On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:45 pm

Oberth’s fellow associate space pioneer, who also served the Third Reich, Wernher Von Braun, echoed similar knowledge of the extra-terrestrial reality when he stated in 1959, “We find ourselves faced by powers which are far stronger than hitherto assumed, and whose base is at present unknown to us. More I cannot say at present. We are now engaged in entering into closer contact with those powers, and within six or nine months time it may be possible to speak with more precision on the matter.”

Just who were “the people of other worlds” that Dr. Oberth spoke of so blithely? And were both of these esteemed German scientists making oblique reference to one of UFOlogy’s most pervasive and tantalizing ‘myths’–the alleged link between the Third Reich of pre-World War II Germany and… EXTRATERRESTRIALS?

Following military defeat of the First World War, certain occult secret societies emerged in Germany intent upon discovering clues to the existence of ancient lost civilizations that once flourished on this planet; civilizations that reportedly possessed remarkable, almost magical technologies that allowed them mastery of the seas and the skies and even inter-stellar space travel. Inspiration to rediscover such technologies were found in a novel published in 1871 by Rosicrucian author Edward Bulwer-lytton, entitled, “THE COMING RACE“.

Lytton tells the tale of an intrepid explorer who discovers an advanced race of humans living within a vast subterranean world who call themselves “Vril-ya”. These beings had formerly been surface dwellers until a global catastrophe not unlike the Old Testament flood, forced them to take refuge deep in the Earth. The survival of this marvelous society was facilitated by their application of a force they referred to as “Vril”.

German oriental scholars and occultists regarded such ancient myths with complete seriousness and during the lull between the First and Second World War, diligent efforts were put forth by both the ‘Thule’ and the ‘Vril’ secret societies to transform these myths into a viable technological reality.

Initiates of both the Thule and Vril societies were determined to develop an ‘alternative science’ and ‘alternative technologies’ based on principles possessed by the great ‘lost’ civilization of Atlantis; a “spiritual “dynamo-technology” superior to the mechanistic notions of modern science”.

According to the legend of the German Vril society, a fateful meeting was held in 1919 at an old hunting lodge near Berchtesgaden, where Maria Orsic presented to a small group assembled from the Thule, Vril and Black Sun Societies, telepathic messages she claimed to have received from an extraterrestrial civilization existing in the distant Aldebaran solar system, sixty-eight light years away, in the Constellation of Taurus.

It is worth noting here that the Vril Society traced its philosophical origins back to a secret Bavarian, Gnostic-Templar order styling itself as “The Lords of the Black Stone” founded in 1221; an order steeped in ancient Babylonian and Sumerian theologies.

If indeed, a high-tech civilization actually existed in the Aldebaran star system, what would account for their possible motivation to assist the Vril Group and Germany to develop advanced technologies? Researcher Wendelle Stevens tells us that, rather than a militant gesture of aid to aggressive Nazis, the Aldebarans perceived an economic disparity in Earth cultures that fueled perpetual wars and conflict. To alleviate this disparity the Aldebarans reasoned that by offering ‘free-energy’ technologies, used to create affordable mass transportation devices, a new innovative generation of industries, promoting prosperity and greater peaceful interaction between nations might result; thus diminishing violent wars. Clearly such a plan resonated with members of both the Thule and Vril Societies and their dream for a utopian New World based on ‘alternative science’.

By Christmas of 1943, medium Maria Orsic of the Vril Gesellschaft, claimed that subsequent transmissions from Aldebaran revealed there were two habitable planets orbiting that star and that the ancient Mesopotamian civilization of Sumeria was linked to earlier colonies of Aldebaran explorers. The seers discovered that the Aldebaran written language was identical to that of the Sumerians and was phonetically similar to that of spoken German. It was also revealed that a ‘dimension channel’ or ‘worm-hole’ existed connecting our two solar systems.

By 1945 Kammler had secured control over all top secret SS projects that were missile or ‘aircraft’ related. Certainly Vril projects would have been one of his foremost priorities. Cunning and shrewd, Kammler easily bore the qualifications to master mind construction of ’special projects’ facilities at the South Pole. And as of April 17, 1945, Kammler disappeared from Germany, presumably escaping capture aboard a lumbering, six engine Junkers 390 Amerika bomber, bound for an unknown destination.

With the specter Russian, British and American armies all relentlessly advancing on the German heartland, supplies, scientists, and saucer components were being steadily evacuated from Europe by U-boats to secret enclaves in Germany’s Antarctic colony–Neuschwabenland. Just one month prior to the Haunebu III’s completion a cryptic message was sent by Maria Orsic to all members of the Vril Society, simply stating “None are staying here.” The psychic medium Maria was never heard from again, perhaps having escaped–like Kammler–to South America, the Antarctic, or possibly even… Aldebaran! The question remains, was she Kammler’s collaborator or captive?

By inevitably seizing the rocket facilities and personnel at Peenemunde, the advancing Allied Army leadership was only too well aware of how dangerously advanced German technology had become. Despite the Third Reich’s unconditional surrender in 1945, a potential Nazi threat still haunted Allied intelligence. Had the German High Command sacrificed its European operation to buy time for installation of a ‘fall-back’ position in the Antarctic, capable of launching future retaliations from its South Polar redoubt?

Post-script to this legend is the account of “Operation High-Jump”. In January of 1947, an American military task force, complete with thirteen ships including, an aircraft carrier, seaplanes, helicopters and 4000 combat troops was dispatched to the Antarctic under the command of Admiral Richard E. Byrd, for the stated purpose of ‘mapping’ the coastline. This task force was provisioned for an eight-month polar stay, but after eight weeks and an undisclosed loss of planes and personnel, Byrd withdrew his forces. Rumor was, Byrd encountered overwhelming hostile action, he described as, “fighters that are able to fly from one pole to another with incredible speed.” He also intimated that he had in fact engaged a German contingent being assisted as well by an ‘advanced civilization’ with formidable technologies… Whatever occurred with Byrd’s expedition at the South Pole remains shrouded in mystery since all reports, including Byrd’s personal log entries, remain classified.

Also, it should be noted that Operation High-Jump was originally organized by Secretary of the Navy, James Forrestal. But later, in 1949, Forrestal was sent to convalesce for a nervous breakdown at Bethesda Naval Hospital. However, after allegedly ranting to hospital staff about the Antarctic, UFOs and an underground Nazi city, Forrestal was denied all visitors and shortly thereafter, died in a fall from his hospital room window. His death was labeled a ‘suicide’.

But again, considering the question posed at the outset of this essay, could the ‘advanced civilization’ suggested by Byrd be the same extraterrestrials alluded to by both Von Braun and Oberth? Could these “people of other worlds” be Germany’s mysterious allies from Aldebaran?

Such is the legend of ‘Vril’ and the Third Reich’s levitating disc projects. Of course, had all discussion of ‘flying saucers’ ended in 1945 it would be perfectly simple to dismiss the whole myth as preposterous nonsense. However, as we well know, persistent reports of UFOs and circular flying craft have remained a ubiquitous enigma worldwide for all the decades since World War II. And as long as this mystery goes unanswered the riddle of Nazi saucers will remain an urgent paradox that spins a kaleidoscope of demanding questions.

Viewed from the aspect of classical physics, the whole myth is easily dismissed as fanciful rubbish; the fairy tale notions of occult channeling with space brothers from Aldebaran, and Nazis armed with flying saucers and ray-guns sounds like the most outrageous science fiction! However, this same legend reconsidered from the radically altered view of Quantum physics takes on dramatic plausibility! Was the Vril Society simply making practical application of the ‘Unified Field”? Is Vril or “the unity in natural energetic agencies” that Edward Bulwer-Lytton described, far from pulp fiction, but a remarkably accurate description of zero-point energy that pervades the entire universe? Did ancient lost civilizations of Earth share understanding with extraterrestrial civilizations among the stars that the universe is in fact a single consciousness and simultaneously an ocean of limitless energy? Could it be that a handful of daring German visionaries discovered secrets of harnessing this energy? And ultimately, who were the REAL victors in World War II?

Did a contingent of German physicists and engineers and military personnel successfully drop off the grid in 1945 and establish a new colony, totally self-sufficient and independent of the global petroleum cartels? And are the fundamentals of free-energy production fully known and deliberately withheld, at the cost of destroying our environment, merely to serve the greed of multi-national corporate and banking interests to this day? And is this ‘free-energy’ propulsion the ultimate secret behind the UFO cover-up?

In 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower was allegedly secreted away to a meeting with Extraterrestrials at MUROC airfield near Palm Springs, California. One particular group was reported to be ‘Nordic’ looking and they offered Eisenhower Free-Energy technology in exchange for nuclear disarmament–Ike declined! And as the story goes, these ‘Nordic’ ETs subsequently met with Pope Pius XII at the Vatican as well.

But perhaps the most blatant inference of a German connection with UFOs comes from the famed Billy Meier case in Switzerland. In 1975, thirty years after the disappearance of the Vril society leaders, a Swiss farmer claimed to have contact with a girl from the ‘Pleiades’, who bore the pseudonym, “Semjase” and a striking resemblance to the ‘Vrilerinnen’ from 1919. This space girl also wore long blonde hair, spoke in fluent Austrian-German and candidly shared comprehensive knowledge about the German saucer projects of World War II.

And yet, the riddle remains that were the surviving modern remnants of the Third Reich to actually possess such vastly superior technology, why then would they not simply flex their muscle and conquer the world in one final swift stroke? Or did they realize such a victory might ultimately be a futile gesture?

Suppose the Reich survivors learned from their Aldebaran mentors the secret the ancient Sumerians possessed–that, in a regular 3600 year cycle, the surface of planet Earth is devastated by the passing of a dwarf-star which is companion to our solar system. And that this Dark Star was calculated once again to swing through the inner planets during the early years of the 21st Century. Such a monumental event would grant the “Thousand Year Reich” a meager seventy year or so life span. Thus might the Reich survivors not wisely choose to disappear from the surface world and develop hardened underground ’shelters’ in the remote wastes of Antarctica, patiently preparing to safely ride out the Dark Star’s passing?

Do we dare suppose that a contemporary generation of subterranean Reichskinder secretly continue to advance their limitless scientific wonders, content to allow the ignorant, expendable ’surface dwellers’ to choke in the poisoned atmosphere of their internal-combustion, junk-technology, automobiles, airplanes and industries? Could it be that all the incredible levitating machines and free-energy technologies envisioned by the Thule and Vril Societies are being carefully held in reserve for the promised ‘New Age’; a future time when Earth has recovered from the agonies of its Dark Star’s encounter…? We may discover the answers to these questions sooner than we realize!

