On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:20 pm

Three World Wars
These are, I believe, the stages of the planned Third World War:

Prelude - The events leading up to the start of World War Three, including Sept 11, 2001.

Act 1 - The Middle East. Widespread conflict to bring the entire region into the flames of war, possibly triggered by Iran or militants in Pakistan using North Korean supplied nuclear arms. The first Scene in this Act is the US Invasion of Iraq on March 20, 2003.

Act 2 - Israel at War -- Against her Arab neighbors, possibly Palestine. A Palestinian State will be established, so that all Israelis will be fully separated from Palestinians (listen out for mention of a 7-year treaty to be confirmed by a World Leader - probably Bush), only for Israel to viciously attack Palestine shortly thereafter.

Act 3 - Far East -- "Hair-raising nuclear confrontation that threatens mankind's existence" - Peter Lemesurier, author of The Armageddon Script, p. 223, written in 1981. Includes China invading Taiwan and a nuclear eruption on the Korean Peninsula.

Act 4 - Erosion of Confidence in 'The System' so severe citizens will be panicked into giving up liberties and Constitutional form of government. The plan calls for the dissolution of the US Constitution, triggered by a significant enough 'terrorist'
attack. The ultimate intent is to introduce a global government and one-world religion.

Act 5 - The collapse of the US, and other Western economies and morals.

Act 6 - Significant population reduction using natural and man-made disasters.
Curtain. Who can tell how this war will end?
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 225#p34950
SCRAP Merchant Lying Spying Wives 9/11 WWI Titanic
http://abeldanger.blogspot.com/2010/04/ ... april.html

Serco [Formerly RCA—Titanic—Marconi—Stolen Patents—Queen's Flight]

Cameron [HSBC House of Cameron—Sold Nazi-Japanese war bonds]

Rothschild [House of Rothschild bank—Sold Nazi-Japanese war bonds]

Aviva [Joint venture Reinhard Goerdeler, Baron Sharman KPMG]

Patents [Serco/RCA virtual tunnels Guernica, Pam Am 103, 9/11]
Do you see how these “SCRAP merchants” could start WWIII? They would gain access to the patents of a host country’s missile guidance system launch modules. Then they would create a back door or tunnel into the operating systems and insert virtual reality programs to override the real-time operating systems.

They would make sure that the host country was operating in "virtual reality mode" at the time of the false flag attack. The host country command center would think everything was operating in real-time and running smoothly.

Then the SCRAP merchants would launch a missile attack in "real time" against Israel for instance. Israel would think it was Iran and retaliate.

Both countries would be destroyed but then that is what the SCRAP merchants want -- maximum profit for maximum loss. They would be able to collect triple imdentiy insurance policies for losses and damages incurred to to citizens and businesses in both countries.

Such is the "mentality of the "criminal elite" -

Lock-on-after launch missile guidance system using three dimensional scene reconstruction
http://www.eipa-patents.org/Telecommuni ... 560821.htm
A system and method for recognizing a target and then guiding a projectile to that target: Initially, unique 3D features of the target are obtained and stored in a data base. The projectile is then directed to the general area of the target and the scene in that general area is observed by the projectile and compared with the data base on a three dimensional basis. When a target is located which contains the unique 3D features of the target of interest within some preset maximum margin of error, the projectile is then directed to that target.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:18 am

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 225#p34950

http://abeldanger.blogspot.com/2010/04/ ... .html#more

On March 04, 2010 we warned you that Strong and Williams appear to have used a murder-for-hire service offered by Northwestern University and its Kellogg School of Management through the Montreal VAAC network and an airborne internet to disrupt the security systems of U.S. command centers during the attacks of 9/11.

Hawks CAFE believes Maurice Strong and Colonel Russell Williams – the recently-arrested former commander of Camp Mirage – developed the Montreal-based Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre to support virtual-weather and murder-for-hire services for the alumni and faculty of Northwestern University and its Kellogg School of Management

Our KSM agents have evidence that Kellogg alumni used hypothetical model runs and weather simulations generated by the Montreal VAAC network (see below) and an airborne internet ('Charlotte's Web') to disrupt security systems of U.S. command centers during the attacks of 9/11.

FC-KU** crime scene -- a virtual weather space where criminal and victim assets are moved by Northwestern University Transportation supply-chain partners (some shown below) using Femme Comp Inc C4 technology and the wireless KU-band of frequencies

“The Met Office has been accused of using a scientific model based on “probability” rather than fact to forecast the spread of the volcanic ash cloud that made Europe a no-fly zone. Legal experts suggested passengers and airlines may be able to sue the Government for more than £1 billion in compensation. Much of the blame was directed at the Met Office’s Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC). It provided the initial warning, which triggered the European-wide ban via Eurocontrol, the air traffic control centre in Brussels. “This may well open the way for wider litigation against the Met Office and other government agencies that are found to have failed in their duty of care. The damages and legal costs could break the £1 billion mark.”


Claim for Punitive and Treble Damages for Wrongful Deaths on 9/11/2001 resulting from movement of sex, sabotage and murder-for-hire assets by the racketeering use of interstate or foreign commerce networks, financed by Private Equity, Arbitrage, Insurance and Hedge Fund Frauds between October 1970 and September 2001.

Asian Environmental Solutions

http://www.thomaspmbarnett.com/projects ... -ahead.htm

Prove that the defendants are related to Canadian International Development Agency and CAI-Carlyle Private Equity Groups which are allegedly engaged in the extortion of leaders of the Queen’s Privy Council of Canada, the U.S. Departments of Justice and State and the UN Environment Programme and traders in Carbon EAsk courts to stop private-equity use of interstate or foreign commerce to move private assets on public networks or public assets, including assets of pension funds, insurance companies and banks, on private networks and prevent defendants from absconding with assets, hiring assassins and extorting federal and state politicians.

A elite criminal syndicate run out of "the City of London" infiltrates and seizes control of sovereign countries’ patent offices; they create virtual news networks and virtual weather programs and insert them in "real time" operating systems.

To destroy a country, saboteurs have to take control of its patent office.

“City of London” SCRAP Merchants:

S = Sirco used to be called RCA – Marconi telegraph patents stolen by RCA to create virtual weather

C = Cameron family – banking and insurance fraud

R = House of Rothschild – international assassination hit squads

A = Aviva – insurance company that goes back to 1690; issued insurance policies to JFK and the Titantic

P = Patents – they create a “patented tunnel” between the victim and the crime scene; they choose which patent configurations can be used to eliminate targets and destroy all evidence

They create two factions that will fight each other with weapons that have been sold to both sides in return for loans where the loans control the borrowers; they fraudulently insure or reinsure their intended targets (both humans and property) and then collect "triple indemnity" insurance payments on their targets' insurance policies after they have eliminated them

These networks are deeply imbedded within the governments of both sides; their agents commit acts of sabotage; they are bound together by blood oaths that involve pedophilia, human sacrifice, and infanticide

They used patented devices that control the movement of hijacked planes that were installed and brokered and developed by their patent lawyers; it is called the "QRS 11 gyro chip"

http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/b ... qrs06.html

On 911 the "City of London" SCRAP merchants" used underground Cray computers to simulate virtual weather forecasts; the pilots in the planes didn't know that what they are looking at; they have to obey whatever information was channeled or tunneled through to them; it’s virtual weather.

With a computer you can inject false radar signals into the communication system used by the good guys; it is impossible to tell what is real and what is virtual

Disabled US naval command function on 911

It is believed that the SCRAP merchants used similar technology in the recent plane crash of Polish government officials and an investigation is underway.

(The "City of London" is like the Vatican; it's a private "transnational corporation" and "nation state" unto itself. Each has its own bank. Like all "secret societies" they both operate outside the laws of the nation states in which they physically reside.)

In the past they financed the Nazis, the Zionists, the current "Islamic terrorists groups"; the "Christian Fundamentalists"; the drugs, arms and money laundering cartels, the "Bolshevik Revolution", Stalin, Mao Zedong, the "Banana republic" dictators, and just about every other ruthless dictator or criminal activity both past and present.

It’s “business as usual” for the covert elite supporters of the “City of London” SCRAP merchants:


http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_s ... knobil.htm



http://www.theuniversalseduction.com/ar ... orld-order

God bless all the good people all over the world who worked to expose these monsters! :D

http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea ... d=26525811


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:13 am

Is the logarithmic gravitational standing wave that pervades the entire Univse the true source of “Vril power”? Is the Chintamani Stone the real Grail Stone of the Ark of the Covenant? Did the Shemshu Hor come from Sirius? Are the Shemshu Hor (Anunnaki) the original “Serpents of Wisdom”? Do the Shemsu Hor live on or travel on the the "planetoid" or "starship" we call Nibiru?
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 210#p34563

Shemshu Hor

After examining this extensive corpus of scientific data, Dr. Müller was able to deduce that a logarithmic scalar gravitational standing wave pervades the entire universe.

“Simply that this standing gravitational wave confers appropriate resonant data to every biotic system within the universe, thereby imposing an enduring effect upon planetary evolution.
Sirius, Annunaki, Pyramid, Ark of the Covenant
When I probed for more knowledge about Knut (The Great Pyramid) and the Sphinx, which to us were already unutterably aged, they related a strange tale about the great Beings called the Anaki, the Mighty Ones, who came to Earth ages ago from another solar system, arriving from spaceship. They came from the star Sothis (Sirius). They landed on a land called Aztlan (Atlantis)

When the Anaki first arrived from their home planet, they brought with them a crucible called an Ark of the Covenant. This Ark contained a peculiar pulsating crystal infused with a living light. Under guidance, it emitted rays of force. It was constructed so as to become an instrument, a device, a storehouse, containing the power to generate the very highest creative cosmic frequencies, capable of transforming matter into pure energy-force and energy-force into matter. It was called an Ark of the Covenant because it possessed the potential of harmonizing its divine potencies with the material frequencies of Earth,

The Ark brought from Sirius was built as a miniature pyramid because its dynamic force could best be generated inside this peculiar construction. In the hands of the Anaki (my father also called them the "builders") the rays of natural cosmic force could render Earth's objects temporarily either weightless or more ponderous, according to the will of those operating it. It was with its tremendous rays of power that the gigantic stones of the enormous Knut had been shaped and levitated into place.

The Ark was similar to a thermonuclear reactor with rays of energy similar to our laser beams - but considerably more advanced. Contained within it were the "Tables of the Law," "rods of power," and a "vase filled with manna." These were all symbols of that which would produce powerful laser rays. They became far more than electric condensers. They contained generators that were constantly recharged through the construction of the Ark itself. They also contained mysterious pulsating crystals.

Thus Knut, the very Great Pyramid itself, became an Ark of the Covenant. When, in its early days, it was covered by engraved white casing tablets and topped by a free floating crystal and gold capstone, the pyramid became a living Ark of mysterious force. A fiery halo was often seen to glow around its tip, and strange sounds like deep rumbling thunder rose through its apex.

My father explained that at the time when Knut was built Earth was aligned with an infinite light ray called the Kosmon Current, a radiant light wave of illimitable power. He explained that there were many solar systems in God's universe. Ours was only one of many inhabited planets. He drew charts showing me the Great Central Sun which projected a beam of light force from its heart, right through the suns of all the solar systems aligned with those particular evolutionary universes of time-space dimensions which orbited the Eternal God heart. Our mite of a planet had fallen out of alignment with the Grand Orient at the time of the flood and the fall at Atlantis (Aztlan).

When the Gods built Knut, the sun of our solar system had been perfectly aligned with this great Kosmonic wavelength. The pyramid acted as a focal point to gather in and distribute this tremendous infinite light. The pyramid in turn projected the light deep into the heart of Earth, keeping alive the proton sun radiating at the center (in 4th density). Responding, the etheric sun at Earth's center acted as a perpetual generator, returning upflowing energy through the Ark of the capstone floating at the top.

Thus the pyramid served not only as a receiver of the force but also as projector. So tremendous was the up-flow of energy currents from inside the Earth, they held suspended in space the capstone of the pyramid. Detached from the pyramid itself, the capstone floated there suspended in shimmering light.

The uninitiated unprotected sons of Earth were not permitted to touch the Ark because of its radiating voltage, placed there by the generated cosmic rays. The priests who had charge of it, called the Arkites, wore protective garments.

When the Anaki first arrived on Atzlan, a massive stone structure of pyramidal form was constructed because such a form would produce the required resistance to the ravage of time. The pyramidal form would itself sustain the charges of White Light generated in the Ark, which graced the peak of the pyramid. Since the pyramid form was the most conducive to generate the White Light, it also became the symbolic form of the initiate godman. It represented the spiritualization of matter.

The Anaki came to Earth to serve the cause of light and to help Eartheans emerge from their darkness and hasten their evolutionary progress. To achieve such an acceleration of consciousness, they intermarried with the sons and daughters of the Earthborn, thus planting the seeds of future births having the potential for divinity. The lifewave evolving on Earth at that time dwelt in tribal communities. Theirs was a constant struggle against nature and animals to survive, thus their forms were physically powerful.
Nicholas Roerich and the Chintamani Stone
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/socio ... ahla11.htm
With the current massive outpouring of information regarding the fabled Holy Grail (or Grails) it is impossible to ignore what may be the very first Holy Grail on Earth, the Chintamani Stone, the “Treasure of the World.”

Between 1923-1928 this stone, which first manifested on Earth many thousands of years before the Cup of Christ, was taken by the great Russian artist and mystic Nicholas Roerich into the heartland of the Far East in order to reunite it with the mother stone it had been separated from, a massive jewel that resided in Shambhala, the Land of the Immortals.

This Chintamani Stone, which is of extra-terrestrial origin, had supposedly been brought to Earth by emissaries from a planet orbiting the star Sirius and then handed over to Shambhala’s principal resident, the elusive “King of the World,” a monarch known by many mystics in the East but only by a handful of occultists in the West. In regards to its identity in the Holy Grail legends, the Chintamani Stone appears to be synonymous with the “Stone of Heaven,” the Holy Grail manifestation mentioned by Wolfram von Eschenbach in his famous Grail rendition known as Parzival, which is regarded by most Grail scholars to be the most complete and authoritative of the Grail legends.

The Chintamani Stone certainly fits the profile of Eschenbach’s enigmatic Stone of Heaven because, like its literary counterpart, the Treasure of the World is said to possess both the power to make a human immortal, as well as to have come to Earth from “Heaven” (Sirius), a truth that is supposedly engraved upon it as Sanskrit letters that Roerich once translated as,

“Through the Stars I come. I bring the chalice (Grail) covered with the shield.”

