Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:54 pm

Does Sirius C Exist?
Test 10 – Does Sirius C exists

We should not be surprised if it does. To quote a conservative source, the Harvard Bright Star Catalog:
"C, companion to B at 1.4" suspected but not confirmed"

It says this sort of thing for a thousand stars where the suspicion is probably correct.

One support for the existence of Sirius C is as an explanation for the historical "Red Sirius."

Bonnet Bidaud and Gray say:

If Sirius is a typical hierarchial system in which a low-mass star is in a wide eccentric orbit around the inner A-B binary, the periodical irruption of this low mass (and therefore yet undetected) companion inside the inner binary would cause enough matter to be expelled to produce the observed reddening. To test this hypothesis, we undertook optical observation to search for this companion.

After Sirius B was discovered in 1867 (see test 2), the following statement is relevant.

As soon as 1894, irregularities were found in the motion of Sirius B, and lead one to suspect the existence of a third body in the system. Moreover, observations, mainly in the 1920’s, and reflexions on physics of Sirius A, came and supported this hypothesis. But this is still controversial, as we will see below (for more historical details about this section, see e.g. Allen 1963; Baize 1931, 1987, Benest 1987).

-- Benest and Duvent (see below)
Observations of Sirius C in the 1920s:

A tiny star has been observed about twenty times between 1920 and 1930. If there was a real object and not a “phantom” – the observers themselves were sometimes in doubt, an orbit of around 2 years could roughly agree. However, we still see that this period does not fit with the results of the orbital analysis.

-- Benest and Duvent (see below)

Details of the 1920s Observations:

"As for a third star, Phillip Fox reported in 1920 that the image of Sirius B had appeared to be double, using the same 18 1/2 inch refractor with which Clark discovered B. R.T. Innes in S. Africa and van den Bos, a renowned double-star observer, also reported the 3rd star. I should note here that these were visual studies, and the object in question is at the very limit of what can be observed with a telescope. "

This was the knowledge available in 1950. In 1973 I.W.Lindenblad of the U.S.Naval Observatory concluded that there was no astrometric evidence for a 3rd star, and this seemed to shut the case for a while, along with the authoritative statements of Sirius C skeptics Gatewood and Gatewood, who took detailed measurements of B.

However, the question is still taken seriously by professional astronomers, for other reasons, and in 1995 was published Is Sirius a Triple Star?, by D. Benest and J.L. Duvent, Astronomy and Astrophysics 299, 621-628 (1995). Their case is based on orbital analysis of A and B. Despite Lindenblad's observational failure, three independent mathematical methods with updated and more accurate orbital data show a perturbuation of 6.3 years which B&D hypothesize to be the orbital period of the third body, Sirius C.

This period may be searched through a study of variations of the aerial velocity; Zagar in 1932 used this method and found a period of 6.3 years, for a perturbing body around Sirius B; but we must note that this method requires several hypotheses so that the result depends on the chosen procedure (see Volet 1932). More simply, and more rigorously, the period of the perturbation can be obtained by a least square algorithm which Volet (1932) solve analytically. He proposed then the value of 6.4 years around Sirius B, but possibly also around Sirius A; more recently, one of us used an analogous algorithm for numerical computation and obtained a value around 6 years (this will be developed in Sect. 2). Finally, another possibility is simply to apply a Fourier analysis to detect the period of perturbation.

We have therefore three independent methods giving rather close values; we think then that this is a rather strong indication in favor of the reality of the perturbation.

2.4 Concluding the orbital analysis

Process enhancements, more data sued and two new methods confirm the previous studies that 6.3 years period perturbation probably exists in Sirius A-B orbit. More accuracy shows that the perturbation amplitude is 0.055”; as we know Sirius’ parallax A mass and B mass, we can estimate C mass and distance from its primary, which, as shown in the next section is very likely Sirius A.

They say it must be a red/brown dwarf of 0.05 Mo, and offer suggestions to observe it in the infra-red spectrum "within 3" of Sirius A."

By the way, this fascinating paper is available at the fantastic NASA Astrophysics Data System and its many mirrors.

In the paper about Red Sirius, Bonnet-Bidaud & Gray make an observation of Sirius' stellar field by masking the great brightness of Sirius A.

They come up with several candidate objects for Sirius C.

We note that no star brighter than an apparent magnitude of Mv >14 (absolute magnitude Mv, > 17 at Sirius distance) is seen.

This excludes the possibility of a companion more massive than 0.1 Mv and indicates that a Sirius companion, if any, would have to be close to the lower mass limit (about 0.08 Mo)

At which stellar configurations are able to sustain thermonuclear reactions.

Unfortunately, these objects on either side of the mass limit are not well known and their identification is therefore uncertain (see Kafatos et al. 1986). They are however very red; thus among the nine brightest objects in our sample the best candidates that appear to belong to the Sirius system are the 2 stars which appear to be redder than M8 type stars, namely star 4, with Mv around 20, B-V = 3.0 and V-I = 2.8, and marginally star 3, with Mv = 19.2, B-V = 2.0 and V-I = 2.5. Their distance from Sirius are 76” for star 4 and 60” for star 3, which implies, since the system is 2.7 pc away, projected distances of respectively 205 and 165 AU.

Bonnet-Bidaud 7 Gray (1993) have observed the vicinity of Sirius and proposed several faint stars (Mv about 17) as candidates, but they are all so far from Sirius B that they could actually be only remote companions of the system (see also Bonnet-Bidaud & Gray 1992)

There is also an amount of indirect collateral evidence for Sirius C. Red dwarfs are a common class of star but generally small and faint, and hard to observe.

Hence the surprise at the 1997 discovery that one was rather close by:

(Follows the NASA ADS abstract from The Solar Neighborhood, IV: Discovery of the Twentieth nearest Star System


Astronomical Journal v.114, p. 388-395 (07/1997)):

"As part of a RECONS (Research Consortium on Nearby Stars) effort to discover stars nearer than 10 parsecs, LHS 1565 (GJ 1061; V = 13.03; M5.5 V) has been found to be only 3.7 parsecs from the Sun using a combination of photometric, spectroscopic and trigonometric parallax work. It ranks as the twentieth closest stellar system and underscores the incompleteness of the nearby star sample, particularly for objects near the end of the main sequence.

Ironically, this unassuming red dwarf provides a shocking reminder of how much we have yet to learn about even our nearest stellar neighbours."

For instance, another pioneering result of "seeing the faint" occurred in 1994 with discovery of Gliese 623B.



This NASA Hubble Space Telescope picture resolves, for the first time, one of the smallest stars in our Milky Way Galaxy. Called Gliese 623b or Gl623b, the diminutive star (right of center) is ten times less massive than the Sun and 60,000 times fainter. (If it were as far away as the Sun, it would be only eight times brighter than the full Moon).

Located 25 light-years away in the constellation Hercules, Gl623b is the smaller component of a double star system, where the separation between the two members is only twice the distance between Earth and the Sun (approximately 200 million miles). The small star completes one orbit about its larger companion every four years.
Test 11 - Sirius C has "rays" (flares?).

The Dogon say that emme ya "also emits rays which have the quality of solar rays" and give these rays as the symbol.

For a star that “might not exist” we have hard numbers for mass, size, orbit and even an idea of its internal structure.

It has been hypothesised that Sirius C became visible in the 1920s because of flaring (the observations do not match Benest and Duvent's orbital data, see above). Red dwarf flaring was discovered on October 12, 1994 by a team led by Dr. Jeffrey Linsky at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA) in Boulder, Colorado, in another observation of faint objects with the Hubble Space Telescope.

The star Gliese 752B (VB10) and its companion star Gliese 752A make up a binary system located 19 light-years away in the constellation Aquila. Gliese 752A is a red dwarf that is one-third the mass of the Sun and slightly more than half its diameter. By contrast, Gliese 752B is physically smaller than the planet Jupiter and only about nine percent the mass of our Sun. This very faint star is near the threshold of the lowest possible mass for a true star (0.08 Mo), below which nuclear fusion processes cannot take place according to current models, and "brown dwarf" stars result.

Using Hubble's Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) to look for solar flares as occur on our own sun, there was surprise that while the larger red dwarf was flaring as predicted, tiny Gliese 752B, 0.08 Mo, normal temperature 4,500 degrees F, also produced a flare of 270,000 degrees F, despite not having a radiative core, meaning that it must have a strong magnetic field or "dynamo." Hence Sirius C, a star said to be of similar size, could also flare.

Test 12 - Sirius C is bigger but four times lighter than Sirius B.

Benest and Duvent say the star's mass is a maximum of 0.05Mo, rather less than the Dogon figure of 0.2585Mo. (Taking Sirius B = 1.034Mo)

Nevertheless, the mass of Sirius C is probably low, otherwise the perturbations would destroy the binary very rapidly; we may roughly estimate the maximum value for Mc to be around 0.05 Mo (Sirius C would then be at best a red dwarf M5 with Mv around 12), which is much less than the masses of Sirius A and B respectively, 2.14 and 1.05 Mv.

And later on they add,

In this study we have supposed that the 6-year perturbation in the orbit of Sirius A-B is due to the presence of a third body in the System, i.e., Sirius C. Dynamical and astrophysical considerations lead to a very low mass for this suspected companion: a maximum of 0.05 Mo, i.e., a M5 to M5 star of absolute magnitude of 15 to 20. The visual magnitude of Sirius C could then be 5 to 10 more than that of the white dwarf Sirius B (mv = 8.5), itself 10 times more than that of Sirius A (mv – 1.5); therefore very difficult to observe.

As for size, if Sirius C:Sirius B = Jupiter:Earth, then the ratio of radius size is about 11. So Sirius C is bigger than Sirius B.

Test 13 - Sirius C has orbit of 50 (or 32*Renard Pale) years.

Benest and Duvent's figure for the orbit (which is ipso facto the proof of the star's existence) is a mathematically rigorous: 6.3 years. It’s rather less than either 50 years and even the revised figure of 32 years.

Although, with the reddening of Sirius still in mind, Bonnet-Bidaud and Gray's quote below spells out the conditions for the reddening.

For interaction to occur, two conditions are required on the orbital elements of the third companion: a period P3 longer than about 2000 years (the last interaction) and an approach distance (d) to the inner A-B binary of the same order than the average Sirius A-B separation, i.e., 20 AU.

Test 14-15: Sirius C has a "larger" orbit than Sirius B; Sirius C orbit is at right angles to that of Sirius B.

USSS saying Sirius C has a "larger" orbit than Sirius B has been interpreted as meaning an orbit more circular than elliptical. In this discussion Benest and Duvent cite astronomers J.R.Donnison and I. P. Williams, who had calculated the hypothetical possibility of a stable three-body arrangement in the specific Sirius system in 1978.
Do stable orbits exist around Sirius and/or Sirius B with a period of 6 years? Do stable orbits exist far around Sirius A-B which could perturb (for example through a resonance) the orbits of Sirius A and B around each other, again with a period of 6 years? The latter has been explored by, e.g., Donnison & Williams (1978).

Early into my quest, Donnison and Williams had been quoted in the popular paranormal literature by Karl Shuker as supports for the Dogon contentions and I emailed them about this. Dr. Iwan P. Williams was gracious enough to send me this email in response:

“At the time (as indeed now) there was a lot of interest in planets around other stars; and the paper mentioned really has to be seen within that context. We had written a number of papers enquiring about the stability of hypothetical systems and a relevant question was whether "planets" could exist within a binary star context. The Dogon thing came out about that time, and it seemed appropriate to ask the same question about Sirius as for a general system, i.e., could we have a planet in particular given binary system, i.e., Sirius. the answer is not that remarkable; yes, provided it is far enough away from the binary pair that the changes in gravity is small and it can be closer on average on a circular orbit (mean distance = minimum distance)".

Tests 16-18: Sirius C has one main planet in orbit; orbit of main planet is 30 years; Sirius C has two planets in orbit.


Meanwhile, if Sirius C really has a planet, an orbit of 30 years is surely an over-estimate.
Does true imagination = real facts?


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:42 pm

Gliese 581 ... 20581.html
At least four planets are believed to be orbiting Gliese 581: Gliese-581 b, Gliese 581 c, Gliese 581 d, and Gliese 581 e.

The name Gliese 581 refers to the catalog number from the Gliese Catalogue of Nearby Stars. Other names of this star include BD-07° 4003 (BD catalogue, first known publication) and HO Librae (variable star designation). It does not have an individual name such as Sirius or Procyon. The star is a red dwarf with spectral type M3V, located 20.3 light years away from Earth. It is located about two degrees north of Beta Librae, the brightest star in the constellation Libra. Its mass is estimated to be approximately a third that of the Sun, and it is the 87th closest known star system to the Sun.

At least four planets are believed to be orbiting Gliese 581. Gliese 581 b, approximately Neptune-sized, was discovered in August 2005 and was the fifth planet to be discovered around a red dwarf star. This inner planet is at least 16 times as massive as Earth (similar to Neptune's mass) and completes a full orbit of Gliese 581 in only 5.4 days.

Gliese 581 b is at minimum about 16 times the Earth's mass, similar to Neptune's mass. It does not transit its star, implying that its inclination is less than 88.1 degrees.[3] Dynamical simulations of the Gliese 581 system assuming that the orbits of the four planets are coplanar show that the system becomes unstable if its component masses exceed 1.6 – 2 times their minimum masses. This is primarily due to the close separation between planets b and e.

For Gliese 581 b, the upper mass limit is 30.4 Earth masses, or about 77% more massive than Neptune.[1] It is rather close to Gliese 581 and completes a full orbit in only 5.4 days at a mean distance of about 6 million kilometres (0.041 AU). By comparison, Mercury is at a distance of 58 million kilometres (0.387 AU) and completes an orbit in 88 days.
Gliese 581g

New Earth-sized Exoplanet is in Star’s Habitable Zone ... able-zone/
Vogt and his team from the Lick-Carnegie Exoplanet Survey actually found two new planets around the heavily studied red dwarf star Gliese 581, where planets have been found previously. Now with six known planets, Gliese 581 hosts a planetary system most similar to our own. It is located 20 light years away from Earth in the constellation Libra.

The most interesting of the two new planets is Gliese 581g, with a mass three to four times that of the Earth and an orbital period of just under 37 days. Its mass indicates that it is probably a rocky planet with likely enough gravity to hold on to an atmosphere.

The planet is also tidally locked to the star, meaning that one side is always facing the star in sunlight, while the side facing away from the star is in perpetual darkness. One effect of this is to stabilize the planet’s surface climates, according to Vogt. The most habitable zone on the planet’s surface would be on the terminator, the line between shadow and light, with surface temperatures decreasing toward the dark side and increasing toward the light side.

“Any emerging life forms would have a wide range of stable climates to choose from and to evolve around, depending on their longitude,” Vogt said.

There has been debate about the other planets found previously around Gliese 581, whether they could be habitable or not. Two of them lie at the edges of the habitable zone, one on the hot side (planet c) and one on the cold side (planet d). While some astronomers still think planet d may be habitable if it has a thick atmosphere with a strong greenhouse effect to warm it up, others are skeptical. The newly discovered planet g, however, lies right in the middle of the habitable zone.

“We had planets on both sides of the habitable zone–one too hot and one too cold–and now we have one in the middle that’s just right,” Vogt said.

The researchers estimate that the average surface temperature of the planet is between -24 and 10 degrees Fahrenheit (-31 to -12 degrees Celsius). Actual temperatures would range from blazing hot on the side facing the star to freezing cold on the dark side.

If Gliese 581g has a rocky composition similar to the Earth’s, its diameter would be about 1.2 to 1.4 times that of the Earth. The surface gravity would be about the same or slightly higher than Earth’s, so that a person could easily walk upright on the planet, Vogt said. ... 105#p46756
Read more: "In with the New Scientist: Our predictions for 2011"

Earthlings will surely thrill at finding their planetary double: our calculation suggests the discovery could happen next year

In 2010, one new exoplanet appeared every four days or so; by the end of the year, the total topped 500. But in September, a truly exceptional find punctuated this steady drumbeat of discovery: the first alien planet that could host life on its surface.

Gliese 581g, spotted by a team led by Steven Vogt of the University of California, Santa Cruz, inhabits a "Goldilocks" zone around its host star, a band just warm enough to boast liquid water. At 3.1 to 4.3 times the mass of Earth, it is also small enough that it should be made mostly of rock. Although a second team of astronomers failed to find signs of Gliese 581g in their data, if its existence is confirmed, it will be the most habitable exoplanet yet found.

An even bigger prize awaits, however: a planet with the size and temperature of our own. We're unlikely to be exceptional, so such a doppelgänger must be out there. Will it be found in 2011? See "Prediction: Get ready for Earth's doppelgänger".

Prediction: Get ready for Earth's doppelganger
An astronomer picked up a mysterious pulse of light coming from the direction of the newly discovered Earth-like planet almost two years ago, it has emerged.

Dr Ragbir Bhathal, a scientist at the University of Western Sydney, picked up the odd signal in December 2008, long before it was announced that the star Gliese 581 has habitable planets in orbit around it.

A member of the Australian chapter of SETI, the organisation that looks for communication from distant planets, Dr Bhathal had been sweeping the skies when he discovered a 'suspicious' signal from an area of the galaxy that holds the newly-discovered Gliese 581g.

The remarkable coincidence adds another layer of mystery to the announcement last night that scientists had discovered another planet in the system: Gliese 581g - the most Earth-like planet ever found.

Dr Bhathal's discovery had come just months before astronomers announced that they had found a similar, slightly less habitable planet around the same star 20 light years away. This planet was called Gliese 581e.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:13 pm

Kanye West's MONSTER's RUNAWAY: LUCIFER/SIRIUS Rising - DNA, 23, Nephilim, Genetic Engineering, 666, Posthumanism, 2012, Ascension, 33, 9, Nibiru, the BEAST, Cycles, Cataclysm & the Red Aeon of Horus? ... naway.html
Lucifer is first described as a shining angel, a bright light, light bearer, light bringer and the morning star. Created in the heavenly realms of Shemi Hashamyim, Lucifer and the other angels inhabited the planet Rahab (Maldek) and its satellites Mars and Venus, and were given reign and dominion over many worlds of the material kingdoms in the initial configuration of the Solar System.

Ancient Bible scriptures and codes reveals the eruption of a major war in the Heavens, following Lucifer's rebellion, that destroyed Rahab, splintering it into the debris that currently forms our Asteroid Belt extirpating the artificial structures like the ones at the Cydonia complex on Mars; leaving artifacts and machines on other planets; and ultimately altering the Solar System.

Lucifer and the other fallen angels found sanctuary on a planet orbiting the star Sirius C in the Sirius Star System, during one of its cyclic convergence with the Solar System. From Sirius and the constellation of the Pleiades, a mysterious supernatural and occult agenda was created against the creations and works of the Divine Creative Consciousness.

Anthropologists, archaelogists and scientists have used the ancient knowledge and secret teachings of the Dogon tribe of Mali in West Africa to accurately verify the Sirius Star System. In his book, The Sirius Mystery, author Robert Temple provide details of how the Dogons encountered and had contact with an extraterrestrial race of blue amphibious/serpent featured beings called the Nommos, also called the Monitors or Watchers - resonating with the Annunaki and the Nephilim. Temple, along with French anthropologists Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen disclosed that the Dogon's understanding of the general structure and evolution of the universe rest upon the three major stars: Sirius A - Sigi Tolo, Sirius B - Po Tolo and Sirius C - Emma Ya Tolo; and their relationship with Po, the spiraling black hole at the center of the galaxy.

Sirius" is a derivative of the Ancient Greek name Seirios, meaning Scorcher. Sirius was also known as Sopdet, Sothis and Sophia. Sirius is a trinary star system in the eye of the constellation of Canis Major (the Big Dog), and is called the Great Dog Star (God Star) or Orion's Dog. It was revealed by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope that the bluish white Sirius A (in ancient times, it was seen as a red star) was the brightest star in the night sky, with the tiny white dwarf Sirius B, as a stellar companion. The Dogons believed that Sirius B was the oldest of the stars and was the creative organizing source and force of the world, producing a sacred energy of Eloptic Black Light from the stream of ionized hydrogenous essence of Sirius A, a brightly shining transitioning star moving consciousness and frequency with a spirit of wisdom. Though, not yet confirmed by scientist, "The Little Sun" Sirius C, exhibits similar characteristics to that of Sirius B. Sirius C, Emma Ya Tolo, is hard to observe, since its small faint stellar field is masked by the great brightness of Sirius A. It is a red Dwarf Star or Pulsar and is called the "Sun of Women." According to the Dogon, Sirius C lies at the centre of the Sirius Star System constantly emitting red solar rays - a Blazing Star transmitting its essence towards Sirius A and B from its orbital position. Sirius C is also accompanied by a spiraling satellite called Nyan Tolo, the "Star of Women." Nyan Tolo is represented by a spiral and/or cross. Sirius A, B, and C constitutes the Solar Trinity. The Sirius Star System is considered as the hidden, secret and spiritual Sun and is seen as the Eye Goddess and Tree of the Dragon. Sirius is also symbolized as Iron, Silver Star, the Magician, the Phoenix and the Pentagram.

From the refuge in the Sirius Star System, a singular mythological narrative surrounding Lucifer, is manifested, that runs parallel with the Dogon's oral traditions of the extraterrestrials. The Dogon name stems originally from Dagon, the Semitic fertility fish-god. Dagon is considered as the founder of the ancient Atlantean, Babylonian, Sumerian and Chinese civilizations. Ancient writings and pagan shrines reveals that Dagon was known under different names across the old world, such as Oannes, Musari, Annedoti, El, Zeus, Baal, Cronus, and Enlil. Revered as the "Lord of the Gods," Dagon's temples at Beth-dagon and Giza were called the "House of the Star" in dedication to Sirius. The writings indicate that Dagon was in charge of a pantheon comprising 200 deities, resonating with the Biblical prophet Enoch and his book The Book of Enoch/Enoch 1 that mentions Lucifer leading 20 other Archangels, who were chiefs of ten each.

Osiris is the personification of the paternalis (paternal, father) star Sirius B, the God Star. He is the husband to Isis, the maternalis (maternal, mother) star Sirius A, the Goddess Star, parents of Horus, Sirius C, the Sky/Hero/Falcon/Child God Star.

“To the Egyptians, the Sun behind the Sun was known as Osiris and also as Amun-RA, the Hidden Sun." - Marshall Adams, The Book of the Master.

"The Blazing Star in our Lodges represent Sirius ... the Blazing Star has been regarded as an emblem of Omniscience, or the All Seeing Eye, which to the Ancients was the Sun." - Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma.

Sirius was venerated by the ancient Egyptians, since its heliacal rising corresponded exactly with the start of the annual floods from the river Nile and the Summer Solstice, the Dog Days extending from July 23 through August 23. The star system was also known as the guardian star of departed souls and formed the cycles of the Egyptian calendrical system. Sirius formulated the great inverted triangle in the sky when aligned with the red Betelgeuse and Procyon stars. The ancient hieroglyphs represent Sirius as a three-part symbol featuring a half dome, a triangle/obelisk and a star, the observance of the Sirian Trichotomy of Isis, Osiris and Horus respectively.

The Sirian Trichotomy hieroglyph takes us to Chapter 3 of the book of Genesis, in the Bible, where Lucifer is introduced as the Serpent and where the occult agenda starts with the temptation of the woman Eve, into eating from the tree of knowledge. A figurative resonance of mankind's genetic engineering with the birth of Sirius C (Horus, the star) from the union of Sirius A (Isis, the dome) and Sirius B (Osiris, the obelisk).

You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman, "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." - Genesis 3:4.

The narrative of the deception of Eve into the eating of the forbidden fruit or "red apple," constitutes the fundamental foundation of the deceptive primeval wisdom of gnosis, a new spiritual impulse of the incarnation of the Luciferian spirit, the illumination of knowledge, piercing through mankind's physical reality, affecting and influencing every culture, civilization and mythology through history.

The descent or embodiment of a deity to the Earth in an incarnate form or some manifested shape - the incarnation of a god or avatar. The sexual relationship, DNA manipulation and genetic engineering of humans are symbolized globally in the ancient and modern architecture of the obelisk and the dome where the obelisk represents the phallic/penis/rays of the sky/sun gods and the dome as the vagina/womb of the woman.

It is the ultimate projection of the Luciferian spirit into messianic form; the ultimate realization of the transcendent marriage of the human and the divine.; the carefully orchestrated deceptive symphony of the Apotheosis. Apotheoun ("to deify"), which was built from apo- ("formed from, related to") and theos ("god"). " will be like God..." Mankind transcending the physical reality to becoming gods through methods of ascension, enlightenment, genetic enhancement and evolution, trans-humanism, reincarnation, transmigration of the souls, mind-cloning and uploading, transplantation of cellular memories and singularity.

These methods of genetic manipulation and engineering, ascension, transcendence and altered states of consciousness are not part of the divine creative mechanism for the ether-body, and will only serve to advance the Luciferian nature. All deities of the ancient mythologies are ultimately a reflection of Lucifer and Sirius, an enforced and reinforced deception within the spectrum of consciousness keeping mankind in a perpetual state of blindness. All of the ancient religions, cults and mythologies are firmly rooted in Gnosticism of Lucifer, with the celestial objects of the Sirius Star System used allegorically as symbolic representations. Over many centuries, mankind's carnal focus on the elemental aspect of the world has enabled his controllers to implement this matrix, the constructs of control. So, we move from construct to construct (religion to religion, mythology to mythology) never quite understanding that we are living and reliving the choreography of one primary narrative structure. It is a great deception that resulted in a progressive atrophy of the spiritual impulse governing mankind's relationship with the divine creative.

