Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:19 pm

Is the “ILU Ray” a “superwave” emanating from the Black Sun? Is Sirius C the Black Sun or is it the primordial "Mother Star" of the Galactic Core?

Or is the “ILU Ray” a gigantic Torsion Wave emanating from the Galactic Center that is supposed to raise Human Consciousness to a new level?
Kozyrev concluded that time is actually a kind of information frequency beam transmitted from stellar cores (which his studies showed to be not hot and dense but relatively cool and more hollow, though quite complex in nature).
Lucifer Rising ... naway.html
The Dogons believed that Sirius B was the oldest of the stars and was the creative organizing source and force of the world, producing a sacred energy of Eloptic Black Light from the stream of ionized hydrogenous essence of Sirius A.

Though not yet confirmed by scientist, "The Little Sun" Sirius C, exhibits similar characteristics to that of Sirius B. Sirius C, Emma Ya Tolo, is a red Dwarf Star or Pulsar and is called the "Sun of Women."

According to the Dogon, Sirius C lies at the centre of the Sirius Star System constantly emitting red solar rays - a Blazing Star transmitting its essence towards Sirius A and B from its orbital position. Sirius C is also accompanied by a spiraling satellite called Nyan Tolo, the "Star of Women."
Evidence Against Black Hole in Galactic Core
Conventional astronomy has for decades maintained that the core of our Galaxy harbors a black hole singularity. Since its first publication in 1985, subquantum kinetics has maintained that black holes can’t form. It maintains that the massive objects in the cores of galaxies are instead very massive, very old stellar cores which are kept from collapsing by the prodigious amount of “genic” energy produced in their interior through the predicted photon blueshifting effect.

Subquantum kinetics has maintained that Sgr A* is not a black hole, but a “mother star.” New observational evidence of the Galactic core that has been coming in favors this subquantum kinetics interpretation.

Anyone with an objective mind quickly realizes why the Sgr A* emission is not moving, i.e., not orbiting any hypothetical central mass; it is because the emission is coming directly from Sgr A* not from any hypothetical accretion disc. Since direct emission from within the gravitationally lensed Schwarzschild singularity is impossible according to black hole theory, we are lead inevitably to conclude that Sgr A* is not a black hole. It is a mother star, a very dense, primordial, energy-and-matter-generating stellar core.

Superwave Theory Predictions and their Subsequent Verification
LaViolette discovered that the ancient star lore connected with the Sagittarius and Scorpius constellations indicated the location of the Galactic center, conveyed the idea of an explosive outburst, and specified a significant past date of 13,865 ± 150 years B.C. which also is encoded in the ancient Egyptian Dendereh zodiac. Also LaViolette found that myths, customs and esoteric lore descendent from prehistoric times indicated that cosmic rays from a Galactic core explosion catastrophically affect the Earth and solar system in recurrent cycles with the most recent event occurring near the end of the last ice age.
Prelate Gernot apparently told them about the advent of a new age -- the change-over from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

They discussed that our solar year – according to the twelve revolutions of the moon – was divided into twelve months and thus the revolution of our sun around the great central sun (the Black Sun of ancient myths) was also divided into twelve parts. Together with the precession of the cone-shaped proper movement of the Earth due to the inclination of the axis, this determines the length of the world age.

Such a “cosmic month” is then 2,155 years, the “cosmic year” 25,860 years long. According to the Templars the next change is not just an ordinary change of the age, but also the end of a cosmic year and the start of an absolutely new one. By completing the 25,860 years the Earth is changing from the age with the weakest (Pisces) to the age with the strongest radiation (Aquarius). Indo-Aryan definition calls this the end of the Kali Yuga, the age of sin.

All age changes have led to political, religious, social and also geological upheavals of great impact. The time of change-over from the old to the new age is called in Mesopotamian teachings the three “double steps of Marduk”, of 168 years duration, at the mid-point of which the ILU Ray, the Divine Ray, is expected to reach Earth.

The Templars did careful calculations and concluded that February 4, 1962 was the date the ray would reach Earth. This gave the mid-point of the 168 years change-over and the years 1934 and 1990 as other important dates.
Ancient ARK agendas, NIBIRU Matrix return - the not-so little secret ... atrix.html
If you do not apprehend that the existence of former more advanced civilizations is a fact, you will in turn never understand that advanced science was left behind to us in order to help us to be prepared for the cyclical 26,000 year Earth Changes which also imply a change in the constants of physics due to the Realignment of the Vortex Template.

While too many merely utilize all this to spread fear and others conceal this in order to enact ARK agendas destined only for themselves and their progeny, the real truth seekers are able to see that all this is on one hand an "End", but also on the other hand as a "New Beginning", while the degrees of impact in which they occur, are directly related to our own consciousness and spiritual attainment. This is the main paradigm of "Frequency Shift" related to "Ascension".

The vesica pisces represents a portal opening in the astronomical bowl of the sky prefiguring / anticipating the advent of the incoming dark dwarf twin star and its consort planet Nibiru, the meeting of which at the galactic crossing event realigns the constants of physics producing also the possibility of a "rapid-evolution" (otherwise known as "ascension"), or of a "rapid devolution" (otherwise known as "perdition").

Kozyrev’s Mirrors ... /#more-388
Essentially, Kozyrev devised reproducible experiments that prove the existence of a “torsional energy field” beyond electromagnetism and gravity, which travels much faster than light. He called it the “flow of time.” Others, Einstein among them, have called it “ether.” Others call it “zero point energy.”

Within this “flow of time,” the past, present, and future all exist at the same time, and in every place. This discovery sets the stage for all psychic phenomena to be scientifically explainable.

The first, dubbed “Kozyrev’s Mirrors,” reflects thought energy (which exists within the “flow of time”) back to the thinker. This apparatus, invented by Kozyrev, gives access to intensified consciousness and altered states, including non-linear time — similar to a deep meditational state.

Trofimov’s work has consisted of “remote viewing” experiments across both distance and time. They discovered that results are more positive when the “sender” is in the far north, where the electromagnetic field is less powerful. So they invented a second apparatus that shields an experimental subject from the local electromagnetic field. Within this apparatus, their subjects can reliably access all place and time — past, present, and future — instantaneously.

1) Our planet’s electromagnetic field is actually the “veil” which filters time and place down to our everyday Newtonian reality — enabling us to have the human experience of linear time,

2) In the absence of an electromagnetic field, we have access to an energy field of “instantaneous locality” that underlies our reality,

3) That the limiting effect of the electromagnetic field on an individual is moderated by the amount of solar electromagnetic activity occurring while that person was in utero, and

4) That once a person has accessed these states, his or her consciousness remains so enhanced.
Kozyrev was also an astronomer. He created a small mirror to put inside a telescope, which he focused on one of the stars. And he programmed it for three times: one year in the past, the present, and one year in the future.

He simply calculated, using some mathematical methods. He had the know-how to calculate where it was, where it should be, and where it is — its projected location. So he realized that the star is present everywhere — in the past, present, and future.

Kozyrev proved it in astronomical terms. Our task was to prove it in biological terms.

We created such an apparatus, and called it Kozyrev’s Mirrors. It takes the energy not out of the stars, but out of the human being -- being a star. (Carbonaceous life forms, such as those on Earth, are one stage of a star’s evolution.) And these streams coming out of human beings, they are not allowed to go everywhere in the space, but they are concentrated here, creating this density of the streams of time and energy. But a human being should be specially prepared, and when he spends some time inside, he finds himself in a particular state of mind. He can travel to any part of the planet. And there is a special “ray” enabling him to be in this or that part of the planet.

Basically, there was a person inside the mirrors who was given symbols that he was supposed to project, and there were people all around the world who were supposed to receive.

So this space around the planet and television and radio space interrelate. And they approached the world with special precautions so that people would know the interrelationship of space and radio waves. It was very important.

This is a “cosmobiotron” clinical device. There are two here — the only ones in the whole world. Inside this apparatus, the electromagnetic field is reduced almost to nothing, which allows us to go anywhere in space. Just to be free, out of the magnetic field of the earth.

Inside this shell are several layers of a special steel called “permalloy” that has magnetic “receiving qualities,” that is sensitive to magnetism. Inside the tube, the magnetic field is diminished 600 times.

Currently, the Earth’s magnetic field has 49,000 nano-Teslas. It has been decreasing by about 50-70 nano-Teslas per year. By the end of the millennium, we’ll have only 100-200 nano-Teslas. So, this apparatus allows us to emulate the situation that we will have 1000 years in our future.

Carol: What is the result of that diminished magnetic field?

As the force of the magnetic field is decreased, the sun’s energies will penetrate more.

Carol: So the magnetic field protects us from the solar rays?

Yes, and also cosmic rays — galactic protons, for example. The less protection there is, the more particles can reach us.

Carol: Is the ozone layer a different mechanism?

The ozone layer filters only the ultraviolet part of the spectrum.

So we have a profound opportunity to really emulate what will happen with any living creature or human being, century by century — how we will co-exist with these energies from space. What will happen? Either our mind reserves or extra abilities will open, or on the contrary they will be limited, and some catastrophe will happen.

Now I will say something important. As we investigate brain activity — either with an electro-encephalogram, or by assessing brain functions like intellect level, memory, and other functions, we realize that we currently use only 5% of the capacity of our brains throughout our whole lives. And then, after we spend some time inside the apparatus — in a space without magnetism — we repeat the same tests, and we see a drastically different picture. We see that our mind’s additional reserves and abilities are activated. We see an increase in memory capacity, increased IQ, and changing zones of electric activity of the brain.

When the magnetic field is decreased, we see an increasing ability to use the reserves and capacity of the human brain, and that’s good. But there is still a question of whether it is good for everyone. How quickly should these reserves be opened in real life, and for what would these resources be used. Why should we access these resources? What is the practical use of this opportunity? Just opening the resources is not a panacea.

We need a scientifically rigorous forecasting model — not a purely theoretical one — about what will happen with us, and how this knowledge can be used right now to educate.

There’s another important point. When a person is inside, his brain function is in direct correlational dependency not only with solar energies, but with galactic rays. So we thereby open a request for information from the galaxy.
We believe that this is the mechanism by which cosmic human consciousness is currently being opened, with the decreasing electromagnetic field. This shift is opening people’s “cosmophile” properties — properties that we are lacking right now in this “cosmophobe” world.

According to the Russian writer and philosopher Gumilev, balance or imbalance in the number of cosmophobes or cosmophiles in any society or ethnic group defines the fate of this society or ethnic group.

For the survival of our civilization, we have to foster the cosmophiles. And for this, we need to open these resources. While we can give people this possibility, we cannot order or force them to be cosmophiles. We need a well-coordinated system to guide people to this source.

Kozyrev’s work in particular has been of interest to the Foundation’s Research and Development Center because of his extensive investigations into the nature of time. Through his astronomical and mathematical studies, Kozyrev concluded that time is actually a kind of information frequency beam transmitted from stellar cores (which his studies showed to be not hot and dense but relatively cool and more hollow, though quite complex in nature). Based upon Kozyrev’s findings, the second axiom of the Law of Time states that the velocity of time is instantaneously infinite. It is this principle of time that accounts for the transmission of telepathy.

The Kozyrev mirrors are installed in such a way as to create a closed space in which there is a weakening of the magnetic field of the Earth, and which thereby provides more human access to solar and galactic information.

“The total world human Intellect in its cosmoplanetary motion is neither derivative from nor some procreation of, the social movement (social cultural historical development). It is the peculiar cosmoplanetary phenomenon in the organization and motion of the Universe Living matter in its earth-adapted manifestation.” (p.6)

This point of view plants the notions of mind, thought, intellect and science in the cosmic realm as functions of self-existing thinking layers dispersed throughout the universe and which are adapted by temporal conditions to the evolving states of planetary biospheres or planetary/stellar noospheres.

However, the nature of modern historical civilization has been to separate society from science and to isolate science as a sociocultural mechanism apart from its genuine reality as cosmoplanetary thought stream.

Establishment science regulated by totalitarian legislation becomes merely another belief system, so that new science is denounced as false science, and the “defenders of ‘science’ invisibly dress themselves in an infallible cloak of Belief, not science.” (p.7)

According to Vernadsky, the “natural science crisis is the main cause of the close doom of humanity and the planet.” This summary reflection of Vernadsky’s forms the basic premise of the research at ISRICA. “As a matter of fact,” write Kaznacheev and Trofimov, ‘”in the XXth century, Mankind’s world culture and its total intellectual space diverge in the direction of the Necrosphere.

As a consequence, the research of V. Kaznacheev, utilizing the mirrors in order to engage in cosmoplanetary experimentation, demonstrates that there are shifts in the human intellect at a new horizon, where virtual reality and virtual brain nature – the paranormal activated through ether torsion properties – begin to loosen up, evolving us into a period of new kinds of transpersonal interactions of the human mind.

“Obviously, it is a great research step, having a possibility of combination of physical methods with psycho-physiological human intellect possibilities and its field of ether-torsion properties.
Magnetic Null Zones ... 690#p57676

Diamagnetism creates a magnetic neutral zone between a north and south magnetic field which can be utilized for purposes of levitation.

N-S axis is referred to as magnetic
E-W axis is referred to as diamagnetic

Levitation is produced by diamagnetism existing on the surface of the earth. Diamagnetism operates at 90° from the magnetic axis (N-S), but in 3 directions (not in a 2-dimensional plane as usually shown. If magnetism flows on a plane on the Earth's surface, then diamagnetism flows straight up (i.e., levitation; anti-gravity). Diamagnetism is the effect of a polarity reversal flow.

The Bloch Wall is the neutral central third (triadic) element, a weak pressure (quadropole force field or gravity wave) generator created by two antithetical (dipolar) elements (polarities, vector force fields = magnetism and electricity; two vector tensor system); the central neutral zone in the Earth's Dipolar Magnetic Field; point of zero (no measurable) magnetism; contains "Broken 8" wave zone

Dipolar Vector Force Fields: Magnetism and Electricity; Electro-Magnetism

Negative Energy Pole (North Pole of Magnetism): spins to the left; counterclockwise spin
Positive Energy Pole (South Pole of Magnetism): spins to the right; clockwise spin

Quadropolar Force Field: Gravity

Central Neutral Zone (Zero Magnetism): gravity waves as a quadropole source radiate in a circular (360°) polarization pattern, taking 2 cycles, hence having twice the spin of electro-magnetic waves; 2x spin of electro-magnetic waves

Gravity Wave Field Source (Bloch Wall) as a Function of the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum: frequency of gravity wave (1012 Hz) between Optic and Audio waves

Physical anomalies (e.g., supernatural/paranormal/unexplained phenomena; spontaneous levitation) may occur within the electro-magnetic function, the Gravity Wave Field Source (Bloch Wall).

Zero Spin Energy Transfer: the flowing of non-spin energy from the neutral (belonging to neither polarity) centroid force field (e.g., Bloch Wall), which causes various spontaneous levitation systems.

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by tholden » Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:51 pm

This is what the "Roswell spacecraft" probably looked like:


That was called an Me (Messerschmidt) 262 AKA Adolf Hitler's last shot at stopping the allied air war over Germany. The US military brought a number of such back to their remote test sites to study.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:42 pm

Apparently sightings date back to WW I.

FOO FIGHTERS is the name given to the general body of spherical, circular, disc-like, or wedged shaped "bogies," sometimes seeming to glow, shine, or reflect a high degree of illumination seen mostly by World War II pilots or flight crews. They usually paralleled or followed aircraft and were seen by aviators on all sides of the action, being reported by American, British, German and Japanese crews. No Foo Fighter was known or reported to have made or attempted any sort of contact, interaction or attack. They were known, however, for their high rate of speed and agility, being much faster than any known aircraft at the time as well as being extremely manuverable, often exhibiting highly unconventional abilities such as instantaneous acceleration and deacceleration, rapid climbing and descent, and hovering in place.

