Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:35 pm

Is Nibiru Coming
Originally, before Nibiru came to our solar system, there were already 9 planets, without the asteroid belt. When Nibiru came, it became the 10th planet. However, Nibiru destroyed one of the original planets with its moon creating the asteroid belt. Now we have 9 planets with 1 planet destroyed.

I believe the 10th planet Nibiru is already amongst our planets. It has been with us ever since. It is carefully disguised until it crosses near the path of Earth. It does this every 3,600 years for a specific purpose.

I believe Nibiru is an artificial planet including its moon which obliterated a former member of our solar system which is now debris floating about as our asteroid belt. I believe Nibiru's moon that obliterated our former planet to be still in orbit around Nibiru, but split into two.

Another thing, I don't support Nibiru colliding with Earth thus creating Pangea and our moon. There are no evidences which support a catastrophic collision of the Earth; but it is possible and logical that a collision happened in the area between Mars and Jupiter.

To find Nibiru and its counterpart, we have to find artificiality on a planet or on a moon.

A candidate for this is Saturn's moon, Iapetus:

Comparing NASA's photos above, Iapetus has straight edges while another Saturn's moon, Dione, is spherical. Maybe the straight edges are just camera artifacts, but according to NASA there's no blurring, so it’s perfect. And, the straight edges should also show on Dione because the same camera is used, but we see nothing.

Iapetus is just one of the candidates; perhaps one of Nibiru's moons is hiding among Saturn's moons. We still have to search for Nibiru.
The Secret of Iapetus
The ancient civilizations that once occupied western Iran to the eastern Mediterranean coast, as well as Egypt and the Saudi peninsula left astonishing depictions and an extensive written archaeological record of their visitation by 'sky gods,' or the

According to ancient records and artifacts, beings visited Earth from a planet called NIBIRU. Their world, the visitors claimed, is dragged along with a smaller brown dwarf star that orbits our sun -- an enormous orbit that takes almost 4,000 years to complete.

These ancient records describe this dwarf star, dragging along its planets, as periodically passing near enough to our solar system for them to send ships to earth, where they would engage in accumulation of gold and other metals through mining operations using bituminous (oil/petroleum based) products as fuel to refine ores. This would occur over a period of several hundred years. The visitors would send these materials into low earth orbit, eventually returning with them to their ship, which would remain in orbit between Mars and Jupiter.

According to Sumerian records, the Annunaki claimed that as their planet approached our system they would arrive from their world on ships, each containing fifty occupants, materials and supplies. These ships would then enter our solar system, assuming an orbit passing between Jupiter and Mars. They would remain there for several hundred years, as teams sent to Earth gathered gold and other metals from southern Africa and the region between the Tigris/Euphrates Rivers sending them back to the orbiting ship. Others gathered minerals and ores from the asteroid belt, which they called RAKKIS (the hammered bracelet). As they completed operations, their ship would leave its orbit and approach Saturn. Using Saturn's enormous gravitational pull to assist their acceleration they would then 'slingshot', returning to their own system which would be completing the nearest part of its 4,000 year orbit and heading back out into deep space.

Saturn's enormous gravitational and electromagnetic fields were regarded with great fear and awe by the Annunaki - they called it TAR.GALLU, or 'the great destroyer'.

Apparently this was because of an incident in their distant past when a ship with fifty occupants was lost on a mission to the inner solar system. Possibly through trajectory or flight path miscalculations, the story describes a craft becoming trapped in a large orbit around Saturn, hopelessly dooming its occupants from any timely rescue. A Sumerian cuneiform text, published in 1912, describes this incredible disaster as an Annunaki named MARDUK rushes to his father, EA, with terrible news.

The 2004/2005 Cassini/Huygens probe's flyby of Saturn revealed unprecedented photos of many bodies in the region, including close-ups of Saturn's moon Titan and its gaseous atmosphere and only briefly mentioned in the media and in the official NASA releases.

However, was the fact that a correction in the flight path of the probe had sent it within photographic range of Iapetus, a body that orbits Saturn in a very large and unusually inclined orbit- far wider than any other object circling Saturn? Scientists believe this extremely remote orbiting object was most likely 'trapped' or pulled into orbit instead of originating as part of Saturn's moon and ring system.

NASA was baffled as readings from sophisticated equipment aboard the Cassini/Huygens probe indicated that the object was very likely hollow. As the first photos of Iapetus began to appear, NASA and the scientific world were shocked to see that this was clearly an artificial object, manufactured and with clear indications of intelligent design. The object showed advanced yet very ancient construction and technology, on a massive scale. It became clear that this object was an enormous, very ancient abandoned space craft, very similar in design to the spacecraft Death Star from the George Lucas science fiction film Star Wars.

This revelation was quickly suppressed, and official NASA releases only indicated that there were strange features visible on the object's surface.

Iapetus, shaped like a peanut, has a perfectly straight 60,000 foot high bank of surface material that bisects its center, running the entire visible length of the object. Obviously an artificial construct, this is apparently to protect a seam along this part of the ship. The ridge also has an internal structure of three beams or tubes that run parallel and are inside the embankment.

Iapetus also has a very large number of craters that appear to be symmetrical, mostly hexagons. These seem to show an underlying tetrahedral framework, with ports at various places, with overlying layers of rocky strata. The largest and most prevalent surface feature, other than the ridge straddling its center, is a large hexagonal portal or bay, with clearly angular and symmetrical sides.

Along the edges of this same area, edge collapse and degradation have exposed massive structures and engineered seams and angled remnants, protruding from eroded and exposed edges.

From ancient mines in southern Africa, villagers have found small finely manufactured spheroids of unknown origin and made from milled metals hundreds of thousands of years ago. This is the same area where the Sumerian accounts claim the Annunaki were engaged in mining operations for metals. These metallic objects are precise models of the ship that is now trapped around Saturn.

In 1959, NASA issued a document called the Brookings Report, which warned the US Government that any scientific evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence "could be destabilizing to terrestrial governmental institutions...if not the future of civilization." Such a policy may possibly explain the deafening silence from NASA, the world scientific authorities, and governments regarding this monumental scientific discovery.

There is a group at work in the world that is apparently involved in the recycling of entire civilizations and their infrastructures. This group consists of a secretly connected cabal of industrialists, politicians, and war profiteers. Through various mechanisms, entire civilizations--buildings, people, technology-- are destroyed, ostensibly to 'replace' or 'update' them. I call this group the Architects of Destruction.

In this essay I will attempt to explain some of the motives and purposes of this group, but they will not be directly identified. In fact there is no single name for this group, as it is composed of many interacting organizations, and has operations at many levels. To claim any single group or cabal is responsible greatly simplifies the situation—it is more accurately described as many organizations with similar values and interests working in consensus.

This group bases its existence on its ability to create and profit from war. Through careful manipulation of political processes and control of technological development, this group stages or foments states of war between nations, hiding their true purpose-- usually infrastructure replacement or population control-- from the world by declaring an imminent threat that leaves no recourse but war.

Known to few outside the 'secret society' community, Iraq is in fact the most hotly contested and highly coveted real estate on earth, because it is the site of evidence of the true origin of Christianity and Judaism, and possibly many other religions as well.

In southern Iraq, an orthodox purity cult sect called the Mandaeans live much as they have for the last 2,000 years. They are apparently an offshoot of a group that followed an earlier Christian teaching in the tradition of John the Baptist, or possibly the Essenes - one of many groups of the era that broke away from mainstream religion for various reasons, usually because of a belief that the mainstream religious establishment had 'sold out,' or became too worldly or preoccupied with wealth and power. It has been determined by researchers that the Mandaeans of southern Iraq are in fact the Nasoreans, who were driven from Judah circa 37AD (1). Along with many other fugitive 'churches,' they fled groups of hired mercenaries intent on suppressing the growing Christianity movement. In THE HIRAM KEY, authors Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas speculate that the Mandaeans may have even fled Saul (Paul) of biblical New Testament fame.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:41 pm

Dagon - Nommo from Sirius
The Dogon call Saturn the "star of limiting the place" and say that when the Nommo left they became the "star of the 10th moon" - Phoebe is the 10th moon of Saturn and although little is known about it, what is known about it is quite odd. It is about 200 Km in diameter and has an orbit that is unlike the other moons of Saturn. It is much further out, goes round the other way and at a much different angle. It is black as soot and appears to be made of rock - but if it was made of rock it would be about 5 times heavier than it actually is. It is also much more spherical than you would expect for an object with almost no gravity.
Star of the 10th Moon
The Dogon say there is also a 3rd star in the system called "Emme Ya" - and this was recently discovered (in 1995) and is now called Sirius C.

The Dogon don't say their knowledge was due to better instruments but due to events in the distant past. They say a new star appeared in the sky that could change its size. A fiery, roaring, ship then came down which manufactured a pond for the occupants of the ship to use. These creatures could speak the local language and were friendly. They were called "Nommo" meaning "the monitors" and their home planet was in the Sirius system orbiting Emme Ya. The Nommo stayed on Earth for some time teaching.

The Dogon call Saturn the "star of limiting the place" and say that when the Nommo left they became the "star of the 10th moon" - Phoebe is the 10th moon of Saturn and although little is known about it, what is known about it is quite odd. It is about 200 Km in diameter and has an orbit that is unlike the other moons of Saturn. It is much further out, goes round the other way and at a much different angle. It is black as soot and appears to be made of rock - but if it was made of rock it would be about 5 times heavier than it actually is. It is also much more spherical than you would expect for an object with almost no gravity. The only picture I can find of Phoebe shows a round object that looks like a pollen grain under a microscope.

Dagon was the fish-god of the Philistines. Under different names he was also founder of the Sumarian, Babylonian, and Chinese civilizations.

It was recorded by the ancient Greeks that the Babylonian civilization had been founded long before the great flood by amphibious beings called Oannes, Musari, or Annedoti. The latter 2 names mean "abominations" and "repulsive ones". Despite the names these rulers were greatly loved and credited with providing us with all knowledge and learning and the founding of civilizations.

The monitorial duties of the Nommo may have included helping to save Noah by providing him with his Ark. The book of Enoch says the ark was built by the Angels or "watchers". It seems possible that the Watchers are humans trained by the Nommo to take over their monitoring. Some of these Watchers "fell to earth" (Nephilim in the Bible) and became the gods of the olden times - best known to us from the Greek legends and the Indian vedas.

Moon for the 10th Planet ... lila/moon/
On September 10th 2005, astronomers at the Keck Observatory on Mauna Kea took a look at Eris with a new instrument that allows them to see details as precise as those seen from the Hubble Space Telescope. The images quickly revealed that it has a faint moon in orbit around it!

Why is the moon called Dysnomia?

Dysnomia is the mythological daughter of Eris. Eris is, of course, the Greek goddess of discord and strife. Dysnomia is the daemon spirit of lawlessness.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:01 am

The “history” of the “10 lost tribes” and the “royal bloodlines” appears to begin with the expulsion the “Hyksos kings/pharaohs” from Egypt during the “exodus”.

Ralph Ellis believes that there were two exoduses – the first was the expulsion of the bulk of the Hyksos population under Amose I who became pharaoh after the death of Tao II Sekenenre, whom Lomas and Knight in the Hiram Key claim is the original Hiram Abif.

The second “expulsion” was that of the “Hyksos” priest class under Akhenaten.

Ralph Ellis believes that Moses was really Thutmose V, brother of Akhenaten, who was Aaron. Other sources claim that Aaron was Smenkhkare, Akhenaten’s brother or cousin. ... 130#p53575

The Son of King Tao II (Djehuty) (Sekenenre) 17th Dynasty, (reigned c. 1539-14 BC), founder of the 18th dynasty, who completed his brother Kamose's expulsion of the Hyksos (Asiatic rulers of Egypt), invaded Palestine, and re-exerted Egypt's hegemony over Nubia, to the south.

Resuming the war of liberation against the Hyksos early in his reign, Ahmose crushed the foreigners' allies in Middle Egypt and, advancing down the Nile River, captured Memphis, the traditional capital of Egypt, near modern Cairo.

While his mother, Queen Ahhotep, ran the government in Thebes, near modern Luxor, he undertook a waterborne operation against Avaris, the Hyksos capital, in the eastern delta, followed by a land siege. When a rebellion flared in Upper Egypt, he hastened upriver to quell the rising, while the queen mother Ahhotep helped to contain it.

Having put down the rising, he captured Avaris and then pursued the enemy to Sharuhen, a Hyksos stronghold in Palestine, which was reduced after a three-year siege.

Death of King/ Prince Seqenenra who fell in battle, after the start of the war of liberation

The two great Brothers: Prince Ka Mose and Prince Ah Mose pursue the War of Liberation and deliver Egypt from the Hyksos.

Two great Generals were Admiral Ah Mose Abana commander of the new Fleet and Ah Mose Pen-Nekhbet

The Defeated Hyksos entrenched themselves into the city of Avaris, besieged by the Egyptian army. Under a banner of truth, their expulsion from Egypt was agreed by the victorious Theban army.

The Hyksos and their families began their sojourn through the Wilderness of the Sinai Desert back to where they came from and lost the fertile land of Egypt.
Egypt was delivered and liberated by Prince Ah Mose from the wicked hands of the Pharaoh / Hyksos and his Allies of Middle and northern Egypt.

Prince Ah Mose, Heir to the Egyptian thrown, was crowned Pharaoh of Upper & Lower Egypt.
The autobiography of Pharaoh Ah Mose was the Ego Spirit behind the legend of the Exodus, which was changed by biblical writers who borrowed the story of the Expulsion of the Shepherd Kings into the Exodus. ... 130#p53574

Weakened by internal problems, Lower Egypt was taken over seemingly with little fighting by the invading or perhaps just immigrant Hyksos, who set up two contemporaneous dynasties. The 15th dynasty (1674-1567) of the great Hyksos kings, which, according to Manetho, consisted of six kings who dominated the 32 Hyksos vassal chiefs of the 16th dynasty (1684-1567). Alternatively there was a dynasty of five kings ruling at Thebes.

Greek writers, beginning with Manetho, called them "Hyksos," which was mistranslated as "shepherd kings. The Hyksos were a Semitic (Canaanite or Amorite) people and may have come from southern Canaan or Syria. Evidence seems to point to their having had a nomadic life style.

The dating and naming of the Hyksos kings is still quite uncertain. The foundation of their capital Avaris, which used to be referred to as Tanis, and the beginning of their domination of the Delta took place in about 1720, according to the 400 year stela of Ramses II found there, which describes the arrival of his father Seti, then Vizier of Horemheb at Tanis to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the adoration of Seth at Tanis. The Bible mentions the foundation of Tanis

Their rule over Lower Egypt lasted from the conquest of Memphis by Salitis (Sheshi) in 1674, till their expulsion in 1567 BCE and was mainly a time of peace and prosperity. Major Hyksos cities or camps were at Tell el-Yahudiyeh, Heliopolis, Tell el-Maskhuta and Tell ed-Dab'a (Avaris).

But the Hyksos dream of being integrated into Egyptian society died within a century. The ruling family of Upper Egypt, which originated from Thebes, waged war against the Hyksos kings. Apepi I (Auserre, c.1600 to 1560) tried unsuccessfully to counter the threat posed by Tao II (Sekenenre) and Kamose (Wadjkheperre) by entering into an alliance with the Kushites who had conquered Nubia. He killed Tao II in battle (though some think that Tao was assassinated), but had to retreat northward before Kamose to the vicinity of Avaris in the delta.

In the end the Thebans forced Khamudi (Apepi II), the last king of the 15th (Hyksos) Dynasty to negotiate the withdrawal of the Hyksos army from Avaris and most of the Delta. The southern Pharaohs did not keep the agreement and Amosis (Ahmose I), the great general, drove the Hyksos out of Egypt by 1550 BCE after a decisive victory at Tanis.

The surviving records of Manetho concerning this dynasty are confusing. It sometimes seems to be identified with the 15th dynasty alternatively 43 kings are given ruling at Thebes. Among them were Tao I Seakhtenre, Tao II Sekenenre, and Kamose who conducted the military campaign against the Hyksos. After their expulsion the Theban kings of the 18th Dynasty kept on raiding the Hyksos cities of the Middle East for many years to come.

Ahmose I (r. c.1570-1546 BCE), was the founder of the 18th dynasty, one of the most outstanding kings in the history of ancient Egypt. His principal achievement was to weaken the Hyksos, who had dominated Lower Egypt for some 300 years, by taking Avaris, their citadel in the north. He pursued them into southern Canaan and laid siege to Sharuhen for three years.

Ahmose continued Kamose's expansion into Nubia as far as Buhen (near the second cataract) in an attempt to prevent a recurrence of the incursions of the Kushites, which Upper Egypt had suffered from during the 17th Dynasty.

Amenhotep I (Amenophis) was the son of Ahmose I, and ruled from c. 1546 to 1526. He undertook military campaigns in Libya and in Nubia (up to the 3rd cataract) using boats on the Nile to transport his army, and extended the boundaries of his empire by establishing a vice-royalty in Nubia.

Thutmose I, (r. c. 1525-1512), husband of the princess Ahmose, continued the expansive policy of his predecessors, appointed Turi vice-roy of Nubia and extended the empire southward deeper into Nubia.
Thutmose II (r. c.1512-c.1504 BCE) married his half sister Hatshepsut and succeeded his father, Thutmose I. During his reign Thutmose put down Kushite rebellions in Nubia and revolts by bedouins in Canaan and continued temple construction, albeit on a small scale only, at Karnak.

Hatshepsut (Hatshepsowe), (died c.1482 BCE) was one of the few women to rule Egypt as a pharaoh. After the death (c.1504) of her husband, Thutmose II, she assumed power, first as regent for his son Thutmose III, and then (c.1503) as pharaoh. Toward the end of her reign she lost influence to Thutmose III who came to be depicted as her equal.

Thutmose III (c.1504-1450 BCE) was very young when his father, Thutmose II, died and was until 1482 the co-regent of his aunt, Hatshepsut. Some time after he became sole monarch,he tried, for unknown reasons, to erase the memory of Hatshepsut by destroying many of the monuments which bore her name or effigy. From 1482 onwards, he devoted himself to the expansion of the Egyptian empire, leading many campaigns into Canaan, Phoenicia and Syria.

Amenhotep II, the 7th king of the 18th dynasty, son of Thutmose III, ruled Egypt from c.1450 to 1425 BCE. He continued the military exploits of his father, particularly in Syria, where he crushed an uprising and demanded oaths of loyalty from local rulers. His mummy was discovered in the Valley of the Kings.

Thutmose IV campaigned in Nubia and Retenu. He concluded a treaty with the Babylonians and entered into an alliance with the Mitanni by marrying Artatama's daughter.

Amenhotep III ruled (c.1417-1379 BCE) Egypt at the height of its power. His extensive diplomatic contacts with other Near Eastern states, especially Mitanni and Babylonia, are revealed in the Amarna tablets.

Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) (c. 1379-1361), was invested as king not in the Amen temple at Karnak as custom dictated, but at Hermonthis, where his uncle Inen was High Priest of Re and immediately began building a roofless temple to the Aten, the disk of the rising sun. He soon forbade the worship of other gods, especially of the state god Amen of Thebes. In the 6th year he changed his name from Amenhotep ("Amen is satisfied") to Akhenaten ("beneficial to Aten") and left Thebes for a new capital at Akhetaten (El Amarna).

Living there with his queen Nefertiti, six daughters, and possibly several sons, he fostered new styles in art and literature. The confiscation of the wealth of the Amen temples wreaked havoc upon its priesthood. Akhenaten used these riches to strengthen the royal control over the army and his officialdom. His concentration on internal affairs brought about the loss of some of the Egyptian possessions in Canaan and Retenu (Syria) and of the Egyptian naval dominance, when Aziru defected to the Hittites with his fleet.

His religious reforms did not survive his reign and monotheism in its pure form was forgotten in Egypt, even though it found a new expression in the trinity of Re, Ptah and Amen. The Aten temples were demolished, and Akhenaten came to be called "the Enemy" or the "criminal of Akhetaten."

The subsequent events are unclear, but it is possible that on the death of Akhenaten, Meritaten, who had become his wife as well as co-regent, married Smenkhkare. (Some think that Meritaten may have been Smenkhkare)

An attempt by Kiya to usurp the throne was suppressed and the remains of Akhenaten and Tiye were transferred to another site in the Valley of the Kings; Akhenaten was buried in Kiya's coffin. In Tutankhamen's reign, both mummies were moved to the tomb of Amenhotep III.

Tutankhamen (c. 1361-1352 BCE), the son in law of Akhenaten, succeeded his brother Smenkhkare when he was only nine years old. His vizier Ay restored the traditional polytheistic religion, abandoning the monotheistic cult of Aten of Akhenaten, its religious centre at el Amarna and returning to the capital Thebes. By reviving the cult of the state god Amen he strengthened the position of Amen's priesthood. The pharaoh changed his name Tutankhaten, (living image of Aten), to Tutankhamen, (living image of Amen).

During his reign, the general Horemheb sought to 'pacify' Canaan and fought against the Hittites in northern Syria allied to the Assyrians.

Tutankhamen died at the age of 18, some claim that he was murdered, but there is no real evidence to support this. As there were apparently no legal heirs, a plea by the King's Wife for a suitable prince consort seems to have reached the Hittite king Suppiliuma.

Tutankhamen was succeeded by Ay (c. 1352-1348), who married his widow, Ankhesenamen, and furnished the former king's tomb. Ay acceded to the throne despite Horemheb's claim to be the designated successor. His accession to the throne may have been an attempt on the part of the Egyptians to appease the Hittites, by whom they had just been defeated.

Horemheb (c.1321-1293) who followed Ay, pursued a more hawkish policy vis-à-vis the Hittites, rebuilding his army devastated by the pestilence, which had affected much of the Near East killing the Hittite king Suppiluliuma who was followed by Mursili. ... 52f#p51862

Tuya (Asenath) daughter of Poti-pherah, priest of Ra (=Zelekha), married Yuya the Vizier (Joseph; "Father of the Lord")


1) Tiye
2) Aye (Kheperkheprure) Priest and Pharaoh ("Father of God") Anen (Priest of Ra)

Tuya and Yuya have the same genealogies as Thutmose IV. Little is known of them, other than the fact that Tuya (aka Asenath) is a "priestess of Neith.

Alternatively, Neith was viewed as the mother of Sobek, the crocodile." [This makes sense in that the Sobek generations that derived from Sobeknefru led to Poti-pherah (a Priest of Ra) and Tuya's father.]

According to Laurence Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings (page 184), Tuya (Touiou) held the distinction of 'Asenath' (i.e., "she belongs to Neith"). "By way of her mother (Zelekha), she is reckoned to have perhaps been a grand daughter of Tuthmosis III while through her father she was descended from Igrath (daughter to Esau and Mahalath), the mother of Queen Sobeknefru."

Yuya was, in addition to being a Vizier, also a Joseph ("Father of the Lord"), where "Joseph" is actually a title, or job description. Thus it might be assumed that Yuya's heritage would be primarily from the Seth line. However, there is also some indication of his being a descendant of Ham (Chem-Zarathustra), or even the Hyksos Delta Kings. This would suggest intermarriages between the two lines during the 400 year hiatus of the Israelites in Egypt (and during which the records of which did not apparently survive).

The one things that is now becoming clear is that the Israelites in Egypt were not slaves, but were royalty and treated like royalty, until the extreme excesses of Akhenaten (Moses) and to a less extent, Smenkhkare (Aaron), and Aye (Kheperkheprure) [the latter the son of Tuya and Yuya].

According to Laurence Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings (pages 183-184), the name, Yuya, was phonetically akin to variants of Yahweh or Jehovah. "The vizier had become personally known as Yuya, and his grandson, Pharaoh Akhenaten, later developed the 'One God' concept in Egypt."

Yuya was in fact "the principal minister" for Tuthmosis IV and his son, Amenhotep III. "His tomb was discovered in 1905, along with that of his wife, Tuya (the Asenath). It is also clear that "Yuya was not only the viceroy and primary state official, but was also the father of a pharaoh.

