On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 09, 2010 10:03 am

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 255#p35365


According to ancient beliefs the axis of the universe is the Pleiades in Taurus. The idea is that our bodies are somehow intimately connected to a point far away in space, in the Taurus constellation of the bull Did these astronomers use the lion to create an image on the Phaistos Disk of the Pleiades? If they did, perhaps it comes from the Egyptian lion goddess Sekhmet, the inference being the Pleiades are goddesses. We know the Pleiades as the Seven Sisters but perhaps the Egyptians and Minoans deified them so they were the seven goddesses or eight goddesses as there are eight lions on this side of the disk. The Pleiades on the Phaistos Disk completes the ancient astronomy holy trinity of Sirius, Argo Navis, and Pleiades.
Nibiru and the Sirius-Pleiadian Connection

The Sirius Star System
At a point in the space-time continuum a great cosmic exchange occurred in our stellar system. At the time of this cataclysmic change in our complex stellar body, the Deity, Satais (Sirius B) collapsed, passing through her own astral chords and onto higher dimensional planes. What was left behind in the world of matter was, in stellar terms, a minuscule dwarf star of super dense matter, which was eventually pulled into an elliptical orbit around the dominant sister star, Sothis (Sirius A) as was the distant cousin, Anu (Sirius C).

The collapse of Satais (Sirius B) - its ascension beyond material space - caused a monumental chain reaction through the entire Sirian system out across the constellation of stars known to you as Canis Major and, indirectly, your solar system became involved in the dynamics of our evolution.

Earth’s Sirius Connection
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/unive ... irio04.htm
In the course of this monumental Cosmic Event, one of the Planets in the Sirius System, the Planet Nibiru, got blasted free from its Sirius Orbit into our nearby direction, where eventually it was gravitationally captured by our Sun as the so-called "Twelfth Planet.
The Dogon Tribe and Sirius
A lot is made of the elliptical symbolism used by the Dogon to describe their sacred tertiary star system. This tradition did indeed describe Sirius and this elliptical binary star system, but the Dogon were already separated from mainstream civilisation during the period we are interested in, namely the 1st century AD. They, like the Middle Eastern world, watched the heliacal setting and rising of Sirius each year, in the hope of seeing the appearance of the binary dark star, Nibiru. During the first century AD, it appeared, as promised.

They watched the red star appear near Sirius, and possibly watched some of its motion through the constellation of Canis Major.

The Dogon also say that the third star in the system will appear to us, a star that may actually turn out to be a brown dwarf. This faint, red star could not hope to ever be seen from the Earth, however. So did the Dogon see Nibiru and think that they were seeing the ‘star of the Nommo’?

Our Sun is moving in the direction of the Solar Apex, an area of the sky near the bright northern star Vega. The stars in the Sun’s vicinity circle the galactic core, as does the Sun, in an undulating motion similar to a carousel horse. But the current direction of the Sun is a little ‘peculiar’, as discussed by Graham Hancock in ‘The Mars Mystery’:

“Superimposed on the Sun’s predominantly circular (albeit up-and-down) trajectory about the galactic nucleus there is also what astronomers refer to as the ‘peculiar’ solar velocity:

‘This direction lies roughly halfway between the bright stars Vega and Ras Alhaque, almost exactly opposite the molecular clouds in Orion.’”

The angle of direction with respect to the galactic plane is 30 degrees. There’s that figure again, so important to the Egyptians (the angle of latitude of the necropolis at Giza) and the Sumerians (the Way of Anu). Hancock continues:

“Moreover, this place in the galaxy towards which the Sun is vectored is located opposite the molecular clouds of the Orion nebula. Lying in a region of space through which the Sun and the Earth are estimated to have passed roughly 5 to 10 million years ago, it forms the feature of the Orion constellation, beneath the belt stars which the ancient Egyptians saw as the phallus of Osiris, the god of rebirth.”

This area of the sky also takes in Sirius and the Pleiades, the star cluster known as the Seven Sisters. Robert Temple has identified Sirius as the place of origin of the Nommo, and the Pleiades is recognised as a source of intergalactic travellers by modern Ufological lore, despite the relative youth of these stars. This seems to be an important area of the sky as far as extra-terrestrial visitors to our planet are concerned.

Intriguingly, in Hope’s review of Temple’s theory she notes that the Dogon believe that their Siriun benefactors will one day return, and that their ‘star’ will again appear in the sky:

“It is not surprising to find the same belief among Dogon tradition – that their Sirian visitors will one day return – a ‘certain star’ will once more appear in the sky and will be a testament to the Nommo’s resurrection.”

Temple and Hope consider the Dogon drawings of the Nommo vessel, in the form of a luminous circle, to be a spacecraft descending in a whirling pattern to Earth. But an alternative interpretation is that these pictures actually represent Nibiru as it appeared to the Dogon, and everyone else, roughly 2000 years ago. This would tie in better with Hope’s reference to a ‘certain star’ appearing in the sky, especially when taken in the context of the Nommo resurrection. This train of thought may indicate a connection between the Anunnaki of the Nibiru system and the Oannes of the Sirius system. Is it possible that the Anunnaki originate from the latter, before colonising the former? In other words, the Anunnaki were originally space-farers from Sirius before settling the Nibiru system, and thence onto Earth.

Robert Temple’s theory about extra-terrestrial visitors, who gave civilisation to the ancients, proposes that Sirius has a second companion. The Dogon tribe has described this 3rd Siriun ‘star’ as the ‘Sun of Women’, and they represent it as a cross. In turn, it has a companion known as the ‘Star of Women’. Temple has outlined the attempts to verify that a second dwarf star belongs to the Sirius system.

But the Solar system has a brown dwarf, according to the Dark Star Theory. Would the Anunnaki not have preferred to colonise a planet that was a ‘home away from home’, a planet itself orbiting a brown dwarf?

It seems to me that this provides an explanation as to why the Nommo star should appear in our skies, whilst being consistent with the belief that the Nommo originate from Sirius. Our solar system has been colonised by them, and they chose a warm and relatively dark world that was orbiting a brown dwarf in the outer reaches of our star system. This Nibiruan moon had the same conditions on it as their own home planet orbiting around the brown dwarf Sirius C. Unfortunately for these colonists from Sirius, the brown dwarf Nibiru was not to remain in its slow circular orbit around the Sun, but would be pulled into an elliptical comet-like orbit. It seems that the great circular orbit of Nibiru was perturbed millions of years ago, either by the closer position of the Sirius system, or the gigantic molecular clouds of Orion.

Either way, Nibiru moved from its unstable circular orbit of the Sun into a cometary orbit. This crisis brought the Anunnaki to our own planet in an attempt to solve the environmental problems that their adopted world was now experiencing. Problems brought about by the sudden close transitions through the planetary solar system.
Did an ancient Bronze Artifact record Nibiru?
A ten-inch wide bronze disc recently discovered in Germany has helped archeologists to uncover mainland Europe's oldest-known observatory. The disc shows celestial imagery that dates back 3600 years, including a cluster of seven stars (the Pleiades?), the Moon and Sun, and an enigmatic crescent that has been officially dubbed a 'solar boat' (12). Lee Covino, who sent me a cutting from 'Archeology', the publication of the Archeological Institute of America, wonders whether the clear trinity of major celestial symbols might indicate Nibiru's inclusion (as the boat-like crescent), particularly given the inclusion of seven stars (its moons?), and the 3600 year dating. When this story first came out in early 2002 several other researchers wondered the same thing.

But, on the other hand, it's perfectly possible that this ornate bronze disc was created to celebrate a rare and significant event, and the timing 3600 years ago is of crucial importance. Only time will tell.
Nebra Disk
The Disk- as widely accepted by scientists, depicts a Sun, a Crescent Moon, Stars, The Pleiades Star Cluster, 2 arcs, and a "Sun Boat"

When I heard that this disk dated from 1600 BC, I felt there was no coincidence. I felt strongly that this was somehow connected to Nibiru- possibly a warning- or created to commemorate its return.

The planet Nibiru is thought to have an elliptical orbit, and passes though the solar system every 3661 years or so. The last time it was here, was around 1649 BC. It is due to come through again in 2012 AD.

Nibiru was originally a planet that was thrown out of orbit with the implosion of Sirius B. It wound up in the Pleiades and therefore is known to some as a Pleiadian planet.

Our "Sirian Regional System" as a unit revolves around the Central Sun Alcyone in the Pleiades Cluster, which might be termed "the Pleiades Quadrant". This greater sector revolves around the Galactic Center, in the direction of the Stars of Sagittarius, once every 200,000,000 years or so. What is so significant about our present-day epoch is that certain great cycles relating to orbital alignments within the Pleiades Quadrant and between this Quadrant and the Galactic Center are starting to repeat themselves.
A Thirteenth Month
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/arque ... a_disk.htm
Unlike the solar calendar, which indicates the position of the earth as it revolves around the sun, the lunar calendar is based on the phases of the moon. A lunar year is eleven days shorter than the solar year because 12 synodic months, or 12 returns of the moon to the new phase, take only 354 days.

The sky disc of Nebra was used to determine if and when a thirteenth month - the so-called intercalary month - should be added to a lunar year to keep the lunar calendar in sync with the seasons.

The 32-centimeter-wide (seven-inch) bronze disc with gold-leaf appliqués representing the sun, the moon, and the stars is the oldest visual representation of the cosmos known to date. A cluster of seven dots has previously been interpreted as the Pleiades constellation as it appeared 3,600 years ago.

In his quest to explain why the Nebra astronomers created a sky map with a four or five days old moon on it, Hansen consulted the "Mul-Apin" collection of Babylonian documents from the 7th and 6th centuries B.C.

According to the ancient Babylonian rule, a thirteenth month should be added to the lunar calendar only when one sees the constellation of the moon and the Pleiades exactly as they appear on the Nebra sky disc.

A recently discovered bronze disc shows celestial images including Nibiru indicating it was seen in the heavens around 1600 B.C.E. Many authorities attribute Noah's flood to a Nibiru near-earth fly-by encounter.

According to Answers.com, in 1556 B.C.E. (approximately 3,564 years ago) Nibiru's solar orbit is noted as 3600 years.

Cecrops rebuilt Athens following a great flood that ended a Golden Age before the rule of Zeus. The name 'Cecrops' in the original Greek means 'face with a tail'. His upper body is represented like a man and his lower half was in serpent or fish-tail form (accounting for the "mermaid/merman" legends).

He was the first king and founder of Athens, Greece and ruled from 1556-1506 B.C.E. Cecrops was a "cultural hero" and taught the Athenians marriage, reading and writing, and ceremonial burial. In the Deucalion flood myth, Zeus released a deluge, the rivers ran in torrents and the sea encroached rapidly on the coastal plain, engulfing the foothills with spray and washing everything clean.

In this Greek flood, no animals were rescued and the waters receded after nine days. No such deluge or flood myth can be found since this most recent one. Assuming this deluge (like the biblical flood) was also caused by a near-earth encounter with Nibiru, it had to have occurred a short time before Cecrops began his reign.

The Book of Thoth
As I have it the planet Nibiru has a wildly eccentric orbit. It slingshots round our sun before whizzing off into space on a many-thousands-year-long journey before returning. Information that I have seems to indicate that Nibiru is a brown dwarf and can be considered Sirius C. Sirius is known to us as a binary system (Sirius A and B). A is the Dogstar - the brightest star in our sky. B is not visible as it is a white dwarf. C, it seems, is Nibiru. The inhabitants of Nibiru are the Anunnaki. They first came to earth when Nibiru was in or near our solar system and the flight was a pretty short one.

Abstract: A faint and lonely brown dwarf in the solar vicinity – The Discovery of Kelu-1 Promises New Insights into Strange Objects. Until now, very few Brown Dwarfs have been securely identified as such. Two are members of double-star systems, and a few more are located deep within the Pleiades star cluster.

Kelu-1 is not Planet-X/Niberu/Nemesis. Niberu is currently located between the constellations Orion and Taurus (@ RA 4.45 Dec 12.13) while Kelu-1 is located somewhere in the constellation Hydra, which is off by a long-shot. In fact I doubt Kelu-1 could even constitute Niberu's other foci (our sun's dead twin) as it is too far off of Nibiru's inbound vector. I believe we will eventually find the sun's dead twin (Nibiru's other foci) lingering somewhere between us and the proximity of the belt stars of Orion and the constellation Taurus.
From a Land beyond the stars, Nibiru appeared to the ancients. It was called the 12th Planet by the ancient Sumerians because it is a member of our solar system (ancients included the Moon and Sun as planets). However, unlike the other planets in our solar system, which are in a singular orbit around the sun, Nibiru is in a binary orbit between two suns: our sun and another cold, unlit sun far out in our galaxy, making its orbit eliptical. Nibiru returns to our solar system approximately every 3,600 years (1 Shar).

A half a million years ago, Tiamat (Earth) was not located in Space where it is today. It orbited farther out from the Sun, in between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Mars was orbiting at a distance much closer to the Sun than now and was quite habitable, with a temperate climate and liquid water.

Then, too, Tiamat's system was closer to the Star Sirius (or Sothis, as the ancient Egyptians called it). This solar system and the Sirian planetary system are part of a unit. The two systems are gravitationally connected to one another, a new fact that is now beginning to gain widespread consensus from the scientific community. Our "Sirian Regional System" as a unit revolves around the Central Sun Alcyone in the Pleiades Cluster, which might be termed "the Pleiades Quadrant".

This greater sector revolves around the Galactic Center, in the direction of the Stars of Sagittarius, once every 200,000,000 years or so. What is so significant about our present-day epoch is that certain great cycles relating to orbital alignments within the Pleiades Quadrant and between this Quadrant and the Galactic Center are starting to repeat themselves. The Mayans of mesoamerica also acknowledged this. And put it into their ancient calandar. Which in fact their Great Cycle ends on December 21st 2012!

