On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Grey Cloud
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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by Grey Cloud » Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:18 pm

An old metaphysical research that showed Crowley controlled the vortex/spiral of energy by encapsulating it in his mind's eye within the metashape created by joining his 78 card Thoth Tarot deck, which is joined by Synthetic Projective Geometry within the illustrations. Once Crowley had done this he used the Hegelian Dialectic, the union of opposites - Thesis, Antithesis combining in Synthesis - to remotely influence using no power but the energy of creation. It is like bringing matter and antimatter to create energy. Even feeble British remote influencers used this technique to control the world.
A complete flight of fantasy written for people who have never read Crowley and probably by someone who hasn't read Crowley. Crowly died penniless and alone in a bedsit in Brighton or Bognor - so much for someone who could allegedy manipulate the 'energy of creation' by 'using the Hegelian Dialectic'. :D :D :D 'Stand back, I've got me an Hegelian Dialectic and I aint afraid to use it'.
On the other hand, if you actually try reading Crowley's Book of Thoth, then you might learn something useful that benefits you - all else aside, Crowley was a very intelligent and knowledgeable guy.
If I have the least bit of knowledge
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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by StefanR » Thu Mar 04, 2010 3:32 pm

Grey Cloud wrote:so much for someone who could allegedy manipulate the 'energy of creation' by 'using the Hegelian Dialectic'. 'Stand back, I've got me an Hegelian Dialectic and I aint afraid to use it'.
Well buddy, I've got a full deck of Platonic Dialectic that will trump your Hegelian. :P
The illusion from which we are seeking to extricate ourselves is not that constituted by the realm of space and time, but that which comes from failing to know that realm from the standpoint of a higher vision. -L.H.

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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by Grey Cloud » Thu Mar 04, 2010 3:51 pm

StefanR wrote:
Grey Cloud wrote:so much for someone who could allegedy manipulate the 'energy of creation' by 'using the Hegelian Dialectic'. 'Stand back, I've got me an Hegelian Dialectic and I aint afraid to use it'.
Well buddy, I've got a full deck of Platonic Dialectic that will trump your Hegelian. :P
You're bluffing. Since when did you play with a full deck? :mrgreen:
If I have the least bit of knowledge
I will follow the great Way alone
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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by StefanR » Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:18 pm

Grey Cloud wrote:You're bluffing. Since when did you play with a full deck?
I must confess I always had the feeling I was missing something, but I found myself a Joker now. :?
The illusion from which we are seeking to extricate ourselves is not that constituted by the realm of space and time, but that which comes from failing to know that realm from the standpoint of a higher vision. -L.H.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:39 pm

Kevin said: I am just a little hobbit rambling along a path, a very narrow path, and I am trying to stay focussed upon and not become derailed off to any side, as all hobbits I do like a cup of tea, so I am off to put kettle on.
Kevin is a dowser. Perhaps he follows in the footsteps of Viktor Schauberger. I wonder if Viktor was a hobbit as well.

Viktor Schauberger
Landscape healer and inventor of environment-friendly technology, Viktor Schauberger vividly described how our disdain for Nature's ways will bring only environmental catastrophe. His vision - humanity working within Nature's laws - is the path we must rediscover, if we are to survive.

Viktor Schauberger (1885 - 1958) was a natural scientist whose ideas were way ahead of the time. As a young man he worked as a 'forest-master' in the Austrian Alps when they were still a true wilderness. His remarkable observations of Nature-in-the-raw were to influence his entire life's work.

Schauberger's insights into Nature's ways pivoted around the essential characteristics of water as a living substance that energises all life, both organic and inorganic. He frequently asserted "water is a living organism" - an idea to which poets and philosophers have subscribed, but which has escaped conventional science.

He was passionate about trees and natural forests as the cradle of water. He warned how deforestation would deplete the world of water and destroy fertility, causing deserts and climatic chaos. He argued that when the natural eco-systems are in balance and diversity rules, there is great creativity and the evolution of higher and more complex life forms, but there is also order and stability.

When humanity walked lightly on the Earth, we cooperated with Nature. Although we are still part of Nature, we behave as though we are not, but above it, dominating and exploiting it. Viktor warned that the more we continued to go against Nature, the whole eco-system would become sick, the climate destructive and human society would break down, with extreme violence, greed and pandemic illnesses.

"How else should it be done", he was asked. His answer was straightforward and uncompromising -- "Exactly in the opposite way that it is done today!"

Viktor Schauberger's discovery of the enormous energy potential contained in living water led him to develop the technology of implosion (the opposite to explosion) with radical new forms of propulsion and an appliance that converted lifeless water into healing water with the vitality of a mountain spring. His insights about vortex energy and implosion have made possible the development of a new range of products that give us sustainable and healing energy, and show the way to healing our environment.
The Schauberger Keys
None of the vital processes governing the creation of life can be understood from purely material perspective (the 3rd dimensional viewpoint of contemporary science).

These vital processes of Nature operate at subtler and more rarefied levels than the mechanical (at the energy domains of the 4th & 5th dimensions). This is what Schauberger refers to when he says we have to think "an octave higher".
A one of the key pieces to unlocking the puzzle in the “grand energy conspiracy” is to understand just why the Controllers went to such great pains to suppress the use of “female energy” (the vortex).

In Keely’s physics there are three energy streams – the negative (female), the positive (male) and the aetheric. Where these three forces meet is the neutral center or zero point. You have to use all three stream to access the vacuum. The implosive force allows for an all natural technology based on the energy of the vortex. The explosive (atomic) force is very labor intensive and requires industrialization and high technology. Just “follow the money.” This is what Dale Pond means when he speaks of “mind over matter” vs. “mind within matter”; the former implies domination and control; the latter seeks cooperation.

Hidden Nature: The Startling Insights of Viktor Schauberger
http://www.slideshare.net/Vette05/hidde ... artholomew
Two machines were eventually built, one called a "Repulsator" and the other a "Repulsine", reflecting the forces of recoil active in them. Both machines operated with the densifying forces of i m p l o s i o n (female] which are far more powerful than those of e x p l o s i o n (male).
John Keely
All of Keely's system revolves around the introduction of a specific, pure, tightly controlled, complex waveform into a resonating cavity.That, believe it or not, is the be all and end all of Keely's technology.
Keely's Physics
"He (Keely) showed that "the sympathetic streams of energy are composed of triple currents of vibratory flow. This applies to magnetic, electric, gravital and cerebelic (brain and mind) flows. Since these flows are vibrational in nature and are tuned to their respective spheres Keely believed this was the basis for the term "music of the spheres".

Gravity is actually a triple connective radiation rather than a flow. It is an eternally existing force entering all forms of matter. Keely believed that gravity is the basic source from which all matter emerges.

Keely called the stream coming into the earth at the poles from the sun the "polar stream". The 3 currents in this polar stream are magnetism, electricity and gravity".

(Note: Elsewhere in Vogts book, Reality Revealed, he describes magnetism as the information from the 1st-dimension, electricity is 90 degrees to it and following or the 2nd-dimension and gravity is shown to be generated by the first matter of universe, the primordial substance. In still another explanation that is plausible to me, electricity and magnetism is described as dead force after gravity feeds the earth its Life Force from the sun).

"The fundamental conception of universe is force manifesting itself in rhythmical relations".

Keely believed the above definition of force applied to the entire manifest universe, including matter, mind, and all forces of energies... All streams of energy, called "sympathetic streams", by Keely, consist of 3 currents of force... The vibrational relations under which the streams of force act are universally expressible by the mathematical ratio of 3rds"

"Energy streams feeding matter again consist of 3 currents of force coded according to the triple vibratory scheme, where these triple currents meet they form a center of force and are maintained in a state of mutual attraction. This attractive force is gravity. The focal point of this force is defined as a "neutral center".


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:23 pm

Members of the “illuminated bloodlines” haven’t died for a long time; they have just metamorphosized. It’s a sort of cloning, but in a different way. They take pieces of flesh and rebuild the body from one small piece. Because they are cold blooded, they can do this stuff. The different bodies are just different electrical vibrations and they have got the secret; they’ve got the secret of the micro-currents; it’s so micro, so specific, these radio waves that actually create the bodies. These are the energies I work with when I’m healing.

