Are the planets growing?

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Are the planets growing?

Unread post by Aardwolf » Sat May 29, 2010 11:51 am

Lloyd wrote:* Allyn, the illustration of the Earth's cross section you posted is basically speculation below the Moho layer. Thornhill's speculation on the Earth's contents is likely to be closer to accurate than Wikipedia's.
* Aardwolf said re Shock Dynamics explaining Earth's crust:
What about the gravity/megafauna problem?
* My version of Shock Dynamics includes the EU model, so, since the EU model explains the apparent former lower gravity as an effect of different electrical forces during the Saturn age causing weaker gravity, Shock Dynamics satisfies that condition and may even help explain extinctions, since some of the shocks may have knocked over most of the large fauna and killed many.
OK, so the extinction isnt relying on shock dynamics, it's just conincidental. Under the EU model the change/increase in gravity alone could be explained just by the changing electrical forces.

I still prefer EE as its a single theory that explains everything.

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Re: Are the planets growing?

Unread post by MosaicDave » Sat May 29, 2010 6:09 pm

Lloyd wrote:The Moho is plasma, which is similar to liquid, being bouyant and flowing.
Well, so I had to go read about the Moho / Mohorovičić discontinuity here, not having heard of it before. Always there's more and more, to learn about...

But Lloyd, what is there to suggest, that the Moho is [plasma / buoyant / flowing]?


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Re: Are the planets growing?

Unread post by allynh » Sun May 30, 2010 9:29 am

Well, now it's official. The thread has been moved to New Insights and Mad Ideas. Too bad, so sad.

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Re: Are the planets growing?

Unread post by Lloyd » Sun May 30, 2010 2:58 pm

But Lloyd, what is there to suggest, that the Moho is [plasma / buoyant / flowing]?
* If it's plasma, it's charged and it's naturally repulsive to anything of the same charge. It's like a lot of spherical magnets that have north pole on the inside and south pole on the outside, or vise versa. If the spheres are in a pile or layer on a planet, they will repel each other as gravity tries to pull them together. It's like maglev. So, anything that's plasma is naturally buoyant to things of similar charge, and thus it will naturally flow somewhat, if anything it touches is in motion or exerts force. Below is one of Peter James's quotes and after that a theory by another person to whom English appears to be a second language.
Figure 7. Diagram to show a real perspective of the crust, the oceans, and the atmosphere. It has been drawn to a natural scale. Note that the crust of the Earth, the atmosphere and the oceans are all very thin indeed in relation to the overall size of the Earth. Relative to radius, the crust of the Earth on the continents is only one third of the relative thickness of the shell of an ordinary hen’s egg. The crust of the Earth over the floor of the oceans is very thin indeed, and is only one fifteenth the relative thickness of an egg shell. Similarly, the ionosphere, a layer of diffuse plasma above the atmosphere is also relatively thin in relation to the radius of the Earth. The Moho is a very thin layer of plasma forming an interface between the molten rock of the mantle and the crystalline rocks of the continental crust and the ocean floor. In geometric terms the Moho is exceptionally smooth. It shows no resistance at all to seismic shear waves; it behaves as a gas. The ionised gas in both the ionosphere and the Moho must be profoundly influenced by the electromagnetic radiation of the Sun.

The electromagnetic influence of the Sun on the Earth is more understandable in the context of the actual geometry of the Earth. The ionosphere, well above the atmosphere, can be regarded as an electrically charged layer of plasma covering the Earth. It is part of the shield that protects the Earth from the direct and powerful electromagnetic radiation of the Sun. Similarly, the Moho, the smooth interface between the molten interior of the Earth and the rocks of the continents and oceans, is also a layer of plasma.
These two layers of plasma, the ionosphere and the Moho, can be regarded as similar to the electrically charged plates of a giant capacitor, dominating electromagnetic behaviour of the atmosphere and the crust of the Earth. Lightning and thunderstorms can be understood as internal discharges within this giant capacitor. The geothermal heat flow from the interior of the Earth rising into the rocks of the continents, and into the rocks of the ocean floor, may be due to induction heating caused by electromagnetic flows within the Moho and the mantle. The Earth as we know it, from the deepest rocks to the top of the atmosphere, is contained and shielded within the electromagnetic field of these two features. Thus it is reasonable to postulate that the variable electromagnetic energy flows from the Sun have a powerful influence on the geotectonic, geothermal and geomagnetic behaviour of the Earth, and thereby, influencing climate. ... 4SxZO4Xv4A
It has been known that the earth has layers, such as inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust. Let us
suppose that electrical ionization is possible in liquid state regions, outer core and some region in
lower mantle. Then, positive ions should have a distribution from outer core to lower mantle since
the positive ions are attractive to the center of the earth. However, negative ions (mainly electrons)
moved outward; became to form a narrow distribution, for example, in Moho (Mohorovicic
Discontinuity) layer between upper mantle and the crust even though how the electrons could move
through the solidified and nonconductive materials might be answered in the history of the earth.
Like branches of a tree, many conductive passages can be formed from the negative charge
distribution to near the earth’s surface and also to the core region. Hence, this induced negative
charge distribution can be interpreted as one of the sources for telluric currents.
* Here are relevant TB discussions. ... 30e0a876cf
* This site seems kind of interesting after just skimming it a little. It seems to connect telluric currents to the Moho layer and discusses electric fields etc. ... SCIENCECOM
Last edited by Lloyd on Sun May 30, 2010 3:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Are the planets growing?

