The Schumann Resonance

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:25 pm

The Game of Loss and Lack
In the effort to get to know you all a little better I wish to impart and then have comments about a very personal point of view. There are in my opinion, trillions of individual points of consciousness in the universes or multi dimensions. Those that do not have limitations of time and space held as a core consideration can pop in and out of any dimension at will. There are only two things that these beings cannot have. LACK & LOSS.

Only while physical and constrained by considerations of duality can you suffer or exalt in the conquest of dreams. Only while physical, is there anything to overcome or to succumb to. This is Drama, this is Emotion, this is Physical Sensation whether pleasure or pain. You can only get it HERE. This is why we are so dearly loved by other beings. We are the show. Mostly we go about our lives totally involved with the game, handling events and circumstances as deftly as we know how. Very similar to a sports star out on the field with 100,000 fellow beings in the stands cheering and a million more tuned in by TV broadcast. He's just playing the game as best he can.

It is my belief and with some personal experience confirmed at least for myself, that most of spirit/consciousness is able to tune in to anyone's "personal broadcast" of experience. Each of us has a very distinct vibratory frequency by which we interact with the universe and along this frequency we co-create the whole.

We broadcast this frequency into the universe just like TV or radio. The reason that the Nielson Ratings and Television are such a huge success with the human race is that it is a direct lower harmonic of what is really going on in the universe. There are trillions of spirits out there tuning in to 3D land to watch and virtually experience what it is like to be at risk of loss. What is it that makes any movie or real life situation exciting? The real or perceived chance of loss.

So with 6 billion+ broadcasts or viewpoints from just this planet there is to say the least, a wide selection to channel surf through. And you thought 500 choices on cable were too much? Anyway with that many choices who gets watched and who is basically ignored? Some shows make it through a season some don't...

Those broadcasts with the most Risk tend to be watched the most. Without judgment of right or wrong, good or evil, the beings watch only for content.

Please get this, "There is only Creation from their points of view, all good and all supposed bad, are part of the creation and that is it." No judgment from them. So the broadcasts that draw a bigger audience get better "Sponsorship" by that I mean the most collective consciousness that is directed toward your life's broadcast the more assistance will come from spirit. With better spiritual sponsorship you get better "Production." That is a better quality of life and a flow of beneficial circumstances. (This part is my own experience) But putting things at Risk, you draw attention from beings that cannot personally experience Loss.

LionHeart just did one of these Riskings when he handed some information to a person that was supplied exactly for that opportunity. What did LionHeart Risk? The Admiration from the other being. That is really all there is here to gain or loose. The risk was that Lion Heart or the viewpoint of the information would be rejected. LionHeart took the risk and the beings tuned to his broadcast, Stood and Roared, did the Wave and all that. Every time we go ahead and follow our hearts in spite of perceived risk of loss we turn up the volume "Up There" and draw more of a crowd and more support.

Hey! It's working for President Bush! What you thought that this was only for the "GOOD GUYS"? I told you, No judgment "Up There" This is how all the "Bad Guys" got such a jump on everyone else. They were the ones taking the biggest risks weren't they? Like this, Hitler says, "All of you follow me and by the way give ME all those countries and the people to do with what I want!"

Don't you suppose there was some personal risk at stake here? Wouldn't you be a little concerned that someone might get upset at your plans and actions and come to beat you senseless? Somehow he jumped past those reservations and took the risks.

Remember No judgment. This is exciting stuff and gets lots of attention! Bonnie & Clyde, Jessie James, and many other famous thieves and warriors have had tremendous successes. Even Rock & Movie Stars have put themselves at risk of more loss than most of us. What is it that makes a show go off the air after being popular for a while? It becomes predictable or starts playing "Over the Top".

Ratings fall even with bigger Risks taken because they are now, predictable. With slumping Consciousness ratings the "Sponsorship" dries up and "Production" goes to Poop! Bad things happen, (like getting caught and stuff) sickness or death moves in and show is over.

So how do you keep the ratings up and growing? By taking ETHICAL risks and doing it often. Ethical risks form no preset pattern, as they are spontaneous solutions. Un-ethical actions are "blanket solutions" imposed onto spontaneous situations. (Like morals) This is what I have personally done and have seen the direct benefits. I have by choice; put myself, and what I know that I can demonstrate out in front of thousands of people. I have traveled with little but a purpose, to foreign countries to speak to and with people that I did not know. I have put personal needs and comforts at a lower level of priority so as to allow for such levels of risk. I have found that I automatically went into a new level of "Production". Not so much in the quality of my life personally (although that too) but more in the amount of wonderful openings to bring this information forward. The level of acceptance of this information has quadrupled in the past year.

Now here's another trick. Well not so much a trick, but the "Crowd" that happens to be tuned into your frequency right now does really love it. As you are sitting there reading this with the "God Bumps" running all down your body from head to toe, Turn Your Attention To The Crowd and wave your acknowledgement of their support and admiration. Then go look for the next Ethical risk you can perform.

Have a good game
In service,

Ian Xel Lungold


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:20 pm

Alien Wars - contd.

What is the real purpose of chemtrails? Are they a cloaking medium for stealth fighters and UFOs?

Who is responsible for chemtrail spraying? 1) Is it government black operatives; 2) is it “ETs”; or 3) is it a joint human-“ET” venture?

What’s going on up there? Are there UFOs lurking within the chemtrail soup?

Are “alien wars” going to be staged in the heavens? Are the UFOs positioning themselves into "battleship" formations? Are they waiting for the "cloud cover" to clear"?

We are dealing with Star Wars. It involves the combination of chemtrails for creating an atmosphere that will support electromagnetic waves, ground-based, electromagnetic field oscillators called gyrotrons, and ionospheric heaters. Particulates make directed energy weapons work better. It has to do with "steady state" and particle density for plasma beam propagation.

It is an offensive and defensive system against EM attacks and missiles. It uses ionospheric particle shells as defense mechanisms [like a bug-zapper shell]* against missiles and EM attacks. That means they spray and then pump up the spray with electromagnetics. When these shells are created using the oscillating, electromagnetic, gyrotron stations, it "excludes" and displaces the background magnetic field. These shells can be layered one above another in a canopy fashion for extra protection from missiles. The chemtrail sprays have various elements in them like carbon which can used to absorb microwaves. Some of these sprays have metal flakes in them that make aerial craft invisible to radar. Spoofer sprays. Sprays like these can be used to create colorful, magnetized plasmas to cloak fighter jets.
The UFO-Chemtrail Connection
Strange Planes - Unusual Contrails - Anomalous Objects

What Is Happening In Our Skies?

It is likely that many things are happening in our skies-- testing of experimental aircraft, testing of contrails, military radar jamming tests -- and likely the majority of contrails are caused by commercial airliners leaving lasting contrails in a rapidly changing atmosphere (or having their normal contrails transformed into persistent contrails by passing through unusual contrail remnants or clouds). But some are not like the others...Many theories have been bandied around in an attempt to explain the increase in long-lasting spreading contrails: chemical or biowarfare agents to cull the population, simulants of chemical or BW agents to development counter measures, increase in global warming with atmospheric effects, countering the effects of increased air traffic emissions or ozone holes or UV name a few...

These most mysterious long-lasting spreading contrails and resulting most unusual looking "clouds" are baffling all those attempting to study the phenomena. Although any or all of these are scenarios worthy of continued research and investigation...another most important element to the study of persistent contrails (PCs) must now be included in any legitimate search for answers to this atmospheric conundrum

Over time after much observation and documentation -- a theory has developed. The process has been revelatory ... and gradual awakening to a realm very new to me. Piece by piece the puzzle began to take shape before me.

It seems to me (and many others) that these particular contrails and clouds are very different in consistency and movement and reflectivity/refraction that normal contrails and clouds. The slow flowing movement and hazy consistency of the remnant clouds reminds me of liquid nitrogen. There appears to be some form of "atmos-forming" in progress whether intentional or inadvertent.

If it is intentional -- the following are possibilities:

a) the government(s) is involved in attempting to solve the environmental crises using gases, aluminum oxide and/or other chemicals with UAVs for surveillance and testing and robotic ancillary devices to collect data and perform pre-programmed activities;

b) the government(s) is involved in a collaborative effort taking place between the government or some human group and an extraterrestrial species either to assist its survival and replication and/or to repel/annihilate other "invading" species seen as a hostile threat; or

c) There is no government involvement and the aircraft we think we are seeing up there are like holograms cloaking UFOs which are laying the unusual contrails for their own devices/needs. And not all of the contrails are being laid by obvious aircraft. Some have either oval or spherical shapes in front of them.

