Gravity is a convergence of Ether ?

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Gravity is a convergence of Ether ?

Post by ttsoares » Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:41 am

"We know that electricity acts like an incompressible fluid; that there must be a constant quantity of it in Nature; that it can be neither produced or destroyed... and that electricity and aether phenomenon are identical."
Tesla had acquaintance with Maria Orsic (go figure what that means...)

Anyhow, he was not omniscient, neither infallible !

Then there is that language interface always muddying the waters.

Finally there was times when he simplify so much an explanation, to be understood by the "monkeys", that his speech was borderline with error.

It seems to me that electricity is a higher lever phenomena that emerge from the Aether. Not "identical": ... etaphysics

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Re: Gravity is a convergence of Ether ?

Post by seasmith » Mon Nov 12, 2018 12:00 pm

ttsoares wrote:
"We know that electricity acts like an incompressible fluid; that there must be a constant quantity of it in Nature; that it can be neither produced or destroyed... and that electricity and aether phenomenon are identical."
Tesla had acquaintance with Maria Orsic (go figure what that means...)

Anyhow, he was not omniscient, neither infallible !

Then there is that language interface always muddying the waters.

Finally there was times when he simplify so much an explanation, to be understood by the "monkeys", that his speech was borderline with error.

It seems to me that electricity is a higher lever phenomena that emerge from the Aether. Not "identical": ... etaphysics

Hierarchies and equalities are always fraught with misconceptions, when applied to definitions.
Aether and Electricity are both such huge paradigms, that probably only comparison will even come close.

The Aether is omnipresent and pervades all of space and all of matter (as the fifth state of matter). Attributes like "Incompressible", crystalline, infinite, solid-packed, neural & etc all lend some valid measure; while analogy as a matrix, or an architecture of a matrix, work best for me.

Electricity, wrote large, is more like a common denominator transitioning across all phases of the Aether and along its corresponding axies;
as well as transmitting and transposing charge among the elemental states of:
matter, gravity, light and aether.

That i think is why Electricity manifests in multiple modes such as Volts, Amps, Power, Impedance, Permeability and so on.

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Re: Gravity is a convergence of Ether ?

Post by crawler » Thu Nov 22, 2018 5:25 pm

I think that gravity is a pull. Aether is annihilated inside mass & aether flows in, the converging streamlines & acceleration of the aether giving us what we call gravity. Conrad Ranzan's website re DSSU gives the best description.

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Re: Gravity is a convergence of Ether ?

Post by ttsoares » Fri Feb 22, 2019 12:12 pm

This is a point of view of an formal electrical engineer that rely on Ether to build his model of reality...

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Re: Gravity is a convergence of Ether ?

Post by ja7tdo » Thu Feb 28, 2019 12:01 am

hi, gravity is produced by schumann resonance. ... hs-gravity

I explained why schumann resonance occur. ... ance-occur

why huge electrons come from? ... -electrons

mass is electromagnetic force. ... etic-force

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Re: Gravity is a convergence of Ether ?

Post by Webbman » Thu Feb 28, 2019 4:53 am

ttsoares wrote:N. Tesla proposed the idea that we have a "rain fall" of Ether from space, that is converted in the planets core to electrons and those "float" to the surface.

So, gravity is a push, not a pull.

It seems that the Michelson–Morley experiment was repeated but one "leg" of the interferometer pointing up and this demonstrated the vertical flux of Ether from above...

Additionally there is that proposal of Dr. Paul LaViolette that the Ether is formed of different kinds of "eterons" ( ... t-science/) and that could explain gravity as a repulsive and attractive force.

Comments ?
i see it as a flow where the earth is a big energy sink at a deficit and the sun is the energy provider. Not only from light/em from the outside but also induction from the inside. The resulting vector is toward the earth. The gravity effect is the electrostatic sorting of matter due to this and resulting rotation which creates a double or bilayer on the surface. A very weak effect you can easily beat at least temporarily by providing energy in the opposite direction.

not much different than being in a river which is why rivers are the way they are i guess.
its all lies.

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Re: Gravity is a convergence of Ether ?

Post by hlg » Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:56 am

it seems that gravity and electrostatic forces are pulling on the same strings in real 3D matter...

or you have to dive down in the relativistic quantum soup to explain this:
Also the graph shows, for thicker insulators, the observed thrust was greater
when the anode (+) was oriented on the top of the capacitor. This fact could be cor-
related to a slight influence of buoyancy, since, in order to obtain higher observational
values, the devices had been preheated.
As advised by Prof. Dr. M. Tajmar (University Dresden, pers. comm.) the effect had
also been tested by measuring the force of the capacitor plates in a vertical position
which resulted in a positive “null test”. This critical plausibility examination resulted
in no force while in vertical position. Henceforth, the device and thrust force passed
the plausibility criteria.

plausibility seems to be made of strange stuff... buoyancy in vacuum... hmmm

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Re: Gravity is a convergence of Ether ?

Post by spark » Sun Mar 17, 2019 4:02 am

When you spin something in zero gravity and centrifugal force generated by that spin, what exactly is pushing you or any heavy object outwards away from the center? I think maybe its the aether pushing you or any heavy object outwards away from the center. Spinning something generates a vortex in the sea of aether surrounding all space which results in centrifugal force which then results in aether pushing you or an object outwards. Maybe gravity is similar to centrifugal force but backwards.

Is gravity a push of aether from space where orbit and rotation of planet results in gravity on the surface? Orbit of planet causing aether rainfall on the planet and rotation of planet evenly distributing aether rainfall across the planet, resulting in a constant free fall generated by aether rainfall push therefore gravity. But this means if the planet is stationary and not spinning, there will be little to no gravity on the surface. If the planet is orbiting the Sun but not spinning, gravity will be only on the half side of the planet.

Planets orbiting the Sun and staying at distance from the Sun could be the result of electromagnetic version of acoustic resonance between the Sun and the planets holding all planets in stable orbit. Sun orbiting another star or a galactic center results in somewhat elliptical orbits of the planets.

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Re: Gravity is a convergence of Ether ?

Post by hlg » Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:38 am

Spinning something generates a vortex in the sea of aether surrounding all space which results in centrifugal force which then results in aether pushing you or an object outwards. Maybe gravity is similar to centrifugal force but backwards.
i think it's the other way round: aether is the fabric and its vortices are the spherules we call matter...

if we try to move such a resonance-sphere the vortex is changing its supply from the aether around...

in the spheres the potential of the aether (spin, density, pressure or sort of that) must be different from the outside...


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