Rife Machine

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Rife Machine

Unread post by goldentree » Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:05 am

I have been looking into alternative treatments (I'm curious about Lyme disease) and came across this link. I wanted to run it by you guys (cause you rock). I did a search for this when I signed in and found nothing. Anyone on here already into this?
The theory behind it seems to make alot of sense. So could someone, produce a similar effect by some more readily available method?
BTW when I last posted I was pregnant researching anemia (the mechanics of a blood disorder). I'm not surprised that post partum (a beautiful baby girl born in June) the state of the art modern medical advice I've been given is still "Huh, how about that", "we know so little about the endocrine system, blah blah blah." Patriarchal medicine, what a flop :)

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Re: Rife Machine

Unread post by Sparky » Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:13 am

I looked into this a few years ago. Found Rife to be an interesting and brilliant man. He claims to have been able to view living virus, using his optical microscope. As for his EM, broad spectrum transmitter, which he claimed to be able to tune to the resonate frequency of specific micro-organisms, thus disrupting the cell structure, I would want to make sure it wasn't disrupting other cells in the body or producing radiation that was harmful.

There were reports that after treatment, the person had some side effects that were suspiciously like radiation poisoning. :?
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Re: Rife Machine

Unread post by archmage » Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:08 pm

Sorry for the lack of organization, but I'm dealing with a suspected Lyme case myself, so:

1. Lyme (Borrelia) often comes with co-infections (bartonella is a common one), so those would also have to be dealt with.

2. IgeneX is probably one of the better testing methods, I'd probably get at least the panel 5010 w.blot + PCR. This won't test for co-infections, and the sensitivity is not very high (esp. if you've had the infections for a long while), but it's still a good start. I believe a few people (usually very difficult to do and not worth the energy investment for me, I'd rather just have IgeneX) have gone alternative routes to get decent testing covered under insurance - I seem to remember "Sonia Lyme Insurance" - search it.

3. I'm actually having my blood drawn for the above test tomorrow. Requires physician's signature - you may need a "lyme-literate" MD for this. MDjunction is a decent forum to find one in your area. This doesn't mean that these MDs won't waste your time / money, but just that they don't stand by the CDC's ridiculous position on Lyme, and that they'd likely be willing to help you run the proper test(s).

As for Rife Machines (going from hazy memory here, so some details might be incorrect):

- Very few of the current "rife" devices come even close to approximating what Royal Rife actually did. He used herodyning and frequencies up into the MHZ range at power levels approaching 100w from an RF plasma tube.

- The PC rife devices using JUST the sound card for frequency generation... not even close
- The frequency lists now available - how the hell do you verify that they work? There is so much clutter out there.

- It's also a bit difficult to verify that what Rife did worked... but perhaps he was right. We'd need to do some experiments using microscopes - test the effect(s) on inoculated blood samples, and results within live people (noting the difference in the blood after time).

That said, using a Rife machine is frequency-specific, and seems to target specific organisms, assuming it works. Being that Lyme is often associated with multiple infections, I'm not sure it'd be the best option. It'd be such a headache to get that working...and people with Lyme generally don't have much energy to deal with that level of frustration. I know it's popular to mention in the Lyme community, but I just think it's too difficult.

If you want to pursue that route, I think there was some religious-associated organization making something called the "Beam Ray" tube or device... "CrossoverRoad" or something - and perhaps that was somewhat closer to an actual Rife machine (but you'd need to verify this). If you can verify that a device actually does approximate what Royal Rife suggested (and I'm not sure we really do know what he did, but we should at least replicate what we know), then you're on the right track I'd say.

That doesn't mean that you can't build the thing yourself though... might need a decent function generator (from memory: B&K 4040a 20mhz sweep gen, or 4001a at up to 4mhz - which is enough range), and a way to amplify that... probably would need a friend with some electronics / engineering background.

I do wonder if you'd have trouble with the FCC though... at the frequencies and power levels used, you might need shielding (the whole room, or make a shielded "rifing tent") to prevent...compliance issues.

Also: I'm not going to be using anything Rife-Based right now, but I am investigating electromedicine. I don't know what illness I have, but I'll be analyzing my blood. My blood has shown dozens of abnormalities (autoimmune, endocrine, muscular, cd4/cd8 inversion, etc) for many years now. It's time I just looked at it myself. If the IgeneX test shows nothing, I suppose I could try to make a DIY centrifuge using my Hitachi Router, purify for DNA, obtain a DNA-microarray kit of some sort, and then compare results to all organisms currently sequenced (genetically) at the Broad Institute database (that's a bit of an advanced project I'd undertake ONLY if the microscope reveals artifacts in my blood that I (or my friend, who is a biologist) just can't make sense of).

If I start an electromedicine protocol, I'd probably be taking brightfield / darkfield photos/videos of my blood every few days to document the experience. Capillary blood using a lancet should suffice, but if not...I'll have to find a way to obtain safe IV equipment.

My interest is in the 4-part Beck protocol - I'd build it all myself, but if you buy, I'd use none other than SOTA for the electrical pulser (based on their specs and deficiencies of competitors - I've inquired as to the design of units from different manufacturers), enaly may work as an inexpensive safe ozonator (NOT a garbage ebay unit), and...I'd want to build/customize the mag-pulser regardless, but...SOTA again if you must.

