The Schumann Resonance

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Sep 19, 2009 9:27 am ... 050#p25949

Is Vulcan the Red Serpent?

Ancient Egyptian Treasure in
the Grand Canyon? - Part 4
A privately printed book titled Le Serpent Rouge (The Red Serpent) was written by three Frenchmen, Gaston de Koker, Pierre Feugere, and Lous Saint-Maxent. They left it at the Bibliotheque Nationale, the former royal library of France. The little book consists primarily of 13 riddles in the form of short verses, each riddle corresponding to one of the 12 signs of the zodiac. The thirteenth riddle is placed between the zodiac signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius, and is the sign of Ophiuchus, the Serpent-Holder in the Serpens constellation. Within the riddles are also references to the goddess Isis or Magdalen and the "red serpent uncoiling across the centuries." Why a "red" serpent.

A quote from the book: "Cursing the profane in their ashes and those who follow their ways; returning from the darkness while making the gesture of horror at the abyss into which I had plunged. Here is the proof that I knew the secret of the seal of SOL(O)MON and I had visited the secret places of this QUEEN. “Take heed my friend, do not add or take away one iota; think and think again, the base lead of my words may contain the purest of gold.”

The rather odd formation of Solomon in the text suggests to me that it refers to the Sun (sol) and the Moon (mon), with the "O" also representing a circle, a completion of a circuit, and also brings to mind the 'squared circle' of Leonardo da Vinci's 'Canon of Man' image (which has direct geometrical correspondences to the Great Pyramid and the relative size of our Moon etc.). QUEEN, of course, is the mother goddess, and in our context, Isis. King Solomon is also known to have worshiped the mother goddess Ashtoreth, as related in biblical text, a practice which was considered heretical at the time.

This brings to mind the very thoughts I have been tossing around since the "reptilian-subterranean" aspect came into the picture. It has been my contention that the electro-magnetic parameters beneath the surface of the earth are not the same as those on the surface. It is also known that altered states begin to occur when one is not within the geo-magnetic fields of earth, and that early experience in space flight proved this to the point where artificial magnetic fields need to be implemented for the safety and mental stability of the astronauts when outside the earth's magnetic field. It is also known that the geo-magnetic fields shift around the earth, the patterns continually moving and fluxing over a period of about 2000 years.

It is not too much a leap to speculate on the role geo-magnetics may have on altering human consciousness beneath the surface. The resonant chambers and passageways of a vast subterranean system may also act as sub-sonic wave-guides etc. in a similar fashion as the initiation temples, pyramids, kivas and anonomolous energy areas around the globe. Could this account for the strange and exotic tales encountered in the underground world. Could the geo-magnetic, electric, gravity and sonic parameters be such that other dimensional translations of reality become accessible?

This brings us full circle back again to Dr. Paul LaViolette, who shows the code (that points to periodic cosmic events) written within the zodiac, with clues to its deciphering contained in the Tarot (which is, among other things, an alpha-numeric gematrian index) and the Sphinx, and some good scientific verification to boot (not to mention E.T. communication from deep space pulsars!)
Ancient Egyptian Treasure In
The Grand Canyon? - Part 6
The beginning of the end is perhaps in sight for the constellation Serpens, our beloved serpent holder that has been crawling around our investigation of late.

It was brought to my attention that the front page of the San Francisco Chronicle, Jan 10, ran an article about a planet 17 to 40 times as massive as Jupiter that was found in the constellation of Serpens, 123 light years distant from Earth. What made these discoveries unique was that it is the first time that more than one planet was found in a solar system outside of our own. And here they found two at once.

Two separate incidents brought my attention back toward the center of the galaxy, and in so doing, also brought to the forefront, from my back burner, a heavy book in light of the progression of events in the context of the coiling snake and the Grand Canyon in which it hides. In this regard it is fitting to include that the crux of the thread is an encoded cosmic event.

And depending upon which way you happen to interpret reality, the cosmic event could be a catastrophic upheaval, or, on the flip side, a harvest of souls at the end of time. (there is a third option, of course, which is the equilibrium and transcendental implosive Golden Mean spiral into star habitation through DNA heterodyning fixed in the geometrical consistencies exhibited in the code-bearing Tetragrammaton matrix black hole of all mother nurturing/child bearing surrogate neuro-linguistic revivalism inherent within the quantum heavy breathing method employed by the "L" race to see who gets through the void first without ticking off the IRS.... But that's a long story. :D ) In all cases, it is a buzz word for the guru-sapiens (FEAR) :evil: to trick and ease a population into thinking that "the end is near", and for a few dollars more you can learn the "real" secrets to survivalism in face of cosmic devastation. (I'm sorry; I got carried away there for a minute.)

Now, this cosmic devastation, or transition, could even be self inflicted, as is indicated by the recent archeological remains found in India that has high levels of radiation, suggesting that the Vedas contain a true record (not just myth) of a thermonuclear type destructive force that leveled the population in ancient times. And of course the cosmic upheaval could be caused by any number of natural phenomena such as meteorite hits, volcanic eruptions, glaciers, global warming etc. etc. There is also the geophysical evidence of hundreds of geomagnetic pole reversals in evidence within the magnetite records in the layers of earth that goes on for millions of years. (Note that geomagnetic pole reversal does not have to be caused by a physical reversal of the entire planet, but rather by the reversal of rotation of the planet.

Meanwhile my Australian friend tapped me into Dr. Paul LaViolette at who began to decode the star-field knowledge and the links to the Sphinx and the Tetragrammaton and the zodiac (and ultimately, the DNA code, but Dr. LaViolette doesn't realize that aspect yet). He correctly pointed out many bits of coded information in the allegory of the Osiron escapades. I will quote him because it came off so simple and to the point.

"Osiris, Isis, Seth & Horus.....these names are used allegorically to describe a cosmic event. These names appear differently in all major civilizations for tens of thousands of years...the combination of circumstances is always the same.

Within each scripture, one or two little pieces of the puzzle are mentioned unencoded. The same goes for the description of the 'black hole' in our galaxy, the Milky Way. The Mayans knew about the black hole as well and have started & ended their calendar around a polarity reversal, where everything passes thru the hole and exits the other side in opposite polarity. Hindu literature describes it as the female genitals, it actually looks like; these are allegories that celebrate serious cosmic upheavals; the cutting up & scattering of Osiris by Seth are symbolically depicted; the resurrection shows Osiris as a leaning pole approximating the earth tilt with four 'donuts' (rings) at the top similar to the 'high voltage insulators at Denderra; Isis is the Earth; Osiris is the Polar Axis; Seth is the catastrophe that caused the polar shift; the conception of Horus is the effort of the Earth and axis to rectify itself; Horus as the Hawk, observing this drama from above, putting him in the position to restore the tumbling planet to its original or modified position with the possible help of others, implies that outsiders help was engaged; the left brain, the logic brain,the male brain, doesn't believe it; the right brain, the intuitive brain, the female brain, knows everything, but can't explain it."

This seems to be a very good short answer to what it took two men to say in a very lengthy and complicated book entitled Hamlet's Mill, by Giorgio de Santillana and Herthe Von Dechend. Girgio was a MIT History of Science professor, and Herthe was also a History of Science professor at Frankfurt University. In a nutshell, the book explains that all mythology is a code for the precession of the equinoxes and that there is a collapse, or breakdown, of humanity or civilization at exact times. The implication of the title of this book, and its theme, is the analogy of a miller’s wheel, grinding the grain into flour, and the flour of course is for the basic staple, bread! The bread of life. The cosmic whole brain bread crumb trail is evident once again! And of course the flour is humanity, but at times there is not enough leaven (yeast) to raise (ascend) the loaf, and it collapses. And of course, it is possible that the miller’s wheel itself runs amuck, and the milling stops, or is reversed.
See the links below for the entire article.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Sep 19, 2009 1:38 pm ... 065#p26261
"Osiris, Isis, Seth & Horus.....these names are used allegorically to describe a cosmic event. These names appear differently in all major civilizations for tens of thousands of years...the combination of circumstances is always the same.

Within each scripture, one or two little pieces of the puzzle are mentioned unencoded. The same goes for the description of the 'black hole' in our galaxy, the Milky Way. The Mayans knew about the black hole as well and have started and ended their calendar around a polarity reversal, where everything passes thru the hole and exits the other side in opposite polarity. Hindu literature describes it as the female genitals, it actually looks like; these are allegories that celebrate serious cosmic upheavals; the cutting up and scattering of Osiris by Seth are symbolically depicted; the resurrection shows Osiris as a leaning pole approximating the earth tilt with four 'donuts' (rings) at the top similar to the 'high voltage insulators at Denderra; Isis is the Earth; Osiris is the Polar Axis; Seth is the catastrophe that caused the polar shift; the conception of Horus is the effort of the Earth and axis to rectify itself; Horus as the Hawk, observing this drama from above, putting him in the position to restore the tumbling planet to its original or modified position with the possible help of others, implies that outsiders help was engaged; the left brain, the logic brain,the male brain, doesn't believe it; the right brain, the intuitive brain, the female brain, knows everything, but can't explain it."
The Three "Alchemical" Serpents -- the triple dragon axes – red, black & white (gold)?

The Red Serpent the Breaking of the Cosmic Axis

The Secret at the Heart of Alchemy
The Tree of Life is a diagram that pictures reality as the intersection of four great realms, or levels of abstraction. A geometric pattern crystallizes within the intersection planes like a moiré pattern in a holographic projection.

The Tree of Life functioned much like the Kundalini diagrams of the Hindu mystics. By mapping the internal power centers, and then projecting outward and aligning them with the forces of nature, the magician sought to re-enact the process of creation. And
so become, like God, a co-creator of the universe.

The very secret of alchemy lies in the symbolic image of the axis, the sphere and the heart, which are an ancient, perhaps even pre-catastrophe description of the cosmic mill.

The proof of the existence of the Tree of Life is seen in the twelve, the seven and the three, the Teli, the Cycle and the Heart.

The secret lies in the mysterious word Teli. This suggests that the Bahir is talking about the celestial axis around which the heavens rotate. This means that the celestial axis is a kind of imaginary string from which the celestial globe hangs. This ancient serpent can be nothing other than the constellation of Draco, the Pole Serpent mentioned in Job 26:13 "By His Spirit the heavens were calmed, His hand pierced the Pole Serpent."

The First Dragon Axis – the North Celestial Pole (Polaris) – Alignment: Aquarius/Pisces to Leo/Virgo. We can find the Pole Star, Polaris in the tail of Ursa Minor, the Little Bear. This marks our North Celestial Pole, directly above the north pole of our planet.

The Second Dragon Axis – the Pole of the Solar Ecliptic (Draco – the Pole Serpent)

There is another pole in the sky however. This is the Pole of the Solar Ecliptic, the path of the sun through the constellations. The ecliptic pole however does not change, since the path of the sun through the sky never changes. Around this point, which has no star visible to the naked eye to mark it, the constellation of Draco, the Great Dragon, spirals through all of the zodiacal signs, the stars appear to hang from it.

The Third Dragon Axis – The Galactic Axis running through the ecliptic from Scorpio/Sagittarius to Taurus/Gemini

Like the ecliptic axis, the galactic axis is constant and unmoving. Between these two pillars, or perpendicular axes, lies the coiled dragon of precession, spinning slowly backward through time.

The arms of the Universe are the unmoving Teli, the ecliptic and galactic axis, from which the initiatory spiral of the equinoxes is suspended like an amulet.

The Cube of Space (the twelve edges of the cube are formed from the twelve double letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which are attributed to the signs of the zodiac.

The Teli in Draco is the constellation that rules over all of the signs and therefore the ages of the worlds, the past and the future. Not only does Draco fill all the signs of the Zodiac but it also sits atop the Cube of Space.

The Abrahamic Covenant – the arrangement polarized the Tree of Life. The Tree was normally shown aligned along three parallel axes but it was split in Abraham’s sacrifice into two groups of five, like the fingers on each hand. The spheres were then given masculine or feminine qualities; six are clearly opposite each other, while the remaining four are on the middle axis.

Abraham made his covenant, then, with the creative force flowing outward from the galactic core, or third dragon-axis. Our world is formed from the intersection of the three pillars or axes of the Teli.

Abraham’s descendants entered the galgal, or cycle of time, through the “heh,” or window added to his name by the Lord. “Heh” is assigned to Aquarius, a zodiacal sign at a right angle to the axis of the Galaxy. It also symbolizes the moving axis of the Coiled Serpent, which defines the evolutionary flow of human events and the quality of time.

The special magical technology of the triple transformation – inner yogic disciplines, magical ceremonies combined with manipulation of sacred metals and the secret of time and timing, including the beginning and end of time – developed first within the Gnostic cults, including Christianity, and then dispersed into the intellectual underground of the Middle Ages.

This chiliast concept of a spiritually animated matter became the keystone of the alchemical process. The illuminated Hebrew mystics of the Bahir recorded the techniques for animating matter and related them to the transformational process of galactic alignment.

Sacred geometry is the answer. Each of the planetary qualities, from Saturn to the Moon, can be given a structural and mathematical form by constructing squares based on their numerical lightning-flash order.

One of the mathematical theories about magic squares concerns the mirror symmetry of their odd/even patterning. Even-numbered magic squares, Jupiter, the Sun and Mercury, or 4, 6 and 8 respectively exhibit hemispherical symmetry where each side is a reflection of the other whereas the odd squares, Saturn, Mars, Venus and the Moon, or 3, 5, 7 and 9 respectively exhibit radial symmetry that is reflected outward from a central point

With the evolving magic square pattern, we noted that the sun’s square, an even numbered one, could be considered a hypercube or fourth dimensional cube; its mirrors symmetry allows one to fold it through the third dimension and form a cube with a cube of 16 vertices, 32 edges, 24 faces, and 8 four dimensional cells.

Space was envisioned as a cube within a sphere. The equator of that sphere was the sun’s apparent path through the constellations of the zodiac. The cube was positioned so that its vertical edges intersect with the cusps of Sagittarius/Scorpio, Gemni/Taurus, Pices/Aquarius, and Virgo/Leo. Above the cube, in the top portion of the sphere, the constellation Draco coils about the still point of the north ecliptic pole.

The eternally unmoving axis was thought to be the middle pillar of a vast Tree of Life in the world of action. Kabbalistic theory suggested, however, that if there was one Tree in a world, there should also be a reflection of all four Trees in the multiverse. Thus those moments when the snakes make right angles or direct conjunctions with each other determine the quality of time for that age.

Abraham’s covenant represents a shift from the High God of the El to a new hidden god controlling temporal quality of the galactic axis and its alignments.

The images of the three-dimensional surface of our pedestal-cube act as information markers telling us how to align our hypercube to predict the quality of time in our age.

(Excerpts taken from The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye - Alchemy and the End of Time by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges)
The Gnostic Science of Alchemy
Allah is simply the Arabic version of this Caanaite El. Baal, or rather Ba-el, is literally translated as the Space-Filling God, and is further called "He who holds the stars in place." This God Most High can only be the constellation of Draco, who fills all the signs of the zodiac and sits atop the Cube of Space very much like a king on his throne. In the pre-Islamic Kaaba, the house of Allah contained altars to his eight wives and daughters. These ancient goddesses are clearly related to the seven planets and the earth. Al-Uzza, the mighty one, was the sun and Al-Manat, the triple faced goddess, was clearly the moon. The earth goddess, Al-Lat, the goddess, is actually talah, or Teli, spelled backward. This serves to clinch our identification of Allah with the Teli, or Pole Serpent.

From the ground looking up at Draco, the ancient astronomers saw that it curved around the still point of the ecliptic pole and then its tail bent backward to form the "L" shape from which the word El was derived. Reflected on the earth however, as in the case of the earth goddess, this "L" of the Teli or Pole Serpent is reversed. If Allah is the God Most High, the "L" in the sky, then his daughter the earth is the reflection of that nature.

This arrangement polarized the Tree, normally seen aligned along three parallel axis, into two groups of five, like the fingers on each hand. The spheres were then attributed by their masculine or feminine qualities. Six are clearly polarized, since they occur on the right or left pillar of the Tree, while the other four are normally on the middle axis..

Abram made his sacrifice at sunset and fell into a deep sleep. We are told that thick and dreadful darkness came over him and the Lord spoke within it describing the future of Abram's descendants. And then a curious thing happened. A smoking firepot with a blazing torch, an ancient symbol of the presence of the God Most High according to most authorities, passed between the pieces of the sacrifice, through the gap between Binah and Tiphareth and Yesod and Tiphareth.

Much of this makes little sense, until we remember that, in the Bahir, the twelve edges of the Cube of Space are also the zodiacal paths connecting the spheres on the Tree. These signs mark the third dragon-axis, as we noted above, which is the axis of the galaxy itself. The firepot with a blazing torch, symbol of the presence of the God Most High, travels the major axis of the galaxy, from the center out to the edge.

Abraham made his covenant then with the creative force flowing outward from the galactic core. He called this the God Most High, Mohammed's Allah, who formed our world from the intersection of the three pillars or axis of the Teli.

The Black Stone was the physical seal of this covenant, a token of God's favor. It is interesting to note that the description in Genesis 15:17, our smoking firepot with a blazing torch coming out of it, suggests the path of a meteor through the atmosphere. The place of the Black Stone within the Kaaba also suggests the northwest-southeast axis of the galaxy as seen in two dimensions. The stone which fell from heaven is a physical piece of evidence for the presence of the God Most High.
Last edited by lizzie on Sat Sep 19, 2009 2:08 pm, edited 3 times in total.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Sep 19, 2009 2:02 pm

It seems that Vulcan, the Red Serpent, is at the core of all esoteric traditions.

Birth, Death, Resurrection and Alchemical Transformation: Vulcan – the Red Serpent in esoteric traditions

The Kundalini Serpent
In my essay 'The Secret Knowledge of Nibiru' I described the possible connection between the Dark Star and the Eighth Sphere of the Theosophists. It seems that this Eighth Sphere was once a closely guarded secret of Madame Blavatsky's Theosophy school, itself an already rather esoteric discipline. However, the Theosophist A.P. Sinnett publically drew attention to a belief held by Inner Order esotericists about an invisible Sphere which was counter-balanced by the Moon.

What business does the 'Eighth Sphere' have counter-balancing the Moon when the task already clearly falls to Sol? This usurper runs the risk of over-turning one of the most basic tenets of accepted ancient wisdom; the duality at the heart of reality. The Duality would be in danger of becoming a Trinity of three celestial bodies. The Sun and Moon would have another contender vying for their pre-eminence. Is this why the existence of the 'Eighth Sphere' was once held as such an important secret by the esotericists of Theosophy?

What evidence is there that this Eighth Sphere relates to an undiscovered planet whose symbolic character rivals the Sun itself? Another strand of Planet X research involves the fabled 'Vulcan', the Roman god of fire. Barry Warmkessel's search for Vulcan is based to some extent upon the writings of Madame Blavatsky, from her work 'The Secret Doctrine'. According to Warmkessel, Blavatsky herself lays down the clues as to where to find the hidden planet, which she calls Vulcan.

Once again, clues to the existence of Planet X are to be found in esoteric writings. If Blavatsky bases her claims upon an ancient tradition that she is privy to then we can conclude that the Dark Star was indeed the subject of a secret tradition, and may represent the Eighth Sphere that 'counter-balances' the Moon.

Given its Theosophical name of 'Vulcan', the concept that the Dark Star is a warm body such as a brown dwarf becomes more probable still. Not only that, but Vulcan is guarded by a 'bevy of monkeys (seven in all)', seemingly alluding to the fiery Dark Star's seven companions, or moons. It would certainly be difficult to explain the seven companions if Vulcan simply symbolised the Sun, and Vulcan does not appear to represent a constellation either. With the clue from the Theosophists about the Eighth Sphere we can begin to appreciate the subtleties of the esoteric message. Perhaps other esoteric paths can enlighten us further.

In the alchemical diagrams of Renaissance Europe, the third aspect of the Trinity is often expressed as a bird, either the 'Hermes bird' or the fiery Phoenix. It encroaches upon the duality of the Sun and Moon and is sometimes symbolised by Mercury. The alchemical dragon Azoth, for instance, is shown with three celestial heads, the Moon, the Sun and a third 'sun', depicted as mercury symbolically, yet like Sol in radiance and power. I believe that this is the "Philosopher's Mercury", rather than plain-old Mercury, and is the secret ingredient alluded to in the instructions for making the Red Elixir, or Philosopher's Stone. Is this 'Philosopher's Mercury' symbolised by the Eighth Sphere, or planet? Indeed, does the red Stone itself that is said to be simultaneously seen yet unseen, reflect the nature of the Dark Star? I suspect that this may be a closely guarded secret of alchemy, although their knowledge of this eighth body may be understood in an altogether different way by esotericists. Nevertheless, the hidden physical and celestial source of the symbolism is one and the same.
The Serpent Rouge (English Translation
[11 Ophiuchus]

Cursing the profaners in their ashes and those who live in their tracks, leaving the abyss where I was plunged in finishing the gesture of horror: "Here is the proof that I knew the secret of the Seal of SALOMON, that of this QUEEN I have visited the hidden residences". To this, Dear Reader, be careful not to add or remove an iota... meditate, meditate again, the vile lead of my writing contains perhaps the purest gold.

[12 Sagittarius]

Returning then to the white hill, the sky having opened its gates, it seems there is a presence near me, the feet in the water like him who has just been baptised, turning myself again towards the east facing me I saw unrolling without end, his coils, the enormous SERPENT ROUGE cited in the parchments, salty and bitter, the enormous beast unleashed became at the foot of this white mountain, red with anger.
Seven Ray Tabulations ... tions.html
RAY 1- Will – Power - Pluto/Vulcan – Red - Crown/Pineal – Diamond

The Seven Rays correspond to many "septenaries", which provide the basic building blocks of occultism. Planets "rule" rays, similar to astrological rulerships, hence the interface between Rays, planets & zodiac signs.
Arcanum 9: The Hermit ... the-hermit
The ninth Key represents old Saturn falling and the Goddess Moon victoriously rising. Saturn is the lead and the Moon is the silver. The Terrestrial Adam, the psychological ‘I’ must fall and die so that the Adam Christ can be born within us. We need to transmute the lead into gold. The lead of our personality must be transmuted into the gold of the Spirit.

