On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jun 05, 2010 6:56 pm

However, other “sources’ claim that “Nordic-type Aryans” originally came from the Lyrae star system. This is one of the more "plausible" versions.

The brightest star in Lyra is the brightest star in the northern summer sky (forming the northwestern apex of the Summer Triangle), and the fifth brightest star in the whole sky. At one time, Vega was the pole star and will be so again in about 11,500 years. In about 14,000 AD, Vega will take over from Polaris as the North Star, owing to the precession of the equinoxes.

Lyrae was invaded by the saurian type aliens, and the Nordics escaped to Orion, Tau Ceti, the Pleiades, Procyon, Antaries, Alpha Centauri, Barnard Star, Arcturus, Hyades, and Vega as well as dozens of other solar systems. In this solar system, the refugees colonized the planet now called Mars. At that time, it was the third planet in the solar system. A world called Maldek was the fourth planet in this solar system, and was also colonized.

There is a race of beings on Sirius A, the humans there, are called the Katayy. They are considered benevolent. There is also animal, mammal and aquatic life on the planet. Their governments are based on "spiritual technology", which uses sound and color.

It is at this point in history that the Draconians began to look at humans as a food source. This is how old the struggle is between the reptilian and human races. Now, I must make the point that not all the reptilian or human races are “dark”. There is a mix.

The Lyraens, according to Stewart Swerdlow are all blonde-haired, blue-eyed people, with an occasional red-haired or green-eyed person. In Lyraen society, red-haired people were considered very special with extrasensory powers that connected them to non-physical realms. They were much coveted by the Reptilians, who did not have much psychic ability.

For the Reptilians to function in physical reality, they needed physical genetics. The transparent people took genetics from the now physical Lyraens, who had blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes. These genetics were mixed with the transparent people’s collective energy, thus manifesting physically as the Reptilians. This is why the current Reptilians need the energetics from Aryan-type people to survive on the physical plane.

Once the Reptilians were created in the astral, they needed a physical home base from which to accomplish their task.

Nordic humans from Lyrae: The ancestors of humanity were Nordic in appearance, and those of red, brown and yellow skin evolved these distinctions as a result of environmental differences experienced by each respective colony. The black race is indigenous to Earth, and developed to Homo sapiens through the periodical insertion of DNA into their biological systems by other humanoid races (of Lyraen descent).

Humanity is now an intergalactic species and its seed is spread via the system of wormhole transit routes which permeate the cosmos. One major wormhole portal exists in the constellation of Lyrae. Most humanoids inhabiting our corner of the galaxy are descendants of the seven-feet-tall Nordics which came through this portal many millions of years ago. (Earth humans have become shorter as a result of a dramatic increase in the planet's level of gravity, since the end of Atlantis.)

This group primarily colonized the stars of the Lyrae system, and later the Pleiades. A party from the Vega colony shortly settled in the Sirius system. These Sirian humans are usually dark-haired, with white skins because they left Vega at a time before the Vegans evolved into a dark- skinned race. The latter, including an outpost in the Pleiades, were responsible for a colony in the northern section of Atlantis. The descendants of this settlement are now known as the Native Americans.

A theory proposed by Bible scholar I.D.E. Thomas asserts that the race of the "Nephilim" (meaning Giants and/or fallen ones), mentioned in Genesis 6:4 and Numbers 13:33, closely resemble the alien race of the blond Pleiadian Nordics, reported to be eight to nine feet tall. The Nazis attempted to revive this mystical Aryan race in the 1930's and 1940's. Mr. Thomas believes that a hybrid offspring culminated from relations between the Nephilim and the "daughters of man" resulting in increased wickedness upon the earth; and thus evoking God's wrath in the form of the "Great Flood".

"Our Moon, according to the Andromedans, is an artificial moon. According to the Andromedans, our Moon originally came from a star system in Ursa Minor, called Chauta. It was one of four moons in a solar system that had 21 planets. Our Moon was brought from an orbit around the 17th planet. It was brought here, with others, during a war. Our Moon's first location in orbit in our solar system was around a planet called Maldek, which has completely been destroyed during that war and which is now the asteroid belt.

Our Moon was one of two moons in orbit around Maldek. The other moon orbiting Maldek we know today as Phobos, which is now orbiting Mars. The beings that were on the Moon in the domed cities were known as Ari-ans - the 'white race'. The Pleiadians apparently were responsible for moving our Moon to an orbit around Earth. So, the Ari-ans that came here on our Moon were in fact humans from the destroyed planet of Maldek, one of the lost tribes of Lyrae. Some of the reincarnated souls of them today are living underground on Earth in Tibet."

According to David Icke, the Reptilians have been following the people of Lyrae from planet to planet in their 'need' to control them and access their psychic powers.

Dan Winters quotes from Lyssa Royal:

The remnant Lyraens who colonized other planets formed an alliance against the constant Reptilian attacks. They called this alliance the Galactic Federation, comprised of 110 different colonies. The colonies belonging to the Federation wished to maintain their new identities, and no longer associate with the old way. Together, the Federation colonists managed to repel the Reptilian attacks.

There were three primary groups who did not join the Federation. These three groups were considered extremists, or nationalistic idealists, seeking to recreate the glory of the old Lyraen civilization. One group was the Atlans, located on a Pleiadian planet. The Pleiades actually consists of thirty-two planets orbiting seven stars. At that time there were sixteen different colonies of Lyraen descent throughout the Pleiades. These colonists all wanted to oust the renegade Atlans because they remained independent and did not assist their human cousins.

The other two groups were the Martians and Maldekians, who were already at odds with each other. For this reason, the Reptilians turned their attention toward this solar system with its two human colonies. In the Reptilians estimation, it would be easy to divide and conquer.

** The Reptilians love to use comets and asteroids as weapons and ships, using them to travel through the stars. First, they create a small black hole as a propulsion system that pulls the larger planetoid towards its destination. When used as a weapon, they use a particle beam accelerator to create a blast that hurls the comet or asteroid to its target. All of the technology was obtained by the beings from Sirius A.

In this way, they hurled a huge ice comet aimed at Mars and Maldek. The Reptilians, not being very technologically oriented, miscalculated the trajectory. The pull of the gigantic gas planet, Jupiter, pulled the comet off course. The ice comet then headed directly for Maldek. The citizens of that planet asked the Martians for help. Even though they were at odds with each other, they allowed some of the Maldekians to move to the Martian underground. The comet came so close to Maldek that the planet got caught between the gravitational pull of Jupiter, Mars, and the comet. This caused the planet to explode, leaving an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

The explosion pushed the ice comet close enough to Mars to rip the atmosphere off that planet, leaving only an extremely thin atmosphere. The explosion also pulled Mars further away from the sun.

The comet then continued on toward the Earth. The heat of the sun and the gravitational pull between the two globes forced the watery atmosphere of the Earth to polarize. This polarization pulled most of the ice from the comet to the polar regions of the Earth, thus covering most openings to the inner Earth, while at the same time exposing huge land masses for the first time.

The comet then switched places with Earth, taking up the second orbit from the sun, becoming the planet now known as Venus. The heat of the sun melted the ice on the comet, creating a cloudy covering to this new planet. The Earth was pushed out to the third orbit occupying the previous position held by Mars. The Earth was now ready to be colonized. Most of the surviving amphibians were transported to a new home on Neptune. Some stayed in the newly formed oceans.

The Reptilians drove a large, hollowed out object into Earths orbit to begin the colonization process. This object is now called the Moon. Conventional science considers the Moon natural, yet it is the only known object in space that does not spin on its axis. The Moon faces the Earth in the same position all of the time, leaving one side in complete darkness. A sonic resonance sent to the surface of the Moon makes a pinging noise like a hollow object. If the Moon were solid, the noise would sound like a thump or thud. The Moon is hollow. A recent article in an astronomy magazine said that the Moon was being reclassified because it is considered to be hollow.

The Reptilians chose a large continental landmass to begin their civilization on the Earth, now referred to as Lemuria or Mu. This was a vast area in what is now the Pacific Basin, extending from Japan to Australia, and from the coast of California to Peru. The Hawaiian Islands are in the middle of this one-time landmass.

In the meantime, the Martians were now living underground with their hostile Maldekian guests. Something had to be done quickly to prevent them from destroying one another. So, the Martians petitioned the Galactic Federation to remove the Maldekian refugees to another planet. The Galactic Federation also received a petition from the Pleiadian Council at the same time, asking the Federation to remove the Atlans from their star cluster.
The Federation thusly decided to use the Atlans as a counterbalance on Earth. If the Atlans survived, the Maldekians would also be sent.

When the Atlans arrived on the Earth, they colonized what became known as Atlantis. Their continent stretched from what is now the Caribbean Basin to the Azores and Canary Islands, as well as several small island chains reaching up to what is now the East Coast of the United States, including Montauk Point.

The industrious Atlanteans rapidly grew to a large, prospering civilization needing more territory. The dinosaur population was rapidly increasing and becoming dangerous to the human colonists. The Atlanteans began destroying the dinosaurs to protect themselves. This did not sit well with the Reptilians. Soon major battles occurred on the Earth between the Lemurian Reptilians and Atlantean humans.

At the same time, the Maldekian refugees arrived on Earth. They created a large human colony in what is now the Gobi desert, northern India, Sumer, and other parts of Asia.

The Maldekians attacked the lunar surface where the Reptilians guarded their Earth outpost from invasion. The Maldekians also bombarded Atlantis and Lemuria with laser weapons. The dinosaurs were wiped out.
** I can’t help but wonder if this “reptilian black hole” technology is the same as the following:

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 285#p36028
A black hole propulsion drive was a type of propulsion system that worked by creating dozens of small quantum singularities and dropping them into subspace. The singularity then returns to normal space a short distance away, which shunts the containment and the ship as well.
Still others claim that the reptilians came from the Serpens star cluster and not Alpha Draconis.

Pindar the Lizard King
According to the Mothers of Darkness, the satanic cult based in Brussels who train and educate the MK child slaves as they are 'born to the blood' - the Aryan bloodline is Alien to this planet - they were a Race fleeing the Reptiles and got here 4000 BC - then started mixing with the locals. Red hair, Blonde hair, blue eyes they may have been of great stature as recent excavations of the 8 foot tall Firbolg Knights in Eire suggest.

Then, the Reptilian species - who according to Giza plain mathematics have come from the Serpens star cluster [serpens caput and serpens cauda both of 7 stars] arrived in 2000 BC; and as record would have it - infiltrated the Human race and its social structure and began the hybridisation experimentation. One of which was the foundation of the Merovingian Dynasty [born out of half man and half 'fish'].

There are 13 bloodlines from this kind of stock, and all of them have to a greater or lesser degree the capacity to play host to the Shape Changer Reptiles. The known shape shifting in human mythology goes back to North Africa, Tibet, Maya, Rome [called versae pellis effect].


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:14 pm

The New Nazi ET Lie
http://greyfalcon.us/restored/Nazis%20a ... nology.htm
Researcher Vladimir Terziski believes, in spite of all the descriptions of 'aliens' given by abductees, that there are also craft constructed by 'the Illuminati' which are taking advantage of the 'alien' question by attempting to pass off their own black projects as 'alien technology'. Although Terziski is uncertain as to the existence of the so-called 'greys', he does admit his belief in an ancient human-like society which possesses antigravity craft.

Terziski states that whether or not the 'greys' exist, the New World Order may be using the 'external' alien threat as a means to bring about world unity after the fall of Russia while "...at the same time hundreds of valid, but undesirable ET contacts with...more advanced races are debunked or ignored by the government."

If some researchers are correct, Bavarian Intelligence [the Illuminati's Skull & Bones society, the Thule Societies "Nazi" Empire, and the CIA-NSA network that was 'german'ated from within the Bavarian Illuminati and Bavarian Thule societies] are actually working with the 'Greys' in secret. Even if the 'New World Order' declares 'war' on these creatures, as opposed to a grassroots 'human resistance', one can be assured that this war be a farce as have other conflicts in the past. It would very well be like the Korean war conflict wherein socialists within the 'United Nations' waged a no-win 'police action' against southeast Asian communists. General George Douglas MacArthur for one accused the Socialist leadership of the U.N. of intentionally sabotaging his forces in Korea by leaking American positions to their Communist allies.

Now in recent years 'Patriot' organizations have been warning of a possible "Red Dawn" takeover of the U.S. by Socialist United Nations troops who now have an increasing army of U.N. troops "in training" within the borders of the United States.

The Bavarian "National" Socialists who ultimately control the U.N., such as the Trilaterals, are reportedly tied-in with the reptilian gray empire, so it is doubtful that any resistance to the invaders will come through the Trojan Horse United Nations. Such a 'war' may be the grand finale of a series of outward Machiavellian 'conflicts' which the Bavarian Empire has allegedly 'arranged' between nations over the centuries for the purpose of simply keeping the human race in the state of disorder, chaos, confusion and fear which is so necessary to ensure the final goal -- an absolute electronic dictatorship in which every human being will be 'tagged' and branded like cattle with an electronic chip implant which will make them the absolute spiritual, mental and physical slaves of the 'New World Order'.