Like Eschenbach’s stone, the Chintamani Stone is apparently also green in color, since Roerich is on record as also stating that the Chintamani Stone is similar in appearance to a species of meteorite known as Moldavite, which is dark green in color. If the Chintamani Stone is indeed Eschenbach’s Stone of Heaven could it also be the original Philosophers Stone, which legends assert could turn a base metal into gold and a human into an immortal deity? Could it be the original Holy Grail, the one that was later emulated by all Holy Grails, including the Cup of Christ and the wood of the True Cross?

With so much evidence in its support of its power and existence, it does indeed appear that the study of the Chintamani Stone should warrant special consideration in any contemporary Holy Grail research.

Information is scant concerning the Chintamani Stone, but supposedly the extra-terrestrial stone is stronger than penetrating Radium and its dynamic rays can instantly increase a person’s own vibratory frequency while bestowing upon him or her the ability to see into the past and future, evolve into an immortal human being, or even secure world dominion. It has also been suggested that the stone can never be adequately tested scientifically because much of it exists in a higher dimensional frequency than the one we exist within.

Other pertinent data regarding the Chintamani Stone maintains that it was brought to Earth by Sirian missionaries during a remote era in order to eventually help precipitate a one-world civilization based upon mutual support, love, and equality. In order to effectuate this lofty goal, the Sirians are believed to have, throughout history, made sure that the stone remained in the possession of certain planetary rulers or organizations that have been in the position of influencing the world on a grand scale.

Since its arrival on Earth, the Chintamani Stone has, for example, been in the possession of he who is the supreme consciousness governing all of the world from an etheric plane, the King of the World, while parts of it have been in the possession of such acclaimed conquerors and empire builders as King Solomon, Genghis Khan and Akbar the Great.

There is some indication that one part of the stone has been the sacred stone of the Kaaba, which has united millions of Moslems around the globe. In recent history it is known that a portion of the Chintamani Stone was given to the founders of the League of Nations, whose stated goals were the creation of a one-world civilization free of hate and war. This was the stone that Nicholas Roerich carried back to Shambhala following the collapse of that international organization.

One burning question remains in regards to the current whereabouts of the Chintamani Stone. Did Roerich complete his journey to Shambhala? Is the sacred stone back in the Land of the Immortals? Most historians agree that Roerich did not technically reach Shambhala but instead arrived in a Tibetan location which is intimately connected to it.

Could the Chintamani Stone have really come from Sirius? Did humans have contact with the Sirians in the distant past? Perhaps. In the last century anthropologists in Mali discovered that some of the African country’s tribes, such as the Dogon and Bozo tribes, claimed to have once had visitations from Sirian missionaries who acted as their teachers.

To prove their claims these tribes revealed some of the obscure information transmitted to them from their mentors, which included a knowledge of the Sirian grouping of three stars, as well as a knowledge of the moons surrounding certain distant planets in our Solar System. Such information could only be acquired through observation with very high-powered telescopes, a luxury these primitive tribes were never in the position to possess.

Robert Temple, author of The Sirius Mystery, which records the history of the Dogon people and their encounters with the Sirians, found another possible Earth link with Sirius soon after his book was published. Members of Freemasonry, who had long known of Sirius as the Great White Lodge in the Galaxy and commonly depicted it in their lodges as the Blazing Star, contacted Temple and invited him to become an initiate of their organization.

Although Temple could not subsequently find explicit indications that Freemasonry had been in direct contact with Sirian missionaries in the past, he did find intriguing clues connecting them to the star Sirius, including the eye within the triangle symbol which currently surmounts the pyramid on the US seal.

This triangle, an ancient Freemasonic symbol, depicts the Grand Architect of the Universe and is closely associated with what the Dogon refer to as the “Eye” of the universe, the dwarf star Digitaria, that is part of the trinitized Sirian grouping of stars and recognized by the tribe as the Creator of the Universe.

The US seal eventually became featured on the back of the US dollar bill during the administration of Franklin Roosevelt, who was himself a high-ranking Freemason and Shriner, and before that it was the symbol of the eighteenth century Illuminati, who sought to achieve the Sirian goal of a one-world civilization although it is believed they did so with less than purely altruistic intentions.

Temple also discovered another clue indicating a close connection between the Freemasons and Sirius: the day of US independence by the Freemasonic fathers, July 4th, is one of the days of the year when our Sun is in its closest alignment with Sirius.
Maybe these visitors are really the Anunnaki or Shemsu Hor (“Serpents of Wisdom”) and not the reptilians

The difference between the Anunnaki and the reptilians?
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 210#p34665

Amazingly, the UFO community has totally ignored hard evidence of humanoid visitors who arrived on earth more than 5000 years ago. Unlike human skulls, the front and rear halves of their skulls never knitted together.

Consequently, as their brains grew in infancy, the rear half of their head was pushed rearwards, pulling their facial skin taut and giving them the appearance of a serpent (a Dead Sea scroll mentions a similar being). Their skeletons have been found in Sumer, the Giza Plateau, Malta and Yucatan and at the Mayan pyramids. Superstitious Mayans later bound their infants' heads between two boards in an attempt to simulate the skulls.

So much misinformation has been published concerning the Sumerian culture that it's advisable to learn the language and study Sumerian texts oneself. According to the texts, these great civilizers known variously as the El (shining ones) Annana, Annunaki and in the pre dynastic Egyptian texts as the Shemsu Hor (followers of Horus) descended upon the summit of Mount Hermon as the waters of the global flood began to reside and created a community on the upper slopes of the mountain in a grassy plain they named Edin. After a long period of time they migrated to Mesopotamia and created a civilization there. Several years ago, I had the pleasure of dining with the erudite physicist and Sumerian scholar, the late George Merkl, Ph.D. when we both lectured at a Global Sciences symposium and found it refreshing to hear him refer to popular books on Sumerian history as a "fairy story."

For a number of years I served in a support function for high level survivors of Illuminati mind control and Satanic ritual abuse. Some of these unfortunate individuals had served in a dual capacity as highly trained powerful psychics who had the ability to invoke hideous entities from other astral realms at ritual gatherings and also acted as telepathic intermediaries between E.T.'s and scientists at various covert facilities such as Area 51 and China Lake Naval Weapons Depot. What I learned from these individuals is that the 13 ruling families of shape shifters receive their global planning strategies from a reptilian dragon like race who reside off planet.
Are the “Serpents of Wisdom” (the Anunnaki) from Nibiru?
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 225#p34945

Does the Nebra Sky Disk depict Nibiru?

In 1983 with NASA's cooperation a group of astronomers began a comprehensive survey of the sky with the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS). In the fall of that year the IRAS discovered several moving objects in the vicinity of this solar system, including 5 previously unknown comets, a few "lost" comets, four new asteroids and "an enigmatic comet-like object".

The United States Government squashed the story immediately! For some arcane top-secret reason the government doesn't want to alarm or panic the general public by disclosure of this discovery. Why? Because a race of reptilian super-beings inhabits that planet, and common knowledge of this fact would have people screaming in the streets. Listen to this story.

A half a million years ago, Tiamat was not located in Space where it is today. It orbited farther out from the Sun, in between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Mars was orbiting at a distance much closer to the Sun than now and was quite habitable, with a temperate climate and liquid water.

Then, too, Tiamat's system was closer to the Star Sirius (or Sothis, as the ancient Egyptians called it). This solar system and the Sirian planetary system are part of a unit. The two systems are gravitationally connected to one another, a new fact that is now beginning to gain widespread consensus from the scientific community. Our "Sirian Regional System" as a unit revolves around the Central Sun Alcyone in the Pleiades Cluster, which might be termed "the Pleiades Quadrant". This greater sector revolves around the Galactic Center, in the direction of the Stars of Sagittarius, once every 200,000,000 years or so. What is so significant about our present-day epoch is that certain great cycles relating to orbital alignments within the Pleiades Quadrant and between this Quadrant and the Galactic Center are starting to repeat themselves!
Do the Illuminati have the real Ark of the Covenant?
Sadly, Egyptologists have neglected to access Illuminati history. Were they to do so, they would discover that the Ark of the Covenant still exists, not in Ethopia (one of several fakes) but at a very covert subterranean facility in Egypt awaiting the installation of the New Jerusalem Temple.

According to Illuminati historians, the Ark of the Covenant does not contain the Ten Commandments, but rather something not from this planet. But that is a story for another time. – They Cast No Shadows by Brian Desborough – pg 78

I don’t even believe in Nibiru, but please explain this video


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Apr 25, 2010 2:15 pm

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... &start=240

Just who are the perps and how did they do it? A warning for the people of all sovereign nations!

http://abeldanger.blogspot.com/2010/01/ ... ional.html





Claim for Punitive and Treble Damages for Wrongful Deaths on 9/11/2001 resulting from movement of sex, sabotage and murder-for-hire assets by the racketeering use of interstate or foreign commerce networks, financed by Private Equity, Arbitrage, Insurance and Hedge Fund Frauds between October 1970 and September 2001.

Prove that the defendants are related to Canadian International Development Agency and CAI-Carlyle Private Equity Groups which are allegedly engaged in the extortion of leaders of the Queen’s Privy Council of Canada, the U.S. Departments of Justice and State and the UN Environment Programme and traders in Carbon Emission Credits under the Kyoto Protocol, collectively ‘GLOBAL GUARDIANS’.

Ask courts to stop private-equity use of interstate or foreign commerce to move private assets on public networks or public assets, including assets of pension funds, insurance companies and banks, on private networks and prevent defendants from absconding with assets, hiring assassins and extorting federal and state politicians.

Lieutenant Colonel Field McConnell, North Dakota ANG, retired, USNA 1971, and 99 fellow plaintiffs with the Citizens Association of Forensic Economists at Hawks CAFE, acting pro se individually and collectively, bring a class action claim for punitive and treble damages in respect to the wrongful deaths and insurance frauds associated with the attacks of 9/11/2001, including the destruction of four Boeing passenger aircraft, Buildings# 1, 2 and 7 of the World Trade Center complex (WTC), and the US Naval Command Center in Wedge 1 of the Pentagon.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:54 pm

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 14&start=0

The above thread is about proving if there is an orbital relationship between the Sun and Sirius in order to discover if there is a binary relationship. I don’t have any information on actual mathematical analysis to prove or disprove the theory; but I do have a lot of “information” based on “myths” or “heresy” that may or may not hint at such a relationship. I thought I would post them here and link them to the thread so as not to distract from the main topic.

Sirius and the Sun - resonance cycles?
Beyond 2012
The seeds of this essay were planted in 1980, when I met an Englishman named “Nab”, while working on Kibbutz Revivim in the Negev desert. Nab recommended a science-fiction trilogy he had read, called Illuminatus by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson, which was a complex satire about the Illuminati conspiracy, possibly containing the secrets of “life, the universe and everything”, according to Nab.

In 1981 I read the trilogy, and found it very hard going, as it jumped backward and forward in time and space, and parts of it seemed to be pure nonsense. However, I persevered, and halfway through the second volume, the scattered pieces started to come together, so that by the time I’d finished it, I began to understand the style, spotting encoded words and phrases which were hidden clues. Instead of re-reading it, I tried for two years to get hold of Wilson’s follow-up book, which was a semi- autobiographical explanation of the trilogy.

The book, Cosmic Trigger; The Final Secret of The Illuminati, while not actually revealing the meaning of life, posed a lot of thought-provoking questions, and along with later books by Wilson, explained that he had used the Illuminati conspiracy to “touch on every readers deepest hopes and anxieties” as a way to “force the reader to think for himself or herself”. He had even cut up some of the key passages and jumbled the words to a state of gobbledy-gook, though they obviously contained a cryptic meaning. Wilson also explained, that during and after writing the trilogy, some of the gossip and even the jokes he’d made up about the Illuminati, were found to be actually true, or came true, so that he seemed to be surrounded by a web of synchronicity, as if a “cosmic coincidence control center” was communicating with him. A lot of this coincidence surrounded information on Sirius and its associated number - 23 - some of which was already familiar to me when I read the Illuminatus! trilogy, having read astronomer Robert Temple s The Sirius Mystery.

The Sirius Mystery is a scholarly work investigating the roots of the sacred knowledge possessed by the Dogon tribe, of Mali, in North Africa. They have been in possession of certain astronomical knowledge for thousands of years; a large part of this knowledge concerns details of the Sirius system; in particular, knowledge that it is a binary system, with a white dwarf companion - information only available to Western astronomers for the last few decades, with high-powered telescopes. They also know comparative weights and orbit times, and claim that the knowledge was bequeathed to them by extra-terrestrials from Sirius who visited them thousands of years ago. Temple has traced Dogon origins to Egypt.

Before having heard of Temple or anything else about Sirius, Wilson had apparently received a telepathic message that “Sirius is important”, following an experiment in Tantric yoga.

After reading Illuminatus!, but before reading Cosmic Trigger, I stumbled across more revelations about Sirius in Kenneth Grant’s book, Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God, stating that Crowley’s magical order, the A..A.. was named after the Argenteum Astrum, or Silver Star, which is Sirius, and that it is connected with the awakening of the Kundalini — the “fire-snake” coiled at the base of the spine - dormant in most people, but capable of being aroused by special techniques, to make its way up the spinal column, giving enlightenment and super-normal powers.

After reading Cosmic Trigger, one reference stood out above all others; one about which I had a “gut feeling”. This was a five- page summary of a book by Terence and Dennis McKenna, called The Invisible Landscape.

The McKenna brothers had been promoted by certain events to study the ancient Chinese oracle, the I Ching. The I Ching is a system of sixty-four “hexagrams”, which represent every possible combination of Yang and Yin in a six-line. The I Ching is known as The Book of Changes.

The McKennas concluded that the hexagrams encode the pattern that governs change in the universe, and all the information contained in the original sequence could be converted to an equation that could then be converted to a graph that contains identical replicas of itself within itself, where each level is 64 times greater than the one below.

The longest wavelength is from the beginning of time to the end of time. The shortest is in the range of Planck’s constant - the shortest events known (subatomic). The beginning of time and the end of time are the only points when all the waves peak together, and it takes 26 of these levels to describe all levels of change in the universe. When all the time-waves were combined into one wave, and plotted against history, using a sophisticated computer programme, the computed End of History was revealed to be scheduled for the year 2012 AD!

The way that Wilson summarised the acceleration leading up to this evolutionary climax made my hair stand on end!

Here is that summary (Cosmic Trigger. Pg. 229);

a 4,300-year cycle from urbanization to the dawn of modern science;

a 384-year cycle in which science has caused more upsurge of novelty than in that 4,300-year cycle;

a 67-year cycle (from the technological breakthroughs of the 1940s, including nuclear energy and DNA, to the peak in 2012) in which there will be more acceleration than there was between Galileo and Hiroshima;

a 364-day cycle in 2011-2012 when there will be more transformations than in all the previous cycles; a 6-day cycle at the end of that in which things will move even faster; and so on, down to a grand climax in which, as they say, in the last 135 minutes. 18 such barriers will be crossed. Thirteen of them in the last 75 x 10-4 seconds.

