Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:50 am

GaryN: Hi Lizzie, just wondering how it would change your scenarios if it was to be determined that Sirius A is a planet, and B and C its moons?
LOL. It wouldn’t change my “scenario” at all; who says that “my interpretation” is the “correct one”. Your “guess” is as good as mine.” ;)


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:44 pm

The Galactic Centre is 26,000 Light Years from the Sun, and we are merging with it now as we come to the end of the cycle. It is the cross over point, the Void, Zero Point and our Solar System is moving through it as the end of the Mayan Calendar. As we become the Sun of our true Self (Second coming, Christ within) as our Earth becomes a Sun, illuminated from within, the Sun becomes a Central Sun, the Central Sun a Greater Central Sun, and as we unify we experience Heaven on Earth that we create through our love and divinity, all is Light.

The official thought is that the Galactic Centre is a super-massive Black Hole, a Black Hole sucks in all light and matter that comes its way, time and space and the dimensions compress, zero magnetics and the Void where all is manifest.

There are many Black Holes which to the astronomers are dying stars that have supernovaed and which creates a strong gravitational field, the original star gets smaller until it forms a Black Hole. At the centre of the Black Hole the original star has been compressed and crushed out of existence and around the central point of this gravitational boundary nothing can escape being sucked in. There could be as many as 10 million Black Holes in our Galaxy.

The Galactic Centre also has a few dense stellar supper clusters that host massive stars and a collection of wispy magnetic filaments.

The Galactic Centre is at 27 degrees of Sagittarius and is just 3 degrees off the December Solstice and whenever the Sun makes a seasonal ingress it is within days/degrees of a major aspect to the Galactic Centre. On the June Solstice 2001 and Solar Eclipse, aligned with the Galactic Centre the Earth moved 5th dimensional.
Greater Central Sun and Inner Earth Sun

The Central Sun in our Solar System is Alycone, the brightest star in the Pleiadian System, and our Solar System rotates around it in a cycle of 26,000 years. We are coming to the end of this cycle now as we merge through the Galactic Centre. The Central Sun revolves around the Greater Central Sun, Sirius and as our Solar System moves through the Galactic Centre it aligns us with the Central Sun and Greater Central Sun. As we become the Sun of our true self, the Quetzalcoatl, winged serpent, christed ones return, the second coming, the Christ from within the Galactic Centre, the Christ, Light Being within us, its all the one, as above as below.

From the Codex Vindobonensis the Mayan's say that Kukulcan/Quetzalcoatl (is the Toltec name), will come from the Galactic Centre at the end of the Mayan Calendar also believe we are birthed out of the Galactic Centre and return when we die.

Now as we complete this great cycle we move through the Galactic Centre beyond birth and death and into the higher dimensional Earth, New Solar System, we become a Sun, as the Sun becomes a Central Sun, and the Central Sun a Greater Central Sun…..

As the Earth moves through the Galactic Plane, the axis shifts and then Draco becomes the North Pole Star and the serpent is seen all the time in the heavens rather than before the Hunter, Orion. Eltanin the brightest star in Draco and the dragons head is conjunct the Sun, the day the Sun is conjunct the Galactic Centre 27 degree Sagittarius on December 20th each year.

Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer and thirteen sign in the zodiac and beyond that Draco, the dragon, are the new gatekeepers in the Heavens, from Orion to Ophiuchus and Draco. As the initiation in the Great Pyramid took us through the doorway of Orion, the one, the union of opposites has occurred.
Dogon Cosmology, Sirius, and Hydrogen Astrophysics ... 30509bb63d
The Dogon say that this stream of ionized hydrogen from the Sirius system is purifying to the Sun and planet Earth. This force is the 'Reorganizer of the World', that will bring about a New Order in the world established by Amma and not by Ogo. This sacred energy is Eloptic Black Light. It is the 'Electric light' that associates with gravitational fields (it follows Sirius B's gravitational fields to Earth) and resonates in affinity with Hue-man alpha-wave thoughts. Earth is about to encounter this stream, the question is when.

As stated, the Sirius star system and the constellation Aquarius are on the same plane of heaven - about 15 degrees below the celestial equator. As the Earth moves into the Aquarian age, she will also come into alignment with the Sirius star system. When the Earth and Sirius align, the great conjunction Taba Tolo - The Re-uniting of the Twin Placentas -is going to occur. The Black Light of the Sirius system will cascade down upon the planet.
The Judgment of Celestial Fire is at Hand!
We no longer have the protection of the Van Allen belt (part of the Earth's magnetic field) like we used to. For the first time in history, we'll receive Sirian energies (rays from Sirius) without its deflecting mechanism.

There is a satellite in orbit around the sun called S.O.H.O. (The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) monitoring something called Coronal Mass Ejections, huge blast of sun flares. The metaphysical work we do on earth is directly tied to the behavioral patterns on the sun. This is why they are using Chemtrails and other means to ensure light code lock down.

According to the Dogon priests in Mali, every 60 yrs the "Sigui ceremony" occurs when the star Sirius appears between two mountain peaks (Jupiter and Saturn).The Last sigui ceremony was in 1994, and the Dogon priest say this would be the last Sigui ceremony ever. 'The Day of the Earth of the Fish' is when the Earth and Sirius align, a sacred, purifying energy force described as a ‘stream’ or ‘electric light’ from Sirius, known as the ‘Re-organiser of the World’ will cascade down upon the Earth and bring about a new order in the world. This stream will wash away the corrupt order of Ogo and immortalize the sons and daughters of the Nommo.
A Companion to our Sun?
Is the idea of a solar companion to our Sun unprecedented? Not at all, in fact there have been numerous scientific publications examining the evidence for a "dark star", literally speaking, to which our Sun could be gravitationally bound in a definite orbit. This alternate dark star is known as Nemesis, and its proposition comes primarily from observed perturbations of orbiting objects such as the planet-sized Kuiper belt object named Sedna.

Walter Cruttenden of the Binary Star research institute has propounded that a solar companion need not necessarily be of the "dark star" variety. Given the paucity of empirical observations and measurements of the movement of many of the bright stars within our own local galactic sector, it is with some justification that visible stars be examined to see if any may share a common focal point with our own Solar System. At the heart of the poly-solar system theory is a simplification of the mechanics of constellation precession (precession observable) with a more logical model, one that does not rely on a putative wobble of the Earth but instead explains the precession observable with the movement of the Solar System itself.

Is there a candidate for binary revolution among the visible stars? Logically we could begin with the closest star to our own, which is Alpha Centauri. At a distance of 4.37 light years, it is the third brightest star and, as is common, it is itself a binary system.

Another star that shows evidence of being gravitationally bound within the system and is called Alpha Proxima. Alpha Proxima is 0.2 light years from Alpha Centauri AB, about 400 times the distance of Neptune's orbit from the Sun. This shows that a dual or poly star system does not have to necessarily be in close orbital interaction. However Alpha Centauri lies at a declination of -60°, which is well out of the plane of the Solar System, and as such, has a near circumpolar motion in the sky.

A more suitable candidate would be a star closer to the plane of the Solar System, or celestial equator. Sirius meets this criteria at a declination of -17°. It is also the brightest star in the night sky, three times brighter than Alpha Centauri and twice as bright as the next brightest star Canopus. Sirius is also the 5th closest system of stars to our own [6]. More significant is the fact that The Sirius Research Group has been recording the position of Sirius for approximately 20 years now and has not recorded any measurable alteration in its location relative to the precession.

Celestial bodies in our Solar System show harmonic resonance with the Sirius system. Pluto and Sedna are at an incline to the plane of the solar system of roughly 17°, the same as Sirius. Both have orbital periods of 250 years and 12,000 years, which are at 1:5 and 1:2 resonances with Sirius, respectively (12,000 years is roughly one half of the orbit of the Sun around Sirius, hence a 1:2 resonance).

Resonance is a criterion stipulated for any system of orbiting bodies, which is why planets and moons are often times tidally locked with their parent body, and is another reason why the hypothesis of a putative wobble is very unappealing. A wobble is indicative of dynamic instability, not harmonic resonance (think of a spinning top before it falls, it begins to wobble).

Sirius is a binary system. Sirius A is the highly visible star, but there is a companion known as Sirius B, first described in modern times by the Dogon tribe of Mali (Africa) and subsequently verified by the observational science of astronomers. The Dogon also described a third celestial body with characteristics of a neutron star.

While a neutron wouldn't be visible in the same manner as Sirius B, the combined gravitational attraction of a neutron star, a white giant star and a white dwarf would certainly provide the gravitational force needed to keep the Sun bound at a distance of 8.6 light years. In fact, the presence of a neutron star is by no means necessary for the gravitational interaction of the Sun with Sirius.

In precession there is a retrograde movement, which means that the stars of the Zodiac move backwards in relation to the overall progression of the celestial sphere.

By what mechanism is a secondary retrograde rotation of the axis itself induced?

The periodicity of the helical rising of Sirius was such that the Egyptians based their calendar on it. Every year for millennia the appearance of Sirius coincided with the flooding of the Nile, an event that remarkably still happens to this day.

This fact alone betrays the blatant flaw in the current consensus model for the precession of the Zodiac. With the "Wobble Hypothesis", the Zodiac stars aren't actually moving; they are fixed in place. The apparent retrograde motion is only the result of the transient shift of the equinoxes. Therefore it receives it's much more common and well known description as "the Precession of the Equinoxes". In this consensus model, the equinoxes are occurring at different locations within the Earth's orbit around the Sun, and since they are occurring at different locations there is a different backdrop of stars.

The equinoxes and solstices are a function of the 23.6° tilt of the Earth's axis. When the tilt is facing the Sun, the Northern hemisphere is in summer because it is receiving more sunlight and there are more daylight hours -- the days are longer and the nights are shorter. When the tilt is away from the Sun, the Northern hemisphere is in winter. This is opposite for the Southern hemisphere. The midpoints between these two extremes are the equinoxes, where the length of day and night are equal.

The term Nibiru is well known, and equally misunderstood. The Babylonians used it more as a descriptive term than a name representing a specific object. In Babylonian Astronomy it was used to describe a star -- not a planet -- as can be seen in the following examples from translations by Horowitz: The Helical rising of Sirius as the Sun orbits it. Since the location of the solstices and the equinoxes are occurring at the same location within the Earth's orbit around the Sun, the helical rising is switched when the Sun reaches the opposite point in its orbit.

What can be seen clearly here is that the term nibiru is being used to describe a star, that this star sets the course of the other stars, that is to say that it is the source of their precession, and that it is the crossing point.

It is my supposition that Nibiru is referred to as a "crossing point" because when the Sun passed apastron and began its opposite revolution, Sirius would cross the sky. Not only did this crossing of Sirius mark the turning point in the Sun's orbit, but also the turning point in the Yuga cycles.

The new Sun-Sirius system model satisfies the observational behavior of Sirius and the constellations of the zodiac as they regress throughout the great cycle of 26,000 years. There is no need to introduce a "wobble" in the Earth's axis, induced by the action of 9 other celestial bodies -- a theory which is just a relic from a time when the motion of the Solar System was not yet conceived.

And indeed the Mayan's chose the Galactic Center as a reference point to mark the passage of time, which is evident as the Mayan Long Count ends with the galactic alignment of the Solar System on December 21st 2012. Therefore, the idea that the Earth orbits the Sun, or that the Sun orbits Sirius, or that Sirius orbits Alcyone and that Alcyone orbits the Galactic Nucleus, is not revolutionary -- it's just a rediscovery of lost knowledge.
Look to the Skies for Signs and Wonders
The fifth Sun: The fifth cycle of 5,200 years will be governed by both masculine and feminine energy (balance) and the element of Ether. December 21, 2012 is the pivotal date that everyone has heard of. According to our tradition, this is when the period of Job Ajaw, or the Fifth Sun is expected to begin. This period is of great importance because it will be a time when humans will ascend to a harmonious spiritual level.” Pg 120

Ophiuchus is the 13th sign of the Zodiac, which was used in medieval astrology and held special significance to Nostradamus. Because the number 13 was considered unlucky, it dropped out of use in Western Astrology. Ophiuchus depicts a man holding a large snake, which symbolizes the Dark Rift of the Milky Way Galaxy, a feature that is very important in Maya astrology where it represents Xibalba Be, the "road to the underworld." The Ophiuchus constellation is located between Libra and Sagittarius, at exactly the point in which the Galactic Plane and the plane of our solar system's orbit around the Galaxy cross each other.

On an astronomical level, the Earth and our Solar System have been crossing the Galactic Equator since 1998, in a process which will be completed by around 2016. This is part of the basis for much of the 2012 hype and even the for the "Photon Belt" iterations of '90s New Agery.

The Solar System revolves around the galactic Center in a see-saw-like motion, which some astrophysicists have theorized puts Earth at greater risk of extraterrestrial impact, during these times, as we pass through the Galactic Arms, which are more densely-packed with asteroids and plasmas. We've been crossing it for 13 years, with 5 more to go. So far, no major impact events, which is good! However, the effects of our current passage have recently been noted in the Earth's magnetosphere and the Sun's heliosphere, which encapsulates the entire Solar System; both of which protect the Earth from the harmful radiation of cosmic rays and both of which have shrunken or at times become torn, leaving the daylight side of the Earth completely open to bombardment by solar & cosmic radiation. Even the most conservative geophysicist who I asked what this could result from this suggested that we will see a spike in cancers and mutations, arising from this astrophysical passage.

"Mutation" is a word that has come to be associated with the nightmarish genetic damage that is the byproduct of nuclear fallout and radiation poisoning. But in Latin, the word "mutation" simply means "change" - as it does, in the strictest sense, in the science of genetics. Change is constant and change can certainly be good but it remains to be seen if the effects of cosmic radiation will prove beneficial for the human race and for life on Earth, although this is somewhat doubtful, considering that we're in the middle of the Earth's Sixth Extinction Event, where 50% of the 10 million species living on our planet today are expected to be extinct within 100 years.

So, let's see if this 13th sign of Ophiuchus gains traction in the hoary world of astrology. The narrator gives an interesting talk about Ophiuchus and the symbolism of the Phoenix rising, which coincides with the traditions of many cultures of the world which express that we are currently at a crossroads between the ages.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Mar 04, 2011 8:22 am

Do planets grow? If the Earth has an interior sun (a plasma core) and it is a torus, then would/could it not “unfold” much like an egg cell? If it’s a “plasma universe” and the torus is the primary geometric shape, then how would all these “plasma spheres” interact with each other? Is it a question of understanding “shape power”? What "external influences" could make the planet "grow"?

Owens Plasma Core – Expanded Earth
At the same time, Owen also introduced an ingenious idea: "Are the pressure and heat in the interior of the Earth enough to maintain a plasma core? They probably are, and the solid nickel-iron core of the textbooks may be a myth". According to the transmission of seismic waves through the Earth's core and the composition of meteorites, it had previously been thought that the inner core was solid, composed of nickel, iron and probably sulphur. The outer core was assumed to be molten. Owen explains that "the behaviour of waves passing through a plasma core would be similar to that in a solid iron-sulphur core".

He suggests that if the inner core is plasma there is a potential for expansion when the core changes from a plasma into an atomic state. The Earth's outer core may be molten because it has already changed into its atomic state. (This author adds that an explosion potential would also be present if the gravity envelope had been broken by an impact catastrophe.)

Owen points out that a plasma core provides a better explanation for the behaviour of the mantle which surrounds the Earth's outer core. The mantle lies directly beneath the crust and its convection currents are responsible for the creation of new crust and continental movement.

Furthermore, the Earth's magnetic field can be generated as effectively by a plasma core as by one of nickel-iron. The field data fit an expanded Earth model; they do not fit a constant modern dimension Earth model".
Toroidal Space
A torus is defined by two parameters: the radius of the torus (that is the radius of the torus's defining circle, measured from the origin) and the radius of the tube (the perpendicular distance from the defining circle to the surface of the torus).

