On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:43 pm

Is this all fantasy or is this the history the elites don’t want us to know? Who were these “Serpent People”? Were they the Nagas? Perhaps the elite “bluebloods” of the planet are not the true Aryans but are descendants of the original Serpent People.

Vanishing Germans Discover the Mystery of the Ages
http://www.scribd.com/doc/3829845/Genes ... -Space-Age
To understand the significance of certain historical evidence relating to the continuing German effort to build a new country under the protection of the round wing plane, the reader should become acquainted with the following true adventure. It is a kaleidoscope of German resourcefulness bridging the 16th and 20th centuries.

The explanation centers around 500 warrior-colonists who left Germany in the 16th century and were presumed to have perished 4,000 miles up the Amazon River. The existence of those ancient adventurers was forgotten. Allied agents searching for Hitler's lost minions in the late 1940s unknowingly found descendents of the 16th century colonists whose current presence in that hemisphere actually changed the outcome of World War II, an astounding revelation still kept hidden from press and public.

The adventure in question began in 1572 when a select and hardy group of about 500 German colonists originating mainly from the Dukedom of Sax-Coburg, and including recruits from Bavaria and East Prussia, were hired as soldier-mercenaries by Sebastian I, King of Portugal, to man a garrison up the Amazon River. The German soldiers were allowed to bring their wives, for after building the fort and doing garrison duty they were to be given land grants in the interior of what is now Brazil. The families were mainly Lutheran who had been subject to Catholic persecution.

These adventurers set sail from Lisbon, Portugal in three 130-foot, lightly armed warships named Urcas. Their first task was to build a Portuguese fort on the upper reaches of the Amazon in a region of what today is the approximate border between Brazil and Ecuador. Upon completion of the fort, the Germans were to man the same against the Spaniards located on the other side of the river. By territorial aggrandizement, Pope Pius V had issued a Papal Bull dividing the interior of South America. between the Spanish on the west bank of the Amazon and the Portuguese on the east bank.

The ships were destroyed at the end of the journey when the Portuguese crew and German mercenaries were ambushed by the fierce Indians. Taking to the jungle, the Europeans fought an enemy who attempted to kill them to the last man and woman.

Eventually, the white men stumbled upon a cave entrance into the side of a mountain. Fighting a rear-guard action, the German remnant was saved and also their livestock and possessions. Because the Indians were terrified of the cave spirits, they abandoned the siege and left. The hole in the side of the earth became a refuge for those white men.

After agonizing on their dilemma, scouting parties explored the cavity's interior, and reported that the cave of refuge was actually the entrance to a deep underground tunnel. They also found there was evidence of human occupation before them, perhaps accounting for the fear which the Indians had of the interior.

Leader of the original survivors of the 1572 Indian attacks was a German named Von Luckner. It was he who also organized the tunnel escape and unknowingly led the remnants of his party through the fissures in groups of 30, deep into the earth where several months later they found a huge, faintly lit cavity of approximately 75 square miles.

At that time these colonists were a lost civilization. As a group they would never return to the surface. Hopelessly, but with an instinctive urge for survival, they surrendered their old ties to Germany and took on a new identity. But the cultural, linguistic, and religious heritages from their homeland remained strong.

Persistent stories have been told for centuries that white men were seen on Brazil's upper reaches of the Amazon. These tales we now realize are true.

From the first settlement of Von Luckner, a group under the leadership of a man named Wagner moved further into the tunnel. They located another cavity where a settlement was started under Wagner's surname. On this rudimentary railroad system they were able to haul their farm produce and livestock. They began to grow crops which adapted itself to the photosynthesis emanating from the rock glow. This faint natural light coming from the rock walls also enabled them to see and their eyesight adjusted to the dark. Further down the tunnels the Germans descended and eventually established six cities along their 3,000 mile crude wooden rail system.

One recurring ordeal confronted the colonists. To understand their trouble, it is necessary to explain that the original tunnel they followed meandered and wound through 3,000 miles of labyrinths.

From the seclusion of the numerous tunnel off-shoots, the Germans were frequently attacked by a subterranean race of creatures who tried to kill them as had the Indians on the surface. At one point, these "evil ones" or "Sons of Satan," as the colonists nicknamed them, walled-up the community of new German arrivals. Germans who still dwell in these original interior cities say the interior of the earth's mantle is filled with many cities inhabited by the "evil ones."

These Germans who have now lived in the tunnel cities below South America for over 400 years, contend that the entire mantle of the earth is filled with different races of rock dwellers who went underground for survival after different surface upheavals or floods which occurred during the former pre-adamite and postadamite civilizations.

Then on the 75th year of their forced sojourn, their scouting parties broke out into the promised land. Emerging through a rock opening the advance party looked about in wonder. All of them had been born inside the earth's mantle but had been raised to believe there was another world. As the first guides looked about, they beheld unending sky, trees and rolling land. But more fascinating, everything was bathed in light from a faint man-made orb that hung in a real sky.

Some time later, contact was made with the occupants of this new land who advised the German explorers that they had descended to the inside of the earth where hundreds of millions of peaceful people lived who shunned surface dwellers. The new Atlanteans which they were called moved through the air in magical, silent, round winged craft and drove four wheeled vehicles without horses or oxen. These people had an advanced civilization which the amazed Germans recognized was hundreds of years ahead of the surface civilization their fathers had left years before.

Also amazing to the Germans, the new Atlanteans had an ageless longevity span with no noticeable traces of old age in their bodies, no ancient furrows in their facial features and no senility in their mannerisms. What was missing was the presence of old people, the Germans quickly noted.

Yet another surprise awaited the tunnel Germans. The Atlanteans or Atturians called in advisors from another Inner World continent named Bodland in order to further apprise the new immigrants. The Inner World Bodlanders and newly arrived tunnel Germans from the Upper World had the same root language!

The tunnel Germans heard a story of how the Bodlanders some 30,000 years earlier had sought refuge in underground tunnels when attacked by a vicious race which had come out of the sky in space craft using superior weaponry to destroy their cities and kill their people by the millions. Only a few thousand survivors were left and they were pursued into mountainous caves. The calamity had occurred in what is today Iran, Pakistan and Syria, which was once peopled by a race of fair people who called themselves Bacchis and later changed to Bods. Many years later the Bods reached the Inner World via tunnels and pockets in the earth's mantle.

The group of emerging tunnel Germans was then invited to visit Bodland, and it was soon apparent to the tunnel Germans that the Bods were the most advanced civilization they had ever seen. The Atlanteans agreed to permit the new German race to settle on a relatively unoccupied continent adjacent to Bodland in the southern hemisphere where the second race of Inner World Aryans began anew. Only one stipulation was required, the tunnel Germans must live in peace and friendship and never return to the outside world.

A new German race, therefore, evolved. Its roots began in Germany. Uprooted, they were established in the tunnel system which began in the underground headquarters of South America. From here they migrated over a period of three generations to the interior of the earth where reborn into a nation known today as the Six Kingdoms of Saxony.