That is, in the last two hours before Peak, we will achieve 18 extensions of consciousness and power, each one comparable to the passing from sea to land or from Earth to Space.

And in the last .0075 seconds of the Great Cycle we will pass through 13 such transformations.”

After reading the new edition of the Invisible Landscape, and re-reading the Mayan Factor, I became aware that there were, after all, some resonations between the I Ching time cycles and the Mayan time cycles.

The 2 most significant numbers in the I Ching are 6 (lines in a hexagram) and 64 (hexagrams in the I Ching). 6 x 64 = 384. 384 days - 13 lunations, or lunar months = 1 “lunar year”. 384 x 64 = 67.33 solar years = 6 minor sunspot cycles. 67.35 solar years x 64 = 4,306 years = 2 zodiacal ages. 4.306 x 6 = 25,836 years = 1 precession of the equinoxes; (as the precise figure is 383.89 days, that would result in a precession of 23,829 years). Arguelles states that the Tzolkin or sacred Mayan calendar is a means of tracking information through knowledge of the sunspot cycle, which he gives as 11.3 years x 2 -- 23 years (that Sirius number).

20 is the main number linking the Mayan time cycles. The next most significant number is 13. A day is called a “kin’. 20 kins = 1 vinal: 18 vinals = 1 tuns 20 tuns = 1 katun: 13 katuns = 1 ahau cycle: 20 katuns = 1 baktun: 13 baktuns - 1 Great Cycle = 20 Ahau cycles = 5.123 years. The Tzolkin is a 260-day sacred calendar, which equals 13 x 20. 5 Great Cycles = 1 “evolutionary cycle” = 26.000 tuns = 1.872.000 days = 25.627 years, which is almost a precession of the equinoxes. (There is disagreement among academics concerning the duration of the precession. and I have found it variously quoted as 25,776: 25,780: 25,600: 25,826: 25,981 25,920 and 26,000 years).

The Great Cycle, of 5,125 years represents the width of a “resonant frequency synchronization beam”, through which the solar system is passing, the outcome of which will be a harmonic integration of the planets with the sun, and the solar system with the galactic core. The information of this beam is “being transmitted through the sun, or more precisely, through the cycles of the binary sunspot movements”, and is tracked by the Tzolkin.

So, both systems involved the sunspot cycle: both involve the cycle of precession: the Mayans had eclipse calendars for which they had accurate knowledge of the length of the lunar month, and must have known about the 13-month lunar year, which relates to the sunspot cycle. Most important of all, McKenna has made a good case that the I Ching is based on a pre-Chhin lunar calendar of 384 days, which means both systems are calendar-based.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:58 pm

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 14&start=0

Is there a resonant relationship between the Sun and Sirius B?

Ancient Egyptian Astrology
To Egypt, the 23rd of July, when Sirius starts to rise the waters of the Nile begin to flood. Then it meant fertility, that is one reason, for she was Isis. Sirius, Isis, the great mother of the gods. Even the Swiss celebration day, is the 1st of August. This is a Sirius relative.

Our solar system is born in from the womb of Isis. Sirius B, which is Isis, is made of iron (radio astronomy has shown). The iron of Sirius b, is the same as the iron in our blood and the iron of Earth and of our solar system. Sirius is our blood. We resonate to her. She is older than our solar system, which is a combination of interstellar debris, including the gas clouds, our sperm of Osiris/Orion. The iron in our blood comes from Sirius, its position in the sky, could thus be considered to resonate to Sirius's position of influence. Iron is the only true magnetic element.

Sirius has a unique relationship to us. The difference between the mass of our sun and the mass of Sirius is a harmonic and universal miracle. Sirius B has a ratio mass difference to our sun of 1.053. This becomes significant when we look at the Giza plateau. When comparing the mean base side of the Cheops Great Pyramid to the Mean base side of the Khephren pyramid, the larger Cheops measurement is 1.067 that of the Khephren's.

When this is then compared to the equation of Sirius B and our sun, the Great Pyramid being Sirius, and the Khephren pyramid our sun, they share a difference 0,01, which is very precise, scientifically. However, there is an extra digit 0.014.

This turns out to be an essential key in harmonic theory, the phenomenon of resonance itself. For 0.014 is actually the Pythagorean comma. But what is the Pythagorean comma?

It is the difference between the mathematics of the octave and the 5th. 0.0136 is that precise discrepancy between the mathematics of the fifth and the octave, and it is rounded off as 0.014. As Sir Arthur Eddington relates: there is 136° of freedom in the electron theory which is 0,.036. And furthermore 136 + 1 equals the Fine structure Constant of physics, the universal natural constant: fractal harmonics, in the resonance of the Sun Sirius Pyramids equation, or interstellar neuron holography.

The astronomer and mathematician Macrobius, at the end of the fourth century mentioned the sacred fraction 256/243 which is 0.053 (Sirius B mass to Sun), and describes its use in harmonic theory by peoples which already to him were "ancients".

This harmony of the Sphere is accurate within 3 decimals of each other; and it is also the difference between perfect mathematics and the actual mathematics of the universe, 0,014. What that means is that Sirius is no coincidence. It is really resonating with our sun. It is connected to our sun like a neuron, because they have this major mathematical relation in size to each other, harmonic resonance, that is likened to holography, a kind of Virtual Neuron Internal Net, as we may call it, or as Astronomer Royal, Robert Temple, has dubbed it: "The Anubis Cell".

Since such a long distance resonance is now demonstrated to occur between Sirius B and our sun 8.7 light years from each other, these are two solar systems whom are inhabiting the same cell of space, which enacts the "Complexity theorem" which has "instantaneous communication" occurs in such cells as a form of ordered self regulation. Instant communication harbored in this macro region of space, which acts as if the elements are not separated by any temporal distance. It is a macro region cell that turns disorder into order, called a "dissipative structure". Such an onset of "complexity", according to Nobel prize winner Professor Ilya Prigogine, can result in the instantaneous extension of long-range order by a magnitude of more than 10 million. That is like a fifth of the people of France speak the same sentence at the same time.

So Sirius is Sirius business in terms of resonance. No wonder the Egyptians placed so much significance on it. It is the iron in the blood; it is the Earth's iron; it is in the same holographic virtual neuron of order. What happens there instantly is mirrored in equivalence, here, by harmonic resonance that utilizes "complexity theory", yielding "instantaneous communication", without subscribing to a speed of light limit. Do you imagine that the alignment of our solar system at 90° to the galactic plane is not noticed in the resonance of Time and Space of Sirius. This is a cross to a cross.

Furthermore, Sirius C, has now been detected, as related by astronomers Daniel Benese and J.L. Duvent in Astronomy and Astrophysics magazine in 1995. When Sirius C was mapped by the pyramid capstone with its mass of 0.005 of our sun, then capstone was 0.00643 of the Great pyramid. Hence it is within 0.001° of accuracy.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:01 pm

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 14&start=0

Does the Sun have a “binary twin “

Hypothetical Planets
Suppose our Sun was not alone but had a companion star. Suppose that this companion star moved in an elliptical orbit, its solar distance varying between 90,000 AU (1.4 light years) and 20,000 AU, with a period of 30 million years). Also suppose this star is dark or at least very faint, and because of that we haven't noticed it yet.

This hypothetical "death companion" of the Sun was suggested in 1985 by Daniel P. Whitmire and John J. Matese of the University of Southern Louisiana. It has even received a name, Nemesis. One awkward fact of the Nemesis hypothesis is that there is no evidence whatever of a companion star of the Sun. It need not be very bright or very massive. A star much smaller and dimmer than the Sun would suffice, even if it was a brown or a black dwarf (a planet-like body insufficiently massive to start "burning hydrogen" like a star)
The Earth’s Bleak Future
A theory has been proposed that accurately predicts the orbits of our solar planets as well as the orbits of planets (and tiny stars) in nearby star systems. This theory postulates that our solar system was formed with the aid of a solar companion star named Vulcan by the ancients. Vulcan is estimated to orbit the Sun with a period slightly less than 5000 years. Vulcan draws comets from the Kupier belt and they occasionally pass through the Earth's orbit with disastrous consequences (e.g. causing Noah's flood). A dark body (that could be Vulcan) has been detected by the IRAS satellite. The IRAS measurements and data from other sources have been utilized to determine the orbit and mass of Vulcan.

Even the name given to our Sun's dark star companion (Vulcan) is specifically mentioned in the Bible Code, whose source is believed to be of alien origin. See the following list. Note that threatening impactors (incoming asteroids e.g. dead comets) are also mentioned.

A phenomena similar to human remote viewing is believed to be how the Bible Code and Vedic data were generated. Remote viewing has produced other interesting results:

"Planet X, the tenth planet in our solar system, will be verified in the year 2015. It will have an elliptical orbit with a mean distance from the Sun of 51.50 AU, and a density approximately equal to that of Mercury.

The existence of Vulcan implies that comet collisions with planets in the inner solar system are more frequent than commonly believed.
In the introduction to his book The Holy Science, Sri Yukteswar describes an interesting variant of the Hindu theory of ages. According to him the sun, with its planets and their moons, takes some star for its dual and revolves around it in about 24,000 years of our earth-a celestial phenomenon which causes the backward movement of the equinoctial points around the zodiac. The sun also has another motion by which it revolves round a grand center called Vishnunabhi, which is the seat of the creative power, Brahma, the universal magnetism. Brahma regulates dharma, the mental virtue of the internal world.

Yukteswar goes on to explain that the sun's 24,000 year revolution around its companion star takes the sun progressively closer, and then progressively further away from the mystic center Vishnunabhi. In his system, dharma increases as we approach Vishnunabhi and decreases as we draw away from it.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:09 pm

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 14&start=0

Is Sirius the Sun’s “binary twin”? Does Sirius C exist? It’s supposed to be a red dwarf star. Is it the Sun’s “twin”? What is Nibiru. Some claim Nibiru is the Sun’s “twin” or that Nibiru is really Sirius C. Was the Sun once part of the Sirius star system?

The Sirian Revelations
"Sirius is a triunal stellar system, which consists of three Solar Deities: Sothis, Satais and Anu (identified by your astronomers, respectively, as: Sirius A, Sirius B, and Sirius C.)

At a point in the space-time continuum, a great cosmic exchange occurred in our stellar system.(1) At the time of this cataclysmic change in our complex stellar body, the Deity, Satais (Sirius B), collapsed, passing through her own astral chords and onto higher dimensional planes. What was left behind in the world of matter was, in stellar terms, a minuscule dwarf star of super dense matter, which was eventually pulled into an elliptical orbit around the dominant sister star, Sothis (Sirius A) - as was the distant cousin, Anu (Sirius C).
Sirius C (Anu) the third of the Sirian stellar family alsoascended from the third dimension at the time of the Sirian shift. Although the scientific community has not confirmed the existence of Sirius C, the Dogon knew of it by the name, Enome Ya, and they described it too as revolving around Sirius A.

Of the planets that orbited Anu, one did not achieve ascension when the star which remains in the fourth dimension did not: that planet is Nebiru, the home of the Annunaki. Nebiru was flung out of Sirius, was captured by our sun, and ricocheted back to Sirius and it is to this day caught between the two star systems, on an elliptical journey that takes approximately 3,600 years to complete.
Champollion (1790-1832) unravelled the secrets of Egyptian writing but so far nobody has demystified Egyptian beliefs. Astrophysics is the key. 11,650 year ago, a supernova exploded close to Earth in the direction of Orion's Belt. It became the god Osiris who donated metals and resembled a scarab beetle (expanding nova). Twenty-eight years later the binary star Sirius B (the god Horus) exploded, sending a plasma tongue looking like a fiery dragon or winged serpent (Seth) speeding towards Earth.
Dogon and Sirius
The Dogon also describe a third star in the Sirius system, called Emme Ya ("Sorghum Female"). They claim that the knowledge was given to them by a race people from the Sirius system called the Nommos who visited Earth thousands of years ago. They are said to have come from a planet orbiting Sirius C.
Dogon Cosmology, Sirius, and Hydrogen Astrophysics
http://tribes.tribe.net/kmt/thread/1b86 ... 30509bb63d
The Dogon say the Emma Ya Tolo is invisible and undetectable.
The Dogon, the Nommos and Sirius B
The question maybe settled as larger and more powerful telescopes take a look at the Sirius system. According to the legend there is a third star: Sirius C and it is around Sirius C that the home planet of the Nommo’s orbits.
Beyond 2012
An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". This will be the Day of Purification. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina! Gordon Michael Scallion provides the explanation:

"The solar system shall become a binary sun system, when the Blue Star returns...during the day it will appear as a silvery light, one hundred times brighter than the Morning Star...During the evening it will appear as a moon...the Blue Star is a companion to Sirius B.

It is interesting that Murry Hope sees Sirius as "the third, and probably most influential player in a celestial drama", which caused the orbit and axis changes to the earth and Moon, and that it is due, in the near future, to cause a speeding-up of time, and an evolutionary quantum leap for life on earth.
http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthre ... 074&page=3
Q: Could this then be Sirius C? You mention some kind of dwarf star. This could be the only 'link' I could think of between the sun and Sirius A/B. It would seem to have some strange kind of orbit indeed.... with planetoids. Nibiru?

A: Our sun has a dark twin; that dark twin has a long elliptical orbit and actually travels very far out into space towards Sirius A and B. It takes 3,600 years to complete its orbit. Sirius C was already known by the ancient Dogan tribe in Africa because this star (our Sirius C is the star I feel is actually Nibru. The Annunaki on this world are Sirians).

Sirius B is not a dark companion star, it is small star; it is not a dark companion at all. It's a white dwarf now. Sirius C is a red star, darker than our own and smaller. It’s Nibru.
The King James Bible
It is said by the Dogon that the system of Sirius has a third companion and that this Sirius C has the same orbital period as Sirius B but a greater orbit. If this is true, then the unusual nature of Sirius B should be taken into account.

If Sirius B is the jovian planet of that system, then Sirius C is the saturnian planet of that system with an orbital distance about twice Sirius B. An orbital calculation of the mass for the system of Sirius with Sirius C at twice the distance but the same period as Sirius B gives a calculated orbital mass of about 5.5 solar masses for Sirius A.
Do you know something else about the Orion Constellation?
The three stars in Orion's Belt do not merely represent an alignment with the three pyramids on the Giza Plateau. All of these represent the Sirian Trichotomy (Osiris, Isis and Horus), being the three stars: Sirius A, B and C (technically or Sun, Sol), which, contrary to conventional science, were formerly unified into the Osirian Trinary Stellar System, our former system composed of these three stars and eleven planets. The Constellation of Orion acts as a 12,000-year time clock to gauge the periodic arrival of the Sirius Binary in a great transversion, the Sirian-Solar Reconvergence, an extinction level event precipitated when the two halves penetrate through each other. This is why Plato said that the Great Pyramid was constructed to determine the arrival of Sirius, the Great Dog Star, the missing half of our Solar System. The two parts split in half due to the celestial dynamics produced by the Nebula Discontinuity Event of our original paternal star, Sirius B (Osiris/Orion), which was at the end of its Red Giant Star phase, a cool burning helium star. This event also created the Local Compression Bubble.

