On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:48 am

“Bioenergetic Meissner field which surrounds each DNA strand contains encoded genetic information which is in a dynamic state. It is therefore possible to electronically download genetic information from a donor and encode it by means of ultra high frequency equipment, into a totally biologically dissimilar recipient.” - They Cast No Shadows – Brian Desborough
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =45#p32838

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =45#p32902

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The Discovery of the Biofield - a Different Kind of Magnetism?
(Unpublished, 1981)
There is another type of field around the body which is not electric or magnetic and is very much larger than either of them. It is indirectly related to magnetism, and lacking a suitable term, people have often chosen to use the term “magnetic” to describe it. Mesmer apparently was one of the first people to connect this field with magnetism.

Mesmer believed there was a fluid-like energy around the human body which was highly charged in healthy people, and weak or nearly absent in ill people.

In 1978, the author discovered a simple device which can detect and measure a force around the body which may be what Mesmer called animal magnetism. This shows up as a spin or rotational force on a frame which is suspended over a person’s head.

Since the body’s intrinsic magnetic field measured in shielded rooms is about one billionth of a gauss, this biofield could not be an ordinary magnetic field. The author has simply called it the Biofield, a contracting of biological energy field. Tesla, a contemporary of Edison and inventor of the alternating current motor and many other
instruments, was reported to have spoken about a “higher octave” of magnetism which had not been recognized by traditional science.

Whatever we choose to call it; the aura, animal magnetism, orgone energy, prana, spin force, ch’i, or the biofield, this energy is quite large; over 100 million times as large as the body’s magnetic field!

Well, then, what is the biofield? It appears to be a genuine new force in science. It manifests as a physical force clearly observed on all types of biological matter. As of this time (1989) it appears to be a force which produces movement at right angles around the human body. It does not push or pull like gravity or electrostatic forces. It appears to be in the form of a circular or spiral force around the body. The origin of the force is not electrical, magnetic, heat, or gravitational.

It is much too large to be produced by these forces. It needs a name. The author has chosen to call it simply the biofield, and to call the instruments which serve to detect it, biofield meters.

After several months of observations it was discovered that the amount of the initial rotational deflection of the Biofield meter varied in association with the geomagnetic field.

Usually the direction of the initial rotation of the frame is to the right or clockwise. At times of new or full moon or when there are large disturbances in Earth’s magnetic field the biofield often shows a change in the initial direction of rotation. Measurements

Dr. Brown thought the interaction was due to magnetism because it was still present when electrostatic shielding was in place, but nearly disappeared when magnetic shielding was used.

Taken together, the findings of Brown, Jones, the author, and other researchers all point to connections between living organisms, spin, and geomagnetic activity. All living organisms seem to be in resonance with Earth’s dynamic magnetic field. Earth’s magnetic field is in turn a function of solar activity and the positions of the Moon, and
at least some of the planets.

A most important question is: what is the direction of this force? Is it truly a spin force? The formal and informal experiments and observations I made extending over many years suggest that it is a spin force, but that could be disproved by another type of experiment.

If this force were a spin force it would fit with other patterns found in nature.
Laurence Badgley has found that a spiral vortex field appears around sites of injury on the body, which shows interaction with magnetic.

Spin forces are not unique to living systems--they are omnipresent in the universe. Spin or angular momentum is associated with most sub atomic particles such as electrons, protons, neutrons, etc. Apparently every body in the universe spins!

Spin forces might be called “form forces” or “organizing forces”, for they help form complex living organisms, which abound with spirals, helixes, and circles over and over again in myriads of different ways from double helices in DNA and RNA to Whirling Dervishes.
What is Bio-resonance
Bio-resonance is an umbrella term which is traditionally used to describe the interaction between the bio-field of a living organism and frequency patterns that interact with specific parts of it.

Our particular focus is in the research and understanding of how individual parts of the human body resonate with specific combinations of frequencies and patterns. Through our research we have seen that frequencies alone are only a partial answer in the quest for finding an interface with the bio-field. We have discovered that a key function in the movement of energy in the bio-field is to do with consciousness rather than just a traditional “hard wired” frequency (hertz). Much research over the last 50 years has concentrated on finding direct frequencies, generated from an electronic frequency generator, and matching them up with the response of specific organs and structures within the body. Although this traditional frequency research has contributed a greater understanding in the workings of the human body, it is a bit of a “scatter gun” approach that deals with a physical Newtonian dogma rather than a holistic viewpoint.

The holistic viewpoint encompasses the subtle energy anatomy including meridians, chakras, distinct subtle energy fields within the bio-field, negative emotional charges, emotional and physical trauma as well as the physical body. The key to understanding what the bio-field requires comes through the bi-directional communication with the body’s consciousness itself.
The Meissner Field
The Meissner Field is a magnetic field which, among other things, does not have the traditional north or south polarity. This is the reason many physicists strongly prefer to call it the Meissner Effect -- thus avoiding the issue of having a directionally challenged magnetic field.

The Meissner Field (or Effect) is produced when a superconductor has an external magnetic field applied to it -- with the strength of the Meissner field/effect being dependent upon the initially applied external magnetic field. Once the Meissner effect has been initiated, it acts as a magnetic barrier and resists any further entry of an applied magnetic field into the superconductor. The effect is dramatic. Once established the Meissner field forces all other magnetic fields to effectively go around the superconductor, leaving the superconducting sample unaffected in terms of its superconductive characteristics.

If the external magnetic field is that of the earth, the Meissner effect causes the sample in question to, at least in some cases, levitate. While, levitation is typically viewed as a magical trick or deception, it is clear that with the Meissner effect it is a routine physical phenomena. The only requirement is the presence of superconductivity. But inasmuch as superconductivity is viewed by mainstream physics as a very low-temperature phenomena, then it is clear -- based on the flawed assumption of what is currently known in physics prohibiting other processes -- that there can be no levitation at room temperature.

But alas, if superconductivity can be achieved at higher temperatures, and furthermore involve a human being who has become superconducting, then lo and behold, we have a human being levitating upon the earth's magnetic field!

In order to achieve superconductivity at these higher temperatures, the key appears to be the use of transition group elements, or more notably one or more of the eight precious metals, the latter which include gold and silver. This in turn relates the Meissner Field to the White Powder of Gold and the ORME -- or the latter which is now more often referred to as the ORMUS.
The Living Matrix ... clnk&gl=us
For the first time in medical history, scientists have gained significant momentum in presenting evidence-based research that reveals energy and information fields – not genetics – control human biology and physiology.
Aura vs. the Meissner field
http://www.stevepavlina.com/forums/psyc ... -both.html
Another thread was directed towards the work by David Hudson who makes the assertion that the human aura is basically a Meissner Field. He quotes government studies that claim that cells communicate within our bodies in a method similar to how superconductors operate, although how the superconductors or "meissner field" affect communications is beyond me.
The Tarot: A language of consciousness
Fifty years ago I began a journey to discover the truth of my soul and find out everything possible about human consciousness. I discovered that all human beings have the innate ability within their DNA to access the varying frequencies and amplitudes of energy which continually surround us as an information cloud.

Our bodies radiate energy fields of many different frequencies. Scientists have a name for these fields. They call them Meissner fields but these have already been known for thousands of years as the human "aura."

Your Meissner fields always interface and interact with the greater Universe of time and space, but mostly this ongoing communication is occurring on a subconscious level. However, when stored thought forms are accessed, decoded and deciphered, a wealth of information becomes conscious and practically useful.
The Aura
The concept of a human energy field has been present for many thousands of years in all major cultures.

In many of the sacred books, sages, mystics and holy men are represented with a halo, a strong light extending around their body.

Valerie Hunt, a physical therapist and professor of kinesiology at UCLA has explicitly measured its existence experimentally, and called it biofield.

Electrical activity of the body can be found in the brain (from 0-100Hz), in the muscles (up to 225Hz), and in the heart (max 250Hz), where the electrical activity of the physical body drops Valerie Hunt discovered that the electrodes of the myograph could pick up frequencies much subtler and smaller in amplitude with frequencies between 100 and 1600 Hz, sometimes higher

Tests showed that:

Normal people’s aura vibrate around 250 Hz (the physical body’s frequencies)
People with psychic abilities have aura around 400 to 800 Hz
Mystical and spiritual people show auras of 900Hz and above

Sometimes, people spiritually evolved individuals are referred as having a «higher vibration»

The Meissner Field is a magnetic field, which, among other things, does not have the traditional north or south polarity. This is the reason many physicists strongly prefer to call it the Meissner Effect.
Is the aura a result of a complex Meissner effect?

Experiments have demonstrated that DNA exhibits rare superconducting properties.
Electric Ormus
http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/tw/ ... cORMUS.htm
I'm saying that around the Ark of the Covenant was the Meissner field. The strange thing about a Meissner field is other Meissner fields which oscillate at the same frequency can enter that field and not perturb it.
The Human Subtle Energy System or Body’s Biofield
Just as we have a physical anatomy, we have also have an "energy anatomy". The "human energy biofield”, surrounds and permeates the physical body. The Chinese refer to this energy or life force as ‘Chi’ the vital life force energy of the Universe, Hindus call it prana. Greeks know it as pneuma. Japanese refer to it as ki. Present within every living thing. The physical body is viewed as being made up of the cardiovascular, neurological, respiratory, digestive and reproduction systems. Together with the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems, these systems made up the physical dimension of the human body.

The human body’s subtle energy system is a distinct energy system that functions alongside the traditionally accepted systems. The health status of the body’s energy is measured in terms of its flow, balance and harmony.
Instruments & Techniques for Bioacoustics
The tasks of bioacoustics, in regard to both research and operational activities, call for specialized sets of instruments which are not commonly available on the market. This is why it is often necessary to design, assemble, and test new instruments and methodologies for both the acquisition and the analysis of the signals.

Our research on cetaceans in the Mediterranean is carried out using instruments and techniques of advanced (and original) design whose development is an activity of the Laboratory of Marine Bioacoustics. A great effort was put in the development of digital systems for sound analysis and for supporting the researcher in the measurement and understanding of infrasonic, audible and ultrasonic signals. Managing signals in a digital domain allows new approaches, easing filing and flexible analysis of sounds, including real-time spectrographic analysis and display.
Chameleons in our Midst
http://www.subversiveelement.com/Aliens ... ifter.html
"...A friend of mine and four of his friends experimented with crystalline structures a year or two ago (mid-1980's - Branton), and they figured out how to cut them along certain planes so they could actually see the aura or energy field around people. That's when they discovered that all people aren't 'people', or the people they thought they were. It appears that some E.T. humanoids have a dark blue ovoid aura. (Note: Aura cameras developed by Chuck Shramek -- yes, the same Chuck Shramek of the 'Hale-Bopp Companion' controversy -- and others clearly show the 7 multi-colored 'chakra' points of the human soul/spirit matrix. Presumably since reptilians have NO soul, they would have NO multicolored auric field. - Branton). It so happens that all the people they checked that met this criteria also wore dark glasses and made every attempt to act like they really wanted nothing to do with people in general.

