On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:03 am

Mague said: Try to beat a mirror. hahaha, its futile.
(Magic) mirror on the wall, who is fairest of them all?

The Magic Mirror
http://homepage.mac.com/nephilim/imagin ... irror.html
The idea is to create a magic mirror prop that will interact with your visitors, similar to the magic mirror from the Classic Disney film Snow White (or the more recent Shrek series), but of course, you could use whatever visage you like.
Physical Cartooning - The Magic Mirror
An attempt to build a responsive screen, that reacts to the viewer's position to create the illusion of depth.

A small video camera picks up the scene, and (using Processing) attempts to find the user's position via Face Recognition. This information is then fed back to update the outputted graphics.
The Vision of Hermes
"Can souls die?" asked Hermes.

"Yes," replied the voice of Osiris, "many perish in the fatal descent. The soul is the daughter of heaven, and its journey is a test. If it loses the memory of its origin, in its unbridled love of matter, the divine spark which was in it and which might have become more brilliant than a star, returns to the ethereal region, a lifeless atom, and the soul disaggregates in the vortex of gross elements."

Hermes shuddered at these words, for a raging tempest enveloped him in a black mist. The seven spheres disappeared beneath dense vapors. In them he saw human spectres uttering strange cries, carried off and torn by phantoms of monsters and animals, amidst nameless groans and blasphemies.

"Such is the destiny," said Osiris, "of souls irremediably base and evil. Their torture finishes only with their destruction, which includes the loss of all consciousness. The vapors are now dispersing, the seven spheres reappear beneath the firmament. Look on this side. Do you see this swarm of souls trying to mount once more to the lunar regions? Some are beaten back to earth like eddies of birds beneath the might of the tempest. The rest with mighty wings reach the upper sphere, which draws them with it as it rotates.

Once they have come to this sphere, they recover their vision of divine things. This time, however, they are not content to reflect them in the dream of a powerless happiness; they become impregnated thereby with the lucidity of a grief-enlightened consciousness, the energy of a will acquired through struggle and strife. They become luminous, for they possess the divine in themselves and radiate it in their acts. Strengthen therefore thy soul, O Hermes, calm thy darkened mind by contemplating these distant flights of souls which mount the seven spheres and are scattered about therein like sheaves of sparks. Thou also canst follow them, but a strong will it needs to rise. Look how they swarm and form into divine choruses. Each places itself beneath its favorite genius. The most beautiful dwell in the solar region; the most powerful rise to Saturn. Some ascend to the Father, powers themselves.
Egyptian Afterlife Ceremonies, Sarcophagi, Burial Masks
The heart was removed to be weighed against a feather representing Ma'at to determine moral righteousness. The brain was sucked out of the cranial cavity and thrown away because the Egyptian's thought it was useless. Personal belongings were usually placed in the tomb to make the Ka more at home and to assist the dead in their journey into the afterlife.

Text was read from the 'Book of the Dead' and the ritual of "opening the mouth" was performed before the tomb was sealed.

The Book of the Dead is the common name for ancient Egyptian funerary texts known as The Book of Coming [or Going] Forth By Day. The name "Book of the Dead" was the invention of the German Egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius, who published a selection of some texts in 1842.

The "book" was nothing like a modern book - the text was initially carved on the exterior of the deceased person's sarcophagus, but was later written on papyrus now known as scrolls and buried inside the sarcophagus with the deceased, presumably so that it would be both portable and close at hand. Other texts often accompanied the primary texts including the hypocephalus (meaning 'under the head') which was a primer version of the full text.

The Book of the Dead constituted as a collection of spells, charms, passwords, numbers and magical formulas for the use of the deceased in the afterlife. This described many of the basic tenets of Egyptian mythology. They were intended to guide the dead through the various trials that they would encounter before reaching the underworld. Knowledge of the appropriate spells was considered essential to achieving happiness after death. Spells or enchantments vary in distinctive ways between the texts of differing "mummies" or sarcophagi, depending on the prominence and other class factors of the deceased.

The Book of the Dead was usually illustrated with pictures showing the tests to which the deceased would be subjected. The most important was the weighing of the heart of the dead person against Ma'at, or Truth (carried out by Anubis). The heart of the dead was weighed against a feather if the heart weighted less he was allowed to go on.

The god Thoth would record the results and the monster Ammut would wait nearby to eat the heart should it prove unworthy.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:05 am

Nibiru, the Solution
I remain absolutely convinced that the Dark Star exists, and that it is a binary 'star' orbiting the Sun that approaches the planetary zone of the Sun every several thousand years. But I now believe that this Dark Star is not itself Nibiru. It is simply Nibiru's own parent 'star'.

The solution I am proposing on this page brings me back towards Zecharia Sitchin's own previous work. I still add the Dark Star system to his paradigm, and I still require life to exist on a planet/moon closely orbiting that brown dwarf which I have written so much about. But neither the Dark Star nor the Homeworld are ever seen from Earth.

Their closest approach is way beyond Pluto, through the so-called Kuiper Gap, in the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune. The planet that is seen is Nibiru; the outermost planet of the Dark Star system. And apart from it being unable to maintain life, Nibiru is essentially how Sitchin describes it; a reddish terrestrial planet that brightens with a cometary aura when moving amongst our Sun's family of familiar planets.

However, Nibiru is also inextricably linked to the Dark Star and, furthermore, does not appear to orbit the sun when viewed from Earth!

There are seven planets in the binary Dark Star system according to the myth. I suggest that one of the inner planets is a habitable world similar to Earth. It is warmed by its proximity to the brown dwarf, and is bathed in its very dim, reddish light. The planets orbit the dark star in a pro-grade movement, in keeping with the initial formation of the binary star system 4.6 billion years ago. They also orbit the Dark Star in much less time than it takes for it to transit perihelion around the Sun. Even the outermost planet shown, which is seen cutting through our outer planetary solar system, is moving faster than the Dark Star. The result is that, although the Dark Star and its outermost planet are actually moving pro-grade, from the point of view of an observer on Earth the outermost planet is seen to move retrograde across the sky.

That outermost planet is Nibiru. It is seen from Earth as a planetary comet. I think it unlikely that it comes as close to us as the inner solar system; it would be perturbed by the Sun's gravity. But it would be visible even beyond Jupiter; it would act as a massive comet even at a tremendous distance from the Sun.

Its perihelion distance will vary over different passages as its own orbit around the Dark Star coincides with the perihelion passage of the system as a. On occasion there will be an exact juxtaposition between its own perihelion and that of the Dark Star, along a line of sight from the Sun.

Other times it will be on the other side of the Dark Star during the binary perihelion. So the timing of Nibiru will necessarily vary, as will its sky position and relative brilliance. Perhaps this is why there are so many unknowns about the transitory appearance of this body.

Another important detail is the fact that Nibiru is not seen to swing around the Sun. It seems to come towards the Sun and then quickly recedes without traversing a large portion of the sky.

Even though the Dark Star may take literally hundreds of years to traverse perihelion, the time that Nibiru is observable from Earth is likely to be short; perhaps a matter of weeks or months. I suppose it's possible that there may even be more than one visible transit during a total binary perihelion. Either way, this scenario opens up a number of new possibilities.

The idea that one of the Dark Star's planets is our 'Planet X' has been suggested to me by a couple of people before, most notably Rajasun. At the time I was mildly sceptical because it seemed unlikely to me that a small brown dwarf would be able to maintain a planetary system at such a distance; I am suggesting here that Nibiru may be orbiting at about 60AU from the Dark Star (and this may vary as well if its own orbit is elliptical around the binary parent).

But a recent precedent was discovered in the form of a large planet imaged at a similar distance from a free-floating brown dwarf known to astronomers as '1207'. The Hubble image here shows the planet (in pink) near to the parent 'star' (centre). So it's not difficult to extrapolate a similar situation for our binary Dark Star, with Nibiru as the accompanying planet.

It presents us with the potential for a 3-body solution to the orbital configuration. Also, instead of one Planet X body we now essentially have 3 notables; the Dark Star and two major planets orbiting it (the other 5 appear to be minor bodies). Those two notables are Nibiru at ~60AU distance and the Homeworld much closer to the Dark Star itself. Add these bodies to the 9 known planets to the solar system brings us to 12 planets, which seems closer to the Sumerian 12th Planet scenario than Sitchin himself!


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:22 am

Did our solar system form as part of the Sirius star system? Were there four suns in the original system before it fragmented: Sirius B (the “parent star” or “black sun”), Sirius A, Sirius C and Sirius D (our sun)? If so, then our solar system could periodically interact (solar/Sirius reconvergence) with the Sirius star system. Then Sirius C (and its satellite Nibiriu?) would not be “a rogue planet” but the “missing half” of the original Sirian system.

Sirian Revelations
http://sirianrevelations.net/the-source ... ar-system/
Sirius is a triunal stellar system, which consists of three Solar Deities: Sothis, Satais and Anu (identified by your astronomers, respectively, as: Sirius A, Sirius B, and Sirius C.)

At a point in the space-time continuum, a great cosmic exchange occurred in our stellar system. At the time of this cataclysmic change in our complex stellar body, the Deity Satais (Sirius B) collapsed, passing through her own astral chords and onto higher dimensional planes. What was left behind in the world of matter was, in stellar terms, a minuscule dwarf star of super dense matter, which was eventually pulled into an elliptical orbit around the dominant sister star, Sothis (Sirius A) - as was the distant cousin, Anu (Sirius C).
The Sirius Star System
http://sirianrevelations.net/the-source ... onnection/
Sirius C (Anu) the third of the Sirian stellar family also ascended from the third dimension at the time of the Sirian shift. Although the scientific community has not confirmed the existence of Sirius C, the Dogon knew of it by the name, Enome Ya, and they described it too as revolving around Sirius A.

Of the planets that orbited Anu, one did not achieve ascension when the star which remains in the fourth dimension did not: that planet is Nebiru, the home of the Annunaki. Nebiru was flung out of Sirius, was captured by our sun, and ricocheted back to Sirius and it is to this day caught between the two star systems, on an elliptical journey that takes approximately 3,600 years to complete.
The Seat of the Goddess
The ancient Hebrew Kabbalists spoke of “The Four Seraphim”. The Seraphim are the four heavenly luminaries comprising the multiple or binary star system to which we belong. Originating with Sirius B, Dark Star or nearly invisible point of light, this tiny cosmic nucleus was called “Sifr” (ar. ‘zero’) the secret ‘cipher’ of our local universe or (gk) “Oion”. The trinitary stellar Seraphim, Stars Sirius A, Sirius C and Sirius D (our Sun) were called in Hebrew “Saphar”, “Sepher” and “Siphur”.

Revolving upon their own axis the triune Seraphim orbit, dancing round the zero point in deep space focalized by “Sifr”, Star Sirius B, the weighty center of centers.

Our invisible or Black Sun, our Central Sun was to the mystic Kabbalists “the centre of Rest; the centre to which all motion was to be ultimately referred.

Round this central sun (Sirius B) ‘the first of three systemic suns revolved on a polar plane; the second, on an equatorial plane’; and the third only was our visible sun. These four solar bodies were ‘the organs on whose action what man calls the creation, the evolution of life on the planet, earth, depends’.”
Adam’s Calendar
http://www.christian-forum.net/index.ph ... opic=25885
This far more ancient message in stone pointing to the three stars in Orion’s Belt further substantiates my observation and research that our Solar System was formerly the “Osirian Trinary Stellar System” containing the three stars Sirius B, Sirius C (our Sun) and the outer star Sirius A.

Note that Orion and Osiris are one in the same. The pyramids of the Giza Plateau are also aligned to the three stars in Orion’s Belt, and thus the three pyramids are symbolic of three stars and are simultaneously “personifications” of the deities Osiris, Isis and Horus i.e. Sirius B, Sirius A and Sirius C, respectfully.

Osiris/Sirius B was “Or” (the Hebrew word for “Light” – Genesis 1: 3, “And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.”)… and Sirius A and Sirius C were the two great “lights” created later in Genesis 1: 16, “God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night.”

1) The greater light of the day was Sirius C (our Sun) which “appeared” greater due to its closer proximity to the Earth. It joined Sirius B at the core of the system into a “twin relationship” called “GEMINI”.

Sirius C was created last by a 70% mass stellar ejection out of Sirius B that also created Sirius A, 10 new planets and Sirius C.

Sirius B, originally a B-1 class Blue Supergiant about 5 solar masses in size was struck by a cometary impact (Comet Metis: “Prudence” or “Knowledge”) and subsequently precipitated the 70% ejection that diminished the giant Sirius B star into an F-1 class star about 1.49 solar masses in size.

2) The lesser light of the night was Sirius A which “appeared” lesser due to its immense distance from the Earth, having jettisoned over 10 billion miles from out of Sirius B and establishing its orbit around the body of the system. Because it was an “outer star” to earthbound viewers it appeared only in the evening, and was known as “The Queen of Heaven” (Jeremiah 7: 18).

Note that behind the ejecta-head of this ejection event 10 new planets formed in its protracted ejecta tail. The tail of plasma and magmatic stellar mass was greatest in mass closer to the Sirius A projectile head, and lesser at its protracted tip. This is why the planets in our system were originally largest furthest away from the stellar center and the solid body smaller planets formed towards the end of the protracted tail closer to the stellar center.

During this event Earth had already existed having been formed during the creation of Sirius B when it was a Blue Supergiant. This data is the result of eyewitness on Earth whom recorded this event into the Ancient Record; hence, Genesis and the Mythocorpus ("Body of Myth").

Our Moon did not exist at this time; it was still the iron-silica core inside the massive gaseous planet, Kingu, the outermost planet, which dwarfed Jupiter, the second largest planet, and Saturn was the third largest. Kingu had a figure-8 orbit around the “BODY” of the system and around the “HEAD” of the system, being the outer star, Sirius A, the “Goddess Star”.

Hence, the decapitation myths of the goddess, i.e. the Gorgon Medusa by Perseus, Mayan Cosmic Caiman, and even the splitting asunder of the She-Dragon Tiamat by Marduk in the Babylonian Creation Epic, document the splitting of our former Osirian Trinary Stellar System when Sirius B at the end of its Red Giant helium phase exploded into a planetary nebula and catapulted our Sun (the Warrior Hero) towards Sirius A and “appeared” to severe her head from the “body”. Subsequently, our current Solar System emerged separated from the Sirius Binary, the missing half of our original system.

This “Sirian Trichotomy” of Sirius B, A and C (our Sun) formed the “Sacred Triad” in all pagan religions.
King James Bible
For those that have the tools that are needed to make mathematical models of the interactions suggested in this paper, it would be prudent to note that the present orbital calculated mass for the system of Sirius of 3.34 solar masses is contrary to uniform principles that common stars would have nearly the same densities. Sirius B is taken to be 0.99 solar masses and is considered a most uncommon star. If Sirius A had the same density as the Sun, then Sirius A at 1.76 diameters of the Sun would be about 5.5 solar masses or twice its orbital calculated mass and density. It is said by the Dogon that the system of Sirius has another companion and that this Sirius C has the same orbital period as Sirius B but a greater orbit [3]. If this is true, then the unusual nature of Sirius B should be taken into account. If Sirius B is the jovian planet of that system, then Sirius C is the saturnian planet of that system with an orbital distance about twice Sirius B. An orbital calculation of the mass for the system of Sirius with Sirius C at twice the distance but the same period as Sirius B gives a calculated orbital mass of about 5.5 solar masses for Sirius A.
Do you know something else about the Orion Constellation?
The three stars in Orion's Belt do not merely represent an alignment with the three pyramids on the Giza Plateau. All of these represent the Sirian Trichotomy (Osiris, Isis and Horus), being the three stars: Sirius A, B and C (technically or Sun, Sol), which, contrary to conventional science, were formerly unified into the Osirian Trinary Stellar System, our former system composed of these three stars and eleven planets.

The Constellation of Orion acts as a 12,000-year time clock to gauge the periodic arrival of the Sirius Binary in a great transversion, the Sirian-Solar Reconvergence, an extinction level event precipitated when the two halves penetrate through each other. This is why Plato said that the Great Pyramid was constructed to determine the arrival of Sirius, the Great Dog Star, the missing half of our Solar System. The two parts split in half due to the celestial dynamics produced by the Nebula Discontinuity Event of our original paternal star, Sirius B (Osiris/Orion), which was at the end of its Red Giant Star phase, a cool burning helium star. This event also created the Local Compression Bubble.

Hence, the Great Pyramid is Sirius B (Osiris/Orion); the mid-pyramid is Sirius A (Isis); and the smaller of the pyramids is Sirius C (Horus, our Sun). This Sirian Trichotomy is actually the “Sacred Triad” in pagan religion throughout the world, being the Great Father Begetter God (Sirius B); the Great Mother Goddess of the Gods (Sirius A); and the Great Child/Hero God (Sirius C, our Sun).