Hence, the Great Pyramid is Sirius B (Osiris/Orion); the mid-pyramid is Sirius A (Isis); and the smaller of the pyramids is Sirius C (Horus, our Sun). This Sirian Trichotomy is actually the “Sacred Triad” in pagan religion throughout the world, being the Great Father Begetter God (Sirius B); the Great Mother Goddess of the Gods (Sirius A); and the Great Child/Hero God (Sirius C, our Sun).

When Orion reaches the zenith of its ascent, then the Sirian-Solar Reconvergence will commence, generating a new cosmo-cataclysmic event wiping our global technoculture off the face of the Earth. Remnant post-catastrophic survivors will be catapulted into a Neobarbaric Age to begin the slow and incremental process of re-civilization all over again, until the next 12,000-year Sirian-Solar Reconvergence.
Earth’s Sirius Connection
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/unive ... irio04.htm
Our Brightest Star Sirius is also one of our closest at only 8.7 Light-Years. It is a large White Star that is officially designated as Sirius A. It is accompanied by a telescopically-only visible White Dwarf Star or "Neutron Star", referred to as Sirius B, as well as by a theoretical but as yet unseen smaller Sirius C.

Recent evidence from astronomical observations seems to indicate that Earth's Sun's System and the Sirius System are traveling around the Galaxy as a unit, as a "sector". We slowly revolve around one another as we both revolve around the Galactic Center. There is a measurable "gravitational attraction" between the two.

Approximately 500,000 years ago, Sirius B existed as a Red Giant Star. It was "redder than Mars", according to later Greek Arcadian legends. It exploded and then collapsed in on itself to become ultimately the White Dwarf that it is today.

In the course of this monumental Cosmic Event, one of the Planets in the Sirius System, the Planet Nibiru, got blasted free from its Sirius Orbit into our nearby direction, where eventually it was gravitationally captured by our Sun as the so-called "Twelfth Planet"; and I should hasten to add that Zecharia Sitchin does NOT claim that this was the origin of the Planet Nibiru -- he simply states that this "Rogue" Planet drifted into our System, for unknown reasons.

The Planet Nibiru finally stabilized into an extremely elongated comet-like Orbit that stretches from near the Earth to the boundary of the Oort Cloud, the farthest limits of the Sun's gravity, about a Light-Year in distance. Its orbit lasts for 3,600 Earth Years; and for part of that time, probably one-fourth or one "season", it attaches itself by a tether to our North Pole. It becomes the periodic earthly abode of "The Gods" -- beyond the North, beyond the distant mountains where the North Wind rises.

As for the "wild dog" being "leashed" in a heavenly position near The Great Bear (Big Dipper), that is undoubtedly a reference to the "fearsome" Planet Nibiru being tethered or "leashed" electromagnetically to the North Pole at a ground-level visible height equal to that of The Great Bear. And it could be that the three objects that are linked mythologically to the Sirius System are not A, B and C -- but A, B, and Nibiru! Thus, images that point to The Cosmic Tree, like the Leashed Dog in the North Sky, are found interwoven into the mythology of Sirius.
He cannot be Sirius?
http://kendalastronomer.wordpress.com/2 ... be-sirius/
I had contacted a few of your colleagues back in December, and during the last few weeks, about the Sirius/Alcyone connection. I made an effort to stimulate investigation into the possibility/probability that our sun has a close relationship with Sirius and Sirius with Alcyone. The former I would think should be easily confirmed with the data, technology and brain power which is available today. The Alcyone relationship would be more difficult. Verifying Sirius will give weight to Alcyone.

“The second law is the Law of Attraction and Repulsion. Fundamentally the law describes the compelling force of attraction that holds our solar system to the Sirian; that holds our planets revolving around our central unit, the sun; that holds the lesser systems of atomic and molecular matter circulating around a center in the planet.”
Nebra Sky Disk--- Depicts Nibiru?
Long, long ago, approximately 500,000 years back into the past, our Planet Earth/Tiamat was a quite different place than it is today. To clarify a point, this planet's original name is Tiamat.

A half a million years ago, Tiamat was not located in Space where it is today. It orbited farther out from the Sun, in between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Mars was orbiting at a distance much closer to the Sun than now and was quite habitable, with a temperate climate and liquid water. This fact has been verified numerous times by NASA and other scientific groups. What those groups do not acknowledge is the fact that Mars had a different orbital pattern than today. Establishment groups do not accept a cataclysmic evolution of this solar system, at least not publicly.

Then, too, Tiamat's system was closer to the Star Sirius (or Sothis, as the ancient Egyptians called it). This solar system and the Sirian planetary system are part of a unit. The two systems are gravitationally connected to one another, a new fact that is now beginning to gain widespread consensus from the scientific community. Our "Sirian Regional System" as a unit revolves around the Central Sun Alcyone in the Pleiades Cluster, which might be termed "the Pleiades Quadrant". This greater sector revolves around the Galactic Center, in the direction of the Stars of Sagittarius, once every 200,000,000 years or so. What is so significant about our present-day epoch is that certain great cycles relating to orbital alignments within the Pleiades Quadrant and between this Quadrant and the Galactic Center are starting to repeat themselves!


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:57 pm

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 14&start=0

There is some kind of relationship between Saturn and Sirius. There are numerous references to Sirius, Set or Seth, Satan, Saturn and the Black Sun. Why is this?

The “black sun” could be a reference to a sun who was once a “brown dwarf”. There are references to Saturn being “banished” or imprisoned in “the “abyss”. Does this mean Saturn moved from its original location to “deep space”? Saturn is also presented as the “dead” or “dreaming king” waiting to return or be “reborn.”

It always seemed to me that the “Saturn Theory” made good sense. It’s assumed that Jupiter was the interloper who was responsible for the destruction of the Saturn system; but there seems no information about the real origin of either Saturn or Jupiter.

Was Saturn, along with the Earth, Mars and Maldek (if it existed) once part of the Sirian star system? Could our current Sun have come from the Sirian system as well?

Could it have been the explosion of Sirius B that disrupted the Saturn system?

The name 'Sothis' seems to naturally fit the intents and the magical inclinations of the Lodge: Sothis/Sirius B is the dark star of Set, the ancient stellar body mysteriously 'discovered' more than 5000 years ago by the Dogons of Mali, and from which the darkest currents of magic emanate. Sothis is connected to Emme Ya (Sirius C), a bizarre star that constitutes the closest astronomical match to the concept of Black Sun, and from which Atlantean Lore says that many of the entities and intelligences today known in Pantheons sprang from. So, Sothis stands as the stellar, pulsating centre of the Draconian Current and of the energies that move the opposite side of creation - Sothis as 'Astrum Nigrum' (Black Star), soul of Black Isis and cosmic vehicle of Set.
Star Magick
In Hecate's Fountain, Kenneth Grant speaks of the planet Emme Ya in the Sirius star-system as the origin of the Loa—Voudoo goddesses and gods, the Orisha in Yoruba tradition. The Dogon know Emme Ya—Star of Women—as the planet of the primal goddess, the Orisha Yemoja. Mother of all African goddesses and gods, Her name—Mother of Fish—recalls ancient tales of the amphibious Nommos, powerful beings of god-like stature who brought civilization to earth from the star system of Sirius, and whom the Babylonians knew as the Musari.
Lucifer of the Black Sun
http://hiddenlight777.wordpress.com/200 ... black-sun/
Lucifer is the goddess of the Black Sun which is truly the great dragon Typhon the mother of all creation and of humanity. Typhon’s self begotten son was Sut the ancient Egyptian god which was Sothis or Sirius. Which in later reckonings Sut was then named after the planet Saturn which was called in earlier times in history concerning Christianity Satan, or Lucifer. Lucifer is not just female or male Lucifer is androgynous, meaning that this very ancient creator is both female and male.

Typhon and Sut are known to be joined as one in an androgynous existence, so the Egyptian myths of these two gods as separate beings are basically not correct. Adam and Eve of the Garden of Eden is just another myth not of the microcosm of godhood as seen by Typhon and Sut being self begotten but as the microcosm in the creation theory of humanity

The Black Sun is indeed hidden and not recognized by the masses as the true sun god but the people are led to believe in the sun that is represented as yellow the visible color we see in the sky. Yet the mystery deepens since this is the microcosm of our existence, the true black sun or the true Lucifer is hidden deep in more symbolism in the macrocosm.

There are three forms of Suns known in esoteric literature; the third is largely hidden in many books in the past and present. There is a term called the Sun behind the Sun, which may be termed as the Sun behind our local Sun called Sirius. There are three Sirius planets A, B, and C which also cosmically allude to the existence of three Suns. The third Sun is called the galactic Sun which is a black hole in the depths of our solar system.
The Black Sun
http://vinlandfolkresistance.blogspot.c ... mcvan.html
The Black Sun is the star Sirius which was long thought to be the brightest and most powerful of stars. Sirius is actually two stars, the gigantic Sirius A, and the much smaller Sirius B. As the moon reflects the sun so does the sun reflect Sirius. Since far distant times Sirius was believed to be the very cradle of all life throughout the extended universe.
Babylonian astrologers considered Saturn the same as their Black Sun (the solar god entombed) and addressed him as "Lord Saturn the cold, the dry, the dark, the harmful ... crafty sire that knows all wiles, who is deceitful, sage, understanding, who causes prosperity or ruin."

Because of its dark color, and because Phoebe's orbit is irregular (elliptical, outside the plane of Saturn's equator and retrograde), scientists think the moon is probably a captured object, possibly a comet, asteroid or Kuiper Belt Object (KBO).
The Astrological Black Sun
The association between Saturn and the Black Sun as an alchemical and occult symbol is traditional. In alchemy, the Black Sun represents the nigredo stage of the alchemical operation, the stage of calcination or blackening of the first matter by burning. The color black has been associated with Saturn since ancient times, and is not merely a feature found in contemporary Western Occultism. Finally, another of the epithets of Saturn in ancient astrology is "Great Lord Dark Sun" and "Son of the Sun." In these symbols, the Black Sun is conflated with Saturn himself.
Primordial Light
At one point in the narrative Dr Velikovsky hints that Jupiter must have previously wreaked havoc in our Solar System and that much of the confusion between Jupiter and Venus in the myths could be attributed to just this cause. It is his opinion that Venus was born from Jupiter; thus Jupiter would have been in collision with another of the major planets to cause the disturbances in the Solar System.

"The large number of asteroids between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter suggests that at some unknown time another planet revolved there; now only these meteorites follow approximately the path along which the destroyed planet circled the sun. Possibly a comet ran into it and shattered it."

Sieff sees Jupiter as an invader of our System (then a double star system); moreover, he sees Jupiter as having caused the disintegration of Saturn, the one-time companion to the sun.

Further examples of Saturn as a primary for satellites may be found in Robert Temple's equation of Osiris (as the Saturn-god) with the Sirius system - a well-known binary star system.
The Star of the Sun
Saturn is not a conspicuous planet in the sky. Were it not for its sluggish movement, an unaided eye would hardly distinguish it from the surrounding stars. In many ancient sources Saturn is called “sun.” The usual name for Saturn in Chaldean astronomy was Alap-Shamas, meaning “Star of the Sun.” Diodorus of Sicily reported that the Chaldeans called Cronos (Saturn) by the name Helios, or the sun, and he explained that this was because Saturn was the most conspicuous of the planets; Hyginus also wrote that Saturn was called “Sol.” In the Babylonian astrological texts the word Shamash (Sun) was used to designate Saturn: “We learn from the notes written by the astrologers that by the word ‘sun’ we must understand the ‘star of the sun,’ i.e., Saturn.” Ninib was the Babylonian name for Saturn: “Ninib in various places is said to shine like the sun.” He was known as UT-GAL-LU, the “great sun of storms.” The Greeks used to call Saturn Phaenon, “the shining one.”

All that we have considered up to now indicates that Saturn once exploded in a nova-like burst of light. The date of this event I would be hard-put to specify, even approximately, but possibly it took place about ten thousand years ago. The solar system and reaches beyond it were illuminated by the exploded star, and in a matter of a week the Earth was enveloped in waters of Saturnian origin.
THOTH - A Catastrophics Newsletter
The proto-Saturn system could have its origin outside our Solar System. It approaches the ecliptic, and as it encounters the Sun's electrical environment, the proto-Saturn system destabilizes, and it breaks apart.

I'm sure many people have found the Saturn Model compelling (the mythological evidence is overwhelming), but aspects of it difficult to reconcile. The collinear nature of the Earth-Mars-Venus-Saturn system being a case in point; the system appears to be inherently unstable, so how could it possibly have existed in our Solar System. The answers from the conference were that the polar configuration is indeed unstable. It could not have existed for long in the Solar System. Indeed, on entering the Solar System, the previous Saturnian System would have met the Sun's electrical effects (on reaching the heliopause), and this would have been the cause of the formation and dissolution of the polar configuration, as well as the electrical effects seen during its breakup (as comets are similarly affected on approaching the Sun).

How would the Earth have survived outside the Solar System? Saturn would have been a brown dwarf, one of the most common objects in the Universe. There was even suggestion that collinear systems are formed by plasma currents (Birkeland currents) as exemplified by Herbig-Haro objects, some of which "consist of highly linear chains or jets", and the accretion of material in a plasma Z-pinch, where "Most models of young stars and their immediate environments incorporate magnetic fields. Magnetic fields in the collapsing, rotating cloud core are advected with the accretion flow and form an hour glass shaped B field that is pinched inward by the forming disk."
The Late Great Planet Tiamet
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/herco ... bus_26.htm
This solution derives from the continuing research of neo-catastrophists, that is, followers of the late Immanuel Velikovsky, and is known a the ’Saturn Myth’ theory...

The basic requirement for an attenuated perception of gravity involves the Earth being in a very close orbit around a smaller and much cooler stellar body (or binary body) than our present Sun.

One pole would always be pointed directly at this nearby small star or binary system. The intense gravitational attraction would pull the Earth into an egg shape rather than its present spherical shape, so that the planet’s center of gravity would be off center towards the small star. This would generate the torque necessary to counteract the natural gyroscopic force and keep the Earth’s pole pointed in the same direction as it revolved around the star.

