Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by seasmith » Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:31 pm

The True Structure of the Solar System ... hetrue.htm
Hi Lizzie,

Were you able to access Part 2 of the paper you linked ?
The link at the bottom of the document doesn't work for me.


Panagiotis Stefanides


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Oct 21, 2011 5:32 am

Seasmith, I could not open the link; it said something about the domain being up for sale; it's very odd; you can read part 1 but not part 2.

Here's the main website:

However, many of the various "chapters" have been removed

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Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2008 6:59 pm

Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by seasmith » Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:46 am

here is the website of the (Greek) author being quoted, but i don't see that particular paper:



Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Oct 22, 2011 7:50 am

The 27 Levels of the Electron
Jerry Iuliano points out a correspondence between the 27 levels of the electron and various mythologies of various civilizations.

Eugene B. Pamfiloff believes that the electron is comprised of 27 individual units of energy called a Geatron which is according to Pamfiloff exactly expressed by the value .018926578 Mev/(c^=2).

Brown University physicist proposes that electron may be split in two parts.

Brown University professor of physics and engineering, Humphrey Maris proposes that it is possible to split the electron. A paper describing the theory appears in the Aug. 1 Journal of Low Temperature Physics. Maris presented his research at the International Conference on Quantum Fluids and Solids, held in June at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.

Several colleagues have suggested that I bring the public up to date with some new developments related to my work in particle physics. It appears that the results of several recent experiments at Brown University have proven major aspects of my work.

Dr. Humphrey Maris and his team, while zapping liquid He4 with infrared light obtained an unexpected result. It appeared that an electron split into two parts, with each part suspended in separate bubbles.

These experiments and results were announced on August 1, 2000. Naturally, this observation was shocking, as it not only defied The Standard Model Theory, but also placed quarks into a new category, that of the Non-existent.

Moreover, the results have proven that the electron is a composite entity rather than a virtual finite entity, which is one of the major principles of my work. According to statements by Maris, Modern Theory has no explanation for these results. However, my work not only predicted these results many years ago, but easily explains the products, as follows:

Electron Composition: The Electron is composed of 3-Stages, with each Stage composed of 9 Geatron particles of energy, with each particle possessing a Mass of: m =3D 0.018926578 MeV/c2 Pfc, for a total of 27 fundamental Geatron particles of energy contained within the electrons' configuration. Each Stage has a Mass of: m =3D 0.170339202 MeV/c2

During Maris experiment, after exposure to low frequency Infrared Light, the electron split into two as described by the Geatron principles:

Stage I and II remained intact yielding a Mass of m =3D 0.340678404 MeV/c2 and possessing a neutral charge due to the cancellation of charges between Stages I and II.

Stage III, which is loosely held or bound, as compared to Stages I & II, dislodged yielding a Mass of m =3D 0.170339202 MeV/c2 and possessing a negative electric charge. The experiments of Dr. Maris yielded an unexpected result leading to an obvious conclusion, "the composite nature of the electron".

However, my work predates that of Dr. Maris by several years and not only predicted the results he obtained, but also is capable of explaining the exact results in terms of resultant mass and electric charge, and the exact sequence of electron fragmentation that will occur at various input energy levels. As a result, many of my friends and colleagues who are familiar with my work and these new developments are now very excited about the prospects of work recognition.

The 82944 form expresses this energy exactly.

In a message dated 3/17/01 10:50:23 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Formula as follows:

(ERC) 20.62994267 inches = [186282.0245*(10^10)*5280/299792458]^(1/8)

Here one has inches, feet, miles, metric, and Egyptian Royal Cubit in one equation.

Mr. Iuliano's stunning formula appeared as I was reading Chapter 4 of Barron's on-line book. While it is particularly unfair to the overall thesis to pull snatches of text out of context, I do so merely to illuminate a point. The following is a long quote from Chapt.4:

Although Penrose is perfectly well aware that number or mathematical Platonism, is "a product of the intellect alone", he fails to draw the obvious conclusion from his insight; if a "dead" number does not exist in the universe per se, then this fact by itself means that it will be impossible to arrive at a viable GUT in terms of a mathematical physicist's model!

To get to the point, when we question Einstein’s theory of general relativity (which gives the same predictions as Newton’s theory of gravitation provided the velocities involved are small compared with that of light, and the gravitational fields are not excessively strong) -- as Einstein himself had once questioned the Absolute Space and Time of Newton -- we begin to wonder why space-time should be treated as comprising three dimensions of space -- yet only one of time. There simply seems to be a curious psychological inconsistency in speaking of only a single time dimension. For is not time, too, in a sense, multidimensional? As space comprises height, breadth, depth, does not time possess dimensionality in relation to past, present, and future?

If space-time -- in which all the fields and particles in the cosmos reside has, according to the theory of relativity, a variable structure that itself directly describes gravity (with the effect that the 'arena' of space-time joins in the very action taking place within itself!) then the realisation that there is more than one time dimension invites new psycho-logical ways of considering the psycho-physical categories of space and time, 'good' and 'bad'. [See Note below for an interpretation of the expression 'good' in terms of the ambiguity between rotation/oscillation (as encountered in thermodynamics).]

Mathematics seeks to eliminate any living component from the objects it examines. But to do this is to restrict the psychesoma's -- and indeed the universe's --own experience of "space" to that of dead geometry. Because every aspect of geometry is inseparable from the notion of dimensionality, we now need to define precisely what a 'dimension' means.

Message: 2
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 10:53:34 EST
Subject: fine structure constant


Many thanks for your wonderful research into the mathematical basis of modern physics and ancient wisdom. I am intrigued by your statement that the fine structure constant is the "carrier of the collective unconscious." This conclusion is in direct agreement with the cosmology of Arthur M. Young, in which he sees the fine structure constant as the transition from the first level of the photon, outside of space and time, with no substance and no form, to the second level of nuclear particles which are still not in space, but do enter the stream of time. Thus they have substance, but still no form, and therefore cannot yet be objectified.

(Level 3 is that of Atoms which are in space but not in time, with form but not substance, and therefore atoms are conceptual entities (just as the architect's drawing of a house is a concept of the house itself). Finally Level 4 is that of Molecules, which combine substance and form and are in space and time. )

Each of these 4 levels expresses a different ontological category, going from:
(1) SPIRIT to (2) SOUL to (3) MIND to (4) BODY.

Thus the fine structure constant is the transition from the level of the spirit to the level of the soul. The soul exists in time but not in space, whereas the spirit is neither in space nor in time.

If, as you say, the fine structure constant is the "carrier of the collective unconscious," then that indicates the soul-like nature of the unconscious as it "precipitates" into time from out of the spirit. I would appreciate any more insights you may have in this area, especially concerning the critical distinction between soul and spirit.

Tom Mellett
Dept. of Physics
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN

Thanks for the new information. I know I am on the right track now because I have never heard of the Ma'at, Stechini's work nor Tompkins (Jungian collective unconscious or sychronicity).

The formula I derived comes from pure physical constants with 10th order accuracy. So this is what I would call as proof of the "collective unconscious" effect noted by Jung and others. There is order of human mind and the physical constants that makes up the matter that makes the mind that imagines the form that rules the matter that creates the universe as a pure mathematical net of modular forms which obey very restrictive laws (edgeness) and these laws can be broken only through the complex form (i) imaginary.

This means complex mathematics is useless as a tool to express the Euclidian form of reality. The Egyptians knew this. All of the Euclidian particles of Nature can be derived from normal mathematics that is derived from the Cheops pyramid constructs. We're talking, that I can prove that the EXACT values (NIST) of the Euclidian particles:

Proton, Neutron and Electron and the mysterious constant that governs their actions, fine-structure constant (137.035999935), are derived in mathematical detail by using only 2 number constants, the height and base leg of the Cheops pyramid at Giza. This is as simple as it gets. 1+1=2. The Cheops pyramid is the equivalent to the monolith from Arthur C. Clarke's 2001 a Space Oddessy.


The following formula shows the orbits of the Pi variables that influence the action of the electron (.510998902 Mev...NIST 1998) on the shells of the proton mass (938.271998 Mev...NIST 1998):

(938.271998*10)^[((.510998902^(-1/Pi))/Pi]= Cos radians

The shells are guarded by the gate-keeper only allowing possession of a fine-structure key (angle) to gain entry. 137.035999935 is entry key, the inverse of fine-structure. The square of this inverse (distance) is the collective unconscious link to spiritual ...mind.

This is the metric 37 degree Celsius heat of sentient mind-body, the amplitude of a real electron to emit or absorb a real photon, or electron shell changing key. The action allowed by fine-structure on the charged +1, base weight 938.271998 is only through the total weight of the electron to the power of negative inverse Pi. This total weight .510998902^(-1/Pi) showing -1/Pi units of freedom is then divided by the ratio of least time Circumference divided by Diameter or Pi. This energy matter form involving Pi actions on the electron can be reduced to a harmonic derivitive that is entwined in the human mind. For example the Mayans of Mesoamerica and the Druids of Stonehenge England both used the same harmonic (288) in representations of their respective calendars (Pictun=288=Mayan); (double light=288=Druid):

So one could say, the proton-electron forms are anagalous to the ancient wisdom form. What makes the 82944 harmonic equal to 10 proton energies? It is the reduction of the actual action on the electron in physical energy terms to one of spiritual reduction to restrictive mathematical symbolism that shows the germ of collective unconscious. This is the uniting of spirit and matter. Even though unity does NOT actually equal the electron form (1.....510998902^(-1Pi)) nor does 82944 actually equal the 10 proton energies (82944...938.271998) these inequalities disappear when structured in the action number that regulates the allowances used in chemical shell changes, this number being the fine-structure constant 137.036.

This form of fine-structure (11.70623765...the inverse square root) is the spiritual force that connects man's constructed (pyramids, Stonehenge, etc) or man’s created religions, art, etc.) collective unconscious mathematical forms and ancient calendar references. For example; the Cheops pyramid ratio: 486.2560047 ft/763.81 ft an a-priori agreed upon dimensional construct that was built to this exact ratio is defined by the factor of the Egyptian Royal Cubit in inches through the fine-structure value

An example of modern collective unconscious effects that amplify the above phenomena is the case of Prof. Leahy (Philosophy/Theology) Loyola Univ....D.G. Leahy is a philosopher of intense thoughtfulness and penetrating insight into the phenomena of ancient wisdom and modern applications. He leads off his website with a two chapter interpretation of his famous "dream" number (2808) a seemingly generic number with no extraordinary abilities.

Leahy knew in his unconsciousness that this number WAS extraordinary and proceeded to prove it by its association to the master harmonic number from his studies of the triple logic cube (82944) and its association to fine-structure. I was also able to corroborate this numbers (2808) extraordinaryness through a set of formulas that use the same frame work as the collective unconscious used in the linking of religionic expressions.
Jerry Iuliano
I have received some emails from Jerry Iuliano that reveal some very interesting geometric/numerical relationships between the Great Pyramid (Cheops), the fine-structure constant (Kinoshita's number), and The Theory of Everything which are listed here chronologically:

At this webpage:

"Egyptians were obsessed with the conviction that the total number of all deities had to be 37, because of this number’s magical properties."

At this webpage "Secrets of the Pyramids"

the dimensions of the Great Pyramid(Cheops) are given as height=486.256 feet; base leg=763.81 feet.

At this webpage: ... lease.html

is the calculated expression of the fine-structure constant (Kinoshita's number)137.035999935) the equation as follows:


Thus the ratio of the Cheops pyramid constructs is nothing more than the expression of the transformation of light (photons) and energy (electrons), since the definition of fine-structure is the amplitude of an electron to emit or absorb a photon.


To separate to fine-structure:


The derivation of this formula at this webpage:

his footnote:

relates Jerry Iuliano's discoveries to the Theory of Everything on a page titled, "82944 & the Unification of the Fundamental Force Constants" incorporating the trinary logic geometric series and Fermat's theorem.

On 2/03/2000 I received this note from Jerry Iuliano:

"The Hindu system of time is based on a calendar unit that is called a Kali-Yuga which is 1.08. Seems to be a strange way to create a calendar unit, using a non-integer number as a starting point. However whoever created this form must have been familiar with the Egyptian form using the magic number 37 because it too is related to the dimensionless fine-structure constant 137.035999935 as follows:


The 1.08 form seems to be incorporated into several Asian religious forms --
Buddhist, Hindu Japanese, etc"
The Geatron Nuclear Model
No event or phenomenon in the universe, whether nuclear or cosmological, can be explained correctly unless the laws that govern fundamental interactions are understood. With the current nuclear models showing an inability to explain the existence of mass or the system for the formation of elementary and subatomic particles and further, the inability to unify the fundamental forces, with or without gravity, it is demonstrated that the laws governing fundamental interactions are not understood.

These problems originate from the misidentification of the fundamental particles resulting in the misidentification of the fundamental forces. The obvious conclusion, develop a nuclear model that correctly identifies the actual fundamental particles, where this new information will lead to the identification of the fundamental forces, along with their system of organization, from which all the systems of the universe will be explained.

The Geatron Nuclear Model (GNM) that is presented in this paper is just such a model, one that identifies a single fundamental particle from which all other particles are formed and a single fundamental force from which all other forces emerge.

The model also addresses other important objectives, such as the specific origin of the missing mass and the missing energy of the universe, which are described as Dark Matter and Dark Energy.

This is a simplified discussion of the Geatron Nuclear Model and its relationship to the most complicated of subjects, the fundamental origin of force and energy with the principles of the formation, composition and structure of matter. The Geatron Nuclear Model makes many important predictions, one of which demonstrates the existence of several groups of previously unknown sub-particles identified as composite Rudimentary Particle Units (RU). The first group contains 10 varieties, the second assemble to form 18 distinct larger composite units, which then assemble further to form the thousands of possibilities situated between 0.00000205 MeV and 0.511 MeV.

Scientists assume that three or four or five fundamental forces exist (they are still confused on the exact number), with each mediated by the exchange particles listed in parentheses.

1. Electromagnetic Force (having electrons and other particles mediated by the exchange of photons)

2. Nuclear Weak Interaction or Electroweak when coupled with the Electromagnetic (having atoms mediated by the exchange of huge W+, W-, and Z0 bosons)

3. Nuclear Strong Interaction (having quarks mediated by the exchange of gluons through a color force)

4. Nuclear Strong Force (having the nuclear bonds between protons and neutrons mediated by the exchange of pi-mesons)

5. Gravity (having atoms and molecules mediated by the exchange of gravitons)

Notice the inconsistency, as gravity is considered to be a force-of-attraction here, while General Relativity completely rejects the force-of-attraction concept and attributes the orbit of celestial bodies to a curved or bent space surrounding the larger body.

