Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:36 pm

Dave Smith said
The unfortunate thing with him is his propensity to imply he's single-handedly 'discovered' most everything to do with electric comet theory and EU too.
Yes, so I gathered. When I first read his ideas I thought they were very interesting. Then I noticed that he had been published by AEON quite sometime ago but he was never mentioned in the EU. I thought that was odd.

So I checked out his website and did a google on him. Most of the sources I read confirm what you have said -- that he claims singlehandedly to have developed all his theories. At the same time he seems to be engaged in promoting certain "conspiracy theories" against the "establishment." I don't know too many legitimate scientists who spend their time doing that. A couple of the sources also questioned his academic background.

At times he appeared to be the "rational scientist;" at other times he seemed like the consummate conspiracy theorist. Whenever I come across people like him, I wonder if they are spooks or disinformants -- spreading legitimate scientific information but discrediting it by their questionable behavior. Most people won't believe anyone who acts like a "kook" even if he is telling the truth.


Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:38 pm

Gamma Ray Bursts, Gravity Waves, and Earthquakes – Paul LaVoilette

What are gravitational waves? Do they represent “ripples in the fabric of “spacetime”?

Jillian's Guide to Gravitational Waves ... gnals.html
Electromagnetic waves are oscillations of the electromagnetic field that propagate through spacetime; gravitational waves are oscillations of the 'fabric' of spacetime itself." In this current state of the universe nothing can distort a gravitational wave.
Sources of Gravitational Waves
The only known sources of gravitational waves strong enough to be detected by any known means are astrophysical phenomena. Only in deep space are massive bodies found moving fast enough to produce a wave signal

The binary star is one of the most common sources of gravitational radiation,

Gravitational waves are emitted in the direction perpendicular to the plane of rotation; this is a consequence of the aforementioned quadrupolar nature of gravitational radiation emission.
Gamma Ray Bursts, Gravity Waves, and Earthquakes
What makes the December 27th gamma ray burst unique is that it is the first time that a burst this bright has been observed, one that also happens to originate from within our own Galaxy.

Astronomers have theorized that gamma ray bursts might travel in association with gravity wave bursts.

But, as mentioned above, gravity waves would very likely be associated with gamma ray bursts, and they would be expected to precede them.

However, if a longitudinal gravity potential wave pulse were to accompany a gamma ray burst, the mystery becomes resolved. The connection between earthquakes and gamma ray bursts now becomes plausible.

In his 1983 Ph.D. dissertation, Paul LaViolette called attention to terrestrial dangers of Galactic core explosions, pointing out that the arrival of the cosmic ray superwave they produced would be signaled by a high intensity gamma ray burst which would also generate EMP effects. He also noted that a strong gravity wave might be expected to travel forward at the forefront of this superwave and might be the first indication of a superwave's arrival. He pointed out that such gravity waves could induce substantial tidal forces on the Earth during their passage which could induce earthquakes and cause polar axis torquing effects.

A Superluminal Gravity Wave

Experiments carried out by Eugene Podkletnov show that a shock front outburst produces a longitudinal gravitational wave that travels forward with the burst. He has found that this gravity wave pulse has a speed in excess of 64 times the speed of light.

Guy Obolensky has produced spark discharge electric potential shock fronts and observed them to propagate forward at speeds as high as 10 times the speed of light. Observations suggest that the gravity wave from an expanding stellar explosion will decrease its superluminal speed and eventually approach the speed of light as the shock front expands. But meanwhile, the gravity wave will have obtained a headstart over the electromagnetic wave radiation component traveling in its wake (light waves, gamma rays, etc.).

One would expect that the gravity wave from such an outburst (and its resultant earthquake activity) would precede the gamma ray burst component.


Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:51 pm

The Grand Cycle speaks of the “end of time.” What evidence do we have that the “cycle of time” can be broken? Will time reverse waves allow us to travel backward and forward in time? How might an escape from linear time affect the “human condition”?

Time Reverse Waves ... 085041.htm.

Velocity Reversal and the Arrow of Time ... elRev.html

If I Could Turn Back Time

Antoine Priore-Healing powers of longitudinal waves [SCALAR]

Novelty Theory

Time Wave Zero

Collective Unconscious
According to this graph, one trend toward greater novelty reached its culmination around 2700 B.C., precisely at the height of the Old Kingdom pyramid-building phase. Perhaps most remarkable of all McKenna's discoveries was the fact that the only point in the entire wave that has a quantified value of zero is December 21, 2012 A.D. -- the same date that has been interpreted as the Mayan Calendar's end of time.


Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by JoeTB » Fri Jun 06, 2008 10:39 am

lizzie wrote:Dave Smith said
At times he appeared to be the "rational scientist;" at other times he seemed like the consummate conspiracy theorist. Whenever I come across people like him, I wonder if they are spooks or disinformants -- spreading legitimate scientific information but discrediting it by their questionable behavior. Most people won't believe anyone who acts like a "kook" even if he is telling the truth.
I don't think it's true that he seems like a consummate conmspiracy theorist. He talks about the obvious things like the federal reserve, and the governments obsessive paranoia when it comes to downplaying all things comet.

The questioning of the credentials is a point in his favor I'd say


Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Jun 06, 2008 9:34 pm

I didn't think the average research scientist had the time to spend discussing "political theory." I happen to believe that "conspiracy theory" is a way of life. It's as old as the first secret brotherhood. However, it's the accuracy of the information contained in the said "conspiracy theory" that really matters.

When I first read his "Plasma Discharge Comet Model," I thought it was interesting. I noticed that he claimed to be one of the first people to promote the importance of electricity in space. Based on that I was curious to know why I had not heard his name mentioned in the EU. He also complained that his work was being suppressed and that no one would publish it. Yet his paper was published by Kronos Press.

Next I did a google search on him. The sources I read felt he presented himself as the first and only person to have discovered the "plasma discharge comet model." Then I checked out his website. He's very busy with his radio talk shows. I can't seem to find a listing of his scientific papers other than his comet model.

I guess I prefer someone like Jack Scarfetti ( rather than James McCanney. McCanney is too "noisy" for me. That's just my personal opinion. What other scientific papers has McCanney written besides his "Plasma Discharge Comet Model"? I am supposed to believe that he made his discoveries before Hans Alfven?

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Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by Tzunamii » Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:50 am ... 124551.htm
latest report on lack of sunspot activity.


Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Jun 13, 2008 9:04 pm

Once more into the void?

The Universal Vortical Singularity

Astronomers try to catch runaway star ... magne.html

The Black Hole at the Center of Our Galaxy - Book Review ... _106290549

The Galactic Center (26 Sagittarius)

The Bootes Void ... otes-void/

Researchers find absolutely nothing ... thing.html

Into the Void – Beyond the Milky Way ... axies.html

The Nearest Superclusters ... _info.html
The Perseus-Pisces supercluster is made up of many galaxy clusters which form a long, dense wall which stretches almost 300 million light years. At one end of it is the Perseus Cluster (Abell 426), which is one of the most massive galaxy clusters within 500 million years of us. Because of its structure, the Perseus-Pices Supercluster is perhaps the most obvious supercluster in the sky. It also lies near what is perhaps the most obvious void in the sky, called the Taurus Void. The Taurus void, 100 million light years in diameter, is large and circular, with walls of galaxies on either side of it. There are a few galaxies in it, however. Atlas of the Universe has a STScI Digitized Sky Survey image of two of the galaxies in this void, UGC2627 and UGC2629, which are 185 million light years away.


Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:18 am

Why can't we detect the presence of the Sun's binary twin?

Perhaps it’s because our sun’s current binaries, Jupiter and Saturn, are in “plain sight” and the "war in the heavens" between them happened more or less as Velikovsky and Talbott

I happened to run across this link and wondered if this is something similar to what the ancients saw they viewed Saturn in the heavens - Saturn, the Black Sun.

Cassini Nears Four-year Mark ... _mark.html

(Yes, I read "God Star" over a year ago and was somewhat confused by the idea of a "polar configuration"; but when I saw these photos, I think now I understand it. Sometimes it's best if I "figure out" these things on my own.)

The Teaching of Ancient Science, Technology and Tribal mythology
These men provided a model in which the ancients viewed Saturn as standing still in the sky. In front of this planet, a gaseous and light emitting orb, one found Venus. Behind Saturn, one found Jupiter and hidden behind Jupiter was the Sun. This was a collinear system in which Saturn and Jupiter were binary stars. When the ancients referred to the sun, they meant Saturn. Jupiter was hidden behind Saturn, the polar star.
All this talk about precession seems to obscure the original truth: the polar alignment came first and was replaced by a solar alignment. The ancients didn't change from a polar to a solar alignment because they "discovered" precession; precession came as a result of the shift from a polar to a solar alignment - from Saturn (polar or fixed) to the Sun (rotational and wobbly) .
Rene Guenon said it best: "The vertical axis, in so far as it joins the two poles, is obviously a north-south axis; in the (transition) from polar to solar symbolism, this axis must somehow be projected onto the zodiacal plane; but in a way that maintains a certain correspondence, we might even say as exact an equivalence as possible, with the primitive polar axis."