The artistic renderings of the ancient civilizations such as on the tablets of the Enuma Elish, the papyrus of Ani, and the Zoroastrian articles of faith; depicts the arrival of the astral light of the Luciferian incarnations as iconic winged disc with serpent gods, serpents with wings, or serpent with feathers. Illustrations of the Luciferian consciousness mixed with the human DNA material.

In "The Virgin of the World," the Trismegistic treatise from Egypt, Osiris is described as the Dark God, the Dark Lord, the Lord in Perfected Black, and the Lord of the Black Rite. It outlines how the Dark Lord and serpent gods came to Earth to teach mankind civilization and the creation of the mystery religion of the occult celestial secrets. These mysteries were taught to the priestly class of the Magi (Magicians) and the Brotherhood of the Serpent bloodlines, the Stellar Cults. The Black Rite was and is the essential astronomical and occult knowledge of the existence and transformational effects of the three stars of the Sirius Star System, the Orion constellation and the Pleiades.

The occult knowledge of the stellar properties was passed down over time and can be found in the vestiges of the great secret societies and cults from the ancient worlds of Atlantis, Babylon, Sumeria, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome to our modern world -- knowledge that was passed down through the immoral rites of initiation, animal and human sacrifice, and symbolic offerings. The Stellar Serpent Cults of the Magicians, who employed the meta-sciences, astrology, astromancy, the Tarot, the Zodiac, the Kabalistic Tree of Life, sacred geometry and numerology to further the religious and political hierarchies of the elite bloodlines and their secret orders.

It is believed that the multi-star system of Sirius actually consists of 5 stars - Sirius A, Sirius B, Sirius C, Sirius D, and Sirius E.
Dagon - Nommo from Sirius
The Dogon don't say their knowledge was due to better instruments but due to events in the distant past. They say a new star appeared in the sky that could change its size. A fiery, roaring, ship then came down which manufactured a pond for the occupants of the ship to use. These creatures could speak the local language and were friendly. They were called "Nommo" meaning "the monitors" and their home planet was in the Sirius system orbiting Emme Ya. The Nommo stayed on Earth for some time teaching.

The Dogon call Saturn the "star of limiting the place" and say that when the Nommo left they became the "star of the 10th moon" - Phoebe is the 10th moon of Saturn and although little is known about it, what is known about it is quite odd. It is about 200 Km in diameter and has an orbit that is unlike the other moons of Saturn. It is much further out, goes round the other way and at a much different angle. It is black as soot and appears to be made of rock - but if it was made of rock it would be about 5 times heavier than it actually is. It is also much more spherical than you would expect for an object with almost no gravity. The only picture I can find of Phoebe shows a round object that looks like a pollen grain under a microscope.
Alien planet looks 'just right' for life ... c=25&sp=25
The newfound planet, known as Gliese 581g, is estimated to be 3.1 to 4.3 times as massive as Earth, and makes a complete circuit around its sun in just under 37 days. If the planet has a rocky composition like

Although that average may sound chilly, the astronomers say Gliese 581g appears to be tidally locked to its star, with one side perpetually in the sun and the other side perpetually dark. That means the highs on the day side would be hellishly hot. The lows on the night side would be unendurably cold. But there would be a livable zone along the line between shadow and light.

Based on this analysis, Vogt and his colleagues say Gliese 581g is in a planetary zone that is, in the words of the Goldilocks tale, "not too hot and not too cold, but just right" for water to exist somewhere in liquid form.

Astrobiologists say that life seems to exist anyplace on Earth that has liquid water, and that such a Goldilocks zone should be conducive to alien life as well. Some astronomers have even proposed that super-Earths could be friendlier to life than our own home world.

The Gliese 581 system is already well-known to planet hunters. Gliese 581g is the sixth planet to be detected around the parent star. Two other planets in the system are on the edges of the Goldilocks zone: Gliese 581c (potentially "too hot") and Gliese 581d (potentially "too cold"). "Now we have one in the middle that's just right," Vogt said.

The method that was used to detect the latest member of Gliese 581's planetary family, known as radial velocity, requires painstaking observations over a number of years. As the method is currently practiced, it's not capable of finding Earthlike planets around sunlike stars. The Lick-Carnegie Exoplanet Survey was able to spot this super-Earth because it could exert a relatively large pull on a relatively small star. But the observations weren't easy: It took 238 measurements, conducted over 11 years with the aid of the European-led HARPS team, to confirm Gliese 581g's existence.
THE QUICKENING: The November "Tipping Point" – President Obama, America’s Dissolution, Gulf of Aden Stargate, NASA Announcements, ET/UFO Disclosure, Vatican & the Coming Sirius/Sol Convergence ... ssol-conv/
Recently, NASA’s Cassini mission to flyby planet Saturn’s largest moon Titan went offline based on a malfunction with the onboard computer. This forced a sudden shutdown of all scientific observations of Titan. NASA announced that due to this glitch, Cassini had put itself into a hibernation state called “Safe Mode,” as it awaited further instructions from Earth. Currently, there is no official explanation as to the origins of the problem and NASA has since reset the computer in-order to bring the craft back online soon. Again, it must be noted that NASA has also been having significant problems in getting the space shuttle Discovery from blasting off on its final mission, as well.

Are extraterrestrials trying to prevent the Voyager space probes from entering interstellar space outside the Solar System or the Cassini mission from providing more information on the Saturn’s moon satellites? Based on the official reports from NASA, Voyager 1 and 2 constitutes the furthest that a human-made object has reached away from Earth. In October, researchers at the planetary society of the University of Arizona revealed that Titan contains many of the components for life without liquid water, created from the orange hydrocarbon haze shrouding its atmosphere.

Earlier in the year, Richard Greenberg, also of the University of Arizona, suggested that the Solar System’s best bet for Earth-like life is on Jupiter’s moon Europa. Considered as the world’s leading expert on Europa, Greenberg suggested that the subsurface ocean contained enough oxygen-based metabolic processes for the existence and support of complex organisms like that of Earth’s. Greenberg said that, “…the concentrations of oxygen would be great enough to support not only microorganisms, but also ‘macrofauna,’ that is, more complex animal-like organisms which have greater oxygen demands. The continual supply of oxygen could support roughly 3 billion kilograms of macrofauna, assuming similar oxygen demands to terrestrial fish.”

Speaking of Discovery, the quest to discover what or who are inhabiting worlds like the Jovian atmospheres, brings us back to the science fiction writer Sir Arthur C. Clarke and his classical work, 2010: Odyssey Two, later adapted to screen as 2010: The Year We Make Contact. In the novel, the Discovery Two spaceship is sent out to investigate what happen to Discovery One during its failed mission to Jupiter. Lead by the mysterious monolith machine, under the control of aliens, Discovery Two discovers aquatic and indigenous life on Europa and is eventually destroyed when Jupiter achieves nuclear fusion and become a star called Lucifer that ultimately becomes the Solar System’s primary Sun.

This provides entrainment with my theory that this “Tipping Point,” is really the quickening towards the convergence of Sol, our Sun and Sirius, the astronomical star appellation and “occultification” by the Priest Class of Magicians of Lucifer. The astronomical research facility at the educational institution of the University of Arizona is run by the Vatican Church State, the modern incarnation of these magicians. The observatory located at the Mount Graham International Observatory is operated by the Vatican Observatory Research Group (VORG) and the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT). In April of this year, the Vatican launched the LUCIFER / LBT (Large Binocular Telescope Near-Infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research) Telescope.

“After more than a decade of design, manufacturing, and testing, the new instrument, dubbed LUCIFER 1, provides a powerful tool to gain spectacular insights into the universe — from the Milky Way to extremely distant galaxies. An identical twin instrument will be delivered to the telescope in early 2011. ‘With the large light-gathering power of the LBT, astronomers are now able to collect the spectral fingerprints of the faintest and most distant objects in the universe,’ said LBT director Richard Green, a professor of astronomy at the University of Arizona´s Steward Observatory.” – Astronomy.

The Director of the Observatory and the Vatican’s Chief Astronomer is Father Jose Gabriel Funes, who recently declared that extraterrestrials are his brothers, “How can we rule out that life may have developed elsewhere? Just as we consider earthly creatures as ‘a brother,’ and ‘sister,’ why should we not talk about an ‘extraterrestrial brother’? It would still be part of creation,” he said.

Funes’ statement continues a constant thread of comments and announcements by Vatican officials and astronomers from Guy Consolmagno to Corrado Balducci of mankind’s destiny to contact intelligent extraterrestrial life. In an interview with Art Bell on the late-night program Coast to Coast AM, the late Catholic priest and theologian, Father Malachi Martin disclosed the following about the Vatican’s activities in monitoring space: “…the highest levels of Vatican administration and geopolitics, know what’s going on in space, and what’s approaching us, could be of great import in the next five years, ten years.”

This must be contextualized with the recent discoveries of hundreds of exoplanets and Earth-like planets. A unknown signal was also detected coming from the Gliese 581 star system, where the planet Gliese 581 G was designated by scientists as the first Earth-like planet ever seen with the atmosphere and gravity to be potentially habitable. As a matter of fact, a recent study disclosed that Earth-like planets in orbits where liquid water can exist may also be quite common in our galaxy and the universe.

Like the University of Arizona, NASA is a project of the Vatican as well, since the institution was created from the scientific programs of Nazi Germany under Operation Paperclip. Of course, the Vatican not only sanctioned Hilter’s destructive and murderous regime, but participated fully in the esoteric and occult ceremonies of the Black Sun or the Central Sun or the Invisible Sun or Hidden Sun or the Burnt Out Sun. These ceremonies and practices stem from the ancient traditions of the Priest Class of Magicians and can still be seen in the masonic rituals used in logos, shuttle and spacecraft names, locations, times and dates used by NASA.

I contend that the ribbon and the interstellar matter currently discovered by NASA are really part of the debris from Sirius B’s explosion and that the preparations being made by the Vatican constitutes the fundamental part of the worship and “occultification” of the interstellar explosions of Sirius B, which has been symbolically revived in the ancient traditions, mythologies and religions such as with the death of the God Osiris and his rebirth as the God Child Horus; the Dying and Rising Phoenix. It must be remembered that according to the Dogon tribe, this explosion formulated a creative organizing energy source producing a sacred energy of Eloptic Black Light from its stream of ionized hydrogenous essence.
EARTH: THE CEMETERY PLANET - The Coming of COMET ELENIN, 9/11 Symbolism, Imminent Pole Shift, Ice Age Now, Northern Hemisphere Snowstorm, Astrotometry, Mass Die-Offs, & the Global Food Crisis, Proof of Orchestrated Chaos using Weather Modification ... comet.html
We begin with the news, symbolism and cover-up of the arrival of the Comet Elenin and the possibilities that its trajectory could wreak havoc on the Earth. A fellow member of the Youtube video community sent me the following video of Elenin. Please look at it carefully. I must admit, that previous to this, I had never heard about the comet or seen any documentation on this, either on the mainstream media or from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The comet was first discovered by Leonid Elenin, a Russian astronomer, late last year.

What is interesting here is that the perihelion falls on September 11, 2011. 9/11. What is really weird is that in Jewish Gematria, the word "ELENIN" is equal to 119, the reverse of 911, where E=5, L=20, E=5, N=40, I=9, and N=40. In addition, ELENIN is a clear fractal for NINE and ELEVEN.

Additionally, Elenin's orbit resembles that of the purported theories of Planet X or Nibiru, a planet-sized object that cyclically enters our Solar System on an elliptical orbit, eventually bringing about a doomsday scenario on Earth and the inner parts of the Solar System. I personally, don't subscribe to this theory, but it must make you wonder about NASA's obvious silence on the matter and the recently released story about the star Betelgeuse becoming a Supernova this year and the creation of a second sun in our skies, especially considering the symbolism from Arthur C. Clarke's classic novel "2010: Odyssey Two," and film adaptation "2010: The Year We Make Contact" where our Sun, Sol, is accompanied by a new Sun, Lucifer, following the explosion of the planet Jupiter by an alien technology.
The Lucifer Project


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:05 pm

Is Sirius C a Pulsar? Is White Dwarf Sirius B its companion?

The Year of Light ... cts75c.htm
The calendar of the Freemasons begins four thousand years prior to the Gregorian, at the time of a reported supernova that they commemorate as Anno Lucis, the Year of Light, and about the same time that a fantastic leap in civilization was accomplished in Sumeria and Egypt.

Look at the cornerstone of any government building in your town and you will see that the Masonic date is included in the inscription, obvious proof that this dating is highly important to the Masons. But there were other, earlier commemorations to the supernova.

Richard W. Noone, the author of a book titled 5/5/2000, believes that the Great Pyramid at Giza was probably built as a monument to this striking astronomical event.

He states:

The Grand Gallery [of the pyramid], aimed like a giant telescope at a particular celestial body in the earth's southern sky - before its view of the heavens was blocked by the completion of the building - points to where radio astronomy bas just pinpointed the supernova (or giant stellar explosion) nearest to our solar system... The Great Pyramid's Grand Gallery is focused at this particular spot in the earth's southern sky.

Noone recalls that Dr. Anthony Hewish, 1974 Nobel Prize winner, while tracking astronomical anomalies in the heavens, "demonstrated that... strange rhythmic pulses were radio emissions from a star that had collapsed or blown itself up in the earth's southern sky some time around 4000 B.C."

At about the same time that Hewish's research was taking place, George Michanowsky, author of The Once and Future Star, was deciphering Sumerian tablets that caused him to come to the same conclusion.

According to Noone's review of the events:

The ancient Sumerian cuneiform table Michanowsky was deciphering described a giant star exploding within a triangle formed by the three stars Zeta Puppis, Gamma Velorum, and Lambda Velorum...

Michanowsky continued deciphering the Sumerian star catalogue, containing observations going back for thousands of years. The remarkably accurate star catalogue now stated that the blazing star that had exploded within the triangle would again be seen by man in 6,000 years.

This means, interestingly enough, that the Sumerians set the date for the reappearance of the supernova in about the year 2000 A.D.

Electric Pulsars ... ulsars.htm
Pulsars are described as "lighthouses" with rotating beams of energy concentrated at specific points. Gravitational theory relies on a rotational mechanism for their pulsations, so when the spin of a pulsar brings its beam in line with telescopes on Earth, a flash of light is visible.

What is observed are intense magnetic fields pulsing at times in fractions of a second. It is a well-established fact that magnetic fields are induced by electric currents. Therefore, there must be an electric current generating the intense fields in a pulsar. It is also indisputable that the feeder current must be part of a circuit, since persistent electric current must flow in a completed circuit.

The oscillations in pulsars are caused by resonant effects in electric circuits. The sudden release of stored electrical energy in a “double layer” is responsible for their energetic outbursts. Pulsars do not shine with visible light alone; sometimes X-rays and gamma rays are seen. The outbursts begin with a sudden peak of energy, and then gradually decline, like a stroke of lightning.

As the current flows through clouds of dusty plasma it concentrates forces because of the Biot-Savart effect, drawing itself together and forming helical zones of immense compression known as "z-pinches" or "Bennett pinches." Depending on how much electricity is flowing through the circuit, the star's magnetic field will be greater where there is more current.

It seems more likely that in pulsars we are witnessing an immense concentration of electricity being focused by some kind of "plasma gun" effect.
What is the difference between pulsars and magnetars?

Pulsars contain fewer protons.

Why is the burst of a magnetar invisible?

Because it is cold. The eruption of protons causes filaments due to the rule that parallel currents attract each other. No collision among protons is possible. Therefore the HST does not see the X ray-jets of the Crab pulsar!

Why do the pulsars rotate quicker than the magnetars?

The magnetars have a stronger magnetic field due to their denser proton skin.
Electric Cosmos
"Internal electrostatic forces prevent stars from collapsing gravitationally and occasionally cause them to "give birth" by electrical fissioning to form companion stars and gas giant planets. Sudden brightening or a nova outburst marks such an event. That elucidates why stars commonly have partners and why most of the giant planets so far detected closely orbit their parent star."

The final distribution of mass and current density is sensitive to the mechanics of the splitting process. Such a process can only be violent - possibly resulting in a nova eruption. Some mass may be lost to the plasma cloud that later can appear as a planetary nebula or nova-remnant that surrounds the binary pair.
Twinkle, twinkle electric star
A white dwarf is a star that is under low electrical stress so that bright ‘anode tufting’ is not required. The star appears extremely hot, white and under-luminous because it is equivalent to having the faint white corona discharge of the Sun reach down to the star’s atmosphere. As usual, a thin plasma sheath will be formed between the plasma of the star and the plasma of space. The electric field across the plasma sheath is capable of accelerating electrons to generate X-rays when they hit atoms in the atmosphere. And the power dissipated is capable of raising the temperature of a thin plasma layer to tens of thousands of degrees.
A Young White Dwarf Companion to Pulsar B1620-26: Evidence for Early Planet Formation
The pulsar B1620-26 has two companions, one of stellar mass and one of planetary mass. We detected the stellar companion with the use of Hubble Space Telescope observations. The color and magnitude of the stellar companion indicate that it is an undermassive white dwarf (0.34 ± 0.04 solar mass) of age 480 × 106 ± 140 × 106 years. This places a constraint on the recent history of this triple system and supports a scenario in which the current configuration arose through a dynamical exchange interaction in the cluster core. This implies that planets may be relatively common in low-metallicity globular clusters and that planet formation is more widespread and has happened earlier than previously believed.
Vela Supernova Remnant
At the northwestern edge of the constellation Vela (the Sails) the four frame mosaic is over 10 degrees wide, centered on the glowing filaments of the Vela Supernova Remnant, the expanding debris cloud from the death explosion of a massive star. Light from the supernova explosion that created the Vela remnant reached Earth about 11,000 years ago. In addition to the shocked filaments of glowing gas, the cosmic catastrophe also left behind an incredibly dense, rotating stellar core, the Vela Pulsar.
Vela Supernova Remnant File
This site provides some background about the Vela supernova remnant (SNR), a roughly 11,000 year old leftover from a supernova explosion in our Milky Way galaxy. This object is about 250 parsec (815 light years) away in the constellation of Vela (which represents the sail of the mythical Argonaut's ship). This distance makes the Vela SNR one of the closest SNRs to the solar system.
The Binary Pulsar PSR 1913+16 ... sr1913.htm
In 1993, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Russell Hulse and Joseph Taylor of Princeton University for their 1974 discovery of a pulsar, designated PSR1913+16, in a binary system, in orbit with another star around a common center of mass.

After timing the radio pulses for some time, Hulse and Taylor noticed that there was a systematic variation in the arrival time of the pulses. Sometimes, the pulses were received a little sooner than expected; sometimes, later than expected. These variations changed in a smooth and repetitive manner, with a period of 7.75 hours. They realized that such behavior is predicted if the pulsar were in a binary orbit with another star.

The pulsar and its companion both follow elliptical orbits around their common center of mass. Each star moves in its orbit according to Kepler's Laws; at all times the two stars are found on opposite sides of a line passing through the center of mass. The period of the orbital motion is 7.75 hours, and the stars are believed to be nearly equal in mass, about 1.4 solar masses. As shown in the figure here, the orbits are quite eccentric. The minimum separation at periastron is about 1.1 solar radii; the maximum separation at apastron is 4.8 solar radii.
Discovery of Two Relativistic Neutron Star White Dwarf Binaries ... .text.html
We have discovered two recycled pulsars in relativistic orbits as part of the first high-frequency survey of intermediate Galactic latitudes. PSR J1157-5112 is a 44 ms pulsar and the first recycled pulsar with an ultramassive (M > 1.14 M ) white dwarf companion. Millisecond pulsar J1757-5322 is a relativistic circular-orbit system that will coalesce because of the emission of gravitational radiation in less than 9.5 Gyr. Of the 40 known circular-orbit pulsars, J1757-5322 and J1157-5112 have the highest projected orbital velocities. There are now three local neutron star/white dwarf binaries that will coalesce in less than a Hubble time, implying a large coalescence rate for these objects in the local universe. Systems such as J1141-6545 are potential gamma-ray burst progenitors and dominate the coalescence rate, while lighter systems make excellent progenitors of millisecond pulsars with planetary or ultra low mass companions. ... 120#p46960

Does Sirius C Exist?

Test 11 - Sirius C has "rays" (flares?).

The Dogon say that emme ya "also emits rays which have the quality of solar rays" and give these rays as the symbol.

It has been hypothesised that Sirius C became visible in the 1920s because of flaring (the observations do not match Benest and Duvent's orbital data). Red dwarf flaring was discovered on October 12, 1994 by a team led by Dr. Jeffrey Linsky at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA) in Boulder, Colorado, in another observation of faint objects with the Hubble Space Telescope.

The star Gliese 752B (VB10) and its companion star Gliese 752A make up a binary system located 19 light-years away in the constellation Aquila. Gliese 752A is a red dwarf that is one-third the mass of the Sun and slightly more than half its diameter. By contrast, Gliese 752B is physically smaller than the planet Jupiter and only about nine percent the mass of our Sun. This very faint star is near the threshold of the lowest possible mass for a true star (0.08 Mo), below which nuclear fusion processes cannot take place according to current models, and "brown dwarf" stars result.

Using Hubble's Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) to look for solar flares as occur on our own sun, there was surprise that while the larger red dwarf was flaring as predicted, tiny Gliese 752B, 0.08 Mo, normal temperature 4,500 degrees F, also produced a flare of 270,000 degrees F, despite not having a radiative core, meaning that it must have a strong magnetic field or "dynamo." Hence Sirius C, a star said to be of similar size, could also flare. ... 525#p39707
Consider the following: Sirius was called the 'Arrow star', and the Sanskrit word for 'an arrow, 'ishu', also means 'ray of light', and the Dogon tradition tells us that the ray of Digitaria (i.e. Sirius B) sweeps the Earth once a year. This imagery of an arrow-like ray of light that periodically 'sweeps' the Earth strongly reminds me of one particular type of star - a 'pulsar'. A 'pulsar' is a neutron star that rotates rapidly and causes electromagnetic beams to be emitted like a lighthouse (i.e. rotating light beams). The unique thing about pulsars is that their light emission is focused into 'arrow-like' beams and not omni-directional like most light sources in the sky. Therefore, the visibility of a pulsar depends on the geometry involved between the pulsar and the observer. So it is possible that a pulsar that's been invisible to us for a long time suddenly appears in the sky due to some slow-shifting geometric relationship.

What I'm getting at, is that there may be a pulsar in the Sirius system that's about to be observable for us on Earth. And this would make the "double sun" of Sirius. But will it be Sirius B? Sirius B is considered to be a 'white dwarf' and 'white dwarfs are not known to develop into pulsars, so scientifically it's unlikely, but science is always revising itself so I won't rule out the possibility of some unknown mechanism that lets Sirius B become a pulsar.

But there is another possibility I'd like to mention here. It's 'emme ya'/'Sirius C' - claimed by the Dogon to exist but not yet confirmed by scientific observation. According to the Dogon tradition, this star "throws out two pairs of radii (beams)" and it's "the only star which emits these beams which have the quality of solar rays" ('Sirius Mystery', pp 44-45). These descriptions remarkably match the characteristics of a pulsar! What other celestial bodies "throws pairs of beams" besides pulsars? Furthermore, 'emme ya/Sirius C is called the 'sun of women', 'a little sun', and it is said to be accompanied by a satellite called the 'star of Women'. And this 'star of women' is represented by the sign of a 'cross', which correlates with the astrological 'grand cross' of Aug. 18, '99 (also the date for Cassini-earth 'crossing') and the cross of Christianity, the Knights Templar, etc. - all relevant to Sirius.
The Freemasons begin their calendar from A.L., “In the Year of Light,” found by adding 4000 to the modern year. Thus 1990 + 4000 is equal to 5990 A.L. George Michanowsky wrote in “The Once and Future Star” that “the Ancient Sumerian cuneiform described a giant star exploding within a triangle formed by Zeta Puppis, Gamma Velorum and Lambda Velorum located in the southern sky. (An) accurate star catalogue now stated that the blazing star that had exploded within the triangle would again be seen by man in 6000 years.” According to the Freemason’s calendar it will occur around 2000 and indeed it will. "Behold a Pale Horse" – William Cooper – page 72
There are three stars associated with the name “wazn” (“wezen”) or weight

Delta (δ) Canis Major, Wezen, (Sirius)
lambda Argo Navis (Alsuhail) (Vela)
alpha Centaurus (Rigil Kent) (Centaurus)

However, there were two stars “usurped” from Canis Major (Sirius) when Bayer created the constellation called Columba.

The part thus usurped was called Muliphein from al-muhlifein. These two stars are now alpha and beta Columbae (Phaet and Wazn). Muliphein is recognized as comprehending the two stars called Had'ar, ground, and al-wezn, weight.

Phaet and Wazn are considered to be a “ground” and a “weight” which is the same association Phillip Coppens made between Sirius (the arrow) and Canopus (the plumb line)
The Sirius Mystery ... irio09.htm
Plutarch said that Anubis was a 'horizontal circle, which divides the invisible part which they call Nephthys from the visible to which they give the name Isis; and as this circle equally touches upon the confines of both light and darkness, it may be looked upon as common to them both.'

This is as clear an ancient description as one could expect of a circular orbit (called 'Anubis') of a dark and invisible star (called 'Nephthys') around its 'sister', a light and visible star (called 'Isis) and we know Isis to have been equated with Sirius.

What is missing here are the following specific points which must be at this stage still our assumptions:

(a) The circle is actually an orbit
(b) The divine characters are actually stars, specifically in this context

Isis-as-Sirius was customarily portrayed by the ancient Egyptians in their paintings as traveling with two companions in the same celestial boat. And as we know, Sirius does, according to some astronomers, have two companions, Sirius B and Sirius C.

