On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by kevin » Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:06 pm

Fabulous posts.
here's one for You,
I love the fact that he is called Gabriel.
Beware there's dragons and secret passages and kings and Queens, serpents everywhere, a hobbits delight.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat May 01, 2010 12:08 pm

Is there a possible "resonant relationship" between Sirius and Nibiru?

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 240#p34987

Perhaps Nibiru is not a planet at all, but a small system consisting of a Brown Dwarf Star and a small accompanying planet. Brown dwarfs were, until recently, only theoretical planet/star hybrids. Astronomers believe that they have now located some brown dwarfs, whose luminosity is so low as to make their detection extremely difficult.

They are thought to be relatively commonplace in the Universe, and their relative lack of appearances, thus far, reflects their dark star qualities. If one is in orbit around the Sun, then it is quite plausible that its detection by telescope has not yet occurred, so one can understand the paucity of tangible data from further afield.

So, what if this Brown Dwarf in fact had planets circling in close proximity around it? Surely this would better explain the presence of life. After all, the Nibiruans are supposed to have lived on the Earth and then fled to their home planet, which takes it on a 3600-year orbit out of the known solar system. If that was the case, and it was just a planet and not an actual Brown Dwarf/Planetary system, how could life be sustained in the far reaches of our Solar System? The Brown Dwarf theory makes much more sense and has a correlation with the Hopi Prophecies.

Its elliptical orbit takes it around two suns. The other sun it orbits is our sun’s dark twin. Our best telescopic equipment on and off earth is closely monitoring Nibiru’s inbound approach. This is one of many reasons the orbiting Hubble telescope live feed is hidden from our view.

Each time it approaches it starts a chain of events that culminates with it passing by and causing our earth's surface to change. These changes are the cause of massive death and destruction. History is rich with these stories. Many people from the past didn't draw the connection between what looked to be a large comet overhead and what they were experiencing at the time (volcanoes erupting, earthquakes, land masses sinking and rising, tidal waves, severe weather and floods).

In 1995 Planet X became close enough to us that its magnetism started to effect earth in a big way, which increases now daily. The closer it gets to us the faster it moves toward earth and the stronger its magnetic effects become.

Our own sun's gravity is what is pulling it closer and faster. Planet X is not going to hit earth or the sun because of the repulsion force which comes into play as they near each other. There is still reason to be forewarned and concerned.

Earth now has two strong magnetic influences in the vicinity (our sun being the main one) and its core is heating up because of it. The sun is pushing and pulling on earth one way and Planet X is now upsetting that balance with its own set of influences. This has been the reason for all the strange weather and seismic activity as of late.
Sirians and Annunaki working together
The lunar component is represented by the eye of Isis, and her star is Sirius, the dog-star (Set). The order of the Silver Star is thus the order of the eye of Set, ’the Son behind the Sun,’ represented astronomically by the star of Isis, which is Sothis (Sirius).

"The constellation of which Sirius was the chief star was once named the Phoenix [this constellation probably corresponded to the complex of stars now known as Cygnus and Aquila]. This was the secret name of Baphomet (Crowley) as the supreme head of the O.T.O. [the Ordo Templi Orientis or Order of the Temple of the East, so called because the east is the place of sunrise. The reference is not, however, to the physical sun, but to the eye of Set, astronomically imaged by Sirius.] He assumed the god-form of this bird (an emblem of the sothic year or cycle) because it reached the meridian (i.e. attained supremacy) at the moment of the rising of Sirius, or Set.

"The Silver Star (A:.A:.) is Sirius. As Hoor-paar-Kraat, whose formula is silence and strength, he is the undying god, beyond our solar system. Horus is the ’son’ of this god and the sun (or father) of our solar system. Horus is thus Hrumachis (son of) the star, Sirius. Sirius, Sothis or Set-An, thus represents the supreme, the eternal light. The star is therefore the key to the present aeon of Horus, for it represents the energy of Satan that will permeate the earth during the present cycle."
In 1953, Kenneth Grant, (O.H.O. or Outer Head of the Order, of the O.T.O., or Ordo Templi Orientis), founded an esoteric order called “New Isis Lodge”. This was a branch of the O.T.O., which means Order of the Eastern Templars, and claims descent from the Knights Templar — the famous Crusader Order, whose leader, Jaques de Molay was burned at the stake by the Inquisition. The Templars supposedly learned esoteric secrets from the Sufis, who may, in turn, have inherited knowledge from Egyptian sources.

This New Isis Lodge was operated for seven years, until 1962. The purpose of this Lodge concerned “the influx of cosmic energy from a transplutonic power-zone known to Initiates as Nu-Isis.” This purpose was elsewhere described as, “receiving transmissions from the transplutonic planet, Isis”, and also for “transmitting the Magical Knowledge of Nu-Isis”.

This transplutonic, or “beyond Pluto” planet is also described as “Seat or Focus of the Forces radiating from the Argenteum Astrum (A.A.), which was the name of the Inner Order of the famous Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, but, as Grant reveals in his first book, actually refers to Sirius.

He also tells us, “Isis, transplutonic, is not of the solar system but of its outer rim; it is the pylon of another system, vaster than ours”.6 Also; “ the Star or Soul of Nu-Isis is the Dog Star (Sirius) which radiates its mysterious energies from transaeonic gulfs of inner space…”
Sirius, Comets, Aliens & Omega
Transplutonic Isis

So, can we find any connection between the star Sirius and a comet, asteroid or planetoid that might appear in this solar system?

In 1953, Kenneth Grant, (O.H.O. or Outer Head of the Order, of the O.T.O., or Ordo Templi Orientis), founded an esoteric order called “New Isis Lodge”. This was a branch of the O.T.O., which means Order of the Eastern Templars and claims descent from the Knights Templar — the famous Crusader Order, whose leader, Jacques de Molay was burned at the stake by the Inquisition. (Historians say that the heresy charges were invented by the king of France and the Pope, who were jealous of the wealth and power of the Order). Anyway, the Templars supposedly learned esoteric secrets from the Sufis, who may, in turn, have inherited knowledge from Egyptian sources.

This New Isis Lodge was operated for seven years, until 1962. The purpose of this Lodge concerned “the influx of cosmic energy from a transplutonic power-zone known to Initiates as Nu-Isis.” This purpose was elsewhere described as, “receiving transmissions from the transplutonic planet, Isis” and also for “transmitting the Magical Knowledge of Nu-Isis”.

This transplutonic, or “beyond Pluto” planet is also described as “Seat or Focus of the Forces radiating from the A.A.”, or Argenteum Astrum, which was the name of the Inner Order of the famous Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, but, as Grant reveals in his first book, actually refers to Sirius.

Nibiruan Wormhole

If this transplutonian planet was on a concentric orbit, with its orbital radius and distance from the nearest planet being in a similar ratio to that of the other planets; its aphelion would be between 7 and 11 billion kilometers from the sun. Its orbital distance would then be between 42—69 bi1lion kms. With an orbital period of 3,600 years, that would mean it was traveling at between 1300—2200 kilometers per hour. This does not seem unreasonable, since it lies between the slowest speed of a comet - 1000 k.p.h., -- and the orbital speed of Pluto -- about 18,000 k.p.h.

However, if the planet was on an elliptical orbit taking it to Sirius, and taking 3,600 years for the round trip, how fast would it have to be traveling then? Sirius is 8.8 light years away from us, which is 51.6 trillion miles. There and back would be 103.2 trillion miles, (163.2 trillion kilometers), which would mean that the planet would have to be traveling at 5.2 million k.p.h.. As the maximum speed of comets when they are near the sun is two million k.p.h., then it seems highly unlikely that anything could travel over twice that speed through interstellar space.

It is interesting, however, that the satellites placed the planet at 50 trillion miles, which is exactly where it would be if it had just been to Sirius, and was on its return trip. If the planet is not traveling in excess of five million k.p.h., then there must be some kind of "wormhole" by-passing normal space-time, which probably feeds into this solar system somewhere between Uranus and Pluto.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat May 01, 2010 1:05 pm

Sirius A, B, C, Horus, Saturn, Vulcan (Nibiru) and the “Star of the Tenth Moon” (Phoebe/Iapetus)

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 240#p34986

Is Saturn the “binary twin” of Sirius C? Is Nibiru a planet (the Nommo’s “the “Star of Women”) that revolves around Sirius C (Emma Ya)?

Is Horus our Sun?

Is there a stargate between Phoebe and Iapetus?

Sirius A (Isis)
Sirius B (Osiris)
Sirius C (Nephthys)
Set (Saturn; Satan; Typhon)
Horus (Sol)
Nibiru (Nommo's planet "Star of Women" revolves around Sirius C)
The "Stargate" of the Tenth Moon (Phoebe; Iapetus)

Sirius Issues
http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/show ... hp?t=17016
Is this solar system really part of the Siran solar system? Is our sun really Sirius C? Is the ancient depiction of three suns really Sirius A, Sirius B, and Sirius C? Did we all come from Sirius? Is there a stargate between this solar system and Sirius?

I'm going to continue to speculate. Could Nibiru be Sirius C? Or could our sun be considered to be Sirius C?

Who were the angels? In a passage from the book of Noah, there's an explicit reference to the angels who "infringed the word of the Lord, the law of the sky". This tale, just before the Flood, is confirmed by the Dead Sea Scrolls. The story describes the fall of 200 angels, called Vigilants, who came down on Mount Hermon (north of Palestine). A Vigilant called Azazel taught men how to build weapons and armor and how to manipulate metals. Other Vigilants taught magical arts like clouds, meteorology, signs of Earth and astronomy. Peneum, another Vigilant, taught the use of spices in the food and also ink and paper. The Vigilants specifically are cited as those who introduced (cuneiform) writing.

The Nommos, aliens from the Sirius star system, reportedly visited Earth at the time of Noah's Flood. Thus, they may have been the angels who built the Ark. Sirius is in the proper galactic region to support sentient life. The U.S. Naval Observatory claims that planetary orbits in the "habitable" zone are unstable. An Earth-type planet could contain liquid water about 4.6 AU from 300 million years old Sirius A. But simulations suggest stable orbits exist at circumstellar distances around both stars up to more than half the binary's closest separation (8.1 AU).

The Great Flood and Noah's Ark legend is common to the Christian, Jewish and Moslem religions. But as often occurs with religious beliefs, few have analyzed the Ark's nautical restrictions. Instead, a common belief exists that it was a simple rectangular vessel built by a single man and his extended family. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Ark's relic has been found in the mountains of Ararat. Matching biblical parameters, it was 64% longer than any modern wooden vessel and had an (unloaded) displacement greater than that of a modern British aircraft carrier.

