Various Force and Energy Speculations

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Aug 02, 2008 10:38 pm

Galactic Alignments, Time, and the Geometry of Space

Sacred Symbol of Mu
The Octad is the Number of Divinity, for it is the Eighth Celestial Sphere, which encloses all the rest, and so the Pythagoreans say "All is Eight."

Star of Ishtar ... /id19.html

The Eight Rayed Star

The Eight Fold Crop Circles

The Seven Cosmic Rays

The Seven Energy Bodies ... odies.html

Torah is built on Planetary Cycles, Kabbalah of Moses
Crimson Mood Symbol
The 'Pentagram' within the Crimson Moon logo yields much meaning and represents to a large degree, what Crimson Moon is about. Upon taking a closer look at this Pentagram, one will notice it consists of a combination of four classical occult symbols: The five fold star or pentagram, the Oroborous, the Inverted Cross, and the 8-rayed Star of Chaos.
Time and the Kalachakra
The fundamental basis of Indian astronomy is a simple expression: "Breath is Time".
More about the Schwarzschild Geometry
The Schwarzschild geometry describes the spacetime geometry of empty space surrounding any spherical mass.
The Shape of Space: M-Branes and 11-Dimensional Geometry ... asneem.pdf
The curvature in space-time is sensed as a pull by nearby objects this pull we are familiar with and term it as the force of gravity.
The Proper Time Geometry
The Proper Time Geometry" (PTG) is described as an alternative to the usual \Lorentz-
Minkowski Geometry" (LMG) of space-time.
The Princess, the Labyrinth and the Tower ... incess.pdf
Her brief insight of a world without walls and spaces shocked her, rendered her
dysfunctional, made her ill. Sophie withdrew from public life and for months she
pondered the nature of the labyrinth.
Notes on the Labyrinth, DNA and Planetary Alignment
The square-within-a-square design contains a spiral flow. Winding out from Spirit, we follow the numbers in a counter-clockwise spiral to the east. Starting with Security in the SE, we follow the numbers clockwise to arrive at Spirit in the center. We can think of this inside-out flow pattern as a template for a toroidal, or vortex-like, energy structure similar to a stable smoke-ring.
Fractal Space/Time Supersymmetry ... 4&itemID=4
Space is fractal reaction of time, just as time is fractal reaction of space. Space and time are inverse fractal projections of inertial reality in between that is neither space nor time by being both.
Time Wave Zero
Terence McKenna's software plotting the fractals of "novelty" over many thousands of years of earth's history, up to 2012 C.E., at which point novelty will reach the state of infinite fulmination.
Gravitational wave bursts from core collapse supernovae ... 111_e.html

Lattice Theory and Geometry of Numbers

The Crystal Universe

Crystal Lattice Structures

Earth Grids

Soliton and Freemasonry
Quantum chaos has discovered that Saturn (Time) and Jupiter (Space), over tens of millions of years, resonate at 2:5 orbit in the same plane, launching asteroids that resonate at 2:3 at planet Earth. This 3 dimensional spacetime resonance of Saturn and Jupiter caused the global destruction at 65 million years ago. 3-dimensional space is actually the 4:5 resonance between Saturn and Jupiter or between the tetrahedron water molecules

The Cube of Space ... ology.html
There seems to be no astrophysical reason why the ecliptic should intersect the plane of the Galaxy, the Milky Way, along its radial axis. It could as likely be at a right angle to that axis or even more likely parallel to it so that the Milky Way matches the solar ecliptic. Yet, there it is, a cosmic synchronicity that suggests that some energy or magnetic "force" flowing from the center of the Galaxy, so womb-like to the ancients, shapes our Cube of Space-time so that its long-term temporal quality, and perhaps even the evolution of life itself, is somehow related to its alignment along the radial axis of the Galaxy. The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye – Alchemy and the End of Time by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges, page 346
Cube of Space