Toroidal Space is the name used to describe the area and volume of a torus or so-called doughnut shape. This special form has been used to describe and/or represent a number of things in our "real" actual material world, as well as, our "imaginary" potential one.

A major branch of geometry is the study of geometrical structures on manifolds. A manifold is a curved space of some dimension. This kind of geometry, although very abstract, is closer to the real world than you might think. Einstein's theory of General Relativity describes the Universe - the whole of space and time - as a 4-dimensional manifold.

Space itself is not flat, but curved. The curvature of space is responsible for gravity, and at a black hole space and time are so curved they get knotted up. Everything in the universe - light, subatomic particles, etc. - is described in terms of a geometrical structure on the space-time 4-manifold. Manifolds are used to understand the large-scale structure of the Universe in cosmology, and the theory of relativity introduced the idea of matter-energy equivalence, which led to nuclear power, and the atomic bomb. The universe is now considered to be a 12 dimensional nested manifold.

The Tube Torus is derived from the basic study of the Flower of Life. By using a simple compass one can create the Flower of life very easily. There are seven basic steps in the composition of the Seed of Life which, if continued to its conclusion, yields the study of the vortex through the Flower of Life.

It has even been suggested that the torus can be used to define the workings of consciousness itself. In other words consciousness has a geometry! The geometric shape used to describe the self-reflexive nature of consciousness is the torus. The torus allows a vortex of energy to form which bends back along itself and re-enters itself. It 'inside-outs' and continuously flows back into itself. Thus the energy of a torus is continually refreshing itself, continually influencing itself.

Some amazing work has been done over the years by Dan Winter who suggests with geometric diagrams that the only way self-reflexiveness can continue without breaking down is by using waveforms based on harmonics. He claims our very DNA is a helix formed by 2 rotating geometric figures called icosahedrons and dodecahedrons.

The torus enables vortexes to be formed. All torii create energy vortexes. Energy can funnel up or down through it; the rotating nature of a torus generates a flow of energy through the torus, depending upon the speed of rotation of the torus and the kind of torus it is (there are 3 kinds of standard torii).
Toroidal Universe ... -universe/
Over the last few years I began to see evidence of a universe that was toroidal, moreover, a possible double toroid. The picture is supposed to be a representation of a so called “blackhole” but it also represents a picture of only one pole of the universe.

As you can tell, this curve gives only a hint that the complete spherical structure is really a torus. The universe should be a double universe with two overlapping tori in the configuration of the vesica piscus. This oversimplification for a double universe must be intertwined with a myriad of dynamics to produce the overlapping toroids. In other words, there is 1/2 universe missing from detection. These dynamics have all exhibited toroidal behaviors as vortexes, be they cosmic scale or atomic scale in their dimensions. I began to conclude that from the smallest basic atomic unit to the largest cosmic structure, these all had roots firmly in the toroid. The ASM, the Mode Box, the Anu, the Cheops pyramid , Iuliano’s maths, music studies and many, many more subjects, all showed the cyclic or double cycle within and pointed to the toroidal structure. In this light we see a new theory developing from theorists at several institutions who, as I will show you, make predictions as if the universe’s dynamics were taking place upon the center and surface of a toroidal structure called universe.
Is the Universe a Dodecahedron?
Recent astronomical thinking proposes the over 2000 year-old idea that our material universe and perhaps all of creation is in the basic shape of a dodecahedron.

The Dodecahedron is one of five regular or perfect geometric solids, also known as The Platonic Solids, that compose or structure the fabric of our universe or creation. The others are the tetrahedron, the cube, the octahedron, and the icosahedron.

The tetrahedron is the simplest, is based on the triangle and looks like a simplified pyramid. It represents the fire element. The next simplest is the cube, which is based on the square, and represents the earth element. The octahedron is next, resembling a double pyramid, and representing the air element. The icosahedron, with its twenty triangular faces, represents the water element. Finally there is the dodecahedron, which is composed of twelve pentagons, and which represents ether or the so-called fifth element. The SPHERE, which is the most perfect shape of all, contains all the former, and represents spirit, infinity, or completion.

What is special about the dodecahedron is that it is the creative link between the cube (4-based matter) and the sphere (infinity/eternity). It is linked astrologically to the sign Leo and its ruler the Sun, and the principle of will or creativity.

The dodecahedron is composed of twelve equally fitting pentagons forming the beginnings of a sphere akin to a soccer ball. Its base, the five-sided pentagon is the last or most complex shape that can form a perfect geometric solid. You cannot form a regular solid using hexagon shapes or higher. The pentagon is the "crowning" (it looks like a crown or papal hat) shape of creation.

Each of the twelve pentagonal faces of our dodecahedron universe is supposedly some 30 billion light years wide, containing countless galaxies, star systems, and worlds. These faces are generally "flat"(although somewhat curved) in nature, and each face has its direct polar opposite. I surmise that there are actually ten faces which form the main shape, with two empty polar areas. This would make our universe a hollow entity with an 11th part situated in its inner center and the 12th perhaps orbiting outside of it just like our moon orbits the Earth. The juncture points or sides between each face may constitute hyper "freeways" or paths to get from one face to the other. Each of these faces or segments will of course have its own paths and structural organization. All of this is presently speculation of course, but it’s a fascinating new concept of our universe and perhaps the whole of creation which even science is seriously considering.
Forward to Shape Power
Practical Aether Engineering is accomplished in nature by the use of various geometric forms and patterns as witnessed in the fibonacci series, fractals, tiles, cones and tetrahedral shapes. When one understands that Aether, being the basic substrate of the universe, can be interferred with to such a degree as to produce all manner of energy and matter aggregations, it follows that everything is a result of Aether Engineering to various degrees.

The essence of how geometric patterns can influence energy flows is exactly the same as how antennas and other resonanting structures work. Since everything resonates and establishes an information and energy transfer between two or more resonant bodies, then a two dimensional pattern can precisely resonate to a three dimensional structure.
2012 – Doom ain't What It Used to Be
So, in the Expando Planet model, the continuous stream of energy from the Sun goes not only to the surface of the planets, but also to the center of the planets, where, given the correct conditions, and the existence of an active plasma core (Mars, as an aside, has none, and is therefore, a 'dead' planet), this energy is transmuted into matter. Note also that plasma is a great form of an 'energetic antenna' and actually (in laboratories) seems to draw energy to it via sympathetic resonance.

So some of the energies of the Sun hit the surface of the earth, but energy at levels we cannot detect without really working at it go to the center of the planet where they are condensed by that plasma environment into matter.
In fact many of the problems claimed as issues of the approach of the planet X would be expected in the Expando Planet model.
Expando Planet Theory more likely than Nirubu/Planet X and happening NOW?
sezsue said: I only found out about 2012 a few years ago, but since that time I have read a lot about the different theories, and could see how quite a few of those theories could actually play a part in any possible future catastrophe. However, the more we approach the actual year/date (12/21/2012) the less likely the Nirubu/Planet X theory seems, to me. The reason I'm becoming skeptical is because more knowledgeable people than I are saying that we should be able to see it by now, and I haven't seen anything that makes me think this planet has been found yet. The time frame we have left doesn't really support the theory, IMO.

I'm actually starting to wonder if the Nirubu/Planet X theory is being fed by the evil ones to keep us from looking in the right direction.

Could the Expando Planet theory be the REAL explanation for everything that is occurring?
Bekod said: The planet, Mr. Johnston, as I call it is a Brown Dwarf, not seen by the eye yet, only visible in the IR, my theory is 1/2 light year out past the Oort cloud, and is now on its way in; the reason why is the Orion star Betelgeuse is thought to go Nova. Now this could be when the 2 are in line with each other and would fit in with the old tales of lost and discovered Civilizations, the Mayans, Aztecs, African and Australia as well as North American Tribes that tell of a distant planet and 2012 seems to be the time and 3 of these tell of a 12th planet.
Planet X ... s_2_01.htm
X's mass, high-plasma-charged magnetism, and density is such that it disrupts the surface of every planet it passes.

In fact, history shows a few years prior to its passage that its far reaching electromagnetic influence changes earth's core flows, triggering major weather changes.

Volcanic and seismic activity starts to change 3-4 decades prior to each passage. since 1996 traditional weather has changed dramatically, breaking all time records regularly. the up-tick of quakes, volcanic incidents and changes in electromagnetics are being kept out of the media as much as possible.

Weather alone can falsely be blamed on global warming & sun cycles but not earth's rumblings and solar system wide changes at the same time.

99% of the universe is made up of charged-plasma at the atomic level. Planets are densely charged plasma spheres. The approach of Planet X back into our immediate solar system is sending a tremendous amount of electrically charged plasmatic energy particles in waves to all the planets in our solar system via the filamentary magnetic field lines that criss-cross the universe. The entire Universe is a connected web of electricity and plasma is the conductor.

The media would have you believe that the pollution of our industrial civilization is the cause of the weather changes or has caused global warming over the last few years. Since all planets in our solar system are experiencing dramatic changes, how can any of this be blamed on our irresponsible actions here Earth.

Why do they fail to mention the seismic and volcanic changes occurring simultaneously? Why would ice cores show regular and dramatic changes in Earth’s climate from the past?

When you understand how our sun and every other planet in our solar system are being affected by Planet X's approach, you'll see how ridiculous the media cover-up becomes.

This is the Russian perspective on earth changes. Volcanic and seismic activity has increased 400-500 percent since 1975. All planets are changing, Earth is not singled out. Basically, everything in the solar system is experiencing unusual phenomena, increased activity and unusual weather. Hard facts are going unreported by western media. Dr. Dmitriev's work shows that the planets themselves are changing.

Transformation of the Solar System ... sical1.htm
We will list the recent large-scale events in the Solar System in order to fully understand, and comprehend, the PlanetoPhysical transformations taking place. This development of events, as it has become clear in the last few years, is being caused by material and energetic non-uniformity's in anisotropic interstellar space [2,3,4]. In its travel through interstellar space, the Heliosphere travels in the direction of the Solar Apex in the Hercules Constellation. On its way it has met (1960's) non-homogeneities of matter and energy containing ions of Hydrogen, Helium, and Hydroxyl in addition to other elements and combinations.

This kind of interstellar space dispersed plasma is presented by magnetized strip structures and striations. The Heliosphere [solar system - click image right] transition through this structure has led to an increase of the shock wave in front of the Solar System from 3 to 4 AU, to 40 AU, or more.

This shock wave thickening has caused the formation of a collusive plasma in a parietal layer, which has led to a plasma overdraft around the Solar System, and then to its breakthrough into interplanetary domains [5,6].

This breakthrough constitutes a kind of matter and energy donation made by interplanetary space to our Solar System.
Gamma Ray Bursts, Gravity Waves, and Earthquakes
It was determined that the burst originated from the soft gamma ray repeater star, SGR 1806-20, a neutron star 20 kilometers in diameter which rotates once every 7.5 seconds, matching the GRB pulsation period. SGR 1806-20 is located about 10 degrees northeast of the Galactic center and about 20,000 to 32,000 light years from us, or about as far away as the Galactic center. (Originally, it had been thought to be 45,000 light years from us. but new results place it closer.) The outburst released more energy in a tenth of a second than the Sun emits in 100,000 years. Other gamma ray bursts have been detected whose explosions were intrinsically more powerful than this one at the source of the explosion, but since those explosions originated in other galaxies tens of thousands of times more distant, the bursts were not nearly as bright when they reached our solar system. What makes the December 27th gamma ray burst unique is that it is the first time that a burst this bright has been observed, one that also happens to originate from within our own Galaxy.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:21 pm

George Hunt Williamson - Michael D’Obrenovic
After a long period of silence, during last few years appeared and became available new important articles and documents concerning the life and the scope of life of the maverick personage known as George Hunt Williamson (GHW) until the end of the fifties of the XX century, then legally known as Michael Obrenovic Obilic von Lazar (MDO).

After his journey to Japan early 1960s and his study on the Jomon Dogu figurines, GHW sent many photographs, drawings and reports on the findings to Prof. Alexander Kazantsev in Russia. Kazantsev was an important consultant to the Soviet space program. He wrote on August 18, 1962 that he had received the "extremely interesting photographs", and asked that all possible detailed data to be sent to him for the matter was of great importance. Immediately after receiving the data from GHW, Kazantsev published a paper on the Jomon figurines in 1963, but never mentioned GHW nor did he state the source of his inspiration. Articles appeared frequently throughout the 60s and 70s and continue in the 80s where the Russian scientists continue to discuss the Jomon figurines. This same Prof. Kazantsev, along with some colleges, Professors Krinov (head of the Soviet committee on meteorites) and Zigel (of the Moscow Institute of Aviation) claimed to reveal "for the first time exclusively" in 1975 that new evidence indicated a planet that once orbited between Mars and Jupiter was destroyed in ancient times by a thermonuclear explosion set off by an advanced race of humanoids in the area of what today is the known Asteroid Belt. GHW had said exactly the same thing in considerable details in several of his early books in the 50s.

Typical GHW themes found their way into films and TV movies as well. One of these was "Star-ship Invasions" (1978) starring Robert Vaughn and Christopher Lee. In this movie extraterrestrial explorers come to Earth in search of a new habitat when their planet's sun threatens to explode. It all seemed to come right out of the pages of the GHW's "Other tongues - Other Flesh" even to having the bad guys come from the area of Orion. And the movie "Star Wars" with its technologically superior society placed in the past instead of the future, its galactic Empire, the Emperor, the Death Star (which was GHW's "Tyrantor" (the computer planet), was highly reminiscent of several GHW books, particularly "Road in the Sky ".

Two scientists got in the act as well. Maurice Chatelain was one of the scientists who conceived the Apollo spacecraft which landed on the moon. His book "Our ancestors came from outer space" (1978) confirms GHW's earlier theories about mankind extraterrestrial origins. Joseph F. Blumrich, a major N.A.S.A. engineer, wrote "The spaceships of Ezekiel" (1974), continuing a theme started by GHW in 1953. Many others have noticed connections and similarities. W.L. Brian II writing in "Moon-gate: suppressed findings of the U.S. Space program - The N.A.S.A. - military cover-up" (1982), certainly saw GHW' s earlier ideas in "Star wars", so he wrote: "It seems as though the movie "Star wars" had its basis in the Maldek story. The plot seems similar to the story in the Bible about a war in the heaven involving Lucifer. Interestingly enough a particle beam or laser weapon was used in the movie to destroy a planet.

It seems that the "Star wars" plot could be much closer to historical reality than most viewers would have guessed. GHW was the first to use the word "Maldek" in his writings. Now many have accepted it into common usage and if they were asked would tell you " Maldek "must be a name from out of the myth and legend, but this is not so. The word did not exist until GHW used it. A similar thing happened to James Hilton's word used in his novel "Lost Horizon" and that is " Shangri-là " which is now in common usage and found in the dictionaries. The story of the destruction of Maldek and Malona (or Lucifer and Lilith) can be found in GHW's early books.

In his book "Other tongues - Other Flesh ", GHW wrote about Maldek and Malona, quoting the fact that probably Maldek can be related to Marduk, the Babylonian main God. But we also know that Marduk was the son of the Sumerian Master/God Enki/Ea as well he was known in Egypt as Ra, the son of the Egyptian Master/God Ptah.

In his books, Dr Zecharia Sitchin has clearly explained that in the Babylonian state religion, in the "Enuma Elish” poem, Marduk took the place of Nibiru, the so called Twelfth planet of our Solar System. As we know now, in the earlier times, Nibiru and its moonlets smashed the old planet Tiamat which was orbiting between Mars and Jupiter as GHW stated. The result, called the "Celestial Battle", was the destruction of Tiamat, which split into two parts; the bigger one formed the new planet Earth, while the other part formed the Asteroid belt. Then Tiamat's moon, Kingu, was attracted by the new planet Earth and became its Moon.

