
A dark object may be lurking near our solar system, occasionally kicking comets in our direction.

Nicknamed "Nemesis" or "The Death Star," this undetected object could be a red or brown dwarf star, or an even darker presence several times the mass of Jupiter.

Why do scientists think something could be hidden beyond the edge of our solar system? Originally, Nemesis was suggested as a way to explain a cycle of mass extinctions on Earth.

Astronomers have discovered the most Earth-like planet so far, close to the centre of our galaxy.

The international team says the planet's relatively small size and large orbit imply a rocky-icy composition with a thin atmosphere.

A recently-discovered dwarf planet, named Sedna, has an extra-long and usual elliptical orbit around the Sun. Sedna is one of the most distant objects yet observed, with an orbit ranging between 76 and 975 AU (where 1 AU is the distance between the Earth and the Sun). Sedna's orbit is estimated to last between 10.5 to 12 thousand years. Sedna's discoverer, Mike Brown of Caltech, noted in a Discover magazine article that Sedna's location doesn't make sense.

"Sedna shouldn't be there," said Brown. "There's no way to put Sedna where it is. It never comes close enough to be affected by the Sun, but it never goes far enough away from the Sun to be affected by other stars."

Binary star systems are common in the galaxy. It is estimated that one-third of the stars in the Milky Way are either binary or part of a multiple-star system.

Red dwarfs are also common — in fact, astronomers say they are the most common type of star in the galaxy. Brown dwarfs are also thought to be common, but there are only a few hundred known at this time because they are so difficult to see. Red and brown dwarfs are smaller and cooler than our Sun, and do not shine brightly.
The rotation of Sedna, officially named 2003 VB12, was determined by noting changes in brightness from its surface during repeated ground-based observations over about 3 months. Brown and his colleagues assumed differences in surface composition accounted for the changes. Last year in Europe the astronomy secret group informed NASA and the DoD of the same red-dwarf “Epsilon Ind.B” who is 11 light years from the sun and about 1.3 billion years old. This is the same "star" we are seeing. Assuming its companion sun formed at the same time, astronomers can use this age and distance with Sedna to say it is the same red-dwarf seen, estimate its mass from red-dwarf models.

During many such observations, a particular star within the Ursa Minor constellation appeared to vanish, despite the presence of weaker neighbouring stars. This was also pointed out in 1999, when Nibiru-Marduk fiasco occurred on popular radio shows at that time. It was really Sedna, as its orbit was in Pegasus star charts. This is what NASA knew and also Europe astronomers kept secret until now. Now we have Sedna entering orbit from Pleiades direction throwing off NASA scientists who made a press statement before the European Press got wind that Sedna is in fact a twin of our sun; therefore it is Planet X or Nibiru!
A deep look at our nearest brown dwarf, Epsilon Ind B, in X-rays and radio
In early December 2004, Chandra and the Australian Telescope Compact Array will observe the nearest brown dwarf, Epsilon Ind B, in X-rays and in the radio, respectively.
Planet-Like Body Discovered at Fringes of Our Solar System
http://www.nasa.gov/vision/universe/sol ... _body.html
What's bigger than an asteroid, smaller than a planet, red all over and far, far away? The answer -- a mysterious planet-like body orbiting our Sun -- has been discovered by NASA-funded researchers led by an astronomer at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif.

The object is three times farther away from Earth than Pluto, making it the most distant known in the solar system.

Other notable features of Sedna include its size and reddish color; it is the second reddest object in the solar system, after Mars. At an estimated size of three-fourths the size of Pluto, it is likely the largest object found in the solar system since Pluto was discovered in 1930.

The extremely elliptical orbit of Sedna is unlike anything previously seen by astronomers; however, it resembles that of objects predicted to lie in the hypothetical Oort cloud. The cloud is thought to explain the existence of certain comets. It is believed to surround the Sun and extend outward halfway to the star closest to the Sun. But Sedna is 10 times closer than the predicted distance of the Oort cloud. Brown says this "inner Oort cloud" may have been formed by gravity from a rogue star near the Sun in the solar system's early days.

Brown explained, "The star would have been close enough to be brighter than the full Moon, and it would have been visible in the daytime sky for 20,000 years." Worse, it would have dislodged comets farther out in the Oort cloud, leading to an intense comet shower that could have wiped out any life that existed on Earth at the time.

Rabinowitz says there is indirect evidence that "Sedna" may have a moon. The researchers hope to check this possibility with NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.

"Sedna" will become closer and brighter over the next 72 years before it begins its 10,500-year trip to the far reaches of the solar system and back again. "The last time "Sedna" was this close to the Sun, Earth was just coming out of the last ice age; the next time it comes back, the world might again be a completely different place," said Brown.
Is Sirius a Triple Star System?
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/unive ... irio07.htm
They say it must be a red/brown dwarf of 0.05 Mo, and offer suggestions to observe it in the infra-red spectrum "within 3" of Sirius A." In the paper about Red Sirius, Bonnet-Bidaud & Gry make an observation of Sirius' stellar field by masking the great brightness of Sirius A.

They come up with several candidate objects for Sirius C.

There is also an amount of indirect collateral evidence for Sirius C. Red dwarfs are a common class of star but generally small and faint, and hard to observe.

"As part of a RECONS (Research Consortium on Nearby Stars) effort to discover stars nearer than 10 parsecs, LHS 1565 (GJ 1061; V = 13.03; M5.5 V) has been found to be only 3.7 parsecs from the Sun using a combination of photometric, spectroscopic and trigonometric parallax work. It ranks as the twentieth closest stellar system and underscores the incompleteness of the nearby star sample, particularly for objects near the end of the main sequence.

Ironically, this unassuming red dwarf provides a shocking reminder of how much we have yet to learn about even our nearest stellar neighbors."

For instance, another pioneering result of "seeing the faint" occurred in 1994 with discovery of Gliese 623b.

This NASA Hubble Space Telescope picture resolves, for the first time, one of the smallest stars in our Milky Way Galaxy. Called Gliese 623b or Gl623b, the diminutive star (right of center) is ten times less massive than the Sun and 60,000 times fainter.

(If it were as far away as the Sun, it would be only eight times brighter than the full Moon).

Located 25 light-years away in the constellation Hercules, Gl623b is the smaller component of a double star system, where the separation between the two members is only twice the distance between Earth and the Sun (approximately 200 million miles).

The small star completes one orbit about its larger companion every four years.

It has been hypothesized that Sirius C became visible in the 1920s because of flaring (the observations do not match Benest and Duvent's orbital data, see above). Red dwarf flaring was discovered on October 12, 1994 by a team led by Dr. Jeffrey Linsky at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA) in Boulder, Colorado, in another observation of faint objects with the Hubble Space Telescope.

The star Gliese 752b (VB10) and its companion star Gliese 752a make up a binary system located 19 light-years away in the constellation Aquila. Gliese 752a is a red dwarf that is one-third the mass of the Sun and slightly more than half its diameter. By contrast, Gliese 752b is physically smaller than the planet Jupiter and only about nine percent the mass of our Sun.

This very faint star is near the threshold of the lowest possible mass for a true star (0.08 Mo), below which nuclear fusion processes cannot take place according to current models, and "brown dwarf" stars result.

Using Hubble's Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) to look for solar flares as occur on our own sun, there was surprise that while the larger red dwarf was flaring as predicted, tiny Gliese 752b, 0.08Mo, normal temperature 4,500 degs F, also produced a flare of 270,000degsF, despite not having a radiative core, meaning that it must have a strong magnetic field or "dynamo."

Hence Sirius C, a star said to be of similar size, could also flare.

The Dogon say that emme ya "also emits rays which have the quality of solar rays" and give these rays the symbol which must be considered another triumph of imaginative thinking.

For a star that "might not exist" we have hard numbers for mass, size, orbit and even an idea of its internal structure.
The Dogon, the Nommos and Sirius B
The question maybe settled as larger and more powerful telescopes take a look at the Sirius system. According to the legend there is a third star: Sirius C and it is around Sirius C that the home planet of the Nommos orbits. Most scientists do not consider any part of the Sirius system a prime candidate for life, though.

When Temple first issued his book in the 1970's there was no solid evidence of a Sirius C. In 1995, however, two French researchers, Daniel Benest and J.L. Duvent, authored an article in the prestigious journal Astronomy and Astrophysics with the title “Is Sirius a Triple Star” and suggested (based on observations of motions in the Sirius system) there is a small third star there. They thought the star was probably of a type known as a "red dwarf" and only had about .05 the mass of Sirius B.
The Sirius Star System
http://sirianrevelations.net/the-source ... onnection/
Sirius C: Anu

This, the third of the Sirian stellar family, did also ascend from the third dimension at the time of the Sirian shift.
Although the scientific community has not confirmed the existence of Sirius C, the Dogon knew of it by the name, Enome Ya, and they described it too as revolving around Sirius A.

Of the planets that orbited Anu, one did not achieve ascension when the star, which remains in the fourth dimension, did not: that planet is Nebiru, the home of the Annunaki.

Nebiru was flung out of Sirius, was captured by our sun, and ricocheted back to Sirius and it is to this day caught between the two star systems, on an elliptical journey that takes approximately 3,600 years to complete.
The Ten Closest Stars to our Solar System


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Oct 09, 2010 8:58 pm

The Hollow Earth
http://www.ufodigest.com/news/1208/the- ... earth.html
"That enchanted Continent in the Sky, Land of Everlasting Mystery!"

"I'd like to see that land beyond the (North) Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the Center of the Great Unknown:"

The above two statements by the greatest explorer in modern times, Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy, cannot be understood nor make any sense according to old geographical theories that the earth is a solid sphere with a fiery core, on which both North and South Poles are fixed points. If such was the case, and if Admiral Byrd flew for 1,700 and 2,300 miles respectively across North and South Poles, to the icy and snowbound lands that lie on the other side, whose geography is fairly well known, it would be incomprehensible for him to make such a statement, referring to this territory on the other side of the Poles as "the great unknown".
Hollow Earth – Background
After the defeat of Nazi Germany, there were reports that Hitler escaped Germany in a fleet of submarines, headed towards Argentina. He then left Argentina heading south where he and the others entered the center of the Earth and continued to rebuild his forces for a potential return to power.

With the advent of space travel and orbital photography of the entire planet, the Hollow Earth theory has been largely disproved, at least, that’s what’s we’re told.

One of the interesting similarities between all of the Hollow Earth theories going back to the very beginning is that they all believe the inner part of the Earth supports life and is inhabited. But what are these people like?
It’s said that they’re human, or at least human-looking. They are generally taller and of slighter build with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Is it also a coincidence that this description fits that of the alien race known as the Nordics? Those same Nordics who are one of the many known UFO-possessing advanced races that visits Earth regularly and one of the races known to have forged a clandestine alliance with the secret World Cabal.

If, in fact, the center of the Earth is inhabited by the Nordics, isn’t it possible that, in addition to their advanced UFO technology, that they could build an effective electronic camouflage that prevents our satellites from seeing the opening? Of course it is.

But what about the explorers who have braved the Arctic and Antarctic wasteland to visit the poles? Wouldn’t they have found the entrances and reported back? Maybe not.

The polar entrances are not a sharp dropping cliff, but instead a gentle sloping curvature. Explorers could have even entered part way into the hole without even noticing. Also, the area around the holes exerts unusual magnetic anomalies. Someone following a compass to the Pole would simply circumnavigate the hole completely believing that they were following a straight line.

But is that all? Has there actually been no reporting of the holes? Again, the answer is, “no.” A diary, purporting to be Rear Admiral Byrd’s was uncovered a few years ago. In it, it documents Byrd’s encounter with strange events near the Pole, including strange temperate climates and encounters with mysterious people who welcomed Byrd and his crew.

For now, the powers-that-be have stifled the search for the truth, but a few brave researchers continue to compile evidence in the hope that one day, they will be able to break the conspiracy and reveal the truth to the world.
Growing and Hollow Earth Hypotheses: Big Bang and Pangea Theory Bogus
http://www.anno70.nl/index.php?option=c ... 9&Itemid=1
Some time ago I first heard about the Hollow Earth theory. The idea did manage to intrigue me, though. It wasn't until I ran into Neal Adams' Growing Earth theory that the pieces of this puzzle fell into place. You can tell by all of the pieces of the continents, which all fit together, that the planet was once much smaller. It is therefore expanding and what does that mean for the center of the Earth? If the Earth is expanding like a balloon, might it not have some similar properties of balloons? And then the sources for Hollow Earth seem quite reputable and explain many of previously unexplained phenomena and myths.

"They" don't want us to know about it. UFO's turn out to not come from other planets but from the inside of our planet and our evil government is looking to take their technology and become powerful enough to face the subterranean powers. Life there, with their own inner sun, is better, people supposedly live for hundreds of years and there are no wars and such.

Hitler was big on this idea of Hollow Earth, looking for a way into Hyperborea, as he called it. Was he stupid? He did have the first rockets on Earth. Coincidence? Hitler and his minions possibly even escaped via the south pole entrance to Agartha [one of the various names for this nether realm].

Neal Adams has made an impressive visualization of the planet growing and the continents moving apart. His explanation makes sense and he makes a strong argument based on geological discoveries against the assumptions commonly accepted today.

One of the pillars of his theory forms his idea that mass is continually being created everywhere which is causing the expansion of the planet. Not only our Earth is growing, so is everything else. It's happening in front of you, as a matter of fact. We then come to dark matter which is nowadays theorized to comprise 90% of all of the universe. This prematter, as it were, is constantly being converted into matter as we know it, electrons, protons, neutrons, etc. We knew suns expand but what if everything is expanding? That would also mean the Big Bang theory is bogus for then the universe isn't flying away from one central beginning (explosion) but simply growing in all directions.