When Orion reaches the zenith of its ascent, then the Sirian-Solar Reconvergence will commence, generating a new cosmo-cataclysmic event wiping our global technoculture off the face of the Earth. Remnant post-catastrophic survivors will be catapulted into a Neobarbaric Age to begin the slow and incremental process of re-civilization all over again, until the next 12,000-year Sirian-Solar Reconvergence.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:43 am

Somehow, the planet Saturn and its symbolism became confused with that of Tiamat, which was thought to be the second sun that fell to Earth. Kings of the Earth were said to rule as Saturn, or for Saturn. The Hebrews identified Saturn with Lucifer or Satan, god of restriction, materialism, negativity, and chaos, who also fell from “heaven.”
We read from various sources that approximately 50,000 years ago a certain planetary body in our own solar system was mysteriously destroyed. This body has been called Tiamat, Phaeton, Lucifer, Marduk, Maldek, Rahab, and even Luna (not connected to the name later given to the moon). It was believed to have existed between Mars and Jupiter and was referred to as the “second sun” and may have been mistaken as such, because its atmosphere was resplendent with reflections of the actual sun...

Around the time of this event, the solar system, and later the Earth, was colonized by extra-terrestrial beings who were either attracted to this solar system by that conflagration or upon coming here caused the calamity themselves. Whether the disaster was natural or not, the result was that mankind on Earth experienced total and long lasting chaos and confusion. The surface of the planet Tiamat consisted mostly of great oceans. Upon its destruction, these vast saline waters entered into the Earth’s atmosphere causing the first of two massive prehistoric deluges and tribulations that mankind would experience. It is thought that the alien invaders took full advantage of this predicament and moved in to bring about colonization. They met no resistance from the disoriented and weakened inhabitants of the Earth who believed their visitors were powerful gods.
While he worked for a major United States corporation in the 1960s, their physicists completed their own independent studies which suggested that about 4,800 BC a huge body, which we now know as Jupiter, careered into our solar system. The outer planets were thrown into disarray and Jupiter eventually crashed into a planet which orbited between the present Jupiter and Mars. The physicists said the remains of this planet became the asteroid belt and that part of Jupiter broke away to become what we now call Venus. As Venus, then a vast chunk of matter, was projected into space, it destroyed the atmosphere and life of Mars before it was caught by the Earth’s gravitational field, the study claimed. Venus made several orbits of the Earth before its momentum hurled it into its current position in the solar system. It was those orbits, the physicists said, that brought devastation and a tidal wave about 4,800 BC.
Desborough says that Mars, then with a climate very much like ours, had a white race before the Venus cataclysm. His research has convinced him that the white Martians built the pyramids which have been recorded on Mars and they went to war with an advanced black race to conquer the Earth. These wars, he says, are the wars of the ‘gods’ described in endless ancient texts, not least the Hindu Vedas. Desborough adds that after the cataclysm, the white Martians who had settled on Earth were stranded here without their technology and with their home planet devastated. These white Martians, he says, became the white peoples of the Earth.
What “planets” are Maldek/Fenix, Nibiru, Marduk, and Tiamet and its “moon” Kingu?

Could Maldek/Fenix be Sirius C (Nibiru) and its planet “emma ya” or Kingu? Could Chiron be a "remnant" of Maldek/Fenix?

Avatar, Chriron And The Impact Of Planetary Discovery Upon Consciousness And Culture
The oft-controversial Chiron was discovered in 1977. This “asteroplanecomet” is often referred to the wounded healer of the zodiac. It has its own orbit and moves quite slowly through the various signs. Perched between Saturn and Uranus it could be part of the planet, “Fenix” often referred to as “Maldek.” It was the fifth planet from the Sun and supposedly got tangled up into a nasty war between some agro-aliens and had to be taken out for the sake of everyone. That’s one version. Out of Fenix/Maldek, Chiron was ejected. It’s the largest surviving chunk of the former planet.
If Charon is the remnant of Maldek/Fenix, then is it linked to the Constellation Ophiuchus – the 13th sign of the Zodiac?

Ophiuchus was son illegitim of Apollo with a called nymph Coronis, Asclepios, learned medicine of the Charon Centaur. Later he was the surgeon of the Argonautas, sailing with them in the ship Argus treating to give back the life to people, including the son of king Minos of Crete.
If Saturn is Tiamat, then Jupiter would be Marduk?

Why isn’t Saturn the “second sun” that fell to the Earth (Lucifer or Satan)

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 390#p37569

Adam's Calendar
The greater light of the day was Sirius C (our Sun) which “appeared” greater due to its closer proximity to the Earth. It joined Sirius B at the core of the system into a “twin relationship” of Cain and Abel”.

Sirius C was created last by a 70% mass stellar ejection out of Sirius B that also created Sirius A, 10 new planets and Sirius C.

Sirius B, originally a B-1 class Blue Supergiant about 5 solar masses in size was struck by a cometary impact and subsequently precipitated the 70% ejection that diminished the giant Sirius B star into an F-1 class star about 1.49 solar masses in size.

The lesser light of the night was Sirius A which “appeared” lesser due to its immense distance from the Earth, having jettisoned over 10 billion miles from out of Sirius B and establishing its orbit around the body of the system.

During this event Earth had already existed having been formed during the creation of Sirius B when it was a Blue Supergiant.

Our Moon did not exist at this time; it was still the iron-silica core inside the massive gaseous planet, Kingu, the outermost planet (Nibiru?), which dwarfed Jupiter, the second largest planet, and Saturn was the third largest. Kingu had a figure-8 orbit around the “body” of the system and around the “head” of the system, being the outer star, Sirius A, the “Goddess Star”.

Hence, the decapitation myths of the goddess, i.e. the Gorgon Medusa by Perseus and even the splitting asunder of the She-Dragon Tiamat by Marduk in the Babylonian Creation Epic, document the splitting of our former Osirian Trinary Stellar System when Sirius B at the end of its Red Giant helium phase exploded into a planetary nebula and catapulted our Sun (the Warrior Hero) towards Sirius A and “appeared” to severe her head from the “body”.

Subsequently, our current Solar System emerged separated from the Sirius Binary, the missing half of our original system.
Giants In The Land
http://www.christian-forum.net/index.ph ... 8752&st=24
These three stars, the Sirian Trichotomy, formed the "Sacred Triad" in pagan religions of the "Great Father Begetter God" (Sirius B, our paternal star; the "Great Mother Goddess of the Gods" (Sirius A); and the "Great Child God" (Sirius C, our Sun, Sol). These stars are the source of all the world's pagan deities and world religions outside of Judeo-Christianity.

In Hebrew mythology, the accounts of Adam, "the man that fell" has its origin in Sirius B, when he ate of the "forbidden fruit", Metis meaning "prudence" or "knowledge", and by knowledge came the fall of the former ways, the cosmo-cataclysm that ensued. Eve, the woman (Isis) born from the side of the man was none other than the birth of the star Sirius A out of the equatorial side of Sirius B.

The worldwide fratricide myths, including that of Osiris and Set, and Cain and Abel, have their origin in the death of the star Sirius B, expedited by Sirius C, our Sun, the evil companion Twin. Eventually, Sirius B had depleted its helium at the end of its Red Giant stellar phase and underwent a Nebula Discontinuity Event (planetary nebula) in which its outer photosphere ignited and blew out in 7 catastrophic shock waves, according the Babylonian Creation Epic, and its inner core "crunched" by its own gravitational weight into a White Dwarf Star.

When this occurred our Sun (Sirius C) was catapulted onto a collision course with the outer star, Sirius A. This event birthed the myth of the Dragon Slayer going to battle the Great She-Dragon, hence Perseus (Sirius C) and Medusa (Sirius A), and Marduk (Sirius C) and Tiamat (Sirius A). The other “gods” (planets) joined the “Hero” in the battle, because the shock waves perturbed all the planets out of their orbits concentrically outwardly to the region of Sirius A. This created the celestial dynamics that split the trinary in half (cutting asunder the “body” of the “Dragon”), and it was Perseus decapitating Medusa, for Sirius A was the “head” of the “body” of the trinary system. And from her spilt blood was born “Moon Pegasus”… the huge atmospheric envelop to the planet Kingu was torn away, and its solid iron-silica core was hurled towards Earth which caught it, thus becoming our Moon.

Seven planets went with our Sun, and 4 planets with Sirius, including what we call the planet Venus. The horrific reality is that both star systems are held in a deadly gravitational dance of death in which they go out to their greatest apogee, but then turn in to eventually return to the path that they were torn away from. This produces a recurrent and cyclic cosmo-cataclysm that I have identified as the “Sirian-Solar Reconvergence” in which the two systems transverse directly through each other creating an extinction level event that completely wipes away any trace of each 12,000-year periodic global technoculture here on Earth. It is this coming event that is solely responsible for producing the Great Bowl Judgments in the Book of Revelation, and all the deteriorating affects on the Earth’s ecosystem, global warming, cyclonic hyper-storms, melting of the polar ice caps, and all the great earthquakes that are to come at the end of our age. “Man will be made more scarce than gold.”
Most extraterrestrial species have deviant offshoots and the Anunnaki (from Sirius A, mentioned previously) were no exception. The name of these advanced beings, 'Anunnaki', presumably derived from their king or god Anu. The Anunnaki lineage apparently goes back to the Elohim, who in turn are a digression from the Elohei - beings from a higher-dimensional universe who very much oversee and monitor the human race's development.

Now this strain of spiritually-deficit beings eventually inhabited the planet Nirbiru. This planet has been written about by Zecharia Sitchin in his books and also channeled sources. The planet Nibiru is apparently larger than Jupiter and unexpectedly is a member of our own solar system. It could be called the twelfth planet if we accept that the planetoid Chiron is included in the tote and also the asteroids between Mars and Jupiter, which are fragments remaining after the break up of Maldek, an earlier planet of our solar system.

Nibiru used to be the outer most planet of Sirius A but is now the outer planet of our solar system. It was captured about half-a-million years ago and Nibiru now links our sun with the Sirius system.

This planet is inhabited by the Anunnaki, which will be a resistance group from Sirius A and the Elohim, mentioned above, from higher frequencies. In addition to the name Anunnaki the designation Nibiruans is also used, and occasionally the name Nephilim.

Thus every 3,600 years there is the potential for disruption of one kind or another as it enters into the vicinity of the Sun. The following disasters have been attributed to the impact of Nibiru entering our solar system: the break-up of Maldek, which now is evidenced as the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars. The surface of Mars was destroyed by the disturbance of the passing huge planet.

The civilization at that time knew some hundreds of years beforehand that they were a 'target' of this wayward planet and built cities underground. On another occasion Jupiter was either struck by Nibiru or wrenched violently by the turbulent fields, causing a large fragment to break off Jupiter which is now known as Venus. Another example of the effects of Nibiru's counter orbit within our solar system was the creation of the year for planet Earth as 365 1/4 days from its previous period of 360 days, which occurred 104,000 years ago.

There was, however, an example in which Nibiru's arrival into our system was beneficial to us. Sirius very much relates to the origins of our energy and planet - sustenance for Earth is apparently received from Sirius. Sirians appended a core crystal to Nibiru to act as carrier to bring this crystal to Earth's core - presumably at the nonphysical level - for the transference of codes required for humanity's evolution.

The original reason for the Anunnaki visits to Earth and their considerable interest was their need for a new genetic matrix. Since Earth was a by-product of the implosion of Sirius B, creating the fragments Earth, Nibiru, Sirius C and the remaining Sirius B, our planet and Nibiru are consequently related. About half-a-million Anunnaki began landing on Earth with repeated visits every 3,600 years. Around 3,500 BC they apparently founded the Sumerian civilization.
The Celestial Battle: Nibiru meets Solaris and Tiamat
http://www.enkispeaks.com/Essays/1Celes ... mat_2.html
Tiamat lacked a partner-planet, but one of her moons, Kingu, enlarged. Kingu prepared to partner with Tiamat. Then Kingu could orbit the Sun, rather than Tiamat. But, four billion years ago, before Kingu could attain planetary orbit around Solaris, the planet Nibiru invaded the Solar System clockwise and killed Kingu, which now orbits Tiamat, not the sun.

The gravitational pull of Nibiru pulled a piece of Neptune into space. That’s how Neptune’s moon, Triton, formed. Triton, unlike other moons in the System, orbits its planet clockwise.

As it pierced our Solar System, Nibiru lost three of its moons but it tore four moons from Uranus and tilted Uranus’ orbit.

Nibiru pulled Gaga, Saturn’s largest moon, into clockwise orbit (between Neptune and Uranus). We call Gaga Pluto.

On one of Nibiru’s orbital perigees around Solaris a moon of Nibiru slammed into Tiamat and gouged out huge chunks. These chunks of Tiamat careened into space. We call the gouge in Tiamat where Nibiru’s moon hit "the Pacific Basin," the chunks of Tiamat "asteroids and comets," and the remainder of Tiamat "Earth".

Nibiru's gravity took with it all Tiamat’s moons except Kingu, the moon who, just before Kingu invaded, would've orbited around Solaris. Nibiru’s invasion left the moon Kingu's dead. Dead Kingu orbited Earth not the Sun. The other moons of Tiamat now circled Nibiru, not Tiamat.

Nibiru kept its clockwise orbit equal to 3,600 orbits of Earth around the Sun until 10, 900 B.C.E., when Nibiru arrived earlier. Uranus had drifted away from Solaris and Uranus’ gravity sped Nibiru’s orbit. As a result of this close encounter between Nibiru and Uranus, Uranus captured one of Nibiru’s moons, Miranda. Miranda now revolves around Uranus rather than Nibiru. From 10,000 B.C.E. on, thanks to the boost Uranus gave Nibiru, Nibiru circled the sun every 3450 Earth years rather than every 3600 years. So Nibiru next returns to the inner solar system in 2900A.D. rather than 2012 as predicated on the earlier 3600-year orbit.
But what if Sirius C is Nibiru?
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 375#p37503

As for the "wild dog" being "leashed" in a heavenly position near The Great Bear (Big Dipper), that is undoubtedly a reference to the "fearsome" planet Nibiru being tethered or "leashed" electromagnetically to the North Pole at a ground-level visible height equal to that of The Great Bear. And it could be that the three objects that are linked mythologically to the Sirius System are not A, B and C but A, B, and Nibiru! Thus, images that point to The Cosmic Tree, like the Leashed Dog in the North Sky, are found interwoven into the mythology of Sirius.

It is my own contention that the Ancient Egyptian legend of "Osiris" and "Isis" originally referred to Red Giant Sirius B and its then smaller companion White Sirius A. The dismemberment of Osiris reflects the explosion that "dismembered" the Sirius System. "Isis", however, was always intimately connected to the remaining still visible.

The arrival sequence of the planet Nibiru, and its attempt to tether itself to the North Polar Belt by the use of an electromagnetic beam, results in a pivoting torqueing effect causing the Pyramid-Oceania Polar Pivotal Axis to tilt to New Polar Zones. However, the Great Pyramid Complex itself would still be located 30 degrees above the new Equator and 60 degrees south of the new North Pole, as it is today. The same would be true for the opposite pivotal point in Oceania. Only these two locations would have the same latitudinal position as before, 30 degrees above the Equator and 60 degrees away from their respective Poles. Every other geographic location on Earth would change, some by not very much, others greatly by comparison.
What if Nibiru is Sirius C, the interloper?

What if Tiamat is Saturn and Marduk is Jupiter?

The Late Great Planet Tiamat
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/herco ... bus_26.htm
According to the harmonic rule known as Bode’s Law, a planet should exist between Mars and Jupiter - some 260 million miles from the Sun.

Ancient Sumerian texts indicate that Tiamat was struck by a large planet, which moved it into its present orbit, and also created the Earth’s moon and the Asteroid Belt.

In his books, The Twelfth Planet and The Cosmic Code, Zecharia Sitchin outlines this "celestial battle" as described in the Babylonian text Enuma elish.

The planet "Marduk" (the Sumerian "Nibiru"), as it came into the solar system on its 3,600-year clockwise (retrograde) elliptical course, struck Tiamat, which was moving in its ordained counterclockwise orbit.

According to Sitchin’s well-known translations, one of Marduk’s satellites struck Tiamat first, followed by two more of Marduk’s moons. Then Marduk itself, an enormous cosmic entity, struck Tiamat, smashing one half of the planet into pieces, which became what the Sumerians called the Great Band.

The remaining half of the planet, which was struck by a smaller moon of Marduk, was catapulted into a new orbit, along with a chunk of material which became its moon. According to the Enuma elish, Tiamat’s original moons were dispersed, many changing the direction of their orbits and rotations.

There is indeed evidence of this great cataclysm in our solar system today.

Indeed, if the Earth was once in fifth position, its closest neighbors would have been Jupiter and Saturn.

One of the most fascinating discussions of these two spheres is contained in a 1954 book by Rodney Collin entitled The Theory of Celestial Influence.

Jupiter has twelve known moons, four of which are visible by telescope.

As Collin explains, "The relation of Jupiter to the Sun appears to follow a definite and significant ratio. The system of Jupiter, in number of satellites, their size, distance, speeds of revolution and so on, seems to present to us an exact model of the Solar System." As Collin explains, "Jupiter, like the Sun, is a complete living entity or cosmos."

Collin, who was a disciple of P.D. Ouspensky and G.I. Gurdjieff, asserts that the Jupiter system is highly developed and is almost a complete reflection in miniature of the Solar System.

He states, "The influence or radiation produced by such a system must be an extremely subtle one, incorporating a large number of different frequencies in harmonic relation."

