On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:50 pm

Is the Sun is a ferromagnetic crystal generator that produces hydrogen fusion through pyroelectricity? Is the heart a “mini sun, is it, too, a hydrogen fusion generator?

Electric Stars, Hydrogen Fusion, Implosion, Pyroelectricity and Ferromagnetic Crystals

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 825#p21837

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 885#p22882

What is Cold Fusion?

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 780#p20811

Implosion Technology

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 855#p22440

Frequency Induced Antigravity (implosion)

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 855#p22619

Changing the Crystalline Sub-atomic Structure of Matter through Vibration to Create the Perfect Superconductor

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 855#p22663


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:56 pm

Is the Sun is a ferromagnetic crystal generator that produces hydrogen fusion through pyroelectricity? If the heart a “mini sun, is it, too, a hydrogen fusion generator? Does hemoglobin power our "heart atom" the way hydrogen powers the Sun? Is this the "fire in the blood" that Dan Winter mentions?
Electric Stars, Hydrogen Fusion, Implosion, Pyroelectricity and Ferromagnetic Crystals

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 825#p21837

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 885#p22882

What is Cold Fusion?

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 780#p20811

Implosion Technology

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 855#p22440

Frequency Induced Antigravity (implosion)

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 855#p22619

Changing the Crystalline Sub-atomic Structure of Matter through Vibration to Create the Perfect Superconductor

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 855#p22663


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Mar 09, 2010 5:23 pm

Illumination on Illuminism
I spent about six hours of my life listening to the DVD lectures sold by Nassim Haramein. I got interested because he is a published, peer reviewed, bonafide brilliant physicist. I think the brightest I have heard speak in my lifetime. It is really ironic that I bought the series and listened to it because I was looking for a happy distraction from the daily gloom and doom all around the net. Boy, did I get a surprise. The first three hours delivered wonderful, amazing new views of physics and the universe just as I expected. Then the last three hours tied that physics straight into the Mason/Illuminati cabal and what it all means to the future of the planet. It’s like I can’t achieve escape velocity from this issue no matter where I turn!

So here goes – a brief Illumination on Illuminism – at least so far as I can understand it. This is based upon the works of Sitchin, Pye, Haramein, Marrs, Cremo, and others I can’t recall.

At some point in antiquity unknown, at least prior to the last ice age, this happy little planet was ruled by a single untied elite. They had distinctly different features to modern humans including elongated skulls with more than double the cranial volume we have. Modern men were the slave class and the big noggin boys were the whip crackers. The big boys lived in huge temples and other structures which they built of enormous megalithic blocks of stone. Why? Because with their level of technology cutting and placing these stones was child’s play, and wouldn’t we all like to live in solid stone palaces if they were cheap and easy to build? Sure we would.

The balloon head crowd probably adjusted the genetics of the “normal”, humans for a couple reasons. I don’t accept that modern man is an experimental mix of bigfoot and space alien DNA. There is too much evidence that modern man existed long before this civilization. The purpose of the DNA manipulation may be directly related to the giant craniums of the ruling class. The rulers may have had enormous pineal glands which they used to directly manipulate matter via a complex technology. Slave humans were altered so that their pineal glands were puny and would never have sufficient surface area to access the energy sources the rulers used. The masters were also a randy lot and liked to use small headed human women for sex, so they worked on our DNA to produce what they considered really pretty, aesthetic female bodies.

The rulers may have gotten into squabbles and started tossing nukes at each other. They started disappearing around 10,000 BC, though their progeny were still active in Egypt up through the end of the age of the Pharos. They built the pyramids in complexes around the world. In these pyramids they placed energy sources that consisted of miniature black holes in containers about the size of a bread box. These black holes were surrounded by containers of various layers, and when all the pyramids were powered up they provided a grid of power wirelessly accessible anywhere on the planet by the masters. I think the pineal gland was key in accessing this energy. They probably used a combination of both the gland and physical instrumentality. As the masters began to leave or be killed off their energy sources disappeared as well. .

Moses convinced the Hebrews that he was actually Hebrew by birth, and gained their allegiance in a plot to sack the Egyptian empire of its greatest treasure. Since Moses had the royal blood line and had been trained in his youth in the use of the power source in the pyramid he was able to use it to visit all sorts of magical plagues upon Pharaoh. His quest to leave Egypt with the Hebrews was not to free the Hebrews. His quest was to leave Egypt with the power source and a Hebrew army at his command.

Meanwhile Moses made off with the power source. He used it to become the absolute ruler of the Hebrews and taught them that the power source was the direct manifestation of god on earth – which only he could handle. This was eventually placed in the Arc of the Covenant and Moses passed along much of what he knew about how to handle and care for the device to Joshua. Joshua inherited it when Moses died and used it to perform a number of useful tasks including parting the Jordan River to gain entrance to Israel, and knocking down the walls of Jericho.

The Hebrews lost the knowledge of how to use the power source and instead began to worship it as if it were god among us. Their traditions and all their knowledge of it were passed down via the Kabbalah.

The Kabbalah inspired two French crusaders to go searching for the device. They made up some stories about helping pilgrims to get investors to back their venture and called their organization the Knights Templar. I doubt that they found the actual device, but they did find a great deal of ancient knowledge which they made use of by weaving it into a secret religion of their own. Their understanding of the device was that it bestowed the power of god on whoever wielded it, so they considered that they were god’s chosen since they were the only ones that knew the secret of its existence and the true history of modern man. They built a cult based upon the idea of ruling the planet via a precious object given by god. Pretty primitive stuff.

Lacking the device itself they came up with the idea of ruling by gaining control of all the gold in the world. This inspired them to invent the concept of fractional banking. Eventually the King of France got tired of them so he seized their castle and tortured a bunch of them to death. The Templars didn’t disappear. They just stole all the gold they had on deposit and carried it off to Switzerland and started over (recognize a pattern yet?).

Switzerland is a natural fortress in the heart of Europe from which they were able to reestablish their banking cartel and from whence they have steadily progressed in their control over the world. They formed the Masons as a front group to induct new members. In fact, the technology necessary to create a power source like Moses made off with is based on this geometry. By showing the ancient symbols of the technology Masonry attracts beings that know such symbols are a path to great power. The power hungry are inducted and then the useful recruits are hooked via induction into sexual perversions of the most horrible kinds imaginable up to and including human sacrifice.
The purpose of this group is to regain the “lost empire”, of antiquity where a few ruled over a world of slaves and had everything their greedy little hearts desired. There is nothing more to the traditions of capitalism and communism other than enslavement of the great mass of humanity.

Why do they call themselves the “Illuminated Ones”? Because the device radiated a luminescent vortex. The Bible describes it as a pillar of clouds by day and fire by night.

It really is time that mankind lifts its head out of the dust it has been ground into over these many millennia and realized that the real masters are long gone. Their power never was a god or gods. It was just technology. The current claimants to their throne are no more than scurvy dogs and criminals. Thieves in the night who live and act only for their own benefit in the degraded notion that they deserve to rule us all because we’re all slaves and need to be ruled – so why not them?

We are not slaves. In the view of the true God we are all equal.

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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by GaryN » Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:54 pm

I think that might be much closer to the truth than most would like to believe, Lizzie. We have discussed vibration and resonance as part of the Egyptian infrastructure, and the idea of amplifying brainwave frequencies through simple technologies. Maybe the large cranium of the gods incorporated a resonator? The resonator has been known about for a long time, though the knowledge of the workings of the technology was either lost, or more likely just taken away when the gods left. Wouldn't want the slaves getting too clever, would we?

One of the shapes involved was remembered though. Helmholtz, anyone?


In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:25 pm

Radiosonde, Time Travel and the Montauk Chair

http://home.roaddawgz.org/stories/view_ ... ory_id=203
In 1935, a gifted physician and scientist by the name of Wilhelm Reich discovered the presence of a pre-atomic and mass-free biological energy that permeates all matter. He proved this with an electroscope by the spontaneous generation of particles he dubbed “bions” inside of a sterile solution. Reich named his ether-like substance orgone, and further classified it into positive orgone (simply known as orgone) and deadly orgone (DOR). He explained that people with cheerful, dynamic personalities had an abundance of orgone, while people who were depressed or sickly had an excess of DOR. This concept was further applicable to weather, where violent storms generated large amounts of DOR. Other sources of DOR were radiation, such as that which came from nuclear power plants.

Within the course of his work, Reich discovered that the frequency 430Mhz could affect human brain waves. From 1947-52 he worked on a joint project with the U.S. government to explore the potential applications of his findings. When Reich discovered that his research was being used to further human mind control experiments, he immediately left the project and vowed to never again work with the government on any of his projects.

Reich continued to work with orgone in the field of medicine. Orgone therapy became the predecessor of gestalt therapy, bio-energetics, and rolfing therapy. Reich’s most famous device was called the orgone accumulator, which was a large box consisting of alternating layers of organic and inorganic substances, namely wood and steel wool mesh screens. The way this works is that orgone sends a magnetic charge to metals, which is normally absorbed and repelled back into the air. But with the addition of organic insulation, a static charge will retain the energy. Many people reported experiences of vastly improved health and vitality after brief periods of time spent standing in the accumulators.

The main problem with the devices is that they inadvertently accumulated DOR from the surrounding atmosphere, making them dangerous to use around televisions, fluorescent lights, computers, x-ray machines, microwaves, nuclear plants, or other sources of radiation. This was discovered by accident when his lab workers became victims of DOR sickness and dark storm clouds gathered over his laboratory. Reich solved this problem by placing 12 10-foot long copper pipes with electrical cables running through the middle inside of his well. His intent was to draw the DOR out of the storm clouds and into the water. The experiment was a success and one of the side effects was that the clouds burst and produced rain. Reich named his new invention the cloudbuster.

In 1954 the FDA passed an injunction forbidding anyone from writing about orgone energy, communicating about orgone, or practicing medicine involving orgone devices. Soon afterwards Reich was sentenced to two years in prison for violating interstate commerce laws when an associate of his was apprehended for transporting orgone accumulators. While he was imprisoned, the FDA burned Reich’s accumulators in a giant bonfire at his lab. Most of his unpublished works were destroyed in a public incinerator in New York City. Two weeks before his scheduled release date, Reich died in his cell, reportedly of a heart attack.

One of the reasons for this was a device Reich was contracted by the U.S. government to build called the radiosonde. The radiosonde was a variation of the cloudbuster. Although its official purpose was forecasting the weather, the actual purpose of the device was far more astounding. The radiosonde was a little white balsa wood box containing platinum and gold which was sent high into the air via air balloon, allegedly to record weather data. Inside the package was a thermistor, or temperature sensor, which actually performed as an antenna to measure the amount of DOR in the atmosphere. The humidity sensor measured orgone. The third component of the radiosonde was a barrel switch, or pressure sensor, which would be turned on if the thermistor sensed a disproportionate amount of DOR in its local area. The DOR could then be destroyed while orgone was built up. Apparently witnesses saw storm clouds split up and go around the test site at Brookhaven Labs in Long Island. This was done by a continuous wave oscillator which effectively converted electrical energy to etheric energy. In the 1950’s, the U.S. government sent hundreds of radiosondes up into the air on a daily basis. The radiosonde eventually became what is known today as the HAARP Project.
Is there any information in “mainstream sources” which provides a clue as to how time travel technology might work?

Proving Shroedinger’s Cat and The Montauk Chair
http://dad2059.wordpress.com/2009/09/16 ... auk-chair/
In quantum theory, a single object can be doing two different things at once. This so-called “superposition” is a delicate state, destroyed by any contact with the outside world. The largest objects that have been superposed so far are molecules. It is hard to put a much larger object such as a cat or human into a superposition because air molecules and photons are always bouncing off it.

Their scheme would use two laser beams, whose light exerts a gentle force on matter. Where the two beams cross they form an “optical cavity” holding the virus in place.