For the record, not one of these forces can be explained through the application of exchange particles. There is not a single bit of evidence that supports the existence of an exchange particle that is responsible for any force. Nor can it be demonstrated that these are, in fact, correctly identified fundamental forces. What if the real fundamental forces exist several nuclear levels below the listed forces?


A perfect nuclear model will be able to answer each of the above questions along with any other relevant question and be able to correct the unsound assumptions listed here and those other unsound assumptions administered by our scientific overseers. This model will be able to identify the ONE fundamental particle from which all other particles are formed and the ONE fundamental force from which all other forces are derived. It will illustrate the nature and origin of this and other fundamental forces.

The model will show the structure, exact composition and the methods of formation of every composite rudimentary, elementary, sub-nuclear and subatomic particle that is known to exist. The model must define energy and identify its primary sources. The model must provide a fundamental constant that will be the unit by which matter and energy will be measured. The model will provide an extensive list of valid predictions that will describe everything from the system for solar energy production to the internal workings of a black hole. Without limitation, the model will explain the mysterious nuclear events presently described as the nuclear strong interaction, nuclear strong force, nuclear weak interaction, nuclear weak force, electromagnetic force, and gravity. And it must provide specific data for existing composite particles that have not been detected and those that may not be detectable for various reasons. It will identify Dark Matter and Dark Energy and their origin. Finally, the model will demonstrate the structure of matter, its methods of assembly and system of nuclear bonds.

1. Since every composite elementary or subatomic particle known has an electric charge that corresponds to one of the three possible charge states (+, –, 0), this signifies that only two fundamental particles are required to explain the existence of all charged and neutral particles including all events of particle charge transformation.

A. One fundamental particle must have a constant whole positive electric charge with a magnitude of 1.602 x 10-19 Coulombs, equal to the charge carried by the positron. This will be identified as the A-particle. Note: Keep in mind that this identified electric charge is fundamental; however, the positron and other known particles that carry the charge may not be fundamental.

B. The second fundamental particle must have a constant whole negative electric charge with a magnitude of 1.602 x 10-19 Coulombs, equal to the charge carried by the electron. This will be identified as the B-particle. Note: Keep in mind that this identified electric charge is fundamental; however, the electron and other known particles that carry the charge may not be fundamental.

2. Since photons, elementary and subatomic particles exhibit both particle properties and wave properties, this signifies that a third fundamental particle must exist exhibiting both vibration and, under certain conditions, oscillation, along with some method of attraction to other indivisible particles, small composite particles and mass, in general.

C. Therefore, this third particle that must exist is required to be a vibrating particle with possibly a net ‘0’ electric charge; however, as the evidence indicates, it must also exhibit some form of attraction through the electric charge or through some other force and must also exhibit a frequency of vibration within some system. These complicated requirements will make it difficult to identify such a particle; nevertheless, it will be found, and to remain consistent, it will be named the C-particle.

These are the three requirements and at the same time, the clues that must help us to identify the actual fundamental particles. From these three particles, all forces including gravity, energy, and the structure, composition and the formation of rudimentary, elementary, sub-nuclear, and subatomic particles are explained.

D. However, the evidence shows that a fourth particle must exist; as it turns out, this very simple particle appears to be the origin of the previous three; it will be named the D-particle. We know that it exists because it is simply an A, B, or C particle that has lost its primary property through some nuclear event. But, it is also a particle that has not yet converted into an A, B, or C particle, therefore, it must be a D-particle


1. The D-particle is defined as the fundamental point-like particle of energy having one GMU unit of mass and no electric charge. It is further defined as: Any particle of energy with one GMU unit of mass that has not as yet obtained one of the primary properties of spin (angular momentum) or vibration (at a frequency f), or any particle of energy with one GMU that has lost its primary property of spin or vibration through some event is a fundamental D-particle. From this it is obvious that the ‘D’ does not spin or vibrate and therefore does not have electric charge in any form nor an associated field; nevertheless, it has other features that make it the origin of everything in the universe.

The A-particle is defined as a fundamental point-like particle of energy that has previously acquired the property of spin-angular momentum with a specific spin-up direction of rotation about a fixed axis, where this specific direction of spin-angular momentum results in a secondary property of a positive electric charge. It is further defined as: Any particle of energy that carries an invariable positive electric charge and one GMU unit of mass is a fundamental A-particle.

The B-particle is identical to the A-particle in every respect, except that it has an opposite spin orientation resulting in an opposite or negative electric charge. All primary and secondary properties are identical to those listed for the A-particle with the exceptions noted. It is further defined as: Any particle of energy that carries an invariable negative electric charge and one GMU unit of mass is a fundamental B-particle.

Finally the most remarkable particle of the four fundamental particles can be discussed. It was previously identified as the C-particle. What makes it so astonishing is that its straightforward property of vibration (simple harmonic motion) and resultant oscillation, when contained, confined or bound within composite particles, explains so many of the mysteries that have plagued scientists for so long and it is directly responsible for so many nuclear and cosmic events.

The C-particle is defined as a fundamental point-like particle of energy that has previously acquired the property of internal vibration (simple harmonic oscillation). This intrinsic property is the result of a near or at center-of-mass collision at velocity v = c, between two D-particles of energy that subsequently converted into two C-particles. The vibration provides the C-particle with an intrinsic secondary property of alternating-transforming electric charge with the interval of transforming charge being equal to its preexisting frequency of vibration. This transforming charge system may sound confusing, but it is rather simple. The C-particle is further defined as: Any particle that vibrates with simple harmonic motion, carries an alternating-transforming electric charge and has one GMU unit of mass is a fundamental C-particle.

Conclusions must be derived directly from established factual, experimental and observational data only:

1. The electric charge is fundamental, but the known particles that carry the charge, such as the electron or positron, are not fundamental.

2. The fundamental electric charge exists in three variations.

3. All known elementary and subatomic particles have a substructure consisting of a class of small composite rudimentary particles held in a bound state.

4. The series of composite rudimentary particles represent every possible arrangement of the three fundamental electric charge variations.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:48 am

The Anu Building Block
"Each whorl is a 1-dimensional string, the six higher orders of spirillae representing the winding of a string around the six higher circular dimensions of a 6-torus, which is the 6-dimensional version of the doughnut-shaped torus. This and many other pieces of mathematical evidence relating the structure of the UPA and the dynamics of superstrings to their prescription by Godnames and to their encoding in the Tree of Life prove beyond doubt that the UPA is the microscopic manifestation of the Kabbalists, Adam Kadmon, or Heavenly Man, truly the Image of God in matter."

If we fully understand the dynamics of this heart shaped anu building block which represents what space is doing at all levels of universe from smallest to largest.....we should be able to say anything concerning physics and see it physically demonstrated upon this heart shaped anu or the pair of anu called the vesica piscus.

The first of the platonic "shapes", the tetrahedron, are made up of trillions of these Anu-tori building blocks, also called Aether vortices. These Anu-tori and Aether vortices is how space moves.

Of the Smallest "Platonic Shape" called Tetrahedron

Question: What is the first "solid shape"?

This is a 3 sided tetrahedron with an octahedron inside.

The 3 sided tetrahedron is simply, 3 equilateral triangles layed upon 3 different sides of the octahedron, with all octa vertexes bisecting each tet edge. These are only space vortices.

Question: What are the trumpet shapes of Tenen?

The cones (trumpet shapes) are Aether vortices within each geometric unit of matter building geometry. There are not actually solid shapes in space. These cones of spirit we call god. Space is god.

Half of these cone vortexes represent space spiraling into matters other words, this is gravity...that which space does. The vortex is center seeking or centripital, and half of them may represent the opposite, outward centrifugal spiral called radiation or the outward radiation might come out of the atom or bits of mass some other way other than these spirals of the spaces within the matter.

The edges require at least two forces against each other to maintain an equilibrium edge. When we unbalance the equal energies, the edge disappears and changes. This is called "The Alchemy of Manipulating Matter".

After these cone spirals of Aether, within spinning edges and imagined surfaces of all the nesting platonic solids and mirror solids, interact with each layer of spinning edge and surface, we get all the combinations of matter manifesting. Alter this process and its binding energies and you alter matter.

We have been studying the musical correlations of this bubbling up of matter from the center of space. The framework is called Mirror Music and Luigi Di-Martino (MirrorMan) is creating more pdf documents to explain how the double universe works musically...this side and the other side, from the center and the center, of course, is everywhere.

The imagined platonic solids do not really exist in this visible universe, be they small or large structures. The so called solids, as described, are the result of imaginary lines drawn from the centers of what we can call "nested spheres'. If we nest 4 spheres, also imaginary, together we get what we call the tetrahedron with its vertexes as the sphere centers, and so on with all the others.

So universe might be said to be full of imaginary spheres or tori, which both expand and contract and rotate, and the platonic solids are the derivative of these tori. Even these imaginary tori cannot be considered as wavefronts because the non-medium Aether of truly empty space does not transmit any wavefront through it accept longitudinal "waves" and even these are not the common waves we know of but they are generated by the precessional synchronicities of every imaginary tori in space, together....but the so called tori simply precess and do not nor cannot move other than that because of the close packing, but they do, in concert, generate a "spin wave" through space which is capable of transmitting information.
Toroidal Universe
Over the last few years I began to see evidence of a universe that was toroidal, moreover, a possible double toroid. The picture is supposed to be a representation of a so called "blackhole" but it also represents a picture of only one pole of the universe.

As you can tell, this curve gives only a hint that the complete spherical structure is really a torus. The universe should be a double universe with two overlapping tori in the configuration of the vesica piscus. This oversimplification for a double universe must be intertwined with a myriad of dynamics to produce the overlapping toroids. In other words, there is 1/2 universe missing from detection. These dynamics have all exhibited toroidal behaviors as vortexes, be they cosmic scale or atomic scale in their dimensions. I began to conclude that from the smallest basic atomic unit to the largest cosmic structure, these all had roots firmly in the toroid.

The ASM, the Mode Box, the Anu, the Cheops pyramid , Iuliano's maths, music studies and many, many more subjects, all showed the cyclic or double cycle within and pointed to the toroidal structure. In this light we see a new theory developing from theorists at several institutions who, as I will show you, make predictions as if the universe's dynamics were taking place upon the center and surface of a toroidal structure called universe.

Robert Grace.

Universe Reborn Endlessly in New Model of the Cosmos
Ben Harder for National Geographic News April 25, 2002

It could be a time-honored philosophy of Eastern gurus- the view that time has neither a beginning nor an end, and that the universe is locked in a perpetual cycle of formation and dissipation. But it's the latest scientific model of the cosmos, and it comes from top theorists in Princeton, New Jersey, and Cambridge, England.

Neither beginning or end? Locked in a perpetual cycle? Yes indeed. A toroidal universe has both attributes. Our segment of universal information is blasted out the whitehole, expands over the surface, crosses the equator and contracts back into the blackhole antipode, to be half spun through the center at light speed.

What was the "Big Bang? Imagine the end of the Day of Brahma, 311.040 trillion years. All mass is being vortexed down the blackhole antipode, actually a white, light-hole. Matter’s "speed" approaches lightspeed and slowly becomes light. This matter-light, at lightspeed, reaches no-speed, no-velocity, no-time, no-space...basically it completely stops. This is the eternity of Now. We are now at the non-moment in the silent void just before the Big Bang....of this compressed, half-spun information-light. As this information/light traverses, half-spun through the center of the universal toroid, according to B. Fuller's Synergetics, Vector Equilibrium Pump Model, it is spun outward in an ever-expanding, ever-spinning, sweeping toroidal bubble which follows the ever-expanding, spin-twisted throat of the toroid until it is distorted upon the exterior surface of the toroid.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Oct 25, 2011 4:26 pm

December 21, 2012
It's all about the Sun

It's ironic (or maybe not) that the Mayan Calendar is often called the "sun stone." While the calendar does have "solar" days, acknowledging the 365 days it takes for Earth to rotate around the Sun, it is also true that the Sun plays a key role in the final day of the "long count." To understand what will happen to the Sun on December 21, 2012, we need to review some scientific terms like "ecliptic," "barycenter," and "sunspots." These are important in the discussion that follows. We'll start with the most difficult one first.

For now, let's forget all the small planets and focus on Jupiter. It makes one complete trip around the Sun every 11.861773 years. There's a new theory put forth by Dr. Rollin Gillespie which shows that Jupiter, and to a smaller degree the other less massive planets, may trigger the 11 year cycle of sunspots and solar flares.

The barycenter is not a single point in the Sun. Because the Sun is a rotating gaseous sphere, the barycenter forms a vertical, cylindrical "sleeve" that is partially inside and outside the main solar body. All of the planets have such a "sleeve," one inside the other, depending on their relative mass and the location of their barycenters. The particular sleeve representing the mass of Jupiter intersects the solar surface at 35.9 degrees North and South. This is precisely where sunspot and flare activity begin and end during each 11 year cycle.

The new cycle has already begun with the recent observation of a solar spot with reverse polarity. But some surprising activity on March 27, 2008, showed some huge eruptions with M-class radiation at about the equatorial region of the Sun. These surprising eruptions suggests a barycenter of disturbance from an object even more massive than Jupiter, placing the "sleeve" outside the Sun. Could this be the beginning of the Galaxy's effects (keep reading to learn more about this) on our Sun?

Scientists have noted that when Jupiter and Saturn are aligned on the same side of the Sun, the solar maximum (the period when we have the most sunspots and flares) is at its weakest; when they are on opposite sides of the Sun the solar maximum is at its strongest. The positions of these two planets on December 21, 2012 are ideal for extreme solar activity.

We recently learned that we had overlooked an even more significant alignment that we are presenting here for the first time. There is a straight-line alignment from Jupiter, the Earth, the Sun and (most significantly) the Galactic Center (a black hole). This alignment happens on December 20th, 2012 -- just a few hours before the actual "doomsday."

These cylinders are usually quite orderly because the planets adhere to a narrow plane, called the ecliptic which resembles a thin plate extending from the equator of the Sun. The planets hang out here because (in simple terms) this is the zone where the gravitation of the system is the strongest.

But nature is never perfect. The Sun rotates at a slight angle (7.25 degrees), much as our Earth does. As it wobbles, it tilts the sleeves, causing them to clash with each other and eventually disrupt the surface. Having the barycenters of the two most massive planets, Jupiter and Saturn, in maximum misalignment is especially disruptive. This disturbance, to put it simply, works its way to the surface and erupts in sun spots and solar flares or CME's (Coronal Mass Ejections).

