On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 16, 2010 10:59 pm

"The Biggest Secret" "Revelations of a Mother Goddess"
The book's title is derived from a meeting between David Icke and a senior member of British Intelligence. David asked him what was the biggest secret held by British Intelligence. The man replied that it was that the British Royal Family are shape-shifting reptilians!

My own research, based upon unpublished astrophysical data, revealed that Mars originally occupied our planet's orbit and was populated by a technologically-advanced Aryan race. A celestial catastrophe displaced Mars into its present orbit, forcing the Aryan survivors to colonize our planet and subsequently construct the Great Pyramid. They were overthrown by an evil priesthood who established the Royal Court of the Dragon in Egypt.

While David was writing his book, it was my good fortune to meet the Mother Goddess of the Illuminati. She corroborated my research, adding that the Illuminati hierarchy are shape-shifting dragons, who require the consumption of Aryan blood in order to maintain their shape-shifting capability, hence their opposition to interracial marriages. She added that because of this symbiotic relationship, the Illuminati dragons have pursued the Aryans from Mars to Earth.

The Illuminati dragons contemptuously regard humans as cattle; their planned agenda has been outlined in several documents, including National Security Counsel Policy Directive 200, which calls for a fifty percent population reduction by means of plague, famine and controlled nuclear warfare (presumably using the Y2K millenium bug debacle as a precursor). The survivors are to be subjected to mind-controlled slavery.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 210#p34665

Amazingly, the UFO community has totally ignored hard evidence of humanoid visitors who arrived on earth more than 5000 years ago. Unlike human skulls, the front and rear halves of their skulls never knitted together.

Consequently, as their brains grew in infancy, the rear half of their head was pushed rearwards, pulling their facial skin taut and giving them the appearance of a serpent (a Dead Sea scroll mentions a similar being). Their skeletons have been found in Sumer, the Giza Plateau, Malta and Yucatan and at the Mayan pyramids. Superstitious Mayans later bound their infants' heads between two boards in an attempt to simulate the skulls.

So much misinformation has been published concerning the Sumerian culture that it's advisable to learn the language and study Sumerian texts oneself. According to the texts, these great civilizers known variously as the El (shining ones) Annana, Annunaki and in the pre dynastic Egyptian texts as the Shemsu Hor (followers of Horus) descended upon the summit of Mount Hermon as the waters of the global flood began to reside and created a community on the upper slopes of the mountain in a grassy plain they named Edin. After a long period of time they migrated to Mesopotamia and created a civilization there. Several years ago, I had the pleasure of dining with the erudite physicist and Sumerian scholar, the late George Merkl, Ph.D. when we both lectured at a Global Sciences symposium and found it refreshing to hear him refer to popular books on Sumerian history as a "fairy story."

According to the earliest Egyptian texts, it was the Shemsu Hor who created the Great Pyramid. Carbon dating using the tree ring calibration method dates the Pyramid at 3000 BCE, not 2500 BCE as is commonly believed

For a number of years I served in a support function for high level survivors of Illuminati mind control and Satanic ritual abuse. Some of these unfortunate individuals had served in a dual capacity as highly trained powerful psychics who had the ability to invoke hideous entities from other astral realms at ritual gatherings and also acted as telepathic intermediaries between E.T.'s and scientists at various covert facilities such as Area 51 and China Lake Naval Weapons Depot. What I learned from these individuals is that the 13 ruling families of shape shifters receive their global planning strategies from a reptilian dragon like race who reside off planet.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 210#p34563

Known as the “Shemsu Hor,” (meaning disciples of Horus) noted Egyptologists such as the late Schwaller de Lubicz (1891- 1951) found that pre-dynastic Egypt had no evolutionary development, but rather received its civilization intact from elsewhere.

Ancient texts have revealed that these great civilizers were the Shemsu Hor, some of whose skeletons have been discovered at Saqquara, in Egypt. The Shemsu Hor were a fair haired, blue eyed race and taller than the indigenous Egyptians. Curiously, their skulls possessed an astonishing physical characteristic: unlike conventional human skulls, the front and rear halves of the Shemsu Hor skulls did not knit together. In consequence, as the brain grew during infancy, the rear half of the skull was forced backwards. This pronounced deformation caused the skin to become very taut, thereby giving the Shemsu Hor the facial appearance of a serpent!

Very significantly, the deformed Shemsu Hor skulls have been found in regions of the world where ancient structures were constructed with massive stone blocks, e.g. the Giza Plateau, the pyramids of Central America and the Hal Saflini Hypogeum in Malta. The term “Shem” is of Akkadian derivation, being derived from the Babylonian term “shamash,” meaning “serpent,” Akkadia being the former name of Kurdistan. It is also in these particular regions that Mother Goddess figurines have been found who bear the facial features of a serpent. Interestingly, the Dead Sea scroll entitled “The Testament of Amran,” bears the phrase “… his face was that of a viper.”
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 270#p35556

The first thing that the reptilians and shape-shifters had to do when they came to Earth was kill the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki had been ruling the Earth for 400,000 years since their arrival from Nibiru. They are extremely long lived and robust, but by the time of Alexander the Great, 333 BC, the space-gods had been replaced by those who found the density of Earth promising.

Most of the negative ones came to Earth about 2500 BC, with the Earth's polar alignment on Alpha Draconis or the star called Thuban. During such alignments the whole planet is a stargate. The most recent similar alignment was with Polaris in 1951. The Baby Boom generation from 1945 to 1964 has many who have trans-migrated to Earth through Polaris to help re-establish higher spiritual attunement.
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/socio ... ourt11.htm
The Egyptian Academy

The original fraternity, which was resurrected in the 15th century to become the Hungarian Court of the Dragon, can first be identified as the Dragon Court of ancient Egypt under the patronage of the priest-prince Ankhfn-khonsu in about 2170 BC. It was later established more formally as a pharaonic institution by the 12th-dynasty Queen Sobeknefru (c.1785-82 BC) and its operation was much like that of a present day royal academy, being a unique assembly of science and scholarship.

The Court provided a foundation for priestly pursuits associated with the teachings of Thoth, which had prevailed from the time of King Raneb, a pharaoh of the 2nd dynasty and grandson of the biblical Nimrod (Genesis 10:8-10). Raneb reigned c.2852-13 BC, about three centuries before the Gizeh pyramids are reckoned to have been built.

The Dragon and the Grail

In those far-off times, the priests and temples were not solely associated with religion as were their later successors in other lands, but rather more with the duties of preserving and teaching the old wisdom. The temples were, therefore, places of work-ship, rather than of worship in the modern sense, and they incorporated the 'al-khame' (alchemical) workshops of the Master Craftsmen. It was the obligation of these Masters and the temple priests to maintain the spiritual welfare of the pharaohs, while preserving the heritage of a royal bloodline which progressed through the Dragon Queens of the matrilinear Grail succession.

It transpired, however, that much of the old wisdom was lost as the great empires of Persia, Macedonia and Rome took their successive holds in the Mediterranean world. Around a million valuable documents were destroyed by fire when Julius Caesar invaded Egypt in 48 BC, and many more hundreds of thousands were lost in AD 391 when the Christians destroyed the great Library of Alexandria.

The Hungarian Court and Order

Long afterwards, on 13 December 1408 (when Britain was in her Plantagenet era), the fraternal aspect of the Dragon Court was formally reconstituted by King Zsigmond von Luxembourg of Hungary at a time of wars and general political turmoil. Having inherited the ancient legacy in 1397, he drew up a pact with twenty-three royals and nobles who swore to observe 'true and pure fraternity' within the 'Societas Draconis' (Society of the Dragon) - a style which later became "Ordo Dragonis" (Hungarian: Sárkány Rend - Order of the Dragon), although the Court was by no means a conventional Order in the recognized chivalric sense.

The Dragon and the Grail

In those far-off times, the priests and temples were not solely associated with religion as were their later successors in other lands, but rather more with the duties of preserving and teaching the old wisdom. The temples were, therefore, places of work-ship, rather than of worship in the modern sense, and they incorporated the 'al-khame' (alchemical) workshops of the Master Craftsmen. It was the obligation of these Masters and the temple priests to maintain the spiritual welfare of the pharaohs, while preserving the heritage of a royal bloodline which progressed through the Dragon Queens of the matrilinear Grail succession.

It transpired, however, that much of the old wisdom was lost as the great empires of Persia, Macedonia and Rome took their successive holds in the Mediterranean world. Around a million valuable documents were destroyed by fire when Julius Caesar invaded Egypt in 48 BC, and many more hundreds of thousands were lost in AD 391 when the Christians destroyed the great Library of Alexandria.


In popular terms, the Hungarian Court of the Dragon is perhaps best known for its association with Vlad II, 15th-century Prince of Wallachia, and his son Dracula. In this regard, the story begins in 1431 at the fortress of Sighisoara in Romania, where Vlad III was born into the Wallachian princely House of Barsarab the Great (1310-52). His father, Prince Vlad II, was the appointed military governor of Transylvania and, on 8 February in the year of his son's birth, he was inducted into the Dragon Court by King Zsigmond of Hungary.
The Royals and Nobles Believe in Dragon Genes
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/socio ... ourt06.htm
After reading some of the writings of Nicholas de Vere, I wondered if he carried the same ideas as the Stewarts or the other royal and noble families of Europe. De Vere claims in a lot of detail that an ancient (non-extraterrestrial) Dragon race once interbred with humanity.

A relatively small amount of people still carry their genes, which means they have a small difference in their genetic makeup. Of course, some people, like de Vere, have more pure Dragon genes than others, which make them much wiser than all the other ordinary peasants.

It also gives them special powers (to communicate with god-knows-what) through the practice of royal witchcraft. In short, they're destined to rule, because common ordinary peasants don't have the ability to develop any of these special powers. But as usual there's a lot of infighting about who's got the most pure genes.

And on top of that, de Vere accuses the Catholic church of having replaced the kings of Europe with ordinary humans and to have done everything in its power to destroy his Elven-Fairy-Vampiric-Archdruid-Dragon race.
The Royal Dragon Court of the Illuminati and the Ancient Isis Drug Cults

Freemasonry and the Illuminati
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/socio ... ati_20.htm
“Popular history texts and encyclopedias generally paint the Illuminati as having its origins in 1776 Bavaria. However, the origins go back much further. The Illuminati are tied directly through masonry to the sun and Isis cults of ancient Egypt.

“The term “Illuminati” was used by one early writer, Menendez Pelayo, as early as 1492 and is attributable to a group known as the “Alumbrados” of Spain. The Alumbrados were said to receive secret knowledge from an unknown higher source, resulting in superior human intelligence. This group was condemned by an edict of the Grand Inquisition in 1623, in what was another battle in the long-running war between the catholic Church and the secret societies.

“Some writers claim that a group known as the “Illumined Ones” was founded by Joachim of Floris in the eleventh century and taught a primitive, supposedly Christian doctrine of “poverty and equality.” This tactic to disguise Illuminism behind a thin veil of Christianity is now a well-established theme. Later, this group is said to have become violent, plundering the rich and thereby discrediting Christianity as a whole.

“Still other writers trace the Illuminati to the dreaded Ishmalean sect of Islam, also known as “the Assassins.” Founded in 1090 by Hassan Sabah, this group combined the use of the drug hashish with murder as their main path to illumination.

“Killing was a mystical experience to this branch of the Mystery Schools. They not only maintained their control by murder and threats of murder, they believed that the assassin could acquire the gnosis, or soul energy from the victim. This is the theory behind the human and animal sacrifices of Satanists throughout history (and the ritual child abuse etc).

“Primitive religions get the same effect by dancing and drumbeating. Seeking this form of illumination was the main attraction of drugs like marijuana, hashish, and LSD to teenagers of the 1960s and the 1970s. Buddhists can gain the same illumination through sexual rituals known as Tantric Yoga, or through the different forms of mediation. Witchcraft covens still meet in the nude and participate in group sexual rituals for the same effect. Mass participation in animal sacrifice is another way to scavenge gnosis.

“The sad fact is that although sex, drugs, dancing, and drumbeating are believed to release a lot of gnosis, Satanists believe that sacrifices release more of it than anything else. Such are the dark and sordid machinations of the deluded souls who think their gnosis accumulations and illumination will give them some form of deity or immortality.”

The Illuminati Dragons and the Creation of the Modern-day Isis Drug Cults
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 180#p34386

The Emerald Tablets
http://www.davidicke.com/forum/archive/ ... 16225.html
There is reputed to be an ancient document known as the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. It is said to date to 36,000 years BC and written by Thoth, a priest/King of Atlantis.

More info on the tablets can be found here (http://www.crystalinks.com/emerald.html ).

I can't say if the tablets are genuine or not but they do contain interesting information. Part of this information describes reptilian beings who disguise themselves as humans.

In particular, there are the following quotes:

excerpt from Tablet VIII
...In ages past were they conquered by Masters,
driven below to the place whence they came.
But some there were who remained,
hidden in spaces and planes unknown to man.
Lived they in Atlantis as shadows,
but at times they appeared among men.
Aye, when the blood was offered,
for they came they to dwell among men.

In the form of man they amongst us,
but only to sight were they as are men.
Serpent-headed when the glamour was lifted
but appearing to man as men among men.
Crept they into the Councils,
taking forms that were like unto men.
Slaying by their arts
the chiefs of the kingdoms,
taking their form and ruling o'er man.
Only by magic could they be discovered.
Only by sound could their faces be seen.
Sought they from the Kingdom of shadows
to destroy man and rule in his place.

But, know ye, the Masters were mighty in magic,
able to lift the Veil from the face of the serpent,
able to send him back to his place.
Came they to man and taught him the secret,
the WORD that only a man can pronounce.
Swift then they lifted the Veil from the serpent
and cast him forth from the place among men...

But, the WORD itself isn't given in this tablet. There's no
mention of a word until Tablet X:

excerpt from Tablet X

...Hark ye, now man, this word I leave with thee.
Use it and ye shall find power in its sound.
Say ye the word:

and power ye shall find.
Yet must ye understand that man is of Light
and Light is of man...


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Mon May 17, 2010 6:42 am

Is gravity compressed or folded magnetism?
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 270#p35724

My research into the nature of free energy systems suggests that an interrelationship exists between everything in the universe, harmony being maintained by what we perceive as a cosmic canon of mathematical correspondences, originated by a conscious creative intelligence which transcends the universe and is complete unto itself. As the chapter states: “It is quite probable that this creative intelligence, variously referred to as God administrates by means of a hierarchy of creative agencies imminent within nature, which assist at various transcendental levels in maintaining harmony throughout the cosmos.”

Zirbes’ research suggested that the sun is not a gigantic fusion reactor as is claimed by academia, but rather consists of thousands of individual bodies which release energy by means of the interaction between their respective gravity fields. In other words, the sun’s energy production is by mechanical not nuclear means, something also claimed by that brilliant scientist and Sumerian scholar, Dr. George Merkl.

Zirbes stated that there are only two fundamental forces in the universe: motion and gravity. I feel this statement should be modified to read that gravity is compressed or folded magnetism. Magnetism appears to be the glue that holds the Universe together.
How To Understand and To Build Anything With Zero Point Physics
Hyperspace and dimensionalities are actually quite simple and straightforward, easy to comprehend. However, there is a cultural reflex to dumb one's self down to deal with something that is "very hard". It is the province of the academic to pride himself on knowing more than anyone else in the various disciplines of physics, but any one of them will tell you that no one knows the full truth of the matter of the structuring of reality; only they proclaim to be able to state with authority the nature of their own consternation!!

