Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 15, 2009 3:38 pm

The crystal is a torsion or gravity wave generator; it can be programmed; and it will interface directly with human consciousness as a type of “mind-machine” interface

The Legacy of Marcel Vogel
The word crystal comes from the Greek word “krystallos”, meaning frozen light. From a more metaphysical point of view, some consider that Light is stepped down through many levels of density before the physical form of the crystal manifests through the dynamics we understand in crystallography and geology. It is the forming aspect of Light that patterns the highly ordered array of energies we call a crystal. Should this light pre-form be altered in any way, the completed crystal will be altered from its original “intended” form.

Quartz crystal begins its life deep within the earth from a hot vapor, a supersaturated solution of silicon dioxide (SiO2). As this source cools within subterranean space, a unit cell of seed cell of quartz forms around a nucleating site in much the same way as an oyster forms a pearl around an irritant. It is likely that each new atom is laid down where the possible bonding sites are the most plentiful. This unit cell is a tetrahedron shaped molecule composed of four atoms of oxygen with one silicon atom suspended within.

The primary unit cell contains all the information needed to generate the ultimate form - the hexagonal or six-sided form we know as a quartz crystal. According to Marcel, once the crystal has ceased growing, the intelligence matrix of the crystal disappears and the form of the quartz is basically an empty shell until we interact with it and enliven it with our own energy. This is accomplished by the transfer of thought (energy) via the pulsed breath.

The primary unit cell contains all the information needed to generate the ultimate form - the hexagonal or six-sided form we know as a quartz crystal. According to Marcel, once the crystal has ceased growing, the intelligence matrix of the crystal disappears and the form of the quartz is basically an empty shell until we interact with it and enliven it with our own energy. This is accomplished by the transfer of thought (energy) via the pulsed breath.

The ability of crystals to store information is widely known. Stanford University physicists have demonstrated the first fully digital model of a device that stores information as a hologram within the subatomic structure of a crystal.

Because the raw quartz crystals Marcel was studying did not cohere the energies with which he was working, the idea of faceting the crystal came to him. Just as light pumped through a faceted ruby can produce coherent energy, Marcel speculated that perhaps thought pumped through a specifically faceted quartz could produce a coherent energy.

One morning, in 1974, he awoke with a pattern in his mind’s eye: the Tree of Life as shown in the Kabbalistic teachings. This was a teaching and a pattern with which Marcel was unfamiliar. At the time he saw only the pattern of a rectangle with a triangle at each termination.

From continual experimentation came the first fundamental instrument for storing, amplifying, transferring and cohering the energies of the bodymind of an individual: a four sided quartz crystal with pyramidal terminations. One tip was more acute than the other. The more acute termination is called the “firing tip” as this is the end of the crystal from which the coherent field is emitted. The faceted crystal was a three dimensional representation of the Tree of Life.

The structural change in cutting quartz into the shape identified as Vogel-cut® is to tune it to be a coherent information transfer device. The form geometry of such a crystal creates a coherent field of energy that can act as a carrier wave of information, whereas raw quartz does not.

The coherent light emitted from the Vogel® crystal is able to penetrate the often disparate radiant fields within and around a distressed individual. The most profound effect of the faceted crystal has to do with its relationship and resonance to water.

Marcel found that this information band exists in and around all matter. This band is a record keeper of the events that have gone into bringing an object into being and the response of this object to the actions on it, whether light, sound, heat, or electrical forces.

The combination of these forces builds a series of patterns or codes which characterize or identify the substance in the same way we characterize each element in the periodic table by its atomic weight and the protons and neutrons which are in the nucleus of the atom.

No atom is static; it is in a state of motion. This motion generates a field. The composite of these fields is the ground state of the information band. It is different from the excited state of the electron which goes into the conduction band and drops down into the ground state.

These perturbations form an energy cloud around the substance. This is the mind of the atom. In the case of metal, for example, the aggregate atoms are responsive to light, pressure, rubbing, and scratching of the surface.

There is a rhythmic nature to this field. There is a periodicity to the information band. It will expand and contract in accordance with its relationship to planetary influences.

Dr. Glen Rein has called these energies a quantum field or non-Hertzian energy. Dr. Rein has stated that quantum fields are independent of time and distance. His observation is that thought seems to overcome the inverse square law.

The term “information transfer” is used to refer to an energetic phenomenon that is not in the traditionally accepted electromagnetic spectrum. Although somewhat vague, the term “information” indicates that there is some kind of discreet coding and not just an unqualified energy.
Edgar Cayce on the Great Crystal of Atlantis ... and-Be.htm
The Crystal, he said, was housed in a special building oval in shape, with a dome that could be rolled back, exposing the Crystal to the light of the sun, moon and stars at the most favorable times. The interior of the building was lined with non-conducting metal or stone, similar to asbestos or bakelite, a thermosetting plastic.

The Crystal itself, which Cayce also called the Tuaoi Stone, or Firestone, was huge in size, cylindrical in length, and prismatic in shape, cut with six sides. Atop the Crystal was a moveable capstone, used to both concentrate incoming rays of energy, and to direct currents to various parts of the Atlantean countryside.

It appears the Crystal gathered solar, lunar, stellar, atmospheric and Earth energies as well as unknown elemental forces, and concentrated these at a specific point, located between the top of the Crystal and the bottom of the capstone.

The psychic also alluded to the fact that the Crystal became hot when in operation; it employed inductor methods; utilized a kind of wave energy other than electromagnetic; and it emitted an invisible beam of energy that could pass through water and solid matter.

“It was in the form of a six-sided figure in which the light appeared as the means of communication between infinity and the finite, or the means whereby there were communications with those forces from the outside (the universe).

Research writer William Donato believes that what Cayce may have been describing was “a thermally excited gas laser with a quartz housing. Quartz allows for the transmission not only of visible wavelengths but also ultraviolet and infrared radiations, unlike ordinary glass. It is both piezoelectric and pyro-electric.

John H. Sutton, a NASA researcher involved with applications of low energy plasmas, believes that the Great Crystal Cayce was describing was a “laser-infusion reactor/ gravity wave generator.” He suggested that when intense gravity waves were generated by the Crystal and beamed into the Earth, the planet’s crystalline quartz—which occurs in granite rock averaging twenty-five percent throughout the crust—absorbed the energy.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 15, 2009 3:45 pm

Examples of torsion or gravity wave generators would be: The Ark of the Covenant, the Nazi Bell and the CERN hadron collider

The priests who ministered before it were sacredly consecrated to the holy office. They wore a breast-plate bordered with precious stones of different materials, the same that compose the twelve foundations of the city of God. Within the borders were the names of the twelve tribes of Israel, graven on precious stones set in gold. This was a very rich and beautiful work, suspended from the shoulders of the priests, covering the breast.

At the right and left of the breast-plate were set two larger stones, which shone with great brilliancy. When difficult matters were brought to the judges which they could-not decide, they were referred to the priests, and they inquired of God who answered them. If he favored, and if he would grant them success, a halo of light and glory especially rested upon the precious stone at the right. If he disapproved, a vapor or cloud seemed to settle upon the precious stone at the left hand. When they inquired of God in regard to going to battle, the precious stone at the right, when circled with light, said, Go, and prosper. The stone at the left, when shadowed with a cloud, said, Thou shalt not go; thou shalt not prosper.

When the high priest entered within the most holy, once a years; and ministered before the ark in the awful presence of God, he inquired, and God often answered him with an audible voice. When the Lord did not answer by a voice, he let the sacred beams of light and glory rest upon the cherubim upon the right of the ark, in approbation, or favor.
(The link below is no longer available; this was copied from a previous thread)

Moses Magic Ark ... y/ark.html
The Old Testament contains a description of a device known as a Leyden Jar. The Biblical Ark of the Covenant that once stood in the Tabernacle in the Sinai wilderness, the Ark that led Moses and the Israelites into the Promised Land and the Ark that stood in the legendary Temple of Solomon. The symbol of YHWHs sacred covenant with the Jews was probably a facsimile of a Leyden Jar capable of producing thousands of volts of electricity.

A Leyden jar is a simple device used to amass and store electrical energy. Early experimenters referred to it as a "condenser", however modern electricians and scientists would call it a capacitor.

Common designs consist of a top electrode connected usually by a chain or rod to the inner surface of the jar and an external conductive foil wrap. The inner and outer surfaces of the Leyden jar store equal but opposite charges. The amount of charge that one of these devices can store is relative to the voltage applied to it times its capacitance.

The materials that the Ark was constructed of, and the manner in which they were combined, support the theory that the Ark was an electrical conductor. Gold, on the exterior of the Ark is a powerful electrical conductor, wood - just below the Gold is an excellent insulator, Acacia wood.

The Ark has two gold Cherubim on its conductive lid, creating a double configuration in which one cherubim would be connected to the negative layer, the other to the inner, positive one, isolated from the outer layer. The cherubim acted as positive and negative terminals. Louis Ginzberg’s "tells of ancient legends that refer to "sparks" emitted from the cherubim that comprised the lid/top of the Ark, as well as the positive and negative terminals.

The mention of the place of the 'Four Pillars' is a reference to Heaven, which the Ancient Egyptians believed to rest on these four pillars. The columns supporting the roofs of temples were often shaped like papyrus stems, hence the hieroglyphic writing of the word "pillar".

Richard Andrews, in a Daily Mail article speculated that the ark worked as a giant capacitor which accumulated an electrical charge as it was transported through the desert. "If the Israelites had set out to construct a primitive accumulator, they could hardly have picked a better design than the Ark"

Richard Andrews, in a Daily Mail article speculated that the Ark may have operated as an electrical capacitor.

Nikola Tesla speculated that the Ark may have operated as an electrical capacitor.

"The records, though scanty, are of a nature to fill us with conviction that a few initiated, at least, had a deeper knowledge of amber phenomena. To mention one, Moses was undoubtedly a practical and skillful electrician far in advance of his time. The Bible describes precisely, and minutely, arrangements constituting a machine in which electricity was generated by friction of air against silk curtains, and stored in a box constructed like a condenser. It is very plausible to assume that the sons of Aaron were killed by a high-tension discharge, and that the vestal fires of the Romans were electrical."
The Nazi Bell
"The Bell was said to be extremely dangerous, causing illness, mutation and death in animal and possibly human subjects. One of Cook's scientist contacts in The Hunt for Zero Point even went so far as to claim that The Bell was a torsion field generator and that the SS scientists were attempting to build some sort of time machine with it."

The mutations were caused by psychic echoes of Ubbo-Sathla, and the crystal IS a time machine of sorts in that one looks back into the past with it. They probably got only the tiniest fraction of the tablets, and managed to translate only a tiny bit of that, but it was enough to get their discs up and flying.

Nazi Time Machine ... e-machine/
One of the world’s leading experts on Nazi Germany says Hitler mastered time itself, sending “time warriors” centuries into the future to conquer a world that is yet to be.

Dr. Kurt Fischer told a symposium in Mysen, Norway, that evidence accumulated over the past 54 years has convinced him that the Nazis developed a crude but working time machine before the fall of Germany in 1945.

Components of the purported time machine that were removed from the Berlin bunker have long since been lost, he added, but detailed descriptions contained in Allied inventory reports suggest that it is not bugger than a filing cabinet and was designed to generate light and ultra-high frequency sound waves.
Time Machine: CERN's Large Hadron Collider ... ticle.html
You’ve never heard of "traversable wormholes?"

Well, soon you might start hearing about them, as the world's most powerful particle accelerator becomes functional this spring - unleashing forces, capable of distorting not only space (just like gravity distorts space around Earth), but also TIME.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:05 pm

Can people travel back and forward in time? is stargate technology real? Does teleportation exist? Do hyperdimensional entities (both positive and negative) exist? Can they travel backward and forward in time? Are humans being manipulated by hyperdimensional entities?

2012 Enigma ... nology.htm
The Looking Glass device functions by interfacing with consciousness of the individuals observing using the device while displaying multiple "probable" future outcomes of whatever the observing participants are focusing their conscious intent upon. The display of visual events is shown within a misty haze of argon gas changing from one probability to another, back and forth at a very rapid rate.

Multiple black ops whistleblowers’ testimonies reveal that the "Looking Glass" technology has been used by "secret government elite" for many years to change and manipulate history so that it follows their "desired paths" and reaches their desired outcomes.