In the case of a): It does appear to me and other researchers that associated objects originate from some persistent contrails and appear to be performing some activity within them. These objects very well could be of a robotic nature (origin unknown) although the objects which appear within certain PCs may be concentrated gases /substances or experimental materials (i.e., radar jamming debris).

In the case of possibility c) -- 1) the contrails may be an efficient means to transform the atmosphere to aid in their survival and replication --the contrails utilized as an effective too-obvious clandestine action 2) the contrails may be a means to repair the damage caused by human pollution (an effort to save the life on the planet) 3) the contrails may be a propellant or an energy source for various objects (the spheres may require this gas or substance to propel them through the atmosphere).

And there may indeed be a battle in the skies -- between humans and extraterrestrials, between some groups of extraterrestrials with human assistance versus other extraterrestrials... the contrails containing gases or biologic or chemical substances that have a deleterious effects on some species.

What gives some credence to the idea of human involvement in some kind of clandestine involvement in the persistent contrail mystery is a) KC-135 and KC-10 (particularly white) spewing out long spreading persistent contrails in clear skies...often crossing one another -- looking almost as if there were about to hit one another b) grey KC-135 flying low (less than 8000 feet) spewing out broad spreading persistent contrails with an accompanying "star" or illuminated object above or near the contrail or a large white oval object hovering or moving along the contrail or multiple objects moving in and out of the contrail c) low flying converted aircraft painted over with white or grey or orange or red flat paint -- sometimes covering Air Force insignias d) low-flying military aircraft with tail booms lowered apparently dumping fuel or other substance over federal lands e) unusual grid patterns, u-turns, sharply rising or circular/spiraling contrails apparently formed by military aircraft.

Traces of UFOs creating contrails have been witnessed and photographed and are indicated by the following: 1) oval or spherical objects photographed and witnessed in front of a persistent contrail, 2) contrails with 90 degree or near 90 degree turns witness and photographed 3) double contrails that spiral around one another, 4) larger twisting contrails in which the twist is unlike that caused by wind shear, 5) smaller trails sweeping through or past larger persistent contrails.

What Are We Looking At?

I. Human or extraterrestrial technology?

II. Von Neumann like probes? Electromagrobots cooled by liquid nitrogen (for superconducting purposes) performing limited activities?

III. Are some transports, others "techies" and probes and others what one might consider having biological elements?

Perhaps we can agree that seeming civilian and military aircraft are involved...

Perhaps we can agree that some of these anomalous objects are attracted to or come from some types of contrails... Yet perhaps others are repelled by them?

Our atmosphere is changing...that is evident....persistent contrails are contributing...that is evident. Is this an atmosforming project? Or is it an effect of other types of activity?

Decloaked Orb
I looked up in the sky and saw a stealth fighter hovering in mid-air
Holographic Orb ... prayer.htm
It is disturbing that aerosols can be sprayed over people without hardly anyone even noticing. The contrail's (chemtrail) color along the aerosol's path shifted from red to green like an oil slick. You can tell that these pictures were photographed in high contrast. Later on in the same day three orbs, or spheroids, were perched in an artificial cloud downwind of the spraying corridor.
Orb Phases ... nology.htm
Stealth technology has features that are not made available to public knowledge. It is clear from first hand witnessing the aircraft over Southern California that stealth fighters are capable of hovering in the sky for extended periods of time, forward holographic projection and spherical cloaking.
UFOs of the 911 Attack
The object on the left was video taped on 9-11-2001 fleeing the world trade center within seconds of the second tower being hit. The object on the right is a holographic projection of an airplane produced by a cloaked stealth fighter from San Diego on July 28, 2002.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:14 am

The Truth about Enki
Apollodorus referred to Oannes and the Annedoti as "Musarus." The word "musarus" means "an abomination" in Greek just as "annedoti" means "the repulsive ones." In other words, the creatures credited with founding civilization were frankly described by the ancient Babylonian people, who revered them, as "repulsive abominations." If the tradition had been invented, a more normal attitude would be to glorify these creatures as splendid g--s and heroes. Yet the fact that they chose to describe their ancestors this way argues for the authenticity of the account. It was the Babylonian tradition that they owed their knowledge to creatures who came up from the sea who were disgusting and loathsome to gaze upon. Of further significance is that the Oannes of Berossus and Apollodorus bears a striking resemblance to the Sumerian Enki who founded the Mesopotamian civilization and brought civilized arts and sciences to mankind. Enki lived in his water palace or Abzu located on the edge of the Persian Gulf. Enki's Abzu was sealed and was presumably submersible. Oannes was said to return to his watery abode in the evening to spend the night.

Even the name Annedoti is quite similar to the poeople of Enki – the Anunnaki, from whence it was probably derived. The Greek term may have originated with the Sumerians and was later carried over as a description of a race that was both retilian and loathsome. When our saurian ancestors arrived here to exploit the resources of this planet, they must have found the physical conditions here ideal for living, perhaps very similar to those of their home planet. What were these conditions that were so compatible to the alien race that came here hundreds of thousands of years ago?

"And on the second day he made the firmament in the midst of the water. And the waters were divided on that day. One half of them went up above, and one half of them went down beneath the firmament." from "The Book of Jubliees"

(BTW, R. A. Boulay wrote this book in 1990. It is now out of print, and Boulay himself is deceased - thus the reason for my transcribing it here. Boulay worked for the Defense Intelligence Agency in a top-secret position. After his retirement, he decided to abrogate his security clearance in order to tell the world all that he had learned as an employee of the DIA. Hence, this book. I hope that you can appreciate the fact that our government does indeed know all about these "Saurian G--s")
(Enki has hired his own PR serpents ;))

Our Forgotten History Part 1; The Beginning,a7c6ed ... d03e9.html


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:24 am

There was a taboo amongst the gods against sharing any of their sacred knowledge with humans; thus it was forbidden for humans to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. This was the crime of Lucifer (Enki), the Light Bearer.

The Merovingian Mythos:
Its Symbolic Significance and its Roots in the Ancient Kingdom of Atlantis ... 318105/pg1
As we intend to show, all of the myths and symbolism that are associated with this dynasty can, in fact, be traced back to this earlier civilization. It is known, in some cultures, as Atlantis, although there are many names for it, and it is the birthplace of agriculture, astronomy, mathematics, metallurgy, navigation, architecture, language, writing, and religion. It was also the source of the first government on Earth - monarchy. And the first kings on Earth were the gods.

Their race was known by various names: In Greece, the Annodoti; In Sumeria, the Annunaki; In the Celtic lore, the Tuatha de Danaan. In the Semetic scriptures (Torah, Talmud, Old Testament, and other Apocryphal texts like the Book of Enoch), they are called The Nephilim, "The Sons of God," or the Watchers. They are described as having attachments such as wings, horns, and even fish scales, but from the depictions it is clear that these are clothes or costumes worn for their symbolic value, for these symbols indicated divine power and royal blood. The Sumerian legends are very clear: man was made to "bear the yoke of the gods." Man was separate from the gods, like a domesticated animal, and there was a great cultural taboo amongst the gods against sharing any of their sacred information with humanity, even things such as writing and mathematics. These gods ruled directly over Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley, and their rule is recorded in the histories of all three civilizations.

This global monarchy was the crowning glory of the Ages, and the period of their rule came to be called the Golden Age or, as the Egyptians called it, "The First Time," when the gods watched over man directly, like a shepherd his flock. In fact, they were often called "The Shepherd Kings." During the Golden Age of the Gods, a new king's ascendance to the global throne would be celebrated by the sacrifice of a horse, an animal sacred to Poseidon, one of the Atlantean god-kings and Lord of the Seas

Some of the gods, finding human females most appealing, intermarried with them (breaking, of course, a major taboo within their own culture), and creating a race of human/god hybrids. Some of these offspring are described as taking the form of giants, dragons, and sea monsters, while others are said to have born a normal human countenance, with the exception of their shimmering white skin and their extremely long life spans. This is the bloodline that brought us Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, King David, Jesus Christ, and many others, in other words the Grail Bloodline. Legend has it that these beings taught mankind their secrets, including the above-mentioned arts of civilization, as well as a secret spiritual doctrine that only certain elect humans (their blood descendants) would be allowed to possess. They created ritualistic mystery schools and secret societies to pass this doctrine down through the generations.

