What is electricity?

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What is electricity?

Unread post by mjv1121 » Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:21 am

Time for a discussion on what is electricity?

It's all very well having an electric universe theory, but if there theory of or explanation for, the true fundamental nature of electricity and the mechanisms of electromagnetism, then what's the point?

What is electrostatic charge?

What is electricity? (as in, through a wire)

What is a plasma discharge?

What is a magnetic field?

What is an electric field?


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Re: What is electricity?

Unread post by starbiter » Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:29 am

Hello mjv: The link below should help. If You scroll down please look at the links on the left under "Electric Sky".


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Re: What is electricity?

Unread post by mjv1121 » Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:39 am


Thanks for the link. I am aware that humanity has identified effects that are attributed to and described as electricity or electromagnetism, but I don't think that answers any of my questions

What is electrostatic charge?

What is electricity? (as in, through a wire)

What is a plasma discharge?

What is a magnetic field?

What is an electric field?



Re: What is electricity?

Unread post by sjw40364 » Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:16 am

mjv1121 wrote:Time for a discussion on what is electricity?

It's all very well having an electric universe theory, but if there theory of or explanation for, the true fundamental nature of electricity and the mechanisms of electromagnetism, then what's the point?

What is electrostatic charge?
To answer as briefly as possible, the spin and/or movement of particles in one form or another in whatever words you wish to describe said particles.
What is electricity? (as in, through a wire)
To answer as briefly as possible, the spin and/or movement of particles in one form or another in whatever words you wish to describe said particles.
What is a plasma discharge?
To answer as briefly as possible, the spin and/or movement of particles in one form or another in whatever words you wish to describe said particles.When said particles produce more energy than they can store.
What is a magnetic field?
To answer as briefly as possible, the spin and/or movement of particles in one form or another in whatever words you wish to describe said particles.
What is an electric field?
To answer as briefly as possible, the spin and/or movement of particles in one form or another in whatever words you wish to describe said particles.

All is spin and movement of particles, without which we would have nothing. Am I suggesting a smaller particle than the electron? Most assuredly. Than the photon? Most assuredly. Can I tell you what this particle is? Definitely not. But if it exists you can be sure of one thing, it IS spinning and it IS moving.

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Re: What is electricity?

Unread post by Sparky » Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:21 am

What is electrostatic charge?
As far as i can figure, it is a buildup of charge relative to it's surroundings.

What is electricity? (as in, through a wire)
electrons.....either bumping from one atom to the next or plowing their way through the atomic medium....since some matter is more conductive than others, i'd go with the bumpty bump...
What is a plasma discharge?
the movement of ions from one level of charge to another.
What is a magnetic field?
the projected extension of the aligned atoms of a maget by alingning electrons (maybe ions), as dipoles, around the magnet to complete, externally, the dipole internal circuit.
What is an electric field?
a kissing cousin of the magnetic field, that is produced by current flow through a medium.. suppose to be at right angle to the magnetic field, but how that happens is a EEE secret... ;)

am i even close on any? :cry:
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Re: What is electricity?

Unread post by mharratsc » Wed Oct 12, 2011 1:11 pm

I think that 'electricity' is a word we use to describe various attributes of 'charge'.

I think 'charge' is a word we use to describe levels of vibration within atomic particles.

That is kind of an intuitive leap, and I really don't have the words to describe it any better than that at the moment. :\

I also think that what we call 'spin' is a manner of said vibrational state(s).
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Re: What is electricity?

Unread post by Oracle_911 » Wed Oct 12, 2011 2:10 pm

For me electrostatic charge is broken balance of aether.
well for me is aether formed from yin-yang components, which represents different aspects of physical world. If you separates them you get charge/potential differences , if you connect different places with different potentials with conductor you get electric current.
Different aspects are electrical current/magnetism, :!: radiant :!: heat/cold (that thing from air conditioner or freezer) etc.
Standpoint of "scientists": If reality doesn`t match with my theory, than reality has a problem.

Sorry for bad English and aggressive tone, i`m not native speaker.

PS: I`m a chemist.

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Re: What is electricity?

Unread post by starbiter » Wed Oct 12, 2011 2:27 pm

I would really like to hear Jim Johnson's opinion on this topic. I think Jim can ask questions of the EU insiders best equipped to answer this question.

Keeping in mind my limitations, i'll take a crack at this. For me electricity is the movement of electrons and ions. When plasma moves it creates electricity. Electricity makes plasma move. Chicken or egg.