In the early 1700's the elder Germanic race of Bods were persuaded by members of the new German royalty to transport their eldest sons back to Germany for schooling in the universities. In Germany proper, these Germans from the lost civilization were introduced as sons of wealthy German plantation owners along the Amazon. For over 200 years in this manner, these German princes of a lost world received their advanced education in the arts and history of the Upper World at the leading universities of Europe.

In spite of this isolation, German communities in the tunnels also heard that the outside civilization which their forefathers had left had again been re-contacted, but since they had grown and thrived in their new tunnel locales, they decided to remain there.

Finally, in World War I, the Germans in the tunnel sent a volunteer regiment to fight with their homeland cousins. At this juncture in the reviewed relationship between the subterranean Germans and the fatherland, the World War I regiment located many missing relatives from whom their forefathers had been separated 14 generations before. However, the Inner World Germans did not participate in the Upper World wars.

Did Germanic underworld cousins, visiting Germany during World War I, advise her to abandon caution and reveal the existence of the underworld? The answer is yes, in part, plus other considerations. American State Department papers of December, 1914 and January through March1915, describing America's peace efforts to end World War I clearly outline the strenuous efforts by Germany to insure a free access route to their underground nation. One of their most stringent demands in order for them to sign the Armistice was as follows: "Imperial Germany demands free access through the Antarctic via the South Pole to the inner earth for the purpose of future colonization."

American Secretary of State Representative Colonel House later showed this clause to British Prime Minister Lloyd George. He laughed and said, "Give the Germans that icicle land of seals and penguins. It's nothing but a giant icebox. The Germans have gone insane." As for the interior earth, Prime Minister Lloyd George suggested to Colonel House that somebody was pulling his official leg. Obviously, even in 1915 German foreign minister Count Zimmerman was more aware than the allies that planet earth was hollow in its center.

By 1930, limited contact and communications had again been established with the tunnel Germans, and a sparse trade evolved, but Upper World Germans had never been taken into the subterranean localities or to the Inner World. But despite their insulation, the presence of the lost German civilizations was being pieced together and recorded by German authorities in the Fatherland.

At the request of Adolf Hitler, officials in Nazi Germany carefully and meticulously gathered all these facts of the German Walhalla. However, Hitler's ambitions as a demagogue to place Germany on a war footing and move toward a total European conflict of arms if necessary had not gone unnoticed by the Germanic cousins of the Inner World -- particularly the Bodlanders who had been at peace for 30,000 years.

It was in 1936 that Hitler decided to send an exploration team to the Inner World. The King of Bodland was invited to come up to Germany's Third Reich for a return visit and in October 1936 the Inner World Bodland King Haakkuuss III responded, arriving secretly in Germany via his private space ship.

Taking Hitler and some of his officers aside King Haakkuuss said: "I warn you as a long lost German brother that you are on the brink of a colossal war that will lead Germany only to disaster. I urge you to stop this madness and reconsider before taking your nation down the wrong road a second time in this century. War is hate -- full of negative karma and national agony. Develop a peaceful policy in a positive way."

He then explained that his own intelligence indicated that the American President was also power oriented and would like to rule the world. Russia's Stalin was also bent on world domination. Then the King prophesied that if Hitler pursued his dreams of German expansion by war, he would eventually end up being crushed by the armies of Russia and the United States and Britain and its allies. Hitler, of course, disregarded this sage advice from the ruler of another German nation which had not been at war for thirty millennia.

Following the official visit of the King of Bodland, Hitler instructed his general staff to mount an immediate combined naval and air operation leading to the opening at the South Pole by which they intended to locate again the lost German civilization in the interior of the Earth. Captured German records revealed were the intimate details of the German penetration of the Antarctic under Captain Ritscher whose exploration teams fanned out to unlock the secrets of the subcontinent -- once a tropical zone.

These records of the peacetime German conquest on Antarctica were eventually turned over to the United States where they were quickly filed in Washington's Polar Archives in the National Archives Building under the recent guardianship of Franklin Birch, whose twofold job is to deny that they exist and also to prevent public scrutiny.

The Germans had left maps with routes, and aerial photographs. On finding these, America notified Britain of their find and sent Admiral Byrd into the Antarctic to retrace the German routes. Byrd's expedition was composed of Americans, British and Canadians, one of the famous Britons being Sir Robert Scott whom the authors interviewed.

In 1938 German teams composed of military specialists and scientists finally found the long valley at the South Pole. The rest is history.

The descendants had been found of those German mercenaries whose forefathers had disappeared up the Amazon of the Upper World in the year 1572. The captured Bonn records tell how Hitler's advance parties met their long lost relatives and were joyously welcomed. But a snag debarring total acceptance of the new political alignment occurred during the good-will visit.

The Bods categorically informed their upper world relatives that they would not be admitted below except through a singular treaty made with the Parliament of Bodland. The ultimatum was plain. Any Upper World German immigration would be under the terms of another German nation who over a span of many thousand years had developed a political structure of government that precluded war. Thus any Upper World immigration of the Germans planning another world war would require total renunciation of their basic destructive behavior before they could become federated with the Inner World people whose constant objective was peace.

The Upper World War began without respite. The prophecy for fulfillment of the 1936 warning by King Haakkuuss III was about to unfold. By 1943 Hitler realized he could not fight a war on three fronts against enemies with inexhaustible supplies of men and materials despite advanced German preparedness.

Therefore the Third Reich altered its plan for conquest of the world. Early in 1943 Adolf Hitler dispatched a delegation of unknown emissaries below to entreat King Haakkuuss III of Bodland to sell some unsettled land near the Inner South Pole entrance. The King refused to sell them any territory for expansion but as a brother German nation he welcomed Hitler's people to come down and occupy semi-desert land without compensation, provided they agreed to sign a treaty of perpetual peace with Bodland and dwell quietly with the other nations.

The visiting Upper World Germans agreed, whereupon the Bodland King called a special session of Parliament inviting the delegation of Third Reich emissaries to attend:

"Citizens of Bodland: As you are already aware, a delegation of fellow German kin folk from the Earth's Upper surface is visiting the leaders of our nation. These visiting Germanic speaking people from the surface call themselves citizens of the Third Reich, have a common ancestry with us dating back 30,000 years at least when we existed together on the surface, where our history teaches we dwelt principally as a great nation in what is called Persia since former times (and currently named Iran). Our ancestors also occupied other adjoining lands in this area of the world including what is today called India, Pakistan, Afganistan, Syria, etc., all of which are now peopled by non-Germanic peoples.

"The cradle of our race, of course, was in the Antarctic from which our ancestors migrated to Persia (Iran) when the Antarctic area slowly became frozen over with ice which is now two miles thick.

"But completing the story of our ancient history, you know our surface nation was destroyed and our people hunted and killed by the millions when a vicious race from another planet named "The Serpent People" landed among us from spacecraft. Many of our ancestors were driven into caves for survival, where for many years they remained. They were never able to return to their native lands occupied by the alien invaders whom our astronomers believed came from a strange planet which intruded into our solar system and also caused the earlier ice age over our original lands.

"While our ancestors were in the caves and tunnels, a remnant of them became separated from Bodland forefathers and eventually this grouping arrived back out on the surface through a cave in what today is called the Black Forest in Bavaria. They became the modern surface Germans and their kin scattered throughout the northern hemisphere above.

