Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:59 pm

Extraterrestrial-Like DNA Fractals Floating in the Human Gene Pool ... noma06.htm
Arguably, the greatest challenge to humanity may be to re-affirm an invigorating context of empathy and peace with one another. Researchers suggest that this human challenge may very pivot on the ability of humanity to overcome regressive alien intrusions and deceptions.

The historical testimonies of ancient communities, indigenous people, and modern eyewitnesses suggest that there is some kind of genetic program that is being directed against humanity. This has been linked to accounts of alien abductions.

Humans seek the protection of their environment are also seeking a context of peace and social justice, because apparently at least subconsciously, humanity does in fact recognize its "oneness" with one another, and with the Earth in general.

The fact that there seems to be a group(s) on Earth, that seems to operate with their own ego-driven agenda, separate from the overwhelming majority of humanity, supports the hypothesis of the operation of some kind of regressive alien consciousness, that operates through "human hosts".

John Lash suggests that the alien tampering of Human DNA that is alleged by Tsarion may have something to do with fractals.

A word on fractals: although fractal-like patterns appear in nature (in ferns, for instance: the disposition of the leaves on a stem is repeated in the form of the stemmed branches), the self-similar forms produced by high iteration are not natural, strictly speaking. Fractals such as those pictured here result from feeding a mathematical formula into a computer and having the formula reprocess itself, over and over again.

Dr Mack's research documented on-going alien abduction experiments consistent with an ego-driven eugenics agenda against humanity.

Dr. Lash suggests that even though regressive aliens have not been able to "re-write" the biological aspects of Human DNA, the regressive lower-dimensional inorganic regressive aliens cited by Lash may have inserted a parallel fractal-based artificial DNA, as apparent "Junk DNA" into the overall Human DNA matrix.

If that is the case, then humanity's biological and spiritual consciousness may need to re-connect with each other as a unified communality, in order to overcome fractal-induced tendencies that may have been programmed through historical alien intrusions.

Lash and other researchers suggest that Programmed fractals within Human DNA might be a pivotal basis that regressive aliens have sought to use, as a "relay point" in order to manipulate humanity into a course of destructiveness that can be used to serve a regressive alien agenda.

A decade after the idea became the topic of his doctoral dissertation, a researcher at the California Institute of Technology has showed that it is possible to coax short strands of artificial DNA to spontaneously assemble into a Sierpinski triangle.

A Sierpinski triangle is a type of crystal, or structure that regularly repeats. The Sierpinski triangle is fractal - a pattern of triangles that looks the same in zoomed-in or zoomed-out views.

The ability is a step toward embedding programming instructions in chemical processes. This is a corollary to the way computer instructions are embedded in everything from automobile engines to cell phones via microprocessors.

"Programmable embedded control makes things possible that were virtually inconceivable," said Erik Winfree, an assistant professor of computer science at The California Institute of Technology.

Humans who pursue a course of destructiveness that is contrary to their human survival, may be doing so, because they have succumbed for one reason or another, to an alien agenda that has been "programmed" into apparent "Junk DNA", that is acting like a parasite.

Self-anointed “gods” travelled to Earth from another planet in our solar system, Planet "X", a planet with an elliptical, 3600-year orbit that carries it from a perihelion between Mars and the inner edge of the Asteroid Belt to an aphelion well beyond the orbit of Pluto, in the deepest reaches of space.

The Sumerian tablets further contend that the “Anunnaki,” the formal name for the “gods” from planet “Nibiru,” came to live on Earth over 400,000 years ago because they needed gold to repair their atmosphere, which they had damaged during their rise to a high technology.

Because mining gold is such difficult work, at around 250,000 years ago the Anunnaki genetically engineered humans to be their slaves.

If the Gods associated with organized religions are slave-masters, then scriptures like the Old Testament, are texts of domination rather than liberation.

Indigenous knowledge conveyed by African Elder Credo Mutwa, and supported by David Icke suggest human mimicking "shapeshifters" using the same fractal based intelligence, have sought to divide and then rule over humanity, similar to shepherds seeks to coral herds of sheep for "harvesting" and "consumption".

Right now, at least one economist is arguing that the doctrine of capitalism seems to be the herding device which is being used.
What a difference two chromosomes makes
My deep background research for Seeds of Heaven uncovered an interesting possibility in the world of genetic engineering. It is probably technically feasible today to create clones of any living thing. Yet these clones are not true clones in that they lack the viability of their parent organism. They are unstable and don’t live very long. This niche science is still in its formative stages.

In Chapter 1 of Seeds of Heaven cloning is cited as being used to create a slave labor force. Hister uses the technology to deliberately create disposable humanoids. The Children of Light lead by the Progenitor rescue and work on the clones with technology to reverse Hister’s inhumane practice.

In my first article in this series, The Third Evolutionary Paradigm, I suggest that Homo Sapiens were genetically engineered by an extraterrestrial expeditionary team who needed a workforce.

Humans possess 46 chromosomes, primates 48. Darwinian evolutionists theorize that in the evolution from a common ancestor, Homo sapiens lost two chromosomes which primates retained. Yet the loss of two chromosomes in such a short time span would surely result in a major disaster befalling Homo sapiens. Two chromosomes represent massive amounts of DNA and RNA just disappearing.

The fact that there is this two chromosomes difference is not really the issue. Instead the issue is time.

Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon and Homo sapiens just suddenly appear out of nowhere with no real bridging species in the discovered fossil record.

Ape to Homo erectus works in the time frame required by Darwinian evolutionary theory. This is demonstrated in the fossil record.

Darwinian macroevolutionary theory begins to breaks down, beginning with Neanderthal to some extent, though not conclusively. Where it really breaks down completely is with the sudden appearance of Cro-Magnon and Homo Sapiens.
Reversing the curse:
The block in the Homo Sapiens ... ginal_.pdf
The myth goes on to relate the trials and tribulations that arose as a consequence of interbreeding and uncontrollable population growth. War broke out, and a decision was made to rid the planet of the new species through massive floods. From there, Sitchin’s saga parallels many of the Bible stories that he claims are adaptations of earlier Sumerian writings.

It all makes for a compelling story – especially with Sitchin’s extensive supporting documentation. I assumed, however, that if Niburu and the Anunnaki were real, it was surely in some parallel universe and the “facts” were to be taken far more metaphorically than literally.

That is, until two months ago when the impossible happened and the margins separating the two parallel universes started to fade.

In late March of 2006, shortly before delivering a talk at the Body, Mind, Spirit Expo in San Diego, I was introduced to Ranan Shahar, the founder of the New Dawn Clinic in Los Angeles. He had recently returned from a course in Switzerland concerning a process called Atlasprofilax that realigns the topmost spinal vertebra, called C1 or the atlas. This curious part of our anatomy, exhibiting little resemblance to all the other vertebrae, fittingly received its name from Atlas, the Titan in Greek mythology who supported the Earth on his shoulders.

According to Shahar and the Atlasprofilax literature, the C1 of virtually every single human is dislocated (luxated in chiropractic terms), causing an energy blockage in the spinal column along with a host of physical and mental disturbances. Astonishingly, I was told that the luxation is always in the same direction—statistically impossible if this displacement was simply the result of physical trauma.

Although it was just a half hour before I was scheduled to speak, I accepted Shahar’s invitation to experience the process for myself. Sure enough, despite all my previous metaphysical practices, countless Rolfing sessions, deep tissue work, and chiropractic adjustments, I was among the 99.9 percent of humanity with a significantly luxated atlas.

While I enjoy a good story every now and again, this one begged for independent corroboration. A few days later I called my friend Wynn Free the author of The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, who teams with Terry Brown in channeling an evolved extraterrestrial intelligence called the Elohim. When he responded several days later with a message from the Elohim, my information was confirmed: The luxated C1 was deliberately engineered into the Homo sapiens coding by the Anunnaki in order to render their native pool of mining slaves more docile, programmable, and controllable. This mechanism has remained in the human genetic makeup ever since, and I suspect it is well known to those who understand how best to exploit such things.

Although realigning one’s atlas seems a good and necessary process, it does not come without a price. Who knows what darkness is amassed behind our dam walls? Once the energy bursts free, both the physical and emotional bodies have considerable catching up to do. While my spiritually body soared, and my emotional body quickly adjusted to the new game at hand, my physical body is just beginning to find its footing within this higher vibratory state.

In other words the genetic manipulation inhibits the flow of Kundalani energy.
The ENDOCRINE/SPINE Set are seven tuning forks designed to work with each of the endocrine glands of the human body as well as specific regions of the spinal column. These frequencies have been determined to bring balance and harmony to the hormones secreted by the Endocrine glands and to the Endocrine glands themselves, as well as the spinal cord and spinal nerves. The function of the seven tuning forks in this set are described below.

The main function of the spinal cord is transmission of electrical information to and from the limbs, trunk and organs of the body, back to and from the brain. It is a superhighway for messages between the brain and the rest of the body. Therefore, the spinal cord is the main pathway for information between the CNS and PNS.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:55 pm

Genesis of Eden
DNA sequences show fractal correlations - Scientific American Sept 92

Calculations by Stanley's research group and by Wentian Li of the Rockefeller University and Richard F. Voss of the EBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center have shown that the position of nucleotides-adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine-in a DNA sequence depends to some extent on the nucleotides that preceded it. The patterns in nucleotide sequences are similar to flicker, or 1/f, noise (pronounced "one over eff"). These fluctuations are time-scale analogues to the shapes of fractals, such as snowflakes and coastlines, which have the property of self-similarity: the component parts resemble the structure as a whole. The patterns of 1/f noise are just as prevalent in nature as their geometric counterparts; they can be found in such diverse phenomena as electric circuits and flood records. 'It is a special form of correlations found in natural phenomena and in human behavior,' says Voss, who found its presence in music.

If signals are completely random, as are the outcomes of flipping a coin, the results would show a "white noise" signature. In fact, 'if you want to store as much information as possible over some length, the best storage method will be like white noise," notes Chung-Kang Peng, a member of Stanley's group. It is because every signal would be completely independent and carry its own message. If genetic data were stored as white noise, the probability of finding the same information along a strand of DNA would decay exponentially the further along the sequence one looked.

But base pairs in DNA do not seem to occur in a completely random fashion. They found that the decay is much slower than exponential decrease. The sequences show approximate 1/f Patterns. Roughly speaking, the f here represents the number of bases over which a particular nucleotide repeats. Along with Stanley's group, Li, a physicist, found that correlations exist in the intron sequences of DNA. Molecular biologists have sometimes referred to introns as 'junk DNA' because they do not encode structural information. The real information-carrying regions are located in sequences called exons. Yet unlike introns, exons lack long-range correlation and resemble white noise. Exactly why intron but not exon sequences show the correlations is not entirely known. The researchers think the long-range correlations-which extend over thousands of base-pair positions represent a trade-off between efficient information storage and protection against error in the genetic code. Because changing part forces a change in other parts, there is some redundancy in the code. Thus, the correlations 'would give some immunity to error during transcription' Voss says. Exons, which hold the crucial data, would not exhibit long-range correlations because they need to carry as much information as possible.

Indeed, Voss has turned up some intriguing results based on evolutionary classification. He found that the sequences for organisms lowest on the evolutionary scale (bacteria and bacteiiophages) were the least correlated. The correlations increased for higher organisms reaching perfect 1/f patterns in invertebrates. Then the scaling correlations decreased for vertebrates, mammals, rodents and finally primates. The correlations increased as they oved up the entire evolutionary ladder. The group discovered that 'as you evolve, the long-range correlations become stronger and stronger Stanley says.

The results indicate that simpler organisms (that is those with short sequences) would not need the error protection required to maintain the more complex DNA sequences. "There seems to be a general principle involved" Voss observes. Nature has these fractal and 1/f type fluctuations" he remarks. - Philip Yam

Talking Trash: What's in a Word? - Scientific American Mar 95

What's in a word? Several nucleotides, some researchers might say. By applying statistical methods developed by linguists, investigators have found that "junk" parts of the genomes of many organisms may be expressing a language. These regions traditionally been regarded as 'useless' accumulations of material from millions of years of evolution.

'The feeling is,' says Boston University physicist Eugene Stanley, 'that there's something going on in the non-coding region.'

Junk DNA got its name because the nucleotides there (the fundamental pieces of DNA, combined into so-called base pairs) do not encode instructions for making proteins, the basis for life. In fact, the vast majority of genetic material in organisms from bacteria to mammals consists of non-coding DNA segments, which are interspersed with the coding parts. In humans, about 97 percent of the genome is junk. Over the past 10 years biologists began to suspect that this feature is not entirely trivial.

"It's unlikely that every base pair in non-coding DNA is critical, but it is also foolish to say that all of it is junk" notes Robert Tjian, a biochemist at the University of California at Berkeley.

For instance, studies have found that mutations in certain parts of the non-coding regions lead to cancer. Physicists backed the suspicions a few years ago, when those studying fractals noticed certain patterns in junk DNA. They found that non-coding sequences display what are termed long-range correlations. That is, the position of a nucleotide depends to some extent on the placement of other nucleotides.

Their patterns follow a fractal-like property called 1/f noise, which is inherent in many physical systems that evolve over time, such as electronic circuits, periodicity of earthquakes and even traffic patterns. In the genome, however, the long-range correlations held only for the non-coding sequences; the coding parts exhibited an uncorrelated pattern. Those signs suggested that junk DNA might contain some kind of organized information.

They borrowed from the work of linguist George K. Zipf who by looking at texts from several languages ranked the frequency with which words occur. Plotting the rank of words against those in a text produces a distinct relation. The researchers tested the relation on 40 DNA sequences of species ranging from viruses to humans.

They then grouped pairs of nucleotides to create words between three and eight pairs long (it takes three pairs to specify an amino acid). In every case, they found that non-coding regions followed the Zipf relation more closely than did coding regions, suggesting that junk DNA follows the structure of languages.

"We didn't expect the coding DNA to obey Zipf," Stanley notes.

You can't have any mistakes in a code. Language, in contrast, is a statistical, structured system with built-in redundancies. A few mumbled words or scattered typos usually do not render a sentence incomprehensible.

"There has to be some sort of hierarchical arrangement of the information to allow one to use it in an efficient fashion and to have some adaptability and flexibility," Goldberger observes.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:58 pm

An Ancient Occult Genetic Code ... /index.htm
In the March 1995 issue of "Scientific American", in the article titled "Talking Trash" (see below), scientists claim to have found "word" patterns in the "junk" DNA of man. It seems that this junk DNA (segments of the DNA genome which do not encode instructions for the production of proteins) exhibits the same statistical patterns that are found in written languages.

Since the discovery of the DNA double helix molecule in the mid 1950's, scientists have been using "language" as a metaphor to help them understand the structures and processes that express life at the bio-chemical level.

Current research seems to imply that the metaphor may be more literal than previously thought. Suppose that there are stretches of DNA embedded in the genome of man that, when properly "decoded", speak to us in a human language. What language would it be; and what would it say? My work points to the possibility that the language may be Hebrew; or, perhaps, a Proto-Caananite precursor of the Hebrew language.

My work examines some of the evidence supporting that hypothesis. It is placed here in the hope that it will stimulate discussion and further research. To read it and "play" with it will require one to delve into, what is considered by many to be, mutually exclusive categories of knowledge: science and "the occult". Very few people will be able or willing to entertain the idea that these two antithetical arenas of knowing can illuminate each other. I hope to find a few people who can.