In other words they (the Illuminati) are trying to engineer a 2012 cataclysm so they can take over the new earth in 3d reality.

Interesting but this link seems to imply that humans from the future came in 1947 to decommission the artificial stargate technology to stop the Illuminati from destroying the earth. Visitors from the future arrived to warn us and to help us change the future.

The visitation and collaboration by future human extra-terrestrials that arrived in 1947 has revealed that a great cataclysm occurred to the population of Earth in 2012 due to the use of looking glass and stargate technology. For this reason all of these devices worldwide have been disassembled and decomissioned under secret coordinated efforts. It is believed that the galactic energetic alignment that will occur in 2012 was amplified by these looking glass and stargate devices which led to the virtual destruction of most of the life on.
The Hyperdimensional Manipulaiton of Mankind ... ion_16.htm
From cradle to grave, we are subject to control and manipulation by those who abuse their authority. Some sleep through life with only the faintest sensation that something is wrong; others notice but believe they are powerless to resist or stop it. Control and manipulation originate from a broad spectrum of sources. Some we can see directly, others only through inference. What we see directly include conspiracies involving known people in known places: the corruption in Washington, ineffectual local school-boards, crooked cops, unjust legal system, swindling medical industry, and black-budgeting military.

Those who delve deeper may discover more: subliminal programming through media and entertainment, secret societies behind political events, and the deception of organized religion. Fringe researchers are familiar with even more sensitive topics: the UFO phenomenon, alien and military abduction and government, mind control projects. This article seeks to go further, touching on a topic that has been addressed by very few: the hyperdimensional manipulation of mankind. Few researchers have addressed this -- what published works I draw upon have been cited at the end of this article. Everything written here is the product of my personal experience, interpretation of published sources, and the correlation of my views with the independent experiences and observations of others.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:38 pm

Is this device a time travel machine – a teleportation technology that allows people to travel forward and backward in time? It this the “ultimate secret”?

Excerpts from Cliff High’s Webbot
7 of 9 – October 10, 2009 ... re=related
The “device” that is forecasted to appear in the language will have some level of visibility beginning in November. We should be able to determine who the liberators are or who the thieves are by mid-March, 2010. We should have some idea as to what this device is and whether it has been recovered or what really happened to it.

The device is strongly associated with a multi-million year presence of “space aliens” or with some kind of pre-modern human civilizations rather than with modern “space aliens.”

The device appears to be something that affects emotions or is some kind of an amplification device. I don’t know what kind of amplification device it is. But the fact that these two individuals are fleeing has to do with the need for the PTB’s to get the thing back; the details seem to suggest that somewhere around the Equinox, we will see the denouement of this whole little story; and it may be somewhat misleading if the mainstream media propaganda still is effective; and then we should see a story that says that "so and so" was arrested for stealing something from a museum; and then on the other side of it in the independent media, we will find out that "so and so" has people rallying around him because he claims that he has “liberated” a “space alien device”.

Andrew Basiago will "push" the disclosure meme... something that has to do with "replicator technology".

As for whistleblowers Andrew Basiago fills a certain percentage of the linguistics, and his paper he has presented with his references is really solid … I can’t say anything about the rest of his story about being involved with the CIA and all that, but the language out there relative to the story and the images he has offered checked out 100% so far.
Andrew Basiago on “advanced quantum access technology


ET’s are interdimensional beings who are not reaching us by spaceship but are reaching us by time shifts

Four kinds of advanced quantum access technology:

Conventional remote viewing
Technically assisted time travel – Montauk chair
Virtual time travel with chronovision (holographic virtual reality)
Actual physical Teleportation via the Tesla energetic arrays or teleporters and stargate devices

Nilola Tesla’s papers were never lost but forwarded to nuclear scientists on working in the Manhattan Project

Teleportation -- opening up portal tunnels in the time space continuum

Chronovision – we were accessing alternate time lines in the multiverse

Chronovision - created holograms in which you could see past events going on – time travel cinema – holographic virtual reality

He didn’t doubt that certain types of ETs were participating with the military in a hybridization program. The ETs said they were our “kin”; they represented a primordial group of humanoids from which humans beings on earth had descended.

There were physical abductions conducted by both ETs and humans working for the military; later these became “psychological abductions.”

Four types of ETs:

Tall grays

Mars, the planet, that every 2 years comes closest to earth is inhabited by humanoid beings that closely resemble us because they are our genetic cousins who were separated from us by the catastrophe of 9500 BC when the debris from the Vela supernova explosion came into our solar system and essentially ended or impeded the civilization on Mars and Earth; this was the great maritime civilization the built the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx

Vela Supernova Explosion ... ronomy.pdf
There are several related quandaries in archaeo-astronomy dealing with Vela Supernova, the mythological Sumerian planet Nibiru, comet Hale-Bopp and a mysterious archaeological “double sun” found on artifacts dating from 2000-4000 BCE. Here, those mysteries will be addressed, clarified and explained for the reader to gather a better understanding of science and pseudo-science in modern views of archaeo-astronomy.
Early Human Civilization
At the end of the ice age 11,600 years ago, the Younger Dryas cold snap temperatures were 14 degrees C below present-day levels, after which the Vela X supernova was seen on Earth and the Taurid/Encke comet fragmented, and a very sudden (50 years or so) warming event ended the Ice Age and marked the start of the HOLOCENE AGE of warm climate and glacial retreat.
More recently the book When the Earth Nearly Died When the Earth Nearly Died by D.S. Allan and J.B. Delair [1995] (reissued as Cataclysm: Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 9500 B.C.), brought together a mass of evidence that a catastrophic impact of extrasolar material occurred in 9,500 B.C. They believe that this body was ejected by the Vela supernova.
Pt 1/14 Andrew D. Basiago - Project Pegasus, teleportation and time travel ... 8ZqsxuNdvc

Pt 2/14 Andrew D. Basiago - Project Pegasus, teleportation and time travel ... 5dDddDLQ2o

Pt 3/14 Andrew D. Basiago - Project Pegasus, teleportation and time travel ... -uGX31RA-k

Pt 4/14 Andrew D. Basiago - Project Pegasus, teleportation and time travel ... LKfVNSZKTM

Pt 5/14 Andrew D. Basiago - Project Pegasus, teleportation and time travel ... 4al1c44R0Y

Pt 6/14 Andrew D. Basiago - Project Pegasus, teleportation and time travel ... 4zDMcoOlJ8

Pt 7/14 Andrew D. Basiago - Project Pegasus, teleportation and time travel ... vDm0B2O1es

Pt 8/14 Andrew D. Basiago - Project Pegasus, teleportation and time travel ... xklJbnBGmc

Pt 9/14 Andrew D. Basiago - Project Pegasus, teleportation and time travel ... ftEtpZQBW8

Pt 10/14 Andrew D. Basiago - Project Pegasus, teleportation and time travel ... ft18PooF8k

Pt 11/14 Andrew D. Basiago - Project Pegasus, teleportation and time travel ... DM1f7gRfIs

Pt 12/14 Andrew D. Basiago - Project Pegasus, teleportation and time travel ... wEbjI9zkRs

Pt 13/14 Andrew D. Basiago - Project Pegasus, teleportation and time travel ... 18K09DSBQ4

Pt 14/14 Andrew D. Basiago - Project Pegasus, teleportation and time travel ... mOh1O6P8zQ


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 15, 2009 6:37 pm

Philip Imbrogno - the Intedimensional Universe


This object (UFO) which was reported to be size of two football fields seemed to be traveling into and out of another dimension in our physical space.

The policeman described the object as a living breathing entity; people reported that the object didn’t seem like an actual physical spacecraft; it seemed more like it was a living, breathing entity; people got the feeling that it had a presence and was a living creature; they felt a physhic connection… that there was a consciousness coming from the object. The majority of people who claimed they had a psychic connection later had a contact experience with an intelligence that was not from this dimension, reality or planet.

Some people were abducted by what they called alien beings
Some people had telepathic contact and started doing writings and diagrams
Some people started channeling information from some type of aliens or entities from another reality
Some people had both face-to-face and telepathic contact with what they thought was the intelligence from this particular object

The center of activity (the beginning and ending of the sightings) was located in a specific area in the Hudson Valley located in Brewster, Putman Valley and Kent Cliffs; in each of these areas there were ancient stone structures or chambers which marked magnetic anomalies

These structures were believed to have been built by ancient European explorers; they seem to have built these stone structures over these magnetic anomalies in order to mark them.

These people appeared to be Druids who had a belief that our world was one world; and there was another world very close to ours in which at times portals or doorways opened up between their world and ours at which time it was possible for spiritual entities from their world to come into our world and for us to enter into their world. These portals opened up so these interdimensional entities could enter our universe from their universe.

We have to differentiate between a parallel universe and another dimension in our physical universe. If it were a parallel universe, then we would need to access it through a wormhole. However, if it’s another dimension in our physical universe, the “new physics” claims that there are 11 dimensions in our time and space. One of the dimensions could be very close to our dimension; and at certain times their dimension, either by accident or by the intent of the intelligent beings who live there, could interact with our dimension.

The galactic alignment seems to be having a physical effect on the multidimensional universe so that these other dimensions are looping through or overlapping with our physical reality

The Jinn are entities that feed off of negativity and fear. They absorb energy from others; they attach themselves to humans and live off their life force.

Jinn have been given power to change their form and appear in front of human beings in various forms; such as an animal, a reptile, or even a human being.
The world of Jinn
Throughout history man has always had a deep attraction for the supernatural and the unseen. The existence of a world parallel to our own has always fascinated people. This world is commonly referred to as the spirit world, and almost every set of people have some concept of one. With some people, these spirits are no more then the souls of dead people or ghosts. With others, spirits are either the forces of good or the forces of evil - both battling against one another to gain influence over humanity.

The Jinn are beings created with free will, living on earth in a world parallel to mankind. The Arabic word Jinn is from the verb 'Janna' which means to hide or conceal. Thus, they are physically invisible from man as their description suggests. This invisibility is one of the reasons why some people have denied their existence.
Pt 1/8 Philip Imbrogno - Interdimensional Universe ... oJEg8_EWnQ

Pt 2/8 Philip Imbrogno - Interdimensional Universe ... nyp6Mi4ca0

Pt 3/8 Philip Imbrogno - Interdimensional Universe ... I0Un1GYGHs

Pt 4/8 Philip Imbrogno - Interdimensional Universe ... 47gCPP6xYo

Pt 5/8 Philip Imbrogno - Interdimensional Universe ... J1W9G6bEYg

Pt 6/8 Philip Imbrogno - Interdimensional Universe ... 2ir2b7OY24

Pt 7/8 Philip Imbrogno - Interdimensional Universe ... Od7jQmyEDo

Pt 8/8 Philip Imbrogno - Interdimensional Universe ... 8iF5PTVvug


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:17 pm

Is Joseph’s “coat of many colors” an “invisibility cloak”? Is it a stargate device for teleportation? Did he acquire his gift of prophecy from traveling into the future?

Jacob gave to Joseph a robe or coat of bright colors, made somewhat like a long cloak with wide sleeves. This was a special mark of Jacob's favor to Joseph, and it made his older brothers envious of him.

Then, too, Joseph did what was right, while his older brothers often did very wrong acts, of which Joseph sometimes told their father; and this made them very angry at Joseph. But they hated him still more because of
two strange dreams he had, and of which he told them. He said one day:

"Listen to this dream that I have dreamed. I dreamed that we were out in the field binding sheaves, when suddenly my sheaf stood up, and all your sheaves came around it and bowed down to my sheaf!"
THE COAT OF MANY COLORS ... les_11.htm
Another claimant to this cloak was Elijah. When Elijah left his prophetic power to Elisha, he conferred it on him or installed him in his office, by the investiture of the Cloak, or the Pallium. Jesus stated that John the Baptist was the reincarnated Elijah.
The exotic and the everyday spur innovation
A cloak of invisibility has, however, been demonstrated at microwave frequencies. David Schurig and his colleagues at Duke University (Durham, NC), Imperial College (London, England), and SensorMetrix (San Diego, CA) rely on a “transformation-based” cloak design (one in which Maxwell’s equations undergo coordinate transformations) to channel 8.5 GHz (3.6 mm) microwaves around a 50 mm-diameter copper cylinder. The cylindrical metamaterial structure approximates a 2-D (planar) cloaking device, rather than a full 3-D device; has a lattice spacing of about 3.3 mm, and results in partial invisibility (see Fig. 2). The results are of interest for both civilian (cell-phone transmission) and military stealth use.
Invisibility Cloak Closer Than Ever to Reality ... cloak.html
An invisibility cloak for visible light could be made within six months, say scientists from Duke University, who, in a new paper published today in Science, explain how to hide objects from a dramatically extended range of wave lengths.