The system of Jupiter, Collin explains, includes 15 to 20 harmonic frequencies. Jupiter’s world must produce "an extraordinary wealth of overtones which would put it in the same relation to Venus as a cello to a penny whistle."

Collin also notes that both Jupiter and Saturn support "complete systems of satellites and may even be faintly self-luminous, though this luminosity is rendered unnoticeable by the infinitely greater brilliance of the Sun."

Collin notes that Jupiter and Saturn "are evidently trying to become suns."

He also notes that, "every 390 days, Jupiter and Saturn return to a mean relation with the Earth, and make equal angles with the Earth and Sun, and their influences become balanced."

Thus we see, as Holden states above, "the pieces of this old system have not vanished."

According to Collin, it is interesting to speculate what kind of influence the motion of countless asteroids might produce on the magnetic field of the Earth.

Imagine the discordant effect of this "throng of particles of varying sizes, pursuing at different speeds hundreds of separate and highly eccentric orbits."

Collin points out the physical relationship between the asteroidal mass and individual planets. He wonders, might this relation represent the independence or insurrection of component units against the whole?

As Collin notes, "pathological conditions are caused by the independent action or inertia of separate organs or cells of the body; while rebellions and revolutions represent such a condition in the body politic."

Collin also calls attention to the strange affinity between the asteroids and the idea of "corruption."

He notes the connection between asteroids, as a throng of particles, and ancient "legends of crime" on an angelic or planetary level. The rebellion of Satan, the fall of Lucifer, are stories told in the context of the planetary demiurges, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

As Collin notes, the asteroids are never mentioned by name, but in every case we are told of a ’fallen angel,’ such as in, "How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, star of the morning?" (Isaiah xiv)

As Collin concludes, "At a remote time period in the history of the solar system, some tremendous cosmic tension may have been set up which represented ’night’ for the Earth, producing the cataclysm which engulfed Atlantis and made an almost complete break in human history... The legend of the Fall of Lucifer and the war of the other planets against him... finds itself transcribed into astronomical language."

Might ancient legends be describing as fallen angels the falling debris of a great cataclysm as an insurrection in the solar system’s body politic? In the Book of Revelations, visions are assigned to each of seven planetary angels.

In the place of the fifth angel, we are told that a star was seen to fall from heaven, "into the bottomless pit, from which arose clouds of smoke which darkened the sun."

The angel of this bottomless pit was Apollyon, who was later to be called Satan. We must realize that the asteroids now fill the fifth place in the planetary sequence. The fifth planet is "missing."

A further vision describes, "a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars."

Collin describes this vision as, "a personification of the descending scale of worlds from the twelve zodiacal signs of the Milky Way through the Sun down to the moon."
The woman, he explains, is about to give birth "to a new satellite."

"Satan waits to devour the infant and there is a war in heaven between Satan and his demons and Michael and his angels (Sun and major planets). The great Dragon is cast out (of the world) and cast into the Earth with his angels. Lucifer is the spirit of multiplicity, chaos and disorder among a mass of disorganized individuals."

Planet X Theory is beginning to fill in the details of this ancient myth of a War in the Universe.

The great Dragon could be Nibiru (Sol B), the Sun’s dark twin, which was cast into (collided with) the Earth, and which indeed "devoured the infant" (taking a big bite out of its side) and was cast out of the world for the time being.
Saturn Cosmology
"The Saturn Myth" held that, in the early history of Mesopotamia and Egypt, Saturn had loomed very large over the north pole of the Earth, with Mars and Venus (actually, from my determination, this was Mercury) in between and all four connected by a stream of particles of dust or water -- the axis mundi.

The Sun (our current Sun) was but a minor character in all this. One role it played was to light up the edge of Saturn. From the Earth, below the south pole of Saturn, a crescent could be seen rotating on a daily basis around the edge of the immense globe, which was suspended above the north horizon as the Earth turned.

This became the Egyptian tale of Osiris (Saturn) who was killed and dismembered by his evil brother Seth (Jupiter), his body parts strewn along the Nile river (more likely the zodiac, at that time already cluttered with dust) and resurrected as Horus (Mars). Isis

(Venus) is the sister of Osiris, who collected his body parts for burial and was instrumental in his resurrection as Horus.

Having studied the works of plasma theorists, which hold that the nature of the sun is not nuclear but electrical and that virtually all phenomenon in the Universe are exhibitions of plasma discharges, Thornhill was able to bring a completely different approach to the mechanics of the Saturnian Polar Configuration. He maintained that the connecting stream between the planets wasn't water or dust -- it was a plasma stream from Saturn at glow or arc level.

Plasma streams take three forms. The 'dark mode' represents the least current density, and is invisible. In 'glow mode' the flow is visible because the increased energy of the electrons makes them radiate light. In 'arc mode' the ionized media is so energized that it radiates not only visible light but also in ultra violet and x-rays. Although arc mode represents the highest current flow, the discharge in arc mode still takes time because plasma streams are self-limiting even at large current levels.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:18 pm

Ritual Magic, Mind Control and the UFO Phenomenon
http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/UFOs/U ... _Magic.htm
Of note in this regard is Robert Temple's The Sirius Mystery, published in 1977, which documents the history of the Dogon tribe in Africa, and their fabled meetings with the Nommo, a race of three-eyed, crab-clawed beings from Sirius. It was these intergalactic emissaries — as Dogon legends record — that passed onto the tribe as far back as 3200 B.C. various astronomical data, among which that Sirius has a companion star invisible to the naked eye. These legends far predate the advent of telescopes, and were later confirmed by astronomers. This "companion" star — Sirius B — wasn't even photographed until 1970. In addition to this knowledge regarding Sirius B, such as the fact that Jupiter has four moons; Saturn has a ring around it; and that the planets in our solar system orbit around the sun. All of these facts, of course, were later confirmed by science.

In the Sirius Mystery, Temple traces contact with the Nommos all the way back to Sumeria circa 4500 B.C. At that time, he says, these three-eyed-crab-clawed creatures appeared in their mighty space ships from the stars, bestowing unto humankind vast secrets; revealing mysteries and esoteric knowledge passed on to initiates in various secret societies in Egypt, the Near East, and Greece. These initial contacts Temple contends, planted the seeds for the various mystery religions, whose offshoots include the likes of Giordano Bruno, Dr. John Dee, and the overall foundation which laid the stones for Freemasonry, and other secret schools of esoteric knowledge such as the Knights Templar and the Rosicrucians. In fact, Freemasons believe that civilization on Earth was initially formed by initiates from the Sirius star system, whom they equate with the Egyptian Trinity of Isis, Osiris, and Horus. In these legends, Osiris has been portrayed as a precursor to Christ, who was first crucified then later resurrected, forming the basis of an Egyptian priesthood that worships Sun gods.

The adepts of these mystery religions have always referred to themselves — in one form or another — as the Illuminati; those who have been "illuminated" by their worship of the various Sun gods/Moon goddesses.

In his treatise, Temple further notes that the entire Egyptian calendar revolved around the movements of Sirius, and that the calendar year began with the "dog days" when Sirius started to rise behind the Sun. According to Phillip Vandenburg in The Curse of the Pharaoh: "An archaeologist named Duncan MacNaughton discovered in 1932 that the long dark tunnels in the Great Pyramid of Cheops function as telescopes, making the stars visible even in the daytime. The Great Pyramid is oriented, according to MacNaughton, to give a view, from the King's Chamber, of the area of the southern sky in which Sirius moves throughout the year."

The brightest star in the heavens, Sirius is used for navigational purposes because it usually remains fixed in the sky. Comparatively speaking, it's approximately 35 times brighter than our own sun, and is regarded in occult circles as "the hidden god of the cosmos." The famous emblem of the all-seeing eye — seen hovering above the unfinished pyramid — is a depiction of the Eye of Sirius, and is a common motif found throughout Masonic lore. It is no secret that many of our nation's founding fathers were Freemasons, which explains the odd appearance of the Eye of Sirius on the dollar bill; a symbol seen everyday by millions of people across the globe, imprinting it's image forever in our psyches. The imprinting of such imagery has been called into question in recent times by a whole host of conspiracy theorists, who — in their New World Order scenarios — connect such fraternal orders as the Knights of Malta, Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism with the "insidious" symbol of Sirius, the eye in the triangle. At the top of this pyramid — the conspiracy theorists suggest — is the dreaded illuminati, tying all of these fraternal orders and secret societies together in a far flung plot intended to bring mankind to its knees under a futuristic Orwellian nightmare; a totalitarian society masquerading as a libertarian democracy, which uses Masonic imagery to program the masses.

As if this entire story wasn't already jumbled enough, the dawning of the 20th century ushered in a new generation of contacts paying homage to the "Dog Star", expounding ever further upon the legend of the hovering eye upon the pyramid. Right around the turn of the century, a gentleman named Lucien-Francois Jean-Maine formed an order in Haiti called the Cult of the Black Snake that used rituals borrowed from Crowley's O.T.O. in combination with certain voodoo practices. In 1922, these rituals reportedly summoned forth a disembodied being named Lam, the very same entity that Aleister Crowley made contact with a few years earlier. In fact, Kenneth Grant has stated that Crowley "unequivocally identifies his Holy Guardian Angel with Sothis (Sirius), or Set-Isis."
Dagon - Nommo from Sirius
The Dogon don't say their knowledge was due to better instruments but due to events in the distant past. They say a new star appeared in the sky that could change its size. A fiery, roaring, ship then came down which manufactured a pond for the occupants of the ship to use. These creatures could speak the local language and were friendly. They were called "Nommo" meaning "the monitors" and their home planet was in the Sirius system orbiting Emme Ya. The Nommo stayed on Earth for some time teaching.

The Dogon call Saturn the "star of limiting the place" and say that when the Nommo left they became the "star of the 10th moon" - Phoebe is the 10th moon of Saturn and although little is known about it, what is known about it is quite odd. It is about 200 Km in diameter and has an orbit that is unlike the other moons of Saturn. It is much further out, goes round the other way and at a much different angle. It is black as soot and appears to be made of rock - but if it was made of rock it would be about 5 times heavier than it actually is. It is also much more spherical than you would expect for an object with almost no gravity. The only picture I can find of Phoebe shows a round object that looks like a pollen grain under a microscope.
It seems to verify the Noah's Ark thesis of this web site. Further, tends to support Temple's (The Sirius Mystery) hypothesis that Phoebe is a hollow object, possibly a space-ship or ark of the Nommos. Temple reports that it is a Dogon legend that seems to suggest the "Star of the Tenth Moon" is Phoebe, the tenth satellite of Saturn. This space-ship may have been parked in Earth orbit during the Nommos visit to Earth thousands of years ago.

Except for Phoebe, the satellites of Saturn orbit close to it and in nearly posigrade circular orbits. Most (except for Iapetus and Phoebe) are found at orbital inclinations close to Saturn's spin plane. Seven are tiny (a few tens of kilometers in size) and are probably captured asteroids or residue from a "detonated" tiny satellite that produced Saturn's rings. Phoebe is almost four times as distant as Iapetus, Saturn's most remote major satellite, and in an elliptical retrograde orbit. Phoebe's orbital plane is close to the ecliptic (the plane in which Earth and most other planets orbit the Sun), rather than in Saturn’s equatorial spin plane as are most of Saturn's other satellites. If Phoebe were moved from Earth orbit to an orbit about Saturn, it is reasonable to expect that it would be inserted in a more distant orbit than any of the other major satellites and in an elliptical orbit contained in the ecliptic plane because Earth is likewise located in the ecliptic plane. The reason for its retrograde motion is not clearly understood, but it stands out from the posigrade motion of Saturn's other satellites.
Satellites of Saturn
The inner satellites of Saturn have names associated with classical Greek mythology. Un-named satellites are in blue. Titan is one of the largest satellites in the Solar System. It is larger than the planet Mercury and is large enough to have a substantial atmosphere.
Richard C. Hoagland has another finding about Iapetus (Saturn's Moon)! Aliens might have made it!
According to a new article by Richard C. Hoagland, the man that brought up 'startling' evidence that there Pyramids on Mars, and a face on Mars, as well as signs that intelligent life terraformed Titan, he discovered that there is something strange about Iapetus! With his greatness on drawing lines on pictures, he discovered that Iapetus appears to be...a spaceship!
Nowhere is objectivity in modern science so clearly challenged as in the case of the wildly eccentric moon of Saturn, the one named after the Greek Titan, Iapetus. It is one thing to have the kind of variations in geologic characteristics as are exhibited by the Galilean satellites of Jupiter; it is quite another to have a sufficient number of totally unique features so as to require some extraordinary and highly creative explanations. In terms of anomalies Iapetus is loaded!
Moon with a View
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/luna/ ... etus01.htm
Moon with a View: Or, What Did Arthur Know… and When Did He Know it?

… the ship had long since passed the boundary set by outermost Phoebe, moving backward in a wildly eccentric orbit eight million miles from its primary. Ahead of it now lay Iapetus, Hyperion, Titan, Rhea, Dione, Tethys, Enceladus, Mimas, Janus – and the rings themselves. All the satellites showed a maze of surface detail … Titan alone – three thousand miles in diameter, and as large as Mercury – would occupy … months…

There was more; already he was certain that Iapetus was his goal.

… One hemisphere of the satellite, which, like its companions, turned the same face always toward Saturn, was extremely dark, and showed very little surface detail. In complete contrast, the other was dominated by a brilliant white oval, about four hundred miles long and two hundred wide. At the moment, only part of this striking formation was in daylight, but the reason for Iapetus’s extraordinary variations in brilliance was now quite obvious.
….Those words -- written over forty years ago by my long-time friend, Arthur C. Clarke -- describe the voyage of a lone, surviving astronaut – David Bowman – to the ringed wonder of the solar system, the planet Saturn, aboard a 21st Century spacecraft named “Discovery.”

What Bowman discovers in the Saturn system – on an enigmatic moon called “Iapetus” -- will forever change the Destiny of Humans ….


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Jul 05, 2010 3:22 pm

Ancient Egyptian Astrology
Robert Temple wrote a book called The Sirius Mystery - which deals with Earth's connection to the Sirius star system.

Our solar system is born in from the womb of Isis. Sirius B, which is Isis , is made of iron (radio astronomy has shown). The iron of Sirius B, is the same as the iron in our blood and the iron of Earth and of our solar system. Sirius is our blood. We resonate to her. She is older than our solar system, which is a combination of interstellar debris, including the gas clouds, our sperm of Osiris/Orion.

Sirius has a unique relationship to us. The difference between the mass of our sun and the mass of Sirius is a harmonic and universal miracle. Sirius B has a ratio mass difference to our sun of 1.053. This becomes significant when we look at the Giza plateau. When comparing the mean base side of the Cheops Great Pyramid to the Mean base side of the Khephren pyramid, the larger Cheops measurement is 1.067 that of the Khephren's.

When this is then compared to the equation of Sirius B and our sun, the Great Pyramid being Sirius, and the Khephren pyramid our sun, as the Egyptian Book Of The Dead indicates (in fact the hieroglyph for Sirius is the Hieroglyph of the pyramid) they share a difference 0,01, which is very precise, scientifically. However, there is an extra digit 0.014, that doesn't sound so perfect anymore).

But this turns out to be an essential key in harmonic theory, the phenomenon of resonance itself. For 0.014 is actually the Pythagorean comma. The Pythagoreans were those 'mystic' mathematicians, who loved mathematics as the mystery of the ages. But what is the Pythagorean comma?

It is the difference between the mathematics of the octave and the 5th. 0.0136 is that precise discrepancy between the mathematics of the fifth and the octave, and it is rounded off as 0.014, and as Sir Arthur Eddington relate, “The 136° of freedom of the electron. theory is 0,.036. And furthermore 136 + 1 equals the Fine structure Constant of physics, the universal natural constant: Fractal harmonics in the resonance of the Sun Sirius Pyramids equation, or interstellar neuron holography.

This is also evidenced, historically as having been implicated in the ancient "Mystery Schools" within the Archaic Esoteric Arkana of the Arcane Wisdom, as a precise wisdom, or the Isis Mysteries, and her mathematics. The astronomer and mathematician Macrobius, at the end of the fourth century mentioned the sacred fraction 256/243 which is 0.053 (Sirius B mass to Sun), and describes its use in harmonic theory by peoples which already to him were "ancients".

This harmony of the Sphere is accurate within 3 decimals of each other, and it is also the difference between perfect mathematics (the ones that work theoretically) and the actual mathematics of the universe, 0,014. What that means is that Sirius is no coincidence. It is really resonating to our sun. It is connected to our sun like a neuron, because they have this major mathematical relation in size to each other, harmonic resonance, that is likened to holography, a kind of Virtual Neuron Internal Net, as we may call it, or as Astronomer Royal, Robert Temple, has dubbed it: "The Anubis Cell".

Since such a long distance resonance is now demonstrated to occur between Sirius B and our sun 8.7 light years from each other, these are two solar systems whom are inhabiting the same cell of space, which enacts the "Complexity theorem" which has "instantaneous communication" occurs in such cells as a form of ordered self regulation

So Sirius is Sirius business in terms of resonance. No wonder the Egyptians placed so much significance on it. It is the iron in the blood, it is the Earth's iron; it is in the same holographic virtual neuron of order. Do you imagine that the alignment of our solar system at 90° to the galactic plane is not noticed in the resonance of Time and Space of Sirius. This is a cross to a cross.