“Our brothers on the surface are involved in a war that can only mean their annihilation as a nation, having been led into this catastrophe by one man -- a foolish leader (Adolf Hitler) -- whom I tried to warn of his wrong doing three years before the war began -- but he rejected my advice.

"Their foolish leader in spite of his evil deeds still has the makings of a great man if guided in the right direction, and therefore he is part of my proposal, in that he be allowed to enter the Inner World as a catalyst to reunite the exodus of his people under the following conditions:

"That we give all our services to nurture their beginnings as a great nation like ourselves. But before committing our brain power and labor to help them, a charter must be signed by their leaders agreeing to renounce war and not provoke any conflict as long as they remain among us.

Strict immigration factors would constitute entry acceptance. Only those in the present Reich armed services with clean records would be accepted for continuing police and defense duties.

The King took the Upper Germans aside and told them that if they broke the treaty by warfare they all would be eliminated so quickly they would barely have time for their lives to flash before them, so quick and devastating would be their destruction by Bod weaponry.

When the delegation returned to the surface they presented the treaty to Hitler. He angrily fumed and ranted but signed the document. From that day on, a secret government department was established answerable only to Hitler and three other unknown men. The task of this department was to prepare the Third Reich for migration into the Inner Earth to resettle in the general vicinity and under the watchful eyes of the old kingdoms of Germans and the strict surveillance of the Bodlanders who would control all facets of the New German nation for 30 years.

Upon arrival King Haakkuuss told Hitler: "We have permitted you to emigrate because you will serve as the catalyst by which New Germany will be reborn. Your good ideas you should keep and develop. The bad must be eradicated.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:01 pm

Did the “Serpent People” overthrow the Aryans or the Anunnaki? Did they marry into the Aryan/human bloodlines and subvert them? Are these the real Nephilim?

Vega (Alpha Lyrae), the brightest star in Lyra, is the brightest star in the northern summer sky (forming the northwestern apex of the Summer Triangle), and the fifth brightest star in the whole sky Vega is a main sequence A star. At one time, Vega was the pole star and will be so again in about 11,500 years. In about 14,000 AD, Vega will take over from Polaris as the North Star, owing to the precession of the equinoxes.

Lyrae is the original star of the Nordic type aliens. The orientation of the Lyraens was agricultural in nature. They were very plentiful and abundant, and lived in peace.

Lyrae was invaded by the saurian type aliens, and the Nordics escaped to Orion, Tau Ceti, the Pleiades, Procyon, Antaries, Alpha Centauri, Barnard Star, Arcturus, Hyades, and Vega as well as dozens of other solar systems. In this solar system, the refugees colonized the planet now called Mars. At that time, it was the third planet in the solar system. A world called Maldek was the fourth planet in this solar system, and was also colonized.

According to Alex Collier a large ship came out of the huge craft and approached the planet Bila and reptilians from Alpha Draconis disembarked. When the Draconians came and saw Bila, with all its abundance and food and natural resources, the Draconians wanted to control it. There was apparently a misunderstanding between the Draconians and Lyraen humans. The Draconians mistook the communication as a refusal, and subsequently destroyed three out of 14 planets in the Lyraen system.

According to Lyssa Royal, "The remnants of the Draco attack on Lyrae are still seen by today's scientists. In 1985, a newspaper article stated that scientists are able to observe remnant waves of a blast that fan outward, and emanate from a central part of this galaxy

The ancestors of humanity were Nordic in appearance, and those of red, brown and yellow skin evolved these distinctions as a result of environmental differences experienced by each respective colony.

A theory proposed by Bible scholar I.D.E. Thomas asserts that the race of the "Nephilim" (meaning Giants and/or fallen ones), mentioned in Genesis 6:4 and Numbers 13:33, closely resemble the alien race of the blond Pleiadian Nordics, reported to be eight to nine feet tall. Mr. Thomas believes that a hybrid offspring culminated from relations between the Nephilim and the "daughters of man" resulting in increased wickedness upon the earth; and thus evoking God's wrath in the form of the "Great Flood".

Our Moon originally came from a star system in Ursa Minor, called Chauta. It was one of four moons in a solar system that had 21 planets.

Our Moon's first location in orbit in our solar system was around a planet called Maldek which has been destroyed during that war and which is now the asteroid belt. Our Moon was one of two moons in orbit around Maldek. The other moon orbiting Maldek we know today as Phobos which is now orbiting Mars.

The beings that were on the Moon in the domed cities were known as Ari-ans - the 'white race'. The Pleiadians apparently were responsible for moving our Moon to an orbit around Earth. So, the Ari-ans that came here on our Moon were in fact humans from the destroyed planet of Maldek, one of the lost tribes of Lyrae.

According to David Icke, the Reptilians have been following the people of Lyrae from planet to planet in their 'need' to control them and access their psychic powers.

One major wormhole portal exists in the constellation of Lyrae. Most humanoids inhabiting our corner of the galaxy are descendants of the seven-feet-tall Nordics which came through this portal many millions of years ago. (Earth humans have become shorter as a result of a dramatic increase in the planet's level of gravity, since the end of Atlantis.)

This group primarily colonized the stars of the Lyrae system and later the Pleiades. A party from the Vega colony shortly settled in the Sirius system. The latter, including an outpost in the Pleiades, were responsible for a colony in the northern section of Atlantis.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 645#p42103
“The solar system Aldebaran has a sun around which revolve two inhabited planets that form the empire SUMERAN. The population of the Aldebaran system is divided into the master race of “light God people” and several other human races that had developed by negative mutation from the “God people” because of climatic changes upon the planets.

“Around 500 million years ago the “light God people” started to colonize other earth-like planets, after the expansion of the sun Aldebaran and the resulting heat had made the original planets uninhabitable. It is said that in our system they first colonized the planet Mallona (also called Maldek, Marduk or Phaeton) which existed in the area of today’s asteroid belt, then between Mars and Jupiter. It is assumed that the master race of Sumeran-Aldebaran then also came to Earth for a first visit, witnessed by the petrified impressions of a shoe found to be about 500 million years old, and squashed under the heel a trilobite, a little crayfish that lived then upon Earth and became extinct about 400 million years ago.”
Nibiru was originally a planet that was thrown out of orbit with the implosion of Sirius B. It wound up in the Pleiades and therefore is known to some as a Pleiadian planet.
The US Military conducted "Operation Planet X" during the Iraq war - named after Nibiru the planet of the Sumerian "gods who from the heavens came down" The Annunaki.

It is by now very well known that the Bush family was major sponsors and financiers of the Hitler regime and the Nazi party. The Nazi party was essentially an occult black magic movement with the outer trappings of a political party. These Supermen were the progenitors of the aryan race and allegedly linked to the founding of ancient Sumerian civilization in what is today the modern day portions of southern Iraq. Many have heard of the Vril Society which formed the esoteric core of the Thule Society of early nazi mythology. The word Vril in fact is supposedly of Sumerian origin.

So the Star of British Israelism, the nazi supermen and the Sumerian 'gods' is one and the same, Aldebaran.

