Philosophy and Grammer Police of the 2-D Universe

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Philosophy and Grammer Police of the 2-D Universe

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:01 am

JL said: The electromagnetic spectrum vibrates as a unity aligned through the Golden Spiral, the Casting Out of the Number 9. The cosmic octave underlies all vibration on every level of creation. Like wheels within wheels, vibration is embedded as fields within fields ruled by universal law through the harmony of the Golden Spiral. The chakra system of the body is a subsystem of the vibratory fields of nature and the universe. The chakra system is the nucleus of the energy field of the body. Its sevenfold vibratory field provides the step-down mechanism between the energy fields of nature and the cosmos and their microcosm, the physical body. We are harmonic creations from our hands to our senses.

We are the Mirror Mind. We live in the Vector Equilibrium Matrix of I/O Spheres. Jitterbug. Synergetics.
The Day of the Ephiphany! :D Thank you, Junglelord! We are the Mirror Mind of God.
JL said: I have spent almost a year in fasting and prayer and searching the heart and mind of God.
It has been worth every moment.

I am so fortunate to know God in this intimite way....or
Fantastic!! Thank you for sharing your knowledge of the Infinite Ninth with us!

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Re: Philosophy and Grammer Police of the 2-D Universe

Unread post by junglelord » Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:10 am

This quote from Synergetic Numbers says it all.
Cast Out the Nines and the VE Matrix.
0 and 9 in the Mirror Mind of the VE Matrix Universe.

This approach by Fuller is exactly the same information from APM and Dave Thompson.
The prematerial existance has structure and form that is knowable.
This is where Toto always gets her shorts in a knot.
Connecting the centers of all spheres creates the 'Isotropic Vector Matrix,' where all connecting lines (vectors) are the same length. Thus every 'point' or crossing has twelve vectors emanating from it. This is the (4D) synergetic equivalent of the (3D) XYZ Cartesian coordinate system. The geometrical shapes represented here are given relative volumes to each other and because each shape in the IVM has the same length vectors (isotropic - everywhere the same), the volumes of these shapes are not dependent upon 'size', they are all relative to each other. These volumetric ratios are non-metric values which are standardized relationships expressed numerically. These are relative values not dependent on a metric.

Through Fuller's achievements, we now have a means of accurately accounting geometric and numerical ratios within this synergetic framework. In Fuller's words, "Synergetics is a priori nuclear", meaning we are using geometry and number that can represent states of energy transformations and which are present before the formation of anything physically observable.

After much thought I came to see that there was something amiss with some key aspects of Fuller's application of number in Synergetics, specifically, the way in which he arrived at the numerical values for the volumes of these geometry's I realize now that Fuller had not applied synergetic principles to numbers. In other words he had been using numbers much like the way XYZ coordinates used cubes. This is classically how we 'count': one number compounded upon another in a linear fashion, 1 + 1 + 1 +1 etc. Which to me seemed like a non-synergetic application of number. (I don't mean to suggest that Fuller was remiss in his explorations. I have a keen awareness that his foresight and vision was way ahead of his time, and that the full impact of his contributions to technology and design have yet to be realized, or even accepted! But to think of his work as being somehow 'complete' would be to go against all that he would have hoped for. His spirit of exploration has inspired many to continue to reevaluate and develop his work.)

Fuller arrived at the Volume of the VE through applying the value of 1 to the minimum volumetric possible, the tetrahedron. And 20 'tetra volumes' was equal to the volume of the VE because it takes twenty 1's to 'fill' the volume of a VE. Think of each polyhedra as a container, like a jug of water. In which case the tetrahedron is the minimum container and the VE is the maximum. Fuller called the tetrahedron unity and went on to give the other polyhedra relative volumes based on the tetrahedron with volume of 1. But I began to think that the minimum 'unit' being called 1 was not really a synergetic way of looking at number. Technically it shouldn't matter what value you apply to these ratios, yet I still felt that there was something lacking.

It was at this moment that it struck me: to get truly synergetic values for these volumetric ratios, instead of building from a tetrahedral value of 1, we need to start with the volume of the VE and then subdivide that 'whole'! After all, the 'whole' is the essence of Synergetics.. The question was, what might be the volume of the VE? The answer, as referred to at the start of this article, is 9. This is the 'key'. And the key-hole (whole) is the volume of the VE. As you will see, the number 9 fits the VE like a glove.

Starting from the Whole

If the volume center of the VE is taken to be 9, our entire view of number could synchronize into a new synergetic understanding. The value of 9 resonates so well with the VE Center, not least because the VE is a representation of the whole, but because it is not directly observable in any physical form. Nine is 'none' and the VE is referred to as the ultimate synergetic representation of the nonphysical, i.e. nothing. The VE is that elusive state which could be described as zero point. Fuller states: "The vector equilibrium is a condition in which nature never allows herself to tarry. The vector equilibrium itself is never found exactly symmetrical in nature's crystallography. Ever pulsive and impulsive, nature never pauses her cycling at equilibrium: she refuses to get caught irrecoverably at the zero phase of energy."

