Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 22, 2009 1:17 pm

Anatomy of a Cosmic Conundrum ... s7_02c.htm#
The ‘aliens’, the ‘ET’s’, and the Nature Spirits somehow largely waned and recessed after the Patriarchal takeover over multi-millennial history. The aliens took a step back into the larger circuit of nature to let us more independently cultivate and evolve, but only after adding some Messianic spice here and there, it appears.

However, the aliens don’t recognize the human religious Institutions as the exclusive representatives of the people, and are establishing mostly private relationships with individuals and sometimes small groups of people. The aliens recognize the institutions and their leaders as local Earthly petri-dish apotheosis gods. They don’t recognize their say-so authority over the right to check the flock and set up connectivity directly for themselves.

They were involved with helping and creating many religious figures that inspired the religious institutions of our Judeo-Christian Western World. Whether it be Jesus, Moses and YHWH, Mohammed and the One God Allah, or Joseph Smith and Archangel Moroni, or for that matter, certain activities in ancient India, it is now secretly admitted that ET had a role in all along the way. That role was kept covert, removed, behind a curtain.

A key integrative insight is the threading in all this between “who controls the hearts and minds of humanity”, and who is the custodial authority of matters of their soul and status in our universe.

So realize the very human institutions that were ultimately spawned by activities of ET aliens are very much at odds with the thought of alien custodial return. These institutions are so much at odds with the very idea, they are finding they may well have to knuckle under and adapt to the populace getting a new, higher authority than them.

These ET (extraterrestrials) and ED (extradimensional) entities have been masters of perception and deception for millennia, so we can expect a formidable display of camouflage, subterfuge and psychological manipulation skills. This means some unscrupulous ET’s could take advantage of the vulnerabilities in the situation, just as we would.

More Than Two Sides to Every Issue and Influence ... s7_02c.htm#
Apparently neither human institutions nor aliens are quite ready yet to declare ‘game-over’ and all come out from behind the masks. The charade has sacred purposes and profane purposes. The sacred purpose apparently is soul evolution, and the profane purpose is apparently soul control.

Now the institutions have discovered to their great dismay, that the divinities and deviltries of history are just readily and easily bypassing them. The last thing these institutions want humankind to generally believe is that ET’s are the real heavenly masters of spiritual history. And in turn, they don’t wish to have the populace educated in knowing how to spot a false master when they see one.

Who is the false master? The ET’s that helped to create the Messiahs, or the human institutions that represent the Messianic divinities of history?

And that is a good thing. It is about the spark of divinity in humankind, not about being commodity soul currency to feed the fancies of the followers of the dark laws, be psychic corn-dogs for reptilian devil creatures with technology millions of years in advance of our own. That is not a war we can win without allying with the other side. That is one prevailing view.
Anatomy of the ARC Echelons ... s7_02c.htm#
All these aspects to the problem reveal themselves even more rabidly in relationship when we consider how the whole ET alliance issue HAS splintered and fractured the controlling intelligence apparatus in the world along religious and spiritual, or anti-spiritual lines. The factional ARC enclaves are direct lineage of the factional spiritual influences and human historical conditioning.

Hence there are the very cultish distinctions in the world’s secret controlling multi-level Echelon. These are all intelligence clans, cabals, and crony systems. These are all derived, in historical terms, from the Catholic Church and its secret Orders up until the post A-bomb period, when independence developed between the key players into factions.

The crucible yields an amalgam of reluctantly allied forces, and extremist allied forces, and an entirely secret new world order that falls out of the hands of those who benefited first and most from captured alien technology transfer - and that so happens to be Echelon 7. The alien problem has fractionated world powers and above TS intelligence into religious and anti-religious factions. And at the same time it has unified them into one planetary security network.

The Echelons defined themselves out of the extremities of institutional human response, and together are the ARC of how all the high-strangeness, non-fractal, abnormal, conflicting behaviors of secret government parties are created. They are all operating with impunity under the top secret ‘state-of-war’ condition we have been in for about 50 years since Fat Boy, the real deep-freeze war underneath the good cover of the cold war.

It is the agenda or veracity of the ET’s that claim involvement in human religions that is the Number One Priority Issue, and debate, despite the advancement of all our science as our new form of worship. The fact these divine beings beat science to hell with their own million year old science and technology and telepathic connected group-mind trumps the new form of techno-worship of rational mind we humans have developed.

Here is the gum in the works: supposedly, divine beings, in religious terms, were always considered above the flesh, above the worldliness of physical impediment, above the limitations of a physical cosmos. And now they are not? They are slimy bugs, lizards and other Dr. Moreau morphs out of our animal kingdom, and they are the heavenly hosts, angels and Olympian man-gods of history and myth.

Physical ET stakeholders being part of ‘divine’ history is a difficult assimilation; and will our institutions survive the full disclosure day? Things are increasingly in flux in all the metrics of physical and metaphysical reality in these millennial days to 2012.

A few parties in the power elite are effectively Satanists, in that they harvest souls through torture and sacrifice of children, (sorry to have to say that) and use technology and unwitting people to cause Chaos. Some aliens feed on fear, Some aliens rejoice in love, some feed on love.

Chaos is a “Keep-em-Busy” doctrine for maintaining control of the faithful by preventing their creative ascent in spiritual terms. Inflicting chaos of social and human pain is a means to their ends of power and the pursuit of truth no matter how profane the truth or the methods of obtaining it. The lesson of the fallen angel is not lost on such folks, and from their point of view, it is well arrived at. Some people should be horrified by this or they are far too asleep.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 22, 2009 1:19 pm

Spiritual Symbol Powers - Finding Balance between Sun and Moon, Serpent and Feline ... s7_02c.htm#
Cults have encoded spiritual signals and gained power for the warrior and business castes. The phallic, serpent, and sun cult worshippers were among the elite of military and economic classes, classes commissioned by the most powerful religious centers. Moon and feminine principle worship are still present and not so hidden in the existence of modern new age cults, and feminine principle worship practiced as family, community, and inclusive environmentalism today.

To see the hidden truth, one only need consult the right symbolic codebook dictionary, a dictionary of cryptographic munitions of soul evolution and control, a dictionary where the ‘munitions’ are the keys to human connection with the cosmos and spiritual worlds, connections with our progenitors. Social symbols evolve to carry great meaning.

This is a dictionary where the ‘munitions’ are the power and consciousness of nature and the heavens and the earth, and the symbols that connote connection to them, and the politics is about our rights to individually have the freedom and personal sovereignty to access these symbols and identify who we are through them. Spiritual symbol control is the cryptography of spiritual energy control, in order to keep the populace managed. Some would prefer to profit from the prevention of free-evolution than to let it topple existing control structure advantages.

This dictionary reveals codes and means accessing spirit and ET, without specially authorized human go-betweens.

To the economic-warrior phallic serpent secret society cults, a woman’s body is the property of the state via law, the law of ancient covert hostile takeover of the mother Earth. Freedoms are a state privilege, and have never been a fundamental human right under law, from Church Canon law, to old Maritime law, to modern national government laws. Humanity has always been the chattel of the Lord from the Church point of view, or chattel of the state from the economic point of view. So true freedom is granting rights to devil worship (symbolic counter-intelligence), and so it must be narrowly privileged, and simply not a fundamental right.

This is how deep things go - all of western civilization is a consequence of how institutional humanity formed in response to, and adapted to one of the last great alien contact events - the creation of Jesus Christ. Anyway, that makes alien contact an Achilles heel for religious institutions unless they find accommodation with the returning divine and profane entity masters.
The Barriers between Worlds of Beingness and Power ... s7_02c.htm#
A larger issue is the spiritual energy vortexes and other physical cosmic fluxes are opening up in this region of the universe. Dimensional permeability between us and other worlds and spirit realms is increasing. Tremendous energies are available for assimilation or destruction it appears, depending on how the energies and influences are integrated or resisted. Sometimes the old standard symbolic ritualistic practices won’t work anymore, others will work too well and become almost frightening in their power.

One reason the military is involved in creating hybrids is the attempt to produce alien-human beings capable of both human type control and also alien ability to effect telepathic interface. This is a situation where telepathic capacity is made stronger than the power of language to impede, deflect, or destroy telepathic reception.

With a normal person, the power of language is almost by itself sufficient to place consciousness into a limited band capacity of attention distribution. Experience not within the vocabulary of articulation becomes ignored and avoided. With a hybrid, the telepathic overcomes the hypnotism of language.

Lack of telepathic interface is often only the conscious energy in play that edits the acquisition stream well before open field conscious reception can occur. Drop the invested autonomic control energies, controlling attention, mind, feeling, intuition.

The psionic broadcasting and antenna detection systems try to influence and sense thought-wave and emotion-wave scalar space events and EM-like resonances.
For Now, Pandora’s Box is Open and Managed with Malathion and Butterfly Nets ... s7_02c.htm#
We are unable to tell what some alien agendas are because we can’t read the ET mind, and ET is not telling. These entities are deft at communicating and contacting us using advanced subconscious subliminal techniques, which for the most part seem harmless and sometimes even beneficial for the involved parties.

But thankfully, aliens do not seem to be in a hurry to meddle with our society openly, only furtively. They are interested however in their usual antics, like getting genetic samples before the pool might get destroyed. Earth won’t be destroyed by the aliens, or cosmic catastrophe, but by things all the advanced alien technology cannot change - a mankind which would destroy itself and life on the beautiful Earth.

Given some alien-to-military cooperation is apparent, the real story that is the only story justifying a lot of conduct is that the aliens that we are seeing working with the military for the most part are future humans.

Some of these aliens are future humans from different timelines. Some future humans have returned using technology to travel through time to hybridize their future genetic complement with genetic stocks of this time and age.

Pandora was a woman, symbolic of the Goddess religions of the ancient past. Nature was put into a box by the Patriarchal religions. She, in a manner of speaking, has returned to open the box.

The Institutions of power want to keep the lid closed, and feel too much already has flown out of Pandora’s Box. Anything that has made it out of the box has been labeled and placed into a new kind of box, an invisible box without a lid, without walls, where the truth lies right out in the open, but the wrapping still exists in our minds and hearts. This is the status quo.

Things are changing slowly but inexorably to a new state, a new paradigm of relationship with God, Goddess, Nature, Spirit and the Cosmos, and human society will never be the same. There are known and unknown trigger conditions that can occur to accelerate or impede the process of change, and the process of integration with a larger cosmos.

The secret government agenda is to discover the real alien agenda, in time to constructively do something about it. Meanwhile mass covert contact goes on, as maybe it has always furtively happened for thousands of years. So relax.

The simple idea is that sparks and fragments of God, called souls, invested in humanity, may be cultivated into something different and somehow beyond (not necessarily better than) their creators. The harvest rights to that bounty are probably the real endgame.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 22, 2009 1:20 pm

Omega Game Secrets and the Ouroboros Breakout Choice ... s7_02d.htm#
The sun is dying, and too soon. This was caused by regional dimensional vortex shutdown some 90,000 years ago. Solar instability can cause much life on Earth to be unsustainable in 40 years. Ancient astro-theology calendars all end around now. There are also dangerous interplanetary bodies, with civilization threatening capability due to cause more serious damage to Earth in another 150 years.

One way or the other we are slated to leave Earth, sooner or later, or else. This is a prevailing secret truth. Those in control would rather save themselves and a few elite than worry about the whole of mankind, despite the presence of a few well meaning but deluded true human patriots amongst the bunch.

The cosmic regional hyperdimensional vortices began to open back up in 1994 in the region beyond and in line with the Sirius double star system. They will be increasingly open again within the next 20 years, and hit first peak resonance, as a ‘wave’ on Earth within the next 5 to 10 years - probably 2006 or 2007. In the omega game, the critical choices are fast approaching.

Originally, the death sentence to our sun was caused by ancient hyperdimensional vortex closure near Sirius that unfortunately starved the sun of divine energy and caused it to emit vibrations of death and illness. On the other hand if closure had not been done, then some horrific ancient evils would have continued unabated.

The critical compensating element was the injection from high hyperdimensional sources (spiritual sources) of special soul substance of ‘high spirituality’ into Earth humanity at the time. 90,000 years ago, original Neanderthal humanity was given a remarkable gift - a higher soul substance distributed itself into humanity from beyond the physical universe. It was a compensating action against genetic evils that had already occurred. Incredibly, there was a side effect. Humans were ‘endowed’ to become spiritual powerhouses with their own individual soul vortexes.

The original offending aliens who wanted control of Eden as their own perverse playground to control, manipulate, suppress and rule, were kicked off Earth to a planet in the nearby Sirius and Betelguese systems, but a few stayed hidden on Earth underground. This has been known by in-the-know status quo human powers for thousands of years.

The Sirius vortexes have opened up just enough to amplify the capacity of the soul in human beings and commence another major ‘natural’ genetic transformation, apparently encoded and dormant in humanity since the original genetic counter-engineering by positive Sirian forces 90,000 years ago. Because of this, the sun’s life can be extended if the coming big energy wave goes more positively than time travelers coming back would have us believe it went for them. What we do between today and 2007 is critical to how the wave hits then. Actually what humanity already did in the last ten years to evolve has made much of the unpredicted new future tracks even possible and now probable.

With the spiritual (hyperdimensional) vortexes now partly reopening, with enough human spiritual development, the sun can be stabilized, temporarily, or even completely. The time available for space migration can be cushioned so radical future genetic engineering does not overtake the human race and we do not turn ourselves into hive-mind ET that we see today from the future.