It is well known that George Bush as well as his Presidential opponent John Kerry are related to the British monarchy as have been virtually all USA Presidents. "Every time there has been an election in the United States where a man of royal descent was featuring, the man of royal descent won."

The star Aldebaran is also known as Alcyone. By any name it was the star whose passing in the heavens timed the human sacrifices of the Aztecs. This ritual performed every 52 years at midnight ensured the continuation of all life for another 52 years. This may place George W. Bush's repeated calls for "more sacrifice in Iraq is needed" in better context.

Conclusion: A rational inference based on the warped belief system of the leadership of the present cabal running or better said ruining the USA is that they are in the Iraqi sands awaiting the return of someone or something evil that they worship. The Bush family has served The Hitlerian Nazi forces now for four generations at least from Herbert Walker to Prescott Bush to George H.W. Bush to Dubya.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 300#p36562

According to the legend of the German Vril society, a fateful meeting was held in 1919 at an old hunting lodge near Berchtesgaden, where Maria Orsic presented to a small group assembled from the Thule, Vril and Black Sun Societies, telepathic messages she claimed to have received from an extraterrestrial civilization existing in the distant Aldebaran solar system, sixty-eight light years away, in the Constellation of Taurus.

If indeed, a high-tech civilization actually existed in the Aldebaran star system, what would account for their possible motivation to assist the Vril Group and Germany to develop advanced technologies? Researcher Wendelle Stevens tells us that, rather than a militant gesture of aid to aggressive Nazis, the Aldebarans perceived an economic disparity in Earth cultures that fueled perpetual wars and conflict. To alleviate this disparity the Aldebarans reasoned that by offering ‘free-energy’ technologies, used to create affordable mass transportation devices, a new innovative generation of industries, promoting prosperity and greater peaceful interaction between nations might result; thus diminishing violent wars. Clearly such a plan resonated with members of both the Thule and Vril Societies and their dream for a utopian New World based on ‘alternative science’.

By Christmas of 1943, medium Maria Orsic of the Vril Gesellschaft, claimed that subsequent transmissions from Aldebaran revealed there were two habitable planets orbiting that star and that the ancient Mesopotamian civilization of Sumeria was linked to earlier colonies of Aldebaran explorers. The seers discovered that the Aldebaran written language was identical to that of the Sumerians and was phonetically similar to that of spoken German. It was also revealed that a ‘dimension channel’ or ‘worm-hole’ existed connecting our two solar systems.

Or did they realize such a victory might ultimately be a futile gesture? Suppose the Reich survivors learned from their Aldebaran mentors the secret the ancient Sumerians possessed–that, in a regular 3600 year cycle, the surface of planet Earth is devastated by the passing of a dwarf-star which is companion to our solar system. And that this Dark Star was calculated once again to swing through the inner planets during the early years of the 21st Century. Such a monumental event would grant the “Thousand Year Reich” a meager seventy year or so life span. Thus might the Reich survivors not wisely choose to disappear from the surface world and develop hardened underground ’shelters’ in the remote wastes of Antarctica, patiently preparing to safely ride out the Dark Star’s passing?
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 645#p41935

“Why do we not understand that there is a genetic beast on this planet that is against us? And why is it we are always subscribing to the notion that it’s only a political Zionist movement, or something like that? And everybody has something against them but what really hasn’t manifested in any of these is what’s behind all the bad ones?

In that area, near Syria, next to Lebanon, is the area disputed by the Syrians, Lebanese and Israel – the area that’s under constant fight as to who “owns” it. Nobody wants to lose it, and it’s called Mt. Hermon which is where all the Nephilim originated.

“The bottom line is that there are fallen angels, the New Testament confirms it. It’s so dangerous to the people who are the bad guys that they made this their primary objective, their primary thing to hide. You can’t get it from the Bible or from what’s being taught because the Nephilim themselves have infiltrated all these institutions; they started the catholic church in response to this.

What if the greatest story not of this decade or century, but of this entire existence of mankind on this planet is that they have stolen the truth about the attack upon this planet by these aliens? Like I said, they’ve got to separate genetically those who had been infiltrated…”

So what if the history of man was that creatures from a different planet came to Earth and messed around with everything. What if everything around us had been controlled to such an extent over hundreds and thousands of years that from the day we are born we begin to learn “the matrix” and accept it as it is the only reality we have ever known? And what if there came a time that some of mankind began to realize that the very reason for our existence on this planet had been hidden by a group of individuals.

Eventually, that group of “others” would know that the word is getting out and start to be concerned. The “keepers” have done such a good job at hiding the truth though, as they have had literally centuries to implement and practice it. Well, such is the case. Listen, you’ll see that “aliens” suddenly takes on a whole new meaning if you have not had the experience of the truth shared with you.

It’s more than likely they are talking about Stargates where people are coming and going in this area. Why? Because this is where the Nephilim came from and where the fallen angels hit the planet the first time! So they’ve got their little “gates” there.

These Nephilim are trying to establish a “world order”. It’s not new. What’s new about it for them is that the “new world” they want to take over is here. The world without borders, centralized government control, potentially forcing this function through many kinds of things, but there’s a hint of things to come.

Mingled with the seed of man will be the fallen angels. But these people don’t want to admit it … that there are actually fallen creatures that procreated another creature on this planet and they walk around today.

So looking at aliens there is literature that seems to mention that there are pretty much three types of aliens: greys, Nordics and reptilians.

These locations on the planet point to certain locations we must be aware of because these are our enemies. On the Giza Plateau, although it has Leo the lion and the Sphinx, it faces east and points to a location called Orion. Which is the location of a constellation or group of people that we call what? What deceptive group comes from there that could really sweep us off our feet?

When you join the dots of the temples at Angkor, you’ll see what the constellation of Draco looked at in 10,500 B.C. The Draco constellation is the picture of the serpent!

The Nephilim are the descendants of the Fallen Angels and cannot be distinguished from the “wheat”. And the “wheat” is the Anglo-Saxons. So here, a bunch of Anglo-Saxons are meeting and they supposedly talk about an Anglo-Saxon “Mission” they’re calling it that – (but) the belief that they have has nothing to do with the true Israelite belief system. And why they would bring about an attack on other countries is not because they’re Anglo-Saxon but because they’re Nephilim…”


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:09 pm

Killing the Anunnaki
http://educate-yourself.org/zsl/killing ... ct03.shtml
The first thing that the reptilians and shape-shifters had to do when they came to Earth was kill the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki had been ruling the Earth for 400,000 years since their arrival from Nibiru. They are extremely long lived and robust, but by the time of Alexander the Great, 333 BC, the space-gods had been replaced by those who found the density of Earth promising.

Most of the negative ones came to Earth about 2500 BC, with the Earth's polar alignment on Alpha Draconis or the star called Thuban. During such alignments the whole planet is a stargate. The most recent similar alignment was with Polaris in 1951.

The Anunnaki's home world, Nibiru, is the opposite of the shape-shifter's home world. Nibiru, spending most of its 3600 year orbit in interstellar space and scarce on heavy metals, is less dense than Earth. Although the mass of Nibiru is roughly four times that of Earth and surface gravity likewise higher, the grids were open and refined. The open grids contributed to the near immortality of the Anunnaki.