When planets are formed the heaviest parts don't 'fall' to the center because what gravity is pulling them there? There would have to be a kind of black hole for the heavy metals to fall to the center. The center of the planet is the exact place where gravity is lowest and doesn't have any especially strong attraction to matter. What does exert a strong influence on how matter will arrange itself, however, are centrifugal forces, called spin force by some.

Enki, the Anunnaki lord that genetically engineered mankind, was supposedly lord of the nether world. Sitchin assumed Africa was meant, Africa being in the southern hemisphere. Perhaps the pro-human Enki has set up his kingdom on the inside. That would coincide with the role of devil that was laid on him by the other Anunnaki to make us believe heaven is hell and our greatest friend our greatest enemy.

The Hollow Earth theory also offers an explanation how life could exist on a planet that goes 60 AU out from the sun like Nibiru. If Nibiru, too, is hollow with an inner sun, life would have developed on the inside, even in the presence of light, more or less as we know it. It would then not be a dark planet on the inside and the possible origin of beings not unlike humans. The inside of worlds might be considered by such beings as the best part, far from the dangers of meteorites and asteroids destroying civilization, far from the ravages of solar flares or unpredictable solar activity leading to droughts and ice ages. At any rate, the Hollow Earth theory also serves to offer an explanation how life could have developed on Nibiru and who knows what kind of life forms still thrive on the inside of our planet?

Velikovsky in his book When Worlds Collide muses that large planets create mass in their insides which can escape through the pole exits. He says Venus escaped from the planet Jupiter's pole in this fashion, creating the (Greek) myth of Pallas Athene being born fully formed from Zeus'/Jupiter's head. He also suggests the Earth was not created where we are now but either came from the Saturn or Jupiter pole exit, like Venus. If planets continue to grow after they escape the inside of such (also hollow) gas giants that might account for the fact that a planet the size of Earth could' have come from a relatively small pole exit.
INNER EARTH - Agharta, Land of Advanced Races and Flying Saucers
Professor de Souza, in his capacity as leader of the Brazilian Theosophists, had for years been interested in the Agharti legend, and the more he pondered over the underground kingdom and its network of tunnels, and how it was conceivable that anyone might utilize them without a very special form of transport, the more he came to the conclusion that the Flying Saucers were the answer. That the subterranean dwellers were an advanced people seemed beyond doubt, so if they were capable of living and thriving beneath the Earth's surface there was surely no reason why they should not have developed a form of transport far more sophisticated than anything known on Earth. And the very shape, manoeuvrability and speed with which these craft were credited seemed to make them ideally suited for traversing the network of tunnels that lead to and from the underground kingdom.

In 1957, the ideas of de Souza and Strauss were carefully examined by a writer named O. C. Huguenin in a book called From The Subterranean World To The Sky: Flying Saucers. After declaring that `the hypothesis of the extra-terrestrial origin of the flying saucers does not seem acceptable', Huguenin wrote: We must consider the most recent and interesting theory that has been offered to account for the origin of flying saucers: the existence of a great Subterranean World with innumerable cities in which live millions of inhabitants. This other humanity must have reached a very high degree of civilization, economic organization and social, cultural and spiritual development, together with an extraordinary scientific progress, in comparison with whom the humanity that lives in the Earth's surface may be considered as a race of barbarians. According to the information supplied by Commander Paulo Strauss, the Subterranean World is not restricted to caverns, but is more or less extensive and located in a hollow inside the Earth large enough to contain cities and fields, where live human beings and animals, whose physical structure resembles those on the surface. Huguenin then describes how these people, far in advance of the rest of humanity in terms of scientific development, devised machines called Vimanas that `flew in the skies and the tunnels like aircraft, utilising a form of energy obtained directly from the atmosphere'. They were, he says, 'identical with what we know as Flying Saucers'.
The Secret of the Star Puzzle Nibiru in the Year 2012
http://planet-x-nibiru-2012.blogspot.co ... -nasa.html
Many papers picture brought back by U.S. astronauts successive Apollo missions, are now classified Top Secret. However, these documents do not concern only the moon. Some relate to the Earth's poles. Here's a picture taken by the crew of Apollo XI in July 1969, and is miraculously passed through the mesh of censorship in the U.S. administration.

The hole at the North Pole photographed

This photo seemingly "harmless", however, reveals the presence of a “black hole” near the North Pole. This black hole seems to absorb the clouds toward the interior of the Earth.

The calculations from the scale of the photo lead roughly to a hole in diameter of about 900-950 km, a circumference of 2900 to 3000 meters. If this hole corresponds to an opening in the polar cap, it would be located approximately 86 ° north latitude. We know that reports of explorers, whose findings were kept secret (those of Admiral Byrd, in particular) reported a gap of 716 km, for a circumference of 2250 km, and an opening in the polar cap from 86, 8 ° north latitude. This picture seems to confirm little about the conclusions of the book of R. Bernard, ''The Hollow Earth appeared well before the first Apollo mission.

Furthermore, looking at the hole more closely, there is a drop in the height of clouds visible on its periphery. The elevation is approximately half the diameter of the hole, a thickness of about 400 km. We know that the highest cloud layers of the atmosphere rarely exceed a height of 50,000 feet (15 km away). This means that clouds photographed inside the perimeter of the hole are about 385 km below ground level!

That is why this photo should have been part of all NASA documents classified Top Secret, for demonstrating the existence of a gaping hole in the extreme north of our planet, it contradicts all scientific evidence usually accepted by official science. There is a hole so huge that it comes not even see the bottom!

This photo was taken in July, a time of year when it emerged at the North Pole 24 hours on 24, so the hole in the clouds is so clear and visible. But the bottom of this hole is not white, as should reflect the ice and snow that is supposed to stay 365 days a year. Why? Simply because there is none. And why is there not? Because this hole communicates with the center of the Earth which is a region of temperate and pleasant climate all year around!
Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Both Sumerian writings and the Bible mention the "Deep waters", the "Lower world", etc. A few examples: "The Greek word "abyssos", which is derived from the Acadian "apsu", also means an extremely deep abyss... the Mesopotamian writings mention the Land of the Mines stating that this was a rocky land, with vast plains covered with grass and steppe and a flourishing vegetation (where the Nephilims, "the fallen angels" and the giants, their offspring, extracted metals and especially the gold needed on the planet Eris/ Nibiru - A/N)... hence, it was a bright place, a world of sunshine, all the texts described the same landscape," (Z. Sitchin, The Twelfth Planet, Aldopress Publishing House, Bucharest).

"Have you walked (question asked by Yahweh/ Anu, the ruler of the Planet of Gods, to Job - A/N) in the lowest parts of the deep?" (Job 38:16). "In His (Yahweh/ Anu) hand are the deep places of the Earth" (Psalms 95:4). You can also read about this land in "The Hollow Earth" written by Dr. Raymond Bernard (Aldopress Publishing House), a book referring to the hollow interior of the Earth which is lightened by a central sun and can be reached through the two polar openings (other planets of our solar system have a similar configuration).
The Earth’s Inner Sun
If you thought the hollow earth was a shocker, you're in for an even greater shock; Earth's reddish inner central sun is also hollow and inhabited within and without! Does this make it a planet? Perhaps it’s our twelfth planet? If so, where does this put Nibiru or Planet X?

There is every indication that the once great planet Nibiru, Maldek, or Planet X, was blown up causing the inner and outer asteroid belts. The remaining spiritual core of this planet, along with its astral inhabitants may have wandered to and possessed our planet Earth!

There have been plenty of stories circling around in the metaphysical world about a new planet or world now forming or being born that is in all likelihood hiding behind our sun, and that it will fully materialize or become visible by 2012 AD there's that date again), and that this birthing process is causing all the flares and disturbances in our solar system.

My thought on this is that our Earth is facing destruction and that its inner sun is replicating itself in preparation for this. The bible does talk about a coming resurrection (ascension) of souls, as well as a judgment of fallen beings or angels (Nefilim) who are trapped here on/in Earth. It also speaks of a Millennium during which all such unrepentant beings will be locked up inside the bowels (hollow) of our earth, and then loosed and destroyed in a planetary conflagration.

In Revelation, in the bible, the hollow Earth is referred to as "the bottomless pit", probably in reference to the polar openings. Out of the pit rises smoke and locusts (helicopters?) to inflict surface humanity during the tribulation period. After a host of other woes, including World War III, comes the great Day of the Lord, when Earth's inner sun, or a component of it (spaceship?), rises out of one of the polar openings to execute judgment on surface humanity. The troublemakers are defeated and the Millennium begins.

According to Barbara Hand Clow, in her book "The Signet of Atlantis", Earth's inner red sun rises in the west for one day roughly every 3,600 years, marking the beginning of a new era or cycle on Earth. The last time this happened was in the spring equinox of 1537 BC, and the next one will be just before 2013 BC. This momentous event, when two suns rise in the sky, one from the east and the other from the west, is obviously the "Day of the Lord" just mentioned earlier.

In "The Smoky God" by Willis George Emerson, Norwegian Olaf Jansen and his father see a "dull-red, false sun" just over the horizon, as they sail across and into the lip of the Earth's northern polar opening. They both conclude that this "sun" is "a PLANET of some sort". When inside the Earth's hollow they learn from the natives that the luminous white cloud which appears to orbit the inner sun and enhances its brightness for twelve hours at a time (when it is in front of it), giving them kind of night and day.
Genesis for the New Space Age
http://www.scribd.com/doc/3829845/Genes ... -Space-Age
Secret development of the round wing plane, the Extra Terrestrials inside the Earth and the Arrival of the Outer Terrestrials


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:29 pm

The Unknown Planets
Theosophists George Sutcliffe and Geoffrey Hodson made a unique investigation of our solar system in 1929.

Hodson saw streams of pranic-magnetic energy flowing out from the Sun's magnetic equator to 12 planets via their magnetic poles and then back from their magnetic equators to the Sun's magnetic poles. This is the "circulation of 'blood'" of our system, probably in the period of a sunspot cycle (a little over 11 years).

He "saw" two planets beyond Neptune (he did not see Pluto or the asteroids as sun-linked) at 18° to 20° Scorpio (the nearer one, MORYA) and at 15° Virgo (the farther one, LION).

He "saw" also two planets not visible to usual sight. The first one (VULCAN) revolves within the orbit of Mercury and radiates or reflects only deep infrared radiation. The other one is normally in the inner part of the belt of asteroids just beyond Mars and is "etheric" or plasmic (from The Unknown Planets, page 5).

The book then goes on to explain a host of other hypothetical bodies seen or determined by mystics and astronomers alike. Below are the main bodies described or discussed.

Vulcan: According to Sutcliffe, Vulcan has a mean period of 25.2883 days and is never more than 10° before or after the Sun in the zodiac.

Lucifer or Rex: invisible lunar body located between Mars and Jupiter, a highly elliptical orbit swinging in both the orbits of Mars and Earth, with a period of 40 months.

Sigma: lunar etheric body located between Jupiter and Saturn, having a period of 13.93 years, with a 0.26 eccentricity, and having to do with KARMA.

Jason/Chiron: discovered in 1977.

Click here: http://www.librarising.com/astrology/ta ... signs.html

Kaid: revolves retrograde in a period of 144 years according to Iranian astrology.

Pan: located just beyond Pluto with a period of 330 years. Malefic in nature. Disputes.
1892-1920 Aquarius, 1920 to 1948 Pisces, 1948 to 1976 Aries, 1976 to 2004 Taurus, 2004 to 2032 Gemini

Isis: located beyond Pluto with a period of 360 years. Linked to Aries/Sagittarius and the principle of spiritual victory. 1907 to 1937 Aries, 1937 to 1967 Taurus, 1967 to 1997 Gemini, 1997-2027 Cancer

Uranians: 8 planetoids (transplutonians) from the Hamburg school in Germany: Cupido, Hades, Zeus, Kronos, Apollon, Admetus, Vulkanus, Poseidon, with orbits varying from 260 to 725 years. Click here http://www.librarising.com/astrology/ta ... nians.html

Morya: major planet beyond Pluto with a period of 625 years. Linked to Libra and the principles of acceptance, endurance, and transmutation. Now (2004) at 29° Sagittarius. 1900 to 1949 Scorpio, 1949 to 2005 Sagittarius, 2006+ Capricorn

Hermes: planet with a period of 840 years. Associated with career matters, mental brilliance, and change. 1881 to 1943 Aquarius, 1943 to 2004 Pisces, 2004 to 2065 Aries

Osiris: planet with a period of 990 years. Linked to Taurus and associated with the resolution of inner conflicts. 1896 to 1977 Libra, 1978 to 2059 Scorpio

Midas: planet with a period of 1140 years. Associated with fortune and wealth with little effort. 1888 to 1983 Taurus, 1983 to 2076 Gemini. Is now (2004) at 6° Gemeni.

Lion: planet with a period of 1515 years. Linked to Virgo and associated with civilization, culture, and monuments. 1866 to 1992 Virgo, 1992 to 2118 Libra Is now (2004) at 2° Libra.

F: planet with a period of 2200 years. Associated with the gathering of racial stocks. 1906 to 1917 (28-29° Pisces), 1917 to 2010(0-15° Aries), Now (2004) at 14° Aries.

G: planet with a period of 5659 years. Suprapersonal or generic in nature. 1906 to 2031(22-29° Virgo), 2031=0° Libra. Now (2004) at 28° Virgo.

Q: sun's twin companion located at 875 AU with a period of 25,900 years. 6% of the Sun's mass, inclination to the eclpitic of 86°, eccentricity 0.54, at 6° Cancer in 1900 (29°above the ecliptic) and 7.5° Cancer in 2000. Associated with the Soul level of human life.