They know the vibration of life and because they are cold-blooded, they have no wish to make the Earth the harmonious place it could be, or to heal the Earth from the damage that’s been done. The Earth’s been attacked for eons by different extraterrestrials. It’s been like a football for so long. This place is a bus stop for many different aliens. All these aliens; they could cope with anything including the noxious gases. They are landing all the time and coming up from the bowels of the Earth. They can manifest however they want to. All the real knowledge has been taken out and shredded and put back in another way. Children of the Matrix – David Icke – page 233-234
Is the above nonsense? If not then what is this “radio technology” that uses “micro-currents (frequencies) to affect the “subtle energy fields of matter?

Subtle Energies, Radionics,
and Hyperdimensional Energetics

What is Radionics
Radionics is a method of sending precisely defined healing energy to people, animals or plants, no matter where they are in the world. The name reflects the view of early practitioners that they were ‘broadcasting’ healing, but we now believe that radionic treatment occurs at a level of reality where there is no distance between us. This is a challenging concept, but it is entirely compatible with modern physics and also with the ancient mystic teaching that at some level we are all one, and that at this level exchanges of healing energy can occur.

Fundamental to radionics is the view that a living body has a subtle energy field which sustains and vitalises it. If the field is weakened, for example by stress or pollution, then eventually the physical body also becomes weak, leaving it susceptible to illness. The aim of radionics is to identify the weaknesses in this field and to correct them, and thereby alleviate or prevent physical or emotional dis-ease.
Basic to Radionic theory and practice is the concept that man and all life forms share a common ground in that they are immersed in the electro-magnetic field of the earth; and further that each life form has its own electro-magnetic field, which if sufficiently distorted, will ultimately result in disease of the organism. Accepting that all is energy, Radionics sees organs, diseases and remedies s having their own particular frequency or vibration. These factors can be expressed in numerical values which are known as 'Rates' or in the form of Geometric Patterns. These provide the means by which the practitioner identifies and treats disease at a distance. Radionics also takes cognizance that there are a number of finely organized fields of energy which lie beyond those identified by science, and that these fields can be utilized for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Thus it may be said that Radionics is a healing art where physics and para-physics, science and religion, meet and merge.

The scope of Radionics in theory is unlimited; in practice it is limited by the sensitivity, knowledge and expertise of the practitioner. At one level it can be used to determin the structural and functional integrity of the body, and identify the causes of disease hidden within. At another level, the determination of the states of the energy centers (chakras) provides a picture of energy flows in he body and enables the practitioner to gain a deeper insight into the reasons behind certain physical and psychological imbalances, To this may be added and analysis of the qualities of energy within specific psychic structures.
A "Coat of Many Colors"
Everything is created by sound. When you think or feel, you emit a wave of energy which changes the energy around you to resonate at that same vibratory level. That wave is actually a sound broadcasting beyond the range of human hearing. Form cannot exist without sound. As you can see in a fantastic series of videos called Cymatics, it is sound which turns matter into form. In the videos, sand and other particles are placed on a metal plate and this is vibrated by different sounds which rearrange the sand into amazing geometric patterns. With each change of sound the patterns change accordingly. Go back to the original sound and the original pattern returns immediately. It is like the waves that form the concentric circles of the planetary orbits around the Sun I mentioned in the last chapter. The solar system is also the creation of sound. Everything is. In the beginning was the word and the word was sound. In the Cymatics videos you see the particles form into mini planets, solar systems and galaxies, just through sound vibrations. Sound is also a wonderful form of healing because by resonating the body and its organs at their proper vibration they can be healed. Illness is disease, the disharmony of the natural vibrational state of the body and, because our thoughts and emotions are actually sound waves, our imbalanced thoughts and emotions disrupt the vibrational harmony and therefore lead to disease. This is how emotional stress causes illness. It is so simple. Anyway, another incredible example of all this in the Cymatics videos is seeing almost human-like figures forming from the particles when certain sounds are emitted. Our bodies are also the result of sound resonating energy into form and if our minds are powerful enough to change the sound range of the body, it moves into another form or disappears from this dimension, altogether. This is what is called shape-shifting.

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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by mague » Fri Mar 05, 2010 1:48 am

lizzie wrote:To understand part of the control system, we need to realize the importance of psychic energy and its (mis)use. Manipulating this energy is also the key to mind control. Many people don’t think such energy exists; and if it does, it is not of any importance.

Perhaps the “way is shut” for good reasons; but there always seem to be those power hungry fools who open the hyperdimensional doorways anyway.

no matter what they do, they wont go nowhere. Polarization doesnt help. Personally i could think of a few even stronger swear words then fools. But polarization doesnt help, it makes it worse.

The situation is a nursery that is messed up close to the maximal possible mess. One side "those" children, the other side the "other" children. It doesnt matter to the universe. No playing outside in the garden till the mess is cleaned up :P Period :D

Some are more stubborn then others. What we see out there is the full range of stubborness and its side effects.
The situation does not require power gain by any means like drugs, or metaphysical machines. It requires modesty and humbleness to re-establish global dignity and universal harmony. Else we'll stay in the nursery until we killed ouselves. And its not like there arent any other species to take over our niche. Humans are not that important in the long run.

In the end we only face ego in different colors. Scared from dead and scared from life.

The idea to accumulate energy for power is old. Any black witch does it. I dont know if everyone is knowing the fairietale about Hansel and Gretel. The witch actually eats little boys for power. Other known energy vampires bath int the blood of children or drink it and so on and so forth. Back then blood was the medium of power, nowadays its Prana. Different ideas, same picture.

It doesnt help them. It just escalates and makes them less powerful in the end. Nothing comes for free.

I encountered many of them. Unfortunately also in the neo-esoteric movement. I have met healers who steal the energy of their patients or healers who heal by stealing the energy from soemwhere else to fill the gap that causes sickness. Sounds quite like some of our mainstream docktors... I have read the book about Subtle Energy Warfare within our direct surounding some years ago. In the end, the older i grow, i only see weak dilettantes and i care less every year. There is no force in this universe to stand between me and what i think is godly. ;)

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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by Drethon » Fri Mar 05, 2010 11:20 am

kevin wrote:The whole universe is alive, and We are fragments of it, part of it, and the planet is alive and about to have a period, most men struggle with this because they are normally electrically stable, women litterally increase electrically during their periods, they overheat, maybe it's time for the males to experience this as well?
( I check women during the month and moniter the field about them, it's cyclic and mirrows the thirteen moons phases annually, I suspect litterally tracking the moon?
I'm curious about this. Every so often (I have not tracked it very well) I will get hot for unknown reasons (I stay hot long after a hot shower or working out but this is different). During these times I seem to have a minor healing ability. What I have no idea is how to control this or what might trigger it, though I think control is possible. I wonder if you have thoughts on this?

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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by junglelord » Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:04 pm

mague wrote:
lizzie wrote:To understand part of the control system, we need to realize the importance of psychic energy and its (mis)use. Manipulating this energy is also the key to mind control. Many people don’t think such energy exists; and if it does, it is not of any importance.

Perhaps the “way is shut” for good reasons; but there always seem to be those power hungry fools who open the hyperdimensional doorways anyway.

no matter what they do, they wont go nowhere. Polarization doesnt help. Personally i could think of a few even stronger swear words then fools. But polarization doesnt help, it makes it worse.

The situation is a nursery that is messed up close to the maximal possible mess. One side "those" children, the other side the "other" children. It doesnt matter to the universe. No playing outside in the garden till the mess is cleaned up :P Period :D

Some are more stubborn then others. What we see out there is the full range of stubborness and its side effects.
The situation does not require power gain by any means like drugs, or metaphysical machines. It requires modesty and humbleness to re-establish global dignity and universal harmony. Else we'll stay in the nursery until we killed ouselves. And its not like there arent any other species to take over our niche. Humans are not that important in the long run.

In the end we only face ego in different colors. Scared from dead and scared from life.

The idea to accumulate energy for power is old. Any black witch does it. I dont know if everyone is knowing the fairietale about Hansel and Gretel. The witch actually eats little boys for power. Other known energy vampires bath int the blood of children or drink it and so on and so forth. Back then blood was the medium of power, nowadays its Prana. Different ideas, same picture.

It doesnt help them. It just escalates and makes them less powerful in the end. Nothing comes for free.

