The Schumann Resonance

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by mague » Wed Sep 10, 2008 6:48 am

kevin wrote:Mague,
There is no speed of light, light does not travel like a torch light.
there are multude of signals that interact, the one chosen and assigned as the speed of light is not that which creates light.
Forget about all of this nonesense of millions of light years.
Travel in the sea of energy of space will be superluminal as regards the so called speed of light, and it will simply be a case of matching nature, not fighting nature as the archaic thrusting ideas are.
Each point in space will have it's own schumann resonance, the trick will be to modulate to that resonance, otherwise you will not exist when you arrive there if you and your vehicle are composed of another resonance.
You won't hit any particles or any such thing in space, you will if you are thrusting through space as they are at present.
to match nature you will be acting as nature, so you will therefore have a field about your craft that like a shoal of fish do, have you never watched how they all move together, or a huge flock of birds, they are all utilising nature and its resonance base to good effect, we are the stuipd ones here on this planet.
We have divorced our minds away from nature, we will become stone at this rate, setting solid.
And solid is merely a resonance state, everything is space coupled together, in variant states of resonance.
If your vehicle is surrounded by a field with specific positive and negative alignment, space will be attracted to the leading positive, so there will be no thrust involved at all, just as a boat in a flowing river needs no thrust to go with the flow, it effectively is in the same water it sets off in when it travels, the content in the boat are not subjected to thrust unless an alteration in direction relative to the flow is required.
And space is moving in all directions at once, though there are main currents, just as in a river
Kevin, i described the technology and what UFOlogists talk about. UFOs are probably good for planetary travels. Much like planes but faster. But interplanetary ? Personally i think technology is the biggest waste of time in regards of transportation.

I am quite sure we think the same. For me large scale interplanetary or even interuniversal traveling is a social experiment. Once a closed social society reaches a certain level the "door of light" just opens. No matter if we know how it works or not. There is no technology involved. Neither electricity nor pyramids, ships or any artifical builded object. The collective social evolution to a new level marks you as unobjectionable and that allows access per se. It is my belief that a society on that level is able to decide by free will if they want to settle on a different earthlike planet. But not to mix up with shamans dream travels. Those are spirit travels to distant suns. The difference is they have to come back and cant take their bio body with them. Else they are the same travels. Just one allows bio transportation and the other is rather a scouting without bio transport permission. You only can die and incarnate there. This is a middle option, but far from the big success of a perfect society that evolved together.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Sep 10, 2008 4:04 pm

Mague said: The collective social evolution to a new level marks you as unobjectionable and that allows access per se. It is my belief that a society on that level is able to decide by free will if they want to settle on a different earthlike planet.
I see. Astral travel is shaman dream travel; one still has to return to his body because he can't take it with him. Are you saying that when there is a certain "collective social evolution" to the next level, then people have "access" (in their bio bodies) to, say, 4D?


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Sep 10, 2008 5:03 pm

Now this is an interesting concept:

The Harmonic Conquest of Space
Finally, after years of work, I discovered that I could formulate a series of harmonic unified equations which indicated that the whole of physical reality was in fact manifested by a complex pattern of interlocking wave-forms. I gradually found that the harmonic values could be applied to all branches of scientific research and atomic theory.

It was only a matter of time before I realised that the energy network formed by the grid was already known to a powerful group of international interests and scientists. The harmonic value of 3928371 is of extreme importance as it has a direct relationship with the Earth’s magnetic field. The harmonic 648 also has many interesting associations, in particular the harmonic table for temperature.

The only way to traverse the vast distances of space is to possess the means of manipulating, or altering, the very structure of space itself—altering the space-time geometric matrix which, to us, provides the illusion of form and distance. The method of achieving this lies in the alteration of the frequencies controlling the matter-antimatter cycles that govern our awareness or perception of position in the space-time structure. Time itself is a geometric, just as Einstein postulated it.

The Earth is simply a huge magnet, a dynamo, wound with magnetic lines of force as its coils, tenescopically counted to be --- to the square centimetre in one direction, and 1850 to the square centimetre in the other direction (eddy currents).

The spectroscope shows that there is an enormous magnetic field around the Sun, and it is the present conclusion of the best minds that magnetic lines of force from the Sun envelop the Earth and extend to the Moon, and that everything, no matter what its form on this planet, exists by reason of magnetic lines of force.

It appears now that the magnetic field strengths and areas change in conjunction with the light and gravity factors according to the change in latitude on the Earth’s surface. During these changes, the harmonic relationships remain constant.