By adjusting the frequency of the beams, the laser photons can be made to absorb the vibration energy of the trapped virus about its centre of mass until it is slowed to its lowest possible energy state. In this “ground state” the virus is ready to go into a superposition

Sending a laser photon towards the trap should do the trick. Since a photon is a quantum entity it has more than one option open to it. Thus it will be both reflected and transmitted at the trap, putting it into a superposition.
By impinging on the virus, it forces it into a superposition of both its ground state and next vibrational energy state. Now the virus should be doing two different things at once – the equivalent of you simultaneously mowing the lawn and doing the shopping.

Romero-Isart and his colleagues speculate that they could pull off the same feat with a tardigrade, or water bear, an animal less than a millimetre in size that can survive extreme temperatures and a vacuum.
Hmm.., could mainstream physics be finally catching onto what DARPA has been supposedly doing to human subjects (children) using retrieved (or traded?) UFO technology since the 1960s?
Last edited by lizzie on Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:31 pm

The Montauk Chair – the mind amplifier
The Montauk Project
http://www.world-famous.com/MontaukStuf ... ct-V1.html
The Montauk Project was to be an elite black project investigating paranormal, psychic, and unconventional sciences. It was to include the most intelligent respected scientists in the world using the most sophisticated advanced computer equipment available.

The Montauk project turned out to become a huge project branching off into many other smaller projects including Mind Control, Telepathy, Teleportation, and Time Travel.

Nicola Tesla was named Director of the project. Tesla stated that there would be a serious problem with personnel if anyone were to enter the ship while the gauss coils were turned on and the Electro Magnetic radiation would damage them within this reality. He said in numerous occasions that he was in contact with Extra-Terrestrials and that the ET's had also confirmed that there would be a problem

Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron were assigned to the psychic division of Montauk and worked with time tunneling and Teleportation. One of these is the famed "Montauk Chair". The Montauk Chair was essentially a mind amplifier. They found that they could easily re-program people when they were put into the orgasmic state of emotion, this would separate the conscious mind, and free up the unconscious submissive mind and allow programming. The chair would pick up this thought. With the help of a psychic and machines, anyone who sat in the chair could simply concentrate and an alternate reality would be created.

During these tests at Montauk from 1947 to 1987, they developed the technology that a transmitter could warp space and time just like gravity. Preston Nichols built this transmitter. They were able to find a time vortex that would tunnel them back and forth between 1983 and 1943. This vortex was about 5 miles in diameter and could teleport you as far as 100 light years away, to and from any time in the past or future. They experimented to see the earth a thousand years in the future but found that anything beyond the year 2021 was unrecognizable and found no tangible future beyond 2021. Preston explains also that if someone were teleported back into time say 3 minutes, they would eventually meet themselves and explode.

With this transmitter, what ever you could think of would appear. Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron describe the many adventures of going through the vortex to not only different times, but also different locals. Cameron would psychically create it, while Bielek would be teleported to it.

Preston Nichols, a receiver / transmitter specialist was assigned to the design of weather control technologies using techniques of Wilhelm Reich. They were able to control storms, tornadoes, and various other weather systems using Z-Argon gases at the 406 MHz frequencies. These were to be incorporated into the Phoenix Project.

The projects developed from weather control and invisibility, to Human Mind Control. Their Idea was to control the mind of the enemy and make them surrender. By setting the emotions of people, then recording their psychic brain wave patterns, they found that when they replayed these patterns to other people, they too would be set to that emotion.

Preston also explains on the video how Teleportation to a future fixed point would alter the return to the same fixed point of a past, and that this would set up a re-occurring loop of a certain time line, while leaving other alternate past point time lines in perfect alternate possible futures, and sets up a locked time line.

These devices were perfected to the point where they could produce a mind control laser beam to make a person feel anything they wanted: love, hate, depression, etc.

A side effect of this programming was that the people who were used for testing, some of them without their knowledge, all obtained an altered Aura. These altered Auras that can still be seen today by psychics and equipment. They had the power of creation so long as the power was supplied to the transmitters which required gigs and terra watts.

The projects continue on in many veins contributing to some of the technology today, such as the B3 bombers (Stealth Technology).
Orion Technology
Well, in all appearances it was a little white box that they attached to a balloon and sent up into the atmosphere. The government told people that it involved gathering weather data. It used a very unusual type of pulse modulation. In most cases they used a CW (continuous wave) oscillator and pulsed the signal. This turned out to be a very efficient conversion of electrical energy to etheric energy. I started to talk to people at Brookhaven and ran into a retired gentleman who used to work there. He told me that the design was originally done by Wilhelm Reich.

The story goes that in about 1947 Wilhelm Reich handed the US Government a weather control device, a device that would do DOR-busting. Reich thought that if he could decrease the amount of DOR that storms would not be so violent. (DOR is the result of orgone energy coming into contact with an enclosed radioactive source. This produces a Deadly Orgone Energy - DOR - which threatens life. It is also produced in the atmosphere through other processes.

What are the frequencies used?

The frequencies used are 403 MHz and 1680 MHz. They used two different frequencies.

They are both on at the same time?

What we're theorizing at this point is that the "thermistor" (temperature sensing) rod acts like a DOR antenna out-of-phase. The "humidity sensor" acts as an antenna for the orgone; the pressure sensor is essentially what they call a barrel switch, which is a pressure sensitive cycling switch. The device would destroy DOR and build up the orgone. The transmitter consisted of two oscillators, one of which would run at the carrier frequency (403 or 1680) and a second one which was a 7 MHz oscillator hooked into the grid of the carrier oscillator. The result was that the 7 MHZ oscillator would pulse on and off.

There were two separate projects going on in Phoenix One. You had the invisibility aspect and you had the development of Wilhelm Reich's weather control. Toward the end of the Phoenix project, by using some of Wilhelm Reich's concepts and some of the transmission schemes used from the "radiosonde" project, they found that you could combine the two -factors and use them for MIND CONTROL.

This chair was essentially a mind amplifier. The government would have specially trained individuals sit in the chair and generate thoughtforms, which would be amplified and transmitted. They could transmit the signal and put people in a pre-orgasmic state where they would be receptive to programming. It worked very well and they found other capabilities. They found that it could work in time. They had a psychically trained individual sit in the chair and generate a thoughtform of a vortex that connected 1947 and 1981. That's exactly what they got - a time tunnel they could walk through. They started going forward and backward in time.

This transmitter had enough power to warp space and time. The individual in the chair would have to synthesize the vortex function because they didn't have the technical capability to do that. It can now be mechanically synthesized. They did other things. They had the subject in the chair think of some creature, and the creature would materialize. They almost had the power to create a being. The problem they had was that what they created only stayed as long as the mind amplifier was on. The power was somewhere between gigawatts and terrawatts. The vortex could have a diameter of about five miles.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:33 pm

Tesla's 0 Time Reference Generator
Basic schematic of the Tesla 0 reference time generator, or "whirligig" as it was called.
This was constructed by Tesla in the 1920's, and was said to be a strange device, as it when it is turned on, you can hear it lock into the rotation of the earth.


The Earth is a secondary 0 time reference, because its rotation is inertially related to the solar system, which is inertially related to our galaxy system, on down to the Universe.

The Universe rotates around "the" 0 time point.

The device is described as utilizing the principle of a "one-body system". That is, whereas for a rotating body, each point of a different radius from the center within that body, has a different orbit by virtue of its radial depth.
In the "one- body system, each orbit has the same radius, but the center points of the orbit do not coincide. There is no common axis, no concentricity, and therefore no radial depth, as in true two dimensional rotation with a fixed radial depth.

Now, there is a common point around which the center of mass of the eccentrics and the center of mass, as a whole gyrate, but these centers are points without radial depth even though they vary in radius of orbit. The center of gyration always lies directly between them, and this represents two opposed radii, and because each radius is represented by a point, they have no depth.

Stability of gyrations occurs with increase of power.

A very stable time reference was required from the 0 time generator, during the Montauk days and this produced two 30Hz. waves referenced to 0 time.

One was connected to the computer and synchronized the clock, or timing function. The other modulated the white noise generator, and by adjusting the phase between the two, the whole operation could be monitored.
X" the center of mass, in this schematic, is the intersection of planes Y and Z,( eccentric masses) or a potential dimensional doorway.

The system is such that a counterclockwise rotational motion occurs of the whole body, with a superimposed counterclockwise gyration, or precession, bringing about a motion of the device, perpendicular to this plane, or outwards (from the page or screen).

This invention, although incorporating the usual mechanical and centrifugal principles, was said to be potentially dangerous in that it caused a field effect, from the "anti-electromagnetic field drive that builds with increasing gyrations.

It is explained that this interactions of motions is similar to that of the electron around the nucleus of the atom, but whereas the electron follows the left-hand rule, this system follows the right hand rule.
The Zero-Time Reference Generator
http://www.west.net/~simon/NotesonInter ... NE--B.html
Zero Time Reference Generator--an oscillator that can be used to drive the
coils of a delta t antenna or any other type of antenna structure (octahedral, tetrahedral, cube).

A coil wound around each half of a ship or other object each driven by separate oscillators synced with an adjustable ends use a phase angle to create a scalar type wave. This would distort the field matrices of matter encompassed within this soliton field or electromagnetic Klein bottle.

Some systems have been powered by 500 kilowatt generators others have been purported to use several megawatts and sometimes even more. Some experiments use a three coil structure use of vacuum tubes mentioned.

A relationship between the zero time reference generator and nuclear magnetic resonance

Zero time reference in radar refers to the time reference of the schedule of events during one cycle of operation.
Tesla’s Hyperdimensional Oscillator
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cienc ... ions01.htm
The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ is based on the famed Teslascope ,the device that Nikola Tesla invented to communicate with other planets. In effect it is a transducer, capable of converting the high frequency of cosmic rays to an energy field which can interface with the human mind. We can use these energies for healing the human body, or simply allow them to guide and instruct us as Tesla did.

But the strangest twist in Tesla's amazing history is the most bizarre Alien Contact story of all time.

Life Technology Research International® have been granted access to documents and papers pertaining to the patent for Tesla’s original Teslascope and with the aid of our consultant electronics engineers we have been successful in creating The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™, a microcircuit which will duplicate the effects of the original device.

It is through the interface of the human bioelectric field that we can access the energy and information carried by the cosmic rays that constantly surround us.

The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ is a tool of healing and enlightenment. It has been gifted to mankind at this time to enable us to awaken and receive the transformational energies of the cosmos.

The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ only allows subtle energy movement in one direction, which is positive and gives a positive spin of energy.

The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ also acts as a rectifier by keeping the body’s subtle energy field in perfect balance.

The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ corrects and filters the cosmic energies flowing into the human body to bring increased harmony and balance to the body’s electrical system.

The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ is specially prepared to emit cosmic resonant energy frequencies that synchronize and promote a healthy human bioenergy field.

The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ facilitates communication with higher dimensions including entities commonly termed ‘Extraterrestials’ or ‘ETs’.

The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ encourages and speeds up the development of the naturally present, but usually latent, psychic awareness leading to a greater feeling of connectedness and enhanced intuitive perception.

When worn on the center of the body (assemblage point or heart chakra), The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ energy frequencies are picked up by the body’s electrical system; stabilizing, balancing and energizing the human bioenergy field.

By emitting neutralizing and balancing frequencies, The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ also helps to counteract the effects of harmful and stray electromagnetic fields (EMF’s) to which we are exposed everyday.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:45 pm

The Merkaba Energy Force Fields” – the Hyperdimensional “Toroidal Space”

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 620#p28438

Hyperdimensional Matter - Tetrahedral Configuration of Energy Fields http://www.west.net/~simon/hyperdimensionalmatter.html
Matter may in fact be hyperdimensional in nature.

This hyperdimensional matter that we only see as three dimensional could be resonances in space; all elementary particles could be node points of this energy which interacts with the fabric of space to form stable configuration patterns of energy that are mutually coupled to the fabric of space.