The last solar cycle was at its maximum in 2001. Each active solar cycle has a period when the flares are strongest, usually happening near the solar equator, called the "solar maximum." This is significant because the next "solar maximum" event will coincide with December 21, 2012. But wait -- there's much more!

The small discrepancy between the average 11.120412 year solar cycle and the 11.861773 year period of Jupiter is close enough to be significant but suggests that something else is also influencing solar disturbances. Sure, it could be attributed to the various positions of the other less massive planets, but it could also be something even more significant -- the Milky Way.

Our solar system is part of a huge disc shaped collection of stars and planets called the Milky Way. We're located somewhere on the edge of the disc, slightly on top of the narrow disc. But very soon we'll be moving to the bottom of the disc. This change, from top to bottom, begins on December 21, 2012.

Yes, that's right. On the same day when our Sun is at its solar maximum, something will happen that's never happened for thousands of eons of time -- the ecliptic of our solar system will intersect with the Galactic plane, called the "Galactic Equator" of the Milky Way!

Prior to December 2012 we have been drifting on the top of the pizza, never really able to see the bottom. The plate and pizza are not parallel. They are moving at different angles. We've been drifting down, down, down... and on December 21st, 2012, we will be exactly level with the crust -- forming an "x" at the Galactic Equator where galactic gravity is the strongest. After 2012, if we are still here, we will be passing through the bottom zone, viewing the Milky Way pizza from the South.

By some amazing coincidence, not only will we be intersecting with the Galactic Equator, but we will be doing this precisely aligned with the center of the Galaxy where there is maximum mass! More mass means more gravity. More gravity means more influence from those barycenters in our Sun. That means exponential increases in solar disruptions -- all coinciding on the same day!

Many people do not understand the alignment of the solar system's ecliptic with the Galaxy's equator. This is because the phenomenon called "the precession" is described as the shifting of background stars due to the "wobble" of planet Earth. In fact, it is not only the planet that wobbles but the entire solar system that wobbles.

It's also important to stress that December 21, 2012 is only the "solar maximum" but that the gravitational effects of the Galaxy have already started to assert their influence on the Sun. The drift towards alignment with the galactic equator is relatively slow and, in truth, has already started. But the precise culmination of this, plus the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn all make 12/21/12 an onimous date.

LaViolette envisioned a large solar flare or coronal mass ejection (CME) that would become magnetically entrapped in the Earth's magnetosphere [2]. The magnetosphere would then hold on to this fireball of radiation like a magnetic thermos bottle, allowing the Moon and Earth to be exposed for a duration of time long enough to really "flash bake" their surfaces.

Critics quickly denounced LaViolette's theory citing evidence of "cosmic dust" and rare elements in the lunar glass and concluding that the heat source was from a meteor impact. But LaViolette proposed that this cosmic dust was likely present on the surface of the Moon during the time it was melted into the glass. In fact, he proposed that the entire solar system was full of this cosmic dust at the time of this solar eruption.

Like Earth, our entire solar system has its own atmosphere, called the heliopause. This "bubble" surrounds the Sun and planets as it travels through galactic space. Like our earth's magnetosphere, the movement of the heliopause creates a rounded "head" and a narrowing "tail." Actually, it's more egg shaped. Until recently, astronomers believed that our solar system was a region relatively free from cosmic dust. The cosmic dust and frozen material of space were kept outside this protective bubble.

So if the cosmic dust is surrounding the heliopause, what would make it suddenly enter the heliopause and how would this coincide with huge solar flares? LaViolette envisioned something disrupting the heliopause from the outside, impacting it and drawing cosmic dust inside with it and energizing the Sun. The energy of such an impact would be immense. The most logical place to look for such enormous energy was the Milky Way Galaxy.

Examining the shape of the cosmic dust clouds, the IRAS satellite team reported that the cloud was tilted relative to the solar system's ecliptic -- the narrow plane containing our planets. LaViolette realized that this odd alignment tracked back to the Galactic center.

Astronomers have known about intense radiation from space since the 1970s. Multiple bursts of powerful gamma rays were routinely detected and believed to originate from stars in the Milky Way.

Ironically, all of these facts are incorporated in LaViolette's "superwave" theory. He concludes that there are cyclical and frequent explosions from the Galaxy's core. These waves of radiation advance outward to the edges of the Galaxy, impacting everything and causing stars to erupt in their path. He believes this is what has happened many times to our own solar system -- the most recent superwave of radiation being 14,950 years ago. He envisions the shock wave -- or superwave -- dragging cosmic dust along with it as it enters the heliopause and energizes our Sun.

More troubling is the suggestion by some scientists that this powerful radiation may not require a dramatic burst or explosion to cause eruptions in the Sun. Physicists at nearly a dozen research institutions, including New York University, have discovered evidence for very high energy gamma rays emitting from a narrow band at the equator of the Milky Way.

Perhaps related to this is the puzzling fact that, even though we have witnessed no Galactic explosions or "bursts", the measurements of cosmic dust streaming inside the heliopause as been steadily increasing [6] to almost three times since the last solar maximum in 2001.

During the solar maximum of each 11 year cycle, the polarity of the Sun shifts -- North becomes South and visa versa. This brief period of magnetic instability allows some cosmic dust to enter the heliopause because the Sun's "shields" are reduced. But once the new polarity is established, the Sun usually quickly blocks the dust. This time it didn't happen. Cosmic dust has been streaming in from the Glactic center and astronomers are at a loss to explain why.

What will it be like when this happens to us? Perhaps the most dramatic evidence of what we can expect in 2012 comes from the most unlikely place -- ancient petroglyphs! Ancient rock carvings from around the globe, created during the last solar "zap" 14,950 years ago, seem to illustrate a spectacular event that happened when the Earth was last hit by extremely high radiation.

Extremely high energy, called plasma, has been shown to form unique shapes when it is made to discharge -- especially around a sphere. The northern lights are an example of how this "spark" of plasma can form luminous, electrically charged sheets or tubes at the Earth's poles. The aurora, as it is called, occurs when mild energy from our Sun is trapped and dissipated by the Earth's magnetic poles.

Extremely high energy -- the type that would have caused the Moon glass and zapped the Earth -- creates a more elaborate discharge. Physicists call it a z-pinch formation. The z-pinch has been extensively researched by a group headed by Anthony L. Peratt with the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM.

In this paper, Dr. Peratt illustrates the shape and characteristics of this high energy discharge on the Earth and shows thousands of petroglyph sites all over the globe where this z-pinch was observed and recorded in ancient carvings.

he surprising findings of LaViolette, supported by other research, suggests that the extreme solar event corresponded to powerful radiation coming from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy and was associated with gamma rays and cosmic dust. Recent observations have shown a dramatic increase in gamma ray energy in the Galaxy's equator which will be in maximum alignment with our solar system on December 12, 2012. The past records in ice cores (strata from 13,880 to 13,785 BCE) suggest that intense radiation from this last event could have lasted many years. It seems highly likely that this alignment will cause another extreme solar event since other factors precipitating a "solar maximum" (i.e. the opposition of major planetary barycenters) also converge on this exact date.

A new genetic study of Y-chromosome variation by Dr. Marcus Feldman of Stanford University shows that the population from which the world's present population is derived consisted of about 2,000 individuals. Somehow, humans, flora and fauna did survive the past doomsday and some may yet survive past 2012. Indeed, many of the ancient prophecies I have encountered in my travels around the world have spoken of a "bright light" or "flash" followed by the "good seed" (i.e. humanity) which would rise up and repopulate the world.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:02 pm

Opening the Interdimensional Gateways to the Underworld (Inner Earth)

Galactic Alignments
Galactic Alignments are gateways that are created by a particular alignment of the planets and stars of our universe with the Earth. When planets or stars move into a geometrical position in relationship with the Earth, it sets up a communication channel. This channel is a gateway for information to flow through. The more conscious and receptive we are of this available channel, the more we can open to receive, assimilate and utilize this energy and information in our lives. ... 495#p54972

A Stargate is an etheric inter-dimensional energy alignment between two points in interstellar space, which allows high vibrational energies to pass through long distances of space, along the space-time continuum. Put most simply, it is a sub-space vortex through which energy may pass. This passage of energy is most unrestricted during a solstice or equinox, when the position of the planet is such as to allow an optimal amount of energy through to Earth. ... c9e#p51753

The Stargate Machine – the Solitron Vortex Generator

According to biblical texts, there's a hidden door to the "Abyss" and "Bottomless Pit" in the vicinity of the Euphrates River, a stargate of sorts. It has been there buried under the ruins of the ancient Mesopotamian city of Eridu for thousands of years. It's my contention, that this Abyss mentioned in the bible, is also referred to in Sumerian texts as the "Abzu," and is associated with a Sumerian god known as "Enki-Ea."....The Abzu or Engur, is further described as a doorway from which Enki-Ea arrived on the Earth and over which he built the Temple of E.ABZU at Eridu, to facilitate its usage.

If this "Abzu" was also the doorway from his "land" to the Earth, in what fashion would he be using it then? How did it function and just where exactly is his "land?"

Stranger still, in the biblical texts, the Abyss (Abzu) is "opened" with a key and locked with a key. If this Abyss were a literal body of water, how would one go about unlocking and locking it with a key? Is it all a metaphor for some unseen spiritual dimension with a spiritual, not literal, key?
Earth’s Grids and Portals ... &Itemid=93
There are three main Grids that operate through and around Earth; the first we will look at is the Crystalline Grid, which links the Crystals in the Earth. Where this Grid crosses are major portals, vortexes and dimensional doorways that connect the Inner Earth and Earth to other dimensional worlds, Stars and Planets in the Galaxy, Solar System and beyond. The Crystalline Grid keeps harmony within the Earth plane and at the portals links the Earth to the Stars and Universe to have harmony with our neighbours in space.

The Ancients were aware of this and so constructed Pyramids, Temples, Standing Stones, Stone Circles to align this energy with the Stars and Inner Earth and hold the beam as it were, as well as creating dimensional gateways for beings to travel from other worlds. These beings are from different Star Systems, Universes and Worlds, and all have an agenda with Earth. Many of them having been here for aeons, or actually starting the story of life on Earth.

The Dragon people, who are part of the Reptilian story on Earth, along with the Snake and Lizard people, worked with the Crystals within the Earth to create the Crystalline Grid, this created life on the planet as we know it. They came to Earth from Altair when the Earth was still sonic winds, and so went and lived within the Earth, like many others in other Dimensions, generally 6th and 7th.

The Dragon people connected the Crystals around the Earth and constructed endless tunnels with the Snake people. Crystals are electro-magnetic and the Grid that was created through their joining put out an electro-magnetic energy field around the Earth.

The World Grid, Earth Energies and Geomantic Sites of Power ... ergies.htm
It would appear that in the remote past certain geomantic vortex points on the earth’s surface were found to be conducive for the interconnection between sub-terrestrial, terrestrial and cosmic influences and vibrations. A specific vibrational field was created by the interaction of these forces which proved conducive to spiritual activities and higher communement with other dimensional frequencies. It was at these geomantic points that sites of spiritual worship were often established, and thus we find megalithic stone monuments (circles, standing stones and dolmens etc.) and later temples, monasteries and churches, all strategically placed at these geomantic power points and almost always sited in some form of alignment with each other. These alignments invariably follow certain ‘lines of force’, or earth energy ‘leys’, which appear to cover the whole planet in a huge grid format. There may also be specific geometric overlays upon the global grid system itself, the ramifications of which may prove to be far reaching indeed, and suggests the out-working of highly sophisticated spiritual dynamics. Interestingly, German geomantic researchers refer to earth energy leylines as Holy Lines (Heilige Linien).

It may be that this Planetary Grid System, together with specific geometric overlays, is also found on other planets and stars in this Universal system, e.g. the Moon and Mars. The late professor Percy Wilkins, at one time regarded as the leading lunar astronomer, remarked that in the crater Gassendi, on the Moon, were parallel lines, triangles and geometric shapes. Where these intersect are pits or dome-like structures. If these patterns were natural cracks, they are unique to the Moon. Some parallel lines run up to the crater wall where there are what look like entrances to tunnels, and regular rows of dots then march over the wall to rejoin the parallel line on the far side from where they continue for many miles. From these tunnels bright lights had been observed emerging. Moreover, another astronomer, as long ago as 1871, had recorded geometric patterns in the crater Plato.[1] There is also the more recent data which has been supplied by a former NASA scientist, Richard Hoagland, regarding the so-called ‘face on mars’ at the Cydonia complex. According to Hoagland there appear to be mathematical alignments at this complex on Mars which correlate exactly to specific mathematical alignments at the Avebury megalithic complex in Wiltshire, England.

One, at least, of the functions of such geometric overlay patterns may be to create specific space/time ‘Gates’, or portals for inter-dimensional movement. The ancient folk tradition of the Scottish Highlands speaks about the ‘thin places’ i.e. places where the veil is thin between inter-dimensional vibrational frequencies. This may account for the apparent ability of some people with a heightened psychic awareness to perceive what are termed the fairy or devic realms. These ‘thin places’ may be inter-dimensional portals, and it may be that a combination of natural radiation and magnetism could produce altered states of consciousness or a heightened psychic awareness as a prerequisite to accessing such spiritual gateways.

As Paul Devereux relates in his book Places of Power: measuring the secret energy of ancient sites (1999): “The ancient sites of power were sometimes found, and sometimes deliberately constructed to mimic or enhance what could be found in nature. In either case, the forces of the natural world were used. And they were used for a variety of purposes, such as the promotion of fertility and for healing. But the over-riding purpose was the need to have gateways through which contact with spirit could be achieved. In the ancient world there were certain people who knew how to work with the physical world in order to create access to the spiritual.”
Gateway to other worlds ... 645#p57789

The story gets interesting when you realise the history surrounding the stone and I am going to mention it to you in the hope that it will fortify the information regarding the real reasons behind the Remembrance Day scam that I have tried to expose by mentioning the Cenotaph, Poppies, Morpheus and the gates of Hades.

Let me first tell you again that the Solovki stone is symbolic for the death and suffering of the victims in the labour camps, and if the history of the Solovetsky Islands only dated back to the early 1900's then the stone would obviously only represent what it is supposed to represent, the deaths of those in the Solovki prison...But it doesn't... and the history of the island and therefore the stone goes back much, much further. Please read this.

The islands have attracted people from the mainland from time immemorial. The first settlers came to the White Sea 10.5 thousand years ago from the East and built their villages in the lower reaches of the river Kem. The numerous relics of the ancient Babylon civilization, mainly the spiral-shaped labyrinths made of stone, have been well preserved on the islands.