Now the synchronicity begins, all because of the unique function of the number 9 (which Fuller himself observed in his number explorations). Once the number 9 is used as the volume of the VE Center, something truly synergetic occurs, namely that all the numerical values for all of the related volumes become reflections of the number 9. ... Number.htm
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord

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Re: Philosophy and Grammer Police of the 2-D Universe

Unread post by junglelord » Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:24 am

Indig Behaviors/Casting Out Nines and Harmonic Spin Domains.
R.B.Fuller coined the term indig (meaning integrated digits) as a shorthand for what is known in mathematics as 'casting out nines'. It is simply the reduction of multiple digits to a single digit through addition, e.g. the number 1534 becomes 1+5+3+4 = 13, 1+3 =4.(1534 indig = 4) Notice that when you start adding large figures you can disregard (or cast out) nines each time nine is reached in the sum, once nine is disregarded the remaining digits add to the correct sum, allowing us to quickly reduce numbers to indig value much more quickly.

Try getting the indig value of 453671152 by adding each number together until a single digit is reached, then try it again, but this time simply ignore numbers which add to nine and then add the remanding digits. Casting out nines is sometimes used to check arithmetic quickly, here are some quick examples of how casting out nines works in addition and multiplication. Notice that when a number is multiplied by a figure with an indig value of nine, then the resulting figure will always add to nine.

Addition Multiplication
Indig Indig Indig Indig
34 = 7 22 = 4 32 = 5 234 = 9
+66 = 3(12) +77 = 5(14) x12 = x 3 x645 = x 6
100 = 1 99 = 9 384 = 6(15) 150930 = 54

The most significant thing to remember from this is the correlation between the behavior of zero and nine. When we look at the word nine in different languages the similarity starts to become a bit clearer (e.g. 'nine' sounds like 'none' and to similar words in different languages like 'nein').

Indig nines

Through this method of reducing digits to indig values reveals some key characteristics of numbers which would not usually be apparent. An example of this is with the number nine, when we notice that nine and zero represent the same thing you can see that when a complete 'cycle' in the number continuum is reached, the number always reduces to nine. This is because nine and zero are both the start and the end of our numeric language (baseten) and are therefore representations of completion or unity.

Some straight forward cyclic numbers include:
One rotation 360° 9
Two rotations 720° 9

These are simple representations of cyclic unity (complete rotations), with that in mind you can see why zero is represented as a circle and why other significant cyclic numbers can be shown to fall in this zero-nine zone. In my view, the reason why the number nine is so often referred to as a divine or holy number is not just because it is the 'highest' of the base digits, but because, just like the zero, it is a representation of unity and completion. Here is a small selection of numbers which are usually considered uniquely significant for one reason or the other, but by reducing to their indig value you can get an idea of how they could be a description of the same thing.

Recessional cycle 25920 indig 9
Maya number for the precession 25956 indig 9
Maya companion number 1366560 indig 9
Maya long-count period (days) 1872000 indig 9
Ancient kemi number 1296000 indig 9
Plato's 'perfect number' 5040 indig 9
The Monster |M| 80801742479... indig 9

The 4 Hindu Yugas (ages)
Satya Yuga 1,728,000 indig 9
Treta Yuga 1,296,000 indig 9
Dvapara Yuga 864,000 indig 9
Kali Yuga 432,000 indig 9

Sumerian King List (Sumerian mythology)

Aloros - Babylon 36,000 indig 9
Alaparos - Unknown 10,800 indig 9
Amelon - Pautibiblon 46,800 indig 9
Ammenon - Pautibiblon 43,200 indig 9
Amegalaros - Pautibiblon 64,800 indig 9
Daonos - Pautibiblon 36,000 indig 9
Euedorachos - Pautibiblon 64,800 indig 9
Amempsinos - Laragchos 36,000 indig 9
Otiartes - Laragchos 28,800 indig 9
Xisouthros - Unknown 64,800 indig 9

Because we are 'casting out nines' to find these indig values, we can use 0 instead of 9 in the rest of our number reductions. Looking at multiplication tables through the indig method reveals symmetrical repeating patterns and if we take a look at second and third powering progression rates and apply indig reduction, it's not surprising that repeating patterns emerge.