To the Arabs, a companion-star to Sirius (in the same constellation of the Great Dog) was named 'Weight' and was supposed to be extremely heavy -- almost too heavy to rise over the horizon.

The true companion-star of Sirius, Sirius B, is made of super-dense matter which is heavier than any normal matter in the universe and the weight of this tiny star is the same as that of a gigantic normal star.

The Dogon also say that Sirius B is 'heavy' and they speak of its 'weight'.

The Arabs also applied the name 'Weight' to the star Canopus in the constellation Argo. The Argo was a ship in mythology which carried Danaos and his fifty daughters to Rhodes. The Argo had fifty oarsmen under Jason, called Argonauts. There were fifty oars to the Argo, each with its oarsman-Argonaut. The divine oarsman was an ancient Mediterranean motif with sacred meanings.

The orbit of Sirius B around Sirius A takes fifty years, which may be related to the use of the number fifty to describe aspects of the Argo.

The chief god of Sumer, named Anu, was pictured as a jackal, which is a variation of the dog motif and was used also in Egypt for Anubis, the dog and the jackal apparently being interchangeable as symbols. The Egyptian form of the name Anubis is 'Anpu' and is similar to the Sumerian 'Anu', and both are jackal-gods.

Anu is also called An (a variation) by the Sumerians. In Egypt Osiris is called An also.

Remembering that Plutarch said that Anubis (Anpu in Egyptian) was a circle, it is interesting to note that in Sanskrit the word Anda means 'ellipse'. This may be a coincidence.

Wallis Budge says that Anubis represents time. The combined meanings of 'time' and 'circle' for Anubis hint strongly at 'circular motion'.

The worship of Anubis was a secret mystery religion restricted to. Plutarch who writes of Anubis, was an initiate of several mystery religions, and there is reason to believe his information was from well-informed sources. A variant translation of Plutarch's description of Anubis is that Anubis was 'a combined relation' between Isis and Nephthys. This has overtones which help in thinking of 'the circle' as an orbit - a 'combined relation' between the star orbiting and the star orbited.

The Egyptians used the name Horus to describe 'the power which is assigned to direct the revolution of the sun', according to Plutarch. Thus the Egyptians conceived of and named such specific dynamics.

Plutarch says Anubis guarded like a dog and attended on Isis. This fact, plus Anubis being 'time' and 'a circle', suggests even more an orbital concept -- the ideal form of attendance of the prowling guard dog.

Plutarch relates Isis to the Greek goddess Athena (daughter of Zeus) and says of them they were both described as 'coming from themselves', and as 'self-impelled motion'. Athena supervised the Argo and placed in its prow the guiding oak timber from Dodona (which is where the Greek ark landed, with the Greek version of the Biblical Noah, Deukalion, and his wife Pyrrha). The Argo thus obtained a distinctive 'self-impelled motion' from Athena, whom Plutarch specifically relates to Isis in this capacity.

The earliest versions of the Argo epic which were written before the time of Homer are unfortunately lost. The surviving version of the epic is good reading but relatively recent (third century B.C.).

The Sumerians had 'fifty heroes', 'fifty great gods', etc., just as the later Greeks with their Argo had 'fifty heroes' and the Argo carried 'fifty daughters of Donaos'.

An Egyptian papyrus says the companion of Isis is 'Lord in the perfect black'. This sounds like the invisible Sirius B. Isis's companion Osiris 'is a dark god'.

The Trismegistic treatise 'The Virgin of the World' from Egypt refers to 'the Black Rite', connected with the 'black' Osiris, as the highest degree of secret initiation possible in the ancient Egyptian religion -- it is the ultimate secret of the mysteries of Isis.

There is evidence that 'the Black Rite' did deal with astronomical matters. Hence the Black Rite concerned astronomical matters, the black Osiris, and Isis. The evidence mounts that it may thus have concerned the existence of Sirius B.

It must be remembered that without our present knowledge of white dwarf stars which are invisible except with modern telescopes, our knowledge of super-dense matter from atomic physics with all its complicated technology, etc., none of our discussion of the Sirius system would be possible; it would not be possible to propose such an explanation of the Black Rite at all -- we could not propound the Sirius question.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Fri Feb 11, 2011 8:50 am

On Lucifer and the "Twin Suns"

A Fable ... tery09.htm
Actually, the Dogon seem to make a clear differentiation between the ark in which the Nommos actually landed on earth and what we may surmise was the true interstellar spaceship hovering above in the sky at a great distance, and which the Dogon seem to describe as appearing in the sky as a new star, and leaving with the Nommos at their departure from Earth.

The Dogon also describe this 'star' specifically as having a circle of reddish rays around it, and this circle of rays is 'like a spot spreading' but remaining the same size.

It should thus not surprise us that the celestial symbol of the resurrection is the "star of the tenth moon", ie pelu tolo . . . This star is not easy to see. . . . The ten rays, placed in pairs, are inside the circle because the star has not yet "emerged.”

Among the numerous observed triple systems of stars circling a common center of gravity, it has been found that the third member always has a much greater distance and period than the other two components. Celestial mechanics illuminates this phenomenon by demonstrating that a triple system is unstable if the two secondary stars are nearly equidistant from the system's center of gravity.

If the periods of B (Digitaria) and C (emmeya) are similar, as stated by the Dogon, their orbits must have similar dimensions (Kepler's Law). But this constitutes an unstable system (celestial mechanics) and it would also contradict the Dogon's thesis that emmeya has a 'greater trajectory'.

The Dogon must have realized that the orbital radii of Digitaria and emme ya could not remain at right angles with one another unless the periods were the same. If he did, this would constitute an argument in favor of accepting the tradition assigning a 50 yr. period to emme ya, as opposed to the tradition assigning a period of 32 years.

This diagram shows the general orbits of planets capable of supporting life in binary systems. Notice that one such orbit is a figure-eight exactly of the kind I suggest for Sirius C, with its accompanying planet. However, this kind of orbit would more probably be unstable. It is a possibility, but if it has existed at one stage, it would probably have collapsed into some other configuration after a short time - long before life could have evolved in the Sirius system.

Dr Paul Murdin of the Royal Greenwich Observatory summed the situation up brilliantly when he said that a coin, when tossed, may indeed land on its edge; but even if it does, it will soon topple over, so that the probabilities for a tossed coin landing on its edge become meaningless in real situations. Our figure-8 orbit therefore probably cannot exist as a permanently stable feature of the Sirius system, no matter how attractive it may be to us in theory. But my idea of an orbit for Sirius C at right angles to the plane of Sirius B's motion (but without the figure-8) was, I was assured by Murdin, probably the ideal solution.

For the hypothetical star could penetrate the Sirius B plane of motion in a vast range of places without disrupting Sirius B's orbit, as long as the perpendicularity of the two planes of motion was retained. A 50-year or 32-year elliptical orbit for Sirius C, therefore, in a plane perpendicular to that of Sirius B's orbit is entirely possible. These multiple star motions involve such complicated celestial mechanics that the necessary computations are well beyond the competence of most professional astronomers.

Only certain specialist astronomers are capable of such work. Plottings have been made of the possible orbits for third stars in certain binary systems, and at the time of going finally to press, I am seeking the views of R. S. Harrington, S.S. Huang, and D. Lauterborn on these hypothetical problems. Harrington has demonstrated that a triple-star system is stable under conditions where the perisastron distance in outer orbit divided by the semi-major axis of inner orbit is not less than 3.5 if the orbit is direct or 2.75 if it is retrograde.

Bearing this in mind, Dr Paul Murdin of the Royal Greenwich Observatory concludes:
'There seems no reason to me why there should not be a Sirius C, say another white dwarf, at a distance from Sirius A of four hundred times the radius of our Sun, with orbital plane in the plane of the sky so as not to perturb the radial velocity of Sirius A.' And he says that 'its orbit will precess in time due to B, but with a period larger than the period of B, so we may be unlucky at this time in not seeing the perturbations.' (This refers to Lindenblad's negative results.)

As I remarked in Chapter One and now I mention again, it may well be that Sirius C follows a figure-eight orbit around both Sirius A and Sirius B alternately. Perhaps its total orbital period is 50 years and its larger loop period is 32 years. It may orbit in a plane which is at right angles to the plane of Sirius B's orbit. It would genuinely be a 'greater trajectory' because its figure-eight would encompass both of the other stars, but its actual distance and time would still obey Kepler's third law and would not exceed those of Sirius B with the same period.

Indeed, the identity of the periods of Sirius B and Sirius C might be a synchronous phenomenon lending stability to such a complex system. The Dogon seem to claim that the planet on which the amphibians live elliptically orbits the star emme ya, Sirius C. What is required now is a great deal of calculation by a professional astronomer to consider the amount of radiation to which a planet would be exposed following the star Sirius C in a figure-eight orbit of the kind I have proposed. Would life be possible on such a body?

The astronomer Su-Shu Huang has written an essay 'Life Supporting Regions in the Vicinity of Binary Systems' which appears in the book Interstellar Communication. This essay examines the conditions under which planets supporting life can exist in systems with more than one sun.
Live No Evil ... -2012.html
According to metaphysical researcher Peter Farley, Nibiru is not a ‘planet’ that comes through this part of the solar system every 3,600 years but a white dwarf star, Sirius B, in Canis Major, and that Sirius B is the home of the Annunaki. Sirius B orbits bright visible Sirius A. Farley reckons that the 3,600 years relates to the celestial measurements of time of the opening and closing of portals for the Annunaki to travel to and from our solar system, not the physical planet coming round and into our solar system. He gives this as the reason for the ‘alignment’ of ‘sacred’ sites to the stars in order to calculate these times, especially to the planet Jupiter. Also the word “Shar” means “3,600”.

In another language, Akkadian, there was a pictorial ‘sharru’ which meant Marduk or ‘supreme ruler’, not planet. The mixing up of two completely different languages comes from Sitchin. Peter Farley's idea of Sirius B may seem the most accurate one so far. The Dogons claim the Ngomo told them that around their star is another star and yet another star again (a trinity star system). In 1947 scientists discovered that Sirius, the bright blue star to the bottom left from the three stars in Orion’s belt, has a dwarf star around it with another star also. That trio of stars is the Sirius A, B and C system.

Sirius A is the one that we can still see in the sky. Sirius B is the burned-out shell left in orbit after that star ascended into the sixth dimension and what is left of that is the what the scientists term ‘Brown Dwarf Stars’.

The third star, Sirius C is called ‘Anu’; it ascended to the fourth dimension but when it passed through the astral tube (a black hole), one of the planets in that star’s solar system and that was Nibiru. So Anu, Nibiru's sun, is Sirius C and in the fourth dimension (hence we don't perceive it with our physical senses) and Nibiru is one of its planets that got left behind. Nibiru is supposed to ricochet back and forth between the Sirian star system and our star system because it got captured in an electro-magnetic pull between the two stars.
Kanye West's MONSTER's RUNAWAY: LUCIFER/SIRIUS Rising ... naway.html
Lucifer is first described as a shining angel, a bright light, light bearer, light bringer and the morning star. Created in the heavenly realms of Shemi Hashamyim, Lucifer and the other angels inhabited the planet Rahab (Maldek) and its satellites Mars and Venus, and were given reign and dominion over many worlds of the material kingdoms in the initial configuration of the Solar System.

Temple, along with French anthropologists Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen disclosed that the Dogon's understanding of the general structure and evolution of the universe rest upon the three major stars: Sirius A - Sigi Tolo, Sirius B - Po Tolo and Sirius C - Emma Ya Tolo; and their relationship with Po, the spiraling black hole at the center of the galaxy.

The Dogons believed that Sirius B was the oldest of the stars and was the creative organizing source and force of the world, producing a sacred energy of Eloptic Black Light from the stream of ionized hydrogenous essence of Sirius A. Though, not yet confirmed by scientist, "The Little Sun" Sirius C, exhibits similar characteristics to that of Sirius B. Sirius C, Emma Ya Tolo, is hard to observe, since its small faint stellar field is masked by the great brightness of Sirius A. It is a red Dwarf Star or Pulsar and is called the "Sun of Women." According to the Dogon, Sirius C lies at the centre of the Sirius Star System constantly emitting red solar rays - a Blazing Star transmitting its essence towards Sirius A and B from its orbital position. Sirius C is also accompanied by a spiraling satellite called Nyan Tolo, the "Star of Women." Nyan Tolo is represented by a spiral and/or cross. Sirius A, B, and C constitutes the Solar Trinity.
Karl Maria Wiligut ... ia_Wiligut
Germanic culture and history according to Wiligut would reach back to 228,000 BC. At this time, there were three suns, and Earth was inhabited by giants, dwarfs and other mythical creatures.

Werner von Bülow translates:

"Legend says that two Suns, two wholesome in change rule -- UR and SUN, like the hourglass which turned upside down.

Santur is interpreted as a burnt-out Sun that was still visible at the time of Homer. Rüdiger speculates that this was the center of the solar system hundreds of millennia ago, and he imagines a fight between the new and the old Suns that as decided 330,000 years ago. Santur is seen as the source of power of the Hyperboreans.
UNDER A BLACK SUN ... read/79581
Searching for the long-term background to current circumstances brings up a worthy line of inquiry delving into connections between Turk and Malta seen as “brotherhoods” of ancient origin.

Bathymetry may ultimately verify that before the Catastrophe that abruptly terminated the Pleistocene era ca 12,000 BP (see "The Day the Earth Nearly Died"), the Mediterranean Basin was dry land, home to the agrarian civilization "Osiria" (remnants "Syria" and "Assyria"), and today's Nile River turned westward, known in that part of Osiria as the "River Styx".

Another Wiki page, on Karl Maria Willigut ("Hitler's Rasputin") says: "Santur is interpreted as a burnt-out Sun that was still visible at the time of Homer. Rudiger speculates that this was the center of the solar system hundreds of millennia ago, and he imagines a fight between the new and the old Suns that was decided 330,000 years ago. Santur is seen as the source of power of the Hyperboreans."

The myth of the 'black sun' which was able to win a central place in the neo-fascist movement and displays similarities with the Tibetan Rahu myth from the Kalachakra Tantra, can be traced to the inspiration of Wiligut and his milieu among others. In a commentary on Wiligut’s runic writings, a pupil, Emil Rudiger, mentions an invisible dark planet, Santur by name, which is supposed to influence human history and to be able to be microcosmically linked with the energy body of an adept.

If "Hyperboreans" can mean "People from beyond the North Wind", is that a reference to the perpetual tornadic formation that stretched from Earth's North Pole to Mars before the Catastrophe ("destruction of a star")?

Prior to the original Great Flood, the off-gassing of Mars' atmosphere to Venus was observed from Earth, according to deciphered mythic traditions. (See the online book, Thunderbolts of the Gods at ) Before the breakup of the Saturn system had progressed that far along, the former "race" who dwelt on Mars had been forced to permanently relocate to Earth. These are the Anunnaki Giants. This is the "superior race" of Sebottendorf et al.

I believe eventually we will gather info showing that the favored location on Earth, after the very worst of the Catastrophe was over, turned out to be ancient Sundaland, which had not yet been fully inundated. As a result of several major "after effects" of the original Catastrophe, Sunda was gradually inundated, forcing once again a migration to 'less favorable' environs. Some of the emigrants chose the route through high mountain passes and moved westward across North Asia as the people of the steppes. Others chose the southerly route through green forests. I believe this cultural lineage was known as "the sea peoples". This mysterious term could have been their own self-description. Sunda was very much "of the sea", like Mars before the Catastrophe.

Those two branches met up again at the crucial western terminus of the Silk Road (ancient Anatolia, today's Turkey).

In the days of old Osiria (before the Flood raised the sea-level and flooded the Mediterranean), I believe Malta had been a major administrative center in the planetary scheme, like today's greatest cities.

The very oldest "brotherhoods" trace their origins all the way back to the "Time" before the original great Flood, to "First Time" (Zep Tepi) and have been working for several millennia now to "put Humpty Dumpty together again" and regressively transform our present "Second Time" (basic unit of time being the 'second') back to "First Time" ('lockdown').

All through these several most recent millennia, Anatolia/Turkey was located at the crucial Crossroads where Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Subcontinent all join.

Some of these old brotherhoods are working to re-establish the global dominion of the Empire that administered this slave-planet before the "destruction of a star".

This could very well be the origin of the Sabbateans/Sabbataians/Shabbathaians/Sebottians ("predators disguised as sheep") who have been utilizing the Abrahamic Faiths as their "Shadow Triad", with the core of "True Faith" balanced through the centuries by the millions and billions and the compelling testament of their human experience.

This is reflected in the various EU symbols showing a crescent or stars arranged in a crescent oriented so as to make a reference to "East".

And there is a different line that can be regarded as a "Templar" line in that the root of 'temple' means 'time'.
Who are the Sabbatean Franks ... 105#p46942

Jacob Frank (יעקב פרנק Ya'akov Frank, Jakob Frank; 1726–1791) was an 18th century Jewish religious leader who claimed to be the reincarnation of the self-proclaimed messiah Sabbatai Zevi and also of King David. Frank and his followers were excommunicated due to his extremely unconventional doctrines that included acceptance of the New Testament, Enlightenment and some controversial concepts such as "purification through transgression".

Frank arguably created a new religion, now referred to as Frankism, which combined some aspects of Christianity and Judaism. The development of Frankism was one of the consequences of the messianic movement of Sabbatai Zevi, the religious mysticism that resulted as a reaction to nascent Hassidism and the socioeconomic upheavals among the Jews of Poland and Ukraine. ... 947#p43771
According to these same books, the “fallen angels”, lead by Satan, descended to earth and interbred with the female descendants of Cain, and taught them magic. This magic actually formed part of a broader cult that included the worship of Satan as god. It can be identified in ancient times as the worship of what has often been described as a “dying-god”.

This became the basis of this cult as it was worshipped throughout the ancient world. Rituals involved a ritual of death and resurrection, to imitate that of the god. Participants would imbibe intoxicants, and dance to music in order to achieve a state of ecstasy, or Jinn possession, by which they believed they could achieve supernatural abilities like shape-shifting, clairvoyance and other magical powers. In this state they would slaughter a child, which represented the dead god, and eat its flesh and drink its blood so that the god could be reborn in them.
This ancient cult took many guises throughout the centuries. In the West, it has survived as a number of secret societies, most notably the Rosicrucians, the Freemasons, and its various fringe organisations. But what all these numerous secret societies have in common is an adherence to what is called the Kabbalah, which is a Jewish adaptation of the ancient worship of the dying-god.

The worship of the dying god was further reinforced when the Israelites entered the land of the Canaanites, who worshipped a version of the dying-god and goddess, Baal and Astarte. Various hints in the Bible suggest that the Canaanites were descendants of the Anakim, in other words the Fallen Angels and the female descendants of Cain.
The true Judaism of Moses was only practised by a handful of orthodox reformers. It was such that numerous warnings were pronounced against the Israelites, warning them to desist from their idolatry.
Constantine was the last in a long time of rulers, descended from the priest-kings of Emesa, who had intermarried with the Houses of Herod, Commagene, and the Julio-Claudian line of Emperors. They had been responsible through the centuries, of attempting to impose the religion of Elegabalus, a version of Baal, also known as Sol Invictus, the “Invincible Sun”, which was closely related to the cult of Mithraism. They finally succeeded with Constantine the Great, who ended the project incepted by Herod, to subvert the emerging Christian movement, by corrupting it into disguised Mithras worship.

This important bloodline was continued in a descendant of Constantine, known as Arthur, King of the Britons, made famous by the legends of the Holy Grail. According to British chroniclers of the Middle Ages, Constantine was also descended from another prominent Grail figure, Joseph of Arimathea.
The Saxons, various ancient chroniclers maintained, were the Sacaea, descended from the Scythians of southern Russia.

The Saxons, like the Vikings, claimed descent from a Hunnish leader named Uldin, later Odin, or Wotan. According to the Yngling Saga, written by the Icelander Snorri Sturluson, Odin had moved north from the land of Asgaard, which was on the northwestern coast of the Black Sea, at the basin of the Don River in southern Russia. Asgard is likely the same as Arsareth, to which the Lost Tribes, following their captivity, were to have been relocated, according to ancient apocryphal works like the Book of 2 Esdras.
It was the Scythians’ counterparts who chose to remain behind in the Don River Basin, who converted to Judaism in the eighth century AD, and who were known as Khazars. The word “Ashkenaz” is thought to have originally applied to the Scythians (Ishkuz), who were called Ashkuza in Assyrian inscriptions. It has also been claimed that the Khazars derived from both the Edomites and the so-called “Lost Tribes”. Like their Edomite ancestors, the Khazars were also red-headed, and came to be known as “Red Jews”.
With the collapse of the Khazar Empire in the tenth century, the Khazars were forced to move into other parts of Europe, where they contributed in producing the aristocracies of Hungary, Bulgaria and Poland. A particular woman was important in this nexus, named Dubrawka of Bomehia, through whom these various bloodlines coalesced, to produce the important occult families of Western Europe.

From her descendants emerged the important union between this Khazar heritage, and the emerging bloodlines of Western Europe, the most important of which was that of the Merovingians, originally from Scythia. It is commonly repeated in occult circles that Mary Magdalene had brought to southern France a child she bore to Jesus, and that her lineage was survived among the Merovingians. A descendant of Mary Magdalene and this Jesus, Quintus Tarus, a prefect of Rome, married Argotta, heiress of the Franks, to father King Merovech, ancestor of the Merovingians dynasty.

However, into the Merovingian dynasty there was also introduced the line of Rabbi Makhir, or Natronai, a representative of the Jewish Exilarchs, who ruled the Jewish communities of the Muslim world from Baghdad. He was supposedly the father Guillaume de Gellone, one of the most famous heroes of the Medieval romances.

A dispute apparently arose as to successorship to the Exilarchate, and Natronai lost his claim and was banished to “the West”. According to historian Arthur Zuckerman, Makhir would have adopted the Christian name Theodoric, or Thierry, and assumed the title of King of the Jews, and ruled over the independent state of Septimania in southern France, with the city of Narbonne as its capital. In the romances Theirry is called Aymery, the father of Guillaume de Gellone. The device of his shield was the Lion of Judah.

As late as 1143, Peter the Venerable of Cluny, in an address to Louis VII of France, condemned the Jews of Narbonne who continued to claim to have a king residing among them, a claim based presumably on the legend of Makhir. In 1144, Theobald, a Cambridge monk, spoke of “the chief Princes and Narbonne where the royal seed resides.” In 1165-66 Benjamin of Tudela, the famous Jewish traveller and chronicler, reports that in Narbonne there are “sages, magnates and princes at the head of whom is… a remnant of the House of David as stated in his family tree.”

Guillaume married into the family of Charlemagne, ruler of what came to be known as the first important European power, the Holy Roman Empire. As well as being descended from the Merovingians, Charlemagne was also descended from the Mithraic bloodline. The intermarriage of the House of Herod, the Julio-Claudian dynasty, the House of Commagene, and priest-kings of Emeasa, bifurcated into two important directions. One of these was the imperial line that eventually produced Constantine. These two bloodlines were finally reunited in the person of St. Arnulf, Bishop of Metz, the great-grandfather of Charlemagne.

It is frequently claimed by genealogists that all of European aristocracy can claim descent from Charlemagne. From the combined heritage of the Merovingians, Charlemagne and Guillaume of Gellone, emerged the kings of France, who would continue to use the Kabbalistic symbol of the lily as their heraldic symbol.
While Freemasonry was devoted to a monarchist objective, it was not until the advent of the Illuminati that Freemasonry would be used for the definite aim of seeking world order. The Illuminati was a secret order, brought into being at the instigation of the notorious Rothschilds, who were adherents, according to scholar Rabbi Antelman, of a heretical sect that represented an evolution of Lurianic Kabbalah. The Rothschilds belonged to a sect known as the Shabbateans, incepted by the false-messiah, Shabbetai Zevi.

In 1666, Zevi, followed by his prophet, Nathan of Gaza, proclaimed himself the promised Messiah of Judaism. Zevi succeeded in rallying a large following, extending to nearly half of the Jewish population of the world at the time, including the Jews of Palestine, Egypt, and Eastern and Western Europe. The movement was shattered however, when, forced by the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire to choose martyrdom or conversion, Zevi chose conversion to Islam. However, some followed Zevi into conversion, and there is, down to the present time, an Islamic sect in Turkey that follows his teachings, known as the “Dönme”, who profess Islam outwardly, while adhering to a mixture of traditional and heretical Judaism in secret.

The Shabbatean heresy, which for some time survived in secret circles akin to something of a Masonic organisation, eventually reasserted itself through the sect known as the Frankists. The Frankists were also known as the Zoharists, or the Illuminated, or simply as Shabbateans Zevists.
According to Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman, in To Eliminate the Opiate, it was the founder of the Rothschild dynasty who convinced Adam Weishaupt to accept the Frankist doctrine, and who afterwards financed the Illuminati. The Rothschild family was founded by a Jewish goldsmith, born Amschel Moses Bauer, who decided to settle in Frankfurt, Germany. He opened a Counting House, and over the door placed his sign, a red shield, featuring a “Star of David”. As “red shield” in German is Roth Schild, Bauer’s son, Amschel Mayer Bauer, took on the name Rothschild.