Meanwhile, the quest to solve the mysteries of Nazi saucers and the secrets from Aldebaran, certainly has gained more relevance to our present world here in the first decade of the 21st Century. It seems an irony that, much like pre-World War II Germany, we find Western Civilization dangerously dependent upon foreign petroleum sources dominated by hostile Muslim nations. Is there a free-energy/anti-gravity answer to this dilemma?

And lastly, there has surfaced the mystery of the TR-3B. Allegedly one of the latest high-tech, USAF stealth aircraft rumored to be operational is the ‘Astra’, otherwise known as the TR-3B. This craft is delta shaped and capable of vertical lift, as well as all the other radical moves commonly associated with UFOs. Its propulsion is described as “Magnetic Field Disruptor” [anti-gravity], created by spinning mercury plasma at 50,000 rpms, pressurized to 250,000 psi.

If such aircraft technology seems too far-fetched, one might consider this statement from former director of Lockheed’s ‘Skunk-Works’ at Area-51, Ben Rich… “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in ‘black-projects’ and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity.” Having served as dirctor from 1975 to 1991, Rich is also quoted as saying, “Anything you can imagine we already know how to do.”

The bottom line has two options; either the whole story is pure fantasy, or Nazi secrets of anti-gravity were gobbled up at the end of the war by Allied Intelligence and given a security classification Above-Top-Secret, with all evidence meticulously hidden or destroyed. However, it should be noted that anti-gravity propulsion systems, such as the Vril legend suggest, would make all aerospace and avionic technologies obsolete overnight--and these are huge multi-billion dollar industries directly tied to the international petroleum cartels. Surely these combined military/industrial interests would possess the means and the motive to obliterate any conclusive history of German anti-gravity research. Allegedly the Rockefeller Foundation paid $139,000.00 in 1946 to commission the publishing of an “official” history of World War II that deleted any and all references to the mystical and occult interests of the Third Reich. One of the Rockefeller Foundation’s major contributors was…Standard Oil!]


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:06 pm

Mague said: This organic device does not only help to walk in a straight line and to know where up and down is. Physical and mental orientations are overlapping topics. Those are also connected to physical and mental vision.

All the ancients where able to tell is that our perception is blocked artificially. The escape from the "earbrackets" is the total abandonment of materialism and the unconditional move to universal idealism.

I was quite serious about the energetic controlled inner ear. Van Gogh knew it, he had good eyes for light and forms and stuff.
The Magic Spiral
In mathematics, a spiral is a curve which emanates from a central point, getting progressively farther away as it revolves around the point. A "spiral" and a "helix" are both technically spirals even though they each represent a different object. The two primary definitions of a spiral are as follows:

A curve on a plane that winds around a fixed center point at a continuously increasing or decreasing distance from the point

A three-dimensional curve that turns around an axis at a constant or continuously varying distance while moving parallel to the axis

In Tantric yoga, kundalini - the Sanskrit word for “spiral” and which also suggests “serpent power” - rises through the body through a series of seven energy centres, or chakras, the aim being to activate this spiritual and psychic energy by using various yogic techniques, and raise it from the lowest to the highest chakra. Kundalini is often depicted as a coiled serpent.

There are countless examples of the spiral curve in the animal kingdom. It is also found in many aspects of human anatomy: the fibres in the ventricles of the heart run in spiral lines so that the muscular constriction by which the blood is forced onward, and the circulation kept up, is like the twist of a screw; in the “labyrinth” of the inner ear, and coiled in the shape of a snail shell, is the cochlea, which analyses frequencies and consists of a spiral canal in which lies a smaller membranous spiral passage.
Victor Schauberger and the Logarithmic Spiral
Schauberger found:

That "the three dimensional vortex called the logarithmic spiral is the shape of water going down a drain, a tornado, a hurricane, a rams horn which, when played as an instrument, has two basic notes separated by a fifth musical note, atomic centers and galactic nebulas, possibly the entire universe".

"Atoms are nothing more than vortical patterns of energy, where a vortex is a three dimensional spiral. Growth patterns of shells and horns are nearly always spiral or vortical in form, possibly growing along some natural energy pattern".

"Synchrotron radiation occurs when electrons spiral into a magnetic field. Neuroglia (connective tissue of the central nervous system) are actually tightly wound spirals, helixes and vortices",

"Our inner ear is designed in the form of a logarithmic spiral with specific points along the curve actually proved to be resonant to specific frequencies".

That "the logarithmic spiral is based on a cycloid curve and is the exact opposite of the pressure screw used on airplanes and ships".

He believed that there is one universal energy which manifests as dual forces; depending on its polarity.
Why the Inner Ear is Snail-Shaped
Observers have long wondered whether the snail-like shape of the cochlea--the organ of the inner ear--improves hearing or merely saves space. Now, in the 3 March PRL, researchers calculate that its spiral shape effectively boosts the strength of the vibrations caused by sound, especially for low pitches.

When sound waves hit the ear drum, tiny bones in the ear transmit the vibrations to the fluid of the cochlea, where they travel along a tube which winds into a spiral. The tube's properties gradually change along its length, so the waves grow and then die away, much as an ocean wave traveling towards the shore gets taller and narrower before breaking at the beach. Different frequencies reach their peak at different positions along the tube, which allows the cochlea to distinguish them. Researchers have shown that the spiral shape of the cochlea has no effect on this peak position--theoretically, a straight, unrolled cochlea ought to function identically. But it turns out that the spiral shape does have a useful function--it enhances the vibrational motions that translate into nerve signals.

Sedona Magnetic Anomaly
So how is a Vortex created and sustained? To begin Sedona is rich in Fe2o3 - Iron Oxide. Magnetite may also exist in large quantities. Concentrations of iron oxide and other metal/minerals have the effect of focusing the earth's natural Geomagnetism, a product of this planet's molten outer core. As the outer core churns a magnetic north and south pole are created. But in the process another form of magnetism is produced. It is non-dipole in nature. Non dipole meaning there is no north or south. Within the earth non-dipole magnetism assumes the form of a "Vortex Like" shape that exhibits upwards and downwards motion.

Geese fly north in the springtime. They have concentrations of magnetite in their inner ear fluid. The magnetite acts as part of a biological compass for the geese. Of course other birds, mammals, etc. also have this ability due to magnetite but what about we humans? Studies have shown women typically have higher concentrations of magnetite in their inner ear fluid then men. Therefore they are more receptive to subtle electromagnetic energies.

I have recorded many intense magnetic in and outflows of energy in Sedona and it is my belief this energy is sensed by the magnetite in our inner ear fluid. Unlike the process of hearing which relies on mechanical vibration (the ear drum ), to produce electrical impulses to the brain, the magnetite, as a receptor produces the impulses that through additional processes stimulate the temporal lobes of the brain.
In recent years, a variety of animals have been found which are able to synthesize the ferromagnetic mineral magnetite (Fe3O4).

Magnetite is biologically unique because it is both ferromagnetic and conducts electricity like a metal; consequently it interacts strongly with magnetic and electric fields. Due to the numerous industrial and research environments which expose people to artificially intense electromagnetic conditions, it is of importance to know whether or not this material might exist in human tissue. Kirschvink & Gould (1980) have argued that there are probably one or more non-sensory metabolic functions for magnetite from which specialized magnetoreceptors could have evolved; consequently one might expect to find small amounts of magnetite in all animals, including humans.
The Third EYE, Magnetite and the pineal gland
http://www.alien-ufos.com/paranormal-co ... gland.html
Human eyes can only see a very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The human eye actually sees everything upside down a reflection of reality. The upside down image is then processed in the brain which interprets the image and makes it appear right side-up to us.

But the human body has another physical eye whose function has long been recognized by humanity.

It is called the 'Third Eye' which in reality is the Pineal Gland. The pineal gland is cone-shaped with 12 cosmic rays spiraling from a central pyramid. The Pineal Gland is about the size of a pea, and is in the center of the brain in a tiny cave behind and above the pituitary gland which lies a little behind the root of the nose. It is located directly behind the eyes, attached to the third ventricle.

When the pineal gland awakens one feels a pressure at the base of the brain. This pressure will often be experienced when connecting to higher frequency. A head injury can also activate the Third Eye - Pineal Gland.

Kundalini Yoga and DMT
http://www.evolver.net/user/adam_david_ ... ga_and_dmt
Dimethyltryptamine, commonly referred to as DMT, has a Schedule I drug classification, which makes it illegal to manufacture, sell, buy, or distribute. Despite its prohibition in the United States of America, plants which contain traces of DMT are used in Ayahuasca brews during spiritual ceremonies found in South America. Ayahuasca brews are made with Psychotria viridis, a type of vine with naturally-occuring levels of DMT. The Psychotria viridis vine which contains DMT is where Ayahuasca derives its meaning, as the “vine of the souls”. Again we find a reference to DMT acting as a catalyst toward attaining enlightenment and a higher sense of understanding.

DMT, which is naturally found within the pineal gland, is the common link between this enlightenment and the charkas, which find their analogous counterparts within the organs of the endocrine system- the pineal gland being the chief of these charkas. DMT is secreted from the pineal gland by the enzyme tryptamine-N-methyltransferase. Interaction with dimethyltryptamine induces strong psychotropic reactions including but not limited to intense visual and physiological hallucinations, time disorientation, sythesesia, as well as possible fundamental shifts in perspective and opinion.
Pineal Gland Mystique
The pineal gland is a cone-shaped structure in the brain, situated between the superior colliculi, the pulvinar, and the splenium of the corpus callosum. Its precise function has not been established. It may secrete the hormone melatonin, which appears to inhibit the secretion of luteinizing hormone.

The pineal gland has an almost nonexistent history in the Western medical world and community; however, the pineal gland has a rich "metaphysical" history. As metaphysics is considered occultic, this may explain why there is a near avoidance of such subject in our society pertaining to this powerful gland in the human body.

The Pineal Gland, in conjunction with the adrenal glands, effects skin pigmentation, helps with potassium and sodium levels in the body, controls one's mental stability, and controls mental and sexual growth. It is often referred to as the Seat of the Soul.