I encountered many of them. Unfortunately also in the neo-esoteric movement. I have met healers who steal the energy of their patients or healers who heal by stealing the energy from soemwhere else to fill the gap that causes sickness. Sounds quite like some of our mainstream docktors... I have read the book about Subtle Energy Warfare within our direct surounding some years ago. In the end, the older i grow, i only see weak dilettantes and i care less every year. There is no force in this universe to stand between me and what i think is godly. ;)
I have to chime in as I am a healer and a medical professional.
I see all kinds of melarky, from all avenues from medical professionals to charlatens on the new age side lines.
Creavet Emptor...
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord

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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by kevin » Fri Mar 05, 2010 1:15 pm

Caveat emptor ?????
Buyer beware.

If we look back and realise the electrical implications of specific items, especially the ankh and the dorge, and so called axes, then We may again begin to comprehend the transfer of the life force flows tht definately fluctuate and are assisted by carefully worked and shaped objects held correctly by those who know how to utilise them.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0 ... _Jade_Axe/


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Mar 06, 2010 9:35 am

Most people don’t believe in the existence of a hyperdimensional reality. And few people would believe that scalar weapons exist that allow both humans and aliens to wage cosmic (hyperdimensional) warfare – action at a distance - such as causing earthquakes or blowing up planets and stars (suns).

I suggest that the ancient myths about the “wars in the heavens” were actual battles conducted by competing hyperdimensional beings. I also have to ask if such a catastrophic event as the “sinking of Atlantis” (the Flood) was just one of many examples of such "cosmic warfare.”

I also have to question how much of today’s “earth changes” are really the result of “natural causes” or the present use of hyperdimensional weapons such as HAARP.

In Atlantis there were two competing factions: the Sons of the Law of One (the Serpents of Wisdom) and the Sons of Belial (the Serpents of the Dark Lords - the black magicians)

I think Joseph Farrell presents the "possibility" very clearly in his “The Cosmic War – Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts”
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 140#p27154

The Cosmic War – Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts” Part 1
Indeed, De Santillana and Von Dechind noted that one very curious feature of the “archaic cosmology” was not only its emphasis on a primeval “cosmic harmony,” but also its description of the creation of the present world as a kind of “breaking asunder” of that harmony, a kind of cosmogonic ‘original sin’ whereby the circle of the ecliptic (with the zodiac) was tilted up at an angle with respect to the equator, and the cycles of change came into being.

In this case, the motif is that of “Tiamat,” the Babylonian goddess who revolted, led a cosmic war with other gods, and was eventually defeated by the god Marduk. Tiamet was not only the name for a “goddess,” but the name for an exploded planet in our own solar system, a water bearing planet. Her name may actually be a title conferred on specific individuals or rulers of that now missing planet.

One of the overlooked areas of De Santillana’s and Von Dechind’s work is the galactic, astronomical and astrological context in which they understand the ancient mythological references to the Deluge, to war, and other apocalyptic imagery. An entry into their discussion is afforded by their remarks on the gigantic war between the Pandavas and the Kuravas in the Hindu epic, the Mahabharata: “The epic states unmistakably that this tremendous war was fought during the interval between the Dvapara and the Kali Yuga. A significant clue is thus afforded from yet another mythological source as to when it dates its major “war of the gods in heaven.”

In its most basic form, there are four great “yugas” or ages. They begin in a “Golden Age” and each yuga thereafter is an age that has declined from the previous one. Each age is thousands of normal years in length, though each age is of a different length.

The final yuga, named after the notoriously bloodthirsty deity Kali, is an age of darkness, chaos, evil deeds, and war. But if the Mahabharata refers to events of the previous transition from the Dvapara to the Kali Yuga, running through the full cycle, then one is looking at a war that occurred between 3,898,000 and 4,320,000 years ago.

While many would object to taking this epic this literally here, it is nonetheless highly intriguing that the Great War recounted at such length and fought with such eerily modern-sounding and awesomely destructive weapons in the Mahabharata occurs in very roughly the same time frame as Van Flanden’s second exploded planet event, which occurred ca. 3,200,000 years ago.

Let us now turn our attention to a seemingly unlikely source for an additional perspective of this ancient war and the “cosmological original sin” and the astronomical meaning it entails: the myth of the ancient Germanic peoples of Scandinavia. De Santillana and Von Dechind observe that like the Hindus, the Babylonians and the Greeks, the ancient Teutons also had a Golden Age, whose passing was marked by a war between the ruling “good” god and his ministers and a new race of giants who sought to overturn the old harmonious order.

Not having “multiplied” yet, this first generation of the world established the Golden Age under the rule of Him of many names – Enki, Yima, Freyr and many more. “But these sons whom he begot himself, great Heaven (megas Ouranos) used to call Titans (Strainers) in reproach, for he said that they strained and did presumptuously a fretful deed and that vengeance for it would come afterwards.

But what was it that these Titans, or giants, or Nephilim or Annunaki (or whatever one wishes to call them) had done?

…It was bound to happen…when future generations would construct “forbidden ways to the sky,” or build a tower which happened to be too high. The one secure measure, the “golden rope” of the solar year is stretched beyond repair. The equinoctial sun had been gradually pushed out of its Golden Age “sign”. It had started on the way to new conditions, new configurations. This is the frightful event, the inexplicable crime that was ascribed to the Children of Heaven. They had nudged the sun out of place, and now it was on the move; the universe was out of kilter and nothing was going to fall into its rightful place anymore…and now the time machine had been set rolling forever bringing forth at every new age “a new heaven and a new earth” in the words of Scripture. As Hesiod says, “the world had entered now the second age, that of the giants, who were to wage a decisive battle with the restraining forces before their downfall."

What the ancient myths are trying to say is not only that a planet exploded, but that the war was truly cosmic in nature and affected all the celestial bodies of local space including “earth.”

Indeed, as De Santillana and Von Dechind observe, the Graeco-Roman cultural complex is full of references to a celestial catastrophe of such magnitude that even the “immovable joints of the universe” were shaken and the “very axle running through the middle of the revolving heavens” was “bent.” This last reference is nothing less than a statement that the angle of the earth’s axis of rotation relative to the ecliptic was altered in some drastic fashion.

But what if we take the references to a war literally and not metaphorically? Only if one takes it this way do some interesting things now emerge.

Van Flandern’s Revised Exploded Planet Hypotheses indicated two events, one at 65,000,000 years ago coincident with the extinction of the dinosaurs, and another “lesser” event at 3,200,000 years ago roughly coincident with the appearance of the first humans according to the standard mainstream theory.

This second event roughly corresponds with the timing given for the Great War in the Mahabharata

Both events must have altered the geometry of local space and the astronomical arrangement of the heavens.

One or both events were observed and recorded making it likely the second event was recorded and referred to as the result of a war.

A case can be made, based on the plasma cosmology of Hannes Alfven and the petroglyph observation of Anthony Peratt that ancient humans observed large plasma discharges in the heavens, though these petroglyphs cannot be dated to the time frame of Van Flandern’s second exploded planet event nor to the Mahahbarata’s Great War.

Further basis for believing that such discharges were observed is afforded by the peculiar resemblance of ancient depictions of the lightning bolts of Zeus to the models of plasma instabilities observed by Peratt in the laboratory. The fact that these resemblances are so exactly described in ancient art and drawings and described in the texts as being weapons of war strengthens the case that we are both looking at observed events and events of a real war.

One or both planets may have been large water-bearing planets; and if of higher gravity than the Earth and home to intelligent humanoid life then they may have been home to a race of “giant” like creatures.

The explosion of such a water bearing planet would give rise not only to the asteroid belt, but, as the shock wave from that event spread through local space, it would inundate first Mars and then the Earth. Thus, the tremendous hemispherical “gouging” by sudden flood waters often commented upon by Martian planetary geologists is explained. One should be able to find references of a celestial Deluge.

Furthermore, if the exploded planet did have life, and if this life was of a high degree of sophistication and technological ability, its civilization might have been interplanetary in nature. The nearest planets capable of sustaining such life would naturally have been the Earth and Mars. As such, one might be expected to find mythological associations of Mars with war, which is in fact the case. It is highly significant that the Vedic tradition refers to Mars as “the Great Leaping One.”

This war brought an end to an age and was fought between the “gods” and a race of giants, a theme common to mythological traditions from Sumer, Babylon, and Greece to Scandinavia and the Celts.