However, these actions (the interbreeding and sharing of secrets with humans) incurred the wrath of the Most High God, and a number of other gods who were disgusted by this interracial breeding. This sparked the massive and devastating battle of the gods that has come down to us in the legends of both the "War in Heaven," and the "Deluge." Then, in order to cleanse the Earth’s surface of the curse of humanity, they covered it with a flood. Interestingly, this flood is mentioned in the legends of almost every ancient culture on Earth, and the cause is always the same. The Earth began to rumble, and Atlantis, fair nation of the gods, sunk beneath the salty green waves. As we shall see, this is analogous to part during the "War in Heaven" when the "rebellious" angels or gods were punished by being cast down "into the bowels of the Earth," a very significant location.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:03 pm

Raven Weeps!
Supplemental material for 2012 presentations/radio interviews

Lid of the Palenque


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Nov 04, 2009 7:00 am

Well, one way to look at the 2012 “doom and gloom” scenario is to say that this is predicted to occur in our "3D reality" only. What about the prospect that all these "scalar weapon systems” can also be used in astroengineering? Or the idea that friendly “ETs” also could assist us in this process. Can humans or “ETs” use “hyperdimensional (scalar) physics to manipulate higher dimensions that in turn could affect or alter events in this dimension?

Perhaps the Russians are working on behalf of the Sirians. ;) (See article below by Vladimir V. Rubtsov entitled “Tracking the Alien Astroengineers.”)

Astroengineering ... 155#p27599

Russia Proposes Mission to Search for Evidence of Astroengineering ... gineering/
On reading an article about this subject on the Daily Galaxy, I thought I'd heard of something like this before. Sure enough, during my research on the Infrared Astronomical Satellite, IRAS (surrounding the whole Planet X controversy), I found out that work was being done to try to find the infrared signature of the hypothetical Dyson Sphere. The Dyson Sphere is a theorised example of an astroengineered structure by a significantly advanced alien race. There are many variations on this theme, including science fiction ideas of an engineered "ring" straddling a host star (as pictured top). In the case of the Dyson Sphere, this megastructure would generate infrared radiation, and analysis of IRAS data has been done to establish an upper limit on the existence of these objects. So far, no Dyson Sphere candidates have been found (within 300 light-years from Earth in any case).

To build on the IRAS survey, in 2017, Russia hopes to launch the Millimetron to observe distant stellar systems in millimeter, sub-millimeter and infrared wavelengths. This instrument has a long list of aims, but one of the extreme results that could come from this project is the detection of astroengineered megastructures.

The goal of the project is to construct space observatory operating in millimeter, sub-millimeter and infrared wavelength ranges using 12-m cryogenic telescope in a single-dish mode and as an interferometer with the space-ground and space-space baselines (the later after the launch of the second identical space telescope). The observatory will provide possibility to conduct astronomical observations with super high sensitivity (down to nanoJansky level) in a single dish mode, and observations with super high angular resolution in an interferometric mode. – The Millimetron Project.
Hyperdimensional Physics
Undoubtedly, the premier website with respect to Hyperdimensional Physics is Richard Hoagland’s The only disadvantage of this particular website is that it has a lot of information, and thus takes some time in consuming. However, Hoagland’s work is well written, has lots of intriguing graphics -- many of a geometrical nature -- and is scientifically plausible.

A briefer, Hoagland-style version is , where the introductory portion discusses the field of hyperdimensional physics as one based on geometry and mathematics, and which involve other spatial dimensions. According to Hoagland (with due regard to Tom Bearden, et al), hyperdimensional physics goes back to the 19th Century, where mathematicians and physicists began delving into “theoretical ‘non-Euclidian’ geometries (geometries involving spatial dimensions in addition to ‘length, breadth and height’), and a set of specifically predicted physical interactions of energy and matter determined by those ‘non-Euclidian geometries.’”

This introductory site also includes “the results of continuing, world-wide, contemporary physics and ‘free energy’ experiments... which are now confirming increasingly specific predictions of the ‘hyperdimensional’ model.” This includes: Zero-Point Energy, and the basis of Connective Physics, although the latter is not referenced in the website.

Nevertheless, is worth reviewing in detail (including its some five or six detailed, elaborate webpages). Hoagland notes, among many other things, that the anomalous energy being radiated by the giant planets of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune can be explained by Hyperdimensional Physics. In essence, these planets’ energy output is “over unity”, i.e. they are giving off more energy than is being absorbed from the Sun energy impinging upon them. these two planets are roughly equal in their output.
Hyperdimensional Physics ... ysics2.htm
Lt. Col Thomas E. Bearden, retired army officer and physicist, has been perhaps the most vocal recent proponent for restoring integrity to the scientific and historical record regarding James Clerk Maxwell -- by widely promulgating his original equations; in a series of meticulously documented papers on the subject, going back at least 20 years, Bearden has carried on a relentless one-man research effort regarding what Maxwell really claimed. His painstaking, literally thousands of man-hours of original source documentation has led directly to the following, startling conclusion:

Maxwell’s original theory is, in fact, the true, so-called "Holy Grail" of physics ... the first successful unified field theory in the history of Science ... a fact apparently completely unknown to the current proponents of "Kaluza-Klein," "Supergravity," and "Superstring" ideas ....


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:47 am

Many “conspiracy theorists” claim that the “PTBs” used scalar weapons on 911. But just who are the “PTBs” and who are their "sponsors"?

Alien Wars – Contd – the Hidden Alien Agenda

This revelation will cause the most ardent conspiracy theorist to feel just how the naïve public feels (including most academics) when they hear about conspiracy theories. It is another level of naivety. We have a hoodwinked and utterly misinformed civilisation.

In spite of the official explanations regarding the WTC attack there remains many confusions and unanswered questions - in particular how the towers fell. The British television put out a documentary explaining with some care how the buildings collapsed - too pathetic to review here. Explosive experts will tell us the blast was an implosive one and could seemingly only have been created by skillfully placed charges in the buildings. The fact that there is no evidence of this, or leaks of information to this effect, we know only too well does not prohibit this possibility. However, another unexpected source of information has come to light recently-a scenario which will invoke skepticism and ridicule from even the conspiracy theorists. This astounding disclosure does not invalidate the belief that the secret government was involved in the WTC attack or that bin Laden was working with the terrorists. Both these causes played a vital role in the careful planning of the event.

The real reason for the disaster, not just the attack on the buildings but the precise reason why the towers fell, was that it was all part of a vital agenda of our old enemies (of historical significance) the invader ETs. Humans have been made stupid by narrowing down their spectrum of awareness - this is what programming can do. If we take a brief look at physics - and physics is the basic subject behind all subjects - it does not take much imagination to recognise that our third dimension is formed from a particular spectrum of frequencies (basically scalar), just as our TV picture is created by the selection of a wave band or channel. Switch to another wave band (spectrum) and you have another picture.

Similarly if we changed spectrums we would change our reality - tune into another world, if one existed in that frequency band. ETs clearly exist in a higher (astral) frequency band - negative ETs in the lower astral spectrum (these frequencies are below those of average humans in the astral state). In other words, we do not perceive the activities of the aliens at the physical level. This should be elementary physics. The only reason people don't know about this is because current science (as well as religion, etc.) is another control dogma and is being used to prevent ascension/evolution.

Earth's slow wobble gives rise to a cycle of 26,556 years. At the end of this period Earth's vortex aligns with that of our Sun, then Alcyone (Pleiades), and those of increasing higher frequency systems, Sirius, Arcturus, Orion and Andromeda (we are referring to the main star systems not the constellations which are meaningless, except for identification purposes). These systems are partly within one another - our solar system is within Alcyone's influence. Think of these cyclic systems as containing a bar magnet across their diameters. As they rotate, alignments can occur, forming one large 'magnet'. Earth then receives this massive influx of higher frequencies from these six systems. If our planet is imbalanced - just as a criminal mind of low, fragmented frequencies can't stand the Light (harmonic high frequencies) - cataclysms will ensue, in other words, Armageddon.

During these ascension cycles not only does the Earth change in frequencies (evolve) but the human DNA expands its spectrum of information. There are several different groups of invader ETs (some of them are the gods of our history records). They each have their own control grids of varying design within our Earth. Earth has a natural grid that manifests from its energy template or form-holding pattern, manifesting criss-crossing ley and axiotonal lines. The ET grids are implant systems used for broadcasting, programming and ensnaring our civilisation. There are also a few positive grids created by enlightened ETs to aid our planet. The power of the natural planetary alignment will activate these systems. The reason why these invader ETs want planet Earth is mainly because it is riddled with subspace interconnections (portals, wormholes) enabling instant access to other parts of the universe and other dimensions.

