The Schumann Resonance

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by lizzie » Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:34 am

Note the parallels to the story of the “Second Coming of Christ” – the return of the “Fisher King”

The Mysteries of Sirius ... irius.html
The Dogon

"The starting point of creation is the star which revolves round Sirius and is actually named the "Digitaria star"; it is regarded by the Dogon as the smallest and heaviest of all the stars; it contains the germs of all things. Its movement on its own axis and around Sirius upholds all creation in space. We shall see that its orbit determines the calendar."
- Marcel Griaule and Germain Dieterlen in African Worlds

According to Temple, the Dogon knew that Sirius had an invisible companion (the white dwarf star Sirius B). "The Dogon name for Sirius B consists of the word for star, tolo, and po, the name of the smallest seed known to them. The Dogon thus attribute to Sirius B its three principal qualities as a white dwarf: its smallness, heaviness, and whiteness. They go on to say that the start's orbit is elliptical, with Sirius A at one focus of the ellipse, that the orbital period is 50 and that the star rotates on its own axis. The Dogon also describe a third star in the Sirius system, called Emme Ya ('sorghum female'). In orbit around this star, they say, is a single satellite. To date Emme Ya has not been detected by Western astronomers."
- Reader's Digest Mysteries of the Unexplained

"The Dogons considered Sirius B to be far more important than it larger and brighter companion. They also possessed knowledge of the third luminary as well as a small planet in the system and there is some confusion as to whether the third star (Sirius C?) was believed to be a smaller sun or simply a large planet, since this ancient African tribe also made reference to the 'shoe-maker's planet' and a 'planet of women'."
- Murray Hope, Practical Egyptian Magic

"The Dogon say that their astronomical knowledge was given to them by the Nommos, amphibious beings sent to earth from the Sirius star system for the benefit of humankind. The Nommos are also called Masters of the Water, The Monitors, and The Instructors. When their vessel landed, it skidded to a stop, scoring the ground....At that time a new star (perhaps a mother ship) (Sirrius C?) was seen in the sky."
- Mysteries of the Unexplained (from Robert Temple, The Sirius Mystery)

"As (the ark) landed, the weight of the ark caused the 'blood' to spurt to the sky and gave the star of the tenth moon [pelu tolo] reality and brilliance." (Is Sirius C the “Red Star Kachina”?)
- Dogon oral tradition

"The Dogon also describe this 'star' (Sirius C) specifically as having a circle of reddish rays around it, and this circle of rays is 'like a spot spreading' but remaining the same size."
- Robert Temple, The Sirius Mystery

"According to Dogon art, the Nommos were more fishlike than human, and they had to live in water. They were saviors and spiritual guardians:
- Mysteries of the Unexplained (from Robert Temple, The Sirius Mystery)

Across the ancient middle east was a tradition that powerful beings or Sons of God were not only the spiritual guardians of men - they were the masters and owners. The Nommo divided his body among men to feed them; that is why it is also said that as the universe 'had drunk of his body', the Nommo also made men drink He gave all his life principles to human beings."
- Dogon oral tradition

"The Nommo was crucified and resurrected and in the future will again visit the earth, this time in human form. Later he will assume his amphibious form and will rule the world from the waters."

"...In Babylonian accounts of Oannes, amphibious beings who came to this planet for the welfare of the human race. Their vehicle was egg shaped, and they landed in the Red Sea.

"The Oannes 'had the shape of a fish blended with that of a man', a 'complicated form between a fish and a man'; they were 'semi-demons - halfway between men and gods'. Their appearance was repulsive."
- Mysteries of the Unexplained (from Robert Temple, The Sirius Mystery)


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by lizzie » Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:36 am

Is this a reference to the original Saturnian North Polar collinear alignment?

The Guardian Star of Egypt ... irius.html
"The predynastic Egyptians worshipped the feminine principle, the great mother goddess [Tuart] represented by the seven stars of Ursa Major and her child Sirius the dog star, or Set. Sirius was also represented by the same symbol as his mother, whom he is supposed to have fecundated."
- Peter Tompkins, The Magic of Obelisks

Is this a reference to Osiris (Sirius C/Saturn) as the Dark Companion of Sirius A -- the Black God?
"...To ancient initiates Isis was a symbol of Sirius and Osiris a symbol of the Dark Companion of Sirius; but he is not aware of Crowley's and Levi's insistence that the traditional secret revealed in the Eleusian Mysteries was that 'Osiris is a black god!'"

"... The familiar symbol of Isis, with a star above her and one of her feet in water and the other on land, is a symbol of the Sirius connection..." (Atu XVII of the Tarot - The Star)

"Temple also demonstrates that the whole Egyptian calendar revolved around the movements of Sirius - the year began with the 'dog days' when Sirius started to rise behind the sun (July 23 in our calendar) ...that the earliest hieroglyphic for Osiris (the God of Resurrection and of Eternal Life) was an eye plus a throne; and that the most secret of the rituals of Osiris, the 'black rite,' is described on one Hermetic text as being so cryptic in its total meaning that men will only understand it fully when they pursue the stars 'unto the height'..."

The five pointed star: Is this a reference to the locations of the stargate in Orion? It marks the geometrical relationship between Alpha Draconis in the North Pole; Sirius A, B & C, and Rigel?
"A north/south section of the Pyramid of Cheops shows that the two so-called 'air-shafts' leading out from the King's Chamber are, within one degree of accuracy, inclined so that the northern one is centered on the celestial Pole and the southern one on the three stars of Orion's Belt. Virginia Trimble pointed out that, in the light of the ancients' mystic sense, it is obvious that these openings were meant to be guide ways for the soul, aiming either towards the Circumpolars in the northern sky or to the constellation of Orion in the southern sky."

"In the north at the approximate time of the pyramid's construction in 2700 BC, the Pole was occupied by Alpha Draconis, the star around which turned the Circumpolars - called the 'Indestructibles' since they never disappear below the horizon. Thus they were the symbol of immortality. The King then, triumphant over the trials of terrestrial life, will ascend imperishable in the northern sky.

"From the southern sky, the ancients had chosen thirty-six stars or constellations, the decans, whose consecutive helical risings occurred approximately every ten days. The rising of each decan occurred after it had passed seventy days of invisibility, a period corresponding to that of mummification. Among these stars are Osiris (Orion) and Isis-Sothis (Sirius), symbols of yearly renewal, of the regeneration of the Nile, of cyclic death and rebirth."
- Lucy Lamie, Egyptian Mysteries


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by lizzie » Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:26 pm

Vril Energy is the power source of the Black Sun. It is magneto-electric energy derived from “implosion technology” (electrostatic induction) (negative attraction) (Keely’s Neutral Center)

The Sun behind the Sun
The name, Thule, refers to the capital of the legendary polar country Hyperborea. Also referred to as ‘Ultima Thule’, it was supposedly the gateway to another world. Thule was therefore recognized as a place where humans could, by whatever means, ‘leave the earth’, it also reputedly stood at the portal of the ‘Hollow Earth’.

According to Peter Moon, in his book 'The Black Sun', the ultimate concept of Thule is well represented in the myth of it as the capital city or center of Hyperborea, a word which literally means 'beyond the poles'. As it is beyond the poles, Hyperborea is positioned as being outside of this dimension. Thule, being in the center, is positioned as the source of all life on Earth. In Greek mythology, Pythagoras was taught sacred geometry by Apollo, a god who was identified as a resident of Hyperborea. In Pythagorean teachings, the Earth itself geometrically unfolds from a void in the center. This void has been recognized by many ancient groups, including the Sumerians, as the Black Sun. In this sense, Thule is synonymous with this Black Sun.

The Black Sun is an even more esoteric concept than that of Thule. Represented as the void of creation itself, it is the most senior archetype imaginable.

"Their source of power was the Black Sun, an infinite beam of light which though invisible to the human eye is real and there.

The Black Sun symbol can be found in many Babylonian and Assyrian places of worship. They depicted the Black Sun as the godhead's inner light in the form of a cross.

The Vril Force or Vril Energy was said to be derived from the Black Sun, a big ball of "Prima Materia" which supposedly exists in the center of the Earth, giving light to the Vril-ya and putting out radiation in the form of Vril.

This force was known to the ancients under many names, and it has been called Chi, Ojas, Vril, Astral Light, Odin Forces and Orgone.

Vril Power and the Vril Gesellschaft ... ellschaft/
They discussed that our solar year – according to the twelve revolutions of the moon – was divided into twelve months and thus the revolution of our sun around the great central sun (the BLACK SUN of ancient myths) was also divided into twelve parts. Together with the precession of the cone-shaped proper movement of the Earth due to the inclination of the axis, this determines the length of the world age.

Such a “cosmic month” is then 2,155 years, the “cosmic year” 25,860 years long. According to the Templars the next change is not just an ordinary change of the age, but also the end of a cosmic year and the start of an absolutely new one. By completing the 25,860 years the Earth is changing from the age with the weakest (Pisces) to the age with the strongest radiation (Aquarius). Indo-Aryan definition calls this the end of the Kali Yuga, the age of sin.

All age changes have led to political, religious, social and also geological upheavals of great impact. The time of change-over from the old to the new age is called in Mesopotamian teachings the three “double steps of Marduk”, of 168 years duration, at the mid-point of which the ILU ray, the Divine Ray, is expected to reach Earth.

“In everything we recognize two principles that determine the events: light and darkness, good and evil, creation and destruction – as in electricity we know plus and minus. It is always.

“These two principles – the creative and the destructive – also determine our technical means…

“Everything destructive is of Satanic origin, everything creative is divine. Every technology based upon explosion or combustion has thus to be called Satanic. The coming new age will be an age of new, positive, divine technology!”

The scientist Viktor Schauberger worked on a similar project. Johannes Kepler, whose ideas Schauberger followed, had knowledge of the secret teachings of Pythagoras that had been adopted and kept secret by the Knights Templar. It was the knowledge of implosion (in this case the utilization of the potential of the inner worlds in the outer world) – that the divine principle was always constructive.

A technology, however, that is based on explosion and therefore is destructive runs against the divine principle. Thus they wanted to create a technology based on implosion. Schauberger’s theory of oscillation (principled of the overtone sequence, monochord) takes up the knowledge of Implosion. To put it simply: Implosion instead of explosion! Following the energy paths of the monochord and the implosion technology one reaches the realm of antimatter and thus the cancellation of gravity.
The Sirius, Orion, Alderban Alignment

The New Orion Theory ... e+Herschel
It was this prime question that inspired Wayne Herschel to dig deeper. Given the huge distance between the Giza ‘belt’ pyramids and the closest pyramids neighbouring them (in the north Abu Rawash and in the south Zaweyet Al-Aryan), he could not help thinking that completely different stars were at play in this pyramid star map. What if two far more significant stars, namely Sirius and Aldebaran, were to fit here as the correct correlations for these two pyramids?

After all, the ancient Egyptians revered Sirius as very important and the name given to the star Aldebaran was “Ad-Dab-aram”, which means “follower of the Pleiades”. (This is because if one were to follow one’s line of sight from Orion’s belt through Aldebaran, one’s eye would follow directly to the Pleiades in the night sky). Quite uncannily, the name even sounded like the pronunciation of the ancient pyramid name “Zaweyet Al-Aryan”.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by lizzie » Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:00 pm

The Hidden Power of Saturn, the Ether, Alchemy, Counter-rotating Magnets (anti-gravitry) and the Golden Age

The Real Tomb of God: The Grail, The Ark, the Emerald Tablet, and the Forgotten Father of Mankind
"The idea of a monarch or leader who is not dead, but asleep, and will one day awaken is a familiar one.

