Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:01 pm

Shannon Dorey wrote an interesting book on the Nommo. In the Master of Speech she gives an example of how an androgynous society might “devolve” into a “mixed society” with both single sexed males and androgynous “mother goddesses”.

When the single sexed males first began to appear, they must have been considered aberrations and were castrated (turned into females). This could tie in with the myths of dying and rising gods like Osiris and their regeneration back into androgynous beings.

As more and more single sexed males began to appear, they would have formed a group apart. I wonder if this is really the root of the myth about Cain. As a group apart they would have become the “artificers of metals, the builders, inventors of technology and developers of all the “forbidden sciences” taught to them by the Watchers.

Perhaps this is how patriarchy began. They developed tools and weapons. As they became a larger more cohesive group, they may have staged a rebellion and overthrown the matriarchy.

The Master of Speech
Not only did the killifish have the ability to live both in and out of water, like the Nummo, but they were also self-fertilizing like the Nummo, having both male and female reproductive organs. The Nummo were not only amphibians but also self-generating and androgynous. They were able to fertilize themselves, being dual and bisexual."

When talking about the killifish's sexual behaviour, Calamai reported, "While self-fertilization may seem like a survival advantage avoiding all that energy spent on seeking mates and courtship, it should be an evolutionary death sentence." He quoted Noakes, who said, "They should become completely inbred and very vulnerable." Instead of disappearing from the Earth, however, killifish appear to be strong survivors. The reason for this is said to be their unusual sexual behaviour.

Recent research has shown that 85 per cent of killifish develop ovaries about a month after birth. Then within another month they also develop testes. And for the next two to three years of their average lifespan, most remain typical killifish, reproducing through self-fertilization.

But that other 15 per cent develop only testes right at the start. And another 5 to 10 per cent of the bisexual killifish switch back to being only male. These primary and secondary males are more brightly coloured than the duller and dominant bisexual version.

The researchers predicted there would be typical courtship behaviour between the males and early stage females. "But Noakes and Richard Green, a mathematician from the University of Minnesota, calculated that killifish needed to reproduce by this old-fashioned method only one per cent of the time in order to maintain a protective level of genetic diversity in the species.

Ogotemmêli described the first biological experiment, which involved a union between the Nummo and Mother Earth, as resulting in the birth of two types of human/Nummo hybrids. One offspring was born "normal" like the Nummo, meaning it was an androgynous or a "twin" Nummo. The other offspring, however, was defective; it was a single-sexed male known as "the jackal."

In this first attempt at biological engineering, the androgynous aspect of the Nummo did not carry through to both of the offspring. The male was born completely severed from the Nummos' world and tied to Earth.

According to Orphic religion, the god Dionysus was killed and dismembered. He, like Persephone, receded into the dark depths of the earth and remained there as a seed. Women saved the seed or phallus, laid it in a winnowing fan, and performed the reawakening ritual of the god." Each god needed the other, for they represented the complementary aspects of darkness and light. This reunification brought bliss to the Earth.

Lébé's birth signified the "third word," which was perceived as the hope for humanity. Lébé was androgynous and all research seems to indicate that Dionysus may have also been androgynous.

But he was not properly equipped for his office until he had sustained Jacob's injury which would prevent him from ever again putting his sacred heel on the ground, even by mistake.... Originally the king died violently as soon as he had coupled with the queen; as the drone dies after coupling with the queen-bee. Later, emasculation and laming were substituted for death; later still, circumcision was substituted for emasculation and the wearing of buskins for laming.

In the Dogon religion, Lébé was an indirect regeneration of the Jackal, so essentially the Jackal dies when Lébé is created. Lébé, like the other ancestors, was androgynous, but five generations after her/him, humans became single-sexed and mortal beings. The loss of androgyny (and hence immortality) was represented in the Dogon religion through the ritual of circumcision.
http://paganizingfaithofyeshua.netfirms ... cybele.htm
The worship of Attis in association with that of the Great Mother of All Things, Cybele, came from Phrygia in Asia Minor. Attis accompanied Cybele, the Great Mother of the Gods, who was brought to Rome from Phrygia in 204 B.C.E. Phrygia is an area that is often called "Thrace," a region of SE Europe comprising NE Greece, S Bulgaria, and European Turkey, bordered by the Black Sea in the northeast, and the Sea of Marmara and the Aegean Sea in the south. Attis and Cybele were established in a temple on the Vatican hill, where they remained for six centuries.

Attis was a son of the Goddess' earthly incarnation, the virgin Nana, who miraculously conceived him by eating an almond or a pomegranate, yonic symbols both. Thus Attis was a typical "god without a father," the Virgin's son. He grew up to become a sacrificial victim and Savior, slain to bring salvation to mankind. His body was eaten by his worshippers in the form of bread [the Eucharist of Attis]. He was resurrected as "The Most High God, who holds the universe together." Like his priests he was castrated, then crucified on a pine tree, where his blood poured down to redeem the earth. (Walker, The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, p. 77).

Cybele was worshipped for over 500 years. She was the Mater Deum Magna—Great Mother of the Gods, and of men, animals and plants. She was a mother of nature and a Mountain Mother—her shrines were often on mountains and in caves. She was identified with several other mother goddesses including Demeter and Gaia. She was, in her loving and comforting aspect, the equivalent of Isis, Hera, Juno and the Christians' Mary. But she also had a destructive aspect in which she signified the unknown, the unconscious and mysterious, the magical and intuitive qualities women in particular are considered to have. She is then Astarte, Luna, Hecate, Kali. Cybele was represented by a black meteorite set in the face of a silver statue.

Worship of Cybele arose in the prehistoric Phrygian Empire. The main centre of the cult came to be Pessinus in Galatia. In 204 BC the Sibylline Oracle prophesied that enemies of Rome would be defeated if the Great Mother were taken from Pessinus to Rome. The cult and her symbol, the small black meteorite, were duly moved to Rome and established in 191 BC on the Palatine Hill in the heart of the city. Later the cult incorporated that of Attis who probably never had any following independent of her. The High Priest or Archigallus of Cybele was identified with Attis.

Her priests, the Galli, were eunuchs with hair perfumed and dressed with oils. Priests, priestesses, acolytes and initiates celebrated her rites with fast music and wild dancing until in a frenzy the participants exhausted and finally mutilated themselves by castration becoming candidates for the priesthood. Even the phlegmatic Romans were shocked at first by these rites and at first Roman citizens were banned from participating in them. The ban was not lifted until the beginning of the Empire but then Attis and Cybele worship became one of the three main religions along with those of Isis and Mithras. It made its last appearance under the pagan revival of Eugenius in AD 394.

There are associated with the Attis myth horrific rites as will quickly come to learn. Attis was a handsome Phrygian shepherd, the "Good Shepherd", the son of Cybele. Cybele loved her son intensely but Attis fell in love with a nymph and jealousy overcame the mother. In a rage she cast a spell of madness on Attis and he castrated himself at the foot of a pine tree. As his life blood dripped to the earth violets sprang up. Thus it was that death and sadness entered the world. Cybele, full of remorse took the body to a cave and wept. She first buried Attis at Pessinus but then used her power to restore him to life and they were reunited, thus bringing nature back to life and hope and salvation into the world. She founded the cult making Attis the priest and the pine tree sacred (remember the significance of trees from the other gods?).
Circumcision now, Castration then
Like circumcision, castration was practised from ancient times. It was probably first performed on enemy captives to prevent them reproducing. It was then used as a punishment for sexual crimes, and as an extreme form of austerity for priestly castes. Persians, Indians, Chinese and Arabs have used it. In China and India it has served as a crude kind of sex-reassignment surgery. The hijra of India are commonly called "eunuchs" though many may be born intersexed. It is still practised today among certain Ethiopian ethnic groups.

Certain pagan cults adopted castration, especially the cult of Cybele which required emasculation for its priests. From the start of the Christian era the Church severely condemned it, and openly attacked figures such as Leonce of Antioch and Origen who had chosen to castrate themselves.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:23 pm

So how did patriarchy develop? I would have to say that I agree with the author below. I think of this type of male as the “warrior monk.” The female analogue would be the Amazonian warrior. Their religion is war.

What is interesting is that these “men’s clubs” are not designed to control women. That happened thousands of years ago. They are to control men; these would be any man or group of men who would be competitors. Among the elite groups of males this is where blood sacrifices, sodomy and sexual blackmail play a crucial role. Are these the true “sons of Cain”? Their behavior is contrary to what the heterosexual masses have been taught should be the norm. ... 600#p41249

There is at least circumstantial evidence in support of the hypothesis that the people whom we describe as patriarchal were once a special caste or "guild" in earlier Near Eastern civilizations. They seem to have been a 'taboo' group, 'branded' and set apart, like Cain -- whose name, by the way, means 'expelled"-- specializing in the risky skills of smelting (fire) and slaughter of animals (bloodletting) for ritual purposes.

Not only this, but, because of their indifference to pain and death, they provided manpower for the first militias of early Near Eastern Empires, developing eventually into a distinct warrior caste. Careful reading of texts from 2000 BC suggest that, from male-bonded and therefore exclusive solidarity among themselves, they became an autonomous power and at last rose in revolt against their own rulers, who were temperamentally unprepared to resist storms of violence. (Archeologists examining the corpses of their victims note that they seem to have submitted passively, without resistance.)

It is time now to reveal the identity of these two groups, who will play an important role (with other related groups) in further discussion here, and in the as-yet unwritten even more lengthy version, of the subject matter relevant to a history of the patriarchy.

The first group, whose trial and disposition has been described, is the Knights Templar, the ruling military and later economic elite (with the approval of Church and State) of Christendom for two and a half centuries, 1099-1314 AD.

The second group is the Freemasons, who were not parties to the above trial but who have suffered similar inquisitions on a smaller scale from the early 1700s (although their activities are documented at least a century earlier) to the late 1800s. There is good reason to believe that Templar cells (in Spain and Scotland, not subject to the laws of Rome) survived, and in time evolved into the Freemasons, since the two groups in fact make claim to the same history. Masons were central figures among the Founding Fathers, they were central in the French Revolution, and they were equally central in the administration of colonies by the British Empire.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:42 am

In pursuing “spiritual oneness”, there seem to be two primary paths – service to self and service to others.

The first route would be the one espoused by the Templars, Freemasons and the royal bloodlines who seek to return to the days when they had priest kings and one man controlled both the spiritual and secular realms. This is a rigid androcentric (fascist) hierarchial society where feminine energy is exploited by the priest kings to enhance their own power. I believe this is what is meant when Serrano says that “he must kill the woman within” to attain the “spiritual oneness” of the androgeny, e.g., the “tantric female sacrifice” to accomplish the transformation of sexuality into political power.

This "spiritual quest" for "oneness” seems to be nothing more than an drive to seek power and control over others.

For the “sons of Cain”, cooperation is a “four letter word”.

However, throughout the centuries the Templars have sought vengeance against the Vatican because of the Donation of Constantine, a forged document that made the Pope the “priest king”, a role supposedly held originally by the Merovingian kings.

Nevertheless, the Templars (the City of London) and the Roman Catholic Church (the Vatican state) continued to cooperate with each other behind the scenes to control society with the former controlling the “temporal” and the latter the “spiritual” realms.

Now it would appear that the “bloodline descendents” want to return to the “good old days” of the Egyptian pharaohs where the “god-king” ruled both temporal and religious spheres. Apparently this is what Akhenaten tried to accomplish – he wanted to become a priest king who controlled both realms.

Drew Hemple presents an entirely opposite picture. In the matrifocal Bushman society men became the spiritual healers from practicing their “sex magic” (Taoist yoga). This requires the full cooperation of women. In other words the men become like the women or honor the “woman within” rather than killing her. So it would appear that both men and woman are fully capable of attaining “spiritual oneness” if done in the appropriate fashion.

Is there a fundamental difference approach between tantric and Taoist yoga? Most likely it is simply a question of “intent”; e.g., there are those people who intend to enhance the self at the expense of others, and there are those who wish to heal the self and help to heal others. ... 600#p41251

Visionary fascism was, and indeed still is, exceptionally deeply fascinated by the Buddhocratic form of state. In the late thirties (as the various fascist systems bloomed in Europe and the whole world) Spencer Chapman, a traveler in Tibet, wrote that even in the days of the dictators one can only be amazed at what uncontested power the Dalai Lama possesses” (Chapman, 1940, p. 192). The idea of kingship of the world, the uniting of spiritual and secular power in a single person, the ideology of war in the Shambhala myth, the uncompromisingly androcentric orientation, the tantric vision of the feminine, the whole occult ambience and much more besides were specifically adopted by several fascist ideologists and welded together into an aggressive myth. As we shall soon see, entire fascist systems are based upon the adoption of Tibetan/tantric doctrines.

The myth of the “black sun” which was able to win a central place in the neo-fascist movement and displays similarities with the Tibetan Rahu myth from the Kalachakra Tantra, can be traced to the inspiration of Wiligut and his milieu among others. In a commentary on Wiligut’s runic writings, a pupil, Emil Rüdiger, mentions an invisible dark planet, Santur by name, which is supposed to influence human history and to be able to be microcosmically linked with the energy body of an adept. Appropriate yogic exercises (rune gymnastics) are recommended for producing “high intelligence effects” (Lange, 1998, p. 226). Just how seamlessly such “rune gymnastics” can be linked to tantric exercises can be seen in the writings of Miguel Serrano, the father of “esoteric Hitlerism” (Serrano, 1984).

In 1958 an American publisher released the book The Lightning and the Sun, by Savitri Devi (“Hitler’s Priestess”), which presents Adolf Hitler as an avatar (an incarnation) of the sun god, alongside Akhenaton and Genghis Khan. Devi does not mention a Nazi — Tibet connection, but introduces the “avatar principle” into the myth building surrounding Hitler that is seized upon by later authors so as to present the Führer as an incarnation from the kingdom of Agarthi/Shambhala

According to Jan van Helsing (Geheimgesellschaften und ihre Macht ... [“Secret Societies and their Power”], 1993), Tibetan monks worked together with Templar Knights who were organized in the highest lodge of the “black sun” on the establishment of the Third Reich. The secret order had (and still has) an important base underground in the Himalayas. The ruler of the underground kingdom is said to be “Rigden Iyepo”, the king of the world, with his representative on the surface, the Dalai Lama.

All these pillars of Tibetan Buddhist culture are likewise ingredients of the Kalachakra Tantra constantly practiced by the Dalai Lama and the Shambhala myth this evokes. For centuries they have determined the form of Tibetan monastic society, completely independent of any Western imaginings or influence. Hence the question about neo-fascism's inordinate interest in Tibet and its atavistic culture is easily answered: fascists of the most varied persuasion see their own “political theology” confirmed by the Tibetan Buddhist religious system, or discover new images and practices in it with which they can enrich and extend their ideologies.

A further example is the work of the Italian, Julius Evola (1898-1974), for a time Benito Mussolini’s chief ideologist (mainly in the forties). In numerous books and articles he has investigated and further developed the relationship between tantric rituals and power politics. He has followed “tantric trails” in European cultural history and come across them everywhere: among the Cathars, the troubadours, the Knights Templar, in the work of Alighieri Dante, the mysticism surrounding the holy grail, European knighthood, alchemy.

Using criteria drawn from Vajrayana, he propounds a cultural history of sexuality in his most famous book, Eros and the Mysteries of Love: The Metaphysics of Sex. Evola was not just a theoretician; he also practiced sexual magic rites himself.

In the Shambhala myth he sees a confirmation of the European tradition of the savior king, especially the myth of the grail: “At a particular time decreed by one of the cyclical laws, a new manifestation of the solar principle from above will occur in the form of a sacred ruler who gains victory over the ‘dark age’: Kalki Avatara. Symbolically Kalki will be born in Shambhala — one of the terms in the Indian/Tibetan tradition for the holiest hyperborean [Nordic] center” (Evola 1955, p. 56).

One of Serrano’s central themes is the relationship between sexual magic and political power (especially national socialism).

There are unmistakable statements from him about the “tantric female sacrifice” and the transformation of sexuality into political power. Like almost no other, the Italian has openly named the events that unfold in the mysteries of the yogis and then confessed to them: “The young woman,” he writes, “who is first ‘demonized’ and then raped, is essentially the basic motif for the higher forms of tantric and Vajrayanic sexual magic”.

In dictators like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini he saw the precursors of future Maha Siddhas who would one day conquer the world with their magic powers: “The magician, the ruler, the lord”, he proclaims in regard to Tantrism, “that is the type of the culture of the future!”

In the Shambhala myth he sees a confirmation of the European tradition of the savior king, especially the myth of the grail: “At a particular time decreed by one of the cyclical laws, a new manifestation of the solar principle from above will occur in the form of a sacred ruler who gains victory over the ‘dark age’: Kalki Avatara.

In his book, NOS, Serrano defines the kingdom of Shambhala as “one of the hidden subterranean cities in which are performed the tantric initiation that transforms, transmutes and transfigures matter. There are people who say that it was the capital of Agarthi”. Before Shambhala was relocated in the Himalayas by the hyperborean (Nordic) siddhas, it was a kingdom at the North Pole.

Shambhala and Agarthi are thus the two occult regions (or cities) from which the national socialist dictator, Adolf Hitler, was sent to our planet. According to Serrano the two locations lie in a magic realm beneath the surface of the Earth. “Thus the submerged Agarthi and Shambhala are to be found there, which the Tibetans and Mongolians speak of as the seat of the king of the world, and also the symbolic orient of the [Knights] Templar and the true Rosicrucians. Thus the unknown leaders of these two orders, as well the organization of esoteric Hitlerism [the SS], betook themselves there. And from there Hitler clearly received instructions”.

The pupil (Serrano) is prepared to go this way and is initiated into the tantras and the “laws of androgyny” by the master: “This knowledge has been passed on to us by the serpent [kundalini] that survived on the ocean floor as the world of the god-men was destroyed, in which the woman was not outside but rather inside and where man and woman were one. Until you are one with the woman, you will be no priest king.

This is never, the pupil learns, possible through chastity and asceticism. Rather, the man must encounter the woman in the “magic love” in order to divert her feminine energies.

As we know, this requires absolute control over the sexual act and above all the retention of the seed. In it the seed may not be issued outwardly and be lost in the woman, rather it must flow inwardly into the body of its owner in order to impregnate him with the androgyne, ... as one in the likewise symbolic language of alchemy”. If the man does not expel his sperm he can absorb the woman’s gynergies completely. “If the woman does not receive”, Serrano says, “she gives! Through her skin she exudes substances, a concentrated energy, which satiates you and penetrates into your blood and heart”.

But it can happen that the tantric experiment fails. If the sadhaka (the pupil) loses his seed during the magic sexual act then he is destroyed by the aggressive femininity: “The spider devours the male who fertilizes her, the bees murder the drones, the fearsome mother wears the organ of generation tied around her neck. Everything female devours. In one way or another, the man is consumed”.