This gland alone links the physical body with the Other Side or unseen realm of existence. The pineal gland is the seat of the mystical 3rd eye that you hear so much about in occult and metaphysical teachings and circles. While we see physically with the two physical eyes, we see spiritually with the 3rd eye, located directly in the middle of the physical eyes. The 3rd eye is our spiritual eye and just as the physical eyes can suffer, so can our spiritual eyesight.
The 3rd eye via the Pineal Gland controls the attributes and functions of the 6th chakra (Ajna in Sanskrit) which include: clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, telepathy, ESP (extra sensory perception), intuition, and Christ consciousness (or Cosmic consciousness).

The 3rd eye via the Pineal Gland also controls the attributes and functions of the 7th chakra (called Sahasrara in Sanskrit) which include: linkage with the Higher Self, astral projection and astral travel, and ascension to the Akashic Records. The Soul leaves the body via the 7th Chakra during death (transitioning) and dreaming (lower astral realm).

The Pineal Gland is the seat of consciousness but is also, again, the exit for the Soul from the body during sleep and death (transitioning). If the Soul leaving the body via the Pineal Gland (or Crown Chakra) is temporary, you have dreaming or OBE (out-of-body experience).

If the soul leaving the body via the Pineal Gland is permanent, you have what is called death.

The Bible has a gnostic or occult interpretation to it that when understood makes sense of much in the Bible that the average reader doesn't have a clue of as far as understanding what is read. For every mundane religion, i.e. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam for example, there's an exoteric (outer) version or interpretation and an esoteric (inner) view or understanding.

This is why you have regular Judaism and its mystical component or aspect called Kabbalah. The same with Christianity and Islam!

Christianity has regular Christianity and its mystical component Gnostic Christianity. Much of regular Christianity doesn't make sense or add up logically, rationally, and sensibly and much of it defies Universal law when read and interpreted on the surface level or understood from a literal view.

There's regular Islam and then there's its mystical component, Sufism.

The average religious follower is kept out of the mystical aspect of his/her faith via intentional miseducation, conditioning, propaganda, and ignorance by the elite/leaders of the religion.

This is why deists and Freemasons (York Riters and Scottish Riters) rule the world of man (mundane realm, the Matrix) because they understand the laws and energies that govern life and use their knowledge and understanding to manipulate, rule, control, and exploit the little man and woman like they are doing right now.

The Freemasons who hide behind fraternal orders or secret societies run the world including religious people. Orders such as the Knights Templars, Order of Skull and Bones, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers, Royal Institute of International Affairs, The Roundtable, Committee of 300, Council on Foreign Affairs, Rosicrucians, Knights of Malta, et al are the orders who pull the strings of society (the Matrix).

Grey Cloud
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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by Grey Cloud » Sun Oct 31, 2010 5:57 pm

mague wrote:
Grey Cloud wrote: nor anyone else knows what happened in the Chaldean Mysteries.

sure we do. All the ancients where able to tell is that our perception is blocked artifícially.

The escape from the "earbrackets" is the total abandonment of materialism and the uncoditional move to universal idealism.

Black sun and Shamballa in a hollow earth are just the figurative descriptions for a reality we can not perceive. Nevertheless the reality we can not perceive is the true reality.

I was quite serious about the energetic controlled inner ear. Van Gogh knew it, he had good eyes for light and forms and stuff.
Mystery Schools didn't take minutes at their meetings. No esoteric tradition mentions anything about 'blocking' or 'artificial'. Our perception is limited by their physical nature, just as are a dog's or a frog's, or a buttercup's for that matter.
If I have the least bit of knowledge
I will follow the great Way alone
and fear nothing but being sidetracked.
The great Way is simple
but people delight in complexity.
Tao Te Ching, 53.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 31, 2010 8:00 pm

Mague wrote: All the ancients where able to tell is that our perception is blocked artificially. I was quite serious about the energetic controlled inner ear.
Gray Cloud said: Lizzie, neither your man nor anyone else knows what happened in the Chaldean Mysteries. I doubt whether your man even knows what a 'Chaldean' actually was. One thing you can be fairly sure of is that they weren't teaching practical astronomy or physics.

Mystery Schools didn't take minutes at their meetings. No esoteric tradition mentions anything about 'blocking' or 'artificial'. Our perception is limited by their physical nature, just as are a dog's or a frog's, or a buttercup's for that matter.
The following article was, no doubt, based on “secret information” taken from the “minutes” of an ancient Mystery School. Indeed, this would confirm that they were not teaching practical “astronomy or physics.” ;)

However, the information does tend to prove that all kinds of “spiritual blockages” and much more could result from a malfunctioning pineal gland.

The Pineal Gland and the Ancient Art of Iatromathematica
http://www.astrology-research.net/resea ... pineal.htm
The medical astrologers of Ancient Greece: the iatromathematici, and the later European physician-astrologers, assumed a correlation between events in the heavens and those on earth that was relevant to both health and disease. Some of the early practitioners of modern scientific medicine did the same under the aegis of what we might term, proto-cosmobiology, though none of them could provide an adequate mechanism to explain the nature of the link they believed existed between the skies and ourselves. With the discovery and elucidation of the pineal gland’s functions in the mid twentieth century, we can now, to a great extent, explain in conventional scientific terms, how those influences of the sun, moon, planets and other celestial phenomena studied by the early iatromathematici and early cosmobiologists could, can, and do, affect us.

In Ancient Greece there was a distinction made between those who studied the stars in fairly general terms – the mathematici or magi, and those who did so for medical purposes – the iatromathematici. However the two areas of study overlapped considerably with little distinction being made between physical and metaphysical speculations. Accordingly, what we now know of as astronomy and astrology remained virtually indistinguishable for centuries.

So it’s clear that the early mixture of astronomy and astrology, known as astrologia, gave rise to the due consideration of physical forces and their effects by informed physician-astrologers, in addition to those “forces” or “influences” we would now think on as purely “astrological.”

What was lacking in all of these investigations, however, and what, in part, tarnished them with the by now unpopular taint of astrology, was the lack of a credible mechanism to explain how celestial events could interact with us biologically.

At various times in the history of medicine the precise function of the small discrete pea-like structure we have in the centre of our brains, called the pineal gland, was considered to be: a memory valve, a valve controlling circulating vital fluids, the seat of the soul, and the site of a presumed pathology causing certain types of mental illness – “a stony hardness of the pineal gland”

In the mid nineteen fifties this confusion began to clear when the pineal gland’s true function was discovered and the nature of the link between ourselves and certain events in the skies above us was finally revealed.

The modern systematic study of the pineal gland began in 1954 when, after a review of the existing literature, Mark Altschule and Julian Kitay suggested it could be a productive area for research (Kitay & Altschule, 1954). Their comprehensive review suggested that the gland – until then generally held to be unimportant by modern scientific medicine – appeared to have a number of possible, if minor, physiological roles, many of which had been reported in the literature on the light sensitivity of certain mammals

As Brownstein and Heller (1968) demonstrated, this enzyme – which catalyses the conversion of serotonin to melatonin – is modulated by nerves that impinge directly onto the pineal gland, the activity of which, in turn, depend upon input from the optic nerves. Thus a small proportion of the impulses set up in the optic nerves bypasses the main visual pathway and, instead, takes a circuitous route to the pineal. Stimulation of these nerves increases the activity of HIOMT and, hence, stimulates the synthesis of melatonin.

Bright light inhibits melatonin production by inhibiting nerve tone to the pineal, whereas darkness has the opposite effect and, by increasing neural activity to the gland, stimulates the production of melatonin. This effect of light is dependent both upon its wavelength and its intensity.

In addition to light, other electromagnetic (EM) radiations influence melatonin production, and EM fields of varying strengths and types – including earth strength magnetic fields – have been shown to influence melatonin production to the same degree as the exposure to light does.

Given that the production of melatonin is, amongst other things, controlled by the intensity and nature of ambient electromagnetic fields (EMFs) of geo-magnetic strength, then the intensity and orientation of the EM fields a neonate is exposed to perinatally could obviously alter the level of pineal melatonin in that neonate and, hence, influence its later development.

There also appears to be a link between the geomagnetic field and developmental factors in humans.

So, despite the many potential variables inherent in all these studies, what clearly emerges is the fact that the precise time of exposure to altered levels of melatonin, relative to the time of birth – is probably a critical factor in determining whether or not some change in development or behaviour is observed in adulthood.

Despite our increased understanding of the functions and mechanisms of action of the pineal gland in the past few decades, the precise mechanism at a cellular level whereby electromagnetic radiation can produce biological effects was, until recently, unknown. However in the past decade or so, studies of the ferrous mineral known as magnetite, have shown that it can act as a transducer linking ambient electromagnetic activity to cellular function. In addition – in both animals and humans – magnetite has been identified in most tissues examined, including the pineal gland.

Given all of this, we should expect something else that our iatromathematicus would presumably have assumed: the existence of a quantifiable link between certain, long term developmental factor(s) in humans, and the purely physical factors that dictate the degree and type of radiation a neonate is exposed to post partum. Such physical factors include: photoperiod, local geomagnetic and other ambient EMFs, and what in great part determines these and what we shall consider here in some detail for the purposes of illustration: seasonality and the season of birth.

Seasonal changes in melatonin levels that are directly associated with EMF intensity have been reported in the literature as indicated, and this is suggestive of a possible linkage between: season, geomagnetic field fluctuation, melatonin production and immediate, or delayed, acute, or chronic, normal and pathophysiological states.

Thus a putative effect of the moon on pineal activity such as that indicated above (Law, 1986) seems credible, as does another – that could be related – suggested through the theoretical mechanism of magnetospheric resonance.

There is now also a large body of work that suggests that changes in geomagnetic, and other, radiations in an individual’s immediate environment could – mainly it seems through actions on the temporal lobe of the brain – produce subjective experiences in humans that, certainly in some cases, could approach hallucinatory status.

It has even been credibly suggested that there could be an association between wars, increased solar-geomagnetic activity and aggression: in general terms, the sort of qualitative relationship between celestial force and political or military action, that the mathematici or magi, were traditionally consulted about.

Such considerations may provide a rational basis for many, though possibly not all, of the traditional belief system of the practitioners of medical astrology, the iatromathematici. They probably also give us a firm biophysical basis for the proto-cosmobiological theories of scientists and physicians like Svante Arrhenius and Wilhelm Fliess, as they undoubtedly do for many of the findings of the more modern, established science of cosmobiology.
Last edited by lizzie on Sun Oct 31, 2010 8:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 31, 2010 8:04 pm

Did the Edenic (first) humans descend from the "gods"? Were they originally androgynous beings?
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 600#p41395

Were some of our original “creator gods” androgynous beings? Were the first humans androgynous? Was the ancient pagan androgynous saviour of the Dogon later adopted by the Christians and incorporated into the male figure of Jesus Christ?