Second powering (squaring)

N² Indigs
1² = 1 1 13² = 169 7
2² = 4 4 14² = 196 7
3² = 9 0 15² = 225 0
4² = 16 7 16² = 256 4
5² = 25 7 17² = 289 1
6² = 36 0 18² = 324 0
7² = 49 4 19² = 361 1
8² = 64 1 20² = 400 4
9² = 81 0 21² = 441 0
10² = 100 1 22² = 484 7
11² = 121 4 23² = 529 7
12² = 144 0 24² = 576 0

Third powering (cubing)

N³ Indigs N³ Indigs
1³ = 1 1 13³ = 2197 1
2³ = 8 8 14³ = 2744 8
3³ = 27 0 15³ = 3375 0
4³ = 64 1 16³ = 4096 1
5³ = 125 8 17³ = 4913 8
6³ = 216 0 18³ = 5832 0
7³ = 343 1 19³ = 6859 1
8³ = 512 8 20³ = 8000 8
9³ = 729 0 21³ = 9261 0
10³ = 1000 1 22³ = 10648 1
11³ = 1331 8 23³ = 12167 8
12³ = 1728 0 24³ = 13824 0

Second powering (squaring) is a numeric progression rate which describes surface area growth, while third powering (or cubing) is a description of something that is growing at a volumetric rate. For this reason, the pattern which emerges from third powering (1,8 and 0) has significance for further on in this article. ... Number.htm
Last edited by junglelord on Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord


Re: Philosophy and Grammer Police of the 2-D Universe

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:25 am

JL said: The value of 9 resonates so well with the VE, not least because the VE is a representation of the whole, but because it is not directly observable in any physical form. Nine is 'none' and the VE is referred to as the ultimate synergetic representation of the nonphysical, i.e. nothing.
That's just how Keely described it -- it was not observable in any physical form and was "beyond measurement."
JL said: "The vector equilibrium is a condition in which nature never allows herself to tarry. The vector equilibrium itself is never found exactly symmetrical in nature's crystallography. Ever pulsive and impulsive, nature never pauses her cycling at equilibrium: she refuses to get caught irrecoverably at the zero phase of energy."
Again this is very similar to what he said: The Neutral Center must be "asymmetrical" because "perfect symmetry" would mean "no movement" (vibration) and "no movement" would mean that "no-thing" could exist.

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Re: Philosophy and Grammer Police of the 2-D Universe

Unread post by junglelord » Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:39 am

Exactly Lizze, Hit the Head on the Nail.....BAM!

Lets explore this further.
It has been done and we need to see where this leads.
Through exploring R. B. Fuller's studies of number I became familiar with a work by Robert Marshall and Iona Miller called 'Syndex I&II'. This study of number behavior is called 'Numeronomy' in contradistinction to numerology, whereas numerology finds patterns and correlations in numbers through subjective means, numeronomy finds patterns and correlations in the interrelationships between numbers themselves. This difference can be likened to the difference between astrology and astronomy, the former looks at the affects of celestial bodies from a subjective standpoint (from our point of view) while the latter gains knowledge of the interrelationships between the planets through study of the motions of the planets themselves.

Marshall and Miller have advanced the numeric studies which Fuller recognized as being fundamental to the synergetic structuring of the natural world. Through a discipline called synchrographics, Marshall created mandalogs or number wheels divided into various axial positions to visualize some of the underlying geometry inherent in the natural number 'continuum'. "Geometry and number are separate yet interwoven disciplines emerging from a single unified source", and through this method of synchrographics we have an opportunity to make the invisible structuring of numbers, more apparent.

Cyclic number wheel - nine pointed Mandalog

Taking what I saw as the most illustrative aspects of the Syndex work, I decided to make a mandalog divided into nine axes in order to show the most striking aspects of our baseten - or 'octave' system. Starting by placing numbers from one through to nine along a circle (or spiral), the numbers continue spiraling outwardly in natural numeric progression. Here I've only gone as far as the number 99.

Notice that each number can be reduced, via the indig (casting out nines) method, to indicate which axes the number resides in. All numbers which add to one reside in the axes labeled one, all adding to two in the two axes and so forth. What would usually be called the nine axes is labeled 0 here, this is to emphasis that the sequence actually starts at the zero axes and subsequently reaches back around to 9, then 18 etc.. This also gives us a better idea of how nine and zero are closely related.

The most important aspect for now, is the distribution of palindromic and transpalindromic numbers along the mandalog. A palindromic number is a number which is the same read forward as it is when read backwards (e.g. 11,22,33,44). Transpalindromics are sets of numbers which are essentially 'mirrors' of each other (e.g. 54-45, 65-56). The first step is to notice that each palindromic number creates an area above and below it which is occupied by related transpalindromic numbers. It might be helpful to think of each palindrome as the surface of a mirror plane.

Notice that each palindrome has been connected with a green & red spiral, this is to show that not only does the palindrome itself 'reflect' patterns above and below it, but the trajectory of the spiral derived from the palindromes 'reflect' patterns too. These areas where the spiral slips between two transpalindromic numbers are colored yellow. With a bit of exploring you can see that all the numbers shown are mirrored reflections of each other derived from the green & red spiral.

Finally, the spiral itself is divided into two sections (green & red) because after the first rotation (when it gets back to the zero axes) the area at which it slices through, or where it goes in-between two transpalindromes (45-54), is exactly half way through the nine/zero axes and after another full rotation will bring the spiral back to the zero axes where it 'hits' at number 99.