There exists artifacts and textual evidence of giant remains from all over the globe, which loosely corroborate the existence of large intelligent humanoid beings.

Some traditions such as the Sumerian and the Biblical ascribe the origin of this giant race to the mingling of the “gods” with “men.” The Enuma Elish makes it clear that Tiamat fought the war in part by creating chimerical creatures. - “The Cosmic War - Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts” – Joseph P. Farrell, pages 101 – 110
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 140#p27301

The Cosmic War – Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts” Part 2
Again it is important to recall that for De Santillana and Von Dechind, the ultimate context of ancient myths is a galactic one. Tiamet herself, blown apart by Marduk in the epic of the Enuma Elish not only may have symbolized a planet, but something far, far larger! Something truly cosmic.

But again, how might one actually do this? LaViolette’s answer is chilling:

“The technology required (for interstellar communication) is the same as that used in particle accelerators employed by high energy physicists for carrying out particle collision experiments. It is also the same technology used in particle beam weapons systems such as those developed in the Pentagon’s Star Wars program except in this case the technology would be employed for peaceful purposes.”

Star Wars indeed!

But recall that this would still limit one to the “relativistic speed limit of the velocity of light, and this would be far too slow for interstellar communications, much less the ability to travel hundreds and thousands of light years to place the galactic pulsar “grid.” So a modification is required:

This so called beat-wave plasma accelerator is able to generate beats 100,000 to 10 million times stronger than those used in the Stanford accelerator. Two powerful laser beams of slightly differing frequencies are projected into a gas plasma tube to produce a “beat frequency wave” that moves through the plasma at tremendous speed.

What makes this accelerator work is the phenomenon of interferometry. Imagine what might happen if masers (microwave lasers) being squeezed through a waveguide that was too small would interfere with a plasma?

This is precisely where LaViolette goes:

“Could a civilization possessing advanced field projection technologies perhaps even engineer an entire supernova explosion? By establishing a field bridge between the two poles of a star and inducing a resonant electrodynamic oscillation between these two linked regions, the star might be induced to explode.”

The central component is the “beat wave” produced by interferometry in a plasma such as a star. How would one produce this “interference wave” in a star? After all, one would have to do this from a tremendous distance from the star itself, or risk being consumed in the stupendous explosion.

The answer, not surprisingly is with microwave utilization of the principles of optical phase conjugation.

The term “phase conjugation” refers to a special kind of “mirror” that is able to reverse the trajectories of the incident light waves and cause them to precisely retrace the path they followed in the phase conjugating mirror. The outcome is as if the photons had been made to travel backward in time.

Optical phase conjugation is most commonly known for its use in military laser weapons systems for destroying enemy missiles. In this application, a laser beam is directed at a distant moving missile target and light rays scattered back from the target are allowed to enter the phase conjugator, a chamber containing a medium having nonlinear optical properties. In this nonlinear medium, the scattered rays interact with the two opposed laser beams of similar wavelength to form a hologram-like electrostatic light refracting pattern called a “grating.” Once the grating pattern is formed, the system has essentially locked onto its target. A powerful laser weapon is then discharged into this holographic grating pattern whereupon the coherent laser light reflects (from the grating) in such a way as to produce an intense outgoing laser beam that retraces the paths that had been followed by the incoming rays that had originally been scattered from the missile; consequently the outgoing laser pulse converges precisely back onto its missile target.

Bearing in mind that plasma is one such “nonlinear medium,” we may now see what optical phase conjugation is, and why it is used in the Star Wars program, both the modern one and the ancient one.

Phase conjugation is best understood by breaking down its components into steps or stages:

A coherent beam of electromagnetic energy is aimed at a target, which beam is reflected back to the transmitter.

The returning beam is the split into a non-linear medium causing an interference pattern called a “grating”, or, as Lt. Col Tom Bearden would put it, a “template” for action. The reason that an interference pattern is created is that the atmosphere distorted the returning or reflected beam thus making it of a slightly different frequency from the outgoing wave.

Vacuum space is also both a wave propagating and a wave distorting medium, for as the rotating version of the famous Michelson-Morley experiment of French physicist Georges Sagnac demonstrated, a split beam of light fired in opposite directions in a rotating system and then interfered with produces precisely such a grating or interference pattern demonstrating a local effect of an “aether drag.”

Hence recall the rotating plasmas, or plasmoids, and one has the answer: the non-linear medium par excellence for forming a grating that results from reflecting a beam through the wave-distorting medium of space would be a quickly rotating plasma. For this means that stars are natural phase conjugate mirrors of local stellar system spaces.

Once one has the concept of phase conjugation and the non-linear interference grating “capturing medium” of a rotating plasma, one has the two essential ingredients for any such ‘scalar” weapon as LaViolette proposes.

Once this grid or interference pattern is created, the actual “punch” or energetic pulse of the weapon is fired through the “holographic grating” which then reverses the effect of the intervening distorting medium, and thus the main punch arrives at its target perfectly cohered and in perfect resonance with its target since the “grating” is the signature of that target and that target only.

We now turn to LaViolette, who proposes a “Mach II” version of phase conjugation, this time, not with coherent electromagnetic energy in the visible spectrum, but in the radio and microwave frequencies:

“Consequently, it should be possible to phase conjugate microwaves by following techniques similar to those described in experiments with optical phase conjugation. However, it appears that most of this research is still highly classified. While many papers have been published on optical phase conjugation, virtually no literature is available on the application of phase conjugation at microwave frequencies.”

And if LaViolette can propose microwave phase conjugation as a kind of Mark II, “power upgrade” of optical conjugation, it is not difficult to see that the next step, Mark III, would be x-ray and gamma phase conjugation.

But one might go beyond even the gamma and x-ray “Mark III” versions of this phase conjugate star bursting “Mark II mirror.” One might be able to envision using those very longitudinal “electro-acoustic waves themselves in such a device.

If LaViolette’s galactic explosion and superwave or the explosion of Van Flandern’s two exploded planets were acts in a war, as fought by an extremely advanced society having access to such star and planet busting phase conjugate mirrors, or “scalar” weapons, and having access thereby to non-local and superluminal means of travel and communication, then Atlantis, and Tiamet were not, per Alford’s reading, merely metaphors for planetary “mountains” or “islands” in the midst of an “ocean” of space; nor following other readings was the lost continent merely a “continent” that sunk some 10,000 years ago beneath the seas here on earth, a distant victim in time and space from that original galactic explosion.

And if this physics sophistication mirrors an ancient application of similar principles, it should not surprise us then that we are also (re)developing sciences and technologies in other areas to genetically engineer and alter the biology of human life itself to prolong it abnormally; these same technologies and sciences are now allowing us, like the “gods of old” to dream once again of terrible chimeras and hybrids, to grow human ears on rats today, and perhaps tomorrow grow half-human half-animal chimeras, centaurs and gryphons and fish-men and serpent-men.

“The Cosmic War – Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts” – Joseph P. Farrell –Page 123 – 130
Last edited by lizzie on Sat Mar 06, 2010 10:11 am, edited 11 times in total.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Mar 06, 2010 9:39 am

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 155#p27513

The Cosmic War – Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts Part 3
Impressed Emotional Dynamics: The Tablets of Destinies and the Spread of the “Virus of Evil”

In this context, the Tablets of Destinies with their catalogue of interference patterns of longitudinal waves with the medium could constitute an object conferring a kind of universal power. Such a catalogue, with the medium acting as a kind of “akashic field” that carried information “by super-imposed vacuum wave-interference patterns that are equivalent to holograms,” would be an object conferring almost godlike powers for communications and godlike powers for destruction.

The Tablets of Destinies were not only a catalogue of the grating or interference patterns of various celestial bodies for a phase conjugate mirror of great sophistication, but, since they are based on such interference waves in the medium itself, they are also a catalogue of those types of waves, giving their possessor limited access to the “memory of the universe” or to the “information content of the field” of the universe, and as such, would convey to their possessor both “universal power” and the “powers of the universe.” In this sense, the “destinies” component of the term “Tables of Destinies” is not so far from what actually may have been the case signifying objects that are able to manipulate the local space and time or the “destinies” of objects themselves.

