Tensegrity Creates Matter!

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Re: Tensegrity Creates Matter!

Unread post by junglelord » Mon May 12, 2008 6:20 pm

Plasmatic wrote:
Repatterning does not specifically approach the patient as Structural Integration/Rolfing does, as we recognize the importance of the gravity field relationship on the tensegrity structure. Matrix Repatterning allows tensegrity self correction independent of gravity. Rolfing works with gravity as a tool.
Your gonna have to be more specific. I know for a fact that no massage or tissue /fascia tightening or loosening will remain if one does not strengthen and balance the tension in the structure as relates to its functional postion in gravity. My client would get relief for a while from massage or rolfing,but until the muscle imbalance is sufficiently equalized within its functional framework in gravity it WILL NOT remain where the therapist has worked to place it. I still dont get how this applies outside of a gravity scenario.
Your going to have to be careful with your all inclusive statements based solely on your experience.

Matrix Repatterning would actually prove that wrong. What you mean is you do not know of....I do.
Matrix Repatterning press release should have interested you. Not sure you would say that if you read it.

Perhaps you failed to see the importance of the work or its effect on two national leading orthopedic surgeons who were corrected in one and two treatments, each having replacement surgery, knee and hip, respectively.

I will tell you and I know for a fact that MR and Dr Roth have spontaneously reduced long term scolosis in one tensegrity release. One was on a chiropractor who was at the course to learn MR, one was a patient of Dr Roth. The second time was on the chiro, was witnessed by a room full of chiropactors and was published. The scolosis stayed reduced for three months, two subsequent treatments corrected minor deviations.

That is instant correct of a structural deformity. No gravity, only Tensegrity priniciples in action. No Rolfer ever corrected scoliosis in under three to ten hours of body work. In fact it was considered a medical miracle of sorts. In fact it is not a miracle at all.

Since the MR method relies solely on tensegrity principles, and since the body is a tensegrity structure, corrections appear when gravity is re introduced.

Gravity out is on the table, gravity in is standing up. The Rolfer uses gravity as a tool. MR only uses the self correction inheret in the tensegrity system. Cellular cytoskeletons "jitterbug" with instant transformations of geometric change into more complex order. That is their nature at a cellular level of tensegrity. MR merely uses this principle to its advantage in the tensegrity weave by identifying the primary lesion in the tensegrity structure. It treats on tensegrity response, regardless of patient symptoms. Yes read that again. It treats on tensegrity response, regardless of patient symptoms.

The proof is in the knowledge of these systems, this engineering principle, its form and function, how to evaluate it, and find primary restrictions in the fascial web and to allow self correction via "induction" or "recoil", two osteopathic techniques. The re evaluation of the tensegrity structure testing proceedure post treatment is proof of resolution as well as patient resolution of pain and symptoms of structural origin corrected.

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Re: Tensegrity Creates Matter!

Unread post by Plasmatic » Mon May 12, 2008 6:28 pm

Are you saying fascia correction will stabalize instabilities irrespective of musculoskeletal deviations. Particularly in muscular imbalances which are the main deviation in joint integrity as far as I know.
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Re: Tensegrity Creates Matter!

Unread post by junglelord » Mon May 12, 2008 6:34 pm

Yes that is correct. The reason is neurological as well as tensegrity.
The correction of posture is via gravity receptors that are only in fascia.
This is the main program that overrides voluntary systems like muscle tone.
Posture is not voluntary, it is involuntary. It is autonomic.

It is not muscular driven, but fascial driven. The fascia is the organ of support, not muscles, not bones.
That is a improper model and incorrect assumptions.
I deal in primarys, the autonomics and fascia and tensegrity.
Muscle is voluntary and a secondary system.

Dispite what you believe, your autonomics keep you breathing even when you sleep, you cannot stop it. Autonomics are the primary system. Correction therefore needs autonomic input to the correct system. Muscles are never a primary. You can flex and release your bicep. How come you cannot relax the muscles of posture that are dictated by the fascial web and the fascial gravity receptors? Because they are not voluntary.