"A large number of folks are looking at it, and I think it's a matter of coupling the right material to the right device."

A metamaterial is a material with unique properties that derive from its physical structure, not its chemical make up. To manipulate light, the microscopic surface of a material must be much smaller than that of the wave length of light being used.
'Invisibility Cloak' Could Protect Against Earthquakes ... 105125.htm
The seismic waves produced by earthquakes include body waves which travel through the earth and surface waves which travel across it. The new technology controls the path of surface waves which are the most damaging and responsible for much of the destruction which follows earthquakes.

The technology involves the use of concentric rings of plastic which could be fitted to the Earth’s surface to divert surface waves. By controlling the stiffness and elasticity of the rings, waves travelling through the ‘cloak’ pass smoothly into the material and are compressed into small fluctuations in pressure and density. The path of the surface waves can be made into an arc that directs the waves outside the protective cloak. The technique could be applied to buildings by installing the rings into foundations.
Characteristic wave velocities in spherical electromagnetic cloaks ... 13011.html
We investigate the characteristic wave velocities in spherical electromagnetic cloaks, namely, phase, ray, group and energy-transport velocities. After deriving explicit expressions for the phase and ray velocities (the latter defined as the phase velocity along the direction of the Poynting vector), special attention is given to the determination of group and energy-transport velocities, because a cursory application of conventional formulae for local group and energy-transport velocities can lead to a discrepancy between these velocities if the permittivity and permeability dyadics are not equal over a frequency range about the center frequency. In contrast, a general theorem can be proven from Maxwell's equations that the local group and energy-transport velocities are equal in linear, lossless, frequency dispersive, source-free bianisotropic material. This apparent paradox is explained by showing that the local fields of the spherical cloak uncouple into an E wave and an H wave, each with its own group and energy-transport velocities, and that the group and energy-transport velocities of either the E wave or the H wave are equal and thus satisfy the general theorem.
Phased Array Optics
Phased array optics is a technology that will produce three dimensional views of objects and scenery using only two dimensional displays. Display systems based on this technology-- optical phased arrays --will behave quite literally as windows onto whatever scenery we can imagine.

Phased arrays are based on the theory of diffraction from physical optics. This theory says that patterns of light waves traveling beyond an aperture (such as a window) are entirely determined by the amplitude and phase distribution of light at the surface of the aperture. This means that if we produce light with the right phase and brightness distribution across a two dimensional surface, we can reproduce the same light waves that would emanate from a three dimensional scene behind the surface. In other words, we can make that surface appear as a window onto the scene.

Diffraction theory is mathematically continuous; it is assumed that surfaces can be reduced to an infinite number of small elements radiating with different amplitude and phase. This introduces complications from the standpoint of developing a practical technology. Fortunately we can achieve the same results with a discrete array of sources, provided they are coherent and less than 1/2 wavelength apart. The wavelength of visible light ranges from 0.4 microns (violet) to 0.7 microns (red). A two dimensional array of programmable sources 0.2 microns apart will therefore be sufficient to reconstruct any light wave pattern we desire.

By choosing the correct phase and amplitude distribution across the array we can, in fact, create images of any number of points at any number of locations behind the array. Since any three dimensional scene can be represented as a collection of discrete points in space, it follows that our array can reproduce any three dimensional scene.

The procedure for calculating the phase and amplitude distribution required to produce a scene is straightforward. All visible objects in the scene are represented in a computer in terms of discrete surface points. The spacing of the points is determined by the resolution of the array. Each point is assumed to produce a spherical wave. The complex amplitudes of these waves are summed at each source position on the array. The resultant complex amplitude at each source point determines the phase and intensity that source must radiate to reproduce the scene.
Total teleportation of a single-photon state ... V_2008.pdf
Recent demonstrations of teleportation have transferred quantum information encoded into either polarization or field quadrature degrees of freedom (DOFs), but an outstanding question is how to simultaneously teleport quantum information encoded into multiple DOFs. We describe how the transverse-spatial, spectral and polarization states of a single photon can be simultaneously teleported using a pair of multimode, polarization-entangled photons derived from spontaneous parametric down-conversion. Furthermore, when the initial photon pair is maximally entangled in the spatial, spectral, and polarization DOFs then the photon’s full quantum state can be reliably teleported using a Bell-state measurement based on sum-frequency generation.
Quantum fluctuations in holographic teleportation of optical images
We investigate in detail the quantum fluctuations in the quantum holographic teleportation protocol that we recently proposed . This protocol implements a continuous variable teleportation scheme that enables the transfer of the quantum state of spatially multimode electromagnetic fields, preserving their quantum correlations in space-time, and can be used to perform teleportation of 2D optical images. We derive a characteristic functional, which provides any arbitrary spatio-temporal correlation function of the teleported field, and calculate the fidelity of the teleportation scheme for multimode Gaussian input states. We show that for multimode light fields one has to distinguish between a global and a reduced fidelity. While the global fidelity tends to vanish for teleportation of fields with many degrees of freedom, the reduced fidelity can be made close to unity by choosing properly the number of essential degrees of freedom and the spatial bandwidth of the EPR beams used in the teleportation scheme.
Trapping Light
To stop light without absorbing it, which just destroys it, to trap light while keeping it intact and useful— that is a neat trick. The trick is not to kill the photons but to tame them. Once they're in a cage you can find a way to let the light out when you want. You can channel it so that it flows only where you want it to. You can control light the way we already control electrons in microchips, or integrated circuits.

Microchips are made of semiconductors, and the hallmark of a semiconductor is a band gap. In any solid material, electrons exist only in discrete energy bands, just as they orbit an individual atom at discrete energy levels. But in a semiconductor, there is a large gap between the band of atom-bound electrons and the livelier band of electrons that conduct electric currents. That band gap makes it possible to control the flow of electricity in a chip. In a pure crystal of silicon, electrons can't exist at band-gap energies at all. But if you dope the crystal with impurities— a few ions of arsenic, for instance— you can inject the number of mobile electrons you want. That's the basic principle of integrated circuits.

If we could do the same with light, in photonic integrated circuits, information would flow more rapidly and copiously than it does today. An optical computer that processed information as light rather than as electricity could process trillions of bits per second. That's thousands of times faster than the one-gigahertz microprocessors in the most advanced computers today.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:39 pm

The author’s theory is that hydrogen peroxide when added to water in the right solution will produce a super oxide that contributes to longevity. The key appears to depend upon using hydrogen and an iron catalyst that will produce chemiluminescence most likely by using ultrasound (sonoluminescence - the use of sound to produce light).

Normally iron is very toxic to our system and excessive iron is one of the leading causes of death after smoking and obesity. However, many “biblical patriarchs” were ironsmiths (blacksmiths) but they still lived a very long time. Could they have used a “super iron oxide”?

Is there any evidence to this effect?

The Genesis Hypothesis
The biochemical cause of the Genesis Curve is traced to oxidative chemicals created by short wavelength ultraviolet light on rain clouds, snow and glacier ice. Chemicals which found their way into drinking water in isolated glacier fed river valleys. Some highland valleys of this system still exist. These are the locations where people with relatively long life span are still living. Here, there may be people who are still receiving trace amount of life-span-lengthening chemicals and they may have received much more in past history.

The old mystery of God's promise of no more world floods evidenced by the rainbows in the sky is resolved. The disclosure premise is that in ancient times, by God or by nature or both, incoming light through unique high altitude clouds was polarized. It caused Pre Flood rainbows to be invisible. This is why rainbows at one point in history were recognized as "new" phenomena. The Genesis Hypothesis shows how anyone with a pair of polaroid sunglasses can easily demonstrate the effect of invisible rainbows. The Genesis Hypothesis projects a 1,328 year ancient cycle of increasing and decreasing ultraviolet light-forward in time from Biblical Adam to the present day.

The book gives modern day scientific evidence in support of the historical evidence for extremely long human life spans. It discusses chemical experiments which implicate excess iron in shortening longevity, causing heart attacks, and Alzheimer disease. Hydrogen peroxide is proposed as being the ultimate cause of cell division. Properly manipulated, to inexpensively promote plant growth, hydrogen peroxide might thus solve the problem of world hunger. Its byproduct Superoxide is present in the chemical pathways of most anti-cancer drug treatments.
Preliminary hydrogen peroxide experiments in rats are reported to almost double life span. It is explained how hydrogen peroxide can be created in nature by ultraviolet light on ice. This plus certain minerals in drinking water may be a breakthrough to extreme life extension. It appears to work by slowing development or maturation in youth. Examples of monkeys and small ape development ages vs. life span are given. As a general rule, maximum life span is longer when development of youth is delayed.
Caves are centers of vortex energy as well being hyperdimensional doorways.

Is magnetite is a super iron oxide? Our pineal glands are supposed to be made of magnetite crystals.
Previously we considered the sky blue crystal, celestite, a form of strontium sulphate.
A similar chemical which can take crystalline form is calcium sulphate. Strontium and calcium are close sisters and interchangeable for some biological and chemical purposes. They can be found in caves.

In the eastern United States in the state of Kentucky, is an enormous cave and tourist site named Mammoth Cave. The length of the passage is an astounding 150 miles (240 km) on five levels. Deep in the cave spelunkers discovered evidence that pre-Columbian American Indians walked with torches for up to two days deep in the subterranean darkness on special missions. Their activity spanned over one thousand years.

Left behind in the cave was an intrepid Indian explorer. His body became a mummy, well preserved by the cave’s unique atmosphere. He was found deep in the cave. He had been crushed to death. The underground activity that engaged the Indians occurred from 3,000 years ago until it mysteriously stopped around the time of Christ.

Scientists searched industriously trying to discover what could have motivated the Indians’ activity in the cave.

Spelunkers examined the cave diligently, then one day, beside some burn out but well preserved torches, they found it, a small vein of selenite that had been mined. It was snowy white gypsum crystals, calcium sulphate. This was what the pre-Columbian Indians had been seeking.

But what if they, too, had a source of hydrogen peroxide and needed an activator—something to raise the pH and cause hydrogen peroxide to start decomposing into superoxide. Does calcium sulphate produce the same green chemiluminescence light with hydrogen peroxide and luminal indicating the release of superoxide.

Ultrasonic waves can create small quantities of hydrogen peroxide in water. This can also happen in strong sonic waves which cause cavitation and can even happen in subsonic cavitation caused by steam entering water. This is easier to understand when one knows that when water collapsing back into a vacuum can create instantaneous temperatures exceeding those of the surface of the sun. This happens at the upper limits of the phenomena of cavitation when light is produced – sonoluminesence. Thus it is not surprising that chemical compounds, one of which is hydrogen peroxide, can be created in this process.

An alternative premise is that the iron reacting with extra hydrogen peroxide ingested from the environment may have created the right superoxide flux at the critical period in childhood programming an individual for a long time.

The idea was to create a flux of the superoxide molecules when the iron and hydrogen peroxide containing waters mixed together.

The Genesis Hypothesis – Douglas B. Scarborough – page 74

Metaphysical Properties: Mental clarity, insight, awareness. In meditation, it can be used as a tool to aid in accessing past and future lives, by gently rubbing the stone. It is beneficial to the spinal column and skeletal system, muscular structure, and cellular structure.

Selenium ... kiid=21866
ferrous fumarate - the anhydrous salt of a combination of ferrous iron and fumaric acid; used as a hematinic

ferrous gluconate - a hematinic that is less irritating to the gastrointestinal tract than other hematinics, and generally used as a substitute when ferrous sulfate cannot be tolerated.

ferrous selinite - is insoluble and soils rich in iron oxide tend to be nontoxic because of the formation of this compound.

ferrous sulfate - the most widely used hematinic for the treatment of iron-deficiency anemia. It is believed to be less irritating than equivalent amounts of ferric salts and is more effective.