On July 16, 1945 at 5:29:45 a.m. Mountain War Time, at the Trinity Site, White Sands, New Mexico somewhat west of the city of Roswell and long before it became famous for the Roswell UFO, the first nuclear explosive device on Earth was set off.

Theoreticians in the Air Force believed the fireballs were propelled objects and not natural phenomena, bearing a very close similarity to Foo Fighters. Because of same the noted astronomer and meteorite expert Dr. Lincoln La Paz was called in to investigate. La Paz, in agreement with the theoreticians, stated that normal fireballs (meteors) are seldom if ever green, their trajectory is forced on them by gravity, and leave meteorites when they plunge to Earth. The green fireballs sighted over New Mexico did none of these things. Neither did they appear to La Paz to be electrostatic phenomena as they moved too regularly and too fast.

Although the Roswell Incident was originally reported in the local paper within a few days of the crash as being a flying saucer or a flying disc, the main body of the object that slammed into the lower north slopes of the Capitan mountains some 35 miles south of the debris field was reported by some eyewitnesses as being quite different.

According to ROSWELL ARCHAEOLOGISTS: The Dirt Before The Dig as well as other sources such as found in the works of UFOlogist Thomas J. Carey, an archaeologist by the name of William Curry Holden reportedly stumbled across the downed craft early in the morning following the crash, one of the first to see it, and described it as "looking like a crashed airplane without wings with a flat fuselage" with some reports implying the fuselage had a definite delta or wedge shape to it.

Not all aerial objects otherwise left unidentified in World War II were Foo Fighters or unexplained phenomenons such as Green Fireballs. Nor were they necessarily small in size either. Some were downright gigantic. The most infamous was an object seen by literally thousands of people along the coast of California barely three months into the war. The UFO over Los Angeles is mostly forgotten now, but during the early morning hours of February 25, 1942 the whole city and surrounding communities were in an uproar as thousands of rounds of anti aircraft shells were expended to pull down whatever it was out of the sky that night.

The Flying Saucer craze that erupted on the national scene shortly following World War II is usually credited to a pilot named Kenneth Arnold from an observation of his while flying over or near Mount Rainer in the state of Washington.

However, Arnold's sighting was not the first from an aircraft. The first reported sighting of a UFO from an aircraft happened years before Arnold's sighting, during World War I and involved what seemed to be a Zeppelin but instead turned out to be a huge unidentified flying object. According to ZEPPELINS: High Altitude Warships, on the night of January 19, 1915 two German navy Zeppelins carried out the first successful bombing run against British soil. One year later, although not exactly a Foo Fighter in the World War II classical sense, the FIRST sighting of a UFO from a powered aircraft EVER as well as the first firing on a UFO from the air occurred over England.

David Clarke and Andy Roberts write in their book OUT OF THE SHADOWS: UFOs, the Establishment and the Official Cover-up (London: Piatkus, 2002) that early in January 1916 at the fighter aerodrome at Rochford in Essex outside London around 8:45 PM Flight Sub-Lieutenant J.E. Morgan arose for an anti-Zeppelin patrol in his BE2c fighter. When Morgan reached 5,000 feet he saw a little above and slightly ahead to the right about 100 feet away what he described as "a row of what appeared to be lighted windows which looked something like a railway carriage with the blinds drawn."

A full account of Morgan's sighting, dubbed "an encounter with a phantom airship" appears in German Air Raids on Great Britain 1914-1918 by Captain Joseph Morris published in 1925. The book was compiled from then classified Air Ministry records, and Morris refers directly to the airman's report filed with the War Office. Extensive searches of the Royal Flying Corps records at the Public Record Office have failed to locate Morgan's original report.

Morgan's report is NOT included in the official account of the January 31, 1916 raid published by the War Office at the end of the conflict, which charts the movements of the Zeppelin raiders and the attempts by British fliers to intercept them in great detail.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:49 pm

The Myth of the Aryan Invasion Theory ... ion-Theory
Before mid-nineteenth century no one had heard of Aryans coming to India from outside. One had also not heard that foreign people of “Aryan race” invaded India, conquered the indigenous people of “Dravidian race” and pushed them to southern part of India. However, now all this is part of the Indian history written by the British rulers of India.

Europeans were exposed to Sanskrit and the Hindu scriptures sometime in the seventeenth century. They discovered that Sanskrit and the European languages had many common words. Thus the western scholars arrived at a conclusion that the “Indo-European” languages must have had a common origin. Their hypothesis was that from Central Asia a section of Sanskrit speaking Aryans came to India and another section of the same people migrated to Europe.

It was Professor Frederich Max Muller of Oxford University who was responsible for advancing this imaginary “Aryan Invasion Theory”. He called “Arya” (or Aryan) a race even though the Vedas mention nowhere that “Arya” is a race. It actually means one who is well educated and well cultured.

The Rigveda says: “Krinvanto vishvamaryam” (Let us make the entire world “Arya”). It does not mean that people of Mongolian and African races be converted to Aryan race. Only many years later Muller realized his mistake and tried to emphasize that “Arya” does not denote a race but people who speak “Indo-European” languages. But the damage had already been done and his hypothesis of Aryan Invasion Theory had become a historical “fact”.

Macaulay wanted Muller to write about the Vedas in such a way that they would be considered nothing more than collections of some crude rhymes written by illiterate nomadic Aryan invaders, who came from Central Asia to India on horseback.

Macaulay thought that the attestation of an academician would look more authentic and unquestionable. Max Muller, being a devout Christian, while assigning date of the oldest Veda, the Rigveda could not give an earlier date than the origin of the world, which according to the Bible is 4004 years before Christ. Later the scientists estimated that the earth is about 6 billion years old. Muller arbitrarily wrote that Aryans came to India in 1500 B.C. and the Rigveda was written in 1200 B.C.

According to Hindu traditions, Kali Yuga started on the day Shri Krishna breathed his last on this earth. When this happened there was a conjunction of seven planets - Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, sun and moon. It is astronomically estimated that this occurred on February 18, 3102 B.C. The Vedas definitely existed much before this period (the Mahabharata period).
The Scientific Dating of the Mahabharat War ... nomy3.html
The Mahabharat has exercised a continuous and pervasive influence on the Indian mind for millenia. The Mahabharat, originally written by Sage Ved Vyas in Sanskrit, has been translated and adapted into numerous languages and has been set to a variety of interpretations. Dating back to "remote antiquity", it is still a living force in the life of the Indian masses.

Incidentally, the dating of the Mahabharat War has been a matter of challenge and controversy for a century or two. European scholars have maintained that the events described in the ancient Sanskrit texts are imaginary and subsequently, the Mahabharat was seen as a fictitious tale of a war fought between two rivals.

Starting from the so-called Aryan invasion into Bharat, the current Bharatiya chronology starts from the compilation of the Rigved in 1200 B.C.; then comes other Ved's, Mahaveer Jain is born, then Gautama Buddha lives around 585 B.C. and the rest follows. In the meantime, the Brahmanas, Samhtas, Puranas, etc., were written and the thought contained therein is well-absorbed among the Hindu minds.

Where do the Ramayan and Mahabharat fit in? Some say that the Ramayan follows Mahabharat and some opine otherwise. In all this anarchy of Indian histography, the date of the Mahabharat (the mythical story!) ranges between 1000 B.C. to 300 B.C. Saunskrut epics were academically attacked occasionally - an attempt to disprove the authenticity of the annals noted therein. For example, the European Indologiest Max Muller, tried to interpret the astronomical evidences to prove that the observations recorded in the Hindu scriptures are imaginary, probably because it did not match the prevalent views of European historians!

On the contrary, many Bharatiya scholars have vehemently maintained the actual occurrence of the Mahabharat War. Astronomical and literary evidences or clues from the Pauranic and Vaidik texts have been deciphered to provide a conclusive date for the Mahabharat War.

The fifth century mathematician, Aryabhatta, calculated the date of the Mahabharat War to be approximately 3100 B.C. based upon the planetary positions recorded in the Mahabharat. Prof. C.V. Vaidya and Prof. Apte had derived the date to be 3101 B.C. and Shri. Kota Venkatachalam reckoned it to be 3139 B.C. However, the astronomical data used by the above, and many other, scholars contained some errors as examined by a scholar from Pune, Dr. P.V. Vartak.

Using astronomical references and variety of other sources, Dr. Vartak has derived the date of the initiation of the Mahabharat War to be 16th October 5561 B.C. This proposed date has been examined by a few scholars and has been verified. This may prove to be a break-through in deciding the chronology of the events in the history of Bharat (and probably the World).

In the following few posts, I have made an attempt to provide a glance at the proofs provided by Dr. Vartak in propounding the date of the very important landmark in the history of Bharat (World), i.e., Mahabharat War. Only major points have been extracted from two sources: Dr.P.V. Vartak's Marathi book "Swayambhu" and "Scientific Dating of the Mahabharat War" in English.

On the contrary, many Bharatiya scholars have vehemently maintained the actual occurrence of the Mahabharat War. Astronomical and literary evidences or clues from the Pauranic and Vaidik texts have been deciphered to provide a conclusive date for the Mahabharat War. The fifth century mathematician, Aryabhatta, calculated the date of the Mahabharat War to be approximately 3100 B.C. from the planetary positions recorded in the Mahabharat. Prof. C.V. Vaidya and Prof. Apte had derived the date to be 3101 B.C. and Shri. Kota Venkatachalam reckoned it to be 3139 B.C.

However, the astronomical data used by the above, and many other, scholars contained some errors as examined by a scho lar from Pune, Dr. P.V. Vartak. Using astronomical references and variety of other sources, Dr. Vartak has derived the date of the initiation of the Mahabharat War to be 16th October 5561 B.C. This proposed date has been examined by a few scholars and has been verified. This may prove to be a break-through in deciding the chronology of the events in the history of Bharat (and probably the World).

In 1971, when I hinted at the date of Mahabharat war as 5500 years BC, Archeologists frowned at me saying it as impossible because no culture was found in India dating so far back. But now evidence is pouring in. Archeology itself is showing cultures in India up to 30,000 to 40,000 years BC.

Spectacular culture and physical relics dating back to 50,000 years BC have been excavated from the Central Narmada Valley in Madhya Pradesh. A team of Anthropological survey of India recently con- ducted the excavation. It explored sites in two districts Sebore and Hoshangabad.

In my book "Vastava Ramayan" I have shown the presence of culture in India as far back as 72,000 years B.C. This recent news points to that ancient period. I am sure after some time Arecheology may get evidence to show the presence of culture in India 72000 BC.

In Vastava Ramayan I have shown that Bali, the demon king, went to South America in 17,000 BC when the vernal equinox was at Moola Nakshatra. MLBD News letter Oct. 1988 gives the news thus: "Dravidians in America" - According to a press report the Brazilian nuclear physicist and researcher Arysio Nunes dos Santos holds that the Dravidians of South India reached America much before Christopher Columbus.

Mr. Nunes dos Santos, of the' Federal University of Minas Gerais maintains that the Dravidians colonised a vast South American region 11,000 years before the Europeans reached the new world. Vestiges of the Dravidian presence in America, he says, include the strange phonetics of Gourani, Paraguay's national language. Moreover Bananas, Pine Apple, Coconut and Cotton, all grown in India could have been taken to America by those navigators.

Now, we have seen that all the four important planets satisfy their positions as told by Vyas on 16th October 5562nd B.C. Hence we have no other way but to accept this date as the exact date of Mahabharat War.

I have shown all the planetary positions correct to the description of Mahabharat. In addition I have shown that the seasons tally with my date, and the seasons never tally with other dates. I have solved all the planetary riddles from Mahabharat. So 16th October 5562nd BC. is the exact date of the first day of the Mahabharat War. At the beginning of the War, Vyas promised Dhrutarashtra that he will write history of the Kauravas; so most probably Vyas must have written the Astronomical data immediately.

All the planets, viz., Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu show correct positions mentioned in the Mahabharat on 16th December 5561 B.C. This must be the exact date of the Mahabharat War. After pinpointing the exact date, it struck to me that the three additional planets mentioned with positions by Vyas may be Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Vyas has named them as Shveta, Shyama and Teevra. Let us see if the conjecture is correct. We have to prove this with the help of Mathematics, because we have to go scientifically.

In these two stanzas, Vyas states that some greenish white (Shveta) planet has crossed Chitra. This means that the planet was in Swati (or Vishakha, because Chitra and Swati are close together). This is the Sayan position hence Nirayan position is eight Nakshatras ahead in Shravan (or Dhanishtha). Neelakantha calls this "Mahapata" which means having greater orbit. Greater orbit indicates a planet beyond Saturn. Hence I assumed Shveta to be Uranus.

1930 calculations show Uranus to be at 292.54 degrees or Shravan. Thus our mathematics proves that Vyas has given correct position of Uranus under the name of Shveta. This proves that Vyas had the knowledge of Uranus under the name of Shveta, supposed to have recently discovered by Herschel in 1781. Shveta means greenish white. Uranus is actually greenish white in colour. So Vyas must have seen Uranus with this own eyes. Uranus is of 6th magnitude and is visible to the naked eye according to the modern science.

Neelakantha of 17th century also had the knowledge of Uranus or Shveta. He writes in his commentary on Mahabharat (Udyog 143) that Shveta, or Mahapata was a famous planet in the Astronomical science of India. Neelakantha was about 100 years before Herschel, who supposedly discovered Uranus. So we can conclude that one hundred before Herschel, Uranus was known to the Indian Astronomers and Vyas had discovered it at or before 5561 year B.C.

In 1781 A.D., Herschel discovered Uranus; but its calculated positions never corroborated with the actual positions. So the experts thought of another planet beyond Uranus. They fixed its position by mathematics, and at that site, it was discovered by German Astronomers in 1846 A.D. I have found that Neptune is also mentioned by Vyas in Mahabharat, under the name of "Shyama".

Here Vyas says that there was some luminary with Venus in Poorva Bhadrapada. He adds further that a bluish white (Shyama) planet was in Jyeshtha and it was smoky (Sadhoom). Saayan Jyeshta means Nirayan Poorva Bhadrapada, so this is the description of one and the same planet named by Vyas as Shyama. Neelkantha calls it "Parigha" in his commentary on Mahabharat. Parigha means circumference, so this planet may be at the circumference of our solar system; and so may be Neptune.

Thus the position of Shyama or Parigha is factually proved in the case of Neptune. Thus, we conclude that Vyas did know Neptune too. Vyas might have got his knowledge by Yogic Power or by Mathematics or by using telescopic lenses. Mathematics was far advanced then, that is why ancient Indian sages fixed the rate of precession of Equinoxes accurately. Even the world famous scientist Gamov praised the sages for their remarkable work in Mathematics. So could have mathematically calculated the position of Shyama or Neptune.

Mirrors are mentioned in the Mahabharat. So lenses too might have been present at that time. They had Microscopic Vision (Shanti A. 15,308). As microscopic vision was present, there might be telescopes too. Planets can be seen with mirrors as well as lenses. Vyas must have "seen" Neptune; its proof lies in the fact that he says that it is bluish white (Shyama). Neptune is, in fact, bluish white in colour. Hence we conclude that Neptune was known to Vyas in 5561 B.C.

Vyas states that there was one Nakshatra, i.e, some immobile luminary troubling Krittika (Pleiades) with its sharp rays. This "star" in Krittika must have been some "planet". It must have been stationary for many years; that is why Vyas called it Nakshatra which means a thing that does not move according to Mahabharat itself [Na Ksharati Iti Makshatram].