"Yuya's family was very influential, holding inherited land in the Egyptian delta, and he was a powerful military leader. Anen, the elder son of Yuya and Tuya, also rose to high office under Amenhotep III as Chancellor of Lower Egypt, High Priest of Heliopolis, but it was his youngest son, Aye, who held the special distinction 'Father of the God' and became pharaoh in 1352 BC as did other descendants of Yusuf-Yuya, including the now famous Tutankhamen."

"We are into the realm of the original covenant of kingship made with Isaac. His son Esau may have sold his birthright to his younger twin brother Jacob-Israel (whose descendants became kings of Judah), but now we discover that, through Tuya and Yuya, descendants of Esau did indeed become pharaohs of Egypt. These particular pharaohs have become known as the 'Amarna Kings': they were Akhenaten, Smenkhkare, Tutankhamen and Aye, who ruled consecutively c. 1367 - 1348 BC." [It turned out, this same chain of pharaohs ruled over the final years of the 18th Dynasty.]

"If the covenant were to be taken literally, it would appear that the selling of the birthright by Esau to Jacob had no effect whatever; it was not until after the Amarna period that the lines of Esau and Jacob were united through marriage, subsequently descending to the Davidic kings of Judah."

Amenhotep III (Nubmaatre) married:

1) Tiye (Tiya), a great queen known as a proponent of monotheism.
2) Ilukhepa, first of several diplomatic brides and daughter of Shuttarna II of Mitanni
3) Tadukhepa, the daughter of his ally Tushratta of Mitanni

Children (by Tiye):

1) Thutmose V, who predeceased his father
2) Amenhotep IV, aka Akhenaten, aka Moses
3) Smenkhkare, (Aaron*) who briefly succeeded Akhenaten and who was depicted as a woman
4) Sitamun, elevated to the office of “great royal wife” during Amenhotep’s last decade *
5) Henuttaneb
6) Iset (Isis), also elevated to the office of “great royal wife” *
7) Nebetah

The lineage of the royal line of Egypt was traced through its women and the religion of Ancient Egypt was interwoven inexorably with the male’s right to rule. It must be stressed that Egypt's theological paradigm, therefore, encouraged a male pharaoh to accept royal women from several different generations as wives to strengthen the chances of his offspring succeeding him.

Hence, Amenhotep III's marriage to his daughter, Sitamun, was somewhat typical, even if Sitamun may have actually been the youngest daughter of Amenhotep III's father Thutmose IV -- thus making her the half-sister of Amenhotep III and not his daughter.

In this case, Sitamun also provided the matriarchal lineage to Nefertiti (the future wife of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) The immediate offspring of Nefertiti included Merytaten (who married Smenkhkare -- aka Aaron-- and Princess Scota who married Niul of Scythia).

Tiye was descended from Yuya and Tiuyu, whose other children included a future pharaoh: Kheperkheprure Ay, as well as Anen. Importantly, Tiye may have bridged the gap between the Cain and Seth lines, such that her child was a pivotal figure in the ultimate royal lines. If not, her grand daughter, Kiya-tasherit, could definitively bridge the gap.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:06 am

Princess Scota traveled to Scotland and then to Ireland ... 52f#p51862

In this case, Sitamun also provided the matriarchal lineage to Nefertiti (the future wife of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) The immediate offspring of Nefertiti included Merytaten (who married Smenkhkare aka Aaron) and Princess Scota who married Niul of Scythia). ... 52f#p51865

While investigating the origins of the people of Scotland in the Bower manuscript, the Scotichronicon, she discovers the story of Scota, the Egyptian princess and daughter of a pharaoh who fled from Egypt with her husband Gaythelos with a large following of people who arrive in a fleet of ships. They settled in Scotland for a while amongst the natives, until they were forced to leave and landed in Ireland, where they formed the Scotti, and their kings became the high kings of Ireland. In later centuries, they returned to Scotland, defeating the Picts, and giving Scotland its name.

Evans then posits the questions: Was the Tara necklace a gift from the Egyptians to a local chieftain after their arrival? Or was the Tara prince actually Egyptian himself? According to Bower’s manuscript, Scota’s descendants were the high kings of Ireland. In her quest to discover the true identity of ‘Scota,’ as it was not an Egyptian name, she finds within Bower’s manuscript that Scota’s father is actually named as being Achencres, a Greek version of an Egyptian name.

In the work of Manetho, an Egyptian priest, Evans discovers the translation of the name—the pharaoh Achencres was none other than Akhenaten, who reigned in the correct timeframe of 1350 BC. Evans believes that Scota was Meritaten, eldest daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. The third eldest daughter, Ankhesenpaaten, married her half-brother, King Tutankhamun, son of Akhenaten and his secondary wife, Kiya.

What happens to Scota and her people? For this, we must return again to the myths of the people inhabiting Ireland at the time, the Tuatha de Danaan, the magical children of the Goddess Danu: “It was they who originally established the site of Tara, in the Boyne river valley, as the ritual inauguration and burial place of the ancient kings of Ireland. They were generally regarded as the gods and goddesses of the Celtic tribes, but it is believed that their true origins date far back into prehistory”.

Could the de Danaan even perhaps have been the descendants of the lost land of Atlantis, migrants to Ireland after its final destruction, estimated by Edgar Cayce to have been around 10,000 BC? Cayce states in various psychic readings that the Atlanteans migrated to parts of the Yucatan and later into North America to merge with the existing native Mound Builders in the Ohio region. As Tara is also a sacred mound site, could there be a connection?

It is an interesting speculation, and if the ‘Sons of Mil’ were indeed Egyptians, there is another connection to mound-building cultures, as sacred burial mounds were the origins for the pyramid structures that followed in the evolution of pyramid building in Egypt. Could there have been a common tie to these two cultures, united once more upon the Hill of Tara? Perhaps that, too, could explain part of the ancient symbolic meaning of the site, a place of sacred union of two cultures with a thread of common identity.

In the Annals of the Four Masters, dating to 1632-36, Scota’s husband is named Eremon, and it is Eremon and Eber who divide the land of Ireland between them, with Eremon in the north and Eber in the south.

What is interesting to me about this version is the similarity between the division of Ireland and the division of Egypt itself. Egypt was divided into Upper and Lower Egypt, unified by a central connecting city, Memphis. If we consider the existing myths of Ireland’s legends, it, too, was divided to have a central site of unity, known as Mide, the omphalos of Ireland. Within Mide is where the Hill of Tara is situated, as a site of the High Kingship, representing the unity of the land and all of its people.
Scotland’s Namesake
The original Scots-Gaels were descended from a princess named Scota. Her husband was Niul, the Governor of Capacyront, by birth, a Black Sea prince of Scythia. Her name “Scota”, which was Scythian for “ruler of the people” was gained by the princess when she married Niul.

Scota was the daughter of Egyptian Pharaoh Smenkhkare. Smenkhkare was known by several other names and spellings of his own name. These include Smenkhkara, Smenkhkaron, Achencheres (in Manetho’s Egyptian King List), Cencheres (the version used by the Christian church-father Eusebius), and Cinciris (from early Gaelic history). The phonetic version of one name listed above, that of Smenkhkaron, provides the name by which history knows him best, that of Aaron – described in the Bible as Moses’s brother. In actuality, Aaron was Moses’s first cousin and a feeding-brother of Moses. (Aaron’s mother Tey was the woman who nursed Moses when he was born).

Aaron, or Smenkhkare, was pharaoh for a short interim period when Akhenaten was forced to abdicate when he tried to impose only one god (named Aten) on the Egyptians. Akhenaten (meaning Glorious Spirit of Aten) was originally born named Amenhotep (meaning Amen is pleased). He ruled as Amenhotep IV until he changed his name and tried to get the Egyptians to worship the one god Aten, instead of the chief god among many – named Amen. Akhenaten is best known in history by his Hebrew name used in the Bible – that of Moses.

Back to Scotland - According to the 17th century History of Ireland, Niul and Aaron entered into an alliance of friendship with one another. The Gaelic text further states that Gaedheal (Gael) the son of Niul and Princess Scota was born in Egypt at the time when Moses began to act as leader of the children of Israel.

These leaders, from which the Gaelic people descended, were themselves descended from historic people. The Scythians, before the migration of Niul and Scota to Ireland and Scotland, were descended from the Biblical Ham and Japhet. Ham was known as Thoth, (the supposed author of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, containing the original version of the Ten Commandments) to the Egyptians and Japhet was known as Iapetus II to the Greeks.

The Davidic House of Nathan ... athan.html
This article seeks to demonstrate the role of the Davidic House of Nathan and its role in European and World History. The House of Nathan originated with Prince Nathan the son of King David and the Queen Mother [Givirah] Bathsheba. Nathan was the younger brother of King Solomon. This House of Nathan is mentioned in the Old Testament Book of Zechariah in the 6th century BC. Zerubbabel ben Shealtiel was a member of this House and the Leader of Judah’s restoration.

Nathan’s mother Bathsheba was the Givirah or Queen Mother of Israel. She was enthroned beside her son King Solomon as were all the Davidic Queen Mothers from this time onwards. This article accepts a revised Chronology of Egyptian History as first proposed by Velikovsky.

Bathsheba was the granddaughter of Pharaoh Amenhotep. Her cousin was Princess Maacha of Geshur. They were of the Royal Line of Egyptian Princesses. This female descent entered through them into the Davidic Royal line and was known as the Geveret Line of Princess Royals of the Davidic House. The line of Davidic Geverets (Ladies of the Royal Line) descends from Maacha’s daughter Princess Tamar.

Princess Tamar’s granddaughter was the Givirah Maacha who was a wife of Solomon’s son King Rehoboam. Rehoboam and Maacha’s descendant King Amon’s daughter Hepzibah married Elisama of the House of Nathan. Elisama was the son of Prince (Chief) Her of Nathan’s lineage. His grandson Nenuall married Scota the daughter of King Zedekiah of Judah and his Egyptian Royal wife, the daughter of Pharoah Necho.

Nenuall was left behind by his father and entered Egypt as a child with Jeremiah and the King's young daughters and the rest of the Godoli. They dwelt at Tahpanhes were Pharoah gave his granddaughters their own Palace. In Tahpanhes at this time was based Milesian Mercenaries in Pharoah’s service.

Nenuall joined these mercenaries and he married his relative Princess Scota. Their son Nathan (Nuada) married the daughter of the Milesian leader who was a descendant of the clan of Zerah of the Tribe of Judah.

These Milesian warriors were called the Militia of the Red Branch (or Hand). The Milesians were from Miletus in Asia Minor and were descended from Mered and Heman of the Clan of Zerah who were Viziers of Egypt.

Nenuall and Scota’s son Nathan was to become the leader of the Militia of the Red Hand. Nathan’s son Gilead (Alladh/Galahad) succeeded him as Leader (Hemon) and Chief Warrior of this Red Militia. They fought in North Africa and Scythia before migrating to Spain in the 3rd century BC. The group of Jewish refugees in Egypt was known as the Godoli after the murdered leader Godol.

Movement to Ireland

In the 2nd century BC the sons of Galam led the Godoli to Ireland. At this time Ireland was ruled by the Tuatha de Dannaan. The Godoli were at this time the Leaders of the Milesians who were the ruling Warrior Class who had come to the Celtic Lands of Iberia and Gaul in the 4th century BC to rule over the Tribe of Ephraim. These Celts or Cymri belonged mainly to the clans of Erani and Beredi of the Tribe of Ephraim.

Gilead ben Nathan was the grandfather of Brude (called Brutus by Geoffrey of Monmouth), the father of Breoghan or Brigus who succeeded his father as paramount King of the Celts. Breoghan was known as Brennius to the Romans who led a Celtic attack on Rome in 390 BC.

Brennius’ son was Bile or Beli who was later worshipped as the Celtic Sun God being confused with the cult of Helios (Helias /Eliyahu /Elijah). Bile’s son Galam was also called Milisius or Milad as Leader of the Red Militia. Galam’s two sons Eremon (Heremon) and Heber Fionn lead the Milesians and the tribes of Ephraim to Ireland.

Heber ruled in the south where the Erani clan settled and Heremon of Emania in the North ruled over the Beredi. Eremon’s descendants Gub and Catluan led many of the Beredi into Britian and became known as the Caledoni or Picts. Other groups of the Beredi were the Brigantians and the Catevallauni.

The Exilarchs of Judah in Babylon

While this branch of the House of Nathan were still mercenaries another branch were in Babylon where their Prince or Chief Ner married Princess Shelomith of the Davidic Royal Family in Babylon descended from King Jeconiah of Judah. She was the daughter of the Exilarch (Rosh Galuta) [Ruler of the Jews in Exile in Babylon] Zerrubabel ben Pediyah and the great granddaughter of Jeconiah. Her grandson was Zerrubbabel ben Shealtiel who returned to Palestine from Babylon and became the ruler of Judea.

At that same time Elionai was the Babylonian Exilarch. Exilarch Elionai’s son the Exilarch Akkub was the father-in-law of Yochannan the grandson of Zerrubabbel ben Shealtiel of Palestine. Yochannan’s son Judah succeeded his grandfather Akkub as Exilarch. It is from this time that the Exilarch’s came in the male line from the Davidic House of Nathan and only in the female line from the Davidic House of Solomon.

Exilarch Judah was the ancestor of Abiud and Abiud’s brother was the Exilarch Hesli who was the ancestor of Heli. The period of Exilarch Hesli was in the mid 3rd century BC. Exilarch Hesli was the grandfather of Exilarch Amos who married a sister of Judas Maccabee. Exilarch Nathan married Ermentia a granddaughter of Eremon of Emania in Ireland. Exilarch Mar Amos’ grandson Mar Joseph married Janna Hyrcanus, the daughter of John Hyrcanus.

Mar Joseph and the Early Kings of Britain and Ireland

Mar Joseph and his eldest son Nathan the Red were involved in trading and owning Tin mines in Southern Britain in partnership with the Exilarch Solomon II of Babylon. Simeon Breac went with his cousin Nathan to Spain to bring back the Stone of Jacob to the British Isles.

Red Nathan was remembered as a great legislator. His arrival had been prophesied by the prophet and learned King Irial Faidh the son of Eremon. The prophecy of a red head who would rule Ireland called Ruadh [Red Nathan or Nectan Ruadh i.e. Nuada Nect] because of his red hair was passed down the centuries, was seen as a fulfillment of this prophecy in his day.

In the 2nd century AD another red haired Nathan would arrive in Ireland from Britain. He was also known as Eoghan Mor and Mogh Nuada. He was the son of Nathan (Nudd/Ludd) and his wife Eurgen of Britain.

Nathan (Nudd/Ludd) is the Nosan Ukvon ancestor of the Babylonian Exilarchs. Mogh Nuada battled with the Great Red Lord of Heber known as Conn Chobar or Conn of the Hundred Battles.

After fighting many battles Conn and Eoghen Mor split Ireland between them and Eoghen Mor married Conn's daughter Bera. The name Eoghen is a variant of Yochanan and Yohanna. Conn was the King of Leinster and Eoghen Mor was king of Munster. This new Nathan established the Order of the Golden Torc (Chain). Conn's son was Art Fiachu is associated with the Fenna Fail.

Therius was descended from Fergus Fargi (Phoenisa Farsa/Phares) a son of Red Nathan. Their son Bar Therius became King of Franks after his grandfather Huna (Chuna Mar/ Hunao) and was the ancestor of Faramond and the Carolingian kings.

King Farabert of Franks was the father of Frea who married Odin (Woden/Dan) the ancestor of the Danish Kings. Frea was also a granddaughter of King Lucius of Britain.

Queen Argotta of Franks was a descendant of Bar Therius who was raped by Dan the Sea King (the Magnificient) of Denmark. Dan the Sea King (the Sea Beast of Poseidan/Neptune) was a descendant of Odin and Frea.

Argotta's son by Dan was adopted and brought up by Argotta's husband King Faramond of the Franks. This son was called Clodan (Clodion) and also known as Merovee the Elder. Argotta and Faramond's real son was Clodius and the direct male line ancestor of the Carolingian Kings. The Merovingians descend from this Clodan the Hairy.

Saint David of Wales and King David of Scotland

This article draws on the Welsh, Irish, Scottish and French traditions, genealogies, legends and Romances. It sets out to explain how the descendant of King David known as Mar Joseph in some traditions was connected with Britain and its Royal History. Most of the ancient genealogies of the Welsh trace their Kings back to the figures of Beli or Heli, Nascien, Bran and Joseph of Arimathea. The traditions proclaim the Davidic descent of the ancient British Kings. The Patron Saint of Wales was St. David who was also of Davidic descent. We also find a Royal David who was King of Scotland.

This title of Mar (Lord/ Master) is a title associated with the Davidic Exilarchs of Babylon and their families. In the British Isles this Hebrew title became Mawr or Mor and came to mean the Great.

The medieval Romances of Arthur and the Grail came forth firstly in France from the same region as the Romances of Aimeri of Narbonne. These Romances were spread by the Troubadours of Provence and Aquitaine. The Troubadours of France seemed to have access to a rich tradition coming from the Royal descendants of Machir Theodoric of Narbonne's family.

Until the mid tenth century many of these families such as the Counts of Toulouse and the Dukes of Aquitaine remained openly Jewish. Later generations sought to hide these Jewish origins. These trouvadors had access to information that connected these families to Arthur. From this same source in Southern France came the pre-Lurainic Kabbalah which seems to have much in common with the mysticism of the Holy Grail.

Messiah ben Ephraim Ruler of the Lost Ten Tribes

The Exilarchic Family preserved the tradition of a future Messiah ben Ephraim who would rule over the Lost Ten Tribes of which the Tribe of Ephraim was the leader. A future Messiah figure would come from Joseph's lineage. Arthur was a type of this Messiah and the Great Monarch would be like Arthur returned. He would be the new Galahad (Gilead). Joseph of Arimathea's son known as Josephes was in fact Gilead ben Joseph and Sir Galahad was one of his descendants.

Identification of the Tribes

The name of Galahad and Gilead became associated with France. France was settled by the Tribe of Giladi or Galaad.The name of Galaad was applied to three tribes of Israel - Rueben, Gad, and Manesseh. The Galaadi of France were mainly of the tribe of Rueben who had grazed their sheep in Eastern Galaad in Israel.

The Franks were mainly of the tribe of Manesseh of the clan of Phares and providing a ruling elite in France and Germany. Later these Manessehites would migrate to America leaving the French mainly of Rueben and the Dutch and Germans of Zebulon.

The Britons were mainly of the Ephraimite clan of Beredi and the Irish of the Erani clan of Ephraim. The Angles and Saxons were mainly of the clans of the Tribes of Ephraim and Manesseh. The Normans were also of the tribe of Manesseh and many later migrated to America.

Ireland had been settled by the clan of Ir of the Tribe of Dan which later left Ireland and eventually rejoined their fellow Danites in Denmark and Sweden. The Heber clan of Asher also settled for a time in Ireland; they also left Ireland for Scandinavia and mainly settled in Norway and Sweden, where they rejoined their fellow Asherites known as the Aesir. The Vanir or Danir were of the Tribe of Dan.

The Ancient Greeks were mainly of the Tribes of Dan (Mycenaen Greece), Asher, Ephraim and Manesseh (the Dorians). The Western Gadites (Visigoths) entered Greece via the Mediterrenean and the Eastern Gadites (Ostragoths) via Northern Greece. The ancient Albanians were also like the ancient Macedonians and Thracians of the Tribe of Ephraim which migrated to the British Isles.

Ancient Britain was known as Albion and Scotland as Albania or Albany. Many tribes passed through Spain but the Tribe of Simeon was prominent especially in Castille. A large portion of Simeon was found amongst the Jews and most of the Marrano families that stayed in Spain came from Simeon. It was amongst the Spanish Marranoes that the Simeonite Festival of Judith was kept.

Those that went to Portugal were of the Tribe of Benjamin. Those who refused to convert or later returned to Judaism were mainly of the Tribe of Judah. Those of Levite origin stayed with their Jewish brothers or fled to the Papal States in Italy. The Lombards of Northern Italy were of the Tribe of Levi. Today the bulk of the 12 tribes are in Europe with Judah centred in Israel but with members sprinkled over the world especially in Russia and America. In Russia and Eastern Germany are clans descended from the Ancient Assyrians.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:31 am

The Hiram Key, a few observations
In short, the authors claim to have proven that Freemasonry traces its roots to the death of the Egyptian king Seqenenre in 1570 BCE at the hands of the Hyksos. Moses incorporated this event as well as Sumarian and Egyptian mythology, symbols and philosophy to create a rational for his royal line; Solomon incorporated these symbols into his temple; Jesus and the Qumran community utilized a ritual based on this story; and the Roman Church effectively suppressed the original beliefs of this Jerusalem Church. The Templars, discovering the Qumran communities' records in the vaults under the Temple in Jerusalem, transported them to Rosslyn Chapel; and when Scotland became unsafe for the Templars, they incorporated their beliefs and history into the rituals of Freemasonry. A pretty story, but it doesn't qualify as history.

The authors hypothesize Seqenenre died, taking the secret of initiation of the next king (as divine right to rule) with him so that subsequent rulers were not kings but pharaohs (per-aa: great house).

The authors hypothesize that Moses knew of the events surrounding Seqenenre and knew of the two pillars used to mark the territories of Upper and Lower Egypt; incorporating these to make a new king-making ritual.

It is speculated that the survival of the Seqenenre resurrection ritual conferred a divine right to rule on the line of David. As an example of the writing style of this book, note that Genesis 49:6 is suggested, without proof, to refer to the death of Seqenenre and then in a later chapter they claim that it "is the only reference in the Bible to the killing of the Theban king, Seqenenre".

The authors speculate that there were two Jesus Christs: Yahoshua ben Joseph "king of the Jews" and his brother James or Yacob ben Joseph "Jesus Barabbas" also "son of God". No proof for this theory is provided. They refer to this unproven theory as accepted fact in subsequent passages.

They theorize that the Christian Trinity is based on the pillar paradigm: two earthly pillars — the son of God is the "tsedeq" pillar, the king of the Jews is the "mishpat" pillar with God the Father as the "shalom" keystone signifying perfect harmony between God and His subjects.

It is known that the Templar fleet left harbour at the Atlantic sea port of La Rochelle, early on the morning of Friday 13, 1307, never to be seen again. It is hypothesized that they went west, to America.

It is hypothesized that the image found on the shroud of Turin is actually de Moley’s, resulting from his torture.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:30 pm

The Iraqi Mandaean Conspiracy
Why are we fighting a war, or insurgency, in Iraq? There have been countless plausible answers offered, but none really carry the ring of truth. None really seem to offer justification for the loss of countless thousands of lives. What could be so vital to the United States, or the world, that it would justify such wholesale slaughter and destruction?

Known to few outside the 'secret society' community, Iraq is in fact the most hotly contested and highly coveted real estate on earth, because it is the site of evidence of the true origin of Christianity and Judaism, and possibly many other religions as well.

In southern Iraq, an orthodox purity cult sect called the Mandaeans live much as they have for the last 2,000 years. They are apparently an offshoot of a group that followed an earlier Christian teaching in the tradition of John the Baptist, or possibly the Essenes - one of many groups of the era that broke away from mainstream religion for various reasons, usually because of a belief that the mainstream religious establishment had 'sold out,' or became too worldly or preoccupied with wealth and power. It has been determined by researchers that the Mandaeans of southern Iraq are in fact the Nasoreans, who were driven from Judah circa 37AD (1). Along with many other fugitive 'churches,' they fled groups of hired mercenaries intent on suppressing the growing Christianity movement. In THE HIRAM KEY, authors Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas speculate that the Mandaeans may have even fled Saul (Paul) of biblical new testament fame.

Strangely enough, the Mandaeans view Christ as a rebel heretic who betrayed secret Nasorian traditions, but accept John the Baptist as a holy man - they practice washing and bathing rituals similar to modern Christian baptism ceremonies.

There are several compelling connections between the practices of the Mandaeans and the worldwide secret society community, particularly the traditions of Freemasonry, a secret society that traces it's origins to the order of the Knights Templar.