Selenium is a trace mineral that our bodies use to produce glutathione peroxidase. Glutathione peroxidase is part of the body's antioxidant defense system; it works with vitamin E to protect cell membranes from damage caused by dangerous, naturally occurring substances known as free radicals.
'Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide' ... on%20Oxide
Relatively new types of MRI contrast agents are superparamagnetic iron oxide-based colloids (median diameter greater than 50nm). These compounds consist of nonstoichiometric microcrystalline magnetite cores, which are coated with dextrans (in ferumoxide) or siloxanes (in ferumoxsil).
Energetic Iron Chemistry: The Super-Iron Battery ... /5430/1039
Higher capacity batteries based on an unusual stabilized iron chemistry are presented. The storage capacities of alkaline and metal hydride batteries are largely cathode limited, and both use a potassium hydroxide electrolyte. The new batteries are compatible with the alkaline and metal hydride battery anodes but have higher cathode capacity and are based on available, benign materials.
Magnetite / Black Iron Oxide (Fe304) Powder ... /5430/1039
Magnetite is a natural iron oxide magnet, hence the name, giving it a very nice distinguishing characteristic. Magnetite is the most magnetic of all the minerals on Earth.

Magnetite is a member of the spinel group which has the standard formula A(B)2O4. The A and B represent different metal ions that occupy specific sites in the crystal structure. In the case of magnetite, Fe3O4, the A metal is Fe +2 and the B metal is Fe +3; two different metal ions in two specific sites. This arrangement causes a transfer of electrons between the different irons in a structured path or vector. This electric vector generates a magnetic field.
Subtle Bodies - Manipulating the Mind of Man
When working in conjunction with a German dowser, the Czech physicist, Zaboj V. Harvalik, suggested that the adrenal gland was the organ used to detect the magnetism. He reached this conclusion because positive results increased when the dowser drank more water. This theory seems unlikely now – unless it is in some way linked with the pineal organ. In later experiments, aluminum foil was wound around the head of the dowser and this blocked the signal. Strangely, so did a block of foil placed on the dowser’s forehead in the area of the pineal gland. This is the same location as a pigeon’s magnetite. Another strange and telling piece of evidence comes when we find that solar flares can upset the dowser’s abilities – thus showing that mankind could theoretically actually physically measure the holy serpentine energy of the sun. Much of this energy is now understood to be picked up by the pineal organ.

The pineal organ is one of the outgrowths of the pineal apparatus. In aquatic and gill-breathing creatures, it can form a photosensitive eye-like structure, which is involved in the diurnal rhythm of color change. In humans, this organ is buried deep within the brain, located in the Limbic system, which helps us to learn and has emotional capabilities. The pineal gland exerts some chemical reactions, which are not fully understood. Autopsies on mediums and spiritually inclined people have revealed larger pineal glands that contain a clear fluid called seratonin, which in turn makes melatonin.

Seratonin, when depleted by amphetamines, causes mild psychedelic effects, which is why the drug ‘Ecstasy’ is so popular. The administration of melatonin can help prevent jet lag and SAD. Strangely, it is also thought to influence our rhythms of activity. Some believe it is sensitive to the rhythms and cycles of nature and is responsible for transferring that information to us. The pineal gland is associated with color recognition, and reptiles can even change the color of this ‘third eye.’ It is also associated with measuring the length of the day and keeping track of the seasons.
Does ultrasound produce "ionic energy" through acoustic cavitation?

Acoustic cavitation and its chemical consequences
Acoustic cavitation is responsible for both sonochemistry and sonoluminescence. Bubble collapse in liquids results in an enormous concentration of energy from the conversion of the kinetic energy of liquid motion into heating of the contents of the bubble. The high local temperatures and pressures, combined with extraordinarily rapid cooling, provide a unique means for driving chemical reactions under extreme conditions. A diverse set of applications of ultrasound to enhance chemical reactivity has been explored, with important applications in mixed phase synthesis, materials chemistry, and biomedical uses.
Ionic Energy ... d-physics/
Hyperdimensional Physics is a science that looks at not only height, breadth, and width, but also Dimension. Most scientists before now, including Einstein, have noted 11 Dimensions. In fact the dimensions are essentially unlimited. Some Dimensions contain physical matter and others contain formless form (antimatter).

Zero Point is an energy flux running through space and that is where interdimensional and multidimensional travel begins.

In fact, this is true for space craft traveling multidimensionally. Zero Point is what is found in portals, Stargates, vortices, wormholes, black holes and is what makes multidimensional travel possible… including levitation and teleportation. We must also figure in the Harmony of the Spheres, within which our Planets and Suns operate.
These force fields run through Hollow Earth, and overlap the Planet. These are not only electromagnetic and ionic, but also crystalline. Every Planet in our Solar System has a crystalline core which is anchored energetically into its Planetary, Galactic, Universal, Multiversal and Cosmic Grid. The crystalline cores inside the Planets are all two tetrahedrons placed opposite each other.

Every Planet and Sun has this crystal at its core. Different Planets have different types of crystalline tetrahedrons. What are the sizes of these tetrahedrons? Imagine the first tetrahedron with the apex point at the North Pole. Now this tetrahedron has a 120 degree angle at the base. With this, you will see the points of the base land at approximately 19.5 degrees latitude. This is zero point! Off to other dimensions.
The principal of the behavior of gases and liquids in the environment has been studied and catalogued in detail over the past decades. This is an important factor in development of any energy system, which has to be portable and light, but at the same time flexible, energetic and functional for it to be used for its merit in any system. This is being used for power production, gravity or anti-gravity, shielding and medical use and so forth.

For this system to be able to take advantage of above criteria it is important to use Hydrogen as the primary catalyst.

This system is a fully integrated Electro-Nuclear-Magnetic power generator.

The system, at its core, will be a creator of magnetic field forces that man is used to as part of the magnetic fields of the earth. The unit generates magnetic fields that can pass through tissues and atoms without affecting their characteristics.

Magnetic fields created by planets are called the Passive Magnetic Field Forces (PMF). These properties are what the whole universe uses to move moons, planets, stars and the galaxies.

In utilizing these forces and technology available through this system, electric energy can be created using hydrogen as its fuel.

The creation of electric energy in this reactor is achieved through the simple process of hydrogen ionization. Elaborate systems have been developed to tap into this process during its interactions with other matters in the core of the reactor.

The hydrogen supplied for this purpose is of a natural form, which can be realized from water or the atmosphere through already established, known technologies.

To create plasma there is a need to separate the electron from its nucleus by means of injecting enough energy into the atom so that the nucleus can be freed of its electron. This process is known as the ionization of hydrogen atoms.

Scientists have successfully achieved this principal for some time. If the excited electron, which is created, can be made to lose its energy in an appropriate way, it can return to its original state. Then the production of current and heat is made simple.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:50 am

Universal Cosmic Law - The Seven Principles
The Great Principle of Mentalism, or MIND
The Principle of MENTALISM manifests the Crown Chakra, the cause of Mind, Life, the physical body of Conscious awareness and vitality and continues its manifestation of the Pituitary gland, the master gland of the body. The Pituitary gland is the first gland to appear in the human embryo and is the first order of physical manifestation of man in the womb. This is the primordial or fundamental beginning of all Human existence and is the beginning of the "downward born elements" or manifestations of The SPIRIT of GOD in its aspect of Creation of the Human body. There is no such thing as being "outside" of, or "without" GOD." "I AM always present with thee." This should not be lightly taken in complacency.

The evolution of a Human Life and body begins at the Root Chakra and its energy is drawn upward through all major Chakras toward the Crown Chakra which occupies the highest point in the Human body and runs opposite of the process of manifestation or involution. All of manifested Life must evolve upward or Divine-ward in the process of evolution. Nothing is allowed to stand still in the Universe. It is all self evident and does not need scientific verification.

In an overly sexually obsessed and perverted person, he or she becomes trapped by runaway Tantric energy of the Root Chakra and their evolution becomes a stymied and painful process when there is no room to think about "other" things. Sex has become their idol god and is all that they have to live for and so they become trapped in their perception of Life. They may fall into a very low and dark region of Consciousness because they are unable to use their sexual energy properly. Their sexuality becomes a virtue-less bestial animalistic activity of a low degree. Sexual criminals operate in this region of consciousness.
The Great Principle of Correspondence
The Principle of Correspondence manifests the Brow Chakra in the human body, the center of Enlightenment, Spirit knowledge, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, the ability to penetrate through the veil of the particle world and peer deep into the realm of SPIRIT. Things are seen in The Mind that are not possible by Human eyes alone. It is not subject or bound by Space and Time. The Brow Chakra furthers its manifestation of the Pineal gland that is responsible for the production of Melatonin and is believed to help the body adjust to stress. The Pineal gland governs the waking and sleeping cycles of the body. The exact nature of the Pineal gland is unknown to science
The Great Principle of Vibration
The Principle of Vibration manifests the Throat Chakra in the human body, the power center of communication.

The opening of the Throat Chakra varies in humans and depends on how well developed and disciplined they are and how it is used. The Throat Chakra furthers its manifestation in the creation of the Thyroid gland that produces Thyroxin to convert oxygen and food into usable energy for the body. The Larynx or voice box makes it possible for verbal human communication in the realm of Consciousness as it vibrates sounds in varying degrees and thus creating a unique human voice that is manipulated by the tongue and lips to form the unique sounds and words of every language of our world.
The Great Principle of Polarity
The Principle of Polarity manifests the Heart Chakra within the human body, the Tree of Life of Good and evil, the Positive and Negative aspect of Mind that brings many a dark paradox in life. There is much more that can be said about this Principle.... Polarity is the center of the Seven Principles with the three higher Principles above and three lower Principles below; "As above, so below; as below, so above." The Correspondence of The Seven Principles with Polarity being the scale and balance of manifested Life.

The Heart Chakra continues the manifestation of the Thymus gland which is responsible for the production of T cells for the immune system of the body.
The Great Principle of Rhythm (The Cycles)
The Principle of Rhythm manifests the Naval Chakra of our bodies, the region of the Solar Plexus, origin of emotions, and is responsible for the distribution of food in the body. The Naval Chakra continues its manifestation of the Adrenal gland which regulates the use of food, and helps the body adjust to stress. The Adrenal gland produces Hydrocortisone

The manifestation of this Principle, on the Physical Plane, is the most visible of all principles and its power is observed within the forces of nature that move the waves and tides of our oceans and the perpetual change of the seasons. It is observed in the continuous cycles of life, death, and the rebirth of all things, a rise and fall of nations and governments, a constant creation and destruction of suns, worlds, and galaxies. On the plane of energy is the Principle of RHYTHM observed in the behavior of the alternating current wave of electricity, light, and heat as it vibrates between the positive and negative pole. RHYTHM rules the cyclic process of all bodily functions in Humans such as the Rhythm of the heart, lungs, menstruation, digestion, to name a few, and the process of entropy or decay.
The Great Principle of Cause and Effect
The Principle of Cause and Effect manifests the Spleen Chakra in the human body. The Spleen Chakra is a person's responsibility for the causation of Mind and its choices. The Spleen is responsible for the dispersion and distribution of Vitality in the body. The Spleen Chakra furthers its manifestation of the Lyden or Spleen that manufactures Macrophages to cleanse the blood, vital to the immune system and a person's health. A person's conduct of Consciousness can affect the immune system of the body in a very large way.

CAUSE and EFFECT is a person's "Do unto others as you would have them do to you," or "Whatsoever a man sows, that will he also reap." It is the Dharma/Karma of Human Causation. It can work in reverse but with possible dire and desperate consequences (Karma). When humans suffer, it not because of the punishment of GOD but because they have initiated CAUSE AND EFFECT in their erring ways and are experiencing the consequences of those choices. We are responsible in what we do, how we do it, and what we choose. There is no escape from this immutable LAW.
The Great Principle of Gender
The Root Chakra manifests the Sacral, or Reproductive organs of Male and Female in Humans and all lower species of Life forms.

The Principle of Gender manifests the Root Chakra in the human body, the Masculine and Feminine energy of Male and Female in The Great Mental Plane and continues its manifestation of Creative energy of Conscious and Subconscious Mind in the Universe.