Government (Los Alamos) personal, once helpful with tests and measurements of it, no longer believe this relic to be Noah's Ark. No wonder, it clearly shows that it was not built by humans ~5200 years ago. It offers details of alien engineering principles involving the Golden Ratio. Its metallurgy shows ironwork not even possible until ~3200 years ago as well as the presence of other metals (e.g. titanium and aluminum) that would have been difficult to fabricate even in the early twentieth century.

The Book of Noah explicitly specifies that "angels" (with extensive metallurgical skills) built the Ark. They were likely the Nommos, an amphibian species reportedly from the Sirius star system. They left mankind with cuneiform writing and the wheeled vehicle (alien technology of that day). They offered us astronomical knowledge of their own and our solar system (including Vulcan) and evidence of a past major comet/meteorite Earth impact. Finally, they appear to have left repositories of technologies far more advanced than our own. Their story tells of an alien species' attempt to save a deceitful mankind from an approaching comet impact catastrophe that caused Noah's Great Flood. Apprehensively, they may have recently returned to again warn us of a similar impending impact event.

The Dogon believe that Sirius B occupied the place where our Sun is now. Temple associates another star, Sirius C (Emme Ya) with Sirius B (Digitaria or po tolo).3 Then Sirius B would be analogous to our Sun and Sirius C to Vulcan (our unlit Sun's companion star). Further, there is confusion as to why the Dogon hold their celebrations every 60 years when Sirius B orbits Sirius A every 50 years, Obviously, the 60-year cycle is relevant to our own solar system and is utilized in Chinese astrology.

At the center of Dogon religious teachings is knowledge about a star in the Sirius star system that is invisible to the eye - even through a telescope. A faint companion star to Sirius A was detected in 1862. No photographs were taken of it until 1970. Astronomers recognize Sirius B as an extremely dense white dwarf star. Although small and faint, it is heavy enough to influence the motion of Sirius A.

The Dogon also describe a third star Sirius C, in this system. Astronomers now detect the presence of Sirius C with a 0.05 solar mass red or brown dwarf star (like Wolf 424's B flare star) with a 6 year period, but it is unknown if it orbits Sirius A or B (at ~3 AU).4 Temple implies an 0.25 solar mass Sirius C orbiting Sirius B with the Nommos from a single satellite, a reed rich "water world", orbiting it.5 Presumably, it is close to and receives warmth from Sirius C as it would be too far away from Sirius A or B.

Their spaceship landed somewhere to the northeast of the Dogon's present homeland. There was a great noise and wind. The space ship landed on three legs, skidded to a stop, scoring the ground. After the landing, something with four legs appeared and dragged the vessel to a hollow. Then the hollow filled with water until the vessel floated in it. The Dogon call this spaceship "Pelu Tolo" or "Star of the Tenth Moon".

At the same time a new star was seen. Possibly it was a large space ship. It was described by the Dogon as having a circle of reddish rays around it like a spreading spot, yet it still remained the same size. There is a Dogon drawing of the spaceship hovering in the sky, waiting for the Nommo who landed on the Earth. It represents three stages of 'Pelu Tolo' when it was spurting different amounts of blood or flames (as if it crash landed).

They plotted movements of the stars and planets and predicted the approach of a comet that would cause the floods. Noah's Flood occurred about 3150 BC, during the time of the builders of the standing stones, known as megaliths. The evidence is from an ancient Hebrew text, The Book of Enoch, which was among the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The knowledge about our solar system (including Vulcan), as displayed on the Akkadian Seal, is attributable to the Nommos. Should they have detected and formulated Vulcan's orbit from their own solar system, it is just a matter of mathematics to deduce when a swarm or cluster may be threatening Earth. Noah's Flood was from a comet strike due to passage of swarm A cluster Cl – 1.
Dagon - Nommo from Sirius
Sirius A is very bright and totally outshines Sirius B (10,000x) but because the Sirius system is quite close, one of our nearest neighbors at 8.7 light-years, it is possible to detect the wobble caused by the heavy orbiting object using good instruments. The Dogon say there is also a 3rd star in the system called "Emme Ya" - and this was recently discovered (in 1995) and is now called Sirius C.

The Dogon don't say their knowledge was due to better instruments but due to events in the distant past. They say a new star appeared in the sky that could change it's size. A fiery, roaring, ship then came down which manufactured a pond for the occupants of the ship to use. These creatures could speak the local language and were friendly. They were called "Nommo" meaning "the monitors" and their home planet was in the Sirius system orbiting Emme Ya. The Nommo stayed on Earth for some time teaching.

The Dogon call Saturn the "star of limiting the place" and say that when the Nommo left they became the "star of the 10th moon" - Phoebe is the 10th moon of Saturn and although little is known about it, what is known about it is quite odd. It is about 200 Km in diameter and has an orbit that is unlike the other moons of Saturn. It is much further out, goes round the other way and at a much different angle. It is black as soot and appears to be made of rock - but if it was made of rock it would be about 5 times heavier than it actually is. It is also much more spherical than you would expect for an object with almost no gravity. The only picture I can find of Phoebe shows a round object that looks like a pollen grain under a microscope

The monitorial duties of the Nommo may have included helping to save Noah by providing him with his Ark. The book of Enoch says the ark was built by the Angels or "watchers". It seems possible that the Watchers are humans trained by the Nommo to take over their monitoring. Some of these Watchers "fell to earth" (nephilim in the Bible) and became the gods of the olden times - best known to us from the Greek legends and the Indian vedas.
Sirius C and the Black Sun
Sothis (Sirius B) is connected to Emme Ya (Sirius C), a bizarre star that constitutes the closest astronomical match to the concept of Black Sun, and from which Atlantean Lore says that many of the entities and intelligences today known in Pantheons sprang from.
Lucifer and the Black Sun
http://hiddenlight777.wordpress.com/200 ... black-sun/
Lucifer is the goddess of the Black Sun which is truly the great dragon Typhon the mother of all creation and of humanity. Typhon’s self begotten son was Sut the ancient Egyptian god which was Sothis or Sirius. Which in later reckonings Sut was then named after the planet Saturn which was called in earlier times in history concerning Christianity Satan, or Lucifer. Lucifer is not just female or male Lucifer is androgynous, meaning that this very ancient creator is both female and male.
Beyond 2012
The Dogon say that the "spaceship" of the visitors - the Nommo - looked "like a new star", and that they will return one day, when "a certain star will reappear", and there will be a "resurrection of the Nommo". The star will be invisible before it "emerges", and is drawn with the rays inside the circle. It will only be "formed when the Nommo's ark descends for it is also the resurrected Nommo's "eye" symbolically." Temple thinks this is Phoebe - Saturn's tenth moon.
Phoebe, one of the outer satellites of Saturn, was discovered by William H. Pickering from a photographic plate taken on the night of August 16, 1898 with a 24-inch refracting telescope located in Areguipa, Peru. At a distance of 12,952,000 kilometers (8 million miles), Phoebe orbits Saturn in a retrograde direction (opposite to the direction of the other satellites' orbits) in a plane much closer to the ecliptic than to Saturn's equatorial plane. It is 214 kilometers (133 miles) in diameter, roughly circular in shape, and fairly dark reflecting about 8 percent o f the sunlight. Phoebe rotates on its axis every nine hours and 16 minutes, and completes a full orbit around Saturn in about 18 months. Phoebe also might be the source of dark material on Iapetus.
Iapetus is one of the stranger moons of Saturn. Its density is similar to that of Rhea, indicating that it has a small allotment of rocky materials. Its leading side is dark with a slight reddish color while its trailing side is bright. The dark surface might be composed of matter that was either swept up from space or oozed from the moon's interior. The real reason is still unknown. The dark material might be a thin layer of organic material perhaps similar to the complex substances found in the most primitive meteorites. However, there are no bright rimed craters present on the dark hemisphere. If the dark material is thin, it must be constantly renewed since a meteor impact would punch through the layer to reveal brighter surface material.
Saturn and the Late Great Planet Tiamet
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/herco ... bus_26.htm
This solution derives from the continuing research of neo-catastrophists, that is, followers of the late Immanuel Velikovsky, and is known as the ’Saturn Myth’ theory...

The basic requirement for an attenuated perception of gravity involves the Earth being in a very close orbit around a smaller and much cooler stellar body (or binary body) than our present Sun.

One pole would always be pointed directly at this nearby small star or binary system. The intense gravitational attraction would pull the Earth into an egg shape rather than its present spherical shape, so that the planet’s center of gravity would be off center towards the small star. This would generate the torque necessary to counteract the natural gyroscopic force and keep the Earth’s pole pointed in the same direction as it revolved around the star.

Holden goes on to suggest some of the consequences of such an intense gravitational pull:

There would be no seasons because the Earth’s pole would be pointed at this star or binary system

"The state of the present solar system indicates that this previous system was eventually captured by a larger star, our present Sun. But the pieces of this old system have not vanished. The influential small star or binary system of the past remains, though its reign of power has ended."

Indeed, if the Earth was once in fifth position, its closest neighbors would have been Jupiter and Saturn.
Saturn's Moon Iapetus: An Alien Space Station?
Is this moon an alien space station "parked" in orbit around Saturn? This article from R.C.H. seems to contend that it is, and provides a fairly good arguement for it as well. Oddly enough (and probably mentioned before), this moon is identical to the Death Star.

What does George Lucas really know?

RCH was on C2C this morning with noted astronomer David Darling and they talked about the mysteries of Iapetus, including the dodecahedron shape of the moon, the equatorial 12 mile high ridge (which Hoagie thinks is a field manipulation propulsion system), and its oddball "colors" (half dark, and half light). Certainly more research into this "moon" is needed.

If it is an alien space station parked their long ago by an alien species, what is its intent there? Did they park there because Saturn is a memorable place to park, in case they forgot where they put it?

Is Hoagie out of his mind, or does he have something here? David Darling, although he would never say so, I think he thinks that Hoagie is a quack. Is he a quack, or does he have is poop in a group?
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 7494462980#

Moon with a View
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/luna/ ... etus01.htm
Or, What Did Arthur Know… and When Did He Know it?

… the ship had long since passed the boundary set by outermost Phoebe, moving backward in a wildly eccentric orbit eight million miles from its primary. Ahead of it now lay Iapetus, Hyperion, Titan, Rhea, Dione, Tethys, Enceladus, Mimas, Janus – and the rings themselves. All the satellites showed a maze of surface detail … Titan alone – three thousand miles in diameter, and as large as Mercury – would occupy … months…

There was more; already he was certain that Iapetus was his goal.

… One hemisphere of the satellite, which, like its companions, turned the same face always toward Saturn, was extremely dark, and showed very little surface detail. In complete contrast, the other was dominated by a brilliant white oval, about four hundred miles long and two hundred wide. At the moment, only part of this striking formation was in daylight, but the reason for Iapetus’s extraordinary variations in brilliance was now quite obvious ….