Hence the Nakshatra was a planet moving very slowly like Pluto which takes nine years to cross one Nakshatra of 13 degrees. My assumption that this Nakshatra was Pluto gets confirmed by B.O.R.I (Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute) Edition which states thus:

Some editions mention 'Grahasteekshnah'. Thus Teevra, Teekshana and Nakshatra are the names of one and the same planet (graha) which was in Krittlka in 5561 B.C. Let us see if Vyas has given these names to Pluto and if Pluto was in Krittika. It is stated that Krittika was troubled with sharp rays by that planet - this indicates that it was Nirayan Krittiika.

Pluto was at 175 degrees in 1979. It takes 248 years per rotation. 1979+5561=7540 years. 7540 divided by 248 gives 30.403223 turns. 0.403223 turn means 145 degrees. 175 - 145 = 30 degrees. This is the site of Krittika. Thus it is proved beyond doubt that Vyas bas mentioned the position of Pluto, which was discovered to the modern world in 1930. Vyas could have used his Yogic Vision or mathematical brain or a lens or some other device to discover Teevra, Teekshna' or Nakshatra or Pluto.

Thus all the three so-called 'New' planets are discovered from Mahabharat. It is usually held that before the discovery of Herschel in 1781 AD, only five planets were known to the world. This belief is wrong because Vyas has mentioned 'seven Great planets', three times in Mahabharat.

This stanza states that the seven great planets were brilliant and shining; so Rahu and Ketu are out the question. Rahu and Ketu are described as Graha' 23 meaning Nodal points. (Parus means a node). Evidently Rahu and Ketu are not included in these seven great planets. The Moon also is not included, because it was not visible on that day of Amavasya with Solar Eclipse. From the positions discovered by me and given by Vyas it is seen that Mars, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, Venus and Neptune were the seven great planets accumulated in a small field extending from Anuradha to Purva Bhadrapada. So they appeared to Ved-Vyas as colliding with each other, during total solar eclipse.

This stanza clearly states that these seven great planets were 'seen' moving away from the Sun. As these are 'seen', Rahu and Ketu are out of the question. This is the statement of sixteenth day of the War, naturally the Moon has moved away from the Sun. Hence, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, Venus and Neptune are the seven great planets mentioned by Vyas.

Here again seven planets are mentioned, excluding the Moon.

Even if we do not consider the planetary positions, from the above three stanzas, it is clear that seven planets are mentioned which do not include the Sun, Moon, Rahu and Ketu. Naturally the conclusion is inevitable that Vyas did know Uranus (Shveta) and Neptune (Shyama) as planets.

If they were known from 5561 years B.C. then why they got forgotten? The answer is simple; these two planets, Uranus and Neptune were not useful in predicting the future of a person. So they lost importance and in the course of time they were totally forgotten. But, in any case, Neelakantha from 17th century knew these two planets very well known. Neelakantha is about a hundred years more ancient than Herschel, and he writes that Mahapata (Uranus) is a famous planet in the Astronomical science of India. He also mentions the planet 'Parigha' i.e. Neptune, so both were known in India at least one hundred years before Herschel. Vyas is 7343 years ancient than Herschel, but still he knew all the three planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Kshaya or Vishvaghasra Paksha

A fortnight of only thirteen days is told by Vyasa which occurred just before the Great War. Such a fortnight comes at the interval of 22 years. Calculations show that at 5562nd B.C. Kshaya Paksha did occur. It had occurred 1962 and 1940. 1962+5562 = 7524 is completely divisible by 22.

Amavasya confirmed

Krishna and Karna fixed the day of War on Amavasya (Udyog 142). Vyas also indicates in Bhishma 2 & 3 that the War started on the day second Amayasya, because two successive Amavasyas appeared then. Bhishma died on the day after 67 (58+9) nights from the onset of the War, on the occasion Uttarayan i.e. 22nd December. So the War must have commenced on 16th October.


Vyas has mentioned that there was Solar as well as Lunar eclipses in one month at the time of Mahabharat War. Calculations confirm that in October 5561 year B.C, both the Solar and Lunar eclipses did occur. Rahu and Ketu were in Uttara Ashadha at 273 deg. & 279 deg. so total eclipse of the Sun took place on the Margashirsha Amavasya day Only 13 days earlier, according to Vyasa, there was Pournirma with lunar eclipse, causing pallor of the Moon. Thirteen days earlier the sun would have been 13 deg. behind at (279 - 13 =) 266 in Purva Ashadha.

A Big comet

Vyas has mentioned that at the time of Mahabharat War a big comet was seen just beyond Pushya Nakshtra. There are many comets. Indian Astronomical works refer to more than 500 comets, but big comets are very few. Haley's comet is one of the big comets which come at the regular intervals of 77 years. It was seen in 1910 and 1987. If we add 1910 + 5561 = 7271, then 7271 is divisible completely by 77. Evidently it seems that it was Haley's comet was seen at the Mahabharat War.

All the twelve planets confirm their said positions on 16th October 5561 years B.C. along with two Amavasyas, two eclipses, Kshaya Paksha and a Comet. Thus, in all 18 mathematical positions fix the same date. Therefore, we have to accept this date of the Mahabharat War, if we want to be scientific. Please note that all the twelve planets will come in the same positions again only after 2229 crores of years. That means it will never happen again in the life of our earth, because life of the earth is only 400 crores of years. So the date of the Mahabharat War is pinpointed as 16th October 5561 B.C.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:19 pm

Archive for the ‘Annunaki Overlords’ Category ... overlords/
Something amazing has been discovered in an area of South Africa, about 150 miles inland, west of the port of Maputo. It is the remains of a huge metropolis that measures, in conservative estimates, about 1500 square miles. It’s part of an even larger community that is about 10,000 square miles and appears to have been constructed from 160,000 to 200,000 BCE.

Michael Tellinger teamed up with Johan Heine, a local fireman and pilot who had been looking at these ruins from his years flying over the region. Heine had the unique advantage of seeing the number and extent of these strange stone foundations and knew that their significance was not being appreciated.

The photographs, artifacts and evidence we have accumulated points unquestionably to a lost and never-before-seen civilization that predates all others — not by just a few hundred years, or a few thousand years but many thousands of years. These discoveries are so staggering that they will not be easily digested by the mainstream historical and archaeological fraternity, as we have already experienced. It will require a complete paradigm shift in how we view our human history.” – Tellinger

“The thousands of ancient gold mines discovered over the past 500 years, points to a vanished civilization that lived and dug for gold in this part of the world for thousands of years,” says Tellinger. “And if this is in fact the cradle of humankind, we may be looking at the activities of the oldest civilization on Earth.”

Did gold play some role in the dense population that once lived here? The site is just about 150 miles from an excellent port where maritime trade could have helped to support such a large population. But remember — we’re talking almost 200,000 years ago!

The individual ruins mostly consist of stone circles. Most have been buried in the sand and are only observable by satellite or aircraft. Some have been exposed when the changing climate has blown the sand away, revealing the walls and foundations.

“Johan Heine discovered Adam’s Calendar in 2003, quite by accident. He was on route to find one of his pilots who crashed his plane on the edge of the cliff. Next to the crash site Johan noticed a very strange arrangement of large stones sticking out of the ground.

While rescuing the injured pilot from about 20 metres down the side of the cliff, Johan walked over to the monoliths and immediately realised that they were aligned to the cardinal points of Earth — north, south, east and west. There were at least 3 monoliths aligned towards the sunrise, but on the west side of the aligned monoliths there was a mysterious hole in the ground — something was missing. After weeks and months of measuring and observations, Johan concluded that it was perfectly aligned with the rise and fall of the Sun. He determined the solstices and the equinoxes. But the mysterious hole in the ground remained a big puzzle. One day, while contemplating the reason for the hole, the local horse trail expert, Christo, came riding by. He quickly explained to Johan that there was a strange shaped stone which had been removed from the spot some time ago. Apparently it stood somewhere near the entrance to the nature reserve.

After an extensive search, Johan found the anthropomorphic (humanoid shape) stone. It was intact and proudly placed with a plaque stuck to it. The irony is that it was removed from the most important ancient site found to date and mysteriously returned to the reserve — for slightly different reasons.

first calculations of the age of the calendar were made based on the rise of Orion, a constellation known for its three bright stars forming the “belt” of the mythical hunter. The Earth wobbles on its axis and so the stars and constellations change their angle of presentation in the night sky on a cyclical basis. This rotation, called the precession completes a cycle about every 26,000 years. By determining when the three stars of Orion’s belt were positioned flat (horizontal) against the horizon, we can estimate the time when the three stones in the calendar were in alignment with these conspicuous stars.

The first rough calculation was at least 25,000 years ago. But new and more precise measurements kept increasing the age. The next calculation was presented by a master archaeoastronomer who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of ridicule by the academic fraternity. His calculation was also based on the rise of Orion and suggested an age of at least 75,000 years. The most recent and most accurate calculation, done in June 2009, suggests an age of at least 160,000 years, based on the rise of Orion — flat on the horizon — but also on the erosion of dolerite stones found at the site.

It seems highly probable that the ancient metropolis was established because of its proximity to the largest supply of gold on the planet. But why would ancient people work so hard to mine gold? Why was gold so important to early homo sapiens?

To explore the answer we need to look at the period of history in question — 160,000 to 200,000 years BCE — and learn what was happening on planet Earth.

What were humans like 160,000 years ago? Modern humans, homo sapiens, can trace our ancestry back through time to a point where our species evolved from other more primitive hominids. Scientists do not understand why this new type of human suddenly appeared or how the change happened, but we can trace our genes back to a single female that is known as “Mitochondrial Eve” (mt-mrca). Passed down from mother to offspring, all mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in every living person is derived from this one female individual. Mitochondrial Eve is the female counterpart of Y-chromosomal Adam, the patrilineal most recent common ancestor, although they lived at different times.

Mitochondrial Eve is believed to have lived between 150,000 to 250,000 years BP, probably in East Africa, in the region of Tanzania and areas to the immediate south and west. Scientists speculate that she lived in a population of between perhaps 4000 to 5000 females capable of producing offspring at any given time. If other females had offspring with the evolutionary changes to their DNA we have no record of their survival. It appears that we are all descendants of this one human female.

Ancient Sumerian history describes the ancient metropolis and its inhabitants! This next part of the story is difficult to write. It’s so shocking that the average person will not want to believe it. We are often made to believe that the Egyptians — the Pharaohs and pyramids — are where our known history begins. The oldest dynasties go back some 3200 years BP. That’s a long time ago. But the Sumerian civilization, in what is now Iraq, is much older. What’s more, we have translated many of their history tablets, written in cuneiform and earlier scripts so we know a lot about their history and legends.

The seal image depicts the legend of the “Great Flood” which consumed mankind. Many Sumerian legends are strikingly similar to Genesis. Like Genesis, the Sumerian legend, Atrahasis, tells the story of the creation of modern humans — not by a loving God — but by beings from another planet who needed “slave workers” to help them mine gold on their extra-planetary expedition!

This story, the Atrahasis, comes from an early Babylonian version of about 1700 BC, but it certainly dates back to Sumerian times. It combines familiar Sumerian motifs of the creation of mankind and the subsequent flood — just like Genesis. The story starts out with the “gods” — beings from a planet called Nibiru — digging ditches and mining for gold as part of an expeditionary team. Modern humans (homo sapiens) did not exist yet; only primitive hominids lived on Earth. There were two groups of “gods”, the worker class and the ruling class (i.e. officers). The worker gods had built the infrastructure as well as toiled in the gold mines and, after thousands of years, the work was apparently too much for them.

After 3,600 years of this work, the gods finally begin to complain. They decide to go on strike, burning their tools and surrounding the chief god Enlil’s ”dwelling” (his temple). Enlil’s vizier, Nusku, gets Enlil out of bed and alerts him to the angry mob outside. Enlil is scared. The vizier Nusku advises Enlil to summon the other great gods, especially Anu (sky-god) and Enki (the clever god of the fresh waters). Anu advises Enlil to ascertain who the ringleader of the rebellion is. They send Nusku out to ask the mob of gods who is their leader. The mob answers, “Every single one of us gods has declared war!”

Since the upper-class gods now see that the work of the lower-class gods “was too hard,” they decide to sacrifice one of the rebels for the good of all. They will take one god, kill him, and make mankind by mixing the god’s flesh and blood with clay.

After Enki instructs them on purification rituals for the first, seventh and fifteenth of every month, the gods slaughter Geshtu-e, “a god who had intelligence” (his name means “ear” or “wisdom”) and form mankind from his blood and some clay. After the birth goddess mixes the clay, all the gods troop by and spit on it. Then Enki and the womb-goddess take the clay into “the room of fate,” where the womb-goddesses were assembled.

The creation of man seems to be described as a type of cloning and what we would today consider in vitro fertilization.The result was a hybrid or “evolved human” with enhanced intellect who could perform the physical duties of the worker gods and also take care of the needs of all the gods.

Since these events appear to coincide with the dates of “Mitochondrial Eve” (i.e. 150,000 to 250,000 BP) and appear to be located in the richest gold mining region on the planet (Abzu), some researchers are thinking that the Sumerian legends may, in fact, be based on historical events.

According to the same texts, once the mining expedition ended it was decided that the human population should be allowed to perish in a flood which was predicted by the astronomer of the “gods.” Apparently, the cyclical passage of the home planet of the gods, Nibiru, was going to bring it close enough to the orbit of Earth that its gravity would cause the oceans to rise and flood the land, putting an end to the hybrid species -- homo sapiens.

According to the story, one of the “gods” had sympathy for a particular human, Zuisudra, and warned him to construct a boat to ride out the flood. This eventually became the basis for the story of Noah in the book of Genesis.

Did this really happen? The only other explanation is to imagine that the Sumerian legends, acknowledging life on other planets and human cloning, were extraordinary science-fiction. This in itself would be amazing. But we now have evidence that the mining city, Abzu, is real and that it existed in the same era as the sudden evolution of hominids to homo sapiens.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:23 am

I wonder if that’s the big secret – the Galactic Superwave is a huge torsion wave of energy that totally alters “reality” (time) as we know it. 2012 is supposed to be the "end times" (the end of linear time as we know it).

Kozyrev said that our planet’s electromagnetic field is actually the “veil” which filters time and place down to our everyday Newtonian reality enabling us to have the human experience of linear time.

It is the existence of the magnetic field that helps to sustain the concept of “linear time.” However, the Earth’s magnetic field is weakening. Torsion waves are supposed to create a magnetic “null zone” – a bloch wall. If so, then this would radically alter our concept of linear time.

Would we see everything as a hyperdimensional dodecahedron with individual facets (like a crystal)? Would we have kaleidoscopic vision -- 360 degree panavision with surround sound -- like "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" ;)

Has the Galactic Superwave of 2012 Begun?
Astrophysicist, Paul laViolette has suggested that we are due for a wave of radiation from Galactic Centre, and has even connected it with the Maya 13-baktun cycle's end in 2012, but a recent interview on Mitch Battros's Earth Changes TV suggests that we may now be getting the first precursors of a galactic wave:

Torsion-Wave Energy from Galactic Centre

The latest chapter in David Wilcock's Divine Cosmos online book - Chapter 9 - shows that researchers into pyramid energy noticed that the spherical energy orbs around their pyramids all disappeared on December 4th 1979, and this turned out to be a day when the X-rays from Galactic Centre had suddenly shut off. Russian research into torsion-wave energy indicates that this could be the factor involved here:

"This is another valuable piece of data, as it shows us that the center of the galaxy is actually our primary source of instreaming torsion wave energy. In this case, the torsion waves appear to be propagating in tandem with the X-ray wavelengths of the electromagnetic energy spectrum. Even though the activity of the Sun can increase or decrease the strength of torsion waves coming into the Earth, without the input from the Galactic Center we will have much less energy available to us. This will prove to be a very important point that we will use to explain the importance of the Mayan Calendar end-date on Dec. 21, 2012 ."