NIBIRU's 3,600 Earth year orbit is known for causing catastrophic events on our planet. The Sumerian Creation Myth and the Magan text of the Necronomicon tell of the war between Tiamat and Marduk/Nibiru. The two massive planets collided. breaking Tiamat in half (the other half turned into what is now called the Asteroid Belt or The Abode of Heaven), and knocking the Earth into its new current orbit around the sun, leaving Tiamat with just one moon, Kingu. It is said it was then that the Anunnaki came to Earth and took over the lands.
The Maya - Pleiades Connection
The Tzolk'in is the sacred calendar of the Maya and is based on the cycles of the Pleiades. The cycle of the Pleiades uses 26,000 years, but is reflected in the calendar we are using by encompassing 260 days. It uses the sacred numbers 13 and 20. The 13 is represented with numbers and 20 represented with sun/glyphs.

The Tzolkin has four smaller cycles called seasons of 65 days each guarded by the four suns: Chicchan, Oc, Men and Ahaw. There are also Portal days within the Tzolkin that create a double helix pattern using 52 days and the mathematics of 28, this calendar was used to give the name of the new born.

Much has been channeled from the Pleiades. Alcyone figures prominently in Mayan astronomy. The Mayas believe it is the home of their ancestors. The Pleiades star system is referred to as the seven sisters and our sun aligns with Alcyone every 52 years. In Mayan cosmology the precession of the Pleiades is tracked using the Calendar Round (52 years) and the New Fire ceremony.
He cannot be Sirius?
http://kendalastronomer.wordpress.com/2 ... be-sirius/
I had contacted a few of your colleagues back in December, and during the last few weeks, about the Sirius/Alcyone connection. I made an effort to stimulate investigation into the possibility/probability that our sun has a close relationship with Sirius and Sirius with Alcyone. The former I would think should be easily confirmed with the data, technology and brain power which is available today. The Alcyone relationship would be more difficult. Verifying Sirius will give weight to Alcyone.

As I had previously mentioned, the moon orbits the Earth, the Earth the Sun. Two more steps need to be taken. There are other solar systems connected with Sirius. A larger community/neighborhood we are a part of. Sirius is not the only multiple stellar system connected with Alcyone. This needs to be verified!

Astronomy and the Creation in the Book of Abraham
http://maxwellinstitute.byu.edu/publica ... chapid=162
Based on the assumption that "governing" means gravitational attraction, there have been various guesses as to the location of Kolob. These have ranged from the star Alcyone in the Pleiades to the center of our own galaxy. However, recent observations have shown that rather than a star, there is a super massive black hole at the center of our galaxy. Moving further out, one could suggest the "Great Attractor" of some 5 x 1016 solar masses, the gravitational center of the supercluster to which our galaxy belongs.

Sirius as Kolob
http://mormoncodex.blogspot.com/2010/04 ... irius.html
Abraham wasn't Hebrew or Egyptian; he was a Mesopotamian, so it is to that land that we seek our answers. In Mesopotamia, Sirius is called "dog of the sun". The Hebrew word for dog is keleb (כֶּלֶב). So the root for Kolob , keleb (dog) and Kalbu (dog) appears to be the same. The names of star Kolob and the star Kalbu Samas (Sirius) might be congnates. Kolob and Sirius are both associated with the sun. In the Egyptian context, Sirius is of particular interest.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 09, 2010 12:06 pm

Is Mithras the Sun's "dark star" twin? Is Mithras also Nibiru? Or is Nibiru a planet in orbit around Mithras?

For many years now I’ve concurred with Andy Lloyd that the Dark Star, at perihelion, takes on a wing-like appearance of its own. According to my research, this can also be said with the Roman god Mithras who also adorned a wing-like appearance when battling his counterpart Sol. So with this context in mind, is it possible that Mithras is actually our binary companion? To answer this question, see below:

From his book The Mysteries of Mithras ©2005 Author Payam Nabarz tells us:

“The name Mithra…has three meanings in Farsi: love, sun, and friend. Here in the name perhaps lies the key to the whole of the Mithraic mystery. The divinity is seen as Sun, or the light of sun…Most importantly, he is a friend, one who walks with us, side by side in fellowship. Mithra is the beloved, with whom the MAGI seek union.” Pg.5

The quote above is very interesting indeed stating that the Magi wanted to seek union with this sun. No doubt Mithras was “the sun of the Magi” referred to in biblical times. What is more, Mithras was elevated to have sun-like qualities akin to Sol and long ago they both met in battle:

“The battle between Sol (the Sun) and Mithras results in Mithras overcoming the planetary sun and becoming the Invincible Sun. Sol kneels in front of...[Mithras] while Mithras holds the constellation Bear (Ursa Minor) in one hand. This emphasizes his power as a stellar god, one who moves the cosmic pole as well as causing the precession of equinoxes. Mithras and Sol then become friends and shake hands.”

With this passage one can argue that Mithras (our Binary Companion) and the Sun came close to one another, at least once in the solar system’s distant past, causing celestial upheaval. After the violent ordeal took place, Mithras and Sol came to an understanding, you might say, with Mithras eventually continuing on into the outer fringes of the solar system.

It is also interesting to note that Mithras, the Dark Star, is associated with the constellation of Ursa Major, the Great Bear, during this 'observation', an association that was also suggested by Zecharia Sitchin's interpretation of Biblical verse, for part of the perihelion transit of Nibiru.

Summing up, there is enough supporting evidence in Payam Nabarz’s book Mystery of Mithras to conclude that Mithras is our Brown Dwarf binary companion, a celestial god worshipped by the ancient Persians and Romans, able to bring about a new cosmic cycle and end an old one.

Platonic thought includes the idea of two suns. The familiar Sun is complemented by an additional 'hypercosmic' sun, which is located beyond the sphere of the fixed stars. This ancient understanding might be a very simple interpretation of the distant orbit of a brown dwarf 'Sun' well beyond the spheres of the known planets.

The Chaldeans took the concept of the hypercosmic sun completely literally. According to Julian, this 'sun' travels "in the starless heavens far above the region of the fixed stars". Such an understanding is reflected in Zoroastrian teachings, although this connection may not be absolutely certain. More crucially, according to Hans Lewy;

"The Chaldeans distinguished between two fiery bodies: one possessed of a noetic nature and the visible sun. The former was said to conduct the latter. According to Proculs, the Chaldeans call the "solar world" situated in the supramundane region "entire light". In another passage, this philosopher states that the supramundane sun was known to them as "time of time"..."

If Mithras is indeed the Dark Star, then this Persian God, which was adopted by the Romans, is associated closely with a second sun, existing in a very real and spatial sense, beyond the known solar system. Mithras appears, born out of the rock, with a torch. This visible 'perihelion' event is associated with the Bull, or the constellation Taurus, in Mithraic iconography. This places the perihelion of the Dark Star, as it was understood (and perhaps actually seen) in the Graeco-Roman era, firmly within Taurus.

Finally, here is another unusual quote attributable to Chaldean Magi, which may also show a connection between the visible appearance of the Dark Star, and the constellation of Leo, which then, with Taurus, gives us two markers for the perihelion transit:

"If thou often invokest it [Leo] then when no longer is Visible unto thee the Vault of the Heavens, when the Stars have lost their light, the lamp of the Moon is veiled, the Earth abideth not, and around thee darts the lightning flame, then all things will appear to thee in the form of a Lion!."
The Cosmic Mysteries of Mithras
Within a few years after the 1971 Congress, a radically different approach to explaining the tauroctony began to be pursued by a number of scholars. It is not an exaggeration to say that this approach has in just the past few years succeeded in completely revolutionizing the study of the Mithraic mysteries. According to the proponents of this interpretation, the tauroctony is not, as Cumont and his followers claimed, a pictorial representation of an Iranian myth; but is rather something utterly different: namely, an astronomical star map!

This remarkable explanation of the tauroctony is based on two facts. First, every figure found in the standard tauroctony has a parallel among a group of constellations located along a continuous band in the sky: the bull is paralleled by Taurus, the dog by Canis Minor, the snake by Hydra, the raven by Corvus, and the scorpion by Scorpio. Second, Mithraic iconography in general is pervaded by explicit astronomical imagery: the zodiac, planets, sun, moon, and stars are often portrayed in Mithraic art (note for example the stars around the head of Mithras in the carving of the tauroctony illustrated above); in addition, numerous ancient authors speak about astronomical subjects in connection with Mithraism. In the writings of the Neoplatonic philosopher Porphyry, for example, we find recorded a tradition that the cave which is depicted in the tauroctony and which the underground Mithraic temples were designed to imitate was intended to be "an image of the cosmos." Given the general presence of astronomical motifs in Mithraic art and ideology, the parallel noted above between the tauroctony-figures and constellations is unlikely to be coincidence.

In fact, we may even go one step further. For during the Age of Taurus, when the equinoxes were in Taurus and Scorpio, the two solstices-- which are also shifted by the precession-- were in Leo the Lion and Aquarius the Waterbearer. (In the above diagram of the "Age of Taurus," Leo and Aquarius are the northernmost and southernmost constellations of the zodiacal circle respectively-- these were the positions of the summer and winter solstices in that age.) It is thus of great interest to note that in certain regions of the Roman empire a pair of symbols was sometimes added to the tauroctony: namely, a lion and a cup. These symbols must represent the constellations Leo and Aquarius, the locations of the solstices during the Age of Taurus. Thus all of the figures found in the tauroctony represent constellations that had a special position in the sky during the Age of Taurus.

The Mithraic tauroctony, then, was apparently designed as a symbolic representation of the astronomical situation that obtained during the Age of Taurus. But what religious significance could this have had, so that the tauroctony could have come to form the central icon of a powerful cult? The answer to this question lies in the fact that the phenomenon of the precession of the equinoxes was unknown throughout most of antiquity: it was discovered for the first time around 128 B.C. by the great Greek astronomer Hipparchus. Today we know that the precession is caused by a wobble in the earth's rotation on its axis. However, for Hipparchus-- because he held to the ancient geocentric cosmology in which the earth was believed to be immovable-- what we today know to be a movement of the earth could only be understood as a movement of the entire cosmic sphere. In other words, Hipparchus's discovery amounted to the discovery that the entire universe was moving in a way that no one had ever been aware of before!

This, I propose, is the origin and nature of Mithras the cosmic bull-slayer. His killing of the bull symbolizes his supreme power: namely, the power to move the entire universe, which he had demonstrated by shifting the cosmic sphere in such a way that the spring equinox had moved out of Taurus the Bull.

If Mithras was in fact believed to be capable of moving the entire universe, then he must have been understood as in some sense residing outside of the cosmos. This idea may help us to understand another very common Mithraic iconographical motif: namely, the so-called "rock-birth" of Mithras. This scene shows Mithras emerging from the top of a roughly spherical or egg-shaped rock, which is usually depicted with a snake entwined around it.

That the rock from which Mithras is born does indeed represent the cosmos is proven by the snake that entwines it: for this image evokes unmistakeably the famous Orphic myth of the snake-entwined "cosmic egg" out of which the universe was formed when the creator-god Phanes emerged from it at the beginning of time. Indeed, the Mithraists themselves explicitly identified Mithras with Phanes, as we know from an inscription found in Rome and from the iconography of a Mithraic monument located in England.

The birth of Mithras from the rock, therefore, would appear to represent the idea that he is in some sense greater than the cosmos. Capable of moving the entire universe, he cannot be contained within the cosmic sphere, and is therefore depicted in the rock-birth as bursting out of the enclosing cave of the universe, and establishing his presence in the transcendent space beyond the cosmos.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 09, 2010 12:19 pm

Is Mithras really Sirius C (Emma Ya) and Nibiru its planet “the Star of Women”?

Planet Xylanthia in the Sirius Star System
The planet Xylanthia is located in the Sirius Star System, which is comprised of three stars; Sirius A, B and C. Sirius A and B orbit around Sirius C. Planet Xylanthia orbits around Sirius C, which is a black dwarf star. Xylanthia is the home-planet of the extraterrestrials that visited Earth and founded Atlantis.

Sirius A and B orbit around Sirius C which is their center of gravity. This configuration causes Xylanthia to have no night. There is a twilight zone that circles the planet, creating an aurora of glorious colors reflecting through mystic clouds of water vapors, caused by slight temperature changes during the brief and beautiful twilight.

The Kayapo Indians in Brazil remember their extraterrestrial origins. Their legends reveal that their ancestors came from the sky; from a land where there was no night. The Kayapo tribes build circular cities resembling the circular layout of the ancient city of Atlantis.

The Dogon tribe in West Africa, have ancient records of extraterrestrial beings visiting Earth. Thousands of years ago, the Dogon’s knew that Sirius was not just one star. Their ancient records revealed that Sirius was a three-star complex. They referred to Sirius C as the “woman planet.” Our mother-planet, Xylanthia, orbits around Sirius C.

Sirius and the secret teachings of Mithras

The Taurobolium of Mithras represents the astrological constellations of Taurus, Scorpius, Orion and Canines Major, where our Sirius-home-stars are located. The secret ancient teachings of Mithras contained the knowledge of our Xylanthian heritage.

Sirius is located in Canines Major. It is symbolized by the gemstone on the collar of the hunter's dog. In the Taurobolium, Mithas captures the bull and kills it himself, as an honorary reenactment of the bull slaying ceremony performed the ancient Kings of Atlantis.

Mithradates VI, king of Pontus, established the capital of his kingdom, in Kerch, Ukraine, which was called Panticapaeum, of the Bosporus (Bos means bull) kingdom. He had been given the secret knowledge that Kerch was the location of the lost city of Atlantis. He built magnificent temples and gardens on the hill by the sea, where the temples of the city of Atlantis once stood

The history of our extraterrestrial home on Xylanthia, was preserved in Egyptian mythologies by associating our home-star Sirius with the great mother-goddess, Isis.

Egypt was a province of Atlantis, which was originally located on the eastern shore of the Black Sea. After the Great Atlantis Flood, the Egyptians migrated away from the Black Sea. They roamed for one thousand years, establishing settlements, as they traveled down the Fertile Crescent, and across the Levant. They finally settled in northern Africa, in 8,600 BC.