Subconscious Mind is Feminine, while Conscious Mind is the Masculine aspect of GENDER in The Great Mental Plane. Subconscious Mind is unable to function without the direction of the Masculine Mind. Subconscious Mind possesses the "power" over all things Spiritual and Material but cannot function without the "proper" direction and focus of the Masculine Mind. Masculine Mind is only able to provide focus and direction but has no power to make things happen. If the focusing of Masculine Mind is not utilized properly, all that remains is a Subconscious Mind that wanders like a rudderless ship on the high seas and we have many wandering humans with no focus or direction in Life who are prone to maliciousness in their cause and conduct of Life.
Today, many people become entangled in the external turmoil of the world as some humans become maimed and murdered in the name of GOD by religious and political fanatics with tunnel vision who have no Knowledge of THE ALL or The SPIRIT'S true reality. They do not seek to contribute and assist humanity in their Spiritual advancement except to destroy. Like the carnivorous beasts in nature are they territorial and they lay cunningly in wait for their next victim. The beasts in nature are not blamed for following their cravings so prompted by the Laws of Nature. But man in whom intellect has unfolded is capable of descending below the animal plane and becomes satanic in nature having sunk very low in the scale of Life while embracing the lower parts of Mental Polarity in Human Nature. Just because it is in the nature of humans doesn't mean that we should go there. These types of humans are found not only in the arena of religious and political fanaticism but in all levels of society including world commerce in the greed, theft, dishonesty, fraud, and underhandedness, of certain corporate entities of which none is a contributor to the advancement of humanity but to bring suffering and destruction to humans. All of this is because of the ignorance of Spiritual LAW that will take a hand in their demise. In time they will become as broken reeds in the winds of change. They will not escape The LAW of SPIRIT.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Nov 19, 2009 10:31 pm

Did the antediluvian patriarchs have such long life spans because the Earth's environemnt was radically different at that time? What if the antediluvian Earth had no axial tilt and had a thick cloud canopy that filtered out all harmful solar radiation? What if the radical climate changes after the Deluge were largely responsible for our shortened life spans?

The Genesis Hypothesis
The Genesis Hypothesis shows clearly that there was a hidden code in the genealogy dates of Genesis. A code which creates a cyclical mathematical curve based on the Biblical Ancient's age-at-death to age-at-fatherhood ratios. This cycle has a period of approximately 1,300 years. It is very strong evidence of a biochemical cause for long life spans such as Methuselah. "Or" it is a precise, mathematical coding of Biblical data made intentionally by the Bible's authors-and is an important message from ancient times. The cycle information is the discovery of The Genesis Curve - a subject of passionate biochemical and theological debate. The major Ancient Biblical personalities, from Adam through Joseph, all have age data that fall on the rhythmical pattern of this newly revealed curve.

The biochemical cause of the Genesis Curve is traced to oxidative chemicals created by short wavelength ultraviolet light on rain clouds, snow and glacier ice. Chemicals which found their way into drinking water in isolated glacier fed river valleys. Some highland valleys of this system still exist. These are the locations where people with relatively long life span are still living. Here, there may be people who are still receiving trace amount of life-span-lengthening chemicals and they may have received much more in past history.
The theory that the Earth had a primordial vapor canopy was developed by Donald Patten in his book The Biblical Flood and the Ice Epoch. He surmises that it was in some ways like that surrounding Venus today. The canopy of Venus consists primarily of carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons, with some water vapor. The Earth’s primordial vapor canopy, on the other hand, was composed mostly of water vapor, some carbon dioxide, and virtually no hydrocarbons.

This cloud cover condensed out of the time of the Deluge. Patten believes that plant life was luxuriant in that early period because of the proportions of carbon dioxide and water vapor in the atmosphere and the capture of long wave radiation which resulted in the “greenhouse effect.”

The greenhouse effect meant that temperatures would tend to be uniform between night and day as well between summer and winter. There was little circulation of the atmosphere and this lack of cyclonic activity precluded the formation of storms and other forms of precipitation.

Although the surface of the Earth was shielded from the direct rays of the Sun, plant life was abundant and luxurious due to the proportion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which was probably many times higher than it is today.

Flying Serpents and Dragons– R. A. Boulay, Pgs. Pg 93-94
The Pre-Flood 360 Day Calendar & the Second Coming
Noah’s calendar was different from both the present lunar calendar (354.53 days), and present solar calendar (365.24 days). Something occurred about the time of the flood that altered the calendar, making it necessary to add an intercalary month every 2 or 3 years to keep the lunar calendar in sync with the seasons.

The earth’s tilt on its axis is what gives us the seasons. If the earth’s axis was perpendicular to the ecliptic, (0 degree tilt), there would be no seasons at all, and no such thing as a “solar year.” The earth’s temperature at each latitude would be constant year round. The weather would be extremely mild and non-violent. With no seasons and a very mild, stable climate, crops could be planted and harvested year round. Food storage would be completely unnecessary. Remember, people prior to the flood were vegetarians.

With no inclination of the earth’s axis, there would be no such thing as a “solar year” because no seasonal changes would occur to measure it by. The days would not get longer and shorter throughout the year. The sun would not appear to drift in its ark across the sky, but would follow precisely the same path year round.

That the four seasons, with their yearly oscillations of cold and heat, did not exist before the flood is supported by the Genesis data. There is no mention of any of the four seasons, weather, changing climate, or changing temperature until the flood.

As was pointed out previously, the pre-flood lunar month was 30 days, and the lunar year was 360 days. This is established by the text. The tilting of the earth on its axis explains how the seasons began, and consequently made it necessary to keep a 365.24 day solar calendar for the agricultural cycle.

If this theory is correct, we would expect the tilting of the earth on its axis to also explain the shortening of the lunar month from 30 days to 29.5 days, (making the lunar year 354.37 days instead of 360 days). If the same physical change (tilting the earth’s axis) also shortens the lunar year, this explanation becomes highly probable.

If God disrupted the earth's tilt by applying an outside force, two important phenomena would occur. First, the shift of the earth’s axis would generate turbulence and internal friction within the earth’s molten core as it struggled to reorient to a different angle of rotation. The net effect of this internal friction would be a significant braking of the earth’s speed of rotation until the molten core realigned itself to the new axis. The energy of the core’s momentum would be converted to heat.

The second effect from tilting the earth’s axis concerns the earth’s crust. We know from Genesis that the earth originally had only one super continent, and one super ocean.

Tilting the spinning earth would create an enormous gyroscopic torque effect on the earth’s crust, tearing this super continent apart. John Baumgardner, PhD., of Los Alamos National Laboratory, has done pioneering work with computer models demonstrating how catastrophic plate tectonics accounts for the present state of the earth, and Noah’s flood.4 Yet, his theory lacks a specific trigger for the thermal runaway necessary to begin the subduction process.5 The gyroscopic torque effect on the earth’s crust, and enormous heat generated by the shifting core, could easily provide such a trigger.
The Greenhouse Effect: The Antediluvian Canopy ... lood09.htm
If the Earth had a water vapor canopy prior to the Deluge, it is a very easy matter to understand why the canopy condensed and was eliminated at the time of the Flood cataclysm. Ice was captured in avalanches of charged particles, forming the Ice Epoch. Ice particles form the perfect nuclei of condensation. Had there been a primordial canopy of water vapor, and had the Earth captured a substantial amount of ice in particles at the time of the Deluge, the water vapor canopy would have been completely condensed out of the upper atmosphere. It could not have been otherwise.

Similarly, there are several reasons for concluding that there was much more available carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in that earlier era. One evidence is that during the Flood cataclysm, much vegetation was buried. Vegetation which was buried by alluvial action resulted in just that much less carbon available to today's atmospheric carbon cycle.

The first quotation directly suggests that there was a water vapor canopy in the upper atmosphere at all times. No blue sky was ever seen until after the Flood. In this section of Genesis, not only are the oceans divided from other oceans by continents, but also the upper atmosphere (water vapor canopy) is separated from the lower atmosphere (the firmament). There were waters above the firmament and waters below the firmament, the canopy and the ocean. A separation of the atmosphere seems clearly indicated.

The second quotation states in definite terms that the Earth was watered abundantly, though not by rain. It was watered in a different manner than today, when the Earth is watered primarily by rain and somewhat by dew. It is believed that in this earlier age a dew regime was the only mechanism by which the Earth's surface was watered.
The third quotation reflects that rainbows are a result of the prismatic effect of bending of rays of light through water droplets. Rainbows can only occur after rains, and require the direct action of sunlight. This time immediately after the Flood was the first time that rainbows were observed. This again suggests that direct sunlight and blue skies, along with water droplets in the atmosphere, were new phenomena.

The primordial canopy was thus organized quite differently from our present atmospheric regime, water vapor within the atmosphere being one component of difference. This antediluvian condition was similar to that found in the atmosphere of Venus today which has a remarkably reflective canopy.

A third reason plant life was more luxuriant in that earlier age has to do with the proportions of carbon dioxide and water vapor in the atmosphere, the principle of long-wave radiation of heat from the Earth, and a Greenhouse Effect. The Earth receives short-wave, medium and long-wave radiation from the Sun during the day. It converts this into long-wave radiation which it re-radiates into space, during both the daytime and the nighttime. The emission of heat is in long-wave rays, which are efficiently captured by either water vapor or carbon dioxide, particularly carbon dioxide. Hence, an increase of either water vapor or carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will tend to recapture radiated heat and create a Greenhouse Effect which creates an increasing uniformity in temperature within the atmosphere between day and night and also between summer and winter.

If there had been a canopy of water vapor enshrouding the Earth during the antediluvian period, this would have greatly reduced temperature differentials at the Earth's surface. Today, because the Sun's radiant energy shines directly on the Earth's surface, and because it shines unequally in strength on the various latitudes, the Earth's atmosphere acts very much as a great heat engine. The planetary winds function to equalize or moderate these differentials in temperature and pressure. The pressure differentials accompanying the temperature differentials cause the flow of air.

The Earth today has several types of winds. One group is the planetary wind system, which includes trade winds, mid-latitude westerlies, and polar easterlies. Another type is the seasonal monsoon, a periodic wind which is caused when a continent either heats up or cools off much faster than the surrounding oceans.

A third type is the diurnal land and sea breeze. It is similar to the monsoon in that it is caused by a differential in heating of the land relative to the surrounding water; however, this is a daily rather than a seasonal type of wind. It is also local rather than continental in scope.

If there were a canopy, comprised of relatively large amounts of water vapor and carbon dioxide, enveloping the Earth (a circumstance similar to that of Venus), the result would be a near-temperature equilibrium. This is for two reasons. One is the high reflectivity, or albedo of the canopy. More solar radiation would be reflected. The second reason is the efficient capture by the atmosphere of long-wave radiation of the planet, the Greenhouse Effect. If there were temperature equalities, there would be no planetary wind systems, no trade winds, no mid-latitude westerlies, no monsoons, and no land and sea breezes. And this appears to have been the case.

The significance of this wind system is made manifest in study of the relationship between wind and rain. There are three types of rain: convective, cyclonic, and orographic. Each is based on various combinations of winds, temperatures, and elevations. But all are based on flowing air, or winds. Thus, if there were a canopy, there would be no temperature differential, which means there would be no winds, which in turn means no rain.

And as a consequence of no rain, there would be a very poorly developed or primitive arrangement of river systems, because river systems are based on rain and run-off, which are in turn based on wind systems, which in turn are based on temperature inequalities.

The Biblical record, like the geological record, indicates that the Earth in the antediluvian era was a luxuriant place for flora (vegetation). It was anything but desert-like. And it was anything but ice-bound. Yet the Biblical record specifically states that there was no rain; rather, the Earth was abundantly watered by mist or dew at night.
Aqueous-Phase Photochemical Formation of Hydrogen Peroxide and Hydroxyl Radical in Clouds and Fogs
Aqueous-phase reactions of hydrogen peroxide (HOOH) and hydroxyl radical (OH) in atmospheric water drops play crucial roles in the chemistry of the troposphere, yet knowledge of the sources of these oxidants to the water drops is incomplete. While gas-to- drop partitioning of HOOH and OH has received much study, comparatively little attention has been focused on aqueous-phase photochemical reactions as sources of these oxidants to atmospheric water drops
Ocean and Climate Studies ... nclim.html
Scientists are eager to develop models about Earth's history, based on their knowledge of current, active dynamic processes. One such process vital to the Earth is photochemistry, how the sun's radiant energy affects conversion of oxygen in the atmosphere. By measuring and interpreting the hydrogen peroxide, formaldehyde, and nitric acid concentrations in the snow and firn at South Pole station, we hope to develop a credible history of the oxidation capacity of the atmosphere over the last two centuries. We also hope to evaluate methods that will confirm statistically significant changes in the concentration of these species over that time.
The Many Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide
If any substance is interesting, it's hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide should really be called hydrogen dioxide. Its chemical formula is H2O2. It contains one more atom of oxygen that does water (H20). By now everyone's aware of the ozone layer that surrounds the earth. Ozone consists of three atoms of oxygen (03). This protective layer of ozone is created when ultraviolet light from the sun splits an atmospheric oxygen molecule (02) into two single, unstable oxygen atoms. These single molecules combine with others to form ozone (03). Ozone isn't very stable. In fact, it will quickly give up that extra atom of oxygen to falling rainwater to form hydrogen peroxide (H202). (Bear with me: all this chemistry mumbo jumbo I'm going through actually will help you understand the importance of hydrogen peroxide.)