A dimension always has three curvatures and a parent space and a daughter space which have in turn three dimensional structures. Above the level of the galaxy, this is not apparent since the contexting space is not completely unfolded, nor the superordinate space within which the universe is. This is to say that the actual universe, a "black hole" centering the space containing galaxies, is a two dimensional body. Not being a complete actualization of the potentials of the Prime Mover, the galaxy has pronounced hyperspatial qualities, such as: the "speed" of the rotation of the edge of the galaxy being the same as the "speed" near the hub. The galaxy stands the place of the universe in articulating the curvatures of the dimension it locally defines. The third dimension/curvature of the cosmos is the biosphere where the phase states of matter are the curvatures, with air being toroidal and the three forces being noumenal and distributed as the frequency ranges of the rainbow. The next nested dimension is the space decoupled from the cosmos. This space is comprised of organic lifeforms. This space is where the balance between the quantum and the relative is found.

It is not to be ignored that the substance of this science treats the mind-body relationship, including the ability of mind to affect, with or without machinery, the physical-actual world directly. This is to say that the "days" of the bible are dimensions down through which one enters a biosphere. One has only to emulate the "shape" of reality and charge it with a magnetic environment, though in certain applications, a voltage drop will do.

It is a fact that some of this technology has actually been in the service of the USA military since World War I. The greatest crime of all time has been the secretiveness of USA and others with this knowledge, its suppression and the suppression and more often than occasional murder of those not sharing the orientation of the military that has used this science to the impending destruction of the planet, believing it is doing just the opposite. All the problems we have on almost any account are seen as reasons why the secrecy must be sustained; but in fact the problems are the consequence of secrecy and suppression.
The Sun is inducing gravity without a corresponding quantity of mass. This phenomenon is brought about by a plasma in a magnetically unified state; a magnetically sustained 'non-space', an absolute vacuum held in place by the photospheric plasma shell.

Non-space is an absolute vacuum which induces gravity. This causes the exterior mass/energy space to gravitationally implode upon non-space. Any given volume of non-space has a temperature of absolute zero and is without time.

I believe that a magnetic field can exist in non-space, because it is a manifestation of mass/energy, but is not mass/energy in itself. In the following chapter I shall discuss how Non-space can be brought about by high energy plasmas in magnetically unified configurations.

To understand how non-space is possible, it is important to consider the rudiments of plasma behavior. ;)

Because all stars consist of this super-hot gas, a large portion of the known universe exists in a plasma state, a condition of matter that scientists have only recently begun to understand.

Put simply, plasma is a super-hot gas in which electrons are stripped away from protons. When placed in the vicinity of a magnetic field, particles of like polarity interact with, and reinforce the field. The magnetic force is 1 X 10 to the 39times stronger than the gravitational force.

The observation that plasmas align and reinforce magnetic fields is at odds with the fusion/core theories which rest on the assumption that the mutual gravitational attraction of the Sun's individual atoms override all other acting forces.

However, the Sun consists of super hot gas, a plasma. If the Sun's plasma particles mutually interact within a unifying magnetic field, then it is the Sun's magnetic field and its associated particles that dominate, not the gravitational contraction of the Sun's mass.

It occurs to me that the disparity between plasma behavior and the gravitational solar core theory is understandable; the fusion/core models originated before the nature of plasma configurations were understood.

Fusion/core reasoning was founded on classical gravitational arguments. These are incomplete and invalid in a plasma universe.

It is my contention that when plasma particles of the same charge interact within a unified magnetic field, they fly apart leaving non- space in their wake. The 'nothing' left behind is a rip in the fabric of mass/energy/space and gravity is induced without a corresponding quantity of mass.
Integrating Consciousness and Gravity
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cienc ... nter02.htm
Why is it that increased harmonic recursion in the frequency content of a biological oscillator would be correlated to increased self awareness?

We might start with the metaphor of the noted therapeutic effects of walking a labyrinth. Dramatic improvements in dyslexia and attention deficit are suggested correlates of walking the labyrinth, and doing other recursive kinesthetics. In pure geometric terms, the activity of the 7 circuit labyrinth is teaching the body muscles the sequence of turns necessary to turn inside out, as if from the moebius surface of the seven color donut, which projected onto a plane becomes the labyrinth. The point is that, a learned form of redirecting the body's magnetism and attention, back around into itself, produces another wave harmonic to be "fed back" into its center point.

Geometrically, what this might look like, is as if a toroidal magnetic field, like the body or the heart, were to have its residual spin directed back around to create additional donut torus fields inside and outside, concentric with the originating field. In simple terms, this process of getting a large number of field effects all pressure concentric around a single center point, which taken to it's limit of possible concentricity, becomes what might be called an "infinite multiply connected topology". When the harmonic series of the hearts power spectra becomes potentially infinite, it would literally mean that an infinite number of wave fronts were sharing spin at the same heart center.

We believe that only 3D fractal geometry among these wave fronts arriving at a biological oscillator, permit large numbers of wave fronts to continue to converge non-destructively.

The point at which this fractal attractiveness of wave form becomes self aware, is when it becomes in the strict sense of an electrical generator, self empowered. What we mean by this is that as Victor Schauberger and others have shown, that if you get the flow geometry of implosion idealized, the process of implosion so created, actually becomes a source of electricity fed by the gravity field.
You have to “know how to fold them”

Knowing when to fold: Engineers use 'nano-origami' to build tiny electronic devices
A team of researchers led by George Barbastathis, associate professor of mechanical engineering, is developing the basic principles of "nano-origami," a new technique that allows engineers to fold nanoscale materials into simple 3-D structures. The tiny folded materials could be used as motors and capacitors, potentially leading to better computer memory storage, faster microprocessors and new nanophotonic devices.

Traditional micro- and nano-fabrication techniques such as X-ray lithography and nano-imprinting work beautifully for two-dimensional structures, and are commonly used to build microprocessors and other micro-electrical-mechanical (MEMS) devices. However, they cannot create 3-D structures.

A lot of what's done now is planar," says Tony Nichol, a mechanical engineering graduate student working on the project. "We want to take all of the nice tools that have been developed for 2-D and do 3-D things."
The MIT team uses conventional lithography tools to pattern 2-D materials at the nanoscale, then folds them into predetermined 3-D shapes, opening a new realm of possible applications.

Recent large fold nucleation in the upper crust: Insight from gravity, magnetic, magnetotelluric and seismicity data (Sierra de Los Filabres–Sierra de Las Estancias, Internal Zones, Betic Cordillera)

Gravity/Magnetic Signatures of Various Geologic Models – an Exercise in Pattern Recognition


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat May 22, 2010 9:29 am

What is gravity really?

Radiant pressure model of remote forces, dipole (anti)gravity and “black hole” propulsion systems
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 243#p33332

Dipole (Anti)Gravity, Magnetic Gravity, true Gravitomagnetism

a) Dipole anti-gravity

So, electro magnetic radiation or visible light is produced when an electron (an electric monopole) lowers its orbit and releases its energy in the form of light

It is theorized that black holes contain magnetic monopoles and when these extremely dense, extremely small, extremely energetic magnetic monopoles release energy by lowering their orbit they radiate magneto–electric radiation, our SuperLight.

b) Displacing Superluminal Fluid (inertial mass reduction) or change in “radiant pressure”

Radiant pressure model of remote forces

In his work we read: ‘The lines of gravitating force near two dense bodies are exactly of the same form as the lines of magnetic force near two poles of the same name; but whereas the poles are repelled, the bodies are attracted. Let E be the intrinsic energy of the field surrounding two gravitating bodies M1 and M2...If R be the resultant gravitating force, E=Constant - Σ ((1/8 π)R2dV. The intrinsic energy of the field of gravitation must therefore be less wherever there is a resultant gravitating force.

As energy is essentially positive, it is impossible for any part of space to have negative intrinsic energy. Hence those parts of space in which there is no resultant force, such as the points of equilibrium in the space between the different bodies of a system, and within the substance of each body, must have an intrinsic energy per unit volume greater than (1/8 π)R2, where R is the greatest possible value of the intensity of gravitating force in any part of the universe. The assumption, therefore, that gravitation arises from the action of the surrounding medium in the way pointed out, leads to the conclusion that every part of this medium possesses, when undisturbed, an enormous intrinsic energy, and that the presence of dense bodies influences the medium so as to diminish this energy wherever there is a resultant attraction'.


Regular electro–magnetic radiation or light is formed when electric monopoles give off energy. The electron in orbit about our atoms is an electric monopole — as it changes its' orbit it either gives off or absorbs energy in the form of electro– magnetic radiation. Sunlight is converted into electricity by this process in a solar cell. Just the opposite occurs in optical diodes, which convert electricity into light.

Gravity is not an intrinsic property of matter, neither is inertia. These secondary forces are both formed by the reaction of matter to the dynamic field of SuperLight. Gravity is not an attraction! It is the result of a universal pressure, exerted by SuperLight as it rains in from infinity, from all directions, onto every object. Materials are not 100% transparent to SuperLight. I estimate, perhaps about 99.99999999% transparent. As a consequence, all material domains, all "matter", experiences an acceleration caused by SuperLight. Every "particle" is affected by a slight drag, or pressure differential, as SuperLight travels past and through them.

I propose that SuperLight energy is the singularity or universal energy force in all nature and that its interaction with various forms of matter and energy produce all other forces in the Universe. Specific atomic structures and sub-atomic structures are resonant to and interact with some aspects of SuperLight as it passes through them and our bodies. The energy that is absorbed is converted into the electrical, magnetic, nuclear and gravitational forces producing our vital life force. This can explain all the forces of nature and life energies.

It is the geometry and density of matter that explains the different forms and intensity of the forces that are produced.
Field Resonance and Black Holes
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 243#p33395

Black Hole Propulsion Drive
http://stexpanded.wikia.com/wiki/Black_ ... sion_drive

A black hole propulsion drive was a type of propulsion system that worked by creating dozens of small quantum singularities and dropping them into subspace. The singularity then returns to normal space a short distance away, which shunts the containment and the ship as well.


A new propulsion concept has been developed based on a proposed resonance between coherent, pulsed electromagnetic wave forms and gravitational wave forms (or space-time metrics). Using this concept, a spacecraft "propulsion" system potentially capable of galactic and inter-galactic travel without prohibitive "travel times" has been designed.

(1) Space-time is a "projection" of a higher dimensional space in much the same way that a hologram is a projection or a subset of our space-time reality,

(2) A relationship exists between electromagnetic / hydromagnetic fields and gravitational fields - that is, Einstein's long sought for unified field theory can be developed.

For example, astronomers have speculated that a relationship may exist between black holes and quasars (white holes). The energy and matter which leaves space-time in a black hole may reappear at a white hole at some distant space-time point.

For this transfer of energy from one space-time point to another to occur, some type of hyperspace or higher dimensional space (4th & 5th) is required. Assumption 2 may be the cause of the large amount of energy released in solar flairs.
Two examples of propulsion systems using dipole antigravity and field resonant technology
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =75#p33002

Dipole antigravity animation
http://galileo.phys.virginia.edu/classe ... tdipol.mov

The dipole is the black arrow at the origin. The peanut-shaped black surface shows the angular distribution of radiated power, or intensity.
The radiated electric field (blue) and magnetic field (red) are shown in 3-d at selected locations.

USAF vs. Merkaba Mass Reduction and Teleportation
http://www.zpenergy.com/modules.php?nam ... highlight=

My preferred term for the phenomena of inertial mass reduction is "Superluminal Fluid Displacement" free energy would be termed, "Superluminal Fluid Siphoning".

Gravitational Positioning of spacecrafts vs propulsion systems
http://www.keshefoundation.com/spaceexp ... oning.html

Gravitational positioning is the principle by which the universal objects find their position in respect to each other.

Gravitational positioning is the point of the balance between the Magnetic field and gravitational field forces of one system in respect to the other.

With the new technology, through the operation simple nuclear reactors, in having understood and replicated the principles by which the gravitational and the Magnetic field forces of the planets are created, reactors fields can be controlled and can be tuned to find their own position in respect to the earth. Thus these tunings would cause the reactor and its craft to ascend or descend in respect to the planet surface.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat May 22, 2010 12:04 pm

Gravity, inertia, field resonance and Earth changes
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =75#p33246

Radiation causes gravity and inertia. Sound creates the “pressure gradient” that changes the field resonance geometric pattern; the basic geometrical form is the torus. The torus creates the Merkaba. The animated Merkaba creates vortices and transforms into the Dodechederon.
Could the same field resonance phenomena apply to Earth changes.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =90#p33345

Currently the Earth is changing from a Icosa-Dodeca crystal into a seed crystal that gives birth to the double penta-dodecahedron crystal.

Could “tectonic movement” be the result of changes in “radiation pressure” between the Sun and the Earth (and other planets)?

“Carey ascribed it to isostatic instability where rising mantle beneath deep sediment filled trenches causes diapiric uplift. The observed folding was explained as the consequent downward gravitational sliding of uplifted strata.”
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =90#p33502

On radiant pressure and “aether drag” and how ferromatnetic crystals grow and fracture; and how they can “turn themselves inside out” (rearrange their lattice structure) based on the precessionary “time table”


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat May 22, 2010 6:26 pm

Frequencies, gravity (gradient pressure), field resonance and bioplasma bodies
Only by understanding the nature of the infinite frequencies or densities of existence can we begin to see the plot. We are being controlled and manipulated on this planet from other dimensions or densities and have been for thousands of years.

They (the aliens) told her that before the development of language, humans communicated by telepathy thanks to a hormone secreted in the brain. This hormone, she was told, was, no longer operating in most people, only in particular bloodlines, including hers, and they wanted to use these abilities. The period, thousands of years ago, when this telepathic human brain function was genetically suppressed was almost certainly symbolized by the story common to most ancient cultures of the gods giving people different language to divide them and stop them communicating.

The people of these bloodlines are very psychic and able to connect easily with energy, and therefore manipulate its vibrational state or draw desired frequencies into rituals.

Costello also revealed some of the genetic work carried out at Duke. He said that their scientists can separate the “bioplasmic body” from the physical body and place an “alien entity” (consciousness) within a human body after removing the “soul”

Members of the “illuminated bloodlines” know that different bodies are just different electrical vibrations and they have got the secret; they’ve got the secret of the micro-currents; it’s so micro, so specific, these radio waves (radionics) that actually create the bodies. These are the energies I work with when I’m healing.

They know the vibration of life and they have no wish to make the Earth the harmonious place it could be or to heal the Earth from the damage that’s been done. Children of the Matrix – David Icke
A Breakthrough to New Free Energy Sources”
At this critical juncture, Mrs. J. F. Hughes (grandniece of Charles Darwin) heard of Keely's researches and sent him her book "The Evolutions of Tones and Colours". The flowing statement from that book helped to re-direct Keely's efforts:

"The Law which develops and controls harmony, develops and controls the Universe."

About the same time Mrs. Moore gave Keely Professor John MacVicar's "Sketch of a Philosophy or Ether the True Protoplasm". These two definitive books set Keely on a firm philosophical basis and raised the veil that enabled him to manipulate gravity, inertia, cohesion, momentum, electricity, and magnetism, plus many other forces Keely discovered.
Frequencies, field resonance, gravity (gradient pressure) and resonating cavities

John Keely
All of Keely's system revolves around the introduction of a specific, pure, tightly controlled, complex waveform into a resonating cavity. That, believe it or not, is the be all and end all of Keely's technology.
Frequencies, field resonance, gravity (gradient pressure) and resonating bioplasma bodies

The HAARP Patent
Bernard J. Eastlund's US Patent #4,686,605, "Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere and/or Magnetosphere"
Patent: 4,686,605 Bernard J Eastlund]

1) Page 14 Right Column line 20:

"Surveys of the global scope could be realized because the earth's natural magnetic field could be significantly altered"

2) Page 14 Left Column line 60:

"Besides actually changing the molecular composition of an atmospheric region, a particular molecule or molecules can be chosen for increased presence."