Those words -- written over forty years ago by my long-time friend, Arthur C. Clarke -- describe the voyage of a lone, surviving astronaut – David Bowman – to the ringed wonder of the solar system, the planet Saturn, aboard a 21st Century spacecraft named “Discovery.”

What Bowman discovers in the Saturn system – on an enigmatic moon called “Iapetus” -- will forever change the Destiny of Humans ….

But, Arthur’s prophetic words could just as easily be describing the current, equally astonishing 21st Century revelations of an unmanned spacecraft called “Cassini,” exploring the latest baffling mysteries Saturn …. In particular -- NOT the much ballyhooed, though recently successful descent of Cassini’s Huygens probe to the surface of Titan … Saturn’s largest satellite

In 1965, when Arthur began collaborating with the brilliant film director, Stanley Kubrick, it was to bring their unique view of Mankind’s most enduring mystery – “Where do we really come from …” – to the silver screen, in a way never seen before. They succeeded ... brilliantly.

The result was the immortal “2001: A Space Odyssey.”

Simultaneously, Arthur (C. Clarke) penned the “Saturn approach” scene we began with (above), his own independent version of the same story -- a novel – which, to some at least, has made portions of Stanley’s very enigmatic “2001” perhaps a little more accessible (at least, certain “transcendental” aspects of the film …).

In Kubrick’s extravaganza, the climax comes when David Bowman -- the lone surviving astronaut of the deep space expedition, sent by a future “NASA” in search of the Force which, “godlike,” has somehow repeatedly intervened in “the million plus year evolution of Mankind …” – finally encounters the “Monolith” … a black enigmatic “door,” in orbit around the giant planet Jupiter.

The Monolith turns out to be (among its other wonders) a “star gate” – a literal doorway (which, of course, is why Kubrick cinematically made it a door …) to other dimensions of space and time … and, ultimately, the mysterious “Progenitors” of the Human Race itself.

When Bowman eventually falls through it, he enters the Star Gate’s vast Hyperdimensional transport system, culminating in his own ambiguous meeting with “the Progenitors” (or, at least as much of them as they allow him to experience …), which results in his final “transformation” and return to Earth … the latest agent in Humanities continuing “managed evolution.”

In Arthur’s novel (removed from the pre-CGI, 1960’s limitations on film “special effects” that even Stanley Kubrick had to live with …), the Monolith is waiting much farther from the Sun … on one of Saturn’s distant moons.

The same moon -- forty years after Arthur’s novel – I would contend, which has now been revealed in Cassini’s latest images as..


Iapetus is the seventeenth of Saturn's thirty three currently known moons, and the third largest. It was named after a Titan -- the son of Uranus and the father of Prometheus and Atlas (the latter said to be the “fathers of Mankind”). Thus, in Greek myth, Iapetus was also an ancestor … a progenitor… of “Homo Sapiens Sapiens


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat May 01, 2010 6:54 pm

Secret Egypt & Afterlife Uncovered
'Several thousand years before the present, the spin and wobble of this planet were thrown completely into chaos by a cosmic strike to its surface. Before the disruption, the Temples of our ancestors aligned to a different North to South Star. Earth planet is again rebalancing to the order of the Invisible Heart Star of the Great Dragon. New foundations shall now be fixed in stone, with shafts and tunnels to fix the pathways of celestial accuracy.'

The knowledge we sought from the Southern Star-connection, had steered our journey to Hawara.

'You are sure now of the secret of the Southern mark of Sobek, but there was a deeper meaning to your journey.

'The Star from yonder South and far beyond the horizon is to be specially recorded. Our Great Stone Temple will be completed with portals from the inner chambers pointing to the firmament.

The god of the Underworld was 'Agathodaimon' the good Spirit and a Gnostic god in the form of a Serpent Being. He was the Lord over the Dragon Serpent; host to our 'invisible' North Star

'The North Star guides us to understand the movement of the Precession and the wobble of the ball that is Earth planet.

'Due North from where we stand is not marked in the night sky by any Polar Star. We all know it as the invisible Star.'

Beyond the void, the Star hides within the pattern of the Great Dragon. Know of its secret connections to the geometry of other Star systems and it will help you also to understand our past.'

'Then follow the path of the Southern Star and you will surely discover the greater truth of our origins.
The “invisible" North Star (Saturn?): The upper position of the North celestial pole is located between the star Alkaid (Benetnasch) of the constellation Ursa Major and the star Edasich of the constellation Draco.

The Southern Star: Canopus

The Stellar Capstone
http://www.alisonmoroney.com/egypt/fram ... stone.html
On New Year’s Eve at the start of the new millenium a new capstone will be placed atop the Great Pyramid of Khufwey, under the auspices of Dr Zahi Hawass, Egyptologist and Director of the Egyptian Department of Antiquities. It is true that for century upon century, the capstone of light should be missing and has been missing; but now it is before us once again. It reflects the true meaning of “occult” - a wisdom which is hidden, yet is not. However, for one to understand the nature of the capstone of light and the meaning of the eye within and atop the pyramid, one must journey back through time, not only to the very beginnings of civilisation but also to the construction of the Great Pyramid itself.

I established the dating of the Great Pyramid to the era of 4420 BC, a date some 1800 years older than that generally estimated by modern Egyptologists.

To briefly recap those findings, it was in this era of 4420 BC that a great alignment took place between the sidereal and tropical zodiacs; an alignment that meant the galactic plane, marked by the Milky Way, either encircled the earth at horizon level at dawn or ran directly overhead from east to west, dependant upon whether the sun was with Orion or Sagittarius, at the equinoxes. It was thus the alignment of the ecliptic, the celestial equator and the galactic plane.

It was also in this era of 4420 BC that the brightest star in Orion, Betelgeuse (Alpha Orionis), not only aligned with the sun at the start of the northern spring but also with the south shaft of the king’s chamber in the pyramid of Khufwey. Orion is important in the configuration of things, not only because it marks the outer edge of the galaxy but because it was associated with the Egyptian god Osiris.

Whilst there are other theories supporting a dating of the Great Pyramid to the alignment of a star in Orion’s belt to around 2600 BC, it was forgotten by the proponents of this dating that many a star will align with the southern shafts over eons of time because of the precessional movement. Therefore, to distinguish a definite dating, there must be another marker distinctly identifying the correct star. Only Betelgeuse fits this description by its double alignment with the southern shaft of the king’s chamber and the Vernal Point, and the fact it is also the brightest star in the constellation identified with Pharaoh.

The era of 4420 BC was also marked by other important stars, being Vega, Arcturus, Sirius, Canopus, Spica and Regulus. All played important roles, not only because they are some of the brightest stars in the heavens but are positioned in such a way as to play key roles in the minds of the ancients, the dating of the Gizeh complex and the marker of a map to great archaeological treasure .

Regulus (Alpha Leonis) is the brightest star in Leo and also the brightest star on the Ecliptic. The causeways at Gizeh were directed towards its rising point at the time of the construction of the Gizeh Pyramid Sphinx complex. Regulus, being situated right on the ecliptic, would also have been a logical choice by which to measure the length of the sidereal year, explaining how the Egyptians knew the length of this year. Signs of the Inundation

In 4420 BC, the brightest star in the heavens, Sirius, rose cosmically with Regulus precisely one lunar month before the summer solstice, giving the ancient Egyptians adequate warning of the impending flooding of the Nile. Both these stars emerged from the Sun’s rays to rise heliacally two decans (an Egyptian measurement equating to twenty days or 2/3 of a calendar month) before the summer solstice. This is in itself significant, as it explains the choice of such an unusual measurement system over a natural lunar system and further lends weight to the dating of the Great Pyramid to this time frame.

The era of 4420 BC was the time when the second brightest star in the skies, Canopus, emerged from beneath the southern horizon as viewed from Gizeh, a significant event in itself. Canopus appeared and set due south.

Sirius, Canopus and Regulus are all intimately linked together when considerations are given to the view of these risings from Gizeh and the equatorial regions. Sirius and Canopus, both stars belonging to the southern celestial sphere are of the same celestial longitude, 21° Gemini, although separated by 30° of declination. Gizeh and the Equator are also separated by 30 degrees of geographical latitude. The result is that whilst Regulus and Sirius rose heliacally together from the Gizeh perspective to warn of the impending flooding of the Nile, the heliacal rising of Sirius from the equatorial perspective heralded the cosmic rising of Regulus, although this is not a precise heliacal rising. Also viewed from the equatorial region, the second brightest star in the heavens, Canopus, rose cosmically with Regulus one month before the summer solstice.

When modern archaeology began last century, there were those who believed that the entrance passageway to the Great Pyramid pointed to an important star, yet the identity of this star was not known until my research was published. In the era of 4420 BC, there was no Pole Star. The closest visible star to the pole in that era was Edasich, Iota Draconis, at 84° 41’ North declination. Its position was marked by the Great Pyramid’s entrance passage way which points towards Edasich.

The brilliantly beautiful star Vega is also of significance, other than being the fourth brightest star in the heavens, and the brightest in the northern celestial hemisphere. It is also one of the Pole Stars during the 25,725 year course of the Precession of the Equinoxes. It is the star at the top of the Celestial Tree of Life and the brightest star in the right paw of the Celestial Sphinx, a sphinx which majestically rests on the plane of the Milky Way.

Furthermore, it is an important marker of celestial longitude because it is opposite the longitudes of Sirius and Canopus, being at 20° 20’ Sagittarius. The visual impact of this from Gizeh meant that as Vega, the brightest star in the northern celestial sphere was rising in the north-east, Sirius, the brightest star in the southern celestial hemisphere, was setting in the south-west.

The final star in this grouping, Arcturus, also played an important role in 4420 BC, for it rose cosmically at the summer solstice as viewed from the latitude of Gizeh and culminated not long after sunset at the Spring Equinox. Being positioned at 0° 08’ Libra, Arcturus is of the same celestial longitude as Spica (a star close to the ecliptic), the point from which the ancient Hindus measured the Precession of the Equinoxes according to Vedic scriptures. The ancient Greeks also considered this star important and named it “bear watcher”, the watcher of the Pole Star. Being one of the brightest stars in the heavens, and because of its positioning and cosmic rising, Arcturus must rank with equal significance to Betelgeuse, Regulus and Sirius. Arcturus and Spica play an exceptional role for they are 60 degrees of longitude from the galactic centre, as viewed from earth. They thus provide an important reference point between the two zodiacal systems.