Rothschild’s wealth was largely achieved through his association with the family of Hesse-Kassel. Landgrave Frederick II of Hesse-Kassel, was the wealthiest man in Europe, as well as a member of the Order of the Garter. Mayer Amschel arranged to hire 16,800 Hessian soldiers to assist the nephew of Federick’s wife, King George III of England, in suppressing the American Rebellion. When Frederick II of Hessen-Kassel died in 1785, Rothschild obtained total influence over his successor, Elector Wilhelm IX, who he managed to make one of the wealthiest monarchs of his time.

In 1773, Mayer Rothschild had invited twelve other wealthy and influential men, to convince them to pool their resources in a plot to bring about a new world order. Thus was Adam Weishaupt commissioned to establish the Illuminati. Though born Jewish, as a young boy, Weishaupt was educated by the Jesuits. On May 1, 1776, three years after the Jesuit order was disbanded by the Church, Weishaupt announced the foundation of the Illuminati.
According to Albert Pike, a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason, and American Civil War general, the successors to the Illuminati were the Asiatic Brethren, a secret order created by Moses Dobrushka, Jacob Frank’s nephew and successor. The Asiatic Brethren, also known as the Fratres Lucis, or the Brotherhood of Light, comprised chiefly of Jews, Turks, Persians, and Armenians, and purportedly represented a survival of the same “Johannite Christians” rescued by the Templars, that is, the Sabians. Their full title was The Knights and Brethren of St. John the Evangelist.

The Grand Master of the Asiatic Brethren, and leading member of the Illuminati, was Prince Karl of Hessen-Kassel, the brother of Wilhelm, and cousin to Frederick II the Great of Prussia. Another member of the Asiatic Brethren was the Comte de St. Germain, a notorious charlatan and alchemist, whom many believed to be immortal. He continues to be regarded by many as the leading figure of modern occult history. St. Germain was a Grand Master of Freemasonry, and had become an acquaintance of Louis XV King of France and his mistress Madame de Pompadour. St. Germain was a permanent houseguest of Karl’s, who called him “the greatest philosopher who ever lived,” and nicknamed him “Papa”.

St. Germain was in St Petersburg, where he participated in a conspiracy when the Russian army assisted Catherine the Great in usurping the throne from her husband Peter III of Russia. Catherine the Great is remembered as one of the “Enlightened Monarchs”, because she implemented several political and cultural reforms on behalf of the Illuminati. Voltaire, with whom she maintained regular correspondence, called her “Semiramis of Russia”, in reference to the ancient Babylonian queen, on whom the worship of the goddess Astarte was based. Catherine was succeeded by her son Csar Paul I. In her memoirs, she strongly implies that his father was not her husband Peter III, but her lover Sergei Saltykoff, one of many aliases of the Comte St. Germain.
Reptilian Brain, Cthulhu, Neptune, Typhon and the Merovingian Beast of Revelations ... st-of.html
So I do a lot of wondering about just what’s going on with these reptilians that many claim are at the root of this whole predicament we are in here with the New World Order and WW3. I am working on tying the Beast of Revelations, Cthulhu Mythos, the role of Neptune as a planet and in myth, the "satanic/reptilian bloodlines", and the zodiac as super alchemical processor and much other scattered nonsense; I think it all ties to together well. So much of it points toward our own reptilian nature and the watery / dragon theme of our preset reality as well.
Jerusalem, Sion & Zion: Truth Lies and Historicity ... istoricity

Cain’s Creed: The Cult of Rome ... heist-Saga


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:16 am

The Quest for Immortality at the End of Life and the Beginning of Time
The Hermetica tells us that the earth was once “enveloped” in a “wrapping of immortality”. Does this mean that the earth had once sustained life indefinitely? If so, what preconditions would need to exist in order to produce life-eternal?

The first sign of an Egyptian calendar, found in the Pyramid Texts, consists of 12-months; each of those months contained 30-days – this works out to a 360-day calendar. Later, the texts speak of the epaganomenal days, meaning, “five-days upon the year – these were added sometime around the 4th millennium BC.

Exactly what planetary/orbital conditions would have produced a previously shorter year? A Science magazine article of February 17, 1984 provided geological evidence that in earth’s prehistory there was a denser Tachyon-Field than presently exists, which can only be explained by positing a terrestrial orbit somewhat closer to the sun. This could explain why the first known Egyptian calendar appears to be of a shorter duration; the closer a planet revolves around its sun, the shorter the solar year on that planet due to revolution round a course of smaller circumference.

Without being embedded in an energy-rich Tachyon-Field, the electron would not have the energy for a circular orbit – this applies to planets revolving around stars, as well. Electron orbit radii are fixed (electrons and planets do not naturally stray from their orbital courses) only because atomic matter is immersed in a dense, energy-rich Tachyon-Field. The problem is our planet no longer maintains a circular orbit; it now revolves round an oblong or oval course. In linear Egyptian script the image for the sun, as well as for time, is shown as a dot in the middle of a circle, representing an orbital path round a stationary entity. This implies that at sometime, deep in antiquity, someone was fully aware of our position in the solar system, or had reasonably arrived at a heliocentric theory.

In the Unas Funerary Texts, ca. 2500 BC, there is a reference to an inauguration of a new year, at about 4250 BC – a new year consisting of 365-days, the old one consisted of 360-days. What could have happened that would explain the addition of these 5-days, not to mention the oblong-expansion of the orbit of our planet around the sun? According to mathematician Flavio Barbiero, it was somewhere around 10,000 BC that an asteroid hit the earth and knocked it from its perfect orbit, thereby removing electron orbit radii on our planet from its dense, energy-rich Tachyon-Field, subsequently diminishing all life on our planet.

In the 11th millennium BC, there was an astronomical event known to the Egyptians as the “First Time”, and associated with the “time of Osiris”. This event is supposed to have involved the Belt of Orion, the sun, and the “Pole of the Ecliptic”. I suspect that the sun’s involvement was linked with an asteroid (fireball from the sky). The pole changing was a result of impact with the asteroid, and finally, Orion as Osiris, representing the disease known as death that continually eats away at life on the earth.

Barbiero explains that an asteroid less than 1,000 meters across may have sufficiently knocked us from our perfect orbit, affecting the rotation of the earth on its own axis, as well as its orbit around the. He goes on to say that the new direction of rotation would, furthermore, cause the earth's liquid core to begin to swirl toward the new direction: “the liquid core is the site of electrical currents that are responsible for the magnetic field”, a change in direction could invert the magnetic poles!

If this event brought about what the Egyptians referred to as the “First Time”, I would surmise that it was the first time in the sense that, before this event, when men were immortal, time was not yet a significant factor because men were oblivious to aging. So, in essence, the “First Time” really translates as “The Beginning of Time”, or “When Time Began”.

According to James B. Hurry, Imhotep was referred to as “a maker of times”. This can be taken to mean that he invented the clock. As I had mentioned earlier, the ancient Egyptian symbol for time is identical to their symbol for the sun: a dot in the center of a circle. A number of divinities were associated with time, notably Re, who, as creator of the ordered universe also created time.”

The star known as Sirius was referred to by the ancient Egyptian priests as the “second sun”, indicating a knowledge of the universe orbiting around its core, as well. Here we have what seems to be the concept of motion inextricably linked to the concept of time in such a way that it looks as though they were seen as one and the same.

The Hermetica tells us that, “God has one form, and one alone, but it is a form that no eye can see.” Amun means “hidden” but Amun is also everywhere, all the time. Now follow the inference here: A section in Stanza 60 of the Layden Papyrus states that “Amun (tachyon energy) governs the earth and that his power extends to the edge of the universe. He has no definition, but he (the Tachyon-Field) is the reason why the universe exists (the reason electron orbit radii are fixed). Isis attempted to make stationary the rays of the sun (tachyon particles) so that the Eye of Re (the sun) would never leave man (the son). Amun-Re was the properties of the sun revealed (Amun = the hidden power of god, and Re = the revealed source of that power).

Geb (the earth), once injured (by a celestial body perhaps), could only be healed by the strands of Re’s hair. If the disk of the sun is looked upon as the head of the god so then its rays can be looked upon as the hair of the god.

There is, at present, a world-wide grid of so-called “sacred sites” being developed by Simon Cox and David Alan Ritchie. These sites all show up at longitudinal and latitudinal cross sections, implying that there was some sort of a mapping project going on in the distant past. In order to place these sites geographically, the ancients had to have had a means of aligning them. The answer to that question may rest with the ancient Egyptian ceremony known as the “stretching of the cord”.

This ceremony is actually a process of aligning a plum line with the pole star to find true north (this would explain how the Great Pyramid came to be aligned to true north. This may have been done in order to assess, as closely as possible, the position of the earth in proximity to the rest of the solar system, which would in turn help to reestablish position on the globe if the cardinal directions had been changed from their previous positions once the asteroid had struck.

Whoever it was that measured the earth in prehistory was not satisfied with simply knowing the limits of their time on earth; furthermore they realized that, because of tachyon energy, combined with the earth’s electromagnetic field, nothing on this planet dies – only changes. Conscious living systems (human beings) are naturally self-regenerative.

What is of particular interest here is, the Hermetic view that nothing in the world dies, only changes – an anticipation of what is known as the conservation of energy. Conservation of energy in nature is not possible without free or “zero point” energy. Tachyon energy is the first to emerge from zero point energy.

The reason the cells are able to reproduce themselves at all is due to growth hormone which is necessary because the new cells have to be grown; but, physical declination (aging) is a direct result of the decline of growth hormone, and the declination of growth hormone is a result which stems from the fact that even the brain’s pituitary gland, the gland that produces growth hormone, calcifies and becomes sclerotic over time, as well.

Cell activity in biological organisms produces waste material known as “free radicals”. These “free radicals” because they do not work in harmony with the organism (due to the fact that they are a waste byproduct), attack and ravage the cells. With the production of Growth Hormone, cells are continuously rebuilt to their original specifications, regardless of the damage caused by “free radicals”. However, the success rate of cell regeneration is dependent on the amount of Growth Hormone produced. Cell activity will always produce “free radicals”, much like cars, which consume gasoline will always create exhaust. So this is not the problem – eliminating “free radicals” does not stop the aging process; it merely slows it down by sparing the cells the added nuisance of being “beaten up” while trying to recreate an already degrading program. Luckily, the cells carry a memory of their original program, which is retained for the majority of their lives.

If the once immortal survivors had lived long enough prior to collision with the asteroid, they might have possessed the knowledge necessary to develop the resources needed to survey the globe and sky to determine why and how they were “aging”. Navigation by day would entail following the sun across the sky, whereas navigation by night would entail surveying the stars (charting the underworld). However, they may not have survived long enough after the collision to complete their research. If the reality of immortality died out with the minds of the surviving witnesses, then there was no one left after a time who would be able to “believe”. But the priests continued the research with the intention of eventually reaching the Hermetic goal of immortality.

The dimensions that are built into the Great Pyramid are a projection of the earth’s measurements. There are 365.24 cubits in the square base of the Great Pyramid – there are 365.24 days in a solar year. This implies that the numbers incorporated into the construction of the Great Pyramid included the earth’s altered orbit around the sun.

Great Pyramid models, aligned to magnetic north, act as resonators for the vibrations that come from within the earth. These vibrations are caused by convection currents of charged molten metal circulating at the earth’s core, which, in turn, generate the earth’s magnetic field. Magnetic fields are capable of intercepting tachyon energy (Amun). Masses, which are subject to large magnetic induction (like Great Pyramid models aligned to magnetic north), absorb large amounts of tachyon energy. In this way, we are able to capture tachyon particles – the power of Re.

The defining factor here is, again, immortality; the difference between men and gods, mortals and immortals. According to R. T. Rundle Clark, the gods or immortals came from the “Isle of Fire” – the sun – which was outside the limits of the atmosphere of the earth. It was this place, the sun, where the gods were born, came to the earth from, and were revived by it. A good analogy for explaining how tachyon energy, which comes from the sun is the reason for the existence and continual sustenance of life on the earth.

Because the dimensions of the earth determine the wave characteristics of vibrations emanating from the core, these dimensions had to be incorporated into the geometry of the Great Pyramid in order for it to become a receiver of these vibrations. The standing electromagnetic wave, according to Dr. Nieper disturbs a mutual tolerance between itself and the Tachyon-Field. This leads to energy removal from the tachyons into the electromagnetic wave.

So a pyramid model built according to the dimensions of the Great Pyramid, and aligned to magnetic north, picks up and somehow harnesses emanations of the earth’s electromagnetic field?

During the summer, the earth is in a half-cycle of its original 360 degree orbit, and is pulling the amount of tachyon energy from the sun that the pyramid is designed to pull within its confines during the fall and winter seasons. So, when perishable items are placed within a scaled-down replica of the Great Pyramid (aligned to magnetic north) they decay at a slower rate, indicating that the magnetic wave acts as a delivery system to carry tachyon energy directly into the nucleus of the living cell. The reason for this has to do with growth hormone.

By effectively boosting the levels of electromagnetic activity, the electromagnetic waves inside of the pyramid are able to intercept amounts of tachyon energy that are normally only available during the summer season when the earth is closer to the sun. In effect, the pituitary gland in mammals is able to produce optimum levels of growth hormone, free radicals are rendered harmless, the original cell program is brought back online and the body returns to a prime physical state.

The ancient Egyptian “Book of the Dead” talks of an initiation process for immortality that includes being placed, while still alive, into a stone sarcophagus inside of a pyramid for three days and three nights. There were, supposedly, gods in the symbolism whose existence was preserved through “ritual” and mortals who became gods through “ritual”. It is easy for me to imagine that the “gods” may have been survivors from the asteroid collision who initiated the development of pyramid technology to maintain the immortality they were born into from their previous world (earth before being knocked out of orbit) – this may be what is known as the “era of the god” (rk ntr), i.e., time of the immortal.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sun Feb 13, 2011 5:55 pm

The Cosmic Axis ... =90#p46539

Cayce states that the ancient Egyptians knew of these shifts and the Great Pyramid of Giza was built so as to point to the Axis or Pole Star.

Edgar Cayce gave a reading that spoke of a change in the Pole Star of Earth. He explained that the Great Pyramid of Giza represented the various ages we have been going through. He said, "At the correct time accurate imaginary lines can be drawn from the opening of the great Pyramid to the second star in the great Dipper, called Polaris or the North Star." He must be using the word "great" as an adjective of importance because Polaris is in the Little Dipper, but it is, as Cayce said, "the second star."

The north pole of Earth's spinning axis points to a star, considered the Pole Star. According to Edgar Cayce, we are about to see a change in our Pole Star, from Polaris to Vega. In Ancient Egypt, the Pole Star was Thuban. This marks a move into a new era, new age. ... =90#p46540

As in India, the idea is that the Whirling Mountain represents the Polar Mountain, placed at the exact center of the world, directly under the Pole Star. The reason for that name derives from the fact that the Dravidas identified their Supreme God Shiva Sthanu, the Pillar of the World with the Pole Star (Canopus), which they utilized in their Celestial navigations in Atlantean times.

The Pole Star in question was the Southern Pole Star of the epoch, Canopus, which the Greeks identified with Atlas and the Egyptians with Osiris as the Djed, the "Pillar of the World".

The Pole Star was often equated with the Morning Star. More exactly, we then had Twin Pole Stars, one the North Star (Vega) and the other the Southern Star (Canopus). These were represented as the Twins of all mythologies and, in particular the Twins of Navajo traditions. In Egypt, for instance, the Twin Pole Stars of Atlantean times, Vega and Canopus, were identified as Hathor and Horus (the Elder), or, also with Isis and Osiris.

In later times, after the fall of Atlantis, these twin gods were also equated to Sirius and Orion. In Greece, the Twins were often identified to Atlas and Hesperus, themselves identified to the Morning and the Evening Stars and, more exactly, to the Twin Pole Stars of Atlantean times, Vega and Canopus. ... =90#p46543

Vega is positioned at the Apex of the Sun's Way. The opposite point in the heavens, the Sun's Quit, lies between the stars Sirius and Canopus, also in the Milky Way. These two important points on the Milky Way—Vega in Sagittarius and Sirius-Canopus in Gemini—are the Gates of the Sun for the Age of Pisces. ... =90#p46537
It takes 25,800 years for the Earth’s axis to complete one wobble, sway, or clockwise circle. We call this 25,800-year cycle of our planet the Platonic year.

When we take an imaginary line off the Earth’s North Pole axis and extend it into the heavens, we find that the line points at a star that we call Polaris, our “North Pole” star. The cycle of the Platonic year causes the line off the North Pole to scribe a circle in the heavens approximately 25,800 years long

Polaris will reach the point at which it comes closest to aligning with the North Pole axis of our Earth in the year A.D. 2095. In two thousand years, because of the effects of the Platonic year, there will be no pole star, as there was no pole star two thousand years ago.

The next North Pole star after Polaris will be Al Deramin around the year A.D. 7500; later, Deneb will hold that position. Thirteen thousand years from now, the bright star Vega will be the North Pole star again, as it was the North Pole star nearly thirteen thousand years ago.

As the precession continues, Alpha Draconis, which is also known as the Dragon Star or Thuban, becomes the next North Pole star after Vega around the year A.D. 21600.

Alpha Draconis aligns closer to the North Pole axis of our Earth than all of the other pole stars in a Platonic year. It is also the only pole star in a great year to be in the exact position to shine down the Descending Passage of the Great Pyramid of Giza, because the Descending Passage is in true alignment with the North Pole axis of our planet.

In his book The Great Pyramid Decoded, E. Raymond Capt says, “The most precise alignment of the Dragon Star and the Great Pyramid occurred on the Vernal Equinox of the year 2141 B.C.”

The imaginary line off the North Pole axis of the Earth moves away from Alpha Draconis as it continues to scribe its 25,800-year circle in the heavens. Around the year A.D. 27900, our North Pole axis will once again point at Polaris, where it is at this time in history.
Currently, there is no South Star as useful as Polaris. σ Octantis is the naked-eye star closest to the south Celestial pole, but at apparent magnitude 5.45 it is too faint to serve as a useful pole star. The Southern Cross constellation functions as an approximate southern pole constellation, by pointing to where a southern pole star would be. At the equator it is possible to see both Polaris and the Southern Cross.

In the next 7500 years, the south Celestial pole will pass close to the stars Gamma Chamaeleontis (4200 AD), I Carinae, Omega Carinae (5800 AD), Upsilon Carinae, Iota Carinae (Aspidiske, 8100 AD) and Delta Velorum (9200 AD). From the eighteenth to the ninetieth centuries, the south Celestial pole travels through the False Cross.
At the lower edge of the Milky Way, about half way between the Southern Cross and Canopus is the "False Cross in Argo" which stands up at almost the same angle as the Southern Cross itself.
The False Cross is an asterism formed of the stars δ Velorum and κ Velorum and ι Carinae and ε Carinae. It is so called because it is sometimes mistaken for the Southern Cross, causing errors in astronavigation. ... =90#p46548
Vela is a constellation in the southern sky. Its name is Latin for the sails of a ship, and it was originally part of a larger constellation, the ship Argo Navis, which was later divided into three parts, the others being Carina and Puppis.

The False Cross is an asterism formed of the stars δ Velorum and κ Velorum and ι Carinae and ε Carinae.
Delta Velorum (δ Vel, δ Velorum) is a star system in the constellation Vela. It is approximately 79.7 light years from Earth. It is sometimes given the name Koo She, Chinese for 'Bow and Arrows', along with (Omega) ω Velorum and stars in Canis Major.
Delta Canis Majoris (δ CMa, δ Canis Majoris) is a star in the constellation Canis Major. It has the traditional name Wezen or Wesen. δ Canis Majoris is the third brightest star in the constellation after Sirius and Adhara, with an apparent magnitude of +1.83, and is a white or yellow-white in colour. The open cluster NGC 2354 is located only 1.3 degrees east of Delta Canis Majoris. As with the rest of Canis Major, Wezen is most visible in winter skies in the northern hemisphere, and summer skies in the southern. It theoretically makes up the Great Dog's hind quarter.

The traditional name, Wezen, is derived from the medieval Arabic, al-wazn, which means "weight" in modern Arabic. The name was for one of a pair of stars, the other being Hadar, which has now come to refer to Beta Centauri. It is unclear whether the pair of stars was originally Alpha and Beta Centauri or Alpha and Beta Columbae. In any case, the name was somehow applied to both Delta Canis Majoris and Beta Columbae.

In Chinese Hú Shǐ means Bow and Arrow and refers to an asterism consisting of δ Canis Majoris, η Canis Majoris, c Puppis, ZI 674, ο Puppis, κ Puppis, ε Canis Majoris, κ Canis Majoris and π Puppis. Consequently, δ Canis Majoris itself is known as Hú Shǐ yī, the First Star of the Bow and Arrow. ... 120#p47252
The calendar of the Freemasons begins four thousand years prior to the Gregorian, at the time of a reported supernova that they commemorate as Anno Lucis, the Year of Light, and about the same time that a fantastic leap in civilization was accomplished in Sumeria and Egypt.

Look at the cornerstone of any government building in your town and you will see that the Masonic date is included in the inscription, obvious proof that this dating is highly important to the Masons. But there were other, earlier commemorations to the supernova.

Noone recalls that Dr. Anthony Hewish, 1974 Nobel Prize winner, while tracking astronomical anomalies in the heavens, "demonstrated that strange rhythmic pulses were radio emissions from a star that had collapsed or blown itself up in the earth's southern sky some time around 4000 B.C."

At about the same time that Hewish's research was taking place, George Michanowsky, author of The Once and Future Star, was deciphering Sumerian tablets that caused him to come to the same conclusion.

According to Noone's review of the events:

The ancient Sumerian cuneiform table Michanowsky was deciphering described a giant star exploding within a triangle formed by the three stars Zeta Puppis, Gamma Velorum, and Lambda Velorum.

Michanowsky continued deciphering the Sumerian star catalogue, containing observations going back for thousands of years. The remarkably accurate star catalogue now stated that the blazing star that had exploded within the triangle would again be seen by man in 6,000 years.

This means, interestingly enough, that the Sumerians set the date for the reappearance of the supernova in about the year 2000 A.D.
At the northwestern edge of the constellation Vela (the Sails) the four frame mosaic is over 10 degrees wide, centered on the glowing filaments of the Vela Supernova Remnant, the expanding debris cloud from the death explosion of a massive star. Light from the supernova explosion that created the Vela remnant reached Earth about 11,000 years ago. In addition to the shocked filaments of glowing gas, the cosmic catastrophe also left behind an incredibly dense, rotating stellar core, the Vela Pulsar.
There are three stars associated with the name “wazn” (“wezen”) or weight:

Delta Canis Major, Wezen, (Sirius)
Lmbda Argo Navis (Alsuhail) (Vela) (Lambda Velorum)
Alpha Centaurus (Rigil Kent) (Centaurus)

However, there were two stars “usurped” from Canis Major (Sirius) when Bayer created the constellation called Columba.

The part thus usurped was called Muliphein from al-muhlifein. These two stars are now:

alpha and beta Columbae (Phaet and Wazn).

Muliphein is recognized as comprehending the two stars called Had'ar, ground, and al-wezn, weight.

Phaet and Wazn are considered to be a “ground” and a “weight” which is the same association Phillip Coppens made between Sirius (the arrow) and Canopus (the plumb line)
Is Phaet really Sirius C?

Delta Canis Major, Wezen, (Sirius)
Alpha and beta Columbae (Phaet and Wazn)

Alshuhail ... uhail.html
Al Sufi's Al Suhail al Wazn, "Suhail of the Weight" Suhail means "Smooth Plain", Wazn meaning "weight" applied to stars near the horizon - "as the star seems to rise with difficulty from the horizon"; Wazn is also the title of stars in Canis Major, Centaurus, and Columba.

With zeta Puppis (Naos), gamma (ζ) Vela, this was one of the Al Muhlifain, Muhlifain or Muhnithain, (by which reference was made to the statement that at their rising some mistook them for Suhail (Canopus), and the consequent arguments were the occasion of much profanity among the Arabs). Muliphein is also the name of the gamma star of Canis Major (Muliphein). [Translation of Muliphein on Steve Gibson's page: "the two causing dispute and the swearing of an oath" - an oath is a pledge, declaration or promise, to utter or bind oneself to something. Or it can also be profane cursing and swearing].
Alpha (α) Columba, Phact, is a star in the body of the Dove.

This star, alpha (α Phact), along with beta (β Wazn) were the "Good messengers" or "Bringers of Good News", which were consecrated to the Appeased Deity. [Allen, under Wazn, p.167-168]

Phaet, Phact, and Phad are all modern names for this, perhaps of uncertain derivation, but said to be from the Hadar (the Arabic hadar for "Earth" or "Ground") already noted under the constellation. The stars of this constellation were cut away from Canis Major in 1679. The part thus usurped was called Muliphein "the two stars sworn by". Muliphein is recognized as comprehending these two stars in Columba; this star alpha called Had'ar, ground, and beta (Wazn) al-wezn, weight.

Although inconspicuous, Lockyer thinks that it was of importance in Egyptian temple worship, and observed from Edfu and Philae as far back as 6400 B.C. And he has found three temples at Medinet Habu, adjacent to each other, yet differently oriented, apparently toward alpha (α Phact), 2525, 1250, and 900 years before our era: all these to the god Amen (Amun). He thinks that as many as twelve different temples were oriented to this star; but the selection of so faint an object for so important a purpose would seem doubtful.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:37 pm

The Pleiades, the Bears and the Fox Star (Alcor)

The Pleiades ... iades.html
Taurus is composed of two main groups of stars; the Pleiades and Hyades. The Pleiades are a star cluster with eta (η), Alcyone, as the principal star, situated on the shoulder of the Bull, also known as the Seven Sisters. Traditionally six of the stars are visible to the naked eye; another star is "lost" or "invisible" giving rise to stories and legends explaining the reason.