Life expectancy of humans was higher hundreds of thousands of years ago as the grids were less dense then. During historic times life expectancy has varied considerably. Over the past century, in spite of all the Illuminati attempts to kill people through war, famine and disease, life expectancy has increased. This indicates the grids again are opening.

With the Kali Yuga, the grids are compressed and the Anunnaki would find Earth a difficult place to live on. With the collapse of the ecology for life on Nibiru about 4000 years ago, there was no home world for the Anunnaki to which to return. Remnants of the Anunnaki still remain on Nibiru, its moons and other moons and planets. Many were stranded on Earth. They were still the gods controlling humanity and the Earth-and the shape-shifters saw an opportunity.

The shape-shifter adopted the role of Saturn in his temple city under the new name "Molloch" and instituted ritual sacrifice including the killing of children. Wherever ritual sacrifice was coerced onto people, the Anunnaki had been killed and shape-shifters were dominant.

Even at the time of Julius Caesar, before the creation of the Roman church, the generals were directed by the wealthy senate to destroy the mystery schools of Britain, Gaul, Germany, Palestine, Egypt and Asia Minor. The shape-shifters were in control of Rome and their plan was to destroy republican government and create an empire more directly ruled by them. The Roman church, One Universal Church for One Catholic Roman Empire, became the plan after the "Caesar is God" debacle failed miserably.

Both Pagan and Anunnaki have the term "serpent" associated with them and this term should not be confused with the "reptilian" agenda.
Demons in Alien's Clothing
A monograph entitled, Reality of the Serpent Race, by Branton, reveals, "In Genesis 3 we read about the 'Nachash'; Hebrew word for 'Serpent'. The original Nachash was not actually a snake as most people believe, but an extremely intelligent, cunning creature, possessed with the ability to speak and reason."

A theory proposed by Bible scholar I.D.E. Thomas asserts that the race of the "Nephilim" (meaning Giants and/or fallen ones), mentioned in Genesis 6:4 and Numbers 13:33, closely resemble the alien race of the blond Pleiadian Nordics, reported to be eight to nine feet tall. The Nazis attempted to revive this mystical Aryan race in the 1930's and 1940's. Mr. Thomas believes that a hybrid offspring culminated from relations between the Nephilim and the "daughters of man" resulting in increased wickedness upon the earth; and thus evoking God's wrath in the form of the "Great Flood".

Those coming from the highest echelon of Satanism known as the Illuminati believe the original people who inhabited the earth descended from Mars via the Moon. They believe the first established civilization was Atlantis. Renowned for their superior intellect, the Atlanteans suffered the same fate as a few of the proceeding cultures already mentioned.
The Anunnaki, Nephilim, Exodus, and the Deluge
Ishtar and Isis were regarded as the Universal Mother ages before any male tribal deity dared to demand entry into the divine pantheon. Indeed it was only around 6,000 years ago, that male gods began to compete with the goddess for worshipers and sacrificial goods.

The first male god to obtain national political prominence and backing was Marduk. Marduk ascended to the head of the divine pantheon when the sixth king of the first dynasty of Babylon, Hammurabi, came to power. Hammurabi, who issued the world-famous codes of law, worshipped Marduk and solidified a kingdom that stretched from the central provinces embraced by the Tigris and Eurphrates, to the Persian Gulf. And for the next twenty centuries, Babylon remained one the greatest cities in the world. Babylon was a world-wide power and so too was its god, Marduk. And so too was her queen, Ishtar, who Marduk initially battled for supremacy.

Although the Lord God may have provided woman and man with a living soul, the Lord God is not associated with the "life force," that female-principle of life which some believe permeates and emanates from every living thing. This is why the cult of the goddess, the Great Mother of All, was such a danger to the male-Lord God Yahweh. The Goddesses and Great Mother embodied this nourishing, spiritual life force whereas He represented fear, obedience, and retribution.

It is noteworthy that the Sumerians repeatedly acknowledged that Enlil, Enki and the other Anunnaki were not really "gods" but technologically advanced people who had come to the Earth from the heavens, from another planet, Nibiru.

In Genesis, "Eve" is associated with the serpent. She is beguiled by the serpent who provides her with knowledge and wisdom which she then provides to the man.

Likewise, in the Sumerian version, a female goddess, becomes the "mother of all" when Enki, the double helix god of the snake, performs an experiment and implants the mixture into the womb of this goddess, the Mother of All, who gives birth to the first man.

Genesis appears to be a distorted echo of the Sumerian account of human creation; possibly purposefully distorted so as to cast aspersion on the original creator god, Enki, and the mother goddess who is the "mother of all."

Again, according to Sumerian mythology, it is a goddess who serves as the "host" who gives birth to the "new man" that is created in the laboratory of Enki. That is, it is through this woman, this goddess, that a new man is created, a man who is part-god, and who possesses wisdom.

According to the Biblical version, after the creation episode involving "Eve" a crime is committed. A former member of the divine pantheon, a serpent (the Sumerian God: Enki), a fallen angel, provides woman with the fruit of knowledge. She eats, and then offers the fruit of knowledge to man, who also eats, and all are condemned.

But condemned by whom? By the Lord God who we later discover is named Yahweh, the "Destroyer" the "Lord of Armies" of "hosts." It is the Lord God who appears upon the scene after the seventh day who seeks to punish Enki and Eve "the mother of all" for this crime.

Thus, when the Anunnaki first arrived on this planet, the only available work force were extremely primitive humans who proved to be incapable of performing the necessary work.

As we know, a people, great and tall, who strode upon the Earth like gods, the six foot tall Cro-Magnon people appeared on Earth; yet from whence they came, or how they "evolved" is unknown. Hence, it is possible that the Cro-Magnon people were the result of this genetic experiment, performed maybe around 250,000 years ago or as recently as 70,000 years B.P.

And then, a second god appears on Earth for the first time and calls himself the "Lord God." The Lord God, also known as the Destroyer and the Lord of Armies, appears after the first gods have taken their leisure, that is, after the proverbial "seventh day." In the account provided by Genesis, whereas "God" creates the first man and woman, and then rests, the Lord God then appears upon the Earth and claims to have created Adam to tend his own gardens, which is exactly what the Sumerians tell us was the motives of the Anunnaki. However, this Lord God also drives out "the man" and presumably Eve and the serpent god, from their homes and takes control of the Garden of Eden.

Could it be that Yahweh and his "hosts" arrived here after the Anunnaki and then immediately began to war and struggle with them for control of the Earth? Can it be that perhaps Yahweh did not initially engage in any acts of creation, and did not even arrive on this planet until after the creation of the Cro-Magnon Adam and Eve?

And who is the morning star? Venus, is the goddess of love, knowledge, and wisdom; also known as the great serpent.

And who are the morning "stars?" Perhaps it is the Cro-Magnon daughters of the snake.