Unread post by Anaconda » Sun May 30, 2010 3:19 pm

allynh wrote:Well, now it's official. The thread has been moved to New Insights and Mad Ideas. Too bad, so sad.
I'm happy that the thread still appears in the Electric Universe - Planetary Science section, but I'm concerned the thread has also been placed in the New Insights and Mad Ideas section. allynh's comment raises unanswered questions.

Now, I don't mind the "New Insights" characterization, but moving the thread to a new section after over a year and a half of being in only the Electric Universe - Planetary Science section deserves explanation from the moderators or administrator, or whoever made the decision.

Let me state in advance my appreciation & thanks, and I look forward to reviewing such an explanation.

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Re: Are the planets growing?

Unread post by Anaconda » Thu Jun 03, 2010 11:09 am

The scientific evidence is that the MoHo is not a level, frictionless "sheet" or layer, but rather an uneven discontinuity where two seperate geologic regimes come into contact. Evidence exists that the continents have "roots" deep below the surface, some possibly as deep as 600 miles, if true, there is simply is no way continents "slip" over a thin layer of plasma. Likely, plasma in the MoHo takes mostly a solid form with multiple large pockets of magma, certainly electromagnetic activity is significant, but with the MoHo being uneven in distribution as well as depth, the presence of plasma and electromagnetic activity is no indication that continents "slip" sideways across the MoHo in either a catastrophic or uniformitarianism manner.

In regards to the the evidence of less gravity in past geologic history, while Wallace Thornhill is an excellent Electric Universe theorist with significant successful predictions (especially on the electrical nature of comets), his foray into rethinking gravity as due to specific electrical regimes, is speculative, the best scientific evidence currently available still ties gravity to matter. Also, Thornhill offers no alternative specific electrical regime to account for less gravity in the Earth's geologic past (suggesting gravity and electricity are related or dependent on each other is a far cry from detailing a specific electrical regime to account for the evidence that EARTH's gravity was significantly less in the past).

Occam's Razor suggests the simplest explanation is usually the best.

The Earth having less matter in the geologic past is the simplest explanation for the copious evidence of less gravity as expressed by the dinosaurs, both huge land dwellers and large flying dinosaurs, plus various oversized insects and other animals.

Consider the shape of the Earth's magnetic field, the magnetosphere:

Doesn't Earth's magnetic field look like the following image?


Noting the magnetic field emanating from the Earth's North and South pole, the image does reflect a similarity to the Earth's magnetic field.

But what is the image above?

Actually, it's an image of the electromagnetic field of a dense plasma focus.

Consider that the Earth also has a torus, the Van Allen belts, just like the Sun, and stars which are in the process of formation.

Where does that leave us in describing the Earth in the broadest electromagnetic terms?

I suggest the Earth is a plasmoid:
A plasmoid is a coherent structure of plasma and magnetic fields...Plasmoids produced in the laboratory include...the dense plasma focus.
The word plasmoid was coined in 1956 by Winston H. Bostick (1916-1991) to mean a "plasma-magnetic entity":

The plasma is emitted not as an amorphous blob, but in the form of a torus. We shall take the liberty of calling this toroidal structure a plasmoid, a word which means plasma-magnetic entity. The word plasmoid will be employed as a generic term for all plasma-magnetic entities.