Resonant patterns of electrical fields. positive and negative polarities of energy merging together into toroidal shaped flux loops forming stable configuration patterns of energy that are locked into phase with each other around a closed circular path.

If there is a zero point energy field that is higher dimensional in nature and is flowing through many different three dimensional universes recycling energy through them then all subatomic particles may indeed be connected to this infinite energy flux or hyperspatial energy grid. Space could be filled with a virtually infinite number of mini-white holes and mini-blackholes that act as hyperspatial energy channels gating in and out currents of energy through these spinning vortices with mini-whiteholes having rotation in one direction and mini-blackholes having rotation in the opposite direction.

This interaction would produce patterns of matter that are consistent with the spatial--temporal harmonic relationships that make-up the framework or lattice structure of the fabric of space and define the parameters that allow for the formation of matter (structure). Put another way it seems that if the fabric of space has some definite configuration to it then the types of matter that exist within its structural framework must
itself be consistent in some way with this underlying pattern. Maybe this could be defined as a patterning of frequencies or also as the resonant (frequency) patterns of space (energy).

There could very well be an energy flux that is hyperdimensional in nature that could flow through different universes linking up many different three dimensional universes via this energy flow or "hyperspatial energy grid'. There could be a constant feedback mechanism between separate dimensions via the hyperspatial grid that could allow for an infinite cycling of energy between a virtually infinite number of dimensions.
A torus is defined by two parameters: the radius of the torus (that is the radius of the torus's defining circle, measured from the origin) and the radius of the tube (the perpendicular distance from the defining circle to the surface of the torus).

Toroidal Space is the name used to describe the area and volume of a torus or so-called doughnut shape. This special form has been used to describe and/or represent a number of things in our "real" actual material world, as well as, our "imaginary" potential one.

A major branch of geometry is the study of geometrical structures on manifolds. A manifold is a curved space of some dimension. For example the surface of a sphere and the torus (the surface of a doughnut) are both 2-dimensional manifolds. Here the manifold itself is only the background for some mathematical object defined upon it, as a canvas is the background for an oil painting. This kind of geometry, although very abstract, is closer to the real world than you might think. Einstein's theory of General Relativity describes the Universe - the whole of space and time - as a 4-dimensional manifold.
On Geometry and Advanced Energy Conversion
Much has been made of "Tetrahedronal Geometry." This has recently been popularized in this country by Richard Hoagland, who has noticed that any tetrahedron drawn inside a sphere will touch the sphere at a latitude of about (+/-) 19.5 degrees, and this is where he says most or all of the pyramids are build upon the Earth, where the Great Spot is on Jupiter, and maybe there are links to the Cydonia pyramid complex that is said to exist on Mars.

Vortex, 19.47 theory/ Sacred Geometry
Do people realize we have this energy field in us and that it exists in everything including every atom and every star or planet? How better can people understand this? How can people understand that what the controllers of this world seek is the control over this energy or our souls? What better ways can this information be relayed to the mass public in benefiting everyone? If everyone can gain control of their energy then these watchers would be hopeless in their campaign of fear.
Spherical Geometry & 19.5 Degrees throughout the solar system
19.5 degrees north and south are the latitudes where the apex points of a star-tetrahedra within a sphere will contact that sphere's surface, when one apex is positioned at the north or south pole.

19.5 degrees is the angle that's been found by researchers to be repeatedly encoded in the structures of Cydonia. It is viewed as a definite 'signal in the noise' - some kind of a 'message' left there by some intelligence. 19.5 is called t, the 'tetrahedral constant', because of its significance in tetrahedral geometry (a tetrahedron is a pyramid shape composed of four equilateral triangular sides): the apexes of a tetrahedron when placed within a circumscribing sphere, one of the tetrahedron's apexes touching the north pole, the other three apexes touch the surface of the sphere at 19.5 degrees south latitude. Why this number would be important to the builders of the Martian structures is not clear (though Hoagland is theorizing that it has to do with what he calls "hyperdimensional physics").

However, the tetrahedron is the first and simplest of the five Platonic Solids, and the geometry of each inside of a sphere should be well known. And, each of these solids can just and exactly fit into another one, giving rise to a nested set of solids within solids, all within their own sphere. The number Phi, of course, runs all through these solids. I am trying to find a good book that summarizes all of the mathematical geometry of these inter-linked solids! If anyone knows of one, let me know!

The tetrahedron has also been promoted in a religious field by Drunvalo Melchizedek in his recent teachings. He says that a human's energy field is primarily composed of two interlocking tetrahedron's, one up, one down and turned 30 degrees, all inside one sphere, and that the activation of a person's energy field, or "Merkaba", depends upon how you spin those two tetrahedrons and at what speed. This is all very interesting, especially when you consider that a side view of that energy field would look like a six-pointed "Star of David." It really isn't, due to the 3-D shape, and the horizontal lines would be closer to the center, and so also the side points. I have calculated the exact projected 2-D shape of the 3-D solid in this case.

According to a couple of videotapes I have (that are said to have been produced in Austria) scientists in Germany and Austria are said to have isolated and used a "Free Energy" source of power during the 1930's and 1940's that came from "The Black Sun".

The theory here is that there is an unseen flow of energy through space, from a specific direction in space that comes toward and passes through the Earth that can be harnessed and used for levitation and energy conversion devices.

Perhaps there is a flow of some sort of "free-energy" that comes from a specific region of space that could be used if we could only measure it, accumulate it, and then convert it.

Perhaps the use of specific geometrical shapes is a key in this accumulation and conversion process. This is beginning to sound like some of the theories of Wilhelm Reich with Orgonne Energy, and of T. Henry Morey with his free-energy device in the 1930's, is it not?
The Merkaba Energy Force Fields and Antigravity Spacecraft
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 191#p33191

Suppression of ET Knowledge And Translation
Of The Bible Conspiracy
One of the great mysteries of extraterrestrials and space flight as discussed in the Ezekiel document had to do with the Merkaba, Jehovah's celestial time conveyance traditionally known as the "Divine Chariot" as documented by the prophet Ezekiel accompanied by the four-faced living creatures. This knowledge was so secret that as the commentary to The Pentateuch and Haftorahs edited by Dr. J.H. Hertz, late Chief Rabbi of the British Empire explains: "a study reserved for men of the highest degree of mental and moral perfection...it being rightly feared that undertaken by lesser men, it could lead to mental and emotional imbalance" was forbidden even to a single man to know.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:53 pm

The Merkaba Energy Force Felds and Bioplasma Bodies

What are bioplasma bodies?

Human energy field, subtle bodies
http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/co ... ?id=123547
There have been many depictions of the human energy field and subtle bodies in the metaphysical and religious literature. The interesting observation in these depictions is the many signature features that can be associated with plasma. This suggests that the human energy field and the subtle body can be modeled as a bioplasma body

1. Magnetosphere

It is well-known in general metaphysics that the (relatively) dense bioplasma body sits inside an ovoid which is enclosed by a sheath. This ovoid is similar to the magnetosphere around the Earth as it protects the dense bioplasma body (inside the ovoid) from unwanted radiation, just as the Earth's magnetosphere protects the physical-dense Earth from harmful solar radiation. The ovoid usually contains a dense body (relative to the rest of the ovoid) along the longer axis of the ovoid with low density (weakly ionized) magnetic plasma filling the rest of the ovoid. The field lines of the primary dipolar magnetic field generated by the central vertical currents within the bioplasma body are largely embedded within the ovoid.

2. Concentric Shells

Plasma crystals, generated in the laboratory, are in the form of collections of particles which are held in a crystal-like array by a plasma of weakly ionized gas. In a subsequent experiment, the particles in the plasma crystal arranged themselves into neat concentric shells, to a total ball diameter of several millimeters. These orderly Coulomb balls, consisting of aligned, concentric shells of dust particles, survived for long periods. This onion-like layered structure, comprising of concentric shells, is also often seen in depictions of the human energy field or subtle bodies in the metaphysical literature.

3. Double Helix (Birkeland) Currents

The helical shape of the magnetic field around the gas cloud in the constellation Orion is believed to be caused by matter in the interstellar cloud moving in a straight line along the length of the filament. When this happens, it causes the magnetic field around the cloud to spiral around in a corkscrew pattern. Researchers were able to detect this spiral shape using the Green Bank Telescope, a radio observatory in Virginia. When helical magnetic fields form in plasma, charged particles move along the field lines generating helical currents.

Kundalini is a Sanskrit term is derived from the term kundala, which means a "ring" or "coil". Kundalini currents have often been depicted in the metaphysical literature as a serpent coiled around the back part of the root chakra in three and a half turns (comparable to a solenoid or a compressed helical current) around the sacrum. The energy is supposed to originate from an apparent reservoir of subtle bio-energy at the base of the spine. The central vertical currents in the subtle body (described as Ida, Pingala and Sushumna in the yoga literature) are often depicted in the metaphysical (particularly the yoga) literature as a pair of mutually entangled helical currents with straight currents passing through them.

Mutually entangled (double spirals) currents are frequently seen in space and laboratory plasmas. Helical structures can also be found in dusty (or complex) plasma. This shows that there is a strong connection between plasma dynamics and the formation of the central kundalini and pranic currents in the (supersymmetric) bioplasma body as described by plasma metaphysics.

4. Hot Spots or Plasmoids

Plasmas can take up a variety of shapes and have "hot spots" which are visible. It has been observed that these hot spots in plasma emanate along axes. Secondly, these hotspots have different colors and temperatures than the rest of the mass. These observations agree with the bright blobs of light of different colors often found depicted in subtle body and human energy field literature along the spinal axis of the human body.

The hot spots are believed to be sources of intense X-ray emission as well as pulsed electron and ion beams. Hot spots require intense heating rates more commonly associated with focused laser beams. Pulsed beams have also been depicted in the metaphysical literature. Presumably these are generated by the hot spots, exit out of the vortexes, and undergo "lensing effects" while being ejected from the ovoid and being refracted by the clear material in the ovoid which could produce convergent and collimated beams.

5. Coronas, Spicules and Granulations
Coronal auras and discharges, granulation and spicules are all features associated with the Sun and our subtle energy bodies - the latter, as seen by clairvoyants. Coronal discharges and flares can occur suddenly on the Sun. The various particles that are discharged, together with these flares, are carried by the Sun's plasma wind to cause magnetic storms on Earth. Spicules are short-lived phenomena, corresponding to rising jets of gas that move upward and last only a few minutes on the Sun. Spicules can also be seen in the coronas of bioplasma bodies. In addition, striations (which can also be associated with plasma and are seen on gas giants like Jupiter) are also seen. Coronas and spicules can also be seen in Kirlian representations of the aura.

6. Beams and Jets

Using sophisticated scientific equipment, scientists at Jiao Tong University in Shanghai have shown that "subtle energy" has the properties of an electromagnetic current when flowing through acupuncture meridians but takes on the properties of coherent particle streams, similar to laser light, when projected out from the body through the hands of master Qigong healers who cure diseases by beaming their energy into the patient's body.

There are important vortexes on the palms of the hands (of the subtle body within the ovoid). Jets or directed beams of light have been seen in photographs taken during events where subtle energetic practices take place.

7. Filamentary Currents

Plasma naturally forms filaments in response to electric fields within the subtle body (which according to plasma metaphysics is composed of a complex plasma of negatively-charged, positively-charged and neutral particles). Charged particles are guided within these filaments by magnetic fields and accelerated by electric fields - generating currents. It is a well accepted fact in metaphysics that there are filaments within our subtle body, which have been referred to as "meridians", "nadis" and "channels". The microcosmic orbit is really the main meridian through which particles are accelerated in the relevant practices to bring energy to the rest of the subtle body. According to plasma metaphysics, these meridians are "Birkeland currents", i.e. currents in which charged particles flow through and are guided by magnetic field lines.