The Moon-Mercury-Sophic (the Ens Seminis) must rise and return inwardly and upwardly. The Flaming Forge of Vulcan is found in the Ninth Sphere (sex).

The sign of the Infinite is in the center of the Ninth Sphere. The earth has nine atomic stratums and the sign of the Infinite is found within the Ninth Stratum. The Nine Initiations of Minor Mysteries gradually corresponds with each one of these nine stratums. Each Initiation of Minor Mysteries gives access to each one of these terrestrial stratums. Therefore, only the ones who have attained the Nine Initiations of Minor Mysteries can reach the heart of the earth.

The Double Vital Current sustains and nourishes the entire planet Earth, thus, we (all the living beings) are organized upon this divine archetype. A Divine Atom exists in the center of the sign of the Infinite. The nine spheres of atomic vibration are concentrically focused within this atom of the Genie of the Earth. The Holy Eight is resplendent with glory within the center of the Earth.

In the center of this Holy Eight the central atom is found, which is where the Nine Spheres of Universal Vibration are focused, this is the Law.
Mundus - Kosmos - Cosmos
An androgynous (nominally female) figure dances in an oval field surrounded by four heads. She has two faces that look in opposite directions, a golden male face looking to our left and a silver female to our right; their hair is red. Rays of gold and silver radiate from her head, and she is surrounded by a luminous nimbus that fills the oval. Though she dances, her right foot is planted firmly on a small patch of golden earth, and her left dips into silvery flowing water.

Her right hand holds a golden key pointing up toward heaven (specifically, toward the face in the upper left corner), and her left holds a silver key pointing down toward the earth. These are temple keys, having long shafts with two right-angle bends, like a crank, at their ends. A loose, violet-colored veil, like a rounded Y, hangs from her shoulders across her breast and groin, hiding her sex.

The oval field has the shape of the vesica piscis (two intersecting circular arcs), and its height and width are in the ratio 1061:612. The field is defined by two serpents or dragons: a red and gold wingless dragon ascends on our right, a green and silver winged dragon descends on our left; they devour each other's tails at the top and bottom of the oval. Each dragon has a fiery eye and five fiery marks on its side (the middle of each five being the brightest). A horizontal line, with length equal to the oval's width, is tangent to the bottom of the oval, forming a kind of cartouche.

The wingless dragon is the alchemical sulphur (golden yellow) and the winged dragon is the mercury (silvery white). As Jung has explained, the serpent ouroboros is simultaneously vaginal (mouth, triangular head) and phallic (tail). Therefore, in the duplex serpentes ouroboroi we have the conjunction of two androgynes uniting like hermaphroditic worms - to engender the World.

Each dragon couples with the other, each consumes the other, each subdues the other; thus the well-known Hermetic maxim, "Nature delights in Nature, Nature contains Nature, and Nature overcomes Nature." "The last clause," Burckhardt explains, "means that the two powers, when they have so grown that one can embrace the other, reunite on a higher plane, so that their opposition, which previously had bound the soul, now becomes a fruitful complementarism, by means of which the soul achieves dominion over the entire world of psychic forms and currents. Thus Nature as a liberating force, overcomes Nature as tyranny and entanglement."
The Pythagorean Pentacle ... opic=23885
From The table of the Ten Numbers (Manly P Hall - secret teachings of all ages)

Pythagorean Mathematics

Pathagoras maintained that the soul of man consists of a tetrad, the four powers of the soul being mind, science, opinion, and sense. The tetrad connects all beings, elements, numbers, and seasons; nor can anything be named which does not depend upon the tetractys. It is the Cause and Maker of all things, the intelligible God, Author of celestial and sensible good, Plutarch interprets this tetractys, which he said was also called the world, to be 36, consisting of the first four odd numbers added to the first four even numbers.

Keywords given to the tetrad are impetuosity, strength, virility, two-mothered, and the key keeper of Nature, because the universal constitution cannot be without it. It is also called harmony and the first profundity. The following deities partook of the nature of the tetrad: Hercules, Mercury, Vulcan, Bacchus, and Urania (one of the Muses).

The triad represents the primary colors and the major planets, while the tetrad represents the secondary colors and the minor planets. From the first triangle come forth the seven spirits, symbolized by a triangle and a square. These together form the Masonic apron.
Other than identifying Freemasonry with paganism in this sentence, what is the meaning of the Vulcan of the pagans? This question is very important, because Manly P. Hall advises the Mason that, once he has the seething energies of Lucifer in his hands, he is to walk in Tubal-Cain's footsteps. Hall makes it sound like Tubal-Cain is one of the Greek gods, does he not? And, we know conclusively that Tubal-Cain is Vulcan of the Pagans. Let us review who Vulcan of the pagans is, by looking within occult sources.

"Vulcan was a sun deity who was associated with fire, thunderbolts and light. The festival in honor of him was called the Vulcania in which human sacrifices were offered." [Percival George Woodcock, Short Dictionary of Mythology, New York, Philosophical Library, p. 152]. "According to Diel, he bears a family relationship to the Christian devil." [J.E. Cirlot, translated by Jack Sage, A Dictionary of Symbols , New York, Dorset Press, 1991, p. 362]. "It is fascinating to know that he married Venus, another name for Lucifer or the devil." [Woodcock, op. cit., p. 150-151; Emphasis added]
The Immaculate Conception
But the tradition of recognizing the immaculate conception of a Son of God was hardly an unprecedented practice in the ancient Greco-Roman world as Hesiod indicated of Hephaistos’ (Vulcan to the Romans) birth. Hesiod’s “Theogeny” clearly states that Hera “…without love’s union bore famous Hephaistos.”

But why was the chamber bronze? Bronze is an amalgam of the metals tin and copper. These two metals are esoteric symbols of the polarities – positive (tin, related to Jupiter) and negative (copper, related to Venus). Bronze is created when the two polarities are brought together and bonded in purity. This is the great secret knowledge of Alchemy by which Danae was able to conceive a divine child.

Thoth, like Padmasambhava, was regarded in certain Egyptian texts as self-created or “who came forth from the god himself”, created from the heart of Ra (the Logos). It is revealing to note that Thoth, the symbol of wisdom (the Christ-Mind), was represented by Egyptian priests with virile member erect under which was written “Giver of reasoning.” This was a clear key to those “who hath ears to hear” and eyes to see that real intelligence is born within the Forge of Vulcan, sexual alchemy. And it is perfected through mystical death and the incarnation of the Christ-Mind. Thoth was even considered the inventor of the Caduceus, originally expressed by the simple figure of a cross (both, of course, are symbols of Alchemy).
Free Masonry - A Fiery Red Serpent Called Lucifer
These ancient religions had two meanings, one exoteric known to the uninitiated majority, and the other, an esoteric true meaning, entirely different, known only to a small elite group. These religions worshipped the sun-god. The serpent in the mythology of the primitive world was universally the symbol of the sun. As the sun was the great enlightener of the physical world, so the serpent was held to have been the great enlightener of the spiritual by giving mankind “the knowledge of good and evil”.
The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception
The Rosicrucian speaks of the Earth Period as Mars-Mercury. The great creative Day of Manifestation is embodied in the names of the days of the week, for our week-days have been named after the evolutionary stages through which the virgin spirits pass in their pilgrimage through matter.

The Vulcan Period is the last Period of our scheme of evolution. The quintessence of all the preceding Periods is extracted by the recapitulation of spiral after spiral. No new work is done until the very last Revolution on the very last Globe and then only in the Seventh Epoch. Therefore the Vulcan Period may be said to correspond to the week, which includes all of the seven days.

The black serpent on diagram 15 indicates the winding, cyclic path of Involution, comprising the Saturn, Sun and Moon Periods, and the Mars half of the Earth Period, during which the evolving life built its vehicles, not becoming fully awake and clearly conscious of the outside world until the latter part of the Atlantean Epoch.

The white serpent represents the path that the human race will follow through the Mercury half of the Earth Period, and the Jupiter, Venus, and Vulcan Periods, during which pilgrimage man's consciousness will expand into that of an omniscient, Creative Intelligence.

The serpentine path is the path followed by the great majority; but the "Staff of Mercury," around which the serpents twine, shows the "straight and narrow way," the path of Initiation, which enables those who walk therein to accomplish in a few short lives that which it requires millions of years for the majority of mankind to accomplish.

The fourth division in the list of the advancing animal kingdom has four subdivisions: Fishes, Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals. The steps in consciousness thus indicated correspond to similar states of advancement to be attained by humanity at the end of the Earth, Jupiter, Venus, and Vulcan Periods and which any qualified individual may now attain by initiation.

The first of the Great Initiations gives the stage of consciousness which will be attained by ordinary humanity at the end of the Earth Period; the second that to which all will attain at the end of the Jupiter Period; the third gives the extension of consciousness to be reached at the close of the Venus Period; the last brings to the initiate the power and omniscience to which the majority will attain only at the end of the Vulcan Period.
Honorius Marinier
Diana is seated in the pond or low vessel, heated by a man (vulcan like figure) with flaming torch, while Zeus and other gods look on. She has a child covered with spots on her lap, and rays descend from the Sun, Moon and the hands and feet of Hermes floating above, into the child's mouth. Above Hermes is a seven spoked wheel with three birds.

On a large rock Diana is seated with the grey child on her lap. At her feet is a golden pool with a small fire in its middle. A bearded man (vulcan) handles a golden nugget with his tongs and a shovel, while below this pool lies a small Hermes. To the left is a bird with red and white body and black wings. Above the head of the Diana figure a bird rises up, above which is the seven-spoked wheel with another bird atop. The Sun and moon send down their gold and silver radiations on the scene below.

Diana is seated atop a large rock, to the left a red child on the right a white. Below the rock a man holds up a vessel and two red streams pass from the arms of the red child into this vessel. In the heavens above the Sun and Moon radiate down their beams. Hovering above Diana we see Hermes holding an athanor, and a young boy flies below holding the receiving flask, to collect a red liquid. .
Two Vessels, a Tent and Two Worms: A Dark Age Discovery at Dinas Emrys?
The fort at Dinas Emrys in Gwynedd, renowned for its story of the two dragons, was begun in the Iron Age, but was also occupied in the Roman and Early Medieval periods. Southwest of the fort is the pool of the story just cited, an artificial cistern excavated in either the 5th or 6th century A.D. to supply the hill-top with water.

The best interpretation of the text has the two worms inside the tent and the tent inside the two vessels, i.e. the vessels are found set together “mouth to mouth”. Thus the two vessels have to be separated before the tent can be revealed. The worms are wrapped in the tent. Given that by Nennius’s time the word ‘worm’ could denote also a snake or dragon, I happened to recall that great warriors or chieftains in Early Welsh tradition were referred to metaphorically as “dragons”.
The Dragon Tarot
The dragon in the West usually appears in a negative light as the jealous guardian of treasure hoards demanding regular tributes of juicy young virgins as the price for not devastating their neighbouring countryside. But that is far from being the whole story.

Behind the unfriendly tales in which the dragon serves largely as a test of valour for passing knights-errant lies an esoteric tradition of the beast embodying forces of nature that we barely understand.

Most famous and longest-lasting in the sense that many people still believe in them today are water-dragons in the form of sea serpents and lake monsters. Even believers no longer credit them with supernatural powers or human-friendly intelligence, but their persistence shows just how strong the ancient belief was in the reality of these creatures.

Fire dragons or drakes range from the humble and very real salamander which baffled alchemists by its apparent birth in flames (a phenomenon resulting from their fondness for damp logs which, when thrown onto a fire causes them to exit as rapidly as possible), to the multi-headed dragon Typhon that Zeus overcame to seize the throne of heaven on Mt Olympus. He imprisoned it under Mt Etna where Hephaestos or Vulcan, god of fire and blacksmiths, set up his forge so he could learn of its secrets.
The Great Red Dragon
This formidable enemy of the truth is particularly described in Revelation 12:3--

"And there appeared another wonder in heaven, a great red dragon."

The term dragon, according to the associations currently connected with it, is somewhat apt to mislead the reader, by recalling to his mind the fabulous dragons of the Dark Ages, equipped with wings. At the time this Divine description was given, the term dragon had no such meaning among either profane or sacred writers.

"The dragon of the Greeks," says Pausanias, "was only a large snake"; and the context shows that this is the very case here; for what in the third verse is called a "dragon," in the fourteenth is simply described as a "serpent."

The "Serpent of Fire" in the plains of Shinar seems to have been the grand object of worship. There is the strongest evidence that apostasy among the sons of Noah began in fire-worship, and that in connection with the symbol of the serpent.

We have seen already, on different occasions that fire was worshipped as the enlightener and the purifier. Now, it was thus at the very beginning; for Nimrod is singled out by the voice of antiquity as commencing this fire-worship. The identity of Nimrod and Ninus has already been proved; and under the name of Ninus, also, he is represented as originating the same practice.

In a fragment of Apollodorus it is said that "Ninus taught the Assyrians to worship fire." The sun, as the great source of light and heat, was worshipped under the name of Baal. Now, the fact that the sun, under that name, was worshipped in the earliest ages of the world, shows the audacious character of these first beginnings of apostacy.
Amphibious Gods (dragons)
Dagon was the god of the Philistines. The idol was represented in the combination of both man and fish. The name 'Dagon' is derived from 'dag' which means 'fish'. Although there was a deep affection from Dagon's worshippers to their deity, the symbol of a fish in human form was really meant to represent fertility and the vivifying powers of nature and reproduction. His name is a lot like 'Dogon'.
See also: ... 050#p25949
Jalsrud, a prominent local German merchant, also found statues ranging from less than an inch to six feet in length depicting great reptiles, some of them in active association with humans - generally eating them, but in some bizarre statuettes an erotic association was indicated. To observers many of these creatures resembled dinosaurs.
Last edited by lizzie on Sat Sep 19, 2009 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Sep 19, 2009 2:13 pm


(If the link is not working, use cache to read) ... clnk&gl=us
Re investigation of Vulcan's orbital elements offers two sets of possible orbital parameters. Boundary condition for either limits the uncertainty of Vulcan's location and associates it with IRAS object (1732+239). Vulcan may have been this object or within +6.8o/-15.2o in right ascension and +2.81o/-8.94o in declination of it. The probability of fortuitous correlation is about 0.16. Verification of Vulcan's existence can indirectly validate the existence of comet swarms that could soon pass by Earth threatening immense loss of life. Vulcan's astrological aspects at the Dawn of Mankind indicate a propensity for religious wars and possibly extreme stubbornness in our species. Astronomical events relating to Jesus/Christ and Gotama/Buddha are defined.

ASTRO-METRICS, a new planet formation theory has been posted that combines aspects of both general relativity and theology. Previously material posted on this web site suggests that there is a Jovian sized planet or dark star companion to our Sun. This object, dubbed Vulcan, attracts comets from both the Oort cloud or Kuiper belt casting some of them towards Earth. Some fragmented comets form five identified comet swarms that exist in quasi-stable 3:2 resonant orbits. The period of these swarms is about two thirds Vulcan's period, or 3300 years. They alternately pass through the inner solar system striking the Earth, Moon and other inner planets.

Astrological influences are commonly used to describe the personality of human beings, the only species that most would agree are sentient or ensouled. Such forces, however, also govern the formation of sentient species throughout the galaxy as well as Avatars that manifest to support their evolution. Computation of Vulcan's orbital parameters has been attempted using a combination of both physical data and astrological techniques. Specifically, data from the times of manifestation of two Avatars are combined with physical data to derive Vulcan's orbit.

The thesis espoused in this work proposes that astrological aspects of Vulcan with respect to the Sun are present at the time the Avatars manifest on the physical plane. Incidentally, they may color how the avatars are received by mankind.

It is further asserted that astrological aspects of Vulcan at the Dawn of Man (DOM) color the development of our sentient species here on Earth. From the character of human civilization, we can speculate on possible alignments of Vulcan, the Sun and the Galactic center at the DOM.

The Infinite soul directly occupies the host body at the time of the manifestation. There are also four avatars of the transcendental soul including Gandhi’

The Infinite soul can be thought of as the "Essence Twin" to every human being alive at the time of the manifestation, and as such, it has a profound influence on our culture. It is remembered and revered by major segments of the world's population. Since it manifests in a human body, that human's body type is identical with it at the time of manifestation.

These manifestation times can be employed to determine Vulcan's ephemeredes. Additionally, the tenor of mankind's collective group mind may be defined by astrological aspects computed from the relative locations of Vulcan, the galactic center and the Vernal equinox at the Dawn of Mankind (the beginning of sentient Homo Sapiens). This verifies the precision of Vulcan orbital parameters and precisely defines the time of the Dawn of Mankind. Admittedly, this is an unusual way to find a new planet (actually our Sun's dark star companion) but it leads to testable results and boundary conditions that can be calculated from known astronomical and archeological data. Considering the danger that a Vulcan induced comet swarm could present to Earth (as well as that indicated by past evidences of related comet strikes), a search for the swarm's casual agent (Vulcan) should be quickly undertaken.

Astrological considerations are employed to define the location of Vulcan when an avatar of the infinite soul manifests in a human body. For both Christ and Buddha, it is "unfortunate" to have to visit the physical plane. Gandhi, an avatar of the transcendental soul, considered Earth (or the physical plane) to be hell!
Yarbro claims mankind as we know it today became ensouled about 50 to 60 thousand years ago. This estimate is further supported by archeological data defining the earliest known human culture, the Mousterian culture - GrN 2572, from an excavation around the Mussolini Canal in Italy. 31 It was dated to 55,950 +/-500 BC. It is interesting to notice that around this time, the galactic center was opposite (in right ascension) the Vernal equinox. Astrologically speaking, the galactic center must be conjunct or opposite the Vernal equinox to support the formation of a sentient species.

The Dawn of Mankind (DOM) occurred when mankind changed from an animal species (governed by an exterior soul) to an EILF with beings having an internal soul. The transition from group to individual soul came in the spring because there had to be a smooth transition between man (the animal) and man (the ensouled creature of reason). Thereafter, men were born with an indwelling soul. The formation of a sentient species is somewhat the same as the formation of an Avatar (such as the Infinite soul which is the "Essence Twin" to all humanity). A sentient species is a primitive physical manifestation of an avatar. It is basically the group spirit of an organism that is being ensouled (Homo Sapiens in our case).

Should the Sun, Vulcan and the galactic center be at some astrological aspect to one another at the DOM, it can influence the entire tenor of mankind. Squares (90o) and opposites (180o) are unfavorable aspects (afflictions) manifesting fears in our collective EILF (or group mind). Trines (120o), sextiles (60o) and conjunctions (0o) are favorable aspects.

Human civilizations often do not last long. Sometimes they are brought to an untimely end by a comet strike. But our sentient species chose Earth with its inherent risks of frequent comet strikes. In a way, it was mankind's choice that has "done in" these past civilizations because we chose such a dangerous planet to incarnate on. Other star systems, with relatively close binary stars (like 61 Cygni), may not have this "long period comet strike" problem.

The Vernal equinox is postulated to be required to be opposite the galactic center at the Dawn of Mankind. Archeological data supports this assumption with one of the earliest finds at 55,950 +/-500 BC. The Dawn Of Mankind appears to be around 55,655 to 55,680 BC (if mankind is formed with Vulcan in a near C"EV type orbit) or 55,755 to 55790 (if mankind is formed with Vulcan in a near C*EV orbit) compared to a theoretical value of 55,752.7 BC.

Both sets of orbit elements indicate that Vulcan forms a simple astrological square with the galactic center at this time, exerting a negative influence on all of humanity. Since Vulcan is a "spiritual" planet (aiding in the formation of avatars and the ensoulment of mankind), and we are a warrior species, the negative influence of the square results in a plethora of religious wars. Discovery and public revelation of Vulcan's existence and this astrological square could possibly lead to the understanding of (and even the curtailing of) these religious wars (which can now be horrific due to the existence of Weapons of Mass Destruction).


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Sep 19, 2009 8:30 pm

Vulcan, the Red Sun, the Smoky God, the Secret Sun; Saturn the Black Sun, the Dark God

The Secret Sun ... issom.html
And the identification of the master-builder Vulcans with Tibetans accords perfectly well with Blavatsky and the Theosophists calling these Secret Chiefs the "Tibetan Masters".

It's always been particularly strange that while Earth seems to have essentially embraced scientific materialism, this is far from normal in the Trek universe. The Vulcans and Klingons, for instance, both hold the most elaborate religious beliefs, and these civilizations are assumed to be many centuries more advanced from that of Earth. Not only that, but these beliefs are shown to be perfectly real, as shown in STIII; and B'Elanna even visits the Klingon underworld in an episode of Voyager! And of course, it's the entire plot of DS9.

Perhaps there is an analogue in the current exoteric promotion of science and technology in the public sphere, while the esoteric subtext says something else entirely.
From being originally god of fire, Hephæstus naturally developed into god of those arts and industries dependent on fire, especially the arts of pottery and working in metal. He was the artist god who worked in a smoky smithy down in the heart of burning mountains, and produced clever works of dazzling beauty, which he gave away freely to gods and to favorite heroes. The wife of Hephæstus, according to the Iliad, was Charis, but the popular belief in later times assigned that place to Aphroditē [Venus].
Hephaestus or Vulcan - Artisan of the Gods
The Greek god of the forge and subterranean fire, the master craftsman, and the only god who worked or suffered from physical deformity, Hephaestus was ugly in appearance but a creator of beauty. A skilled blacksmith and artisan, he was most known for his devotion to his forge, where he crafted not only decorative jewelry, drinking vessels, furniture, but also weapons (including Zeus' thunderbolts) and armor for the gods and heroes.
In Roman mythology, Hephaestus was known as Vulcan (which means fire), and was the god of volcanic fire; he was also called Mulsiber. Because people feared the devastations of uncontrollable fires, temples to Vulcan were built outside of town. According to the Romans, his smoky, flaming workshop was inside Mount Etna, the Sicilian volcano. Hephaestus’s festival in Rome, known as Vulcanilia, was celebrated on August 23 (the first day of Virgo) to protect people from destructive fire.
Hephaestus, the god of fire, especially the blacksmith's fire, was the patron of all craftsmen, principally those working with metals. He was worshiped predominantly in Athens, but also in other manufacturing centres. He was the god of volcanoes. Later, the fire within them represented the smith's furnace.
Astrological Rulerships
Rulership is an extremely important issue and those who say otherwise don't know what they're talking about. Double rulership is also a failsafe or backup system for a degenerated humanity that only uses half of its potential, and this has been the case for thousands of years now.