It also represents a vast energy source for these parasitic ETs who have lost their evolutionary direction. One might think of these portals as central junction boxes linking different time matrices connecting to portions of this galaxy and counterparts in higher universes and also lower realms - from whence they come. Let's really stretch the reader's consciousness and test the academic mind's limitations by indicating that the nonlinearity of inner, sub-space reality is also projected out linearly across our visible outer space but will manifest in different format.

A distant star at our level of perception could be a planet in a higher frequency stratum - the next universe level - which could be accessed within Earth's portals. It is time our academics began exercising some real human intelligence to reveal the true design of our universe, instead of worshipping the simple illusion of the tinker-toy layout of the ego view. The universe really is the physicist's dream.

It was necessary to give some groundwork here before elaborating on the explanation for the collapse of the buildings. One of the many grid-type systems implanted into our Earth by invader ETs involves the spiking of seed implants (programmable mineral crystals) into the Earth; a little like embedding programmed microchips, which when activated by both the natural planetary alignment and scalar sonic pulse technology (even from other planets through subspace) become a transmission station linking to other implant and grid systems. They create a myriad of mini-wormholes connecting to, for example, the ET's large Phoenix and Falcon wormholes around the Bermuda area (hence the Bermuda Triangle mysteries). Technically the spikes create scalar standing columnar waves (a Tesla discovery). When the spiking matrix is combined with other systems it would cut out man's higher perceptions and prevent any aid from enlightened ETs.

The spiked seed implants are prevalent around the globe. They exist under the WTC region and the Pentagon. Sonic pulses are used by these ETs to expand and activate their seed implants. However, such a powerful technology would likely disintegrate structures on the surface. The ETs take great care not to arouse too much suspicion and will go to great lengths to cover their tracks (hence our history has been rewritten). Nevertheless in this case they could achieve a 'double' by blasting the spike grid system below the WTC and Pentagon to further establish their grid agenda, also provide a cover and achieve the desired war (as part of a bigger plan to start WWIII).

Thus the terrorists involving bin Laden (unaware of the ET manipulation) working with the government illuminati (mainly ET infiltrated humans) provided the perfect cover, and also created conflicting conditions in the world, that is, a polarity, division, rather than a unity of nations by condemning those not specifically supporting anti-terrorism. We know that many of those not supporting the anti-terrorist coalition, suspect covert-governments' involvement. Scalar sonic pulses, of which the beams are shaped like trumpets (ring any bells?) are so powerful they can create wormholes, leaving matter turned to ash and dust!

Towards the end of WWII the Germans developed an inferior form of laser sonic beam - highly destructive at a few hundred yards but it had too much spread, creating dangerous conditions for both sides. Most of the German advanced technological ideas were ET-inspired. The scalar sonic pulses were timed when bringing down the buildings to minimize suspicion. The Pentagon (and many more significant buildings) was also built on the spikes. The pulse would have had to be synchronised to strike those spikes underlying that part of the Pentagon hit by the plane, but claims are being made that there was no evidence of any plane wreckage (clearly we don't need anything else to explain the destruction but just the belief that a plane struck the Pentagon. Note the firemen's amazement at the sight of extensive lobby damage in the WTC before the buildings fell; also the reference to dust and the amount of ash. The source of this ET information is the Guardian Alliance: part of a huge body of benevolent ETs dedicated to promoting peace, and aiding positive evolution of various species. They are making available, teachings based on multidimensional physics, referred to as Keylontic Science.

It might be added that the Guardians did in fact warn nine contactees around the world what the invaders had planned, who immediately informed appropriate authorities, only to be ignored - the information was considered to be a hoax.

Briefly let us firstly present some grounding in basic physics. The universe is an informational system and its mode of information storage and transfer is frequency-coding. Everything from space to matter to spiritual phenomena is expressed in energies. All energy is fundamentally oscillatory or cyclic - represented mathematically by the sine wave. Thus the resultant of superimposed sine waves is an information packet representing any imaginable trait or condition (the quantum physics wave function is essentially realistic and not entirely mathematical fiction after all). Now just as we can build up thousands of words and concepts from only a few letters of the alphabet, life and the universe similarly have key code frequency packets or 'building bricks.' The human mind can access these codes by mental ideation, also sound and colour, sometimes movement, and in particular our DNA. Keylontic Science provides key symbols which when visualised create a frequency pattern that resonates with the actual codes of the living universe. Sound patterns can also do this. Regarding the DNA, its frequency coding is linked to the planetary grid-system coding. Either can be changed; each influencing the other, for example, to realign Earth's codes and prevent pole shift. The critical period is between the years 2000 and 2017 but by the completion of that time the fate of our planetary system will have been determined. Unless man recognises his spirituality - the inner-space dynamics - he is much worse off than a blind man on a battlefield.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:51 am

Scalar or hyperdimensional physics allows humans to manipulate “events” in other dimensions; I would imagine that this is done through the use of “portals” or “stargates”—gateways into other dimensions perhaps in conjunction with scalar interferometers and phase conjuguate mirrors.

Portal Research
Go to a place that has always brought you meaning, or one to which you respond emotionally, perferably when not many people are around to distract your awareness.

The best time to experience a vortex is at dusk or dawn. The seperation between worlds is blurred at these transition times, or when it's foggy (when the waters meets the land)...or on solstices and equinoxes (when the seasons meet). This is a time of great power.
Portals of Light
Portals exist at planetary grid points that open and close from one dimension to another, but they can be found just about anywhere.

Stargates allow high vibrational interstellar energies to permeate the Etheric
Crystalline grids of the Earth with ease and grace, allowing the energies to integrate fully into the forming etheric grid structures of the Earth. These Sacred Site entry vortexes are opened once every 3 months on the equinoxes and solstices, and other times of sacred significance and astrological alignment in Earth's current history.
The Planetary Grid,Ley Lines,Vortexes & Interdimensional Portals
I believe that in reference to our planetary grid, that there are specific points commonly described as "Ley Lines" that contain a concentrated form of energy, as opposed to just any other location within the grid system. I also believe that it is within these specific points, that many of these vortexes are being opened for interdimensional passages, thus forming a portal between this dimension, and another.

These interdimensional "Portals" are believed to also have the capability to travel between other planetary systems within our dimension, and outside our solar system, i.e. such as the variety of many different ancient "Stargates" that have been reported to be discovered throughout our planet, like the one in the Peruvian Andes.
(Read the thread on "Stargate in the Andes" for further details)

Here is one such example that is making an effort to close the gap about this subject, between the sensationalisims of the UFO community, and mainstrem scientists, that has been an ongoing battle to bring forth disclosure & seperation between myth, and factual evidence, as provided. This will eventualy become more open accepted truth & knowledge as we progress forward in this new "Age of Disclosure"

Aliens Said to Observe Earth Through Vortex
October 2, 2000 08:31 CDT
A UFO investigations organization says recent research by the American Science Foundation has verified the presence of New Jersey vortex that enables alien intelligent species to enter Earth's environment.

Reported by Above Top Secret weekly newsletter, the so-called vortex, near Wanaque, is a "doorway system that provides an unknown species or several unknowns to travel reasonably without observation" from an unknown other side of the portal.

"When scientists at the American Science Foundation were asked by a local computer company executive to analyze claims by a study team that some form of extraterrestrial life was using a "doorway" system of highly resonant energy to covertly study humanity, they at first were skeptical," say researchers at the website. "After five months of analysis of the data, the scientists asked to perform the analysis, are no longer skeptical."

"In Denver last week, nearly 600 attendees of the Global Sciences Congress Annual Convention had the chance to witness the existence of the Alien Observer Orbs when 15 or so were captured live on digital cameras and shown to the stunned audience," says the website. The camera images were captured in stereo-optic, infrared format.

Moreover, says, the alien observers also appeared at the conference "live," which "was indicative of a human compatible intelligence, and a sense of humor, which even staged a scene reminiscent of a scene out of the movie Contact."

"The technology at use is extremely stealthy, beyond anything in the U.S. Pentagon's arsenal. And it hasn't escaped the Pentagon's attention, either: As the ASF Study Team (called TEAM ORB) observes the strange vortex, and follows and films and catalogs the orb-like evidence of the alien species travels around our planet, the Pentagon is also watching," says the organization's newsletter.

The group reported that electronic observation equipment installed by the Department of Defense at Wanaque was mysteriously destroyed, while the ASF equipment has not been interfered with.

The study also has captured the attention of the technology companies, said, among them AT&T and Bellcore. One Bellcore executive was quoted as saying that "if we can conquer space-time, then we should be able to leap beyond Einstein Relativity, to a new understanding of the Universe and how to Explore it, in real time, traveling beyond the light years, in seconds. Its quite exciting."