3) Page 12 Left Column line 15-28:

"Thus, this invention provides the ability to put unprecedented amounts of power in the earth's atmosphere at strategic locations, and to maintain the power injection level ... in a manner far more precise and better controlled than heretofore accomplished by prior art, particularly by the detonation of nuclear devices of various yields at various altitudes...

I don't even want to know what the 'prior art' is.

It is clear from his text, that he references Alaska specifically and from the comparison of the HAARP homepage, the site and location are undeniable.

The patent states a 1 gigawatt MHD power source tapped from the natural gas fields in Alaska. Forget global warming, this generator alone would bring the equivalent of 1 x full sun tropical exposure (1350 watts/meter) to a square kilometer which nominally is covered by ice and rarely sees the sun rise above 10 degrees over the horizon...

In comparison with the statements in this patent, the HAARP homepage "statement of purpose" is an insult.

One interesting fact that I did derive from the patent which may be of interest to the readers of this list is the repeated reference to earth magnetic field lines as if they were sharply discontinuous and in some ways special:

Page 6 Right Column Line 48:

"The actual locations at which field lines intersect the earth's surface are documented and readily ascertainable by those skilled in the art."

Page 4 Right Column Line 41:

"Plasma is naturally present along these field lines."

Somehow, this begs the questions that the magnetic surveys put out ignore these anomalies, and, perhaps more importantly has anyone ever located one of these using magnetometer/dip-meter/compass...

This, in itself, would be the find of the century if there were a stable 100-1000x field gradient within a small area.

On another astonishingly unbelievable, but true, note discovered while researching this patent I came across:

IEEE Transatctions on Power Delivery, Vol 3, #4 October 1988

In which, 500kv DC @ 1gigawatt is being pumped via overhead cable from UTAH to CALIFORNIA with return path THROUGH THE GROUND 50-80 meters deep using the earth as its own conductor!

Effectively, if you had two water wells on a line between Victorville, CA, and Lynndyl, UT and connected them with a cable you would be able to draw 5 Volts/meter (minus the differential resistance through the ground). The distance between plants is roughly 1000 km with line voltage at 500 kV yielding roughly 5V/meter on a direct-line between the plants.

CB radios are permitted to broadcast only 40 microVolts/meter at a distance of three meters (a difference of close to 100,000x)

From the standpoint of induced EMF, this seems like a far better choice if wanted to expose mass numbers of people in a controlled manner. Noise ripples of even 0.01% would still be 50 Volts on a 500kv line, hardly even noticable in the grand scheme of it.

Now I wonder if a falling tree did cause that interstate blackout.

If the planet could talk, I bet it'd have a something to talk about...
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =45#p32898

They (the aliens) are here on a permanent basis. They are after this planet. He also said that they were “messing with plate tectonics,” the movement of land that causes earthquakes and that the warming of the world’s oceans was connected to extraterrestrial activity. - Children of the Matrix - David Icke
HAARP vs. the Sun
This whole thing is related to HAARP. It seems that where the HAARP scientists said that they were going to bombard our own atmosphere, they were bombarding the sun instead. I don't know if you follow space weather at all, but the sun was supposed to reach its peak and diminish, but instead has continually gotten worse As a result, earth weather is also out of control. Sunspots, solar storms; what is going on is not just sunspots - but huge explosions. I've seen the photos of 'light' perhaps laser torpedoes being shot at the sun for quite some time now. Kent Steadman has been following those for a couple years now. We have the photographs of these torpedoes hitting the sun also.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 270#p35724

Zirbes research suggested that the sun is not a gigantic fusion reactor is claimed by academia, but rather consists of thousands of individual bodies which release energy by means of the interaction between their respective gravity fields. In other words, the sun’s energy production is by mechanical not nuclear means, something also claimed by that brilliant scientist and Sumerian scholar, Dr. George Merkl.

Zirbes stated that there are only two fundamental forces in the universe: motion and gravity. I feel this statement should be modified to read that gravity is compressed or folded magnetism. Magnetism appears to be the glue that holds the universe together, something which can be illustrated by studying the 525 HP Rory Johnson free energy motor, which now has been classified by the US government, in order to prevent its incorporation into the Greyhound Bus Company coaches.
Bioresonance and bioplasma bodies
http://www.triune-being.com/Data/Korotk ... ntNews.htm
What is the essential difference between a living body and a dead body? There are essentially no physical differences - all organs and all atoms in the body are still the same at the point of death. The only major difference is that the body stops functioning - the CONSCIOUSNESS is gone.

Most people focus their attention on the function and the appearance of their physical bodies. Shouldn’t our consciousness be our priority? After all, we are only alive because we are conscious.
Bioplasma and Physical Plasma in Living Systems
Not only has this ancient wisdom been used to develop technology that heals, but it has also been used to develop technology that harms. The most advanced weaponry on our planet the U.S. HAARP and Russia’s Scalar-Wave weaponry are both examples of plasma technology. Depending on the intentions of the owner, this powerful leading-edge technology can have dramatic consequences. ZEB technology used with positive intention can help to purify human plasma bodies and evolve the field of energy medicine.

Plasma science is what describes the creation of our vast universe, its galaxies, our sun and all life. All matter in our universe swims in a sea of plasma energy. 99% of our universe is plasma energy. It is all around us, invisible, weightless and barely detectable. It behaves like a liquid, is considered 5th dimensional and is the doorway to even higher dimensions. The only time we see plasma energy is when we see the aurora borealis or look at the sun or stars. It is often mistakenly defined as a gas.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 225#p34752

Later, in 1988, microbiological experiments conducted aboard the Mir spacecraft determined that the biofield was actually gravitation and amazingly, modulated gravitation possessed the unique capability of transmitting biological data—a fact independently verified by the distinguished physicist and Sumerian scholar George Merkl, PhD. Russian experiments conducted during the 1960’s and subsequently suppressed by the Russian Academy of Sciences, revealed that gravitational waves are able to travel at a minimum of twenty times the accepted velocity of light and that a “biofield” pervades the entire universe.

After examining this extensive corpus of scientific data, Dr. Müller was able to deduce that a logarithmic scalar gravitational standing wave pervades the entire universe. “Simply that this standing gravitational wave confers appropriate resonant data to every biotic system within the universe, thereby imposing an enduring effect upon planetary evolution.

Dr. Müller’s research reveals, much to the chagrin of human genome geneticists, that genetic information is not contained in DNA strands. Instead, DNA and RNA molecules generate optical holograms which are in resonance with, and driven by, specific frequencies generated by the universal standing scalar gravitational wave. Every living cell resonantly receives the appropriate data in the form of weak electromagnetic coded signals from the universal scalar wave necessary for biochemical processes such as protein synthesis.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat May 22, 2010 7:41 pm

When will Nibiru Return?
http://the12thplanetjoint.tribe.net/thr ... 5c76597be2
Nibiru was originally a planet in the Sirius system, which is a binary system consisting of a normal star orbiting a white dwarf. As such it is elliptical and the orbital paths are irregular.

So the story goes, during one of our closer passes with the Sirius system, Nibiru was at its furthest distance from Sirius and got pulled into our system, bringing its moons and moonlets with it. It now has an elongated orbit between the two systems.

While all the planets in our system seem to fall along a path in line with the equator of the sun, Nibiru slingshots along a more polar path, as relating to the sun. It is this effect that pulled Pluto and Neptune into the odd orbits they have today.

Nibiru's entrance into our system has been responsible for drastic earth changes and ancient myths. Back during the "first time," Earth was larger and orbited further out in the system, closer to Mars, and another planet, Tiamat, orbited between Mars and Jupiter. Mars had no moons at this time. Nibiru and its satellites impacted our system, mostly Mars, Tiamet, and Earth, destroying Tiamet and creating the asteroid belt, and pushing the earth into its current position. Life on Mars was either ended or significantly reduced as its atmostphere was stripped away. The earth was essentially split in two by the impact, some material made it out to the asteroid belt and some was re-formed back into the planet, constituting its current size. Mars captured 2 small rocks, which are now Demos and Phobos.
Nibiru and Sirius
The Dogon tribe knew of Sirius and its Triary nature before we even knew it was a binary star, and we can’t even confirm the Triary star system yet, we just suspect it now. The examples go on and on. It occurred to me, though, that although Sitchin’s theory of Nibiru is likely wrong, maybe it was just mistranslated wrong. It has been suggested that Nibiru is Sirius. But what if Nibiru is merely a planet around Sirius?

Let’s think this out, one of the main problems with the theory is that any planet with a 3600 year orbit is unlikely to support human like life, of which the Annunaki are supposed to be. But, if said planet was in a different star system, its ability to support life would be different. What if Nibiru orbits Sirius. And Sirius, well, there is a goodly amount of evidence to prove that we are a gravitational binary of Sirius, aka, Sol and Sirius make a binary system of their own, both orbiting a shared center of gravity. This connection successfully explains the precession of the equinox, which current science can not, although they pretend. So, maybe the Annunaki do exist, and they do exist on a planet called Nibiru, it just isn’t orbiting our Sun.
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/huntl ... tley_7.htm
Astronomers have now corroborated the existence of the body named Nibiru - though there is still speculation as to whether it is a planet. Nevertheless there appears to be agreement on its wide elliptical orbit taking it out towards the Pleiades system some 400 light years away with a period of 3,600 years to orbit our sun once. There is contradictory information regarding this planet's orbital position at this time. It is probably some 1000 years distant from our Sun. Other information states it is close to penetrating the outer known orbit of our solar system. Though further reports indicate this is some other body, comet, etc. Energy-wise the planet links our sun with the Sirius system.

Nibiru used to be the outer most planet of Sirius A but is now the outer planet of our solar system. It was captured about half-a-million years ago and Nibiru now links our sun with the Sirius system. This planet is inhabited by the Anunnaki, which will be a resistance group from Sirius A and the Elohim, mentioned above, from higher frequencies.
Osiris, Isis & Planet X: Chasing the Centuries
http://www.authorhouse.com/BookStore/It ... okid=37060
Originally, the Sirius System contained two large stars, blue-white Sirius A (Isis), still the brightest star in our nighttime sky, and red-giant Sirius B (Osiris). Both were visible from Earth. Circling these stars was a large planet, the “offspring” of these two stellar “deities”: Horus, or Planet X Nibiru. This planet was inhabited by “Saurians” who possessed an advanced technology, including space travel. When red-giant Sirius B imploded and collapsed into its presently invisible neutron-dwarf state, shockwaves from this momentous occurrence catapulted Planet X Nibiru from the Sirius System into our own nearby Solar System. This cataclysm clearly happened within our recorded history, and it is the primary purpose of this book to explore that event
Archaeo-Astronomy: Question about Sirius A-B-C, and relation to Venus?
As a complete, complete novice on these issues, I am asking for help on this... do these dog-headed, snake-tailed figures represent the astronomical Sirius A and B, with relation to a "C" which may be Osiris, or may be mythical "Nibiru"...and could they somehow be related to the association between ..."Venus", and the "Sirius Dog Star", or something similar?
Nibiru and the Alpha and Omega
The Ancients spoke of a very special member of our solar system, not so much known to modern man. Perhaps it’s a mini-sun in the making, perhaps it’s only a recurrent visitor of death. This object, called Nemesis, Nibiru, Ashar or Vulcan.

My conception of Nemesis is that it is a solid neutron star rather than a brown dwarf star. It may at one time have collapsed into its present state, formerly being a luminous, visible star. It’s my belief that Nemesis will once again, at some time, ignite to be a small but brilliant silver-shining star. Until that time it will continue to be a hazardous
object in our neighbourhood, creating havoc from time to time. Since Nemesis was captured into our solar system in a distant past it isn’t, in my opinion, involved in a common Kepler-like orbit, I believe the orbit is pentagonal.

The research of Burak Eldem claims that the orbit of Nibiru/Nemesis must be interpreted as a Sumerian sexagesimal number. Thus we should read the orbital timeframe of 3600 years according to a “60 based” system. Then we get; 60º (1) + 60¹ (60) + 60² (3600) which adds up to 3661 years! Three glyphs presented in cuneiform writing resemble “the number of the beast” (666) that describes the period of Nemesis revolution.

Now, with the grand earthquakes of 749 B.C. and 1650 B.C. we can almost precisely determine the timeframe of the two “loops” of Nemesis. The big loop, below the ecliptic, lasts for 2760 years and the smaller loop, above the ecliptic, lasts for 901 years. Although, we must always remember that there is a period of several years between
the passage earthquake and the passage Pole Shift. The grand earthquake comes first, followed by the Pole Shift.

Some scholars agree that Jesus was born in the year 4 B.C. A few hundred years after the birth of Christ some representatives of the Church changed the basis on which we count our years. There is no year 0 so we must add 3 years to our calendar in order to get the correct year, and since this article is from 2007 we should now be living in the year 2010; we have been tricked!

What is the Mayan long count really measuring? The scholar Carl Johan Calleman does not hold a connection between this cycle and any astronomical event. The researcher Burak Eldem, on the other hand, suggests that the long count indeed point to the orbit of Nibiru/Nemesis. But Calleman has done a remarkable find; the long count actually ends in the 28th of October 2011, more then a year earlier than the common date of Dec 21, 2012.

The greater of the two loops (orbits) of Nemesis is thought to last 2760 years. So by adding this number to the year of the great earthquake (749 B.C.) we would expect Nemesis to return in 2011. But due to the “tampering of times” after Christ was born we must correct the count of years by adding some 3 years to the current year.

Considering this, Nemesis might mark its presence well before 2011 and the great quake will strike the lands.
2012 Theorist Burak Eldem
http://article-index-2012.blogspot.com/ ... eldem.html
Burak Eldem suggests that 2012 is the year that Niburu, the planet mentioned in Sumerian cosmology as Marduk's realm, will cross orbital paths with the Earth.

In 2012: Appointment with Marduk, Eldem tells a story of the hypothetical Planet X, which is also considered by many to be Niburu. His story postulates that the return of this planet coincides with Mayan and Egyptian prophecy of end time 2012. In Eldem's story the Marduk is the enemy of God and the knowledge of Marduk is secretly hidden by Hebrew high-priests in some forms that can be decoded to equal the number 666 or the "mark of the Devil's Serpent." The story goes on to show how the Christian adapted their beliefs to this historical lineage of creation.
Transplutonic Isis
In 1953, Kenneth Grant founded an esoteric order called “New Isis Lodge”. This was a branch of the O.T.O., which means Order of the Eastern Templars, and claims descent from the Knights Templar. The Templars supposedly learned esoteric secrets from the Sufis, who may, in turn, have inherited knowledge from Egyptian sources.

This New Isis Lodge was operated for seven years, until 1962. The purpose of this Lodge concerned “the influx of cosmic energy from a transplutonic power-zone known to Initiates as Nu-Isis.” This purpose was elsewhere described as, “receiving transmissions from the transplutonic planet, Isis”, and also for “transmitting the Magical Knowledge of Nu-Isis”.

This transplutonic, or “beyond Pluto” planet is also described as the “Seat or Focus of the Forces radiating from the A..A..”, or Argenteum Astrum, which was the name of the Inner Order of the famous Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, but, as Grant reveals in his first book, actually refers to Sirius.