A number of years ago I stumbled across a unique similarity of form between the genetic code and a fusion of the Hebrew alphabet with the ancient Chinese divination system of the I Ching, or "Book of Changes." I was studying the I Ching when I came across a book(1) that demonstrated an isomorphism between the 64 symbols of the I Ching (called hexagrams or kua) and the 64 codons of the genetic code. I wondered if there might be, among the mystic or occult systems of other cultures, a corresponding set of symbols for the amino acids of the genetic code for which the 64 codons code. I turned to the Hebrew occult system of Qabalah and discovered the Sefer Yetzirah or "Book of Creation."(2)

The Sefer Yetzirah is the earliest known text of the Qabalah. Its "magical" purpose is to educate the reader in the process of creation using the Hebrew alphabet as The Creator did. Because the 22 trump cards (also called atu) of the Tarot system of divination have Hebrew letters assigned to them, I thought that maybe I could compare the symbols, images, and concepts in the Tarot trumps with the corresponding contents of the I Ching kua. Then, if there are enough similarities, I could assign each of the trumps to a group of I Ching kua. The result would be a Hebrew letter assignment for each amino acid and punctuation codon in the genetic code.
The primary interpretation that I have used is: "Understanding Jewish Mysticism: A Source Reader" by David R. Blumenthal (referred to herein as UJM).

The I Ching, the earliest Chinese text of systematic speculative thought, provides the source for a deep analogy with the 64 codons of the genetic code. Its Hebrew counterpart is the Sefer Yetzirah. It provides the source for the other half of the occult genetic code; the 20 amino acids and 2 stop codon groups.

Sefer Yetzirah is the earliest known work of Hebrew magical thought included in the subject known as Kabbalah or Qabala. Its title translates into English as "Book of Creation." It was written between the third and sixth centuries. It is extremely brief, less than 2000 words, and is written in a terse and enigmatic style which has defied all attempts to completely clarify its meaning.

In short, the text tells how The Creator used the numbers 1-10 and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet to create Universe and all the living things in it. The Hebrew letters are molded like bits of clay, placed opposite each other and otherwise manipulated to create, in a magical way, all that exists.

There are 64 hexagrams (kua) in the I Ching and there are 64 codons in the universal genetic code. The kua can be thought of as being composed of 3 symbols of 2 lines each. The codons are composed of 4 nucleic acids taken 3 at a time. The problem is: which nucleic acid corresponds to which I Ching symbol?

Note that the basic structure of the pyrimidine nucleic acids has 6 atoms and that of the purine nucleic acids has 9. The Old Yang symbol has a "ritual number" of 9 and Old Yin's ritual number is 6. Therefore I assign the yang symbols to the purines and the yin symbols to the pyrimidines.

The next thing to determine is: which yang symbol (Old or Young) corresponds to which purine nucleic acid (Adenine or Guanine).

In the I Ching, yang is associated with energy and yin is associated with matter. Energy for all of the bio-chemical processes in the cell is provided by the chemical Adenosine Triphosphate. Its major component is, of course, the nucleic acid Adenine. Since yang=energy and Adenine is associated with cellular energy production; I assign Adenine to Old Yang because it has two yang lines. Because of the way the nucleic acids bond to each other in the DNA double helix molecule the other nucleic acid to symbol assignments follow logically from this first assignment.

Adenine bonds to Thymine with 2 hydrogen atoms and Guanine bonds to Cytosine with 3 hydrogen atoms. Old Yin is the complementary opposite of Old Yang. In the DNA double helix Thymine is always opposite Adenine; therefore it is assigned to Old Yin. (Note: The nucleic acid Uracil substitutes for Thymine in messenger RNA [mRNA].)
In the DNA double helix Guanine is always opposite Cytosine. Since Guanine is already assigned to Young Yang (because it is a purine nucleic acid); Cytosine must be assigned to Young Yin. ... 947#p43851

Language of Light [Hibiru]

Modern research confirms, the most ancient form Hebrew to be a natural language, the alphabetic forms emerging from the phosphene flare patterns of the brain. The same shapes are born from a spinning vortex. It is a true language of light, coursing through our very nervous system. Encoding the natural waveform geometries of the physical world, Hiburu is a harmonic language, mimicking the waveform properties of light.

The Enochian knowledge describes sonic equations, encoded within the ancient mantras and god names, capable of directly affect the nervous system and producing profound effect of healing and higher consciousness states.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:15 am

Programmed DNA from Fractals ... noma07.htm
A decade after the idea became the topic of his doctoral dissertation, a researcher at the California Institute of Technology has showed that it is possible to coax short strands of artificial DNA to spontaneously assemble into a Sierpinski triangle.

A Sierpinski triangle is a type of crystal, or structure that regularly repeats. The Sierpinski triangle is fractal - a pattern of triangles that looks the same in zoomed-in or zoomed-out views. The ability is a step toward embedding programming instructions in chemical processes.

This is a corollary to the way computer instructions are embedded in everything.

The DNA Sierpinski triangles show that there is no theoretical barrier to using molecular self-assembly to carry out any kind of computing and nanoscale fabrication, according to Winfree.

If someone comes up with the right rules, the right set of molecules should be able to carry out the instructions, he said.

This type of algorithmic self-assembly is a testing ground for learning how to embed logical rules within a molecular system so that information processed by the molecules themselves is responsible for directing the local processes, said Winfree. In the case of a Sierpinski pattern, the molecules are directing the process of self-assembly, he said.

Although today's technology does not have electronics-like control of chemical and molecular-scale processes, biology does.

"The only place one finds sophisticated embedded control of chemical processes is in biology, where biochemical information processing controls, orchestrates [and] organizes all of life's functions."

Algorithmic self-assembly can be thought of as an extremely simplified version of organismal development, said Winfree.

Coaxing artificial strands of DNA to form a Sierpinski pattern is, "a far cry from an organism," he said. "But it is also far more complex than the four DNA rule tiles that directed its growth."

DNA is made up of four bases - adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine - strung along a sugar-phosphate backbone.

Adenine and thymine, and cytosine and guanine can combine with each other. Biological DNA forms the familiar double helix when a pair of single strands that contain matching bases combine and coil up. Researchers can make artificial strands form DNA tiles by engineering stretches of one strand that match another strand.

The researchers formed short strands of DNA capable of combining into tiles that represent logic rules, short strands capable of combining into tiles that represent input, and long nucleating strands.

They mixed the strands, heated the solution, and then let it cool slowly over several hours.

"At about 60 to 70 degrees Celsius, the tiles spontaneously self-assemble from their components strands, but it remains too hot for the tiles to associate with each other," said Winfree.

At the same or a slightly lower temperature, the input tiles stick to the long nucleating strands.

And somewhere between 30 and 40 degrees Celsius the rule tiles begin to assemble onto the nucleating structure to form, tile by tile, and layer by layer, the algorithmic crystal.

"In some, few errors occur, and the Sierpinski pattern emerges intact."

The researchers have made Sierpinski patterns on surfaces and more complicated Sierpinski triangles in solution. Sierpinski triangles involve more types of tiles. Some of the researchers' triangles were as large as one micron, or thousandth of a millimeter.

The keys to the researchers' success was using the long nucleating DNA strands to get things started and a better microscope technique to see what was happening. The errors were as interesting as the successful Sierpinski patterns.

The experiments' error rates ranged from 1 to 10 percent.

"We expected lots of errors, but we didn't expect the kinds of errors that we saw," he said.
In general, several errors would normally increase the randomness of a pattern.

However, there were places within some samples where several errors conspired to create large patches of zero tiles or to perfectly terminate nascent Sierpinski triangles at the corners, said Winfree.

"Such coincidences should be so rare that one would never see a single instance in one million crystals," he said.
The researchers have a hypothesis capable of explaining how these correlated errors arise, "but it remains to be proven," said Winfree.

The researchers were also surprised to see that one of the tile designs, instead of simply forming two-dimensional sheets, formed a long tube with the sheets rolled up. The DNA nanotubes are similar to but 10 times larger than carbon nanotubes, which are rolled-up sheets of carbon atoms that form naturally in soot; they are more similar to protein microtubules that self-assemble as part of the cellular cytoskeleton.

Carbon nanotubes can be narrower than a single nanometer, or 5,000 times narrower than a red blood cell. A nanometer is one millionth of a millimeter.

The researchers are working to decrease the method's error rate.

"We have developed some ideas for how to embed error correction within the crystal growth process - somewhat analogous to error-correcting codes in information theory - and we are now trying to experimentally demonstrate this scheme," said Winfree.

If they are successful in reducing assembly errors to insignificant levels, "as the theory optimistically predicts creating complex structures by self-assembly becomes a form of programming," said Winfree. "If you can conceive of a logical method for growing your structure, then it will work in practice," he said.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:53 am

Subtle Bodies - Manipulating the Mind of Man
Religious leaders, grand masters of secret orders and even political chiefs seem to be able to control the masses by knowing how we think, what worries us, what pleases us. Most importantly, they knew how the environment affected us. To manipulate mankind in this way they had to understand how the mind worked. Our understanding and perception of ourselves and the world around us stems from the unique and complex organ known as the brain.

In almost all cultures, approximately 90 per cent of people use the right hand for manual actions such as writing. This has been linked to the brain’s processing of language. In right-handed people, language tends to be mediated by the left hemisphere of the brain, the side that controls the right side of the body.

The cerebrum is symmetrical in structure. The two lobes are attached to the brain stem. The dominant hemisphere is occupied with language and the operations of logic, while the opposite hemisphere controls emotion, spirituality and artistic flair. The left hemisphere is usually dominant and is, in the majority of cases, the logical side.

A grave in Swaziland of a small Neanderthal child laid to rest over 80,000 years ago provides evidence of early religious burial which shows that Neanderthal man was connected with his more spiritual or artistic side. The Neanderthal man had a large cerebellum or old brain. British psychologist Stan Gooch argues that evolution came about through the battles in our own brain between the cerebellum and the cerebrum. Any added input from cycles and electromagnetic effects upon the brain could produce subtle changes to our evolutionary path.

The evidence currently shows that women, who are by most accounts more in tune with nature and more intuitive than men, have larger cerebella. Historically, many of the great mysteries of the religious world come from the east and it would, therefore, be no surprise to find Asiatics, Jews and Aboriginals possessing larger cerebella than Europeans.

It is believed that the cerebella is more in use during hypnosis, which is the state associated with imagination and removal of responsibility.

If the ancient priesthoods had the skill to tap into this part of the brain, if they knew all the secrets of cycles, magnetism, and brain control to use for their own ends, perhaps this was this how large buildings such as the pyramids were constructed and tens of thousands of people were controlled and fooled into believing that the Pharaoh was a god?

Man has always revered birds. The sun was the ancient navigators main guide and so too were birds. The link of bird and sun is therefore an obvious allusion to the need to navigate to survive. We can even see this incredible navigational link in the brain of the bird.

The bird is basically reptilian and therefore lacks a mammalian cortex and mid-brain. Their migratory instinct comes from the cerebellum or old brain, the same part of the human brain, which governs our instinctive and spiritual element.

It is claimed that many birds navigate using the sun and moon – others, the North Star. Research has shown that birds are also sensitive to the Earth’s magnetic field. The reason for this is that between its eyes there is an area of tissue with over a million bar-shaped pieces of magnetite or lodestone.

Magnetite is a magnetized mineral of iron oxide and was used by the ancients as a compass because it naturally swings northward.

Many para-scientists have discovered electromagnetic effects emanating from ancient standing stones. When these energy lines cross Ley lines and other ancient energy centers, many strange phenomena occur. A large cross-section of scientists and para-scientists has reported that peculiar effects upon humans can occur due to the radiation produced. All of these occur more frequently at times of greater importance such as the Solstice. And this is important – the effects on the mind are heightened by solar activity – the great sun god in the sky aids our enlightenment process!

Our connection with the Earth’s electromagnetism can also be seen in the ancient practice of dowsing. Scientists have shown that some people are sensitive to 1/1,000,000,000 of a gauss of magnetism; therefore there is a strong possibility that dowsing is a practical and measurable skill.

When working in conjunction with a German dowser, the Czech physicist, Zaboj V. Harvalik, suggested that the adrenal gland was the organ used to detect the magnetism. This theory seems unlikely now unless it is in some way linked with the pineal organ. In later experiments, aluminum foil was wound around the head of the dowser and this blocked the signal. This is the same location as a pigeon’s magnetite. Another strange and telling piece of evidence comes when we find that solar flares can upset the dowser’s abilities – thus showing that mankind could theoretically actually physically measure the holy serpentine energy of the sun. Much of this energy is now understood to be picked up by the pineal organ.

The pineal organ is one of the outgrowths of the pineal apparatus. In aquatic and gill-breathing creatures, it can form a photosensitive eye-like structure, which is involved in the diurnal rhythm of color change. In ancient reptiles, and still in the Tuatura lizard of New Zealand, it formed a separate eye on top of the head – a third eye. It persists in higher vertebrates and may function as an endocrine gland – internally secreting into the blood and affecting distant parts of the body. In humans, this organ is buried deep within the brain, located in the Limbic system, which helps us to learn and has emotional capabilities. Autopsies on mediums and spiritually inclined people have revealed larger pineal glands that contain a clear fluid called seratonin, which in turn makes melatonin.
Hindu tradition claims this area to be the center of the sixth ‘chakra’ – the ‘ajna’ – the center of man’s spirituality and psychic abilities. ‘Chakra’ means ‘wheel’ and ‘energy center.’ The initiated are trained to perceive chakras as whirls of altering colors – which relates to the idea that the pineal gland is associated with color recognition. These are ancient kundalini concepts in relation to modern scientific knowledge of the brain.

In ancient Cabalistic theology, the Kether, or Crown chakra, is just above the head and therefore is said to relate to the pineal gland. The Kether is the crown of pure brilliance. Its center, known as the bindu, is the point where all life’s energies spring from the Godhead.

In Deuteronomy 6:8, the priests of Israel wore a phylactery on their foreheads, and in ancient Egypt we find the royal Nemes head cloth – a piece of striped cloth with the Uraeus serpent insignia at the center of the forehead –mimicking the serpentine Kundalini aspect of the chakra system. In many Christian Cathedrals, there are portraits of Christians with strange marks on their foreheads. Carved stone statues with circles, diamonds and triangles on their crowns or hats, are everywhere. There is no explanation for these images, no reason given for these marks; they are just there and in some very symbolic positions.

The term to be ‘mesmerized’ derives from the Austrian physician Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815) who believed the human nervous system to be magnetized. He claimed that magnetism from the planets had actually caused healing at one church in Austria. He developed a therapeutic regime, which incorporated iron magnets, magnetite and the laying on of hands.

Biorhythms were discovered by Dr. Hermann Swoboda and Dr. Wilhelm Fleiss, who found that the human body is subject to a twenty-three and twenty-eight day cycle. Added to this was the thirty-three day cycle discovered by Dr. Alfred Teltcher who observed the fluctuations in the intellectual performances of his students. These cycles lead us through peaks and troughs, mood swings and various other activity patterns and all of them match the cycles of the bodies in the solar system.

In 1981, the biologist Rupert Sheldrake put forward the hypothesis for what he called ‘morphogenetic fields’. Sheldrake claimed that these fields were as real as magnetic or gravitational fields. He claimed that by morphic resonance, forms and behavior patterns are transmitted across space and time, and that growing embryos of the same species could tune into the morphic resonance and learn from the past, to give evolution that ‘helping hand.’

Scientists are now pointing to the passing on of residual memory within our genes, and this may explain some of the strange effects, although we should consider that there could be truth in both ideas: genetic modification from memory and modification from a handed-down shared consciousness.
The Coming Collapse of Evolution Faith
Neanderthal man’s cranial capacity is actually slightly larger than that of "modern Man". His bone structure also indicates muscle and sinew that would make him far stronger than that of modern man. Cro-Magnon, an early Caucasian, had a larger brain capacity than that of modern man. The Mullions, a Semitic race was discovered living as an entire civilization that suddenly died, their cranial capacity also was larger than that of modern man. The Boskop man also had a larger brain capacity. How are these inconsistencies explained? If evolution by the process of natural selection were the truth, we would expect the superior life forms to survive and overtake the weaker - fossil remains indicate just the opposite. The Bible indicates instead a judgment from God upon the "sons of God" and their offspring, the "mighty men of renown" took place. What we find in the fossils is what was stated for thousands of years in the Bible: remains of a different species of human and altered human remains!