Using the indig method described earlier and taking the 'octave' baseten view of the spirals progression, shows some more interesting results, the stages which the spiral travels through can be seen to go from zero to 2, to 4, to -3, to -1, at which point it mirrors signs and goes from 1, to 3, to -4, to -2 and then to zero. From this we can clearly see that there are four events in one rotation of the spiral and after it's halfway mark there's another four events for the second rotation, only this time the values have been mirrored. The spiral can be seen to start at 0 and go through two rotations before it gets back to the 0 axes again, because of the relationship between the the 0 (or 9) axes and the palindromes (starting with 11). Marshall called this the '9-11 Basewave', and recognized it to be the fundamental characteristic of the number continuum.

As a side note to this section on the Syndex work, I found that, through intense study of these mandalogs (or number wheels), Marshall was able to identify 12 distinct classes of numbers which remain unrecognized (or hidden) to standard number theorists' techniques. This is a subject far beyond the scope of this article, but because of the significance of this discovery and particularly because there are 12 (which relates to parts of this article), I've decided to list them here for reference, although they may sound complicated and strange.

All positive integers fall into these12 archetypal classes:

1) Transpalindromic composites
2) Transpalindromic primes
3) Transpalindromic squares
4) Palindromic composites
5) Palindromic squares
6) Palindromic primes
7) Retro-composite primes
8) Retro-composite squares
9) Retro-square composites
10) Retro-square primes
11) Retro-prime composites
12) Retro-prime squares
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord

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Re: Philosophy and Grammer Police of the 2-D Universe

Unread post by junglelord » Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:58 am

Natural growth rate - Phi
This is where it hit me hard.
Check this out.
The Golden Mean and Casting Out Nines
After examining the patterns in straightforward number progression, we can go on to take a look at some patterns in nature's system of counting, through the famous Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci (Phi) sequence is a numeric progression starting with 0,1...the next numbers are obtained through simply adding the sum of the previous two and so on. The Phi sequence(also related to the golden ratio, golden mean, golden section etc.) has been proven to show up in countless forms throughout nature and culture. So here we take a closer look at the sequence, through reducing each phi number to indig values and then translated into the 'octave' system.

Phi (N) Indigs Octave
fib(0)=0 0 0
fib(1)=1 1 +1
fib(2)=1 1 +1
fib(3)=2 2 +2
fib(4)=3 3 +3
fib(5)=5 5 -4
fib(6)=8 8 -1
fib(7)=13 4 +4
fib(8)=21 3 +3
fib(9)=34 7 -2
fib(10)=55 1 +1
fib(11)=89 8 -1
fib(12)=144 0 0
fib(13)=233 8 -1
fib(14)=377 8 -1
fib(15)=610 7 -2
fib(16)=987 6 -3
fib(17)=1597 4 +4
fib(18)=2584 1 +1

Phi (N) Indigs Octave
fib(19)=4181 5 -4
fib(20)=6765 6 -3
fib(21)=10946 2 +2
fib(22)=17711 8 -1
fib(23)=28657 1 +1
fib(24)=46368 0 0
fib(25)=75025 1 +1
fib(26)=121393 1 +1
fib(27)=196418 2 +2
fib(28)=317811 3 +3
fib(29)=514229 5 -4
fib(30)=832040 8 -1
fib(31)=1346269 4 +4
fib(32)=2178309 3 +3
fib(33)=3524578 7 -2
fib(34)=5702887 1 +1
fib(35)=9227465 8 -1
fib(36)=14930352 0 0
fib(37)=24157817 8 -1

Again, repeating patterns emerge and this time the pattern is very significant, my interpretation of the pattern is not easy to explain.

so I've put some of the major points of interest into this diagram.


The 1 at the center is surrounded by a plus four and a minus four 'event', this pattern is reminiscent of the pattern that showed up in the mandalog, where the first spiral had four events (palindromes) and then the second spiral had another four events but where mirrors of the first four. At the halfway point of the mandalog, the spirals 'cut' into the zero-nine axes, but the spiral didn't touch a specific number at this point (it slipped between 45 and 54), this relates to the central '1' seen here in the phi sequence, this central 1 is like the 'singularity' or point which is implicit in a sphere (as it's center) yet never reached.

The four positive and four negative events can be seen as the four faces of the tetrahedron and it's complimentary negative tetrahedron. The tetrahedron, the minimum volumetric enclosure, always has it's 'invisible' counterpart which can be thought of as the difference between a convex tetrahedron and a concave tetrahedron, the two are complimentary. There are countless different ways to conceptualize the +4, -4 aspect, one which I find can be related to our experience, is that the four aspects of the tetrahedron can be seen as the well known four elements of earth, air, water and fire. Applying the four human senses to these elements you can see that, tactile is earth, auditory is air, olfactory is water and visual is fire. This can be seen as the concave tetrahedron, the complementary (negative) tetrahedron would relate to the four psychological faculties elucidated by C. G. Jung, which again fit with the four elements; sensation (earth), thinking (air), feeling (water), Intuition (fire).