The need for space migration can be entirely relaxed because the sun can be stabilized for another 4000 years. We can take centuries getting off planet as a whole, instead of having less than 60 years before human extinction if we don’t get away from the sun.

The coming wave has already happened negatively, as evidenced by the existence of many time travelers - future humans - coming from distant futures long after disaster had already happened. They had advanced enough to migrate their souls back to catch a different part of the big wave that is about to happen, still in our future, but is almost upon us.

The soul migration back from into the ‘past’, to our present, is to redirect the human ‘future’ spiritual evolution from what futurally ostensibly happened. Therefore the present ‘real future’ is engaged in counter-phasing itself into a better outcome. Humanity is hitchhiking back into human genetics and our current time registration to catch a new direction on the coming wave.

The migration back to the present of all the human souls from the future is evolutionarily grounded through reincarnational redirection of these souls eventually into Human/’ET’ hybridized bodies. The abduction programs by many aliens represent an alien-human abductee agreement, agreement mostly unconscious to the abducted humans, in a joint effort of alliance to effect a ‘dimensional immigration’ deed. The story often follows the souls or the genes of the abductees are related to the souls or the genes of the aliens, in some distant future looping back.

Future humanity screws up bad and in the mad and seemingly so rational scientific and engineering effort to save the human race, they genetically engineer the human race for space travel, and most fatefully engineer the elimination of considerable emotional neurotransmission capacity. Why? As a panic and depression management measure in the future to ‘save humanity.’ It is a science and survival debacle that ‘has already happened’, and is reflecting back on us now as it tries to find it’s way anew.

The coming resonance wave in the next decade is in many ways, hyper-dimensional and beyond our current ability to comprehend. To some need-to-know ARC elements this smacks of hyperdimensional invasion, yet to other need-to-know ARC elements it is the chance for apotheosis. The question is, is it a false or genuine apotheosis? Is it spiritual liberation or entrapment? The spiritual soul substance endowed in human beings makes humanity coveted by certain negative spiritual forces millions of years long extant in the universe, such as certain elements of the people of the snake, earlier ‘fallen’ experimental remnants from Earth history.

Now today we are beginning another equally immense genetic and dimensional consciousness evolutionary shift that has been encoded and dormant in our genes for 90,000 years and recently unlocked in all of us by the vortex, and slowly causing metamorphosis of our species.

Some humans and aliens believe humanity does have the right stuff to break free of their bonds and survive, but will take a long time getting it right. Do we repeat future bad history currently on schedule or do we phase tunnel into a new future history? Does the snake eat its tail, where the Omega is game over and starts over as the Alpha once again, or do we graduate to a new level Alpha, beyond the historical pattern loop. The loop is the harvest being plowed under.

If it happens well and goes positively, the loop will be broken and the new unpredicted, virgin future will occur. In that future, certain negative power enclaves do not survive and are obsolesced by spiritual evolution in humanity. If it goes negatively, again, the loop will stay locked, and the ancient future will happen again. In that future, certain positive influences will again leave this universe until the pattern is ready to unlock again, in another 90,000 years. However, it appears that this will not happen, and that the positive outcome is probable now.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 22, 2009 2:31 pm

Earth Drama: Unprecedented in the Universe ... tley_9.htm
Note that there have been many 'falls' of man. The main fall according to the Guardians was half a billion years ago from the higher harmonic universe to our 3D Earth. (However, the original downfall - 'original sin' - was some 250 billion years ago; see articles 'Fall of man'.) In addition, there was the Luciferic Rebellion in 25,500 BC in which Anunnaki and Necromitons from Alpha Centauri, and Zetas and Anunnaki from Nibiru set up their Nibiru Diodic Crystal under (but before the time of) Stonehenge, energized by Wormwood (Planet X), which has resulted in merkabas (of basic energy-spiral mechanics) to reverse, creating shadow selves and severe DNA mutations of life forms on Earth.

Of course, humans having come down into the third-dimensional spectrum of frequencies - an arena for the creation of problems - gave the negative forces a heyday. This was more their level and they could draw parasitically on the average human's energies. Different tools are used today by the dark forces to prevent man's ascension from a third-dimensional spectrum to a fourth-dimensional one: behavioral negativity manifests in humans (used as puppets and pawns); degradation of art and music is occurring; education is based on left-brain development only; we have an ego-oriented and dead, quantitative science, confining reality to 3D only; there is suppression of spirituality, emotion and the feminine energy; and we have a religion which acknowledges a nonexistent external God.

The principal forces behind these negative sources are apparently from four main groups of aliens: the Anunnaki, the Dracos and Necromitons, and the Zeta/Greys, but also including countless hybrids. They have the technology to modulate the frequencies of mass consciousness, in fact, reconnect the individuals of the human race with their (the 'aliens') collective. According to some channeling the Zeta group (those of lower dimensions) has a somewhat unnatural single mind collective which does not accommodate individuality. (We might even compare this human's absorption of consciousness with that of the human's assimilation into the 'Borg collective' of the Star Trek series.) These aliens control corresponding Illuminati human groups - see article on Neanderthal man.

Why are the aliens here? Firstly they represent a minority compared with the overseeing enlightened ETs and spiritual beings. The Dracos believe they have rights to planet Earth since they are human/Drakon hybrids and recognize that humans came from other planets originally. The Zetas/Greys (a portion of them) believe they need planet Earth for their survival. In addition, and along with minor groups of renegade and pirate aliens, the Earth is a rich source of minerals, ores, oil, quartz, sand, and water for these plundering ETs. The Zetas main agenda has been to create a human/Zeta hybrid which can exist and survive on Earth to aid their planetary takeover and enslavement (the Zetas can't tolerate carbon and oxygen).

In addition to these reasons for the alien interest in Earth is the greatest desire: that of controlling the spectacular network of dimensional time portals around and within the planet. Earth is anchored to one of the 12 coordination energy centers of the Universal Templar Complex which Earth's surface portals can access and is what the quest for the Holy Grail is all about. There have been endless wars amongst ETs and angelic humans. Thus within this larger agenda, of exploring all probabilities outlined above, are vital and other significant problems being explored, in particular, a resolution of these wars to determine who will take control over Earth's valuable time-portal system (Planetary Templar Complex) - a coveted piece of 'real estate' - and ultimately the Universal Templar Complex.

These star gates or spiritual doorways enable beings not only to go from Earth to many parts of the universe instantly but also to move 'vertically' into higher harmonic universes. To be in control of this vital multiconnected 'junction' complex (Earth) would be covetously strategic to say the least.

If, however, a critical mass of the population wakes up to what is occurring and becomes sufficiently informed, the alien's agenda will fail. This awakening and consciousness expansion of man will place the human race in a frequency spectrum sufficient to inhibit the 'frequency fence' the aliens plan for Earth forcing individuals to lock into their collective. In the meantime the human race is endeavoring to ascend its consciousness to a fourth-dimensional spectrum to resolve its duality into unity consciousness and in turn resolve the universe duality as originally planned before the fall of man.

An additional purpose besides the requirement of resolving the duality is that man succeeds in evolving to the fourth-dimensional spectrum while still in body - to make the higher-spiritual frequencies compatible with the biology level. This is in itself considered unprecedented in the history of the universe. One usually evolves into a higher (frequency) body by dying to the one below - that is, through normal death and then taking on a different energy format.

However, if we go back far enough, according to the Guardian Alliance material we were set up with a 12-strand DNA, giving immortality to the body via a series of steps of evolution without discontinuities or changing bodies. Unfortunately the aliens, the Anunnaki and Drakonians, in particular, engineered our existing DNA mutations and the subsequent death cycles.

The relatively small proportion of negativity we originally agreed to was in fact to take on the DNA distortions of negative ETs who wished to be rehabilitated with the purpose of realigning their DNA but also realigning the corresponding planetary energies in the grid system, which is part of the fulfillment of the Christos Realignment Mission in our time matrix and the restoration of the Divine Blueprint.

The salient feature of the New-Age material is the ascension of man from 3D to 4D and 5D, while generally still in a biological body. If we examine the Guardian material on this we see a correspondence, though the precise mechanics are given in this case. The Earth was set up with additional inner portals called the Halls of Amenti, enabling humans to bodily ascend through these spiritual gate-ways to the upper parallel planet Tara of 4D, 5D and 6D without having to wait until death. This option is now available to anyone who can match these frequencies (Halls of Amenti) - this was the real exit Jesus (Jeshua) took when leaving Earth.

Countless civilizations throughout the universe are interested in the outcome of the human race experiment and mission since the resolution of the universe duality will bring considerable benefits to them. The original idea which began this vast experiment was that something like a ten times expansion of consciousness can be achieved by subjecting the soul level to tension. This has been experienced now in all its facets by the human race and this data-processing of the unresolved problems and negativity throughout the universe results in an experiential body of data which is broadcast to the other billions of races via the human unconscious. This enables them to tap into this experiential knowledge and gain the wisdom and expansion on a controlled basis without having to risk the pain and suffering which humans went through and are still continuing with, not having awakened in sufficient numbers for critical-mass requirement to produce change.

Regarding the above brief references to Luciferic energies, the Guardians have provided a more specific description of the manifestation of this Luciferic source as follows:

The derivation of the name Lucifer is tied in with,

1) the Nibiruian Lulitan family of Thoth-Enki Zeta Anunnaki
2) the Satain family of Marduke-Anunnaki
3) Necromitons (fallen Seraphim)

Races from Nibiru, Sirius B, Alpha Centauri, emerged from this Anunnaki hybridization (of 1, 2, and 3). This collective group became known as the Luciferians; and they were joined by other race lines such as the Illuminati. There was also a 'Luciferian conquest' in 10,500 BC, resulting in the remaining Atlantian islands being taken over by the Anu-Melchizedek (Anunnaki/human hybrid and Jehovian Anunnkai control.
Celestalline - Stardust Blue - White Powder Gold) ... ep06.shtml
A natural transient (very short life) element: The ancient Egyptians try to find them in the substance called white gold powder, and also tried to manufacture it.The substance only appears during the process of natural biological Star Gate passage Ascension when the body transmutes temporarily into light and rides in the Celesteline wave and then it re-manifest on the other side. When the process of natural biological Star Gate passage happens the body leaves a powder (pale blue) residue - Celesteline - that was eagerly tried to collect in the ancient days in Egypt and also tried to chemically create it as a white or gold powder.

By the way, white powder gold and other type of mono-atomic substance that some are playing with these days and putting on the market as supplements they advance and accelerate the process of Molecular Compaction. What it does is that it radically stimulates the introduction of higher dimensional currents, but out of order and if your templates are damaged, without the D-12 Sub-harmonic carrier wave, you get a rush and feel better for a while your templates are eroding right underneath you.

It also creates a dependency of the body and in the long run your body gets sicker faster. You don't need to take artificial white powder gold since you have the ability to use your mind to run your body in a way that before long you will be able to manufacture your own Celesteline form inside out. Celesteline actually pops out in the DNA. It comes out in the Hydrogen bonds that link together the DNA spirals.

Those hydrogen molecules change in the process of cellular transmutation. That is the place where the element Celesteline that only activates for the purpose of bodily transmutation as part of the natural chemical process. Upon contact with oxygen, liquid Celestalline secretions dry to a fine powder, which rapidly breaks down into inert elemental units.
DNA Activation
In actuality, the Human Genome is arranged into 12 dimensionalized mathematical programs, each of which set the blueprint for one double-helix chemical strand. Each double-helix strand blueprint is composed of 12 base-magnetic "female" base codes and 12 base-electrical "male" acceleration codes.

When the human genome is functioning naturally, the 12 base codes and 12 acceleration codes that hold the mathematical program for each double-helix strand combine to form a set of 12 electromagnetic Vector codes(1 base code + 1 acceleration code = 1 Vector code).

The 12 Vector Codes of the human genome manifest as 12 nucleotide base chemicals that form the nucleotide base pairs for which the double-helix DNA strands are composed.
Due to an unnatural sonic control program in Earth's grids, only 4 Vector Codes have been active in biological earth since 25,500 BC, making the chemical DNA of Earth life appear to be a "Base 4 Genetic Alphabet".

Through DNA Activation technologies the natural life force currents of the 12 dimensions can be used to reset and re-awaken the Base-12 DNA template and chemical DNA genome. Certain resonant frequencies have profound effects on the codes within the DNA, keys that have been waiting for thousands of years for the right evolutionary sequence to be activated.

Due to certain genetic "tampering" with the human DNA in ancient history and the seals that were put in place, human DNA has been since producing inorganic, toxic bio-chemical and hormonal agents that cause accelerated deterioration of the physical body form (aging and death). The original DNA blueprint was for immortality.

Awakening the 12 strand DNA template will also allow the dormant "turnstile" DNA sequences, and their transient bio-element "Celestalline", to chemically manifest within the chemical DNA hydrogen bonds.

This will return to humanity the natural biological potential of self-directed ascension out of 3-D matter density (true evolution).


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:52 pm

Orion Technology
Let's start with the Phoenix Project.

It was a project that evolved out of the Philadelphia Project. It was a project that the Navy did in the 1930's and 1940's in an attempt to make ships invisible. They threw the switch one eventful day and the ship went into hyperspace. Around 1947 it was decided to re-activate the project and it was moved to Brookhaven National Laboratories with Dr. John Von Neumann and his associates. Out of Phoenix I came Stealth technology. It also produced all sorts of energetic little toys like the radiosonde.