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:22 am

UFO Religions, cults and the great NWO/alien deception -- its goal?
Claude Vorilhon (who now calls himself Raël which 'he claims' means "messenger") claims to have met "alien" visitors near a volcano in France. He was told that he was to be 'their prophet' to the world, and that one of the messages he was to proclaim was that aliens had created man, "from their DNA", and that they were the God(s) (Elohim) of the Old Testament, and "original inspiration for the Judeo-Christian God". Evidently they have now forgotten or modified the ancient Mesopotamian record, which records them earlier as saying they created man as a slave race - no doubt the progression of society, and growing ego of man, required an updated sales pitch as we now see.

This of course leaves us scratching our heads as to where he actually got the name, but it’s probably a good bet he got it from his fallen elohim messengers, who rightly identified themselves as the elohim of the Bible. However, that's just part of the story - so we're going to tell you the rest, which is the part they leave out, and hope you won't find out.

As outlandish as their claims may sound, a large number of people, besides Claude, seem perfectly willing to accept their entire sales pitch and proposition sight unseen. However, all they had to do to verify their story was find a Hebrew language lexicon, consult a learned Hebrew scholar, and compare the full context of scripture. As with any good deception, only some parts of their testimony is factual, and the rest a bold faced lie. But we'll get back to that shortly...

These alleged "sole creators of mankind" also told Claude that "cloning is the way to immortality" and there "is no God or soul". According to "Raël", our "alien creators" want us to be "beautiful and sexy" and "enjoy a sensuous life, free from the restrictions of traditional Judeo-Christian morality". Sound familiar? (Too bad these alleged "masters of human DNA" weren't more concerned with getting rid of cancer or birth defects, There's your first clue.)

So lets examine the claim of these so-called "space parents" in regard to the texts they claim to have "inspired", shall we? It gives us clues to their motive, as well as their true origin and biblical identity, as described in the Old and New Testament.

One key revolves around deciphering the correct use of the Hebrew word "Elohim". which is a "plural form" word, but can be and is often used in singular form. Whether or not it refers to something singular or plural depends on the context, as determined by the words that support it. The word “elohim” all by itself can refer to either "God" (the God of All) or "gods" (another created "divine class" of immortal beings).

Now we should also mention a few other notable messengers and apostles of this new "space brothers" religion, though presenting it with a slightly different flavour. One of the most notable is Zecharia Sitchin who claims to be a scholar of Sumerian, yet when put to the test, fails miserably. We strongly suggest going to Michael Heiser's site ( for an absolutely thorough and meticulous dissecting of all of Sitchin's "theories" and "research".

They are of the heavenly host or "bene ha 'elohim", or of the lofty "Devine Council" of whom the scriptures also describe as 'ministers of creation' and 'sons of God'. No surprise, then that these beings possess superior knowledge and technology since they were witnesses to the earliest part of creation, and are using this knowledge and technology to perpetrate their deception. They don't want mankind to know, they are part of the fallen elohim rebels, and that willful alliance with them, and their false gospel, places their followers into the same terrible fate that awaits them.

As Dr Michael Heiser states regarding the divine council: "These lesser deities serve Yahweh and his co-sovereign in the divine council and accept their punishments for disobedience.

Is there any difference between "the fallen son's of God", "angels" and those spirits commonly called "demons"? The short answer is yes there is a difference. Often times the word "demon" is used as a 'catch all' phrase for any negative (or evil) spirit. Biblically speaking there are three main terms for "demons" in the New Testament: daimonion; pneuma with a qualifying adjective such as akatharton (unclean; 21 times) or poneron (evil; 8 times); and angelos (7 times). Daimon (demon), the term commonly used in classical Greek, appears only once (Mark 8:31). Originally the Greek term diamon meant "any deity", "gods" or "guardian spirit", but is also a broadly descriptive word for all beings who reside in the "spirit world". This is the reason many steer away from the use of the word "demon" in identifying or describing "aliens" or rebel angels - the word, for them, no longer has a uniform or appropriate definition to a wide audience.

The angels, watchers and divine council (or "bene ha 'elohim") are all "spiritual" beings that can readily manifest in physical form (they evidently operate in a higher and more dynamic energy). Angels/Elohim have, for example, sat and ate with men (Gen 19:3.) and can look fully human to the point we are not able to tell any difference. Each of these beings operates in/under a different class and/or authority of which we only have, at best, a very basic knowledge.

Enoch tells us specifically where one class of "demons" originated as well as their full blown rising during the last days. These are the 'disembodied spirits' of the Nephilim most commonly associated with the word demon.

Enoch 15:8: Now the giants (Nephilim), who have been born of the spirit and the flesh, shall be called upon the earth evil spirits, and on the earth shall be their habitation. Evil spirits shall proceed from their flesh, because they were created from above; from the holy watchers was their beginning and primary foundation. Evil spirits shall they be upon earth, and the spirits of the wicked shall they be called. The habitation of the spirits of heaven shall be in heaven; but upon earth shall be the habitation of terrestrial spirits, who are born on earth. The spirits of the giants shall be like clouds, which shall oppress, corrupt, fall, contend, and bruise [wound, injure] upon earth. They shall cause lamentation. No food shall they eat; and they shall be thirsty; they shall be concealed, and shall not rise up against the sons of men, and against women; for they come forth during the days of slaughter and destruction.

Enoch, who the New Testament book of Jude quotes as having the authority of inspired Scripture, under the office of prophet (Jude 14), also tells us that the leaders of the Genesis 6 sin were bound for a short time, to be loosed later on for the final judgment.

It is important to distinguish this, because some Christian and New Age writers have erroneously concluded that all UFO associated "angels" must be 'the good guys' because, they assume, the bad guys are all in jail. However, the punishment is divided by time and purpose, and it was not the entire rebellious host that this specific punishment was even directed so their assumption is dually flawed. We really need no greater confirmation of the existence of evil "angelic" powers in heaven than that of the book of Ephesians.

Eph 6:12: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in the heavens

Have you ever heard people claim that the government is covering up 'the truth of the UFO phenomenon' because it would have "devastating effects on Christianity" What if we were to tell you that the truth is just the opposite?

In fact the discloser of UFO's and so-called "aliens" when rightly discerned with the original Biblical text and compared to all available evidence reveals the Biblical story of creation, and subsequent rebellion of some of the elohim (divine council/angels/watchers) and their meddling with man is in perfect unison as we have touched upon .

When "discloser" comes, in which the government will no doubt play along with their NWO ET deception, people will then be forced to make a choice. Who will you trust and serve; the one True God or the apostate imposters full of lies and deception who tempt with "hidden knowledge"? Will you choose freedom or slavery.... life or death? See that you are not deceived, because their deception will be (and is) powerful.

The impediment to "full government discloser" is not, as is too often claimed, the Christian Church (as constituting those knowledgeable on Biblical text or eschatology), rather the issue here is the devastating effect true discloser would have on the scientific community and entrenched government institutions. Confirmation of the presence of divinely created spiritual beings who have had long-term political and social influence over our society would have devastating impact on these latter groups, and only serve to confirm what Biblical and some extra-biblical text, have been telling us for thousands of years. So when discloser comes, as we've said, it will have to be a half-truth that will prevent much of the damage to the scientific and political institutions - one built within their materialist evolution centered paradigm. Such a deception is already partially disclosed, and is quickly becoming part of the new religion of the 'new world order' which is forming around us with increasing measure. This too, is a confirmation of the prophecy contained within these very same scriptures that originally identified the true identity of the "aliens". You already now have true discloser - the question is, can you handle it? Or would you prefer to wait for the government to serve to you their seductive plate of deception and half-truth?

In conclusion, then, whether it be a Biblically unsupported "separate creation of man" and/or playing with (i.e. perverting) the DNA of man and/or other species does not in any way prove or credit one with being the "ultimate creator", yet that is what these fallen "gods" want you to believe - so don't!

The word 'serpent' in Greek is ophis (3789) or Nachash (5175) in Hebrew. It is not describing a literal snake but a being of similar character, as in this case subtle, crafty, malicious, manipulative, intelligent and stealthy, and it also means to illuminate (as to give knowledge) or to be bright as to shine. Nachash also means 'shining one' or 'deceiver', as we stated earlier. Scorpion in the Greek, skorpios (4689) from the base word skopos means to watch from a place of concealment, to be a sentry or WATCHER! Some angels/elohim are called Serapim [8314, "burning, fiery."] Interestingly in Sanskrit, Seraph means reptile. By no coincidence whatsoever contactees regularly report the main type of non-humans they encounter are Grays, Reptilians and insectiod types in various forms. So the use of these words becomes more and more understandable as a general description of these beings.

Originally, fallen angels lay with human women to corrupt the original base pair arrangements. Our genome is filled with what is called ‘junk DNA’ that seemingly encodes for nothing. These ‘introns’ may be remains of the corrupted genes, and God Himself may have switched them off when fallen angels continued their program post-flood. If so, today’s scientists might need only to ‘switch them back on’ to resurrect old forms such as Gibborim and Nephilim. Is this part of the "Mark of the Beast" referred to in the book of Revelation and does this further explain why redemption can never come to those who take the "mark"? While they try to become more like humans, they try to make humans more like them. Remember the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, when they promised godhood, but death resulted?
Is Raelian Cult Signaling Illuminati Intentions?
For over 30 years, Rael Maitreya has been the leader of a growing world movement known as Raelism - a self proclaimed 'atheist religion' claiming direct contact with invisible 'extraterrestrial beings' resembling Biblical 'fallen angels'.

My recent research has uncovered numerous personal connections between the leadership of this cult movement, and the top-level world elite - musicians, politicians, gate-keepers of capital, media and culture - several indicating a more than passing interest in fallen angels!

Bible prophecy describes a focused global connection between deluded human rulers of the world, and the deceptive spiritual enemies of God. The book of Revelation describes Satan, the Devil (aka Lucifer - appearing as an "angel of light"), being "cast into the earth with his angels", to deceive the leaders and kings of the earth, who will voluntarily "give their power" to Antichrist for a time, supported by his "false prophet".

Illuminati Who's Who Linked to Raelians ... lians.html
The 'Evelyn Rothschild' Facebook page contains a central link directly connecting to the bizarre RAELIAN movement - a sinister New Age cult . The group's website states:

"The Raelian Revolution is boldly bringing about a complete paradigm shift on our planet." This cannot be ignored, given its claim that a who's who of the world's elite, including Barack Obama and Tony Blair, are its "friends."

Rael Maitreya' is more than well connected

Igor N. Grata, directly inter-linked with 'Evelyn Rothschild' and 'Rael Maitreya', has no less than 57 Rothschilds and 13 Rockefellers, and a list of the most significant world leaders, entertainment stars, lists of Royal Princes, Sultans, and European Nobility. Film Stars, Society Greats the world over - all directly personally attached as friends to this personal Raelian Cult Facebook site.
Tracking the Bilderbergers in Facebook ... ati_2.html
The Bilderberg Group is part of the 'shadowy elite' that runs the world. They meet annually in secret, surrounded by security. Nobody can get near them or witness their deliberations.

Tracking the Illuminati on Facebook
Following the link to 'Evelyn Rothschild', (this British Knight of the Realm, who reputedly oversaw the merger of the French and UK Rothschild banking houses in 2003,) reveals a more than intriguing spiritual inclination. His 'info' page links directly to the clairvoyant mystics and 'moon willows' of 'Arcturus'. (Arcturus claims access to "5th dimension frequency beings of a higher evolutionary track than earth beings", who "offer to enlighten their space brothers and sisters", but "will not unwillingly impose unless requested to do so".)


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:55 am

WooWoo-do, Time Delay Epiphany, Consensus Churn,
Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the space aliens.
Humans, as a species, are not alone.
Humans have never been alone.
Modern humans are most likely the result of genetic manipulation.

Modern humans’ genetic structure has most likely been altered by parties unknown for agendas also unknown to humans. Claims to know details about the genetic history of the human species are most probable spurious and not to be accepted without serious due diligence.

Religions are a tool of the manipulators and their controlled minions.

Religions are a tool to make the masses of humans, via social and cultural pressures, accept control by minions of the actual owners of planet earth.

Religions are control tools, and most modern religions are the result of claimed channeled material.

“Channeling”, as an activity, is Piscean in nature and will not survive into the Aquarian age where ‘analysis’ will be a key component of the personal awakening of humans en masse. Accepting information without personal verification and analysis is also a Piscean form of thinking that will not survive into the coming age (2012 ->). The Piscean ‘acceptance’ of information supports both religion and channeling among other control system tools.

There is most probably a break-away civilization from Terran humanity which is close to obtaining, or has obtained, Type One status. How they feel about their recent antecedents (us terran humans left behind) is anyone’s guess.

There is most probably some form of space warfare underway at this moment over your head. The amount of earth orbit space activity visible with 3rd generation night vision goggles will alter the local universe view of anyone who gets a chance to observe on even a few chemtrail free nights. The reason de guerre and the participants are unknown. Those claiming to know are speculating or delusional or both.

There are huge levels of conspiracies in existence now which are detrimental to most (90+ per cent) of terran humanity. Examples include chemtrails, deep underground military bases, doomsday vaults (more than just seeds), known space alien bases, and the list goes on…

The ‘unawakened masses’ are NOT your friend. They prefer their controlled lives, and universe view, and WILL defend it. Remember, that approaching those outside the woo-jo, and inviting them, or even insisting that they join, will not work. To the unawakened you are attempting to kill off their comfortable existence. It is like teaching a pig to sing, it will not work, and will only annoy the pig. It is up to universe whether any specific individual shifts over to an awakened state. Repeat…it ain’t up to you.

The agendas of the Powers That Be and their minions can be ascertained (to some extent) by the evidence of their actions. Some of the evidence points to an attempt toward planetary human population control; however, there are some deep evidentiary points which suggests that the ‘kill-off’ scenario just may be a feint, and part of the ‘keep them distracted while we prepare for the end of civilization’ plot.

The agendas of the powers that be are being pursued with increasing speed that has recently taken on something of a desperate quality.

The agendas of the powers that be include the use of toxic chemicals and planetary level saturation with electromagnetic and other energies against the planetary populace.

Research provides evidence for periodic (11 thousand 500 year cycles – more or less) cataclysms which kick humanity back to near barbarism each time. The Powers That Be know about these cycles.

Research provides evidence that the powers that be (TPTB) are preparing today (and for the last 4 decades at least) for one of these cataclysmic cycles. Further research points to the cataclysm being here within 3 three years or less. Note that attempts are underway to shift the 2012 date outward in the mind of the awakening public by TPTB disinfo agents that are now, and will be in future, quoting “out to 2017”, and 2020 as the dates for concern. Or alternatively, the disinfo agents would be emphatically stating that the ‘cataclysmic timeline’ has been derailed or changed by some human activity.

There are certainly ancient bases on our Moon and Mars. There are likely current bases and habitations throughout our solar system, including the Moon and Mars, as well as various moons of other planets within the solar system.

There are certainly deep underground bases here on terra. Some of these may not be terran human ‘owned’.

Space Aliens must be assumed to have agendas not favoring terran human interests. Space Aliens must be assumed to be lying foreigners until proven not. Any other stance is absurd given the vast amount of unknowns. Space Aliens must be assumed to be inimical to humans and life here on terra. Just common sense to keep a little paranoid in this universe which has demonstrated its nature here on earth.