Terziski alleges that the Illuminati have been involved in top secret 'Space R&D' [Research & Development] since the turn of the century, and that the Nazis, the American Eastern Establishment, and the KGB has been involved as well. In other words, the lower classes of all these nations were themselves largely unfamiliar with such top secret research, although the 'Illuminists' working in the highest levels of internationalism were and are intricately involved.

Although it may sound rather incredible, Terziski alleges that he possesses confirming information such as the "...first video expose of Nazi UFOs. German/Japanese saucer landings on the moon and Mars in 1944-46, Marconi group's landing on Mars in 1956... video footage of Nazi interplanetary dreadnoughts and of secret Soviet-American saucer landing on Mars."

Although many of the 'Greys' have been described as being of neo-saurioid configuration, other 'Greys' pose a different mystery as to their origin and seem to be more of a bio-synthetic or 'manufactured' configuration. Vladimir Terziski suggests that some of these greys may be "...a product of the US government's biogenetic Cyborg R&D program." (Note: There may have been "secret society" ties behind the Axis Alliance of World War II. The Jesuits Order of Italy, according to researcher Edmond Paris, had strong connections with Adolf Hitler's S.S., and in fact may have been working with the Thule Society of Germany in establishing the S.S. as the premier German Intelligence Agency. In turn, according to Trevor Ravenscroft, the Nazi occult lodges were in close contact with the occult Green Dragon society of Japan. Italy, Germany and Japan were the three members of the "Axis" powers who fought against the "Allied" alliance: the United States, Great Britain, and to a lesser degree, Russia).

In a June 5, 1993 interview with talk-show host Sam Russell on K-TALK radio in Salt Lake City, Utah, Vladimir Terziski made the bold assertion that in one way or another, any independent scientists who discovers the secret of electromagnetic 'free-energy' antigravity-propulsion is soon bought off, black-listed or killed by the Bavarian Illuminati, which has for centuries been extremely determined to maintain their monopoly on such technology and keep it out of the hands of the masses. The military arm of the Bavarian Empire, the Third Reich, was allowed to 'field test' much of this technology under supervision during World War II as the Bavarians were intent on establishing the "New World Order", by force if necessary.

Terziski also stated that a joint German-Japanese 'suicide' volunteer crew utilizing this 'confiscated' Illuminati 'free-energy' technology -- a Hanz-Kohler converter powered 'Dreadnaut', a giant craft approximately 230 feet in diameter -- landed on Mars in mid January, 1946 after 8 months of heavy flight. He did not say what became of this expedition, but he did state that the German Illuminati had established a base on the moon and planted their swastika flags there years before the Apollo program. Terziski also stated that a 'secret' joint American-Russian space program -- behind-the-scenes of the public program -- had landed men on the moon BEFORE the Apollo flights as well, and had discovered the "ex-Nazi" base already in existence there.

One of the more startling claims made by Terziski in this interview was that the German experiments in mind control, genetics, and hybridization (between humans and animals) -- which were apparently aided by the discovery and perfection of the microscope in Germany, including a Teslan scaler-wave microscope which helped the Germans to unlock the human genome -- were repeated in ten times their intensity in the underground Nazi South Polar colony or 'city'. This base-city, rumor has it, is known by it inhabitants as the 'NEW BERLIN' and contains a population of over 2,000,000 people loyal to the Nazi philosophy. These include so-called pure-bred 'Aryan S.S.' who apparently utilize slave labor to expand their underground empire. The genetic experiments in this underground metropolis (as in the trilateral Dulce-Dreamland-Luna facilities) is reportedly continuing unabated.

Terziski claims that German occultists gained entrance to underground repositories below Tibet with the help of Ahrimanic and Luciferian secret societies in that country, where they gained access to ancient records from an early civilization which developed it's own form of occult-technology. According to Vladimir, the Nazis had made contact with 'half a dozen' alien races, including the malevolent reptilians, which may explain why they were so successful in their technological pursuits. Could the U.S. government, fearful of the Nazi Empire/Gray Empire alliance, have chosen to negotiate with this powerful force rather than stand against it? ["if you can't beat'em, join'em"]. If so, it may have been a tragic, pathetic and cowardly decision not only for themselves but for their and our posterity. Apparently the Germans-Nazis-Illuminati had established a 'pact' with the serpent races long years before the American 'secret/conventional' hybrid government had done so.

The South Polar base according to Vladimir Terziski is also actively involved in space travel, and if the theories of W. A. Harbinson and others are correct, they may in fact constitute the 'Aryan' blonds who have been seen working with the grays and reptilians in UFO scenarios in their attempts to abduct, implant and program the minds of humans in an apparent long-term agenda to conquer the MINDS of the nations, and therefore the nations themselves. Failing to do so during World War II in an overt manner, is Bavarian-Draconian alliance now attempting to bring about a covert takeover of the planet from their South Polar installation? Harbinson, the author of the fact-fiction book 'GENESIS', is convinced that they are...

Imagine my consternation, therefore, to have heard from numerous speakers at the X-Conference the claim that unrepentant Nazis lurk at the heart of America's clandestine pursuit of extraterrestrial technology. Richard Hoagland, former science adviser to newsman Walter Cronkite, in his presentation, and Michael E. Salla, Ph.D., in his book Exopolitics - Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence assert that the current American pursuit of global dominance via ET technology can be traced back to Nazi efforts to do the same dating back to the 1930s.

Some of the information from Dr. Salla's book seems hard to swallow. For example, he uses extensive quotes from the book Secrets of the Third Reich by Roy Feddon that claim Nazi scientists actually created flying saucers of incredible capabilities, using technical data "channeled" from extraterrestrial beings from the Aldebaran star system, but couldn't mass-produce enough in time to win the war. They managed, however, to squirrel the craft away via submarine to a secret base they built in Antarctica that remains to this day. He writes that in 1947 Admiral Richard Byrd mounted a secret operation to destroy the base, but failed.

I am skeptical of this claim without further evidence. It is a well-known fact, however, that under a postwar program called Operation Paperclip, about 1600 German engineers and scientists, especially about 500 from the Peenemünde V-2 rocket facility led by Wernher von Braun, a top Nazi and a major in the SS, were brought over to the United States. The operation, led by an ambitious expatriated German named Henry Kissinger, smoothed over the scientists' Nazi ties and participation in crimes against humanity, such as use of death camp labor in building the dreaded V-2 ballistic missiles that Von Braun invented.

Hoagland said that, while von Braun and his compatriots were working on the U.S. missile program at White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico, they participated in examining the remains of the saucer that crashed at Roswell in 1947. Such craft were familiar to the Nazis already, he said, because Hitler had sent teams of archeologists all over the world as in Raiders of the Lost Ark, ostensibly to search for mystical artifacts and the origins of the Aryan race, but actually to retrieve alien technology. The ETs that had once colonized the earth had left some of their craft behind in "parking garages" and the Nazi teams had apparently stumbled onto one or more of them, he said. Von Braun, depicted as a hero of the American space program, died in 1977, his Nazi past explained away as a consequence of his dream of space travel.

Briefly, the creed of the Thule Society inner circle is as follows: Thule was a legendary island in the far north, similar to Atlantis, supposedly the center of a lost, high-level civilization. But not all secrets of that civilization had been completely wiped out. Those that remained were being guarded by ancient, highly intelligent beings (similar to the "Masters" of Theosophy or the White Brotherhood). The truly initiated could establish contact with these beings by means of magic-mystical rituals. The "Masters" or "Ancients" allegedly would be able to endow the initiated with supernatural strength and energy. With the help of these energies the goal of the initiated was to create a race of Supermen of "Aryan" stock who would exterminate all "inferior" races. (From "The Unknown Hitler" by Wulf Schwartzwaller, Berkeley Books, 1990).

Dr. Salla writes that Kissinger teamed up with Nelson Rockefeller during the Eisenhower administration to create the vast, clandestine corporate-military-scientific cabal that dominates ET relations and maintains UFO secrecy to this day. He said Kissinger's philosophy of "realpolitik," or the amassing of national power in competition with other world powers, drives U.S. foreign policy.

According to Dr. Salla, the real reason the United States invaded Iraq was not because of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction or for Iraqi oil, but to gain control over "stargate" technology and other ET knowledge left behind by the Annunaki, the race of extraterrestrials who dominated mankind in ancient times and built a major base of operations in ancient Babylon, according to Sumerian scholar Zechariah Sitchin. The organized looting of the Baghdad Museum and removal of hundreds of untranslated cuneiform tablets was part of that operation, he writes.
Researcher Vladimir Terziski believes, in spite of all the descriptions of 'aliens' given by abductees, that there are also craft constructed by 'the Illuminati' which are taking advantage of the 'alien' question by attempting to pass off their own black projects as 'alien technology'.
This is the same claim made by Brian Desborough. Check out the so-called “ET technology” that has been developed in various black ops programs.

Phoenix Lights
http://www.briansbetterworld.com/articl ... Lights.htm
Sadly, despite the study of UFO's being a very complex scientific subject, the UFO lecture circuit is infested with members of the US government disinformation organization known as the Aviary, while others simply lack the scientific background to ascertain the advanced level of covert terrestrial technology. Consequently, such UFO "experts" are abysmally ignorant of the fact that existing advanced covert terrestrial technology encompasses:

1. Superluminal antigravitic craft.

2. Ships and discoid flying craft possessing teleportation capabilities.

3. The ability for humans to appear invisible under daylight conditions.

4. The manufacture of small levitating orbs that exhibit an amber glow.

5. The regeneration of severed human and other mammalian limbs without recourse to stem cell therapy (US Patent 4,455,302).

6. Ambient energy powered non polluting highway vehicles.

7. Subliminal control of a victim's mind (thought implantation) at a distance by means of psychoacoustic devices.

8. A means of instantaneous telecommunication regardless of distance without the creation of electromagnetic radiation.

9. The capability of flash freezing the inhabitants of an entire city by means of longitudinally pulsed waves.

10. The symbiotic flight control of aircraft.

11. The ability to make physical objects disappear into an engineered black hole.

12. The cross breeding of dissimilar species, e.g. mammals and reptiles through electronic manipulation of their Meissner fields.

13. The rapid creation of complex crop circles.

14. The image simulation of large flying saucers by means of clear atomic light projection.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:58 pm

SIGNS FROM THE HEAVENS: Huge Saturn Mothership & Planet X? ;)
http://thealienproject.blogspot.com/200 ... rn_14.html
The major news story of last week was the light show over Northern Norway: A strange blue light emanating from behind a mountain, stopping suddenly in mid-air and then circulating in a spiral pattern with a dark circular beam of light shooting from its center as if appearing out of a vortex or portal, only to disappear completely into the night sky.

And the question must be: Are we witnessing a new form of energy coming through the solar system and into our atmosphere or is this the reemergence of some unknown force linked to our ancient mythologies, shaping our consciousness into a new frequency of understanding?

One of these mythologies is that of Nibiru or Marduk, Planet X. It is also known as Nemesis, Vulcan, Hercolubus, God's Planet, the Planet of the Empire, the Planet of the Gods, the Red Planet and the Planet of the Crossing.

According to Ancient Sumerian mythology, Planet X is located somewhere in the outer regions of our solar system, invisible to the naked eye, travelling on a 3,600 years elliptical orbit around the Sun and is prophesied to make its reappearance soon. Several scholars view Planet X as actually a Binary Dwarf Brown Star of dust and gas. To the Sumerians and other cultures like the Dogon tribe of Mali, this planetary body was seen as the origin of all things. In his book, The Sirius Mystery, Robert Temple indicated that the Dogons called it "the egg of the world," that it "remade our solar system and remakes the Earth on its near passages."

Now, according to the Australian Starviewer Team, they have detected the Brown Dwarf interacting with Pluto and the Bombardeando asteroids of Oort against Pluto and Jupiter.

Now, one must wonder why NASA is hiding this information from the public, since scientific records clearly shows that the object was first observed in 2003 at the Mount Palomar Observatory and given the name 2003- UB – 313. Is it a coincidence that scientists use the name 2003 - UB – 313, considering that the Sumerian and Babylonian mythology mentioned Nibiru as part of the 7 outer planetary group along with Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn , Jupiter and Mars? I think not? Note that 3 + 1 + 3 = 7. Prominent author and researcher on Sumeria, Zechariah Sitchin confirms this in the classic book, The 12th Planet:

...the Nefilim view the solar system [from Nibiru] in terms of the space flight to Earth? First to be encountered by the Nefilim approaching the solar system was Pluto... Logically - and in fact - they viewed the system in two parts. The one zone of concern was the zone of flight, which embraced the space occupied by the seven planets extending from Pluto to Earth. The second group, beyond the zone of navigation, was made up of four celestial bodies - the Moon, Venus, Mercury, and the Sun... Separated from the Four by an assumed celestial bar, the Seven were in a celestial zone for which the Sumerians used the term UB.

Is it a coincidence too that NASA launched the Dawn spacecraft that has now become a permanent inhabitant of the solar system reporting and communicating with the mission control team on Earth. According to NASA, Dawn will venture into the deep collection between Mars and Jupiter, which incidentally is the exact point that Nibiru is expected to be in from 2012 to 2018? What do you make of that? Is it a coincidence too, that NASA will be launching the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) this week? Please consider the mission statement for WISE: "To scan the entire sky in infrared light with a sensitivity hundreds of times greater than ever before, picking up the glow of hundreds of millions of objects and producing millions of images. The mission will uncover objects never seen before, including the coolest stars, the universe's most luminous galaxies and some of the darkest near-Earth asteroids and comets."