Uranus rules Aquarius, leaving Saturn to Capricorn and bringing our total to eight. Neptune rules Pisces, leaving Sagittarius to Jupiter and bringing our total to nine. Pluto rules Scorpio leaving Mars to Aries and bringing our total to ten. Earth rules Libra, leaving Venus to Taurus and bringing our total to eleven. One more body is unaccounted for which we shall name X.

There are many contenders for the status of planet X. One is intra-Mercurial Vulcan. Another is Lilith, supposedly a second moon of the Earth. Then there is Ceres, largest of the asteroids between Mars and Jupiter. There is also the planetoid Chiron discovered in 1977 between Saturn and Uranus. Finally there are all those hypothetical bodies beyond Neptune, most of them in the Kuiper belt. These include the Uranians, Isis, Persephone, Morya, Lion, Q, Nemesis, and a host of others. Some, like Quaoar, Sedna, and Xena are not so hypothetical, but do they have any real astrological influence? Remember, the total number of planets must be twelve, including Sun, Moon, and Earth. This means that only one more member will be accepted as the legitimate ruler of Virgo (or Gemini).

While everyone is looking beyond Pluto, it seems few are looking closer to home. What about the Midheaven? Is it not a legitimate astrological influence? If so, it must have a body to back it up. All real astrological influences have a solid visible body as their source -no exception. So where does the Midheaven influence come from? This is a great mystery until one realizes that our planet is hollow and contains an inner central sun. The Ascendant influence comes from the Earth's shell wherein lies its center of gravity. This is why the ascendant is always measured at the horizon. The Midheaven, on the other hand, is measured as the highest point of the ecliptic intersected by the individual's meridian of birth. In other words, the center of the sky is also the center of the planet. And located right at the inner center of our planet is a small reddish sun some 600 to 700 miles in diameter. This sun, which Olaf Janssen describes as a "planet" in the book The Smokey God, is the power behind the Midheaven! Could this also be Zechariah Sitchin's twelfth planet (or what's left of it)?

Unfortunately, Earth's hidden sun is only emitting a fraction of its true power. In the book The Hollow Earth by Rudy Rucker, our inner central sun is described as being covered by huge slipper-like creatures who are feeding off of its energy and who call themselves the Elder Ones (they claim to be millions of years old). Personally, I believe they are nothing but parasites who are weakening the planet and all life on it. If they were somehow to be removed the energy of the planet would probably increase tenfold, and so would the quality of life on this planet. In fact I believe that they are eaters (for that is their basic pastime) and that they are responsible for our own degenerative habits.
The Hidden Empire
The word Naga is rooted in Sanskrit and means "Serpent". In the East Indian pantheon it is connected with the Serpent Spirit and the Dragon Spirit. It has an equivalency to the Burmese Nats, or god-serpents. In the Esoteric Tradition it is synonymous for Adepts, or Initiates. In India and Egypt, and even in Central and South America, the Naga stands for one who is wise.

In the Western traditions we find the same ubiquity for the Naga, or Serpent. One simple example is the Ancient Greek Goddess, Athena. She is known as a warrior Goddess as well as the Goddess of Wisdom; her symbol being the Serpent as displayed on her personal shield. She made the transition from snake-headed Medusa with roots in Africa to respected icon of Athens. Of course, in Genesis the Serpent is a Naga who [genetically] engineers Adam’s fall from Grace.

All over the world, there are tales of the underground cities and networks.

The mountainous Andes have been known through myth and legend as one of the access points for vast underground subterranean cities, the domain of inner-earth beings who from time to time, emerge from their lower worlds onto Earth's surface. These ancient legends speak of vast networks of tunnels criss-crossing the entire length and breadth of the planet linking an Empire of inner worlds and Civilisations. Traditions of vaults, labyrinths and buried treasures of remote antiquity are found in Crete, Egypt, Tibet, Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivia, Scotland, Germany, Norway and Peru. Inca prophecy tells of the upper, middle, and lower worlds, and other realities.'
Masonic Forum of Light – Saturn ... hread=1780
You're probably thinking to your selves my brothers - this is all really interesting, but what the hell does it have to do with our fraternity, our MASONIC fraternity?

We are told that our ancestors built the Gothic Cathedrals in Europe. It was Saint Bernard - the guy that helped found the Templars that actually came up with the new form of architecture we now call the Gothic Style. And it was Templars who supplied the money to built these structure, working with a band of Stone Masons who called themselves the Sons of Solomon. Each Gothic Cathedral in France lines up with the stars in the constellation VIRGO.

Now we saw that "Boaz" and "Jachin" are associated with a pre-deluge world. We saw that our man "Tubal Cain" is not only associated with a pre-deluge world, but built really big structures in the ground and on the surface. We saw that the "Pillars of Enoch" line up with Orion...locking in the date 10,500 BC. I will show you now how the Gothic Cathedrals in France and its celestial counterpart VIRGO ties into our Order: VIRGO holds in her right hand a sprig, or a branch (Virgo is the Virgin that weeps by the broken pillar in the monument erected to Hiram). This sprig is the star Spica. By the way, our olden brothers that built Washinton DC made sure that every building and structure in DC was built with Spica in certain key positions in the sky. That sprig she holds in Arabic culture is a shaft of wheat called SUNBULLAH - meaning a SHAFT OF WHEAT. In Hebrew SUNBULLAH is "SHIBOLETH" meaning a shaft of wheat or ear of corn (corn in Britain is grain, they call our corn maze). Each brother should recognize Shiboleth and know what it means.

So, what are the odds that all FOUR of these words are associated with the same theme of pre-deluge worlds, lost paradises, megalithic structures lined up with geometric temples? And if you take a closer look at our Square and Compass you see the same theme. The Compass - Heaven; the Square earth...or as Jesus put it (which he got from the Egyptian Hermes): As above (heaven): so below (earth)...which alludes to the stars in heaven lining up with its earthly counterpart...and even our Solomon's Temple has its celestial counterpart...THAT HOUSE NOT MADE WITH HANDS, ETERNAL IN THE HEAVENS.

Now we will go deeper into Freemasonry and take a look at Father Time that stands behind the Virgin counting the ringlets of her hair, as she weeps over the broken collomn.

He is Cronos or Saturn. The shape of our conjoined Square and Compass or interlocked V's forms the old SIGIL OF SATURN. And there is one more sign associated with Saturn in our Fraternity: the Triple Tau found in the Royal Arch Degree. It looks like a capital T and capital H conjoined. The triple tau cross during the age of Enlightenment in Europe was associated with Saturn; and if we lowercase the H and T we instantly see a recognizable astrological sign - the astrological sign for the planet Saturn. Our Square is a superface square, and the compass encircles the square with a circle. The square in a circle is a hieroglyph. The square is a city, the circle a wall. The Old Persian word for a Walled City is PARADIS where we get our word paradise from obviously. The Roman god Saturn was associated with a paradise world called The Golden Age. I have some quotes of Saturn’s Golden Age here for you to read:

Saturn's Golden Age. Saturn is the Roman god of agriculture concerned with the sowing of the seeds. He is regarded as the father of Jupiter, Ceres, Juno and many others. His wife is the goddess Ops. Jupiter supposedly chased him away and he was taken in by the god Janus in Latium where he introduced agriculture and viniculture. This event heralded a period of peace, happiness and prosperity, the Golden Age. Alchemical lead represents the planet Saturn, and it corresponding metal, lead. Alchemically, lead was the prima matera, or primal matter, from whence matter is born, and represented putrification and decay.

A golden age is a temporal term originated from early Greek and Roman poets. The term refers to a time when mankind lived in a utopia and was pure and/or immortal. It usually ends with a devastating event, identified to the Fall of Man. Some Utopianist beliefs, both political and religious, hold that the Golden Age will return.

The age that man later called the Age of Kronos (Saturn) was remembered with nostalgia as an age of bliss. References to the Age of Kronos in the ancient lore are very numerous.

So now even our Square and Compass is associated with Paradise and a Pre-deluvian world. During Saturn’s reign the earth was said to have been perfect: her axis was said to be a perfect PERPENDICULAR (the Plumb) and not tilted; her plane of orbit said to be perfectly SQUARE (the master’s Square); her equator was said to be perfectly LEVEL (the SW's tool). In this condition there was only one season - eternal spring. But sadly Saturn lost his throne and the Golden Age was lost.

Our Order and Ritual says that the secrets of a Master Mason are lost until a future age will discover it. What we lost was Paradise, and the innocent nature each man had in his soul and heart which made the Golden Age possible. The olden day Masons in Europe were all Utopianists, who were tired of the oppression, and rule of priest and king. We are "Masons" not because we ever actually built anything, nor are builders now; we are "Masons" because we are building or rebuilding what we lost, wherein each of us is a living stone...a refined, perfect and polishes ashlar. This is the "Great Work." Our olden brothers back in Europe were also "Alchemists." They were no crazy guys believing that they could actually turn lead into gold. It is a social alchemy, an alchemy of the heart and soul. To turn the Lead (which is associated with Saturn) of our present condition, in heart and society, to Gold, that is to say a another Golden Age. And look closely at world history, you will see the fingerprints of Freemasons in almost every significant affair...especially the founding of America.

Both TubalCain (Vulcan) and Hiram Abiff in the Bible were actually associated with metal, and Metallurgy...they were "WORKERS IN BRASS." Like Vulcan was a "WORKER OF METAL". It seems strange that a guild of stone masons and brick layers should make blacksmiths or hammermen central figures in their ritual. A "worker in metal" is another way to say an alchemist. And what actually has the power to turn Lead into Gold? The Philosopher's Stone, said to be a white Cube...our Perfect Ashlar...and the CUBE is associated also with Saturn.

Now for the North Pole alluded to in our Dark North Side. It is probably the strangest legend I have ever read or encountered, but it has many coincidental parallels with Freemasonry. Remember the Temple our ritual describes was located so far north of the ecliptic that the sun couldn't reach it and when the sun was at meridian height, it was way south as the sun is south in our lodge. This Temple our ritual speaks of is a different Solomon's Temple, one in the North Pole, not the one in Jerusalem. The Latin word TEMPLI HIEROSALIMA has two meanings, "Temple of Jerusalem" or "Temple of the Holy Mound." What Solomon's Temple is located in the North Pole? Or is there any legend and or even story of a Temple being in the North Pole? And is there a symbol of any kind in Freemasonry that is associated with the North Pole? There is...or was.

The Big Dipper which revolves around Polaris looks like a Square. This Polar Square is a Swastika if you consider its stations in the cardinal points. The swastika was actually a symbol used in the Royal Arch degree before the Nazis came. It was retired from use for obvious reasons after they came. The Masonic swastica represents a double S (SS); yet another sad thing was once shared with the Nazis. Our double S stood for two things related to Freemasonry: Sanctum Sanctorum (Holy of Holies) which is the Chamber where we were made Master Masons and which housed the Ark; and it stood for "SIGILLUM SOLOMANIS"Â which means the Mark or Sign of Solomon...which is the swastika itself. Coincidently SS in German is SWARTS SON which mean Black Sun. The Black Son is a title of Saturn. This sigil of Solomon represented the North Pole. The same constellation in the Vedas is called Tula meaning a Balance or Scale and is said to represent the North Pole in the Vedic Scriptures. Why would a Mark of Solomon be associated with the North Pole, and why would our Temple of Solomon be associated with the same region? ... 855#p22431 ... 855#p22436 ... 855#p22537


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Sep 19, 2009 9:30 pm

Alchemy and Philosophic Mercury

Alchemy – The Great Work ... m#Contents
Jesus said: "Let him who seeks
continue seeking until he finds.
When he finds,
he will become troubled.
When he becomes troubled,
he will be astonished,
and he will rule over the All."
The Gospel of Thomas, verse 2


The acronym V.I.T.R.I.O.L.U.M., used in alchemical literature, is formed by the Latin expression "Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem Veram Medicinam", what means "Visit the interior of the earth, and by rectifying you will find the hidden stone which is the true medicine".

Thus we are invited to descend into the earth, into the underworld, or the unconscious. The earth is the symbol of physical man. Once attention is directed inwards, a whole new world opens: the underworld of Hades, the dark realm of shadows and monsters.

Primitive people performed their initiations in darkness or under the ground, like in caves. The initiation itself was symbolized by the penetration of the belly of the Great Mother, or of the body of a sea monster or wild animal.

In alchemy, the entrance into the unconscious is represented by the entrance into caves, by reports of travels to the underworld or strange parts of the world.

In alchemy, when working with (symbolic) metals, lead is used as initial material. The alchemists say that in lead there is a demon that can cause insanity. Lead as a metal is under the rulership of Saturn. Lead, the most impure metal, needs to be transformed into the pure metal, gold. In general, lead means impurity, the impure body, or impure man.

After the alchemist has entered the earth, he must rectify (rectificando).

The sun and the moon are the opposites in man that have to be united. The chalice is the alchemical 'vas' or vat, symbol for the body. The planetary signs represent different stages of the alchemical process. The double eagle is Mercury, the lion is Sulfur and the star is Salt, the three ingredients of the process.

The Dragon

In alchemy the dragon corresponds closely with what Carl Gustav Jung called the Shadow. The dragon always resides in caves, and thus in the earth, the underworld, and the unconscious. When the dragon leaves his cave he devours virgins. It is our inner emotional dragon that destroys our virgin consciousness, as when he appears in the conscious, expressing negativity, like envy, jealousy, hate and so on.

If we want to save the pureness of consciousness (the virgin), the dragon has to be killed.

The dead dragon undergoes a transmutation. The dead dragon is not an end, but the beginning of the Great Work. From the dead dragon, vapors and volatile substances arise, often seen in alchemical images. In other terms, the earth is partly being transformed into water, it ascends as vapor.

Some sources say that in the head of the dragon is a stone, a clear reference to the rough stone, or ‘prima materia’ (first matter).

Killing the dragon also refers to a cosmic happening. It is the penetration of the ‘prima materia’ as primal ocean, or primal chaos by the secret fire or the divine spirit. The fiery serpent emanated fire and light into the primal waters. When the dragon (or serpent, as the cat of Ra the sun god cut off the head of the serpent Apophis) is killed, the original chaos ceased and the process of cosmic evolution started.
Nigredo – Blackness ... my%202.htm
Nigredo, or blackness, in the alchemical sense, means putrefaction, decomposition. By the penetration of the external fire, the inner fire is activated and the matter starts to putrefy. The body is reduced to its primal matter from which it originally arose.

The Peacock’s Tail

‘Cauda Pavonis’, the peacock’s tail, or the peacock itself, is a phase in which many colors appear. Many alchemists place this phase before albedo, whiteness, although some of them place it after albedo.

The peacock’s tail can have two meanings in the Great Work. It can be the collection and totality of all colors in the white light. The second meaning is that it represents the failure of the alchemical process.

Albedo – Whiteness

Being deep in nigredo, a white light appears. We have arrived at the second stage of the Great Work: albedo, or whiteness. The alchemist has discovered within himself the source from which his life comes forth. The source is one: male and female are united. In alchemical images we see a fountain from which two streams of water flow into one basin. Albedo is also symbolized by the morning star Venus/Aphrodite. Venus has a special place in the Great Work. In ancient times Lucifer was identified with the planet Venus.

Rubedo –Redness

Albedo is a phase of which the meaning was kept secret for many centuries. The meaning of the third alchemical phase, rubedo or redness, is even more secret and not easy to explain or understand.

Rubedo is the continuation of albedo. That is why they are often seen connected to each other, like the White Queen and the Red King. Once the inner light has been discovered it must be made into the only reality in our consciousness. The union of the Red King with the White Queen is symbolic of the union of male-female, albedo-rubedo.
Gold ... hemy_5.htm
The alchemists often talk about ‘living gold’. The ‘living gold of the philosophers’ is the pure fire that is in the philosopher’s stone, or in quicksilver, or in the root humidity of nature which is completely penetrated by the fire. The living gold is the fixated seed that vivifies the philosopher’s quicksilver and the matter of the stone that is the root humidity of metals.

The Philosopher’s Stone

From the 12th century on alchemists talked about an ‘agens’ that is necessary for the transmutation. This agens had many names but the most well-known is the ‘philosopher’s stone’. Other names are: the philosophical powder, the great elixir, the quintessence. This philospher’s stone could transmute metals into gold.

The Elixir and the Tincture

In alchemical terms, the body is reduced into a quicksilver water from which the elixir is then made. In other words a vivifying spirit is made. The elixir is the same as the philosopher’s stone, but the alchemists use the term elixir to talk primarily about its energetic and healing properties.

According to some alchemists, the elixir is the second phase in the Great Work, while the tincture is the third phase. As the second phase is albedo, or whiteness, the tincture is also called white tincture. It is the state of cooked or digested matter that has now gained a white color. When it is projected onto metals it changes them into silver. It is a medicine for plants and minerals.

The red elixir corresponds with the third phase, rubedo or redness. The red elixir is the perfect stone. The Arab alchemists just called it elixir, meaning ‘yeast’. Yeast makes dough rise, what in the philosophical sense means ‘multiplication’. In relation to the elixir, it makes spiritual energy multiply and therefore it works in a healing way in living beings. The elixir cures all ailments, and makes all imperfect metals (like the organs, cells…) perfect (it makes them healthy again).

The term tincture is used for its penetrating quality. The tincture is the last degree of transmutation of the natural bodies. It brings all imperfect things to their perfection.
One Operation ... hemy_4.htm
The alchemists often repeat that the entire alchemical work is only one process

In the beginning of the work it is called dissolution because the central fire, that has been stirred, is transforming the earth into water. The dissolution is the reduction of the fixed and dry into the essence of water. The fixed has been made fluid. The fluid is also called quicksilver and prima materia or first matter.

By this continuous warming or cooking, distillation happens. The water evaporates and become more subtle with each cycle of distillation. The vapors cool and condense. The condensed water descends and penetrates the earth. The process is repeated again and again.

After distillation fixation or coagulation happens. Fixation is the inseparable union of the fixed and the volatile, or sulfur and quicksilver, into a matter that that is so durable that it is unassailable to the fire. But in the mean while one continues the warming of the matter

Some alchemists place the planets with each successive stage of the Great Work. Although the distillation remains the same during the entire process, in symbolical terms, the alchemist ascends from the planet Saturn towards the planet Mercury. He starts with Saturn, the coldest and heaviest planet, the traditional evil-doer, the god of time and death. Mercury is the lightest planet and is next to the sun, bathing in the light and warmth of that star. Here the alchemist discovers eternal youth.

When the alchemist thus ascends throughout the planets, he transforms their characteristics in himself. Each planet corresponds with certain psychological characteristics.

The Great Work can be found in its entirety in the Egyptian myth of Osiris. Osiris was a god-king who was locked up in a chest by his brother Seth. Seth is the symbol of the powers of decomposition, the fire that causes putrefaction. The chest is the alchemical ‘vas’, or vessel. The chest was closed with nails and lead (lead is the metal of nigredo, or blackness). Then, Seth threw the chest into the ocean. The ocean is the alchemical water, or the second stage of the Great Work, when the earth has been reduced to water. The ocean itself is a symbol of the prima materia to which the matter has been reduced. The chest eventually washed ashore under a tamarind tree. The tamarind is also a symbol of the second stage, albedo or whiteness, because of its white blossom. Isis, the wife of Osiris finds the chest and brings it back to Egypt. This is the coagulation of condensation. By her magical powers she is able to receive the seed of Osiris and gives birth to Horus. Here the alchemical seed of matter has been found, and a new birth takes place, that of a pure consciousness.
The Ingredients ... htm#Sulfur

Inside gold is the alchemical Sun. Inside the Sun is an active substance, sulfur. Sometimes alchemists equal sulfur with the Sun. Sulfur is the spirit of life. Sulfur is of a twofold nature: white and red sulfur. White sulfur is the substance of the Great Work at the phase of Whiteness, and red sulfur at the stage of redness. In general sulfur is the symbol for the active principle in the Great Work


No alchemical symbol is so confusing as Mercury. As sulphur is the symbol for the active principle, mercury is the symbol of the passive principle. It is the highest divinity, but also a devil. It is used to symbolize certain aspects of the alchemical work, but at the same time it is them all. The alchemists often speak about mercury in the form of the god Mercury, whom we encounter in their engravings and paintings.

Usually mercury is used in its chemical form, quicksilver.

In his aspect of fire, Mercury is the sole fire in the entire process. He is the working force in the Great Work. He is an ‘invisible, secretly working fire’. He is the fire of hell, the infernal fire in the earth. Mercury is the spirit of man that works in the lower aspects of being, and thus is looked upon as an infernal fire.

In his air aspect, he is the spirit, the air, the wind that is present everywhere in Nature and vivifies everything. He is ‘the spirit of truth hidden in the earth’.

As hermaphrodite he unifies the sexes within himself. He is both the helper and trickster, Lucifer and Christ. When depicted as a dragon, he is flying and without wings. He is bride and groom. It is obvious that Mercury contains and unifies duality. He is Ouroboros, the serpent-dragon that bites in his own tail, representing the circle and unity, eternity, where the beginning and the end coincide. He is the alpha and omega.