According to the psychologist Vladimir Burov, the labyrinths are the images of snakes guarding the entrance gate to the other world. This version explains why there were no permanent settlements on the islands for a long time. Our distant ancestors perceived Solovki as a border with the other world, and they visited the islands to perform the rituals of communication with Superior Force.
Sedona Radio Network - Jo Ann Richards Middle East-1 ... re=related

Sedona Radio Network - Jo Ann Richards Middle East-2 ... re=related

Sedona Radio Network - Jo Ann Richards Middle East-3 ... re=related


There were dimensional gates at a number of locations around the world and some of the most powerful ones were found in central Asia in the mountains from Iraq to Georgia.

Humanity was not alone in the universe and not even safe on Earth.

Communications with the aliens was a realistic ability for those people who understood the “secrets of the gates”.
There were legends of people from ancient civilizations vanishing in the mountains and the reason was not due to the local population.

Elamite legends were rich with accounts of strange creatures and amazing events in the mountains; many of those legends tell of gateway between worlds that is much more than a mountain pass and the creatures that were anything but human.

The Soviets learned about sightings of marvelous creatures in places like Georgia, the Zagros Mountains, Afghanistan and Tibet. They found that there were gateways to other worlds; these gateways were in the mountains near where angels and strange creatures had been spotted. Nazis spies learned about the Russian discoveries.

What if the legends of reptiles, giants and shapeshifting vampires were true?

Dr. Marshall Dill went on an expedition with the Nazis in 1939. In the Zagros Mountains they discovered the remains of fortress that stood as a reminder of an ancient Iranian civilization; it stood as a reminder of the not always friendly interaction between people and a species of reptiles that came out of the cliffs from time to time; inside the fortress they found several mummified raptor bodies along with the mummified bodies of human females in chains; the gate they found in the mountains had been a small one. There was a natural weak spot in the time/space continuum; when gravitational flux of planet shifted suddenly during an earthquake, the gateway had been lost and the inhabitants within had been trapped within.

Alexander the Great was looking for this huge dimensional gate.

During the expedition Dr. Dill and several Nazis had been captured by raptors. They realized that the raptors had been looking for a way to meet and communicate with Nazis; the raptors wanted to make a deal with the Nazis.

They needed a human ally to help them in their culling of the human population. These abductions have going on long before the Nazis and they have continued long after their fall.

There are always some humans who are willing to work with the dragons while others find them a threat.
Last edited by lizzie on Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:40 pm, edited 5 times in total.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:10 pm

Urban Survival
Self Occupied - Say, here's an interesting idea: The "Occupy Yourself" movement. Idea in this video (I'm slow so I may have this wrong...) is to have everyone in the world take a day off October 28th.
For One Day...We Shut The System Down! ... r_embedded

Mayan Creation Calendar
The Long Count is an approximation that is within about a year of the actual creation cycle from the beginning of time until now. Consequently, Mayan scholars, by focusing on the Long Count and not the wave cycles of creation, have chosen the wrong day for the end-point for the Mayan calendar; it's not 12-21-2012, but 10-28-2011!
Galactic Alignments
Galactic Alignments are gateways that are created by a particular alignment of the planets and stars of our universe with the Earth. When planets or stars move into a geometrical position in relationship with the Earth, it sets up a communication channel. This channel is a gateway for information to flow through. The more conscious and receptive we are of this available channel, the more we can open to receive, assimilate and utilize this energy and information in our lives.
March 9-October 28, 2011: Dawn of the (Ninth) Unity Wave Consciousness ... y_wave.htm
We are now approaching the actual beginning of this wave of unity consciousness, which begins on March 9, 2011. This is the ninth wave also known as the Universal Underworld. This wave includes thirteen uaxaclahunkin (18 day) periods that propel a process designed to lead the universe and the human beings to their highest state of consciousness.

As of March 9, 2011, the ninth and highest wave of the Bolon Yokte Ku will be activated. It seems to me that the purpose of this particular wave of 13 x 18 = 234 days is to cap the entire evolution of the universe that so far has been propelled by the eighth lower waves. From what we know about the changing polarities of consciousness of the nine waves it will do so by providing energies that are conducive to the human beings cocreating unity consciousness.

If there is a twenty-fold increase in frequency with every wave, the Ninth Wave, or Universal Underworld, will have a duration of 13 x 18 = 234 days and would then start March 9, 2011. It will progress through seven days and six intermediate nights, each being a uaxaclahunkin. In Mayan calendar language, this means an 18-day period. The 18-day periods can be subdivided into two nine-day counts (two days off from the classical nine lords of the night count) since they will have both an ascending and a descending phase and in this way we may see more clearly the link to classical Mayan calendrics. If the ninth wave is all about creating harmony from what has evolved previously then our task would be to ask the divine for guidance as to what we would do to arrive at this.

The call for events or celebrations to initiate the ninth wave on March 9, 2011 only means to point out that this is the beginning date, the initiation of our opportunity to move into unity together. We would also like to encourage you to find means of celebrating and transforming into unity consciousness during times that work for you, such as weekends around the first eighteen day period, as well as holding the intention for the beginning of true unity on March 9, 2011. In fact, the idea is that this process of transformation generating the unity consciousness of the ninth wave should not end. It will continue to October 28, 2011 and beyond.

Planetary Alignment / Earthquake Watch April 7th 2011 ... april-2011
A look ahead to April 6th, 2011 when Jupiter, the Sun, Earth & Saturn will align. The last time the Earth aligned with Jupiter & the Sun was Feb 27th, 2010 when the Chilean Earthquake occurred.
Planetary Alignments & Earthquakes 2011 Predictions ... edictions/
There seems to be a correlation between planetary alignments and earthquake activity. The push and pull of the closest planets have a (most scientists say subtle effect) environmental effect upon the operation of our planet.
Sun, Earth, Jupiter alignment, October 28-29, 2011 ... re=related

The Astronomy and Astrology of Jupiter ... c-jupiter/
Jupiter’s greatest magnetic influence on the Sun occurs when Jupiter is at its perihelion (Jupiter’s closest point to the Sun during its orbit). Jupiter’s greatest influence on Earth occurs when Earth and Jupiter align (the Earth-Jupiter synods) during Jupiter’s perihelions. These Synodic Cycles are thus more influential then those occurring during Jupiter’s aphelions.

Jupiter’s orbital positions also effect sunspot activity as do those of Saturn. The interactive orbits of Jupiter and Saturn also synchronize with solar cycle activity; and hence Earth’s geophysical activity and climate fluctuations–a topic of its own.

Sep 21, 2010 Synod – Earth-Jupiter Distance: 3.95393 AU
Oct 29, 2011 Synod – Earth-Jupiter Distance: 3.96975 AU

The Earth-Jupiter synodic cycles of September 21, 2010 and October 29, 2011 occur during Jupiter’s 2011 perihelion and thus are emphasized; as is the new 13.5-year Jupiter-Uranus synodic cycle starting on Sept 23, 2010.

The September 21, 2010 synod produces the closest Earth-Jupiter distance in our current (2011) perihelion window, with next occurring in September of 2022. The September 21, 2010 synod is also extra significant due to the synchronization with the new 13.5-year Jupiter-Uranus synod. Thus, the Earth-Jupiter synodic cycles starting with the September 21, 2010 Synod nest in the new 13.5-year Jupiter-Uranus synodic cycle theme.
Asteroid, Comet, Elenin, YU55? ... re=related

Astronomical alignments as the cause of ~M6+ seismicity ... arthquakes
I here demonstrate empirically my geo-resonator concept in which tidally induced magnification of Earth’s mass resonance causes seismicity. To that end, I show that all strong (~M6+) earthquakes of 2010 occurred during the Earth’s long (t> 3 day) astronomical alignments within our solar system. I then show that the same holds true for all very strong (~M8+) earthquakes of the decade of 2000’s. Finally, the strongest (M8.6+) earthquakes of the past century are shown to have occurred during the Earth’s multiple long alignments, whereas half of the high-strongest (M9+) ones occurred during a Full Moon. I used the comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin), as it has been adding to robustness in terms of very strong seismicity since 2007 (in terms of strongest seismicity: since 1965).

The Elenin comet will continue intensifying the Earth’s very strong seismicity until August-October, 2011. Approximate forecast of earthquakes based on my discoveries is feasible. This demonstration proves my hyper-resonator concept, arrived at earlier as a mathematical-physical solution to the most general extension of the geo-resonator concept possible.
Turkey Earthquake: Elenin Alignments with Earth Caused Turkey Deadly 7.3 EQ ... ments.html
In the past we had reported planetary alignments with comet Elenin causing big earthquakes. As there seems to be a pattern forming every time Elenin lines up with Earth and another planet or the sun we have an earthquake, the nearer Elenin gets the bigger the earthquakes.
The truth about October 28th
What did I discover? Jupiter, Earth, and the Sun are in alignment on October 28th, 2011. Jupiter is 300 times the mass of Earth. It is huge! And I think it will cause a massive earthquake on October 28th. Looking back at previous dates that Jupiter is in alignment with Earth and the Sun revealed more. Within a week of these alignments, there was always an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0+. This time is different though. After the 9.0 earthquake in Japan, there has been much activity in the ring of fire. The plates are not in balance; this will set up an even bigger earthquake to occur when Jupiter is aligned with Earth on October 28th.

The rabbit hole gets deeper... Let's look at the planets and comet Elenin on June 11th, 2011.

Elenin’s orbit ... ;cad=0#orb

What's that? Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Elenin are all in line (not perfectly, but close enough). I think this alignment is enough to throw off the orbit of comet Elenin. The strength of Jupiter's gravity may actually pull Elenin into Earth! On October 28th, 2011, we may very well see both a large earthquake, and a comet crash into the earth.

Here's where the rabbit hole gets deep, very deep:

What led me to investigate this, and what caused me to notice that Jupiter was in alignment with Earth on October 28th? Well, I was playing Final Fantasy 7, and it got to a part where I was in a room with a model of our solar system. Now, the planets were aligned so that Jupiter and Earth were in alignment. All of a sudden I got the idea that Jupiter and Earth were in alignment on October 28th. So I get on the JPL orbit diagram, and I discovered something even more startling. The planets were in the exact same positions as the model in FF7!

This is where I got freaked out beyond belief. And it just kept getting stranger and stranger. After seeing that I continued with the scene and a bright comet came flying through. And that was it! So they have the planets in the alignment on October 28th, and a comet!!
The Elenin Timeline
Oct. 17, 2011

Closest approach to Earth of Elenin: 0,232 AU. That’s 21.565.742 miles or 34.569.964 kilometers if NASA isn’t telling us a lie about these distances. Also on October 17th there is an alignment the Earth, Jupiter and Mercury.

Oct. 28, 2011

Alignment: Earth, Mercury and Venus together with again a second alignment at the same time between the Earth, Sun and Jupiter (alignment until 1-11-11)

Nov. 9, 2011

Closest approach of 2005 YU55 (0,023 AU): the Asteroid will pass between Earth and Moon at (0,00027 AU). This is a very important time period; the 2005 YU55 comet passes Earth at just 2.137.98 miles or 3.427.194 kilometers, but even more important, this comet will “pass” our Moon at 25.098 miles or 40.232 kilometers; that’s the distance of just one time around the Earth.

Nov 11, 2011

Perfect alignment: Elenin, Earth, Mercury and Venus. During this alignment the Earth will also pass the route of Elenin.

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Joined: Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:17 am

Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by kevin » Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:07 am

Then again it may bring in the age of Aquarious? ... re=related


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Oct 26, 2011 6:11 am

Kevin said: Then again it may bring in the age of Aquarious?
Gregarious Aquarius!

Of course, for every negative there is a positive. ;)

Perhaps the New Earth already but exists at a higher frequency; once we attain the higher frequency, we will all be on the New Earth. :D

Perhaps those who are “wed” to the older frequency will remain on the Old Earth. :(

The 5th Dimension Aquarius ... re=related

2011 preview: Expect Earth's twin planet ... lanet.html
In 2010, one new exoplanet appeared every four days or so; by the end of the year, the total topped 500. But in September, a truly exceptional find punctuated this steady drumbeat of discovery: the first alien planet that could host life on its surface.

Gliese 581 g, spotted by a team led by Steven Vogt of the University of California, Santa Cruz, inhabits a "Goldilocks" zone around its host star, a band just warm enough to boast liquid water. At 3.1 to 4.3 times the mass of Earth, it is also small enough that it should be made mostly of rock. Although a second team of astronomers failed to find signs of Gliese 581 g in their data, if its existence is confirmed, it will be the most habitable exoplanet yet found.

An even bigger prize awaits, however: a planet with the size and temperature of our own. We're unlikely to be exceptional, so such a doppelgänger must be out there. Will it be found in 2011?
Another Earth: Cosmic Doppelgänger ... pelgaenger
“If you met yourself, what would you say?”

It is a perplexingly poetic question to ponder, and an equally ambitious one around which to conceive a film. Yet Mike Cahill aims to accomplish exactly this with his narrative feature debut, Another Earth, the inspiringly low-budget, high-zeal indie – produced, co-written, directed, shot, and edited (including special effects) by Cahill with a meager $200k – that walked away with the prestigious Alfred P. Sloan and Special Jury Prizes (and Grand Jury Prize nomination) at Sundance earlier this year. The film infuses enough sci-fi within the premise to present the aforementioned question as a tangible possibility while the characters, cogently grounded in the familiar emotions that so often plague us, compel us to search with them for the answer.

While driving home from a party, Rhoda Williams (co-writer Brit Marling), recently accepted to MIT’s astrophysics program, hears on the radio that another Earth has been discovered, an exact duplicate of our own planet lying somewhere just beyond Pluto. Rhoda leans her head out the window, gazing up at a bright blue star in the sky. So submerged in inebriated wonder, she does not see the stationary sedan at the stoplight until after colliding into it, at which point the pregnant mother and her son are already dead; the husband, John Burroughs (William Mapother), already slipping into a coma.

Four years later, Rhoda departs from prison a shell of her former self. Guilt has afflicted all of our lives at one point or another, but nothing like this, and Marling brilliantly embodies the torment of her character, isolated in her quietly suicidal suffocation. The performances by both Marling and Burroughs sufficiently carry the mildly contrived romantic narrative that unfolds between them – Rhoda, unable to follow through on her plan to reveal herself to John as the one responsible for his family’s death, poses as a cleaning service, spawning an attraction that grows out of their mutual sense of solitude while Rhoda’s dark secret lingers below the surface.

Of course the vaguely familiar relationship narrative between John and Rhoda is not meant to uphold on its own. This plotline merely provides a framework for Cahill to indulge in the speculative philosophy of the premise itself, through which these near-platitudes of plot provide a necessary function within the poetry of the piece as a whole.