Indeed this "Sleeping God" or "Lost King" who will one day awaken/return is an extremely prevalent archetype. It has been applied to the Greek Kronos/Saturn, Satan/Lucifer of the Biblical legends, as well as Jesus Christ of the same, an entire host of Sumerian gods and the "Fisher King" of the Grail Story, to name but a few.

This inner world is lit, according to legend, by an "artificial sun," or "The Smoky God," as it has been called, a ball of electro-magnetism that is said to provide warmth and light for the inhabitants of the inner Earth.

Alchemy concerns itself with the search for the elusive "Elixir of Life," a sort of cure-all substance that is capable of bringing health, wealth, immortality, and spiritual emancipation to him who possesses it. Literally, it involves the transformation of base metals into gold while figuratively it involves the transformation of the dross of the unrefined Soul into the "Lapsit Exillis" - the Stone from Heaven.

This stone represents perfection idealized, the amalgamation of opposites into a unified whole. And yet it is also called the Hidden Stone because it lies in the midst of all things, and men do not see it, giving rise to the parable of the "Stone that was Rejected" in the building of Solomon's Temple, which in the end becomes the cornerstone for the House of God.

Now the alchemical process, both the physical and the figurative, involves a stage called Dissolution, when the elements (or the base emotions and Ego of the aspirant) are dissolved, to be replaced later by purity of spirit, or Gold. This stage is symbolized by a Black Sun! And this black sun stage is equated with none other than Saturn, or Kronos, the Sleeping God buried in a subterranean tomb and who is called "The Hidden One!"

And this is precisely why the Elixir of Life is called "The Hidden Stone" - because it is hidden in the midst of this dross or base matter, the Black Sun, which, once dissolved, reveals the shining brilliance within. This dross matter is called the Prima Materia, the Original Matter from which all other forms were made. Yet the Black Sun has also been said to represent this Prima Materia, the Great Void from whence the Universe came.

The fact that the rose is surmounted upon an equilateral cross could be seen as symbolic of its place "in the center of things," that is, figuratively, to be found in the deepest recesses of your soul, where resides the equilibrium of opposing forces; and literally, in the center of the Earth's axis. But is there any further evidence that ties this in more directly with the inner earth, the Holy Grail and a buried or "Hidden" god?

In “The Polar Myth” by Joscelyn Godwin, there are two "Grail stones," one larger than the other, which keep in contact with each other via a magnetic link which is based upon the concept that Jehovah (Saturn) was merely "talking to" his subjects, from his real throne inside the Earth, via an electromagnetic hologram communication, and that, as it was expressed in "Raiders of the Lost Ark," it acted as "a radio for talking to God?"

Is it possible that the Black Sun, the seat of Jehovah's (Saturn’s) throne, is the larger Grail, whereas the Ark, a sacred gold-plated vessel containing the Tablet, is the smaller Grail? Perhaps the ancients, after discovering the lodestone, conceived of the concept of the electromagnetic spectrum, and a ball of energy in the center of the Earth from whence it all issued.

It is the combination of these opposing forces that creates the "Elixir of Life," the Stone of the alchemists, which is equivalent to the Grail, and which represents the powers of both Good and Evil which are the property of the Gods and their human offspring, the "Grail Kings."

The Grail itself, as the Stone of Heaven, represents the Divine foundation upon which this kingdom is founded, the stone from Lucifer's crown, which was given to man by rebellious angels, and which embodies (a) the principles of royal, solar and divine leadership, (b) the secret spiritual doctrine of equilibrium, or Hermetic alchemy, which was meant to be the exclusive property of the Gods and their royal human inheritors, and (C) the actual transmission of royal (and thus divine) genetic material in the form of a bloodline.

Again, these are common themes in world mythology. Most notably analogous to the story of the Fisher King is that of Kronos (Saturn), who, writes Evola, "after having been the Lord of this earth, the King of the Golden Age, was dethroned and castrated (that is, deprived of the power to beget, to give life to new stock). He still lived on, though asleep, in a region located in the Far North, closer to the Arctic Sea, which was also called the Cronic Sea."

It is also noteworthy that Saturn is called "The Hidden One," thus alluding perhaps to his seclusion inside of the Earth, and that many researchers have equated him with the prototype for Satan, given that he was horned, rebellious, and cast down into the Abyss (the Chronian Sea) to become Lord of the Underworld.

Also note that, like Satan, he was also called "The Lord of the Earth," and that Saturn and Satan may be etymologically linked, as many have argued. Furthermore, Saturn is also called the "Lord of the Mountain," and so is Satan. And is that not what we're talking about when we speculate about a dead god being buried in the center of the Earth?

Moreover, as we have previously noted, the "Black Sun" stage of alchemy is attributed to the powers of Saturn, where his "element," sulfur, is mixed with the "element" of Hermes, mercury. Hermes, of course, was representative of the light-bearing aspects of Lucifer, whereas Saturn represented more of the "Dark Lord" aspects of what we would now call the Devil, as ruler over the Underworld and the Abyss.

An equally integral part of the myth is that these sleeping gods shall some day awake and their kingdom rise again, just as the rediscovery of the Grail shall bring an end to the Wasteland and restore rightful kingship, bringing with it a new Golden Age. Then again, their kingdom may already be here, and men do not see it, as Christ said in the Gospel of Thomas, being invisible to all but the elect. Thus it remains the responsibility of those who feel worthy to receive these secrets to reach out and grab them, for they remain the divine inheritance of all who are children of the Forgotten Father.
Alchemical Theory
The One Thing (or the Subtle Ether)

Space, whether interplanetary, inner matter, or inter-organic, is filled with a subtle presence emanating from the One Thing of the universe. Later alchemists called it, as did the ancients, the subtle Ether. This primordial fluid or fabric of space pervades everything and all matter. Metal, mineral, tree, plant, animal, man; each is charged with the Ether in varying degrees. All life on the planet is charged in like manner; a world is built up in this fluid and move through a sea of it.

Alchemical Ether, which some Hermeticists call the Astral Light, determines the constitution of bodies. Hardness and softness, solidity and liquidity, all depend on the relative proportion of ethereal and ponderable matter of which they are composed. The arbitrary division and classification of physical science, the whole range of physical phenomena, proceeds from the primary Ether, for science has reduced matter as we know it to nothing but Ether, which, although not solid matter, is still matter, the First Matter of the alchemists.

The Ether of space," according to physicist Sir Oliver Lodge, "is a theme of unknown and apparently infinite magnitude and of a reality beyond the present conception of man. It is that of which everyday material consists, a link between the worlds, a consummate substance of overpowering grandeur. By a kind of instinct, one feels it to be the home of spiritual existence, the realm of the awe-inspiring and supernal. It is co-extensive with the physical universe and is absent from no part of space. Beyond the furthest star the Ether extends, in the heart of the atom it has its being. It permeates and controls and dominates all. It eludes the human senses and can only be envisaged by the powers of the mind. Yet the Ether is a physical thing; it is not a physical entity, yet it has definite properties.

Now, the alchemist has divided matter, seen and unseen, into seven principles or planes, and of these the fifth principle, or Quintessence, corresponds to science's Ether or in more contemporary parlance, the Space-Time Continuum. If we are willing to admit that there is some truth in this relationship of ideas, then we may begin to see that alchemy is based on absolute law. All the forces of our scientists have originated in the Vital Principle, that one collective life. Our life is a part of, or rather one of the aspects of, the One Universal Life.

During a person's life, there is present a finely diffused form of matter, a vapor filling not merely every part of his physical body but actually stored in some parts; a matter constantly renewed by the vital chemistry; a matter as easily disposed of as the breath, once the breath has served its purpose. Paracelsus named this First Matter of life the Archaeus, meaning the oldest principle. "The Archaeus is an essence that is equally distributed in all parts of the human body," he wrote. "The Spiritus Vitae (Spirit of Life) takes its origin from the Spiritus Mundi (Spirit of the Universe). Being an emanation of the latter, the Archaeus contains the elements of all cosmic influences and is therefore the cause by which the cosmic forces act upon the body."

The Archaeus is of a magnetic nature and is not enclosed in a body but radiates within and around it like a luminous sphere. Alchemy and alchemy alone, within the current historical epoch, has succeeded in obtaining a real element, or a particle of homogeneous matter. This is the true Mysterium Magnum. By this age-old science the alchemist may set free this Vital Principle in his laboratory, destroy the body of the metal on which he is working, purify its Salt, and reassemble its principles together in a higher form. The alchemical process is, after all, nothing but a miniature reproduction of a superior process in operation around us all the time and undoubtedly proceeds from Master Intelligences who have lived at some time or another on our earth.

Paracelsus noted: "Nothing of true value is located in the body of a substance, but in the virtue thereof, and this is the principle of the Quintessence, which reduces, say 20 lbs. of a given substance into a single Ounce, and that ounce far exceeds the 20 lbs. in potency. Hence the less there is of body, the more in proportion is the virtue thereof."

"The Magi in their wisdom asserted that all creatures might be brought to one unified substance," he continued, "which may by purification and purgation, attain to so high a degree of subtlety, such divine nature and Hermetic property, as to work wonderful results. For they considered that by returning to the Earth, and by a supreme and magical separation, a certain perfect substance would come forth, which is at length, by many industrious and prolonged preparations, exalted and raised up above the range of vegetable substances into mineral, above mineral into metallic, and above perfect metallic substances into a perpetually alive and divine Quintessence. The evolutionary perfection includes within itself the essence of all celestial and terrestrial creatures." By this Quintessence or quintum esse, Paracelsus meant the nucleus of the essences and properties of all things in the universal world.

From the Golden Casket of Benedictus Figulus comes the following wisdom: "For the elements and their compounds in addition to crass matter, are composed of a subtle substance, or intrinsic radical humidity, diffused through the elemental parts, simple and wholly incorruptible, long preserving the things themselves in vigor and called the Spirit of the World, proceeding as it does from the Soul of the World. This is the one certain Life filling and fathoming all things, so that from the three emanations of sentient beings (Intellectual, Celestial, and Corruptible), there is formed the One Machine of the Whole World. This spirit by its virtue fecundates all subjects natural and artificial, pouring into them those hidden properties that we have been want to call the Fifth Essence, or Quintessence. But this Fifth Essence is created by the Almighty for the preservation of the four qualities of the human body, even as Heaven is for the preservation of the Universe. Therefore is this Fifth Essence and Spiritual Medicine, which is of Nature and the Heart of Heaven and not of a mortal and corrupt quality, what makes life possible? The Fount of Medicine, the preservation of life, the restoration of health, and in this may be the cherished renewal of lost youth and serene health be found."


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by lizzie » Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:19 pm

Implosion Technology

Keys to Understanding Schauberger
Nature's Creative Processes operate in 4th & 5th dimensional modes
None of the vital processes governing the creation of life can be understood from purely material perspective (the 3rd dimensional viewpoint of contemporary science).

These vital processes of Nature operate at subtler and more rarefied levels than the mechanical (at the energy domains of the 4th & 5th dimensions). This is what Schauberger refers to when he says we have to think "an octave higher".

From this broader perspective, the Earth is not only a highly complex self-sustaining organism in which all life is interconnected (the Gaia principle), but is also a conscious being with both meaning and purpose, going through an evolutionary process to a higher form, as are all her dependent life-forms.

Nature, which is the expression of the Divine, gives Earth higher meaning and vitality, a special kind of evolutionary purpose; without it, Earth would still be a living organism. Air, water and rocks are similarly organisms subject to processes of growth, decay into constituent parts, and building up into higher life forms through energy transformation.

Resonance is the phenomenon (Gaian glue) that illustrates this interconnectedness, in which in which every action creates a response in the environment. This harmonic response operates multi-dimensionally through sound, colour, taste and smell, can be depicted mathematically and illustrated geometrically. It can be degenerative or enhancing, and is engendered through movement and energy polarity (energy synonymous with movement)

Energy is blueprint - and the cause. Form, as matter, is the "waste product" of the creative idea. Energy moves in spirals, the most complex form of which is the vortex whose purpose is to transform energy from one level to another; it can also serve as a gateway between one dimension and another.

