On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:11 pm

Is the Black Sun the Sun’s “brown dwarf” twin? Is Nibiru (Planet X) its outermost planet? Is Nibiru really Eris? :o

Greg Jenner
Greg Jenner believes that the ancients were extremely clear in their warnings to us about Planet X and 2012. In this groundbreaking work, he details numerous correlations between the 2012 prophecies of the Maya and those of other cultures with chilling clarity.

Jenner believes The Kolbrin Bible to be the modern day Rosetta Stone of Planet X, because it clearly describes the destruction of Atlantis, Noah's Flood and Exodus. According to the Egyptian and Celtic authors of this ancient secular wisdom text, these cataclysms were triggered during previous flybys of Planet X."

The notion of our Sun coexisting with a binary companion in the form of a Brown Dwarf is quite evident in the compilation of files presented here. These include an assortment of articles, pictures, icons, esoteric symbols and prophesy references to support this argument

Let’s think outside the box for a moment. Ever wondered if the Sun has a twin sister? Did you know over 80% of the stars in the galaxy are binary, so why wouldn’t our Solar System be any different. Yes, we have another sun. This is a well kept secret that I believe some are privy to.

The tight-knit scientific community would scoff at such a thought because it doesn’t “conform” to mainstream views. In a way established science can be an arrogant form of mundane rationalism purposely limiting mankind’s desire to think. We let a child’s curiosity flourish with unlimited bounds, yet when children become adults their curiosity becomes controlled by the modern paradigm of science. I call this the politics of science, a mere façade that can easily conceal just as much as it claims to have discovered. And our second sun is a great example of this.
One would think my investigation has pointed me in the direction above, out into space. Not so. The answers I’ve uncovered come from below, deep down within the bowels of the Earth. As it turns out, the anti-gravity technology linked with UFOs is ancient and has always been with us since the beginning of human history. Has it been used for good or evil intentions? That is not for me to decide and will leave for others to debate.

As my previous papers have stated, the biblical ‘Nephilim’ or Giants were not wiped out after the global deluge, caused by Nibiru, and suggest the descendents of the “mighty men of renown” endured (escaping their original homelands of ‘Altantis,’ ‘Lemuria’ and ‘Ultima-Thule’) by occupying a pre-built global tunnel system, a network of ancient corridors, if-you-will, opening up into a central hub. Some researchers call this ancient center ‘Agharti,’ others ‘Shambhala.’ Whatever the name is, the original dwellers knew Noah’s flood was imminent and thus their survival was paramount—underground.

Today splintered races or tribes (who do not live harmoniously with one another, I might add) continue to live in the subterranean realm possessing “magical” devices left behind by their Giant forefathers. They possess ancient machinery such as tunnel-boring machines, tube railways, elevators and yes, flying vehicles. So not only do they consider planet Earth as their own, but they also have the luxury to go ‘off planet’ and come and go as they please.
One of the most documented UFO periods occurred between 1896-7, when advanced cigar-shaped airships were seen by many in different parts of North America. Eye-witness accounts spoke of powerful searchlights emanating from these craft therefore most of the witnesses assumed they were man-made. Although primitive airships were certainly at the design stage, they were nothing like the aerial vehicles already up in the sky. Technologically speaking, someone was way out in front—far ahead, showing us, almost guiding us as to the ‘marvels’ we could eventually achieve.

From what I have uncovered airship technology is very ancient. A technology that was in existence well before the 1896-97 flap and also a technology that, I believe, Count St. Germain was privy to.
As far as esoteric technology is concerned, the mainstream public has forgotten what engineering-feats the Nephilim achieved so very long ago. Furthermore, we are blinded to the fact that their technology is locked-up somewhere within the subterranean kingdom and yet, in spite of all this, clues have been dropped right into our lap. Yes, we are given flashes of insight every-so-often, to jolt our collective amnesia. For instance, Author/Editor Brinsley Le Poer Trench got his hands on one such clue in the form of a letter back in 1958. See below:

Exhibit 19) Brinsley Le Poer Trench (Flying Saucer Review Magazine © November-December 1958)

“We are already here, among you. Some of us have always been here, with you, yet apart from, watching, and occasionally guiding you whenever the opportunity arose. Now, however, our numbers have been increased in preparation for a further step in the development of your planet: a step of which you are not yet aware…We have been confused with the gods of many world-religions, although we are not gods, but your fellow creatures as you will learn directly before many more years have passed. You will find records of our presence in the mysterious symbols of ancient Egypt, where we made ourselves known in order to accomplish certain ends. Our principal symbol appears in the religious art of your present civilisation and occupies a position of importance upon the great seal of your country. (The United States of America) It has been preserved in certain secret societies founded originally to keep alive the knowledge of our existence and our intentions toward mankind.”

“We have left you certain landmarks, placed carefully in different parts of the globe, but most prominently in Egypt where we established our headquarters upon the occasion of our last overt, or, as you would say, public appearance. At that time the foundations of your present civilisation were ‘laid in the earth’ and the most ancient of your known landmarks established by means that would appear as miraculous to you now as they did to the pre-Egyptians, so many thousands of years ago. Since that time the whole art of building, in stone, has become symbolic to many of you, of the work in hand—the building of the human race towards its perfection.”

“You have lately achieved the means of destroying yourselves. Do not be hasty in your self-congratulation. Yours is not the first civilisation to have achieved—and used—such means. Yours will not be the first civilisation to be offered the means of preventing that destruction and proceeding, in the full glory of its accumulated knowledge, to establish an era of enlightenment upon the earth.”

“However, if you do accept the means offered you, and if you establish such a ‘millennium’ upon the basis of your present accomplishments, yours will be the first civilisation to do so.


In a sense they succeeded, but in another sense their failure equaled their success. Human acceptance is, to a very large extent, measurable by human experience. Succeeding generations, who never knew our actual presence, translated the teachings of their elders in the terms of their own experience. For instance, a cross-sectional drawing, much simplified and stylised by many copyings, of one of our traveling machines became the ‘Eye of Horus”, and then other eyes of other gods. Finally, the ancient symbol that was once an accurate representation of an important mechanical device has been given surprising connotations by the modern priesthood of psychology.”

I must admit, the ‘Alexander Blade’ article speaks volumes! And it seems the Germans wanted to be part of the “chosen few” club as well. From what I’ve uncovered they received vital information that eventually gave them a ‘shot in the arm’ necessary to jump-start their esoteric technology campaign—the ‘flying-disc’ program. I argue Germany’s pre-war secret societies, such as Vril and Thule, were actually communicating with inner-earth emissaries for the purposes of acquiring this ancient technology.
In the first three parts of this paper evidence was presented suggesting that elite societies were privy to the age-old secret of levitation. The Rosicrucian Order was one such group and Alchemists within acquired this ancient wisdom from antediluvian libraries hidden deep within the Earth’s crust. Furthermore, they discovered the fact that inner-earth terrestrials (who still reside within the Earth today) harnessed ‘anti-gravity’ by engineering and operating UFOs thousands of years ago. An esoteric technology the adepts eventually mastered themselves, deciphered not only from the written record, but also from direct communication with inner-earth emissaries—liaisons to the upper-world.

Continuing with this theme, I argue other secret societies were also in communication with inner-earth terrestrials and it appears the main objective of this dialogue was again to master the ‘flying-disc’ technology. The German Thule and Vril societies are excellent examples of this—spin off groups from the original Rosicrucians. In addition these societies, the Thule group in particular, discovered the whereabouts of polar tunnel openings or ‘bottomless pits’—Vimana gateways, if-you-will, to the subterranean world.

Another significant revelation I’ve uncovered indicates the subterranean dwellers actually worship a Black Sun! As a Dark Star researcher, this is important because the Thule society also spoke of a ‘Black Sun’ and referenced it with high regard. Why worship a Black Sun? I will shed some light on this question further on in the series. But first, let’s look into the origin of inner-earth terrestrials.

Exhibit 20) Michael E. Salla (Exopolitics ©2004)

“…The Nazis [composed mostly of Thule members] believed the “Aryans” were descendants of [Giant god-like] supermen who had ruled the planet from [Ultima] Thule, ancient capital of this northern super-race. It can be concluded that the “supermen” the Nazis believed were…none other than the Anunnaki that [Zecharia] Sitchin had outlined in his work…” Page 232

Exhibit 21) Jim Marrs (Rule by Secrecy ©2000)

“…After years of dedicated translation and study, Sitchin realized that the biblical Nefilim and the Sumerian Anunnaki [also] represented the same concept—that in the Earth’s most distant past, beings [originally] came down from the stars and founded the earliest civilizations, a theme which has run through nearly all secret societies, from Freemasonry to the Thule Society…”

From Exhibit 2) Joscelyn Goodwin (Arktos: The Polar Myth ©1993)

“After the cataclysm that made [the White Island or] Hyperborea uninhabitable, perhaps…the inhabitants migrated to the region now covered by the Gobi Desert and there founded a new seat: Agartha. People flocked from all directions to this “center of the world,” which enjoyed 2000 years of brilliant civilization. Then another catastrophe occurred, its cause unknown: the surface of the region was devastated, but Agartha survived underground. Thither the great initiates traveled—Frere mentions Pythagoras [and] Apollonius of Tyana…to receive orders from the Masters of the World. The Aryan people migrated [underground?] in two directions: one went north and west, hoping to return to their Hyperborean homeland [Ultima Thule] and to conquer their lost territories. A second group went south, to the Himalayas, and their founded another secret center in underground caverns [Shambhala]…” Page 80.

From Exhibit 6) Louis Pauwels & Jacques Bergier (Morning of the Magicians ©1964)

“The ‘Initiates’ of the Thule Group were convinced that these [subterranean] survivors were Aryans, members of the original [Anunnaki] race from which all humanity had sprung…” Page 198.

Another proponent of Aryans and the Agarthian legend was Louis Jacolliot (1837-1890) and it was he who concluded the Aryans were originally ‘Brahmins’ of ancient India. Jacolliot’s belief was no-doubt adopted by the Thulists. However, in connection with the Hyperborean cataclysm, it was Saint-Yves who spoke of cyclical pole-shifts derived from Aryan/Brahmanical wisdom. In January 1897 Saint-Yves divulged this startling revelation, in the form of a corresponding letter to his French disciple named Papus, stating that planet Earth goes through a “Fourth” movement as yet unknown to science:

From Exhibit 2) Joscelyn Goodwin (Arktos: The Polar Myth)

“…The passage in which he explains [from a Christian point of view] the changes of the earth deserve to be read in full:

“The 11,500 years of which you speak are the result of a calculation on the Brahminical astronomical cycles. And, after the cycle concerned, maritime Europe, as our geographers know it, will have the same fate as [Ultima Thule and] Atlantis about a dozen centuries from now. The law of this cycle is inherent in the fact of a FOURTH TERRESTRIAL MOVEMENT, AS YET UNKNOWN TO SCIENTISTS. The fact and its law are the consequence of a spiritual Principal of beneficence and general order, violated from age to age by the perversity of the dominant races. This principle, divine in its nature, tends to maintain or restore the Earth to equilibrium, i.e. with its axis coinciding with that of the heavens, and hence in the planet’s normal biological state.

"Now, the deviation in the human substance brought about that of the entire planetary substance—of the whole planet: the rapid mobilization of the magnetic meridian in little cycles, ending with a cycle of eighteen years; the inclination of the Poles (third large-scale movement); and finally the POLAR SUBVERSION AND RECENSION, SENDING CAIN TO THE LAND OF NOD, precipitating the summit from its zenith to its nadir; in a word, BURYING BENEATH THE SEAS THE IMPIOUS RACE AND ITS CONTINENT. Keep to yourself, dear Sir, these redoubtable secrets of the ancient university of the Patriarchal Church, A TERRIBLE SECRET among many others, also known to the Prophets and disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ. More than ever, the truth must be kept from the profane; not only for love of the truth, but also out of charity towards those who would desecrate it.” Page 213.

This amazing passage by Saint-Yves gives tantalizing clues of a subterranean “impious race”that was buried due to a cataclysmic pole shift. A secret even Jesus Christ himself knew about. Throughout my papers I’ve argued the only way a pole shift can occur is from the passing of a near-by planetary body such as Nibiru.
Before commencing with Part-Five let me make one thing perfectly clear. My research indicates we are dealing with not one, but two celestial unknowns. That’s right, two mysterious objects are lurking about in the outer fringes of our Solar System consisting of ‘The Dark Sun’ (Marduk) and Nibiru (better known as Planet X or the Destroyer). Bound together they reside within a mini solar system of their own orbiting our sun; furthermore, Nibiru just so happens to be the outermost planet orbiting the Dark Sun itself.

In Part Four of this series, my investigation probed the possibility of a UFO base in the far north. Does a secret polar base actually exist on an uncharted island in the Canadian high arctic? Is ‘Ultima Thule’ a secret hideout for the world’s elite to meet and carry out their plans? Well, to answer these questions one has to look at a curious book entitled Gotzen geren Thule, written by Wilhelm Landig and published in Hanover in 1971. The novel basically exposes the Canadian polar hideout, a very ambitious and encyclopedic work, to be sure, for which Landig categorically argues that his novel is “a fiction full of facts” and from what I have independently uncovered I tend to agree.
Last edited by lizzie on Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Oct 25, 2010 7:57 am

Kevin said: That FORCE is dualistic, and that's the KEY, everyone looks for a single force, but it is dualistic, hence the fleur-de-lis patterns, spin clockwise and counter clockwise. The flows of these counter rotating spin forces stay separate, they circulate the planet above and below ground imploding and exploding in/out of the planet on counter rotating vortexs. Leedskalnin operated at night, when the moon assisted the exploding some called female flows out of the planet. It's about geometry, and the geometry allows the counter rotating flows to travel about on it.
Like all good dowsers Leedskalnin was also a geomancer who was using lunar energies at night. ;)

Ley Lines and the Meaning of Adam
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cienc ... grid06.htm
The Electromagnetic 1746 Grid

This grid, the first dimensional expression away from the physical Earth, is the foundation of the material Earth and what Ecclesiastes called "the Golden Bowl." It is an etheric energy duplicate, though more subtle, of the physical, whether human or planetary, and it is here that most contemporary geomancers, dowsers, and ley hunters are conducting their investigations. This body vitalizes and energizes the physical. It is the clearinghouse for all in-coming energy fields and transmits them intelligently to the organic body matrices (organs or power points). It is the channel for physically-focused consciousness to register the subtle worlds of energy and influence.