Hmmm... Is it me or what, but doesn't that sound like it was specifically designed to track Nibiru?

Now, when you consider what has been happening in the solar system over the last ten years, it is obvious that we have been misled with the lies about global warming and the talks at the United Nations climate summit in Copenhagen, as well as with the neuro linguistic programming from popular culture through movies like 2012. Practically all of the planetary bodies within the solar system including the moons have been experiencing global warming conditions, as well as increased volcanic activities. All of them! Here is an excellent example of this: Neptune's moon is getting warmer. Maybe someone should inform Al Gore of this.

Perhaps, this is why the chatter in the exopolitical movement has escalated so much, regarding talks about the disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence –- a slow drip by drip process towards the revelation of Planet X?

It certainly would explain the underground bases, Norway's "Doomsday" Seed Vault, the murals at Denver Airport, the Georgia Guidestones, the Global Depopulation Policy, the Vatican's Observatory Research Group at the University of Arizona's Steward Observatory and their declaration that extraterrestrials are brothers of humanity.

It should be noted that the Vatican is one of the principal sponsors of the Seed Vault in Norway, and are probably behind all of these observations and preparations of this object, given their rich Babylonian history, influence, layout of Vatican City (which essentially is a map of the sky, as above so below) and links with the Nazis who really run NASA.

Speaking of objects, ufologist Alex Collier while speaking at Project Camelot's Awake and Aware Conference in Los Angeles in September of this year indicated that there is a 20 mile wide spacecraft parked about 1.5 million miles off the south pole of planet Saturn, with smaller crafts going in and out of it. This information comes from sky map images from the NASA's Cassini Project and it is thought that NASA and other organizations have been monitoring it for the last 8 months. Collier also indicated that there is a very large planetary structure coming in at 18 degrees right angle of planet Neptune's orbit and will be visible from Earth sometime next year.

Perhaps we need to pay heed to the following words:

"First to be encountered by the Nefilim approaching the solar system was Pluto. The Mesopotamian lists name this planet SHU.PA ("supervisor of the SHU"), the planet that guards the approach to the Supreme Part of the solar system. As we shall see, the Nefilim could land on Earth only if their spaceship were launched from the Twelfth Planet well before reaching Earth's vicinity, They could thus have crossed the orbit of Pluto not only as inhabitants of the Twelfth Planet but also as astronauts in a moving spaceship. An astronomical text said that the planet Shupa was the one where "the deity Enlil fixed the destiny for the Land" - where the god, in charge of a spacecraft, set the right course for the planet Earth and the Land of Sumer. Next to Shupa was IRU ("loop"). At Neptune, the spacecraft of the Nefilim probably commenced its wide curve or "loop" toward its final target." - Zechariah Sitchin, The 12th Planet.
Having written about Nibiru and Planet X before, I was unfamiliar with Hercolubus, so it was important to do some research on it as it sounded important.

I need to state up front that I do not believe the Nibiru and Planet X are the same object in space, so I am looking for Planet X - not Nibiru, which I and a friendly lightbeing wrote about at: http://www.greatdreams.com/nibiru.htm

"An unusual event is going to accelerate the process of swift change to the axis of the planet Earth. I am referring to the planet Hercolubus. This planet is six times bigger than the planet Jupiter. The planet Hercolubus belongs to the distant solar system of Tylo. The solar system of Tylo is rapidly approaching our solar system, and Hercolubus is rapidly approaching Earth. Modern Astronomers have before their sight the planet Hercolubus, or as it is known by modern science, the Barnard star. This planet is a powerful giant that will pass through an angle of our solar system. When this happens, the revolution of the axis of the planet Earth will accelerate violently. Then the final catastrophe will occur. Some scientists believe that they will be able to push this monstrous planet away with nuclear explosions, but this will be useless. It will be impossible to push this tremendous mass of a planet out of the way with mere nuclear bombs. This same planet brought Atlantis to an end. Before Atlantis existed, it annihilated the existence of another continent. We know very well that the continent of Mu or Lemuria sank within the waters of the boisterous pacific ocean after 10,000 years of earthquakes and incessant volcanic eruptions." - Samael Aun Weor, The Aquarian Message

In Gnosis this planet is known as “Hercolubus”. In the Bible this planet is referred to as “Wormwood”, while modern astronomers have named it “Barnard I”. Hercolubus is about 600 times the size of the Earth, and so as the orbits of the two planets get closer their gravitational and magnetic fields exert forces on one another.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:09 am

To Every thing there is a Season

The Mists of Paroketh: The Veil of Illusion

The universal scalar logarithmic spiral is a carrier wave (the “neutral force"). Time is gravity. :D

Diagmagnetic Energy
Schauberger found:

That "the three dimensional vortex called the logarithmic spiral is the shape of water going down a drain, a tornado, a hurricane, a rams horn which, when played as an instrument, has two basic notes separated by a fifth musical note, atomic centers and galactic nebulas, possibly the entire universe".

"Atoms are nothing more than vortical patterns of energy, where a vortex is a three dimensional spiral. Growth patterns of shells and horns are nearly always spiral or vortical in form, possibly growing along some natural energy pattern".

(Note: The Fibonacci Series of Natural Growth).

"Synchrotron radiation occurs when electrons spiral into a magnetic field. Neuroglia (connective tissue of the central nervous system) are actually tightly wound spirals, helixes and vortices".

Pressure or Radiation- this leads to centrifugal motion (from the center, explosive), heat, friction and gravity.

(Note: B. Fuller indicates gravity is the opposite of radiative polarity).

"The term diamagnetism was applied by the Austrian to the attractive or centripital force".

..."energy set in motion in a vortex pattern is self-sustaining once it achieves its critical velocity, which may mean the same thing as becoming resonant with some current of force such as gravity".

One possible explanation of the levitation phenomena is that the influx"

(Note: attraction of negative current, i.e. Keely)

"of the energy currents into the atoms caused levitation in the same way that Keely's airships functioned; namely, increasing the attractive (diamagnetic) flow into the atomic structure of the water caused levitation. The difference being that Keely tuned to the polar stream using sound force while Schauberger used a mechanical shape-power device".


7.1 Magnetism

..."spin and angular momentum cancel...total momentum / magnetism is zero... when the application of a magnetic field slightly unbalances the orbital pairing of electrons, the result is "diamagnetism", when it slightly unbalances the spin pairing (only in metals), it results in a very weak paramagnetism".

7.2 Diamagnetism: Superconductivity at Room Temperature

"Suppose for the sake of argument we are presented with a plastic material that is superconducting at room temperature. How could we use it? The obvious applications mentioned in the beginning of this article immediately springs to mind, but even more exciting prospects arise from a superconductor’ "diamagnetism, or impermeability to a magnetic field. Because of the highly coordinated motion of the electrons a magnetic field cannot penetrate the interior of a superconductor. This property can be demonstrated by placing a bar magnet above a sheet of superconducting metal...

Have we anything of interest to expect from the biological view?
If it proves possible to synthesize an artificial superconducting molecule, it seems to me that nature would have surely discovered the fact ages ago.

David Hudson

Thus we would expect molecules of this type playing some unique role in nature, but we can only speculate what this role may be. The highly coordinated motion of the electrons within our hypothetical molecule couples the different parts of the molecule together in an extremely intimate way. As a result reactions in one part can influence the reactivity of other groups in any part of the entire molecule, however remote. Could this long-range influence explain some of the intricacies of biological molecules?"...

7.3 "Paramagnetism attracts positive electricity"

"Diamagnetism attracts negative electricity".

Michael Faraday.

Paramagnetism- Has magnetic permeability (attracts +).
Slightly more magnetic than a vacuum

Ferromagnetism- Abnormally high magnetic permeability
Definite saturation point
Much residual magnetism and hysteresis

Diamagnetism- Has magnetic permeability (attracts -)
Magnetic permeability less than that of a vacuum
Negative magnetic susceptibility
Feebly repelled by a strong magnet
In common vacuum = 'Negative pressure'

7.4 Magnecrystallic Force

(Note: This force is neither + nor -. It is found in crystals when the cells attempt to align in the structure of the crystal as building blocks. From this amazing force we can see that it is not like any polarized force; therefore, it is, let us say for now, higher than both, or perhaps more correctly, in the middle of both + and -. The only thing between + and - seems to be neutral. Therefore this force is neutral. Neutral is sometimes called the center, as the place where gravity's 'force' is found, according to Newton. This fact generates questions.

Is gravity neutral?

Yes it is, completely, dynamically, neutral, hence, John Worrell Keely's statement, "The neutral center" and "time is gravity".

Why is this neutral and how does it operate?

The Universe has a Carrier wave, upon which information is superimposed, which feeds all matter. We know this from knowing how hetrodyned information is transmitted between transmitter and receiver. So it is above, as below.

There is a Transmitter and matter is the receiver. How do I know this? It’s very simple. If matter is receiving information from 'somewhere', as is plainly seen in the frequency manuals of Spectroscopy, then there is a Transmitter 'somewhere' sending it. The only problem is this- Where is the Transmitter and what does it look like? I'll tell you in a while, first lets look at this neutral force called the Carrier wave.

This Carrier wave passes through electric fields and through magnetic fields and orients itself with the Aetheric field, or some higher medium that has no polarity. The higher field cannot have polarity or the Carrier would ignore it, wouldn't it? Or, we can postulate, that the Carrier ignores the polarity of, even the higher field, also. The next thing I did was couple the Carrier wave with the electron which has a frequency of 1.5777 GHz. Why did I choose the electron as the mechanism of the Carrier wave? The answer is: The Carrier, or some call it the Mediator between the "Other Side" and "This Side" is light. Since all electrons are light, and there are no other 'particles' (frequencies) that look like light, the electron is the most likely choice.
Ether and Matter by Krafft,
530.1 K855, pg. 40.

The Magnecrystallic Neutral Carrier is not operating at 1.5777 GHz, but this frequency is a beat frequency or much lower harmonic of the super-high Carrier (space). So high, in fact, it has no oscillation, hence, no frequency, and probably acts like a 'stroboscope' to 'freeze' matter so it appears stationary and solid. This is the world of super-high frequency far beyond Planck's constant).

The question is, does the electron GHz frequency cause the neutral to have a polarity?

I think not. I think the GHz sine wave frequency is still superimposed upon the higher Carrier (space) but the Carrier is pure information with no oscillation at all. This is straight line force, called The Life Force. It is not like the dead force of electricity and magnetism, remember, it passes over these forces. The GHz frequency is just in tune, harmonically, with the Carrier (space) of the Life Force (time).

7.6 What does the Transmitter look like?

Here is where we previously asked, "What does the Transmitter look like"? Lets do some "As below, So above", reverse reasoning concerning Transmitters and receivers:

The most perfect receiver on earth is a certain crystal shape according to the Miller Indices. That shape is the Octahedron (two Giza pyramids base to base). It is the only crystal of the 32 groups that has all perfect 111 faces. Surprised? We can come to a conclusion:

If the most perfect crystal shape is the Octahedron, with all its 8 faces Miller Indice, 111, perfect receiver / transmitter faces, then, the Perfect Transmitter has to look just like it.
Some call this Perfect Transmitter, God. Of course, this Perfect Octahedron is outside and inside even more Perfect Platonic Shapes, or more practically, nested, but this is for another subject.

(Correspondences, Book: Reality Revealed by Vogt,

7.7 My next question, of course, is What is the Carrier of all information to matter?

The answer I came up with seems to be:

Time = The Information from the (Diehold, 0-dimension, god, tao, nothing, etc.), taken from Reality Revealed by Vogt, and space is the Carrier of Information, taken from Synthetic Philosophy by R.M. Manley).

"Time is gravity". John Worrell Keely.

(Note: And, as Michio Kaku points out, confining ourselves to time only, in his theorizing about 10 dimensional superstrings, "according to Einstein, time was more like a river, which meandered around the stars and galaxies, speeding up and slowing down as it passed around massive bodies". Kaku adds concerning Kurt Godel, "(Godel) found a new solution to Einstein's own equations which allowed for time travel! The "river of time" now had whirlpools in which time could wrap itself into a circle".

The conclusion is this: If it is known that the Transmitter of all information is a Perfect Octahedron, and that Time is the information, and that our known universe is but a small sphere within this Octahedron, as noted in the Meta-Diagram, File, "35 Big Picture" and File, "21 Universal" it seems that the Big Bang of consciousness (total information) at the Octahedrons one apex of two, spiraled (Godel) and expanded (Einstein) 'down' from the apex toward the base of the Octahedron where we exist 15-18 billion years later. Knowing the forces of natural law, the circle referred to by Godel, is actually a spiral. Therefore, this spiral of total universal information called Time, blasted through the apex, into "This Side" from the "Other Side" or No.thing into Some.thing

And, pertaining to Michio Kaku's concern that we are not smart enough to solve the "superstring equations that stand before us in perfectly well-defined form" because we have reached a "bottleneck" as he says, consider this. A bottleneck is like unto the blackhole / whitehole bottleneck. We have reached the limit of "This Side" and are bottlenecked on the edge of the "Other Side", where all phenomena begin to reverse, invert and run backwards. The intelligent solution is, therefore, to turn all known calculations backward and outside-in, forming the unseen-inner-supersymmetry-Reality of this mirrored seen-outer-asymmetric-Actuality).