"Mitochondrial Eve" is the name given by researchers to the woman who is believed to be the last common matrilineal ancestor of all human beings living today. A member of a population of humans living around 150,000 years ago in Africa, this "Eve" was identified through "mitochondria organelles" that are only passed from mother to offspring.

The religion was created in an oral culture and its symbolic language is connected through a spherical pattern with no beginning or end. The spherical pattern of the Dogon religion is different from what we are used to today, as most written literature is presented in a linear fashion with a beginning and end. By using the globular structure in its creation, the Dogon religion provides us with a metaphor for immortality. It focuses on immortality because the key spiritual figures, the Nummo, were immortal. According to the Dogon, these fish-tailed serpent-like beings came to Earth from another star system. When they died and were reborn, they could remember their previous existence.

Even though the spiritual Nummo were androgynous, they were identified as being feminine and were symbolized by the sun in the Dogon religion.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 600#p41249

There is at least circumstantial evidence in support of the hypothesis that the peoples whom we describe as patriarchal were once a special caste or "guild" in earlier Near Eastern civilizations. They seem to have been a 'taboo' group, 'branded" and set apart, like Cain --whose name, by the way, means 'expelled"-specializing in the risky skills of smelting (fire) and slaughter of animals (bloodletting) for ritual purposes.

Not only this, but, because of their indifference to pain and death, they provided manpower for the first militias of early Near Eastern Empires, developing eventually into a distinct warrior caste. Careful reading of texts from 2000 BC suggest that, from male-bonded and therefore exclusive solidarity among themselves, they became an autonomous power and at last rose in revolt against their own rulers, who were temperamentally unprepared to resist storms of violence. (Archeologists examining the corpses of their victims note that they seem to have submitted passively, without resistance.)

It is time now to reveal the identity of these two groups, who will play an important role (with other related groups) in further discussion here, and in the as-yet unwritten even more lengthy version, of the subject matter relevant to a history of the patriarchy.

The first group, whose trial and disposition has been described, is the Knights Templar, the ruling military and later economic elite (with the approval of Church and State) of Christendom for two and a half centuries, 1099-1314 AD.

The second group is the Freemasons, who were not parties to the above trial but who have suffered similar inquisitions on a smaller scale from the early 1700s (although their activities are documented at least a century earlier) to the late 1800s. There is good reason to believe that Templar cells (in Spain and Scotland, not subject to the laws of Rome) survived, and in time evolved into the Freemasons, since the two groups in fact make claim to the same history. Masons were central figures among the Founding Fathers, they were central in the French Revolution, and they were equally central in the administration of colonies by the British Empire.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 600#p41251

The pupil (Serrano) is prepared to go this way and is initiated into the tantras and the “laws of androgyny” by the master: “This knowledge has been passed on to us by the serpent [kundalini] that survived on the ocean floor as the world of the god-men was destroyed, in which the woman was not outside but rather inside and where man and woman were one. Until you are one with the woman, you will be no priest king.

This is never, the pupil learns, possible through chastity and asceticism. Rather, the man must encounter the woman in the “magic love” in order to divert her feminine energies.

As we know, this requires absolute control over the sexual act and above all the retention of the seed. In it the seed may not be issued outwardly and be lost in the woman, rather it must flow inwardly into the body of its owner in order to impregnate him with the androgyne, ... as one in the likewise symbolic language of alchemy”. If the man does not expel his sperm he can absorb the woman’s gynergies completely. “If the woman does not receive”, Serrano says, “she gives! Through her skin she exudes substances, a concentrated energy, which satiates you and penetrates into your blood and heart”.

But it can happen that the tantric experiment fails. If the sadhaka (the pupil) loses his seed during the magic sexual act then he is destroyed by the aggressive femininity: “The spider devours the male who fertilizes her, the bees murder the drones, the fearsome mother wears the organ of generation tied around her neck. Everything female devours. In one way or another, the man is consumed”.

It is thus a matter of life and death. Ultimately, according to Serrano the “killing” of the external woman (the karma mudra) is therefore necessary, so that the inner woman (the maha mudra) can be formed. The author does not shrink from discussing the “tantric female sacrifice” directly.

For Serrano the tantric initiation is the central rite of a “hyperborean” (Nordic) warrior caste. Shambhala counts as the supreme mystery site for the initiation of the “priest-warriors”. “In Shambhala”, the author says, “the use of the force through which the mutation of the earth and the people can be carried out is taught, and the latter [the people] are introduced into the martial initiation, which makes this possible.
“The Secret of Regeneration”
http://www.healthresearchbooks.com/page ... hp?pid=422
1963 Each lesson of this marvelous course grows more and more interesting. It is a most remarkable and revolutionary body of information. The following facts are revealed. That man did not evolve from the ape, but degenerated from a previous race of Supermen or Gods. The Gods of antiquity were a race of superior human beings who were our remote ancestors.

That originally there was only one sex, not two and that these superior, fruitful beings reproduced parthenogenetically but virgin birth. That women still possesses the latent capacity for virgin birth.

Originally the embryo is hermaphroditic, through degeneration, imperfect males and females come into being.
The Secret of Regeneration – Hilton Hotema

Dr. Walter Seigmeier, of New York, says: “In Professor Hilton Hotema’s Post-graduate course (Secret of Regeneration) is revealed a mass of knowledge so startling so revolutionary, and so original that one who has gone through it must declare that it is the greatest work he has ever read. It is undoubtedly one of the greatest contributions to anthropology, archeology history and religion that have been made in modern times.

The following facts are revealed.

1) That man did not evolve from the ape, but degenerated from a previous race of Supermen or Gods.

2) That the Gods of antiquity were a race of superior human beings who were our remote ancestors; and that the “Sons of God” represented a more inferior race of superior beings which degenerated from the previous race of Gods. The race of men represents a still greater degeneration.

3) That originally there was only one sex, not two and that these superior, fruitful beings reproduced parthenogenetically by virgin birth. In other words, the virgin birth was the normal method of reproduction in the early days of the race. Through degeneration, the male sex appeared, and then came sexual generation, with sexual debauchery.

4) Women still possess the latent capacity for virgin birth, manifesting in the development of ‘dermoid cysts’, or malformed embryos, in virgins, which is recognized by the medical world.

5) Originally the embryo is hermaphroditic. Through degeneration, imperfect males and imperfect females come into being. The perfect person that once existed before the race degenerated was like the embryo in its early stages of development. Only through degeneration did the two imperfect sexes arise.

Inter-sexuality is a condition in which the person is neither male nor female. There are multitudes of these cases. In fact, a condition of inter-sexuality, both physically and psychically, appears more or less in every person.

Dr. David Causey, University of Arkansas, before the American Association for the advancement of Science, on January 1, 1936, at St. Louis, MO, read a paper, “The Decadence of the Males in the Animal Kingdom,” in which he cited numerous facts to support his assertion, that “a twilight is settling over masculinity in the animal world, and the male of all species is slowly becoming extinct.” He adds:

“Sexual reproduction appears to be an afterthought of nature that she is slowly trying to forget. Some species already show evidence of swinging back to the time when life was perpetuated without the benefit of masculine support.”

This is not the observation of the “ignorant and superstitious ancients”, but of a modern biologist. Nor do we believe that the “ancient myth” of the Virgin Birth constrained or influence Dr. Causey to make such remarks.

Let us observe another important feature. If the time should be when parthogenesis is the rule of propagation, men will be reduced to the status of “drones”. Worse than that will come to pass: It will mean the disappearance of Man. Blood and War, unrighteousness and wickedness, fornication and female slavery will come to the final end. There will be only a happy, harmonious homosexual group of friendly, fruitful beings, in whom the quality of “sexual consciousness”, by reason of non-use, will again lapse into dormancy, and the race will rise form its Edenic Fall. Then the quality of love will have no more relation to the organs of generation than it had in the case of Jesus and in others of that exalted class. This is the heaven described by the Ancient Masters.

We have said that modern religion is exclusively masculine. In man-made religious philosophies and theoretical dissertations, the masculine principle and the male organism are primary in the cosmic scheme. The feminine principle and the feminine organism are secondary. But Natural Law, in all points, reveals the fact “that originally and normally all tings center, as it were, about the female. In a word, “life begins as female.”

“Life is feminine. On the physical plane the first living organism was a mother organism.

“The Female Sex is primary; the Male secondary, In Life, originally and normally all life centers around the female. The male, not necessary in the scheme of life, was developed under the operation of the principle of advantage, to secure organic progress through the crossing of strains.

The female is primary and the original sex, and continues throughout as the main trunk. The male element was added afterward for the purposes of variation.

The female organism is the one on which Nature has bestowed the most care, prevision, and attention. This is only logical when it is considered that organized forms begin their existence I the elementary womb of the all-mother

Overwhelming evidence compels modern science to admit that:

1. Life is feminine (creative, constructive);
2. The female is primary; the male secondary;
3. The female is the main trunk of the race;
4. The female produced the many by parthenogenetric generation;
5. The female is superior to the male;
6. The female is closer to Nature than the male;
7. The female is more in harmony with Nature than the male.

Under the Law of Devolution, the male appears, long ages after the female. In this finding of science is revealed the truth of the ancient legends and traditions of the Virgin Mother. The male appears after the woman has been on earth for many ages, and he appears as the product of degenerative influences. So asserts modern science. But it commits the error of making man new, more complex and the higher form.”

Our course, The Secret of Regeneration, explains the Two Laws of Generation referred to in the Bible – (1) Spiritual Law and (2) the Carnal Law.

“I see another law in my (generative) member, warring against the (creative) law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the (creative) law of sin (carnal copulation) in my (generative) members.” – Rom 7.23.

The deepest secrets of Life are hinted at in the Bible, but they are unknown to the church and a mystery to the clergy. In our course they are explained for the first time in the history of the modern world.

Darwin, Huxley and other scientists have shown that the rudimentary organs in man indicate that bisexuality “was the primitive, first, or earliest condition of the sexual apparatus or reproductive organs; and that unisexuality is but the result of a partial abortion of the other sex.”