Because such an interferometric grating of waves in the medium itself would give the “Tablets’ possessor access to the “memory” of at least a part of the galactic universe, it stands to reason that part of that “memory” would also comprise the memory and thus the character and intention of the possessor of the Tablets of Destiny. Or the memory, character, and intention of the possessor of the Tables of Destinies function like a “local structured potential,” and impress the dynamics of their possessor upon the Tablets. These impressed dynamics become part of the catalogue of “gratings” that comprise the Tablets

Scalar, longitudinal pressure waves (“electro-acoustic” waves) in the medium might be the most effective way of communication over vast interstellar distance, since it would not be limited by the relativistic speed limit of the velocity of light. And there is a definite and important role for the conscious observer both in influencing and in being influence by the “grating” of the interference of such waves.

The phenomenon of Coordinate Remote Viewing seems to access this “information content of the field” or medium. One may therefore speculate that the Tablets of Destinies are not only catalogues of gratings in the sense of the two previous associations (weapons and communications systems) but possibly also as a mechanism or interface that would enhance such phenomena as coordinate remote viewing or “channeling.”

One aspect of scalar or quantum potential physics that Lt. Col. Tom Bearden spends a great deal of time on is the ability of his “templates” or “causal system robots” (which we have been calling “gratings”) to effect the induction of disease or, conversely, healing at a distance, by inducing the structured potential or “grating” or electromagnetic signature of particular diseases at a distance.

Beyond the ability to effect states of disease or health in biological organisms, there is also a component, an implication, for this science of impressed dynamics and templates that is nothing less than chilling. It is best to cite Bearden’s own trenchant and succinct warning in this regard:

When God created life and living systems, He also created the process for making life and a living biological system.

The process is still there and it exists as a process in and of this 4-spatial world

Once the process is discovered and modeled technology can be developed to apply the process at will.

So scientists can scientifically study the process and develop the technology to use it.

(Scientists can thus make) a living mind and living biological system, and tailor it to form and whatever behavior is desired.

That superweapon is called psychoenergetics

Note then, that the one implication of the “grating” or template is the ability to influence emotions, character and behavior at a distance by constructing a “grating” or template, through which a beam is sent.

As these thoughts aver, it is possible to impress certain character, emotional and intentional dynamics on these gratings, and vice versa, it is possible for these gratings to induce via “electro-acoustic” means states of character, emotion and behavior.

At this juncture it is crucial for the reader to recall what happened to the possessor of the Tablets of Destinies after their initial theft by Tiamat. From Tiamat, to Marduk, who recovered them from her, to Enlil, to Anzu, to Ninurta. Each of their possessors engaged in horrific acts of warfare and wholesale destruction and slaughter. It is as if the evil acts and/or intentions of their initial possessor impressed itself on the Tablets and in the case of their later possessors, that this latent impressed dynamic in turn may have influenced them.

So in addition to all the foregoing, the Tablets of Destinies may also be a catalogue of the templates of the impressed dynamics of consciousness of certain individuals. They are, so to speak, not a “virus” of evil, but what produces that virus.

“The Cosmic War – Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts” – by Joseph P. Farrell, pages 260-265
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 155#p27518

The Cosmic War – Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts Part 4
In the Edfu texts, E.A.E. Raymond says that after the creation of the Primeval Mound, there was the “uttering of names.” But these names are “names” (frequencies?) either of one or of several sacred places which were created” on the “Primeval Mound” (genetic incubator?). Previously we saw how the process of creation in the Edfu texts is also connected with the recitation of “spells” (cymatics?) over objects that represented the special places to be created. The presence of such objects in connection with sound and the process of creation and now the evidence use of “names” to denote specific locations strongly suggest that the type of scalar physics I believe to be operative in the Tablets of Destinies is also operative here in the Edfu texts. The part of this document preserved at Edfu reveals that it included lists of names of mythical shrines and sacred places; each name listed is accompanied with a brief explanation of the mythological significance implicit in that particular name. In other words the “Sound Eye” to which the Edfu texts refer may be one and the same as the technologies the Edfu texts recount elsewhere in relation to the creation of the Primeval Mound itself. The technology described corresponds with the basic components of scalar technology and weapons to a remarkable, and in my opinion, non-coincidental degree. In this case the “naming” of places would correspond to the specific “gratings” for each location.

The Edfu accounts, by naming a creation by the utterance of “magic spells” is paralleling yet another famous account of a similar concept of creation, that of Genesis 1. Both maintain that sound is somehow involved.

These “spells” were, however, unlike the Genesis account, uttered over certain objects (silica matrixl?) which then crated the various “earths” (genetic material?) desired.

If one adds in the Hermopolitian tradition where the use of (solar) radiation or energy is also a component, then we now have:

1. Sound
2. Objects
3. Energy or radiation

But now we also have a “book” describing the names of specific places; in other words, along with the above three items, the “book” of “sacred place names” constitutes the final essential element in this scalar technology. It is analogous to the “templates” or gratings discussed previously in respect to the Tablets of Destinies. In short, the Edfu texts indicate a similar if not identical technology that was associated with “creation” and the subsequent conflict, and that these very same technologies described the mythical “Sound Eye” (Tuaoi crystal?) that wrought such destruction during that conflict. It would thus appear that both the Mesopotamian “Tablets of Destinies” and the Edfu “Sound Eye” are two traditions that reflect a common and remote technological ancestor.

“The Cosmic War – Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts” by William P. Farrell – pages 265-268
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 155#p27528

The Cosmic War – Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts Part 5
Grounded both in the ancient texts and in the modern physics interpretation of them, the Tablets of Destinies were most likely crystals of some sort through which light or other electromagnetic energy was beamed, and these crystals contained information. This information was the “holographic” interferometric “grating” or “interference patterns,” Bearden’s quantum potential “template of action,” the scalar signatures, of almost every celestial body considered important in, to and by the civilization of the “gods.” These priceless catalogues were, moreover, compiled relative to our own solar system as their physical frame of reference.

Additionally, they included within their catalogue of “gratings” or “templates” the “subtle influences” – as an impressed dynamic – of consciousness. They most likely worked best, therefore, when interfaced – by means now lost and unknown to us – with an intelligent and conscious user. This catalogue of interferometric gratings, based on longitudinal waves in the medium, was thus the central component of any communications systems that held together their vast and interstellar empire, since only the gratings themselves allowed one to select the system with which one wished to communicate. Similarly, these interferometric gratings were the central components in any weapon systems designed to target celestial bodies from a great distance.

Finally, the catalogue which was the Tablets of Destinies most likely included numerous gratings or templates of emotional states that could also be impressed into targets from a great distance.

If this speculative hypothesis concerning the Tablets of Destinies is true, then it constitutes an explanation that explains why their theft at various times:

1) Broke down communications between the solar system and other parts of their empire.

2) Caused the “gods” extreme concern that they would no longer be able to rule because of their lack of ability to continue to manipulate their subjects mentally or emotionally.

3) Conferred hegemony to whoever possessed them not only for the above reasons, but because they allowed the targeting of scalar weapons of mass destruction at great distance.

In short the Tablets of Destinies were the “software” gratings of phase conjugate mirrors for almost every celestial body that was considered important to them, that held their empire together, and made their scalar-based (“electro-acoustic”) communications and weapons systems work.

As has been outlined here, one aspect of this paleophysics involves consciousness and mind manipulation by means of impressed electrodynamics on target biological systems and intelligent life. This is perhaps, an enduring legacy of the war, for if the Great Pyramid was a component in some ancient scalar weapons system of vast power, then its shell still stands at Giza, perhaps maintain some partial functioning of this nature.

While it is highly speculative, it is nonetheless worth pointing out here that there might be a technology (a very ancient one) that lies behind the phenomena of “channeled messages from ‘extraterrestrials’” that has been with humanity throughout most of our history, down to, and including the modern obsession with them and with their dubious messages of coming “peace and enlightenment.”

One researcher, with whom the present author has been privileged to share a stage during conferences, and whom the present author highly respects, seriously suggested that if the Great Pyramid was a weapon, then perhaps its usage was entirely benign, being one of the beaming feelings of love, harmony and peace, and thus to prevent wars.

Beyond the moral questions that this raises about the interference with the individual will, it begs the obvious question of why that particular region seems through its history to be the home not only of “revelations” but of rivers of blood spilt in countless wars. Far from supporting such a contention, the bloody barrenness of the region would seem to argue against my friend’s speculation. Indeed, his speculation would not seem to be the best way of dodging the bullet that there might be a malign aspect and influence at work, one attested to time and again in the texts from that part of the world.