2850 BC= 0° Taurus, 690 BC= 0° Gemini, 1468 AD= 0° Cancer, 1828 AD= 5° Cancer
1900 AD= 6° Cancer, 1972 AD= 7° Cancer, 2044 AD= 8°Cancer, 3628 AD= 0° Leo

R: sun's third companion with a period of 250,000 years. 3% of the Sun's mass and associated with the Monad level of human life. Position unknown.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 10, 2010 11:25 am

Was our solar system originally part of the Sirius star system? Is the purported red dwarf Sirius C the Sun’s “binary twin”? Is Nibiru the outermost planet of Sirius C and the one that intrudes periodically into our solar system?

Did Nibiru/Nagirth originally disrupt the Saturn system? Does Nibiru/Nagirth “electromagnetically tether” itself to the Earth’s North Pole? Is this “tether” really a Birkeland current?

Is the “Stairway to Heaven” a Birkeland current connecting the Earth to Nibiru/Nagirth?

Genesis for the New Space Age
http://www.scribd.com/doc/3829845/Genes ... -Space-Age
Eye witness ground accounts and aerial sightings had now substantiated the origin of the aliens in the forest hideout. In brief, collective evidence indicated they were from planet Nagirth. Nagirth is described by NASA and two observatory officials as being a "wandering planet" which has been under intensified observation by various world astronomers during the mid 1970's.

The world of science says Nagirth has interrupted Earth's weather seven times already in the last million years. This wandering planet last appeared over Europe in 1456, in a brief by-pass orbit, and was called "Haley's Comet" and described as having a tail 60 miles long. The "comet" was excommunicated by Pope Calixtus the Third and according to Roman history co-incidentally disappeared, leaving a terrified populace in its wake.

Thus as power crazed egomaniacs create religious and political strife throughout the world, the real issue in the coming 80's has become the deflection of an inhabited alien planet named Nagirth (also called Naggarith).

How are we harnessing our scientific brain power to prevent a lumbering giant of a weak planet from destroying much of Earth by the mere presence of its shadow or eclipse of the Sun? Primarily, the U.S. has a telescopic eye in the sky name OSO, (Orbiting Solar Observatory), relaying electronic messages to the Goddard Center. In addition there are other special function satellites monitoring Nagirth, the major one of which is Skylab, put up into orbit in 1965. There is also a combined Canadian/American manned planetarium and data center located on the moon since 1974 studying Nagirth closely

Three methods to move the planet Nagirth from further endangering Earth's solar orbit are now being used which proved effective when Venus experienced a Nagirth intrusion. These projects are located at Earth's polar regions, a similar one is functioning on the moon and the third method will involve 12 antigravity orbital reactors sent sunward to the proximity of Nagirth to stop it from creating an eclipse between earth and the sun. Four of these anti-gravity orbital reactors are already in space. The function of all three methods, whether space orbital reactors or static stations on the moon and earth, is to create in specific areas powerful reverse magnetic forces to repulse Nagirth, keeping in mind that earth's own rotation and orbit must remain unaffected.

The above is an online document written in 1980 by John B. Leith. The information on the planet Nagirth is inclusive and summarized from pages 178 to 185. There's nothing in the document that claims this is a work of fiction.
Is the Icelandic Meteorological Office’s infrared camera showing a planet shaped mass?

Re: Is the infra-red camera showing a planet shaped mass?
http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum ... 074998/pg6
"Nagirth is described by NASA and two observatory officials as being a 'wandering planet' which had been under intensified observation by various world astronomers during the mid 1970's. Successive Apollo moon missions in the 1960's continued to observe Nagirth while it was on the far side of the sun. A new type of laser photograph operated from the moon made determinations as to the planet's structure and content.

Follow up tracking devices on a moon observation site established in 1974-75 by Canada and the U.S.A. clearly showed Nagirth's projected orbit. Acting on this scientific evidence, the United States and Canada, with the direct advice and aid of Venus, began to harness their scientific brains and technology to meet the challenge when it came. The planet is two and a half times the size of earth; it turns on its axis every 26 days; is hollow but its specific gravity is at least 2.5 times weaker than that of planet earth."

"Then came Nagirth into Earth's orbit about 20 years ago for the eighth recorded time in the last million years. The random planet immediately began interfering with the Earth and Sun force field. The magnetic line running between the Earth and Sun became broken at times by Nagirth's intrusion with predictable interference. Huge Nagirth's weak negative force pull therefore has drawn it into smaller Earth's strong magnetic force field with Nagirth thus attaching itself to the pull of the strong Earth. Scientists refer to the condition as 'dipping into Earth's orbit', moving from a reflective interference to a deeper penetration, (about 3 days in every 30) causing at these critical times a partial eclipse of the Sun, and other disturbances."

"According to an unidentified physicist at Goddard Center, their instruments charting the flow of natural electric waves through Earth's north and south magnetic lines since the arrival of Nagirth indicate a terrific power drain as if power was being drained from the entire Earth. Just as a power station takes electric current from the Earth via the station's turbines, Nagirth seems to be constantly drawing power from the Sun/Earth force field. It has been noted that extra heavy power is drained from Earth during a severe snow storm or hurricane, these weather disturbances being created either intentionally by the inhabitants of Nagirth or unintentionally by its mere presence."

"... the real issue in the coming 80's has become the deflection of an inhabited alien planet named Nagirth (also called Naggarith)."

"The Mount Palomar telescope has detected life on the blue planet Nagirth as have Russian telescopic sightings. While Earth viewed from outer space is pale blue with a mixture of pinks, Nagirth is a dark blue with no change in color, which color density makes it difficult to view well except by the 200 inch Hale telescope at Mount Palomar that yields amazingly close-up pictures and slight color variations even within the dark blue."

The entire document is annoying at best because it puts forth a host of events and reasons to support the statement that Earth humans are not alone; other planets host human-like life; planets are hollow and have millions living interior, even Earth; that Earth has and uses roundwing craft (UFOs); and that Earth works in coordination with other planets to address universal concerns. I have very limited information and personal experience with any of those claims, but what the document does seem to support is the general description of what I saw on the infrared webcam the week of May 23, 2010.
“Genesis for a New Space Age” is the second source that I’ve read that mentions how a planet (Nibiru/Nagirth) could "attach itself" to the Earth's North Pole.

The “electromagnetic tether” could be a Birkeland current and would be readily understandable with the “hollow planet” model.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 753#p40867

There are many ways in which an inner earth cavity would support gravity. But not all possible cavities would be suitable candidates for our inner earth. The constraints are:

1) It must be open to both of the Earth's poles or polar regions
2) It must be able to contain a small "sun"

The Electric Sky Model of plasma astrophysics, introduced for your convenience at the link, and its subsidiary Electric Sun, described for example in Donald Scott's The Electric Sky (2006), being scalable over the range of cosmological- to laboratory-sized dimensions, provides us with a perfectly reasonable model of a small sun that could exist in the earth's cavity. This is because stars are not fusion reactors requiring a certain size and gravitational pressure, but simple foci of plasma occurring along strung-out Birkeland Currents.
Then there are the myths about how the Earth’s original sun was believed to have been the planet Saturn when it was a red/brown dwarf. The myths seem to indicate that Saturn was a “polar sun.”
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 753#p40870

You’re saying that the Earth and some of the little rocky planets belonged to Jupiter or Saturn, and that red dwarf – because you’re saying that would’ve been a red dwarf (or brown dwarf) outside of our sun’s influence – was captured; but once it was captured inside of our sun’s magnetic field, then it diminishes and becomes a gas giant. Then…if I’m following what you’re saying, these little rocky planets can get ripped out of their orbits, and go around the larger star in the solar system.

Yes. One of the interesting aspects of the electric universe is this question of, “Where does life originate?” And astronomers have just begun to twig to an idea that I proposed a decade or more ago, and that is, that the most hospitable place for life to form is within the electrical sheath of a brown dwarf star. Where you have a relatively cool star, because it’s cool and relatively low-voltage, you could say, the glowing sheath that surrounds it is actually quite huge, and the satellites orbit within that sheath. Any object that’s orbiting within a glowing sphere receives the same amount of energy on every square inch of its surface which means that there are no seasons, you don’t have to worry about axial tilts, rotation rates, orbital tilts, or anything like that. Every body orbiting within that glowing sheath will receive a benign radiation, the same radiation at the poles as at the equator.

The electric universe suggests that all sub-atomic particles can change their mass in response to their electrical environment. And of course the Earth’s electrical environment as a satellite of a brown dwarf star would’ve been quite different to what it is with our present sun. And it seems the electrical stress was much less, so that the apparent mass of the Earth would’ve been a fraction of what it is now. With a result that the atmosphere would’ve been much more extensive; larger animals could have survived, the flora and fauna (they call it “mega-flora” and “mega-fauna”) had an environment in which it could survive. And all that changed suddenly so that what killed the dinosaurs was a drastic change in the Earth’s environment.
However, it appears to have been the “interloper planet” Nibiru/Nagirth that originally disrupted the Saturn system. Nibiru was supposed to have been a planet of Sirius C, and some sources believe Sirius (A, B or C) is the Sun’s binary twin.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 315#p36704

Were our Sun and Nibiru originally part of the Sirius star system? Is Nibiru the Sun’s binary twin? Were Jupiter and Saturn binary twins? Was the Earth originally a planet of Saturn? Did the implosion of Sirius B disrupt that “primordial order”? Was the passage of Nibiru responsible for the break of the Saturn system? Was the ancient kingdom of Hyperborea located in Scotland? Was the passage of Nibiru responsible for the destruction of Atlantis?
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cosmi ... irius1.htm
As for the "wild dog" being "leashed" in a heavenly position near The Great Bear (Big Dipper), that is undoubtedly a reference to the "fearsome" Planet Nibiru being tethered or "leashed" electromagnetically to the North Pole at a ground-level visible height equal to that of The Great Bear. And it could be that the three objects that are linked mythologically to the Sirius System are not A, B and C -- but A, B, and Nibiru! Thus, images that point to The Cosmic Tree, like the Leashed Dog in the North Sky, are found interwoven into the mythology of Sirius.

It is my own contention that the Ancient Egyptian legend of "Osiris" and "Isis" originally referred to Red Giant Sirius B and its then smaller companion White Sirius A. The dismemberment of Osiris reflects the explosion that "dismembered" the Sirius System. "Isis", however, was always intimately connected to the remaining still visible.
Did Nibiru/Nagirth displace Saturn as the polar sun? Was Nibiru also known as "Phaeton"?

The Dark Star – the Planet X Evidence
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/herco ... bus_32.htm
Andy’s Dark Star itself does not actually enter the boundaries of the other planets. However, its "Seventh Moon" (Sitchin’s Nibiru, or "Planet of the Crossing") does "cross over" into that part of the Solar System between Neptune and Pluto, close enough and bright enough to be visible to people on Earth, at least for such a sufficiently lengthy time that cosmic legends could be born and later develop around it. In Cosmic Tree Theory, of course, Planet X Nibiru is coming as close to the Earth as about 60,000 miles (about 100,000 kilometers) and then stationing itself to our North Pole by an electromagnetic "tether" beam.

As it approaches close enough to Earth, its South Magnetic Pole is attracted to our North Magnetic Pole, like the opposite poles of all magnets, locking it in place above our North Pole for 900 years, approximately a "Millennium of the Gods", after which time it "detethers" and returns in its orbit to an aphelion somewhere between here and the O’ort Cloud.
http://www.maya12-21-2012.com/nibiru-an ... shift.html
There is no doubt that the Planet Earth's Polar Axis has shifted during its geological history. Evidence of such shifting can be found all over the world. Any academic difference of opinion resides in the question of exactly when these Polar Axis Shifts occurred.

Regardless of which side of the timeframe fence one sits on, there is a single point of agreement amongst everyone, a common perplexity : what were the precise causes of these past Polar Axis Shifts? Most scholars admit that they could not have occurred without the intervention of a powerful external body capable of "torqueing" the Earth from one axis to another; the Earth could not shift on its own, from internally. Speculation has ranged from a giant comet passing too close-by, or an asteroid hitting the Earth, or some unknown "cosmic body" passing in our vicinity, all on a purely unpredictable and random basis. To date, however, no one has devised a completely satisfactory explanation for this mysterious phenomenon. Apparently, no one knows the answer as yet.

Here -- and only here -- I am proposing that the "cosmic agent" causing these periodic Polar Axis Shifts is the nomadic Rogue Planet Nibiru, which was responsible for the last catastrophes in the 16th Century BCE. So far, no one else, including Zecharia Sitchin or even anyone within the Velikovskian School, has proposed such an alternative theory. And I also propose that these shifts are predictable both in time and location, because these shifts occur once every 3,600 years along Polar Belts determined by a Polar Pivotal Axis, which is a line drawn straight down through the top of the Great Pyramid of Egypt and coming out in the Mid-Pacific Ocean at 30 degrees south latitude and 150 degrees west longitude, exactly opposite the Pyramid which is at 30 degrees north latitude and 30 degrees east longitude.

The arrival sequence of the Planet Nibiru and its attempt to tether itself to the North Polar Belt by the use of an electromagnetic beam results in a pivoting torqueing effect causing the Pyramid-Oceania Polar Pivotal Axis to tilt to New Polar Zones. However, the Great Pyramid Complex itself would still be located 30 degrees above the new Equator and 60 degrees south of the new North Pole, as it is today. The same would be true for the opposite pivotal point in Oceania. Only these two locations would have the same latitudinal position as before, 30 degrees above the Equator and 60 degrees away from their respective Poles. Every other geographic location on Earth would change, some by not very much, others greatly by comparison.