It is thus a matter of life and death. Ultimately, according to Serrano the “killing” of the external woman (the karma mudra) is therefore necessary, so that the inner woman (the maha mudra) can be formed. The author does not shrink from discussing the “tantric female sacrifice” directly.

For Serrano the tantric initiation is the central rite of a “hyperborean” (Nordic) warrior caste. Shambhala counts as the supreme mystery site for the initiation of the “priest-warriors”. “In Shambhala”, the author says, “the use of the force through which the mutation of the earth and the people can be carried out is taught, and the latter [the people] are introduced into the martial initiation, which makes this possible

The author is convinced, of course, that sexual magic rites were practiced in the SS (the “new aristocracy of the Aryan race”). For Serrano, tantric practices and the cult life of a fascist/esoteric warrior caste are one.

Additionally, the sexual magic of the SS was connected with racial experiments. These aimed at a mutation of the human race, or better, a regaining of the formerly high-standing Aryan god-men who had in the dim and distant past tarnished themselves through “ordinary” sexual intercourse with human women and produced a lesser race.

“In Shambhala they attempted to produce a mutation of their kind which would allow them to return to that which they were before their interbreeding with the sons of man...” — when they still had a white, almost transparent body and blonde hair.

Just like the Knights Templar, the inner occult core of the SS were incarnations of the guardians of the holy grail, and “the grail of the siddhas [the magicians], of the solar and martial initiations” is to be found in Shambhala. The Hyperboreans (the gods of the north), we may read, “emigrated to two secret cities in the Himalayas, Agarthi and Shambhala. In Shambhala they practiced the magic of the giants which made the monumental buildings possible”.
The BioMusic Conspiracy
In nonwestern cultures sex roles are intertwined into all aspects of culture with the understanding that the complimentary opposites can resonate with formless awareness to create strong healing energy. So in the Bushmen culture, traditionally, 90% of the men were healers, while the females sang all night so the men could dance for 10 hours straight. The men would go into a trance state, after the N/um was very strong -- "boiling heat" in the belly -- and then the men would put one hand on the front chest of the female and one hand on the back of the female. This trance state would, through electromagnetic light vision, suck the sickness out of the females. The men would suck in the sickness and then send the sickness back to the spirits of the dead which feed off this extra energy.

The "rainbow snake" is the undulating "love-current" of this timeless healing energy. There are 12 harmonic nodes along the front and back of the human that resonate just like the 12 notes of the music scale, created by the overtones of the 1-4-5 harmonics -- the Tai Chi symbol or "rainbow snake flute cult" symbol. The Perfect 5th harmonic is the ratio 2:3 as yang, male energy, which resonates as the infinite spiral of fifths -- the Law of Pythagoras -- back into the formless awareness or eternal feminine consciousness. This practice, of sitting in a chair and focusing the mind along the 12 "notes" of the body, can be done by anyone, so that blissful, electromagnetic energy is created for healing. This natural resonance practice is called the "small universe" or "microcosmic orbit" and guidance c.d.s can be found at The 12 notes practice is also detailed in Professor Mircea Eliade's book on Indian yoga. The ancient tradition of this biomusic practice is the focus of the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality," translated by Charles Luk.

Once the energy channels are opened, then a person can sit in full-lotus, which is a tetrahedron, made up of 4 equilateral triangles, each made up of two 2-3-4 triangles, resonating as yin (3:4) and yang (2:3). The full-lotus is a very quick and powerful means to harmonize the electrochemicals of the body. Eventually light can be shot out of the eyes, via the 3rd Eye or the pineal gland, so that healing of others can be achieved. This is a natural resonance revolution from the formless awareness.
Drew Hempel and Spring Forest Qigong ... qigong.pdf
I continued my research intensely -- "reverse-engineering reality" – by comparing science with my own experiences. I discovered some amazing things about the vagus nerve transducing serotonin and anaerobic bacteria.

Chunyi Lin said to eat just till 70% full because the food goes to your head. He told me to stop eating crap but he said I was a healer and that he'd keep an eye on me. Then I discovered what I call the "O at a D" -- psychic mutual climaxes with females. This discovery happened by accident but now it happens through walls, ceilings -- the electromagnetic fields shoot out of my brain while I'm in full-lotus and in turn the full-lotus sucks up the female electrochemical energy.

The African Bushmen healers call this "collecting the N/um of young maidens."

The full-lotus is based on the female orgasm via the vagus nerve parasympathetic system while the normal male orgasm triggers the stress sympathetic nervous system, as detailed in Professor Robert Salposky's book "The Trouble with Testosterone." Thus sexual energy is food for the male healer -- much purer than material food. After about 10 psychic mutual climaxes with a female the heart chakras open up and true love emerges. The lower emotional blockages are healed -- no sadness, fear, anger, worry or over-excitement. The final result is the blissful peace of pure consciousness creating light energy.

My own research discovery was that yin and yang were originally music ratios -- nonwestern music which uses complementary opposites. It's very abstract reasoning but something I had discovered from my music training while in high school. Then I verified that 2:3, the Perfect 5th is Yang and 3:4, the Perfect 4th is Yin. The specific source is in my masters thesis, "Epicenters of Justice" (2001) which is readable freely online. Nonwestern music healing works by transducing sound through natural resonance of frequency to create ultrasound which ionizes the serotonin in the stomach. The more you listen to the source of sound which is pure consciousness the more electromagnetic chi energy is created and then finally it turns into shen -- spirit light. The full-lotus is a tetrahedron -- pyramid power -- which is composed of eight 2-3-4 triangles.

In Western science the equilateral triangle requires the irrational number for geometric magnitude but in music ratios of complementary opposites – from Pythagorean harmonics and Taoist yin and yang -- the full-lotus pressure creates frequency resonance for turning matter into energy. Since the tetrahedron most efficiently creates the yin-yang ratios then the energy creation is fastest.

I've discovered the secret connection between sex and love for healing energy.

It's totally taboo but I think the bonobo primates practice this since they have very little violence but use sex to bond the community and the males rarely ejaculate. The Bushmen culture had 90% of the men become healers by creating intense heat in the belly from trance dance, and fasting in isolation from the females -- for a month, in other words learning internal climax energy.

This intense heat -- the N/um -- is the same as electrochemical female jing energy or kundalini. Then the N/um turns into !Xia -- the healing light energy.

Matrifocal cultures, starting the Bushmen, were completely based on yin-yang dynamics -- everything was male/female (clouds, lightening, food, etc.) The original village Mayans were the same way, like the gunas of Indian yoga as well, and this matrifocal healing was lost. All cultures use the 1-4-5 music ratios. Real love can become the norm by practicing the music harmonics for healing -- the secret to euphoria and the ability to overcome fear, worry, anger, sadness.
The Donation of Constantine ... onstintine
Donation of Constantine (Latin, Donatio Constantini)[1] is a forged Roman imperial decree by which the emperor Constantine I supposedly transferred authority over Rome and the western part of the Roman Empire to the pope. Scholars have dated the forgery between the Eighth and the Ninth Century. The earliest possible allusion to the Donation is in a letter in which Pope Hadrian I exhorts Charlemagne to follow Constantine's example and endow the Roman church. It was clearly a defense of papal interests, perhaps against the claims of either the Byzantine Empire or those of Charlemagne himself, who soon assumed the former imperial dignity in the West and with it the title "Emperor of the Romans".

The Donation is included among the texts of the False Decretals of Isidore although it is commonly held not to be one of Isidore's own forgeries. Pope Leo IX sent a letter to Michael Cærularius, Patriarch of Constantinople, in 1054, that cited a large portion of the Donation of Constantine believing it genuine.[2] The official status of this letter is acknowledged in the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5, entry on Donation of Constantine, page 120:

"The first pope who used it in an official act and relied upon it, was Leo IX; in a letter of 1054 to Michael Cærularius, Patriarch of Constantinople, he cites the "Donatio" to show that the Holy See possessed both an earthly and a heavenly imperium, the royal priesthood." [3]

Leo IX assured the Patriarch that the donation was completely genuine, not a fable or old wives tale, so only the apostolic successor to Peter possessed that primacy and was the rightful head of all the Church. The Patriarch rejected the claims of papal primacy, and subsequently the Catholic Church was split in two in the Great East-West Schism of 1054.

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by kevin » Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:07 pm

"Energy lines" focussed on London, hmmmmmmmmmm??? ... als-launch


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Jul 29, 2011 5:32 pm

A few years back Rik Clay has given us a preview of what might be coming when he went on Red Ice Radio after his blog The Cosmic Mind became famous literally overnight. Rik decoded a lot of the symbolism indicating that the 2012 London Olympics had been planned way before the year 1890 as street names chosen back then already appear to indicate the upcoming event.

Rik Clay: Symbolism behind the upcoming 2012 Olympics ... in-london/


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:32 pm

The Mysterious History of Occitania
You are now entering an unknown world, a particular land, which has its own unique place in history, a history which has not yet been completely uncovered. Legends from the realm of Oc puzzle archeologists and historians, who are unable to prove that these legends are just mere legends. This is an ancient land. The earth of Occitania was sacred to the Celts. Many stone circles and dolmen are quiet witnesses of their respect for the land. Some areas are called "Lavaldieu" or "Terre de Dieu" (valley or land of God).

Today, scholars speculate on the presence of Egyptian culture in the Languedoc in Celtic times, well over 3000 years ago. The Languedoc was also discovered by Greeks and Phoenicians who were always looking for a new place to colonize. In their footsteps came the Romans, who founded Narbonne and are responsible for the first hardened road of Gaul. From turbulent Palestine, more and more Jews sought refuge in Occitania and founded communities here and improved the vine culture. In Occitania everyone was relatively safe and life was good.

In the mean time, old religions like the Sol-Invictus or Sulis-Minerva and Isis/Diana/Ar-temis cults were very popular. The name Gaul does not only refer to the rooster, it also symbolises the circle, both symbols of the sun. The esoteric knowledge and wisdom which was given by the ancients to the Egyptians and then to the Jewish people, was kept safe here well into the Middle Ages, while the rest of Europe was kept in darkness, at the time created by a science fearing Church. Even today, archeologists unearth ancient sun temples. Even the Knights Templar were involved in the sun cult. The eagle who flew so close to the sun, high up in the sky, soon became the symbol of one of the strongest and most travel-hungry tribes of Israel, the tribe of Dan, ancestors of the Visigoths.

Two Lords of Carcassonne from the Trencavel Family had the middle name "Aton", an Egyptian diety from the 18th Dynasty of Achnaton, the Pharao of the Sun. In this fascinating period in history, many aspects of the Jews originated, such as the Ten Commandments, the Ark of the Covenant and the reunion of their faith in only one God. Moses had learned much of this ancient knowledge, when he was still living at the Egyptian royal court. This knowledge would give him and Aaron, who was the High Priest of Heliopolis at the time, the strength and power which was needed to materialize the Exodus. From Palestine, several tribes went to the Balkans and onwards to western Europe and Scandinavia. And this is how the eagle of Dan came to the west. You know clearly see the link between the tribe of Dan and the Visigoths, and several noble families of Europe.

In the early Middle Ages, the kings of the Visigoths and Merovingians ruled in Occitania, one of the richest parts of Europe and also one of the safest. They were in legend the Grail kings. Tales about King Arthur spread quickly and the Troubadours sang of courtly love. Chivalry was invented. But this wonderful era would not last long.

When the Crusaders conquered Jerusalem in the 12th century, the new order of the Knights Templar searched the Temple mount and found relics, treasures and knowledge of the old kings of Judah. From that moment on a new era of cathedral building and architecture was introduced: the Gothic style.

Many strange constructions were copies of star systems or pentagrams. This, however, was also done in a more ancient period of human history, for instance at Giza and Ankhor. The Knights Templar discovered ancient sea routes, which enabled them to discover new territory, among which Nova Scotia (New Scotland), centuries before Columbus is known to discover America. And even he sailed with the red Templar cross on his sail. But what did the Knights Templar find in the Orient? What secrets did they keep from their Lord and Master, the Pope?

Here we can see Jesus replacing the Sol Invictus and related Mithras cult. Throughout the milennia, fertility goddesses, the heavenly Mother, Mother Earth and sungods could continue to exist under new names. They took over the ancient rituals and this is how the ancient rituals also ended up in Christianity.

The Egyptian Isis and Horus were models for Mary and baby Jesus. In the first centuries of Christianity this was the only way to get the populus accustomed to the new saints. The real people who were the models for Mary, Jesus and many other Biblical people, probably did exist; however, they may not have lived the lives which were recorded in the Bible. The stories of their lives, of course, needed to be adapted to the ones everyone already knew -- the stories of the old gods. And this is why Jesus is such a mirror image of Mithras, Apollo, Sol Invictus and Osiris.

The Knights Templar were clearly in the possession of important knowledge. They discovered the similarities between the old gods and several aspects of Christianity, through which they became even more curious. The Knights Templar learned from others about the knowledge of measure, weight and number, of orientation points all over the world, of the stars and, most likely, they also learnt the true history of the first century, the history which was kept secret because it did not fit the message that the Church wanted to give the world at that particular time -- the real story of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. And so, the Knights Templar became a threat to the Church of Rome.

The Knights Templar, who were very rich, wanted to live here in Occitania. This would have become their home base, free from the rule by kings or popes. They obeyed no one. Both king and pope would not tolerate this any longer. On Friday 13th 1307 the Templars were arrested, tortured for confessions of heresy and soon after the Order was liquidated. Their leaders were even burned at the stake.

The only place left for the Templars to exist was Scotland, while in other countries the Order simply changed its name, e.g. in the Knights of Christ in Portugal. Many of their possessions were hidden in caves, sealed church vaults or, as legend tells us, shipped to Nova Scotia in their last hours before the arrest. Only one man was perhaps able to find at least a small part of their treasure. This man is the charismatic abbot Saunière of Rennes-le-Chateau, who suddenly became very rich at the end of the 19th century, after he had opened the vaults beneath the village church of La Madeleine (Mary Magdalene) in order to restore the church. No one knows exactly what he really found. Another theory tells of documents and the story of Mary Magdalene, who came to Occitania in the 1st century AD (44 or 45 AD). She may have taken with her several items, on which the world still speculates today. Was it the Holy Grail, ancient knowledge, a bowl or cup (silver or jade), the children of Jesus (the Grail bloodline) or all of this? We may never find out exactly.

Other religious groups which were not tolerated in the rest of Europe, like the Cathars, flourished in Occitania. They did not believe that Jesus died on the cross, did not need a church and certainly no dogma. This was the cause of their dreadful fate, because it led to one of the bloodiest episodes in history. Apart from the crusades to the Holy Land, there was another crusade, the Albigenzian crusade. Peaceful, loving and hardworking people who merely had a different faith, were tortured and burned alive. To be absolutely sure that no Cathar would escape the flames, the Dominican Order and the pope created an institution to cause so much fear, that people would betray their own parents, siblings, or neighbours. The Holy Inquisition. However, not all Cathars were killed. Many fled to the mountains, and many perished from hunger or cold during this harsh journey. Others simply went underground or founded small villages deep into the mountain forests. Did these people possess holy relics, the knowledge of the Magdala, did they protect the Grail bloodline? And how can we trace all this in modern day Occitania?

Cathar castles are all over the land. Holy water places and other sanctuaries remind us of Artemis, Isis and the Magdala (or Black Madonna). Esotheric orders such as the Freemasons and Rosicrucians leave mysterious symbols in churches and on gravestones. Medieval painters include secret codes in their paintings which are only visible to the initiated (solis sacerdotibus). A parchment arrives in Paris which proves that Jesus was still alive in 45 AD. And it vanished without a trace. Many books are written about the Enigma of Rennes-le-Chateau in which authors speculate on Templar gold, the true story of the 1st century, a tomb in which the remains of Jesus rest, and little by little we discover pieces of the puzzle hidden by the church of Rome. The image which is now becoming clearer everyday, reveals that the legends are no legends at all. They are hidden pieces of true history. The mysterious history of Occitania.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:47 pm

In retrospect it seems to me that the most accurate research on the bloodline of Jesus was done by Laurence Gardner. Of course, he is promoting the person he believes is the true heir. Quite frankly I have a problem with anyone who assumes that he or she has a “divine right” to rule over others. These bloodlines are all interrelated anyway. So I’m really not “impressed” either way.

Besides I think the Knights Templars (at least the original founders) were a bunch of murderous elite thugs who slaughtered thousands of innocent people during the Crusades. They remind me of a larger version of Skull and Bones.

It’s difficult for me to imagine that the Knights Templar had “spiritual reasons” for supporting the “Grail bloodline”. Most likely it was for dynastic purposes; i.e., they believe they are part of that bloodline, and they want the power and prestige to which they feel entitled.

IMHO the “New Jerusalem” being promoted by the European royals is nothing more than a wish to return to the good old days when their ancestors ruled in ancient Babylon and Egypt as absolute monarchs -- priest kings who controlled both the spiritual and temporal realms.

It appears to date back to the archetypal ancestors of the rival Annunaki bloodlines - Cain/Seth or Enki/Enlil. Thousands of years later they are still squabbling over which bloodline is more pure.

I think there is nothing inherently wrong with Freemasonry; apparently it dates back to ancient Egypt. Robert Lomas, author of “Turning the Hiram Key” points out that the Nazarene church of Jesus practices a type of freemasonry.

However, freemasonry had been corrupted. Islamic scholar Adnan Oktar claims it has been corrupted by “Templar freemasonry”. If so, then I think Templar Freemasonry is simply another name for “the Men’s Club.”

The Men's Club ... 480#p54748

Bloodline of the Holy Grail
In mediaeval times, the line of messianic descent was defined by the French word Sangréal. This derived from the two words, Sang Réal, meaning "Blood Royal". This was the Blood Royal of Judah, the kingly line of David which progressed through Jesus and his heirs.

From the Middle Ages there were a number of chivalric and military orders specifically attached to the Messianic Blood Royal in Britain and Europe. They included the Order of the Realm of Sion, the Order of the Sacred Sepulchre; but the most prestigious of all was the Sovereign Order of the Sangréal-the Knights of the Holy Grail. This was a dynastic Order of Scotland's Royal House of Stewart.

This definition of "Nazarene" is very important to the Grail story because it has been so often misrepresented to suggest that Jesus came from the town of Nazareth. There was no connection between Nazareth and the Nazarenes. The Nazarenes were a liberal, Jewish sect opposed to the strict Hebrew regime of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

It has to be remembered that Jesus was not a Christian: he was a Nazarene - a radical, westernised Jew.

In the time of Jesus the Nazarenes lived in Galilee, and in that mystical place which the Bible calls "the Wilderness". It was essentially the land around the main settlement at Qumran which spread out to Mird and other places. It was where the Dead Sea Scrolls were produced-discovered at Qumran in 1948.