The Hermetic Keys to the planetary Grid are inscribed on the Messenger's mythical Emerald Tablets, which summarize the 7 Hermetic Principles underlying all manifestation. These are the keys to Hermes' Geomancy.

This grid, the first dimensional expression away from the physical Earth, is the foundation of the material Earth and what Ecclesiastes called "the Golden Bowl." This body vitalizes and energizes the physical. It is the clearinghouse for all in-coming energy fields and transmits them intelligently to the organic body matrices (organs or power points). It is the channel for physically-focused consciousness to register the subtle worlds of energy and influence.

Through the electromagnetic body course the acupuncture meridians, the yin (negative, feminine) and yang (positive, masculine) polarized channels for the "two breaths of ch'i," the pervasive life energy, as catalogued by the ancient Chinese. These meridians traverse the physical Earth and human body in an intricate though rationally precise matrix.

This is our conceptual background for entering the Electromagnetic 1746 Grid. A more accurate name is domes because this clearly, though controversially, reflects the origin and purpose of these landscape energy centers.

There is on the Earth, state proponents of the Dome theory, a system of dome centers, or etheric energy canopies, occupying the space over sacred enclosures f r o m which extend numerous short-distance straight-running and spiraling dome lines of light radiating out over the landscape. The dome lines link the dome centers with each other in a subtle communications grid.

The Domes were the originating homes of ley lines, or more accurately, within this conceptual model, the dome lines. These exist in two forms. Straight-running dome lines (averaging in length 5-30 miles) are lines of energy connecting one dome with another making an angular light matrix around the planet.

The specific radiating pattern for the spiraling dome lines was heliocentric, according to the phi ratio (or Golden Mean, Golden Proportion, Golden Section of sacred geometry, expressed as 1.618034, which is an asymmetrical spiral exemplified in the patterning whorls of the sunflower and the leaf distribution pattern for many plants and described as the Fibonacci Series).

Moreover, whenever any spiral or straight dome lines intersect, they form minor power points called line nodes. These are copious, far more so than the considerably abundant dome caps, and are characterized as variously solar/positive, lunar/negative, some centrifugal, some centripetal, in effect.

The second key aspect of the Electromagnetic 1746 Grid is chakras. According to esoteric Hindu yoga, in the human etheric body there are 7 major subtle energy centers called chakras (Sanskrit for "spinning wheels") ranged linearly along the vertical spinal axis from the scrotum to the crown of the head. The major chakras are like electrical junction boxes, or energy transducers, for the physical body, mediating higher plane energies through the material form. Similarly in this model, the Earth, homologously, has a chakra system, arranged not in anatomical but energy sequence at 7 key Dome centers.

The various Dome centers are energized as sonic receptor sites according to a graduated dial of master transmissions'. In many cases stone devices, electromagnetically-adjusted, were positioned at the Dome antenna sites to facilitate sonic reception.

The Oroboric 15 Line Grid

The ancient Chinese geomancers had a comprehensive understanding of the manifold harmonious relations between Heaven, Earth, and the Human. They stated there was first the Wu Chi, the one primal vibration or Cosmic Sound (called OM in Sanskrit, the Logos in original Christianity) that differentiates into the Tai Ch'i, or Two Tones (yin/yang polarity), which then manifests as the 12 Tones, the Lu. The 12 Lu are the 12 fundamental pitches within the octave, related to each other by specific ratios. In the West this twelve fold differentiation of the octave is known as the Zodiac; this is another topology of the basic cosmic modulations of celestial harmonics.

The Oroboric Grid, with its balanced Tai Ch'i of, alternatingly, 6 yin and 6 yang lines, is the foundation for the magnetic polarities of the Electromagnetic 1746 Grid and thereby for physical Earth. Magnetic energy, with its north/south poles operating in a charged biofield about matter, is concerned with establishing polarity or the balancing of the energy flow between two defined points.

Thus the Oroboric Grid is comprised of 15 Earth-traversing Dragon Lines making a complete energy circuit, or Great Circle, about the planet.

Twelve major Oroboros Lines encircle the globe making 12 Great Circles; each has a different solar energy, ordinarily denominated by the 12 Zodiacal attributes (e.g., a Taurus Oroboros Line). There are three minor lines, ordinarily denominated by the qualities of male, female, and neutral.

The Grid now operates in the fourth dimension as a function of crystal geometry, comprising the 5 Platonic Solids. Here the 15 Oroboros Grid Lines are fused together into one unified polyhedron of 120 equal-sized triangles (or 10 hexagons, or 30 diamonds) with 62 intersection points.

The Polyhedronic Crystal Grid

Whereas in the Oroboric Grid the 15 Great Circles collectively form and maintain the living biosphere, here in the Polyhedronic Crystal Grid the 5 elements (which are differentiated out in the Oroboros Lines (e.g., fire/tetrahedron, earth/cube, air/octahedron, water/icosahedron, ether/dodecahedron). The Earth Crystal is the formative agent for the kinetic Oroboros Lines, which represent the elements in motion, manifesting the biosphere.

We can better appreciate how the Earth Polyhedron functions by reviewing the properties of crystals. Crystals are rightly called "windows of Light," as patterning and dimensional-transmitting doorways from the kinetic world of Light radiation down through the more apparently static material world of form—and the reverse. Crystals can amplify and project thought forms; facilitate interdimensional communication; operate as tuning forks at specific frequencies to key individuals and their environments to desired light harmonics; receive and transmit high energy inputs; maintain unified electromagnetic fields to provide balance and harmony; serve as cosmic batteries, storing and releasing energy on schedule; function as archetypal libraries, holding messages, codes, histories, schedules; work as light modulators; or act as psychic binoculars and telescopes seeing over great time/space distances.

The Earth Crystal, then, is "wired for sound" with the other interior crystal organs of the Sun system by way of the Stellar Grid. The Stellar Grid is structured differently than the various Earth Grids. When we visualize a geodesic or other multi-faceted rhomboid solid, we see subtle lines of energy passing from one plane of experience or existence to a similar plane or facet in a rhomboid at another dimension. This is the Stellar/Earth Grid connection. It is linked with forces of an etheric nature.

From the interpretive vantage of the mystical science of Qabala, Earth's 5 interpenetrating Grid Bodies may be seen as part of a basic abstract model for reality called the Tree of Life.

The Tree is composed of 12 spheres (called Sephira): 10 manifest, 2 subtle) and 22 pathways linking these energy/consciousness domains. Earth, at the bottom sphere is linked, through the pathways forming the 22 sacred letters, the later basis for the Hebrew language) to God at the top of the Tree.

The synchronous Grid resonance is finally brought down to the physical Earth—the ultimate Grid theater for this complex drama of cosmic energies within the context of ordinary daily human consciousness on Earth.

The geomantic secret of the Druids was that they comprehended the Grid as a supermagnetic armature.

True to Hermes1 Principle of Correspondence, the modern electric motor is a scaled-down version of the energy conversion mechanism of the Earth Grid. The basic design principles of the electric motor illustrate this reality. The electric motor has three basic parts, relevant to this Grid model: the armature, stationary bar magnet, and commutator.

The armature is that part of an electric generator, dynamo, or motor in which electrical energy is produced. Usually it is a core of soft iron wound with insulated wires which produces an electromagnetic field in response to an incoming electric current. The armature is the main, revolving, current-carrying winding, acting as an induced electromagnet. The coiled armature reacts with the stationary bar magnet, actually creating its magnetic field. When the armature rotates between the newly established poles of the bar magnet, this generates the electromotive force, or power—the whole purpose of the motor.

The commutator directs (and changes) the flow of the primary electrical current from the generator, either in a direct-current or alternating-current manner. The electromotive force, which derives from the rotation of the armature through a magnetic field, provides the energy source.

Thus electricity in motion produces a magnetic field which in motion across an electrical field in a magnet yields electromotive force. If the direction of the electric current is changed through the commutator, the poles reverse direction when the armature accordingly changes its rotational direction. A direct-current of constant strength produces an unchanging magnetic field whereas an alternating -current makes the magnetic field reverse itself every time the current reverses.

Thus the Grid is a supermagnetic armature. The Oroboric 15 Line Grid is the coiled armature. The sutratma of interwoven gold/silver Oroboros Lines entering Avebury Circle represents the commutator, the channel for the variously positive/negative electrical current that produces the electromagnet in the Oroboros armature. The Oroboros armature produces the electromagnetic field in the stationary bar magnet of the Earth, in reaction with its indigenous mineral, crystal, and stone conductors.

"The Earth's core, composed mostly of molten iron, conducts electric currents which amplify accompanying magnetic fields," explains Hurtak, "when energy wave bombardment pours in through the polar areas of the Earth."

The electromotive force is drawn off through the Electromagnetic 1746 Grid centers interfacing with the natural electric/telluric flows of the Earth's magnetic. This interface was the intelligent positioning of megalithic hardware at key Grid junction boxes in a program of applied consciousness technology which re-arranged the indigenous magnetic field pattern into a workable energy Grid from which free and inexhaustible supplies could be drawn.

The Electromagnetic 1746 Grid is the planetary Grid Engineer's energy matrix blueprint, his Con Edison route map.

The electromotive force is not available, either functionally or conceptually, without this spiritual/scientific fusion expressed as consciousness technology and that comes from the proper understanding of the human/Grid interface. The Grid energy appliances were, and remain, a fusion as spiritual engineering.

Between geomagnetic field reversals, the Grid seems to function as a direct-current motor, with its steady stream of one-way electricity. But with the imminence of Earth Changes and field reversal, suddenly it seems that the Grid is actually an alternating-current motor, simply with long pauses between field reversals.

Everything will be vibrationally transfigured—As Above, So Below—from the Star Evolution Crystal to the Earth Polyhedron Crystal to the human molecules of DNA and ATP. It will happen unilaterally, instantaneously, synchronously.

The Polyhedronic Crystal Grid is like the master crystal chip that receives, through its 120 smooth triangular receptor plates, the myriad, though mathematically rational and orchestrated, energy/consciousness/Sound channellings from our biopsychic disc jockeys.

Transmuting is the key. We can change the channel if we choose, turn down the volume, fine tune the specific radio band. The Grid Engineer has the potential for transmuting (freeing the inherent energy by releasing it from its form bondage) the solar/celestial energies by intelligent interfacing with the Electromagnetic 1746 Grid through any of the 144 planetary Round Table holograms, or terrestrial Zodiacs resident on Earth.

Each local Zodiac, such as The Region of the Summer Stars, is a hologram of the solar Round Table in the form of 144 quasi-etheric star center effigies dimensionally overlaid like a stellar template on the physical landscape. The landscape Zodiac is a double ecliptic, with one physical ecliptic including 96 star effigies (from the northern hemisphere skies) and one etheric ecliptic including 48 star effigies (from the southern hemisphere skies). The two ecliptics interlock forming a vesica piscis with Glastonbury in its cradle.

Within such a local Zodiac temple, a particular constellation, such as Canis Major (the Great Dog), will have an approximate material landscape reference point, a residence often reflected in place names, local legends, or actual landscape sculpturing, within or outside this defining ecliptic.

Star centers are local geometrically-cast power points, usually marked by a dome cap, or line node, and sometimes with a full-fledged dome. Each of the constellations above is overlaid, energetically, structurally, as a subtle, miniature star template of landscape star formations below. The star centers represent dimensional doorways into the geomythic consciousness body of the particular Zodiac effigy whose being has cast an inviting shadow over the physical terrain.

The local Earth Zodiac represents a basic consciousness workshop for human experience of the Grid of solar energies that is the Solar Round Table, which comprises our inner psychic three-dimensionally bounded life. The local Zodiac embodies, in miniature, the astrophysical parameters etched in Earth and ether of the Star Evolution Grid and its 144 permutations, from the basic 12 octaval modulations.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:24 pm

On sounds, chants, tones, frequencies, geomancy and ritual majik

Sound is a potent force with vast creative potential. Cymatics (the study of wave phenomena and vibration) offers a quantifiable approach to understanding how this potential comes into manifestation. Cymatics, the science of wave formations, demonstrates how sound can create intricate geometric patterns and dynamic processes similar to those found throughout the natural world.
The Fundamental Frequency Theory
http://www.spinvestigations.org/Fundame ... Theory.pdf
I have proposed a new theory on paranormal activity, The Frequency Theory.

Our Earth is wrapped in a donut shaped magnetic field. Circular lines of magnetic flux continuously descend into the North Pole and emerge from the South Pole. The Ionosphere, an electromagnetic-wave conductor, 62 miles above the earth, consists of a layer of electrically charged particles acting as a shield from solar winds.

Earth Resonant Frequency

Natural waves are created by electrical activity in the atmosphere. They are believed to be caused by multiple lightning storms all over the planet. These waves are known as “The Schumann Resonance”, with the highest energy level registering at 7.8 Hz. These are quasi-standing [scalar], extremely low frequency (ELF) waves that naturally exist in the earth's electromagnetic cavity, a layer between the surface and the Ionosphere. These “earth brainwaves” are identical to the frequency spectrum of some of our human brainwaves.

Geomagnetic Waves

Geomagnetic pulsations, i.e., ultra-low-frequency (ULF) waves cover roughly the frequency range from 1 millihertz to 1 hertz, i.e., from the lowest the magnetospheric cavity can support up to the various ion gyrofrequencies. Pulsation frequency is considered to be "ultra" low when it is lower than the natural frequencies of the plasma, like plasma frequency and the ion gyrofrequency. Geomagnetic waves are thought to be the lowest frequency (and, therefore, the longest wavelength) electromagnetic waves in the universe. They are generated by movements in planetary structures that modulate a planet's magnetic field to create the wave.

The Brainwave connection

In 1963, Dr Robert Beck explored effects of external magnetic-fields on brainwaves showing a relationship between psychiatric admissions and solar magnetic storms. He exposed volunteers to pulsed magnetic-fields similar to magnetic-storms, and found a similar response. US 60 Hz electric power ELF waves vibrate at the same frequency as the human brain. UK 50 Hz electricity emissions depress the thyroid gland.

Dr Andrija Puharich in the 50's/60's, found that clairvoyant's brainwaves became
8 Hz when their psychic powers were operative. He saw an Indian Yogi in 1956 controlling his brainwaves, deliberately shifting his consciousness from one level to another. Puharich trained people with bio-feedback to do this consciously, making 8 Hz waves. A healer made 8 Hz waves pass into a patient, healing their heart trouble, her brain emitting 8 Hz. One person emitting a certain frequency can make another also resonate to the same frequency.