8. Plasma Focus Device

The plasma focus device produces, by electromagnetic acceleration and compression, a short-lived magnetically-confined, hot spot or plasmoid that is so hot and dense that it becomes a multi-radiation source. These plasmoids emit intense beams of accelerated ions and electrons. The plasma focus device is similar to the plasma gun which is a magnetically driven shock tube that ejects plasma in the form of a plasmoid, without pinching it.

The similarities in the image when we look down at the barrel of a dense plasma focus device and the image of the throat chakra as depicted by Leadbeater are obvious. Plasma focus devices are therefore already embedded in bioplasma bodies, with the vortexes in the bioplasma body acting as delivery systems of intense collimated beams of energetic particles that are seen in many religious depictions of deities.

9. Plasma Vortex

Charged particles in an ionized environment have a tendency to follow magnetic field lines. If the path of the particle is at an angle, i.e. neither parallel nor perpendicular to the magnetic field lines, the particle will spiral around the magnetic field lines using a helical path. When the particles plunge they collide with other particles in the ovoid, generating a light phenomenon similar to the auroras in the atmosphere at Earth's magnetic poles. This process will generate a helical path that will have a cone shape when viewed from the side, with the apex of the cone meeting the surface of the bioplasma body. Dynamically, this can be described as a vortex. Since there are many particles streaming down into the bioplasma body, taking slightly different trajectories, smaller vortexes can also appear within a larger vortex.

Experimental metaphysicist Barbara Brennan has observed, as many other metaphysicists, vortexes within the human energy field or bioplasma body. Within each vortex, residing on the surface of the relatively dense body within the ovoid, there are also small rotating vortexes spinning at very high rates.

10. Super Fields

It has been observed and recorded in the metaphysical and religious literature that within the bioplasma body are both helical and straight currents aligned with the longer axis of the bioplasma body. These are the "central currents". In addition, there also numerous filamentary currents interpenetrating the bioplasma body.

A complex network of currents enveloping the bioplasma body has been observed by Barbara Brennan who notes, "The main vertical power current induces other currents at right angles to it to form golden streamers that extend directly from the body. These in turn induce other currents that circle around the field, so that the entire auric field and all the levels below it are surrounded and held within a basket-like network." Moving charges generate magnetic fields which have been depicted often in the metaphysical literature. There are localized fields embedded within global fields.

In order to work properly, the field of force must exhibit stunning properties. The goal is to justify radiation pressure, which is at the very basis of matter mechanics. The phase must obviously match for nodes and antinodes everywhere inside a huge 3-dimensional space. This suggests holography.

The ellipsoid mirror is perfect for this. The diagram below especially shows that exchanges between two electrons via many theoretical concentric ellipsoid mirrors constantly match the wavelength because all distances are always integer multiples.

All concentric (theoretical) mirrors have the same focal points A and D. Whatever their path, spherical waves emitted from A always reach D in accordance with the same phase. Actually, the node and antinode pattern is not a mirror but the amplification process produces a similar effect.

Finally, all ellipsoid layers act like mirrors and spherical waves are perfectly focalized towards the opposite electron

The ellipse is also the basis of the Lorentz transformations.

Because the field of force is already ellipsoid, the Lorentz transformations simply modify its structure while it moves into a different one whose properties do not change. As far as I know, I am the first one to point out that the Lorentz transformations are just how the Doppler effect transforms matter, and that the ellipse is totally founded on its basic magnitudes.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:09 pm

Subtle Energy and the Merkaba force fields

What are subtle energy fields
Prof. Tiller has proposed that magnetic vector potentials are the means by which energy exchanges occur between subtle energy fields and the physical world of electromagnetics. It is likely that the energy generated through magnetic vector potentials from the fundamental ZPF is 'pure', and can influence fields and matter around it through resonance effects.

Resonance occurs when two objects have frequencies of oscillations that are close to each other. When two such systems are in proximity, then they will resonate at the frequency dictated by the stronger of the two oscillations.

Tiller summarizes the four ways subtle energy and thus a Clarus SRT device can relate to and influence classical electromagnetic phenomena:

(1) Subtle energy may directly influence the ordering of fundamental magnetic properties, which would regulate the fundamental magnetic behavior of all electromagnetic fields in the range of the subtle energy device.

(2) Subtle energy may be related to magnetic vectors, such that the vectors serve as the media whereby the properties of subtle energy are able to impact electromagnetic phenomena.

3) Subtle energy may be the rarefied form of magnetic vectors, or one and the same phenomena.

(4) Other properties of subtle energy may exist that impact sub-atomic particle phenomena through quantum field interactions, and thus they would indirectly influence forces such as magnetic phenomena.

If the magnetic vector were used as a medium or vehicle to store and transport and disseminate this energy, it would carry the new magnetic value to the electromagnetic phenomena in the environment, most likely through the mechanism of resonance. The same result would occur if the magnetic vectors were physical attributes of non-physical subtle energies, as if they were the flip side of the same coin.

Because electromagnetic radiation is composed of both an electric component and a magnetic component, the electric component will be always be directly affected by magnetic shifts. This is based on the principles of magnetics, where magnetic fields influence charged particles in motion such as photons, the carriers of electromagnetic force.

Thus, if a SE device can influence electromagnetic phenomena, it would be theoretically expected to.
Subtle Energies, Radionics, and Hyperdimensional Energetics

Fundamental to radionics is the view that a living body has a subtle energy field which sustains and vitalises it. If the field is weakened, for example by stress or pollution, then eventually the physical body also becomes weak, leaving it susceptible to illness. The aim of radionics is to identify the weaknesses in this field and to correct them, and thereby alleviate or prevent physical or emotional dis-ease.

This subtle field cannot be accessed using our conventional senses. Radionic practitioners use a specialised dowsing technique to both identify the sources of weakness in the field and to select specific treatments to overcome them.

It is not necessary for a patient to be present for the practitioner to 'tune in' to him/her. Something unique to the patient such as a signature or hair sample may be used as a proxy, or ‘witness’. This can happen, we believe, because part of the mind of each of us is linked via a universal mind. The universal mind seems to function outside the familiar space-time framework of our day-to-day lives and that is why it does not matter where the patient and practitioner are geographically located. They can be together or many miles apart.

Practitioners use an instrument to both analyse and treat the physical and emotional weaknesses evident in the patient’s subtle energy field.
Basic to Radionic theory and practice is the concept that man and all life forms share a common ground in that they are immersed in the electro-magnetic field of the earth; and further that each life form has its own electro-magnetic field, which if sufficiently distorted, will ultimately result in disease of the organism. Accepting that all is energy, Radionics sees organs, diseases and remedies s having their own particular frequency or vibration. These factors can be expressed in numerical values which are known as 'Rates' or in the form of Geometric Patterns. These provide the means by which the practitioner identifies and treats disease at a distance. Radionics also takes cognizance that there are a number of finely organized fields of energy which lie beyond those identified by science, and that these fields can be utilized for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Thus it may be said that Radionics is a healing art where physics and para-physics, science and religion, meet and merge.
Orgone Energy
Orgonic energy is involved with a form of energy referred to as "bions", which are related to the Life force. Oddly enough, these "bions" can be exuded even from materials such as sand. Any interface between a metal, particularly iron, and an organic material, such as cotton or wood, causes these bions to become trapped, or at least slowed down."
Cosmic Energy
Our empirical research has yielded some so far unknown facts that offer convincing substantiation for a number of so far unexplained phenomena. We have been surprised that some new items of information have taken us back into ancient history, while others have focused our attention on unknown fields of energy. We were not able to comprehend that natural energy, which is all around us and even constitutes a significant part of the human body, could have remained hidden for science up to the end of the 20th century. It appears incredible that at the time of computers and cosmic flights we will have to acquaint the public with an energy that had been utilized by mankind some thousands years ago.

The progress of our research reached a turning point at the moment when we asked the question whether capacitors may also have their own auras when they have a charge similar to that of cell membranes. Then we had to prove that charged capacitors have actually their auras. The long-term research with many types of capacitors of various capacities was aimed at finding the relationship between the charges of capacitors and those on cell membranes of organisms. The first finding was that control of voltage on condenser terminals allows the size of their auras to be changed. One of the first findings was the fact that dwelling in the proximity of a group of capacitors charged to 320V (DC voltage) brings about an increase in the person’s aura, as well as diverse health anomalies. We therefore assumed that cell membranes probably react similarly to capacitors. In the case of capacitors the increase in aura size is caused by increasing the voltage on the electrodes, and in the case of organisms the increase in aura size may be induced in the same way – by raising electric voltage on cell membranes.
Institute of HeartMath Subtle Energy Research
Subtle energy is used in this context as Einstein used it, that is, to describe a type of energy that is at present not fully understood or measurable with today's equipment. This is similar to how electromagnetism was viewed only 250 years ago. The effects could be seen but not directly measured.

With this special detector, Dr. Tiller demonstrated that this subtle energy field responds to intentional human focus. The combination of the instrument that detects the DNA phantom effect and the ultra-sensitive gas discharge detector represent two of the most advanced technologies known for the scientific study of subtle energy. Much of the basic research and the proofs that these are workable technologies have already been completed. These instruments will provide the tools for careful study of subtle energy that will greatly advance our understanding of ourselves and the world we live in.
Homeopathy and Biophotonics
http://hpathy.com/homeopathy-scientific ... otonics-i/
From the biophotonics perspective, we have already postulated that such a “universal energy” could represent the synergy of the universal bioluminescent / bioplasmatic field emitted by the “living substance” present everywhere in the world

Classical research by A.G. Gurvich, and by Denis Gabor, G. Protti, A.J. Ferguson and Otto Rahn, Harold Burr, Colli, Facchini and Rossi, T.I. Quickenden, has proved the presence of a “mito-genetic low radiation”. This is an “ultra-weak luminescence”(bio-field) generated at the level of all living cells, a bioluminescence included in the spectrum of visible and ultraviolet radiation able to generate a specific order of cells’

The piezoelectric mechanism of transforming electromagnetic oscillations to mechanical vibrations and vice versa, at the level of biological systems (such as DNA, RNA, ATP, phospholipids of the cellular membranes, etc.), is sustained by the contributions of actual science [Coetzee, 2003: 2-3]. The ultra-thin crystals, such as the magnetite crystals present in the human brain especially and / or in the extra-cellular fluids, or the membranous liquid crystals, become piezoelectric oscillators, sensible to different light (electromagnetic) commands. Briefly, the (cerebral) mechanism is the following:

a) The energetic-informational stimuli belonging to the exterior / interior (bio)fields determine – at the brain’s level first – the ions release, that induce currents to the surrounding coiled dendrites.

b) The micro-amperage magnetic field that results as a consequence stimulates the different types of crystals, by producing a circular, polarized and coherent “light pulse”. This pulse – the bioluminescent “Vital Force”, specifically – travels throughout the whole body, by changing the orientation of every molecule and atom within the body, and by restructuring the forms of the cells, of the organs, etc.

We could conclude that the piezoelectric mechanism – always involved in the homeopathic mechanism – accomplishes the interface between the energetic-informational fields and the substantial substratum of the human body.

Based on the piezoelectric phenomenon of the (liquid) crystals present everywhere inside the human body, many other unconventional therapeutic practices – magneto-therapy or electro-acupuncture, polarized light or laser emission, chromo-therapy, electro-crystalline therapy or sound-therapy – can be explained. These therapeutic practices – including homeopathy – in turn empirically demonstrate the interference established between the bioluminescent field of the body/organ/cell tissue and the different induced type of stimuli: cosmic, telluric, biological, technological, etc.