Somewhere after the Crucifixion, Peter and his friend Paul went off to Antioch, then on to Rome, and they began the movement that became Christianity. But as recorded in the other annals, Jesus, his brother James and the majority of the other apostles continued the Nazarene movement and progressed it into Europe. It became the Celtic Church.

The Nazarene faith was based on the teachings of Jesus himself. In short, the Nazarene Church was the true social Church. The Roman Church was the Church of the Emperors and the Popes; this was the Imperial hybrid movement.

To the esoteric Church and the Knights Templars, however, Mary Magdalene was always regarded as a saint.

To the Pharisees and Sadducees, the Jews were God's chosen people: But there were other Jews-there were the Nazarenes, there were the Essenes who were influenced by a more liberal, western doctrine.

The sentencing of Jesus was by the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate, but Jesus was actually condemned and excommunicated prior to that by the Sanhedrin Council. It was decided to contrive a punishment, whereby Jesus would be sentenced by the Roman Governor who was already trying other prisoners for leading insurrections against himself.

As for Jesus' death on the Cross, it is perfectly plain this was spiritual death, not physical death, as determined by the three-day rule that everybody in the first century reading this would have understood. In civil and legal terms, Jesus was already dead when he was placed on the Cross. He was denounced, scourged, prepared for death by decree. Today, we call this "excommunication". For three days Jesus would have been nominally sick, with absolute death coming on the fourth day. On that day he would be entombed, buried alive; but during the first three days he could be raised or resurrected.

Joseph of Arimathea took down Jesus' body from the Cross. In fact, the word that was translated to the English word "body" was the Greek word soma, meaning "live body". The alternative word denoting "dead body" or "corpse" would have been ptoma.

Jesus very apparently survived, and this is explicitly maintained in other books. Even the Koran says that Jesus survived the Crucifixion.

So, in September AD 33, the first child of Jesus and Mary Magdalene was born. There is no reference to this child being a son (as there is for the two subsequent births), and given that Jesus returned three years later, in AD 36, we know that Mary must have had a daughter.

By following the chronology of the Acts, we see that in September AD 37 a second child was born; and then another in AD 44. The period between these two births to the second restitution in AD 43 was "six years", which denotes that the AD 37 child was a son.

Chronologically, its story follows The Acts of the Apostles, and the Book of The Revelation is, in fact, the continuing story of Jesus, Mary Magdalene and their sons, particularly the elder son, Jesus Justus.

From AD 33, therefore, Jesus emerged with the dual status of a "Priest Christ" or, as is more commonly cited, a "Fisher King".

Prior to the birth of her second son in AD 44, Mary Magdalene was exiled from Judaea following a political uprising in which she was implicated. Along with Philip, Lazarus and a few retainers, she travelled (by arrangement with King Herod-Agrippa II) to live at the Herodian estate near Lyon, in Gaul (which later became France).

It was to Gaul that Mary was said to have carried the Sangréal (the Blood Royal, the Holy Grail); and it was in Gaul that the famous line of Jesus and Mary's immediate descendant heirs, the Fisher Kings, flourished for 300 years.

Mary Magdalene died in Provence in AD 63. In that very year, Joseph of Arimathea built the famous chapel at Glastonbury in England as a memorial to the Messianic Queen. This was the first 'above-ground' Christian church in the world, and in the following year Mary's son Jesus Justus dedicated it to his mother. Jesus the Younger had in fact been to England with Joseph before, at the age of twelve, in AD 49.

But who was Joseph of Arimathea, the man who assumed full control of affairs at the Crucifixion? And why was it that Jesus' mother, his wife and the rest of the family accepted Joseph's intervention without question?

In fact, Joseph of Arimathea was none other than Jesus Christ's own brother, James, and his title had nothing whatever to with a place name. Arimathea never existed. It therefore comes as no surprise that Joseph negotiated with Pilate to place Jesus in his own family tomb.

From the Merovingian succession, another strain of the family established a wholly independent Jewish kingdom in southern France: the Kingdom of Septi-mania, which we now know as the Languedoc. And the early princes of Toulouse, Aquitaine and Provence were all descended in the Messianic bloodline of the Holy Grail. Septimania was granted to the Royal House of David in 768, and Prince Bernard of Septimania later married a daughter of Emperor Charlemagne.

Also from the Fisher Kings came another important parallel line of succession in Gaul. Whereas the Merovingian Kings continued the patrimonial 'male' heritage of Jesus, this other line perpetuated the matriarchal heritage of Mary Magdalene in a 'female' line. They were the dynastic Queens of Avallon in Burgundy, the House del Acqs-meaning "of the waters", a style granted to Mary Magdalene in the early days when she voyaged on the sea to Provence.

Those familiar with Arthurian and Grail lore will by now have recognised the ultimate significance of this Messianic family of the Fisher Kings, the Queens of Avallon and the House del Acqs (corrupted in Arthurian romance to "du Lac").

The descendant heirs of Jesus posed an enormous threat to the Roman High Church because they were the dynastic leaders of the true Nazarene Church. In real terms, the Roman Church should never have existed at all, for it was no more than a 'hybrid' movement comprised of various pagan doctrines attached to a fundamentally Jewish base.

Jesus was born in 7 BC and his birthday was on the equivalent of 1 March, with an 'official' royal birthday on 15 September to comply with dynastic regulation. But, when establishing the Roman High Church in the fourth century, Emperor Constantine ignored both of these dates and supplemented 25 December as the new Christ's Mass Day-to coincide with the pagan Sun Festival.

Later, at the Synod of Whitby in 664, the bishops expropriated the Celtic festival of Easter (Eostre), the Goddess of Spring and Fertility, and attached a wholly new Christian significance. In so doing, they changed the date of the Celtic festival to sever its traditional association with the Jewish Passover.

Christianity, as we know it, has evolved as a 'composite religion' quite unlike any other. If Jesus was its living catalyst, then Christianity should rightly be based on the teachings of Jesus himself-the moral and social codes of a fair-minded, tolerant ministry, with the people as its benefactors.

But orthodox Christianity is not based on the teachings of Jesus; it is based on the teachings of the Roman Church. There are a number of reasons for this, the foremost of which is that Jesus was deliberately sidestepped in favour of the alternative teachings of Peter and Paul--teachings which were thoroughly denounced by the Nazarene Church of Jesus and his brother James.

Only by removing Jesus from the frontline could the Popes and cardinals reign supreme. When formally instituting Christianity as the state religion of Rome, Constantine declared that "he alone" was the true "Saviour Messiah", not Jesus! As for the Bishops of Rome (the Popes), they were granted an apostolic descent from St Peter--not a legitimate Desposynic descent from Jesus and his brothers, as was retained within the Nazarene Church.

The only way for the Roman High Church to restrain the heirs of Mary Magdalene was to discredit Mary herself and to deny her bridal relationship with Jesus; but what of Jesus' brother James? He, too, had heirs, as did their other brothers, Simon, Joses and Jude. The Church could not escape the Gospels which state that Jesus was the Blessed Mother Mary's "first-born son", and so Mary's own motherhood also had to be repressed.

As a result, the Church portrayed Mother Mary as a virgin, and Mary Magdalene as a whore-neither of which description was mentioned in any original Gospel. Then, just to cement Mother Mary's position outside the natural domain, her own mother, Anna, was eventually said to have borne her by way of "Immaculate Conception"!

Over the course of time, these contrived doctrines have had widespread effect. But, in the early days, it took rather more to cement the ideas because the original women of the Nazarene mission had a significant following in the Celtic Church--women such as Mary Magdalene, Martha, Mary Jacob-Cleophas and Helena-Salome who had run schools and social missions throughout the Mediterranean world. These women had all been disciples of Jesus, and close friends of his mother, Mary, accompanying her to the Crucifixion, as confirmed in the Gospels.

The Church's only salvation was to deny women altogether; to deny them not only rights to ecclesiastical office, but to deny them rights to any status in society. Hence, the Church declared that women were all heretics and sorceresses!

Notwithstanding the avid sexist movement, the Messianic heirs retained their social positions outside the Roman Church establishment. They progressed their own Nazarene and Celtic Church movements and founded Desposynic kingdoms in Britain and Europe. They were a constant threat to the Roman High Church and to the figurehead monarchs and governments empowered by that Church. They were the very reason for the implementation of the brutal Inquisition because they upheld a moral and social code which was contrary to High Church requirement.

Prior to the Middle Ages, the individual stories of this family were historically well-known. But when the Church began its reign of fanatical persecution (the great Inquisition), the whole Nazarene and Desposynic heritage was forced underground.

The Knights Templars had not only returned from the Holy Land with documents that undermined the Church's teachings, they also established their own Cistercian churches in opposition to Rome.

Despite their present-day image, these impressive Gothic cathedrals had nothing whatever to do with the established Christian Church. They were dedicated to Mary Magdalene-Notre Dame, Our Lady.

But why should Grail lore and the writings of Merlin have posed such a problem for the High Church? Because they told the descendant story of the Grail bloodline--a bloodline which had been ousted from its dynastic position by the Popes and Bishops of Rome who had elected to reign supreme by way of a contrived "apostolic succession".

This apostolic succession was said to have been handed down from the first bishop, St Peter. But one only has to study the Church's own Apostolic Constitutions to discover that this is simply not true. Peter was never a Bishop of Rome-nor of anywhere else, for that matter!

From the 1100s, the powerful Knights Templars and their cathedrals posed an enormous threat to the 'male-only' Church by bringing the heritage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene to the fore in the public domain.

The cardinals knew that their whole establishment would tumble if the Messianic descendants gained the upper hand. They had to be crushed; so the brutal Inquisition was implemented.

It all began in 1208, when Pope Innocent III sent 30,000 soldiers into the Languedoc region of southern France. This was the home of the Cathars who were said to be the guardians of a great and sacred treasure-a mysterious secret which could overturn orthodox Christianity.

The main thrust of the Inquisition (or "Holy Office") was instituted by Pope Gregory IX during the course of this massacre, in 1231, and it was set against anyone who supported "the Grail heresy".

In the light of this, the Templars became a specific target of the Inquisition in 1307 when the henchmen of Pope Clement V and King Philip IV of France were set in their direction. The papal armies scoured Europe for the Templar documents and treasure-but, like the Cathar inheritance, nothing was found. However, many Knights were tortured and executed in the process, and their companions escaped to countries outside the papal domain.

But the Templar hoard was not lost, and while the Vatican emissaries were searching, the treasure and documents were locked away in the Chapter House Treasury vaults of Paris. They were under the protection of the Templar Grand Knights of St Anthony--"the Guardian Princes of the Royal Secret" who loaded the hoard one night onto 18 galleys of the Templar fleet at La Rochelle.

By daybreak, the fleet had sailed for Scotland, and on arrival they were welcomed by King Robert the Bruce who, along with the whole Scottish nation, had been excommunicated by the Pope for challenging the Catholic King Edward of England. In Scotland, the Templars and their treasure remained, and the Knights fought with Bruce at Bannockburn in 1314 to regain Scotland's independence from Plantagenet England.

Subsequent to the Battle of Bannockburn, Bruce and the St Anthony Templars founded the new Order of the Elder Brothers of the Rosy Cross in 1317 from which time the Kings of Scots became hereditary Grand Masters, with each successive Stewart King holding the honoured Grand Priory title of "Prince Saint Germain".

So, why was it that King Arthur, a Celtic commander of the sixth century, was so important to the Knights Templars and the Grail courts of Europe? Quite simply, it is because Arthur had been unique, with a 'dual' heritage in the Messianic line.

The details of Arthur are to be found in the Scots' and Irish annals. He was indeed "the High King of the Celtic Isle", and he was the sovereign commander of the British troops in the late sixth century.

Arthur was born in 559, and he died in battle in 603. His mother was Ygerna del Acqs, the daughter of Queen Viviane of Avallon, in descent from Jesus and Mary Magdalene. His father was High King Aedàn of Dalriada (the Western Highlands of Scotland, now called Argyll) and Aedàn was the British Pendragon ("Head Dragon" or "King of Kings") in descent from Jesus' brother James. It is for this reason that the stories of Arthur and Joseph of Arimathea are so closely entwined in the Grail romances.

Indeed, the coronation records of Scotland's King Kenneth MacAlpin (a descendant of Aedàn the Pendragon) specifically refer to his own descent from the dynastic Queens of Avallon.

King Aedàn's paternal legacy emerged through the most ancient House of Camulot (England's Royal Court of Colchester) in a line from the first Pendragon, King Cymbeline (who is well-known to students of Shakespeare).

By that time, Messianic descendants had founded Desposynic kingdoms in Wales and across the Strathclyde and Cambrian regions of Britain. Arthur's father, King Aedàn of Scots, was the first British monarch to be installed by priestly ordination, when he was crowned and anointed by Saint Columba of the Celtic Church in 574. This, of course, infuriated the Roman Church bishops because they claimed the sole right to appoint kings who were supposed to be crowned by the Pope!

In 751 the bishops managed to depose the Merovingian succession in Gaul, and they established a new tradition whereby kings of the Carolingian succession (that of Charlemagne) had to be approved and crowned by the Pope. But the Church could never topple the Desposynic lines in Scotland, even though the old Celtic kingdoms of England had been dismantled by Germanic Anglo-Saxons from the sixth century.

Like King Arthur, the Stewart Kings also had a dual Desposynic heritage from both Jesus and his brother James. In fact, from the 1370s they were the senior house of the Messianic line, and they were Europe's longest-reigning dynasty, holding their crown for 317 years until finally deposed by the Anglican Church in 1688. They were deposed because, in compliance with the Grail code, they claimed affinity to God and the nation before Parliament, the Church and the aristocracy.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:58 pm

The Order of the Knights Templars has its roots in the crusades. To some extent, we had explored it in our previous works, The New Masonic Order (1995) and Global Freemasonry (2002). This order was originally founded to fight for Christianity, but over time-as the Templars acquired immense power, adopted heretical teachings, and established a capitalist system based on material gain, their order fell afoul of the Church.

Rumors circulating about the Templars led to years of investigations, revealing that the order was blasphemous and that it performed black magic rituals, similar to today's satanic sects. The order was subsequently declared unlawful. The Knights' liquidation and arrest arose from a joint decision by the French King and the Pope. Some historians regard the Templars' trial and subsequent liquidation as one of the most significant social events of the Middle Ages.

Ironically, the truly interesting part of the Knights Templars Saga began only after the order was liquidated. According to the generally accepted view, the order went underground, developing a deep animosity for monotheistic religions and the Church in particular and, in the long-term, transmuted into the organization known today as Freemasonry. The Masons' antireligious philosophy and involvement in revolutions and political movements is a consequence of their Templars ancestry.

In other words, the Knights Templars still survive in the present, under the name of Freemasonry. Those who reach the highest degrees of Masonry are granted Templar-inspired titles such as "Guardian of the Temple." In the United States, some lodges that convene under the name of the Knights Templar are affiliated with Masonry. Masonry, on the other hand, continues the Templars' foremost tradition of opposing religion, as well as being actively avaricious, now and again relying on extra-legal methods similar to the Mafia's.

All this will demonstrate that accepted history facts, and especially current developments, are not always what they appear to be; and that behind processes and events thought to be developing naturally, shadowy designs can be detected.
We can retrace the beginnings of the crusades to November 1095, when Pope Urban II gathered the Council of Clermont.

In Morals And Dogma, one of Freemasonry's most popular books, Grand Master Albert Pike (1809-1891) reveals the Templars' true purpose:

In 1118, nine Knights Crusaders in the East, among whom were Geoffroi de Saint-Omer and Hughes de Payens, consecrated themselves to religion, and took an oath between the hands of the Patriarch of Constantinople, a See always secretly or openly hostile to that of Rome from the time of Photius. The avowed object of the Templars was to protect the Christians who came to visit the Holy Places: their secret object was the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon on the model prophesied by Ezekiel.

The Knights Templar, he continued, were from the very beginning "devoted to . . . opposition to the tiara of Rome and the crown of its Chiefs. . ." The object of the Templars, he said, was to acquire influence and wealth, then to "intrigue and at need fight to establish the Johannite or Gnostic and Kabbalistic dogma. . ."

Adding to the information that Pike provides, the English authors of The Hiram Key, Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, both Masons, write about the Templars' origin and purpose. According to them, the Templars discovered "a secret" in the ruins of the temple. This then changed their worldview; and from then on, they adopted un-Christian teachings. Their "protection for pilgrims" became a front behind which they hid their real intent and activities.

Writes the French historian, Gaetan Delaforge:

The real task of the nine knights was to carry out research in the area, in order to obtain certain relics and manuscripts which contain the essence of the secret traditions of Judaism and ancient Egypt…

According to the authors of The Hiram Key, the Templars' search was not in vain. They made a discovery that altered their perception of and outlook on the world entirely. Despite being born and raised in a Christian society, they adopted wholly un-Christian practices. Black magic rituals and rites and sermons of perverse content were common practice. There is a general consensus among historians that these practices were derived from on the Cabala.

Cabala literally means "oral tradition." An esoteric branch of mystical Judaism, the Cabala is also a school that researches the secret, hidden and meanings of the Torah (or first five Books of Moses) and other Jewish writings. There's more to it, however. A close examination of the Cabala reveals that it actually precedes the Torah. A pagan teaching, it continued to exist after the revelation of the Torah and lived on to spread amongst the followers of Judaism.

For thousands of years, the Cabala has been a resource for sorcery and practitioners of black magic and now enjoys a strong following all around the world, not only in the Jewish community. The Templars were one such group, engaged in research into the Cabala with the goal of acquiring supernatural powers. They were keen on establishing ongoing relationships with Cabalists in Jerusalem as well as in Europe-a view widely accepted by researchers working on the subject.

In the order's development and progress, the single most important person is undoubtedly St. Bernard (1090-1153). Becoming the Abbot of Clairvaux at the tender age of 25, he had risen in the Catholic Church's hierarchy to become a respectable spokesman for the Church, influential with the Pope as well as the French King.

It's entirely possible that St. Bernard was duped, and that he never knew the truth about the Templars who, taking advantage of his trustworthiness and status in the Church and throughout Christian Europe, used him for their own ends.

In short, the Templars were an autonomous entity answerable only to the Pope, with no obligation to pay dues to any king, ruler or diocese. Their wealth increased day by day. In the Holy Lands, the order's power was legendary and continued until the fall of Acre (1291).

According to Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe, "The Templars were expert financiers, using trading techniques quite unknown in the Europe of their day.

Even though usury was strictly forbidden, they weren't afraid to lend money on interest. The Templars had acquired such wealth-and the power that came with it-that nobody dared speak out against them or do anything about it.

In The Temple and the Lodge, co-authors Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh explain the Templars' economic dimension, recording that the beginnings of modern banking can be traced back to them, and that no other organization contributed as much as the Templars to the rise of capitalism.