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Re: What is electricity?

Unread post by peter09 » Wed Oct 12, 2011 3:05 pm

basically, some subatomic particles have a property we call charge. The best known of these being the electron. It is this property, whether by moving or not being negated by a opposite charge that provides all the effects that we are talking about. What charge is, well nobody really knows. That's like saying, what is gravity, or the strong nuclear force, or time, or space etc etc etc.

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Re: What is electricity?

Unread post by stickwhistler » Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:55 pm

Understanding Electricity and Circuits:
What the Text Books Don’t Tell You
Ian M. Sefton

http://sydney.edu.au/science/uniserve_s ... sefton.pdf

The above may be helpful, it explains how 'electricity' is moved.
It isn't by electrons whizzing from one end of a wire to the other, (and then back as per AC).

I think the answer is 'nobody knows', which isn't helpful in one way, but shows that some one
else is in the same situation - curious and looking for answers.

The best explanation I have for myself is:
A difference that exists between objects,
that manifests as particular phenomena,
and sometimes can be put to use.

I would also like to hear/read what Jim Johnson has to say.


Re: What is electricity?

Unread post by mjv1121 » Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:21 am

I think perhaps the "flow" of electricity or of a plasma discharge are a tad more complex. Also, magnetic and electric fields are surely

So that leaves the most fundamental question:

What is charge?

What is a magnetic field and an electric field?

peter09 pointed out what the pixie magic that is modern physics usually tells us - charge is a property of matter, specifically sub-atomic particles (by far the most interesting of which is the electron). So what by all the gods of logic does that mean? A "property" of matter? Are we to believe that electrostatic charge is something inherent and intrinsic to matter, in the same way as mass and dimension.
Well how does this property work? It seems that if you go near it there is some sort of physical reaction - the important word being "near". Charge is a non-contact "force" or property. Well that's a huge clue, because we know that there cannot be an effect without a cause, so action at a distance is a complete impossibility. Therefore, we must conclude that there can only be one possible answer: Charge is an emission.

The first real problem is to somehow deduce or determine the nature of the emission.

Any disagreement so far?


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Re: What is electricity?

Unread post by tayga » Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:51 am

mjv1121 wrote: Are we to believe that electrostatic charge is something inherent and intrinsic to matter, in the same way as mass and dimension.
Not necessarily but almost, in my opinion. I'll posit that charge is a property of all matter except photons and that mass is a consequence of it.
Charge is a non-contact "force" or property. Well that's a huge clue, because we know that there cannot be an effect without a cause, so action at a distance is a complete impossibility. Therefore, we must conclude that there can only be one possible answer: Charge is an emission.

Any disagreement so far?
Yes, Michael :D

An ether would enable the communication of cause and effect you desire without the need for emission. If charge were a 3-dimensional motion, say, it would communicate its effect by imposing torsion on the ether.

I'm not necessarily stuck fast to any of these ideas and I'm not sure whether my answers are exactly what the OP was looking for but heck, why not let's kick these ideas around? :D

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Re: What is electricity?

Unread post by sjw40364 » Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:28 am

The only problem with emission, which I do agree with btw, is that electricity both attracts and repels, and it is difficult to have this same emission that pulls also push, just because you went from far to near. This same electrical force that pulls two wires together then pushes them apart when they approach to a certain distance, and then keeps them in that position. neither letting them stray too far inwards or outwards, only varying depending on the strength of the current.

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Re: What is electricity?

Unread post by Sparky » Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:24 am

electricity both attracts and repels, and it is difficult to have this same emission that pulls also push, just because you went from far to near.
the only way, as for now, that i can envision is that a magnetic field, electrons (possibly ions) are aligning themselves and that alignment bombards and propels other matter to follow along the same path, which is toward one of the magnetic poles . When the distance between the particles is reduced to such that E/M emissions, bombardment, from each will overcome the magnetic field effect, sweeping them together, and a repulsion effect will be seen.

please don't destroy this concept, it is the only thing holding my fragile mental frame together... :(
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Re: What is electricity?

Unread post by iantresman » Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:30 am

Electrical engineer William J. Beaty has an excellent article on this very subject: "What Is "Electricity"?"

He writes:
This question is impossible to answer because the word "Electricity" has several contradictory meanings. These different meanings are incompatible, and the contradictions confuse everyone. If you don't understand electricity, you're not alone. Even teachers, engineers, and scientists have a hard time grasping the concept.


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