The sexes do not form two distinctive groups. They shade gradually into each other, both psychically and physically, like daylight into darkness, with the heterosexual woman at one extreme, and the heterosexual man at the other. The only logical conclusion to be derived from the facts presented is that man is a degenerate woman; for (1) woman appeared first and (2) man evolved from woman under the Law of Devolution.

If the female sex is the reproductive, fertile sex, then the male, the fertilizer, is also female. Thus there can be only one sex, the female.

This briefly describes why present men and women appear as the two unbalanced, developed, self-generating Units. In the course of time all knowledge of the previous conditions of bisexualism would be lost and forgotten, and the unbalanced organism, called male and female, would become a racial characteristic and be regarded as normal structures.

This statement agrees with the Law of Modification, “that when any deviation of structure or constitution appears in the parent, as a result of degenerative influences or other causes, it is transmitted to the offspring in an augmented degree. But under the Laws of Hereditary, this modified creature, which we now call man, could be nothing more nor less than a woman, presenting supernormal male qualities and infra-normal female qualities. To be more exact, this modified creature would be nothing more or less than a degenerate woman.

When man reverts toward the type of his ancestry, he does not become an ape. He develops his dormant and rudimentary female qualities and becomes a Hermaphrodite. This is “Atavistic Reversion.”

Equally as important, this fact of observation shows that to reach the Higher Life, man must first rise above the Law of Sexuality. He must revert to a woman, and then revert to a god by the development of the Dual Elements of Creation.

“This is Regeneriton and this is the only plan of Salvation”, says Dr. Raleigh. These are the stages through which man has passed in his descent; and these are the stages through which he must pass in his ascent. Only by reversing the process can man ascend to the Higher Life from which he has fallen under the force of the Law of Devolution.

Our doctrine is the lesser from the Greater, the Lower from the Higher; man from woman, and woman from a god.

The Secret of Regeneration reveals and explains mysterious secrets of the Creative Centers of the human body unknown to modern medical science, but familiar to the ancient Wise Men who knew that Virgin Birth is the Primal Law of Human Generation.

Of this Law, John says:

“Whosoever is born of God (spiritual generation) doth not commit sin, for his seed remaineth in him…In this the children of God are manifest.” (1 J. 3:9, 10).

Science states that “the female is the primary and the original sex, “and that “the first male, the first son of the (virgin) mother, was ever virgin-born.”

In the second stage of reproduction, the female produces a fertilizer.

If the female sex is the reproducing, the fertile sex, the male (generated in her body), the fertilizer, is also female, but a differentiated, incomplete female organism, undeveloped in the distinctive creative organs and functions of the female.

Here appears the “second stage of reproduction”. The function is now performed by two imperfect unisexual halves. They must now cooperate, coordinate and copulate with each other in order to perform the creative work that was previously performed by a more perfect and powerful Unit.

According to law, “like begets like” the bisexual organism, under favorable conditioning produces itself. The first imperfect, positive male cell, and the first “male” organism, as an entity separated from its bisexual ancestor, was an initial failure on the part of such ancestor to produce its own kind.

Biology has shown that the female is superior to the male. It has shown that the somatic cells of the female contain more chromosomes than those of the male.

Femaleness is due to the presence of a chromosome absent in the male. We may, therefore, regard the female as of a more complex organization than the male.

The fact that the separation of the sexes is not the ideal state is shown by sexologists, who point out that there is a continual struggle on the part of both imperfect sexes seeking completion. The physical expression of the law under which this occurs is called Polarity, or Chemical Affinity. When a couple unite in marriage under the influence of this law, such union is more likely to be harmonious if the “man” is approximately 80 percent “maleness” and the “woman” is twenty percent of this quality. Such a couple would possess between them the evenly balanced percentage of the positive element and the receptive element, which is required for a harmonious union.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Nov 01, 2010 7:53 am

Mague wrote: All the ancients where able to tell is that our perception is blocked artificially. I was quite serious about the energetic controlled inner ear.
Have our pineal glands become atrophied or “blocked”?

Subtle Bodies - Manipulating the Mind of Man
Religious leaders, grand masters of secret orders and even political chiefs seem to be able to control the masses by knowing how we think, what worries us, what pleases us. Most importantly, they knew how the environment affected us. To manipulate mankind in this way they had to understand how the mind worked. Our understanding and perception of ourselves and the world around us stems from the unique and complex organ known as the brain.

The brain reacts strongly, though elusively, to cyclic patterns in the environment, although we are yet to fully understand this. Functions such as sleep, consciousness, memory, imagination and our creative ability are all extremely complex and poorly understood – at least they are by modern means. All these functions are affected by our reaction to cyclic patterns and electromagnetic radiation.

The cerebrum is symmetrical in structure. The two lobes are attached to the brain stem. The dominant hemisphere is occupied with language and the operations of logic, while the opposite hemisphere controls emotion, spirituality and artistic flair. The left hemisphere is usually dominant and is, in the majority of cases, the logical side.

The evidence currently shows that women, who are by most accounts more in tune with nature and more intuitive than men, have larger cerebella. Historically, many of the great mysteries of the religious world come from the east and it would, therefore, be no surprise to find Asiatics, Jews and Aboriginals possessing larger cerebella than Europeans.

It is believed that the cerebella is more in use during hypnosis, which is the state associated with imagination and removal of responsibility. The ancient word for hypnosis is ‘mekhenesis,’ which means to ‘remove responsibility.’

If the ancient priesthood’s had the skill to tap into this part of the brain, if they knew all the secrets of cycles, magnetism, and brain control to use for their own ends, perhaps this was this how large buildings such as the pyramids were constructed and tens of thousands of people were controlled and fooled into believing that the Pharaoh was a god? Perhaps this was how mighty nations fell without ever a battle?

The bird is basically reptilian and therefore lacks a mammalian cortex and mid-brain. Their migratory instinct comes from the cerebellum or old brain, the same part of the human brain, which governs our instinctive and spiritual element.

It is claimed that many birds navigate using the sun and moon – others, the North Star. Research has shown that birds are also sensitive to the Earth’s magnetic field. Lately it has been shown that they also follow human roads, however this is due to the fact that these roads are really ancient track ways or Ley Lines and in all likelihood also have electromagnetic properties. The reason for this is that between its eyes there is an area of tissue with over a million bar-shaped pieces of magnetite or lodestone.

Magnetite is a magnetized mineral of iron oxide and was used by the ancients as a compass because it naturally swings northward. In theory, the magnetite picks up the Earth’s magnetic currents and triggers directional messages to the bird’s brain.

Maybe we have actually tried to retrieve the ideal. In alchemy, the idea of the spirit of the world or Anima Mundi claims there is a worldwide spirit, which gives us information, including our whereabouts and way home. Relate this to the idea that one of the truths behind alchemy is the Kundalini ‘enlightenment experience,’ which is in turn related to electromagnetic energy, and then we can begin to see what the ancients were really talking about. The Anima Mundi is indeed electromagnetism.

Many para-scientists have discovered electromagnetic effects emanating from ancient standing stones. When these energy lines cross Ley lines and other ancient energy centers, many strange phenomena occur. A large cross-section of scientists and para-scientists has reported that peculiar effects upon humans can occur due to the radiation produced.

Our connection with the Earth’s electromagnetism can also be seen in the ancient practice of dowsing. The dowser uses rods or a weighted pendulum and walks across an area. Dowsers say that the instruments are incidental and react only to the vibrations, waves or electrical magnetism, which is being picked up by their bodies.

Scientists have shown that some people are sensitive to 1/1,000,000,000 of a gauss of magnetism; therefore there is a strong possibility that dowsing is a practical and measurable skill.

When working in conjunction with a German dowser, the Czech physicist, Zaboj V. Harvalik, suggested that the adrenal gland was the organ used to detect the magnetism.

He reached this conclusion because positive results increased when the dowser drank more water. This theory seems unlikely now – unless it is in some way linked with the pineal organ. In later experiments, aluminum foil was wound around the head of the dowser and this blocked the signal. Strangely, so did a block of foil placed on the dowser’s forehead in the area of the pineal gland. This is the same location as a pigeon’s magnetite. Another strange and telling piece of evidence comes when we find that solar flares can upset the dowser’s abilities – thus showing that mankind could theoretically actually physically measure the holy serpentine energy of the sun.

The pineal organ is one of the outgrowths of the pineal apparatus. In aquatic and gill-breathing creatures, it can form a photosensitive eye-like structure, which is involved in the diurnal rhythm of color change. In ancient reptiles it formed a separate eye on top of the head – a third eye. It persists in higher vertebrates and may function as an endocrine gland – internally secreting into the blood and affecting distant parts of the body. In humans, this organ is buried deep within the brain, located in the Limbic system, which helps us to learn and has emotional capabilities. The pineal gland exerts some chemical reactions, which are not fully understood. Autopsies on mediums and spiritually inclined people have revealed larger pineal glands that contain a clear fluid called seratonin, which in turn makes melatonin.

Hindu tradition claims this area to be the center of the sixth ‘chakra’ – the ‘ajna’ – the center of man’s spirituality and psychic abilities.

Many animals have a variety of senses, which we are yet to understand, such as the ability to emit small electrical discharges, underwater vibrations, infrasound and ultrasound. Some birds can detect polarized light, which helps them to see the fingerprint of their prey as it leaves a pattern across the ground. Snakes can see and produce images in infrared radiation. Can man use more senses than we know and could he pick up some of these images emitted by the likes of the snake? Should we believe that the dowser’s skill is simply in being more acutely in touch with their senses? As we move forward through the evidence the answers to these questions may arise.

If many illnesses are caused by the imbalance of energy such as electromagnetism, then perhaps the brain can help to cure itself by utilizing or balancing out this disparity. Alchemists hinted at this kind of belief many centuries ago.

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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by mague » Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:20 am

Grey Cloud wrote:
mague wrote:
Grey Cloud wrote: nor anyone else knows what happened in the Chaldean Mysteries.

sure we do. All the ancients where able to tell is that our perception is blocked artifícially.

The escape from the "earbrackets" is the total abandonment of materialism and the uncoditional move to universal idealism.

Black sun and Shamballa in a hollow earth are just the figurative descriptions for a reality we can not perceive. Nevertheless the reality we can not perceive is the true reality.