While the Templars were originally commissioned and backed by the Roman Catholic church, they quickly became more influential and powerful than their sponsors. Records indicate that during the 1200s, 80% of kings and monarchy owed money to the Templar Order. They were rumored to be able to gain a Papal audience on demand, and many believed that they must have 'had something' on the church that enabled them to extort the power they wielded. During the inquisitions and investigation that followed the purge of the Templars by Philip IV in 1307, it was revealed that the Templars which were involved in secret religious practices were apparently an offshoot of the esoteric teachings of the 4,000 year old Babylonian Mystery Schools, and that they employed rituals and symbolism that indicated this. Similar symbolism and rituals are also found in modern freemasonry.(2)

In a freemasonic initiation ritual, the candidate is dressed in a white garment identical to those worn by Mandaeans. The candidate also exhibits the rolled up sleeve, peculiar to the priestly class of Mandaeans . Note also the knotted cord around the waist, of identical material, size, and usage by both. Templars were required to wear similar garb under their battle dressage.

The name 'Mandaean' comes from a root meaning 'secret knowledge,' and they employ a ritual grip of hands for a 'deal' or 'righteousness' - a very freemasonic concept. It is not at all surprising to also observe that the Mandaeans call their priests Nasorians! (3)

When the Knights Templar fled the European purge in 1307, a large group fled to Scotland and Robert the Bruce's protection. It is not known, however, what happened to the Templar treasure fleet that slipped away in the night from La Rochelle in Brittany, or the treasure and documents from Herod's Temple that were known to be hidden inside the massive twin pillars at the Templar lodge. Many believe they were entrusted to the care of an assistant by the condemned Jacques DeMolay, captured leader of the Templars, with instructions to take the Order into hiding.

Many authors and researchers speculate that they fled to the coast of Central or North America, long before Columbus. The Sinclair family of Scotland claim their ancestors landed in North America in the early 1300s, making it very possible they were involved in an expedition with the Templars, many of which were known to be in Scotland at that time.(4)

Mandaean heritage linking them to the Nasoreans also gives them a connection to the Qumranians, a group that are known to have buried scrolls and documents under the temple of Herod - where the fledgling Templars, only nine members strong, conducted excavations for nine years in the early 1100's.The Templars finally departed abruptly - and very quickly became the most powerful political, religious, and financial force in the
civilized world. What did they find that enabled them to wield such power?

The teachings of the Mandaeans describe an idyllic land to the west, found by following a star they called Merica. Could information about the existence of Merica possibly have been among the treasure and secret documents discovered in Jerusalem? Did the Templars travel to Merica, a century later, to avoid capture? It is at least more than coincidental that our land is called America, just like this distant idyllic land to the west known to the Mandaeans.(5)

While it is not known if the Templars ever arrived or established a secret colony in North America, history is full of veiled attempts to find their elusive treasure. Hernando Cortes, among many others, was overtly after a fabled ancient golden city in North America, and was told by the Aztec leader that white men from the ocean were 'expected' to return for their treasure. Coastal New England tribes in Maine tell of an ancient golden city far up the Penobscot, left there many centuries ago.

What could be the secret that they have - the Mandaeans and the Templars? Other than treasure, what could be so compelling that Iraq as a society and culture must be slated for complete destruction, through genocide, full theater war against civilians, and DU contamination? What could be so dangerous to the 'powers that be' that they would want Iraq so utterly destroyed?

Iraq, widely known as the cradle of civilization, has undergone an archaeological renaissance in the last century. Pristine ancient cities of exquisite workmanship (hidden from the world by 14 years of war and no-fly-zones) have been recently uncovered, along with artifacts and relics that apparently exhibit ancient advanced technology which appears to be from extraterrestrial sources.

The ancient city of Ur seems strangely out of place and time.Note the use of advanced architecture and building techniques. Were the builders helped by an alien intelligence?

The artifacts far predate Christianity and Judaism. Enormous libraries describing an ancient religious culture that had interaction with beings they described as 'sky gods' have also been found, and the information in these records is so volatile it has justified, as President Bush has called it , 'another Crusade."

The credibility of established scientific and religious thought, it is believed, must be protected at all costs.

Compare this Knights Templar stronghold (left) to Babylon's Ishtar Gate (right). Note the similarities in walls and towers - yet this architecture is separated by more than 3,000 years.

This ancient religion seems to have been the precursor of our relatively modern Judaism and Christianity, but describes a deity more technological than mythical, more literal than symbolic. For the Mandaeans, Sumerians, and Eblans of the region, their relationship with a 'god ' seemed to involve their developing a working knowledge of science, math, medicine, agriculture, astronomy, written and oral language, and government/administration. Incredible as it sounds, the ancient religions of the southern Iraq region describe an interaction between the local population and a being from space.

In this planisphere, or map of the heavens, from Nineveh, Iraq, dated 3300 BC, a being called En.LIL is described as visiting and departing our solar system.

This 'religion' and 'worship' seems to have initially been a teacher /student type of relationship. The awe and reverence exhibited by the ancient cultures appear to have been more because of the technology and teachings of their visitors than any physical characteristic, and it was calmly accepted that these periodic 'visitors' and their craft were from the 'sky'.

Babylon, or Babel, is Chaldean for 'Gateway of the Gods.' This is because the Chaldeans taught that Babylon was built over the original location of the 'coming and going' of the gods, or a landing/launch site. This would be a massive tower of stone with a wide platform and load bearing base, similar to the structure found at Baalbek, Lebanon. Various craft piloted by the "DIN.GIR", or 'righteous ones of the fiery rockets' would arrive and depart from this site in Iraq's ancient past.(6)

The biblical story of the tower of Babel is borrowed from an older Sumerian story of a group of men that attempted to reconstruct a launch tower similar to the one left long ago by their 'gods' in the past. In the Sumerian account the men, instead of trying to reach the sky or god, are preoccupied with flight – that is, to glide or launch aircraft from the tower, and travel over great distances. The men intend to imitate the behavior of their gods - to duplicate their technology, which the story makes apparent involved flight. Archaeologists speculate that ancient extraterrestrial technology recovered from this site may include navigation or communications equipment or even crashed or stored aircraft.

This Sumerian cylinder seal (2400 BC) accurately depicts a model of our solar system in the sky near a figure wearing a horned headdress indicating the figure is a diety. The depiction is very accurate, including size, shape and order of planets. Note also the rocket between the antenna/control towers, in the far central background.

Presently, Iraq is in a state of siege and war, and all archaeological sites and materials have been seized or occupied by foreign troops. Most shrines and libraries that have records of this heritage have been destroyed already. There is an enormous worldwide black market for Iraqi antiquities, driven by secret societies with collectors of these prized trophies as members.

The world famous 'Baghdad battery,' a 5,000 year old electrical device, has vanished in the looting and chaos, and there were many reports that the looting of the Iraqi National Museum was led by Americans who systematically removed virtually every item from the museum and several mosques and palaces, bypassing reproductions and facsimiles.

The black market, along with a consensus among the secret society community that the controversial religious information should be suppressed, has led to the present situation in Iraq today. In their view, the credibility of accepted versions of world religions, particularly Judaism and Christianity, must be maintained at all costs – the connections between banking, governments, religions, culture and civilization are pervasive, and release of the truth is believed to have the potential to cause mass chaos, and collapse of their power structure and influence.


It is my conclusion that there has been concerted effort by established and organized governments and religions worldwide to suppress both documents and physical evidence that portray Iraq's (and possibly the world's) very unique development of religion. They are also intent on the destruction of the archaeological evidence of the same - including ancient artifacts, relics, or recorded information. It is also my conclusion that it has been decided by these same groups that everyone who has been involved with or exposed to this should be silenced. This is being done with exposure to depleted uranium, mass destruction of the infrastructure and population of Iraq, and integration of their culture and social demographic into 'western' style ideologies.

Because the secret societies fear the revelations from discoveries in Iraq would upset the entire civilized world, and alienate and undermine as much as 80% of world religions, there has been an unspoken consensus among a great number of nations that the current attempts to suppress the information are appropriate at this time. Unless the destruction and genocide in Iraq are halted immediately, the greatest archaeological and scientific (and possibly religious) discoveries mankind may ever make will be lost forever.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:41 pm ... 947#p43756

Nibiru or Aldebaran
“The solar system Aldebaran has a sun around which revolve two inhabited planets that form the empire SUMERAN. The population of the Aldebaran system is divided into the master race of “light God people” and several other human races that had developed by negative mutation from the “God people” because of climatic changes upon the planets.

“Around 500 million years ago the “light God people” started to colonize other earth-like planets, after the expansion of the sun Aldebaran and the resulting heat had made the original planets uninhabitable. It is said that in our system they first colonized the planet Mallona (also called Maldek, Marduk or – by the Russians – Phaeton) which existed in the area of today’s asteroid belt, then between Mars and Jupiter. Mars was next. It is assumed that the master race of Sumeran-Aldebaran then also came to Earth for a first visit, witnessed by the petrified impressions of a shoe found to be about 500 million years old, and squashed under the heel a trilobite, a little crayfish that lived then upon Earth and became extinct about 400 million years ago.”
Nibiru was originally a planet that was thrown out of orbit with the implosion/explosion of Sirius B. It wound up in the Pleiades and therefore is known to some as a Pleiadian planet.
Nebiru was flung out of Sirius, was captured by our sun, and ricocheted back to Sirius and it is to this day caught between the two star systems, on an elliptical journey that takes approximately 3,600 years to complete.
We read from various sources that approximately 50,000 years ago a certain planetary body in our own solar system was mysteriously destroyed. This body has been called Tiamat, Phaeton, Lucifer, Marduk, Maldek, Rahab, and even Luna (not connected to the name later given to the moon). It was believed to have existed between Mars and Jupiter and was referred to as the “second sun” and may have been mistaken as such, because its atmosphere was resplendent with reflections of the actual sun.
Peter Moon goes on to say, "A half billion years ago, the Aryans (known as the Elohim or Elder Race) began to colonize our solar system as Aldebaran became uninhabitable. Marduk (Maldek?), existing in what is today the asteroid belt was the first to be colonized, then Mars. When they came to Earth, these Aryans were known as the Sumerians.

The name, Thule, refers to the capital of the legendary polar country Hyperborea. Also referred to as ‘Ultima Thule’, it was supposedly the gateway to another world. Thule was therefore recognized as a place where humans could, by whatever means, ‘leave the earth’, it also reputedly stood at the portal of the ‘Hollow Earth’.
Just who were “the people of other worlds” that Dr. Oberth spoke of so blithely? And were both of these esteemed German scientists making oblique reference to one of UFOlogy’s most pervasive and tantalizing ‘myths’–the alleged link between the Third Reich of pre-World War II Germany and… extraterrestrials?

According to the legend of the German Vril society, a fateful meeting was held in 1919 at an old hunting lodge near Berchtesgaden, where Maria Orsic presented to a small group assembled from the Thule, Vril and Black Sun Societies, telepathic messages she claimed to have received from an extraterrestrial civilization existing in the distant Aldebaran solar system, sixty-eight light years away, in the Constellation of Taurus.

If indeed, a high-tech civilization actually existed in the Aldebaran star system, what would account for their possible motivation to assist the Vril Group and Germany to develop advanced technologies? Researcher Wendelle Stevens tells us that, rather than a militant gesture of aid to aggressive Nazis, the Aldebarans perceived an economic disparity in Earth cultures that fueled perpetual wars and conflict.

To alleviate this disparity the Aldebarans reasoned that by offering ‘free-energy’ technologies, used to create affordable mass transportation devices, a new innovative generation of industries, promoting prosperity and greater peaceful interaction between nations might result; thus diminishing violent wars. Clearly such a plan resonated with members of both the Thule and Vril Societies and their dream for a utopian New World based on ‘alternative science’.

Suppose the Reich survivors learned from their Aldebaran mentors the secret the ancient Sumerians possessed–that, in a regular 3600 year cycle, the surface of planet Earth is devastated by the passing of a dwarf-star which is companion to our solar system. And that this Dark Star was calculated once again to swing through the inner planets during the early years of the 21st Century. Such a monumental event would grant the “Thousand Year Reich” a meager seventy year or so life span. Thus might the Reich survivors not wisely choose to disappear from the surface world and develop hardened underground ’shelters’ in the remote wastes of Antarctica, patiently preparing to safely ride out the Dark Star’s passing?
Dr Salla believes that the U.S., Russia, Germany and France have been aware that the Anunnaki left behind some very high-tech apparatus, and possibly weaponry, when they abandoned the Earth around 1,700 B.C., and that Saddam Hussein had been getting assistance from Russian, German and French archaeological teams for years in an attempt to unravel, and perhaps reverse-engineer this apparatus.
Hitler Return from Aryan Star Aldebaran linked to Bush Refusal to Exit Iraq
Many commentators have noted that President George W. Bush becomes nearly apoplectic when anyone attempts to discuss with him the mere possibility of exiting from Iraq. This despite reason after reason for the continued US military presence is found to be false, such as the WMD or flawed such as an exercise in nation building in the tribal, clan and religious faction-ridden middle east. Much of this makes no sense unless there is a reason hidden from the public that makes the "sacrifice" of others people's children a 'necessity' for Bush and the Dark Order which he serves. This writer will attempt to provide evidence in this article that a reason based on the Occult, Supernatural or other such reasoning is what is at work here. Needless to say, even if true there will be no admission of this from officials.

At time of the beginning of the Iraq War II there were those that believed and still do that it had to do with the return of Planet X otherwise known as Niburu. This also was connected to a race to retrieve buried ET artifacts or Stargate buried under the sands of Southern Iraq before Saddam and his Russian, French, German and Chinese allies were able to gain possession of the mysterious items.

It is by now very well known that the Bush family were major sponsors and financiers of the Hitler regime and the Nazi party. The Nazi party was essentially an occult black magic movement with the outer trappings of a political party. They believed that the star Aldebaran was the home sun of the Supermen or Ubermensch. These Supermen were the progenitors of the aryan race and allegedly linked to the founding of ancient Sumerian civilization in what is today the modern day portions of southern Iraq. Many have heard of the Vril Society which formed the esoteric core of the Thule Society of early nazi mythology. The word Vril in fact is supposedly of Sumerian origin

This belief does not have to have a basis in fact; it merely needs to be believed by Bush and his ancestors and current core advisors in order to form the 'reason' for continued occupation of Iraq.

The following facts are well known and need little corroboration. Hitler's Party number was 555. The Washington Monument is 555 feet tall or 6,660 inches above ground and allegedly 666 feet in length if the underground section or base is added. The Bush family funded Party member #555 Hitler.

The previous Hexen2039 link notes that Karl Haushofer was in alleged telepathic contact with aliens from Aldebaran and had ties to various esoteric agencies of the Third Reich. One name mentioned on the link was Arado, the top nazi aircraft conglomerate. The Arado 555 was a flying wing long distance bomber that likely was being developed to drop an atomic bomb on the United States.

Further, the discovery of Thule by the ancient Greek explorer Pytheas is dated to 333 B.C. = Thule 333. Both 555 and 333 appear extensively and beyond coincidence as an answer in Illuminati numerology research. This appears to be linked to the cult of British Israelism and its belief in a bloodline supremacy that gives the British Royals the right to rule over the Earth. This belief alleges that the Tribe of Joseph is the progenitor of the British Royal bloodline. The following link also notes that the Mormons apparently link the Star Aldebaran to the tribe of Joseph. So the Star of British Israelism, the nazi supermen and the Sumerian 'gods' - is Aldebaran.

It is well known that George Bush as well as his Presidential opponent John Kerry are related to the British monarchy as have been virtually all USA Presidents. "Every time there has been an election in the United States where a man of royal descent was featured, the man of royal descent won."

The star Aldebaran is also known as Alcyone. By any name it was the star whose passing in the heavens timed the human sacrifices of the Aztecs. This ritual performed every 52 years at midnight ensured the continuation of all life for another 52 years. This may place George W. Bush's repeated calls for "more sacrifice in Iraq is needed" in better context.

Iraq, in fact, may be the homebase so to speak of the Aryan Race. For followers of Hitler, such as the Bush family, the 'need' to control Iraq and the surrounding regions may have been unstoppable.

Hitler was certainly a destroyer. The Hindu god Shiva is known as the destroyer. His phallus is a swastika and there are certain seeds that are known in Hinduism as the tears of Lord Shiva. Wearing a crown of 555 of these items allegedly makes one his equal.

If so, then the 555 Washington Obelisk is a phallic symbol representative of a swastika as has been noted and therefore of Shiva, the Hindu destroyer Deity. Shiva has been associated with the Sumerian / Babylonian deity Baal.

The Shiv Sena or Army of Shiva in India adores Adolf Hitler. He used their symbol, the swastika; he believed in a caste system of superior types of humans ruling over inferiors and spoke of Aryan superiority of which the Hindu civilization saga is based on.

During World War II Hitler was seen by many in India as a "god". An Avatar of Vishnu and India was the only place where Aryan gods were worshipped.

Hinduism is well known for teaching about reincarnation. There are those that believe that Hitler did not die in the Berlin bunker. There are so-called Hitler redemptionists who believe he escaped to a planet or world in the Aldebaran system on a UFO. They expect his return to lead a 4th Reich across the Earth. The Mayan year for the return of their fair skinned god Kukulkan is 2012.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:47 pm

It seems to be that there are two branches of freemasonry: Templar freemasonry which represents the “Sons of Belial” (the Illuminati) and the original Nasorean freemasonry of James as Jesus as practiced by the “New Jerusalem” church which represents the Sons of the Law of One ... 465#p54653
Cayce explained it thus: "In Atlantean land during those periods of early rise of sons of Belial as oppositions that became more and more materialized as the powers were applied for self-aggrandizement." This "self-aggrandizement" took the form of the accumulation of wealth and power into the hands of a very few, with the result being extreme social stratification, where perhaps only a few dozens or hundreds of beings ruled over millions of slaves. This situation, of course, was unacceptable to the Sons of the Law of One.
The Freemasons are a global fraternal organization that exists for the express purpose of enlightening those who choose to join its ranks. According to public sources, Freemasonry was created in the 1700′s in Europe, but if one delves deeper into the mysteries that make up Freemasonry, it is learned that the origins of the brotherhood trace back to a highly advanced civilization named Atlantis which existed before the one we’re in now. Much of the high technology, advanced thinking and philosophical ideals were handed down through the generations in secret after a “Great Flood” destroyed Atlantis.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire, the information was nearly lost in the Dark Ages (1300′s) and the Inquisition (1500′s) but was kept alive in various secret places known as lodges, the meeting houses of Freemasons. As Freemasonry evolved into the 1700′s, a bitter dispute split Freemasonry into two factions, a revived Sons of Belial (also known as the Illuminati) and the Law of One. Both sides would work toward one goal, the recreation of Atlantis.

With the help of several of their members from both sides, including George Washington of the American Masons and Adam Weishaupt of the Bavarian Illuminati, they created the United States of America in 1776. Since then, both factions have two versions of the same goal. The Sons of Belial faction want to enslave the human race in a “New World Order” while the Law of One Faction wants to create a “Pax Humana” or Human Peace. ... 480#p54748

There is at least circumstantial evidence in support of the hypothesis that the people whom we describe as patriarchal were once a special caste or "guild" in earlier Near Eastern civilizations. They seem to have been a 'taboo' group, 'branded' and set apart, like Cain -- whose name, by the way, means 'expelled"-- specializing in the risky skills of smelting (fire) and slaughter of animals (bloodletting) for ritual purposes.

Not only this, but, because of their indifference to pain and death, they provided manpower for the first militias of early Near Eastern Empires, developing eventually into a distinct warrior caste. Careful reading of texts from 2000 BC suggest that, from male-bonded and therefore exclusive solidarity among themselves, they became an autonomous power and at last rose in revolt against their own rulers, who were temperamentally unprepared to resist storms of violence. (Archeologists examining the corpses of their victims note that they seem to have submitted passively, without resistance.)

It is time now to reveal the identity of these two groups, who will play an important role (with other related groups) in further discussion here, and in the as-yet unwritten even more lengthy version, of the subject matter relevant to a history of the patriarchy.

The first group, whose trial and disposition has been described, is the Knights Templar, the ruling military and later economic elite (with the approval of Church and State) of Christendom for two and a half centuries, 1099-1314 AD.

The second group is the Freemasons, who were not parties to the above trial but who have suffered similar inquisitions on a smaller scale from the early 1700s (although their activities are documented at least a century earlier) to the late 1800s. There is good reason to believe that Templar cells (in Spain and Scotland, not subject to the laws of Rome) survived, and in time evolved into the Freemasons, since the two groups in fact make claim to the same history. Masons were central figures among the Founding Fathers, they were central in the French Revolution, and they were equally central in the administration of colonies by the British Empire. ... 480#p54831

The Order of the Knights Templars has its roots in the crusades. To some extent, we had explored it in our previous works, The New Masonic Order (1995) and Global Freemasonry (2002). This order was originally founded to fight for Christianity, but over time-as the Templars acquired immense power, adopted heretical teachings, and established a capitalist system based on material gain, their order fell afoul of the Church.

Ironically, the truly interesting part of the Knights Templars Saga began only after the order was liquidated. According to the generally accepted view, the order went underground, developing a deep animosity for monotheistic religions and the Church in particular and, in the long-term, transmuted into the organization known today as Freemasonry. The Masons' antireligious philosophy and involvement in revolutions and political movements is a consequence of their Templars ancestry.

In other words, the Knights Templars still survive in the present, under the name of Freemasonry. Those who reach the highest degrees of Masonry are granted Templar-inspired titles such as "Guardian of the Temple." In the United States, some lodges that convene under the name of the Knights Templar are affiliated with Masonry. Masonry, on the other hand, continues the Templars' foremost tradition of opposing religion, as well as being actively avaricious, now and again relying on extra-legal methods similar to the Mafia'.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:55 pm

The Remnants of the Jerusalem Church ... ram13.html
Survivors of the Jewish war of AD 66-70 communicated the essence of Jesus’s message to the British Isles, via Alexandria in Egypt. A sect called the Ebionim or Ebionites were direct descendants of James’s church, the name being the same as the Qumranians used for themselves – Ebionim, which meant ‘the poor’. This sect held the teachings of James the Just in high regard and believed that Jesus was a great teacher but not a god. They hated Paul, whom they viewed as the enemy of the truth. ‘Ebionite’ and ‘Nasorean’ were completely interchangeable and these people were condemned, under both names, but the Church of Rome as heretics. All descendants of the Jerusalem Church except for the deviant Pauline division believed that Jesus was a man and not a god, so it is really the bejewelled Vatican and its offspring that are the true pagans and ‘heretics’.

Christianity had first come to Ireland from Alexandria via Spain as early as AD 200 and the country’s isolation from Romanised Europe permitted the development of a distinctive type of Christianity. In AD 432 Patrick went to Ireland and later in his life he is reputed to have been shipwrecked off the northern coast of Anglesey. He sought refuge from the storm in a cave on a small island. When the saint was safely ashore on the headland, he built the church of Llanbadrig. According to Catholic versions he was supposed to have been travelling from Rome, but Patrick’s surviving writings show him to have been a follower of the ‘Arian heresy’ in that he did not believe in the Virgin birth or that Jesus was anything other than mortal!

Such ideas were actively persecuted by the Roman Church, but they had no power in the many kingdoms within Ireland, Scotland and northern England until the Synod of Whitby in AD 664. Their tradition of Saint Patrick claims that he introduced mainstream Roman Christianity into the country in the fifth century AD, but the system of bishops with territorial dioceses, modeled in the Roman Empire’s administrative system, just did not exist at this time. This is a typical attempt by the Roman Church to hijack an existing local saint and change his story to reflect their preferred version of history. The truth is that during the fifth and sixth centuries Irish monasteries became great centers of learning under the auspices of the Celtic Church, sending out such missionaries as saints Columba, Iltut and Dubricius to the Celtic fringe of Europe.