Apart the fact that GHW believed that the planet between Mars and Jupiter was destroyed by extraterrestrial weapons, the importance of the GHW revelation consists of the statement that a "planet in that position" was destroyed. Furthermore GHW stated that “Maldek-Malona” (its old moon), are known today as the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. Again this fully matched the Sitchin's statements concerning the outcome of the "Celestial Battle" and the formation of the Solar System.

Another important case is GHW information about the Star-sun Sirius. Astronomer Dr John A. Eddy's research at the High Altitude Observatory, National Centre for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, is a great confirmation of his very early work. The discovery that Indian "Medicine Wheels" are aligned with Sirius is only part of it. While conducting further massive research GHW discovered that Sirius plays a most prominent ancient role traditionally world-wide, especially in what is known as the "'Cult Dog ". He found this probably refers not to a dog, but to the Dog-Headed Ape (Ningishzidda for the Sumerians, Thot for the Egyptians, Hermes for the Greek), the Master scribe of the gods, inventor of numbers and letters for men, god of learning and wisdom. During his visit in Italy during August 1958, GHW worked together with the Italian archaeologist, Colonel Costantino Cattoi on this and other theories. Robert K.G. Temple confirmed Cattoi and GHW work in his book "Sirius Mystery" (1976).

GHW, Dr Daniel Ruzo and Colonel Cattoi studied and compared the rocky sculptures of the Marcahuasi plateau and that ones of the Ansedonia area and Argentario, South Tuscany, Italy. They discovered that there is a strange concentration of electromagnetic energy exactly underground of the gigantic stone figures in these places. They have further noted that there is a high frequency of UFO sightings in the same area. They both agreed that the builders of the Tiahuanaco civilization came initially from the space on and then from the Mediterranean area. Many years later, in the fourth book of his famous “Earth Chronicles”, “The Lost Realms”, Dr Zecharia Sitchin confirmed that statement. Sitchin explained that the Master/God of the Hittites, Teshub (the Sumerian Ishkur), went to the Andes area and was known as Viracocha to supervise the gold and tin mining activities, while The Master/God of the Egyptians, Thot (the Sumerian Ningishzidda), first went to Mexico to bring the knowledge of culture, writings, calendars as Queztalcoatl starting from 3113 B.C., then shifted also to South America for the same purpose.

GHW was totally convinced that there was a very ancient plan implemented in our times to reveal esoteric truth to all who desire it. Therefore he believed that his mission was to put this plan into full perspective. He though it began toward the end of nineteenth century with the writings of H.P. Blavatsky and H. Rider Haggard. It was continued by men such as Nicolas Roerich in the 1920s and novelist James Hilton in the 1930s. In a way, this anthro-archaeologist, explorer and ufologist was a mystic and a seeker. During his research performed under different names, George Hunt Williamson or Michael D’Obrenovic or Brother Philip, closely remembers another tireless “Truth Seeker”, the famous George Ivanovic Gurdjieff. Both tried to let women and men understand that exists “A non-terrestrial point of view”, so that the planet we actually call Earth is considered the third of our Solar System starting from the Sun, but it can also be stated as the seventh if we start or we come from the outside of our same Solar System. ... 135#p47800
The Old Testament is literally full of references to the end of the planet known to the ancients of Earth as Lucifer, and to outer space intelligences as Maldek, the "silver-tongued". The first three letters of the planet's name (Mal) mean tongue.

Maldek was a world of iniquity that exploded and burned and was a planet in our solar system that defiled all the other planets because of its evil, and Maldek (the tongue) set on fire its vortex, the power of its birth and being, and therefore was set on fire of the unseen state . . . because Maldek released the terrible hydrogen power she broke her vortex and was thereby reduced to an unseen state.

It should be stated here that the word Marduk may have come from Maldek. Marduk was the chief god of the Babylonian pantheon . . . from his mouth issued flame. In the battle of Marduk with Tiamat, "he (Marduk) created the evil wind, and the tempest, and the hurricane, and the fourfold wind, and the sevenfold wind, and the whirlwind, and the wind which had no equal."

This description fits Maldek who created chaos with hydrogen devices or "the evil wind". Maldek, therefore, created "the wind which had no equal". Hydrogen detonations are without equal because they will completely destroy a planet if used. I must pause here for awhile in order to say that no true hydrogen bomb, as such, has ever been detonated on Earth!
The wavelength of sound - Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) rattles the nucleus with microwaves and lasers do it with light but these are all electromagnetic in nature and their wavelengths are on the order of nuclear particles. So, how can sound shake the nucleus in other than as a mass aggregate mode (i.e., the entire block of material) as a sonic resonator? If one examines the wavelengths of sound in various substances one comes to the amazing conclusion that they can be on the order of the nuclear magnetic resonance wavelengths (NMR). NMR is based on the proton spin which produces a small magnetic moment. The thing which makes this so is the fact that the SPEED of sound is much slower that EM so a relatively low frequency (i.e., compared with microwaves or lightwaves) doesn't travel very far before it has gone through a complete cycle and that distance is on the order of the proton spin resonance frequency. Thus, it is easy to see that sound can also RESONATE with the atomic level in far as frequency is concerned.
Aetheralization - The conversion of mass back to pure aether is called aetheralization, not disintegration, but aetheralization is what Keely did when he generated aetheric vapor. Disintegration is simply the breaking up of the mass into smaller parts and the atomic structure is still intact. If we stop the flow of aether to a given nucleus what happens to it? It aetheralizes. It returns back to the great sea of energy from whence it came. Slowing down the proton and neutron spin enough will eventually disrupt the aetheric flow to the extent that the nuclear particles (they are really aetheric vortexes) cannot be sustained.

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by JohnMT » Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:51 pm

Hi lizzie,

You astound me with all this information.

I would like to hear your personal views/comments from time to time on much of what you post.




Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:41 pm

Spiral Symbols, ancient and modern
The earliest known use of this symbol comes from China, with the formation of the original Yin Yang coupling of dual opposites as black and white spirals. It should be duly noted that this symbol evolved as an independent tradition into the twin pillars of "Jachin" and "Boaz" in the Middle East. Note that the Yin Yang spiral follows a "clockwise" rotation.

The second oldest use of this symbol comes from S. America, and the Mayan culture. The "Hunab Ku" symbol, only recently rediscovered by modern Quiche and Mayan descendents as an authentic traditional symbol, depicts what modern Mayan scholars and Astro-Archaelogists understand as the 2012 alignment of the sun, earth and galactic core. Thus, the Hunab Ku is linked, in the modern research of the ancient Maya, with the idea of the galactic core in specific.

By the time the Aztecs conquered the Mayans in S. America, the culture of European Stone-Masonry had advanced to the degree of Gothic architecture, and the Enlightenment was dawning from the long Dark Ages under the strict oppression of science by the Roman Catholic Church. To this end, we have the same symbol as all of these, depicting the spiral, the world-cross or the maze, being engraved on the floor of Chartres Cathedral in France. This maze motif reflects the height of intricacy in the spiral or crooked cross design.

In discussing the use of the "crooked cross" or "Swastika" symbol, we cannot exclude the symbol of Fascism in Germany, the NAZI Blutfahn or "blood flag" carried by Hitler during the failed "Beer Hall" Putsch. During the first half of the 20th century Anno Domini, the Swastika logo was employed by the "Third Reich," whose inner-most order was the "THULE" cult of the "Black Sun." This cult studied anti-gravity propulsion craft as a means of achieving space travel and believed these same types of crafts were responsible for the stories of "Vimana" in the ancient Sanskrit and Farsi.

The Milky Way galaxy is best known as the wide band of stars that cuts across our night-sky at a 23.5° angle from our own solar system's ecliptic. The juncture point between the solar system's ecliptic and the hub of the Milky Way was, in the Popul Vuh, the "World Tree" that grew at the intersection of the realms of the living and the dead. The "Tree of Life" figures prominently in Judeao-Christian and Moslem religion as well, and is cognate with the "middle pillar" of QBLH and Hindu Yoga.

It was thought but it was not yet postulated by scientists until as recently as the 19th and 20th centuries AD that the concept of the Milky Way galactic hub is the edge-on view of a massive spiral galaxy, containing billions of stars similar to our own. Thus, the six arms of our galaxy were not discovered until extremely powerful telescopes managed to pierce the distances of our galactic hub and ascertain the shape of our local universe and our place in it.

Of particular interest to our research should be the "central bulge" at the middle of the galactic hub, because it is this "central bulge" that is at the core of our spiral galaxy. In this depiction by an artist from NASA, we see more clearly what astronomical observations indicate: the central bulge at the core of our galaxy is actually oriented at an angle to the rest of the spiraling arms of the Milky Way.

The star, called Sagittarius A, is the closest star to the central point of our entire Milky Way galaxy.

In the late 1990's physicist Stephen Hawking proposed the theory of "black holes" or imploded stars. In 1999, an announcement was made by NASA that "black holes" likely existed at the centre of all spiral galaxies, including our own Milky Way.

In the classic depictions of the Yin Yang motif the spirals are always oriented in a "clockwise" rotational pattern. Whether we see Yin or Yang as being "above" or "below" the other, the orientation remains the same regarding their relative positioning to one another either way. So long as the "S" pattern down the middle of the circle is backwards, the rotation of the spirals will represent a "clockwise" orientation.

From above the "north" pole of galactic core, the arms of the spiral Milky Way galaxy are being pulled ever inward toward the black hole at its centre in a "clockwise" fashion. If we were looking at our galaxy from below the "south" pole, we would see these arms spiraling in the opposite direction, "counter-clockwise," and this picture would be reversed.

The symbol of the Mayan Hunab Ku was specifically associated in their mythology with the concept of the "world tree" at the cross-roads of our solar system's ecliptic and the hub of the Milky Way galaxy. In 2012, this position will align with the core of the Milky Way and the sun will align from earth with the black hole at galactic central core.

Our last example brings us back to the most recent researchers of the "THULE" symbol of the ancient alphabet of the Lost Language shared once by all mankind. The "THULE" symbol of the spiral or crooked-cross motif can now be accepted as representing the arms of the spiral Milky Way galaxy, and so it should also be accepted that the "Black Sun" studied by the Nazis was, indeed, the "black hole" of galactic central core. Moreover, the "Swastika" symbol of the Nazis was inverse from the same motif used in Buddhism, and, unlike their Tibetan neighbors in the northern hemisphere, the German inversion of this symbol brought them extreme bad luck.

The concept of the "Black Sun" can be dated at least as far back as the European Alchemical traditions during the later Dark Ages. Representing the first of the seven stages of the Alchemical process of transubstantion of lead into gold, the concept of the "Black Sun" was occasionally represented by the symbol of the double-headed eagle, such as in the Hapsburg crest, the 33rd degree motif of Free Masonry.

Sol niger (black sun) is also the name of the result of the first stage of the Opus Magnum in alchemy, the blackening (nigredo). The complete Opus magnum (Great Work) ends with the production of gold.

For those interested in Pythagorean mathematikoi and akousmatikoi, Philolaus, loyal follower of Pythagoras, born but one generation after the Master himself, was apparently influenced to postulate his concept of a "Central Fire" as not only heliocentrism, but also of a dual-loci of focal points, including a "dark star" gravitational pivot point affecting earth's orbit to render it elliptical.

It is possible that these teachings influenced Philolaus in the development of his groundbreaking theory of the Central Fire. This is supported by the fact that the various teachings regarding multiple suns are sometimes attributed to Empedocles, who was a contemporary of Philolaus, and his senior.

The term Black Sun (Ger. "Schwarze Sonne"), also referred to as the Sonnenrad (the German for "Sun Wheel"), is a symbol of esoteric or occult significance, notable for its usage in Nazi mysticism. Today, it may also be used in occult currents of Germanic neopaganism, and in Irminenschaft or Armanenschaft-inspired esotericism

The term "Black Sun" began during the Beer Hall meetings of German Worker Democratic Social Groups, such as NASDAP, the party that would go on to bring about the Third Reich. It was originally meant as an "occult" term, and not referred to publicly by that name. Instead, publicly, it was depicted by the symbol of Adolph Hitler's "Swastika" motif.

Although it is believed the inverted (or "unlucky") crooked-spiral cross motif was authentically a design of Adolph Hitler, it is known that the reverse of this appeared first on Tibetan Buddhist monastery wall-paintings several hundred years before it first appearing in Celtic Ireland. In both places the triskele, or triple-cross / spiral, and the swastika, or quadruple-cross / spiral are considered symbols of the Milky Way galaxy as seen from above or below one of its poles. This symbol is also equivalent to the double- cross / spiral of Yin Yang and Hunab Khu.

The Name of the Black Sun is "Thule," and the depiction of Thule is the Swastika. Each symbol depicts a symmetrical repetition of one of a series of Runes, the "Armanic" rune-lore designed by Guido Von List. Thus, the "swastika" of the Nazis was a pair of mirrored runes for the letter "S."

Although all the Irminenschraft (or simply, Irminists) believed the Vimana of the Rig Veda described ancient airships, and that the Vedic Aryans had migrated into Europe to found the Norse mythic culture, not all of them knew what such lofty concepts might really mean. The Nazi occultist Karl Maria Wiligut crafted what would come to be the religious beliefs of the Nazi Third Reich based on the concept that "Krishna" was a Vedic deity, and that the Norse descended from the Vedics.

Wiligut claimed that the Bible had originally been written in Germanic, and testified to an "Irminic" religion (Irminenreligion) that contrasted with Wotanism. He claimed to worship a Germanic god "Krist", which Christianity was supposed to have later bootlegged as their own saviour Christ.

While this notion of a "new" or "revived" form of "Pagan Chrisianity" was being considered among the inner-most circles of the occultist "intelligentsia" of 1920's Germany, the foundations for such wild speculations had already been laid by earlier legitimate scientists in search of more planets within our own solar system than were then known. Long before Pluto had been discovered, the search for the furthest planet of our solar system was begun by the same man who believed he'd seen "canals on Mars," apocryphally ridiculed by history for having seen merely imperfections in the grain of his own spectacles.

In 1894, with the help of William Pickering, Percival Lowell, a wealthy Bostonian aristocrat, founded the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. In 1906, convinced he could resolve the conundrum of Uranus's orbit, he began an extensive project to search for a trans-Neptunian planet, which he named Planet X. The X in the name represents an unknown and is pronounced as the letter, as opposed to the Roman numeral for 10 (Planet X would, at the time, have been the ninth planet). Lowell's hope in tracking down Planet X was to establish his scientific credibility, which had eluded him thanks to his widely derided belief that channel-like features visible on the surface of Mars were canals constructed by an intelligent civilisation.

In short, the likelihood of there being a real "Planet X," that is specifically the "size of earth," and thus theoretically capable of sustaining life, in an elongated elliptical orbit around our sun is not only a Nazi myth, but it is also a currently accepted scientific theory among the esteemed community of astro-physicists.

The Kuiper belt terminates suddenly at a distance of 48 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun (by comparison, Neptune lies 30 AU from the Sun), and there is some speculation that this sudden drop-off, known as the "Kuiper cliff", may be attributed to the presence of an object with a mass between that of Mars and Earth located beyond 48 AU. Astronomers have not excluded the possibility of a more massive Earth-like planetoid located further than 100 AU with an eccentric and inclined orbit. Computer simulations have suggested that a body roughly the size of Earth ejected outward by Neptune early in the Solar System's formation and currently in an elongated orbit between 80 and 170 AU from the Sun could explain not only the Kuiper cliff but also the peculiar "detached" TNOs such as Sedna

The idea of an alien inhabited "Planet X" that had passed near our own earth and tampered with our evolution was already a well enough established theory by the time of the earliest Irminen Thulist proto-Nazis. By this point, the NAZI occultists were not only looking outward beyond the known planets, but also inward, toward Philolaus' "Central Fire." While many were already then beginning to ponder from which direction this "Planet X" could approach earth from next, others were already attempting to conceive of the more distant focal loci point that marked the elliptically elongated orbit of Planet X.