I was quite serious about the energetic controlled inner ear. Van Gogh knew it, he had good eyes for light and forms and stuff.
Mystery Schools didn't take minutes at their meetings. No esoteric tradition mentions anything about 'blocking' or 'artificial'. Our perception is limited by their physical nature, just as are a dog's or a frog's, or a buttercup's for that matter.

Caedmon manuscript
(ll. 939-951) Lo! now we know how our afflictions came upon us,
and mortal misery! Then the Lord of glory, our Creator, clothed
them with garments, and bade them cover their shame with their
first raiment. He drove them forth from Paradise into a narrower
life. By God's command a holy angel, with a sword of fire,
closed fast that pleasant home of peace and joy behind them. No
wicked, sinful man may walk therein, but the warden has strength
and power, dear unto God in virtue, who guards that life of

(ll. 952-964) Yet the Almighty Father would not take away from
Adam and from Eve, at once, all goodly things, though He withdrew
His favour from them. But for their comfort He left the sky
above them adorned with shining stars, gave them wide-stretching
fields, and bade the earth and sea and all their teeming
multitudes to bring forth fruits to serve man's earthly need.
After their sin they dwelt in a realm more sorrowful, a home and
native land less rich in all good things than was their first
abode, wherefrom He drove them out after their sin.
Blocked artificially i d say. Even better is the muslim point of view. There god forgave Adam and Eve and the sin is not a original sin. The journey back is possible for those able to pass the guard. The "energy brackets" fall off once the right mindset is available. The human is able to walk into the center of the mandala.

Another attempt could be, that nobody needs mystery if there isnt anything fishy. There is nothing in a humans life that isnt realistic. Sheep, arrow, flower, river, tent. Wind, fog, clouds and thunderbolts are probably the most borderline experiences a human would encounter. There is evidence that people tens of thosand years ago had the ability or portential to create realistic statues and pictures. Why create symbolism then ?

Hermes, the name giver of hermetic, himself had a winged helmet (ear bracket symbolism). He is the messenger or better said the "thing" between humans and the gods. He is messenger and blocker, because noone needs a messenger if the path isnt blocked.

Some try to go back by virtue and others use a LHC :P

Grey Cloud
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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by Grey Cloud » Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:18 am

Hi Mague,
I haven't got much time so this will have to be brief.

The Fall describes the descent into matter. We have moved away from the Tree of Life (Yggdrasil). Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil so the seed of said knowldge has been planted. We are now (partially) ignorant. In other words, we now make decisions based on only partial understanding of any given situation.
The Seraphim does not block the way back - he is the connection which gets you back. The Seraphim and Hermes are essentially the same thing. Hermes is also the god of boundaries and exchange. The first step in the alchemical process is making contact with this Fire. Hermes also had winged sandals. (See Disney's Pinocchio - the end part where they are all in the whale. Note all the symbolism. See also Lord of the Rings - Frodo goes back to the Fire with the One Ring (chakra?) which binds them all).

Animated statues etc is Theurgy (or is it Thaumaturgy?). It was still being practiced several hundred years into the present era. The energies are drawn down into the statue (or whatever). Talismans are a related phenomenom. It is to do with correspondence and sympathy.

Symbols are seeds - one's thoughts move upwards and outwards from the symbol. Conversely, the symbol can be used to draw energies inwards and downwards as in the case of theurgy and talismans.

There is nothing artificial about this, it is all based on a profound understanding of Nature.

Paracelsus was a great advocate of correspondence. Feng Shui, herbalism, aromatherapy, crystals etc are all predicated on correspondence (sympathetic vibration).

See 'The Philosophy of Magic' by Arthur Versluis. Interesting little book by an academic.
Apologies for the brevity.
If I have the least bit of knowledge
I will follow the great Way alone
and fear nothing but being sidetracked.
The great Way is simple
but people delight in complexity.
Tao Te Ching, 53.

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Joined: Fri May 02, 2008 2:44 am

Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by mague » Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:04 am

Grey Cloud wrote: The Seraphim does not block the way back - he is the connection which gets you back. The Seraphim and Hermes are essentially the same thing. Hermes is also the god of boundaries and exchange.

There is nothing artificial about this, it is all based on a profound understanding of Nature.
Thats the controversy.

He is like a bouncer. He blocks and in the same second gives you the hints about what has to be done to pass him. He is both and more. He is also punishing once people overdo something. There is a reason why he is armed. In a more mystic way i d say, his energy is connected to the aura region of our ears and inner ears. And it uses its influence. Sometimes in a very mechanical and devasting way. As if it was a robot made out of energy strictly following its programming. As if he is our defence system and jailor.. depending on our mindset and actions. As if it is protecting something from inner and outer penetration attempts ;)

About the understanding of nature i point back to the quote from Caedmon manuscript.
He left the sky above them adorned with shining stars
This means, for me, that he left nature as teacher to find the way home. Which seems to be the way of the druids and similar groups on the planet. Its a different discussion, but in that regard expansion seems to be useless. The best case would be to recognize that the universe bends at its borders towards its center. Another apple/donut shaped experience.

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Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2008 6:59 pm

Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by seasmith » Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:11 pm

maague wrote:
And it uses its influence. Sometimes in a very mechanical and devasting way. As if it was a robot made out of energy strictly following its programming. As if he is our defence system and jailor..
Perhaps that's what lizzie was trying to impress upon the Teutonic mind with the "genes"
in the title of this thread ..


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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by mague » Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:11 am

seasmith wrote:maague wrote:
And it uses its influence. Sometimes in a very mechanical and devasting way. As if it was a robot made out of energy strictly following its programming. As if he is our defence system and jailor..
Perhaps that's what lizzie was trying to impress upon the Teutonic mind with the "genes"
in the title of this thread ..

Well, Lizzie makes a lot of good points. In my book they (his links and the interpretation of them) are all distorted though. Doesnt matter, he is in good company.

It has nothing to do with DNA or the sub atomic domain or the (macro) cosmos. Thats the human history and it is all wrong. Maybe 0.1 per mill of human activities have been useful. The rest is the painful and dilettantish attempt to hack the robots programming. Magic, science, worship of god(s), world domination, heroic god kings... those are all futile attempts. Our history books are worthless, our cultures are worthless.

All have their point of view. Some say its god, others say its the devil and others say its a machine. And its nothing and all of it at the same time. Finally it dawns on humankind that there should be an unified theory, but its not possible to phrase it. Thats because the basic mindset hasnt changed. The harder people push it, the more the guardian(s) block it.

Rich idiots lead their people into slavery to have the funds to research another hacking attempt, another world revolution or domination, another god king. More LHC, more DNA research and more political BS. Futile...the guardian(s) dont bother and keep on to guard the true earth, the garden , the biosphere. Even if that means to decimate or eliminate humankind. It doesnt matter

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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by Phorce » Fri Nov 05, 2010 6:39 am


"Halley's Comet appeared in 1301 and served as a model for Giotto's 'Star of Bethlehem'. ESA named its mission to Halley's Comet 'Giotto' in recognition of the fact that Giotto di Bondone made the first 'scientific' drawing of the comet recorded in history."

(Plasma symbols found on ancient stone carvings not withstanding)

If you can get past all the corrupt Religious dogma then the symbolic links here jump out. The Comet as greater cosmic symbol of the halos - human biology plasma discharge, 8th & 9th toroidal energy centres. The same as Comet corona & plasma discharge but in a more biological form,

Exploration and discovery without honest investigation of "extraordinary" results leads to a Double Bind (Bateson, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_bind ) that creates loss of hope and depression. No more Double Binds !


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Nov 05, 2010 9:24 pm

Mague said: Rich idiots lead their people into slavery to have the funds to research another hacking attempt, another world revolution or domination, another god king. More LHC, more DNA research and more political BS. Futile...the guardian(s) don’t bother and keep on to guard the true earth, the garden , the biosphere. Even if that means to decimate or eliminate humankind. It doesn’t matter.
Perhaps it's a wee bit "off topic" but nevertheless, humankind continues to “hack away” at one of the primary the Guardians of the Earth

Guardians of the Earth
What I hope to show is the immense value of trees to the biosphere. We must deplore the rapacity of those who, for an ephemeral profit in dollars, would cut trees for newsprint, packaging, and other temporary uses. When we cut forest, we must pay for the end cost in drought, water loss, nutrient loss, and salted soils. Such costs are not charged by uncaring or corrupted governments, and deforestation has therefore impoverished whole nations. The process continues, with acid rain as a more modern problem, not charged against the cost of electricity or motor vehicles, but with the inevitable account building up that no nation can pay, in the end, for rehabilitation. The "capitalist", "communist", and "developing" worlds will all be equally brought down by forest loss. Those barren political or religious ideologies which fail to care for forests carry their own destruction as lethal seeds within their fabric. We should not be deceived by the propaganda that promises: "for every tree cut down, a tree is planted". The exchange of a 50-gram seedling for a forest giant of 501200 tonnes is like the offer of a mouse for an elephant.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Nov 05, 2010 9:25 pm

Nanotechnology -- blessing or curse?

The stuff of dreams or nightmares?
Scientists of every discipline are exploring the possibilities of manipulating matter at the atomic level. But with funding coming from the military and big business, is such far-reaching technology safe in their hands?

When the researcher Eric Drexler popularised the term nanotechnology in 1986, he defined it as a set of techniques which allow the creation and manipulation of matter measuring between 1 and 100 nanometres. This definition has a very wide application, because almost everything on earth can be broken down to this scale. It comes into disciplines as diverse as chemistry, materials science, solid state physics, pharmacy, molecular and chemical biology and electronic engineering.

The manipulation of matter at the atomic level opens up the possibility of designing nanostructures with radically new properties. Applications include a system to remove pollution from soil and underground water, flat-screen televisions with carbon nanotubes, lightweight high-energy batteries and miniature medical laboratories (“lab-on-a-chip”). Researchers are already predicting the advent of a portable computer capable of a trillion operations per second, photovoltaic paint that can be applied to buildings and roads at a cost of a few pence per square metre, and solar power generators of 1 terawatt (1,000 gigawatts).

The military is ahead of industry in conquering this world “at the bottom [where] there is plenty of room”, as physicist Richard Feynman put it. In the US, the lion’s share of the National Nanotechology Initiative’s budget has for some time now been spent on military applications. The US ministry of defence supports nanoscale research in chemistry, biology, electronics and energy. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa), which first developed the internet, promotes research programmes on mathematical modelling of the laws of biology, developing prosthetic devices controlled by the brain, and even creating an interface between insect and machine, where a moth could be transformed into a living drone.