The Pleiades consist of nine named stars, some of them are small stars, the seven sisters; and to these have been added the parents, Atlas and Pleione.

Atlas - the father of the Hyades and Pleiades, who was condemned to support the weight of the heavens on his head and hands; Titan bearing up the Heavens; the Endurer; believed by some mythologists to be the originator of the constellations; others believe it was Chiron (Centaurus).

Plein - (Pleione, the mother)
Alcyone - Seduced by Poseidon; the Central One; the Hen
Asterope (Sterope) - Raped by Aries and gave birth to Oenomaus, king of Pisa
Celæno - Seduced by Poseidon; was said to be struck by lightning
Electra - Seduced by Zeus and gave birth to Dardanus, founder of Troy

Maia - Eldest and most beautiful of the sisters. Seduced by Zeus and gave birth to Hermes. Later became foster-mother to Arcas, son of Zeus and Callisto, during the period while Callisto was a bear when she and Arcas were placed in the heavens by Zeus (she as Ursa Major, Arcas Ursa Minor).

Merope - The missing one or Lost Pleiades. This is the seventh of the sisters. She alone, married a mortal man; Sisyphus, and she repents of it, she hid her face in shame at being the only one not married to a god and from shame at the deed, she alone of the sisters hides herself in the sky

There is some dispute over whether it is Merope or Electra that hides herself, i.e. the star does not shine).

Taygetea - This is the sister who consecrated to Artemis the Cerynitian Hind with the golden horns that Heracles (3rd labor) had to fetch. Seduced by Zeus and gave birth to Lacedæmon, founder of Sparta.

As the Seven Sisters they are familiar to all. This numerical title also frequently has been applied to the brightest stars of the Greater Bear (Ursa Major), as in early days it was to the "seven planets," — the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

As the group outline is not unlike that of the Dipper in Ursa Major, many think that they much more deserve the name Little Dipper than do the seven stars in Ursa Minor; indeed that name is not uncommon for them. And even in our 6th century, with Hesychios, they were Satilla, a Chariot, or Wagon, another well-known figure for Ursa Major.

Ellis wrote of the natives of the Society and Tonga Islands, who called these stars Matarii, the Little Eyes.

Gill gives a similar story from the Hervey group, where the Little Eyes are Matariki, and at one time but a single star, so bright that their god Tane in envy got hold of Aumea, our Aldebaran, and, accompanied by Mere, our Sirius, chased the offender, who took refuge in a stream. Mere, however, drained off the water, and Tane hurled Aumea at the fugitive, breaking him into the six pieces that we now see, whence the native name for the fragments, Tauono, the Six, quoted by Flammarion as Tau, both titles singularly like the Latin Taurus.

The Italian astronomer Riccioli (1598-1671) propounded a theory that the seventh and missing Pleiad may have been a nova appearing before that number was recorded by observers, but extinguished about the date of the Trojan War; this last idea accounting, too, for the association of Electra with the lost one. Still another explanation is hinted at by Thompson under Coma Berenices.
The Lost Pleiad
Sterope I and Sterope II, less correctly Asterope, are a widely double star at the upper age of the rising cluster and faintly visible only by reason of the combined light.

Ovid made use of Steropes sidus to symbolize the whole, but the present magnitudes would show that his star was not ours, or else a change in brilliancy has taken place. In fact, this also, and not without reason, has been called the Lost Pleiad.

Celaeno, or Celeno, has been called the Lost Pleiad which Theon the Younger said was struck by lightning!

Electra has been regarded as the Lost Pleiad, from the legend that she withdrew her light in sorrow at witnessing the destruction of Ilium, which was founded by her son Dardanos.

Electra as Hyginus wrote, left her place to be present at the fall of Troy, thence wandering off as a hair-star, or comet; or, reduced in brilliancy, settled down close to Mizar as Alophx, the Fox, the Arabs' Al Suha, and our Alcor. In the Harleian Manuscript the word is written Electa.

Merope often is considered the Lost Pleiad, because, having married a mortal, the crafty Sisyphus, she hid her face in shame when she thought of her sisters' alliances with the gods, and realized that she had thrown herself away. She seems, however, to have recovered her equanimity, being now much brighter than some of the others. The name itself signifies "Mortal."
The Fire from Heaven ... &q&f=false
A typical variant of the Atlantean flood story is known to the Cherokee, Iroquoian people originally from the Great Lakes who migrated to eastern Tennessee and the western Carolinas. They preserved the story of Unadatsup, “The Group”, stars known in the West as the Pleiades. It was from this constellation that a star with a “firey tail” fell to Earth. At the impact site, a gigantic palm tree suddenly arose and the extinguished star changed into an old man who warned against the coming deluge. The palm tree is most likely a poetic description of the mushroom cloud that resulted from the meteor impact.

The Cherokee myth is remarkably similar to both the Greek story of Electra, the missing Pleiad whose fall presaged a flood, and the Hebrew deluge account, wherein Yahweh cast down a star from the Pleiades to initiate a catastrophe.
Although the statement has been made that Alcor was not known to the Greeks, there is an old story that it was the Lost Pleiad Electra who had wandered here from her companions and became Alopex, the Fox.

In Hindu mythology the seven stars of Ursa Major, the seven Richis or Seven Wise Men, were wedded to the seven sisters of the Pleiades. After rumors of their infidelity the Richis banished their wives. Only Arundhati, an exemplary wife remained with her husband, Sage Vashishta as the star Alcor; Vashishta is Mizar.

In an Arabic story this star, Alcor, was the little infant in the arms of one of the "Mourners". The constellation of the Great Bear (Ursa Major) was seen as a funeral procession, around a bier or coffin. The bier was marked by the Plough or Big Dipper stars on the body of the Bear - Merak (beta), Dubhe (alpha), Phecda (gamma) and Megrez (delta). The coffin was followed by "Mourners" the three big stars on the tail of the Great Bear; epsilon (Alioth), zeta (Mizar), and eta (Alkaid). These mourners are the children of Al Na'ash, who was murdered by Al Jadi, the pole-star (Polaris), and nightly surround him in their thirst for vengeance, the walidan among the daughters -- the star Mizar -- holding in her arms her new-born infant, the little Alcor.

In the Norse astronomy Rigel marked one of the great toes of Orwandil (Anglo-Saxon Earendel), the other toe having been broken off by the god Thor when frost-bitten, and thrown to the northern sky, where it became the little Alcor. ... 365#p45306

The most important of the stellar constellations is Ursa Major, the Great Bear. From time immemorial it seems that star worshippers revered the bear as a god, probably applying the Hermetic axiom in their religious life. As previously mentioned, the Magdalenian Era was noted for its cave paintings, particularly in North Spain and the Southwest of France. The bear god was worshipped in this area of France which later became the Languedoc, the legendary abode of Mary Magdalene. ... =60#p45306

For some time now all I had been hearing, as well as we all have, concerned the approach, from behind the sun or elsewhere in space, of the large planetary object Nibiru, or Planet X, also referred to as the Dark Star, Winged Disc, or Nemesis, on course for a cataclysmic near brush or even impact with earth. As far as conspiracy theories goes, you can’t top this one, as it would, literally affect all of us if it were true and that governments did known about the reality of such a designated event.

I reminded myself that above the church at Rennes-le-Chateau reads the Latin motto ‘Lumen in coelo’....’Light in the sky’....a comet, then? The word ‘Lincoln’ hides within the motto. The key to the Rennes mystery are the Merovingians, of whom powerful assertions allege them to be descendants of a Jesus-Magdalene bloodline. Given that I have provided evidence elsewhere in my work that such a bloodline does not exist owing to the demise of a pregnant Mary, I think the significance here lays in the title afforded these rulers of the Franks -- ‘The long haired Monarchs.’ The word ‘comet’ comes from the Greek ‘Kometos’ meaning ‘long haired’ in reference to its tail.

Searching for a liable Hollywood candidate, I decided to take a look at an obvious choice, the 1998 blockbuster ‘Deep Impact’, the disaster drama in which the earth attempts to prepare for a mass extinction resulting from an imminent comet strike. Interestingly enough, hot on its heels two months later, came another movie Armageddon’ also about an impact, so the theme was clearly ‘in the air’.

In the story line an unusual object is discovered near the stars of Mizar and Alcor in Ursa Major. In astronomy, Mizar and Alcor are referred to as ‘The Horse and Rider’. With this, I thought immediately of one of my premier Lincoln Cathedral Code clues that had led me to my key location. It is entitled ‘The Falling Knight’ and is hidden beneath one of the misericords in the choir stalls of this Gothic edifice.

Scholars point out there is a pattern in the root meaning of the word ‘knight’ that relates back to ‘horse and rider’ associations, suggesting a connection to the knight’s mode of transport. Within the word ‘misericords’ we can find ‘Mizar’ (miser) and from the choir stalls we can deduce ‘Alcor’ from the anagram ‘choral’ pertaining to ‘choir’. The enigmatic 13thC wood carving shows us a collection of what can now be perceived as stars rather than horse fastenings, the seven to the right coincide with the number of stars of Ursa Major, seven, and the four to the left the same number as in the Mizar system, four.

As perceived originally, the legs of the horse are deliberately crossed, or an ‘X’ hinting at our Planet X association. Another meaning for the word “misericords” is that it is a narrow bladed dagger used for killing a wounded foe. The culmination of my earlier work shows that this is the instrument that demised a pregnant Mary Magdalene.

There is an arrow in the back of the falling knight in the woodcut, and so it was time to look at a mythology kept intact by the Lapps, the indigenous people of Lapland:

“When Arcturus (Alpha Bootes, supposed to be an archer, Ursa Major being his bow) shoots down the North Nail (Polaris) with his arrow on the last day, the heaven will fall, crushing the earth and setting fire to everything.”

In 2008, with the help of author, astronomer and mathematician Greg Rigby, it was discovered that Lincoln Cathedral has a starry relationship with Arcturus, the star of the northern constellations that can be viewed through the Cathedral’s Rose Window which is placed on its northern side, despite Gothic cathedral’s placing their rose windows always to the west.

I only mention this because if we return to Lincoln Cathedral for a moment and remind ourselves that from the air it is shown to be as the Knights Templar emblem the ‘Cross of Lorraine’ (also meaning ‘double dagger and a symbol for poison), then we look at the heraldic crest of the Lorraine family, we will see that their motto is ‘Lauro resurgo’. -- ‘I will rise again with laurel.’ Synonyms for ‘rise’ include: spring up, increase in size, draw close, burn down, approach and turn up. The laurel, the sweet bay tree, was used by the ancients for making wreaths. The appearance of the laurel is ‘winged’. Is this another deep and undetected psychological reference to a winged object drawing near...a comet?
Zeta Ursae Majoris
Mizar is a multiple star system. The primary Mizar A has a fainter companion Mizar B.
Mizar A itself appears to be a binary star consisting of two main sequence A2V stars orbiting around each other with a period of 20.5 days in a rather elliptical orbit having a semimajor axis of about 27 million miles.

Mizar B itself also appears to be a binary star, so that there are at least four stars in the Mizar system.

The fourth magnitude star Alcor can be seen at 12 arc minutes separation from Mizar, corresponding to a projected distance of more than 0.25 ly. However, since Alcor is about 3 ly farther from the earth than the Mizar system, it is unlikely that Alcor is a part of the Mizar system.

According to Burnham, Mizar is part of a star cluster including at least 16 other stars from the Ursa Major area of the sky, as well as Alioth, Merak, Alcor, Phecda, and Megrez in the Big Dipper.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:57 pm ... =90#p46564

I learned that Sirius B must have been a red giant star not long ago, and then exploded, some “thousands of years ago”. It was then reduced to its current white dwarf stage. Now, if Sirius B did explode, its parts could be captured by the gravity of Sirius. It’s not known what cosmic body “Set” is.

According to new theories based on good evidence, our star very likely has a solar companion in a twin-star system.

It has been said by ancient astronomers that Sirius is our binary companion in a long 24,000 year cycle. I believe this is true. As we get close to each other, civilization on earth gets more and more incredible for thousands of years. Light and cosmic rays from the Sirius system bathe our whole solar system. Then after our closest approach, both stars return in the opposite direction for a long time while civilization declines.

It just so happens that our sun is entering, or is in, what is called the galactic equatorial plane, a band of supremely high energy that circles our galactic center like the bands of Saturn. This is a normal part of its huge orbit that takes around 26,000 years.

Our sun probably has a sibling that we can’t see because it shines in infrared.

The Sumerians said they knew about it, and they called it the destroyer. They called the period of its arrival “the crossing”, an event that occurs every 3,700 years or so. Doing the numbers, in a 26,000 period of our sun’s major cycle, there would be 2 crossings of the galactic ecliptic, plus about 6 passages of the brown dwarf companion system, a total of 8 huge events in 26,000 years. Plus, many other things, like comets and asteroids, volcanoes, earthquakes, and other earth-shaking events. ... =90#p46566

Technically, the god Saturn (Cronus, Osiris) is the star Sirius B, which was our original paternal star, and the hexagonal construct on the planet Saturn is caused by an electromagnetic stellar arc influence from the approaching binary star system Sirius that was formerly unified with our Solar System. Sirius consists of Sirius B and Sirius A. These stars where originally within our former Osirian (Cronian) Stellar System and were “personified” into deities and worshipped by past human civilization as gods. Sirius A was the outer “encompassing” star that orbited the “body” of the whole system. ... 365#p45230

There are many people within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who believe that God lives on the planet Kolob.

“In the same period I had read from the book `Astronomia’ (Curcio editore) an essay in three volumes pages 790-791 and the title was `Sirio, I Dogon e gli extraterrestri’ (Sirius, Dogon and the aliens). It was written by two anthropologists, Griaul and Diertelen, who had learned from the Dogons (people living in the Mali territory), the knowledge of the existence of a star which they named Po Tolo, which was rotating around Sirius every 50 years.

“The American writer Robert K. Temple in 1976 wrote a book entitled, `The Sirius mystery’ in which he held the theory that the information could have been brought to earth from aliens living on a planet rotating in the Sirius system. In the Dogon's idea, Sirius A is symbolized with an X and it is inclusive in an ellipse that it would represent the orbit of Sirius B. Since this symbol is the same, we can deduce that Kolob and Sirius A are the same.

“In Mr. Temple’s first chapter he states that the hipocephal disks that I saw in the museum were seven or eight. In the middle of the picture there is a rectangle in which it is possible to see three characters. In the middle an explanation is given that the number one, which is clearly visible in the middle, is an X which is the same symbol used by the Dogons to represent the star Sirius A.

The two baboons that are to the right and to the left of the character in the middle are explained as representing two stars. Therefore, near Kolob there should be two stars. One is no doubt Sirius B. The other one could possibly be another star (Sirius C) which was discovered by two astronomers in 1995.
The Lost and Missing Star
The brightest star in the sky, Sirius, has a white dwarf companion which is identified each of the following designations: Sirius B, Alpha Canis Majoris B, or e.g. HD 48915 B.

The Iranian mythology personified Sirius as Tishtrya, the divine archer (the corresponding character in the Vedic myths was Tishya). The name "Tishtrya" goes back to the Sanskrit term "three stars" and to an older Indo-European one of the same meaning. Some scholars prefer to see here a designation of the Belt of Orion, but it seems to be just an ad hoc conjecture. On the other hand, the name "three stars" is quite justified in terms of the Dogon concept of this stellar system. There is, by the way, a direct relationship between the word "Tishtrya" and the name of the hellish dog Cerberus.

Thus, there are in various parts of the world some traces of an ancient -- and rather clear -- concept of Sirius as a dangerous stellar system, consisting of three stars. Its transformation has been described, first, as the transition from Typhon (a fiery monster in rage; that is a red giant before its change into a Supernova) to Orphrus (a dangerous but suppressed beast that is the core of the red giant in the process of its "calm" turning into a white dwarf).

Second, the Dog is usually chained up by sacred blacksmiths, which can be interpreted as a description of astroengineering activity by a supercivilization. Nommos are also considered as heavenly blacksmiths, but they do not chain up the Fox*; they simply circumcise him. This rather unexpected metaphor expresses very clearly the main point: it was necessary to remove the excess of stellar matter from Sirius B.

It is astrophysically very unlikely that Sirius B could have been a red giant as recently as 2000 years ago; but we cannot rule out entirely the possibility of lasting astroengineering works in this system. In any case, attempts to explain the red color of Sirius by some atmospheric causes are not very convincing. There is some evidence that the epithet "red" was not unusual for Sirius in the past. Thus, Tistrya was called "aurusha", what can be translated either as "white", or as "red". In Egyptian hieroglyphic writing, Sirius was depicted as a red triangle with a small semicircle and a five-pointed star near it. The Babylonians referenced to the star as "shining like copper".

The starting point of creation is the star which revolves around Sirius and is actually named the “Digitaria star”; it is regarded by the Dogon as the smallest and heaviest of all the stars; it contains the germs of all things. Its movement on its own axis and around Sirius upholds all creation in space.

Sirius appears red to the eye, Digitaria white, the latter lying at the origin of all things. It is the "Egg of the World", the infinitely tiny, as it developed, it gave birth to everything that exists, both visible and invisible.

Sirius and Sirius "B" were once where our sun is now is. The Dogon consider Sirius "B" as the most important star in the sky although it is invisible.

Sirius has been identified by some as the Biblical star Mazzaroth (the Book of Job, 38:32). The Semitic name for Sirius was Hasil, while the Hebrews also used the name Sihor -- the latter an Egyptian name, learned by the Hebrews prior to their Exodus.

Champollion (1790 - 1832) unravelled the secrets of Egyptian writing but so far nobody has demystified Egyptian beliefs. Astrophysics is the key. 11,650 year ago, a supernova exploded close to Earth in the direction of Orion's Belt. It became the god Osiris who donated metals and resembled a scarab beetle (expanding nova). Twenty-eight years later the binary star Sirius B (the god Horus) exploded, sending a plasma tongue looking like a fiery dragon or winged serpent (Seth) speeding towards Earth. The northern hemisphere was devastated; the Ice Age ended abruptly and many animal species became extinct.

This solution also enables us to understand many of the enigmatic passages in the Bible, such as Revelation 12 and core myths from all other ancient civilisations. Religious monuments commemorate these traumas. The Great Pyramid vectors in the star Sirius and a vanished star in the direction of Orion's Belt.

Saintly haloes, the nimbus or crown and irrational millennarian apocalyptic prophecies all hark back to the shocks experienced 11,650 years ago (massive flooding, consuming fire, earthquakes, displaced firmament and '"falling stars", etc). It is a fact that the human species was almost wiped out by a plasma shockwave. The subliminal memory lingers on in many of our unrealistic belief systems.

This crossing of the plane of our solar system and of our galaxy is unique in local history and the ending of this alignment occurs in May-July 2000. On the 5th of May, the alignment of the planets is fulfilled, some with 16 degrees of each other, the other side of the sun to us. At this moment of strong gravitation 'tug of war', there is the end of the alignment of the 90° cross of our solar system with the galactic plane.

August the 12th and 13th is the high point of Sirius -- Nebiru (Neb Heru) in the sky. Nebiru is the sign of the cross within a cross -- the cross of our solar system to the galaxy, to the star system of the cross, which is Neb Heru (Heru Ami Septeb, Horus of Sirius or Heru Sept, Horus of the Dog Star).
The Fox *

Electra has been regarded as the Lost Pleiad, from the legend that she withdrew her light in sorrow at witnessing the destruction of Ilium, which was founded by her son Dardanos.

Electra as Hyginus wrote, left her place to be present at the fall of Troy, thence wandering off as a hair-star, or comet; or, reduced in brilliancy, settled down close to Mizar as Alophx, the Fox, the Arabs' Al Suha, and our Alcor. In the Harleian Manuscript the word is written Electa.

Matteo wrote:

Regarding that I would say AL = the star Alcor which is the fox. I was also highlighting a deVere chapter on fox and totems, which certainly has some Jesus teachings, and is chock full of other things that have been coming up. that is below also. but there is another chapter there that perhaps pertains to your dream:

Chapter Twelve: Children of the Stars ... t02_12.htm

Greetings Matteo:

I am unable to access the link you provided. Still, I searched Alcor and it relation to the Fox and found the following at:

"To return to better known provinces, Proclus informs us that the fox star nibbles continuously at the thong of the yoke which holds together Heaven and Earth; German folklore adds that when the fox succeeds, the world will come to its end. This fox star is no other than Alcor, the small star g near zeta Ursae Majoris (in India Arundati, the common wife of the Seven Rishis, alpha-eta Ursae; see p. 302 about Arundati and Elamitic Narundi, sister of the Sibitti, the "Seven"), known as such since Babylonian times.

[COMMENT: The "yoke" or "bond" that holds together "Heaven" and "Earth" is nothing more than the electromagnetic tether, the North Nail, which links the docked Nibiru to the Earth's North Pole. And during "reconstructed" Babylonian history, as per Dr. Velikovsky, the Babylonian Period would overlap the "North Nail Period" from 1587-687 BCE. The key to knowing this fact is the reconstructed placement of Ramses II, coordinating his reign with that of Nebuchadnezzar II.]

The same star crosses our way again in the Scholia to Aratus where we are told that it is Electra, mother of Dardanus, who left her station among the Pleiades, desperate because of Ilion's fall, and retired "above the second star of the beam ... others call this star 'fox'."

Dear Matteo:

I am trying to connect dots. So Al is symbolic of Alcor aka the Fox star. According to German folklore, the Fox star is one that gnaws continuously at the thongs of the yokes that keep heaven and earth connected, which is electromagnetic energy...which some believe were put in place by the Sons of Darkness. Don't quote me on that, it just seems to be something I recall reading somewhere. When the Fox star succeeds, the end of the world takes place, or at least this Fox star destroys the electromagentic grid that keep heaven and earth tied in union. When that happens, all the stars return to their rightful place which some Natives believe is the South Star. So if I were to reword what is symbolically meant in this dream, it would go kind of like: "The Fox Star is about to strike." That the man smiled, whom Al in real life believes is someone he knows who has already passed beyond the veil would signify that they would soon meet. Is that how you see it? ... 105#p46756
There are two stars in the Sirius star system that are astronomically proven, Sirius A, and B, but C has been known to exist for thousands of years by the Dogon tribe of Africa. Sirius C is thought by the astronomers to be disproven.

Sirius A, B, and C represent three worlds, three Suns, and this reflects in the three Great Pyramids of Egypt. Each pyramid is but a reflection of Sirius A, B, C, all a Sun, the local sun, Sirius, and the galactic sun. There is a term in occultism that states: “The Egypt of Above and the Egypt of Below”, this exoterically means Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt, but there is a more arcane meaning for this statement. This really equates to the original starlit birth place or Eden in the skies, this would mean Sirius. The Egypt of below is of course the earth’s Egypt. Sirius is a copy of this universe of the Milky Way galaxy, but yet there is a further more hidden copy, the original birth place, the Galactic Center or Sun, where the true godhead resides.

In relation to Sirius, Sirius is the true Qliphothic Universe B explained in esoteric terms in Kenneth Grant’s “Nightside of Eden.” This means that the Qliphoth of the tree of life is indeed the reverse or averse universe of our galaxy which is Sirius.

The term Visit the Interior of The Earth by Rectification You Shall Find The Hidden Stone, VITRIOL, in reality equates symbolically to the Qlippoth Sun and universe which is in fact Sirius.

Sirius C is found to be the third chamber of the great pyramids, and nothing is known concerning it just that it was not finished, since the great godhead cannot be finished, and is ever producing and is infinite in nature. The other stars in Sirius, Sirius A, and B, are represented as two chambers also, the King’s chamber, and the Queens chamber, these three Chambers are also represented by the three Suns, and universes.
Sirius B was only discovered because its massive weight caused a perturbation in the orbit of Sirius A. The Dogon said the “gods” were from a third body in the Sirius system called Sirius C. To date Sirius C has not been found. Sirius C will never be found for one very good reason – a triple star system will and must always expel one of the orbiting bodies.

If Sir Arthur Eddington’s theory of white dwarfs is correct, the (white dwarf) star we now call Sirius B became a white dwarf and was pulled in by Sirius A. Sirius A was orbited by a planet (Sirius C) at a great distance. At a critical distance when Sirius B was pulled in by Sirius A, (Sirius C) the planet, must be permanently expelled altogether. Sirius B will continue to be pulled in until it (Sirius B) recedes in cycles (similar to the expulsion of the Moon by the Earth).

The origin of the “Giant Mother Planet” is possibly a gigantic planet (Sirius C) that was expelled from the twin star system. This would have resulted when the two stars were pulled in closer.

A body can travel through space out of range of a source of gravity attraction. Ultimately it must encounter a source of gravity. The Giant Mother Planet was naturally attracted to the closest star (the Sun at only 8.6 light years away). Then the giant planetary body was pulled apart by tidal forces to form the planets in the solar system. ... =90#p46550
Two things become apparent with the photographs that were not visible with astronomy software. First, the prominence of the galactic center, and the fact that it could easily be identified with the entrance/exit a cosmic birth canal through a cosmic cervix. Second, the relationship of Ophiuchus to the "celestial" image of birth is unmistakable. Ophiuchus can be seen on the photograph, standing with one leg on the cosmic cervix, and drawing the umbilical cord (Serpens) out through the birth canal at the "dark rift," where Quetzalcoatl waits to be reborn.

He also stated that in a vision Elijah Mohammed saw that in the future the arrival of the UFO would take place upon the discovery of a second star or companion to our sun. He mentions a blue star or darker star appearing next to a red fiery star.