The theory and technology of lasers (photonics), the basis of the first “holographic” effects, represents the mechanism of brain functionality (suggested by Karl Pribram) in the role of the pituitary / pineal complex as a very sensitive organ (the symbolic “third eye”) for the influence of the “(bio)light field”, etc. (figure 2c). As we have already argued [Stanciulescu, 2003b: 151-157], this is the cerebral organ most sensitive to (bio)electromagnetic field stimulation, and able to receive and to transform such stimuli into adequate subconscious commands. This process can explain many “parapsychical” phenomena, beginning with revelation and telepathy and finishing with miraculous vindication.
Kundalini and Subtle Energies
http://www.meditationyoga.com.au/austra ... rgies.html
Yoga invigorates all of the thousands of subtle energies within. The most potent, the kundalini is the spiritual energy that leads to higher wisdom and understanding.

Yoga works on the body at many physical and subtle levels. As we move into and hold any asana, we feel the physical sensations of the position of the skeletal structure, joints and muscles. This becomes amplified as we move deeper into a posture and especially when we focus on the breath, or imagine sending breath to the tension in the muscles.

What happens then? We might relax or feel resistance. We might become engaged in thought or feel an upwelling of emotion such as sadness, anger or gratitude. Or, a current of energy may course through an area of the body. These are experiences of the subtle body. Just as yoga affects the physical systems, it works on the subtle systems. According to the tradition of yoga, when the physical and subtle are in harmony, the individual is open to the most subtle experience-the spiritual.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:33 am

The Merkaba force fields are manipulated at the sub-atomic level through sound (sonochemistry) to induce acoustic cavitation to create chemoluminescence and bioluminescence.

Dr. Jenny observed three fundamental principles at work in the vibratory field on the plate. He wrote, "Since the various aspects of these phenomena are due to vibration, we are confronted with a spectrum which reveals a patterned, figurative formation at one pole and kinetic-dynamic processes at the other, the whole being generated and sustained by its essential periodicity."

What Dr. Jenny is saying is that one can hear the sound as a wave; he calls this the pole of kinetic-dynamic process. One can see the pattern the sound creates in the plate; he calls this the pole of "patterned-figurative formation". And if Dr. Jenny were to touch the plate and feel its vibration, he would call this the generating pole of "essential periodicity".
The Power of Ultrasound
Sound, including ultrasound, is transmitted through any physical medium by waves that compress and stretch the molecular spacing of the medium through which it passes. As the ultrasound cross the medium (Figure 1.2) the average distance between the molecules will vary as they oscillate about their mean position. When the negative pressure caused for an ultrasonic wave crossing a liquid is large enough, the distance between the molecules of the liquid exceeds the minimum molecular distance required to hold the liquid intact, and then the liquid breaks down and voids are created. Those voids are the so-called cavitation bubbles

As the liquid compresses and stretches, the cavitation bubbles can behave in two ways [1]. In the first, called stable cavitation, bubbles formed at fairly low ultrasonic intensities (1–3Wcm_2) oscillate about some equilibrium size for many acoustic cycles. In the second, called transient cavitation, bubbles are formed using sound intensities in excess of 10Wcm_2

Transient bubble collapsing is considered to be the main source of the chemical and mechanical effects of ultrasonic energy. Each collapsing bubble can be considered as a microreactor in which temperatures of several thousands degrees and pressures higher than one thousand atmospheres are created instantaneously.

From an analytical chemistry point of view, most of the effects of interest regarding ultrasonication are related to cavitation. Cavitation causes solute thermolysis along with the formation of highly reactive radicals and reagents, such as hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen peroxide, which induce drastic reactive conditions in the liquid media [3]. In addition, if a solid is present in solution, the sample size of the particles is diminished by solid disruption, thereby increasing the total solid surface in contact with the solvent. In this way, ultrasonication remains unique, since no other method of sample treatment can produce such effects.

At high sonic frequencies, on the order of the MHz, the production of cavitation bubbles becomes more difficult than at low sonic frequencies, of the order of the kHz.

To achieve cavitation, as the sonic frequency increases, so the intensity of the applied sound must be increased, to ensure that the cohesive forces of the liquid media are overcome andvoids are created.

The physical explanation for this lies in the fact that, at very high frequencies, the cycle of compression and decompression caused by the ultrasonic waves becomes so short that themolecules of the liquid can not be separated to form a void and, thus, cavitation is no longer obtained.

Different authors have studied extensively the effect of sonication amplitude on the efficiency of the solid–liquid extraction of metals. There is agreement in the published data on this subject and, as a general rule, the higher the amplitude the more analyte is extracted, for given conditions of solution acidity and sonication time.
Acoustic cavitation and its chemical consequences
Acoustic cavitation is responsible for both sonochemistry and sonoluminescence.

Bubble collapse in liquids results in an enormous concentration of energy from the conversion of the kinetic energy of liquid motion into heating of the contents of the bubble. The high local temperatures and pressures, combined with extraordinarily rapid cooling, provide a unique means for driving chemical reactions under extreme conditions.

The chemical effects of ultrasound do not derive from a direct coupling of the acoustic field with chemical species on a molecular level. Instead, sonochemistry and sonoluminescence derive principally from acoustic cavitation, the formation, growth, and implosive collapse of bubbles in liquids irradiated with high-intensity ultrasound. Bubble collapse during cavitation serves as an effective means of concentrating the diffuse energy of sound: compression of a gas generates heat. When the compression of bubbles occurs during cavitation, heating is more rapid than thermal transport, creating a short-lived, localized hot spot. There is a nearly universal consensus that Emission of light often accompanies sonochemistry. Such sonoluminescence provides an extremely useful spectroscopic probe of the conditions created during cavitation bubble collapse. As with sonochemistry, sonoluminescence is a consequence of acoustic cavitation. The collapse of bubbles caused by cavitation produces intense local heating and high pressures, with very short lifetimes.

Chemistry is fundamentally the interaction of energy and matter. Chemical reactions require energy in one form or another to proceed: chemistry stops as the temperature approaches absolute zero. Chemists have only limited control, however, over the nature of this interaction. In large part, the properties of a specific energy source determine the course of a chemical reaction. Ultrasonic irradiation differs from traditional energy sources (such as heat, light, or ionizing radiation) in duration, pressure, and energy per molecule. The immense local temperatures and pressures together with the extraordinary heating and cooling rates generated by cavitation bubble collapse mean that ultrasound provides a unique mechanism for generating high energy chemistry. Figure 1 presents an interesting comparison of the parameters that control chemical reactivity (time, pressure, and energy) for various forms of chemistry.

There is a wide range of chemical and physical consequences that high intensity can induce, as shown schematically in Figure 2. The chemical effects of ultrasound can be divided into three general types: neat liquids, heterogeneous liquid-liquid, and heterogeneous liquid-solid systems. Sonocatalysis, i.e., the use of ultrasound to initiate or modify catalytic reactions, overlaps these classes. Over the past few years, the synthesis of inorganic and bio- materials has developed as one of the most important applications of sonochemistry provides a unique set of conditions to produce unusual materials from precursors dissolved in solution.

These kinetic studies revealed that there are in fact two sonochemical reaction sites: the first (and dominant site) is the bubble's interior gas-phase while the second is an initially liquid phase. The latter corresponds either to the heating of a shell of liquid around the collapsing bubble or to the injection of liquid droplets into the hot spot by surface wave distortions or jets of the collapsing bubble

As with sonochemistry, sonoluminescence derives from acoustic cavitation. There are two classes of sonoluminescence: multiple-bubble sonoluminescence (MBSL) and single-bubble sonoluminescence (SBSL). Cavitation is a nucleated process, and liquids generally contain large numbers of particulates that serve as nuclei. Consequently, the “cavitation field” generated by a propagating or standing acoustic wave typically consists of very large numbers of interacting bubbles, distributed over an extended region of the liquid. If this cavitation is sufficiently intense to produce sonoluminescence, then this phenomenon is called “multiple-bubble sonoluminescence” (MBSL).
Ultrasound and monatomic hydrogen

From the Trenches -- One Man's Experience with Free Energy
http://freeenergynews.com/Directory/Tra ... Bob_Boyce/
I delved into hydrogen research where I was building small electrolyzer type units that used distilled water mixed with an electrolyte and I would resonate the plates for optimal conversion efficiency. I discovered that with the right frequencies, I was able to generate monoatomic hydrogen and oxygen, which when recombined, produces about 4 times the energy output of normal diatomic hydrogen and oxygen molecules since the process of combustion does not have to break apart the molecules first before recombining into water vapor.

It wasn't until many years later that I found out what I had stumbled upon was already discovered and known as "Browns Gas".
Brown's Gas
A directory of technologies and resources relating to Brown's Gas, which is created from the electrolysis of water into hydrogen and oxygen, not separated.

This amazing gas creates a flame that can be passed over the skin without burning it, yet sublimates tungsten within a few seconds. It can cut through 4 inches of steel. The hydroxy gas has been used for catalyzing an increased fuel efficiency in vehicles.
Ultrasonic Carbuerators
Cottell reasoned that if water could largely replace air as a source of oxygen in combustion, this would avoid the large amounts of nitrogen introduced by the air -- and thus eliminate much of the noxious nitrogen oxides.

This file points to a possibly useful technique for those working with water dissociation for the purpose of hydrogen fueled motors. The smaller the particle is, the less energy required to dissociate into consecutively smaller units. This is probably one of the inspirational sources used by Stan Meyers for his "fractioning" process.

Ultrasonic generators can be both mechanical or electronic in nature. Transducers can be easily purchased with resonant frequencies ranging from 20KHZ to 40KHZ. Of course, that is simply where they are most efficient; they will still transmit other frequencies just as any speaker will.
Ultrasonic Transducers and Generators
http://www.finnsonic.com/index.php?opti ... 25&lang=en
The efficiency of ultrasonic washing is based on high-frequency sound vibrations, which cause strong cavitation in liquid. Microscopic cavitation bubbles implode on the surface of the workpiece removing soils, grease and other contaminants fast and effectively.

Ultrasonic generator converts the net frequency into high frequency signal. A combination of FinnSonic generator and transducer offers the best performance in industrial ultrasonic cleaning.
How Electro Magnetic Acoustic Resonance Works
http://www.resonic.com/how_acoustic_res ... hnolog.htm
Resonance describes the natural phenomenon of periodic vibration patterns that occur in all matter. This elastic or traveling wave is demonstrated in the vibrations generated when a tuning fork is struck. Only the vibrations that are reflected between the surfaces of the tuning fork that precisely overlap become additive in intensity and are emitted as an audible sound. The tone emitted is the resonant, acoustic signature that carries within it a complete physical description of the tuning fork including material composition, shape, temperature, and notably its properties of quality or precision in manufacturing.

