The Schumann Resonance

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by mague » Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:33 pm

Look mom, no gravity - part 2.

Black holes:

Black holes do not attract anything. Actually they are extremely potent knots releasing vast amounts of energy. What we observe as sucking effect is the void force confining it. There is no need for dark matter, the void presses the whole galaxy into its form.

Levitation and spirituality:

Dealing with the void is dealing with pressure. Try extreme diving or climb the Mount Everest. You will deal with physical pressure but at the same rate with spiritual pressure. Even if you manage to create a levitating device aka. Flying Saucer, the pilot will have to deal with the spiritual pressure. Just as the F15 pilot has to deal with multiple G acceleration... erm multiple G pressure.
To hover in meditation you will need to be able to deal with the pressure. To pilot a Flying Saucer you will need to be able to deal with the pressure.

The lack of the void:

Sometimes the void reacts appropriate by not pressing. Cancer cells are the result of lacking void force. The universe doesnt care for the shape of cells anymore. Reason is the complete lack of void force in our lives.

Grey Cloud
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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by Grey Cloud » Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:25 am

Hi Mague,
Interesting couple of posts. It will take me a while to get my head fully around them but I think I get what you are saying.
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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by mague » Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:11 am

Look mom, no gravity - part 3

The math:
* A force is the cause of change, either of the movement of an object or of its form or volume.
* A force is always the result of an interaction between at least two objects. This implies that a force can never exist on its own, it always appears in pairs. These two paired forces have always the same strength and direction but opposite orientation.
* A force has a unique direction with two possible orientation, usually indicated as positive or negative.
* A force has a point of attack or point of application.

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by mague » Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:12 am

Grey Cloud wrote:Hi Mague,
Interesting couple of posts. It will take me a while to get my head fully around them but I think I get what you are saying.
This is all we can know about astrophysics :) There is nothing else and nothing to get the head around.
The great Way is simple
but people delight in complexity.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by lizzie » Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:26 am

Mague said: Too much mainstream… Actually "gravity", pressure and density are attributes of the same force. And the force is an attribute of the space itself. Its the void force.
I didn’t think John Keely was “mainstream.” It sounds to me as if he is saying the same thing that you are.
We can now see how tuning to the Fundamental will give a certain degree of "sympathy" to a mass aggregation. This appears to be the basis for the trinity as manifest in all creation in the physical forms of PUSH, PULL AND BALANCE. As we tune to successively finer frequencies IN ADDITION to those preceding, we find progressively more precise sympathetic linking to allow remote stimulation and control of the target aggregation.

Each mass aggregation collectively possesses a Neutral Centre (“void force” or "black hole") which is the synthesis of all associated Neutral Centres on successive levels of individualization.

When many Inter-Atomic units combine, the total combined Neutral Centres of each unit will 'collectively form' an additional and 'new' single Neutral Centre which then becomes the Atomic in the next highest order of evolution. When many Inter-Atomic units combine (each of which has its own Neutral Centre), a single Neutral Centre comes into being as a COLLECTIVE SYNTHESIS of all the separate units to form a new EVOLVED structure now known as the Atomic.

This ADDITIVE principle works throughout Creation to allow the synthesis (and its opposite - analysis/breakdown/division) of all preceding Neutral Centres on quantum levels of individualization in the form of Atoms joining to create Molecules which in turn join to form Mass Aggregations such as Rocks, Trees, Planets, etc.

The standing wave of matter: It is the flow of this aether/zpe as one or more frequencies into matter, where it is REFLECTED FROM THE CENTER (“void force” or "black hole") to phase conjugate with incoming aether/zpe as shown in this standing wave animation.

The Neutral Centre can best be visualized as a drain through which Aether continually flows. The volume of the Aetheric flows throughout a structure are determined by the size of the Neutral Centre opening, exactly like increasing or decreasing the size of the drain in a tank of water. Control of the flow of Aether through this drain therefore determines the density and weight of a mass aggregation.

The character, signature or virtual state pattern of the mass aggregation determines the nature of the interferences which present themselves to the flow of Aether into the Neutral Centre (“black hole”). This mass nature not only determines what the elemental structure of a mass aggregation will be but also the properties exhibited. By altering the frequencies and phase relationships of a mass, we can change the weight, density and nature of the mass by reducing or increasing the Neutral Centre opening to the flow of Aether. Aether flow into a mass aggregate neutral center can effectively 'capture' other mass aggregations, causing them to be caught in the greater flow, to create what is called 'gravity'.

Keely continues by explaining HOW he managed to take advantage of the Neutral Centre (“void force”) principle to develop an Engine which was intended to run on Aetheric force;

"In the conception of any machine here-to-fore constructed, the medium for INDUCING a Neutral Centre HAS NEVER BEEN FOUND.