A power structure exists here on terra that is controlled by a very few individuals. Neither the systems within the power structure, nor the few people who control it gives a rat’s ass about you or your family or friends.

The power structure here on terra is unraveling as its secrecy is shredded over time. The rate of shred is increasing. This is leading to larger numbers of aware individuals who go do their own poking around, and thus increase the rate of secrecy shred. The secrecy shred is causing fear among The Powers That Be and their minions.

Terra is an increasingly unstable planetary environment for humans and other life. The causes of both the inherent instability and its recent increase are open to speculation, and are not definitively known. However, both are evident in recent human experience. Things are shaking all over, and this is likely NOT a good sign for life here on Terra.

The Powers That Be are having strange damn stuff done all over this planet, and as evidence shows, none of it favors the regular human. This includes polluting the ‘food body’ of the planet with genetic experimental foods, as well as inserting questionable commodities such as HFCS.

There is evidence that ThePowersThatBe are not their own masters and further evidence that their fear levels are increasing daily.

The US Military/Corporate Complex rules the planet from the ‘shadow world’. The creatures that run the USMILCORPCOMS are not necessarily of terran origin, nor homo sapiens sapiens.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:10 pm

The Master of Speech
The Master of Speech was also symbolized by the red dwarf star, Sirius C. The Jackal, on the other hand, was symbolized by the white dwarf star, Sirius B. The colours red, for the Master of Speech, and white, for the Jackal, also appear in the Celtic religion as red and white dragons and in later secret societies as red and white roses. Red and white roses also appeared as emblems during civil wars between branches of the Plantagenet royal house (1444-1487). The House of Lancaster used the red rose, the House of York, the white rose. They also used the symbols of a red dragon and a white boar in place of the roses on the battlefield. The Nummo were associated with dragons, and the boar is a Jackal figure. Henry VII eventually united the two royal houses and the two roses, creating the red and white Tudor rose, which later became the symbol of England. In their uprisings following 1688, the Jacobites adopted the white rose. The colours were also represented in the geography of Egypt, where they were identified with the Red Sea and the Dead Sea.

Nummo originally came from a dying world in the Sirius star system. After their experiment failed on Earth, they moved to the Pleiades star system. Both of these star systems provide significant symbols in the Dogon religion.

Both Lébé and the Master of Speech were androgynous but primarily female, not male.
Jesus Christ Under Scrutiny
The Merovingian bloodline appeared in the Holy Blood Holy Grail and in the Da Vinci Code fiction, where the Frankish royal family was supposed to be descended from Jesus and Mary Magdalene. According to Dorey's research, the Merovingian bloodline is much older than the biblical Jesus and Mary Magdalene. It predates these biblical myths by thousands of years.

Through her research, Dorey has found links between the fish and serpent like alien Nummo talked about by the Dogon, and the Merovingians. According to legend, the Merovingians traced their ancestry back to Merovée, a semi mythical person who was born of two fathers. One was a king named Clodio and the other a sea monster that seduced his mother when she was swimming in the sea. The Merovingians were supposed to have been descended from aliens, who were the offspring of "nephilim" or fallen angels. Because of their ancestry, Merovée and his descendants were reputed to have supernatural powers and unnaturally long lives.

According to the Dogon, the Nummo were alien beings who came from the Sirius or Pleaides star system. They were immortal and androgynous and were identified as being female because their androgynous appearance tended to appear more feminine than masculine. They were identified with the goddess in world mythology and were symbolized by the sun. Because they were also self fertilizing, they were identified as being virgin goddesses.

Some of the human/Nummo hybrids talked about in the Dogon religion were also androgynous but perceived as being primarily male. This would associate these figures with the two male fathers talked about in Merovingian myth.

Our Lost Truth
My research supports the fact that a fundamental truth of our existence has been known by various secret groups throughout human history but denied to the majority of people because of its disconcerting nature.

It was through researching the ancient African Dogon religion that I discovered the core mystery religion from which every other religion, including Christianity and Judaism, has evolved.

According to the Dogon, human origins were associated with fish-tailed serpent-like beings known as Nummo who came to Earth from another star system. These beings were primarily amphibious hermaphrodites but identified with the sacred feminine and the goddess. They were immortal beings in the sense that when the Nummo died and were reborn, they could remember their previous existence.

Evidence indicates that the Dogon mystery religion was the basis of the early Masonic societies, the Knights Templar, the Rosicrucians, and others. It is also associated with the secrets of the Merovingian dynasty, though not in the way which others have claimed. In Holy Blood Holy Grail, Lincoln, Leigh, and Baigent write that Merovingian kings became kings through sacred right on their twelfth birthday. They were priest-kings rather than ruling kings. These authors asserted that the objective of the Knights Templar was to protect the Merovingian bloodline because they believe that the Frankish royal family was descended from Jesus and Mary Magdalen.

Other research on the Merovingians points, however, to beliefs that they were descended from alien beings who were the offspring of nephilim, or fallen angels. The Merovingians traced their ancestry back to one Mérovée, a semi mythical person who was born of two fathers, one a sea monster, the other, a king named Clodio. My research ties the ancestors of the Merovingians to the same alien beings, known to the Dogon people as the Nummo.

In my book, The Master of Speech, I associate the Nummo with many ancient goddess figures including the Egyptian Neith. In the Dogon religion, the Nummo were symbolized by cows and the sun. In the Dogon language, the sun's name, nay, had the same etymology as mother, na, and cow, nã. According to Katherine Griffis-Greenberg, the goddess Neith was an androgynous being often referred to in Egyptian texts as the "eldest," the "first" deity, and was associated with the "cow of heaven.

In the Dogon religion, the androgynous Master of Speech, who was half fish and half human, was regarded as the saviour of humanity. This individual, who was also known as the seventh ancestor, had the perfect combination of Nummo and human DNA. This individual was sacrificed so that all humans born afterwards would have the perfect DNA in their genetic makeup. This was to correct the mistake of the Nummos' first experiment and eventually allow all humans to find the immortality that had been lost to them.

In the Dogon religion the fish-tailed Master of Speech was identified with the sacred feminine. I believe her characteristics were later blended with the male figure of Christ by the patriarchal fathers. In my book, The Nummo, I point to Mary Magdalen, whose name is said to come from her birthplace, Magdala Nunayya, "Magdala of the Fishes," as perhaps being the original Master of Speech figure.

Because the Nummo were self-fertilizing beings, they did not need a mate to procreate, and this may have been the source of myths relating to virgin goddesses. They could also create life through genetic engineering experiments and regenerate those who were old or dying.

In the Dogon religion, the process involving the experiment to create humans was described as being carried out in a bowl-like object that had a mushroom shaped cap. The Arthurian legend of the search for the Holy Grail may be connected to this object, which I believe is also associated with the earlier Irish and Welsh Celtic myths relating to "Bran the Blessed," the "Cauldron of Regeneration," and the islands of the Otherworld.

The impotent Fisher King was likewise identified with the Nummo, whose world had been dying out. After their failed experiment, the Earth became a mortal wasteland.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:14 pm

Heaven's Smiths
The Dogon believed there were seven vibrations that began the universe and were also found in DNA. It was these seven vibrations that stimulated DNA to develop into a human being, a plant, or an animal. They further believed these vibrations connected all humans, plants, and animals on Earth with all other entities in the universe. It was these vibrations that became corrupted when humans were genetically created by the alien Nummo. This was a significant part of their mythology.

In Dogon mythology the musical octave was a metaphor for the third and final Nummo experiment. The octave is eight notes on a scale over a space of seven intervals. The Dogon believed the seven intervals, or notes, symbolized the seven vibrations, which in turn created the eighth ancestor identified with the eighth note. The Master of Speech, or seventh ancestor, who was the perfect combination of Nummo and human, was symbolic of the seven vibrations.

In the Dogon society, these notes or vibrations were expressed through the ringing sound of the hammer striking the anvil in the smithy. The smithy was like a church, temple, or sanctuary in the Dogon society, and the Smith was an important figure in the religion because the alien Nummo were said to be "Heaven's Smiths.

The figure of the Smith, like the Nummo themselves, had a dual role: he was both helper and destroyer of humanity.

In the guise of the Smith, the Jackal stole fire from the Nummos' workshop and fled with it back to Earth. He crashed the Nummo spaceship and created fire and devastation worldwide. The stolen fire symbolized the DNA of the Nummo.

The Smith was also symbolically identified with the first and second ancestors, who fell in love and destroyed the second experiment, which had been carried out on the Nummos' world. As long as procreation was controlled, the second experiment was supposed to correct the first mistake, but because of the indiscretion, the experiment was considered a failure. The two lovers were either told to leave the Nummos' world or left on their own. Either way, they ended up back on Earth. The other six ancestors went with them, so all eight ancestors ended up returning to Earth. Once they were here, they taught those humans who had survived the initial fiery devastation caused by the Jackal

The Smith held a separate yet prominent place in the Dogon village, highlighting his importance to the religion. Only the Smith could manufacture the ritual objects, whether of wood or metal, used in religious ceremonies.

The Greek smith god Hephaistos, the Egyptian smith god Ptah, the Egyptian moon god Thoth, and the Roman smith god Vulcan are all related to the Smith of Dogon mythology. The Smith also appears in the Celtic cultures, where Dogon symbols flourish. In the Celtic Hallstatt Culture, for instance, the Smith was identified as a dangerous wizard. Wayland (also Weyland, Weland, Volund, and Volundr) was the traditional Saxon god of smiths.

Wayland's association with the tomb is significant. The fish-tailed Nummo lived underground in their spaceships. A Nummo spaceship was synonymous with the smithy, the sanctuary, and the granary. The spaceship was the place of death and regeneration and was also associated with a tomb. Lébé, the androgynous eighth ancestor, was regenerated in her/his own tomb.

According to John and Caitlin Matthews, Wayland was likewise associated with the world of the dead.

Wayland may also open for you the door to the Underworld, where he is a king in his own right. Wayland's Smithy in Oxfordshire has the strongest associations with him. He is almost the only Saxon deity who has remained active, assuming the roles of earlier Welsh and Irish gods.

Hephaistos, Vulcan, and Ptah, were similarly identified. Ptah was green like the Nummo and pictured with legs wrapped up like a mummy's. Hephaistos was born crippled or became crippled after being thrown off Mount Olympus, either by Zeus or his mother, Hera. Vulcan, who was conflated with Hephaistos, was depicted on an ancient vase seated in a wheelchair type device with wings, a serpent, and a fish tail protruding out the back.

Graves also observes that "the lame King was frequently connected with the mysteries of the smithcraft." The lame king was likewise associated with the sacrifice of the king. In the Dogon religion, the male Jackal was regenerated, which I believe is the basis for some of these later myths involving the death of the king. The genetic material from the Jackal was used in the eventual creation of Lébé. In order for regeneration to occur in the Dogon religion the individual had to die first. In The Master of Speech, I associated the Dogon Lébé with the Greek Dionysus.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:17 pm

The Nummo
The crucial point of the Dogon religion wasn't simply based on the fact that alien beings came from another star system to Earth. The primary focus of the religion was that these aliens combined their DNA with the animals of Earth to create humanity.

Not only did the killifish have the ability to live both in and out of water, like the Nummo, but they were also self-fertilizing like the Nummo, having both male and female reproductive organs. The Nummo were not only amphibians but also self-generating and androgynous. They were able to fertilize themselves, being dual and bisexual."

When talking about the killifish's sexual behaviour, Calamai reported, "While self-fertilization may seem like a survival advantage avoiding all that energy spent on seeking mates and courtship, it should be an evolutionary death sentence." He quoted Noakes, who said, "They should become completely inbred and very vulnerable." Instead of disappearing from the Earth, however, killifish appear to be strong survivors. The reason for this is said to be their unusual sexual behaviour.

Recent research has shown that 85 per cent of killifish develop ovaries about a month after birth. Then within another month they also develop testes. And for the next two to three years of their average lifespan, most remain typical killifish, reproducing through self-fertilization.

But that other 15 per cent develop only testes right at the start. And another 5 to 10 per cent of the bisexual killifish switch back to being only male. These primary and secondary males are more brightly coloured than the duller and dominant bisexual version.

The researchers predicted there would be typical courtship behaviour between the males and early stage females. "But Noakes and Richard Green, a mathematician from the University of Minnesota, calculated that killifish needed to reproduce by this old-fashioned method only one per cent of the time in order to maintain a protective level of genetic diversity in the species.

Ogotemmêli described the first biological experiment, which involved a union between the Nummo and Mother Earth, as resulting in the birth of two types of human/Nummo hybrids. One offspring was born "normal" like the Nummo, meaning it was an androgynous or a "twin" Nummo. The other offspring, however, was defective; it was a single-sexed male known as "the jackal."

In this first attempt at biological engineering, the androgynous aspect of the Nummo did not carry through to both of the offspring. The male was born completely severed from the Nummos' world and tied to Earth.

According to Orphic religion, the god Dionysus was killed and dismembered. He, like Persephone, receded into the dark depths of the earth and remained there as a seed. Women saved the seed or phallus, laid it in a winnowing fan, and performed the reawakening ritual of the god." In the myth, Zeus entrusts the limbs of Dionysus to Apollo, who sets them beside his own tripod at Delphi. The omphalos at Delphi is what marked the holy site, considered the centre of the Greek universe. It is Apollo, who is the healer and bringer of light, who eventually revitalizes the "dismembered, suffering, temporarily mad Dionysus. Each god needed the other, for they represented the complementary aspects of darkness and light. This reunification brought bliss to the Earth.

Apollo is the Greek sun god and the Nummo were likewise symbolized by the sun. The omphalos or navel stones are associated with regeneration. Images of these stones have been found throughout the world. These regenerative stones were discussed in detail in The Master of Speech. Lébé's birth signified the "third word," which was perceived as the hope for humanity. Lébé was androgynous and all research seems to indicate that Dionysus may have also been androgynous.

Carl Kerényi mentions Dionysus' sexual nature when he gives an overall view of Dionysus:

He [Dionysus] was also called Pseudanor, 'the man without true virility' - not to speak of all his joke-names such as gynnis, 'the womanish', or arsenothelys, 'the man-womanly'.

The surname Dyalos, 'the hybrid', must certainly refer to a hermaphroditic being, and together with other names of the sort must be derived from hushed-up tales of the god's bisexuality. But such surnames as Dendreus, Dendrites, Endendros, 'the tree-god' or 'he in the tree', or the names connected with vegetable luxuriance and growth, such as Phleon, Phleus, or Phloios, indicate that what is meant is not a human sexual hybridity, but the bisexuality that is characteristic of most trees and constitutes their natural completeness.

These associations are very significant in the context of Dogon mythology where Lébé was androgynous. The reference to the 'tree-god' and 'he in the tree' could also relate to the fact that when Lébé was regenerated in her/his own grave, the covenant stones became Lébé's limbs and other parts of her/his body. Some of the omphalos stones associated with the regeneration process were also later identified with the Tree of Life. An actual tree also plays an important role in the regeneration process.

Lébé also had a serpent tail so she/he was considered crippled. The lame Jacob of Genesis was connected to a cult of the Kenite smith-god.

Ogotemmêli said that Lébé was "a new Word created by two females." In the Dogon religion, the genetic experiments were identified with the "three words". The sun was a symbol of the divine feminine. When Lébé (the eighth ancestor) was born she/he was swallowed and then regurgitated by the Master of Speech (the seventh ancestor). This represented a union of the seventh and eighth ancestors to create Lébé. Although both ancestors were androgynous, they were primarily female which is why Lébé was said to have been created by two females.