Some of the early 'infiltrators' betrayed themselves with their 'plastic' or artificial appearance, whereas in more recent years the 'disguise' has become far more sophisticated with the advent of molecular shape-shifting occult-technology, techno-hypnotic transmitters, and portable laser-hologram technology [according to one source], and therefore harder to detect.
KirlianLab Aura Emulation Energy Capturing Camera
Our Aura Emulation Camera is essentially a major brand, technically advanced, one-step instant camera modified with special electronics and fiber optics to produce colorful aura photographs of people, animals and other subjects.
Chameleons have specialized cells, collectively called chromatophores that lie in layers under their transparent outer skin. The cells in the upper layer, called xanthophores and erythrophores, contain yellow and red pigments respectively. Below these is another layer of cells called iridophores or guanophores, and they contain the colorless crystalline substance guanine. These reflect, among others, the blue part of incident light. If the upper layer of itchromatophores appears mainly yellow, the reflected light becomes green (blue plus yellow). A layer of dark melanin contained in melanophores is situated even deeper under the reflective iridophores. The melanophores influence the 'lightness' of the reflected light. These specialized cells are full of pigment granules, which are located in their cytoplasm. Dispersion of the pigment granules in the cell grants the intensity of appropriate color. If the pigment is equally distributed in the cell, the whole cell has the intensive color, which depends on the type of chromatophore cell. If the pigment is located only in the center of the cell, cell appears to be transparent. All these pigment cells can rapidly relocate their pigments, thereby influencing the color of the chameleon.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:11 am

http://www.subversiveelement.com/Aliens ... ifter.html

Some of the early 'infiltrators' betrayed themselves with their 'plastic' or artificial appearance, whereas in more recent years the 'disguise' has become far more sophisticated with the advent of molecular shape-shifting occult-technology, techno-hypnotic transmitters, and portable laser-hologram technology [according to one source], and therefore harder to detect.
http://semaphore.blogs.com/semaphore/20 ... icine.html
From the Ancient Astronauts to the chemically-assisted soldier

There are many substances capable of modifying cerebral activity. This modulation can affect the level of alertness, moods, or cerebral creativity. This is why man has always used different products issuing from the animal or vegetal kingdoms for their psychoactive properties (snake venom in Amazonia, cannabis in China, etc.). These uses traditionally form part of religious, shamanic, therapeutic or warlike contexts, and often of combinations of these contexts, where an alteration of moods, of auditory or visual perceptions, or an augmentation of alertness may be desired.

In other human activities, outside any therapeutic aims, amphetamines pursued their career. Particularly with the military which continued using them for their stimulating properties. During the first Gulf war, 65% of American pilots admitted to using amphetamines, and among these users, almost 61% judged their consumption essential to the outcome of the operations.

Despite the possibility of addiction and potential side effects that include hypertension and depression, such drugs are needed, military officials believe, in order to stay alert and focused -especially on long-range bombing missions. Such flights can mean nine hours or more alone in expensive, high-performance aircraft.

According to military sources, the use of such drugs (commonly Dexedrine) is part of a cycle that includes the amphetamines to fight fatigue, and then sedatives to induce sleep between missions. Pilots call them "go pills" and "no-go pills."

Amphetamines follow a pattern that goes back at least 40 years to the early days of the Vietnam War - further back if one counts strong military coffee as a stimulant. But they're also part of a new trend that foresees "performance enhancements" designed to produce "iron bodied and iron willed personnel," as outlined in one document of the US Special Operations Command, which oversees the elite special-operations troops that are part of all the military services.

Indeed, the ability to keep fighting for days at a time without normal periods of rest, to perform in ways that may seem almost superhuman (at least well beyond the level of most people in today's armed services), is seen by military officials as the key to success in future conflicts.

"The capability to resist the mental and physiological effects of sleep deprivation will fundamentally change current military concepts of 'operational tempo' and contemporary orders of battle for the military services," states a document from the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). "In short, the capability to operate effectively, without sleep, is no less than a 21st Century revolution in military affairs that results in operational dominance across the whole range of potential U.S. military employments". What's called for, according to DARPA, is a "radical approach" to achieve "continuous assisted performance" for up to seven days. This would actually involve much more than the "linear, incremental and ... limited" approaches of stimulants like caffeine and amphetamines. "Futurists say that if anything's going to happen in the way of leaps in technology, it'll be in the field of medicine," says retired Rear Adm. Stephen Baker, the Navy's former chief of operational testing and evaluation, who is now at the Center for Defense Information in Washington. "This 'better warrior through chemistry' field is being looked at very closely," says Admiral Baker, whose career includes more than 1,000 aircraft-carrier landings as a naval aviator. "It's part of the research going on that is very aggressive and wide open."

In a memo outlining technology objectives, the US Special Operations Command notes that the special-forces "operator" of the future can expect to rely on "ergogenic substances" (such as drugs used by some athletes) "to manage environmental and mentally induced stress and to enhance the strength and aerobic endurance of the operator." The memo continues: "Other physiological enhancements might include ways to overcome sleep deprivation, ways to adjust the circadian rhythms to reduce jet lag, as well as ways to significantly reduce high altitude/under water acclimatization time by the use of blood doping or other methods."

The flight surgeon's guide to "Performance Maintenance During Continuous Flight Operations" (written by the Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory in Pensacola) mentions such possible side effects as euphoria, depression, hypertension, and addiction. There's also the possibility of "idiosyncratic reactions" (amphetamines can be associated with feelings of aggression and paranoia) as well as getting hooked on the "cyclic use of a stimulant/sedative combination."

"The risk of drug accumulation from repetitive dosing warrants serious consideration," the guide notes. The "informed consent" form that military pilots must sign notes that "the US Food and Drug Administration has not approved the use of Dexedrine to manage fatigue."

It's not just the "go pills" that can cause problems in certain individuals. "No-go pills," used to induce sleep, can have dangerous side effects as well including the possibility of what's called "anterograde amnesia ... amnesia of events during the time the medication has an effect". "For the military aviator, this raises the possibility of taking the medication, going to a brief, taking off, and then not remembering what he was told to do," according to the lab's report. But researchers say such symptoms "are primarily dose related and are not expected with 5-10 mgs of dextro-amphetamine (Dexedrine)" - the amounts given to pilots in the Gulf War and in Afghanistan.

As the US moves into an era in which national security is likely to mean wars fought from the air - using attack aircraft and small, specially trained units flown long distances to the battlefield - the issue of performance-enhancing drug use by US military personnel is likely to escalate. "The real story here is the ever-extending reach of air power, "As asymmetric threats such as ballistic missiles become more available to our adversaries, we are going to stand even farther back," "That means that this problem [i.e., the need to combat pilot fatigue] can only grow.
Many studies have been undertaken about the use of SCOPDEX. You can find many of the results of these studies on the NASA Life Sciences Data Archive. And I will give you few elements.

After a parabolic flight some have compared their feeling in microgravity to the use of drugs, mentioning mushrooms, extasy, heroin. It is probably linked in a way to a combination of adrenalin, serotonin and dopamin liberation. A feeling of pleasure is usually linked to Serotonin and dopamin liberation when people take drugs. We only have a limited amount of serotonin transmitters, around 10 000 and if you lose 90% of these transmitters you reach the point of Parkinson disease.

Temperature regulation, fluid volume and water intake, calcium metabolism and the neuromuscular control of movement are altered under microgravity. Such adaptations to microgravity may be mediated by corresponding changes in brain neurotransmitter dynamics.

Since the pineal gland is an important link to the environment, it is conceivable that exposure to space flight might alter the function of this gland and, in turn, affect various physiological functions including the circadian timing system and reproduction. Given the link between microgravity exposure and perturbation of calcium metabolism, and that the pineal is apparently one of the only "soft tissues" to calcify, some studies examined pineal calcium content, along with Serotonin metabolism.

Well, to conclude, we could train the future space explorers to be in a semi-waking semi-sleeping state of consciousness by kind of meditation practice. Up to this day, our space explorers have been trained to be more and more like techno-genetically modified drug-addicted trans-humans. In this perspective, the bright future elite of humanity will be something like chemically assisted bio-cyberpunks.

But we could dream of an alternative, based more on human abilities that have yet to be developed, by the knowledge of occult and ancient practices, like body and consciousness control through dream concentration and meditation, which will lead us to a better understanding of the cosmic laws of nature, matter and energy, as well as how we are intimately linked to them, never escaping them, whatever we do by trying to techno-scientifically control them.

I believe that science does not only search for ergonomic adaptation of humanity to technological and economic needs. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, mainly through the modernist deconstruction of poetry, through suprematism and constructivism, and then through industrial culture, the arts have been teaching us that science is also opening new paths to the forgotten areas of our mind. The precedents run from the primitive languages elaborated by Khlebnikov and Schwitters to the absolute pictorial experience of emptiness by Malevich, from body control in Genesis P. Orridge's COUM Transmissions performances to Dragan Zivadinov's Zero Gravity Biomechanical Theater.
Binary Acoustic Technology
Binary Acoustic Technology LLC develops and manufactures professional quality acoustic processing products for bio-acoustic monitoring and field surveys. We offer
ultrasonic recording, snapshot analysis, and ultrasonic generation product lines.
Portable laser-hologram technology
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 4112768834#
Google TechTalks August 9, 2006 Dr. Roger Stettner Steve Silverman Noel Gorelick ABSTRACT Advanced Scientific Concepts has developed a 3D camera unlike any other in existence. At video frame rates (30Hz) their solid-state flash LADAR system is able to simultaneously measure the distance to every point in the scene by recording the time-of-flight of a laser pulse. At full speed the camera collects 500,000 range points per second using a 1.57um eye-safe laser that has been successfully tested at distances greater than 5km.The entire system is the size of a shoebox and weighs only 12 pounds. It uses less than 60 watts of power and can be controlled from a laptop. Engineers from ASC will discuss the flash LADAR technology and give a live demo their system.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-ifIWus ... re=related

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxx1uTK7 ... re=related

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKTR7g_n ... re=related

http://www.5min.com/Video/Creating-a-Ho ... -223170211




Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:23 pm

What if the Anunnaki and the Nefilim were deliberately demonized by a corrupt Levitical priesthood in order to benefit their self-aggrandisement. What if they were technically advanced human survivors of “Noah’s Flood”?
According to Sumerian clay texts, the Anannage (also known as the Anunnaki) descended from what appears to be Mount Hermon, and established a habitat at Kharsag, prior to migrating to the Mesopotamian region. In all probability, they were technologically advanced human survivors of the Noahic global flood. It should be noted that the Babylonians, who later adopted and modified the Sumerian language, displayed a penchant for deifying notable human beings who had been deceased for several centuries. Accordingly, the Anannage (referred to in the Bibleas Nephilim) probably were humans not extraterrestrial humanoids as claimed by New Agers. – They Cast No Shadows – Brian Desborough, pg. 396
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 210#p34563

The Shemsu Hor were a fair haired, blue eyed race and taller than the indigenous Egyptians. Curiously, their skulls possessed an astonishing physical characteristic: unlike conventional human skulls, the front and rear halves of the Shemsu Hor skulls did not knit together. In consequence, as the brain grew during infancy, the rear half of the skull was forced backwards. This pronounced deformation caused the skin to become very taut, thereby giving the Shemsu Hor the facial appearance of a serpent!