He is called the ‘prima materia’, the chaos, the rough stone at the beginning of the Great Work. As Saturn he initiates putrefaction, but also gives immortality. At the same time he is the goal of the Great Work, the philosopher’s stone, the elixir of life, the philosophical gold. Mercury is the process of transmutation.


Salt is the third element in the trinity of the alchemical substances in the Great Work. As mercury is the water aspect, sulfur is the fiery aspect, so is salt the form aspect (salt is a crystalline form, or crystallized energy). So it is also a name for the ‘prima materia’, for the stone of the philosophers. The alchemists say that in its lower aspect salt is ‘bitter’. Here salt is symbol for knowledge and wisdom. Self-knowledge is bitter, painful. Sometimes they speak of the bitter ‘sea water’. As water or the sea stands for the soul, it is a reference to the same self-knowledge.

Salt is also seen as a symbol for the second phase of the Great Work, albedo, or whiteness, because here light breaks through, and thus also wisdom.

In the beginning of the Great Work, the salt is called impure. Here it equals the earth, the body, our every day consciousness or being. The impure salt has to be dissolved (‘solutio’) into the divine water (quicksilver, or ‘prima materia’), by which it is purified. In albedo salt arises as a pure form and fixated, that is crystallized into a pure salt.
Sacred Marriage ... hemy_6.htm
Some alchemists claim there are three coniunctio’s, but coniunctio by itself can be interpreted in many ways.

Alchemy knows a lot of opposite images, like water and fire, dryness and wetness, warmth and cold, the volatile and the fixed, the bodily and the spiritual, the Sun and the Moon, gold and silver, circle and square and so on. The union of these opposites already constitutes a coniunctio. Coniunctio is also the union of divine or spiritual energies with earthly energies.

Coniunctio provides this transcendence into unity by the process of dissolution of the body into water.

Dorn said there are three coniunctio’s. The first coniunctio happens with ‘separatio’ or ‘distractio’. The soul separates itself from the body when man becomes conscious of those two. The soul and the spirit are uniting, which he calls ‘unio mentalis’. As man is now conscious of his body as separated from his soul and spirit, it is a voluntary death of the body, for example one does not express its negative impulses.

The second coniunctio is the unio mentalis combined with the purified body.

The third coniunctio is the combination of the spirit-soul-body with the ‘unus mundus’. "The unus mundus is the potential world of the first day of creation when nothing existed ‘in actu’, that is in Two or multiplicity, but only of One." It is an entrance into unity, where one experiences everything as one.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Sep 20, 2009 9:44 am

ASTROLOGY – Why call the Sun's dark star companion (a Protostar) Vulcan?
It is called Vulcan because theosophists like Max Heindel and Madam Blavatsky called it Vulcan. Further, they offered enough clues so we could define its orbit.


Astrology is a science that links the stars to sentient beings on planets. The ASTROMETRIC concept postulates that a connectivity between astral and physical space occurs at black hole boundaries (Schwarzschild singularities) within the space-time continuum. It postulates that the major astronomical bodies are seeded by a small primordial black hole, and the binary rotation of a pair of these black holes spin off seeds that form planets and satellites within any solar system.


The same procedure that forms planets also generates the spiritual resources needed to form sentient life within those solar systems that can support life. Physics problems are often solved with the aid of analogies. Before the rapid development of digital computers, there were electrical analog computers that were used by engineers to solve differential equations. An analog method was used to define the role of Vulcan in forming the sentient species of mankind analogous to the way the Moon is used in the formation sentient individual beings. Consider these following references points:


Thus as the Moon measures the tides of the earth, so also does she measure the soul's passage from the shores of eternity through the waters of the womb to the world of time. Thus the distance traveled by the New Moon during the prenatal period of gestation in the mother's womb and the distance traveled by the progressed Moon during the twenty-one years of post-natal development in the womb of Mother Nature correspond exactly.
The Moon, orbiting the Earth is associated with the spirit journey mankind undertakes as he incarnates on Earth for a given life-time. By analogy, Vulcan orbiting the Sun gives rise to sentient species within our solar system.


Our solar system embraces a total of ten Schemes. Mars, Mercury and the Moon are members of the Earth Scheme (according to Bailey, Besant and Leadbeater; Blavatsky disagrees); the sacred planets, Vulcan, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have their own evolutionary Schemes.


Vulcan [from Latin Vulcanus] - Astronomers at times have suspected the existence of a planet nearer the sun than Mercury, basing this upon perturbations of more than one kind observed in connection with Mercury and its orbit. (These perturbations have since been explained by relativity. A Sun-spot was once thought to be Vulcan).

Long ago the name Vulcan was suggested for this hypothetical planet. It has been recorded that on March 26, 1859, a body was seen to be making a transit across the solar disk, yet nothing has been seen of this body since that time, although search has been made for it. Theosophy teaches that there is a planet, at present generally invisible to human scrutiny, closer to the sun than Mercury, and that it became generally invisible to human sight during the third root-race, after the fall of mankind into physical generation. The ancients spoke of seven sacred planets, and the Sun was often enumerated as a substitute or blind for this planet. Vulcan is so far away and dark that it is almost invisible unless special techniques are used to observe it.


The qualities of the ascending sign describe the future direction of the soul or new qualities that we are developing.

Aries = Mercury
Taurus = Vulcan
Gemini = Venus
Cancer = Neptune
Leo = Sun
Virgo = Moon
Libra = Uranus
Scorpio = Mars
Sagittarius = Earth
Capricorn = Saturn
Aquarius = Jupiter
Pisces = Pluto


Here is the GM's guide to the Companions. Like Earth, form Praedia seven bodies stand out in the heavens: the Sun, Moon, and 5 visible planets. Long ago, there was once a 2nd moon, but it is no more. So Seven is an important Number.

Traveller-star or trickster-star (equivalent of Mercury)
Twilight star, hunter star (Venus-equivalent)
Mars, the Blood-star
Vulcan (Jupiter), the Maker
Saturn, the dark-star, the star of Mysteries

Well, almost; how about:

Mercury, the traveler star
Venus, the twilight star
Mars, the Blood-star
(Jupiter), the Maker
Saturn, the star of Mysteries
Vulcan, the dark-star

Steiner's Occult Cosmology

Everything is explained within a series of cosmic cycles: the Old Saturn, Old Sun, Old Moon, and Earth eras, and three future ones; each of which possesses certain characteristics:

1. Old Saturn: Solar System single mass; densest substance "warmth"
2. Old Sun: Sun, Moon, and Earth single mass; densest substance "air" (or gaseous)
3. Old Moon: Earth and Moon single mass; densest substance "water" (or liquid)
4. Earth: Present world; densest substance "earth" (or solid) during its densest substances
5. "Jupiter") future increasingly
6. "Venus") spiritualised worlds
7. "Vulcan") reverse of previous stages


Vulcan's orbit is computed from both physical and astrological data. Thus, possible astrological configurations occurring at the Dawn Of Mankind are examined and utilized to verify the astrological procedure. The astrological data is associated with the manifestation of the Infinite soul avatars, specifically Christ and Buddha. Forming Infinite Soul avatars is similar to forming an entire sentient species. Thus, possible astrological configurations occurring at the Dawn Of Mankind are examined and utilized to verify the astrological procedure.


There are 7 levels within each Soul Age. The Transcendental and Infinite levels are experienced after the cycle of physical incarnations. Transcendental and Infinite Souls may occasionally incarnate to act as teachers. For instance, Jesus the Christ was an incarnation of the Infinite Soul.


The Infinite Soul has come to balance 35 times. Of those times, they have manifested upon Earth only 7. They (the cetaceans) have had their "messiahs" and prophets, and in two instances they have formed a belief system around the one who was the manifestation of the Infinite Soul. For they, like you, either create gods of those they do not understand, or they kill them. Sometimes you (all of you) do both. The times of manifestation of the Infinite Soul in the Christ and Buddha avatar as well as the transcendental soul in the Gandhi avatar has been used to define Vulcan's orbital parameters.


Who is this so-called Christ?" I asked. "They call him Maitreya, a Buddhist name, meaning 'The Solar Logos', who is said to be next to Lucifer in the spiritual hierarchy." Christ is associated with the "Solar Logos".


Christ is wisdom itself, he is the Solar Logos, whose physical body is the Sun. Christ walks with his Sun, in the same manner as the human soul walks with his body of flesh and blood, Christ is the light of the Sun.

Christ is associated with the Sun. Since Christ is an Infinite Soul, aspects between Vulcan and the Sun occur at His manifestation. Christ and Buddha are both known to manifest at daybreak. So Vulcan and the Sun must be then aligned at daybreak. This alignment forms the astrological "rising sign" for the avatar.


Note that the "stages" named in the above reading make use of language drawn from Cayce's astrological characterization of the planets: "mind" (Mercury), "wrath" (Mars), "flesh" (Earth), "love" Venus), "death" (Saturn), "Psychic" (Uranus), "mystic" (Neptune), and "consciousness" ("Septimus" or Pluto).

Cayce is close, except that it should be "consciousness" (Vulcan). Vulcan is what as astrologically brought consciousness to all mankind and all cetaceans as well.

VULCAN (the name)

Vulcan is the name of several different things, derived from the name of the Roman god of fire and volcanoes, who made weapons for the other gods.

Vulcan, a hypothetical planet between Mercury and the Sun
Vulcan, a god in Roman mythology
Vulcan, the planet and the race in Star Trek
Vulcan of the alchemists primary 'deity' associated with Paracelsian alchemy
Astronomers seized on Theosophy's Vulcan and since the name implied warmth, thought it must be near the Sun.


The red star, which when the stars of the night are finished, bisects the heavens and stands there whence the south wind comes, this star is the god Nibiru-Marduk" - The Babylonian Astrolabe. When the stars of Enlil have disappeared the great faint star, which bisects the heavens and stands, is Marduk-Nibiru SAG>ME>GAR; he (the god) changes his position and wanders over heavens." "12 Stars of Elam, Akkad and Amurru"


Possibly by alien (angel) contact, an African tribe, the Dogons, had known about the Sirius star system 3000-4000 years ago. The anthropologists (Marcel Griaule, Germaine Dieterlen) published their article in "Journal De La Société Des Africainistes" in 1950.

The Dogons knowledge included:

That the Sirius star system, most important (brightest?) star in the sky, - "po tolo" is made of the heaviest metal. Sirius B (a white dwarf made of dense matter) was discovered in 1970; that the Sirius star system had a third star - "Emme ya". Sirius C was discovered in 1995.


The Nommos knew of previous meteorite strikes on Earth However strange this may sound, we have another evidence of a fantastically deep historical memory of the Dogon: they know quite well that the Lake Bosumtwi in Ghana was formed when a giant meteorite fell on the Earth [2, p. 1961]. According to the results of a special investigation, this infall happened not later than 1.3, or even 1.6, million years ago. It is rather doubtful that somebody, living then on our planet (it was the epoch of Homo habilis and maybe of the early Pithecanthropus), could have retained this information and conveyed it to the future Homo sapiens. This knowledge may also be of paleovisit origin.


Did an ancient Bronze Artifact record Nibiru?
Dagon - Nommo from Sirius
Coded into Numbers and Deuteronomy

If you want to know what all this is about it is worth reading "The Sirius Mystery" by Robert Temple. There is also a great deal of detail on the Noah Page ( of the Vulcan website See also this website:

The Dogon and the Nommo (
The Dogon said the star Sirius was orbited by the "smallest and heaviest of all stars" and they would draw a diagram of an elliptical orbit and said the period was 50 years. The anthropologists commented in their papers that this knowledge was surprising. It is more than surprising - Sirius is orbited by a white dwarf and it is so invisible that the first image of it was only obtained in 1970.

The orbiting object is what is called a "white dwarf" and is the collapsed core of a dead star and it is in a 50 year elliptical orbit. It is more massive than our Sun but is very small - gravity has collapsed it to just a few thousand miles in diameter - it is collapsed to an extent where 2,000 tons of material are crushed into 1 cubic foot.

Sirius A is very bright and totally outshines Sirius B (10,000x) but because the Sirius sysytem is quite close, one of our nearest neighbors at 8.7 light-years, it is possible to detect the wobble caused by the heavy orbiting object using good instruments. The Dogon say there is also a 3rd star in the system called "Emme Ya" - and this was recently discovered (in 1995) and is now called Sirius C.
Vulcan and Comets Related Sites ... bus_46.htm

The link to Barry Warmkessel’s website is not working. For further information, please access the above link


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Sep 20, 2009 2:25 pm

Dr Velikovsky says Saturn is the Sun’s dual star:
Ours was a double star system originally, Sun plus (probably) Saturn. A passing dark star - e.g. Jupiter - was attracted to the System and entered it.
“Sirian Revelations” claims that Nibiru was a planet of Sirius C and was flung out of the Sirian system (during the explosion of Sirius B?):
Nebiru was flung out of Sirius, captured by our sun, and ricocheted back to Sirius; and it is to this day caught between the two star systems, on an elliptical journey that takes approximately 3,600 years to complete.
Andy Lloyd says that Nibiru is the Sun’s dual star, but that Nibiru is not Sirius C. Instead Nibiru was colonized by beings from Sirius C”
It seems to me that this provides an explanation as to why the Nommo star should appear in our skies, whilst being consistent with the belief that the Nommo originate from Sirius. Our solar system has been colonised by them, and they chose a warm and relatively dark world that was orbiting a brown dwarf in the outer reaches of our star system. This Nibiruan moon had the same conditions on it as their own home planet orbiting around the brown dwarf Sirius C.
Barry Warmkessel says that Vulcan is the Sun’s dark star companion but that it is part of our solar system:
Others, including mainline astronomical investigators, have contended that our Sun has a companion brown dwarf companion star. We do likewise based on multi-source data; and we call it Vulcan.

Does this mean that Vulcan, Saturn and the Sun are part of a triple star system? Did our solar system interact with the Sirian star system? Or was our Sun originally part of the Sirian system? Did this interaction between our solar system and the Sirian system cause the disruption to the polar axis?

It would make sense from an esoteric (alchemical) standpoint. Saturn would be the Black (defunct) Sun; Vulcan would be the Red Sun ("the Heavenly Smith" or the smoky God), and the Sun would be the White Sun. The “New Sun” (the Fifth Sun) would be the Golden Sun. The Sirian “analogs” are Sirius A, B and C. Saturn (lead) will be alchemically transmuted by Vulcan (the “heavenly blacksmith”) into a (golden) New Sun for a return to the Golden Age.

Evidence of interactions between Jupiter and Saturn:

David Icke on Nibiru
What they believe as the result of their research is that the planet that we now call Jupiter came into this solar system not that long ago remarkably – 7,000 years ago maybe; something like that. 4,800 BC was the date I was given as the window of time that it happened; and it (Jupiter) collided with a planet that was in that area. Devastation unfolded and the Asteroid Belt was the result.

They also suggested that a great chunk of Jupiter, which is a colossal planet, broke off and careened through the solar system and devastated Mars. Interestingly the probes to Mars have suggested that the landscape of Mars is no more than 10,000 years old so something happened there that devastated it. It (Venus) came close enough to the Earth and was caught in the Earth’s field for awhile and did a couple of orbits; and that orbit when you look at the scientific suggestion of what that would have caused starts to confirm some incredible legends, traditions, and oral and written evidence from the ancient world from all over the planet that resulted in the Great Flood. One of the things that this “pass by” by Venus would have created is a 10,000 foot tidal wave.
Primordial Light
At one point in the narrative Dr Velikovsky hints that Jupiter must have previously wreaked havoc in our Solar System and that much of the confusion between Jupiter and Venus in the myths could be attributed to just this cause. It is his opinion that Venus was born from Jupiter; thus Jupiter would have been in collision with another of the major planets to cause the disturbances in the Solar System.

Dr Velikovsky leaves us with no doubt as to where he proposes the collisions took place within our System. "The large number of asteroids between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter suggests that at some unknown time another planet revolved there; now only these meteorites follow approximately the path along which the destroyed planet circled the sun. Possibly a comet ran into it and shattered it."

As to the origins of the instability within our System, he puts forward a few suggestions based on current theories. He mentions the double star system hypotheses of Lyttleton and of Russell: "A passing star crushed the companion of the sun, and out of its débris planets were formed."

Sieff sees Jupiter as an invader of our System (then a double star system) - moreover, he sees Jupiter as having caused the disintegration of Saturn, the one-time companion to the sun. Dr Velikovsky has similar views: "Also, some dark star, like Jupiter or Saturn, may be in the path of the sun, and may be attracted to the system and cause havoc in it."
The breaking of the "cosmic pillar" or the felling of the "world tree" ... 065#p26267
Osiris, Isis, Seth & Horus.....these names are used allegorically to describe a cosmic event. These names appear differently in all major civilizations for tens of thousands of years...the combination of circumstances is always the same.

Within each scripture, one or two little pieces of the puzzle are mentioned unencoded. The same goes for the description of the 'black hole' in our galaxy, the Milky Way. The Mayans knew about the black hole as well and have started and ended their calendar around a polarity reversal, where everything passes thru the hole and exits the other side in opposite polarity. Hindu literature describes it as the female genitals, it actually looks like; these are allegories that celebrate serious cosmic upheavals; the cutting up and scattering of Osiris by Seth are symbolically depicted; the resurrection shows Osiris as a leaning pole approximating the earth tilt with four 'donuts' (rings) at the top similar to the 'high voltage insulators at Denderra; Isis is the Earth; Osiris is the Polar Axis; Seth is the catastrophe that caused the polar shift; the conception of Horus is the effort of the Earth and axis to rectify itself.
Evidence of interaction between Sirius star system and our solar system and the disruption of the polar axis

One of the biggest missing factors that Sitchin may be overlooking in his first Earth Chronicles book is the far greater proximity of our Solar system in those days to the Sirius binary star system. I've heard it said that our sun was basically the outermost third star of a trinary Sirius star system in those days and that Sirius A and B shared about 17 more planets in various orbits about themselves, any of which could have had an impact in our solar system or played a role in the epic in the days when Maldek was still in one piece.
The Sirius Star System
"Sirius is a triunal stellar system, which consists of three Solar Deities: Sothis, Satais and Anu (identified by your astronomers, respectively, as: Sirius A, Sirius B, and Sirius C.)

At a point in the space-time continuum so distant from your reality as to be undefinable in your terms, a great cosmic exchange occurred in our stellar system. At the time of this cataclysmic change in our complex stellar body, the Deity Satais (Sirius B) collapsed, passing through her own astral chords and onto higher dimensional planes. What was left behind in the world of matter was, in stellar terms, a minuscule dwarf star of super dense matter, which was eventually pulled into an elliptical orbit around the dominant sister star, Sothis (Sirius A) - as was the distant cousin, Anu (Sirius C).

The collapse of Satais (Sirius B) - its ascension beyond material space - caused a monumental chain reaction through the entire Sirian system, out across the constellation of stars known to you as Canis Major and, indirectly, your solar system became involved in the dynamics of our evolution.
Sirius C, Vulcan, Nibiru and Saturn

Champollion (1790-1832) unravelled the secrets of Egyptian writing but so far nobody has demystified Egyptian beliefs. Astrophysics is the key. 11,650 year ago, a supernova (Sirius C/Saturn) exploded close to Earth in the direction of Orion's Belt. It became the god Osiris who donated metals and resembled a scarab beetle (expanding nova). Twenty-eight years later the binary star Sirius B (the god Horus) exploded, sending a plasma tongue looking like a fiery dragon or winged serpent (Seth) speeding towards Earth.
A retrospective look at Sirius B in its red supergiant phase ... af2fdcd1a3
It seems highly unlikely that our solar system was unaffected by the nearby Sirius star/solar system formation and of its subsequent red supergiant demise in becoming a white dwarf. Clearly no one cosmic and/or terrestrial event caused the great extinction process, although physical impacts derived from the sudden demise of the Sirius B solar system (perhaps including that of obtaining Venus plus an icy Selene as our moon) would certainly have been trauma worthy of creating thermal extremes and otherwise geophysically catastrophic towards finishing off most of whatever was left of such robust life on Earth.
ADAM’S CALENDAR ... 25885.html
This far more ancient message in stone pointing to the three stars in Orion’s Belt further substantiates my observation and research that our Solar System was formerly the “Osirian Trinary Stellar System” containing the three stars Sirius B, Sirius C (our Sun) and the outer star Sirius A.

1) The greater light of the day was Sirius C (our Sun) which “appeared” greater due to its closer proximity to the Earth. It joined Sirius B at the core of the system into a “twin relationship.” Sirius C was created last by a 70% mass stellar ejection out of Sirius B that also created Sirius A, ten new planets and Sirius C. Sirius B was struck by a cometary impact (Comet Metis) and subsequently precipitated the 70% ejection that diminished the giant Sirius B star into an F-1 class star about 1.49 solar masses in size.

2) The lesser light of the night was Sirius A which “appeared” lesser due to its immense distance from the Earth, having been jettisoned over 10 billion miles from out of Sirius B and establishing its orbit around the body of the system. During this event Earth had already existed having been formed during the creation of Sirius B when it was a Blue Supergiant.
King James Bible
The solar system's formative planetary order has been changed by a disturbance caused by an encounter with a star (Sirius) sixty-five million years ago when Neptune and Uranus were between Mars and Jupiter. In that disturbance Neptune lost four of its five satellites that became free bodies around the Sun and interacted with other bodies of the solar system.

It is said by the Dogon that the system of Sirius has a third companion and that this Sirius C has the same orbital period as Sirius B but a greater orbit. If this is true, then the unusual nature of Sirius B should be taken into account.

If Sirius B is the jovian planet of that system, then Sirius C is the saturnian planet of that system with an orbital distance about twice Sirius B.
Is Vulcan really Sirius C or is it a planet in orbit around Sirius C and our Sun? Or is Vulcan a member only of our solar system?