Blavatsky wrote in her book Isis unveiled that the return of the Black Sun or death star would be evident when the 13th house of Mazzaroth is active from the core of Ophiuchus. The 13th house is the Serpent holder and from it will come the Black Sun.

However, it is a little known fact that the Sun spends only about nineteen days in this 13th house known as Serpentarius.

What is exactly in the area of Ophiuchus that is so secret? Many believe that the portal to God can be found there. Many say that it is the home of the Nemesis. The Nemesis of course is also reference to “Vulcan” the partner to a hypothetical binary star system idea, Nibiru the popular name of the 12th planet in the solar system and ‘Planet X” which is supposed to return from a wide elliptical orbit in 2012.

According to the Mayans the end of the creation cycle commences on October 28th, 2011. It is a time where we move into an area of the Zodiac that at one time was devoted to a character who was known as the “serpent bearer” or the “serpent god”. Many others call this area of the zodiac the “dark rift.” The Dark rift is home to the Death Star. The dark rift is in Serpentarius (Ophiuchus), the home of the serpent gods it has also been called “zero point” or the point of creation.

From October 28th, 2011 to December 21, 2012 astronomers tell us that the sun’s path will visually intersect with the Galactic equator something that happens once every 26,000 years and that the Mayans identify this as rising of The Sacred Tree of life.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:14 pm

Winter Triangle
Sirius is also the lower left member of the "Winter Triangle" of first magnitude stars, whose other components are Procyon (Alpha Canis Minoris) at upper left and Betegeuse (Alpha Orionis) at right center.
Summer Triangle ... angle.html
These three stunning stars are an unofficial star group or asterism that link the three constellations ... Lyra, Cygnus the Swan and Aquila the Eagle. This Summer Triangle lies high above, over the Milky Way which now sweeps across the heavens from north to south.

Vega is interesting for several different reasons … its close proximity to the Earth at only 25 light years away, its brightness, many times that of our Sun, which comes from an inherent luminosity not just from its closeness, its color and apparent brightness which make it a basic standard against which all other stars are ultimately compared, and its relationship to the pole star.

Vega, the brightest star in the Summer Triangle, will be the "North Star" in about 12,000 years, instead of present-day Polaris.

An esoteric point of interest is Vega's relationship to the star Sirius. When Vega is directly overhead at the Zenith (about 3 hours after an August sunset) Sirius, the God Star and the brightest star, is under our feet. From our head to our toes we are heavenly stimulated in Leo. Another Vega connection to Sirius lies in the Japanese myth. A peasant boy, the star Altair, is allowed to cross the River of Heaven (Milky Way) to unite with the princess and his lover, the star Vega. This occurs on the seventh day of the seventh month. This is the time when our physical Sun is conjunct our spiritual Sun, Sirius.

Vega is a link between Heaven and Earth, even its name of Arabic origins means "swooping eagle." Vega is a bird that flies down to the Earth. The lyre or harp is also a symbol of this link between Heaven and Earth. The lyre or harp was invented by Mercury, the messenger of the gods, and was owned by Apollo's son, Orpheus. The song of Orpheus and the music of his harp had the power to tame all creatures. He is known as the Bringer of Culture and the Father of Mysticism. Orpheus, the one who plays the lyre, has been compared to Christ because of his violent death, journey into the underworld and the school of mysteries which he founded.

The Dragon Star ... ragon.html
The foregoing are just a few of the Biblical references to Dragons and Serpents. The legends and myths involving such entities are numerous and have dominated entire cultures. The Old and New Testaments have much to say about these legendary creatures. Stories about dragons stem from early man's fascination with the stars as well as his love and fear of the various gods. Ancient man desired answers as to how he could relate to such beings, the stars and the afterlife. The stars offered to the ancient world a tangible record of how everything evolved.

Consider a few scientific facts regarding the star positions. Today, the North Star, also known as the pole star, is Polaris, located in Constellation Ursa Minor. The ancient positions of the stars were dramatically different than their positions today, and in about ten thousand years earth will have a different polar star. Long ago, the pole star was Thuban, which is in Constellation Draco, the Dragon. The ancients believed Thuban was protected by Constellation Draco. They also thought this constellation contained a portal leading from mortality to immortality. Conjecture suggests this idea was possibly taught to them by the "Sons of God".

Examination of the spiritual beliefs of the ancient Lakota Sioux Indians yields many obscure, yet compelling details. They believed that the souls of men came from and returned to the stars through a portal that was in the center of the cup of the Big Dipper. Departed souls traveled along a "river in the sky", also known to the Lakota Sioux as the Trail of Spirits. This same pathway is known to modern man as the Milky Way.

The ancient Egyptians maintained a similar concept. In their religious belief system the sky river was represented by the Nile River, and they constructed three huge Pyramids in such a manner as to line up with the Belts of Orion. These pyramids are geographically aligned with the Milky Way, specifically the pole star of their era, Thuban, in Constellation Draco. The Egyptians believed the Nile was an earth-to-sky river enabling transport of departed souls to the Milky Way.

The messiah of Lakota legend is called "Fallen Star" who came from the star world to earth. This celestial entity seems to parallel another star said to have fallen from Heaven, the Son of the Morning Star, described in Isaiah 14:12.

In Sioux legends evil derives power and authority from the Dragon. Lakota legend eventually leads us back to the Dragon, and we learn of the conflict between the Dragon and Fallen Star, the messiah or savior of the Lakota people. According to American Indian prophetic lore, he will return to save the Lakota Nation; this event, similar to the return of Jesus, will be seen by all people.

According to the legend, Fallen Star's mother was impregnated by the Star God while she was a virgin. The young maiden was taken to the star world and fell back to earth through a hole in the center of the Big Dipper and gave birth to Fallen Star. This hole or pathway, which is guarded by the seven maidens, is the gateway to immortality for the Sioux and is somewhat suggestive of what a wormhole is theorized as being by modern astronomers.

The secret to understanding alignments of the structures built by the ancients is found in the positions of the constellations as far back as 4500 BC or before.

The Book of Revelation is laden with astounding astrological configurations used to explain spiritual events. Apparently there was a great conflict in the heavens between the forces of good led by the Archangel, Michael, and forces of evil associated with the Dragon and his minions, fallen angels. This event, described in Revelation 12, must not be confused with the prophetic event which is described in Isaiah 14:12, which describes the "shining star, son of the morning" falling from heaven. This term was erroneously translated into the Latin Vulgate as "Lucifer", which means "light bearer", by the Catholic theologian, Jerome.

If we consider at the actual position of the Constellation Draco during the time of the Apostle John, we discover it to have been a dominant force. Thuban was the pole star at that time and had been in that position for the previous twenty-five hundred years. Today, Polaris, in Constellation Ursa Minor, dominates the heavens as the pole star. As the stars rotated, the Dragon constellation, equated to the forces of evil, battled for heavenly domination, but slowly they gave way to the Constellation Ursa Minor, which is synonymous with the forces of good. With that transfer of heavenly dominion a new celestial light, Polaris, representing the ascended Fallen Star of Indian legend, replaced Thuban, symbolic of Draco, the Dragon, as the pole star.

This great battle for dominance has raged continuously for thousands of years. It is difficult to estimate when this celestial conflict may have begun. However, the suggestion of one constellation giving way to another is intriguing and appears to signal something.

In the Scriptural account of Revelation Chapter Twelve, we see the Dragon being defeated. He and the stars, or angels that followed him were cast to the Earth. Because their heavenly positions are now lower on the horizon, the stars in Constellation Draco actually appear to fall into the Earth as Thuban yields dominance to Constellation Ursa Minor along with its star, Polaris. This astronomical explanation is nothing more than a description of the slowly progressive movement of the stars, in relationship to the Earth, over eons of time. Ursa Minor's dominance will last for about another fourteen thousand years before it yields to another constellation.

The question is, "Do these celestial changes signal future events that will eventually envelope Earth?"

As the Earth travels along its orbital pathway, it constantly spins on its axis. Scientists are of the opinion that the speed of Earth's axial rotation was much greater thousands of years ago. Slowing of this motion causes destabilization of the planetary axis; as a result, Earth tends to wobble at times. This can be depicted as the axial instability occurring whenever something with spinning motion, such as a top, begins to slow down. It has been suggested that such an event may have allowed the Earth to tilt on its axis approximately twelve thousand years ago, resulting in a polar shift. This could occur again if wobbling intensifies as Earth's rotational speed continues to decline. It has been speculated that when the Dragon is cast down lower in the heavens, or "falls to Earth," there may be another massive polar shift. The degradation of Earth's axial speed may also have resulted in significant changes in its magnetic field. Along with a polar shift, alterations in Earth's magnetic field can result in further geological upheaval.
The Approaching Red Dwarf Twin Star sends Planet Earth Rocking and Reeling out of Control
http://destination-yisrael.biblesearche ... ntrol.html
In the prior article of this series, we have been witnessing to the effects of a significant geomagnetic stellar force field that is affecting our earth besides the geomagnetic forces from our solar sun. It is believed by many researchers, that the scientific evidence that we have been able to analyze so far suggests the this stellar geo-magnetic force field is actually our Sun’s twin star called a Dark Red Dwarf Non-luminous Sun. The ancient Sumerians called this “twin star”, Nibiru. As our Sun’s twin, this “twin star” we believe is today returning to rendezvous with our solar system.

Pro and Con 1385
http://prophecycorner.theforeverfamily. ... n1385.html
Your date for the crucifixion of Christ, April 6, 30 AD, Thursday, between 12 noon and 3pm is pictured in the sky very prophetically in light of the current and future sky pictures.

From Jerusalem on that day at 12 noon, the star Algol, Perseus was transiting across the meridian. This marked the time Jesus was on the cross. The Sun (Aries) had just crossed the meridian at 11:41am with Jupiter and Venus nearby in Pisces just to the West and Mercury next to the Pleiades (making the 7th star) was nearby in Taurus to the East and Saturn was a little further East at the Orion Stargate point and close to Propus, Gemini. Mars and Neptune were in Capricornus, Uranus in conjunction with Regulus, Leo, and the Moon in the feet of Virgo. At 3pm when He died, Saturn, Propus, and the Orion Stargate were on the Meridian line and the star Betelguese, Orion was also transiting the Meridian line.

For the next two weeks, eyes will be focused on Comet Holmes as it passes over the star Algol in Perseus. The five naked eye planets are now all visible in the evening and morning sky with Mercury emerging in the evening sky from solar conjunction last month and Jupiter emerging in the morning sky from its conjunction also with the Sun last month. Mars has just crossed the Orion Stargate and reversed direction (retrograde) and will pass again in late February. Venus is in Ophiuchus rising before Jupiter and heading for a February 1st conjunction with Jupiter in Sagittarius. Saturn is near Rho Leonis, between the feet of the Lion.

All of the above is easy to reproduce in Your Sky so you can see the patterns. As I mentioned in a recent message, I am finding that the view from Saturn/3rd heaven, looking back at the Sun/Earth inner solar system is proving to be invaluable in providing new insights into the magnificent patterns displayed in the sky. From Saturn, at the time of the crucifixion, the Sun/Earth inner planets were all located in Sagittarius near the Southern Stargate and Galactic center. Jupiter and Neptune were nearby in conjunction in Capricornus. Uranus was in the heart of Virgo. The picture is, of course, completely different from the Earth view, but amazingly fitting, don't you think. And, when looking at the Saturn view sky on September 14, 2015, I see the interesting parallels with the Earth view 3pm crucifixion sky with Saturn, Propus, Orion Stargate and Pleiades all playing a major role.

From Saturn, Jupiter is near Propus, the Earth becomes the 7th Pleiad, in fact the Sun and all inner planets are between the Hyades and the Pleiades, Uranus is in Aries and Neptune between Aquarius and Pisces. I had to reread all my books on the ancient and biblical constellation interpretations to fully appreciate the implications of where the Sun and planets are now as seen from Saturn and their course over the next 7-8 years as they move from Aquarius to Taurus/Gemini.
The Illusion of Precession
Hipparchus, according to modern scholarship, was the discoverer, just over 2000 years ago, of the "Precession of the Equinoxes" - that astronomical phenomenon involving our Earth apparently retrograding clockwise around the Zodiac during a cycle of some 25,920 years. Yet, according to his contemporaries, Hipparchus was himself of the opinion that the (Chaldeo) Assyrians had kept detailed general astronomical records going back over 270,000 years* - in which case it seems highly unlikely that they themselves were not already well aware of it.

Now it was Johannes Kepler in the 18th century who worked out the modern theory of the planetary orbits around the Sun being elliptical rather than circular. However, the Ancients themselves described the formation of the "world container" (in both planetary and sidereal terms) as an egg-shaped "crystal" sphere, produced (in the Egyptian tradition) by the great god "Ptah" - whose name is merely an occidentally varied version of the phonetically identical "Buddha" (the Dhyani-Buddha of the Indo-Tibetan tradition). But our solar system is itself elipsoidally "egg-shaped" in its course through Space, as is also the electro-magnetic force field of the Earth (the magnetosheath) in its own elliptically orbital travel around the Sun.

The axial turning of this "crystal sphere" (the "World Soul" of the celestial body in question) was therefore regarded by the Ancients as the real factor which actually induced the axial and orbital rotation in the motion of the planetary or stellar bodies contained within it, these latter therefore being a merely secondary phenomenon.

Correspondingly, these celestial spheres were seen as involved in constant motion around each other according to a scheme of Universal Law operated by superior hierarchies of divine Intelligence through a process of meditational direction. This celestial activity was contained within a web of invisible influence created and sustained by the principle embodied by the (metaphorical) goddess Net, which thereby ensured the maintenance of Celestial Order - through forcing upon Kosmic Chaos the generation of (mathematically) definable and operative cycles of sidereal activity.

Curiously, although planets revolve around suns and some suns/stars are known to revolve around binary stars, little thought appears to have been given to the suggestion that our Sun (and its solar system) might itself be involved in a constant orbit of this same nature. In recent years there have been occasional suggestions in this direction - by equally occasional astrophysicists - that we might be part of a binary system.

Hence the English word "net", meaning a woven mesh of some or other material, intended as a restraint, or trap. In this particular context, it would undoubtedly involve electromagnetism.

However, if we hypothesise for a moment that our Sun actually does travel in orbit around a parent star, it would logically follow that the parent star would likewise be travelling at even greater speed than our Sun. Thus the relationship would be the actual orbital cycle as seen from Earth (relative to the Zodiac) being 25,920 years.

First of all, the 25,920 year cycle was originally known as "The Great Year of the Pleiades" and only latterly as the mere "Great Year" or "Platonic Year". Secondly, it has been simplistically assumed by scholars and scientists that the reason for the bull or ox playing such a primary role in ancient religions all around the world derives from the (again assumed) idea that proper civilisation only commenced - in the Middle East - during the zodiacal Age of Taurus, some 2000-4000 years BCE.

Bear in mind that the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades (located in the "neck" of Taurus and once commonly regarded as the centre of the local universe and the seat of immortality) were seen as esoterically "married" to the Seven Rishis of Ursa Major, itself otherwise classified as the "Leg" of the unseen "Bull of the Heavens" (which had been bitten off by the cosmic crocodile), the orthodox assumption provides by no means the only available alternative.

Thirdly - specifically with reference to ancient Greek mythic tradition - it would appear that our own solar system is actually the "missing seventh Pleiad". In support of that idea we find that the youngest Pleiad (Merope) was married to a demi-mortal named Sisyphus, son of Aeolus, god of the Wind (i.e. the "Divine Breath"), whilst the actual fate of Sisyphus provides us with the astronomical key to the ancient knowledge of Precession, long before Hipparchus.

Sisyphus - after betraying one of Zeus’s infidelities to his goddess wife Hera - found himself consigned in revenge to the Underworld. However, his punishment was modified by the Three Judges of the Dead (Minos, Rhadamanthys and Sarpedon) to that involving his eternally having to push a large rocky "boulder" up a steep hill in the Underworld, only to have it incessantly fall back upon him when almost at the very top and thereafter to roll all the way back down to the bottom of the hill. This, however, is clearly an esoteric allegory referring to the cyclic movement of our Sun and solar system up and down the slope of the Ecliptic Path. The fact that Merope - ashamed at her husband being consigned to a fate of eternal "hard labour" disappeared after this and was never seen again, implies that she became subsumed within the auric nature (the "horizon" or "akhet" of Egyptology) of our solar system itself.

All this necessarily points to the suggestion that our solar system is actually located in the outer field of the Pleaides nebula, within the constellation of Taurus. Returning, however, to the question "What is the star around which our Sun and solar system orbit?" the answer would appear to be "Alcyone" - the central and brightest star of the Pleiades nebula. But in support of that - and dealing otherwise with the associated role of Sirius - we find a number of additional ancient (allegorical) myths and legends which suggest that we and the whole of our localised part of the "home universe" actually revolves around Orion.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:56 pm

Cosmic Crocodile
Toward dawn on the night of Aug 13, the constellation Orion moves toward the zenith. The K'iche' people still refer to a triad of three bright stars in Orion as "the hearth stones", and the hazy nebula below Orion's belt is called "the smoke from the hearth". Orion is also called the turtle stars (ak' ek), depicted in the Madrid Codex as a turtle with three tun ("stone") glyphs on its back. Because the sky has not yet been raised, the hearth is a location in both earth and sky. The turtle shell is an earth symbol, like the back of the crocodile at the foot of the World Tree. Here is the place of Creation, where the sky will rise.
The Duat
Celestial poles: The two points where the "projection" of the Earth's axis of rotation meet the celestial sphere: As the Earth rotates, the sky appears, to an observer on the Earth's surface, to rotate around the two "fixed" celestial poles (the north and south celestial poles).

Celestial equator: A great circle formed by projecting the earth's equatorial plane onto the celestial sphere. The celestial equator is 90 degrees from both the north and south celestial poles.

Galactic equator: The plane of our galaxy, the Milky Way, projected onto the celestial sphere. The galactic equator and the celestial equator are inclined at an angle of about 62 degrees.

Ecliptic: The apparent path of the Sun against the stars over the course of a year; the ecliptic marks the "plane" of the Earth's orbit, and is inclined to the celestial equator by roughly 23.5°. All the major planets are always within a few degrees north or south of the line of the ecliptic. The constellations through which the ecliptic passes are called the zodiac.

Precession: The slow rotation of the celestial poles in a ≈23.5° circle centered on the ecliptic poles, a complete rotation taking 25,760 years. The effect of precession is to slowly change the positions of the celestial poles against the stars, and also to slowly change the equatorial coordinates of a "fixed" object such as a star or galaxy.

Look at the image created by the astronomical program in the Ecliptic coordinate system:

The rotation of the North celestial pole (counter-clockwise) in a circle centered on the North ecliptic pole

The current North celestial pole is located beside the North Star (Polaris and Ursa Minor). The North Pole of the Ecliptic is located in the Draco constellation (Dragon). As it wraps itself around the northern hemisphere, Draco is circumpolar, and is not far from the North Pole.

Draco is a very old constellation. Some cartographers draw the figure of Hercules with one foot resting on the head of Draco. The ancient story of the Dragon concerns the Golden Apples of the Hesperides and Heracles' Eleventh Labour. The other legend takes us to primordial times when the Titans still fought with the Olympic gods for the supremacy of the Universe.

The Persians regarded Draco as a man-eating serpent called Azhdeha. The Egyptians considered it the Crocodile (Hippopotamus). In early Hindu worship, Draco is given the form of an alligator known as Shi-shu-mara.

The North Ecliptic Pole is marked in the sky by the Cat's Eye Nebula.

The upper position of the North celestial pole is located between the star Alkaid (Benetnasch) of constellation Ursa Major and the star Edasich of constellation Draco.

The Big Dipper (Ursa Major) was seen as a bear by the European and Mediterranean stargazers as well as the American people. This mythological complex is associated with the Great Bear, with a star near it that is a dog which is dangerous for the Universe.

Alkaid or Benetnasch (from a derivation of the Arabic Al Ka'id Banat Na'ash) is the last star in the Ursa Major (the Greater Bear). English translation: Chief of the Daughters of the Bier, Principal Mourner; the 'Principal Mourner' or 'hired mourners' of the children of Na'ssh, who were murdered by the Pole Star [Al Jadi].

Alkaid was known as "the destroyer of nations" by Islamic astrologers. Experience has shown that many human lives are to be mourned. In accordance with adopted belief of ancient times, this fixed star is supposed to be bound up with the realm of the dead and is therefore associated with death and mourning.

Edasich is the orange star in the Draco (Dragon). The Arabic name for Edasich is Adh-Dhikh (The hyena). The Ancients said that when a comet was here, poison was scattered over the world. By the Cabalists it is associated with the 13th Tarot Trump "Death".

Cosmic Birth Canal
The Milky Way has two visible regions on either side of the central bulge, as seen from the solar system. The bulge is the cosmic womb. Going west (clockwise) from the bulge the Milky Way passes under Virgo through Argo to Auriga. At Auriga there is an Opening in the Sea of Reeds. Then above Perseus the Milky Way picks up again and thickens the further west we travel back to the central bulge.

If we start at the Opening in the Sea of Reeds and go either way the Milky Way gives the impression of a caiman or crocodile half submerged in a pool of water. Just before the bulge both branches have "open mouths," as if they were consuming the Frog in the bulge. The smaller crocodile is the female, while the larger is the male. This is a simple association with earthly experience.

However, the mouth of the female crocodile has a Swan, an Eagle, and a Fox in it. Additionally, on the back of the eagle, Aquila, there is a man-child, Antinous, Etana, Zeus, Horus, Quetzalcoatl, etc. The child carries a flail and wears a crown. This man-child is the resurrected First Father (king) in traditions all around the world, and dating on the record at least as far back as the Saraswati civilization in India, over 8,000 years ago, with archeological evidence that the Australian Aborigines and the Pacific Peoples of Melanesia trace the stories back 30-60,000 years.

Since the female crocodile has the man-child and the other creatures, she is carrying her children in her mouth. Deep in the mother's mouth at the most secure place in the river is Cygnus. In the middle of her mouth there is a dark region where cosmic dust blocks that light and caused the Incas to wonder, "Why is the fox's tail black?" The following image reveals the winter solstice of 2012 and shows why the Maya say First Father will come out of the mouth of First Mother.

The Pleiades is the location where the two crocodile tails meet, and the Pleiades represent the attachment of the embryonic child. The legend of Quetzalcoatl is that of a caiman, a serpent, and eagle, and a restored First Father. The Maya Popol Vuh is the best place to find a drawing of the birth canal. But, the mouth of Tauret, the Egyptian goddess of material birth, is shaped like the mouth of the female crocodile in the Milky Way.
Northern and southern constellation groups ... 11-19.html
It would appear that by the late 2nd-millennium BCE the Egyptians had divided the sky into a small number of very large constellations. By circa 1100 BCE, not including the 36 decans, an Egyptian catalog of the universe had marked the sky with 5 or 6 very large constellations (including such animal figures as the Hippopotamus, Ox, and Crocodile).

Two of these constellations were similar to the Western constellations Orion and Ursa Major. As the Egyptians were accustomed to regard the whole sky as a figure of the goddess Nut, supported on hands and feet, it posed no difficulties for them to develop constellation figures of half that extent.

During the 1st-millennium BCE these constellations would be divided further into some 25 constellations. The grouping of constellations around (and including) the Big Dipper stars is conveniently described as the northern group of constellations. The designation is not necessarily restricted to the circumpolar stars. Using the tomb of Seti I and Senmut as a guide the northern group of constellations included a lying lion, a crocodile, a bull's foreleg, also represented as a complete bull (with short legs), a boatman, a giant man, and/or a huge female hippopotamus (with a crocodile tail) carrying an entire crocodile on her back. (At least the crocodile (of varying size) is standing against the back of the hippopotamus.) Additional Senmut tomb figures with the northern constellations include a pole, Selket (the scorpion goddess), a constellation named Anu (falcon-headed god/man in the apparent act of spearing the bull). The female hippopotamus has both a Merekhet (astronomical instrument) and a crocodile in her hands.

In the late 19th-century the British Egyptologist Peter le Page Renouf (1822-1897) discussed and identified a number of Egyptian constellations. Amongst his identifications he established that mshtyw (Meskhetyu), the Bull's Foreleg, was the asterism of the Plough. There was also early general acceptance that Sopdet was Sirius, and Sah was substantial parts of Orion. In cases where Sah is represented by a complete Bull or a Bull's foreleg with an attached bull's head, it might be extended from substantial parts of Orion to include nearby areas of Ursa Major.

In 1985 Kurt Locher (also using the tomb of Seti I and Senmut as a guide) offered his view that the circumpolar constellations could be identified as Crocodile, Hippopotamus, Chain, Mooring Posts, (God) Anu, and Foreleg.

However, it is more difficult to determine correspondence between the ancient Egyptian constellations and our present-day Western constellations. All of the northern constellation figures are not located in the same positions on Egyptian tombs and ceilings. The northern constellation figures drawn on the ceiling of the burial chamber in the tomb of Seti I (19th Dynasty) are positioned differently to the same northern constellation figures drawn in the tomb of Senmut (Senenmut) (18th Dynasty). Because the northern constellation figures represented in tombs are not consistently arranged in the same positions it is not possible to make identifications between these constellations and our current Western constellations.

Also in 1985 the Egyptologist Virginia Davis tentatively suggested the following identifications for 11 Egyptian constellations: Falcon-headed human = Ursa Minor; Bird = Leo Minor; Large crocodile = Hydra; Small crocodile = Cancer; "Man in front" = Gemini; Scorpion-goddess = Virgo; Hippopotamus with crocodile on back = Ophiuchus + Libra + Scorpio; "Man behind the bull" = Boötes; and Cord(s) and stake = Hercules + Libra + Scorpio.