In 1873 a Scotsman, James Clerk Maxwell, discovered electromagnetic waves have 3 components: He discovered waveforms which exist at a certain number of right-angled rotations away from the electromagnetic-field. These are hyperspacial components, not subject to constraints of time and space. He claimed that electromagnetic-radiation waves were carried by the ether and the ether was disturbed by magnetic lines of force.

1. Ordinary herzian radio & electrical magnetic (em) waves which are transverse waves which oscillate up and down or north to south.

2. Nonherzian electrical and sound waves, which are longitudinal waves which oscillate sideways, back and forth or east and west. These waves include pure electrical waves, static electricity, and all sound waves such as sonar, and ultrasound. Longitudinal waves are perpendicular to transverse waves.

3. Scalar or holographic media waves, which may be a combination of two waves from the above herzian EM and nonherzian electrical or sound waves, which interfere and combine to make a complex holographic wave or potential wave which has no energy that can be detected until it reaches its destination point

4. There are also subatomic particle beams, waves, and radar ionic gas plasmas, such as electronic ion plasma clouds, neutrino's which are nonelectric or magnetic, tachyons which are time particles and waves, and gravity particles and waves.

Frequency is a property of a wave that describes how many wave patterns or cycles pass by in a period of time. Frequency is often measured in Hertz (Hz), where a wave with a frequency of 1 Hz will pass by at 1 cycle per second.

The fundamental frequency in the Universe is the Ryhsmonic (aetheric) frequency f* which is equal to 1/T* or 1/5.391 x 10-44 sec. which is about 1.855 x 1043 Hz.

Resonant patterns of electrical fields consist of positive and negative polarities of energy merging together into toroidal shaped flux loops forming stable configuration patterns of energy that are locked into phase with each other around a closed circular path.

If some of what I have just mentioned were true even just in part then the implications of this would be phenomenal. At this very moment there could be universes very different from this one coming into and out of existence. There could be many different kinds of intelligences with some being more advanced than others.
Magick in Service to the Crown
http://groups.google.com/group/total_tr ... b26380dfe6
Lynda said (May 19, 2010):

It is an excellent and very knowledgeable report. It does tap into metaphysical truths. All that exists (seen and unseen) is a spectrum of energy.

The Divine Logos (Debar) speaks all that is - time, space and all existence into being - not just "in the beginning", but every created moment speaking and upholding it in being, bridging the abyss of being and nothingness. Col
1:15-17; Hebrews 1:1-4.

This utterance of created reality is a bandwidth or a spectrum. Matter is energy that vibes at a lower rate and physical reality in terms of elements, chemistry, etc., is possible on those levels of vibration.

There also exists realms and existences that are metaphysical to what our senses can perceive or what the instruments we make can detect. More to the point, this essay taps into the reality of beings who like us possess
consciousness, moral will, rational and emotional intelligence and memory, but they are metaphysical and discarnate.

Their realm or order does not exist in the physical bandwidth of creation. These beings are more popularly called angels. And just as there are human beings who use their freedom of moral will to choose evil, there are some angels who also make this choice.

Magick is based upon the reality that energy is information and willed thought is energy. This energy can be harnessed, resonated and amplified using natural energies, e.g., trees (which vibrate to celestial cycles) and
the resonances of earth's spin on its axis (the telluric flows through the land).

The colours of the light spectrum are frequencies that correspond / resonate to specific tones on the intrinsic or Pythagorean scale. Different colours have different effects. And colours can be visualized, and intoned. All
these energies can be applied in a magical working.

These truths were known in Britain from the time that the Bards went to the standing stones on the key ley lines and tuned their harps to intrinsic or true middle C at the Summer Solstice - because that is when the rocks hum
the strong C or turquoise green. This is the tone that resonates to the Schumann resonance of earth's rotational spin.

The cathedrals of Europe were built according to the geometric integration of this knowledge using the sciences of stars - vibrations of celestial cycles, trees, stones, colours, sound, the human body which is phi in all proportions and a powerful resonator.

Evil magick is fundamentally about the moral will. It is that choice for evil that enlists what today is considered esoteric knowledge and aligns it with malign wills of discarnate beings.

Prayer, Gregorian and liturgical plain chant, word, applications of light using gemstone or stained glass, sacred geometry all use the same knowledge as described in this essay.

The free choice of the moral will to serve God and Divine law, patterns, desires and purposes utilizes all of the above and invokes the holy angels who also live, desire, work and recreate according to: pro Deo et humanitas.
So, it should be at least considered a possibility by materialists who are just starting to realize the existence of the sacred sciences that the Divine Logos would reveal to angels and men equally powerful remedies against occult use of the sacred sciences for the purpose of evil.

People who worry about the occult powers of the Illuminati, including their advanced technology based upon the sacred sciences that are denied to the masses, and the destruction of nations at the hands of Illuminated JudeoMasonry and its bloodlines, initiates and Agentur, should think about the reality of God.

God upholds all existence in being. This includes the existence of those who deform their free moral will by choosing evil. God does not need human might or even angelic power to defeat this thing. God can choose a very simple means to secure victory pro Deo et humanitas and place it in the hands of those whom the world despises as weak and powerless.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:41 pm

Was Mulge (Maldek) the Black Sun and Mulge Tab its satellite/planet? Did Mulge Tab become comet Venus?

http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_ ... _add03.htm
I am not in accord with author Zecharia Sitchin's thesis concerning Nibiru. I am absolutely certain that he describes Venus before it entered the orbit that we know today.

I bring numerous new elements, in rapport with mythology that explains that there existed a planet between Mars and Jupiter which I name Mulge (the Black Star). This planet was the base of the Life Designers in the solar system.

I saw at the time that I received knowledge of this history that Venus was then its satellite. The war that brought the Anunna against their opponents exploded Mulge more than 10,000 years ago. When Mulge exploded, its satellite (the future Venus) was ejected and roamed in the solar system for several thousand years.

In the heart of the ancient Egyptians, Venus is Neb-Heru (the lord Horus), the avenger of his father Osiris. The funerary texts explain this marvelously and clearly associate Horus and afterwards the dead kings (the images of Horus) to the Morning Star.

I have compiled equally a large number of documents proving that Venus wasn't in the place where we know it before 3000 [B.C.E.]. Numerous myths relate its wanderings in the solar system.

I speak of it in my appendix. I am thus on this point in accord with the work of Immanuel Velikovsky (Worlds in Collision).

Readers of these pages have already encountered the term Kirišti which is associated with the concept of Christ. Although this class of beings arises in the system of Gagsisá (Sirius), from which Sa'am/Enki embodied genetic material, Parks clearly states that Sa'am/Enki did not meet the genetic requirements for a Kirišti.

Ádam Genisiš includes an appendix of this name, highlighting very telling ancient texts concerning the planet Venus, which they called (among other appellations) the Morning Star, and which they describe as having been a roving star ("astre") before taking its present position in the solar system.

As he says, this interpretation was developed by Velikovsky in Worlds in Collision.

Parks examines a number of singular documents that confirm, in part, the proposals of Velikovsky, as well as the cosmic events described in Ádam Genisiš, involving the "astre" Mulge-Tab (companion of Mulge). The most eloquent of these documents are funerary Egyptian texts, but others are just as convincing.

Here is a brief outline of the method Parks used to develop his "Neb-Heru / Morning Star" scenario.

Attempt to identify this perturbing celestial object. It is found to be mentioned in the Indian Rig-Veda. Draw parallels between this Vedic text and the Egyptian ideology. Note that there is a common source.

Establish that Enki and Osiris were one and the same personage. This leads to the possibility of authenticating the amphibian filiations of Enki-Osiris (Sa'am) as well as his consanguinity with the Abgal Designers-of-Life from Sirius -- those which were considered to be KIR-IS-TI. Together, these facts connect the Kiristi with the Christ, symbolized by the Morning Star in the hermetic passages of the Bible. This in turn leads to interpretations of the meaning of the various crosses found in different parts of the world.

Also, explore the sacrificial tradition of the Dogons which recounts the death of Nommo, the "Christ" of Mali. In consequence of this sacrifice, the universe was disrupted, along with the positions of the stars. All of this gives for the first time the opportunity to assimilate the sacrificed celestial Nommo to a celestial body, whose destruction produced the birth of the planet Venus.

Perform a close study of the origins and formation of the planet Venus as seen by different cultures. Note that Venus is always born from the destruction of its progenitor.

Explore the connections between various myths that see the planet Venus as having caused floods over the ages noting that in the Mesopotamian traditions, Venus and its progenitor bore the names Neberu and Mulge. Begin to understand the hermetic ideology of the Egyptians that saw in the dismembered Osiris the asteroid belt. Discover that the shattered tree of the horizon and the primordial hill from which emerged the new sun (Venus) form an identity: a celestial image of Osiris in the sky.

Osiris symbolizes the hill of the ancient gods (Kadištu) because he is their representative on Earth. Horus the Avenger, the posthumous son of Osiris, represents the Morning Star.

Show that the various Pharaohs (images of Horus) all symbolize Venus. Discover through a study of the Egyptian funerary texts that the soul of the Pharaohs must make the celestial voyage that permits the rejoining of the dismembered body of Osiris in the sky and restoration of the previously disrupted universe.

For that, they must follow the ancient path of Neb-Heru (Horus-Venus), the orbit that goes from the light to the shadows. All these discoveries lead to the resounding evidence that the Mesopotamian astre Neberu and the Egptian Neb-Heru form the same astral image. Provide a graphic showing a possible bit of the object's disruptive trajectory.

Put simply: there was indeed a wandering object in the solar system, which was occasionally highly disruptive to the Earth (and other planets). Its birth out of the destruction of another celestial body was observed by humans, as was its eventual assumption of a stable solar orbit. We know it as Venus. It never was the home of the gods, and there is no such place associated with the solar system.

But there are deep connections between this object - Venus - and Horus/Neb-Heru, with Osiris identified as its progenitor.
Last edited by lizzie on Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:45 pm

Is Mulge Sirius C or is Mulge really ancient Saturn? Could ancient Saturn have been Sirius C?

If Mulge is Sirius C and Mulge Tab its planet, then it corresponds to Dogon cosmology where Sirius C is Emme Ya (Star of Women) and its planet is Nyan Tolo (Sun of Women). This also agrees with Sirius lore where Nibiru is the planet of Sirius C.

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... e20#p25428

Is Mulge really Santur, the "mythological" second sun that shone 23,000 years ago upon the Hyperboreans in the North Pole? Does Mulge/Santur still orbit in the vicinity of our planet today as an extinct star, thus invisible, but as a Black Sun? Is Mulge the Sun's binary twin?

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 600#p41530

http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_ ... _add03.htm
Parks begins the quest with the Indian Rig-Veda and its description of the awesome Agni god of fire and sacrifice, the celestial perturber that heaved the earth, yet a warrior in the personal sense, mighty in combat.

Parks traces connections between the Vedic Agni and the biblical Lucifer (Venus), the Latin name meaning "light bearer". In the Greek version of the Bible, Lucifer is named Phosphorus, which also translates as "light bearer".

Consider this: Parks' narrative has on several occasions explicitly described the initiations of the central character, Sa'am, who is revealed in Ádam Genisiš to be identical to Enki-Ea, Osiris, and other important figures.

Parks provides passages from the Rig-Veda that clearly associate Agni with the the Egyptian Horus (Heru). Some notable points:

Where the father of Agni is "the master of the sacrifice", Osiris is himself the great sacrifice. The two mothers of Agni are comparable to those of Horus: two pieces of wood making the ritual fire. They represent night and dawn. Isis and Nephtys transform themselves symbolically into docking posts to guide the soul of Osiris so that he will not be lost in the void but will be able to raise himself and transmute himself into Ra'af (black sun or black celestial body) before reincarnating as Horus, the celestial son.

Parks provides many more examples from Egypt and India, tying together the Morning Star, falcon and phoenix, and the planet Venus as essential factors in rituals of resurrection.

Parks provides many more examples from Egypt and India, tying together the Morning Star, falcon and phoenix, and the planet Venus as essential factors in rituals of resurrection.

The Mahâbhârata indicates that Jamadani, the terrestrial father of Venus, was assassinated by a king and his son belonged to a warrior cast. We know that Osiris (Enki) was assassinated by Seth (Enlil) and his proud partners (the Anunna warriors).

Readers are likely aware that Carl Sagan and co-author I. S. Shklovskii (Intelligent Life in the Universe) were taken with Babylonian historian Berosus' account of the amphibious teacher Oannes, who brought knowledge to the neolithic peoples of the Persian Gulf. Their discussion, along with the work of Zecharia Sitchin, whose first book was published ten years after Sagan's and Shklovskii's, on the mystery of the Oannes and the related Nommo legends of the Dogons of Mali, and Robert Temple's (The Sirius Mystery) focusing more on the Nommo, constitute the sources of the many ongoing discussions and speculations on extraterrestrial contact with early human civilizations.

As it happens, Parks' virtual-reality memories are filled with information about the Oannes and Nommo amphibians, who are Abgal originally from Sirius, and this is conveyed in both of his books to date, Le Secret des Etoiles Sombres and Ádam Genisiš.

This is important not only in itself, but in its bearing on the Mulge / Mulge-Tab / Morning Star scenario, due to a major connection between the amphibious Abgal and the lost planet Mulge.

The Egyptian term Abdju (Abydos) possesses a homophone whose sense is "fish". This sacred fish served as pilot of the solar bark of Râ. Its function was to warn the passengers of the bark of enemies sent by Seth.

We know that the fish equally represents Sirius, the Egyptians' other sacred star and the home of the amphibian Life Designers. Of course this reminds us of the aquatic beings called Nommos frequently mentioned in Ádam Genisiš. The Dogons affirm that the Nommos restored the world several times and that they transmitted to humanity such gifts as speech and grain.

To the Sumerians the Nommos are the famous Abgal who follow Enki's directives. The Sumerian term Abgal translates to Apkallû in Akkadian, a designation for a sage and, as follows, a priest.

Berossus, the Babylonian historian and priest of the Temple of Bel in Babylon brings us some details concerning an Abgal-Apkallû in a surviving fragment of his book The Babyloniaca, unfortunately lost in the meanderings of history.

His descriptions are reminiscent of those of the Dogon.

We are concerned in this section of our work with the planet Venus, because it appears to be today's remnant of Mulge-Tab. Characteristics ascribed to Venus down the millennia might tell us something about the putative Earth/Mulge-Tab encounter.