According to my own research, the Shemsu Hor descended upon a mountain (almost certainly Mount Hermon) during the global flood and later became known as the Annana, Annanage, Annunakki or Nephilim. According to Sumerian texts, they resided upon the upper slopes of the mountain for many years at a valley they called “Edin,” where they taught various skills to a group of humans known as the “Watchers.” After the floodwaters receded, the Shemsu Hor migrated to Mesopotamia, where they introduced agriculture and other skills to the native hunter/gatherers.
The Anunnaki - Pino's Theory
http://www.theastralworld.com/ancient-m ... theory.php
This could be a theory on the Anunnaki, but it could just be listed as a thought because I'm not an expert by any means on ancient history. If you're unfamiliar with the Anunnaki, they are pretty much the original Sumerian version of the Christian God, in which the Bible was twisted around to rid itself of the Anunnaki in place of one God. They have to do with the whole creation of man theory in which all the old Sumerian texts refer to them. They are also referred to as the Nephilim. Nobody knows where the Anunnaki came from and who they truly were. I see a little more explanation may be necessary here so I'll keep it brief and save the full Anunnaki story for another article.

Basically, the Anunnaki have been said by some - most famously Zecharia Sitchin - to be extraterrestrial beings who came down to earth for a variety of reasons. They then took humans and made them smart enough to become slaves. After thousands of years, there was a vote to let the humans die by flood. Not all of the Anunnaki agreed and some were responsible for giving Utnapishtim forewarning of the coming flood. He built an ark and loaded it with his family and some animals for food. The flood in question happened in the Mesopotamian area (modern-day Iraq) sometime around 4000 B.C. This was a centralized flood in the Persian Gulf region and not the one around 10,500 B.C. at the end of the last ice age. The compilers of the Bible changed Utnapishtim to Noah, who actually didn't live until about 2000 years later.

The Anunnaki were credited with cross-breeding themselves and early humans to create modern day homo-sapiens-sapiens. They are said to come from the sky in their aircrafts, and possibly come from another world. The ancient texts speak a lot about the Anunnaki, who seemed to have exchanged their wisdom for being treated like royalty. That should give you the basics on the origin of the Anunnaki.

I tend to notice that when reading up on a certain subject, you read the same things over and over again with little bits added to the authors viewpoint here and there. It's when you branch off into other areas that you start noticing similarities between all the different mysteries. My point is that with what I've read by the ancient history buffs, none of them seem to mention Atlantis. Again, you're dealing with people who shun the vary name Atlantis and don't tend to give this theory any thought.

Maybe once or twice a year I'll pick up another book dealing with the Anunnaki. I still find almost no mention of Atlantis, yet these researchers can so easily point out that these extraterrestrials are from another planet that orbits the sun every 3600 years. I'm not saying there isn't one. The ancient texts do speak of strange things such as other planets and people coming down from space, but if we look a little closer to other unknown history we see tales of another ancient civilization with airplanes and other advanced technology - Atlantis!

When reading through completely different mystery topics, you start to see things overlap. In this case, past-life regressions on Atlantis, individual Atlantis studies and tales of other ancient civilizations seem to fit together in some way with the Anunnaki texts.

So here it is. Atlantis has been said to possess technology as great as ours is today. They were supposed to have airplanes as well. If you look at the ancient scripts from India, you'll see that they have tales of airplanes and other flying ships as well. Again, there are thousands of references to air travel. It goes so far as to actually give diagrams and detailed instructions on how to build them and some scientists have agreed that these "vimanas" would indeed have a chance of flying.

When the Anunnaki talk about coming down from "heaven" or from "up-high", how do we really know they're talking about space, and not just landing their airplanes. The texts also tell of rocket-fire and rockets resembling the rockets of today. I don't recall many UFO pictures resembling NASA rocketships!

A lot of what we know about Atlantis is thanks to Edgar Cayce. There are others who have contributed whether psychically or historically, but Cayce's readings do tell a lot about Atlantis. In his readings, he basically refers to a couple of opposing sides - one known as the children of The Law of One and those known as the sons of Belial. Belial is what concerns us here. In the Cayce readings, Belial and Baalilal are used interchangeably. The sons of Belial were known as "the evil side" and were more prone to corruptness and greed. As the Atlantean land went under the sea, the sons of Belial were said to have spread throughout the Americas.

So we're looking at the term Belial and Baalilal. According to the Sumerian text, Baal is said to be the grandson of Jehovah, the one and only Christian God. Baal means lord or master. In Revelations there is the doctrine of Balaam. Then there's Baalzebub, better known as Beelzebub. In Jewish texts, terms are used such as son of Belial and man of Belial. You also have the giant structures at Baalbek. All these stem from the name Belial, which Cayce spoke of in his readings. He had no real knowledge of ancient scripts other than his Bible, and the Sumerian texts were only just being translated and open to the public in the later years of his life. His talk of those of the Law of Belial could very well be the same as the Sumerian god/teacher Baal.

Another similarity I've come across is that of the description of the Anunnaki. They are pretty much humans with beards. Some statues show larger than normal eyes, but there is nothing else associating them with an extraterrestrial look such as the grey aliens so commonly portrayed today. They had beards. When you look at ancient legends of other cultures, there are many tales of visitors to the lands by white people with beards. They are often described as being covered in fish scales - which could easily be a description of chain-link armor by someone who's never seen it before. These teachers with beards were said to come from a faraway land to educate the uncivilized. This was not specific to the Americas but throughout most of the world. These bearded fish-men unselfishly taught the peoples throughout the lands how to become a civilized society. They taught them reading, writing, mathematics, crop cultivation, farming, and all the other things necessary to become a "modernized" society. This can be said of the Anunnaki as well.

In closing, I'd like to state that I believe there to be a good chance that the Anunnaki were nothing more than Atlanteans who were somehow out to help the primitive cultures of the earth. They can be thought of as some sort of ancient missionaries. Perhaps they were the survivors of the sinking of Atlantis and had nowhere to go. They drifted off to other lands and paid their stay by teaching, which in turn was a benefit for the future of man-kind. The official history of Atlantis may be lost, but by the deeds of the Anunnaki we are now flying crafts to Mars rather than figuring out what an alphabet is.
Giants inHistory


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:43 pm

Important information regarding the human biofield

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 225#p34725

Shemsu Hor
http://tribes.tribe.net/mazdayasnianfel ... 928e0a4b16
The suppressed research papers were the efforts of the brilliant German physicist and mathematician Dr. Hartmut Müller while working at the Institute for Cosmic Research in Russia, during the 1980’s. The basis of Dr. Müller’s research was the discovery of a non-electromagnetic interaction between physical biotic systems. It was later found by Russian scientists that this previously unknown “biofield” interaction even occurred between supposedly inanimate objects such as rocks or interstellar material. Later, in 1988, microbiological experiments conducted aboard the Mir spacecraft determined that the biofield was actually gravitation and amazingly, modulated gravitation possessed the unique capability of transmitting biological data—a fact independently verified by the distinguished physicist and Sumerian scholar George Merkl, PhD. Russian experiments conducted during the 1960’s and subsequently suppressed by the Russian Academy of Sciences, revealed that gravitational waves are able to travel at a minimum of twenty times the accepted velocity of light and that a “biofield” pervades the entire universe.

After examining this extensive corpus of scientific data, Dr. Müller was able to deduce that a logarithmic scalar gravitational standing wave pervades the entire universe. “Simply that this standing gravitational wave confers appropriate resonant data to every biotic system within the universe, thereby imposing an enduring effect upon planetary evolution.

Dr. Müller’s research reveals, much to the chagrin of human genome geneticists, that genetic information is not contained in DNA strands. Instead, DNA and RNA molecules generate optical holograms which are in resonance with, and driven by, specific frequencies generated by the universal standing scalar gravitational wave. Every living cell resonantly receives the appropriate data in the form of weak electromagnetic coded signals from the universal scalar wave necessary for biochemical processes such as protein synthesis.
See also:

http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_ ... ars_01.htm

Logarithmic spirals, waves, and tilings
http://lcni.uoregon.edu/~mark/Geek_art/ ... lings.html
These images and animations are variations on a single theme, a binary division of the plane by two anti-symmetric (flipped and mirrored, or rotated 180 degrees) logarithmic spirals. The basic figure has the same symmetry as a "yin-yang" image.

images are also examples of binary fractals, divisions of the plane into two equal fractal (symmetric and self-similar) parts.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:39 am

Cosmic Frequencies and the Human Biofield (Merkaba)

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... &start=225

Shemsu Hor
http://tribes.tribe.net/mazdayasnianfel ... 928e0a4b16
Then there is a lot of text relating to the construction of the pyramids and the universal scalar wave

The basis of Dr. Müller’s research was the discovery of a non-electromagnetic interaction between physical biotic systems. It was later found by Russian scientists that this previously unknown “biofield” interaction even occurred between supposedly inanimate objects such as rocks or interstellar material

The biofield was actually gravitation and amazingly, modulated gravitation possessed the unique capability of transmitting biological data

Gravitational waves are able to travel at a minimum of twenty times the accepted velocity of light and that a “biofield” pervades the entire universe.

A logarithmic scalar gravitational standing wave pervades the entire universe. This standing gravitational wave confers appropriate resonant data to every biotic system within the universe

Genetic information is not contained in DNA strands. Instead, DNA and RNA molecules generate optical holograms which are in resonance with, and driven by, specific frequencies generated by the universal standing scalar gravitational wave.

Every living cell resonantly receives the appropriate data in the form of weak electromagnetic coded signals from the universal scalar wave necessary for biochemical processes such as protein synthesis.