The pyramid experiments of Joe Parr, as recounted by Wilcock, imply that the torsion wave energy can trigger a hyperdimensional jump out of our 3d space-time into "a higher aetheric density":

When pinch-off is achieved, the pyramids would either self-destruct or travel through solid objects, as indicated. This would also have the effect of causing extensive damage to the rotating arm and the entire inside of the machine in Parr’s experiments, the pyramid would temporarily disappear from our known “three-space” reality. In 55 different experiments of this type, the pyramid would pass through solid objects such as the wall of the machine, which formed an enclosed shell that surrounded the path of the pyramid’s rotation.

Incredibly, Parr found that this "pinch-off" effect happens most often when Earth passes through an imaginary line between the Sun and the belt stars of Orion. This happens every year between December 13th and 16th. This is reminiscent of the revelations in What’s New item 133, The Romanek Mystery and the Cube of Space. ... 690#p57676

The Bloch Wall is the neutral central third (triadic) element, a weak pressure (quadropole force field or gravity wave) generator created by two antithetical (dipolar) elements (polarities, vector force fields; magnetism and electricity; two vector tensor system); the central neutral zone in the Earth's Dipolar Magnetic Field; point of zero (no measurable) magnetism; contains "Broken 8" wave zone

Central Neutral Zone (Zero Magnetism): gravity waves as a quadropole source radiate in a circular (360°) polarization pattern, taking 2 cycles, hence having twice the spin of electromagnetic waves; 2x spin of electromagnetic waves

Zero Spin Energy Transfer: the flowing of non-spin energy from the neutral (belonging to neither polarity) centroid force field (e.g., Bloch Wall), which causes various spontaneous levitation systems
Galactic Plane, 2012, Precession, Bloch Wall, EM pulse, Consciousness Shift - Part 1

Galactic Plane, 2012, Precession, Bloch Wall, EM pulse, Consciousness Shift - Part 2 ... re=related

Harnessing Torsion Waves & Consciousness
Kozyrev’s work and others have shown us that all matter harnesses torsion waves to sustain its existence. In the last two chapters we saw that an atom is actually a vortex of aetheric energy, where the negatively-charged electron clouds are pressing in towards the positively-charged nucleus via the Biefield-Brown effect. We also have seen that geometry is a major factor in the quantum realm, since it represents the natural form that vibration creates in a fluidlike medium. These naturally occurring aetheric vibrations will cause atoms that are released from a tiny nozzle to gather into perfectly geometric microclusters, which act as one large atom in their own right. These vibrations are also responsible for the formation of quasi-crystals, where a rapidly-cooled metallic alloy forms into a geometri structure that cannot be created by individual “particle” atoms, but only by those atoms blending together into a larger whole.

Again, the key is that these geometric forms are being created by vibration. In order for this vibration to occur, an atom must be constantly absorbing and radiating aetheric energy at the same time. As this vibration continues, the atom will throw off torsion waves into the surrounding aether. This means that every atom is a torsion generator, and depending on its overall “spin polarization,” i.e. whether there is a greater amount of right-handed or left-handed spin in its electron clouds, the object will either generate left-handed or right-handed torsion waves. Larger “bulk” groupings of atoms into common physical objects would obviously follow the same rules. ... =60#p46517

Since the 1970s engineer Joe Parr, a member of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association, has written about theoretical "mass particles" that the pyramid shape attracts and traps. He states that these particles produce an orb-like energy field or "containment bubble" around any true pyramid, which shields out other energies. Using his gamma ray transducer he was able to study this energy field, which emanates from the one-third height level of the pyramid, the geometric centre (which he pinpoints as the Queen's Chamber in the Great Pyramid). He claims this centre holds three mass particles captive as long as there is space for ions to flow. He found that sun spot activity and the phases of the moon had an effect upon the intensity of a pyramid's energy field, and that at certain times of the year the field would block all electromagnetic radiation and even the force of gravity. ... 620#p28535

In the 1940s, the soviet astrophysicist N.A.Kozyrev proposed that the rotation of stars was connected with their energy output. According to his theory, time and rotation are closely interconnected. The goal of these experiments was to make a measurement of the forces arising while the gyroscope was spinning. N.A.Kozyrev detected that the weight of the spinning gyroscope changes slightly depending on the angular velocity and the direction of rotation. The effect he discovered was not large, but the nature of the arising forces could not be explained by existing theories. N.A.Kozyrev explained the observed effect as being the manifestation of some "physical properties of time".

G.I.Shipov used a geometry of absolute parallelism with an additional 6 rotational coordinates, and on the strict level it showed that the movement of any object should be described by 10 movement equations but not by 4 equations as it is in Einstein's GR.

From Shipov's vacuum equations, every known fundumental physical equation (Einstein's, Young-Mills', Heisenberg's, etc.) can be deduced in completely geometrised form. G.I.Shipov showed that besides the two known long-range physical fields - electromagnetic and gravitational - there exists a third long-range field possessing significantly richer properties: the torsion field. The torsion field is an extremely unusual entity. First of all, the upper limit for the speed of torsion waves is estimated to be not less than 109 c, where c is the speed of light. Secondly, torsion fields are able to propagate in a region of space which is not limited by the light cone. That means that torsion fields are able to propagate not only in the future but in the past as well. Thirdly, torsion fields transmit information without transmitting energy. Fourth - torsion fields are not required to follow the superposition principle.

The property which is open to influence by torsion fields is spin. (We should note that the spin-torsion interaction constant is equal to 10 -5 - 10 -6. This constant is less than the constant of electromagnetic interactions, yet much greater than the constant of gravitational interactions.) Thus the structure of the torsion field of every object can be changed by the influence of an external torsion field. As a result of such an influence, the new configuration of the torsion field will be fixed as a metastable state (as a polarized state) and will remain intact even after the source of the external torsion field is moved to another area of space. Thus torsion fields of certain spatial configuration can be "recorded" on any physical or biological object.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:48 am

Mysteries of Pyramid Technology
http://www.maketheconsciousconnection.c ... echnology/
One of the more interesting uses for a pyramid that many people may not have heard of is that of an energy balancing mechanism for the Earth. All the pyramids around the world are built on certain “nodes” or ley line positions. The pyramids connect to points on this grid and are part of a network that is significant to the functionality of the Earth. The pyramid structure itself acts as a funnel for hyper dimensional “source field” energy pushing down into the Earth from space as the force we call gravity. This energy is quite literally the divine force, God, which creates the entire universe from the state of pure, blissful formlessness to what we experience as the physical universe. From the state of pure Being (traditional Enlightenment) to Becoming (the evolutionary impulse).

Ask any physicist today and they will tell you that gravity is the least understood force in physics. They go on to say that when we can understand and master gravity the floodgates will be open to a brand new type of physics and our ability to manipulate, control and create artificial gravity will become commonplace.

Understanding the pyramid technology has to do with this new type of physics and involves what has been called by some “torsion fields” or simply the “source field”. The source field is the sum total of all matter, energy, space, time, biology and consciousness. A new understanding of gravity recognizes it not as something that pulls us toward the Earth, but rather something that pushes down on us from above. This energy is what we call gravity but in reality is the God like force that creates and maintains the universe itself. Gravity is better likened to a fluid-like energy moving into the Earth.

A pyramid is a type of technology that utilizes this force by harnessing the source field energy of gravity and concentrating it using the geometry of the pyramid. This is actually known scientific knowledge among top-secret black-ops programs within the U.S. military-industrial-complex as well as more common knowledge in mainstream Russia.

Recently the Russians, under the guidance of inventor Aleksandr Golod, have been building fiber glass pyramids all over their country as research into “torsion field” physics and have documented many benefits of pyramids harnessing this galactic energy field. Golod believes that the pyramids harmonize their surroundings and carried out experiments in them including research in medicine, agriculture, radioactivity, superconductivity, chemical, electrical, and other areas.

Mice injected with a certain disease were found to be cured when placed in the center of the pyramid. A premature baby fed water treated in the pyramid was miraculously healed. The Russians have also discovered that the slope of the pyramid determines whether the energy is sent up into the atmosphere or down into the Earth. Golod today started an initiative trying to get the word out about this research but obviously comes up against a lot of resistance. The powers-that-be will not have this type of information released publicly as it will mean a crippling blow to their fear-control based power structure.

As our current society progresses from a type zero civilization to a type I we will begin to open new doors in physics that include but transcend all the theories and scientific laws that came before it. We will begin to better understand the “source field” and how this universal creation energy originates locally from the galactic center of the Milky Way. The super massive black hole in the center of our own galaxy is the womb of creation for our particular galactic family of life and energy waves pulsate out from it, triggering leaps in evolution across our galaxy.

As we approach the end of this century we will begin to look at planets and galaxies as “super-creator beings” that are conscious, intelligent and have a purpose to create and evolve life. We will start to understand better the technology of the ancients and the “gods” they encountered as we begin to harness and create energy in new ways we never before could have imagined. This is the destiny of the human race and the pyramids all around the world serve as a wakeup call for us to solve the mysteries of the past and come to terms with our own galactic roots and future. The pyramids were intentionally created as a message – a message that can travel thousands of years through time and speak to us when we have evolved enough to decode their true meaning.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:35 am

Gates of Hades – Interdimensional Gateways to Other Realms?

Swinging on the Gates of Hades - Remembrance Day Exposed
For those that have followed me up to now I will say to you 'it is time to go deeper'. We cannot stay on a level of understanding that stops with ancient Egyptian symbolism popping up at seaside resorts in Ferris wheels or symbolic monuments and logos etc.

If you can now accept that the symbolism all around you is and has been used as hypnotic triggers to keep you in a trance like state then you are ready to move on to more difficult levels of understanding about how the Serpent controls us all.

Anyway I need to explain Remembrance Day which is also know as Poppy Day , Armistice Day and Veterans Day to you. This ritual, that we all blindly take for granted usually takes place in the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month and basically consists of everyone stopping what they are doing at 11am on the 11th November and staying silent for two minutes. Then on the nearest Sunday to the 11th a far bigger ritual takes place in some countries and all the worlds leaders hold ceremony's in symbolic places all around the globe.

You must realise that all generations of human beings in the world today are programmed to respect, buy, and display 'poppies' every November.

The official reason given for this is that World War One ended on the 11th November 1918.

I will briefly mention the basic numerology involved. We all stop for two minutes death silence at 11x11x11 which is a symbolic '33'.

Ask yourself what you do on 'Poppy Day'?

You just do it because you have been told it is the right thing to do don't you? Maybe you just do it out of routine just like you follow the traditions of Christmas.

Let's have a look at what goes on at the official Remembrance rituals shall we? I totally believe they are the opposite of what you think they are. Let's look at London as a prime example.

Most small towns and cities also have a memorial to 'honour the dead' and they do so on either the 11th November or on the second Sunday in November, sometimes both. Small towns often use an obelisk if they have no Cenotaph
Indeed massive rituals take place simply because the public believe they are honouring the brave men and women that fought and died for their freedom. On a five sense level that is exactly how things look. But are we really honouring these people on Remembrance/ Armistice/ Veteran's Day or are we being duped on a massive scale and honouring something completely different?

A Cenotaph is a tomb or a monument erected in honour of a person or group of persons whose remains are elsewhere. It can also be the initial tomb for a person who has since been interred elsewhere. The word derives from the Greek κενοτάϕιον (kenos, one meaning being "empty", and taphos, "tomb").

A Cenotaph is simply an 'empty tomb'. Have you got that? Remembrance/ Veteran/ Armistice Days really are massive events.

Let's have a look at the Poppy first shall we. The use of the poppy dates back to ancient The Poppy is related to, like in most Serpent Cult deceptive activity, ancient deities of worship. In this case it is the son of the god known in Greek as 'Hypnos' and his name is 'Morpheus'.

Morpheus has two brothers named Phobetor and Phantasos and they are known collectively as the Oneiroi. I realise that that some of these names match up with the blockbuster movie called 'The Matrix' but I'm not here to tell you that the word Neo is an anagram of the word One.

But I will tell you that 'Morpheus' is the god of dreams and his father 'Hypnos' was the god of sleep. The poppy is associated with putting 'people to sleep' and it symbolises just that.

So I am sure I have left you in no doubt that the poppy is really symbolic of the ancient gods and represents hypnosis, sleep and dreams. We are talking serious symbolic gods and serious occult symbolism. It is time to wake up.
Symbolically the Oneiroi were supposed to have lived in a cave near the gates of Hades. If you have clicked on the word 'Hades' you will know that Hades stands for the God of the Dead and also for the 'underworld' (or lower 4th dimension if you like). Are things starting to click yet?

Could it be possible that millions of members of the human race, especially those located in the most powerful countries in the world are being conned into taking part in an occult ritual disguised as an act of respect to our brave soldiers? This is the area I wish to take you to. Who would carry out such a wicked deception?

I tell you the truth when I say we are all duped on Remembrance Day type rituals and we are unknowingly conned into worshipping ancient deities, and these deities are agents for a deceptive race of entities that are alien to this world. I call these entities and their agents the Serpent Cult.

The Serpent Cult agents in the establishment don’t care about our brave servicemen and women. They have no respect for them whatsoever and never have had. Indeed the agents for the Serpent created all the wars our soldiers died in. After the wars the Serpent Cult use the circumstances of the dreadful situation to create symbolic monuments and then get us to agree to them and join in with ceremonies carried out at them. The main aim of the Serpent Cult agents that operate in our establishments is not only to create war and death but also to get you and me to worship the forces that actually create war and death. It is simply a vicious rebirth type circle in which you feed, and unknowingly worship, entities that are actually creating your misery in the first place.

Think for one minute and try to understand that carrying out Remembrance Day ritual is in fact an act of worship that is really directed towards deities and not dead soldiers.

The Serpent Cult has to continually get our permission from us to rule over us.

Again the Serpent Cult demands our spiritual surrender throughout the year with Christmas being the biggest act of our spiritual surrender. Is it so hard for you to accept that we spiritually give our souls away in rituals? Is it so hard for you to accept that you have been hypnotised to take part in rituals that you see as being the right thing to do?

Again the Serpent Cult demand our spiritual surrender throughout the year with Christmas being the biggest act of our spiritual surrender.

You have been led and programmed to take part in such rituals and you are unaware of what you are really doing.
If you have read my other stuff over the last few years you will know that I believe our spiritual energy is being sucked out of us during these rituals. Not only that but we actually give the Serpent Cult permission to rule all aspects of our lives, lifetime after lifetime.

I would like to show you another example of how spiritual energy is extracted from the masses by getting them to respect a monument just like we respect the 'Cenotaph' I have said before that if we are conned into worshipping or respecting a monument as an 'idol' then we also unknowingly worship the origins and the creators of the said idol.

I'd like to take you to Moscow, Russia, for a short period. I'd like to mention a stone that was placed in Lubyanka Square , near Red Square, home of the KGB Headquarters.

The stone was taken from the Solovki prison camp that is located in the Solovetsky Islands The stone was officially placed there in remembrance of victims that died in the Solovki prison camp at the hands of the Gulag. It is not until you look into the background of such monuments that you can see what is really going on. The Solovki stone is basically just a simple rock and a symbolic place to grieve in a similar way that we do at our Cenotaph and other monuments.

The story gets interesting when you realise the history surrounding the stone and I am going to mention it to you in the hope that it will fortify the information regarding the real reasons behind the Remembrance Day scam that I have tried to expose by mentioning the Cenotaph, Poppies, Morpheus and the gates of Hades.

Let me first tell you again that the Solovki stone is symbolic for the death and suffering of the victims in the labour camps, and if the history of the Solovetsky Islands only dated back to the early 1900's then the stone would obviously only represent what it is supposed to represent, the deaths of those in the Solovki prison...But it doesn't... and the history of the island and therefore the stone goes back much, much further.