Furthermore, Sirius C, has now been detected, as relate by astronomers Daniel Benese and J.L. Duvent in Astronomy and Astrophysics magazine in 1995. When Sirius C is mapped by the pyramid capstone, and its mass is 0.005 of our sun, the capstone was 0.00643 of the Great pyramid; hence 0.001° of accuracy.

August the 13th is also the day when Quetzalcoatl was born, ruling the serpent of illumination, the fusion of bird with serpent, Horus with Set's Sata snake, Gurudas with Nagas. It is also the higher Venus cycles, the top of the pentagrams cycle of the order of Venus in our skies during one year. So August the 13th has a Venus-Sirius connection.

The cycle of Sirius B is exactly 49 years cycle, alternating to 50 years. That is the Jubilee, so there is a Sirius/Isis Jubilee now.

The alignment of the Holy Cross happens every 12,901 years. The whole zodiac, from Aquarius to Aquarius, Ptah to Ptah (the Water Bearer and Phoenix) - it just happens two times. Only at one time it happens in between the Zodiacal Alpha and Omega.

For the Egyptians Aquarius was the water bearer Ptah, the first man. So we are coming in the age of the first man, NeferAtum, again, the water bearer. The interesting thing is that it is always before the water bearer that we have this alignment of the Holy Cross. The age of Leo (the Sphinx) had that alignment, about 12,901 years ago.

The Egyptians, like the Greeks and Vedic astrologers, had Aquarius apart from being Ptah (the water bearer), also as the Phoenix. And the Phoenix has the same hieroglyph as the Pyramid, and Sirius. In that sense we could say that this cross is doubled up as a double cross, in that we are entering the age of the Phoenix, which is Sirius, by a 90° cross.

When you have a solar system, it is like an enormous gyroscope of inertia. That is an enormous rotation that affects everything. First there is the galaxy; now imagine a gyroscope galactic wide, making a cross to one that is solar system wide. A 90 degree angle is an ortho plane, that is a way that information exchange and translation, and compression of one holographic continuum into another, galaxy into solar system, into Earth, and solar system into galaxy.
In ancient Egyptian mythology and in myths derived from it, the Phoenix is a female mythical sacred firebird with beautiful gold and red plumage. Said to live for 500 or 1461 years (depending on the source), at the end of its life-cycle the phoenix builds itself a nest of cinnamon twigs that it then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix arises. The new phoenix embalms the ashes of the old phoenix in an egg made of myrrh and deposits it in Heliopolis ("the city of the sun" in Greek), located in Egypt. The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible - a symbol of fire and divinity.

The Mountain Astrologer
http://www.mountainastrologer.com/stand ... ers/8.html
Jupiter spends one year in each sign, taking 12 years to travel around the zodiac. Therefore, every 12 years in life we experience a Jupiter return, or the return of the planet in the sky now to the position it held at birth. The Jupiter cycle lasts 12 years, so we all experience the returns at approximately 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, and 84 years of age.

The infamous Saturn return occurs for all of us for the first time at approximately 28 years of age, showing us that Saturn travels around the zodiac every 28 to 30 years. Since Saturn is related to the passage of time, gradual development, and the structures of reality, at key points in the Saturn cycle we may be helped, perhaps to bring something tangible into manifestation, or to face our fears deeply and realize them as allies on our journey.
The Trigon
The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn occurs every 20 years and forms, with 3 conjunctions, a great triangle in the zodiacal sky every 60 years. This great triangle of 60 years has been termed the Grand Trigon,at least since the Medieval era. The conjunction of these two "outer" planets implies an alignment with the Earth; and therefore, three planets are involved. Since they remain aligned for a year, more or less, they eventually conjunct the Sun within that year. It is for this reason, a triangle of planets conjuncting the Sun to form an alignment of four globes or a "tetrahedron" in a fourth dimensional sense, that they may be considered a reflection of the Divine Tetraktys (SD1.98-99).

The points of the Grand Trigon progress through the zodiac to spend around 250 years in one element after another, completing the cycle in around 1000 years. This 250 year period is the approximate time it takes for one arm of a pentagram formed by the Venus Heliocosm, or conjunction of Earth-Venus-Sun, to be replaced by the next arm of the pentagram, at the same constellational degree.
The Sirius Mystery
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/unive ... ndix03.htm
The Sigui ceremony of the Dogon is celebrated every sixty years. What precedents for such a period of time, given religious importance, are to be found in the ancient world?

The Egyptians had such a period associated with Osiris. We also find the sixty-year period reduplicated by them in a manner familiar from the reduplications of the fifty-year period of Sirius B, and also in the Dogon custom of speaking of 'uniting two Sigui':

My own predilection, when considering the period of sixty years, is to think in terms of a synchronization of the orbital periods of the two planets Jupiter and Saturn, for these come together in nearly sixty years. The orbital period of Jupiter is approximately twelve years and that of Saturn approximately thirty years. Five times twelve is sixty and two times thirty is also sixty.

Sixty years is the great period which brings into synchronization the movements of the two great outer planets which can be seen by the eye. I have no doubt that this sixty-year period has been of considerable importance in ancient times, and the sharp-eyed Egyptians would have been well aware of it.

The Significance of the Phoenix
Various tales abound concerning the mythical firebird, the Phoenix. From east to west, and north to south, many have caught a glimpse of its unrivalled beauty, but few have heard its undying song. Its colour is crimson (Mars) and gold (Sun) with a plume of purple (Pluto). The flames of its funeral pyre are fuelled by frankincense (Love) and myrrh (Law). Eternal symbol of Physical Immortality, the Phoenix makes its nest in the top of the Everlasting Tree of Life.

The Phoenix is the higher frequency symbol for Aquarius, the Bearer of the Cup containing the Waters of Life. The Phoenix of Aquarius represents the collective or planetary gaining of Everlasting Life. Those who have the Seal of the Phoenix upon them are the torchbearers of Immortality.
In Taurus, the better-known group of 'maidens' is the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters, a small but very noticeable cluster of stars on the bull's shoulder. They were called the 'sailing stars," for early Greek seamen would set sail only when they were visible. On a clear night a person can resolve six individual stars, and thousands of years ago, it was likely that seven were visible.

The Maya say the solar system rotates around Alcyone in a 26,000 period. The end of this period is Dec 23, 2012 and is supposed to be the birth of Venus.

Various events are prophesied by various cultures' use of time cycles. The Phoenix cycle happens every 500 years and is based on the Christian calendar. The Aztecs and Mayans have their own cycle, based on the rebirth of Venus, which ends on Dec 23, 2012.

Another Mayan 26,000 year cycle is based on the Pleiades star cluster and is called the Great year. On Dec 23, 2012, a Great year and a Sun year (104,000 year cycle) ends.

The Pleiades is a name given to a cluster of stars in the shoulder area of the constellation of Taurus, the Bull. Six of the many hundreds of stars in this cluster are easily seen with the naked eye. A seventh star, that is invisible or hidden, is often included when reference is made to the stars of the Pleiades. These stars have been recognized and celebrated in nearly every culture that has lived on the Earth.

During November the stars of the Pleiades can be seen in the sky for nearly the entire duration of the darkness of night. During this time of the year the stars of the Pleiades rise as the Sun sets, reach their highest place in the sky at midnight and then set at sunrise.

Another Pleiadian cycle involves the planet Venus. Every eight years for a few hours after sunset during April Venus can be seen very close to the stars of the Pleiades. Viewed from Earth, Venus returns to the same area of the sky every eight years. As Venus returns every eight years, it gets closer and closer to the Pleiades. In 1972, Venus reached a position within 1° of the star Alcyone. It approached even closer in 1980 and closer still in 1988. Venus' return will again be even closer to the Pleiades in 2004. When Venus returns in 2012, it will be nearer to the central star Alcyone than some of the other stars in the Pleiades including the one called Maia.
The Phoenix Cycle
http://www.zoence.co.uk/festivals/phoen ... le_win.htm
The phoenix life-span of over 1,000 years refers to half an Age (i.e. 1,080 years), or one twenty-fourth of a Great Age. Put in other words, there are two incarnations or appearances of the phoenix in every Age, and twenty-four in a Great Age. The alternative phoenix life-span of 500-600 years refers to one half of this time-period (i.e. 540 years), which is one-quarter of an Age. This gives forty-eight incarnations or appearances in a Great Age.

Subsidiary mathematical divisions are also part of this law, each one a further expression or aspect of the phoenix. A primary subdivision is of each Age into twenty periods of time, each of 108 years. In terms of each 540-years incarnation of the phoenix, this is a five-fold division (i.e. associated with five prime aspects of the phoenix), symbolised by the five-petalled rose and five-pointed star, a particular symbol of humanity and human love as well as of Venus, and incorporating the golden proportion (phi,Φ) of harmony and beauty.

‘108’ and ‘1008’ (meaning 1080) are mathematical symbols referring respectively to a lesser and a greater divine incarnation. The 108-year cycle, which is honoured in Rosicrucian societies, recurs in a wave form, in which a creative, outflowing yang period of 108 years is followed by a responsive, inflowing, yin period, like an outbreath and an inbreath. Within each 108-year period, and associated symbolically with it, there occur approximately nine geocentric revolutions of the planet Jupiter, the emblem of divine wisdom and compassion as well as of the guru (i.e. the master or embodiment of wisdom and compassion).
Solar-Sirius Convergence, the Rise of the Phoenix, and the return to the “Star of the 10th Moon”
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 375#p37410

Sirius and the Sun - resonance cycles
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 882#p34981


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Jul 05, 2010 5:53 pm

Maldek/Fenix/Sirius C/Nibiru – between Saturn and Uranus?

Tiamet (Saturn)
We read from various sources that approximately 50,000 years ago a certain planetary body in our own solar system was mysteriously destroyed. This body has been called Tiamat, Phaeton, Lucifer, Marduk, Maldek, Rahab, and even Luna (not connected to the name later given to the moon). It was believed to have existed between Mars and Jupiter (Saturn and Uranus?) and was referred to as the “second sun” and may have been mistaken as such, because its atmosphere was resplendent with reflections of the actual sun...

Around the time of this event, the solar system, and later the Earth, was colonized by extra-terrestrial beings who were either attracted to this solar system by that conflagration or upon coming here caused the calamity themselves. Whether the disaster was natural or not, the result was that mankind on Earth experienced total and long lasting chaos and confusion. The surface of the planet Tiamat consisted mostly of great oceans. Upon its destruction, these vast saline waters entered into the Earth’s atmosphere causing the first of two massive prehistoric deluges and tribulations that mankind would experience. It is thought that the alien invaders took full advantage of this predicament and moved in to bring about colonization. They met no resistance from the disoriented and weakened inhabitants of the Earth who believed their visitors were powerful gods.
Was Kingu the same as Fenix/Maldek/Sirius C/Nibiru?

Adam’s Calendar
http://www.christian-forum.net/index.ph ... opic=25885
During this event Earth had already existed having been formed during the creation of Sirius B when it was a Blue Supergiant.

Our Moon did not exist at this time; it was still the iron-silica core inside the massive gaseous planet, Kingu, the outermost planet (Fenix/Maldek/Sirius C/Nibiru – proto Charon?), which dwarfed Jupiter, the second largest planet, and Saturn was the third largest. Kingu had a figure-8 orbit around the “body” of the system and around the “head” of the system, being the outer star, Sirius A, the “Goddess Star”.

Hence, the decapitation myths of the goddess, i.e. the Gorgon Medusa by Perseus, Mayan Cosmic Caiman, and even the splitting asunder of the She-Dragon Tiamat by Marduk in the Babylonian Creation Epic, document the splitting of our former Osirian Trinary Stellar System when Sirius B at the end of its Red Giant helium phase exploded into a planetary nebula and catapulted our Sun towards Sirius A and “appeared” to severe her head from the “body”. Subsequently, our current Solar System emerged separated from the Sirius Binary, the missing half of our original system.
Was Sirius once the chief star of the Phoenix Constellation? Was our solar system also a part of the that same constellation?

Those Clever Sirians
"The constellation of which Sirius was the chief star was once named the Phoenix [this constellation probably corresponded to the complex of stars now known as Cygnus and Aquila].

This was the secret name of Baphomet (Crowley) as the supreme head of the O.T.O. [the Ordo Templi Orientis or Order of the Temple of the East, so called because the east is the place of sunrise. The reference is not, however, to the physical sun, but to the eye of Set, astronomically imaged by Sirius.] He assumed the god-form of this bird (an emblem of the sothic year or cycle) because it reached the meridian (i.e. attained supremacy) at the moment of the rising of Sirius, or Set.
Was Chiron formed out of the destruction of Fenix/Maldek/Sirius C/Nibiru?

Avatar, Chriron and the Impact of Planetary Discovery upon Consciousness and Culture
The oft-controversial Chiron was discovered in 1977. This “astero-planet-comet” is often referred to the wounded healer of the zodiac. It has its own orbit and moves quite slowly through the various signs. Perched between Saturn and Uranus it could be part of the planet, “Fenix” often referred to as “Maldek.” It was the fifth planet from the Sun and supposedly got tangled up into a nasty war between some agro-aliens and had to be taken out for the sake of everyone. That’s one version. Out of Fenix/Maldek, Chiron was ejected. It’s the largest surviving chuck of the former planet. In Greek Mythology, Chiron was a “civilized centaur.” Unlike those other beastly rutters, he was skilled in medicine and surgery. He was supposedly a great teacher and quite kind. And, according to the Greeks, were it not for Chiron, we’d still be fumbling around in the dark, looking for matches. Chiron made a deal with Zeus that he would sacrifice himself, so that Prometheus, the fire (knowledge) thief, would be unchained from the rock, where human pate was served to birds each and every day. So Chiron becomes a sort of Christ like figure, dying for the sin of humanity, in this case, the arrogance of Prometheus.
Chiron: Your “Higher Moon”
http://www.skybearastrology.com/documen ... 202009.pdf
Before Chiron was discovered, humanistic astrologer Dane Rudhyar predicted that there would be a new planetary body found between Saturn and Uranus that would act like a “higher Moon.”

It was exactly in that location where the “centaur” Chiron was found on November 1, 1977. [1] For 15 years, no one knew just what Chiron was—a small planet (planetoid?) A comet? For a while, astrologers called it a cometoid for its composite nature, since it exhibited characteristics of both. Only recently did astronomers uncover that Chiron’s discovery heralded a whole new class of similar objects, found beyond Neptune, born from the far-off Kuiper Disk.

Mythical Chiron was a teacher and mentor of many famous heroes such as Jason, Hercules, and Asclepius. Because of the wound Chiron accidentally incurred at the hands of his most beloved student, Hercules, Chiron the planet has become best known as “the wounded healer.”

It is fascinating that astrologers have stayed as stuck on Chiron‟s woundedness dimension as Chiron himself was stuck in his chronic wound. (Note the resemblance of that word to “Chironic.”) This is a vital aspect of Chiron‟s story, but there is much more to it. Chiron was the son of Kronos (Saturn) and the sea nymph, Philyra. Kronos was married to Rhea, but became enamored with the nymph, so he turned them both into horses so that their affair could go undetected. (He turned Philyra into a philly, so to speak.) Thus, Chiron was born in his half-horse, half-human condition.

Astronomer Mark Bailey from the University of Manchester believes that Chiron is "the mother of all short-period comets." [5] In other words, Chiron was once whole and all other relatively short-lived comets broke off from Chiron. (Chiron‟s mass appears to be a comet nucleus, but it orbits just like a planet—an outer planet, at that, given its position, and with all the astrological influence that implies concerning personal and planetary evolution.)

Chiron and Pluto: The Comet Brothers
http://radicalvirgo.blogspot.com/2009/0 ... thers.html
In the intervening years since this article was first written, now updated in this post, Pluto has been demoted from planetary status and Chiron has caught on. In an odd way, I guess they have more or less met in the middle. Surprisingly, astronomers were ahead of astrologers in giving Chiron the recognition it deserves.

Chiron is the first of many composite objects with the characteristics of both a planetoid and a comet called centaurs in honor of mythical Chiron. This dual nature is one of the first hints that “you can’t put Chiron in a box” and that duality has to be dealt with, in a figurative sense, when considering Chiron’s psycho-spiritual implications. The designation “centaur” was saved for other similar objects expected to be found in the same neighborhood of deep space. Indeed, they were. Between Chiron’s discovery in 1977 and 2002, these “notable centaurs” joined the herd: Pholus (1992), Nessus (1993), Asbolus (1995), Chariklo (1997, named after mythical Chiron’s wife), Hylonome (1995) and Amycyus (2002).

Chiron actually has two astronomical designations, as a planetoid (2060 Chiron) and as a comet (45P Comet). Centaurs like Chiron were previously considered “refugees” from the Kuiper Disc, but a newer theory suggests they come from the Scattered Disc (see “Comets” header in this article), a distant region of the Solar System that is sparsely populated by icy minor planets known as scattered disc objects (SDOs), a subset of the broader family of trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs). The following update from this Wikipedia article highlights the unique origin of the composite centaurs.