The legend of Sirius, star of Isis, the great mother-goddess, traveled with the Egyptians to their new homeland on the Nile. Fortunately they inscribed the records of Atlantis in their temples. The Egyptians protected the secrets of Sirius for 1000's of years.
It is believed by some that Atlantis was "humanity's cradle" until its destruction. It is also believed that before Atlantis, there was Mu and Lemuria, two other lost continents some old stories speak of.

Edward Herbert Norton, the discoverer of Mayan centers in Yucatan and of the "Foutain of the Death" from Chichen Itza, advanced a new theory: a powerful civilization lived in Atlantis till 10,000 BC when the water sank the island. It is being said that the Atlanteans colonized the shores of Africa, Mediterranean Sea, and America, so if the Atlanteans perished, their heritage lived on through the people of their colonies. The Atlantean influence on local population was significant. This is how we could explain the Mayan, Egyptian, and Cretan enigmas, the existence of the white population in West Africa and Mediterranean. (eg. Guanchos in Canaries).

At this point, some of you might want to mention the Dogon tribe in Mali. But I have my reserves. If you don't know the story of the Dogons, it is my duty to let you know.

The Dogons occupy a region in Mali, south of the Sahara Desert in Africa. The tribe counts about 100,000 members. They live in the Homburi Moutains, near Timbuktu.

The precise origin of the Dogons is uncertain. This uncertainty led to myths and theories regarding their origin. However, they are believed to have Egyptian roots. They lived in Lybia for some time, then in Guinea or Mauritania, and around 1490 AD, they moved to Bandiagara cliffs of central Mali. Carbon-14 dating techniques on remains excavated from the cliffs show that there were other people inhabiting the region before the Dogon's arrival: the Toloy culture and, later on, the Tellem culture.

The Dogon's interest revolves around Sirius, the most brilliant star in our galaxy. Supposedly, the priest told the scientists a myth about the star Sirius. The matter of interest is that the Dogons claim that Sirius is accompanied by a star they call põ tolo, invisible to the naked eye. Tolo means 'star', while põ is the smallest seed they know. Seed also refers to creation; in our case, human creation. They also seem to know that this star moves in an elliptical orbit around Sirius, that it is small and dense, and its period is 50 years. The tribe says that põ tolo is composed of s super-dense metal called sagala, heavier then the iron on Earth.

They also describe a third star, Emme Ya ("Sorghum Female"), accompanied by a single satellite.

According to Skeptical Inquirer Fall 1978, "A, Sirius; B, põ tolo, the object equated with Sirius B, shown in two positions; C, emme ya, the sun of women, equated with Sirius C; D, the Nommo; E, the Yourougou, a mythical male figure destined to pursue his female twin; F, the star of women, a satellite of emma ya; G, the sign of women; H, the sex of women, represented by a womb shape. The whole system is enclosed in an oval, representing the egg of the world." The oval is "the great placenta from which have emerged, in the course of time, all space, all living beings, and everything in the world".

Now let's take a look at the discoveries made by men in 19 hundreds, regarding Sirius and the whole system. Sirius B, the star accompanying Sirius A (the brightest star on the sky) was first discovered in 1862, by Alvan Graham Clark, an American optician, while testing a new telescope. White dwarfs were understood to have a dense nature in 1920s.

As for Emme Ya, it goes so that around 1920s and 1930s the astronomers thought they found a third member in the constellation. However, Irving W. Lindenblag, of the U.S. naval Observatory, reported no evidence of a companion. Also, in 1920s, the white dwarfs were known to be heavy, and Sirius B was the heaviest known by then. Things have changed though lately, and neutron stars appeared, which are heavier and denser.
Atlantis in the Black Sea
We are presenting the theory, that Atlantis was a late stone age (Neolithic or Chalcolithic) settlement in today’s northwest of the Black Sea. It was drowned 5510 BC when the ocean flooded the freshwater lake that existed before the Black Sea.

In 1997 American Marine-Geologists Walter Pitman and William Ryan published the scientific evidence, that today’s Black Sea used to be a freshwater-lake. Its shoreline then was approximately 350 feet below today’s level of the global ocean. By dating fresh- and saltwater shells with the C14 method they found, that the salinity of the lake changed rapidly from fresh to salty around 5500 BC. They call this Noah’s Flood and we are convinced that this interpretation is true.
The Roots of Atlantis

In many cultures there are stories of civilizations lost under the sea–Atlantis, Lemuria, or some Great Flood that buried cultures and brought an end to civilizations.
In the area we now call the Black Sea, the flooding was much faster still. Back then this was not a sea but a large low-lying inland area, sealed off from the Mediterranean Sea at the Bosphorus. As the sea level rose, it breached the barrier at the Bosphorus and poured into the area beyond, creating the Black Sea in a period of about three years. That was probably one of the greatest floods ever in human history. Each day the waters would have spread a mile further into the basin. People would have had to flee, leaving everything behind, apart from the animals they could take with them. Overlooking the Black Sea is Mount Arahat where Noah’s Ark is said to have landed. Recent explorations of the Black Sea the with robot submersibles have found stone remains of human habitation 300 feet below the surface–that’s sea level during the last ice age.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 09, 2010 3:18 pm

The Black Sun
The Vril Force or Vril Energy was said to be derived from the Black Sun, a big ball of "Prima Materia" which supposedly exists in the center of the Earth, giving light to the Vril-ya and putting out radiation in the form of Vril.

This force was known to the ancients under many names, and it has been called Chi, Ojas, Vril, Astral Light, Odin Forces and Orgone. In a discussion of the 28th degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry—called Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept— Albert Pike said, "There is in nature one most potent force, by means whereof a single man, who could possess himself of it, and should know how to direct it, could revolutionize and change the face of the world."
Hollow Earth
It is necessary to come to terms with the idea of the Abzu, a prominent feature of Mesopotamian belief systems because every planet and moon in Parks' history has one.

To the Sumerians, the Abzu, realm of Enki, was a subterranean sea or swamp – a sort of sandwich layer, as the Sumerians didn't have a concept of a spherical Earth. Zecharia Sitchin frequently translates Abzu simply as Africa. However, in the experience of Parks, the Abzu was the hollow center of each world, fully inhabited and thriving with life, even urbanized. We have all encountered the idea: openings at the poles, oceans connecting with the interior over a gently-curved broad rim, and a sun at the center.

In other words, the Abzu is a structure that contradicts our common knowledge of the Earth and all other planetary bodies in the Solar System – and seems to violate our understanding of physics as well.

Briefly, we find one highly interesting nineteenth-century personal account of a fisherman and his father who sailed into the northern opening, spent 1-1/2 years with the civilization in the cavity, sailed out the southern end, and were shipwrecked there. Beyond that, the well-known and controversial story of Admiral Byrd's adventures and dubious satellite data add little to the case for the Abzu. Yet we could not have expected more in the way of data in the public domain at this time.

The first – and naive – concern would be about how gravity would work in this situation. How could you run a city in there, with people falling to the center of the Earth all the time? Doesn't gravity "point" to the center of the Earth?

The answer is: yes if you are on or above the surface, but no if you are anywhere inside a spherical cavity concentric with the earth's outer surface

Clearly there are many ways in which an inner earth cavity would support gravity. But not all possible cavities would be suitable candidates for our inner earth. The constraints are:

1) It must be open to both of the Earth's poles or polar regions
2) It must be able to contain a small "sun"

It should not result in significant gravitational or seismic anomalies at the Earth's surface (or if it does, earth scientists must be capable of misconstruing them).

About that sun that always seems to be present inside the cavity: why would it be there, where did it come from, and what makes it stable in that position?

Part of our difficulty in approaching these questions stems from failing to grasp the sun and the surrounding planet as a single unit, and failing to consider the process of planetary formation. Open SETI frequently entertains the cosmological and physical theories of Dr. Paul A. LaViolette where planets are formed from the energy and particles emitted from a gravitational well when there is excess genic energy. At the point of emission, there is probably what appears to be a hot little sun.

The next phase might be an interaction between interstellar particles being attracted toward the gravitational well and outward-moving energy and particles. Might there be a point of equilibrium at a given radius where a shell of matter would begin to form?

What is the mechanism that stabilizes the system so that the sun does not wander around and collide with the shell? Again we mention that the genic energy radiation pressure goes as 1/r4, which creates a strong restoring force opposing any such tendency.

Another major detail requiring an explanation would be the holes at the poles of rotation. I personally am not clear on this point, as the dynamics appears complex, but it seems reasonable that if there was rotation in the first place, that these holes might appear due to centrifugal force.

Is LaViolette's planetary formation model the final word in the view of Open SETI? Actually it is not. The Electric Sky Model of plasma astrophysics, introduced for your convenience at the link, and its subsidiary Electric Sun, described for example in Donald Scott's The Electric Sky (2006), being scalable over the range of cosmological- to laboratory-sized dimensions, provides us with a perfectly reasonable model of a small sun that could exist in the earth's cavity. This is because stars are not fusion reactors requiring a certain size and gravitational pressure, but simple foci of plasma occurring along strung-out Birkeland Currents.

In this model, the energy from the sun (any sun) is supplied by the Birkeland current, a plasma in "dark current mode" (i.e, in the low-current-density regime in which it is not emitting light).

The Birkeland current feeding a planet's inner sun would very definitely have to pass through polar openings.

Is it possible that those openings are a part of the geometry of a "recombination zone" that is responsible for planetary formation itself?

To confirm that all planets are hollow would be to admit that the Earth is equally so. To recognize that this planet is hollow, with a habitable interior, implies that one must make an accounting of possible other populations, and undertake expeditions to the center, but that is at the moment completely impossible. Why? Because, according to numerous legends of the Earth and in accord with the traditions of Tibet, the Eskimos, and even the Hopi Indians of Arizona, the interior of the Earth is occupied by a civilization of a highly developed intelligence, affiliated -- for some of them directly, and for others indirectly -- with the "Celestial Bestiary!"
Is Earth's Inner Sun the missing Twelfth Planet?
If you thought the hollow earth was a shocker, you're in for an even greater shock; The Earth's reddish inner central sun is also hollow and inhabited within and without! Does this make it a planet? Perhaps it’s our twelfth planet? If so, where does this put Nibiru or Planet X?

There is every indication that the once great planet Nibiru, Maldek, or Planet X, was blown up causing the inner and outer asteroid belts. The remaining spiritual core of this planet, along with its astral inhabitants may have wandered to and possessed our planet Earth!

There have been plenty of stories circling around in the metaphysical world about a new planet or world now forming or being born that is in all likelihood hiding behind our sun, and that it will fully materialize or become visible by 2012 AD, and that this birthing process is causing all the flares and disturbances in our solar system.

They described this body as being almost as huge as the sun, in an etheric or plasmic state, and between the orbits of Mercury and the Sun; and the reason we cannot see it is because it is in a synchronous orbit to the Earth. This golden solar body was also described as being covered by slipper like shapes that seemed to move somewhat. At first I thought they were describing the Earth's inner sun (it too is covered by these shapes) but they insisted this was outside the Earth. They also told me that Earth has a counter Earth on the opposite side of its orbit.

In Revelations, in the bible, the hollow Earth is referred to as "the bottomless pit", probably in reference to the polar openings. After a host of other woes, including World War III, there comes the great Day of the Lord, when Earth's inner sun, or a component of it (spaceship?), rises out of one of the polar openings to execute judgment on surface humanity. The troublemakers are defeated and the Millennium begins.

The base of this "electrical cloud" or "seat of the gods" is even described in detail, being dark with countless small openings through which lights shine through (the ship's windows or portals?) giving the appearance of stars during the darker half of the day when this "cloud" is behind the inner sun. This cloud or ship is stationary so that the Earth's rotation makes it appear to rise in the east and set in the west. The people Jansen and his father met truly believe this "Smoky God" to be the throne of their Jehovah.

The interior surface of our inner sun is called Mirror Earth because it is an exact, although more concentrated, replica or copy of the Earth. Doubles of every person on the Earth live here, except they are twelve years older or ahead of you. Mirror Earth has no polar openings and those who end up going there usually don't come back, which is what happened to the characters.
Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Blog
A substantial amount of unusual evidence indicates that our earth is hollow and has polar openings that lead into the interior. There are presently hundreds of hollow earth theory fans worldwide who subscribe to this theory.

A proposed expedition would like to conduct some scientific observations in the Arctic that we hope will resolve once and for all whether the hollow earth theory has any validity. The indigenous Eskimos believe there is a hole in the Arctic Ocean. Observations of several Arctic explorers of mirages of land in the Arctic indicate that the most plausible location for a north polar opening that leads into the interior of the earth is located at 87.7 N latitude, 142.2 E Longitude.

The Hollow Earth
http://celticrebel.wordpress.com/2007/1 ... low-earth/
J. R. R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings gives us a fascinating look into a “mythical world” rarely matched in the scope of fiction or imagination. Now, if you look at the company of futurists Tolkien is generally grouped with, you might start to wonder if there isn’t much more to it. This brings us to topic of “hollow earth.”

Admiral Richard Byrd’s diary covers his exploration of the North Pole, and his search for the opening to hollow earth. The diary begins, “I must write this diary in secrecy and obscurity.”

If you look at the Nazi lore, they believe that once they established their 1000 year Reich, a race of supermen would rise up from inside the earth and join them on the surface. This is what the core leadership of the party believed.

A few months ago, there was a presentation made by a computer engineer from South Africa, which covered how scientific analysis of seismic waves (p-waves and s-waves)* and how they travel through the earth. Any reasonable analysis of that data proves that the earth must be hollow and could also be used to calculate approximately how much of the earth is hollow. (1)

These “Futurists” would include Tolkien’s contemporaries such as Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, Frank Herbert, Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, as well as their predecessors like HG Wells and Jules Verne. As time moves forward, we must reflect on whether their “visions” were based on pure fantasy or indoctrination into the world of arcane knowledge. Interestingly enough, Jules Verne, who so correctly “fantasized” the idea of submarines, also wrote “Journey to the Center of the Earth.”

According to most tenets of the theory, the openings to the center of planets would be located in their two poles.

Could the old Norse legends about sailing off the edge of the earth, refer to the Northern Polar opening? For those unaware, the “flat earth theory” was a hoax perpetrated on mankind.