Living cells reject external electromagnetic fields which lack biologically relevant data, thus enabling cellular growth to proceed in a controlled manner. Unfortunately for all life within our biosphere, much of the electromagnetic smog generated by high voltage power lines and telecommunication systems contains arbitrarily chosen frequency spectra of biological significance, thus pervading and polluting the biosphere with energy fields not in attunement with the cosmos.

It’s not so much the intensity, but the biological information content of electromagnetic smog that is so damaging to all biotic cellular processes (the gigahertz frequency spectra of computers and cellular phones for instance, transmit frequencies which are resonant with human bone marrow cells).

If planet Earth and perhaps even the entire universe is to survive, modern science and particularly that sector of it beholden to the military industrial complex, must abandon its present irresponsible ways and display competent global stewardship, learning to understand and work with the cosmos instead of against it.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:42 am

http://tribes.tribe.net/mazdayasnianfel ... 928e0a4b16
New Age writers and lecturers have stated that according to the ancient prophecy, the world will end cataclysmically on December 21st in the year 2012. This is a total fallacy—it will not be the end of the human race.

The Mayan Long Count Calendar and its so-called doomsday prophecy actually originated with the Olmec peoples, not the Maya, using the advanced astronomical knowledge bestowed to them by their Shemsu Hor civilizers.

There were two other Mesoamerican calendars which, when used in conjunction with the Long Count Calendar, reveal not only the Shemsu Hor knowledge of planetary precession but also a means for accurately forecasting celestial events spanning millions of years.

Accompanying the Olmec calendar was a creation myth that was recorded in the codex known as the Popul Vuh, which became the bible of the indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica. The creation myth was an account of a battle between the forces of good and evil. The serpentine dark area of the Milky Way whose Mesoamerican name is Xibalba Be, was believed to be the road leading to the domicile of evil beings. The myth revolves around the death and resurrection of a warrior known as Hun Hunahpu, whose name symbolizes the December solstice.

By using the three calendar system, the Maya were able to predict that April 21, 1519 heralded the dawn of nine terrible periods spanning 52 years each, in which the Maya would lose their freedom and disease become prevalent. This was the fateful date when Cortez and his conquistadors arrived in the New World. This particular period ended August 16th, 1987. According to the Maya, we are presently in a transitional era of social unrest, war and major geophysical changes.

The present era will change when we enter the Fifth Sun—the Mayan doomsday, on 4 Ahau 3 Kankin— December 21st, 2012. This is the day when, for the first time in almost 26,000 years, the sun will conjunct the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic. This forthcoming celestial event does not result in the annihilation of life on Earth, as claimed by some New Age writers, but rather the beginning of an era in which humankind will be able to subdue the forces of evil if it elects to live in a harmonious manner, instead of waging war.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:45 am

http://tribes.tribe.net/mazdayasnianfel ... 928e0a4b16
As we have seen in this narrative, the Shemsu Hor arrived on Earth at a period when humankind had devolved to the level of hunter-gatherers, in order to create new civilizations in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Malta and Mesoamerica. We are presently entering an era of major earth changes and global warfare which is destined to once more reduce humanity to the level of hunter-gatherers.

I wouldn’t expect to see a return of the Shemsu Hor, otherwise they would have already arrived for the purpose of establishing the precursor to a new and very advanced civilization. The intervention into human affairs by the Shemsu Hor was a noble and timely gesture, even though their bizarre physical bodies were unsuited to life on planet Earth, for the enormous size of their skulls would have made walking upright very difficult and painful due to the Earth’s high gravitational environment. In all probability, the Shemsu Hor came from a planet where the gravity was considerably lower.

Similarly, we can’t expect the arrival of extraterrestrial space craft bearing benevolent beings, since it is the formal policy of the United States National Reconnaissance Office to order the interception and destruction of any extraterrestrial craft whose occupants are unwilling to provide advanced weapons technology.

All is not lost however. For many centuries, a little known côterie of humans known as the Kwajaghan have intervened in global affairs periodically in order to disseminate culture in regions where it is lacking. Headquartered in Afghanistan, members of this secret society possess remarkable telepathic powers and receive communication from a non-physical directorate. After studying with them, Abelard of Bath brought astronomy to the western world in the 8th century C.E. and Sufism was spawned from the teachings of the Kwajaghan. Something more than an injection of fresh culture will be needed however, if the Illuminati succeed in fomenting World War III and the earth changes predicted by Dr. Dimetriev and his Russian scientists become a reality.

There is an upside to such calamitous happenings however. A vast global network of interconnected very large subterranean facilities have covertly been constructed for the purpose of safely accommodating the global movers and shakers, together with their treasonous law enforcement and military lackeys when the planned World War III goes nuclear. Even though deep underground facilities are very earthquake resistant, they will not be able to withstand the extensive mountain building predicted by Dr. Dmitriev’s scientists.

Such massive geophysical earth changes are consistent with the doomsday prophecy of the Maya. Between now and the year 2012, the planet Venus will transit the Sun—an occurrence which historically has resulted in violent earth changes and severe weather patterns. This is why the ancient Egyptians regarded Venus as an entity which punishes humanity for its lack of spirituality. The Venus transit tends to culminate with a prolonged period of minimal sunspot activity and extremely cold weather. If such calamitous earth changes do in fact occur, they will facilitate a cleansing of planet Earth.

Governments and transnational corporations will cease to exist. The global monetary system—the lifeblood of the global movers and shakers will have collapsed and public utilities will not be operational.

Such a massive planetary cleansing will provide humanity with the opportunity to implement advanced energy and pesticide-free agricultural technologies which are not dependent upon fossil fuels or artificial fertilizers. This does not imply that we have to resort to primitive energy concepts such as solar energy or wind power (which annually kills many birds) for advanced free energy technology can be utilized in order to provide inexpensive and non polluting electrical power (unsightly overhead power lines will be a thing of the past). This will be an era when allopathic medicine and pharmaceutical companies will become a redundant barbarism and people will be able to lead disease free lives.

In order to accomplish the transition from our present global war-based “civilization” to one which will enable humanity to live peaceful and prosperous lives after the period of planetary cleansing, a team of non-human beings from another realm began arriving on planet Earth during the 19th century. The souls of these beings entered the bodies of babies whose souls voluntarily departed during a near death experience. It is essential to differentiate between these non-human beings and opportunistic human souls known as “walk ins” who incarnate into a body whose soul has departed for other reasons

This incredible inventor and towering intellect was Nikola Tesla. That Tesla was no mere mortal is evidenced by the fact that upon recovering from his near death experience, the boy began solving mathematical problems with the aid of ternary logic. What’s so unusual about that? Simply that human society has adopted a binary code for the purpose of managing its affairs. Binary (Boolean) logic upon which our present computer software industry is based, only employs two values: one or zero, in other words binary logic only provides for “yes” or “no” answers, without an alternative. Ternary logic on the other hand allows values to not only increase or diminish, but also to remain constant. Because our computer software lacks a third logical alternative, an abnormally large number of circuit elements are required in modern computers, resulting in harmful high frequency electromagnetic radiation, overheating and slow computing speeds.

When humanity begins to restart its new civilization sometime after 2012, it’s imperative that the world of commerce adopts ternary logic in order to find true attunement with the cosmos, for both the universal logarithmic scalar standing wave and all of nature incorporates ternary logic. The universal standing wave for instance, has zones of growth, stability and even decay, with which all natural systems within the universe resonate.

One hundred and six of these aforementioned non-human beings presently are living on planet Earth for the purpose of disseminating advanced cultural and technological concepts, so that a new civilization can be implemented following the forthcoming period of planetary cleansing. It is the legacy presently being bestowed upon humanity by these non-human beings that is intended to be adopted by the current generation of Indigo Children after attaining adulthood, for they have the level of intellect necessary for comprehension of these advanced concepts.

After attaining adulthood, what type of civilization will arise if the Indigo Children implement these advanced and already experimentally proven concepts in a wise and spiritual manner? Disease will become a thing of the past if the medical science encoded upon Sumerian clay texts by the Shemsu Hor (and ignored by academia) is implemented.

These amazing texts not only depict facets of protein synthesis but also details of an elixir which enables diseased human organs to be totally restructured at a cellular level. When this seemingly magical elixir was recently replicated, one drop of insulin added to a vial of the elixir resulted in the creation of living pancreatic cells in the solution!

New elements unknown to science will be achievable by a process involving a reversal of proton spin direction, thus facilitating the manufacture of new types of metals and gemstones. The implementation of free energy systems will provide the planet with non-polluting electricity and cost-effective and virtually silent transportation systems. Advanced agricultural systems not dependent upon artificial fertilizers and free from pesticides, will not only drastically improve the quality and quantity of crop yields, but also will facilitate the much needed reforestation of planet Earth


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Apr 21, 2010 7:03 am

If there is a universal (gravitational) logarithmic scalar standing wave, then everything fits together based on geometric patterns, radiant pressure and resonance. :D
Gravity waves may be a resultant effect arising from the creation of sub-atomic particles. If a localized region of the aetheric continuum is tightly wound into a catenoidal geometric form, additional torqueing presumably would cause a toroidal knot at the midpoint of the structure, resulting in the creation of a sub-atomic particle, and a surrounding void. The inflow of aether to fill the void would be what we perceive as gravity. Unravelling of the toroid would result in an emission of electromagnetic force.

In 1934, physicist P. Dirac postulated the existence of magnetic monopoles. Their presence was eventually detected in flowing water by the late Dr. Freeman Cope. Dr Philip Callahan later verified the existence of tachyon monopoles (superluminal particles). Monopoles are created when magnetoelectric dipoles, ejected from the sun, are torn apart by cosmic forces. Certain people absorb such high levels of south monopoles that they are able to levitate.

Geopathic stress is a geographically localized zone of geomagnetic disturbance, which disrupts the homeostasis of electromagnetically hypersensitive persons. The stress becomes intensified if the zone is concurrently irradiated by microwave transmissions or gamma ray communication satellite signals and surveillance beams. Structures built over such zones frequently exhibit “cold areas.” Other anomalies include variations in electrical resistance and radio reception. Geopathic stress encompasses two distinct categories:

a) A discharging field effect (yin) which occurs mainly at the intersection of subterranean streams, or over cavities in rock.

b) A charging field (yang) is often found over mineral deposits, which tend to emit infra-red radiation.

The flux intensity of such zones is intensified if they are located at the intersection of earth energy rids; the best known of these are the Hartmann Net and the Curry Grid. The Hartmann Net consists of a rectangular energy lattice oriented north-south and east-west. Grid lines running north-south are spaced 2.5 meters apart, and east-west lines are spaces 2.0 meters apart. Adjacent lines of the grid are of opposite polarities. Geopathic flux is greatest whenever grid lines of similar polarity intersect. Grid lines are usually 20 cms. in width, which increases to 80 cms. during full moon periods. The flux is stronger at night. The Curry Grid, which runs diagonally to the Hartmann Net has a grid spacing of 22 meters. Other important earth energies are Bloch Wall vortices and the World Grid system.