In this connection it is interesting to note that Thorkild Jacobsen’s translation of the Lugale-e refers to some of the stones (crystals?) as warriors, a theme that was clearly recognizable in the previous chapter.

These references suggest that the Tablets were being used to manipulate the emotions of whole populations to take up arms in the revolt and tend to confirm our hypothesis that consciousness was a primary component of manipulation both of the Tablets by their possessors and in turn of individuals by the Tablets.

So what happened to the Tablets of Destinies? As we already know Ninurta destroyed some of the components. Others were adapted to other uses and some, which could not be destroyed, like Toth’s emerald tablets, were secreted away.

The truly sobering reality is not only what the Tablets of Destinies were, but that some of them, the most malign components, in fact, may still exist.

A clue perhaps, is afforded by Marduk’s own admission in the “Erra/Negral and Ishun” text that he “changed the location of the mesu-tree (and of) the elemesu-stone and did not reveal it to anyone.” If these objects were components of the Tablets, then it would appear that Marduk had deliberately hidden some of them long before their subsequent theft from Enlil by AnZu. A little later on in the same story, it appears that Nergal convinced Marduk to reveal to him the location of these objects.

Careful consideration of the details will reveal that their possible locations are tied to a very few locations, far beneath the sands and rocks of the deserts of Mesopotamia and Egypt: Giza, Babylon and Nimrud or Nippur (the site of Ninurta’s temple in Iraq) and possibly Baalbek in Lebanon. But as we shall also discover, there is a certain body of evidence that suggests that some of them also made their way elsewhere.

“The Cosmic War – Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts” by Joseph P. Farrell, pages 266
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 230#p28079

The Cosmic War – Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts Part 6
But what was it that these Titans or giants or Nephilim or Anunnaki or whatever one wishes to call them had done? De Santilla’s and Von Dechind’s understanding of the galactic context of ancient shows exactly what was involved:

This is the frightful event, the unexpiable crime that was attributed to the Children of Heaven. They had nudged the sun out of place, and now it was on the move, the universe was out of kilter and nothing, noting – days, months or years, the rising or setting of stars – was going to fall into its rightful place any more..and now the time machine had been set rolling forever, bringing forth at ever new age “a new heaven and a new earth,” in the words of Scripture.

As was seen above, De Santilla and Von Dechind referred to the frightful deed of the “Children of Heaven” as having been to “nudge the sun out of place”, which they understood to be a metaphor of the alternation of the angle of the Earth’s rotation relative to the plane or the ecliptic. But might there be an additional interpretation, one of actually somehow “nudging” the Sun, of disturbing it in some fashion that would have dire consequences for the solar system?

The first to give a hint of this possibility is alternative researcher and physicist James M. McCanney. He reproduces the following photographs which came from the SOHO satellite, a satellite which “monitors the sun on a daily basis”. To appreciate the significance of the photograph in McCanney’s view, it is necessary to understand a little about his theory of the electro-dynamic solar system and comets.

For McCanney, as for the plasma physicists, the solar system is not electrically neutral. The Sun, of course, pours out a prodigious amount of electrical and nuclear energy every day. But in McCanney’s view as in the plasma cosmologist’s view, this means that on occasion and under certain conditions, the planets themselves can become electrically polarized, and thus, filamentary currents can arc between various bodies when the charge is sufficient or when one polarized body approaches near enough to another differently polarized body. And this holds true for comets as for any other body. In short, comets ae not electrically neutral, and their corona or “tail” is a sign of tis effect.

Now let us consider the 1998 SOHO picture of the Sun.

Note in the upper left hand corner one sees the Sun and note the large solar flare. The two “comets” are clearly visible, with one very near the solar flare.

Not let us cite McCanney in full:

“Unexpectedly the two streaking comets came directly into the solar vicinity and flew directly through the intense solar flare to the lower right of the sun. The first comet apparently missed by just a small amount whereas the second made a direct hit through the flare…

The cover figure has far more meaning that that of just a few comets passing the sun. Along with the immense solar flare which “the experts” said was mere coincidence came the buzz out of high levels of national and international security agencies that monitor space for any intruders. The word from these sources was that this was a “shot over the bow” or also saying “look what we can do … look how accurately we can aim those puppies”. This is not me talking, but as I said, this is the buzz out of the security agencies.

McCanney is implying, in other words, that the comets were artificially and intelligently targeted at the sun, and moreover, that they were polarized in such a fashion as to cause the solar flare. In other words, the immense flare, a plasma discharge, was not electrically neutral, but of one electrical polarity, and the comet was of another. And this, of course, is implying that someone was doing the “shooting,” had the technology to do the shooting. How else could one account for the fact that the “comets” to use McCanney apt wording, “unexpectedly” came near the sun.

“The Cosmic War – Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts" – Joseph P. Farrell – Page 107 – 112
Last edited by lizzie on Sat Mar 06, 2010 10:33 am, edited 7 times in total.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Mar 06, 2010 9:46 am

They (the aliens) are here on a permanent basis. They are after this planet. He also said that they were “messing with plate tectonics,” the movement of land that causes earthquakes and that the warming of the world’s oceans was connected to extraterrestrial activity. - Children of the Matrix - David Icke
Targeting the Sun

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =15#p28808

HAARP vs. the Sun
I hate to admit that I've heard this stuff in other places for years and didn't want to accept it. My friend said that over the weekend, some ET’ who are like the US black government hijacked and arrested and held hostage the ET she usually works with. Then they tried to manipulate her into using her psychic powers to do something she had decided was not a good thing to do.

This whole thing is related to HAARP. It seems that where the HAARP scientists said that they were going to bombard our own atmosphere, they were bombarding the sun instead. I don't know if you follow space weather at all, but the sun was supposed to reach its peak and diminish, but instead has continually gotten worse As a result, earth weather is also out of control. Sunspots, solar storms; what is going on is not just sunspots - but huge explosions. I've seen the photos of 'light' perhaps laser torpedoes being shot at the sun for quite some time now. Kent Steadman has been following those for a couple years now. We have the photographs of these torpedoes hitting the sun also.

Re: Question for Dr. Tom Bearden

With so many nations (10 or so) having longitudinal EM wave weapons, I would not be surprised. Longitudinal EM waves can deeply penetrate right through the earth -- or deep into the sun. With all the banging that's going on in weather control etc., God only knows how many LW antennas get pointed in the direction of the sun, pour out their back-feed in that direction, etc.

Cohen already confirmed the weapons could stir volcanoes into eruption, generate earthquakes, etc. Tickle deep underneath the sun's surface, and one can be stirring quite a brew. Don't know how the dickens one would estimate it, etc. unless one was on a project which used the interferometer technique to examine the interior of the sun, etc.

Isn't it coincidental that it's also synchronized with conflict in the MidEast, etc! In short, when conflicts and "planning for conflicts" are ongoing, the troops are stirring and burning the midnight oil, and manning the weaponry.

May be some of that is causing or helping stimulate more solar activity of that sort.
Cheers, Tom

----- Original Message -----
From: BARDSQUILL@aol.com
To: Intermediary
Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2002 8:44 AM
Question for Dr. Tom:

Under what "superpotential" conditions can the sun be triggered from earth?



Maser Weapons

They talk about femtosecond bursts of energy in the terawatt range. It shouldn't be a problem for you to convert these links into usable info.

The Planetary Defense System (PDS) will provide a functional defensive capability against threat objects from space by 2025-a capability that may prevent catastrophic destruction and loss of life and even save the human race from extinction. Obviously, there is no guarantee that an asteroid or comet will pose a threat before, during, or even after this time frame, but, in any case, the global community will be prepared once the PDS is developed and deployed.

A laser deflection system based near the Earth or Moon is well suited to the deflection of small bodies (100-200 meters in diameter) which are more difficult to detect at large distances from Earth. Employment depends on the primary factors, especially the composition of the ECO [Earth-Crossing-Objects], but regardless of composition, the laser would have to either cut the ECO into smaller pieces, heat it up until it explodes from internal pressure, melt it, or deflect it by imparting impulse energy on it. The latter option appears to be the most feasible.