But he was not properly equipped for his office until he had sustained Jacob's injury which would prevent him from ever again putting his sacred heel on the ground, even by mistake.... Originally the king died violently as soon as he had coupled with the queen; as the drone dies after coupling with the queen-bee. Later, emasculation and laming were substituted for death; later still, circumcision was substituted for emasculation and the wearing of buskins for laming.

In the Dogon religion, Lébé was an indirect regeneration of the Jackal, so essentially the Jackal dies when Lébé is created. Lébé, like the other ancestors, was androgynous, but five generations after her/him, humans became single-sexed and mortal beings. The loss of androgyny (and hence immortality) was represented in the Dogon religion through the ritual of circumcision

The Nummo were identified with serpents. On many omphalos stones found in ancient Greece, Babylon, and Egypt, the serpent is seen winding around the stone like a mother protecting an egg. In some of the omphalos stones, a rod-like device rises and has rope-like strands emerging from it. At the ends of these strands appears small round, heart-shaped, or pinecone-shaped stones. This may explain how the pinecone later became a symbol of the omphalos stone. During the process when humans were created and regenerated in the omphalos stones, the individual being regenerated would be wrapped around with what the Dogon referred to as the cord of God. According to the Dogon, during the regeneration process the soul was transferred into the newly created body and the cord of God became the new body's backbone.

In discussing the Smith, Campbell reports the findings of Mircea Eliade who wrote that the "leading idea of the mythology was of the stone as a mother rock and the iron, the iron weapon, as her child, brought forth by the obstetric art of the forge." This was compared to the saviour Mithra, born from a rock with a sword in his hand. The identification of the omphalos with the smithy may explain how the smithy became linked to the "obstetric art of the forge" and how the stone became associated with "mother rock."

Interestingly, the label given to the Tully House stone identified the snake with the soul and the pinecone with the symbol of life after death. This is important because it essentially means the same thing as it did in the Dogon religion: the regeneration of the dead body. The pinecone was also a symbol of the Nummo because its shape resembled a Nummo's tail. The image would thus have been further associated with immortality.

The Smith's hammer and other Dogon religious symbols also appear on Celtic Pictish stones. An Irish legend states that the Picts came from Scythia, near the Black Sea, and migrated up through Europe before arriving in Ireland, where they helped the Irish against their enemies

Trees played a significant role in the Dogon religion from a practical as well as a religious perspective. Trees were related to the three "words" or experiments in which the "word" was used as a symbol for DNA. In Chapters 7 and 8, I equate the letters of the alphabet to genetics and the creation of genomes.

The significance of sound in conjunction with the hammer and anvil can be seen on the ancient Pictish stone shown in Figure 3. There are four symbols on the stone, including the hammer and anvil. Between the hammer and anvil is a tuning fork. At the bottom is part of a crescent and a V rod, a common symbol found on other Pictish stones. The rod looks like a bent arrow with a point on one end and the fletching at the other end. What is interesting is that the bow was originally a musical instrument.

A Pictish stone found at Dunfallandy also shows the hammer and anvil as well as the V rod with the crescent moon. This crescent shape with the V symbol was also later incorporated into Masonic symbols. The Masonic regalia of the fourth Earl of Rosslyn shows a V-shaped compass over a crescent, which looks very much like the crescent and V rod found on the Pictish stones. In the centre of the Masonic symbol is a sun, above is a five-pointed star, which are both symbols associated with the Nummo.
The Origins of the Gods
You will find African tribes and races who will tell you that they are descendants from gods who came out of the skies thousands of years ago. Some however say that theses gods came to them from the sea in magical boats made out of reeds or wood or copper or even gold. In some cases these gods and goddesses are described as beautiful human beings whose skins were either bright blue or green or even silver. But most of the time you will find it being said these great gods, especially the ones that came out of the sky were non human, scaly creatures, which lived most of the time in mud or in water --creatures of an extremely frightening and hideously ugly appearance. There are those that tell us that these gods who came from the skies traveled through the land in magical boats made of bright metal, silver, copper or gold. Boats which had the ability to sail over water or even to fly through the sky like birds.

Throughout Africa we are told that these mysterious beings taught human beings many things. They taught human beings how to have laws, knowledge of herbal medicine, knowledge of arts and knowledge of the mysteries of creation and the cosmos as a whole. We are told that some of these gods had the ability to change their shapes at will. They had the ability to assume the shape and the appearance of any creature that there is on earth whenever they had good reason to do so.

In West Africa again, these creatures are called the Asa, which means the mighty ones of magic. It is from this word asa, a word that speaks great magical power that comes the name Asanti, which means a king, but literally means, the child of asa and as you know Asanti gave birth to the word, Ashanti.

In the land of the Dogon people we find the famous Nommo, a race of reptilian or amphibian beings who were said to have come from the Sirius star to give knowledge and religion to the black people of Dogon.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:18 pm

A Nephalim by any other name?

The Secret History
(Written by Procopius circa 550 AD ) ... ep03.shtml
This anecdotal book was written by the man who wrote the official history of the Byzantium Emperor Justinian at Constantinople 75 years after the Vandal's sacked Rome. Procopius also wrote the history of Belisarius's conquests. The Secret History was revealed after the author's death. The book reports that many people in the court of Justinian saw him shape-shift into a demon.

"...Procopius invoked a witness of the highest character who, at an audience during which the emperor was pacing restlessly round the room, was startled to see the imperial head rise from its shoulders and temporarily disappear. After a few moments it returned to its usual position. Another observer saw Justinian's face suddenly transform into a shapeless lump of flesh, only gradually falling back into its normal features. 'I did not myself witness the events I am describing,' wrote Procopius, with what he no doubt felt was striking honesty, "but I heard about them from men who insist that they saw them at the time.”
It would appear that the DNA "junk codons" had a purpose" after all; however, it would not be for the benefit of real humans. ... bf6#p37212

Shape-shifting is caused by the cellular structures of a person's body breaking down their usual forms as the "junk" codons inside their molecular strands of DNA become active, and the re-assembling into forms dictated by the specific codons that were activated. This can be accomplished at will or on accident, and can occur temporarily or constantly.

Shape-shifts occur perpetually on a cellular-level once the "junk" DNA has begun to become active. However, for those who do (accidentally) or who can (at will) shape-shift, the visual appearance of this disability usually ends very quickly. In short, for those in whom it can be seen, as well as for many in whom it cannot be seen, RNA mutation-recoding is always occurring; however for those who can show this process on their exterior epidermis, their ability to do so only lasts a short while.

The number-one cause of the perpetual mutation breakdown of a person's genetic structures is exposure to time-travel technology, particularly to machines that act as particle-accelerators speeding up space faster than the speed of light through fiber-optics. The most common example of this type is the "ring array" used in CERN's hardon collider, and in most "flying disc" shaped inter-stellar crafts. If a person passes through this "ring array," they manifest the mutation of genetic-breakdown into spontaneous mutated forms.

The people who we most often see manifesting the shape-shifting disability are, now, the only people on earth who have been directly exposed to such time-travel technologies, i.e. the economic and political elite who have seen the wrecked, extra-terrestrial "flying-discs" impounded by their national militaries. For the most part, the people who have worked longest with these wrecked craft have become so mutated by their exposure to them, they are not even allowed in public, let alone to act as a representative figure.

Among those who manifest the specifically reptilian trait in their shape-shifting disability are the highest-ranking figures of the Bilderberg Group, the Bohemian Grove club, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, etc. These represent the heads of state, finances, military, industry and media of many different nations, all aligned for the sole purpose of attaining their own decided goals. In short, these groups now represent the people attempting to establish a single, global government.

It is no mere fortunate coincidence these "world leaders" are all reptilian shape-shifters. Those among them who have been exposed to the wrecked "ring array" flying-discs suffer from cellular destabilisation, i.e. shape-shifting. However, there are more than merely the ones who manifest the shape-shifting symptom that belong to this group, but they are no less "reptilian" than the others who wear their heritage on their faces.

The group of the rich and politically powerful comprise the faction of this group that can shape-shift, but the remainder of their loyal devotees are just as cold-blooded fear-mongering vampiric scavengers as their chosen public figures. The vast majority of the reptilians do not shape-shift, and appear human at all times.

The only way to distinguish these blue-blooded homo-saurians is by their philosophical belief system. If they desire to rule the world, if they admire those they believe do so, and if they believe the world will end unless these same people ever lose power, and if they believe the end of the world is an imminent result of human stupidity, they are reptilians.

Consider the secret of metallurgical "alchemy": gold, silver and other platinum-group metals can be transformed into super-conductors that can be sped up to faster than the speed of light. Through near sun-surface temperature heating over a prolonged duration, gold can be reduced to a luminous ash, so-called "white powder" or "monoatomic gold." It is "mono-atomic" not because it does not molecularly bond at the level of electrons, but because the electron's shell-level has been "orbitally re-arranged," meaning the path taken by each electron ceases to be random, and becomes fixed. When electricity is applied to "white powder gold" or other "orbitally re-arranged monoatomic elements" (ORMEs), they can maintain the pattern of a pulse of electricity indefinitely, until affected by another direct current. In other words, they become "superconductors," capable of preserving any encoded message in a pattern of electrons, and doing so indefinitely, possibly forever. When enough electricity is applied to ORMEs they disappear in a bright flash without trace, because they have travelled faster than light and "imploded" into "a higher dimension."

Also consider the concept that ORMEs can be bonded to DNA. Not only can the bonding of a metallic element to the ends of genome strands, at the so-called "telomeres," act to prevent genetic-breakdown and thus to prolong cellular longevity, i.e. to end a being's ageing process, but if such small "mono-atomic" molecules of gold were bonded along the genome strand, as well as only at its ends, it would effectively create an additional, super-conductive metal strand, bonded to the genome in a "triple-helix." In theory, this would allow a person to control the super-conductive nature of the ORME with their minds, and thus for a person to be able to biologically time-travel.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:31 pm ... 7&start=15

As for Satan, he and survivors from his army were cast down to Earth by "GOD", never to rejoin the galactic community, but they wouldn't stay defeated for long. By using technology stolen from "GOD", Satan would make himself appear in other forms including the shape of a snake. He had coerced "Eve" into eating an "apple" from the "tree of knowledge" which was bio-engineered by "GOD".

The edible parts of this tree contained enzymes that would give the hybrids sentience (or self awareness) and advanced intelligence. After Eve had convinced Adam to eat from this "tree", the "originators" quickly banished the hybrids from the garden to fend for themselves. The descendants of Adam and Eve populated Atlantis and would have to work their way through life.
Alchemy and the Grail Stone -- the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life

The Crystal Palace ... stalPalace
The Crystal Palace is the "upper alchemical vessel" in which the coniuncto, or union of the opposites takes place. In Taoism these areas or cauldrons in which the elixir is cultivated are called Tan Tiens or Medicine Fields. The solar plexus is the Middle Tan Tien and below the belly button is the Lower Tan Tien. In the fetus the neural crest splits in two and one half develops into the central nervous system, while the other becomes the Enteric nervous system or "stomach brain." In the Eastern world internal alchemy was developed to educate this stomach brain to produce the Pearl or the Elixir.

The Elixer of Life was manufactured to the greatest degree in the Crystal Palace and the "product" of this process of crystallization of primal Spirit through the circulation and lasering of the Light was referred to as the Golden Flower.

But after this generation at the third eye the Divine Influx must then be drawn down into the lower abdomen (lower tan tien) if the "fruit" of the Golden Flower is to be made. If the Golden Flower is not thus brought down into the abdomen, then a true integration of the Self with the unus mundus is forfeited along with the synchronicity, self-reliance and affirmative action needed for constructive change.

When the Elixir Pearl is formed in the crystal palace the holy embryo can then be formed in the belly. The final stage is Samadhi or satori which is the union with the unus mundus where the embryo that was formed in the lower Tan T'ien now emerges through the crown of the head and leaps into the "great emptiness." "The final stages require the practitioner to help the primal spirit emerge from the fetus and leap into the "great emptiness" through the heavenly gate at the top of the head (the sahasrara chakra)."
There are also seven alchemical Metals which are linked with the seven traditional Planets of Astrology. And to correspond with these and other important concepts of the Septenary, there are seven Steps of Initiation in the New Order of the Golden Dawn. The symbol of the New Order of the Golden Dawn is, in fact, a Gold Cross (4) surmounted by a White Triangle (3), giving us the number seven. This symbol represents the Great Work of Alchemy. Such is also the alchemical symbol for Sulphur which denotes the SECRET FIRE of Alchemy. This SECRET FIRE, which is the First Matter of the Great Work, is the Kundalini or Serpent Power of Yoga.

In alchemical terminology the Cross represents the four so-called Aristotelian Elements called Fire, Water, Air and Earth; and the Triangle represents the three Principles of Trimaterialism called Sulphur, Salt and Mercury. The Cross further represents the four elemental Chakras of Yoga called Muladhara, Svadhistthana, Manipura, and Anahata; and the Triangle represents the three higher Chakras called Vishudhi, Ajna and Sahasrara.

Muladhara is the Root Chakra, Svadhistthana is the Navel Chakra, Manipura is the Solar Plexus Chakra, Anahata is the Heart Chakra, Visuddhi is the Throat Chakra, Ajna is the Pineal Chakra, and Sahasrara is the Crown Chakra. In Alchemy these Chakras are linked with the seven Metals called Lead, Iron, Tin, Quicksilver, Copper, Silver and Gold. These Chakras are also linked with the seven traditional Planets of Astrology called Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Luna, and Sol.

The seven Metals and seven Planets correspond with the seven Chakras as follows: Lead and Saturn correlate with the Muladhara Chakra; Iron and Mars correlate with the Svadhistthana Chakra; Tin and Jupiter correlate with the Manipura Chakra; Quicksilver and Mercury correlate with the Anahata Chakra (or alternatively the Sahasrara Chakra); Copper and Venus correlate with the Vishudhi Chakra; Silver and Luna correlate with the Ajna Chakra; and, lastly, Gold and Sol correlate with the Sahasrara Chakra (or alternatively the Anahata Chakra).

Of the seven Chakras, only six are visible to the inner eye of the Yogi. Sahasrara, the so-called seventh Chakra, is an invisible and ineffable centre which cannot be classified as a Chakra per se. Yet it is with this Invisible Chakra that the Yogi or Magician seeks to integrate himself. For this so-called Chakra represents the True Self of the Yogi or Magician which, in Alchemy, is symbolized by the Stone of the Philosophers.

Now there are innumerable centers of Prana in the Subtle Body called Nadis which are commonly defined as Nerves. Prana is the vital, creative energy in Nature which animates and maintains all life and it is the subtle link between the visible and the invisible. Nadis are subtle nerve channels of Prana. The various petals of the Chakras are Nadis. Prana moves or circulates in the Nadis, governed by the currents of the Sun and Moon. Purification of the Nadis is one of the most fundamental exercises of Yoga proper.

There are three principal Nadis of Yoga. These are called Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna.

Of these three the latter is the most important. Sushumna starts in the lowest Chakra Muladhara (5 cm. above the anus and 5 cm. behind the penis). Within the Sushumna is another Nadi called the Vajrini which contains yet another Nadi called the Citrini. The inmost part or centre of the Citrini is called the Brahma Nadi. However, it is not really a Nadi, but a vivara, that is, a hollow passage. The opening of the Citrini initiates the process or makes open the gate through which the Kundalini can enter the Kula Marga or Royal Road to the Crown Chakra. Such is called Brahma-Dvara.

The Kundalini is asleep, closing with Her mouth the entrance to the Sushumna until She is awakened in the Muladhara Chakra. When the Kundalini (Shakti) is awakened, by way of proper initiation, She enters the Royal Way in the Sushumna and rises through it to unite in orgasmic ecstasy with Her lover Shiva who is concealed in the Brahmarandhra (Sahasrara Chakra).