The rising and the setting of these two stars together from the earthly cradle of western civilisation marks the alignment of the two zodiacal systems, the beginning and halfway points of the Precessional cycle. The Hindu scriptures spoke of another star close to Spica from which the precession was calculated; and, over the eons, of time, this information was lost. This star of which they spoke was obviously Arcturus, for Arcturus also has a special relationship to the Pole Stars, thus linking together the ecliptic with the celestial equator. Arcturus, figuratively speaking, is positioned half way between the maximum points of the precessional cycle. Vega marks one end of this cycle in its position as pole star, whilst a void above the arch of Ursa Minor marks the second position (close to this second point is the current pole star, Polaris). The angular relationship between Vega, Arcturus and the void point at the other end of the precessional cycle is approximately 47 degrees. Half of this angle is 23.5 degrees, which is also the angle at which the celestial equator is tilted away from the ecliptic. No wonder the Greeks named Arcturus “the bear watcher”.
Last edited by lizzie on Sat May 01, 2010 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat May 01, 2010 7:24 pm

The constellations revolve round a central point in the northern sky known as the pole star, or heavenly axis (Greek polos). Because of its far northern location, most of the stars are seen to rise in the east and set in the west. Only those few closest to the pole - namely, Ursa Major and Minor (the Bears), and Draco (the Dragon) - appear to travel at night in an eternal circle.
Stellar Lore Essay
The legend of the dragon-slayer refers to the change from Thuban to Polaris. Many dragon slayers are in fact named 'bear', as Beowulf = Bee-wolf = Bear, and Arthur = Ursa = Bear. Interestingly Arthur's surname was Pendragon meaning Dragons Head. Other dragon slayers are identified with the constellation Orion, occasionally said to stand on the Dragon’s Head, although the constellation Hercules usually receives this dubious honour. Hercules and Orion are major figures in Stellar Lore, being identified with the consorts and co-regents of the Goddess.

Orion in Egypt is seen as Osiris and the constellation Lepus, below him, as his funerary boat. Draco in this case would be Apep. The 'original' dragon slayer was the Sumerian deity Marduk, later to become Adad and Melqart and so on. This slaying in fact asserts the dignity of the deity, no longer content to be a doomed and dying god. He becomes the undying co-regent or even supreme God.

A more important form of the Boat of the Underworld is the constellation Argo which, in conjunction with Sirius, Orion, Canis Major and Minor has been developed in recent years by various authors. But Ursa Major and Minor and their key role in stellar myth cycles have been curiously overlooked.
http://www.lookupfellowship.com/2009/05 ... piece.html
Do you recognize the "Big Dipper" -- Ursa Major -- to the north? Good! Connect the dots of the two stars on the front of the dipper and they will point the way to Polaris. Once you have this star in site, you are ready to find Draco. It’s a long, glittering chain of faint stars that curls around between Ursa Major and Polaris on the east side. Watch as the night goes on and the Dragon climbs higher. By midnight its stars will have curled over the top of Polaris!

Since the dark ages, legend records the dragon as being a fearsome creature. Described, having reptilian traits, strong claws, piercing eyes and are able to breathe fire. Dragons are supposedly hatched from eggs, and are often hard to find, possess a divine knowledge and live forever. The oldest known dragon was called "Draco", a constellation of the northern hemisphere. Draco’s alpha star, Thuban served as our pole star, some five thousand years ago, and was marked by the Gizah pyramid of ancient Egypt. Draco now circles our pole star, Polaris, faithfully, as if it were guarding something, perhaps one of its eggs?

Remember our look at the entire so-called "Alien/UFO" phenomenon that's burgeoning and how we suspected this was a mirror image of what it was like "as in the days of Noah..." which could only mean that it would somehow play a major role in Satan's coming Great Deception and falling away? Well, would it surprise you then to learn that Draco is a supposedly reptilian humanoid alien race that has been purported to exist by certain UFO conspiracy theorists?

Remember that Draco is among the earliest of the constellations to have been defined; in one of the oldest known astronomical records, the ancient Egyptians identified it as Tawaret, the goddess of the northern sky in their pantheon of deities. Considered ever-vigilant because the constellation never set, she was depicted a fierce protective goddess whose body was a composite of crocodile, human, lioness, and hippopotamus parts.

Remember Draco's position in space because due to its position and nearby constellations in the zodiac sign of Libra (i.e. Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, and Boötes), the group of constellations can be seen to tell the tale of the eleventh labour. That is, the eleventh of the Twelve Labours of Hercules who was to steal the golden apples.
The Seven Sages are ‘Marichi, vasishtha, angirasa, athri, pulasthya, pulaaha, and kruthu’. Varaaha Mihira notes that Saptha Rishi’s circles around Dhruva naayaka, which clearly stands for Ursa Major & Polaris. This constellation in Northern Hemisphere appears to rotate around the pole star Polaris. ‘Dhruva’ clearly is Polaris.

According to the epic Mahabharata, composed in about 500 B.C., the stars of the Big Dipper were the seven sages called Rishis. These seven sages are said to be those who made the Sun rise and shine. They were happily married to seven sisters named Krttika. They originally all lived together in the northern sky.

But one day, the god of fire, Agni, emerged from the flames of an offering performed by the seven Rishis and fell in love with the seven Krttika. Trying to forget his hopeless love for the Krttika, Agni wandered in the forest where he met Svaha. To conquer Agni's love, Svaha disguised herself as six of the seven Krttika. Svaha could mimic only six of the Krttika because the seventh sister Arundhati was too devoted to her husband to be imitated.

After a while, Svaha gave birth to a child that she named Skanda. With his birth, rumors began to spread that six of the Rishis' wives were his mother. Six of the Rishis divorced their wives. Arundhati was the only one that remained with her husband as the star Alcor. The other six Krttika went away to become the Pleiades.
The Pleiades
According to the ancient Greeks, the Pleiades were seven sisters. In Greek, the word "pleiades" means "doves." Their parents were Pleione and Atlas who was condemned by Zeus to support the Heavens on his shoulders. One day, the Pleiades were traveling with their mother and met the hunter Orion.

Orion fell in love with Pleione and her charming daughters. He spent a great deal of time chasing after them, trying to win their affection. After several years, Zeus intervened and transformed the women into doves to help them escape. They flew into the sky to become the cluster of stars that today has their name.

However, only six stars are visible in the sky without a telescope. The ancient Greeks explained the absence of a seventh star with several different stories. According to one story, one of the Pleiades, Merope deserted her sisters because she was ashamed of having a mortal husband, who also happened to be a criminal.

The Pleiades, as well as the Hyades, are part of the constellation Taurus the Bull.
The Plow Star
One group, for instance, is shaped rather like a plow, and the Plow [Big Dipper] is an easy star-group, or constellation, to find. It is also the most useful one for Scouts to know, because in the northern half of the world it enables us to know which way is north.

The two stars at the front of the Plow are called the Pointers, because they point straight towards the North Star, or Pole Star, a star that is always over the North Pole. All the constellations seem to move round the sky in the course of the night, but the Pole Star does not appear to move at all. It remains fixed in the north, and so it is invaluable as a guide; and you can always find it (since the Pole Star does not look particularly big or bright itself) by finding the Plow’s pointers and following them along to the Pole Star.

Another name for the Plow (Americans call it the Big Dipper, which is their name for a tin cup with a long handle) is Great Bear, and the four stars that form the handle of the Plow are called the Bear's tail. There is also a Little Bear not far away, and the Pole Star is the last one in the long tail of this group.
The Duat
North Pole of the Ecliptic is located in the Draco constellation (Dragon). As it wraps itself around the northern hemisphere Draco is circumpolar, not far from the North Pole.

Draco is a very old and extensive constellation; Draco once held even more stars. Some cartographers draw the figure of Hercules with one foot resting on the head of Draco. The ancient story of the Dragon concerns the Golden Apples of the Hesperides and Heracles' Eleventh Labour. The other legend takes us to primordial times when the Titans still fought with the Olympic gods for the supremacy of the Universe.

The Persians have regarded Draco as a man-eating serpent called Azhdeha. The Egyptians considered it the Crocodile (Hippopotamus). In early Hindu worship, Draco is given the form of an alligator known as Shi-shu-mara.

The upper position of the North celestial pole is located between the star Alkaid (Benetnasch) of constellation Ursa Major and the star Edasich of constellation Draco.

The position of North Celestial Pole in 4493 BC

Let's look at what remains of the ancient knowledge and memories connected to this constellation.

The Big Dipper (Ursa Major) was seen as a bear by the European and Mediterranean stargazers as well as the American people. This mythological complex is associated with the Great Bear, with a star near it as a dog which is dangerous for the Universe.

Alkaid or Benetnasch is the last star in the Ursa Major (the Greater Bear). English translation: Chief of the Daughters of the Bier, Principal Mourner. The 'Principal Mourner' or 'hired mourners' of the children of Na'ssh who were murdered by the Pole Star [Al Jadi]

Alkaid was known as "the destroyer of nations" by Islamic astrologers. Experience has shown that many human lives are to be mourned. In accordance with adopted belief of ancient times, this fixed star is supposed to be bound up with the realm of the dead and is therefore associated with death and mourning.

Edasich is the orange star in the Draco (Dragon). The Arabic name for Edasich is Adh-Dhikh (The hyena). The Ancients said that when a comet was here, poison was scattered over the world. By the Cabalists it is associated with the 13th Tarot Trump "Death".

This astronomical event, determined by the precession, happened April 26, 4493 BC (Sunday) when the Vernal Equinox Sun was in the conjunction with the Crossing point of the Galactic Equator (Milky Way), Ecliptic, and the Celestial Equator in Taurus (above the Orion, between the Gemini and Taurus). This is a very rare astronomical alignment. This conjunction initialized the movement of the Sun out of the Age of Gemini and into the Age of Taurus.

In 4493 BC the line of Vernal equinox passed through the constellation Orion (near the star Bellatrix). It was the Age of Orion.

This quoting from the Pyramid Texts speaks about a star which is located in the cross point of three lines, at the top of celestial pyramid (where the Sun is in the sky chart).

Sun blazes as a torch in the lifted hand of Orion, above his head. And on an ancient Egyptian picture, the Sun above a head of the god Re is represented.

The Bull (Taurus) is in the right side of the Milky Way, and the Twins (Gemini) is in the left side.

Orion’s stormy character appeared in early Hindu, and perhaps even in earlier Euphratean days, and is seen everywhere among classical writers with allusions to its direful influence. The hunt and huntsman represent death.

The Ancient Egyptian symbol of Duat is a the star within a circle!

I have seen that the Sun at the moment of Vernal equinox 4493 BC moved through the Crossing point of 3 lines (Galactic Equator, Ecliptic, and the Celestial Equator) and in this small area (less than 1°) there are 3 stars. These stars are very exactly (up to 0.5°) mark the position of the Crossing point.

Astronomically, the "Duat" is located in the sky between the constellations of Orion, Gemini (Twins), and Taurus (Bull).

The ancient Egyptians called the region of the heavens, of which Orion is a part, and which appears to be the pattern for the ground at Giza, the Duat.

Day of Vernal Equinox on April 26, 4493 BC (Sunday): The sun shines as a gold capstone on the top of a celestial pyramid. Three lines (Galactic Equator, Ecliptic, and Celestial Equator) have formed the image of the celestial pyramid (but it is tilted).