Compare these concepts of Karl Wiligut to the modern theory of a Black Sun...

Santur is interpreted as a burnt-out Sun that was still visible at the time of Homer. Rüdiger speculates that this was the center of the solar system hundreds of millennia ago, and he imagines a fight between the new and the old Suns that was decided 330,000 years ago. Santur is seen as the source of power of the Hyperboreans.

Nemesis is a hypothetical red dwarf star or brown dwarf, orbiting the Sun at a distance of about 50,000 to 100,000 AU, somewhat beyond the Oort cloud. This star was originally postulated to exist as part of a hypothesis to explain a perceived cycle of mass extinctions in the geological record

Now recall the fractured poetry of SS officer Rudolf Mund, Nazi occultist...

Rudolf J. Mund (a former SS member and later also member of the Vienna Circle) described a relationship of the visible sun as a symbol of an invisible anti-sun, the Black Sun.

"Everything that can be comprehended by human senses as material, is the shadow of the invisible spiritual light. The material fire is - seen in this way - also only the shadow of the spiritual fire."

Another hypothesis argues that long period comets, rather than arriving from random points across the sky as is commonly thought, are in fact clustered in a band inclined to the ecliptic. Such clustering could be explained if they were disturbed by an unseen object at least as large as Jupiter or possibly a brown dwarf. The hypothetical planet—or companion of the Sun—would be located in the outer part of the Oort cloud.

Thus the double "S" of the Swatika can be seen to symbolise the dual-solar nature, one light, one dark, like twinned stars. However the double Runic "T" of the "alternative design" of the Black Sun symbol merely indicates that it is a note in the same scale, however of a different order, rank and file than the Swastika symbol. Both represent the same concept: the Black Sun. However, the base-4 Swastika and the base-16 rays of the "alternative design" simply represent two different definitions for what each "Black Sun" means. The double "S" Swastika has been described as representing the dual nature of the sun, as if the "main sequence" of star growth were the same sequence as the "transmutation" of alchemical metals. Likewise, the dual "T," base-16 "Black Sun" symbol also represents a dualistic aspect to the sun our star. However in this case it relates to the black hole at galactic core.

I discovered another way to interpret these mysterious glyphs. I inadvertently realised the symbols might be incomplete in their extent form, but could be re-assembled. To this extent, I quickly discovered that there are essentially 4 cardinal positions for the reorientations of the overall lamen: right-side-up and front-wards; front-wards and upside down, upside down and backwards; and right-side-up and backwards.

I believe the ultimate solution to decoding this mysterious arrangement of a Nazi version of the Arthurian "Round Table" Romance will come as a break through using mirrors, aligned along the indicated axes of the central runes, to reflect each letter by letter, as if they were symmetrical along a vertical axis, an exact replication down the middle of each, all around the circle.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:49 pm

John MT said: I would like to hear your personal views/comments from time to time on much of what you post.
Accept everything as possible but nothing as factual even if stated by “experts.” However, some “experts” seem more “reasonable” than others but the same also applies to “non-experts”. ;)


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:28 pm

The Death of a Low-Mass Star ... G31203.HTM
White Dwarfs

The carbon core, the stellar remnant at the center of the planetary nebula, continues to evolve. Formerly concealed by the atmosphere of the red giant star, the core becomes visible as a white dwarf as the envelope recedes. (Sec. 10.4) The core is very small, about the size of Earth, with a mass about half that of the Sun. Shining only by stored heat, not by nuclear reactions, this small star has a white-hot surface when it first becomes visible, although it appears dim because of its small size. This is stage 13 of Table 12.1. The approximate path followed by the star on the H–R diagram as it evolves from a stage 11 red supergiant to a stage 13 white dwarf is shown in Figure 12.10.

Not all white dwarfs are seen as the cores of planetary nebulae. Several hundred have been discovered "naked," their envelopes expelled to invisibility long ago. Figure 12.11 shows an example of a white dwarf Sirius B that happens to lie particularly close to Earth; it is the faint binary companion of the much brighter Sirius A (Sec. 10.6). Some of its properties are listed in Table 12.2. With more than the mass of the Sun packed into a volume smaller than Earth, Sirius B’s density is about a million times greater than anything familiar to us in the solar system. Sirius B has an unusually high mass for a white dwarf. It is believed to be the evolutionary product of a star roughly four times the mass of the Sun.

The white dwarf continues to cool and dim with time, following the white–yellow–red line near the bottom of Figure 12.10, eventually becoming a black dwarf—a cold, dense, burned-out ember in space. This is stage 14 of Table 12.1, the graveyard of stars. The cooling dwarf does not shrink much as it fades away, however. Even though its heat is leaking away into space, gravity does not compress it further. Its tightly packed electrons will support the star even as its temperature drops (after trillions of years) almost to absolute zero. As the dwarf cools, it remains about the size of Earth.


In some cases, the white dwarf stage does not represent the end of the road for a Sun-like star. Given the right circumstances, it is possible for a white dwarf to become explosively active, in the form of a highly luminous nova (plural: novae). The word nova means "new" in Latin, and to early observers, these stars did indeed seem new as they suddenly appeared in the night sky. Astronomers now recognize that a nova is what we see when a white dwarf undergoes a violent explosion on its surface, resulting in a rapid, temporary increase in luminosity. Figures 12.12(a) and (b) illustrate the brightening of a typical nova over a period of three days. Figure 12.12(c) shows the nova’s light curve, demonstrating how the luminosity rises dramatically in a matter of days then fades slowly back to normal over the course of several months. On average, two or three novae are observed each year.

What could cause such an explosion on a faint, dead star? The energy involved is far too great to be explained by flares or other surface activity, and as we have just seen, there is no nuclear activity in the dwarf’s interior. The answer to this question lies in the white dwarf’s surroundings. If the white dwarf is isolated, then it will indeed cool and ultimately become a black dwarf, as just described. However, should the white dwarf be part of a binary system in which the other star is either a main-sequence star or a giant, an important new possibility exists.

If the distance between the dwarf and the other star is small enough, the dwarf’s gravitational field can pull matter—primarily hydrogen and helium—away from the surface of the companion, as illustrated in Figure 12.13. Because of the binary’s rotation, material leaving the companion does not fall directly onto the white dwarf. Instead, it "misses" the dwarf, loops around behind it, and goes into orbit around it, forming a swirling, flattened disk of matter called an accretion disk, as shown in the figure. As it builds up on the white dwarf’s surface, the "stolen" gas becomes hotter and denser.

Eventually its temperature exceeds 107 K, and the hydrogen ignites, fusing into helium at a furious rate. This surface-burning stage is as brief as it is violent. The star suddenly flares up in luminosity, then fades away as some of the fuel is exhausted and the rest is blown off into space. If the event happens to be visible from Earth, we see a nova.
Once the nova explosion is over and the binary has returned to normal, the mass-transfer process can begin again. Astronomers know of many recurrent novae—stars that have been observed to "go nova" several times over the course of a few decades. Such systems can, in principle, repeat their violent outbursts many dozens, if not hundreds, of times.
Dogon Cosmology, Sirius, and Hydrogen Astrophysics ... 30509bb63d
The Dogon actually say that there are three major stars in the Sirius system:
Po Tolo, Sigi Tolo, and Emma Ya Tolo.

Po Tolo (Sirius B) is the oldest of stars, and its name means 'deep beginning'. It is a twin of the Po - the Black hole at the center of the galaxy. The Dogon consider Po Tolo the reservoir and source of all things in this realm, and the germ of creation for our Solar System. They say it is the smallest, yet heaviest of celestial objects, and that it ejects it essence out into creation by its fast spinning. The particles of its essence are 'infinitely small'.

The movement of Po Tolo keeps all other stars in their respective places: in fact, one says that without this movement none of them would "stay in place". Po Tolo forces them to keep their trajectory…One calls it the "pillar of the stars"…. Po Tolo is the axis of the entire world…

Modern astrophysics shows that indeed, Sirius B is a very old green dwarf star that has completed the cycle of regular star life. Sirius B ejected its outer atmosphere into space ages ago. Its interior has transformed from gaseous hydrogen plasma to a solid ionized hydrogen crystal. Once about the size of the Sun, it is now condensed to the size of the earth.

As a twin of the Po, Po Tolo is a star that has many of the qualities of a Black Hole. Dwarfs are 'Black stars' in that they have low luminosity. They do emit considerable UV radiation, however. Their primary energy is not nuclear-thermal, but piezoelectric (ionic energy due to gravitational pressure). Dwarfs have electromagnetic fields that are stronger and a billion times larger than regular stars. They rotate incredibly fast, and circulate their particles for several thousand light-years.

Dwarfs are very heavy and their weight bends (warps) time and space considerable. Thus, dwarf stars have great influence on the organization of orbits and cycles of neighboring stars and planetary systems. Without a doubt, the cycles, orbits, and rotations of our Solar system is defined and governed by Sirius B.

Emma Ya Tolo is the female twin of the Po. The Dogon say that she is the 'Mother of Cereal Grains' and the 'Guardian of the Feminine Essence'. She appears to correspond to the Kemetic Goddess Auset. The Dogon say the Emma Ya Tolo is invisible and undetectable. She is the Great Mystery, the sacred seed of the feminine principle of womanhood and motherhood that Amma placed totally out of the reach of Ogo.

To the Dogon, Sigi Tolo is the youngest star to come out of Amma's womb. The Dogon consider it is the celestial testament of the sacrifice of the Nommo Semi. They say the life force of the emasculated Nommo Semi drains through Sigi Tolo. However, the life force of Sigi Tolo impregnated Po Tolo, giving it the force needed to reorganize heaven and earth. Also, the life force falls on Ogo's placenta (our Sun and Earth), purifying it as well.

Modern astrophysics shows that indeed, Sigi Tolo - Sirius A - is a young, type A blue star. It is 'emasculated' in that it is not burning its own hydrogen. It is 'sacrificing' its hydrogen by feeding it to Sirius B. In a binary star system of a dwarf and regular star, the gravitational pull of the dwarf often siphons off the hydrogen essence of the regular star. The hydrogen is sucked into the dwarf and then ejected out into space by the fast rotation. This is the relationship between Sirius A & B. The hydrogen essence of Sirius A is feeding Sirius B. Po Tolo is taking the hydrogen essence of Sigi Tolo and using the energy to renew the Sirius system and our own planetary system.

The Dogon also say that the hydrogen essence (Nyama) of Sigi Tolo falls like 'cords of rain' to purify the earth. In other words, the hydrogen essence of Sirius A:

• Is ciphoned off from Sirius A by the gravitational pull of Sirius B;

• As it falls toward Sirius B, the hydrogen essence of Sirius A is thrown off of Po Tolo because of its incredibly fast rotation.

• The hydrogen essence of Sirius A gets hurled into space. It streams into the heavens following the celestial landscape created by the strong gravitational fields of Sirius B.

• The gravitational fields of Sirius B lead a stream of Sigi Tolo's nyama to our planetary system.

The Dogon say that this stream of ionized hydrogen from the Sirius system is purifying to the Sun and planet Earth. This force is the 'Reorganizer of the World', that will bring about a New Order in the world established by Amma and not by Ogo. This sacred energy is Eloptic Black Light. It is the 'Electric light' that associates with gravitational fields (it follows Sirius B's gravitational fields to Earth) and resonates in affinity with Hue-man alpha-wave thoughts. Earth is about to encounter this stream, the question is when.

As stated, the Sirius star system and the constellation Aquarius are on the same plane of heaven - about 15 degrees below the celestial equator. As the Earth moves into the Aquarian age, she will also come into alignment with the Sirius star system. When the Earth and Sirius align, the great conjunction Taba Tolo - The reuniting of the Twin Placentas is going to occur. For the children of Ogo the Pale Fox, it will be like Sekmet raining down a fiery judgment to the point that she becomes intoxicated with the blood of countless wicked. She becomes so consumed with the taste of death that she does not stop until all of the rebellious souls are slaughtered. This is Iu-su the Water Born Saviour opening up the Heavens to bring the celestial daughter out of the chaos and drown out the light of the self-willed One.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:46 pm

EARTH CHANGES: APOCALYPSE NOW, 2012 & the Sirius Revelation?! The End of Normalcy ... -2012.html
In the observation of signs, patterns, objects, symbolism, impressions, ideas and events; a point of realization, understanding and discernment is made, where what was once considered as vague, obscure and hidden ultimately points to something that results in the final connection and deducement.

Although, symbolic meanings are usually gleaned within the context of the observer's personal perspective, evidential data from numerology, astrology, and news events can provide the necessary information that corresponds and leads to a general connection. In this update on the Earth changes, we continue to monitor the orchestrated cataclysmic events within the Hegelian dialectic of the celestial "occultification" of Sirius.

Is something really wrong with the Moon, or are we looking at the usual effects from libration and the geometry of the Solar System, that appears to make it change in orientation? Or is this confirmation of that Earth’s north magnetic pole is really moving towards Siberia? Or is it something else. If you look at the simulated diagram of the magnetosphere, it would appear that we are witnessing an abundant stream of charged particles on the magnetic fields of the Earth.

Could this explain NASA’s current investigations into Earth’s Radiation Belt?

Are we looking at the Sun’s defensive reaction to an incoming object, with prominent eruptions and releases of plasma hurled into space?

The recent news stories and memes of twin stars or two suns in our skies by 2012, as was seen in the story surrounding the loss in mass in the Betelgeuse star and the prospect that it could run out of fuel and eventually go supernova, suggests that we are being pointed towards the convergence of Sol and Sirius. A religious and mythological deception of the second coming of a messiah or savior based on the “occultification” of the Sirius Star System.

In a recent conversation that I had with Liz Durkin, Vedic astrologer and fellow blogger of Starsyncs, she made the following comment:

I… believe we are linked to Sirius, as our Sun’s binary companion or wormhole source… “they (the Global Elites)” are trying to link this potential supernova with 2012. It could happen now or hundreds of years from now. They really don’t know, but they do like to create a hyped story to heighten apocalyptic fears -- like introducing the 13th sign Ophiuchus on the 13 day of January. There is more than meets the eye here.

…Other astronomers suggest that if it were to explode today, Betelgeuse would become as bright as a gibbous Moon, which is far dimmer than a second sun. It’s all part of that second coming of the Son mythology/deception… Plus, Betelgeuse is just too far from Earth to be as significant as closer stars such as Sirius. Betelgeuse’s distance is a problem and a puzzle. Direct parallax measures from space, using the most modern results, give 495 light years, whereas the parallax using the star’s natural radio emission gives 640 light years. Sirius is one of the closes starts to Earth at 8.6 light years. Alpha centauri is the closest star and is in the southern constellation of the Centaur. Moreover the supernova in Ophiucus (20,000 light years — glowed as bright as Venus) is a more likely target for 2012 supernovaship than Betelgeuse because of past correlations with the Mayan calendar.

The very idea of twin stars or two suns, brings us to the science fiction writer Sir Arthur C. Clarke and his classical work, 2010: Odyssey Two, later adapted to screen as 2010: The Year We Make Contact. In the novel, the Discovery Two spaceship is sent out to investigate what happen to Discovery One during its failed mission to Jupiter. Lead by the mysterious monolith machine, under the control of aliens, Discovery Two discovers aquatic and indigenous life on Europa and is eventually destroyed when Jupiter achieves nuclear fusion and become a star called Lucifer that ultimately becomes the Solar System’s primary Sun.