One needs to seperate volunatry function of muscle from postural tone. You would need to apprciate the work of Janda.
Upper and Lower Crossed Syndrome of Phasic and Tonic muscle theory. This theory fits the fascial model I just laid out. Your personal training would have a total change if you took that approach.

The work of Eric Dalton (a rolfer who broke his neck, me too, mine is much worse) is based heavily on Janda and the Common Compensatory Pattern that is involed inuteror due to position in the womb and the four horizontal fascial diaphragms.
Last edited by junglelord on Mon May 12, 2008 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tensegrity Creates Matter!

Unread post by Plasmatic » Mon May 12, 2008 6:41 pm

Well I know from working in a sports medicine center for years and with folks who had rolfing for a long time , that until the muscle was strenghthend the tension would rebuild over time. Id be interested in some info on your "gravity receptor" idea. Can you send me some PM please? I wwont pass judgement until I see what its actually claiming. However It certainly does contradict everything Physical therapy is based on as far as I can tell so far. By the way i specialized in postural deviancies when training so I know muscles can and do correct posture as well at least.Ill wait and read more..
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Re: Tensegrity Creates Matter!

Unread post by junglelord » Mon May 12, 2008 7:00 pm

The work of Erik Dalton is driven by Rolfing, and Janda and CCP, paradigms I use in my clinical practice, this will lead you down the road of success. You must differentiate between Postural and volunatry.

The work I rely on is from the Somatic Articles Library.

It is run by one of the top Rolfers, Robert Schleip.

Gravity receptors are not in any book of anatomy or physiology, they are however real and have been identified. The information is new, but not unknown

All fascia gets the garbage bucket in dissections. That is one huge loss for medicine for almost 100 years, save Ida Rolf.

They used to think Rolfing was mainly a gel/sol relationship of the colloid properties of the fascia. Since the receptors of the fascial web were only identified in 2005, it was only at that point the unknown neurological componet, but suspected by Ida Rolf, that the neurological system was identified. Rolfing does not work on tissue that is anesthtised. That is the fascial autonomic receptor feedback loop shut down. That is the gravity receptors in action and taken out of action and proof Rolfing is neurological as Ida said but could not prove.

A quote from the Neurology of Posture
Schleip’s Contributions
Robert Schleip has been at the forefront of our community for years in searching for the
neurological role in the changes that take place during manipulation of fascia. He is
also, no doubt, a Google Master. In his paper “Fascial plasticity – a new neurobiological
explanation: Part 1”22 he puts forth an argument which examines the possible role of
Group IV mechanoreceptors in changes which occur during manipulation.
Group IV fibers play a large role in my discussion: however, I will focus on their
nociceptive/inflammatory properties. Inflammation within the nerve trunk may cause
changes in the body habitus, as I have noted, by creating tensile structural elements
from nerve trunks, and, I will argue, by exciting motor neurons carried in those nerve
trunks, causing contraction in the muscles they innervate.
Hence those gravity receptors, called mechnoreceptors here, control the habitual posture, albeit in muscle. Your approach was via the voluntary nervous system, that is the failure. One must override the autonomics. This system resides in the fascia as Ida Rolf knew, but could not prove. All postural work is autonomic. The voluntary musculskeletal system will never correct postural dysfunction. It is governed by the autonomics. One must either use tensegrity self correction, or autonomic correction via rolfing. The huge paradigm of the Matrix Repattering is that Tensegrity controls the receptors somehow....that I still need to work out, but is a fact. Sure we can Rolf you can do the same thing with the autonomics, but finding the primary restriction via tensegrity inhibition testing, will correct things at an amazing rate in seconds, not hours.

go here for the full text of the “Fascial plasticity – a new neurobiological

My own work in this field is 15 years. I have the clinical success and the knowledge. I also have the up to date facts. Posted in this thread. These receptor feedback mechanisms are vital to a proper knowledge of the neurology of posture.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 44&start=0

This is my own compilation of Biophysics chapter in my thesis on my own therapy in the thread posted.
My own contribution to the soft tissue classical mess is Tensional Integration Systems Therapy.
It is a combination of about 12 tensional approaches from Chiropractic to Rolfing and everything in between including Matrix Repatterning.