A plasmoid? Complicated, yes, but still a plasmoid. Obviously, the Earth is not pure plasma, yet, it still has all the characteristics of a plasmoid: "A plasma-magnetic entity". Nothing in the definition limits a plasmoid to being an object of pure plasma.

A star is a plasmoid. A star in the process of formation is a plasmoid.

And how do plasmoids form?

Generally, plasmoids grow as the Z-Pinch redirects electrical currents into a dynamic process where matter is gathered as a result of Marklund convection:
Marklund convection (after Göran Marklund) is a natural plasma convection process that takes place in filamentary currents, that may cause chemical separation. It may occur within a plasma with an associated electric field, that causes convection of ions and electrons inward towards a central twisting filamentary axis. A temperature gradient within the plasma will also cause chemical separation based on different ionization potentials.
The mechanism provides an efficient means to accumulate matter within a plasma. In a partially ionized plasma, electromagnetic forces act on the non-ionized material indirectly through the viscosity between the ionized and non-ionized material.

The process of Marklund convection in a plasma Z-Pinch is a natural dense plasma focus:
The electromagnetic compression of a plasma is called a "pinch".

A reader might say, "Okay, but where does the electromagnetic energy come from?"


From: "Spiral Dance in a Planetary Nursery" courtesy of Sabaru Telescope They call it a "protoplanetary disc" as the star AB Aurigae seems to display the outline of it's own "ballerina skirt" also known as the heliospheric current sheet. The orders of magnitude scale indepedence of electromagnetic plasma dynamics allow a detailed understanding of the structures of the Universe.

The spiral current sheet is visible in the above images. In essence, the spiral current sheet at strengths comparable to the above images are powerful Birkeland currents, where an instability causes a "kink" that acts as a seed for planetary development. The "seed" then grows as electromagnetic energy and plasma flow into the High Current Z-Pinch and Marklund convection concentrates matter & energy.

In the case of planet formation & growth the Birkeland currents emanates from a star.

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Re: Are the planets growing?

Unread post by Florian » Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:46 pm

Great post anaconda!

Now the missing part: according to the theory of Lochak and the experiments of Urutskoiev, electric discharges in a confined environment can lead to the formation of magnetic monopoles that catalyze nuclear fusion. It might happen inside earth. Then we get the whole picture. But how to test it as a whole?
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Re: Are the planets growing?

Unread post by allynh » Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:55 pm

Adding to what Anaconda mentioned. Remember, a plasma is electrically charged material. The video by Freund makes it clear that the rock making up the crust/mantle is generating electricity.

Earth's Many Voices: a Unified Theory for Pre-Earthquake Signals

We are not standing on a stable, nonconductive, ball of rock. The crust/mantle is blazing with electricity, so add that to the GET model.

The Model so far:

- Thick crust/mantle.

- That crust/mantle generating electricity from pressure and tidal stress.

- Growth from the inside the crust/mantle.

- Growth powered by electricity transmuting matter.

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Re: Are the planets growing?

Unread post by webolife » Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:55 pm

Help me make sense of your model summary, Allynh:
1. No significant difference between crust and mantle functioning?
2. [How] does the Moho boundary fit into this? Does the characterization of the Moho being a plasma layer fit this?
3. How does electricity transmuting matter lead to any kind of growth?
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Re: Are the planets growing?

Unread post by remelic » Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:43 pm

webolife wrote:Help me make sense of your model summary, Allynh:
1. No significant difference between crust and mantle functioning?
2. [How] does the Moho boundary fit into this? Does the characterization of the Moho being a plasma layer fit this?
3. How does electricity transmuting matter lead to any kind of growth?
What about thermal expansion? and a hollow center or "liquid" plasma center?
There is nothing saying the Earth has to gain mass in order to increase in Gravity. Newton explained that Gravity works just like static charge on a conductor where gravity reaches a boundary and does not continue into the Earth. There is eventually an opposite force of Gravity pushing outward against this barrier from the inside. When the surface area grows so does the Gravity. If the Gravity does not grow then there would still be Gravity but not so strong at the new surface. Thermal expansion would still occur today because there is nothing to cool down the inside so it will stay hot for a very long time.

The electrical transmutation already occurred a long time ago and the Earth has reacted by thermal expansion from the inside out. The early Earth was completely solid before being struck with a massive, extremely powerful, bolt of lightning. Many magnitudes larger then normal planetary strikes. A bolt that was strong enough to strike the Earth and create all the mountains in an instant, all the elements found in our mountains, our magnetic field, our atmosphere, and life as we know it. Even fresh water lakes...

maybe I'm wrong. ;)

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Re: Are the planets growing?