Using methods much like those of a modern private bank, they derived profits from both trade and banking, as well as from donations and armed conflict. They became as rich as the multinational company that, in effect, they were. At one time, the finances of the English and French monarchies were controlled and run by the Templars' respective offices in Paris and London, and both the French and English royal families owed the Templars huge amounts of money.

After Innocent II was elected Pope with St. Bernard's backing, he granted the Templars the right to build and run their own churches. This was a first in the history of the Church, which ruled as an absolute power at the time. This privilege meant that from now on, the Templars were answerable only to the Pope and beyond the reach of other authorities, including kings and lesser rulers.

In the process of planning their churches, they developed their own style of architecture, later to be known as "Gothic." In The Sign and the Seal, Graham Hancock states that Gothic architecture was born in 1134 with the construction of the north tower of Chartres Cathedral. The person behind this work of architecture was St. Bernard, the Templars' mentor and spiritual leader.

During their time in the Middle East, the Templars had established and maintained contact with mystic sects belonging to different religions and denominations, including sorcerers. They were known to have close links to the hashashis (assassins) who, while influential, were regarded as a perverted sect by the Muslim population. From them, the Templars had learned some mystic teachings and barbaric strategies, as well as how to organize a sect. The order's higher echelons in particular had also acquainted themselves with-and incorporated into their practice-beliefs based on the mystic teachings of the Cabala, the influence of the Bogomils, and Luciferians, thus leaving Christianity behind. According to the Templars, Jesus was a god ruling in another world, with little or no power in our present one. Satan was the lord of this material world of ours.

Now the rumors were confirmed. Candidates for the order were indeed required to deny God, Christ and the Saints, committed sacrilegious acts, spit and urinate onto the holy Cross, be kissed square on the mouth with the "Oscolum Infame" or "The Kiss of Shame" on the navel and buttocks by the more senior Knights Templars, during the initiation ceremony. That they freely practiced homosexuality and other sexual perversions, that the Grand Master wielded total authority over everything, that they practiced rituals of sorcery and used Cabalistic symbolism was clear evidence that the order had had become a sect blasphemous to Christianity.

Liquidating the order of the Templars proved harder than anticipated. Even though Grand Master de Molay and many of his brothers had been eliminated, the order survived, albeit by going underground.

In the years following the loss of the Holy Land, the Templars had shown a continuing desire to create a 'state' of their own. We are now left in no doubt that the Templars indeed manage, against all odds, to carve out their own nation. The Templar State was, and is, Switzerland.

A significant number of Templars found refuge in Scotland, the only monarchy in 14th century Europe that didn't recognize the authority of the Catholic Church. Reorganizing under the protection of King Robert the Bruce, they soon found the perfect camouflage to hide their existence in the British Isles. Outside of the state and local governments, the Masons' Lodges were the most powerful organizations of the time, and the Templars first infiltrated them; then brought them under control. Lodges that had been professional bodies were turned into ideological and political organizations, which are now the Freemason Lodges of today.

The Templars seemed to have disappeared from the history until 1804; when Bernard-Raymond Fabré Palaprat became Grand Master. Truly interesting is an accidental discovery he made in 1814. In one of the bookstalls along the river Seine in Paris, he came upon a handwritten Bible of the Yuhanna translation in the Greek language. The Bible's last two chapters were missing; and in their place were notes divided by-and containing-numerous triangles. Examining these notes a bit closer, he realized that this was a document listing the Grand Masters of the Templars, beginning with the fifth Grand Master, Bertrand de Blanchefort (1154), through the 22nd, Jacques de Molay, the 23rd Larmenius of Jerusalem (1314) and then on to Grand Master Claudio Mateo Radix de Chevillon (1792). This document suggested that Jacques de Molay passed the title of Grand Master on to Larmenius of Jerusalem. It could be concluded that the Templars never ceased to exist. They live on today in the lodges of Freemasonry.

Many sources suggest that after the death of Jacques de Molay, survivors of the order planned a conspiracy. Supposedly, the Templars sought to bring down not only the Papacy, but the kingdoms that had declared them illegal and executed their Grand Master. This secret mission was handed down through generations of members, preserved and maintained by later organizations like the Illuminati and Freemasons. It's widely accepted that the Masons played a major role in the downfall of the French monarchy and the ensuing Revolution.
Even a quick examination of the Templars' history reveals the major transformations they underwent along the way. They first appear under a Christian façade, but soon enter a darker phase in which un-christian and perverse philosophies and teachings show through. This doesn't happen all at once, however, and many events are responsible for the changes that occurred.

These changes first came about during the Templars' sojourn in the Holy Land: During this phase, they became acquainted with the Cabala and learned the mysterious teachings of various other Jewish sects. The Assassins' mysticism and perverse practices were also incorporated into their system; and the emerging picture reveals that their Christian faith had given way to secret occultist rituals and Black Magic rites. Needless to say, their ideals and mission changed accordingly.

The second cause of their transformation can be explained when we consider that the poor knights of the Templar Order acquired incredible wealth over a relatively short period of time. Given their hopes of attaining mystical powers over the material world through their newly-acquired dark beliefs and practices, it's no surprise that they began to set their sights on much grander goals.

Many were convinced that in order to gain wealth or power, one needed the help of dark powers, which could be compelled through Black Magic. Using what they considered "scientific" methods, people were investigating ways of contacting and controlling invisible powers-by means of secret codes, magic signs and formulas, and incantations. Poisons were prepared, the elixir of life was sought in experiments, and alchemists tried to create gold out of lesser metals. The Templars, seeking to rule this world with the help of the invisible one, came to worship Satan and called on him to dominate the powers of darkness.

After going underground to escape the Inquisition, the Templars infiltrated various other sects and organizations. For their purposes, the masons' lodges were an ideal choice. Very quickly, they infiltrated them, brought them under their own control, adapted and altered them to accommodate the Templars' own philosophy, beliefs, and rituals. Since they had long been trained in the arts of architecture and masonry and had gained expertise in building castles and Gothic cathedrals, it was easy enough for the Templars to infiltrate and control the professional guilds of masons.

The Grand Master's abacus [staff of office] is evidence for the connection between the Templars and Freemasons. This staff is a symbol representing Aaron's rod [mentioned in the Bible-a walking stick that sprouted leaves]. Its head is in the form of a temple, and along length of its body is carved measurements. This staff is a symbol of masonry.

In France as well as in Jerusalem, Templars and Freemasons existed side by side and must have influenced each other's esoteric knowledge. An examination of architecture when the Gothic style came to be adopted reveals that the first European churches built deliberately in the new Gothic style began to be constructed after Jerusalem's conquest by the crusaders.

With the Templars' Grand Master being also the Freemasons', it can be observed that the gradual progress from operational Masonry to speculative Masonry had already begun. The Cistercian monks, dealing with construction planning, had also been members of masons' lodges-an example to the clerical or monastic type of mason; in Paris, where all other professions had their own lodges, the masons shared quarters with the Templars, also showing the close relationship between the two organizations.

The Papal decree of 1312 that liquidated the Templars' order also ended the Masons' right of free passage. Fearing even worse reversals, French Masons fled to Germany where, from then on, Gothic architecture became suddenly dominant. There, the Masons' lodges that received Templars escaping from France experienced the same gradual transformation as the British ones had-from operational to speculative Masonry.

The Masons survived with their secrets, safe within this order, until the Templars were annihilated and abolished by the Inquisition. Then some of their secrets began to emerge. The Templars' rules were also the Masons' rules.

Masons and Templars shared quarters for two hundred years and they must have influenced each other to some extent. Masonic rituals are so similar that they must have been copied from the Templars. The Masons identified themselves with the Templars to a great extent, and what is viewed as original Masonic esotericism (secrecy) can be said to be a fairly important inheritance from the Templars. As stated at the very beginning of the starting point of Freemasonry's royal art and initiatic-esoteric line belonged to the Templars.

Le Forestier was researching the same subject [the link between the Templars and the Freemasons, and his conclusions seem undisputable today. The first document in which the Templars appear to be the forefathers of the Masons is a handwritten one from Strasbourg dated 1760.

It defines how the order secrets have been handed down from Jacques de Molay to contemporary Freemasonry. According to Le Forestier, the influence of the German Rosicrucians is unquestionable but "their only purpose was to find a different interpretation by attributing to the masonic tradition and enigma a secretiveness and a deliberate covertness."

The Templars never ceased to exist. Instead, they infiltrated the lodges of the weak and passive Masons, founded the Rosicrucians, organized and strengthened the order, and turned it into an effective tool. The Templars are not a branch or aspect of Masonry. Masonry, along with its symbols, history and ideals, has become a den for the Templars, albeit under a different name.

As mentioned the Templars encountered no difficulties in penetrating the workers guilds and in Germany, England and Portugal brought these lodges under their control and with this they had found an ideal front and a new, strong organization suitable to be adapted to their purposes.

The Scottish rite of Freemasonry, oldest of the Masonic lodges employed to provide shelter for the Templars, was established in the 14th century by Templars seeking refuge in Scotland. It became an example for the rest to follow. The titles of the Scottish lodges' highest ranks continue to be identical to those given to the Knights Templar centuries before. Baron Karl von Hund, one of the most famous Masons of the 18th century who compiled research on the Templars, called the Scottish lodges a "restoration" of the Templars. According to him, eight prominent Templars fled first to Ireland and thence to Scotland, where they reorganized. The Templars were soon active again in many other countries, but Scotland became their new stronghold, where they based their operational headquarters.

Baron Karl von Hund, the creator of the grade of Masonry known as the Rite of Strict Observance was responsible for adding the Templar legend to the Craft. Von Hund's Rite of Strict Observance spread throughout Europe including parts of Switzerland and even as far as Russia. There is no doubt that the Order of the Temple, the highest of the Chivalric Orders in the York Rite, and the Knight Kadosh grade of the Scottish Rite owe a great allegiance to the legend first put forth in Von Hund's Rite of Strict Observance.

In 1717 "accepted Masons," working in operative lodges, decided to create for themselves an organization to provide them tolerance and freedom of thought within the religious, political and ideological environment of the 18th century. This organization's signs, traditions and ceremonies were derived from secret societies like Freemasonry, Templars and Rosicrucians.

The true ambition hidden in this plan was to weaken and destroy religion, especially Christianity and Islam, by any means, creating a materialistic world order opposed to religion and religious organizations, in line with the Masonic ideals.

The Rosicrucians, founded by the Templars as a sister organization to Freemasonry but serving a different purpose, were darker and more secretive. It has circulated various documents and legends (such as the suggestion that their order first arose in the Mystery Schools of ancient Egypt), most of which contain little or no truth. The first authentic printed Rosicrucian documents, "Confessio Rosae Crusis" and "Fama Fraternitatis," appeared in Germany in 1614 and 1615, and contain important information about the order. According to these and some later documents, the Rosicrucians are an esoteric-secretive sect combining Egyptian Hermeticism, Gnosticism and Cabalistic lore. According to the German documents, they were founded by a German knight by the name of Christian Rosencreutz-though some experts suggest that his name is either false or merely symbolic.

In this sect, the Templars felt more at home than in the Freemasons' lodges. The Templars accepted non-Templars into Masonic lodges, where they didn't practice the dark activities, like sorcery and alchemy that they did in the Rosicrucian organization.

Viewed from this perspective, Rosicrucian centers were an obvious place for the Templars to obtain the magical powers required to control material world. Therefore, these places became the research centers for the Templars. Interestingly, both the Freemasons and the Rosicrucians are of Templar descent and closely linked. In the Scottish rite, the title of the 18th degree is Rosicrucian Knight:

The Rosy Cross derived from the Red Cross of the Templars. Mirabeau, who as a Freemason and an Illuminatus was in a position to discover many facts about the secret societies of Germany during his stay in the country, definitely asserts that "the Rose Croix Masons of the seventeenth century were only the ancient Order of the Templars secretly perpetuated."

Of all the Rosicrucian practitioners, the most famous and fervent was a man who's often been surmised to be the true author of Shakespeare's plays-Sir Francis Bacon, born in England in 1561. For his services to science and philosophy, he was knighted 1st Baron of Verulam and also Viscount of St Albans. He earned a reputation as Father of the Positive sciences for his philosophical and scientific writings, although none of them explains anything about his real identity.

He was the Grand Master of the English Templars and in this capacity, the most senior Rosicrucian. He was an undisputed expert in the secret sciences, especially the Cabala, alchemy, and sorcery. The so-called scientific research he undertook had little to do with real science, but much with engaging mystic and supernatural forces to win power over nature. Bacon's New Atlantis; his 1626 utopia of a heaven on earth, is an adaptation of the Templars' ideal state. Bacon recounts the story of an imaginary people on an imaginary island called Bensalem (which means "New Jerusalem")-an entirely scientific society, full of inventions, where the residents control even the winds. There's also the science house he calls Solomon's house, which is the Templars' starting point as well as their destination.

In short, we have three sister organizations, operating under different names-Templars, Masons and Rosicrucians-but with one single common aim. As the next chapter documents, they continued to increase in power and influence and actively tried to alter the face of the Earth to suit their purposes and still continue to do so, using every means at their disposal.
Masonry's global strategy is to impose this worldview on the masses by preparing the ground in a nice sort of way-or, in some cases, by ruthlessly eliminating any obstacles.

From the 18th century on, Freemasonry's global strategy can be recognized behind the scenes of some ideological and political movements. In The Occult Conspiracy, English historian Michael Howard explains the cooperation of occultist secret societies like the Templars, Masons, Rosicrucians and Illuminati, whose long, ongoing struggle is to return the West to a pre-Christian paganism.

It is a little known fact that for thousands of years, secret societies and occult groups-guardians of ancient esoteric wisdom-have exercised a strong and often crucial influence on the destiny of nations. As Freemasons, Knights Templar, and Rosicrucians they affected the course of the French and American revolutions as well as the overthrow of the medieval order. . . The Nazis, of course, but also the British security forces, the founding fathers of America, and the Vatican have all had a part-for good or ill-in the occult conspiracy.

The fight against religion was not fought on one front only. It extended to a wide range of neo-pagan philosophical or political movements, the Illuminati who paved the way for the French Revolution, their Bavarian brothers who were trying to realize a pan-European socialist revolution, even to the fascists who founded the Nazi Party and the Carbonari who prepared the ground for the Italian National Front. These organizations and movements had significant ideological differences, but they also shared common aims and methods, such as applying pressure to religious organizations and ousting religion, replacing it with a materialistic or naturalistic philosophy. To this end, Freemasonry has taken different shapes ever since the 18th century, recruiting members from all different political and philosophical movements and even penetrating the Vatican, seeking to manipulate this most powerful Christian institution according to Masonic ideologies.

Another remarkable aspect of Masonry is that it's profit-orientated. Being a pagan (and therefore secular) organization, it's natural for its members to seek worldly gains rather than idealist goals. For this reason, while carrying out a seemingly philosophical struggle, Masonry has been a focus for both political and economic interests, just like the Templars-the most influential bankers of Europe while promoting the teachings of paganism at the same time. Following chapters will examine more closely this aspect of Masonry and the role it plays in the organization's links to the Mafia.

The Encyclopedia of the Occult reveals that the Illuminati society, increasingly powerful in Germany, was practicing all Masonic rituals while preserving its own distinct identity. Weishaupt, the "Grand Master," stamped his authority on the hundreds of intellectuals who had joined the society, even though only a very few had access to Weishaupt himself.

In 1780, the German Baron von Knigge, a Grand Master Mason, joined the society and increased the society's influence even further. Weishaupt and Knigge began preparations for a revolution aimed at bringing down both Church and Hapsburgs. In 1784, when the Bavarian government received intelligence about the planned revolution, the two Grand Masters quickly dissolved the Illuminati and joined ordinary Masonic lodges.

The Illuminati was renowned for its uncompromising hostility towards religion. According to historian Michael Howard, Grand Master Weishaupt felt a "pathological hatred" against religion that their planned revolution tried to realize. It never happened, but their "brothers" in France successfully carried out theirs-in the form of the French Revolution.

You'll recall that in France, by a joint operation of the Catholic Church and the King, the Templars were arrested and their order subsequently liquidated. No doubt, one of the surviving Templars-turned-Masons' foremost ambitions was to weaken, even destroy, these two institutions. It is therefore very significant that the Masons played such a role in the birth of the French Revolution.

To a great extent, the French Revolution was the making of Freemasonry. The Masons saw the Revolution as a major milestone on the way to their desired new social order, as well as an act of revenge for what the French monarchy had done to the Templars.

The real aim of the storming of the Bastille wasn't to free a handful of prisoners from this strategically unimportant prison. It was made a symbol of the Revolution for a different reason: This was where the Grand Master Jacques de Molay had been imprisoned for years before his execution in 1314! If one purpose of the Revolution was to avenge de Molay, then the Bastille was a priority target.

In 1796, a book entitled The Tomb of Jacques de Molay was published in France, stating that the Revolution was realized by the Freemasons, whose origins are the Order of the Templars. The following year, a Jesuit priest, Father Bamuel published his Memoires pour servir de l'histoire du Jacobinisme (Memoirs toward a History of Jacobinism), revealing that the Templars still lived on behind the front of Freemasonry and that the Revolution was of their making. The English civil war, he claims, was also a Templar conspiracy.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:08 pm

BELI & ANNE PEDIGREE ... ee.wps.htm
Beli, husband of Anne, and, the brother of Bran "The Fisher-King", the son[s] of the British ex-king Dubnovellus, has been misidentified by medieval writers with others of the same name, including: (a) Beli Mawr; (b) Heli/Beli, the father of Lludd III, Caswallawn, and Nennius; and (c) Beli, son of Dunvallo "Molmutius". Beli, or Belinus, or Belus, the son of the British ex-king Dubnovellus [Dunvallo] in exile in Rome, was the original character of Shakespeare’s Belarius. His mother, is called the daughter of a Roman emperor, Tiberius, who has mistakenly in some writings been called Anne, which is the name of Beli's wife, not his mother, though his mother’s name could have been either Annia, Antonia, Ancia, or some other Roman name which could have corrupted into Anne as ageing and deteriorating manuscripts were re-copied over and over by successive generations of medieval monk.

Beli, of his first wife, Euriphile, was childless; however, Beli, of his second wife, Anne, was the father of a son, Afallach [Evallach], who was the ancestor of several major secondary-branches of the Old British Royal House.