The islands have attracted people from the mainland from time immemorial. The first settlers came to the White Sea 10.5 thousand years ago from the East and built their villages in the lower reaches of the river Kem. The numerous relics of the ancient Babylon civilization, mainly the spiral-shaped labyrinths made of stone, have been well preserved on the islands.

According to the psychologist Vladimir Burov, the labyrinths are the images of snakes guarding the entrance gate to the other world. This version explains why there were no permanent settlements on the islands for a long time. Our distant ancestors perceived Solovki as a border with the other world, and they visited the islands to perform the rituals of communication with Superior Forces.

In the case of the stone in Moscow the public are duped into using a stone that originally represents, through its snake like stone labyrinths, a border with or a gate to other worlds. This surely is on a par with the Cenotaph 'stone' representing the gates of Hades through Morpheus because they also protect gates to another world.

It certainly makes more sense to me that the Solovki stone in Moscow is indeed really a symbolic idol representing gates to other worlds and the stone is far more likely connected to the occult than simply being a memorial stone. It also makes more sense to me, knowing how sick and corrupt the British establishment really is, that the Cenotaph is really symbolism that represents Morpheus and the gates of Hades, the underworld, than a memorial stone.

In my opinion its time for you to smash open the gates of Hades and free yourself.
The Solovki Labyrinth
The Solovki Islands, or simply Solovki, can be found on the map of the world between the 35th and the 36th meridians, next to the southern border of the North Polar Circle, in the White Sea that the ancient Scandinavians called Gandwick - the Gulf of Monsters.

The location of Solovki is such that they lie at the crossing of both sea currents and air currents. The warm air currents from the tropics, rising up above the warm zone of the planet, start their journey round the globe, but on the way, they clash with the cold arctic air. The clash of the air currents results in powerful turbulence in the atmosphere, known as cyclones. The Solovki Islands lie on the path of at least half of all cyclones of Europe. The cyclones above Solovki resemble whirlpools, or rotating spiral-shaped labyrinths on photographs taken from Space.

In winter, the magnificent polar lights above the archipelago are amazing with their diverse and quickly changeable shapes.

Due to its special microclimate, the archipelago is like an oasis next to the Polar Circle.

The islands have attracted people from the mainland from time immemorial. The first settlers came to the White Sea 10.5 thousand years ago from the East and built their villages in the lower reaches of the river Kem. The ancient drawings, over six thousand years old, which were found on the coast, include a drawing of a hunt for the beluga white whale.

The numerous relics of the ancient Babylon civilization, mainly the spiral-shaped labyrinths made of stone, have been well preserved on the islands. Similar shapes can be seen not only in the clouds or in Space, but also in various regions of the Earth, for example, in Scandinavia, England, Australia, Italy, in the Caucasus.

In the British legends the labyrinths are a place where fairies dance in full moon, in Norway they are believed to be connected with the life of evil giants, and in Swedish legends the labyrinths lead to the underground palaces of dwarves who are malevolent to people. In the South of Italy, the labyrinths are connected with deer hunting.

In the North of Russia, the images of cosmic spirals made by man have been called babylons from ancient times. The Solovki babylon on Zayatsky Island is the largest known on Earth.

According to the psychologist Vladimir Burov, the labyrinths are the images of snakes guarding the entrance gate to the other world. This version explains why there were no permanent settlements on the islands for a long time. Our distant ancestors perceived Solovki as a border with the other world, and they visited the islands to perform the rituals of communication with Superior Forces.

Three thousand year after the construction of the labyrinths, the Saams, the natives of the North, also felt that Solovki were a border with the Kingdom of the Dead. They made their ritual voyages through the stormy sea to bury their chiefs and heroes during six centuries, but they never built any permanent settlements on the islands.

It was only in the middle Ages that a monastery appeared on the site of the ancient sanctuaries in the belief that Solovki were an ideal place for realization of the soul salvation program. The founders of the monastery, St. Zosima and St. Savatii, famous for many miracles, were canonized in 1547 and honored by the Orthodox world. In the 16th and 17th centuries the monastery, which grew rich due to duty-free sale of salt, was actually the spiritual, economic and military capital of the North of Russia until its participation and subsequent defeat in the anti-government riot of the old believers in 1667 -1676.

By the force of circumstances, in the first half of the 16th century the Solovki Monastery became a place of exile, which remained the largest in the country until the opening of the prison in Spaso-Efimievsky Monastery in Suzdal in the 18th century

The American writer Fen Montaigne, a courageous man who was striving to maximum precision in his writing, has crossed Russia from West to East not only by civilized passenger transport, but also by truck, snow cycle and deer sleigh. He spoke with Boris Yeltsin, the country's President, the poet Yevtushenko, the writer Solzhenitsyn, and with old women who survived through the siege of Leningrad, with mail carriers, fish men and monks.

Fen Montaigne started his book, the outcome of his travels through Russia, with the description of Solovki, choosing the islands as the key to understanding Russia. The pragmatic man came to unexpected conclusions:

"I am not a man who believes in Cosmic Mind or visitors from Space. But If I were asked to find a place on the Earth where the effect of Superior Forces has revealed itself at the most, I would name Kalguev Cape in Anzer Lake on the Solovki Islands".

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by tholden » Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:54 am

Just did an exhaustive search of the entire Gutenberg classical literature directory on "unidentified flying object"...

The only thing which turned up was that "The Flying Saucers Are Real" article from 1949.

Again the thing which was going on in 46 - 50 and the main reason the ufo reports originate from that time was that people flying around in piston-engine aircraft were seeing jets for the first time, including captured German jets and a handful of F-80 shooting stars, The prop driven aircraft were cruising at 200 - 250 and the jets were doing 500+.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:11 pm ... 645#p57736

Astrophysicist, Paul laViolette has suggested that we are due for a wave of radiation from Galactic Centre, and has even connected it with the Maya 13-baktun cycle's end in 2012, but a recent interview on Mitch Battros's Earth Changes TV suggests that we may now be getting the first precursors of a galactic wave:

Torsion-Wave Energy from Galactic Centre

The latest chapter in David Wilcock's Divine Cosmos online book shows that researchers into pyramid energy noticed that the spherical energy orbs around their pyramids all disappeared on December 4th 1979, and this turned out to be a day when the X-rays from Galactic Centre had suddenly shut off. Russian research into torsion-wave energy indicates that this could be the factor involved here.

"This is another valuable piece of data, as it shows us that the center of the galaxy is actually our primary source of instreaming torsion wave energy. In this case, the torsion waves appear to be propagating in tandem with the X-ray wavelengths of the electromagnetic energy spectrum. Even though the activity of the Sun can increase or decrease the strength of torsion waves coming into the Earth, without the input from the Galactic Center we will have much less energy available to us. This will prove to be a very important point that we will use to explain the importance of the Mayan Calendar end-date on Dec. 21, 2012."
'Junk' DNA: An interdimensional doorway to transformation? ... ?id=215393
In the 1990s, a team of Russian linguists lead by Dr. Peter Gariaev discovered that the genetic code in 'junk' (or 'potential') DNA—which accounts for a whopping 97-8% of our overall genome—follows uniform grammar and usage rules virtually identical to those of human language. It turns out that the 'junk' was laden with the intimations of intelligence, purpose and meaning.

This ground-breaking research followed J. Delrow's discovery in 1990 that the four nucleotides of DNA inherently form fractal structures closely related to human speech patterns. Thus, human language emerged from the grammatical and syntactical structures within our very own DNA—the massive 'junk' portion, no less!—hence why there is no substance to the notion that there was some kind of linear progression from the primitive form of pre-linguistic communication in the animal kingdom to human language.

It was a 'quantum leap' right out of the vacuum/Void. Gariaev's pioneering DNA research work accounts for the power of hypnosis as well as almost all other psi phenomena. One of the basic assumptions of the Gariaev team includes the premise that “the genome has a capacity for quasi-consciousness so that DNA 'words' produce and help in the recognition of semantically meaningful phrases.'”

Russian researchers and authors Fosar and Bludorf summarise:

Since the basic structure of DNA-alkaline pairs and of language are of the same structure one can simply use words and sentences of the human language! Living DNA substance will always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves if the proper frequencies are being used.

Using correct light and sound frequencies, we can cause 'jumping DNA' or transposons within the 97-8% of junk DNA to move from one location to another and re-code the organism at the physical level.

Gariaev found that an in vitro DNA sample in a test tube had the ability to attract and harness coherent laser light causing it to spiral along the DNA helix. After removing the DNA sample the photons continued to spiral as if the DNA was still there. This was dubbed the 'DNA Phantom.' Some 'new' field structure had been excited from the vacuum and was entraining the light even in the absence of the DNA. Gariaev et al. also remark that “sound waves radiated by the DNA molecules were registered in these experiments.”

Our DNA harnesses both sound and light in its moment-by-moment operations, but more than this, it 'punches holes' in space-time, opening a window to time-space/the time domain. Our DNA can cause [patterns of disturbance] in the vacuum thus producing magnetized wormholes! These are tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time. The DNA attracts these bits of information and passes them on to our consciousness.” Most of us know this process as intuition or psychic insight.

Various researchers have theorised that the energy occupying time-space responsible for these phenomena is twisting/spiralling torsion energy.

Luckman defines torsion in Conscious Healing as: Universal creative consciousness or subspace energy (Aether) experiencing itself in time…Torsion Energy in the form of a life-wave interfacing with and modifying Potential DNA's transposons is the driving force behind the evolution of human consciousness and physiology.

It appears that torsion energy and consciousness are one and the same, meaning that your consciousness must, by definition, survive the demise of your physical body! Shipov and Heim write that it has been “established that torsion generators allow us not only to replicate all 'phenomena' demonstrated by so called 'psychics,' but they also are able to demonstrate effects that were never demonstrated by any 'psychic.'”

This 'transcendent' energy that is intrinsically unrestricted by the bounds of our space-time can account for the well-documented remote healing phenomenon demonstrated in many studies, as well as more localised, short-range 'mind over matter' effects.

Cell biologist Glen Rein discovered experimentally that anger, fear, and similar emotions have the power to contract the DNA molecule, compressing it. On the other hand, emotions such as joy, gratitude, and love unwind or decompress DNA exposed to them.

In another series of Rein's, those with coherent electrocardiograms could wind or unwind the DNA at will, while those with incoherent heart energy could not. Further, in these experiments, simply feeling love-based emotions was not enough to affect the DNA samples; the intent to alter them had to be present. "Rein's research makes a direct connection between torsion energy and life-affirming emotions, particularly unconditional love, indicating that the latter literally propels evolution,” asserts Luckman.

“Only the love-based emotions stimulate DNA to decompress so that messenger RNA can access codes for healing. Hatred, depression, boredom, and the like cause DNA to close down on itself severely limiting access to genetic information necessary for healing as well as evolution.”

The new physics explains that the act of thinking produces electrical currents that generate torsion waves of light—much as audible sound waves produce torsion waves of sound. Era III medicine is concerned with the primacy of bioenergetic consciousness in the sound domain (time-space) in healing and transformation (whereas Era II was primarily restricted to the light domain of space-time).

As the Gariaev group has shown, sound and light can be utilised to re-write the genetic code: “They even captured information patterns of a particular DNA and transmitted it onto another, thus reprogramming cells to another genome.

The use of specific sound frequencies provides the power to Luckman's DNA potentiation /activation method. By utilizing just a 528 Hz Solfeggio tuning fork and the correct techniques, the massive portion of 'junk' DNA that seems to lie mostly dormant in us can be activated to harness greater amounts of torsion energy in time-space.

Ordinary sound in space-time can affect our info-energetic torsion blueprints in time-space via the interdimensional doorway that is our DNA. The result of this process—which unfolds over a forty-two week period—appears to be roughly equivalent to a kundalini awakening. The 'fragmentary body' (the second/sex chakra) is sealed, as a ninth (out of place) energy centre previously hovering above the head descends and 'seals' it, leaving the completed circuit of eight primary chakras, including the transpersonal archetypal chakra above the head.

With the DNA acting like a tuning fork and resonating with the Solfeggio frequency, the 'errors' in the sonic torsion field blueprints (in time-space) for our biology are corrected. This information is then relayed back to our DNA, acting on the transposons/jumping DNA to re-write the gene code for the better.

Microbiologist Colm Kelleher has studied 'junk' DNA for years. He states that transposons are known to be engines of evolution. He explains that, if one wanted an extremely rapid and large-scale change in physical structure…then a simultaneous transposition burst is the most plausible mechanism…Similar mechanisms might be involved during and after the kundalini experience.

Kundalini has always been held in high esteem by mystics and seers because of its ability to awaken higher consciousness and vivify and restore the physical body. It upgrades the bioenergy system.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:54 pm

1900-1938 - UFO Sighting Chronology
Created: December 18, 2006, Updated Feb. 23, 2011

This report is derived from three major sources: 1) the Magonia Database, sightings catalogued by Jacques Vallee and presented in his great work, Passport to Magonia, and, 2) The UFO Evidence, 1964, Richard Hall, and, 3) Strange Company (2007), Keith Chester. This report deals only with sightings after the turn of the 20th Century and up to the end of 1938.
UFO Sighting Chronology - 1939-1946; The WWII Years & "Foo-Fighters"
Created: December 18, 2006, update July 8, 2009

"Strange Company presents one of the greatest wartime mysteries, one that has been shrouded in ignorance for more than sixty years. And it suggests that while an immense twentieth century war was raging on Earth, there appeared to be someone, or something, from somewhere else, watching us." - Keith Chester (Ref. 1)

This 11-page report is a comprehensive listing of UFO incidents that occurred during World War II. These entries were derived from three major sources: 1) Strange Company (2007), Keith Chester; 2) the Magonia Database, sightings catalogued by Jacques Vallee and presented in his great work, Passport to Magonia, and, 3) The UFO Evidence, 1964, Richard Hall. American states are abbreviated with two letters, the same practice used in all other chronologies. The words "United States" are used where the reader might, in some cases, get confused amid the many foreign sightings. All of these entries will be listed on the NICAP Database.

For helping me produce this very comprehensive listing, we must give our thanks, in particular, to Keith Chester, who made most of the 1939-1946 incidents available from his blockbuster new book, "Strange Company". Soon to be entered is the complete collection of reports from the P-47 website files, generously provided by Jan Aldrich. Also, to be added will be reports from Richard Hall's, "From Airships to Arnold: A Preliminary catalogue of UFO Reports in the Early 20th Century (1900-1946)". Last, but not least, and thanks to Jean Waskiewicz for getting these incidence into the ever-growing NICAP Database.

The paper, The Ghost Rockets, Guided Missiles and UFOs: A Tangle of Fear - 1937-53, by Joel Carpenter is an excellent source of information.
Strange Company is the first in-depth account of unconventional aircraft observed and reported by the military during World War II. It includes the reactions by military commands, their viewpoints, and theories as they struggled to make sense of the observations. Strange Company presents one of the greatest wartime mysteries, one that has been shrouded in ignorance for more than sixty years. And it suggests that while an immense twentieth century war was raging on Earth, there appeared to be someone, or something, from somewhere else, watching us.