It is the Jeet Kune Do of Soft Tissue Therapy. Comparative methodology shows that all successful therapies are tension based, that makes sense if the body is a tensegrity structure. I merely put them all together.

here is a quote from page two of the thread in Human section of the EU. Hint, Interstital muscle receptors is a fancy way for saying, in the fascia.

Triangular, octahedral and tetrahedral forms are self organizing patterns in all biological structures for they represent the best organization of least energy (energy efficient) and mass (size) through structures of continuous tension and local compression, that is through tensegrity. The geodesic dome structure found within the cytoskeleton is a classic example of a recurrent pattern that is found everywhere in nature. Tensegrity structures that are coupled together act as a single structure and will transmitt tension as a coupled tuned response. This means that our bodies vibrate at a molecular level and areas of increased tension or compression resonate as discord in what is intended to be a symphony of tuned responses. In terms of electronic circuits this ability for two separate circuits to resonate at one harmonic frequency is called a “tuned - coupled harmonic oscillator”. Many biolgical structures are tuned this way such as DNA, RNA, proteins, organs, fascia, in fact all levels of connective tissue. The fact that bone acts like so many tiny diodes (semi-conductors) is an example of electro-magnetic fields related solely to tension and compression that organize structure and remodeling of bone and cellular activity (Wolf’s Law). The tension provided by micofilaments pulling inward to wards the cell nucleus causes microfilaments, microtubuels and intermediate filaments combined with the microtrabecular lattice to self organize as a geodesic dome structure.

Your intrafusal muscle fibers also called your muscle spindles are responsible for monitoring muscle resting length and active length has two separate subdivisions, the annulosprial type Ia which monitors change in length and rate of change and a type II also called the flowerspray ending which is probably responsible for the flexor reflex/extensor withdrawal. Your golgi tendon organs or type Ib are responsible for monitoring tension and will inhibit a muscle if the tension is a danger to the tendon. This receptor population of muscle spindle 1a + II and gto Ib only accounts for ¼ of the receptor population that conveys information to the brain and spinal cord. PNF techniques, Muscle Energy, Strain/Counterstrain are all therapies that engage and retrain these receptors to respond in a more functional manner and are extremely effective. An advanced approach to these therapies is to assess postural verses mobilizers of the musculoskeletal system and treat postural muscle with spindle/gto reflex arcs first if they present as short and weak.

Dr. Essfeld of the university of Cologne Munich has documented the presence of INTERSTITAL MUSCLE RECEPTORS which he classified as type III and type IV receptors. Based on a population density model these receptors total ¾ of the poulation verses spindles and gto. These receptors act as gravity receptors and are responsible for the information about the body within a gravitational field. The presence of these fascial based gravity receptors and the model and goal of Ida Rolf was the alignment of the fascial system within a gravitational field is a ovbious example of science proving what certain people knew all along. The research into these receptors began as part of NASA and the European Space Agency to study the effects of a zero G enviroment on the body and the receptors that gathered that information, these receptors had been overlooked in dissection all these years, but histological study has reveled the fascial sensory system or gravity receptors and are classified as type III and type IV. These receptors relate information to the cardiovascular reflex control via the medulla that stimulates blood supply to muscles via vasomotor response at the precapillary sphincter of the capillary bed. Pacinian and Ruffini receptors integrate their pressure and vibratory information with the gravity receptors to assist via neurological and endocrine response to stimulus and gravitational influences.