"Humanity may not be ready for this discovery," said Bryan Williams, one of the Team Orb researchers who was one of the original discoverers of the Vortex Doorway System. "But, apparently these astral alien beings, or whatever they are, are ready for humanity. I think we have no option but to open up a relationship with them and educate ourselves as to who they are and what they want.

Williams also believes the Orb Aliens are not alone. "It seems there is some kind of conflict going on between aliens of one order and another order, which would look kind of like lizards and dragons to us…this conflict threatens to invade our space-time," he says. "I think the Orb Beings are here to try to prepare us for the possibility of being drawn into a vast political conflict beyond our past experience, which may pop into our Solar System through one of these interstellar, interdimensional, astral doorways they use for faster than light or interdimensional travel. We need to all be very open minded, as they are obviously more advanced than we humans are."
Magnetic Portals Connect the Earth and the Sun ... 659197/pg1
Tons of high-energy particles may flow through the opening before it closes again, around the time you reach the end of the page.

"It's called a flux transfer event or 'FTE,'" says space physicist David Sibeck of the Goddard Space Flight Center. "Ten years ago I was pretty sure they didn't exist, but now the evidence is incontrovertible."

Indeed, today Sibeck is telling an international assembly of space physicists at the 2008 Plasma Workshop in Huntsville, Alabama, that FTEs are not just common, but possibly twice as common as anyone had ever imagined.

Researchers have long known that the Earth and sun must be connected. Earth's magnetosphere (the magnetic bubble that surrounds our planet) is filled with particles from the sun that arrive via the solar wind and penetrate the planet's magnetic defenses. They enter by following magnetic field lines that can be traced from terra firma all the way back to the sun's atmosphere.
Portals of Destiny
The Universal Mer-Ka-Ba
The ancient Maya's way to bridge from the Earth with the universe is through the use of time portals. By knowledge and use of the cycles of time, the Maya could connect with and even travel to other dimensions with ease on a single and properly applied breath. The galactic activation portals discovered by Dr. Jose Arguelles in his work, the Mayan Factor, are one way to access these other dimensions. By resonating with galactic activation portal days, better known as Gaps, we can to link and merge with cosmic wisdom and universe frequencies. When we use these days, we develop broader perspectives, making the differences between human viewpoints less important as the bigger picture emerges. Linking with universal truth helps one become aligned with the galactic whole, re-activating latent inner knowledge laying hidden within our DNA.

There are 52 portal days in the sacred 260 day Mayan calendar called Tzolk'in. The magnified energy of a portal day is generated by an integration of two cycles merging to create an accelerated frequency. These two cycles are the Pleiadian cycle, the "Tzolk'in," and a reflection of moon cycles the Mayas call "Tun Uc" reflected in mathematics of 28. The pattern revealed by the 52 Gap days resembles our DNA and the actual pattern the moon makes across our sky in 28 - 29 1/4 days.

Posts: 133
Joined: Sat Jan 17, 2009 4:21 am

Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by Orlando » Wed Nov 04, 2009 1:22 pm

The Sacred Crystals "Transition Metals" Interact with Nature and are The Building Blocks.
Move them, play with them, Alter their Properties and Chaos ensues.

Matter is built up of them as they resonate with the Universal Heartbeat.

The Ley Lines are Mineral Rich Viens flowing in the planetary body, the cycle of nature can never be tampered with.

What happens to the Planetary Magnetosphere that is driven by the Galactic Current if we change the Planet Physiology?

What Happens when we take matter from a solution or out of suspension?

Maybe the WTC was the storehouse of the "Precious Metals"?
Nature wants it back, it is Her Energy Source as it is ours.
Back to the source is the only Law of Nature, the one law, the All.

The Gold standard was removed for a reason.
The Electrical/ Industrial Revolution needed to be twisted as the Psycology of Philosophy
and the Secrets of Emotional Mealabilty on the slave class was in jeopardy of revealing the Ancient Secrets of Life to the average simpleton.

That's why Since Tesla they have been trying to shield this Natural balancing effect.
Imagine stockpiling supersonic sensitive ionic particles and isolating them in a subteranean cavern, you think God won't find it?!!

2 Rules;
1. Don't mess with God;
2.If your God is not All, then it is a False one.

Our human form is made up of over 2 trillion forms of Bacterium while our energy field houses more than 3 trillion
forms in a symbiotic process we call Life.

Is the earth any different? Or the whole Universe for that matter?

As above so below= Back to the source, the sine wave of Eternity, the 8.

Hope the greedy have learned their lesson.

By the way Lizzie, You Rock, keep em coming.

Teach me a fact and I'll learn; Tell me the truth and I'll Believe;
Tell me a Story and it will live in my Heart forever--

Native American Proverb


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Nov 04, 2009 7:02 pm

Orlando said: 2 Rules;

1. Don't mess with God;
2.If your God is not All, then it is a False one.
Enki is remembered as the creator and benefactor of mankind and is associated with godly knowledge, healing and immortality – exactly the qualities attributed to the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Thus the Biblical “Fall of Man” takes on the character of a confrontation between Enlil, the Elohim of the Bible and Enki the usurper serpent-god.

To the conservative and older gods, man was considered to be an inferior animal, for time and time again he is criticized for his sweaty and dirty “mammalism.” In the Hebrew Book of Enoch man is scorned by the minor gods who characterize him as “mankind born of woman, blemished, unclean, defiled by blood and impure flux, men who sweat putrid drops.” This disgust of the “angels” towards their sweaty, fleshy mammal cousins is reiterated throughout the Old Testament where it appears under the imagery of the “weakness of the flesh.”

The Anunna loved their reptilian appearance, their lustrous and gleaming bodies; mammal traits were repugnant to them. Our revulsion to reptiles and particularly serpents may be based on these ancient memories of a saurian ancestry.

In ancient legends, man seems to always achieve some sort of “knowledge” yet loses immortality. It is as if the two are mutually exclusively. Adam gets “knowledge” but is banned from the garden and from partaking of the Tree of Life. So it is with Adapta who is given “knowledge” by Enki but is cheated in obtaining the drink and food of life that would have made him immortal. The same is true of the hero Gilgamesh.

The duality of knowledge and immortality, as represented by the two trees in the Garden of Eden, is not generally found in ancient literature. Aside from the brief reference in the Tale of Adapta, ancient literature concentrates on man’s efforts to achieve long life and immortality.

The opposite is true of the Old Testament, where immortality is all but forgotten and the emphasis is on the sins of man caused by his downfall in achieving knowledge.

The Hebrew concentration on a view completely opposite to all the ancient secular traditions would suggest that the emphasis on “knowing” by the early priesthood was a deliberate deviation which became a doctrine with the purpose of forcing on mankind “original sin” and his fall from grace, in order to achieve a degree of control over their minds and behavior.

Just as the serpent achieves long life through sacrificing and leaving off part of himself, so may man also be saved by ritually sacrificing part of himself. The rite of circumcision also served as a perpetual reminder to man that his true origins lay in the serpent-god creature. - Flying Serpents and Dragons – R. A. Boulay – pages 126-128
(Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ;) )

When I was little we used to sing the following jingle based on John Philip Sousa's "Stars and Stripes Forever":
Be kind to your web-footed friends
For that duck may be somebody's mother,
She lives in a nest in a swamp
Where the weather is always damp.

You may think that this is the end,
Well it is, but to prove we're all liars,
We're going to sing it again,
Only this time we'll sing a little higher.

[Repeat the song but sing it a bit higher. Continue for as many rounds as you can stand.]

Finally, end with:
You may think that this is the end....
Well you're right!


Be kind to your old umbrella,
For some day it may be under the weather.
Be kind to your old pair of shoes,
And they'll keep out the rain and mud.


Be kind to your fur-bearing friends,
For a skunk may be somebody's brother.
Be kind to your friends with the stripes
Including raccoons and snipes.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:20 pm

Most of us believe that the “gods” are metaphors for the planets and stars, and that celestial battles represent “electrical interchanges” between heavenly bodies due to collisions or “close encounters.” Yet the myths describe these encounters in terms of “wars waged in the heavens” between opposing factions of the “gods”.

Are certain groups of the "gods" astroengineering many of the weather changes on Earth to make "events" unfold according to their own "Armageddon script"?

Could the “gods” use scalar weapons to target the Sun?

Magnetic Portals Connect Sun and Earth ... 659197/pg1
Researchers have long known that the Earth and sun must be connected. Earth's magnetosphere (the magnetic bubble that surrounds our planet) is filled with particles from the sun that arrive via the solar wind and penetrate the planet's magnetic defenses. They enter by following magnetic field lines that can be traced from terra firma all the way back to the sun's atmosphere.