Yet, even Admiral Byrd wrote in the beginning of his diary, “There comes a time when the rationality of men must fade into insignificance, and one must accept the inevitability of the Truth!”
(1) Seismic Waves and the Slinky
http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~braile/edumo ... linky4.htm
Because of the elastic properties of Earth materials (rocks) and the presence of the Earth's surface, four main types of seismic waves propagate within the Earth. Compressional (P) and Shear (S) waves propagate through the Earth’s interior and are known as body waves. Love and Rayleigh waves propagate primarily at and near the Earth's surface and are called surface waves. We Live on Somewhat Shaky Ground" (1989, about 3 minutes into the program), and at: http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~braile/edumo ... veDemo.htm.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 09, 2010 5:35 pm

The Lord of the Rings Real History?
May 18, 2007- Recent discoveries by archaeologists and historians have found evidence that indicates that elves, giants, dragons and even hobbits once existed on earth. Norse legends, Sumerian texts and the discovery of hobbits and giant eagles on the island of Flores indicate that the Lord of the Rings may be more fact than fiction.

Dirk Vander Ploeg in his new book, Quest for Middle-earth, has discovered the secret of why Tolkien believed that royal blood (San Graal) must be preserved and why it was imperative that his characters Arwen and Aragorn marry. Learn about the knowledge he possessed decades before publication of the best sellers Holy Blood Holy Grail and The DaVinci code.

Dirk has researched scientific, biblical and historical texts to discover if J.R.R. Tolkien had secret knowledge of earth’s early history and if he based the Lord of the Rings on this knowledge.

Find out why Tolkien, an Oxford University professor of Anglo-Saxon and English language, learned to speak Finnish fluently and why he studied Norse folktales that were thousands of years old. As a devout Roman Catholic he believed in one God, so why did he imagine a setting and a cast of characters for his Middle-earth that had one main God and a pantheon of minor gods?

For the first time ascertain the real meaning and importance of the “Ring”! The Quest for Middle-earth answers these questions and more.
Tolkien, the Bible and the Illuminati
When we discuss the matter of the secret societies and the Illuminati, it's inevitable to make the comparison to Tolkien. Sauron is of course Satan/Lucifer with his occult power, and Gandalf is a member of a Brotherhood called "The Wizard's Council", which is a secret society in itself with magic rituals and esoteric wisdom.

The hobbits would from this viewpoint be the ignorant homo sapiens, who don't want to get involved and don't know very much about what is going on around and above them anyway. Just like in the world today, ignorant people are used for "greater purposes" by the secret societies, without knowing that they are being used.

Then there are the orchs, of course. I can't help comparing them to the small, gray aliens with their underground bases and malign intents. It seems like the Grays are hybrids and hence "created" and crossbred. So were the orchs, created by Melkor, the "fallen angel". It is interesting also that Tolkien created a whole separate world with tunnels underneath the mountains. Many secret societies claim that the Earth is hollow and strange creatures live underneath the surface of the Earth.

It's interesting from this viewpoint to compare the power struggle of Middle-Earth with the power-struggle on Earth today, as we know it from a magical point of view. This is exactly what is going on today -- an occult power-struggle above ordinary people's heads. We are the "ignorant", the "sheep", and the magicians are the "shepherds" (from an occult standpoint, not a Christian), eager to keep the sheep within their fold, so they themselves can stay busy with creating an empire for them to rule over.

Similar to many occult Masters, Tolkien got the idea to his masterpiece after he had been wounded in the First World War. He didn't know from where he got the idea, it just "came to him". Many occultists have had the same experience - some strange power(s) just channeling through them. Also, Tolkien was a professor in Oxford, which is controlled by the Illuminati. Was Tolkien a part of the Brotherhood to some degree? Did he know the occult technology, or is everything just a coincidence?

Tolkien was very aware of the Sumerian Scriptures. If you look at the Genesis in "Silmarillion", you see the similarities to old Sumer. Eru is from this sense Anu, the alien king/god of Sumer, and "ainur" would be the "Anunnaki". Melkor (Satan) is the fallen angel, Sauron's (Lucifer's) teacher. There is also another connection, a play with words. Moriah is the name the Illuminati use about themselves, for their Order, and Tolkien uses the word Moria, referring to the hidden, secret realm in the tunnels under Misty Mountains. Symbolically the realm of Moria could be compared to the Realm of Moriah, the place where secrets are kept. The sorcerer (Gandalf) fell into the depths together with the Balrog; died and were reborn, coming out even wiser, dressed in white instead of grey. White is wisdom. Saruman chose the other road and joined the Black Order of Mordor. He eventually caved himself in (as most black magicians do), and the good forces celebrated victory.

"Dr. Ralph C. Wood, Professor of English at Baylor University and an expert on Tolkien's work, described those "lesser gods" or ruling spirits. Notice that the reigning God sounds more like the aloof deity of deism than the caring God of the Bible. Other "gods" would fit right into Norse and Celtic mythology.

Ulmo is the lord of the waters; he dwells in the Outer Ocean or in the waters underneath Middle Earth, governing the movement of all oceans and rivers. Ulmo cares greatly for the Children of Ilúvatar, advising them by direct appearances, by dreams, or through the music of waters.

Just like the Sumerian Gods, the Tolkien "lesser gods" were lords over the elements; Ulmo was the "Lord of Waters" as were Enki in the Sumerian Scriptures.

Was Tolkien an occult or a Christian writer?

Christians are divided into two camps with regards to Tolkien's books. One camp says there are allegorical links between his myth and Biblical truth, while the other camp points out the occult links, and emphasizes that "Lord of the Rings" was written to deceive and mislead people, and steer them away from God and into the occult.

Personally, no matter what Tolkien's intentions were, I believe that the effect his epos created was an increased interest in the occult.

Today we have Dan Brown and "The Da Vinci Code", which also has helped to increase the interest in the occult. Brown says he is neutral regarding whether the secret societies are benevolent or malign, but his books present them as mysterious, and working for humanity. The same thing goes with Hollywood and movies like "National Treasure" and other similar films. They present a wrong picture of what secret societies are, most likely as a counter-attack against serious researchers like me and many others.

Tolkien's books have had a great influence on people and they paved the road for other forms of occultism. In addition, his books influenced a numerous of other authors to write similar stories, which boosted an interest in the occult and magic.

Suddenly, the bookstores were overloaded with fantasy novels and they sold like water in Sahara, and still do, now boosted by the movie trilogy "The Lord of the Rings", Harry Potter and more.

As with everything else in big business, politics and banking, the trends are always set in the direction of creating a New World Order, whether the artist, writer, or common man is aware of it or not. Those two media - books and movies - are excellent tools for the Illuminati, because their message reaches millions of people at once. Therefore, the fantasy genre is an introduction to the acceptance of the occult, which has to be looked at in a broader perspective, as we rapidly are heading towards a global, occult Super state.

Interestingly enough, shortly after I had published the first version of this article on the Internet in 1998, I got a letter from a visitor, who was told by a high initiated witch, that both Tolkien and C.S. Lewis were initiated in the H.O.G.D. (The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn), which is a deeply occult, black magic secret society. The Golden Dawn is closely related to Madame Blavatsky's "Theosophical Society".

Another allegory Tolkien uses is the one about Atlantis, the legendary continent that sank into the ocean. In Tolkien's world, the equivalence to Atlantis would be Númenor, the big island to the west where the Great Kings of a Divine bloodline, lived. Just like with Atlantis Númenor sank into the ocean in a devastating catastrophe, and the survivors escaped to Middle-Earth where they mingled with "ordinary" humans. This is almost exactly how the story about Atlantis is told as well; how the blue-blooded survivors escaped the catastrophe, to Egypt and other places in the Mediterranean.

"The first installment of Tolkien's 'The Lord of the Rings' was released on DVD and video this week in Britain. When I first saw the film 'The Fellowship of the Ring' at the cinema I noticed a very familiar set of symbols.

A symbolic arch is supported by two pillars, themselves wrapped by climbing vegetation. The arch bears an inscription written in an ancient form of Elvish, saying "The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter." Drawn below the arch are seven stars and a crown, and below these can be found a much larger star (the 'Star of the House of Fëanor').

This motif is very similar to the Royal Arch of the Freemasons, who also incorporate seven stars into the space below the arch. Their arch is comprised of seven houses of the zodiac, whose position in the sky binds the Duat.

As such, the seven stars cannot denote the Pleiades star cluster in Taurus, nor the Corona Borealis, or Northern Crown. They are also not suggestive of any stars present in the Duat itself, specifically around Sirius or Orion. The 'Star of the House of Fëanor', however, may be analogous with Sirius if we compare the Door of Durin and the Freemasonic Royal Arch. This then gives us a very specific sky location, into which are incorporated a crown and seven stars.

For reasons which will become apparent in a moment, I proposed that this symbolism might be the same as that of Niburu, indicating its perihelion location in the sky.

When I first suggested this six months ago, I received a very informative e-mail from Greg Frey, and I would like to share his thoughts with you here:

"The gateway to Moria in the movie is reproduced directly from Tolkien's drawing in the book "Lord of the Rings". His symbols I'm afraid have nothing to do with alchemy or anything else esoteric. They are a reference to the seven Dwarven Kings and their rings of power. To understand the symbolism in Tolkien you would need to read the Silmarillion also by Tolkien.

Although some parallels will be found with esoteric symbolism I think you would do well to remember that Tolkien was a devout Christian. The parallels I mentioned will be evident for two reasons, neither of them conscious on Tolkien's part: 1) His sources are pagan (The Kalevala, the Ring Cycle of the Niebulung, ancient Celtic and Germanic myth, etc.) and 2) in writing the Silmarillion he accessed the Collective Unconscious of the human race, where many of these archetypal symbols are deeply embedded."

Indeed, the seven stars may well be representative of the seven rings of the Dwarven Lords rather than anything astronomical per se, but I think that Greg's final point is very important. There is a lot of subconscious archetypal imagery at play here, in a Jungian sense, and the initial source of the symbolism may be very deep indeed.

The Royal Arch is fascinating because it gives us a particular sky location for this symbolism, one that should not include seven stars. It also boasts a cometary star, highly suggestive of the rogue 10th Planet, Nibiru [sic], in this context. Is Nibiru [sic] the crowned Eagle, the Returning King of the celestial deep? Tolkien also gives us the crown among the seven stars. This symbolism is very powerful, and the Door of Durin might therefore be seen as one of Initiation. Could the Crown be that of Christ? [or that of the Illuminati Royal bloodline?] If we look at the same symbolism deployed on the Talisman of Orpheus then this parallel becomes very clear indeed:

Is the Crown and its companion Seven Stars equivalent to the Messianic Star, taking the guise of the dark star Nibiru [sic] and its moons? This is a more speculative claim, but one that may be deserving of some consideration.
A similar set of symbols is deployed by Tolkien for the Kingdom of Gondor. As well as the White Tree of Gondor, seven stars are also apparent on the Gondor flags (as pointed out to me by Martin Wells). In this case these cannot denote the seven rings given to the dwarves, as Gondor is a kingdom of men. But things become even more intriguing when looking at the symbols used on the breastplate of Aragorn upon his Coronation, towards the end of the movie 'Return of the King'.

It's more difficult to dismiss this 'coincidence' in the case of Aragorn's breastplate. He is, after all, the returning King, intimately connecting the meaning of the symbols with the Royal Arch. There are self-evident analogies with a Messianic return, connected with celestial imagery. It's easy to create a meaningful link to the return of an ancient 'Royal' Planet.

Tolkien and C.S. Lewis were both Oxford professors and members of a society among the University professors - "The Inklings". Stories go that this society was just a friendly meeting place for them, a relaxed club where they used to read their own books and work in progress, and discuss them. This may be correct, but if there was more to it? The following is interesting. It's taken from a lecture by Bill Cooper called "The New Covenant" and is not on the subject of Tolkien or Lewis, but about the Illuminati and their beliefs. But before we discuss that, let us look at the following names the two authors used for their book characters. We already discussed Tolkien above, but also look at the name "Galgalum" here below, meaning "The Guide". Compare it with Gollum in Tolkien's world - he who guided Frodo and Sam to Mordor.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 09, 2010 10:14 pm

The False Realm

The False Realm that Darkness created is made up of 12 universes. What we call "the universe"--the universe in which we live--is merely 1 of the 12 universes. Each of the 12 universes is shaped like a flat, 5-sided pentagon (the universes are flat relative to each other). The 12 pentagons (universes) are connected together forming the 12 faces of a dodecahedron (a dodecahedron is a polyhedron with 12 faces, where each face is a pentagon).

The Inner Earth

The Earth is hollow, with an inner sun and a more advanced civilization than ours. In fact, all planets are hollow and have inner suns. Some of the Inner Earth people are aware of Earth's outer surface, and others are not.

Earth's radius is 3,963 miles long. And, its shell is approximately 800 miles thick--so, the halfway point between Outer Earth and Inner Earth is 400 miles below us. Note that the deepest point of any ocean on Earth is only 7 miles (6.86 miles, to be exact)!

There are two polar openings (one at the North Pole and one at the South Pole) that lead into Inner Earth. You yourself have seen the sunlight of the inner sun--this is what the aurora borealis (the northern lights) and the aurora australis (the southern lights) are.

The sun is a cube, not a sphere. It only appears to be a sphere because it is spinning at a high velocity.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 270#p35392

Clearly there are many ways in which an inner earth cavity would support gravity. But not all possible cavities would be suitable candidates for our inner earth. The constraints are:

1) It must be open to both of the Earth's poles or polar regions
2) It must be able to contain a small "sun"

It should not result in significant gravitational or seismic anomalies at the Earth's surface (or if it does, earth scientists must be capable of misconstruing them).

The Electric Sky Model of plasma astrophysics, introduced for your convenience at the link, and its subsidiary Electric Sun, described for example in Donald Scott's The Electric Sky (2006), being scalable over the range of cosmological- to laboratory-sized dimensions, provides us with a perfectly reasonable model of a small sun that could exist in the earth's cavity. This is because stars are not fusion reactors requiring a certain size and gravitational pressure, but simple foci of plasma occurring along strung-out Birkeland Currents.