Afallach [variations of the name include Avallac and Aballac] [Aflech = Af[al]lech/Avallach] [Aballac[h]; [A]Ballad], the Welsh "Afallach/Avallach ap BelI", the son of Beli and Anne, may be identified with Eubulus, a royal British Christian prince in Rome whose greeting St. Paul sent to Timothy during his last imprisonment (2 Tim. 4:21). His name was duplicated in some texts due to scribal error and/or corruption of the text, and Afallach was made into two persons, appearing erroneously as father and son, that is, Aflech, or Amalech, which are corruptions of Afallach’s name. Too, modern scholars generally agree that the names are doublets in those medieval manuscripts, and they are therefore the same person. Afallach has sometimes been confused with Evallach [Evelac], a heathen British king of pre-English Mercia, who appears in "L'Estoire del Saint Grail", the medieval romance, who was converted to Christianity by Joseph of Arimathea.

In an early British chronicle there is an entry which makes the extraordinary claim that Beli's wife Anne was the "[step-]daughter" of "The Virgin" Mary, mother of Jesus, whom Christians revere as God-Incarnate virgin-born of a mortal-woman as His own son. There are some scholars who for one reason or another have been inclined to dismiss the claim as invention; however, there are other scholars who upon the examination of the evidence consider the possibility that the claim may be genuine.

The entry in ancient British annals reads: "mam yr Anna honno a dywedei wyr r Eifft y bot yn [oed]gyfynnithderw y Veir Vorwyn Wyry Mam Grist". Then, there is a Latin manuscript in the British Museum which reads: “qui fuit Beli ["Magni"] et Anne mater eius quam %&$# periti consobrinam esse Marie uirginis, matris Domino nostri Ieus Christus". And, there is an early Welsh genealogical fragment in the "Harleian" collection which traces the ancestry of British Royalty from "The Virgin Mary" [Maria Virgo] as the descendants of her "daughter", called Anne in apocryphal literature. Anne, the wife of the British prince Beli, has been identified with, variously: (a) one of the so-called "sisters" of Jesus (Mt. 13:56), whom Helvidius says was one of the later children of Joseph and Mary.

However, Hieronymius says that she the "foster-daughter" of Joseph and Mary, who fostered the children of Joseph’s brother, Ptolas [not Clopas], after his death, while Epiphanius says that she was the daughter of Joseph by a late first wife, Escha, his brother’s widow; (b) one of the children of Miriam [Mary], the older half-sister of Joseph and his younger brothers, Ptolas and Clopas, the twins, the widow of Theudas, also of royal Jewish ancestry; or (c) another daughter of Joseph of Arimathea, which story entered medieval romance. The exact genealogical-link of Anne to "The Holy Family" is debatable, nevertheless, the fact remains that Anne was connected to The Holy Family by some family-tie. Anne is also called the "cousin" or "niece" of "The Virgin" Mary in some texts, however, Sophronius of Jerusalem says that Anne was The Virgin Mary's "daughter".

It was in Rome where the British Prince Beli met, fell in love, and married Anne. Too, it is said that Beli was converted to Christianity on their marriage. Legend says that Anne had come to Rome along with a party of Christians at the time of the first persecution of the Jerusalem Church, AD 35/36. The arrival of this group of Christian refugees in Rome was recorded by Cesare Baronius in his "Annales Ecclesiastici" (1596), in which he described them as traveling by ship from Judea to Rome, and, on to Marseilles from where they dispersed to other parts of the empire, while some of their numbers, among whom was Joseph of Arimathea, went to Britain.

It is said that not long after the arrival of Joseph of Arimathea at Marseilles a British delegation arrived and extended an invitation to him and his party to return with them to Britain. The delegation was sent by the British prince [sub-king] Beli, the husband of Anne, who invited the Christians to Britain where they could freely practice their faith. Joseph gladly accepted the invitation, and, before his departure, was consecrated by St. Philip, who is said to have commissioned him for the mission.

The descendants of Beli and Anne developed into several major secondary-branches of the Old British Royal House during the Roman Era, which gave Britain some of its post-Roman regional-dynasties, and, through their son, Afallach, are listed in The "Triads" as one of the "three holy families" of Britain.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:25 am

Giordano Bruno's LOVE ... re=related

About Magic and the Memory Palace
In the 5th century AD, Martianus Capella defined the Seven Liberal Arts: Grammar, Dialectic, Rhetoric, Geometry, Arithmetic, Astronomy, and (Musical) Harmony. The System of Capella became the model of the Medieval University.

The term liberal means “appropriate for free men“. The Liberal Arts represented the kinds of skills and general knowledge needed by the Elite. The Servile Arts represented Specialized Tradesman Skills and knowledge needed by persons who were employed by the Elite.

The Number Seven was not taken by Accident. This number represented the Seven Days of the Week, the Seven Spheres, the Seven Planets, the Seven Notes and the Seven Colors.

The Seven Planets of the old cosmology included the Sun (Sol) and the Moon (Luna), which we now don’t regard as planets at all. The other Five were Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

In Ancient Babylonia, the Seven Spheres were represented by a Building, a Ziggurat that looked like the Tower of Bable. This Babylonian Step Tower was a Visual Model of the Stairway to Heaven. The Seven Spheres were divided in three Heavens and three Hells with the Earth in the Middle. The Pyramids in Egypt are based on the same model.

The Three Heavens contained Three Hierarchies of Angels, Nine in total. At the Top, the Eight Step, the Creator was situated. Again the Creator consisted of three Entities, The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost (The Trinity).

As You can See the Number Three plays a very important role in the Ancient Models. The main reason could be that this number is the most efficient number when you want to create a Number System.

If you use this number as the Base System, the Universe could be explained as Triangles within Triangles. With the help of the Trinity-Fractal Ancient models like the Tree of Life and the Egyptian Pesedjet are easy to understand. The Trinity-Fractal comes back in modern Physics as the Triangle of Pascal. In Ancient China the Triangle of Pascal was called the Wei Chi. The Wei Chi was used to play the Game of GO.

In 1275 Raymond Lull designed a tool to Classify and Generate all the Knowledge of the Universe based on a Set of Nine (3×3) Concepts. His invention was described in his book Ars Magna (”The Ultimate General Art”).

Lull’s logic machine consisted of a stack of concentric disks mounted on an axis where they could rotate independently. The disks, made of card stock, wood, or metal, were progressively larger from top to bottom. As many as 16 words or symbols were visible on each disk. By rotating the disks, random statements were generated from the alignment of words. Lull’s most ambitious device held 14 disks.

The disk contained the Nine most important (Christian) Concepts of the Universe: Bonitas (Goodness), Magnitudo (Greatness), Eternitas (Eternity), Potestas (Power), Sapientia (Wisdom), Voluntas (Will), Virtus (Virtue), Veritas (Truth), and Gloria (Glory).

Lull’s fame as a Mystic spread throughout Europe during the late Middle Ages and Renaissance. Centuries later, the German mathematician Leibniz acknowledged the importance of Lull’s Machine.

The idea for the machine came to Lull in a Mystical Vision that appeared to him after a period of fasting and contemplation. In reality, Lull may owe his Divine Inspiration to the Magi. They used a Device called the Zairja, an Idea Generator that used the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet to represent the 28 Categories of Thought in Arab Philosophy.

In 1516 Thomas Moore published his book Utopia, a description of an Ideal State. Much later Tommaso Campanella (The City of the Sun), Francis Bacon (The New Atlantis) and Johannes Valentinus Andreae (Description of the Republic of Christianopolis) wrote comparable books. The books were based on Plato’s Republic. All of the books contained Architectural Designs based on Ancient Geometries.

Around 1300 Wealthy and Powerful Merchants (de Medici) in Italy regained interest in the Ancient Knowledge of the Egyptians, the Arab, the Greek and the Romans. This knowledge was almost completely destroyed by the Church of Rome.

Scientists, Poets and Artists (Petraca, Dante, Boccaccio) visited Byzantium and discovered ancient manuscripts written in Greek and Latin. Greek scholars were encouraged to come from Byzantium to Italy. Byzantium and Europe was ransacked for copies of the long unused Latin classics and copyists multiplied them.

Libraries were founded, and schools for the study of both Greek and Latin in their classic forms were opened at Rome, Mautua, Verona, and many other towns. After the fall of Constantinople in 1453 the process gained a further impetus because of a number of Greek humanists who moved from Byzantium to Italy.

In 1462 the Platonic Academy was opened in Florence under the patronage of Florentine Duke Cosimo de’ Medici. Its leader became Marcilio Ficino.

Around 1463 Cosimo de’ Medici commissioned Marsilio Ficino to translate a book called the Pimander with high priority into Latin from a Greek manuscript brought from Macedonia. This book contained the Corpus Hermeticum that was attributed to Hermes Trismegistus.

Hermes Trismegistus “Thrice-Wise” was named Thoth or Djehuti in Ancient Egypt. The Djed of Djehuti represents the Power of the Snake (the Kundalini) in the Spinal Column. Thoth was the Scribe of the Gods, the inventor of writing, and was usually depicted in hieroglyphics with the head of an Ibis Bird.

At that time Scientists believed that the Older the Truth the Better. They believed there was once a Golden Age in which the Eternal Truth was known. From that time on History was in a Downfall until the time of the Resurrection.

Marsilio Fucino dated Hermes Trismegistus as “long before the sages and philosophers of Greece, but yet after Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph“. His dating of the Corpus “proved” that the writings of Hermes contained the Primal Source of Wisdom.

In 1945 Coptic fragments of the Corpus Hermeticum together with many other Gnostic Writings were found at Nag Hammadi, Egypt.

At this moment we know that the Corpus Hermeticus just like the Emerald Tablet, another text dedicated to Hermes, was written in Alexandria around 200 BC.

Alexandria, created by Alexander the Great, was the place where the Ancient Knowledge of Heliopolis, the City of the Sun, was stored in its immense libraries after its destruction. A part of this library was later moved to Byzantium, the Center of the East when the library of Alexandria was destructed.

The most important message of Hermes is that the Physical World is the Manifestation of the Spiritual World. This is summarized in the Hermetic adage “As above, so below.” At this moment we would name the concept of “As Above, So Below” a Self-Reference or a Fractal. The old Scientists knew that one Concept returned on every Level of Our Inside and Outside Reality.

The Corpus Hermeticus provided a seminal force in the development of Renaissance thought and culture. After the Dark Middle Ages, controlled by the Rule System of the Church of Rome, the Scientists started to do their Own Research and Thinking.

The Cycle of Culture moved from the Stage of Order to the Stage of Imagination.

One of these Scientists was Giordano Bruno. Bruno was born in 1548. At the age of 17, he entered the Dominican Order, was trained in the Liberal Arts of that time and became an ordained priest in 1572 at age 24. During his time in Naples he became known for his skill with the Art of Memory and on one occasion traveled to Rome to demonstrate his System before Pope Pius V and Cardinal Rebiba.

The Art of Memory belonged to the rhetoric tradition as a technique which enabled the orator to deliver long speeches from memory with unfailing accuracy.

At that time people had to learn a lot of information by Heart. To do this they used a Mnemonic System called a Memory Palace. The memory images were linked with visualized locations that could be found in architecture, books, sculpture and painting, which were seen by practitioners of the Art of Memory as Externalizations of Internal Memory.

Artists used the Images that were part of the Memory Palace as a reference. The Images were linked with Universal Concepts. In the time of Middle Ages and the Renaissance people knew the Meaning of every Image that was used. Geometric Structures, Paintings, Poems and Buildings were carriers of many Levels of Meaning. Some of these levels were only known by the Inner Circle of Ancient Secret Societies.

In the old days the Inside World was seen as the most important place to Explore. The Outside was nothing but a Projection of the Inside.

Examples of Ancient Memory Palaces are Ancient Egypt, the City of Meru (Sri Yantra), the City of Heliopolis, the Babylonian Ziggurat, the Egyptian Pyramid, The Temple of Solomon, and the most important Memory Palace, the Zodiac. In the Middle Ages Cathedrals (Chartres), Palaces (Alhambra) and Temples (Taj Mahal) were designed and used as Memory Palaces.

One of the most important Christian Memory Palaces is the New Jerusalem. It is a Vision about the New Earth that will arise after the Seven Seals are Broken and the Seven Trumpets have Sounded.

A large portion of the final two chapters of the Bible deals with John of Patmos’ Vision of the New Jerusalem. He describes the New Jerusalem as “‘the bride, the wife of the Lamb’”. After John witnesses the new heaven and a new earth “that no longer has any sea“, an angel takes him “in the Spirit” to a vantage point on “a great and high mountain” to see the New Jerusalem’s descent.

According to John, the New Jerusalem is “pure gold, like clear glass” and its “brilliance [is] like a very costly stone, as a stone of crystal-clear jasper.” The New Jerusalem is a Symbol of the Renewal of Religion that will take place and which secures the Prosperity of the Human World.

“Some place is chosen of the largest possible extent and characterised by the utmost possible variety, such as a space house divided into a number of rooms. Everything of note therein is carefully committed to the memory…The next step is to distinguish something [to be remembered] by some particular symbol which will serve to jog the memory…. These symbols are then arranged as follows. The first thought is placed, as it were, in the forecourt; the second, let us say, in the living-room; the remainder are placed in due order all round… and entrusted not merely to bedrooms and parlours, but even to the care of statues and the like. This done, as soon as the memory of the facts requires to be revived, all these places are visited in turn and the various deposits are demanded from their custodians, as the sight of each recalls the respective details” (Quintilian Institutio Oratoria, Book XI).

The Art of Memory was a very important Art because Manuscripts were very rare and the use of Manuscripts and Symbols was seen as the major cause of the deterioration of society. Books produced “fake” scientists who are not wise but only appear to be wise.

“For this invention will produce forgetfulness in the minds of those who learn to use it, because they will not practise their memory. Their trust in writing, produced by external characters which are not part of themselves, will discourage the use of their own memory within them. You have invented an elixir not of memory but of reminding; and you offer your pupils the appearance of wisdom, not true wisdom, for they will read many things without instruction and will therefore seem to know many things, when they are for the most part ignorant and hard to get along with, since they are not wise, but only appear wise” (Plato, Phaedrus).

Giulio Camillo was one of the most famous men of the 16th century. With a commission of 1200 ducats from the King of France, Francois I, he created a theatre that contained divine powers: whoever entered the theatre would emerge with a complete memory of all the knowledge that had ever existed. The design of his theatre is described in his book L’idea del teatro written in 1554, the last year of his life. The theatre consisted of Seven Levels and contained the complete Knowledge of the Corpus Hermeticum.

“Following the order of the creation of the world, we shall place on the first levels the more natural things…those we can imagine to have been created before all other things by divine decree. Then we shall arrange from level to level those that followed after, in such a way that in the seventh, that is, the last and highest level shall sit all the arts… not by reason of unworthiness, but by reason of chronology, since these were the last to have been found by men” (Guilio Camillo).

At the time of Gordiano Bruno Copernicus detected that the Sun was the Center of our Planetary System. His discovery was in conflict with the Theories that were educated at the Universities that were controlled by the Church of Rome.

Gordiano Bruno saw that the new theories were in line with the teachings of the Corpus Hermeticum in which the Sun (of Heliopolis) was in the Center. Bruno started to Fuse the Knowlegde of the Corpus Hermeticum with his already highly advanced Memory System.

At that time the power of the Church of Rome was going down rapidly. Europe was divided by religious wars between Catholics and Protestants. The merchants, bankers and artisans of Europe’s largest cities and towns resented the fact that local bishops of the Church controlled all of their commercial and economic activities.

Priests married and then took mistresses, holy offices were bought and sold for the highest price, incompetence among the clergy became the rule, the congregation of more and more people in towns and cities perhaps exposed the amorality and immorality of the clergy.

Gordiano Bruno believed he had to create a new Religion based on the Ancient foundation of Religion he found in Egypt.

Gordiano was a free-thinker and he never stopped expressing his own believes. When he learned that an indictment was being prepared against him in Naples he fled the convent and started to travel Europe. He visited the French King Henry III, the English Queen Elizabeth, Wittenburg, the Center of the Protestant Movement, the city of Prague and Emperor Rudolf II.

At every place he came he started to educate the others in his Expanding (forbidden) Vision of the Infinite Universe. At every place his free-thinking brought him into a conflict and he had to move on.

In 1592 he was lured to Venice, arrested by the Inquisition and transported to Rome. In 1600 he was convicted and publicly burned at the Campo de’ Fiori in Rome. In 1889 a Statue was erected at the place of his execution.

At the time of Gordiano Bruno many of the important people where highly interested in Magic, Alchemy and Astrology. One of the people Gordiano visited, the Emperor Rudolf II, practised Alchemy in his own private laboratory and spared no expense in bringing Europe’s best alchemists to court, such as John Dee, the personal alchemist of Queen Elizabeth.

There is no evidence that Giordiano Bruno met John Dee when he was in England but he was in contact with the most important people that were part of the “Hermetic Circle” of John Dee. There is a lot of evidence that Bruno was the creator of the Rosicrusians.

Bruno’s books on the Art of Memory were in reality Courses in the Solar Magic taught by Hermes Trismegistus.
Bruno knew that the most important tools of the Magician are the Power of his Imagination and the Connection with the Major Powers in the Hierarchy in the Heavens, the Archangels and the Demiurge, the Creator of the Matrix.

The System of Bruno was created to make is possible to generate powerful images and Magical Rituals to make the Right Connection (Bonding) with the Major Creators of the Universe we live in.

“There are three gates through which the hunter of souls (the Magician) ventures to bind: vision, hearing and mind or imagination. If it happens that someone passes through all three of these gates, he binds most powerfully and ties down most tightly.” “He who enters through the gate of hearing is armed with his voice and with speech, the son of voice. He who enters through the gate of vision is armed with suitable forms, gestures, motions and figures. He who enters through the gate of the imagination, mind and reason is armed with customs and the arts.” (Giordano Bruno, Theses de Magia, Vol. LVI).

Robert Fludd was born in England in 1574, thirty years after Giordano Bruno was born. Between 1598 and 1604, Fludd studied the Liberal Arts on the European mainland. Robert Fludd was one of the last Hermetic Scientists of the Renaissance. In his life he tried to describe everything that was known until that day. Robert Fludd was a Rosicrucian.

One of his products is a Musical Memory Palace and a Memory Theatre, the Globe that was used by Lord Chamberlain’s company to which Shakespeare belonged. In the view of Fludd a theatrical play was a Projection of a part of a Memory Palace. The Theatre was a tool to educate the Elite (and the Masses) into the Hermetic Whole.

The work of Bruno and Fludd was taken over by many other Scientists but the relationship between the Art of Memory and Magic slowly faded away.

At the end of the Renaissance Reason, Logic became much more important than the Seven Liberal Arts. The Scientists of the Age of Enlightenment wanted to get rid of the Delusions of the Imagination. The only things that counted were Facts observed by the Senses.

Leibniz (1646-1716) was one of the exceptions. He was an Old Fashioned Renaissance Magician and believed in the Harmony of the Spheres. He invented many theories that proved his Point of View and are now proven to be Right.