Three giant causeways run from three main pyramids in the different directions and to three lines in the sky. These causeways seemingly do not lead anywhere. Three small pyramids (near the Pyramid of Cheops) form the line parallel to a line of horizon. And the other three small pyramids (near the Pyramid of Menkaure) form the perpendicular line. These lines determine a horizontal coordinate system.

There is a fourth small star in this point. The astronomical program has enlarged the image and I have seen the fourth star. And the position of this very small star corresponds to the position of the small pyramid near the Second pyramid!

Four pyramids of Giza are built as model of four stars of the Duat sky region in a scale of one to sixty (a scale of one second to one minute; or 1:60) These stars are invisible to the naked eye.
The Draco Codes
http://www.evenstarcreations.com/index. ... &Itemid=43
The Draco Codes are important at this time in our evolution as we are now almost ready for our Earth and Solar System to move through the Galactic Plane, the axis shifts and then Draco and Ophiuchus, the serpent bearer, the new gatekeepers are seen all the time in the heavens rather than the Hunter, Orion. The Draco codes are here to assist in the next step of the great shift, the old initiation being through Orion and the 11:11 doorway of oneness.
At the opposite side of the heavens to Orion is Ophiuchus the thirteenth sign in the zodiac and beyond Draco, the dragon, our ancestors and creators of our world. The Dragons have been the guardians and created the crystalline grid, the serpents hold the earth wisdom and life force energy. The vortexes from the source to the dimensional worlds and through us and our energy bodies, chakras, central channel, meridians, acupressure points and the earth vortexes all one, as the dimensional worlds merge as they are right now.
Planets, the Nature of the Wanderers


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 02, 2010 9:05 am

Could Jupiter and Saturn be binary twins and Nibiru (Sirius B or C) is the interloper? Did the explosion of Sirius B initiate all these catastrophic changes in our solar system?

The Late Great Planet Tiamet
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/herco ... bus_26.htm
Indeed, if the Earth was once in fifth position, its closest neighbors would have been Jupiter and Saturn.

One of the most fascinating discussions of these two spheres is contained in a 1954 book by Rodney Collin entitled The Theory of Celestial Influence.

"The relation of Jupiter to the Sun appears to follow a definite and significant ratio. The system of Jupiter, in number of satellites, their size, distance, speeds of revolution and so on, seems to present to us an exact model of the Solar System." As Collin explains, "Jupiter, like the Sun, is a complete living entity or cosmos."

Collin also notes that both Jupiter and Saturn support,

"complete systems of satellites and may even be faintly self-luminous, though this luminosity is rendered unnoticeable by the infinitely greater brilliance of the Sun."
Collin notes that Jupiter and Saturn "are evidently trying to become suns."

According to Collin, it is interesting to speculate what kind of influence the motion of countless asteroids might produce on the magnetic field of the Earth.

Collin also calls attention to the strange affinity between the asteroids and the idea of "corruption."

As Collin notes, the asteroids are never mentioned by name, but in every case we are told of a ’fallen angel,’ such as in,

"How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, star of the morning?"
(Isaiah xiv)

Might ancient legends be describing as fallen angels the falling debris of a great cataclysm as an insurrection in the solar system’s body politic? In the Book of Revelations, visions are assigned to each of seven planetary angels.

In the place of the fifth angel, we are told that a star was seen to fall from heaven
"into the bottomless pit, from which arose clouds of smoke which darkened the sun."

The angel of this bottomless pit was Apollyon, who was later to be called Satan. We must realize that the asteroids now fill the fifth place in the planetary sequence. The fifth planet is "missing."

A further vision describes "a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars."

Collin describes this vision as "a personification of the descending scale of worlds from the twelve zodiacal signs of the Milky Way through the Sun down to the moon."

The woman, he explains, is about to give birth "to a new satellite."

Planet X Theory is beginning to fill in the details of this ancient myth of a War in the Universe.

The great Dragon could be Nibiru (Sol B), the Sun’s dark twin, which was cast into (collided with) the Earth, and which indeed "devoured the infant" (taking a big bite out of its side) and was cast out of the world for the time being.

As Collin concludes,

"at a remote time period in the history of the solar system, some tremendous cosmic tension may have been set up which represented ’night’ for the Earth, producing the cataclysm which engulfed Atlantis and made an almost complete break in human history... The legend of the Fall of Lucifer and the war of the other planets against him... finds itself transcribed into astronomical language."

(Note, however, that Nibiru and its entourage of seven moons are on a recurring 3,600 year periodic orbit around Sol A, and the cataclysm that ended the Atlantean civilization is not necessarily the same one that ended the reign of the dinosaurs.)

As Lloyd concludes:

"There it encountered a watery world at about 4 Astronomical Units, and a great ’celestial battle’ took place between these planetary ’gods’. The result was the shunting of this Water World, ’Tiamat’, into the inner solar system, where it became the Earth. The intruder, ’Nibiru’, spun off into an eccentric orbit beyond the known planets, where it remains to be re-discovered to this day."

The paradoxical situation we currently find on Earth is solved either by considering the possibility that the Earth has moved significantly closer to the Sun since its formation, or by rethinking how planets form.

Whatever caused our world to have so much water so close to the Sun, it may be unusual, possibly even unique. The Earth’s abundance of liquid water may be very rare if the action of an intruder planet is required to explain its shunting into a closer inner orbit.

According to Andy Lloyd physicist Jack Hills has calculated the effect of passing stars and black or brown dwarfs traveling near or through the planetary zone.

Hills has noted that, given their size and momentum, stars would likely continue on their path past the solar system, but a black or brown dwarf would more likely become captured by the Sun.

Once captured, the orbit of the captured dwarf could be highly eccentric, possibly degrading over time.

Hills’ work indicates that if the brown dwarf had less than 20 Jupiter masses, its temporary infringement into the planetary zone would not necessarily cause chaos among the other planets; but there would be an effect on the energy relationships between the planets.

Hills’ research suggests that the interloper’s orbit would change the overall energy of the orbits of the other planets. His calculations suggest that the solar system would be subject to either contraction or expansion. As Lloyd notes, "the very distances of the planets from the Sun would be subject to change."

He also notes,

"the dwarf would not need to directly interact with the planets; simply the changing relationship with the Sun would be enough to affect other bodies in the solar system."

Jack Hills described these effects in a theoretical way. His interest was in studying whether a body the size of Nemesis, a proposed black dwarf, could have become captured by the Sun.

He concluded that it would have caused too much chaos in the solar system. But below 20 Jupiter masses, an interloper would not create the same devastation. In other words, a small brown dwarf might just have been captured by the Sun in the remote past, and the solar system would still appear as stable as it is thought to be today.

So, if Planet X is a small brown dwarf, then physical mechanisms have been studied scientifically that do actually allow for its existence. Furthermore, those calculations show that the interaction between this dwarf and the rest of the solar system might have fundamental physical ramifications.

The distance between the Earth and the Sun might have been altered. Not just once; but every time the temporary orbit of the loosely bound cometary dwarf changes.

Lloyd asks,

"Has the Earth’s distance from the Sun altered? Was the distance between the Earth and the Sun a variable that changed with respect to the incursion and subsequent capture by the Sun, of a brown dwarf? Would not the actual physical displacement of our planet have rendered sudden, catastrophic Earth-changes environmentally?

What would happen to the oceans, for instance, when the Earth suddenly falls away from or towards the Sun? Would they not be swept over the land, accompanied by titanic volcanic and seismic activity?"


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 02, 2010 9:09 am

Primordial Light
Sieff sees Jupiter as an invader of our System (then a double star system) - moreover, he sees Jupiter as having caused the disintegration of Saturn, the one-time companion to the sun. Dr Velikovsky has similar views: "Also, some dark star, like Jupiter or Saturn, may be in the path of the sun, and may be attracted to the system and cause havoc in it."

The Martians Landed
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/bigge ... cret01.htm
A friend of mine in California, Brian Desborough, is a researcher and scientist I have great respect for. He has been involved in aerospace research and has been employed in this and other scientific research by many companies. He has compiled some highly detailed and compelling information about the ancient world and its connection to the Brotherhood manipulation of today. While he worked for a major United States corporation in the 1960s, their physicists completed their own independent studies which suggested that about 4,800 BC a huge body, which we now know as Jupiter, careered into our solar system.

The outer planets were thrown into disarray and Jupiter eventually crashed into a planet which orbited between the present Jupiter and Mars. The physicists said the remains of this planet became the asteroid belt and that part of Jupiter broke away to become what we now call Venus. As Venus, then a vast chunk of matter, was projected into space, it destroyed the atmosphere and life of Mars before it was caught by the Earth’s gravitational field, the study claimed. Venus made several orbits of the Earth before its momentum hurled it into its current position in the solar system. It was those orbits, the physicists said, that brought devastation and a tidal wave about 4,800 BC.

They believed, as Brian Desborough does, that before this time Mars orbited where the Earth is now and the Earth was much closer to the Sun. The brilliant light of Venus as it passed close to the Earth may have led to the idea of Lucifer, the ‘light bringer’.
A great deal of recorded history has been deliberately distorted by Illuminati-controlled historians. Conversely, the Illuminati hierarchy maintains closely-guarded and accurate historical records for its own purposes. According to the Illuminati, the Aryan race originated in the Lyrian constellation prior to colonizing Mars and established high technology outposts on Planet Earth.

The author accordingly suggests that a previously advanced civilization was destroyed in a cataclysmic celestial event involving Venus which resulted in a simultaneous global flood and ice age that reshaped the topography of Earth.

In all probability most of humanity did not survive the global flood and its accompanying ice age. In a short period of time, most of the survivors would have been reduced to hunter-gatherers, forced to live in mountainous regions at high elevations, until the floodwaters receded.

Procuring food would occupy most of the survivors’ time; within a few generations, most of the survivors’ offspring would have forgotten how to read and write, as literacy developed to an oboriginal level.

Imagine the consequences if a self-contained cooperative with technology to produce its own food and water, survived the cataclysm and after several decades ventured out among the illiterate hunter-gatherers and taught them the rudiments of agriculture and education. Such a group would be hailed as wizards; with the passage of time, they would be elevated to the level of deities.

The Gilgamesh Epic states that these beings established a farming community at a place called Edin, the ideogram for which suggests a lofty plain with cascading water. They taught agriculture to the local natives, then later descended from the mountain and migrated to Mesopotamia. Within the passage of time the group became deified.

The writer hypothesizes that this group survived the flood by seeking refuge near the summit of Mount Hermon. As the floodwaters receded, the survivors, originally technologically advanced Aryan colonizers from Mars, descended to lower terrain and established the Edin community. These flood survivors, originally referred to in the Sumerian texts as a-nan-na, later became known as the Anannage or Annunaki.