What was for most of Europe a ‘Dark Age’ was for Ireland a golden period when it was the greatest place of knowledge in the Christian world. The Celtic Church spread from Ireland to Wales, Scotland and northern England, and its hermits and priests built many small churches in the wilder parts of the west of Britain. These were not churches built to serve the needs of the local population for worship, since modern geographical studies show that most of these very early churches were not in centers of population at all. (1) The founder of every monastery or convent was considered a saint.

The origin of these northern Europeans is now beyond doubt as DNA analysis of some modern-day Celts from remote communities have shown a match with some north African tribal groups. Jamesian Christianity had grown from the land of Sumer.

On being told the story of Jesus, one Celtic king accepted it right away, saying that ‘Christianity had been with them for a thousand years!’ (2) The new religion merged with some of the old druidic beliefs and grew to cover Ireland, Scotland, Wales and northern and south-western England. The Celtic Church differed greatly from the Roman type of Christianity that had swept the rest of Europe. It did not believe:

The Virgin Birth
The Divinity of Jesus
That the New Testament Superseded the Old
That Original Sin was inevitable but that it could be atoned by individual willpower and good works
It did keep:

The Druidic Tonsure (The front half of the head was shaved)
A Dating of Easter based on the Full Moon and the Jewish Calendar

Following a fifty-year debate, the Roman Church officially absorbed the Celtic Church at the Synod of Whitby held in AD 664.

A little book, no more than four inches by two and a half inches, the book on Royal Arch Freemasonry, was privately printed in 1915. This predated the changes that have been made to the ritual of the Holy Royal Arch, due to pressure on Grand Lodge from sources outside of Masonry. Here was the original ritual, recorded before all the recent changes and innovation that have been carried out by men who did not understand the importance of the tradition with which they so readily tampered.

In the pages of this book was nothing less than the complete and unaltered story of the unearthing of the Temple scrolls!

The candidate for this degree is first tested on the questions of the first three ‘Craft’ degrees before he is admitted. The room he enters is different and its officers are the ‘Three Principals’. They form what is called a Sanhedrin, the Jewish name for the elder council of the Second temple, representing the powerful triad of Priest, King and Prophet. They claim to be named after the three principals who are reputed, by the Order, to have held what is called the third or Grand and Royal Lodge in the second Temple after the return from captivity in Babylon.

This triad was composed of Haggai the Prophet; Jeshua, son of Josedech the high priest and heir to the traditions of Aaron and the Levites; and Zerubbabel, King of the line of David. The two previous Lodges were referred to as the First or Holy Lodge, which was opened by Moses, Aholiab and Bezaleel at the foot of Mount Horeb in the wilderness of Sinai; and the second or Sacred Lodge held by Solomon, King of Israel, Hiram, King of Tyre and Hiram Abif in the bosom of Mount Moriah.

The Master Mason who wants to be ‘exalted to the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch’ must first prove himself before he is given a grip and a password (the meaning of which is “my people having obtained mercy’) to allow him to enter. The candidate wears his Master Mason’s apron and is blindfolded with a length of rope tied about his waist. Before the candidate is allowed into the Lodge room (in this degree called the Chapter) the pedestal which features later in the ceremony is covered over. The candidate is questioned then asked to kneel. The First Principal then checks that the Candidate believes in the true and living God Most High before asking the candidate to advance towards the veiled pedestal in a sequence of seven steps which mimic the actions of a Jewish Priest of Yahweh approaching the Holy of Holies in the First Temple. The candidate is told that he has now arrived at the crown of a vaulted chamber into which he must descend. To do this it is necessary to remove a keystone; he is then lowered to his knees whilst Proverbs 2:1-9 and 3:13-20 are read.

The candidate is then told that he must search in the darkness to see if anything has been secreted there. A scroll of vellum is placed in his hands and he is asked what is on the scroll, but has to reply that deprived of light he cannot tell.

The candidate is once again ‘lowered’ into the vault and Haggai 2:1-9 is read.

At this stage the candidate is obligated. The blindfold is now removed and the candidate is then asked to read the contents of the scroll that he found. The candidate then reads Genesis 1:1-3, following which the First Principal says:

’Such, newly-exalted Companion, are the first words of the Sacred Volume, which contains the treasures of God’s revealed will. Let us praise and magnify His Holy Name for that knowledge of Himself which He has vouchsafed to us, and let us walk worthily of that light which has shone around us.’

The ceremony continues with a ritual telling of the story of how the scroll came to be found. The candidate leaves and is readmitted, dressed as a Royal Arch Mason; he is joined by two Companions and the three are referred to as ‘the three sojourners’, known as the three Master Masons of Babylon: Shadrach, Meshech and Abednego. As they enter they take part in a ceremony known as Passing the Veils, which represents a Priest of the Temple approaching the Holy of Holies of the Temple of Solomon. This ritual completed, they present themselves to the First Principal, describing themselves as three children of the captivity who have heard that he is about to rebuild the Temple at Jerusalem and beg permission to assist in the work. The First Principal questions them about their supposed origins, to which they reply that they are from Babylon and claim to be nobly born, descended from a race of patriarchs and kings who were led into captivity by Nebuzaradan, Captain of the Guard to Nebuchadnezzar until they were released by King Cyrus of Persia. Cyrus defeated the Babylonians and then issued a proclamation:

’The Lord God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and He hath charged me to build Him a house at Jerusalem; which is in Judah. Who is there among you of all His people? His God be with him; and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah and build the house of the Lord God of Israel (He which is God) which is in Jerusalem.

The sojourners explain that as soon as they had heard this, they had returned to Jerusalem to offer their services.

Zerubbabel inquires how they wish to be employed. The three reply that they will be glad to be employed in any way which Zerubbabel is pleased to appoint them. Taking this as a sure indication that they must be qualified for offices of importance Zerubbabel tells them that only lowly tasks are left to be filled and that they will have the job of preparing the foundation of the most holy place, for which purpose they are supplied with the necessary tools. They are also warned that if in removing the ruins they should make any discovery of importance they are to communicate to none but the three Principals sitting in Council. They retire once more from the Chapter.

In the next part of the ceremony the three masons from Babylon again seek admission to the Chapter, bring with them news of a discovery. Once they are admitted the First Principal requests them to relate their story.

The precise moment of discovery must have been at the hour of high twelve, the time when Seqenenre was at his final devotions to Amen-Re and the sun was at its meridian, which it is always said to be for Freemasons. The timing is no doubt symbolic, but what intriguing symbolism.

Zerubbabel then asks the sojourner to tell him what the word was that he found, and receives this fascinating reply:
’That we must beg to be excused from for we have heard with our ears, and our forefather have declared that in their time and in the old times before them it was lawful for none but the High Priest to pronounce the name of the True and Living God Most High, no him but once a year, when he alone entered the Holy of Holies and stood before the ark of the covenant to make propitiation for the sins of Israel.’

The candidate is given an explanation of this word which was found on the pedestal:

’It is a compound word and its combinations form the word Jah-Bul-On. Jah the first part, is the Chaldean [Sumerian] name of God and signifies his essence and majesty incomprehensible; it is also a Hebrew word signifying “I am” and “shall be”, thereby expressing the actual, future and eternal existence of the Most High. Bul is an Assyrian word, signifying Lord or Powerful, it is itself a compound word signifying in or on; and Bul signifying Heaven on High, therefore this word means Lord in Heaven or on High. On is an Egyptian word, signifying Father of All, and is also a Hebrew word implying strength or power, and expressive of the omnipotence of the Father of all. All the significations of these words may, therefore, be thus collected: - I am and shall be; Lord in Heaven; Father of all.’

The word Jah-Bul-On was not quite accurately explained by the Royal Arch Freemasons. The first part, ‘Jah’, is the Hebrew word for their god with a Sumerian connection. It can be seen in the name of the prophet Elijah (El being the ancient word for a god). The second part is usually spelled ‘Baal’, the great Canaanite god whose name does indeed mean ‘Lord on high’. The ancient Egyptian word for father was ‘it’, not ‘on’. ‘On’ was the original name of Heliopolis, the city of the sun god Re. The Greeks identified Baal with their sun god Helios and his city Heliopolis. ‘Jah-Baal-On’ was the names of the three great gods, of the Jews, the Canaanites and the Egyptians, all of whom were referred to as the ‘Most High.’ If this was indeed carved upon a stone found at the center of the Jerusalem Temple, its creators must have deliberately merged the three forms of God into one ultimate deity.

The type of arch described in the ceremony is an arrangement of stone supporting each other in compression to form a curved load-bearing structure which was unknown at the time of Zerubbabel.

In this Masonic legend, the visiting ‘highly skilled’ masons removed the keystones of an arch and then stood underneath it without in any way of shoring up the rest of the arch. They showed great concern about the possibility of being overcome by noxious vapours to the extent of fixing a safety rope, but were unworried about the havoc they had caused to the structural integrity of the roof. These were not the actions of stonemasons, let alone ones ‘highly skilled in architecture’, but it makes a lot of sense as a record of the actions of a gang of treasure-hunting knights, searching in underground vaults beneath the ruins of the Herodian Temple.

A duplicate of the Qumranian copper scroll had been deposited in the ‘Shith’, or cave, directly beneath the altar of the Temple – the cave that was capped with the marble block with a ring at its center. This was the stone that the Templars lifted and descended to the vault below.

In 1894 a group of British Army officers, with a budget of just five hundred pounds, set out to try and map the vaults below the ruins of Herod’s Temple. The contingent of Royal Engineers led by Lieutenant Charles Wilson conducted some excellent work under very adverse conditions and they could confirm that the chambers and passageways they found were often vaulted with keystone arches. They were not the first visitors. They came across Templar artifacts discarded some seven hundred and forty years previously. These consisted of part of a sword, a spur, part of a spear or lance, and a small Templar cross. They are now in the care of Robert Brydon, the Templar Archivist for Scotland.

The ‘Heavenly Jerusalem’ Scroll

An illustration titled ‘The Heavenly Jerusalem circa 1200 AD’ was housed in Ghent University Library. It showed a vision of a rebuilt Jerusalem, only this was no artist’s impression; it was a highly symbolic diagram.

The stylized city shows twelve towers: one principal heavenly tower, two major towers arising from the central pillars, three lesser towers with their own pillars and six background towers. The towers that rise directly from the two main pillars are supporting a curved archway and the central Heavenly tower; both are identified with Jacob, or James! James became both the mishpat and tsedeq pillars after the death of Jesus. The most impactful motifs in the whole drawing were unmistakable – three Masonic squares and compasses!

Dr. Martine De Reu, the conservator of manuscripts and rare books at the Univesiteitsbibliotheek, provided a background to the illustration. We were looking at a copy of one of the scrolls buried by James’s church and found by the Templars.

In around AD 1119, Hugues de Payen and his small band of primitive archaeologists found the secret scrolls. These knights were completely illiterate, so they decided to get them translated. Geoffrey de St Omer, the second in charge to Hugues de Payen knew an elderly canon by the name of Lambert, who was a retire schoolmaster of the Chapter of Our Virgin in St Omer. He died in 1121, sadly without completing his encyclopaedia. (3)

One of the most famous of all of Lambert of St Omer’s works is his hasty copy of a drawing that depicts the heavenly Jerusalem. It shows that the two main pillars of the heavenly Jerusalem are both named ‘Jacob’, and apparently shows the founder to be John the Baptist. There is no mention of Jesus at all in this so-called Christian document.

The document dates from over five hundred years before the Masonic square and compasses symbol was first officially used. The ‘squares’ have no possible reason for being placed in the picture. This symbol of Freemasonry was used by the Jerusalem Church. This double use of James dates the creation of the original to the nineteen years between the crucifixion of Jesus and the stoning of James.

The illustration shows the three huge squares tucked incongruously into balconies with the accompanying compasses directly above in the apex of each tower. This trio sits beneath the twin pillars of James, indicating their subordinate position. Although we cannot make out the one on the left-hand, the right-hand one is identified as Andrew and the central one, Peter. Unfortunately for the Catholic Church and their claim to be the direct descendants of Jesus’s authority via Peter, this scroll clearly confirms that James was the leader of the Jerusalem Church and Peter was a secondary person.

The Royal Arch Degree has what is called a ‘tracing board’ which is a visual compilation of the subject matter of the Order. It is all about the excavation of the Temple. In the background we see Jerusalem and the ruins of the Temple strewn about, and in the foreground the excavated entrance to the underground vault. Inside a central panel there are seven steps rising to a tessellated pavement on which there are digging tools as well as building tools, a square and compasses and a scroll. Around the edge of this panel are the badges of the twelve tribes of Israel and, at the top, what are claimed to be the four principal banners of Judah (a lion and royal crown), Reuben (a man), Ephraim (an ox) and Dan (an eagle).

The Impact of the Nasorean Scrolls

The nine knights discovered a treasure that they could not share with the world at large. The find did have an immediate impact on their home country, France. It took several decades for the Order established by Hugues de Payen and his fellow founders in AD 1118 to become one of the most powerful forces in Christendom.

In a single century from 1170 no fewer than eighty cathedrals and almost five hundred abbeys were built in France alone, involving more masonry than ever cut in ancient Egypt. (4) These buildings were built to a startling new plan on a scale never seen before. A classic example of these super-buildings is Chartres Cathedral.

The instructions that the nine knights recovered from the vaults of the Temple at Jerusalem had been left by the Nasoreans just before they failed in their own mission to build Heaven on Earth.

The Templars proceeded to give the world a new, supreme level of operative masonry. The Templars became masters of both speculative masonry and operative masonry.


The Celtic Church rejected such central tenets as the virgin birth and the divinity of Jesus. The Celtic Church had been forcibly consumed by the Roman Catholic Church in the middle of the seventh century.

The original ritual of the Royal Arch Degree of Freemasonry provided the complete story of the unearthing of the scrolls. One problem was it described the events as happening on the site of Zerubbabel’s Temple rather than Herod’s. It referred to the discovery made by the Templar knights at the beginning of the twelfth century, because keystones and vaulted arches had not been invented until the Roman period.

The image used on the Royal Arch Degree ‘tracing board’ had shown in detail the excavation of the Temple and the layout of the vault beneath the rubble that held the scrolls.

The identification of the Heavenly Jerusalem as a copy of one of the scrolls taken by Geoffrey de St Omer to Lambert at the Chapter of Our Virgin in St Omer was a breakthrough. The use of the Masonic square and compasses in this picture is blatant, and James was the two central pillars of the New Jerusalem.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:01 pm

The Dead Sea Scrolls ... ram11.html
The authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Qumran Community, Essenes, Nasoreans, and the original Jerusalem Church were all one and the same.

Freemasonry developed from this group.

The ancient settlement at Qumran was extensively excavated by the Jordan Department of Antiquities, L’Ecole Archeologique Francaise and the Palestine Archaeological Museum under G.L. Harding and Pere R. de Vaux in five campaigns between 1951 and 1956. What they found was the theologian’s equivalent to sweating nitroglycerine; the world of Christianity could blow up if the whole thing was not handled with the utmost care. But the lid could not be kept on this explosive issue, no matter how hard the Christian Church tried to do so. Those in charge of the research were not independent scholars; they had a faith to protect and an establishment to maintain. Other scholars involved with the scrolls saw evidence that appeared to change the view of Christ and the New Testament, but they were effectively silenced or discredited.

Various versions of biblical texts were found and all of them were over a thousand years older than the oldest surviving Hebrew tests that were produced by Aaron Ben Moses ben Asher in AD 1008.

The whole area of investigation concerning Qumran is a minefield for Christians, so many have preferred to keep away from the subject. Christianity rests entirely on the idea that on a particular day in the history a god/man absolved those members of the human race who were prepared to worship Him of responsibility for their wrongdoings by dying (albeit temporarily) under torture.

Until recently the only evidence regarding this pivotal event was the three Synoptic Gospels of the New Testament, which were written long after the events they describe by people who were not involved themselves and cannot be properly identified. It is not known that the story of Jesus told in these Gospels is to a large extent a dramatic invention to wrap up his teachings in a ‘reader-friendly’ format.

Analysis of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke have shown that they are an amalgam of two separate Church traditions, based on a combination of the Gospel of Mark and a lost earlier gospel now referred to as “Q” (derived from the German word ‘quelle’, meaning ‘source’). The birth story of Jesus told in Mark and Luke is known to be a complete invention by people who had no understanding of the historical and political circumstances of the time. The events as they describe them simply could not have happened.

Other scholars, such as Morton Smith, have detected the existence of the secret gospel with elements running beneath the four New Testament gospels, which is believed to predate the gospel of Mark.

This secret gospel of Jesus did exist in a written form - the scroll that the Knights Templar found. The Qumran scrolls identify a secret tradition that members had to swear never to divulge. These secrets were written down and preserved in readiness for the day when God would visit his people in the last times.

The early inventors of Christianity did a good job of removing all evidence about a mortal they wanted to portray as a god.

Christianity is exposed. Without Guatama, Buddhism lives; without Mohammed, Islam lives; yet without the resurrection of Jesus, Christianity is nothing. It is understandable, therefore, that the Church takes great care in dealing with new information regarding this tiny moment in relatively recent history when they believe the creator of the whole universe decided it was time to become a living Jew. This leaves Christianity exposed to the light of truth.

If the whole basis of Christianity can be shown to be a silly mistake, will the Vatican apologize for the inconvenience it has caused, abolish itself and hand over its wealth and power? No. The Church is too large and important to suddenly disappear; but equally it can never be right to hide the truth, because truth must surely be the essence of God.

The Missing Books of Maccabee

Conventional history records the Maccabean revolt as a Jewish cause with right on its side, and the raising of Jonathan Maccabaeus to the high priesthood is viewed as a popular event. From the scrolls, actually Jonathan was considered by the Hasidim (or strict Jewish establishment) to be an outrageous choice who put politics before Yahweh.

When Jonathan was murdered, his brother Simon became high priest. Simon’s illegitimate accession can be found in Psalm 110.

The Qumran Community’s views of the Jerusalem priesthood:

‘The priests of Jerusalem will heap up wealth and unjust gain from the plunder of the people. (1 QpHab 9:4-5)

The city is Jerusalem in which the wicked priest did works of abomination and defiled the Temple of God. (1 QpHab 12:7-9)’

When Simon was murdered he was replaced by his son John Hyrcanus who ruled for thirty years; then his son, Aristobulus, briefly took over and became the first Hasonaean to call himself king of the Jews as well as high priest. The line continued until roles of king and high priest split again upon the death of Queen Alexandra in 67 BC when her youngest son Aristobulus II became king and her eldest son, Hyrcanus, became high priest.

The Roman Catholic Douai Bible portrays the Hasmonaeans as Jewish heroes – yet the King James Bible tells us nothing. The last two books of the Douai Bible are the First and Second Books of Maccabees, scriptures totally absent from the Protestant Old Testament.

he only people who knew that the rise of the Hasmonaean high priests and kings was illegitimate were the Members of the Qumran Community who despised these false high priests and their political panderings to the Romans. Yet the Qumranians were all but destroyed in the war with the Romans in AD 66-70 and the Diaspora Jews/Christians were left to tell the story7 the way they saw it. Although the Qumranians may be lost the battle, they won the war. By burying the true Jewish story in scroll form, the message eventually got into the hands of the creators of the Protestant Bible – thanks to the early twelfth-century excavations of the Knights Templar.

The Elect of Judah

The Jews who returned from their captivity in Babylon were led back to Jerusalem by Zerubbabel, the man who otherwise might have been their king. He and his inner group, named in the Bible as Heshua, Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reelaiah, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispar, Bigvai, Rehum and Bannah, returned to their city with their secret ceremony of the royal line of David. Following Ezekiel’s advice the most overtly Egyptian elements had been exchanged for Hebrew ones – but still it was intact. They rebuilt the Temple, and never again would their God need to punish them so harshly.

The descendants of Zerubbabel and his inner group known as the Hasidim left Jerusalem sometime between 187 BC and 152 BC.

The Qumranian’s exile was self-imposed and in their desert retreat they saw themselves as the people of the new covenant with Yahweh, the ‘elect of Judah’, living a harsh, monastic life that would become the model for Christian orders. They describe themselves as ‘the men who entered into a New Covenant in the Land of Damascus’ (Damascus is the name that they used for Qumran rather than a reference to the Syrian city.)

The members of the Community were divided into three groups: ‘Israel’, ‘Levi’ and ‘Aaron’. Israel meant the common membership, Levites were lower priests and Aaron designated the most senior and holy priests.

Starting with an interview, the Council established his righteousness, after which a ballot was taken. If accepted, the candidate was admitted at a lowly grade for the period of one year, in which time he must not mingle his wealth with ‘the many’. The first level of Freemasonry, that of ‘entered apprentice’, used to be of a year’s duration, and in the initiation ceremony the candidate is required to bring no coins or other metallic objects. In the course of the initiation he is asked to give money, and when he replies that he has none he is told that it was a test to ensure that he had brought no coins or other wealth into the Lodge.

When the new member had been in the Qumran Community for a year he was tested on his learning of the works in the Torah; before proceeding to the status of a Fellow Craft, a Masonic brother has to be tested on his learning of ritual. As with Freemasonry in the past, the second stage of membership was as far as the majority got, but for selected individuals there was a third level to which the individual could pass after a further year. This allowed them to ‘draw near to the secret council of the Community’ – the secrets of Hiram Abif are revealed to the Freemason that becomes a Master Mason on being raised to their Third Degree.

The positive virtues taught in the Qumran Community were clearly laid out in the scrolls: truth, righteousness, kindness, justice, honesty and humility along with brotherly love. So similar are the three degrees of the Qumran Community to those of Freemasonry that it transcends mere coincidence.
Midrash, Pesher and Parable

The term ’midrah’ corresponds very closely to the English word ‘exegesis’ and can be defined as ‘the investigation and interpretation of the Hebrew scriptures for the purpose of discovering theological truths and instructions to be followed’. ‘Pesher’ is an interpretation of a verse of Scripture in which a given statement is considered to have meaning regarding an event or a person at the present time or in the future. So ‘midrash’ was an ongoing process for the priests and prophets of Israel seeking out instruction to improve the spiritual well being of the people and ‘pesher’ was a method of making sense of things that were happening around them. They believed that events were not random occurrences but conformed to structured patterns that could be deciphered through the studying of scripture. When they wrote down a story of a recent event, they would ensure it followed an ancient pattern.

‘Parable’, the New Testament tells us, is what Jesus used to communicate by storytelling to the unsophisticated people -- ‘a figurative explanation which may contain either allegory or metaphor or both to transmit a deeper level of meaning than the surface level.’

It is beyond all dispute that Christianity was a Jewish cult and that all of its ‘original cast’ (Jesus, James, Simon Peter, Andrew, Judas, Thomas, etc) were people who thought in terms of midrash, pesher, and parable.

The ‘second cast’ (Paul, Matthew, Luke, etc) used more Hellenistic thought processes that are closer to the way we think today. The Gospels of the New Testament were written after the destruction of Jerusalem and Qumran and the death of the ‘original cast’, These writings were created for a Greek-thinking audience by people who took the teachings that they believed to be those of their Christ, then wove a life story for Christ around them – without the benefit of any actual eye-witness testimony.

The early Church was known as ‘those of the way’ or the ‘way of God’ as a distinct sect (Acts 24:14). The Qumran Community used this same term. Both groups describe themselves as the poor, the children of light, the elect of God, a community of the New Testament or Covenant.

The Secrets of Qumran

When Essenes were first forced to leave Jerusalem, they ‘groped around’ for twenty years until a man known as the Teacher of Righteousness showed them ‘the way’ and the Community at Qumran became firmly established. Besides the Teacher of Righteousness, there were major characters who recur in the scrolls, such as ‘the wicked priest’ and ‘the liar’.

The Teacher of Righteousness was a pious, holy man and a priestly descendant of Zadok, who revealed they were living in ‘the end of days’ as predicted by the old prophets. God would crush His enemies in a final cosmic battle and usher in the new age of righteousness. It would be they who would fight the battle and would return to Jerusalem to purify the Temple and re-institute proper worship.