Unread post by webolife » Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:59 pm

Whether you are wrong or not, Remelic, those are some mighty fantastic claims.
Seafloor spreading [and mountain building] continues to be measurable though slight... what is your EE cause for this?
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Re: Are the planets growing?

Unread post by remelic » Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:13 pm

Ok give me a moment to compile my info for you and I have to go get my son... be back in a while.

Thank you. :)
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Re: Are the planets growing?

Unread post by Lloyd » Fri Jun 04, 2010 6:21 pm

* I believe EE was invented to explain sea floor spreading or continental drift. Since Shock Dynamics explains that much better than does EE, we can dispense with EE and not have to bother trying to explain how matter would be created from nothing, not just inside the Earth, but inside every planet and probably every star and maybe every moon, asteroid, comet and meteor.
* The continents are apparently measured to be moving slightly, probably movements left over from the original "shock" a few millennia ago, but I don't think there's any measurement of expansion.
* It's nice to see electrical forces theorized to be involved in EE, but I don't think electrical forces have been found to create matter from nothing, whereas all Shock Dynamics effects are known to be real, including the electrical discharge that split up the original supercontinent and caused the continents and islands to slide, leaving behind the markings on the ocean floors.

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Re: Are the planets growing?

Unread post by Anaconda » Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:01 am


Expanding Earth theory wasn't "invented", rather it's an explanation, or conclusion if you like, of the physical facts & evidence of Earth's geology, and the facts & evidence consist of much more than just "sea floor spreading or continental drift" (there are numerous websites that go into great detail of what those facts & evidence are).
Lloyd wrote:Since Shock Dynamics explains that much better than does EE, we can dispense with EE and not have to bother trying to explain how matter would be created from nothing, not just inside the Earth, but inside every planet and probably every star and maybe every moon, asteroid, comet and meteor.
"Shock Dynamics" doesn't rely on an accurate representation of the internal dynamics of the Earth, as I pointed out in a previous comment:
Anaconda wrote:The scientific evidence is that the MoHo is not a level, frictionless "sheet" or layer, but rather an uneven discontinuity where two seperate geologic regimes come into contact. Evidence exists that the continents have "roots" deep below the surface, some possibly as deep as 600 miles, if true, there is simply no way continents "slip" over a thin layer of plasma. Likely, plasma in the MoHo takes mostly a solid form with multiple large pockets of magma, certainly electromagnetic activity is significant, but with the MoHo being uneven in distribution as well as depth, the presence of plasma and electromagnetic activity is no indication that continents "slip" sideways across the MoHo in either a catastrophic or uniformitarianism manner.
So-called "Shock Dynamics" just isn't a realist model (a schematic with an electric fan isn't convincing).

Lloyd, you have to come to grips with the physical evidence available and it's clear you won't or can't or you would have specifically responded to the above comment.

Lloyd, I went to the website you linked and in the title of the website in bold letters it states Shock Dynamics is a "creation theory". The theory was obviously put together to rationalize the belief in a young Earth in accordance with some people's interpretation of the Scriptures. Science can't be shaped around Scripture. Science can't invalidate faith or prove faith, one way or the other. The obligation of a scientist or scientific observer is to follow the evidence wherever it leads, and not to allow religion or pre-existing belief systems of any kind to dictate what one can or can not conclude from the facts & evidence one is presented with -- that's a pathway leading to scientific dead ends and ultimately willful ignorance.

It also pays to read the comments, or at least refrain from making strawman arguments. No one is stating that "matter would be created from nothing". It's true that some researchers, Carey is an example, were content to focus on the facts & evidence derived from Earth's geology and conclude the Earth is expanding, while leaving the ultimate "mechanism" unexplained, but, now, scientists and researchers (with the overwhelming evidence of Earth's expansion well detailed) are seeking the mechanism that explains the addition of matter to the Earth.

Please review my comments where I do explain a mechanism, which provides additional matter to the Earth, the High Current Z-Pinch, which brings additional matter into the Earth in the form of protons & electrons as described & explained by Dr. Anthony Peratt. I might add that the existence of this High Current Z-Pinch, resulting from Birkeland currents emitted by the Sun is supported by astronomical observation & measurement as the image labelled "protoplanetary disc" of the star AB Aurigae shows:


It must also be stated that while apparently Expanding Earth theory contradicts ideas, namely, the Saturn theory, firmly held by leaders of Electric Universe who control this website, those same leaders are on record as supporting Dr. Peratt's theory of the High Current Z-Pinch produced by Birkeland currents emitted by the Sun.