It is this hydrogen peroxide in rainwater that makes it so much more effective than tap water when given to plants. With the increased levels of atmospheric pollution, however, greater amounts of H202 react with air-borne toxins and never reach the ground. To compensate for this, many farmers have been increasing crop yields by spraying them with diluted hydrogen peroxide (5 to 16 ounces of 35% mixed with 20 gallons of water per acre). You can achieve the same beneficial effect with your house plants by adding 1 ounce of 3% hydrogen peroxide (or 16 drops of 35% solution) to every quart of water you give your plants. (It can also be made into an excellent safe insecticide. Simply spray your plants with 8 ounces of 3% peroxide mixed with 8 ounces of white sugar and one gallon of water.)

Hydrogen peroxide is odorless and colorless, but not tasteless. When stored under the proper conditions, it is a very stable compound. When kept in the absence of light and contaminants, it dismutates (breaks down) very slowly at the rate of about 10% a year. (This can be slowed even further by storing the liquid in the freezer.) It boils at 152 degrees C and freezes at minus 2 degrees C.

When exposed to other compounds hydrogen peroxide dismutates readily. The extra oxygen atom is released leaving H20 (water). In nature oxygen (02) consists of two atoms--a very stable combination. A single atom of oxygen, however, is very reactive and is referred to as a free radical. Over the past several years, we've continually read that these free radicals are responsible for all types of ailments and even premature aging. What many writers seem to forget, however, is that our bodies create and use free radicals to destroy harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi. In fact, the cells responsible for fighting infection and foreign invaders in the body (your white blood cells) make hydrogen peroxide and use it to oxidize any offending culprits. The intense bubbling you see when hydrogen peroxide comes in contact with a bacteria-laden cut or wound is the oxygen being released and bacteria being destroyed. The ability of our cells to produce hydrogen peroxide is essential for life. H202 is not some undesirable by-product or toxin, but instead a basic requirement for good health.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Nov 20, 2009 6:13 am

Biological Immortality Project ... kolov2.htm
This agency announces that the aging code has been permanently broken making Biological Immortality a certainty. Please note that this is not a future event, and the data has been proven conclusively at this time through scientific testing.

Biological/Physical Immortality, or the problem of death and dying, has been conquered permanently. The Human Genome Project under the direction of several Intelligence Community Agencies, TRINE, UMBRA, SACRED, JEHOVAH, MAJESTIC, ZODIAC, SPIRITUAL, ENVIRONMENT and MEDEA, has conquered mortal/physical death.

Using information recently disseminated from the former USSR, which this agency and others have been working with on various UFO/Extraterrestrial projects (including other countries with filed activity,) this agency received conclusive information on tested data concerning Biological Immortality.

Extraterrestrial data received as far back as 1952 yielded the following conclusive information:

1) All physical animal and/or human beings are in actuality (for lack of a better word) spirits attached to a human/flesh container. Conclusive testing on animal and/or human subjects shows this can now be positively identified and proven.

2) There is a physical/mental mechanism which prevents this data from becoming too closely and easily detected. Distortions of the data occur when mentally observed more closely. An example of this would be the common idea that human beings are made of flesh and have a soul. The correct data would be human beings are a spirit and attached to a body of flesh.

3) It is because of this mental/physical distortion that those reading this briefing will have a hard time fully comprehending it, and the magnitude of the information contained within. Studies show when something is unclear or not understandable, that repeated reading of the same material can and will clear up any misunderstandings. It will take several readings by each individual for this information to become clarified.

4) Triggers to this negative mental mechanism which create the distortion are linked directly to “fundamentalist” world religions as belief systems. The more fundamentalist the belief, the more strongly this mechanism is activated.

5) Fundamentalism is hereby defined as a strict and literal interpretation of holy books and scriptures found in all major world religions.

6) The trigger is not completely set in motion with non-fundamentalist religions. The mechanism does have some effect with all religions.

7) Religions that promote an afterlife which is better than present Earth life have the strongest activation trigger. This then links to a secondary trigger which promotes quicker aging. This is due to the presumed fact, on the part of the human subject, that death is preferable to living and directly connected to thinking the afterlife will be beyond any pleasure current life can offer.

8) These mechanisms also contain a doomsday effect. They bring into motion worldwide but man-made cataclysms through the above stated “collective unconscious triggers” (Parts A and B). Every human being has these triggers. They are intensely activated as aging continues, since as old age and physical death nears religious concepts become more important to the populace.

9) Because of mental distortion (mentioned in item 2), individual humans under the effect of the triggers think a higher power or being, mostly referred to as God, directs these cataclysmic events (the doomsday effect.) It is “believed” on the part of the human subjects that God will destroy their particular religion’s enemies and usher in a better world for members of their same religion or sect. This is true of all people affected by these mental triggers, no matter what their religion.

10) It is unclear at this time, how these mechanisms were originally transferred to the human populace, although there are various theories. It is only clear that items 1-9 are true and proven.

The Only Effect These Triggers Have Is The Total Destruction Of The Entire Human Race Through An End Of The World Scenario With Escalating Terrorism And Extensive Nuclear And Biological World War Becoming A Certainty.
Replicator Technology:

Our Immortal Demise
dvances in nanotechnology and an increased understanding of the human body may someday allow us to replicate our vital organs and cells with artificial “nano-bots.” These bots would theoretically be able to replicate the functions of our normal cells allowing us to technologically regulate our bodies and fix problems, just like fixing a computer.
Progress in Replication Technology ... echnology/
This post examines the possibility whether we will one day have the capability of replicating a living human being, and if so, when might that be? Thus it is highly speculative, maybe the most speculative topic I deal with in this project. Predictions of future technological developments are notoriously bad. Why do I think I can do better than others?
Genetic Technology ... c_tech.pdf
Watson and Crick, discoverers of the structure of DNA, suggested that they had discovered the secret of life. In a way, that statement became reality when scientists learned how to manipulate the molecule itself to reshape genes and move genes from one cell to another. With the deciphering of the universal genetic code, it became apparent that a gene from one organism would be interpreted by any other in exactly the same way. Recall that genes are just recipes for building proteins. Place a frog gene in a plant cell and the plant cell would make the frog protein, exactly as a frog would. But how does one find and extract one correct gene from billions of bases in a genome? How does one even identify the correct gene from thousands of possibilities? How can you move a gene from one cell to another cell?

The answers came in contributions from different directions. Paul Berg was studying a group of enzymes found in bacteria that could destroy the DNA of invading viruses (see chapter 20). He found that these enzymes restricted the growth of the viruses and made highly specific cuts within a DNA strand. Consequently, these enzymes are called restriction endonucleases (or just “restriction enzymes”). Prior to this discovery, the enzymes known to cut DNA made only random cuts in the sugar-phosphate backbone, destroying the DNA sequences in the process. By contrast, restriction endonucleases recognize very specific sequences of bases (figure 14.1), usually in the form of palindromes—sequences that read the same in both forward and reverse directions, like the word “radar. “No matter how long the DNA strand, the enzyme would not cut unless its specific recognition sequence was present. Bacteria had evolved these enzymes as a means to defend themselves. By chemically modifying their own DNA, they could ensure their own genes were unharmed, but the virus would be destroyed. Hundreds of such enzymes have been discovered and characterized.
DNA chip replication for a personalized DNA chip ... 1c90a7e066
We report the replication technology of DNA chip using by sequence specific localization of nucleic acids via hybridization and electric transfer of the nucleic acids onto a new substrate without losing their array information. The denatured DNA fragments are first spotted and UV-cross-linked on a nylon membrane. The membrane is then immersed and hybridized in a DNA mixture solution that contains all complementary sequences of the nucleic acids to be hybridized with the DNA fragments on the membrane. The hybridized DNA fragments are transferred to another membrane at the denatured condition. After separating two membranes, the transferred membrane contains a complementary array of DNA fragments. This method can be used for the replication of the same copy of DNA chip repeatedly and moreover could be applied for a personalized DNA chip fabrication, where specific information of each spot of DNA chip is originated from the genetic information of a personal sample.
EVOLVING A REPLICATOR - The Genetic Programming of Self Reproduction in Cellular Automata (1993) ... clnk&gl=us
This paper presents the results of an investigative study into the evolution of cellular automata replicators using Genetic Programming (GP) techniques (i.e. using Genetic Algorithms (GAs) to build/evolve complex systems). There are at least two reasons why such a study might be considered interesting. One reason is to explore how difficult the evolution of (CA) replicators might be, a topic of importance for Artificial Life. Another reason is the possibility that the evolution of CAs, if successful, may provide tools for next-generation quantum-electronic computers (e.g. using "quantum dot arrays") which may use CAs as their operating principle. 1. Introduction One of the growing intellectual interests of the author is nanotechnology [Drexler 1992], which the author believes will prove in the long term to be the enabling technology for truly effective artificial life forms, and true artificial intelligence.
Postmodernism and Replication Technologies ... _final.pdf
Abstract: This essay speculates about how the ideological mechanics of postmodern culture may be related to evolutionary biology, cognitive virtualization processes, and immunity theory. My goal is to understand postmodernism from an ontological perspective treating it as lived systemizations of power in which information technology, digital capitalism, globalization, and the posthuman industry function as primary modes of power through their virtual and immunizing features. This essay attempts to reconceptualize postmodern technology and knowledge by replacing such typical abstract theories as the “postmodern condition,” “late capitalism,” or the “hyperreal” with a study of the ontological mechanics contemporary culture.
Immortal Organisms - Do They Really Exist? ... lly-exist/
One of the most bizarre organisms that ever existed is the Turritopsis nutricula. It is a hydrozoan with a life cycle in which it reverts to the polyp stage after becoming sexually mature. It is said that it is the only known case of a metazoan that is capable of reverting completely to a sexually immature, colonial stage after having reached sexual maturity as a solitary stage. This cycle can repeat indefinitely, rendering it biologically immortal until its nerve center is removed from the rest of the body.

Hydra is a kind of cnidarians that is claimed to be immortal. It is simple fresh-water animal that possesses radial symmetry. A Hydra is a predatory animal that can be found in most unpolluted freshwater ponds, lakes and streams in the temperate and tropical regions.

A Bristlecone Pine’s oldest known living specimen is over 4,800 years old. This species of tree is thought to reach an age far greater than that of any other single living organism known and is speculated to be potentially immortal.
Hermes, regarding Immortality
Immortality is a permanent sustenance of Conscious Life in that it requires the permanent possession of a physical body --the body and its seven senses is the instrument of conscious Life. The seven senses of which five are bodily senses and a sixth sense which is "mental" and immortal in nature. It cannot be destroyed by anything. The seventh sense being the highest sense of the higher "I" consciousness is eternal and is not affected by the cycles of Life, death, and rebirth and enables an individual to penetrate beyond the world of form and force while being in its incarnated or bodily state. The loss of a body or disembodiment eliminates conscious Life and its interaction with the Great Physical Plane causing a rapid change in the individual’s perception of physical reality.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Nov 21, 2009 9:01 pm

The Hyperdimensional Oscillator
The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ is based on the famed Teslascope ,the device that Nikola Tesla invented to communicate with other planets. In effect it is a transducer, capable of converting the high frequency of cosmic rays to an energy field which can interface with the human mind. We can use these energies for healing the human body, or simply allow them to guide and instruct us as Tesla did. The possibilities of The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ are indeed limitless and our research has merely scratched the surface of this incredible technology. Like Tesla himself, we have been guided in our research by higher forces and channelled information which has enabled us to build the Teslascope in miniature using 21st century electronic componentry.