Dehydration of the ground substance cause critical interfiber distance between collagen fibers to decrease and the same hydrogen bonds responsible for connective tissue strength leads to chronic gluing of fiber bundles. This situation is facilitated by chronic pressure and chronic immobility so that an area under constant tension or that has fallen into disuse, tends to fall pray to this situation. These adhesion begin to impair the integration of movement patterns and again facilitate the gluing process. This unwanted bonding is one of the major factors in stiffness associated with old age, repeated strain, or poorly healed injuries. For this reason exercise and competent body work are effective at helping to restore optimum function after injury. These excessive deposits of connective tissue can be palpated as thick lumpy bandaging around the joints, as fibrous masses throughout an entire area, or as tough fibrotic ropes and cysts in muscle bellies. Low loads of sustained duration will melt or break hydrogen bonds.

This is the scientific principle of the gel – sol transformation ability of connective tissue and other colloids like common gelatin. It becomes more fluid when stirred up and gels or solidifies when it sits. In the human body the heat and energy of movement is appropriate for the solvent state of connective tissue. With disuse connective tissue becomes stiffer, colder, less energized and thixotrophic effects become evident. There is no way to prevent the eventual effects of aging and the drying and gluing and thixotrophic effects that follow it, but in the case of orthopedic injury these premature situations can be effectively treated. Application of manual therapy generates heat and energy that transforms connective tissue from a gel state (low energy) to a liquid state (high energy).

Connective tissue in it’s many and varied forms is a colloid that at the atomic level is crystalline in form. Collagen was proven to be crystalline in structure due to it’s defraction of x-rays and experimental mathematical data suggest that the CSF in their lumen acts like a coordinated quantum computer transmitting emotion across the body in a new physical understanding of conscience. Bone acts like millions of tiny semi-conductors or diodes that generate weak electrical fields based on the stresses and strains imposed on them that direct osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity or bone modeling. All crystals weather solid or fluid in structure exhibit a natural phenomenon called the pizo – electric effect, that is when compressed they generate a weak electrical and magnetic field with well defined positive and negative domains. A common example of this is a quartz crystal in your watch that keeps the frequency of timing for your integrated circuits. By applying pressure in the form of electricity the crystal vibrates at a specific frequency due to it’s shape and size. Application of manual therapy causes pressure which generates electric and magnetic fields that increase the energy level of connective tissue.

For years the medical community has refused to accept the fact that structure is as important as a consideration in medical evaluation as chemical evaluation is. Now it is a powerful fact that physiological events can be understood and corrected, for example the life of a diabetic and the action of insulin. But for some reason the medical community has not given structure or it relationship to function their appropriate place in the treatment of chronic pain. It is also a powerful statement that most medical doctors have no training in treating chronic pain and are wary of alternative therapies. Yet when tensegrity, the triangulated icosahedron and structural tension as transmitted through the body by the myofascial web are considered as powerful scientific and engineering models we find a plausable explanation for the excellent results of many hands on alternative therapies. The web is a continual colloid and a fluid crystal at the cellular level. Pizo-electric effects are a large part of many myofascial therapies as well as the gel – sol transition of connective tissue. Abnormal tension is always transmitted through out the structure and therefore it’s effects can be far reaching. At the cellular level electrical gradients are low and resistance is high in dysfunctional tissue. Current always takes the line of least resistance and therefore bypasses dysfunctional tissue. Low electrical currents form poor physiological processes and life functions from the cell outward are effected. High current devices, ultrasound, and even laser light are often a poor substitute for the electrical and magnetic fields created by the pressure and vector of a trained therapist hands. Math, engineering, electro-magnetic fields, quantum physics, holograph theory, relativity all relate to health.
Last edited by junglelord on Mon May 12, 2008 7:15 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Tensegrity Creates Matter!

Unread post by Plasmatic » Mon May 12, 2008 7:10 pm

Ill look into it more. Thanks.
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Re: Tensegrity Creates Matter!