The most recent and the most satisfactory likely identifications of ancient Egyptian constellations (with modern Western constellations) are set out in Table 6.1 (Pages 162-163) in Lull, José and Belmonte, Antonio, (2009), "The constellations of ancient Egypt." In: Belmonte, Juan and Shaltout, Mosalam, (Editors), In Search of Cosmic Order: Selected Essays on Egyptian Archaeoastronomy. Identifications are made for 31 ancient Egyptian constellations.

The northern (circumpolar) stars were called lkhemu-sek (imperishable stars), because they never sink below the horizon. The southern stars were called lkhemu-wredj (unwearying stars), because they rose on the eastern horizon and set on the western horizon. The term "unwearying stars" was likely applied because the southern stars, especially those in the region of the celestial equator, traveled a longer distance (compared to the circumpolar northern stars) from their rising above the eastern horizon to their setting beneath the western horizon. The ecliptic can be conveniently used as an arbitrary dividing line between the northern constellations and the southern constellations. (Virginia Davis usefully proposed that the Milky Way would have been the boundary between the northern and southern skies of ancient Egypt.) The southern group of constellations was essentially formed by the belt of individual stars and asterisms comprising the decanal belt. The goddess Nut was the Milky Way. From the New Kingdom Period astronomical ceilings and water clocks show a clear distinction is now established between the northern sky and its constellations and the southern sky and its constellations/asterisms (i.e., decanal stars).

It appears the oldest existing northern constellation is Meskhetyw (the foreleg of a bull). This constellation appears on the inside of a coffin lid excavated at Asyut and dating from the First Intermediate Period (circa 2145 BCE to circa 2025 BCE). To the left of the foreleg is vertical hieroglyphic writing stating Meskhetyw m pet (Meskhetyw in the northern sky).

Two identifiable constellations among the southern Egyptian star groups are Sah (corresponding to the current Orion's belt) and Sepdet (corresponding to Sirius). Due to Sah rising 1 hour before Sirius in the decanal tables Sah is commonly interpreted by Egyptologists as the constellation Orion. The name Sah is first found in the "Pyramid Text" engraved in the pyramid of Unas (the last king of the 5th Dynasty Old Kingdom). He reigned circa 2340 BCE to circa 2320 BCE. The figures of both Sah and Sepdet appear on wooden coffin lids dating between the First Intermediate Period and Middle Kingdom.

An alternative name for the Bull's thigh (= Foreleg of the bull)", which was the "big dipper" asterism, was "The foreleg of Seth." The Boatman comprised Orion's belt and some other stars. The Hippopotamus was identified with the goddess Isis - at least on astronomical ceilings in the New Kingdom Period (1570-1070 BCE). The Hippopotamus and the Giant Man took up about half the sky.

One of the few constellations that is unambiguously identifiable is the constellation of Orion (Sah). However, the association of names with its individual stars is indeterminate. (The only one of the decans that is able to be unambiguously identified is Sirius (Sepdet).)

A coffin lid provides the only other certain constellation identification from ancient Egypt. A scene on a coffin lid depicts the 7 stars of the Big Dipper asterism (part of Ursa Major) in the form of the foreleg (thigh) of an Ox (not Taurus) and is named Meskhetyw (Meskheitu (Mshtyw)). (This constellation is not part of the decanal system or the star tables.) It is the only example of a pattern of stars being actually drawn in approximately the known configuration. (The Hippopotamus (or hippo-crocodile constellation) is commonly identified with the stars of Draco, the Dragon.)

On the ceiling of the decorated chamber there is a decan list and planets (excepting Mars), northern constellations and deities, and lunar calendar. Included in the northern constellation figures are a lying lion and a crocodile.

Ronald Wells theorized that the Egyptians equated Nut's body with the Milky Way, seeing her head in our constellation Gemini, and her birth canal in Cygnus, where cosmic dust clouds split the Milky Way into two "legs." He pointed out that early in Egyptian prehistory, about 6,500 years ago the Sun would have set just before Gemini-Nut's head-at the spring equinox, as if swallowed by the goddess. Nine months later, at the winter solstice, the Sun, reborn, would have risen very close to Cygnus, as if emerging from the birth canal. However, many Egyptologists and archaeoastronomers consider this particular theory of Ronald Wells as highly speculative.

The Supposed Egyptian Origin of the Greek Ship Constellation Argo:

The constellation Argo was well attested in the Hellenistic period. The suggestion that the Argo was made a constellation in conformity with Egyptian astronomical lore (i.e., the supposition that the ship of Osiris was set in the night sky) can be rejected. The ship of Osiris traversed the underworld, not the night sky. This fact ensures the ship of Osiris could not have been an Egyptian constellation. It is likely that the identification of the ship of Osiris with the Argo is a Greek idea.

Triangle - Sirius & its companions

Sah - Parts of Orion (Head at the Belt)

Jaw - Hyades Cluster, with Aldebaran

The Female Hippopotamus - Big area near the Pole covering from Lyra to Boötes

Crocodile on back of rrt - Area of Serpens Caput

The Bull's Foreleg - The Plough

The Ferryboat – Area of Argo Navis

Myriad or Flock – Pleiades

Cow - Canis Major & Puppis

The Mooring Posts - One of them is the mnit of Ramesside clocks (Lull) / The posts held by the Hippopotamus - in Ursa Minor and Draco - they might represent the Celestial and Ecliptic Poles (Belmonte)

Selkis Goddess = Ursa Minor (Lull)

The 2 Nets = Between Sagittarius and Scorpius, Corona Australis could be one of them (Lull) / One of them might be Corona Australis (Belmonte)
“Was the mother of time, as Kep; whence Kepti and Sebti for the two times and number seven. So this is the star of the Seven by name. Sevekt (Kronus), the Son of the goddess, has the name of the seven or seventh. So has Sefekh Abu who builds the house on high, as Wisdom (Sophia) built hers with seven pillars. . . The primary Kronotypes were seven, and thus the beginning of time in heaven is based on the number and the name of seven, on account of the starry demonstrators. The seven stars as they turned round annually kept pointing, as it were, with the forefinger of the right hand, and describing a circle in the upper and lower heaven.* The number seven naturally suggested a measure by seven, that led to what may be termed Sevening, and to the marking and mapping out of the circle in seven corresponding divisions which were assigned to the seven great constellations; and thus was formed the celestial heptanomis of Egypt in the heavens. . . .

When the stellar heptanomis was broken up and divided into four quarters, it was multiplied by four, and the twenty-eight signs took the place of the primary seven constellations, the lunar zodiac of twenty-eight days being the registered result.

In the Chinese arrangement the four sevens are given to four genii that preside over the four cardinal points. . . .” (In Chinese Buddhism and Esotericism the genii are represented by four Dragons — the “Maharajahs” of the Stanzas.) “The seven Northern constellations make up the Black Warrior; the seven Eastern (Chinese autumn) constitute the White Tiger; the seven Southern are the Vermilion Bird; and the seven Western (called Vernal) are the Azure Dragon. Each of these four Spirits presides over its heptanomis during one lunar week. The genetive of the first heptanomis (Typhon of the Seven Stars) now took a lunar character; . . . in this phase we find the goddess Sefekh, whose name signifies number 7, is the feminine word, or logos in place of the mother of Time, who was the earlier Word, as goddess of the Seven Stars” (“Typology of Time,” Vol. II. p. 313, Nat. Gen.).

The author shows that it was the goddess of the Great Bear and mother of Time who was in Egypt from the earliest times the “Living Word,” and that “Sevekh-Kronus, whose type was the Crocodile-Dragon, the pre-planetary form of Saturn, was called her son and consort; he was her Word-Logos” (p. 321, Vol. I.).

The above is quite plain, but it was not the knowledge of astronomy only that led the ancients to the process of Sevening. The primal cause goes far deeper and will be explained in its place.

The above quotations are not digressions. They are brought forward as showing (a) the reason why a full Initiate was called a “Dragon,” a “Snake” a “Naga”; and (b) that our septenary division was used by the priests of the earliest dynasties in Egypt, for the same reason and on the same basis as by us. This needs further elucidation, however.
As already stated, that which Mr. G. Massey calls the four genii of the four cardinal points; and the Chinese, the Black Warrior, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Azure Dragon, is called in the Secret Books, -- the “Four Hidden Dragons of Wisdom” and the “Celestial Nagas.” Now, as shown, the seven-headed or septenary Dragon-Logos had been in course of time split up, so to speak, into four heptanomic parts or twenty-eight portions. Each lunar week has a distinct occult character in the lunar month; each day of the twenty-eight has its special characteristics; as each of the twelve constellations, whether separately or in combination with other signs, has an occult influence either for good or for evil. This represents the sum of knowledge that men can acquire on this earth; yet few are those who acquire it, and still fewer are the wise men who get to the root of knowledge symbolized by the great Root Dragon, the spiritual logos of these visible signs. But those who do, receive the name of “Dragons,” and they are the “Arhats of the Four Truths of the 28 Faculties,” or attributes, and have always been so called.

The Alexandrian Neo-Platonists asserted that to become real Chaldees or Magi, one had to master the science or knowledge of the periods of the Seven Rectors of the world, in whom is all wisdom. In “Proclus in Timaeus,” b. 1, Jamblichus is credited with another version, which does not however, alter, the meaning. He says that “the Assyrians have not only preserved the records of seven and twenty myriads of years, as Hipparchus says they have, but likewise of the whole apocatastases and periods of the Seven Rulers of the World.” The legends of every nation and tribe, whether civilized or savage, point to the once universal belief in the great wisdom and cunning of the Serpents. They are “charmers.” They hypnotise the bird with their eye, and man himself, very often, does not feel above their fascinating influence; therefore the symbol is a most fitting one.

The crocodile is the Egyptian dragon. It was the dual symbol of Heaven and Earth, of Sun and Moon, and was made sacred, in consequence of its amphibious nature, to Osiris and Isis. According to Eusebius, the Egyptians represented the sun in a ship as its pilot, this ship being carried along by a crocodile “to show the motion of the Sun in the moyst (Space)”; (Prepar. Evang., 1, 3, c. 3).

The crocodile was moreover, the symbol of Egypt herself -- the lower, as being the more swampy of the two countries. The Alchemists claim another interpretation. They say that the symbol of the sun in the ship on the Ether of Space meant that the hermetic matter is the principle, or basis, of gold, or again the philosophical sun; the water, within which the crocodile is swimming, is that water or matter made liquid; the ship herself, finally, representing the vessel of nature, in which the sun, or the sulphuric, igneous principle, acts as a pilot because it is the sun.

The Serpent became the type and symbol of evil, and of the Devil, only during the middle ages. The early Christians -- besides the Ophite Gnostics -- had their dual Logos: the Good and the Bad Serpent, the Agathodaemon and the Kakodaemon. This is demonstrated by the writings of Marcus, Valentinus, and many others, and especially in Pistis Sophia — certainly a document of the earliest centuries of Christianity. On the marble sarcophagus of a tomb, discovered in 1852 near the Porta Pia, one sees the scene of the adoration of the Magi, “or else,” remarks the late C. W. King in “The Gnostics,” “the prototype of that scene, the ‘Birth of the New Sun.’ ” The mosaic floor exhibited a curious design which might have represented either (a) Isis suckling the babe Harpocrates, or (b) the Madonna nursing the infant Jesus. In the smaller sarcophagi that surrounded the larger one, eleven leaden plates rolled like scrolls were found, three of which have been deciphered. The contents of these ought to be regarded as final proof of a much-vexed question, for they show that either the early Christians, up to the VIth Century, were bond fide pagans, or that dogmatic Christianity was borrowed wholesale, and passed in full into the Christian Church — Sun, Tree, Serpent, Crocodile and all.

In India, it was the mystery of the Seven Fires and their forty-nine fires or aspects, or “the members thereof,” just the same.

These seven vowels are represented by the Swastika signs on the crowns of the seven heads of the Serpent of Eternity, in India, among esoteric Buddhists, in Egypt, in Chaldea, etc. etc., and among the Initiates of every other country. It is on the Seven zones of post mortem ascent, in the Hermetic writings, that the “mortal” leaves, on each, one of his “Souls” (or Principles); until arrived on the plane above all zones he remains as the great Formless Serpent of absolute wisdom — or the Deity itself. The seven-headed serpent has more than one signification in the Arcane teachings. It is the seven-headed Draco, each of whose heads is a star of the Lesser Bear; but it was also, and pre-eminently, the Serpent of Darkness (i.e., inconceivable and incomprehensible) whose seven heads were the seven Logoi, the reflections of the one and first manifested Light — the universal Logos.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:40 pm

Columbia's Imbolc Catastrophic Failure
The Columbia ended its long and venerable career on the feast day of St. Brigid. This fact may seem benign, but there are some connections worth investigating. Looking back into the old Christian Calendar, we find that February 1 was dedicated to St. Brigid of Kildare. This festival was one of many moves by the burgeoning Church to replace Pagan festivals, in this case Imbolc, with a "saint day" in hopes of Christianizing West Europe, and in this case Ireland. Imbolc, and it's three counterparts of Lughnasa (August 4/5), Beltane (May 2/3) and Samhain (November 1), were festival dates that celebrated mid-quarter festivals -- the midpoints between solstices and equinoxes -- and were marked by the natural celestial square of fixed stars that have been outlined here in The CAVE from the beginning: Pleiades, Regulus, Graffias and 33 Aquarius. Brigid corresponds with 33 Aquarius.

The contemporary USAnian pseudo-festival of "Groundhog Day" is a descendant of Imbolc, and more directly the Christian Festival of the Purification of the Virgin, also called Candlemas, that took place on February 2, a full 40 days after Christmas, and perhaps more interestingly the 33rd day of the year. Accordingly, February 1 is 39 days after Christmas, that being the hour of midnight of Christmas Eve and Christmas.

As for the real St. Brigid, she died on February 1, 525 AD, and is probably the most sanctified female to have lived in Ireland. Ironically, the meaning of "brigid" is "fiery arrow." Another interesting irony is that Brigid of Ireland is also called "Bride," or "Bride of the Isles." Columbia's mission commander was Astronaut Rick Douglas Husband.

Brigid, along with Columba and Patrick, are the most revered saints in Irish Christianity.

St. Columba was an important part of that time in Irish history that produced two other great saints: Patrick and Brigid. Patrick, born of good Roman family, was sold into slavery in Ireland. Brigid was the daughter of a slave girl. Columba, born about three years before Brigid’s death, was eligible for the high kingship of Ireland, since both of his parents were of royalty. In the veins of Columba ran the bluest blood of the Celts. He was eligible for even the High Kingship of Ireland. Instead, he chose to dedicate himself to the service of God.

A section of Bayer's 1603 celestial map showing his "new" constellation of Columba portrayed as a dove with an olive branch in its beak.

The highlighted words above cite St. Columba, born on December 7, 521, and died on June 9 597, and thus his official saint day. The connection between the saint and the shuttle is rather easy to make, if we can set aside the myth that the American federal territory named "District of Columbia" is simply a nod to discoverer Christopher Columbus. The root "colum" means "dove," and the saint's baptismal name was Colum, hence the latinized form Columba. We can find a constellation called Columba next to Canis Major and south of Orion.

This constellation first apeared in the early 17th Century with Bayer, and then was popularized by Royer in 1679. It is likely that this is the constellation that the Masonic settlers of the New World associated with the new continent; the name now properly labels the 10-mile square region known as the "District of Columbia" in which the "City of Washington" resides. The same can be said for other institutions, such as "Columbia University," and even the "Columbia Broadcasting System," better known as "CBS," which has as it's logo a classic shape of sacred geometry that has matured to become the "camera's eye."

And from Genesis:

At the end of forty days, after the flood, Noah opened the window of the ark that he had made and sent out the raven to see if it could find dry land; and it went to and fro until the waters were dried up from the earth. Then he sent out the dove from him, to see if the waters had subsided from the face of the ground; but the dove found no place to set its foot, and it returned to him to the ark, for the waters were still on the face of the whole earth. So he put out his hand and took it and brought it into the ark with him. He waited another seven days and again he sent out the dove from the ark; and the dove came back to him in the evening, and there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf; so Noah knew that the waters had subsided from the earth. Then he waited another seven days, and sent out the dove; and it did not return to him any more. (Genesis 8:6-12)

So, why did the authors of Genesis depict a dove in this key role? Because (see Peter Tompkins, and/or Temple) of the geodetic role of doves in "primitive" geographical surveying. So, "doves" equal a priestly code for "earth measurement." And "doves" in the Noah story indicate a need to determine exact lat/long ...again, after a major, watery catastrophe ..

Robert Temple, author of the aforementioned "Sirius Mystery", has exhaustively explained the deeper connection between the Argo (the Ark) and Sirius ... Most interesting is his discussion of the deep (hidden?) relationship between the true nature of the companion to Sirius, Sirius B -- the amazing white dwarf -- and a little known visible star in the same constellation of Canis Major, called by the Arabs, "Al Wazn" -- "Weight" -- so-called (according to a leading Arabic astronomy expert) because "...the star seems to rise with difficulty from the horizon." The Arabic expert, Ideler, called this "an astonishing star name."

Temple goes on to equate this nomenclature, applied to a visible member of Canis Major, with the ancient, degenerate, "hidden knowledge" regarding the actual existence of Sirius B -- the super-dense (but invisible to the naked eye) white dwarf that orbits in the Sirius system. What Temple did not know (or did not report, because he considered it irrelevant for his discussion) was that when Bayer "stole" some of Canis Major's stars to compose the new constellation, "Columba," in 1603 -- one key star of the new constellation was this same "Al Wazn" ... "Weight!" The same star that Temple, just under 400 years later, identifies with a "secret," degenerated knowledge of the Sirian system itself .

So, there is an undeniable connection (through this star) between the "Sirian Complex" of the Dogon myth and mythos of Canis Major ... and the "new" constellation of Columba, "the Dove."

The other strong connection to Temple's Sirius Mythos comes with Columba's association with "Argo" -- the Southern Constellation representing (loosely) "Noah's Ark" -- and its classic use as an escape from a great planetary flood/disaster.

Temple refers to the other variants of this same Hebrew story then circulating in the Middle East, including "The Egyptian story that said that it was the ark that bore Isis and Osiris over the Deluge" Now if you refer to the major MIT science historian, the late Livo Stechini (in a significant appendix to Tompkins: "Secrets of the Great Pyramid"), you find that Stechini makes an excellent case that the "doves" of the Noah story are actually a classic Egyptian reference to "a standard Egyptian glyph for the stretching of meridians and parallels."

So it's clear that the "secret" creation of a visible new constellation called "the Dove" (Columba) in 1603, out of some Canis Major stars, linked with Argo and the entire Sirian Complex, was not accidental. It was, instead, secretly emblematic at that precise time of the transposition of the terrestrial Egyptian "meridians and parallels" into the sky.

Now, why do you suppose just after the BIG Calendar Change at the end of the 16th Century someone would have wanted a visible (Egyptian) marker in the sky to denote "celestial meridians and parallels?" Why indeed except, in part, to visibly mark in the sky (to those "in the know") the orientation of the critical "plane of the Earth's axis" at the end of the Twentieth Century when Sirius would cross the Meridian at Midnight in "2000?"

Now things get even more interesting.

As Knight and Lomas have shown in "Uriel's Machine" there was a Sixth Century monk who took the Church from Ireland to Scotland. He also was heavily involved with the importation of a "sacred stone" imported from the holy land (ancient Egypt) used in all subsequent Scottish (and later English) Coronations. Oh, his name? "Columba!"

It should be noted here that the final "wake-up call" for the astronauts in the mission was that of bagpipes for Laurel B. Clark, M.D. (Commander, USN), who had served in Scotland "as the Submarine Squadron Fourteen Medical Department Head in Holy Loch Scotland."

Why was he named "Columba?" And why did the Founding Fathers (mostly Masons -- from "Columba's" new home, from Scotland) centuries later call the New Republic they created in the New World "Columbia?" The classical story is, of course, that it all had to do with "Christopher Columbus" -- the "discoverer" of America and the New World; actually, as we have seen, Columbus was only rediscovering the "lost Atlantis" that most learned men of the day already knew was out there. In part, this prior knowledge was reinforced by at least one of the major "best selling manuscripts" of Columbus' time (even Queen Isabella was said to own a copy!): the remarkable story of another Irish monk -- "St. Brendan, the Navigator," a contemporary of "Columba" -- who also made a pilgrimage to Scotland.

According to Brendan's own telling of the tale, a thousand years before 1492, Brendan and fourteen other monks purportedly sailed west in a fragile skin-clad boat, to seek this fabled "Promised Land." Most of the voyagers, including Brendan himself (his manuscript continues), successfully returned to Ireland after seven years with amazing tales of everything, from "whales" to "icebergs," seen along the way.

So, was this a real, 6th Century "Irish Expedition" to the New World, or merely a clever means of passing down through the centuries "secret" Gaelic knowledge of this crucial "Promised World?" Even more intriguing was St. Brendan's name somehow accidentally substituted in this "code" for the far more appropriate (etymologically and geodetically speaking) "Columba," in the centuries-long recopying and retelling of the tale? Is this one of the reasons why the Masonic (Scottish) founders of the Republic ultimately called America "Columbia"?

Well, what we do know is that the Great Seal's reverse is an Eagle (Aquila) holding 13 arrows (Sagitta) and an olive branch with 13 leaves (Columba), and this under a field of 13 stars arranged in a six-pointed star.

Yet, all of this inflection does not bring us any closer to why Columba would be of such great import to Masonic interests. To understand the "why," we need to again look to the sky, and to the constellation to the north: Orion. In the northern hemisphere, at the latitudes of the contiguous USAnian states, we can see that the alpha star of Columba, Phaet, which means "dove," aligns on the meridian at the same time as the Great Pyramid star Alnitak (zeta Orionis), as seen in the next graphic; thus, Orion is the protector of the dove.

The alpha star of Columba, Phaet, co-culminates with Alnitak of Orion in the northern hemisphere. This alignment occurs at low-midnight of December 17/18 and high-noon of June 16/17 of the current epoch.

But, what does this have to do with the Space Shuttle and astrology? The answer lies in the ritual Masonic astrology, of course! Columbia, the very first shuttle to enter service, was launched on time without a hitch at its prescribed date and time:

Mission: Space Research
Shuttle: Columbia
Launch Pad: 39A
Launch: Jan. 16, 2003 9:39 a.m. CST
Orbit Inclination: 39°

Aside from the two instances of "39" [2 × 19.5], and the fact that Columbia was to land at the Cape on the 39th day after Christmas, we can cast a sky chart for the moment of launch, which is suspiciously timed to coincide with the 0° Capricorn point on the Midheaven:

Also we see the Sun and Mars at the ritual altitudes of +33°. Other than that, this chart is rather unexciting, until we relocate to Giza, upon which we will find that the star Sirius is four minutes past rising, but more importantly, the central star of the constellation Columba is rising exactly on the horizon! Also, as discussed in earlier essays in the CAVE, at the latitude of Giza, when these stars are on the eastern horizon, the favorable fixed star Spica (alpha Virgo) is transiting the lower meridian, or the "imum coeli":

Closeup of the risings of Sirius and Columba; Wezn, the beta of Columba, is exactly on the horizon at liftoff, at 0°03' Altitude.

A major consideration in mundane astrology is eclipses, and eclipse paths. The first eclipse after 1776 to cast a path over what eventually became part of the USA occurred on January 8, 1777. The shadow first appeared at the foothills of the Rockies in Colorado, moved over Dallas, then New Orleans, and finally Miami before crossing the Atlantic and disappearing off the coast of Spain.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:51 am

Planet X, the "Pole Shift" and the "Fox Star"?

The Fox
History of the star: A star on the Tail of the Great Bear Ursa Major. This little star is a companion and only 11' distant to the star Mizar. Alcor is a 4th magnitude star and only people with excellent eyesight could distinguish it as a separate star from Mizar because they are so close as to appear to be a single star. These stars used to be the "test" or "riddle" by which people used to test their eyesight on.

Inconspicuous though Alcor may be, it has been famous in astronomical folklore.
Although the statement has been made that Alcor was not known to the Greeks, there is an old story that it was the Lost Pleiad, Electra, which had wandered here from her companions and became ... "the Fox."

In Hindu mythology the seven stars of Ursa Major, the seven Richis or Seven Wise Men, were wedded to the seven sisters of the Pleiades. After rumors of their infidelity the Richis banished their wives. Only Arundhati (or Arundha), an exemplary wife remained with her husband, Sage Vashishta as the star Alcor; Vashishta is Mizar. In the course of Hindu marriage rituals, both the bride and groom are taken outside the marriage mandap and shown the Star Alcor, better known as Arundhati Nakshatram. This ritual symbolizes the urge of the newly weds to remain true to each other. And Alcor is pointed out as a paradigm of marital virtue to the bride. Al Biruni called this star Al Suha, "the pious woman". [These two close stars could have more erotic implications because Mizar is the "groin" or "loins" of the Great Bear].

A Latin title was Eques Stellula, "the Little Starry Horseman"; Eques, "the Cavalier", is from Bayer; while the Horse and his Rider, and, popularly, in England, Jack on the Middle Horse, are well known, Mizar being the horse.

It was also called "the Abject", which means a courser or rider.

Alcor, forever tied to Mizar, is hardly ever spoken of unless as "Mizar and Alcor," which the Arabs referred to as the horse and rider. The name Alcor, however, was stolen from that for Alioth. Both come from an Arabic word that means the "black horse." The term was distorted in different ways as it was applied to each of the two stars. Oddly, the "rider" of the pair is the one with the name of the "horse," "Mizar" referring not to a horse but to the "groin" of the Great Bear.