Geopathic stress modulates the spin oscillation and proton resonance of protein molecules in the human body, and affects the polarity of cell membranes, as well as altering the hormonal balance of the body.

The human brain is quite possibly both a generator and a detector of scalar waves. These waves are generated whenever a mechanical or electromagnetic stress is applied to the constrained energy potential of the virtual state. When two scalar waves converge at a location distant from their source (this is known as scalar wave interferometry) kindling occurs. This in turn results in the creation of energy in a variety of forms which are observable in the physical state. Crystalline rocks such as granite and even the very planet itself appear to be scalar wave generators. Silica possesses the ability to transform electromagnetic energy into scalar waves. - They Cast No Shadows – Brian Desborough, pg. 421-425
http://tribes.tribe.net/mazdayasnianfel ... 928e0a4b16
Then there is a lot of text relating to the construction of the pyramids and the universal scalar wave

The basis of Dr. Müller’s research was the discovery of a non-electromagnetic interaction between physical biotic systems. It was later found by Russian scientists that this previously unknown “biofield” interaction even occurred between supposedly inanimate objects such as rocks or interstellar material

The biofield was actually gravitation and amazingly, modulated gravitation possessed the unique capability of transmitting biological data

Gravitational waves are able to travel at a minimum of twenty times the accepted velocity of light and that a “biofield” pervades the entire universe.

A logarithmic scalar gravitational standing wave pervades the entire universe. This standing gravitational wave confers appropriate resonant data to every biotic system within the universe

Genetic information is not contained in DNA strands. Instead, DNA and RNA molecules generate optical holograms which are in resonance with, and driven by, specific frequencies generated by the universal standing scalar gravitational wave.

Every living cell resonantly receives the appropriate data in the form of weak electromagnetic coded signals from the universal scalar wave necessary for biochemical processes such as protein synthesis.

Living cells reject external electromagnetic fields which lack biologically relevant data, thus enabling cellular growth to proceed in a controlled manner. Unfortunately for all life within our biosphere, much of the electromagnetic smog generated by high voltage power lines and telecommunication systems contains arbitrarily chosen frequency spectra of biological significance, thus pervading and polluting the biosphere with energy fields not in attunement with the cosmos.

It’s not so much the intensity, but the biological information content of electromagnetic smog that is so damaging to all biotic cellular processes (the gigahertz frequency spectra of computers and cellular phones for instance, transmit frequencies which are resonant with human bone marrow cells).

If planet Earth and perhaps even the entire universe is to survive, modern science and particularly that sector of it beholden to the military industrial complex, must abandon its present irresponsible ways and display competent global stewardship, learning to understand and work with the cosmos instead of against it.
Then gravity and inertia become a matter of “radiation pressure” or "rearranging" the geometric shape of the "biofield" of any bioplasma body based on resononant frequencies.

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 243#p33243

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 243#p33332

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 243#p33357

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 105#p33518

The key

Conjoined Values of the Royal Cubit & the Golden Ratio "Unearthed" from First Twelve Terms of Fibonacci's Series
A small booklet published in 2000 by this author reveals an intriguing discovery, or quite possibly a re-discovery of ideas from an earlier time, that allowed tabularization of the Fibonacci series into self-limiting columns and rows of one, two and three digit numbers. A process termed number distillation that is often referred to as "the casting out of nines" is responsible for, and allows, the all-important self-limiting aspect of the tables that were created. The column and row sums, as well as specific numerically marked area summations, proved in most cases to provide historically significant numbers that were oft times repeated in other of the tables. Table-1, the parent table that is included herein allows the reader a glimpse of the power of such tables in providing numbers of historical significance, all of which seem to be a part of Nature's grand design.

One of the most exciting discoveries was that several of the tabular summations numerically matched major external measurements of the Great pyramid as measured in feet. Ratios formed of certain sums proved to be very close approximations for Pi (π) and the Golden Ratio (ϕ).

Some tabular summations from other of the tables numerically matched geological measurements of physical items such as earth density, axial rotation speed and rotational energy.

Table-1 is a natural formation of 216 Cells arranged in 9 rows of distilled Fibonacci numbers in 24 columns, where each successive row is obtained by multiplying the row number by each respective top row factor and distilling. This limited grid pattern repeats itself when distillation is continued in either the X or Y direction.

If each of the digits in the first twelve cells of Row-1 (Table-1) is divided by the digit that precedes it, there will be eleven rational terms that added together sum to 20.61785714.

Tabular Ratio Summation Value of the Royal Cubit = 20.618 inch.

Could the string of ratios that produce this historical value really be the source of the Royal Cubit ? The possibility is supported by the fact, partially displayed in Table-1 Notes, that tabularization of the Fibonacci series by the process of distillation provides a wellspring of numerical knowledge for seekers of historic truths and on occasion will reveal a "new glimmer of light". Interestingly, the pivotal value for each column and row of Table-1 is the product of this ratio string, i.e. the number nine.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:04 pm

http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/bigge ... cret01.htm
A friend of mine in California, Brian Desborough, is a researcher and scientist I have great respect for. He has been involved in aerospace research and has been employed in this and other scientific research by many companies. He has compiled some highly detailed and compelling information about the ancient world and its connection to the Brotherhood manipulation of today. While he worked for a major United States corporation in the 1960s, their physicists completed their own independent studies which suggested that about 4,800 BC a huge body, which we now know as Jupiter, careered into our solar system.

The outer planets were thrown into disarray and Jupiter eventually crashed into a planet which orbited between the present Jupiter and Mars. The physicists said the remains of this planet became the asteroid belt and that part of Jupiter broke away to become what we now call Venus. As Venus, then a vast chunk of matter, was projected into space, it destroyed the atmosphere and life of Mars before it was caught by the Earth’s gravitational field, the study claimed. Venus made several orbits of the Earth before its momentum hurled it into its current position in the solar system. It was those orbits, the physicists said, that brought devastation and a tidal wave about 4,800 BC.

They believed, as Brian Desborough does, that before this time Mars orbited where the Earth is now and the Earth was much closer to the Sun. The brilliant light of Venus as it passed close to the Earth may have led to the idea of Lucifer, the ‘light bringer’.
A great deal of recorded history has been deliberately distorted by Illuminati-controlled historians. Conversely, the Illuminati hierarchy maintains closely-guarded and accurate historical records for its own purposes. According to the Illuminati, the Aryan race originated in the Lyrian constellation prior to colonizing Mars and established high technology outposts on Planet Earth.

The author accordingly suggests that a previously advanced civilization was destroyed in a cataclysmic celestial event involving Venus which resulted in a simultaneous global flood and ice age that reshaped the topography of Earth.

In all probability most of humanity did not survive the global flood and its accompanying ice age. In a short period of time, most of the survivors would have been reduced to hunter-gatherers, forced to live in mountainous regions at high elevations, until the floodwaters receded.

Procuring food would occupy most of the survivors’ time; within a few generations, most of the survivors’ offspring would have forgotten how to read and write, as literacy developed to an oboriginal level.

Imagine the consequences if a self-contained cooperative with technology to produce its own food and water, survived the cataclysm and after several decades ventured out among the illiterate hunter-gatherers and taught them the rudiments of agriculture and education. Such a group would be hailed as wizards; with the passage of time, they would be elevated to the level of deities.

The Gilgamesh Epic states that these beings established a farming community at a place called Edin, the ideogram for which suggests a lofty plain with cascading water. They taught agriculture to the local natives, then later descended from the mountain and migrated to Mesopotamia. Within the passage of time the group became deified.

The writer hypothesizes that this group survived the flood by seeking refuge near the summit of Mount Hermon. As the floodwaters receded, the survivors, originally technologically advanced Aryan colonizers from Mars, descended to lower terrain and established the Edin community. These flood survivors, originally referred to in the Sumerian texts as a-nan-na, later became known as the Anannage or Annunaki.

We must not jump to the conclusion that these flood survivors were extraterrestrial humanoids, just because the Hebrew word “nephilim” means “those who descended”, for the group had to descend from the mountain at the commencement of their trek to Mesopotamia.

As stated previously the writer postulated that Mars was once populated b the Aruam race, some of whom visited Planet Earth prior to the flood; these visitors or colonizers became stranded on Earth when Mars was forced out of its previous orbit during the cataclysmic celestial event involving Venus. The relatively few earthbound Martians who survived the flood (presumably losing their technologically advanced equipment in the process) was the race who re-created the civilizations of the world after the flood and became known as the Phoenicians.

The author also suggests that prior to the Earth’s temporary encounter with Venus, the dark-skinned Dravidians were defeated in a series of ariel battles by the reptilian inhabitants of Atlantis, who were the Illuminati.

The close encounter with Venus, which resulted in a global flood and ice age, submerged much of the vast Atlantean continent, temporarily destabilizing the Illuminati reptilian dominion over the affairs of humanity.

A great deal of research into this matter was conducted by the late British anthropologist and linguist Professor L. Waddell. During many years spent in India, Waddell came to the realization that the list of ancient Indo Aryan kings in the Mahabarata Epic corresponded with the names of early Phoenician rulers.

The Phoenicians began colonizing Britain as early as 2900 B.C. - They Cast No Shadows – Brian Desborough – pg. 49-65


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Apr 22, 2010 6:16 am

It also seems that the tools of discovery in these areas are often related; like light frequencies and electromagnetic frequencies, just to mention two. - “Forbidden Science and Conspiracies" by Michael Tellinger
Tools related to knowledge concerning the biofield (Merkaba) of all bioplasma bodies? Information relating to the logarithmic scalar gravitational wave that pervades the entire universe and confers appropriate resonant data to every biotic system within it? Now why would the Illuminati want to hide that information? ;)
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 845#p30608

"The Law which develops and controls harmony develops and controls the Universe."
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 225#p34805

There is a logarithmic scalar gravitational standing wave that pervades the entire universe. This standing gravitational wave confers appropriate resonant data to every biotic system within the universe.

Conjoined Values of the Royal Cubit & the Golden Ratio "Unearthed" from First Twelve Terms of Fibonacci's Series
From Slave Species of the Gods by Michael Tellinger
Forbidden Science and Conspiracies

The more I investigate human achievements and new discoveries by great minds of the past, the more horrified I become by the overwhelming evidence of mass cover-ups of unthinkable proportion as far back as one can scratch. It seems that many great discoveries of the past and even of the present are always accompanied by inexplicable activity by instruments of authority or government, to cover up such discoveries.