It seems no matter how we much we examine or analyze these Earth changes, global and economic upheavals, and pop culture symbolism; it always seem to come right back to the Luciferian dialectic of Thesis, Anti-Thesis and Synthesis – orchestrated order out of chaos.
Kanye West's MONSTER's RUNAWAY: LUCIFER/SIRIUS Rising ... naway.html
The narrative is essentially chronicling a secret and powerful knowledge of the reptilian devolutionary dimensional descent over cataclysmic cycles, astronomical events, advanced ancient civilizations and sciences, creation of human-reptilian hybrids, and the final march towards genetic evolutionary ascent. A powerful secret that gave birth to the current ’scientific dictatorship’ of the Global Elites, encoded mystically in practically all religions and mythologies of the extraterrestrial intervention into mankind’s divine resonance and the spiritual doctrine represented in the universally institutionalized worship of the heavenly body of Sirius and its various worldwide historical and cyclical appellations.

Lucifer is first described as a shining angel, a bright light, light bearer, light bringer and the morning star. Created in the heavenly realms Lucifer and the other angels inhabited the planet Rahab (Maldek) and its satellites Mars and Venus, and were given reign and dominion over many worlds of the material kingdoms in the initial configuration of the Solar System.

Ancient Bible scriptures and codes reveals the eruption of a major war in the Heavens, following Lucifer’s rebellion, that destroyed Rahab, splintering it into the debris that currently formulates our Asteroid Belt; extirpating the artificial structures like the ones at the Cydonia complex on Mars; leaving artifacts and machines on other planets; and ultimately altering the Solar System. Lucifer and the other fallen angels found sanctuary on a planet orbiting the star Sirius C in the Sirius Star System, during one of its cyclic convergence with the Solar System. From Sirius and the constellation of the Pleiades, a mysterious supernatural and occult agenda was created against the creations and works of the Divine Creative Consciousness.
There is Nothing New Under the Sun
Isis (Sirius A), Osiris (Sirius B), and the Dark Goddess as Sirius C (Nephthys)

“Lucifer is a Latin word (from the words lucem ferre), literally meaning “light-bearer”, which in that language is used as a name for the dawn appearance of the planet Venus, heralding daylight. Use of the word in this sense is uncommon in English in which “Day Star” or “Morning Star” is the more common expression”

“A myth of the fall of angels, associated with the Morning Star, was transferred to Satan, as seen in the Life of Adam and Eve and the Second Book of Enoch which the Jewish Encyclopedia attributes to the first pre-Christian century: in these Satan-Sataniel (sometimes identified with Samael) is described as having been one of the archangels. Because he contrived “to make his throne higher than the clouds over the earth and resemble ‘My power’ on high”, Satan-Sataniel was hurled down, with his hosts of angels, and since then he has been flying in the air continually above the abyss.”

In the modern occultism of Dolores North (alias Madelin Montalban) (died 1982) Lucifer’s identification as the Morning Star (Venus) equates him with Lumiel, whom she regarded as the Archangel of Light, and among Satanists he is seen as the “Torch of Baphomet” and Azazel.”
The "Ahasverus" dossiers ... les_1.html
Thoth came to Earth from the Blue Star Rigel in Orion with an energetic patterning called the Enochian Table, which is mathematically encoded into the plan of the Great Pyramid as blueprint to the Enochian Table.

Thoth also tells us that the star Sirius holds the key for transmutation of galactic karma. In fact, one of its ancient names in Lemuria was Magha.

This is a word-form of the archetype Magda as in Mary Magda-lene, who as we know represents the fallen galactic level within the fallen (Oritronic-Luciferic) universe. So here we can now begin to see the inter-relationship of galactic karma and the two key points on the Earth: Jerusalem and Mecca. They are the key geographical points which translate galactic level karma into our earthen reality.

Thoth reveals the deeper nature of this Jerusalem-Mecca / Sirius A & B dynamic.

The 'Heart of the Lion' is formed by Jerusalem and Mecca thusly: The dark cube (Ka'bba) aligns with Mecca, and the star cube (Ormid) aligns with Jerusalem. The lemniscate (infinity “figure eight” loop) between the two is the 'field of the heart,' with the centre point being the actual 'Heart of the Lion.' This centre point is geographically located near Al Wadjih, Saudi Arabia.

Here, buried beneath the sand is the ancient city of Merazhadec - the 'Lion of Melchizedek' or the 'Lion of Al-Khidr.' This city was also known in later times as Jiddi. The current city 'Jiddi' or 'Judah' next to Mecca was named after the more ancient Merazhadec / Jiddi that was located near Al Wadjih. The centre point at Al Wadjih represents Sirius C, a hidden star of Sirius, thus creating a trinity the ancients called 'Hebola': the name of the power triangle formed in Sirius by these 3 stars. In most ancient Egypt this Sirian trinity was also represented by the Royal Family of Osiris (Father-God Sirius A), Isis (Mother-Goddess Sirius B) and Horus (Son-Christ Sirius C).

The Black Cube Ka'bba in Mecca holds the defiled 666 (Dark Cube) link to Sirius, which in turn holds a link to the transmutation of galactic karma.

Jerusalem holds the 999 (cube of Stars - Ormid) link to Sirius. The two energetics of Jerusalem and Mecca must converge through the 'gate' at the centre of the lemniscate (or “figure eight” infinity loop) near El Wadjih, thereby allowing the dynamic of the Metatronic Fulcrum to come into play which will initiate the inversion of the 666 to the 999, freeing bondage in matter and taking the complete 'Heart of the Lion' dynamic into the realms of the higher evolutionary worlds Mazaloth; thereby transcending our lesser
solar cosmology.
Lost Continent of Atlantis
Dogon's interest revolves around Sirius, the most brilliant star in our galaxy. The Dogons claim that Sirius is accompanied by a star they call põ tolo, invisible to the naked eye.

They also describe a third star, Emme Ya ("Sorghum Female"), accompanied by a single satellite. They have calendars for the sun, the moon, Sirius, and Venus.

The Sirius (Sirius A, the Dog Star) obsession started early, and the 'earliest' we know of are the Egyptians and the Mesopotamians (Acadians, Babylonians, Assyrians). Later on the Persians used the star. Some say Sirius and the Biblical star Mazzaroth are one. Egyptians identified Sirius first with Hathor, then with Isis. As I said, the male-female pair was quite common back then, so Isis's brother and husband, Osiris, was identified with Orion (Sirius B). A third star existed also in Egyptian mythology, Sirius C, belonging to the Dark Goddess or sometimes Anubis, the jackal-head god and son of Osiris and Isis, responsible for the passage of the souls to the underworld. Anubis was weighing the heart against a feather, to determine the good deeds of the deceased.

Another one of Temple's claims is that the Dogons, by saying "Põ tolo and Sirius were once where the Sun is now", meant to describe our coming into this solar system from the Sirius system, "and leaving those stars for our star, the Sun".

However, in 1995 two French researchers, Daniel Benest and J.L. Duvent, wrote an article in the prestigious journal Astronomy and Astrophysics with the title, “Is Sirius a Triple Star System?” They suggested (based on observations of motions in the Sirius system) that there could be a small third star there. Are we talking about Sirius C? They thought the star was probably of a type known as a "brown dwarf" and only had about .05 the mass of Sirius B. If these observations turn out true then we might have to reconsider the whole Dogon myth.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:45 pm

Measuring a White Dwarf Star ... e_468.html
For astronomers, it's always been a source of frustration that the nearest white dwarf star is buried in the glow of the brightest star in the nighttime sky. This burned-out stellar remnant is a faint companion to the brilliant blue-white Dog Star, Sirius, located in the winter constellation Canis Major. Now, an international team of astronomers, using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope to isolate the light from the white dwarf, called Sirius B, has been able to measure precisely the white dwarf's mass based on how its intense gravitational field alters the wavelengths of light emitted by the star.

Sirius B is smaller than the Earth, but much denser with a gravitational field 350,000 times greater than Earth's, meaning that a 150-pound person would weigh 50 million pounds standing on its surface. Light from the surface of the white dwarf has to climb out of this gravitational field and is stretched to longer, redder wavelengths of light in the process. This effect, predicted by Einstein's theory of General Relativity in 1916, is called gravitational redshift. Based on the Hubble measurements of the redshift, Sirius B has a mass that is 98 percent that of our own Sun. Sirius itself has a mass two times that of the Sun and a diameter of 1.5 million miles (2.4 million kilometers).
One of the biggest missing factors that Sitchin may be overlooking in his first Earth Chronicles book is the far greater proximity of our Solar system in those days to the Sirius binary star system. I've heard it said that our sun was basically the outermost third star of a trinary Sirius star system in those days, and that Sirius A and B shared about 17 more planets in various orbits about themselves, any of which could have had an impact in our solar system or played a role in the epic in the days when Maldek was still in one piece.
Kanye West's MONSTER's RUNAWAY: LUCIFER/SIRIUS Rising ... naway.html
Lucifer is first described as a shining angel, a bright light, light bearer, light bringer and the morning star. Created in the heavenly realms Lucifer and the other angels inhabited the planet Rahab (Maldek) and its satellites Mars and Venus, and were given reign and dominion over many worlds of the material kingdoms in the initial configuration of the Solar System.

Ancient Bible scriptures and codes reveals the eruption of a major war in the Heavens, following Lucifer’s rebellion, that destroyed Rahab, splintering it into the debris that currently formulates our Asteroid Belt; extirpating the artificial structures like the ones at the Cydonia complex on Mars; leaving artifacts and machines on other planets; and ultimately altering the Solar System. Lucifer and the other fallen angels found sanctuary on a planet orbiting the star Sirius C in the Sirius Star System, during one of its cyclic convergence with the Solar System. From Sirius and the constellation of the Pleiades, a mysterious supernatural and occult agenda was created against the creations and works of the Divine Creative Consciousness.

Temple, along with French anthropologists Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen disclosed that the Dogon's understanding of the general structure and evolution of the universe rest upon the three major stars: Sirius A - Sigi Tolo, Sirius B - Po Tolo and Sirius C - Emma Ya Tolo; and their relationship with Po, the spiraling black hole at the center of the galaxy.

Sirius is a trinary star system in the eye of the constellation of Canis. The Dogons believed that Sirius B was the oldest of the stars and was the creative organizing source and force of the world, producing a sacred energy of Eloptic Black Light from the stream of ionized hydrogenous essence of Sirius A.

Though, not yet confirmed by scientist, "The Little Sun" Sirius C, exhibits similar characteristics to that of Sirius B. Sirius C, Emma Ya Tolo, is hard to observe, since its small faint stellar field is masked by the great brightness of Sirius A. It is a red Dwarf Star or Pulsar and is called the "Sun of Women."

According to the Dogon, Sirius C lies at the centre of the Sirius Star System constantly emitting red solar rays - a Blazing Star transmitting its essence towards Sirius A and B from its orbital position. Sirius C is also accompanied by a spiraling satellite called Nyan Tolo, the "Star of Women." Nyan Tolo is represented by a spiral and/or cross. Sirius A, B, and C constitutes the Solar Trinity.

Osiris is the personification of the paternalis (paternal, father) star Sirius B, the God Star. He is the husband to Isis, the maternalis (maternal, mother) star Sirius A, the Goddess Star, parents of Horus, Sirius C, the Sky/Hero/Falcon/Child God Star.

The Sirian Trichotomy hieroglyph takes us to Chapter 3 of the book of Genesis, in the Bible, where Lucifer is introduced as the Serpent and where the occult agenda starts with the temptation of the woman Eve, into eating from the tree of knowledge. A figurative resonance of mankind's genetic engineering with the birth of Sirius C (Horus, the star) from the union of Sirius A (Isis, the dome) and Sirius B (Osiris, the obelisk).
The planet Xylanthia is located in the Sirius Star System, which is comprised of three stars; Sirius A, B and C. Sirius A and B orbit around Sirius C. Planet Xylanthia orbits around Sirius C, which is a black dwarf star. Xylanthia is the home-planet of the extraterrestrials that visited Earth and founded Atlantis.

Sirius A and Sirius B orbit around Sirius C, which is their center of gravity. This configuration causes Xylanthia to have no night. There is a twilight zone that circles the planet, creating an aurora of glorious colors reflecting through mystic clouds of water vapors, caused by slight temperature changes during the brief and beautiful twilight.

THE QUICKENING: the Coming Sirius/Sol Convergence ... -sirius-c/
This provides entrainment with my theory that this “Tipping Point,” is really the quickening towards the convergence of Sol, our Sun and Sirius, the astronomical star appellation and “occultification” by the Priest Class of Magicians of Lucifer. The astronomical research facility at the educational institution of the University of Arizona is run by the Vatican Church State, the modern incarnation of these magicians.

In an interview with Art Bell on the late-night program Coast to Coast AM, the late Catholic priest and theologian, Father Malachi Martin disclosed the following about the Vatican’s activities in monitoring space: “…the highest levels of Vatican administration and geopolitics, know what’s going on in space, and what’s approaching us, could be of great import in the next five years, ten years.”

This must be contextualized with the recent discoveries of hundreds of exoplanets and Earth-like planets. An unknown signal was also detected coming from the Gliese 581 star system, where the planet Gliese 581 G was designated by scientists as the first Earth-like planet ever seen with the atmosphere and gravity to be potentially habitable. As a matter of fact, a recent study disclosed that Earth-like planets in orbits where liquid water can exist may also be quite common in our galaxy and the universe.

Like the University of Arizona, NASA is a project of the Vatican as well, since the institution was created from the scientific programs of Nazi Germany under Operation Paperclip. Of course, the Vatican not only sanctioned Hilter’s destructive and murderous regime, but participated fully in the esoteric and occult ceremonies of the Black Sun or the Central Sun or the Invisible Sun or Hidden Sun or the Burnt Out Sun. These ceremonies and practices stem from the ancient traditions of the Priest Class of Magicians and can still be seen in the masonic rituals used in logos, shuttle and spacecraft names, locations, times and dates used by NASA.

I contend that the ribbon and the interstellar matter currently discovered by NASA are really part of the debris from Sirius B’s explosion and that the preparations being made by the Vatican constitutes the fundamental part of the worship and “occultification” of the interstellar explosions of Sirius B which has been symbolically revived in the ancient traditions, mythologies and religions such as with the death of the God Osiris and his rebirth as the God Child Horus, The Dying and Rising Phoenix. ... =90#p46564.
The myth of the 'Black Sun' displays similarities with the Tibetan Rahu myth from the Kalachakra Tantra. In a commentary on Wiligut’s runic writings, a pupil, Emil Rüdiger, mentions an invisible dark planet, Santur by name, which is supposed to influence human history and to be able to be microcosmically linked with the energy body of an adept.

Santur is interpreted as a burnt-out Sun that was still visible at the time of Homer. Rüdiger speculates that this was the center of the solar system hundreds of millennia ago, and he imagines a fight between the new and the old Suns that was decided 330,000 years ago. Santur is seen as the source of power of the Hyperboreans.
The name 'Sothis' seems to naturally fit the intents and the magical inclinations of the Lodge: Sothis/Sirius B is the dark star of Set, the ancient stellar body mysteriously 'discovered' more than 5000 years ago by the Dogons of Mali, and from which the darkest currents of magic emanate.

Sothis is connected to Emme Ya (Sirius C), a bizarre star that constitutes the closest astronomical match to the concept of Black Sun, and from which Atlantean Lore says that many of the entities and intelligences today known in Pantheons sprang from.
Karl Maria Wiligut ... ia_Wiligut
Wiligut claimed to be in the tradition of a long line of Germanic mystic teachers, reaching back into prehistoric times. He also claimed to have spiritual powers that allowed him direct access to genetic memories of his ancestors thousands of years ago.