We must not jump to the conclusion that these flood survivors were extraterrestrial humanoids, just because the Hebrew word “nephilim” means “those who descended”, for the group had to descend from the mountain at the commencement of their trek to Mesopotamia.

As stated previously the writer postulated that Mars was once populated b the Aruam race, some of whom visited Planet Earth prior to the flood; these visitors or colonizers became stranded on Earth when Mars was forced out of its previous orbit during the cataclysmic celestial event involving Venus. The relatively few earthbound Martians who survived the flood (presumably losing their technologically advanced equipment in the process) was the race who re-created the civilizations of the world after the flood and became known as the Phoenicians.

The author also suggests that prior to the Earth’s temporary encounter with Venus, the dark-skinned Dravidians were defeated in a series of ariel battles by the reptilian inhabitants of Atlantis, who were the Illuminati.

The close encounter with Venus, which resulted in a global flood and ice age, submerged much of the vast Atlantean continent, temporarily destabilizing the Illuminati reptilian dominion over the affairs of humanity.

A great deal of research into this matter was conducted by the late British anthropologist and linguist Professor L. Waddell. During many years spent in India, Waddell came to the realization that the list of ancient Indo Aryan kings in the Mahabarata Epic corresponded with the names of early Phoenician rulers.

The Phoenicians began colonizing Britain as early as 2900 B.C. - They Cast No Shadows – Brian Desborough – pg. 49-65
Maldek Files
One of the biggest missing factors that Sitchin may be overlooking in his first Earth Chronicles book is the far greater proximity of our Solar system in those days to the Sirius binary star system. I've heard it said that our sun was basically the outermost third star of a trinary Sirius star system in those days, and that Sirius A and B shared about 17 more planets in various orbits about themselves, any of which could have had an impact in our solar system or played a role in the epic in the days when Maldek (Tiamet) was still in one piece.

Much effort has been expended in the attempt to explain in particular why the Maya made use of a 260 day cycle. And why also they combined this time cycle with a calendar year period of 365 days, in order to generate a recurring 52 year period known as the ‘Calendar Round’.

To date, from an overview of the relevant research concerning the Mayan use of a time cycle of 260 days, it would appear that its significance as an astronomical unit largely remains a mystery, with only a few tentative theories put forward.

The Maya specifically created, or rather invented, a 260 day cycle in order to allow them to accurately track the occurrence of successive conjunctions involving the Earth and Venus, over a full 2000 year grand cycle. So that this might be achieved, the 260 day period of the Mayan calendar was further combined with a basic Earth year of 365 days, as a means to generate an extended 52 year period of time, through which they were able to make subtle corrections to their calendar, to maintain harmony between it and the true astronomical observations i.e. Earth-Venus conjunctions.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 02, 2010 9:38 am

Again it’s the same old question. Is Nebiru really Sirius C or is it a satellite of Sirius C? Did Nibiru disturb the “resonant relationship” between Jupiter and Saturn? Did Nibiru cause the displacement of Saturn who, at that time, was our “polar sun”? Did that “disruption” cause the Earth (Tiamet/Maldek) to enter into an orbital relationship with our Sun? We became the third planet from the Sun and not the fifth?

Earth’s Sirius Connection
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/unive ... irio04.htm
Our Brightest Star Sirius is also one of our closest at only 8.7 Light-Years. It is a large White Star that is officially designated as Sirius A. It is accompanied by a telescopically-only visible White Dwarf Star or "Neutron Star", referred to as Sirius B, as well as by a theoretical but as yet unseen smaller Sirius C.

Recent evidence from astronomical observations seems to indicate that Earth's Sun's System and the Sirius System are traveling around the Galaxy as a unit, as a "sector". We slowly revolve around one another as we both revolve around the Galactic Center. There is a measurable "gravitational attraction" between the two.

Approximately 500,000 years ago, Sirius B existed as a Red Giant Star. It was "redder than Mars", according to later Greek Arcadian legends. It exploded and then collapsed in on itself to become ultimately the White Dwarf that it is today.

In the course of this monumental Cosmic Event, one of the Planets in the Sirius System, the Planet Nibiru, got blasted free from its Sirius Orbit into our nearby direction, where eventually it was gravitationally captured by our Sun as the so-called "Twelfth Planet"; and I should hasten to add that Zecharia Sitchin does not claim that this was the origin of the Planet Nibiru -- he simply states that this "Rogue" Planet drifted into our System, for unknown reasons.

The Planet Nibiru finally stabilized into an extremely elongated comet-like Orbit that stretches from near the Earth to the boundary of the Oort Cloud, the farthest limits of the Sun's gravity, about a Light-Year in distance. Its orbit lasts for 3,600 Earth Years; and for part of that time, probably one-fourth or one "season" attaches itself by a tether to our North Pole. It becomes the periodic earthly abode of "The Gods" -- beyond the North, beyond the distant mountains where the North Wind rises.

As for the "wild dog" being "leashed" in a heavenly position near The Great Bear (Big Dipper), that is undoubtedly a reference to the "fearsome" Planet Nibiru being tethered or "leashed" electromagnetically to the North Pole at a ground-level visible height equal to that of The Great Bear. And it could be that the three objects that are linked mythologically to the Sirius System are not A, B and C -- but A, B, and Nibiru! Thus, images that point to The Cosmic Tree, like the Leashed Dog in the North Sky, are found interwoven into the mythology of Sirius.

It is my own contention that the Ancient Egyptian legend of "Osiris" and "Isis" originally referred to Red Giant Sirius B and its then smaller companion White Sirius A. The dismemberment of Osiris reflects the explosion that "dismembered" the Sirius System.

"Isis", however, was always intimately connected to the remaining still visible Sirius A.
The Sirius Star System
"Sirius is a triunal stellar system, which consists of three Solar Deities: Sothis, Satais and Anu (identified by your astronomers, respectively, as: Sirius A, Sirius B, and Sirius C.)

In the universe of matter, Sothis shines brighter than any star in your night sky, dominating the celestial canopy during the winter of your Northern hemisphere. It is the fifth nearest star to your sun, a mere eight light years from yours, and is inextricably connected to your Solar Deity, RA.

At a point in the space-time continuum a great cosmic exchange occurred in our stellar system. At the time of this cataclysmic change in our complex stellar body, the Deity, Satais (Sirius B) collapsed, passing through her own astral chords and onto higher dimensional planes. What was left behind in the world of matter was, in stellar terms, a minuscule dwarf star of super dense matter, which was eventually pulled into an elliptical orbit around the dominant sister star, Sothis (Sirius A) as was the distant cousin, Anu (Sirius C).

The collapse of Satais (Sirius B) - its ascension beyond material space - caused a monumental chain reaction through the entire Sirian system out across the constellation of stars known to you as Canis Major and, indirectly, your solar system became involved in the dynamics of our evolution.

This is one of the most significant reasons why we are so linked to you and why we are so focused upon your evolutionary process."
These exciting images provide clear viewing of the relationship of Sirius A & B, two of the three stars that comprise the Sirian star system. The third star, Sirius C, is so infinitesimal in comparison that it is invisible to the photographic lens, dwarfed by its two greater siblings.

Indeed, scientists are still debating whether it exists at all – while the Ancient Dogon tribes have known of its existence for over 5,000 years, when they were visited by the Nommo of Sirius, amphibians that communicated their uncanny knowledge of celestial movements so many thousands of years ago. Here is what we know about the stars of Sirius:

Sirius A: Sothis

Sirius A is 8.7 light years from Earth and moving on a direct course toward our solar system.

It is located in the jaws of the Great Dog, Canis Major constellation - hence it is known as the Dog Star.

Sirius B: Satais

It is called a white dwarf star, with the equivalent mass of our sun packed into a globe four times the size of our Earth.

The Sirian Revelations tell us that while Sirius A is still a 3D stellar presence. Whatt we observe as the dwarf star, Sirius B, is actually the remains of the ascended star, which has traveled through its own astral cords and now exists in the sixth dimension.

Sirius C: Anu

This, the third of the Sirian stellar family, did also ascend from the third dimension at the time of the Sirian shift.

Although the scientific community has not confirmed the existence of Sirius C, the Dogon knew of it by the name, Enome Ya, and they described it too as revolving around Sirius A.

Of the planets that orbited Anu, one did not achieve ascension when the star (Sirius B) did not: that planet is Nebiru, the home of the Annunaki.

Nebiru was flung out of Sirius, was captured by our sun, and ricocheted back to Sirius and it is to this day caught between the two star systems, on an elliptical journey that takes approximately 3,600 years to complete.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 02, 2010 10:17 am

http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/unive ... irio06.htm
When studying the question of possible ancient visits of alien beings to the Earth, a researcher sometimes encounters data which cannot be interpreted as yet in a strictly scientific manner, but which, at the same time, are interesting enough to be regarded seriously and unbiasedly.

Sirius is considered by the Dogon as a triple stellar system, consisting of the stars Sigi tolo (our Sirius A), Po tolo (Sirius B, a white dwarf) and Emme ya tolo (the hypothetical Sirius C, yet to be discovered).

Close similarity between the characteristics of Po tolo and Sirius B (both bodies are white, small, very heavy, with fifty-year periods of revolution around the main star) stimulated a lively discussion on the pages of scientific journals about 20 years ago.
Robert Temple, in his book "The Sirius Mystery", and Eric Guerrier in his "Essai sur La Cosmogonie des Dogon" supposed that these data (as well as other astronomical information possessed by the Dogon) were brought to the Earth by cosmic visitors.

This being is described either as a half-man, half-snake having flexible limbs, without any joints, red eyes and forked tongue, or just as a fish, namely a Silurus, sheat-fish, or cat-fish. This Nommo multiplied, and there appeared four Nommos: Nommo die, Nommo titiyayne, O Nommo and, at last, Ogo, a very harmful creature.

As distinct from other Nommos, he is never represented as a fish. Instead of awaiting patiently the completion of the Amma's work, he hurriedly made an "ark" and rushed into space, wishing "to look at the world". Thus, he took disorder into the young world. After several voyages, Ogo landed on the Earth and turned into the pale fox or fennec, named Yurugu.

Made indignant by Ogo's escapades, Amma took everything he had created and put it back into the grain of po. To "purify" the Universe, he had to sacrifice one of the Nommos. After that "by whirling and acting as a spring, the po distributed all things in the Universe". The empty shell of the grain became the star Po. In "the first year of the life of man on Earth" this star exploded, and its brightness decreased slowly during 240 years until it completely faded.

It is interesting that there is in the Dogon mythology another image of the Sirius system. According to it, the main star represents the Ogo's female twin, Yasigui, whom he chased with some dubious intentions. One of its satellites is Ogo himself, doomed to revolve eternally around his sister, remaining at a respectful distance from her.