Most commonly, the shadowy figures of authority take control of the documents and knowledge relating to those discoveries, and follow this up with a campaign of disinformation during which the individual who made the discovery is slowly and meticulously discredited. This however does not seem to apply to all discoveries as we can see, but it is reserved for such works of science which have the potential to leapfrog human abilities to far greater heights. These discoveries seem to be prevalent in the areas of medicine and energy. It also seems that the tools of discovery in these areas are often related; like light frequencies and electromagnetic frequencies, just to mention two.

It seems as if a higher power is preventing humans from gaining higher knowledge that may accelerate our evolution in some strange way. I have formulated an opinion that points to THREE areas of enslavement by the unseen global powers. Media, energy and medicine. The three so-called legs of human enslavement. Even just writing about this subject makes me feel that I am turning into a conspiracy theorist of sorts and that is not at all how I like to see myself. So on the subject on so-called 'conspiracy' theorists; I would like to state the following.

I believe that the term 'conspiracy' is possibly the most dangerous and malicious word introduced into the human maze. Once a person has been tainted by this label, it becomes very difficult to redeem oneself and come across with any kind of scientific credibility. This label has unfortunately discredited and destroyed some of the greatest minds, past and present, which could have contributed immensely to the rapid advancement of humans.

The more research I do, the more difficult it becomes to ignore the concept and real possibility of the existence of the so-called 'Illuminati', a group of powerful individuals that basically run the planet and keep the humans in line and enslaved by very basic means. There has been much supportive argument by many researchers about the real existence of the Illuminati. But once again, this is just a conspiracy theory and anyone seen to be spending too much time on this preposterous theory MUST be a fool not worthy of any serious attention.

It most definitely seems that the term 'conspiracy' was conveniently and cunningly introduced into the vocabulary of common folk to quickly and mercilessly remove any elements of credibility of targeted citizens. Just think of the McCarthy era in the USA. Once you were named as a sympathiser, or you were spotted reading a book about communism, you had very little chance of clearing your name. Your life became very difficult and many great minds in the arts and sciences were reduced to working under pseudonyms or were forced out of their professions completely.

What a great ploy; what a masterstroke. Possibly the most brilliant move by the 'unseen' masters of humankind, who are doing everything in their power to keep humans ignorant and enslaved for as long as possible. On this note I recommend a book called 'Forbidden Science' by Richard Milton which includes some of the most famous names in science and outlines the onslaught they faced before getting their discoveries accepted by the authorities of their day. But of course, those were the lucky ones, and only the tip of the iceberg. I believe that there have been thousands of more great scientists and inventors whose work has been consciously covered up and removed from the mainframe of knowledge for very simple reasons.

"The slave species must not evolve too quickly, or they may catch up with the intelligence of its maker and creator."

So while we are on this topic, let me introduce to you the Holy Trinity of human enslavement: MEDIA, ENERGY and HEALTH. The media tell us what to believe, the energy masters keep us enslaved to the world around us, because energy is required for every aspect of modern living; and the health companies keep us sick by withholding new medical discoveries. These are the three legs of the Illuminati and with these they can control the slave species as they please.

The global media that carry the news into our homes each minute of every day seem to be obsessed with human strife and human conflict. At first we tell ourselves that it's their job, and they are only reporting the major news! But as we objectively look at the content of what the media is feeding us, we begin to recognise very clear patterns that are cunningly constructed to dehumanise its audience while pretending to do the opposite. We are told what to think; what to believe; who is good and who is bad; what to eat and what to wear; how to speak and what movies to see; where to live; how to live and who is right and who is wrong.

There is overwhelming evidence that the energy giants who control the world, together with the pharmaceutical giants that control our health will not allow any scientific discoveries to threaten their existence. DO NOT think for a second that this is a conspiracy of some sort, because then my friend you have just given them your soul on a plate to do with as they please.

The energy giants will keep us enslaved for as long as they deem necessary and the pharmaceutical monopolies will keep us sick for as long as they possibly can. There is growing support for the argument that not only was AIDS a man-made disease, but so are many new strands of viruses unleashed on the planet each year. What possible benefit do these two industries find in the discovery of FREE ENERGY and a CURE FOR ALL DISEASE? So do not fool yourselves; this is very serious business and they will not allow anyone to shake their empire of control. On the support structure side, they need the media to keep the slave species obedient, disorganised and confused.

From Nicola Tesla and his promise of FREE energy to the world; to Royal Raymond Rife with his cure for cancer and as the papers first called it in 1931; "The Cure for ALL Disease", many more great discoveries have been ridiculed and simply disappeared from the greater body of knowledge.
Spread the word!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUiVKPqY ... re=related


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wb1NHZ-e ... re=related

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCXr_dwq ... re=related

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M53mpCOA ... re=related


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:45 am

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VEkV88C ... re=related


Phoenix Lights
http://www.briansbetterworld.com/articl ... Lights.htm
The reader may wonder why we are still using fossil fuels as an energy source if we possess the advanced technologies outlined above. The reason is that for millennia, the world has been ruled by thirteen interrelated, yet ethnically diverse families who maintain their political and financial clout through their perpetration of cycles of war and peace.

These Luciferic families own the bulk of the world's natural resources, including precious metals and consequently are able to exercise their authority over governments. Since the 19th century, independent energy researchers such as that towering intellect Nikola Tesla have been aware that the Cosmos is pervaded by an energy and intelligence continuum that can be harnessed by means of resonant circuitry in order to provide unlimited amounts of very inexpensive pollution free electricity. An overview of such technology is provided in my book "A Blueprint for a Better World." 3.


Wilhelm Reich M.D. coined the term "Emotional Plague" to describe persons whose belief system is so rigid that they ignore relevant factual data and become enraged if anyone challenges their belief. When I made the suggestion to a crop circle lecturer that crop circle characteristics are consistent with them having been made by means of Mossbauer beam technology, he became speechless with fury. Similarly, I attended a lecture on the Phoenix Lights given by one of the best known ufologists. When he claimed that the Phoenix Lights had to be of extraterrestrial origin, I made the suggestion that the craft's configuration and size are consistent with it possibly being a Waverider surveillance vehicle. He immediately launched into a tirade against me which shocked audience members who were aware of my aerospace research background.

For a number of years I served in a support function for high level survivors of Illuminati mind control and Satanic ritual abuse. Some of these unfortunate individuals had served in a dual capacity as highly trained powerful psychics who had the ability to invoke hideous entities from other astral realms at ritual gatherings and also acted as telepathic intermediaries between E.T.'s and scientists at various covert facilities such as Area 51 and China Lake Naval Weapons Depot. What I learned from these individuals is that the 13 ruling families of shape shifters receive their global planning strategies from a reptilian dragon like race who reside off planet.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:25 pm

The House of Rothschild and 911

Truth Quest with Melodee, Field McConnell, David Hawkins & Vicky Davis, Mar. 23 2010
http://www.navigate3d.no/mbbs22/forums/ ... =326#M5067

Field McConnell & David Hawkins, Jack Stockwell Radio Apr. 13 2010
http://www.navigate3d.no/mbbs22/forums/ ... =326#M5067




Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:36 pm

He cannot be Sirius?
http://kendalastronomer.wordpress.com/2 ... be-sirius/
I had contacted a few of your colleagues back in December, and during the last few weeks, about the Sirius/Alcyone connection. I made an effort to stimulate investigation into the possibility/probability that our sun has a close relationship with Sirius and Sirius with Alcyone. The former I would think should be easily confirmed with the data, technology and brain power which is available today. The Alcyone relationship would be more difficult. Verifying Sirius will give weight to Alcyone.

“The second law is the Law of Attraction and Repulsion. Fundamentally the law describes the compelling force of attraction that holds our solar system to the Sirian; that holds our planets revolving around our central unit, the sun; that holds the lesser systems of atomic and molecular matter circulating around a center in the planet.”
Nebra Sky Disk--- Depicts Nibiru?
In 1983 with NASA's cooperation a group of astronomers began a comprehensive survey of the sky with the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS). In the fall of that year the IRAS discovered several moving objects in the vicinity of this solar system, including 5 previously unknown comets, a few "lost" comets, 4 new asteroids and "an enigmatic comet-like object". Headlines read "Giant Object Mystifies Astronomers" and "Mystery Body Found in Space". In The Washington Post was the headline and story "At Solar System's Edge Giant Object is a Mystery -- A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the Constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope called the IRAS. So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a 'protostar' that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first stars, or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through. 'All I can tell you is that we don't know what it is,' said Gerry Neugebauer, chief IRAS scientist."

The United States Government squashed the story immediately! For some arcane top-secret reason the government doesn't want to alarm or panic the general public by disclosure of this discovery. Why? Because a race of reptilian super-beings inhabits that planet, and common knowledge of this fact would have people screaming in the streets. Listen to this story.

Long, long ago, approximately 500,000 years back into the past, our Planet Earth/Tiamat was a quite different place than it is today. To clarify a point, this planet's original name is Tiamat.

A half a million years ago, Tiamat was not located in Space where it is today. It orbited farther out from the Sun, in between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Mars was orbiting at a distance much closer to the Sun than now and was quite habitable, with a temperate climate and liquid water. This fact has been verified numerous times by NASA and other scientific groups. What those groups do not acknowledge is the fact that Mars had a different orbital pattern than today. Establishment groups do not accept a cataclysmic evolution of this solar system, at least not publicly.