Water is Nature's most important building block. It can be both decomposed - and energised or build up. Whether as water, blood or sap, it is essential for all life-building processes and its quality and temperature are fundamental to her health of all life forms.

All life and growth are shaped and fashioned through vibrations and movement.

An understanding of motion in Nature is crucial, and is the most important of Schauberger's discoveries. There are two forms of flow or motion in Nature: the outward moving, expanding (centrifugal) form which Nature uses to break down, and the inward moving, contracting (centripetal) which Nature uses to build up and energise.

In Nature, unity or the whole is comprised of two opposing qualities in balance.

The dance of creation is the harmonios interplay through attraction and repulsion of polarised atoms; without there would be no water, no plants, nor chemical compounds.

In contrast to currently held doctrines, Nature is founded more on cooperation than on competition, because physical formation can occur only through harmonious interplay when elements can come together and structures can be built up.

At the heart of the creative process in Nature are polarities - such as: positive & negative, chaos & order, quantity & quality, gravitation & levitation, electricity & magnetism. In every case, for any natural process to be harmonious, one polarity cannot exist without the other; each needs the other to make up the whole. Natural law requires that, for creative evolution to be maintained, they are not 50/50, but unevenly balanced towards the yin or negative, but requiring reciprocity between them.

They always operate simultaneously because everything is bi-polar (in every man a woman exists, and in every woman a man). The catalytic role of dual polarity starts with the positive charge of the Sun and the negative of Earth, but is an essential component for all biological processes. We tend to emphasise the lower, coarser, "positive" quality.
Implosion Technology
The basis and primary mode of today's technology is based on explosion - expansive, centrifugal movement. We have directed our attention on the degenerative forces in nature by using combustion, heat, friction and pressure. It is known that the efficiency of this energy base (fossil fuels and nuclear energy) is not more than 35%, that it exploits the natural resources, and is responsible for extensive pollution and damage to the natural world. It stands to reason that we now look the other way to a frictionless cooling and compacting of matter through the geometric coiling action of the cycloidal spiral movement in a VORTEX.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by lizzie » Wed Jun 17, 2009 8:36 pm

The Earth is hollow and has an interior sun. The Black Sun or Prima Materia is a piezoelectric ferromagnetic crystal powered by Birkeland currents -- hydrogen fusion by electrostatic induction or centripetal implosion.

The Black Sun

Vril Power and the Vril Gesellschaft ... ellschaft/
Druses confirmed this, as they were hollow and the “life”, the mineral and crystals, were in the interior. Therefore the Earth also had to be hollow and had a nucleus, the Central Sun (the Black Sun) that gave the interior an even climate and permanent sunlight, corresponding in the microcosm to the central sun of the galaxy in the macrocosm.

They maintain that the actual life in our planet takes place in the interior – the master race lives inside and the mutants on the surface – and that this was also the reason why we wouldn’t find any life upon other planets of our solar system, because their inhabitants live inside. The main entrances are at the North and South poles through which the central sun is shining and producing the aurora borealis. In the interior the land mass was exceeding the water mass.
In other words, the Abzu (hollow earth) is a structure that contradicts our common knowledge of the Earth and all other planetary bodies in the Solar System – and seems to violate our understanding of physics as well.

It must be open to both of the Earth's poles or polar regions
It must be able to contain a small "sun".

About that sun that always seems to be present inside the cavity: why would it be there, where did it come from, and what makes it stable in that position?

The next phase might be an interaction between interstellar particles being attracted toward the gravitational well and outward-moving energy and particles. Might there be a point of equilibrium at a given radius where a shell of matter would begin to form?

Another major detail requiring an explanation would be the holes at the poles of rotation. I personally am not clear on this point, as the dynamics appears complex, but it seems reasonable that if there was rotation in the first place, that these holes might appear due to centrifugal force.

The Electric Sky Model of plasma astrophysics and its subsidiary Electric Sun, described for example in Donald Scott's The Electric Sky (2006), being scalable over the range of cosmological- to laboratory-sized dimensions, provides us with a perfectly reasonable model of a small sun that could exist in the earth's cavity. This is because stars are not fusion reactors requiring a certain size and gravitational pressure, but simple foci of plasma occurring along strung-out Birkeland Currents.

In this model, the energy from the sun (any sun) is supplied by the Birkeland current, a plasma in "dark current mode" (i.e, in the low-current-density regime in which it is not emitting light).

The Birkeland current feeding a planet's inner sun would very definitely have to pass through polar openings.

Is it possible that those openings are a part of the geometry of a "recombination zone" that is responsible for planetary formation itself?
Electric Stars, Hydrogen Fusion, Electrostatic Induction, Piezoelectricity and Ferromagnetic Crystals ... 825#p21837

Implosion Technology
The basis and primary mode of today's technology is based on explosion - expansive, centrifugal movement. We have directed our attention on the degenerative forces in nature by using combustion, heat, friction and pressure. It stands to reason that we now look the other way to a frictionless cooling and compacting of matter through the geometric coiling action of the cycloidal spiral movement in a VORTEX.
Alchemical Theory
The Archaeus is of a magnetic nature and is not enclosed in a body but radiates within and around it like a luminous sphere. Alchemy and alchemy alone, within the current historical epoch, has succeeded in obtaining a real element, or a particle of homogeneous matter. This is the true Mysterium Magnum. By this age-old science the alchemist may set free this Vital Principle in his laboratory, destroy the body of the metal on which he is working, purify its Salt, and reassemble its principles together in a higher form. The alchemical process is, after all, nothing but a miniature reproduction of a superior process in operation around us all the time and undoubtedly proceeds from Master Intelligences who have lived at some time or another on our earth.
The Earth’s Crystalline Core
Simulations suggest the Earth’s iron core assumes the so-called body-centered cubic crystal Structure. The body-centered cubic crystal structure forms a cube with atoms in each corner and a further atom in the middle of this cube. It is oriented in such a way that its great diagonal is directed along the earth’s axis of rotation, which makes it possible for the iron to evince sound propagations with the velocities observed.
Crystal at the Center of the Earth
There's a giant crystal buried deep within the Earth, at the very center, more than 3,000 miles down. This remarkable finding, which offers plausible solutions to some perplexing geophysical puzzles, is transforming what Earth scientists think about the most remote part of our planet.

This finding, confirmed only within the past two years, quickly led to the conclusion that Earth's solid-iron inner core is "anisotropic" -- it has a directional quality, a texture similar to the grain in wood that allows sound waves to go faster when they travel in a certain direction.

Prevalent opinion before these calculations held that iron's crystal structure in the inner core was bcc. To the contrary, the calculations showed, bcc iron is unstable at high pressure and not likely to exist in the inner core. For the other two candidates, fcc and hcp, Stixrude and Cohen found that both can exist at high pressure and both would be directional (anisotropic) in how they transmit sound. Hcp iron, however, gives a better fit with the seismic data. All this was new information, but even more surprising was this: To fit the observed anisotropy, the grain-like texture of the inner core had to be much more pronounced than previously thought.

"Hexagonal crystals have a unique directionality," says Stixrude, "which must be aligned and oriented with Earth's spin axis for every crystal in the inner core." This led Stixrude and Cohen to try a computational experiment. If all the crystals must point in the same direction, why is it not one big crystal?

Could an iron ball 1,500 miles across be a single crystal? Several high-pressure laboratories have experiments planned to test these results. A strongly oriented inner core could also explain anomalies of Earth's magnetic field, such as tilted field lines near the equator. "To do these esoteric quantum calculations," says Stixrude, "solutions which you can get only with a supercomputer, and get results you can compare directly with messy observations of nature and help explain them -- this has been very exciting."
Journey to the Center of the Earth ... -the-earth
The Kola borehole is by far the deepest one ever dug, yet it reaches a mere 0.2 percent of the way to the core. The rest of Earth’s interior remains as frustratingly out of reach as it was three centuries ago, when astronomer Edmond Halley suggested that our planet was hollow and filled with life. His ideas seem laughable today, but the truth is, when it comes to the inner Earth, no one knows anything for sure. Might a massive crystal sit at the center? What about a natural nuclear reactor? Are we so sure that the textbook diagram of the Earth sliced open, with nested layers of yellow, orange, and red, reflects reality?

This is where the speculative, often offbeat, theories come in. As recently as 1995, geophysicists at the Carnegie Institution of Washington proposed that the inner core was actually a gigantic crystal. This strange but educated guess came in response to strong evidence that seismic waves traveling through the inner core along the axis of the magnetic poles complete their trip through Earth about four seconds more quickly than do waves traveling from one side of the equator to the other. An iron crystal would account for this marked “grain” in the inner core, and the extreme temperature and pressure at the planet’s center happen to be ideal conditions for crystal growing.
Is there a Nuclear Reactor at the Center of the Earth?
In this paper we discuss the Herndon hypothesis that a nuclear reactor is operating at the center of the Earth. Recent experimental evidence shows that some uranium can have partitioned into the core. There is no viable mechanism for the small amount of uranium that is dissolved in the molten metal to crystallize as a separate uranium phase (uranium metal or uranium sulfide) and migrate to the center of the core. There is no need for an extra heat source, as the total heat leaving the core can be easily provided by “classical” heat sources, which are also more than adequate to maintain the Earth’s magnetic field. It is unlikely that nuclear georeactors (fast breeder reactors) are operating at the Earth’s center.
Imagine that! The Earth's Black Sun is a nuclear fusion reactor! ;)


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by lizzie » Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:06 pm

Will Saturn be “reborn” as a new brown dwarf sun?

Singing Saturn's Hexagonal Mystery
We already knew that the ring system resembles the rotation of a vinyl LP while being played on a turntable. Then scientists found out that the rings play tunes, broadcast as radio waves. The frequency was too high for human aural reception, but a team at the University of Iowa lowered the tone to make them audible. The astonishing, distinctive sounds are believed to be vibrations from the impact of space debris crashing into the frozen particles which form the rings.

What we believe we're experiencing is a Cymatics performance on a universal time and scale. It's comparable to a Humpback whale singing its song in the darkness of space. If we watch the north pole of Saturn long enough, we should experience more geometric patterns as the frequency or pitch changes.

Eminent scientists and astronomers have been studying Saturn for centuries. Governments have forked out billions of their respective currencies to send probes to map the Saturnian system, including the moons. Prior to the end of 2007, 52 natural satellites had been logged and named. By far the biggest surprise in all the studies has been the discovery of something on the planet itself. A strange, hexagon-shaped feature in Saturn's north polar region was first photographed by Voyager 1 in the 1980s. The latest probe, Cassini, imaged it again in March 2007, proving it to be an enduring element.
The Mystery Glows of Saturn ... aturn.html
Scientists say the northern lights on Saturn are unlike anything they've ever seen, on Earth or elsewhere in the solar system.

Saturn's north pole is already home to a bizarre six-sided cyclone that planetary scientists haven't yet figured out. That observation marked the first time a hexagon had been seen in atmosphere.

Saturn's north pole is already home to a bizarre six-sided cyclone that planetary scientists haven't yet figured out. That observation marked the first time a hexagon had been seen in atmospheric patterns.
Saturn's Strange Hexagon ... 09188.html
A bizarre six-sided feature encircling the north pole of Saturn near 78 degrees north latitude has been spied by the visual and infrared mapping spectrometer on NASA's Cassini spacecraft. This image is one of the first clear images ever taken of the north
polar region as seen from a unique polar perspective.