As you can see from the above diagram, the number 108 plays a part here, the sum of the 12 indig values of 9 (where 9 times 12 is 108) reminds me of the 12 zodiac signs and the 9 planets. This is why the number 108 is considered the number of the Universe (related to the word AUM) in ancient spiritual teachings, it's symbolism is scattered throughout various cultures and has led to much speculation about it's possible meaning (more). There are many special qualities inherit in this number, some of which have been studied and are well known, such as it's geometric relationship to the equilateral pentagon, pentacles and relating it back to the golden ratio itself.

If you take the zero as being a representation of a sphere, you can see that the pattern generated from the phi sequence is like a description of the motions, or stages of that sphere. If you take a look at how the numbers seem to mirror themselves at it's zero stage, it's possible to imagine the sphere (zero) oscillating back and forth, inside and outside of itself. So here, uncovered in nature's own number progressions, we have the I-O sphere doing it's inside-outing, just as described on

Going a step further you can deduce from the pattern that it is the 12 zero's (represented above as the twelve 9's) which seem to have 'deconstructed' or 'separated' themselves into all of the other numbers of the sequence, you can see that by summing each section of the sequence, i.e. 'putting it back together' would produce zero as the sum of the entire sequence. In other words, what you are seeing as individual numbers in the phi sequence are really sections of what is a unified array of spheres represented numerically as zero's. Maybe someday the logic used in traditional mathematics will be put on it's head with a 'proof' that 0 > N (where N is the set of all natural numbers).

This new view of the phi sequence also seems to relate to some of the geometrical patterns identified as being fundamental to nature, by R.B.Fuller in his works 'Synergetic's I&II'. For example, the repeating sequence of twelve digits, whether seen as the twelve 'octave' digits of 0,1,1,2,3,4,1,4,3,2,1,1, or as the 'folded over' 24 digits (which reduce to twelve 9's), must be related to what Fuller called the 'vector equilibrium' (VE) or 'jitterbug'. The VE is a polygonal representation of a system of close-packed spheres, where 12 equally sized spheres are touching one central sphere, it represents a state of perfect balance. You must be thinking that 12 digits and 12 spheres around one central sphere are not the same, and that we are missing the central one in the phi sequence. But the VE and the jitterbug are not the same, in order to make a VE do anything ( i.e. 'do the Jitterbug'), the central sphere needs to be removed. Removing the central sphere results in a model that looks like this: ... Number.htm
This is what allows the VE to collapse symmetrically into an octahedron, it allows the model to oscillate in and out, for Fuller, these 'pumping' models (and subsequently the jitterbug arrays) represented the fundamental dynamism of nature and became the peak achievement of his explorations in Synergetic's. It's also interesting to note that Fuller identified the VE-Jitterbug as representing "a sphere at equilibrious, ergo zero energized, ergo unorbited and unspun state" (Synergetic's 982.65 ) and due to it's constant pulsations between inside and outside states, is never found at complete equilibrium in nature. The expanded jitterbug (VE) represents a sphere in convex form while the contracted (octahedron) represents the concave spaces between spheres. To have such beautiful geometric models reflected in the patterns of nature's numbers is mind boggling, but there's still a lot more to be uncovered. ... Number.htm
Last edited by junglelord on Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:09 am, edited 3 times in total.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord

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Re: Philosophy and Grammer Police of the 2-D Universe

Unread post by junglelord » Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:00 am

So what happens with that 99.99% that everyone ignores?????
Is the universe understood by knowing only the .01%?
So what does all of this mean? There's no short answer for that at this moment and because this is relatively new territory for me, it's hard to say where this is leading and if there will be any practical application's for such observations, maybe exploring number and mathematics in this more intuitive way is the ultimate point of this exercise. For me, contemplating this pattern as an underlying structure of the natural world has led to some interesting concepts, one of which relates to the idea of unity. Many spiritual traditions have stressed the importance of unity and related it to the idea of Oneness. For me, the overlap of the language of numbers and of traditional language creates some difficulty here. The philosophical question of how separateness and wholeness (unity) could exist at the same time, has been explored throughout the ages, but if we take what physics has found to be the fundamental characteristic of matter we can start to get a deeper understanding of what we mean by unity.

Physics has found that matter itself is almost entirely empty, or composed of nothingness (as evidenced in the spaces involved inside and outside of atoms), with only a tiny percentage of that space being subatomic 'particles', discreet energy packages or waves. The important thing to recognize is that these energy events are composed out of the same nothingness which they reside in, the difference is that the particle/wave has a sustainable pattern (frequency / wave). Just like a wave can be thought of as a pattern or a principle which does not depend upon the substance through which it becomes visible to the senses (e.g. waves exist in water, milk, oil - but the wave is independent of these). The building "blocks" of matter have this same insubstantial quality, namely that the principle of a wave (or particle) is a self sustaining pattern, and this is it's only defining property.You could sum it up by saying that matter is made up of mostly nothing, and then some 'pieces' of nothing that jiggle.