Actually, no, at least in my hypothesis, anyway, there does not need to be a claim that expansion or growth happens "not just inside the Earth, but inside every planet and probably every star and maybe every moon, asteroid, comet and meteor." The growth depends on the addition of matter & energy, plasma, electrons & protons, via Birkeland currents and z-pinches (the "pinch" draws the matter & energy into the interior of the astronomical body), so, astronomical bodies that don't receive significant amounts of plasma via Birkeland currents & z-pinches wouldn't be expected to expand or grow.

Lloyd, do you subscribe to the existence of Birkeland currents & High Current Z-Pinches which produced the "Axis Mondi" in Earth's antiquity?

Because if you do, then you subscribe to the mechanism of Earth's expansion or growth.
Lloyd wrote:The continents are apparently measured to be moving slightly, probably movements left over from the original "shock" a few millennia ago, but I don't think there's any measurement of expansion.
So, Lloyd, you hold this shock dynamic happened "a few millennia ago", several thousand years ago.

But the disruption such a cataclysmic event would cause, would have to cause, in the time you speak of, around 24 hours or so, would completely destroy all civilization and evidence of civilization. Such would be the earthquakes and such that no stone would be left standing on top of another.

There has only been one scientific measurement of the Earth's diameter, a couple of decades ago, and it hasn't been repeated, even though such a new measurement has been requested numerous times by various Expanding Earth researchers. But what has been observed & measured in numerous locations around the world is an rise or increase in elevation. Yes, in numerous locations, interestingly enough, particularly after earthquakes, a rise in elevation has been observed, measured, and recorded. It's a reasonable conclusion with all these local rises in elevation that an overall expansion of the Earth is happening (likely, the 2004 Boxing day earthquake & tidal wave off Indonesia was the result of a violent and dramatic "lifting" of the ocean bottom, or rise in elevation of the sea bottom).
Lloyd wrote:It's nice to see electrical forces theorized to be involved in EE, but I don't think electrical forces have been found to create matter from nothing, whereas all Shock Dynamics effects are known to be real, including the electrical discharge that split up the original supercontinent and caused the continents and islands to slide, leaving behind the markings on the ocean floors.
Again, review my comments, I'm not proposing that electrical forces "create matter from nothing", rather, the electrical forces direct matter & energy into the Earth via Birkeland currents & z-pinches, specifically by a scientifically verified process known as Marklund convection:
Marklund convection (after Göran Marklund) is a natural plasma convection process that takes place in filamentary currents, that may cause chemical separation. It may occur within a plasma with an associated electric field, that causes convection of ions and electrons inward towards a central twisting filamentary axis. A temperature gradient within the plasma will also cause chemical separation based on different ionization potentials.
The mechanism provides an efficient means to accumulate matter within a plasma. In a partially ionized plasma, electromagnetic forces act on the non-ionized material indirectly through the viscosity between the ionized and non-ionized material.
Please review supporting link;

I reviewed the Thunderbolts Forum thread where "Shock Dynamics" was presented & discussed at some length. Nowhere did the thread demonstrate that "whereas all Shock Dynamics effects are known to be real".

Lloyd, you need to "grasp the nettle" of the facts & evidence available, rather than hunt out theories which were specifically developed to cater to and justify your particular mind set. That approch does not produce compelling arguments. Rather, it makes the ideas look weak and poorly conceived.

Ignoring facts & evidence does not produce quality ideas which conform to the physical relationships actually observed & measured.

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Re: Are the planets growing?

Unread post by remelic » Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:54 am

webolife wrote:Whether you are wrong or not, Remelic, those are some mighty fantastic claims.
Seafloor spreading [and mountain building] continues to be measurable though slight... what is your EE cause for this?
I'm not 99% sure of the events that took place before my starting point so I can only speculate on those events. However, all events that follow are evident everywhere on Earth and I will try to stay as close to scientific as possible. Sorry for any assumptions I may make but they are necessary.

