The Space Elevator, again!

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Re: The Space Elevator, again!

Unread post by D_Archer » Tue Aug 18, 2015 3:12 am

nick c wrote:Here is an update on recent Space Elevator development: ... 2015-08-17

This would probably not be a good idea, anyway it would be a good test of a EU prediction.
Inflatable means it is plastic? Could that work... as electricty?

But then this would be more balloon like, how would it resist wind?

Does indeed look like bad idea, but it is still a cool concept.

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Re: The Space Elevator, again!

Unread post by nick c » Tue Aug 18, 2015 7:17 am

I guess this is not actually a "space" elevator as originally conceived. It is more like a very tall tower.
I do not think that this is going to be attempted any time in the foreseeable future.

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Re: The Space Elevator, again!

Unread post by cerm44 » Thu Dec 07, 2017 8:01 am

I can understand the concept when the whole think is going, but it would be really hard to set it up. For some time, there was a great excitement about carbon nanotubes but problem is that it has to be perfect. Any flaw in those tubes would result in failure. Maybe something like this multi walled tubes would be more stable. Hope they gonna figure it somehow in my lifetime. Once you have a base there you should be able to expand. Maybe there is gonna be a whole city anchored like this.

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Re: The Space Elevator, again!

Unread post by neilwilkes » Thu Dec 07, 2017 8:12 am

celeste wrote:

neilwilkes, watch the segment from when the shuttle goes from 700 to 800 mph. Those flashes under the shuttle wing are the "phenomenon" they have observed in multiple shuttle launches.

sparky, forget that other video, the one in this post is better.

More questions:
Is it coincidence that this happens near the sound barrier? What I'm asking, is what if an object is surrounded (protected) by charged double layers, but then is pushed through the sound barrier?
Also, if in "normal" shuttle launches, they saw "flashes" and "fireballs" that merged with the tail, then could it just have been that the anomalous plume from the Challenger, "shorted" the path? Maybe that time the shuttle was in the loop, while these other flashes arced right to the plume?
Again, just questions. (as one possibility: maybe collapse of double layers at shock front,leads to current arcing right to plume in "normal" shuttle launches?)
This does seem like an interesting video, in light of Wal Thornhill's ideas.

Can't play this or download it either - nothing happens at all.
Probably because the internet machine is old, but not being able to even download it seems to me to be a completely daft restriction, not to mention a total waste of time doing the audio as tiny little computer speakers are about as much use as a chocolate fireguard.

Has anybody been able to download this at all please? I would really like to see it but am not about to spend £500 plus on a laptop that will be out of date before it is out of warranty.
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Re: The Space Elevator, again!

Unread post by Metryq » Sun Dec 10, 2017 7:15 am

neilwilkes wrote:Has anybody been able to download this at all please?
The shuttle video at LiveLeak was downloaded easily with KeepVid Pro, a local app. The KeepVid site recognizes the video, but I'm not sure if it offers direct download, or if one must now buy the app. (KeepVid started as a free, on-line resource for downloading videos.)

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Re: The Space Elevator, again!

Unread post by allynh » Wed Sep 05, 2018 11:53 am

Let's see what happens. I need to see how it fails. I'm trying not to be snarky, really. HA!

Japan Testing Miniature Space Elevator Near the International Space Station ... 1828800558
Ryan F. MandelbaumYesterday 1:15pm

Next stop: space.
Photo: Chad Kainz (Flickr)
A Japanese team is testing a small prototype space elevator, according to news reports. It’s certainly not the fantastical, many-kilometer-long cable of science fiction, but it demonstrates that at least someone is serious about this tech.

The Mainichi newspaper reports:

In the experiment, two ultra-small cubic satellites, which were developed by Shizuoka University Faculty of Engineering, will be used. Each satellite measures 10 centimeters each side, and a roughly 10-meter-long steel cable will be employed to connect the twin satellites. The pair of satellites will be released from the International Space Station (ISS), and a container acting like an elevator car will be moved on a cable connecting the satellites using a motor. A camera attached to the satellites will record the movements of the container in space.

Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky first conceived of the space elevator idea in 1895 after seeing the Eiffel tower, and it’s since become an enduring science fiction trope. A weight in geosynchronous orbit would drop down to Earth’s surface a hundred-thousand-kilometer-long, ultra-strong cable (made from materials that might not exist yet), where it would be tethered. Special elevator climbers could travel up the cable’s length, potentially making trips to space stations far cheaper. The balance between the Earth’s gravity and the weight’s centripetal force would prevent the assemblage from crashing to Earth.

The Japanese team’s test is nothing like the space elevators of science fiction, of course. It’s just a container traveling along a cable between satellites in space. But it demonstrates that at least someone is willing to test out the technology. Previously, Obayashi, the contracting company behind Tokyo’s tallest structure, the 2,080-foot Tokyo Skytree, expressed interest in building a space elevator with cables made from carbon nanotubes. We’ve previously been skeptical that carbon nanotubes would be strong enough for such a task.

This experiment will launch from Japan’s Tanegashima Space Center on September 11. But tons of challenges remain to be solved before the construction of actual space elevator, from the ensuring the strength of the cables to avoiding meteorite impacts to bringing electricity from Earth to space.
Going up! Japan to test mini 'space elevator' ... vator.html
The space-elevator test equipment will be launched on a Japanese H-2B rocket next week
The space-elevator test equipment will be launched on a Japanese H-2B rocket next week
A Japanese team working to develop a "space elevator" will conduct a first trial this month, blasting off a miniature version on satellites to test the technology.

The test equipment, produced by researchers at Shizuoka University, will hitch a ride on an H-2B rocket being launched by Japan's space agency from southern island of Tanegashima next week.

The test involves a miniature elevator stand-in—a box just six centimetres (2.4 inches) long, three centimetres wide, and three centimetres high.

If all goes well, it will provide proof of concept by moving along a 10-metre cable suspended in space between two mini satellites that will keep it taut.

The mini-elevator will travel along the cable from a container in one of the satellites.

"It's going to be the world's first experiment to test elevator movement in space," a university spokesman told AFP on Tuesday.

The movement of the motorised "elevator" box will be monitored with cameras in the satellites.

It is still a far cry from the ultimate beam-me-up goals of the project, which builds on a long history of "space elevator" dreams.

The idea was first proposed in 1895 by Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky after he saw the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and was revisited nearly a century later in a novel by Arthur C. Clarke.

But technical barriers have always kept plans stuck at the conceptual stage.

Japanese construction firm Obayashi, which is collaborating with the Shizuoka university project, is also exploring other ways to build its own space elevator to put tourists in space in 2050.

The company has said it could use carbon nanotube technology, which is more than 20 times stronger than steel, to build a lift shaft 96,000 kilometres (roughly 60,000 miles) above the Earth.

Explore further: Going up: Japan builder eyes space elevator

© 2018 AFP

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Re: The Space Elevator, again!

Unread post by Osmosis » Mon Sep 10, 2018 12:52 pm

Let's see---carbon fiber is conductive---What happens if/when a double layer gets shorted? :o


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