Useful pictorial/science resources...

Books, journal articles, web pages, and news reports that can help to clarify the history and promise of the Electric Universe hypothesis.

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Hilton Ratcliffe
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat May 08, 2010 11:26 pm

Re: Useful pictorial/science resources...

Post by Hilton Ratcliffe » Sun Nov 10, 2013 11:21 pm

Hi Michael,

Following the examples set by Birkeland and Alfven, we are well advised to work our way outwards from Earth in trying to understand astrophysical structures and formulate a realistic cosmology. I was delighted to see reference made on Thunderbolts to the work of Knight and Grab of Wits University on lightning geomorphism in the Drakensberg mountains. It's a superb example of empirical science at work. There is a great deal of research going on at my home university (UKZN, Durban) in plasma physics and related fields, with some fascinating results already obtained. Here is a link to UKZN physics department's research page, to give you an idea of the sort of things they are investigating.


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