From 1908, Wiligut was in contact with the occultist Ordo Novi Templi in Vienna. Wiligut claimed that the Bible had originally been written in Germanic, and testified to an "Irminic" religion (Irminenreligion) that contrasted with Wotanism. He claimed to worship a Germanic god "Krist" that Christianity was supposed to have later bootlegged as their own saviour Christ.

Germanic culture and history according to Wiligut would reach back to 228,000 BC. At this time, there were three suns, and Earth was inhabited by giants, dwarfs and other mythical creatures.

By 12,500 BC, The Irminic religion of Krist was revealed and from that time became the religion of all Germanic peoples, until the schismatic adherents of Wotanism gained the upper hand. In 1200 BC, the Wotanists succeeded to destroy the Irminic religious center at Goslar, following which the Irminists erected a new temple at the Externsteine, which was in turn appropriated by the Wotanists in AD 460.

Wiligut’s own ancestors are protagonists in this setting: the Wiligotis were Ueiskunings "Ice kings" descending from a union of Aesir and Vanir. They founded the city of Vilna as the center of their Germanic empire and always remained true to their Irminic faith.

Werner von Bülow and Emil Rüdiger of the Edda-Gesellschaft (Edda Society) translated and annotated these verses.
Werner von Bülow translates:

"Legend tells that two Suns, two wholesome suns in change rule, UR and SUN, alike to the hourglass which turned upside down ever gives one of these the victory / The meaning of the divine errant wandering way / dross star in fire's sphere became in fire-tongue revealed to the Earth-I-course of the race of Paradise / god-willing leaders lead to the weal through their care in universal course, what is visible and soon hidden, whence they led the imagination of mankind / polar in change-play, from UR to SUN in sacrificial service of waxing and waning, in holy fire Santur is ambiguously spent in sparks, but turns victorious to blessing".

Santur is interpreted as a burnt-out Sun that was still visible at the time of Homer. Rüdiger speculates that this was the center of the solar system hundreds of millennia ago, and he imagines a fight between the new and the old Suns that as decided 330,000 years ago. Santur is seen as the source of power of the Hyperboreans.
Under a Black Sun ... read/79581
"Occasionally and unscientifically, black dwarfs are referred to as black suns."

Prior to the original Great Flood, the off-gassing of Mars' atmosphere to Venus was observed from Earth, according to deciphered mythic traditions. Before the breakup of the Saturn system had progressed that far along, the former "race" who dwelt on Mars had been forced to permanently re-locate to Earth. These are the Anunnaki Giants. This is the "superior race" of Sebottendorf et al.

I believe eventually we will gather info showing that the favored location on Earth, after the very worst of the Catastrophe was over, turned out to be ancient Sundaland, which had not yet been fully inundated. As a result of several major "after effects" of the original Catastrophe, Sunda was gradually inundated, forcing once again a migration to 'less favorable' environs. Some of the emigrants chose the route through high mountain passes and moved westward across North Asia as the people of the steppes. Others chose the southerly route through green forests. I believe this cultural lineage was known as "the sea peoples". This mysterious term could have been their own self-description. Sunda was very much "of the sea", like Mars before the Catastrophe.

Those two branches met up again at the crucial western terminus of the Silk Road (ancient Anatolia, today's Turkey).

In the days of old Osiria (before the Flood raised the sea-level and flooded the Mediterranean), I believe Malta had been a major administrative center in the planetary scheme, like today's greatest cities.

The very oldest "brotherhoods" trace their origins all the way back to the "Time" before the original great Flood, to "First Time" (Zep Tepi) and have been working for several millennia now to "put Humpty Dumpty together again" and regressively transform our present "Second Time" (basic unit of time being the 'second') back to "First Time" ('lockdown').

Some of these old brotherhoods are working to re-establish the global dominion of the Empire that administered this slave-planet before the "destruction of a star".

This could very well be the origin of the Sabbateans ("predators disguised as sheep") who have been utilizing the Abrahamic Faiths as their "Shadow Triad", with the core of "True Faith" balanced through the centuries by the millions and billions and the compelling testament of their human experience.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:39 am

Is Sirius A the Blue Star Kachina and Sirius C the Red Star Kachina?

Beyond 2012
An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". This will be the Day of Purification, which Oh Shinnar said would be in 2011. The strange thing is the Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina! Gordon Michael Scallion provides the explanation:

"The solar system shall become a binary sun system, when the Blue Star returns...during the day it will appear as a silvery light, one hundred times brighter than the Morning Star...During the evening, it will appear as a moon...the Blue Star is a companion to Sirius B...the vibrations given off by the Blue Star will enable the soul to have an easier time in communication with its host...a new light body is being created."

Scallion says that the Blue Star "will appear from behind the Sun, traveling towards Arcturus."

Readers of Robert Temple's The Sirius Mystery may recall that the Dogon tribe of Mali, West Africa, have known for centuries that Sirius (the Dog Star), is a binary star system, and that Sirius B is a white dwarf. What you may not have heard, if you haven't read the new edition, (1998), is that astronomers have recently discovered Sirius C! Temple told us in 1976, in the first edition, that the Dogon knew of a third star, and that he thought it would be a red dwarf, if and when it was discovered. It was twenty years later, in 1995, when French Astronomers, Daniel Benest and J.L. Duvent announced in the Journal Astronomy and Astrophysics, their discovery of a small red dwarf star - Sirius C.

The Dogon say that the "spaceship" of the visitors - the Nommo - looked "like a new star", and that they will return one day, when "a certain star will reappear. They also say that Sirius A and B "were once where the Sun now is". The star will be invisible before it "emerges", and is drawn with the rays inside the circle. It will only be "formed when the Nommo's ark descends, for it is also the resurrected Nommo's "eye" symbolically." Temple thinks this is Phoebe - Saturn's tenth moon.
The Wormhole of Daath - Recap
The Tarot; We found the tarot to be directly associated with the Apocalypse, or Revelation of St. John; and Atu 17, the Star, to be related to Sirius by Court De Gebelin and Grant).

The Book of Revelation; Trumpets 2, 3, and 5 announce phenomena that would accompany the close by-pass of a large satellite or planetoid; earthquakes, floods, meteorite showers, dust blocking sunlight and moonlight, large meteors, thunder and lightning, etc.

Mummies and the Rapture; We found Egyptian connections in the Tarot, along with the Christian ones, and connections between the two religions, especially regarding resurrection and judgment, which feature strongly in the Tarot and Revelation. Anubis, Isis and Nephthys all feature in Egyptian judgment scenes, and are all connected with Sirius.

Egyptian Mythology; Murry Hope concluded from her study of Egyptian mythology that Sirius was responsible for a change in the Earth’s orbit, resulting in the 5 extra ("epagomenal") days and also, possibly, the axis tilt which causes the four seasons.

Babylonian Mythology; Zecharia Sitchin’s study of Babylonian mythology indicates that there is a massive planet, (Nibiru), on an elliptical orbit, which returns to this solar system every, 3,600 years, causing exactly the kind of havoc described in Revelation.

Mayan Mythology: Otto Muck’s study concluded that an asteroid crashed into the Earth after being pulled of course and by a conjunction of the Sun, Moon, and Venus in 8498 BC - "the point at which the Mayan calendar started". (If this asteroid was a minor satellite of Sitchin’s "12th planet", Nibiru, and is connected with the end of the Mayan calendar as well as the beginning, then Sitchin’s 3,600-year cycle would be less than 100 years out.

Worldwide Mythology: Immanuel Velikovsky’s studies indicate that in the cosmic collision, or near collision, a comet’s path was altered so that it took up a near circular orbit, becoming the planet Venus, which the Toltecs and Aztecs called Quetzalcoatl (the plumed serpent). Velikovsky also pointed out that Venus is associated with the Egyptian Isis and the Babylonian Ishtar, both of whom have Sirius connections.

Peruvian prophecy: Willaru Huayta provides the scenario linking these three pieces of research. He says that in 2013, at the end of the Inca calendar, a planet 3 times the size of Jupiter will pass the Earth, wiping out most of mankind as a result of floods, earthquakes, etc., but there will be a small core of survivors.

The Dogon: Astronomical knowledge which the Dogon of Mali in West Africa has concerning the binary star system of Sirius, they say was given to their ancestors by visitors from Sirius. Their "spaceship" looked "like a new star". The visitors, the Nommo, will return one day, when "a certain star will reappear".

No More Firmament: Antonin Artaud’s surrealist play seems utterly bizarre, until we have digested the points above. Scenes reminiscent of the Apocalypse culminate in the close proximity of Sirius to planet Earth.

Transmissions from Isis: Kenneth Grant started the "New Isis Lodge" for communicating and receiving energy transmissions from a transplutonic planet called Isis. These transmissions are relayed from Sirius via Isis. The space-less, time-less Aeon of Maat is now accessible from the current Aeon - the Aeon of Horus, and Sirius is the key to that Aeon.

Quantum Leap: Hunt-Williamson, Hope, Grant, and Andahadna all think Sirius will be involved in an imminent quantum leap of consciousness and they all agree on the existence of a transplutonic planet.

Nibiru; Barbara Hand Clow depicts Nibiru as a transmitter of messages from Sirius to Earth (like Isis). Nibiru’s 3,600-year orbit takes it near Sirius which is then transmitted to Earth.

The Wormhole of Daath: Since I discovered that Nibiru would have to be traveling impossibly fast to cover the distance between Earth and Sirius and back in 3,600 years, I searched Grant’s material for clues. I found that Uranus is connected with Daath, the eleventh, or secret sephira of the tree of life, which leads to "the paths beneath the tree" and is "the gate to the other universe". Yog-Sothoth (connected to Uranus) is "the gate through the Aeons to the star source beyond Yuggoth" (Yuggoth is Pluto). Marduk, a Babylonian god associated by Sitchin with Nibiru is implicated in the form of Megor- Marduk, "the last gate", who resides at the pylons of the abyss.

I suggested the possibility that the planet known as Nibiru, Marduk, Persephone, Patras, and Isis, may have originated in the Sirius system, and that it might travel from this system to Sirius and back through a space-time by-pass, or wormhole, which exists somewhere near Uranus, or between Uranus and Pluto.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:36 pm

More on the Occultification of Sirius

Do the global elites know something we don’t know?

LUCIFER/SIRIUS Rising ... naway.html
The narrative, is essentially chronicling a secret and powerful knowledge of the reptilian devolutionary dimensional descent over cataclysmic cycles, astronomical events, advanced ancient civilizations and sciences, creation of human-reptilian hybrids, and the final march towards genetic evolutionary ascent. A powerful secret that gave birth to the current 'scientific dictatorship' of the Global Elites, encoded mystically in practically all religions and mythologies of the extraterrestrial intervention into mankind's divine resonance and the spiritual doctrine represented in the universally institutionalized worship of the heavenly body of Sirius and its various worldwide historical and cyclical appellations.

From Sirius and the constellation of the Pleiades, a mysterious supernatural and occult agenda was created against the creations and works of the Divine Creative Consciousness.

The Dogons believed that Sirius B was the oldest of the stars and was the creative organizing source and force of the world, producing a sacred energy of Eloptic Black Light from the stream of ionized hydrogenous essence of Sirius A.

Though, not yet confirmed by scientist, "The Little Sun" Sirius C, exhibits similar characteristics to that of Sirius B. Sirius C, Emma Ya Tolo, is hard to observe, since its small faint stellar field is masked by the great brightness of Sirius A. It is a red Dwarf Star or Pulsar and is called the "Sun of Women."

According to the Dogon, Sirius C lies at the centre of the Sirius Star System constantly emitting red solar rays - a Blazing Star transmitting its essence towards Sirius A and B from its orbital position. Sirius C is also accompanied by a spiraling satellite called Nyan Tolo, the "Star of Women." Nyan Tolo is represented by a spiral and/or cross. Sirius A, B, and C constitutes the Solar Trinity.
The Big Dipper, he further explained, is in fact the head center of a stupendous being whose subtle or etheric body is composed of seven solar systems, each acting as an energy center. Sirius makes up the third eye to this great being, the Pleiades its throat center and the Sun is connected to its heart center.
Those Clever Sirians
For a precise historical overview of not only the connections between Sirius and ancient occult orders but also of the intrinsic relationship between that star system and Sothis or Set-An, we must examine Kenneth Grant’s work. Oddly enough, despite the fact that I have widely circulated this pointed excerpt, I remain yet unaware of anyone who has actually "got it" and made the connection between the rapidly (re-)emergent Sirius mythos and classical apocalyptic eschatology:

"The one place in Crowley’s writings where he gives the meaning of the initials A.'.A.'. is in his magical record (Cefalu, 1921) where it appears as ACTHP APLOC. This is a corrupt Graeco-Coptic form of Argenteum Astrum (the Silver Star) yet it is the true occult key to the nature of the order, which is not expressed by the correct Latin version of the name. Argos derives from arg or arca, the female generative power symbolized by the moon, the womb-shaped argha used in the mysteries, synonymous with the queen of heaven. Arghya (Sanskrit) is the libation cup; Aster Argos is the lunar or ’silver’ star.

"The lunar component is represented by the eye of Isis, and her star is Sirius, the dog-star (Set). The order of the Silver Star is thus the order of the eye of Set, ’the Son behind the Sun,’ represented astronomically by the star of Isis, which is Sothis (Sirius).

"The constellation of which Sirius was the chief star was once named the Phoenix [this constellation probably corresponded to the complex of stars now known as Cygnus and Aquila]. This was the secret name of Baphomet (Crowley) as the supreme head of the O.T.O. [the Ordo Templi Orientis or Order of the Temple of the East, so called because the east is the place of sunrise. The reference is not, however, to the physical sun, but to the eye of Set, astronomically imaged by Sirius.] He assumed the god-form of this bird (an emblem of the sothic year or cycle) because it reached the meridian (i.e. attained supremacy) at the moment of the rising of Sirius, or Set.

"The Silver Star (A:.A:.) is Sirius. As Hoor-paar-Kraat, whose formula is silence and strength, he is the undying god, beyond our solar system. Horus is the ‘son’ of this god and the sun (or father) of our solar system. Horus is thus Hrumachis (son of) the star, Sirius. Sirius, Sothis or Set-An, thus represents the supreme, the eternal light. The star is therefore the key to the present aeon of Horus, for it represents the energy of Satan that will permeate the earth during the present cycle."

Consider the Higher Intelligence contacted by Jack Parsons, the American rocket pioneer who co-founded Cal Tech and is reputed to have contributed as much basic innovative technology to aerospace as Goddard or von Braun. Parsons, who was a member of the Ordo Templi Orientis, back in the 1930s-40s when Aleister Crowley was still alive and acting as Outer Head, subsequently published The Book of the AntiChrist -- a strange, beautiful, revolutionary document which, like Crowley’s Book of the Law, was allegedly dictated by a Higher Intelligence. This entity is described by Parsons only as "most holy and beautiful": it urged Parsons to declare war on,

"all authority that is not based on courage and manhood ... the authority of lying priests, conniving judges, blackmailing police," and called for "an end to restriction and inhibition, conscription, compulsion, regimentation and the tyranny of laws."

Part Two of this strange document urges all truth-seekers to practice Crowleyan sex-yoga: "Concentrate all force and being in Our Lady Babalon. Light a single light on her altar, saying Flame is our Lady; flame is her hair. I am flame." Etc. [As an interesting aside here, Parsons was killed in a horrible fiery accident involving mercury fulminate in his Holy Rocket Science Lab -B:.B:.] Babalon, in Crowley’s Tarot, is The Star, which Kenneth Grant says is Sirius.

Grady McMurty, an old friend of Crowley and Parsons, and currently Caliph of the Ordo Templi Orientis in the United States, has kindly placed in my hands various manuscripts of O.T.O. private publications during the 1940s. In one of them Parsons states his devotion to the shamanistic / psychedelic quest in poetic terms that might have seemed extreme even to Crowley.