"Strange Company makes clear for the first time just how frequent the wartime sightings were and the concern they created within Allied military who seriously feared they could be advanced secret weapons developed by the Axis forces. This gave rise to the persistent myth that foo-fighters were highly advanced flying saucers created by Nazi scientists, whose designs were later captured and developed in secrecy by the Americans. The proponents of this bizarre theory will find little to support their claims in this sensible, sober book which largely sticks to primary source material… Possibly the most intriguing revelation in this book are the results of Keith Chester’s inquiries at the US National Archives, which threw up references to a joint US and British foo-fighter investigation later in the war, and a direct link with post-war UFO studies by the intelligence services. Most important of all was the involvement in wartime investigations of Bob Robertson, the US physicist who presided over a scientific panel which reviewed the UFO evidence for the CIA in 1953...A must-read for ufologists of all persuasions.” — Dr. David Clarke, Fortean Times.
Interview with Keith Chester


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:10 pm

John Keely and the 1897 airship ... ?id=145066
UFOs in one form or another have been reported as far back as Biblical times, but in the 1880s there were scattered reports of ufos resembling airships, accompanied by speculation about Martians or other extraterrestrials visiting Earth, and speculation about human inventors developing airships, as in Jules Verne's "Robur the Conqueror."

In the US, prior to the sightings wave, a number of inventors had taken out patents on airships, but none ever flew, and they were designed as powered lighter than air craft, unlikely to be able to perform reliably (even if one or more had been constructed) and fly all over the country, only to vanish as abruptly as they had appeared and never be heard from again.

But could human inventors have designed and built craft of a more advanced nature, perhaps using some form of gravity control? It seems unlikely, but the idea cannot simply be dismissed. We still do not fully understand how ancient people quarried, shaped, transported, and emplaced the immense megaliths found in such places as Sacsahuaman and Baalbek. The ancients certainly knew more about acoustics and magnetism than they are generally credited with knowing. At Tiahuanaco my guide spoke to me in a normal voice when he was perhaps a hundred yards away, but the acoustics of the structure we were in allowed me to hear him easily. At Macchu Picchu I hummed into a trapezoidal niche in a stone wall and the entire structure resonated. On a small, flat topped pyramid in Tiahuanaco I saw a row of black stone monoliths bearing an eery resemblance to the one in the film"2001" and the one in the UN meditation room. Using an ordinary magnetic compass I found that the stones were highly magnetized, with one end a north pole and the other a south pole.

Researcher and writer Christopher Dunn, investigating the Great Pyramid at Giza, says that the King's Chamber emits (at a very low intensity) the chord F sharp, and suggests that this is the harmonic of our entire planet and is focused by the pyramid. Striking the coffer in the King's chamber causes it to emit the note A at about 440 cycles per second, causing the entire chamber to resonate. There have been several unverified reports of sonic levitation being achieved by Tibetan monks.

But could sound cause true levitation? Conventional physics says no, but it is no secret that there are serious problems with conventional physics. If there were, after all, a luminiferous aether, and it was composed of a dense network of longitudinal waves traveling in a medium consisting of a matrix of waves, gravity might be a result of these waves pushing matter, and an object vibrating at the right frequency might conceivably harness this energy. But could a nineteenth century inventor have discovered how to do this, or learned of it from some ancient texts?

The controversial American inventor John Ernst Worrell Keely (9/3/1827-11/18/1898) has a cult following second only to that of Nicola Tesla, and many of his disciples believe that he achieved gravity control and harnessed "free" energy. Keely had a laboratory in Philadelphia, where he experimented with "sympathetic vibratory physics." There have been rumors that he achieved sonoluminescence and made an acoustic refrigerator. He said that he could disintegrate the water molecule with sound waves at 620, 630, or 12,000 cycles per second. Supposedly over twenty witnesses saw him levitate a one ton steam engine. Reportedly, he attached himself to his machines with wires and appeared to concentrate; if so, this hints at some kind of psychokinetic effect, which may explain why others were unable to duplicate his work.

And some claim that he may very well have been the inventor of the 1896-1897 airship. I must stress the fact that this is only speculation. Ultimately, we don't know if Keely was a fraud or if he had actually discovered how to tap aetheric energy. Even if he did, we don't know if he invented the famous airship. But something was flying over the US for several months; even though some of the confused and contradictory reports were probably fraudulent it is unlikely that all of them were. And so the mystery continues.
Analysis of the 1897 Airships -- November 18, 1990 (inspired by Wallace Chariton's "Texas Airship Mystery")
One of the mysteries involving the work of John W. Keely involves his Airship which was developed during the period of 1888 to 1893.

A reporter inspecting the ship leaves us this record:

"The space which the propeller of the airship occupies in Keely's Laboratory comes within a radius of six feet square.

A small space for so powerful a medium distributing over1000 horsepower was tested by experiment. It consists of over 2000 pieces and weighed in excess of 1000 pounds."

A small stool was placed on the unit so that it faced a keyboard. Attached to the keyboard were many tuned resonation plates and vibratory mechanisms. Mr. Keely said that when the plates were polarized with "negative attraction" the airship would rise and float above the ground.

Keely could make the airship accelerate to any desired speed by damping out certain notes on the keyboard.

The Keely Airship was successfully demonstrated to the U.S. War Department in 1896. The demonstration took place in an open field where Keely brought the airship from zero to 500 MPH within seconds.

Keely was sitting on the stool and before the keyboard. There was nothing to shield him from the movement of the ship yet he seemed to suffer absolutely no acceleration effects.

The War Department was impressed, yet stated they could see no use for such a complex device.

Note also that the Airship Sightings began in 1897, one year after Keely's War Department demonstration.

We cannot fail to notice the April dates on the following sightings, especially since the first sighting came on April 2nd, one day after April Fool's day.

"The first major UFO flap was in 1896 - about November of that year - and continued until May 1897. This was five years before the Wright brothers experiments, but there were, by this time, various airship designs on the drawing boards or in the Patent Office.

On August 11, 1896, patent number 565805 was given to Charles Abbot Smith of San Francisco for an airship he intended having ready by the following year. Another patent, number 580941, was issued to Henry Heintz of Elkton, South Dakota, on April 20, 1897.

"What stands out in the 1896 and 1897 sightings is that the UFO's were mostly cigar-shaped, that they frequently landed, to talk to the witnesses, usually asking for water for their machines.

When asked, Wilson explained that electricity powered the propellers and wings of the airship.

One of these men told him that the ship's motive power was 'highly condensed electricity' and that it was one of five that had been constructed in 'a small town in Iowa' with the backing of a large stock company in new york (close to Philadelphia where Keely had his laboratory --Vanguard).
Prior to meeting Wally Chariton, I had read his book the TEXAS AIRSHIP MYSTERY and got to thinking about practical methods to duplicate many of the airship sightings.

After generating this file, I gave him a copy to see what he thought about it. We also discussed Keely and other flight possibilities.

Wally said he "wished he had known all this before writing his book" and he would have included much of it as additional information in his book.

Analysis of the 1897 Airships -- November 18, 1990 (inspired by Wallace Chariton's "Texas Airship Mystery") by Jerry W. Decker at KeelyNet 214-324-3501

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Observations about possible technologies used in the 1897 airships.

There are several different modes of flight covered in the combined case histories of these mystery airships.

1) The Winged airship - uses wings which flap to provide lift as well as propulsion and steering

2) The Gas airship - uses a form of gasbag for lift and wings or propellers for propulsion and steering

3) The Aero airship - uses a sophisticated type of air moving engine in conjunction with the aerodynamic shape of the ship for both lift and propulsion

4) The Magnetic airship - uses an unknown form of magnetic, Aether or neutral center technology for lift and propulsion.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Oct 15, 2011 7:20 am

What is this “giant magnetic ribbon” supposedly discovered at the edge of the solar system in 2009? It has been called “fluff” or a “magnetic cloud”.

Coming Celestial Convergence ... onvergence
The event that is coming is a natural occurrence and it concerns something affecting the sun, NOT slamming into the Earth. It is already affecting the sun as evidenced by the solar filaments. The sun is already reacting to 'forces' we can't see.

Something is coming. Does NASA know about this ‘something’? Well, yes they do, but only to a certain extent. Everyone thinks that NASA has all the answers and that they know everything but for some reason or another has decided to keep quiet. I do not think that is the case.

At this point you might be wondering what I am talking about. Well, this is exactly the problems we face at this moment. Something has entered our solar system. And the majority of its system is something that modern science had thought could not exist.

This is not prophecy, it is not imagination, and it is not science fiction. This research I have put together is a pure collection of scientific articles. There is a celestial system that has moved into our solar system. The full extent of this system cannot be determined because the majority of this string of events lies outside scientific knowledge and data gathering. It is affecting the planets and moons of the solar system, and has been for at least the last decade or more. It is a body of increased, dense energy kept together by magnetics…and much, much more.

To put it mildly, it has the capability of causing a sustained electro-magnetic pulse across the entire Earth, for months, years, decades, centuries… for millennia.

The first discovery of this anomaly was released by NASA in an article entitled Giant Ribbon Discovered at the Edge of the Solar System around October 15, 2009. The anomaly consisted of a ribbon of magnetics. Scientists said about this ribbon, "We had no idea this ribbon existed--or what has created it. Our previous ideas about the outer heliosphere are going to have to be revised.

Thirty-One years later NASA finally decided to bring this information to light via the article on December 23, 2009, in the December 24th issue of Nature magazine. They cleverly gave this interstellar cloud an extremely unimposing name: Local Fluff

"Voyager data show that the Fluff is much more strongly magnetized than anyone had previously suspected—between 4 and 5 microgauss*," says Opher. "This magnetic field can provide the extra pressure required to resist destruction."

So this cloud is held together by immense magnetics that can compress the heliosphere, something like a pressure cooker. This makes the interior of the heliosphere have more intense, denser energies, as well as increasing the amount of cosmic rays reaching the inner solar system.

So, we know there has been an influx of cosmic rays due to a number of things, the major reason being the shrinking of the heliosphere from Fluff the Magnetic Cloud and from the extended, never-before-seen inactive Solar Cycle 24 minimum the sun recently experienced.

Another recent discovery concerning the earth’s magnetosphere is almost impossible to believe. It is like something out of science fiction, as many of these new findings seem to be. There is a cord that connects the earth to the sun! A gigantic cord made from magnetics that connect the sun directly to the interior of the
magnetosphere. They are magnetic ‘portals’ that are called “magnetic flux tubes”.

Now, I remember reading these articles from a year or two ago, and I also remembered reading something about a Wave that was coming towards us from interstellar space. There was no scientific data on it, but was an extension of the theory of the Photon Belt.

In 1961 science discovered, by means of satellites, a photon belt encircling the Pleiades. This photon belt * circles the Pleiadian system at an absolute right angle to its orbital planes. As our sun (and we with it) orbits the Pleiades once every 25,860 years, it reaches the midpoint of the photon belt approximately every 12,500 years. It requires some 2,000 years to traverse it, meaning that after departing this realm, another 10,500 years pass before our Solar System enters it again.

Before going any further, we should be mindful of the fact that this particular cycle is nestled within a number of greater cycles. What distinguishes this particular cycle from all its previous occurrences is that it culminates, together with all the other cycles of which it is but a part--including the overall cycle of 206 million years, in one single point of convergence. This is also called the Harmonic Convergence.

In 1962 we entered the sphere of influence of this photon belt. Calculations approximate the year of the actual entry into its mainstream to be 2011. This correlates with the time when the universe reaches its point of maximum expansion

No matter what your stance, whether in agreement with the idea of The Photon Belt or the utter contempt for the idea, the similarities in what is occurring cannot be understated.
So, this 'ribbon' of magnetism we are heading into, could it be the 'Wave' that has been mentioned before. The Wave is supposed to be an area of increased energy that the solar system is supposed to fly through. BUT, what if the actual Wave isn't increased 'energy', but this magnetism, this Local Fluff, and as our heliosphere and
the various gravity fields of our system interact with the 'ribbon of magnetism' (NASA), it causes unknown energy exchanges that can be very dynamic to occur on all the bodies in the solar system.

We come now to the crux of the problem - The sun. Not the sun in and of itself, but the reaction of the sun’s system to this enigma, this mystery that is 300 light-years across that we are converging with.
Most people reject the “photon belt theory” as “junk science”. However, it seems as “reasonable” as many other theories out there.

What if the Earth, Mars, Venus and the late Maldek were once part of the Saturn system, which was itself a part of the Aldebaran system (Pleiades) in the Taurus Constellation)? The Pleiades, in turn, appear to have been part of the Ursa Major Constellation until Orion “placed them in the Bull”.

What if Jupiter was part of the Orion Constellation and it “invaded” the Saturn system?

What if Sirius is the Sun’s binary twin?

Maybe it all started when Sirius was the major star in the ancient Phoenix constellation which was part of the Ursa Major moving stream which also included the Pleiades.

I think the Zodiac signs represent various “energy regions” in space. Various alignments and conjunctions signify hyperdimensional “energy” interactions between these regions. 2012 must represent the convergence of many different energy streams: the Galactic Center, Sirius, Orion, and the Pleiades in particular.

The constellation of which Sirius was the chief star was once named the Phoenix [this constellation probably corresponded to the complex of stars now known as Cygnus and Aquila].

Also known as Alpha Canis Majoris, Sirius is the fifth closest system to Sol, at 8.6 light-years (ly) away. It is located in the north central part (06:45:08.92-16:42:58.02, ICRS 2000.0) of Constellation Canis Major, the Larger Dog. Sirius is also the lower left member of the "Winter Triangle" of first magnitude stars, whose other components are Procyon (Alpha Canis Minoris) at upper left and Betegeuse (Alpha Orionis) at right center

The bright star is the title member of the Sirius stellar moving group (also known as the Sirius Super Cluster or Ursa Major star stream), which include all five stars of the Great Dipper as well as Gemma and are mostly around 490 million years old and all moving towards the galactic center.
So what are some of the “theories” that might explain this “magnetic ribbon” at the edge of the Solar System?
The Photon Belt:

The Sun’s passage through this belt happens twice during an approximate 26,000 year cycle -the time it takes to go around its greater sun (presumably Alcyone in the Pleaides). This huge vertical and doughnut-shaped belt presently appears (from Earth) to slice through the astrological ages of Leo and Aquarius
Sirius – Eloptic Black Light:

The Dogon say that this stream of ionized hydrogen from the Sirius system is purifying to the Sun and planet Earth. When the Earth and Sirius align, the great conjunction Taba Tolo - The Re-uniting of the Twin Placentas -is going to occur. The Black Light of the Sirius system will cascade down upon the planet. The ribbon and the interstellar matter currently discovered by NASA are really part of the debris from Sirius B’s explosion
The Black Sun (black/brown dwarf) – Sun’s binary twin:
Saturn: Santur is interpreted as a burnt-out Sun that was still visible at the time of Homer. "Legend tells that two Suns, two wholesome suns rule, UR and SUN, alike to the hourglass which turned upside down ever gives one of these the victory.
Sirius: The new Sun-Sirius system model satisfies the observational behavior of Sirius and the constellations of the zodiac as they regress throughout the great cycle of 26,000 years. Clearly one of the most important elements of this teaching is the existence of a mysterious second sun that will eclipse our own and cause several days of darkness. The concept of a twin star can be found in other indigenous beliefs.
Grandfather Cirilo speaks of an extended period of darkness that will come at the end of this “sun” or world age. The prophecies foretell that the earth’s second sun will pass in front of our existing sun, causing a period of darkness that will last between one and six days.
Galactic Center:
Vishnunabhi (Galactic Center): The Sun's 24,000 year revolution around its companion star takes the sun progressively closer, and then progressively further away from the mystic center Vishnunabhi.
Subquantum Kinetics has maintained that the massive objects in the cores of galaxies are very massive, very old stellar cores which are kept from collapsing by the prodigious amount of “genic” energy produced in their interior through the predicted photon blueshifting effect. Subquantum Kinetics has maintained that Sgr A* is not a black hole, but a “mother star.”

The Black/Brown Dwarf is located in:

1) Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy

Another interesting item is the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy which just happens to be the nearest galaxy to our own Milky Way. In fact the Milky Way is building up its own disk (by 1%) by absorbing portions of this smaller galaxy.