Originally discovered and last observed by a spacecraft during NASA's Voyager flybys of the early 1980's, the new views of this polar hexagon taken in late 2006 prove that this is an unusually long-lived feature on Saturn.
Cassini images bizarre hexagon on Saturn
An odd, six-sided, honeycomb-shaped feature circling the entire north pole of Saturn has captured the interest of scientists with the Cassini mission.

The hexagon is similar to Earth’s polar vortex, which has winds blowing in a circular pattern around the polar region. On Saturn, the vortex has a hexagonal rather than circular shape. The hexagon is nearly 25 000 kilometres across. Nearly four Earths could fit inside it.
A Mystery Aurora above Saturn’s Mysterious North Pole Hexagon
Not only does Saturn have a mysterious hexagonal shape etched into the bands of cloud above its north pole, it also has a unique magnetic structure. This is suggested by recent results recorded by the NASA Cassini probe that passed over the pole to see a huge active auroral region, much larger and more dynamic than expected. Interestingly, the NASA press release has not linked the strange aurora with the long-lived hexagonal shape in the gas giant’s atmosphere. Could the hexagon be formed by a unique magnetic structure above Saturn? Or could both phenomena be connected in some other way?

So, it would appear we have another piece in the puzzle that is Saturn’s north pole. Recently, Cassini returned high resolution images of the magnificent pattern etched into the clouds around the pole. The (almost) perfect hexagon has been observed since 1980 when the Voyager 1 probe journeyed past the planet, and the same pattern exists 28 years later. So, we are dealing with a long-lived, stable pattern that remains unaltered even when vast and powerful cyclones buffet its hexagonal boundary.

Last month I investigated what could be causing the pattern, and the only explanation I had was the possibility of some kind of standing wave (a Rossby-like process). As the atmosphere of Saturn is denser than the Earth’s, perhaps a global wave could endure for decades, possibly longer.

So we already have two possibly explanations for the near-perfect hexagon in Saturn’s atmosphere, one that dominates weather processes here on Earth (Rossby waves) and one that has been observed in the dynamics of spinning fluids in the laboratory.
Possible Clue on Saturn's Hexagon ... 5&from=rss
Permaculture sends us to for a description of new (and old) research that might possibly shed some light on the origin of the hexagon around Saturn's north pole. Researchers at the Technical University of Denmark have spun buckets of water, in much the same way Isaac Newton did, and photographed geometrical whirlpools developing. As the buckets are spun up, central holes develop that are first elliptical, then triangular, then square, pentagonal, and hexagonal. A UT Austin researcher is quoted as saying it's unlikely this process is behind the Saturn mystery.
Something Strange about Saturn
Hexagons are formed through natural processes on earth - the pictures demonstrate the honeycomb, the rock formation at the Fingals Cave and "The giant's causeway "in Ireland (see ... ffa.269721) and a magnified snowflake.

There are however a couple of interesting theories which may provide and answer - - Cymatics. Sound is essentially a resonance, a vibration and sound affects the energy it travels through, and any matter that it comes into contact with. Those vibrations have a surprising effect - each musical note/pitch produces an individual geometric shape!

Saturn is a classified as a planetary gas giant, with a core of rock and ice with an atmosphere comprised mainly of hydrogen and helium.

The theory that cymatic processes could have formed the bizarre hexagon within the atmosphere as a result of a localised resonance emanating from an as yet unknown source in the universe is an interesting one.
Cymatics on Saturn -- 'as above, so below.'
Thus it is no longer surprising that Man, imitating his Creator, has at last found a method of singing in harmony which was unknown to the ancients, so that he might play, that is to say, the perpetuity of the whole of cosmic time in some brief fraction of an hour, by the artificial concert of several voices, and taste up to a point the satisfaction of God his Maker in His works by a most delightful sense of pleasure felt in this imitator of God: Music.
Dagon - Nommo from Sirius
The Dogon call Saturn the "star of limiting the place" and say that when the Nommo left they became the "star of the 10th moon" - Phoebe is the 10th moon of Saturn and although little is known about it, what is known about it is quite odd. It is about 200 Km in diameter and has an orbit that is unlike the other moons of Saturn. It is much further out, goes round the other way and at a much different angle. It is black as soot and appears to be made of rock - but if it was made of rock it would be about 5 times heavier than it actually is. It is also much more spherical than you would expect for an object with almost no gravity. The only picture I can find of Phoebe shows a round object that looks like a pollen grain (po?) under a microscope.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by lizzie » Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:06 pm

What's the difference between a star and a planet? What is the difference between a brown dwarf star and a gas giant planet? Is a brown dwarf star the same as a magnetar?

Are Sirius B and C magnetars? Is Sirius C a magnetic brown/red dwarf? Are Sirius C and Saturn “harmonically coupled”? Is Sirius C (the “Star of Women”) the same as the “Star of the 10th Moon? Is 'emme ya' (the “sun of women”) the same as Nibiru? Does Nibiru return periodically to visit Saturn and not the Sun? Is Maldek the same as Atlantis/Earth?

Is Sirius C (Osiris) really Saturn? Will Saturn be reborn as a “new (brown dwarf) star in 2012?

Electric Cosmology
Red and Brown Dwarfs

The first region on the lower right of the diagram is where the current density has such a low value that double layers (DLs) (photospheric granules) are not needed by the plasma surrounding the (anode) star. This is the region of the brown and red "dwarfs" and giant gas planets.

Gamma Ray Bursters

Doesn't this sound like fissioning again? An explosion, followed by a rapidly fading star, accompanied by some sort of companion! Might it be that the reason they "never [come] from the same direction twice" is that the creation of the binary pair has relieved the electrical stress?


Although pulsars do not occupy a specific place in the HR diagram, it is worth noting that they, too, have characteristics that are most comfortably explained via the ES model. Pulsars are stars that have extremely short periods of variability in their production of EM radiation (both light and radio frequency emissions).
Electric Magnetars ... etars.html
The electric model of the neutron stars: the neutron body is covered by a mono-proton-layer which has a simply calculable charge if the protons have the maximal density as shown in this sketch. The star-surface must be divided by the area of one proton. No electric current flows in this star. The rotation of the charge of this proton-skin gives the magnetar´s field and its synchrotron radiation. A second proton layer is inhibited by the first one.
Odd Little Star has Magnetic Personality ... nality.htm
The star's steady radio emission is interrupted with spectacular fireworks displays of minute-long flares. These flares come from the catastrophic collisions and merging of the magnetic fields in the corona of the star; these actions drive the annihilation of magnetic energy like a giant short-circuits in the fields. The team also observed soft x-ray emission and an x-ray flare.
Radio Active Brown Dwarfs Are a New Class of Pulsar ... 111759.htm
The emissions from the brown dwarfs appear to be very similar to those observed from pulsars, but the whole system is on a much slower and smaller scale, so it is much easier to decipher exactly what is going on. Importantly, the mechanisms for producing the radio emissions in brown dwarfs are well understood, as they are almost identical to the processes that produce radio emissions from planets.

"Heartbeats" Link Magnetars, Pulsars ... s_999.html
Astronomers using CSIRO's Parkes telescope in eastern Australia have detected radio "heartbeats" from a star that was not expected to have them. A US-Australian research team has found that a "magnetar" - a kind of star with the strongest magnetic fields known in the Universe - is giving off extraordinary radio pulses, which links this rare type of star with the much more common "radio pulsars".
Soft gamma repeaters ("SGRs") are X-ray stars that emit bright, repeating flashes of soft (i.e. low-energy) gamma rays. In 1992, it was proposed that SGRs are magnetically-powered neutron stars, or magnetars.
Is Sirius B a magnetar? Is Sirius C a magnetic brown dwarf? What is the difference between a magnetic brown dwarf and a magnetar?

The Mysteries of Sirius ... irius.html
According to Temple, the Dogon knew that Sirius had an invisible companion (the white dwarf star Sirius B). "The Dogon name for Sirius B consists of the word for star, tolo, and po, the name of the smallest seed known to them. By this name they describe the star's smallness - it is, they say, 'the smallest thing there is.' They also claim that it is 'the heaviest star' (since in it the element earth is replaced by an immensely heavy metal called sagala), so heavy 'that all earthly beings combined cannot lift it.'

The movements of the po tolo (Sirius B) maintain all the other stars in their respective places; indeed, it is said that without this movement, none of them would "hold up". It is the po tolo that forces them to keep in their trajectories: it regulates Sirius’s trajectory, Sirius is the only star that doesn’t follow a regular curve which it separates from the other stars by surrounding it with its own trajectory. That is why it is called "the pillar of the stars. The movement of po tolo, the heavy embryo of the world and the testament to all creation are active: its contents are ejected by the force of its whirling in the shape of "the infinitely small". Amma created po tolo before any other stars. Po tolo is the axis of the world. If one looks at po tolo, it is as if one said that po tolo turns: (in reality) it is thanks to it that the world turns."
Maldek Files
One of the biggest missing factors that Sitchin may be overlooking in his first Earth Chronicles book is the far greater proximity of our Solar system in those days to the Sirius binary star system. I've heard it said that our sun was basically the outermost third star of a trinary Sirius star system in those days, and that Sirius A and B shared about 17 more planets (including Saturn?) in various orbits about themselves, any of which could have had an impact in our solar system or played a role in the epic in the days when Maldek was still in one piece.
The Ark of Sirius
But there is another possibility I'd like to mention here. It's 'emme ya'/'Sirius C' - claimed by the Dogon to exist. According to the Dogon tradition, this star "throws out two pairs of radii (beams)" and it's "the only star which emits these beams which have the quality of solar rays." These descriptions remarkably match the characteristics of a pulsar! Furthermore, 'emme ya/Sirius C is called the 'sun of women', 'a little sun', and it is said to be accompanied by a satellite called the 'star of Women'. And this 'star of women' is represented by the sign of a 'cross', which correlates with the astrological 'grand cross' of Aug. 18, '99 and the cross of Christianity, the Knights Templar, etc. - all relevant to Sirius. So it seems possible that the 'light display' refers to the discovery/appearance of another star in the Sirius system (emme ya/Sirius C) which may be a pulsar.
The Wormhold of Daath
I have suggested the possibility that the planet known as Nibiru, Marduk, Persephone, Patras, and Isis, may have originated in the Sirius system, and that it might travel from this system to Sirius and back through a space-time by-pass, or wormhole, which exists somewhere near Uranus, or between Uranus and Pluto.
But Isis was not a lone goddess. Instead, her husband was Osiris (Orion), and the Sirius star system is thought by some to be Isis (Sirius A), Osiris (Sirius B), and the Dark Goddess as Sirius C. Sirius B, then being the archetype of a collapsed star, appropriately describes the death and diminution of Osiris. It might also be noted that instead of the Dark Goddess, the third alleged member of the Sirian system may also be represented by Anubis, the dog or jackel-headed son/god of Isis and Osiris, who assisted in the passage of the souls into the underworld.
Champollion (1790 - 1832) unravelled the secrets of Egyptian writing but so far nobody has demystified Egyptian beliefs. Astrophysics is the key. 11,650 year ago, a supernova exploded close to Earth in the direction of Orion's Belt. It became the god Osiris (Sirius C/Saturn?) who donated metals and resembled a scarab beetle (expanding nova). Twenty-eight years later the binary star Sirius B (the god Horus) exploded, sending a plasma tongue looking like a fiery dragon or winged serpent (Seth) speeding towards Earth (Maldek/Atlantis?). The idea that Osiris (Sirius C/Saturn?) assumed the essence of the sun, later passing it on to his son Horus (whose mother was Isis, the surviving binary star Sirius A) gave rise to the idea of resurrection. It is a fact that the human species was almost wiped out by a plasma shockwave.