I feel that this gives us some idea of what is meant by the philosophical statements which deal with separateness and unity. The circle (or sphere), representing unity and also zero (or nothing) is the same underlying interconnectedness which physics has found. Thing-ness is the first requirement for distinction and therefore separateness, corresponding to the discreet packages of energy which create subatomic particles, but the underlying nothingness is the unifying characteristic which 'ties together' all that is seemingly separate.

It may be that this is why the word 'One' is spelt with a big 'O' and it could be that the subconscious intent behind the philosophical statement 'All is One' is less of a statement of 1-ness (thing-ness) and more of a statement of 0-ness (no-thing-ness). ... Number.htm
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord


Re: Philosophy and Grammer Police of the 2-D Universe

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:41 pm

OMG, JL.. Bad boy! I love it. LOL. Not only have you discovered the key to the secret of the Universe, but you are offering a (3d ) model for change! You are the LOVE GURU! No doubt about it. You are King of the Harmonically-coupled Universe. I award you the Cosmic Peace Prize (with hugs kisses) from the Harmonic Ninth!!!
Junglelord said: I believe the 12 Vectors of the VE are the reason for the
12 Leverage Points of Society and Systems Change (how they control you via the VE Matrix.)
The twelve leverage points to intervene in a system were proposed by Donella Meadows, a scientist and system analyst focused on environmental limits to economic growth. The leverage points, first published in 1997, were inspired by her attendance at a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) meeting in the early 1990s where she realized that a very large new system was being proposed but the mechanisms to manage it were ineffective.
That's called "planned incompetence"; it's designed for failure (there's lots of money to be made from "failure"); it's analogous to the "planned ignorance" that mainstream science feigns. The constructs of 2D reality are the exact opposite from what the PTB's tell us. So their god is really the devil; the ministry of peace is really the ministry of war (just as Orwell said). I was living in 3D and didn't realize it until you pointed it out. Even the "liberals" chased me away when I told them that their illustrious leaders all worked for the same corrupt paymasters who supported their opponents, and that it is all "stage managed." So I dropped out of politics and decided to join the EU to find out if there is a Loving God and JL just proved it! LOL.

This is key, I think.
She started with the observation that there are levers, or places within a complex system (such as a firm, a city, an economy, a living being, an ecosystem, an ecoregion) where a "small shift in one thing can produce big changes in everything" (compare: constraint in the sense of Theory of Constraints).
She claimed we need to know about these shifts, where they are and how to use them. She said most people know where these points are instinctively, but tend to adjust them in the wrong direction. This understanding would help solve global problems such as unemployment, hunger, economic stagnation, pollution, resources depletion, and conservation issues.
Last edited by lizzie on Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:32 pm, edited 5 times in total.


Re: Philosophy and Grammer Police of the 2-D Universe

Unread post by Divinity » Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:14 pm

lizzie wrote:OMG, JL.. Bad boy! I love it. LOL. Not only have you discovered the key to the secret of the Universe, but you are offering a (3d ) model for change! You are the LOVE GURU! No doubt about it. You are King of the Harmonically-coupled Universe. I award you the Cosmic Peace Prize (with hugs kisses) from the Harmonic Ninth!!!


That's called "planned incompetence"; it's designed for failure (there's lots of money to be made from "failure"); it's analogous to the "planned ignorance" that mainstream science feigns. The constructs of 2D reality are the exact opposite from what the PTB's tell us. So their god is really the devil; the ministry of peace is really the ministry of war (just as Orwell said). I was living in 3D and didn't realize it until you pointed it out. Even the "liberals" chased me away when I told them that their illustrious leaders all worked for the same corrupt paymasters. LOL.

Yes, we will all become Love Gurus because the only way to understand this system is through Heart-centred consciousness, i.e. to love and adore the System itself. This is something the PTB could not do because they just wanted to control it!
I am so relieved to see this revelation in you, J/L - as if you have turned the corner and are now totally committed to the absolute knowingness of a Living Universe that loves you!

Can you imagine what all this will mean on a social level? We could see this coming, but I wonder if THEY could? I don't think so. Many of the elite still operate on a 'need to know basis' so although they may appear to be 'corrupt paymasters', many are following orders or actually believe they are right to be in charge of the (ignorant) masses.

GC, as much as you may wish to remain retentive LOL, resistance IS futile. Love!

Divinity :D

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Re: Philosophy and Grammer Police of the 2-D Universe

Unread post by kevin » Sun Nov 02, 2008 2:22 pm

You are a star, You know you are a star.
Everything is in my hands, as plain as looking at the back of my hands.
Everything is to scale, know any part of that scale, know the whole.

I see no g-d, I see everything, be carefull not to preach a G-D, it is only you.
Any religion is a prison, simply a reflection of yourself.
What do you want, a statue of a g-d called tarzan?
Shall we make it of marble?
Call it Apollo?
Show me a scale model, of thyself.
I am am me, and you are me ,and we are all together.
lizzie is a star also,
Shine on, we all shine on.

As you can tell, I really get JL.