Some time ago the present author suggested the idea of astroengineering interference by a cosmic supercivilization in the evolution of the Sirius system. This assumption was based on the Indo-European myth of the heavenly blacksmiths, who are fighting and chaining up the monstrous Dog, dangerous for the Universe, as well as on some astrophysical data from the history of Sirius.

It is known in astronomy that a white dwarf arises from a red giant as this loses its mass. This process is usually accompanied by a slow ejection of a planetary nebula which eventually dissipates into space. But sometimes the remaining core of the red giant can retain a mass exceeding the so-called Chandrasekhar limit (about 1.3 Sun masses). This leads inevitably to disastrous self-compression of the core and its explosion as a Supernova. As a result, powerful streams of matter and radiation are ejected into the surrounding space.

If such an event had ever happened in the Sirius system, at a small (on the cosmic scale) distance from the Solar system, it might have been fatal for the terrestrial biosphere. My idea was that some highly developed supercivilization could have tried to remove the excess of stellar matter from Sirius B, thus saving life and civilization on Earth.

Really, the only thing we know for sure about the evolution of the Sirius system is the fact that Sirius B was once a red giant whose mass exceeded that of Sirius A (that's why the former evolved more rapidly). The initial orbit of Sirius B was, most likely, circular; now it is a highly elongated ellipse. This suggests that the mass loss was accompanied by some considerable disturbances. Some part of the "lost" matter probably contaminated the atmosphere of Sirius A. The situation will seem even more involved if we bear in mind the possible presence of the second satellite in this system, as is asserted by the Dogon and confirmed by recent astrophysical data.

It is well known that the most common name for Sirius in the ancient world was "The Dog" (with the variants: the wolf, the fox, and the jackal).

The Chinese knew this star as the Heavenly Wolf, and the Greeks as the Dog of Orion, or more specifically, as the dog Orthrus, a son of the monster Typhon. The Romans saw in it the Southern Cerberus, a watch-dog of their hell. As for the fennec Ogo, it is the smallest wild animal in the dog family (which hints probably at the small size of Sirius B).

The Ukrainians believed that Ursa Major was a team of horses with a harness; "every night a black dog tries to bite through the harness, in order to destroy the world, but he does not achieve his disastrous aim: at dawn, when he runs to drink from a spring, the harness renews itself" Another version of this story states that a dog was chained beside Ursa Minor; he tries in every way to gnaw through his iron chain, and when this happens, the world will perish.

These fetters are of much importance for our subject. As was ascertained by the Russian philologist Dr. Vyacheslav Ivanov, the motif of the fight against the dragon in Slavic mythology grew out of an older motif of the hero-blacksmiths, chaining up a terrible dog.

What is still more essential, "over the whole territory of Eurasia, this mythological complex is associated both with the Great Bear ..., with a star near it as a dog which is dangerous for the Universe, and also with blacksmiths ..." One should remember that, although Sirius is far from this constellation in the firmament, it belongs to the same star-cluster.

The Iranian mythology personified Sirius as Tishtrya, the divine archer (the corresponding character in the Vedic myths was Tishya). The name "Tishtrya" goes back to the Sanskrit term "three stars" and to an older Indo-European one of the same meaning. The name "three stars" is quite justified in terms of the Dogon concept of this stellar system.

Thus, there are in various parts of the world some traces of an ancient -- and rather clear -- concept of Sirius as a dangerous stellar system, consisting of three stars. Its transformation has been described, first, as the transition from Typhon (a fiery monster in rage, that is a red giant before its change into a Supernova) to Orphrus (a dangerous but suppressed beast, that is the core of the red giant in the process of its "calm" turning into a white dwarf). Second, the Dog is usually chained up by sacred blacksmiths, which can be interpreted as a description of astroengineering activity by a supercivilization.

Nommos are also considered as heavenly blacksmiths, but they do not chain up the Fox; they simply circumcise him. This rather unexpected metaphor expresses very clearly the main point: it was necessary to remove the excess of stellar matter from Sirius B. The 240 years of increased brightness of the star looks like a slow explosion of this "cosmic bomb".

When did all this happen? Astrophysical data suggest that the lifetime of Sirius B as a white dwarf has been 30 to 100 million years.

In Egyptian hieroglyphic writing, Sirius was depicted as a red triangle with a small semicircle and a five-pointed star near it. The Babylonians referenced to the star as "shining like copper". Finally, the Dogon represent Po tolo by a red stone (let us note it is precisely Po tolo (Sirius B), not Sigi tolo (Sirius A) or Emme ya tolo (Sirius C) which is represented in such a way!).

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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by mague » Sun May 02, 2010 1:19 pm

From http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 126#p35126

Its a small twig on the tree of life.

To me it seems something broke down there. It is very possible to me that suns counerweight, the other leaf on the same twig, broke down somewhere in the past. This or its parent spot got disturbed. The balance was disturbed and shocked all connected systems. I think our system was doomed back then. Maybe some planets crushed, maybe some left the system, maybe some came new into the system. I think nothing worked like it should, rotation of planets and the sun where disturbed. Our system lost its connection to the tree and was in "free motion".

Analog to Noahs story peace came back when the dove catched the twig and brought back stability. Since its about forces and not static branches, i think our solar system today is on a different branch today. We are connected to a different parent spot.

Lets call it GKD .. Galactic Kinetic Dynamics theory :P


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Tue May 04, 2010 8:31 pm

http://secretsun.blogspot.com/2008/11/v ... t-all.html
Ancient Egyptian historians will tell you quite soberly that for thousands of years the gods themselves walked the earth and ruled their land. When the gods left, the Throne of Horus was created. The so-called "Horus Kings," took the gods' place until the establishment of the First Dynasty.

Following in the footsteps of the Horus Kings were the Shemsu Hor, or "Followers of Horus," a priesthood-slash-secret society based in Heliopolis that sought to return to the Zep Tepi - a term meaning "First Time," the time of the rule of the gods

The Shemsu Hor counted among their member many of the country's greatest architects, and soon similar groups such as the Dionysian Artificers (dedicated like the Shemsu Hor to Osiris-Dionysus) and later the Mithraic Cults (made up of soldiers, much like the Horus warrior cults) carried on with the work of the Shemsu Hor, creating a lineage that floruished in the first half of the 20th Century and still continues on to this day. The various Freemasonic orders, Skull & Bones and the other senior societies, political groups like the CFR, civic groups like the Rotarians- there is a whole host of interconnected groups that in some way have their roots in the Shemsu Hor.

The religion of the Druids, as before said, was the same as the religion of the ancient Egyptians. The priests of Egypt were the professors and teachers of science, and were styled priests of Heliopolis, that is, of the City of the Sun. The Druids in Europe, who were the same order of men, have their name from the Teutonic or ancient German language; the German being anciently called Teutones.

To come then at once to the point, Masonry (as I shall show from the customs, ceremonies, hieroglyphics, and chronology of Masonry) is derived and is the remains of the religion of the ancient Druids; who, like the Magi of Persia and the Priests of Heliopolis in Egypt, were Priests of the Sun. They paid worship to this great luminary, as the great visible agent of a great invisible first cause whom they styled "Time without limits."

When you read the ancient texts - particularly the Sumerian and Egyptian- a picture becomes very clear- the gods descended from the heavens, created men and taught them the arts of civilization and then returned to the stars. Over time, scholars have seen all of this as metaphor. That's scholars for you. Everything is a metaphor.

But what if your business was power? Government, religion, the culture industry, the military- if you could somehow ingratiate yourself to these "gods" to the point that somehow they decide to align themselves with you, well, that would be the ultimate advantage. Wouldn't it? The question becomes how do you even contact these beings?

Now ask yourself this- what could be that secret that people would be willing to die for? How about this: human beings were engineered somehow through whatever science we are only now beginning to understand, by beings who left the planet and will come back one day to take control once again. And maybe- just maybe- they are still in contact with a few of us and have been working behind the scenes to prepare their return. That sounds a bit more urgent than some spiritual or mystical ruminations, no.

What if all this symbolism we're seeing is all part of some ceremony, some strange ritual meant to summon these beings back to Earth? Or even freakier, what if it's a kind of "Welcome Home" party?

It's hard to believe, it sounds crazy to some people. You don't have to believe it. But what if they do?

So what's so hard to grasp about politicians in a governmental system created by Freemasons- the spiritual descendants of a priesthood dedicated to bringing the gods back to Earth- doing the same thing? Especially when the stakes are so much higher?


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Tue May 04, 2010 9:11 pm

Hence, the Sirius Binary IS “Wormwood” (the “Dragon Tree”).
Nebiru -- The Triple Cross

Star Magic
August the 12th and 13th is the high point of Sirius. Nebiru (Neb Heru) in the sky.

Nebiru is the sign of the cross within a cross: the cross of our solar system to the galaxy to the star system of the cross, which is Neb Heru (Heru Ami Septeb, Horus of Sirius or Heru Sept, Horus of the Dog Star).
Sirian-Solar Reconvergence
http://www.christian-forum.net/index.ph ... 35882&st=6
The Dogon Tribe of Mali, Africa, have a long preserved tradition from antiquity that states when a fissure cave near their tribe begins to glow and spew lava and the planet Venus beams bright in the sky as brilliant as our Full Moon, then “Po tolo” ("Digitaria star"), Sirius B, will return. The elders point up towards the Sun and say that is where Po tolo used to be located, at the center of our Solar System.

In my research Sirius B was our paternal star (“Or” in Hebrew) and the Sirius Binary was once unified with our Solar System that formed a trinary stellar system. It split apart when Sirius B at the end of its red giant helium phase underwent a planetary nebula event after depleting its helium. This event created the celestial dynamics that tore the former trinary system in half, into the current two systems; but they always return to the path around the galactic center that they were torn from every 13,000 years and pass through each other in a great transversion, an periodic extinction level event. Hence, the Sirius Binary IS “Wormwood” (the “Dragon Tree”).

What the Dogon said about Venus appears to be true. The Venusian Magellan Probe that mapped 90% of Venus sent back images of crater impact sites across the whole planet that appear to have been made when the surface of Venus was in a molten state. The crater impact sites are soft and pliable looking in their features with ejecta splash features that are very fluid looking, as if one threw a stone into mud and the feature is frozen in that pliable state. Astoundedly, the Magellan researchers concluded that Venus remoltenizes its entire sphere periodically into a “Magma-Perithalassa” (encircling magmatic sea), which parallels the Dogon information of Venus shining bright as our Full Moon in the sky.