And who are the "sons of God?" Perhaps the son's of God, that is, of the Anunnaki, are also known as the Anakites, and the Nephilim?
Extra Terrestrial Species
http://extraordinaryintelligence.com/17 ... l-species/
There are reportedly many subcategories to the Race that is Reptilian. One of the most talked about is the Draconians or Dracos, who come from the Alpha Draconis star system. They’ve formed colonies on Alpha Draconis, but lay claim to planet Earth. Some believe this is actually their home planet, while others say that they seeded this planet and see us as their biological property. They are an old, if not the oldest race.

The Nagas are another type of Reptilian being. The Agharti System of Central Asia according to Hindi legends links to ‘Snakeworld’, a multi-leveled cavern system under the southwestern slopes of the Himalayans, which is the home of the Nagas.

Whether or not the Anunnaki are a race of extraterrestrials, or if it is simply the name assigned to strange god-like visitors by the people of ancient Sumer, the fact is that the term Anunnaki is one of the most recognizable “names” given to otherworldly beings, and therefore belongs on this list.

Some say the Anunnaki were reptilian in appearance, while others say they were humanoid with fair skin. They feature quite prominently in some myths about 2012. Some believe that the Anunnaki originated on the planet Nibiru (often called Planet X). In 2012, it is believed by many that this Planet will intersect with Earth bringing the Anunnaki once again close enough to make contact.

The Pleiadians are from a star system called Pleiades. This star system is a small cluster of seven stars located in the Constellation of Taurus the Bull. This star cluster is often referred to as the Seven Sisters. It is said that the ancestors of the Pleiadians, the Lyrans, are believed to have fled their home of Lyra and settled in the Pleiades.
When discussing the Pleiadians, it is important to note that they were introduced to mainstream knowledge by contactee Billy Meier. Meier called them Plejaran, and said they came from the planet Erra, which is in another dimension mere seconds ahead of our own.
What if the Anunnaki-reptilian-invasion is an Illuminati false flag?
http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum ... 073518/pg1
It's just impossible to find a thread or an article about the ancient extraterrestrial race knew as Anunnaki without statements that they are reptile humanoids. Despite the fact that the expert in Mesopotamian languages, Zecharia Sitchin, has never said that in any of his books, there's a massive speculation about their nature, due several reports of ancient civilizations, as the Hindu Nagas, the African Dogons and many native American tribes, about a race of reptile humanoids that inhabits the underground and eventually kept contact with them.

The common suspect is David Icke who claims that there's a reptile-human bloodline lineage descending from the original Anunnaki, pulling the strings of all structures of TPTB and controlling mankind in all levels.

IMO, the Anunnaki are NOT reptile humanoids. They produced a humanoid race similar to their own race, engineering primate beings.

According to Sitchin's translations, the Anunnaki carried several genetic experiments, with many different species, attempting to create a humanoid creature, enable to work in the gold mining. The African primates were on top of the list, due several compatibilities with them, but it didn't prevent them to playing with life forms, creating other creatures besides primates, such as reptiles, amphibians and other species of mammals. And they succeed because several hybrid humanoids were reported by ancient civilizations, mainly the Greek and Egyptian. The so called Chimeras, considered "myths" by the scholars Centaurs, harpies, satyrs, gorgons, minotaurs and many others known reptilians.

IMO, all these creatures were wiped off of Earth, during that massive cataclysm reported on Bible, as "The Noah Flood". Enki helped many human groups were to survive. The reptilians migrated to underground tunnels to avoid the ice age.

During the second return, after the ice age, the Anunnaki prepared several human governments to rule the Earth after their last departure. Most of these rulers were based on their own direct bloodline lineage. Most of their elite have left the Earth but some dissident groups (remnants) were left behind probably outlaws and renegades such as Marduk/Ra.

These renegades were not enough in number to surpass all human governments and take over the planet, so they joined the reptilians in the underground and they seduced the royal human lineages to form a new crossbreeding bloodline. Thus, these renegade Anunnaki have been using their ancient occultist wisdom to command all these puppets through the Illuminati structure of power.

It seems obvious that the Illuminati want to prevent the return of the original Anunnaki elite at all cost because the NWO won't succeed if they return. If some kind of planetary cataclysm is forthcoming most likely the original Anunnaki elite will reboot the earthling civilizations as they did in remote times, according to their own agenda. I assume the renegades have no place on this agenda.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:49 pm

Are the Imanujela the Atlantean humans and the Imbulu or Chitauli the reptilians? Did the reptilians destroy the Earth’s cloud canopy? Did this cause the Anunnaki to leave the planet? Were the Wazungu the same as the Anunnaki?

Was the nation of Amariri the same as the Kingdom of Amenti (Atlantis)? Did the Atlantean kings refuse to obey the reptilian overlords?

On Alien Abduction & Reptilians
The people of Rwanda, the Hutu people, as well as the Watusi people, state, and they are not the only people in Africa who state this that their very oldest ancestors were a race of beings whom they called the Imanujela, which means “the Lords who have come”. They say that they came from the sky many generations ago, a race of highly advanced and fearsome creatures which looked like men, and they call them Zishwezi. The word Zishwezi means the dival or the glidal-creatures that can glide down from the sky or glide through water.

Everybody, sir, has heard about the Dogon people in Western Africa who all say that they were given culture by the normal beings, but they are one of many peoples in Africa who claim that their tribe or their king were first founded by the supernatural race of creatures that came from the sky.

The Zulu people are famous as a warrior people. When you ask a South African White anthropologist what the name of Zulu means, he will say it means “the sky”, and therefore the Zulu call themselves “people of the sky”. That, sir, is nonsense. In the Zulu language, our name for the blue sky is sibakabaka. Our name for inter-planetary space, however, is izulu and the weduzulu, which means “inter-planetary space, the dark sky that you see at night with stars in it.”

You will see that the Zulu people in South Africa were aware of the fact that you can travel through space (not through the sky); and the Zulus claim that many, many thousands of years ago there arrived, out of the skies, a race of people who were like lizards, people who could change shape at will. And there were people who married their daughters to a walking (extraterrestrial) and produced a power race of Kings and tribal Chiefs. There are hundreds of fairy-tales, sir, in which a lizard female assumes the identity of a human princess and poses as her and gets married to a Zulu Prince.

Throughout South Africa, amongst many tribes, you’ll find stories of these amazing creatures who are capable of changing from a reptile to human being and from reptile to any other animal of their choice. And these creatures, sir, do really exist.

Where they come from, I will never claim to know, sir. But they are associated with certain stars in the sky, and one of these stars is a large group of stars which is part of the Milky Way, which our people call Ingiyab, which means “The Great Serpent”. And there is a red star near the tip of this huge rim of stars which our people call IsoneNkanyamba.

Now, this star called IsoneNkanyamba, I managed to find its English name. It is the star called Alpha Centauri in English.

It is said that these creatures feed on us human beings; that they, at one time, challenged God Himself to war, because they wanted full control of the universe. And God fought a terrible battle against them and He defeated them, injured them, and forced them to hide in cities underground.

They hide in deep cavities underground because they are always feeling cold. In these cavities, we are told, there are huge fires which are kept going by slaves, human, zombie-like slaves. And, it is further said that these Zuswazi, these Imbulu, or whatever you choose to call them, are not capable of eating solid food. They either eat human blood, or they eat that power, the energy that is generated when human beings, on the surface of the Earth, are fighting and killing each other in large numbers.