The King James History Bible
Question is did the star (Sirius) disrupt Saturn's satellite system or are other explanations possible? If in fact it was a star, then it would be impossible for Neptune, Uranus, or Pluto to have been in their present positions. Another indication of disruptions is Uranus' tilt of axis that suggests Uranus struck Neptune with one of its poles creating Neptune's Dark Spot.

It is said by the Dogon that the system of Sirius has another companion and that this Sirius C has the same orbital period as Sirius B but a greater orbit. If this is true, then the unusual nature of Sirius B should be taken into account. If Sirius B is the jovian planet of that system, then Sirius C is the saturnian planet of that system with an orbital distance about twice Sirius B. An orbital calculation of the mass for the system of Sirius with Sirius C at twice the distance but the same period as Sirius B gives a calculated orbital mass of about 5.5 solar masses for Sirius A.
Dagon - Nommo from Sirius
The Dogon call Saturn the "star of limiting the place" and say that when the Nommo left they became the "star of the 10th moon" - Phoebe is the 10th moon of Saturn and although little is known about it, what is known about it is quite odd. It is about 200 Km in diameter and has an orbit that is unlike the other moons of Saturn. It is much further out, goes round the other way and at a much different angle. It is black as soot and appears to be made of rock - but if it was made of rock it would be about 5 times heavier than it actually is. It is also much more spherical than you would expect for an object with almost no gravity. The only picture I can find of Phoebe shows a round object that looks like a pollen grain (po?) under a microscope.
The Earth’s Sirius Connection
The Dogon say that the "spaceship" of the visitors - the Nommo - looked "like a new star", and that they will return one day, when "a certain star will reappear", and there will be a "resurrection of the Nommo". They also say that Sirius A and B "were once where the Sun now is". The star will be invisible before it "emerges", and is drawn with the rays inside the circle. It will only be "formed when the Nommo's ark descends, for it is also the resurrected Nommo's "eye" symbolically." Temple thinks this is Phoebe - Saturn's tenth moon.
Whale Dreamers
The Arcturus Probe describes the story of how the probe attempts to sound the 'fifth force' - the 'Xymox rang’ (the “lost chord”) which allows the destroyed Maldek planet (now the astroid belt) to take off. Maldek was the planet of wizards and serpents until it was destroyed by a jet of plasma from Saturn; one from Jupiter wiped out the Mars colony. The 12 (1 Jovian year) - 60 year (Jupiter and Saturn conjunct) timing frequency is the clock or mechanical time in the technosphere.
Personally I think Saturn is perfectly capable of becoming a “new star” on its own merit. It's ironic, however, how this scenario recalls the “nuclear” destruction of the planet Maldek/Earth.

The Lucifer Project
The Lucifer Project is (supposedly) a plan involving NASA, the Freemasons, and a secret hidden in the foot of the sphinx, where the Cassini spacecraft orbiting Saturn will be plunged into the planet in order to ignite its atmosphere into a mini star. The explosion turning Saturn into a star will kill many on Earth allowing a 'new world order' to be established and the new Saturn/star would make Titan habitable for mankind with a little terraforming. All is going to happen in 2008, if you believe it. It is a pretty entertaining conspiracy story in the very least and will make a great summer action novel and movie.
Maldek and Malona
This description fits Maldek who created chaos with hydrogen devices or "the evil wind". Hydrogen detonations are without equal because they will completely destroy a planet if used. I must pause here for awhile in order to say that no true hydrogen bomb, as such, has ever been detonated on Earth!

Van Tassel has shown us that space intelligences are not particularly concerned with the explosion of plutonium and U325, the Uranium mother element, because this atom is an inert element. But they are concerned with the attempt to explode an actual hydrogen bomb. Van Tassel told us. The explosion of an atom of inert substance and that of a living substance are two different things.

Hydrogen "devices" have utilized deuterium and tritium, not hydrogen, as such. Deuterium and tritium then, are isotopes of hydrogen, and because of their extreme rarity it is possible that they would not have the dangerous "chain-reaction" results that common or ordinary hydrogen would.

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by flyingcloud » Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:12 pm

harmonically coupled v. quantum entanglement

maybe we should be looking for a visitor from within

thanks again Lizzie


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by lizzie » Thu Jun 18, 2009 10:12 pm

The Great Crystal ... 855#p22537

At the center of the Earth is a Great Crystal (interior sun). It is the power generator, transformer, and the transmitter/receiver of aetheric energy for the planet. Currently it is operating in “dark current mode.” The Great Crystal draws aetheric (“green ray”) energy from the sun and other cosmic forces through its polar openings. It transmits this energy (“telluric currents”) throughout the planet via its crystalline grid structure.

During the Golden Age, the Great Crystal operated in “glow mode” since it was supplied directly with a constant power source via a Birkeland current entering at its polar openings.

The Great Crystal was deactivated when Kronos/Saturn was banished to Ogygia, an island located in the confluence of the rivers in Canopus in the south where he sleeps today awaiting his return after the end of the current Grand Cycle. Kronos/Saturn also sleeps in the Abzu, the Underworld, or the “watery abyss” located at the center of the Earth.

The prima materia, the strange “ball of electromagnetic energy, is the aether or vril.

The Grail Stone is the Great Crystal

The Grail Cup is the golden (super conducting) resonating cavity in which the Great Crystal rests

The Lance (The Fleur-de- Leys) is the Birkeland current (Tesla coil) that draws down cosmic energy from the Sun to the Great Crystal; the “green ray” energy enters and exits through the Earth’s polar and equatorial openings.

The three together operate as a cosmic power generator (scalar interferometer), transformer, magnifying transmitter and receiver that utilizes pyramid or vortex energy.

To reactive the Great Crystal, one must have access to the ME’s (the Emerald Tablets). The reactivation of the Great Crystal probably has something to do with the discovery of the “Lost Chord.”

The 2012 galactic alignment will provide the particular combination of cosmic energy that will reactivate the Great Crystal.

The Legacy of Marcel Vogel
The flash of blue light witnessed through the microscope was the transfer of information from the level of light-coding to the physical plane.

The primary unit cell contains all the information needed to generate the ultimate form - the hexagonal or six-sided form we know as a quartz crystal. According to Marcel, once the crystal has ceased growing, the intelligence matrix of the crystal disappears and the form of the quartz is basically an empty shell until we interact with it and enliven it with our own energy. This is accomplished by the transfer of thought (energy) via the pulsed breath.
The crystal Ugur (The GÍRKÙ)
This august crystal is a Gírků (holy epee in Sumerian). It possesses multiple functions and operates on the same principle as the ME. This crystal is capable of vibrating on certain frequencies with a quality contingent on the impulse that is sent to it.

"This type of green quartz is unique; it is one of the purest stones that we know. It comes from the system of Gagsisá (Sirius).

"Finally, it is also a formidable weapon. It deploys its blade thanks to the Níama. Quartz crystals were the key to successful cloning.
Tuaoi: The Great Crystal ... rystal.htm
Perhaps no single item is as symbolic of the Edgar Cayce vision of Atlantis as the tuaoi, referred to variously as the "fire stone", "the great crystal ", and "the terrible, mighty crystal". Ideas run the gamut from supernatural cosmic energy source to a quasi-science fiction gravity wave attenuator. It is obvious from the readings that initially the tuaoi was not a power generator.

"It was in the form" of a six-sided figure in which the light appeared as the means of communication between infinity and the finite; or the means whereby there were communications with those forces from the outside.

He also states that "it was set as a crystal". The fact that the initial form "six-sided" and "set as a crystal" suggests that it may have been of quartz. It is possible that the "light" that appeared may have indicated that it was asteriated quartz, though something else such as a piezoelectric or pyroelectric effect could also be indicated as could something of psychic derivation.

If this "Rhea" was connected like the previously mentioned priestess with the "stone” through which the "light of heaven" shown, then we may have a connection to a well known Greek myth. In the myth the titan Rhea wants to save her newly born son Zeus ("the sky father") from Kronos ("Time") and so gives him a stone wrapped like a baby to devour in his place as there had been a prophecy that one of the children of Kronos would overthrow him, whereupon he devoured each child as it was born.

The later version of the tuaoi differed both in form and function speaks of "rays from the sun, amplified by crystals". Three words are especially significant in the preceding passages and they are "amplified", "condensed", and "'concentration", all of which relate to the function of the crystal (or crystals) with regard to "rays" or "the lights".

Though a magnifying glass may be able to bring the suns rays to a focus, the only device that actually amplifies light rays using other energies is the laser, whose name means light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation. If we take all three of the words just mentioned together with respect to light we come up with only one thing: laser.

If the tuaoi, or firestone, was a laser, what type was it? Two candidates present themselves: infrared and ultraviolet.

Cayce speaks of "the raising of the powers from the sun itself to a ray that makes for the disintegration of the atom". Ionization is the process whereby atoms gain or lose electrons and the latter such process could certainly be said to be a "disintegration" especially if it is complete ionization, which could result in a plasma state where only positive and negative charges would be present without matter.

The tuaoi, or firestone, was of a particular construction whose materials and design elements seem to imply a highly advanced scaled up version of an ultraviolet laser. Quartz is one of the few transparent substances that will transmit both infrared and ultraviolet rays. Quartz is optically clear, and is both piezoelectric and pyroelectric.

Photo-ionization, particle collision, and thermal ionization can all serve as "pumping" elements in a laser. When we put the preceding readings information all together we come up with the following scenario. We have a quartz housing for a gaseous ultraviolet laser that receives its activity, or pumping action, from the sun's heat (and light).
The Emerald Fire
The mythology surrounding Christian Rosenkreutz, the legendary founder of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood, may provide us with clues as to the location of the Emerald Tablet of Hermes, upon which their Hermetic wisdom is based, as well as the famed relic of the Holy Grail, which this magazine is dedicated to. It may also shed some light on the mythological importance of the so-called "Hollow Earth" theory, and tell us the location of the body of a dead God or King.

"The idea of a monarch or leader who is not dead, but asleep, and will one day awaken is a familiar one. Indeed this "Sleeping God" or "Lost King" who will one day awaken/return is an extremely prevalent archetype. It has been applied to the Greek Kronos/Saturn, Satan/Lucifer of the Biblical legends, as well as Jesus Christ to name but a few.

According to these legends the sphere of the Earth is hollow, the Earth's crust being only 300 feet thick, beyond which a new world can be found, called Agartha, which can be entered at the North and South Pole.

According to some this is the actual location of the Garden of Eden, the Abode of the Gods, located literally in the center of things, in the womb of the Earth, and atop a magical white mountain that appears over and over again in various mythologies, for this is the "World Mountain" that provides the axis for the Earth.

This inner world is lit by an "artificial sun," or "The Smoky God," as it has been called, a ball of electro-magnetism that is said to provide warmth and light for the inhabitants of the inner Earth.

Alchemy concerns itself with the search for the elusive "Elixir of Life," a cure-all substance that is capable of bringing health, wealth, immortality, and spiritual emancipation to him who possesses it.

Literally, it involves the transformation of base metals into gold, while figuratively it involves the transformation of the dross of the unrefined Soul into the "Lapsit Exillis" - the Stone from Heaven. This stone represents perfection idealized, the amalgamation of opposites into a unified whole. And yet it is also called the Hidden Stone because it lies in the midst of all things, and men do not see it.

Now the alchemical process, both the physical and the figurative, involves a stage called Dissolution, when the elements are dissolved, to be replaced later by purity of spirit, or Gold. This stage is symbolized by a Black Sun! And this black sun stage is equated with none other than Saturn, or Kronos, the Sleeping God buried in a subterranean tomb and is called "The Hidden One!"

And this is precisely why the Elixir of Life is called "The Hidden Stone" - because it is hidden in the midst of this dross or base matter, the Black Sun, which, once dissolved, reveals the shining brilliance within. This dross matter is called the Prima Materia, the Original Matter from which all other forms were made.