If one disassembles a world globe and inscribes upon it a circle with its center at Cairo and a radius from there to the current North Pole, that circle would become the North Polar Belt. Similarly, if one inscribes a circle with its center exactly opposite Cairo in Oceania and a radius to the South Pole, that circle would become the South Polar Belt. These two circles would denote the thickest parts of the ice-sheets in other locations, with Polar Ice extending away from those lines in proportion to what it extends today outwards from the Arctic and Antarctic. All "Ice Ages" fall within these Polar Belts, and there is no evidence of "Ice Ages" in other locations.

Next, if one further inscribes an equatorial line between the Pyramid-Oceania Polar Pivotal Axis, this line would become a Pyramid-Oceania Polar Pivotal Equator; and it would divide the globe into two Polar Hemispheres, a North Polar Hemisphere with its center at the Great Pyramid of Egypt and a South Polar Hemisphere with its center in Oceania, separating these two hemispheres exactly halfway between the North and South Polar Belts. All geographic locations along this Pyramid-Oceania Polar Pivotal Equator would NEVER experience or have experienced extreme polar glaciation of any sort. This line passes through the following modern geographic locations.

Although it would actually be impossible from existing evidence to predict exactly where on the Polar Belts each succeeding Polar Alignment would be located, in that these shiftings could be either random or systematic, it is the hypothesis here that they shift in an orderly fashion in a CLOCKWISE manner when viewed from the overhead standpoint of the Great Pyramid of Egypt. As Dr. Velikovsky's theoretical North Pole shifted from the North Atlantic to the Arctic in a clockwise manner, so also might the next shift be in the same clockwise direction from the Arctic towards Mongolia and the previous shift have been from the Mid-Atlantic to the North Atlantic.

After one prepares a world globe to represent all of the various Polar Zones and Equators, as well as the Pyramid-Oceania Polar Pivotal Equator, one can spend many hours speculating about this or that detail.
Is the “Stairway to Heaven” a Birkeland current connecting the Earth to Nibiru/Nagirth?

The Secret Sun – Sirius the Stairway to Heaven
http://secretsun.blogspot.com/2008/11/s ... s-way.html
Here's an antique Masonic Tracing Board depicting the Stairway to Sirius. The juxtaposition of the twin columns of Jachin and Boaz and their proximity to the Stairway is eerily reminiscent of the pre-9/11 Manhattan skyline that we looked at earlier, but the motif of heavenly beings descending a stairway or ladder from what looks more like a hovering UFO than a star is pretty stunning, particularly to an old school sci-fi/comics geek like myself.

Hi Chris, another great post!

The great photo of the full on view of the stairway on the Masonic Tracing Board answers a lot and is fascinating!

BTW, who's the guy with the open book at the bottom of the stairway? It’s sort of biblical there...names written in the Book of Life. Not to mention that the NASA guys bragged that they had included every name they could think of to place on the CD-like disc plastered to the Mars Phoenix! That was so weird a statement at the time!

The rest of your pics of stair/ramps to the "star" or UFO reminded me of Rob Solarian's Nibiru work. His site combs a lot of mythology and I recall his mention of the Norse mythos of Bifrost bridge that connected the realm of man to the realm of the gods. Solarian relates Bifrost to the magnetic tether from the planet Nibiru "docking" at the Earth's magnetic pole. The magnetic tether or plasma rope is also tied to Jormungand, the giant twisting serpent released from the waters of heaven at Ragnarok [Twilight (or Doom) of the Gods].

Solarian also compares the Nibiru tether to the universal "world tree" symbolism and even the tradition of the Christmas tree with the "star" or planet Nibiru, perched atop the "cosmic tree." He relates that Norse mythology could be the result of the observation of Nibiru appearing as a "star" at the top of the world or tethered to the North pole. He further related that the inhabitants of Nibiru would have been observed ascending and descending this "cosmic tree," plasma rope or Bifrost bridge "tether" to mingle with man.
With all that in mind, let us now return to the subject of Planet X Nibiru. We are informed by Enuma Elish that Planet X Nibiru becomes visible to the naked eye in the "Station of Jupiter". This coordinates with the idea set forth by the late Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky in his landmark work “Worlds in Collision” that the "object" causing the devastation at the time of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt and the eruption of the volcanic Greek Island of Thera/Santorini came from the direction of Jupiter. Thus, we can draw the conclusion that when Planet X becomes visible, it will be in conjunction with Jupiter, making it appear to the ancients that it was "ejected" from the "Station of Jupiter". On the other side of the world, the Ancient Mayas recorded that this "object", which eventually makes its way along the celestial "Black Road" to its resting place atop the "Sacred Tree" of the north, arrives from the "Dark Rift" in Sagittarius, that is to say, from the direction of the Galactic Center. And Sagittarius is a southern constellation and fits the ancient assertions that the "Planet Of The Crossing" makes it first appearance from the south.

So we find ourselves as having two variables to consider when we contemplate the time and place for the Return, the Crossover, of Planet X Nibiru. It arrives from the "Station of Jupiter", and it arrives from the direction of the Galactic Center. To satisfy both these variables, then Jupiter would have to be aligned with the Galactic Center when Planet X arrives from Jupiter's "Station".

The Planet Jupiter will be moving into conjunction with the Galactic Center on about 21 December 2007, a few days after it enters the Constellation of Sagittarius: High Noon Nibiruan Time! Where is Jupiter right now? According to the daily "Skywatch" information provided by the University of Texas McDonald Observatory in Fort Davis (far West Texas) to The Dallas Morning News, on June 4 the Planet Jupiter lined up opposite the Sun all that week, rising in the east at sunset and remaining in view all night.

One orbit by Jupiter around the Sun requires 11.862 Earth Years, or 4,332.595 Earth Days.

Thus, as of today, Jupiter is about midway through the Constellation of Scorpius (probably in that short transit of Ophiuchus, which in astrology is normally included with Scorpio), inexorably moving towards Sagittarius and the Galactic Center. It has 12.713° left in its orbit this year before it moves into alignment with the Galactic Center.

This alignment on 21 December 2007 will fuse the two elements of the Sumerian and Mayan prophecies, prior to the projected Crossover of Planet X at the Mayan End-Time Date of 21 December 2012, exactly 3,600 years after the cataclysms that accompanied the Exodus and Santorini, as documented by Dr. Velikovsky in Part I of “Worlds in Collision”. And both these dates coincide with the Solstice, a moment that was highly significant to the builders of ancient monuments like Stonehenge, England. Jupiter will then remain in alignment with Sagittarius and thus the general vicinity of the Galactic Center until about 16 December 2008. This alignment of Jupiter with the Galactic Center will not occur again until about 2 November 2019, seven years after 2012.

A year from now, the Planet Jupiter will still be aligned with the middle of Sagittarius, around the M22 globular cluster, from which direction on 29 June 2001 NASA announced the discovery of a pack of microlensing wandering "rogue planets". Was that cryptic announcement from NASA, which was never repeated again or followed up on at least in public an allusion to Planet X Nibiru and its "Host" of "rogue planets"?

As now, after one more year, the Sun will again be aligned with the general vicinity of Sirius, approaching its "rising" in the morning sky, opposite Sagittarius; and Jupiter will again be rising in the east at sunset. Will next July's heliacal rising of Sirius signal that Planet X Nibiru is about to "decloak" in the vicinity of Jupiter as it passes the Galactic Center? Again, we shall see.

People might ask: what if nothing happens between now and the end of 2008? That may simply mean that a conjunction of Jupiter with the Galactic Center is not an automatic condition for the Crossover framework. We shall still be within the period before the Mayan End-Time Date of 2012, and no conclusion about it should be drawn prematurely.

What will happen if 2012 comes and goes and there is still no sighting of Planet X Nibiru? In that case, we should perhaps allow the process a few more years to play itself out, until Jupiter once again comes into conjunction with the Galactic Center in 2019-2020. If Crossover is a bit "late" and doesn't occur until after 2012 but in or before 2020, it would be easy enough to bring Exodus/Santorini down by about 8 years to accommodate this chronology. There is enough "leeway" within the Hebrew history to allow for this slight adjustment.

I firmly believe that we are on the brink of the next Crossover. There are just too many "omens" converging at present, indicating that the time is nigh. In fact, why else would an American President continue to pursue an obviously lost war in Sumer and Akkad if it were not to establish the military presence of the world's premier space power in the "land of the gods"? Even Sitchin indicates, as quoted below, that those in control of the land of the original space facilities (Eden and Sippar) will be "favored" by the Gods on their Return. In Enuma Elish we read that at the time of Crossover, the King of Akkad will prosper! And who is the "King of Akkad" at present? None other than U.S. President George W. Bush, son of former President George H.W. Bush, the cohort of Queen Elizabeth II and others in their "secret cabal" that convenes at Windsor Castle.

"NASA held a press conference last week to make a rather strange announcement that an eccentric 10th planet may - or may not - be orbiting the Sun. But unnoticed went the fact that the news conference was called under the auspices of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the Ames Research Center, and NASA headquarters in Washington. This meant that whatever had to become known bore the stamp of approval of the topmost space authorities. The message was hidden in a final comment by Dr. Anderson. Asked when Planet X would be found, he said, 'I wouldn't be surprised if it is found in 100 years, or it may be never found ... and I wouldn't be surprised if it's found next week.'" Newsweek Magazine, 13 July 1987.
Planet X, Hercolubus or Nibiru
http://planetx-hercolubus-nibiru.blogsp ... th-on.html
I cannot remain silent, when photos have been taken of it. NASA will not now or ever admit there is a large planet approaching Earth from the direction of the Sun. The poles of the Earth are vertical and the poles of the approaching planet, now called Planet X, named by the Sumerians "Niburu" and the Egyptians "Neteru", lie horizontally with the north pole of Nibiru hosing the Earth with particles showered from the tail and cloud of rocks in the massive tail of Nibiru.

Nibiru is 66x the size of Earth, being an inhabited volcanic and oceanic and continental planet that appears from a distance to be a dull brownish red matching the thought of a dwarf star. But it is a planet and it comes through every 3,657 years. The hosing of the rocks has NASA in a tizzy, is it space debris or asteroids? No, they know what it is. The "rocks" are volcanic ejects into space of nearly pure iron. Space debris is a convenient explanation because most all the rocks are strongly attracted by magnets. Unfortunately, for those theorists, the space capable countries use very little steel in their projects. Anyone taking a walk on any night, can see the frequency of meteor falls is way up. Nibiru has a cloud of 12 moons in a double spiral behind it, and a huge cloud of rocks and debris from collisions and volcanic ejects. It also has a huge cloud of oily iron ore dust that has already brushed the Earth a few times.

So what most people do not understand is that the magnetic field of Planet X is agitating our Earth's core and the heating is at the bottom of the oceans, not in the air.

As Nibiru approached the Sun, it agitated the Sun to erupt more and thus the "global warming" period the CO2 believers latched onto, without realizing the ice on the Moon and Mars was also melting. Jupiter went from 1 red spot storm to 3, etc.

It is pretty interesting that the 40,000 (Egypt and China) to 300,000 years ago (Sumeria) had as the symbol of Nibiru the "Winged Globe", and now recent NASA SOHO photos of the sun show a Winged Globe in front of the sun surrounded by moons and rock debris that looks like a bird in flight trailing stardust.
On Birkeland Currents

Ionospheric Convection Driven by NBZ Currents
http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/1987/J ... 4491.shtml
Computer simulations of Birkeland currents and electric fields in the polar ionosphere during periods of northward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) were conducted. When the IMF z component is northward, an additional current system, called the NBZ current system, is present in the polar cap. These simulations show the effect of the addition of NBZ currents on ionospheric convection, particularly in the polar cap. When the total current in the NBZ system is roughly 25% to 50% of the net region 1 and 2 currents, convection in the central portion of the polar cap reverses direction and turns sunward. This creates a pattern of four-cell convection with two small cells located in the polar cap, rotating in an opposite direction from the larger cells. The effects of varying ionospheric conductivity were studied by considering both a constant voltage source and a constant current source. Conductivity gradients due to seasonal and local time variations in solar production were considered, as well as gradients due to electron precipitation. When the Birkeland currents are fixed (constant current source), the electric field is reduced in regions of relatively high conductivity, which affects the pattern of ionospheric convection. Day-night asymmetries in conductivity change convection in such a way that the two polar-cap cells are located within the large dusk cell. When ionospheric convection is fixed (constant voltage source), Birkeland currents are increased in regions of relatively high conductivity. Ionospheric currents, which flow horizontally to close the Birkeland currents, are changed appreciably by the NBZ current system. The principal effect is an increase in ionospheric current in the polar cap.
Primary sources of large-scale Birkeland currents
We review generation mechanisms of Birkeland currents (field-aligned currents) in the magnetosphere and the ionosphere. Comparing Birkeland currents predicted theoretically with those studied observationally by spacecraft experiments, we present a model for driving mechanism, which is unified by the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction that allows the coexistence of steady viscous interaction and unsteady magnetic reconnection.

The model predicts the following: (1) the Region 1 Birkeland currents (which are located at poleward part of the auroral Birkeland-current belt, and constitute quasi-permanently and stably a primary part of the overall system of Birkeland currents) would be fed by vorticity-induced space charges at the core of two-cell magnetospheric convection arisen as a result of viscous interaction between the solar wind and the magnetospheric plasma, (2) the Region 2 Birkeland currents (which are located at equatorward part of the auroral Birkeland-current belt, and exhibit more variable and localized behavior) would orginate from regions of plasma pressure inhomogeneities in the magnetosphere caused by the coupling between two-cell magnetospheric convection and the hot ring current, where the gradient-B current and/or the curvature current (presumably the hot plasma sheet-ring current) are forced to divert to the ionosphere, (3) the Cusp Birkeland currents (which are located poleward of and adjacent to the Region 1 currents and are strongly controlled by the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF)) might be a diversion of the inertia current which is newly and locally produced in the velocity-decelerated region of earthward solar wind where the magnetosphere is eroded by dayside magnetic reconnection, (4) the nightside Birkeland currents which are connected to a part of the westward auroral electrojet in the Harang discontinuity sector might be a diversion of the dusk-to-dawn tail current resulting from localized magnetic reconnection in the magnetotail plasma sheet where plasma density and pressure are reduced.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:33 pm

If Nibiru and the Earth are hollow and both have internal central suns, how would these suns "interact" with each other (“electromagnetically tether”). Would it be through Birkeland currents?