"We used to think the connection was permanent and that solar wind could trickle into the near-Earth environment anytime the wind was active," says Sibeck. "We were wrong. The connections are not steady at all. They are often brief, bursty and very dynamic."
Interplanetary “Day after Tomorrow” ... -Part2.htm
The significant – nay, unprecedented -- weather changes, currently alarming millions here on Earth, are ultimately part of an overall, mysterious transformation that is affecting the Sun, a number of other planets and many of their satellites… all across the solar system.
HAARP, Earthquakes, and Hurricanes ... hurricanes
Can HAARP manipulate storms, hurricanes, and earthquakes? There is definitely a correlation between these and when HAARP is active. This article will give some examples of that correlation. And while that alone does not prove a direct causal relationship, the physics of HAARP and the political agenda behind the program suggest that weather and earthquake manipulation is both possible and likely.

What makes these ionospheric heaters so useful is that they consist of phased arrays. A phased array is a grid of antennas whose phases (timing) and amplitudes are individually adjustable. This means a great variety of different combinations can be tried out, synthesizing new and complex total wave forms. Phasing allows the output to be pointed in different directions without having to move the antennas themselves.

For anyone familiar with the works of Tom Bearden, phased arrays also allow for partial phase conjugation or canceling of the emitted electromagnetic waves. When EM waves have either (or both) of their electric and magnetic components cancelled, the contained energy takes the form of a longitudinal / potential / scalar / gravitational / temporal wave instead.

Ionospheric heaters can also “control electron density gradients and the refractive properties in selected regions of the ionosphere” meaning it can modulate ionospheric electron density. That is another powerful method of generating longitudinal waves, using the sky itself as a giant longitudinal antenna.
Spherical Geometry & 19.5 Degrees
throughout the solar system
19.5 degrees is the angle that's been found by researchers (Richard C. Hoagland, Stanley McDaniel, Erol Torun, Horace W. Crater, etc.) to be repeatedly encoded in the structures of Cydonia. It is viewed as a definite 'signal in the noise' - some kind of a 'message' left there by some intelligence. 19.5 is called t, the 'tetrahedral constant', because of its significance in tetrahedral geometry (a tetrahedron is a pyramid shape composed of four equilateral triangular sides): the apexes of a tetrahedron when placed within a circumscribing sphere, one of the tetrahedron's apexes touching the north pole, the other three apexes touch the surface of the sphere at 19.5 degrees south latitude. Why this number would be important to the builders of the Martian structures is not clear (though Hoagland is theorizing that it has to do with what he calls "hyperdimensional physics").

The idea that certain geometric shapes possess some kind of power is very old, as is the idea that certain locations on the Earth are sacred or magical. The elites often apply sacred geometry to architecture; but, over the years, a number of researchers and writers have suggested that our entire planet contains a magical geometry which governs the location of sacred sites, and that this geometry may be hyper dimensional, and even that the entire universe was constructed in accordance with the laws of hyper dimensional geometry.

Many years ago, Ivan T. Sanderson suggested that our planet may be attempting to become a crystal. The force of gravity, of course, holds the planet in a roughly spherical shape, but Sanderson suggested that some other force was trying to turn Earth into an enormous crystal, and that certain locations on our planet, regularly spaced, are prone to mysterious vanishings of ships and aircraft, and other paranormal phenomena.
Could an incoming comet or asteroid be a hyperdimensional battleship? Is there an impending war between the hyperdimensional forces of light and darkness as predicted in the Book of Revelations? Did "the gods" destroy the planet Maldek? ... 125#p27043

Diode Crystals
A diode, or "rectifier," is any device through which electricity can flow in only one direction. The first diodes were crystals used as rectifiers in home radio kits. The crystal removed the high frequency radio carrier signal, allowing the part of the signal with the audio information to come through loud and clear.

A crystal diode is made of two different types of semiconductors right next to each other. One side is easy for electrons to travel through; one side is much tougher. It's something like trying to swim through a pool filled with water and then a pool filled with mud: swimming through water is easy; swimming through mud is next to impossible.

For those readers of my two books on the Nazi secret weapons, “Reich of the Black Sun” and the “SS Brotherhood of the Bell”, this construction of two nested cylinders across which a large current is discharged will sound all too familiar. And like Alfven’s “mercury rectifiers”, the “Bell” utilized a mysterious compound code named “IRR Xerum 525,” a violet reddish hued liquid compound that I speculated was some isotope of mercury and other elements. This compound was placed into the cylinders of the Bell and subjected to intense electrical pulsing. The only different between the Bell and Bostick’s plasma focus (and indeed, between it and all other plasma focuses) is that the Bell’s two cylinders were rotated in contrary directions to each other; a simple but brilliant expedient that the Nazi scientists had hit upon for the cohering of the spin on the atoms-soon-to-be-ions of mercury and other substances that they were experimenting with. Additionally the Nazi scientists also added one more factor: they cooled this mysterious substance inside the Bell with liquid oxygen or nitrogen. These sophisticated additions would have, in all probability, made the Bell a much more efficient device that the common plasma focus device.

“The Cosmic War – Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts” - Joseph P. Farrell, page 35
Scalar Interferometry and Phase Conjugate Mirrors: ... 140#p27301
Again it is important to recall that for De Santillana and Von Dechind, the ultimate context of ancient myths is a galactic one. Tiamet herself, blown apart by Marduk in the epic of the Enuma Elish not only may have symbolized a planet, but something far, far larger!

But again, how might one actually do this? LaViolette’s answer is chilling:

“The technology required (for interstellar communication) is the same as that used in particle accelerators employed by high energy physicists for carrying out particle collision experiments. It is also the same technology used in particle beam weapons systems such as those developed in the Pentagon’s Star Wars program except in this case the technology would be employed for peaceful purposes.”

But recall that this would still limit one to the “relativistic speed limit of the velocity of light, and this would be far too slow for interstellar communications, much less the ability to travel hundreds and thousands of light years to place the galactic pulsar “grid.” So a modification is required:

This so called beat-wave plasma accelerator is able to generate beats 100,000 to 10 million times stronger than those used in the Stanford accelerator. Two powerful laser beams of slightly differing frequencies are projected into a gas plasma tube to produce a “beat frequency wave” that moves through the plasma at tremendous speed.

What makes this accelerator work is the phenomenon of interferometry. Imagine what might happen if masers (microwave lasers) being squeezed through a waveguide that was too small interfered with a plasma?

This is precisely where LaViolette goes:

“Could a civilization possessing advanced field projection technologies perhaps even engineer an entire supernova explosion? By establishing a field bridge between the two poles of a star and inducing a resonant electrodynamic oscillation between these two linked regions, the star might be induced to explode.”

The central component is the “beat wave” produced by interferometry in a plasma such as a star. How would one produce this “interference wave” in a star? After all, one would have to do this from a tremendous distance from the star itself, or risk being consumed in the stupendous explosion.

The answer, not surprisingly is with microwave utilization of the principles of optical phase conjugation.

The term “phase conjugation” refers to a special kind of “mirror” that is able to reverse the trajectories of the incident light waves and cause them to precisely retrace the path they followed in the phase conjugating mirror. The outcome is as if the photons had been made to travel backward in time.

Optical phase conjugation is most commonly known for its use in military laser weapons systems for destroying enemy missiles. In this application, a laser beam is directed at a distant moving missile target and light rays scattered back from the target are allowed to enter the phase conjugator, a chamber containing a medium having nonlinear optical properties. In this nonlinear medium, the scattered rays interact with the two opposed laser beams of similar wavelength to form a hologram-like electrostatic light refracting pattern called a “grating.” Once the grating pattern is formed, the system has essentially locked onto its target. A powerful laser weapon is then discharged into this holographic grating pattern whereupon the coherent laser light reflects (from the grating) in such a way as to produce an intense outgoing laser beam that retraces the paths that had been followed by the incoming rays that had originally been scattered from the missile; consequently the outgoing laser pulse converges precisely back onto its missile target.

Bearing in mind that plasma is one such “nonlinear medium,” we may now see what optical phase conjugation is, and why it is used in the Star Wars program, both the modern one and the ancient one.

Phase conjugation is best understood by breaking down its components into steps or stages:

A coherent beam of electromagnetic energy is aimed at a target, which beam is reflected back to the transmitter.

The returning beam is the split into a non-linear medium causing an interference pattern called a “grating”, or, as Lt. Col Tom Bearden would put it, a “template” for action. The reason that an interference pattern is created is that the atmosphere distorted the returning or reflected beam thus making it of a slightly different frequency from the outgoing wave.