If it had, the difficulties of perpetual motion seekers would have ended, and this problem would have become an established and operating fact. It would only require an INTRODUCTORY IMPULSE of a few pounds, on such a device, TO CAUSE IT TO RUN FOR CENTURIES.

In the conception of my VIBRATORY ENGINE, I did NOT SEEK TO ATTAIN PERPETUAL MOTION; but A CIRCUIT IS FORMED THAT ACTUALLY HAS A NEUTRAL CENTRE (“void force” or “black hole”), which is in a condition to be vivified by my VIBRATORY ETHER, and while under operation, by said substance, is really A MACHINE THAT IS VIRTUALLY INDEPENDENT OF THE MASS (OR GLOBE), and it is the wonderful velocity of the vibratory circuit which makes it so.

Still, with all its perfection, it requires to be fed with the VIBRATORY ETHER to make it AN INDEPENDENT MOTOR....."

Keely continues;

"The man who can, even in a simple way, appreciate this vast problem has been endowed by the Creator with one of the greatest gifts which He can bestow upon a mortal. It is well known that ALL STRUCTURES REQUIRE A FOUNDATION IN STRENGTH according to the weight of the mass they have to carry, but the foundations of the Universe REST ON A VACUOUS POINT FAR MORE MINUTE THAN A MOLECULE;

In fact, to express this truth properly, ON AN INTER-ETHERIC POINT, which requires an infinite mind to understand. To look down into the depths of an etheric centre is precisely the same as it would be to search into the broad space of heaven's ether to find the end; WITH THIS DIFFERENCE, that ONE IS THE POSITIVE FIELD, while the other IS THE NEGATIVE FIELD....."

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by Grey Cloud » Tue Aug 04, 2009 9:19 am

Hi Mague and Lizzie,
I'm coming at it from the direction of the Greek's 'rarification and condensation' and Empedokles' Aphrodite and Eris.
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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by seasmith » Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:07 pm

To look down into the depths of an etheric centre is precisely the same as it would be to search into the broad space of heaven's ether to find the end; WITH THIS DIFFERENCE, that ONE IS THE POSITIVE FIELD, while the other IS THE NEGATIVE FIELD....."

I believe that elsewhere, he also stated, in his usual 19th century oblique way, that both the above mentioned positive and negative “fields” must have a “flow of Aether into the[ir] Neutral Centre”.
That being the ‘center’ oft sought.



Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by lizzie » Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:15 pm

God's Firmament & the Earthquake ... rticle.htm
Science has taken a wrong turn in 1887 when Albert A. Michelson and Edward W. Morley conducted a famous experiment, called the Michelson-Morley Experiment. This wrong turn formed an errant foundation our current physics and science rests upon, starting from Albert Einstein (Einstein's Postulates & special theory of relativity) to modern day electromagnetic theory. This wrong turn will rock science to its foundation when realized. It will shatter theories and rewrite a century of books. Among the most devastating will be a crumbling of modern astrophysical theory on formation of our universe (big bang, age of, redshift, and more). Yet, an early scientist was acutely aware of this errant path, but considered it a blessing. Why? A quote:

"I am even grateful to Einstein and others because through their erroneous theories they lead mankind away from that dangerous path I followed." ”

Who is this scientist? It was Nikola Tesla, inventor of our current AC electrical power system. What does this have to do with earthquakes? This wrong turn has kept science from understanding a power which permeates our universe and is the power inside an earthquake. But this power is the fear Tesla expressed in 'dangerous path'. It is a fear that mankind will develop this power for the harm of mankind, rather than for the benefit of mankind.

What is the ether and why is it so difficult to detect it? I reflected on this matter for a seriously long time and here are the outcomes I have been led to: I think that all the contradictions about whether the ether exists or not are the result of wrong interpretation of ether's properties. The ether has always been presented as an aeroform environment [gaseous]. That was the essential mistake. The ether has a very strong density. It is known that of more dense a substance, the higher is the speed of wave propagation within it. When comparing acoustic speed in the air and the light speed I have drawn a conclusion that ether density is several thousand times higher than air density. It is not the ether that is aeroform [gaseous] but the material world is an aeroform to the ether!" Nikola Tesla

Is "Ether" God's Firmament?

Some think of it as a 'firmament' that our universe exists within. Tesla continues,
"A good example for such an interaction becomes apparent in gravitation, which should rather be named, universal compression. I think the material bodies do not gravitate between each other but it is the ether that makes one material body to press to another."
"We wrongly call this phenomenon gravitation."

"We can also feel ether's reaction when sudden acceleration or braking."
"The stars, planets and all the universe appeared from the ether when some part of it, due to certain reasons, became less dense."