If you study the languages of all African nations, you find within the languages of our people words which are similar to Oriental, Middle-Eastern, and even Native American words. And the word Imanujela means “the Lord who came”. A word that is very similar to the Herbrew word Immanuel, which means “the Lord is with us”. Imanujela -- “the ones who came, the Lords who are here”.

Our people believe, sir, that we, the people of this Earth, are not masters of our own lives, although we are made to think that we are. Our people say when they get to trust you and share their deepest secrets with you that [with] the Imanujela, there is also the Imbulu. There is another name by which these creatures are known. This name is Chitauli. Now, the word Chitauli means “the dictators, the ones who tell us the law”. In other words, they tell us secretly what we are to do. Now, it is said that these Chitauli did a number of things to us when they came to this planet.

It is said that, originally, the Earth was covered by a very thick blanket of fog or mist. That people could not actually see the Sun in the sky except as a thimble of light. And they also saw the Moon at night as a gentle claw of light in the sky because there was this heavy mist. And the rain was always falling in a steady drizzle. There was no thunder, however. There were no storms.

The world was thickly covered with great forests, great jungles, and people lived in peace on Earth at that time. People were happy and it is said, at that time, we human beings did not have the power of speech. And in those centuries, people spoke to each other through their mind.

There was no violence against animals. There was no violence against Nature by human beings at that time. Man used to ask for food from Nature.

All of these great powers the Chitauli took away from human beings and they gave human beings a new power, now, the power of speech. But, human beings found, to their horror, that the power of speech divided them instead of uniting them, because the Chitauli cunningly created different languages, and they caused a great quarrels between people. Also, the Chitauli did something which has never been done before: they gave human beings people to rule over them, and they said, “These are your kings, these are your chiefs. They have our blood in them. They are our children, and you must listen to these people because they will speak on our behalf. If you don’t, we are going punish you very terribly.”

Before the coming of the Chitauli, before the coming of the Imbulu creatures, human beings were spiritually one. But when the Chitauli came human beings became divided, both spiritually as well as by language.

Another thing the Chitauli forced human beings to do was to mine into the Earth. The Chitauli activated human women and made them discover minerals and metals of certain types. Women discovered copper; women discovered gold; women discovered silver. And, eventually, they were guided by the Chitauli to alloy these metals and to create new metals which had never existed in Nature before, metals such as bronze and brass and others.

Now, the Chitauli, further, removed the sacred rain-bringing mist from the sky and for the first time since creation, human beings looked up and saw stars, and the Chitauli told human beings that they have been wrong in believing that God dwelt under the Earth. “From now on,” the Chitauli told people of this Earth, “the people of Earth must believe that God is in Heaven and they must do things here on Earth which would please this God who is in Heaven.”

You see, originally, human beings had believed that God was underground, that she was a very great mother who dwelt under the Earth because they saw all the green things growing from under the Earth-the grass came from below ground, the trees grew from below ground, and the people had believed, therefore, that the dead people who died go underground. But when the Chitauli turned humans’ eyes towards the sky, people started believing, now, that God is in the sky and that those who die from this Earth don’t go underground, but go up into the sky.

Now, sir, another thing that the Chitauli told our people is that we human beings are here on Earth to change the Earth and to make it suitable for “God” to come down one day and dwell in it. And it is said that they who work to change this Earth and make it safe for the serpent god, the Chitauli, to come and dwell in it, will be rewarded with great power and with great wealth.

Sir, as I have watched over many years of study, over many years of initiation of the mysteries of African shamanism, wisdom, and knowledge, I have found myself wondering why we human beings are actually destroying the Earth on which we live.

According to the ancient clay tablets which were written by the people of Sumeria, the gods came out of the sky and forced human beings to work for them, to mine gold for them. This story is confirmed by African legends throughout Africa, that gods came out of the sky and made us into their slaves, and they made us into slaves in such a way that we would never realize that we are slaves.

One other thing that our people say is that the Chitauli prey upon us like vultures. They raise some of us up; they fill some of us with great anger and great ambition; and they make these people they’ve raised into great warriors who make terrible wars. But, in the end, the Chitauli do not allow these great leaders, war chiefs and kings, to die peacefully. The warrior chief is used to make as much war as possible, to kill as many of his people, and those he calls enemies, as possible, and then, in the end, the warrior chief dies a terrible death, with his blood being spilled by others.

Sir, I believe that these creatures are everywhere on Earth, and with respect, sir, although I hate talking about myself so much, I am a person who has traveled to many parts of the world. And no matter where I have gone, sir, I have found people telling me about creatures like this.

And furthermore, our people believed, like the Dogon people, that there are 24 planets in our part of space which are inhabited by intelligent creatures of various states. And, this knowledge has never been recorded in any book.

Many many centuries ago, before the first White-man came to Africa, we African people encountered a race of alien beings which looked exactly like the European White-man who were going to invade Africa in our future.

These alien creatures were tall. Some of them are rather well built, like athletes, and they have slightly slanting blue eyes and high cheek-bones. And they had golden hair, and they look exactly like the Europeans of today, with one exception: their fingers are beautifully made, long and like those of musicians and artists.

Now, these creatures came to Africa out of the sky, in craft which looked like the boomerang of the Australian people. Now, when one of these craft comes down to land, it creates a whirlwind of dust, which makes a very large sound indeed, like that of a tornado. In the language of some African tribes, a whirlwind is zungar-uzungo.

Now, our people gave several names to these White-skinned aliens. They called them Wazungu, a word which loosely means “god” but literally means “people of the dust-devil or the whirlwind”.

Our people were familiar with these Wazungu from the start. They saw them, and they saw that many of these Wazungu carry what appears to be a sphere made of crystal or glass, a sphere which they always playfully bounce like a ball in their hands. And when a force of warriors tries to capture a Wazungu, the Wazungu throws this ball into the air, catches it in his hands, and then disappears.

But, some Wazungu were captured by Africans in the past and forcibly kept prisoner in the villages of chiefs, and in the caves of shamans. The person who had captured the Muzungu, as he is called in singular, had to make sure that he kept the glass globe well hidden from the Wazungu. So long as he kept the globe hostage, the Muzungu could not escape.

And when Africans saw the real Europeans, the White men from Europe, they transferred to them the name Wazungu. Before we met the people from Europe, we Africans had met White-skinned Wazungu, and we transferred the name Wazungu to the real Europeans, from the aliens.

Now, in the Zulu language, we call a White man Umlungu. Now, the word Umlungu means exactly the same as Wazungu, “a god or a creature which creates a big whirlwind underground”.

The aliens once destroyed a nation whose name has come down to us Africans as the nation of Amariri. It is said that the kings of Amariri, this fabulous country which we believed lay beyond the setting of the Sun, were refusing to do what the Chitauli were telling them to do.

The kings, at that time, were refusing to sacrifice their children to the Chitauli. They were refusing to make war on fellow human-beings, in order to sustain the Chitauli, with their god’s image.