But the researchers erroneously postulated that this is auto-catalytically achieved by the planet, itself, when in reality it is achieved by a star, the passing star Sirius A every 13,000 years, which passes between the Earth and the Sun. After Venus remoltenizes, its surface from Sirius A’s intense heat, then the debris dislodged from the various orbital debris belts in both our Solar System and the Sirian System rains down a torrential downpour of mass celestial bombardment as Revelation 8:8 and 16:21 relays of a megabollide impactor (“burning mountain” [a dislodged asteroid]) cast into the sea and these “hailstones.” These impactors then create the new and fresh phase of impacting on Venus, since the remoltenizing will liquefy its entire surface and ERASE the former crater impact sites. Hence, Venus’ current impact site density is an “intaglio” indicator of the quantity of impactors that will bombard not just Venus, but the Earth and all the other objects in our Solar System during the coming transversion; I call it the “13,000-Year Recurrent Sirian-Solar Reconvergence.”

So the exponential increase in earthquakes, moonquakes, martianquakes, venusianquakes, etc. and other geological upheavals, like increasing volcanism, increasing sea floor vent and volcano activity (which is solely responsible for global warming and climate change because it is increasing the temperature of the oceans) are all due to the approaching Wormwood Star (Sirius Binary).

One of the things that we will also eventually see materialize on the Earth’s surface is crustal ruptures and magma surfacing as the Dogon warned in their monitoring of the fissure cave near their tribe for such activity. The lava Deccan Traps of India come to mind, and I’m sure shallow below-sea-level vicinities like Death Valley, California Delta and the Dead Sea will be vulnerable, as well as rift faults and the Ring of Fire around the Pacific (New Zealand and the Hawaiian Islands) and the Yellowstone Caldera (Supervolcano).

Posts: 781
Joined: Fri May 02, 2008 2:44 am

Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by mague » Tue May 04, 2010 11:37 pm

lizzie wrote:http://secretsun.blogspot.com/2008/11/v ... t-all.html


When you read the ancient texts - particularly the Sumerian and Egyptian- a picture becomes very clear- the gods descended from the heavens, created men and taught them the arts of civilization and then returned to the stars. Over time, scholars have seen all of this as metaphor. That's scholars for you. Everything is a metaphor.

But what if your business was power? Government, religion, the culture industry, the military- if you could somehow ingratiate yourself to these "gods" to the point that somehow they decide to align themselves with you, well, that would be the ultimate advantage. Wouldn't it? The question becomes how do you even contact these beings?

Now ask yourself this- what could be that secret that people would be willing to die for? How about this: human beings were engineered somehow through whatever science we are only now beginning to understand, by beings who left the planet and will come back one day to take control once again. And maybe- just maybe- they are still in contact with a few of us and have been working behind the scenes to prepare their return. That sounds a bit more urgent than some spiritual or mystical ruminations, no.

What if all this symbolism we're seeing is all part of some ceremony, some strange ritual meant to summon these beings back to Earth? Or even freakier, what if it's a kind of "Welcome Home" party?

It's hard to believe, it sounds crazy to some people. You don't have to believe it. But what if they do?

So what's so hard to grasp about politicians in a governmental system created by Freemasons- the spiritual descendants of a priesthood dedicated to bringing the gods back to Earth- doing the same thing? Especially when the stakes are so much higher?
There is quite some misunderstanding.

In the world of animism (druids, shaman and most probably most of the ancient priests from Yukatan to Indus valley) the god(s) never left.

As far as i know any of those systems of belief have some kind of codex. Its always about sticking to the god(s) and not get distracted by useless stuff. Same story everywhere. Those "rulesets" always recommend to turn yourself to the gods. Its not about worshiping, but rather about aligning. Just like any flower always faces sun.

Those "god(s)" knew that humans where on a stage where a lot of things are able to distract them. It was and is a natural state of development. All the god(s) wanted/offered was to function as a beacon to navigate through celestial motions. And the god(s) are still here and offer this function.

Still a lot of people got distracted while discovering more and more possibilities. And suddenly they couldnt see the god(s) anymore. If the sun is behind you while you watch your car you cant see the sun.

And so the story began... Those who lost contact started to build temples and developed silly rituals of worship. Quite a few of the priest who still where able to recognize god(s) tried to force their people back into religion. Bad things happened all over the planet and escalated into our current situation.

The god(s) are still here. The Jesus theme of the lost sheep or the returning son can be found everywhere. Its not so much about sin, but rather about "going home", aligning to the universal forces to be in harmony with it.

What is the secret people are willing to die for ?

I think Buddhism just as true modern psychology answers the question. To make it short i ll just quote a bit of E. Tolle.
Most people are in love with their particular life drama. Their story is their identity. The ego runs their life. They have their whole sense of self invested in it. Even their--usually unsuccessful---search for an answer, a solution, or for healing becomes part of it. What they fear and resist most is the end of their drama....You cannot have an argument with a fully conscious person. An argument implies identification with your mind and a mental position, as well as resistance and reaction to the person's position.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Wed May 05, 2010 3:53 pm

Mague said: The god(s) are still here. The Jesus theme of the lost sheep or the returning son can be found everywhere. Its not so much about sin, but rather about "going home", aligning to the universal forces to be in harmony with it.

Most people are in love with their particular life drama. Their story is their identity. The ego runs their life. They have their whole sense of self invested in it.
I couldn’t agree with you more; unfortunately some people who are filled with their own sense of self-importance seem to think that other people should be required to be “junior participants” in their “life dramas” even if the others don’t wish to do so. In this case “forewarned” is “forearmed.”


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat May 08, 2010 2:49 pm

Disk of the World
"The thing's hollow! It goes on forever..." Well, it has gone on for seventeen years, for me anyway, and it sort of seems like forever. The Phaistos Disk, a 1,700 BCE space odyssey in its own right, is an ancient artifact nearly 4,000 years old. But recently an archaeologist claimed the Phaistos Disk to be a hoax, and he also claimed to be an authority on art hoaxes. I take this opportunity to defend the Phaistos Disk and its discoverer.

I have intensively researched the Phaistos Disk for seventeen years and I believe it is an authentic Minoan artifact. I also believe that the man who created this hoax theory is motivated to draw attention to himself, to sell subscriptions to his magazine and to create more advertising revenue for his advertisers. I suggest it is not Pernier who was jealous of Evans but the hoaxologist who is jealous of Pernier for achieving something remarkable in archaeology. Eisenberg has no qualms in destroying Pernier's good name and reputation in order to sell subscriptions and furniture. He may call his scheduled event the International Conference on the Phaistos Disk, but he certainly has no intentions of holding a serious debate on the Phaistos Disk suitable to the antiquarian society.

Pattern #1 - Connecting Stars/Shields with Lines to Produce Constellations

As you can see, this man is holding the disk as a shield at his belt. The Phaistos Disk may be a template for a Bronze Age shield, perhaps the legendary shield that became known later on in history as Shield of Achilles. Or there is the possibility this indicates stars in constellation Orion, such as Orions's Belt. Could this be a protypical Zeus holding the Disk of the World?

Whatever it may be, this pottery art masterpiece contains a beautiful artistic design that, when colorized and animated, seems modern and not at all 3,600 years old. Does this indicate the Minoans believed the Star Sirius, the mother Isis/Rhea, is shielding us? This is, perhaps, an image of our planetary shield.

Pattern #2 - Connecting Stars/Pomegranates with Lines to Produce Constellation Argo

In this Phaistos Disk image of the picture perfect constellation Argo, the sails are a great pyramid that sits atop the boat. This makes me wonder if the Egyptians conceived of the idea of the Great Pyramid as being in the sky and sailing along as part of the Constellation Argo. That would help to explain the presence of the boat at the Great Pyramid. Could the pharaoh have believed that the Great Pyramid would be his house afterdeath and that his house would be taken up with him in it, at least in spirit, along with his entourage to Osiris, to sail with the god in his barque? The constellation was also known as Barque of Osiris, that which conveyed the god Osiris through the heavens. Through a transformation of myth, this became the Greek legend of Jason and the Argonauts who sailed across the heavens in the Argo as they searched for the Golden Fleece

Pattern #3 - Connecting Dots/Pyramids with Lines to Produce Exterior View of the Great Pyramid

Pattern #4 - Connecting Dots/Fleece with Lines to Produce Interior View of the Great Pyramid

Interior View Pyramid with a Minoan stylized pictograph of Isis visible through the door leading to the "subterranean chamber" Pyramid image revealed by connecting the 10 fleece pictographs.

Jason and the Argonauts sailed in the Constellation Argo in search of the Golden Fleece. Was it ever rumored to be hidden in the bottom of the Great Pyramid?

The Phaistos Disk was found below a trap door leading to a basement in the Phaistos palace. This pyramid drawing may indicate that another such disk was placed below the pyramid in the subterranean chamber or at least the Golden Fleece could be found there.

Pattern #5 - Connecting Dots/Minyae/Crested Dancers with Lines to Produce
Spiraling Tunnel/Cave/Dance

Click the cave image above to see what happens when I spin it clockwise (using using a gif animation tool). Is this the Minoan explanation for planetary retrograde motion?

Left is a vase from Knossos dated 1500 BCE that displays Figure 8 Shields. The top of the vase is ringed with disks. Beside this vase is the same vase onto which I have super-imposed the Phaistos Disk, its two sides placed side-by-side, the connecting line segment highlighted.

The shields on the original vase appear to be composed of two disks. Each disk is filled with dots that might represent pictographs on the Phaistos Disk, and the disks are joined by a connecting line path.

The two sides of the Phaistos Disk, placed side-by-side this way, appear to be a type of maze.

The solution to a maze is the uninterrupted path through an intricate pattern of line segments from a starting point to a goal. The disk has a combined sixty line segments and two large spirals, each with five levels. The starting point of this maze is the center of Side A (top disk with flower at the center), the goal is the center of Side B (bottom disk with wave at the center). To solve the maze, find the uninterrupted path through the line segments of all the spirals, from A to B and back.

I believe the Phaistos Disk is a Bronze Age record of the ancient religion we now call Hermeticism. One side of the disk is Ba and the other side is Ka. Joining them together at the connecting line segments producs La, or the union of Ka and Ba. This union creates immortality represented by infinity or the figure 8. We see this figure 8 represented in art throughout the Minoan civilization, especially in their Figure 8 Shields. This entire civilization, like the Maya, considered themselves to be immortal.

Pattern #6 (Minoan Wave Spiral) and #7 (middle, Minoan Figure 8 Shield)


According to ancient beliefs, the axis of the universe is the Pleiades in Taurus. The idea is that our bodies are somehow intimately connected to a point far away in space, in the Taurus constellation of the bull Did these astronomers use the lion to create an image on the Phaistos Disk of the Pleiades? If they did, perhaps it comes from the Egyptian lion goddess Sekhmet, the inference being the Pleiades are goddesses. We know the Pleiades as the Seven Sisters but perhaps the Egyptians and Minoans deified them so they were the seven goddesses or eight goddesses as there are eight lions on this side of the disk. The Pleiades on the Phaistos Disk completes the ancient astronomy holy trinity of Sirius, Argo Navis, and Pleiades.


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