The Qumranians had several descriptions for themselves including ‘the Community’, ‘the Many’, ‘the Congregation of Israel’ and ‘the Sons of Light’. The man who would lead them at ‘the end of the age’, the Davidic Messiah, had such titles as “Mighty Man’, “Man of Glory’ and ‘Prince of Light’. It would be this ‘Prince of Light’ who would overcome the ‘Prince of Darkness’ and ‘the Congregation of Belial’ (Satan). A scroll entitled ‘Midrash on the Last Days’ tells how the ‘Children of Belial’ will devise evil plots against the ‘Sons of Light’. The nations will rage against the elect of Israel. God will save His people by the hands of two messianic figures -- One from ‘the Branch of David’ and the other ‘the Interpreter of the Law’. (5)

There were some secret books which contained information about future events and references to certain rituals revealed by God. They had been written in coded form. These secrets were highly restricted and handed down in a long line of secret tradition, to be faithfully preserved until ‘the last days’. Father J. T. Milik identified secret scrolls used cryptic devices. One was the use of two different alphabets with arbitrarily chosen signs which replaced the normal Hebrew characters; another had the script running left to right instead of the normal right to left.

The Qumran Community were the spiritual descendants of the Egyptian kings and the antecedents of the Templars and Freemasonry. A member of the original Dead Sea scrolls team and a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Dr. High Schonfield discovered a Hebrew code he called ‘Atbash cipher’, which was used to conceal names. (6) Before his death in 1988, Schonfield found that key words used by both the Knights Templar and Freemasonry are themselves Atbash codes which reveal hidden meaning once deciphered. For instance, the Templars were widely reputed to worship something with the curious name of ‘Baphomet’, which was never understood until it was written in Hebrew and the Atbash cipher applied to reveal the word “Sophia’ – the Greek for ‘wisdom’.

Applying the Atbash cipher to the Masonic word ‘Tajo” (pronounced “Tacho”), produces the name of the man (Asaph) who, according to a number of psalms, assisted at the building of the first temple at Jerusalem.

Noah and Enoch were the recipients of divine secrets of Heaven and Earth that had been passed down through certain initiates. There is an ancient belief that the mythical ancestors of the human race were men of superb wisdom, and there are many tales concerning Enoch and Noah as holders of divine secrets. There has long been an unexplained secret tradition attached to the name of Enoch. In Masonic literature there are old rituals associated with the attempt by Sem, Japhet and Ham to resurrect Noah. The Ark Mariners continues this tradition of the secrets of Noah.

There was once a larger body of writings attributed to Moses that have survived. (7) One that has survived is the Assumption of Moses, an Essene work. (8) It contains the following instruction given by Moses to Joshua:

’Receive thou this writing that thou mayest know how to preserve the books which I shall deliver unto thee: and thou shalt set them in order and anoint them with oil of cedar and put them away in earthen vessels in the place which He made from the beginning of the creation of the world.’

Moses was the only man to know the secrets of the Egyptian kings from firsthand experience, and he here gives instructions. This described only one place to the Jews; the rock beneath the Holy of Holies in the inner sanctum of the Temple in Jerusalem, because this was the first point of creation. We know that the Qumranians hid the main library of scrolls that they had written down themselves, plus other texts drawn in from around Judaea, in the caves behind the settlement. They followed this instruction from Moses because they believed that the ‘end of the age’ would happen in their lifetime. The Knights Templar excavated towards and underneath the ‘Holy of Holies’.

The Assumption of Moses was written during the lifetime of Jesus, and surveys Jewish history down to the Seleucid era, and through the Hasmonaean period to someone who is described as ‘an insolent king’. This reference is Herod the Great. The book goes on to describe a period of persecution, which fits the times of Antiochus Epiphanes, the successor to Herod. Then a mysterious figure, Taxo, appears. He urges his sons to retire with him to a cave, to die there rather than be disloyal to their faith. Their death is to be the trigger for the expected intervention of God in history and the establishment of His kingdom. This kingdom appears to be understood as a Heavenly kingdom, rather than one established on Earth.

An instruction from Moses to bury the secrets dating no earlier than the years of Jesse’s life, a time when the whole Community was preparing for the great battle before the ‘end of the age’. Taxo and Tacho were forms of the same name. The Atbash cipher translates Tacho to Asaph – the man who assisted Solomon at the building of the first Temple at Jerusalem and a name used by Freemason for the Grand Master.

The name ‘Taxo’ was used by the Qumranians in their scrolls to refer to the Master of the Community i.e. the Teacher of Righteousness of the last years of their existence. (9) The exhortation in the text ‘to die rather than be disloyal to their faith’ is also highly reminiscent of the third Degree of Freemasonry, which is entirely oriented to the idea of ‘faithfulness even unto death’ summed up by the words of Hiram Abif when he was threatened by the first of his attackers:

’I would rather suffer death than betray the sacred trust reposed in me.’

The leader of the Qumran Community was considered to be the spiritual descendant of the original builder of the Temple of Solomon, the man that Freemasons now know as Hiram Abif.

The Twin Pillars

Because the Roman Church falsely positioned itself as the inheritors of the teachings of Jesus and because modern Christians erroneously believe that they have some right to the high ground from which to study other groups, they look upon the Essenes/Qumranians as just one group amongst many that existed in the Holy Land at the time of Christ. This is a hopelessly inadequate assessment of the Qumran Community. Its members were the distillation of everything that was important to the Jews as a nation.

The Teacher of Righteousness was two individuals -- the first at the founding of the Community and the other at the ‘end of the age’. (10) The older scrolls refer to the first Teacher of Righteousness and the later ones are talking about a later spiritual leader. Professors Robert Eisenmean and Michael Wise concluded this leader was James, the brother of Christ and the leader of the Jerusalem Church. It follows that the Jerusalem Church was the Qumran Community.

The second-century historian, Hegesippus called James, ‘a Nazirite’ and said that he interceded in the sanctuary of the Temple for the sake of the people.

According to another scroll known as the Manual of Discipline, the council of the Community consisted of twelve perfect and holy men who were the ‘pillars’ of the Community, and the two principal pillars represented the kingly and priestly aspects of creating and maintaining the ‘Kingdom of Heaven.’ This term never did mean anything other-worldly. These spiritual pillars were the descendants of the pillars of the united Upper and Lower Egypt that had come down to the Community as the legendary Boaz and Jachin. To these pious and cornered Jews, the columns represented both the kingly power of ‘mishpat’ and the priestly power of ‘tsedeq’, and when united they supported the great archway of Heaven, the keystone of which was the third great word of Hebrew desire, ‘shalom’.

The right-hand pillar is known to Freemasons as ‘Jachin’, the first high priest of the Temple. This is the priestly pillar which for the Qumranians was the embodiment of holiness embodied in the fundamental concept of ‘tsedeq’.

This word (sometimes shown spelt ‘Zedek’) stood for the principle underlying the divinely appointed order usually translated as ‘righteousness’. In English “rightness’ or ‘doing good to others at all times’. This concept is fundamentally the same as the ancient Egyptian concept of Ma’at. ‘Tsedeq’ was for Canaanites a tern associated with the sun god. The Canaanite sun god was the great judge who watched over the world, righted wrongs and shone light onto the dark doings of hidden crimes. When the Jews merged Canaanite beliefs into their concept of Yahweh, ‘tsedeq’ became one of His features. The word kept its association with the light of the sun and helped become the opposite of darkness and chaos. (11)

The left hand pillar of King Solomon’s Temple was called Boaz, who, as any Freemason knows, was the great-grandfather of David, king of Israel. For the Qumranians, too, this was the kingly pillar that stood for the house of David and the concept of ‘mishpat’. Translated as ‘judgement’, it signified the regular rule of Yahweh as king, so represented the divinely appointed order.

The rule of government and the dispensing of justice were connected with this pillar: it was at Mizpah (another spelling of mishpat) that Jacob erected his first pillar, and it was here that Saul was acclaimed the first king of Israel.

When these two spiritual pillars are in place with the Teacher of Righteousness (tsedeq) on the left hand of God and the earthly Davidic King (mishpat) on his right hand, the archway of Yahweh’s rule will be in place with the keystone of ‘shalom’ locking everything together at its center. This Jewish term means ‘peace.’ For the Qumranians ‘shalom’ was not a free gift – it had to be won by establishing the Rule of Yahweh.

When the Qumranians knew that the ‘end of the age’ was drawing near, the need to find the people who were fit to be these pillars became urgent, because God could not destroy the old order until the new framework was in place.

Because these positions were ‘designate’ rather than immediately available, due to the Roman occupation and the false high priesthood in Jerusalem, the candidates were called messiahs; essentially, leaders in waiting.

The Qumranians had erected an imitation Temple entrance with their own copies of the pillars of Boaz and Jachin. The two pillar bases still exist outside the east door of a vestry that leads to Qumran’s ‘Holy of Holies’. These two pillars were the location for the initiation ceremony of senior members. There is a reference to ‘the secret of the pillars’ in fragment four of a scroll known as the Brontologion.

A book by the late John Allegro provides a full translation of the Copper Scroll. The word ‘Qumran’, called Qimron’ at the time of Jesus and James, meant ‘vault, arch, doorway or the like’. (12) They were the people of the pillars with the arch over it!

Freemasons say that the meaning of the word Jachin is ‘to establish’. It was the task of the priestly or ‘tsedeq’ messiah to establish righteousness in the land of Israel so the Temple could be rebuilt. The left-hand pillar, Boaz, is said by Freemasons to mean ‘Strength’. This is the pillar of the kingly or ‘mishpat’ messiah who would be responsible for the strength of the kingdom in defense from outsiders and in civil law and governmental matters.

And Freemasons say that when the two are untied, ‘stability’ is the result. There could be no better single-word translation for the concept of ‘shalom’. The bottom line is that modern Freemasons use the two pillars of King Solomon’s Temple in exactly the same way that the Qumran Community and Jesus the Christ did. Fragments of a Testament to Levi, older than the version of the testament of Levi contained in the Bible refer to the Messiah expected to be a Levitical (priestly) Messiah rather than a Davidic (kingly) one. The writers expected a priestly leader alongside a civil leader, with the civil subordinate to the priestly. (13)

In Matthew 3:3, John the Baptist is described as ‘a voice crying in the wilderness’, this is in the precise form of words used by the Qumran Community, and it suggested the Gospel writers had a struggle to turn scriptures around to make Jesus come out as the Messiah. Even as late as the time of the writing of Luke’s Gospel it was remembered that people held John the Baptist to be the Messiah. Luke says in 3:15:

’And as the people were in expectation, and all men mused in their hearts of John, whether he were the Christ, or not.’

The words ‘all men’ rather than ‘some men’ indicates that everybody saw John as the prime candidate. John and Jesus were joint messiahs. (15) The Mandaeans of southern Iraq are descendants of the Nasorians and they claim that John the Baptist was the originator of their sect.

This evidence will frighten many Christians because it seems so alien and threatening to their belief that their Jesus Christ was the one and only Messiah.

John lived a hard life in the wilderness, eating only such permissible food as locusts and wild honey and wearing a leather girdle and a coat of camel hair. In John’s view the entire Jerusalem establishment was totally corrupt, so as he preached excoriating sermons against it; and he urged his congregation to repent and to accept the Essene/Qumranian rite of purification by baptism.

The story of the baptism of Jesus described in the New Testament is a deliberately enhanced account created by the later gospel writers to keep up the level of magical events to satisfy a Gentile audience. (15)

The idea that John baptized Jesus was an invention by Mark. John only became aware that Jesus existed when his disciples told him about a new wise teacher who had arrived from the north. The description of Jesus seeing a dove descend upon him was a standard Hebrew way of expressing the gaining of wisdom.

According to the New Testament he went into the wilderness where he fasted for forty days and nights. It does not say he left the wilderness after that fasting. The King James Bible tells us that he remained there for three years from AD 27 to 31. The term “the Wilderness” is used throughout the Dead Sea Scrolls as the description of the Qumran Community. It was an inability to understand contemporary usage of ‘wilderness’ that caused Christians to imagine Jesus alone in an actual desert. Jesus was at Qumran passing through the three stages of initiation to reach the highest level of the brotherhood – each of which, you will recall, took precisely one year! Here he learned how to turn his back on the bribes of the leaders of other nations. At the last stage, after his three years, he was taught the secret technique and words of resurrection handed down from Moses.

As a gifted teacher from the line of David, John the Baptist asked Jesus if he would be ‘the one to come’, that is, the kingly messiah for his opposite pillar. Jesus answered the question with a ‘pesher’ response, ‘the blind recover their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor are given the good news’. In no way did he mean that he had done all these things; he was referring to the miracles of healing that Isaiah predicted would happen at the time of Israel’s restoration. This was a confirmation that Jesus agreed with John that the ‘end of the age’ was imminent and he was the man to help prepare ‘the way’.

Jesus’s expressed view of John:

’You knew that John was a prophet and not to expect royal garments when you saw him. But what you did not know, and what I now tell you, is that John is more than a prophet. He was the one about whom it is written, “look, I am sending my messenger before you”. He will prepare your path ahead of you.’ (16)

Many people have been confused by passages in which Jesus describes John as ‘the one to come’ and John describes Jesus with the same words. Once it is realized that the two of them were pillars in the heavenly gateway, it becomes clear that there is no conflict at all – each needed the other.

The messianic ministry of John the Baptist lasted only six years as he was beheaded early in AD 32. Josephus records in ’Antiquities’ that he was killed by Herod Antipas, who feared that John’s activities could lead to a revolt.

It came as a major blow to Jesus to hear that his opposite pillar had been murdered. The Qumran Community was devastated by the loss of one pillar. Two candidates stepped forward to fill this key role. One was to become the leader of the Qumran Community, known as ‘James the Just’, and the other was his elder brother – the man we call Jesus!


The Catholics portray the Hasmonaeans as Jewish heroes – yet the Protestants clearly do not. This indicated a connection between the anti-Hasmonaean Qumranians and the seventeenth-century English establishment; something that could only have happened through a Templar/Freemasonry route.

From the scrolls we learned there were secret books that contained references to certain rituals written down in coded form, and a definite reference to ‘the secret of the pillars’.

The Qumranian Assumption of Moses instructed the Community to conceal its most precious scrolls.
The leader of the Qumran Community was considered to be the spiritual descendant of the original builder of the Temple of Solomon, the man that Freemasons now know as Hiram Abif.

The essence of the Qumranian ‘pillar’ paradigm became clear as ‘tsedeq’ on the left-hand side of the gateway and ‘mishpat’ on the right-hand, with Yahweh the keystone of ‘shalom’ locking everything together at its centre. John the Baptist and Jesus were joint messiahs for a time but after the killing of John the politics of the situation exploded.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:37 pm

Theosophy and the Dark Star Connection ... bus_65.htm
I must admit, I felt a little uneasy reading through the material of Helena P. Blavatsky (HPB). I trudged through her work, and gathered some interesting passages from her book titled: ‘The Secret Doctrine’ 1888 that relate to Nibiru and the Dark Star.

The references are broken down into three headings:

1) Rosicrucians
2) Our Solar System’s Two Companions – Nibiru and the Dark Star
3) Nemesis, the Grand Cycle and the Zodiac


According to my research, four mystic Tibet explorers come to mind for the quest of esoteric knowledge:

Ferdinand Ossendowski—Russian (Beasts, Men and Gods - 1922)

“Then the peoples of ‘Agharti’ will come up from their subterranean caverns to the surface of the Earth.” - Page 225

T. Lobsang Rampa (The Third Eye - 1956)

“From outer space came a wandering planet and struck the Earth a glancing blow.” Page 181

Nicholas Roerich—Russian (Shambhalla - 1930)

“Verily, the luminous god approaches.” Page 40

From the reports of these mystic travelers, I believe Central Asia holds the key for unlocking a wealth of esoteric knowledge, including our Dark Star binary system.

2) Our solar system’s two companions – Nibiru and the Dark Star

HPB not only describes our own Sun but describes the Central Sun (Center of our Galaxy) and two other suns in our Solar System -- The Polar Sun and Equatorial Sun.

Could the Polar Sun be Nibiru and the Equatorial Sun be the Dark Star?

See below:

“Thus even now exoteric Kabalistic teachings speak of a Central Sun, and of three Secondary Suns in each solar system - our own included. As shown in that able though too materialistic work, "New Aspects of Life and Religion," which is a synopsis of the views of the Kabalists in an aspect deeply thought out and assimilated:

“The Central Sun... was to them (as much as to the Aryans) the centre of Rest; the centre to which all motion was to be ultimately referred.

Around this central sun 'the first of three systemic suns revolved on a polar plane; the second, on an equatorial plane' and the third only was our visible sun. These four solar bodies were 'the organs on whose action what man calls the creation, the evolution of life on the planet, earth, depends.' The channels through which the influence of these bodies was conveyed to the Earth, they (the Kabalists) held to be electrical” (p. 287).

"The radiant energy flowing from the central sun called the Earth into being as a watery globe," whose tendency, "as the nucleus of a planetary body, was to rush to the (central) Sun... within the sphere of whose attraction it had been created," "but the radiant energy, similarly electrifying both, withheld the one from the other, and so changed motion towards into motion round the centre of attraction, which the revolving planet (Earth) thus sought to reach.”

“This Kabalistic view is here quoted, to show its perfect identity in spirit with the Eastern doctrine. Explain, or complete the teaching of the Seven Suns with the seven systems of planes of being, of which the "Suns" are the central bodies, and you have the seven angelic planes, whose "Host" are gods thereof, collectively. They are the Head-group divided into four classes from the incorporeal down to the semi-corporeal, which classes are directly connected - though in very different ways as regards voluntary connection and functions - with our mankind. They are three, synthesized by the fourth (the first and highest), which is called the "Central Sun" in the Kabalistic doctrine just quoted.

This is the great difference between the Semitic and the Aryan Cosmogony; one materializing, humanizes the mysteries of nature; the other spiritualizes matter, and its physiology is always made subservient to metaphysics. Thus, though the seventh principle reaches man through all the phases of being, pure as an indiscrete element and an impersonal unity, it passes through (the Kabala teaches from) the Central Spiritual Sun
and Group the second (the Polar Sun), which two radiate on man his Atma.

Group three (the Equatorial Sun) cement the Buddhi to Atman and the higher attributes of Manas, while group Four (the spirit of our visible sun) endows him with his Manas and its vehicle - the Kama rupa, or body of passions and desires, the two elements of Ahamkara which evolve individualized consciousness - the personal ego.”

Here is an interesting passage in which I believe HPB describes Nibiru:
STANZA III. - Continued

“Behold, Oh Lanoo, the radiant child of the two, the unparalleled refulgent glory, bright space, son of dark space, who emerges from the depths of the great dark waters. It is Oeaohoo, the younger, the (whom thou knowest now as kwan-shai-yin. -- comment) (a).

He shines forth as the sun. He is the blazing divine dragon of wisdom. The Eka is Chatur (four), and Chatur takes to itself three, and the union produces the Sapta (seven) in whom are the seven which become the Tridasa… (the thrice ten) the hosts and the multitudes (b).

Behold him lifting the veil, and unfurling it from east to west. He shuts out the above and leaves the below to be seen as the great illusion. He marks the places for the shining ones (stars) and turns the upper (space) into a shoreless sea of fire, and the one manifested (element) into the great waters (c).

Here, HPB makes an interesting reference to Vulcan stating its reign is 4,477 years. Although she states that Suidas and Dr. Sepp erroneously said Vulcan’s reign was only 4,477 days. Could 4,477 years really be Vulcan’s orbit? Is Vulcan Nibiru? I wonder...

I maintain that Nibiru coming near the Sun and Earth would ‘trigger’ natural events such as Enoch’s visionary Deluge, a pole shift and Sun wobble in which HPB describes below:

“Nature had been altered at the period of the universal flood. Precisely so; and the Secret Doctrine teaches that that “order of nature” has been thus altered, and the series of the Earth’s humanities too.

For, as the angel Uriel tells Enoch:

“Behold, I have showed thee all things, O Enoch; and all things I have revealed to thee. Thou seest the Sun, the Moon, and those which conduct the stars in Heaven, which cause all their operations, seasons, and arrivals to return. In the days of sinners the years shall be shortened…. the moon shall change its laws, etc.” (chap. lxxix).

In those days also years before the great Deluge that carried away the Atlanteans and changed the face of the whole earth—because “the Earth (on its axis) became inclined.”

“And now a natural question. Who could have informed the apocryphal author of this powerful vision (to whatever age he may be assigned before the day of Galileo) that the Earth could occasionally incline her axis?”

“The Grand Cycle includes the progress of mankind from the appearance of primordial man of ethereal form. It runs through the inner cycles of his (man's) progressive evolution from the ethereal down to the semi-ethereal and purely physical: down to the redemption of man from his coat of skin and matter, after which it continues running its course downward and then upward again, to meet at the culmination of a Round, when the manvantaric "serpent swallows its tail" and seven minor cycles are passed.

HPB references how the Garuda Bird represents The Great Cycle. I argue the symbolism shown here is uncannily similar to ‘the winged disc’ icon:

“Now, the Secret Doctrine furnishes a key which reveals to us on indisputable grounds of comparative analogy that Garuda, the allegorical and monstrous half-man and half-bird - the Vahan or vehicle on which Vishnu (who is Kâla, “time”) is shown to ride - is the origin of all other such allegories. He is the Indian Phoenix, the emblem of cyclic and periodical time, the “man-lion” Singha, of whose representations the so-called “gnostic gems” are so full.

This is an interesting passage. HPB references a ‘twelfth star.’ Could this be, in any way, connected to Sitchin’s twelfth planet:

“The Old Testament is full of allusions to the twelve zodiacal signs, and the whole scheme is built upon it -- heroes, personages, and events. Thus in the dream of Joseph, who saw eleven "stars" bowing to the twelfth, which was his “star

The Roman Catholics have discovered in it, moreover, a prophecy of Christ, who is that twelfth star, they say, and the eleven apostles; the absence of the twelfth being also regarded as a prophetic allusion to the treachery of Judas. The twelve sons of Jacob are again a reference to the same, as justly pointed out by Villapandus (Temple de Jerusalem, Vol. II., p. 2nd part, chap. xxx).

Pythagoras, and after him Philo Judaeus, held the number 12 as very sacred. "The dodecahedron is a perfect number." It is the one among the signs of the Zodiac, Philo adds, that the sun visits in twelve months, and it is to honor that sign that Moses divided his nation into twelve tribes, established the twelve cakes (Levit. xxiv., 5) of the shewbread, and placed twelve precious stones around the ephod of the pontiffs. (See De Profugis.)”

“According to Seneca, Berosus taught prophecy of every future event and cataclysm by the Zodiac; and the time fixed by him for the conflagration of the world (pralaya), and another for a deluge, is found to answer to the time given in an ancient Egyptian papyrus. It comes at every renewal of the cycle of the sidereal year of 25,868 years. The names of the Akkadian months were called by, and derived from, the names of the signs of the Zodiac, and the Akkadians themselves are far earlier than the Chaldaeans.

Continuing along, HPB states:

“There are those learned iconoclasts among Egyptologists, who say that "when the Pharisees sought a 'sign from heaven' Jesus said, 'There shall no sign be given but the Sign of Jonas' (Mat. xvi. 4)... The sign of Jonas is that of the Oan or Fishman of Nineveh... Assuredly there was no other sign than that of the Sun Reborn in Pisces. The voice of the Secret Wisdom says those who are looking for signs can have no other than that of the returning Fish-Man Ichthys, Oannes, or Jonas [Amphibian or one of the ‘Serpent Race.’] -- who could not be made flesh."

It would appear that Kepler maintained it as a positive fact that, at the moment of the "incarnation," all the planets were in conjunction in the sign of Pisces, called by the Jews (the Kabalists) the "constellation of the Messiah."