Sirian Revelations
These exciting images provide clear viewing of the relationship of Sirius A & B, two of the three stars that comprise the Sirian star system. The third star, Sirius C, is so infinitesimal in comparison that it is invisible to the photographic lens, dwarfed by its too greater siblings. Indeed, scientists are still debating whether it exists at all – while the Ancient Dogon tribes have known of its existence for over 5,000 years, when they were visited by the Nommo of Sirius, amphibians that communicated their uncanny knowledge of celestial movements so many thousands of years ago. Here is what we know about the stars of Sirius:

This, the third of the Sirian stellar family (Sirius C – Anu) also ascended from the third dimension at the time of the Sirian shift.

Although the scientific community has not confirmed the existence of Sirius C, the Dogon knew of it by the name, Enome Ya, and they described it too as revolving around Sirius A.

Of the planets that orbited Anu (Sirius C), one did not achieve ascension when the star (which remains in the fourth dimension) did not: that planet is Nebiru, the home of the Annunaki.

Nebiru was flung out of Sirius, was captured by our sun, and ricocheted back to Sirius and it is to this day caught between the two star systems, on an elliptical journey that takes approximately 3,600 years to complete.
A Tale of Two Brown Dwarfs
Robert Temple’s theory about extra-terrestrial visitors, who gave civilisation to the ancients, proposes that Sirius has a second companion. The Dogon tribe have described this 3rd Sirian ‘star’ as the ‘Sun of Women’, and they represent it as a cross. In turn, it has a companion known as the ‘Star of Women’. Temple has outlined the attempts to verify that a second dwarf star belongs to the Sirius system:

If the Nommo’s star is Sirius C, that appears to have been confirmed recently as a brown dwarf, then it seems logical to assume that their homeworld is the planet that orbits it, that the Dogon refer to as the ‘star of women’. If the Anunnaki decided to colonise the Solar system as it passed through the region of space dominated by the Sirius and the Orion molecular cloud millions of years ago, then they would have sought out a world that was the most similar to their own. That would preferably not be a world orbiting in close proximity to our Sun, as this world would be much brighter than one circling a brown dwarf.

But the Solar system has a brown dwarf, according to the Dark Star Theory. Would they not prefer to colonise a planet that was a ‘home away from home’, a planet itself orbiting a brown dwarf -- a heavenly world in the outer Oort cloud? The heavenly world in the Nibiru system might indeed by their home, but it needn’t be where they originated from.

It seems to me that this provides an explanation as to why the Nommo star should appear in our skies, whilst being consistent with the belief that the Nommo originate from Sirius. Our solar system has been colonised by them, and they chose a warm and relatively dark world that was orbiting a brown dwarf in the outer reaches of our star system. This Nibiruan moon had the same conditions on it as their own home planet orbiting around the brown dwarf Sirius C.

Unfortunately for these colonists from Sirius, the brown dwarf Nibiru was not to remain in its slow circular orbit around the Sun, but would be pulled into an elliptical comet-like orbit. The Dark Star Theory is based on computer simulation data of Nibiru's effects on the planetary solar system. It seems that the great circular orbit of Nibiru was perturbed millions of years ago, either by the closer position of the Sirius system, or the gigantic molecular clouds of Orion.

Either way, Nibiru moved from its unstable circular orbit of the Sun into a cometary orbit. This crisis brought the Anunnaki to our own planet in an attempt to solve the environmental problems that their adopted world was now experiencing -- problems brought about by the sudden close transitions through the planetary solar system. In turn, the new cometary orbit altered the Earth's orbital parameters enough to plunge it into a new Ice Age. The binding energy of our planet's orbit appears to be inextricably linked to the rather unstable orbital behaviour of the dark star Nibiru, home of the Nommo.
Vulcan ... clnk&gl=us
Others, including mainline astronomical investigators, have contended that our Sun has a companion brown dwarf companion star. We do likewise based on multi-source data; and we call it Vulcan. The fringe web sites suggesting that a brown dwarf star exists within our solar system are generally valid. Alien interactions with mankind warning of a comet threat and the existence of another major body (dark star) within our solar system are likely valid.
Esoteric references to Saturn and Sirius C?

The name 'Sothis' seems to naturally fit the intents and the magical inclinations of the Lodge: Sothis/Sirius B is the dark star of Set, the ancient stellar body mysteriously 'discovered' more than 5000 years ago by the Dogons of Mali, and from which the darkest currents of magic emanate. Sothis is connected to Emme Ya (Sirius C), a bizarre star that constitutes the closest astronomical match to the concept of Black Sun, and from which Atlantean Lore says that many of the entities and intelligences today known in Pantheons sprang from. So, Sothis stands as the stellar, pulsating centre of the Draconian Current and of the energies that move the opposite side of creation - Sothis as 'Astrum Nigrum' (Black Star), soul of Black Isis and cosmic vehicle of Set.
But Isis was not a lone goddess. Instead, her husband was Osiris (Orion), and the Sirius star system is thought by some to be Isis (Sirius A), Osiris (Sirius B), and the Dark Goddess as Sirius C (which apparently exists, but has not be seen directly by anyone other than the mentor of the Dogons).

It might also be noted that instead of the Dark Goddess, the third alleged member of the Sirian system may also be represented by Anubis, the dog or jackel-headed son/god of Isis and Osiris, who assisted in the passage of the souls into the underworld. Anubis was the one who weighed the hearts of the dead to determine if their good deeds outweighed their not-so-good acts. Thus both Anubis and the Dark Goddess were feared by the evil doers.
Star Magick
In Hecate's Fountain, Kenneth Grant speaks of the planet Emme Ya in the Sirius star-system as the origin of the Loa—Voudoo goddesses and gods, the Orisha in Yoruba tradition. The Dogon know Emme Ya—Star of Women—as the planet of the primal goddess, the Orisha Yemoja. Mother of all African goddesses and gods, Her name—Mother of Fish—recalls ancient tales of the amphibious Nommos, powerful beings of god-like stature who brought civilization to earth from the star system of Sirius, and whom the Babylonians knew as the Musari.
Lucifer of the Black Sun ... black-sun/
Lucifer is the goddess of the Black Sun which is truly the great dragon Typhon the mother of all creation and of humanity. Typhon’s self begotten son was Sut the ancient Egyptian god which was Sothis or Sirius. Which in later reckonings Sut was then named after the planet Saturn which was called in earlier times in history concerning Christianity Satan, or Lucifer. Lucifer is not just female or male Lucifer is androgynous, meaning that this very ancient creator is both female and male.

There are three forms of Suns known in esoteric literature; the third is largely hidden in many books in the past and present. There is a term called the Sun behind the Sun, which may be termed as the Sun behind our local Sun called Sirius. There are three Sirius planets A, B, and C which also cosmically allude to the existence of three Suns. The third Sun is called the galactic Sun which is a black hole in the depths of our solar system.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Sep 20, 2009 7:14 pm

On the other hand, this is a much more interesting theory involving Vulcan and Saturn: 8-)

The hollow universe and the hollow earth; The Earth’s interior sun is Vulcan, the missing planet X; Vulcan is the heavenly blacksmith, the hidden or smoky god residing in the middle of the Earth which is “Saturn’s zone”.

Solar System Earth
The Saturn zone is none other than the Earth's crust or shell which is said to vary between 400 (near the poles) and 800 (near the equator) miles thick. The interior of Earth's shell is multi-layered and inhabited by all sorts of Saturnian or even "satanic" entities and races, and is better known as Middle Earth. Saturn of course rules hardness and boundaries in astrology and that is exactly the nature or purpose of our planet's shell.
Socrates’ Last Tale ... mill12.htm
"In the first place, then, my friend, the true earth is said to appear to anyone looking at it from above like those balls which are made of twelve pieces of leather, variegated, a patchwork of colour, of which the colours that we know here—those that our painters use—are samples, as it were. There the whole earth is made of such colours, and of colours much brighter and purer than these: part of it is purple, of wondrous beauty, and part again golden, and all that part which is white is whiter than the whiteness of chalk or snow; and it is made up of all the other colours likewise, and of even more numerous and more beautiful colours than those that we have seen. Indeed these very hollows of the earth, full of water and of air, are said to present a kind of colour as they glitter amid the variety of all the other colours, so that the whole appears as one continuous variegated picture. And in this colourful world the same may be said of the things that grow up—trees and flowers and all the fruits; and in the same way again the smoothness and transparency and colours of the stars are more beautiful than in our world. Our little stones, these highly prized ones, sards and jaspers and emeralds and so on, are but fragments of those there; there, they say, everything is like this, or even more beautiful than these stones that we possess. The reason is that the stones there are pure, and not corroded or corrupted, as ours are, by rust and brine, as a result of all that has collected here, bringing ugliness and diseases to stones and to soil, and to animals and to plants besides. The earth itself, they say, is ornamented with all things, and moreover with gold and silver and all things of that sort. They are exposed to view on the surface, many in number and large, all over the earth, so that the earth is a sight for the blessed to behold. There are many living creatures upon it, including men; some live inland, some live round about the borders of the air as we do on the coasts of the sea, while others again live on islands encompassed by air near the mainland. In a word, what the water and the sea are to us, for our purposes, the air is to them; and what the air is to us, the ‘ether’ is to them. Their climate is such that they are free from illnesses and live much longer than the inhabitants of our world, and surpass us in sight and hearing and wisdom and so on, by as much as the pureness of air surpasses that of water, and the pureness of 'ether' surpasses that of air.
As without, so within

The Real Tomb of God: The Grail, The Ark, the Emerald Tablet, and the Forgotten Father of Mankind
This inner world is lit, according to legend, by an "artificial sun," or "The Smoky God," as it has been called, a ball of electro-magnetism that is said to provide warmth and light for the inhabitants of the inner Earth.

Now the alchemical process, both the physical and the figurative, involves a stage called Dissolution, when the elements (or the base emotions and Ego of the aspirant) are dissolved, to be replaced later by purity of spirit, or Gold. This stage is symbolized by a Black Sun! And this black sun stage is equated with none other than Saturn, or Kronos, the Sleeping God buried in a subterranean tomb and who is called "The Hidden One!"

And this is precisely why the Elixir of Life is called "The Hidden Stone" because it is hidden in the midst of this dross or base matter, the Black Sun, which, once dissolved, reveals the shining brilliance within. This dross matter is called the Prima Materia, the Original Matter from which all other forms were made. Yet the Black Sun has also been said to represent this Prima Materia, the Great Void from whence the Universe came.

In “The Polar Myth” by Joscelyn Godwin, there are two "Grail stones," one larger than the other, which keep in contact with each other via a magnetic link which is based upon the concept that Jehovah (Saturn) was merely "talking to" his subjects, from his real throne inside the Earth, via an electromagnetic hologram communication, and that, as it was expressed in "Raiders of the Lost Ark," it acted as "a radio for talking to God?"

Is it possible that the Black Sun, the seat of Jehovah's (Saturn’s) throne, is the larger Grail, whereas the Ark, a sacred gold-plated vessel containing the Tablet, is the smaller Grail? Perhaps the ancients, after discovering the lodestone, conceived of the concept of the electromagnetic spectrum, and a ball of energy in the center of the Earth from whence it all issued.

Again, these are common themes in world mythology. Most notably analogous to the story of the Fisher King is that of Kronos (Saturn), who, writes Evola, "after having been the Lord of this earth, the King of the Golden Age, was dethroned and castrated (that is, deprived of the power to beget, to give life to new stock). He still lived on, though asleep, in a region located in the Far North, closer to the Arctic Sea, which was also called the Cronic Sea."

It is also noteworthy that Saturn is called "The Hidden One," thus alluding perhaps to his seclusion inside of the Earth, and that many researchers have equated him with the prototype for Satan, given that he was horned, rebellious, and cast down into the Abyss (the Chronian Sea) to become Lord of the Underworld.

Also note that, like Satan, he was also called "The Lord of the Earth," and that Saturn and Satan may be etymologically linked, as many have argued. Furthermore, Saturn is also called the "Lord of the Mountain," and so is Satan. And is that not what we're talking about when we speculate about a dead god being buried in the center of the Earth?

Moreover, as we have previously noted, the "Black Sun" stage of alchemy is attributed to the powers of Saturn, where his "element," sulfur, is mixed with the "element" of Hermes, mercury. Hermes, of course, was representative of the light-bearing aspects of Lucifer, whereas Saturn represented more of the "Dark Lord" aspects of what we would now call the Devil, as ruler over the Underworld and the Abyss.

An equally integral part of the myth is that these sleeping gods shall some day awake and their kingdom rise again, just as the rediscovery of the Grail shall bring an end to the Wasteland and restore rightful kingship, bringing with it a new Golden Age.
Is Earth's Inner Sun the missing Twelfth Planet?
There is every indication that the once great planet Nibiru, Maldek, or Planet X, was blown up causing the inner and outer asteroid belts. The remaining spiritual core of this planet, along with its astral inhabitants may have wandered to and possessed our planet Earth!

If this is so, our planet is very sick, and needs a good exorcising! Before we cast out the Nefilim or demons of Maldek, we must decide where to cast them to. There have been plenty of stories circling around in the metaphysical world about a new planet or world now forming or being born that is in all likelihood hiding behind our sun, and that it will fully materialize or become visible by 2012 AD (there's that date again), and that this birthing process is causing all the flares and disturbances in our solar system.

Whether this planet is reserved for the Nefilim or for us (the New Earth?), I can only speculate. I asked a friend once (his two sons are psychic) to hone in on this newly forming world, and what they told me was surprising and revealing. They described this body as being almost as huge as the sun, in an etheric or plasmic state, and between the orbits of Mercury and the Sun, and the reason we cannot see it is because it is in synchronous orbit to the Earth. This golden solar body was also described as being covered by slipper like shapes that seemed to move somewhat. At first I thought they were describing the Earth's inner sun (it too is covered by these shapes) but they insisted this was outside the Earth. They also told me that Earth has a counter Earth on the opposite side of its orbit.

My thought on this is that our Earth is facing destruction and that its inner sun is replicating itself in preparation for this. Before the Earth is changed or destroyed a transitional process of soul separation must be completed. Souls in harmony with the new Earth will be ascended while those in disharmony will be left behind or transferred elsewhere.

According to Barbera Hand Clow, in her book "The Signet Of Atlantis", Earth's inner red sun rises in the west for one day roughly every 3,600 years, marking the beginning of a new era or cycle on Earth.

In "The Smoky God" by Willis George Emerson, Norwegian Olaf Jansen and his father see a "dull-red, false sun" just over the horizon, as they sail across and into the lip of the Earth's northern polar opening. They both conclude that this "sun" is "a PLANET of some sort -a reality". When inside the Earth's hollow they learn from the natives that the luminous white cloud which appears to orbit the inner sun and enhances its brightness for twelve hours at a time (when it is in front of it), giving them kind of night and day, is worshipped by them as their Lord Jehovah (could this be a huge UFO hidden in a cloud where they shall see Him coming in a cloud").

The base of this "electrical cloud" or "seat of the gods" is even described in detail, being dark with countless small openings through which lights shine through (the ship's windows or portals?) giving the appearance of stars during the darker half of the day when this "cloud" is behind the inner sun. This cloud or ship is stationary so that the Earth's rotation makes it appear to rise in the east and set in the west. The people Jansen and his father met truly believe this "Smoky God" to be the throne of their Jehovah.

The interior surface of our inner sun is called Mirror Earth because it is an exact, although more concentrated, replica or copy of the Earth.
As above, so below

Is the Universe a Dodecahedron?
Recent astronomical thinking proposes the over 2000 year-old idea that our material universe and perhaps all of creation is in the basic shape of a dodecahedron

What is special about the dodecahedron is that it is the creative link between the cube (4-based matter) and the sphere(infinity/eternity). It is linked astrologically to the sign Leo and its ruler the Sun, and the principle of will or creativity.

The dodecahedron is composed of twelve equally fitting pentagons forming the beginnings of a sphere akin to a soccer ball. Its base, the five-sided pentagon is the last or most complex shape that can form a perfect geometric solid. You cannot form a regular solid using hexagon shapes or higher. The pentagon is the "crowning" (it looks like a crown or papal hat) shape of creation.

Each of the twelve pentagonal faces of our dodecahedron universe is supposedly some 30 billion light years wide, containing countless galaxies, star systems, and worlds. These faces are generally "flat"(although somewhat curved) in nature, and each face has its direct polar opposite. I surmise that there are actually ten faces which form the main shape, with two empty polar areas. This would make our universe a HOLLOW entity with an 11th part situated in its inner center and the 12th perhaps orbiting outside of it just like our moon orbits the Earth. The juncture points or sides between each face may constitute hyper "freeways" or paths to get from one face to the other. Each of these faces or segments will of course have its own paths and structural organization. All of this is presently speculation of course, but its a fascinating new concept of our universe and perhaps the whole of creation which even science is seriously considering.
Our Hollow Universe
The hollow Earth is also the hollow Universe! The torus is an accurate but incomplete model of the true shape of our planet and universe.

Our hollow Earth is oblate rather than perfectly spherical.

Larger objects such as galaxies are even more oblate and start to resemble flying saucers. Galactic black holes are nothing more than the entrance to the galaxy's hollow or torus-shaped interior.

If this rule applies, then our universe or creation is one very huge, hollow, flattened-out sphere! The inner and outer surfaces of this sphere would be lined with galaxies and stars and be divided into twelve major segments and twelve major circuits. If our universe is truly holographic in nature, then at its center would be the source of this hologram -a central sun or body.
Hollow Earth
There is a massive conspiracy to hide the true nature of our planet -that it is hollow, oblate, and inhabited within. Access to the hollow interior is principally through the north polar opening which is some 1200 to 1400 miles wide. There is also a south polar opening, but it is mostly covered with snow and ice. At about 77 degrees north lattitude the planet starts flattening out and around 82 degrees north latitude it starts curving inwards and one can catch glimpses of the earth's inner central sun which lights and warms the interior and which is behind the aurora borealis. There is a noticeable rise in temperature in these latitudes and salt water turns into fresh and wildlife is more abundant and the compass needle goes wild and then points south instead of north.

Admiral E. Byrd flew over and into the north polar opening in a secret American expedition in 1947 and confirmed all of these facts but was sworn to silence over the matter. All of the major powers have bases stationed in the Arctic in a united but hushed attempt to probe the secrets of the hole at the pole and the interior world, but they are restricted entry by the more powerful inner earth governments or societies which they fear. Before every golden age the ice and snow around the polar openings melt and evaporate forming water or ice canopies around the planet and liberating access to the inner earth.
The Hollow Earth -- Heaven or Hell
Our common conception is that Heaven is out there somewhere in the sky or in space, while Hell is underneath us, deep underground or at the planet's center. This would be accurate if the planet had a wholly solid interior, but it does not. Our planet is a hollow shell and at its center is a luminous sun or anomaly. It is engineered wisely and economically so that both the outer convex surface and the inner concave surface can be inhabited. This is possible when it is realized that the planet's gravity is in the middle of it's shell, and not its center. Polar openings connect the two surfaces in an unbroken fashion, and two suns, one outer and one inner, illuminate and warm both areas. Air and water flow also circulate unbroken from inner to outer and vice versa with the ice caps acting as a filtering system.

Not only are the inner and outer surfaces of our hollow planet inhabited, but the shell is as well. The Earth's shell, which varies from 400 to 800 miles in thickness, is made up of several layers or stratas,

All major outer Earth cities are linked to inner or Middle Earth sub-cities via secret tunnels, ports, shafts, elevators, and other passageways, where dignitaries and officials conduct commerce or exchange imformation. Most of our technology comes from the inner earth
View of Our Hollow Earth
Earth is oblate rather than spherical and has huge polar openings which lead to its hollow interior. The planet's gravity is in its shell and not at its core or center. An inner central sun lights and warms the interior concave surface where the inhabitants walk upside down from us!
Middle Earth
Deep within the Earth's crust or shell exists the most fantastic realm imaginable, where reality begins to merge with fantasy.

Here, in the vast caverns and tunnels lie hidden from view the strangest creatures and civilizations, long thought to be extinct and preserved in memory in the form of myths and fables.
Solar System Earth
Planets can be viewed as potentially complete systems patterned after the manner of the solar system they reside in. Solar systems in turn are patterned after even greater systems which support them and so on. Microcosmically, our atoms follow suit.

Just as there are at least ten major circuits or layers to our solar system, each occupied by a planet, so there are also at least ten major circuits or layers to planet Earth. Since the Earth is hollow, most of these layers are not visible, yet they are still there.

Earth's inner central sun can be likened to our solar system Sun. It sustains our planet (drawing upon the parent Sun) just as the greater Sun sustains our solar system planets. Earth's inner sun is some 600 to 700 miles in diameter and can be considered a planet in its own right.

The innermost layers of our planet are represented by the four terrestial planets - Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The nature of each of these layers is described by the respective nature of the planets with which they are linked to.

The Jupiter layer or zone occupies the concave surface and its atmosphere which is rich in the life force making everything grow huge and healthy. Jupiter is after all the planet of growth and expansion in astrology. It explains why people and animals here are giant and live many hundreds of years old.

The Saturn zone is none other than the Earth's crust or shell which is said to vary between 400 (near the poles) and 800 (near the equator) miles thick. The interior of Earth's shell is multi-layered and inhabited by all sorts of Saturnian or even "satanic" entities and races, and is better known as Middle Earth. Saturn of course rules hardness and boundaries in astrology and that is exactly the nature or purpose of our planet's shell.

Uranus is the Earth's atmosphere or electrosphere
Neptune is the planet's magnetosphere or astral zone which is where most of us go when we sleep or die.

Pluto represents the blackness, stillness, and darkness of outer space.
Last edited by lizzie on Sun Sep 20, 2009 7:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Sep 20, 2009 7:38 pm

Our Double Solar System
The visible solar system from Sun to Saturn has its invisible counterpart which is smaller and of course much farther. Both halves our solar system have seven main bodies; one solar or sub-solar, four terrestial or sub-terrestial, and two giants or sub-giants, making six different classes in all.