The whole system of universal harmonics is based on the geometrics of the circle, the circumference of which can be divided by its radius into six equal parts. Therefore six is the fundamental harmonic of all circular and spherical forms, and basic values can be shifted up or down this harmonic scale by multiplying or dividing by this number

In my earlier publications I demonstrated how a third harmonic equation could be formulated by use of what I thought, at the time, to be a constant speed of light factor at the Earth’s surface. I have now discovered that the speed of light is not a constant, and that different values, within a set range, can be entered into the equation which will give particular harmonic results.

The previous speed of light harmonic reciprocal of 695 published in my books was within about 5/100,000,000 of the true value of gravity acceleration in geometric terms.

It was becoming obvious now that gravity and the so-called speed of light were harmonic reciprocals of each other. As gravity increased, the speed of light decreased, and vice versa. Light was therefore not a speed in the true sense. It is an acceleration or deceleration according to geometric position.

During my years of research into the complexities of the Earth grid system, I have gradually built up a picture in my mind of the possible geometric combinations necessary to form matter from resonating, interlocking wave-forms.

Matter and antimatter are formed by the same wave-motions in space. The waves travel through space in a spiralling motion, and alternately pass through positive and negative stages. Matter is formed through the positive stage, or pulse, and antimatter through the negative pulse. Each spiral of 360° forms a single pulse. The period or frequency rate between each pulse of physical matter creates the measurement that we call time, as well as the speed of light, at the particular position in space of which we are aware at any given moment.

If the frequency rate of positive and negative pulses is either increased or decreased, then time and the speed of light vary in direct proportion. This concept would explain time as a geometric, as Einstein theorised it to be.

What actually happens is that the radius of the spiralling motion is increased or decreased in order to absorb or release the energy imparted to, or removed from, the atomic structure. If the energy is imparted, then the electron must extend orbit in order to maintain balance in the system, and vice versa. Light, or any other radiant energy above or below light frequency, is therefore manifested by undetectable changes in the radius of the spiral motion of the electron during the antimatter cycle.

As my own research has shown me that physical reality is manifested by the harmonic nature of light, it appears logical that a vehicle constructed to the principles of harmonics will be required to set up the space-time fields necessary. If this is so, then the first criterion will be that the vehicle must resonate in perfect harmony with the complete table of elements in our physical Universe. If it does not, then it would be more than probable that any element or particle of matter not in harmonic resonance within the vehicle structure or payload would be left behind when the space-time field was activated. The results would be embarrassing, to say the least.

It would be impractical to construct a vehicle made from an alloy of the whole range of 144 elements in the theoretical atomic table. Apart from this, such an alloy is no doubt a physical impossibility.

The clue which suggests a method of overcoming this problem is the way that matter is built up in octaves of wave-forms. If an octave of elements could be combined which would set up a resonating field tuned to all the elements in the table and the unified fields of space, then maybe we would have a method of crashing the time barrier. I put forward the following proposal for consideration. If an octave of elements is the answer, let us make a selection from the theoretical table of 144. If we divide 144 by 8, we get divisions of 18 units, therefore we will select each of the elements we require, 18 units apart.

It can be seen that the total harmonic value of the atomic numbers of the combined elements is 648. The square root of this number is 25.455844, the harmonic of which is found in the polar sections of the world grid system. The harmonic 25455844 is also directly associated with the Earth’s magnetic field. Three new elements, recently discovered, have atomic numbers of 116, 124 and 126.What we now need are numbers 108 and 144..

We would then be ready for the harmonic conquest of space

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by mague » Thu Sep 11, 2008 1:20 am

lizzie wrote:
Mague said: The collective social evolution to a new level marks you as unobjectionable and that allows access per se. It is my belief that a society on that level is able to decide by free will if they want to settle on a different earthlike planet.
I see. Astral travel is shaman dream travel; one still has to return to his body because he can't take it with him. Are you saying that when there is a certain "collective social evolution" to the next level, then people have "access" (in their bio bodies) to, say, 4D?
Lets put aside other dimensions for a while. I was thinking about traveling within 3D. We cant estimate how many planets our universe has. All we know is that there have to be lots of.