What is a radiosonde?

Well, in all appearances it was a little white box that they attached to a balloon and sent up into the atmosphere. It used a very unusual type of pulse modulation. In most cases they used a CW (continuous wave) oscillator and pulsed the signal. This turned out to be a very efficient conversion of electrical energy to etheric energy.

I found out that they were designed up at Brookhaven National Labs. The story goes that in about 1947 Wilhelm Reich handed the US Government a weather control device, a device that would do DOR-busting. Reich thought that if he could decrease the amount of DOR that storms would not be so violent. (DOR is the result of orgone energy coming into contact with an enclosed radioactive source. This produces a Deadly Orgone Energy - DOR - which threatens life. It is also produced in the atmosphere through other processes.

The government sent the device up there into a storm and it did reduce the intensity of the storm. The government liked it, and they started another phase of the Phoenix project where they designed these "radiosondes" and started launching them in large numbers, maybe 200 to 500 per day. The radio in these things had a range of about 100 miles. I have never seen a radiosonde receiver. I have heard of them but I have never seen them.

What are the frequencies used?

The frequencies used are 403 MHz and 1680 MHz. They used two different frequencies

What we're theorizing at this point is that the "thermistor" (temperature sensing) rod acts like a DOR antenna out-of-phase. The "humidity sensor" acts as an antenna for the orgone; the pressure sensor is essentially what they call a barrel switch, which is a pressure sensitive cycling switch. The device would destroy DOR and build up the orgone. The transmitter consisted of two oscillators, one of which would run at the carrier frequency (403 or 1680) and a second one which was a 7 MHz oscillator hooked into the grid of the carrier oscillator. The result was that the 7 MHZ oscillator would pulse on and off.

The government could not tell the public these were weather control devices. What we are seeing here is actually the genesis of what became the Montauk project, which was a combination of Wilhelm Reich's work and the Philadelphia Experiment. There were two separate projects going on in Phoenix One. You had the invisibility aspect and you had the development of Wilhelm Reich's weather control. Toward the end of the Phoenix project, by using some of Wilhelm Reich's concepts and some of the transmission schemes used from the "radiosonde" project, they found that you could combine the two -factors and use them for MIND CONTROL.

Did they get this mind-altering chair from the aliens?

The prototype came from the aliens. This chair was essentially a mind amplifier. The government would have specially trained individuals sit in the chair and generate thoughtforms, which would be amplified and transmitted. They could transmit the signal and put people in a pre-orgasmic state where they would be receptive to programming. It worked very well and they found other capabilities. They found that it could work in time. They had a psychically trained individual sit in the chair and generate a thoughtform of a vortex that connected 1947 and 1981. That's exactly what they got - a time tunnel they could walk through. There was a series on television at one time that portrayed this concept fairly accurately. These were some of the earlier capabilities. They started going forward and backward in time. That was the last phase of the Phoenix project.

When did this time machine get going?

Around 1979 or 1980 it was fully operational. This transmitter had enough power to warp space and time. The individual in the chair would have to synthesize the vortex function because they didn't have the technical capability to do that. It can now be mechanically synthesized. They did other things. They had the subject in the chair think of some creature, and the creature would materialize. They had the individual in the chair think of all the animals at Montauk point charging into town, and that's exactly what happened. They almost had the power to create a being. The problem they had was that what they created only stayed as long as the mind amplifier was on. The power was somewhere between gigawatts and terrawatts. The vortex could have a diameter of about five miles.
Can you describe what this looked like?

It’s like looking into a peculiar spiral tunnel which was lit up down its entire length. You would start to walk into this thing and then suddenly you'd be pulled down it. You didn't walk through it as such. You were more or less propelled through it. You could go anywhere in space and time

What is the furthest anyone has traveled in the future?

10,000 AD.

So everything is locked in until 10.000AD?

Yes. It's a dreamlike reality. No one has picked up a tangible future beyond 2012 AD. There is a very abrupt wall there with nothing on the other side.

Prophecies speak of earth changes around then.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:11 pm

Transfer of Energy Through Time and Coupling of Parallel Universes
H: When I was in France, I was part of a group looking into theories of entropy states and the general thermodynamics of plasmas. The natural rate of entropy increase in a closed system defines the flow of what is perceived as time. We were trying to develop a better insight into the process of synchronization between apparently uncoupled systems, in other words to explain how time manages to flow at the same rate in different parts of the universe. We ended up deriving a set of mathematical expressions that interrelated entropy functions, quantum energy states, and spacetime coordinates of quantum events. In particular, certain variables that could be interpreted as time and energy turned out to be covariant.

V: Do you mean there was some kind of equivalence relationship?

H: Not quite. But you could almost think of it in that way. It meant that the universe could be represented by an ensemble of "events', each characterized by a set of energy states and spacetime numbers; nothing more. In such a representation of the universe, the idea of conservation of mass-energy did not hold; it was replaced by a conservation of the product of that quantity with spacetime. By means of math transforms, it was possible to transform one universe into another in which the quantity varied inversely with the other. If you made all the spatial variables constant, the spacetime functions reduced to pure time; you could transform energy to time and vice versa. We had no idea at that time what that meant.

V: What did it eventually mean?

H: What it seemed to say was that energy could be extracted from the universe, which is where ordinary conservation breaks down, and injected into another version of that universe in which the time coordinates of all the 'events" were shifted by some amount. The more energy you transformed, the greater the time shift would be. If that was interpreted as taking place within the same universe, it seemed to suggest that-energy could be transferred through time. We must conclude that all versions of the universe in which we exist, interpreted linearly as "Past", "future" etc. are equally real. Thus we have a continuum. The only model I can think of is a complex serial one in which altering the events in a past universe affects not only the future of that particular universe as it evolves in time, but also the "presents" of all the other universes that lie ahead of it. In other words, there is a mechanism of casual connection through the continuum that the simple serial model does not address.

H: Everything we have discovered so far seems to add up to two things. First, the universe that we see around us and which forms part of us is simply one of many, equally real universes that appear to be strung sequentially along a single timeline. Second, events that happen in this universe affect not only its "future", but the situations in all the other universes that lie ahead of it. That, of course, suggests a continuity throughout the system; the "future" universes ahead of us form a progression of states that are evolving from the present state. We need to ask ourselves what the mechanism is that provides that continuity. That same mechanism will enable an event in one universe to alter events in another universe. The continuity follows from the fact that objects, being mass, don't vanish; they endure in time.

H: Yes. Mass arranges itself into different patterns to produce the changes we associate with the passage of time, but in doing so it provides the connection and continuity that enables one universe to evolve from another. For example, if a candle has burned down, in the universe "behind" us it is still intact; in the universe ahead it probably does not exist at all in that form. The whole candle is the sum of all of them. I have a drawing here that will assist in an explanation. Try thinking of a two-dimensional analogy. Imagine that the universe is flat and everything it contains is flat. Now form a solid continuum by stacking an infinite number of zerothickness planes like that together, like the pages of an infinitely thick book. Every page is one universe. Mass continues through these pages in a thread-like manner. Anybody inside one of those universes will see mass patterns change sequentially.

V: I think the holographic model of the universe would explain it, because of the interconnectedness of everything through hyperspacial formats. The superobserver that you are talking about is in fact consciousness itself - all wave and particle interchanges are, in actuality, consciousness as viewed from different perspectives. Access to what are perceived as different "spacetime" coordinates can ultimately be accomplished through the manipulations of consciousness, so any devices that are devised to accomplish this purpose simply mimic the mental operations in consciousness of more evolved beings. There are many transitionary instances where alien equipment is tuned to the specific patterns of a particular being, and the equipment functions as a modulator or transductor of consciousness. Time flow, as you mention it, applies within certain boundaries, and everything hyperspacial to those boundaries functions in terms of that which makes up the conceptual loops that you speak of.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:27 pm

The Dual Stargates of Egyptian Cosmology
In the current development of Western civilization, the popular imagination has seized with a peculiar ferocity upon the notion of the stargate as a sort of cosmic corridor leading to a whole new world or a dimension radically different from ours.

The Book of the Dead, an ancient Egyptian manual of resurrection technology, identifies both the falcon and the heron/phoenix as key icons, each of which is apparently associated with a specific directional portal or doorway in the sky.

Egypt is known as the Two Lands: Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt. Following the Hermetic maxim “As above, so below,” these correspond to the northern and southern stargates respectively, located along the celestial Nile River, i.e., the Milky Way.

As sundry passages from ancient Egyptian texts have shown, the heron/phoenix complex and its associated deities Osiris and Set are associated with the northern stargate of incarnation, whereas the falcon and Horus are connected with the southern stargate of ex-carnation. Two contrasting terms clearly illustrate this dichotomy: chronology and horology. Chronos is the lord of time in its linear procession -- of time tables and stone tablets; i.e., the Masonic square. More than one source has identified Chronos (the Greek Kronos or the Roman Saturnus) with the constellation Orion. On the other hand, horology is the measuring of time in its cyclical sense -- he passing of the “hours,” from which both the word “horology” and “Horus” derive; i.e., the Masonic compass. A “horoscope” allows one to view the wheel of the zodiac, the group of twelve archetypal constellations spinning through the solar year, as it affects the individual.

On a much larger scale it permits us to see the influence of the precessional year (equaling 25,920 solar years) as it impacts the rise and fall of civilizations (e.g., the Age of Taurus, the Age of Aries, the Age of Pisces, the Age of Aquarius, etc.). Horology has a deeper meaning, however. According to Jung, “Horos (boundary) is a ‘power’ or numen identical with Christ, or at least proceeding from him.” Its synonyms are “he who leads across,” “emancipator,” and “redeemer.”

The Egyptians conceptualized the phoenix, the Bennu bird of the northern stargate, as “the patron of reckoning time” and “the soul of Osiris.” In essence, he was an agent of purification by fire in the Netherworld, allowing souls to be reborn on the Earth plane.

Conversely, Horus was perceived as the falcon god who ushered them through the southern stargate, out of this temporal world and into eternity. Hence, the dual stargates of immanence and transcendence served as ports along the great sidereal river whereon all souls sail.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:01 pm

As seen from Earth, several planets appeared together as towering forms in the northern sky. In its stable phase, the planets moved in "collinear" equilibrium - they stayed in a line as the system moved through space. For observers on earth, the result was a unified configuration in the heavens, visually dominated by a large glowing planet – one we theorize to have been Saturn (then seen without its present ring system). This highly unusual planetary assembly was centered on the north celestial pole. It was regarded around the world as the cosmic center, the theater of the gods.

This can only mean that the axis of Earth was directed along a line running through the collinear system. When the earliest religious texts and mythical sources are permitted to speak for themselves, this is precisely the arrangement they describe. What the ancients were seeing when they depicted the Sun as three concentric discs was a different alignment of planets from what we see in the sky today. They suggest that at one time Earth was in a polar alignment

Another common theme in the myths of many distantly separated cultures is of a Doomsday that brought the Golden Age to an end. Could it be that a disturbance in the Saturn polar alignment was the Doomsday these cultures each independently remembered? The exact cause of the eventual breakup of the polar alignment is a mystery. It may have been the result of a close pass-by of an asteroid or comet. Perhaps an inherent instability of the alignment resulted in its natural dissolution. Whatever the cause of the breakup, we know the final result is what we see today - the placid, almost circular, well separated orbits of our present solar system.

Many skeptics say that there is no mechanism that could have circularized the wildly divergent paths of the planets that were ejected from the polar configuration. Electrical Engineer, Donald Scott, points out that plasma physics shows us that planets can interact electrically if they are within each other's protective plasma sheaths (magnetospheres). Electrical repulsion that is alternatively felt (when planets' plasma sheaths intersect) and then not felt (when the sheaths do not intersect) could circularize orbits relatively quickly. In addition there is strong evidence that gravity and mass itself is dependent on electrical charge.
Collinear Configuration of Galaxies can be Stable

Did a collinear alignment exist at one time? Was that collinear axis broken or disrupted during the Deluge?
The theory that the Earth had a primordial vapor canopy was developed by Donald Patten in his book The Biblical Flood and the Ice Epoch. He surmises that it was in some ways like that surrounding Venus today. The canopy of Venus consists primarily of carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons, with some water vapor. The Earth’s primordial vapor canopy, on the other hand, was composed mostly of water vapor, some carbon dioxide, and virtually no hydrocarbons.

This cloud cover condensed out of the time of the Deluge. Patten believes that plant life was luxuriant in that early period because of the proportions of carbon dioxide and water vapor in the atmosphere and the capture of long wave radiation which resulted in the “greenhouse effect.”

The greenhouse effect meant that temperatures would tend to be uniform between night and day as well between summer and winter. There was little circulation of the atmosphere and this lack of cyclonic activity precluded the formation of storms and other forms of precipitation.

Although the surface of the Earth was shielded from the direct rays of the Sun, plant life was abundant and luxurious due to the proportion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which was probably many times higher than it is today.

In addition to the inundation of falling rain and the sloshing of the oceans, water may have been added from outside sources. According to the theories of Veliovsky as enunciated in his landmark work Worlds in Collision, the Deluge was caused by the planet Saturn. Saturn, which is about a hundred times more massive than the Earth, had flared as a nova at that time. The planet expelled debris, some of which was absorbed by Jupiter, and some of which eventually encountered the Earth and other planets. He concluded that the Deluge was the result of this debris, consisting mainly of moisture which collapsed the Earth’s vapor canopy, adding enormous amounts of water to the surface of the Earth, enough to raise the sea surface to its present level.