"It is in this constellation," he averred, "that was placed the Star of the Magi."
This statement, quoted by Dr. Sepp (Vie de notre Seigneur Jesus Christ, Vol. I. p. 9), emboldened him to remark that,

"All the Jewish traditions while announcing that star, that many nations have seen," added that "it would absorb the seventy planets that preside over the destinies of various nations on this globe. In virtue of those natural prophecies," explains Dr. Sepp, "it was written in the stars of the firmament that the Messiah would be born in the lunar year of the world 4320, in that memorable year when the entire choir of the planets would be feasting its jubilee."
Seat of the Goddess
The ancient Hebrew Kabbalists spoke of “The Four Seraphim”. The Seraphim are the four heavenly luminaries comprising the multiple or binary star system of which we belong. Originating with Sirius B, Dark Star or nearly invisible point of light; this tiny cosmic nucleus was called “Sifr” (ar. ‘zero’) the secret ‘cipher’ of our local universe or (gk) “Oion”. The trinitary stellar Seraphim, Stars Sirius A, Sirius C and Sirius D (our Sun) were called in Hebrew “Saphar”, “Sepher” and “Siphur”.

These Archangels of Cosmic Fire were named by the Assyrians the “Sara’pu” and by the Hebrews the “Saraph” or “Seraph”. Their radiance resembles a ‘divine fiery serpent’. The ancient Egyptians knew them as the “Serref”.

The ‘ever-watchful’ “Sephirah” ‘circle’ in great ‘cycles’. “Saphar” means to ‘dance in a circle’, ‘to revolve and turn oneself around’. Revolving upon their own axis the triune Seraphim orbit, dancing round the zero point in deep space focalized by “Sifr”, Star Sirius B, the weighty center of centers.

Our invisible or Black SUN, our Central Sun was to the mystic Kabbalists “the centre of Rest; the centre to which all motion was to be ultimately referred.

Round this central sun . . . ‘the first of three systemic suns . . . revolved on a polar plane . . . the second, on an equatorial plane’ . . . and the third only was our visible sun. These four solar bodies were ‘the organs on whose action what man calls the creation, the evolution of life on the planet, earth, depends’.”

The celestial Seraphim are ever–filling the aethers with their stellar energy. They roar cosmic decibels through deep space in plosive tones beyond our hearing, communicate with one another in cosmic harmonies beyond our understanding and intoning the Cosmic Laws of Life, celebrate “The Laws of the ‘Sepher’ “in exultation beyond our capacity.
Ophiuchus and Sirius ... irius.html
In a previous article on the "Occultification" of the Sirius Star System, the "Serpent Gods" and the Devolution of Man, I drew your attention to the precession of the equinox in-order to qualify a point that our Solar System is in a binary alignment with Sirius. Is it possible that scientists, astrologers and astronomers will finally wake up to that reality?

The recognition of Ophiuchus, the serpent tamer, is definitely pointing towards full acceptance of that emerging reality and an indication of the imminent convergence between Sol and Sirius, since Ophiuchus represents the black hole or heart of the Milky Way when Sol, our Sun is in perfect alignment with Sirius and the centre of the Universe or what is referred to as "Hunab Ku" by the ancient Mayans -- the end of age and start of the next.

In the Kemetic history of Africa, Ophiuchus is seen as the definitive key, along with Sirius to unlocking the mysteries and knowledge of the future. Could this astrological adjustment points towards this manifestation?
Astrology Signs ... 52843.html
I think it is interesting that 2012 is the “Year of the Dragon” when in Constellation Ophiuchus the Divine Cross and the Terrestrial Mundane Cross will be unified with the elliptic center of the Galaxy.

When the zodiac was first delineated by the ancients, it consisted of twelve 'houses', each associated with one of twelve constellations that lay along the Ecliptic: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, and so on. Since that time, gravitational effects on the orbit of the Earth, known as 'precession', have caused the line of the Ecliptic to change slightly.

Specifically, it now passes through thirteen constellations, with Ophiuchus being the new addition. Where the Sun once passed directly from Scorpius into Sagittarius, it now spends nineteen days each year, from 30 November to 18 December, in the new 'house' of the Serpent Holder.

There is yet another aspect to Ophiuchus that alludes to historical celestial events in the chronological history of our Solar System that were documented in the constellations and the signs of the Zodiac. Here, Ophiuchus is a personification of our Sun, Sol, with Hercules being Sirius C the companion star to our paternal star Sirius B when our Solar System was formerly a trinary system conjoined with the Sirius Binary before the Great Discontinuity. The star in the right leg, named Sabik relays "Ophiuchus enveloped in the coils of Ophis" and they were the Khorasmian Sardhiwa, the "Head of the Evil One". The Shepherd and his Dog, the two lucidae or alpha stars marking the heads of Ophiuchus (Ras Alhague the Shepherd) and Hercules (Ras algethi the Dog). But who was this “Shepherd” but our original paternal star Sirius B which Ophiuchus holds in his hands as Serpens

Serpent), and most significantly is not his Right Hand Of Righteousness, but rather what is punctuated is his Left Hand Of Defilement symbolized by the star Yed Prior, meaning “hand” (yed), which holds the Serpent, a representation of the coiling Sirius Binary, the missing half of our Solar System, being Star Wormwood. And for this reason Ophiuchus’ Beta Ophiuchi is named Kelb Alrai (Celabrai) and means “The Shepherd’s Dog” (later confused into the corruption as “The Heart of the Shepherd”) and thus this indicates a direct link to the Great Dog Star, Sirius, the Coiling Serpent, which is approaching our Solar System… hence, 2012 + 7 years is the possible period of critical vertex of transversion through our Solar System, an extinction level event.
The Black Sun ... ckSun.html
The sun dominates our world, but behind the sun is an even greater sun known as the Black Sun. The Black Sun is thought to be the very center of the extended universe, the zero point of all that is. As the moon and earth revolve around the sun, so does our entire solar system orbit the Black Sun. The sun behind the sun is referred to as the Black Sun. Black represents the void of creation from which all things are derived. Black has always been used in religious practice and considered an ideal color for ceremonial garb as it represents the entire electromagnetic spectrum.

The Black Sun is the star Sirius which was long thought to be the brightest and most powerful of stars. Sirius is actually two stars, the gigantic Sirius A, and the much smaller Sirius B. We know now that there exists an even larger star Alcyone, which has eighty-three times the brilliance of Sirius and one thousand times greater than the brilliance of our own sun. As the moon reflects the sun so does the sun reflect Sirius. Since far distant times Sirius was believed to be the very cradle of all life throughout the extended universe. Sirius was known as the dog star. Dog of course is god spelled backwards which may be more than just mere coincidence as we continue to unravel the mystery of The Black Sun.
The Black Sun Prophecy
The Black Sun symbol had several other meanings as well. It represented the Dark star, the Death Star or the fallen star or the dark moon. Hitler became a member of the Black sun society a secret group within the Thule society. Thule beliefs were based in the writings of Theosophist Madame Blavatsky. Blavatsky wrote in her book Isis unveiled that the return of the Black Sun or death star would be evident when the 13th house of Mazzaroth is active from the core of Ophiuchus. The 13th house is the Serpent holder and from it will come the Black Sun.

Blavatsky wrote, “The sudden star, though seen by all of the Earth, does not elicit the fear it should even as fire begins to stain the Northern skies. But, when Mars retreats from Ophiuchus, and the blue light separates from the green, know that war and sudden destruction is at hand as the Black Sun rises once again.”

Ophiuchus is new to many people. I have mentioned it before in many of my shows because it is important to know about it when trying to figure out secret societal language. The accepted knowledge within the mainstream narrative is that our Sun travels through only 12 constellations in the Zodiac or Mazzaroth. They are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

However, it is a little known fact that the Sun spends only about nineteen days in this 13th house known as Serpentarius. As far as Astrologers were concerned, the Sun traveled from the constellation Scorpius and then proceeded directly into the sign of Sagittarius. The Sun, for 19 days of the year, travels through the star constellation ‘Ophiuchus’ before entering Sagittarius from Scorpius.

What is exactly in the area of Ophiuchus that is so secret? Many believe that the portal to God can be found there. Many say that it is the home of the Nemesis. The Nemesis of course is also reference to “Vulcan” the partner to a hypothetical binary star system idea, Nibiru the popular name of the 12th planet in the solar system and ‘Planet X” which is supposed to return from a wide elliptical orbit in 2012.

It is The Black Sun that will produce a whirlwind of fire or wormhole and it will create chaos and havoc upon the earth. Many have seen this anomaly and have called it Elijah’s vehicle, the shining vesture, the stairway to heaven, and the infernal maelstrom.

It was written in the old sacred texts that from the wormhole would come fiery rocks and comets. These were also spoken of by Blavatsky when she wrote; “Now, let us turn to the oldest written records left us by the Chaldeans, the Hermetic Book of Numbers, and see what we shall find in the allegorical language of Hermes, Kadmus, or Thuti, the thrice great Trismegistus. In the beginning of time the great invisible one had his holy hands full of celestial matter which he scattered throughout the infinity; and lo, behold! it became balls of fire and balls of clay; and they scattered like the moving metal into many smaller balls, and began their ceaseless turning; and some of them which were balls of fire became balls of clay; and the balls of clay became balls of fire; and the balls of fire were waiting their time to become balls of clay; and the others envied them and bided their time to become balls of pure divine fire.”

According to the Mayans the end of the creation cycle commences on October 28th, 2011. It is a time where we move into an area of the Zodiac that at one time was devoted to a character who was known as the “serpent bearer” or the “serpent god”. Many others call this area of the zodiac the “dark rift.” The Dark rift is home to the Death Star. The dark rift is in Serpentarius (Ophiuchus), the home of the serpent gods it has also been called “zero point” or the point of creation.

Ophiuchus and some of the fixed stars in it were sometimes used by astrologers in antiquity as extra-zodiacal indicators in determining the times for cataclysms. It is interesting to note that the meanings of the crossing of the “Dark rift” Dark Star, Black Sun, or zero point is often associated with “Judgment” or “day of Judgment.” ... 773#p26667
Sothis (Sirius B) is connected to Emme Ya (Sirius C), a bizarre star that constitutes the closest astronomical match to the concept of Black Sun, and from which Atlantean Lore says that many of the entities and intelligences today known in Pantheons sprang from. So, Sothis stands as the stellar, pulsating centre of the Draconian Current and of the energies that move the opposite side of creation - Sothis as 'Astrum Nigrum' (Black Star), soul of Black Isis and cosmic vehicle of Set.
In Hecate's Fountain, Kenneth Grant speaks of the planet Emme Ya (Sirius C) in the Sirius star-system as the origin of the Loa --Voudoo goddesses and gods, the Orisha in Yoruba tradition. The Dogon know Emme Ya -- Star of Women -- as the planet of the primal goddess, the Orisha Yemoja. Mother of all African goddesses and gods, Her name -- Mother of Fish -- recalls ancient tales of the amphibious Nommos, powerful beings of god-like stature who brought civilization to earth from the star system of Sirius, and whom the Babylonians knew as the Musari.

Through such a series of magickal workings by the Pittsburgh Group, directed toward contact with LAM and the Maatian Current, was produced an astral vision of "the Black Planet where there are 2 Suns". Emme Ya, planet of the Sirius binary star-system, would be just such a planet with two suns.

The planet Xylanthia is located in the Sirius Star System, which is comprised of three stars; Sirius A, B and C. Sirius A and B orbit around Sirius C. Planet Xylanthia orbits around Sirius C, which is a black dwarf star. Xylanthia is the home-planet of the extraterrestrials that visited Earth and founded Atlantis. Sirius A and Sirius B orbit around Sirius C which is their center of gravity. This configuration causes Xylanthia to have no night.

Xylanthia is located, eight light years from Earth, in the Sirius star system. It orbits around a black dwarf, which is yet to be discovered by Earth astronomers. Sirius A and Sirius B also orbit around this Black dwarf. The dual suns influence all life forms on Xylanthia to be androgynous. The orbital configuration causes Xylanthia to have no night.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:32 pm

It seems to me that all these different names describe the same energy source – the Aether.

Vishnunabhi (seat of Universal Magnetism)
The Aether
Eloptic Black Light
Kosmonic Energy
Vril Energy
Maatian Current
Draconian Current

Then what is the “seat of Universal Magnetism”? It would appear to some kind of a black hole or gravitational vortex. Is it located in the galactic center or are there an untold number of these vortexes scattered throughout the various constellations in the Zodiac?

The “2012 alignment” is supposed to create a tesseract (the New Jerusalem) to join together as many of these different “cosmic currents” as possible in a constructive interference pattern. ... 495#p54882

In geometry, the tesseract, also called an 8-cell or regular octachoron or cubic prism, is the four-dimensional analog of the cube. The tesseract is to the cube as the cube is to the square. Just as the surface of the cube consists of 6 square faces, the hypersurface of the tesseract consists of 8 cubical cells. The tesseract is one of the six convex regular 4-polytopes. The tesseract is the four-dimensional hypercube, or 4-cube.
During the first half of the precessionary cycle (ca 13,000 years) the “New Jerusalem” interference pattern was destructive and resulted in the Great Flood. This was when the Earth acquired its axial tilt and lost its alignment with the Cosmic Axis and its direct access to the Cosmic Currents (the Aether).

Hindu Theory of World Cycles
In the introduction to his book The Holy Science, Sri Yukteswar describes an interesting variant of the Hindu theory of ages. According to him,

...the sun, with its planets and their moons, takes some star for its dual and revolves around it in about 24,000 years of our earth-a celestial phenomenon which causes the backward movement of the equinoctial points around the zodiac. The sun also has another motion by which it revolves round a grand center called Vishnunabhi, which is the seat of the creative power, Brahma, the universal magnetism. Brahma regulates dharma, the mental virtue of the internal world.

Yukteswar goes on to explain that the sun's 24,000 year revolution around its companion star takes the sun progressively closer, and then progressively further away from the mystic center Vishnunabhi. In his system, dharma increases as we approach Vishnunabhi and decreases as we draw away from it. The cycle of yugas takes place twice in each 24,000 year revolution. As the sun recedes from Vishnunabhi, the ages pass in the usual order: Satya, Treta, Dvapara, Kali. As the sun approaches Vishnunabhi, the ages pass in the opposite order: Kali, Dvapara, Treta, Satya. ... c1d#p55006

The Dogon's understanding of the general structure and evolution of the universe rest upon the three major stars: Sirius A - Sigi Tolo, Sirius B - Po Tolo and Sirius C - Emma Ya Tolo; and their relationship with Po, the spiraling black hole at the center of the galaxy.

The Dogons believed that Sirius B was the oldest of the stars and was the creative organizing source and force of the world, producing a sacred energy of Eloptic Black Light from the stream of ionized hydrogenous essence of Sirius A, a brightly shining transitioning star moving consciousness and frequency with a spirit of wisdom.

Though, not yet confirmed by scientist, "The Little Sun" Sirius C, exhibits similar characteristics to that of Sirius B.

Sirius C, Emma Ya Tolo, is hard to observe, since its small faint stellar field is masked by the great brightness of Sirius A. It is a red Dwarf Star or Pulsar and is called the "Sun of Women."

According to the Dogon, Sirius C lies at the centre of the Sirius Star System constantly emitting red solar rays - a Blazing Star transmitting its essence towards Sirius A and B from its orbital position.

Sirius C is also accompanied by a spiraling satellite called Nyan Tolo, the "Star of Women." Nyan Tolo is represented by a spiral and/or cross. Sirius A, B, and C constitutes the Solar Trinity. The Sirius Star System is considered as the hidden, secret and spiritual Sun. ... 240#p34969
When I probed for more knowledge about Knut (The Great Pyramid) and the Sphinx, which to us were already unutterably aged, they related a strange tale about the great Beings called the Anaki, the Mighty Ones, who came to Earth ages ago from another solar system, arriving on spaceship. They came from the star Sothis (Sirius). They landed on a land called Aztlan (Atlantis)

When the Anaki first arrived from their home planet, they brought with them a crucible called an Ark of the Covenant. This Ark contained a peculiar pulsating crystal infused with a living light. Under guidance, it emitted rays of force. It was constructed so as to become an instrument, a device, a storehouse, containing the power to generate the very highest creative cosmic frequencies, capable of transforming matter into pure energy-force and energy-force into matter. It was called an Ark of the Covenant because it possessed the potential of harmonizing its divine potencies with the material frequencies of Earth.

The Ark brought from Sirius was built as a miniature pyramid because its dynamic force could best be generated inside this peculiar construction. In the hands of the Anaki (my father also called them the "builders") the rays of natural cosmic force could render Earth's objects temporarily either weightless or more ponderous, according to the will of those operating it. It was with its tremendous rays of power that the gigantic stones of the enormous Knut had been shaped and levitated into place.

The Ark was similar to a thermonuclear reactor with rays of energy similar to our laser beams - but considerably more advanced. Contained within it were the "Tables of the Law," "rods of power," and a "vase filled with manna." These were all symbols of that which would produce powerful laser rays. They became far more than electric condensers. They contained generators that were constantly recharged through the construction of the Ark itself. They also contained mysterious pulsating crystals.

Thus Knut, the very Great Pyramid itself, became an Ark of the Covenant. When, in its early days, it was covered by engraved white casing tablets and topped by a free floating crystal and gold capstone, the pyramid became a living Ark of mysterious force. A fiery halo was often seen to glow around its tip, and strange sounds like deep rumbling thunder rose through its apex.

My father explained that at the time when Knut was built Earth was aligned with an infinite light ray called the Kosmon Current, a radiant light wave of illimitable power. He explained that there were many solar systems in God's universe. Ours was only one of many inhabited planets. He drew charts showing me the Great Central Sun which projected a beam of light force from its heart, right through the suns of all the solar systems aligned with those particular evolutionary universes of time-space dimensions which orbited the Eternal God heart. Our mite of a planet had fallen out of alignment with the Grand Orient at the time of the flood and the fall at Atlantis (Aztlan).

When the Gods built Knut, the sun of our solar system had been perfectly aligned with this great Kosmonic wavelength. The pyramid acted as a focal point to gather in and distribute this tremendous infinite light. The pyramid in turn projected the light deep into the heart of Earth, keeping alive the proton sun radiating at the center (in 4th density). Responding, the etheric sun at Earth's center acted as a perpetual generator, returning upflowing energy through the Ark of the capstone floating at the top.

Thus the pyramid served not only as a receiver of the force but also as projector. So tremendous was the up-flow of energy currents from inside the Earth, they held suspended in space the capstone of the pyramid. Detached from the pyramid itself, the capstone floated there suspended in shimmering light.

The uninitiated unprotected sons of Earth were not permitted to touch the Ark because of its radiating voltage, placed there by the generated cosmic rays. The priests who had charge of it were called the Arkites, wore protective garments.

When the Anaki first arrived on Atzlan, a massive stone structure of pyramidal form was constructed because such a form would produce the required resistance to the ravage of time. The pyramidal form would itself sustain the charges of White Light generated in the Ark, which graced the peak of the pyramid. Since the pyramid form was the most conducive to generate the White Light, it also became the symbolic form of the initiate godman. It represented the spiritualization of matter.

The Anaki came to Earth to serve the cause of light and to help Eartheans emerge from their darkness and hasten their evolutionary progress. To achieve such an acceleration of consciousness, they intermarried with the sons and daughters of the Earthborn, thus planting the seeds of future births having the potential for divinity. The lifewave evolving on Earth at that time dwelt in tribal communities. Theirs was a constant struggle against nature and animals to survive, thus their forms were physically powerful.
With the current massive outpouring of information regarding the fabled Holy Grail (or Grails) it is impossible to ignore what may be the very first Holy Grail on Earth, the Chintamani Stone, the “Treasure of the World.”

Between 1923-1928 this stone, which first manifested on Earth many thousands of years before the Cup of Christ, was taken by the great Russian artist and mystic Nicholas Roerich into the heartland of the Far East in order to reunite it with the mother stone it had been separated from, a massive jewel that resided in Shambhala, the Land of the Immortals.

This Chintamani Stone, which is of extra-terrestrial origin, had supposedly been brought to Earth by emissaries from a planet orbiting the star Sirius and then handed over to Shambhala’s principal resident, the elusive “King of the World,” a monarch known by many mystics in the East but only by a handful of occultists in the West. In regards to its identity in the Holy Grail legends, the Chintamani Stone appears to be synonymous with the “Stone of Heaven,” the Holy Grail manifestation mentioned by Wolfram von Eschenbach in his famous Grail rendition known as Parzival, which is regarded by most Grail scholars to be the most complete and authoritative of the Grail legends.

The Chintamani Stone certainly fits the profile of Eschenbach’s enigmatic Stone of Heaven because, like its literary counterpart, the Treasure of the World is said to possess both the power to make a human immortal, as well as to have come to Earth from “Heaven” (Sirius), a truth that is supposedly engraved upon it as Sanskrit letters that Roerich once translated as,

“Through the Stars I come. I bring the chalice (Grail) covered with the shield.”

Like Eschenbach’s stone, the Chintamani Stone is apparently also green in color, since Roerich is on record as also stating that the Chintamani Stone is similar in appearance to a species of meteorite known as Moldavite, which is dark green in color. If the Chintamani Stone is indeed Eschenbach’s Stone of Heaven could it also be the original Philosophers Stone, which legends assert could turn a base metal into gold and a human into an immortal deity? Could it be the original Holy Grail, the one that was later emulated by all Holy Grails, including the Cup of Christ and the wood of the True Cross?

With so much evidence in its support of its power and existence, it does indeed appear that the study of the Chintamani Stone should warrant special consideration in any contemporary Holy Grail research.

Information is scant concerning the Chintamani Stone, but supposedly the extra-terrestrial stone is stronger than penetrating Radium and its dynamic rays can instantly increase a person’s own vibratory frequency while bestowing upon him or her the ability to see into the past and future, evolve into an immortal human being, or even secure world dominion. It has also been suggested that the stone can never be adequately tested scientifically because much of it exists in a higher dimensional frequency than the one we exist within.

Other pertinent data regarding the Chintamani Stone maintains that it was brought to Earth by Sirian missionaries during a remote era in order to eventually help precipitate a one-world civilization based upon mutual support, love, and equality. In order to effectuate this lofty goal, the Sirians are believed to have, throughout history, made sure that the stone remained in the possession of certain planetary rulers or organizations that have been in the position of influencing the world on a grand scale.

Since its arrival on Earth, the Chintamani Stone has, for example, been in the possession of he who is the supreme consciousness governing all of the world from an etheric plane, the King of the World, while parts of it have been in the possession of such acclaimed conquerors and empire builders as King Solomon, Genghis Khan and Akbar the Great.

There is some indication that one part of the stone has been the sacred stone of the Kaaba, which has united millions of Moslems around the globe. In recent history it is known that a portion of the Chintamani Stone was given to the founders of the League of Nations, whose stated goals were the creation of a one-world civilization free of hate and war. This was the stone that Nicholas Roerich carried back to Shambhala following the collapse of that international organization.

One burning question remains in regards to the current whereabouts of the Chintamani Stone. Did Roerich complete his journey to Shambhala? Is the sacred stone back in the Land of the Immortals? Most historians agree that Roerich did not technically reach Shambhala but instead arrived in a Tibetan location which is intimately connected to it.

Could the Chintamani Stone have really come from Sirius? Did humans have contact with the Sirians in the distant past? In the last century anthropologists in Mali discovered that some of the African country’s tribes, such as the Dogon and Bozo tribes, claimed to have once had visitations from Sirian missionaries who acted as their teachers.

To prove their claims these tribes revealed some of the obscure information transmitted to them from their mentors, which included a knowledge of the Sirian grouping of three stars, as well as a knowledge of the moons surrounding certain distant planets in our Solar System. Such information could only be acquired through observation with very high-powered telescopes, a luxury these primitive tribes were never in the position to possess.

Robert Temple, author of The Sirius Mystery, which records the history of the Dogon people and their encounters with the Sirians, found another possible Earth link with Sirius soon after his book was published. Members of Freemasonry, who had long known of Sirius as the Great White Lodge in the Galaxy and commonly depicted it in their lodges as the Blazing Star, contacted Temple and invited him to become an initiate of their organization.