Moreover, as we see Michio stating, ..."when the strings move in space and time, it warps the space around it just as Einstein predicted. Thus, in a remarkably simple picture, we can unify gravity (as the bending of space caused by moving strings) with the other quantum forces (now viewed as vibrations of the string)". To this I would add, the strings may be the lines of Life Force called magnetic lines (macro) of Suns and Universe as noted in Origins of Man and the Universe, by Barry Long, or the strings may be themselves warped into a shape called the toroid, as noted elsewhere in this study, or, the strings may be composed of moving toroidal spheres (micro) warping space, since it is known that toroidal shapes can do this).

7.8 Sun Time

Paraphrased from "Origins of Man and the Universe": "This kind of Time has no spacetime at all. It is cause = effect or Sun Time, the level the Sun operates at. Its called NOW, The Life Force or The Sun of God. We, on earth operate in Past, or cause then effect, the Sun operates in Presence Present or cause = effect. We work hard to catch up to the Present. We should leave this work to robots, not humans".

(Note: If Time is the information from the 1st dimension and Keely says time is gravity, then, gravity is the information from the Sun, not the 1st dimension, manifesting in the 3rd dimension. Gravity has ties to matter and that is different from the 1st dimensional characteristics of pure information).

"Time carries light and life as waves". Unknown source.

(Note: What John Keely says time is, I believe. I learned some 'time' ago that the Sun induces electromagnetism into the earth, but, I don't believe this to be so.

Electromagnetism is "dead" force while the Sun feeds the earth with Life Force. That Total Life Force is earth's gravity. Some say the Sun is a living being like Mother Earth and was called Father and even worshipped, of course, this is correct. Father Sun gives to Mother Earth that which is Life. This is a good basis for a marriage of earth and Sun, woman and man. "Dead" electromagnetism and all other "dead" EM residual forces are what is left after all life is taken from the Life Force by the earth.

From book "Origins of Man and the Universe", I learned that the Sun has what is called Ideo-rings (elsewhere called standing waves), upon which planets are set and revolve upon these ideas of the Sun. It's an amazing concept but you intuitively knew it already, I'm sure, but you might not have known just how. In fact, whole religions are formed around this concept of the Sun of God being the savior of earth. What this says to us is this, "The earth is an idea of the Sun of God", that which religion has personified. The word personality has a root word "persona" which means "A mask over the truth", taken from Greek Theater, a play where personifications were used to represent cosmic truth. We can see now just who this Sun of God is, and who has literally interpreted a cosmic principle.

The Ideo-rings are gravity, and it holds the total information to control all 'living' functions of earth.

On the webpage of Keelynet, Paragraph 39 you can see that the Sun has no gravity or Ideo-ring affecting itself; they start with Mercury).

To give you an idea of the relationship, shape and generators of these Ideo-rings, see Buckminster Fuller's diagram at

File, "83 Buckminster Fuller Paraphrased", Section, (620.06), "Tetrahedron as 4 dimensional Model".

This tetrahedral shape shows 3 radiative frequencies and 3 gravitic frequencies, the latter at 90 degrees to the former as follows:

Radiative from the apex- electron, positron, proton
Gravitic around the base- neutron, neutrino, anti-neutrino

If this is correct, and B. Fuller is always correct, I would think that gravity from the Sun's 19.5 areas (bases and apexes of 2 interlocking tetrahedrons or a Star of David inside the Sun), induct gravity into the earth's interlocking tetrahedra at the 19.5 areas, as Ideo-ring Ideas from the Sun. Imagine B. Fuller’s Tetrahedron in a Star of David configuration, inside both Sun and earth, transmitting and receiving gravity-total-information from the Diehold (god, tao, buddah or any other name that conveys no.thing / every.thing, or more practically, we can call it the Transmitter). This is the mechanics that support the statement, "The Sun is the source of gravity". Why is the Sun the source and not the 1st dimension Diehold? Because the Diehold has nothing to do with matter; therefore it has no gravity, just pure information, And where is the Diehold? See the Meta-Diagram.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:43 pm

There is a logarithmic scalar gravitational standing wave that pervades the entire universe.
The logarithmic scalar gravitational standing wave

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 300#p36388
The Universe has a Carrier wave, upon which information is superimposed, which feeds all matter. Time is gravity; gravity is neutral
Victor Schauberger and the Logarithmic Spiral

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 315#p36618

Magnecrystallic Force

This force is neither + nor -. It is found in crystals when the cells attempt to align in the structure of the crystal as building blocks. From this amazing force we can see that it is not like any polarized force; therefore, it is, let us say for now, higher than both, or perhaps more correctly, in the middle of both + and -. The only thing between + and - seems to be neutral. Therefore this force is neutral. Neutral is sometimes called the center, as the place where gravity's 'force' is found, according to Newton. This fact generates questions.

Is gravity neutral?

Yes it is, completely, dynamically, neutral, hence, John Worrell Keely's statement, "The neutral center" and "time is gravity".

Why is this neutral and how does it operate?

The Universe has a Carrier wave, upon which information is superimposed, which feeds all matter. We know this from knowing how hetrodyned information is transmitted between transmitter and receiver. So it is above, as below.

There is a Transmitter and matter is the receiver. How do I know this? It’s very simple. If matter is receiving information from 'somewhere', as is plainly seen in the frequency manuals of Spectroscopy, then there is a Transmitter 'somewhere' sending it. The only problem is this- Where is the Transmitter and what does it look like? I'll tell you in a while, first lets look at this neutral force called the Carrier wave.

The most perfect receiver on earth is a certain crystal shape according to the Miller Indices. That shape is the Octahedron (two Giza pyramids base to base). It is the only crystal of the 32 groups that has all perfect 111 faces. Surprised? We can come to a conclusion:

From book "Origins of Man and the Universe", I learned that the Sun has what is called Ideo-rings (elsewhere called standing waves), upon which planets are set and revolve upon these ideas of the Sun.

The Ideo-rings are gravity, and it holds the total information to control all 'living' functions of earth.

On the webpage you can see that the Sun has no gravity or Ideo-ring affecting itself; they start with Mercury).

If this is correct, and B. Fuller is always correct, I would think that gravity from the Sun's 19.5 areas (bases and apexes of 2 interlocking tetrahedrons or a Star of David inside the Sun), induct gravity into the earth's interlocking tetrahedra at the 19.5 areas, as Ideo-ring Ideas from the Sun. Imagine B. Fullers Tetrahedron in a Star of David configuration, inside both Sun and earth, transmitting and receiving gravity-total-information from the Diehold (god, tao, buddah or any other name that conveys no.thing / every.thing, or more practically, we can call it the Transmitter). This is the mechanics that support the statement, "The Sun is the source of gravity".
What is Gravity?
Dipole (Anti)Gravity, Magnetic Gravity & the Radiant Pressure Model of Remote Forces

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 285#p36028

See also:
Nest two tetrahedrons and you have the keys to the universe
http://www.unexplainable.net/artman/pub ... _737.shtml
The word "rule" has several different meanings -- as a form of law, or as a form of dominion, or as a measuring standard. This text uses the word in all three contexts to define the effect of the supreme chord, the trinity of harmony, in the universe.

With the creation of the Magnetic Resonance Amplifier, or MRA, perhaps history and science will have to take a second look. The theories behind the MRA are the same as those of Tesla, Keely, Russell, Bearden, King and others. The application, however, in a closed-loop ZPE device, takes a sharp turn away from effect and into application.

Look at either a piece of quartz or a magnet, and you are looking at trapped energy. Tap the quartz, and you will get a spark as the electrical potential of the quartz instantaneously jumps. Spin a magnet relative to a coil of wire, and electrical current flows in the wire. How do we extract the power of these materials without the attendant physical energy required to either tap or spin them?

Matter = energy. To convert matter to energy, resonate the matter.

To achieve energy output which is above the energy applied at resonance, use three octaves, and there will be three harmonious notes in each octave, for a total of nine resonant frequencies.

These notes occur naturally when the base frequency applied is three octaves above the magnet's resonant frequency, and equal to the resonance of the quartz.

In this way, the potential applied to the quartz "taps" it, without the need to use physical force. The result is electrical output. Connect this output to a coil around a magnet, and the domains of the magnet, which comprise a tiny portion of its weight, and which do all of the "work" in a generator, will be forced to spin. This spin is called "virtual rotation", because it is the spin of energy without the spin of the matter.

However, this is only one application. How can we be sure that the "rule" applies anywhere else, much less universally? We have to go very far back in history to find the answer to this question. It involves PHI, the universal constant, and delves deeply into the construction of earth's great tetrahedrons.

Nest two tetrahedrons, and put them in an orb, and you have a miniature model of the earth's magnetic field. Where the "bases" of the tet's touch the orb, you have the latitudes where all of the ancient pyramids were built. The "top" and "bottom" points are the north and south poles. This shows the naturally occurring magnetic resonance of earth as an "orb" in rotation. Connect lines between the points, and you have a map of the ley lines, which were mapped very accurately thousands of years ago.

Models of the earth as described above have been found in the ruins of every civilization which built pyramids. The Earth is, as it must be, a model of the natural harmonic relationship which exists at every level, from the universe itself to the subatomic. The relationships have been understood for a long, long time.

If you look at the lattice geometry of silicon or germanium, you will find tetrahedrons. In his famous "ring", Hans Nieper allowed the silicon of transistors to achieve self-resonance, with the result that the circuit became lower in weight. This implies that resonance may also be the key to countering the effects of gravity, or rather the effect CALLED gravity, for gravity is an effect, not a force.

Gravity is "suspended" when you cancel the spin of the energy which comprises matter by resonating the matter. By virtually rotating the lattices, the subatomic particle spin virtually stops, like a spinning object seen with a synchronized strobe light. Because gravity is a complex quadrupole effect, when you stop the spin, you lose the effect.

The matter which comprises the quartz and the magnet of the MRA is comprised of cube lattices, each of which is a nested tetrahedron at 45 degrees relative to the polar axis of the molecules. Together in a circuit, there is a 90 degree phase separation, which allows the resonant energy to create the needed harmonics to fully resonate both materials. This is the application of the rule of nines.

It is a standard, THE standard of the geometry of the universe; it is the ruling law of nature; and it is the measuring tool for all electrical and mechanical interaction. If, as some have suggested, the ancient "sacred" knowledge was shared by extraterrestrials to permit the construction of the pyramids, and if, as we have seen, resonance is the key to anti-gravity as well as to free energy, then the tetrahedron has very far reaching implications.
The most perfect receiver on earth is a certain crystal shape. That shape is the Octahedron (two Giza pyramids base to base).
The Giza Geomatrix - solar-powered gravity wave generator and orgone accumulator (Ark of the Covenant)

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 285#p36303
Orion Infrasound Pyramid at Resonance
The limestone blocks of the Orion pyramids consist of mostly calcite mineral, whose structure can be triangular and octahedral in various forms. Each of the Giza pyramids is apparently designed as the top half of an octahedron, monumental formations of calcite. The angular mathematics of the Orion pyramidal design will be addressed shortly, but their limestone blocks contain information regarding the construction methods of the pyramid builders.
Still unknown to many is that there is a reverse pyramid constructed exactly beneath the base of the Great Pyramid. The top pyramid is known as the ante chamber and representations creation while the reverse pyramid is known as the anti chamber and representations destruction. This makes for a black hole/white hole effect. Together the two pyramids make an octahedron which is the exact shape of the Delta-T antenna described in The Montauk Project. The octahedron is a very key shape in the structure of the Earth’s grid.

If one considers that the Earth contains geometric grid patters that are in continuous rotation, one can grasp that the octahedron would likewise rotate.

One can get a rough idea by constructing a small octahedron and considering it is within its own reference frame and with the confines of its own dimension. Not, rotate it 90 degrees at a time on its lateral axis and count the number of points that could receive a pulsation. You will find twelve before you return it to its original position. If one counter rotates the octahedron, there will be another twelve points which makes a total of twenty-four potential realities. If one then rotates and counter rotates the octahedron on its vertical axis, the number of realities will come to 48.

Each rotation of the original octahedron made up twelve different realities.

The most basic example of twelve as a sacred number is if we take a sphere and pack as many spheres as possible around it. You will find that twelve spheres fit exactly around the one. In this example we demonstrated twelve different realities.

What we call the Great Pyramid at Giza was essentially the top half of an octahedron which was built to mimic the Earth’s grid so as to affect a potential interface with other realities.

When you consider the above realities alluded to in the above example, you begin to realize that the morphogenetic grid itself parlays itself into many different realities and is not exclusive to our own particular “Earth reality”. The pyramid was a way station or a threshold to these other worlds and to the information on the grid itself. - Pyramids of Montauk – Preston B. Nichols & Peter Moon – page 109


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:36 am

The Black Sun Prophecy
Around January 18th, 2010 NASA STEREO monitors were beginning to register what appeared to be large planet sized UFO’s around the sun. Giant, UFOs have appeared before around the Sun and have been monitored and recorded by NASA’s Stereo spacecraft. The present “giant solar UFO wave” which commenced on January 18, 2010 is the most recent of a reoccurring phenomenon. Later in the month of February came the solar filament at the southern hemisphere of the sun that snapped, sending to earth a large coronal mass ejection that was not reported in the mainstream.