The “light of seven days” of which Isaiah (30:20) speaks of refers to the seven days just before the Deluge when the Earth was engulfed in brilliant light. The Sumerian legends verify this phenomenon for in the Epic of Gilgamesh it is recorded that just before the Deluge “the Anunna raised their torches, lighting up the land with their brightness.” This bright light which was recorded both in secular and religious sources may have been caused by the planet Saturn.

In the Talmud, seven days before the Deluge, God changed the primeval order and the sun rose in the west and set in the east. In fact ancient Hebrew had different words for this phenomenon: “Tevel” being the Hebrew name for the world in which the sun rose in the west, and “Arabot” the name of the sky where the rising point was in the east. The Egyptians also had different gods for the sun rising in the east and the west. Whatever the causes of the Deluge, there were astronomical events that affected the stars, our solar system, even the Earth itself.

The Pleiades received their name from the Greek mythology who knew them as “The Seven Sisters”. As recounted by Apollodorus, the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleine were pursued through the mountains of Greece by the giant Orion. The Seven Sisters, Maia, the mother of Mercury, Taygeta, Celaeon, Asterope, Alcyone, Electra, and Merope, appealed for help from Zeus who changed them into stars and placed them in a cluster in the sky. Although only six are visible today to the naked eye, all ancient myths refer to seven stars in the Pleiades.

Their significance to the Greeks is shown by the fact that all the temples of Athena were aligned to their rising in the fall. What is not commonly known is that the procession of the equinoxes, the great cycle by which the constellations do a full circle and lasts about 25,900 years, is also known as the “Great Year of the Pleiades.”

The connection between the Pleiades and the cosmic cycle is also found elsewhere in the world. In Mexico and South America these stars have a sinister meaning. It was reported by Cortez, the 16th century invader, that he had heard a native tradition that these stars were associated with death and destruction.

In Celtic practice in England, the rising of the Pleiades in November marked the beginning of the festival of Samhain, known today as Halloween, where the dead arise from their graves and pass on into their permanent residence in the underworld.

It has been calculated that at the time of the building of the Great Pyramid, the long narrow downward passage was directed towards the pole star of the Pyramid builders. The theosophist H.P. Blatvatsky calculated that when Alcyone, the brightest star of the Pleiades, was directly over the apex of the pyramid, the Dragon Star or Alpha Draconis was perfectly aligned with the passageway. This reportedly occurred about 3340 BC. Others have calculated that the Pleiades is the central point of our Sun’s orbit.

It is clear that Orion and the Pleiades are associated with catastrophic events.
Flying Serpents and Dragons– R. A. Boulay, Pags 93- 102


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:08 pm

The Pleiades:
Past, Present & Future ... _plei.html
The ancient Egyptians also singled out the Pleiades as a female goddess, probably most often recognized as Neith, the “divine mother”, or Hathor, who took on the form of a cow (who carried the seeds of life). Pyramidologists working in Egypt in the last twelve years have found pyramidal texts that suggest the Egyptians revered the Pleiades as a higher divine star system, especially Alcyone, its brightest star.

Astronomers tell us that we are in the middle of an interlocking wheel-within-a-wheel within a cosmic time machine that the Mayans and also Egyptians understood, and just as we go around in relationship to our immediate solar paradigm, our entire galactic system currently is moving around in relationship to the larger configuration of the Pleiades, now known to astronomers as Messier 45 (M45). This larger wheel is known as the Precession of the Equinoxes, the period of time that it takes the Earth to pass through one complete cycle of the constellations of the zodiac. It is the earth’s wobble or spinning axis (at an angle) that makes the zodiac appear to move “backwards” one sign about every 2200 years, or about one degree every 72 years. This averages to 12 signs in 26,000 years. The Pleiades occupies a key role in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres during the Equinoxes and Solstices which are established by this Precession.

Why were the ancients so impressed with the Pleiades? Key 106 tells us also that The Pleiades is “the cradle and the throne of our consciousness” emphasizing that the program of Adamic life was created in connection with this region of space. And that it is this region of space that will also signal the return of higher intelligence. The Key uses the word ‘throne’ (small “t”) because it represents that place where the higher Hierarchies come together to balance lower creation. There are, in fact, many throne regions, many logos realms of power, working for our spiritual preparation. The Pleiades, thus, is a throne center just as Orion is a gateway center.

The Pleiades is, thus, a marker for the events of heavenly-earth contact and angelic-human overlap, of meetings recorded by the different cultures of the world with almost uncanny accuracy. Even more important is the dawning realization of the immense age and historical plausibility of those legends of the Pleiades found throughout the world which all point to a greater protection and ultimate transformation of creation that will allow us to go back into the higher heavens, being elevated, reprogrammed and resurrected into the heavens of the Most High God.
There is a saying in the Christian Bible concerning the Pleiades in which Job speaks of "the sweet influences of the Pleiades," whilst some of the Oriental Scriptures affirm that our connection to the Pleiades are made through sound and vibration. In Alice Bailey, it is suggested that perhaps the Pleiades are the source of the atomic life of our Logos, the active intelligent aspect, that one, which was first developed, and which we might call electrical matter. Hence it concerns the astral and etheric aspects of electric matter. We can understand therefore that the influence of the Pleiades concerns the transformation of the vibrational rates of matter.

The word "electricity," may be traced back to the star Electra, which is supposed to be one of the little lost sisters of the seven Pleiades. Perhaps the Pleiades are the source of the atomic life of our Logos, the active intelligent aspect, which we might call electrical matter.

Then there is the relationship of the Pleiades with the Great Bear. There is much that is said about them in Oriental writings. The seven sisters are said to be the seven wives of the seven stars of the Great Bear. Now what is perhaps the truth back of that legend? If the Pleiades are the source of the electrical manifestation, the active intelligent aspect of the solar system, and their energy is that which animates all matter, the we might think that maybe they represent the opposite and complementary aspect, the feminine forming aspect, the negative pole of electrical energy, whose polar opposite, or the positive aspect of the same energy is their seven husbands, the seven stars of the Great Bear. Perhaps the union of these two cosmic energies is what produces our solar system. Perhaps these two types of energy, one from the Pleiades and the other from the Great Bear, meet, and in their conjunction produce what we call our solar system.
The Pleiades in Mythology
In the Encyclopedia we find this: Pleiades (mythology), in Greek mythology, seven daughters of Atlas and of Pleione, the daughter of Oceanus. Their names were Electra, Maia, Taygete, Alcyone, Celaeno, Sterope, and Merope. According to some versions of the myth, they committed suicide from grief at the fate of their father, Atlas, or at the death of their sisters, the Hyades. Other versions made them the attendants of Artemis, goddess of wildlife and of hunting, who were pursued by the giant hunter Orion, but were rescued by the gods and changed into doves. After their death, or metamorphosis, they were transformed into stars, but are still pursued across the sky by the constellation Orion.

Merope often is considered the Lost Pleiad, because, having married a mortal, the crafty Sisyphus, she hid her face in shame when she thought of her sisters' alliances with the gods, and realized that she had thrown herself away. She seems, however, to have recovered her equanimity, being now much brighter than some of the others. The name itself signifies "Mortal."

This star is enveloped in a faintly extended, triangular, nebulous haze, visually discovered by Tempel in October, 1859; and there is a small, distinct nebula, discovered by Barnard in November, 1890, close by Merope, almost hidden in its radiance, although intrinsically very bright.

It is sometimes said that Electra is the 7th Sister. This is her story: One of the Pleiades, the mythical ancestors of the Trojans. She is known as the "Lost Pleiad" for she is said to have disappeared before the Trojan War so that she would not see her favorite city destroyed. She shows herself occasionally, but only in the guise of a comet.

In Taurus, the better-known group of 'maidens' is the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters, a small but very noticeable cluster of stars on the bull's shoulder. They were called the 'sailing stars," for early Greek seamen would set sail only when they were visible. On a clear night a person can resolve six individual stars, and thousands of years ago, it was likely that seven were visible.

The Maya say the solar system rotates around Alcyone in a 26,000 period. The end of this period is Dec 23, 2012 and is supposed to be the birth of Venus.

Various events are prophesied by various cultures' use of time cycles. The Phoenix cycle happens every 500 years and is based on the Christian calendar. The Aztecs and Mayans have their own cycle, based on the rebirth of Venus, which ends on Dec 23, 2012.

Another Mayan 26,000 year cycle is based on the Pleiades star cluster and is called the Great year. On Dec 23, 2012, a Great year and a Sun year (104,000 year cycle) ends.

The Pleiades is a name given to a cluster of stars in the shoulder area of the constellation of Taurus, the Bull. Six of the many hundreds of stars in this cluster are easily seen with the naked eye. A seventh star, that is invisible or hidden, is often included when reference is made to the stars of the Pleiades.

Another Pleiadian cycle involves the planet Venus. Every eight years for a few hours after sunset during April Venus can be seen very close to the stars of the Pleiades.

When Venus returns in 2012, it will be nearer to the central star Alcyone than some of the other stars in the Pleiades including the one called Maia.

Job 38:31 may represent a very remote age. Alcyone, brightest of the 7 stars of Pleiades, was considered by the Ancients as the central point around which our universe of fixed stars revolves, the focus from which and into which the divine Breath of Motion works during our present Space-Time span. The Chaldeans called the Pleiades 'Chimah." meaning 'hinge'.

Occult legends associate the Pleiades and Orion, known in Hebrew as 'kesil' the 'Strong'.
Some believe that the loosening of the bands of Orion means distortion of gravitation as stated in Job 38:13. "Have you taught it to grasp the rings of the earth, and shake the Dog Star from its place?"

Haliburton recorded that "the ancients believed that Alcyone of the Pleiades was the center of the universe ~ that Paradise, the primal home of humankind and the abode of the Deity and the spirits of the dead, was in the Pleiades".

The whole universe is held together by means of vortices within vortices of centripetal energy--with their associated electromagnetic fields--like whirlpools on water, within larger whirlpools. These spiraling energies give rise to natural space-time orbits: satellites around planets, planets around stars, solar systems around other more major vortex centers, and so on. Our planet Earth orbits the Sun once a year but our solar system as a whole also traverses an orbit in this section of the galaxy with a period of about 24,000 years. There are many other solar (star) systems in this cyclic motion. The Pleiades, about 400 light years from us is part of this system and in fact our solar system orbits the central sun of the Pleiades, Alcyone; the photon belt encircles the Pleiades system. Thus our solar system, and therefore planet Earth, takes some 24,000 years to come back to its same point in this particular orbit. Picture several star systems in a massive orbit, but now envisage a torroid or doughnut-shaped cloud cutting across these orbiting star systems. This is the photon belt. This means our solar system goes through the belt twice each cycle of 24,000 years (that is, every half cycle).

The term "electromagnetic" is used to describe the phenomenon-- this is the same as photon, which is a particle of light or electromagnetic radiation.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:14 pm

The Great Bear Constellation - Ursa Major
Ursa Minor means little bear in Latin, but this circumpolar constellation resembles a dipper more than a bear and is therefore commonly called the Little Dipper. It is much less conspicuous than the Big Dipper, but it contains the most important navigational star in our sky, Polaris, the Pole or North Star. From our perspective Polaris appears to remain in the same location, while all the other stars seem to rotate around it, as if it is the center of the universe.

The celestial North Pole is the point where the imaginary polar axis of the earth would touch the sky, if it were extended. Polaris, for all practical purposes, is this celestial North Pole.
North Circumpolar Constellations ... polar.html

The Arabs in the desert regarded it as a test of penetrating vision; and they were accustomed to oppose "Suhel" to "Suha" (Canopus to Alcor) as occupying respectively the highest and lowest posts in the celestial hierarchy.

In the Norse astronomy Rigel marked one of the great toes of Orwandil (Anglo-Saxon Earendel), the other toe having been broken off by the god Thor when frost-bitten, and thrown to the northern sky, where it became the little Alcor. [Star Names, p.313.]

"Now where heaven reaches its culmination in the shining Bears, which from the summit of the sky look down on all the stars and know no setting and, shifting their opposed stations about the same high point, set sky and stars in rotation, from there an insubstantial axis runs down through the wintry air and controls the universe, keeping it pivoted at opposite poles: it forms the middle about which the starry sphere revolves and wheels its heavenly flight, but is itself without motion and, drawn straight through the empty spaces of the great sky to the two Bears and through the very globe of the Earth, stands fixed, since the entire atmosphere ever revolves in a circle, and every part of the whole rotates to the place from which it once began, that which is in the middle, about which all moves, so insubstantial that it cannot turn round upon itself or even submit to motion or spin in circular fashion, this men have called the axis, since, motionless itself, it yet sees everything spinning about it.

The top of the axis is occupied by constellations well known to hapless mariners, guiding them over the measureless deep in their search for gain. Helice (Ursa Major), the greater, describes the greater arc; it is marked by seven stars which vie with each other under its guidance the ships of Greece set sail to cross the seas. Cynosura [Ursa Minor] is small and wheels round in a narrow circle, less in brightness as it is in size, but in the judgment of the Tyrians it excels the larger bear.