Unread post by junglelord » Mon May 12, 2008 7:19 pm

Yes, one must realize this receptor population of the fascial gravity receptors out weighs your voluntary receptors population comprised of muscle spindles and GTO's by 3/4 to 1/4
That means that 75% of the receptor population is missing from text books in the autonomic section.

neurolgical basis of posture is just being laid out since 2005! A quote from Fascial Plasticity – A New Neurobiological Explanation

Robert Schleip
Dec. 94. A long train ride to Cologne to visit a Prof. Essfeld at the sports university there. He is among the leading experts in the study of the so-called "interstitial muscle receptors" which seem to operate quite differently than the "gravity receptors" of Dr.Gollhofer. (I had arranged to visit Dr. Gollhofer in January, but through his research literature I had learned about Dr. Essfeld and about this other research dimension of muscle receptors). Encouraged by the positive response from Dr. Gollhofer I finally called Prof. Essfeld in person and had arranged for a personal visit to his research laboratory in Cologne. Sitting in the train now I review again the stacks of material that he had sent me or that I had copied at his recommendation in the state library. His research deals with something that has already known since some time; namely the existence of so-called type III and type IV receptors in muscles. Sitting in this comfortable train I reviewed again what is written about them in my anatomy text book:

The sensory neurons from the muscle spindles are known as type Ia, those from the Golgi receptors as type Ib (since they are of a similar large diameter). Besides them there is also a type II receptor in the spindles which is considerable smaller, and only little is known about its function. And then there are even finer sensory neurons - type III the myelinated "fee nerve endings", and type IV which are unmyelinated. These are now commonly called interstitial muscle receptors, and about which almost nothing (!) has been known concerning their function until recently. The new research material I now had in my lap was quite intriguing: it pointed out that we have much more of those mysterious type III & IV neurons in our muscles than of the more common types Ia, Ib and II all together. (In numbers: ¾ of all the sensory neurons in a muscle belong to this group of interstitial receptors ... of which we don't know much at all.
The voluntary muscle system in classical use in personal training is muscle spindle and gto thinking.
They were missing the primary system, and it comprises 75% of the receptor population in the body, via the fascia web.
That is the classical mess.

Fascia is dynamic, both neurological and structural. Fascia is primary in neurolgical receptor population and in its inherit geometry of tensegrity, since it is the organ of support, one cannot change structural without this knowledge. With this knowledge you may spontaneously reduce severe scoliosis of a chiropractor!

PS My own synethsis, Tensional Integration Systems Therapy, is much more then just Rolfing, although it is the nucleus, like Wing Chun is the nucleus of Jeet Kune Do Concepts, but it is also much more. Everyone needs strength training, I taught Pilates back in 1990, I am also a bodybuilder and a marital artist, a big believer in strength and flexibility, I love yoga. I never treated my patients without strength and stretch progam to rebuild the volunatry system as home care. We had a gym available at the Chiropractic clinic for that purpose. That was always post fascial treatment. Only then can you design a proper homecare. Cause now the primary is treated, so secondary is now treated. Plugging away at secondarys is a dead end street. My own home care would never equal yours as my patient is balanced via tensegrity and fascial therapy to all systems....so when I design the program for the secondary it presents as a valid entity on its own, free of the overtone of postural imbalance. You cannot force correct posture, Ida Rolf knew this well. Until you correct the primary, treating secondarys will always be second rate.

The link I posted on Rolfing and the Human Energy Field by Dr Valerie Hunt of UCLA should give one pause to think and reflect on the tensegrity liquid crystal fascial structure and its role in the human experience in the EU when the human structure is integrated in the gravitational field. Tensegrity as Fuller stated is the construct from energy to matter!
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... ?f=9&t=534

Structure and Function cannot be Seperated. APM is quantum structure model with tensegrity inherit in it and Dave Thomson did not know till I told him.
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Re: Tensegrity Creates Matter!