So it would appear that these four symbols - The Black Sun, the Mystic Rose, the Holy Grail and the Stone from Heaven/Elixir of Life, all represent essentially the same thing, or at least portions of the same thing, stages in the same process.

And just as Hermes possessed a magick stone which fell from Heaven and which had strange electromagnetic properties and which has been associated with the Holy Grail, Hercules also possessed a Heavenly stone, and a special golden cup that he put it in!

Is it possible to synthesize the idea, set forth in Arktos: The Polar Myth by Joscelyn Godwin, that there are two "Grail stones," one larger than the other, which keep in contact with each other via a magnetic link, with the concept that Jehovah was merely "talking to" his subjects, from his real throne inside the Earth, via an electromagnetic hologram communication.”

Is it possible that the Black Sun, the seat of Jehovah's throne, is the larger Grail, whereas the Ark, a sacred gold-plated vessel containing the Tablet, is the smaller Grail?

He came to the conclusion that the Emerald Cup was only one Holy Grail, while in fact there was another. The second Grail was a Stone, or more specifically, a collection of stone tablets on which was written the wisdom of the ages or the ultimate truth, but in a language that no one could decipher.

Thus, is it not possible to see the Hollow Earth as such a vessel for the Grail stone in the form of the Black Sun? In many traditions, the Stone that Fell from Heaven was originally a white stone, but became corrupted and turned black, in some versions.

Most notably analogous to the story of the Fisher King is that of Kronos (Saturn), who, writes Evola, "after having been the Lord of this earth, the King of the Golden Age, was dethroned and castrated. He still lived on, though asleep, in a region located in the Far North, closer to the Arctic Sea, which was also called the Cronic Sea."

It is also noteworthy that Saturn is called "The Hidden One," thus alluding perhaps to his seclusion inside of the Earth, and that many researchers have equated him with the prototype for Satan, given that he was horned, rebellious, and cast down into the Abyss to become Lord of the Underworld.

Moreover, as we have previously noted, the "Black Sun" stage of alchemy is attributed to the powers of Saturn, where his "element," sulfur, is mixed with the "element" of Hermes, mercury. Hermes, of course, was representative of the light-bearing aspects of Lucifer, whereas Saturn represented more of the "Dark Lord" aspects of what we would now call the Devil, as ruler over the Underworld and the Abyss.

Thus, the sleeping, half-dead gods who inhabit the subterranean tombs of Saturn, Satan, Hermes, and Hercules (as an embodiment of Osiris, the solar God-King) could all mythically represent the same fallen kingdom, which, having lost the Grail and its mandate to rule, has occulted itself, gone underground, become invisible, or fallen asleep, until such time as the proper individual shall come along to liberate him/it

Then the sunken kingdom shall rise, the dreaming lord shall awake, the phoenix rise from the ashes, and the proper universal balance shall be restored.

Thus, all of these things: the stone/tablet, the ark/vessel, and the bloodline of the Forgotten Father all came eventually over time to be called the Grail, while in certain cultures, the myth of the dead but dreaming lord and his magnetic stone evolved into the Lord of the Earth and the Black Sun ruling over a subterranean kingdom.
Kepler’s Polyhedra
In my view, a most artistic contribution of Kepler is to be found in his model of the solar system. Kepler proposed that the distance relationships between the six planets known at that time could be understood in terms of the five Platonic solids. His 1596 book, Mysterium Cosmographicum, proposed the model illustrated below, in which one Platonic solid fits between each pair of planetary spheres.
Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter: A compilation of material on this amazing device. ... mitter.htm
This is Tesla's best invention, a peculiar transformer specially adapted to excite the earth, which is in the transmission of electrical energy when the telescope is in astronomical observation. By the use of this marvelous device, he has already set up electrical movements of greater intensity than those of lightening and passed a current, sufficient to light more than two hundred incandescent lamps, around the Earth.
Orion Infrasound Pyramid at Resonance
This standing wave structure informs the phi geometry of the Orion pyramids, elucidated by the superimposition of the pattern onto a cross-section of the Great Pyramid taken along the North-South axis. The high-amplitude transduction of the piezoelectric limestone of the pyramids creates an electromagnetic field around the structures, the movement of electrons becoming toriodal or donut-shaped.
Pyramid Double Helix
The pyramids on the left and right were normal pyramids while the center one was a ziggurat (stepped). Now if energy was in fact somehow received or transmitted by such a stepped pyramid, it would function as a lens commonly termed a FRESNEL. Therefore, it appeared to be some form of SCALAR INTERFEROMETER with the left and right pyramids acting as either transmitters or receivers and the center acting as a concentrating lens or targeting lens.
Pyramid Power
The pyramid puts things back the way they are supposed to be; it makes things more perfect. The one frequency that is common with all elements is the carrier wave. The vector angle of energy formed by the carrier wave frequency is 52.606º. This pyramid we have built is both a transmitter and receiver in one. This is why we can build a pyramid out of any material, and it will work. The elements in the material used for the pyramid start to oscillate. They are also good conductors of electricity, which means that they transfer information better than others. This frequency raises the potential of the elements and "charges them."
The “Energy Source” -The Wands of Horus
The pyramid is:

a) A powerful cosmic antenna;

b) A model in stone of the energy structure of the human being and of the universe, using cosmic rays as the energy mechanism;

c) A very powerful generator of cosmic energies operating on various planes
Hermes' Geomancy ... grid06.htm
"The Earth's core, composed mostly of molten iron (a ferromagnetic crystal), conducts electric currents which amplify accompanying magnetic fields," explains Hurtak, "when energy wave bombardment pours in through the polar areas of the Earth." The electromotive force is drawn off through the Electromagnetic 1746 Grid centers interfacing with the natural electric/telluric flows of the Earth's magnetic field.

1987 PLANETARY GRID UPDATE ... Report.php
We are tending towards viewing the core of the earth as a reactive plasma. The more scientists learn of plasmas, the more they are appearing to manifest geometric properties. We sometimes like to think of grid lines as "cracks in the cosmic egg" - with life breaking through. In this regard, we can think of the earth as a perfect “crystal plasma” with the grid "lines" or cracks as "defects". If we do so, we can draw a direct analogy to current superconductor theory.
Harmonics of the Sirius Code
The 7 is the key to both the lost interval of time in eternity and the lost chord. There would never have been a lost chord if there had not been a lost interval of time in Eternity. The drama of the interplanetary history now playing out on Earth is in the double root of the lost interval of time and the lost chord. Now their meaning is being revealed within the synchronic order that we are now living.
Nickel is a hard, malleable, ductile, lustrous, silvery white, ferromagnetic metallic element in Group VIII of periodic table. It is a fairly good conductor of heat and electricity. It takes on a high polish. Its magnetic properties and chemical activity resemble iron and cobalt. Most of these nickel compounds have blue or green color. Nickel dissolves in dilute acids slowly but will be passive with nitric acid like iron. Most of these nickel compounds dissolve easily in water and have a characteristic green or blue color with no characteristic odor or taste. Efflorescent green crystals; decompose on heating; soluble in water and alcohol; used in plating processes, anodize coatings and as textile dyeing mordant.

Posts: 781
Joined: Fri May 02, 2008 2:44 am

Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by mague » Fri Jun 19, 2009 5:03 am

lizzie wrote:
According to these legends the sphere of the Earth is hollow, the Earth's crust being only 300 feet thick, beyond which a new world can be found, called Agartha, which can be entered at the North and South Pole.
Entrances are everywhere. In folk tales you even can enter through the mirror a simple puddle after rain is building. Mirrors always have been gates. Most of us have forgot about the true meaning of dark and light. But our ancestors lived in caves and knew anything about it. Most so called "underworld" myths are about this.
It is unclear if the inhabitants of Xibalba are the souls of the deceased or a separate race of beings worshipping death, but they are often depicted as being human-like in form.
But earth is not hollow. Underground is just another domain where (sun)light and darkness have a different meaning. Its all about how wavelengths and spectrum react with matter. Fraunhofer lines, rainbows, crystals...

Can you see the habitant of Agharta ? Can you see why Xibalba is roughly translated as the "Place of fear"


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by lizzie » Fri Jun 19, 2009 6:39 pm

Agartha - the Hollow Earth
Edmund Halley was a brilliant English astronomer whose mathematical calculations pinpointed the return of the comet that bears his name. Halley was fascinated by the earth's magnetic field. He noticed the direction of the field varied slightly over time and the only way he could account for this was there existed not one, but several, magnetic fields. Halley came to believe that the Earth was hollow and within it was a second sphere with another field. In fact, to account for all the variations in the field, Halley finally proposed that the Earth was composed of some four spheres, each nestled inside another.

What's most infuriating is that a little mathematical fiddling turns this crazy theory into a proposition that is virtually impossible to refute. The trick is done by *inversion*, a purely geometric transformation that lets a mathematician turn shapes inside-out. When a sphere is inverted, ever point outside is mapped to a corresponding point inside, and vice versa.

Just as the geometry of space inverts, so do all the laws of physics. Toward the center of a hollow Earth, light slows down and everything shrinks -- atoms, astronauts, spaceships, and measuring rods. Light travels in circular paths, producing some weird (but lawful) optical effects

Is there any way to prove we *aren't* inside a hollow earth? We asked H.S.M. Coxeter, mathematics professor at the University of Toronto and an expert on inversion geometry. "I can't think of any," he said. "A rocket flight, an eclipse, a Foucault pendulum, a Coriolis effect -- any observation we can make on the outside of the earth has an exact duplicate version inside. There would be no way to tell which one was the truth."

The Magnetic Poles are not fixed spots, but are constantly traveling onwards, executing an unknown path and apparently completing a circle in a period of many hundreds of years. In addition to this onward movement of a few miles a year, there is a lesser daily oscillation.

So, according to Gardner, it's not some action deep within our Earth which causes gravity and the Earth's magnetism but the rotation of the mass which makes up the crust. To understand where a "magnetic" pole would be if the world were made-up as envisioned by the two fathers of the Hollow Earth Theory we turn to William Reed:

If the center of the walls of the earth is the center of gravity, then the greatest attraction would be at the poles [the place where the magnetic pull would be the strongest] "must have been about halfway around the curve, entering the introit of the earth and, if so, was in perfect accordance with the laws of the universe that the center of gravity is strongest at this point.

Gardner agrees with Reed. The magnetic poles would actually form a circle around the pole-hole; not a "moving" pole as in the accepted theory, but a permanent "ring" around the alleged entrance into the inner lands.

Columbia University scientists described the situation as being virtually a planet within a planet. The outer "planet" is called Earth. The faster-spinning inner core is solid yet extremely hot iron just a bit smaller than the moon.

If our world is solid as we are told common since tells us that the "magnetic" Poles would be where they belong – at the same spot as the "geographical" poles. However, as we know, that is not the case.

Another journal, Science, received a submission from a Harvard University team who also found indications that the Earth's core spins independently.

The Columbia University scientists stated the inner core was moving quickly enough — between 0.4 and 1.8 degrees annually — to once every four centuries be one further lap ahead of the Earth's surface. Such a condition is not known for any other planet or rocky body in the universe. Our planet's special quality was discovered when tracking of seismic waves showed unexpected patterns.

Gary Glatzmaier, a Los Alamos National Laboratory geophysicist, who was surprised that Song and Richards could observe (via a "sonogram") the rotation, said the breakthrough was "the beginning of a new field."