Plasma Cosmology
Plasma Cosmology is an astronomical model that posits that the sun and planets are electrically charged celestial objects that exist in an electric field that is generated by the sun in a radial direction throughout the solar system. Charges flow through this electric field by virtue of the plasma particles that are constantly being released by the sun (aka solar wind). Plasma is the fourth state of matter (solid, liquid, and gas being the first three) and comprises the free protons, neutrons, electrons and ions that make up neutral atoms. Importantly, plasma makes up approximately 99.999% of the visible universe so its behavior is increasingly an area of scientific interest. Plasma is not electrically neutral, but is a superconductor that can carry electrical charges throughout the solar system (and indeed into interstellar and intergalactic space) through what are known as Birkeland currents.

So as electrical charges are distributed by plasma through the solar system, then different regions of space become electrically charged depending on their distance from the sun. Put simply, the sun forms a giant anode where positive charges are most abundant (due to Birkeland currents from the galactic core) while the distant ends of the solar system form the most negatively charged regions of the solar system (cathode). In between, the electric field of the sun and the Birkeland currents flowing from it through space, provide positive charges to planets, asteroids and comets depending on the nature of their orbits and proximity to one another.

Planets rotating in a stable circular path maintain a steady distance from the sun. Consequently, their electric charges do not vary greatly unless they pass through one or more of the Birkeland currents streaming from the sun in the form of invisible rivers of electrical current. When a comet or asteroid moves close to a planet or the sun on an elliptical orbit, its electrical charge is significantly different in that region of the solar system's electrical field. The accumulation of charge and/or a plasma discharge subsequently occurs.
However, a planet’s central sun is often described as a “dark sun” or a sun that operates in “dark current mode”. Is this a reference to Superlight – magnetic light?

http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable ... light.html
SuperLight is magnetic light; it is magneto–electric radiation. Regular light is electric light or electro–magnetic radiation. There is parity or symmetry the Universe, everything has an equal and opposite mirror–image counterpart, the Ying and the Yang, right and left, matter and anti matter, the electron and the positron. Why not light?
Dark Plasma Theory - Biology
The author’s Dark Plasma Theory, published first in 2006, holds that a substantial amount of this dark matter is composed of plasma and radiates “dark light”. Dark plasma, even if it is hot, generally does not interact with our carbon-based bodies composed of ordinary matter particles, except through gravitational and weak interactions. It is therefore subject to Earth’s gravity and has weight, although it is generally invisible to most of us.

Valerie Hunt, Professor Emeritus from the Department of Physiological Sciences at UCLA, does not believe that “subtle energy” is purely electromagnetic in nature i.e. it is not the “standard” electromagnetism which most of us are familiar with. “We have a feeling that it is much more complex and without doubt composed of an as yet undiscovered energy,” she said decades ago. Plasma can give rise to electromagnetic fields and radiation and is affected by electrical and magnetic fields.

Dark plasma is generally collisionless. However, during certain events when particle densities increase, some dark matter particles in the dark bioplasma bodies collide with sub-atomic particles of ordinary matter (in the air or other medium), causing them to recoil. These recoils generate light (due to scintillations), heat (due to the transfer of momentum) and electricity (when electrons get kicked-out of their orbitals during the ionization process causing a current to flow). The ionization process generates tenuous ordinary plasma (composed of ordinary matter particles) which is the stuff that makes up the ordinary aura.

The Sun is, after all, a big ball of magnetic plasma. Coronal auras and discharges, granulation and spicules are all features associated with the Sun.

Particles oscillate within plasmas. The frequency of the oscillation is called the “plasma frequency”.

For an electromagnetic wave to pass through or emanate from a bioplasma body the frequency of the electromagnetic wave must be greater than the plasma frequency or else it gets “blocked”. Depending on whether the plasma frequency is greater, equal or less than the electromagnetic radiation, the bioplasma body can have at least three different appearances: shiny like metal (i.e. reflecting all the waves from external sources), black (i.e. absorbing the waves and not re-emitting), translucent or transparent (i.e. allowing waves to pass through the plasma from external sources and/or light from within the plasma to emanate out from the plasma in the arc or glow modes). These bioplasma bodies can therefore manipulate the degree of opacity and intensity of radiation of their bodies by changing their internal plasma frequencies.

Magnetic plasma, besides generating electromagnetic fields, is a good conductor of electricity and radiator of electromagnetic waves. It has been observed and recorded in the metaphysical and religious literature that within the bioplasma body are both helical and straight currents aligned with the longer axis of the bioplasma body. These are the "central currents". There are also numerous filamentary currents interpenetrating the bioplasma body. These outline the magnetic field lines, through which dark matter particles are guided.

Double Helix (Birkeland) Currents

Researchers detected a fiery giant double helix in space around a gas cloud in the Orion constellation using the Green Bank Telescope, a radio observatory in Virginia. It is believed to be caused by charged particles coursing through the magnetic field lines of the gas cloud which had helical shapes. Mutually entangled currents (in the form of double spirals) are frequently seen in space and laboratory plasmas. Helical structures can also be found in dusty (or complex) plasma. They are signature features within magnetic plasmas.

Kundalini is a Sanskrit term that is derived from the term “kundala”, which means a "ring" or "coil". Kundalini currents have often been depicted in the metaphysical literature as a serpent coiled around the back part of the root chakra in three and a half turns (comparable to a solenoid or a compressed helical current) around the sacrum. The energy is supposed to originate from an apparent reservoir of subtle bio-energy at the base of the spine (i.e. within the bioplasma body). The central vertical currents in the subtle body (described as Ida, Pingala and Sushumna in the Yoga literature) are often depicted in the metaphysical (particularly the Yoga) literature as a pair of mutually entangled helical currents with straight (i.e. axial) currents passing through them. This shows that there is a strong connection between plasma dynamics and the formation of the central kundalini and pranic currents in the bioplasma body as described in the Yoga literature.

Plasmas can take up a variety of shapes and have "hot spots" which are visible. It has been observed (based on UFO sightings and the metaphysical literature) that these hot spots in plasma emanate along axes.

The “plasma focus device” produces, by electromagnetic acceleration and compression, a short-lived magnetically-confined hot spot or plasmoid that is so hot and dense that it becomes a multi-radiation source. These plasmoids emit intense beams of accelerated ions and electrons. This device is similar to the plasma gun which is a magnetically driven shock tube that ejects plasma in the form of a plasmoid. The similarities in the image when we look down at the barrel of a dense plasma focus device and the image of the throat chakra as depicted by Leadbeater are obvious. Plasma focus devices are therefore already embedded in bioplasma bodies, with the vortexes (or “chakras”) in the bioplasma body acting as delivery systems of intense collimated beams of energetic particles that are seen in many religious depictions of deities and also reported in UFO sightings.

Charged particles in an ionized environment have a tendency to follow magnetic field lines. If the path of the particle is at an angle, i.e. neither parallel nor perpendicular to the magnetic field lines, the particle will spiral around the magnetic field lines using a helical path. When the particles plunge they collide with other particles in the ovoid, generating a light phenomenon similar to the auroras in the atmosphere at Earth's magnetic poles.

This process will generate a helical path that will have a cone shape when viewed from the side, with the apex of the cone meeting the surface of the denser bioplasma body within the ovoid. Dynamically, this can be described as a vortex. Since there are many particles streaming down into the bioplasma body, taking slightly different trajectories, smaller vortexes can also appear within a larger vortex.

There is much evidence that angels, aliens, biological UFOs, deities, ghosts, jinns and even our own bioplasma bodies (which include the etheric, astral and other related bodies) are exotic life forms composed of dark magnetic plasma. Once this is accepted more widely, a more rigorous scientific framework can be formulated for the study of these life forms which will significantly increase our understanding and may even allow us to communicate with them in the near-future. They are co-inhabitants of this planet and have a right to share this environment with us just like any other life form. It is time that we get to know our exotic neighbors a little bit better now rather than wait for the death of our carbon-based body when our locus of awareness is transferred more completely to the bioplasma body.

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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by kevin » Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:35 pm

This is My personal opinion, and coming from somewhere?????
Niburu is this planet in another time.
This planet is switching along a figure of eight pathway around a central point, it takes a fractionlly different course each time as it nears itself close to the central point, it veers off onto the pathway of least resistance relative to how it is interacting with itself when it nears the central point.
All of time exists at once, and each time contains the combined information relative to that here and now moment, thus as this planet nears itself from 26,000 years ago the information fields are blending together, the result will be that both recieve inputs from each other and morph fractionally because of this.
You see I am very convinced that nothing is seperate at all, and that what is moving as such is the information flows, and that what We term as mass is actually a momentary memory that constantly varies relative to the inputs from multiple flows.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:48 pm

Kevin said: This is My personal opinion, and coming from somewhere????? All of time exists at once, and each time contains the combined information relative to that here and now moment, thus as this planet nears itself from 26,000 years ago the information fields are blending together, the result will be that both receive inputs from each other and morph fractionally because of this. You see I am very convinced that nothing is separate at all, and that what is moving as such is the information flows, and that what we term as mass is actually a momentary memory that constantly varies relative to the inputs from multiple flows.
Hmmm! I can only imagine where you come from. ;)

Yes, I think I see. As such the two different inputs from the past and present (information flows) will morph fractionally and create a new fractal relationship (information flow) or multiple new fractional relationships. Do you think that if one finds the “still point” (Bloch Wall or center of the Figure 8 - the "cross over point") that one can choose from a multiple of new paths (the 12 around 1)?


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:58 pm

Ever since the first nuclear detonations in 1945 over Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Inner Earth leaders, both good and bad, have stepped up the monitoring of our Outer Earth surface, regularly sending reconnaisance UFO ships as well as using sattelite surveillance and other means. The bridge between our technologies is closing and the time for a reunification of both worlds (inner and outer) is at hand. The problem is that there are two opposing forces with contradictory agendas for this unity. The negative inner earth denizens located mostly in Middle Earth (Earth's cavernous shell) want our enslavement, whereas the positive inner earth people located mostly on the planet's inner concave surface want our liberation and regeneration. Fortunately the negatives are dwindling in number as more and more of us here on outer earth are waking up and choosing the path to peace and harmony. Even the prophecies indicate that the vast majority of humankind will choose life over death and truth over lies. Eradicating what's left of the negative forces, however, will be no easy matter, but it will and must be done if the prophesied Millennium or new Golden Age is to become a reality.


The time is soon coming once again when the polar ice and snow evaporate to form a cloud, water, or ice canopy around the planet, equalizing the climate and liberating access to the inner earth. Ancient caves, tunnels, and portals will also be reopened re-establishing middle earth as the bridge or gateway between the planet's inner and outer surfaces. Magnetic grids, ley lines, and other power vortices will be reactivated to further restore and reunite the planet to its original and intended state as well as reconnect us to the rest of the solar system and beyond. Imagine all the progress when over 60 billion people from all parts of the planet(there are 10 times more people inside the Earth than there are on its surface) pool their knowledge and resources as well as that from other worlds! This will all happen once we are finally liberated from the alien and hostile rulers of our world.
Hollow Earth :o
Rumors of people inhabiting an inner earth sound preposterous to our sophisticated minds today!

The U.S. government took the Hollow Earth seriously! In the early part of the 19th century, Captain John Simms popularized the idea of a Hollow earth with openings at the poles. Simms inspired the ill fated Antarctic Expedition of Charles Wilkes in 1838-1840. The Smithsonian Institute was built for the express purpose of holding their findings. Funds and approval was backed by Congress and then President John Quincy Adams. Simms also believed there was a race of “white” natives that lived there. The South American and North American Indians both have myths and legends about a tribe of white inner earth dwellers. From Tibetan monks of the Himalayas to Nordic myths from ancient Europe this common theme exists in all cultures.

What is amazing is what the Bible might have to say about life inside the earth!

Gen 4:12-14 “... a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth. And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment is greater than I can bear.

Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth...And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden”.

So if it has already been determined that Eden is inside the earth, it can give a whole new meaning to just who The “King’s of the East are in Rev 16! Only the King James and the original Jewish Torah use the term “in” the earth. “Face of the earth’ is better rendered as the surface of the earth. By this verse it would seem to be very clear that Cain and his descendants were sentenced to wander IN the earth. Modern translations based on the assumption that there is no such thing as an inner earth translate it as “upon” the earth.” Clearly from the Bible there is a Hollow Earth with life inside.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:02 pm

Was Socrates really trying to describe a “hollow earth”?

Socrates Last Tale
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/hamle ... mill12.htm
"The story goes that when a man dies his guardian deity, to whose lot it fell to watch over the man while he was alive, undertakes to conduct him to some place where those who gather must submit their cases to judgment before journeying to the other world.

"I am satisfied," he said, "in the first place that if it is spherical and in the middle of the universe, it has no need of air or any other force of that sort to make it impossible for it to fall; it is sufficient by itself to maintain the symmetry of the universe and the equipoise of the earth itself.

A thing which is in equipoise and placed in the midst of something symmetrical will not be able to incline more or less towards any particular direction; being in equilibrium, it will remain motionless. This is the first point," he said, "of which I am convinced!"