Perhaps the problems on earth are being caused by something out in space? The question was proposed on the Ground Zero Show. There are plenty of people in places of power that are now acknowledging that something out there is waiting for us. We may now start to wonder if the extra-terrestrial reality is far more complex than just UFO’s, aliens and free energy machines.

The cosmic catastrophes that I wish to speak of have so many variables. In the 21st century we now pay attention to things like “long counts” developed by ancient astronomers and stone calendars that speak in metaphor and deliver due dates that indicate “super waves” or cosmic anomalies will somehow show “serpent ropes” of the Gods from the Galactic Center itself.

When I speak of serpent ropes I take the term form the ancient writings of the Maya and the biblical references to the arrival of a Black Sun. The Black Sun was originally thought to be a reference to an eclipsed sun.

Coming from the dark mass were coronal ejections that appeared to be like fiery ropes or snakes. These coronal storms would find their way to earth and create devastating earthquakes, tsunamis and weather changes. At the time of the Black Sun’s appearance it was believed that the earth was about to end its cycle and with that cyclical end would come the deluge of fire.

The Black Sun was and still is a symbol of power in many darker secret societies. The societies claimed that this sacred symbol created an infinite beam of light which though invisible to the human eye existed in anti–matter.

The Black Sun symbol had several other meanings as well. It represented the Dark star, the Death Star or the fallen star or the dark moon. Hitler became a member of the Black sun society a secret group within the Thule society. Thule beliefs were based in the writings of Theosophist Madame Blavatsky. Blavatsky wrote in her book Isis unveiled that the return of the Black Sun or death star would be evident when the 13th house of Mazzaroth is active from the core of Ophiuchus. The 13th house is the Serpent holder and from it will come the Black Sun.

Blavatsky wrote, “The sudden star, though seen by all of the Earth, does not elicit the fear it should even as fire begins to stain the Northern skies. But, when Mars retreats from Ophiuchus, and the blue light separates from the green, know that war and sudden destruction is at hand as the Black Sun rises once again.”

Ophiuchus is new to many people. I have mentioned it before in many of my shows because it is important to know about it when trying to figure out secret societal language. The accepted knowledge within the mainstream narrative is that our Sun travels through only 12 constellations in the Zodiac or Mazzaroth. They are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

However, it is a little known fact that the Sun spends only about nineteen days in this 13th house known as Serpentarius. As far as Astrologers were concerned, the Sun traveled from the constellation Scorpius and then proceeded directly into the sign of Sagittarius. The Sun, for 19 days of the year, travels through the star constellation ‘Ophiuchus’ before entering Sagittarius from Scorpius.

What is exactly in the area of Ophiuchus that is so secret? Many believe that the portal to God can be found there. Many say that it is the home of the Nemesis. The Nemesis of course is also a reference to “Vulcan” the partner to a hypothetical binary star system idea, Nibiru the popular name of the 12th planet in the solar system and ‘Planet X” which is supposed to return from a wide elliptical orbit in 2012.

It is The Black Sun that will produce a whirlwind of fire or wormhole and it will create chaos and havoc upon the earth. Many have seen this anomaly and have called it Elijah’s vehicle, the shining vesture, the stairway to heaven, and the infernal maelstrom.

It was written in the old sacred texts that from the wormhole would come fiery rocks and comets. These were also spoken of by Blavatsky when she wrote; “Now, let us turn to the oldest written records left us by the Chaldeans, the Hermetic Book of Numbers,* and see what we shall find in the allegorical language of Hermes, Kadmus, or Thuti, the thrice great Trismegistus. In the beginning of time the great invisible one had his holy hands full of celestial matter which he scattered throughout the infinity; and lo, behold! it became balls of fire and balls of clay; and they scattered like the moving metal** into many smaller balls, and began their ceaseless turning; and some of them which were balls of fire became balls of clay; and the balls of clay became balls of fire; and the balls of fire were waiting their time to become balls of clay; and the others envied them and bided their time to become balls of pure divine fire.”

According to the Mayans the end of the creation cycle commences on October 28th, 2011. It is a time where we move into an area of the Zodiac that at one time was devoted to a character who was known as the “serpent bearer” or the “serpent god”. Many others call this area of the zodiac the “dark rift.” The Dark rift is home to the Death Star. The dark rift is in Serpentarius (Ophiuchus), the home of the serpent gods it has also been called “zero point” or the point of creation.

The ancient Gods of the Maya and similar cultures were flying serpents or “dragons.” There are many who have speculated that these fiery serpents were not serpents at all but huge comets or meteors that hit the earth causing floods, climate changes, and extinction level events.

Ophiuchus and some of the fixed stars in it were sometimes used by astrologers in antiquity as extra-zodiacal indicators in determining the times for cataclysms. It is interesting to note that the meanings of the crossing of the “Dark rift” Dark Star, Black Sun, or zero point is often associated with “Judgment” or “day of Judgment.”
Also the day of Cataclysm, plague, death and the healing of the sick and raising of the dead. The serpent holder has been associated with the godlike power to judge the dead and heal the sick. When passing through Zero point the Earth is said to receive messages from the gods in the form of natural cataclysm.

From the cataclysm came the resurrection or renewal literally the healing of the earth.

Does this at all sound familiar to you?

The symbol on the left is the symbol of the healer, the wand of the serpent bearer Ophiuchus. To the right is the crucifix. As you can see the images look quite similar. The crucifix represents, judgment, healing of the sick, and the resurrection of the dead. The rebirth after the physical death was a promise given after the great cataclysm.

The time of the Long Count will begin in October of 2011 with its peak in December of 2012. It is predicted to be the most significant astrological event in the history of the equinoxes and the solstices. Something crosses the sky that appears to rotate in a total period of 26,000 years. There is a symbol that represents this event and even though it is said to have connections to Christ, the symbol represents the alignment of the sun, the dark star and the earth at Galactic Central Point. The symbol also represents the crossing of Mazzaroth or Zodiac. It is the Celtic Cross.

Perhaps the idea of the Dark star is the metaphoric eye that is seen before the arrival of the destroyer?
From October 28th, 2011 to December 21, 2012 astronomers tell us that the sun’s path will visually intersect with the Galactic equator something that happens once every 26,000 years and that the Mayans identify this as rising of The Sacred Tree of life.

This forms a kind of celestial crossroads where the sun in Autumnal equinox and Winter Solstice converges with the center of our galaxy. Ophiuchus leads into Sagittarius, and Sagittarius’ spear points directly into the head (eye) of the “serpent” that is wrestled in Ophiuchus’ arms.


It is interesting to note that in the Norse depiction of Armageddon- called Ragnarok, a man-god- Thor- wrestles with a giant serpent named Jormungand for the fate of the world. In the book of the Apocalypse in the bible, John saw in his vision Michael the Archangel wrestle with the dragon and the angel bruised the serpents head.

It seems that what is written in the books of the apocalypse are purely an echo of the cyclical nature of the serpent holder or the cyclical appearance of Nemesis or Planet X.

Astronomers present that the effects of an encounter with Nemesis will alter the magnetic polarity of the sun, combining with gravitational forces from the simultaneous alignment of other planets, cause massive solar flares, and create earthquakes that could move the Earth off axis. Not unlike the recent earthquake in Chile that moved the earth off its axis by 3 inches.

Not to mention energy transmissions released upon our solar system by it aligning with galactic center. Mayan prophecy claims that during this time, realignment will synchronize us with the cycles of nature, mutate us, and accelerate our evolution. According to the Mayans, we shall see the “serpent ropes” descend from heaven. They will heal us after the tumultuous times.

It is amazing to see that recently there has been a lot of interesting news stories of Coronal Bursts from the Sun, earthquakes, and now what was once pseudoscience is being considered as a possible explanation for the anomalous behavior of the sun.

For example just prior to the release of the Movie 2012 NASA was angry at doomsday theories especially theories about Planet X. They went to great pains to say that the Internet stories of Planet X are false.

Now it has been reported that NASA has decided to investigate the possibility that Nemesis, the hypothetical companion to the Sun – may exist. In an article found in the London Telegraph it appears that the search is on for the Death Star that circles the Sun which catapults potentially catastrophic comets at the Earth. The star, also known as Nemesis, is five times the size of Jupiter and could be to blame for the impact that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Nemesis is predicted to lie at a distance equal to 25,000 times that of the Earth from the Sun, or a third of a light-year.

Astronomers believe it is of a type called a red or brown dwarf – a “failed star” that has not managed to generate enough energy to burn like the Sun.

But it should be detectable by a heat-sensitive space telescope called WISE, the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer.
Launched last year, WISE began surveying the skies in January. It is expected to discover 1000 brown dwarfs within 25 light-years of the Sun – right on our cosmic doorstep.

Could we also find that the investigation into this companion to the sun, or another celestial body could very well be responsible for the recent comet and asteroid bombardment of the sun and the resulting Coronal mass ejections that were reported before the Chilean earthquake and on March 17th, 2010.

Can science be off in its hypothesis that the sun is stable and that the activity is just a fluke? Or are we seeing something paranormal or even hypothetical like Planet X.

The questions are still out there, the presence of something greater than us is evident out in Space.
When the paranormal becomes science, it is time to go to work.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:13 pm

Were our Sun and Nibiru originally part of the Sirius star system? Is Nibiru the Sun’s binary twin? Were Jupiter and Saturn binary twins? Was the Earth originally a planet of Saturn? Did the implosion of Sirius B disrupt that “primordial order”? Was the passage of Nibiru responsible for the break of the Saturn system? Was the ancient kingdom of Hyperborea located in Scotland? Was the passage of Nibiru responsible for the destruction of Atlantis
Was Saturn our original sun?
Sirius, Sol, Nibiru, Saturn and the “Star of the Tenth Moon” (Phoebe/Iapetus)

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 255#p35145
Other stars, other worlds, other life?
It is therefore of particular interest that most of the extra-solar planets discovered are gas giants, several times the size of Jupiter, orbiting their star extremely closely. It is our system of distantly orbiting planets that seems the odd one out. In fact it argues in favor of a galactic traffic accident between the Sun and a sub-Brown Dwarf like Jupiter or Saturn.

The most disturbing idea I have left to last: the words used by ancient civilizations that are interpreted today as "the Sun" - like the Egyptian "Ra", the Greek "Helios", and the Roman "Sol" - all originally referred to the gas giant Saturn! Was that planet our primordial parent? Was Saturn until recently a much larger brown dwarf? (The apparent size and color of an electric star is an electrical phenomenon. If Jupiter's magnetosphere were lit up it would appear the size of the full Moon). Was ancient man around to see it as a sun? If not, why would anyone call a faint yellowish speck in the night sky - the Sun? Just how recently did Saturn get its icy ring? Does the discovery that the human race seems to have spread from a handful of survivors in the not so distant past have anything to do with this story? Oddly enough, an interdisciplinary approach can answer many of these questions in surprising detail. But it requires letting go of a lot of "things we know ain't so".

The present model of isolated self-powered stars with a family of relatively distant planets gives infinitesimally small windows of opportunity for life to gain a foothold, let alone sustain it for millions of years. An Electric Universe where energy is available to objects throughout the entire volume of a galaxy is an infinitely better environment for life. Faint, dwarf electric stars may be crucial to a radical reassessment of the likelihood of other intelligent life in the universe. Who knows, the Cassini mission to Saturn may be a kind of homecoming? It will return some surprises.
Primordial Light
The publication, in 1950, of Worlds In Collision heralded a revolution in contemporary thought. In that book Dr Velikovsky dealt with catastrophes affecting the Earth since 1500 BCE.

At one point in the narrative Dr Velikovsky hints that Jupiter must have previously wreaked havoc in our Solar System and that much of the confusion between Jupiter and Venus in the myths could be attributed to just this cause (6). As to the origin of the Venus-comet he says:- "The collision between major planets, which is the theme of the sequel to Worlds in Collision, brought about the birth of comets. These comets moved across the orbits of other planets and collided with them. At least one of those comets in historical times became a planet (Venus) . . ." (7) It is his opinion that Venus was born from Jupiter; thus Jupiter would have been in collision with another of the major planets(8) to cause the disturbances in the Solar System.

Dr Velikovsky leaves us with no doubt as to where he proposes the collisions took place within our System. "The zodiacal light, or the glow seen in the evening sky after sunset, stretching in the path of the sun and other planets (ecliptic), the mysterious origin of which has for a long time occupied the minds of astronomers, has been explained in recent years as the reflection of the solar light from two rings of dust particles, one following the orbit of Venus, the other an orbit between Mars and Jupiter, places where, according to Worlds in Collision, collisions of planets and a comet took place." (9).

There are other hints offered by the deductions Dr Velikovsky has made from his theories, some of which are confirmed, none refuted. The correct prediction of the radio noises of Jupiter is but one example. He claims that Saturn will be found to contain water and to possess molecular chlorine (17). Consider those predictions in the light of the following:- "The water of the oceans contains a large amount of soluble sodium chloride, common salt, Sodium might have come from rocks eroded by rain; but rocks are poor in chlorine and the proportion of sodium and chlorine in sea water calls for fifty times more chlorine in the igneous rock than it actually contains." (18) Did much of the salt and water in our oceans originally come from Saturn?