It should also be noted that the Lyme-Borrelia does not like to hang out extra-cellularly in the blood. It'd often be intra-cellular and/or sequestered in the joints/nervous system. It's not easy to pin down, and it takes multiple physical forms. Checkout the Wikipedia page on Borrelia, even they admit that it's unique and adaptable.

If I find out I have Lyme, then I wouldn't be opposed to simply starting a complex antibiotic protcol. It seems to work somewhat. I'm also testing for fungus/mold, however... I need to rule out everything at this point, and for that I'll rely on myself, my friends, and competent doctors...no more BS with uneducated docs.

I have no proof that any of this works, but sometimes it's worth an experiment. My case is very difficult, and I'm running out of time. If I wait much longer, I won't have the energy to pull this off...and thus, these are the extremes.

Sorry for the lack of brevity - g'luck.

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Re: Rife Machine

Unread post by archmage » Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:37 pm

Anemia: If you have low ferritin, iron, or anything that could be helped simply by increasing your iron intake, then Ferrous BisGlycinate would be my recommendation. I used the NOW brand. Take it with a vitamin C supplement for improved absorption.

I tried ProFerrin, but that did not work. This is claimed to be the "animal form" of iron. Eating red meat (not burgers, but actual steaks / lamb / ribs / etc) at least 2x per week has helped much more than Proferrin.

Some people use a liquid herbal iron supplement called "Floridex" - or some such similar name. I'm not sure it works as well as the iron bisglycinate...but perhaps it'd be decent for those whose stomachs/guts cannot tolerate other options.

Other: Might want to take a bit of real Vitamin A (maybe 10K IU, but don't exceed 25K IU/day = liver stress) as retinol (animal form, not beta-carotene, not plant-derived). That is a common co-deficiency.

Of course then there is pernicious anemia and Vitamin B12 (prefer methylcobalamin if you take an oral supplement. More than about 500mcg is useless unless it's sublingual). If symptoms persist, then sometimes I'd say it's worthwhile to just get a single B12 shot to test whether or not that works any differently for you, regardless of blood levels of b12.

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Re: Rife Machine

Unread post by archmage » Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:25 pm

I have more information on this topic now:

On the subject of Lyme: I'm still waiting for my IgeneX results, but that test is wholly inadequate in many instances - false-negatives. So here is my DIY plan instead:

- I'll be attempting to image the Lyme-causing agent, Borrelia Burgdorferi, in my own blood using dark-field microscopy. Before using wet oil-immersion, I'll try dry-magnification at 800x, 960x, and MAYBE 1200x - but I doubt that last one would work properly.

- It may be difficult to catch the organism for many reasons: spirochetes coil up into a cyst form for self-preservation (in presence of threat (antibiotics / immune system / etc)), this organism likes to hide deep within tissues and intracellularly

- If I cannot catch it extracellularly, my best bet is to take multiple samples and just WAIT for the organism to emerge from red or white blood cells. According to anecdotal reports, this may happen in 1-8 hours = perfect application for time-lapse photography I'd say. - The Borrelia organism is capable of transforming from spirochete into cyst form (which is more difficult to identify) within 15 minutes - it'd be great to capture the transformation.

- It may be better if I could use just the buffy-coat fraction of the blood. I may have to pay for an IV blood draw. I'd do it myself, but I do not have the sterile equipment (risk is too great w/o proper equipment), which is tightly regulated. It's actually very easy to do.

http://lymerick.net/videomicroscopy.htm - somewhat of a guide here on this diagnostic process. If you have a fluorescent setup, apparently that could be useful for antigen staining. Phase contrast would also be useful. I do not have either, but when I become more comfortable with the process, I could likely gain access to this equipment and perhaps even an electron microscope.

- Note that I'm actually undertaking this experiment not just to detect Spirochetes, but any pathogens or abnormalities. I'm just using spirochetes as a starting point, however I've been reading through general histology as well obviously, the majority of which applies to stained brightfield processes - and there IS an applicable stain for spirochetes - I'm just not convinced it's the best method.

On the Subject of Rife: - The following assumes that Rife and his colleagues were honest in their claims (which I cannot verify):

- I now believe that we actually don't know what Rife really did.

- The clue is that Rife's RF plasma tube machine designed to eradicate pathogens is based on the same tech as his Rife microscope, which was claimed to be able to resolve live biological samples at well beyond current optic limits (claimed at 17k to 60K magnification, current optic limits are about 1500x) by combining wavelengths of light in some fashion specific to each organism. As such, to resolve images of specific pathogens, he required a "tuning" time of up to 1-day. No one really knows how his tech worked, but those who worked with claimed that it did work.
- Of course the electron microscope is able to magnify even more, but not on LIVE samples - the process renders samples dead. Rife claimed to be able to see the pathogens, including viruses (which are smaller than bacteria), responding to his Machine.

- The heterodyning of light (and sound, for the Rife machine) frequencies is probably involved in both of Rife's inventions...they are a pair. It seems that to fully understand one, you must at least understand the majority of the other. THUS: while some of the current devices on the market may work somewhat, I don't believe they are fully replicating what was intended.

- John Bedini: http://johnbedini.net/john34/rife.html - relays his theory concerning the Rife technology. Tom Bearden also has a lengthy explanation of the tech on his site. Bedini even claims to have reconstructed a version of the Rife microscope (and to have successfully killed some pathogens using his variation of the Rife-Machine tech), magnifying over 3000x - which is past current optical limits. I'm very interested in his claimed re-inventions, but I need to concentrate on my situation first.


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