If you watch nature you will see that everyone is working together (minus modern humans, but thats a different story ;) ). Whenever there is something missing, something else is comming to fill the gap. After a landslide the naked soil is attracting plants. A dent in the ground attracts matter. Think of a vacuum. All it does is attracting matter. Once vacuum and matter found each other a bridge opens and matter is flowing into the vacuum. If somewhere is a need and somewhere else is something appropriate and willing to fullfill the need, then a bridge opens. It will override any distance or physical law if neccessary.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Sep 11, 2008 4:14 am

Mague said: Once vacuum and matter found each other a bridge opens and matter is flowing into the vacuum. If somewhere is a need and somewhere else is something appropriate and willing to fullfill the need, then a bridge opens. It will override any distance or physical law if neccessary.
Ah, I see ... in this reality (dimension) if there is a need and someone else is willing to fulfill the need (such as "working together" in a mutually reciprocal fashion :o), then a "door will open." I like that! I believe you are correct; we really could make changes if only we realized we have the power to do so. If we don't do it willingly, then Mother Nature will do it for us. Either way Mother Nature wins. Eventually Mother Nature will decide She has had enough and will correct us.

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by soulsurvivor » Thu Sep 11, 2008 6:16 am

According to information I've read, the exact geographic center of KY is in the field at the east side of my house. It's not that far from my back door. That said, I have to wonder if there is something associated with a magnetic field due to the location. I've witnessed more than one unusual and as yet unexplained sighting over that exact spot. The most recent was an unmarked black helicopter that hovered in place for exactly 45 minutes. It didn't move until I started taking photos of it with a disposable camera I have. I haven't yet had the film developed, but don't expect there to be anything out of the ordinary in the photo either. It's just odd that the copter seemed to have a mission to waste fuel.

Another incident here was the bioplane. I can't recall the exact date/time I saw this, but it was back in the spring of this year. The plane was making all these sputtering engine sounds as though it was put-putting to stay airborne. I was on the back patio watching to see if it was going to crash. But then the engine cut off, it hung in mid-air and catapulted this long pole thing out its back end. Then the plane started its engine up and flew off to the southeast leaving behind this pole thing that was now floating down toward the ground with what looked like an Italian flag on it, but it had a red crest mark in the middle field of white on that flag. I honestly thought about trekking over some fences to go see if I could find that, but I'm not that capable of physical activity now, I was here alone, and it was getting late, almost sunset. I just threw up my hands and said so be it to myself. Just one more to add to the list of unusual sightings associated with this spot.

A few years back, I'm thinking 2003, not sure, but I was home alone at night because husband and son had gone to a UK game and were staying overnight in Lexington. About 11:30 pm, I took the dog out for his final bathroom and while standing there saw this gigantic glowing orange craft in the field east of me. Yes, over the exact same spot again. The dog was growling and had his hairline up and down his back standing straight up. He was as scared as I was. I've never seen anything like it. It wasn't the moon because the moon was on the other side of the sky. This thing looked like a pulsing glowing from within orange ball of plasma or jelly with a dark box under it. And for some reason I thought it was getting a drink from the pond that's on top of that hill. I didn't stick around and watch. Me and the dog got inside quick and I locked everything up I could lock.

I've seen silver metal balls floating in and out of the clouds here over my house. I don't know what these are, but they seem to have some kind of an intelligence because as soon as I look at them, they'll dart into a cloud and hide or disappear.

And I'll have to add this for consideration. There are off and on instances of extreme sulphur and mold smells in this general geographic location, including my own property. . . actually this entire county. I've even smelled the mold in the water supply. So many people I know have lost their sense of smell in the past few years, young and old alike. I have often wished I could too.

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by junglelord » Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:23 am

Thats really freaking cool soulsurvivor.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by soulsurvivor » Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:53 am

Man, I don't know about being freakin cool because it's distressful to be a witness to these things and not have anyone to talk with that's seen them or if they see them, say they see something different. ok. Like back a few years, my husband and I were returning home on 31W heading toward Bardstown back from the Mt Washington area and I'm driving and he's drinking a beer. He pointed out this blimp kind of thing that was floating in the sky ahead of us. I started to pull the car off the road, but there was a lot of holiday traffic and no real shoulder to pull onto, so I kept trying to drive and watch this thing as it proceeded from east to west and crossing the sky as we were heading south. It was a football field sized blimp? I don't know. Husband didn't know either. It was undunlating, rolling, floating, moving at a good clip across the low horizon, and for all intents and purposes it looked exactly like a gigantic air mattress in a sort of green brown camo color. It was heading in the general direction of Ft Knox but still many miles from there. Husband said he thought it was an air balloon associated with the Derby's hot air balloon event to which I replied "but it's Thanksgiving, not May and Derby time." We both just finally reasoned that it was some kind of military test or something. Who knows? It's not like you can ever pick up the paper or turn on the news and hear about it.

oh, and I don't drink alcohol.