In this model, the energy from the sun (any sun) is supplied by the Birkeland current, a plasma in "dark current mode" (i.e, in the low-current-density regime in which it is not emitting light).

The Birkeland current feeding a planet's inner sun would very definitely have to pass through polar openings.
The Electric Sun
Positive ions leave the Sun and electrons enter the Sun. Both of these flows add to form a net positive current leaving the Sun. This constitutes a plasma discharge analogous in every way (except size) to those that have been observed in electrical plasma laboratories for decades. Because of the Sun's positive charge (voltage), it acts as the anode in a plasma discharge. As such, it exhibits many of the phenomena observed in earthbound plasma experiments, such as anode tufting. The granules observed on the surface of the photosphere are anode tufts (plasma in the arc mode).

The Sun may be powered, not from within itself, but from outside, by the electric (Birkeland) currents that flow in our arm of our galaxy as they do in all galaxies. This possibility that the Sun may be exernally powered by its galactic environment is the most speculative idea in the ES hypothesis and is always attacked by critics while they ignore all the other explanatory properties of the ES model. In the Plasma Universe model, these cosmic sized, low-density currents create the galaxies and the stars within those galaxies by the electromagnetic z-pinch effect.
Do we live in a twelve-sided universe? Is the Universe a dodecahedron? If the Earth is a dodecahedron, can it “turn inside out” (jitterbug)?

Toroidal Space
Toroidal Space is the name used to describe the area and volume of a torus or so-called doughnut shape. This special form has been used to describe and/or represent a number of things in our "real" actual material world, as well as, our "imaginary" potential one.

A major branch of geometry is the study of geometrical structures on manifolds. A manifold is a curved space of some dimension.

Space itself is not flat, but curved. The curvature of space is responsible for gravity, and at a black hole space and time are so curved they get knotted up. Everything in the universe - light, subatomic particles, pizzas, yourself - is described in terms of a geometrical structure on the space-time 4-manifold. Manifolds are used to understand the large-scale structure of the Universe in cosmology, and the theory of relativity introduced the idea of matter-energy equivalence, which led to nuclear power, and the atomic bomb. The universe is now considered to be a 12 dimensional nested manifold.

The torus enables vortexes to be formed. All torii create energy vortexes. Energy can funnel up or down through it; the rotating nature of a torus generates a flow of energy through the torus, depending upon the speed of rotation of the torus and the kind of torus it is (there are 3 kinds of standard torii). An examination of the torus shows that its very construction forms energy funnels, or vortexes.

The toroidal shape used in HRT is similar to a doughnut but rather than having an empty central "hole", the topology of a torus folds in upon itself and all points along its surface converve together into a zero-dimensional point at the center called the Vertex.
The Universe
In October 2001, NASA began collecting data with the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) on cosmic background radiation. Like visible light from distant stars and galaxies, cosmic background radiation allows scientists to peer into the past to the time when the universe was in its infancy. Density fluctuations in this radiation can also tell scientists much about the physical nature of space.

NASA released the first WMAP cosmic background radiation data in February of 2003. In October 2003, a team including French cosmologists and Jeffrey Weeks, a freelance mathematician and recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship or "genius award," used this data to develop a model for the shape of the universe.

The study analyzed a variety of different models for the universe, including finite vs. infinite, flat, negatively curved (saddle-shaped), positively curved (spherical) space and a torus (cylindric). The study revealed that the math adds up if the universe is finite and shaped like a dodecahedron, as in the illustration below provided by Weeks:

The connection to Phi is found in the Pentagons that form the faces of the Dodecahedron
A shown on the Geometry page, A dodecahedron consists of twelve pentagons. Take a pentagon and connect all the points to form a 5-pointed star. The ratios of the lengths of the resulting line segments are all based on phi, Φ, or 1.618!

Plato's Mathematical model of the Universe – Space and Time
According to a recent theory the Universe could be a dodecahedron. It is surprising that Plato used a dodecahedron as the quintessence to describe the cosmos

Hippasus, from Metapontum in Magna Graecia (south Italy), who wrote around 465 BC about a "sphere of 12 pentagons" refers to the dodecahedron. Hippasus performed acoustics Experiments with vessels filled with different amounts of water and with cooper discs of different thicknesses.

“To earth, then, let us assign the cubic form, for earth is the most immovable of the four and the most plastic of all bodies, and that which has the most stable bases must of necessity be of such a nature. Now, of the triangles which we assumed at first, that which has two equal sides is by nature more firmly based than that which has unequal sides, and of the compound figures which are formed out of either, the plane equilateral quadrangle has necessarily a more stable basis than the equilateral triangle, both in the whole and in the parts.

Wherefore, in assigning this figure to earth, we adhere to probability, and to water we assign that one of the remaining forms which is the least movable, and the most movable of them to fire, and to air that which is intermediate. Also we assign the smallest body to fire, and the greatest to water, and the intermediate in size to air, and, again, the acutest body to fire, and the next in acuteness to air, and the third to water.

Of all these elements, that which has the fewest bases must necessarily be the most movable, for it must be the acutest and most penetrating in every way, and also the lightest as being composed of the smallest number of similar particles, and the second body has similar properties in a second degree, and the third body, in the third degree.

Let it be agreed, then, both according to strict reason and according to probability, that the pyramid is the solid which is the original element and seed of fire, and let us assign the element which was next in the order of generation to air, and the third to water. We must imagine all these to be so small that no single particle of any of the four kinds is seen by us on account of their smallness, but when many of them are collected together, their aggregates are seen. And the ratios of their numbers, motions, and other properties, everywhere God, as far as necessity allowed or gave consent, has exactly perfected and harmonized in due proportion.“

Plato: Timaeus (55d-56c) p 1181

Plato held the view that mathematical objects "really" existed so that they are discovered by mathematicians (in the same way that new continents are discovered by explorers) rather than invented. Plato believed that mathematics provided the best training for thinking about science and philosophy. The five regular solids are named "Platonic Solids" today after Plato.

Of the 5 solids, the tetrahedron has the smallest volume for its surface area and the icosahedron the largest; they therefore show the properties of dryness and wetness respectively and so correspond to FIRE and WATER. The cube, standing firmly on its base, corresponds to the stable EARTH but the octahedron which rotates freely when held by two opposite vertices, corresponds to the mobile AIR. The dodecahedron corresponds to the UNIVERSE because the zodiac has 12 signs (the constellations of stars that the sun passes through in the course of one year) corresponding to the 12 faces of the dodecahedron.
The Jitterbug and its Motions
http://www.rwgrayprojects.com/OswegoOct ... nWeb3.html
With a Cuboctahedron (VE) constructed out of sticks and rubber vertices, Fuller often demonstrated what he called the "Jitterbug" motion. The Jitterbug shows how the VE can fold up into an Octahedron as well as how an Octahedron can expand in the VE.

The Jitterbug has 8 triangular faces. As these 8 faces rotate, they also move radially inward or outward from the center of volume along its 4 rotation axes.

These are the same 4 rotation axes that we used to rotate the 4 cubes.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 09, 2010 10:50 pm

Did the implosion of Sirius B “rearrange the heavens”?

Star Lore - Taurus the Pleiades and the Great Bear

Great Celestial Conjunction Crosses
http://www.soulsofdistortion.nl/great%2 ... sses2.html
The importance of the crossing of the ecliptic and the Milky Way is expressed in several Egyptian texts such as in the Pyramid texts: ‘May you ferry over by means of the Great Bull’ and ‘The Bull of the Sky has bent down his horn that he may pass over thereby’. In the Coffin texts we find the expression: ‘O Horn, ferry across Him who is in his shrine’. I suggest that these texts hint at the precession of the Sun; it’s Horus who needs a ferry across the Milky Way river near the Gemini-Taurus nexus. Have a look at the next picture and see what the symbolism of Isis-Hathor represents.

There is another crossing of the Milky Way near the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus where Horus requires a ferry to cross the Milky Way in the precession cycle. In the papyrus Khensumes the God Nun appears with outstretched arms and holds aloft the solar bark of the Heavens. The ship is made of two cosmic serpents (representing the ecliptic). In the Egyptian creation myths Nun is the female deity of the waters of chaos, the primeval waters.
The Taurus Constellation
http://www.astro.wisc.edu/~dolan/conste ... aurus.html
The Greeks saw Taurus as Zeus in disguise. The Egyptians saw the constellation as their god Osiris while the Chinese called it alternatively the "White Tiger" or the "Great Bridge."
Celestial Bodies in the Cthulhu Mythos
FOMALHAUT (Alpha Pisces Australis): This name, like many others derives straight from Arabic. Its origins are Fum al Hiiit, meaning ‘Mouth of the Fish’. It is not so surprising therefore that this star is located at the mouth of the drinking fish, Pisces Australis. Interestingly it is the only named star in this constellation and is the most southerly first-magnitude star visible from Great Britain. The fact that it is of first magnitude relates to the Cthulhu mythos deity Cthugga with which it is connected. Cthugga is described as resembling an "enormous burning mass continually varying in shape."

ALDEBARAN (Alpha Tauri): Aldebaran is generally known as ‘The Eye of the Bull’, Taurus, due to its distinct orange colouration. Originally the name was given to the entire Hyades cluster, which it is in fact not a member of, but is some distance in front of. Its name again comes from Arabic, Al Dabaran, meaning ‘The Follower’. This was due to the Greeks belief that the star followed the Pleiades. This star is linked to the Cthulhu mythos in an extremely interesting way. The original link was through the stories of Robert William Chambers in The King in Yellow, where it is the bright twin star, home of Hastur.

It is regarded by August Derleth as the Star where some of the Cthulhu deities emenated from. In this respect it is of interest to quote from The Whisperer in Darkness; "To Nyarlathotep, mighty messenger must all things be told. And he shall put on the semblance of men, the waxen mask and the robe that hides and come down from the world of seven suns to mock...", Robert Graves in his book The Greek Myths states that both the Pleiades and the Hyades were the seven daughters of the Titan Atlas, making them equivalent in mythological terms. The statement from The Whisperer in Darkness clearly shows an alignment with the seven sister suns of either cluster, thus connecting Nyarlathotep to Aldebaran’s area of influence. Perhaps one can go further and express the possibility that Hastur, the King in Yellow, is one of Nyarlathotep’s "thousand other forms", since in the story; The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath Nyarlathotep is described as wearing a "yellow mask". As well as this in the story The Crawling Chaos by Lovecraft and Elizabeth Berkeley, the destruction of the Earth is portrayed as seen by a Being on "Cetharion of the seven suns, thus connecting the area again to Nyarlathotep as the crawling chaos, the Nemesis of the Earth.

Another observation is that Aldebaran was once in the constellation of Mithras; which consisted of the constellations Taurus and Perseus. This connects to the star Algol, another star mentioned briefly in Beyond the Walls of Sleep by Lovecraft.

POLARIS (Alpha Ursae Minoris): Obviously the name implies it to be the pole star, and it is in fact within l~ of the celestial north pole. However in Greek its name is Cynosura, and means ‘dog’s tail’, thus implying that the whole constellation at one time referred to a dog instead of a bear. An even earlier Greek name was Phoenice, possibly connecting it to the name Phoenissa, (whose masculine form is Phoenix). The name Phoenissa means ‘the red, or bloody one’. Robert Graves states it as connecting with Demeter and Astarte; Phoenissa’s name implying the moon goddess’s role of Death-in-Life. Interestingly Phoenix is stated as renaming the land of Canaan as Phoenicia, thus producing another possible link.

The Pole star will be at its closest to celestial north in the year 2100 and then will be gradually succeeded by the star Vega.

The use of the term ‘the axis of the skies’ in the poem is most interesting due to its connecting with the Arabic name for the star: Al Kutb al Shamaliyy, meaning ‘the axle of the north’.

ARCTURUS (Alpha Bootes): This stars name in Greek means ‘the bear-watcher’ or ‘bear-keeper’, and in Arabic is Al Simak al Rimah or ‘the lofty lance-bearer’. It was at one time the name of the entire constellation of Bootes, ‘the herdsman’. The constellations name also means ‘the bear-hunter’, and the word Bootes itself derives from Boetes the Greek for ‘clamorous’, and the Latin name seems to comply with this as ‘vociferator’ or ‘clamator’; the shout of a huntsman with his dogs (Canes Venatici). This star is mentioned briefly in a passage of Lovecraft’s story Beyond the Wall of Sleep suggesting that the dreaming consciousness of Joe Slater, (the hero) had "drifted to the worlds that reel about the red Arcturus".

SIRIUS (Alpha Canis Major): Kenneth Grant associates Sirius with the Lovecraftian and Babylonian deity Dagon, an idea which Robert Temple also propounds in his book The Sirius Mystery. Temple quotes from a Babylonian historian named Berossus, who writes of a group of Alien Amphibians whose leader was Oannes, later to become the fish-god Dagon of the Philistines. Berossus also speaks of another amphibious alien called Odacon, which Temple believes to be a corrupted form of Dagon. Temple’s book concerns amongst other things, an African tribe called the Dogon, who are aware of SIRIUS B an invisible-to-the-eye star, which they believe has a planet circling it from which the Amphibian Aliens came.

In Greek the stars name was Seirios aster, ‘the scorching star’; whilst the Latin was Kanikuly, due in both cases to its appearance in the ‘caniculares dies’ or dog days of the hot summer months. In Arabic it had the name Al Shira al ‘Abur al Yamaniyyah meaning ‘the shining one in the passage of Yemen’, signifying its position to the right of a Muslim as he faces Mecca. This star is in fact the brightest in the night sky and similar to ALGOL is also binary, with the white dwarf star SIRIUS B orbiting at a full revolution every fifty years. In Greek mythology it is also called Orthus which was the two-headed watch-dog belonging to Atlas, parented by Typhon and Echidne. Also in myth the Dog-star Sirius was regarded as Cerberus pertaining to the tripartite year. In Egyptian myth the dog-star was associated with Anubis, who according to Robert Graves can be identified with Hecate as the tn-headed bitch, eating corpse flesh and howling at the moon. Elsewhere Graves also identifies it with the Egyptian god Thoth and thus also to the Greek Hermes, both messengers of the gods, the role which Nyarlathotep serves in the Cthulhu mythos.
Initially she was viewed as a dangerous and potentially malignant force. Taweret was associated with the northern sky as Nebetakhet, the "Mistress of the Horizon". She represented the circumpolar stars of Ursa Minor and Draco (the little dipper formed her back) who guarded the northern sky. The northern sky was thought to be cold, dark and potentially dangerous and was associated with both Apep and Set.