Comets are divided loosely into two categories: short-period and long period—the latter being believed to originate in the Oort cloud. There are two major categories of short-period comets: Jupiter-family comets and Halley-family comets. The latter group, which is named for its prototype, Halley's Comet, are believed to have emerged from the Oort cloud but to have been drawn into the inner Solar System by the gravity of the giant planets. The former type, the Jupiter family, are believed to have originated from the scattered disc. The centaurs are thought to be a dynamically intermediate stage between the scattered disc and the Jupiter family.

When the International Astronomical Union designated Chiron and the class of objects it represents as “centaurs” in Chiron’s honor [3], these scientists were onto the parallel between mythical Chiron’s composite form and the fact that the planetary object named after him also is a composite entity.
Pluto & Orcus
http://www.lunarplanner.com/asteroids-d ... Pluto.html
Pluto, discovered by Clyde Tombaugh of the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff Arizona on Feb 18, 1930, is now recognized to be one of many Kuiper belt objects and was reclassified on Aug 24, 2006 into the new "dwarf planet" classification. Astronomers are now finding several of these objects in the Kuiper belt to be similar to the size of Pluto; and one that is quite complimentary to Pluto is Orcus.

Just as Pluto has Charon as its primary moon so too does Orcus have a moon, discovered on Nov 13, 2005 by M.E. Brown and T.A. Suer. In fact, just as Pluto and Charon are considered a dual planetary system, so is Orcus-Vanth. (Pluto's two smaller moons, Nix and Hydra, are discussed toward the botttom of this web page.)

The origin of the satellite of Orcus is confusing. Pluto and Charon are thought to have formed in a giant collision. Haumea clearly had a shattering blow to disperse moons and other family members. But small Kuiper belt objects are thought to acquired moons by simple capture.
Like Nibiru, Charon is called a “ferryman” between the Sirius star system and our solar system

KHARON (or Charon) was the ferryman of the dead, an underworld daimon (spirit) in the service of King Haides. He received the shades of the dead from Hermes, who gathered them from the upper world and guided them to the shores of the Akherousian mere. From there Kharon transported them in his skiff to a final resting place in Hades, the land of the dead, on the other side. The fee for his service was a single obolos coin which was placed in the mouth of a corpse at burial. Those who had not received due burial and were unable to pay his fee, would be left to wander the earthly side of the Akheron, haunting the upper world as ghosts.
Book of Thoth
Our solar system is no longer 9 planets, its actually 8... the folks who get to make these things official decided that Pluto is actually not a fully fledged planet since its moon Charon is half the size of Pluto. Now Pluto is a dwarf planet along with Ceres (which used to be an asteroid) and the newly discovered Eris as well as a few others floating way out there that have been discovered in the past few years.

Did you know that there are actually 13 zodiacs? The 13th is called Ophiuchus. Interestingly, around 2012 we will be moving into this zodiac that is situated somewhere between Scorpio and Sagitarius.

So, as I mentioned, in 2012...more precisely around Dec 21, 2012 we will be moving, or will have moved into the zodiac sign of Scorpio...but, maybe it is actually Ophiuchus?

And maybe this occurs when Planet X has arrived.....seems interestingly strange that this is sort of hidden away....the 13th zodiac....where we will be in the galaxy in the "end times"

I read more about this zodiac, where it is mentioned that this is actually a sun sign...and, I have come to understand that we will have a binary star system, 2 suns after 2012...but that's another story all together.

So what does this have to do with Planet X/Nibiru? Maybe nothing at all! My personal view is that this does have a very huge effect on the entire system. I think we will soon find that Planet X will be unable to be ignored. It is possible that there is a link between this unrecognized zodiac and Planet X's arrival...but I currently don't see it yet. Time will tell and I shall wait for further info!
Ophiuchus, is an enormous constellation that is located in the celestial equator very next to the nucleus of the Milky Route and in the opposed zone to Orion; he is observable during the months of April to October in both hemispheres without difficulty.
Atlantis Rising
http://forums.atlantisrising.com/ubb/Fo ... 00822.html
What Bayer did was to literally "carve out" a new constellation from the stars of Canis Major. Canis Major of course contains the key celestial player in the Millennium madness we are documenting -- Sirius. Bayer's new constellation is also located precisely on the meridian with Orion, a relationship which we took to be a "marker" of some kind for future events. He named this new constellation "Columba," apparently after "the dove that is sent out from Noah's Ark to search for dry land after the deluge." What we next needed to do was figure out the history and mythology of this new constellation, and any connection to the New Atlantis Dee and Bacon had been seeking.

According to Allen ("Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning"):

"[Columba] was made up from the southwestern outliers of Canis Major, near to the Ship [Argo] -- Noah's Ark -- and so it was regarded as the attendant Dove."

So, why did the authors of Genesis depict a dove in this key role? It was because of the geodetic role of doves in "primitive" geographical surveying. So, "doves" equal a priestly code for "earth measurement." And "doves" in the Noah story indicate a need to determine exact lat/long ...again, after a major, watery catastrophe.

Robert Temple, author of the aforementioned "Sirius Mystery", has exhaustively explained the deeper connection between the Argo (the Ark) and Sirius ... Most interesting is his discussion of the deep (hidden?) relationship between the true nature of the companion to Sirius, Sirius B -- the amazing white dwarf -- and a little known visible star in the same constellation of Canis Major, called by the Arabs, "Al Wazn" -- "Weight" -- so-called (according to a leading Arabic astronomy expert) because "...the star seems to rise with difficulty from the horizon." The Arabic expert, Ideler, called this "an astonishing star name."

Temple goes on to equate this nomenclature, applied to a visible member of Canis Major, with the ancient, degenerate, "hidden knowledge" regarding the actual existence of Sirius B -- the super-dense (but invisible to the naked eye) white dwarf that orbits in the Sirius system. What Temple did not know (or did not report, because he considered it irrelevant for his discussion) was that when Bayer "stole" some of Canis Major's stars to compose the new constellation, "Columba," in 1603 -- one key star of the new constellation was this same "Al Wazn" ... "Weight!" The same star that Temple, just under 400 years later, identifies with a "secret," degenerated knowledge of the Sirian system itself.

So, there is an undeniable connection (through this star) between the "Sirian Complex" of the Dogon myth and mythos of Canis Major ... and the "new" constellation of Columba, "the Dove."

The other strong connection to Temple's Sirius Mythos comes with Columba's association with "Argo" -- the Southern Constellation representing (loosely) "Noah's Ark" -- and its classic use as an escape from a great planetary flood/disaster.

So ... it's clear that the "secret" creation of a visible new constellation called "the Dove" (Columba) in 1603, out of some Canis Major stars, linked with Argo and the entire Sirian Complex, was not accidental. It was, instead, secretly emblematic at that precise time of the transposition of the terrestrial Egyptian "meridians and parallels" into the sky!!!

Now, why do you suppose -- just after the Big Calendar Change at the end of the 16th Century -- someone would have wanted a visible (Egyptian) marker in the sky to denote "celestial meridians and parallels?" Why indeed ... except, in part, to visibly mark in the sky (to those "in the know") the orientation of the critical "plane of the Earth's axis" at the end of the Twentieth Century ... when Sirius would cross the Meridian at Midnight ... in "2000?!"
The exclusion of the Constellation Ophiuchus (the 13th sign of the Zodiac) is analogous to the separation of Canus Major star system from the Phoenix Star System with the creation of the new constellation Columba by the Illuminati. It is also analogous to the “severing of the Sirius star system from our solar system as represented by the “Cutting of the Elm at Gisor” and the change in the solar calendars – when we acquired the moon.

It appears that Sirius B (the Black Sun or “gravitational center” of the Sirius/solar systems) has been incorporated into the Columba star system. Is it still considered to be part of Canus Major star system as well?

Cutting of the Elm at Gisors
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 375#p37549
Egyptian Mythology; Murry Hope concluded from her study of Egyptian mythology that Sirius was responsible for a change in the Earth’s orbit, resulting in the 5 extra ("epagomenal") days and also, possibly, the axis tilt which causes the four seasons. She also concluded that Sirius would be somehow involved with an imminent "evolutionary quantum leap" for mankind.
According to the Secret Dossiers of the Priory of Sion, discovered by the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail in the Parisian Bibliotheque Nationale, the Priory broke away from its military arm, the Knights Templar, in the year 1188, during a ceremony called the Cutting of the Elm.

I had been wondering for some time how the 364-day calendar would fit in with the precession. The number of years in the precession is usually rounded up to 26,000, which is, of course, a multiple of 13. If it did take exactly 26,000 years and we did have a thirteen-sign zodiac, there would be exactly 2000 years between each astrological age. It could be joined with the symbol of the alphabet on the Compass of Enoch, and each of the letters would represent a 1000 year period, two of them then representing an astrological age.

What if the Earth’s orbit had originally been 360 days, like the Sumerians believed, and had been perfectly circular? That may be why they based their 360° circle and metric system on it. It also would have matched up with the zodiac cycle and with the circumference of the Earth. There may have been no moon to slow down the rotation of the Earth at that time. All of the other planets would also have perfectly circular orbits, with perfect golden relationships to one another. Then the unknown calamity occurred, which disturbed these orbits. Perhaps it was a large comet that passed through the solar system, bending the perfectly circular orbits with its gravity, smashing into the planet that once stood where the crumbled asteroid belt now lies, tilting the axis of the Earth and depositing the Moon into our orbit.

Perhaps this event, if it did indeed occur, is what is memorialized in the story of the Garden of Eden. During the Golden Age, the Earth itself was Eden, lush and temperate all year long. Man had no knowledge of hardship or climatic change. Then came the cataclysm and the appearance of the Moon. This event is synonymous with the “Cutting of the Elm (or Orm)” story, which also involves an (implied) serpent, and a sacred tree. The serpent of the night’s sky was “severed in half” by the tilt of the Earth, due to the cataclysm, which skewed our view of the zodiac ring, whereas before, the Earth had traveled through the zodiac in a perfect loop perpendicular to the axis of the Earth. Furthermore, the wobble in the axis was introduced, and the Earth began to precess backwards through the zodiac. Perhaps this is why, in the Compass of Enoch alphabet system, the last thirteen letters are wrenched backwards. The relationship between the Earth and the serpent of the zodiac (from which, I have postulated, many ancient alphabetic and numerical systems were derived) became upset, and thus the meaning of both the letters and the numbers became lost.

It is Virgo who was the inseparable companion of Mercury, a figure I have identified not only with the planet named after him, but with the constellation Ophiuchus, because Mercury’s symbol was the caduceus, and Ophiuchus was “the Serpent Holder”. Virgo also bears a resemblance to the goddess Isis, who is identified with the planet Venus so sacred to the Priory of Sion, and who is described in the poem Le Serpent Rouge as being the “eternal white lady of legend”.
The Secret Sign
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 2fb#p35114
There are three main systems in use today, the Chinese, the Vedic (from the sub-continent of India) and the Ptolemaic (or Greek). Which system is right? They all are! They all function within the cultural assumptions and world view of the human beings who utilize them. None is perfect, but each system is valid within its own set of rules.

The system used by most Western astrologers is the Ptolemaic system, a geocentric system formulated with the number twelve. The signs, houses, elements and modes, are all based on the number twelve: There are twelve signs and twelve houses. At one time, there may have been twelve heavenly bodies, including the Sun and the Moon, but we may have lost two (Vulcan, which may have fallen into the Sun; and Planet X, which may have blown up, leaving behind the asteroid belt). The three modes, cardinal, fixed and mutable are divided into four signs each (3x4 = 12); and the four elements, fire, earth, air and water, into three signs each (4x3 = 12). Twelve is an important number in Western civilization because we use it to measure time. There are 12 months in a year; 12 weeks in a season; 12 hours of day; 12 hours of night; 12 x 2 = 24 hours per day; and 12 x 120 = 1440 minutes per day.

The Ptolemaic school of astrology is a mathematical system based on the number twelve, but the Sun actually travels through thirteen constellations in its apparent annual path through the heavens (the Zodiac). There is a secret sign, sometimes erroneously referred to as the thirteenth sign. It is really the ninth sign, occurring between Scorpio and Sagittarius, and its name is Ophiuchus. The number thirteen simply does not fit into a system based on the number twelve! But, why was Ophiuchus excluded and not, for example, Scorpio? What can we learn from Ophiuchus?

Ophiuchus is the only constellation named for a once-living person, Aesculapius, the first doctor. Formerly known as Serpentarius, the serpent handler, Ophiuchus is the great medicine man renowned for his healing skills.

Apollo then recruited the kindly centaur, Chiron (the wounded healer), to raise his motherless child. Chiron taught Ophiuchus the arts of healing, and he was a superlative student.

When Ophiuchus was about to revive Orion from a fatal scorpion sting, Hades (Pluto) protested to Zeus (Jupiter). Hades complained that his kingdom was in dire threat of depopulation from this upstart. Outraged Hades petitioned Zeus to stop Ophiuchus, and Zeus struck him dead. Apollo protested mightily the murder of his son; to appease him, Ophiuchus was resurrected as an eternal constellation standing opposite his spiritual brother, Orion.

Ophiuchus has been excluded from the Zodiac. Why was he cast out? Possibly because he unlocked the secret to immortality, which knowledge has always been forbidden to mortals. Seeking knowledge is a dangerous quest for humans. Christian tradition teaches that we were cast out of the Garden of Eden because Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge (or awareness) after being tempted by the serpent. The Genesis story about Adam and Eve being cast out of the Garden of Eden can be seen as an allegory for incarnation.

You are immortal, but the incarnating soul feels alone and disconnected, suffering the illusion of being cast out. In like manner, Ophiuchus is disconnected from the Zodiac, separated from his celestial family. As someday the incarnated soul will be reunited with the parent entity, so someday will Ophiuchus be reunited with the rest of the Zodiac. From being tempted by the serpent, we can evolve to the level where we can tame the serpent, like Ophiuchus, the serpent-handler.

Not by chance is the serpent part of the Ophiuchus and Genesis myths, for the serpent represents both eternal life and secret knowledge. The serpent also symbolizes one of the most powerful and mysterious forces in the universe, the Kundalini force, also called the serpent fire because it is said to lie coiled like a serpent at the base of the spine. What is the Kundalini force? It is a concentration of ki, the universal force, similar to the sun’s energy, and as potent as an atomic bomb when awakened. The Kundalini force is one of the keys to humanity’s evolution, for it is said to awaken latent powers usually attributed only to powerful mystics and/or adepts of the highest order. This force is considered to be so dangerous and powerful that few people have ever experienced it. What does Kundalini have to do with Ophiuchus? As previously mentioned, Ophiuchus used to be called Serpentarius, or the serpent handler. Was Ophiuchus the "handler" of the serpent fire? Was he able to use its awesome power to heal the sick and bring the dead back to life? It is time to study Ophiuchus and consider inviting him back into the Zodiac.
Nostradamus, the Man Who Saw Through Time
From the dark realm of old Charon the Phoenix will be reborn,
The last and greatest of the firebird's sons,
He will relight in France the ancient flame, he will be loved by everyone,
Long shall he reign with greater honors
Than ever had his predecessors
In whose name he will achieve a memorable glory.

Posts: 781
Joined: Fri May 02, 2008 2:44 am

Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by mague » Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:36 am

In Asian astronomy the 28 celestial maidens are outside of the zodiac.
http://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/2 ... tions.html
An astrological grouping from ancient India that refers to 27 or 28 points that the moon passes through in one month and the associated star constellations found in the cosmic background.
The 28 maidens are the 28 moon stations. Those 28 are divided by the four seasons into clusters/houses. Each house holds 7 stations. One of the four houses is The Red Bird or Phoenix.

The Red Bird of the South:


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:18 am

Mague said: In Asian astronomy the 28 celestial maidens are outside of the zodiac.

http://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/2 ... tions.html

An astrological grouping from ancient India that refers to 27 or 28 points that the moon passes through in one month and the associated star constellations found in the cosmic background. The 28 maidens are the 28 moon stations. Those 28 are divided by the four seasons into clusters/houses. Each house holds 7 stations. One of the four houses is The Red Bird or Phoenix.

The Red Bird of the South:
Thanks for the links. :D

The Phoenix, the Dog and the Bear
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... &start=270

The collapse of Satais (Sirius B) - its ascension beyond material space - caused a monumental chain reaction through the entire Sirian system out across the constellation of stars known to you as Canis Major and, indirectly, your solar system became involved in the dynamics of our evolution.
In 1909 Ejnar Hertzsprung suggested that Sirius was a member of the Ursa Major Moving Group, based on the systems movements across the sky. However, more recent research by Jeremy King et al. at Clemson University in 2003 questions whether that is true, since the two components of Sirius appear to be too young. Sirius is roughly half the age of the other members of the stream, so their common motion is most likely a coincidence.
Ursa Major Moving Group
Seven stars form the Big Dipper, the first star pattern many skygazers learn. From most northern latitudes, the Big Dipper appears every hour of the night, as faithful as the North Star to which it points. After viewing spectacular constellations such as Orion and Scorpius, seeing the more modest stars of the Big Dipper and the constellation to which they belong, Ursa Major, can feel like coming home.