This polar-to-solar-shift is evident in many traditions, is sometimes identified with a quasi-historical shift from a Hyperborean tradition to an Atlantean tradition, and is embedded in the shifting symbolic functions of certain constellations. Without doubt, the evolution of cosmological thinking that underlies these changing orientations is related to the precession of the equinoxes. The polar-to-solar shift took place in some remote era when eight circumpolar constellations were mapped into twelve signs on the ecliptic path of the Sun -- thus the new "solar" track. In his article "The Boar and the She-Bear" Guenon cites evidence that the seven stars of the Big Dipper were mapped onto the seven stars of the Pleiades. The Big Dipper is polar whereas the Pleiades are on the ecliptic path of the sun -- thus, polar to solar." - John Major Jenkins in "Galactic Alignment", pg.89-90

Locating Saturn and Jupiter

Jupiter and Saturn in the Constellation Taurus

Saturn and Jupiter

The Galactic Anti-center – through Taurus and Auriga

Tauroctony Gemini to Taurus & Earth around Sun


The Pleiades

The Celestial Ship of the North

The Central Sun

The Celestial Sea and the Ark of Heaven

The Black Suns

In Saturn’s Shadow

Lord Saturn and his effects

Saturn Reflects X-Rays from the Sun ... m-the-sun/

Of the Planet Saturn, and his Signification ... _Lilly.htm

Plato's Secret Chronicle of Atlantis

The Depths of the Sea ... mill20.htm

The Sun and Jupiter as a Binary System

Binary Planets

Jupiter and Saturn ... Saturn.htm

The 5-5-2000 Planetary Conjunction and Alleged "Global Disasters"

Does "The Secret Masonic Brotherhood" know about the Black Sun? Lunacy, idiocy or nonsense? Or perhaps it's all three.

The Lucifer Project


Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jun 14, 2008 11:44 am

The most current understanding of our region of space goes something like this: Stars travel in groups or streams, moving through space in the same direction. Our sun with many other stars travel together in the Canopus Stream. The Ursa Major Stream contains Sirius A and B, and the Big Dipper, as well as about 160 other major stars and their companions. Because of their position at the very head or leading edge of this stream, the stars known as Ursa Major or the Big Dipper actually lead the remaining stars on their sojourn through space. The third, the Hyades Stream, contains the Pleiades and many others. At one location, all three streams intersect ... our sun is located at this point.
Walter Cruttenden in Lost Star of Myth and Time, Pg. 99
Alice Bailey, writing in mental collaboration with the Tibetan Master Djwhal Kuhl, produced a large body of work based on the teachings of the ancient texts. In their 1925 treatise, "Cosmic Fire", Djwhal Khul, states:
Scientists have not yet admitted into their calculations the fact that our solar system is revolving around a cosmic center along with six others of even greater magnitude in the majority of cases than ours, only one being of approximately the same magnitude as our solar system … like the planetary atom, the solar atom not only rotates on its axis but likewise spirals in a cyclic fashion through the Heavens. This is a different activity to the drive of progressive dynamic motion through the Heavens. It deals with the revolution of our Sun around a central point and with its relation to the three constellations so oft referred to in this Treatsie: The Great Bear, the Pleiades, and the Sun Sirius.
The Galactic Center (26 Sagittarius)

The Nearest Superclusters ... _info.html

The Ursa Major Moving Group:

Descendants of the Dipper - Ken Crosswell

Hipparcos Encyclopedia


Nick Lomb - Sydney Observatory - June 2008 night sky guide
So Eta Carinae is believed to be one of the best candidates for a nearby supernova.
The Canopus Revelation

The Star Canopus and the Mystery of Osiris

The Sirius Research Group

Sirius 2

Is Sirius moving towards the Sun?

The Hyades Cluster

The Hyades

The Bootes Void ... otes-void/

Into the Void – Beyond the Milky Way ... axies.html

The Canopus Stream contains our sun
The Ursa Major Stream contains Sirius A and B, and the Big Dipper
The Hyades Stream, contains the Pleiades

At one location, all three streams intersect ... our sun is located at this point.

Is “the galactic center/anti-center” axis where these three streams intersect? Are these stargates -- “the Sundoors at World’s End?”


Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:02 pm

Is Vulcan for real or is it a hypothetical planet?



Why call the Sun's dark star companion (a Protostar) Vulcan? It is called Vulcan because theosophists like Max Heindel and Madam Blavatsky called it Vulcan. Further, they offered enough clues so we could define its orbit.
Beings can be found at all stages along the involutionary continuum, such that their presence can sometimes be sensed, even when they are not physically seen. This is the case with etheric planets, such as Vulcan.
Search for Hypothetical Planet Vulcan

Vulcan – the Third Planet
The planet Vulcan is located in the same spiral arm of the Milky Way as the Earth known as the Orion arm. The Vulcan's solar system Mistori is currently comprised of eight planets, Vulcan had several small iron-nickel moons know as Micar, Eckloc, and Pareniztan. Vulcan is also known as Vesta by some races.
The Surmise of Vulcan


Vulcan in Esoteric Astrology

Vulcan and Earth Catastrophism


Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jun 21, 2008 4:40 pm

As above, so below?