Cahill captures the narrative universe with unsaturated blue hues and an often-shaky hand, allowing moments of flawlessly composed beauty to linger across the silver screen between chunks of gritty documentary-style footage. The orbit of Earth 2 has brought it close enough to Earth that we can make out the swirling clouds and continental contours as it lingers like an epic blue sun in the sky, and the image is often breathtaking. We can sense that as Rhoda gazes up at this carbon copy of her own home, she feels no less connected to this planet as she does her own.

Rhoda submits an essay to win a ticket for the first voyage to Earth 2, the only civilian passenger position in an otherwise normal crew. While the need to escape to a new home stimulates her initial interest, the true existential kicker comes when a news anchor aiming to achieve first contact with Earth 2 discovers that she’s made first contact with herself. Richard Berendzen, the scientist and author who functions as a narrator of sorts, delivering existential divulgence with a dry and aged yet sincere tone that brilliantly accompanies Cahill’s more cinematic moments, explains the significance of this discovery:

“In the grand history of the cosmos, more than thirteen thousand million years old, our Earth is replicated elsewhere. There’s another you out there. Now you begin to wonder: ‘Have they made the same mistakes I’ve made; and is that me better than this me?’”


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Oct 26, 2011 7:31 am

Hyperdimensional Nebulae: Cubes in Space and the 2012 Case ... Larg3MhSOU#!

Pi, Pythagoras, and the Philosopher's Stone (HD) ... ure=fvwrel

Hyperdimensional Physics Experiment - plasma ball

Hyperdimensional Physics for Dummiesl ... s-like-me/
When I began to read about quantum physics, this seemed easier for me to begin to grasp, and I think it is because quantum mechanics appear to have properties of action that appeal to my right brain (being left handed). It discusses more abstract realities and conduits of information and ideas. So, it wasn’t much of a leap to find myself intrigued by the concept of hyperdimensional physics, which was introduced to me by Richard C. Hoagland

Although I have a long way to go to really grasp the nature of this concept, I was inspired by the dynamics of “rotation, rotation, rotation” (as he emphasized), torsion (spin fields), and “field framing” (sharing torsion with adjacent structures) when he applied it to the physics of astrology, which is something I studied and even taught in the past. Once that little seed was planted in my right-brain hemisphere, I am starting to have some ideas that could relate this new physics to things closer to home and more understandable, so I title this blog Hyperdimensional Physics for Dummies (like me) because as with many things in my life, I quest to make things as simple as possible.

Mr. Hoagland in his presentation touched on hyperdimensional physics of astrology that really brought home for me for the first time what I struggled to convey back then but could not put into any rational terms because I didn’t understand the physics well. When Mr. Hoagland explained the dynamics of Pluto, that “little, dark…what’s it called now…dwarf planet?” in terms of its own dynamic contribution to the “spin fields“ of every other universal dynamic (rather than its size/distance), its hyperdimensional function, it now opens doors for me to explore this much further.

Venus spins in the opposite direction from Earth. I can imagine a “gear-like” theme between Venus and Earth, much like the Mayan Calendar operates with its opposing gears, which count off the “March of Time” so to speak.

Planet Uranus is much further away but, “Uranus spins on its side. Its rotation is about 90 degrees off the vertical.” Since “Earth’s axis of rotation is 23.5 degrees from vertical“, wouldn’t this make a net axial spin between Earth and Uranus roughly 66.5 degrees?

Astrologically speaking, that would be close to an important angle in chart work called a “sextile.” Sextiles involving planets with a +/- 6 degree angle can be very beneficial. Could Uranus (the Aquarian/Awakener) and Earth be hyperdimensionally beginning to gear their spins into a closer sextile and thus be generating an opening of flow we call the Awakening?

Perhaps one explanation might be that it is a manifestation of an unseen hyperdimensional force pulling Venus into a new gravitational center? Just a thought.

Pythagoras, Fibonacci, and Magic Squares

I wonder: Could the Pythagorean system of numerology and the Fibonacci numbers be connected with hyperdimensional harmonics? Pythagoras connected numbers and letters with specific numerological characteristics. The Fibonacci numbers, as I understand it, are used in specialty work such as decoding ciphers (secret codes, which are jumbled letters and/or numbers. When I start to think about a simple number and a simple letter as actually having vibrational, rhythmic qualities, I can’t help but wonder if something hyperdimensional is occurring to place living characteristic values.

While I was doing some research on what the Fibonacci numbers are, I came across this “golden string” in those numbers that goes like this:

Fibonacci “Golden String” 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1My jaw dropped a bit because in the “My Notepad” section of the blog Stephenville UFO Multicolored Symbols: Alien Shorthand?, I had entered an observation in watching the Stephenville lights regarding their movement: “I did a random sequential count of what looked to me like a sort of Morse code (dit…dit…dash..dit..dash…) with right being ’0′ and left being ’1′. My result was [1010][11][0][11][00] [10][11][010][11][0][1010][11][00]. I know…it’s a stretch, huh.”

Magic Squares, Diamonds, Cubes and Hypercubes (Book): “while the 1st row of the periodic table of elements is 2-dimensional, the 2nd and 3rd rows are 3-dimensional and are composed of spherical vibrations and the 4th and 5th rows of elements are 4-dimensional! And even more surprising, the 6th and 7th rows of elements are really hyperdimensional in the 5th dimension! There is a strong correlation between the number of points in the fundamental dimensional geometries I found in magic number tables and the number of elements in each dimensional level of elements!” [Running across this information reminded me of "Saturn's Strange Hexagon" which Mr. Hoagland theorizes, in fact, is a hyperdimensional vortex]


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:10 pm

I have to agree with both Peter Levenda and Joseph Farrell that the UFOs that crashed in Roswell and most of the flying saucers seen later through the last century belonged to the Nazis. Most abductees report having seen three types of “extraterrestrials” – Nordics, reptilians and “grays”. Perhaps they are nothing more than interterrestrials who live in underground caverns and/or bases.

Origins of the Secret Space Program: Peter Levenda ... re=related

Roswell 1947: What really happened?
The Roswell story of a crashed UFO has been one of much controversy and very difficult to sort out. Some of the problems creating this unclear picture are embellished stories, details with no conclusive evidence, deliberate false information proclaimed for personal gain by unscrupulous researchers and individuals seeking fame and fortune, and a large amount of disinformation distributed by our own government. To add to this, over fifty years have now gone by with most first hand witnesses deceased.

Yet in spite of these difficulties there does remain enough evidence that something out of the ordinary happened near Roswell in1947.

Following the announcement of the discovery the official account takes a sudden turn with the military going into full damage control to discount the story. The next highest chain of command to the local military authority in Roswell was General Ramey of Ft. Worth Texas the commanding officer of the 8th Army Air Core. He put an abrupt stop to the Flying Saucer story. Major Marcel is sent to Ft Worth and brought out before the press to reveal broken pieces of a weather balloon as Gen. Ramey explains away the original. A retraction was also printed in the Roswell Daily Record on the 8th. It wasn’t until many years later Major Marcel, decided to end his silence 30 years after the Roswell incident, Major Marcel granted an interview with Physicist/UFO investigator Staton Friedman, whereupon Major Marcel stuck to the original story. Now the word is out and the public is aware that something indeed happened at Roswell in 1947. Other Roswell residents and military personnel also come forth, offering their accounts of the Roswell crashes. Despite the wide variety of theories that have evolved, the only thing for certain is that there was a cover up of an extraordinary event.

Throughout the Roswell incident, our government made every attempt to cover up the crash and to silence witnesses. Was this an attempt to conceal a secret technology from the public or competing world powers? Or Perhaps the U.S. was aware of a hostile country already in possession of similar technology.

In fact the United States was well aware of a foreign power in possession of flying disc technology. As the world celebrated victory over the Axis Powers, the U.S. government had a guarded concern about Nazi Germany.

American forces discovered prototype rockets and experimental disc aircraft developed at the Nordhausen underground complex. All of the aircraft were of conventional propulsion. What was disturbing was the discovery of plans for electromagnetic anti gravity propulsion units, even more alarming was the means in which the Nazis obtained this technology.

Based on intelligence gathered by the OSS, the US was well aware of the Nazi’s Occult beliefs. The Nazi’s were convinced the Earth was hollow in which an Aryan Empire existed that controlled a power called the "Vril". It is conceivable the Vril power was another name for a form of anti gravity technology. Occult prophesies also assured an alliance between the Nazi’s and the Aryans as well as victory. Furthermore, Nazi Aryan myth claimed the people of Tibet and India were the original blood link relation to the Aryans and were therefore referred to as, "Spiritual Aryans". The Hindu and Buddhist religions reflected the subterranean Aryan’s religious beliefs. The Nazi’s also believed that Tibetan Monks had knowledge of the underground domain. According to Buddhist prophecies the Nazi’s were the ones expected to come and complete their fifth cycle of man. So, in 1936, the trail of Nazi researchers of the SS Ahnenerbe led the OSS to the Asian people of Tibet and India.

Upon arrival, the Nazis were welcomed with open arms. Tibetan monks gave the Nazi researchers many of their ancient texts, some of which described an inner earth. During their visit the Nazis conducted experiments in the vast caves of the Himalayas and brought back test results of the earth’s magnetism (Vril power?). Upon the return to Germany 200 monks accompanied the Ahnenerbe. The monks were commissioned as SS officers to work at Wevlesburg Castle, Himmler’s Occult center. Further research by the Ahnenerbe indicated an opening to the inner earth within the Antarctic. They believed this led to the mythological Aryan capital of Thule.

In addition, we later learned (from the Hartz mountain complexes) that the Nazi’s had the capability to excavate huge underground complexes. This explains why in 1938 the Nazi’s sectioned off an area, Queen Maud Land in the Antarctic and re-named it Neu- Schwabenland. Allied intelligence traced a great deal of submarine activity in this region before and during the Second World War. Submarines captured or sunk in or around the Antarctic during the war usually had an overload of people and supplies. All of which indicate intense activity in progress somewhere in that region. The mysteries discovered at the war’s end, coupled with the great amount of submarine traffic allude to the possibility of a massed colonization-taking place from Germany to the Antarctic.
A History you were never told; events leading to Roswell 1947:

The following is a series of events that might seem unrelated. They are bits of history that when put together, reveal the fearful background in the minds of our leaders leading up to the Roswell incident. In the early years after World War II, only our military leaders had privy to some of what are now easily documented events.

Summer of 1943: Project Rainbow was a government backed experiment that included Scientists, John Von Newman, Nicola Tesla, and Wilhelm Reich. Albert Einstein was also used as a consultant. Tesla’s coils and Reich’s understanding of "Orgone" was a part of this project. The Rainbow project involved the creation of intense electromagnetic fields and something went very wrong. This failed project was perhaps the first experience the US had that was similar to the later German research they would soon discover.

Winter-1944: While flying bombing sorties over Germany Allied bomber pilots sight "Foo Fighters", which they described as small shiny glowing objects. The "Foo Fighters" were able to match the flight path of the bombers while disrupting the plane’s electronics and navigational systems. Furthermore they were capable of responding to sudden changes in flight patterns as well as attempts to shoot them down. Since they made no aggressive attacks they are only met with curiosity.

April, May-1945: Dr. Werner Von Braun (creator of the V-1 and V-2 rockets) along with the majority of his team of scientists from the Peenemunde missile complex surrender to American forces to avoid capture by the Russians. The relinquishment of this team whets the appetite for America to develop their own missile and jet programs.

June-1945: American forces enter the huge underground complexes at Nordhausen in the Alps. They capture V-1, V-2 and prototype V-4 rockets. Many experimental aircraft are discovered, including disk, and triangular craft. All featured either piston or jet powered forms of propulsion. Allegations have been made about the discovery of blueprints and documents describing an anti-gravity propulsion unit as well as plans for the peacetime exploration of space. At the same time, over 200 of the newest model 21 submarines are missing from their pens. The entire German Bank was missing! Over 2,000 Nazi scientists were missing and almost 200,000 people from the general population were never found. This figure did not included war dead, POW’s and MIA’s already accurately recorded.

Fall of 1945: SS General Reinhard Gehln, head of Nazi Intelligence-Eastern Division, surrenders to the Americans. He "cuts" a deal to pardon both himself and his staff in exchange for Nazi intelligence accumulated on the Russians.

The information garnered on the Russians as well as the discovery of unknown research projects under development by the Nazi’s makes a profound impression on U.S. intelligence. With a desire to emulate Nazi intelligence and security, Reinhard Gehlen is enlisted to create the same operational system for the US. This results with the OSS evolving into the CIA. Part of this transition includes the release of hundreds of Nazi war criminals into America, posing as free citizens and operators in our own national infrastructure.

Late 1945: Following the surrender of Germany, U-boats U977 and U530 surrender to neutral Argentine. The U.S. sends a commission of high-ranking officers to investigate the acquiescence of the submarines. Both Captains were held in custody for two years and questioned about the whereabouts of Martin Borman, the body of Hitler, as well as a possible location of the last bastions of Nazi’s somewhere in the Antarctic.

December 1945 A squadron of Trainer planes disappears over what is to later become known as the "Devils Triangle". The planes that got "lost" somewhere off the Florida coast reported the same navigational disruptions that effected Allied bombers over Europe.

Late 1945, 46 and 47: From the discovery of undetected and unknown technology that the Germans were working on, a race began to procure the scientists, engineers and remnants of projects and related paperwork. Russia, England and the United States comb Europe and South America. Projects Sunrise, Lusty and Paperclip pardon many Nazi Scientists and engineers, granting many American citizenship and positions of authority. In 1947 most are stationed at White Sands testing grounds or next door in Roswell New Mexico. To supplement their income they were encouraged to teach at many of our Universities.

Spring 1947 During a flight over Mt. Rainier businessman and private pilot Kenneth Arnold sights "Flying Saucers" flying in formation. The official term "Flying Saucers" is coined from this event. U.S. intelligence officials, with knowledge gained from captured Nazi documents showing similar craft had to wonder if the sighted objects were not operational versions of the drawings.

February 1947: Operation Highjump, a major expedition to the Antarctic, is set in motion. Admiral Byrd, our only expert on the Antarctic, commands the expedition. The public is told that this was a scientific expedition to "test" military equipment in extreme cold conditions; the expedition is outfitted for 8 months. . This would not seem unusual except the expedition maneuvered like a military assault. They made a two-point landing converging on the area named "Neu-Schwabenland". The expedition returns to America a few weeks later after suffering heavy losses of equipment. Washington censures Admiral Byrd to be silent about the failed operation.