Astronomy enthusiasts know there's more to the Big Dipper than just its attractive shape. The five central stars--named Merak, Phecda, Megrez, Alioth, and Mizar--are stellar siblings. They were born from the same gas and still travel together through space.

But the entire Ursa Major moving group spans the sky from north to south. It features dozens of stars--some bright, some dim, some white, some red, some orange, some yellow--scattered across hundreds of light-years of space. Although the Ursa Major moving group is not a genuine star cluster--it's too spread out--it is the closest stellar gathering to Earth that shares a common origin. Indeed, it may include Sirius, the night's brightest star, which lies a mere 8.6 light-years away.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... c9b#p35152

Sirius, Canopus and Regulus are all intimately linked together when considerations are given to the view of these risings from Gizeh and the equatorial regions. Sirius and Canopus, both stars belonging to the southern celestial sphere are of the same celestial longitude, 21° Gemini, although separated by 30° of declination. Gizeh and the Equator are also separated by 30 degrees of geographical latitude. The result is that whilst Regulus and Sirius rose heliacally together from the Gizeh perspective to warn of the impending flooding of the Nile, the heliacal rising of Sirius from the equatorial perspective heralded the cosmic rising of Regulus, although this is not a precise heliacal rising. Also viewed from the equatorial region, the second brightest star in the heavens, Canopus, rose cosmically with Regulus one month before the summer solstice.
Celestial Bodies in the Cthulhu Mythos
FOMALHAUT (Alpha Pisces Australis): This name, like many others derives straight from Arabic. Its origins are Fum al Hiiit, meaning ‘Mouth of the Fish’. It is not so surprising therefore that this star is located at the mouth of the drinking fish, Pisces Australis. Interestingly it is the only named star in this constellation and is the most southerly first-magnitude star visible from Great Britain. The fact that it is of first magnitude relates to the Cthulhu mythos deity Cthugga with which it is connected. Cthugga is described as resembling an "enormous burning mass continually varying in shape." Cthugga is also served by beings called Flame Vampires which again suggests an intensely hot abode.

Another observation is that Aldebaran was once in the constellation of Mithras; which consisted of the constellations Taurus and Perseus. This connects to the star Algol, another star mentioned briefly in Beyond the Walls of Sleep by Lovecraft.

POLARIS (Alpha Ursae Minoris): Obviously the name implies it to be the pole star, and it is in fact within l~ of the celestial north pole. However in Greek its name is Cynosura, and means ‘dog’s tail’, thus implying that the whole constellation at one time referred to a dog instead of a bear. An even earlier Greek name was Phoenice, possibly connecting it to the name Phoenissa, (whose masculine form is Phoenix). The name Phoenissa means ‘the red, or bloody one’. Robert Graves states it as connecting with Demeter and Astarte; Phoenissa’s name implying the moon goddess’s role of Death-in-Life. Interestingly Phoenix is stated as renaming the land of Canaan as Phoenicia, thus producing another possible link.

SIRIUS (Alpha Canis Major): Kenneth Grant associates Sirius with the Lovecraftian and Babylonian deity Dagon, an idea which Robert Temple also propounds in his book The Sirius Mystery. Temple quotes from a Babylonian historian named Berossus, who writes of a group of Alien Amphibians whose leader was Oannes, later to become the fish-god Dagon of the Philistines. Berossus also speaks of another amphibious alien called Odacon, which Temple believes to be a corrupted form of Dagon. Temple’s book concerns amongst other things, an African tribe called the Dogon, who are aware of SIRIUS B an invisible-to-the-eye star, which they believe has a planet circling it from which the Amphibian Aliens came.

In Greek the stars name was Seirios aster, ‘the scorching star’; whilst the Latin was Kanikuly, due in both cases to its appearance in the ‘caniculares dies’ or dog days of the hot summer months. In Arabic it had the name Al Shira al ‘Abur al Yamaniyyah meaning ‘the shining one in the passage of Yemen’, signifying its position to the right of a Muslim as he faces Mecca. This star is in fact the brightest in the night sky and similar to ALGOL is also binary, with the white dwarf star SIRIUS B orbiting at a full revolution every fifty years. In Greek mythology it is also called Orthus which was the two-headed watch-dog belonging to Atlas, parented by Typhon and Echidne. Also in myth the Dog-star Sirius was regarded as Cerberus pertaining to the tripartite year. In Egyptian myth the dog-star was associated with Anubis, who according to Robert Graves can be identified with Hecate as the tn-headed bitch, eating corpse flesh and howling at the moon. Elsewhere Graves also identifies it with the Egyptian god Thoth and thus also to the Greek Hermes, both messengers of the gods, the role which Nyarlathotep serves in the Cthulhu mythos.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:24 am

Atlantis Rising
http://forums.atlantisrising.com/ubb/Fo ... 822-2.html
Is it possible that the secret substance, or jewel, that is equated with the grail is nothing but a magnet and knowledge thereof concerning levitation and other freaky science?

Take a look at this quote from Igantius Donneley's book on Atlantis:

"The Magnet was called the 'Stone of Hercules.' Hercules was the patron deity of the Phoenicians. He was, as we have shown elsewhere, one of the Gods of Atlantis - probably one of its great kings and navigators... Hercules, it was said, being once overpowered by the heat of the sun, drew his bow against that luminary: whereupon the god Phoebus, admiring his intrepidity, gave him a golden cup, with which he sailed over the ocean. This cup was the compass, which old writers have called Lapis Heracleus. Pisander says Oceanus lent him the cup, but Lucian says it was a seashell. Tradition affirms that the magnet originally was not on a pivot, but set to float on water in a cup. Some even see a compass in the Golden Fleece of Argos, and in the oracular needle which Nero worshipped... Hercules was, as we now, a god of Atlantis, and Oceanos, who lent the magnetic cup to Hercules, was the name by which the Greeks designated the Atlantic Ocean. And this may be the explanation of the recurrence of a cup in many antique paintings and statues. Hercules was also represented with a cup in his hand... So oracular an object as this self-moving needle, always pointing to the north, would doubtless affect vividly the minds of the people, and appear in their works of art. When Hercules left the coast of Europe to sail to the island of Erythea in the Atlantic, in the remote west, we are told, in Greek mythology, that he borrowed the cup of Helios, in with which he was accustomed to sail every night. Here we seem to have a reference to the magnetic cup used in night-sailing; and this is another proof that the use of the magnetic needle in sea voyages was associated with the Atlantean Gods."

The legend of Hercules sailing in his golden cup is very important folklore in the Rennes-le-Chateau area.

Let me show you how the Ecclesiastical history of Philostorgius of Cappadocia refers to the rebuilding of the Jerusalem Temple "and vaults beneath the temple"--- it is said (1) that in the course in preparing the ground a stone slipped from its place; (2) that in this manner there was exposed a deep cutting of the well; (3) that one of the workman was let down by a rop; (4) that on reaching the bottom, he was up to his ankles in water; (5) that on examination he proved the place to be FOUR-SQUARE; (6) that he met with a certain small column emerging above the water; (7) that a book wrapped in alien cloth was laid thereon; ---- in the fourth gospel this is referred in the grade of NOVICE AND KNIGHT OF ST. JOHN -- this knowledge is lost to the world; you must first understand the meaning of a temple and why its in a certain spot before you play "dot-to-dot" on a map '

… (6) that he met with a certain small column emerging above the water diving for dollars, or should I say he was searching for a marker. What does this mean? It reminds me of surveying.

The prime directive of the priory of the Scion is the preservation of the Merovingian bloodline of the two Mary(s) of New Testament fame; one was the mother of Jesus; the other was his wife and the mother of his children - especially his daughters, since Hebrew geneology is matrilineal.

Yes, the father-in-law of Christophe Columbo was a Grand Master of the Priory of Sion; and yes, Jewish persecution from the Spanish inquisition to the Nazi holocaust was staged for no other purpose than to eradicate the Merovingian bloodline (even though every royal family in Europe has married into it!).

Hitler knew where Atlantis was/is and had teams of Nazi archeologists all over South 'Amerika' looking for proof that the antedeluvian inhabitants thereof were white - much like many modern Atlantis seekers seem to want to do.

I'll refrain from any opinions regarding Mars until the pyramids there are x-rayed...

All of the more than 4,000 pyramids in South America were tenoned together with the use of a portable smelter - only three of the mere 400 or so in Egypt were, and they're the ones built by the Atlantians.

All the others in the land of the Pharaohs were cheap imitations.

It’s quite fascinating how Freemasonry, the Illuminati, the Rosicrucians, and other secret societies have their roots in these ancient mysteries.

According to some Rosicrucian traditions, the society was founded by a certain pharaoh of Egypt who founded the "Great White Brotherhood".

The Illuminati, on the other hand, is slightly different. Idris Shah, the Sufi historian, traces the Illuminati to a verse in the Koran that refers to a Shining Star. According to Robert Anton Wilson, this Star is Sirius.

Things get interesting here, when we take into consideration that the occultist Alice Bailey said that Freemasonry originates from the Great White Brotherhood which comes the star of Sirius!

Albert Pike, the Masonic historian, says in his Moral and Dogmas:

The Ancient Astronomers saw all the great Symbols of Masonry in the Stars. Sirius glitters in our lodges as the Blazing Star.
The Stone that Fell from Heaven – remnants of Sirius B?

The Chintamani Stone
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 330#p36789
In many texts the stone is referred to as the Shining Trapezohedron. A number of esoteric and suppressed volumes dating back to the Gnostic tradition mentioned the original form of the stone as a Trapezohedron.

In the 1920's a high abbot from the Trasilumpo lamasery entrusted the Russian artist and discoverer Nicholas Roerich with a fragment of this magical stone from another world, the Chintamani Stone, alleged to have come from the Sirius system.

It appears to be a trapezohedron made of black stone or ore, with glowing striatons. However it is more, or less, than stone. Scientists would not be able to study it completely because it exists only partially in in humanities concept of matter and space. The black stone is simply an object, but an object of a kind that can only exist under a certain set of physical laws.

Its radiation was stronger than Radium but on a different frequency. Asian legends state that this radiation covers a vast area and influence world events.

Roerich speculated that the stone was a form of Moldavite, a magnetic mineral said to be a spiritual accelerator. Some historians said that the stone can act as a homing beacon, leading to the man piece and the city of the Eight Immortals.

Roerich's theory about the stone is that it is charged with Shugs, currents of psychic force. He speculated it resembled an electrical accumulator and may give back, in one way or another, the energy stored within it.

The stone, according to Balam, is a key, a key to all futures and everyone's destiny. It is a point of power, a non-technological quantum vortex.
The Merovingian bloodline and its mythos
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 345#p37136

Phoenix, Maldek, Nibiru, Sirius
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 345#p37126

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 390#p37595


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:31 pm

Were the “moons of Saturn” created as a result of the destruction of the planet Maldek (Tiamat), a planet of Saturn. One of Saturn’s moons was called Chiron. Is that the same moon Charon that has been assigned to Pluto (also a remnant of Maldek/Tiamat)?

Avatar, Chriron and The Impact Of Planetary Discovery Upon Consciousness And Culture
I’m fascinated by social events and phenomenon as they relate to the discovery of new planets in our solar system, or new facets of existing planets. One of my favorite examples of course is our favorite ex-planet, Pluto. When Pluto was discovered in 1930, the mob and Al Capone were in full blown psychopathic-twitch-reflex. Capone and his ilk were called “The Underworld” and of course, that is one of the hallmarks of Pluto; sex, death, transformation, drugs, the depths of the psyche, the underworld. Cosmic discovery meets terrestrial uncovering. It’s the planet of the underworld and the underworld on this planet. Ten years later, Glenn Seaborg and Edwin McMillan would cook the fuel for the nuclear bomb at UC Berkeley and name it, “Plutonium.”

The oft-controversial Chiron was discovered in 1977. This “asteroplanecomet” is often referred to the wounded healer of the zodiac. It has its own orbit and moves quite slowly through the various signs. Perched between Saturn and Uranus it could be part of the planet, “Fenix” often referred to as “Maldek.” It was the fifth planet from the Sun and supposedly got tangled up into a nasty war between some agro-aliens and had to be taken out for the sake of everyone. That’s one version. Out of Fenix/Maldek, Chiron was ejected. It’s the largest surviving chuck of the former planet. In Greek Mythology, Chiron was a “civilized centaur.” Unlike those other beastly rutters, he was skilled in medicine and surgery. He was supposedly a great teacher and quite kind. And, according to the Greeks, were it not for Chiron, we’d still be fumbling around in the dark, looking for matches. Chiron made a deal with Zeus that he would sacrifice himself, so that Prometheus, the fire (knowledge) thief, would be unchained from the rock, where human pate was served to birds each and every day. So Chiron becomes a sort of Christ like figure, dying for the sin of humanity, in this case, the arrogance of Prometheus.

In James Cameron’s ultra-mega-uber box office smash, Avatar, the action takes place on Pandora, where they have discovered the highly coveted “unobtanium.” Well we haven’t discovered Pandora just yet, but there’s a lot happening up there. NASA has recently discovered that Uranus and Neptune could be literally covered in a sea of liquid diamonds. What does the perception of “liquid diamonds” have on our consciousness? What kind of potential resource is it? What does it represent as a symbol? What new level of ourselves is revealed in the cosmic connection, not just as another facet, but a very different type of reflection altogether? What’s fascinating about all of this is the connection between Chiron, a centaur, the god, Pan, Pandora, and the Na’vi who become centaur-like when they merge their biology and consciousness with the “Direhorses.” In essence, they become centaurs–a chironic connection. Chiron is in Aquarius and the message of Avatar, which I have not really delved into on this blog, is clearly Aquarian, in a positive sense. In fact, if one were to extract the best of Neptune meeting Aquarius it would manifest in this film and even the social structure of Pandora, which is far more technological than most people understand. Could the story of Pandora be linked to Fenix/Maldek and ultimately Chiron? I’ll revisit those themes/memes and the themes of two other current films, Sherlock Holmes and The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus in a later post. But for now, meditate upon the possibility of “liquid diamonds.”
Tiamat supposedly is the name of a former planet in our solar system. According to Sitchin's interpretation of the Sumerian creation tale, our solar system originally consisted of the Sun (Apsu) and nine planets. These were: Mercury (Mummu), Venus (Lahamu), Mars (Lahmu), Tiamat, Jupiter (Kishar), Saturn (Anshar), Pluto (Gaga), Uranus (Anu), and Neptune (Ea). Earth did not exist in those days, nor did the moon. Pluto was in between Saturn and Uranus. And there was a planet in between Mars and Jupiter, called Tiamat.

Then, a foreign celestial body, called Marduk, entered the solar system, clockwise, which is opposing the direction of the planets. The gravitational pull of Marduk changed the orbit of Pluto. The satellites of Marduk collided with Tiamat. Tiamat broke into two parts: one part was thrown in an orbit closer to the sun, in between Venus and Mars and became Earth. The other half was destroyed in the collision with other satellites and created the asteroid belt. Parts of the satellites became the meteors that keep on having a clockwise orbit, unlike the planets and the asteroids that go counter-clockwise. Through the gravitational pull of Tiamat, and after having been hit by minor satellites too, Kingu, Tiamat's moon, was thrown into another orbit too, and became Earth's moon.

Marduk was thrown into a major orbit around the Sun, clockwise, that takes about 3,600 years. Since then, Marduk got the name of Nibiru. Its (later) inhabitants, are called the Nefilim.

Since the first appearance of Marduk, our solar system consists of twelve bodies: the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Nibiru/Marduk. Hence it has the name of the twelfth planet for Nibiru/Marduk.

Another theory mentions a former planet with the name of Maldek in between Mars and Jupiter. Maldek would have been inhabited by a humanoid civilization with a highly advanced technology. The inhabitants, however, destroyed themselves and the planet in a nuclear war, thus creating the asteroid belt.
The Mother of All Family Trees
According to Wikipedia: In the myth recorded on cuneiform tablets, the deity Enki (Ea) believed correctly that Apsu, upset with the chaos that Tiamat and Apsu had created, was planning to murder the younger deities; and so Enki slew Apsu.

This angered Kingu, Apsu’s son, who reported the event to Tiamat, whereupon, she fashioned monsters to battle the deities in order to avenge Apsu's death.

Tiamat possessed the Tablets of Destiny and in the primordial battle she gave them to Kingu, [her son and] the god she had chosen as her lover and the leader of her host.

The deities gathered in terror, but Anu, first extracting a promise that he would be revered as "king of the gods", overcame her.

Sitchin interprets the above as “the Creation of our solar system. In the expanse of space, the ‘gods’ -- the planets -- are yet to appear, to be named, to have their ‘destinies’ -- their orbits -- fixed. Only three bodies exist: ‘primordial AP.SU’ (‘one who exists from the beginning’), MUM.MU (‘one who was born’), and TIAMAT (‘maiden of life’). The ‘waters’ of Apsu and Tiamat were mingled.