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by junglelord » Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:15 am

Instead of being perturbed, be glad. I do not doubt you for a second or your sanity or your personal profile, non alcoholic that you are....LOL.

Who cares what others believe. Tell those you trust. Let the rest be silent with the knowledge you have been blessed to see something other then the ususal stuff.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by soulsurvivor » Thu Sep 11, 2008 12:38 pm

I'm having some major computer program problems, so I'll try to get this to post again.

Thanks junglelord for the support. I'm constantly assessing everything by plucking the petals off the daisies and mumbling to myself "I'm blessed" "I'm cursed" "I'm blessed" "I'm cursed" :D

Two forums I frequent, the first is now a read-only for me and the second is where I spill nasty guts and hopefully don't upset too many in the process: ... hp?t=20182


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:36 pm

Do you live close to Maysville, KY? ... 2006-10-01
SoleSurvivor said: According to information I've read, the exact geographic center of KY is in the field at the east side of my house. It's not that far from my back door.
Do you live near Maysville, KY?
Gridlines and magnetic fields go together. Check out what Bruce Cathie said.

Harmonic Conquest of Space
It was then brought to my notice that a strange aerial-like object had been photographed by chance on the seabed off the west coast of South America by the American survey ship Eltanin. The object was two-to-three-feet high and had six main crossbars spaced evenly up its stem with a smaller one at the top. Each set of crossbars had a small ball at the end of each arm. A friend and I visited the Eltanin when it called into Auckland, and we were told by one of the scientists on board that the object was thought to be an artefact of some kind, and appeared to be metallic.
SoleSurvivor said: That said I have to wonder if there is something associated with a magnetic field due to the location.
I think you are exactly right. There is a magnetic field present, and for some reason it is attracting these objects to it. Are the magnetic fields making the airplane engine sputter? Is the helicopter hovering over a magnetic field so that it can test its antigravity "equipment"?

I thought this was interesting as well. Is Source X the "gatekeeper to a portal"? :D

Source X
This "Source-X" is believed to be an astrophysical entity orbiting between the planet Mars and Jupiter (because of its 10-year cycle) but on a highly eccentric orbit. This "Source-X" must be emitting gravity waves which are aiding the UFOs to surf on it and hence it functions as a corridor or highway to come to Earth. Its pulsating nature determines the number of UFOs appearing on Earth i.e., if it pulsate slowly, only isolated UFOs appear, but when it suffers a glitch and pulsate rapidly, UFOs will appear in large numbers and hence the UFO waves. This pulsating astrophysical entity is also believe to be responsible for triggering earthquakes on Earth due to the gravity waves it emits in exciting the Earth's weak spot i.e., the fault lines. Source-X, or this astrophysical entity, is not a solid object but just a mass of energy. It must have formed from a planet that once existed between Mars and Jupiter but has dissipated for some unknown reasons. If UFOs appear out of "Source-X", then they must be coming out of it from a parallel universe (if there is any).
Other famous magnets

The Sun is a Big Magnet
The Sun's magnetic field isn't confined to the immediate vicinity of our star. The solar wind carries it throughout the solar system. Out among the planets we call the Sun's magnetic field the "Interplanetary Magnetic Field" or "IMF." Because the Sun rotates (once every 27 days) the IMF has a spiral shape -- named the "Parker spiral" after the scientist who first described it.
Giant eruptions from the Sun ... CME/1.html
Unlike weather on Earth, however, the important parameter is not the wind itself but its imbedded magnetic field, which comes from the Sun

The Galactic Center
The true nature of these filamentary structures remains a mystery, though it is clear that their emission, orientation, and structure provide important clues to the energetics and large-scale magnetic field structure in the center of the Milky Way.
SoleSurvivor said: It wasn't the moon because the moon was on the other side of the sky. This thing looked like a pulsing glowing from within orange ball of plasma or jelly with a dark box under it.
These “objects” remind me of what the Russian scientists call vacuum domains, or consciousness units (CU’s).