"It can be compared with formation of blebs [air bubbles] in boiling water although such a comparison is only rough. The ether tries to return itself to its initial state by compressing our world, but intrinsic electric charge within material the world substance obstructs this. It is similar to that when the water compresses blebs [air bubbles] filled with hot water steam. Until the steam does get cold the water is unable to compress the bleb. With time, having lost the intrinsic electric charge, our world will be compressed with the ether and is going to turn into ether."

"Having come out of the ether once so it will go back into the ether." Nikola Tesla

Another 'goof' in science is that since ether didn't exist (Michelson-Morley experiment interpretation) is that this pesky term in Maxwell's equations could be fudged - or assumed to be zero. Scientist Oliver Heaviside didn't like the increasing complexity in solving equations in the full equation forms. By assuming the term 'non-physical', it allowed the simplification of equations and thus working with them. Turns out, this pesky term is not zero at all and is real. Oops.

What does this mean? It means that science has missed the fact of existence of this term. It means that this term implies an ability to interact with Scalar Field Effects - or Scalar waves. Tesla knew of these. He called them Longitudinal waves. And what do longitudinal waves propagate within? A medium or the 'ether'.

How do Scalar Field Effects, Ether, and Zero Point Energy tie together? It means that the tremendous energy of ZPE can manifest in our world in a synchronized way - the earthquake.

Longitudinal waves or scalar waves are induced into the surrounding medium ('ether' as Tesla referred) and begins to cohere synchronized movement of ordinary rock, dirt, or in other words, simple mass. This mass will then move to the symphony of these waves in unison. Remember that the energy for all of this is coming from the incredibly huge available energy - Zero Point Energy - that permeates everything (and the universe) as local waves in this medium cause its release. This is where the metric tons of force come from. This is how it spreads many blocks away. This is how rock transforms into a rubbery and undulating motion. This is the secret of the earthquake.

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by mague » Tue Aug 04, 2009 11:11 pm

Grey Cloud wrote:Hi Mague and Lizzie,
I'm coming at it from the direction of the Greek's 'rarification and condensation' and Empedokles' Aphrodite and Eris.
Hello Grey Cloud,

Rarification and condensation is similar, but to me incomplete.

Lets observe logic a bit. Logic is basically motion on a map. The map is a hierarchic structure. Our focus is at a certain position on the map and "reading" facts. Based on the facts, knowledge and truth we know the next step and move on on the map. Its all if-then-else. ... ture_1.jpg

The longer the scholar travels a path through the hierarchic structure, the more he recognizes that the structure itself is not flat. Civilizations all over the planet recognized that the map is a pyramid. Personally i like the omphalus more, but it doesnt matter. We could call it cosmic nipple as well.
Take the picture above and map it on each side of the great pyramid. Four paths on four sides. Just this time it is a bit more complex, the dots on the four maps are interconnected. Although this seems very complicated and complex we dont have to care. Logic will find its way though it.

Within this more complex logic we more then often find situation where a, b, c, d and e are true. Our mind has to bend itself within the pyramidal map to find the next step. Its much like twister :)

Although the map itself suggests that we always deal with four archetypes our mind remains curious. Mind is going to twist itself into lots of positions to "see" the logic result of that position.

Alright. What we currently observe is a tendency to deny one of the four walls. We enjoy ourselves within a tetrahedron shaped map. Bluntly spoken it lacks spirit. But without the s-dots on the map we cant reach certain positions. Logic conclusions then seem to be impossible, non existent and we move in circles.

Nevertheless the map has the answers if we are able to put left knee on s-dot.

In that regard my statements require "left knee on s-dot" to be understood. Watched from the tetrahedron map i am maybe crazy or my mind is maybe hovering in the air. Watched from the pyramid map you can see where my left knee is on.

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by mague » Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:43 am

lizzie wrote:
Mague said: Too much mainstream… Actually "gravity", pressure and density are attributes of the same force. And the force is an attribute of the space itself. Its the void force.
I didn’t think John Keely was “mainstream.” It sounds to me as if he is saying the same thing that you are.
Hello Lizzie,

Look at the "to much mainstream" as freeze-dried humor.

I see a lot interesting theories. Still they hold some old mainstream ideas like trinity, gravity and such. But that doesnt mean that i reject them completely.

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by kevin » Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:12 am

That is a cracking link, the terraresearch one about tesla and earth quakes.
I was fortunate enough to be sort of ready for an earth quake here and could therefore be aware during it.
i didn't blindly panic, but kept on dowsing, difficult as you are thrown about.
but My rods were nearly ripped out of my hands in the direction that a massive flow took( radiating out from a point)
everything took on this jello look but again I was ready for that also.
If You look at the so called secret socities from teslas angle, and realise the powers involved, it is no wonder that a lid is kept on this subject??????
It makes You re-think about nuclear so called explosions as well?
It is why I have been trying to suggest that the aether is a solid, a super dense solid millions of times more dense than diamond.
Then what is flowing is that which enables orientation of every point within that solid, this is the only way other dimensions and parallel universes could exist in the same area?
Time would then be no more than a condition of multiple inputs and orientation of points, all time could exist at once, but the now be clearer.