Cube of Space ... f_cube.htm

A Brief History of Time ... ry_of_Time
Time, in fact, is geometry in motion because time, as we measure it, is based upon two geometric cycles (circles). The first cycle is the daily rotation of the Earth on her axis. The second cycle is the annual excursion of the Earth around the sun; a year.
The Orbital Variance Theory ... riance.htm
The Earth's "orbital variance" is the "in breath and out breath" of the Earth's orbit
over geologic ages and the eons. The Earth's orbit of the Sun is revealed to be a 'spiral' when examined over Aeons of time
The Temple of Solomon ... .htm#links

The Star of Bethlehem

Chronology of the Stars
The entire phenomenon contains (in astrological symbolism); three "mystic rectangles", a "Star of David", a "Seal of Solomon", a "Grand Sextile", a "Grand Cross" and two five pointed star configurations
The Mystic Rectangle

Phi Chart

Five Pointed Star

The Grand Cross

The Star of David


Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 03, 2008 12:21 pm

The Alignment of the Triple Dragon Axes and the Cube of Space

The Cube of Space ... ology.html

Cube of Space

Cube of Space ... f_cube.htm

Chronology of the Stars
The entire phenomenon contains (in astrological symbolism); three "mystic rectangles", a "Star of David", a "Seal of Solomon", a "Grand Sextile", a "Grand Cross" and two five pointed star configurations
The Mystic Rectangle

Phi Chart

Five Pointed Star

The Grand Cross

The Star of David

Concepts from the Bahir: The Tree of Life in the Kabbalah
The Tree of Life is a diagram that pictures reality as the intersection of four great realms, or levels of abstraction. A geometric pattern crystallizes within the intersection planes like a moiré pattern in a holographic projection.

The Tree of Life functioned much like the Kundalini diagrams of the Hindu mystics. By mapping the internal power centers, and then projecting outward and aligning them with the forces of nature, the magician sought to re-enact the process of creation. And
so become, like God, a co-creator of the universe.

The very secret of alchemy lies in the symbolic image of the axis, the sphere and the heart, which are an ancient, perhaps even pre-catastrophe description of the cosmic mill.

The proof of the existence of the Tree of Life is seen in the twelve, the seven and the three, the Teli, the Cycle and the Heart.

The secret lies in the mysterious word Teli. This suggests that the Bahir is talking about the celestial axis around which the heavens rotate. This means that the celestial axis is a kind of imaginary string from which the celestial globe hangs. This ancient serpent can be nothing other than the constellation of Draco, the Pole Serpent mentioned in Job 26:13 "By His Spirit the heavens were calmed, His hand pierced the Pole Serpent."

The First Dragon Axis – the North Celestial Pole (Polaris) – Alignment: Aquarius/Pisces to Leo/Virgo

We can find the Pole Star, Polaris in the tail of Ursa Minor, the Little Bear. This marks our North Celestial Pole, directly above the north pole of our planet.

The Second Dragon Axis – the Pole of the Solar Ecliptic (Draco – the Pole Serpent)

There is another pole in the sky however. This is the Pole of the Solar Ecliptic, the path of the sun through the constellations. The ecliptic pole however does not change, since the path of the sun through the sky never changes. Around this point, which has no star visible to the naked eye to mark it, the constellation of Draco, the Great Dragon, spirals through all of the zodiacal signs, the stars appear to hang from it.

The Third Dragon Axis – The Galactic Axis running through the ecliptic from Scorpio/Sagittarius to Taurus/Gemini

Like the ecliptic axis, the galactic axis is constant and unmoving. Between these two pillars, or perpendicular axes, lies the coiled dragon of precession, spinning slowly backward through time.

The arms of the Universe are the unmoving Teli, the ecliptic and galactic axis, from which the initiatory spiral of the equinoxes is suspended like an amulet.

The Cube of Space (the twelve edges of the cube are formed from the twelve double letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which are attributed to the signs of the zodiac.

The Teli in Draco is the constellation that rules over all of the signs and therefore the ages of the worlds, the past and the future. Not only does Draco fill all the signs of the Zodiac but it also sits atop the Cube of Space.

The Abrahamic Covenant – the arrangement polarized the Tree of Life. The Tree was normally shown aligned along three parallel axes but it was split in Abraham’s sacrifice into two groups of five, like the fingers on each hand. The spheres were then given masculine or feminine qualities; six are clearly opposite each other, while the remaining four are on the middle axis.