Vacuum space is also both a wave propagating and a wave distorting medium, for as the rotating version of the famous Michelson-Morley experiment of French physicist Georges Sagnac demonstrated, a split beam of light fired in opposite directions in a rotating system and then interfered with produces precisely such a grating or interference pattern demonstrating a local effect of an “aether drag.”

Hence recall the rotating plasmas, or plasmoids, and one has the answer: the non-linear medium par excellence for forming a grating that results from reflecting a beam through the wave-distorting medium of space would be a quickly rotating plasma. For this means that stars are natural phase conjugate mirrors of local stellar system spaces.

Once one has the concept of phase conjugation and the non-linear interference grating “capturing medium” of a rotating plasma, one has the two essential ingredients for any such ‘scalar” weapon as LaViolette proposes.

Once this grid or interference pattern is created, the actual “punch” or energetic pulse of the weapon is fired through the “holographic grating” which then reverses the effect of the intervening distorting medium, and thus the main punch arrives at its target perfectly cohered and in perfect resonance with its target since the “grating” is the signature of that target and that target only.

We now turn to LaViolette, who proposes a “Mach II” version of phase conjugation, this time, not with coherent electromagnetic energy in the visible spectrum, but in the radio and microwave frequencies:

“Consequently, it should be possible to phase conjugate microwaves by following techniques similar to those described in experiments with optical phase conjugation. However, it appears that most of this research is still highly classified. While many papers have been published on optical phase conjugation, virtually n literature is available on the application of phase conjugation at microwave frequencies.”

And if LaViolette can propose microwave phase conjugation as a kind of Mark II, “power upgrade” of optical conjugation, it is not difficult to see that the next step, Mark III, would be x-ray and gamma phase conjugation.

But one might go beyond even the gamma and x-ray “Mark III” versions of this phase conjugate star bursting “Mark II mirror.” One might be able to envision using those very longitudinal “electro-acoustic waves themselves in such a device.

If LaViolette’s galactic explosion and superwave or the explosion of Van Flandern’s two exploded planets were acts in a war, as fought by an extremely advanced society having access to such star and planet busting phase conjugate mirrors, or “scalar” weapons, and having access thereby to non-local and superluminal means of travel and communication, then Atlantis, and Tiamet were not, per Alford’s reading, merely metaphors for planetary “mountains” or “islands” in the midst of an “ocean” of space; nor following other readings was the lost continent merely a “continent” that sunk some 10,000 years ago beneath the seas here on earth, a distant victim in time and space from that original galactic explosion.

And if this physics sophistication mirrors an ancient application of similar principles, it should not surprise us then that we are also (re)developing sciences and technologies in other areas to genetically engineer and alter the biology of human life itself to prolong it abnormally; these same technologies and sciences are now allowing us, like the “gods of old” to dream once again of terrible chimeras and hybrids, to grow human ears on rats today, and perhaps tomorrow grow half-human half-animal chimeras, centaurs and gryphons and fish-men and serpent-men.

“The Cosmic War – Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts” – Joseph P. Farrell – Page 123 – 130
Wht if the “gods” used scalar weapons to target the Sun?
But what was it that these Titans or giants or Nephilim or Anunnaki or whatever one wishes to call them had done? De Santilla’s and Von Dechind’s understanding of the galactic context of ancient shows exactly what was involved:
This is the frightful event, the unexpiable crime that was attributed to the Children of Heaven. They had nudged the sun out of place, and now it was on the move, the universe was out of kilter and nothing, noting – days, months or years, the rising or setting of stars – was going to fall into its rightful place any more..and now the time machine had been set rolling forever, bringing forth at ever new age “a new heaven and a new earth,” in the words of Scripture.
As was seen above, De Santilla and Von Dechind referred to the frightful deed of the “Children of Heaven” as having been to “nudge the sun out of place”, which they understood to be a metaphor of the alternation of the angle of the Earth’s rotation relative to the plane or the ecliptic. But might there be an additional interpretation, one of actually somehow “nudging” the Sun, of disturbing it in some fashion that would have dire consequences for the solar system?

The first to give a hint of this possibility is alternative researcher and physicist James M. McCanney. He reproduces the following photographs which came from the SOHO satellite, a satellite which “monitors the sun on a daily basis”. To appreciate the significance of the photograph in McCanney’s view, it is necessary to understand a little about his theory of the electro-dynamic solar system and comets.

For McCanney, as for the plasma physicists, the solar system is not electrically neutral. The Sun, of course, pours out a prodigious amount of electrical and nuclear energy every day. But in McCanney’s view as in the plasma cosmologist’s view, this means that on occasion and under certain conditions, the planets themselves can become electrically polarized, and thus, filamentary currents can arc between various bodies when the charge is sufficient or when one polarized body approaches near enough to another differently polarized body. And this holds true for comets as for any other body. In short, comets ae not electrically neutral, and their corona or “tail” is a sign of tis effect.

Now let us consider the 1998 SOHO picture of the Sun.

Note in the upper left hand corner one sees the Sun and note the large solar flare. The two “comets” are clearly visible, with one very near the solar flare.

Not let us cite McCanney in full:
“Unexpectedly the two streaking comets came directly into the solar vicinity and flew directly through the intense solar flare to the lower right of the sun. The first comet apparently missed by just a small amount whereas the second made a direct hit through the flare…

The cover figure has far more meaning that that of just a few comets passing the sun. Along with the immense solar flare which “the experts” said was mere coincidence came the buzz out of high levels of national and international security agencies that monitor space for any intruders. The word from these sources was that this was a “shot over the bow” or also saying “look what we can do … look how accurately we can aim those puppies”. This is not me talking, but as I said, this is the buzz out of the security agencies.
McCanney is implying, in other words, that the comets were artificially and intelligently targeted at the sun, and moreover, that they were polarized in such a fashion as to cause the solar flare. In other words, the immense flare, a plasma discharge, was not electrically neutral, but of one electrical polarity, and the comet was of another. And this, of course, is implying that someone was doing the “shooting,” had the technology to do the shooting. How else could one account for the fact that the “comets” to sue McCanney apt wording, “unexpectedly” came near the sun.

“The Cosmic War – Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts” – Joseph P. Farrell – Page 107 – 112


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Nov 05, 2009 9:08 am

How much of these Earth changes are the result of “natural causes” and how many are caused by scalar technology? Scalar weapons can be used to blow up stars and planets. In the myths of the “wars of the gods”, they do seem to indicate that this is what may have happened.

Is it possible that the end of every “Grand Cycle” (Armageddon) is to a certain extent an astroengineered “joint venture” staged by the “dark gods” and their human elite counterparts? What is the real reason for the sun’s instability? Are all these solar changes the result of natural cyclical changes or are some of them being “astroengineered” by the use of scalar weapons? It is believed that such weapons would be able to destabilize the sun and cause it to release huge EMPs followed by massive CMEs. This in turn would cause a pole shift on the Earth and massive extinction of all creatures.

Is this why the human elite built all those deep underground bunkers? Is this the real reason they created the “seed bank” and the “Human Genome Project”? Did they stage “alien abductions” as a front to collect human genetic material?

Did they know all this was expected to unfold according to a certain timeline that was hidden in their "esoteric material"?” Are they simply taking advantage of their “secret knowledge” to make sure that they save themselves and their families and to guarantee that they are in charge of the next “new world order”? Do they continue their collaboration with the “dark forces” once again to make sure they have a “head-start” on the newly “cleansed” earth?

On Cliff High’s most recent Webbot, he said that current linguistics indicate that during the ensuing months “certain people” would start disappearing. Are the “elites” abandoning ship here on earth to take refuge within their deep underground bunkers?

Again, is there such technology that makes this possible? ... 230#p28079
Again it is important to recall that for De Santillana and Von Dechind, the ultimate context of ancient myths is a galactic one. Tiamet (a planet), blown apart by Marduk in the epic of the Enuma Elish not only may have symbolized a planet, but something far, far larger!

But again, how might one actually do this? LaViolette’s answer is chilling:

“The technology required (for interstellar communication) is the same as that used in particle accelerators employed by high energy physicists for carrying out particle collision experiments. It is also the same technology used in particle beam weapons systems such as those developed in the Pentagon’s Star Wars program except in this case the technology would be employed for peaceful purposes.”

This so called beat-wave plasma accelerator is able to generate beats 100,000 to 10 million times stronger than those used in the Stanford accelerator. Two powerful laser beams of slightly differing frequencies are projected into a gas plasma tube to produce a “beat frequency wave” that moves through the plasma at tremendous speed.