"In the first place, then, my friend, the true earth is said to appear to anyone looking at it from above like those balls which are made of twelve pieces of leather, variegated, a patchwork of colour, of which the colours that we know here—those that our painters use—are samples, as it were.

Indeed these very hollows of the earth, full of water and of air, are said to present a kind of colour as they glitter amid the variety of all the other colours, so that the whole appears as one continuous variegated picture.

There are many living creatures upon it, including men; some live inland, some live round about the borders of the air as we do on the coasts of the sea, while others again live on islands encompassed by air near the mainland. In a word, what the water and the sea are to us, for our purposes, the air is to them; and what the air is to us, the ‘ether’ is to them. Their climate is such that they are free from illnesses and live much longer than the inhabitants of our world, and surpass us in sight and hearing and wisdom and so on, by as much as the pureness of air surpasses that of water, and the pureness of 'ether' surpasses that of air.

This is the nature of the earth as a whole, and of the regions round about it, and in the earth, in the cavities all over its surface, are many regions, some deeper and wider than that in which we live, others deeper but with a narrower opening than ours, while others again are shallower than this one and broader. All of these are connected with each other by underground passages, some narrower, some wider bored through in many different places; and they have channels along which much water flows, from one region to another as into mixing-bowls; and they have, too, enormous ever-flowing underground rivers and enormous hot and cold springs, and a great deal of fire, and huge rivers of fire, and many rivers also of wet mud, some clearer, some denser, like the rivers of mud that flow before the lava in Sicily, and the lava itself; and they fill the several regions into which, at any given time, they happen to be flowing.

They are all set in motion, upwards and downwards, by a sort of pulsation within the earth. The existence of this pulsation is due to something like this: one of the chasms of the earth is not only the biggest of them all, but is bored right through the earth—the one that Homer meant, when he said that it is 'very far off, where is the deepest abyss of all below the earth.' Homer elsewhere-and many other poets besides-have called this Tartarus. Now into this chasm all the rivers flow together, and then they all flow back out again; and their natures are determined by the sort of earth through which they flow.

The reason why all these streams flow out of there and flow in is this, that this fluid has no bottom or resting place: it simply pulsates and surges upwards and downwards, and the air and the wind round about it does the same; they follow with it, whenever it rushes to the far side of the earth, and again whenever it rushes back to this side, and as the breath that men breathe is always exhaled and inhaled in succession, so the wind pulsates in unison with the fluid, creating terrible, unimaginable blasts as it enters and as it comes out. Whenever the water withdraws to what we call the lower region, the streams flow into the regions on the farther side of the earth and fill them, like irrigating canals; and whenever it leaves those parts and rushes back here, it fills the streams here afresh, and they when filled flow through their several channels and through the earth, and as each set of streams arrives at the particular regions to which its passages lead, it creates seas and marshes and rivers and springs; and then, sinking back again down into the earth, some encircling larger and more numerous regions, others fewer and smaller, these streams issue back into Tartarus again.

It is possible to descend in either direction as far as the centre, but not beyond, for the ground on either side begins to slop upwards in the face of both sets of streams.”

Readers who are insensitive to this magic will be tempted to dismiss the story as so much poetic nonsense. He is dealing with "another" world above us, and although there are some fantasies of lovely landscapes and animals and gems, it is in the "aether" as the Greeks understood it. That world is a dodecahedron. This is what the sphere of twelve pieces stands for.

1n other words, it is stereometrically the number 12 also the number 30, the number 360 ("the elements which are produced when each pentagon is divided into 5 isosceles triangles and each of the latter into 6 scalene triangles")—the golden section itself. This is what it means to think like a Pythagorean.
Hollow Earth Archives

Hell or tartarus is also located in the inner earth. It's a huge cavity in the earth's shell reserved as a prison or abode for powerful but evil entities who supposedly await judgement. Among them are the Nephilim or Titans who interbred with human females and corrupted the Pre-Flood World.


They finally arrive in Eden which is located in a valley on top of the highest point of the "Inner Continent", some several thousand feet high. Eden is a beautiful garden with all manner of fruits, vines, shrubs, trees and flowers. It is the navel of the Earth and cradle of the human race with four rivers running through it -the Euphrates, Pison, Gihon, and Hiddekel. These rivers, sourcing from a mighty artesian fountain, divide the entire inner earth surface into four sections or quadrants.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:54 pm

Kevin said: This is My personal opinion, and coming from somewhere? Niburu is this planet in another time.

This planet is switching along a figure of eight pathway around a central point; it takes a fractionally different course each time as it nears itself close to the central point; it veers off onto the pathway of least resistance relative to how it is interacting with itself when it nears the central point.

All of time exists at once, and each time contains the combined information relative to that here and now moment; thus as this planet nears itself from 26,000 years ago, the information fields are blending together; the result will be that both receive inputs from each other and morph fractionally because of this.

You see I am very convinced that nothing is separate at all; and that what is moving as such is the information flows, and that what we term as mass is actually a momentary memory that constantly varies relative to the inputs from multiple flows.
What is meant by the “New Jerusalem”? Is it the same as the Merkaba? Is it a particular geometric alignment or merger of "information fields” that opens the “hyperdimensional doorways” or portals and connects the past, present and the future into a single moment or point in time?

According to the late theologian Theodore Fitch, there are actually ten times more people living inside the Earth than there are on its outer surface. This means that the planet's total population is in excess of 60 billion! The planet's 800 mile thick shell is multi-layered and houses many strange races and civilizations. In his book, Inner Earth Peoples, Fitch also states that the Earth was once much larger than it is today, its boundaries stretching twice as far out as the Moon. There is a dark, negative, and almost impenetrable astral layer surrounding the planet some 30 to 100 miles up where negative entities abide. In and beyond this are various belts of rock and ice invisible to the naked eye separating the first (atmosphere), second (sub-lunar), and third (post-lunar) heavens which are also populated. In the third heaven is a planetary object which he calls the New Jerusalem. Outward or inward, this planet is a lot more populated than we care to imagine.
The Enochian Apocalypse Working was completed, perhaps for the first time since its transmission in the 16th century, the Enochian or Ophanic astral communication device. This structure included the basic forms necessary to harmonize the on-coming galactic alignments. A little more than a year later, the Ophanic Intelligences announced that projecting the Tree of Life on the Celestial sphere on the equinox for the next ten equinoxes was the simplest way to align with the energy shift of the Great Cross. From this realization came the idea of the Gnosis Gnomon and its connection with the labyrinth. That basic idea led to a complete unraveling of Hendaye's message. Not just the moment of celestial alignment, but a hidden indication of the process itself.

The earth is a dodecahedronal crystal. While the crustal plates no longer match the dodeca pattern, an indication of the planet's age, the basic crystal structure survives. Each face is defined by the top point of one of twelve prism-like 3D Trees expanding outward from the earth's core. This point becomes the center of the dodecahedron's pentagonal face and one of the vertices of its dual, the icosahedron. If we project all five platonic solid onto the surface of a sphere, they nest perfectly within the pattern defined by the icosa-dodeca. This pattern has been called the earth grid and there is much evidence that it was used by the last pre-catastrophe civilization.

Just how did they use it is the question. If we think of these twelve Kether or crown points on the surface of the earth as the center point of the vast dimensional doorway created by the pentagonal form, then we can see them as mediating this flow of centropic energy out through the resulting icosa-dodeca grid geometry. This grid also contains the spherical patterns of the other Platonic solids, which act as seeds for their 4D counterparts. Through its grid, the earth sustains life by creating a resonant oscillation between dimensions. Sentience itself maybe an artifact of the grid, because as we saw, self-referencing, a pre-condition of awareness, occurs only when 3D folds into 4D, five tetrahedrons interlocking to form the pentatope and its pentagon/pentagram shadow. To the Pythagoreans, the pentagram was the symbol for humanity, an indication of their understanding of the self-awareness that makes us human.

If the earth grid mediates the Platonic solids and their 4D analogs, where do we find the 24 cell polytope, the Daat/gnosis master solid?

We might look for something that makes the earth unique, such as the orbit of its satellite, the moon. Thinking in terms of the Tree of Life, we can collapse the middle pillar, Kether, Daat, Tiphareth, Yesod and Malkuth, into two concentric circles, Kether/Tiphareth/Malkuth and Daat/Yesod.

This helps us see the identity between the sphere of Daat/Gnosis and the sphere of the moon as well as the collapsing focus from galactic center to the sun and then onto the earth, Malkuth, the kingdom. With this in mind, we can place the 24 cell polytope in space, within the sphere of the moon. When we do this, we notice that the cubical center of the 24 cell forms within the sphere of the earth. When Daat/Gnosis is properly aligned, then the earth becomes a cube of space where dimensions overlap.

In preparing for the Apocalypse working, I discovered that the Tablet of Nalvage unfolded into the 24 cell polytope. I placed this in the sphere of the moon for the reasons noted above. At that point, I did not notice the importance of the central cube. But as our understanding of the Great Cross and its connection to the New Jerusalem/Cube of Space developed, it became apparent that the central cube formed by the 24 cell 4D figure was indeed a key component.

The Great Cross is the moment coded on the monument at Hendaye, the moment when the cube of space is actually formed in the heavens by the appropriate alignments of the sun, moon and galactic center. The monument also tells us that the Cube is formed over the period of twenty years, from the summer solstice of 1992 to the winter solstice of 2012.

The ancient Abrahamic astronomy tells us that the Cube of Space is formed from the three dragon axis of the universe, the ecliptic axis, the galactic axis and the planetary equinox axis. In projecting the Tree of Life on the Cube of Space, we find that the ecliptic axis connects the top and bottom face of the cube while the galactic and the planetary connect opposite edges on the horizontal plane.

If we also think of each axis as uniting a pair of faces on the Cube of Space, then our three celestial axes, the ecliptic pole, the galactic pole and the equinox sunrise, form a perfect cube within a cube on the mid-point of the twenty year cycle, the fall equinox of 2002. We can see this by remembering that the earth cube is formed on each equinox. As the equinoxes precess backward against the fixed stars, the earth cube slowly rotates. The fixed locations of the Cube of Space form a space/time constant with which the earth cube comes into alignment once every 13,000 or so years.

This twenty year period of alignment is the window of opportunity, the eschatological moment when the New Jerusalem descends to earth. In Revelations 21:16 we are told that the New Jerusalem is a vast cube, one that fractally encompasses the entire planet. Since the embedded cube is a key component in the earth grid, then we might think of it, and its analog, the central cube of the 24 cell 4D polytope, as the resonant core in this cascade of hyper-cubes. Thinking in terms of our collapsed middle pillar of the Tree of Life, we can see the galactic center, Kether, as a 5D hexatope, seed form of higher dimensions, mediating energy/matter in the form of 3D/4D packets. The sun acts as a hyper-cube step-down transformer for the galactic flow, mediating explosions of light and matter. The cube of the earth mediates this through the earth grid.

New Jerusalem then becomes the unitary model which allows the earth cube and the solar hyper-cube to nest within the higher dimensional flow coming from galactic central. It would mediate the centropic to entropic collapse of light into matter by stabilizing the oscillation between 3 and 4 D, in other words, a virtually eternal reality constructed from mind mirroring matter with its own light.

The window of opportunity to create this is very narrow, and the results of failure seem to be dire. The resonant alignment would seem to produce an implosion of energy/information from the galactic core. The New Jerusalem Cube is the switch box, and, to follow the analogy, if it is wired wrong or not at all, then it explodes when the juice is turned on. The current is already running, and the sparks are popping all over the planet.

In my examination of the Enochian system, I discovered that the core of the system, the tablets of the elements, form an unfolded hyper-cube/hyper-octa matrix. Since the Enochian alphabet itself develops out of an octa/hyper-octa language crystal we might suspect that the entire system is designed to translate the hyper-dimensional energy cascade created by the alignments of the Cube of Space.

This means that the Enochian system might just be the best way we have of dealing with the influx of energy/information form the galactic core.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:22 pm

The Day Before Disclosure, Part 1

The Day Before Disclosure, Part 2

The Day Before Disclosure, Part 3


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:01 pm

Sirius, Nibiru, the Black Sun, the Hollow Earth, the Anunnaki and the Illuminati

Nibiru was originally a planet that was thrown out of orbit with the implosion/explosion of Sirius B. It wound up in the Pleiades and therefore is known to some as a Pleiadian planet.

Nibiru became a star ship when it was converted from a near lifeless form, hollowed out and turned into a ship. The only difference is that Nibiru travels the galaxy. That is why the people live inside of it instead of on the surface. In a way, you could say that it is an artificial planet. Only the shell is original.

This was the same war in which Maldek was destroyed by Nibiru after the opposing forces had destroyed the colonies on Mars, Venus and Earth. The biosphere of Mars and Venus were also destroyed along with their colonies leaving both planets a wasteland. In ancient times Nibiru was symbolized as the eight-pointed star mostly due to its brightness. The Egyptians called it “the bright star of the crossing.”

It is my understanding that Nibiru has rings much like those of Saturn. It uses them as a sort of propulsion system. They propel Nibiru through space. The rings move in opposite directions from each other and up and down like wings, but the wings move in opposite directions.

Many scientists are speculating that Nibiru is a dark star or a “brown dwarf.” A brown dwarf is a star that never accumulated enough mass to ignite. Nibiru may be classified as a brown dwarf because it was either a planet or a star before it was expelled from the Sirius star system with the implosion or explosion of Sirius B.
The planetary numbering system inherited by Sitchin is a bit confusing, since, in addition to the nine planets recognized by our science today, the ancient texts also count the sun and moon, bringing Sitchin's count up to eleven. Maldek, referred to by the name "Tiamat" in Sitchin's sources, then competes for the honour of being "The 12th Planet" with Nibiru, the other celestial body responsible for splitting it apart.