He also tells us, “Isis, transplutonic, is not of the solar system but of its outer rim; it is the pylon of another system, vaster than ours”. Also; “the Star or Soul of Nu-Isis is the Dog Star (Sirius) which radiates its mysterious energies from transaeonic gulfs of inner space…”

If this transplutonian planet was on a concentric orbit, with its orbital radius and distance from the nearest planet being in a similar ratio to that of the other planets; its aphelion would be between 7 and 11 billion kilometers from the sun. Its orbital distance would then be between 42—69 bi1lion kms. With an orbital period of 3,600 years, that would mean it was traveling at between 1300—2200 kilometers per hour. This does not seem unreasonable, since it lies between the slowest speed of a comet - 1000 k.p.h., — and the orbital speed of Pluto — about 18,000 k.p.h..

However, if the planet was on an elliptical orbit taking it to Sirius, and taking 3,600 years for the round trip, how fast would it have to be traveling then? Sirius is 8.8 light years away from us, which is 51.6 trillion miles. There and back would be 103.2 trillion miles, (163.2 trillion kilometers), which would mean that the planet would have to be traveling at 5.2 million k.p.h.. As the maximum speed of comets when they are near the sun is 2 million k.p.h., then it seems highly unlikely that anything could travel over twice that speed through interstellar space.

It is interesting, however, that the satellites placed the planet at 50 trillion miles, which is exactly where it would be if it had just been to Sirius, and was on its return trip. (The calculation above was to and fro, with u-turns at each end; but with an elliptical orbit, there would be more distance to cover). If the planet is not traveling in excess of five million k.p.h., then there must be some kind of "wormhole" by-passing normal space-time, which probably feeds into this solar system somewhere between Uranus and Pluto. The idea is reminiscent of the "stargate" aligned to the shafts of the Great Pyramid.
Interview with Bob Dean
KC: OK, but what about Planet X?

BD: Oh, it’s a reality.

KC: Yes?

BD: Yes.

KC: So what are they going to do about that?

BD: Well, apparently they are concerned about... You know the story. According to Sitchin and according to the Sumerians, it’s a reality. Well, our astronomers apparently have concluded that it is indeed a reality.

For almost a century, astronomers have been concerned and interested about what they called an intruder that seems to come and go from time to time. And, they can measure it by the perturbations and the effects on other planets.

They’ve known of its existence for a long time, but they’ve never gone public about it. Well, in the early ’80s, the JPL... The guys at ...

KC: Jet Propulsion Lab.

BD: Jet Propulsion... We used to call it the Jack Parsons’ Laboratory, which I think is probably where the original JPL came from.

KC: Yes.

BD: Because Jack Parsons established it. Anyhow, they sent out a couple of Pioneers – satellites -- back in ’82, just to try to determine if there was some truth to it. And the Pioneers apparently came back with data which said not only Yes, but Hell, Yes! And the Pioneers concluded... the Pioneer satellite data concluded.

So, wow! Astronomers were troubled by that. Whew! Could this thing be real? Well, and what did they do? They sent out what they call an infrared astronomical satellite. I think they called it IRAS. And this was done in ’83. They sent the IRAS out, taking infrared pictures all around the ecliptic, above and below.

And apparently IRAS got two giant, positive responses that yes, the twelfth planet, the tenth planet, however you want to call it... yes, it’s real. And that’s when the lid slammed down.

KC: So it’s out there. It’s on its way back in, right?

BD: According to the Sumerians and Sitchin, apparently it is. And if you are a student of history as I -- one of my majors -- its last pass was 1600 BC. The Sumerians, and Sitchin, and all of those say it has an orbit of 3600 years.
KC: Mm hm.

BD: So, like many of us, you know, I count on my fingers and toes and figure out... Well, 1600 BC. It has an orbit of 3600 years. Wow! It’s due! Well, apparently, it is.

KC: So why are they keeping this a secret?

BD: Because...

KC: Because you’re an expert on secrets.

BD: Listen ... Every time Nibiru would make a pass, it was not always devastating. It would depend on whether the planet Earth and Nibiru were on the same side of the Sun at the same time. And if we were on the same side of the Sun at the same time, all hell would break loose on planet Earth.

Well, apparently the last pass triggered the explosion of Santorini. Thera, the volcano in the Mediterranean, the Aegean Sea, blew its top, brought to a close the great, great Minoan civilization, among other things.

It affected Egypt. It’s all in the records, apparently. There are even historians and theologians who say that Santorini’s explosion is exactly what you’re reading about when the plagues and all hit Egypt, and allowed Moses to get the Israelites out.

But if you look at 1600 BC and figure... and that was the relatively recent past. It’s due now, and apparently the guys in the astronomical observatories know it. And that, again, is Above Top Secret.

Let me give you a tiny example: A number of years ago, there were two brilliant guys working at the Naval Observatory in Washington. Tom Van Flandern is one, who I hope you’ve interviewed.

KC: No, but please continue. We’d love to do that.

BD: He’s no longer with the Naval Observatory. The other one was the Chief Astronomer at the Observatory, a brilliant man by the name of Robert Harrington.

KC: Right.

BD: And Harrington gave an interview to Zecharia Sitchin a number of years ago, I think it was ’91 or so, where he came right out and said:

Dr. Sitchin, we are interested in this because it ties in perfectly with the work you’ve done on the Sumerians and the ancient planet Nibiru. He said: We’ve found it. It’s real. We have photographs of it. And, he says, from what we can put together, it’s a rather nice planet.

It’s about two and a half times the size of the Earth. Apparently it’s heading toward the system, the center of the system. We’ve concluded about everything about it, except that we haven’t named it.

And Zecharia spoke up and he said: It’s already been named. He said: You simply call it Nibiru, as the Sumerians called it... The Planet of the Crossing.

KC: Mm hmm

BC: Well, Mrs. Sitchin and I were in agreement. I miss her. She died about a year ago. She was convinced that Robert Harrington had died because somebody bumped him off because he had the courage to come out and give Zecharia this interview.

I don’t know whether you’ve seen it or not. It’s on tape.

KC: No, I haven’t seen it, but we interviewed Luca Scantamburlo about this subject and he’s also talked about Robert Harrington.

BD: Yes. Well, Harrington gave the interview to Zecharia, and it’s on a video called Are We Alone? And I think you can pick it up at the conference here next week.


BR: I have two questions. One is a minor one to do with celestial mechanics. And it’s just something that I’ve never understood. And I’ve heard this from... I’ve heard this question from many other people, as well... that if Nibiru comes from the outer reaches of the solar system, it’s going to be an icy rock, which isn’t going to be the kind of place that any beings could live on, or would want to live on.

And researcher Andy Lloyd, who you have probably heard about, has theorized that what they’re seeing in the photographs that you refer to as an orange object is actually a Brown Dwarf, with the possibility of Nibiru being one of its moons, if you like.

And there’s a lot of debate about how to apply what Sitchin seems to have been saying to the real practicalities of life on an icy rock out in the orbit of Pluto. And I wondered if you knew, or had anything to say about that.

BD: No, it’s not an icy rock. And yes, when it makes its long journey out and back, it gets so far away from the sun that the sun is probably no more than a little tiny prick of light, a little tiny pinpoint. And you would think that it would be naturally icy cold.

No, it ... Apparently the planet, like many planets in the system here, generates its own heat. It has in its core a generating heat system very much like our own.

We have a system within the core of this planet that is a... that has been described as a thermonuclear reaction, very similar to the sun. Now, most of the life and all of the bounty and all of the beauty of life on this planet comes from our going around this beautiful sun.

But I don’t think Nibiru is an icy rock. No. I think, first of all, that it probably generates enough of its own heat, and I think they probably did, indeed, create for themselves, with the advanced technology that they have, a kind of a Dyson sphere. Are you familiar with that?

BD: You know, it was prepared. The Garden was prepared for life. And then life was introduced and has been nurtured since, from the very beginning. Terraforming is a fine art, and some of those guys out there who’ve been around a billion years are pretty good at it!

So, you see, I don’t know whether they’re planning to re-terraform us after Nibiru passes. Or whether they are going to try to help alleviate the damage in the meantime? I would suspect the latter.

Maybe they are planning, through their engineering genius... and, my god, the fact is... You know, they’ve got artificially constructed objects in space in the rings of Saturn that are over 2,000 miles long! Space ships 2,000 miles long! I have pictures. I’ll share them next week.
Last edited by lizzie on Sat May 22, 2010 8:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat May 22, 2010 7:45 pm

Let’s begin at the beginning, that place we call home. The most current understanding of our region of space goes something like this: Stars travel in groups or streams, moving through space in the same direction. Our sun with many other stars travel together in the Canopus Stream. The Ursa Major Stream contains Sirius A and B, and the Big Dipper, as well as about 160 other major stars and their companions. Because of their position at the very head or leading edge of this stream, the stars known as Ursa Major or the Big Dipper actually lead the remaining stars on their sojourn through space. The third, the Hyades Stream, contains the Pleiades and many others. At one location, all three streams intersect ... our sun is located at this point.

The vast streams of stars encompassing many light years all reside within an arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. To be exact, it’s not an official arm like the Sagittarius or Perseus arm, but a smaller offshoot called a spur — in this case, the Orion Spur, because it juts out from the Orion Arm of the galaxy.

Stars travel in groups or streams, moving through space in the same direction. Our sun with many other stars travel together in the Canopus Stream. The Ursa Major Stream contains Sirius A and B, and the Big Dipper, as well as about 160 other major stars and their companions. Because of their position at the very head or leading edge of this stream, the stars known as Ursa Major or the Big Dipper actually lead the remaining stars on their sojourn through space. The third, the Hyades Stream, contains the Pleiades and many others. At one location, all three streams intersect; our sun is located at this point.

The vast streams of stars encompassing many light years all reside within an arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. To be exact, it’s not an official arm like the Sagittarius or Perseus arm, but a smaller offshoot called a spur — in this case, the Orion Spur, because it juts out from the Orion Arm of the galaxy.

At the junction point where the Orion Spur meets with the larger galactic arm can be found one of the vastest stars known in the galaxy, Betelgeuse.

There appears to be a mysterious connection between the star Sirius and planet Earth. Sirius, and our own planet are gravitationally linked, even though an enormous distance separates them. They move through space spiralling around each other in a helix pattern that resembles, mathematically, the geometry of the DNA helix. Many ancient cultures marked the helical rising of Sirius (when Sirius rises over the horizon just before the Sun) with great ceremony, and based their calendar year on it.

An African tribe named the Dogon, who live in Mali in the former French Sudan. The Dogon were in possession of information concerning the systems of the star Sirius which was so incredible that I felt impelled to research the material. The results, in 1974, seven years later, are that I have been able to show that the information which the Dogon possess is really more than five thousand years old and was possessed by the ancient Egyptians in the pre-dynastic times before 3200 B.C., from which people I show that the Dogon are partially descended culturally, and probably physically as well.

Buddha's Star, the Star of Illumination, and the Eye of the Bull
http://astrotribe.tribe.net/thread/fad0 ... d47b0f75e4
Taurus is often associated with royalty and divine power. Throughout the ages Dog Star has been spiritually recognized for its alignment with divinity. There is a symbolic relation between Dog Star, the "Eye" in the head of the Bull, the third eye, or the light in the head, and the diamond. The consciousness of the Buddha has been called the "Diamond-Eye."

Sirius and Sirius "B" were once where our sun is now is. Sirius A is 10,000 times brighter then Sirius "B" (Digitaria). The Dogon consider Sirius "B" as the most important star in the sky although it is invisible.

Sirius has been identified by some as the Biblical star Mazzaroth (the Book of Job, 38:32). The Semitic name for Sirius was Hasil, while the Hebrews also used the name Sihor -- the latter an Egyptian name, learned by the Hebrews prior to their Exodus. Phoenicians called Sirius, Hannabeah (“the Barker”.), a name also used in Canaan. Meanwhile, The Dogon Tribe, from the Homburi Mountains near Timbuktu (West Central Sahara Desert in Africa), have an apparent lock on traditions as they were able to describe in detail the three stars of the Sirian system.

But ancient Egypt (KMT) provides the most regal history for Sirius. Initially, it was Hathor (Taurus), the great mother goddess, who was identified with Sirius. But Isis soon became the major archetype, sharing honors with the title of Sirius as the Nile Star. An icon of Sirius as a five-pointed star (shades of the Golden Mean) has been found on the walls of the famous Temple of Isis/Hathor at Denderah.
The Bears and the Shepherd
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/s ... clnk&gl=us
In ancient cultures, it was common for the precession-caused disappearance of a constellation at equinox or solstice to be portrayed metaphorically by the death of an associated mythological figure; e.g., the death of Osiris in the Egyptian religion, was originally a description of the disappearance of Orion as a heliacal constellation, around 6700 b.c.

Through such heliacal changes, Homer has taken us back to 4400 b.c. But it is the return of Achilles, as the star Sirius, to the battlefield, which moves the astronomical calendar back to 8700 b.c. Sirius, the brightest star in the northern hemisphere, disappeared from the skies above Greece around 15,000 b.c., owing to precession. Its appearance (or reappearance, if indeed such knowledge had been handed down from an earlier, Ice Age civilization) would have been dramatic. The authors argue convincingly, that the emphasis placed on Achilles' return to the battlefield, to which Homer devotes several books, represents this singular event.

One of the most elaborate descriptions in this section of the epic, is that of the smith-god Hephaestus creating a new shield for Achilles. It is here that Homer presents us with a direct astronomical image: "He wrought the Earth, the heavens, and the sea, the Moon also at her full and the untiring Sun, with all the signs that glorify the face of Heaven--the Pleiades, the Hyads, huge Orion, and the Bear, which man also call the Wain and which turns round forever in one place, facing Orion and alone never dips into the stream Oceanus." These particular constellations mark the area of the night sky in which Sirius and its constellation, Canis Major, reappeared.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat May 22, 2010 9:10 pm

Adams Calendar
http://www.christian-forum.net/index.ph ... opic=25885
In the following video link, Michael Tellinger, author of "Slave Species of God" talks about the discovery of the oldest man-made structure on Earth, speculated to be around 75,000 years. If not much older. A new book by Johan Heine and Michael Tellinger entitled: “Adam's Calendar: Discovering the Oldest Man-Made Structure on Earth”, outlines the events that led to this discovery in the Kaapsehoop area of Mpumalanga in South Africa by explorer/pilot Johan Heine for whom the ancient site has been technically named the “Johan Heine Stone Calendar” (Adam's Calendar).

Tellinger says: "This remarkable stone structure was originally a large circular structure resembling but predating Stonehenge by many thousands of years. Adam's Calendar is built along the same longitudinal line as Great Zimbabwe and the Great Pyramid. It is also aligned with the rise of Orion's Belt when it rose horizontally on the horizon some 75,000 years ago. Adam's Calendar takes us further back in time closer to the emergence of Homo sapiens, than any other structure ever found to date. This discovery will force historians and archaeologist to reconsider ancient human activity and consciousness."


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSwJJ5ez ... re=related

This far more ancient message in stone pointing to the three stars in Orion’s Belt further substantiates my observation and research that our Solar System was formerly the “Osirian Trinary Stellar System” containing the three stars Sirius B, Sirius C (our Sun) and the outer star Sirius A.

1) The greater light of the day was Sirius C (our Sun) which “appeared” greater due to its closer proximity to the Earth. It joined Sirius B at the core of the system into a “TWIN RELATIONSHIP” of Cain and Abel (Pollux and Castor), called “GEMINI”.