Carthaginians count it the surer-guide when at sea they make for unseen shores. They are not set face to face: each with its muzzle points at the other's tail and follows one that follows it. Sprawling between them and embracing each the Dragon separates and surrounds them with its glowing stars lest they ever meet or leave their stations." [Astronomica, Manilius, 1st century AD, book 1, p.27, 29].
The Bears and the Shepherd - Ursa Major - Ursa Minor - Bootes ... bootes.htm
Job 38: 31: "Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades, or loose the cords of Orion? 32: Can you lead forth the Mazzaroth in their season, or can you guide the Bear with its children?

33: Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Can you establish their rule on the earth? 34: Can you lift up your voice to the clouds, that a flood of waters may cover you?

35: Can you send forth lightnings that they may go and say to you, 'Here we are'?

36: Who has put wisdom in the clouds, or given understanding to the mists?

37: Who can number the clouds by wisdom? Or who can tilt the waterskins of the heavens when the dust runs into a mass and the clods cleave fast together? "

Excerpted from The Book of Knowledge, the Keys of Enoch: Key 106: 17 - 20, page 55:

17: And when we become the Family of God, the Pepleromenoi, thoroughly furnished to work with the Father's Plan on earth, we shall be united with the Shepherd and together we shall go through the gateway of the Big Dipper and rise to the level of the higher star intelligences.

18: In the end, we as the Family of God, as the living Pepleromenoi, will see the opening of the star gates in the Big Dipper and the Pleiades and the coming down of "Merkabah."

During this new aeon of Light there will be the Judgment of the Earth and the release of the sun from its circumpolar spiral.

19: We will see the old geometries of the Big Dipper change according to the scales of Orion and the Pleiades.

20: The Big Dipper (Ursa Major) and the Little Dipper (Ursa Minor) are the threshhold gates of the lower evolution in opposition to the Pleiades, the seven lampstands to the Throne of the Father. At the end of time we will see the war of the heavens and the coming of the Host of Michael. This will free the planetary intelligences from the influences of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, the negative influences controlling the root races of this planet UR.

In Greek mythology Boötes, son of Demeter, goddess of agriculture, invented the plough in order to support himself by tilling the soil. He was placed in the sky, near Ursa Major, sometimes viewed as a plough, in honor of his service to mankind. For the Greeks, Ursa Major was the Great Bear of Heaven, but in China it was visualized as a wagon, in England it is a plough, for some Arabs animals in a field, and in parts of Native America hunters chasing various animals. The star Arcturus is always associated with Ursa Major, following along behind the Dipper, the Wagon, the Bear or other animals at a safe distance as if driving, herding, guarding, tending or hunting. Thus the constellation Boötes and its bright star Arcturus are shepherd of Arabian pastures in the sky, cosmic wagon master of ancient China, ploughman of celestial fields, and both guardsman and hunter of the Great Bear of Heaven. They are constant in their vigil over the most prominent stars that circle round the celestial pole.

Arcturus is the fourth brightest star in the sky: only Sirius, Canopus and Alpha Centauri outshine this orange giant. It is a variable star in the last stages of its life.

Another interesting fact about Arcturus is that it was the first star (other than the Sun) on record to be observed during daytime. It was observed in daylight with a telescope in 1635, a feat easily duplicated today with a good amateur telescope.

In 1900, Gerald Massey wrote: It is quite possible, and even apparent, that the first form of the mystical SEVEN was seen to be figured in heaven by the seven large stars of the Great Bear, the constellation assigned by the Egyptians to the Mother of Time, and of the seven Elemental Powers. And once a type like this has been founded it becomes a mould for future use--one that cannot be got rid of or out of. The Egyptians divided the face of the sky by night into seven parts. The primary Heaven was sevenfold.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:20 pm

The Orion Prophecy
Slosman's translation of Chapter 17 of the Book of the Dead implies that the Earth has previously undergone some kind of pole-shift which caused the "sun to rise at a new horizon", and that Osiris, who was represented in the sky by the Orion constellation, had something to do with it. This could have been via an axis shift, crustal displacement, or a change in the direction of rotation. Slosman also gives "an intermediate note" that this event - the Great Cataclysm - happened on July 27th in the year 9792 BC. Gino Ratinckx checked manually, (since his astronomical software didn't go back to 9792 BC), to see if there was any astronomical pattern on 27th July 9792 BC that repeated on 21-22 December 2012 AD. He claims to have found "the positions of Orion and Aldebaran match both data precisely". Not only that, but Gino says (p.28) that the configuration "occurs three times in twelve thousand years! The other date is 3114 BC." This latter year is, of course, the year in which the Mayan long count started. Later in the book, when checked with astronomical software, only 2 matches were found to be correct- 9792 BC and 2012 AD.

Eventually, Slosman's even-rarer second book, Le Grand Cataclysme, was tracked down, in which he tells the whole story of the end of Atlantis, and how the Atlanteans had calculated the precise date 200 years before the event. They were able to do this because there had been a previous cataclysm in 21,312 BC, and a third one back in 29,808 BC.

Slosman had given various lengths for 8 of the astronomical ages, and Geryl went to work decoding precessional clues. The next step was to try and find The Labyrinth, since Slosman indicated that the Atlanteans built this huge building in order to store all their astronomical and cataclysm-calculating knowledge. Gino followed the lead of Robert Bauval, and laid a sky-map over a map of Egypt, lining up Orion's belt with the 3 Giza pyramids. The temple of Dendera was found to correspond to the star Deneb; Esna temple corresponded to the star Altair; the Hawara area corresponded to the position of the Hyades, and Hawara pyramid corresponded to the star Aldebaran. The Hyades are known to astronomers as the Labyrinth! What is more, this place is exactly where an explorer called Lespius claimed that the Labyrinth had once been. After visiting Egypt, the pair confirmed that Dendera has an association with Deneb, and also that all the signs reported by Herodotus, who had visited the Labyrinth, showed that Hawara was the location, but that it was not destroyed, but buried right there, beneath the water table, and that Lespius had not dug deep enough! However, it would take a lot of funding to excavate under the water table.

Geryl and Ratinckx go on to conclude that Maurice Cotterell (in The Mayan Prophecies) was right, and that the cataclysm will be caused by a major magnetic reversal on the Sun, that reverses the earth's magnetic poles, and they also (p.152) repeat from The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls (Morton & Thomas p.206); "just before sunset, Central American time, 21-22 December 2012", that "Venus sinks below the western horizon, and at the same time, the Pleiades will rise above the horizon in the east. Symbolically speaking, we will see the death of Venus and the birth of the Pleiades" This, they say, means a new precessional cycle. Morton & Thomas got the whole idea from Adrian Gilbert, (Cotterell's co-author of The Mayan Prophecies,) who based it around his discovery that the Birth of Venus occurred in the same symbolic way, on 12 August 3114 BC, at the start of the current 13-Baktun cycle. However, John Major Jenkins checked and double-checked Gilbert's claims and found Gilbert had made a mistake. He then interviewed him, but Gilbert had no explanation. In the same interview, regarding the observation that the complex mathematics and graphs in The Mayan Prophecies do not actually explain the end of the 13-Baktun cycle in 2012, Gilbert's answers were not convincing.
Beyond 2012
The Hall of Records; in his 1998 book, The Gods of Eden, Andrew Collins has followed up legends of an undiscovered underground complex at the Giza plateau, and by a study of the much overlooked Edfu Texts, has concluded that the complex takes the form of 12 chambers surrounding a 13th!

He calls the complex the Chambers of Creation, and says that in each of the 12 chambers were kept "Iht-relics", and in the central 13th chamber was the "Bnnt-embryo", also known as a "seed", or "egg of creation". The embryo, Collins imagines to be "a large conical-shaped omphalos or ben-ben stone, plausibly a crystal-like structure...", And the Iht-relics, "smaller hand-held sacred stones, or crystals..."

Nigel Appleby simultaneously came to the same conclusion as Collins, after studying the Edfu Texts though he differs in his prediction of the Hall’s location. Since the Giza pyramids correspond to the belt of Orion, if the image of the Orion constellation was superimposed onto the pyramids, the position of Sirius will overlay the Hall of Records. Appleby concluded from his study of the Edfu Texts, that the Hall of Records is a central chamber surrounded by 12 others, and even conjectured that the central chamber contains a small pyramid, as opposed to just a pyramidion, or capstone. Inside should be information concerning the history of mankind, and, says Appleby, crucial information to prepare us for 2012, when he says the “fifth age of man”, will begin.

Appleby quotes the Washington Post (30/12/83), and Newsweek (13/7/87), that Nibiru (“a heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter”) has been spotted by the IRAS satellite in the direction of Orion and, says Appleby, is due to “become visible to Earth and appear as a new star, sometime between 2012 and 2036 ”.
Cosmic Energy
The pyramids were a mirror image, the Earthly representation of the Belt of Orion, the destination of the dead King! The Egyptians were dualists -- everything they thought and believed was a duality. Everything had its counterpart, cause and effect, left and right, East and West, death and rebirth -- nothing was ever seen in isolation. They had constructed at Giza an exact replica of the Duat [underworld] destination of the King. Far from being a tomb, the pyramid was the starting point of the King's journey back to the stars from whence he came, back to the First Time.
This astronomical event, determined by the precession, happened April 26, 4493 BC (Sunday) when the Vernal Equinox Sun was in the conjunction with the Crossing point of the Galactic Equator (Milky Way), Ecliptic, and the Celestial Equator in Taurus (above the Orion, between the Gemini and Taurus). This is a very rare astronomical alignment. This conjunction initialized the movement of the Sun out of the Age of Gemini and into the Age of Taurus. In 4493BC the line of Vernal equinox passed through the constellation Orion (near the star Bellatrix). It was the Age of Orion.
The Orion Zone
Sahû and Sopdît, Orion and Sirius, were the rulers of this mysterious world. Sahû consisted of fifteen stars, seven large and eight small, so arranged as to represent a runner darting through space, while the fairest of them shone above his head, and marked him out from afar to the admiration of mortals." (Maspero)

From this drawing it is difficult to identify the "belt stars," though they could be the two to his right and one to his left that are at belt-level. The horizontal curve of these three stars corresponds to their position when Orion is at its culmination, or meridian passage. The one star to Sahu's right and the two to his left at head-level are also horizontal. This, we recall, reflects the orientation on the headdress of the Hopi Sohu Kachina. Sahu/Osiris wears the white crown of Upper Egypt.

Behind Orion/Sah/Osiris, Sirius rests in her barge as the cow Hathor with the star between her horns. Hathor and Isis are sometimes conflated. The sparrow hawk on the papyrus column, or axis mundi, represents their son Horus, which sometimes is also identified with Orion.

As a sky god, Horus wears the red crown of Lower Egypt. If the positions of the deities on this vignette suggest a celestial map, then the tip of Horus' crown reaches above Orion's upraised arm to an area known as the northern stargate. In the sky chart seen below, the celestial equator and the ecliptic intersect at the galactic axis.
Overview of The Orion Zone
“It was Bauval’s contention that the part of the Milky Way which interested the Egyptians most was the region that runs from the star Sirius along the constellation of Orion on up towards Taurus. This region of the sky seemed to correspond, in the Egyptian mind at least, to the area of the Memphite necropolis, that is to say the span of Old Kingdom burial grounds stretching along the west bank of the Nile from Dashur to Giza and down to Abu Ruwash. At the centre of this area was Giza; this, he determined, was the earthly equivalent of Rostau (Mead’s Rusta), the gateway to the Duat or underworld”.

The region in Hopi cosmology corresponding to the Rostau is called Tuuwanasavi (literally, “center of the earth”), located at the three Hopi Mesas. Similar to the ground-sky dualism of the three primary structures at the Giza necropolis, these natural "pyramids" closely reflect the belt stars of Orion. In addition, the portal to the nether realms is known in Hopi as the Sipapuni, located in Grand Canyon. This culturally sacrosanct area mirrors the left hand of Orion. Whereas the Egyptian Rostau is coextensive with the axis mundi of the belt stars formed by the triad of pyramids, the Hopi gateway to the Underworld in Grand Canyon is adjacent to the center place but still close enough to be archetypally resonant in that regard.

In a later book entitled The Message of the Sphinx, Robert Bauval and co-author Graham Hancock describe, among many other things, the cosmic journey of the Horus-King, or son of the Sun, to the Underworld: “He is now at the Gateway to Rostau and about to enter the Fifth Division [Hour] of the Duat -- the holy of holies of the Osirian afterworld Kingdom. Moreover, he is presented with a choice of ‘two ways’ or ‘roads’ to reach Rostau: one which is on ‘land’ and the other in ‘water’
The Orion Revelation & The Vitruvian Man
Yet Mayan scholar John Major Jenkins understands my immediate concerns clearly and forcefully, commenting in Pyramid of Fire: The Lost Aztec Codex: "The Greek writer Seneca ... gives more details on the Babylonian World Age doctrine, saying that the world is alternately destroyed by flood or fire when the planets line up in Capricorn or Cancer. Such a statement implies that global destructions occur at the two extreme poles of the Great Year of precession."

Russian psychiatrist Immanuel Velikovsky, co-founder of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and author of Worlds in Collision declared destruction comes when "Two celestial bodies have been attracted one to each other. The inner masses of the Earth were pushed to the periphery. The Earth, with its rotational movement disturbed, started to warm."