Sitchin's version basically has Nibiru making two passes at Maldek. The first has Nibiru's moons hitting Maldek and dispersing its satellites while the two planets themselves narrowly miss each other. Nibiru then slingshots around our sun, and comes back to break off half of the already fractured Maldek and bulldoze the pieces to create the asteroid belt. The other half of Maldek is hit by Nibiru's last remaining moon and carried to a new orbit. Interestingly, the epic is very specific regarding flashing of energy and "lightning" occuring between the two planets, which Sitchin presents as weather anomalies caused by the planets' unhealthy proximity to each other.

One of the biggest missing factors that Sitchin may be overlooking in his first Earth Chronicles book, is the far greater proximity of our Solar system in those days to the Sirius binary star system. I've heard it said that our sun was basically the outermost third star of a trinary Sirius star system in those days, and that Sirius A and B shared about 17 more planets in various orbits about themselves, any of which could have had an impact in our solar system or played a role in the epic in the days when Maldek was still in one piece.

Interestingly, Earth does not form from half of Maldek's remains, as Zecharia Sitchin postulated. Instead, Earth is already in existence, and the Maldek incident brings about the creation of Venus instead.... and interestingly, the portion of the "Enuma Elish" Epic of Creation that deals with what was created out of the intact half of Maldek/Tiamat is vague enough to suggest it could have been either Earth or Venus, or perhaps even a third alternative that has yet to be rediscovered.
My research indicates we are dealing with not one, but two celestial unknowns. Two mysterious objects are lurking about in the outer fringes of our Solar System consisting of ‘The Dark Sun’ (Marduk) and Nibiru (better known as Planet X or the Destroyer). Bound together they reside within a mini solar system of their own orbiting our sun, furthermore, Nibiru just so happens to be the outermost planet orbiting the Dark Sun itself.

So what is all the controversy with the Black Sun anyway? I suppose the main reason is that Hitler and the Nazis believed the Black Sun was a gigantic orb of so called ‘prima materia’ that resided in the Earth’s center. He also believed that a mysterious form of energy called ‘Vril’ radiated out from the Black Sun. Not only that, the Vril Society (an offshoot to the Thule Society) believed the Aryans were actual biological ancestors of the BLACK SUN!
Is it possible the Black Sun and the Dark Star are one of the same? Other researchers would dispel this notion; however that being said, my investigation strongly suggests this is indeed the case. The Black Sun is a physical hidden orb that resides not in the center of the Earth but somewhere else—in the depths of our solar system! Here are a few points to support my argument.

Landig’s Black Sun symbol at Point 103 is exactly the same color of a Brown Dwarf—blood red. Secondly: The Black Sun, according to many is hidden or cloaked. This is also consistent with a brown dwarf due to the fact that most can only be observed through an infrared telescope. Esoteric researcher Peter Moon also mentions a hidden sun.

Thirdly: It is said the inner-earth inhabitants worship the Black Sun. My research tells me this is indeed the case however I believe the subterranean dwellers actually pay homage to its return—perihelion. And Fourthly: As just mentioned, the Vril Society believed the Aryans were ancestors of the Black Sun. I stressed the connection between the Aryan Race and Sitchin’s Anunnaki. Therefore, based on this reasoning, I suggest the Anunnaki are in fact ancestors of the Black Sun—our Dark Star. Some have even dubbed the Anunnakian homeworld orbiting our binary companion as the “Aryan Planet.”

The Black Sun’s controversy continues to this day because researchers generally agree it’s an evil Sun. Why is this the case? Well, again the most obvious reason is that Hitler believed by harnessing ‘Vril’ energy derived from the Black Sun he would use it to rule the world. However, my answer to this question comes from a rather unlikely source, none other than scientist Carl Sagan himself. See below:
Exhibit 28) Carl Sagan (Comet ©1985)

“…Consider [this]: The Sun has a DARK SISTER. Long ago, before even great grandmother’s time, the two suns danced together in the sky. But the DARK ONE was jealous that her sister was so much brighter, and in her rage she cursed us for not loving her, and loosed comets upon the world. A terrible winter came, and darkness fell and bitter cold, and almost every living thing perished. After many seasons, the Bright Sister returned to her children, and it was warm and light once more, and life was renewed. But the DARK SISTER IS NOT DEAD. She is only in hiding. ONE DAY SHE WILL RETURN [and the Demon Sun’s entourage will attack again]…” Page 304.

A remarkable passage from Sagan, I must admit. Construed as pure speculation by the scientific community of course; however, I believe Sagan was giving us a hint as to what he might have known from other, more obscure esoteric sources. One such source is the Kolbrin bible. Apparently this book has been closely guarded within private Masonic families for quite some time.

Originally called the ‘Coel-book,’ this particular version found its way to Glastonbury Abby in England circa 1180 AD and is basically is a collection of individual manuscripts—six originating from ancient Egypt. I contend Carl Sagan’s DARK SISTER is referenced in the Kolbrin. See below:

“In…Albert Pike’s eighth degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the focus of worship is on the “blazing star” as symbolized by the pentagram, and Pike identifies [what I argue is Red] Sirius as the “grand builder” or “Great Architect” of Freemasonry.”

“[Red] Sirius is emblematic of hidden power and secret allegiance to an invisible empire. [The Anunnaki?] “The Order of the…STAR is thus the order of the EYE OF SET, THE SUN BEHIND THE SUN…the STAR is [Red] Sirius. Red] Sirius is the power behind the sun…Our work is…the rediscovery of the Sumerian tradition…the crux of…magical significance for the present magical revival…the key supplied by the Sumerian tradition which involved the worship of Shaitan, the astronomical vehicle of which was [Red] Sirius.” Pages 29-30.

From Exhibit 2) Joscelyn Goodwin (Arktos: The Polar Myth ©1993)

“Then came the catastrophe. As Genesis 6.4 puts it “the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them.” The Hyperboreans made the mistake of mingling their blood in intercourse with the Demiurge’s [Yahweh’s] creatures, and in this sin of racial mixture, Paradise was lost. The physical cause was the fall of a moon… [Planetoid orbiting the Dark Sister?], as a result of which the North and South Poles changed position, and Hyperborea became invisible again. Before the cataclysm, some Hyperboreans had already taken refuge at the South Pole…One group of exiles founded a great civilization in the Gobi Desert, then a fertile place.”

“Henceforth the world became the battleground between the Demiurge and the Hyperboreans, the latter always in danger of diluting their blood. “There is nothing more mysterious than blood. Paracelsus considered it a condensation of light. I believe that the Aryan, Hyperborean blood is that—but not the light of the Golden Sun [Sol], not of a galactic Sun [galactic center], but the light of the BLACK SUN [Our dark sister?]…” Page 71.

This is a remarkable statement by Serrano because he implies the Hyperboreans are associated with another Sun, not our own but that of the Black Sun. This makes sense because the Hyperboreans are also linked with surviving a pole-shift and to me it’s obvious the Black Sun’s entourage, which includes Planet X (Nibiru), is the trigger for the pole shift.

Secret society researcher Jan van Helsing informs us that the Nazi party initials S.S. in actual fact stands for Schwarze Sonne which means ‘Black Sun’ in German. This implies there was a coded hidden reference to the Black Sun whenever SS runes were displayed. In-other-words, the Nazis were magically trying to invoke the hidden force of the Black Sun itself.

According to conspiracy researcher Terry Melanson, Albert Pike once said “there is in nature one most powerful force, by means whereof a single man, who could possess himself of it, and should know how to direct it, could revolutionize and change that face of the world.” Pike elaborated further on this most “powerful force” along with its origin.

“[The Sun, Moon and]…Blazing Star or HORUS…form [a] great equilateral triangle, in the center of which is the omnific letter of the Kabalah, by which creation is said to be effected.” Page 14.

“…our French Brethren place [the] letter YOD in the center of the Blazing Star. And in old Lectures, our ancient English Brethren said, ‘The Blazing Star of Glory in the center refers us to that grand luminary, the [Second] Sun, which enlightens the earth…they called it also in the same lectures, an emblem of prudence…and accordingly, the Blazing Star has been regarded as an emblem of Omniscience, or the All-seeing eye, which to the Egyptian Initiates was the emblem of Osiris, the Creator. With the YOD in the centre, it has the kabalistic meaning of Divine energy [or Divine force]…” Pages 15-16.

This ‘Divine’ force, I maintain was known to the Ancients and could be used in different ways. A force so powerful it was able to render objects weightless.

It is an electromagnetic force German Scientists were able to tap into with the help of an unknown subterranean race. The Vril Society led the way in this endeavour and by 1942 its members constructed a number of anti-gravity flying discs. Terry Melanson provides an intriguing account of what the Vril Society was all about.

“The Vril Society or The Luminous Lodge combined the political ideals of the Order of the Illuminati with Hindu mysticism, Theosophy and the Cabbala…The Vril Society presented the idea of a subterranean matriarchal, socialist utopia ruled by superior beings who had mastered the mysterious energy called the Vril Force.”

This secret society was founded, literally, on Bulwer Lytton's novel the Coming Race (1871). The book describes a race of men psychically far in advance of our own. They have acquired powers over themselves and over things that made them almost godlike. For the moment they are in hiding. They are said to live in caves [Tunnels] in the center of the Earth. Soon they will emerge to reign over us.”

“This force…has been called Chi, Ojas, Vril…Odic Forces and Orgone…This is the force that the Nazis and their inner occult circle were so desperately trying to unleash upon the world, for which the Vril Society had apparently groomed Hitler.

“…Presumably the Vril Society established contact with the [subterranean] “Secret Chiefs” or the Vril-ya themselves, and secretly began cooperating with certain German scientists in the late 20's.”

As early as 1936 Hitler was sending teams of “Spelunkers” into caves and mines all over Europe searching for the Vril-ya. The Nazi's had also explored Antarctica extensively during the years 1937-38. In search of the fabled hole of the South Pole they apparently had success…It was here that some say they made contact with the "Unknown Superman" who lived in the fabled “Rainbow City”

“In his controversial presentation UFO Secrets of the Third Reich, Vladimir Terziski draws a connection between [inner-earth] alien beings and such German secret societies as the Tempelhoff, the Thule, the Vril, and the Black Sun. Terziski tells of an “alien [inner earth] tutor race” that secretly began cooperating with certain German scientists in the late 1920's in underground bases and began to introduce their concepts of philosophical, cultural, and technological progress.” (The Rainbow Conspiracy, p.62)

“The possibility exists that UFOs were indeed coming from Antarctica in the late ‘40s and early ‘50s…the Germans had developed revolutionary saucer-shaped air-craft at the end of the war and had moved their factories to Antarctica…” Page 269.

Other rumours persist of an Antarctic Base. Canadian Nazi historian Ernst Zundel published a little-known newsletter called Samisdat in 1975 and provided information through an interesting manuscript called The Lightning & the Sun by Savitri Devi.

Devi was a ‘Guru’ from India connecting roots of Naziism with the pyramid in Egypt and Pharoah Akhn-aton and the ‘ancient cult of the Sun.’ (Cult of the Second Sun?) Samisdat also published two books called UFOs, Nazi Secret Weapon? by Mattern-Friedrich and Secret Nazi Polar Expeditions by Christof Friedrich.

It should be noted that Rudolf Hess had a lasting relationship with Karl Haushofer who was, according to researcher Louis Pauwels, a member of the Vril Society. Haushofer, like others in the secret society, believed in the existence of a subterranean race living within the Earth. In 1979 the Hartmann expedition discovered, within Base 211 itself, an inscription from none other than Rudolf Hess’s mentor.

A bizarre twist into the whole Rudolf Hess saga comes from researcher Peter Moon. He writes the following:
“Ewen Cameron [a psychiatrist who worked out of the Allan memorial Institute in Montreal, Canada] was a close personal friend of Allen Dulles, the first director of the CIA, who worked intimately with him. Dulles even sent Cameron to “examine” Rudolf Hess prior to the Nuremburg trials. It is a well documented fact that Hess went blank during the trials and didn’t remember even his close friend, Dr. Karl Haushofer. Some people have speculated that a double was inserted for Hess…All we know for sure is that there was plenty of funny business concerning Hess and Cameron was right in the middle of it.”

“According to what Ewen told her, Hess was a highly dedicated member of the brotherhood, even more so than Hitler. Hess left Hitler’s Germany in 1941 for Scotland in order to meet someone and participate in some sort of magical ritual. It involved time travel and Ewen boasted about it as if it was successful. The control group were waiting for an ARYAN PLANET, known as MARDUK, to [return and] come into resonant orbit with that of Mars…[Invoking its return?] Ewen talked quite a bit about this but much of it remains a mystery…”

“The Allies supposedly sent Ewen Cameron to Nuremburg in an official capacity to say whether Hess was sane or insane. Allen Dulles reportedly was concerned that the incarcerated Hess was not the real Hess. Anna does not have complete details on all this. She was told that Ewen knew what was happening ahead of time. Hess had to be “replaced” but the entire affair had something to do with time. The real Hess had been sent to another time…Although these statements sound rather fantastic, this is the first information I have ever heard or read about Ewen Cameron from an insider who knew him intimately…” Pages 48-50

Yes, I must admit, these statements do sound rather fantastic and hard to accept. Did Rudolf Hess actually escape to an Aryan planet—the Anunnaki homeworld? Or did Hess have communication lines open with the Aryans off planet or inside the Earth? Is it possible Hess could have used Base 211 for any of this? You be the judge. However, as we all know, truth is indeed stranger than fiction.