Parsons died in a laboratory accident in 1949. According to Kenneth Grant, Parsons’ last year was devoted to the attempt, with a mistress, to conceive a moonchild -- an entity magickally separated from earth-influence at the instant of conception and from then on dedicated to higher, outer-space influences. (Crowley describes this operation in his novel, Moonchild. To my knowledge, it has not been successfully performed to date.)

Jack Parsons’ life, midway between Crowley’s and Leary’s, was a testament to the faith: it is time to get off this planet. For his countless contributions to aerospace science, Parsons is honored by having a crater on the moon named after him [and certain Pasadena JPL insiders refer to their place of employment only half-jokingly as "Jack Parsons’ Lab" as opposed to "Jet Propulsion Lab." -B:.B:.].

One day, browsing in a bookstore, I came upon Gurdjieff: Making a New World, by J.G. Bennett. Guess my state of mind when I came upon the following passage:

After Gurdjieff died I was asked by some of the old pupils to write a commentary on Beelzebub. When I had written a few chapters and sent them around for comment, almost all agreed that it would be a mistake to publish them. If Gurdjieff had intended his meaning to be readily accessible to every reader, he would have written the book differently. He himself used to listen to chapters read aloud and if he found the key passages taken too easily -- and therefore almost inevitably too superficially -- he would rewrite them in order, as he put it, to "bury the dog deeper." When people corrected him and said he surely meant "bury the bone deeper," he would turn on them and say it was not "bones" but the "dog" that you have to find. The dog is Sirius the dog star, which stands for the spirit of wisdom in the Zoroastrian tradition.

Sirius again. "Coincidence," says the Skeptic, one more time. Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson, the book in question, concerns extraterrestrial Higher Intelligences who intervene repeatedly on Earth to accelerate evolution here. But, of course, that’s just a story...

J.G. Bennett, in another book on the Gurdjieff teachings called Is There Life on Earth?, claims that Gurdjieff was initiated into a mystic society, unnamed, which began in Babylon around 4500 B.C. Grant also traces the Crowley tradition back to Egypt and Babylon around that time.

"Coincidence, coincidence, coincidence," mutters the Skeptic; but is there a growing uncertainty in his voice?

Wait. There’s a lot more to come. In July 1975, I published an article about all this in Gnostica, an occult newspaper. A few weeks later, I received a letter from Edward Gardiner of the Detroit Film Collective. Mr. Gardiner wrote that he attended the Fourth International Festival of Yoga and Esoteric Sciences in Dallas. Dr. Douglas Baker, in a lecture, said that Sirius is the Ajna center of a galactic being and our sun is the Heart center. Our planetary evolution depends on raising the energy from the Heart (our sun) to the Ajna (Sirius).

Dr. Baker represents the Theosophical Society, founded by Madame H.P. Blavatsky, based on alleged transmissions from a Secret Chief named Koot Hoomi. That Gurdjieff was educated by the Sufis is now generally accepted. Crowley was directed by a Secret Chief named Aiwass. I would estimate that about 90 per cent of the occult groups in the Western world today are wholly or partially derivative from Blavatsky or Gurdjieff or Crowley, who together make up the indispensable Big Three of 20th century occultism. And now we have all three of them tied in, one way or another, with Sirius.

Of course, if shamans of any school are going to develop delusions about stars, they are likely to pick Sirius, which is the brightest star in the sky and hard to ignore. It is also in the constellation of the Dog, "man’s best friend."

Nevertheless, such is the repressed gullibility of even the most hardened Skeptic, I have found myself wondering once or twice about new meanings in the ancient Zen riddle, "Does a dog have the Buddha-nature?" And, on rereading Joyce’s Ulysses for the first time in several years, the Metaprogrammer was struck by the Black Mass in which the souls of all the saved chant "God" while all the souls of the damned chant "Dog."

This palindrome (God-Dog) also appears in The Book of the Law, remember, in the question, "Is a god to live in a dog?" My fantasy leaped and I asked myself why Joyce set Ulysses in spring 1904, the same time that Crowley was receiving The Book of the Law. (19 + 04 = 23)

The same palindrome, again, appears in Chapter One of Dr. Leary’s High Priest, published in 1968. The chapter is titled "Godsdog."

Then Brian Hanlon, San Francisco UFOlogist, called my attention to a book called Other Tongues, Other Flesh, by George Hunt Williamson.

Williamson, an early 1950s Contactee, claims to have met some flying saucerites from Sirius. He prints vast huge chunks of their language -- the "other tongues" in his title -- and I found that a few of the words were almost identical with some words in the "angelic" language used by Dr. John Dee, Aleister Crowley and other magi of the Illuminati tradition. For instance, Williamson transcribes one of the words he received as leshtal, Crowley has "lashtal." This is more striking when we remember the two Naval officers who got "affa" (nothing) from the same "angelic" language.

Williamson also informs us that the Sirians have been in contact with Earth for "several thousand years" and that their allies here use as insignia the Eye of Horus -- the origin of the Illuminati eye-in-triangle design."

Like every other Contacteé, Williamson may, of course, be suspected of hallucinating or just of being a damned liar. Even the most hard-headed skeptics, however, must be a bit puzzled if we ask a few questions at this point, such as: what are the chances of Williamson, either as a hallucinator or as a hoaxer, picking up words in the "angelic" language, known only to advanced students of Cabala? Well, maybe he could have read a bit of Cabala in his time; sure.

But what are the chances, by coincidence or whatever, that two Naval Intelligence officers of high security rating should also, in a separate Contact, get a word in the same language?

How could Williamson have known that Crowley was in any way connected with Sirius in 1953, when he wrote his book, since Kenneth Grant was the first to link Crowley and Sirius, in 1973?

Was it only by coincidence of lucky guessing that Williamson picked the eye-in-the-triangle (used by Crowley and the Illuminati) as the alleged symbol of the secret society in contact with Sirius?

Was it only another coincidence that that symbol was used by Adam Weishaupt and Thomas Jefferson?

And is it another coincidence that Dr. Baker, the Theosophist, should declare Sirius "the third eye" of a cosmic being?

When Illuminatus was being written (1969-1971), I had no interest in Sirius at all and no delusions about contact with extraterrestrials. But we now find that both the number 23 and the eye-in-the-triangle motif -- the two most mysterious enigmas in that novel -- have a long history of linkage with the Illuminati-Sirius mystery. I didn’t know that when working on Illuminatus -- but evidently something that is part of my mind or in communication with my mind did know it.

Aside from Brother Sheldon Nidle’s ubiquitous references to Sirius (and further corroboration provided by our OTO/CAW mole re: the neo-Knight Templar Order of the Solar Temple’s connection to Sirius) in regards to the Holy Church of the Latter Day UFO Saints, we could not help but recall this seminal historical (1920’s) reference recorded so eloquently by the V.H. Fra. R.A.W. (Robert Anton Wilson) in his fascinating discordian treatise Cosmic Trigger: The Final Secret of the Illuminati:

"Recently, English playwright Heathcote Williams sent me a Xerox of There Is No More Firmament, a one-act play written by the pioneer surrealist, Antonin Artaud, back in the early 1920’s. This strange, weirdly suggestive drama certainly deserves to be mentioned as part of the Sirius Mystery.

"There Is No More Firmament begins with discordant music indicating ’a far-off cataclysm.’ The curtain rises on an ordinary street scene, with actors coming and going rapidly. There are bits of ordinary conversation, suggestions of violence and insanity and, finally, the word ’Sirius’ repeated in every tone of voice and every pitch of the scale: SIRIUS ... SIRIUS ... SIRIUS ... SIRIUS ... Then a loudspeaker thunders, ’THE GOVERNMENT URGES YOU TO REMAIN CALM.’

"Actors rush about claiming that the sun is getting bigger, the plague has broken out, there is thunder without lightning, etc. A reasonable voice tries to explain, ’It was a magnetic phenomenon...’ Then the loudspeaker tells us:


"One actor claims it is the end of the world. Another says it is two worlds ramming each other.

"A group of scientists appear and disagree with each other vehemently about what is happening while a Revolutionary objects, ’It isn’t science anymore, it’s immoral.’ Another promises us, not very reassuringly, ’We won’t see the antichrist yet.’ Finally, one scientist comes forth to explain to the audience, ’The molecular grouping in Sirius is everything. These two forces, ours and theirs, had to be put in touch with each other.

"The curtain falls and violent percussion instruments and sirens create a din as the audience leaves.

"(For the curious, the whole text of this play can be found in Antonin Artaud, Collected Works, Vol. II. Calder and Boyars: London, 1971.)

"Artaud went ‘insane’ about ten years after writing this play, and spent the World War II years in a mental hospital. After the war ended, he regained his ‘sanity’ and lived his final years in Paris as a hero to the young intelligentsia, who regarded him as a prophet. The people who were allegedly ’sane’ during the years of Artaud’s hospitalization spent most of their time trying to blow up as much as possible of the civilized world."

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by JohnMT » Sun Mar 06, 2011 2:27 pm

Hi lizzie (once again),

You wrote:
Accept everything as possible but nothing as factual even if stated by “experts.” However, some “experts” seem more “reasonable” than others but the same also applies to “non-experts”.
Well, as a sort of "expert" myself, I am also quite a reasonable person too... ('to boot') :D

Trouble is much of the time, when I do discuss such matters with certain 'educated' enquiring persons, no-one seems to have much of a clue what it is I am talking about, even before I begin.

Mis-education I call it.

Ah well, no matter.

Perhaps given a couple of months off, I might just get through most of what you have posted on just this one thread alone!

In appreciation,




Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:30 pm

The Occultification of Sirius - Continued

The Secret Rituals of the Men in Black – Part 1

Introductory Remarks ... %20REMARKS
What are the Secret Rituals of the Men in Black, you ask yourself.

Secret Rituals are Rituals that have not been exposed. The Rituals of certain organizations that have been published are no longer secret whether we are talking about various Masonic organizations, Rosicrucian Orders, the Golden Dawn, Crowley’s

What, then, are the Secret Rituals exposed here? For starters, this book is not so much an exposure as it is a signpost pointing the way. This is the Path. The Path involves Contact -- communication with that OTHER portion, the Other Side.

The Ritual as we have it, comes to us from the Golden Dawn cycle of rituals and knowledge lectures. However, its distant parent was the “Conjuration of the Four” published by Eliphas Levi. The Conjuration of the Four is a Ritual used by the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, in its Initiation ceremonies. It, too, is a development of an earlier cycle of rituals, employed by its predecessors in the Fratres Lucis, and before that, the Asiatic Brethren.

These, in their turn, go back to the Gold Rosicrucians and the authentic Kabbalah, embodied in the teachings and practices of Jacob Frank, Sabbatai Zevi, and so forth, ultimately taking us to the dawn of Kabbalah in the Languedoc, when Isaac the Blind of Posquières and his circle achieved communication with Elijah on the Day of Atonement early in the 12th Century of the Common Era.

Who, then, are the Men in Black?

In the context explored here, they are the great Mystery men of the Authentic Tradition, in part; and they can also be those entities or forces that show up or are summoned forth in rituals of Ceremonial Magick, in part. In addition, in the classical UFOlogy model, they are those mysterious beings that usually appear in threes, arriving out of nowhere, for the purpose of silencing those who would go public with knowledge about UFOs.

Seriously, though, there is a lineage involved. It is that which is pointed to here in this book. Sometimes it involves the classical Western personalities who get placed on the lists of saints and grand masters. Sometimes it includes other personalities. -- Personalities perhaps less well-known than those in the tourist literature.

A few words now, on a related subject. That subject is the “Johannite Tradition” - a tradition I have been researching, writing about and practicing for nearly fifteen years, and one which Allen has been researching, writing about and practicing for decades. Unbeknownst to each other, we have formed a very wide definition for what is termed “Johannite” - not merely the Johannism that is usually applied to an obscure Templar revival of the late 18th / early 19th centuries.

Our Johannism goes back to the beginnings of “contacteeism” on Planet Earth.

True, it’s been written about, but without the nomenclature, by Zecharia Sitchin in his Earth Chronicles series. We would be foolish to hold that series to be the source, however, for our research. Instead, we have drawn from the sources he employed, where we can find or gain access to them.

We first read of the Oannes in The 12th Planet.

We also read of it in works on Masonry and the Western Esoteric Tradition, like Manly Palmer Hall’s Secret Teachings of All Ages, Mackenzie’s Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia, and other sources like that. Later, we ran across allusions to it in Holy Blood, Holy Grail (or works based on it, such as GENISIS, by David Wood) in reference to the Neptunian Quinotaur, the marine animal that impregnated the mother of the first Merovingian king.

We also came across a large amount of the source material in Shklovskii’s and Sagan’s book, Intelligent Life in the Universe; some writings of H. P. Lovecraft dealing with the rites associated with Dagon; and other things. By the time we finally obtained a copy of The Sirius Mystery, we had already seen earlier source materials. What became clear to me is that the names given to the Oannes, Annedotus, et al., are etymologically related to the name Jonathan, and not so much to the name John.

The name Jonathan means YAH HAS GIVEN; the name John means the name GOD IS GRACIOUS. Later we found that the name was important, in a different form as Dositheos, the successor of that other John - John the Baptist, and predecessor to Simon Magus, said to be the fountainhead of the Gnosis.

When I obtained copies of Crowley texts that I had not possessed before my access to the internet commenced, I found that indeed, the name John was employed in a very auspicious manner in not only a “Secret Ritual” but in a Mystery Play - a Play that bears a relationship to a series of engravings and paintings, by Poussin, Madathanus, Lambert and others.

As a recap to the ideas I expressed in the first part of this introduction, namely that of the evolution of ritual, and the personalization of ritual for the purpose of achieving that contact, I can say that Qadosh, the Johannite Tradition, is truly one of those Secret Rituals, and a key teaching to those who seek to find their place in the scheme of things pertaining to “the Path”.
Introduction ... TRODUCTION
The Masonic degrees, those of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and other, similar ceremonial bodies seemed hardly to justify such threats, viewed in the cold light of day. We find the same pattern emerging in trance mediumship and UFO contacteeism where, with much fanfare, ‘spirits’ or ‘aliens’ emerge from spaceships or from The Great Beyond to tell percipients merely their names and where they came from. If there is any ‘message’ at all, it usually consisted of advice to live in peace.

The reason for all these profoundly bizarre goings-on became apparent only when we “cracked” the key secret cipher used in such rituals and spontaneous encounters. Once realized, a bizarre design, previously suspected by only a few diverse researchers working in widely differing fields, was fully exposed. It revealed an intricate worldwide pattern of communication between Ultraterrestrial Forces almost totally beyond our comprehension and human adepts, stretching from remote antiquity to the present moment.

Freemasonry - particularly so-called ‘fringe’ Freemasonry such as that of various Egyptian Rites and its predecessors in Rosicrucian Occultism and the Ancient Mystery Religions always offered a series of graded initiations, including secret words and cipher languages, and an altogether unique view of the universe.

The emphasis was on the relationship between humanity and Higher Powers, the Stars, and a Supreme Force sometimes referred to as the “Architect of all worlds”.

The mythic plays and planetary origin stories all seem to have a double meaning, and that meaning is hidden in the secret passwords and strange names (and strange spellings of conventional names), which were, in fact, coded messages. These messages spoke of Aeons-old communication between human and Ultraterrestrial forces warring for control of the Earth.

The highest-ranking public initiate-adept known by the present writer, Rev. Michael Bertiaux of Chicago, has long maintained that the (Egyptian) Rite of Memphis-Misraim was a “front” (in a sense) for Ultraterrestrial technology. As a Conservator and Hierophant of a distinct branch of these rites, he would surely know, and our findings, reinforced by extensive ‘hands on’ knowledge of Masonic and Crypto-masonic ritual, as well as the Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts itself, clearly demonstrates that Bishop Bertiaux’s assertion is nothing less than the straightforward truth.