But the strangest twist in Tesla's amazing history is the most bizarre Alien Contact story of all time. In 1898 while Tesla was doing research at his special laboratory funded by J.P. Morgan built at Colorado Springs, Colorado; he began receiving signals from other worlds. Back at the famous Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York in 1900, Tesla held a press conference that shook the world when he announced his discovery of those intelligent alien signals. If you've ever wondered why NASA built all those radio telescopes and then closed SETI, now you know. In 1937 a reporter interviewed Tesla on his birthday. He apologetically told the reporter that he had been so busy that he didn't get around to actually building his Teslascope communication device until 1917. But like all his 4,000+ other inventions, it worked perfectly, first try. Since then he had been in touch with other worlds at least 2 hours a day for over 20 years! The story was actually published in the newspapers in 1937, and no one seems to have picked up on its significance.

Life Technology™ have been granted access to documents and papers pertaining to the patent for Tesla’s original Teslascope and with the aid of our consultant electronics engineers we have been successful in creating The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ , a microcircuit which will duplicate the effects of the original device. The circuit is so advanced that it is actually a superconductor powered by scalar energies, the biophoton energy of the cosmos. The microcircuit is enclosed in a sturdy yet elegant metal container which is designed to be worn on the body as a pendant. It is through the interface of the human bioelectric field that we can access the energy and information carried by the cosmic rays that constantly surround us.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 22, 2009 12:11 am

I hate to admit that I've heard this stuff in other places for years and didn't want to accept it. My friend said that over the weekend, some ETS who are like the US black government - hijacked and arrested and held hostage the ET she usually works with. Then they tried to manipulate her into using her psychic powers to do something she had decided was not a good thing to do. This whole thing is related to HAARP. It seems that where the HAARP scientists said that they were going to bombard our own atmosphere - they were bombarding the sun instead. I don't know if you follow space weather at all, but the sun was supposed to reach its peak and diminish, but instead has continually gotten worse As a result, earth weather is also out of control. Sunspots, solar storms; what is going on is not just sunspots - but huge explosions. I've seen the photos of 'light' perhaps laser torpedoes being shot at the sun for quite some time now. Kent Steadman has been following those for a couple years now. We have the photographs of these torpedoes hitting the sun also.

Re: Question for Dr. Tom Bearden

With so many nations (10 or so) having longitudinal EM wave weapons, I would not be surprised. Longitudinal EM waves can deeply penetrate right through the earth -- or deep into the sun. With all the banging that's going on in weather control etc., God only knows how many LW antennas get pointed in the direction of the sun, pour out their back-feed in that direction, etc.

Cohen already confirmed the weapons could stir volcanoes into eruption, generate earthquakes, etc. Tickle deep underneath the sun's surface, and one can be stirring quite a brew. Don't know how the dickens one would estimate it, etc. unless one was on a project which used the interferometer technique to examine the interior of the sun, etc.

Isn't it coincidental that it's also synchronized with conflict in the MidEast, etc! In short, when conflicts and "planning for conflicts" are ongoing, the troops are stirring and burning the midnight oil, and manning the weaponry.

May be some of that is causing or helping stimulate more solar activity of that sort.
Cheers, Tom

----- Original Message -----
To: Intermediary
Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2002 8:44 AM
Question for Dr. Tom:

Under what "superpotential" conditions can the sun be triggered from earth?


Maser Weapons
They talk about femtosecond bursts of energy in the terawatt range. It shouldn't be a problem for you to convert these links into usable info.

The Planetary Defense System (PDS) will provide a functional defensive capability against threat objects from space by 2025-a capability that may prevent catastrophic destruction and loss of life and even save the human race from extinction. Obviously, there is no guarantee that an asteroid or comet will pose a threat before, during, or even after this time frame, but, in any case, the global community will be prepared once the PDS is developed and deployed.

A laser deflection system based near the Earth or Moon is well suited to the deflection of small bodies (100-200 meters in diameter) which are more difficult to detect at large distances from Earth. Employment depends on the primary factors, especially the composition of the ECO [Earth-Crossing-Objects], but regardless of composition, the laser would have to either cut the ECO into smaller pieces, heat it up until it explodes from internal pressure, melt it, or deflect it by imparting impulse energy on it. The latter option appears to be the most feasible.

Popular potential mitigation subsystems addressed by current literature include, but are certainly not limited to, rocket propulsion systems; rockets with chemical, nuclear, or antimatter warheads; kinetic energy systems; high-energy lasers; microwave energy systems; mass drivers/reaction engines; solar sails; and solar collectors...

Quantum Potential Weapons
The quantum potential weapons are presently only held by three nations: Russia (in the hands of the KGB, which is now know by its new name), Brazil, and the "friendly little nation." Red China may be working on them, but is just at the beginning.

The first weapons were actually longitudinal EM wave interferometers, which I originally christened "scalar" EM weapons.

Several nations now have those, and the French government almost certainly developed that kind of weapons after the demise of the Priore project. Some physicists in the French government must have realized that plasmas - such as were being used in the Priore tube - could also transduce input transverse EM waves into longitudinal EM waves. So they started with that, and would have logically progressed to the LW interferometry.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 22, 2009 1:11 pm

Introductory Comments ... s7_02a.htm#
The only people who actually believe this stuff will be the UFO contactees and the highest Echelons of intelligence who know it is all true and want to keep it secret. Everything else is fairly well otherwise managed.

They point to a multi-party theater of cosmic operations on a hyperdimensional scale visiting Earth. ET races are all trying to roughly follow a non-interference doctrine, but we’re crawling with them anyway. Many of the visitors are coming from different times of Earth, not different space. Many visitors are genuine ET’s visiting from a different space, but in our present time. Some folk are from different times and space.

The secret dark alliances and light alliances have both already forced a secret reunification of science and religion, and secret global unification of the political world, and the military, in ways never before imagined. This is what this document is about.
The Alien Presence International Security Response Consortium ... s7_02a.htm#
What holds controlling institutions together on Earth is the most secretive component of the controlling elite. It has always been keeping the lid on the Pandora’s box threat of ‘alien spiritual incursion’ since ancient times. But now it’s more understood by the same, highly removed, security control elite, understood as a rather open box but yet still sufficiently plausibly-deniable box.
Old Players, New Players, Changing of the Guard ... s7_02a.htm#
The abductions, the military cooperation and the secret conflicting agendas that drive some of the deeper incongruencies of the whole field media and the myriad associated covert activities surrounding it, the average Joe may never figure.
An Unintended Side Effect Risk of the Program ... s7_02a.htm#
The stakes are just too high. The alien threat could be an immense spiritual threat, economic threat, governmental threat, a scientific threat, a mental health threat, a social hysteria threat, even most fearfully of all, a new mass religious cult threat. The question is, which aliens are the threat? And which humans are the threat? This is what everybody is holding their breath about, besides solar flares, cometary impacts, and direct overt malevolent alien invasion - the normal ‘yawning’ distractions.
Then and Now Systems for Alien Presence Suppression/Control ... s7_02a.htm#
In olden times it was the security apparatus of the Church that was tasked with managing the demonic and angelic discourse interpretation. The Church asserted itself as the exclusive go-between between man and God. Today it is the extended security apparatus of the Church, and Private and Government Intelligence, and Military Intelligence, to name some. It is the many lines of elite echelon multinational intelligence, capital, and yes, religion.

ARC (Alien Response Consortium) is essentially a worldwide, multinational intelligence command and control cartel - a consortium apparatus. ARC is operating originally on behalf of, but now above all existing public governmental authorities, and it is in possession of the most advanced technology deepest black projects, and ‘never reviewed’ need-to-know vaults can offer. Why? It is charged with protecting our planet’s ass. At least that what its soldiers think.

This worldwide security apparatus of the highest echelon is tasked with preparing for ongoing, if not continuing, covert psychical, physical and interdimensional war, which is an ancient continuing spiritual war of the first magnitude. ARC is hoping to avert overt physical war - and a war for souls is being waged instead.
Elite Power and the Control-By-Chaos Creed ... s7_02a.htm#
The lure of secrets, power, influence and evolutionary control, is the prime directive for the elite, whereas money and greed are just means to the end. The competitive warrior creed is a stance making fair game anyone in the world outside of internally defined ‘family’. Unethical behavior with impunity is declared without personal conscience even entering into the matter.

Abuse surely follows voluntary blindness to everything defined as outside of direct stakeholder interest. Everything that is not ‘yours’, all ‘outside’ humanity, animals, biosphere, geosphere, the whole environment can be trashed if the shareholders don’t really care.

Not being connected too emotionally with the rest of the Earth outside personal immediate concerns, even in basic feeling terms, they are without means to ‘connect’. These people always contract and control their experience of nature into severe cognitively limited categories of perception, reference, decision, and affect.

This kind of energy is the Masculine energy principle pattern energies run amuck on a ‘control-of-the-world’ holiday, without any balance. ‘Control’ can never be ‘holistic’ by definition. It turns into domination and control field energies that control all perception incessantly, powerfully, so that once early symbolic and cognitive category formations had developed amongst the young, they were mostly impervious to negative and feminine symbolic influences and systems of magic.

The role of Christianity in the defense against local magic was strong but incidental to the true power of the whole framework of the occidental mind. This is the power of the linear thinking in a constant internal verbal thinking voice. It is a cognitive control system resulting in effective perception categorizing, sensory domain attenuation, and exclusive personal identity referencing. Most importantly it reduces ability to sense any perceptual domain and data and sensing skills that do not readily fit into the accepted categories.

So it is obvious if you wanted to control against penetration by system-external symbolic competitive content, the first place to control would be mind control. Not classic mind control, but what we all do everyday, called ‘centering our self consciousness in our mind’ using familiar frames of reference - symbolic reference, contextual reference, the power of belief, expectation, and belonging.

From this normal cognitive bunker of the occidental rational and faith filled mind, symbol war with arrogant skepticism, and automatic rejecting judgment of ‘heathen’ symbol and ritual - wins the battle. Armaments include constantly judging and using symbolic identity codes for reinforcement with persistent internal dialog. This reinforces continuity of ‘cognitive distancing’ and disassociation of anything outside the accepted norm.

The perception of their extra-senses is completely suppressed. This overwrought negative attitude, dominating energy, controlling type individual is not and can never be a true scientist.

This is a perception system positioned to only see what it wants to see, what it is trained is expedient to see. This person reduces all data coming into the conscious senses to the narrowest channels, narrowest indexing, narrowest reference, and all acts are justified by the quest for profit and power in God’s name, over respect and sensitivity to anything else.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 22, 2009 1:13 pm

ET - Friend or Foe - Until We Know, Gotta Shut Up ... s7_02b.htm#
The worldwide alien response consortium (ARC) for alien threat response security, needs alien technology so they can catch up, and try to get on par with these alien beings who are interacting with our world like they might be covertly executing a monstrous invasion strategy. That is the modern ARC doctrine of the last 50 years.

In order to preserve the ancient controlling interest institutions, denial and suppression at any cost is considered the only sane operating recourse.
The Munitions of Belief and Consensus - A Tight Lid ... s7_02b.htm#
Denial is a psychological weapon, a deterrent to alien incursion of mainstream reality, since the aliens appear to respect the stance of individual and group consciousness and acculturation free-will more than even military power. Therefore, we can, by accepting alien presence and existence above board in enough mainstream public, unwittingly turn off the restrictions against overt contact the aliens are following.
Covert Presence Prelude to Overt Invasion ... s7_02b.htm#
The only path to overt societal assimilation or integration of the ET presence on Earth is to do everything possible to delay and avert the aliens, divine, or demonic or indifferent, from abruptly taking away the authority of major human religions from human authorities in the minds of their flocks.