July 3rd, 1947: The wreckage of the now famous Roswell crash is discovered and then covered up by the U.S. Military. Until the crash the minds of U.S. intelligence were fixed on finding the Nazi’s and their amazing technology. However, now the U.S. Government is aware of a possible alliance between the Nazi’s and "Reptilian Grey aliens". Our Military believed they now faced something bigger than they could ever have imagined. This position made them reconsider everything, including opposing the fleeing enemy! A willingness to negotiate the best favorable terms for our own interests may have resulted due to the Roswell crash.

1952: Following Operation Highjump Admiral Byrd became a major proponent to establish the Antarctic as a nuclear test zone. In 1952 a bill was on the Senate floor to establish this site. Weeks before the vote, the Capitol was buzzed by many UFO’s flying in a typical German formation. As interceptors were dispatched to confront them they simply "blinked" out. Shortly after this event the bill was dropped from the Senate floor. This presence may have caused a stale mate between the powers of the US and the Last Bastion of Nazis in the Antarctic.

A Rebel Alliance?

The alliance of Nazi and non-human "Aliens" is also revealed in the early history of UFO contacts. Contactees were people who claimed to have encountered UFO’s and their occupants. Unlike the later abductees, the Contactees retained the full memory of their experience. The Contactees of the 50’s reported the occupants as Tall Blond Haired Blue eyed Caucasians. Their crafts matched the plans discovered at the Nordhausen complex. They often were heard speaking German or English with a heavy German accent.

The first "lost time" experience of Barney and Betty Hill occurred in the early 60's. Barney identified a "Captain" with the little Grays. While under hypnosis he is asked why he can identify one of the occupants as a Captain.

Barney responds because of his hat, and then in a panicked voice, as if he suddenly recognizes his captor he cries out, "He’s a Nazi!"
These events clearly implicate Nazi German technology as a product of an alliance with the occult.

A logical question asked about this idea is, "If the Nazi’s had such technology in 1945 why didn’t they use it to win the war?" In 1945, The Nazi’s just touched the tip of the iceberg. All they had was a shiny object that looked impressive and could travel really fast. A conventional projectile could not be fired through the gravitational field of the UFO. Therefore they did not have an offensive weapon.

However, the Nazi’s did what they could with this technology. Through random contacts and public sightings of UFO’s, they created the illusion of an "Alien" presence on earth. In the following decades they are convincing their former enemies and the entire world to change their perception about God, the universe and the future for humanity:

The message from these "Aliens", the Nordic or the Grey type remains the same. Their warnings and messages of hope is a philosophy called Theosophy; the basic foundation of the New Age movement as well as the philosophical essence of Nazism! What couldn’t be won on a battlefield may be won spiritually by this huge deception and seduction! And so far it is working!
The Omega Files
"Another figure has an evil face... 'He looks like a German Nazi. He's a Nazi... his eyes! I've never seen eyes like that before!"

The above quote was made under regressive hypnosis by one of the first publicized 'UFO abductees', Barney Hill who -- along with his wife Betty -- claimed to have been abducted by grey-skinned entities from a space craft which apparently originated from the Zeta II Reticuli star system. The Grey alien abductors were obviously working with the human military officer who was encountered by Barney. This military officer was apparently a full-fledged Nazi although this incident took place over 15 years after Europe had 'supposedly' been de-Nazified.

The Montauk Projects, in collaboration with Brookhaven National Labs, the I.T.T. Corp. [which is largely owned by the German Krupp family who built munitions plants for Adolf Hitler] and the Bavarian Thule society [which provided most of the financial backing for the 'Montauk' or 'Phoenix' projects] according to numerous sources including abductees have been working very closely with Orionite and Draconian 'Reptiloids' and 'Greys' based within an underground facility surrounding Dulce, New Mexico.

The Reptiloids in Alpha Draconis and Rigel Orion claim that they originated on earth in prehistoric times and were part of a bipedal reptilian or saurian race. Now they are here to take back 'their planet' from the human race. In order to accomplish this, they are using multi-leveled deception and propaganda mostly through 'channeled' information and through information conveyed to 'abductees' to convince humans to capitulate themselves over to aliens 'guides' and thus allow the aliens access to their minds and in turn to our society in general.

One of the major deceptions which the 'Draconians' have used to subvert humanity, especially intelligence agencies, is the idea that they -- the aliens -- genetically created the human race and placed us on this planet, and therefore they are our 'gods'. And so, powerful individuals with whom the aliens interact -- and who have been given promises which sound too good to be true because they are in exchange for their cooperation -- have opened the door for the alien infiltration and infestation of all levels of our society.

That is, the infiltration of our society by collectivist-interventionist reptilian-based entities known as the 'Greys' and 'Reptiloids'. The ancient black gnostic 'serpent cults' of Bavaria, Germany were ready and willing to enter into a 'marriage of convenience' with these draconians because like the aliens themselves, they also wished to rule the planet. The aliens needed the global economic and fraternal connections of the 'Bavarian' secret societies, whereas the human 'elite' needed the alien mind control technology. The Bavarian elitists agreed to accept a certain percentage of the planet once the 'New World Order' was implemented.

Some 'contactees' claim that the reptiloids in prehistoric times lived in the Antarctic region, when it was a subtropical zone, and that they were subsequently driven underground and off the planet by a race or pre-Nordic humans whose lost and long-forgotten civilization now lies buried deep beneath the sands of the Gobi Desert. Some of these scientifically advanced 'Nordics' migrated westward and eventually gave rise to the tribes who would in the course of time lay the foundations for the Scandinavian nations, whereas others went underground into a subterranean realm called 'Agharti', located generally below central Asia and the Gobi.

These ancient 'pre-Nordics' waged a war for the surface of the planet and later an underground war against the 'serpent' races which had taken residence within a system of massive multi-leveled underground caverns beneath the southwestern slopes of the Himalayas and the Indian subcontinent. These caverns were and are known by Hindus as the realm of 'Patala', or 'Snakeworld', where the 'Nagas' or serpent people dwell in their capital city of Bhoga-vita. Many Hindus considered the 'Nagas' to be 'demons', whereas others were prone to worshipping them. Aryan-Hindu legend tells of at least two entrances to the Nagas underground 'world', one of three worlds spoken of in Hindu cosmology.

One entrance is believed to be Sheshna's well in Benares, India and another is located in the mountains surrounding Lake Manosarowar, Tibet. Both the 'Reptiloids' and 'Nordics' eventually left the planet, leaving the ancient remains and ruins of their cultures within the underground caverns. Similar ruins as well as current operational bases reportedly exist on and beneath the surface of the moon and Mars, along with signs of the ancient wars that the humanoids and reptiloids fought for control of the solar system before both species discovered how to manipulate hyperspace and began sending explorers and colonists to other nearby star systems.

The humanoids eventually colonized the Lyra, Pleiades, and Andromeda constellations as well as others; whereas the reptiloids colonized the Draconis, Orion, and Reticulum constellations, among other systems.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:17 pm

The Nazi Conspiracy - The nazi bases in Antartica ... rtica.html
We will now examine the various claims of Nazi bases in Antarctica, which as we have said, may very well have been the point-of-origin of the 'Nazi-Grey' craft that Barney and Betty Hill encountered during their abduction experience.

The historical facts are evident. Beginning in 1938, long before the end of the Second World War, the Nazis commenced to send out numerous exploratory missions to the Queen Maud region of Antarctica. A steady stream of expeditions were reportedly sent out from [at the time] white supremacist South Africa..

This is where the mainstream historians leave off, as only revisionist historians will dare consider the implications of the rest of the story...

After all the data was gathered deep underground construction teams came pouring into the renamed "Neu-Schwabenland". They came on cargo ships, military transport ships, and submarines. The cargo ships coming from South Africa were protected by a host of killer-submarines and military ships. This might explain the intense Nazi war efforts in North and South Africa. Any ship that even came close to the shipping routes from South Africa to Antarctica was destroyed by German U-boats to protect the secret.

After all the goods were brought, the VIPs and scientists started to show up with a compliment of ULTRA, a highly specialized Nazi SS team like our MJ-12. ULTRA has always been in control of Antarctica. ULTRA is the name of a secret alien interface agency in the NSA. Remember that the NSA has connections to both the Nazi S.S. and it is also noteworthy that ULTRA is also the NAME OF the Above Top Secret CIA-NSA-Alien base under the Archuleta plateau and peak northeast of DULCE, New Mexico. Could Antarctica be the real power behind the New World Order? If the Nazi bases still exist in Antarctica then they would no doubt still have secret contact with the Bavarian cults which sponsored and were an integral part of the Nazi party, like the Bavarian THULE society for instance.

As for Neu Schwabenland, the construction and secret projects in Antarctica continued throughout the entire course of the war.

Just before the end of the WWII, two German provision U-boats, U-530 and U-977, were launched from a port on the Baltic Sea. Reportedly they took with them members of the antigravity-disk research and development teams [ULTRA], and the LAST of the most vital disc components [much of this technology and hardware had been transported to the base during the course of the war]. This included the notes and drawings for the latest saucer or aerial disk designs, and designs for the gigantic underground complexes and living accommodations based on the remarkable underground factories of Nordhausen in the Harz Mountains.

The two U-boats duly reached the new land of Neu-Schwabenland where they unloaded everything. When they arrived in Argentina several months later, their crews were captured. It seems as if they were either counting on the formerly German-friendly Argentineans to allow them access, or it could have been that they intentionally allowed themselves to be discovered for misinformation purposes.

The crews of these U-Boats were of course interrogated by U.S. Intelligence agents who had suspected the existence of the Antarctic base. Whatever the Nazi soldiers tried to tell them, apparently the Americans were not convinced... especially considering the subsequent and ill-fated U.S. Navy backed military actions against the Nazi's "Last Battalion" in Antarctica in later years under Admiral Richard E. Byrd, who arrived at Antarctica with an entire military armada and provisions to last 6 month. However the entire expedition lasted only 8 weeks, with only approximately three weeks of actual full-scale Antarctic operations.

The Antarcticans were desperate following the war, and knew that a confrontation was imminent. Much effort was put into developing secret weapons projects to defend their new underground Empire, which no doubt was constructed with the 'help' of a large number of expendable slave laborers transported from the concentration camps of Europe.

The major base-city of Antarctica became known as the NEW BERLIN, or by the code-named "Base-211".

The actual beginnings of German interest in the polar regions may date back before the earliest U.S. Navy polar expeditions. For instance one segment of NOVA related that the remains of Capt. Charles Hall of the ill-fated POLARIS expedition, one of the first American ventures to the North Pole, were discovered in an ice grave by a subsequent polar expedition. It seemed that when the body was examined it was found to contain poison. It was also discovered by searching the records that the cook [who would be in the perfect position to administer poison] and the first mate on the Polaris expedition were German Occultist spies!

Remember that the German secret societies of Bavaria, which had helped to precipitate the first and second world wars, date back to ancient times when -- following the occupation of Egypt -- the [un]'Holy Roman Empire' military forces based in Germany, the seat of government for the HO.R.E, brought back from Egypt the black Gnostic "serpent cults" which later gave rise to the Bavarian Illuminati, the Bavarian Thule Society and a host of other lesser known satanic racist cults which gravitated around these.

Could the occultist spies who sabotaged the POLARIS expedition have been attempting to protect a secret hidden deep within the polar regions? Could this secret have had something to do with an ancient collaboration between Bavarian satanic cults and reptilian-based aliens?

A German Polar researcher who we will identify only as 'Stefan' reveals that the 'historical' beginnings of German interest and research into the Antarctic or South Polar region itself began in 1873 when Sir Eduard Dallman on behalf of the newly founded German Society of Polar Research discovered new Antarctic routes with his ship 'GRONLAND'.

"During the recent years before WWII the Germans claimed to hegemony about parts of Antarctica and the wish to possess [their] own base grew stronger. Hitler himself was anxious for a foothold in the Antarctic and such a claim could be used pretty well for the national socialistic propaganda and a further demonstration of the uprising "Superpower

The idea of a semi-civilian expedition in cooperation with the German national airline company, the 'LUFTHANSA' grew up. It was a civilian covered expedition with truly military and strategical background, a highly political charged balancing act. The command on this strike was given to the polar-experienced Captain Alfred Ritscher, who had already led some expeditions to the North Pole. The selected ship was the 'MS SCHWABENLAND, a German aircraft carrier used since 1934 for transatlantic mail delivery by special flight boats.

"Meanwhile, the crew was prepared and scheduled by the German Society of Polar Research precisely. This society also made the sensational step to invite Richard E. Byrd, the most famous American Antarctic researcher. On the mid of November 1938 he arrived in Hamburg and showed the crew and a clearly selected publicity of 84 persons his new Antarctic documentation movie in the Urania of Hamburg. Byrd, who had flown across the south pole as the first human in 1929, was already at this time a living legend, a national hero to the Americans and most of the polar researchers. In 1938 he still was civilian.

This invitation to the Germans could have been a typical irony of history, for nearly ten years later exactly this Richard E. Byrd -- then in the rank as US NAVY admiral -- got the instruction to destroy the secret German Antarctic base 211. To do this, he was given the command of the biggest military force on the Antarctic ice ever seen, 13 ships and nearly 4000 men staff. The mysterious operation was said to have ended in a catastrophic failure.

"The 'NEUSCHWABENLAND' left the port of Hamburg on December 17th 1938 heading to the Antarctic on a precisely planned and determined route and reached the ice on January 19th 1939.

"In the mid of February, the 'SCHWABENLAND' again left the Antarctic. It took two months back to Hamburg and Ritscher carefully used this time to organize the results, maps and photos. Captain Ritscher surprised by the results of the flights, immediately planned after the arrival a second, fully civilian, expedition in use of lighter airplanes with skids. Facing the beginning of WWII, these civilian plans were said to be given up somewhere on October 1939.

This same method was used in the Antarctic issue, which in my eyes never ended with Ritscher's return [in] 1938 but went on during the WWII.

"Unfortunately, at this point all valid information has vanished. What is left is a scattered puzzle of hints, testimonies and reports which go up to the fifties and which we partially can not verify anymore.

So if the Germans were able to build up an Antarctic [underground] base on the results of Ritscher's expedition, this would be one of the really best covered secrets in German history. No question, German engineers HAD the knowledge to construct something like that as the huge underground establishments of the Nordhausen complex in the Harz as well as Kahla complex at Thuumlringen and many more prove.

"So, what we did was the attempt to restructure chronically those parts of the puzzle we could gather within some months of research on this topic.