Abraham made his covenant, then, with the creative force flowing outward from the galactic core, or third dragon-axis. Our world is formed from the intersection of the three pillars or axes of the Teli.

Abraham’s descendants entered the galgal, or cycle of time, through the heh, or window added to his name by the Lord. Heh is assigned to Aquarius, a zodiacal sign at a right angle to the axis of the Galaxy. It also symbolizes the moving axis of the Coiled Serpent, which defines the evolutionary flow of human events and the quality of time. Abraham’s descendents were the chosen people as long s they remembered the window into the cycle of time that God had given them.

The special magical technology of the triple transformation – inner yogic disciplines, magical ceremonies combined with manipulation of sacred metals and the secret of time and timing, including the beginning and end of time – developed first within the Gnostic cults, including Christianity, and then dispersed into the intellectual underground of the Middle Ages.

This chiliast concept of a spiritually animated matter became the keystone of the alchemical process. The illuminated Hebrew mystics of the Bahir recorded the techniques for animating matter and related them to the transformational process of galactic alignment.

Sacred geometry is the answer. Each of the planetary qualities, from Saturn to the Moon, can be given a structural and mathematical form by constructing squares based on their numerical lightning-flash order.

One of the mathematical theories about magic squares concerns the mirror symmetry of their odd/even patterning. Even-numbered magic squares, Jupiter, the Sun and Mercury, or 4, 6 and 8 respectively exhibit hemispherical symmetry where each side is a reflection of the other whereas the odd squares, Saturn, Mars, Venus and the Moon, or 3, 5, 7 and 9 respectively exhibit radial symmetry that is reflected outward from a central point

With the evolving magic square pattern, we noted that the sun’s square, an even numbered one, could be considered a hypercube or fourth dimensional cube; its mirrors symmetry allows one to fold it through the third dimension and form a cube with a cube of 16 vertices, 32 edges, 24 faces, and8 four dimensional cells.

Space was envisioned as a cube within a sphere. The equator of that sphere was the sun’s apparent path through the constellations of the zodiac. The cube was positioned so that its vertical edges intersect with the cusps of Sagittarius/Scorpio, Gemni/Taurus, Pices/Aquarius, and Virgo/Leo. Above the cube, in the top portion of the sphere, the constellation Draco coils about the still point of the north ecliptic pole.

The eternally unmoving axis was thought to be the middle pillar of a vast Tree of Life in the world of action. Kabbalistic theory suggested, however, that if there was one Tree in a world, there should also be a reflection of all four Trees in the multiverse. Thus those moments when the snakes make right angles or direct conjunctions with each other determine the quality of time for that age.

Abraham’s covenant represents a shift from the High God of the El to a new hidden god controlling temporal quality of the galactic axis and its alignments.

The images of the three-dimensional surface of our pedestal-cube act as information markers telling us how to align our hypercube to predict the quality of time in our age. (Excerpts taken from The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye - Alchemy and the End of Time by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges)
Cosmic Mill ... icmill.htm

Magic Squares

Astronomical Evidence: A Temperature Gradient in Space? ... =660#p6120 ... t=15#p6572 ... =823#p7744
LaViolette point out the importance of the four fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, and how, in the rearranged creation pattern, these are the only signs that retain their location on the ecliptic. He notes that Leo and Aquarius, which are opposite each other in the zodiac, “appear to be indicating a temperature polarity in space.” He points to the traditional attribution of the Sun to Leo and Saturn to Aquarius as indications of this temperature gradient, the Sun of course being very hot and Saturn very cold.

He goes on to discover that the attributions of the planets to the signs and to parts of the body also follow this temperature pattern. LaViolette speculates that “since the lore of astrology redundantly encodes essentially the same Leo-Aquarius temperature bias using entirely unrelated sets of symbols (planets and body parts), we are led to conclude that these symbol systems are being used to call attention to the temperature gradient running across the heavens from the hot pole near Leo to the cold pole near Aquarius. It is almost as if there were a microwave “sun” * in the direction of Leo.
(The “Sun behind the sun?”)