I'm not sure about Saturian cosmology so I'm going to place the Earth around the Sun as we know it. I'm going to assume the Earth was orbiting at some given radius probably somewhere farther from the Sun then it is today. Earth had no real “charge” or magnetic-field (for reasons I will explain in a moment) like it does now, so this would perhaps place it farther away from the source, but it is unimportant for this moment.

According to ancient Greek mythology, in the beginning of creation there was the Sun, another very large luminous planet and the Earth (Gia). This is mirrored in the Bible and many Native creation stories, etc. So let us assume that this was the truth and setup our solar system with these three bodies. The Sun and Earth with this greater planet called Uranus. Uranus was probably very different then we know it today but none the less it is a perfect setup for this situation.


Given what we know about the ocean floor spreading patterns, the Earth was smaller in the past then it is now. Given our Earths current average diameter of 12,742 km, when you subdue all the ocean floor back into the Earth we get an average diameter of 6386 km give or take 100 km. Since I claimed that Earth had no mountains before the lightning-bolt, the surface was very close to being evenly smooth or void and without form. This smaller ball was probably composed of layers. The core being made up of solid Iron or Silicon based alloy or even a combination of the two. I chose these two because of the great abundance of these elements in the Universe however Carbon and Magnesium may also have been present in the primordial core. I will explain why I assume Iron was mostly present later.

Now I will try to demonstrate the layers of the Earth before the lightning discharge event.

Our current crust layer crust layer:

0 – 35km thick ring of material in a 2-D circle with a total radius of the Earth's (6371 km) would have an area of,

area1 – area2 = area3,

In this example we have an estimated crust area of 1,396,499.3 km^2,

r1=6371 km
r2=6336 km
area1=127,451,472.74 km^2,
area2=126,054,973.44 km^2,
area1 – area2 = 1,396,499.3 km^2.

When we return to our starting size, this crust would be somewhere near 70.42 km in thickness on average,

Maximum radius = 3193 km
Given area of our crust material = 1,396,499.3 km^2

r1=3193 km,
area1 = (pi)r1^2,
area1 = 32,013,081.86 km^2,
area2 = 1,396,499.3 km^2,
area1 – area2 = area3 = 30,616,582.56 km^2,
r2 = sqrt(pi / area3) = 3122.58 km,
r3 = r1 – r2 = 70.42 km.

Then another layer of material follows being the mantle, having an estimated thickness of 1922.58 km and contained mostly Silicon or Magnesium but I'm not sure to be honest so its anyone's best guess based on the basic elements that make up the Earth that occur naturally in nature.

The thickness of the mantle material is based on our guess that the current core is 1200 km thick. The past core may have been larger but that is also an assumption and the difference wouldn't be that great maybe 5%.

Now on top of all that was our ocean water. It completely covered the surface of the Earth with an average depth of 7.6 km. By doing the same kind of math as above we arrive at this value for the average depth of the water over the surface, given our current average depth of 3.79 km. This water may or may not have been saline, but I don't feel it was that is important at the time. This thick layer of ocean would have probably prevented any charge from accumulating on the inside or in the core so there probably wasn't a strong magnetic field like today. There probably was no atmosphere except hydrogen or helium and probably no ionosphere like there is today. All of these may have been present but they would have been very weak. The surface of this ocean may have been frozen.

So for a quick review of the layers: Iron core (1200 km thick), Mantle material (1922.58 km thick), Mud layer (70.42 km thick), and finally our ocean (7.6 km thick).

So now we have the solar system setup and our pre-Earth model. All we need now is a large enough discharge to do what I claim. The initiator of such an event would be the great-planet Uranus and the Sun. Uranus and the Sun would act like a giant capacitor and eventually discharge. Earth may or may not fave been the cause of the breakdown but none the less, it was involved. A huge plasma discharge surged through the Earth with a magnitude of millions of times greater then our common lightning-bolt. This bolt possibly possessed billions of degrees K which is more then enough energy for transmutation.


The surge entered above India and then split into three directions. One tendril traveled west through Europe and created the mountains and the Sea formations there, before cutting around Africa and making its way down to the south tip. A second tendril went north-east through China and along the south-east of Russia before crossing over to Alaska. From there it made its way down through the Rockies of Canada and the USA. This is where it met the third tendril in two fork-like formations.