Sirius C was created last by a 70% mass stellar ejection out of Sirius B that also created Sirius A, 10 new planets and Sirius C. Sirius B, originally a B-1 class Blue Supergiant about 5 solar masses in size was struck by a cometary impact (Comet Metis: “Prudence” or “Knowledge”) and subsequently precipitated the 70% ejection that diminished the giant Sirius B star into an F-1 class star about 1.49 solar masses in size.

2) The lesser light of the night was Sirius A which “appeared” lesser due to its immense distance from the Earth, having jettisoned over 10 billion miles from out of Sirius B and establishing its orbit around the body of the system. Because it was an “outer star” to earthbound viewers it appeared only in the evening, and was known as “The Queen of Heaven” (Jeremiah 7: 18). Note that behind the ejecta-head of this ejection event 10 new planets formed in its protracted ejecta tail. The tail of plasma and magmatic stellar mass was greatest in mass closer to the Sirius A projectile head, and lesser at its protracted tip. This is why the planets in our system were originally largest furthest away from the stellar center and the solid body smaller planets formed towards the end of the protracted tail closer to the stellar center. During this event Earth had already existed having been formed during the creation of Sirius B when it was a Blue Supergiant. This data is the result of eyewitness on Earth whom recorded this event into the Ancient Record; hence, Genesis and the Mythocorpus ("Body of Myth").

Our Moon did not exist at this time; it was still the iron-silica core inside the massive gaseous planet, Kingu, the outermost planet, which dwarfed Jupiter, the second largest planet, and Saturn was the third largest. Kingu had a figure-8 orbit around the “BODY” of the system and around the “HEAD” of the system, being the outer star, Sirius A, the “Goddess Star”. Hence, the decapitation myths of the goddess, i.e. the Gorgon Medusa by Perseus, Mayan Cosmic Caiman, and even the splitting asunder of the She-Dragon Tiamat by Marduk in the Babylonian Creation Epic, document the splitting of our former Osirian Trinary Stellar System when Sirius B at the end of its Red Giant helium phase exploded into a planetary nebula and catapulted our Sun (the Warrior Hero) towards Sirius A and “appeared” to severe her head from the “body”. Subsequently, our current Solar System emerged separated from the Sirius Binary, the missing half of our original system.
Osiris – Sirius B - the "black god"

http://www.christian-forum.net/index.ph ... ntry262906
Technically, our Solar System had 2 "creation episodes" (bipartite mass stellar ejection episodes) and 1 "discontinuity event" relayed as the "Creation Epic" of the Babylonian account, being the nebula discontinuity event of Sirius B that split the former trinary system in half. Current decipherments of the Babylonian Creation Epic have been flawed by Zachariah Sitchin’s misapplication of the deities to the wrong celestial bodies. He misapplied the great begetter god, Apsu, to our Sun; the great mother goddess of the gods (the She-Dragon), Tiamat, to a planet (claiming today’s Asteroid Belt is its debris); and the emissary to Apsu, Mummu, to Mercury. This is erroneous. In reality, Apsu is Sirius B, the “Great Begetter God”; Tiamat is Sirius A, the “Great Mother Goddess of the Gods (10 planets and our Sun)”; and Mummu (Marduk) is Sirius C, the “Great Child God/Hero”, being our Sun.

Sirius B reduced to an F-1 class white star about 1.49 solar masses... the last stellar material to exude out of the star during the mass stellar ejection did not have enough velocity to escape the source of its ejection, so this formed into our Sun, Sirius C, which established a binary relationship with the newly diminished Sirius B. These became known as the "Twins" (Gemini: Pollux and Castro, Apollo and Hercules, Cain and Abel, etc.). Hence, the "fratricide story" has its roots in our Sun killing Sirius B. Eventually, Sirius B depleted its hydrogen and hyperdilated 100 times its mass into a helium-burning Red Giant star. When there is a binary system where one star is a weaker helium giant, the gravity of the smaller star will siphon of the photosphere of the larger star creating an appendage of helium gases from one star to the other. The smaller star will slightly increase in mass and this process will help in the stellar death process of the larger star. According to the Babylonian Creation Epic, Apsu’s tiara was stolen, and in Egyptology Osiris’ essence was stolen by his twin brother Set; these are in reference to this photospheric and coronal depletion. Also, the name “Cain” means “spear” and this is in reference to the helium “appendage” from our “evil” Sun (Cain), being Sirius C that killed Sirius B (Abel). This “appendage” was also symbolized in the sodomy of Horus by his uncle Set, in a role reversal between Sirius B and Sirius C.

Sirius B reduced to an F-1 class white star about 1.49 solar masses... the last stellar material to exude out of the star during the mass stellar ejection did not have enough velocity to escape the source of its ejection, so this formed into our Sun, Sirius C, which established a binary relationship with the newly diminished Sirius B. These became known as the "Twins" (Gemini: Pollux and Castro, Apollo and Hercules, Cain and Abel, etc.). Hence, the "fratricide story" has its roots in our Sun killing Sirius B. Eventually, Sirius B depleted its hydrogen and hyperdilated 100 times its mass into a helium-burning Red Giant star. When there is a binary system where one star is a weaker helium giant, the gravity of the smaller star will siphon of the photosphere of the larger star creating an appendage of helium gases from one star to the other. The smaller star will slightly increase in mass and this process will help in the stellar death process of the larger star. According to the Babylonian Creation Epic, Apsu’s tiara was stolen, and in Egyptology Osiris’ essence was stolen by his twin brother Set; these are in reference to this photospheric and coronal depletion. Also, the name “Cain” means “spear” and this is in reference to the helium “appendage” from our “evil” Sun (Cain), being Sirius C that killed Sirius B (Abel). This “appendage” was also symbolized in the sodomy of Horus by his uncle Set, in a role reversal between Sirius B and Sirius C.

The death of the Egyptian Osiris is nothing more than an account of the star death of Sirius B, our paternal star. According to the myth, Osiris’ BODY was dismembered into 14 pieces that were scattered. This is in reference to the 14-membered Osirian Trinary Stellar System being “dismembered” where its 14 members (3 stars and 11 planets) were scattered, all the 14 members having been created out of Sirius B’s BODY, the source of their existence. Sirius B exploded into a planetary nebula (the “Osirian Nebula Discontinuity Event”) where it’s outer photospheric shell exploded outwardly in 7 shock waves, according to the Babylonian Creation Epic, and its internal mass crunched into a White Dwarf star.

The shockwaves catapulted Sirius C (our Sun) on a collision course with the outer star, Sirius A, as its massive gravity lured our Sun. This was relayed as the hero Marduk going off to battle his forbearer mother, the She-Dragon, Tiamat. The other “gods” (planets) joined in the fight… being that the concentric shock waves carried each planet out of its orbit and outwardly to the outer edge of the system, appearing as if they were joining Marduk in the battle. Our Sun appeared “two-headed” as it approached Sirius A, meaning the gravity of Sirius A and the force of the shockwave almost tore our Sun in half, but it retained its mass.

Our Sun went into “gravitational boosting” a process used by NASA to send a probe out of our Solar System. This is where NASA sends the probe onto a near collision with Jupiter, the gravity of Jupiter captures the probe and hurls it at a 60º angle outwardly and with an increased velocity out of the system. This is what happened to our Sun (Marduk); and it towed behind it 7 planets (excluding Venus). Meanwhile, when the nebula shock waves hit Sirius A it was perturbed in the opposite radial direction and towed behind it the new White Dwarf companion star in an elongated orbit and 4 planets (including Venus).

Eventually, during one of the more recent “13,000-Year Recyclic Sirian-Solar Reconvergences” Venus was torn from the Sirian Binary and conjoined with ours; this is why Venus revolves in the opposite direction counter to all of our planets because the Sirius System revolves clockwise, while our Solar System revolves counter-clockwise. In the next Sirian-Solar Reconvergence the earth will be torn out of its orbit and out of this Solar System and it will become apart of the Dragon Star, the Sirius Binary; and it will become a cold frigid planet after the great cosmocataclysm settles and the two systems go off in their opposite direction for the next 13,000 years.
Seat of the Goddess
Blue Isis
STAR Neter of Sirius,
Primeaval Waters –

Source of the world that is, our local Universe
Created by our Binary Star Mother SIRIUS B
Three Pole Stars of Sirius A, B, C.
From the Primordial Womb Waters
Gushing from the Stellar Womb Sirius B
Flow the Cosmic Laws.
The Blue Water Lily Sees; and nutures this seeing...

Ascent of ISIS

Heliacal Rising of Star Neter ISIS - SIRIUS
Precipitating the Inundation of the Cosmic Waters
To pour from her Stellar Womb.
The Flooding IS the creation of
The Two“Planetary Nebula”,
Or the “Double Placenta”of SIRIUS and the Sun.
The Cyclic Serpents of Time-Flow
Nurtures her “OION”s - Eggs of Deep Space.
The Blue Water Lily Knows and shows the way.

‘Only when a woman concerns herself with the Heavenly Bodies
and seeks after them into the heights, can she understand what is

Born of the dark star Sirius B, white dwarf Star
Opposites attract – collide as anti-matter... zero matter.
Here is our ‘Zero Mother’; Mother who exists not -- anti-‘Mater’.

Dwarf Star, Dwarf Mother:
Petit ‘poupée’, tiny doll
Grand Mother who makes us to play!
“PO” star !
She’s so heavy ! ... ‘Poids Lourdes’; ‘PAU’ – explosion supernova!
and then She is a weightless pea...
as the gravitational focus of three orbitting stars –
Sirius A, Sirius C and our Sun – Her daughters three ...
Who could hold their great Mother in the palm of their hands.

Fertility doll ... of the Cosmos; Fertility fire, a hatching heat!
In my womb there is a quickening,
A burning point focuses within my matrix
And the lens of Star Mother’s Eye sets it afire.
As the fire grows, so also grows the hole.
Growing ... thru diminishing. Birthing ... thru dying.


Ancient, timeless Rite of Existence
hidden within the veils of Isis’ robes.
Stars circling Her Black Body of naked NU – ness!
The Blue Star births, fertility sheds Her space body into being.
Spaceless – Abundant, the Star Shines
a Glowing of Life and Love.

Full and formless the Eternal Breath!
Exfoliating Her form as the fragrance of a Sacred Blue Waterlily.
A flower of space, defining with breath,
and measuring the implosion and explosion ...
‘Supernova’ of Her infinite breathing into Being
a sense of Her Vast Unmanifest.


The ancient Hebrew Kabbalists spoke of “The FOUR SERAPHIM”. The SERAPHIM are the four heavenly luminaries comprising the multiple or binary star system of which we belong. Originating with Sirius B, Dark STAR or nearly invisible point of light ; this tiny cosmic nucleus was called “SIFR” (ar. ‘zero’) the secret ‘cipher’ of our local universe or (gk) “OION”. The trinitary stellar Seraphim, Stars Sirius A, Sirius C and Sirius D ( our Sun ) were called in Hebrew “SAPHAR”, “SEPHER” and “SIPHUR”.

These Archangels of Cosmic Fire were named by the Assyrians the “SARA’PU” and by the Hebrews the “SARAPH” or “SERAPH”. Their radiance being a ‘divine fiery serpent’. The ancient Egyptians knew them as the “SERREF”.

The ‘ever-watchful’ “SEPHIRAH” ‘circle’ in great ‘cycles’. “SAPHAR” means to ‘dance in a circle’, ‘to revolve and turn oneself around’. Revolving upon their own axis the triune SERAPHIM orbit, dancing round the zero point in
deep space focalized by “SIFR”, Star Sirius B, the weighty center of centers.

Our invisible or Black SUN, our Central Sun was to the mystic Kabbalists “the centre of Rest; the centre to which all motion was to be ultimately referred.

Round this central sun . . . ‘the first of three systemic suns . . . revolved on a polar plane . . . the second, on an equatorial plane’ . . . and the third only was our visible sun. These four solar bodies were ‘the organs on whose action what man calls the creation, the evolution of life on the planet, earth, depends’.”

The celestial SERAPHIM are ever–filling the aethers with their stellar energy. They roar cosmic decibels through deep space in plosive tones beyond our hearing, communicate with one another in cosmic harmonies beyond our understanding and intoning the Cosmic Laws of Life, celebrate “The Laws of the ‘Sepher’ “in exultation beyond our capacity.

“Black Sarah, veiled queen of our inner Self,
Humble helmswoman of our little boat
Show us the way to navigate home
To steer towards the dark invisible star
Ever burning at the core of our being.
You are our Anchor for our heart’s longing
To circumnavigate that still point of our Being.”


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 23, 2010 5:29 am

Michael Tellinger - Slave Species of the Gods
Chromosome Fusion

Evidence of DNA manipulation in our distant past?

The Human Genome Project has dished up some real surprises to scientists. The first surprise was the vast percentage of the human DNA that is inactive. It is estimated that at least 97% of our DNA is in actual fact a waste of space, as it does not contain any active genes that actually carry the code for any of our physical makeup. Then within the genes there are Introns – parts that do not carry any code; and Exons - sections that carry some sort of genetic code. The full length of our DNA is made up of some 20 000 genes that have now been identified. These genes carry the blueprint for the structure of our entire body. What is very puzzling is the fact that Homo sapiens, as the supposed pinnacle if civilized evolution on this planet, should have such large parts of unused DNA. We seem to have the longest DNA molecule among all other species, but we use the smallest part of it in proport ion to the other species. In other words, all the other creatures use much more of their DNA than humans do. Some species use as much as 98% of their DNA.

This flies directly in the face of the principles of evolution. Humans should have the most complex and evolved DNA of all creatures, to have reached levels of civilization seemingly much higher than any other species on Earth over millions of years of evolution. What is even more curious is the predicted number of genes in species. The numbers seem to increase steadily from basic organisms to the most advanced. We would expect that humans should end up having most genes, but strangely this is not the case. Here are some examples of the predictions for total number of genes in species. Fruit Fly 21 000; Zebrafish 50 000; Chicken 76 000; Mouse 81 000; Chimp 130 000; Human 68 000.

Can you see the problem here? The Chimp is supposed to be our closest know genetic relative and yet it has almost twice as many genes as humans. New research has revealed that Dolphin DNA is very closely related to humans. This will not be surprising to thos who have studied the work of Drunvalo Melchiezedek.

But then we get to the anomaly of the chromosomes. Our DNA is broken up into 23 pairs of chromosomes. By comparison, all apes have 24 pairs. One would expect that Homo erectus, our immediate evolutionary precursor would then also have had 24 chromosome pairs.

In April 2005, researchers from the National Human Genome Research Institute announced that "A detailed analysis of chromosomes 2 and 4 has detected the largest "gene deserts" known in the human genome and uncovered more evidence that human chromosome 2 arose from the fusion of two ancestral ape chromosomes" as reported in Nature. It is also the second largest chromosome we possess and it seems to make no sense why 2 primordial chromosomes should have merged to make us human, if this new chromosome gives us no apparent advantage for survival.

So when we read in the Sumerian tablets that humans were cloned as a sub-species between Homo erectus and a more advanced human-like species that arrived on Earth some 445 000 years ago, it suddenly makes a little bit more sense. The tablets describe how our maker removed certain parts of the "Tree of life" to trim the ability of the new "creature" and how they struggled to make the perfect "primitive worker" so that it could understand commands but not be too smart to question their existence. Similar suggestions of genetic cloning are made in The Koran and Hindu Laws of Manu.

The Koran:

• Ya Sin: "Is man not aware that We created him from a little germ?"

• The Believers - God says almost verbatim what the Sumerian tablets tell us. "We first created man from an essence of clay; then placed him a living germ in a secure enclosure. The germ we made a clot of blood, and the clot a lump of flesh. This we fashioned into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh…"

Laws of Manu:

• 19. But from minute body (-framing) particles of these seven very powerful Purushas springs this (world), the perishable from the imperishable.