"The state of the present solar system indicates that this previous system was eventually captured by a larger star, our present Sun. But the pieces of this old system have not vanished. The influential small star or binary system of the past remains, though its reign of power has ended."

Indeed, if the Earth was once in fifth position, its closest neighbors would have been Jupiter and Saturn.

"The relation of Jupiter to the Sun appears to follow a definite and significant ratio. The system of Jupiter, in number of satellites, their size, distance, speeds of revolution and so on, seems to present to us an exact model of the Solar System." As Collin explains, "Jupiter, like the Sun, is a complete living entity or cosmos."
King James Bible
The star Sirius is 8.7 light years from the Sun. Earth's position in the model is second, but Earth's density is greater than Mercury's. What could have caused Earth's density to increase? The mass necessary to increase Earth's density of the models second position to be greater than Mercury's density in the first position would be greater than the mass of Mercury itself.

For those that have the tools that are needed to make mathematical models of the interactions suggested in this paper, it would be prudent to note that the present orbital calculated mass for the system of Sirius of 3.34 solar masses is contrary to uniform principles that common stars would have nearly the same densities. Sirius B is taken to be 0.99 solar masses and is considered a most uncommon star. If Sirius A had the same density as the Sun, then Sirius A at 1.76 diameters of the Sun would be about 5.5 solar masses or twice its orbital calculated mass and density. It is said by the Dogon that the system of Sirius has another companion and that this Sirius C has the same orbital period as Sirius B but a greater orbit [3]. If this is true, then the unusual nature of Sirius B should be taken into account. If Sirius B is the jovian planet of that system, then Sirius C is the saturnian planet of that system with an orbital distance about twice Sirius B. An orbital calculation of the mass for the system of Sirius with Sirius C at twice the distance but the same period as Sirius B gives a calculated orbital mass of about 5.5 solar masses for Sirius A.
Champollion (1790-1832) unravelled the secrets of Egyptian writing but so far nobody has demystified Egyptian beliefs. Astrophysics is the key. 11,650 year ago, a supernova exploded close to Earth in the direction of Orion's Belt. It became the god Osiris who donated metals and resembled a scarab beetle (expanding nova). Twenty-eight years later the binary star Sirius B (the god Horus) exploded, sending a plasma tongue looking like a fiery dragon or winged serpent (Seth) speeding towards Earth.
Do you know something else about the Orion Constellation?
The three stars in Orion's Belt do not merely represent an alignment with the three pyramids on the Giza Plateau. All of these represent the Sirian Trichotomy (Osiris, Isis and Horus), being the three stars: Sirius A, B and C (technically or Sun, Sol), which, contrary to conventional science, were formerly unified into the Osirian Trinary Stellar System, our former system composed of these three stars and eleven planets. The Constellation of Orion acts as a 12,000-year time clock to gauge the periodic arrival of the Sirius Binary in a great transversion, the Sirian-Solar Reconvergence, an extinction level event precipitated when the two halves penetrate through each other. This is why Plato said that the Great Pyramid was constructed to determine the arrival of Sirius, the Great Dog Star, the missing half of our Solar System. The two parts split in half due to the celestial dynamics produced by the Nebula Discontinuity Event of our original paternal star, Sirius B (Osiris/Orion), which was at the end of its Red Giant Star phase, a cool burning helium star. This event also created the Local Compression Bubble.

Hence, the Great Pyramid is Sirius B (Osiris/Orion); the mid-pyramid is Sirius A (Isis); and the smaller of the pyramids is Sirius C (Horus, our Sun). This Sirian Trichotomy is actually the “Sacred Triad” in pagan religion throughout the world, being the Great Father Begetter God (Sirius B); the Great Mother Goddess of the Gods (Sirius A); and the Great Child/Hero God (Sirius C, our Sun).
Beyond 2012
The Dogon say that the "spaceship" of the visitors - the Nommo - looked "like a new star", and that they will return one day, when "a certain star will reappear", and there will be a "resurrection of the Nommo". The star will be invisible before it "emerges", and is drawn with the rays inside the circle. It will only be "formed when the Nommo's ark descends for it is also the resurrected Nommo's "eye" symbolically." Temple thinks this is Phoebe - Saturn's tenth moon.
The Star of the Tenth Moon
They came to earth in an ark which was actually described by the Dogon as "appearing in the sky as a new star (the Blue Star Kachina?), and leaving with the Nommos at their departure from Earth". They call it "star of the tenth moon". When it appears, the description is more like a materialisation than the approach of an object. "

The Dogon say that the Nommo will come again. "A certain "star" in the sky will appear once more" - the star of the tenth moon.

The Real Tomb of God: The Grail, The Ark, the Emerald Tablet, and the Forgotten Father of Mankind
Indeed this "Sleeping God" or "Lost King" who will one day awaken/return is an extremely prevalent archetype. It has been applied to the Greek Kronos/Saturn, Satan/Lucifer of the Biblical legends, as well as Jesus Christ of the same, an entire host of Sumerian gods (which became, in Lovecraftian lore, the "Dead but Dreaming God Cthulhu"), and the "Fisher King" of the Grail Story, to name but a few.

Now the alchemical process, both the physical and the figurative, involves a stage called Dissolution, when the elements (or the base emotions and Ego of the aspirant) are dissolved, to be replaced later by purity of spirit, or Gold. This stage is symbolized by a Black Sun! And this black sun stage is equated with none other than Saturn, or Kronos, the Sleeping God buried in a subterranean tomb who is called "The Hidden One."

Thus alluding perhaps to his seclusion inside of the Earth, and that many researchers have equated him with the prototype for Satan, given that he was horned, rebellious, and cast down into the Abyss (the Chronian Sea) to become Lord of the Underworld. Also note that, like Satan, he was also called "The Lord of the Earth," and that Saturn and Satan may be etymologically linked, as many have argued. Furthermore, Saturn is also called the "Lord of the Mountain," and so is Satan.

Thus, the sleeping, half-dead gods who inhabit the subterranean tombs of Saturn, Satan, Hermes, Hercules, and even Christian Rosenkreutz (as an embodiment of Osiris, the solar God-King) could all mythically represent the same fallen kingdom, which, having lost the Grail and its mandate to rule, has occulted itself, gone underground, become invisible, or fallen asleep, until such time as the proper individual shall come along to liberate him/it.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:03 pm

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 14&start=0

Is there a relationship between Sirius and Nibiru. Could Nibiru be a satellite or a “sun” of the Sirian system? ’’

Nibiru and Sirius

Planet X - Is a Runaway Wrecking Ball Part of Our Solar System?
Sitchin has also written in Divine Encounters, the planet where God the creator resides is referred to in the Bible as Olamin, the plural of Olam. The meaning of "olam" in the ancient world was a measure of a really long time, specifically related to the span of time between the periodic disappearance and reappearance of the planet Marduk/Nibiru on its vast 3,600 year elliptical orbit.
The Duat
I am proposing that Nibiru can be understood as a mixture of the battling deities, Horus and Seth. They represent a duality of good and evil, and the myths surrounding them attempt to explain the bizarre nature of the Dark Star; sometimes fiery, mostly invisible. In this way, Nibiru was also understood as both a force for good - the heavenly domain of the gods - but also represented great potential evil, whose arrival in the heavens could signal coming apocalyptic destruction.
Prepare for Earth Changes
A major Earth Change event will take place. That event will be a geophysical (axial) pole shift of our planet caused by the incoming passage of a celestial body known to the ancients as 'Nibiru', an x-class kuiper belt object, (XKBO) on a highly elliptical orbit (approx 3600 years). It will be accompanied by an entourage of satellites, asteroids and a Brown Dwarf star I will refer to as 'Wormwood'.
Nebra Sky Disk--- Depicts Nibiru?
A half a million years ago, Tiamat was not located in Space where it is today. It orbited farther out from the Sun, in between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Mars was orbiting at a distance much closer to the Sun than now and was quite habitable, with a temperate climate and liquid water. This fact has been verified numerous times by NASA and other scientific groups. What those groups do not acknowledge is the fact that Mars had a different orbital pattern than today. Establishment groups do not accept a cataclysmic evolution of this solar system, at least not publicly.

Then, too, Tiamat's system was closer to the Star Sirius (or Sothis, as the ancient Egyptians called it). This solar system and the Sirian planetary system are part of a unit. The two systems are gravitationally connected to one another, a new fact that is now beginning to gain widespread consensus from the scientific community. Our "Sirian Regional System" as a unit revolves around the Central Sun Alcyone in the Pleiades Cluster, which might be termed "the Pleiades Quadrant". This greater sector revolves around the Galactic Center, in the direction of the Stars of Sagittarius, once every 200,000,000 years or so. What is so significant about our present-day epoch is that certain great cycles relating to orbital alignments within the Pleiades Quadrant and between this Quadrant and the Galactic Center are starting to repeat themselves!
Earth’s Sirius Connection
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/unive ... irio04.htm
Approximately 500,000 years ago, Sirius B existed as a Red Giant Star. It was "redder than Mars", according to later Greek Arcadian legends. It exploded and then collapsed in on itself to become ultimately the White Dwarf that it is today.

In the course of this monumental Cosmic Event, one of the Planets in the Sirius System, the Planet Nibiru, got blasted free from its Sirius Orbit into our nearby direction, where eventually it was gravitationally captured by our Sun as the so-called "Twelfth Planet."

The Planet Nibiru finally stabilized into an extremely elongated comet-like Orbit that stretches from near the Earth to the boundary of the Oort Cloud, the farthest limits of the Sun's gravity, about a Light-Year in distance. Its orbit lasts for 3,600 Earth Years; and for part of that time, probably one-fourth or one "season", it attaches itself by a tether to our North Pole. It becomes the periodic earthly abode of "The Gods" -- beyond the North, beyond the distant mountains where the North Wind rises.

35 - Birth and Death of Venus
Immanuel Velikovsky has said in his book “Worlds in Collision,” that the Birth of Venus occurred when Venus was “born” from Jupiter. A cosmic collision caused a part of Jupiter to burst out, becoming a comet, and leaving the famous red spot where it burst out. Several Mayan and Aztec myths were also cited as evidence, including the fact that Quetzalcoatl, which means feathered serpent, is the well-known name for the planet Venus.

However, Velikovsky dated the event around 1500 BC with the Exodus. Graham Phillips has also convincingly explained the events of the Exodus as side-effects of the eruption of the volcano Thera but Nigel Appleby has unified the theories with that of Nibiru, the tenth planet.

The existence of Nibiru was postulated by Zecharia Sitchin in his book “The Twelfth Planet” (12 counting the Sun and Moon). Ancient Sumerian mythology implies that there is a large planet (Nibiru) on an elliptical orbit, which enters the solar system every 3,600 years.

Appleby suggests that it was Nibiru that caused the disasters of the Exodus as it “shunted both Earth and Mars close to each other’s orbit” and that it was this which triggered the eruption of Thera. It is an interesting idea, since it provides a large passing body to interfere with Jupiter and cause the ejection of Venus. If we prefer to correlate the Birth of Venus incident to 3114 BC, then the implication is that the Great Cycle is measuring the period of return of some other huge planetoid on Snake Day.
Nibiru, Maldek and Tiamet

Nibiru and the Late Great Planet Tiamet
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sumer ... naki22.htm
Among catastrophists there is substantial disagreement on the matter of the "missing" fifth Planet from the Sun, in the place of which lies the Great Band, the debris of an enormous planet which the Sumerians knew as Tiamat. There are various opinions on what caused the Asteroid Belt; for instance, Tom van Flandern's Exploded Planet Hypothesis asserts that a former major planet between Mars and Jupiter exploded about 65 million years ago.

Ancient Sumerian texts indicate that Tiamat was struck by a large planet, which moved it into its present orbit, and also created the Earth's moon and the Asteroid Belt. In his books, The Twelfth Planet and The Cosmic Code, Zecharia Sitchin outlines this "celestial battle" as described in the Babylonian text Enuma elish.

The planet "Marduk" (the Sumerian "Nibiru"), as it came into the solar system on its 3,600-year clockwise (retrograde) elliptical course, struck Tiamat, which was moving in its ordained counterclockwise orbit.

According to Sitchin's well-known translations, one of Marduk's satellites struck Tiamat first, followed by two more of Marduk's moons. Then Marduk itself, an enormous cosmic entity, struck Tiamat, smashing one half of the planet into pieces, which became what the Sumerians called the Great Band.

The remaining half of the planet, which was struck by a smaller moon of Marduk, was catapulted into a new orbit, along with a chunk of material which became its moon. According to the Enuma elish, Tiamat's original moons were dispersed, many changing the direction of their orbits and rotations.
Saturn and the Late Great Planet Tiamet
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/herco ... bus_26.htm
This solution derives from the continuing research of neo-catastrophists, that is, followers of the late Immanuel Velikovsky, and is known a the ’Saturn Myth’ theory...
The basic requirement for an attenuated perception of gravity involves the Earth being in a very close orbit around a smaller and much cooler stellar body (or binary body) than our present Sun.

One pole would always be pointed directly at this nearby small star or binary system. The intense gravitational attraction would pull the Earth into an egg shape rather than its present spherical shape, so that the planet’s center of gravity would be off center towards the small star. This would generate the torque necessary to counteract the natural gyroscopic force and keep the Earth’s pole pointed in the same direction as it revolved around the star.

Holden goes on to suggest some of the consequences of such an intense gravitational pull:

There would be no seasons because the Earth’s pole would be pointed at this star or binary system

"The state of the present solar system indicates that this previous system was eventually captured by a larger star, our present Sun. But the pieces of this old system have not vanished. The influential small star or binary system of the past remains, though its reign of power has ended."

Indeed, if the Earth was once in fifth position, its closest neighbors would have been Jupiter and Saturn.

The destruction of Maldek, Malona, Nibiru, The Twelfth Planet, Lucifer, Phaeton, Tiamat, The Original Atlantis (all the same), between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, was the single greatest catastrophic event to occur in the history of this solar system.
Maldek and Malona
When we think of morning star now, we immediately associate it with the planet Venus. Therefore, we think the ancient word Lucifer also applied to Venus. However, this is not the case. Venus and Mercury were known primarily as evening stars, but when Venus was a morning star it was called Phosphorus. (This word comes from the Greek, phos, light; and phero, bear). The Asteroid Belt, then the planet Lucifer, was also known as the morning star.
Neb-Heru (Venus) as the Morning Star
This serves to reestablish a truth long distorted by authors such as Zecharia Sitchin who wished to see in a wandering member of the solar system, the original home of the Anunna "gods" of the Mesopotamian texts.

Note that in the Mesopotamian traditions, Venus and its progenitor bore the names Neberu and Mulge; begin to understand the hermetic ideology of the Egyptians that saw in the dismembered Osiris the asteroid belt.