Ida and Pingala, like Sushumna, start in the Muladhara Chakra and rise to the Ajna Chakra, but, unlike the Sushumna, they rise with an inverse, serpentine movement. Ida is to the left of the Sushumna and its nature is lunar and feminine. Pingala is to the right of the Sushumna and its nature is solar and masculine. When Ida and Pingala meet at the Ajna Chakra they enter the Sushumna, making a triple knot, and again they are separated and, ergo, annihilated. That is, they are discharged of their Prana which then rises through the Sushumna to penetrate and kindle the Sahasrara Chakra, allowing for the ecstatic, orgasmic embrace of Shakti and Shiva which, as you might gather, constitutes the greatest victory in Kundalini Yoga.

In the Science of Alchemy, the seven Chakras are linked with the seven Planetary Metals; Sushumna, Ida and Pingala are linked with the three alchemical Principles called Mercury, Sulphur and Salt; and Kundalini is linked with AZOTH, the SECRET FIRE of Alchemy which is the Prime Agent of the Caloric Operation of the Sun. This SECRET FIRE, or the AZOTH of the Sages, is the Serpent Power which transmutes the base metals into the Perfect Gold of the Sun. AZOTH is also a name for the Stone of the Wise, and this gives us a clue into the nature of the SECRET FIRE itself. It is written in the Sixth Key of Exodus: "Our Stone is an Astral Fire which sympathizes with the Natural Fire, and which, as a true Salamander receives its nativity, is nourished and grows in the Elementary Fire, which is geometrically proportioned to it."

"This Agent, disguised by the ancient philosophers under the name of the First Matter, determines the forms of modifiable substance, and we can really arrive by means of it at metallic transmutation and the Universal Medicine.

This SECRET FIRE is both male and female, solar and lunar, fiery and watery in nature. Ergo, it is also called the SECRET WATER and is symbolized by the Great Sea. This Secret Element has a double nature; it is a dry heat combined with a warm moisture. The first real task of the Alchemist is to discover this Fire-Water Element. Thus it is called the First Matter of our work. However, it is not only the First, but also the Last Matter of our work.

To transmute the base metals into the Perfect Gold of Nature or, in other words, to open and transform the Chakras, the Alchemist must discover for himself the SECRET FIRE of Alchemy, the AZOTH of the Sages, the Serpent Power or Kundalini of Yoga, which is the Great Arcanum itself. It is with this SECRET FIRE alone that the Alchemist purifies the seven Metals and extracts from them the three Principles of Alchemy called Sulphur, Salt and Mercury.

In the Golden Treatise of Hermes Trismegistus it is written: "In the caverns of the metals there is hidden the Stone that is venerable, splendid in colour, a mind sublime, and an open sea." The caverns of the metals can be linked with the Chakras of Yoga. To extract the stone from the caverns of the metals is, in Kundalini Yoga, the extraction of the Prana from the Chakras that is accomplished by the Kundalini which is our SECRET FIRE.

This stone, or Heavenly Salt, is represented by a Cube made of six squares. Such is the Folded Cross of six squares which is the Rosicrucian Cross with the Rose in its centre. The Rose is hidden in the centre of the Cube or Folded Cross; it represents the Great Secret itself. By the unfolding of the Cube is this Great Secret revealed. Recall, in this regard, that the stone contains and is the product of Sulphur and Mercury. The Rose that is in the centre of the Cube is the Secret of the Union of Sulphur and Mercury. To unfold the Cube, which is to extract it from the metals, and to acquire the Rose on the Cross, is to also extract the Sulphur and Mercury from the metals. In terms of Kundalini Yoga, the unfolding of the Cube is the opening of a Chakra by the Kundalini which extracts from it the Prana which contains in itself the currents of the Sun and Moon.

Now from the point of view of Sexual Alchemy the Great Work is to manufacture the Philosopher's Stone by the skillful application of the sexual act between a man and a woman. The whole secret of this Magnum Opus is symbolized by the Union of the Rosicrucian Rose and Cross. This symbol is the same as the symbol for Venus, which is a modification of the Egyptian Ankh, which is itself a combined symbol of the Cross and Circle. The Cross symbolizes the Masculine Principle and the Circle or Rose symbolizes the Feminine Principle.

The formula of this Great Work is further represented by the geometrical symbol of the Hexagram. This ancient symbol of Eastern origin is composed of two interlaced triangles indicating the Union of Fire and Water. It also indicates the union of the Phallos and Kteis. The upright triangle is the Phallos, whereas the inverted triangle is the Kteis. And these two triangles united into a single figure symbolize the Child of the Phallos and Kteis, which we call Our Lapis Philosophorum, the Stone of the Philosophers.

The Hexagram is a geometrical symbol of the Stone of the Philosophers, also called Lapis Mercurius, the Stone of Mercury. Ergo, it is a symbol of what we call "the Mystery of Mysteries" and "the Secret of Secrets", which is also symbolized by the Hermetic Androgyne or Hermaphrodite who is the Mercury of the Sages. Fire and Water united produce the element of Air which is symbolic of the Mercury of the Sages, or of the Mercury that is produced by the Secret Union of Sulphur and Salt.

Mystical Alchemy can be practiced through the Eastern techniques of Kundalini Yoga. However, there is a form of Occidental Kundalini Yoga. Such is one of the central mysteries of the royal system of initiation in the New Order of the Golden Dawn. This system, as previously explained, is sevenfold, having seven principal grades or steps of initiation. Each one of these initiatory steps directly corresponds to the awakening of one of the seven Chakras. The actual alchemical process begins with the First Grade of the Zelator.

In the Thelemic Ceremony of the Zelator, the Hierophant proclaims the following to the initiate: "The word Zelator is from the ancient Egyptian Zaruator, signifying `Searcher for Hathoor.' Hathoor is otherwise called Het-Heru, that is, the House of Horus. This House of Horus is Nature Herself, the Temple of the Elements, of which you are a zealous student." Moreover, the Hierophant proclaims: "Zelator is further the title of the assistant of an Alchemist who must keep the Fire burning in the Athanor or Alchemical Furnace. The Alchemist of the Operation is the Inner Self, the Athanor is the human body, and the Fire is the Sacred Flame of the True Will. As a Zelator you must keep this Fire burning in your body and brain, by constant dedication of yourself to the Great Work of doing your True Will, that you may fulfill the Law of Thelema."

In the Masonic book "Morals and Dogma", by Albert Pike, we find the following comment on page 777: "He who desires to attain to the understanding of the Grand Word and the possession of the Great Secret, ought carefully to read the Hermetic philosophers, and he will undoubtedly attain initiation, as others have done; but he must take, for the key of their allegories, the single dogma of Hermes, contained in his Table of Emerald, and follow, to class his acquisitions of knowledge and direct the operation, the order indicated in the Kabalistic alphabet of the Tarot." This comment contains one of the most important clues to the practical understanding of the Royal Art and Science of Alchemy.

It has been said that the word Taro is derived from the Egyptian terms Tar (Road) and Ro (Royal). Thus the Tarot is the Royal Road of Initiation. To travel this regal road we work with the twenty-two Atu of Thoth in accordance with the Qabalistic scheme of the Tree of Life, commencing our alchemical journey with the Serpent's Tail at the place of Atu XXI at the Path of Tav on the bottom of the Tree of Life, and we end at the Serpent's Head at the place of Atu 0 at the Path of Aleph at the top of the Tree of Life. The Serpent embraces within its coils the twenty-two Paths and it ascends from Tav to Aleph. Such is the Path of Initiation by which the Mystical Alchemist can attain the Stone of the Philosophers to effect the Supreme Transmutation. The Serpent in this operation is, of course, the SECRET FIRE of Alchemy or the Kundalini of Yoga without which nothing can be accomplished.

There is, however, another method of traveling the Royal Road, but concerning this I must maintain a certain degree of silence, lest I reveal what must be discovered for and by oneself. Yet the nature of this secret operation is so obvious that it is like a light that is so bright that it makes one blind. In this tarotic alchemystic operation the Qabalistic scheme of the Tree of Life is not employed in the same manner as it is in the operation that is explained in the above paragraph. It is rather an operation that is independent of the system of initiation that is outlined on the Tree of Life, yet it does in fact partake of the mysteries of this system after another manner. But this operation is only for the few, and thus it is concealed beneath the veil of the obvious. It is only revealed to them who are duly prepared to execute its formula. To others it will seem a meaningless path.

Astrology, the Science of the Stars, also has a story to tell us. In this science there are seven traditional Planets and twelve Signs of the Zodiac. As previously explained, the seven traditional Planets are linked with the seven Chakras of Yoga and seven alchemical Metals, and they also represent seven stages in the Great Work. Most sevenfold systems of initiation are based on the astrological model of the seven traditional Planets. The alchemical Metals themselves grow in the bowels of the earth under the magical influence of the Planets.

The Signs of the Zodiac also represent distinct stages in the Great Work, but there are twelve of these stages instead of seven. These twelve stages are defined by the nature of the Zodiacal Signs themselves which have planetary and elemental attributions. The Circle of the Zodiac, called the Path of the Sun, is the Circle of Initiation, containing twelve distinct Signs or stages. Like the images of the Atu of Thoth, the Signs of the Zodiac are images of archetypes in the Collective Unconscious which can be systematically evoked and consciously experienced for the attainment of the Philosopher's Stone.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:12 pm

The Secret Doctrine – the Grail Stone, the Elixir and the Mother Goddess ... 630#p41736

The Secret of Regeneration – Hilton Hotema

The following facts are revealed

1) That man did not evolve from the ape, but degenerated from a previous race of Supermen or Gods.

2) That the Gods of antiquity were a race of superior human beings who were our remote ancestors; and that the “Sons of God” represented a more inferior race of superior beings which degenerated from the previous race of Gods. The race of men represents a still greater degeneration.

3) That originally there was only one sex, not two and that these superior, fruitful beings reproduced parthenogenetically by virgin birth. In other words, the virgin birth was the normal method of reproduction in the early days of the race. Through degeneration, the male sex appeared, and then came sexual generation, with sexual debauchery.

4) Women still possess the latent capacity for virgin birth, manifesting in the development of ‘dermoid cysts’, or malformed embryos, in virgins, which is recognized by the medical world.

5) Originally the embryo is hermaphroditic. Through degeneration, imperfect males and imperfect females come into being. The perfect person that once existed before the race degenerated was like the embryo in its early stages of development. Only through degeneration did the two imperfect sexes arise.
Inevitably, we must now turn our attention to the womb, which is revealed to be the most dominant factor in the secret doctrine and the main feature of the geometry at Rennes.

To see the vagina sufficiently enlarged to allow a baby to pass through was remarkable enough, but the creation of another being must have left early man in a state of bewilderment.

If all matter created was the work of the Almighty, the vagina of the female was clearly a gateway to the tunnel which would link directly to Him.

I would like the reader to consider the confusion in my mind when I found undeniable reference to the existence of a fluid or secretion in the female reproductive organ, which is apparently directly linked with intelligence. Concealed within a doctrine which at first appears to be nothing other than primitive sexual imagery, I found evidence of illustrious people in the past going to considerable lengths to record this incredible fact; anyway, it certainly seems they thought it was. Heavily veiled in the allegories of the alchemists and the Brotherhood of the Ross Cross was the unbelievable suggestion that in some way a minute trace of a very potent liquid seeped from the brain of a woman and collected in the womb or vaginal cavity or, if not, it was secreted there and had properties associated with the brain. It would further appear this secretion was cyclic on a monthly basis. Alternatively, a certain amount may remain in situ and be expelled during the menstrual cycle. I am sure the reader will now appreciate the meaning behind the age-old mystery of the Rose and the Lily of the Valley. Was the Elixir being continuously generated in every female body and expelled twice every month? Given the ‘understanding’ it is suggested that to imbide this fluid elevates the mind; this is liquid intelligence; the bridge between the conscious and superconscious mind.

If this really is so, the recurrent skull of the mysteries is a mystery no longer. What better symbol of intelligence from the past, from a race long dead or departed, could one adopt which would be more explicit than a skull? And to enhance the image with female symbolism particularly virginity, can only mean that we are meant to ignore the sexual implications. There can be no sexual suggestion in a virgin and a male with no penis. Behind the veil of sexual imagery is convincing evidence that this is something totally different from the animal reproductive process. The allegory of the skull ‘providing’ is clear; it provides and symbolizes intelligence.

The Ark of the Covenant is the womb and it contains the gift from the Almighty – intelligence. It also tells us where lies the secret secretion by which the intellect may be raised to a higher level. Little wonder that the skull of Baphomet was considered the ‘source’. No longer need we puzzle over the Templar legend of the skull found between the legs of a female after the act of necrophilia by her lover.
GENESIS – The First Book of Revelations – David Wood, pages 266-269
Legend: Ace of Spears, the Grail Lance
The first card of the Legend Minors, the Ace of Spears - equivalent to Wands or Staffs - is the beginning of the adventure of the Arthurian Tarot.

The gold lance gleams from its offset brackets, a sacred and royal possession of the Fisher King, the guardian of the Grail. The shape the lance forms with its support brackets and the golden dias they rest on conveys the letter "A" turned sideways, also a symbol of Beginnings.

Rich golden draperies cascade from the dias of the Grail Lance, and the assembly is supported by four stone statues of women, one at each corner. Taken together, we see that the masculine activity of the spear is supported by earthy feminine power. A carpet leads across the stone floor and up the steps to the dias of the Grail Lance. The carpet is decorated with yellow flowers, geometric shapes, and perhaps the figures of people - I'm not sure of the intended imagery here.

From a stone window in the wall of the castle, powerful rays of sunlight wash over the lance and concentrate on what could be the figures of people on the carpet. These rays are like the "finger of god" coming down from above, the touch of the divine, spiritual strength and revelation embracing the holy lance.

A Keeper of Words says that "the Lance had the power to heal, avenge, and bring fertility to the earth". This lance may have originated with "the Celtic Lance of Redemption, or the Spear of Lug (Lleu)".

Well, the entire card looks like the sacred marriage to me: The erect phallus, the aisle leading to the veiled opening, and sacred sexual energy emanating from the clitoris.

If I think of this as the sacred sexual fire -- it works as an introduction to the suit of spears.
The Grafenberg Gland ... nberg-spot
In a small percentage of the women tested orgasm is accompanied by ejaculation through the urethra. The fluid is clear and strikingly similar to the ejaculate of males who have undergone vasectomy. Women, in other words, supposedly have something quite like the male prostate gland.
The Gräfenberg Spot (G-Spot)
The female periurethral glands seem to correspond to atrophic embryonic remnants of the structure that originates the prostate gland in men.
The Clitoris, A-Spot, G-Spot and U-Spot
In addition to the vaginal passage and its surrounding labia, the female genitals also have our sexual 'Hot Spots'. They are: the Clitoris, the U-spot, the G-spot, and the A-spot. The first two are outside the vagina, the second two inside it.
The Female Prostate ... tate-Gland
During early fetal development both male and female fetuses start out being physically female. This does not change until a male fetus begins to produce its own hormones around the eighth week of gestation. Only then does the physical development of the male and female bodies diverge, and then less than many may presume. This necessitates that female fetuses initially have structures that could develop into either "male" or "female" reproductive and sexual organs.
The Lilly of the Valley and the Rose of Sharon

Chemical Energy Influences Tiny Vibrations of Red Blood Cell Membranes
Much like a tightly wound drum, red blood cells are in perpetual vibration. Those vibrations help the cells maintain their characteristic flattened oval or disc shape, which is critical to their ability to deform as they traverse blood vessels in the body to deliver oxygen to tissues.

Previous studies examining only select locations on the cell have led to mutually contradictory results on the role of ATP in influencing cell membrane fluctuations. The MIT team used advanced spectroscopy techniques to examine the entire membrane, and found that ATP is indeed not only critical for the vibrations but it also determines the shape of the cell.