• 20. Among them each succeeding (element) acquires the quality of the preceding one, and whatever place (in the sequence) each of them occupies, even so many qualities it is declared to possess.

Notice the reference to "We" by the creator. The cloning of humans as a more primitive worker or "lulu amelu" suddenly does not seem so far fetched and the strange genetic anomalies seem to support some genetic manipulation in our distant past. The modern-day researchers go further to say that this "fusion" of our chromosome 2, is what makes us human.

Are we getting closer to proving that humans were created by his MAKER as slaves to work in the early gold mines on Earth? It certainly seems like it.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 23, 2010 12:39 pm

Michael Tellinger believes that the Reptilians from Draco went to war with the Anunnaki who were from the Sirian and Orion belt star systems (which are part of the same system)

It was the arrival of the Reptilians who caused havoc on planet earth; they are the hidden controllers of the Earth today and the sinister force behind the Illuminati. :o

The Osirian Trinary star system Sirius, A, C and D (our Sun) and parent star Sirius B (Black Isis) ?

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 066#p36044

This far more ancient message in stone pointing to the three stars in Orion’s Belt further substantiates my observation and research that our Solar System was formerly the “Osirian Trinary Stellar System” containing the three stars Sirius B, Sirius C (our Sun) and the outer star Sirius A.

The ancient Hebrew Kabbalists spoke of “The FOUR SERAPHIM”. The SERAPHIM are the four heavenly luminaries comprising the multiple or binary star system of which we belong. Originating with Sirius B, Dark STAR or nearly invisible point of light ; this tiny cosmic nucleus was called “SIFR” (ar. ‘zero’) the secret ‘cipher’ of our local universe or (gk) “OION”. The trinitary stellar Seraphim, Stars Sirius A, Sirius C and Sirius D ( our Sun ) were called in Hebrew “SAPHAR”, “SEPHER” and “SIPHUR”.
1 - African Ruins & the Annunaki
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC_Ztpo8 ... re=related

2 - African Ruins & the Annunaki part
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGKXFLsi ... re=related

3 - African Ruins & the Annunaki part
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utl0UA1b ... re=related

4 - African Ruins & the Annunaki part
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1UDcD6J ... re=related

5 - African Ruins & the Annunaki part
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_NLuA0D ... re=related

6 - African Ruins & the Annunaki part
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDFlVerm ... re=related

7 - African Ruins & the Annunaki part
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgi3P_E_ ... re=related

8 - African Ruins & the Annunaki part
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebjtUxa0 ... re=related

9 - African Ruins & the Annunaki part
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbzM6qwW ... re=related

10 - African Ruins & the Annunaki part
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijGsT64b ... re=related

11 - African Ruins & the Annunaki part
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJ5-eArY ... re=related

12 - African Ruins & the Annunaki part
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1yYXeNv ... re=related


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Tue May 25, 2010 6:33 am

http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum ... 073518/pg1
Undercover Alien said: It's just impossible to find a thread or an article about the ancient extraterrestrial race knew as Anunnaki, without statements that they are reptile humanoids. Despite the fact that the expert in Mesopotamian languages, Zecharia Sitchin, has never said that in any of his books, there's a massive speculation about their nature, due several reports of ancient civilizations, as the Hindu Nagas, the African Dogons and many native American tribes, about a race of reptile humanoids that inhabits the underground and eventually kept contact with them.
Have the Anunnaki been demonized? Who would benefit from having humans think that the Anunnaki are the reptilian progenitors of the 13 Illuminati families?

What if the Anunnaki are the progenitors of the human race as well as our benefactors? Would the shapeshifter reptilian elites want us "lowly humans" to know this?

Do we have any evidence that the Anunnaki are humans and not reptilian beings?
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 210#p34665

I saw my first evidence of the existence of E.T.'s about 25 years ago when I was shown the Roswell autopsy report that clearly indicated that the craft's occupants were humanoids.

Amazingly, the UFO community has totally ignored hard evidence of humanoid visitors who arrived on earth more than 5000 years ago. Unlike human skulls, the front and rear halves of their skulls never knitted together. Consequently, as their brains grew in infancy, the rear half of their head was pushed rearwards, pulling their facial skin taut and giving them the appearance of a serpent (a Dead Sea scroll mentions a similar being). Their skeletons have been found in Sumer, the Giza Plateau, Malta and Yucatan and at the Mayan pyramids. Superstitious Mayans later bound their infants' heads between two boards in an attempt to simulate the skulls.

So much misinformation has been published concerning the Sumerian culture that it's advisable to learn the language and study Sumerian texts oneself. According to the texts, these great civilizers known variously as the El (shining ones) Annana, Annunaki and in the pre dynastic Egyptian texts as the Shemsu Hor (followers of Horus) descended upon the summit of Mount Hermon as the waters of the global flood began to reside and created a community on the upper slopes of the mountain in a grassy plain they named Edin. After a long period of time they migrated to Mesopotamia and created a civilization there. Several years ago, I had the pleasure of dining with the erudite physicist and Sumerian scholar, the late George Merkl, Ph.D. when we both lectured at a Global Sciences symposium and found it refreshing to hear him refer to popular books on Sumerian history as a "fairy story."

For a number of years I served in a support function for high level survivors of Illuminati mind control and Satanic ritual abuse. Some of these unfortunate individuals had served in a dual capacity as highly trained powerful psychics who had the ability to invoke hideous entities from other astral realms at ritual gatherings and also acted as telepathic intermediaries between E.T.'s and scientists at various covert facilities such as Area 51 and China Lake Naval Weapons Depot. What I learned from these individuals is that the 13 ruling families of shape shifters receive their global planning strategies from a reptilian dragon like race who reside off planet.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 210#p34563

The Shemsu Hor were a fair haired, blue eyed race and taller than the indigenous Egyptians. Curiously, their skulls possessed an astonishing physical characteristic: unlike conventional human skulls, the front and rear halves of the Shemsu Hor skulls did not knit together. In consequence, as the brain grew during infancy, the rear half of the skull was forced backwards. This pronounced deformation caused the skin to become very taut, thereby giving the Shemsu Hor the facial appearance of a serpent! It is also in these particular regions that Mother Goddess figurines have been found who bear the facial features of a serpent. Interestingly, the Dead Sea scroll entitled “The Testament of Amran,” bears the phrase “… his face was that of a viper.”
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 270#p35730

The history of Planet Earth, as recorded by the ten official Illuminati historians, was compared with other historical and archaeological informational sources in order for me to arrive at a realistic revisionist global history for the book, for we are unable to acquire enlightenment unless we become knowledgeable about the true patterns of the past. Humans generally assume, for instance, that the Book of Genesis is not associated with any reptilian race, yet the Illuminati hierarchy are adamant that Genesis is their book, which I have to agree with, for the Illuminati dragons here on earth were cast out of their homeland in another astral realm because of their evil ways (many dragons in other realms of existence are quite spiritually evolved).
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 240#p34969
The Anaki came to Earth to serve the cause of light and to help Eartheans emerge from their darkness and hasten their evolutionary progress. To achieve such an acceleration of consciousness, they intermarried with the sons and daughters of the Earthborn, thus planting the seeds of future births having the potential for divinity. The lifewave evolving on Earth at that time dwelt in tribal communities. Theirs was a constant struggle against nature and animals to survive, thus their forms were physically powerful.
This Chintamani Stone, which is of extra-terrestrial origin, had supposedly been brought to Earth by emissaries from a planet orbiting the star Sirius and then handed over to Shambhala’s principal resident, the elusive “King of the World,” a monarch known by many mystics in the East but only by a handful of occultists in the West. In regards to its identity in the Holy Grail legends, the Chintamani Stone appears to be synonymous with the “Stone of Heaven,” the Holy Grail manifestation mentioned by Wolfram von Eschenbach in his famous Grail rendition known as Parzival, which is regarded by most Grail scholars to be the most complete and authoritative of the Grail legends.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 270#p35556

The first thing that the reptilians and shape-shifters had to do when they came to Earth was kill the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki had been ruling the Earth for 400,000 years since their arrival from Nibiru. They are extremely long lived and robust, but by the time of Alexander the Great, 333 BC, the space-gods had been replaced by those who found the density of Earth promising.
Strange Planet
http://denniswhitneyufo.blogspot.com/20 ... board.html
Recently, someone sent an email to the http://www.Australia.to editor, where I write a column on UFOs and the paranormal, and he was inquiring about the status of Nibiru, or what is better known as Planet X. He asked if we are any further along in our understanding of its reality, implications, or advancement. I think that's an important few questions to ask, given how eerily silent it is right now in the reporting of it out there. But rather than spend most of the space below describing just what this celestial body is, and its historical relevance, I'll mostly stick with a few paragraphs for background-sake, in a simple effort to bring others current, in as quick a way as possible. Then, it'll be back to the issue.

So the questions no longer seem to be "Does it exist?" or "Is the planet inhabited?" but rather, "Why the tremendous suppression of information from virtually all world governments, the U.S. and Australia (most topically), and presently?" These are the two nations I most closely associate with, and there 'ain't a peep out of either of them! But let's just do a quick summary of what this planet is, and why we should care.

To begin with, we are talking about a planetary body, seemingly inhabited by the very extraterrestrials that may have essentially 'created' the human race eons ago. This planet is known under a number of names such as: Eris, Wormwood, 2003-EL-61, Nibiru, or as commonly known, Planet X. It was first observed on 10/21/2003 at Mt. Palomar Observatory in California. It is approximately 2400km across, according to Hubble images we've received. It has an elliptical orbit around the sun, passing the earth, roughly, every 3600 years. It is expected to pass between Mars and Jupiter, its nearest point to the earth, between 2012-2014. And it is the main reason NASA launched the 'Dawn' spacecraft on 9/27/07, which will arrive at its final destination, the asteroid belt, in 2011. That 3600 year interval would place its approach to within a very uncomfortable range of the planet we now inhabit. There also seems to be growing historical evidence of the havoc it is capable to wreaking here, and how it will greatly screw with the gravitational fields of all other bodies and objects nearby. Such earth issues include: increasing seismic and volcanic activity, radically changing weather patterns, vast fluctuations of temperatures, and unnatural (to us, anyway) tidal currents. We're experiencing those now. Coincidence? Maybe.

The Bible has made many a reference to this planet, and such chaos. Might I suggest, the Great Flood of Noah? Well, if we take the year we're in now, and go back in 3,600 year intervals where does that place us? Assuming of course, Niburu's approach is actually well on its way to us. Well, 3,600 years ago, the earth did suffer many great cataclysms that caused the Jews' exodus from Egypt. Another 3,600 years prior to that, was Noah's flood. So the events in history seem to align with the passing of Nibiru within the earth's orbit. Some passes worse than others though, it should be noted.

And if we are to believe some very respectable individuals 'in the know', scholars of ancient archaeology and ancient astronaut theory, or with ongoing sources within our governments, Nibiru was home to what were known as the Anunnaki. These were the 'alien gods' that were said to begin human civilization in ancient Sumer, near Mesopotamia, which we now know as Iraq. In the Old Testament, Torah, Talmud, and The Book of Enoch, they were known as the 'Nephilim', the 'Sons of God', or 'The Watchers'. There has also been some pretty serious study and scientific work done by a number of scholars, including Erich von Daniken and his Ancient Astronaut evidence, as well as Marshall Klarfeld, and the legendary works of Zecharia Sitchin who wrote 'The 12th Planet', which was part of the 'Earth Chronicles' series. Those books are now considered to be much more truth, and a lot less fiction than once believed.

And now, we even have genetic scientists coming forth stating that our so-called 'junk' DNA is of extraterrestrial origin, with elements not of this earth. So yes, ET DNA, by its very definition!

This brings us to the final point of the (summarized) Annunaki background. There is now evidence, that it was the Anunnaki that essentially created the human race through DNA manipulation, with the great knowledge and technology that they had. And our race was once meant to bear the yoke of the gods, yet remain separated by the gods, from all knowledge of their mathematical and language skills. This was essentially meant to domesticate us like animals, and to mine gold for them. We were a slave race. These gods ruled directly over Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley. One thing is certain, we didn't evolve; we hit the ground running, as a new and improved species upon this planet!

This brings us to modern day, with endless and thought-provoking questions from the citizens of this planet. What do our governments know? What does the Vatican, who is beginning to make some very cryptic statements about ET life, and who possess two of the largest observatories in the world, have to say about what's happening? Why isn't anybody talking about the pictures now available to us, about this approaching planet? Will it wipe us out? And what will it mean if this alien race still exists and has plans of returning to 'our' planet?

Major Robert (Bob) O. Dean, Lloyd Pye, and Dr. Michael Salla. These are gentleman 'in the know' and who have written or researched various aspects of this field for decades each.

The first, is Bob Dean. A man of impeccable military credentials, strong integrity, and let's not forget, a clearance so far beyond Top Secret, most people don't know it even exists. And that's a 'Cosmic Top Secret Clearance'. A good 23 levels above your 'run-of-the-mill' Top Secret clearance. And what does he say about what he knows from those still on the inside? Bob has every reason to believe that we are in that window of Nibiru's approach, which is directly responsible for the earth changes now upon us. This approach also coincides with the sun's growing activity of sun spots, after a long, dormant period of none.

When asked whether they were 'coming back', Bob stated clearly, "They never left"! That yes, they are still inhabiting Nibiru, but that quite a few remain beneath the surface of the earth, in underwater caverns (USOs anyone?), and on the moon and Mars!

He goes on to say, the Anunnaki was the very race of beings that were witnessed by President Eisenhower at Holloman AFB in California back in 1955, and that even he found it very difficult to deal with this reality. The president thought 'The People' would never be able to handle it. and this may very well have affected disclosure considerations, so many years after.

"Oh, but I think we're certainly ready", Dean says. "Our citizens can handle anything! We already are". Bob also described their appearance (and says he has personally met with these beings on several occasions) as "glimmering, shimmery beings that are spiritually and technically advanced. They are to us in the big scheme of things, as we are to the rhesus monkey". Doesn't that just say it all?
Return of the Gods
Here in the first decade of the new millennium the United States finds itself fighting a protracted war in IRAQ, formerly the ancient nation of Babylon and Sumeria, respectively. The questionable machinations that led to America’s military invasion of Iraq suggest covert motives behind this incursion. These are masked as justification for a war against ‘terrorism’ but are we secretly securing a galactic ‘portal’ in preparation for the astounding return of the fabled gods of Sumeria–the Anunnaki? Could it be that 21st Century humanity is about to meet its creators ‘face-to-face? Are the gods coming to reclaim their dominion over humanity; the genetically engineered ’slave’ race that was bred by these extraterrestrial colonists from remote antiquity? Are we about to witness an all new drama of the ‘gods’ destined to unfold again in the Middle East–the Cradle of Civilization–from which the world’s three great religions, Islam, Judaism and Christianity all trace their origins?


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Tue May 25, 2010 7:34 am

Could these be the “key players”?

Sirius A –Sothis (Isis)
Sirius B – Satais (Osiris)
Sirius C – Anu (Nephtys) -- “Enome ya” -- the home star of Nibiru ?
Sirius D – Horus our Sun

http://sirianrevelations.net/the-source ... ar-system/
Sirius is a triunal stellar system, which consists of three Solar Deities: Sothis, Satais and Anu (identified by your astronomers, respectively, as: Sirius A, Sirius B, and Sirius C.)