Check out the images starting on page 3

Understanding Anomalies to Extract Vacuum Energy ... _Paper.pdf
SoleSurvivor said: Then the plane started its engine up and flew off to the southeast leaving behind this pole thing that was now floating down toward the ground.
Did Kevin leave behind his dowsing rods again? :o


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:46 am

And speaking of time travel, here is information, disinformation or misinformation on the Philadelphia Experiment. Is this "fact" or "fiction", i.e., psychotronic “sci-fi” or psychrotronic “psi-fi” or is it a mixture of both?

Interview with Duncan Cameron and Preston Nichols
SS: Regarding the Montauk experiments, you said the tunnel was large enough to drive a truck through; where did they drive the truck?
Interview with Al Bielek, 1991
Bielek gave an update on the current use of mind control and psychic warfare, and also offered a more detailed account of his experience in the Montauk Project.
Transfer of Energy Through Time and Coupling of Parallel Universes
When I was in France, I was part of a group looking into theories of entropy states and the general thermodynamics of plasmas. The natural rate of entropy increase in a closed system defines the flow of what is perceived as time. We were trying to develop a better insight into the process of synchronization between apparently uncoupled systems, in other words to explain how time manages to flow at the same rate in different parts of the universe.
Orion Technology
What is a radiosonde?

Well, in all appearances it was a little white box that they attached to a balloon and sent up into the atmosphere. The government told people that it involved gathering weather data. It used a very unusual type of pulse modulation. In most cases they used a CW (continuous wave) oscillator and pulsed the signal. This turned out to be a very efficient conversion of electrical energy to etheric energy. I very recently started collecting radiosondes.
Researchers on Mind Control
They would take a subject, train him so that his conscious mind would be diverted to the "serpent in the Kundalini". The primitive mind would come up to the surface - they would blank that out and put in his primitive mind a concept that he would concentrate on. The concept would be picked by the sensors and transmitted out of the antenna.
Silent Weapons
It is patently impossible to discuss social engineering or the automation of a society, i.e., the engineering of social automation systems (silent weapons) on a national or worldwide scale without implying extensive objectives of social control and destruction of human life, i.e., slavery and genocide.
The Philadelphia Experiment
What you are about to encounter is an amazing story about Top Secret United States Government projects involved with “Space-Time Compression” technology. This technology provides the means for time travel and interplanetary and interstellar space travel by generating “wormholes” in Space-Time. Al Bielek is a claimed survivor of the legendary “Philadelphia Experiment” and of the Montauk Project.
Gravity Warp Drive

Nuclear Gravitation Field Theory ... Theory.htm
A field theory demonstrating the strong nuclear force and gravity are one and the same force using quantum mechanics Newton’s law of gravity and Einstein’s general relativity theory.

Space-time Compression ... ompression
What is Space-Time Compression and how is it related to Special Relativity and General Relativity? Space-Time Compression is the relativistic effect of reducing the measured distance and light travel-time between two points in space as a result of the presence of either:

Two or more inertial reference frames where relativistic velocities (velocities of a significant fraction of the velocity of light) between the reference frames are involved -- Special Relativity. A spacecraft traveling at 0.98c (98% of the velocity of light) relative to Earth is an example of two relativistic inertial reference frames.

Accelerated reference frames defined by either the physical acceleration, or change in velocity, of an object of interest relative to a point of reference in Space-Time in the presence of an acceleration field -- General Relativity. An example of an accelerated reference frame is that of the Sun’s gravitational field, equal to 27.8g, near the Solar surface.

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by soulsurvivor » Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:21 pm

Thank you lizzie. I have a lot of reading to do and looking forward to finding the time to do it.

No, I'm not near Maysville, KY. That's in the northeastern part of the state, closer to the Cincinnati area.

I'm in Marion County, north of Lebanon, KY. Here's a link to a map that has the geographic center of KY marked, but I'm in somewhat of a quandry because it's showing that it's about a quarter of a mile up the road from me instead of being in the next field over. I remember seeing other maps back in the 80s, when we were purchasing this home and property, that did show the field next to us as being the exact geographic center. Guess they had to change it. I don't know. Anyways, here's the link: ... enter.html

As I was searching for an appropriate map, I came across some eyewitness testimony from the New Madrid quake in 1811 and 1812. One comment I found very interesting, because I can relate to it now.