Then, too, Tiamat's system was closer to the Star Sirius (or Sothis, as the ancient Egyptians called it). This solar system and the Sirian planetary system are part of a unit. The two systems are gravitationally connected to one another, a new fact that is now beginning to gain widespread consensus from the scientific community. Our "Sirian Regional System" as a unit revolves around the Central Sun Alcyone in the Pleiades Cluster, which might be termed "the Pleiades Quadrant". This greater sector revolves around the Galactic Center, in the direction of the Stars of Sagittarius, once every 200,000,000 years or so. What is so significant about our present-day epoch is that certain great cycles relating to orbital alignments within the Pleiades Quadrant and between this Quadrant and the Galactic Center are starting to repeat themselves!
Phoenix Lights
http://www.briansbetterworld.com/articl ... Lights.htm
For a number of years I served in a support function for high level survivors of Illuminati mind control and Satanic ritual abuse. Some of these unfortunate individuals had served in a dual capacity as highly trained powerful psychics who had the ability to invoke hideous entities from other astral realms at ritual gatherings and also acted as telepathic intermediaries between E.T.'s and scientists at various covert facilities such as Area 51 and China Lake Naval Weapons Depot. What I learned from these individuals is that the 13 ruling families of shape shifters receive their global planning strategies from a reptilian dragon like race who reside off planet.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Apr 24, 2010 9:01 pm

The House of Rothschild and 911
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 945#p34877


Correction: abeldanger (as in Cain and AbEl)


Who done it?
SCRAP Merchant Lying Spying Wives 9/11 WWI Titanic
http://abeldanger.blogspot.com/2010/04/ ... april.html

Serco [Formerly RCA—Titanic—Marconi—Stolen Patents—Queen's Flight]

Cameron [HSBC House of Cameron—Sold Nazi-Japanese war bonds]

Rothschild [House of Rothschild bank—Sold Nazi-Japanese war bonds]

Aviva [Joint venture Reinhard Goerdeler, Baron Sharman KPMG]

Patents [Serco/RCA virtual tunnels Guernica, Pam Am 103, 9/11]
Intelsat - Ku Band - Privatizing through private networks
http://abeldanger.blogspot.com/2010/04/ ... rough.html

"...because the problem it's a 30 year-old conspiracy." -- 9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerry

This is an informal inquiry based upon recent discussions of the Hawks Cafe, Captain Sherlock and Abel Danger (counter-intelligence for the little people) association of forensic economic analysts related to satellites, private networks and the Ku-Band frequency. Considering the quote above, for the first time in the history of human activity, this just might be the first thing a politician has said that can actually be accepted at face value.
Forensic Economic Inquiry into the RMS Titanic
http://abeldanger.blogspot.com/2010/04/ ... o-rms.html

This is an informal inquiry based upon recent discussions of the Hawks Cafe, Captain Sherlock and Abel Danger (counter-intelligence for the little people) association of forensic economic analysts related to the historical events surrounding the sinking of the RMS Titanic.

It was well known David Sarnoff stole the patents of the Marconi Company and that he helped start the company Radio Corporation of America (RCA) formed in 1919 which later became Serco. Sarnoff was named general manager of RCA and in 1930 its president, a publicly held company owned by General Electric which had a controlling interest in the company, under GE chairman Owen D. Young.

Was it possible through the patented Marconi system equipped on the Titanic to have slightly rerouted it to head straight towards the icebergs? If you look at this map indicating the main Marconi wireless telegraph routing it can be clearly seen that this same route is where most shipping activity was taking place between England and the United States at the time the Titanic went down:

This is what can be considered as being described as a 'virtual tunnel' through the patented Marconi wireless system. As has been suggested that "the patents are the virtual tunnels and the virtual tunnels are the patents."
The Bullingdon Club
http://abeldanger.blogspot.com/2010/04/ ... ngdon.html

The Bullingdon Club at Oxford University recruits its members from the upper circles of society. Members participation in acts of violence, sabotage, sex, S&M, drug use and other acts are filmed or otherwise recorded.

Members are later placed in positions of power and influence throughout the world and controlled and blackmailed into executing the plans of the power behind the club—The House of Rothschild.

The House of Rothschild appears to have developed the Bullingdon Club (1780) as a ‘hub’ with the Sidley Austin law firm (1866) and the Rhodes (1902) and Fulbright (1947) Scholarship schemes as ‘spokes’, to move its agents undetected, through a global intelligence network engaged in sabotage, assassination and deception.

The targets of sabotage, assassination and deception are ultimately insured by the House of Rothschild which uses a portion of the insurance claims to pay the agents of destruction.

This rewarding tried and true method of insuring targets, destroying the targets, collecting the insurance and paying the agents with a portion of the insurance payouts, has been used over and over throughout history and continues to this day.

Because the agents of this scheme are ‘respected’ members of society, they are not suspected by the public. Those who are privy to the scheme are compromised and blackmailed. ‘Patsies’ are blamed for their misdeeds.
http://abeldanger.blogspot.com/2010/04/ ... .html#more

Hawks CAFE believes that for well over a century, David Cameron's banking and stockbroker ancestors and their clients have been using a Serco (RCA) network of 'secure' tunnels to move saboteurs into enemy command centers and eliminate rivals such as Sean Rooney (V-P of Aon Risk Management Services) and Carlton Bartels (founder of CO2e.com), who were murdered with 831 of their colleagues in the expert demolition of the Twin Towers on 9/11.

The clue that SCRAP agents are behind ‘virtual-tunnel’ attacks is that the dogs never bark.

Hamish warns Abel Danger about ‘9/11 Aircraft Attacks Generated By GPS-Guided Aircraft Autopilot Systems’.

“KSM Chatterbox routine Clipper to Chips: “Looks like Bullingdon-SS did the London-Moscow Subway Bombs; both attacks used virtual-tunnel networks to trigger bombs and spoliate evidence at FC-KU crime scenes. Remember principals of the Bullingdon-SS crime syndicate began building virtual ‘radio traffic’ tunnels to support sabotage operations through Northern Trust as alien patent office in Chicago during WWI.” Tango, FMC”
Cameron-Serco tunnel to murder Rooney and Bartels
http://abeldanger.blogspot.com/2010/04/ ... ooney.html

Belief that David Cameron’s ancestors and their clients used Serco tunnels to sabotage command centers and eliminate rivals e.g. Sean Rooney (Aon) and Carlton Bartels (CO2e.com) on 9/11

Hawks CAFE believes that for well over a century, David Cameron's banking and stockbroker ancestors and their clients have been using a Serco (RCA) network of 'secure' tunnels to move saboteurs into enemy command centers and eliminate rivals such as Sean Rooney (V-P of Aon Risk Management Services) and Carlton Bartels (founder of CO2e.com), who were murdered with 831 of their colleagues in the expert demolition of the Twin Towers on 9/11.
An Event Pin Wheel - Iraq's WMDs Followed and Found
http://abeldanger.blogspot.com/2010/04/ ... d-and.html

Through the forensic economics of Hawks Cafe, Captain Sherlock and the Abel Danger Team, an image diagram has been developed what is called an 'Event Pin Wheel.' The purpose of the event pin wheel is to follow a time wheel around events which makes understanding the events easier. If the event wheel is analyzed carefully connections can be made between events and people.

Using an event pin wheel for example, we can see how Saddam Hussein was under an embargo prior to 9/11 and he needed money. An organization known as the Organisation International Francophonie (OIF), which is an association of French speaking people in about 53 member states including such countries as Laos, Cambodia, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Canada and of course France, continued to trade with Iraq during this embargo on Iraq.

Francophonie member states trading with Saddam Hussein that were identified by the Iraq Survey Team (ISG) consisted of seven countries trading with Saddam Hussein before 9/11; they were: Syria, Turkey, South Korea, China, France, the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Bulgaria. If you go to the Iraq Survey Group site which has the final report on record, scroll down and an entry can be found for Bulgaria as an example of a Francophonie state trading with Iraq prior to 9/11. The report found the following:

In 1998, Bulgarian companies contracted with Iraq to provide numerous dual-use items such as ammonium perchlorate, aluminum powder, phenolic resin, carbon fiber, and machine tools. Recovered Iraqi documentation stated that the end use for these goods was for the Al Fat’h missile.

A slide show using an event pin wheel has been included in this overview of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie for the association of forensic economists to understand these events and connections.

http://www.authorstream.com/presentatio ... owerpoint/
Field McConnell: If we’re going to talk about China; but China seems to play a very big part of this going back even to President GHW Bush and the other guy…
http://abeldanger.blogspot.com/2010/04/ ... yelan.html

The thing to understand is that the glue that binds these rolls of China , Australia, the United Kingdom, or France against the United States is a secure communications system which is under the control of senior women inside the Sidley Austin Law Firm.

August: Thermate, super thermate, thermite are very important because they can have different types of controlled combustions and different types of combustion velocities.

David: Then you send the three-hundred and forty-three firefighters into the building; you tell the people in the building to stay where they are; you vaporize them and then you file a claim in the Lloyd’s syndicates in London for reinsurance for a hundred-million dollars and then you split it with the insiders.

August: Didn’t they triple the coverage on those firefighters? And didn’t they double the insurance in all those buildings?

Specific Companies in the World Trade Center Targeted on 9/11
http://abeldanger.blogspot.com/2010/04/ ... trade.html

Marsh & McLennan, Cantor Fitzgerald/CO2e.com/eSpeed and Aon Corp were engaged in an economic war game scenario with the Naval War College on 9/11. The game involved the use of carbon emissions trading software.

Cantor Fitzgerald/CO2e.com/eSpeed held the patent on the unique software which would be used in the future carbon emissions trading which will result in trillions of dollars of trades. The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) located at 10 Downing Street is currently estimated at $64 trillion.

Carlton Bartels, CEO of Cantor’s CO2e.com, invented and held the patent on the computer-based system for simulated automated carbon trading. Bartels was operating this simulated game and it is alleged that his simulation administrator codes were stolen. The game was hacked into which took the game from a simulation to a live game.

Were Marsh & McLennan, Cantor Fitzgerald/CO2e.com/eSpeed and Aon Corp destroyed to eliminate the competition in a future multi-trillion dollar carbon trading market?

But Thomas Barnett’s two “mentors” at the firm that he interacts with—Bud Flanagan and Philip Ginsberg—are both out of the building at the time, for “accidental reasons,” and survive the attacks.

Early in 2000, a unique research partnership took place between the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island and the Wall Street bond firm Cantor Fitzgerald. The venture is called the New Rule Sets Project and was directed by Thomas Barnett, Senior Strategic Researcher at the Decision Strategies Department of the Center for Naval Warfare Studies, U.S. Naval War College.

May 1-June 4, 2001—A series of workshops are held at the World Trade Center to discuss the possibility of a terrorist attack on Wall Street.

June 4, 2001—“Cantor Fitzgerald/eSpeed conference” takes place at Windows on the World just above the offices of Cantor Fitzgerald.

Present at the June 4 conference are Thomas Barnett, Carlton Bartels, Philip Ginsberg, William J. “Bud” Flanagan and Rajendra K Pachauri. Of these 4 men, only Carlton Bartels will die in the attacks.
Last edited by lizzie on Sat Apr 24, 2010 9:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Apr 24, 2010 9:09 pm

Earth Change Media
I just received a notice from the University of Arizona announcing the unveiling of a new telescope named "LUCIFER." There has been a long lasting speculation as to 'why' the Vatican would have its own stellar observatory.

Some believe it is for the purpose to monitor a warning presented in the Bible. It is named "Wormwood" coming from the New Testament book of Revelation:

"And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter." (Revelation 8:10, 11 - King James Bible).

After more than a decade of design, manufacturing and testing, the new Large Binocular Telescope - dubbed LUCIFER 1 - provides a powerful tool to gain spectacular insights into the universe - from the Milky Way to extremely distant galaxies. LUCIFER, built by a consortium of German institutes, will be followed by an identical twin instrument that will be delivered to the telescope in early 2011.