If these applications see the light of day, they will of course have civilian uses. The same can’t be said of nano-weapons: The miniaturisation of existing weapons could give rise to micro-missiles, micro-satellites, and toxic or pathogenic nanosubstances. Add to that the possibility of completely new types of weapons, such as minute antimatter traps (1 microgram would be equivalent to 44kg of TNT), which could lead to a miniaturised thermonuclear bomb. The experts say these weapons of mass destruction would be easy to construct and transport and very difficult to detect and neutralise.

The possibilities nanomedecine offers are the stuff of dreams – or nightmares. A report by Unesco suggests that, in the long term, nanomedecine could allow people to modify themselves so much it would no longer be possible to talk about “human beings”. A new age would dawn of “posthumans” with enhanced physical and intellectual attributes living alongside ordinary second-class humans, marginalised by their own humanity.

There is the risk that nanomedecine for the rich will monopolise public funds and research efforts, leaving urgent global health problems linked to poverty and social inequality to thrive. What developing countries need is not gold nanoparticles, but preventative health policies based on better diet and housing, access to drinking water, education and essential medicines.

Nano-biotechnology can be used to control the natural regeneration of living organisms in order to carry out precise industrial tasks. For example, researchers are using spinach protein used in photosynthesis to create electronic circuits and produce photosynthetic solar batteries that are completely transistorised. The engineer Carlo Montemagno has combined the heart cells of a rat with silicon to create a device that moves on its own. The work of genetician and businessman John Craig Venter in synthetic biology opens up the possibility of creating bacteria capable of producing hydrogen and capturing CO2.

The BANG is also having an impact on nature and the environment. The chief scientific advisor to the US government, John Holdren, advocates using geo-engineering in the fight against global warming, in particular radical projects such as blasting nanoparticles of sulphate into the atmosphere to block out the sun. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has reservations: it believes geo-engineering is “largely speculative and unproven, and with the risk of unknown side effects”.

But that does not discourage the geo-engineers, who want to manipulate the ecosystem through planting genetically modified trees or stimulating algal blooms to absorb carbon from the atmosphere. According to Viktor Smetacek of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Germany and Wajih Naqvi of India’s National Institute of Oceanography diatoms (microscopic unicellular algae) floating on the ocean surface could absorb carbon on a large scale, and store it for centuries on the ocean floor once they die.

They carried out the Indo-German project Lohafex between January and March, which involved “fertilising” a large area of the Antarctic Ocean by adding several tonnes of iron sulphate to stimulate the proliferation of algae. This controversial project was in flagrant contravention of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity held in Bonn in May 2008, which declared a moratorium on artificial ocean fertilisation.

Geo-engineers also think they can solve the problem of feeding the world. By 2017, 1.2 billion people in the world’s 70poorest nations will be affected by hunger. While developing countries had a significant agricultural surplus in the early 1960s, they are now net importers of food. Only 10 companies control 90% of the global production of agrochemicals and more than two-thirds of proprietary seeds (developed by a company which then owns the intellectual property). In 2007, proprietary seeds made up 82% of the commercial seed market. These companies control the basis of the food chain itself: seeds and their genes. Unless radical reform of the patents system and intellectual property law is undertaken, half a dozen multinational corporations will make off with the world’s natural heritage by patenting its manipulation at the molecular and nanometric level.

Agrochemical giants form alliances in contravention of anti-trust laws and pool their research and development, making deals with one another to avoid costly lawsuits concerning intellectual property. For example, Monsanto and Dow Agrosciences have got together to produce by 2010 a maize seed with eight genetic traits (two against herbicide and six against insects): 87% of genetically modified (GM) seeds in the world have Monsanto’s name on them. By raising prices, the industry can profit from the global food crisis, caused in part by land being given over to biofuel cultivation. In July 2008, Monsanto raised the price of some of its GM maize seeds by 35%.

There will be an increasing convergence of bio, nano and info technology, concentrating capital in the hands of a few companies with the technical know-how and the intellectual property: energy, chemical and agribusiness giants such as DuPont, BP, Shell, Chevron and Cargill. The post-oil world will be dominated by what is being called the “sugar economy”, where plant sugars (from agricultural crops, forest residue, algae etc) will be converted into chemical and nano-products with added value. All the chemistry associated with oil can be adapted to the carbon found in plants .

The oil crisis is likely to drive the seizure, privatisation and commercialisation of the world’s biological resources, along with increasing demand for raw materials at the expense of the food needs of developing countries. We already know that Madagascar and Angola are prepared to hand over large parts of their land to foreign companies. The giants of the genetics industry even claim that GM can solve climate change. Monsanto, BASF, DuPont, Syngenta, Bayer and Dow have filed more than 500 patents on “climate ready genes”. It’s called making a profit out of climate chaos.
Environmental behavior and ecotoxicity of engineered nanoparticles to algae, plants, and fungi
http://www.scribd.com/doc/35270033/Envi ... -and-Fungi
Developments in nanotechnology are leading to a rapid proliferation of new materials that are likely to become a source of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) to the environment, where their possible ecotoxicological impacts remain unknown. The surface properties of ENPs are of essential importance for their aggregation behavior, and thus for their mobility in aquatic and terrestrial systems and for their interactions with algae, plants and, fungi. Interactions of ENPs with natural organic matter have to be considered as well, as those will alter the ENPs aggregation behavior in surface waters or in soils. Cells of plants, algae, and fungi possess cell walls that constitute a primary site for interaction and a barrier for the entrance of ENPs. Mechanisms allowing ENPs to pass through cell walls and membranes are as yet poorly understood. Inside cells, ENPs might directly provoke alterations of membranes and other cell structures and molecules, as well as protective mechanisms. Indirect effects of ENPs depend on their chemical and physical properties and may include physical restraints (clogging effects), solubilization of toxic ENP compounds, or production of reactive oxygen species. Many questions regarding the bioavailability of ENPs, their uptake by algae, plants, and fungi and the toxicity mechanisms remain to be elucidated.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Nov 05, 2010 10:04 pm

Attack of the Rock-Eating Microbes!
Some bacteria break down minerals, while others make them
Geologists are studying bacteria nowadays. It's not that the rock hounds have gone soft. Instead, they've found that geological processes once attributed solely to simple inorganic chemistry have microbial fingerprints all over them. In rocky venues ranging from abandoned mines in California to water wells in Bangladesh to hydrothermal vents on the seafloor, bacteria are at work. If the microbes aren't driving the underlying chemical reactions in those places, they're at least taking advantage of the energy that's being released by these reactions.
Researchers are finding that bacteria living on the seafloor may be key players in the chemical reactions that slowly transform the rocks there, and in the process, help balance ocean chemistry. Others are discovering that microbes can create tiny mineral particles by extracting exceedingly small concentrations of dissolved metals from the fluids that course through soils and sediments. In at least one instance, bacteria probably created a significant deposit of high-value mineral ore (see "Microbial Machinations," below).

Heavy metal

Geochemists are finding that mineral-eating bacteria can be partly to blame for major environmental problems. For instance, when mines go bust, they often leave behind a mix of water and minerals that bacteria can convert into acidic runoff that's deadly to plants and animals.

Nationwide, acidic mine drainage affects more than 19,000 kilometers of rivers and streams. Some scientists rate toxic mine drainage as the greatest water-quality problem facing the western United States.
All of the blasting and tunneling that went on at the site riddled the mountain with fractures, exposing enormous areas of rock and mineral deposits to oxygen and water.

When that combination includes sulfide minerals, the sulfuric acid that's produced leaches toxic metals out of the rock, says Jill Banfield, a geochemist at the University of California, Berkeley. But it's the presence of particular microbes that really aggravate the situation.

For instance, the oxidation of iron exposed by mining typically takes place more slowly in acidic conditions than in solutions with neutral pH. However, acid-tolerant microorganisms can accelerate the oxidation reaction and harness the energy it provides. This process also speeds up the mineral breakdown and releases up to 10 times as many metal ions into the water as sterile acid runoff would.

Most efforts to clean up bacterially exacerbated acidic mine drainage focus on treating the effluent after it's created. However, processes that reduce the concentration of dissolved oxygen and thus limit bacterial growth in mine fluids might prevent much of the acid production in the first place, says McKnight.

Unwell wells

In some parts of the world, mineral-munching bacteria may be releasing heavy metals directly into people's drinking water.

Evidence is now mounting that organic matter and the microbes it feeds may be playing a role in the formation of arsenites in aquifers. Scientists have isolated and identified 16 different microbes that can feed on arsenic, says Oremland. "These microbes make a living off what's normally considered to be a potent toxin," he notes. The arsenic-metabolizing organisms don't dine exclusively on compounds bearing that one element, says Oremland. Several can also gain energy from reactions involving sulfate compounds.

Part of the solution to this arsenic problem may be to nurture soil microbes that would lock down arsenic compounds instead of releasing them. In Bangladesh, geologists experimented with this approach by injecting into a tainted aquifer large amounts of nitrates that would theoretically nourish some desirable bacteria. The test produced a rapid and dramatic decrease in the concentration of arsenic in the water from nearby wells. The result suggests the presence of a thriving community of anaerobic microbes that used the nitrates as fuel and converted the poisonous arsenites in the water to less-soluble arsenates.

Soggy crust

Just as arsenic in aquifers and sulfide minerals in mines can nurture pollution-enhancing bacteria, lava-derived minerals in the seafloor may be nourishing mineral-metabolizing microbes. Some scientists suspect that the deep-sea phenomenon may be vast enough to transform the chemical composition of the ocean floor. Because more than 70 percent of Earth's surface is ocean bottom, these mineral beds could actually amount to one of the planet's largest ecosystems.

Chemical analyses of basalt drilled from the ocean floor show that in new rock being extruded from midocean ridges, only about 15 percent of the iron atoms are ions that have a triple dose of positive charge. Core samples of older seafloor rocks indicate that after 10 million to 20 million years of exposure to seawater, that form of ion—the same type generated by bacteria in acidic mine runoff—makes up around 45 percent of the iron atoms. Over the same period, approximately 70 percent of the sulfides originally present in the basalt have dissolved.

While some scientists have held that microbes play a significant role in these lethargic mineral transformations, no one could identify the metabolic mechanisms that any such organisms might use, says Katrina J. Edwards, a geochemist at Woods Hole (Mass.) Oceanographic Institution. A series of experiments by Edwards and her colleagues suggests that iron-oxidizing bacteria may indeed play a part in the so-called weathering of ocean-floor minerals.