There was an occult Egyptian concept that considered Osiris, the premier dead and resuscitated "god", as being symbolically transmuted into the Morning Star before reincarnating as Horus.

They are also often associated with war or a particular conflict, as with Ištar, Athena, Horus, Parashu-Râma, Lucifer.


The Hellenic form of the Babylonian Ištar (Venus) is Athena who springs, "fully-armed", from the brow of Zeus (Jupiter).

The planet just before Jupiter (i.e., its "head") was the "black star" Mulge, which ejected Venus from its original position as the satellite of the exploded Mulge.

The Egyptian traditions make of Nephtys the ancient spouse of Seth (Enlíl) or sometimes his sister. We have seen in this book [Ádam Genisiš] that Nephtys corresonds to Innin (Inanna), the "spouse" of the system of Enlíl, without taking into account that she is also Enlíl's daughter. The Egyptians simply made her the spouse of Seth. This story seems to us much more coherent when one recalls the hidden liaisons betwen Osiris and Nephtys (Enki and Innin)...

We saw in this work] that Innin is not without her connection with the fall of the Amašutum cult on the Earth. The explosion of Mulge (the black star) which was the planet between Mars and Jupiter resulted from this fall and this intestinal war among the Gina'abul. Shiva-Rudra (Enlíl-Seth) is definitely the personage who made the decision to destroy the planet of the Life Designers...

The Egyptian traditions make of Nephtys the ancient spouse of Seth (Enlíl) or sometimes his sister. We have seen in this book [Ádam Genisiš] that Nephtys corresonds to Innin (Inanna), the "spouse" of the system of Enlíl, without taking into account that she is also Enlíl's daughter. The Egyptians simply made her the spouse of Seth. This story seems to us much more coherent when one recalls the hidden liaisons betwen Osiris and Nephtys (Enki and Innin).

The Mesopotamian tablets indicate that Neberu (or Nibiru) is an errant "star" that periodically upsets the affairs of gods and humans. His origin is "the place of the celestial battle". This localization is extremely important, because it brings to mind beyond a shadow of a doubt the tree Išed of the Egyptian traditions, the shattered axis of the eastern horizon.

As we have seen, Parks has demonstrated a widespread identification among ancient peoples of the planet Venus with a rampaging sky-god whose birth and life cycle were associated with a great cosmic event, the "explosion" of the planet Mulge ("Black Star") and the launching of its satellite Mulge-Tab ("Companion of Mulge") onto a new solar orbital path.

This "explosion" was perpetrated on the Mulge system by the Ušumgal, according to Parks' memory as mediated by the GÍRKÙ.

As we have seen, Parks has demonstrated a widespread identification among ancient peoples of the planet Venus with a rampaging sky-god whose birth and life cycle were associated with a great cosmic event, the "explosion" of the planet Mulge ("Black Star") and the launching of its satellite Mulge-Tab ("Companion of Mulge") onto a new solar orbital path.

Parks recalls Mulge as being slightly larger than Saturn, and so it shall be in our picture of Ti-ama-te. We estimate the radius of Mulge to be about 65,000 km. We are probably safe in assuming Mulge's orbit to be approximately aligned with the ecliptic since all the other planetary orbits (except that of Pluto, which is no longer considered to be a planet anyway) are so aligned, and so is the main asteroid belt, which we think is derived from the explosion of Mulge.
Hollow Earth? ;)

It is necessary to come to terms with the idea of the Abzu, a prominent feature of Mesopotamian belief systems, before going on to consider the Gina'abul worlds, because every planet and moon in Parks' history has one.

To the Sumerians, the Abzu, realm of Enki, was a subterranean sea or swamp – a sort of sandwich layer, as the Sumerians didn't have a concept of a spherical Earth. Zecharia Sitchin frequently translates Abzu simply as Africa. However, in the experience of Parks/Sa'am, the Abzu was the hollow center of each world, fully inhabited and thriving with life, even urbanized. We have all encountered the idea: openings at the poles, oceans connecting with the interior over a gently-curved broad rim, and a sun at the center.

In other words, the Abzu is a structure that contradicts our common knowledge of the Earth and all other planetary bodies in the Solar System – and seems to violate our understanding of physics as well.

Clearly there are many ways in which an inner earth cavity would support gravity. But not all possible cavities would be suitable candidates for our inner earth. The constraints are:

It must be open to both of the Earth's poles or polar regions.

It must be able to contain a small "sun".

It should not result in significant gravitational or seismic anomalies at the Earth's surface (or if it does, earth scientists must be capable of misconstruing them).

Open SETI frequently entertains the cosmological and physical theories of Dr. Paul A. LaViolette. In particular planets are formed from the energy and particles emitted from a gravitational well where there is excess genic energy. At the point of emission, there is probably what appears to be a hot little sun.

Is LaViolette's planetary formation model the final word in the view of Open SETI? Actually it is not. The Electric Sky Model of plasma astrophysics, introduced for your convenience at the link, and its subsidiary Electric Sun, described for example in Donald Scott's The Electric Sky (2006), being scalable over the range of cosmological- to laboratory-sized dimensions, provides us with a perfectly reasonable model of a small sun that could exist in the earth's cavity. This is because stars are not fusion reactors requiring a certain size and gravitational pressure, but simple foci of plasma occurring along strung-out Birkeland Currents.

In this model, the energy from the sun (any sun) is supplied by the Birkeland current, a plasma in "dark current mode" (i.e, in the low-current-density regime in which it is not emitting light).

The Birkeland current feeding a planet's inner sun would very definitely have to pass through polar openings.

Parks' reasoning is as follows:

To confirm that all planets are hollow would be to admit that the Earth is equally so. To recognize that this planet is hollow, with a habitable interior, implies that one must make an accounting of possible other populations, and undertake expeditions to the center, but that is at the moment completely impossible. Why? Because, according to numerous legends of the Earth and in accord with the traditions of Tibet, the Eskimos, and even the Hopi Indians of Arizona, the interior of the Earth is occupied by a civilization of a highly developed intelligence, affiliated -- for some of them directly, and for others indirectly -- with the "Celestial Bestiary!"


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:50 am

One source believes that Saturn was the original name for Sirius B. The planet Saturn would have been one of 10 new planets formed as a result of the implosion of Sirius B.

As for the Sun’s binary twin, there are several different “theories”:

Sirius A is the Sun’s binary twin

Sirius B is the Sun’s binary twin, and our Sun is really Sirius C (Horus)

Sirius B is the center of a multiple binary system consisting of Sirius A, Sirius C and Sirius D (our Sun). Sirius A, C and D orbit Sirius B.

Sirius C is the center of a multiple binary system consisting of Sirius A and Sirius B. Both Sirius A and B orbit Sirius C, a black dwarf (invisible) star.

The Sun and our solar system were once a part of the Sirius star system.

There are two different theories for the placement of Maldek/Mulge/Fenix, the Black Star. One stated that it orbited between Mars and Jupiter; the other that it orbited between Uranus and Saturn.

The question, then, is whether Mulge/Maldek/Fenix refers to Sirius B, Sirius C or the planet Saturn. If it is Sirius B, and Sirius B was formerly known as Saturn, then this account for many of the Saturn myths. If it is the planet Saturn, then Saturn could retain within its system the major mass or the “remnant core” of Sirius B; and, hence, it could be the hidden energy source of the “black sun.”

If Mulge/Maldek/Fenix refers to Sirius C, then this would correspond with the Dogon myths about the origin of the Nommos. They came from the planet Nyan Tolo (Sun of Women) (Nibiru?) that orbits Sirius C (Emma Ya), a red/brown dwarf (invisible) sun.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 390#p37569
The ancient Hebrew Kabbalists spoke of “The Four Seraphim”. The Seraphim are the four heavenly luminaries comprising the multiple or binary star system to which we belong. Originating with Sirius B, Dark Star or nearly invisible point of light, this tiny cosmic nucleus was called “Sifr” (ar. ‘zero’) the secret ‘cipher’ of our local universe or (gk) “Oion”. The trinitary stellar Seraphim, Stars Sirius A, Sirius C and Sirius D (our Sun) were called in Hebrew “Saphar”, “Sepher” and “Siphur”.

Our invisible or Black Sun, our Central Sun was to the mystic Kabbalists “the centre of Rest; the centre to which all motion was to be ultimately referred.

Round this central sun (Sirius B) ‘the first of three systemic suns revolved on a polar plane; the second, on an equatorial plane’; and the third only was our visible sun. These four solar bodies were ‘the organs on whose action what man calls the creation, the evolution of life on the planet, earth, depends’.”
This far more ancient message in stone pointing to the three stars in Orion’s Belt further substantiates my observation and research that our Solar System was formerly the “Osirian Trinary Stellar System” containing the three stars Sirius B, Sirius C (our Sun) and the outer star Sirius A.

The greater light of the day was Sirius C (our Sun) which “appeared” greater due to its closer proximity to the Earth. It joined Sirius B at the core of the system into a “twin relationship”.

Sirius B, originally a B-1 class Blue Supergiant about 5 solar masses in size was struck by a cometary impact (Comet Metis) and subsequently precipitated the 70% ejection that diminished the giant Sirius B star into an F-1 class star about 1.49 solar masses in size.

The lesser light of the night was Sirius A which “appeared” lesser due to its immense distance from the Earth, having jettisoned over 10 billion miles from out of Sirius B and establishing its orbit around the body of the system.

Note that behind the ejecta-head of this ejection event 10 new planets formed in its protracted ejecta tail. The tail of plasma and magmatic stellar mass was greatest in mass closer to the Sirius A projectile head, and lesser at its protracted tip. This is why the planets in our system were originally largest furthest away from the stellar center and the solid body smaller planets formed towards the end of the protracted tail closer to the stellar center.

During this event Earth had already existed having been formed during the creation of Sirius B when it was a Blue Supergiant.

Our Moon did not exist at this time; it was still the iron-silica core inside the massive gaseous planet, Kingu, the outermost planet, which dwarfed Jupiter, the second largest planet, and Saturn was the third largest. Kingu had a figure-8 orbit around the “BODY” of the system and around the “HEAD” of the system, being the outer star, Sirius A.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... e20#p25428
The planet Xylanthia is located in the Sirius Star System, which is comprised of three stars; Sirius A, B and C. Sirius A and B orbit around Sirius C. Planet Xylanthia orbits around Sirius C, which is a black dwarf star.

The Dogon tribe in West Africa has ancient records of extraterrestrial beings visiting Earth. Thousands of years ago, the Dogons knew that Sirius was not just one star. Their ancient records revealed that Sirius was a three-star complex. They referred to Sirius C as the “woman planet.” The mother-planet, Xylanthia, orbits around Sirius C.
The name 'Sothis' seems to naturally fit the intents and the magical inclinations of the Lodge: Sothis/Sirius B is the dark star of Set, the ancient stellar body mysteriously 'discovered' more than 5000 years ago by the Dogons of Mali, and from which the darkest currents of magic emanate. Sothis is connected to Emme Ya (Sirius C), a bizarre star that constitutes the closest astronomical match to the concept of Black Sun, and from which Atlantean Lore says that many of the entities and intelligences today known in Pantheons sprang from. So, Sothis stands as the stellar, pulsating centre of the Draconian Current and of the energies that move the opposite side of creation - Sothis as 'Astrum Nigrum' (Black Star), soul of Black Isis and cosmic vehicle of Set.
In Hecate's Fountain, Kenneth Grant speaks of the planet Emme Ya in the Sirius star-system as the origin of the Loa—Voudoo goddesses and gods, the Orisha in Yoruba tradition. The Dogon know Emme Ya—Star of Women—as the planet of the primal goddess, the Orisha Yemoja
The Dogon call Saturn the "star of limiting the place" and say that when the Nommo left they became the "star of the 10th moon" - Phoebe is the 10th moon of Saturn and although little is known about it, what is known about it is quite odd. It is about 200 Km in diameter and has an orbit that is unlike the other moons of Saturn. It is much further out, goes round the other way and at a much different angle. It is black as soot and appears to be made of rock - but if it was made of rock it would be about 5 times heavier than it actually is.* It is also much more spherical than you would expect for an object with almost no gravity.
Lucifer is the goddess of the Black Sun which is truly the great dragon Typhon the mother of all creation and of humanity. Typhon’s self begotten son was Sut the ancient Egyptian god which was Sothis or Sirius. Which in later reckonings Sut was then named after the planet Saturn which was called in earlier times in history concerning Christianity Satan, or Lucifer.
Babylonian astrologers considered Saturn the same as their Black Sun (the solar god entombed) and addressed him as "Lord Saturn the cold, the dry, the dark, the harmful ... crafty sire that knows all wiles, who is deceitful, sage, understanding, who causes prosperity or ruin."
The association between Saturn and the Black Sun as an alchemical and occult symbol is traditional. In alchemy, the Black Sun represents the nigredo stage of the alchemical operation, the stage of calcination or blackening of the first matter by burning. The color black has been associated with Saturn since ancient times, and is not merely a feature found in contemporary Western Occultism. Finally, another of the epithets of Saturn in ancient astrology is "Great Lord Dark Sun" and "Son of the Sun." In these symbols, the Black Sun is conflated with Saturn himself.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 600#p41530

Wiligut described an ancient sun called Santur ... a second sun that shone 23,000 years ago upon the Hyperboreans in the North Pole and promoted their spiritual development. Santur still orbits in the vicinity of our planet today as an extinct star, thus invisible, but as a Black Sun.

Rüdiger speculates that this was the center of the solar system hundreds of millennia ago, and he imagines a fight between the new and the old Suns that was decided 330,000 years ago. Santur is seen as the source of power of the Hyperboreans.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 390#p37576
Somehow, the planet Saturn and its symbolism became confused with that of Tiamat, which was thought to be the second sun that fell to Earth. Kings of the Earth were said to rule as Saturn, or for Saturn. The Hebrews identified Saturn with Lucifer or Satan, god of restriction, materialism, negativity, and chaos, who also fell from “heaven.
The oft-controversial Chiron was discovered in 1977. This “asteroplanecomet” is often referred to the wounded healer of the zodiac. It has its own orbit and moves quite slowly through the various signs. Perched between Saturn and Uranus it could be part of the planet, “Fenix” often referred to as “Maldek.” Out of Fenix/Maldek, Chiron was ejected. It’s the largest surviving chunk of the former planet.
There is indeed evidence of this great cataclysm in our solar system today.