In this context, Apsu is considered by Sitchin to be the Sun, while ‘nearest him’ is Mummu (Mercury). “Farther away was Tiamat. She was the ‘monster’ that Marduk later shattered -- the ‘missing planet’ [aka Asteroid Belt, et al]. But in primordial times she was the very first Virgin Mother of the first Divine Trinity. The space between her and Apsu was not void; it was filled with the primordial elements of Apsu and Tiamat. These waters ‘commingled’ and a pair of celestial gods -- planets [Mars and Venus] -- were formed in the space between Apsu and Tiamat.
This was followed by ANSHAR and KISHAR (Saturn and Jupiter), and then Uranus (Anu) and Neptune (Ea/Enki), the latter begotten from Anu: “his equal and in his image”. The Babylonian version names it NUDIMMUD. Even Pluto is mentioned (GAGA), who is ANSHAR’s (Saturn’s) first born, and who is a bit of a roamer (eccentric orbit?).
From Wikipedia, Tiamat is also specifically identified as: “Leviathan, a Biblical sea creature referred to several times in the Old Testament. The word leviathan has become synonymous with any large sea monster or creature.

Apsu (or Abzu) fathered upon Tiamat the two Elder deities Lahmu and Lahamu (the "muddy"), a title given to the gatekeepers at the Enki Abzu temple in Eridu. Lahmu and Lahamu, in turn, were the parents of the axis or pivot of the Heavens (Anshar from an = heaven, shar = axle or pivot) and the Earth (Kishar); Saturn (Anshar) and Earth (Kishar) were considered to meet on the horizon, becoming thereby, the parents of Anu (Uranus) and Ki (Neptune)

It may not make an enormous amount of difference how we view Tiamat or, say, Kishar -- as real or simply a mythological. Kishar, for example, often associated with the planet Saturn may have created life on earth via some sort of seed dissemination from Iapetus. The latter is decidedly speculative, but it may illustrate in myth format the seeds of truth on just exactly what happened at various times in the geological record of earth. Perhaps the Cambrian Explosion, for example, was initiated by an extra-terrestrial source. Everything is thus a bit of symbolism... and the names and characters of the main actors may contain a bit of fantasy.
Hypothetical Planets
Saturn's Ninth and Tenth Moons, 1861, 1905-1960, 1966-1980

In April 1861, Hermann Goldschmidt announced the discovery of a nineth moon of Saturn, which orbited the planet between Titan and Hyperion. He named that moon Chiron. However, the discovery was never confirmed -- no one ever saw this satellite "Chiron" again.

Pickering discovered what's now considered Saturn's 9th moon, Phoebe, in 1898. This was the first time a satellite of another planet was discovered by photographical observations. Phoebe is also Saturn's outermost moon.

In 1905, Pickering though he had discovered a tenth moon, which he named Themis. According to Pickering, it orbited Saturn between Titan and Hyperion in a highly inclined orbit:

Mean distance from Saturn, 1,460,000 kilometers (907,250 miles);
Orbital period, 20.85 days;
Eccentricity, 0.23; and,
Inclination, 39°.

Themis was never seen again, but nevertheless appeared in almanacs and astronomy books well into the 1950's and 1960's.

In 1966, A. Dollfus discovered another new moon of Saturn. It was named Janus, and orbited Saturn just outside its rings. It was so faint and close to the rings that the only chance to see it was when the rings of Saturn were seen from the edge, as happened in 1966. Janus is Saturn's tenth moon.

In 1980, when Saturns rings again were seen edgewise, a flurry of observations discovered many new satellites close to the rings of Saturn. Close to Janus another satellite was discovered, named Epimetheus. Their orbits are very close to each other, and the most interesting aspect of this satellite pair is that they regularly switch orbits with each other. It turned out that the "Janus" discovered in 1966 really were observations of both of these co-orbital satellites. Thus the 'tenth moon of Saturn' discovered in 1966 really turned out to be two different moons. The spacecraft Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, which travelled past Saturn shortly afterwards, provided confirmation.

The third search for Planet X began in April 1927. No progress was made in 1927-1928. In December 1929, a young farm boy and amateur astronomer, Clyde Tombaugh from Kansas, was hired to do the search. Tombaugh started his work in April 1929. On January 23 and 29, 1930, he exposed the pair of plates on which he found Pluto when examining them on February 18. By the time of his discovery, Tombaugh had examined hundreds of plate pairs and millions of stars.

The naming of Pluto is a story by itself. Early suggestions of the name of the new planet were: Atlas, Zymal, Artemis, Perseus, Vulcan, Tantalus, Idana, Cronus. The New York Times suggested Minerva, reporters suggested Osiris, Bacchus, Apollo, Erebus. Lowell's widow suggested Zeus, but later changed her mind to Constance. Many people suggested the planet be named Lowell. The staff of the Flagstaff observatory, where Pluto was discovered, suggested Cronus, Minerva, and Pluto. A few months later the planet was officially named Pluto. The name Pluto was originally suggested by Venetia Burney, an 11-year-old schoolgirl in Oxford, England.

The very first orbit computed for Pluto yielded an eccentricity of 0.909 and a period of 3,000 years. This cast some doubt on whether it was actually a planet. However, a few months later, considerably better orbital elements for Pluto was obtained.
Pluto has not yet been visited by a spacecraft. Even the Hubble Space Telescope can resolve only the largest features on its surface (left and above). A spacecraft called New Horizons was launched in January 2006. If all goes well it should reach Pluto in 2015.

Fortunately, Pluto has a satellite, Charon (Chiron?). By good fortune, Charon was discovered (in 1978) just before its orbital plane moved edge-on toward the inner solar system. It was therefore possible to observe many transits of Pluto over Charon and vice versa. By carefully calculating which portions of which body would be covered at what times, and watching brightness curves, astronomers were able to construct a rough map of light and dark areas on both bodies.
Planet Pluto
http://www.redorbit.com/education/refer ... index.html
Tombaugh was searching for a "Planet X" to explain the orbit of Neptune; further analysis, with seven decades more data about Neptune's position, has resolved the perceived anomaly without need for an additional gravitational pull on Neptune.

Its highly eccentric orbit makes Pluto the eighth-most distant planet from the Sun for part of each orbit.

When Neptune approaches Pluto from behind their gravity start to pull on each other slightly, resulting in an interaction between their positions in orbit of the same sort that produces Trojan points. Since the orbits are eccentric, the 3/2 periodic ratio is favoured because this means Neptune always passes Pluto when they're almost furthest apart.

Half a Pluto orbit later, when Pluto is nearing its closest approach, it initially seems like Neptune's about to catch up to Pluto. But Pluto speeds up due to the gravitational acceleration from the Sun, stays ahead of Neptune, and pulls ahead until they meet again on the other side of Pluto's orbit.

Because of its small size and eccentric orbit, there has been some debate over whether it truly should be classified as a planet. There is mounting evidence that Pluto may in fact be a member of the Kuiper belt, only one of a large number of distant icy bodies. A subclass of such objects have been dubbed plutinos, after Pluto.

Pluto has an atmosphere when it is close to perihelion; the atmosphere freezes out as Pluto moves further from the Sun.

Pluto has one natural satellite, Charon. Little is known about Pluto because of its great distance from Earth and because no exploratory spacecraft have visited Pluto yet. Pluto and Charon are noteworthy for being the only pair of orbiting bodies in the solar system whose barycenter lies outside either body.

Some researchers have suggested that Pluto and its moon Charon were moons of Neptune that were knocked out of Neptune's orbit. It is now thought that not only was Pluto never Neptune's moon, but that Triton was originally an independent body much like Pluto which was captured by Neptune.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:55 pm

Was Saturn the polar sun to the planet Maldek that was inhabited by an advanced race of humans who lived during the Golden Age? Was Maldek destroyed during the “wars of the gods”? Did this “war in the heavens” result in a thermonuclear holocaust that destroyed not only Maldek but the atmosphere on Mars? Did the human refugees from both of these planets seek shelter on the Earth? Who were the “dark overlords” who may have been responsible for this holocaust? Could they have been the Nephalim or the “Fallen Angels” who have been “imprisoned in the Abyss” (Earth)? Are today’s “elite leaders” (the Illuminati) the descendants of the Nephalim from the planet Nibiru?

Atlantis, Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation
http://oneheartbooks.com/books/atlantis ... sarion.htm

The Maldek Files
“Maldek" is one of several now popular names given to the ancient fifth planet of our solar system, whose orbit used to lie between that of Mars and Jupiter. At some point in the past, it was destroyed, leaving what we now know as the asteroid belt in its former orbit.

What caused the destruction of this planet? When did it occur? Was it populated at the time? What impact did this event have on the rest of the solar system and its planets?

Sitchin devotes an entire chapter of his book to his interpretation of the "Epic of Creation", translated from ancient Babylonian tablets which describe the events up to and including the biblical creation of heaven, Earth, and Man. To the Babylonians, the epic was known by its opening phrase "Enuma Elish". Each of the Babylonian gods was associated with a planet or other celestial body in the solar system, and while the epic describes the interaction of these characters using emotions and human dysfunction at the heart of their conflicts and battles, Sitchin chooses to interpret them not as gods but as the planets themselves, thus the epic describes the creation of our solar system and, among other things, the events which turned Maldek into an asteroid belt.

Sitchin's version basically has Nibiru making two passes at Maldek. The first has Nibiru's moons hitting Maldek and dispersing its satellites while the two planets themselves narrowly miss each other. Nibiru then slingshots around our sun, and comes back to break off half of the already fractured Maldek and bulldoze the pieces to create the asteroid belt. The other half of Maldek is hit by Nibiru's last remaining moon and carried to a new orbit.

Interestingly, the epic is very specific regarding flashing of energy and "lightning" occurring between the two planets, which Sitchin presents as weather anomalies caused by the planets' unhealthy proximity to each other.
When did the destruction of Maldek occur? Was it in the nebulous formation period of the solar system, when the planets were still malleable? Or did it occur in more recent times, after life, civilization, and humanoid war and space travel had had a chance to sprout on or colonize one or more of the solar systems planets?

The "Enuma Elish" epic undoubtedly reveals important clues to some of the events in our solar system. But like the characters in Image of the Fendahl (Doctor Who story no. 94), Sitchin seems to be trying too hard to make this piece of the puzzle fill in all of the blanks and explain everything. Sitchin would have us believe that the depths of the Pacific Ocean are the results of Earth being formed out of the remains of this second half of Maldek. The Pacific is deep, but not deep enough for us to believe that half of the planet is missing underneath the water. After all, how precarious is the bit that holds Hawaii up above sea level? We need to remind ourselves that Earth's outer crust is still intact under the Pacific, and there's a whole lot of magma and core under that.

One of the biggest missing factors that Sitchin may be overlooking in his first Earth Chronicles book is the far greater proximity of our Solar system in those days to the Sirius binary star system. I've heard it said that our sun was basically the outermost third star of a trinary Sirius star system in those days, and that Sirius A and B shared about 17 more planets in various orbits about themselves, any of which could have had an impact in our solar system or played a role in the epic in the days when Maldek was still in one piece.

It is also interesting to note that, when the Babylonians made their copy of this epic from the earlier Sumerian versions, they took all references to the original "heroic" god of the tale Ninurta and his Nibiru planetary counterpart, and changed them to match the name of their ruling deity of the time: "Marduk", proving that historical records of any era are often politically bent by the victorious. How many other edits did this tale have to endure between the time that the events happened and the time that the Sumerians imprinted their version in the clay? How much of the tale was anthropomorphized for the benefit of the primitive human understanding of the time? And are the war-like events best interpreted as occurring between physical planets all the way through the story, or should some passages be better interpreted as occurring between the people of those planets and the extraterrestrial "god" at the head of their social structure?

Links to Further Reading

"In those ancient days there were really only three planets that could support physical life: one was Mars, one was Earth and one was Maldek, which is now your asteroid belt. There were no humans on those planets. They were primarily ET territory."

"This was a common theme throughout the extraterrestrial interaction with ancient Earth. There were gods assigned to the Earth territory and gods assigned to territory of the heavens which, of course, would be Mars and Maldek. "

"Ancient humankind was never a victim of these ETs. All beings create their own reality for their own purposes of learning and growth, and ancient humankind was the same way."

Lyssa Royal

It is interesting to note here, that Earth and Maldek exist separately at the same time, each with civilizations on them.

"The pull of the gigantic gas planet, Jupiter, pulled the comet off course. The ice comet then headed directly for Maldek. The citizens of that planet asked the Martians for help. Even though they were at odds with each other, they allowed some of the Maldekians to move to the Martian underground. The comet came so close to Maldek that the planet got caught between the gravitational pull of Jupiter, Mars, and the comet. This caused the planet to explode, leaving an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The explosion pushed the ice comet close enough to Mars to rip the atmosphere off that planet, leaving only an extremely thin atmosphere. The explosion also pulled Mars further away from the sun. The comet then continued on toward the Earth....."

This version of Maldek's destruction involves a race of Reptilian E.T.'s playing a sinister game of billiards with the planets of our solar system!

Lyrae and the Reptilians

Note here that Maldek's demise is the result of primarily gravitational forces, but may have been worse had it not been for a miscalculations in the trajectory of the hollow "comet" planet that stands in for Nibiru in this version of the tale.

Interestingly, Earth does not form from half of Maldek's remains, as Zecharia Sitchin postulated. Instead, Earth is already in existance and the Maldek incident brings about the creation of Venus instead.... and interestingly, the portion of the "Enuma Elish" Epic of Creation that deals with what was created out of the intact half of Maldek/Tiamat is vague enough to suggest it could have been either Earth or Venus, or perhaps even a third alternative that has yet to be rediscovered. (Chiron and Pluto?)

Also discussed in this version is a galactic "Federation", with the citizens of Mars, Maldek, and a planet around the star Atlas in the Pleiadies Cluster refusing to join. The Federation was supposedly an alliance against the reptoid / dinoid forces, but before investing too much fear and prejudice in that dynamic, check out the role-reversal in one of the other versions of Maldek history below....

Lunar-Gate: The 51st Greatest Conspiracy of All Time:

"As for the cratering on the moon, [author William L. Brian II] pulls a theory apparently out of the heavenly firmament, explaining that those familiar features are in fact the handiwork of "sophisticated weapons" used in "a terrible war involving the moon," which took place "less than 30,000 years ago."

Brian describes a Star Wars-like scenario in which a hollow planet between Mars and Jupiter was obliterated by high-tech particle beams leaving behind our latter-day asteroid belt.

That asteroid belt planet ("hereafter referred to as Maldek," he writes, somewhat inexplicably) had a moon, which, thanks to "great levitating or gravity-inducing beams" was transported into the orbit of its new host: Planet Earth. "
This version of Maldek's destruction adds to the theory that there was more going on than random collisions between celestial bodies, and that the conflicts between the "gods" in the "Enuma Elish" epic may have been as emotional and socially motivated as literally described. It also suggests that the "lightning" flashes between Maldek and Nibiru may have been more than just side-effects of weather anomalies....

Excerpt found on: "Occurrences in Space", originally from Sheldon Nidle's book.
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/profe ... ecia09.htm

Here again, the Nibiru planet is a gigantic "Death Star", designed for war. This version of the story does match Sitchin's version from the "Epic of Creation" in that the Nibiru planet achieves an extreme elliptical orbit around our sun that takes 3,600 years to complete.

Note the role-reversal that occurred in this version of the story. Was Maldek inhabited by reptoids and dinoids who were destroyed by humanoids, or was Maldek inhabited by humanoids and destroyed by reptoids and dinoids? Did control of Maldek, and perhaps Nibiru, swing back and forth between the separate "passes" recorded in Sumerian texts? Perhaps, as was the case with the Babylonian god Marduk, there are those who were keen to rewrite this tale with themselves as the victors.

Wikipedia Terminology for 3 different Maldek Theories
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifth_plan ... hetical%29

This conservative Wikipedia page states that the idea of the breakup of a fifth planet in our solar system to form the asteroid belt is officially known in science as the "disruption" theory.

It contrasts this with something known as the "Planet V" theory, which supposes that a fifth planet existed between Mars and the asteroid belt, and that this planet may have "crashed" into the sun. "Planet V" theory does not explain the creation of the asteroid belt, or very much of anything other than perhaps the Late Heavy Bombardment period of Earth/solar geology.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:10 am

On the Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction, Maldek, the “Lost Chord”, and the missing 54 days
So again, the Sun’s equator rotates in 26 Earth days. Cotterell also demonstrates that ten of these rotations, or 260 days, are pivotal to all higher-level Solar cycles. Therefore, the Mayan Sacred Year of 260 days would be a precise way of keeping track of solar activity.

When we expand our tzolkin number of 260, (built up from the vibrational number 13,) to its higher harmonics, we have 260 katuns in the Calendar Cycle, at roughly 20 years each. We also have 260 days in the Sacred Year. The amazing discovery that Chatelain made is that the katun itself is not just a dead, lifeless fraction of the Great Cycle; it is a working cycle all in its own right. Chatelain indicates in his book that the scientists knew that the length of the katun had to be about 19.75 years, but no one has ever explained what it was actually measuring.
Though no one else had ever considered it, Chatelain realized that by adding a very slight 54 days extra to the standard harmonic katun length of 7,200 days, he suddenly, magically arrived at the precise length of time between each conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. This conjunction was the grease in the gears, the very essence of what made the clock tick.

One Maya scholar, Robert Hall, suggests that [the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction was used] in the early development of the Long Count. 7200 days is 19 years plus 260 days exactly.