Indeed, it is no coincidence that Mark Vidler in his book The Star Mirror: The Extraordinary Discovery of The True Reflection Between Heaven and Earth reports: "All the pyramids of the Old Kingdom have a shaft oriented to the polar region in the sky. This is one axis of the ‘mill wheel' of the heavens and the arrival of a brilliant star at this point suggests that the heavenly axis is ‘heating up.'"

Vidler adds: "In Hamlet's Mill, Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Deschend recover an abundance of evidence confirming the ancient preoccupation with this axis on the celestial sphere and its association with a predicted Earth Shift."

Specifically, Mark Vidler has performed years of careful research into the location of pyramids as gateways to stars. He correlates "stars to mountains," creating a crystal-clear sky-to-ground map that mirrors the geometry of the Great Pyramid. Interestingly, and prophetically, he reveals, "We are told that Polaris is an omen of global shift and have seen the ancient Egyptian murals depicting the sun taking a violent leap when it arrives on the raised limb of Orion."

That is to confirm, we will come under the cosmic ray gun of extremely intense Coronal Mass Ejections from our Sun. These galactic gamma-ray bursts are of concern to astrophysicist Paul LaViolette as he put forth in his book rightly titled Earth Under Fire because of interstellar dust clouds that are creating a thermal blanket around the Sun and cause it to overheat and explode violently in spasms of boiling plasma, CMEs, some of these aimed directly at Earth.

Adrian Gilbert understands as well, and reiterates, "As I have said, the southern star gate is of principle importance because it is also aligned with the center of our galaxy. What this means in practice is that on 21 December 2012, any person observing the Sun will also be looking directly toward the core of the Milky Way: the place where astronomers say there is a black hole with a mass some three hundred million times that of our Sun."

In summary, in the Apocalypse of John, also known as the Book of Revelation, we are warned that our world will be cast into a solar furnace, a "lake of fire" at the end-of-time. This scenario is in fact what Lou Famoso saw during his near-death, out-of-body experience to be true from the perspective of the Orion Nebula. He saw two balls of fire roar past him headed for our Sun. Then a HUGE CME erupted from it and headed straight for Earth. The result is an estimated 45-degree Pole Shift with simultaneous cataclysmic earthquakes, tsunamis, the sinking of old and rising of new continents, and the explosion of volcanoes on the Ring of Fire. So that we are not caught unawares, blind and dumb, an Angel he identified as Gabriel gave Mr. Famoso the following message to take back to us, and in closing I share that with you now:

"Look to Orion and you will know when the new world will come."


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 29, 2009 11:12 pm

Hindu World Cycles
In the introduction to his book The Holy Science, Sri Yukteswar describes an interesting variant of the Hindu theory of ages. According to him,

...the sun, with its planets and their moons, takes some star for its dual and revolves around it in about 24,000 years of our earth-a celestial phenomenon which causes the backward movement of the equinoctial points around the zodiac. The sun also has another motion by which it revolves round a grand center called Vishnunabhi, which is the seat of the creative power, Brahma, the universal magnetism. Brahma regulates dharma, the mental virtue of the internal world.

Yukteswar goes on to explain that the sun's 24,000 year revolution around its companion star takes the sun progressively closer, and then progressively further away from the mystic center Vishnunabhi. In his system, dharma increases as we approach Vishnunabhi and decreases as we draw away from it. The cycle of yugas takes place twice in each 24,000 year revolution. As the sun recedes from Vishnunabhi, the ages pass in the usual order: Satya, Treta, Dvapara, Kali. As the sun approaches Vishnunabhi, the ages pass in the opposite order: Kali, Dvapara, Treta, Satya.
The Orion Revelation & The Vitruvian Man
Russian psychiatrist Immanuel Velikovsky, co-founder of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and author of Worlds in Collision declared destruction comes when "Two celestial bodies have been attracted one to each other. The inner masses of the Earth were pushed to the periphery. The Earth, with its rotational movement disturbed, started to warm."

Indeed, it is no coincidence that Mark Vidler in his book The Star Mirror: The Extraordinary Discovery of The True Reflection Between Heaven and Earth reports: "All the pyramids of the Old Kingdom have a shaft oriented to the polar region in the sky. This is one axis of the ‘mill wheel' of the heavens and the arrival of a brilliant star at this point suggests that the heavenly axis is ‘heating up.'"
Two Suns - Sirius and Sol?

Two Suns
(Nostradamus) C4, Q29:

"The hidden Sun eclipsed by Mercury
will be placed only second in the heavens.
Hermes will be made the food of Vulcan,
the Sun will be seen pure, shining and golden."

(Nostradamus) C2, Q41

The great star will burn for seven days,
The cloud will make the sun appear double:
The large mastiff will howl all night
When the great pontiff changes his abode.

The next one is from the Hopi prophecy.

(Source: Atlantis Rising by Brad Steiger):

"The Armageddon of spiritual against material will occur when the 'Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina' - now represented by a far away and yet invisible blue star - makes its appearance. The Emergence into the Fifth world, however, has already begun, the Hopis state."

This one is from Gordon-Michael Scallion. I believe/hope this is one of his older predictions, so it should be more authentic than his recent predictions:

"By the turn of the century Earth will have a binary sun system, as a new sun appears in the heavens. During the day it will appear as a small white light in the sky similar to the way the moon looks when it is visible during daylight hours. In the evening this star, blue in colour, appears as a bright light in the Milky Way. Its size would compare to ten times that of the brightest star or planet now visible."

"Now, the sun also has a cycle with other spheres. As it moves across the known & unknown heavens, it comes under the influence of other suns, also on their journeys. What you were shown, relative to the blue star, was this star coming into this solar system, making it a binary sun system, for a period of time.... Its time period is related to the previously prophesied 'millennium of peace?' As part of its cycle, it shall disappear behind the sun once more. Though it shall be visible for 1,800 years, in total, and then a new cycle begins. During the day, it will appear as a silvery light 100 times brighter than any morning star, so as to require a new 'Magnitude' scale."
Sirius For Seekers: The Star Sirius in Astronomy, Myth, Religion, and History ... eekers.php
There was another portion of the night sky which was of great importance to the ancient Egyptians for the same reason. This they called ‘The Duat,” which was an area of the sky including the constellation Orion and the star Sirius. It was to this region of the sky that the soul of the deceased King was thought to rise in a ritual which constituted the sacred bond between Heaven and Earth.

According to twentieth century scholar Robert K. G. Temple, an astounding body of knowledge about Sirius made its way from Egypt to a west African tribe called the Dogon. In his extraordinary book entitled The Sirius Mystery, Temple traces the origin of the Dogon initiatory tradition back to ancient Egyptian times, before 3200 B.C. As Temple reveals, the Dogon, in every way primitive, have since time immemorial closely guarded a secret initiatory tradition containing accurate and detailed astronomical knowledge regarding Sirius. For example, long before the rise of modern astronomy, the Dogon knew that Sirius was a member of a binary star system, and possibly of a triple star system.
Ancient Egyptian Astronomy
The alignment of the Holy Cross happens every 12,901 years. The whole zodiac, from Aquarius to Aquarius, Ptah to Ptah (the Water Bearer and Phoenix) - it just happens two times. Only at one time it happens in between Zodiacal Alpha and Omega.

Imagine a gyroscope galactic wide, making a cross to one that is solar system wide. A 90 degree angle is an ortho plane, that is a way that information exchange and translation, and compression of one holographic continuum into another, galaxy into solar system, into Earth, and solar system into galaxy.

But what this also means is that the two planes in their middle have a still point. From June/July to May 2000 there is this still point of focus, gravitational vortex compression, with potential magnetic coherent implosion. That is why our colleague Daniel Winter dubbed it a burp: the compression of planes, and then the expression of the digested gravitational bubble into a new creation, in anticipation of the 2012 galactic full conjunction and maximum concrescence of novelty.

The "Anubis Cell", as Dr Robert Temple has suggested, is stating that there is a major resonance relative of Sirius and our sun, that perhaps whatever happens on Sirius affects us in a mathematical sense. So that we are maybe a part of a holographic show designed at Sirius.
Great Blue Lodge of the Great Blue Light
The Great Blue Lodge is composed of the holy places in which the sacred Blue Light of Divine Creation is illuminated to every part of Creation. In the case of the Milky Way Galaxy, the spot for the anchoring of this holy and divine Light is the Sirius star system. It is here in the Sirius B solar system that the great Oracle Temple of the Council of Nine, and of Lord Siraya, is located. It is Earth’s magnificent destiny to join the Sirius star system in the coming galactic year of 8 Eb (2013 AD) and to have a corresponding Great Oracle Temple of Lord Siraya and the Great Blue Light built there.
Thus, there are in various parts of the world some traces of an ancient -- and rather clear -- concept of Sirius as a dangerous stellar system, consisting of three stars. Its transformation has been described, first, as the transition from Typhon (a fiery monster in rage, that is a red giant before its change into a Supernova) to Orphrus (a dangerous but suppressed beast, that is the core of the red giant in the process of its "calm" turning into a white dwarf). Second, the Dog is usually chained up by sacred blacksmiths, which can be interpreted as a description of astroengineering activity by a supercivilization. Nommos are also considered as heavenly blacksmiths, but they do not chain up the Fox; they simply circumcise him. This rather unexpected metaphor expresses very clearly the main point: it was necessary to remove the excess of stellar matter from Sirius B. The 240 years of increased brightness of the star looks like a slow explosion of this "cosmic bomb".
Adams Calendar ... 25885.html
This far more ancient message in stone pointing to the three stars in Orion’s Belt further substantiates my observation and research that our Solar System was formerly the “Osirian Trinary Stellar System” containing the three stars Sirius B, Sirius C (our Sun) and the outer star Sirius A. Note that Orion and Osiris are one in the same. The pyramids of the Giza Plateau are also aligned to the three stars in Orion’s Belt, and thus the three pyramids are symbolic of three stars and are simultaneously “personifications” of the deities Osiris (“the man that fell”: ADAM/ABEL), Isis (“the woman”: EVE) and Horus (CAIN), i.e. Sirius B, Sirius A and Sirius C, respectfully. Osiris/Sirius B was “Or” (the Hebrew word for “Light” – Genesis 1: 3, “And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.”)… and Sirius A and Sirius C were the two great “lights” created later in Genesis 1: 16, “God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night.”

The two upper and lower triangles formed by the Orion constellational construct symbolize the parallelogram of Trigon Orionis and Trigon Antorionis, the unfolded hyperbolic paraboloid of the warped spatial field between our Sun (Sol) and the Sirius Binary that was created when Sirius B, our paternal star went nova and split our former Osirian Trinary Stellar System in half. To understand the “true distance” of Sirius where its “perceived distance” of 8.6 lightyears away is not its “actual distance” which is a “variable distance”

Odin (Osiris/Orion) and the fierce Fenris Wolf who destroyed the world before are merely mythic symbols for the Sirius Binary star system that comes every 13,000 years to destroy the earth in cyclic and periodic annihilation. The Icelandic Eddas recount such a former periodic cosmocataclysm where Heaven and Earth changed places and mountainous high flames engulfed the entire Earth.
Dogon Cosmology ... -days.html
Ogo’s stolen placenta became impure, and his actions greatly threw off the divine order Amma had intended. The Dogon say that our Sun - whom they call Nay - is the stolen placenta, and that planet Earth is the rebel-world established by Ogo.

Lastly, the sacrificial Nyama set the stage for the day of total purification and renewal for planet Earth. This day is called 'Izubay Minne' - "Earth of the Day of the Fish. One day during the transition of these ages, Taba Tolo - the reuniting of the two placentas - will occur. Taba Tolo is when the Sun and Sirius come together in a grand conjunction.

The Dogon actually say that there are three major stars in the Sirius system:
Po Tolo, Sigi Tolo, and Emma Ya Tolo.

Po Tolo (Sirius B) is the oldest of stars, and its name means 'deep beginning'. It is a twin of the Po - the Black hole at the center of the galaxy. The Dogon consider Po Tolo the reservoir and source of all things in this realm, and the germ of creation for our Solar System.

The movement of Po Tolo keeps all other stars in their respective places: in fact, one says that without this movement none of them would "stay in place". Po Tolo forces them to keep their trajectory…One calls it the "pillar of the stars"…. Po Tolo is the axis of the entire world.

Without a doubt, the cycles, orbits, and rotations of our Solar system is defined and governed by Sirius B.

The Dogon say that this stream of ionized hydrogen from the Sirius system is purifying to the Sun and planet Earth. This sacred energy is Eloptic Black Light. It is the 'Electric light' that associates with gravitational fields and resonates in affinity with Human alpha-wave thoughts.

The Sirius star system and the constellation Aquarius are on the same plane of heaven - about 15 degrees below the celestial equator. As the Earth moves into the Aquarian age, she will also come into alignment with the Sirius star system. When the Earth and Sirius align, the great conjunction Taba Tolo - The reuniting of the Twin Placentas is going to occur. The Black Light of the Sirius system will cascade down upon the planet.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Nov 30, 2009 8:09 am

Creating biosynthetic humans – are they already here? Some people claim that cyborgs are “alive and well” and working as actors and actresses in Hollywood and on TV; and some cyborgs are believed to have "infiltrated" the government and the military. ;)

Hollywood Cyborg ... woodCyborg
A handsome young Cyborg named Ace
Wooed women at every base
But once ladies glanced at
His special enhancement
They vanished with nary a trace.