Indeed, if the Earth was once in fifth position, its closest neighbors would have been Jupiter and Saturn.

He notes the connection between asteroids, as a throng of particles, and ancient "legends of crime" on an angelic or planetary level. The rebellion of Satan, the fall of Lucifer, are stories told in the context of the planetary demiurges, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

As Collin concludes, "At a remote time period in the history of the solar system, some tremendous cosmic tension may have been set up which represented ’night’ for the Earth, producing the cataclysm which engulfed Atlantis and made an almost complete break in human history... The legend of the Fall of Lucifer and the war of the other planets against him... finds itself transcribed into astronomical language."

Might ancient legends be describing as fallen angels the falling debris of a great cataclysm as an insurrection in the solar system’s body politic? In the Book of Revelations, visions are assigned to each of seven planetary angels.

In the place of the fifth angel, we are told that a star was seen to fall from heaven, "into the bottomless pit, from which arose clouds of smoke which darkened the sun."

The angel of this bottomless pit was Apollyon, who was later to be called Satan. We must realize that the asteroids now fill the fifth place in the planetary sequence. The fifth planet is "missing."
Bizarre Hexagon Spotted On Saturn
http://www.christian-forum.net/index.ph ... opic=10415
I looked up Saturn and how planets got their names.

Saturn radiates 80% more energy than it receives from the sun. It is the 6th planet from the sun. A hexagon has 6 sides

Saturn got it's name from Saturn, the god of farming (mythology), and is the father of Jupiter

The name "Saturn", who is also Kronos “the horned one” (C[h]ronus: the “god of time”)--- the god who comes to devour his children by fire, is in the Chaldean Mysteries of ancient Mesopotamia pronounced "Satũr" but, as every Chaldean scholar knows, consists only of four letters, thus it is spelled “Stũr”. He is called the “Hidden God”, for his identity is hidden to the uninitiated, but to the inner circle of the Chaldean Mysteries, he is known; thus the inner circle of the Masonic Lodge, the Freemasons, know the Hidden God as “Satan”. This name equates to the numeric triad “666”, the number of the “Beast”:

S = 60
T = 400
U = 6
R = 200

Though one may interpret this sign in application to world events and the soon appearance of the “man of lawlessness” and that the emergence of the “Beast” is at hand, simultaneously, it deals with actual celestial phenomenon, astrophysics, and the effects of the approaching binary star system “Wormwood” (the “Dragon Tree”), being Sirius, which is the missing half of our Solar System formerly a Trinary System that originally contained 14 celestial members, 3 stars and 11 planets. This is the “Great Mystery of Ages”.

Technically, the god Saturn (Cronus, Osiris [“He-siri”: “the seed”]), Pluto, Hades, P’tah, Ra, Apsu, Baal, Nimrod, Balder, Adonis, Apollo, Apollyon [Abaddon], Tammuz, etc.) is the star Sirius B, which was our original paternal star, and the hexagonal construct on the planet Saturn is caused by an electromagnetic stellar arc influence from the approaching binary star system Sirius that was formerly unified with our Solar System. Sirius consists of Sirius B and Sirius A (the goddess star), these stars where originally within our former Osirian (Cronian) Stellar System and were “personified” into deities and worshipped by past human civilization as gods. Sirius A was the outer “encompassing” star that orbited the “body” of the whole system, and thusly so, “she” was considered the “head” of the “body”. She was the “Queen of Heaven” (Isis: “H’isha”: “the woman”) seen in the night sky and in the morning, being the “Morning Star”. Jeremiah warned the Israelites not to worship the Queen of Heaven (Jeremiah 7:18).

The children of Saturn, Sirius B, are the Sun (technically Sirius C: “Horus/Zeus”), which is technically Sirius C and the 10 planets. Whereas, Sirius A is the “Great Mother Goddess of the Gods”, e.g. mother of these 11 celestial members, called the “Brood of Tiamat”. Hence, Saturn/Kronos, the Hidden God, comes to devour the planets and our Sun (his children) by fire. Sirius B is the “Hidden God” because it is a White Dwarf Star that is virtually non-ocular (invisible). This coming extinction level event, which I have identified as the “Sirian-Solar Reconvergence” (a 12,000-year recurrent event), is conveyed in the Bowl Judgments of Revelation. Sirius will pass between our Sun and the Earth and escalate the mean surface temperature of the Earth from 59º to 3,500º. All flesh of man and beasts will “flash-fry”, all metals will melt, every object on the surface of the Earth will spontaneously combust from cities to forests, the sea will boil and the sea creatures will be poached. The planet Venus will actually have its entire surface re-moltenized into a pan-magmatic sea, and it will shine bright as the full moon. All drinkable water on Earth will evaporate into a suspended perpetual dense cloud cover, making Earth a desert planet with 500 to 1,500 mph hypercyclonic winds; people will be forced to live underground. The food chain will collapse and famine will be a global pandemic.

Now, a hexagon is composed of six equilateral triangles of which each of the triangles have sides of equal lengths. A tetrahedron is a four-sided polyhedron where all the sides are equilateral triangles. When a tetrahedron is placed within a transparent sphere with latitude lines in which the apex summit of the tetrahedron touches the north axial point or pole (or even the south axial point or pole, upside down), then the 3 other corners to the tetrahedron will always touch at the 19.5º latitude. This I have identified as the 19.5º Caniculan Effect which is associated with Sirius, because the electromagnetic stellar arcing between Sirius and our Sun comes into our Solar System on the 19.5º latitude to our systems ecliptic plane, assumed as the equator of our Solar System. The name “Caniculan” is from “Canis Major”, the “Great Dog Star”, being the Sirian constellation construct, and is in reference to Sirius A, the massive white-blue star having a mass 2.42 times the mass of our Sun and with about 40 times the intensity. When Sirius passes between the Earth and the Sun during the 7-day critical vertex crossing of the Sirian-Solar Reconvergence it will be equal to 80 of our Suns in the sky.

Additionally, the 19.5º Caniculan Effect is the causing agent of disruptions in our Solar System. If you will note all the peculiar anomalies are found on the 19.5º latitudes: sunspots, CME’s (coronal mass ejectas), Jupiter’s Red Spot (a 300-year old storm), Neptune’s Dark Spot, Mars’s Olympus Mons (the largest volcano in the Solar System), Earth’s hurricanes form on this latitude, and Earth’s most active volcano, Kilauea, is located on this latitude.

Now, when the tetrahedron is opened up and flattened out into a mega-triangle, contained within the center of this configuration is a four-sided parallelogram (a diamond shape), which is composed of two equilateral triangles connected along one mutual tangent side. I identify this parallelogram as “Parallelogram Orionis”. This image along with the 19.5º geometric angle and various versions and adaptations of it are impregnated into “Sacred Geometry” from Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid of Giza, Teotihuacán Pyramid Complex of Mexico, and other endeavors throughout the world, e.g. the Vicis Pisces and the Star of David, being a pagan hexagram symbol. The Star of David is merely the two equilateral triangles of the Parallelogram Orionis separated and superimposed over each other. These two triangles, “Trigon Orionis” and “Trigon Antorionis”, represent the “approach” and the “departure” of the Sirian-Solar Reconvergence. The outer parameter lines on the two sides of the Parallelogram Orionis represent the “pathway” of each stellar system, and the end-points represent the point of “crossing”. Hence, the widest portion of the parallelogram is the point at which both systems are at their greatest extent from each other, the “apogee”, being the approximate point where the two systems turn back towards each other and head towards Reconvergence; the full cycle of travel is 12,000 years. The triangular sector “before” Reconvergence is Trigon Orionis, and the triangular sector “after” Reconvergence is Trigon Antorionis.

The two systems are gravitationally interlocked, and this pattern (symbolized by the diamond-shaped “lozenge” in primordial artwork and carvings) was created when Sirius B at the end of its Red Giant stellar phase exploded into a Nebula that created the celestial dynamics that split our former Osirian trinary Stellar System in half. According to the Babylonian creation epics, our Sun (Mummu/Marduk) was catapulted by the shock waves from its binary partner, Sirius B, at the core of the system onto a collision course with the outer star, Sirius A. The immense gravity of Sirius A caught our Sun and almost tore it in half (stars are pliable), appearing to have two heads, but the solar mass re-conjoined, and the gravity of Sirius A sent our Sun into “gravitational boosting”. This is a process employed by NASA to send probes out of our Solar System… the object is sent on a collision course with Jupiter, and the gravity of Jupiter catches the objects and then hurls the probe at a 60º angle to the radial projection line of the object, and thus it is catapulted out of the system. This is what occurred with our Sun; it was catapult out of the original system by the gravitation boosting from Sirius A, sending our Sun outwardly on a 60º angle to the radial direction of the Sun while the concentric shock waves from the Nebula explosion drove our Sun and Sirius A away from each other. Hence, the initial 60º angular sector of the equilateral Trigon Antorionis formed between both systems.

Meanwhile, the new shrunken star (Sirius B as a White Dwarf formed by the collapse of its mass by its own gravity) was towed behind Sirius A as the nebula shock wave drove Sirius A outwardly, which explains Sirius B's extremely elongated and elliptical orbit having a 1:2.5 ratio. This event was mythologized as the god of Hades, Pluto, Sirius B, kidnapping the daughter of Mother Earth, Persephone (Sirius A) to become his wife of Hell. This was also Osiris, Sirius B and Isis (Sirius A) going off to the Duat (the Underworld). The split of our former Osirian Trinary Stellar System is also retold in the account of the death and dismemberment of Osiris (Nimrod) whose body was dismembered into 14 pieces that were scattered; of course being the 14 celestial members of the system that formed the body of our former system that became split and dismembered by the Osirian Nebula Discontinuity Event.

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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by mague » Sat Oct 30, 2010 5:06 am

666 in latin and hebrew describe three curlicue aligned on the three dimensional axis. Its an energetic phenomenon which cant be observed directly. Besides seeing them "between the dimensions" we are able to observe them as results.


This organic device does not only help to walk in a straight line and to know where up and down is. Physical and metal orientation are overlapping topics. Those are also connected to physical and mental vision. Its easy to proof by placing a person on a fast rotating gyroscope for a while. Afterwards the person will show all symptoms of a druged or insane person. The person will see stuff and will not be able to walk and probably not even able to talk.

This is what was not always there and haunts humankind for quite a while now. "Chained between the horned antennae forever" ;) There is a cure though. ;)

Grey Cloud
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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by Grey Cloud » Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:26 am

6+6+6 =18. 1+8 = 9, the number of Man. Six is the number of Earth - the cube.
144,000 to be saved (as per Revelation) = 1+4+4 = 9.
432,000 years between Great Conjunctions (Greek) = 4+3+2 = 9.
432,000 syllables in the Rig Veda .....
432,000 years traditional/symbolic length of Kali Yuga ....

Lizzie, neither your man nor anyone else knows what happened in the Chaldean Mysteries. I doubt whether your man even knows what a 'Chaldean' actually was. One thing you can be fairly sure of is that they weren't teaching practical astronomy or physics. :lol: :roll:
If I have the least bit of knowledge
I will follow the great Way alone
and fear nothing but being sidetracked.
The great Way is simple
but people delight in complexity.
Tao Te Ching, 53.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:52 am

Gray Cloud said: Lizzie, neither your man nor anyone else knows what happened in the Chaldean Mysteries. I doubt whether your man even knows what a 'Chaldean' actually was. One thing you can be fairly sure of is that they weren't teaching practical astronomy or physics.
I’m not quite sure who “my man” is; when I find out, I’ll let you know. ;) However, I agree with you 100% -- they were not teaching practical astronomy or physics.

The greatest story ever told or the biggest lie ever sold? :o

Ancient Secret Societies, UFOs, and the New World Order
http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data ... 1201751507
Numerous occult groups have been created around the belief that centuries ago a secret society achieved a high level of scientific knowledge that they carefully guarded from the rest of humanity. According to these occultists, certain men of genius in ancient Egypt and Persia were given access to the records of the advanced technologies of the antediluvian world of Atlantis. Many hundreds of years ago, these ancient masters learned to duplicate many of the feats of the Titans of the lost continent.

There are persistent legends in nearly every culture that tell of an Elder Race that populated the Earth millions of years ago. The Old Ones, who may originally have been of extraterrestrial origin, were an immensely intelligent and scientifically advanced species who eventually chose to structure their own environment under the surface of the planet's soil and seas. The Old Ones usually remain aloof from the surface dwellers, but from time to time throughout history, they have been known to visit certain of Earth's more intelligent members in the guise of alchemist or mysterious scientists in order to offer constructive criticism and, in some cases, to give valuable advice in the material sciences.

The Buddhists have incorporated Agharta, a subterranean empire, into their theology and fervently believe in its existence and in the reality of underworld supermen who periodically surface to oversee the progress of the human race. According to one source, the underground kingdom of Agharta was created when the ancestors of the present day cave dwellers drove the Serpent People from the caverns during an ancient war between the reptilian humanoids and the ancient human society.

The decision to form an ancient secret society may have been based on the members' highly developed moral sense and their recognition of the awesome position of responsibility that the discovery of such applications of ancient knowledge had placed upon them. They may have decided to keep their own counsel until the rest of the world had become enlightened enough to deal wisely with such a high degree of technical accomplishments.

From time to time, the secret society may decide the time is propitious to make one of its discoveries known to the "outside world." Such intervention in the affairs of humankind is usually accomplished by carefully feeding certain fragments of research to "outside" scientists whose work and attitude have been judged particularly deserving. When these scientists accomplish the breakthroughs in their research, they credit the success of the experiments to their own diligence, and the secrecy the society prizes so highly is maintained.

On the other hand, the secret society may feel little or no responsibility of any kind to those humans outside of their group. They may be merely biding their time until they turn the great mass of humanity into their slaves.

If certain master magicians, disciples of the Titans, individuals of exceptional intellect, power, and wealth, actually did achieve a high degree of technical accomplishment several centuries ago, then they could very well be responsible for a good many of the strange and mysterious vehicles seen in our skies. And if alien life-forms apprehended their advanced technology at the end of the previous century, then they might have established an alliance with the society of humans that easily appeared to be the more advanced and worthy to receive the benefits of their extraterrestrial superscience.

The year 1897 may have seemed an ideal time to show the “outsiders” just how far advanced the members of the ancient secret society really were.

However, with all of these scientific marvels about which to boast, there were as yet no heavier-than-air aerial vehicles to occupy the efforts and the interests of potential aviators; and a good number of brilliant scientists of great reputation had gone on record with their arguments that it was aerodynamically impossible to build such a flying machine.