That fact alone suggests further points of study for the harmonic cycles. Chatelain showed that the katun not only worked for Jupiter and Saturn, but when taken as a unit, it plugged into the orbits of many other planets as well.
Again, Chatelain’s theories have drawn attention to the almost 100-percent connection between the katun and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. We can then begin to understand the possible physical connection to the katuns’ use as a counting system. If the orbits were just a slight bit different, they would be perfect- just like the once-perfect Earth orbit of 360 days and the once-perfect Mars orbit of 666 days. Chatelain goes on to show us that the main Calendar Cycle of ~5,200 years can be perfectly broken down into mathematically precise harmonic measurements for many different planetary conjunctions, especially Jupiter and Saturn.

The conjunction period of Jupiter and Saturn is in reality 7,253.445 days, but the rounded-out Mayan value of 7,254 days is valid because they did not use decimal parts and counted in whole days only. So the Great [Calendar] Cycle of the 260 Mayan conjunctions was 1,886,040 days, or 5,163.8 of our years.

Cotterell’s work does give us many crucial parts of the puzzle, but it was Chatelain’s discovery that the Mayan Calendar was directly linked to astrological conjunctions that led to his discovery of the importance of Jupiter and Saturn. As we go on and look at the numbers, we must ask ourselves if it was possible that the Maya were indeed well aware of both the Chatelain version of the calendar as well as the conventional one. It certainly appears that the two cycles are permanently and inextricably woven into each other. The length of the katun is just far too close to the length of the J-S conjunction to be a coincidence.

Remember now that Cotterell had independently discovered a sunspot cycle that caused the sun’s magnetic fields to shift, before he ever saw any mathematical information tying this in with the Mayas. His numbers had come strictly from the interpretation of satellite data pertaining to the ebb and flow of sunspots. This principal sunspot cycle that Cotterell calculated is given in Mayan Prophecies as 1,366,040 days. The Maya put great work into monitoring these cycles, as they were directly connected with smaller-scale cataclysms and energy shifts on Earth. Remember that this is a smaller, more frequent cycle that affects when the Sun’s own poles shift, not the Great Cycle of ~25,920 years itself. As we previously stated, this solar pole shift cycle has to run itself through exactly seven times in order to add up into the Great Cycle.

Again looking back to Cotterell, we see that his own sunspot shift cycle of 1,366,040 days was very closely related to 1,366,560 days, the Mayan "Super Number" in the Dresden Codex. They are exactly 520 days apart from each other, or 2 × 260, the tzolkin number and Sacred Year, built up from the harmonic vibrations of the number 13. This should leave absolutely no doubt that the Maya were aware of the solar cycles we are discussing. The additional 520 days act as Cotterell’s "shift differential operator," introducing an extra pattern into the equation that allows us to expand these cycles into even larger patterns in the Sun’s activity.

Remember that Cotterell calculated his solar pole shift number without ever having seen the Mayan information. When you really dig into Cotterell’s information, you discover that the Mayan "Super Number" of 1,366,560 days was based on the usage of the cycles of Venus to calculate solar pole shift. It is an interesting point, though, to see that Venus works so perfectly with the sunspot cycle we are discussing; everything fits together.

So, we add 520 days, or two of Cotterell’s solar "shift differentials," and suddenly fact meets fiction: a scientifically derived, totally modern Sunspot cycle harmonizes perfectly with an ancient Mayan number.

The link between Chatelain’s astrology-based number of 1,886,040 days for the Mayan Calendar and Cotterell’s 1,366,040 days for the sunspot shift cycle should be seen right away. The difference is, miraculously, a quite whole number, as both numbers end in 6,040; therefore, when subtracted from each other, the last four digits cancel out to 0,000. Their difference is exactly, precisely 520 thousand days. This is undoubtedly one of the most fantastic correlations between the two cycles, as it shows yet another "layer" of the harmonic, Octave-shifting properties of the number 13!

If we remember from earlier chapters, Bruce Cathie indicates that the Ancients would effortlessly add or subtract zeroes to numbers, knowing that the numbers remained harmonically identical underneath. This has to do with the innate properties of the base-ten system. So therefore, 520,000 harmonically reduces to 520, which is the exact same number that we just saw above when Cotterell got the Solar "pole shift" to equal the Mayan "super number." Again, he did this by simply adding two tzolkins or Sacred Years of 260 days.

We have to admit that there is a fundamental similarity between Chatelain’s modified figures for the Mayan Calendar, based on J-S conjunctions, and Cotterell’s number for the solar pole shift. Unless we see the harmonics of 13 at work, it would be very difficult to understand how this could possibly be.

Just to recap, the harmonics of 13, expanded into the "tzolkin number" of 260, appear to be of pivotal importance in understanding all of our mystically interrelated cycles, including the Great Cycle of ~25,920 years, in many more ways than one. The tzolkin is the anchor of the entire system, from the 26 day rotation of the Sun’s equator to the "Sacred Year" of the Maya to the number of katuns in the Mayan Calendar. The tzolkin also links the sunspot shift cycle to the "Super Number," allowing it to expand into the Great Solar Cycle. Now, we have just shown how it also demonstrates the harmonic link between the J-S conjunctions and the sunspot shift cycle itself.

It is interesting to note that "frontier scientist" Richard Hoagland and his team wrote a recent article on hyperdimensional physics on his www.enterprisemission.com website that also demonstrates the hyperdimensional importance of the J-S conjunction in this integrated harmonic system. In this case, he shows that the power of the J-S conjunction surpasses the power emitted by the standard 11-year sunspot cycle. This was measured by studying the relative level of radio interference caused by the peaks of the sunspot cycle, and then comparing that against the level of interference caused by the J-S conjunctions. The J-S conjunctions caused a significantly higher amount of interference than the 11-year sunspot cycle in this case, and he has reprinted the original articles that prove it. Interestingly, Hoagland also mentions the 25,920-year cycle in the same article, only he has completely missed the real causes behind this cycle, which we are discussing here. In his article on the website, he speculates that the orbit of a large, distant planet might be the cause this cycle.

We now know from our excerpts from Edgar Cayce and other sources that this 25,920-year cycle is not caused by a planet at all; it is a Solar effect. We also know that it does more than simply affect weather, magnetic pole reversals and the ups and down of civilization - it also holographically controls the dimensional frequencies that are streaming in from the Galactic Center and resonating throughout the entire Solar System. We have shown that due to the properties of aether vibration, each planet is a multidimensional body, which assembles into a geometric, crystalline form.

As we previously alluded, what we actually see is a “ratchet” form developing, where the available higher-dimensional energy noticeably increases at the peak of each Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. We still need to watch Jupiter and Saturn in order to observe the "ratchets" of this cycle. It is interesting that Edgar Cayce listed “’58 to ‘98” as a crucial "evaluation" period leading up to the planetary changes. Both of these dates are exactly two years prior to when the J-S conjunctions occurred. Based on what we have just unfurled here, we must conclude that this is what the Cayce Readings were referring to. We are hard-pressed to find any other physical observations of the Cycle that could possibly match up any better than this.

But why would the Cayce Readings anticipate each of these conjunctions two years in advance when referring to a "testing period?" We must conclude that just the approach of the J-S conjunction can cause massive changes, even before it actually hits. This applies in astrology as well, where the effects of a major conjunction get stronger and stronger as the conjunction gets tighter and tighter. It really is the exact same principle, albeit on a larger scale. The length of time between ‘58 and ‘98 is forty years, and again we see the Bible symbolism popping out all over the place.

Getting back to the point of this chapter, we must remember that no other researcher has ever tied in the Mayan Calendar to planetary conjunctions, except for Chatelain. If the J-S conjunctions are so obviously close to the Mayan katun, why was there the 54-day discrepancy?

Wilcock’s own readings finally explained it in a way that makes sense, providing that the Ra Material is accurate. We remember that Ra said that there was once a planet where the Asteroid Belt now resides, often called Maldek. Ra told us that this planet was caused to explode by a war that occurred between its inhabitants some 500,000 years ago. We also know that Thomas Van Flandern, a reputable astrophysicist, is now putting increasingly hard science behind the notion that this was indeed a planet in the recent past that exploded. All comets in the Solar System can be traced back to that point of origin, for example. Since comets are largely water ice, they are the vacuum-frozen chunks of what was once a fertile ocean.

So, even though it might not be "mainstream" yet, at some future point the loss of Maldek to nuclear war will no longer be considered a matter of fiction, but of simple and tragic human history. Since we have only just begun to accept the idea of extraterrestrial life, the notion of "planet-hopping" certainly takes some time to get used to. But facts like the gigantic Face on Mars certainly give us clues that lead in this direction.

So, since we can now prove that Maldek did indeed explode, we then need to stretch our imaginations just a bit more. Clearly, the force and impact of an entire large planet exploding must be quite something. Indeed, part of Van Flandern’s research concerns the amazing blast impacts that are visible on the neighboring planetary and lunar bodies closest to the Asteroid Belt. Many of them appear to have sustained far more damage on one half than the other half, including Mars, which now appears to have been one of the exploded planet’s moons.

Therefore, when Maldek exploded, there were extremely damaging effects created in the entire harmonic structure of the Solar System, disrupting the natural harmonic smoothness of the planetary orbits. We can easily see that the other planets would get knocked out of their positions. Since Jupiter and Saturn are both beyond the Asteroid Belt, the explosion would blow them further away from the Sun. All it would take would be for one or both of them to be close to Maldek in their orbit pattern, and the extra 54 days could easily be accounted for.

What we have to realize here is that at one time, the Solar System functioned in a perfectly Divine and beautiful way, with elegant harmonic mathematics. Among many other things these mathematics allowed the conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn to be exactly 7,200 days in length, thus precisely matching the numbers inherent in the Sunspot Cycle. But, after Maldek’s explosion, the planets were knocked out of place, creating a very acceptable 54 days of extra time between each conjunction. But, even though they were knocked slightly out of place, their effects as the driver of the Solar Cycle could not be disputed; they were the two biggest planets in the Solar System.

It is interesting to think that if this explosion had never disrupted our system, we might well have come to a discovery about these harmonic systems much earlier. The "conventional" Mayan Calendar was used to keep perfect track of the idealized harmonic cycles of the Sun, which would not have been significantly affected by Maldek’s explosion, due to the Sun’s gigantic mass. These numbers would remain beautifully simple and elegant, representing the true Divine design of creation.

Thus, even though Jupiter and Saturn got knocked out of alignment, they still ended up arriving in a position that perfectly harmonized with the cycle in the Sun by the "shift number" of 2×260, or 520. This shows us how adaptable the harmonic system really is — even after such a catastrophic explosion, the new positions that the planets assumed still had harmonic, vibrational qualities. So, Jupiter and Saturn still have a definite effect, even though they no longer figure in precisely to the conventional Mayan Calendar. We can now see exactly how important the "shift period" of May of 2000 really is, as it is not only the last sunspot cycle peak before the Cycle itself ends, it is also the very last time that the masses of Jupiter and Saturn will conjoin before the cycle ends. We must conclude that it is for this reason that the forces in the Edgar Cayce readings triangulated on 1998-2001 when they spoke of the Solar Cycle and the corresponding pole shift.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:51 am

Who might the “primordial humans” have been so we can get a better idea of how we have been “downgraded” by our controllers to our present “servant status”?
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 825#p21593

The Ages of Man
There was first a golden race of mortal men who lived in the time of Cronos when he was reigning in heaven. They lived like gods without sorrow or toil, and they did not know Old Age. And although they died, it was as if they were overcome with sleep. It is said that the earth bare them fruit abundantly and yielded without compulsion all needful things. For spring was everlasting, streams of milk and nectar flowed, and honey was distilled from the oak.
The Chronicles of the Gírkù
Namlú'u (Primordial Human)

"The old men tell that in the beginning of the world, God created a man and gave him responsibility for all the creatures. This man went out every day from his house very early in the morning to visit God's property -- that is, all that is found here on the Earth. And he would always return home very late in the evening, and very tired. But in spite of his great fatigue, he had to make his report to God on the state of health of all the creatures." - Oral Tradition of the Lumwe of Zaïre

Karma One: In your narration, the initially-created, original human (Namlú'u) is an extraordinary being, quasi superior to his creators and almost omnipotent, belonging to several dimensions, gifted with capacities of astonishing clairvoyance, capable of reading anyone's thoughts. This original human seems singularly close to the Source, namely the World Creator or "God".

Just who are these creators of the Namlú'u? Why did they create such astonishing beings? Why in this form?

Anton Parks: I sincerely believe that the Namlú'u have a perpetual existence somewhere in Angal (the higher dimensions).

The term NAM-LÚ-U ("immense human beings") was used by the "gods" and the Sumerians to designate this primordial humanity. Later the term was used to refer to the Sumerians who were the first humans in Mesopotamia, those who were in contact with the "gods" found in the Bible under the names Yahvé and Elohim.

The departure of the Namlú'u from our dimension was synchronised with the arrival of the Anunna on the Earth.

The Namlú'u are beings who embody uncommon capabilities. They were created "all at once" by the Kadištu (Life Designers) who seeded life on this planet. They were in a manner of speaking the guardians of the Earth before the arrival of the Anunna.

There are gnostic texts, such as The Secret Book of John (NH2-1.28) that announce that:

This being was fashioned by "the creators", in the image of God (the Source) and conforming to their respective appearance. This perfect primordial being combined the various powers with which they (the creators) had been endowed, both physically and psychologically.

The Namlú'u were approximately four meters in height. They could detect thoughts and most importantly had the ability to displace themselves very rapidly from one location to another through the use of the Merkaba, the field of individual light of which the transmutation, through the use of the chakras and the Kundalini, permitted one to metamorphose into a vehicle of ascension. The term Merkaba means "chariot" in Hebrew.
Vril Power and the Vril Gesellschaft
http://battleofearth.wordpress.com/2009 ... ellschaft/
“The solar system Aldebaran has a sun around which revolve two inhabited planets that form the empire SUMERAN. The population of the Aldebaran system is divided into the master race of “light God people” and several other human races that had developed by negative mutation from the “God people” because of climatic changes upon the planets.

“Around 500 million years ago the “light God people” started to colonize other earth-like planets, after the expansion of the sun Aldebaran and the resulting heat had made the original planets uninhabitable. It is said that in our system they first colonized the planet Mallona (also called Maldek, Marduk or – by the Russians – Phaeton) which existed in the area of today’s asteroid belt, then between Mars and Jupiter. Mars was next. The proof for a highly developed race on Mars is run by the well-known face on Mars and the pyramid city which has been photographed by the Mars probe Viking in 1976. It is assumed that the master race of Sumeran-Aldebaran then also came to Earth for a first visit, witnessed by the petrified impressions of a shoe found to be about 500 million years old, and squashed under the heel a trilobite, a little crayfish that lived then upon Earth and became extinct about 400 million years ago.”

“The Vril people thought that later, when Earth became slowly habitable, the race of the Aldebarans landed in Mesopotamia and formed the master caste of the SUMERIANS.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:31 am

How might a brown dwarf sun such as Saturn have connected to a planet like Tiamat/Madek in a collinear or polar alignment?

The Polar Sun and the Hollow Earth with an “Internal Sun”
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 855#p22537
Druses confirmed this, as they were hollow and the “life”, the mineral and crystals, were in the interior. Therefore the Earth also had to be hollow and had a nucleus, the Central Sun (the Black Sun) that gave the interior an even climate and permanent sunlight, corresponding in the microcosm to the central sun of the galaxy in the macrocosm.

They maintain that the actual life in our planet takes place in the interior – the master race lives inside and the mutants on the surface – and that this was also the reason why we wouldn’t find any life upon other planets of our solar system, because their inhabitants live inside. The main entrances are at the North and South poles through which the central sun is shining and producing the aurora borealis. In the interior the land mass was exceeding the water mass.
In other words, the Abzu (hollow earth) is a structure that contradicts our common knowledge of the Earth and all other planetary bodies in the Solar System – and seems to violate our understanding of physics as well.

It must be open to both of the Earth's poles or polar regions
It must be able to contain a small "sun".

About that sun that always seems to be present inside the cavity: why would it be there, where did it come from, and what makes it stable in that position?

The next phase might be an interaction between interstellar particles being attracted toward the gravitational well and outward-moving energy and particles. Might there be a point of equilibrium at a given radius where a shell of matter would begin to form?

Another major detail requiring an explanation would be the holes at the poles of rotation. I personally am not clear on this point, as the dynamics appears complex, but it seems reasonable that if there was rotation in the first place, that these holes might appear due to centrifugal force.

The Electric Sky Model of plasma astrophysics and its subsidiary Electric Sun, described for example in Donald Scott's The Electric Sky (2006), being scalable over the range of cosmological- to laboratory-sized dimensions, provides us with a perfectly reasonable model of a small sun that could exist in the earth's cavity. This is because stars are not fusion reactors requiring a certain size and gravitational pressure, but simple foci of plasma occurring along strung-out Birkeland Currents.

In this model, the energy from the sun (any sun) is supplied by the Birkeland current, a plasma in "dark current mode" (i.e, in the low-current-density regime in which it is not emitting light).

The Birkeland current feeding a planet's inner sun would very definitely have to pass through polar openings.

Is it possible that those openings are a part of the geometry of a "recombination zone" that is responsible for planetary formation itself?


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