The details of the early catastrophes affecting our Earth in Dr Velikovsky's reconstruction have yet to be filled in, but the general outline as hinted by Dr Velikovsky and his associates runs something like this:

1. Ours was a double star system originally, Sun plus (probably) Saturn.
2. A passing dark star - e.g. Jupiter (19) - was attracted to the System and entered it.
3. It collided with or disrupted Saturn.
4. Some of the débris of this collision is marked by the asteroid belt of today (20).
5. Saturn went nova as a result of disruption.
6. Comets originate from the great collision (21).
7. But the Venus-comet was born of Jupiter, so did Jupiter acquire some of the mass of the disrupted Saturn, thus itself becoming unstable? (22)
8. Some more of the débris from Saturn approached the Earth and was the cause of the great Deluge, whose waters were salty.

Permit us then to extrapolate from this basic scheme in the light of our own research, and present our own reconstruction of the history of the Solar System. Will the evidence of mythology, geology and the physical sciences bear out the reconstruction sketched out above? Or will we have to modify this outline to a greater or lesser extent? We propose to deal here with the first of these three fields: the myths and records.
Saturn and Jupiter
Were Jupiter and Saturn free from the bonds of the sun, they could be considered as stars or suns. Were two such stars set in space close to one another, they would constitute a double-star system, both stars circling around a common focus.
Saturn and The Flood
Chief among them was the biblical Deluge, which Velikovsky ascribed to an explosion of the planet Saturn which he called a "nova". "It is conceivable that the Earth was, at that time, a satellite of Saturn, afterwards possibly becoming a satellite of Jupiter." Shortly after the explosion, the earth was enveloped in clouds of water or of hydrogen gas ejected from Saturn, which precipitated as the Flood.
Comyns Beaumont & the Keys to World History
http://www.irishoriginsofcivilization.c ... umont.html
Another shocker for me was the role Beaumont assigned to the planet Saturn, as the key to world history. Thoroughly intrigued, I searched for the true and the false in his basic ideas.

According to Beaumont, a large comet threatened Earth in the 14th century (1322 BC). Its debris (meteorites) caused a cosmic catastrophe that devastated early civilization, then centred in the Atlantis of antiquity – the British Isles.

Plato’s story of Atlantis, and the Biblical account of the flood of Noah were special attempts to record this disaster. The catastrophe so shattered the cradle of humankind’s earliest civilization that it immutably altered the religious beliefs of its survivors, who fled to the global Atlantean colonies in sunnier climes, themselves to become nations.

The crux of Beaumont’s schema is that the history of our planet, and the solar system within which it exists, is largely the product of cometary intrusions and their effects. Its social life (civilization) arose with the Celts in the north, especially in the British Isles and Scandinavia – the Atlantis of myth.

Although there was no actual sinking of Atlantis – Britain, some of its western areas were permanently submerged and the island was ravaged by electromagnetic waves of cosmic energy, exploding volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricane storms, and tidal waves. As a result of the catastrophe, the temperature dropped. Beaumont identifies the main agent of this historical event as the planet Saturn (Zeus-Chronos) becoming a comet, in myth, the serpent of the sky, and Phaeton, the terror of the skies. Its ravaged body produced a son, a new planet = a new sky god, Jupiter (a new Zeus), to rule a renewed Earth.
The Saturn Theory
Chief among them was the biblical Deluge, which Velikovsky ascribed to an explosion of the planet Saturn which he called a "nova". "It is conceivable that the Earth was, at that time, a satellite of Saturn, afterwards possibly becoming a satellite of Jupiter." 1 Shortly after the explosion, the earth was enveloped in clouds of water or of hydrogen gas ejected from Saturn, which precipitated as the Flood.

"Independent of Velikovsky, but basing their work on his, Harold Tresman and Bernard Newgrosh (writing under the name of Brendan O'Gheoghan), also came to the conclusion that Earth must have once been a satellite of Saturn, a topic to which Tresman has more recently returned. Combining Velikovsky's postulate with that of David Talbott and others, Frederick Hall embraced the same idea, presenting it in a speculative scenario concerning the history of the Solar System."


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:46 pm

by David Icke
I just want to pass on some information I have come across which may well explain shapeshifting and much else, too.

I have been chatting today to Brian Desborough, my scientist friend in California, and we have been discussing mono-atomic gold. This comes in the form of a white powder and has a two-dimensional atomic structure (one or two atoms working together) while regular gold has a three-dimensional structure (ten or more atoms working together).

Without going into all the scientific detail, when you consume this mono-atomic gold by mouth or injection, it increases the current carrying capacity of the nervous system by ten thousand times.

This would allow a person to process fantastic amounts of information like a super computer and when enough has been absorbed it would allow them to consciously move through other dimensions and shapeshift because suddenly the brain is activated to open those vast areas that we do not use in today's world. It aligns the brain cells so they all start talking to each other again.

More than that, if you consume enough of this mono-atomic gold your physical body would become luminous, I'm told, so explaining the ancient accounts of the reptilian gods and children of the gods who "shone like the Sun". Mono-atomic gold can be made from regular gold and it can be processed from certain ores, many of which are found in places like Arizona in the United States. This, I suggest, is the true meaning of the references to gold and gold mining in the Sumerian Tablets and not literally mining for normal gold, unless that was done to create the mono-atomic variety.

This substance gave - gives - the reptilians amazing abilities to process information and shapeshift because of the staggering amounts of energy they can hold and process. I am sure the ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, Babylonians, and Phoenicians etc. used this, or more accurately, their ruling elite did, thus giving them a mental potential denied the general population.

The same continues today. This was one of the big secrets held within the Mystery Schools and passed on into the top levels of the modern secret society network. Mono-atomic gold also has unbelievable healing properties in that it aligns the cells to carry phenomenal amounts of light energy, thus dispersing the blockages and imbalances we call disease or illness.


But the elixer of life that was supplied by the Goddess was 'menstraul' blood, thus the 'milk' of the goddess. And yes, it could have contained such an ingredient. In addition to the Star Fire ritual, the Bloodline Kings were also said to have been nourished with the Milk of the Goddess, and it would appear that this 'milk' contained an enzyme that was itself conducive to active longevity. Today's genetic researchers call this enzyme telomerase. As recently reported in the journal Science [vol. 279, 16 January 1998], corporate studies and those of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center have determined that telomerase has unique anti-ageing properties.
Telomerase is an enzyme that adds DNA sequence repeats ("TTAGGG" in all vertebrates) to the 3' end of DNA strands in the telomere regions, which are found at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes. The telomeres contain condensed DNA material, giving stability to the chromosomes. The enzyme is a reverse transcriptase that carries its own RNA molecule, which is used as a template when it elongates telomeres, which are shortened after each replication cycle. The existence of a compensatory shortening of telomere (telomerase) mechanism was first predicted by Soviet biologist Alexey Olovnikov in 1973, who also suggested the Telomere hypothesis of ageing and the Telomere's connections to cancer. Telomerase was discovered by Carol W. Greider and Elizabeth Blackburn in 1985 in the ciliate Tetrahymena. Together with Jack W. Szostak, Greider and Blackburn were awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery.
What are telomeres and telomerase?
http://www4.utsouthwestern.edu/cellbio/ ... facts.html
A telomere is a repeating DNA sequence (for example, TTAGGG) at the end of the body's chromosomes. The telomere can reach a length of 15,000 base pairs. Telomeres function by preventing chromosomes from losing base pair sequences at their ends. They also stop chromosomes from fusing to each other. However, each time a cell divides, some of the telomere is lost (usually 25-200 base pairs per division). When the telomere becomes too short, the chromosome reaches a "critical length" and can no longer replicate. This means that a cell becomes "old" and dies by a process called apoptosis. Telomere activity is controlled by two mechanisms: erosion and addition. Erosion, as mentioned, occurs each time a cell divides. Addition is determined by the activity of telomerase.

Telomerase, also called telomere terminal transferase, is an enzyme made of protein and RNA subunits that elongates chromosomes by adding TTAGGG sequences to the end of existing chromosomes. Telomerase is found in fetal tissues, adult germ cells, and also tumor cells. Telomerase activity is regulated during development and has a very low, almost undetectable activity in somatic (body) cells. Because these somatic cells do not regularly use telomerase, they age. The result of aging cells is an aging body. If telomerase is activated in a cell, the cell will continue to grow and divide. This "immortal cell" theory is important in two areas of research: aging and cancer.

Cellular aging, or senescence, is the process by which a cell becomes old and dies. It is due to the shortening of chromosomal telomeres to the point that the chromosome reaches a critical length. Cellular aging is analogous to a wind up clock. If the clock stays wound, a cell becomes immortal and constantly produces new cells. If the clock winds down, the cell stops producing new cells and dies. Our cells are constantly aging. Being able to make the body's cells live forever certainly creates some exciting possibilities. Telomerase research could therefore yield important discoveries related to the aging process.

Cancer cells are a type of malignant cell. The malignant cells multiply until they form a tumor that grows uncontrollably. Telomerase has been detected in human cancer cells and is found to be 10-20 times more active than in normal body cells. This provides a selective growth advantage to many types of tumors. If telomerase activity was to be turned off, then telomeres in cancer cells would shorten, just like they do in normal body cells. This would prevent the cancer cells from dividing uncontrollably in their early stages of development. In the event that a tumor has already thoroughly developed, it may be removed and anti-telomerase therapy could be administered to prevent relapse. In essence, preventing telomerase from performing its function would change cancer cells from "immortal" to "mortal".

Knowing what we have just learned about telomeres and telomerase, it can be said that scientists are on the verge of discovering many of telomerase's secrets. In the future, their research in the area of telomerase could uncover valuable information to combat aging, fight cancer, and even improve the quality of medical treatment in other areas such as skin grafts for burn victims, bone marrow transplants, and heart disease.
Telomerase and Aging
Synthesis of the lagging strand requires a short primer which will be removed. At the extreme end of a chromosome, there is no way to synthesize this region when the last primer is removed. Therefore, the lagging strand is always shorter than its template by at least the length of the primer. This is the so-called "end-replication problem".

Bacteria do not have the end-replication problem, because its DNA is circular. In eukaryotes, the chromosome ends are called telomeres which have at least two functions:

• to protect chromosomes from fusing with each other.
• to solve the end-replication problem.

Telomerase and telomere extension: To extend the length of a telomere, the telomerase first extends its longer strand. Then, using the same mechanism as synthesizing the lagging strand, the shorter strand is extended.
White Powder Gold
Anything having to do with the word 'gold' has to do with the evolution of conscicousness. Gold also linked with blood, bloodlines, DNA and a virtual genetic experiment in time that we are all experiencing.

The White Powder of Gold is a multitude of things. It is allegedly the Elixir of Life. It is likewise, the Philosopher's Stone of Alchemy, the manna of the ancient Hebrews, and even was even used by the ancient Egyptians.

In science, the white powder of gold is the ORME -- i.e. gold (or any of the Precious Metals) in a monoatomic form -- which can result in Superconductivity within an organic body. When the white powder of gold is mixed in water, it becomes the Elixir of Life, the alchemist's dream -- also known as The Golden Tear from the Eye of Horus, or 'That which issues from the mouth of the creator.

Even a modern dictionary may define manna as "What is it?"

The manna, the white powder of gold, is the food, the light, one takes into their body. It is the Food of the Gods. A modern day Rabbi might tell you that no one has known how to make the manna, the white powder of Gold, since the destruction of the Temple of Solomon. The technique is, supposedly, a lost art or lost knowledge. But others argue that when the high priests left the Temple (when it was destroyed), they took the secret out into the desert and organized a commune called Qumrun. There, they became the Essenes. Eventually, the white powder was used to nourish a woman named Mary, and eventually, she gave birth to a man named Jesus. Some claim that it was the white powder of gold which allowed Jesus his many gifts, including his ascension into heaven.

These gifts include: perfect telepathy, the ability to know good and evil when it¹s present, and to project thoughts into another person's mind. There is also the ability to levitate, or to walk on water. By excluding all external magnetic fields (including the Earth's gravity), the white powder of gold takes one beyond the four dimensional space time continuum, and the individual becomes a fifth dimensional being. They can literally think where they would like to be, and go there. They can heal by the laying on of hands, and can cleanse and resurrect the dead within two or three days after they died. They have so much energy that they can literally embrace people and bring light and energy back into them.

Derived from gold, platinum group metals and other transition elements, these impalpable white powder substances have been referred to as 'monatomic' (a single atomic state).

As such, they were classified by their research pioneer, David Hudson, in the 1980s as ORMEs (Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements).
Mono Atomic Gold -Think Twice
http://www.educate-yourself.org/cn/mono ... ug05.shtml
A few years ago, I've inserted the following Precautionary Note into Chapter 10C of Fritz Springmeier/Cisco Wheeler's on-line book , The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave in a section that touched upon David Hudson and the promotion/use of mono atomic gold. Since writing that note, my concerns about taking mono atomic gold have only grown as I continue to stumble upon more and more indications that the entire promotion of mono atomic gold is an Illuminati deception.

Today (August 15, 2005), I found yet another article cautioning against mono atomic gold posted at www.rense.com (re posted below). The anonymous author of the rense.com article poses the following question:

"Are we possibly dealing with a very long-term agenda somehow extending all the way back to the days of the Roman Empire -- and beyond?"