In their book Secrets of the Holy Lance researchers Jerry E. Smith and George Piccard provide information suggesting Base 211 has long since been abandoned. What caused the abandonment? And where did the Nazi ‘flying disc’ technology end up? It appears Admiral Byrd’s ‘Operation Highjump’ was instrumental in the fate of Base 211:

Exhibit 39) Michael E. Salla (Exopolitics ©2004)

“A little known effort to once and for all end the Nazi threat occurred with a Naval military expedition led by Admiral Richard Byrd to the Antarctic in 1946/47. Byrd’s military expedition was named “Operation High Jump” and consisted of “4700 military personnel , six helicopters, six Martin PBM flying boats, two seaplane tenders, fifteen other craft, thirteen US Navy support ships and one aircraft carrier; the USS Philippine Sea’…Admiral Byrd was leading a US Naval Expedition to seek out and eliminate the Nazi elite who escaped to bases created or “discovered” during the Schwabenland expedition.” Page 122-123.
Dr. Ewen Cameron and MKULTRA Mind Control
In the second half of the 20th century, mind control projects resulted in extensive political abuse of psychiatry. Many thousands were subjected to unethical mind control experiments by leading psychiatrists and medical schools. Mind control experimentation was not only tolerated by medical professionals, but published in psychiatric and medical journals.

Linda MacDonald was a victim of Dr. Ewen Cameron’s destructive mind control experiments in 1963. Dr. Cameron was president of the American and World Psychiatric Associations. He used a “treatment” which involved intensive application of these brainwashing techniques; drug disinhibition, prolonged sleep, and prolonged psychological isolation. These were combined with ECT [Electro Convulsive Therapy].

The amount of electricity introduced into Linda’s brain exceeded by 76.5 times the maximum amount recommended. Dr. Cameron’s technique resulted in permanent and complete amnesia. A class action suit against the CIA for Dr. Cameron’s MKULTRA experiments was settled out of court for $750,000, divided among eight plaintiffs in 1988. BB 126, 181-187 For more on the mind control doctors,


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:30 am

Nibiru and the UFO Connection ;)
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/herco ... bus_61.htm
As my previous papers have stated, the biblical ‘Nephilim’ or Giants were not wiped out after the global deluge, caused by Nibiru, and suggest the descendents of the “mighty men of renown” endured (escaping their original homelands of ‘Atlantis,’ ‘Lemuria’ and ‘Ultima-Thule’) by occupying a pre-built global tunnel system – a network of ancient corridors, if-you-will, opening up into a central hub.

Today splintered races or tribes (who do not live harmoniously with one another, I might add) continue to live in the subterranean realm possessing “magical” devices left behind by their Giant forefathers. They possess ancient machinery such as tunnel-boring machines, tube railways, elevators and yes, flying vehicles. So not only do they consider planet Earth as their own, but they also have the luxury to go ‘off planet’ and come and go as they please.

In a Speech to the United Nations 42nd General Assembly on September 21 1987, President Ronald Reagan gave us a hint of this “Coming Race.” See below:

“In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world”

Many UFO researchers today believe Reagan’s remarks were preparing us for a direct threat from outer space, however, I beg to differ. My argument contends that Reagan’s speech was referring to the “coming race” prophecy foretold by the ‘King of the World’ himself in 1890! So one must not be too hasty to think that an ‘alien’ strictly originates from light years away in the Universe.

A race literally below our feet, hidden below the Earth’s surface, would appear alien to us as well—our resident terrestrials.

As far as esoteric technology is concerned, the mainstream public has forgotten what engineering-feats the Nephilim achieved so very long ago. Furthermore, we are blinded to the fact that their technology is locked-up somewhere within the subterranean kingdom and yet, in spite of all this, clues have been dropped right into our lap. Yes, we are given flashes of insight every-so-often, to jolt our collective amnesia.

Exhibit 19) Brinsley Le Poer Trench (Flying Saucer Review Magazine © November-December 1958)

“We are already here, among you. Some of us have always been here, with you, yet apart from, watching, and occasionally guiding you whenever the opportunity arose. Now, however, our numbers have been increased in preparation for a further step in the development of your planet: a step of which you are not yet aware… We have been confused with the gods of many world-religions, although we are not gods, but your fellow creatures, as you will learn directly before many more years have passed. You will find records of our presence in the mysterious symbols of ancient Egypt, where we made ourselves known in order to accomplish certain ends. Our principal symbol appears in the religious art of your present civilization and occupies a position of importance upon the great seal of your country. (The United States of America) It has been preserved in certain secret societies founded originally to keep alive the knowledge of our existence and our intentions toward mankind.”

We have left you certain landmarks, placed carefully in different parts of the globe, but most prominently in Egypt where we established our headquarters upon the occasion of our last overt, or, as you would say, public appearance. At that time the foundations of your present civilization were ‘laid in the earth’ and the most ancient of your known landmarks established by means that would appear as miraculous to you now as they did to the pre-Egyptians, so many thousands of years ago. Since that time the whole art of building, in stone, has become symbolic, to many of you, of the work in hand—the building of the human race towards its perfection.”

“Your ancestors knew us in those days as preceptors and as friends. Now, through your own efforts, you have almost reached, in your majority, a new step on the long ladder of your liberation. You have been constantly aided by our watchful ‘inspiration’, and hindered only by the difficulties natural to your processes of physical and moral development… ”

“You have lately achieved the means of destroying yourselves. Do not be hasty in your self-congratulation. Yours is not the first civilization to have achieved—and used—such means. Yours will not be the first civilization to be offered the means of preventing that destruction and proceeding, in the full glory of its accumulated knowledge, to establish an era of enlightenment upon the earth.”

“However, if you do accept the means offered you, and if you establish such a ‘millennium’ upon the basis of your present accomplishments, yours will be the first civilization to do so.


In a sense they succeeded, but in another sense their failure equaled their success. Human acceptance is, to a very large extent, measurable by human experience. Succeeding generations, who never knew our actual presence, translated the teachings of their elders in the terms of their own experience. For instance, a cross-sectional drawing, much simplified and stylized by many copyings, of one of our traveling machines became the ‘Eye of Horus”, and then other eyes of other gods. Finally, the ancient symbol that was once an accurate representation of an important mechanical device has been given surprising connotations by the modern priesthood of psychology.”

“The important fact is, however, that we are here, among you, and that you, as a world-race, will know it before very much longer! The time is almost ripe but, as with all ripening things, the process may not be hurried artificially without danger of damaging the fruit. There is a right time for every action, and the right time for our revelation of ourselves to your era is approaching.”

In the first three parts of this paper evidence was presented suggesting that elite societies were privy to the age-old secret of levitation. The Rosicrucian Order was one such group and Alchemists within acquired this ancient wisdom from antediluvian libraries hidden deep within the Earth’s crust. Furthermore, they discovered the fact that inner-earth terrestrials (who still reside within the Earth today) harnessed ‘anti-gravity’ by engineering and operating UFOs thousands of years ago.

An esoteric technology the adepts eventually mastered themselves, deciphered not only from the written record, but also from direct communication with inner-earth emissaries—liaisons to the upper-world.

Continuing with this theme, I argue other secret societies were also in communication with inner-earth terrestrials and it appears the main objective of this dialogue was again to master the ‘flying-disc’ technology. The German Thule and Vril societies are excellent examples of this—spin off groups from the original Rosicrucians. In addition these societies, the Thule group in particular, discovered the whereabouts of polar tunnel openings or ‘bottomless pits’—Vimana gateways, if-you-will, to the subterranean world.

Exhibit 20) Michael E. Salla (Exopolitics ©2004)

“… The Nazis [composed mostly of Thule members] believed the “Aryans” were descendants of [Giant god-like] supermen who had ruled the planet from [Ultima] Thule, ancient capital of this northern super-race. It can be concluded that the “supermen” the Nazis believed were… none other than the Anunnaki that [Zecharia] Sitchin had outlined in his work… ”
Page 232

Exhibit 22) Dusty Sklar (Gods and Beasts: The Nazis and the Occult ©1977)

“… [Baron Rudolf von] Sebottendorff [Grand Master of the Thule lodge and founder back in 1918] had a love-hate relationship with … Freemasons. They were the prototype for most secret organizations. “The old Freemasonry,” he said, “had been a keeper of secrets which they had learned from the Aryan[/Anunnaki] wisdom and from the alchemists...”
Pages 28-29.

The quote above suggests the Thule Society quite possibly could have acquired ancient manuscripts from a rich legacy of Alchemists, exactly how many manuscripts unearthed is anyone’s guess. The Thule Society obtained their name (pronounced Toolay) from a mythological landmass named ‘Hyperborea’ that existed beyond the North Pole.

According to Thulists, Ultima-Thule was the home of the Hyperborean/Aryan race and it was Rudolf von Sebottendorff who was responsible for initiating this esoteric belief into the heartland of Germany.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 585#p41136

My research indicates we are dealing with not one, but two celestial unknowns. Two mysterious objects are lurking about in the outer fringes of our Solar System consisting of ‘The Dark Sun’ (Marduk) and Nibiru (better known as Planet X or the Destroyer). Bound together they reside within a mini solar system of their own orbiting our sun, furthermore, Nibiru just so happens to be the outermost planet orbiting the Dark Sun itself.

So what is all the controversy with the Black Sun anyway? I suppose the main reason is that Hitler and the Nazis believed the Black Sun was a gigantic orb of so called ‘prima materia’ that resided in the Earth’s center. He also believed that a mysterious form of energy called ‘Vril’ radiated out from the Black Sun. Not only that, the Vril Society (an offshoot to the Thule Society) believed the Aryans were actual biological ancestors of the BLACK SUN!

Is it possible the Black Sun and the Dark Star are one of the same? Other researchers would dispel this notion; however that being said, my investigation strongly suggests this is indeed the case. The Black Sun is a physical hidden orb that resides not in the center of the Earth but somewhere else—in the depths of our solar system! Here are a few points to support my argument.

Landig’s Black Sun symbol at Point 103 is exactly the same color of a Brown Dwarf—blood red. Secondly: The Black Sun, according to many is hidden or cloaked. This is also consistent with a brown dwarf due to the fact that most can only be observed through an infrared telescope. Esoteric researcher Peter Moon also mentions a hidden sun.

Thirdly: It is said the inner-earth inhabitants worship the Black Sun. My research tells me this is indeed the case however I believe the subterranean dwellers actually pay homage to its return—perihelion. And Fourthly: As just mentioned, the Vril Society believed the Aryans were ancestors of the Black Sun. I stressed the connection between the Aryan Race and Sitchin’s Anunnaki. Therefore, based on this reasoning, I suggest the Anunnaki are in fact ancestors of the Black Sun—our Dark Star. Some have even dubbed the Anunnakian homeworld orbiting our binary companion as the “Aryan Planet.”
http://www.greatdreams.com/reptlan/rept ... ntents.htm
ARIANNI: Admiral Byrd, in his flyover of the North Pole, encountered some inner-earth people called the Arianni. Note the similarity to the word Aryan. Andromodans say these lived on the planet Maldek (now the asteroid belt) and were the lost tribe of Lyrae. They now live underground in Tibet.
Vril Power and the Vril Gesellschaft
http://battleofearth.wordpress.com/2009 ... ellschaft/
“The solar system Aldebaran has a sun around which revolve two inhabited planets that form the empire SUMERAN. The population of the Aldebaran system is divided into the master race of “light God people” and several other human races that had developed by negative mutation from the “God people” because of climatic changes upon the planets.

“Around 500 million years ago the “light God people” started to colonize other earth-like planets, after the expansion of the sun Aldebaran and the resulting heat had made the original planets uninhabitable. It is said that in our system they first colonized the planet Mallona (also called Maldek, Marduk or – by the Russians – Phaeton) which existed in the area of today’s asteroid belt, then between Mars and Jupiter. Mars was next. The proof for a highly developed race on Mars is run by the well-known face on Mars and the pyramid city which has been photographed by the Mars probe Viking in 1976. It is assumed that the master race of Sumeran-Aldebaran then also came to Earth for a first visit, witnessed by the petrified impressions of a shoe found to be about 500 million years old, and squashed under the heel a trilobite, a little crayfish that lived then upon Earth and became extinct about 400 million years ago.”

“The Vril people thought that later, when Earth became slowly habitable, the race of the Aldebarans landed in Mesopotamia and formed the master caste of the SUMERIANS.

Some authors claim that the Thule people believed that – quite independently of the subterranean tunnel and city system – the Earth was HOLLOW, with two great openings at the poles. Natural laws were quoted, “as above, so below”. Since blood, body or egg cells, a comet or an atom all have a nucleus and a hollow space surrounding it that is enclosed by a “corona radiata”, an envelope, and the actual “life” is taking place in the core, one has deduced that the Earth was built after the same principles.

Druses confirmed this, as they were hollow and the “life”, the mineral and crystals, were in the interior. Therefore the Earth also had to be hollow and had a nucleus, the Central Sun (the Black Sun) that gave the interior an even climate and permanent sunlight, corresponding in the microcosm to the central sun of the galaxy in the macrocosm.

They maintain that the actual life in our planet takes place in the interior – the master race lives inside and the mutants on the surface – and that this was also the reason why we wouldn’t find any life upon other planets of our solar system, because their inhabitants live inside. The main entrances are at the North and South poles through which the central sun is shining and producing the aurora borealis. In the interior the land mass was exceeding the water mass.

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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by mague » Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:18 am

These virtual photons are undetectable, since their existence violates the conservation of energy and momentum, and hence FRET is known as a radiationless mechanism. From quantum electrodynamical calculations, it is determined that radiationless (FRET) and radiative energy transfer are the short- and long-range asymptotes of a single unified mechanism.[5],[6]
"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Förster_re ... y_transfer"


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