First, the researchers used deep-diving robots to obtain samples of sulfide minerals from a seafloor hydrothermal vent off the coast of Washington State. To create surfaces that would reveal seafloor-bacterial effects, the scientists polished and sterilized the minerals before returning them in July 2000 to the ocean floor near the vent site. Other sterilized samples, including pure sulfur and other sulfur-bearing minerals collected around the world, were placed in the same test location. The frigid waters surrounding the samples, about 2,400 meters below the ocean's surface, held few dissolved metals and no detectable hydrogen sulfide.

When the researchers retrieved the samples less than 2 months later, each of the iron-bearing sulfide samples had a pitted, microbe-infested surface that was coated with iron oxide particles. The thickest accumulation, up to 1 millimeter in spots, appeared on the sulfide fragment originally taken from the seafloor vent, says Edwards.

In follow-up laboratory experiments, Edwards and other scientists examined those weathered vent minerals and cultured microbes that had colonized the sterilized samples' surfaces. Analyses of the organisms' DNA distinguished nine species of bacteria, all of which starved in the lab if they weren't provided with iron-bearing minerals or solutions containing dissolved iron.

The evidence that microbes are transforming vast volumes of ocean crust remains circumstantial, says Edwards. However, she and other scientists now have an idea of where to look for direct evidence.

If iron-oxidizing microbes do thrive within the 500 m of seafloor basalt through which ocean water slowly circulates, Edwards notes, "it's a huge environment." That volume of rock far exceeds that of the more biologically productive sunlit zone of the ocean, which extends down from the sea's surface only about 100m.

Metabolic processes often produce minerals as byproducts. Microbes leave footprints. When they assemble minerals, they create particles with distinctive sizes and shapes. Such patterns can help scientists, including geochemist Katrina J. Edwards of Woods Hole (Mass.) Oceanographic Institution, identify where bacteria are having geochemical and mineralogical effects.

In Edwards' lab, cultures of iron-oxidizing bacteria produced iron oxide particles that appeared to grow at the surface of the cells or within a capsule like layer around them.

Other scientists have caught bacteria in the act of making minerals, too. In the low-oxygen conditions there, thick mats of sulfate-reducing bacteria grew on the carbonate rocks. As the microbes extracted energy from sulfates dissolved in the mine waters, they produced sulfide ions that chemically bonded to dissolved zinc. Individual particles of zinc sulfide were about 3 nm across and aggregated into spherical clumps about 3 µm in diameter.

The concentration of zinc in the bacterial mats was about 1 million times that of dissolved zinc in the surrounding water, says Banfield. Also, the mineral particles contained no lead and only trace amounts of impurities such as iron or arsenic.

Such purity is a sure sign that microbes assembled the mineral particles, says Thomas M. Bawden of the company Global Mineral Resources in San Francisco. Deposits of zinc sulfide ore that weren't created by bacteria often contain as much as 10 percent iron, as well as significant quantities of arsenic and lead.

The Origin of Life, Evolution, & Extinctions
http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/res/pi/4d4 ... opic_2.pdf
The scene was like one out of an old horror movie. Belching black smoke, hot water rose from the tops of gigantic, metal-laden and golden shimmering chimneys growing upward from fissures in the black, basaltic lava along the volcanic sea floor.

These “Tube Worms” were the most unusual organisms I have ever seen in my life. Mounted around the chimneys were huge clusters of what turned out to be giant, bright RED, tube worms, some of them as much as three meters tall. But these weird, brightly colored creatures swayed eerily in the hydrothermal vents, their bright red plumes extending well beyond their white protective tubes that we later found to be made of chitin, like your fingernails. The red color of both the tube-worm plumes, and to our great surprise, of the tissue of the clams as well, turned out to result from the presence of hemoglobin in their blood! The clams look like they are filled with huge slabs of liver.

On a subsequent Alvin dive, we were guided to another hydrothermal vent to the southwest of the first we visited. The sight there was even more dramatic: extremely hot water, blackened by sulfide precipitates, was blasting upward through even taller chimney-like vents as much as 10 meters tall and one meter wide. We named the vents "black smokers”. The chimneys and inevitable tube-worm colonies protruded in clusters from mounds of sulfide precipitates that turned out to be mats of bacteria so thick that they looked like a white carpeting. We later found that they were metabolizing sulfur from the chimney water. They were chemosynthetic and are probably the basis of what has to be the most exotic food chain on Earth.

The remarkable process that provides the food for these organisms is called hydrothermal circulation. The new lava extruded from the volcanic magma chambers at the axis of the mid-ocean ridge spreading centers cools beneath 2 miles of near freezing seawater. The lava fractures from the quick quenching caused when 1200°C lava hits 2°C water. The water invades deep into the newly formed volcanic pile above the magma chamber, shattering the quickly cooling rock. Soon, the basalts, called pillows because they appear like rock squirted from a tube, is shot through with rubble zones and fractures. Water circulates right down to the top of the magma chamber, where fracturing must stop -- you cannot crack liquid magma. The result is virtually instantaneous cooling of the basaltic lava and superheating of the ocean water that has seeped down into the rock and near the magma chamber. The superheated water then explodes toward the sea floor at fire-hose velocities, extracting along the way precious metals and sulfur from the volcanic rock, creating sulfur bearing hot springs that feed the chemosynthetic organisms the oceanographer described above

Chemosynthetic bacteria have been known for a hundred years, found living in hot springs, volcanoes and other hostile environments at the surface, but how they evolved on Planet Earth was previously unknown. Recent DNA fingerprinting has shown that they are a different branch of life from the surface plants and animals on the planet. All other life-forms ultimately depend upon a photosynthetic, sugar-based food chain. These chemosynthetic bacteria metabolize hydrogen sulfide acid!

As the water moves upward through the new basaltic lava, it changes chemically, giving up its sodium and magnesium and taking up calcium and potassium. But superheated water also extracts copper, zinc, iron, silver, gold, and other precious metals and concentrates them into a supersaturated fluid. The supersaturated fluid is cooled quickly as it escapes into the ocean at the sea floor, and it precipitates these metals into black, soot-like deposits that form ore bodies as they build the chimneys of the black smokers. These black smoker chimneys have been mined since antiquity.

That the black smokers are periodic and directly related to volcanic eruptions can be seen from several facts. First, they are only found within a few hundred meters of the exact axis of the spreading center. They form a straight line delineating the axis of the magma chamber. Second, they remove far too much heat to be continuous features. One single 50 C black smoker removes 1 million years worth of heat from the ridge axis in 1 year. So they must be periodic, or they would quickly freeze the magma chamber into solid rock and kill the volcanoes that feed the spreading centers.

The most fascinating and beautiful by-product of the hot springs is the biological community that lives in the vents and is like no other on the surface of the Earth. Using the sulfur-eating bacteria as the basis of their food chain, the giant tube worms, huge clams, and blind crabs live, not off the Sun's energy as does virtually every other known ecosystem on the Earth, but instead, off the thermal energy of the Earth. This power source is unique for such a biological community, and it wasn't even discovered until 1977.

The hydrothermal vent organisms are oversized because of their plentiful food supply. Not unique to the vents, they live in smaller forms throughout the ocean.

Both the tube worms and the clams use hemoglobin, just as we do, to extract oxygen from the bottom water. They need more oxygen than their shallow-water cohorts because they metabolize the hydrogen-sulfide-eating bacteria, which they use as food.

Where did our Life Originate -- at Ancient Hydrothermal Vents?

Hypotheses for how these communities evolved have shaken the traditional “organic soup” theories for how life originated on Earth to their foundation. Remember those stromatolites that mark the oldest fossils on the planet – they turn out to be sulfur-eating bacterial mats! Some marine biologists have even suggested that life originated in the black smokers and not in the primordial swamps on the surface in the first place. There has always been a problem with the organic soup hypothesis, that the soup needed lightening strikes to form DNA and RNA genetic material from amino acids

Enormous problems exist with this chemosynthetic origin for life as well, like how to convert from chemo- to photo-synthesis at the surface. The separate DNA fingerprints make it possible that there were even two different origins of life on Planet Earth.

That the hydrothermal vents are sites for the origin of life is perhaps the most remarkable speculation to come from the finding of this, the first completely new ecosystem to be discovered by biologists in the last 100 years.

Although not yet proven Meteorites, asteroids, and comets release iridium during collisions with the earth, whereas rocks on the Earth's surface do not have such appreciable concentrations. This excessive iridium anomaly has since been found in over 60 other locations of extinction boundaries worldwide. Fern spores show a dramatic increase indicating that most other plants were killed off by the same event that produced so much iridium. Ferns can only compete successfully for space when more complex plants are not present. Throughout geological history, ferns disappear whenever higher forms of plants are abundant. The dinosaurs must have starved to death.

A large meteor impacting the earth was the most likely cause. The extraterrestrial impact theory is not without controversy, however. Volcanoes also have high iridium contents in their erupted lavas. The deep mantle also has Iridium. And volcanic eruptions can put as much dust into the atmosphere as a meteorite impact.

The biological consequences of the disruption of the climate of the entire planet by dust entering the atmosphere and staying for years was the extinction of the most formidable animals ever to evolve on the planet, the dinosaurs. Sound familiar? The nuclear winter scenario for what might happen after a nuclear war is no far-fetched scientific guess; it has been caused repeatedly in the natural evolution of planet Earth by meteorite impacts. This is not an untested hypothesis. Dust in the atmosphere, whether from meteorite impacts or from volcanic eruptions, has killed more than 50 percent of all living things on the planet, not once but several times in the past history of the planet -- already.

In fact, mass extinctions appear to be regularly spaced in the past. Every 30 million years or so, an extinction event can be found in the fossil record, which corresponds to a periodicity in crater impacts on the Earth as well. This has led to a controversial speculation that our Sun has a companion star, called Nemesis. It is hypothesized that Nemesis travels through the Oort Cloud (a collection of comets and stellar debris), triggering a shower of comets and meteors that hits the Earth every 30 million years. No such Nemesis has yet been found by astronomers, however.

An alternative hypothesis is that our solar system travels periodically through the galactic plane, itself perturbing the Oort Cloud. It is harder to conceive of a periodicity in volcanic eruptions because they relate to plate-boundary interactions rather than to some orbital parameter. No periodicity to plate tectonics has yet been found.


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