—Barracks graffiti, Sparta Command, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Molecular Magnets
The conventional magnetic materials used in current technology, such as, Fe, Fe2O3, Cr2O3, SmCo5, Nd2Fe14B etc are all atom-based, and their preparation/processing require high temperature routes.

Employing self-assembly methods, it is possible to engineer a bulk molecular material with long-range magnetic order, mainly because one can play with the weak intermolecular interactions. Since the first successful synthesis of molecular magnets in 1986 a large variety of them have been synthesized, which can be categorized on the basis of the chemical nature of the magnetic units involved: organic-, metal-based systems, heterobimetallic assemblies, or mixed organic–inorganic systems. The design of molecule-based magnets has also been extended to the design of poly-functional molecular magnets, such as those exhibiting second-order optical nonlinearity, liquid crystallinity, or chirality simultaneously with long-range magnetic order. Solubility, low
density and biocompatibility are attractive features of molecular magnets. Being weakly coloured, unlike their opaque classical magnet ‘cousins’ listed above, possibilities of photomagnetic switching exist.
US Patent 7022348 - Method of creating biological and biosynthetic material for implantation ... ption.html
The present invention relates to a method of creating biological and biosynthetic material suitable for implantation to replace or augment damaged, diseased or absent tissues, structures or organs, of particular but by no means exclusive application in the treatment of autogenic, allogenic or xenogenic material of mammalian origin, to maintain a microarchitectural organization and inhibit in vivo calcification, tissue ingrowth and transmural angiogenesis. In one embodiment, as may be determined by the end use, transplanted living cells can be attached and retained under in vivo conditions.
Silicon biotechnology: harnessing biological silica production to construct new materials ... b1490d2bc8
Silicon, the basis of semiconductors and many advanced materials, is an essential element for higher plants and animals, yet its biology is poorly understood. Many invertebrates produce exquisitely controlled silica structures with a nanoscale precision exceeding present human ability. Biotechnology is starting to reveal the proteins, genes and molecular mechanisms that control this synthesis in marine organisms that produce large amounts of silica. Discovering the mechanisms governing biosilicification offers the prospect of developing environmentally benign routes to synthesize new silicon-based materials and to resolve the biological use of silicon in higher organisms.
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence – The Next Step in Human Evolution?
Whether people realize it or not, we are surrounded by examples of artificial intelligence. Voice activated customer services, the GPS system in your car, the airport scheduling system that chooses the gate where your will disembark when your plane lands, the latest video games and even the software to write this article contain some form of Artificial Intelligence.

Right now, we are well into the period of Narrow AI which refers to artificial intelligence that performs a useful and specialized function that once required human intelligence to perform and executes those functions at human levels or better. Often Narrow AI systems greatly exceed the speed of humans as well as provide the ability to manage and take into account thousands of variables simultaneously.

While Narrow AI gives machines the ability to perform specific tasks, what is needed to develop and construct a fully functioning robot is Strong AI. Although there is no total agreement on what defines Strong AI, most researchers in the area of artificial intelligence agree that the properties of Strong AI should include the following:

• Ability to reason, strategize and make judgments under uncertain conditions
• Ability to represent knowledge including knowledge that is categorized as common sense
• Ability to plan and learn
• Ability to communicate in a natural language
• Ability to integrate all the above skills

Development in the area of Strong AI draws upon tools from three main areas: first, on what is currently known about the brain; second, based on the decades of research in Narrow AI; third, reverse engineering of the brain. Many tools have been developed and are emerging that provide the spatial and temporal resolution necessary to produce adequate data from extremely accurate scanning and sensing of neurons and neural components.
For a human being, the learning process required to master the knowledge necessary to function in any scientific area is decades. For a robot with artificial intelligence, learning will be just a matter of the time required to download the information from one machine to another. Once a human level of artificial intelligence is reached then technological advances in all areas will accelerate at an incredible exponential rate.

From the physical aspect, the development of a human like robot is much closer to being realized. In many depictions of robots in science fiction they are metallic and awkward but current technology already exists that can create an almost human appearing robot. In Japan, a new artificial outer covering gives the feel of real human skin by covering a 1-cm thick “dermis” of elastic silicone with a 0.2-mm thick “epidermis” of firm urethane. Countless tiny hexagonal indentations etched into the urethane epidermis provide it with a very realistic texture.

On the other hand, advances in medical technology are creating many artificial parts to replace some of our worn out or broken biological parts. Today, knee, hip and shoulder replacements are common. Artificial limbs are used by many who have lost their original ones. Advances will continue at a rapid pace so that in the near future we may be able to replace any organ or limb with a new and improved one. Some scientists hypothesize that all the information and memories in our brain may one day be downloadable. It seems possible that one day we may reach a point where the distinction between human and robot becomes too close to distinguish.

Robots have long been dreamed of as helpers and companions to enhance the lives of humans. Could it also be possible that the inadvertent direction of robotics will be, not to replace humans, but perhaps the next step in human evolution?
Future Life Forms among Posthumans
As we begin to ride the wave into human redesign, the destination is still largely unknown. But despite all the unanswered questions, we have a number of clues that can help us speculate as to what we truly mean by the posthuman organism – including the striking acknowledgement that in all likelihood not just one type of posthuman awaits us, but several.

We will re-engineer our biological constitutions, and introduce silicon, steel, and microchips into ourselves. Some may choose to reside in computers as conscious wave patterns, while others will convert themselves into durable robots and venture out into space. Simultaneously, we will create entirely new forms of life, including artificial intelligence and perhaps even a global consciousness.

Humanity's monopoly as the only advanced sentient life form on the planet will soon come to an end, supplemented by a number of posthuman incarnations. Moreover, how we re-engineer ourselves could fundamentally change the ways in which our society functions, and raise crucial questions about our identities and moral status as human beings.

As the possibility for conscious human redesign has emerged, so too has a philosophical movement that considers the implications. This approach to future oriented thinking known as transhumanism works on the premise that the human species does not represent the end of human evolution but rather its beginning. Transhumanism is an interdisciplinary approach to understanding and evaluating the possibilities for overcoming biological limitations through scientific progress.

Ultimately, transhumanists hope to see technological opportunities expanded for people, so that they may live longer and healthier lives and enhance their intellectual, physical and emotional capacities. Transhumanism emphasizes that we have the potential not just to "be" but to "become." Not only can we use rational means to improve the human condition and the external world; we can also use them to improve ourselves, the human organism. And we are not limited only to the methods, such as education, which humanism (its philosophical precursor) normally espouses. Rather, transhumanists argue, we will have the means that will eventually enable us to move beyond what most would describe as human.
Among the common tropes of science fiction, cyborgs have long been recognized as possessing unique potential as a metaphor for transitional identity, for the spaces between natural and constructed, human and machine.

Before cyborgs became a symbol for embracing radical uncertainty, they were a theoretical solution for solving some of the problems posed by travel in outer space. Manfred E. Clynes and Nathan S. Kline published a paper in 1960 in which they propose the term "cyborg" for humans augmented to make them more suited to space flight.

The cyborg sometimes gets confused with androids, which are humanoid machines rather than mechanized humans. The confusion is understandable, being largely a matter of the direction from which the concept of the man-machine hybrid is approached.

The central question posed by the machine-human interface of the cyborg can be asked in two different ways:

How much does changing the physical body change identity?
To what extent is the mind independent of the body?
Free Will and Artificial Intelligence ... terek.html
Free will can arise from the interaction of two algorithmic systems because this can create choice. Human fear of artificial intelligence is based on the questioning of whether or not free will exists. People feel threatened by the notion that free will can arise algorithmically and accidentally. There is a fear that the mind may create free will as an illusion to explain actions. If machines were to have something similar to free will, it would show that free will can arise from algorithmic systems and that free will may arise without intent. Science fiction movies provide some of the strongest cultural expressions of these fears.

Free will is the ability to create options and to choose between them without an external agent such as fate or divine will. If people are capable of making any decision they desire, then there is free will; however, if humans are only capable of following set patterns of behavior, then there is not. For instance, if a person feels fear he/she seems to have the choice between fighting or fleeing. If that person, due to an algorithm, was only ever capable of choosing one story, despite being able to create both, they would not have free will.

Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud both noted that there were inner human drives, namely survival and sexual, that never changed regardless of outside factors. Jung took this notion further stating that there were also intrinsic notions of good and evil. It seems clear biologically, that the section of the brain that interacts with the environment is fully algorithmic. For instance, humans have reflexes. These require no conscious thought. However, Jung's notion suggests that there is also an algorithm in the neocortex. This suggests that there are inborn senses in people, including the notions of morality and freedom that can dictate behavior.

There is a question as to where the line is drawn between things that are only following an algorithm to things can act outside the algorithm and whether anything truly is outside the algorithm at all. Self-awareness alone may not create free will because self awareness does not ensure the ability to make a choice. The movie AI suggests that self aware things may not always have free will. When the robots are a carnival in which they will be destroyed for entertainment, the David is the only one capable of begging for his life. He was not programmed to beg, but he did so because external input told him to feel fear. This allowed him to make what seems to the external observer to be a choice. However, his algorithm may simply be more complex. This scene represents the fear that if machines can imitate free will, then perhaps free will is simply an extremely complicated algorithm in humans.
The Hive-Mind versus the Integrated Man - Consider this carefully as you "Unify" ... versus-the
Food for thought ... Some of you are seekers of a collective mankind.

I am seeking to become a single integrated individual. This may be like one species examining another species. The individual that is integrated does not see a hive as an advancement of evolutionary development.

I'm ME, an open-minded skeptic, a very integrated man, lost in a society of sleep-walkers, drones, army ants, royal court, and slaves in prisons of mind where individuality is not an option.

Integrated: adjective -- resembling a living organism in organization or development and formed or united into a whole

My role model is not a hive, but honey is from flowers and I don't mind bees, they do good work in making honey and pollination. The Hive mind is external and a bizarre anomaly to the individual mind.

I don't wish to become one as a cooperative mindless zombie, near dead as seen from my mind's eyes. My place as a man is not to be a bee, an ant, a wasp or termite in a collective with sole intent of servicing a Queen and her royal hierarchy.

The Hive Mind

Since ancient times, ants have been acclaimed for their wisdom. Ants stand out at, or near, the peak of invertebrate development, displaying memory, learning, and the ability to correct mistakes. Like human societies, ant communities have their own expertise at the three primary methods of obtaining food: gathering, hunting and growing.

A caste system divides the workload among workers, soldiers and the queen. They all live together in the same colony. This system is believed to have existed for 30 or 40 million years.

Despite their intelligence, ants are trapped inside rigid and programmed behaviour patterns that are distinct to each species. These patterns produce carpenters, dairymen, soldiers, seed collectors, fungus growers, and even thieves and beggars, among others. Some species of ants raid colonies of other species and use them as slaves to work in their own colonies.

What is the hive-mind?

"They hold authority as the truth, not truth as the authority."

controlling elites hold a monopoly on free will and seek to preserve it at all costs.

The hive mind is an organization of society where thought and decision making have largely become centralized. Centralization of power implies concentration of power, because an elite few exerts the power of millions of unquestioning people under their chain of command. For this to happen, the majority of a population must, at some point, have ceased independent thought in favour of the opinions and dictates of experts and elites. These experts and elites are, of course, serving themselves.

To be more specific, the individual human mind is powered by consciousness, which makes decisions based strongly on the need for self-preservation. (Note that in contrast to animals, the human will often use the conscious mind to make survival decisions, instead of relying on instinct alone.)

The less an individual needs to make decisions regarding their lives and their futures, (i.e. love everybody and everything), the less that individual links self-consciousness with self preservation, and thus the less likely it is that that individual will be influenced by their natural desire for self-preservation.

People have left the responsibility for preservation to the authorities, and in doing so, they have rescinded control of their own minds to a central point outside themselves; unfortunately it is a centralized control source which does not see their individual lives as anything of importance.

Free will and the hive mind are in eternal conflict. However, free will remains essential to society regardless of which system is chosen: people at the top of any given hierarchy must make decisions for those below them, therefore it follows that people with free will must head the hive mind. The hive mind differs from civilized society in that the controlling elites hold a monopoly on free will and seek to preserve it at all costs.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Nov 30, 2009 8:35 am

2008 Current Events according to Kryon of Magnetic Service ... ent-events
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

Some will say, "It has come too quickly. A Human Being should not be able to make the jump to the other side of the veil that fast." You don't realize that the new energy on this planet promotes a system that you don't understand yet. It is not like the old days, you know? This message represents a creator who wants to be found. That is to say, when you take the hand of the Higher-Self, it does not let go. I live with this man [Lee] and he knows it. The Higher-Self is even part of the Kryon. This is difficult to explain, but so is yours!

I've spoken of this before, and each one of you knows of what I speak. The music is always playing on the other side of the veil, on my side. Even when I'm here speaking to you, it plays to me. It's not really music, but I've just metaphorically linearized an energy that is always around me, which is the composite of God, and called it music. It is beautiful. It is what some of you get in a sleep state; it is what makes you breathe easier. That's what makes you feel loved, dear ones. Do you know about the music?

Next month [August 2008], a grand experiment takes place. The largest machine on Earth comes online [starts up] studying the smallest things that exist, things that are invisible. We speak now of the large atomic accelerator in Switzerland... current events. There are many who have said, "This is dangerous." It is not. No more energy will be created there than is present in the barrage of cosmic energy that hits the earth every moment of every second. All they are doing is creating that same energy in a controlled way so that they may study it. They cannot study it when it's random.