In the universe of matter, Sothis shines brighter than any star in your night sky, dominating the celestial canopy during the winter of your Northern hemisphere. It is the fifth nearest star to your sun, a mere eight light years from yours, and is inextricably connected to your Solar Deity, RA.

At a point in the space-time continuum so distant from your reality as to be undefinable in your terms, a great cosmic exchange occurred in our stellar system. At the time of this cataclysmic change in our complex stellar body, the Deity Satais (Sirius B), collapsed, passing through her own astral chords and onto higher dimensional planes. What was left behind in the world of matter was, in stellar terms, a minuscule dwarf star of super dense matter, which was eventually pulled into an elliptical orbit around the dominant sister star, Sothis (Sirius A) – as was the distant cousin, Anu (Sirius C).

The collapse of Satais (Sirius B) – its ascension beyond material space – caused a monumental chain reaction through the entire Sirian system, out across the constellation of stars known to you as Canis Major and, indirectly, your solar system became involved in the dynamics of our evolution.

This is one of the most significant reasons why we are so linked to you and why we are so focused upon your evolutionary process.”
http://sirianrevelations.net/the-source ... onnection/
Sirius, located in the Canis Major constellation, can be considered directly ‘upstream’ from our solar system in a cosmic sense that refers to its relative position in the Milky Way galaxy. A highly-charged stellar field, it rains its high-end electromagnetic currents over our solar system (Ra), affecting the solar activity and planetary vibrations of every celestial being that comprises our solar family.

To the ancient Egyptians, the arrival of Sirius (the Sun behind the Sun) in the pre-dawn sky of early winter, signaled the start of that abundant time of the flooding Nile, the life-blood of that civilization – a time of fertility and new life. Our western New Years ritual is a reflection of the ancient ritual which celebrated the return of Sirius to the mid-heaven position at midnight, which has occurred throughout recorded time around the first of January.

The ascension of Sirius B sent waves of unimaginable energies coursing through the three-dimensional fields where she had held resonance until that glorious moment of her passage out of the universe of matter. Casting off the physical body, untold quantities of its denser gasses (elements heavier than hydrogen) were sent coursing through the Milky Way galaxy, as Satais shed her physical cloak to pass through the ascension cords of her being.
Ra, directly downstream, was directly affected, as were the neighboring stellar bodies; this inter-stellar energy exchange is one of the primary aspects of the Sirius-Ra connection.

These exciting images provide clear viewing of the relationship of Sirius A & B, two of the three stars that comprise the Sirian star system. The third star, Sirius C, is so infinitesimal in comparison that it is invisible to the photographic lens, dwarfed by its too greater siblings. Indeed, scientists are still debating whether it exists at all – while the Ancient Dogon tribes have known of its existence for over 5,000 years, when they were visited by the Nommo of Sirius, amphibians that communicated their uncanny knowledge of celestial movements so many thousands of years ago

Sirius C: Anu

This, the third of the Sirian stellar family, also did ascend from the third dimension at the time of the Sirian shift.

Although the scientific community has not confirmed the existence of Sirius C, the Dogon knew of it by the name, Enome Ya, and they described it too as revolving around Sirius A.

Of the planets that orbited Anu, one did not achieve ascension when the star, which remains in the fourth dimension, did not: that planet is Nebiru, the home of the Annunaki.

Nebiru was flung out of Sirius, was captured by our sun, and ricocheted back to Sirius and it is to this day caught between the two star systems, on an elliptical journey that takes approximately 3,600 years to complete.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 270#p35385
The planet Xylanthia is located in the Sirius Star System, which is comprised of three stars; Sirius A, B and C. Sirius A and B orbit around Sirius C. Planet Xylanthia orbits around Sirius C, which is a black dwarf star. Xylanthia is the home-planet of the extraterrestrials that visited Earth and founded Atlantis.

Sirius A and B orbit around Sirius C which is their center of gravity. This configuration causes Xylanthia to have no night. There is a twilight zone that circles the planet, creating an aurora of glorious colors reflecting through mystic clouds of water vapors, caused by slight temperature changes during the brief and beautiful twilight.

The Dogon tribe in West Africa, have ancient records of extraterrestrial beings visiting Earth. Thousands of years ago, the Dogon’s knew that Sirius was not just one star. Their ancient records revealed that Sirius was a three-star complex. They referred to Sirius C as the “woman planet.” Our mother-planet, Xylanthia, orbits around Sirius C.

The Dogon's interest revolves around Sirius, the most brilliant star in our galaxy. Supposedly, the priest told the scientists a myth about the star Sirius. The matter of interest is that the Dogons claim that Sirius is accompanied by a star they call põ tolo, invisible to the naked eye. Tolo means 'star', while põ is the smallest seed they know. Seed also refers to creation; in our case, human creation. They also seem to know that this star moves in an elliptical orbit around Sirius, that it is small and dense, and its period is 50 years. The tribe says that põ tolo is composed of s super-dense metal called sagala, heavier then the iron on Earth.

They also describe a third star, Emme Ya ("Sorghum Female"), accompanied by a single satellite.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 135#p36044
This far more ancient message in stone pointing to the three stars in Orion’s Belt further substantiates my observation and research that our Solar System was formerly the “Osirian Trinary Stellar System” containing the three stars Sirius B, Sirius C (our Sun) and the outer star Sirius A.
Sirius A, Sirius C and Sirius D, our Sun – Her (Sirius B’s) daughters three ...
Who could hold their great Mother in the palm of their hands.

The ancient Hebrew Kabbalists spoke of “The FOUR SERAPHIM”. The SERAPHIM are the four heavenly luminaries comprising the multiple or binary star system of which we belong. Originating with Sirius B, Dark STAR or nearly invisible point of light; this tiny cosmic nucleus was called “SIFR” (ar. ‘zero’) the secret ‘cipher’ of our local universe or (gk) “OION”. The trinitary stellar Seraphim, Stars Sirius A, Sirius C and Sirius D (our Sun) were called in Hebrew “SAPHAR”, “SEPHER” and “SIPHUR”.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Wed May 26, 2010 7:04 am

Sirius C & Nibiru: The Hollow Earth, Subterranean Caverns and the Anunnaki
Sirius C and Nibiru: Nibiru Holds the Key to the Bottomless Pit
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 080#p26485

Sirius C and Nibiru: Nibiru and the Atlantean Connection
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 080#p26486

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 080#p26487

Sirius C (the “dark star) and Nibiru
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 080#p26488

Sirius C (The Black Virgin) and Nibiru: Nibiru, the Heresy within Chartres
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 080#p26489

Sirius C & Nibiru: Alchemy and the Dark Star
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 080#p26490

Sirius C & Nibiru: Nibiru and the UFO Connection
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 080#p26491

Sirius C and Nibiru: Theosophy and the Dark Star Connection
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 080#p26492

In the first three parts of this paper evidence was presented suggesting that elite societies were privy to the age-old secret of levitation. The Rosicrucian Order was one such group and Alchemists within acquired this ancient wisdom from antediluvian libraries hidden deep within the Earth’s crust. Furthermore, they discovered the fact that inner-earth terrestrials (who still reside within the Earth today) harnessed ‘anti-gravity’ by engineering and operating UFOs thousands of years ago. An esoteric technology the adepts eventually mastered themselves, deciphered not only from the written record, but also from direct communication with inner-earth emissaries—liaisons to the upper-world.

Continuing with this theme, I argue other secret societies were also in communication with inner-earth terrestrials and it appears the main objective of this dialogue was again to master the ‘flying-disc’ technology. The German Thule and Vril societies are excellent examples of this—spin off groups from the original Rosicrucians. In addition these societies, the Thule group in particular, discovered the whereabouts of polar tunnel openings or ‘bottomless pits’—Vimana gateways, if-you-will, to the subterranean world.

Another significant revelation I’ve uncovered indicates the subterranean dwellers actually worship a Black Sun! As a Dark Star researcher, this is important because the Thule society also spoke of a ‘Black Sun’ and referenced it with high regard. Why worship a Black Sun? I will shed some light on this question further on in the series. But first, let’s look into the origin of inner-earth terrestrials.


Exhibit 20) Michael E. Salla (Exopolitics ©2004)

“…The Nazis [composed mostly of Thule members] believed the “Aryans” were descendants of…[Giant god-like] supermen who had ruled the planet from [Ultima] Thule, ancient capital of this northern super-race. It can be concluded that the “supermen” the Nazis believed were…none other than the Anunnaki that [Zecharia] Sitchin had outlined in his work…” Page 232

Exhibit 21) Jim Marrs (Rule by Secrecy ©2000)

“…After years of dedicated translation and study, Sitchin realized that the biblical Nefilim and the Sumerian Anunnaki [also] represented the same concept—that in the Earth’s most distant past, beings [originally] came down from the stars and founded the earliest civilizations, a theme which has run through nearly all secret societies, from Freemasonry to the Thule Society…”

According to the subterranean legend of Shambhala, Tibetan lamas say Giant inner-earth inhabitants (Anunnaki/Aryans) initially resided in the Boreal region of the Earth and were the last remaining deluge survivors of the ‘White Island’ better known as Hyperborea-Thule. Quoting from Jean-Claude Frere’s Nazime et socites secretes (1974) esoteric researcher Joscelyn Goodwin provides the following:

From Exhibit 2) Joscelyn Goodwin (Arktos: The Polar Myth ©1993)

“After the cataclysm that made [the White Island or] Hyperborea uninhabitable, perhaps…the inhabitants migrated to the region now covered by the Gobi Desert and there founded a new seat: Agartha. People flocked from all directions to this “center of the world,” which enjoyed 2000 years of brilliant civilization. Then another catastrophe occurred, its cause unknown: the surface of the region was devastated, but Agartha survived underground. Thither the great initiates traveled—Frere mentions Pythagoras [and] Apollonius of Tyana…to receive orders from the Masters of the World. The Aryan people migrated [underground?] in two directions: one went north and west, hoping to return to their Hyperborean homeland [Ultima Thule] and to conquer their lost territories. A second group went south, to the Himalayas, and their founded another secret center in underground caverns [Shambhala]…” Page 80.

From Exhibit 6) Louis Pauwels & Jacques Bergier (Morning of the Magicians ©1964)
“The ‘Initiates’ of the Thule Group were convinced that these [subterranean] survivors were Aryans, members of the original [Anunnaki] race from which all humanity had sprung…” Page 198.

Another proponent of Aryans and the Agarthian legend was Louis Jacolliot (1837-1890) and it was he who concluded the Aryans were originally ‘Brahmins’ of ancient India. Jacolliot’s belief was no-doubt adopted by the Thulists. However, in connection with the Hyperborean cataclysm, it was Saint-Yves who spoke of cyclical pole-shifts derived from Aryan/Brahmanical wisdom. In January 1897 Saint-Yves divulged this startling revelation, in the form of a corresponding letter to his French disciple named Papus, stating that planet Earth goes through a “Fourth” movement as yet unknown to science. See Below:

From Exhibit 2) Joscelyn Goodwin (Arktos: The Polar Myth)

“…The passage in which he explains [from a Christian point of view] the changes of the earth deserve to be read in full:

“The 11,500 years of which you speak are the result of a calculation on the Brahminical astronomical cycles. And, after the cycle concerned, maritime Europe, as our geographers know it, will have the same fate as [Ultima Thule and] Atlantis about a dozen centuries from now.

The law of this cycle is inherent in the fact of a FOURTH TERRESTRIAL MOVEMENT, AS YET UNKNOWN TO SCIENTISTS. The fact and its law are the consequence of a spiritual Principal of beneficence and general order, violated from age to age by the perversity of the dominant races. This principle, divine in its nature, tends to maintain or restore the Earth to equilibrium, i.e. with its axis coinciding with that of the heavens, and hence in the planet’s normal biological state.

"Now, the deviation in the human substance brought about that of the entire planetary substance—of the whole planet: the rapid mobilization of the magnetic meridian in little cycles, ending with a cycle of eighteen years; the inclination of the Poles (third large-scale movement); and finally the POLAR SUBVERSION AND RECENSION, SENDING CAIN TO THE LAND OF NOD, precipitating the summit from its zenith to its nadir; in a word, BURYING BENEATH THE SEAS THE IMPIOUS RACE AND ITS CONTINENT.

Keep to yourself, dear Sir, these redoubtable secrets of the ancient university of the Patriarchal Church, A TERRIBLE SECRET among many others, also known to the Prophets and disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ. More than ever, the truth must be kept from the profane; not only for love of the truth, but also out of charity towards those who would desecrate it.” Page 213.

This amazing passage by Saint-Yves gives tantalizing clues of a subterranean “impious race” that was buried due to a cataclysmic pole shift. A secret even Jesus Christ himself knew about. Throughout my papers I’ve argued the only way a pole shift can occur is from the passing of a near-by planetary body such as Nibiru. The first century Roman Philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca also hinted of a pole shift: See below:

“A time will come in later years when the Ocean will unloose the bands of things, when the immeasurable Earth will lie open, when seafarers will discover new countries, and [Ultima] ‘Thule’ will no longer be the extreme point among the lands.” – Quote from Seneca’s “Medea”
"The law of this cycle is inherent in the fact of a FOURTH TERRESTRIAL MOVEMENT, AS YET UNKNOWN TO SCIENTISTS" -- is this a reference to the cyclical passage of Nibiru through our Solar system and the ensuing "earth changes" it brings? Does Nibiru travel independently or is it accompanied by a "dark star" companion (Mithras or Sirius C)? There are "the four ages of man;" Is each age approximately 3,600 years long. Multiply it by 4 = 14,400 years and this is approximately half of a precessionary cycle. A full precessionary cycle would be approximately every 28,800 years; does a full precessionary cycle represent one octave or "one dimension"? ;)

On Solar and Geomagnetic “Inversion”?

http://www.tmgnow.com/repository/global ... ical1.html
We will list the recent large-scale events in the Solar System in order to fully understand, and comprehend, the Plane-to-Physical transformations taking place. This development of events, as it has become clear in the last few years, is being caused by material and energetic non-uniformity's in anisotropic interstellar space [2,3,4]. In its travel through interstellar space, the Heliosphere travels in the direction of the Solar Apex in the Hercules Constellation. On its way it has met (1960's) non-homogeneities of matter and energy containing ions of Hydrogen, Helium, and Hydroxyl in addition to other elements and combinations. This kind of interstellar space dispersed plasma is presented by magnetized strip structures and striations. The Heliosphere [solar system] transition through this structure has led to an increase of the shock wave in front of the Solar System from 3 to 4 AU, to 40 AU, or more. This shock wave thickening has caused the formation of a collusive plasma in a parietal layer, which has led to a plasma overdraft around the Solar System, and then to its breakthrough into interplanetary domains [5,6]. This breakthrough constitutes a kind of matter and energy donation made by interplanetary space to our Solar System.
http://www.tmgnow.com/repository/global ... ical2.html
The recorded and documented observations of all geophysical (planetary environmental) processes, and the clearly significant and progressive modifications in all reported solar-terrestrial physical science relationships, combined with the integral effects of the antropohenedus activity in our Solar System's Heliosphere, [33,34], causes us to conclude that a global reorganization and transformation of the Earth's physical and environmental qualities is taking place now; before our very eyes. This current rearrangement constitutes one more in a long line of cosmo-historic events of significant Solar System evolutionary transformations which are caused by the periodic modification, and amplification, of the Heliospheric-Planetary-Sun processes. In the case of our own planet these new events have placed an intense pressure on the geophysical environment; causing new qualities to be observed in the natural processes here on Earth; causes and effects which have already produced hybrid processes throughout the planets of our Solar System; where the combining of effects on natural matter and energy characteristics have been observed and reported.
http://www.tmgnow.com/repository/global ... ical3.html
Considering the totality and sequential relationship of transient background, and newly formed processes, brought about by the above stated cosmogenic and anthropogenic Plane-to-Physical transformations and alterations of our weather and climatic systems, we find it reasonable to divide matters into their manifest (explicit) and non-manifest (implicit) influences upon Earth's environment.
http://www.tmgnow.com/repository/global ... ical4.html
The situation that has been created here in our Heliosphere is of external, Interstellar, cosmic space origin, and is herein assumed to be caused by the underlying fundamental auto-oscillation, space-physical, processes of continuous creation that has shaped, and continues to evolve our Universe. The present excited state of our Heliosphere exists within the whole, or entire, organism that makes up the Solar System; the Sun, Planets, Moons, Comets, and Asteroids, as well as the plasmas, and/or electromagnetic mediums, and structures, of Interplanetary Space. The response to these Interstellar energy and matter injections into our Heliosphere has been, and continues to be, a series of newly observed energetic processes and formations on all of the Planets; between the Planets and their Moons, and the Planets and the Sun.