If angels and devils of the heavens are all advanced good and bad ET races, then our Earth may be a combined multi-alien race petri-dish of evolutionary experimentation. It is probably a labor of love to the good ET races, and probably a dark intentioned cold expediency to the bad ET races.
Religious Shock and the Adaptation Conundrum ... s7_02b.htm#
To find out many heavenly religious benefactors of history and the ancients were just cloned, dickless bio-drones, carrying out orders in a heavenly hierarchy of hardware and alien super-science, is plainly a scary thought to just about anyone in power on Earth. More likely, there are aliens who do have big dicks so the question is - are they our friends or not? These are questions techno-phallic top-doG centric worshipping, economic-warrior captains and lieutenants would naturally ask.
Lock Down the Hatches Before The Breach ... s7_02b.htm#
The complexity of having both good and bad ET’s, makes the whole situation intolerable. Disclosure can cause the downfall of modern civilization and an integration and assimilation into an advanced ET custodial racial culture. Do we want that?
When You Only See a Noise Floor - Ignorance is Bliss ... s7_02b.htm#
The more people who are holding the line of denial and mainstream academic and scientific refusal of aliens existing, the greater the zone of exclusion we maintain humanity from overt alien integration, and as it looks to some, prevent a monstrous invasion.
The Symbols of Nature and Evolution and ETs ... s7_02b.htm#
We need a language of hyper-dimensional symbols that codify human relationship with nature. Symbols and ritual that codify the elements and forces of nature, codify the life processes of nature, from the little insects all the way up to the supposedly angelic and demonic ET’s. Without this language there is no means for intelligent contact to have a basis for occurring. And it could be that some symbols from history have their basis in being received alien communications.

If we cannot make genuine contact with our own Earthly Gaia-sphere, make real interspecies communication contact with our own intelligent animals living on the Earth, if we can’t even manage to get connected to the pulse of the living planet, then why would any self respecting ET alien want to make overt contact with us?

Until we’ve proven we can participate in the creative living natural Holos of our own world, i.e. (“conditioned to be telepathic transceivers”) why would we be candidates to get above-board contact from advanced ET’s?
Secret Points of Agreement about the Evidence ... s7_02b.htm#
1) We got cultural ‘help’ from more than one custodial ET race
2) We got ‘genetic’ help!
3) We got ‘divine’ help, (and ‘devils’ bargains)!
4) We got ‘tech’ help (and problems)!
5) We got a ‘mixed bag’ of good and bad!
6) We got ‘intention’ ID problems!
7) We got ‘psychic’ aliens!
8) ARC’s got ‘deniability’ help!
9) We got Divine State of War going on!
10) We got an ET ‘watch’ going on!
Secret Munitions of Hyper-Dimensional Symbols and Ritual ... s7_02b.htm#
This is today obviously partly residing in the most secret security apparatuses in place in the world. It is residing in the highest security apparatus existing inside,

1) Religion (the Church)
2) Technology (Energy Department)
3) Science (NASA)
4) Government (secret trans-agency groups)
5) Military (black budgets)
6) Multinational authority intelligence circles (NATO, SATO, Interpol, UN, etc),
7) Secret societies, orders, cartels

This “highest in-the-know” echelon do not take kindly to having their status quo agenda thwarted. It is bad enough many in the populace have already upset their agenda of controlling spiritual power (new age fearing), and controlling physical power (fostering new war and regional conflicts to keep the herd distracted).
Ancient Symbol Wars and the Control of Nature and Society ... s7_02b.htm#
The church and government has traditionally used many ancient natural world mystic symbol systems to interface, to energetically communicate, with the hyper-dimensional higher world energies. Some of these symbols, ancient warrior-economic Pagan symbols, come from a direct lineage of phallic and solar worship ritualized worlds. They are adopted, adapted, and metaphorically appropriated. Today we have a sanitized re-casting of the meanings.

The meanings have changed. Just as the days of the week were names of bodies in the heavens, or Pagan festivals adopted as Christian festivals. The present day construct of modern religion is a power manager of civilization controlling memes, morphic patterns of nature that the ancients had found create an extraordinary connection to the forces of nature. The keys of human-with-Nature, natural world communication, the control of symbols, were hijacked from the Goddess social orders of the Mother Neolithic times.
History Belongs Not to the Symbols, but Those that Wield Them ... s7_02b.htm#
The keys to the kingdom that allow you to negotiate the real astronomical physical and spiritual energy truths, and thus power and secret technology, are tightly held by the highest echelon in the secret orders. The orders used to trace back to the Catholic Church and the Vatican, now they trace to the worldwide ARC (Alien Response Consortium) component of the NSA.

In the feminine pre-history of peoples, Sacred Earth Circles and other Stonehenge-like sites, found in Europe, North and South America of the Neolithic eras, always incorporated astronomical orientational values. Was there an appropriation of magical power from the Goddess societies by the acquisition of the key ‘energetic magical rites’ that yielded power? In the ancient Goddess spirituality worlds of prehistory, the masculine and feminine symbols of energy were known to carry magical potency, and both had equality. But when the masculine dominating economic warrior cults decided they wanted primacy, they only way to achieve it was to vilify the wholeness of the ‘pantheon’ of spiritual nature. Intricate Mother nature cults, the feminine inclusive sensibilities, were replaced with the severe simplicity of the one exclusive Masculine God. In this maneuver, the divinity of Mother Mary was only a concession to the resiliency of Goddess culture to grow the church.
Thirteen Pagan Symbols Appropriated for Apotheoses of Organized Christianity ... s7_02b.htm#
All these symbolic powers are being controlled by the radical masculine religious, warrior and economic castes, in a power-sharing agreement. This ancient surviving business deal has created modern civilization as we now know it more than any other thing. This was the original deal that divided up the divvy, but the boss has always been and remains the Church. And now also the New Church, a covert Nazi-related and Nazi-mentality infested global security apparatus.


Re: Merkaba Energy Fields and Stargates

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 22, 2009 1:15 pm

Religions are Businesses, Countries are Businesses, People are Businesses - It’s all Business ... s7_02b.htm#
Wars are, for the most part, just multinational government-corporate hostile takeovers. Governments are businesses too, and the dividing up of the world’s lands and human capital, and the formation of the political, social, religious, educational, and scientific infrastructures, has been dominated by a systemic, chronic continuation of controlled multinational chaos for centuries. Chaos is a powerful herd consciousness management tool.

The true powers of symbolic spiritual psychotronic sciences are the same as the magical powers of ancient wizards. These powers are not really known to the commonly visible leaders we would assume would know, as these people are but a changing commodity in the winds of time. The dear President and Joint Chiefs of the good old USA are ‘out of the loop’. Even that nice man, the Pope is left partly out of the loop. Who is in the loop? The answer is obvious, isn’t it? Remember the three forms of power: belief, force, and money. All three triangulate to the security apparatus associated with each: Religion, Military, and Corporate, all and only at the very highest echelon.

The controlling secret societies have no interest in fame, only power and influence, and influence only comes in terms of capital (economic), force (military), or belief (religious) as root resources for control amongst the incognito power elite. So the leaders of capital systems, military might, and religious influence would naturally secrete and accrete themselves into well-funded, well-insulated, well-connected institutions of secrecy, inside the very systems that are vaguely aware of their presence, but unaware of their intent.
Where the Power and Control Hides ... s7_02b.htm#
Capital control hides itself in things like rarified private institutions, consortiums and cartels that control governments and markets, black budgets, selling drugs and arms.

Military control hides itself in things like intelligence and classification and control hierarchy which leads to the likes of the National Security Agency.

Religious control hides itself in things like the Vatican security apparatus, commissioned secret orders, influence in science, interpretations of heavenly portents which leads to the likes of the Religious Spiritual Agency.

Political control is merely a popular exercise in social self government, all largely laughable to the controlling elite since that power is more locally occupied than globally relevant. The exception to this is the extent politicians actually do effect military, economic or religious control, which does make politicians folks certain elite want to groom and influence.

To find the secret beneficiaries of greatest power, just take the backbone of key leaders in the non-appointed multi-generational custodial infrastructure of government and religious infrastructure. These are individual people in military intelligence, economic cartels and global Mafia, and secret religious security orders, though quite compartmentalized. Here you have a pretty good set of true candidates for who the actual ‘controlling elite’ are.
Divine-Man Trial Balloons That Can Be Popped ... s7_02b.htm#
Why is the emphasis on who is pulling the strings? The issue is conflict, conflict between secret elements that have come to different conclusions, created alliances, and instigated different strategies.

The most powerful rogue elements are unfortunately the most highly placed in the above-legal system. All critical intelligence in the entire global ET-related intel gathering apparatus is diverted to these elements.

Other less rogue elements almost as highly placed realize the Faustian bargain problem going on, and are attempting appropriate counterbalancing counter-intelligence and seeding potentials for mass psych-ops operations that help.

The two opposed parties are both in the need-to-know above-the law rarified echelon levels.

The God based religions decimated or appropriated Goddess religion nature-communication technology - the power symbols, the nature communication CODECs.

The elite power struggle now manifests as the last ditch recognition by the most egregious patriarchal separatist ritualists.

There are competing celestial forces. Intelligent beings seem to be traveling in craft and between space even seem to somehow ‘live’ in parallel space.

These alien beings are assumed beyond the terrestrial worldliness. But yet some are quite physical. Some of these crafty critters claim divinity.

Divine Blood, Life force, Evolution and Power ... s7_02c.htm#
The nearby universe is a protected, alien policed reality.

Think quarantine, embargo, isolation, deception, intervention, surveillance, breeding samples, protection, camouflage, plausible deniability.

Think about the coming wave, the coming convergence of diverse human and alien and cosmic influences. Who are the essential usurper players in the game? Who in power has the most to lose in facing the prospect of a voluntary evolutionary uplift and paradigm change from Patriarchy to balance between? Who indeed? The essential players!

Human apotheosis in the ET situation, religion wise, can be a stairway to heaven, as sky watching cults, both sun and moon worship.

The sun worshippers were/are macho male Phallic worshipping, violently One-God fixated, mostly warriors and capitalists, focused on competition, winning, use of any force in the name of redistribution of resources of power in their own concentrated favor.

There was the hostile takeover and radical ‘downsizing’ of Goddess Religions 3-6,000 years ago, all over Europe and Asia. The Moslem, Judaist and Christian faiths were the latest wave over the last 3000 years. The systems try to usurp and condemn any continually resurfacing elements of Goddess cults since then, usually remnant preserved in regional indigenous cultures.

The hostile takeover was successful, and after radical downsizing, they slyly, and blatantly, took over markets - the hearts and souls of human beings - and the ‘superstitious’ symbols that drive them. These symbols have become well known religious symbols.

What’s this suppressed Goddess history stuff got to do with aliens?

They might not be here if we had not executed such a hostile takeover of the Goddess religions, or they might be already integrated with our very different culture. The ancient hostile takeover could be one of the reasons ET is such a big deal to us now, since we pushed our spiritual connection with nature to an all time low while pushing our knowledge of how to manipulate it to an all time high.

Now a high tech ‘spirituality’ has found high tech ‘gods’. But could it also be that Patriarchal religions are the sole reason humanity has not been integrated with ET already? Patriarchal institutions may have been designed to keep man in power over God and Goddess and separate from Nature more than many would like to admit.
The Quest for Mental Emotional and Spiritual Interface ... s7_02c.htm#
The reason the government cannot fly the captured ET craft that uses telepathic and telekinetic control, is that to learn these skills is completely reverse from practices of standard military mental and perceptual control styles of ’command and control’. These machines fly on the basis of ‘commune and co-create’ with their ET operators, and that is feminine; whereas the other masculine in psychotronic energy gender.

So the military will then try to find controllable agencies, that is abductees and trained remote viewers, to attempt to discern the mental interface control mechanism. But the very word ‘mechanism’ holds within it the seeds of the perceptual booby-trap any symbolic scientist or compliant operator would land themselves on.

It is not a hierarchical mechanism of control; it is nonlinear resonance of co-existence and intimate connective empathy, and then formulated intent as a co-function of vision and joined ‘body image’ motion in the imaginal psycho-physical subspace domain. This connection fails if incompatible intentional, emotional or imaginal pattern mismatch occurs. It fails if non-resonant psychic conjugation factors are present in the operator attempting to interface with the craft.

The process of operator to craft handshaking, emotive communion establishment, body image joining, and effecting intentional imaginal directional navigation, is not impossible for the military to systematize; it’s just impossible for them to do it from the right N-tuple sensorial and affective coordinated intentional stance. They usually can’t do it clear and free of contaminant psychotronic energies, and for lack of having predisposed compatible psychic connectivity.

Can you say human-alien hybrids? People who have learned to do this right (fly the craft) must know how to meld AND moderate highly intense energies, so they don’t increase the risk of burning out their finite ego identity from the immersive psychic merging.


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