Tthe shattered tree of the horizon and the primordial hill from which emerged the new sun (Venus) form an identity: a celestial image of Osiris in the sky. Osiris symbolizes the hill of the ancient gods because he is their representative on Earth. Horus the Avenger, the posthumous son of Osiris, represents the Morning Star.

The planet just before Jupiter (i.e., its "head") was the "black star" Mulge, which ejected Venus from its original position as the satellite of the exploded Mulge.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Apr 29, 2010 6:50 pm

Is the knowledge of the logarithmic gravitational scalar standing wave being suppressed?

Shemsu Hor
http://tribes.tribe.net/mazdayasnianfel ... 928e0a4b16
After examining this extensive corpus of scientific data, Dr. Müller was able to deduce that a logarithmic gravitational scalar standing wave pervades the entire universe. “So what?” you may be wondering. Simply that this standing gravitational wave confers appropriate resonant data to every biotic system within the universe, thereby imposing an enduring effect upon planetary evolution.

Contrary to popular scientific belief, Dr. Müller’s research reveals, much to the chagrin of human genome geneticists, that genetic information is not contained in DNA strands. Instead, DNA and RNA molecules generate optical holograms which are in resonance with, and driven by, specific frequencies generated by the universal standing scalar gravitational wave. Every living cell resonantly receives the appropriate data in the form of weak electromagnetic coded signals from the universal scalar wave necessary for biochemical processes such as protein synthesis.
Theory G
I'd therefore describe electromagnetism as the manifestation of a type of harmonic resonance between the spiral path of the electric current as it travels around the would-be magnet, and the "crushed" magnetic spirals of which the matter is itself composed.

Now, because, as suggested, magnetism exists at the very interface between our universe and the trans-light state, it seems logical that the transition from magnetism as we know it to the trans-light state would involve a relatively tiny input of energy. My contention is that this is what happens when a magnet is heated to the Curie Point and suddenly loses its magnetic properties. In other words, what then takes place is that the magnetic flux which until then has been "tethered" to matter circulating around and through the magnet in a three-dimensional torus is "liberated" to rejoin the trans-universal helix, or standing wave.

There is already some experimental evidence which seems to indicate that "something" exits the north pole of every magnet and enters the south pole. I'm saying that, at the Curie Point, this "something" doesn't just disappear or “collapse,” as is currently believed, but continues to propagate, albeit in a virtually straight line from the north pole. For the vanishingly small instant of time in which this happens, our magnet can be said to be a pseudo-monopole; the south pole still exists, but it is now at the furthest end of the universe, i.e., at the other end of the trans-universal helix, allowing us to make use of the pseudo-monopole as if it were in fact a monopole.
The Musical Logarithmic Spiral and the Creation of the Matrix
I discovered that my concept of sound-current nondualism was already developed by the Philosophy of Science Professor Oliver L. Reiser. In 1965 Reiser published his manifesto called "Cosmic Humanism" inspired by Einstein's work. Harmonic resonance is the foundation of this work through the application of the "Music Logarithmic Spiral."

In 1936, Dr. Reiser, introduced and promoted the concept of "radio-eugenics" in the scientific Journal of Heredity. This entails applications of radiation for evolution. Dr. Reiser states that we learned from Hiroshima and Nagasaki that not only does radiation cause massive destruction but that even those who survive "the baptism by fire" have children with severe birth defects. He then states that unfortunately that is how evolution works and that hopefully with the proper applied harmonic resonance of radiation then a new human society and a new "World Sensorium" will be achieved. The "World Sensorium" of Dr. Reiser is based on utilizing the radiation of the ionosphere, amplifying it with high technology, and applying it globally to cause mutations. The effect is to achieve not only a higher dimensional reality but to harness the zero-point energy.

This book calls the plan for the World Sensorium, "The Matrix" several times and states that, in concept, it is closest to H.G. Well's 1936 proposal for a "World Brain" to the Freemasonic Royal Institute for International Affairs the source for the Council of Foreign Relations. H.G. Wells was not just a science fiction writer, he was the head of British secret intelligence during World War One and he was the mouthpiece for the global elite policy makers. The World Brain was inspired by the Neo Platonic concept of the Matrix outlined by Professor John Ruskin, a favorite source of inspiration for the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
Dr. Reiser states that his main collaborator in creating "the Matrix" is Dr. Andrija Puharich. Dr. Puharich has been recently exposed as a top CIA funded mind control scientist focusing on higher dimensions and a high level.

Both Puharich and Reiser called for the creation for a new techno-spirituality global religion. Dr. Puharich called the plan for the Matrix, "Psi-Plasma." He described the Neo Platonic Harmony of the Spheres that, as elaborated by Reiser, includes artificial intelligence, zero-point energy, techno-samadhi, biological holograms, plasma and lasers, galactic manipulation of higher dimensions.

Dr. Puharich was the main promoter of an elite non-dualist secret society based on the Council of Nine -- a higher dimensional ennead that are considered to be aspects of the Non-dual God and to be sources of higher intelligence. This Council of Nine is traced back to ancient India and ancient Egypt.

Through the Theosophist academic think tanks, several Professors have published research into the secret origins of this harmonic resonance higher dimensional knowledge. There are many others, including a Harvard geologist, a Yale physicist, and a Berkeley mathematics Professor, Dr. Abraham Seidenberg. Seidenberg has been given prominent attention in recent Advaita Vedanta research because he documents the origins of the Pythagorean Theorem as far back as 3,000 B.C. in Vedic India.

The essential aspect of Plato's philosophy was the limitation of the Infinite Cosmic Mother into the finite geometrical Grand Architect or Great Geometrician of the Universe. This involved a conscious corruption of Pythagorean shamanic-yoga based on complimentary opposites of infinite natural harmonics (Pythagoras' 1:2:3:4 is equivalent to OM and yin/yang).

The method of the Matrix is containment of the threatening natural resonance of the Cosmic Mother, then destruction, then standardization through dead artificial intelligence. The first example of this religion of technology is the creation of the square root of two.

There is no actual proof for the square root of two! It is an illusion and a deceptive charm of "the power set axiom." The first proof that approximated the square root of two was the "squaring of the circle." The Vedic priests, as far back as 3,000 B.C., demanded that altars be patriarchal squares, and that matriarchal female circles were heretical. If circle altars were built they had to be the same area as the squares. The squaring of the circle is a central theorem to the Freemasons. The second proof that necessitated the containment of the Cosmic Mother was the doubling of the cubical altar.

By combining the Pythagorean harmonic proportions with the geometry of India, Archytas was able to give a proof for the square root of two that also enabled standardization or equal-temperament of the octave music scale. In other words this proof extended the Yin/Yang, OM, Pythagorean harmonics into greater dissonance by containing the infinite to a three dimensional object of geometry. The result enabled analytic geometry and inverse proportions, central to western science, to be achieved. Unfortunately the technology is inherently against the natural harmonics of reality.

In my research I was able to reconstruct the secret proof of Archytas that enabled the creation of western science from music theory. John Worrell Keely apparently developed higher dimensional harmonic resonance technology based on the 3:4:5 triangle. Keely's harmonic resonance findings that demonstrated levitation, disintegration, energy generation, etc., funded by the richest man in the U.S. at that time, Jacob Astor, were concealed apparently by the Freemasonic Skull and Bones society. The 3:4:5 triangle is the basis of the logarithmic music spiral that will be used to create the Matrix, according to the Theosophists and the CIA,

Continually throughout the research of the Theosophist analysts, it is clear that their goals can only be achieved by nondual mind-body yoga. Instead they are pursuing this goal through destructive technology. Nondualism can never be achieved through technology. Therefore the plan for the Matrix, although it may destroy the planet, will never be successful.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:59 pm

The Secret Sign
There are three main systems in use today, the Chinese, the Vedic (from the sub-continent of India) and the Ptolemaic (or Greek). Which system is right? They all are! They all function within the cultural assumptions and world view of the human beings who utilize them. None is perfect, but each system is valid within its own set of rules.

The system used by most Western astrologers is the Ptolemaic system, a geocentric system formulated with the number twelve. The signs, houses, elements and modes, are all based on the number twelve: There are twelve signs and twelve houses. At one time, there may have been twelve heavenly bodies, including the Sun and the Moon, but we may have lost two (Vulcan, which may have fallen into the Sun; and Planet X, which may have blown up, leaving behind the asteroid belt). The three modes, cardinal, fixed and mutable are divided into four signs each (3x4 = 12); and the four elements, fire, earth, air and water, into three signs each (4x3 = 12). Twelve is an important number in Western civilization because we use it to measure time. There are 12 months in a year; 12 weeks in a season; 12 hours of day; 12 hours of night; 12 x 2 = 24 hours per day; and 12 x 120 = 1440 minutes per day.

The Ptolemaic school of astrology is a mathematical system based on the number twelve, but the Sun actually travels through thirteen constellations in its apparent annual path through the heavens (the Zodiac). There is a secret sign, sometimes erroneously referred to as the thirteenth sign. It is really the ninth sign, occurring between Scorpio and Sagittarius, and its name is Ophiuchus. The number thirteen simply does not fit into a system based on the number twelve! But, why was Ophiuchus excluded and not, for example, Scorpio? What can we learn from Ophiuchus?

Ophiuchus is the only constellation named for a once-living person, Aesculapius, the first doctor. Formerly known as Serpentarius, the serpent handler, Ophiuchus is the great medicine man renowned for his healing skills. According to mythological lore, Ophiuchus was the son of Apollo and a beautiful woman, Coronis. Apollo fell in love with Coronis, and conceived a son with her, but, his love was not entirely reciprocated. Coronis loved a mortal man, and made the mistake of trying to hide it from jealous Apollo. In his fury, he had her killed, but in remorse over her death, took pity on his newborn son and spared his life.

Apollo then recruited the kindly centaur, Chiron (the wounded healer), to raise his motherless child. Chiron taught Ophiuchus the arts of healing, and he was a superlative student. His skills were so great, he never lost a patient. One day, he killed a serpent when visiting a friend. To his amazement, another serpent brought its dead companion back to life with a healing herb. Ophiuchus/Aesculapius, recognized the herb. After that, he was reputedly able to bring back the dead, which attracted the attention of Hades, God of the Underworld. When Ophiuchus was about to revive Orion from a fatal scorpion sting, Hades (Pluto) protested to Zeus (Jupiter). Hades complained that his kingdom was in dire threat of depopulation from this upstart. Outraged Hades petitioned Zeus to stop Ophiuchus, and Zeus struck him dead. Apollo protested mightily the murder of his son; to appease him, Ophiuchus was resurrected as an eternal constellation standing opposite his spiritual brother, Orion.

Ophiuchus has been excluded from the Zodiac. Why was he cast out? Possibly because he unlocked the secret to immortality, which knowledge has always been forbidden to mortals. Seeking knowledge is a dangerous quest for humans. Christian tradition teaches that we were cast out of the Garden of Eden because Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge (or awareness) after being tempted by the serpent. The Genesis story about Adam and Eve being cast out of the Garden of Eden can be seen as an allegory for incarnation.

You are immortal, but the incarnating soul feels alone and disconnected, suffering the illusion of being cast out. In like manner, Ophiuchus is disconnected from the Zodiac, separated from his celestial family. As someday the incarnated soul will be reunited with the parent entity, so someday will Ophiuchus be reunited with the rest of the Zodiac. From being tempted by the serpent, we can evolve to the level where we can tame the serpent, like Ophiuchus, the serpent-handler.

Not by chance is the serpent part of the Ophiuchus and Genesis myths, for the serpent represents both eternal life and secret knowledge. The serpent also symbolizes one of the most powerful and mysterious forces in the universe, the Kundalini force, also called the serpent fire because it is said to lie coiled like a serpent at the base of the spine. What is the Kundalini force? It is a concentration of ki, the universal force, similar to the sun’s energy, and as potent as an atomic bomb when awakened. The Kundalini force is one of the keys to humanity’s evolution, for it is said to awaken latent powers usually attributed only to powerful mystics and/or adepts of the highest order. This force is considered to be so dangerous and powerful that few people have ever experienced it. What does Kundalini have to do with Ophiuchus? As previously mentioned, Ophiuchus used to be called Serpentarius, or the serpent handler. Was Ophiuchus the "handler" of the serpent fire? Was he able to use its awesome power to heal the sick and bring the dead back to life? It is time to study Ophiuchus and consider inviting him back into the Zodiac.

The number thirteen has a certain esoteric significance. For example, Jesus plus the twelve apostles equals thirteen; there were thirteen members of the Round Table, including King Arthur; and thirteen Knights were taken prisoner on Friday October 13, 1307 in an attempt to destroy the Knights Templar. The number thirteen plays an important role in American culture from the thirteen colonies, to the thirteen stars and stripes in our first flag, to the recurring incident of the number thirteen on the back of the U.S. dollar: Thirteen stripes on the Eagle’s flag; thirteen stars over the Eagle’s head; thirteen leaves on the olive branch; thirteen olives; thirteen arrows; thirteen letters in "E Pluribus Unum;" and there are thirteen levels in the pyramid to the left, which culminate in the Eye of Horus, the Egyptian God of rebirth and resurrection.

The number 13 seems to be associated with the Moon and the feminine gender. Interestingly, the predecessor book to The Da Vinci Code, the scholarly Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln, explores the story of the historical Jesus Christ and his real relationship with Mary Magdalene. The book explores the theory that Mary Magdalene was not only the wife of Jesus Christ, but also his number one disciple. She was the one chosen to carry on the teachings of her husband, which would make her the thirteenth apostle, not a lowly prostitute. Mary was cast out of her true place in history, just like Ophiuchus was cast out of the Zodiac, and humans were cast out of the Garden of Eden. Ophiuchus, the trustee of secret knowledge, may hold the key to unlocking many mysteries, including the mystery of the story of the historical Jesus. But, there is a much deeper connection between Jesus and Ophiuchus: Jesus was probably an Ophiuchan! Sister Ray thinks that Ophiuchus may be the secret birth sign of Jesus Christ.

The Sun is in Ophiuchus from November 30 to December 17.