She was associated with so called "magic wand" or "magic knives" used during labour to ward off evil. These magical tools were usually made of hippopotamus ivory, and included depictions of the goddess.

Her family relationships were typically confusing. She was occasionally described as the demon-wife of Apep who lived in the northern sky. This area was also associated with Set. One myth (reported by Plutarch) claimed that Taweret was the concubine of Set but that she was loyal to Horus. Apparently, she helped Isis after the death of her husband, Osiris, by detaining Set in the northern sky and preventing him from attacking Isis and her new baby. The link to Set probably came about because he sometimes took the form of a Hippo and because the animal was recognised to be potentially dangerous and destructive

As the wife of Set she was linked to Isis whose magic kept the god in fetters. However, she was also described as the wife of Sobek, probably because he took the form of a crocodile. Sobek was associated with Set, but also with Horus (the enemy of Set) and Isis. She was frequently described as the wife of Bes, a demonic deity who was also closely linked to childbirth. Finally, in Thebes, Amun and Taweret were thought to be the parents of Osiris (and therefore by implications his siblings, including Set).
Jupiter and Saturn in the Constellation Taurus

The Pleiades
In the Encyclopedia we find this: The Pleiades in Greek mythology are the seven daughters of Atlas and of Pleione, the daughter of Oceanus. Their names were Electra, Maia, Taygete, Alcyone, Celaeno, Sterope, and Merope. According to some versions of the myth, they committed suicide from grief at the fate of their father, Atlas, or at the death of their sisters, the Hyades. Other versions made them the attendants of Artemis, goddess of wildlife and of hunting, who were pursued by the giant hunter Orion, but were rescued by the gods and changed into doves. After their death, or metamorphosis, they were transformed into stars, but are still pursued across the sky by the constellation Orion.

Ancient Egyptian records translate the Pleiades as "Krittikas" , "female judges of mankind" - they primarily equated them as the Seven Hathors, whom the dead had to remember and speak the names of those Goddesses to pass their examination to enter the ancient Egyptian perception of paradise, which was in the distant stars.

The lost Pleiad: Merope or Electra

Merope - 23 Tau, SAO 76172, HD 23480, magnitude 4.18, spectral type B6 IVe.
Merope often is considered the Lost Pleiad, because, having married a mortal, the crafty Sisyphus, she hid her face in shame when she thought of her sisters' alliances with the gods, and realized that she had thrown herself away. She seems, however, to have recovered her equanimity, being now much brighter than some of the others. The name itself signifies "Mortal."

This star is enveloped in a faintly extended, triangular, nebulous haze, visually discovered by Tempel in October, 1859; and there is a small, distinct nebula, discovered by Barnard in November, 1890, close by Merope, almost hidden in its radiance, although intrinsically very bright.

It is sometimes said that Electra is the 7th Sister. This is her story: One of the Pleiades, the mythical ancestors of the Trojans. She is known as the "Lost Pleiad" for she is said to have disappeared before the Trojan War so that she would not see her favorite city destroyed. She shows herself occasionly, but only in the guise of a comet.

The Maya say the solar system rotates around Alcyone in a 26,000 period. The end of this period is Dec 23, 2012 and is supposed to be the birth of Venus.
The history of the star Alcor
In Hindu mythology the seven stars of Ursa Major, the seven Rishis or Seven Wise Men, were wedded to the seven sisters of the Pleiades. After rumors of their infidelity the Rishis banished their wives. Only Arundhati (or Arundha), an exemplary wife remained with her husband, Sage Vashishta, as the star Alcor; Vashishta is Mizar

In an Arabic story this star, Alcor, was the little infant in the arms of one of the "Mourners". The constellation of the Great Bear (Ursa Major) was seen as a funeral procession, around a bier or coffin. The bier was marked by the Plough or Big Dipper stars on the body of the Bear - Merak (beta), Dubhe (alpha), Phecda (gamma) and Megrez (delta). The coffin was followed by "Mourners" the three big stars on the tail of the Great Bear; epsilon (Alioth), zeta (Mizar), and eta (Alkaid). These mourners, the children of Al Na'ash, who was murdered by Al Jadi, the pole-star (Polaris), are still nightly surrounding him in their thirst for vengeance, the walidan among the daughters -- the star Mizar -- holding in her arms her new-born infant, the little Alcor.

In the Norse astronomy Rigel marked one of the great toes of Orwandil (Anglo-Saxon Earendel), the other toe having been broken off by the god Thor when frost-bitten, and thrown to the northern sky, where it became the little Alcor.

Legend: Callisto, daughter of Lycaon, king of Arcadia, of whom Jupiter was enamored, became a follower of Diana on account of her love of hunting. Jupiter sought Callisto by assuming the form of Diana, and Juno (Jupiter's wife) who discovered the intrigue turned Callisto into a bear. Angry that the bear was placed in heaven, Juno requested her brother Neptune never to let those stars set within his kingdom, and for this reason they are always above the horizon in Europe. To account for the length of the bear's tail, it is said that Jupiter, fearing her teeth, lifted her by the tail, which became stretched because of her weight and the distance from earth to heaven.

Influences: According to Ptolemy, Ursa Major is like Mars. It is said to give a quiet, prudent, suspicious, mistrustful, self-controlled, patient nature, but an uneasy spirit and great anger and revengefulness when roused. By the Kabalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Zain and the 7th Tarot Trump "The Chariot."


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Wed May 12, 2010 7:48 am

Real human history is clouded by
Academic elitists' miss-information by Ron O. Cook
http://www.themystica.com/mystica/writi ... ouded.html
Some years back, I had the pleasure of having a visit from my esteemed mentor -- Leon Brown. He has spent most of his life researching historical manuscripts from ancient times and is currently seeking to conquer the Mayan glyphs for their secrets of Mesoamerican history. We stayed up until the darkest hours of the morning discussing all the study he has conducted over the past 30 years. From what he and I have gleaned through together, a rather large body of work could be attained in short order. The over-riding point that seemed to explode upon our collective conversation was the fact that the national academic presentation of what brought mankind to its present position in time is all an illusion. New evidence is being held out by the powers that be for perhaps no other reason than slothfulness. Professors and scientists just do not want to mess up their nice little world of academic calm. We were both once in that academic realm and saw it all. The real truth would mess up everything. So what if the company-line is wrong?

What if there is evidence that humanity was once just as advanced or more so than we are today? What if flying machines, cars, computers, radios, televisions, nuclear weapons, lasers, spacecraft, advanced medicine, genetic engineering, and master-building-design were representations of a civilization like ours only it was firmly held in the hands of the very rich and the politically-powerful elite? Few examples of their works would survive perhaps none other than their philosophy. They ruled the earth via technology, fear, and supreme intelligence. They could prolong life and discovered the secrets of being and becoming. Compared to common man they seemed like gods and positioned themselves accordingly. Could our civilization be polarizing in this direction now, with the rich getting richer and the poorer masses exploding toward obscurity?

What happened when the Ice Age came to a halt and all that glacial weight melted into the oceans flooding mass-civilization into obscurity? Like a giant waterbed, the surface of the earth changed drastically. What was lost under hundreds, perhaps thousands of feet of mud and historical ooze? Is the evidence still to be found off the shores of present humanity? Did the so-called gods escape to the highlands and wait to return when it was all over?

This small but highly aware power-group may have ruled on the Earth some 10,000 to 15,000 years ago (some say more). The evidence of this epoch setting period does exist everywhere, and it is reinforced more every day by the finds of archaeologist, anthropologists, and other scientists. The truth of some of their work never reaches the public ear however, because it would require a gestalt paradigm shift for most of us to even understand the implications of such enigmatic data. Instead, we are offered the preliminary-spin from cautious minds not able to entirely perceive the real meanings behind the remains of Earth's past history.

The accomplishments of ancient man are many and powerful when one puts away the weak assessments and lack of creative thought by the learned experts from the elitist institutions and universities. It is as though there is and was a conspiracy among these folks to hide the truth of an incomprehensible civilization that has always been kept hidden behind a facade of fertility-cults, ancestral worship, astrology, savagery, cursory bloodletting and other forms of supreme underestimation or outright concealment of ancient capabilities and intellect. The reality and mythology of the past is out of focus with academic assessments of actual artifacts.

The collective scientific community seems to support one another in a common "story" about our past. Are they afraid of the truth or do they protect something much larger? Perhaps they protect themselves. Zecharia Sitchin has taken a scholars approach to an Eric von Daniken-like theory of our past. He has torn back the veil of Isis to expose the possibility that we did and possibly still do, have gods of super advanced technology living among us. He has presented evidence of the Anunnaki, who were human-like beings from the planet Nibiru (planet "X" 39 au away, currently coming into our solar system?) living on Earth for perhaps half a million years. He has gleaned this evidence from the ancient records of the Sumerians, Egyptians, Hittites, and the Tiwanakuans of Lake Titicaca of Bolivia (before the Inca). His work is collected in THE EARTH CHRONICLES, a series of books dedicated to deep research into the why of such magnificent engineering accomplishments as the Great Pyramids, Baalbek, Teotihucan, Tower of Babylon, and much more. Even the Bible offers this information, yet many see it in the light of a lesser gestalt-paradigm.

Many of Sitchin's questions have gone unanswered by today's scholars who prefer to explain away phenomenal engineering feats in the simplest of terms. For anyone who has actually seen the sites such as the Great Pyramid of Egypt, the markings that run dead-straight for eight miles in the deserts of Nazca Peru, or even the beautiful constructions in Mexico--some of the puny conclusions by scholars seem totally out of context with the evidence.

But my friends, there are tons of anomalies in the mysterious lands of South America -- Colombian models of delta winged forms, giant pyramids in the Amazon Basin, built on mountain slopes covered by inaccessible jungles and others are examples. Are these mysteries part of why Teddy Roosevelt was so introspective upon his return from the Amazonian adventure which eventually caused his death? This is an area where satellites from space represent the best vehicles for discovery of the great structures or patterns on the ground. The Amazon hides "tall, robust" civilizations of the past, which have been radio-carbon dated just recently to over 8,000 years old, and it seems we have not even scratched the edges of this area's massive hidden potential for learning the true "why" of its humanity.

If humankind could suffer a gestalt paradigm shift, thus enabling us to see anew the reality of what we are now discovering about life on Earth and the Universe, then perhaps we would realize that we have been here before. Some ancient records say that this is the 5th round of existence that we are experiencing. Cycles are in evidence everywhere in nature and in mathematics. Could the past records of Earth finally push human intellect beyond the little minds that we are now perceiving life through to a higher level of understanding, thereby letting us spring from the pedestal of this planet into the oceans of new learning that wait for us to finally arrive...and, when we do, will we know the territory when we see it?

Proceeding briskly onward I think you are quite correct in your assumption that learning remained in the hands of a few in ancient days. Indeed, this practice persisted almost until modern times, because only the affluent could afford the benefits of a solid education. We have now gone for over a hundred years with education and look where it has taken us. The GI Bill after World War II produced a cadre of well educated and well trained people that rapidly took us from the Industrial Age into the Technological Age. And now we have entered the Super Tech Age.

Commentary by Leon Brown

10 July 2003

Dear Ronald,

I was sitting here, twiddling my thumbs, and quite providentially, your article arrived for my inspection. Thank you. It is nice to have something to think about. And you say you are contemplating its inclusion in The Mystica? Bully! And since you invited comment on the article, yes, I do have some comments to make.

In the first paragraph, I believe, you mention that academicians are loath to change information, or consider new information, and that this is due to sheer slothfulness. I am sure that sloth can have a great deal to do with it, but I think there is another element that needs to be looked at. This element is the Defense of the mindset.

Academicians love to theorize, and when they advance a theory that wins even a little acceptance, the theory begins to convert into a mind set. They will defend this theory and their mindset with the ferocity of a tigress defending her cubs. In a way, this theory is their child, and it must be defended at all costs. Unfortunately, some of those old boys are able to defend themselves with a skill that can only be classed as formidable. I have seen altercations in the academe that would make a duel between two saber-toothed tigers pale in comparison.
I am reminded of Ales Hrdlicka, who was with the Smithsonian in Washington for so many years. His particular mindset was that man could not have been in the Americas before the end of the last Ice Ages, due to the gargantuan ice sheets, which would have impeded mans progress into the New World. He defended this position to the point where it was academic suicide to go against it, and all quailed in fear of his wrath. This man was able to impress his notions on the anthropologists of the Americas for decade after decade. It was nothing except intellectual tyranny.

Professor Frank Hibben of the University of New Mexico uncovered evidence in New Mexico that suggested that man had been in the Americas before the end of the last Ice Age. He documented his work, and he published a very nice little book for the layman called The Lost Americans (1946). Professor Hibben was head of the Anthropology Department at his university and was a well-respected archaeologist. Well, after publication of this work, holy hell broke loose. Hrdlicka had so impressed his views that other archaeologists would not even consider the work that Hibben had done at Sandia Cave, close to Albuquerque, New Mexico. (This is the celebrated Sandia Cave Man controversy.)

Professor Hibben lost his tenure, and he was booted out of the University of New Mexico. His professional career was completely ruined, and he never taught again. He was vilified beyond belief, and it was even suggested that he had tinkered with his evidence. However, let it be noted that no one went to look at the evidence in situ, where he had carefully left half of the site intact for study by future scholars. In fact, someone went out to the Sandia Cave and completely vandalized the site so it could never be studied again. (How is this for spite and malice?) Well, the poor man was ruined, but there was a saving grace. He was married to a very beautiful woman who loved him devotedly, and she was also very wealthy. He lived the rest of his life in luxury in a lovely section of Santa Fe. His material needs were taken care of, but I am sure that he was saddened by the loss of his professional life and interests.