On November 25, 1912 Marshall B. Gardner of Aurora, Kane County, Illinois, USA, submitted his discovery application to the United States Patent Office. 18 months later, on May 12,1914, this federal agency granted Mr. Gardner United States patent 1096102, the second most important scientific document ever issued. Its scientific significance is exceeded only by the mechanical flight discovery of Orville and Wilbur Wright in 1903. For reasons which even Mr. Gardner could not have fully anticipated in the early 1900s, and which are now abundantly clear, his discovery soon became the most highly classified military secret of all time. In 1913 Gardner wrote his original book proving beyond any doubt that our Earth is a hollow sphere. So voluminous was the evidence which he continued to amass from studies of astronomy and Polar exploration, that he expanded his book to 450 pages in 1920.

There is a special characteristic of centrifugal force and we must not overlook this important trait. The strength of 'c' force becomes greatly lessened as it approaches right angles to the direction of spin. If you remove the drain plug and allow the water to start emptying from the basin, what will you eventually observe? A vortex or whirlpool, an empty space surrounded by rapidly rotating material.
Geometric inversion

How to Turn a Sphere Inside Out

Unwinding the Cosmos ... he-cosmos/
Their theory proposes that an atom is formed from the pumping or “breathing” of gravity in the space vacuum between the shape of a cube (dual tetrahedrons) and an octahedron, forming the simplest possible harmonically oscillating structure. As these two shapes oscillate, they pass through an icosahedron (or its dual dodecahedron) to form a golden spiral. Space is then seen as being organized into a polarized structured vacuum, called a Schwarzchild lattice, organized into 120 tiny black holes, each in its own “cell” of the lattice.Each cell is itself organized as a 12-faced pentagonal dodecahedron (or icosahedron). The Haramein-Rauscher atomic model is then used to explain each cell as a harmonically oscillating cubeoctahedron that passes through the Schwartzchild dodecahedron in the space lattice (centered on a tiny black hole). This pumping action creates an electromagnetic Coriolis Effect and double torus identical to a miniature spiral galaxy or hurricane.
The Resonance Project
We have introduced torque and Coriolis forces in Einstein's field equation to form an expression for the spin driving forces that we observe in a vast variety of cosmological, classical, and quantum domain phenomenon. This approach appears to fit well with the spinor approach in the Dirac formalism in the quantum domain, that is, that the Lorentz conditions applied by Einstein in relativity may be the origin of the spinor and, hence, be the fundamental theory that yields the spinor formalism and the role of spin in physical phenomena. The dual torus topology occupies a central role in the spinor, twistor and quaternionic formulation. This topology appears to be ubiquitous in astrophysical and cosmological phenomena.
Metatron’s Cube
Metatron's Cube is usually presented as thirteen circles and the lines that connect the middles of those. When you look at this image, the eye is first presented with hexagons and hexagrams; then with triangles and rectangles.

Note that the figure depicts the "six directions in space" (3 dark lines), and is essentially an expansion (by adding six circles) of the Star of David, located at the center. Note especially that the Star of David consists of seven points, although the center point is seldom emphasized. The Cube is a depiction of 12 around 1 like the disciples or the 12 tribes, the labors of Hercules and the zodiac signs.
The Cuboctahedron ... welve.html
The cuboctahedron is the most unique configuration in cosmos. The regular solids above described date back to Pythagorus and were first published exoterically by Plato in the Timaeus where he correlated them with the respective elements of fire, air, earth and water. The dodecahedron has been recognized by the most ancient Hindu culture in the zodiac as Makaram (Capricorn), the geometrical model initiated by the Demiurgus in constructing the material universe. Likewise, St. John in the Apocalypse relates the twelve gates of the New Jerusalem to a celestial dodecahedron.
Mapping the World’s Grid ... grid01.htm
In other words, we are speaking about an intelligent geometric pattern into which, theoretically, the Earth and its energies are organized--- and possibly in which the ubiquitous ancient megalithic sites are also positioned.

What we are speaking of is fundamentally different from longitudinal and latitudinal lines that we are so familiar with from conventional geography. Proponents of the Earth Grid theory suggest that the grid lines are actually of a more basic nature than the more arbitrary, later conventions of cartography.

However the familiar image of the Earth as a globe girded in a lattice of longitude and latitude lines helps us understand what an Earth Grid, based on more primary energy lines, might be like. I say "energy lines" particularly, because one of the most consistent observations readers will encounter in this book is that the geometric pattern of the Earth Grid is energetic in nature. And that this Earth energy, organized into a precise web, was once, and can be again, the source of a free and inexhaustible supply of power, once empowering older civilizations of high technological achievement. Most Grid theorists state confidently that this Grid technology can be reclaimed again---today. ... -1.JPG.jpg


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by lizzie » Fri Jun 19, 2009 7:12 pm

Crystals were used in antigravity technology as well as in alchemical transmutations to produce the “elixir of immortality" – “living waters.”

Frequency Induced Antigravity (implosion)
There are numerous accounts of "ANTIGRAVITY" mentioned in the Bible. In particular: John 6:19, Mark 6:48, Matthew 14:25, those accounts recorded stories/evidence of Jesus walking on water. But what if Jesus was walking on an invisible plane of an antigravity field just above the water? There were no words in that language to describe the phenomenon other than what was written at the time. Of course there is the account of Jesus ascending into haven. You have the account of the blinding light. Light, as you know, is included in the frequency spectrum.

The theory is: everything has is own assigned frequency, a certain rock may look still but vibrates at a specific frequency for that generic type. (The rocks and stones themselves will sing.) They are glorifying the lord by singing at a specific frequency assigned by God for that genotype. Like the decimal system used in categorizing books, not only each type of rock has its own frequency but each individual bolder, rock, pebble and grain of sand has its own particular unique frequency. This is the same for every object and element. DNA is known to produce a vibration unique to its self. Vibrations are frequencies and DNA appears to assign or replacate a unique frequency in biological forms.

Gravity has its own specific assigned frequency to it. If you were to cancel out that frequency and its effect on an object by means of harmonics (like the Bose noise canceling headphones) you would then be witness to antigravity. If you mimic that same frequency, you would then find yourself weightless. If you transferred that same frequency to an object, that object would then become weightless. Perhaps the same way the Egyptians built the pyramids.

Generation of sound combination of particular properties, which are peculiar to the particular stone kind you intend to levitate. It depends on the chemical composition, structure of crystals and the classes of mass groups of the crystals. There are three ways to find out the resonant frequency of the stone material.
Antigravity explained
One weekend, he was very excited. He told me not to tell anyone until I saw the story in the papers, but the people on his team had succeeded in suspending ice crystals in mid air using a superconducting ring to spin a circular current very fast. I asked him if it was antigravity and he said that it was more like they reduced the mass of the ice crystals. This is not the Meissner effect which is about superconductors being repulsed by magnetic fields, but any alchemist knows that. Suspended ice crystals are something very different. This was antigravity or at least anti-mass.
Antigravity and the Ultimate Spacecraft Propulsion System ... ct009.html
Now let us briefly explain how the ship's speed is controlled. This is achieved by adjustment of the phase angle between the craft's oscillations and the Sun's. This is like drawing the sine waves for each of the oscillations, craft and Sun and superimposing them. If they are perfectly superimposed then one has maximum attraction. However, if they are displaced anywhere from 0 to 180 degrees, one wave will counteract the other to different degrees throughout the range, full attraction to full repulsion. Thus by means of the resultant of the two waves any value of velocity can be determined. Note that enormous accuracy is required in these settings, which would be achieved by utilising the accurate oscillations of crystals.
Code of the Ancients
If a large magnet is suspended over a smaller magnet, depending on the ratio between them, the distance between the magnets would be diminished to the point that the smaller magnet wouldn't be able to exert enough force to elevate it. The earth, being the largest magnet, issues forth streams of magnetic energy which follows lines of force that have been noted for centuries.

Hutchison moved beyond the Hutchison effect and into the field of space energy, and had acquired a Canadian business manager. In 1994, Hutchison built a working space energy device about the size of a microwave oven. The Hutchison Converter was based on Tesla's resonance principle. Tesla demonstrated this principle by steadily pulsing bursts of energy into his electric coils, each burst coming before energy from the previous burst had time to die away. This led to higher and higher amounts of energy.

Hutchison captured the same pulsing, rhythmic energy by using crystals of barium titanate, a material that can capture the pulses of certain electromagnetic frequencies in the way that a radio can pick up certain radio frequencies. When the crystal pulses, or resonates, it produces electric power.

Consider what Keely, Searl, and Tesla have to say about the nature of the universe, and using broad terms you can see that a 'simple' force was at work, and that Magnetic forces where used. They will not give you the secret, but they will talk about it. Ed, Tesla, and Searl talk about magnets, but do not understand how they worked. Keely talked about vibration.

Maybe it is an alignment of the crystalline structure of matter, and the effect that we see as the countering of gravity, is nothing more than a canceling of gravity. It would explain why so little energy is needed. It could also explain why Keely used 'hydrogen' as it would be the simplist to manipulate.
An Intuitive Explanation of Phase Conjugation ... ugate.html
Phase Conjugation

Phase conjugation is a fascinating phenomenon with very unusual characteristics and properties. It operates somewhat like holography, but it is a dynamic hologram, whose "holographic plate" is defined by interfering wave fronts in a nonlinear optical medium, rather than etched as a static pattern on a glass plate. In this page I provide an intuitive explanation of the essential principles behind phase conjugation.

Phase Conjugate Mirror

Let us begin with the properties of a phase conjugate mirror. A phase conjugate mirror is like a mirror, in that it reflects incident light back towards where it came from, but it does so in a different way than a regular mirror.

In a regular mirror, light that strikes the mirror normal to its surface, is reflected straight back the way it came (A). This is also true of a phase conjugate mirror (B). When the light strikes a normal mirror at an angle, it reflects back in the opposite direction, such that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. (C)
Last edited by lizzie on Fri Jun 19, 2009 7:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by lizzie » Fri Jun 19, 2009 7:46 pm

Mague said: Entrances are everywhere. In folk tales you even can enter through the mirror a simple puddle after rain is building. Mirrors always have been gates. Most of us have forgot about the true meaning of dark and light. But our ancestors lived in caves and knew anything about it. Most so called "underworld" myths are about this.
Magic Mirrors ... nos10.html
The Rex Research Infolio on Time and Time Cameras contain some technical information about "Time Cameras" that can obtain images anywhere in space/time, rather like a crystal ball. One Time Camera is by Padre Pellegrino Ernetti, a Catholic priest said to be affiliated with the Vatican, who denies there's any magick in it.

Father Ernetti is no visionary or medieval sorcerer, working with magic spells and materializations: He is an established authority on prepolyphonic music dating from the remotest antiquity to about the beginning of the second millenium A.D.

Professor de Matos was also interested in reproducing the past by some process analogous to television, and based his theories on certain Aristotlian writings concerning the disintegration of sound, writings which probably owed much to the still older theories propounded by Pythagoras

Father Ernetti's theory was, according to his own statements, based on accepting one of the principles of classical science, which predicated that light and sound waves are not lost after emission but transformed and remain definitely present.

According to Father Ernetti, however, sound waves, for instance, subdivide into harmonics, ultrasonics, hypersonics, etc., and follow the usual laws of disintegration of matter down to the atomic level and beyond, through to the farthest reaches of the infra-atomic.

With the aid of the "appropriate apparatus", which includes a cathode oscillograph using the deviations of a stream of electrons, it is possible to reverse the process of disintegration and reconstitute the sound wave.

The transformation is possible, it appears, because each constituent of the wave has its own characteristics, a kind of psychic identity, which makes possible the accurate tracing of its source."

The same procedure is used for the reconstitution of light waves: this in fact being the basic procedure since the basis of everything created is light, just as in the Bible!"