Although Temple could not subsequently find explicit indications that Freemasonry had been in direct contact with Sirian missionaries in the past, he did find intriguing clues connecting them to the star Sirius, including the eye within the triangle symbol which currently surmounts the pyramid on the US seal.

This triangle, an ancient Freemasonic symbol, depicts the Grand Architect of the Universe and is closely associated with what the Dogon refer to as the “Eye” of the universe, the dwarf star Digitaria, that is part of the trinitized Sirian grouping of stars and recognized by the tribe as the Creator of the Universe.

The US seal eventually became featured on the back of the US dollar bill during the administration of Franklin Roosevelt, who was himself a high-ranking Freemason and Shriner, and before that it was the symbol of the eighteenth century Illuminati, who sought to achieve the Sirian goal of a one-world civilization although it is believed they did so with less than purely altruistic intentions.

Temple also discovered another clue indicating a close connection between the Freemasons and Sirius: the day of US independence by the Freemasonic fathers, July 4th, is one of the days of the year when our Sun is in its closest alignment with Sirius.
SuperLight is magnetic light; it is magneto–electric radiation.

Regular light is electric light or electro–magnetic radiation. There is parity or symmetry the Universe, everything has an equal and opposite mirror–image counterpart, the Ying and the Yang, right and left, matter and anti matter, the electron and the positron. Why not light?

Both science and metaphysics have honored this parity law in all things except light. They are wrong. There is parity in light as well!

SuperLight is the unseen force in nature that has been ignored by science but real to the mystics and metaphysicians for thousands of years. It has been given different names by different cultures for thousands of years.

A Nuous, Chi, Biomagnetic Energy, Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Energy, Tesler's Free Earth Energy, Animal Magnetism, Space Energy, Vacuum Energy, and Zero Point Energy, etc. Those who have subtle perception know it is real.
The Black Sun
The Vril Force or Vril Energy was said to be derived from the Black Sun, a big ball of "Prima Materia" which supposedly exists in the center of the Earth, giving light to the Vril-ya and putting out radiation (infrared spectrum – “black light”?) in the form of Vril.

This force was known to the ancients under many names, and it has been called Chi, Ojas, Vril, Astral Light, Odin Forces and Orgone. In a discussion of the 28th degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry—called Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept— Albert Pike said, "There is in nature one most potent force, by means whereof a single man, who could possess himself of it, and should know how to direct it, could revolutionize and change the face of the world." ... 773#p26667
Sothis (Sirius B) is connected to Emme Ya (Sirius C), a bizarre star that constitutes the closest astronomical match to the concept of Black Sun, and from which Atlantean Lore says that many of the entities and intelligences today known in Pantheons sprang from. So, Sothis stands as the stellar, pulsating centre of the Draconian Current and of the energies that move the opposite side of creation - Sothis as 'Astrum Nigrum' (Black Star), soul of Black Isis and cosmic vehicle of Set.
In Hecate's Fountain, Kenneth Grant speaks of the planet Emme Ya (Sirius C) in the Sirius star-system as the origin of the Loa --Voudoo goddesses and gods, the Orisha in Yoruba tradition. The Dogon know Emme Ya -- Star of Women -- as the planet of the primal goddess, the Orisha Yemoja. Mother of all African goddesses and gods, her name -- Mother of Fish -- recalls ancient tales of the amphibious Nommos, powerful beings of god-like stature who brought civilization to earth from the star system of Sirius, and whom the Babylonians knew as the Musari.

Through such a series of magickal workings by the Pittsburgh Group, directed toward contact with LAM and the Maatian Current, was produced an astral vision of "the Black Planet where there are 2 Suns". Emme Ya, planet of the Sirius binary star-system, would be just such a planet with two suns.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:26 am

The Galactic Butterfly

The Mysteries of the Maya Symbols ... erfly.html
As it was established earlier, the Maya Calendar (viz. Long Count) describes Time not only exoterically – in the well-known linear models of various cycles, but progressively – in evolution periods that decrease in the Golden Section ratio, in compliance with their idea of accelerating of Time which corresponds to the Theosophical statement that “{the evolution develops} in cycles and on a strictly geometrical and mathematical scale of progression”.

After then it was revealed that the end of the current exoteric 5-order fragment of the Long Count, or Mayan Calendar, exactly corresponds to the rare Space phenomena – the Great Celestial Conjunction (GCC) which takes place 4 times a Platonic year (viz. once in 6500 years). In that work it was shown that XX correlation, as the correspondence of two Celestial Crosses – those defined by the lines of Equinoxes and Solstices of the Tropical Zodiac (TZ) and respective structure, but for the Solar System (Solar zodiac, SZ), is reflected in the Old World symbology by the 8-pointed Cross. Meanwhile, the GCC – the event of conjunction of these two Crosses caused by the precession of the Equinoxes – is reflected by the 4-pointed Cross.

This Great Revelation was presented to mankind through the assistance of Helen Blavatsky, who presented this Knowledge in “The Secret Doctrine” and other works. In particular, she shows in this work the common roots of the basic religions, how the Ancient concepts of Creation were modified in various religious and philosophical systems, as well as the origin of the principal symbols pertaining to the Creation and Evolution and use of the same basic symbols in Egypt, Europe, Asia and Central America including the Maya.

In her works it is explicitly stated that Theosophy does not require an implicit belief, but invites us to adopt its concepts through proofs and verification. It rejects “supernatural”, but discloses the origin of inexplicable phenomena by showing the 7-planes of existence surrounding the physical plane which is considered in modern science as the only plane of existence.

Modern Maya Daykeeper Hunbatz Men calls Hunab Ku “The Only Giver of Movement and Measure”, the Universal Consciousness and prime organizer of our Galaxy. With these and other attributes Hunab Ku cannot stand for the “Supreme ALL”, or Absolute Deity.

In some way Hunab Ku is associated with the stars, planets and solar systems, as well as with the Milky Way as a whole. As far as from a perspective of our planet there are three “observable” levels of Spiritual Hierarchy – those of the Earth, Solar System and Milky Way (Galaxy), which are also reflected in the well-defined physical systems, Hunab Ku should be referred to the Galactic level.

Cosmic consciousness which the Maya called “Hunab Ku” (“all of the Consciousness that has ever existed in this Galaxy”) is provided with such attribute as the “the Only Giver (“Sole Dispenser”) of Movement and Measure” – viz. of Time and Space (as Time is the equivalent for Motion, as Measure – for Space to whom they also attributed the mathematical structuring of the universe.

Inasmuch as they also considered Hunab Ku as the ultimate Creator of the Universe (the "Mother Womb" which is constantly giving birth to new stars and it gave birth to our own Sun and Planet Earth), we can assume that Hunab Ku stands for the Demiurge of our Galaxy, or manifested (or second) Logos, or the “Divine Powers, who are the active manifestations of the One Supreme Energy.

So, it is clear that due to the high level of Hierarchy of Hunab Ku this Creator should have been “a remote from everyday affairs”, figure “little in the {everyday} life of the ancient Maya” and, due to its holiness, should not be exposed, as the ineffable and unutterable NAME, in exoteric sources (“in the codices or elsewhere”).

The Sun as a star and the Central Spiritual Sun that stands behind the visible Sun – are two different things. If for the former the symbol the point in a circle is used, the latter is understood as the Logos of the Solar system which is too divine and not cognizable for us to bear a symbol, as the ineffable and unutterable NAME.

In the strict conformity with this approach Hunbatz Men has never actually said that the symbol “Galactic Butterfly” was Hunab Ku; moreover, apparently with a clear understanding of the esoteric meaning of Hunab Ku, Men doesn’t state that Hunab Ku is the Milky Way; instead, with respect to the concepts of the Secret Doctrine he says: “The Maya lived integrally worshipping that which is represented by the “G”. It is nothing less than our galaxy. Yes, the Milky Way!”

Alongside, the same hierogram (the point in the circle), “the circle of Heaven” was used with a sacred meaning, as an indirect indication to the Architect. Therefore, it is quite probable that in this sense the following statement, if applied to the esoteric side of Maya Cosmology, is also authentic: the Maya represented Hunab Ku “by a circle in which was inscribed a square just as did Pythagoras”.

“For the Maya, wherever the symbol of zero is marked, its value is known, for it represents the essence of the beginning, the Logos. In order to understand the sacred Hunab’Ku, the Only Giver of Movement and Measure, one must venerate the origin of the zero, the Milky Way because it is there that the mold for the most ancient things was located”

This gives us a clear indication that Hunbatz Men, as a man in Tradition, apparently follows principally the same Cosmogony that is given in the Secret Doctrine and evidently separates the Creator (Hunab Ku) and His Creation (the Milky Way). These considerations show that Initiated Mayas had evidently distinguished on the symbolical and conceptual levels, between Hunab Ku as the Demiurge (circle inscribed a square) and its “visible” image -- the Milky Way, or manifestation of Hunab Ku (“G”).

At the same time “the circle of Heaven” (point within a circle) was not only known to Mayas but used as an attribute of Venus from where a Hierarchy of Creators had come to Earth.

In compliance with the Theosophical paradigm, Hunab Ku, as the Highest Hierarch for the elements of this Galaxy, “represented the gateway to other Galaxies beyond our Sun”

The manifested or physical nature of the Galaxy was also well-known to the Maya: Hunab Ku, according to the Maya, is also the Consciousness (viz. Creators) which organized all matter, from a “whirling disk”, into stars, planets and solar systems.

“In the earliest Hindu exoteric cosmogonies, it is not even the Demiurge who creates for it is said in one of the Puranas that: "The great Architect of the World gives the first impulse to the rotatory motion of our planetary system by stepping in turn over each planet and body." It is this action "that causes each sphere to turn around itself, and all around the Sun."

They also believed that the "Creator" directs everything that happens in our Galaxy from its center through the emanation of periodic "Consciousness Energy" bursts.

Today, modern astronomers have verified that at the center of our Galaxy is a “whirling disk” with a “Black Hole” at its center that is both swallowing and giving birth to stars.

There appears to be a convergence between what the Maya believed and understood and what modern scientists are discovering about our Galaxy today. One big difference is how modern physicists view and how the ancient Mayas viewed “Time”.

Today, physicists view Time as being linear. In contrast, the Maya believed essentially that Time flows in a circle. There is a beginning and an end to things but there is a renewal at the end of the Time cycle. There is a “periodicity” to all manifested phenomena. The Mayan highly accurate Long Count Calendar is based on this precept. The Maya also believed that Time originates out of the Hunab Ku and is controlled by it.

The ancient Maya astronomers accurately predicted the Great Celestial Conjunction at the end of the present Long Cont cycle on December 21, 2012 when humanity will pass a point of bifurcation. On this day, according to the Mayas and subsequent Meso-American civilizations, the return of Kukulcan (Quetzalcoatl) will take place. We can presume that apart from intensification of the Galactic influence (“Consciousness Energy” burst though the alignment of the TZ and SZ axes), our Venus Lords may probably exert their influence in an “unusual” way.

The physical reflection of the esoteric concept of rotation (of all worlds) on three levels of Hierarchy – Earth, Solar System, and Galaxy is seen in the basic planes – Equator, Ecliptic, and Galactic Equator; and namely these three planes define the XX-correlation and the GCC.

Hunab Ku is associated with engendering of the “whirling disk” of our Galaxy that is “governed” from its centre (Centre of the Galaxy) from which it produces the Consciousness Energy bursts. Along with the three levels of Hierarchy this structure defines the basic elements of XX-correlation and GCC.

According to Mayas, Time flows in a circle, originates out of the Hunab Ku and is inseparable from Space. This denotes that the cycles (or spirals) of Time must correspond to definite Heavenly bodies positions. Apart from presenting more evidence to the authenticity of the concept of GCC, it also provides one more argument in favor of the Auric Time Scale.

The evident geometrical images of these Maya concepts of the square within the circle (the whirling disk, the Center of the Galaxy, unity of Time & Space, emanations from the centre, etc.) are integrated in the symbol of “Galactic Butterfly”.

In compliance with the Secret Doctrine, The Maya believed that: “The creation of the present world, the world of humankind, was only one act in an eternal cycle of birth, death, and renewal.
Even the existing Maya codices show that they were well acquainted with the general structure and mechanics of the Solar system and Galaxy. In particular, they possessed the Ephemeris for Venus, Moon and Mars (the eclipse, Venus and Mars tables), as well as the numerical methods for correcting their astronomical tables.

The celestial bodies are often shown suspended from a “sky band” representing the Ecliptic, the path of the sun, moon, and planets through the heavens against the background of stars.

The Ecliptic is also represented by the two-headed reptile (or sky band), the front head of which is almost always marked with the Venus glyph, while the rear one – with a Sun sign. Moreover, in Maya languages, chan (sky) and kan (serpent) are homonyms.

In Maya myth, Venus is the companion of the Sun, and Kukulkan is most closely associated with Venus and presents one of the Lords of the pantheon of Venus deities.

The Venus glyph is a four-pointed star (Cross). Standing alone it presents either Venus or a lesser "star." With a prefix “chak” it stands for “great star” and probably refers specifically to Venus; the latter symbol – a cross surrounded by four circles – comprises the elements of the known Venus symbol and resembles an eight-pointed star.

The “great star” symbol (in addition to a synopsis of the Crosses and Circles gives us one more important universal glyph: the point within the circle which represents not only the Sun.

The great significance which the Maya pay to Venus corresponds with the significance the Secret Doctrine pays to the Lords of this planet and explains the multitude of Venus gods as presenting Kumaras, Dhyan Chohans, etc.

A remarkable example of Mesoamerican understanding of the structure of the Solar System is seen in where the 4 inner circles (inside the band of dots) stand for the visible inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) while the 5 outer circles – for the outer ones (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto). At the same time, the band of dots itself represents the Asteroid belt. This is a perfect representation of the Solar System! Also the left and right side of the picture is separated by a vertical band of 9 circles, representing the 9 planets of our Solar System, or the numerological concept of time.

The orientation of the crosses is also indicative as they are tilted from one depiction to the other. It may represent the rotating cross of the Tropical Zodiac (TZ), the equinox and solstice axis relative to the “stationary” Solar one.
In addition the crosses are also depicted in the corners. The cross in the upper right corner is rotated with respect to the cross on the lower left corner, for both halves of the picture. At this, the different angles may present not only the GCCs, but the 1/5 of the Platonic year – viz. the duration of the Long Count in units of the Precession.
Orion, as in the Secret Doctrine, is of great importance to the Maya. Thus, The "3 stones of Creation" and turtle representing bright stars in Orion are the important symbols in Maya creation myths the symbolism of which resonate with the Old World ones.

The Pleiades, as in Egypt, were also honoured in Mesoamerica.

The World Tree is the most pervasive Maya symbol of the creation and ordering of the world. It is the axis of the Earth-Sky which connects or rather associates the principal elements of the Galaxy: (1) being manifested by the Galactic Centre), (2) the Solar System being manifested by the Sun) as the element of the Galaxy and (3) the Earth as the element of the Solar System.

Though other names are used for the upper levels, we can note that in the Secret Doctrine the “underworld” is the earthy life itself. So, though exoterically they could speak about “Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld”, they had distinguished between the Milky Way and Ecliptic and, therefore, would not have united the physical Sun and Galaxy in a unit while placing the Globe and Spiritual Underworld in another two units.

For this reason the three Cosmic Centres of Maya – Galactic Centre, Sun and Earth – mimic the same conventional astronomical and esoterical centres of influence which define the outer influence in the concept of the XX-correlation and GCC.

In the Temple of the Cross the World Tree is depicted as a symbol of the Milky Way (the Galactic Equator). Through the centre of the “cross” runs a serpent bar, representing the Ecliptic. Together with the sky band (viz. Ecliptic) it also presents the Cross of the SZ. On the dates assigned to centering of the world at Creation of the present era, the Milky Way stands erect at dawn, running through the zenith from North to South. It becomes the axis of the heavens and, thus presents an analogue of the TZ and, thus, XX-correlation by relating the SZ’s Cross with the orthogonal Sun-Earth planes.

The Symbol for Sacred and Secret Knowledge was universally in antiquity a Tree, by which a Scripture or a Record was also meant (e.g. the Tree of Knowledge is the esoteric or Secret Doctrine). Hence the "Dragons (or Serpents)," are symbols of wisdom, who guard the Trees of Knowledge.

So, the collective name “World Tree” assigned now to all New World Trees is the same as the Old World’s “Tree of the Knowledge of the Good and the Evil [that] grows from the roots of the Tree of Life”.

Both World Trees at Palenque are crowned with the Celestial Birds. Their position over these Crosses complies fully with the meaning the Secret Doctrine denotes this symbol:

You will find a tree whose trunk is covered with ten fruits ready to be plucked by a male and female, one on each side of it, while from the top of the trunk two branches shoot horizontally to the right and left, thus forming a perfect T (Tau); the ends of the two branches, moreover, each bear a triple bunch with a bird – the bird of immortality, Atman or the divine Spirit – sitting between the two, and thus making the seventh.

This represents the same idea as the Sephirothal Tree, ten in all, yet, when it is separated from its upper triad it leaves Seven. These are the celestial fruits, the ten, or 10, born out of the two invisible male and female seeds, making up the 12, or the Dodecahedron of the Universe ...”

The Serpent symbol is one of the most ancient and the general association of the Serpent with the tree. The "Serpent" and "Dragon" were the names given to the "Wise Ones," the initiated adepts of olden times. That is why the earliest Initiates and Adepts, or the “Wise Men,” for whom it is claimed that they were initiated into the mysteries of nature by the Universal Mind, represented by the highest angels and were named the “Serpents of Wisdom” and “Dragons”. The Nagas of the Hindu and Tibetan adepts were human Nagas (Serpents), not reptiles. Moreover, the Serpent has ever been the type of consecutive or serial rejuvenation, of Immortality and Time.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:22 pm

On June 8, 2004 Venus will cross the face of the sun for the first time since 1882. There will be a repeat showing in 2012. After that, Venus won't pass directly between the sun and Earth until 2117.

This is among the rarest of astronomical events. In fact, between the years 2000 BC and 4000 AD there are only 81 Venusian "transits," as astronomers call them.

Only five times have humans recorded the passage of Venus in front of the Sun (in 1639, 1761, 1769, 1874 and 1882), although it’s not impossible that a transit of Venus might have once been seen by chance in ancient times, near sunrise or sunset. Possibly on such an occasion, some ancient observer with a keen eye, viewing the Sun on an unusually hazy day, might have glimpsed our sister planet's dark image (reporting it as "a dark mark on the Sun") on the solar disk.

There is some neat math involved in Venus transits, all related to the predictability of its orbit, which is closer to the Sun than the annual path of Earth.

The circumstances of the transits of Venus repeat themselves with great exactness after a period of 243 years. The intervals between individual transits (in years) currently go as follows: 8 + 121½ + 8 + 105½ = 243. In other words, a pair of transits may occur over a time span of just eight years, but following the second transit, the next will not occur again for more than a century.

Transits of Venus occurred on Dec. 9, 1874 and Dec. 6, 1882. The transit this June is the first one since 1882, but the next will occur 8 years later on June 6, 2012, although this future event will be visible in its entirety only from the Pacific Ocean and the extreme east coasts of Siberia, Japan and Australia (North Americans will see the opening stages before sunset).

Then it will be a long wait once again. On December 11, 2117, Venus will again pass in front of the Sun.

Transits do not occur each time Venus passes from our evening to our night sky because things have to be lined up just right.

When a transit occurs, the Sun, Venus and Earth are all in a direct line. But Earth and Venus do not orbit in exactly the same plane around the Sun, so often each planet is either above or below the location that would allow a transit.
Transit of Venus: A Rare Astronomical Event
I think the astronomers of the first years of the twenty-first century, looking back over the long transitless period which will then have passed, will understand the anxiety of astronomers in our own time to utilise to the full whatever opportunities the coming transits may afford; and I venture to hope that should there be found, among the old volumes on their book-stalls, the essays and charts by which I have endeavoured to aid in securing that end (perhaps even this little book in which I record the history of the matter), they will not be disposed to judge over-harshly what some in our own day may have regarded as an excess of zeal.

So wrote Richard Proctor (1837-1888), in the concluding paragraphs of his 1875 book, Transits of Venus. Proctor was a prominent astronomer and prolific writer on the subject of astronomy. For me, he apparently gazed not only into the heavens but also into the future as well. For when I began to research the upcoming transit of Venus across the face of the Sun on June 8, I immediately scanned my bookshelves for works published in preparation for the more recent transits of 1874 and 1882.

I knew I possessed Proctor's above mentioned work, for I had only recently acquired it from another amateur astronomer friend who knew I liked Proctor's writings. It's an increasingly difficult volume to locate at a reasonable price in good condition. My initial research into Venus transits came from reading this work. I also located another antiquarian book from the same time (1874) that was extremely technical, plus three more recent works that were entirely devoted to transits of Venus and Mercury.

Most books on astronomy have a small section on solar transits, but the works I referenced contained a wealth of information, more than suitable for me to provide a brief historical perspective on the topic, plus prepare you for the upcoming experience that no one living today has ever witnessed.

Let's first explore what a transit is. Simply stated, an astronomical transit occurs when one celestial object, such as a planet or a moon, passes in front of another celestial object. If you think about it, technically a solar eclipse is really a transit of the Moon across the face of the Sun! We just have another name for it!

But, let's extend that analogy a little further. The moon passes between the Earth and Sun and occasionally we observe a solar eclipse. Sometimes it's a partial, sometimes it's a total, and most times it doesn't occur at all. It all depends upon the alignment of these three bodies! But why don't we get a solar eclipse every new Moon? We would if the Moon's orbit wasn't tilted or inclined at an angle to the Earth's orbit around the Sun. If all things were perfect, we would see a total solar eclipse and a total lunar eclipse every lunar month. It would be so routine we probably wouldn't pay much attention to it.

Well, when it comes to transits of Venus and Mercury across the face of the Sun, a similar principle applies. Since both planets occupy orbits between the Earth and the Sun it stands to reason that they would more than likely be seen to pass in front of the solar disk from time to time. Again, though the planets in the solar system (except Pluto) pretty much lie in the same flat plane, the orbits may be inclined either above or below the plane of the Earth's orbit.

So, as is the case with Mercury and Venus, when they pass inferior conjunction (between us and the Sun), sometimes they pass above or below the solar disk as seen from the Earth. (This concept is simply stated here, but it took the greatest astronomical minds of the past to figure it all out. It was a great mystery to be solved, and it took much observation, dedication and deduction to pull it all together into the solar system layout we have all come to know.) Like the Moon, the orbits of Mercury and Venus are also inclined slightly in relationship to the Earth's orbit. While Venus' orbit is more circular, Mercury's is more eccentric and inclined at an angle almost double that of Venus. With Mercury also closer to the Sun than Venus, its passages across the solar disk are therefore more likely to occur!

What effect does this have on the frequency of transits for both of these planets? Well, for Mercury between 1907 and our current day there have been 15 transits. Not very rare.

When we talk about a transit of Venus, we are talking about a very rare astronomical event indeed (only 81 will occur between 2000 B.C. and A.D. 4000). This rarity is due to Venus' nearly circular orbit and its inclination. When the calculations are performed, Venus transits usually come in pairs (like Mercury), but the interval between the second one of the pair and the next one is generally 122 years.

On June 8, Venus will transit the Sun for the first time since 1882. No one alive today has ever witnessed this event. Though I believe there is no new knowledge we can obtain from such an event, professional and amateur astronomers alike have been anxiously awaiting this rare occurrence. I and fellow Skyscraper members will be content to observe this twice in a lifetime (the second transit of this pair occurs on June 5/6, 2012).

We first should examine why transits of Mercury and Venus were thought to be so important. Astronomers were trying to determine the mean distance from the Earth to the Sun, known as the astronomical unit (AU).

It all began with the recording of planetary observations by German astronomer Johannes Kepler. Though his tables predicted the Venus transit of 1631, we have no record of any observations of that event. You will recall that the transits usually occur in pairs, but Kepler's tables did not predict one for 1639.