And yet, in March of 1897, a bizarre aircraft, often described as resembling a cone-shaped steamboat, was seen flying across the United States and later throughout the world.

After a twelve-year absence, the airship reappeared over England in 1909. Within a matter of days, it was sighted over New Zealand, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, West Virginia, and Tennessee. Its final appearance seems to have been over Memphis on January 20, 1910.

In 1871, occultist Edward Bulwer-Lytton wrote The Coming Race, a novel about a small group of German mystics who had discovered a race of supermen living within the Earth’s interior. The super race had built a paradise based on The Vril Force, a form of energy so powerful that the older beings had outlawed its use as a potential weapon. The Vril, was derived from the Black Sun, a large ball of “Prima Materia” that provided light and radiation to the inhabitants of the inner Earth.

In 1919, Karl Haushofer founded the Brothers of the Light Society in Berlin, and soon changed its name to the Vril Society. As Haushofer’s Vril grew in prominence, it united three major occult societies, the Lords of the Black Stone, the Black Knights of the Thule Society, and the Black Sun and chose the swastika, the hooked cross, as its symbol of the worship of the Black Sun. While the Swastika represents the eternal fountain of creation, the Black Sun is even older, suggesting the very void of creation itself.

While these societies borrowed some concepts and rites from various Hermetic groups, they placed special emphasis on the innate mystical powers of the Aryan race. The Vril and its fellow societies maintained that the Germanic/Nordic/ Teutonic people were of Aryan origin, and that Christianity had destroyed the power of the Teutonic civilization.

The Vril Lodge believed that those who learned control of the Vril would become master of themselves, those around them, and the world itself, if they should so choose.

In 1921, Maria Orsic (Orsitch), a medium in the society, now renamed Vril Gesellschaft, began claiming spirit messages originating from Aryan aliens on Alpha Tauri in the Aldeberan star system. Orsic and another medium named Sigrun, learned that the aliens spoke of two classes of people on their world--the Aryan, or master race, and a subservient planetary race that had evolved through mutation and climate changes. A half billion years ago, the Aryans, also known as the Elohim or Elder Race, began to colonize our solar system. On Earth, the Aryans were identified as the Sumerians until they elected to carve out an empire for themselves in the hollow of the planet.
In 1922, members of Thule and Vril claim to have built the Jenseitsflugmaschine, the Other World Flight Machine, based on the psychic messages received from the Aldebaran aliens.

In April, 1942, Nazi Germany sent out an expedition composed of a number of its most visionary scientists to seek a military vantage point in the hollow earth. Steeped in the more esoteric teachings of metaphysics, the Fuehrer had long been convinced that Earth was concave and that a master race lived on the inside of the planet.

The Nazi scientists who left for the island of Rugen had complete confidence in the validity of their quest. In their minds, such a coup as discovering the opening to the Inner World would not only provide them with a military advantage, but it would go a long way in convincing the Masters who lived there that the German people truly deserved to mix their blood with them in the creation of a hybrid master race to occupy the surface world, truly a New World Order.

In 1991 when President George H.W. Bush began speaking about a New World Order to beef up his campaign for reelection, evangelist Pat Robertson, who was briefly a presidential candidate, passionately spoke out that "new world order" was actually a code for a secret group that sought to replace Christian society with a worldwide atheistic socialist dictatorship.

Bush, the conspiracy buffs charged, was a member of one of the world's most devilish and powerful secret societies: the Order of Skull and Bones. What was more, according to these same conspiracists, Bush was linked to the Bilderbergers and the Trilateral Commission, dangerous elitist organizations.

At about the same time that President Bush's alleged secret affiliations were being exposed, a number of fundamentalist evangelists began to take their first real notice of the UFO phenomenon and saw the mysterious aerial objects as the "signs in the skies" referred to in apocalyptic literature and in the book of Revelation. It was a short leap or many evangelists to begin to blend accounts of UFOs with the secret societies of top U.S. government officials, politicians, corporate chairmen, international bankers, and many others who sought to bring into being the dreaded "New World Order."

According to the proponents of this cosmic conspiracy, when President Ronald Reagan gave his famous "alien invasion" speech to the entire United Nations General Assembly in September of 1987, he had already secretly advised representatives of the 176 member nations that the leaders of their respective governments must meet the demands of the technologically superior extraterrestrials or be destroyed.

Some UFO researchers have warned that highly placed members of an ancient secret society that can trace its origins beyond the temples of ancient Egypt to Atlantis have established a plan to create a carefully staged "alien invasion" that will convince the masses of the world that a real-life War of the Worlds alien attack is about to begin.

Immediately following the "surrender" to the aliens, the leaders of the ancient secret society will form a One World Government, a New World Order, thus fulfilling biblical prophecies about a return to the days of Babylon.
Concern over interference by secret societies in the affairs of government was considered very real long before our present-day paranoia. For hundreds of years, certain scholars have worried about global conspiracies being conducted in secret by such groups as the Knights Templar, the Vril, the Thule, the Black Sun, and the Illuminati--who may all be waiting until the propitious time to complete world domination.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:09 pm

The Black Sun
Peter Moon tells us in his book 'The Black Sun, on page 172 - "The Vril Society began around the same time as the Thule Society when Karl Haushofer founded the "Bruder des Lichts", which means Brothers of the Light. This organization is sometimes referred to at the Luminous Lodge. This group was eventually renamed the Vril-Gesellschaft as it rose in prominence and united three major societies: the Lords of the Black Stone, having emerged from the Teutonic Order in 1917; the black Knights of the Thule Society; and the Black Sun, later identified as the elite of Heinrich Himmler's SS. Whereas the Thule Society ended up focusing primarily upon materialistic and political agendas, the Vril Society put its attention on the "Other Side."

A local medium named Maria Orisc began getting messages in an unknown language and couldn't transcribe them, so began meeting with key members of these societies, along with another medium named Sigrun. Accordingly, the messages were coming from a being from the star Aldebaran, which has two planets which form the 'Sumeran Empire'.

Peter Moon goes on to say, "A half billion years ago, the Aryans (known as the Elohim or Elder Race) began to colonize our solar system as Aldebaran became uninhabitable. Marduk (Maldek?), existing in what is today the asteroid belt was the first to be colonized, then Mars. When they came to Earth, these Aryans were known as the Sumerians.

According to Peter Moon, in his book 'The Black Sun', the ultimate concept of Thule is well represented in the myth of it as the capital city or center of Hyperborea, a word which literally means 'beyond the poles'. As it is beyond the poles, Hyperborea is positioned as being outside of this dimension. Thule, being in the center, is positioned as the source of all life on Earth.

In Greek mythology, Pythagoras was taught sacred geometry by Apollo, a god who was identified as a resident of Hyperborea. In Pythagorean teachings, the Earth itself geometrically unfolds from a void in the center. This void has been recognized by many ancient groups, including the Sumerians, as the Black Sun. In this sense, Thule is synonymous with this Black Sun.

The name, Thule, refers to the capital of the legendary polar country Hyperborea. Also referred to as ‘Ultima Thule’, it was supposedly the gateway to another world. Thule was therefore recognized as a place where humans could, by whatever means, ‘leave the earth’, it also reputedly stood at the portal of the ‘Hollow Earth’.

Interestingly, the major players in the 20th century, the USA and the Russian Federation have ELF - extras low frequency - transmitters sited in this area. These transmitters are supposedly used to communicate with submerged submarines, but worryingly, they broadcast these messages at brain-wave frequencies, around 18 to 20Hz.

"Their source of power was the Black Sun, an infinite beam of light which though invisible to the human eye is real and there.

"In 1917 four people met in a cafe in Vienna. There was one woman and three men. The woman was a 'spiritual medium'. They met under a veil of mystery and secrecy. "They discussed secret revelations, the coming of the new age, the sphere of destiny, the magical violet black stone, and making contact with ancient peoples and distant worlds.

The Vril Force or Vril Energy was said to be derived from the Black Sun, a big ball of "Prima Materia" which supposedly exists in the center of the Earth, giving light to the Vril-ya and putting out radiation in the form of Vril. The Vril Society believed that Aryans were the actual biological ancestors of the Black Sun.

This force was known to the ancients under many names, and it has been called Chi, Ojas, Vril, Astral Light, Odin Forces and Orgone. In a discussion of the 28th degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry—called Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept— Albert Pike said, "There is in nature one most potent force, by means whereof a single man, who could possess himself of it, and should know how to direct it, could revolutionize and change the face of the world."
The Black Order
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/socio ... odss23.htm
Throughout the post-war period, material has been added constantly to the sinister mythological system built around the idea that the Third Reich continues its activities in a hidden location.

This cabal of surviving Nazis is sometimes referred to as the Fourth Reich but more often as the 'Black Order'. Those who contend that such a concept can have no place in a rational person's world view are underestimating the subtle power exerted by the strange concepts contained within the field of popular occultism.

Godwin provides a summary of the Thulean philosophy:

The light of Thule comes not from the East but from the North. Its tradition is 'Uranian,' being derived from Uranos, lord of the cosmic world order and of the primordial Paradise of the Aryan Race, situated at the North Pole.

It was Uranos's usurping son Saturn who brought upon this originally happy and unified humanity the dubious gift of the egoic state. The temptations consequent upon this change in the human constitution lead to the loss of primeval unity and, eventually, the destruction of Saturn's realm, Atlantis.

Thereupon the warm climate of the secret island of the Hyperboreans was suddenly replaced by bitter winter. The primordial races of the Arctic and of the Nordic Atlantis both lost their homes, and were forced to migrate southwards. Wherever they settled, in Europe, Persia, India, and elsewhere, they tried to remake their lost Paradise, and in their myths and legends cherished the memory of it.

As Godwin notes, Uranos and Saturn seem to be personifications of events in remote antiquity; however, the Thulean religion included an unmanifested God beyond space and time, and a Son through whom the will of the Father operates and who is identified with the laws of nature.

Landig goes on to describe how, throughout the ages, all mythologies refer in one way or another to the Manisolas, which are seen as symbols of spiritual potency, unity and love. Although Point 103 is claimed to be a non-racist society, the Thuleans nevertheless consider Israel to be in eternal opposition to their ideals, and remember the time when their ancestors, the Nordic Atlanteans, were held in slavery by Semitic sorcerers.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Ark of the Covenant is brought into this bizarre occult adventure and is described as a kind of battery for astral energy to be used in magical operations.

This energy is the fertilizing 'force-field of the Aryans', which is stolen by Hebrew magicians and stored in the Ark for their own anti-Aryan purposes. The international conspiracy against the Aryans is further defined when the characters travel to Tibet and meet another German, Juncker ('Aristocrat'), who tells them that the Asiatic peoples are waiting for a great warrior who will come from the subterranean realm of Agartha and lead them to domination of the world.

The background to this scenario involves, once again, the legendary land of Hyperborea and its fabulous inhabitants, with further variations on the theme we have already. According to Serrano, the Hyperboreans were originally from beyond our galaxy, arriving on Earth in remote antiquity.

Their existence has been suppressed by a monumental conspiracy, which also seeks to misrepresent them as physical 'aliens'; in fact, we only perceive them as 'flying saucers' because we lack the perception to see them as they really are. They founded the First Hyperborea here on Earth, a realm that was not composed of mundane matter but which extended beyond the physical plane of existence created and controlled by the Demiurge, an inferior god whose first experiments in the creation of intelligent life resulted in Neanderthal Man.

The Demiurge instituted a cosmic regime by which all creatures would take the Way of the Ancestors - in other words, they would be reincarnated on Earth indefinitely. This was unacceptable to the Hyperboreans who preferred to take the Way of the Gods, only being reincarnated if they chose. The Hyperboreans possessed the power of Vril which they wielded in their battles with the mechanistic Demiurge.

The war between the Hyperboreans and the Demiurge resulted in the founding of a Second Hyperborea at the North Pole, taking the form of a physical, circular continent from which the Hyperboreans began to organize the spiritualization of the Earth. This would be achieved through the instilling of a single particle of immortality in the Neanderthals and other proto-humans, which would raise them out of their semi-animal state.

The Hyperboreans' plans seemed to be going well enough, until they made the mistake of having sexual intercourse with the creations of the Demiurge. This miscegenation was associated with a catastrophic cometary impact that caused the North and South Poles to change position. From that moment on, the Earth became 'the battleground between the Demiurge and the Hyperboreans, the latter always in danger of diluting their blood'.

'There is nothing more mysterious than blood. Paracelsus considered it a condensation of light. I believe that the Aryan, Hyperborean blood is that - but not the light of the Golden Sun, not of a galactic sun, but of the light of the Black Sun ...', the Black Sun being a symbol not only of the void inside the Hollow Earth but also of the ultimate void from which all creation flows.

Serrano claims to have met a certain Master who told him that at a certain point in the practice of Yoga one is able to leave one's body and go through mystical death to reach the Black Sun, the realm occupied by the Hyperboreans beyond the physical universe. However, such a spiritual voyage is not within the capabilities of all humanity - only those 'whose blood preserves the memory of the ancient White, Hyperborean race'.

The Jewish people are seen by Serrano as the instruments of the Demiurge (whom he identifies with Jehovah).

They constitute an 'anti-race' that is engaged in a gigantic conspiracy involving all the world's institutions, the undeclared enemies of Hyperborean ideals. These ideals gave rise to the Thule Society, which Serrano claims had links with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn but 'was perverted by the degeneracy of Aleister Crowley and the Jewish Bergsons'.

Indeed, during the Second World War, the Nazis were allegedly concentrating on the perfection of 'magical realism', including the development of disc-planes, establishing contact with ascended Masters in Tibet and dematerialization.

As Godwin notes, quoting the Chilean writer thus, Serrano here enters realms usually identified with the bizarre fringes of ufology and cosmology:

Had the German submarines discovered at the North Pole or in John Dee's Greenland the exact point through which one penetrates, as through a black funnel, going to connect with the Other Pole, emerging in that paradisal land and sea that are no longer here, yet exist? An impregnable paradise, from which one can continue the war and win it - for when this war is lost, the other is won. The Golden Age, Ultima Thule, Hyperborea, the other side of things; so easy and so difficult to attain. The inner earth, the Other Earth, the counter-earth, the astral earth, to which one passes as it were with a 'click'; a bilocation, or trilocation of space.