"There is one circumstance which I think worthy of remark. This country was formerly subject to very hard thunder, but for more than twelve months before the commencement of the earthquake there was none at all, and but very little since, a great part of which resembles subterraneous thunder. The shocks still continue, but are growing more light, and less frequent. - E.B." - eyewitness of the New Madrid Earthquake 1811-1812

In 1990, when I had the prophetic dreams, I saw that there were many whirlwinds. They were hitting my house but not doing any real damage, but I knew in the dream that they were a signal/sign of what's to come next. That would be the complete disappearance of my home. Needless to say, it's been a nervous time for me since 2005, when I first noticed the great increase of whirlwinds in the area around here, and in this county. The last one happened back in May ?, but none since. I've got this stuff posted on another forum, as I post there when "unusual things" happen. I'd have to check the exact date.

Year before last was an unusual winter in KY. We had isolated incidences of snow donuts. I was coming through Eminence, KY on a work-related trip and saw entire fields of these unusual forms. I remember the media saying these were caused by whirlwinds that caught up the snow and curled it into these hollow cylinder shapes. It was one time I really wished I'd had a camera with me. I've never seen anything quite like that before or since.

Ever so often, I look up the maps showing seismic data for KY. The western part of the state around Paducah is always showing hyperactivity. It always concerns me a bit because that's where a plant is located that makes nuclear fusion rods for nuclear reactors. Here in KY, we don't have a nuclear power plant though. They're actually prohibited by state law unless and until there's a licensed facility within the US to store the waste. I'm thinking that KY and WV are the only two states east of the Mississippi without a nuclear reactor. We burn coal to produce our electricity, along with dams.

There's a bill somewhere, I think it's currently in the Senate, that's going to sanction the construction of 31 new nuclear facilities, all needed by the year 2015. Of those 31, the plan is to construct 28 of those here in the southeastern US. There's 103 nuclear facilites in the US, with the major number of those east of the Mississippi.

Geographically, my home is sitting near the Muldraugh Hills. These are in the southwestern part of Marion County. All of Marion County is located within the Pennyrile fault region:

Well, it's late and I have an early morning appointment and busy weekend ahead, but I want to get back to this soon, because I have a personal experience to share that concerns the use of an oscillator. I'm still not certain what the purpose of this thing is, but it's important to someone in the military.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:28 am

Do you know about this group?

Welcome to Kentucky Shadow Chasers
Shadow Chasers uses scientific methods to document paranormal activity at haunted locations that have reported spirit, ghost, demonic, shadow people or poltergeist activity.
Kentucky - Earthquake History ... istory.php
Most of the activity in Kentucky has occurred in the western portion of the State, near the New Madrid seismic zone. The series of catastrophic earthquakes at New Madrid, Missouri, in 1811 - 1812, dominates the seismic history of the middle Mississippi Valley.
Researchers complete seismic borehole in Kentucky ... 76055.html
Site permits earthquake research in western Kentucky, particularly for New Madrid fault activity
LOL! This should be helpful. Are you talking about Project Magnet survey lines? I think you are right. There must be a geomagnetic hotspot near you.

The Geomagnetic Spectrum for 1980 and Core-Crustal Separation ... 1&SRETRY=0
The spectrum of a high degree spherical harmonic model of the geomagnetic field is analysed to compute the constants for the core and crustal field contributions. Using a noise estimate of 0.091 nT2 at the mean Magsat radius of 6791 km, the power reduced to the Earth's surface is found to be 9.66 times 108 (0.286)n nT2 for the core, and 19.1 (0.996)n nT2 for the crust. These values show half the crustal power extrapolated to n = 0 compared with a previously published n = 23 model, and a white noise depth of only 14km below the mean surface. the core spectrum power is 30 per cent less than previously estimated and becomes flat 80 km below the core-mantle boundary. the crustal power level is an eighth of that of an estimate based on one-dimensional analyses of Project MAGNET survey lines. the point where the energy density of the core and crustal components become equal at the Earth's surface is n = 14.2.
Project Magnet
From UFO Investigator June-Sept. 1963 Vol. 11, No.9 Page1
A special U.S. program significantly linked to a Canadian Government UFO investigation has just been discovered by a NICAP technical advisor. Entitled “Project Magnet,” this carefully unpublicized program is a worldwide operation using specially equipped Constellations, non-uniformed pilots and civilian scientists.

(Project “Magnet” was the official name of the Canadian government UFO research operation headed by the late Wilbert Smith, a government scientist.)
Existence of the U.S. Project magnet was first discovered by NICAP Advisor Robert C. Beck, former Lockheed flight test engineer, now president of an electronics and photographic company. Mr. Beck also secured the following pictures.