Even better yet, is the fact that the cannibalised Canis Major galaxy not only contributes to the outer reaches of the Milky Way but may also have passed close to our own Sun in the past and may possibly pass by again.

2) Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy

This same sense of shock came as scientists announced that the Sun, the Moon, our planet and its siblings, were not born into the familiar band of stars known as the Milky Way galaxy, but we actually belong to a strange formation with the unfamiliar name of the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy!

3) Orion Constellation

The Black Sun is the collapsed core of a star that went supernova. The Black Sun is located in the direction of Orion, below the orbital plane of our Solar System. The prepossession on the equinox is driven by the elliptical orbit of the Solar System around the Black Sun.
Galactic Superwave (Torsion Wave):

LaViolette discovered that the ancient star lore connected with the Sagittarius and Scorpius constellations indicated the location of the Galactic center.

"This is another valuable piece of data, as it shows us that the center of the galaxy is actually our primary source of instreaming torsion wave energy ... c94#p48285
Yukteswar goes on to explain that the sun's 24,000 year revolution around its companion star takes the sun progressively closer, and then progressively further away from the mystic center Vishnunabhi. In his system, dharma increases as we approach Vishnunabhi and decreases as we draw away from it. The cycle of yugas takes place twice in each 24,000 year revolution. As the sun recedes from Vishnunabhi, the ages pass in the usual order: Satya, Treta, Dvapara, Kali. As the sun approaches Vishnunabhi, the ages pass in the opposite order: Kali, Dvapara, Treta, Satya.

With regard to the 24,000 year cycle, Frawley begins like Yukteswar by ascribing the cycle to the sun's revolution around a companion star. Frawley says that this revolution varies the amount of cosmic light we receive from the galactic center. Thus, he seems to have identified Yukteswar's Vishnunabhi with the center of the galaxy, which Yukteswar never explicitly does. Still, it is a plausible interpretation.
The Dogon understand that the general structure and evolution of the universe rest upon the three major stars: Sirius A - Sigi Tolo, Sirius B - Po Tolo and Sirius C - Emma Ya Tolo and their relationship with Po, the spiraling black hole at the center of the galaxy.

The Dogons believe that Sirius B was the oldest of the stars and was the creative organizing source and force of the world, producing a sacred energy of Eloptic Black Light from the stream of ionized hydrogenous essence of Sirius A, a brightly shining transitioning star moving consciousness and frequency with a spirit of wisdom.

Though, not yet confirmed by scientist, "The Little Sun" Sirius C, exhibits similar characteristics to that of Sirius B. Sirius C, Emma Ya Tolo, is hard to observe, since its small faint stellar field is masked by the great brightness of Sirius A. It is a red Dwarf Star or Pulsar and is called the "Sun of Women."

According to the Dogon, Sirius C lies at the centre of the Sirius Star System constantly emitting red solar rays - a Blazing Star transmitting its essence towards Sirius A and B from its orbital position. Sirius C is also accompanied by a spiraling satellite called Nyan Tolo, the "Star of Women."

This is also the key to the mythos about a Planet X or Nibiru -- a red dwarf plant on a 3,600 year elliptical orbit with our Solar System -- prominently espoused through the interpretations of the Babylonian/Sumerian clay tablets by writer Zecharia Sitchin. But the designation of Nibiru as the Planet of the Crossing and the eschatological theories of the return of the Son of God is really about the passage, orbit and convergence of the Sirius Star System that has been “occultified” by this fraternal group of Priest Class Magicians. The Planet or Star of the Crossing is really the “Star of Women,” in Sirius – the Grand Cross that is symbolized in all instances of the Trinity and Cross symbolism since ancient history.
As cycles spin round, spiral in form as the universe decrees, the increased energies that birthed their Golden Age - their own version of the Fluff that they resided in - began falling, spinning away from the solar system into mythology, receding into the aether behind.

They knew that when the Fluff left (the interstellar cloud, though they thought of it differently, of course) we would they wrote to the future...I Ching, 'religious texts', pyramids, secret knowledge, calendars, etc...someday they knew that there would come a day (the universe decrees the spinning of the spiral, after all) when a new Golden Age would surface...and just as our memory once fell away with a receding interstellar cloud, memory would rise once more, like a surging wave, an all encompassing spirit arriving on the cloud of God...
I contend that the ribbon and the interstellar matter currently discovered by NASA are really part of the debris from Sirius B’s explosion and that the preparations being made by the Vatican constitutes the fundamental part of the worship and “occultification” of the interstellar explosions of Sirius B, which has been symbolically revived in the ancient traditions, mythologies and religions such as with the death of the God Osiris and his rebirth as the God Child Horus -- The Dying and Rising Phoenix. It must be remembered that according to the Dogon tribe, this explosion formulated a creative organizing energy source producing a sacred energy of Eloptic Black Light from its stream of ionized hydrogenous essence.
Every 10,700 years, our solar system passes through a 2100 year-wide belt of highly charged ion particles known as the Photon Belt. This belt is the "Holy Spirit" or God force of the universe stepped down from the Center of Creation.

Sol's passage through this belt happens twice during an approximate 26,000 year cycle -the time it takes to go around its greater sun (presumably Alcyone in the Pleaides). This huge vertical and doughnut-shaped belt presently appears (from Earth) to slice through the astrological ages of Leo and Aquarius. Since we are moving into the Age of Aquarius, we are also moving into the photon belt. The prediction is that we will officially and fully be inside the belt by 2012AD. When this happens (and it's already happening), the new energy will transform the planet and all life on/in it into higher dimensions or vibratory states. Those who cannot adapt to this higher, purer state, will die or be removed to another solar system. ... 165#p48522
The Dogon say that this stream of ionized hydrogen from the Sirius system is purifying to the Sun and planet Earth. This force is the 'Reorganizer of the World', that will bring about a New Order in the world established by Amma and not by Ogo. This sacred energy is Eloptic Black Light. It is the 'Electric light' that associates with gravitational fields (it follows Sirius B's gravitational fields to Earth) and resonates in affinity with Hue-man alpha-wave thoughts. Earth is about to encounter this stream, the question is when.

As stated, the Sirius star system and the constellation Aquarius are on the same plane of heaven - about 15 degrees below the celestial equator. As the Earth moves into the Aquarian age, she will also come into alignment with the Sirius star system. When the Earth and Sirius align, the great conjunction Taba Tolo - The Re-uniting of the Twin Placentas -is going to occur. The Black Light of the Sirius system will cascade down upon the planet.
Is the idea of a solar companion to our Sun unprecedented? Not at all, in fact there have been numerous scientific publications examining the evidence for a "dark star", literally speaking, to which our Sun could be gravitationally bound in a definite orbit. This alternate dark star is known as Nemesis, and its proposition comes primarily from observed perturbations of orbiting objects such as the planet-sized Kuiper belt object named Sedna.

A more suitable candidate would be a star closer to the plane of the Solar System, or celestial equator. Sirius meets this criteria at a declination of -17°. It is also the brightest star in the night sky, three times brighter than Alpha Centauri and twice as bright as the next brightest star Canopus. Sirius is also the 5th closest system of stars to our own [6]. More significant is the fact that The Sirius Research Group has been recording the position of Sirius for approximately 20 years now and has not recorded any measurable alteration in its location relative to the precession.

Celestial bodies in our Solar System show harmonic resonance with the Sirius system. Pluto and Sedna are at an incline to the plane of the solar system of roughly 17°, the same as Sirius. Both have orbital periods of 250 years and 12,000 years, which are at 1:5 and 1:2 resonances with Sirius, respectively (12,000 years is roughly one half of the orbit of the Sun around Sirius, hence a 1:2 resonance).

Sirius is a binary system. Sirius A is the highly visible star, but there is a companion known as Sirius B, first described in modern times by the Dogon tribe of Mali (Africa) and subsequently verified by the observational science of astronomers. The Dogon also described a third celestial body with characteristics of a neutron star.

While a neutron wouldn't be visible in the same manner as Sirius B, the combined gravitational attraction of a neutron star, a white giant star and a white dwarf would certainly provide the gravitational force needed to keep the Sun bound at a distance of 8.6 light years. In fact, the presence of a neutron star is by no means necessary for the gravitational interaction of the Sun with Sirius.

The term Nibiru is well known, and equally misunderstood. The Babylonians used it more as a descriptive term than a name representing a specific object. In Babylonian Astronomy it was used to describe a star -- not a planet -- as can be seen in the following examples from translations by Horowitz: The Helical rising of Sirius as the Sun orbits it. Since the location of the solstices and the equinoxes are occurring at the same location within the Earth's orbit around the Sun, the helical rising is switched when the Sun reaches the opposite point in its orbit.

What can be seen clearly here is that the term nibiru is being used to describe a star, that this star sets the course of the other stars, that is to say that it is the source of their precession, and that it is the crossing point.

It is my supposition that Nibiru is referred to as a "crossing point" because when the Sun passed apastron and began its opposite revolution, Sirius would cross the sky. Not only did this crossing of Sirius mark the turning point in the Sun's orbit, but also the turning point in the Yuga cycles.

The new Sun-Sirius system model satisfies the observational behavior of Sirius and the constellations of the zodiac as they regress throughout the great cycle of 26,000 years. There is no need to introduce a "wobble" in the Earth's axis, induced by the action of 9 other celestial bodies -- a theory which is just a relic from a time when the motion of the Solar System was not yet conceived. ... 165#p48620
The myth of the 'Black Sun' displays similarities with the Tibetan Rahu myth from the Kalachakra Tantra. In a commentary on Wiligut’s runic writings, a pupil, Emil Rüdiger, mentions an invisible dark planet, Santur by name, which is supposed to influence human history and to be able to be microcosmically linked with the energy body of an adept.

Santur is interpreted as a burnt-out Sun that was still visible at the time of Homer. Rüdiger speculates that this was the center of the solar system hundreds of millennia ago, and he imagines a fight between the new and the old Suns that was decided 330,000 years ago. Santur is seen as the source of power of the Hyperboreans.
Germanic culture and history according to Wiligut would reach back to 228,000 BC. At this time, there were three suns, and Earth was inhabited by giants, dwarfs and other mythical creatures.

Werner von Bülow and Emil Rüdiger of the Edda-Gesellschaft (Edda Society) translated and annotated these verses.

"Legend tells that two Suns, two wholesome suns in change rule, UR and SUN, alike to the hourglass which turned upside down ever gives one of these the victory / The meaning of the divine errant wandering way / dross star in fire's sphere became in fire-tongue revealed to the Earth-I-course of the race of Paradise / god-willing leaders lead to the weal through their care in universal course, what is visible and soon hidden, whence they led the imagination of mankind / polar in change-play, from UR to SUN in sacrificial service of waxing and waning, in holy fire Santur is ambiguously spent in sparks, but turns victorious to blessing". ... 525#p55242

The most widely known Mayan calendar, however, is known as the Long Count, and it is the source of the 2012 date. The Long Count consists of thirteen baktuns, each baktun equaling 144,000 days—a cycle of 5,126 years.

Their work, widely accepted by Western researchers, dates the beginning of the Long Count to August 11, 3114 B.C. There is less agreement among Western researchers about the end date. Many peg it to December 21, 2012, but Swedish microbiologist and author Carl Johan Calleman, author of The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness calculates that this cycle will end on October 28, 2011.

Grandfather Cirilo speaks of an extended period of darkness that will come at the end of this “sun” or world age. The prophecies foretell that the earth’s second sun will pass in front of our existing sun, causing a period of darkness that will last between one and six days. He is ambiguous about the specific date for this occurrence, but indicates it may happen sometime around the Gregorian year 2012.

Clearly one of the most important elements of this teaching is the existence of a mysterious second sun that will eclipse our own and cause several days of darkness. The concept of a twin star can be found in other indigenous beliefs. The Dogon tribe of West Africa, who believe they came from the star cluster Sirius, knew, without the aid of instrumentation, that Sirius possessed two smaller stars that are invisible to the naked eye, as Robert Temple described in his celebrated book The Sirius Mystery. The Vedas refer to a similar idea. In Astrology of the Seers, Vedic scholar David Frawley writes:

We have two suns, an object that modern astronomers may call a Quasar, whose light may be obscured by dust or nebulae in the region of the galactic center. This “dark companion” appears to possess a negative magnetic field that obstructs cosmic light from the galactic center from reaching the Earth. Through this, it creates cycles of advance and decline of civilizations.

The elders say that at the end of the Long Count calendar a new sun, the sixth sun, is approaching. They do not specify exactly what this means. This new sun may replace our old one or continue on another path. Their legends say that this has happened before and will happen again. Herein may lay the basis for the Mayan fascination with time. If the second sun does appear around the year 2012, the Maya will gain a level of mathematical and astronomical credibility they have never before experienced, even at the peak of their civilization 1500 years ago. ... 525#p55254
There is another possibility I'd like to mention here. It's 'Emme ya'/'Sirius C' - claimed by the Dogon to exist but not yet confirmed by scientific observation. According to the Dogon tradition, this star "throws out two pairs of radii (beams)" and it's "the only star which emits these beams which have the quality of solar rays". These descriptions remarkably match the characteristics of a pulsar! What other celestial bodies "throw off pairs of beams" besides pulsars? Furthermore, 'emme ya/Sirius C is called the 'sun of women', 'a little sun', and it is said to be accompanied by a satellite called the 'star of Women'.
I think it is interesting that 2012 is the “Year of the Dragon” when in Constellation Ophiuchus the Divine Cross and the Terrestrial Mundane Cross will be unified with the elliptic center of the Galaxy.

When the zodiac was first delineated by the ancients, it consisted of twelve 'houses', each associated with one of twelve constellations that lay along the Ecliptic: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, and so on. Since that time, gravitational effects on the orbit of the Earth, known as 'precession', have caused the line of the Ecliptic to change slightly.

Specifically, it now passes through thirteen constellations, with Ophiuchus being the new addition. Where the Sun once passed directly from Scorpius into Sagittarius, it now spends nineteen days each year, from 30 November to 18 December, in the new 'house' of the Serpent Holder.

There is yet another aspect to Ophiuchus that alludes to historical celestial events in the chronological history of our Solar System that were documented in the constellations and the signs of the Zodiac.

Here, Ophiuchus is a personification of our Sun, Sol, with Hercules being Sirius C the companion star to our paternal star Sirius B when our Solar System was formerly a trinary system conjoined with the Sirius Binary before the Great Discontinuity.

The star in the right leg named Sabik relays "Ophiuchus enveloped in the coils of Ophis" and they were the Khorasmian Sardhiwa, the "Head of the Evil One" -- the Shepherd and his Dog, the two lucidae or alpha stars marking the heads of Ophiuchus (Ras Alhague the Shepherd) and Hercules (Ras algethi the Dog).

But who was this “Shepherd” but our original paternal star Sirius B which Ophiuchus holds in his hands as Serpens (Serpent), and most significantly it is not his Right Hand of Righteousness, but rather what is punctuated is his Left Hand of Defilement symbolized by the star Yed Prior, meaning “hand” (yed), which holds the Serpent, a representation of the coiling Sirius Binary, the missing half of our Solar System, being Star Wormwood.

And for this reason Ophiuchus’ Beta Ophiuchi is named Kelb Alrai (Celabrai) and means “The Shepherd’s Dog” (later confused into the corruption as “The Heart of the Shepherd”) and thus this indicates a direct link to the Great Dog Star, Sirius, the Coiling Serpent, which is approaching our Solar System… hence, 2012 + 7 years is the possible period of critical vertex of transversion through our Solar System.
"Sirius A" is a binary star; with what experts call a white dwarf as a companion, named "Sirius B" or the Pup. It is an eight-magnitude (8.44), visually some 10,000 times fainter, the Pup star that is separated from "Sirius A" by only a couple of arc seconds making it difficult to observe in a telescope because of the primary's great brilliance.