Along came English astronomer Jeremiah Horrocks who noted some errors in Kepler's tables. When he corrected them he determined a transit of Venus would happen on December 4, 1639. He notified a friend, William Crabtree, from a nearby village, and it seems they are the only known individuals to have witnessed the transit that year.

Once the Sun was accepted as the center of the solar system with the planets revolving around it, astronomers knew the order of the solar system but they did not know the scale. Some estimates had been made, but they were not very accurate.

Edmund Halley, in 1716, devised a method of timing a transit, noting the exact time the planet entered the solar disk, and the time it exited the solar disk. By positioning observers around the world to make precise measurements and timings, one could calculate the solar parallax. This measurement is an apparent shift in the position of Venus' transit across the disk of the Sun due to it being observed from different locations on the Earth's surface. It had been determined that Mercury's transits, though more frequent, could not be used because the planet's shift in position from one location to another was too small for accurate measurements.

Halley knew he would be dead before the next transit occurred, so sent his proposal to others who would hopefully execute the experiment in 1761. For the transit of June 6, 1761, Halley's method was chosen to hopefully obtain accurate data to define the scale of the solar system.

As luck would have it, many of the observations were foiled by bad weather in 1761 and also again in 1769. Also, a phenomenon called the "black drop" effect made getting precise timings nearly impossible.

The black drop effect is something I am anxious to observe this June. As the black disk of Venus begins to cross the limb or edge of the Sun, it is a perfectly round dark spot - more black and more round than any sunspot. Just as Venus is about to fully enter (2nd contact) or begins to exit (3rd contact) the solar disk, a portion of the planet seems to elongate outward toward the blackness of space along the Sun's limb. It looks like a drip about to detach itself from a faucet, or like the shape of a teardrop.

The effect can last for several seconds, depending upon atmospheric conditions, preventing astronomers from obtaining precise timings of the beginning (ingress) and ending (egress) of the transit. Observations differed greatly, thereby throwing the calculations off by millions of miles.

Here in the colonies during 1769, some of the first notable astronomical observations were made during the transit of Venus. Joseph Brown, a prominent citizen in the Providence community, learned of the upcoming event and sent for a telescope and other equipment from England. It arrived about one month before the transit. Much preparation ensued to accurately determine the precise latitude and longitude of the site from which they would observe the transit. This fact was critical if the solar parallax was to be determined and hence the calculation of the astronomical unit.

Though the observations from Providence fell in line with observations made elsewhere, the scatter due to the black drop effect still produced an unacceptable error. Regardless, the Providence scientists did produce valuable results.

Unfortunately Halley's method never proved successful. Other methods eventually provided the correct answer. Even during 1761/1769, when Halley's method was preferred, a French astronomer named Delisle proposed a simpler method. One only had to time either the ingress or egress of the transit, not time the entire event. Unfortunately one had to know the precise location of the observer on the surface of the Earth for Delisle's method to work.

Latitude was easy to determine, but longitude at sea in those days was not. If you read the book Longitude by Dava Sobel, or watched the PBS production, you know that only with precision-regulated clocks could one accurately determine longitude.

During the transits of 1874 and 1882, photography was the new method of acquiring data to determine the solar parallax and to make other discoveries. However, simpler methods had already revised the AU to unparalleled accuracy, and although scientific expeditions were still funded for the purpose of research, very little new information was forthcoming. The one thing that did arise from the 1882 event was an increased interest and excitement of the event by the general populace. Will this happen in 2004?

Let's now look at the circumstances for 2004's upcoming transit of Venus on June 8.

The transit of Venus begins at 5:13 UT (universal time; also known as Greenwich Mean Time). We are four hours behind UT, so at 1:13 a.m. EDT, the Sun is obviously below our horizon. By the time the Sun rises for us - 5:11 a.m. EDT, the transit will be well in progress. Give the Sun a few minutes to rise above the horizon, though you may be able to see Venus' silhouette even before the Sun fully clears the horizon. From that point until 7:26 a.m. EDT, we will be able to follow the transit through its completion. Look for the black drop effect just before Venus begins to exit the solar disk, around 7:06:31 a.m. EDT.

And, just in case you're wondering what the current value of the astronomical unit (mean Earth-Sun distance) is, it's 92,958,348.76 miles, plus or minus about 90 feet!
Revelation 2012: The Word of God is DNA ... odDNA.html
According to Hunbatz Men, ‘Ku’ is sacred, God. ‘Kul’ is coccyx, the base of the spine, where latent spiritual energy resides. ‘Can’ means serpent. ‘Kukulcan’ therefore is synonymous with ‘kundalini’—which is what the Kukulcan/Quetzalcoatl archetype is all about, of course. To be iconographically correct, however, the god Quetzalcoatl is not himself the feathered serpent, but the one who emerges from the serpent, just as the spirit emerges from the body through the top of the head, and the Morning Star emerges from the horizon." The Morning Star is Venus and is associated with the "savior myths" of self-sacrifice, salvation, and the Eternal Return of the Sun of God worldwide.

So the two Venus transits of our Sun between June 2004 and June 2012 is symbolic of the Second Coming of Christ Consciousness via the "uncoiling" in the serpentine double-helix strands of DNA the latent memories of our relationship to God. Therefore, more than all else, 2012 is the death of time and the rebirth of eternity within us; our cosmically-conscious sense of immortality is restored through the synchronization of our brain-heart cycle to the rising kundalini energy within our Milky Way, Sun, Earth.

The symbol of the Ouroboros in mythology where the snake eats its own tail speaks to the consummation of this Alpha and Omega cycle, the beginning and ending of time. Again, the Mayan End-Time refers to the release of a bursting, twisting, uncoiling serpent of light residing in the constellation Sagittarius, rising out of the Mouth of God, the bulge in core of the Milky Way, striking the Earth on the Winter Solstice, December 21st, 2012.

In a sublime, surreal way, the Mind of God is coming alive within our own brain cells; that is shifting our 4-D space-time perceptions of reality, by capturing our consciousness, literally. The biblical "rapture" is the experience of expanding one’s sense of self into eternity: The Fifth Dimension.

That is, "earth" in its current configuration—misaligned with the core of the Milky Way—puts us all under the "spell" of dense energy. Or as ethnobotanist Terence McKenna learned from talking to "magic mushrooms": The apocalypse is "the interiorizing of our body and the exteriorizing of our soul." It is the unification of our physical body with our spiritual body that we desire now. Specifically, a human being living in perfect harmony with the five elements of Nature—air, water, earth, fire, ether—is a light being.

These have achieved the goal of alchemy, the union of opposites: "as above, so below, as within, so without." Thus, 2012 is also about creating miracles upon command. It is to manifest the desires of our heart that we seek when all is said and done.

As Professor Leonora Leet, Ph.D., St. John’s University in New York, declares in The Secret Doctrine of the Kabbalah: Recovering the Key to Hebraic Sacred Science. "From the fifth dimension on we may see the highly developed soul … capable of synthesizing the atomic constituents of material particles [out of cosmic consciousness]."

This then is the Holy Grail, the unification of physics and metaphysics, through the reactivation of our soul powers contained within DNA. Martin Schoenberger implied as much in his magnum opus The I Ching & The Genetic Code: DNA is a 3.1 billion love-letter sequence of instructions that turns the Word of God into human beings’


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:30 pm

Venus Transits 2004 and 2012. - Esoteric Astrologer ... rJun04.htm
June 8, 2004 (and the full moon period just before) will be a very powerful period where the Venus-Sun conjunction focuses like a lens upon the Earth.

As the pillars of Gemini are a ‘gateway’ for the forces of Sirius into the solar system, Venus opens the gate for a direct cosmic alignment with Earth. Both Sirius and Venus are associated with initiation. The effects will be dual, as ever are the effects of Gemini, let alone Sirius and Venus.
The Venus Transits - The Pentagonal Cycle of Venus
A Venus Transit occurs when we can see Venus passing directly in front of the Sun. This is similar to when the Moon passes in front of the Sun on a solar eclipse. Unlike the Moon, which covers most of the Sun, Venus appears as a small dot crossing the face of the Sun. A transit (sometime called a passage) can only occur with the inner planets--Mercury and Venus--because they are the only two that can lie between the Earth and Sun during their orbits.

We are in the midst of the first Venus Transit of this millennium. The Venus Transit presently upon us comes in a pair, with each transit in the pair spaced eight years apart. There will be one transit on June 8, 2004 and one on June 6, 2012.

This is a rare once in a life time event. In one 243-year Venus Transit cycle there are two pair spaced 121.5 ±8 years apart. The last Venus Transit (pair) occurred 129.5 years ago in 1874 and 1882. The next pair will occur 113.5 years from this one, in 2117 and 2125. Although the transits currently occur in pairs, this is not always the case, sometimes there is only one transit, as explained later in this article.

This article explores the eight-year pentagonal cycle of Venus; how the retrogrades of Venus are created; the 243-year Venus Transit cycle; why the transits in this cycle come in pairs for a while and why they then become singular; the drift of this cycle through the zodiak; the star alignments of the 2004/2012 transits in the sidereal zodiac.

Venus orbits the Sun in 224.701 Earth days (~.615 Earth years) moving slightly faster than Earth. Because of the two different orbital rates of Venus and Earth, Venus must orbit the sun 2.6 times while Earth orbits 1.6 times before the two planets align. This period (583.92 Earth days) is called the Earth-Venus synodic cycle (synod means "place of meeting").

An alignment of Earth, Venus and Sun when Venus lies between Earth and the Sun is called an inferior conjunction. Conversely, a superior conjunction occurs when the three align but with Venus lying on the far side of the Sun. A new Earth-Venus synodic cycle begins on an inferior conjunction, while the superior conjunction marks the mid-point in the synodic cycle.

Because the Earth moves 584 Earth days, (about 1.6 years around the ecliptic) before the two planets align, each alignment occurs about 215.6° further than the previous one (about seven astrological signs apart). As this process continues, five unique Venus-Earth locations are created in the ecliptic. The result is a pentagonal synodic series that takes about eight years and which consists of five synodic cycles (shown below). This near perfect pattern (also called a grand quintile) occurs because five cycles occur in an even number of Earth years--almost.

The sixth alignment, which begins the next synodic series, occurs near the same place as the first one, but it is shifted slightly west from the first one by about 2 to 3 degrees. This slight drift occurs because each synodic series actually occurs in 7.997 years, slightly less than eight years. This causes the entire synodic pentagonal series to continually drift westward around the ecliptic in approximately 2° increments.

Venus revolves in the opposite direction compared to Earth and to its rotation around the sun. Thus, on Venus, the sun and stars rise in the west and set in the east. A Venus day is longer than its year. It takes Venus 243.0187 Earth days to make one rotation, and 224.701 Earth days to orbit the sun. The Venus day is exactly two-thirds of an Earth-year (243 Earth days).

Because Venus revolves once every 2/3 of an Earth year, Venus revolves exactly twelve times in the eight-year pentagonal period--thus showing the same side of her body to Earth in the eight-year period. This near perfect harmonic resonance between the Venus day, the Venus year, and Earth's year is one of the astrophysical dynamics creating the gentle and harmonious astrological character of Venus.

Thus, we have 5 synodic cycles and 12 Venusian days occurring in 8 Earth years creating a near perfect Venus-Earth synergy.

The Venus Day / Earth Year harmonic interval is 2/3, the perfect musical fifth (3:2), the most universally consonant (pleasing to the ear and emotionally peaceful) harmonic and most durative (strong and long lasting compared to other harmonics which subside before the fifth). The Earth Venus pentagonal harmonic is 5/8, the sixth (8:5).

The term "harmonic interval" or "musical interval" refers to the relationship between one frequency (wave) and another, independent of the frequency (time interval) of the wave itself.

When Venus approaches and passes its alignment with Earth and a new synodic cycle begins, we experience a Venus retrograde period. At that time, when viewing Venus from Earth's perspective, Venus appears to move backward (westward) in the backdrop of the stars.

Venus retrogrades five times in one eight-year "retrograde series"--each retrograde occurs when each Earth-Venus Sun alignment occurs (the synod), and so the retrogrades form in the same sequence that the pentagonal pattern is made (about seven astrological signs between each one). The sixth retrograde begins a new retrograde series in the same location where the first one began, but shifted slightly west from the first. Thus, the entire retrograde series continually drifts westward in the ecliptic along with the synodic series.

An Earth-planet synod always occurs during the planet's retrograde period. A retrograde can be thought of as a time when we disengage from the previous synodic cycle and re-engage in a new one.

The orbit of Venus is tilted about 3.394° with respect to the orbit of Earth (the ecliptic plane--the plane defined by Earth's orbit around the sun). Two nodes exist in the Venus orbit where Venus crosses the ecliptic plane. The Ascending (North) Node is where Venus moves north of the ecliptic plane during its orbit around the sun. The Descending (South) Node is where Venus moves south of the ecliptic plane.

The five retrograde paths in a synodic series are unique due to the slight tilt between the orbit of Venus and the orbit of Earth. Some paths make a symmetrical s-shaped pattern across the ecliptic and some make loops above and below the ecliptic.

When the Earth-Venus alignment occurs, Venus moves closer to Earth and then away from Earth. If Venus is above or below the ecliptic when that occurs, the line of sight from Earth to Venus moves above or below the ecliptic as well, creating a looped path. The symmetrical s-shaped pattern occurs when the Earth-Venus alignment is near one of the Venus nodes (when Venus is crossing the plane of the ecliptic).

When Venus lies very close to one of its nodes (on the ecliptic) and when a new synodic cycle begins (when a Venus-Earth alignment occurs), the line of sight from Earth to Venus is such that we see Venus crossing the disc of the Sun. (This is when the symmetrical retrograde pattern occurs as well.) This is called a "Venus Transit" or "Venus Passage."

When the alignment is not at one of the nodes, the line of sight from Earth to Venus lies north or south of the Sun's disc, thus, we do not experience a Venus transit.

If the Earth-Venus synodic series did not drift around the ecliptic, and if one of the five alignments in that series were always in line with one of the nodes, we would experience a Venus Transit every eight years (every five synodic cycles). However, a transit (or a transit pair) occurs 121.5 years apart because the Earth-Venus alignment drifts away from the location of the Venus node and Venus lies to far above (or below) the ecliptic for the Earth-to-Venus line of sight to hit the Sun's disc.

The symmetrical s-shaped retrograde pattern eventually morphs into a looped pattern as the Earth-Venus alignment and subsequent retrograde drifts away from the node of Venus and Venus moves further above (or below) the ecliptic.

We experience a Venus Transit every 121.5 years--with one transit occurring at one node and the following transit occurring at the opposite node. This duration of time exists between the transits because as the first Earth-Venus alignment drifts away from one node, the second alignment in the series does not arrive to the opposite node until the entire synodic series drifts about 35° westward in the ecliptic. Thus, we have two half cycles (from node to node) comprising one 243 year duplex cycle. (Duplex means alternating from side to side, two-sided).

As the symmetrical retrograde path (occurring at one node) morphs into a looped path, the second retrograde path, which is a looped path, morphs into a symmetrical path as it approaches the opposite node, Then the third path morphs into a symmetrical path as it approaches the original node, and so on.

We can also notice that in one complete 243-year duplex cycle, the two Venus transits occurring at the end of the cycle have drifted (one eight-year notch) eastward from the where the previous pair occurred; i.e., the second transit of the 2247 / 2255 pair occurs at the location of the first transit of the 2004 / 2012 pair. This eastward drift is due to the very slow movement of the Venus nodes. Thus, while the synodic cycles and retrogrades of Venus drift westward, the entire 243-year cycle (and the location of the transits) drifts eastward about the same arc-distance as the 8-year synodic pentagonal series drifts westward (about 2°).

There are periods when there is only one Venus Transit occurring rather than two. This happens when the Earth-Venus alignment lies exactly on the Venus nodes. At that time, the transits cross the center of the sun's disc. When this occurs the adjacent transits (8 years apart) miss the sun's disc. It is only now that two adjacent transits are seen to occur because the Earth-Venus alignments producing them are close to, but not quite on, the node. It will take several more 243-year cycles before there will be only one transit occurring rather than two spaced eight years apart, as the Earth-Venus alignments occur closer to the nodes.

The entire transit pattern drifts across the sun over thousands of years. When there are two transits, one of them eventually drifts off of the sun's disc as the entire pattern drifts. As one is moving off the sun's disc, the other transit will drift toward the center of the sun.

When there are two transits (as occurring now) the Earth-Venus alignments are straddling the nodes. As the Earth-Venus alignments drift to occur exactly on the nodes, there will be several occurrences where there is only one transit across the sun. Eventually, as the pattern drifts again, there will be two adjacent transits crossing the sun's disc. This singular-transit / transit-pair oscillation drifts in and out over a long period of time--over several thousand years--defining the great Venusian Cycle.

Let's just consider the south node transits but the same occurs for the north node. The last exact single transit (on the south node) occurred in 3837 BC (astronomical year -3836), the next exact one occurs in 6872 AD. Thus, a few thousand year period centering around 3837 BC produced single transits only. Single transits continued through 60 AD. We did not start to experience transit pairs until 303 AD (60 AD + 243 years). We experience transits pairs from 303 AD through 3713 AD, then (starting in 3956) we will start to experience single transits again, as the exact Earth-Venus-south node alignment approaches in 6872 AD.

The pair occurring now (2004 / 2012) is such that the two Earth-Venus alignments producing them are very close to being equally spaced around the south node. Thus, the transits are symmetrically placed on the sun's disc.

Currently, the transit pairs that occur at the south node transit lie in the sidereal sign of Taurus. This is where the June 2004 / June 2012 pair will occur--in the horns of the bull. The following pair (Dec 2117 / Dec 2125), which occurs at the north node transit, will be seen in the opposite side of the zodiak, in the sidereal sign of Scorpio (in the constellation Ophiuchus).

The retrogrades of 2004 and 2012 occur in the second half of sidereal Taurus--in the "horns of the bull." El Nath is the north horn and Al Hecka is the south horn. The 2004 / 2012 retrogrades begin just under Auriga (the charioteer) and under the auspices of Capella, the messenger of light, and just under Al Nath, the north horn. The retrogrades complete over Aldebaran and Hyades. Aldebaran is the "Eye of the Bull" marking the center (~15°) of sidereal Taurus. The "Gate of Man" of the Holy Cross is also shown. It lies at 5° sidereal Gemini, at the feet of the Twins, Pollux and Castor. The Twins stand upon the galactic equator.

Although the Venus-Sun conjunction lies in sidereal Taurus, the theme of the 1.6 year Venus synodic cycle beginning on June 8, 2004 is defined by the star alignments looking from the Sun toward Venus, Earth (and Pluto) (the sidereal heliocentric view), all residing in the sidereal sign of Scorpio and in the constellation of Ophiuchus.

This specific transit pair (2004-2012), because it coincides with the Holy Cross, strongly supports the reintegration and emergence of the Divine Feminine principle in our world--which desperately awaits the guidance and balance of the Goddess. The Venus Synodic Cycle becomes extra significant when a Venus Transit occurs.
The Lunar Planner: Mars Synodic Cycles
Throughout the first half of 2003, Mars moved progressively closer to Earth. As it did, Mars appeared to grow larger and brighter each night. By late August 2003, Mars was closer to Earth than it had ever been in about 60,000 years--about 191 million miles closer to Earth than normal. It appeared to be more than six times larger and 85 times brighter than normal--brighter than Jupiter.

Mars was closest on August 27, 2003. On August 28, Mars arrived to its "opposition." This is the moment when the Sun, Earth and Mars are in alignment. Mars grows larger and brighter every time a Mars opposition occurs, about every 26 months (780 Earth days), but this specific event is unique for two additional reasons.

The orbits of Mars and Earth are elliptical rather than exact circles--that of Mars even more so than Earth's. At the time of the alignment, Mars was at its closest point to the sun in its orbit (called a Mars perihelion). This phenomenon (a Mars perihelic opposition) occurs about every 15 to 17 years. In addition, Earth is quite close to its furthest point from the Sun (call an aphelion), which actually occurs a bit earlier in the year. Thus, Earth is pushing outward toward Mars while Mars is reaching inward toward Earth. This rare coincidence of events brought Earth and Mars extraordinarily close (~55.8 million kilometers).

Mars orbits the Sun in 1.881 Earth years, moving slightly slower than Earth. Because of the two different orbital rates of Mars and Earth, it takes 780 Earth days (on the average) for the two planets to align. This period is called the Earth-Mars synodic cycle (a synod means a place of meeting). This alignment of Earth and Mars (also called a Mars opposition) marks the beginning of a new Earth-Mars synodic cycle.

A Mars opposition is also the time when Earth overtakes Mars in their respective orbits, which creates the Mars retrograde cycle. The Mars retrograde period of 2003 (during the close encounter) occurs from July 29, 2003 through September 27, 2003 in early sidereal Aquarius.

Unlike Venus, which has a repeating 8-year synodic pentagonal pattern, and 5 retrogrades which repeat in the same areas of the ecliptic and drift only over a long period of time, the Earth-Mars synodic alignments and subsequent Mars retrogrades walk around the ecliptic in a non-repeating and irregular pattern-- spaced about 48.8 ° apart (on the average). This is due to the highly elliptical orbit of Mars and also because the 780-day cycle does not create a whole number Earth year pattern.

In the midst of its retrograde path at the location when the Mars-Earth-Sun alignment of Aug 28, 2003 occurs, marking the beginning of a Mars synodic cycle, the star alignments at this moment reveal the theme of the new 780-day synodic cycle.

Mars conjoins the principal star Fomalhaut of Pisces Australis (the southern fish). Fomalhaut is one the "Four Royal Architects," and is the embodiment of sidereal Aquarius. Fomalhaut holds the future vision for an evolved humanitarian-based society. Mars conjoining Fomalhaut (and the other very fortuitous stars, Enif, Sadalmelik, and Deneb (the latter not shown) inspire creative action and use of power to support the manifestation of this Aquarian vision.

This especially close approach of Earth and Mars occurring on the Mars opposition makes this particular retrograde and the entire 780-day synodic cycle to follow extra significant. The intensification of Martian influence and this Mars retrograde should make this time more potent than normal, and perhaps with far greater ramifications. The force of Mars as it expresses in our lives, is passionate and assertive, or competitive, contentious, and hostile.

Considering humanity is far from having mastered Martian energy in general, it is possible that we may see an intensification of war in the global arena, especially before the retrograde period, as Mars moves to conjoin with Pluto in mid-February 2003, and then as Mars moves through the first decan of sidereal Capricorn in the spring (April) of 2003.

However, the retrograde period itself occurs in sidereal Aquarius while conjoining Uranus. It supports positive revelation and radical change in the application of our creative power and the patriarchal force in the world--even if we must war to get that revelation. Uranus only recently moved into its true domicile of sidereal Aquarius in 2002--an inauguration motivating the world to change toward a true humanitarian focus. Although events may be of a radical, unexpected, or extreme nature, they are ultimately leading us in that direction. Mars will conjoin Uranus on June 23, 2003 one month prior to its retrograde period--catalyzing dynamic and intensified change.

When the retrograde cycle begins in July, focused around Fomalhaut, we will have the opportunity to reflect upon how we have used our creative power at a humanitarian level and how it extends into the lives of those around us and upon the greater global community.

When Mars stations to move direct on September 27, 2003, it will conjoin Uranus again. Uranus is of higher mind and inspires us to radically sever from the conformity of the past. We will then have the opportunity to redefine how we will use that power in the following synodic cycle after the retrograde cycle completes--as we move into the fall and winter of 2003.

Just for perspective: Mars conjoined Lesath, the sting of the Scorpion, in the last couple of degrees of sidereal Scorpio in the synodic cycle that began on June 13, 2001. The mythical image here is of the Centaur placing Lupus the beast (lower self interest) upon the "Altar of the Centaur" to be consumed in the Centaur's pyre. From the sting of the Scorpion (the often harsh lessons of life) drips the transmutational elixir so higher self can rise from the ashes. The 9/11 Twin Towers attack occurred 90 days into the "sting of the scorpion" synodic cycle. Need I say more?


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