He believed that scholarship or “perfect knowledge of the principle of all sciences and the art of applying them” could be divided into three equally important parts: the Art of Reasoning, the Art of Inventing (Combinatorics) and the Art of Memory and the Imagination (Magic). He even wrote an unpublished manuscript about the Art of Memory.

Leibniz got into a big conflict with Newton about the Role of the Imagination and Scientific Discovery in Society. After his death Newton and his Protectors, the Medici of Florence, started an effective campaign to prove that Newton was the inventor of the Theories of Leibniz. This is the reason why Newton became the major Scientist of his time.

After the Renaissance, the Stage of the Imagination, the Cycle of Culture moved to the Stage of the Emotions, the Time of the French Revolution. The Old Social Structures of Europe started their big Transformation.

Around 1740 the Industrial Revolution started in England and the Theories of Newton, Descartes and Kant about the Cold Mechanical Reasoner without Feeling and Imagination took the Lead. The ultimate products of the Industrial Revolution, the Computer and the related Factory-Model are now the Leading Paradigm.

The link between the Machine that Controls and Generates our Universe (the Yantra), the Ideas/Concepts that govern our Universe and the related mostly Astronomical Symbols is now completely lost.

Almost nobody is able to understand and value the Ancient Knowledge of Heliopolis that Scientists like Gordiano Bruno and Robert Fludd were trying to reconstruct during the Renaissance.

The Medici and their Successors, the Big Bankers and Merchants finally succeeded in the Destruction of the Imagination and the Emotions.

Starting 1950 the Cycle is moving into a new Renaissance.

After the Invention of Quantum Mechanics (inspired by Robert Fludd) it becomes clearer and clearer that The Imagination is the Major Power that creates and sustains our Universe.

The Ideas of Bruno, Fludd, Plato, the Corpus Hermeticum and the Ancient Knowledge of Heliopolis are coming back.

One of the most interesting scientists of the Art of Memory is Alan Turing. He constructed a very simple machine now called a Turing Machine that contained a Memory and a Writing Device that could move backwards and forwards. With the help of this simple Device Turing was able to solve many Mathematical Problems. At the end of his Life just before he committed suicide he started to research Morphology, the Science of the Forms.

What to Do?

The Current University System is highly fragmented. It needs a general principle to unite all the now diverging Subjects of Investigation. The complexity of our Science is enormous. The link between Science, Art and Religion is gone. We are in the same state as the World was at the end of the Middle Ages.

Perhaps we could introduce the Memory Palace again. It would certainly help to improve the Memory of the Students who are now Copying and Pasting the Internet.

Behind The Memory Palace lies the theory of the Fractal Universe (“As Above, So Below”) and the Trinity-Pattern. The Same Pattern repeats itself on every Level of Existence.

The Fractal Universe simplifies Science enormously!

Perhaps the Modern Scientists could start to look for Repeating Structures on many Levels and Exchange these Structures. They could start to listen to the Scientists of Physics and Mathematics who have already found the fractal patterns.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:48 am

Are the elites trying to hijack our access to higher consciousness by creating fear? Is that what it's all about? Let's foil them. ;)

The Secret of the Vatician

THE SECRET OF WASHINGTON D.C 2012 ... re=related

2012 Prophecy of the Great Pyramid ... re=related ... c9e#p51753

From an aerial view one can see that a solitron vortex generator is shaped like a keyhole, an anhk. Perhaps if you “lock” onto the correct frequencies, you can open the stargate machine and enter the higher dimensions.
About the Egyptian Djed Pillar
One Cellar Creatures, Bacteria, have no need for a central Multi-Cellar Coordination system, a Central Nervous System. Their only need is to find Food (Chemicals).

To find food they Move Around in the Chemical Soup with their Flagellum in a Chaotic Pattern (Creativity, Exploration) until they are Attracted by (fall in Love with) a Source they Like.

When the Bacteria are attracted by the Food their Creative Behavior stops. The Chaotic Pattern changes into a Stable Cyclic Pattern.

The Movement of the Flagellum of the Bacterium is comparable with the Emotional System of the Human Being.
The Creative and the Emotional System are the Basic Systems of Nature.

Consciousness, the Feed Back Cycle, was there from the Beginning. Consciousness, Creativity and Compassion are also the Basic Systems of the Human Being.

They are independent of Time and Place. In the first step of Evolution the Organism where Connected and in the Now.

In the next step of Evolution two new Protective Systems came into existence, the Predictive System (Thinking) and the Sensory System.

They are related to the Multi-Cellar Organisms, the Organisms with a Brain and a Spine. The Protective Systems came into existence because the Organisms became Disconnected (Specialized) and started a Competition.

Although they may look plant-like, Sponges are the simplest and the oldest (635 million yrs) of the multi-cellular animals. Sponges evolved in shallow ocean basins, because the deeper seas did not yet contain oxygen, a necessity for almost all life.

At that time the Sponges could live an Easy Life because there was no Competition from more complicated animals.
Sea sponges are not moving at all. They attach themselves to the sea bed and filter nutrients from the water that they force through their porous bodies with flagella.

Because of the Life-Style they lead sea sponges do not need, and therefore lack, nerve cells, muscle cells and internal organs of any kind.

The first step in the development of the Central Nervous System (CNS) is the Community. The Cells are coordinated by specialized interconnected nerve cells, the Nerve Net.

Although the Nerve Net allows the animal to respond to its environment, it has trouble alerting the animal from Where the Stimulus is coming.

For this reason, simple animals with Nerve Nets always respond in the Same way to Contact with an Object, regardless of where the contact occurs. The organisms coordinated by a Nerve Net are able to move in a Plane.

The next step is the development of organisms happened about 590 million years ago. At that moment the Central Coordinating System, the Brain, appeared.

Sea stars have a nerve net in each arm, connected by a Central Radial Nerve Ring at the center. This is better suited to controlling more complex movements than a Diffuse Nerve Net.

The organisms with a CNS, the Bilateria, are able to Act and React to a Possible Harmful Stimulus.

They Move in the 3rd Dimension, endowing them with not only a top and a bottom, but a left and a right, and a front and a back. Therefore they are comparable to a Sphere.

The 3-Dimensional Bilateria make use of five fluid filled Cavities (Spheres) to Protect the Organs and a Digestive Tube with a Mouth and an Anus.

The Bilateria (including the Humans) have Five Body Cavities: (1) the Brain; (2) the Spinal Cord; (3) the Heart and Lungs; (4) the Digestive Organs and Kidneys; (5) the Bladder and Reproductive organs.

The Five Spheres are incorporated in one Super Protective Sphere, the Coelum (Skin).

In the Human Embryo the First step of Division of the Cells is between the Coelum (the Multi-Cellar Body) and the Brain (CNS, Coordinating the Multi Cellar Body).

The CNS shows the greatest development in Vertebrates. In the vertebrates the CNS is protected by the Skeletal System.

The CNS is connected to the rest of the body through a peripheral nervous system that includes the nerves connecting the brain and spinal cord with Receptors such as the Ears and Eyes and Effectors such as the Muscles in the Body.

In the evolution of Vertebrates from Fish to Mammals, the most significant changes have occurred in the Structure of the Brain.

Even in the earliest vertebrates, the brain had three divisions: the Hindbrain, Midbrain, and Forebrain.

The Hindbrain is concerned with Motor Reflexes, the Effectors, the Muscles (the 2nd Dimension).

The Midbrain coordinates the Receptors (Eyes, 3rd Dimension). In the progression from Fish to Mammals, the Forebrain becomes more prominent.

The Forebrain is used for Receiving and Integrating Information to create a 4-Dimensional Picture of the Space/Time. This System is used to predict the Causal Path of the Future. The Predictive System is fed by the experiences of the Past and tries to avoid Pain and Destruction. Its Basic Emotion is the Fear to lose Control.

At this moment the most advanced creatures on Earth, the Humans are able to operate in the Fourth Dimension. The Blueprint of the Organisms, the DNA, contains enough Junk DNA to reach into higher Dimensions. The next step is the Fifth Dimension. In this Dimension Space and Time Travel are possible.

Scientists recently discovered that the DNA of one of the most primitive and ancient Multi-Cellular creatures on Earth, the Sea Sponge, contains almost the Same Blueprint as the Central Nervous System of the Human Being.

Many people still believe the Evolution Theory of Darwin is Right. This theory states that the evolution of the species is governed by Random Mutation and Natural Selection. The discovery of the DNA of the Sponge shows a completely different view, the view of the much despised Lamarck.

Behind the seemingly Random Pattern of Evolution a highly stable (geometric fractal) structure, The Trinity Pattern, emerges. The DNA is not adapting to Evolution. It is the other way around. Evolution is an Enfolding of a Highly Stable Self Referential (Fractal) Multi-Dimensional Blueprint. This Blueprint was already there when the Universe was created. The Trinity Pattern shows that the basic structure of the Universe is an enfolding of Trinities in Trinities.

The Sequence of the Enfolding is controlled by a pattern called the Bronze Mean (1,1,4,13,43). The pattern is visible in the ancient Sri Yantra.

We are now in the 42th step of enfolding. The 43th step will create a completely new Universe.

In this step the Seven Separate Multi-Verses of our Universes will merge into One Structure that is connected to the Rotating Primal Void, the Sekhem.

If this step will occur we will be able to move out of the 4th dimension into the 5th, Space/Time.

The good thing is that many scientists especially the Physicists and the Mathematicians believe the Eternal Blueprint is there and will be found.

Many of them also believe that this Blueprint was already discovered a long time ago. We will see that the Old Egyptian Scientists were aware of the Patterns behind the Patterns.

What is Happening?

In the Beginning, 3.8 billion years ago, the Self Reproducing Central Coordination Sphere called Earth, moving in 4-dimensional Space/Time, was a “chemical soup“. When the Earth cooled down the Soup transformed itself into Self-Reproducing Cells, the Bacteria.

The Cells clustered into Self Reproducing Central Coordination Systems called Humans. In every step of the Evolution from Chemical Soup to Human a new Dimension of Space/Time was discovered. The next step must be a step into the 5th Dimension.

Let us move back to Ancient Egypt.

When you read this article about the Klein Bottle and Alchemy you will learn that the Klein Bottle is a 4-Dimensional Topological Structure. This structure is behind the Closed Loop Version of the most advanced Physical Theory at this moment called String Theory.

The Klein Bottle is just like the Moebius Ring, a structure without an Up and a Down. The Klein Bottle is also a structure without an Inside and an Outside.

It is closed in Itself just like the first God of Egypt Atum and the Serpent, the Ouroburos.

The most interesting feature of the Klein Bottle is the Void, the Singularity.

In current Physics a Singularity is called a Black Hole or Wormhole. In the Old Egyptian Science the Void was called the Sekhem.

When you read the article you will see that The Klein Bottle also explains the Ancient theory of Alchemy.

This theory was developed in Egypt by a person (or a God) called Thoth (or DJ-huti). The Greek changed his name in Hermes.

The Old Egyptians explain their theory by the Myths of the Pesedjet. The Ancient Narrative describes the whereabouts of Nine Deities (or Concepts). Two of them are named Isis and Osiris. Osiris is the God of the Resurrection. Isis is the Mother Goddess.

In the next step of the story Isis and Osiris give birth to a child called Horus.

Horus is the Symbol of the Human Body. Isis is represented in Catholic Tradition by Mary, the Black Madonna. In most representations she is depicted with her Child (Horus, Jesus).

The Four Suns of Horus are the symbols of the Four Organs situated in the Four Cavities of the Human Body.
The last Fifth Cavity of the Human Body, The Brain and the Spinal Cord protected by the Backbone is represented by a symbol called the Djed Pillar. The Djed Pillar was one of the most Magical Symbols in Egypt.

The Five Cavities correspond with the Five Organs in Acupuncture. Acupuncture is an Ancient Chinese Medical Treatment to cure and stabilize the Electro Magnetic Body of the Human. The Cavities now called Cells also exist in the Universe. They are the Birth Places of Star Clusters.

Why is the Djed Pillar such an Important Concept?

The name Djed contains the term DJ meaning Serpent. Dj comes back in Dj-huti (Thoth/Hermes), Dj-inn (a Magical Serpent Ghost) and Djedi (An Egyptian Magician).

The name Djedi was used in the famous Movie Star Wars. The Djedi are called the Skywalkers because they are able use the Power of the Serpent to move in Space/Time, the Fifth Dimension.
In other cultures the Serpent Power is called the Kundalini.

The Serpent or the Kundalini is a Tremendous Power that rests in the Spinal Chord at the place of the Sacrum, the first part of the Spine.

At this place the first Chakra, the Muladhara is situated. The Muladhara Chakra is made of the Earth Element and represents the Beginning of Life (the Chemical Soup).

When awakened and nourished, this association with the Earth element manifests itself as an Electro Magnetic Force within that person.

One of the most important secret rituals in the Cult of Osiris was called the Raising of the Djed. When you raise Your Backbone you are opening the Path of the Serpent to let the Electro Magnetic Field of Mother Earth move you to the Fifth Dimension.

What is the Physical Explanation of the Serpent Energy?

The Earth is a huge magnetic sphere. The E/M field of the Earth varies in strength and consistency through the ages. Our bodies own magnetic frequencies and our bio-field patterns react to this variance of the Earth’s field.
The pineal gland, the Eye of Horus (or the Horn of the Unicorn), is the “clock” that controls biological cycles. The Eye of Horus stands for the sixth chakra.

The pineal gland is the principal structure in the brain that is directly sensitive to the Earth’s magnetic field.
The pineal gland produces a host of psychoactive chemicals (such as Melatonin, Dopamine, Serotonin, and others).
Its abnormal functioning may result in a variety of Physical (the Immune System), Neurological (Tremors) and Psychological (Psychosis) Problems including Mystical and Para-Normal Experiences.

Our bone structure converts Vibrational Energy, such as sound or light, into Magnetic and Electric Energy. When the bone is bent it produces an E/M-field. This E/M-field interacts with the Pineal Gland and creates a Feed-Back Cycle.
The E/M-field of our Body, the Aura, is a combination of all kind of waves. A special type of wave-structure is called a Standing Wave.

When the E/M-field acts as a Standing Wave all the waves are in harmony and conserve structure. The Human body is in harmony when the total field of all the separate E/M-fields of the Body act as a Standing Wave.

The Standing Wave appears when the Spinal Wave of the Vertebrae of the Body is in a special Alignment. This alignment happens when the Djed is raised.

If this happens, the Standing Wave of the Spine Resonates with the Standing Wave of the Earth. At that moment the Kundalini Rises and the Pineal Gland reacts with a Huge Mystical Experience.

What was the Aim of the Djedi?

The E/M-field of the Earth is different at every place on Earth. It also changes every day because of the influence of the Moon, the Sun and other powerful fields in the Universe.

At a certain moment in Time, at a certain place on Earth and with the help of special instruments (The Pyramid of Giza, the BenBen Stone) the old Egyptian Magicians, the Djedi, imagined it would be possible to resonate with the Standing Wave of the Center of our Galaxy situated in the Pleiades.

If this happens it will generate a tremendous, almost deadly, Mystical Experience, a giant influx of the Serpent of the Galaxy (the Black Hole) also called the Phoenix (Greek) or the Bennu Bird (Egyptian).

To endure this experience the Mystical Body, the Sahu, the Resurrection Body of Osiris, the Barque of the Sekhem, has to be available. The Sahu, the Light Body, is activated when the Djedi has balanced his chakras in the middle, the Heart Chakra. To experience a mystical union with the One, the Djedi has to live from the Heart.

At that moment the Skywalker will become Immortal. He will Climb Jacobs Ladder, move through the Einstein-Rosen Bridge (Sekhem, Bindu, Wormhole) into our (Black Matter) Twin Universe, the Underworld, the Nagual, the Duat, the Daad, Heaven, the Place where the Souls Live.

This Special Alignment of the Stars, The Galactic Cross, the Return of the Galactic Serpent, is the Moment the Egyptian Djedi, the Pharaos in their Coffin, the Jews (The Coming of Christ), the Muslims (the Coming of Christ), the Christians (the Return of Christ, the Resurrection), the Mayas (the Return of Quetzalcoatl, the End of the Maya Calendar, 2012), the Hopis (the Fifth World) and many other cultures are waiting for for a very long time.
A Last Remark

The E/M-field of the Earth is at this moment heavily influenced by human activities. Especially the strong fields of the Mobile Infrastructure on Earth have a devastating impact on the harmony of the Human Body. Project yourself!
The Holy Grail – DNA – The Inner Sri Yantra, the Cadeuces, the Ankh ... es=reverse
The quantum holographic DNA-wave bio-computer model describes the morphology and dynamics of DNA, as a self-calibrating antenna working by phase conjugate adaptive resonance capable of both receiving and transmitting quantum holographic information stored in the form of diffraction patterns (which in MRI can be shown to be quantum holograms). The model describes how during the development of the embryo of the DNA's organism, these holographic patterns carry the essential holographic information necessary for that development

This paper reports experimental work carried out in Moscow at the Institute of Control Sciences, Wave Genetics Inc. and theoretical work from several sources. This work changes the notion about the genetic code essentially. It asserts:

1) That the evolution of bio-systems has created genetic "texts", similar to natural context dependent texts in human languages, shaping the text of these speech-like patterns.

2) That the chromosome apparatus acts simultaneously both as a source and receiver of these genetic texts, respectively decoding and encoding them, and

3) That the chromosome continuum of multi-cellular organisms is analogous to a static-dynamical multiplex time-space holographic grating, which comprises the space-time of an organism in a convoluted form.

That is to say, the DNA action the theory predicts and which experiment confirms i) is that of a "gene-sign" laser and its solitonic electro-acoustic fields, such that the gene-bio-computer "reads and understands" these texts in a manner similar to human thinking, but at its own genomic level of "reasoning". It asserts that natural human texts (irrespectively of the language used), and genetic "texts" have similar mathematical-linguistic and entropic-statistic characteristics, where these concern the fractality of the distribution of the character frequency density in the natural and genetic texts, and where in case of genetic "texts", the characters are identified with the nucleotides, and ii) that DNA molecules, conceived as a gene-sign continuum of any bio-system, are able to form holographic pre-images of bio-structures and of the organism as a whole as a registry of dynamical "wave copies" or "matrices”, succeeding each other. This continuum is the measuring, calibrating field for constructing its bio-system.

Ida, Pingala and Sushmna nadis -- a holographic projection of our inner Caduceus -- the DNA

The Ida nadi flows through the left nostril, while the Pingala nadi flows through the right one. When the breath flows through the ida nadi, it has a cooling effect on the body, whereas, pingla nadi has a heating effect.

Sushmna nadi, which is the subtle counterpart of the spinal column, holds a very important place in the Pranayama scheme of things. The latent force in all human beings, called the Kundalini, lies dormant at the base of the spine. Pranayama aims at systematically awakening the kundalini so that the hitherto dormant force gets activated and travels up through the sushmna nadi, piercing the charkas on its way up, to set up a divine meeting with the creator of the universe on the Sahasrara chakra.