Grey Cloud
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Re: Philosophy and Grammer Police of the 2-D Universe

Unread post by Grey Cloud » Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:07 pm

Hi Divinity,
You wrote:
GC, as much as you may wish to remain retentive LOL, resistance IS futile. Love!
To quote Grumpy from Disney's Snow White, 'Mush'. (One of my favourite film moments, second only to the entrance of Balloo (in the ruined temple) from Junglebook).

If you have love then you must also have hate - Principle of Polarity. The other problem is: Who or what are you loving? There is only one thing here - The All. 'God' is the third phase of the process by the way, or the third step down.

Coming at it from a slightly different angle, I believe we have one 'sense' but currently, due to our density, which is due to our current position in the cycle (-4 in JL's schema), that sense is distributed (filtered?) throughout the body. I also maintain that we have five active senses plus two dormant (these are something to do with the pituitry and pineal glands). To me sythesthesia is not a medical 'problem' but a step in the right direction. I also believe that a similar situation exists with regard to the emotions. That is to say that there is only one emotion but because of the density of our body etc we think we have emotions. I'm only half convinved about this as I also think there is a case to be made for us not having emotions in our natural state. Work-in-progress that one.

Seeing as this is the 'New Insights' section and Junglelord has led the way, here is a little insight from me concerning the question of 'Why are we here?'
For the last few months this question has been floating in and out of my mind. As has the questions of will, free will and predetermination. I've read lots of ideas about the why but none of them have convinced. The standard Hindu take is that that we are here so that The All (or Brahman to them) can experience stuff. This makes no sense to me as there is no point in experiencing something if you already know what the experience will be (Brahman 'invented' the experience in the first place.
Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I started re-reading the Iliad (the thing I was looking for was actually in the Odyssey but that's synchronicity for you). The Iliad has completely blown me away as it has made so many things much clearer. One of the things I got was this. We are supposed to learn how to think for ourselves; to use our minds (not our brains); to make our own decisions and live with them. We are currently children living at home with our Mother (Earth) but the time is approaching for us to grow up and enter the adult world, the world of our Father (the heavens; not God or god but the Real world). In order to do this we need to be able to think correctly and fully understand the way the Principle of Cause and Effect works. Action and consequence. There is only one type or class of mind in the Universe and obviously we possess such a mind, so our mind is a very powerful thing. We can't break anything but we could cause a bit of dis-harmony (think drunk staggering through the orchestra pit).
Throughout the Iliad it is mind overcoming emotion and logic. It is about obeying yourself, nobody and nothing can make you do anything if you set your mind.
Then up pops Altonhare (arguing with Junglelord) with a throw away comment about the Wizard of Oz. What is the point of the Wizard of Oz? Dorothy makes it through the adventures beliving that she is being aided by the Wizrd but in fact she has done it on her own. I seem to recall that there is a friendly fairy or somesuch who steps in now and again. That fairy is her Mind. The Lion, Scarecrow and Tinman represent the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms. The courage etc which these three are looking for would be the things one needs to build up or utilise. Note the Law of Three. Pinocchio is essentially the same tale. Virtually all classic literature says the same thing. They are all Alchemical stories because the Universe is Alchemy in action.
We are here playing with our forts and soldiers or our dollies and prams. We are coming of age and will have to put our childish pursuits behind us. In the traditional family scenario such as this, when a child comes of age it gets married. Who will we marry? I think the marriage will be between our left and right brains.
What about Toto? One could argue that he represents unreserved love, that is Dorothy loves the dog without expecting anything in return. I would suggest that it is about accepting somebody for what they are, that is being non-judgemental. There is no judgement or punishment and reward in the Universe for it would be The All judging The All. You neither love them or hate them, they are just what they are.
Peace be upon you,
A very world-weary Grey Cloud.
If I have the least bit of knowledge
I will follow the great Way alone
and fear nothing but being sidetracked.
The great Way is simple
but people delight in complexity.
Tao Te Ching, 53.

Grey Cloud
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Re: Philosophy and Grammer Police of the 2-D Universe

Unread post by Grey Cloud » Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:28 pm

Hi Kevin,
You wrote:
As you can tell, I really get JL.
Thank you for that. I currently have in my head three 'images'. One is the way I see things; one is the way I think you see things and one is the way I think JL sees things. I thought they were all the same and now your comment has confirmed it. Three out of three. Magic.
It's the Law of Three again. Two extremes - Lancashire and Yorkshire, and a third mediating principle, Canada. :shock:
If I have the least bit of knowledge
I will follow the great Way alone
and fear nothing but being sidetracked.
The great Way is simple
but people delight in complexity.
Tao Te Ching, 53.


Re: Philosophy and Grammer Police of the 2-D Universe

Unread post by Divinity » Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:58 pm

Hi GC, thanks for your thoughtful post. I am weary too, as if I've been here forever and am now ready to go to my true home.