Popular potential mitigation subsystems addressed by current literature include, but are certainly not limited to, rocket propulsion systems; rockets with chemical, nuclear, or antimatter warheads; kinetic energy systems; high-energy lasers; microwave energy systems; mass drivers/reaction engines; solar sails; and solar collectors.

Quantum Potential Weapons

The quantum potential weapons are presently only held by three nations: Russia (in the hands of the KGB, which is now known by its new name), Brazil, and the "friendly little nation." Red China may be working on them, but is just at the beginning.

The first weapons were actually longitudinal EM wave interferometers, which I originally christened "scalar" EM weapons.

Several nations now have those, and the French government almost certainly developed that kind of weapons after the demise of the Priore project. Some physicists in the French government must have realized that plasmas - such as were being used in the Priore tube - could also transduce input transverse EM waves into longitudinal EM waves. So they started with that, and would have logically progressed to the LW interferometry.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:35 am

Drugs take people into altered states of consciousness and this can cause them to “retune” their dial to the lower fourth dimension. At this point they can see at the same level of the people around them. Looking back from a perspective of greater knowledge, he believes there is what he calls a “morphogenetic (bioplasmic) field” transmitted to the DNA of the aliens and this aligns the cell structure to the alien genetic blueprint. The more alien DNA a person carries, the easier it is for this to happen, and the ones with the most alien DNA are the hybrid bloodlines of the Anunnaki designed specifically to occupy the positions of power.

Costello also revealed some of the genetic work carried out Duke. He said that their scientists can separate the “bioplasmic body” from the physical body and place an “alien entity” (consciousness) within a human body after removing the “soul.” – Children of the Matrix – David Icke
Some people don’t believe that “shapeshifting” is possible. I suggest that it is nothing more than one being’s ability to manipulate his bioplasmic field through vibration to match the frequencies of his surroundings. Bioluminescence would be an example.

Some of the “ancient gods” were reported to be amphibious creatures – half human/half fish. Chameleons are amphibians who use camouflage as a defensive mechanism -- they create a "holographic projection" that matches their surroundings. It would seem to me that a human/alien hybrid would be able to shapeshift from one form to another -- move from one dimension to another and manifest a biofield (holographic project) that best matches the vibrations (of the DNA) of that particular "dimension."

(An abductee referred to "white powder gold" as "Anunnaki cocaine")

Chameleons have specialized cells, collectively called chromatophores that lie in layers under their transparent outer skin. The cells in the upper layer, called xanthophores and erythrophores, contain yellow and red pigments respectively. Below these is another layer of cells called iridophores or guanophores, and they contain the colorless crystalline substance guanine. These reflect, among others, the blue part of incident light. If the upper layer of itchromatophores appears mainly yellow, the reflected light becomes green (blue plus yellow). A layer of dark melanin contained in melanophores is situated even deeper under the reflective iridophores. The melanophores influence the 'lightness' of the reflected light. These specialized cells are full of pigment granules, which are located in their cytoplasm. Dispersion of the pigment granules in the cell grants the intensity of appropriate color. If the pigment is equally distributed in the cell, the whole cell has the intensive color, which depends on the type of chromatophore cell. If the pigment is located only in the center of the cell, cell appears to be transparent. All these pigment cells can rapidly relocate their pigments, thereby influencing the color of the chameleon.
Dr. Jenny observed three fundamental principles at work in the vibratory field on the plate. He wrote, "Since the various aspects of these phenomena are due to vibration, we are confronted with a spectrum which reveals a patterned, figurative formation at one pole and kinetic-dynamic processes at the other, the whole being generated and sustained by its essential periodicity."

What Dr. Jenny is saying is that one can hear the sound as a wave; he calls this the pole of kinetic-dynamic process. One can see the pattern the sound creates in the plate; he calls this the pole of "patterned-figurative formation". And if Dr. Jenny were to touch the plate and feel its vibration, he would call this the generating pole of "essential periodicity".
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... t=0#p32595
I love cuttlefish. This is a giant Australian cuttlefish. His droopy little eyes appear. But they can do pretty amazing things. Here we’re going to see one backing into a crevice and watch his, watch his tentacles. He just pulls him in. It makes him look just like algae. He just disappears right into the background. Look at the patterns they can do with their skin.

There are a number of natural and human-made processes that create light. Chemiluminescence is a broader set of light producing chemical reactions of which bioluminescence is just one. Certain types of chemicals when mixed together produce energy. This energy ‘excites’ other particles which vibrate and generate light.
Radionics – manipulating the bioplasma body
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =45#p32838

Homeopathy and Biophotonics
http://hpathy.com/homeopathy-scientific ... otonics-i/
From the biophotonics perspective, we have already postulated that such a “universal energy” could represent the synergy of the universal bioluminescent / bioplasmatic field emitted by the “living substance” present everywhere in the world

Classical research by A.G. Gurvich, and by Denis Gabor, G. Protti, A.J. Ferguson and Otto Rahn, Harold Burr, Colli, Facchini and Rossi, T.I. Quickenden, has proved the presence of a “mito-genetic low radiation”. This is an “ultra-weak luminescence”(bio-field) generated at the level of all living cells, a bioluminescence included in the spectrum of visible and ultraviolet radiation able to generate a specific order of cells’

The piezoelectric mechanism of transforming electromagnetic oscillations to mechanical vibrations and vice versa, at the level of biological systems (such as DNA, RNA, ATP, phospholipids of the cellular membranes, etc.), is sustained by the contributions of actual science [Coetzee, 2003: 2-3]. The ultra-thin crystals, such as the magnetite crystals present in the human brain especially and / or in the extra-cellular fluids, or the membranous liquid crystals, become piezoelectric oscillators, sensible to different light (electromagnetic) commands. Briefly, the (cerebral) mechanism is the following:

a) The energetic-informational stimuli belonging to the exterior / interior (bio)fields determine – at the brain’s level first – the ions release, that induce currents to the surrounding coiled dendrites.

b) The micro-amperage magnetic field that results as a consequence stimulates the different types of crystals, by producing a circular, polarized and coherent “light pulse”. This pulse – the bioluminescent “Vital Force”, specifically – travels throughout the whole body, by changing the orientation of every molecule and atom within the body, and by restructuring the forms of the cells, of the organs, etc.

We could conclude that the piezoelectric mechanism – always involved in the homeopathic mechanism – accomplishes the interface between the energetic-informational fields and the substantial substratum of the human body.

Based on the piezoelectric phenomenon of the (liquid) crystals present everywhere inside the human body, many other unconventional therapeutic practices – magneto-therapy or electro-acupuncture, polarized light or laser emission, chromo-therapy, electro-crystalline therapy or sound-therapy – can be explained. These therapeutic practices – including homeopathy – in turn empirically demonstrate the interference established between the bioluminescent field of the body/organ/cell tissue and the different induced type of stimuli: cosmic, telluric, biological, technological, etc.

The theory and technology of lasers (photonics), the basis of the first “holographic” effects, represents the mechanism of brain functionality (suggested by Karl Pribram) in the role of the pituitary / pineal complex as a very sensitive organ (the symbolic “third eye”) for the influence of the “(bio)light field”, etc. (figure 2c). As we have already argued [Stanciulescu, 2003b: 151-157], this is the cerebral organ most sensitive to (bio)electromagnetic field stimulation, and able to receive and to transform such stimuli into adequate subconscious commands. This process can explain many “parapsychical” phenomena, beginning with revelation and telepathy and finishing with miraculous vindication.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:15 pm

How do the “Illuminated Ones” control the Matrix (Dimensions)?

1) Teaching humans to believe that God or a Higher Power doesn’t exist

2) Denying the existene of hyperdimensional reality. Only the 3D realm is real; what we can’t see, feel, taste, see or hear, doesn’t exist.

3) Suppressing the existence of hyperdimenisional technology; this would also refer to the “ancient wisdom” passed down through the ages by the “secret societies”, or “the brotherhood of the Sons of Belial.

4) Disabling the abilities of humans to access the hyperdimensional realms through the use of their innate psychic abilities
Only by understanding the nature of the infinite frequencies or densities of existence can we begin to see the plot. We are being controlled and manipulated on this planet from other dimensions or densities and have been for thousands of years.