What makes this accelerator work is the phenomenon of interferometry. Imagine what might happen if masers (microwave lasers) being squeezed through a waveguide that was too small would interfere with a plasma?

This is precisely where LaViolette goes:

“Could a civilization possessing advanced field projection technologies perhaps even engineer an entire supernova explosion? By establishing a field bridge between the two poles of a star and inducing a resonant electrodynamic oscillation between these two linked regions, the star might be induced to explode.”

The central component is the “beat wave” produced by interferometry in a plasma such as a star. How would one produce this “interference wave” in a star? After all, one would have to do this from a tremendous distance from the star itself, or risk being consumed in the stupendous explosion.

The answer, not surprisingly is with microwave utilization of the principles of optical phase conjugation.

The term “phase conjugation” refers to a special kind of “mirror” that is able to reverse the trajectories of the incident light waves and cause them to precisely retrace the path they followed in the phase conjugating mirror. The outcome is as if the photons had been made to travel backward in time.

Optical phase conjugation is most commonly known for its use in military laser weapons systems for destroying enemy missiles. In this application, a laser beam is directed at a distant moving missile target and light rays scattered back from the target are allowed to enter the phase conjugator, a chamber containing a medium having nonlinear optical properties. In this nonlinear medium, the scattered rays interact with the two opposed laser beams of similar wavelength to form a hologram-like electrostatic light refracting pattern called a “grating.” Once the grating pattern is formed, the system has essentially locked onto its target. A powerful laser weapon is then discharged into this holographic grating pattern whereupon the coherent laser light reflects (from the grating) in such a way as to produce an intense outgoing laser beam that retraces the paths that had been followed by the incoming rays that had originally been scattered from the missile; consequently the outgoing laser pulse converges precisely back onto its missile target.
This is the frightful event, the unexpiable crime that was attributed to the Children of Heaven was that they had nudged the sun out of place, and now it was on the move, the universe was out of kilter and nothing was going to fall into its rightful place any more; and now the time machine had been set rolling forever, bringing forth at ever new age “a new heaven and a new earth,” in the words of Scripture.
As was seen above, De Santilla and Von Dechind referred to the frightful deed of the “Children of Heaven” as having been to “nudge the sun out of place”, which they understood to be a metaphor of the alternation of the angle of the Earth’s rotation relative to the plane or the ecliptic. But might there be an additional interpretation, one of actually somehow “nudging” the Sun, of disturbing it in some fashion that would have dire consequences for the solar system?

McCanney is implying, in other words, that the comets were artificially and intelligently targeted at the sun, and moreover, that they were polarized in such a fashion as to cause the solar flare. In other words, the immense flare, a plasma discharge, was not electrically neutral, but of one electrical polarity, and the comet was of another. And this, of course, is implying that someone was doing the “shooting,” had the technology to do the shooting. How else could one account for the fact that the “comets” to use McCanney apt wording, “unexpectedly” came near the sun.

“The Cosmic War – Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts” – Joseph P. Farrell – Page 107 – 130
What the real purpose of the CERN particle beam accelerator? The PTBs claim that it can replicate the “Big Bang” (supernova explosion). Since we paid for it with our taxes, does that mean it was created for “our” benefit or solely for their benefit?

Cern Power-Colder than Space ... 575555/pg1
Soon they will try and reproduce the big bang and hopefully this singularity(big bang) they are searching for will not start a domino effect,leading to a massive meltdown like the movie The Entity...frozen dimensional entities...breaking the ice.

Once the LHC is operational, two particle beams - usually consisting of protons accelerated to high energies - will be fired down pipes running through the magnets.

These beams will then travel in opposite directions around the main ring at close to the speed of light.

At allotted points along the tunnel, the beams will cross paths, smashing into one another with cataclysmic force. Scientists hope to see new particles in the debris of these collisions, revealing fundamental new insights into the nature of the cosmos and how it came into being.

The most powerful physics experiment ever built, the LHC will re-create the conditions just after the Big Bang.

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by GaryN » Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:26 pm

The Enki and Enlil accounts seem to have a lot of similarities with later accounts, but I like the Greek version, as told, I believe, by the Parthenon Frieze. We have degenerated over time by the 'watering down' of the gene pool. Thats why the PTB are very picky about their breeding? Seeing what we have become, I think I might have sided with Hephaestus in his desire to get rid of us. Or is there a chance we might yet prove ourselves worthy?

Plato recalls a set of circumstances similar to the Noah story in the legendary destruction of Atlantis:
Critias (extract) For many generations, as long as the divine nature lasted in them, they were obedient to the laws, and well-affectioned towards the god, whose seed they were; for they possessed true and in every way great spirits, uniting gentleness with wisdom in the various chances of life, and in their intercourse with one another. They despised everything but virtue, caring little for their present state of life, and thinking lightly of the possession of gold and other property, which seemed only a burden to them; neither were they intoxicated by luxury; nor did wealth deprive them of their self-control; but they were sober, and saw clearly that all these goods are increased by virtue and friendship with one another, whereas by too great regard and respect for them, they are lost and friendship with them. By such reflections and by the continuance in them of a divine nature, the qualities which we have described grew and increased among them; but when the divine portion began to fade away, and became diluted too often and too much with the mortal admixture, and the human nature got the upper hand, they then, being unable to bear their fortune, behaved unseemly, and to him who had an eye to see grew visibly debased, for they were losing the fairest of their precious gifts; but to those who had no eye to see the true happiness, they appeared glorious and blessed at the very time when they were full of avarice and unrighteous power.

I'm a total amateur when it comes to Greek history/mythology, but do believe the frieze tells us much the same about humans and their origins. Hephaestus, without the consent of the Council, created the first Man when he spilled his seed on the ground, after a failed attempt to have his way with his sister. Yes, Adam was earth, or dirt, in the biblical tale, but this sounds like the same story. When Hephaestus saw what a bunch of degenerates we turned into, he was really miffed, and wanted to get rid of us all. The frieze depicts the meeting of the council to decide our fate. The vote was tied, and Zeus cast the deciding vote in favor of humanity having another chance. They basically told Hephaestus to 'go play somewhere else', which he is doing right now, engineering another solar system suitable for his next experiment.
It is interesting to me, that the British museum recently refused to return their parts of the frieze to Athens, where a new museum has been completed. ... id=2508311

New museum page:

The main objector to the return of the Marbles was a lady on the board of directors of the British museum, who was from Chicago! My suspicions were immediately aroused...

It was a condition of the Duveen bequest to the British Museum that no copies of missing sections of the Parthenon frieze were to be displayed adjacent the originals. With some of the frieze in London and fragments in Athens, the frieze has not been seen complete in years.
Seems to me like they don't want the frieze to be seen in its correct context.
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by GaryN » Thu Nov 05, 2009 1:37 pm

I don't have any problems with the idea of advanced beings capable of messing with the Sun, or planets. Maybe thats because I read too much Stanislaw Lem, where the robotic engineers Trurl and Klapaucius could do just about anything, including using stars to make some rather large advertisments! Yes, lots of silliness, but the man had an amazing imagination, but with a good knowledge of science, human behavior, philosophy, along with the strangest sense of humor.

Once the true workings of stars are realised, then the science involved to interfere with them can be calculated, but hopefully not implemented. Weather modification is scary enough!

This was mentioned previously on the upper boards,
Magnetron Haze. Emission Impossible.

And as with the microwave haze, the authors argue that the electrons responsible for the gamma-ray haze appear to originate from an unknown astrophysical process. ... fermi-haze

Maybe I should be writing sci-fi in the style of Lem, but I believe what they are looking at here is the 'hum' of millions of magnetrons. If so, then I can think of ways to interfere with Suns.;-)
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:09 pm

GaryN said: We have degenerated over time by the 'watering down' of the gene pool. Seeing what we have become, I think I might have sided with Hephaestus in his desire to get rid of us.
Well there is the old saying that says that you are responsible for the animals you tame and the monsters you create. Maybe next time he will stick with metalworking and not mess with genetic engineering. ;)
GaryN said: don't have any problems with the idea of advanced beings capable of messing with the Sun, or planets.
Are “advanced beings” necessarily wise beings? Are today’s scientists “wise beings”? :?

Scientists plan to make artificial sun in 2018 ... 95112.html
Dozens of top nuclear scientists around the world are busy working on the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) construction site in southern France. They plan to make an "artificial sun" in 2018.

Currently there are seven national and supranational parties participating in the multibillion-euro ITER project. They are the European Union, India, Japan, People's Republic of China, Russia, Republic of Korea, and the U.S.


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