EMAR or Electro Magnetic Acoustic Resonance is a unique method of generating resonance. The ARIS technique utilizes an EMAT or Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer specifically designed and optimized to generate high frequency resonance. The transducer generates surface currents in the material under test similar to eddy current techniques; independent magnetic manipulation of these currents converts these currents into sound waves. What is revolutionary in the application of the RM-EMAT is the control of vibrational patterns and frequencies of the resulting resonance. This gives control over what features are to be examined and also enables the acoustic field to remain tightly focused within the vicinity of the transmitting transducer enabling small defect resolution in large structures or continuous production environments. The absence of physical contact with the test material results in the generation of an absolutely pure acoustic signature enabling measurements of acoustic properties not previously attainable or reproducible in actual practice. More important to the industrial environment is the lack of contact provides the ability of using resonance to test rapidly moving material such as wire, tube, sheet, etc. In concept this process is equivalent to that of a high-speed acoustic CT scan.
Enhancement of ultrasound contrast agent in High-Intensity focused ultrasound ablation
High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is becoming an increasingly attractive modality for ablation. Enhancement of HIFU is an important issue that has been discussed and investigated worldwide. Ultrasound contrast agents are considered to constitute an efficient medium for changing acoustic characteristics and improving energy deposition in the focal region. The role of microbubbles in inducing enhanced heating, cavitation, and other related events in HIFU ablation has been investigated, with the goal of improving coagulation necrosis volume or decreasing acoustic power and exposure duration. Consequently, with the use of ultrasound contrast agents, applications of HIFU are expected to become more efficient, safe, and accurate and to produce fewer adverse effects. This paper reviews studies that have been conducted to investigate the enhancement of ultrasound contrast agents in HIFU ablation through experiments that were carried out in vitro and in vivo; an analysis of results of this enhancement mechanism is provided.
Applications of Acoustics and Cavitation to Noninvasive Therapy and Drug Delivery
http://arjournals.annualreviews.org/doi ... Code=fluid
Biomedical acoustics is rapidly evolving from a diagnostic modality into a therapeutic tool, and acoustic cavitation is often the common denominator in a wide range of new therapeutic applications. High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) waves generated outside the body can be used to deposit heat deep within the body. Through a quantitative analysis of heat deposition by ultrasound, it is shown that inertial cavitation can help address some of the major challenges of HIFU therapy by providing a means of enhancing and monitoring treatment noninvasively. In the context of drug delivery, both inertial and stable cavitation plays roles in enhancing drug activity and uptake. In particular, shape oscillations arising during stable cavitation provide an effective micropumping mechanism for enhanced mass transport across inaccessible interfaces.
A strategy for blood biomarker amplification and localization using ultrasound
Blood biomarkers have significant potential applications in early detection and management of various diseases, including cancer. Most biomarkers are present in low concentrations in blood and are difficult to discriminate from noise. Furthermore, blood measurements of a biomarker do not provide information about the location(s) where it is produced. We hypothesize a previously undescribed strategy to increase the concentration of biomarkers in blood as well as localize the source of biomarker signal using ultrasound energy directly applied to tumor cells.
Sonoluminescence as an indicator of cell membrane disruption by acoustic cavitation
http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve ... 2901003829
Ultrasound (US) has been shown to transiently disrupt cell membranes and, thereby, facilitate the loading of drugs and genes into viable cells. Because these effects are believed to be mediated by cavitation, we hypothesized that measured levels of cavitation-induced sonoluminescence should correlate with levels of US bioeffects. We, therefore, quantified the number of calcein molecules delivered and the loss of viability in prostate cancer cells exposed to 24-kHz US over a range of different pulse lengths (1 to 100 ms), total exposure times (0.1 to 10 s) and pressures (1.0 to 9.8 atm). Consistent with previous observations, uptake increased and viability decreased with increasing pulse length, total exposure time and pressure. As a new observation, we established correlations between the amount of light produced by sonoluminescence and both molecular uptake and cell viability. These results support a cavitation-based mechanism for these bioeffects and suggest a means to control US effects on cells using sonoluminescence-based feedback.
US Patent 6391020 - Photodisruptive laser nucleation and ultrasonically-driven cavitation of tissues and materials
http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/63910 ... ption.html
1. Field of the Invention

The invention relates to processing of materials. More particularly, the invention relates to selectively destroying a portion of a material by using focused optical radiation and ultrasound waves.

2. Background of the Related Art

Both ultrasound and photodisruptive lasers have been used for material processing and tissue destruction. For example, ultrasound-driven phacoemulsification of the lens is a common surgical intervention in the eye, while Nd:YAG laser photodistruption of secondary cataracts is a common medical laser procedure. Destruction of a medium or tissue with ultrasound can be produced with sufficiently high powers such that absorption of the field heats the material directly and thereby destroys it. Alternatively, an inhomogeneity such as an inclusion, gas bubble or void can strongly couple to the ultrasound field, thereby mechanically destroying material in the vicinity of the inhomogeneity. In aqueous media, cavitation bubbles are commonly used to produce this effect. Finally, destruction of materials can be accomplished by direct mechanical vibrations, in which ultrasonic energy is transferred through a probe in a "jackhammer" fashion.
The investigation of inertial cavitation in micro-tunnels has significant implications for the development of therapeutic applications of ultrasound such as ultrasound-mediated drug and gene delivery.

Ultrasound (US) contrast agents (UCAs) are gas microbubbles encapsulated by albumin, lipids, polymer or surfactant shell. They are less than 10 μm in diameter and contain air or a low solubility gas such as perfluorocarbon. UCAs underwent a significant development in the 1990s for diagnostic applications and more recently have also been investigated for potential therapeutic applications such as to facilitate ultrasound-mediated drug and gene delivery.

In diagnostic US, microbubbles injected intravenously increase the scattered echoes from vessels and flowing blood owing to their impedance mismatch, resonant and highly non-linear behaviors. At low mechanical index they produce linear backscatter enhancement. As the power is increased, bubbles scatter not only at the acoustic center frequency, but also at low multiples and simple fractions of the driving frequency. It is the detection of these non-linear components which is at the basis of contrast-specific modalities such as contrast harmonic and pulse inversion imaging and contrast Doppler which are used to suppress tissue signals and enhance blood echo, particularly at the level of the smaller blood vessels. As the pressure amplitude is further increased, contrast agent disruption takes place with the emission of a strong and brief nonlinear echo, which is relatively easy to detect and allows the evaluation of tissue perfusion because of the modification of the signal intensity of the image. New emerging areas of ultrasound-contrast imaging research are in the targeting of the bubbles to specific sites, such as blood clots or endothelial cells and the imaging of angiogenic vessels by high frequency ultrasound exposure


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:42 am

The Merkaba force fields and sonoluminescence

Sonoluminescence, chemoluminescence, and bioluminescence

Avatar and Photochemistry: Chemiluminescence
http://photochemistryportal.net/home/in ... inescence/
When some chemicals react, they can give off or require huge amounts of energy in doing so as existing bonds are ripped apart and new ones form. This energy is in the form of heat – reactions can give off heat (exothermic) or require heat to proceed (endothermic). More unusually, they can give off large amounts of energy in the form of light.

This light is called chemiluminescence. In photochemistry, we are usually concerned with providing molecules with light to activate a reaction. With chemiluminescence, it’s the other way around – a chemical reaction results in the emission of light. The classic demonstration of chemiluminescence is with a compound called, appropriately enough, luminol.

Let’s look closer at the luminol reaction. When hydrogen peroxide (e.g. from household bleach) is added to luminol, in the presence of base and a catalyst (such as iron which gets involved in the oxidation), 3-aminophthalate is formed. But the energy involved in the oxidation of luminol by the peroxide results in the phthalate having an electronically excited state. The releases this excess energy by emission of light, giving the blue colour observed.

One of the most common observations of chemiluminescence, as any inhabitant of Pandora will know, is bio-chemiluminescence, or bioluminescence, which is where natural world has exploited the use of chemiluminescence. The most commonly known example of this is the firefly (Photinus), which uses a reaction similar to that of luminol, and an enzyme, luciferase, in place of the peroxide, along with magnesium ions to produce a glow.

Chemiluminescence is already in use to study a wide range of medicinal and environmental-related compounds in a technique that couples chemiluminescence with liquid chromatography (HPLC-CL). The reagents used in this technique include the now familiar luminol, which is used to investigate lipid hydroperoxides, neurotransmitters such as dopamine (which enhance the chemiluminescence), and environmentally relevant species such as organophosphorus reagents (e.g. diclorvos).
Transmutation and Radiation
One researcher has reported that in the presence of a rapidly collapsing magnetic field it is possible to add or subtract nucleons in the m-state materials. This researcher claims that it is possible to convert the metallic elements to their m-states then change their atomic number with a collapsing magnetic field and convert the resulting m-state element back to a different metallic element.
http://www.nswseakayaker.asn.au/mag/46/ ... cence.html
There are a number of natural and human-made processes that create light.

Chemiluminescence is a broader set of light producing chemical reactions of which bioluminescence is just one. Certain types of chemicals when mixed together produce energy. This energy ‘excites’ other particles which vibrate and generate light. A chemiluminescent product known to many kayakers are Cylume light sticks. A thin glass vial containing hydrogen peroxide sits within a plastic tube containing a chemical called an ester and a fluorescent dye. When the vial is broken the hydrogen peroxide and ester release energy which excites the fluorescent dye and generates light. Bioluminescence is a form of chemiluminescence and, as the name implies, light produced within an organism.

Another type of light emitting process is fluorescence. This is where external energy (as opposed to internal chemical reactions) are absorbed by a fluorescent material and then immediately remitted. This is the central principle behind the operation of fluorescent light tubes. A form of fluorescence is phosphorescence which is where external energy is stored for longer periods of time and slowly reemitted. Watch faces and glow-in-the-dark toys use phosphorescent materials. Some animals and plants are phosphorescent as opposed to being bioluminescent.


Bioluminescence is primarily a marine phenomenon. It has been observed in over 700 marine genera ranging from bacteria through to fish, molluscs (such as squid), sponges, jellyfish, echinoderms (starfish family) and crustaceans (crabs and the like). A common myth is that bioluminescence mostly comes from bacteria. In fact, a vast range of single-celled plankton, zoo and gelatinous plankton are bioluminescent. The ‘sparks’ flying off your paddle is most probably plankton such as copeopods or dinoflagellates. The glowing ‘trails’ in your wake are billions of scared, hungry or over-sexed plankton (more on this later). Interestingly there are almost no freshwater bioluminescent organisms. Land based bioluminescent organisms include some insects (such as fireflies), fungi, worms (‘glow worms’), and some terrestrial micro-organisms.


As mentioned above, bioluminescence results from light-producing chemical reactions. The group of chemicals involved is broadly termed luciferins. Light is produced by a series of oxidation reactions set off by a catalyst called luciferase (a catalyst is chemical accelerant that speeds up reactions). Luciferin is oxidised by luciferase to produce energy, oxygen, oxyluciferin and light. How plants and animals create luciferins varies. Some secrete it from special glands. ‘Fresh’ luciferin must be captured in the diet or synthesised internally.

Larger animals such as squid and fish have specialised light organs called photophores (photo = ‘light’ and phore = ‘bearing’) which are wart or blister-like structures packed full of bioluminescent bacteria. When the animal wants to generate light they ‘stir’ or stimulate the bacteria in the photophore and hey presto - instant light!
Luminol is a chemical that exhibits blue chemiluminescence when mixed with an appropriate oxidizing agent. It is a white to slightly yellow crystalline solid that is soluble in water and most polar organic solvents. Luminol is used by forensic investigators to detect trace amounts of blood left at crime scenes. It is also used by biologists in cellular assays for the detection of copper, iron, and cyanides.

To exhibit its luminescence, the luminol must first be activated with an oxidant. Usually, a solution of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and a hydroxide salt in water is used as the activator. In the presence of a catalyst such as an iron compound, the hydrogen peroxide is decomposed to form oxygen and water.

In a laboratory setting, the catalyst used is often potassium ferricyanide. In the forensic detection of blood, the catalyst is the iron present in hemoglobin. Enzymes in a variety of biological systems may also catalyze the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. When luminol reacts with the hydroxide salt, a dianion is formed. The oxygen produced from the hydrogen peroxide then reacts with the luminol dianion. The product of this reaction, an organic peroxide, is very unstable and immediately decomposes with the loss of nitrogen to produce 5-aminophthalic acid with electrons in an excited state. As the excited state relaxes to the ground state, the excess energy is liberated as a photon, visible as blue light.

Luminol is used by crime scene investigators to locate traces of blood, even if it has been cleaned or removed. The investigator prepares a solution of luminol and the activator and sprays it throughout the area under investigation. The iron present in any blood in the area catalyzes the chemical reaction that leads to the luminesence revealing the location of the blood. The amount of catalyst necessary for the reaction to occur is very small relative to the amount of luminol, allowing the detection of even trace amounts of blood. The glow lasts for about 30 seconds and is blue. Detecting the glow requires a fairly dark room. Any glow detected may be documented by a long exposure photograph.
Monoatomic rhodium and iridium appear to be the monoatomic elements found most abundantly in the body, particularly in the brain. Egyptian Initiates took these sacred elements compounded together specifically to light-up the "Crystal Cave", corresponding to the hypothalamus and subsidiary endocrine glands.