Earth's ability to adapt to these external actions and transference's is aggravated, made more difficult, by the technogeneous alterations we have made to the natural quality, or state, of our geological-geophysical environment. Our Planet Earth is now in the process of a dramatic transformation;by altering the electromagnetic skeleton through a shift of the geomagnetic field poles, and through compositional changes in the ozone, and hydrogen, saturation levels of its gas-plasma envelopes. These changes in the Earth's physical state are being accompanied by resultant climatic/atmospheric, and biospheric, adaptation processes. These processes are becoming more and more intense, and frequent, as evidenced by the real time increase in "non-periodic transient events"; ie., catastrophes. There are reasons favoring, or pointing to, the fact that a growth in the ethical, or spiritual quality, of humanity would decrease the number and intensity of complex catastrophes. It has become vitally important that a world chart be prepared setting forth the favorable, and the catastrophic, regions on Earth taking into account the quality of the geologic-geophysical environment, the variety and intensity of cosmic influences, and the real level of spiritual-ethical development of the people occupying those areas.

It is reasonable to point out that our Planet will soon be experiencing these new conditions of growing energy signifying the transition into a new state and quality of Space-Earth relationship. The living organisms of those regions of Earth having the major "inlets", or attractions, for cosmic influences will be taking the lead in evolving life's appropriate reactions, or processes, to these new conditions. These zones of vertical commutations and energy transfers are already becoming the heart, or hotbeds, in the search for new systems of adaptation and mutual transformation. The general list of these zones includes the polar regions, the eastern continental extremities of the equatorial regions [Caribbean, Madagascar, Philippines, Yellow Sea, etc.], and the inner continental zones tending to folding and uplifting [Himalayas, Pamir-Hindukush, Altay-Sayan systems, etc.]

The most significant of these areas are the helio-sensitive zones which have intense responses to geoeffective solar activities [Note #1]; responses that include the very dramatic and unusual manifestation of non-homogeneous vacuum, or classical non-mechanical ether, domain structures. These structures, or objects, then interact with the heliosensitive zones producing deep and powerful effects upon the environment such as the alteration of seismic activities, and chemical compositions. Because these non-homogeneous vacuum domain objects display not-of-this-physical-world characteristics such as "liquid light" and "non-Newtonian movement" it is difficult not to describe their manifestations as being "interworld processes". It is important to note that those heliosensitive zones that exhibit middle and large scale processes are also those that are closely associated with these "interworld processes" produced by physical vacuum homogeneity disturbances.

Such disturbances cause, and create, energy and matter transfer processes between the ether media and our three-dimensional world. The multitude of such phenomena, which is rich in it's quality and variety, is already growing quickly. Hundreds of thousands of these natural self-luminous formations are exerting a increasing influence upon Earth's geophysic fields and biosphere. We suggest that the presence of these formations is the mainstream precedent to the transformation of Earth;an Earth which becomes more and more subject to the transitional physical processes which exist within the borderland between the physical vacuum and our material world.

All of this places humanity, and each one of us, squarely in front of a very difficult and topical problem; the creation of a revolutionary advancement in knowledge which will require a transformation of our thinking and being equal to this never-before-seen phenomena now presencing itself in our world. There is no other path to the future than a profound internal experiential perception and knowledge of the events now underway in the natural environment that surrounds us. It is only through this understanding that humanity will achieve balance with the renewing flow of the PlanetoPhysical States and Processes.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Fri May 28, 2010 8:43 pm

The Giza Geomatrix
There is a more natural solution which would help us through events of 2012. The answer was known to the ancient Egyptians and handed down from a time of great antiquity.

They understood earth energies and the need to balance the ‘earth’s magnetic fields.

The solution lay in a device which can activate the vibrational energies of the Great Pyramid through the ley lines and other pyramid nodes across the Earth and out to the ionosphere. The vibrations heal the earth’s magnetic field

Lines of energy within the Earth follow a platonic grid pattern around the globe. On all of the nodes where these grid lines intersect there are pyramids or sacred constructions. The ancient device is predicted to reactivate the vibrational energies of the Great Pyramid and the vast rock it sits upon. Its harmonic vibrations will instantly activate all others around the Earth.

The ancient engineers developed a technology which could manipulate and rebalance the natural earth energies. It functioned with the boost of powerful cosmic energies during times of grand cosmic alignments.

Temple of the Sun – a crystal pyramid centered above the King’s Chamber is the functioning location for such a device.

Standing stones are all rich in quartz and under pressure they produce electricity. Early “cats whisker” radio receivers used the same principles.

All over the world thousands of menhir stone pillars were raised in symmetry to rebalance the magnetic fields of the earth. The stones attracted magnetic currents from the atmosphere to combine together in a fusion of power with earth energies.

Energy can be trapped or accumulated by constructing a chamber lined with inorganic material and then covered on the outside with alternate layers of organic and inorganic matter. Almost every ancient site has at least one such buried chamber purposely lined with the same alternating layers. Often foreign stones and clay were used selected for their various magnetic properties these submerged chambers were orgone energy accumulators. Finally from the mounds the currents were dissipated to the surrounding countryside.

The reversed solar vortex power generator device will re-establish the ancient energy protection system totally surrounding the earth.

The immune system of the Earth can be repaired but only by use of the technology known to the ancients.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 182#p32718
Back in the 70's, I became interested in an Atlantean energy machine described in the Edgar Cayce readings. The machine was called the “Terrible Crystal”, or the “Tuaoi Stone,” (pronounced "too-oye") or the “Firestone” in the readings.

Recently, my attention was drawn to an article in Physics Letters by Ronald L. Mallett. The abstract for this paper reads, in part: “The gravitational field due to the circulating flow of electromagnetic radiation of a unidirectional ring laser is found by solving the linearized Einstein field equations at any interior point of the laser ring.” In this article Dr. Mallett describes a ring laser that generates a gravitational field. Laser radiation is caused to propagate around a square path in space by being reflected from four mirrors placed at the corners of a square.

The final result obtained by Mallett is simple and easy to understand. Light orbiting around a point in space generates a gravitational field.

The main difference between Mallett’s apparatus and the model of the Tuaoi Stone that I envisioned is that, in the case of the Tuaoi Stone model, the light travels inside the transparent prism and reflects from the six facets in turn on the inside. That is, the light reflections all occur inside the prism. This makes perfect sense, because such reflections, unlike reflections from ordinary mirror surfaces, are characterized as “total internal” reflections because they exhibit no losses.

In the center of a building, that today would be said to have been lined with non-conductive metals, or non-conductive stone - something akin to asbestos, with the combined forces of bakerite [bakelite?] or other non-conductors that are now being manufactured in England.

The building above the stone was oval, or a dome wherein there could be or was the rolling back, so that the activity of the stone was received from the sun's rays, or from the stars; the concentrating of the energies that emanate from bodies that are on fire themselves - with the elements that are found and that are not found in the earth's atmosphere.
Pyramid: Giant Orgone Energy Accumulator
http://www.my-introspective.com/MyEnerg ... ulator.htm
The biggest large-scale orgone accumulator is the planet earth. The planet earth is basically composed of four energetic layers:

The Earth is composed of four main layers that are either magnetic Yin (diamagnetic), or magnetic Yang (paramagnetic):

Ozone (diamagnetic – deflecting magnetic force)
Atmosphere (oxygen and other gases that attract magnetic force – paramagnetic)
Water and ice - diamagnetic
Earth's core – paramagnetic and accumulator of magnetic energy
Orgone Radionics Box
The Ark was the Covenant was a very expensive Orgone box. Gold and acacia wood.
The Women Warriors
http://www.thewomenwarriors.net/phpbb2/ ... .php?t=285
Hudson believes that Moses knew the secrets of making the ORME, and that the Ark of the Covenant was merely a container for the ORME. As a volatile, superconducting, electrical device, the ORME’s presence within would explain the incredible properties of the Ark.
How to Create a Worldwide Communications Network – Still Using Bronze Age Technology
http://hermetic.blog.com/2005/03/29/thi ... al-planet/
The distribution of land and sea has all the appearance of a global flow carrying the continental crusts from a pole at the center of the Pacific to the opposite pole. The Americas and the World Island have been separated by a counterflow that does not extend into the circle of the Pacific Rim defining a third of the Earth’s surface.

In order that Gondwanaland be formed around the South Pole, we may infer that another tectonic current existed during a primordial geological era, flowing south from the Equator, if not from the North Pole. This flow was reversed from south to north during an intermediary era before the present flow pattern became established. The fact that the South Polar region is a circular plateau ten thousand feet above the sea, whereas the North Polar region is a circular ocean basin, indicates that the tectonic current arises roughly around the South Polar Circle and stops roughly around the North Polar Circle.

This coincidence, in turn, suggests the angle of the Polar Axis relative to the plane of the ecliptic is involved with the direction of the tectonic currents, just as this angle determines the currents of global weather patterns. In this era the tectonic currents appear to be aligned along an east-west axis. This suggests catastropic shifts in the Polar Axis. Now, as it happens, drill cores brought up from the ocean beds do show sudden reversals of the Earth’s magnetic field in geological times.

Because almost all the visible features of the planet are in the Eastern Hemisphere, a look at the center of the world may give some clue to account for the peculiar geological distribution. As soon as you perceive that the Pacific Rim draws a rough circle around the Nile Delta, you will notice that many of the lesser geographical structures – including undersea ridges – also form circles around the Delta. If you take a compass and scribe these circles you will eventually have enough data to show that the major land forms follow arcs at intervals of 15 degrees from the Delta, especially the arcs at 90 and 120 degrees. These are the major intervals of spherical surface harmonic overtones. The pattern is quite obvious; the Earth’s surface is defined by vibratory currents.

The Great Pyramid at Giza is located at the center of the world’s land masses and in the highest concentration of natural voltage combined with a tolerable climate. When the British inventor Sir W. Siemens climbed to the summit of the Great Pyramid he found his body discharging sparks as if he were standing on a high-voltage coil. In fact, the atmospheric voltage on the Giza has been measured at 500 per vertical meter, and Siemens should be credited for discovering what Pyramid Power is all about.

In America, from the Great City of the Sun at prehistoric Cuzco to the Great Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan, a third great-pyramid civilization arose. This culture ranged along an arc 120 degrees from Giza.

A quarter of the way around the world, 90 degrees in the other direction from Giza, recent archaeological digs have uncovered the greatest pyramids known – a thousand feet on a side – buried in the jungles of southern China, and thought to be natural mountains until the overgrowth was cut away. These mountains are the ancestral homelands of the Japanese, who still believe they are Children of the Sun.

The meaning of this peculiar dispersion was revealed by accident during the early days of World War II. At that time, radar spotters picked up the echoes of distant aircraft by listening through giant earphones instead of watching blips on flourescent screens, as is done today. The crews frequently reported hearing whistles of no known cause.

Eventually, research reported in Scientific American found an ionized layer in the upper atmosphere that filters radio waves selectively in the 7.5-cycle-per-second band, and apparently reflects them back to Earth, bringing them to a focus at the antipodes.
When lightning strikes, a broad band of radio waves is emitted, to be heard as static in unfiltered radio sets. The 7.5-cycle-per-second band is filtered from lightning discharging at the other side of the world and brought by the Schumann Layer to a focus 180 degrees distant, where the radar spotters heard the filtered static as whistles.

To military engineers, the 7.5-cycle-per-second frequency possesses two properties of great value. The Schumann Layer guides this wavelength all around the world without losing signal strength, like light between two mirrors. This wavelength also penetrates water. The United States Navy realized that this was the frequency needed to keep in constant communication with its nuclear submarine fleet, constantly ranging beneath the surface of the world’s oceans, and so it constructed a world-wide radio network broadcasting on the 7.5 Hz band, called the Sanguine Project – later extended for civilian shipping as the Omega Navigation System.

The striking property of the 7.5-cycle-per-second radio wave is that it is exactly 25,000 miles long. A wave broadcast at this frequency will expand in a growing circle until it is as long around as the equator, and then contract until it comes to a focus at the antipodes. At the other side of the world, it reverses phase and direction, expanding again to girdle the globe before returning to another focus at its exact point of origin. The loop of this wave arrives at its point of origin exactly in time to coincide with its own following wave. This means that only a single wave exists at any time, and that the wave encompasses the whole world. The entire planet beats electromagnetically at this frequency, like a cosmic heart. The 7.5-cycle-per-second frequency is the fundamental period of surface resonance of the global crystal.

Resonance in the Schumann Layer means that overtones will be generated at one half the fundamental frequency, one third the fundamental frequency, and one fourth the fundamental frequency, and so on, in successive fractions. The length of the second harmonic overtone is one half the diameter of the Earth, the third harmonic overtone is one third the diameter of the Earth, and the fourth harmonic is one fourth the diameter of the Earth. The pyramid civilization of the South Pacific is halfway around the world from the Nile Delta, the pyramid civilization of America is a third of the way around the world from the Nile Delta, and the forgotten pyramid civilization of prehistoric China is a quarter of the way around the world from the Nile. The great pyramids of the world are located precisely at the places where the strongest electrical potential is concentrated on the Earth, and at the loops of the harmonic standing waves surrounding the Earth. The Schumann Layer functions as a radio loudspeaker with its diaphragm enclosing the entire planet.

The great pyramids of antiquity are a virtual duplication of the modern military radio-communications network, broadcasting on the 7.5 Hz band from the main transmission tower on the Giza Plateau.

If the laws governing radio engineering are correctly stated, the pyramids of the world must function as a planetary radio communications network. In Mysteries of the Great Pyramid, Peter Tompkins reports that all the great cities of prehistory were built up around a central pyramid, and each was located at an exact degree interval from the Great Pyramid at Giza.

It is technologically feasible for a galactic civilization to implement the principles of pyramidal harmonics to construct a communications network throughout the Solar System, with relays carrying signals to the stars, requiring no power other than the natural resonance of organized space.

Proof that the great pyramids of the world are solid-state electronic modules in a worldwide power-generating and broadcasting network was established over fifty years ago by that superhuman genius, Nikola Tesla. Tesla knew there is a powerful voltage between the Earth and the upper atmosphere; this is what causes lightning to discharge from the Earth to the sky. When an antenna is raised, this voltage climbs it, in a gradient to be concentrated at the tip.

Tesla figured that the Earth would filter out its resonant frequency, amplify the current by its resonance, and function as a capacitor in a circuit as big as the entire planet. He pumped an electric current into the Earth, and tuned to a precise harmonic length of the Earth’s resonant frequency.


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