And then what happened? Hrdlicka finally died, and who was the wag who observed that Science progresses from funeral to funeral? They then discovered the Monte Verde site in southern Chile, which proved that man was in the Americas long before the last Ice Age ended. It was amazing how many archaeologists went to the site before they could be convinced of the truth. After they were finally persuaded, then it was equally amazing how many pre-Ice Age sites were discovered and are being excavated. A theory had fallen, and a mind set had been conquered. Please pardon me for going on at length about Professor Hibben, but it exercises me no end. I am not sure that this good man is still alive, but at least, he lived long enough to see the archaeologists validate the Monte Verde site, and surely that must have pleased him.

Proceeding briskly onward I think you are quite correct in your assumption that learning remained in the hands of a few in ancient days. Indeed, this practice persisted almost until modern times, because only the affluent could afford the benefits of a solid education. We have now gone for over a hundred years with education and look where it has taken us. The GI Bill after World War II produced a cadre of well educated and well trained people that rapidly took us from the Industrial Age into the Technological Age. And now we have entered the Super Tech Age.

At one time (back in my salad days), I wondered why so many of the discoveries in centuries gone by were done by Sir So-and-So or Lord What's-His-Face. The answer is easy. They belonged to a class that could financially afford education and scientific experimentation. Considering the rate that college tuition is increasing, learning could once again go into the hands of a few. This is a caveat for America.

You mentioned in passing the turmoil that resulted after the Ice Caps melted. Now that I think about it, I am amazed that man survived such an experience it must have been more than horrible! You will recall that Plato mentioned that the stream of fire descended from the heavens at regular intervals, and that there had been many floods. I take it that it was recurring catastrophism on earth caused by our planet intersecting the orbit of a massive collection of cometary debris. This debris fell on earth and caused considerable heating in a rapid manner. The evidence suggests that the Earth warmed quite rapidly, and I can think of no other mechanism to explain this phenomenon. And then when you have the Ice Caps melting, with resulting climatic changes, you then have flooding of considerable dimensions.

Since weight was being redistributed on the planetary surface, the natural consequence would be earthquakes and volcanic eruptions of a gargantuan nature. It must have indeed been a dreadful period in our history. I am still trying to come to grips with the collapse of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. It is indeed difficult to conceive how something so gargantuan could degrade and then just collapse. Ditto for the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet and the ones further east. I beg you to review pages 70-86 of Underworld by Graham Hancock once more. I regard the first 86 pages of the work to be the most productive of the entire book. However, I do endorse the value of the remainder, and I firmly believe the secrets of prehistoric civilization are to be found with underwater archaeological research. Hancock is to be commended for continuing research in the oceans of the world.

You asked for a commentary? You got a commentary! If there is anything you can use, then fine with me -- have at it. I don't really care. I just wanted to blow off a little steam on the subject.

Yours in academic suicide,

Leon Brown


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Wed May 12, 2010 7:00 pm

Ancient technology of Giza -- it housed a reverse solar vortex power generator, When tuned in conjunction with all the other sacred sites located on the Earth's geomagnetic grid, it served to protect our magnetosphere during periods of extreme solar activity (solar flares and CME's) that is supposed to occur at the end of the 2012 solar cycle; this would help to prevent a "pole shift".

Was it the Tuaoi crystal -- a gravity wave generator (the Ark of the Covenant)?

The Giza Geomatrix

The Tuaoi Crystal
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 182#p32717


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Wed May 12, 2010 10:40 pm

Killing the Anunnaki
http://educate-yourself.org/zsl/killing ... ct03.shtml
The first thing that the reptilians and shape-shifters had to do when they came to Earth was kill the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki had been ruling the Earth for 400,000 years since their arrival from Nibiru. They are extremely long lived and robust, but by the time of Alexander the Great, 333 BC, the space-gods had been replaced by those who found the density of Earth promising.

Most of the negative ones came to Earth about 2500 BC, with the Earth's polar alignment on Alpha Draconis or the star called Thuban. During such alignments the whole planet is a stargate. The most recent similar alignment was with Polaris in 1951. The Baby Boom generation from 1945 to 1964 has many who have trans-migrated to Earth through Polaris to help re-establish higher spiritual atunement.

On their own planet the shape-shifters are perfectly adapted to high density planetary existence. They also find the cores of planets welcoming. The Earth at 5.5 times the specific gravity of water is the densest planet in our solar system. The cores of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune may contain more matter, but they do not have the metals of Earth. The Earth has a thick magnetic envelope too. This contributes to the density grid of the planet. The shape-shifters want to recreate the conditions of their home world on Earth by compressing the grids.

The Anunnaki's home world, Nibiru, is the opposite of the shape-shifter's home world. Nibiru, spending most of its 3600 year orbit in interstellar space and scarce on heavy metals, is less dense than Earth. Although the mass of Nibiru is roughly four times that of Earth and surface gravity likewise higher, the grids were open and refined. The open grids contributed to the near immortality of the Anunnaki.

Life expectancy of humans was higher hundreds of thousands of years ago as the grids were less dense then. During historic times life expectancy has varied considerably. Over the past century, in spite of all the Illuminati attempts to kill people through war, famine and disease, life expectancy has increased. This indicates the grids again are opening.

With the Kali Yuga, the grids are compressed and the Anunnaki would find Earth a difficult place to live on. Hathor, the mother of humanity, was showing extreme old age when last depicted on Egyptian temple wall murals. The Titans were sent into retirement.
With the collapse of the ecology for life on Nibiru about 4000 years ago, there was no home world for the Anunnaki to which to return. Remnants of the Anunnaki still remain on Nibiru, its moons and other moons and planets. Many were stranded on Earth. They were still the gods controlling humanity and the Earth-and the shape-shifters saw an opportunity.

It is likely that Marduk, the eldest son of Enki, became a temporary host or walk-in for a shape-shifter. Likewise with Nebu and Set. Marduk, freeing himself of the walk-in, was then imprisoned in Babylon by shape-shifters and later killed in a seaside cave on the Aegean Sea. Saturn was tortured and killed as he could not be subsumed by a shape-shifter.
The shape-shifters adopted the role of Saturn in his temple city under the new name "Molloch" and instituted ritual sacrifice including the killing of children. Wherever ritual sacrifice was coerced onto people, the Anunnaki had been killed and shape-shifters were dominant. There are many examples in the Americas as well as the old world, including sacrifices in Jerusalem. If the Temple in Jerusalem was rebuilt and the old practices re-instituted, the whole world would be appalled. The most grievous rites were aimed at the Hebrew people in order to stop their own realization of their true spirituality.

The Osiris, Isis and Horus rite demonstrated the domination of shape-shifters in Egypt. This rite was written into the gospels in order that the ceremonial sacrifice of Christ (which never actually happened) would continue up to this day in the churches. The bread and wine mass in nations around the world contributes to the compression of the grids and the shortening of life expectancy and limiting of life experience. It blocks communication to the higher self.

Virtually all brick and mortar religious edifices have been controlled in such a way as to block spiritual progress. Religion is a tool wielded by the shape-shifters.

The religions that work best for the shape-shifters are the ones which take elements from ancient wisdom and then corrupt or block the intent of spiritual understanding. Many priesthoods have had shape-shifters at the top. The truly motivated spiritual seeker never finds the answers to his inner longings in such institutions. The Gnostics called such teachings "dry streams" as the waters of life and spiritual understanding had been dammed or diverted away from the followers. The Roman church was called a "dry stream" in many of the Fourth Century scrolls found at Nag Hammadi Egypt.

Even at the time of Julius Caesar, before the creation of the Roman church, the generals were directed by the wealthy senate to destroy the mystery schools of Britain, Gaul, Germany, Palestine, Egypt and Asia Minor. The shape-shifters were in control of Rome and their plan was to destroy republican government and create an empire more directly ruled by them. The Roman church, One Universal Church for One Catholic Roman Empire, became the plan after the "Caesar is God" debacle failed miserably. Shape-shifters like Nero and Caligula make terrible gods. No Roman citizen believed their emperors were gods. So they cobbled together Jewish, Greek and Egyptian beliefs into something to "captivate" the minds of men. "Captivate" is the operative word in the minds of empire builders.

The Anunnaki under Janus created the Roman Republic and it took six hundred years for shape-shifters to destroy the republican form of governance even hundreds of years after the last Anunnaki was killed. Janus was created by Enki. He had two faces and an androgenous nature. He was the consumate diplomat. Even before Plato wrote his "Republic", Janus had a working model. Janus' symbol was the two headed eagle. Janus was not homosexual, but a true spiritual androgyne.

There is more truth in a Pagan under the boughs of an oak tree than in a priest in black robes surrounded by ornate masonry. The beliefs of a Pagan predate the Anunnaki and the people of Nibiru had many of the same understandings. Both Pagan and Anunnaki have the term "serpent" associated with them and this term should not be confused with the "reptilian" agenda.

The reptilian and shape-shifters plan for the densification of the planetary grid will not happen. The very living being who is the planet Earth will not let this compression to occur. The Earth is going to become a star and the grids need to be open for that to come into being. Gaia is directly intervening in the affairs of men and women and stopping the diabolical conspiracy. There is a lot of off-world assistance too.

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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by mague » Sun May 16, 2010 2:20 am

The Law be your light,
The Law be your refuge!
Do not look for any other refuge!


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 16, 2010 8:32 am

http://www.briansbetterworld.com/articl ... hadows.pdf
Had space permitted, the second chapter, which deals with the creation of life (biogenesis) would have delved deeper into what I perceive to be the fundamental hierarchical structure of the universe. My research into the nature of free energy systems suggests that an interrelationship exists between everything in the universe, harmony being maintained by what we perceive as a cosmic canon of mathematical correspondences, originated by a conscious creative intelligence which transcends the universe and is complete unto itself. As the chapter states: “It is quite probable that this creative intelligence, variously referred to as God, Allah, or Hillary Clinton, according to one’s belief structure, administrates by means of a hierarchy of creative agencies imminent within nature, which assist at various transcendental levels in maintaining harmony throughout the cosmos.”

If this postulate is correct, one would expect plant life to be receiving intelligent signals from somewhere in the cosmos, and this is indeed the case. Despite the claim of the late Dr. Carl Sagan and scientists in his SETI organization that we have not detected intelligent communication from any extraterrestrial source this is a blatant falsehood. As the chapter relates, George Lawrence developed equipment which has been receiving intelligent signals from the cosmos since 1974.

Interestingly, the component in Lawrence’s electronic equipment which receives the signals from somewhere in the universe (or multiverse) is a transducer which is coated with living plant cells. Lawrence’s equipment has been adopted by NASA.

Sadly, I was only able to give passing recognition on page 72 to a great scientist whose name and scientific work should be as well known to every high school student as that of Einstein yet has been totally ignored by the scientific community. He is the late Lloyd Zirbes, who was never able to have his twenty five years of research published; his harassment included the destruction of his laboratory by arson.

Contemporary physics theories, including the work of Albert Einstein, have been built upon the laws of Newton, who in turn based his work on the writings of Galileo. According to academia, Galileo demonstrated that objects of equal mass but of different physical materials e.g. lead and feathers, fall at the same rate of acceleration in a vacuum. Lloyd Zerbes was astounded to discover that Galileo never made any tests on falling bodies, his claims were pure supposition.

Zirbes accordingly conducted an experiment in which a sphere of iron and a sphere of graphite of equal weight were simultaneously dropped down a two thousand feet mineshaft. At the bottom of the shaft, the final few feet of the fall was recorded by means of a high speed camera.

Amazingly, the graphite sphere, although considerably larger than the iron sphere because of its lower density, and therefore prone to more wind resistance, impacted when the iron sphere was still six feet from impact.

A similar experiment using spheres of other metals revealed that the iron sphere still impacted later than all the other spheres. Moreover, the spheres diverged considerably from each other prior to impact and also developed a specific rotation when falling. So what? Only that the work of Galileo, Newton and later scientists was very badly flawed.

Zirbes research suggested that the sun is not a gigantic fusion reactor is claimed by academia, but rather consists of thousands of individual bodies which release energy by means of the interaction between their respective gravity fields. In other words, the sun’s energy production is by mechanical not nuclear means, something also claimed by that brilliant scientist and Sumerian scholar, Dr. George Merkl.

After twenty five years of research, Zirbes invented a device which created gravity. So successful was the first test that everything in the lab that was not bolted down, degravitated and flew around, severely injuring the hapless Zirbes in the process. While he was hospitalized, his laboratory, van and some of his research notes were destroyed in an arson fire.

Zirbes stated that there are only two fundamental forces in the universe: motion and gravity. I feel this statement should be modified to read that gravity is compressed or folded magnetism. Magnetism appears to be the glue that holds the universe together, something which can be illustrated by studying the 525 HP Rory Johnson free energy motor, which now has been classified by the US government, in order to prevent its incorporation into the Greyhound Bus Company coaches.

Among the many things that could be achieved by the application of the Zirbes physics is the injection of contained gravity into any physical matter in order to rearrange the atomic structure, thus producing any desired element. Intelligence (audio and video) could be modulated onto a pulsed Zirbes gravity generator, thus broadcasting gravity.

In recent years, we have been subjected to a plethora of New Age scare stories which have been based on badly flawed logic. Thus a polar flip was to occur in 2000; it didn’t. Planet Earth was to have been destroyed by the photon belt if not towed to another orbit by benevolent E.T.’s (we’re still here) and we are scheduled to be destroyed by Planet X
in 2003 (we won’t be).

An ominous prediction by Lloyd Zirbes is one that we should heed, however. High energy particles emitted from nuclear waste dumps and nuclear tests are accumulating at a rapid rate some three hundred miles above our planet. These deadly particles are creating a repulsive field that will certainly move the planet further from the sun unless we refrain from using nuclear energy. In addition, some of these particles are being repelled by the sun and driven back to earth, resulting in global warming hotspots, radioactive rain and increased volcanic activity.