The Sun in system A corresponds with its binary in system B. Mercury corresponds with a tiny as yet unknown planet closest to the binary. Venus corresponds to another unknown body second from the binary. Earth corresponds to Eris and both are central to both systems with three bodies on either side of them. Mars corresponds to Pluto, the Asteroid belt to the Kuiper belt, Jupiter to Neptune, and Saturn to Uranus.

The seven bodies in system A are successively proportionate in size to the seven bodies in system B; Saturn is larger than Uranus, Jupiter than Neptune, Mars than Pluto, Earth than Eris, Venus than ?1, Mercury than ?2, and Sun than its binary. If the pattern holds, the next two significant bodies beyond Eris must be equal to or smaller than Pluto with orbits in the thousands of years (Sedna?).
Magic squares?

Our Egg-Shaped Solar System
Amazingly, the cross section of a common egg accurately depicts the shape and structure of our solar system, with the yolk containing most of the planets and the yolk's outer border equating with the Termination Shock point. The white of the egg and its shell equate with the heliosphere.

Some of the outermost planets such as perhaps Eris and definitely Sedna exit this yolk or bubble. Also, it may very well be that our sun's mysterious binary or real Planet X travels along or defines the heliosphere's egg-shaped border.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:32 am

The Planet That Wasn't
The most famous mythical story of Kronos (Saturn) tells of his castration of his father Ouranos (Uranus), whom he then replaced as ruler of the Universe. Very naturally, Kronos feared that his own children might learn by his example and decided to take action to prevent that. Since he was unaware of birth-control methods and was incapable of practicing restraint, he fathered six children (three sons and three daughters) upon his wife, Rhea. Taking action after the fact, he swallowed each child immediately after if was born.

When the sixth, Zeus, was born, Rhea (tired of bearing children for nothing) wrapped a stone in swaddling clothes and let the dim-witted lord of the Universe swallow that. Zeus was raised in secret and when he grew up he managed, by guile, to have Kronos vomit up his swallowed brothers and sisters (still alive!). Zeus and his siblings then went to war against Kronos and his siblings (the Titans). After a great ten-year struggle, Zeus defeated Kronos and took over the lordship of the Universe.

Now, then, let's return to the planet which the Greeks had named Kronos, because it moved more slowly against the background of the stars than any other planet and therefore behaved as though it were an older god. Of course, the Romans called it Saturn, and so do we.

Around Saturn are its beautiful rings that we all know about. These rings are in Saturn's equatorial plane, which is tipped to the plane of its orbit by 26.7 degrees. Because of this tipping, we can see the rings at a slant. The degree of tip is constant with respect to the stars, but not with respect to us. It appears tipped to us in varying amounts depending on where Saturn is in its orbit. At one point in its orbit, Saturn will display its rings tipped downward, so that we see them from above. At the opposite point they are tipped upward, so that we see them from below.

As Saturn revolves in its orbit, the amount of tipping varies smoothly from down to up and back again. Halfway between the down and the up, and then halfway between the up and the down, at two opposite points in Saturn's orbit, the rings are presented to us edge-on. They are so thin that at this time they can't be seen at all, even in a good telescope. Since Saturn revolves about the Sun in just under thirty years, the rings disappear from view every fifteen years.

When Galileo, back in the 1610s, was looking at the sky with his primitive telescope, he turned if on Saturn and found that there was something odd about it. He seemed to see two small bodies, one on either side of Saturn, but couldn't make out what they were. Whenever he returned to Saturn, it was harder to see them until finally he saw only the single sphere of Saturn and nothing else.

"What!" growled Galileo, "does Saturn still swallow his children?" and he never looked at the planet again. It was another forty years before the Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens, catching the rings as they were further and further (and with a telescope better than Galileo's), worked out what they were.

any object that is always in the immediate neighborhood of the Sun could be seen with an ease that would, at other times, be impossible.
What about the second occasion for easy viewing of Vulcan? That would be whenever Vulcan passes directly between Earth and Sun in a transit. Its body would then appear like a dark circle on the Sun's orb, moving rapidly from west to east in a straight line.

On the other hand, the time of transit can't be predicted surely until the orbit of Vulcan is accurately known, and that can't be accurately known until the planet is sighted and followed for a while. Therefore, the first sighting would have to be made by accident.
Once Leverrier made his suggestion (and the discoverer of Neptune carried prestige at the time), astronomers began searching for possible previous sightings of strange objects that would now be recognized as Vulcan.

Something showed up at once. A French amateur astronomer, Dr. Lescarbault, announced to Leverrier that in 1845 he had observed a dark object against the Sun which he had paid little attention to at the time, but which now he felt must have been Vulcan.

Leverrier studied this report in great excitement, and from it he estimated that Vulcan was a body circling the Sun at an average distance of 21 million kilometers, a little over a third of Mercury's distance. This meant its period of revolution would be about 19.7 days.

From Lescarbault's description, Leverrier also estimated the diameter of Vulcan to be about two thousand kilometers, or only a little over half the diameter of our Moon. Assuming the composition of Vulcan to be about that of Mercury, it would have a mass about one-seventeenth that of Mercury or one-fourth that of the Moon. This is not a large enough mass to account for all of the advance of Mercury's perihelion, but perhaps Vulcan might be only the largest of a kind of asteroidal grouping within Mercury's orbit.

On the basis of Lescarbault's data, Leverrier calculated the times at which future transits ought to take place, and astronomers began watching the Sun on those occasions, as well as the neighborhood of the Sun whenever there were eclipses.

Unfortunately, there were no clear-cut evidences of Vulcan being where it was supposed to be on predicted occasions. The whole thing became a controversy, with some astronomers insisting that Vulcan existed and others denying it.

Leverrier died in 1877. He was a firm believer in the existence of Vulcan to the end, and he missed by one year the biggest Vulcan flurry. In 1878, the path of a solar eclipse was to pass over the western United States and American astronomers girded themselves for a mass search for Vulcan.
In 1900, after ten years of photography, the American astronomer Edward Charles Pickering announced there could be no intra-Mercurial body that was brighter than the fourth magnitude.

In 1909, the American astronomer William Wallace Campbell went further, and stated categorically that there was nothing inside Mercury's orbit that was brighter than the eighth magnitude. That meant that nothing was there that was larger than forty-eight kilometers in diameter. It would take a million bodies of that size to account for the movement of Mercury's perihelion.

With that, hope for the existence of Vulcan flickered nearly to extinction. Yet Mercury's perihelion did move. If Newton's law of gravitation was correct, there had to be some sort of gravitational pull from inside Mercury's orbit.

And, of course, there was, but it originated in a totally different way from that which anyone had imagined. In 1915, Albeit Einstein explained the matter in his General Theory of Relativity. By Einstein's relativistic view of the Universe, mass and energy are equivalent, with a small quantity of mass equal to a large quantity of energy in accordance with the equation e=mc2.

The Sun's enormous gravitational field represents a large quantity of energy and this is equivalent to a certain, much smaller, quantity of mass. Since all mass gives rise to a gravitational held, the Sun's gravitational held, when viewed as mass, must give rise to a much smaller gravitational field of its own.
It is this second-order pull, the small gravitational pull of the mass-equivalent of the large gravitational pull of the Sun, that represents the additional mass and the additional pull from within Mercury's orbit. Einstein's calculations showed that this effect just accounts for the motion of Mercury's perihelion, and accounted further for much smaller motions of the perihelia of planets farther out.

After this, neither Vulcan nor any other Newtonian mass was needed. Vulcan was hurled from the astronomical sky forever.

Now to get back to coincidences--and a much more astonishing one than that which connects Kronos's swallowing of his children with the rings of Saturn.
Vulcan, you will remember, is the equivalent of the Greek Hephaistos, and the most famous myth involving Hephaistos goes as follows:

Hephaistos, the son of Zeus and Hera, at one time took Hera's side when Zeus was punishing her for rebellion. Zeus, furious at Hephaistos's interference heaved him out of heaven. Hephaistos fell to Earth and broke both his legs. Though he was immortal and could not die, the laming was permanent.

Isn't if strange, then, that the planet Vulcan (Hephaistos) was also hurled from the sky. It couldn't die, in the sense that the mass which supplied the additional gravitational pull still had to be there. It was lamed, however, in the sense that it was not the kind of mass that we are used to, not mass in the form of planetary accumulations of matter. It was the mass-equivalent, instead, of a large energy field.

You are not impressed by the coincidence? Well, let's carry if further.

You remember that in the myth about Kronos swallowing his children, Zeus was saved when his mother substituted a stone in the swaddling clothes. With a stone serving as a substitute for Zeus, you would surely be willing to allow the phrase "a stone" to be considered the equivalent of “Zeus."

Very well, then, who flung Hephaistos (the mythical Vulcan) from the heavens? Zeus!

And who flung the planetary Vulcan from the heavens? Einstein!

And what does ein stein mean in Einstein's native German? "A stone!"

I rest my case.

We can say that the Greeks must have foreseen the whole Vulcanian imbroglio right down to the name of the man who solved it--Or we can say that coincidences can be enormously amusing--and enormously meaningless.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Sep 24, 2009 9:30 pm

I think the Red Serpent (the Sun's binary twin) is Sirius C and Nibiru is its outermost planet, the home of the Nommos

Dr Velikovsky says Saturn is the Sun’s dual star:
Ours was a double star system originally, Sun plus (probably) Saturn. A passing dark star - e.g. Jupiter - was attracted to the System and entered it.
David Icke supports what Velikovsky.
What they believe as the result of their research is that the planet that we now call Jupiter came into this solar system not that long ago remarkably – 7,000 years ago maybe; something like that. 4,800 BC was the date I was given as the window of time that it happened; and it (Jupiter) collided with a planet that was in that area. Devastation unfolded and the Asteroid Belt was the result.
“Sirian Revelations” claims that Nibiru was a planet of Sirius C and was flung out of the Sirian system (during the explosion of Sirius B?):
Nebiru was flung out of Sirius, captured by our sun, and ricocheted back to Sirius; and it is to this day caught between the two star systems, on an elliptical journey that takes approximately 3,600 years to complete.
Zacharia Sitchin believes Nibiru (the planet associated with Marduk in Babylonian cosmology) was a tenth planet (twelfth to those who included the Sun and Moon) which followed a long, elliptical orbit, reaching the inner solar system every 3600 years:
According to his theories of Sumerian cosmology, Nibiru was the twelfth member in the solar system family of planets (which includes 10 planets, the Sun, and the Moon). Its catastrophic collision with Tiamat, a planet that was between Mars and Jupiter, would have formed the planet Earth and the asteroid belt and comets.
Andy Lloyd says that Nibiru is the Sun’s dual dark star, but that Nibiru is not Sirius C.
Instead Nibiru was colonized by beings from Sirius C”
It seems to me that this provides an explanation as to why the Nommo star should appear in our skies, whilst being consistent with the belief that the Nommo originate from Sirius. Our solar system has been colonised by them, and they chose a warm and relatively dark world that was orbiting a brown dwarf in the outer reaches of our star system. This Nibiruan moon had the same conditions on it as their own home planet orbiting around the brown dwarf Sirius C.
Barry Warmkessel says that Vulcan is the Sun’s dark star companion but that it is part of our solar system:
Others, including mainline astronomical investigators, have contended that our Sun has a companion brown dwarf companion star. We do likewise based on multi-source data; and we call it Vulcan.

Greg Jenner has another theory:
We both generally agree that we are dealing with two large celestial bodies out there -- the Dark Star (Marduk) and Planet X (Nibiru).

My investigation into the Dark Star/Planet X matter is a bit more ‘radical’ than Andy’s conservative approach. As far as the celestial mechanics go, Andy postulates the next Nibiru/Planet X fly-by will occur well out beyond the orbit of Jupiter. However, my interpretation indicates the next Nibiru fly-by will be much closer in toward the Sun—through Earth’s orbital vicinity. It turns out Nibiru has caused most of the widespread devastation to Earth of late.
Still some people believe that Nibiru is the Black Sun, a hidden orb in the depths of our solar system or the inner sun at the center of the Earth.

Is it possible the Black Sun and the Dark Star are one of the same? Other researchers would dispel this notion; however that being said, my investigation strongly suggests this is indeed the case. The Black Sun is a physical hidden orb that resides not in the center of the Earth but somewhere else—in the depths of our solar system! Here are a few points to support my argument
Is Earth's Inner Sun the missing Twelfth Planet?
There is every indication that the once great planet Nibiru, Maldek, or Planet X, was blown up causing the inner and outer asteroid belts. The remaining spiritual core of this planet, along with its astral inhabitants may have wandered to and possessed our planet Earth!
Dogon Mythology
The Dogon also claimed that a third star Emme Ya - sorghum female - exists in the Sirius system. Larger and lighter than Sirius B, this star revolves around Sirius A as well. It has not been proven to exist, though some people have called it Sirius C.

Sirius C translated from the Dogon language into English is called the "Sun of Women". It is described by the Dogon as "the seat of the female souls of living or future beings". Its symbol contains two pair of lines that are relevant features of a Dogon legend. The Dogon believe that Sirius C sends out two pairs of beams and that the beams represent a feminine figure.
Dogon and Sirius ... 20info.pdf
The Dogon creation myth is hugely complex, but for the relevance of this paper, can be
summarised as follows. Heaven, which is also regarded by the Dogon as the creator, is called Amma. The stars represent the various bodily parts of Amma, while the constellation of Orion is called amma bolo boy tolo, “the seat of Heaven”, or “Amma’s navel.” Amma split in two, creating Ogo, who represents disorder. Ogo descended to Earth in an ark, along the Milky Way which connects Heaven and Earth through the form of bridge, and he created havoc on Earth. Amma then decided to create a representative of order, called Nommo, and also created for him eight assistants, comprising four sets of twins. These eight were called the ancestors of human beings, and they too descended to Earth in an ark, also created by Amma. The ark was suspended from Heaven by a copper chain, which allowed the ark to float down to Earth, like the Sun traverses the sky and settles in the west.
Dogon and Zulu High Science ... -days.html
Ogo decided to rebel from Amma. He jumped out of his celestial womb and stole parts of his own placenta. He then began creating and pro-creating with his own placenta in an attempt to re-create his own little world. His stolen placenta became impure, and his actions greatly threw off the divine order Amma had intended. The Dogon say that our Sun - whom they call Nay - is the stolen placenta, and that planet Earth is the rebel-world established by Ogo.

The sacrificed Nommo's blood & life force - nyama - emptied from its naval and groin. Semi died a suffering and painful death. The Dogon say that Sirius 'A' - the visible star of Sirius whom the Dogon call Sigi Tolo - is the celestial embodiment of the sacrifice.

The sacrificial Nyama created parallel structures in celestial sphere and on Ogo's earth. In heaven, it reorganized space and the cycles of time in our solar system. It also synchronized our system's cycles with the cycles of the Sirius system. The Sirius System and this planetary system thus became twin placentas of a pair of the 8 ancestral Nommo.

Lastly, the sacrificial Nyama set the stage for the day of total purification and renewal for planet Earth. This day is called 'Izubay Minne' - "Earth of the Day of the Fish", which occurs when "the fish is sacrificed" (the termination of the Piscean Age) and "His blood falls to Earth as cords of rain" (when the celestial waters pour down to initiate the Age of Aquarius). One day during the transition of these ages, Taba Tolo - the reuniting of the two placentas - will occur. Taba Tolo is when the Sun and Sirius come together in a grand conjunction. My guess is that this grand conjunction will probably occur on the first helical rising of Sirius after the equinox sunrise occurs with Aquarius as the celestial backdrop. In other words, Taba Tolo will occur on the first helical rising of Sirius in the Aquarian Age. The Dogon depict Taba Tolo as the day a strong purifying stream of Nyama will pour down on the Sun and Earth from Sirius. This stream will wash away the corrupt order of Ogo and immortalize the sons and daughters of the Nommo.
The Masters of Speech
My research indicates this ancient, pagan, androgynous saviour was later adopted by the Christians and incorporated into the male figure of Jesus Christ. There is evidence to indicate that the Christian Mary Magdalen may have been associated with the original Master of Speech figure. Because they were self-fertilizing and could perform genetic engineering, the Nummo were associated with virgin goddesses, and Mary Magdalen was identified with the virgin in early Christianity. The town of her birth was called Magdala Nunayya, "Magdala of the Fishes," and identified with the Greek name Taricheæ

The sister-bride, the name associated with the Magdalen, was also identified with the colours red and white. In the Dogon religion, the Master of Speech was identified with the colour red and the Jackal with the colour white. To medieval alchemists, red and white were considered a union of opposites. Red and rose were often associated with Mary Magdalen in medieval paintings, though occasionally she was dressed in green.6 Red and green are identified with the Master of Speech.

The Master of Speech was also symbolized by the red dwarf star, Sirius C. The Jackal, on the other hand, was symbolized by the white dwarf star, Sirius B.
Beyond 2012
Readers of Robert Temple's The Sirius Mystery may recall that the Dogon tribe of Mali, West Africa, have known for centuries that Sirius (the Dog Star), is a binary star system, and that Sirius B is a white dwarf - facts they say were given to their ancestors by visitors from Sirius. What you may not have heard is that astronomers have recently discovered Sirius C

The Dogon say that the "spaceship" of the visitors - the Nommo - looked "like a new star", and that they will RETURN one day, when "a certain star will reappear", and there will be a "resurrection of the Nommo". They also say that Sirius A and B "were once where the Sun now is". The star will be invisible before it "emerges", and is drawn with the rays inside the circle. It will only be "formed when the Nommo's ark descends, for it is also the resurrected Nommo's "eye" symbolically." Temple thinks this is Phoebe - Saturn's tenth moon.

Could this be the Eye of Ra? Murry Hope has said, (in Ancient Egypt: The Sirius Connection) "The Eye of Ra, which was the exclusive weapon of Sekhmet, is described as bright and burning object (a planetessimal or comet perhaps?)...we are seeing Ra in terms of the Siriun System, and Sekhmet as his daughter..." Typhon, the father of Orthrus (Sirius) is shown in The Twelfth Planet, as a winged serpent (like Quetzalcoatl, who will return), and was "a kind of comet" which was invisible...

In the enlargement of part of the zodiac of Denderah, above, it looks as if the eye of Ra has just come out of the Square of Pegasus, between the fish of Pisces. In Hamlet's Mill, (p.430-437), there is a collection of myths which together imply that Nibiru/Marduk (="Jupiter"= "a comet"= "the ark"), entered the Pegasus square, which is the entrance to the abyss!
Sirius Mystery
According to Dogon mythology, Nommo was the first living being created by Amma, the sky god and creator of the universe.

He soon multiplied to become six pairs of twins. [This is a metaphor for our original 12-strand DNA. Our present physical DNA contains 2 strands which hold the genetic codes for our physical evolvement.]

One twin rebelled against the order established by Amma, [This is a metaphor for one source/soul splitting into two polarities - yin /yang, when it enters into the electro-magnectic energies of third dimension] thereby destabilizing the universe. In order to purify the cosmos and restore its order, Amma sacrificed another of the Nommo, whose body was cut up and scattered throughout the universe. This distribution of the parts of the Nommo's body is seen as the source for the proliferation of Binu shrines throughout the Dogon region.
You Cannot Be Sirius ... trix03.htm
He says that they describe the Sirians as amphibious and "serpent-featured" -a recurring theme as you will see. Temple suggests that the Anunnaki of the Sumerian tablets could be these beings from Sirius. He further proposes that the body of the Sphinx is that of a dog and not a lion, thus symbolizing the Dog Star, Sirius, and some researchers also suggest that the face of the Sphinx is that of a woman, not a pharaoh. The Egyptians certainly depicted their lion bodies very differently to that of the Sphinx and the dog is a common symbol in ancient mythology.

The Illuminati symbolism of three - the trinity - appears to be related, at least in part, to these three stars of the Sirius system. The constant reference to the number 50 in ancient myth could relate to these 50-year orbits, Temple suggests, and they also symbolized Sirius B and C as "the twins" using their combined orbit periods of 100 years as a code for them, he says. Certainly there is endless reference to "twin" symbolism throughout the ancient world. The Dogon call Sirius B, Digitaria, and Sirius C, Sorghun, or the "female star".

They also call it the "sun of women" or "star of women". To them, the most important star is Sirius B, which, they rightly said, was invisible to the eye. Still today their religious rituals and rites are based on the cycles of the Sirius system. The Dog Star, Sirius or Sirius A, has two and a half times the mass of our own Sun and is thirty-five and a half times brighter.

A focus on Sirius can be found at the heart of most ancient societies and secret societies. The heat in the summer months was believed to be, in part, caused by Sirius and so they became known as "dog days". The Egyptian calendar was regulated by the movement of Sirius (Sothis to the Greeks) and the Sothic calendar was founded on the rising of Sirius one minute before the Sun, the so-called heliacal rising in the Summer. The number 23 was important to the Dogons, as it was to the Egyptians and the Babylonians. Some researchers say this was connected to the heliacal rising on July 23rd when Sirius, the Earth, and the Sun are in a straight line.

Others speculate that this could create a "star gate" connection between the two systems, a sort of interdimensional (inter-density) portal. This moment was the beginning of the calendar for the new year in many cultures. It is said that the eyes of the Sphinx (the dog?) line up with the exact period on the horizon where Sirius rises on July 23rd and that the pyramids are also lined up to that point on the horizon.
The Arc of Sirius
Consider the following: Sirius was called the 'Arrow star', and the Sanskrit word for 'an arrow, 'ishu', also means 'ray of light', and the Dogon tradition tells us that the ray of Digitaria (i.e. Sirius B) sweeps the Earth once a year. This imagery of an arrow-like ray of light that periodically 'sweeps' the Earth strongly reminds me of one particular type of star - a 'pulsar'. A 'pulsar' is a virtually dead star, a neutron star that rotates rapidly and causes electromagnetic beams to be emitted like a lighthouse (i.e. rotating light beams). The unique thing about pulsars is that their light emission is focused into 'arrow-like' beams and not omni-directional like most light sources in the sky. Therefore, the visibility of a pulsar depends on the geometry involved between the pulsar and the observer. So it is possible that a pulsar that's been invisible to us for a long time suddenly appears in the sky due to some slow-shifting geometric relationship.