"What follows now is the attempt of a chronological collection of the events and their conclusions as far as they are known to us today. They all lead to the establishing of the Antarctic base 211 at the end of war by means of German submarines and flying saucers and to the [failed] attempt to destroy it by the US Navy in 1947.

(Note: The following are brief descriptions or synopsis of information and documentation which 'Stefan' has in his possession, yet which we will not quote in their entirety here. - Branton):

"-- Evaluation of the anti-gravity propulsion of a nearly 100% functional flying saucer going down in the 'Schwarzwald' in the summer 1936

"-- Alternative hypothesis: Self-developing this propulsion by experiments of German scientists basing on Viktor Schauberger's anti-gravity experiments

"-- First unmanned flights with the new [re-]built propulsion. A very special section of the "Reichsluftfahrtbehoumlrde" gets the project under its control with the aim to build up anti-gravital fighters and troop-carriers. The project's name is 'HANEBBU' [some sources also call it the 'VRIL' project]. The prototypes are numbered in ascending order.

"-- Further secret German expeditions to 'NEUSCHWABENLAND'

"-- Necessary items for the erection of the bases are continuously transported on submarines.

"-- The 'HANNEBU' series has left the stadium of prototypes and brought up to 19-25 ships in 2 [or even 3] sizes

Yet 'HANNEBUs' managed to disturb some allied bomber raids over Germany. Note: Every allied bomber pilot in the [latter] years of the war knew the mysterious threat of the so called "foe-fighters" appearing and vanishing with incredible speed and causing bright-orange light phenomenon's and paroxysmal instrumentation failures on all electric and magnetic parts of the bombers

(Note: see the movie, THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE, which correctly implies that the Germans were on the verge of developing a whole range of incredible new aerial weapons, and needed to prolong the war for a few more months in order to get their new jets, etc., into production, and the Battle of the Bulge was a part of this plan. However just as these new weapons were about to go into mass production the German military failed to fully succeed in their battle plans to buy more time and prolong the war for a few more months, and the Allied invasion of Germany began.

That particular victory may have been closer than most of us would dare to believe. If the 'Nazis/Antarcticans' are planning for another planetary takeover, then this time they may have an alien force working with them.

Could the abductions and implantation's by 'aliens' be a joint CIA-Nazi-Alien project to implement electronic mind control programming on millions of people throughout the nations in preparation for the attempted implementation of an electronically-controlled New World Order dictatorship?

"-- The enormous pressure of the Allies force the Germans to give up the big secret underground facilities in Eastern Germany

The Allies themselves seem to be pretty well informed on these facilities and overall eager to capture them. The Germans flee and leave back much material of the 'HANNEBU' project.

"When WWII ended, the Germans had several radical types of aircraft and guided missiles under development.

"-- A last convoy of submarine vessels leaves German Harbors with direction to Antarctica and Andes. It is the overall successful attempt to escape the Allies' clutches."-- The last visual contact with U977 was on April 26th at Christiansund. Schaumlffer's crew did not reveal anything about the submarine's destination or load. The vessel vanishes now for nearly 4 months, before the crew delivers a completely empty vessel to Argentinian Officials.

"-- The submarine convoy achieves in the southern Atlantic Sea a sea victory over an Allied unit trying to stop it. This event is under wraps until today.

"-- Germany's capitulation [to the Allies] 17 August 1945

"-- Some submarine crews who are not willing to live in the base or who perhaps can't be admitted to the base travel to Argentine and hand over their completely empty submarines.

"-- Among those are the documented cases of U530 and U977. High US NAVY officials immediately traveled down to Argentine and started severe interrogations on the crew.

Although most of the crew are unwilling to tell what really happened, it is possible that these interrogations delivered important information about the location of the base.

One source has claimed that the information the interrogators received involved the escape of Adolph Hitler, Martin Boorman, Eva Braun and a major segment of the Nazi leadership -- not including those who were 'sacrificed' to the Nuremberg trials after the war -- to the South Polar base. This source claimed that these interrogations ultimately led to the military action against the entrenched Nazi forces in Antarctica under the command of Navy Admiral Richard E. Byrd.

Yet for us, it remains very mysterious what the crew really did after the official capitulation on May 1945, for they confessed to have heard it soon on their own radio..

Others claim that a large number of 'Antarcticans' have infiltrated South America via Argentina, and in turn North America where the Nazi "UFO" forces had reportedly established several underground bases. They were reportedly working with "Paperclip" Nazis, members of various Bavarian fraternal cults, and Anglo-American corporate fascists above, in a plan to bring down America by creating a fascist revolution in the United States, like the one that brought the Nazi's to power in Germany.

"Until today more than 100 submarines of the German fleet are missing.

"-- The US Navy tried to destroy the German base which did not surrender at the end of war. The operation was a disaster. The base remains functional, at least in parts.

"-- More than one year after the surrendering of U977 the US NAVY launched the biggest military operation in the Antarctic ice under the command of Admiral Richard E. Byrd. This was the operation 'HIGHJUMP', including 13 ships, 1 aircraft carrier, 2 seaplane tenders, 6 two-engine R4D transports and 4000 men.

The only official statement on the purpose of such a task force is the need for testing "new material under the extreme Antarctic conditions." The force started up at the established US bases in the "ROSS SEA", then it moved up the western Antarctic coast heading toward the Northern Antarctic coast, 'NEUSCHWABENLAND' and building up a bridgehead on January 27th 1947 somewhere west of it.

Officially the expedition is a big success because it delivers many new facts of the use of military equipment under extreme conditions. Why did Byrd already return to the US in February 1947? The operation was planned and equipped for a full 6 to 8 month duration.

On his return to the US, Byrd reveals in an [often quoted but nowhere validated] interview with a reporter that it was "necessary for the USA to take defensive actions against enemy air fighters which come from the polar regions" and that in case of a new war, the USA would be attacked by fighters that are able to fly from one pole to the next with incredible speed".

Actually this quote has been validated, as will be seen later on in this document. Byrd has to face a secret cross-examination by US authorities. The US withdraws from the Antarctic for almost a decade.

"World wide mass sightings of UFOs began in the 70’s. In the late 70's it becomes more and more obvious that many of these sightings are identical in some technical details with the 'HANEBU' series. This can be stated especially for the so called 'ADAMSKI' UFOs in the early fifties which somehow look very terrestrial, nearly in "fashion style" of this decade and somehow very different from the rest of flat-bottomed crafts.

Rudolph Hess, Hitler's best friend and second in command, went to England to try to stop the war with Britain and was arrested as a "war criminal" on May 10, 1941 and was kept from having any contact with the public until he was recently murdered. He was the only prisoner in Spandau prison. Ones who paid any attention to his situation at all have wondered what was the big secret he knew that made him so dangerous to the Allies? Perhaps the answer is revealed in [Christof] Friedrich's book "Secret Nazi Polar Expeditions" on page 34: Hess "was entrusted with the all-important Antarctic file... Hess, himself, kept the Polar File..."

If you look at a map of Antarctica you will see that a portion of Queen Maud Land is called New Schwabenland. This is the part of the continent nearest to South Africa. The Germans made a major expedition to this area in 1938-1939 and began the construction of a major base.

A man who was very influential in modern German post-war politics was Hans-Ulrich Rudel, a frequent guest speaker in German military and political circles. Rudel was the man groomed by Hitler to become his successor. It is known that Rudel made frequent trips to Tierra del Fuego at the tip of South America nearest Antarctica. One of Martin Bormann's last messages from the bunker in Berlin to Doenitz mentioned Tierra del Fuego...

A book called "America's Aircraft Year Book" tells about the U.S. using captured German scientists at Ft. Bliss and Wright Field. "Among those in the German group at Wright Field were Rudolph Hermann, Alexander Lippsisch, Heinz Schmitt, Helmut Heinrich, and Fritz Doblhoff and Ernst Kugel. Hermann was attached to the Peenemunde Research Station for Aerodynamics, where Germany's V-2 rockets were hatched and launched against England. A specialist in supersonics, he was also was a member of the group entrusted with Hitler's futuristic plans to establish a space-station rocket-refueling base revolving as a satellite about the Earth at a distance of 4,000 miles -- a scheme which he and certain high-ranking AAF officers in 1947 still believed to be feasible."

Later evidence shows that most or all of the [air] craft and 'flying saucer' scientists (who were not captured - Branton) disappeared. The available evidence indicates they went to South America or Antarctica.

The "El Mercurio" and "Der Weg" papers told of a large submarine convoy discovered by the British Navy at the end of WW II. All available Allied units engaged the convoy and were totally destroyed except for the Captain of one destroyer, who was reported as saying, "May God help me, may I never again encounter such a force."

On July 10, 1945, more than two months after the end of the War, the German submarine U-530 surrendered to Argentine authorities. The Commander was 25 years old, the second officer was 22, and the crew was an average of 25 except for one man who was 32 years old. This was an unusually young crew and upon questioning it was learned that they all claimed that they had no relatives.

A map from a Spanish book called "Is Hitler Alive?" with the route of the Fuhrer convoy shows it passed alongside South Georgia Island where later a secret underground base was the focus of a secret battle during the Falkland Islands War.

On April 4, 1944 at 4:40 a.m. the German submarine U-859 left on a mysterious mission carrying 67 men and 33 tons of mercury sealed in glass bottles in watertight tin crates. The sub was sunk by a British submarine and most of the crew died. One survivor on his death bed about 30 years later told about the expensive cargo and some divers checked out his story and found the mercury. For what purpose was this mercury to be used? And where were they trying to take it? (Apparently mercury is usable as a fuel source for certain forms of aerospace propulsion.)

There are many other stories of other U-boats and German survivors, mostly in the Southern Hemisphere.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:23 pm

In January 1946 industrialist Donald Douglas approached the Army Air Force with a plan for government and industry to work together on long range strategic planning. This was called Project RAND, a name coined by Arthur Raymond from Research and Development. Much of their first government money went to the von Braun team.

Hitler's advanced technology included intercontinental ballistic missiles, vertical takeoff aircraft, jet engines, cruise missiles, sound cannons, and many other advanced items. The Allies captured plans for what became the Boeing 747 Jumbo jet. Among the most secret items captured were plans for flying disks that were at first called "Krautmeteors." Based on the evidence, they were built as early as around 1933 and went into mass production in 1940. Scientists involved in these projects were Bellonzo, Schriever, Miethe and Victor Schauberger.

Many pilots saw the strange craft over Germany. However, as soon as a craft was built, Hitler ordered it disassembled and shipped somewhere -- probably Antarctica. None of the craft were captured by the Allies, although some of the scientists were captured and then mostly disappeared, but can somewhat be traced to Bell Textron and to places such as Area 51, which is infamous for its 'UFO' sightings.

Bulgarian Physicist Vladimir Terziski wrote the following about the Nazi mystery 'spheres' and aerial disc projects: "According to Renato Vesco Germany was sharing a great deal of the advances in weaponry with their allies the Italians during the war.

In a similar fashion, the Germans kept a close contact with the Japanese military establishment and were supplying it with many advanced weapons.

The following interview between Talk Show host Sam Russell and Bulgarian physicist Vladimir Terziski took place between 8-10 P.M., June 5th, 1993

Renato Vesco, who was the Italian [counterpart of] Wernher von Braun, the research scientist in charge of the Italian

Air Force and Space Research and Development program during the war, in his highly suppressed book in this country -- 'Intercept But Don't Shoot', talks about the whole family of turbojet saucers that were built by the Germans, all the way up to the Foo Fighter.

The most interesting thing that has not come up into the work of Renato Vesco [because he talks only about the turbo-jet family of saucers] are the basically very simple saucers made with piston engines with propellers, spinning the lenticular airframe, the lens-shaped air frame of the craft thus creating gyroscopic antigravity -- and some of them were hybrids between helicopters with spinning rotor, basically aerodynamic lift and the gyroscopic lift of the spinning heavy mass of rotary engines.

I even discovered...extremely rare drawings by the genius of German aviation, Lipish, the guy who built the first supersonic glider in the '30s, and it is not Chuck Yeager who broke the sound barrier, but probably the Germans 10 years earlier with their supersonic gliders that Lipish built. Anyway, Lipish was designing at the end of the war a supersonic ram-jet propulsion craft with anti-gravity assists.

They had the fuel tanks spinning inside the jets going through the engine part of the object to the engine duct, spinning the fuel around thus creating additional anti-gravity lift and greatly improving the lift capabilities and the inertial responses of the craft.

The Germans had probably 50 models of flying saucers powered by every existing engine in their arsenal... piston engines with propellers, rotary...engines with propellers, inboard and outboard turbo-jets, pulse jets, ram-jets and rocket engines. The rocket-engine craft... could go into orbit; the bigger models could go to the moon and back with literally a truckload of kerosene and oxygen.

On top of the saucer space flights the Germans had [an] extensive space program with rocketry. I discovered just several days ago the man-made winged version of the V-2 rocket... was doing sub-orbital flights with an altitude higher than the altitude of the Mercury, the Vostock, space capsules. They had space programs with their Zanger-Brent stratospheric ram-jet...bomber... antipodal, basically circling three quarters of the globe trajectory... That was the grandfather of the Aurora craft that is rumored so much these days in Area 51.

Take note that both the American and Russian space programs depended on the German scientists they had both acquired following World War II. It is possible that these researchers were intentionally made-out to be the 'cream' of German aerospace science, when in fact the most intelligent scientists may have found their way to the Antarctic base following World War II.

Many of these things have not been duplicated yet, but the most astonishing photographs came from the German secret society 'Tuligezelshaft' and the 'Templehofgezelshaft', the German branch of the Knights Templars which are also the international bankers so they have absolutely no problems financing these projects.

Few of the indistinguishable lower-ranking German scientists even knew that these projects were running. Many of them privately had been complaining that they were the dumbest fools because all the smart guys disappeared after the war into the German South Polar underground colony, and only basically the intelligent weaklings [remained in Germany].

My feeling is that not only the French Revolution and the Paris Commune and the Communism of Marx and Engels was financed and masterminded and orchestrated by the [Bavarian] Illuminati, but so was the Bolshevik Revolution, the Nazi uprising in Italy, or the National Socialist and Nazi movement in Germany. And along that line, Wall Street has secretly been going to painstaking efforts to help behind-the-scenes the Russians in order for them to become a real strong external enemy and not to be just a 'paper bear', a flimsy paper bear. I have numerous accounts of how the Germans built all the munitions plants, 14 out of 15 munitions plants before the war started, the Second World War started.