Since the Zirbes research material has never been officially published, the reader may be wondering why I am familiar with it. One balmy night several years ago, I attended a garden party in Santa Barbara, California. Suddenly a stranger approached me from out of the gloom and said that he felt that he had to gatecrash the party to deliver a package to someone that he didn’t know, and intuitively felt that the person was myself. When I looked at the thick file of papers later, I discovered that it was a copy of Lloyd Zirbes’ research data.

The cover of my book depicts a reptilian wearing a red robe and sporting a gold mask. The creature is depicted holding an octagonal gold emblem, at the center of which is a black cosmic lemniscape (infinity sign). The Illuminati hierarchy is so arrogant that they believe that we mere humans are oblivious of their innermost secrets. Wrong! The creature on the book cover is wearing the regalia worn by the highest Illuminati echelon at several of their rituals (to be totally accurate, a pallium adorned with a row of lemniscapes and octagons would be worn around the neck). The octagonal gold emblem held by the creature is a type of identification badge given only to a super secret special security group which is the eyes and ears for members of the octagon, one of the highest
levels within the Illuminati. Since the Illuminati is strictly a fear-based cult, only members of the octagon know the true identity of this security group, which is known as the Eyes of the Eight. As I mention in the book, in order to generate abject fear among humans who attend Illuminati rituals, such humans are frequently sacrificed in order to foment fear, even if the persons have committed no infractions.
Rory Johnson Gallium-Deuterium Fusion Magnetic Motor
Rory Johnson designed and operated a 525 HP fuel cell motor without any of the hardware that is presently used in current state-of-the-art electric motors, such as AC Induction series or compound wound DC motors which use the accepted principle of attract-repel, an energy form that doesn't utilize the magnetic field to its greatest advantage. He capitalized on the magnetic field to its greatest advantage by utilizing the principle of ATTRACT-ATTRACT.

There is no way to explain ATTRACT-ATTRACT using contemporary electrical theory, how his relatively small motor could produce this tremendous horsepower. Over the past 10 years, I used the Johnson hardware as a textbook to help gain an understanding about this NEW electrical-magnetic energy theory. Johnson capitalized on the magnetic field to its greatest advantage. He used a top and bottom rotor in his motor. First, the top rotor attracted, released, then the bottom rotor attracted, released. The action of attract, taking place between upper and lower magnets, using the windings to complete the attract field.

THIS ACTION is difficult to understand if present electrical theory is the knowledge base. I know this to be true because I listened to a teaching tape by Rory Johnson, and my mindset about electricity would not let me HEAR him. Surely as electricity was caused to be generated by ONE of the windings, the other winding used it. How else could it work? The answer to his statement that he RECYCLES a stabilized energy could not be understood if he somehow TAKES APART and then RE-ASSEMBLES the electron itself, UNBELIEVABLE!

Yes, Dr. Johnson was showing the world the `Principle of Motion" that had been sought by scientists from Descartes to this day. This is ATTRACT-ATTRACT.
Lloyd B. Zirbes
The late geomagnetic researcher Dr. Lloyd Zirbes discovered that Galileo's suppositions are complete error. He proved that Newton's law of gravity is also an error. This puts the foundation of science and technology of our world on error and lies. You can't build a world on error, or it will fall. It is unfortunate that we are the "last generation" Mat.24:34 who will "witness" the END of the WORLD.

Zirbes strongly opposed the technology utilized in the HAARP system. He wrote, 'Disruption of the Earth's magnetic field will complete damages to the planet's balance done by the government nuclear bomb blasts in the natural radiation belts above the ionosphere. Earth's magnetic field keeps the planet in balance with the moon and sun. Disrupting the field will be the last straw in sending Earth into the sun or out into space."
The Illuminati shapeshifters don’t like Pleiadian science? :o

"UFO Contact From Alcyon of the Pleiades" ;)
by Lloyd Zirbes and Wendelle C. Stevens
A Minnesota farmer, checking his trap lines, is abducted on his way home at night, and taken aboard an alien vehicle, along with a neighboring family, who were already aboard.

The farmer, Lloyd Zirbes, was shown on viewing screens the deficiencies in our understanding of physics, and also shown the forces behind all motion and creation. The "Falling Bodies Theory" demonstrated is so profound that Zirbes had to begin taking college-level physics courses in order to understand the Alcyon E.T.s' theories.

Zirbes has now become a professor of physics, and offers the alien's "Falling Bodies Theory" concepts to academia. The Zirbes case is also noteable in that it is another valid case of UFO Contact from the Pleiades star cluster, demonstrating again that the Pleiades is an area of our galaxy from where a number of ET contacts on Earth are originating.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 16, 2010 9:43 am

It's "all in the family"

Phoenix Lights
http://www.briansbetterworld.com/articl ... Lights.htm
For a number of years I served in a support function for high level survivors of Illuminati mind control and Satanic ritual abuse. Some of these unfortunate individuals had served in a dual capacity as highly trained powerful psychics who had the ability to invoke hideous entities from other astral realms at ritual gatherings and also acted as telepathic intermediaries between E.T.'s and scientists at various covert facilities such as Area 51 and China Lake Naval Weapons Depot.

What I learned from these individuals is that the 13 ruling families of shape shifters receive their global planning strategies from a reptilian dragon like race who reside off planet.
http://www.briansbetterworld.com/articl ... hadows.pdf
The history of Planet Earth, as recorded by the ten official Illuminati historians, was compared with other historical and archaeological informational sources in order for me to arrive at a realistic revisionist global history for the book, for we are unable to acquire enlightenment unless we become knowledgeable about the true patterns of the past. Humans generally assume, for instance, that the Book of Genesis is not associated with any reptilian race, yet the Illuminati hierarchy are adamant that Genesis is their book, which I have to agree with, for the Illuminati dragons here on earth were cast out of their homeland in another astral realm because of their evil ways (many dragons in other realms of existence are quite spiritually evolved).

Although the earthbound dragons are barred from returning to their original homeland, a few humans possess the key which is necessary to visit there (certain members of the Afghani Kawajaghan and a few high level Illuminati mind control survivors know what I’m referring to).

In conclusion, I would like to announce that a Japanese translation of my book is in progress. If things work out satisfactorily, it will include an appendix displaying photographs of authentic reptilian mummies, some photos of which I have viewed.
The Thirteen Illuminati Bloodlines

The Li Bloodline
A Chinese is name is made up of a family name (surname), which is written first, and then comes the personal name. In the Chinese way of things my name would be Springmeier Fritz. Family names are usually of one character each, although there are exceptions like Ouyong and Situ. There are over 6,000 Chinese surnames for about I billion Chinese. The more frequent Chinese surnames in English speaking countries such as the U.S., U.K., & Aust. are Chan, Lin, Li, Wong, Huang, Mei, Yang, Chin, and Fong. In mainland China the 5 top families are Chen, Li, Zhang, He, and Huang.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 225#p34950

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 240#p34953

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 240#p34964

http://www.briansbetterworld.com/articl ... hadows.pdf
During the three decades it took to research and write the book, I became involved with exorcism, where I experienced encounters with hostile reptoids from the lower astral realms. This was a period where I met people deemed to be under psychic attack or delusional but were, in actuality, victims of mind control. Some of these survivors of insidious mind control projects were members of satanic cults, others were trained to be military assassins, while others such as Cisco Wheeler and the former Illuminati Mother Goddess Arizona Wilder, had been trained from infancy by the Nazi “Angel of Death” Josef Mengele for their roles as very high-level Illuminati slaves.

Ms. Wilder has been ridiculed by some people who are obviously too lazy to research her claims for themselves. I was asked to help Arizona shortly after she had been bound with thin wire and brutally beaten for quitting her Illuminati controllers, and have been able to substantiate many of her claims, bizarre as they are.

I would have included a chapter on the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, except that David Icke informed me that he was writing a book on the same subject. Not wishing to steal David’s thunder, I will merely say that in January 2001, I was told by a business associate who is on a first name basis with David Rockefeller and Alan Greenspan, that in September 2001, elements within and without the United States Government were planning to create an event which would hasten the economic collapse of America. The motive for such a diabolical act becomes clear when we note that the company which is the major player in the acquisition of bankrupt American corporations for only a few cents on the dollar, is Huchison Wampaugh, a giant company owned by the Peoples Republic of China, according to the newsmedia. However if we ascertain who the major stockholder is, it is none other than Pilgrim Investments, which is owned by the Bush family!

Why would the Bush family conspire with China, especially as I detail in the book, China and Russia plan to launch a nuclear attack and invasion of America sometime after the beginning of 2004? As is well known, Prescott Bush, Jr, the secret ruler of America, arranged a major resort construction project in China in 1978, just as his brother was elected President of the USA. Since that time, tremendous wheeling and dealing has been conducted between the elder Bush brothers, President Clinton and China, including providing China with advanced weaponry yet to go into service with the American military. Moreover, Wang Jun, the alleged head of Chinese Intelligence in America was observed making trips to the Clinton White House. All of this activity smacks of high treason.

The reason became clear for me last year when I was contacted by an American banker who was representing a multi-billion dollar Chinese Trust. He explained that during the Mao regime, female infanticide in China had been perpetrated on such a vast scale that today there are two hundred million young Chinese men who have no hope of even marrying the ugliest girl in their village. Such a situation has presented China with a dangerous situation. China, therefore, would like to develop the western regions of China (largely desert) in order to elevate the standard of living. I was invited to develop advanced free energy systems for this project, so that the area could be provided with very inexpensive electrical power.

Unfortunately, the greedy banker wanted loan shark percentages, thereby causing negotiations to collapse (naturally he professed strong Christian leanings).

The interesting thing was that he told me that the head of the Chinese Trust informed him that when President Clinton visited China, in addition to visiting Beijing, he was also flown to another Chinese city so that he could visit the grave of his father! The banker was then shown the family tree of the Li bloodline, which is one of the ruling Illuminati bloodlines. The tree revealed that both Clinton and the elder Bush brothers were fathered by the Li bloodlne.

It is popularly claimed that Clinton was fathered by a Rockefeller, but this could be a smokescreen, since the head of the Trust was adamant about the Li family tree connection. The problem for me was if this was true why didn’t these men have Chinese facial characteristics? I then remembered that prior to this information, Arizona Wilder had told me that for generations, the Li bloodline had interbred with westerners, so that the offspring could pass as westerners. We must also remember that the Illuminati have very good genetic engineers.
Obama, Freemason, Related
To Both Bush, Cheney
Obama is illuminati aristocracy. his appearence from 'nowhere', and subsequent rocket to the front of the political line are no coincidence. Believe it or not, Barack Obama is related to both President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 16, 2010 9:50 am

http://www.briansbetterworld.com/articl ... hadows.pdf
Once again, in the Epilogue, space restrictions prevented me from expanding on the real backgrounds of American Founding Fathers Samuel Adams and John Hancock. In keeping with most of the Founding Fathers, these two were not honest patriots as the history books would have us believe, but rather scoundrels who fomented revolution for personal gain.

Adams was a tax collector who would undoubtedly have received a jail sentence for embezzling tax money had the Revolutionary War not occurred. Smuggler John Hancock did not initiate the Boston Tea Party as a protest against high import tariffs on tea, but rather because the British had lowered the price of tea below that of Hancock’s smuggled tea! In actuality, as the book states, the Jesuit Superior General instigated the Revolutionary War on behalf of the Illuminati, using the wealthy Jesuit trained Carroll brothers as principal agent provocateurs. This is why the tract of land on which is built the District of Columbia, and owned by the Carroll family, formerly was named Rome.

The book points out that in 1203, King John of England, in his capacity as Crown Corporation Sole, granted the Vatican Corporation Sole ownership of England and her dominions in perpetuity. In return, the Vatican Corporation Sole granted England’s Crown Corporation Sole administrative rights over England and her dominions, in perpetuity. This renders the United States of America, a private corporation and body politic formerly known as the Virginia Company, a satrapy of the Vatican.

If readers care to study the 1783 Treaty of Paris, which absolves King George III of England of future indebtedness to the United States, e.g. picking up the tab for a standing army on American soil, they will observe that King George is presented as Arch Treasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire and the United States of America. By signing the treaty two years after the Revolutionary War ended, the American signatories (Ben Franklin and John Adams) were acknowledging that King George was still the ruler of America. Total Vatican control over America did not occur until the 19th century when the treacherous Jesuits initiated passage of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which rendered the laws of the individual sovereign states subservient to those of the United States of America.

America is another classic example of a nation which doesn’t deserve to be free. As was stated above, the 1783 Treaty of Paris acknowledged that America was still ruled by the British Crown after conclusion of the Revolutionary War. This is why all American Federal courts display the flag of the United States with a gold fringe added. This
signifies that the trial is being conducted under British Admiraly Law and that the courtroom is an enclave. An enclave is a place where the laws of a foreign power prevail.

A foreign embassy is an enclave. When you enter a foreign embassy you waive all rights to the laws of your nation, and become subservient to the laws of that particular embassy’s country. In a similar manner, Americans entering a Federal courtroom displaying a flag bearing a gold fringe, automatically waive their constitutional rights.

Since Article 4 of the American Constitution specifically prohibits the establishment of a state (enclave) within any of the American sovereign states, Federal judges are committing treason and should be dealt with accordingly. Some American judges even blatantly tell the defendants that they are not permitted to cite the Constitution during the trial!

A practical way for Americans to free themselves from the yoke of the British Crown, would be for the American public to demand that Americans of Flag Officer rank (Admirals and Generals) effect a military arrest of the Bush criminal cabal, members of Congress and all Federal judges on charges of treason (there’s an overabundance of evidence) then demand the rescinding of the 1783 Treaty of Paris and the Virginia Charter. Until that happens, a large portion of American tax money will legitimately end up each year in the coffers of the British Crown. It’s high time that the American public awoke from their long slumber and realize that General Cornwallis only surrendered the battle of Yorktown to General Washington, not the Revolutionary War, which Britain won on behalf of the Illuminati by covert means.


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