What I'm getting at, is that there may be a pulsar in the Sirius system that's about to be observable for us on Earth. And this would make the "double sun" of Sirius. But will it be Sirius B? I'm not sure. Sirius B is considered to be a 'white dwarf' and 'white dwarfs' are not known to develop into pulsars, so scientifically it's unlikely, but science is always revising itself so I won't rule out the possibility of some unknown mechanism that lets Sirius B become a pulsar.

But there is another possibility I'd like to mention here. It's 'emme ya'/'Sirius C' - claimed by the Dogon to exist but not yet confirmed by scientific observation. According to the Dogon tradition, this star "throws out two pairs of radii (beams)" and it's "the only star which emits these beams which have the quality of solar rays" ('Sirius Mystery', pp44-45). These descriptions remarkably match the characteristics of a pulsar! I mean, what other celestial bodies "throws pairs of beams" besides pulsars? Furthermore, 'emme ya/Sirius C is called the 'sun of women', 'a little sun', and it is said to be accompanied by a satellite called the 'star of Women'. And this 'star of women' is represented by the sign of a 'cross', which correlates with the astrological 'grand cross' of Aug. 18, '99 and the cross of Christianity, the Knights Templar, etc. all relevant to Sirius.

So it seems possible that the 'light display' refers to the discovery/appearance of another star in the Sirius system (emme ya/Sirius C) which may be a pulsar.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:10 am

ADAM’S CALENDAR ... 25885.html
This far more ancient message in stone pointing to the three stars in Orion’s Belt further substantiates my observation and research that our Solar System was formerly the “Osirian Trinary Stellar System” containing the three stars Sirius B, Sirius C (our Sun) and the outer star Sirius A.

1) The greater light of the day was Sirius C (our Sun) which “appeared” greater due to its closer proximity to the Earth. It joined Sirius B at the core of the system into a “twin relationship.” Sirius C was created last by a 70% mass stellar ejection out of Sirius B that also created Sirius A, ten new planets and Sirius C. Sirius B was struck by a cometary impact (Comet Metis) and subsequently precipitated the 70% ejection that diminished the giant Sirius B star into an F-1 class star about 1.49 solar masses in size.

2) The lesser light of the night was Sirius A which “appeared” lesser due to its immense distance from the Earth, having been jettisoned over 10 billion miles from out of Sirius B and establishing its orbit around the body of the system. During this event Earth had already existed having been formed during the creation of Sirius B when it was a Blue Supergiant.
I tried to find a way to “reinterpret” the Dogon creation story and see if there was some way to join together the Sirius C star system and the Sun/Saturn star system in such a way that would include the myths about redemption, resurrection, reunion and immortality.

Either the Sun, Saturn and Sirius C were once part of the Sirian Star System, or they were formed within this system. The original “Fall of Man” had to do with the initial separation of the Saturn/Sun System from the Sirian C system; this followed with the destruction of the Sun/Saturn System and eventual restoration of order by Jupiter.

The original Sirius C/Saturn/Sun system probably included Earth, Mars, Maldek and Nibiru. Nibiru could have been formed as a result of the destruction of Maldek. Part of it became the “Star of the Tenth Moon” (Saturn’s moon Phoebe?) and the remainder continued to orbit around Sirius C as the planet known as “The Star of Women.”

The Dogon creation myths says that Ogo/Yurugu (Saturn) disrupted the (original) system and tried to create his own “world.” Ogo created our Sun from the “Amma’s placenta.”

Perhaps the initial “separation” of the two systems caused the explosion of Sirius B. This was the original sacrifice of the Nomo Seme.

The punishment of Jupiter included the destruction of the planet Maldek and the creation of the Venus Comet – the Star of Christ. It also caused the “flaying of Mars” (the removal of its atmosphere) and the creation of Mercury.

Amma (Amon – the creator god) sent Jupiter to punish Saturn and restore order. Jupiter cast Saturn into the Underworld (the center of the Earth or the far reaches of outer space) and assumed control of Saturn’s kingdom.

In the Underworld Saturn awaits for his redemption, restoration and return to the original Sirian C star system.

The time frame involves one precessionary cycle. The Golden Age returns with the Saturn’s rebirth and return to the Sirian star system.

Dogon and Zulu High Science ... -days.html
Amma then placed seven 'words' (planets?) in the po, which began to vibrate strongly within the seed. The spiraling vibrations caused four clavicles to grow forth from the po. In hue-mans, clavicles are the first bones to form in a hue-man embryo. They grow in the form of an exaggerated 'S'. The celestial clavicles that grow from the Po are the spiral nebulae arms that extend from the galactic core and define the shape of our spiral galaxy.

Suddenly, the Po burst forth, and eight new seeds were created. Amma planted these seeds in his egg near the clavicles of the Po. With these eight seeds, Amma intended to create eight celestial beings - four male and four female. The Dogon called these beings the Nommo Anagonno, best translated as 'The Word (Nommo) that Became the Fish-Man' (Anagonno). The Nommo are the first beings created by Amma, and they are amphibious celestial creatures. The Nommo correspond to the Kemetic Khem-Anu.
Saturn/Satan/Set) and the separation of the Saturn and Sirius C systems (the two placentas)
These eight beings were going to be Amma's perfect creation. As sister & brother yet husband & wife, the four fish-twins were going to make each other fertile, complete, and blessed with heavenly happiness and fulfillment. However, one of the male twins - Ogo (the Kemetic Set) - grew impatient as he waited for his female twin to gestate. Ogo decided to rebel from Amma. He jumped out of his celestial womb and stole parts of his own placenta. He then began creating and pro-creating with his own placenta in an attempt to re-create his own little world. His stolen placenta became impure, and his actions greatly threw off the divine order Amma had intended. The Dogon say that our Sun - whom they call Nay - is the stolen placenta, and that planet Earth is the rebel-world established by Ogo.
The Sacrifice of Nommo Semi (destruction of Sirius B and the creation of Sirius A)
To re-establish order and purify creation of Ogo's transgression, Amma decided to sacrifice one of the completed Nommo twins - Nommo Semi. Nommo Semi was composed of both a male and female Nommo Anagonno, and was a complete and perfect Being onto itself. Amma lifted Nommo Semi out of the celestial waters and tied the androgynous fish to the Kilena (Mother of charcoal) tree. In one swift cut, Amma sliced the umbilical cord and genitals of Nommo Semi. The sacrificed Nommo's blood & life force - nyama - emptied from its naval and groin. Semi died a suffering and painful death. The Dogon say that Sirius 'A' - the visible star of Sirius whom the Dogon call Sigi Tolo - is the celestial embodiment of the sacrifice.
The creation of the Sun; a description of the original Ark, and the “seeding of humanity”
Amma then took the nyama of the sacrificed Nommo and dripped it on the former placenta of the celestial fish (the Sirius system) and the stolen placenta of its brother Ogo (our Sun Nay). Amma's goal was to purify his creation from the transgressions of Ogo. It required him taking a pure and perfected being (Nommo Semi) and sacrificing it. Amma intended for the spirit of Nommo Semi to heal Ogo's torn placenta and become one with the Impure Earth Ogo had created. When Amma sprinkled the sacrificed nyama, it did several things:

- It caused the resurrection of the sacrificed Nommo. When Nommo Semi's nyama dripped on its former placenta, it caused it to be reborn. Its re-birth, however, multiplied Semi's forms and transformed its nature. Nommo Semi resurrected in three simultaneous forms:

1. Kora Na - The Great Ark of Pure Earth, the force that Amma intended to carry hue-manity and the seeds (po) of agriculture to the 'Impure Earth'. The Kora-Na is depicted as a step-pyramid with an antennae-looking rod at the apex.

2. 0 Nommo - 'Nommo of the Pond', the purifying force of fresh water on Earth.

3. Unum - The once androgynous Nommo Semi now manifested as the eight original ancestors of Hue-manity - four males and four females. The male and female souls of Nommo Semi now had their own separate forms. They were paired in four couples united in the image of the original eight Nommo.

-The sacrificial Nyama prepared the heavens for the Kora-Na to travel from the Sirius System to Planet Earth. The Kora-Na traveled from Sirius to our planet Earth on the sprinkles of Nyama. It carried as its occupants the Unum of Hue-manity and the seeds of eight celestial grains. Also, the shape, design, and proportions of the Ark express all of the principles and science hue-manity would need for the reorganization and atonement of Ogo's earth
(Sacred Geometry?)

The Nommos maintain the (sacred) connection between the Sun/Saturn system and Sirius C system. Our solar system “mirrors” the Sirius C star system (the “twin placentas”)
-The Sirius System became the Ever-Living Placenta of the Resurrected Nommo. Even though the Kora-Na, O Nommo, and the Unum were going to travel to 'The Impure Earth' of Ogo, they were to forever remain connected to a lifeline that connected them straight to Amma's womb. This ever-living placenta is the Sirius system, and as long as the connection with Sirius was maintained, the Resurrected Nommo would never die. The Sirius system floods the Impure Earth with rejuvenating and nourishing Nyama every sixty years, at which time the Dogon perform the Sigui ceremony to reaffirm the Earth-Sirius connection.

The sacrificial Nyama created parallel structures in celestial sphere and on Ogo's earth. In heaven, it reorganized space and the cycles of time in our solar system. It also synchronized our system's cycles with the cycles of the Sirius system. The Sirius System and this planetary system thus became twin placentas of a pair of the eight ancestral Nommo.

On earth, it organized hue-man culture and set the order for hue-man interaction. This is the celestial foundation of the Earthly sciences of astrology, astronomy, and agriculture.
Redemption, resurrection and rebirth – the reunion of the Sun/Saturn system with the Sirius C star system
Lastly, the sacrificial Nyama set the stage for the day of total purification and renewal for planet Earth. This day is called 'Izubay Minne' - "Earth of the Day of the Fish", which occurs when "the fish is sacrificed" (the termination of the Piscean Age) and "His blood falls to Earth as cords of rain" (when the celestial waters pour down to initiate the Age of Aquarius). One day during the transition of these ages, Taba Tolo - the reuniting of the two placentas - will occur. Taba Tolo is when the Sun and Sirius come together in a grand conjunction. My guess is that this grand conjunction will probably occur on the first helical rising of Sirius after the equinox sunrise occurs with Aquarius as the celestial backdrop. In other words, Taba Tolo will occur on the first helical rising of Sirius in the Aquarian Age. The Dogon depict Taba Tolo as the day a strong purifying stream of Nyama will pour down on the Sun and Earth from Sirius. This stream will wash away the corrupt order of Ogo and immortalize the sons and daughters of the Nommo.
Nommo Titeyanya (Jupiter) is sent by Amma to punish Saturn and restore order; Initially Saturn’s power is diminished; he becomes the “Pale Fox”; eventually he must flee; he takes refuge in the Underworld (center of the Earth or far outer space). Jupiter takes control.
As stated, Ogo's self-willed actions really threw off the universal balance Amma had intended. Beyond creating the principle and act of theft, when Ogo took his own placenta and recreated his own world, it amounted to an act of incest. Amma felt that Ogo must be stopped from creating more chaos, as well as punished for his misdeeds.

Amma ordered one of the other Nommo - Nommo Titeyanye - to punish Ogo. Nommo Titeyanye smashed Ogo's genitalia, making him infertile. Ogo fled from the heavens down to Earth. Once on Earth, Amma wanted to bind Ogo to this planet so that he could not disrupt the celestial order anymore. He transformed Ogo, who up until this point was in the form of an amphibious Reptilian (the Kemetic Apap), into Yurugu, the Pale Fox. The Pale Fox corresponds to the Kemetic Set-Anup the rebellious Black Jackal.

Once on Earth, the Pale Fox Yurugu continued his disruptive and chaotic behaviors. He attempted to create an artificial world outside of the divine order of Amma. That was what he was doing when the Ark Kora Na landed upon Earth. When it landed, the force of impact almost killed Yurugu, but he survived by fleeing underground. The impact of the landing threw the moon into the sky, which is part Kora-Na/Part Earth.
Resurrection and return – the reunion of the Saturn/Sun system with the Sirius C star system
Out of the Kora Na emerged the eight ancestors of hue-manity. They came forth with eight grains, including millet, black rice, chickpea, and sorghum. Their mission is to cultivate the land and grow the celestial grains so that everyone could live in abundance. They were also supposed to reproduce and spread throughout the world bringing the spiritual technologies contained within the Kora-Na with them. The eight ancestors and their offspring were charged with conducting important ceremonies such as the Sigui ceremony. The Sigui is performed every 60 year when the planets Jupiter and Saturn are aligned. The Sigui re-establishes the bond of the Fish-people who sacrificed their divine self to their homeland across the waters - Sirius. The ultimate purpose the Dogon say they have is to maintain this extra-terrestrial connection by establishing sacred sites and celestial granaries throughout the world in an effort to prepare Earth for Izubay Minne 'The Day of the Earth of the Fish'. This is the day that the re-uniting of the Twin-Placentas - Earth & Sirius - will be complete.
Primordial Light

“Star of the Sun”

The Worship of Saturn

Saturn and Jupiter


Could the inclusion of Sirius C along with the imagery of the Red Serpent (Vulcan/Nibiru), the Sun and Saturn (the members of the original “triple star system”) give us a clue?


Here is the GM's guide to the Companions. Like Earth, form Praedia seven bodies stand out in the heavens: the Sun, Moon, and 5 visible planets. Long ago, there was once a 2nd moon, but it is no more. So Seven is an important Number.

Traveller-star or trickster-star (equivalent of Mercury)
Twilight star, hunter star (Venus-equivalent)
Mars, the Blood-star
Vulcan (Jupiter), the Maker
Saturn, the dark-star, the star of Mysteries

Well, almost; how about:

Mercury, the traveler star
Venus, the twilight star
Mars, the Blood-star
(Jupiter), the Maker
Saturn, the star of Mysteries
Vulcan, the dark-star (Sirius C & Nibiru)

Steiner's Occult Cosmology

Everything is explained within a series of cosmic cycles: the Old Saturn, Old Sun, Old Moon, and Earth eras, and three future ones; each of which possesses certain characteristics:

1. Old Saturn: Solar System single mass; densest substance "warmth"
2. Old Sun: Sun, Moon, and Earth single mass; densest substance "air" (or gaseous)
3. Old Moon: Earth and Moon single mass; densest substance "water" (or liquid)
4. Earth: Present world; densest substance "earth" (or solid) during its densest substances
5. "Jupiter") future increasingly
6. "Venus") spiritualised worlds
7. "Vulcan") reverse of previous stages (redemption/restoration/return)


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:12 pm

Is the Vishnunabhi, the Seat of Universal Magnetism, found in the Galactic Center, the Pleiades or in the magnetic vortical center of Sirius B?

Hindu Theory of Time
In the introduction to his book The Holy Science, Sri Yukteswar describes an interesting variant of the Hindu theory of ages. According to him the sun, with its planets and their moons, takes some star for its dual and revolves around it in about 24,000 years of our earth-a celestial phenomenon which causes the backward movement of the equinoctial points around the zodiac. The sun also has another motion by which it revolves round a grand center called Vishnunabhi, which is the seat of the creative power, Brahma, the universal magnetism. Brahma regulates dharma, the mental virtue of the internal world.

Yukteswar goes on to explain that the sun's 24,000 year revolution around its companion star takes the sun progressively closer, and then progressively further away from the mystic center Vishnunabhi. In his system, dharma increases as we approach Vishnunabhi and decreases as we draw away from it.
Lost Star of Myth & Time ... -time.html
The explanation, alluded to in myth and ancient scripture, is that as the Sun curves through space in a gigantic elliptical orbit, it carries the Earth with it through some region of space that gradually induces a change in the subtle field of the mind and body. In the Old Testament we read, “Canst thou bind the sweet influence of the Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion”?

This powerful rhetorical question implies that there is something beneficial (“sweet influence”) that emanates from a certain region or direction in space. It also conveys the idea that man cannot stop (“Canst thou bind”) the celestial motion (orbit) that takes us away from this source – probably in the descending age.

This leads to the proposition of a simple hypothesis: As our Sun moves in a vast orbit around its companion star, it carries the Earth in and out of a magnetic or electromagnetic field that impacts the planet and life on a grand scale.

Eventually the effect shows outwardly as a positive or negative change in civilization, depending on whether we are getting closer to or farther from the source of influence. As the Earth moves into the field, a beneficial change occurs, and as the Earth moves out of the field, a disruptive or deteriorating effect occurs. This of course implies that we as human beings are not independent of the invisible forces in the cosmos that constantly surround us.

If the Sun is in a binary orbit (which appears to be the case), and if this orbit causes the Sun to travel in and out of a more heavily saturated region of the cosmos (which it appears to do), we are still left to ponder the question of what in space could cause such a powerful saturation. Stars of the general order don’t have a continuous and regular effect over such great distances. Even the occasional bursts from SGR 1900+14 that have a huge effect on the atmosphere do not seem to be regular enough to reliably change the course of civilization. Those sorts of things tend to be quite unpredictable, and we often can’t even locate a point of origin.

Yet historically we see a stream of writings suggesting that there is something out there, some sort of “sweet influence”, as Job described. Sri Yukteswar states in The Holy Science that beyond the binary motion, ‘The Sun also has another motion by which it revolves round a grand center called Vishnunabhi’.

Sri Yukteswar continues: ‘When the Sun in its revolution round its dual comes to the place nearest to the grand centre…(an event that takes place when the Autumnal Equinox comes to the first point of Aries)…mental virtue becomes so much developed that man can easily comprehend all, even the mysteries of Spirit.’ This is consistent with many of the Great Year myths but it remains elusive in suggesting exact object or location in the sky. Unfortunately for us, as with the binary, there is no clear answer based on our current level of knowledge. But we can make some educated guesses.

The first is that Vishnunabhi, the “universal magnetism,” might be the centre of the galaxy. On the surface this is an obvious choice for our binary, given that everything is slowly moving around it. At the same time, though, the distance to it is significant (estimated at 24,000 to 27,000 light years), making it a somewhat unlikely possibility.

Another possibility could be the much closer, super dense, EM wave-radiating Sirius B that we referred to earlier. The more one looks at the evidence the more it appears that Sirius, one of our closest stars, and the absolute brightest star in the sky, could be our partner sun.

Not only is Life here on Earth affected by the motion of the Binary Star (the likeliest candidate being Sirius), but there could be several other influencing forces as we could in fact be part of a Multiple Star System.

One of these other main influences could be the hub of the Milky Way, the Galactic Centre, but another key player in this Cosmic Game might also be the ‘Grand Center’, named ‘Vishnunabhi’ by Sri Yukteswar, which is possibly the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades found in the constellation of Taurus.

There seems to be a Hierarchy of influence, so if we follow the ‘Rungs of the Ladder’ (starting at the bottom and working up) then we have our own Sun, then Sirius, the Grand Center/Pleiades, and then the hub of the whole wheel – The Galactic Centre – which everything else revolves around.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Sep 25, 2009 6:57 pm

Update ... 478#p26457

The Sun takes on a dual:
An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina’

"The solar system shall become a binary sun system; when the Blue Star returns during the day it will appear as a silvery light, one hundred times brighter than the Morning Star. During the evening, it will appear as a moon. The Blue Star is a companion to Sirius B."
Hindu Theory of Time
In the introduction to his book The Holy Science, Sri Yukteswar describes an interesting variant of the Hindu theory of ages. According to him the sun, with its planets and their moons, takes some star for its dual and revolves around it in about 24,000 years of our earth-a celestial phenomenon which causes the backward movement of the equinoctial points around the zodiac. The sun also has another motion by which it revolves round a grand center called Vishnunabhi, which is the seat of the creative power, Brahma, the universal magnetism. Brahma regulates dharma, the mental virtue of the internal world.

Yukteswar goes on to explain that the sun's 24,000 year revolution around its companion star takes the sun progressively closer, and then progressively further away from the mystic center Vishnunabhi. In his system, dharma increases as we approach Vishnunabhi and decreases as we draw away from it.
The Sun was originally part of the Sirius star system:

ADAM’S CALENDAR ... 25885.html
This far more ancient message in stone pointing to the three stars in Orion’s Belt further substantiates my observation and research that our Solar System was formerly the “Osirian Trinary Stellar System” containing the three stars Sirius B, Sirius C (our Sun) and the outer star Sirius A.

The greater light of the day was Sirius C (our Sun) which “appeared” greater due to its closer proximity to the Earth. It joined Sirius B at the core of the system into a “twin relationship.” Sirius C was created last by a 70% mass stellar ejection out of Sirius B that also created Sirius A, ten new planets and Sirius C. Sirius B was struck by a cometary impact (Comet Metis) and subsequently precipitated the 70% ejection that diminished the giant Sirius B star into an F-1 class star about 1.49 solar masses in size.

The lesser light of the night was Sirius A which “appeared” lesser due to its immense distance from the Earth, having been jettisoned over 10 billion miles from out of Sirius B and establishing its orbit around the body of the system. During this event Earth had already existed having been formed during the creation of Sirius B when it was a Blue Supergiant.
I've heard it said that our sun was basically the outermost third star of a trinary Sirius star system in those days and that Sirius A and B shared about 17 more planets in various orbits about themselves, any of which could have had an impact in our solar system or played a role in the epic in the days when Maldek was still in one piece.
Dogon and Zulu High Science ... -days.html
Dogon say that our Sun - whom they call Nay - is the stolen placenta, and that planet Earth is the rebel-world established by Ogo.
The Sacrifice of the Nommo Semi (separation of the Sun and Sirian “placentas”) – the Explosion of Sirius B and the Felling of the World Tree

Dogon and Zulu High Science ... -days.html
The Dogon say that Sirius 'A' - the visible star of Sirius whom the Dogon call Sigi Tolo - is the celestial embodiment of the sacrifice.
Sirian Revelations
At a point in the space-time continuum a great cosmic exchange occurred in our stellar system. At the time of this cataclysmic change in our complex stellar body, the Deity Satais (Sirius B) collapsed, passing through her own astral chords and onto higher dimensional planes. What was left behind in the world of matter was, in stellar terms, a minuscule dwarf star of super dense matter, which was eventually pulled into an elliptical orbit around the dominant sister star, Sothis (Sirius A) - as was the distant cousin, Anu (Sirius C).