Dionysius the Areopagite
Dionysius believed that “every creature, visible or invisible, is a light brought into being by the Father of Lights,” and celebrated the Divine Light, God’s holy fire, which animated the entire universe.
God’s Holy Fire: Agni or Vril ... =135#p8672

The Reanimation of Matter: ... =120#p8570 ... =120#p8599


Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 03, 2008 12:58 pm

What is it about the North Pole? Why are there so many myths about it?

Cosmic Mill ... icmill.htm
At times in history, this was marked by a star which seemed to fix the top of the universe in its place. So the pole star has been called the Nail Star, or northern nail. The celestial pole also marked the place where the heavens were upheld by the world tree which had its branches in the sky, and its roots in the underworld below the land where people lived, and up which the shaman could climb to intervene with the gods. This central axis of the world, about which the rest appears to revolve, has also been visualized as a mountain or a pillar.
The spatiality of the cosmos in the functional perspective: the axis mundi and the omphalos ... gical.html

Plasma Mythology - The World Axis, Axis Mundi, or Cosmic Axis

Axis Mundi

The World Tree

The World Tree

The theory of Symmes was that the earth is not a solid mass thrown off ages ago from the sun in a molten condition, which has gradually cooled from, the surface inward. He held, on the contrary, that it is a hollow sphere, with an opening at either pole.
The Polar Shift

Arctic Sight

Sun Religion

Filling the Sky

Draco the Dragon ... draco.html

Draco the Dragon ... /draco.htm

Draco the Dragon

Draco the Dragon – the Yin Yang

Ursa Major

Ursa Major ... Major.html

The Nail of the North

The Celestial Ship of the North ... raiton.pdf

Hyperborea, Land of the North

Hyperboreans ... Taepf.html

Glacial Men ... perboreans

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Joined: Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:17 am

Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by kevin » Sun Aug 03, 2008 1:58 pm

Spirally stunning, these dragons are slippery customers though, they never rest.
Though they do appreciate the company, when they are recognised.
Then they smile, same as a Cheshire cat.



Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 03, 2008 2:02 pm

Spirally stunning, these dragons are slippery customers though, they never rest.
I thought you'd like that! The geometry is really fascinating even for a 2D'er like me. :D
Though they do appreciate the company, when they are recognised. Then they smile, same as a Cheshire cat.
I like dragons and cats. Sometimes I wish my cats would turn into smiles :)


Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:47 am

More on “The Geometry of Space” ... =135#p8680 ... =135#p8689
The Milky Way crosses the Sun’s ecliptic at its widest and narrowest points in the center and the edge of the galaxy, which suggests some kind of a radial flow, from center to edge, that causes this precise alignment.

One question for which the modern astronomer or cosmologist has no answer is why the ecliptic crosses the Milky Way at just those specific points. There seems to be no astrophysical reason why the ecliptic should intersect the plane of the Galaxy, the Milky Way, along its radial axis. It could as likely be at a right angle to the axis or even more likely parallel to it so that the Milky Way matches the solar ecliptic. Yet there is a cosmic synchronicity that suggests that some energy or magnetic “force” flowing from the center of the Galaxy, so womb-like to the ancients, shapes our Cube of Space-time so that its long-term temporal quality, and perhaps even the evolution of life itself is somehow related to its alignment along the radial axis of the Galaxy.

William Reich in “Cosmic Superimposition developed his theory of sexual tension and release into a cosmological hypothesis based on the interaction of spinning systems. This superimposition of spin, in Reich’s view, creates matter and gravity, implying a steady-state or constant-creation model of the Universe.

Reich postulates that this coherent superimposition of organic creation going on in the galactic core generates a radially flowing orgone stream that organizes the location and coherence of the solar system of the galaxy. He suggests that the image of a spiral galaxy, such as ours, is the “most impressive picture of cosmic superimposition.

Reich concluded: “The ecliptic, accordingly, would be the result of a pull exerted upon the planetary system by the galactic Orgone energy stream, making its course deviate from the equatorial plane by 23.5 degrees.” He even goes so far as to declare that this cosmic orgone energy stream causes all gravitational effects.