It is said that the Chitauli brought down a fire from Heaven. They took fire from the Sun itself and they used it to burn that great civilization away. They caused earthquakes and tidal waves and destroyed the great civilization of the Red people of the long green hair, who are said to have been the first people ever to be created on this Earth. It is said that the Chitauli allowed only a few surviving people to escape the destruction of Amariri, and that they are prepared to do this again in the very near future.

Martin: I would like to go back to the copper city for a moment. It would seem that this Jabulon would be the equivalent of what, in the West, we call Satan. Would you say that?

I think so, yes, sir. He is the chief of the Chitauli. And, like Satan, he lives in a house underground where great fires are always lighted to keep him warm. Because, we are told that after the “great war” they fought with God; they became cold in their blood and they cannot stand freezing weather, which is why they require human blood, and also they require fire always to be kept working where they are.

Martin: Well it’s been said, in the recent video tape that David Icke has put out, that the shape-shifting reptilians, in order to maintain their façade, their cover, their human-like appearance, they must drink human blood. And there is something about the blond gene, apparently.

Credo Mutwa: Yes. Mr. David Icke shared that a little with me, sir. He told me that, repeatedly, golden-haired people get sacrificed by the Chitauli, and then I told him, in my turn, what I know from Africa.

You see, sir, not all Africans have got black hair. There are Africans who are regarded as very holy, as very sacred. These are Africans who are born with natural red hair. These Africans are believed to be very spiritually powerful. Now, in Africa, such people, albeamers or red-headed Africans, were the most victims of sacrifice, especially when they were just entering maturity-whether they were males or females.

Reptilian shapeshifters mentioned in the Emerald Tablets
I read this in the internet version of The Emerald Tablets of Thoth which purports to be the writings of Thoth, the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza. It appears to be a description of reptilian shapeshifters in the manner mentioned by David Icke.

The actual quote is from Tablet VIII, The Key of Mystery
Far in the past before Atlantis existed,
men there were who delved into darkness,
using dark magic, calling up beings
from the great deep below us.
Forth came they into this cycle.
Formless were they of another vibration,
existing unseen by the children of earth-men.
Only through blood could they have formed being.
Only through man could they live in the world.

In ages past were they conquered by Masters,
driven below to the place whence they came.
But some there were who remained,
hidden in spaces and planes unknown to man.
Lived they in Atlantis as shadows,
but at times they appeared among men.
Aye, when the blood was offered,
for they came they to dwell among men.

In the form of man they amongst us,
but only to sight were they as are men.
Serpent-headed when the glamour was lifted
but appearing to man as men among men.
Crept they into the Councils,
taking forms that were like unto men.
Slaying by their arts
the chiefs of the kingdoms,
taking their form and ruling o'er man.
Only by magic could they be discovered.
Only by sound could their faces be seen.
Sought they from the Kingdom of shadows
to destroy man and rule in his place.

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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by mague » Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:08 am

Who knows, this is a strange world. We do know species who enjoy to feast on corpses. Everyone knows a mosquito or two who need a drop of blood to live. Some eat cute mice and others chew on beautiful flowers.

What we need to "know" about a species is, if it is doing what it does to support the systems of "spaceship earth".

It is interesting that we have the story about the two eyes of horus and on the other side of the planet the story about the two eyes, one called knowledge and the other compassion. In Nepal the face is build of a nose that is the symbol of 1 or unity, then the two eyes of knowledge and compassion and above the "all-seeing" third eye. I ll be bold an translate this to: Unite knowledge and emotion to find the abstraction of the "real all".

Rene Descartes thought the universe is a mechanical clockwork, probably created by god, but left behind by god after creation. Contrary to Descartes, Newton wanted to find the "living god" within the clockwork.

And since like 100 or 200 years we have the ill-will between science and the more emotional driven people. The path of know and feel was laid out by the buddhists. The third eye, the synthesis of know and feel is the understanding of what is good and what is bad for "spaceship earth".

The same goes for the potentially existing different space races. Sustained usage of the spaceship or not ? The third eye console shows the results of this question.

The navigators problem:

Imagine a sphere in a 3-dimensional coordinate system. Anything, be it physical or mental or intellectual is reachable, touchable, recognizable and understandable. If we cant reach a certain point, then it is outside the sphere. It is possible to move the sphere slightly to reach the point. Its much like turning a page in a book.

The problem is, that everywhere on the border of the sphere something got lost. When we turned a page, we cant read the text there anymore and sooner or later it is lost. For example, if the sphere moves continually towards a technocracy, then it will reach a technocracy. But on the other ends it will loose. For example social competence or emotional competence. The progress in this process is a myth, because the map is static and the sphere is the collective, spherical and 3-dimensional spotlight on the static map. The so called progress is just motion with the potential to be aimless motion in the grand picture.

The multitude of interrests, curiosity and yearnings may create a very odd flight path of spaceship earth. Thats why the navigator learned first where 0,0,0 is. If, for any reason, large parts of the collective do not obey to the navigators coordinates anymore, then a disaster is highly probable. The journey might end there forever for those to stubborn to listen.

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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by solrey » Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:16 pm

GaryN. Something Wicked This Way Comes? Really?

Based on what exactly are you drawing that conclusion? It's a big neighborhood. Like really, really big.

You must be referring to this press release and media teleconference.

NASA's Chandra Finds Youngest Nearby Black Hole

15 nov 2010 NASA Important Space Discovery Youngest Black Hole
Astronomers using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory have found evidence of the youngest black hole known to exist in our cosmic neighborhood. The 30-year-old black hole provides a unique opportunity to watch this type of object develop from infancy.
The 30-year-old object is a remnant of SN 1979C, a supernova in the galaxy M100 approximately 50 million light years from Earth. Data from Chandra, NASA's Swift satellite, the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton and the German ROSAT observatory revealed a bright source of X-rays that has remained steady during observation from 1995 to 2007. This suggests the object is a black hole being fed either by material falling into it from the supernova or a binary companion.
Based on that, I suppose our "neighborhood" extends to at least 50 million light years then.
A distant "black hole"? You know what EU thinks about black holes, right?

I'll bet you thought the announcement was related to Nibiru didn't ya?

This thread is definitely not helping to support EU's credibility.

For the benefit of the casual reader, as a matter of fact, I suggest that EU theory distance itself as far away from this thread as it can get. But hey, this category is pretty much a free-for-all not necessarily related to EU theory anyways, right?

“Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality"
Nikola Tesla

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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by davesmith_au » Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:12 pm

solrey wrote:This thread is definitely not helping to support EU's credibility.

For the benefit of the casual reader, as a matter of fact, I suggest that EU theory distance itself as far away from this thread as it can get.
Good point Tim, thread locked.

To be honest, I've closed down discussions like this a number of times, only for them to simply be started on a new thread, which I tend to ignore for a while. But when I see people on our forum banging on about the reptilians, I must admit it raises my hackles a bit. We offer far more latitude for free speech than most any other forum on the net, but there must be some limits.

Dave Smith.
Forum Administrator.
"Those who fail to think outside the square will always be confined within it" - Dave Smith 2007
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