Serrano believes that the Hollow Earth is still inhabited by the First Hyperboreans and that the Nazis found a way through to their realm via the South Pole, a belief shared (apparently) by the French writer Jean Robin - although it must be added that Robin is no denier of the Holocaust.

In 1989, Robin published his Operation Orth, which offers the account, supposedly given to Robin by a friend, of a journey to a subterranean complex made aboard a flying saucer that could pass through solid rock.

As Godwin notes, quoting the Chilean writer thus, Serrano here enters realms usually identified with the bizarre fringes of ufology and cosmology:

Had the German submarines discovered at the North Pole or in John Dee's Greenland the exact point through which one penetrates, as through a black funnel, going to connect with the Other Pole, emerging in that paradisal land and sea that are no longer here, yet exist? An impregnable paradise, from which one can continue the war and win it - for when this war is lost, the other is won -- The Golden Age, Ultima Thule, Hyperborea, the other side of things; so easy and so difficult to attain; the inner earth, the Other Earth, the counter-earth, the astral earth, to which one passes as it were with a 'click'; a bilocation, or trilocation of space?

Serrano believes that the Hollow Earth is still inhabited by the First Hyperboreans and that the Nazis found a way through to their realm via the South Pole, a belief shared (apparently) by the French writer Jean Robin.
The Vril Society, the Luminous Lodge and the Realization of the Great Work
http://theuniversalseduction.com/featur ... great-work
While researching their classic book, Morning of the Magicians, authors Jacques Bergier and Louis Pauwels were given an account by one of the world's greatest rocket experts, Dr. Willy Ley, who fled Germany in 1933. Dr. Ley said that the Vril Society—which formed shortly before the Nazis came to power—believed they had secret knowledge that would enable them to change their race and become equals of the men hidden in the bowels of the Earth. Methods of concentration, a whole system of internal gymnastics by which they would be transformed.

These methods of concentration were probably based on Ignatius Loyola's Spiritual Exercises. The Jesuit techniques of concentration and visualization are similar to many occult teachings, especially in shamanic cults and Tibetan Buddhism. The Nazi's revered these Jesuit Spiritual Exercises, which they believed had been handed down from ancient Masters of Atlantis. The occultists of the time knew that Ignatius was a Basque — some claimed that the Basque people were the last remnant of the Atlantean race — and the proper use of these techniques would enable the reactivation of the Vril for the dominance of the Teutonic race over all others.

The Vril Society believed that whoever becomes master of the Vril will be the master of himself, of others around him and of the world. The belief was that the world will change and the "Lords" will emerge from the center of the Earth. Unless we have made an alliance with them and become "Lords" ourselves, we shall find ourselves among the slaves, on the dung-heap that will nourish the roots of the New Cities that will arise.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:28 pm

Are there two Black Suns -- an extraterrestrial one and an inner-terrestrial one? Was Mulge/Maldek/Fenix really Sirius B? Did an asteroid/comet from the implosion of the primary black sun (Maldek/Mulge/Fenix) stike the Earth and become its inner central sun – the Black Stone or Grail Stone, the source of astral or “black” light? Is this Vril energy?
Was our Sun once part of the Sirius star system?

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 615#p41608

One source says that the Sun and our solar system were once a part of the Sirius star system. He believes that Saturn was the original name for Sirius B. The planet Saturn would have been one of 10 new planets formed as a result of the implosion of Sirius B.

There are two different theories for the placement of Mulge/Maldek/Fenix, the Black Star. One stated that it orbited between Mars and Jupiter; the other that it orbited between Uranus and Saturn.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... bf6#p37126
Perched between Saturn and Uranus it could be part of the planet, “Fenix” often referred to as “Maldek.” It was the fifth planet from the Sun and supposedly got tangled up into a nasty war between some agro-aliens and had to be taken out for the sake of everyone. That’s one version. Out of Fenix/Maldek, Chiron was ejected.
We read from various sources that approximately 50,000 years ago a certain planetary body in our own solar system was mysteriously destroyed. This body has been called Tiamat, Phaeton, Lucifer, Marduk, Maldek, Rahab, and even Luna (not connected to the name later given to the moon). It was believed to have existed between Mars and Jupiter and was referred to as the “second sun” and may have been mistaken as such, because its atmosphere was resplendent with reflections of the actual sun.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 615#p41594

Is Mulge the same as Maldek, Tiamat or Nibiru? Or is Mulge really ancient Saturn?

Is Mulge really Santur, the "mythological" second sun that shone 23,000 years ago upon the Hyperboreans in the North Pole? Does Mulge/Santur still orbit in the vicinity of our planet today as an extinct but invisible (black) sun?
Is Earth's Inner Sun the missing Twelfth Planet?
Earth's reddish inner central sun is also hollow and inhabited within and without! Does this make it a planet? Perhaps it is our twelfth planet? If so, where does this put Nibiru or Planet X?

There is every indication that the once great planet Nibiru, Maldek, or Planet X, was blown up causing the inner and outer asteroid belts. The remaining spiritual core of this planet, along with its astral inhabitants may have wandered to and possessed our planet Earth!

Whether this planet is reserved for the Nefilim or for us (the New Earth) I can only speculate. I asked a friend once to hone in on this newly forming world, and what they told me was surprising and revealing. They described this body as being almost as huge as the sun, in an etheric or plasmic state, and between the orbits of Mercury and the Sun, and the reason we cannot see it is because it is in synchronous orbit to the Earth.

My thought on this is that our Earth is facing destruction and that its inner sun is replicating itself in preparation for this. Before the Earth is changed or destroyed a transitional process of soul separation must be completed. Souls in harmony with the new Earth will be ascended while those in disharmony will be left behind or transferred elsewhere. The bible does talk about a coming resurrection (ascension) of souls, as well as a judgment of fallen beings or angels (Nefilim?) who are trapped here on/in Earth. It also speaks of a Millennium during which all such unrepentant beings will be locked up inside the bowels (hollow) of our earth, and then loosed and destroyed in a planetary conflagration.

In Revelation, in the bible, the hollow Earth is referred to as "the bottomless pit", probably in reference to the polar openings. Out of the pit rises smoke and locusts (helicopters?) to inflict surface humanity during the tribulation period. After a host of other woes, including World War III, comes the great Day of the Lord, when Earth's inner sun, or a component of it (spaceship?), rises out of one of the polar openings to execute judgment on surface humanity. The troublemakers are defeated and the Millennium begins.

According to Barbera Hand Clow, in her book "The Signet of Atlantis", Earth's inner red sun rises in the west for one day roughly every 3,600 years, marking the beginning of a new era or cycle on Earth. The last time this happened was in the spring equinox of 1537 BC, and the next one will be just before 2013 BC. This momentous event, when two suns rise in the sky, one from the east and the other from the west, is obviously the "Day of the Lord" just mentioned earlier.

In "The Smoky God" by Willis George Emerson, Norwegian Olaf Jansen and his father see a "dull-red, false sun" just over the horizon, as they sail across and into the lip of the Earth's northern polar opening. They both conclude that this "sun" is "a PLANET of some sort -a reality".

The interior surface of our inner sun is called Mirror Earth because it is an exact, although more concentrated, replica or copy of the Earth.

In Twilight of the Gods Dr Michael Baran states that the energies of our inner sun are being siphoned off or diverted by off-worlders for their own nefarious purposes resulting in less prana or life force for the planet.

Is Earth's Inner Sun a Preserver of some sort so that nothing really gets lost forever should our planet be destroyed? Is it a giant crystal computer, and is this planet one of its programs or holographic realities? These are fascinating questions for which I do not yet have the answers.

The Real Meaning of “Et in Arcadia Ego” and the Underground Stream
http://quintessentialpublications.com/t ... page_id=30
So this is the true significance of the blood: it comes directly from the god-kings of Atlantis, the beings who, according to legend, created us, then intermarried with us to create a hybrid race of partially human god-kings, passing onto these offspring the secret doctrine of their sacred knowledge. According to those same legends, they were cast down from heaven for this indiscretion, which was against the rules of the divine hierarchy, and were imprisoned in the underworld, in the bowels of the Earth. Such a tradition is preserved in the Greek story of Kronos (obviously the prototype of the Biblical Satan) being cast down from Heaven and landing in the center of the Earth. This legend even exists in the East, where the “Lord of the Earth” (another title shared by Kronos, Ia, and Satan) is believed to be in a death-like sleep in a magical city in the center of the Earth.

There is even scientific evidence that this story is rooted in the historical occurrence of a “falling star”, or meteorite that plunged into the Earth, cracking its crust and disfiguring its face, then buried itself deep within the center of the Earth where it remains as our planet’s inner core. This is, perhaps, the “12th Planet” that Zecharia Sitchin is always referring to. And it must also be the “stone that fell from Heaven”, supposedly chipped from Lucifer’s crown, which according to legend is called “the Grail.”

Recall, then, that the Grail is the treasure said to be buried at Rennes-le-Chateau. Also, rumors persist that Rennes-le-Chateau contains an entrance to the underworld. The event of this falling star may itself be commemorated by a symbol that was used at least as far back as ancient Sumeria where it was known as the “Ar”, the Plough Sign. That sign is the pentagram, associated with both Satan and the planet Venus, as well as with Rennes-le-Chateau. In fact, the prefix in the word “Quinotaur” – Quin – means the number five in Latin, and some have suggested that the word is in fact a reference to the pentagram at Rennes-le-Chateau – that perhaps each man-made mountain conceals the “head” of some enormous subterranean sea monster which our ancestors considered to be their God, and in fact, their ancestor as well.
The Real Tomb of God: The Grail, the Ark, the Emerald Tablet, and the Forgotten Father of Mankind
The mythology surrounding Christian Rosenkreutz, the legendary founder of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood, may provide us with clues as to the location of the Emerald Tablet of Hermes, upon which their Hermetic wisdom is based, as well as the famed relic of the Holy Grail. It may also shed some light on the mythological importance of the so-called "Hollow Earth" theory, and tell us the location of the body of a dead God or King.

"The idea of a monarch or leader who is not dead, but asleep, and will one day awaken is a familiar one. Indeed this "Sleeping God" or "Lost King" who will one day awaken/return is an extremely prevalent archetype.

Alchemy concerns itself with the search for the elusive "Elixir of Life," a sort of cure-all substance that is capable of bringing health, wealth, immortality, and spiritual emancipation to him who possesses it. Literally, it involves the transformation of base metals into gold, while figuratively it involves the transformation of the dross of the unrefined Soul into the "Lapsit Exillis" - the Stone from Heaven. This stone represents perfection idealized, the amalgamation of opposites into a unified whole. And yet it is also called the Hidden Stone because it lies in the midst of all things, and men do not see it, giving rise to the parable of the "Stone that was Rejected" in the building of Solomon's Temple, which in the end becomes the cornerstone for the House of God. And this stone has also been equated with the sun, shining in perfect brilliance, ruling the Heavens like a King over his Realm.

Now the alchemical process, both the physical and the figurative, involves a stage called Dissolution, when the elements (or the base emotions and Ego of the aspirant) are dissolved, to be replaced later by purity of spirit, or Gold. This stage is symbolized by a Black Sun! And this black sun stage is equated with none other than Saturn, or Kronos, the Sleeping God buried in a subterranean tomb who is called "The Hidden One!" And this is precisely why the Elixir of Life is called "The Hidden Stone" - because it is hidden in the midst of this dross or base matter, the Black Sun, which, once dissolved, reveals the shining brilliance within. This dross matter is called the Prima Materia, the Original Matter from which all other forms were made. Yet the Black Sun has also been said to represent this Prima Materia, the Great Void from whence the Universe came.

At the same time, the concept of the Black Sun arose some say because the ancient civilizations believed that the Sun dies at night as it set in the West, and descended into the Underworld, where it turned Black. The next day it would resurrect again in the East. They imagined the sun actually traveling underneath the Earth via a secret subterranean passageway, and had hieroglyphs depicting this. Significantly, there is an alchemical motto called "V.I.T.R.I.O.L," an acronym for Latin words which translate to "Visit the Interior Parts of the Earth; by Rectification Thou Shalt Find the Hidden Stone."

Is this Hidden Stone, then, the same as the Black Sun that lights the inner Earth, and the "Hidden Sun" which lights the tomb of Christian Rosenkreutz? Clearly, from the phrasing of the ritual, the Golden Dawn considers the Hidden Sun to be synonymous with the mystic Rose which is the symbol of their order. This Rose has always been equated, not only with the female vagina, but with the Holy Grail, which is also called the Hidden Stone and the Stone that Fell from Heaven, and is also believed to contain the Elixir of Life. So it would appear that these four symbols - The Black Sun, the Mystic Rose, the Holy Grail and the Stone from Heaven/Elixir of Life, all represent essentially the same thing, or at least portions of the same thing, stages in the same process. The fact that the rose is surmounted upon an equilateral cross could be seen as symbolic of its place "in the center of things," that is, figuratively, to be found in the deepest recesses of your soul, where resides the equilibrium of opposing forces; and literally, in the center of the Earth's axis. But is there any further evidence that ties this in more directly with the inner earth, the Holy Grail and a buried or "Hidden" god?

As McIntosh writes in The Rosicrucians, "... a mountain covered with symbols is used as an allegory of the alchemical process." He also quotes the author Thomas Vaughn, who wrote about "a mountain situated in the midst of the Earth, or the center of the world, which is both great and small. It is far off and near at hand, but by the providence of God invisible. (Another, similar poem says this land was lit by a "midnight sun.") This parallels, for instance, the Greek Mt. Olympus, the abode of the Gods which, according to Plato, was the largest mountain on Earth, capped with snow, and with four rivers issuing from its top, residing in midst of the Isle of Atlantis. This same mountain is said by Olaf Jansen to now sit in the center of the Earth, and the four rivers are the Euphrates, the Pison, the Gihon, and the Hiddekel, the same ones which flowed in the Garden of Eden. This symbolic mountain is undoubtedly the same one, in the center of the Earth, which this Mount in the Golden Dawn is trying to represent.

Now fast forward to WWII, in which France is occupied by the Nazis, and a young German author, researcher and S.S. Lt. named Otto Rahn is sent by the Nazis to Southern France to look for the Holy Grail, which many in the Nazi hierarchy are eager to possess. The Nazis, it will be recalled, also believed whole-heartedly in the theory of the Hollow Earth, and sent expeditions down to Antarctica looking for the entrance.