Reich defines orgone as the “primordial cosmic energy; universally present and demonstrable visually, thermically, electroscopically, and by means of Geiger-Muller counters.” In living bodies orgone is the “biological energy.” This suggests that Reich was close to the alchemical secret on an energetic level.

The Galaxy’s equator is the center of the Milky Way itself, and by 2012 the solstice meridian will have crossed over this galactic equator. Jenkins postulates that the earth’s equator delineates distinct field-effect properties common to all spinning bodies. Water in a drain, the spin of tornadoes, and hurricanes flow in opposite directions in each hemisphere. So, too does the Galaxy. That would make the period 1998, when the solstice meridian hits the exact center of the galaxy, and 2012, its helical rising, a sort of field-effect null zone, much like the calm eye of a hurricane, Jenkins tell us, which “balances the surrounding chaos.” Jenkins calls the shift a field-effect energy reversal.

The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye – Alchemy and the End of Time by Jay Weidner & Vincent Bridges – Pgs 345-348
Coriolis Force

Aether God and the Devil: Cosmic Superimposition ... 0374149070

More on “God’s Fire” – the Agni ... &sk=t&sd=a

Orgone Energy
Orgone energy is the primordial life energy: the fundamental creative life force long known to people in touch with nature, speculated about by natural scientists as the universal ether, employed by acupuncturists, and finally objectified and scientifically demonstrated by the work of the late Wilhelm Reich, M.D.
Vril Energy ... power.html
The vril was the name given to the strange energy source used by the Vril-ya race in Bulwer Lytton's (circa 1871) book The Coming Race. The story is about a mining engineer who finds his way into a cave that leads to a subterranean world inhabited by an advanced race who in appearance greatly resemble the Pre-Raphaelite image of angels (wings and all that). It is a very unusual book written by a very interesting guy who is linked in with the occult world of Freemasons and the United States-New World order bunch along with the likes of Bacon and Franklin.
Nikola Tesla’s Radiant Energy System
I have harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive device. Cosmic ray investigation is a subject that is very close to me. I have advanced a theory of the cosmic rays and at every step of my investigations I have found it completely justified. The attractive feature of the cosmic rays is their constancy. They shower down on us throughout the whole 24 hours, and if a plant is developed to use their power it will not require devices for storing energy as would be necessary with devices using wind, tide or sunlight. All of my investigations seem to point to the conclusion that they are small particles, each carrying so small a charge that we are justified in calling them neutrons. They move with great velocity, exceeding that of light.
More on “The Superimposition of Spin”: ... =120#p8570 ... =120#p8599

Ascension Alchemy
White powder gold as well as monoatomic rhodium and monoatomic iridium are unique in form and function. David Hudson theorized that the elongated nuclei (2:1 height/width ratio)* of monoatomic elements allowing for a high spin state, along with "paired" electrons, makes them biosuperconductors. White powder gold together with white powder rhodium/iridium facilitate a flow of energy thru the body with little or no resistance: and that light continues to flow, even without additional external potential.

These electrons are spinning at very high speeds with equal and opposite momentum. Monoatomic gold creates a light vortex that is spinning, or spiraling at tremendous speed with zero momentum, a null particle/wave.
ORMUS & Consciousness
The alchemists claimed that the inner transformation of the alchemist had to occur in order for the alchemist to be able to make the outer transformation of lead to gold which was used as a proof of the production of the alchemical Philosopher's Stone.

Hudson called these materials ORMEs as an acronym for Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements. Since some or all of these elements may be diatomic and since Hudson has patented these materials under the ORME name we refer to them as ORMUS or m-state elements (m-state stands for microcluster-state)

We postulate that these materials are a Cooper-paired diatomic form of the precious metal elements. They exhibit superconductive properties at body temperature. They exclude magnetic fields and magnetically levitate.

We believe that the ORMUS elements may provide a clear bridge between mind and matter. They appear to be involved in several biological processes and they also seem to be related to psychic and kundalini effects. Various folks who have eaten them for long periods of time report that they produce many of the kundalini effects spoken of in the Vedic texts.


Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:44 pm

Rumors spread about Giza and the organizations involved, even producing claims that the US government is searching for a physical artifact or ancient device, perhaps even of extraterrestrial origin. Are they looking for a real working stargate, as in the movie, or maybe following instructions given by remote viewers? Or, more disturbingly, have they already found it? This stupendous – and very romantic – idea remains speculation. If the Americans are involved with ancient stargate technology, then it would be the most top secret project in history, and the number of people “needing to know” about it would be minimal. If the intelligence agencies are seeking a device – or possibly information – then this implies that they regard the ancient Egyptians as being somehow more advanced, in some ways, than our own civilization.
The Stargate Conspiracy by Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince, page 113-114.
Is “Stargate technology” the same as Vril Technology? What is this ancient artifact or Vril Staff?

The form of the vajra is a sceptre. It has its origin in the single or double trident, a symbol of the thunderbolt or lightning in numerous ancient civilisations of the Near and Mideast. Analogs are posited with the meteoric hammer of the Teutonic sky god Thor, the thunderbolt and sceptre of the Greek sky god Zeus, and three thunderbolts of the Roman god Jupiter. As a hurtled weapon the indestructible bolt of lightning blazed like a meteoric ball of fire crossed the heavens, in a whirlpool of thunder, fire and lightning.
Vril Power and the Sealand Generator ... ator-e.pdf
…people who have mastered a mysterious power they call Vril, the vital energy of the shooting grain that anyone could concentrate through his or her Vril Staff and individually apply both healingly as well as destructively. Thought transfer and telekinesis were also possible, but Vril could also serve as a weapon.”
Vril Power ... power.html
But what is Vril? Well it seems to be the same as Reichenbach's Odic force, Reich's Orgone and so on. Also from Lytton's description, it also seems to be the primary force, the origin of all other forces, i.e. gravity, magnetic, electric and so on. So Vril can be seen as a sort of unified field theory.
Keely, Edison & Tesla
The ability today, to store information via magnetism and electrical charge should be seen as a direct reflection and manifestation of Keely’s, Edison’s and Tesla’s work with Akash, or Agni with Akash being the recording medium of the akashic records.
Wilheim Reich ... reich.html
Dr. Reich claimed to discover a new form of energy that he said pervaded all space and life, including vacuums. He began to write about a new paradigm in physics, one in which energy — not matter — is primary. And Dr. Reich began to experiment with weather modification. Those experiments seemed to attract glowing lights of unknown origin and Reich speculated the lights were advanced machines operated by non-human intelligences.

The Wands of Horus

Nazi Connection to Shambala and Tibet ... tibet.html

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Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by webolife » Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:16 pm

Lizzie quoted:
"The Milky Way crosses the Sun’s ecliptic at its widest and narrowest points in the center and the edge of the galaxy, which suggests some kind of a radial flow, from center to edge, that causes this precise alignment.

One question for which the modern astronomer or cosmologist has no answer is why the ecliptic crosses the Milky Way at just those specific points. There seems to be no astrophysical reason why the ecliptic should intersect the plane of the Galaxy, the Milky Way, along its radial axis. It could as likely be at a right angle to the axis or even more likely parallel to it so that the Milky Way matches the solar ecliptic. Yet there is a cosmic synchronicity that suggests that some energy or magnetic “force” flowing from the center of the Galaxy..." (my emphasis)

Don't rule out the possibility, I say necessity, that the force vectors are directed radially toward the galactic center, not reaching out from it.
Truth extends beyond the border of self-limiting science. Free discourse among opposing viewpoints draws the open-minded away from the darkness of inevitable bias and nearer to the light of universal reality.


Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:41 pm

webolife said: Don't rule out the possibility, I say necessity, that the force vectors are directed radially toward the galactic center, not reaching out from it.
That's a really good point. It would make more sense if the force vectors were radially directed towards the Galactic Center rather that emanating from it -- like "all threads returning to the source."


Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:43 pm

Is the "cosmic force" in the universe Vril Energy? Can it be harnessed by a Vril Generator? ... power.html

Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
In the manifestation of all power, force, motion, vibration, that which impels, that which detracts, is in its essence of one force, one source, in its elemental form

The Tibetan Shaman Vril Power Generator (Vajra)

Vril Technology and “Free Energy”

I have harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive device. Cosmic ray investigation is a subject that is very close to me. I have advanced a theory of the cosmic rays and at every step of my investigations I have found it completely justified. The attractive feature of the cosmic rays is their constancy. They shower down on us throughout the whole 24 hours, and if a plant is developed to use their power it will not require devices for storing energy as would be necessary with devices using wind, tide or sunlight.
Vril Technology and Antigravity ... ator-e.pdf
In the war years after 1940, names like V7 and V9 and the technical documents still available indicate that German flying disks were equipped with a king of Vril technology via an electrostatic propulsion system enabling those flying manoeuvres that we know today from original films and science fiction representations.
Was the Vril staff a scalar weapon? Did the ancients wage scalar warfare?

Vril Technology & Ancient Occult Weapons
Yet the same is described in the Brahmanical literature, and Targes copied his “thunderbolts” from the Astra, [This is a kind of magical bow and arrow calculated to destroy in one moment whole armies; it is mentioned in the Ramayana, the Puranas and elsewhere.] those terrible engines of destruction known to the Mahabharatan Aryans. A whole arsenal of dynamite bombs would pale before this art -if it ever becomes understood by the Westerns.

It is this vibratory Force, which, when aimed at an army from an Agni Rath fixed on a flying vessel, a balloon, according to the instructions found in Ashtar Vidya, reduced to ashes 100,000 men and elephants, as easily as it would a dead rat. It is allegorised in the Vishnu Purana, in the Ramayana and other works, in the fable about the sage Kapila whose glance made a mountain of ashes of King Sagara's 60,000 sons, and which is explained in the esoteric works, and referred to as the Kapilaksha -- "Kapila's Eye."
High-Technology in the Bible ... bible.html


The Battle of Jericho
On the seventh day, after marching around the city the seventh time, the priests sounded their ram's horns, and Joshua ordered the people to shout. The walls of the city collapsed, and the Israelites were able to charge straight into the city.
Sodom & Gomorrah
"Then the Lord rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from the Lord out of the heavens" Genesis 19:24. "Turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, making them an example to those who afterward would live ungodly" II Peter 2:6.
Moses Magic Ark - The Ark of the Covenant -A powerful Electrical Capacitor ... y/ark.html

Scalar Waves

What is a Scalar Wave? ... alar-wave/
“Scalar waves are produced when two electromagnetic waves of the same frequency are exactly out of phase (opposite to each other) and the amplitudes subtract and cancel or destroy each other. The result is not exactly an annihilation of magnetic fields but a transformation of energy back into a scalar wave. This scalar field has reverted back to a vacuum state of potentiality. Scalar waves can be created by wrapping electrical wires around a figure eight in the shape of a möbius coil. When an electric current flows through the wires in opposite directions, the opposing electromagnetic fields from the two wires cancel each other and create a scalar wave.”
The Importance of Scalar Waves

Konstantin Meyl Speaks on Scalar Waves ... antin-Meyl

Historical Background of Scalar EM Weapons
"Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels." Nikola Tesla

"At any point and at any time, one can freely and inexpensively extract enormous EM energy flows directly from the active vacuum itself." Tom Bearden
Before the turn of the century, Nikola Tesla had discovered and was utilizing a new type of electric wave. Tesla repeatedly stated his waves were non-Hertzian, and his wireless transmissions did not fall off as the square of the distance. His discovery was apparently so fundamental (and his intent to provide free energy to all humankind was so clear) that it was responsible for the withdrawal of his financial backing, his deliberate isolation, and the gradual removal of his name from the history books.
The Tesla Howitzer - by Tom Bearden

Are Gravity Waves Scalar Waves?