The hypothalamus, called the brain of the brain, lies under the front portion of the cerebral cortex and behind the nasal cavities. Here are the centers that regulate the autonomic nervous system and control the endocrine system. The hypothalamus does this via a complex of hormones that regulate the secretions of the anterior pituitary gland (the master gland), which in turn "controls" many of the other glands and processes.

A series of secretions from a balanced and activated hypothalamus instructs the body to prepare for a higher light resonance. These new neuro-secretions are ultimately responsible for the cellular changes necessary for "light transmutation". These include thinner cell membranes and larger nuclei, allowing for greater conductivity of Light and Shakti as well as reactivation of the thymus gland. These and other biological changes initiated from the hypothalamus enable you to hold and transmit more light with ease, ultimately becoming your light body here.
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
H2O2 is simply the scientific name for Hydrogen Peroxide. It is a naturally occurring water-like liquid that has many practical applications both inside and outside the home. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is made up of two hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms. H2O2 looks like water (H2O), but that extra oxygen molecule makes this natural water additive one of the most powerful oxidizers known to man.
Articles on Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is a simple chemical compound. It is water with an extra atom of oxygen attached to it, H2O2. Hydrogen peroxide is valuable as an oxidizing agent (like ozone, or bleach for example) because it can release that single oxygen atom in the presence of another reactive substance. This reaction is called oxidation or bleaching. It's important to remember that the gas we call "oxygen" is really TWO atoms of oxygen, O2, tightly bound together.

Human beings and animals are oxygen and carbon based. We utilize oxygen (O2) for respiration and expel carbon dioxide, CO2. Most of the microbes that cause infections (and are associated with cancerous tumors) don't like an oxygen rich environment. Some types of bacteria (anaerobic) can't survive at all if oxygen is present, while other bacteria can tolerate it in low concentrations. That single atom of oxygen, though, is really bad news for microbes because the outer electron shell of an oxygen atom needs two more electrons to feel happy and "complete". The reason that water is so stable is because the two atoms of hydrogen (in water) provide one electron each to the outer orbit shell of one atom of oxygen, making it (the oxygen atom) chemically stable.

What is Superoxide Dismutases
Superoxide dismutases (SOD) are a class of enzymes that catalyze the dismutation of superoxide into oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. As such, they are an important antioxidant defense in nearly all cells exposed to oxygen.

Discovered by Irwin Fridovich and Joe McCord, SOD enzymes were previously thought to be several metalloproteins with unknown. Several common forms of SOD exist: they are proteins cofactored with copper and zinc, or manganese, iron, or nickel. For example, Brewer (1967) identified a protein which became known as superoxide dismutase as an indophenol oxidase by protein analysis of starch gels using the phenazine-tetrazolium technique.

There are three major families of superoxide dismutase, depending on the metal cofactor: Cu/Zn (which binds both copper and zinc), Fe and Mn types (which bind either iron or manganese), and finally the Ni type which binds nickel.

Ag colloid was found to enhance intensely the chemiluminescence (CL) from the reaction between luminol and hydrogen peroxide. Ag nanoparticles exhibited the better CL catalysis activity than gold and platinum nanoparticles. The superoxide anion scavenger nitro blue tetrazolium and superoxide dismutase was added to the hydrogen peroxide–Ag colloid and the luminol–hydrogen peroxide–Ag colloid systems, respectively, showing that the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by catalysis of silver nanoparticles formed superoxide anion and superoxide anion was involved in luminol–hydrogen peroxide–Ag colloid CL reaction.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:38 am

The Merkaba is the toroidal space where all matter is created. It is there where the sympathetic streams composed of the triple currents of "vibratory flow" interact to create the “force fields” (magnetic, electric, gravital and the cerebelic or etheric) that produce all matter.

The Merkaba is a torus; it is fractal and recursive; it expands, contracts, implodes, turns itself "inside out" and returns to its original toroidal form. It is the form from which all the other sacred geometric structures emerge and to which they return.

According to John Keely, gravity is a “triple connective radiation” rather than a flow. He believed that gravity was the basic source form which all matter emerges (from the fractal, recursive form of the torus).

Perhaps gravity is radiant pressure of remote forces; and antigravity involves dipole rotation of “remote forces”.

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =90#p33191

Dan A. Davidson from his book "A Breakthrough to New Free Energy Sources"
Keely proved in demonstration that matter can be subdivided by different orders of vibration. Each subdivision evolves entirely new and distinct "elements". He was able to analyze seven distinct levels of subdivision. Perhaps this is an affirmation of the occultists who have proclaimed that there are seven levels of universal energy.

Present atom smashers with their billion volt power levels have nothing new on Keely's harmonious control and subdivision of matter.

He showed that all sympathetic streams of energy are composed of triple currents of vibratory flows. This applies to magnetic, electric, gravital, and cerebelic (brain and mind) flows. These laws govern all molecular masses from the innermost subdivision of the atom to the galaxies and universe itself. These flows radiate from suns and stars to planets on down the scale to the very core of the atoms. Since these flows are vibrational in nature and tuned to their respective spheres Keely believed this was the basis for the term "music of the spheres".

Gravity is actually a triple connective radiation rather than a flow. It is an eternally existing force entering all forms of matter. Keely believed that gravity is the basic source form which all matter emerges.

Keely called the stream of energy coming into the earth at the poles form the sun the polar stream. The three currents of force in this poles stream are magnetism, electricity, and gravity.
Keely's vibratory physics
http://www.zoklet.net/totse//en/fringe/ ... thpsi.html
The majority of Keelys' work in the field of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics relied on his discovery of two basic properties inherent in all mass aggregations.

The most important of these two properties is the realization that all flows of force are composed of triple currents. These triple currents have specific phase relationships which can be so manipulated as to generate unusual effects in mind and mass. Each current can result in a "mode" of action which will govern the overall manifestation of a mass. These modes can be defined as:

1) Harmonic - Tractor - the centripetal, condensing vector
2) Enharmonic - Pressor - the centrifugal, expansive vector
3) Dominant - Dominant - the transmutative stablizing vector

Although Keely used tuning forks and vibrating bars, he spoke of the eventual use of Mind-Force to establish practical control of the triple flows of force which are present in all matter. In the latter stages of Keelys' research, he believed that a human brain could be so "equated" as to form a perfect concordance among these "triple flows.
"If this effect could be induced and maintained in an organism or mass, there would be no dissociation or aging, nor would the mass or body be affected by other disturbances.

The "triple flows" could be thought of as combining to comprise 100% of the flow of force in matter. In a perfectly equated mass, the relationship of one current to another in terms of amplitude would be 33-1/3, 33-1/3 and 33-1/3.
By judicious and precise control of the flow of the triune forces through a mass, the weight can be increased, decreased to the point of levitation or the mass component can be transmuted to another form.

The second major discovery by Keely was the concept of the Neutral Centre. Keely found that the entire spectrum was generated as "cascading forcefalls" of energy from the primary source of all mass and energy, the Aether. A point of lowest density was manifested form the interaction of compound vibrations which acted as a "drain" for the
Aetheric flow. This point is the Neutral Centre. It corresponds to the center of mass in modern day physics.

The Neutral Centre exists in all mass aggregations ranging from the Prionic to the Molecular. Indeed, Keely had derived a system which determined a total of 7 possible states or divisions of matter. These
were the:

Keely Terms Modern Terms

Molecular Molecular
Inter-Molecular None
Atomic Atomic
Inter-Atomic Quark
Etheric Prion
Inter-Etheric None
Compound Inter-Etheric None

All mass aggregations are composed of all the preceding levels of matter which in turn blend to form compound Neutral Centres which rule the character of a mass.

One of Keelys' primary discoveries wa a technique which allowed the experimenter to establish an "artificial Neutral Centre". Once this was accomplished and maintained, the mass could be subjected to compound vibrations or "orders of vibrations" which would either infuse of remove energy from the mass on multiple levels. The controlling of the energy in the mass aggregation would determine its' reaction to any surrounding masses.
The Keely Motor Company
Keely explained that he was tapping a "latent force" of nature—the vibratory energy of the ether. Keely often used a harmonica, violin, flute, zither or pitch pipe to activate his machines.

A central idea of Keely's theory of nature was the notion that musical tones could resonate with atoms, or with the ether itself. He even drew this musical chart to help people understand the finer points of this theory. [There are those today who use this as evidence that Keely was far ahead of his time, anticipating the theory of quantum mechanics.]

Keely expounded his ideas using an elaborate theory of the "etheric force", spiced with eloquently profound terms such as: "sympathetic equilibrium, quadrupole negative harmonics, etheric disintegration".
What are bioplasma bodies?
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =75#p33193

If we take the knowledge of “sympathetic vibratory physics” and apply it to our knowledge of bioplasma bodies, then we have the tools to create, manipulate and destroy matter all the way from the cosmic to the atomic levels. In other words, we have the power to control the forces of the universe through vibration.

IMHO, this is the “great secret” that has been kept from us. This is the sacred knowledge that is (or should be) available to all humanity – the “spiritual alchemy” that Jesus preached – “when the two become one”. Instead the knowledge has been sequestered by “unsympathetic negantrophic forces” who seek to dominate and control the world.
Last edited by lizzie on Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:18 am, edited 4 times in total.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:55 am

The Power of Love

The real power of the “Mind Force” in Sympathetic Vibratory Physics expresses itself only manifests through the Power of Love (sympathetic vibrations). It is not just “woo woo” nonsense. Keely used his "mind force" to operate his motors through the use of "sympathetic vibrations". Only he could operate them because he was the only one who was in complete "sympathetic resonance" with them.

Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - Universal Cosmology

The physical universe is an effect of this Cosmic Consciousness. The Mind of I AM or Whole Consciousness is the cause. Your consciousness is as a subset or derivative of the Universal or Divine Mind sometimes called Christ Consciousness or Cosmic Consciousness or the Mind of Diety.

In the beginning (and the end) we will see there is no thing other than this All-Encompassing Consciousness.

There is no differentiating between your Mind or Consciousness and that of any other Mind or Consciousness. There is only One Consciousness manifesting as seeming individuated consciousnesses. The illusory part, created by the ego, is when things appear contrary to this Oneness of Being or Undifferentiated Love.

" . . in love all life is given, in love all things move." Cayce (345-1)

When speaking of Oneness we are speaking of a "pluralty of unity" as mentioned by Fuller. Unison is not One as in a singular excluding all else but in fact One as encompassing every thing. Every thing being imminent or latent in One much as notes of a music scale are latent within the scale's fundamental or key note having an assigned value of 1.

Many great persons have left enormous amounts of materials bearing on this subject: John Worrell Keely, Walter Russell, Dr. Phineas P. Quimby, Nikola Tesla, Buckminster Fuller, Edgar Cayce, Paul Brunton, many Sacred Texts and countless other individuals.

Mind is deemed a force. Undifferentiated Universal Mind is the One Force from which all other forces are derived. This premise is born out in the writings of many great thinkers and inspired texts.

"All force is Mind force." Keely

From Edgar Cayce:

"In the manifestation of all power, force, motion, vibration, that which impels, that which detracts, is in its essence of one force, one source, in its elemental form. As to what has been done or accomplished by or through the activity of entities that have been delegated powers in activity, is another story.

"As to the one source or one force, then, are the questions presented in the present.

"God, the first cause, the first principle, the first movement, IS! That's the beginning! That is, that was, that ever will be!

"The following of those sources, forces, activities that are in accord with the Creative Force or first cause - its laws, then - is to be one with the source, or equal with yet separate from that first cause.

"When, then, may man - as an element, an entity, a separate being manifested in material life and form - be aware or conscious of the moving of that first cause within his environ?