This mantra is considered the sacred name for God encoded into our DNA. In the Kabbalistic tradition, it is known as the Tetragrammator (the Greek name for the four sacred letters YHVH.) The Ultimate Divine Vibration emanates from this most holy “Name of Names” making the word of light into manifested life.

Imagine if you woke up one morning and realized that you had dormant superhuman abilities that were waiting to be unleashed. That once you activated these abilities, you could manifest anything you desired in your life, live a life without drama, create your ideal physical body, become immune to all dis-ease, and REVERSE the aging process.

Imagine if you realized that you could actually change your blueprint of life, your DNA, to enable you to expand your creative potential, provide access to your subconscious mind, and become intuitive, clairvoyant, and know instantly what your purpose is in life. There is now a process which will allow you to do all these things and more, and it is called DNA Activation

Are the changes on the Sun part of a Crescendo of Omega Point cosmic rays and Gamma rays? NASA’s analysis is that of multiple sonic vortexes rotating at the same speed independently of one another through the solar body in triangles behaves as if exposed to a superconductor. If this is so the “Face” of the Omega Point may be emerging: “Superconductivity is the most bizarre substance in the universe,” -Dr. David Pines
Light Energy: Electric Universe ... verse.html
Light Conspiracy Theories, such as Electric Universe as much a part of our reality as Dark Side Conspiracy theories and yet in the post 911 conspiracy theory aftermath we can either be honest with ourselves and awaken from the dream, or we can choose to stay asleep and carry on as if our political, religious and educational leaders are telling us the whole truth. It becomes self evident, when we do our own research, that we are being manipulated, with a false reality, that leaves out many facts. These Dark Side Forces have not only left out the facts but in truth they have knowingly led us down a path that keeps us from the truth. Light conspiracy theories have within them the seed to unleash the Forces of Light and release Light Energy on a scale that has heretofore been suppressed by the Dark Side. It is time to unmask the Light Conspiracy Theories and sort through what is theory and what is fact.
Solitron Vortex Energy
If one is to understand the spin theory of Standing Columnar Wave (SCW) energy patterns, then one must look at the Star of David. This woven grid system develops spin. In fact you can weave a Star of David so that you can develop a clockwise or counter clockwise spin.

Balancing the Earth's energies does not take place just because you can spin the electromagnetic field at a different frequency or in a different direction. A clockwise spin takes energy away, while counter clockwise spin adds energy to the field. We must determine the direction of spin and frequency before attempting to change it's direction. We must have a clear understanding of what a balanced field is and what is needed to bring about a balanced state.

What most people do not realise about the spinning energy pattern is that it incorporates a double vortex-an energy pattern with two directions of tachion spiral. Vortex energy carries with it the element of time. Time also has two directions-from the past to the future (matter) and from the future to the past (anti-matter). The counterclockwise motion carries time from the future to the past. Our brain accepts a relationship of time from the past to the future and is in a clockwise spiral. The combination of these two vortices into the Star of David creates a balanced spin in which we deal with the present. By combining these double vortices, the smallest elements (tachion energy) can be sped up and controlled. Once one learns to control the spin element within one’s own electromagnetic field, one can bring the aura into balance and has the possibility of developing mind over matter. This is the secret of Tesla's technology and the Caduceus Coil.

The ancients used the Caduceus Coil to move the blocks that built the pyramids, temples and stone circles. They tuned into this energy field with their mind energy. Between the construction site and the quarry a solitron/ley line of tuned energy was created. A good example of this is the avenue lined with Sphinxes at the Temple of Karnak/Man.

There are also statues in Egypt of men holding coils, these coils were tuned to the reverse flow of vortex energy generated between two sites. The coils are tuned to the south pole vortex. The stone to be moved is then struck by the rod (of Ptah) and thus tuned to the south pole field. Two south pole fields repel each other. The block could then float down the walkway. In this fashion, using levitation and alchemy, the temples pyramids and stone circles were built.

The Caduceus Coil and the Tesla Coil were designed to generate energy throughout the planetary grid. The grid is a series of major vortices connected by solitrons. The American Indians called this system Spider Woman and used the medicine wheel to generate a vortex. Medicine simply means to bring balance and harmony.

In 1973, three Russians-Historian Nikolai Goncharov, construction engineer Vyacheslav Morozov and electronics specialist Valery Makarov announced in the science journal of The Soviet Academy of Sciences, KHIMIYA I ZHINZN' (CHEMISTRY AND LIFE), their discovery of a geometric grid pattern that spans the globe.

The line of this grid pattern, they revealed further, are the lattice edges of a great crystal, a crystal that is nothing less than the Earth itself. The structure of the planetary crystal is in dual form: an ICOSAHEDRON, made up of 20 equilateral triangles, interconnected with a DODECAHEDRON, composed of twelve pentagons. Together they are called an icosa-dodeca for short.

In the esoteric wisdom of the Pythagoreans, the icosa and the dodeca are the fourth and the fifth of the 5 Sacred Solids known to geometary, each having special characteristics associated with it, which reflect a hidden understanding of energies resounding throughout. The icosa symbolised water, perpetual motion and the colour blue. The dodeca vibrates to the element Ether (an all pervading substance known by the Ancients but neglected by modern science), which unites and shapes all material elements, and is the colour white/yellow.

We are reminded here of the "blue dragon" and the "white tiger" of the Chinese lung-mei Earth Energies, with their New World counterparts, the blue-green feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl and the yellow jaguar Tezcatlipoca, of the Aztecs. As these two polarities were remembered as continually seeking balance together in the world's subterranean currents, so the two crystal forms are also harmonized within the structure of planet Earth.

When Goncharov, Morozov and Makarov placed the icosa-dodeca lattice grid over the surface of a modern globe they were startled to find that the points coincided with locations of natural planetary phenomena. First, the twenty nodes of the dodeca lattice, pinpoint centers of high and low barometric pressure areas in the Earth's atmosphere, where storms, hurricanes and typhoons originate, and move along the crystal edges. Prevailing winds and oceanic current patterns also flow with the grid pattern.

The Earth's Crystal structure can impose its patterns into the liquid media of the oceans and on up into the atmosphere. What many scientists need to discover is the wisdom of the Atlantian technology of the Standing Columnar Wave and Solitron energy fields. The Tesla Coil, as well as structures such as the pyramid, are simple antennas, designed to activate the grid system and power the world with inexpensive energy.

The secret of generating power from the worldwide grid system is to develop a way to properly tune the pyramid or coil antenna. At the present time this is not been achieved as not enough scientists have studied the power source called the world grid.

The ancient people used the world grid to achieve levitation and worldwide communication. This is why pyramids are found all over the world. The Cheops pyramid in Egypt is a coil generator and was built to tap into the grid. The main control panel for this was the Ark of the Covenant.

Beneath the Great Pyramid was a flooded area, whose purpose was to set up a ground plane. The primary coil was designed into the pit area and the secondary coil was developed between the pit and the King's chamber. The capstone was the discharge point.

There are two types of Egyptian Coil designs, one which is a forced energy design similar to the Tesla Coil and the other being a passive coil, the passive design is used between the relationship of an Obelisk and a Pyramid.

The pyramid and obelisk generate SCW's. The electromagnetic fields created between them causes the energy to flow from one to another. By controlling the flow of the magnetic currents of the Earth this whole planet could and can be engineered to benefit mankind. Humanity could control the weather, stop earthquakes, cause water to flow out into the deserts and control the electromagnetic fields of this planet. With this type of engineering cheap energy can be given to humanity. If a planned program was developed then this planet could become a beautiful green garden and some....
Standing Columnar Wave (SCW) energy

Term used to describe the Life Force Energy, which is a spinning vortex of columnar energy. This field is the life force of every living substance. All creation is a double helix of energy coming and going.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:11 pm ... 390#p53513

It should be obvious by now that the secret discovered by the Templars was how to construct a solitron vortex generator (Ark of the Covenant) using all natural earth materials. The Gothic cathedrals are basically giant solitron vortex generators. The Templars shared this knowledge with the Cistercian monks who initiated the period of cathedral building in Europe.
A solitron vortex generator creates the Sri Yantra or Merkaba, which is the the energy field that opens the stargate. When you create your own internal solitron vortex generator in your “lower tan tien”, you can activate the kundalani.

Tan means 'elixir' and Tien means 'place'. The tan tien is the energy reservoir in the body, it is the place where we store the energy we generate, gather and absorb in Chi Kung and Meditation practices. The lower tan tien is located in the abdomen below the naval near the center of the body. The lower tan tien is full of neurotransmitters that were until recently only known to be found in the brain. The lower tan tien is the key source of intelligence. Chi pressure in the tan tien is the foundation for taoist practices especially for Iron Shirt Chi Kung and Tai Chi. ... 405#p53593

The Chapel at Rosslyn contains a full spectrum dimensional gate. There is a primary vortex in the center of the structure, in front of the altar. There are five smaller vortexes with unique frequencies surrounding and circulating the major vortex, which contains the portal gate.
The Cosmic Stargates ... 4486#p6077
The northern stargate over the upstretched "hand" of Orion is exactly at the cusp of Gemini and Taurus; the southern stargate is at the cusp of Sagittarius and Scorpio. From these two fixed points the zodiac can be divided into twelve equal portions roughly, though not exactly, corresponding to the stellar constellations.

Now the spring equinox is not the only date that precesses backwards through the zodiac, so also does every other day of the year including the summer and winter solstices. The upshot of this is very interesting from the point of view of our own times. Today the sun stands exactly between Sagittarius and Scorpio at the winter solstice and over the hand of Orion at the time of the summer solstice. In other words the positions of the stargates correspond with the sun's positions at the solstices. This is the first time this has happened since c. 10,880 BC when the gates were in the opposite positions, with the Orion gate in the south and the Scorpio gate in the north.

This latter date, c. 10,880 BC corresponds closely with the ending of the last ice age and the legendary destruction of Atlantis [According to Plato, the Greek philosopher, the last phase of this destruction took place around 9500 BC]. Thus we can say with some assurity that last time the Sun was positioned at the stargates at the solstices corresponded with major changes in the earth's climate. Could this be why we are currently experiencing global warming on a scale not see before in historic times? Climate change, it would seem, is connected with this changing of astrological epoch.
We know about the alignment of the Winter solstice sun with Galactic Centre, between Sagittarius and Scorpio, which Jenkins has identified as the end-point of the Mayan Long Count in 2012. This is caused by the approx. 26,000-year “precession of the equinoxes”, except that the Mayans were measuring “precession of the solstices”, which is the same cycle, but measured from a different point – the precession of the winter solstice, as opposed to the vernal equinox. What Gilbert seems to have discovered is an Egyptian knowledge of the precession of the summer solstice, and the consequent encoding of this knowledge in the Bible. The vernal equinox, as we know, is precessing from Pisces to Aquarius, at the same time as the winter solstice precesses from Sagittarius to Scorpio, and the summer solstice precesses from Gemini to Taurus.

The ancient Greeks, who received much of their knowledge from Egypt, believed that souls reside in the Milky Way between incarnations, and that there are 2 “gates” on the Milky Way. These are the Silver Gate of Gemini, through which souls descend to earth, and the Golden Gate of Sagittarius, through which souls ascend. Other versions say the souls of men can ascend by either gate, but that the Silver Gate leads to reincarnation and the ancestors, and the Golden Gate leads beyond reincarnation. The Golden Gate is also that through which the Gods descend.

The Silver Gate is just above the “hand” of Orion, who the Egyptians associated with Osiris, and they depicted him holding a star in his hand. In the Orion Mystery, Bauval & Gilbert presumed this to be the star Aldebaran. Now, Gilbert has found that the Egyptian word for star is ‘ba’ which also means “door”, so Osiris is holding a Star-Gate. In some depictions, Osiris is holding an ankh towards the gate, so this must be the key which unlocks the star-gate.

After studying bible prophecies, visiting Israel, and computing star and planet positions on his SKYGLOBE software, Gilbert has discerned that the astronomy of summer solstice 2000, June 21-22, and also on June 29, this is the beginning of the Apocalypse, when the Silver Star Gate opens. This is the “Omega position” of Orion, rather than 2380 AD, when Orion reaches its most Northerly point, as presumed in The Orion Mystery. It is the end of a 13,000 year cycle that Gilbert calls the Age of Adam, or the Age of Orion.

In August 2012, says Gilbert, Venus (symbolizing Isis & Mary as “Bride of Heaven”), will be “stationary in the hand of Orion”. Orion, as he has explained convincingly in the book, symbolizes Christ, and this is his mystic marriage (and there is a hint that we should be prepared with our “wedding garment”, which, to the Egyptians was a “stellar, Sahu body” that needed to be “crystallized”). This could also be the return of Quetzalcoatl, since he was connected with Venus, and thereby the sign preceding a “second coming”. ... 4486#p5980
But now the knowledge and truth is out, and Jenkins has revealed it through the ingenious synthesis and interweaving of scholarly works of many authors from around the world. Galactic Alignment presents a wide-spread recognition of how all ancient cultures were aware that alignments to the galactic center do periodically occur, and that these alignments offer spiritual renewal for humanity --- not catastrophe and destruction as is commonly promoted by modern-day interpretations of the end time.

Several magnificent works published in the late 20th century need to be read to fully appreciate the breadth and scope of Jenkins' synthesis. Here is mention of a few:

Hamlet's Mill by Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha Von Dechend, a study which took over ten years of dedicated research leading to Santillana's expulsion from M.I.T. in Cambridge, Massachusetts for his unconventional point of view on interpreting the mythology of ancient civilizations

A most astounding work, published in 1999 by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges, is called A Monument to the End of Time: Alchemy, Fulcanelli and the Great Cross at Hendaye. It clearly shows how significant the understanding of the galactic alignment was to all ancient civilizations going back to pre-Egyptian times, and right up to the present day

Another masterpiece of synthesis is Cosmic Humanism by the late Dr. Oliver L. Reiser from the University of Pittsburgh's philosophy department.

“… the coil of life (DNA) which supplies the architectural pattern for the fabrication of all organisms has something to do with the earth's rotation and its magnetic polarities, and the cosmic ray showers which originate in our own spiral galaxy.”

The author Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, and her book The Gnostic Circle (published in 1978) has also been a keystone piece of information which allowed Jenkins to further confirm aspects of the galactic center as written into ancient Vedic philosophies. Jenkins states that The Gnostic Circle is "a deep, intuitive, and complex work." The book, according to Jenkins, contains an almost matter-of-fact description of the evolutionary implications of our periodic alignments with the Galactic Center. Norelli-Bachelet states:

“There is the mysterious center that keeps all the stars in orbit around itself. This Centre, that Science knows so little of as yet, is located with respect to our Sun and planet in the direction of the Constellation Hercules or the zodiacal sign Capricorn, and slowly, at the rate of 12 miles per second ... our sun orbits around and moves closer to this solar apex, as it is called. That is, at the end of December each year, the earth is directly behind the sun with respect to this Great Void; our solar system with our planet is being drawn ever closer to this colossal Magnet.”
It is a curious fact that the Galactic Center is just about 26,000 light years from Earth. The number of years it would take light, or energy, or a superwave burst of energy traveling at the speed of light equals the cycle of precession

The fact that precession and the distance to the Galactic Center are linked suggests, as LaViolette explained, some kind of entrainment between superwave bursts and the precessional cycle. He suggests that when the earth’s North Pole is tilted away from the Galactic Center, a superwave burst arriving at that time would propel the earth to wobble on its axis. Repeated bursts at regular long-range intervals then entrain the earth’s wobble to the superwave periodicity.

The sense is that something is emanating from the Galactic Center is responsible for precession. Alignment or superwave?

We in fact exist within the energetic field of the Milky Way galaxy. The changing orientation of our local Earth-Sun system to this field is what is occurring with precession.

The Galactic Center is a giant field generator to the degree that the rotational plane of our solar system naturally entrains itself to it.

We can say that the earth’s field is related to, and responds to, the field of the galaxy in which it exists. Secondarily, we can also emphasize that the earth’s angular orientation to this field is changing with precession.

In the end we have the ever-changing relationship between the planes of Earth, Sun (or solar system), and galaxy. Precession is the timing factor behind these ever-shifting planes, and again we ask why 26,000 years.

“Sub-atomic Wave-Particle Electrodynamics” – a section called “Gyromagnetic Proton. Precession and Field Strength”

Proton precession? The section described a little known electrodynamic principle that operates on protons. Within a larger, encompassing electromagnetic field, a proton exhibits a precessional wobble, very much like the earth's wobble on its axis.

Precession would therefore appear to be keyed – directly and immediately, not through the agency of superwaves – to the electromagnetic field-generating dynamics of the Galactic Center.

I then came across the work of Oliver Reiser, whose philosophical system perceived the Galactic Center as a formative influence on the evolution of consciousness:

“What is here being proposed is that we explore at greater length the possibilities inherent in the analogy between the human brain and the spiral galaxy, thus transforming the galactic disc into the cosmic lens endowing it with the generative capacity that the brain of man possess. This, if valid, would mean that both galaxy and brain can serve as time-spanning (intelligent) guidance systems for their respective sensoria.”

His main interest was in the relationship between geomagnetic field forces and human evolution.

His Psi Bank describes a field of energy above the earth that influences human consciousness.

Modern-day cataclysmologists point to random acts such as asteroid strikes to explain punctuated evolution, and this does indeed seem to be the case in several scenarios. Reiser didn’t believe that the universe could evolve planetary systems and conscious beings through such random acts.

Concluding that evolution was primarily stimulated by periodic increases in cosmic rays, he searched for a cosmic source of enhanced mutational rays that was regular and periodic. His thought was that the geological scale of evolution should be related to a large astronomical cycle and the orbit of our solar system around the Galactic Center—roughly 300 million years – seemed to fit the bill. But he identified two problems in this supposition, one of which was that “there does not appear to be any reason why a period 300,000,000-year ‘day’ should make any difference in the sending and receiving of any extra heavy dose of cosmic rays.

This consideration then shifted his focus to looking at another mechanism that would lower the protective radiation belts around the earth and thereby allow a greater cascade of mutational rays to the surface. The ionosphere is an electromagnetically charged blanket that effectively shields the earth from the potentially deadly ocean of cosmic rays that surround it. If the earth’s magnetic field were temporarily nulled – perhaps during a magnetic pole flip – then for days or weeks a huge amount of mutational rays would reach the living beings on the earth’s surface. In This Holyest Erthe, Reiser notes that the earth’s field is currently decreasing in strength, and the next reversal could be upon us soon. But what might trigger such a magnetic-field reversal?