They use protons and anti-protons and they speed them up to 90% (+) of the speed of light. Then they crash them into each other in the largest physical experiment that's ever been. Let me tell you what the potentials are. What they're looking for is interdimensional energy. They are looking for what they suspect must be there, and they will find it. They will find it because they're looking at Universal creative energy. Let me tell you the profundity of what they're about to discover within this next decade: They will re-write the scenario of how the Universe started. The Big Bang never was. The very idea of the Big Bang is a three-dimensional explanation of an interdimensional attribute. Universes are created all the time through interdimensional shift - when one dimension literally collides with another. It's a grand quantum event. This is when you get all of the attributes that you describe as the Big Bang.

In 3D, you had many scientists looking at what they felt was proof of the Big Bang theory. They had found the residual of what they thought was proof (cosmological constant). Names like Hubble and others were at the forefront of this. However, this is now about to be challenged by the observation of the smallest particles known.

First, even the Big Bang theory had to be interdimensional at its beginning. For there is acknowledgment that everything traveled faster than light and everything happened all at once. Back in those days of this theory, it was simply understood that somehow there was a break in 3D for a moment in order to create what you see. Today that would have been seen as an attribute of a quantum event, and that's what this laboratory will discover, for they are about to see the residual of an interdimensional collision. It's everywhere. It's the new cosmological constant. Once you begin to see the dimensions that are invisible or at least see the attributes that they trace in the explosions that are artificially created, it will be obvious. All of this is to say to you in this cryptic way that this particular experiment is safe, long term, and your science will finally be able to see interdimensionality at its best.

There are two energy sources on this planet that have always been there that are free. Free! The technology to claim them (make them work) has also been developed. Did I say they were free? Listen: First, you wonder why the moon is there? Did anyone ever ask Spirit, "Why do we have a moon?" I'll tell you why: So that you could power your cities! Not too many have thought of this.

The moon gives you motion of massive amounts of water on a timetable that has never changed for centuries. It gives you hundreds of thousands of tons of push/pull energy for free. It's always there and always will be. Indeed, where most of your large cities are, the waves and the tides provide the power to light them up. It will provide the power for every single city you can build from now until the day the earth is no longer. There is no limit to the amount of electricity that you could provide yourselves, even to the degree of plugging in your electric cars, and it's free and non polluting.

All you have to do is to build the apparatus that will contain it, and some already have. You know how to capture push/pull energy, whether it be a paddle wheel or a float. All of this has been designed. There are more than three cities currently on the earth who derive most of their power from tides. Look for them in the North. They're not in this country (USA). They already have the technology to power your cities, if you'll allow it to be. Did I mention it's free? The source is there for nothing, and you don't have to burn any oil for it; and you don't have to burn any coal for it; and you don't have to take anything from Gaia for it. Let Gaia push and pull its way to a freedom from the sources that you have now, which hurt the planet every day. It is here, it always has been, and it's not going away - massive power, given to you to harness and provide light and transportation.

The next one is a little harder, but just as obvious. You have many ways of creating power. One of the most complex and difficult to understand and build is the nuclear power plant. When you are finished with a five-year construction project, all you have created is an expensive steam engine. For all nuclear power does is create heat. This creates steam to drive a generator in circles, which then creates your electricity. It is, therefore, a glorified steam engine.

There is another glorified steam engine called the magma of Earth. Everywhere you drill, it gets hot. The further you go down, it gets real hot. Did you think about that? If you want heat, all you have to do is drill for it! Now, this is difficult because you have to go down a long way. It becomes more difficult because there are by-products that are involved that complicate the safety and viability. The technology must be developed to tap the heat, to make a steam engine that's forever. Start by building these holes in the hot spots. The hot spots are defined as those places on the earth where the magma is close to the surface. How about starting at the Pacific Rim, for instance? This is where all the volcanoes are, for instance - and where many of your largest cities are, for instance. You will find all the power you need to create steam is right below your feet.

Is it worth it to invest in this technology? That's up to you. How much longer do you wish to extract pieces and parts of the earth, burn them up and put them in the atmosphere? Now, what is that worth to you? So again we say, as clear as we've ever said it to you from the other side of the veil, that these power sources have always existed. They exist for you to create electricity, to power your cities, to power your vehicles, and it has always been a free source ready for you to invest in how to capture it.
Lunar tide powered hydroelectric plant
Lunar tide powered hydroelectric plant of variable size and power generation capacity for basing on land or in tide waters. The basic collection of mechanical power is done by torsion spring bank units positioned on a concrete barge. The land-based plant obtains oscillatory motion from a notched frame. The tide water based plant obtains oscillating motion from notched piling. An individual torsion spring bank unit can comprise columns of horizontally aligned torsion springs based on a row of torsion springs of a bottom control cell. The tidal and wave motion is transferred to the torsion spring banks. A computer system manages the release of each torsion spring column to a drive shaft of a generator to produce electrical power. The computer system also permits the conversion of kinetic energy by reversing the gearing system for the upward motion of the floating barge so as to obtain a constant input of kinetic energy to the generator.
Tidal Energy ... nergy.html
Tidal energy is one of the oldest forms of energy used by humans. Indeed, tide mills, in use on the Spanish, French and British coasts, date back to 787 A.D.. Tide mills consisted of a storage pond, filled by the incoming (flood) tide through a sluice and emptied during the outgoing (ebb) tide through a water wheel. The tides turned waterwheels, producing mechanical power to mill grain. We even have one remaining in New York- which worked well into the 20th century.

Tidal power is non-polluting, reliable and predictable. Tidal barrages, undersea tidal turbines - like wind turbines but driven by the sea - and a variety of machines harnessing undersea currents are under development. Unlike wind and waves, tidal currents are entirely predictable.
MAGMA-The Most Efficient Type of Natural Energy ... nergy.html
Magma Turbines are variations of Wind Turbines, but instead of using wind, they use a far, far stronger natural force, magma currents, found deep inside Earth's crust and in chambers beneath volcanoes.

Magma currents would provide many times the force of even ocean currents. Half as many Magma Turbines could provide even more energy than twice as many Ocean Turbines if you make the magnetic resistance of the turbine greater, and thus increase the amount of electricity that is produced when the turbine rotates.

Magma holds great potential in energy.
Method of manufacturing building material from volcanic magma
A method of manufacturing a building material includes the steps of directing molten volcanic magma from an underwater volcanic magna vent to a level above seal level via a tube formed from the magma, directing the molten volcanic magma into a mold located on a floating barge or located on land, and cooling the magma in the mold to form a building material. As an alternative to obtaining the magma from an underwater vent, the molten volcanic magma can be obtained from a vent on land, a lava pool or stream, tapping a lava tube, or the like. The molten volcanic magma can be cast, molded, formed, extruded, flossed, stranded, foamed and used as a heat source to produce harbor works, floors, walls, roofs, pipe, flotation, barges, vessels, insulation, fiber reinforcing and electricity.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:02 pm

Forgotten History - UFOs, Congress and Donald Rumsfeld
There’s a little talked about United States congressional hearing which implies that a former Bush White House insider believed (believes?) the UFO phenomenon should be taken seriously. Bush Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was a senator from Illinois in 1968, and in that year as a member of the Committee on Science and Astronautics, Rumsfeld attended a congressional hearing that took up the subject of UFOs, or, unidentified flying objects.

Whatever Rumsfeld's interest in UFOs was, the hearing and the subsequent action, that of the U.S. government asking Edward Condon of the University of Colorado to head a study of UFOs pursuant to this hearing, is certainly beyond coincidence. Several of the scientists invited to present papers at the 1968 hearing recommended carrying out an ongoing study of the UFO subject; yet, the Condon Committee was pre-disposed to bury the UFO argument, and so they did with a recommendation that the UFO subject not warrant further study, an opinion not shared by the majority of scientists invited to speak at the hearing.

In the latter part of 2004 the National Institute of Discovery Science in Las Vegas, Nevada, (now Bigelow Aerospace) officially closed shop, and left a closing assessment that revealed UFO activity as related to unidentified flying triangle craft has reached epidemic proportions. A former member of NIDS informed me that his take on the whole situation is that what we are looking at may be indicative of a pending invasion from an unknown intelligence. The question no one is asking is this: Has the "invasion" already taken place, is it currently under way, or have "they" always been here? The very fact that abnormal aircraft contrails (aka chemtrails) can exist in the skies over people's heads on a regular basis, yet the majority of people scurrying about beneath these bogus shrouds of cirrostratus* do not even notice them, is enough to make one ask: could people be so unaware, apathetic or ignorant as to allow an undeclared aerosol operation or even an "invasion" to take place right over their heads? It is this writer's opinion that someone's smoke and mirrors are working very well.

Everyone from NASA to U.S Congressional representatives to the Federation of American Scientists denies that "chemtrails" are a reality. The debunkers state that "chemtrails" are simply natural ice particle vapor trails (aka "contrails") that form as a result of hot jet aircraft engine exhaust and atmospheric conditions. These statements are blatant lies, or they are made in ignorance of the facts. Unacknowledged aircraft have been spraying chemicals into the skies around the world for the past several years.
Although this unacknowledged aerosol campaign may be a benevolent mission on the part of SOME PARTICIPANTS, public outcry for an explanation goes unanswered and unaddressed.

What could be serious enough to sanction an attack on your own country (9-11) in order to build support for an illegal invasion of another country (Iraq) that was not an actual threat? Is it about keeping the western world and its diplomatic interests supplied with oil and natural gas, or is there more? The first question of course, is energy, supply and demand. However, (and the following does not preclude criminal prosecution) if there is a much larger picture, one that no one in an official government capacity will admit to because the dynamics are so overwhelming to the psyche of the human race, then we may be talking about an elite group of people who are ruling the United States with impunity and possible knowledge of a dimension that undermines every political and economic control system in place today.

If one follows the premise that the United States does not possess UFO technology, that is, anti-gravity, space/time manipulation or alternative dimensional travel apparatus, then it is logical to assume that petroleum is still our most dependable, energy/fuel resource, the foundation of all transportation and manufacture, the backbone of the world economy.

Is it reasonable to assume that the Bush Administration is completely briefed as to the true nature of ongoing UFO activity? Let's ruminate on the possibility that Rumsfeld and Bush are on the same page when it comes to UFOs.

Strange things are in our skies, not only in the form of fantastic, unaddressed aerial craft, but also in the form of unaddressed aerosols, dispersed in huge quantities, around the world. These aerosols are revealing very unusual patterns in our skies and it can be assumed that the United States military has full knowledge of this illegal aerosol operation. Why they are doing it, has yet to be disclosed to the public. Perhaps the aerosol program is directly tied to observation of aerial or atmospheric activity being conducted by an intelligence that does not give a damn what certain individuals think or do.
The UFO - Chemtrail Connection
It seems to me (and many others) that these particular contrails and clouds are very different in consistency and movement and reflectivity/refraction that normal contrails and clouds. The slow flowing movement and hazy consistency of the remnant clouds reminds me of liquid nitrogen. There appears to be some form of "atmos-forming" in progress whether intentional or inadvertent.

If it is intentional -- the following are possibilities: a) the government(s) is involved in attempting to solve the environmental crises using gases, aluminum oxide and/or other chemicals with UAVs for surveillance and testing and robotic ancillary devices to collect data and perform pre-programmed activities b) the government(s) is involved in a collaborative effort taking place between the government or some human group and an extraterrestrial species either to assist its survival and replication and/or to repel/annihilate other "invading" species seen as a hostile threat or c) there is no government involvement and the aircraft we think we are seeing up there are like holograms cloaking UFOs which are laying the unusual contrails for their own devices/needs. And not all of the contrails are being laid by obvious aircraft. Some have either oval or spherical shapes in front of them.

In the case of possibility c) -- 1) the contrails may be an efficient means to transform the atmosphere to aid in their survival and replication --the contrails utilized as an effective too-obvious clandestine action 2) the contrails may be a means to repair the damage caused by human pollution (an effort to save the life on the planet) 3) the contrails may be propellant or an energy source for various objects (the spheres may require this gas or substance to propel them through the atmosphere).

And there may indeed be a battle in the skies -- between humans and extraterrestrials, between some groups of extraterrestrials w/ human assistance versus other extraterrestrials... the contrails containing gases or biologic or chemical substances that have deleterious effects on some species.
My Chemtrail Theory

Given: Someone with advanced technology is spraying something onto the atmosphere of Earth. My theory solves the major problems with the other proposed theories:

There are thousands of these craft spraying the Earth. To manufacture such high numbers of exotic craft would attract attention.

Other countries are being sprayed and these sprayer craft are not being shot down. So they have advanced technology to avoid radar detection.

Spraying is performed by Earth Humans from the Future Who Travel Back in Time
This theory is based on two facts:

The sun has been freaking out for the past few years.
For years Earth human sperm count has been dropping.

Earth humans from the future may have decided to reduce this damage by traveling back in time and blocking as much of the sun's radiation as possible.

Time Travel

In our labs we have proven that time travel is possible and the “parallel worlds” theory proposed by a number of scientists shows a simple way that such time travel is possible without causing a paradox no matter what you did when you travel to the past. One problem with this theory is that chemtrails have been seen at night. If they were protecting us from the sun it would make more sense to spray in the earlier part of the day.


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