Alcor is connected with a German story of a wagoner named Hans Dumkin, who, although he was poor; offered his hospitality to Christ. He had always wanted to travel, so Christ gave him Alcor; enabling him to continue sightseeing for eternity.

In an Arabic story this star, Alcor, was the little infant in the arms of one of the "Mourners". The constellation of the Great Bear was seen as a funeral procession, around a Bier or coffin (bear and bier come from the same root word). The bier was marked by the Plough or Big Dipper stars on the body of the Bear - Merak (beta), Dubhe (alpha), Phecda (gamma) and Megrez (delta). The coffin was followed by "Mourners"; the three big stars on the tail of the Great Bear; epsilon (Alioth), zeta (Mizar), and eta (Alkaid). These mourners, the children of Al Na'ash, who was murdered by Al Jadi, the pole-star (Polaris), are still nightly surrounding him in their thirst for vengeance, the walidan among the daughters — the star Mizar — holding in her arms her new-born infant, the little Alcor.

In the Norse astronomy Rigel marked one of the great toes of Orwandil, the other toe having been broken off by the god Thor when frost-bitten, and thrown to the northern sky, where it became the little Alcor (Anglo-Saxon Earendel). (Allen).

Influence of the constellation: It is said to give a quiet, prudent, suspicious, mistrustful, self-controlled, patient nature, but an uneasy spirit and great anger when roused. By the Kabalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Zain and the 7th Tarot Trump "The Chariot". (Robson).

Rising: Those born at the rising of this constellation will be tamers of wild beasts, that is men to teach bears, bulls and lions to lay aside their fierceness and share in human ways. (Manilius Astronomica 1st century AD)


Title: Bear and Three Hunters
Tribe: Musquakie
Region: Wisconsin
Object: Big Dipper

The bowl stars of the Dipper form a bear. The stars of the handle are hunters. The tiny star Alcor is a small dog named "Hold Tight." In autumn when the Dipper is low to the horizon the blood from the arrow wounds drips on the trees and turns them red and brown.

Title: Coyote, Wolves, and Bears
Tribe: Wasco
Object: Big Dipper

Once there were five wolves who would share meat with Coyote. One night the wolves were staring at the sky. "What are you looking at?" asked Coyote. "There are two animals up there." they told him. "But we can't get to them." "That is easy." said Coyote. He took his bow and shot an arrow into the sky where it stuck. He shot another arrow which stuck into the first. Then he shot another and another until the chain of arrow reached the ground. The five wolves and Coyote climbed the arrows and the oldest wolf took along his dog. When the reached the sky they could see that the animals were grizzly bears. The wolves went near the bears and sat there looking at them and the bears looked back. Coyote thought they looked good sitting there so he left them and removed his arrow ladder. The three stars of the handle of the Big Dipper and the two stars of the bowl near the handle are the wolves. The two stars on the front of the bowl that point to the North Star are the bears. Alcor, the little star by the wolf in the middle of the handle is the dog.

Title: Spider and the Sun
Tribe: Cherokee
Region: Tennessee, North Carolina
Object: Sun, Milky Way

In the beginning there was only darkness and people kept bumping into each other. Fox said that people on the other side of the world had plenty of light but were too greedy to share it. Possum went over there to steal a little piece of the light. He found the Sun hanging in a tree, lighting everything up. He took a tiny piece of the Sun and hid it in the fur of his tail. The heat burned the fur off his tail. That is why possums have bald tails. Buzzard tried next. He tried to hide a piece in the feathers of his head. That is why buzzards have bald heads. Grandmother Spider tried next. She made a clay bowl. Then she spun a web (Milky Way) across the sky reaching to the other side of the world. She snatched up the whole sun in the clay bowl and took it back home to our side of the world.

Title: Fox and the Moon
Tribe: Snoqualmie
Region: Washington
Object: Moon

Long ago, Snoqualm, the Moon, had a spider make him a rope out of cedar bark and stretch it from the sky to the Earth. One day Fox and Blue Jay found the rope and climbed up to where the rope was fixed to the underside of the sky. Blue Jay pecked a hole in the sky and they climbed through to the sky world. Blue Jay flew to a tree while Fox changed himself into Beaver and swam in a lake. Moon had set a trap in the lake which caught Beaver. Moon skinned him and threw the body in the corner of the smokehouse. That night when Moon was asleep Beaver got up and put his skin back on. He looked around. He took a few of the trees, and the Moon's daylight making tools, some fire, and the Sun which was hidden in Moon's house. He changed back into Fox then he found the hole that Blue Jay had made and took the things to Earth. He planted the trees, made daylight, gave the fire to the people, and put the Sun in it's place. When Moon awoke he was very angry. He found the tracks that led to the hole. He started down but the rope broke and he fell to the Earth in a heap where he became a mountain. One can see the face of Snoqualm on one of the rocky cliffs. Today it is called Mount Si and it is near Northbend, Washington.

Title: Coyote as the Moon
Tribe: Kalispel
Region: Idaho
Object: Moon

Once there was no Moon for someone had stolen it. The people asked "Who will be the Moon?" The Yellow Fox agreed to give it a try but he was so bright it made the Earth hot at night. Then the people asked Coyote to try and he agreed. The Coyote was a good moon, not to bright - not to dim. But from his vantage point in the sky the Coyote could see what everyone was doing. Whenever he saw someone doing something dishonest he would shout "HEY! That person is stealing meat from the drying racks!" or "HEY! That person is cheating at the moccasin game!" Finally, the people who wished to do things in secret got together and said "Coyote is too noisy. Let's take him out of the sky." So someone else became the moon. Coyote can no longer see what everyone else is doing but he still tries to snoop into everyone else's business.

Appendix 15

As concerns the removing of the Pole Star, the most drastic version is told by the Lapps:

"When Arcturus (alpha Boötis, supposed to be an archer, Ursa Major being his bow) shoots down the North Nail with his arrow on the last day, the heaven will fall, crushing the earth and setting fire to everything."

Other legends prefer to deal with the fate of circumpolar stars, the result being the same.

"The Siberian Kirghis call the three stars of the Little Bear nearest the Pole Star, which form an arch, a "rope" to which the two larger stars of the same constellation, the two horses, are fastened. One of the horses is white, the other bluish-grey. The seven stars of the Great Bear they call the seven watchmen, whose duty it is to guard the horses from the lurking wolf. When once the wolves succeed in killing the horses, the end of the world will come. In other tales the stars of the Great Bear are "seven wolves" who pursue those horses. Just before the end of the world they will succeed in catching them. Some even fancy that the Great Bear is also tied to the Pole Star. When once all the bonds are broken, there will be a great disturbance in the sky."

[COMMENT: In the context of the Planet Nibiru occupying the position atop "The Cosmic Tree" or "The North Nail", this reference to "the end of the world" would obviously mean the time when the Planet Nibiru last detethered and departed.]

According to South Russian folklore, a dog is fettered to Ursa Minor, and tries constantly to bite through the fetter; when he succeeds, the end of the world has come.

"Others say that Ursa Major consists of a team of horses with harness; every night a black dog is gnawing at the harness, in order to destroy the world, but he does not reach his aim; at dawn, when he runs to a spring to drink, the harness renews itself."

A very strange and apparently stone-old story is told by the Skidi-Pawnee about the end and the beginning of the world.

"Various portents will precede: the Moon will turn red and the Sun will die in the skies. The North Star is the power which is to preside at the end of all things, as the Bright Star of Evening was the ruler when life began. The Morning Star, the messenger of heaven, which revealed the mysteries of fate to the people, said that in the beginning, at the first great council which apportioned to star folk their stations, two of the people fell ill. One of these was old, and one was young. They were placed upon stretchers, carried by stars (Ursa Major and Ursa Minor), and the two stretchers were tied to the North Star.

"Now the South Star, the Spirit Star, or Star of Death, comes higher and higher in the heavens, and nearer and nearer to the North Star; and when the time for the end of life draws nigh, the Death Star will approach so close to the North Star that it will capture the stars that bear the stretchers and cause the death of the persons who are lying ill upon those stellar couches. The North Star will then disappear and move away and the South Star will take possession of Earth and its people. The command for the ending of all things will be given by the North Star, and the South Star will carry out the commands. Our people were made by the stars. When the time comes for all things to end, our people will turn into small stars and will fly to the South Star where they belong."

[COMMENT: Think of "The South Star" as the Planet Nibiru, arriving from its perpendicular orbit (in relation to the Ecliptic) from "underneath" the South Pole and rising to dock/tether as "The North Nail", displacing the North Star Polaris. Then this bit of "mythology" makes scientific and historical sense.]

To return to better known provinces, Proclus informs us that the fox star nibbles continuously at the thong of the yoke which holds together Heaven and Earth; German folklore adds that when the fox succeeds, the world will come to its end. This fox star is no other than Alcor, the small star g near zeta Ursae Majoris (in India Arundati, the common wife of the Seven Rishis, alpha-eta Ursae; see p. 302 about Arundati and Elamitic Narundi, sister of the Sibitti, the "Seven"), known as such since Babylonian times.

[COMMENT: The "yoke" or "bond" that holds together "Heaven" and "Earth" is nothing more than the electromagnetic tether, the North Nail, which links the docked Nibiru to the Earth's North Pole. And during "reconstructed" Babylonian history, as per Dr. Velikovsky, the Babylonian Period would overlap the "North Nail Period" from 1587-687 BCE. The key to knowing this fact is the reconstructed placement of Ramses II, coordinating his reign with that of Nebuchadnezzar II.]

The same star crosses our way again in the Scholia to Aratus where we are told that it is Electra, mother of Dardanus, who left her station among the Pleiades, desperate because of Ilion's fall, and retired "above the second star of the beam ... others call this star 'fox'."

This small piece of evidence may show the reader two things: (1) that the Fall of Troy meant the end of a veritable world-age. (For the time being, we assume that the end of the Pleiadic Age is meant; among various reasons, because Dardanos came to Troy after the third flood, according to Nonnos.); (2) that Ursa Major and the Pleiades figuring on the shield of Achilles, destroyer of Troy, have a precise significance, and are not to be taken as testimony for the stupendous ignorance of Homer who knew none but these constellations, as the specialists want us to believe.

[COMMENT: What these authors were not aware of is that ONLY when one connects the Fall of Troy to the immediate commencement of the Greek Olympiads, concurrently with the Founding of Rome and the Era of Nabonassar in Babylon, as per the Velikovskian Reconstruction, by moving Troy forwards in time to occur contemporaneously with the Great Eclipse and the Great Earthquake, can one see the relationship to the detethering of The North Nail or The Cosmic Tree in approximately 762 BCE. This is a most important point. It is absolutely essential for everybody who tries to argue this hypothesis with another to understand it completely. Otherwise, you will never succeed in your "propaganda".]

There are, indeed, too many traditions connecting Ursa and the Pleiades with this or that kind of catastrophe to be overlooked. Among the many we mention only one example from later Jewish legends, some lines taken out of a most fanciful description of Noah's flood, quoted by Frazer:

"Now the deluge was caused by the male waters from the sky meeting the female waters which issued forth from the ground. The hole in the sky by which the upper waters escaped were made by God when he removed stars out of the constellation of the Pleiades; and in order to stop this torrent of rain, God had afterwards to bung up the two holes with a couple of stars borrowed from the constellation of the Bear. That is why the Bear runs after the Pleiades to this day; she wants her children back, but she will never get them till after the Last Day."



Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:25 pm

Ponder on this and remember also that our Sun is traveling through space (carrying our solar system along in its sphere of influence) around our own central and conditioning star which it has been rightly presumed exists in the constellation Taurus, the Bull, being found in the Pleiades. At the same time it appears, from the standpoint of our planet, to be passing through the twelve signs of the zodiac; this is a symbol macrocosmically considered, of the dramatic centralized point of view of the individual human being, the microcosm. [E.A.112]

There are four constellations, as you know, which convey the required energies which will make humanity divine. They are Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. I need not enter into an analysis of them as this was covered when we studied each of them earlier and separately. I would, however, like to point out that each of these constellations is closely connected, as a transmitter of energy, with certain stars, lying outside our zodiac altogether, thus connecting our tiny planet with certain great focal points of energy.

Aries, the initiator of impulses (either the impulse to incarnate or the impulse to return to the originating source) is closely in touch with one of the stars in the Great Bear to which we give the name "Pointer" in common parlance. This Pointer is a "major star of direction" because through it (in this world cycle) flows the will to unify and to bring about synthesis. This is the force which brings about the fusion or integration of the personality, the unification of humanity or the Great Approach of the Hierarchy to Humanity. It will produce also the integration of our Earth into the body of the "sacred planets" and the consequent establishing of a triangle of force composed of the Pointer, Aries and our Earth. This triangular relationship will have a potent effect upon the solar system as well as upon the planet itself and is also one of the factors producing the shift in the Earth's axis. Related to this triangle is a secondary one within our sun's orbit, composed of Vulcan, Pluto and the Earth. In the Archives of the Great Lodge this is referred to symbolically as: [483]

This is one of the most interesting and informing astrological symbols I have given you and indicates a most momentous relationship. You have here two major and three minor energies brought into close relation; this is analogous to the two major rays and the three minor rays which condition a human being in manifestation. These are the five energies which concern the informing life of our planet. They produce, in humanity, conscious evolution, direction and the founding of Shamballa upon the Earth. They are the five energies connected with the will-to-be, but from the consciousness angle and not the material expression of manifestation. Their activity and united influence in the realm of consciousness produced the appearance of another triangle: Leo, Polaris and another of the Pointers and these two groups form an interlocking dirThe Seven Sisters, the Pleiades
References in The Secret Doctrine

1. he Pleiades are the supposed wives of the seven Rishis of the Great Bear. They are also the nurses of the God of War, Mars, the commander of the celestial armies." (Vol. II, 579)

2. "The Pleiades are the central group of the system of sidereal astronomy.

a. They are found in the neck of the Bull, the constellation Taurus.

b. They are therefore in the Milky Way.

c. They are thus considered (Alcyone, in particular) as the central point around which our universe of fixed stars revolves." (Vol. II, 582)

3. "The number seven is closely connected with the occult significance of the Pleiades, the six present and the 7th hidden." (Vol. II, 654)

4. "The Pleiades were at one time the Atlantides and connected with Atlantis and its seven races." (Vol. II, 811)

5. "One of the most esoteric cycles is based upon certain conjunctions and respective positions of Virgo and the Pleiades." (Vol. II, 454) [658]

From A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

6. "The Pleiades are to the solar system the source of electrical energy and, just as our sun is the embodiment of the heart or love aspect of the Logos (Who is Himself the heart of the One about Whom Naught may be Said) so the Pleiades are the feminine opposite of Brahma." (The third aspect) (156)

7. "Our solar system, with the Pleiades and one of the stars of the Great Bear, form a cosmic triangle or an aggregation of centers in the body of the One about Whom Naught may be Said." (182)

8. "Two other systems, when allied with our solar system and the Pleiades make a lower quaternary." (182)

9. "The sun, Sirius, is the source of the Logoic mind (manas) in the same sense that the Pleiades are connected with the evolution of mind in the seven Heavenly Men and Venus was responsible for the coming of mind to the Earth." (347)

10. "Sirius, the Pleiades and our Sun form a cosmic triangle." (375)

11. "The Pleiades are negatively polarized to our seven schemes." (377)

12. "Our seven planetary Logoi are transmitters, via Their seven schemes to the seven stars of the Pleiades." (378)


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:57 pm

The Dogon Tribe Knowledge
Dogon believe that the brightest star in the sky, Sirius (sigi tolo or 'star of the Sigui), has two companion stars, pō tolo (the Digitaria star), and ęmmę ya tolo, (the female Sorghum star) (Flower, Seed?) respectively the first and second companions of Sirius.

Sirius, in the Dogon system, formed one of the foci for the orbit of a tiny star, the companionate Digitaria star. When Digitaria is closest to Sirius, that star brightens: when it is farthest from Sirius, it gives off a twinkling effect that suggests to the observer several stars. The orbit cycle takes 50 years.

But why would Sirius be such an important guiding star of Wisdom and “origin of Life”? Why is it that Sirius apparently shows up in many mythological telling and myths?

Can one use a modern Star Atlas map in order to solve the meaning of myths? I think so. But of course, you have to have an idea or a hypothesis in order to do so. My idea here is to locate the Sirius Star, and se where it is located accordingly to the Pole Star that that we all use in order to navigate on the celestial Heaven.

Star Navigation

The actual North Pole Star hasn’t always been the guiding star. Because of the processional movement the processional Earth Axle point moves 1 degree every 71.6 year in the circumpolar circle. So, in order to locate and orientate the Sirius star accordingly to the center in the circumpolar circle and thereby get a positional line which takes the circumpolar movement out of the equation, we thereby gets a star guiding line which directionally relates the Sirius star to all other stars in our Galaxy.

The Galactic Ruler Line

When drawing a line from Sirius in the constellation of Canis Major, through the circumpolar center and further on to the Vega star in Lyra, and further on to the constellation of Sagittarius, one gets a general guiding line to the center of our Galaxy and by making a 90 degree angle on the line in the circumpolar center and prolonging this line, we get the 4 cardinal directions in our galaxy, Sagittarius (Galaxy Center), Gemini (Gemini/Sirius) Pisces and Virgo. Thereby we have the 4 spoke Galactic Wheel, which in ancient times very often was divided into 4 more directions of the 4 Animals, Eagle, Bull, Lion and Horse (Or other local animals).

The Sirius-Vega Ruler-Line: On midnight Jan. 3 and July 3 the Ruler Line roughly marks the Earth’s orbital position compared to the center of our Milky Way Galaxy and away from our Milky Way galaxy center. The 90 degree angle in from the celestial Pole marks increasing galactic power and decreasing galactic power periods.

That is: By positioning the Sirius star in our Galaxy, we have got the knowledge of the general cardinal directions in our Milky Way Galaxy and maybe thereby confirming that the Dogon People really learned a lot from the Oannes/Sirius source. When knowing these information’s of the 4 galactic directions, the basics for building their villages and temples was stated and by building accordingly to these information’s, the Dogon People – and all other cultures in the World – could follow the rules below on Earth of Heavenly above.
The Dogon tribe lives in the Homburi Mountains near Timbuktu. At the center of their religious teachings is knowledge about a star (in the Sirius star system) that is invisible to the eye - even through most telescopes. A faint companion star to Sirius A was detected in 1862 after 50 year cyclic variations were found in the proper motion of this 2.14 solar mass star. No photographs were taken of it until 1970. Sirius B is a white dwarf that, although small and faint, is extremely dense and heavy enough to exert an influence on Sirius A. Sirius B is as massive as our Sun (1.05 solar masses), but only 19,000 miles in diameter.

Many scientists do not consider any part of the Sirius system a prime candidate for life. Even ASTRO-METRICS, when analyzing the Hill star map describing the Hill aliens possible sojourn, did not consider Sirius a potential star to be visited. Instead, Procyon was depicted on the "The Hill Star Map Interpreted". This leg of their travels was in the direction of the Sirius star system and could just as easily have been to the Sirius star system instead. At the time of this analysis, the Sirius star system was rejected because it was felt that a red giant undergoing nova to the white dwarf star (Sirius B) would give inadequate time for life to evolve on any orbiting planets. The possibility of life developing on a planet of a third star in the system was not even considered.

There was some data that indicated that Sirius is a three star system as early as 1920. Experienced observers, some even using the same telescope that discovered Sirius B have consistently observed it as a double star.18 The observations were consistent with a nominal two year period, one that would offer a stable orbit about Sirius B. Sirius B gets within 10 AU of Sirius A, and any planets (or small stars) orbiting Sirius B would be scattered into outer space unless they were in less than three year orbits or so. However, these observations were rejected by a study from the Naval Observatory (where the vice president lives) in 1973. More recently, a third star (Sirius C) in the Sirius system and this has been (1995) proposed by astronomers as a 0.05 solar mass red dwarf in a six year orbit. Celestial mechanics favor it orbiting Sirius A.19 At least, Sirius C appears to exist.

The Sirius system is believed to be one that has had a tortured past. Sirius C could be a dwarf star that was formed as a "planet" of Sirius A that grew large enough to form an M class or dark star. Or, there could be such a star that formed in the ancient past when Sirius B went nova and changed into a white dwarf. Matter expelled by this explosion could have been acquired by a planet of the B star causing it grow into a small star. There could be other habitable planets orbiting Sirius A or B. Alternately, if Sirius C is a large "planet" turned M class star, it could have large habitable satellites.

The Dogon legends are 5200 years old (or more), long enough to have been corrupted by some confusion. One of the Dogon's beliefs is that Sirius B occupied the place where our Sun is now (perhaps an analogy). Also, the Dogon believe that Sirius B orbits Sirius A every 50 years (which it does). The Dogon describe another star, Sirius C, in the Sirius system. Around this star, they say, is a single satellite (as if both were formed as an astro-metics like double planet). The Nommos live there.

It was the Nommos that gave the Dogon knowledge about Sirius B such as its (50 year) period about Sirius A and the extreme density of this white dwarf star.20 The Dogon say the Nommos were amphibious beings sent to Earth from Sirius for the benefit of mankind. They were saviors and spiritual guardians. The Dogon associate the number 60 with the cosmic placenta, the outer border of our solar system or major outer border which would be the orbits of Saturn and Jupiter. They hold related celebrations every 60 years. A 60-year cycle is found in Chinese astrology - suggesting a Nommos source?

The Nommos landed on Earth in a "ship" that made a spinning decent to the ground with great noise and wind. It landed somewhere to the northeast of the Dogon's present homeland. There was a great noise and wind. The ship landed on three legs, skidded to a stop, scoring the ground. Four legs appeared and dragged the vessel to a hollow, which filled with water until the vessel floated. The Dogon, call this spaceship 'Pelu Tolo' or 'Star of the Tenth Moon'.

At the same time a new star was seen in the sky, which possibly was a large space ship (the mother ship?). The star was described by the Dogon as having a circle of reddish rays around it. This circle of rays was like a spreading spot yet still remaining the same size. Coincidentally, T. J.J.See of the Naval Observatory did an extensive investigation of ancient legends of Sirius appearing "red" during these time and concluded that they were valid.17 Current astronomical theory involving Sirius changing from a red giant to a white dwarf star through nova does offer conditions wherein Sirius could have appeared red, but its change in such a short time (5,000 years) are inconsistent with these theories. (Could zodiacal light from an asteroid belt or dust cloud remaining from the nova be the cause of this red color?)
Dagon - Nommo from Sirius
The Dogon said the star Sirius was orbited by the "smallest and heaviest of all stars" and they would draw a diagram of an elliptical orbit and said the period was 50 years. The anthropologists commented in their papers that this knowledge was surprising.

It is more than surprising - Sirius is orbited by a white dwarf and it is so invisible that the first image of it was only obtained in 1970.

The orbiting object is what is called a "white dwarf" and is the collapsed core of a dead star and it is in a 50 year elliptical orbit. It is more massive than our Sun but is very small - gravity has collapsed it to just a few thousand miles in diameter - it is collapsed to an extent where 2,000 tons of material are crushed into 1 cubic foot.

Sirius A is very bright and totally outshines Sirius B (10,000x) but because the Sirius system is quite close, one of our nearest neighbors at 8.7 light-years, it is possible to detect the wobble caused by the heavy orbiting object using good instruments. The Dogon say there is also a 3rd star in the system called "Emme Ya" - and this was recently discovered (in 1995) and is now called Sirius C.

The Dogon call Saturn the "star of limiting the place" and say that when the Nommo left they became the "star of the 10th moon" - Phoebe is the 10th moon of Saturn and although little is known about it, what is known about it is quite odd. It is about 200 Km in diameter and has an orbit that is unlike the other moons of Saturn. It is much further out, goes round the other way and at a much different angle. It is black as soot and appears to be made of rock - but if it was made of rock it would be about 5 times heavier than it actually is. It is also much more spherical than you would expect for an object with almost no gravity. The only picture I can find of Phoebe shows a round object that looks like a pollen grain under a microscope.
Rules by Gods ... trix03.htm
At the time, the star they were talking about, now called Sirius B, was not yet discovered by scientists. The Dogon are claimed to have said that it took about 50 years to orbit Sirius A and that it was "infinitely tiny". We now know this is true. Sirius B is a dwarf star and fantastically heavy. The story goes that they said there was a third star, which also orbits Sirius A, and takes 50 years to complete a circuit. Again this was undiscovered at the time, but its existence was confirmed by astronomers in 1995 and it is known as Sirius C.

The Illuminati symbolism of three - the trinity - appears to be related, at least in part, to these three stars of the Sirius system. The constant reference to the number 50 in ancient myth could relate to these 50-year orbits, Temple suggests, and they also symbolized Sirius B and C as "the twins" using their combined orbit periods of 100 years as a code for them, he says. Certainly there is endless reference to "twin" symbolism throughout the ancient world. The Dogon call Sirius B, Digitaria, and Sirius C, Sorghun, or the "female star".

They also call it the "sun of women" or "star of women". To them, the most important star is Sirius B, which, they rightly said, was invisible to the eye. Still today their religious rituals and rites are based on the cycles of the Sirius system. The Dog Star, Sirius or Sirius A, has two and a half times the mass of our own Sun and is thirty-five and a half times brighter. When you consider that our Sun contains 99% of the mass of this solar system, Sirius is some baby. Sirius B contains 1.053 times the mass of our Sun.2 It is incredibly compressed, however, and thus is very small.


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