Unread post by Plasmatic » Mon May 12, 2008 9:28 pm

I can tell you that even IF muscles are "secondary" they do indeed play a role in "function" as part of the "structure" . I know because I experienced this first hand from injuries I acquired myself from Body building ,Martial arts[ mostly 5 animal kung fu and kendo], kick boxing , and particularly wrestling and juijitsu. As both a participant and a coach in wrestling I have seen the results of repetitve movements in gravity and the imbalances acquired. I have also seen that exercises used to counter balance those movements work to balance the opposing forces. All Im saying is dont discount the individual components of the whole , after all the whole is only comprised of its parts. But all that aside. :) how does all this point to the "creation of matter"?
P.S its funny cause im also a drummer. :lol:
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Re: Tensegrity Creates Matter!

Unread post by junglelord » Tue May 13, 2008 5:06 am

Yes of course, and I pointed that out. One never just does fascial therapy. One clears tensegrity fascial dysfunction, then approaches muscularskeletal dysfunction. My model is wholistic, not reduced. But one must follow the hierarcy and must treat both sides.
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Re: Tensegrity Creates Matter!

Unread post by junglelord » Tue May 13, 2008 7:18 am

Major slip up still, I am claiming brain injury on this one....DOOH!

Two spin rotating magnetic field of the Aether unit is 720 degrees, not 360 degrees. Half spin of the EM charge is 360 degrees, not 180 degrees. Matter (angular momentum) would be a compression unit, Aether would be an expansion unit.

My apologies for my excitement and mistakes.
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Re: Tensegrity Creates Matter!

Unread post by Solar » Tue May 13, 2008 7:48 pm

Plasmatic wrote: My question is its all based on gravity and our position to it. Help me see how it applies out where gravity is not really at work as much as the electrodynamic force. Solars analysis is based on the eletrodynamic identity of plasmas. How is this similar in function between the two differences. And specdifically how does this compare to "creating matter" from the Tensegrity and Rolfing? Help me out. Im thinking how does an someone who is floating weightless "out there" compare to a system based on a different scenario entirely.
I'm not qualified to discuss these things in great detail with you two but I thought this to be an extremely interesting question. Especially in relation to theories of "gravity" being an electric effect. The term "gravity receptors" was interesting in that some considered some aspect of the body to be responsive to "gravity". So my thinking was that there *may* be a 'gravitioelectric' connection with the "rolfing" and "tensegrity" work.

The phrase "gravity sensors" turned up being used in relation to:

Human Balance and Motor Control

Statocyst in fish

and the coronate medusa Periphylla periphylla (Jellyfish) just to cite a few. This last link shows the "statoliths" which take the form of crystals. I had heard of these types of 'micro-crystal' forming within living organisms but don't have any direct links as it was something that I just tucked in the back of my head.

Enough research via search engine seem to turn up with the fascia system having a 'crystal lattice-like' structure or appearance, such as at Ditchfield Holistic Physical Therapy which of course immediately peaked my attention. Because of "gravity's" 'pressure, for lack of a better word, on the body the piezoelectric effect came to mind.

Then I found this "Public Letter" letter directly speaking to the "“living crystal matrix” of fascia.":
According to Oschmsn,this balance seems to result from the flow of photons (sub atomic particles of light) all throughout the mind/body over the “living crystal matrix” of fascia. And fascia, the fascial web, actually is the superconductor of vibration, of energy flow. So it makes sense that myofascial release is the key to treating fascial restrictions that interfere with the conduction of the energy...

You say that, in proper treatment, myofascial release, by way of the piezoelectric effect from the pressure of the hands on the body, transforms potential energy into kinetic energy, and the polyglycoid ground substance of the fascia becomes less solid, more fluid.
... which seems to confirm my suspicion and also lead to this "Myofascial Relase" site.