What Causes Lightening
Therefore the term "charge" refers to the excess type of electric charge an object has. We call this a static electric charge.
Static Electricity

The Scalar Electrostatic Gradiometer
The Scalar Electrostatic Gradiometer is a device which measures the interaction of environmental electrostatic fields and gradients with an artificially generated electrostatic field.
Electrostatic Hover Cars
Electrostatic hovers cars which operate by utilizing high voltage electrostatic repulsion forces (Biefeld/Brown effect, Polarity plus on top side and negative on bottom side of the car's shell with a neutral band around the middle edge.)
The Biefeld-Brown Effect ... ct166.html

What is Antigravity? ... own-effect

Strong Anti-Gravity is obtained by Polarizing the Electric Sea ... e&sid=1984

Gravity Reversal and Atomic Bonding

Magnetic Scalar Wave Detector ... =0&thold=0
David Thomson, co-author with Jim Bourassa of Secrets of the Aether, has succeeded in building a gravity wave detector. In addition, this same device appears to provide data about impending earthquakes up to two hours before they strike. Their magnetic scalar wave detector also detects lightning. Based upon the Aether Physics Model and Oliver Manuel's Iron Sun Theory, Thomson built a detector that mimics the Sun's physical structure. "I have watched the solar data daily for nearly ten years," said Thomson. "To me, it was obvious that a certain pattern of x-ray spikes in the GOES solar x-ray irradiance data indicated gravity waves were passing through our solar system." Gravity waves are the subject of intense study through the LIGO and VIRGO projects
Are Scalar Waves Time Waves?

Time Reversal of Ultrasonic Waves in Solids
It is based on one of the fundamental principles of Physics in lossless propagation media; the time-reversal invariance. This means that, starting with any propagating wave, it is possible to consider another wave with exactly the same characteristics, except that is propagates in the reverse direction. This second wave behaves just as if time was counting backwards: a wave propagating from the left to the right can be changed to a similar wave that now propagates from the right to the left; similarly, a diverging spherical wave can be changed to its converging counterpart.


Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:13 pm


Conspiracy theory or fact?


Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:39 am

Electricity in the Ancient World

Ancient Electricity in Egypt & Rome ... lamps.html

Force of Creation – Electricity in the Ancient World ... ient-world

Electricity in Ancient India ... ent-india/

A Short History of Ancient Electricity

Ancient Egyptian Electricity

Dendera Reliefs

History of Electricity in Antiquity ... ion*id*val*

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Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by GaryN » Sat Aug 09, 2008 11:59 am

Lizzie wrote:

Conspiracy theory or fact?
Fact, I would say.
I'll have to do some web searching, but I did hear a radio show not long ago where someone was mentioning how the depth of many of the recent quakes was very similar, 10km I seem to recall.

BTW Lizzie, have YOU read every article you point to? Some very interesting items, but it would take me 2 months of Sundays to work through them all! Don't stop though.
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller


Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:41 pm

BTW Lizzie, have YOU read every article you point to? Some very interesting items, but it would take me 2 months of Sundays to work through them all! Don't stop though.
I'm a "conspiracy theorist" by nature. After all a well executed "conspiracy" is a "work of art." Someone has created an alternate reality and has done such a masterful job that we all believe it's the truth. (Governments do this all the time; some are better at it than others.)

I have all kinds of "interesting" links I have saved over the years. I don't necessarily read everything in its entirety; I will scan something that looks interesting, save it, and return to it later. If I don't understand it at first, I will come back and reread it and see if it makes more sense.

You would be surprised to learn just how many of the "conspiracy theories" turn out to be true. :D

I try to restrain myself on this forum and stay "on topic"; but that's easy. The suppression of free energy is the biggest conspiracy of the last century and it's still ongoing. :o
Last edited by lizzie on Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:34 pm

I'll have to do some web searching, but I did hear a radio show not long ago where someone was mentioning how the depth of many of the recent quakes was very similar, 10km I seem to recall.
Yes, I have read several articles along these lines as well. Nothing can be substantiated, of course; so you are left with your "conspiracy theories."

And then there is this “project” that no one seems to know anything about. At least these people believe there is electricity in space.

Official website

“Conspiracy website”

Which do you believe? ;)

Or what is this?


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