About 13,000 years ago "Sirius B" itself, was at the end of its own Red Giant stage and was actually much more massive and brilliant than "Sirius A" is today. Sirius A in fact gained much of its energy from Sirius B.

There is a tribe in West Africa called the Dogons that believe that some form of human life came from one of these planets after being forced to leave by the onset of the up coming nova of "Sirius B".

Another interesting item is the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy which just happens to be the nearest galaxy to our own Milky Way. In fact the Milky Way is building up its own disk (by 1%) by absorbing portions of this smaller galaxy.

Even better yet, is the fact that the cannibalised Canis Major galaxy not only contributes to the outer reaches of the Milky Way but may also have passed close to our own Sun in the past and may possibly pass by again.
This same sense of shock came as scientists announced that the Sun, the Moon, our planet and its siblings, were not born into the familiar band of stars known as the Milky Way galaxy, but we actually belong to a strange formation with the unfamiliar name of the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy!

The fact that the Milky Way is seen in the sky at an angle has always puzzled astronomers. If we originated from the Milky Way, we ought to be oriented to the galaxy's ecliptic with the planets aligned around our Sun in much the same angle as our Sun aligns with the Milky Way. Instead, as first suggested by researcher Matthew Perkins Erwin, the odd angle suggests that our Sun is influenced by some other system. Together with data from the Two-Micron All Sky Survey we now know what it is. We actually belong to the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy.

We are from another galaxy in the process of joining with the Milky Way. The Milky Way is actually not our parent galaxy. The mystery of why the Milky Way has always been sideways in the night sky has never been answered -- until now.

"This first full-sky map of Sagittarius shows its extensive interaction with the Milky Way," Majewski said. "Both stars and star clusters now in the outer parts of the Milky Way have been 'stolen' from Sagittarius as the gravitational forces of the Milky Way nibbled away at its dwarf companion. This one vivid example shows that the Milky Way grows by eating its smaller neighbors."

It has been postulated that this is the real reason for both global warming since higher energy levels of the Milky Way are almost certain to cause our Sun to burn hotter and emit higher energies. Indeed, temperatures have been seen to rise on virtually all the planets in our system. This seems quite apart from any local phenomenon like greenhouse gases etc.

This grand turning is possibly the root cause for the discontinuation of the Mayan calendar (the most accurate on the planet) because the 'read-point' of the Pleiades star cluster, which many believe the calendar was based upon, can no longer be a constant as we begin to steer away from the earlier predictable movements.

What does it all mean?

We of the overarching Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy have finally come down next to, and even with the massively powerful spiral armed equatorial plane of the Milky Way Galaxy.

In our movement through space, our Earth has now fully begun to respond to the more powerful galactic energies and electro-gravitational bias of the massive Milky Way. We have reached the higher energy equatorial disc region of the massive spiral arm. We have now been "adopted" by a new system, a stronger and more powerful system, and we can expect changes on almost every level of energy. ... 525#p55258
The premise of this website is that our Sun and Solar System are part of a binary star system.

The Earth endures a cataclysm every 11,500 years.
The Mayans, Egyptians and Chinese all have a count down calendar that ends in 2012.
The Black Sun is the collapsed core of a star that went supernova.

The Black Sun is either a neutron star or a so called back hole with an immense gravitation and magnetic field.

The Black Sun is located in the direction of Orion, below the orbital plane of our Solar System.

Recently discovered dwarf planets Sedna and Xena at approximately 3 times the distance of Neptune on 12,000 year elliptical orbits, are most likely orbiting the Black Sun.

The axle tilt of the Earth is due to the influence of the Black Sun.
The axle tilt of Saturn and Jupiter are also due to the influence of the Black Sun.

The prepossession on the equinox is driven by the elliptical orbit of the Solar System around the Black Sun.

Saturn shares the same precession cycle as the Earth.

The precession of the equinox is not a constant rate but varies according to the point in the elliptical orbit at any given time as stated in according Kepler’s law. The fastest rate of being is the point of periapsis.

The steady increase in the number of earthquakes is due to our approach towards the Black Sun.

The weakening of the earth’s magnetic field is a direct result of the powerful magnetic field of the Black Sun.

Melting of the icecaps on Earth and other bodies in our Solar System is due to magnetic and or gravitational disturbances caused by the Black Sun.

Current changes in weather patterns are due to the Black Sun pulling the Earth into an increasingly elliptical orbit around our Sun.
Champollion (1790 - 1832) unravelled the secrets of Egyptian writing but so far nobody has demystified Egyptian beliefs. Astrophysics is the key. 11,650 year ago, a supernova exploded close to Earth in the direction of Orion's Belt. It became the god Osiris who donated metals and resembled a scarab beetle (expanding nova).

Twenty-eight years later the binary star Sirius B (the god Horus) exploded, sending a plasma tongue looking like a fiery dragon or winged serpent (Seth) speeding towards Earth. The northern hemisphere was devastated; the Ice Age ended abruptly and many animal species became extinct. ... 645#p57691
Conventional astronomy has for decades maintained that the core of our Galaxy harbors a black hole singularity. Since its first publication in 1985, subquantum kinetics has maintained that black holes can’t form. It maintains that the massive objects in the cores of galaxies are instead very massive, very old stellar cores which are kept from collapsing by the prodigious amount of “genic” energy produced in their interior through the predicted photon blueshifting effect.

Subquantum kinetics has maintained that Sgr A* is not a black hole, but a “mother star.” New observational evidence of the Galactic core that has been coming in favors this subquantum kinetics interpretation.
LaViolette discovered that the ancient star lore connected with the Sagittarius and Scorpius constellations indicated the location of the Galactic center, conveyed the idea of an explosive outburst, and specified a significant past date of 13,865 ± 150 years B.C. which also is encoded in the ancient Egyptian Dendereh zodiac. Also LaViolette found that myths, customs and esoteric lore descendent from prehistoric times indicated that cosmic rays from a Galactic core explosion catastrophically affect the Earth and solar system in recurrent cycles with the most recent event occurring near the end of the last ice age.
Prelate Gernot apparently told them about the advent of a new age -- the change-over from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

They discussed that our solar year – according to the twelve revolutions of the moon – was divided into twelve months and thus the revolution of our sun around the great central sun (the Black Sun of ancient myths) was also divided into twelve parts. Together with the precession of the cone-shaped proper movement of the Earth due to the inclination of the axis, this determines the length of the world age.

Such a “cosmic month” is then 2,155 years, the “cosmic year” 25,860 years long. According to the Templars the next change is not just an ordinary change of the age, but also the end of a cosmic year and the start of an absolutely new one. By completing the 25,860 years the Earth is changing from the age with the weakest (Pisces) to the age with the strongest radiation (Aquarius). Indo-Aryan definition calls this the end of the Kali Yuga, the age of sin.

All age changes have led to political, religious, social and also geological upheavals of great impact. The time of change-over from the old to the new age is called in Mesopotamian teachings the three “double steps of Marduk”, of 168 years duration, at the mid-point of which the ILU Ray, the Divine Ray, is expected to reach Earth.

The Templars did careful calculations and concluded that February 4, 1962 was the date the ray would reach Earth. This gave the mid-point of the 168 years change-over and the years 1934 and 1990 as other important dates.
If you do not apprehend that the existence of former more advanced civilizations is a fact, you will in turn never understand that advanced science was left behind to us in order to help us to be prepared for the cyclical 26,000 year Earth Changes which also imply a change in the constants of physics due to the Realignment of the Vortex Template.
Essentially, Kozyrev devised reproducible experiments that prove the existence of a “torsional energy field” beyond electromagnetism and gravity, which travels much faster than light. He called it the “flow of time.” Others, Einstein among them, have called it “ether.” Others call it “zero point energy.”

Within this “flow of time,” the past, present, and future all exist at the same time, and in every place. This discovery sets the stage for all psychic phenomena to be scientifically explainable. ... 645#p57818
Astrophysicist, Paul laViolette has suggested that we are due for a wave of radiation from Galactic Centre, and has even connected it with the Maya 13-baktun cycle's end in 2012, but a recent interview on Mitch Battros's Earth Changes TV suggests that we may now be getting the first precursors of a galactic wave:

Torsion-Wave Energy from Galactic Centre:

"This is another valuable piece of data, as it shows us that the center of the galaxy is actually our primary source of instreaming torsion wave energy. In this case, the torsion waves appear to be propagating in tandem with the X-ray wavelengths of the electromagnetic energy spectrum. Even though the activity of the Sun can increase or decrease the strength of torsion waves coming into the Earth, without the input from the Galactic Center we will have much less energy available to us. This will prove to be a very important point that we will use to explain the importance of the Mayan Calendar end-date on Dec. 21, 2012."
Various researchers have theorised that the energy occupying time-space responsible for these phenomena is twisting/spiralling torsion energy.

Luckman defines torsion in Conscious Healing as: Universal creative consciousness or subspace energy (Aether) experiencing itself in time…Torsion Energy in the form of a life-wave interfacing with and modifying Potential DNA's transposons is the driving force behind the evolution of human consciousness and physiology.

It appears that torsion energy and consciousness are one and the same, meaning that your consciousness must, by definition, survive the demise of your physical body!


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:03 am

The Teaching of Phowa – Transference of Consciousness
According to the Tibetan custom, in the event of someone dying, a member of the family of the dying person would request a Lama to perform the "phowa" ceremony (i.e. Transference of consciousness at the time of death.)

The Lama performing the ceremony would have himself mastered the art of phowa (transferring the consciousness at the time of death) after having previously been initiated into the practice and meditation given only to Tulkus (Incarnates) and retreated to the hills to carry out the practice which he would continue night and day until the signs he was told to watch for (at the time his initiation) appear.

When taking the initiation of Phowa, it is important to receive the initiation from a Tulku (i.e. Incarnate Lama) who continues the line of succession of the Phowa lineage of Gurus. The blessings of such an initiation will render the practice safe as the blessings of the lineage will flow unhampered to meet the disciple and bring with them quick results.

Should the Phowa be attempted without this very vital precaution the results will not be the same and the practitioner will be faced with many dangers.

Naropa says, 'There are nine Gates which are of the world but there is only one which is the gate of Mahamundra (Nirvana). If you shut the nine Gates then you will get the Path of liberation without any doubt ...."

Over and above the Nine ordinary apertures of the body called "buga", there is a 'Crest' aperture, and the virtue of doing this practice of Phowa is to be able to think of this crest aperture at the time of death and to direct the consciousness through this gate into the pure land of the Buddha, the Buddhafield (DEWA CHEN).

When one has received any of the signs of the Phowa meditation, then one is considered to be prepared to enter into the Buddha-field of Amitabha Buddha (Dewa-chen) at the time of death. It is taught that one does not return to the samsaric realms after having entered Dewa-chen and that one can quickly achieve Enlightenment.

This lineage also possesses the complete transmission of the meditative practices of the Five-Profound Paths of the Mahamudra and the Six Yogas of Naropa.
Contemplation and meditation on death and impermanence are regarded as very important in Buddhism for two reasons: (1) it is only by recognising how precious and how short life is that we are most likely to make it meaningful and to live it fully and (2) by understanding the death process and familiarizing ourself with it, we can remove fear at the time of death and ensure a good rebirth.

Because the way in which we live our lives and our state of mind at death directly influence our future lives, it is said that the aim or mark of a spiritual practitioner is to have no fear or regrets at the time of death. People who practice to the best of their abilities will die, it is said, in a state of great bliss. The mediocre practitioner will die happily. Even the initial practitioner will have neither fear nor dread at the time of death.

There are two common meditations on death in the Tibetan tradition. The first looks at the certainty and imminence of death and what will be of benefit at the time of death, in order to motivate us to make the best use of our lives. The second is a simulation or rehearsal of the actual death process, which familiarizes us with death and takes away the fear of the unknown, thus allowing us to die skillfully.

The first of these meditations is known as the nine-round death meditation, in which we contemplate the three roots, the nine reasonings, and the three convictions, as described below:


(because all that goes on to the next life is our mind with its karmic (positive or negative) imprints.)

The second meditation simulates or rehearses the actual death process. Knowledge of this process is particularly important because advanced practitioners can engage in a series of yogas that are modelled on death, intermediate state (Tibetan: bar-do) and rebirth until they gain such control over them that they are no longer subject to ordinary uncontrolled death and rebirth.

It is therefore essential for the practitioner to know the stages of death and the mind-body relationship behind them. The description of this is based on a presentation of the winds, or currents of energy that serve as foundations for various levels of consciousness, and the channels in which they flow. Upon the serial collapse of the ability of these winds to serve as bases of consciousness, the internal and external events of death unfold. Through the power of meditation, the yogi makes the coarse winds dissolve into the very subtle life-bearing wind at the heart. This yoga mirrors the process that occurs at death and involves concentration on the psychic channels and the channel-centres (chakras) inside the body.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecr

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:51 am

Astronomic, cosmic & astrological cause
Hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and natural disasters on Earth are directly caused by the geometrical alignments of the planets of our solar system.

Some people like Alexander, Michelangelo, Napoleon, and Lord Pacal have slipped into the course of the development of historical and political events. The rest of us are free and independent in our mind and soul except that our bodies are subject to accident and disease caused by astrological alignments.

When several celestial bodies are positioned above a locale, or are geometrically arranged in strong relationships to a specific geography they will initiate events upon that geography. This celestial information is readily available in any scientific ephemerides calculated from Greenwich Mean Time and Right Ascension from Greenwich (geography is calculated as minus -180° west. Greenwich is 00:00°. And east is +180°. This arrangement of 360° corresponds to 24:00 hours of celestial position which is called Right Ascension).

The author of this website has collected many hundreds of examples which prove heavenly cause where planets and other cosmic phenomena are related in longitude to the geography of our Earth.

Who would think that so many things in life originate from astronomy –the way we think, human logic, law, philosophy, science, social organization, and government –all come from the observation of the stars. Even our most sacred institutions of religion hold fast to symbolic holy numbers such as 6, 12, 13, 20, 40, 72, and 144,000; all of which come from astronomical cycles.

In fact all the institutions of culture are woven through and intertwined with a fabric of astronomy which produces a worldview that has guided human development since the time of creation. This cosmic philosophy is our guide to understanding not only ancient culture but the vital roots of our very own existence.

Ancient people believed that creation came from the universe and through our Milky Way galaxy. Earth had been made after the image of the heavens which supplies all benefice, spirit, and sustenance to our world. Astrological Cause was the accepted view of the world in science and culture. Even with every possible resource of the modern age there is still no better logical system to explain natural conditions of weather, or the awful calamities of earthquakes, tsunami, and hurricanes than that these are motivated by the Sun, Moon, and planets working in concert.

The geographic component is essential to Scientific Accurate Cosmology. The signs of the zodiac are focused upon the earthly geography of Jerusalem being exactly aligned with the celestial geography of the first degrees of Aries. Jerusalem is the new Cosmic Prime Meridian. If one looks at a globe, and makes Jerusalem the North Pole, then one will see that this city is surrounded by three major continental landmasses, Europe, Africa, and Asia. The South Pole to Jerusalem, on the diametric opposite side of the world is almost completely devoid of landmass, with only islands and the North and South Pacific Ocean. These physical geographical facts support ancient testimony concerning the primacy of Jerusalem as the actual Prime Meridian of the world.

In extremely ancient times this Cosmic Prime Meridian was 60 degrees to the West upon the Cape Verde/Canary Islands, and before that was 60 degrees further West at the naval center of the giant Granite Spheres in Costa Rica. Even the astronomer and geographer, Claudius Ptolemy, respected the Cape Verde/Canary Islands Prime Meridian when he could have used the Pyramids at Giza or Alexandria as the new meridian.


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