Grey Cloud
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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by Grey Cloud » Wed Aug 05, 2009 2:36 am

Hi Mague,
Thanks but I'm not a big fan of logic, I prefer reason. Your image with the logic gates brought to my mind the Fates and cause and effect. [On a related note and a conversation we had a while bak: it recently struck me as strange that the Norns were said to record in a book, whereas modern experts tell us that NW European cultures weren't literate]

You are correct to say that rarification/condensation and Aphrodite/Eris are incomplete. The third element is Mind. As a general rule of thumb, whenever one sees a dichotomy try Mind as the third element. One could also apply this to Keeley's pos and neg fields, i.e. what is it that decides/dictates whether it is pos or neg? My answer would probably be: Hermes (god of wisdom, borders, exchange). :roll:
I find this notion of a 'dense' aether and 'aeroform' environment fascinating. It actually fits in with a nagging thought I've had for the last couple of years, though it is the opposite of what the Greeks appear to say. I shall bear it in mind the next time I'm reading about it from one of the Greeks.

You wrote:
Personally i like the omphalus more, but it doesnt matter. We could call it cosmic nipple as well.
As a compromise, might I suggest mid nipple as that is what the Greeks called the navel. :)
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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by mague » Wed Aug 05, 2009 6:03 am

Grey Cloud wrote: Thanks but I'm not a big fan of logic, I prefer reason. Your image with the logic gates brought to my mind the Fates and cause and effect.
what exactly is the difference between logic and reason ? Isnt it all the same ?
(resulting) Event -> rule -> resulting even -> rule -> resulting event ->...
Grey Cloud wrote: You are correct to say that rarification/condensation and Aphrodite/Eris are incomplete.
Personally it is a good sign. rarification/condensation is a very early concept. This means the greek had a prototype. They where original thinkers and did not copy all from India and Egypt.
Grey Cloud wrote: The third element is Mind. As a general rule of thumb, whenever one sees a dichotomy try Mind as the third element.
I d be careful with such a statement. Usually the elements are placed in a circle, no 1st place and no 4th place. They are equal.
Mind consists of elements. Rage is mostly fire and air, feeling calm is mostly water and air, starving creates a mind of earth and air mostly.

Grey Cloud wrote:
Personally i like the omphalus more, but it doesnt matter. We could call it cosmic nipple as well.
As a compromise, might I suggest mid nipple as that is what the Greeks called the navel. :)

I ll take the risk to be political incorrect ;) The navel is the wrong picture. The ejecting mound is the picture. A volcano ejects earth, fire, water (magma) and air and creates something with it. It creates the whole surrounding environment, rich soil where almost anything grows. The female breast feeding the child does exactly the same. Ejecting warm, fluid matter coated in emotion and a complete human is growing from it.
Knot, ejection of the four elements, creation/growth. Same principle everywhere.

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by mague » Wed Aug 05, 2009 6:12 am

kevin wrote: It is why I have been trying to suggest that the aether is a solid, a super dense solid millions of times more dense than diamond.

Hello Kevin,

how about super dense but not necessarily solid. Dense as in ubiquitous ? (I am trying to keep the word omnipresence out on purpose ) Dense enough that it fits between the smallest particles ? But not rock solid always, only on certain conditions ?

Grey Cloud
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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by Grey Cloud » Wed Aug 05, 2009 7:40 am

Hi Mague,
You wrote:
what exactly is the difference between logic and reason ? Isnt it all the same ?
(resulting) Event -> rule -> resulting even -> rule -> resulting event ->...
Short answer: logic stems from rhetoric and sophistry (lawyers evolved from rhetoricians). Reason stems from dialectic (philosophers use dialectic). :)

My fault, but when I used the term third element, I ment element as in factor or part, as in third part of the equation. I didn't mean it in the sense of the 4 elements.
Re the navel: It's the umbilical cord which is imprtantrather than the navel per se. The pudenda is symbolic of generation; the breast and the umbilical are symbolic of sustenance. You are familiar with the Egyptian image of Nu, Shu and Geb. Shu has one hand between Nu's legs and and one on her breast (nice work if you can get it :D ). Shu is receiving life and sustentance from Nu which is then passed on to Geb whose erect penis symbolises the fertilisation of the Earth (generation). Shu is effectively the umbilical or conduit.
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The great Way is simple
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Tao Te Ching, 53.


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