They discovered that ATP controls binding between the fatty cell membrane and the interior cellular structure, known as the spectrin network, which is necessary for the membrane vibrations to occur.
Original Blueprint Reconnection ... lchemy.htm
The alchemical power from “Goddess Moon Elixir” is immense. The power from the Goddess hormones and the essence within menstrual blood were capitalized on by the priests (following the exit of the Anunnaki), to reach a similar divine state as white powdered gold. This is how powerful menstrual blood is. It is the Divine nectar of the Goddess. Making love during the moon time is most powerful for both, as the male and female potencies commune. At this time, each opposite sex is able to truly experience the essence of the other, especially on DNA levels, through the intermingling of the white and red “bloods”

By tasting the apple, (the toroid), from the “tree of good and evil”, which is really the “Tree of Life”, which is a sacred geometry symbol representing part of the creation of all life (seed of life, flower of life, fruit of life and tree of life). (The apple represents the torus, which is the imploding spiraling creation energy vortex of the MeKaBa, our vehicle of “inner-ascension” into and through the dimensions, into Christ Consciousness).
Soma and the Holy Grail
A goddesses’ menstrual blood was called the ‘The Astral Light', being the ultimate source of manifestation, and in this regard it was directly equated with the mystical 'Waters of Creation' - the flow of eternal wisdom. Blood and sperm were the elixir of the gods. Male gods were invigorated when they drank a mixture of their sperm and menstrual blood and it was, they believed one of the keys to immortal.
IMHO most of Laurence Gardner’s material is simply propaganda promoting the “divine rights of kings” and their bogus claims of belonging to a superiority bloodline. However, he does seem to present some “useful information” on “inner alchemy” and the “magical properties” of the blood. However, real humans can achieve the same “inner alchemy” simply by living in peace, love and harmony with his/her fellow creatures and Mother Nature

Sex and the Siddhi ... 832f60530a
He contends the true Dragon elixir is the combined virginal menstrum and secretions of the Graffenberg gland of the Grail Maidens, upon which the Dragon line feeds.

This non-adrenergic substance is rich in neurotransmitters, including melatonin, oxytocin, and estrogenic hormones of youth and love. Its transcendent effect is highly addictive and therefore such magic is reserved for bloodline members.

The Sabbatical Goat ... ring01.htm
The Dragon Princesses produced a chemical that acted on their own physiology to produce a state of mental composure and grace that history symbolized as the swan, not only because of their elegance, but also to denote the origin in the anatomy of that chemical.

The state of peace that they enjoyed was, to an ordinary care worn observer, utterly alluring and charming, a quality to adore because in proximity to her the energy could be felt like soft electricity which had a calmative affect on the mind which, as it slowed down and became still began to perceive the joy and sense of oneness that has no beginning, no cause and no ending.

In her company the observer would partake of her abundant morphic energy which could provide the observer with enough energy to see beyond and begin to understand that mortal care is unimportant.

The chemical also has a physical affect in transferred to the observer. The same stillness occurs and produces psychotropic effects. The problem was though that the observer would have to have sufficient numbers of the correct axon membranes in the right type of synaptic receptors and an increased number of dendrites connecting the appropriate brain cells across both hemispheres.
White Powder Gold ... 01883.html
White Powder Gold is sometimes known as MG or Monoatomic Gold. The gold has been handed down through the centuries.

The Chemistry and Physics of Monoatomic Elements, describes the characteristics of those elements which have come to be known as the “Precious Metals”. These eight metals include: ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, and silver (known as the “light platinum group”), osmium, iridium, platinum, and gold (known as the “heavy platinum group”).

Prior to the human use of the ORME, the kings had access to Star Fire, essentially the menstrual blood of the “goddesses” of the Anunnaki. Because of the long lives of the Gods and Goddesses -- due to their ingestion of the ORME and possibly genetic factors as well -- this simple infusion of the goddess menstrual blood was more than sufficient to extend the lives of ordinary human beings.

Gardner also suggests that “this milk contained an enzyme that was especially conducive to active longevity and this was very likely the enzyme that genetic researchers have called telomerase.” This enzyme apparently has unique anti-aging properties, but apart from being present in malignant tumors and reproductive cells, telomerase is not normally expressed in body tissues. “It seems, therefore, that somewhere within our DNA structure is the genetic ability to produce this anti-aging enzyme, but the potential has somehow been switched off.”

“The Philosopher’s Stone is no stone but a powder with the power to transmute base metals into gold and silver.” They go on to claim: “The stone which is to be the transformer of metals into gold must be sought in the precious metals in which it is enclosed and contained. It is called a stone by virtue of its fixed nature, and it resists the action of fire as successfully as any stone but its appearance is that of a very fine powder, impalpable to the touch, fragment as to smell, in potency a most penetrative spirit, apparently dry, and yet unctuous, and easily capable of tingeing a plate of metal. The stone does not exist in nature, but has to be prepared by art, in obedience to nature’s laws. Thus, you see our stone is made of gold alone, yet it is not common gold.”

Is it possible (as it was in the distant past) to convert gold [and other precious metals] into a sweet-tasting, ingestible white powder. Under such circumstances, is it possible that the powder can disappear from sight into another dimension of space-time and then be returned to its original state? The answer to each of these questions is yes -- for this is the post-Star Fire mystery of the phoenix, and it is the key to the Messianic bloodline enhancement through the fire-stone.”

The Platinum Metals Review includes articles which discuss the treatment of cancers using platinum, iridium, and ruthenium. Apparently, the application of a platinum compound to an altered DNA state (as in the case of a cancer) will cause the DNA to relax and become corrected. It is known that both iridium and rhodium have anti-aging properties, that ruthenium and platinum compounds interact with DNA, and that gold and the precious metals can activate the endocrinal glandular system in a way that heightens awareness and aptitude to extraordinary levels.

The ancients from thousands of years ago knew of the superconducting effect of the precious metals on our consciousness -- what they referred to as the light body (the ka), and that both the physical body and the light body had to be fed. In so doing, we can also use the properties of the monoatomic elements to levitate, and quite possibly activate the body’s so-called “junk DNA”, along with the generally unused 90 to 95 % of the brain!

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines menstruum as: “A solvent, especially one used in extracting and preparing drugs. [Middle English, from Medieval Latin menstruum, solvent, originally ‘menstrual blood’ (alchemists regarded the gold-transmuting solvent as similar to menstrual blood, which they believed transformed sperm in the womb into an embryo)].”


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:21 pm

The rite of the vampire – Part 1 ... ring02.htm
The tantric/hermetic Royal Rite of the Vampire can never be predatory or sexual.

The Endocrinal glands tend to be multi-functional, with more than just one gland being responsible for the production of a single hormone or neurotransmitter. The Endocrinal System is complex and operates on a feedback loop of constantly changing levels of hormones, interacting and affecting each other in order to maintain a delicate balance.

Originating in Scythian Royal Families the Rite of the Vampire enabled the Queen to maintain, and the King to obtain sovereignty, firstly over themselves, and secondly over the destiny which affected the people whom they served and guided.

Secondly they possessed also a greater number of axons uniting the right and left lobes of the brain via the corpus callosum. This allowed for an enhanced trans-lobal communication potential. Thirdly both male and female "vampires" had larger Pineal glands than other people.

The synaptic and axonal connections via the corpus callosum were represented by the image of the dove of the Holy Spirit descending, holding within its beak a paten which it intends inserting into a Grail Cup. The wings of the dove represent the axon branches of the limbic system of the left and right cerebrum whilst the body of the dove represents the corpus callosum which joins the two halves together.

Because of the neurophysiologic variations, achieving such a state would be quite a straightforward matter of ingesting certain neurotransmitters and hormones within the correct environmental conditions.

A new reality manifests itself, the brain becomes sensitized to the chemical phenomena that accompany the revolution in perception and this new state becomes the norm, the base line. To maintain it Starfire as a ritual must be continued.
The rite of the vampire - 2 ... ring03.htm
The aim of the exercise was to encourage the female to increase the amount of melatonin in her bloodstream prior to or during menstruation. The exercise or its glyph commands were also repeated on the night of the rite itself in order to ensure the correct ionic polarity of the neurotransmitter being discharged either by the womb or the Graffenberg gland, which was stimulated manually to the point of orgasm and ejaculation.

The energy centers lying idle within the morphic field of the body take a lot of encouragement to come out of that dormant state, and this requires a great deal of perseverance.

Dragon Magic is the oldest magic in the world. Most other shamanic and ritual systems are corruptions of it. In Dragon Magic all phenomena is related first and foremost to the observer of the phenomena and the observer’s perceptions thereto are determined by the condition of her or his hormonal balance.

Adenosine Triphosphate is the fuel that fires up the body cells. The electrical discharge of these cells, along with the axonal discharge of the nerve channels which are comprised of these cells themselves, creates a morphic energy field around and within the body. Its shape is maintained as a stable continuum by the DNA blueprint which determines the body’s form.

It was the naturally high strength of this field in the Fairy, emanating through pale, translucent skin and the quality of poise and transcendent, swanlike serenity that gave the Maidens of the Grail, the perceptible "glow" that earned them the Epithet "The Shining Ones".

It is however possible to concentrate spheres of that energy in specific parts of the body at will. In this particular exercise the energy will be concentrated around specific glands within the endocrinal system. What happens then is that the cells of these glands will be fed more energy than is usual, causing them to work at an increased rate.

In Dragons it appears that a dormant facility for enabling energy to be manipulated in this way does exist in their genetic memories as opposed to the genetic memories of others. This means that they are more able than others to ignite these spheres of energy, which in Tantra are called wheels or Chakras and in Kabala are termed Sephira or Halos.
Love and Magic ... ring04.htm
ATP is the fuel of life which in youth sustains an active, healthy body and mind. As the body ages the levels of melatonin drop and the body cells begin to slowly degenerate and become tired. In particular the cells of the thymus which stores T-cells begin to atrophy and are replaced by fatty tissue. When this starts to happen the body’s immune system slows down and finds it more difficult to shake off illnesses that in youth would not have warranted any attention at all. As the cells begin to atrophy and the mitochondria become frayed, it is less able to produce ATP and this weakens the cells further. It is thought that telomerase in menstrual blood is one of the major contributors to mitochondrial regeneration.

As the cells become weak and less able to maintain structural integrity, the ability of the Mitochondria to convert thyroxine 3 efficiently is compromised. It begins instead to produce partial reactions resulting in the ATP being converted more and more into pyrophosphates literally fossilizes the body’s cells. As the Pineal Gland begins to succumb to this process it lays down calcium salts in the pineal body which results in the production of less melatonin.

With the production of less melatonin all the bodily functions suffer but in this particular regard it means that there is less melatonin to react with the pituitary and thyroid glands which themselves have suffered a reduction in the amount of hormones they are capable of producing due to the affects of cellular atrophy. Less thyroxine 4 can be processed into thyroxine 3 because of the declining level of pineal output and the degenerating mitochondria produce less ATP and so the cycle of decline continues. The ageing process has begun.

The Grail comprises not only of the Grail Maiden but of a set of psychosomatic exercises which stimulate enhanced endocrinal function within her physiology. Furthermore these exercises also polarize the general energy field around the body which in turn polarizes the ions of the hormones required. In laboratory experiments on Seratonin conducted in America it has been demonstrated that the field should be positive, which correlates with what the Tantrics, the Alchemists and Grail Knights already knew anyway. The recipient of the Grail Maiden’s generosity similarly has to perfect the art of accomplishing this exercise efficiently. She or he engages in the rite in exactly the same manner as the Maiden up to the fountain point. At this juncture the recipient’s energy field should be charged negatively by using the reverse components to those being installed by the Maiden.

In the case of The Rose of Diana this is achieved orally. However, in the case of The Lily of the Valley the beneficiary, like the Fisher King, sups from the Grail with a Golden Straw. Simply put the Tantrics would insert a golden flute into the urethra and massage the internal area of the vagina just under the pubic bone. After a few minutes a swelling is detected. This is the engorging of the Graffenberg Gland which has corresponding to it a special little chakra.

Females have larger pineal glands than males and even though they mature earlier than boys, girls with their larger pineal glands and smaller blood volume, usually tend to produce more melatonin and other hormones than boys do.
There’s sumfing Narstie at the Bottom of the Garding ... ring05.htm
A ’Gnome’ is one of the race of the Wise Ones, the ancient king tribe of the Aryans or Scythians, who were the genetic guardians of a blood chemistry, of rituals and lore from which they derived a perceptual state of gnosis or transcendence.

This description, linked both to alchemy and smithing, is also associated with their ritual practice of living in specially prepared chambers in burial mounds, tombs and pyramids which links the gnome, as a priest-king figure, with the cult of Nergal and the otherworld or underworld.

And it is by understanding it as a family tree, that the truly magical elements it conceals can be more fully appreciated. Each sphere or Sephiroth on the Tree is essentially a theurgic dynamic. These Forces or Gods bear the names of the original Elohim, the Dragon Kings and Queens of the Anunnaki. The position of each sphere on the Tree corresponds with the relationship enjoyed by each of the Gods, one with the other, so the spheres represent husbands, mothers, fathers, brides, sons and daughters.

In the Christian Occult Kabala the eighth Sephiroth, Tiphareth, is thought to represent Christ and the Cubic Stone. This, the philosopher’s elixir, the Lapsit Exellis or Fallen Star would, if such it be, serve to reinforce the identity of the Christ with Lucifer. However, the Cubic stone is a component of the Grail and the Grail is a chalice, a female symbol, as is Venus the Bright and Morning Star who is Lucifer.

The saving body and blood of Christ, the anointing of the Christos of Astarte or Sophia, thus becomes recognized as being the Ovum and Menstruus of the Goddess, who at the beginning of the first millenium was represented by Mary Magdalene, the Scarlet Woman, who some say was the Priestess of Ishtar or Venus. If the Tree is taken as a Genealogical chart then Tiphareth occupies a position mid way between Geburah (Samael Enki) and Chesed (Jehovah Enlil).

In Anunnaki tradition this place on the family tree would be occupied by the Dragon Queen, Nin Kursag, who was wife to both Enki and Enlil and the grandmother of Ishtar or Venus, who is represented on the Tree by Netsach, who is positioned in exactly the same place on the Tree, as Ishtar is on the chart. Essentially therefore, Nin Kursag, called The Lady of Life, was the First or Great Venus, wife of Enki Samael or Lucifer, hence the association between the two.

One of her responsibilities was to feed the Dragon Kings with her blood and water, both of which together comprise the Prima Materiae of alchemy, the "Christos", in order to expand their consciousnesses and increase their life spans. This exactly replicates the phenomena attributed to the Grail and the Cubic Stone.

Pheromones are naturally secreted chemicals you can smell in the odour produced through the sweat glands of the body. In mammals, pheromones play an important role in the establishment of their territories

When you are first attracted to someone, the principal sensory stimulus is usually visual, in this particular instance, perhaps in a social context, the eye sends messages along the nerve endings to the brain, and the brain releases two hormones, Vasopressin and Dopamine. If the object continues to attract one and advances are reciprocated, another hormone is released. This chemical, Serotonin or 5-Hydroxytriptamine, one of the Amine group of stimulants similar to Amphetamine, begins to produce a feeling of euphoria and excitement which by a process of association becomes related to the immediacy of the object of desire as the interaction develops.

If the couple are mutually attracted to each other, the brain releases two other hormones, Oxytocin and Prolactin. These both act on the mind to produce a feeling of bonding which, in anticipation of or during subsequent encounters grows stronger, along with the sense of centeredness or focus and euphoria felt in the presence of the other person, produced by the accompanying Vassopresin, Dopamine and Serotonin respectively. The whole process is called psychosomatic, inasmuch as the chemicals produced which act on the brain, stimulant various emotional and intellectual responses in the mind.