Reiser’s rebuttal to Uffen notes that his main point was ignored -- that changing field dynamics are linked to his theory of biological evolution. Writing in the mid-1960s he reiterates his primary “hunch” that “the coil of life (DNA) which supplies the architectural pattern for the fabrication of all organisms has something to do with the earth’s rotation and its magnetic polarities, and …cosmic ray showers might originate…in our own spiral galaxy.”

Over many decades Reiser tried to identify the basic mechanism that changed the earth’s magnetic orientation to the larger galactic plane of field forces to complete his cosmecology theory of biological evolution. Unfortunately, he seemed to be unaware of the concept of galactic alignment.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jul 31, 2011 4:11 pm

2012 Galactic Alignment - 21-12-2012 Solstice Sun ... - 2012 Rising ... 012-part-1
On December 21st 2012 the Long Count Calendar used by the ancient Meso-American peoples such as the Maya, Aztec, Toltec and Olmec will end one great cycle of 13 Baktun (5125.26 years). The creators of this system were able to calculate and track interesting cycles of nature such as eclipse cosmic alignment and conjunctions.

The length of sub-cycles matched natural cycles such as human gestation local snakes shedding their teeth as well as the number of human digits and major joints. They understood the orbits of the observable planets and knew the lengths of each ones journey around the sun. The minds behind this system gave birth to some 24 separate calendar systems capable of tracking both astronomical and non-astronomical cycles within nature.

The winter solstice of 2012 will occur at 11:11 GMT on of course 21-12-2012 the same day the Long Count flips over. On that morning the sun will appear to rise into the patch of sky we refer to as the galactic centre or nuclear bulge. It is the location of the super-massive black hole at the centre of rotation for the Milky Way galaxy.

In itself the appearance of the sun rising here is not a particularly unique event. The phenomena can be observed for winter solstice dates of numerous years either side of 2012. The only interesting new aspect of this year will be the sun appearing to just touch one part of the Dark Rift (Great Rift) that snakes its way along the Galactic Equator. This is an area of the night sky considered important to Maya cosmology most notably with respect to spiritual rebirth mythologies. It will however take some two decades or so to travel completely through this dark region of the sky.

Although commonly known as the ‘Galactic Alignment’ the correct term for the event should really be the ‘Galactic Conjunction’. Astronomical alignments refer to three celestial objects in shared orientation. Astronomical Conjunction is an alignment of two cosmic objects or bodies as seen from the Earth’s perspective.

For a simple example we can imagine three planets in alignment. The factuality of this event would not be affected by your location in the solar system. Whether you are stood on the Moon or on the Earth, the three planets would still be aligned. When an alignment, such as that of the Sun and the Dark Rift is only happening from the perspective of the Earth, then it is a Conjunction. This is clearly the case for 2012 calendar end-date.

It is true that this will be the first time in almost 26,000 years that the Sun will appear to connect with part of the Dark Rift. It is also fair to say that this lacks the excitement of some of the false theories regarding 2012 astronomy events. We can not say that the Sun will be perfectly aligned with the galactic centre or with the middle of the Dark rift. It is rather just somewhere between the two regions of the sky. Interesting yes, but not what I would exactly call dramatic or exciting to see.

Let us just quickly clear up some common errors.

The solar system does travel in a wave pattern as it circles the centre of the Milky Way during a 250,000,000 year period but will not cross the mid-plane or disc of our galaxy in 2012. We are currently around 30 million years above this plane and moving further away from it.

There is not an alignment of all or indeed even of several planets on 21-12-2012. Jupiter and Saturn will, however, be involved in an astrological formation known as a Yod (finger of God).

The Solar system will not be any closer to the Galactic core in 2012 than on any other year, or in any way in a position which might affect gravity levels between us and the Milky Way’s central black hole.

There is no evidence of us aligning with the infamous but wholly mythical photon belt with a location said to be marked by the star Alcyone. We are certainly not orbiting this star in the Pleiades system as some 2012 writers have additionally claimed.

There are two theories posited to explain this shift in the view of the stars on the horizon from the Earth. The most widely excepted theory is the Luni-Solar model, which holds the cause to be the Moon’s gravity pulling on the Earth and causing it to slowly wobble on its axis as it rotates. The second theory is the binary model, which explains precession as caused by our sun orbiting a binary twin not yet detected by telescopes. Most likely it would have to be either a Brown Dwarf Star or small black hole (both hard to detect).

It is sometimes noted in respect to 2012 information that many scientists’ state there was a very close conjunction of the sun and galactic equator on the winter solstice of 1998/99. Due to the width of the sun being half a degree in the sky the crossing of the entire solar disc through the equator will take 36 years in total. This gives us a period from 1980 to 2016 possibly of significance. The biggest problem with placing importance on this event is that we have no idea exactly where the Maya would have considered the plane of the Galaxy to be. The Maya data seems to suggest they were far more interested with the Great rift than the Galactic Plane anyway.

One theory that makes sense in light of the aural, written and carved history of the Maya is that they were interested in a period of time surrounding 21-12-2012 rather than just that single day. If we take a single degree of precession centered upon this date we then have a window of time running from 1976 through to 2048. An expert on Meso-American calendars that I consulted agreed with me that such a theory is not unreasonable to hypothesise based on his understanding of Maya cosmological thinking.

It is important to note that the year 2012 is not only the year the calendar system ends a major cycle but also a year including a rare Venus conjunction. The Maya and other ancient calendar scholars would certainly have considered conjunctions of the sun and Venus very special. Venus holds a uniquely important place in the planetary mythology of these peoples.

To calculate their occurrence into the future is extremely difficult. It seems these people managed to do just this; however, as it seems likely they deliberately targeted 2012 at least in part due to this other event. Interestingly this conjunction occurs on 6-6-2012 then just months later on 28-03-2013 the Maya Venus-Sun calendar will finish a 104-year round.

As for cosmic energy having physical effects on Earth in 2012, we can only say that the events described here do not lend themselves at all to any clear logical reason why 21-12-2012 would be unlike any other day. There are, however, other 2012 avenues to explore not related to the 21-12-2012 conjunction. ... 012-part-2

This commentary will focus on the least known – but most important – reason for the exaggerated fascination with the Winter Solstice of 2012 (WS2012). But first I want to correct two misconceptions.

Though there is still a smattering of scholarly disagreement over whether the end-date of the Mayan Long Count calendar (LCC) accurately converts to 2011 or 2012 - the majority of experts agree that it ends on or about WS2012. But - contrary to popular belief - the LCC doesn’t actually end – it simply starts over again from the beginning. In other words, once bak’tun is reached - the LCC begins anew at bak’tun – repeating once again the celestial-oriented 5125-year cycle.

The second misconception is that WS2012 signals the occurrence of a very unique (once every 26,000 years) galactic alignment. Not to put a damper on future celebrations but this particular galactic alignment occurred during the past 28 WSs and will also occur during the next eight.

According to the many experts in this area - the LCC highlights a rare astronomical alignment determined by precession. The alignment occurs when the Winter Solstice sun conjuncts the crossing point of Milky Way and ecliptic in Sagittarius.

As you can see from the above illustration, this alignment involving the Winter Solstice Sun and the center of our galaxy actually began on WS1980 and will continue each WS until 2016. Interestingly, WS2012 isn't even the center point of the 36-year period - but instead is close to its end.

Assuming once again that the majority of experts are accurate in proclaiming that bak’tun accurately converts to December 21, 2012 - why did the Maya select that date and ignore the beginning, center, and end of the alignment?

I believe it is because the Maya are not just drawing our attention to the galactic alignment – but are instead asking us to focus in on a specific cosmic event that will be occurring at the exact moment of WS2012.

How the Maya knew that several thousand years from then a civilization would be using a Gregorian calendar or that the 2012WS would be at exactly 11:11 is beyond my understanding – but evidently they did.

WS2012 has become part of our consensus reality – and for good reason. In my opinion WS2012 does not directly relate to the entire 36-year period of the 26,000-year galactic alignment but instead refers to a particular point in time and space when a very unusual event will occur. I refer to that point as the “cosmic coordinate.”

Irrespective of whether the Mayan calendar actually ends on WS2012, or whether the date heralds a shift in consciousness, or the end of the world, the incontrovertible fact is that WS2012 - like no other Winter Solstice in recorded history - occurs at exactly 11:11 UT.

There are a growing number of scientists who believe that our holographic reality is actually an intelligently created “simulation” – though I prefer the term: “Cosmic Computer Program (CCP).” I believe our CCP utilizes digital codes for various purposes – several of which I describe below.

WS2012 occurs on the 21st day of December at exactly 11:11 Universal Time. The digital equivalent is:
11112112012. Assuming time is an artificial construct in which numbers tell us where we are at any given moment within our program, then it is reasonable to assume that specific numerical combinations and sequences would form genetically encoded digital “time prompts” which assist us along life’s pre-programmed path.

11:11 is considered by many to be such a time prompt – due to the thousands of people experiencing what is referred to as the “11:11 Phenomenon.” 11:11 also symbolizes the various cycles that manifest and re-manifest physical reality as if following a cosmic blueprint. Most synchronistic is the fact that both 2012 and 11:11 are numerical metaphors for the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next. Could 21122012 be cosmic shareware with 11:11 the cosmic equivalent of “exe”?

11:11 also has another symbolic meaning - one involving a “cosmic portal.” I doubt that it is just an insignificant coincidence that during the aforementioned galactic alignment the Maya believed that a portal would materialize within the dark rift at the center of our galaxy.

Two other 11:11–2012 synchronicities involve the Sun’s magnetic field and the galactic center – areas that are also intimately connected to Mayan mythology, its calendar and the galactic alignment. The first involves our Sun. Not only is the Sun the winter solstice centerpiece of the galactic alignment, its magnetic field operates a cycle of polarity reversals averaging 11.11 years in length. The next peak of this cycle happens to be in the year 2012 and has been predicted by some astrophysicists to likely be a very active maximum notwithstanding the Sun’s present catatonic state. The second coincidence is just as revealing: The entire mass of the black hole at the center of our galaxy spins once every 11 minutes.

I don’t know whether gin is as enjoyable without tonic, or whether each Jonas brother could be successful alone, or whether we would have enjoyed James Kirk as much as we did without Spock to interact with – but I am certain that without 11:11 as its digital partner, WS2012 would just be another cold and uneventful day in December – at least in the Northern Hemisphere.

In conclusion I believe that at the cosmic coordinate 111121122012 a cosmic portal will materialize – if only briefly. This is what the Maya are still trying to tell us. To those of you who have actually experienced the 11:11 phenomenon, I believe that the digital codes are also saying something else: “Pay attention!” Our time is drawing close.
Points of interest per the above:
I believe it is because the Maya are not just drawing our attention to the galactic alignment – but are instead asking us to focus in on a specific cosmic event that will be occurring at the exact moment of WS2012

In my opinion WS2012 does not directly relate to the entire 36-year period of the 26,000-year galactic alignment but instead refers to a particular point in time and space when a very unusual event will occur. I refer to that point as the “cosmic coordinate.”
What could that unusual event be?
There are two theories posited to explain this shift in the view of the stars on the horizon from the Earth. The most widely excepted theory is the Luni-Solar model, which holds the cause to be the Moon’s gravity pulling on the Earth and causing it to slowly wobble on its axis as it rotates. The second theory is the binary model, which explains precession as caused by our sun orbiting a binary twin not yet detected by telescopes.
Does Nibiru mark the “crossing point” of the Sun’s binary twin?
It is my supposition that Nibiru is referred to as a "crossing point" because when the Sun passed apastron and began its opposite revolution, Sirius would cross the sky. Not only did this crossing of Sirius mark the turning point in the Sun's orbit, but also the turning point in the Yuga cycles. ... 420#p53817

Is the idea of a solar companion to our Sun unprecedented? Not at all, in fact there have been numerous scientific publications examining the evidence for a "dark star", literally speaking, to which our Sun could be gravitationally bound in a definite orbit. This alternate dark star is known as Nemesis, and its proposition comes primarily from observed perturbations of orbiting objects such as the planet-sized Kuiper belt object named Sedna.

Walter Cruttenden of the Binary Star research institute has propounded that a solar companion need not necessarily be of the "dark star" variety. Given the paucity of empirical observations and measurements of the movement of many of the bright stars within our own local galactic sector, it is with some justification that visible stars be examined to see if any may share a common focal point with our own Solar System.

Is there a candidate for binary revolution among the visible stars? Logically we could begin with the closest star to our own, which is Alpha Centauri. At a distance of 4.37 light years, it is the third brightest star and, as is common, it is itself a binary system.

Another star that shows evidence of being gravitationally bound within the system and is called Alpha Proxima. Alpha Proxima is 0.2 light years from Alpha Centauri AB, about 400 times the distance of Neptune's orbit from the Sun. This shows that a dual or poly star system does not have to necessarily be in close orbital interaction. However Alpha Centauri lies at a declination of -60°, which is well out of the plane of the Solar System, and as such, has a near circumpolar motion in the sky.

A more suitable candidate would be a star closer to the plane of the Solar System, or celestial equator. Sirius meets this criteria at a declination of -17°. It is also the brightest star in the night sky, three times brighter than Alpha Centauri and twice as bright as the next brightest star Canopus. Sirius is also the 5th closest system of stars to our own. More significant is the fact that The Sirius Research Group has been recording the position of Sirius for approximately 20 years now and has not recorded any measurable alteration in its location relative to the precession.

Sirius is a binary system. Sirius A is the highly visible star, but there is a companion known as Sirius B, first described in modern times by the Dogon tribe of Mali (Africa) and subsequently verified by the observational science of astronomers. The Dogon also described a third celestial body with characteristics of a neutron star (Sirius C?). While a neutron wouldn't be visible in the same manner as Sirius B, the combined gravitational attraction of a neutron star, a white giant star and a white dwarf would certainly provide the gravitational force needed to keep the Sun bound at a distance of 8.6 light years. In fact, the presence of a neutron star is by no means necessary for the gravitational interaction of the Sun with Sirius.

The term Nibiru is well known, and equally misunderstood. The Babylonians used it more as a descriptive term than a name representing a specific object. In Babylonian Astronomy it was used to describe a star -- not a planet -- as can be seen in the following examples from translations by Horowitz [14]: The Helical rising of Sirius as the Sun orbits it. Since the location of the solstices and the equinoxes are occurring at the same location within the Earth's orbit around the Sun, the helical rising is switched when the Sun reaches the opposite point in its orbit.

* He [Marduk in context] set fast the position of Nibiru to fix their [the stars] bounds."

*"...let Nibiru be the holder of the crossing place of the heaven and of the earth."

*...the red star which stands in the south after the gods of the night [the stars] have been finished, dividing the sky in half, this star is Nibiru, (i.e., Marduk)." (note it's a red star, and this is often how the Ancients described Sirius)

* "Nibiru is his [Marduk's in context] star, which he made appear in the heavens ... The stars of heaven, let him [Nibiru] set their course; let him shepherd all the gods like sheep."

What can be seen clearly here is that the term nibiru is being used to describe a star, that this star sets the course of the other stars, that is to say that it is the source of their precession, and that it is the crossing point.

It is my supposition that Nibiru is referred to as a "crossing point" because when the Sun passed apastron and began its opposite revolution, Sirius would cross the sky. Not only did this crossing of Sirius mark the turning point in the Sun's orbit, but also the turning point in the Yuga cycles.

The new Sun-Sirius system model satisfies the observational behavior of Sirius and the constellations of the zodiac as they regress throughout the great cycle of 26,000 years. There is no need to introduce a "wobble" in the Earth's axis, induced by the action of 9 other celestial bodies -- a theory which is just a relic from a time when the motion of the Solar System was not yet conceived.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:03 pm

The Sun’s binary twin? :o :shock: ;) :D Sirius, the Sun of the South? 8-)

Unbelievable Events in Antarctica ... ctica.html
We only believe what we see with our own eyes and then even then, if we do not want to see something, we will not see it even if it’s there. Lately I have been taking virtual journeys down to the Antarctic Circle to the Neumayer Station, which has a 24/7 video cam set up and it is really hard to believe one’s eyes at what has been seen all the way down there in the underbelly of the world. Anything approaching from underneath the orbital plane of the solar system can be seen from the South Pole.

Neumayer Station in the Antarctic was established on the Ekstrom Ice Shelf as a research observatory for geophysical, meteorological and atmospheric chemistry measurements, as well as a logistics base for summer expeditions. If you want to see what’s going on you can go there yourself. ( )

You just click on this link and you will go to the video cam. The German site that is responsible for the station changes the stream each day. The date is seen on the top of the video screen and you will see that the cam captures a frame every ten minutes.

Above is a shot from 10:40 this morning the 28th with the sun shining from way to the left illuminating the side of the station where the name is.

What I am requesting is for my readers to do this not only today but every day for a while. Together we can monitor events that are concentrated at the southern pole of our planet. Be prepared to see some strange things, unexplainable light sources and celestial bodies. Since viewing the below video things have calmed down but the one thing everyone will notice is that every day, after our sun has set, another light source comes over the horizon sometimes pulsating, other times not. Whatever it is we can see it is not a regular sun for it does not illuminate the landscape like our sun does. ... ata_player

About two weeks ago I saw this video presentation from the live web cam from the 14th of July that showed these three men in these interesting suits pointing up to the sky. That day’s video cam caught all sorts of things that are unbelievable and I have not seen anything as dramatic since I have been tuning into the cam feed. But still there is an unexplainable light source that keeps popping up behind the station that shines through below the station that is supported on hydraulic support lifts.

Below is a typical series of photos from the web cam. It is 4:10 in the afternoon and the sun has already set. We never do see the sun from this angle but you can see the effects of our sun starting at around 8:15 each day. The last few days it has been very stormy so the sun brings only a little illumination. At the Antarctic Circle, where the station is, there is only one day when there is no sun and one day when the sun does not set.

The sun sets around 4 p.m. so any light coming from the horizon or in this case under the station would not be the sun. Look at the time stamps on each frame on the top right of the images. The camera takes frames 10 minutes apart.

In the video from July 14th the images and this light source are much clearer. As you can see I am using live shots from the 25th, which was a stormy day.

Day after day lately we see pretty much the same thing. The video from the 14th was so mind-blowing that I had to see for myself. After a week of monitoring I have to say that the video from the 14th seems real enough though it’s impossible to ascertain if the Germans have been manipulating or changing the video in any way. Sometimes we see the image of the station shifting to the right and then back into normal position. But what does not lie is the way the landscape receives the light from the different sources. Thank God the sun seems normal enough in this regard.

That video gets into explanations or what some people might call speculation. It is all too easy to dismiss what our eyes see as a problem with the camera or lens glare and that is why I now make going to this station a regular part of my routine.

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by GaryN » Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:19 am

Unbelievable Events in Antarctica
I think those 3 very wise men wearing Faraday suits might offer a clue to
what is going on. I'm going to check that camera whenever there is some
increased solar activity or storms. Neat. :D
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller


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