I believe we are here fundamentally to remember what we are and then to use that knowledge for the sole (soul?) purpose of co-creating something new. We emulate the Universe and what we are witnessing here on this forum is the Universe revealing itself to us (just as we reveal ourselves to be replicating It) because we are ready to receive that information. As Kevin says, everything scales up and down. We are curious beings and that is exactly how we were made to be. So curious, we wished to know where we came from. As we grow, the Universe grows, as we change, the Universe changes (it's a 'complex system' exactly as Wiki defines it).

This small body is not me - my true essence is huge and is likened to the nature of the Universe (God) itself. This doesn't make me God - I believe me and Everything Else is plasma/aether/information and we are united and separate simultaneously (disconnection is impossible but I AM is unique, just as YOU ARE). My true essence has the same creative abilities as my Universe and it is pure Love. Love is not an emotion, in this sense, so it has no polarity. It's a state of being (bliss and all-encompassing allowance, allowing everything to BE as it wishes to be). BUT my true essence needs to interract with Everything Else in order to co-create - this is important. As J/L says: it always takes two.

Without love, nothing could be created, grow or flourish. This tells me that the non-material structure (root) of everything not only starts with a thought but it starts with a loving one.

We are much more powerful than anyone can ever imagine (don't tell the PTB, LOL!) when we jump out of these bodies.



Re: Philosophy and Grammer Police of the 2-D Universe

Unread post by Divinity » Sun Nov 02, 2008 4:16 pm

Throughout the Iliad it is mind overcoming emotion and logic. It is about obeying yourself, nobody and nothing can make you do anything if you set your mind.
Yes, it's about taking back control, growing up, taking responsibility for one's creations but also listening/watching the ebb and flow of one's environment/universe/guidance. Where I disagree with Homer is about emotions (feelings in motion) - I consider these to be as important as logic (potential desire plus action). Only when these two work harmonically together do we create what we really really wish to experience. :D (Could be likened to exercising the male and female within us).

I agree with you about marriage; I think there will be several marriages where many polarities will merge:

left and right brain (logic and imagination)
truth about ourselves and our place in the universe (as above, so below)
masculine and feminine energies within each of us (yang/yin)
heart (feeling/intuition) and mind (logic/inspiration)
inner voice guidance plus outer universal guidance
emotions and actions = creation

and probably many many others....

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Re: Philosophy and Grammer Police of the 2-D Universe

Unread post by junglelord » Sun Nov 02, 2008 4:49 pm

Grey Cloud wrote: Then up pops Altonhare (arguing with Junglelord) with a throw away comment about the Wizard of Oz. What is the point of the Wizard of Oz? Dorothy makes it through the adventures beliving that she is being aided by the Wizrd but in fact she has done it on her own. I seem to recall that there is a friendly fairy or somesuch who steps in now and again. That fairy is her Mind. The Lion, Scarecrow and Tinman represent the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms. The courage etc which these three are looking for would be the things one needs to build up or utilise. Note the Law of Three. Pinocchio is essentially the same tale. Virtually all classic literature says the same thing. They are all Alchemical stories because the Universe is Alchemy in action.

We are here playing with our forts and soldiers or our dollies and prams. We are coming of age and will have to put our childish pursuits behind us. In the traditional family scenario such as this, when a child comes of age it gets married. Who will we marry? I think the marriage will be between our left and right brains.

What about Toto? One could argue that he represents unreserved love, that is Dorothy loves the dog without expecting anything in return. I would suggest that it is about accepting somebody for what they are, that is being non-judgemental. There is no judgement or punishment and reward in the Universe for it would be The All judging The All. You neither love them or hate them, they are just what they are.
Peace be upon you,
A very world-weary Grey Cloud.
WOW, thats so weird!

It hit me today that I had the keys to a wonderful "fictional" story.
And that all these stories have that common thread of the Alchemist.
Thats funny, I was reading your mind.

I have the keys to set the society free. I instantly saw a wonderful Alchemisty Story.
That I had the keys to teach the young minds with the truth, sold as "fiction".
That indeed I could learn and then use the 12 Leverage Prinicples in a very subverse way.

I want to share the Intimacy. (In-Too-Me-I-See)

To show the young genius that it is very real.

I remember as a boy being told do not count with your fingers.

I remember seeing the numbers as "misdirected" in convential form.
That in fact after 9, it was kinda off kilter, till it hit 100.
Well it is. Infact the off kilter axis is a Vortex.
Well that is correct and the Spiral Mandalog showed exactly how I Understood Numbers, but they kept taking that process from me as I went through school....

How ever I still use my fingers in a circular fashion of single digits.
Now I understand the use my fingers and why I do math that way....

Thats freaking amazing and really weird. Its incredible what I knew by age 10.
Stuff I now know again.
Buckminster Fuller was right, every child is a genius.

Instead of teaching them, we should be allowing them to teach us.
Ever give a rubics cube to a kid?

You get my point.

Find that child inside, their lies your genius.
Remember the dreams of your youth.
Reach out to the young for advice.
Yes thats right.
What society needs is the leverage of children's voices.
I intend to give them that voice.
Last edited by junglelord on Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord


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