The Sun is now in a rare alignment with the Galactic Center called the Galactic Alignment, which only occurs every 26,000 years. Located at 26-degrees of Sagittarius, the Galactic Center was only discovered two years after Pluto in 1932. The awesome energy at its core is believed to emanate from a black hole "about the size of a large star, but containing the mass of four million suns. Our solar system is being bombarded right now with powerful energy from the Galactic Center, and we are experiencing profound changes in our world. Maybe it is time for the Zodiac to change, too. Isn’t it time we welcomed Ophiuchus back into the Zodiac? He is standing right in the portal of the Galactic Center waiting for us to open the door.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:10 am

Based on the Zodiac, are there any common themes regarding the “resonant relationships” between certain star systems and our solar system? Common themes seem to involve the following: Ursa Major leads and Sirius and the Pleiades follow; Sirius is the "arrow star" and Canopus is the "weight"; together they "measure "the abyss". There was an original pole star (possibly Vega/Lyra) that represented "zero point" before the "cosmic axis" was broken. Another "common alignment" seems to be: Canopus-Sirius-Orion's Belt-Aldebaran-the Pleiades

The Aquarian
http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Aquarian- ... id=2502609
The story of Masonry tells us that just as the Candidate for initiation enters into the Lodge from outside the Lodge, mankind entered into Planet Earth from outside this planet. Man, a spiritual entity symbolized by a circle, descended from his high estate into Earth, symbolized by the square.

The impulse for this experiment came out of the constellation of the Great Bear, which represents the Primal Will or Divine intent for mankind. It is the center from which the idea for creative manifestation originated. It is the lower level of this Will that humanity calls self-will and it is through the medium of the zodiacal sign of Aries that this experiment was initiated.

The seven leading Stars of the Great Bear are said to be that of seven constellations from which the seven planetary influences impact our Earth. These make up the seven Rishis or seven brothers of the Great Bear.
Sirius the "dog star" is said to be the "Great instructor of mankind" from which the governance of this planet is orchestrated by the Lord of Action and Reaction commonly known as Karma. Sirius impacts our planet through the influences of Uranus, Neptune and Saturn to provide the conditions for the reaping of souls that is now taking place.

The connection with Sirius is, therefore, being felt by a large number of souls due to the advancement of consciousness that has occurred here on planet Earth. The consciousness of Love-wisdom is the focus of this second member of the great supernal triangle.

The Sun has veiled the hidden planet Uranus but now employs it as the agent through which it focuses its influence like a lens to externalize the arcane mysteries in this Aquarian Age. The sign of Gemini, the sign of relationships, has provided a portal through which humanity came to experiment with relationships between all pairs of opposites.

The Pleiades, the third aspect of the triangle, is referred to as the seven sisters and the brides of the seven brothers of the Great Bear. It is this union of the seven brides and the seven brothers that the book of Genesis speaks of when it refers to "the sons of God who are gone down to lie with the daughters of men." We place the seven sisters of the Pleiades in the sphere of Binah, the Great Mother and in union with the seven brothers of the Great Bear in the sphere of Chokmah.

They gave birth to the Sons of men we call the seven planets: Jupiter, Mars, the physical Sun, Venus, Mercury, the Moon and the Earth. These seven planets express their seven vibrational frequencies or Rays through the seven chakras along the spine to support and nurture physical, emotional, mental and spiritual life on this planet.
The Pleiades is situated in the constellation of Taurus, the sign of dense matter and of eventual illumination. The energies of the Pleiades are directly connected with the development of the personality and, therefore, work most closely with the Human Kingdom.

These three forces of the Great Bear, Sirius and the Pleiades, working through the Monad or Spirit, Soul and Personality centers, distribute their energies through the twelve signs of the zodiac under the influence of the seven planets. These twelve signs fall into two categories. Seven of these influence the evolution of planetary consciousness on our planet. The other five: Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces, directly influence the development of the five continents of Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and America.

The twelve signs can be configured to form three crosses expressing the triplicity and quadruplicity of the zodiac for every perfected soul that must pass through the metamorphosis of the Cross. The elements of Air, Earth, Fire and Water make up the four arms of the Mutable, Fixed and Cardinal crosses.
The most current understanding of our region of space goes something like this: Stars travel in groups or streams, moving through space in the same direction. Our sun with many other stars travel together in the Canopus Stream. The Ursa Major Stream contains Sirius A and B, and the Big Dipper, as well as about 160 other major stars and their companions. Because of their position at the very head or leading edge of this stream, the stars known as Ursa Major or the Big Dipper actually lead the remaining stars on their sojourn through space. The third, the Hyades Stream, contains the Pleiades and many others. At one location, all three streams intersect ... our sun is located at this point.

The vast streams of stars encompassing many light years all reside within an arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. To be exact, it’s not an official arm like the Sagittarius or Perseus arm, but a smaller offshoot called a spur — in this case, the Orion Spur, because it juts out from the Orion Arm of the galaxy.

At the junction point where the Orion Spur meets with the larger galactic arm can be found one of the vastest stars known in the galaxy, Betelgeuse.

Betelgeuse is a first generation star, and actually gave birth to some, not all, of the stars in the Orion Spur in which we reside. Like some immense cosmic mother, its enormous magnetic field most likely envelops all life forms within the Orion Spur.

He taught that humanity and the entire solar system are influenced by conditioning "rays" that come from the stars, and that the Big Dipper registers paramount effect on all forms of life here on Earth. He also mentioned the "potent forces" reaching us from the star Betelgeuse.

The Big Dipper, he further explained, is in fact the head center of a stupendous being whose subtle or etheric body is composed of seven solar systems, each acting as an energy center. Sirius makes up the third eye to this great being, the Pleiades its throat center and the Sun is connected to its heart center. This incredibly vast being is the prototype for the human form. Our human bodies are tiny miniature models of this great being (GOD) in whom we live. What the soul is to the human, Betelgeuse is to this solar entity.

In ancient Aztec and Mayan tradition, the midnight culmination of the Pleiades was an event of great and ominous significance. In early Egypt and Sumeria, Sirius was considered the paramount god for thousands of years, and the Pleiades, an associate of that God. Certain African tribespeople even today hold Sirius as supreme entity for planet Earth and its people. The stars of the Big Dipper, prominent in the star lore of all lands, were referred to by the ancient Chinese as the "celestial palace of the Lord on High" and the "Star God of Longevity." The Hindus identified them as the Seven Rishis or Kumaras (Gods) of Heaven

The Earth and its magnetic field encase the much smaller field of the moon; the Sun and its magnetic field encase all the planets extending well beyond the orbit of Pluto. Sirius A and B, with the white dwarf star generating a magnetic field about one billion times that of our sun, easily contain and envelop this entire solar system as well as likely many others; the progression is undetermined at this point. Indeed, it feels like the immense stars in the Big Dipper generate a field great enough to envelop our solar system as well.

The Hindus believe the Earth is a living being animated by spiritual "currents." The Mayans, who spoke of "stabbing beams that penetrate from the heavens," had an exquisite understanding of these realities with their amazing knowledge of wave harmonics and resonance theory — perhaps even more so than scientists today. They based their calendar, unsurpassed by even today’s super-computers, on the core number of 52, claiming it to be in resonance with and of major significance to our world.

Has Betelgeuse imprinted its cycle of 5.2 on everything within its vast reach, literally laying down the resonant code to which all other stars in the Spur and their planets must adhere?
Science versus Religion
It was noticed that the whole of the cosmos appeared to rotate around a specific point in the sky, the northern end of the axis of the universe. The closest to this point was a particular star which [as we know today] got no closer than circa 4.7 degrees. This was Vega in the northern celestial hemisphere. Opposite this star in the southern skies, at the other end of the imaginary axis in the cosmos, was a similar situation, however, the star there, Canopus, was further from the southern imaginary axis endpoint; here we find a bright light in the sky that circles 7-8 degrees from the axis end or due south.

The northernmost of these stars, when seen in position at end of the universal axis, became the seat of creation, the home of the creator Brahma as all revolved around the creator. From this north polar position Brahma controlled the strings of all the stars and planets, keeping them in their allotted positions. Brahma in that polar position was recognised as the pole star.

Then, shortly after 12,200 BC both the north polar star Vega and its counterpart in the south, Canopus, started moving away from their allotted positions. Simultaneously the sea level rose; the further away from the ends of this axis moved the stars the higher rose the waters. The stars were no longer linked to the central point as the guiding star of the extreme northern skies was no longer in place relative to the remainder of the universe the invisible strings that held all together were broken.
The Mayan Calendar: 260 Days & the Venus Orbit
http://www.ancient-world-mysteries.com/ ... endar.html
Much effort has been expended in the attempt to explain in particular why the Maya made use of a 260 day cycle. And why also they combined this time cycle with a calendar year period of 365 days, in order to generate a recurring 52 year period known as the ‘Calendar Round’.

To date, from an overview of the relevant research concerning the Mayan use of a time cycle of 260 days, it would appear that its significance as an astronomical unit largely remains a mystery, with only a few tentative theories put forward.

The Maya specifically created, or rather invented, a 260 day cycle in order to allow them to accurately track the occurrence of successive conjunctions involving the Earth and Venus, over a full 2000 year grand cycle. So that this might be achieved, the 260 day period of the Mayan calendar was further combined with a basic Earth year of 365 days, as a means to generate an extended 52 year period of time, through which they were able to make subtle corrections to their calendar, to maintain harmony between it and the true astronomical observations i.e. Earth-Venus conjunctions.
Mayan End Age 12-21-2012
http://www.adishakti.org/mayan_end_time ... 1-2012.htm
The Mayans knew that our Sun, or Kinich-Ahau, every so often synchronized with the enormous central galaxy. And from this central galaxy received a 'spark' of light which causes the Sun to shine more intensely producing what our scientists call 'solar flares' as well as changes in the Sun's magnetic field. The Mayans say that this happens every 5,125 years but also that this causes a displacement in the earth’s rotation, and because of this movement great catastrophes would be produced.

The Mayans believed the universal processes, like the 'breathing' of the galaxy, are cycles that never change. What changes is the consciousness of man that passes through it and is always in a process toward more perfection. Based on their observations, the Mayans predicted that from the initial date of the start of their civilization, 4 Ahau, 8 Cumku which is 3113 B.C., after one cycle being completed 5,125 years in their future, December 21st, 2012. The Sun, having received a powerful ray of synchronizing light from the center of the galaxy, would change its polarity which would produce a great cosmic event that would propel human kind to be ready to cross into a new era, The Golden Age. It is after this, that the Mayans say we will be ready to go through the door that was left by them, transforming our civilization based on fear to a vibration much higher in harmony.

The first prophecies were attained by their study of our Sun. The Mayans discovered that the entire solar system moved. That even our universe has its own cycles, repetitive periods which begin and end like our day and night. These discoveries lead to the understanding that our solar system rotates on an ellipse that brings our solar system closer and further from the center of the galaxy. In other words, according to the Mayans, our Sun and all of its planets rotate in cycles in relation to the center of the galaxy or Hunab-Kú, the central light of the galaxy. It takes 25,625 years for our solar system to make one cycle on this ellipse. One complete cycle is called a galactic day. The cycle is divided into two halves similar to our day and night. The half closest to the central light, is our solar system's 'day' and the half furthest away is its 'night'. Each day and each night lasts 12,800 years which is to say, the central galaxy is the Sun for our entire solar system.

The Mayans discovered that every grand cycle has its minor cycles that carry the same characteristics. One galactic day of 25,625 years is divided into five cycles of 5,125 years. The first cycle is the galactic morning when our solar system is just coming out of the darkness to enter the light. The second cycle is the mid-day when our solar system is closest to the central light. The third cycle is the afternoon when our solar system begins to come out of the light. The fourth cycle is the late-night when our solar system has entered its furthest cycle from the central light. And the fifth and last cycle is night before dawn when are solar system is in its last cycle of darkness before starting again. This is the cycle we are currently coming out of.
The Galactic Center (26 Sagittarius)
The Center of our Milky Way Galaxy is proving to be a fascinating and practical addition to my clients' charts. Having studied it for 12 years now, my observations would indicate that it is probably the second strongest spot in any astrology chart, following the Sun. It is a stunning source of energy, motivation, and aspiration. The Galactic Center is the Sun of our Sun. It is the source of most of the gravitational energy present in our galaxy, and probably the source of most of the energy in any chart, transformed through our own Sun.

In 1932, Karl Jansky, a Bell Telephone Laboratories engineer, was searching for the source of static affecting overseas telephone lines. To find the source he built the first 95 foot movable radio- telescope to detect it. Part of the static turned out to be created by the center of our Galaxy at 26 degrees of Sagittarius. Astronomers paid little attention to the discovery, but to the astrology of consciousness, this discovery should rank right up there with the discovery of Pluto in 1930.

In the late 1960's, astronomers finally honed in on the GC (Galactic Center) with radio and infrared instruments. They were astounded by the immense energies to be found there. A huge Black Hole is thought to be at the center, about the size of a large star, but containing the mass of four million suns. The staggering amount of material being drawn into the black hole radiates energy at many frequencies.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:40 am

Phillip Coppens believes there is a possible “binary relationship” between Sirius and Canopus that is overlooked.

A binary star system?
In Lost Star of Myth and Time (2006), Walter Cruttenden argues that our mythological records indicate that our solar system is part of a binary star system. This would mean that our sun has a “companion” star somewhere out there. Cruttenden’s quest in origin relies on The Holy Science, by Swami Sri Yukteswar, written in 1894. Yukteswar outlines his belief in a cyclical history of the world based on the precession of the equinoxes. This period of time is found in many cultures and is at the origin of many myths. The first such observations were highlighted in Hamlet’s Mill, by Giorgio De Santillana and Hertha Von Dechend. In more recent years, Florence and Kenneth Wood have shown, in Homer’s Secret Iliad (1999), that the cycle of precession also is at the origin of the Iliad and that the main fights are the waxing and waning of the constellations.

In my research, resulting partly in The Canopus Revelation, I refer to the Great Year and Perfect Year, but did not draw any firm conclusions, for a number of reasons. One of these was that the Great Year and Perfect Year are not necessarily the same, that the Great Year does not necessarily have to be the precession of the equinoxes, and that in fact the Perfect Year seems to suit this cycle better. I will repeat these observations shortly.

In short, Cruttenden’s theory provides a logical framework which neatly incorporates the beliefs of many ancient civilisations, which spoke of recurring cycles of times, rather than the linear process of cultural development which is in scientific vogue today – and which Cruttenden demolishes in his book.

Cruttenden goes in search of a sister star for our sun, and a “centre” around which both these stars revolve. He promotes several possibilities, with a specific emphasis towards Sirius as our sun’s sister, and a (small) possibility that Sirius B could be the centre of the system though he himself considers it more likely that a black hole elsewhere, as yet undiscovered, would be the area around which we circulate.

In The Canopus Revelation, I highlighted material about how Canopus and Sirius indicated the depth of the Abyss, and that the description of this Abyss was using the same words modern astrophysicists used to describe a black hole. I also linked this with the great cycles of time, namely the Great and Perfect Year.