I'm curious as to what the two of you think about the fascia being some form of 'micro-crystal lattice' conducting electricity throughout the body and organs for general health and overall 'system comminication' and that "rolphing" and "tensegrety", via massage and manipulations are both, in their respective manners, redistributing and balancing the 'flow' of subtle electric currents by the necessity of 'mimicking' what we might view as a natural 'gravitationally induced piezoelectric system' ( the fascial webbing throughout the body).
"Our laws of force tend to be applied in the Newtonian sense in that for every action there is an equal reaction, and yet, in the real world, where many-body gravitational effects or electrodynamic actions prevail, we do not have every action paired with an equal reaction." — Harold Aspden

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Re: Tensegrity Creates Matter!

Unread post by Plasmatic » Tue May 13, 2008 8:07 pm

Im definately one who accepts that the electrodynamic facet of our body is the least understood, and the most important. I have had experiences that most would call "supernatural" and I simply see them as not understood causualy yet. Ill tell more privately if interested. I speculate based on circumstantial evidence it is all electrodynamic parts of our human identity we dont understand yet. I hate mysticism but its funny that the same rolfing client I had used to say "you are one of the most energetically powerful people ive ever met" I of course see this as misintegrated attempts to express something he senses in a mystical garb. When Id work out with him Id pause and focus internally , all the hairs on my body would stand up ecept for my heavy hair on my head[which i see as electrodynamic] and hed always go " What is that James ?" id just laugh and lift. I used to reify these types of things conceptually but not anymore its just part of our identity we dont understand yet. I have some other speculations in regard to humans fascination with gravity defying activities and its effect on our bodies as far as the stress of gravity to our cells.
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Re: Tensegrity Creates Matter!

Unread post by junglelord » Wed May 14, 2008 1:15 am

Everything you read about fascia is true Solar. I knew these truths back in 1990. I have been working on that for almost 20 years and all its ramifications from the view of electronics, as well as from the structural engineering of tensegrity.

This always excited me as I came from a background in electronics, then went into fascial therapy. Being a deep searcher, I would wax philosophical about the body electric to other medical professionals, having no training in electronics, they would listen wide eyed, then would tell me they knew nothing of electronics or fascia.

I have noticed that people with true insight have worked both fields. I have ten years in electronics (commercial sattellite, military sonar) and 15 years in medicine (orthopedic fascial therapy) and five years teaching anatomy and physiology in College.

Richard Feynman, David Bohm, ect. all had huge insights after this multidisiplinary activity, as did I.
The EU opened it wide open for me.
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Re: Tensegrity Creates Matter!

Unread post by junglelord » Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:49 am

I am bringing back this thread as it is scaleable from APM to the EU and I believe I am the only one that is compentant enough to do the job. Tensegrity is indeed the structural engineering principle of matter and also creates matter from non material dimensions. That is freaking amazing.

it is the face value card that exposes the trump card of compression, beams and levers (Newtonian physics) as invalid as a scaleable fundamental truth.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 8120#p8120
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Re: Tensegrity Creates Matter!

Unread post by GaryN » Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:43 pm

Jungelelord posted:

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =8&t=550#p


Just read it, brilliant, IMO.
Although I haven't read much on tensegrity in the bio-medical sense, I am a great admirer of Bukminster Fullers work. He should have been recognised as a modern day Prophet, and his work taught in school from grade 1. Instead, he was buried, much as the EU idea would seem to have been.

With respect to the EU (and I may have to head back to the Penalty Box here!), the Tensegrity tube that is a plasma conduit must have its current carrying limits, at which point, something HAS to give. Converting the excess energy to matter would seem to do the trick.
I think it should be possible to simulate what happens, but I wouldn't have a clue how, so I'm going to guess that a magnetron will self-assemble (OK, I'm leaving, I'm leaving..), and in a single pair of conduits, a quad*,mnt?fge,b....

In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller


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