Two powerful hormones are also released by the sex organs during this whole process and they are Estrogen in the female and Testosterone in the male.
The Divine Right to Rule ... rule01.htm
"The best blood is of the moon, monthly..." Aleister Crowley, The Book of the Law.

The beneficial effects of the hormone melatonin have been part of the health supplement scene for some time, for high melatonin production is known to be synonymous with a high immune system, a low cancer risk, long life, energy, stamina, and according to many, enhanced spiritual awareness.

Perhaps it is fitting then that this hormone is secreted by the pineal gland, a mysterious little item long believed by mystics to be the "Seat of the Soul," "the Third Eye," and the organ through which psychic powers are exercised. In fact, it actually functions as an organ of sight in some reptiles, and it still seems to possess some sensitivity to light in higher mammals, since melatonin production increases when the person is exposed to darkness (thus melatonin means "night worker!")

High melatonin production thereby increases the facility for receiving and transmitting high-frequency cosmic and local broadcasts, and leads to a greater state of cosmic awareness - a state simply of ’knowing.’ In this regard, it is interesting to note that the Pineal Third Eye has been found to contain very fine granular particles, rather like the crystals in a wireless receiving set.

Many magical rites and meditation techniques are aimed at gaining control of this organ and the fluid it produces: the live melatonin.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:34 pm

Initiations (1)
"The 'terrestrial' reptilians like the Anunnaki [Anunna who took refuge in our solar system], or their direct descendants needed to absorb the 'base' energy that humans can emit when they have fear, for the simple reason that the terrestrial frequency is higher on Earth than on the different worlds that they occupy in the galaxy. The Anunna arrived on the Earth by chance. They had great difficulty in adapting to it. Since their arrival on Earth, the Anunna and their consanguine acolytes have never ceased to carry out all sorts of manipulations to lower the frequency of the KI. The dominant caste of the Gina'abul males knows nothing of the love that certain humans have integrated. The human being, even as diminished as he is today, always represents a danger for this community.

"In Le Secret des Etoiles Sombres, I have explained in length and in depth the role of the woman, more precisely the role of the Gina'abul priestesses in the bosom of the reptilian community and the rapport that they maintain with the Life Designers of which they are a part. I detailed the feminine power that one calls on Earth 'Goddess energy.'

"Various groups of Gina'abul males, like the Mušgir and certain Ušumgal, effectively imprisoned the females to draw from them their power by force and by torture. This created a radical splitting of the Gina'abul that healed itself only when the Gina'abul females integrated with the Kadištu (Life Designers).

"Nevertheless, when some of these priestesses fell in with the Anunna on the Earth, they did not systematically practice with them. Thus we find the episode in the garden of Genesis where Enki (the Serpent), who was at the service of the patriarchal Gina'abul order, met clandestinely the A-DAM, the 'colonized herd' with the help of these strange females named Lilith. Lilith is in fact allied to the Source (the true God) and it is for this reason that she was 'demonized' by the religious organizations that incarnate the various patriarchal religions of the planet. We note that the gnostic ideology agrees with this, since according to them, the principles of good and evil are inverted on the Earth.

Much can be learned from Parks' discussions of these initiations. One of them carries the name Peš. Note the association with the fruit fig among the several sexual connotations of the various homonyms. This was the forbidden fruit of the tree -- the Dark Stars -- in high antiquity!

The Egyptian name for this fruit -- Dabu -- when decomposed as Sumerian phonemes, gives the concept of "powerful energy."

In ancient Egypt, the ficus sycomorus (Sycamore Fig) produced a reddish fruit that grew like wine grapes and was called "the flesh and the sap of the Goddess."

From Le Secret Note 49:

We know that the fig tree was in Egypt the symbol of fecundity. The Egyptians saw in the sycamore fig concentrations of the creative powers of primordial energy with which the Pharaoh was united...

This tree symbolizes the Egyptian goddess Hathor, called the Lady of the Sycamore; the Celestial Cow; the Lady of Life or even the Serpent Lady. To eat of the fruit of the sycamore fig amounted to ingesting the flesh and drinking the blood of the Goddess, that is to say, consuming her fruit.

A similar idea is found in the Kabbalistic doctrine in which it is said that the tree of life emanated from "the heavenly dew" which is the source of resurrection and regeneration.
The Latin traditions claim that the fig tree was considered impure and maleficent because its fruit, the fig, evoked a partially-open vulva (fica in Italian)!

One finds the fig tree as a symbol of the mother Goddess in numerous traditions, such as that of India. It is precisely under a sacred fig tree (ficus religiosa: bodhi/bo tree) that Buddha had the revelation of the true nature of earthly pain and the means of healing humanity from suffering.

The goddess-tree is also present in Italy; it is again she, in the form of a fig tree, who gathered at her feet Romulus and Remus (the future founders of Rome), before the Lupercal cave, and it is under her benevolent shadow that a she-wolf nursed the two babies and saved them from certain death.

The symbolism of this story is eye-popping: the Latin term Luma (she-wolf) also means prostitute. In antiquity, the priestesses were assimilated to prostitutes as they transmitted the sacred energy and the royalty of the mother Goddess to future kings and princes. The she-wolf is in fact a prostitute, more precisely a human priestess who sustains the cult of the mother Goddess symbolized by the fig tree. Romulus and Remus had not been nursed by a she-wolf, but rather by a woman at the service of the religion of the Great Goddess!

In Genesis, Chapter 3, Verse 7, when Adam and Eve ate the fruits of the tree of knowledge, they felt compelled to hide themselves behind leaves of the tree of the garden which was none other than the symbolic representation of the fig: "As their eyes were opened and they knew that they were naked, they sewed fig leaves and made loincloths of them."

The Genesis Rabba, in Chapter 15 Part 7, brings some precision to the identity of the fig tree: "From what species of fig is it? The species 'Daughter of Seven,' said Rabbi Avin, "named thus because it had brought to the world the seven days of mourning."

The number 7 possesses a sacred connotation around the world and particularly in Mesopotamia. It is not unrelated to the Pleiades that the Hopi Indians of Arizona call "The Seven Sisters," the constellation that they honor as being the place where the creative divinities reside.

See Decoder for the decompositions of the Sanskrit word Udumbara (a fig tree in India) showing its associations with a Goddess who can empower royalty.

The sycamore represents the cup of anointing oil in the religious offices of the ceremony of the Mahâvrata [great ascetic vows]. But the interesting thing, it serves equally to fabricate the throne on which the Vrâtya will sit during the ceremony. The Goddess has precisely the principle function to create the king and place him on a throne, because she carries the royalty of Heaven on the Earth.

As to the role of the female sovereign to whom belongs the royal authority that she distributes as she wishes, compare the Sumerian translation of Udumbara and the Irish tales where the young woman incarnating sovereignty offers the cup of immortality to her heroes.

The Egyptian goddess Hathor, a perfect model of the feminine principle, incarnates the radiant energy of perpetually renewable life. Numerous frescoes, like that of the tomb of Sennedjem, represent the goddess of the sycamore in the tree of life. She pours a vessel of water of life and presents her sacred fruits to the deceased, that they may nourish themselves and thus receive the benefit of eternal life.

The goddess Hathor represents the Mother, the universal matrix. She is the mother of gods and the wet-nurse of humanity. She is the central pillar, the tree of life, the holder of the functionality of Kundalini (the "ladder" that traverses the seven principal chakras through which one obtains illumination). She is thus the cosmic tree that connects Heaven and Earth, the link between the Source and humanity.

As shown in the Decoder, the Greek sukomoros decodes by means of its Sumerian phonetic equivalent SUKU5MÚR-ÚŠ to the meaning haunches that distribute the blood.

The particle MÚR confounds with Sumerian MURUB4; the two share the same classical Sumerian Cuneiform sign and sense: "haunches, center, middle."

MURUB4 has a homophone MURUB which means "vulva, woman, or sexual attraction."
In playing with this word game of which the Gina'abul and Sumerians were very fond, the hidden sense of the Greek sukomoros would give equally "the woman (or the vulva) who distributes the blood."

An extraordinary number of figurines representing the Mother-Goddess are regularly disinterred at sites around the world. They are generally in a squatting posture which, according to the official thesis, suggests childbirth, in keeping with the role of the Mother-Goddess who aids fertility and maternity.

The moon affects the periodic flow of women's blood and clearly symbolizes their menstrual cycle and the hidden knowledge of the Dark Stars.

In Greece, the Goddess Artemis, who is regularly represented in a tree, symbolizes as though by chance the moon! The sacred drink of the Aryan gods of India is called Soma, justifiably calling to mind the mythical plant from which is taken the nectar of immortality... and the moon.

Absolutely all the traditions of the world say the same thing. We add that on Plate 66 of the Codex Borgia there is a tree possessing an opening that is easily identified with a vagina. From this opening comes a flow of blood. The roots of this tree have the form of a serpent's head.

German and Scandinavian mythology uses the same symbolism in the sacred Yggdrasil, the tree of the world, the cosmic tree.

We bathe "for the nth time" in full symbolism. The fact of finding serpents sucking the roots of the Aztec sacred tree, of the Scandinavian Yggdrasil, and again of the Avestic Hoama demonstrates for us beyond the shadow of a doubt that priestesses symbolizing the Mother-Goddess, totally subject to the lunar cycles, were ruled by a caste of serpents on the Earth.

This conforms exactly with the Gnostic ideology which makes Sophia the slave of angels called archons. Numerous traditions have in common the fact that the serpent is held responsible for the menstrual cycle of females, but it is quite evident that it relates to Judeo-Christian thinking which makes of the serpent the one who pushed Eve to reveal the secret of the celestial divinities to humanity...

The two first volumes of The Chronicles of the Gírkù make frequent reference to the menstrual cycle, to its importance, and to its power of healing and understanding, as the menses of the Amašutum and other feminine entities in the narrative are employed in sacred rituals. Strangely, one finds this custom in the ancient gnostic rituals that dedicated a certain cult to the eternal feminine.

On the other hand, in certain other ritual traditions or religions, particularly in "the religions of the Book"..., the woman is considered as impure during this period....

Why is there this taboo on females to the point of comparing them to sorceresses?

Parks: The female has been at the heart of a universal intrigue since the night of time. Her power has alarmed the "gods" of the different mythologies and has frightened the Church, because it is capable of liberating the human, who would no longer have need of the clergy for reassurance and the sense of being assisted. The menses of human females have also been made the object of sacred and Hermetic rituals for reasons that one can well imagine.

Since we are among the great truths, let us examine the exact sense of the word "sorceress" in the language of the "gods". We will find there, as by enchantment, a fundamental theme that the Judeo-Christian religion has attempted to mask from the people. The Sumerian term for sorceress is Míuš'zu. Its true translation and the diverse interpretations that one could draw by virtue of the homophones of which the Sumerians were so fond will put us on the trail of a carefully hidden meaning. The simple decomposition of MÍ-UŠ12-ZU gives "the woman of the wisdom-secretion" or "the woman of the knowledge-venom"

The Sumerian homophony game brings us yet more clarification without altering the original sense of the term. If we replace the UŠ12 with ÚŠ, we obtain MÍ-ÚŠ-ZU, "the woman of the wisdom blood", and with UŠ, MÍ-UŠ-ZU, "the woman who elevates the knowledge (or the wisdom)"

Before Christianity intervened, sorceresses were considered to be persons possessing the energy of the Goddess. The diverse possibilities of translation playing on the homophony of the language of the "gods" assures us that we are in the presence of a particular substance of which the females are the only ones to possess the secret.

Another element must be brought in to accomplish the sacred act, and this is very close to the alchemical tradition. If you have an absolute confidence in your partner and you love him or her infinitely, so that you share in all things with this person, then know that all is possible, including the sharing of menses and sperm.

The tree of knowledge of good and evil: why is it so designated? It is because this tree takes its nourishment from two opposing sides and it recognizes them as when one eats the sweet and the bitter at the same time. As the substance is taken from two opposite directions, it is called "good and evil".

The Zohar, Berechit, 35a and 35b

The rabbis who compiled the texts of the Zohar knew very well of what they spoke. They understood that the allusion relates to sperm and menses, sperm representing "the good", and menses "the evil"!

Yahvé's taboo against the mixing of these "impure flows" is detailed in the Bible...

[See Leviticus, "Sexual Impurities", 15.]

If these revelations seem strange, do not forget that our society is totally disconnected from the sacred and certain realities. Sex has been banalized and is sold today on street corners as vulgar merchandise for quick consummation. The "genius" of man has never ceased to quest for more refined and perverse means of exploiting women for his immediate pleasure and the money that he can gain from them.

He even possesses the capacity to enjoy the suffering of his feminine double. He is without doubt the only animal (Á-DAM in Sumerian) capable of torturing and killing his neighbor for his own pleasure.

In distorting certain realities, the human being has been able to confine himself in a formatted world, totally the image of the perverse universe of the "evil archons" (reptilians) who are described in the gnostic texts and who have been able to pass for the true divinities of our universe. An existential shame accompanies the sense of the sacred, because sex is the center of the guilt inflicted by the bad "gods".

If the Sumerian "gods", transformed into a unique and universal God in a great majority of religions, had banned the sacred to the point where today this sacred has become a veritable marketplace, it is precisely in order to turn humanity away from the true reality which would permit him to raise himself. You must understand that sex has nothing to do with a performance such as is presented to you by the media. Sex is a connection of the heart, a fusion in true love...

Parks traces the evolution of concepts of the "Mother Goddess" and masculine deities in the literature of human societies. We quote here (with a little editing) from his Note 22, pp. 118-119, Le Secret.

In diverse passages of the Judaic literature but also of the Bible and other traditions of the planet, "the original primordial and androgyne source" has been subtly replaced by a masculine divinity named God or The Father.

It is clearly seen that at the epoch when the scripture made its appearance on the Earth and the cosmogony of the biblical texts was drafted (in fact, several thousand years later, after 1000 B.C.E.), the religion of the Mother-Goddess was losing ground; in reality it has not ceased to regress over the course of time.

The growing acceptance of the male religions by numerous patriarchal societies rapidly accelerated the extinction of the feminine creator divinity. Under these conditions, the monotheistic drafters could not attribute the full original creation to any entity other than God himself -- a masculine entity -- while they clearly knew that the first creation was rather the work of plural entities (the Elohim) at the service of a Mother Goddess, a jointly-conceived master plan for the Earth. Everything pertaining to this ancient Mother Goddess divinity was grossly deformed, demonized, or radically suppressed. The patriarchal doctrine that consisted in marking the domination of God over an ancient feminine divinity, totally submitted to its orders, therefore took over.

In the mythology of India, the Divine and primordial Energy is called Shakti, which transposed into Sumerian gives ŠA6-AK-TI, literally "the good miracle-worker of life"

Shakti is no other than the representation of the Divine Mother, the Mother-Goddess, more precisely the personification of the feminine principle that Hinduism very correctly associates with the Holy Spirit. This obliges us to [examine] the Hebrew Ruah Elohim, which means spirit of God, the Holy Spirit.

The Mother-Goddess, skillfully demonized by the dominant patriarchy of the Judaic religion, is concealed in the demonness Lilith. Some associate Lilith with the Hebrew lailah -- night. Others think that Lilith comes from the Sumerian term LÍL-TI, generally translated as "spirit of life," but I would rather interpret it, in our context, as "she who gives the breath of life," in the sense of "the entity who breathed life into the primordial man."

Judaic imagery represents Lilith as a night bird, a symbol taken directly from one of the most ancient attributes of the Mother-Goddess, that is to say the bird or the dove that the Christians used to symbolize the Holy Spirit.


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