They were all built by Germans... Rolls Royce built the turbo-jet factory for the MIG fighter plane engines, just in time for the beginning of the Korean War. I have a photograph in my possession of the best American strategic bomber, the B-29, the one that dropped the bomb over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Under its wing there is hanging the best German twin-engine rocket interceptor, supersonic swept-wing rocket interceptor the DFS-346, and all of this under the red star markings of the Russian Air Force. How can somebody claim that there is not a secret siphoning of the most advanced technology behind-the-scenes of the Cold War in order to make Russia the real enemy?

Why would the [Bavarian] Illuminati need a strong enemy in the Russia? It’s very simple, because otherwise they cannot keep the secrecy around these giant underground projects going on.

Now the best reason they use is 'Oh well, we cannot tell you about that, we cannot discuss this even in Congress because the Russians would know.' It was cleverly used on both sides of the 'curtain' in order for the [Bavarian] secret societies in both Russia and the United States to quietly engage in -- and justify the massive financing of -- these projects.

Back to the Germans, the most interesting claim that they are [making] in another documentary film is that they landed on Mars in mid-January 1946 after 8 months of heavy flight with a basically volunteer suicide crew of Germans and Japanese in a giant 230 foot diameter dreadnaut again running on free energy, basically the Hanz-Kohler converters of gravity energy into electromagnetic energy of the flight.

Another interesting thing that I found is a whole range of mind control experiments in Germany that were repeated verbatim by the super powers after the war. Mind control with ultrasound, when they were inducing and indoctrinating their crack S.S. troops, mind control with all kinds of synthetic hallucinogenic drugs, or all kinds of the 'proper' mushrooms, mind control that was developed using the Wilhelm Reichian technology.

In the initial states this [involved] types of sodomic mind control that was practiced by certain of the Ahrimanic and Luciferian orders of Tibetan monks that were visited by these numerous German ethnographic expeditions in the '20s and '30s, and all of this secret knowledge was later brought to Germany.

We produced a fascinating tape here with Al Bielek and T. Johnson from Las Vegas on the magical-occult connections of the Third Reich, and we called the tape 'occult national shamanism' in analogy to 'National Socialism', a fascinating tape that basically brings together about a dozen extremely rare books on the occult connections of the Third Reich, the dabblings with satanism, with witchcraft, with all kinds of unspeakable aberrations, including sexual aberrations... the Germans were in contact with half a dozen [malevolent] alien races in these big underground establishments, some of these underground bases were 2 kilometers long, one kilometer wide.

I have found the drawings of the tunnel systems with these bases from incredible places including...the American Bombing Survey reports of underground -- huge industrial establishments under the German mountains... the bottom line is that by the time the war ended the Germans were developing all these major parts of the Illuminati secret technologies on the planet. (Were the Nazis the Military Research and Development arm of the Bavarian Illuminati?)

Mind Control technologies, a whole dozen of mind-control... I mean we have a tape here on mind control that was going on in the German bases. But the most important thing about their research was genetic engineering.

A well-known movie producer in southern California that produced one of the best known UFO documentaries that won a big award has mentioned to me in a private conversation that while doing research for that film he saw in a military-government archive a documentary film about horrific genetic experiments on live human beings -- all these frankensteinian experiments in the German genetic program; the film finally culminated with footage of living, walking, breathing hybrids between humans and animals that were produced in German concentration camps half a century earlier.

The Royal Reife microscope rumored to be a Tesla scalar-wave microscope that has an extremely high resolution power and can see many levels of complexity beyond the hierarchical level of the cell was probably the magical key to the human genome kingdom. The microscope was discovered in the '20s in Berlin and probably gave the key to the Germans to the human genome.

The big 10 billion dollar human genome project that is right now beginning to drain budget dollars run through the Dept. of Energy here is nothing but a smokescreen for the real mastery of the human genome half a century earlier by the Illuminati that are running computerized designs of clones and human beings and all that stuff in the underground labs.

Bavarian cultists and Grey aliens are reportedly working together in the production of so-called 'hybrids' within the underground joint-operational facilities. Most of the hu-brids [human-hybrids] who are born with imputed reptilian DNA or DNA from other animals are the unwilling servants of the draconian collectivists from birth.

I take very seriously films, not only films like 'BOYS FROM BRAZIL' about the secret experiments in 'education' of abducted children... the [secret] government has been the biggest consumer of abducted children in this country - close to half a million each year.

To cap off the whole genetic research effort on the planet, it is not an idea of a few crazy frankensteinian scientists in the secret underground bases; it is not a crazy idea by the secret government or even by some high levels of alien races that are using us as convenient guinea pigs.

It is a much higher level of 'party line' agenda coming from the fallen angelic presence on our planet that has been masterminding [the conspiracy] Probably of the 90% of the alien races that have visited our planet, most of them have been coming here to sub-contract for that particular branch of the 'celestial management' and the biggest point on their agenda is, on top of advanced interstellar transportation and communication, has been the creation of life (or rather the re-creation or re-arrangement of existing biological matter, since created beings can only restructure that what has already been created), and mind control of course.

These have been the four extremely important points, the highest points on their agenda. So the 'creation' of all of these frankensteinian monsters is not an aberration of a sick mind or probably a latent satanist movie producer. It is not a whim by some Financier that is financing these projects. It is really an incredible saga on a Universal or Galactic level; these hierarchies are trying to outdo and outbid each other and trying to prove to higher levels of celestial overseeing bodies that they can do a better job at management and a better 'creation' of this and that includes living beings.

So I put the whole creation of artificial life from the crude mechanical robots created by the Illuminati chemists [alchemists] in the medieval centuries to the frankensteinian conglomeration of human beings from body parts in the late 19th century, and the first creation of primitive clones in the early 20th century through the limited experiments of hybridization between humans and animals that were going [on] in German concentration camps during the war.

The biggest effort that was in front of the German hierarchy was the creation of the 'Master Race', the 'super men'. And what they did on a small scale in the concentration camps, later on in the late '40s and early '50s they did on a ten times bigger scale in their south polar colony. The rumor is that these days there is a city called the New Berlin, a big underground city under the South Pole, south of South Africa in the Queen Maud land under the German jurisdiction, under the German nomenclature.

It is a 2,000,000 strong colony that engages primarily in space travel and human genetic engineering. I'm primarily a physicist and an engineer and I'm fascinated a lot more by an explanation of the physics of the local universe or of the energy management system in our Grand Universe than of standing or fallen angelic management structures around our planet; but tracing the technologies, I have come to piece the big puzzle, this big galactic and universal puzzle together...

I repeat again, this was only a 'little revelation' of the working of the dark side... one should not be pessimistic, on the contrary just by shining the light on these ugly deeds of the Illuminati, that's all there needs to be done in order for them to start melting like an old snow under the hot summer rays...


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:27 pm

"America didn't win the war. Adolph Hitler won world war II." -- Guatemalan president Jose Arevalo, after being replaced by dictator Jocabo Arbenz in 1951

The following is a synopsis of an extensive investigative series by David Emory revealing a working hypothesis that during the Cold War, German fascism and the Third Reich did not disappear as is commonly believed but rather survived underground and achieved a very real political and economic victory over the Allies.

In the aftermath of World War I, the German Nazis learned that anti-communism could be used to achieve strategic leverage over Germany's prospective enemies such as Great Britain and the United States. The Third Reich utilized this stratagem to establish Fifth Column movements in countries they had targeted for conquest. Those movements were composed largely of sympathizers who viewed the Third Reich as a bulwark against communism.

The Third Reich sought to escape the full consequences of military defeat in World War II by playing the anti-Communist card again.

Viewed by the Nazis as a vehicle for surviving military defeat, [this collaboration] involved a Hitler-less Reich joining with the [international financial cults of] U.S., Britain, France and other European nations in a transatlantic, pan-European anti-Soviet alliance.

One of the central elements in RFA37, the Reinhard Gehlen spy organization, functioned as a Trojan Horse vis-a-vis the United States. By deliberately exaggerating Soviet intentions and capabilities in order to alarm the United States, the Gehlen organization greatly exacerbated cold-war tensions and manipulated them to Germany's advantage.

The Gehlen imports combined with domestic reactionary elements to form a powerful fascistic and ultimately triumphant political engine referred to in RFA37, as the "rollback" or "liberation milieu."

RFA37 traces the evolution of this milieu and its influence on international and domestic political affairs. The liberation milieu cemented its triumph in American politics through the assassination of President Kennedy. The program highlights the roles of Gehlen-related elements and intelligence agents associated with the petroleum industry in the JFK assassination. Particular emphasis is on George Bush's connections to this milieu as well as the milieu's relationship to the defense industry, military intelligence and corporate America.

RFA37 analyzes the Reagan and Bush administrations as the realization of the goals of liberation theory as well as the fulfillment of National Security Counsel. NSC 68 was the blueprint for U.S. strategy during the Cold War. Heavily influenced by the work of the Gehlen organization, NSC 68 called for the destabilization of the U.S.S.R. through a massive military buildup by the U.S. The strategy sought to bankrupt the Soviet economy through an arms race and to promote agitation among the dissident Soviet ethnic groups by Gehlen-related intelligence elements. In addition, the document called for an accompanying propaganda blitz in the United States to convince the American people to support the military buildup as well as the suppression of political dissidents.

The Reagan and Bush administrations instituted the principles of NSC 68 and accomplished the aims of liberation theory. The realization of those goals also did enormous damage to the United States. The cost of bankrupting the Soviet Union, turned the United States into the world's biggest debtor nation, severely damaged its infrastructure and crippled its competitive economic advantage internationally. In addition, the United States badly compromised its democratic institutions during the Cold War, possibly beyond repair.

The JFK assassination involved a much bigger conspiracy than Cuba or the Mob or the CIA or all 3 put together. It was planned, run and covered up by an international Group that has no name.

I obtained identifications [photograph] from two independent witnesses of the principal torturer as Dr. Joseph Mengele. The same witnesses later identified the man who was directing Mengele's activities as a person who was at one time the DIRECTOR of the CIA.

A covert war has been waged against the people of this country and other countries for over 50 years. Some casualties of that war are people whose deaths are already suspect, but no one can quite put their finger on the real motive. John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King.

It is interesting that the Secret Service of the U.S. and other countries are reportedly patched directly into the highest levels of Scottish Rite Masonry, or the Bavarian Illumiati.

The precursor of the subversive Group seems to have been formed in the first quarter of the century, we think in connection with the formation of the Federal Reserve. At first it appears to have been little more than a group of the world's leading investment and merchant bankers seeking world-wide control of money supply.

But by about 1932 it developed into a scheme for a New World Order, in which there would be total control of human behavior by a world government. They sponsored Hitler through two of their most important German members: Paul von Hindenburg and Franz von Papen.

Today the Group consists of international bankers, kings, at least one queen, princes, industrialists, Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps generals, State department section chiefs, Mafia chiefs, drug lords, elected officials, judges at all levels, many media owners, a host of leading lawyers, and many others.

The leadership of the Group comes from its European parent organization, consisting of many of Europe's key bankers, industrialists, and politicians. They want to impose on this planet a centralized world oligarchy -- not a democracy -- akin to a FASCIST state in which there will be genocide on a massive scale, total state control over all aspects of human behavior and communication and control of the human mind and spirit through manipulation of the world's major religions, genetic engineering, drugs, tightly-controlled media and by other means.

There will be a Master Race in charge of all this power -- the Aryan Race, augmented by advanced genetics, and bred for superior characteristics. Their target date is the coming second millennium, the year 2000.

When their man, Hitler, went out of control they drugged him into oblivion and implemented the death camp 'model' under Bormann.

Early in W.W.II there was a conference hosted by King George in the English countryside at which representatives from all walks of life from all over agreed on a plan to undermine and overthrow the US and Russian states.

Representatives of all the monarchies mentioned above attended. Gehlen ran the American, as well as the European 'security' operations until his death in '79

During W.W.II the Group arranged through the German war machine and von Ribbentrop's 'diplomacy' to loot the treasuries of Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, The Netherlands, other states and the gold and jewels once owned by murdered Jews. Gehlen oversaw the 'Odesa' operation in about 1942-45 in which most of the bullion, stolen art, and the Jews' gold was shipped by various means to Argentina. The missing gold alone, in PRE-1939 DOLLARS, was worth $600 million.

This has been a carefully-planned fifty-year war. The late 40s and 50s were spent putting their agents in place and rebuilding their main clients' European industrial base -- with American money.

What the Group wanted by the time of the "incubation period" [1995-2000] was a society that was uneducated, amoral, uncommitted to democratic institutions, living in fear, with a sudden and very drastic reduction in spendable income simultaneous with societal chaos.

Remember that the 'root' of the 'New World Order' agenda can be traced back to the secret occultic societies connected to Bavaria, Germany -- the Illuminati, Thule, Nazis, Vril, Rosicrucian, Black Gnostics, Skull and Bones, Cult of the Serpent, Templars, Babylon Mystery Cult, O.T.O., Golden Dawn, Jesuits, and all of the many lesser-known inter-locking secret societies which grew out of the occult-military core of the early Roman Empire and the later 'Holy Roman Empire' [HO.R.E.] -- a core that had its center of power not only in Rome but also in Germany.

There numerous suggestions that the Rockefeller empire and their secret society hosts in Bavaria Germany [the Rockefeller's native land] are the secret manipulators behind the United Nations Organization. On the outside Nazism and Communism may seem to be in conflict; however it was the Rockefellers and the German Black Nobility cults who created both movements.

In 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd led 4,000 military troops from the U.S., Britain and Australia in an invasion of Antarctica [Operation Highjump and follow-up], but encountered heavy resistance from Nazi "flying saucers" and had to call off the invasion.

Here the writer is referring to accounts given in other writings, suggesting that as the Soviet Union was falling the Bolsheviks who were in the process of being ousted from Russia took refuge in the CIA and Pentagon.

The idea of a KGB presence in the CIA might seem to conflict with the 'Nazi' presence there, yet not if you consider the fact that the Rockefeller's had financially backed both the Bolsheviks and the Nazis in their military efforts as two Hegalian or Machievellian 'clubs' to 'beat' the planet into submission to a New World Order.

You could say that both left and right wing philosophies compliment each other in the sense that Totalitarianism cannot exist without the threat of anarchy to justify

But of course that has been subverted with the rise of the 'Executive' Alien-Military-Industrial government within the United States, which is controlled by an alien-corporate ELITE rather than being equally control among the common citizens.

Both the Soviets and the United States ringed the poles with defense and detection bases, and in between was the barren no-man's-land of the poles where absolutely nobody lived, or did they? Could it be that we pretended we were protecting against the Russians and they pretended they were protecting against us, while really we and they were both scared of what was in between us -- the Nazi Last Battalion?...


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