I would like to argue that the cycle will be roughly 24,000 to 26,000 years. Furthermore, if this path is indeed an oval formed by a binary star system, measuring this cycle is not an easy task, as the path is elliptical and hence objects are likely to speed up when closer to the core, and slow down when further from the core. Determining the length of the cycle requires knowledge of where you are on the elliptical path, designating your speed based on the precessional shift of the stars, and extrapolating the speed on the path further and closer from the core, in order to calculate the exact total duration.

One final observation on its duration should note that Censorinus himself said that some believed it would never occur, which in the reading of a binary star framework suggests that some may indeed have doubted the validity of this Perfect Year and the “binary star hypothesis”.

However, in parallel with Cruttenden’s sources used in his book, Censorinus also argues that this Perfect Year is divided into ages, “This year has a great winter called by the Greeks the Inundation and by the Latins the Deluge; it has also a summer which the Greeks call the Conflagration of the world. The world is supposed to have been in turns deluged or on fire at each of these epochs.” Cruttenden believes that this summer/winter imagery is linked with the movement to and away from the core of the system and Censorinus’ texts thus follow his independently identified observations.

To quote from The Canopus Revelation: “So Censorinus noted that the Great Year of Sirius was not linked with cataclysms. But there was a ‘Perfect Year’, which was linked with disaster, with inundations, with stories of how the salt water had invaded fresh waters. The waters of the Abyss had broken. The cosmic tree had been felled. Canopus had been unable to hold back the waters of chaos. Censorinus writes about this ‘Perfect Year’, but it is clear that the available evidence he has is far from clear. He has read and heard various accounts, all somewhat different. Although he seems to exclude Canopus as being a player in this ‘Perfect Year’, we should perhaps consider the logic that the combined motions of Sirius and Canopus might be controlling this ‘Perfect Year’.”

In short, the above material is on the same line of argument as that used by Cruttenden, specifically on the “cycles of time”. It differs from Cruttenden in that it distinguishes between the Great and Perfect Year, and that it brings in additional material that argues that Canopus is important in defining the path of the solar system around the core – which I believe ancient accounts referred to as the “Abyss”.

Cruttenden and I have argued independently that certain alignments open up the Abyss, a black hole. I have shown material that this alignment was calculated and visualised by Sirius and Canopus, which measured the depths of the Abyss – the black hole.

In astrology, Sirius and Canopus are associated with evolutionary affairs of Earth and Humanity, and herald potent global experiences. Canopus is specifically responsible for the evolutionary development of entire planetary systems, whereas Sirius holds specific responsibility for Earth.” This fits perfectly within the binary star hypothesis, as outlined by Cruttenden. In short, it argues that Canopus plays the most instrumental role in the determination of orbit around the centre of our star system: the Abyss.

“The number 30, of the First World, was linked to the Saturnalia. These were festivities linked with the Roman god Saturn, considered to be the ruler of the First World and the Roman counterpart of the Egyptian Ptah and the Greek Chronos. Saturn was also the outermost planet of our visible solar system and as such could be said to ‘measure’ it, the ‘measurer of time’, the chrono-meter.

The Ark of the Second World could be identified with Argo, if only because Argo was a ship, and it had 50 stars, the sacred number of the Second World. Both ages are linked with Sirius, which had also been a measurer of both ages. Sirius was identified with an arrow (perhaps the origin of the symbol of the arrow of time?) and was said to have caused floods.

In the Babylonian New Year, Sirius was known as mul.KAK.SI.DI, ‘who measures the depth of the Sea’. Mul is the prefix announcing the star, KAK.SI.DI means ‘arrow’ and it is this arrow that is the measurer of the Deep – the Abyss. This ties directly into the myth of the salt waters of the abyss, which caused the Deluge. The felling of the tree caused the whirlpool to come into existence. This was labelled the cosmic axis, or the navel of the World. The navel is the ‘hole’ in the human body that connected its interior to the mother, its nurturer, a ‘cosmic axis’ between child and parent.

Legends state that if an arrow was shot into the opening, it caused fire. So when Sirius was measuring the abyss, dropping its arrow into it, it was said to cause fire in the Abyss. But – and this is the key aspect that got parked outside of the debate – Sirius was not the only star that made this ‘arrow’, that was part of the ‘plumb line’ measuring the Abyss.

Its colleague in those tasks was Canopus, which we have already identified with the plumb line, if only in its concept of ‘heavy’. One of the reasons why Sirius and Canopus are deemed to measure the Abyss is because Canopus is situated virtually directly South from Sirius. Visually, a line connecting Sirius and Canopus would thus be considered a ‘plumb line’, with Canopus the weight at the bottom of it. As Canopus was the star of the ‘opening’, we must realise this ‘measuring of the Deep’ was not solely the work of Sirius – for the measuring would obviously take the measurement from Canopus, the ‘ceiling’ to which the waters of the Deep could rise before the cistern overflowed and deluged the fresh waters.”

To conclude with a final series of quotes from The Canopus Revelation: “So in astronomical mythology, Sirius and Canopus seemed to play with the hole Canopus was blocking. If Canopus, in the form of a tree, was felled, it opened the Abyss and its salt water: a Deluge. If at the same time Sirius dropped into the hole of Canopus, measuring the depth of the Abyss, the result was fire.

So although Sirius was principally linked with the Great Year, it should be clear that this was not a one-star show. It is when they are ‘co-starring’ that we might have the ‘Perfect Year’, the subject of little modern debate, but definitely more than worthy of Censorinus’ attention.”

And to highlight what the core of our star system is: “This brings us even further into the depths of the Abyss, for other legends stated that in the middle of the sea of salt, was an island of fire. It was in fact this fire that was deemed responsible for making the waters of the Abyss salty. Furthermore, it was the island to which the Bennu-bird of Heliopolis flew and which was linked with a new epoch.

The Abyss was the place to where the rulers of the Olden Ages were retired. It had happened to the Greek god Chronos, or Saturn. Chronos was hurled into the Tartaros, the bottomless pit, the Apsu. It was literally as if Canopus had opened the lid of its box, and Chronos had been thrown in, with the box closed again afterwards -- like a coffin as if he was dead.”


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:45 am

Canopus Revelation
The identification of the constellation Orion with the Egyptian god Osiris has become engrained in human consciousness, yet it is one of the biggest misunderstandings dominating the understanding of Egyptian mythology. Rather than the constellation Orion, it is the star Canopus that is linked with Osiris, as identified by ancient writers as well as early 20th century scholars, whose evidence has since been bullied into silence, if not oblivion.

Canopus, for Egypt the South polar star, is the second brightest star in the sky and interplays with Sirius in such a way that ancient accounts say they control time and evolution. Furthermore, Canopus was the star of the navigators, both ancient and modern, and was believed to allow access to the Afterlife - the domain of Osiris. Canopus was specifically identified with his Chest, his Ark, in which he was transformed from mere mortal to resurrected supergod; an image that has inspired Mankind ever since. The story has been at the origin of the Grail legend and alchemy, both of which have a specific link to Canopus - revealed here for the first time.

Canopus was therefore literally a "stargate", where man could communicate with and aspire to become gods - and enter into other dimensions. This book will reveal what the Egyptians actually believed as to what happened to the soul after death, when it entered into the Duat (or Nibiru), the crossing between life and the Afterlife, and the paths it the soul could chose. It will show how they coded this knowledge into their mythology and how ancient accounts and modern physics use the same symbolism… to describe the structure of the universe, the playground of the Egyptian gods and the souls of the deceased.

This book radically reinterprets the myth of Osiris in its proper context… what the ancient Egyptians believed would happen to the soul. Mankind is again on the brink of discovering this knowledge through modern science
The star Canopus and the Mystery of Osiris
Both Sirius and Orion are indeed bright stars and constellations, dominating the Southern sky. Alas, I feel both books, as well as Egyptology and history in general have distorted - either unintentionally or on purpose - the true meaning of the ancient Egyptian star lore, by de-emphasising and suppressing the importance of another bright star: Canopus, the second brightest star in the sky - though as a sun, much more bright than Sirius. Perhaps this is merely because that star is not visible in Western Europe, home of so many Egyptologists. It is, however, clearly visible in Egypt and in Africa in general, the continent that gave rise to the ancient Egyptian civilisation.

We know that Sirius is linked with Isis, but what is Canopus? Canopus is a Greek name and is linked to Greek mythology, in particular to the chief pilot of the fleet of Menelaus. Menelaus was the Spartan King, whose wife Helen (of Troy), eloped with Paris and brought about the siege and destruction of that city, known as the Trojan War. In mythology, Menelaus pillaged Troy and regained his wife Helen. Canopus, the brave captain of the king's ship managed to get his fleet safely back to Egyptian waters. Canopus is not only important to ancient seafarers; it is important to extra-terrestrial space-farers as well. By an intriguing coincidence, Canopus is an important navigational marker for interplanetary space probes, which use its light as a directional aid. One of these is the Voyager spacecraft. By manoeuvring Voyager to keep the sun and Canopus in sight of its sensors, the orientation of the spacecraft is fixed and the antenna pointed toward Earth. Its name, which originates from the Coptic or Egyptian Kahi Nub, means "Golden Earth". Canopus has always been linked with gold and lead - the two symbols of alchemy, where it was the alchemist's work to transform lead into gold. Is this a coincidence or could it be intentional? However, another translation is from the Greek, where Canopus means "eye of the dog". The name seems to imply a relationship with Sirius, the Dog star.

So there we had it: Canopus was the second brightest star in the Egyptian sky; it was there for all to see in the ancient civilisations; temples had been aligned to it. But somehow no-one was paying attention to this star - far brighter than the stars of Orion; far more important, as Canopus actually formed the South polar star for the ancient Egyptians. Could it be that out of all the stars that the Egyptians knew, revered and deified, they had somehow missed the second brightest one? Did they miss the one that marked the South Pole, making it appear as if all other stars circled around it? Stars such as Sirius and constellations such as Orion? Surely the answer had to be no.

Hamlet's Mill described how one of their sources, the ancient writer Plutarch himself, "usually knew more than he cared to discuss." Intriguingly, it is Plutarch who talks about Canopus and identifies one of the most prominent Egypt gods, Osiris with Canopus - not Orion, as many believe.

One person who did observe the importance of Canopus was Norman Lockyer, who popularised the idea that many ancient temples were designed with astronomical observations in mind. At least two of the great structures at Karnak, dated to 2100 and 1700 BC respectively, pointed to its setting; as did another at Naga, and the temple of Khons at Thebes, built by Rameses III about 1300 BC, afterwards restored and enlarged under the Ptolemies.

Richard Hinckley Allen added: "It thus was the prominent object of the religion of Southern Egypt, where it represented the god of the waters." Therefore, Lockyer and Allen state that the Egyptians did think highly of Canopus, specifically in Southern Egypt. Furthermore, they state that the star was linked with the God of the Waters - Osiris in his form of Hapi, the Nile God - the Egyptian counterpart of Ea, or Enki. Perhaps it won't come as a surprise then to learn that Canopus is linked with the Sumerian town of Eridu, the first town of Enki. Enki, like Osiris, was the Lord of the Underworld, the Abyss.

Legends state that Sirius "as an arrow" measured the abyss, but Sirius was not the only star that made this "arrow", also known as the "plumb line". Its colleague in those tasks was Canopus, who was also known as "heavy", it being the weight of the plumb line. One of the reasons why Sirius and Canopus are deemed to measure the Abyss is because Canopus is situated virtually directly South from Sirius. Visually, a line connecting Sirius and Canopus would thus be considered a "plumb line", with Canopus the weight at the bottom of it.

One person who actually noticed this link was Robert Temple, who stated that Canopus, when connected to Sirius, was called "Ponderosus", meaning "the Weight". Our other enigmatic book, Hamlet's Mill, links the Arabic name for Canopus, Suhail el-wezn, meaning "heavy-weighing", with the weight at the end of a plumb-line.

Why Canopus should have this association is unclear to many - not, as should be clear by now, because it is difficult, but because Canopus' importance is the subject of stony silence. The answer is to be found in harbourmasters' circles. Canopus was connected with Argo, the ship/ark/barque; and ships used plumb-lines to measure the depths of their positions. This instrument is termed the "sounding lead". This sounding lead was used literally to measure the depths of the ocean, i.e. the Abyss.

It is furthermore interesting that one of Osiris' names translates as "plumb line". This was mentioned by Jane Sellers, where Sellers herself links this epithet with Canopus. But of course the importance seems to have been ill-understood. The same applies to Utterance 518 of the Pyramid Texts, where there is a reference to a plumb-line. "I am the herald of the year, O Osiris." This is very precise, for not only do we have Osiris here, but also an indicator of a new era.

Other references to the plumb-line are "I am the plumb line of the two Enneads by means of which the Field of Offerings was founded." There is also mention of the ferryman, Hr-f-ha'f, who is also the gate-keeper of Osiris, who ferries the pure ones so they can obtain for Osiris the "cold water at the [polar] quarter of the Imperishable Stars." Utterance 609:

Furthermore, it was said that Sirius stirs up the Abyss. And it seems this "cosmic spoon" sometimes spilled the contents of the cup, resulting in the Flood. To quote Richard Hinkley Allen: "The Egyptian story said that it [Argo] was the Ark that bore Isis and Osiris over the deluge." Temple had therefore hinted at the role of Argo, the Ark, led by its "navigator star" Canopus, and the Egyptian belief that it was this constellation that had allowed for the survival of two gods, Isis and Osiris. It is clear that all these legends are telling us the same thing - and this makes the enigma why no-one has puzzled it together before even more intriguing.

It was known that Digitaria revolved around Sirius and was regarded by the Dogon as the smallest and heaviest of all stars, said to contain the germs of all things. This did not seem to imply that it was Canopus, as Canopus does not revolve around Sirius. If anything, Sirius revolves around Canopus, as the latter marks the South Pole. "Its movement on its own axis and around Sirius upholds all creation in space.

Being the second brightest star in the sky, Canopus was clearly visible, but only for a limited period of time - the reason for its name of "heavy" and its connection with "lead". But Temple stated: "To call a star in the same constellation as Sirius 'too heavy to rise over the horizon with ease' looks suspiciously like an attempt to describe a 'heavy star' such as Sirius B." Unfortunately, this does not bear scrutiny. For one, Sirius B circles Sirius A and hence rises as easily over the horizon as does Sirius A. The only star in that region to have some difficulty lifting itself over the horizon is Canopus - and it was specifically this difficulty that set it apart from all others.

Sirius was not the origin of ancient astronauts, as Temple would make us believe. But Canopus is - though this time, the person putting forward this theory did not claim it was science; it was science fiction.

The case for Canopus is complex, but it is clear that there is more to the "eye of the dog" than has met the eye so far. The question why no-one has properly interpreted the star's lore is even more bizarre - and might become an intriguing debate once again. Some stars, even in the music industry, never die; they get reborn.


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