"Or, taking man in his present position or consciousness, how or when may he be aware of that first cause moving within his realm of consciousness?

"In the beginning there was the force of attraction and the force that repelled. Hence, in man's consciousness he becomes aware of what is known as the atomic or cellular form of movement about which there becomes nebulous activity. And this is the lowest form (as man would designate) that's in active forces in his experience. Yet this very movement that separates the forces in atomic influence is the first cause, or the manifestation of that called God in the material plane!

"Then, as it gathers of positive-negative forces in their activity, whether it be of one element or realm or another, it becomes magnified in its force or sources through the universe.

"Hence we find worlds, suns, stars, nebulae, and whole solar systems, moving from a first cause.

"When this first cause comes into man's experience in the present realm he becomes confused, in that he appears to have an influence upon this force or power in directing same. Certainly! Much, though, in the manner as the reflection of light in a mirror. For, it is only reflected force that man may have upon those forces that show themselves in the activities, in whatever realm into which man may be delving in the moment - whether of the nebulae, the gaseous, or the elements that have gathered together in their activity throughout that man has chosen to call time or space. And becomes, in its very movement, of that of which the first cause takes thought in a finite existence or consciousness.

"Hence, as man himself applies himself - or uses that of which he becomes conscious in the realm of activity, and gives or places the credit (as would be called) in man's consciousness in the correct sphere or realm he becomes conscious of that union of force with the infinite with the finite force.

"Hence, in the fruits of that - as is given oft, as the fruits of the spirit - does man become aware of the infinite penetrating, or interpenetrating the activities of all forces of matter, or that which is a manifestation of the realm of the infinite into finite - and the finite becomes conscious of same.

"As to the application of these as truths, then:

"It may be said that, as the man makes in self - through the ability given for man in his activity in a material plane - the will - one with the laws of creative influence, we begin with:

"Like begets like - As he sows, so shall he reap - As the "man thinketh in the heart, so is he."

"These are all but trite sayings to most of us, even to the thinking man; but should the mind of an individual (the finite mind) turn within his own being for the law pertaining to these trite sayings, until the understanding arises, then there is the consciousness in the finite of the infinite moving upon and in the inner self.

"So does life in all its force begin in the earth. The moving of the infinite upon the negative force of the finite in the material, or to become a manifested force." Cayce (262-52)

What is being meant about illusions (unreal thoughts or misperceptions or misbeliefs) is the "thing" or "pain" is only of the subjective mind and not an objective reality. It may be a powerful revelation to learn objective reality is a RESULT of our subjective existence (inner thinking) and not the other way around. Sometimes talking through past experiences will allow the original problem causing thought pattern to change - sometimes it won't. Hence we see some postive results from AA, psychotherapy, hypnosis, NLP, religious conversions, etc.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:19 pm

Radiation causes gravity and inertia. Sound creates the Torus. The Torus creates the Merkaba. The animated Merkaba creates vortices and transforms into the Dodechederon.

Gravity and Inertia via Radiation

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 243#p33243

A torus is defined by two parameters: the radius of the torus (that is the radius of the torus's defining circle, measured from the origin) and the radius of the tube (the perpendicular distance from the defining circle to the surface of the torus).

Toroidal Space is the name used to describe the area and volume of a torus or so-called doughnut shape. This special form has been used to describe and/or represent a number of things in our "real" actual material world, as well as, our "imaginary" potential one.

A major branch of geometry is the study of geometrical structures on manifolds. A manifold is a curved space of some dimension. The surface of a sphere and the torus (the surface of a doughnut) are both 2-dimensional manifolds. Here the manifold itself is only the background for some mathematical object defined upon it, as a canvas is the background for an oil painting. This kind of geometry, although very abstract, is closer to the real world than you might think. Einstein's theory of General Relativity describes the Universe - the whole of space and time - as a 4-dimensional manifold.

In particle physics, the doughnut shape is also known to provide the best environment within which to accelerate particles as it can hold and route the plasma formed by such machines in a more efficient manner. Toroidal geometry is attractive for space energy storage magnets because it results in small external magnetic fields.

When it comes to designing gravitational environmental habitations, the torus has been realized as the preferred shape within which to enclose a space station or star colony

The toroidal shape has also been discovered by to be the most efficient way to wind an electrical transformer, as a coil wound in this configuration produces very clean, highly accurate, precise and reliable power

In addition to its real world correlations, the torus has also been used to illustrate certain concepts of the so-called "subtle energy" worlds. The toroidal form figures heavily into the esoteric study of sacred geometry...a meta-science that reveals how shape and form are primary underlying principles of manifestation.

Since ancient times, "seers" have confirmed that the human aura appears as a series of nested spherical torus formations. Modern seers such as Barbara Ann Brennan (Hands of Light) have confirmed that each “chakra” is shaped like a two-ended trumpet, and this is a visualization of where each spherical torus or energy body has its axis. She describes the torus as the perfect shape for a black hole to white hole vortex, and also comments on the gyroscopic properties of this energy form. Ancient seers also went out-of-body and reported their observations of the structure of the CU, often calling it the “World Tree” after their sighting of the main central axis.

For many years esoteric researchers have been searching for the meaning of the Language of Light. Scholars of every school have wondered of this parabolic statement. Is there really such a thing as the Language of Light? The answer seems to be yes. There is contained within the structure of Light such a language. In one of the basic structures of physics, called the Tube Torus there is a study of vortex energy that describes Light and Language in it’s potential.

The Tube Torus is derived from the basic study of the Flower of Life. By using a simple compass one can create the Flower of life very easily. There are seven basic steps in the composition of the Seed of Life which, if continued to its conclusion, yields the study of the vortex through the Flower of Life.

One of the energy patterns around the body is in the shape of a torus - or donut - with the energy flowing through the body and looping around to connect in at the feet and the head. It is as though we are in the middle position of the donut. The flow in through the head and feet is bidirectional. In other words it flows like the tides one way and then the next. In the matrix of this flow are the wave and particle relationships that structure and govern the nurturing "cosmic" energy from which we are crystallized.

It has even been suggested that the torus can be used to define the workings of consciousness itself. In other words...consciousness has a geometry! The geometric shape used to describe the self-reflexive nature of consciousness is the torus. The torus allows a vortex of energy to form which bends back along itself and re-enters itself. It 'inside-outs', continuously flowing back into itself. Thus the energy of a torus is continually refreshing itself, continually influencing itself.

Dan Winter who suggests with geometric diagrams that the only way self-reflexiveness can continue without breaking down is by using waveforms based on harmonics of the golden section, which we have talked about in the Geometry section of this website. He claims our very DNA is a helix formed by 2 rotating geometric figures called icosahedrons and dodecahedrons.

The torus enables vortexes to be formed. All torii create energy vortexes. Energy can funnel up or down through it; the rotating nature of a torus generates a flow of energy through the torus, depending upon the speed of rotation of the torus and the kind of torus it is (there are 3 kinds of standard torii).

Ring torus
Horn torus
Spindel torus

Mr. Winter and others has also shown how the biophysical manifestations such as the human heart and DNA have toroidal configurations.

The unfolded torus produces a flat 256 x 256 pixel image that is sort of a cross-sectional view of the original torus. This image can then be viewed on a computer screen as biofeedback representing a person's spectral domain essence. As the torus is rotated through 360 degrees of the Chromaphase cycle, the unfolded image (called a Matrix) continually changes over time, providing something similar to a dynamic "Rorschach" (inkblot)
Animated Merkaba Vortices
http://merkaba.tribe.net/photos/e6aff6e ... 7e314f349d

Ancient Knowledge and Modern Science
The sphere is the perfect uniform boundary around a central point, represented in two dimensions by the classic spiritual symbol of the circle with a point in the center. From cells of the body to planets, nature uses the sphere as the primal container of energy and consciousness.

From the simple sphere, many other important patterns emerge. There are exactly five “perfect” ways to divide a sphere into three-dimensional forms, so that each division has the exact same shape and angle. We associate the knowledge of the five perfect forms with the ancient Greeks, and so we term them the Platonic Solids.

The Greeks taught that these five solids were the core patterns of physical creation. Four of the solids were seen as the archetypal patterns behind the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water), while the fifth was held to be the pattern behind the life force itself, the Greeks' ether.

With these ancient concepts in mind, it is remarkable to observe how contemporary empirical research has discovered these same forms. Just as the Greek spiritual teachings asserted 2,500 years ago, modern science has also found these five forms to be fundamental building blocks of the physical world.

Even more remarkable are models found in modern physics. Robert Moon, the late physics professor emeritus at the University of Chicago, developed a model of the entire Periodic Table of Elements showing the Platonic Solids as the pattern of the neutrons and protons in the nucleus of each element.

The most intriguing of all the Platonic Solids is the fifth one, the dodecahedron. Only hints of this pattern's existence were given publicly, as in Plato's famous statement that the Earth when seen from above appears like a "twelve-sided leather ball." Amazingly, modern Russian scientific research has discovered that there is indeed a dodecahedral pattern to the Earth's crust, as hinted by Plato.

There are other appearances of this hidden dodecahedron pattern in modern science. In Professor Moon's model of the Periodic Table, the protons in the nucleus arrange themselves in concentric forms that have the shapes of the Platonic Solids. The final form, which holds the others within it, is the dodecahedron, and it is completed at element 46, palladium. Palladium is well known in chemical engineering as a catalyst, a substance that creates certain transformations when it is present that do not occur in its absence.

Empirical research shows additional possible connections when seen front a wider perspective. New Scientist magazine recently published findings from researchers at the University of Pennsylvania who have developed a method to break down lethal chemical compounds (such as nerve gas) by adding palladium to their chemical process. Adding palladium transmutes the lethal chemicals into safe substances. However, the researchers admitted to not fully understanding why palladium has this catalytic effect. With Moon's model of the Periodic Table showing the link between palladium and the dodecahedron, we are reminded again of the Greek idea that the dodecahedron is the pattern of pure life energy-and thus a basis of practical alchemy.

To give just one more empirical example related to the dodecahedron: Moon showed that the last natural element on the Periodic Table (uranium, element 92) was based on the form of two connected dodecahedra being torn apart, a rupture creating toxic nuclear radiation (all man-made elements of the Periodic Table, from element 93 on, emanate potentially lethal radiation). If Moon is correct, modern nuclear weapons and nuclear waste are directly related to manipulations affecting the core pattern of the dodecahedron-even if scientists weren't aware of the connection. In this we are reminded why the ancient Greeks kept the form of the dodecahedron hidden, on the grounds that this pattern could create destructive effects if misused.

The preceding observations and comments represent just the tip of the rationale for, and possible use of, a new sacred geometry.

The preceding observations and comments represent just the tip of the rationale for, and possible use of, a new sacred geometry.

Most classical traditions see the forces of nature as being conscious, which means we have the potential to directly communicate with them. In fact, one possible root of our modern term "nature'' is the old Egyptian term deter, which signifies a conscious power of nature that interacts with human beings.

Some modern physicists believe that consciousness is the foundation of our world. These patterns of consciousness would thus embrace patterns observed in both ancient teachings and modern science. The Laws of Nature then become the expression of a consciousness inherent in our world, rather than the blind clockwork processes posited by reductionist science. The anomalous abilities of shamans of native traditions to control and affect natural forces (such as weather patterns), observed and recorded for decades by anthropologists and other observers, become understandable when seen from this perspective.

Patterns of consciousness are also fundamental to human evolution and self-development. For example, all human beings go through stages of increasing self-awareness of their own psychological and emotional patterns
In space, nature's letters of creation are shapes; in time, they are rhythms. These rhythms range from the circadian rhythms that govern human life activity to the great cycles of time discussed and observed by major traditions around the world, such as the cycle of four yoga ages in India or the Precession of the Equinox phenomenon that gives us our zodiacal ages, such as the Age of Aquarius.


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