The reference to the Tomb of Hercules is interesting because of the implication that a God is buried within the mountain. Furthermore, Hercules, like Hermes, was another one of those "Luciferian" gods that went about spreading knowledge and civilization to men all over the world. In fact, according to Plato, he was one of the kings of Atlantis. And just as Hermes possessed a magick stone which fell from Heaven (according to legend written on a jewel out of Lucifer's crown) and which had strange electro-magnetic properties, and which has been associated with the Holy Grail, Hercules also possessed a Heavenly stone.

The Magnet was called the 'Stone of Hercules.' Hercules was the patron deity of the Phoenicians. He was, as we have shown elsewhere, one of the Gods of Atlantis - probably one of its great kings and navigators.

We see also why the Grand Masters of the Priory of Sion, as "Guardians of the Grail," would have been called "Navigators," as well as why the lodestone is sacred to the Freemasons, the inheritors of that tradition.

The centralness of this kingdom represents equilibrium, and equality of opposing forces, especially male and female, good and evil.

Knowing what we know about how the "Gods" ruled as Kings over an international government in the Antediluvian age, and thereafter passed true kingship onto their human descendants, this Grail kingdom can be said to represent the Golden Age of their rule, prior to the Flood and the intermarriage of Gods with human females.

The Grail itself, as the Stone of Heaven, represents the Divine foundation upon which this kingdom is founded, the stone from Lucifer's crown, which was given to man by rebellious angels, and which embodies (a) the principles of royal, solar and divine leadership, (b) the secret spiritual doctrine of equilibrium, or Hermetic alchemy, which was meant to be the exclusive property of the Gods and their royal human inheritors, and (C) the actual transmission of royal (and thus divine) genetic material in the form of a bloodline. In this aspect it can be seen as a Grail cup (or vessel, womb) and as the Stone (or blood) which is contained in that cup. Thus, is it not possible to see the Hollow Earth as such a vessel for the Grail stone in the form of the Black Sun?

Again, these are common themes in world mythology. Most notably analogous to the story of the Fisher King is that of Kronos (Saturn), who, writes Evola, "after having been the Lord of this earth, the King of the Golden Age, was dethroned and castrated. He still lived on, though asleep, in a region located in the Far North, closer to the Arctic Sea, which was also called the Cronic Sea." It is also noteworthy that Saturn is called "The Hidden One," thus alluding perhaps to his seclusion inside of the Earth, and that many researchers have equated him with the prototype for Satan, given that he was horned, rebellious, and cast down into the Abyss (the Chronian Sea) to become Lord of the Underworld.

Also note that, like Satan, he was also called "The Lord of the Earth," and that Saturn and Satan may be etymologically linked, as many have argued. Furthermore, Saturn is also called the "Lord of the Mountain," and so is Satan. And is that not what we're talking about when we speculate about a dead god being buried in Montsegur, or in the center of the Earth?

Interestingly, the phrase "Rex Mundi" appeared in the parchments that were found at Rennes-le-Chateau, and the Cathars accused the Catholic Church of secretly worshipping Rex Mundi in the form of Jehovah, the Earth's creator, whom they regarded as an evil demi-urge. And of course, Jehovah, as "El Shaddai," was also the Lord of the Mountain.

Moreover, as we have previously noted, the "Black Sun" stage of alchemy is attributed to the powers of Saturn, where his "element," sulfur, is mixed with the "element" of Hermes, mercury. Hermes, of course, was representative of the light-bearing aspects of Lucifer, whereas Saturn represented more of the "Dark Lord" aspects of what we would now call the Devil, as ruler over the Underworld and the Abyss.

Then the sunken kingdom shall rise, the dreaming lord shall awake, the phoenix rise from the ashes, and the proper universal balance shall be restored. In the meantime, the secret royal doctrine is kept alive by the initiates/descendants of that Sleeping God.

The Forgotten Father was also in many traditions buried with a magic stone (the stone that fell from Heaven, the Emerald Tablet, the loadstone that repopulated the Earth, etc.), which contained secret wisdom teachings, possessed strange electromagnetic properties, and was itself associated with the repopulation, as well as the vessel (the Grail or Ark) that carried it. Thus, all of these things: the stone/tablet, the ark/vessel, and the bloodline of the Forgotten Father all came eventually over time to be called the Grail, while in certain cultures, the myth of the dead but dreaming lord and his magnetic stone evolved into the Lord of the Earth and the Black Sun ruling over a subterranean kingdom.

With this conclusion, it is easy to note that the word "Ark" is contained in "Arktos," the Great Bear constellation that marks the North Pole (as well, supposedly, as the entrance to the inner earth), and also in "Arcadia," the Greek term for paradise that pops up so frequently in the Grail researchers. And with this hypothesis, we can also understand why Rene d'Anjou and others chose to represent the secret doctrine of the Grail wisdom with an underground stream, as well as a tomb, and why Poussin chose to mark that tomb with the words "Et In Arcadia Ego."


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:37 pm

What then is “Vril” - the power of the Grail Stone?

Aetheric Coronal Elements: ACE
Orgone is a term coined by Wilhelm Reich to define aetheric or fourth dimensional matter. From Hermetic teachings there are one hundred elements making up the aetheric periodic table of elements, slightly more than the ninety-two naturally occurring elements of the third dimension. The attraction between the aetheric proton and electron is magnetic.

The particle or magnetic monopole behind ferromagnetism is the fourth dimensional electron. Actual photographs of "a quantum of magnetic energy" have existed for decades but have not been called a particle as such. A fourth dimensional electron is about a thousand times the volume of the third dimensional electron. The fourth dimensional electron is behind the phenomena of "spin" in atomic physics.

In Zecharia Sitchin's interpretation of Sumerian tablets regarding "those who came from heaven", the Anunnaki, gold is what drew the people of Nibiru to Earth. Gold was rare on Nibiru but abundant on Earth. Nibiru was lit by a thin corona of ACE and its daylight never ended. Nibiru was losing its corona and gold dust was used to brighten that which remained. There is a strange parallel between the gold of the gods and the aluminum and barium chemtrails happening at this time. Ultimately Nibiru lost its corona when the magnetic field collapsed and should Earth's magnetic field collapse no amount of "sunscreen" would protect the Earth from the sun or cosmic rays. Nibiru froze, Earth could bake.
Aetheric Coronal Elements, Part 1 - The Solar Furnace
http://educate-yourself.org/zsl/aetheri ... ov05.shtml
In esoteric lore the sun derives its power from the sun behind the sun which in turn draws power from the center of the galaxy and the galaxy draws power from the heart of our local universe. The source of all power is also in the higher dimensions. Power is transferred through a dimensional network into the physical universe.

There are aetheric elements in the fourth dimension relaying power of the fifth dimension into the third dimension. It is similar to another dimensional transfer through the ferromagnetic elements of iron, cobalt and nickel. In the case if iron, a physical element, a steady flow of magnetic energy is always available. The magnetic power is fourth dimensional magnetics and it balances third dimensional electrical potential. Iron in a dynamo is tapping into fourth dimensional power sources in order to generate electromotive force. There are orgone elements in the corona transferring power into the third dimension. The corona is a spherical energy portal, from and to, the fifth dimension. There are nuclear fires in the sun but they are an effect of dimensional energy transfers. Nuclear fusion is not the cause of sunlight.

In the early 1990s I started reading Zecharia Sitchin's "Twelfth Planet" series about the gods of Nibiru/Marduk. I saw the Annanaki technology was based on ACE. They were able to travel to earth because they had utilized ACE power in their rocketships. The gold and precious metals of earth were needed on metal poor Nibiru to harness the power of ACE. The strange machines depicted in Sumerian, Egyptian and Mayan writings and diagrams were powered by higher dimensional sources.
Aetheric Coronal Elements, Part 5 - Hollow Earth, Hollow Nibiru
http://wordsforgood.org/mirrors/educate ... dec05.html
Since the publication of Zecharia Sitchin's "The Earth Chronicles", there has been much speculation regarding how the people living on Nibiru kept from freezing in the cold of interstellar space. The answer is Aetheric Coronal Elements, ACE. The complete answer is that like Earth, Nibiru is hollow and had a small sun at its very core. I have written in the past tense regarding the sun in Nibiru because I believe that sun has gone dark. The dimming of the core sun is the reason the Annunaki built rocketships 400,000 years ago and traveled the solar system in the search for gold. Gold is the critical element needed in all ACE powered, lighting, heating and tool systems. They needed to capture as much ACE as they could before their ecology collapsed.

In Sumerian writings, Marduk/Nibiru is described as the "Pure Mound", "The World of a Million Years" and "The World of Perpetual Light." The only way that a planet on a highly elliptical 3600 year orbit could be in perpetual light was if it carried its sun with(in) it.

I was introduced to both the Hollow Earth and Maldek in 1970. Maldek is the correct pronunciation for Marduk (Nibiru). I was taught that all planets are living beings and carry life. Few carry life in the third dimension. Maldek carried physical life. Mars carried physical life. The living being who is Maldek decided to remove all its ACE and start a new life plan millions of years in the future. At the same time ACE was removed from all of the Nefilim weapons on Earth. Annunaki access to ACE was denied. The "Golden Fleece" became a rare commodity on Earth. The collapse of the worldwide pantheon of the gods on Earth was soon to follow as their power source was gone. With one rebellious race gone other rebellious extraterrestrial races came to fill the vacuum but they too cannot access ACE as a power supply.

The source of ACE inside the earth was cut off and poles were covered.

The 600 mile diameter sun inside the hollow earth is mostly ACE. It is held in a special vortex that is needed to hold its center inside the 800 mile thick shell which is the "gravity shell" to the internal vortex. In order to start to understand the physics behind electro-gravity read Walter Russell (1871-1963) "A New Concept of The Universe (1953)."
What is Superlight
SuperLight is magnetic light; it is magneto–electric radiation.

Regular light is electric light or electro–magnetic radiation. There is parity or symmetry the Universe, everything has an equal and opposite mirror–image counterpart, the Ying and the Yang, right and left, matter and anti matter, the electron and the positron. Why not light?

Both science and metaphysics have honored this parity law in all things except light. They are wrong. There is parity in light as well !

SuperLight is the unseen force in nature that has been ignored by science but real to the mystics and metaphysicians for thousands of years. It has been given different names by different cultures for thousands of years.

A Nuous, Chi, Biomagnetic Energy, Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Energy, Tesler's Free Earth Energy, Animal Magnetism, Space Energy, Vacuum Energy, and Zero Point Energy, etc. Those who have subtle perception know it is real.
It's all about catching Superlight from a black hole. This is a very good explanation since the Central Sun gives power to all the blacks holes; blacks holes give power to all the suns in the galaxy.

SuperLight is described as the opposite and complementary phase to ordinary light. While electromagnetic radiation - visible light is part of its spectrum - has a strong electric and a weaker magnetic component, in magneto-electric radiation the magnetic component outweighs its electric counterpart.

Milewski proposes a model which sees magneto-electric radiation as the source of gravity, emitted by black holes and traveling at the square of the speed of light. SuperLight has a correspondingly shorter wavelength and higher energy content than ordinary light and is the source of the energy of life, which makes for its connection to the area of healing through increased coherence in organisms.

While physics has tended to exclude life and consciousness from its equations we now have - with Milewski's model - a very real possibility to reach unification with meta-physics, generally considered the purview of faith and religion.

Now, I believe a similar event occurs in the extremely dense and hot matter found in black holes. It is theorized that black holes contain magnetic monopoles and when these extremely dense, extremely small, extremely energetic magnetic monopoles release energy by lowering their orbit they radiate magneto-electric radiation, our SuperLight. So black holes really are not so black. They are radiant beings of SuperLight. Of course SuperLight escapes the strong gravitation forces of the black holes because its velocity is the square of the velocity of light and it therefore, can easily escape.

The current scientific thinking is that in the center of every galaxy in the universe is a black hole. There are billions and billions of galaxies all around us, and they all are producing SuperLight. We are literally bathed in a three-dimensional dynamic energy field, or an "Ether" of SuperLight, a Dynamic Ether.
Crystals capture the Vril force

The Wonderful World of Advanced Materials
Crystals are very organized structures and thus according to this thesis are also converters or transducers of SuperLight. This is where their energy comes from and explains how they seemingly can radiate a positive signal continuously without being recharged. As with herbs, crystals and minerals of different chemistries and structures develop different types of energy fields. This explains why different crystals have different effects on different parts of the body. The key to crystal healing is to match the required energy with the proper crystal that produces that specific energy need.

As scientists and experimenters become more aware of SuperLight and start to understand it, experiments and instruments will be designed to attune to these energies. In the future, I conceive of manufacturing simulated body structures which will be micro–size phase array assemblies made of room temperature superconductors. They will be converters SuperLight into Vital Life Force for healing. Specific micro–structures will be designed to attune to, and resonate with, the exact energy needed, in the specific part of the body that needs an energy boost for healing and regeneration.
George Merkl’s Life Crystal Discoveries
Of all these experiences, I would say that the crystal radio got most of my attention. For the crystal radio was showing me that power could be extracted from most anywhere.
George Merkl - Chondriana & Life Crystals
The primary discovery George had made years ago was a principle which he termed SCROLL WAVES. These waves are extremely small and can be likened to Aether or Zero-Point-Energy moving in continuous spiraling patterns.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:46 pm

The Electric Bridge
http://www.towardsoneworld.eu/download/ ... Bridge.pdf
We will discuss some developments in the realm of science, which are particularly of interest from the point of view of the Ageless Wisdom and electricity and magnetism.

Please note that although most of the information we will discuss has been published in official and renowned scientific journals, much of what we have to say is not yet “main stream” science. In moments of crises there is often resistance and confusion. Main stream science produces a lot of resistance, whereas “new” science too often is trapped by glamours of all kinds. Science will not rapidly admit to be in a crisis - it has invented a word for that: “paradigm shift.” Not all recent discussions about paradigm shifts, however, correspond with real shifts in scientific thinking. We hope to shed some light on the cross roads emerging in the scientific research of today.

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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by mague » Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:59 pm

Grey Cloud wrote: nor anyone else knows what happened in the Chaldean Mysteries.

sure we do. All the ancients where able to tell is that our perception is blocked artifícially.

The escape from the "earbrackets" is the total abandonment of materialism and the uncoditional move to universal idealism.

Black sun and Shamballa in a hollow earth are just the figurative descriptions for a reality we can not perceive. Nevertheless the reality we can not perceive is the true reality.

I was quite serious about the energetic controlled inner ear. Van Gogh knew it, he had good eyes for light and forms and stuff.


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