They (the aliens) told her that before the development of language, humans communicated by telepathy thanks to a hormone secreted in the brain. This hormone, she was told, was, no longer operating in most people, only in particular bloodlines, including hers, and they wanted to use these abilities. The period, thousands of years ago, when this telepathic human brain function was genetically suppressed was almost certainly symbolized by the story common to most ancient cultures of the gods giving people different language to divide them and stop them communicating.

The people of these bloodlines are very psychic and able to connect easily with energy, and therefore manipulate its vibrational state or draw desired frequencies into rituals.

Costello also revealed some of the genetic work carried out at Duke. He said that their scientists can separate the “bioplasmic body” from the physical body and place an “alien entity” (consciousness) within a human body after removing the “soul” – Children of the Matrix – David Icke
Are there hyperdimensional realms we should know about?

Gnosticism, Archons/Greys, The Controller Agenda
"They sought to overpower humanity in its psychological and perceptual functions... although they saw that human thinking was superior to theirs... for indeed their delight is bitter and their beauty is depraved. And their triumph is in deception (apaton), leading astray, for their own structure is without divinity."

Would you agree that one sees a magnificent planet inhabited by a humanity that is becoming demented, even by its own definition?

This humanity is fragmenting, at war with itself, and each faction looking desperately for salvation from its particular idea of deity.

No small number of humans hopes for help from another quarter: contact with extraterrestrial beings. Surely the SETI community derives at least some of its support from this dream. It manifests strongly among many "UFO believers" as well.

It will turn out that this dream of salvation has everything to do with our opening passage.

The passage is tight with ideas:

Some group attempted to overpower humanity.
The field of attack was psychological and perceptual.
Human thinking was superior to theirs.

Something about their pleasure and beauty is off.

They succeed, but only through deception because...

...There is such a thing as "divinity."
...It is implied that we have it.
...They lack it.

These ideas form at least part of the "paradigm" for this page... which, as usual for this website, has little to do with that of conventional SETI with its focus on detection, astrobiology, habitable planets, etc.

Our opening quote is from The Apocryphon of John II, a Nag Hammadi text extensively discussed by author John Lash.

What's so breathtaking and challenging about it is that deep mind recognizes its antiquity and its possible truth and relevance to present times.

As Lash explains, this passage reflects the view of the Gnostics:

Their interpretation of the "myth of contact" is a unique expose of alien intrusion with a strong warning message for humanity. It may well turn out that the Gnostic view of intervention is indispensable to our vision of ourselves as a species.

The word "divinity" is the key in that passage. It is bound to be misunderstood, and the misunderstanding is itself a result of the intervention.

We are deviated from true human potential through delusional beliefs about Divinity.
The Technology of the Soul
Society's Common Approved Myth (The SCAM) holds that there is, hypothetically, E.T., and that technology may be the means of contacting E.T. Meanwhile, for those who subscribe to this section of The SCAM, there is "God" from whom flows the Bible and all Good Things, and as a matter of fact, everything, including, inscrutably, bad things, and E.T. too. God, also inscrutably, chooses not to communicate via radio waves, although there may be an issue over Light. And that is His prerogative, being Creator, so there's no point questioning it.

It's a pretty pickle. It's totally outside the domain of Science, but since He created science, and us, who are we to question it? Although unscientific, it just IS.

He also neglected to mention much of anything about E.T. in His Bible. You'd think he might have, if He had created any E.T. But He didn't. Is He telling us not to Go There?

Although science does not venture to discuss the existence of God, its creator, it nevertheless is acceptable to explore the relationship of E.T. and religion, which is about God, obviously, since Paul Davies does it and gets away with publishing his musings in The Atlantic Monthly. Davies notes that hypothetical E.T. coexists fairly well with God and His religions, but E.T. in the flesh, or whatever E.T. has, could pose a problem.

Therefore he spends a good part of his article on the subject of astrobiology, which after all has a bearing on the likelihood that E.T. in the flesh will someday have to be faced.

Having introduced the major entities: souls, those who manipulate them, and the technology for doing so, we need to develop these concepts much further. This is as good a place as any to refer to the groundbreaking visionary work of Kyle Griffith, found in his book War in Heaven (1988).

As a physical framework, Griffith speaks of "astral matter" that has an atomic and subatomic particle structure resembling that of physical matter, but possessing much less mass than the physical counterpart. Although the mass ratios among the various astral subatomic particles is the same as that of the physical ones, all have much less absolute mass than physical electrons.

Astral subatomic particles have gravitational properties that resemble but do not interact with the gravitation of physical particles. Likewise there is astral energy that does not interact with physical systems.

There is however one very important exception to this general lack of interaction and this actually is the basis of "the secret of life": Astral matter forms complex organic molecules just as physical matter does, and their respective chemical bonds have similar energy levels and photon frequencies associated with them. This allows for resonance and chemical bonding between physical and astral matter. It is the combined molecular system that exhibits the basic characteristics of "life", such as irritability and the ability to reproduce.

This is how astral matter and the soul, which is constructed of astral matter, become involved in the reduplication of DNA and many aspects of cell metabolism.

The bonding provides a pathway by which some of the cell's metabolic energy can be converted into astral energy that feeds the soul, powering its various functions, and providing for regeneration of its astral matter, which is then used to perform cellular growth and repairs.

Death is caused by breaking the bonds between physical and astral matter.

The soul spoken of here is a primitive analog of the physical body. It is alive, but it is not sentient. It has a nervous system but not a mind. Griffith calls this the somatic soul. The "true" soul is the astral soul.

The astral soul is a body of astral matter linked to the somatic soul's nervous system by the famous silver cord. This is structured like a segment of plant root with feeder roots at both ends, tapping into the two souls' nervous systems.

Energy flowing from the body into the somatic soul and through the silver cord to the astral soul is the astral soul's only truly efficient source of nourishment.

When the body dies, the somatic soul decomposes. The astral soul does not, but it loses its best source of energy. A new somatic soul is created during the embryological development of every new human being.

Griffith provides a complicated discussion of various methods of reincarnation, involving ways in which the astral soul connects, and interactions with the mother's astral soul. Although quite interesting, this is beyond the scope of our page.

What is important for us here is this: the astral soul (or spirit) normally receives its energy from the living physical body and must reincarnate within ten to fifty years in order to revitalize itself. If it does not accomplish this, it faces illness, insanity, and death.

However there are many drawbacks to reincarnation also: the chance of encountering hidden body flaws, poor earthly environments, birth traumas, and so forth.

Some spirits are unwilling to take these chances. They take a different, evil, and immoral path to replenishing themselves: cannibalism. They are able to use telepathic powers to "hypnotize" spirits who then allow them to attach their own silver cord to them, just as though they were the somatic soul of an infant. By this means they can draw out enough energy to sustain themselves, but the process destroys the other spirit.

In War in Heaven, the spirits that do this are termed Theocrats, probably because for long millennia the vehicle they have used to capture and destroy weaker spirits has been religion. The Theocrats obtain victims by posing as gods and persuading religious believers to come to them voluntarily after death thinking they are entering "eternal bliss in Heaven."

Readers who are wondering what this interesting discussion has to do with SETI, need only recall the opening paragraphs of this page. It is the SETI community itself that recognizes a need to confront concepts of "God" in their line of work. Indeed there is a need and we intend to help them to meet it.
A synthetic Myth – the Controllers - The War in Heaven
3D" and "4D" refer to third density and fourth density - terms relating to levels of consciousness - a usage becoming popular in some metaphysical literature.

The meaning of the density levels, for our purposes, is as follows:

3D is the level of consciousness that we have, the way we are, and the way we perceive nature, and act. We are 3D beings. Our bodies extend in time (as in the shamanic/mystical "long body") but we experience this as a sliding window of sequential views.

4D implies the ability to see that which we call "time" as a fourth geometrical dimension.

Those operating in 4D consciousness also experience a kind of time -- we might call it "4D time" -- but it is not what we call "time". This is nearly impossible for us to comprehend or visualize. Their bodies extend in "our" time, just as ours, but they experience this as a simultaneity.

4D beings can appear and operate in 3D ways when it suits their purposes.

The term "density" in this regard is probably an unfortunate misnomer. The experience of "fourth density" is a concept separate from the idea of "higher planes" or "higher bodies".

The word "time" is a shorthand notation for "3D time". We will not be speaking of "4D time" (except by implication).

STS and STO are social orientations:
STS = Service to Self
STO = Service to Others


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