Each of the project Super Constellations is equipped with highly sensitive magnetometers to detect unusual magnetic variations, not only irregularities from the earth’s magnetic field, but also magnetic forces from any sources above the earth. It was this later type of magnetic interference which Wilbert Smith and his associate engineers believed a result of sustained UFO operations over certain areas.

One important result from the U.S. program has been the discovery of peculiar magnetic forces from above the Key-West Caribbean area. Though no connection has been proved, this is the area where unexplained interference with aircraft compasses was reported by Navy flight leader shortly before his five-plane formation vanished.

If no other agency is concerned, it could mean that the Navy, barred by the AF from routine UFO evidence, has launched its own program to discover how UFO are powered and controlled, and if they are able to interfere with earth-made aircraft. The project may also involve gravity research, since according to Einstein's Field Theory electricity, magnetism and gravity are all the same force, but in different forms.

Note: The equipment used in the flying Saucer observatory set up by Wilbert Smith in 1953 had according to one inner circle member, one piece of state-of-the-art equipment -- a state-of-the-art magnetometer.

The U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office has confirmed the existence of Project Magnet, an “Airborne Geomagnetic Survey,” as an unclassified project allegedly not related to UFO investigation. In the previous edition of the UFO Investigator (Vol. l1 No.9) NICAP reported a link between this project and the Canadian government project of the same name, which was an avowed attempt to obtain scientific data on UFOs.

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by soulsurvivor » Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:13 am

An unexpected break in activites here, so I've returned to follow-up with what I began. First, this is a link to what some are calling crop circles, but for me, these look like evidence of whirlwind activity: ... 277370.tms

Bedford is in southern IN, about 75 miles to the north of me.

As for the use of the oscillator, I had an unusual introduction to this. I'd never seen one or knew of its existence prior to my experience of abduction. In 2003, I was abducted. I don't know any other way to explain what happened. I was in my bed asleep but woke up in a kind of drugged daze sitting in a maroon colored leather seat on an aircraft of some sort. I was next to an oval window and as I looked out I could see the high mountains with clouds around their tops and lots of deep valleys and gourges beneath me.This was on my left side. I knew the sun was on my right. As I looked ahead, I could see a multi-story building wedged into the side of a mountain. There were several levels above ground, but also at least one level below ground, judging by the windows I saw. It looked like a hospital. I also noticed there were a lot of people on this plane with me,all of them asleep. I must have fallen asleep again, because I don't remember landing, but the next thing I knew was that there was directions being given by ? to get off the plane and watch my step. I remember the steps. They were the grated metal kind with a metal ballister to hold onto. I think there were 6 or 8 steps. As I was coming down the steps, carefully, I looked to my left at the plane and noticed it was maroon on the bottom half and white on the top half. I don't recall anything else about the plane. I realized I was drugged and had to pay attention to walking, carefully. I also felt happy to be in the sun. It felt good to me. Probably another facet of the drug. As everyone came off the plane, I was focused on soaking up the sun. Then there was a human hand pushing me on my back and a male voice telling me to move along. I walked toward the front of this hospital looking building to join the others gathered there. I saw that the building had a glassed in foyer under a portico type of facade and a circular concrete drive through. There was a circular concrete planter at the front of this and it had some really beautiful pink flowering bushes and other kinds of plants in it. I was talking aloud about how pretty the flowers were, and then I had another human hand push with verbal male instruction to move on. I think I was the last one going inside, because all the seats around the waiting room were filled with sleeping people. I was standing there next to a column, trying to adjust my vision so I could see better. I saw a line of lunchroom type of folding tables at the other end of the room with people sitting on the side next to the wall. In front of each of them were stacks of papers. I couldn't see their faces. I could see their feet. They each had on green camo pants and highly polished black leather boots laced up. To the left of me was a ? nurses station that had the big window with frosted glass sliding doors. The thought suddenly hit me that they had my best friend, Margaret, somewhere, and I started screaming at them to let me see her. One of these sliding glass doors opened and I saw 2 young nurses, one blonde and one brunette. They were dressed like nurses and they were laughing at me, almost like it was unusual for me to be acting like this. In my screaming, a doctor looking guy came up behind the nurses with a manilla file folder and handed it to the blonde nurse. In the course of all this happening, two huge males carrying rifles hanging by straps on their shoulders had each of my arms in a vice grip. I couldn't see their faces, but I could see they were wearing black tshirts and green camo pants. I was really struggling and faked a dead faint, at which point they kinda loosened their grip on me. I then jumped up and ran for the double doors on the other side of that nurses' station to go and try to find Margaret and get us the hell out of there. As I was doing this, the male hands had gripped me again, and I heard a female voice over the loudspeaker saying "Let her go. We can't use her anyway. Just give her some busywork to do." I felt a slight pin prick in my neck and they let loose. I went through the double doors and saw that it was a hallway with another hallway to the left and a flight of stairs farther down and on the left. On my right, was first the nurses' station window and door. I tried it. It was locked. I went to the next door and window on the right, and it was locked and the window had a tan fabric shade pulled so I couldn't see inside that room. I continued on and had to make a decision to climb the stairs, or go down the hallway. I took the hallway because I was so tired. I was also babbling out amazingly complex mathematical computations much like a talking calculator would/could do. The last thing I remember of being inside that hospital is trying to get down that hallway. The next memory is that I'm outside in front of the hospital and all these people are in couples and standing around talking to their partner. I don't have a partner, and I don't have one of those dark green plastic palm thingys either. One was holding the device and both were intent on watching the display screen it had and twisting this dial thing and punching in these ? codes that they were saying in unison out loud with each other. I tried to make small talk with some of them, but they didn't see me. There was one couple, a man and woman, I'd guess in their 40s, had really nice tans and wearing chino shorts and tropical type of shirts, and another couple was an African American grandmother and I'd guess her teenage grandson. I was still groggy and fighting not falling asleep on my feet. The sun was shining almost overhead and it was hot. My next memory is boarding the plane again, by the same set of metal steps. I'm really thankful to be inside in the cool air and loving the comfort of that leather seat.