The third tendril traveled down through Thailand and Malaysia, creating Indonesia. It traveled down and around Australia and into Antarctica before climbing up the east side of South-America, then through Mexico and finally meeting the second tendril in the USA in a fork-like manner. This would cause a blow-out or exit point for the plasma. This is why the mountains are nearly vertical here. This is also why Everest is the tallest mountain on Earth. There was such a surge of energy exiting the Earth in the USA that all this high energy would leave behind a huge variety of minerals in vein like structures. This is also why we find the largest super-volcanoes in this area, because of electrical blow-out.


Forgive the black areas on the pictures, all this land should be seamless together but I could not get a better picture.

The plasma would have penetrated through the ocean and into the core where it would have saturated the mantle material with fractal electrical discharges radiating outward from the core. The core would have been activated with the return strokes, creating an AC effect, giving rise to the magnetic field. This would magnetize almost everything to some degree giving everything a charge.

A large amount of the ocean would have been evaporated, creating our atmosphere of various Ozone and Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen; everything from Oxygen to Helium through electrical transmutation.

The inside of Earth would have been super heated and charged into all kinds of elements instantly. Billions of degrees is enough energy to fuse anything together. Materials electrically transmute with the same principles as arc-welding. Lightning fuses elements together. That is why you see light in the first place. Lightning is the greatest fusion reactor in nature. Scientists should be taking notes. All lava has Uranium 238 in it. This couldn't be possible without electrical transmutation. Or you could believe that some distant super-nova put it here. All this energy would has caused the Earth to expand very rapidly as apposed to slowly. The size of Earth would have expanded rapidly before the discharge stopped and then it's expansion would have slowed as it cooled.

The ridge system is a continuous system of ridges found under the ocean that circumnavigate the globe. To say that the Atlantic ridge is independent would be naïve. This ridge system is the remnant path of the initial discharge that cut the Earth into seven continents. The heat from the inside wants to escape and pushes up the super heated material (magma) through these cracks and causes the expansion of the Earth in all directions.

The mountains and ridges are the most visible alterations but there are others. These so-called ancient river beds found under the Sahara desert and the plains of Alberta and the eastern United States. As a matter of fact, all river beds and systems were initially created in this discharge when hundreds of smaller tendrils spread themselves across the surface of the continents. And moved in a snake like fashion carving hundreds upon hundreds of various ancient looking river bed paths. Then modern rivers flow along the most efficient path. Even all the lakes where glaciers apparently deposited across Canada were created by a long tendril dipping in and out of the Earth. The paths of glaciers were already carved out in the mountains by thick lightning tendrils that melted the valley into place where ice later filled. Now science believes that the glaciers are responsible for this formation. Fresh water may also be created by lightning striking rock. It seems that all the fresh water lakes are exactly along major discharge paths. There are even storied in the bible that say water came from inside the stone. This may be laughable to think about but it may be true. What an amazing source of pure water if this is true.

I have calculated the expansion rate of the Earth to be 68 mm a year with an error of 2 mm. Amazingly Everest is growing at a rate of 6.1 cm a year. This is close to my estimates.


Well, I could write about this all night but I have to stop somewhere. So tell me what you think about that? Also I would like to point out that this rate of expansion is only occurring on Earth and not on all planets as some may believe. Earth continues to grow today that is why Everest is growing. Eventually the Earth will pop like a balloon or a soap bubble when the mantle material is all used up, or the interior cools but having the presence of Uranium 238 in that material, the interior of the Earth will remain hot for a very long time.

Oh yes, life... all the material is present to create life and experiments in the lab have shown that with these materials and a spark RNA and amino acids can be produced. Also, I would like to point out that evolution occurs whenever a large discharge occurs on Earth. This global energy distribution changes all DNA/RNA patterns and we would see complete changes in species almost over night (geologically speaking).

It doesn't matter if the model of our solar system is incorrect to begin with. The important part of this hypothese is that a large discharge was responsible for all major land formations on Earth including rivers, lakes, mountains, ocean ridges, volcanoes, mineral veins, contental "roots", and even some meteor impact sites. This event could also be responsible for the magnetic field, atmosphere, rotation, expanssion, and the seeds for life. Why do all plants grow with lightning bolt patterns? in both negative and positive patterns? You wont find a plant in nature that doesn't exibit these structures. Plants are basically representations of red-sprites growing in extreme slow motion. Mammals are a different story... One im still trying to work out but it's really late for me.

Good night!

Secrets of Edward Leedskalnin
“Like a flash of lightning and in an instant the truth was revealed.” - Nikola Tesla
Electricity = Magnetism x Speed of Light Squared... Thats what he really meant.


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