The collapse of Satais (Sirius B) - its ascension beyond material space – caused a monumental chain reaction through the entire Sirian system, out across the constellation of stars known to you as Canis Major and, indirectly, your solar system became involved in the dynamics of our evolution.
A retrospective look at Sirius B in its Red Supergiant Phase ... af2fdcd1a3
It seems highly unlikely that our solar system was unaffected by the nearby Sirius star/solar system formation and of its subsequent red supergiant demise in becoming a white dwarf. Clearly no one cosmic and/or terrestrial event caused the great extinction process, although physical impacts derived from the sudden demise of the Sirius B solar system (perhaps including that of obtaining Venus plus an icy Selene as our moon) would certainly have been trauma worthy of creating thermal extremes and otherwise geophysically catastrophic towards finishing off most of whatever was left of such robust life on Earth.
Sirian Revelations
These images provide clear viewing of the relationship of Sirius A & B, two of the three stars that comprise the Sirian star system. The third star, Sirius C, is so infinitesimal in comparison that it is invisible to the photographic lens, dwarfed by its too greater siblings. Indeed, scientists are still debating whether it exists at all – while the Ancient Dogon tribes have known of its existence for over 5,000 years, when they were visited by the Nommo of Sirius, amphibians that communicated their uncanny knowledge of celestial movements so many thousands of years ago. Here is what we know about the stars of Sirius:

This, the third of the Sirian stellar family (Sirius C – Anu) also ascended from the third dimension at the time of the Sirian shift.

Although the scientific community has not confirmed the existence of Sirius C, the Dogon knew of it by the name, Enome Ya, and they described it too as revolving around Sirius A.

Of the planets that orbited Anu (Sirius C), one did not achieve ascension when the star (which remains in the fourth dimension) did not: that planet is Nebiru, the home of the Annunaki.

Nebiru was flung out of Sirius, was captured by our sun, and ricocheted back to Sirius and it is to this day caught between the two star systems, on an elliptical journey that takes approximately 3,600 years to complete.
King James Bible
The solar system's formative planetary order has been changed by a disturbance caused by an encounter with a star (Sirius) sixty-five million years ago when Neptune and Uranus were between Mars and Jupiter. In that disturbance Neptune lost four of its five satellites that became free bodies around the Sun and interacted with other bodies of the solar system.

It is said by the Dogon that the system of Sirius has a third companion and that this Sirius C has the same orbital period as Sirius B but a greater orbit. If this is true, then the unusual nature of Sirius B should be taken into account.

If Sirius B is the jovian planet of that system, then Sirius C is the saturnian planet of that system with an orbital distance about twice Sirius B.
The Sirian connection(how they knew about Sirius C) ... 074&page=3
Q: Could this then be Sirius C? You mention some kind of dwarf star. This could be the only 'link' I could think of between the sun and Sirius A/B. It would seem to have some strange kind of orbit indeed.... with planetoids. Nibiru?

A: Our sun has a dark twin; that dark twin has a long ecliptical orbit and actually travels very far out into space towards Sirius A and B. It takes 3,600 years to complete its orbit. Sirius C was already known by the ancient Dogan tribe in Africa because this star (our Sirius C is the star I feel is actually Nibru. The Annunaki on this world are Sirians.

Our dark twin has a realy long orbit of 3,600 years and it travels is a highly acute eclipitical orbit and swings near our sun and the Sirius system.

Sirius B is not a dark companion star, it is small star, it is not a dark companion at all. It's a white dwarf now. Sirius C is a red star, darker than our own and smaller. It’s Nibru.
The Ark of Sirius
Sirius was called the 'Arrow star', and the Sanskrit word for 'an arrow, 'ishu', also means 'ray of light', and the Dogon tradition tells us that the ray of Digitaria (i.e. Sirius B) sweeps the Earth once a year. This imagery of an arrow-like ray of light that periodically 'sweeps' the Earth strongly reminds me of one particular type of star - a 'pulsar'.

There may be a pulsar in the Sirius system that's about to be observable for us on Earth. And this would make the "double sun" of Sirius. But Sirius B is considered to be a 'white dwarf' not a pulsar.

But there is another possibility. It's 'emme ya'/'Sirius C' - claimed by the Dogon to exist but not yet confirmed by scientific observation. According to the Dogon tradition, this star "throws out two pairs of radii (beams)" and it's "the only star which emits these beams which have the quality of solar rays" ('Sirius Mystery', pp44-45). These descriptions remarkably match the characteristics of a pulsar! Furthermore, 'emme ya/Sirius C is called the 'sun of women', 'a little sun', and it is said to be accompanied by a satellite called the 'star of Women' ("Sorghum Female". And this 'star of women' is represented by the sign of a 'cross', which correlates with the astrological 'grand cross'. So it seems possible that the 'light display' refers to the discovery/appearance of another star in the Sirius system (emme ya/Sirius C) which may be a pulsar.
Saturn – The Masonic Forum of Light (the esoteric importance of the North Pole) ... hread=1780
Now for the North Pole alluded to in our Dark North Side. It is probably the strangest legend I have ever read or encountered, but it has many coincidental parallels with Freemasonry. Remember the Temple our ritual describes was located so far north of the ecliptic where the sun couldn't reach it; and when the sun was at meridian height, it was way south as the sun is south in our lodge. This Temple our ritual speaks of is a different Solomon's Temple, one in the North Pole, not the one in Jerusalem. The Latin word TEMPLI HIEROSALIMA has two meanings, "Temple of Jerusalem" or "Temple of the Holy Mound." What Solomon's Temple is located in the North Pole? Is there any legend and or even story of a Temple being in the North Pole? And is there a symbol of any kind in Freemasonry that is associated with the North Pole? There is...or was.

The Big Dipper which revolves around Polaris looks like a Square. This Polar Square is a Swastika if you consider its stations in the cardinal points. The swastika was actually a symbol used in the Royal Arch degree before the Nazis came. It was retired from use for obvious reasons after they came. The Masonic swastika represents a double S (SS); yet another sad thing that was once shared with the Nazis. Our double S stood for two things related to Freemasonry: Sanctum Sanctorum (Holy of Holies) which is the Chamber where we were made Master Masons and which housed the Ark; and it stood for "SIGILLUM SOLOMANIS" which means the Mark or Sign of Solomon which is the swastika itself. Coincidently SS in German is SWARTS SON which means Black Sun. The Black Son is a title of Saturn. This sigil of Solomon represented the North Pole. The same constellation in the Vedas is called Tula meaning a Balance or Scale and is said to represent the North Pole in the Vedic Scriptures. Why would a Mark of Solomon be associated with the North Pole, and why would our Temple of Solomon be associated with the same region?
Divine Retribution – Jupiter sent to punish Saturn; the destruction of Maldek; the creation of the Venus Comet

Primordial Light
At one point in the narrative Dr Velikovsky hints that Jupiter must have previously wreaked havoc in our Solar System and that much of the confusion between Jupiter and Venus in the myths could be attributed to just this cause. It is his opinion that Venus was born from Jupiter; thus Jupiter would have been in collision with another of the major planets to cause the disturbances in the Solar System.

Sieff sees Jupiter as an invader of our System (then a double star system); moreover, he sees Jupiter as having caused the disintegration of Saturn, the one-time companion to the sun.
David Icke on Nibiru
I’ve come across a scientist friend in American who has been researching all this for 30 years, and he is convinced form a large amount of different evidence that actually something different happened. Not least because at a major corporation where he worked, the physicists did a study on what must have happened to the solar system. Because when you look at the planets and how they spin and how fast they spin and all this stuff, it’s very clear that some major disruption happened in our solar system. It affected not just the Earth but also the other planets. It was a major catyclysm. They came to the conclusion that basically supports the ideas of Immanuel Velikosky who in the ‘50’s who was ridiculed because he believed that what we now called Venus went careening through this solar system, devastated Mars, and almost destroyed the Earth. These physicists are actually supporting this theory.

What they believe as the result of their research is that the planet that we now call Jupiter came into this solar system not that long ago remarkably – 7,000 years ago maybe; something like that. 4,800 BC was the date I was given as the window of time that it happened; and it (Jupiter) collided with a planet that was in that area. Devastation unfolded and the Asteroid Belt was the result.
The Destruction of Maldek:

Maldek and Malona
The planet Maldek had a moon. This moon was known as Lilith. A moon is often feminine and the moon deity is usually a goddess. The Greek goddesses Selene, Artemis, and Hecate were all identified with the moon.

Planets of our Solar System were greatly disturbed by the destruction of Lucifer-Maldek, and its moon Lilith-Malona. Mars and the Earth suffered more from Lucifer than any of the other worlds.

Isaiah was figuratively speaking of the king of Babylon in reference to his glory and pomp, but he was actually referring to the destruction of a planet known to the ancient world as the "shining one". Lucifer and its remains are now to be observed in the telescope as the Asteroid Belt.

It should be stated here that the word Marduk may have come from Maldek. Marduk was the chief god of the Babylonian pantheon . . . from his mouth issued flame. In the battle of Marduk with Tiamat, "he (Marduk) created the evil wind, and the tempest, and the hurricane, and the fourfold wind, and the sevenfold wind, and the whirlwind, and the wind which had no equal."
(I believe Marduk is Jupiter and Tiamet is Maldek)

The Maldek Files
"Maldek" is one of several now popular names given to the ancient fifth planet of our solar system, whose orbit used to lie between that of Mars and Jupiter. At some point in the past, it was destroyed, leaving what we now know as the asteroid belt in its former orbit
Interestingly, Earth does not form from half of Maldek's remains, as Zecharia Sitchin postulated. Instead, Earth is already in existence, and the Maldek incident brings about the creation of Venus instead.
Mulge ... htm#Worlds
Mulge ("the black star") is the holy planet of the Amašutum and the Kadištu in the system of Ti-ama-te (the solar system) and also the ancient planet that evolved between Mars and Jupiter. Mulge rotated in the opposite sense with respect to the other planets and was placed as a frontier, subdividing toward the downstream, that is to say toward the sun, the four warm planets (Mercury, Earth, Mars, as well as Venus -- which, at this ancient epoch, was the moon of Mulge), and on the other side, toward the exterior, the colder planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, etc.
The Origin of Venus ... _add03.htm
In his opening section on this subject, Parks develops the direct link between the sense of the Morning Star (Egyptian: Neter Duau) and "the king", considered to be Horus (Heru), himself the image of Neter Duau (Venus).

The progenitors of Venus all incarnate a being sacrificed in connection with the world of the dead. This is true in all traditions including those of Central America and Scandinavia.

They are also often associated with war or a particular conflict, as with Ištar, Athena, Horus, Parashu-Râma, Lucifer.

The Hellenic form of the Babylonian Ištar (Venus) is Athena who springs, "fully-armed", from the brow of Zeus (Jupiter).

The planet just before Jupiter (i.e., its "head") was the "black star" Mulge, which ejected Venus from its original position as the satellite of the exploded Mulge.

The Indian chronicles relate that Brahma, "the immense being", possessed four heads placed at the cardinal points. Knowing that this "god" is considered to be the creator of everything, we can equate him to the Jupiter (Zeus) of the Mediterranean traditions, and the four heads would be the four satellites of Jupiter: Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.

The Vedic texts say that one day, Brahma fashioned for himself a fifth head with which to keep an eye on the goddess Sandhya ("twilight"). He was taken with her, united with her, and from this union was born humanity. Shiva-Rudra, the spouse of the goddess, became immensely angry and let loose a flaming arrow that cut off the fifth head of Brahma.

The key point for us is that the fifth head of the Indian Jupiter was said to "keep an eye on" the goddess of "dawn", which is to say to follow her cult -- for which reason Shiva-Rudra smashed it.
Neb-Heru, the Morning Star
Ádam Genisiš includes an appendix of this name, highlighting very telling ancient texts concerning the planet Venus, which they called (among other appellations) the Morning Star, and which they describe as having been a roving star ("astre") before taking its present position in the solar system. As he says, this interpretation was developed by Immanuel Velikovsky in Worlds in Collision.

Parks examines a number of singular documents that confirm, in part, the proposals of Velikovsky, as well as the cosmic events described in Ádam Genisiš, involving the "astre" Mulge-Tab (companion of Mulge). The most eloquent of these documents are funerary Egyptian texts, but others are just as convincing.

I am not in accord with author Zecharia Sitchin's thesis concerning Nibiru. I am absolutely certain that he describes Venus before it entered the orbit that we know today.

In my appendix to Ádam Genisiš, NEB-HERU, The Morning Star, I bring numerous new elements, in rapport with mythology that explains that there existed a planet between Mars and Jupiter which I name Mulge (the Black Star). This planet was the base of the Life Designers in the solar system.

Venus was then its satellite. The war that brought the Anunna against their opponents ended in the explosion of Mulge more than 10,000 years ago. When Mulge exploded, its satellite (the future Venus) was ejected and roamed in the solar system for several thousand years.

In the heart of the ancient Egyptians, Venus is Neb-Heru (the lord Horus), the avenger of his father Osiris. The funerary texts explain this and clearly associate Horus and afterwards the dead kings to the Morning Star.

Numerous myths relate its wanderings in the solar system. I am thus on this point in accord with the work of Immanuel Velikovsky (Worlds in Collision).
Saturn/Satan – Redeption, Resurrection and Return:

Esoteric References to Saturn and Sirius C

Star Magick
In Hecate's Fountain, Kenneth Grant speaks of the planet Emme Ya in the Sirius star-system as the origin of the Loa—Voudoo goddesses and gods, the Orisha in Yoruba tradition. The Dogon know Emme Ya—Star of Women—as the planet of the primal goddess, the Orisha Yemoja. Mother of all African goddesses and gods, Her name—Mother of Fish—recalls ancient tales of the amphibious Nommos, powerful beings of god-like stature who brought civilization to earth from the star system of Sirius, and whom the Babylonians knew as the Musari.
The name 'Sothis' seems to naturally fit the intents and the magical inclinations of the Lodge: Sothis/Sirius B is the dark star of Set, the ancient stellar body mysteriously 'discovered' more than 5000 years ago by the Dogons of Mali, and from which the darkest currents of magic emanate. Sothis is connected to Emme Ya (Sirius C), a bizarre star that constitutes the closest astronomical match to the concept of Black Sun, and from which Atlantean Lore says that many of the entities and intelligences today known in Pantheons sprang from. So, Sothis stands as the stellar, pulsating centre of the Draconian Current and of the energies that move the opposite side of creation - Sothis as 'Astrum Nigrum' (Black Star), soul of Black Isis and cosmic vehicle of Set.
Lucifer of the Black Sun ... black-sun/
Lucifer is the goddess of the Black Sun which is truly the great dragon Typhon the mother of all creation and of humanity. Typhon’s self begotten son was Sut the ancient Egyptian god which was Sothis or Sirius. [highlightWhich in later reckonings Sut was then named after the planet Saturn which was called in earlier times in history concerning Christianity Satan, or Lucifer.[/highlight] Lucifer is not just female or male Lucifer is androgynous, meaning that this very ancient creator is both female and male.

There are three forms of Suns known in esoteric literature; the third is largely hidden in many books in the past and present. There is a term called the Sun behind the Sun, which may be termed as the Sun behind our local Sun called Sirius. There are three Sirius planets A, B, and C which also cosmically allude to the existence of three Suns. The third Sun is called the galactic Sun which is a black hole in the depths of our solar system.
The Real Tomb of God: The Grail, The Ark, the Emerald Tablet, and the Forgotten Father of Mankind
This inner world is lit, according to legend, by an "artificial sun," or "The Smoky God," as it has been called, a ball of electro-magnetism that is said to provide warmth and light for the inhabitants of the inner Earth.

Now the alchemical process, both the physical and the figurative, involves a stage called Dissolution, when the elements (or the base emotions and Ego of the aspirant) are dissolved, to be replaced later by purity of spirit, or Gold. This stage is symbolized by a Black Sun! And this black sun stage is equated with none other than Saturn, or Kronos, the Sleeping God buried in a subterranean tomb and who is called "The Hidden One!"

And this is precisely why the Elixir of Life is called "The Hidden Stone" because it is hidden in the midst of this dross or base matter, the Black Sun, which, once dissolved, reveals the shining brilliance within. This dross matter is called the Prima Materia, the Original Matter from which all other forms were made. Yet the Black Sun has also been said to represent this Prima Materia, the Great Void from whence the Universe came.

In “The Polar Myth” by Joscelyn Godwin, there are two "Grail stones," one larger than the other, which keep in contact with each other via a magnetic link which is based upon the concept that Jehovah (Saturn) was merely "talking to" his subjects, from his real throne inside the Earth, via an electromagnetic hologram communication, and that, as it was expressed in "Raiders of the Lost Ark," it acted as "a radio for talking to God?"

Is it possible that the Black Sun, the seat of Jehovah's (Saturn’s) throne, is the larger Grail, whereas the Ark, a sacred gold-plated vessel containing the Tablet, is the smaller Grail? Perhaps the ancients, after discovering the lodestone, conceived of the concept of the electromagnetic spectrum, and a ball of energy in the center of the Earth from whence it all issued.

Again, these are common themes in world mythology. Most notably analogous to the story of the Fisher King is that of Kronos (Saturn), who, writes Evola, "after having been the Lord of this earth, the King of the Golden Age, was dethroned and castrated (that is, deprived of the power to beget, to give life to new stock). He still lived on, though asleep, in a region located in the Far North, closer to the Arctic Sea, which was also called the Cronic Sea."

It is also noteworthy that Saturn is called "The Hidden One," thus alluding perhaps to his seclusion inside of the Earth, and that many researchers have equated him with the prototype for Satan, given that he was horned, rebellious, and cast down into the Abyss (the Chronian Sea) to become Lord of the Underworld.

Also note that, like Satan, he was also called "The Lord of the Earth," and that Saturn and Satan may be etymologically linked, as many have argued. Furthermore, Saturn is also called the "Lord of the Mountain," and so is Satan. And is that not what we're talking about when we speculate about a dead god being buried in the center of the Earth?

Moreover, as we have previously noted, the "Black Sun" stage of alchemy is attributed to the powers of Saturn, where his "element," sulfur, is mixed with the "element" of Hermes, mercury. Hermes, of course, was representative of the light-bearing aspects of Lucifer, whereas Saturn represented more of the "Dark Lord" aspects of what we would now call the Devil, as ruler over the Underworld and the Abyss.

An equally integral part of the myth is that these sleeping gods shall some day awake and their kingdom rise again, just as the rediscovery of the Grail shall bring an end to the Wasteland and restore rightful kingship, bringing with it a new Golden Age.
Is Earth's Inner Sun the missing Twelfth Planet?
There is every indication that the once great planet Nibiru, Maldek, or Planet X, was blown up causing the inner and outer asteroid belts. The remaining spiritual core of this planet, along with its astral inhabitants may have wandered to and possessed our planet Earth!

There have been plenty of stories circling around in the metaphysical world about a new planet or world now forming or being born that is in all likelihood hiding behind our sun, and that it will fully materialize or become visible by 2012 AD (there's that date again), and that this birthing process is causing all the flares and disturbances in our solar system.

I asked a friend once (his two sons are psychic) to hone in on this newly forming world, and what they told me was surprising and revealing. They described this body (Vulcan/Nibiru) as being almost as huge as the sun, in an etheric or plasmic state, and between the orbits of Mercury and the Sun, and the reason we cannot see it is because it is in synchronous orbit to the Earth.
Beyond 2012
Readers of Robert Temple's The Sirius Mystery may recall that the Dogon tribe of Mali, West Africa, have known for centuries that Sirius (the Dog Star), is a binary star system, and that Sirius B is a white dwarf - facts they say were given to their ancestors by visitors from Sirius. What you may not have heard is that astronomers have recently discovered Sirius C.

The Dogon say that the "spaceship" of the visitors - the Nommo - looked "like a new star", and that they will return one day, when "a certain star will reappear", and there will be a "resurrection of the Nommo". They also say that Sirius A and B "were once where the Sun now is". The star will be invisible before it "emerges", and is drawn with the rays inside the circle. It will only be "formed when the Nommo's ark descends, for it is also the resurrected Nommo's "eye" symbolically." Temple thinks this is Phoebe - Saturn's tenth moon.
The Importance of the Grand Conjunction

The Grand Conjunction of the Great Year forms a specific sacred geometric pattern (the Sri Yantra – the cube-octahedron) that occurs once every 25,900 years. This pattern allows for the alignment of the cosmic, solar and planetary aetheric energy streams in such a way that phase conjugation (phase change) occurs; this opens the “inter-dimensional doorways” forming the Vesica Pisces that causes the “transformation of matter.” Acoustic (sound) and EM (light) energy (through the appropriate vibrations) changes the crystalline structure of matter. (Scalar energy is inter-dimensional energy. ... 282#p25557

The Trigon – How Saturn Measures the Precessionary Cycle

The Depths of the Sea ... mill20.htm
Attention was called to the significance of the revolution of that Trigon which is built up by "Great Conjunctions" of Saturn and Jupiter, and was still understood by Kepler. This Trigon of Great Conjunctions presented itself as the instrument by which one could "narrow down" the almost imperceptible tempo of the Precession. In order for the sun to move through the whole zodiac one of the angles of the Trigon needs approximately 3 x 794 1/3 = 2383 years. That comes tolerably near to one double-hour of the greatest "day" of the Precession of 25,900 years.


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