Next memory is that I wake up suddenly in my bed with a deep burning pain on the top of my right hand. I look and notice there's a triangle shaped raw sore that's at the base of my ring finger. There is a tiny deep hole at each corner of the triangle and the inside of the wound looks puffy and burned, no skin on it. I got ready for work really fast and when I got there, I proceeded to tell my coworker and best friend Margaret all about this really weird dream. And I'm babbling on, not paying much attention to how gray skinned she's getting. And then I showed her the mark I had on my hand. Without a word, she showed me the same mark on herself, except it was on the underside of her right forearm, closer to her elbow. To this day, she refuses to talk about that. Needless to say, I don't feel we have the same friend connection we had prior to all that. Her choice, not mine.

After that experience, I did have my local vet look at my wound. :) He said it was some type of burn, probably where I had touched a hot object and if I had complications to see a physician. The wound size wasn't more than a quarter of an inch at its widest, so it wasn't like it was life threatening or anything. But it did take a long time for that to heal. I'm so wrinkled now, I have to stretch my skin to see the faint scar it left. :)

My husband and I sleep in separate bedrooms. He claims I snore. I know for a fact that he does. :)

I searched for months online trying to find that palm thing these couples were using in their robotic chanting frame of mind. It was really bothering me that I couldn't find anything similar to what I'd got a glimpse of. And then, on another forum, a poster suggested I look at an oscillator. BINGO! As far as I know, that's what they were using. I remember the display screen and the dial and the keypad. I can't recall any of the chants they were saying, but it seemed as though it had to be a team effort, and they seemed highly pleased with themselves for getting it right?

Who knows? Not me.

I had a major heart attack in Nov of 2004. After keeping me fully sedated for several days, I was totally out of it, I came awake when the medical staff were pulling the pelvic heart pump out of me. Actually, I became conscious when they were cutting the stitches on my upper legs that had held this pump in place. I was telling them that they were hurting me and to stop, but they didn't hear me. So my inside self set up out of me and told them that they were evil MFs and had no mercy. Anyway, I am fairly certain there's a class of memory blocking drugs that are at least partially ineffective on me, for whatever reason. I don't understand why that is, but I can remember specific details while I'm supposed to be knocked out by these drugs. I know I'm drugged, but I also know that I'm conscious.

Why would groups of people have to be mind programmed to use an oscillator? Couldn't they ask for volunteers or something?

Hi again lizzie. I just now saw your last post prior to getting ready to post the above.

I'm not familiar with the Kentucky Shadow Chasers, but they might be a group I need to contact. I've addressed what I know about the New Madrid info, which isn't all that much, but hopefully can lead to further linkages. And that Project Magnet is new to me. I'll have to really take the time and try to read through that. Like I say, I'm not scientifically intelligent to any extent, so it takes me longer to wrestle comprehension out of subject matter than it would for others.

And lizzie. Thank you. I'm very grateful and humbled by open minds.


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