Dramatic scientific evidence that all of physical matter is formed by an “aether” of invisible, conscious energy has existed since at least the 1950s.


The Universal Vortical Singularity

The Night Sky

Author of the Alice Bailey books, the Tibetan Dhjwal Khul began writing in 1919 about the nature of God. In doing so, he outlined a story so strange it exceeded the best science fiction of any age. He taught that humanity and the entire solar system are influenced by conditioning "rays" that come from the stars, and that the Big Dipper registers paramount effect on all forms of life here on Earth. He also mentioned the "potent forces" reaching us from the star Betelgeuse. Modern science verifies his claims - it’s now common knowledge that our planet is being constantly bombarded with high-energy particles (radiation) from outer space.

The Big Dipper, he further explained, is in fact the head center of a stupendous being whose subtle or etheric body is composed of seven solar systems, each acting as an energy center. Sirius makes up the third eye to this great being, the Pleiades its throat center and the Sun is connected to its heart center. This incredibly vast being is the prototype for the human form, in keeping with the ancient truism "

Additional research indicates that what scientists call magnetic fields are possibly synonymous to what occultists call the etheric body.

The etheric body is composed of fine interlacing strands of high-vibrational material upon which the denser, physical forms are constructed. All living things possess this energetic gridwork composed of interlacing energy threads (lines of force) that unify matter and create organized forms. Because the threads are magnetic in nature, when enough of them intersect, vortexes of energy are set up. These whirlpools of magnetic currents attract particles to themselves, thus providing the "blueprint" or foundation upon which matter is build. The Hindu teaching calls small vortexes "nadis." When greater amounts of lines of force intersect, "chakras" or polarised centers of energy occur.
The Great Bear ... minor.html

Big Dipper Navigation ... ation.html

The Big Dipper

Ursa Major Cluster

The Heavenly Holy Grail ... grail.html

The Seven Rishis

The Seven Rays

Draco the Dragon

Sirius, the God Star ... dstar.html

Sirius, our Spiritual Sun ... irius.html

Sirius the Heavenly Host ... yhost.html

Orion ... l&edu=high

The Pleiades ... iades.html

Springtime Pleiades ... pring.html



Alderban – Eastern Royal Star ... baran.html

Antares - the Western Royal Star ... tares.html

Regulus - Northern Royal Star ... ights.html

Fomalhaut – the Southern Fish ... lhaut.html

The Sun in Esoteric Astrology

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Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by Plasmatic » Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:17 pm

McCanney claims to be the first electric comet model author. This is a absolute lie. Birkeland said as much over 90 years ago. His political commentary is rediculous. However I have heard him say more than a few sensible things as well [about science].
"Logic is the art of non-contradictory identification"......" I am therefore Ill think"
Ayn Rand
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."


Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:24 am

Plasmatic said:
McCanney claims to be the first electric comet model author. This is a absolute lie. Birkeland said as much over 90 years ago.
Yes, I agree with you. I bet Hans Alfven would have agreed with Birkeland as well.

Plasmatic said:
His political commentary is ridiculous.
Yes. But why would a so-called "legitimate research scientist" even be involved in his type of "political discourse?" For starters it would undermine his "scientific credibility."

Plasmatic said:
However I have heard him say more than a few sensible things as well [about science]
Well, that's what I meant when I said that I thought he could be a "disinformant." If you mix good information with the bad, then you discredit it as well.

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Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by nick c » Sun Jun 22, 2008 6:31 pm

lizzie wrote:
Well, that's what I meant when I said that I thought he could be a "disinformant."
No, I don't think so, McCanney has been around a long time. He wrote an article which appeared in an issue of Kronos in the early 1980's.
I think there is a lot of ego mixed in with a little paranoia, in my opinion, hence the political rhetoric. I personally am put off by some of his ad hominem remarks, without mentioning names, to some people whose work deserves better treatment, especially since everyone should, in a general (electric/plasma) sense be on the 'same side.'
Plasmatic wrote:
McCanney claims to be the first electric comet model author.
Indeed he does, but his argument is over a name!!! not the theory. His theory is totally different than the Electric Universe comet model, ala Thornhill et al. McCanney's proposes that comets accrete material and can grow into planets, by contrast the EU model (and mainstream too) states that a comet is losing material, in the process of disintergration. The word 'Electric' aside, McCanney's theory is the opposite of the EU, accretion vs disintergration.
No one 'stole' any idea from him!
The reason that there is a point of agreement between mainstream and EU (although they differ as to what is causing the disintergration) is because that is what is observed.



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