Is it possible the Vatican has the same information as the Mayans? Both speak of an event coming from the center of our galaxy Milky Way. Both indicate a powerful celestial event. But the most important question of all is "when".

I do not believe any scientist or focused individual can argue that all of space science and cosmology appears to have a certain urgency for discovery. From galactic 'charged particles' to new found asteroids, there is a sense of 'let's find it as soon as we can'.
Is it a telescope or a magnifying transmitter? ;)

Tesla Magnifying Transmitter
Harnessing the Wheelwork of Nature by Thomas Valone, PhD presents for the first time, the feasibility argument for Tesla’s most ambitious dream, the wireless transmission of power. Pictured on the book’s cover near his feet, the 187-foot Wardenclyffe Tower was Tesla’s means to deliver natural 8 Hz electricity anywhere in the world, by longitudinal waves.

Unknown to most electrical engineers, Nikola Tesla’s dream answers the energy crisis worldwide, saves electrical conversion losses, and provides a real alternative to transmission lines.

In Dr. Corum’s contributed papers, he explains Tesla’s magnifying transmitter, which Tesla compared to a telescope. Corum points out that “the tuned circuit of his magnifying transmitter was the whole earth-ionosphere cavity resonator.”
Magnifying Transmitter
http://peswiki.com/index.php/PowerPedia ... ransmitter
The magnifying transmitter is an alternate version of a Tesla Coil. It is a high power harmonic oscillator that Nikola Tesla proposed for the wireless transmission of electrical energy. Tesla's apparatus is a high-voltage, air-core, multiple-resonant transformer that can generate very high voltages at high frequency. He originally termed it self-regenerative resonant transformer.
Missing Utopia - The End of Wardenclyffe!
One hundred years ago, the great scientist-inventor Nikola Tesla had high hopes for the success of Wardenclyffe and for humanity. His amazing power tower on Long Island, NY, aka a 'Magnifying Transmitter,' could tap into Earth's Electro-Magnetic fields. The energy flow of a turning planet could be magnified, converted into electrical power and broadcasted to smaller (wireless) sub-stations many miles away.

The possibility existed that the Earth could be SHATTERED by a build-up of resonance via the Magnifying Transmitter. The powerful device must be in the hands of rational, positive people.
Systems Designed to Hold a Hand Made Sun
http://49-17.bluehost.com/forum/phpBB3/ ... a08f#p6340

This looks exciting -- the next generation Z Pinch. I was doing a search for the article I got last year in astronomy magazine that had the planet Jupiter as a Z Pinch and I found this instead. The Jupiter Program.
A variant of inertial confinement fusion called a ''Z pinch'' is under development at Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico. This device would implode little thermonuclear fuel capsules like those the Livermore laboratory is developing, but without lasers. Instead, scientists have invented a cylindrical array of very fine tungsten wires and a gigantic capacitor, a device that can store and instantaneously discharge huge electric charges.

When the Sandia capacitor is fired, it sends a current of 20 million amperes through the fine wires in the Z pinch, and the wires are converted into super-hot plasma. The plasma is driven inward upon itself by the huge magnetic field produced by the sudden current. The collision of the imploding plasma generates a gigantic X-ray pulse and this, it is hoped, can implode fuel capsules to reach ignition.

The Z pinch and a more powerful successor planned by Sandia, the X-1, will not ignite a sustained reaction but should produce a pulse of fusion.

Of course some sources, well all most every source would have you believe it is a thermonuclear event we are looking for. In reality the Z Pinch is a star machine, in its own right. I did notice that somone on wiki has put a Telsa Coil up in the Z Pinch page.
That was never up there before, wonder if someone read my statement on the Impulse Magnifying Transmitter being a Z Pinch
Is there a Lucifer 2?

The Rebirth of Osiris
46. Re-birth of Osiris: Allen claims that although he sees the Ambilac articles as disinformation, they are right in their conclusion, that the Hall of Records will be opened on December 21, 2012 at 10:18:13 local Cairo time (22:18:13 Pacific Standard Time).

Since he has found that “the zenith meridian at Giza runs through Jupiter at the Hyades in Taurus”, this means “the kingdom (Jupiter) will be restored to Egypt (Taurus) at that precise moment. Thus, Osiris, the Bull of Egypt, will return from the dead at 22:18:13 on December 21, 2012.”
The Late Great Planet Tiamet
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/herco ... bus_26.htm
One of the most fascinating discussions of these two spheres is contained in a 1954 book by Rodney Collin entitled The Theory of Celestial Influence.

Collin also notes that both Jupiter and Saturn support, "complete systems of satellites and may even be faintly self-luminous, though this luminosity is rendered unnoticeable by the infinitely greater brilliance of the Sun."

Collin notes that Jupiter and Saturn "are evidently trying to become suns."

Will Cassini turn Saturn or Jupiter into a second sun using pu 238?

Will Galileo Make Jupiter a Star?
http://www.badastronomy.com/bad/misc/ju ... lileo.html

But some people think that NASA had more plans for Galileo. They claim that NASA's nefarious scheme was to drop Galileo into Jupiter and use it to ignite Jupiter like a fusion bomb, either turning it into a star like the Sun, or simply blowing it to smithereens. J.C. Goliathan, one of the main proponents of this "Jupiter ignition" idea, has a long page about all this.

Project Lucifer: Will Cassini Turn Saturn into a Second Sun?
http://www.universetoday.com/2008/07/24 ... un-part-1/

The reality: Now that the Cassini mission has been extended by two years, we can expect this conspiracy theory to become more and more vocal in the coming months. But like the Galileo/Jupiter/second sun theory, this one is just as inaccurate, once again using bad science to scare people (much like Planet X then)

Project Lucifer: Will Cassini Turn Saturn into a Second Sun

Here comes another doomsday scenario, this time from the friendly gas giant Saturn. The story goes like this: NASA is working with secret organizations (such as the Illuminati or the Freemasons) to fulfill their dreams of “playing God” and creating a second Sun in the Solar System. This plan has many aims, but primarily they want to use the Cassini probe to trigger a catastrophic chain reaction inside Saturn so nuclear fusion is possible, generating a mini-Sun. This has been tried before, when the Galileo probe was dropped into the atmosphere of Jupiter in 2003 (but it obviously failed at first attempt). Cassini is carrying about 33 kg of plutonium, making it the ultimate cruise missile aimed at Saturn, atmospheric pressures eventually kick-starting a nuclear explosion in two years time.

The Lucifer Project
http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/fo ... pic=134164

And what better way to create a rapture or great chastisement then by blowing up a gas giant like Saturn with 72 pounds of plutonium, create a new star and then heat-up the new star's moon, Titan, making it habitable by 2033 for guess who?

And if you wondered if the project really exists then you guessed right again since it exists under the name of NASA's Cassini Project. To make matters even worse, the name Cassini is taken from a Jesuit-trained Italian astronomer named Cassini, giving researchers and historians another clue as to who really are the spiritual controllers of the New World Order.

Project Lucifer

I first stumbled onto the reality of this project while reading a famous conspiracy book entitled “Behold A Pale Horse” by William Cooper, former U.S. Naval Security Briefing Team member. Most people who came across Cooper's short account (only a couple paragraphs) immediately discounted it, after all, creating a star with a plutonium bomb sounds somewhat incredible at first, but this idea captured my imagination and completely fascinated me. I kept asking myself, “Why discount this?” With advanced knowledge and technology, I could see how some great minds would start to think about doing once impossible things. The more I checked into the facts, the more I became convinced that Cooper did not just make this up out of the blue.

Cosmic Christmas

There is substantial evidence of collaboration between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and psychical research, specifically individuals the scientific community euphemistically calls "remote viewers." Authors of The Message of the Sphinx have documented NASA’s interest over the years in the exploration of the Egyptian pyramids and the Great Sphinx wherein is believed to exist the Hall of Records, a mysterious inner chamber which contains the history of an ancient civilization that was destroyed by a great flood. Hancock and Bauval cite the Edgar Cayce Foundation as the moneyed interest that funded the project:

"In our research we have stumbled across a tangled web of clues, connections and overlap-ping interests appearing to suggest that American scientists with links to NASA may have quietly involved themselves, since at least the 1970’s, in covert ‘expeditions’ to unveil the secrets of the great pyramids and the Great Sphinx of Giza..."

These connections at the very highest levels of NASA, Freemasonry and the Edgar Cayce Foundation make it difficult to resist the suspicion that the present missions to Jupiter and Saturn involve may involve more than legitimate scientific exploration. Neither is there assurance forthcoming that the Edgar Cayce Foundation is not financing the fulfillment of the visionary's prophecies through NASA. Is it possible that the present Galileo Europa Mission is gathering information from Jupiter's moons like the Mariner 9 and Viking 1 missions undertaken to probe pyramid structures on Mars to prove some cosmic blueprint to the Giza pyramids in Egypt?

"There has been one systematic search, a sort of direct shot at finding the Hall of Records, when the Edgar Cayce Foundation funded SRI International..."

When author/astrologer Rick Levine explained that a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 7-6 B.C. in the zodiacal sign of Pisces "created" the Star of Bethlehem, he wrote in terms of the "signature of the King's Star" (Jupiter) and "the star of final authority" (Saturn), as though these planets possessed governing providences or gods:

"The greatest planetary rhythm that was observable to the ancient astronomer- priest was the rhythm of the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction... The Jupiter/Saturn conjunction...actually jumps from astrological sign to sign with great regularity... It is the combination of astrologically rare events that created the Star of Bethlehem.

"There is much evidence to suggest that what we call the Star of David was an alignment of the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn. In ancient Jewish tradition, Jupiter was the planet called the ‘King’s Star.’ Even later in Greek mythology, Jupiter, or Jove, was the King of the Gods. Every 20 years, when the King’s Star lined up with Saturn, the star of final authority, the ancient Jews called this the Star of David."

Sadly, Egyptologists have neglected to access Illuminati history. Were they to do so, they would discover that the Ark of the Covenant still exists, not in Ethopia (one of several fakes) but at a very covert subterranean facility in Egypt awaiting the installation of the New Jerusalem Temple.

According to Illuminati historians, the Ark of the Covenant does not contain the Ten Commandments, but rather something not from this planet. But that is a story for another time. – They Cast No Shadows by Brian Desborough – pg 78

Oops, wrong conspiracy, wrong planet ;)

Operation Blue Beam

Fourth, electronic universal "supernatural" manifestation designed to deceive will create the following illusion: make mankind believe an alien invasion is imminent, make Christians believe a rapture is imminent and the aliens have come to rescue them, and convince all that global satanic supernatural forces and manifestations penetrating worldwide - able to travel through optical fiber, coaxial cable, electric and phone lines - are everywhere and inescapable.


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