You should be asking yourself the same question and think twice about mono atomic gold.

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Joined: Fri May 02, 2008 2:44 am

Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by mague » Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:30 am


Please note that all obakemono are shapeshifters:
Obake and bakemono (化け物?) (sometimes obakemono) are a class of yokai in Japanese folklore. Literally, the terms mean a thing that changes, referring to a state of transformation or shapeshifting.
Those are just a few of tens of thousand Kami and spirits in Japan. There are a lot more to be found in Roman, European, Scandinavian and American history. I leave out the Egyptian animal headed humans and human headed animals, because this would crash with mainstream ;)

Maybe, just maybe they are not extraterrestrial evil reptiles, but rather a native part of our planet since forever ?


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:02 pm

Mague said: Maybe, just maybe they are not extraterrestrial evil reptiles, but rather a native part of our planet since forever?
Of course! Perhaps they’ve been among us all along. ;)

Shape shifting
There has been a lot of talk about "reptilian shape shifters", and that only certain people have an ability to shape shift into a reptile like creature. ALL Humans can shape shift, and not only into reptilian humanoids, but into ANYTHING! It's one of the things that make us so bad ass. Some people think that it would be so cool to be an alien or a shape shifting reptilian, but the truth is, not all aliens can do what we do, and they are the ones who wish they were us. Be proud of who you are.

Certain chemicals and toxins in our air, food, and water inhibit this natural ability. Fluoride is an example of an anti shape shifting agent.

The Project has the ability to assume any form or person, of any size, down to the genetic and molecular level, and defeat any form of biometric security.

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Joined: Fri May 02, 2008 2:44 am

Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by mague » Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:40 pm

There is more.. :D

As an example lets look at arachnophobia. Modern science tells us that people are scared of spiders. But the truth may be that the spiders scare people actively. This is, because they have the psychic ability to scare people. Same result, big difference. Modern science cant accept this, because there is no concept of psychic abilities.

If the spiders have the ability to induce uneasiness to panic, then it might be that a lot, really a lot more species out there have some sort psychic ability. Not only animals and insects, but also plants and minerals.

In the big picture they are not helpless at all. They actually have the ability to intervene into every aspect of human life. Thats why our most stubborn friends insist on creating a 100% artificial and sterile world without any spirit in science, economy and lifestyle. Thats why money is so important. Its pure artificial "blood" to power an artificial system. The idea to be little kids surrounded by beings with an immense advance in evolution makes them feel uneasy or worse. The idea that those beings nursed them and helped them to grow up can only be buried under a thick layer of ignorance and arrogance. Pubescent buggers comes to my mind, even though they have access to horrible weapons. Well, most street gangs are heavily armed too. Sad enough, but no reason to glorify them or to think they have extended knowledge or something.

Well, this are my 2 cents about conspiracy ;)


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:53 pm

Mague said: The idea to be little kids surrounded by beings with an immense advance in evolution makes them feel uneasy or worse.

http://psychic-abilities.suite101.com/a ... of_animals
Parapsychologist Joseph Banks Rhine coined the term, "anpsi," to refer to animals’ psychic abilities and “psi trailing” for animals’ ability to find their owners in places where they have never been. To rule out cases of mistaken identity, he only considered cases in which the animals had physical deformities, indisputable distinguishing marks, evidence of previous injuries and/or precise behavior patterns.
Totem Animal Qualities
http://www.witchs-brew.org/shadows/anim ... ities.html
Spider - Creativity, wisdom, shapeshifting, female energy, divine inspiration, weaver of the web of fate

Lizard - Facing fears, lucid dreaming, astral travel, Ego (detaching from), regeneration
After all, anthropologists largely agree that people have been attempting communication with the plant kingdom for as long as there have been plants and people. So why is it considered “abnormal” to attempt communication with plants today? And what can we hope to accomplish by entering into such a conversation in the first place?
The Spider Totem
The spider is the weaver of magic. There is much myth, legend and lore associated with this small and interesting creature. Nearly every culture, continent and tribe has some lore associated with the spider. They are said to be everything from the creators of the universe to the givers of the alphabet to man. They are associated often with the number 8 and are said to be the keepers of the internal plan of creation.
Spider Web Holds Valuable Secrets
Scientists are finally closing in on the answers to a puzzle that has perplexed them for centuries: How does a spider spin a web of silk that is five times stronger, on a weight-to-strength basis, than steel?

If we could spin silk as strong as a spider's, we could create all sorts of biomedical devices of extraordinary strength, and make bulletproof vests that might stop a bomb, and create a whole new line of materials for everything from high-performance aircraft to household appliances.

"No one today can tell you that they can then take that silk and process it into materials, fibers or films that have the right kind of mechanical properties," Kaplan says. It's inferior, he adds, because no one as yet has fully "recapitulated the process that nature has provided."
Use of Gemstones to Boost Psychic Abilities
http://ezinearticles.com/?Use-of-Gemsto ... id=1429267
There are many crystals, gemstones and minerals that are considered very helpful to enhance the psychic abilities of the person. The healing powers of the gemstones are an open secret and different gemstones have been used for spiritual healing and for the treatment of mental diseases for centuries. There was a time when spiritual healers seemed to heal different mental and physical disorders with the help of different gemstones and minerals and now with the passage of time when this believe in the healing effects of the gemstones should have been decreased, the things seem to act contrarily and once again people are moving towards the spiritual healings that is offered by different means including gemstones.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:58 pm

Did Jesus have a secret family?
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z0qaT4mCTd
Deep in the wilderness of the Judean desert, in a remote part of the Holy Land which has changed little since Biblical times, there stands an ancient Greek Orthodox monastery with a highly unusual portrait of the Holy Family hidden in its chapel.

Showing the young Jesus being carried on the shoulder of Joseph, while his mother Mary rides behind them, it appears similar at first to the thousands of other such images painted over the centuries.

This is a picture you are unlikely to see on any Christmas card, however, for next to Jesus, Mary and Joseph there is a mysterious fourth figure - a young man with a golden halo who is wearing a simple dark robe and carrying his belongings on a stick.

His name is James and, according to a controversial Channel 4 documentary to be screened on Christmas Day, his inclusion in this picture is a clue to a real-life church conspiracy as disturbing as anything dreamed up by Dan Brown in his bestselling religious thriller, The Da Vinci Code.

In that novel, Brown speculates that Christ was married to his loyal follower Mary Magdalene and that they had a daughter together. However, it seems the novelist may have missed the point.

According to Monday's programme, Jesus did have a hidden family, but they were not a wife and daughter - rather his brothers and sisters: James, Joses, Simon, Jude (sometimes referred to as Judas), Salome and young Mary.

These secret siblings apparently played a crucial role in the founding of Christianity, but their teachings proved too dangerous for the official church.

Taking over their movement, it tried to eradicate them from history by rewriting Christ's life story, fabricating his place of birth, falsely crediting him with creating the Lord's Prayer and even inventing the idea that his mother Mary remained a virgin throughout her life.
Was John the Baptist the real Messian?

John the Baptist, the Secret Messiah: Part 1
http://secretsun.blogspot.com/2010/05/j ... art-1.html
Is there a secret tradition that believes that John and not Jesus was the Messiah? Are the secret wars that lurk between the lines in the historical record the result of an age-old power struggle? Who was John the Baptist and who were his followers? More importantly, does his following exist to this day?

The Gospel of Mark- generally believed to be the earliest of the four gospels in the New Testament- begins, not with Jesus, but with John, son of Zechariah and Elisabeth, better known as ‘John the Baptist.’

Despite what some Christians may believe, the author known as Mark was not a journalist, he was a propagandist in the truest sense of the word. He was seeking to propagate the Jesus cult. Not only was Mark competing with the multitude of Jewish, Pagan and Solar cults, he was competing with other Jesus factions.

The problem Mark faced was that in their own time John the Baptist was a much more popular figure in Palestine than Jesus. So after John baptizes Jesus, he is dispensed with by Mark (and by his follower Matthew), until he is executed.

On the other hand, the Gospel writer Luke seems to be aware that he is writing for a people that believed that John, and not Jesus, was the Messiah. Some believed that Luke was writing before the fall of Jerusalem and before the death of the Apostle Paul, and that a first draft might have been produced circa 64 AD. Therefore the first chapter of Luke acknowledges the supremacy of John in his audience’s mind by telling his story first.

Luke 1:5-25 tells the miraculous story of John’s birth to the Temple priest Zechariah and his barren wife, Elisabeth. The angelic announcement of the John’s activity is identical to Jesus.’

Luke then has Mary visit Elisabeth in order that the well-known figure of Elisabeth can bestow her blessings on the lesser-known Mary. Of course, Elisabeth is clearly subservient to Mary in Luke’s telling. Humorously, John’s subservience to Jesus apparently is prenatal.

The first chapter ends with John’s birth and with Zechariah’s song of praise for the miraculous nativity, and John’s subservient role in relationship to the coming messiah. Somehow overlooked by the so-called “Biblical Literalists” is that Zechariah’s view of the coming messiah (whom he does not name) is unmistakably and unambiguously Solar.

Three vitally important facts come to light in the story of John’s ministry in Luke.

First, John’s communistic teachings are remarkably similar to Jesus’, leading many scholars to believe that Jesus was one of John’s disciples.

Next again note, as with Zecharias that John’s view of the coming Christ is Solar- John baptizes with water, but the Christ does so with fire. This brings to mind the baptism by fire Isis performed with Queen Astarte’s son to grant him immortality, as chronicled by Plutarch: “They relate that Isis nursed the child by giving it her finger to suck instead of her breast, and in the night she would burn away the mortal portions of its body." - Plutarch , “Isis and Osiris”, Moralia, 357B

Most importantly, note that John does not identify Jesus as the coming messiah in the Book of Luke. This is remarkable for a Gospel story, and is in direct contradiction to the accounts of Matthew and John. It’s also vitally important here to note that Luke makes reference to John’s ministry being in the spirit and power of Elijah. (Lk 1:16)

Could it be that that John’s large following was very familiar with his messianic prophecies? Given the detailed account of John’s biography and actions in Luke’s Gospel, it's very likely that there were once written records of John’s life and works which Luke is quoting from, particularly in the third chapter.

The fact that a Christian propagandist could resist the urge to insert Jesus’ name into Zechariah’s and John’s distinctly Solar prophecies is in itself evidence of a well-known corpus of Johannine literature in the First Century.
John the Baptist, the Secret Messiah: Part 2
http://secretsun.blogspot.com/2010/05/j ... art-2.html
There is also a curious juxtaposition of events in Luke concerning Jesus’ baptism: John is imprisoned before Jesus is baptized.

Luke never says who Jesus is baptized by, nor does he make reference to John’s response to such a momentous divine event. Jesus is simply another adherent among many others. Was it known then that Jesus was actually baptized by one of John’s disciples?

The chronology of John’s arrest and his conspicuous absence at Jesus’ Baptism is directly contradicted in Mark’s account, who has John imprisoned immediately following Jesus’ baptism:

Yet, notice here that Jesus himself- and not John- witnessed Jesus’ epiphany. If John had witnessed it, it might have been mentioned in the extant Johannine literature. Mark makes no mention of John’s obeisance to Jesus during Jesus’ baptism, nor does Mark name Jesus as John's coming messiah.

This omission is evidence that Mark and Luke were written earlier than Matthew and John, respectively, and were possibly circulated at a time when John’s teachings and reputation were still well known. It is believed early versions of Mark date from before the Fall of Jerusalem in 70 CE.

It is highly likely that much of the Johannine literature was destroyed-perhaps during the seige of Jerusalem. Matthew essentially rewrites Mark’s account, adding a few editorial flourishes, most notably John’s protest that Jesus ought to be baptizing him.

And the question remains, why would Jesus need to be baptized at all? He was, according to his disciples, without sin.

The legendary Jewish historian Josephus makes clear that John’s reputation among the Jews was such that the Roman onslaught and the destruction of the Temple was retribution from God, not for the execution of Jesus, but, for the execution of John.
John the Baptist, the Secret Messiah: Part 3
http://secretsun.blogspot.com/2010/05/j ... art-3.html
The most elaborate account of John’s execution takes place in the Gospel of Mark:

What is remarkable about Mark and Matthew’s telling of the tale is that they do not name a vitally important character in the drama, i.e., the girl who demands John’s head. She is simply referred to as “the daughter of Herodias.”

Herodias was married to Herod, the son of Herod the Great by Mariamme the daughter of Simon the high priest. They had a daughter Salome, after whose birth Herodias, taking it into her head to flout the way of our fathers, married Herod the Tetrarch, her husband's brother by the same father, who was tetrarch of Galilee; to do this she parted from a living husband.”

In The Templar Revelation, Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince present a fascinating theory. Citing Hugh Schoenfeld, A.N. Wilson and Barbara Theiering, Picknett and Prince posit that far from being the leader of a ragtag band of mystics, Jesus was the head of a faction of Jewish militants, one among many such as the Zealots, the Sicarii and the Maccabees. Furthermore, the death of the Baptist in Mark is followed by the “Feeding of the Five Thousand,” which the Good News Bible headlines as “Jesus Feeds Five Thousand Men.”