Legends and lore surrounding the Star Sirius figure heavily into our premise. In distant times, in the days of ancient Sumer in Mesopotamia, pre-dynastic Egypt in Africa, Dravidian India and in Mexico long before the Mayans, there is a fairly consistent account of God-like and perhaps amphibious beings from the sky sometimes associated with the Constellations Cancer and Orion, and with the Star Sirius in the constellation Canis Major, or “The Great Dog.”

They visited Earth, establishing a nucleus of priest-kings and scientists who have carried forth a secret tradition of contact, communication and Ultraterrestrial overlordship, and rebellion against that overlordship. This tradition is displayed in various rituals through myth and cipher, but, in addition, certain ‘sacred technologies’ are conveyed for reestablishing communication (should a link be broken), for actual travel to and from Ultraterrestrial realms, and even indicate in minute detail how to effectively resist alien influence.

The entire literature of magical invocation and evocation, seen in this light, is revealed to be a disguised transmission of these technologies.

The Role of Ritual in the UFO Mystery ... FO_MYSTERY
It is very easy to conclude that Crowley - though the text itself suggests he would not succeed in finding “the key of it all” - apparently attempted to do so, with no success.

Since the number Eleven is more than hinted at in The Book of the Law itself as a ‘key’ it theoretically is easy enough to note that, in standard alphabetical sequence, there are eleven spaces between A and L, and another eleven between L and W.

Furthermore, Soror Ishtaria, by examining the cipher as a 26 pointed star (one point for each standard letter), discovered, with mainframe computer assistance, that by varying the “cycle” (the cycle we have discussed here is 11; that is, there are 11 spaces between each letter in order of value), without repeating any letter twice, one could obtain many alternate ciphers, each yielding, like the first, interesting and evidential results.

Did the system, I wondered, shed any light on UFO related contact cases?

Indeed it did, and this relationship formed the core of my earlier book, Secret Cipher of The UFOnauts.

I also took a look backwards, before The Book of the Law, and discovered that similar ‘coded messages’ were contained in, for example, the names of ‘control entities’ in classical trance mediumship, and in the purported names of Secret Chiefs or Mahatmas in Theosophy and occultism. This meant that the ‘code’ first revealed in a public manner in The Book of the Law did not originate in 1904 with the Book itself.

When I began to investigate the secret words and legends in Rosicrucian and Masonic lore and in occult rituals, I discovered that this code had been in use for some time, and had been preceded by other codes following the same rules for deciphering (otherwise called Qabala, Kaballah or Caballa) used in the Cipher of the New Aeon.

The truth became unavoidable: Ultraterrestrials and human Adepts had long been communicating in a code which we were now cracking, and all previous bets about the nature of the history of our planet itself were now on hold.
Earlier ciphers were presented to initiates in a ritual context. This ritual context has, from at least the times of the Egyptian and Babylonian Priesthood, formed the bridge between human initiates and their Ultraterrestrial sponsors, sometimes associated with the double star system of Sirius, even in ancient times.

Fortified with the 1904 Cipher, we can take, for example, the case of Trevor James Constable, author (as “Trevor James”) of the seminal 1950s work They Live in the Sky, and an active experimenter today with Reichian Energies.

John A. Keel long ago noticed that UFO contact incidents seemed to step out of time in the usual sense. Without the UFOnaut Cipher, however, the predictive aspect of this non-linear factor can be lost.

As we have seen, the strange words and names that show up in Masonic Lodge settings are similar in form and purpose to those which show up in contact cases. They show up in modern cases of Angelic Visitation, which, in a sense, resemble the visitations of the Men in Black. The Hebrew word for “angel” literally means “messenger” and the names of these messengers are often equivalent to the names of Ultraterrestrial Messengers. They also show up in demonology.

The occult literature has always considered ASHTAR, or Astaroth, a fallen angel, that is, a malevolent demon.

The More Angelic side is represented here too.

METATRON, the classical angelic being said to be the ascended Patriarch Enoch and the “original man in black” who wrestled all night with Jacob in The Book of Genesis and gave him the name “Israel” has the value of 128 in NAEQ6, that of SPACE SHIP, TWO FOLD NAME (Enoch-Metatron; Jacob-Israel) and NEW AGE KEY.

In 1581, Dr. John Dee and Edward Talbott, who took the last name “Kelly” as they began their work together, conducted a long series of Magical Workings which produced intense and detailed communication with Ultraterrestrial Intelligences of a high order. A language, cosmology (scheme of the universe) and a (now lost) set of practical instructions emerged, which foreshadowed the New Aeon Cipher, just as the Enochian ‘language’ echoed earlier Rosicrucian models.

Three hundred years later the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, organized by High Grade Freemasons associated with John Yarker and Kenneth Mackenzie and their esoteric approach to the Mysteries, took up the Enochian work as part of their late-Victorian “magical revival”.

Crowley worked in these sessions with his disciple Victor Neuburg. Having done some preliminary workings during his active period in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in 1900, Crowley produced a truly remarkable document of Communication with Higher Intelligences, that is, Ultraterrestrial Contacts and Travel to Other Realms.

Published as The Vision And The Voice in his famous journal, The Equinox, it ranks as world-class mystical literature with methodical notes on the ceremonial methods used which could be reproduced by any dedicated experimenter though, it is true, not without some risk.

The implication here should not be underestimated; in fact there is good reason to believe that the 13th Enochian Aethyr, called “ZIM” transports the scryer directly to the Sirius planetary system, where one can meet the Oannes, or NOMMO as the Dogon (“people of the fish god Dagon”) call him, under the name NEMO.

This scientific methodology approaching mystical phenomena was in keeping with Crowley’s philosophy of “Scientific Illuminism” described uniquely as ‘the aim of religion, the method of science’.

The “Enochian Universe” consists of Thirty ‘Aethyrs’ or ‘Worlds’ each quite unique and inhabited by quite different entities.

Through a Ritual Opening of the Portal of the Adepti and the recitation of certain Enochian “Keys” or “Calls,” any specific Aethyr can be reached, and the contactee can interact with the inhabitants and function within the rarified environment.

Dr. Dee started out as a distinguished scholar in a world peopled by Bacon, Shakespeare, and the savants who gave us the King James translation of the Bible. Dee’s library was eventually looted by a mob and partially destroyed.

Kelly, for his part, contacted the Forces of the Seventh Enochian Aethyr, encountering an entity that sent him running forever from scrying, taking with him the pitiful remnant of Dee’s once-considerable fortune…and Dee’s wife. He disappeared into oblivion. A somewhat similar occurrence ended the famous “The Babalon Working” of John W. Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard in the 1940s.

Parsons claimed, after opening a Star Gate, that “BABALON is now incarnate on the earth in the form of a mortal woman.”

What Kelly encountered in the Seventh Aethyr, known as “DEO” was a female entity associated with Venus and the Tarot Card called “The Star.” This Arcanum, of unknown antiquity, usually depicts a nude woman next to a body of water with a blazing star overhead.

This, originally, referred to Sirius, which is similarly depicted in bas reliefs from the ancient Sumerian-Babylonian civilization, and the semi-aquatic nature of the Visitors ‘from’ the Sirius system called “Oannes”.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:32 pm

The Secret Rituals of the Men in Black – Part 2

A great deal is written though mostly in obscure sources concerning the legendary founding of an Ultraterrestrial beach head on the Earth in early Sumerian times by the fish-like (and man like) being from Sirius, the Oannes.

There is even some public speculation on the establishment of a Priestly caste, in Babylonia, India and Egypt, devoted to maintaining secret knowledge of this contact, and perhaps maintaining the contact thorough all of subsequent history..

Whether such contact is for good or ill depends upon who you read. The pro-Masonic writers tend to consider this a golden secret carried forward by the Knights Templar, founded by Hugh de Paynes and eight other French crusaders in 1118.

After enjoying prosperity and the patronage of Catholic Europe for some time, the Order was brutally suppressed by Church and State, but survived, according to Masonic legend, in Scottish Rite Freemasonry after the burning of the last Grand Master Iacobus Burgundus Molanus (I.B.M.) and many of his followers outside of Scotland.

The Templars were charged with the secret worship of a half human, half beast called “Baphomet” which some spiritual descendants embrace, while other deny vehemently.

Most tend to take on the patronage of St. John the Baptist, whose feast day, June 24th, is the old Feast of Oannes.

Some of the properties and members of the Templar Order were taken over by the rival Order of the Knights Hospitaller, otherwise known as the Knights of Rhodes, after their conquest, in 1308 under Fulke de Villaret, of the Island of Rhodes from the Moslems. They are known more familiarly, and in a somewhat sinister context, as the Knights of Malta, to which island they retreated after the Moslems retook Rhodes.

Under that name, in modern times, they have been accused of exercising great influence over governments in Christian countries, and have been associated in contemporary conspiracy literature with the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome, and the leadership of the crusade against Communism which dominated Western Political Thought from the end of World War Two until the breakup of the Soviet Empire in the 1990s.

Many of these groups, but particularly the Knights of Malta, are involved in privately “selling” cooperation between Ultraterrestrial Forces of dubious motivations and Terrestrial governments and industrial groups.

In February of 1937, on the eve of the Second World War, a representative of the Knights of Malta, an American, met with the more esoteric leadership of the Third Reich in Germany. The meeting took place in a hidden SS retreat, and was attended by General Karl Haushofer, the senior initiate of the Black Lodge inside the German Reich.

The purpose of the meeting was to “sell” the Nazi regime on contact with what the young Maltese Knight called “the coming race”.

Asked by the present writer in 1979 what he meant by the term, he told me,

“The Ultraterrestrials, of course. The Germans had noted their ‘ghost rockets’ in Sweden, and were aware of their power. Most of the older Nazis present, though, were former members of the Thule Group or the archaic Vril Society, and took me to be talking about Tibetans or Aryan supermen or some such bunk except for Haushofer, who knew better, and the ‘Man with the Green Gloves’ who, though supposedly a Tibetan himself, was certainly an Ultraterrestrial.”

The deal fell through when the Reich fell, and the Knights switched their attention elsewhere.

In the early 1950s U.S. President Eisenhower unknowingly bought into a similar plan proposed by the Knights of Malta to him on behalf of their Ultraterrestrial overlords in the name of the anticommunist crusade of that period.

“Deviants” were rounded up, and unprecedented power was placed in the hands of the Military Industrial infrastructure throughout the decade, until Eisenhower, in a surprise farewell address, asserted his fundamental decency and libertarian patriotism and roundly denounced the whole deal, paving the way for the Kennedy era and a generation of progressive experimentation.

The Knights of Malta briefly found themselves sudden outsiders. A bloody worldwide orgy of assassinations and murders of progressive political and moral leaders quickly followed, and by the 1980s the U.S Administration was safely in the hands of an aged ex-actor with degenerative Alzheimer’s Disease surrounded by a staff nearly totally dominated by members of the Knights of Malta. By the 1990s the anti-communist pretense could be dropped, the confused and restless citizenry disarmed, and the feeble opposition which remained could be easily co-opted.

But what of the occult societies that had carried the flame for centuries? What of the UFOlogy, conspiracy theory, metaphysical, and ‘White Lodge’ Masonic groups?

The Knights of Malta’s viewpoint infiltrated organized occultism and UFOlogy through the connection between William Dudley Pelley’s pro-Nazi Silver Shirts prior to World War Two, and the occult Black Lodge within the Third Reich, centered in the SS, the Ahnenerbe Society, and the appropriately named “Black Order” descended from such black magical bodies as the Thule Group and the Vril Society as detailed in Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts.

Pelley and his outfit were certainly tools for the Maltese Knights, and key figures in UFOlogy became involved, including George Adamski and George Hunt Williamson. Adamski was introduced to Williamson by Pelley, at a time when Adamski was trying to sell his contact story as science fiction to Ray Palmer, then a prominent publisher.

These initiates, not including the well-meaning Adamski, were knowledgeable about the Ultraterrestrial cipher, the Sirius-Oannes legend, etc. Interestingly, they were met with a spirited libertarian resistance from the very start by Meade Layne of Borderland Sciences, and his immediate successor, the late Riley Crabb, who ‘blew the whistle’ on the interaction between the U.S. Government, the Knights of Malta and Ultraterrestrials since at least 1954.

Layne was a True Adept, himself knowing the Ultraterrestrial Cipher and using it to make contacts of his own. Bill Webb of QBLH, an occult body that has done a great deal to reveal the Cipher to a broader public, recalled to us how Layne would visit him in Arizona in the 1950s, on his way to purported UFO landing sites. Webb, like Layne, had been a member of Dion Fortune’s Inner Light offshoot of the Golden Dawn.

The classic way of using the Cipher was to read published reports of alien encounters, such as those of Dan Fry, Truman Bethurum and Orfeo Angelucci, convert the planetary and personal names given by Ultraterrestrials to contactees to cipher, and infer where the next landing was going to occur. This seems to have been the hidden purpose of those high profile cases; to get publicized, so that scattered adepts in possession of the cipher would know where and when to make contact.

In the meantime, after 1952 the CIA actively sought to infiltrate and disrupt private UFO groups. I was told by Major Dewey Fornet, the one-time Pentagon Monitor for the Air Force UFO Project, that the UFO wave in the Summer of 1952 during the exceptionally hot ‘dog days’ of July, completely overwhelmed the U.S. Defense system of those relatively technologically unsophisticated times. While UFOs were ‘dog’ fighting with jets and being spotted on radar in restricted air space over the White House and Pentagon, communication channels were so jammed that a ‘sneak attack’ by a more terrestrial enemy (i.e., the Soviet Union) would have gotten through virtually unopposed in the UFO generated confusion.

After that, the CIA determined to discredit the whole subject in earnest.

A major attempt to set up a civilian National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena was quickly co-opted by the intelligence community, and many of the group’s leaders were military and intelligence personnel, including Director Major Donald Keyhoe’s classmate from the Naval Academy and one-time CIA Director, Roscoe Hillenkoetter.

Most of the ‘official sounding’ UFO groups of that period are now dead. Curiously, the survivors include the very independent S.A.U.C.E.R.S. of Jim Moseley, and the now fifty year old BSRF.

In its early days BSRF was closely associated with the group of sixteen high adepts or Ascended Masters called The Inner Circle, otherwise known as The Guardians. These entities, and those of their kind, humans become More Than Human seem somehow to ‘keep things in balance’ through the ages of wars in the heavens and infiltration by Ultraterrestrials who, though far beyond humanity in knowledge and power seem somehow afraid of us. Whatever they fear in us seems to be our only salvation.

Perhaps the early Gnostics had it right in turning the Genesis story on its head. In the Gnostic Version, as in the ancient Hypostasis of the Archons (“the reality of the rulers”) we find that the Serpent of Wisdom is the defender of humanity (in Hebrew Cipher “serpent” and “messiah” have the same numerical value), offering us the Tree of Wisdom and the Tree of Immortality, in opposition to The Authorities, or Celestial Rulers, who wish to keep us in ignorance and in the shadow of death.

The Serpent or Dragon is a close relative (mythically speaking) to our presumed benefactor, the Oannes, Prometheus, Odin and the other celestial Titans who, at great cost to themselves, steal for us the fire of heaven.

But, as the Yada di’ Shi’ite, Aiwass, G.I. Gurdjiefi, Phil Dick or Frederich Nietsche would tell us, we are our own salvation or damnation.

This is the last thing government bureaucrats, Knights of Malta or goose-stepping Silver Shirts and fundamentalists would have you realize: You are not helpless. Resistance is not futile. Within humanity is some Seed of Greatness that even the very gods tremble at.

If there is any ‘message’ in this book, it is that we are, potentially, a very powerful race of beings.


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