"'Every human being', declares Father Ernetti, 'traces from birth to death a double furrow of light and sound. This constitutes his individual identity mark. The same applies to an even, to music, to movement. The antennae used on our laboratory enables us to 'tune in' on these furrows: picture and sound'

"A special place must be given to the divination known as catopromancy, or crystallomancy, which was performed with a magic mirror or lens. It is one of the most ancient forms of divination. Pythagoras too had a magic mirror, which he held up to the moon before reading the future in it.

The use of the magic mirror is properly the reverse operation to necromancy. Instead of evoking the dead, mortals who are not yet in being are made to appear in the mirror, or if they do exist they will be seen performing some action which will not in reality take place until later. ... os10b.html
Down through the centuries folklore and ancient writers mention another marvel of antiquity-"magic mirrors". The Book of Enoch says that Azaziel taught men to make magic mirrors, and according to this belief, distant scenes and people could clearly be seen in them.

The Greeks were, like the Mesoamericans, also using obsidian. An equally convincing indication of this technology amongst the Greeks may be their oracular Tripods, which can be found in many books, whose habitually three legged designs may bring three magnetic poles to bear against the earth's two, creating the Howard Wachpress-like effects that are seen in many other indications.

This typical ancient Celtic mirror shows another very likely symbol that may alternate with birds as a symbol of magnets, magnetic magick mirrors, and magnetism.

The swirling, oscillating designs, very likely to be closely related to the "yin-yang" designs of the Orient, are highly appropriate as symbols of unpaired, unstable, rotating (and possibly non-linear) magnetic fields.

I seem to recall seeing this same pattern in crop circles, and of course this may help link the phenomena. Any "plasma vortices" related to the crop circle phenomenon might of course have charges coupled to a magnetic field, possibly as a means of confinement. Such a magnetic field may be "astonishingly" like that of the Time Camera's counter magnetic amplifier, shown further down this page. How many more of these crop circle patterns, repeatedly defined as not only genuine, but also full of incredible mathematical details, can we find amongst ancient artifacts?

"All of the descriptions of scientific development in the first millennium B.C. refer to magic mirrors. We do not understand how they were made or what they were used for. They are mirrors which have extremely complicated high reliefs on the back of the looking-glass. When direct sunlight falls on the mirror, the high reliefs, which are separated from the surface by a reflecting glass, become visible. This does not happen in artificial light. The phenomena are scientifically inexplicable. (lasers?)

Other properties are attributed to these magick mirrors. If they are set up in pairs, they transmit images, like television

Pauwels and Bergier at the time of the writing are apparently unaware of counter magnetic and unpaired pole technology, but one also cannot rule out various highly advanced microscopic details in the mirrors contributing to their properties as well without rigorous examination of the particular objects.

The general sense is that the ancients were aware of these things-ancient magical formula call for a magic stone in the skull of a bird obtained by reducing the remains to ashes-quite likely the iron based magnetotactic crystal, which in conjunction with other biological magnets encourages the southward migration of birds- and had mastered the use of what the modern design from Active Research and Development in Rex Research's Time infolio, calls "Counter Magnetic Amplification" for communications

Like birds, magick books also describe toads as potential donors for a "talismanic stone", which in the case of birds we can have good confidence is a magnetotactic crystal.

This are but four of many ancient magic mirrors which had a surface of pyrite, marcasite, or other materials whose chemical compositions are fundamentally the same as biological magnets. It is a peculiar choice of mirror materials for cultures that were adept at fashioning gold and silver, including hammering thin sheets which were often affixed over woods, and probably at the chemistry of mercury in some instances in order to refine the precious metals.

The view that with little effort, the pyrite or marcasite were made to act magnetically, as counter-magnetic amplifiers, seems to be the most reasonable explanation for the otherwise unusual choice of materials. There is plenty of ancient literature which attributes oracular powers to these mirrors outright, giving statements that they could see all things under heaven. ... os10c.html
The harmonic science of magick mirrors and time cameras (the counter magnetic amplifier could easily classify as a harmonic device, perhaps a magnetic harmonic resonator) brings us to an interesting place in the burgeoning science of hyperdimensional physics because we have all the pieces of how the ancients would have utilized the harmonic energy grid of the earth, but we may not yet be able to account for the absence of hundreds of pages of equations governing every detail and alignment of the ancient landmarks that appear on the predicted nodal points of world grid maps.

The harmonic markings and symbols on many magick mirror devices may be telling us that these devices not only run on the same principles that are relevant to this planetary grid science, but implying they had a purpose as tools to abbreviate hard work of calculating such incredible aspects.

One other trend or common denominator in various literature on the subject resembles what may be equivalent applications of Howard Wachpress' Unpaired Magnetic Pole Levitation design, comprised of odd/even poles made when irregular carvings or geometries are magnetized.

Also helping to render plausibility is the fact that certain superconducting magnetic devices, known as SQUIDs, are said to amongst the devices thus known capable of imaging energies that come from the hands of physic healers who perform "laying on of hands".

Time cameras may be employed to retrieve biological pattern data for varied applications from identifying and reconstituting lost and even unknown species, to providing data about structure prior to disease states for reconstruction of biological systems.

The Vimaanika-Shastra, an ancient Sanskrit text which describes in detail the making and operation of flying machine or "flying saucers" details the construction and use of a number of mirrors with unusual properties.

Just as Hoagland implies how hyperdimensional physics was encoded by ancient peoples on earth and possibly elsewhere, the method of sending information through hyperspace may already be at work in magick mirrors, possibly due to angular momentum effects of the magnetic fields rotating due to unpaired pole effects.

The theory behind magick mirrors may not just be a communications utility, it may shed light on celestial mechanics, and the same technology may provide sane amounts of free energy for human use. And that may only be the beginning.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Post by lizzie » Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:34 am

Alchemy at the Sub-atomic Level – Changing the Crystalline Sub-atomic Structure of Matter through Vibration to Create the Perfect Superconductor

The Atomic ORME and S-ORME States
There is a group of elements found in the middle of the periodic table known as the "transition group elements": one category of these is called the precious elements; another category of these are the non precious elements.

These transition elements possess a unique property in that the electrons in the partially filled outer orbitals can interchange under the right conditions with electrons in the partially filled inner orbitals.

Most atoms cluster in groups of at least two or more atoms. However, the transition group elements, because of their unique properties, can be found already existing, or can be created and are able to remain, in a stable single atom state. This is achieved by having no nearest neighbor closer than four angstroms and, therefore, by not being able to chemically bind with other atoms. This is called a "monoatomic" state.

In metals, during the process of going from a many atom state to a monoatomic state, there is a disaggregation of the metal-metal bonds and a loss of the properties characteristically assigned to the description of a metal. These metal characteristic physical properties are lost at different rates depending on the element involved.

Two or more atoms, up to thirty-three, of the same transition group element, when clustered together, are called "metal-metal" bonded. In these cluster sizes, they can not be called truly metallic. It takes a twelve atom cluster before they become electrically conductive. It takes thirteen atoms for their true metallic properties to begin to appear. It takes a cluster of thirty-three atoms before they become fully metallic, and will grow all by themselves. At thirty-three they form a "face center cubic", a first basic growth structure of three dimensions solidly formed like a cube. In all these quasi metallic and fully metallic states, the atoms interact in three dimensions. In the monoatomic state, they are referred to as non-metallic and they interact in two dimensions.

In the monoatomic state, the atoms of the transition group elements lose their chemical reactivity and change the configuration of the nucleus. This change in nuclear configuration seems to cause the electrical change that pacifies the chemical effect. It may be considered as the mono-atom internally compensating for the highly reactive chemical state.

The nuclear configuration changes because there is a correlation between the nuclear orbitals and the electron orbitals as to how full they are. In the nucleus, totally filled orbitals (harmonic) exclude the partially filled orbitals (enharmonic) by pushing them away.

The newly shaped nucleus is called "superdeformed". These atoms will change their proton and neutron configurations when they have no nearest neighbor to di-pole and di-pole react with.

The presence of a superdeformed nucleus is directly correlated to a change in its spin state; it passes from a low spin state to a high spin state. It has been found that the nuclei of these elements have a higher total energy in a low spin state (their internal temperature is higher) than when they are in a high spin state (their internal temperature is lower). This causes the mono-atom to seek the high spin state because that state has the total lowest energy. Furthermore, this high spin state will continue to exist until such time as a nearest neighbor atom is able to transfer energy into the nucleus and convert it back to the higher energy low spin state.

Metals when induced into a high spin state were capable of passing energy from one high spin atom to the next with no net loss of energy! This was the discovery of superconductivity.

Superconductivity allows the conduction of energy through a resonance phenomenon.

To create superconductivity in a potential superconductor, an external magnetic field must be applied to get the system going. Once the flow of energy is set in motion, however, it is only necessary to keep the conditions correct so that the material remains superconductive. Atoms could now be induced into a high spin state of low energy and be kept in that state without continuous applied energy boosts.

A transition group element in the monoatomic state is a Type I superconductor. It is unique in that it can be found to exist naturally and in a stable state, or it can be reduced from a full metallic state to this state by proper manipulation. Furthermore, once in the monoatomic state, it does not require any outside assistance to maintain its superconductive properties, it is superconductive at room temperatures.

Perfect superconductivity is allowed due to a phenomenon known as "Cooper Pairing" which creates a "Meisner Field". Researchers have theorized that when the nucleus of a transition group element is superdeformed and in the high spin state, a positive "screening potential" around the nucleus expands out and covers all of the electrons of the element. This screening of all of the electrons allows them to become uniquely paired as mirror images of each other, with spin up and spin down, and without annihilating each other. Instead, in pairing they become photons of one frequency. As photons, they lose their particle aspect. These are called "Cooper pairs".

Superconductive flow is made possible by Cooper pairs made up of photons flowing on the phonon wave of the superconductor. This occurs at room temperature!!

They enter into the high spin state. Since there is not sufficient repulsion between atoms, they naturally aggregate and can only interact with each other in the three dimensions of the metal-metal bonded states, and will eventually grow into the cubic cluster size of thirty-three atoms or more.

The Meisner field is a special magnetic field that is unique. It has no North or South polarity. The magnitude of the Meisner field is determined by the amount of initially applied external magnetic field to the superconductor. Once activated, it acts as a protective barrier and resists any further entry of applied magnetic field into the sample.

When a sample absorbs a magnetic field, it can react paramagnetically, i.e., it will assume the identical magnetic qualities, or it can react ferromagnetically, i.e. it will orient itself to the magnetic field and return to its former state once the magnetic field is removed. With the Meisner field, the sample becomes perfectly diamagnetic, i.e., it will expel all magnetic fields. Magnetic fields, no longer absorbed, are forced to go around the sample, and the sample will be unaffected and keep its unique superconductive qualities.

What is unique about the transition group elements in this state is that the Meisner field, once created, will not cease its response even if the external magnetic field is withdrawn. Now the superconductor is apparently superconducting on its own.

To resume, the transition group elements with their superdeformed "soft" nuclei all resonating to a single frequency, in their high spin low energy state, becoming a wave flow of light in a resonant unified entity, are a resonance coupled system of quantum oscillators, harmonically coupled in two dimensions. Once the Meisner field is activated, the transition group elements are unique in that they become a "quantal wave". Energy now flows on a quantal wave perpetually.

When two atoms or more are perfectly superconducting, they resonance-connect and expel external magnetic fields. However, there is a limit to a superconductor's capability to exclude external magnetic fields. This is referred to as HC 2. If that amount of magnetic field is applied to the sample, all resonance coupling collapses. This phenomenon is utilized as an electronic switch, called a Josephson Junction.

Applying sufficient external magnetic field will stop the flow of energy in the superconducting system and switch it off. Releasing the external magnetic field will turn the switch is on. Being able to use Josephson's Junctions for superconductive devices at room temperature will be extremely valuable.


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