A.N. Wilson posits that the Feeding of the Five-Thousand was an assembly of the various militant factions (Mark 6:40 makes mention to the fact that “the men sat down in ranks”), which Picknett and Prince further posit was called by Jesus as a peace summit in the aftermath of John’s death. This chronology of Jesus meeting with ranks of men lends credence to their theory. Similar events have been known to happens in times of wars, particularly amongst non-state actors, like gangs or partisan bands, following a death of a charismatic leader.

Picknett and Prince take it one step further and suggest that the factions may have believed that Jesus -or more accurately, the wealthy patrons of the Jesus cult such as Joseph of Arimathea - had a hand in John’s execution.

After all, the Jesus movement would benefit greatly from John’s death, particularly if Jesus’ ministry was gaining wide acceptance amongst the Jews. And Jesus did have a disciple with a contact in Herod’s inner circle- Joanna, the wife of Herod’s steward.

The event of John’s death was extremely traumatic for his followers. Subsequently, it triggered a rift between the followers of John and the followers of Jesus, and each group apparently immediately began consolidating their own independent teachings. The Gospel writers later downplayed the significance of John as a prophet of the people, in order to boost the story of Jesus and his ministry and to spread the word that John the Baptist had been the "forerunner" of Jesus the messiah.

Following Josephus, it is Gibson’s opinion that Herod had John killed of his own volition. But before we dispense with this theory, there is one curious fact that bears attention...

Besides being the name of John’s murderess, a “Salome” was also one of Jesus’ closest disciples.

In the Gospel of Mark, this Salome witnessed Jesus’ execution (Mark 15:40) and his resurrection (Mark 16:1) But in a Stalinistic flourish, Salome is expunged from the story by Matthew and Luke, who used Mark as their source. Why? Her erasure from the absolute most important events of the Christian story- ie., Jesus’ death and resurrection- is puzzling, to say the very least.

Luke and John expunge the character altogether. Salome is now a footnote, even though her role in Mark’s telling of the foundational event of Christianity would otherwise be enough to earn her a sainthood.

Was there an attempt here to cover up the link between Salome and the Jesus faction? As they say, it's never the crime- it's the coverup. "Salome" was surely a common enough name at the time- so why the revisionism?
John the Baptist, The Secret Messiah: Part 4
http://secretsun.blogspot.com/2010/06/j ... art-4.html
The Salome story provides us with an entry into the alternative history of John the Baptist. It's a history some might scoff at, but one that may well be taken very seriously by some very serious individuals and groups. The crux of the matter is what some people believe about John the Baptist and how it affects the conduct of their lives.

This is by no means a trivial issue. This concerns the actions of wealthy and powerful men, acting in accordance to their beliefs. And if you think this is some easily-dismissed band of marginal, esoteric-minded kooks, be aware that the most powerful Christian of his time, Pope Pius IX, did not share in your opinion.

In his landmark encyclical from 1864, Allocution of Pio Nino, Pius identified and categorized the heresy of ‘Johannism,’ which he laid at the feet of the powerful Knights Templar.

"The secret thought of Hugues de Payens, in founding his Order (the Knights Templar), was not exactly to serve the ambition of the Patriarchs of Constantinople. There existed at that period in the East a sect of Johannite Christians, who claimed to be the only true Initiates into the real mysteries of the religion of the Saviour.

The Salome story provides us with an entry into the alternative history of John the Baptist. It's a history some might scoff at, but one that may well be taken very seriously by some very serious individuals and groups. The crux of the matter is what some people believe about John the Baptist and how it affects the conduct of their lives.

This is by no means a trivial issue. This concerns the actions of wealthy and powerful men, acting in accordance to their beliefs. And if you think this is some easily-dismissed band of marginal, esoteric-minded kooks, be aware that the most powerful Christian of his time, Pope Pius IX, did not share in your opinion.

In his landmark encyclical from 1864, Allocution of Pio Nino, Pius identified and categorized the heresy of ‘Johannism,’ which he laid at the feet of the powerful Knights Templar.

"The secret thought of Hugues de Payens, in founding his Order (the Knights Templar), was not exactly to serve the ambition of the Patriarchs of Constantinople. There existed at that period in the East a sect of Johannite Christians, who claimed to be the only true Initiates into the real mysteries of the religion of the Saviour.

For Saint John himself was the Father of the Gnostics, and the current translation of his polemic against the heretical of his Sect and the pagans who denied that Christ was the Word, is throughout a misrepresentation, or misunderstanding at least, of the whole Spirit of that Evangel.

"To acquire influence and wealth, then to intrigue, and at need to fight, to establish the Johannite or Gnostic and Kabalistic dogma, were the object and means proposed to the initiated Brethren.

The Papacy and the rival monarchies, they said to them, are sold and bought in these days, become corrupt, and to-morrow, perhaps, will destroy each other. All that will become the heritage of the Temple: the World will soon come to us for its Sovereigns and Pontiffs. We shall constitute the equilibrium of the Universe, and be rulers over the Masters of the World."

"The Templars, like all other Secret Orders and Associations, had two doctrines, one concealed and reserved for the Masters, which was Johannism; the other public, which was the Roman Catholic. Thus they deceived the adversaries whom they sought to supplant."

Morals and Dogma
"The Templars, like all other Secret Orders and Associations, had two doctrines, one concealed and reserved for the Masters, which was Johannism; the other public, which was the Roman Catholic. Thus they deceived the adversaries whom they sought to supplant. Hence Free-Masonry, vulgarly imagined to have begun with the Dionysian Architects or the German Stone-workers, adopted Saint John the Evangelist as one of its patrons, associating with him, in order not to arouse the suspicions of Rome, Saint John the Baptist, and thus covertly proclaiming itself the child of the Kabalah and Essenism together."


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:46 pm

Was Saturn our ancient sun? Was the passage of Nibiru responsible for the break of the Saturn system? Was the ancient kingdom of Hyperborea located in Scotland?

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 315#p36704

Saturn was the brown-dwarf primary for Earth Mars Venus
http://forums.canadiancontent.net/scien ... earth.html
Astronomers have recently discovered a band of energetic neutral atoms around the sky. This discovery supports the hypothesis that the Sun captured a previously independent Saturnian system, in which Saturn was the brown-dwarf primary for the planets Earth, Mars, and Venus.

With gravity, there is only one kind of star: condensed. A cloud of gas collapses into a tiny ball until nuclear fusion reactions heat it to incandescence. (Never mind that the cloud’s angular momentum—which it must have to generate a planetary accretion disk later on—will stop the collapse long before it becomes a tiny ball.)

With electricity, there are two kinds of stars: anodic and cathodic. The anodic is the most common. It forms in a z-pinch in galactic Birkeland currents. The star acts as an anode within a discharge that is driven by an electron-dominated galactic current. The Sun is the closest example, and space probes enable us to take measurements that can test and articulate the model. Most stars are driven, like the Sun, by current densities in dark mode discharge. It’s called “dark” only because it doesn’t radiate in the visible portion of the spectrum. In radio and x-ray wavelengths, it “shines.”


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jun 12, 2010 9:00 am

Saturn’s “Children” ;)

Jupiter’s Rings
http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect ... /ring.html
At one time, Saturn, with it's beautiful ring system, was thought to be an anomaly in the Solar System: why did Saturn, and no other planet, have rings? As we have explored the outer planets in more detail, we now know that there are multiple ring systems in the Solar System. None are as spectacular as that of Saturn, but we now view rings as common occurrences.

The adjacent image shows that Jupiter also has a ring, though it is extremely faint. The ring was discovered by Voyager I in 1979 and is at a radius of about 1.8 times the radius of the planet (which is inside the radius of the innermost moon). It seems to be composed of small (micron size) particles, probably from Io's volcanoes and from debris knocked off the inner moons by meteor impacts.
The Moons of Jupiter
http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect ... moons.html
Jupiter has 16 moons. By far the largest and best known are the 4 Galilean Moons, so named because they were discovered by Galileo.

The moons of Jupiter are (in order by their distance from Jupiter): Metis, Adrastea, Amalthea, Thebe, Io, Europa, Ganymede (the biggest), Callisto (the second biggest), Leda (the smallest), Himalia, Lysithea, Elara, Ananke, Carme, Pasiphae, Sinope, and many newly-discovered moons that haven't been named yet.

The Moons of Mars
Mars has two moon, Phobos and Deimos

These are examples of what are called minor satellites: small chunks of rock in orbit around planets as compared with large satellites like the Earth's Moon. As the adjacent images show, they are very irregular in shape. Phobos is 27 km long in its longest dimension and Deimos is 15 km long in its longest dimension.

Both are cratered and orbit the planet in rather low orbits. Phobos is only about 3000 miles above the Martian surface and orbits in a little over 7 hours (thus it makes more than 3 orbits in a single Martian day). Deimos is a little further out and orbits in about 30 hours.

The figure to the right shows a rather spectacular image taken by the Viking 2 orbiter from an altitude of about 8000 miles above the Martian surface. The image looks down on a Martian shield volcano (Ascraeus Mons) which is about 200 miles across and in the center. The object down and to the left of the volcano is Phobos, which is 5000 miles below the orbiter, and 3000 miles above the Martian surface! (The regular horizontal rows of dots seen in the image are an artifact associated with the imaging; they don't correspond to real features.)
The Rings of Saturn
http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect ... rings.html
The ring system of Saturn is divided into 5 major components: the G, F, A, B, and C rings, listed from outside to inside (but in reality, these major divisions are subdivided into thousands of individual ringlets). The F and G rings are thin and difficult to see, while the A, B, and C rings are broad and easily visible. The large gap between the A ring and the B ring is called the Cassini division.

High resolution photographs from the Voyager missions indicate that the rings of Saturn are composed of hundreds of thousands of "ringlets", and that regions like the largest "gap" called the Cassini division, also contain fainter rings (adjacent image). The rings cannot be solid, because they lie inside the Roche limit. They presumably represent either a satellite torn apart by tidal forces, or (more likely) material that was never allowed to condense into moons because of the tidal forces. The evidence indicates that the rings are composed of particles that are mostly ice crystals, with sizes as large as centimeters or meters. The total mass in the rings is about the size of a medium mass moon, and the rings are only about 10 km thick.
Saturn’s Moons
Saturn has 31 known moons. Of them, Titan is the largest, and is the second-largest in our solar system (Jupiter's Ganymede is largest). The other satellites have icy surfaces and many craters. Mimas has one crater that spans one quarter of it's diameter. Iapetus is another which is an enigma. It's surface appears to be divided into two sections. Most of the moons, which are small, were probably captured asteroids, and did not form with Saturn.

Pan is the closest satellite to Saturn. That is about all that we know about it.

Next comes Atlas. Atlas serves a very important function: Its orbit is at the edge of Saturn's A-ring, and Atlas keeps the A-ring in place, so the particles cannot go beyond its orbit.

Next out are Prometheus (right) and Pandora. Prometheus and Pandora serve a joint purpose which is not unlike Atlas: Prometheus guards the inside of the F-ring, while Pandora guards the outside.

Next come Epimetheus (left) and Janus (right). Scientists think that these two moons were once part of a single moon that was later blasted apart. This claim is supported by the fact that their orbits are within thirty miles of each other.

Next comes Mimas. This is a unique moon because it has a huge crater that covers fully one quarter of its entire surface.

Next out are Enceladus, Tethys, Telesto, Calypso, Helene, Dione, and Rhea (right). Dione looks very much like our moon, except that it contains ice. Tethys, Telesto, and Calypso all share the same orbit.

Titan (left) is the second-largest moon in the solar system. It is also one of the only three that have an atmosphere (Jupiter's Io and Neptune's Triton are the other two). Out of the other two, Titan certainly has the thickest. In fact, its clouds are so thick that the moon is like Venus; it is impossible to see the ground. Therefore, we know very little about this moon, except it has a thick orange cloud-cover, and an atmosphere thicker than Earth's.

The next three moons are Hyperion, Iapetus, and Phoebe. Hyperion looks like a hamburger, and has a crater that covers one third of its bottom side. Iapetus has one side that reflects light, but the other side is covered in a pitch-dark material.

The other 13 moons all orbit outside of Iapetus' orbit, but a few are inside of Phoebe's. They were discovered in 2000 by a team of astronomers who were examining old photographs of Saturn and the area around Saturn. They are tiny, and some orbit retrograde, meaning that they orbit in the direction opposite the planet's spin - an almost certain indication that they are captured asteroids rather than being native to the system. They are currently being called S/2000 S#, with the # ranging from 1 to 12, and S/2003 S1.
http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect ... rings.html
The rings of Uranus (and some of its moons) are shown in the adjacent Hubble Space Telescope image. The rings were discovered from the Earth in 1977 when Uranus occulted (passed in front of) a star and it was noticed that there were dips in the brightness of the star before and after it passed behind the body of Uranus.

This data suggested that Uranus was surrounded by at least 5 rings. Four more rings were suggested by subsequent occultation measurements from the Earth, and 2 additional ones were found by Voyager 2, bringing the total to 11 (the adjacent image shows only some of the brighter rings.
The Moons of Uranus
http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect ... moons.html
The following image shows the 5 largest satellites of Uranus: Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon. There are 10 additional small satellites.
Moons of Uranus
http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjec ... oons.shtml


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